
February 17, 2004

Mr. William M. Pierce, Jr.
President & Chief Executive Officer
Monadnock Community Bank
One Jaffrey Road
P.O. Box 888
Peterborough, NH  03458

                      ENHANCEMENT & Administrative Services

Dear Mr. Pierce:

Ryan Beck & Co., Inc. ("RBCO") is pleased to submit this engagement letter
setting forth the terms of the proposed engagement between RBCO and Monadnock
Community Bank, (the "Institution" or the "Company") in connection with the
potential corporate reorganization of the Institution and sale of common stock
by the Institution.


Ryan Beck & Co., Inc. was organized in 1946 and is one of the nation's leading
investment bankers for financial institutions. The firm is a registered
broker-dealer with the Securities and Exchange Commission, a member of the
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., Securities Industry
Association and a member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation.
RBCO's Financial Institutions Group represents one of the largest such groups
devoted solely to financial institution matters in the country.


The Institution is considering the reorganization into a two-tier mutual holding
company structure by forming a mutual holding company and middle-tier holding
company ("Holding Company") pursuant to applicable regulations. The common stock
(the "Common Stock") would be offered in a subscription offering with any
remaining shares sold in a community offering (collectively the "Offering"). In
connection therewith, the Institution's Board of Directors would adopt a stock
issuance plan (the "Plan") whereby shares of Common Stock would be offered for
sale in the Offering. In connection with the Offering, RBCO would

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propose to act as financial advisor to the Institution with respect to the Plan
and selling agent/manager with respect to the Offering of the shares of Common
Stock in the Offering. Specific terms of services shall be set forth in a
definitive agency agreement (the "Definitive Agreement") between RBCO and the
Institution to be executed on the date the offering document is declared
effective by the appropriate regulatory authorities.


       a. ADVISORY SERVICES - Thorough planning is essential to a successful
          offering. RBCO serves as lead coordinator of the financial advisory,
          marketing and logistic efforts necessary to prepare for an offering.
          Our actions are intended to clearly define responsibilities and
          timetables, while avoiding costly surprises. We assume responsibility
          for the initial preparation of marketing materials--saving you time
          and legal expense. Moreover, as your investment banker, RBCO, will
          evaluate the financial, marketing and regulatory issues involved in
          the Offering. Our specific responsibilities include:

        - Advise with respect to business planning issues in preparation for a
          public offering;
        - Advise with respect to the choice of charter and form of organization;
        - Review and advise with respect to the Plan;
        - Review and provide input with respect to the Business Plan to be
          prepared in connection with the Offering;
        - Participate in drafting the Prospectus and assist in obtaining all
          requisite regulatory approvals;
        - Review and provide to the Board of Directors on the adequacy of the
          appraisal process;
        - Develop a marketing plan for the Offering including direct mail,
          advertising, community meetings and telephone solicitation;
        - Provide specifications and assistance in selecting data processing
          assistance, printer and other professionals;
        - Develop an operating plan for the Stock Sale Center (the "Center");
        - Provide a list of equipment and supplies needed for the Center;
        - Draft marketing materials including letters, brochures, slide show
          script and advertisements; and
        - Assist in arranging market-makers for post-reorganization trading.

          will manage all aspects of the Offering. A successful Offering
          requires an enormous amount of attention to detail. Working knowledge
          and familiarity with the law and "lore" of bank regulators, Securities
          and Exchange Commission and NASD is essential. RBCO's experience in
          managing many thrift reorganizations and mutual holding company
          minority stock offerings will minimize the burden on your management
          and disruption to normal banking business. At the same

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          time, our legal, accounting and regulatory background ensures that
          details are attended to in a professional fashion. An Offering
          requires accurate and timely record keeping and reporting.
          Furthermore, customer inquiries must be handled professionally and
          accurately. The Center centralizes all data and work effort relating
          to the Offering.

