FORM 6-K SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 Report of Foreign Issuer Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 For the month of May BG Group plc 100 Thames Valley Park Drive Reading RG6 1PT ENGLAND (Address of principal executive offices) The registrant files annual reports under cover of Form 20-F. By furnishing the information contained in this Form the reigistrant is not also furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. BG GROUP PLC 2007 FIRST QUARTER RESULTS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BG Group's Chief Executive, Frank Chapman said: "BG has delivered a good operating performance against a background of softer commodity prices and a weaker US dollar. In addition, the ramping up of production from Buzzard, a new LNG supply agreement from Nigeria and the award of an initial FEED contract for the Karachaganak Phase III expansion represent solid progress against our long-term growth programme." HIGHLIGHTS First Quarter Business Performance(i) 2007 2006 GBPm GBPm Revenue and other operating income 1 980 1 972 - Total operating profit including share of pre-tax operating results from joint ventures and associates 823 958 -14% Earnings for the period 448 563 -20% Earnings per share 13.1p 16.0p -18% Total results for the period (including disposals, re-measurements and impairments) Revenue and other operating income 1 947 1 996 -2% Operating profit before share of results from joint ventures and associates 734 912 -20% Total operating profit including share of pre- tax operating results from joint ventures and associates 789 982 -20% Earnings for the period 432 578 -25% Earnings per share 12.7p 16.4p -23% i) 'Business Performance' excludes disposals, certain re-measurements and impairments as exclusion of these items provides a clear and consistent presentation of the underlying operating performance of the Group's ongoing business. For further explanation of Business Performance and the presentation of results from joint ventures and associates, see Presentation of Non-GAAP measures, page 10 and Results Presentation, page 3. Unless otherwise stated, the results discussed in this release relate to BG Group's Business Performance. HIGHLIGHTS -Earnings were GBP448 million for the first quarter. -At constant US$/UKGBP exchange rates and upstream prices, total operating profit would have increased by 3% for the first quarter. -LNG managed volumes increased by 25%. -Agreed to acquire Masspower power plant, USA. -Sale of selected Canadian exploration and production assets. -Sale and Purchase Agreement signed with Nigeria LNG for the acquisition of 2.25 mtpa from Train 7 for a 20 year term. -Shareholders' Agreement signed for OKLNG, Nigeria. -Shareholders' Agreement signed for Quintero LNG, Chile. -Signed a Production Sharing Contract for a 45% interest in Block KG-OSN-2004/1 in the Krishna-Godavari basin, India. -Capital investment of GBP869 million included the acquisitions of the Lake Road and Serene power plants. RESULTS PRESENTATION The presentation of BG Group's results under IFRS separately identifies the effect of: - The re-measurement of certain financial instruments. - Profits and losses on the disposal and impairment of non-current assets and businesses. These items are excluded from Business Performance in order to provide readers with a clear and consistent presentation of the underlying operating performance of the Group's ongoing businesses. Under IFRS the results of joint ventures and associates are presented net of finance costs and tax (see page 12). Given the relevance of these businesses within BG Group, the results of joint ventures and associates are presented both before interest and tax, and after tax. The pre-interest and tax result is included in Business Performance discussed on pages 4 to 9. The table below sets out the amounts related to joint ventures and associates, re-measurements under IAS 39 and profits on disposal and impairment of non-current assets and businesses. Disposals, First Quarter Business re-measurements Total Performance and impairments(i) Result 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Operating profit before share of results from joint ventures and associates 768 888 (33) 24 735 912 Profits and losses on disposal of non-current assets and impairments - - (1) - (1) - Operating profit before share of results from joint ventures and associates 768 888 (34) 24 734 912 Pre-tax share of operating results of joint ventures and associates 55 70 - - 55 70 Total operating profit 823 958 (34) 24 789 982 Net finance costs Finance income 33 36 5 3 38 39 Finance costs (30) (19) (4) (3) (34) (22) Share of joint ventures and associates (12) (16) - - (12) (16) (9) 1 1 - (8) 1 Taxation Taxation (357) (368) 17 (10) (340) (378) Share of joint ventures and associates 1 (16) - - 1 (16) (356) (384) 17 (10) (339) (394) Profit for the period 458 575 (16) 14 442 589 Profit attributable to: Shareholders (earnings) 448 563 (16) 15 432 578 Minority interest 10 12 - (1) 10 11 458 575 (16) 14 442 589 i) Re-measurements excluded from Business Performance The IAS 39 re-measurements reflect movements in external market prices and exchange rates. Financial instruments include certain long-term UK gas contracts which are classified as derivatives under IAS 39 due to the nature of the contract terms and are therefore required to be marked-to-market. This treatment has no impact on the ongoing cashflows of the business and these unrealised mark-to-market movements are best presented separately from underlying business performance. For an explanation of Non-GAAP measures see page 10. BUSINESS REVIEW The results discussed in this Business Review (pages 4 to 9) relate to BG Group's performance excluding disposals, re-measurements and impairments. For the impact and a description of these items, see the consolidated income statement (page 12) and Note 2 of the accounts (page 17). Results at constant US$/UKGBP exchange rates and upstream prices are also quoted. See Presentation of Non-GAAP measures (page 10) for an explanation of these metrics. GROUP Business Performance First Quarter 2007 2006 GBPm GBPm Revenue and other operating income 1 980 1 972 - Total operating profit including share of pre-tax results from joint ventures and associates Exploration and Production 626 726 -14% Liquefied Natural Gas 121 138 -12% Transmission and Distribution 50 65 -23% Power Generation 38 39 -3% Other activities (12) (10) -20% 823 958 -14% Net finance costs (9) 1 - Taxation (356) (384) -7% Earnings 448 563 -20% Earnings per share 13.1p 16.0p -18% Capital investment 869 386 +125% Revenue and other operating income was broadly in line with the prior year. Increased volumes in all segments were offset by lower prices in the E&P and LNG segments and the weaker US$/UKGBP exchange rate. Total operating profit of GBP823 million reflected a 4% increase in E&P production volumes, offset by lower commodity prices and a weaker US$/UKGBP exchange rate. At constant US$/UKGBP exchange rates and upstream prices, underlying total operating profit would have increased by 3%. The increase in the Group's effective tax rate (including BG Group's share of joint ventures and associates) from 40% to 43.7% reflects the increase in the North Sea tax rate which became effective from the second quarter 2006. Cash conversion remained strong with cash generated by operations of GBP1 086 million. Capital investment in the quarter of GBP869 million included power plant acquisitions of GBP431 million in the USA and Italy, E&P acquisitions of GBP67 million in the UK, and continuing investment in North America and the Caribbean (GBP110 million), Europe and Central Asia (GBP113 million), Mediterranean Basin and Africa (GBP93 million), Asia Pacific (GBP36 million) and South America (GBP19 million). As at 31 March 2007, the Group had returned GBP105 million to shareholders as part of the share repurchase programme announced on 8 February 2007. As at 31 March 2007, net borrowings were GBP27 million. EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION Business Performance First Quarter 2007 2006 GBPm GBPm Production volumes (mmboe) 58.2 55.8 +4% Revenue and other operating income 1 027 1 073 -4% Total operating profit 626 726 -14% Capital investment 359 271 +32% Additional operating and financial data are given on page 23. E&P total operating profit of GBP626 million reflected a 4% increase in volumes, offset by lower commodity prices and a weaker US$/UKGBP exchange rate. At constant US$/UKGBP exchange rates and upstream prices, total operating profit would have increased by 6%. Production volumes increased by 4% principally due to Atlantic/Cromarty and the start-up of the Buzzard field in the UK. Unit operating expenditure was up 33 pence to GBP2.51 per boe reflecting the start-up of new fields in the UK and maintenance activity. The exploration charge of GBP56 million is GBP12 million higher than 2006 reflecting the increased exploration activities across the Group. The Group's average realised international gas price was 16.3 pence (2006 18.4 pence) per produced therm reflecting lower Henry Hub prices and a weaker US$/UKGBP exchange rate. In the UK, the average realised price per produced therm was 37.0 pence (2006 38.8 pence). Capital investment of GBP359 million included expenditure in Egypt (GBP28 million), India (GBP31 million), Trinidad and Tobago (GBP21 million), Tunisia (GBP63 million) and the UK (GBP141 million). First quarter business highlights In February, Stage 1 of the