EXHIBIT 2 [TRANSLATION] September 3, 2009 SECURITIES AUTHORITY TEL AVIV STOCK EXCHANGE www.isa.gov.il www.tase.co.il IMMEDIATE REPORT CONCERNING APPOINTMENT OF A DIRECTOR (NOT A COMPANY) Regulation 34(b) of the Securities Regulations (Periodic and Immediate Reports) 1970 NOTE: Pursuant to Regulation 34(d) of the Securities Regulations (Periodic and Immediate Reports) 1970, in addition to this Report, a list of senior executives, on Form 97, must be filed 1. Family name and first name: Hildesheimer Aaron Type of identification number: Identity Card Identification number: 000467662 Type of citizenship: Israeli 2. Date of birth: September 6, 1941 3. Address for service of process: 15 Hameshorer Street, Ramat Gan 4. The position that was appointed: Outside Director 5. Prior position with the company before the appointment: Outside Director 6. The date on which appointment will commence: September 3, 2009 7. Education: DEGREE SUBJECT INSTITUTION - --------------- --------------- ----------------- M.B.A. Business Admin. Hebrew University B.A. Economics Hebrew University 8. Primary activities during past 5 years: POSITION PLACE OF WORK TERM - --------------- --------------- ----------------- General Manager Admon Trust and Investments- Since 1991 Ramat Gan 9. Appointed as alternate director for N/A 10. The director SERVES as a director in another company. Pardes Industries Ltd. ID#52-0033747 11. The director IS NOT an employee of the company or a subsidiary or an affiliated company. 12. The director IS NOT a relative of another interested shareholder of the company. 13. The director DOES NOT OWN shares and convertible securities of the company or a subsidiary or affiliated company. 14. The director IS a member of a committee of the board of directors: Audit committee and Investment committee. 15. The director IS an accounting and financial expert (as defined in the guideline issued by the [Israel] Securities Authority pursuant to Section 36A of the Securities Law-1968. Mr. A. Hildesheimer is a director that was regarded by the company as having accounting and financial expertise for the purpose of satisfying the minimum number determined by the board of directors pursuant to Section 92(a)(12) of the Companies Law.