RBCO will supervise and administer the Center. We will train Center staff to
help record stock orders, answer customer inquiries and handle special
situations as they arise. Center activities include the following:

        - Provide experienced on-site registered representatives to minimize
          disruption of day-to-day business;
        - Identify and organize space for the Center, the focal point of sales
          and proxy solicitation activity;
        - Administer the Center. All substantive stock and proxy related
          matters will be handled by employees of RBCO;
        - Organize and implement all proxy solicitation efforts (if
        - Prepare procedures for processing proxies, stock orders and cash,
          and for handling requests for information;
        - RBCO will outsource all Offering agent/data processing/transfer
          agent functions. The cost of such services will be borne by the
          Institution and are subject to separate agreement. RBCO will provide
          the Institution with the proposed agreements for such services prior
          to the execution of such agreements by RBCO or the Institutions;
        - Provide scripts, training and guidance for the telephone team in
          soliciting proxies and in the stock sales telemarketing effort;
        - Educate the Institution's directors, officers and employees about
          the Reorganization and Offering, their roles and relevant securities
        - Train branch managers and customer-contact employees on the proper
          response to stock purchase inquiries;
        - Train and supervise Center staff assisting with proxy and order
        - Prepare daily sales reports for management and ensure funds received
          balance to such reports;
        - Coordinate functions with the data processing agent, printer,
          transfer agent, stock certificate printer and other professionals;
        - Design and implement procedures for handling IRA and Keogh orders;
        - Provide post-offering subscriber assistance and management of the
          pro-ration process.

       c. SECURITIES MARKETING SERVICES - RBCO uses various sales techniques
          including direct mail, advertising, community investor meetings,
          telephone solicitation, and if necessary, selling group formation. The
          sales approach is tailored to fit your specific situation. Our
          techniques are designed to attract a stockholder base comprised
          largely of community oriented individuals loyal to the Institution.

       Our specific actions include:

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        - Assign licensed registered representatives from our staff to work at
          the Center to solicit orders on behalf of the Institution from
          eligible prospects who have been targeted as likely and desirable
        - Assist management in developing a list of potential investors who
          are viewed as priority prospects;
        - Respond to inquiries concerning the Offering and investment
        - Organize, coordinate and participate in community informational
          meetings. These meetings are intended to both relieve customer anxiety
          and attract potential investors. The meetings generate widespread
          publicity for the Offering while providing local exposure of the
          Institution and promoting favorable stockholder relations;
        - Supervise and conduct a telemarketing campaign to identify prospects
          from among the Institution's customer base;
        - Continually advise management on market conditions and the
          community's responsiveness to the Offering; and
        - If appropriate assemble a selling group of selected local
          broker-dealers to assist in selling stock during the offering. In so
          doing, prepare broker "fact sheets" and arrange "road shows" for the
          purpose of stimulating local interest in the stock and informing the
          brokerage community of the particulars of the Offering.


a. For its services hereunder, the Institution will pay to RBCO a total
   inclusive Advisory and Marketing fee of $125,000. In consideration of our fee
   for services under this proposal, we understand that the Institution will
   give us the first opportunity to submit a proposal to service as financial
   advisor should it undergo a second step conversion in the future.

   For stock sold by a group of NASD member firms (which will include RBCO)
   pursuant to a syndicated community offering solely managed by RBCO (the
   "Selling Group"), a fee equal to one percent (1.00%), which fee along with
   the fee payable directly by the Company to selected dealers shall not exceed
   six percent (6.00%) in the aggregate. In consultation with RBCO, the
   Institution shall be authorized to determine which NASD member firms
   participate in the syndicated community offering and the extent of their
   participation. RBCO will not commence sales of the stock through members of
   the Selling Group without the specific prior approval of the Company.

   Such fees (less the amount of any advance payments) are to be paid to RBCO at
   the closing of the Offering. The Institution will pay RBCO $25,000 upon
   execution of this letter which will be applied to any fees due hereunder,
   including fees payable pursuant to subparagraph (b) below. If, pursuant to a
   resolicitation undertaken by the Institution, RBCO is required to provide
   significant additional services, the parties shall mutually agree to the
   dollar amount of the additional compensation due (if any).

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b. If, after adoption of the Plan, (i) the Plan is abandoned or terminated by
   the Institution; (ii) the Offering is not consummated by March 31, 2005;
   (iii) RBCO terminates this relationship because there has been a material
   adverse change in the financial condition or operations of the Institution
   since September 30, 2003; or (iv) immediately prior to commencement of the
   Offering, RBCO terminates this relationship because in its opinion, which
   shall have been formed in good faith after reasonable determination and
   consideration of all relevant factors, there has been a failure to
   satisfactorily disclose all relevant information in the disclosure documents
   or the existence of market conditions which might render the sale of the
   shares by the Institution hereby contemplated inadvisable; RBCO shall not be
   entitled to the fees set forth above under subparagraph (a) but in addition
   to reimbursement of its reasonable out-of-pocket expenses as set forth in
   paragraph 7 below, shall be entitled to receive for its advisory and
   administrative services a fee of $25,000.


