__________, 2004 Dear Prospective Investor: We are pleased to announce that K-Fed Bancorp, the holding company for Kaiser Federal Bank, is offering shares of its common stock in a subscription offering pursuant to a Plan of Stock Issuance. We have enclosed the following materials that will help you learn more about the merits of K-Fed Bancorp common stock as an investment. Please read and review the materials carefully. PROSPECTUS: This document provides detailed information about Kaiser Federal Bank's operations and the proposed offering of K-Fed Bancorp common stock STOCK ORDER AND CERTIFICATION FORM: This form is used to purchase stock by returning it with your payment in the enclosed business reply envelope. The deadline for ordering stock is 12:00 Noon, Pacific Standard Time, on ________, 2004. We invite you and certain depositors to become stockholders of K-Fed Bancorp. Through this offering, you have the opportunity to buy stock directly from K-Fed Bancorp without a commission or a fee. If you have additional questions regarding the stock issuance, please call us at (___) ___-____, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., or stop by our Stock Information Center located at 1359 North Grand Avenue in Covina, California. Sincerely, K. M. Hoveland President and Chief Executive Officer THE SHARES OF COMMON STOCK BEING OFFERED ARE NOT DEPOSITS OR ACCOUNTS AND ARE NOT INSURED BY THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION OR ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. THIS IS NOT AN OFFER TO SELL OR A SOLICITATION OF AN OFFER TO BUY COMMON STOCK. THE OFFER IS MADE ONLY BY THE PROSPECTUS. [LOGO] KEEFE, BRUYETTE & WOODS, INC. _________, 2004 TO DEPOSITORS AND FRIENDS OF KAISER FEDERAL BANK - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., a member of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., is assisting K-Fed Bancorp, the holding company for Kaiser Federal Bank, in offering shares of its common stock in a subscription offering pursuant to a Plan of Stock Issuance. At the request of K-Fed Bancorp, we are enclosing materials explaining this process and your options, including an opportunity to invest in the shares of K-Fed Bancorp common stock being offered to customers of Kaiser Federal Bank and various other persons until 12:00 Noon, Pacific Standard Time, on _________ , 2004. Please read the enclosed offering materials carefully, including the prospectus, for a description of the stock offering. K-Fed Bancorp has asked us to forward these documents to you in view of certain requirements of the securities laws in your state. If you have any questions, please visit our Stock Information Center located at 1359 North Grand Avenue in Covina, California, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., or feel free to call the Stock Information Center at (___) ___-____. Very truly yours, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc. THE SHARES OF COMMON STOCK BEING OFFERED ARE NOT DEPOSITS OR ACCOUNTS AND ARE NOT INSURED BY THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION OR ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. THIS IS NOT AN OFFER TO SELL OR A SOLICITATION OF AN OFFER TO BUY COMMON STOCK. THE OFFER IS MADE ONLY BY THE PROSPECTUS. _________, 2004 Dear Depositor: We are pleased to announce that K-Fed Bancorp, the holding company for Kaiser Federal Bank, is offering shares of its common stock in a subscription offering pursuant to a Plan of Stock Issuance. Unfortunately, K-Fed Bancorp is unable to either offer or sell its common stock to you because the small number of eligible subscribers in your jurisdiction makes registration or qualification of the common stock under the securities laws of your jurisdiction impractical, for reasons of cost or otherwise. Accordingly, this letter should not be considered an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the common stock of K-Fed Bancorp. Sincerely, K. M. Hoveland President and Chief Executive Officer THE SHARES OF COMMON STOCK BEING OFFERED ARE NOT DEPOSITS OR ACCOUNTS AND ARE NOT INSURED BY THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION OR ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. THIS IS NOT AN OFFER TO SELL OR A SOLICITATION OF AN OFFER TO BUY COMMON STOCK. THE OFFER IS MADE ONLY BY THE PROSPECTUS. ________, 2004 Dear Friend: We are pleased to announce that K-Fed Bancorp, the holding company for Kaiser Federal Bank, is offering shares of its common stock in a subscription offering pursuant to a Plan of Stock Issuance. Because we believe you may be interested in learning more about the merits of K-Fed Bancorp common stock as an investment, we are sending you the following materials which describe the offering: PROSPECTUS: This document provides detailed information about Kaiser Federal Bank's operations and the proposed offering of K-Fed Bancorp common stock. STOCK ORDER AND CERTIFICATION FORM: This form is used to purchase stock by returning it with your payment in the enclosed business reply envelope. The deadline for ordering stock is 12:00 Noon, Pacific Standard Time, on _________, 2004. As a friend of Kaiser Federal Bank, you will have the opportunity to buy common stock directly from K-Fed Bancorp in the offering without paying a commission or fee. If you have additional questions regarding the stock issuance, please call us at (___) ___-____, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., or