Front-End Engineering and Design contract for Phase III of the development of the Karachaganak Processing Complex in Kazakhstan was awarded. On 2 March, BG Group announced that, together with Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, it had signed a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) with the Government of India for Block KG-OSN-2004/1, awarded in the NELP VI licensing round. BG Group has a 45% interest in the shallow water block, which covers an area of approximately 1 131 square kilometres and is located in the Krishna-Godavari basin off the east coast of India. On 6 March, BG Group announced that it had signed a Sale and Purchase Agreement for the sale of producing assets in Canada - Bubbles, Ojay and Copton/Lynx - for a final consideration of C$516 million (approximately US$437 million). BG Group retains exploration prospects in Canada and Alaska. The sale completed on 2 April. On 8 March, the PSC in Nigeria for offshore Block OPL 286 was completed by BG Group and partners (BG Group 66% and operator). On 30 March, BG Group completed the acquisition of a further 11.45% of Armada and 1.0134% of Everest fields in the UKCS. In March, the Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago governments signed a framework agreement on sharing cross-border reserves in the Plataforma Deltana which includes the Manatee discovery (BG Group 50%). LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS Business Performance First Quarter 2007 2006 GBPm GBPm Revenue and other operating income 697 653 +7% Total operating profit Shipping and marketing 115 126 -9% Liquefaction 25 30 -17% Business development and other (19) (18) +6% 121 138 -12% Capital investment 60 88 -32% Additional operating and financial data are given on page 23. LNG total operating profit fell by GBP17 million to GBP121 million as higher volumes were more than offset by the lower Henry Hub price and the weaker US$/UKGBP exchange rate. In shipping and marketing, total operating profit of GBP115 million was down 9%, reflecting the weaker US$ and lower Henry Hub price. At constant US$/UKGBP exchange rates, shipping and marketing underlying total operating profit would have increased by 2%. Managed volumes were up 25% due to increased long-term contracted supply and higher spot cargo availability. BG Group's share of operating profit from liquefaction activities decreased by GBP5 million to GBP25 million, principally due to lower Henry Hub prices. Capital investment includes GBP43 million relating to LNG vessels, GBP6 million relating to regasification development projects and GBP9 million in Atlantic LNG. First quarter business highlights On 12 February, BG Group announced that it had signed a Sale and Purchase Agreement with Nigeria LNG for the acquisition of 2.25 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of LNG for a 20 year term from the planned Train 7 project in Finima, Bonny Island, Nigeria. On 22 March, BG Group and its partners signed the Shareholders' Agreement for the OKLNG project in Nigeria (BG Group 13.5%). The Agreement governs the OKLNG Free Zone Enterprise, and the development of the OKLNG Project. During the first quarter, BG Group signed the Shareholders' Agreement for GNL Quintero S.A., (BG Group 40%). GNL Quintero has been formed to construct, own and operate an LNG import facility in Quintero Bay, Chile. In February, work was suspended at the Brindisi LNG site following allegations regarding the permitting process for the project. Further details of this post balance sheet event, were included in the 2006 Annual Report and Accounts. TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION Business Performance First Quarter 2007 2006 GBPm GBPm Revenue and other operating income Comgas 174 168 +4% Other 46 35 +31% 220 203 +8% Total operating profit Comgas 40 50 -20% Other 10 15 -33% 50 65 -23% Capital investment 16 25 -36% T&D total operating profit for the quarter was GBP50 million. At Comgas, in Brazil, total operating profit of GBP40 million was down GBP10 million as the 7% increase in volumes was offset by the adverse effect of the Brazilian Real (BRL) exchange rate, movements in the regulatory current account and higher costs. Operating profit in the quarter includes GBP2 million (2006 GBP5 million) to be passed back to customers in future periods. At the end of the quarter, the total to be passed back to customers in future periods is GBP8 million. Profits derived from Interconnector capacity were GBP5 million lower reflecting lower differentials between UK and European gas prices. Capital investment mainly represents the development of the Comgas pipeline network. POWER GENERATION Business Performance First Quarter 2007 2006 GBPm GBPm Revenue and other operating income 96 92 +4% Total