If applicable, RBCO agrees to use its best efforts to maintain a market and to
solicit other broker-dealers to make a market in the Common Stock after the
Offering so that there are at least three market makers for the Common Stock
after the Offering.

6.        DOCUMENTS

The Institution and its counsel will complete, file with the appropriate
regulatory authorities and, as appropriate, amend from time to time, the
information to be contained in the Institution's applications to banking and
securities regulators and any related exhibits thereto. In this regard, the
Institution and its counsel will prepare a prospectus and any other necessary
disclosure documents relating to the offering of the Common Stock in conformance
with applicable rules and regulations. As the Institution's financial advisor,
RBCO will in conjunction with counsel, conduct an examination of the relevant
documents and records of the Institution and will make such other reasonable
investigation as deemed necessary and appropriate under the circumstances. The
Institution agrees to make all such documents, records and other information
deemed necessary by RBCO, or its counsel, available to them upon reasonable
request. RBCO's counsel will prepare, subject to the approval of the
Institution's counsel, the Definitive Agreement. RBCO's counsel shall be
selected by RBCO, subject to the approval of the Institution.


The Institution will bear all of its expenses in connection with the
Reorganization and the Offering of its Common Stock including, but not limited
to, the Institution's attorney fees, NASD filing fees, "blue sky" legal fees,
expenses for appraisal, auditing and accounting services, advertising expenses,
printing expenses, "road show" expenses, syndicate related expenses, temporary
personnel expenses and the preparation of stock certificates. In the event RBCO

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incurs such expenses on behalf of the Institution, the Institution shall pay or
reimburse RBCO for such reasonable fees and expenses regardless of whether the
Reorganization is successfully completed. RBCO will not incur any single expense
of more than $1,000, pursuant to this paragraph without the prior approval of
the Institution.

The Institution also agrees to reimburse RBCO for reasonable out-of-pocket
expenses, including legal fees and expenses, incurred by RBCO in connection with
the services contemplated hereunder. RBCO will not incur legal fees and expenses
(including expenses of RBCO) in excess of $40,000 without the approval of the
Institution. The parties acknowledge, however, that such cap may be increased by
the mutual consent of the Institution and RBCO in the event of any material
delay in the Offering which would require an update of the financial information
in tabular form contained in the Prospectus for a period later than that set
forth in the original Prospectus filing. Not later than three days before
closing, we will provide you with a detailed accounting of all reimbursable
expenses to be paid at closing.

8.        BLUE SKY

To the extent required by applicable state law, RBCO and the Institution will
need to obtain or confirm exemptions, qualifications or registration of the
Common Stock under applicable state securities laws and NASD policies. The cost
of such legal work and related filing fees will be paid by the Institution to
the law firm furnishing such legal work. The Institution will cause the counsel
performing such services to prepare a Blue Sky memorandum related to the
Offering including RBCO's participation therein and shall furnish RBCO a copy
thereof addressed to RBCO or upon which such counsel shall state RBCO may rely.


As an additional service to the Institution, RBCO will make available for a
period of 1 year following the completion of the Offering, advisory services
through the RBCO Strategic Advisory Services ("STARS") program. The undersigned
will serve as the senior relationship manager for this program. If the
Institution elects to avail itself of the STARS program, RBCO will meet with the
Institution at its request. RBCO also will provide opinions and recommendations,
upon request, for the areas covered below:

         Valuation Analysis
         Merger and Acquisition Planning and Analysis
         Merger and Acquisition Trends
         Planning, Forecasting & Competitive Strategy
         Capital, Asset & Liability Structure & Management
         Stock Repurchase Programs
         Dividend Policy
         Dividend Reinvestment Programs
         Market Development and Sponsorship of Bank Securities
         Financial Disclosure

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         Financial Relations
         Financial Reports
         Branch Sales and Purchases
         Stock Benefit Plan Analysis and Advisory
         Stockholder & Investor Relations Presentations & Programs
         Fairness Opinions
         Scanning of Potential Acquisition Candidates
           Based on Published Statement Information
             (This screening does not extend to any in-depth merger and
             acquisition analyses or studies which are available under RBCO's
             normal fee schedule, and does not include retention of RBCO by the
             Institution for any specific merger/acquisition situation.)

