                          CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS

                    Consent of Independent Public Accountants

We consent to the use in the Registration Statement on Form SB-2, as amended,
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Form MHC-1/MHC-2, as
amended, filed with the Office of Thrift Supervision of our report dated
February 17, 2004, except for Note 14 which is dated March 11, 2004, on the
financial statements of Monadnock Community Bank as of and for the years ended
December 31, 2003 and 2002, and the related balance sheets, statements of
income, changes in equity and cash flows for the years then ended. We also
consent to the references to us under the headings "Tax Effects of the
Reorganization," "Experts" and "Legal and Tax Opinions" in the Registration
Statement on Form SB-2 and Form MHC-1/MHC-2.

                                       /s/ Shatswell, MacLeod & Company, P.C.
                                       SHATSWELL, MacLEOD & COMPANY, P.C.

West Peabody, Massachusetts
May 10, 2004

           83 PINE STREET o WEST PEABODY, MASSACHUSETTS 01960-3635 o
              TELEPHONE (978) 535-0206 o FACSIMILE (978) 535-9908

               smc@shatswell.com                  www.shatswell.com