operating profit 38 39 -3% Capital investment 433 1 - The increase in revenue is primarily due to the pass through of gas costs. Total operating profit of GBP38 million in the quarter was broadly in line with 2006. This includes a one-off contribution from the settlement of a contractual dispute at Premier Power, and lower profits at Seabank where one-off insurance proceeds arose in 2006. Capital investment relates primarily to the acquisitions of the Lake Road power plant in the USA and the remaining equity (66.3%) of Serene S.p.A in Italy. First quarter business highlights The acquisition of the Lake Road power plant, located in Connecticut, USA completed on 13 March and the acquisition of the remaining equity in the Serene power plants, Italy completed on 14 February. On 2 April, BG Group announced that it had signed a Sale and Purchase Agreement to acquire the Masspower power plant, a 262 MW gas- and oil-fired combined cycle facility located in Indian Orchard, Massachusetts, USA for US$150 million. The purchase completed on 1 May 2007. Presentation of Non-GAAP measures Business Performance 'Business Performance' excludes disposals, certain re-measurements and impairments (see below) as exclusion of these items provides a clear and consistent presentation of the underlying operating performance of the Group's ongoing business. BG Group uses commodity instruments to manage price exposures associated with its marketing and optimisation activity in the UK and US. This activity enables the Group to take advantage of commodity price movements. It is considered more appropriate to include both unrealised and realised gains and losses arising from the mark-to-market of derivatives associated with this activity in 'Business Performance'. Disposals, certain re-measurements and impairments BG Group's commercial arrangements for marketing gas include the use of long-term gas sales contracts. Whilst the activity surrounding these contracts involves the physical delivery of gas, certain UK gas sales contracts are classified as derivatives under the rules of IAS 39 and are required to be measured at fair value at the balance sheet date. Unrealised gains and losses on these contracts reflect the comparison between current market gas prices and the actual prices to be realised under the gas sales contract. BG Group also uses commodity instruments to manage certain price exposures in respect of optimising the timing of its gas sales associated with contracted UK storage and pipeline capacity. These instruments are also required to be measured at fair value at the balance sheet date under IAS 39. However, IAS 39 does not allow the matching of these fair values to the economically hedged value of the related gas in storage (taking account of gas prices based on the forward curve or expected delivery destination and the associated storage and capacity costs). BG Group also uses financial instruments, including derivatives, to manage foreign exchange and interest rate exposure. These instruments are required to be recognised at fair value or amortised cost on the balance sheet in accordance with IAS 39. Most of these instruments have been designated either as hedges of foreign exchange movements associated with the Group's net investments in foreign operations, or as hedges of interest rate risk. Where these instruments cannot be designated as hedges under IAS 39, unrealised movements in fair value are recorded in the income statement. Unrealised gains and losses in respect of long-term gas sales contracts and derivatives associated with gas in UK storage and pipeline facilities and interest rate and foreign exchange exposure in respect of financial instruments which cannot be designated as hedges under IAS 39 are disclosed separately as 'disposals, re-measurements and impairments'. Realised gains and losses relating to these instruments are included in Business Performance. This presentation best reflects the underlying performance of the business since it distinguishes between the temporary timing differences associated with re-measurements under IAS 39 rules and actual realised gains and losses. BG Group has also separately identified profits and losses associated with the disposal of non-current assets, closures and impairments, as they are items which require separate disclosure in order to provide a clearer understanding of the results for the period. For a reconciliation between the overall results and Business Performance and details of disposals, re-measurements and impairments, see the consolidated income statement, page 12 and note 2 to the accounts, page 17. Joint ventures and associates Under IFRS the results from jointly controlled entities (joint ventures) and associates, accounted for under the equity method, are