stop by the Stock Information Center located at 1359 North Grand Avenue in Covina, California. We are pleased to offer you this opportunity to become a stockholder of K-Fed Bancorp. Sincerely, K. M. Hoveland President and Chief Executive Officer THE SHARES OF COMMON STOCK BEING OFFERED ARE NOT DEPOSITS OR ACCOUNTS AND ARE NOT INSURED BY THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION OR ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. THIS IS NOT AN OFFER TO SELL OR A SOLICITATION OF AN OFFER TO BUY COMMON STOCK. THE OFFER IS MADE ONLY BY THE PROSPECTUS. INITIAL K-FED BANCORP WEBSITE MESSAGE TO COMMENCE ______ __, 2004 PLAN OF STOCK ISSUANCE INFORMATION K-Fed Bancorp, the holding company for Kaiser Federal Bank is pleased to announce that materials were mailed on _____ __, 2003 regarding its Plan of Stock Issuance. If you were a depositor as of October 1, 2001 or December 31, 2004, you should be receiving a packet of materials soon. We encourage you to read the information carefully. Information, including a prospectus, regarding K-Fed Bancorp's stock offering is also enclosed. The Subscription Offering has commenced and continues until 12:00 noon on, ____ __, 2004, at which time all orders must be received if you want to subscribe for stock. Depending upon the outcome of the Subscription Offering on ______ __, our best estimate at this time for trading of the K-Fed Bancorp stock (NASDAQ National Market - "KFED") is _________. As described in the prospectus, it could trade later than anticipated. Upon completion of the stock offering, we will update this website with the results of the offering as well as any share allocation information if applicable. If you have questions regarding the offering, please call our Stock Information Center at (877) 848-4663. END OF OFFERING K-FED BANCORP WEBSITE MESSAGE PLAN OF STOCK ISSUANCE INFORMATION The K-Fed Bancorp stock offering closed on _______, 2004. The results of the offering are as follows: __________________________________________. Interest and refund [if applicable] checks will be mailed out on ________________ by regular mail. No special mailing instructions will be accepted. Allocations will be made available beginning at ______ on ________________ and subscribers will need their order number and the last 4 digits of their social security number or Tax ID to look up the number of shares that they will be receiving. [If applicable] Notice to Subscribers not receiving all shares: Please be aware that while we believe this to be a final allocation, we reserve the right to amend this amount up to the time of trading and recommend you verify such on your certificate prior to trading your shares. [if applicable] The transfer agent for K-Fed Bancorp will be Registrar and Transfer Company, Cranford, New Jersey, and the phone number for their Investor Relations Department is 1-800-368-5948. We anticipate trading to begin on ____________, 2004 on the NASDAQ National Market under the symbol "KFED." K-FED BANCORP STOCK ALLOCATION [IF APPLICABLE] ---------------------- Last 4 digits of your Social Security 9999 (i.e. 9999) Tax ID Number: ---------------------- ---------------------- (Found on your Order Number: 1234 receipt of order) ---------------------- The information you are entering on this page is only used for verification of a valid order. K-FED BANCORP STOCK ALLOCATION [IF APPLICABLE] ORDER #1234 You ordered 12500 shares You will receive 12500 shares Lookup another order -------------------- FACTS ABOUT STOCK WILL KAISER FEDERAL BANK'S DEPOSITORS BE HOW DO I ORDER THE COMMON STOCK? ISSUANCE REQUIRED TO PURCHASE STOCK IN THE STOCK ----------------------------------------- ISSUANCE? You must complete the enclosed Stock ----------------------------------------- Order and Certification Form. The Board of Directors of K-Fed Bancorp, No depositor or other person is required Instructions for completing your Stock the holding company for Kaiser Federal to purchase stock. However, depositors Order and Certification Form are Bank, unanimously adopted a Plan of Stock and other eligible persons will be contained in this packet. Your order must Issuance to issue stock to certain Kaiser provided the opportunity to purchase be received by 12:00 Noon, Pacific Federal Bank depositors. stock consistent with the established Standard Time, on _________, 2004. priority of subscription rights, should This brochure answers some of the most they so desire. The decision to purchase HOW MAY I PAY FOR MY COMMON STOCK? frequently asked questions about the stock will be exclusively that of each ----------------------------------------- stock issuance and about your opportunity person. Whether an individual decides to First, you may pay for common stock by to invest in the common stock of K-Fed purchase stock or not will have no impact check, money order or cash. Interest will Bancorp. on his or her standing as a customer of be paid by Kaiser Federal Bank on these Kaiser Federal Bank. The stock issuance funds at the regular savings rate from Investment in the common stock of K-Fed will allow depositors of Kaiser Federal the day the funds are received until the Bancorp involves certain risks. For a Bank an opportunity to buy common stock completion or termination of the stock discussion of these risks and other and become stockholders of K-Fed Bancorp. issuance. Second, you may authorize us to factors, including a complete description withdraw