If the Institution elects to utilize the STARS program RBCO will waive the
regular retainer fee and hourly charges for this program for the first year. The
Institution also will reimburse RBCO's reasonable out-of-pocket expenses
incurred in conjunction with the performance of these services. Such
out-of-pocket expenses shall include travel, legal and other miscellaneous
expenses. RBCO will not incur any single expense in excess of $1,000 pursuant to
this paragraph without the prior approval of the Institution.


The Definitive Agreement will provide for indemnification of the type usually
found in underwriting agreements as to certain liabilities, including
liabilities under the Securities Act of 1933. The Institution also agrees to
defend, indemnify and hold harmless RBCO and its officers, directors, employees
and agents against all claims, losses, actions, judgments, damages or expenses,
including but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees, arising solely out of
the engagement described herein, except that such indemnification shall not
apply to RBCO's own bad faith, willful misconduct or gross negligence.


To the extent consistent with legal requirements and except as otherwise set
forth in the Prospectus, all information given to RBCO by the Institution,
unless publicly available or otherwise available to RBCO without restriction to
breach of any confidentiality agreement ("Confidential Information"), will be
held by RBCO in confidence and will not be disclosed to anyone other than RBCO's
agents without the Institution's prior approval or used for any purpose other
than those referred to in this engagement letter. Upon any termination of its
engagement, RBCO shall promptly deliver to the Institution all materials
specifically produced for it and will return to the Institution all Confidential
Information provided to RBCO during the course of its engagement hereunder.

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12.       NASD MATTERS

RBCO has an obligation to file certain documents and to make certain
representations to the National Association of Security Dealers ("NASD") in
connection with the Offering. The Institution agrees to cooperate with RBCO and
provide such information as may be necessary for RBCO to comply with all NASD
requirements applicable to it in connection with its participation as
contemplated herein in the Offering. RBCO is and will remain through completion
of the Offering a member in a good standing of the NASD and will comply with all
applicable NASD requirements.


(a) Except as set forth below, this engagement letter is merely a statement of
    intent. While RBCO and the Institution agree in principle to the contents
    hereof and propose to proceed promptly and in good faith to work out the
    arrangements with respect to the Offering, any legal obligations between
    RBCO and the Institution shall be only: (i) those set forth herein in
    paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 regarding services and payments; (ii) those set forth
    in paragraph 7 regarding reimbursement for certain expenses; (iii) those set
    forth in paragraph 10 regarding indemnification; (iv) those set forth in
    paragraph 11 regarding confidentiality; and (v) as set forth in a duly
    negotiated and executed Definitive Agreement.

(b) The obligation of RBCO to enter into the Definitive Agreement shall be
    subject to there being, in RBCO's opinion, which shall have been formed in
    good faith after reasonable determination and consideration of all relevant
    factors: (i) no material adverse change in the condition or operation of the
    Institution; (ii) satisfactory disclosure of all relevant information in the
    disclosure documents and a determination that the sale of stock is
    reasonable given such disclosures; (iii) no market conditions which might
    render the sale of the shares by the Institution hereby contemplated
    inadvisable; and (iv) agreement that the price established by the
    independent appraiser is reasonable in the then prevailing market


The Company acknowledges and agrees that it is a sophisticated business
enterprise and that RBCO has been retained pursuant to this Agreement to act as
financial advisor to the Company solely with respect to the matters set forth
herein. In such capacity, RBCO shall act as an independent contractor, and any
duties of RBCO arising out of this engagement pursuant to this Agreement shall
be contractual in nature and shall be owed solely to the Company. Each party
disclaims any intention to impose any fiduciary duty on the other.

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This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
the State of New Jersey applicable to contracts executed and to be wholly
performed therein without giving effects to its conflicts of laws principles or
rules. Any dispute here under shall be brought in a court in the State of New



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Please acknowledge your agreement to the foregoing by signing in the place
provided below and returning one copy of this letter to our office together with
the retainer payment in the amount of $25,000. We look forward to working with


BY: /s/ Mark B. Cohen
    Mark B. Cohen
    Managing Director

Accepted and Agreed to This 19th Day of February, 2004


BY: /s/ William M. Pierce, Jr.
    William M. Pierce, Jr.
    President & Chief Executive Officer