required to be presented net of finance costs and tax on the face of the income statement. Given the relevance of these businesses within BG Group, the results of joint ventures and associates are presented before interest and tax, and after tax. This approach provides additional information on the source of BG Group's operating profits. For a reconciliation between operating profit and earnings including and excluding the results of joint ventures and associates, see Note 3 to the accounts, page 18. Exchange rates and prices BG Group also discloses certain information, as indicated, at constant US$/UKGBP exchange rates and upstream prices. The presentation of results in this manner is intended to provide additional information to explain further the underlying trends in the business. Net borrowings/funds BG Group provides a reconciliation of net borrowings/funds and an analysis of the amounts included within net borrowings/funds as this is an important liquidity measure for the Group. LEGAL NOTICE These results include "forward-looking information" within the meaning of Section 27A of the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21E of the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Certain statements included in these results, including without limitation, those concerning (i) strategies, outlook and growth opportunities, (ii) positioning to deliver future plans and to realise potential for growth, (iii) delivery of the performance required to achieve BG Group's growth programme, (iv) development of new markets, (v) the development and commencement of commercial operations of new projects, (vi) liquidity and capital resources, (vii) plans for capital and investment expenditure and (viii) statements preceded by "expected", "scheduled", "targeted", "planned", "proposed", "intended" or similar statements, contain certain forward-looking statements concerning operations, economic performance and financial condition. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct. Accordingly, results could differ materially from those set out in the forward-looking statements as a result of, among other factors, (i) changes in economic, market and competitive conditions, including oil and gas prices, (ii) success in implementing business and operating initiatives, (iii) changes in the regulatory environment and other government actions, including UK and international corporation tax rates, (iv) a major recession or significant upheaval in the major markets in which BG Group operates, (v) the failure to ensure the safe operation of assets worldwide, (vi) implementation risk, being the challenges associated with delivering capital intensive projects on time and on budget, including the need to retain and motivate staff, (vii) commodity risk, being the risk of a significant fluctuation in oil and/or gas prices from those assumed, (viii) fluctuations in exchange rates, in particular the US$/UKGBP exchange rate being significantly different to that assumed, (ix) risks encountered in the gas and oil exploration and production sector in general, (x) business risk management and (xi) the Risk Factors included in BG Group's Annual Report and Accounts 2006. BG Group undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements. No part of these results constitutes or shall be taken to constitute an invitation or inducement to invest in BG Group plc or any other entity and must not be relied upon in any way in connection with any investment decision. CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT FIRST QUARTER 2007 2006 Business Disposals, Total Business Disposals, Total Performance re-measurements Result Performance re-measurements Result (i) and impairments (i) and impairments (Note 2)(i) (Note 2)(i) Notes GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Group revenue 1 943 - 1 943 1 931 - 1 931 Other operating income 2 37 (33) 4 41 24 65 Group revenue and other operating income 3 1 980 (33) 1 947 1 972 24 1 996 Operating costs (1 212) - (1 212) (1 084) - (1 084) Profits and losses on disposal of non-current assets and impairments 2 - (1) (1) - - - Operating profit/(loss) before share of results from joint ventures and associates 3 768 (34) 734 888 24 912 Finance income 2, 4 33 5 38 36 3 39 Finance costs 2, 4 (30) (4) (34) (19) (3) (22) Share of post-tax results from joint ventures and associates 3 44 - 44 38 - 38 Profit/(loss) before tax 815 (33) 782 943 24 967 Taxation 2, 5 (357) 17 (340) (368) (10) (378) Profit for the period 458 (16) 442 575 14 589 Attributable to: BG Group shareholders (earnings) 448 (16) 432 563 15 578 Minority interest 10 - 10 12 (1) 11 458 (16) 442 575 14 589 Earnings per share - basic 6 13.1p (0.4p) 12.7p 16.0p 0.4p 16.4p Earnings per share - diluted 6 13.0p (0.4p) 12.6p 15.9p 0.4p 16.3p Total operating profit including share of pre-tax operating results from joint ventures and associates(ii) 3 823 (34) 789 958 24 982 i) See Presentation of Non-GAAP measures, page 10, for an explanation of results excluding disposals, re-measurements and impairments and presentation of the results of joint ventures and associates. ii) This measurement is shown by BG Group as it is used as a means of measuring the underlying performance of the business. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET As at 31 Mar 31 Dec 31 Mar 2007 2006(i) 2006 GBPm GBPm GBPm Assets Non-current assets Goodwill 339 328 361 Other intangible assets 665 694 797 Property, plant and equipment 6 535 5 960 5 835 Investments 1 094 1 086 1 203 Deferred tax assets 70 74 90 Trade and other receivables 48 49 51 Commodity contracts and other derivative financial instruments 402 273 95 9 153 8 464 8 432 Current assets Inventories 228 247 170 Trade and other receivables 1 828 1 854 1 837 Commodity contracts and other derivative financial instruments 247 575 12 Cash and cash equivalents 1 705 1 463 1 697 4 008 4 139 3 716 Assets classified as held for sale 224 85 10 Total assets 13 385 12 688 12 158 Liabilities Current liabilities Borrowings (66) (103) (47) Trade and other payables (1 711) (1 618) (1 529) Current tax liabilities (513) (357) (466) Commodity contracts and other derivative financial instruments (507) (741) (658) (2 797) (2 819) (2 700) Non-current liabilities Borrowings (1 768) (1 559) (1 507) Trade and other payables (19) (21) (63) Commodity contracts and other derivative financial instruments (196) (90) - Deferred income tax liabilities (1 171) (1 146) (774) Retirement benefit obligations (145) (167) (159) Provisions for other liabilities and charges (402) (387) (375) (3 701) (3 370) (2 878) Liabilities associated with assets classified as held for sale (27) (34) (3) Total liabilities (6 525) (6 223) (5 581) Net assets 6 860 6 465 6 577 Attributable to: BG Group equity shareholders 6 747 6 363 6 464 Minority interest 113 102 113 Total equity 6 860 6 465 6 577 (i) Restated as a result of post balance sheet events as detailed in the 2006 Annual Report and Accounts. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF RECOGNISED INCOME AND EXPENSE First Quarter 2007 2006 GBPm GBPm Profit for the period 442 589 Hedge adjustments net of tax 13 22 Currency translation adjustments 26 (29) Net gains/(losses) recognised directly in equity 39 (7) Total recognised income for the period 481 582 Attributable to: Minority interests 11 15 Shareholders 470 567 481 582 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT First Quarter 2007 2006 GBPm GBPm Cash flows from operating activities Profit before taxation 782 967 Share of post-tax results from joint ventures and associates (44) (38) Depreciation of property, plant and equipment and amortisation of intangible assets 168 149 Fair value movements in commodity contracts 72 (41) Profit and losses on disposal of non-current assets and impairments 1 - Unsuccessful exploration expenditure written off 10 11 (Decrease)/increase in provisions (20) 4 Finance income (38) (39) Finance costs 34 22 Share-based payments 7 6 Decrease/(increase) in working capital 114 (54) Cash generated by operations 1 086 987 Income taxes paid (184) (285) Net cash inflow from operating activities 902 702 Cash flows from investing activities Dividends received from joint ventures and associates 24 11 Proceeds from disposal of subsidiary undertakings and investments 80 4 Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (374) (349) Loans (to)/from joint ventures and associates (15) (16) Business combinations and investments (406) (2) Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investing activities (691) (352) Cash flows from financing activities Net interest received/(paid)(i) (2) 8 Net proceeds from issue of new borrowings 137 16 Repayment of borrowings (16) (48) Issue of shares 7 6 Purchase of own shares (96) (147) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing activities 30 (165) Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 241 185 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 1 463 1 516 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes 1 (4) Cash and cash equivalents at end of period(ii) 1 705 1 697 i) Includes capitalised interest for the first quarter of GBP11 million (2006 GBP14 million). ii) Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash and short-term liquid investments that are readily convertible to cash. RECONCILIATION OF NET BORROWINGS/FUNDS(i) - FIRST QUARTER GBPm Net borrowings as at 31 December 2006(i) (ii) (103) Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 241 Cash inflow from changes in gross borrowings (121) Inception