funds from your deposit account of the offering, PROSPECTIVE INVESTORS WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO PURCHASE COMMON SHARES or certificate of deposit at Kaiser ARE URGED TO READ THE ACCOMPANYING IN THE SUBSCRIPTION OFFERING? Federal Bank for the amount of funds PROSPECTUS, especially the discussion ----------------------------------------- you specify for payment. You will not under the heading "Risk Factors." Certain past and present depositors of have access to these funds from the day we Kaiser Federal Bank are eligible to receive your order until completion or WHAT EFFECT WILL THE STOCK ISSUANCE HAVE purchase common stock in the subscription termination of the stock issuance. THERE ON EXISTING DEPOSIT AND LOAN ACCOUNTS AND offering. IS NO PENALTY FOR WITHDRAWAL FROM A CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS? CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT. - ----------------------------------------- HOW MANY COMMON SHARES ARE BEING OFFERED AND AT WHAT PRICE? CAN I PURCHASE STOCK USING FUNDS IN MY The stock issuance will have no effect on ----------------------------------------- KAISER FEDERAL BANK IRA ACCOUNT? existing deposit or loan accounts and K-Fed Bancorp is offering up to 4,562,625 ----------------------------------------- customer relationships. Deposits will shares of common stock, subject to Federal regulations do not permit the continue to be federally insured by the adjustment as described in the purchase of common stock in connection Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to prospectus, at a price of $10.00 per with the conversion from your existing the maximum legal limit. Interest rates share through the prospectus. Kaiser Federal Bank IRA account. Please and existing terms and conditions on call our Stock Information Center at for deposit accounts will remain the same HOW MANY SHARES MAY I BUY? additional information at your earliest upon completion of the stock issuance. ----------------------------------------- convenience if you would like to utilize Contractual obligations of borrowers of The minimum order is 25 shares. The IRA funds. Kaiser Federal Bank will not change and maximum individual purchase is 15,000 there will be no change in the amount, shares. No person, together with WILL DIVIDENDS BE PAID ON THE COMMON interest rate, maturity, security or any associates of, and persons acting in STOCK? other condition relating to the concert with that person, may purchase ----------------------------------------- respective loans of customers. more than 5% of the shares offered, as The Board of Directors of K-Fed Bancorp further discussed in the prospectus. anticipates paying a cash dividend in the future. WILL THE COMMON STOCK BE INSURED? ----------------------------------------- No. Like any other common stock, K-Fed Bancorp's common stock will not be insured. However, the timing and amount of such ----------------------------------------- dividends is currently undetermined. QUESTIONS HOW WILL THE COMMON STOCK BE TRADED? FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, YOU MAY - ----------------------------------------- VISIT OR CALL OUR STOCK INFORMATION AND K-Fed Bancorp's stock is expected to CENTER MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, 8:30 A.M. trade on the NASDAQ National Market under TO 4:00 P.M. LOCATED IN KAISER FEDERAL ANSWERS the ticker symbol "KFED." However, no BANK'S OFFICE AT 1359 NORTH GRAND AVENUE, assurance can be given that an active and COVINA, CALIFORNIA. ----------------------------------------- liquid market will develop. STOCK INFORMATION CENTER INSERT LOGO ARE EXECUTIVE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OF KAISER FEDERAL BANK PLANNING TO PURCHASE (___)___-____ STOCK? HOLDING COMPANY FOR - ----------------------------------------- Yes! The executive officers and directors Kaiser Federal Bank KAISER FEDERAL BANK of Kaiser Federal Bank plan to purchase, 1359 North Grand Avenue in the aggregate, $2,550,000 worth of Covina, California 91724 stock or approximately 6.43% of the common stock offered at the maximum of the offering range. MUST I PAY A COMMISSION? - ----------------------------------------- THE SHARES OF COMMON STOCK BEING OFFERED No. You will not be charged a commission ARE NOT DEPOSITS OR ACCOUNTS AND ARE NOT or fee on the purchase of common stock INSURED OR GUARANTEED BY THE FEDERAL in the subscription offering. DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION OR ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. HOW WILL I KNOW THE OUTCOME OF THE OFFERING? THIS IS NOT AN OFFER TO SELL OR A - ----------------------------------------- SOLICITATION OF AN OFFER TO BUY COMMON Upon completion of the Subscription STOCK. THE OFFER IS MADE ONLY BY THE Offering on __________, 2004, Kaiser PROSPECTUS. Federal's website will provide as accurate an estimate as possible of when the offering will trade on the NASDAQ National Market. Kaiser Federal's website address is http://www.kaiserfederal.com. Should the offering be oversubscribed, meaning that more requests for shares than available were submitted, we will advise subscribers of their final number of shares received on the website. To retrieve this information you will need your order number from your Receipt of Order and the last 4 digits of your Social Security or Tax ID number. Phone inquiries will be accepted, but may be delayed due to the volume of calls.