look model management gmbh
   headoffice 1010 wien passauerplatz 1 phone +43 1 5335816 fax +43 1 5354255
           e-mail accounting@lookmodels.at homepage www.lookmodels.at

       bankverbindung: hypo bank vorarlberg o blz: 58000 o swift HYPVAT 2B
                         o ats-konto nr. 20 241 748 112

                      C O M M I S S I O N  A G R E E M E N T

     WILHELMINA N.Y. herewith confirms the representation of following model(s):

     Viera Schottertova / Bratislava November 2001

     The  commission due to LOOK MODEL  MANAGEMENT  will be 10 % on-stay or 10 %
for direct bookings of all gross  earnings,  e.g. all fees of the model prior of
the  deduction  of your agency  commission  and/or tax and any debts owed by the
model to your agency,  e.g. no  compensation of model's debt with commission due
to us is accepted.  All exclusive  campaigns and  world-wide  contracts  must be
referred  and  contract  details  and  terms  must be  approved  by  LOOK  MODEL
MANAGEMENT.  In these cases  commissions  will be splitted  50/50 on the model's
gross earnings (= earnings  before  deduction of commisison  and/or tax) between
LOOK MODEL MANAGEMENT and foreign agent.

     Please  forward  a  statement  of  our  model's  earnings/commission  on  a
quarterly  basis.  Payments  either by foreign  check or transfer to our account
with ERSTE BANK, Am Graben 21,1011 Vienna, no. 300010 68738,  branch code 20111,
beneficiary: Look Eventmanagement GmbH.

     As the  Mother  Agency of the  above  model(s)  we  inform  you that we are
involved  in all aspects of the  model's  career.  We expect you to advise us in
case the model  wishes to leave your  agency,  whatever  the reason might be, so
that we are  fully  aware  and  consulted  on  travel  plans.  We ask you do not
introduce the model to any other market without our consent.

     This agreement remains in force as long as the model is represented by your
agency and no other mutual consent will be taken.  Commission  will be due to us
for further 3 years after termination of mother agency contract with us.

     Please confirm the content of this agreement by return of the signed copy.

                                                   Accepted and agreed by:

                                                  /s/Robert L. Kreuste
                                                     Robert L. Kreuste

                                                   WILHELMINA N.Y.