of finance leases (16) Effect of acquisitions (40) Foreign exchange and other re-measurements 12 Net borrowings as at 31 March 2007(i) (ii) (27) Net borrowings attributable to Comgas were GBP265 million (31 December 2006 GBP242 million). As at 31 March 2007, BG Group's share of the net borrowings in joint ventures and associates amounted to approximately GBP1 billion, including BG Group shareholder loans of approximately GBP0.6 billion. These net borrowings are included in BG Group's share of the net assets in joint ventures and associates which are consolidated in BG Group's accounts. i) Net borrowings/funds are defined on page 25. ii) Net borrowings/funds comprise: As at 31 Mar 2007 31 Dec 2006 GBPm GBPm Amounts receivable/(due) within one year Cash and cash equivalents 1 705 1 463 Overdrafts, loans and finance leases (66) (103) Derivative financial instruments(iii) (7) - 1 632 1 360 Amounts receivable/(due) after more than one year Loans and finance leases (1 768) (1 559) Derivative financial instruments(iii) 109 96 (1 659) (1 463) Net borrowings (27) (103) iii) These items are included within commodity contracts and other derivative financial instrument balances on the balance sheet. Notes 1. Basis of preparation These primary statements are the unaudited interim consolidated financial statements of BG Group plc for the quarter ended 31 March 2007. The financial information does not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985, and should be read in conjunction with the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2006, as they provide an update of previously reported information. The preparation of the interim financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities at the date of the interim financial statements. If in the future such estimates and assumptions, which are based on management's best judgment at the date of the interim financial statements, deviate from the actual circumstances, the original estimates and assumptions will be modified as appropriate in the year in which the circumstances change. 2. Disposals, re-measurements and impairments First Quarter 2007 2006 GBPm GBPm Revenue and other operating income - (33) 24 re-measurements of commodity contracts Profits and losses on disposal of non-current assets and impairments (1) - Net finance income - re-measurements of financial instruments 1 - Taxation 17 (10) Minority interest - 1 Impact on earnings (16) 15 First quarter: Revenue and other operating income Re-measurements included within revenue and other operating income amount to a charge of GBP33 million for the quarter (2006 GBP24 million credit), of which a GBP3 million charge (2006 GBP19 million credit) represents non-cash mark-to-market movements on certain long-term UK gas contracts. Whilst the activity surrounding these contracts involves the physical delivery of gas, the contracts fall within the scope of IAS 39 and meet the definition of a derivative instrument. Net finance costs Re-measurements presented in net finance costs relate primarily to certain derivatives used to hedge foreign exchange and interest rate risk which have not been designated as hedges under IAS 39, partly offset by foreign exchange movements on certain borrowings in a subsidiary. 2007 first quarter: Disposal of non-current assets During the first quarter, BG Group disposed of its Mauritanian interests. This resulted in a loss on disposal of GBP1 million. No tax arose on the disposal. 3. Segmental analysis Group revenue and Business Disposals, Total Business Disposals, Total other operating income Performance re-measurements Result Performance re-measurements Result and impairments and impairments First Quarter 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Exploration and Production 1 027 (33) 994 1 073 24 1 097 Liquefied Natural Gas 697 - 697 653 - 653 Transmission and Distribution 220 - 220 203 - 203 Power Generation 96 - 96 92 - 92 Other activities 2 - 2 3 - 3 Less: intra-group sales (62) - (62) (52) - (52) 1 980 (33) 1 947 1 972 24 1 996 Business Disposals, Total Result Performance(i) re-measurements and impairments(i) First Quarter 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Total operating profit before share of results from joint ventures and associates Exploration and Production 626 726 (34) 24 592 750 Liquefied Natural Gas 96 108 - - 96 108 Transmission and Distribution 40 54 - - 40 54 Power Generation 18 10 - - 18 10 Other activities (12) (10) - - (12) (10) 768 888 (34) 24 734 912 Pre-tax share of operating results of joint ventures and associates(ii) Liquefied Natural Gas 25 30 - - 25 30 Transmission and Distribution 10 11 - - 10 11 Power Generation 20 29 - - 20 29 55 70 - - 55 70 Total operating profit including share of results from joint ventures and associates Exploration and Production 626 726 (34) 24 592 750 Liquefied Natural Gas 121 138 - - 121 138 Transmission and Distribution 50 65 - - 50 65 Power Generation 38 39 - - 38 39 Other activities (12) (10) - - (12) (10) 823 958 (34) 24 789 982 i) Business Performance excludes disposals, certain re-measurements and impairments. See Note 2, page 17 and Presentation of Non-GAAP measures, page 10. ii) Share of results in joint ventures and associates in the table above is before finance costs and taxation. The share of results after finance costs and taxation for the quarter is GBP44 million (2006 GBP38 million). 3. Segmental analysis (continued) Total Result Operating profit before Share of results in Total Result share of results from joint joint ventures and ventures and associates associates First Quarter 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm GBPm Exploration and Production 592 750 - - 592 750 Liquefied Natural Gas 96 108 16 12 112 120 Transmission and Distribution 40 54 15 6 55 60 Power Generation 18 10 13 20 31 30 Other activities (12) (10) - - (12) (10) 734 912 44 38 778 950 Net finance income 4 17 Taxation (340) (378) Profit for the period 442 589 4. Net finance costs First Quarter 2007 2006 GBPm GBPm Interest payable (23) (18) Interest on obligations under finance leases (13) (12) Interest capitalised 11 14 Unwinding of discount on provisions(i) (5) (3) Disposals, re-measurements and impairments (Note 2) (4) (3) Finance costs (34) (22) Interest receivable 33 36 Disposals, re-measurements and impairments (Note 2) 5 3 Finance income 38 39 Net finance income(ii) 4 17 i) Relates to the unwinding of the discount on provisions in respect of decommissioning and amounts in respect of pension obligations which represent the unwinding of discount on the plans' liabilities offset by the expected return on the plans' assets. ii) Excludes Group share of net finance costs from joint ventures and associates for the quarter of GBP12 million (2006 GBP16 million). 5. Taxation The taxation charge for the quarter before disposals, re-measurements and impairments was GBP357 million (2006 GBP368 million) and the taxation charge including disposals, re-measurements and impairments was GBP340 million (2006 GBP378 million). The Group share of taxation from joint ventures and associates for the quarter was GBP1 million credit (2006 GBP16 million charge). 6. Earnings per ordinary share First Quarter 2007 2006 GBPm Pence GBPm Pence per per share share Earnings 432 12.7 578 16.4 Re-measurements (after tax and minority interest) 15 0.4 (15) (0.4) Profits and losses on disposals (after tax) 1 - - - Earnings - excluding disposals, re-measurements and impairments 448 13.1 563 16.0 Basic earnings per share calculations in 2007 are based on shares in issue of 3 407 million for the quarter. The earnings figure used to calculate diluted earnings per ordinary share is the same as that used to calculate earnings per ordinary share given above, divided by 3 437 million for the quarter, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the quarter as adjusted for share options. 7. Capital investment: geographical analysis First Quarter 2007 2006 GBPm GBPm Europe and Central Asia 260 104 South America 19 73 Asia Pacific 36 23 North America and the Caribbean 461 109 Mediterranean Basin and Africa 93 77 869 386 8. Quarterly information: earnings and earnings per share 2007 2006 2007 2006 GBPm GBPm pence pence First quarter - including disposals, re-measurements and impairments 432 578 12.7 16.4 - excluding disposals, re-measurements and impairments 448 563 13.1 16.0 Second quarter - including disposals, re-measurements and impairments 418 12.0 - excluding disposals, re-measurements and impairments 325 9.3 Third quarter - including disposals, re-measurements and impairments 394 11.5 - excluding disposals, re-measurements and impairments 342 10.0 Fourth quarter - including disposals, re-measurements and impairments 389(i) 11.4(i) - excluding disposals, re-measurements and impairments 410 12.0 Full year - including disposals, re-measurements and impairments 1 779(i) 51.4(i) - excluding disposals, re-measurements and impairments 1 640 47.4 (i) Restated as a result of post balance sheet events as detailed in the 2006 Annual Report and Accounts. Supplementary information: Operating and financial data First Quarter Fourth Quarter 2007 2006 2006 Production volumes (mmboe) - oil 6.5 5.6 5.9 - liquids 8.8 7.4 8.7 - gas 42.9 42.8 42.6 - total 58.2 55.8 57.2 Production volumes (kboed) - oil 72 62 64 - liquids 98 82 95 - gas 477 476 463 - total 647 620 622 LNG cargoes - Lake Charles, USA 18 2 13 - Elba Island, USA 15 9 14 - Europe, Asia and other USA 19 29 23 - total 52 40 50 LNG managed volumes (thousand mmbtu) 144 752 115 812 139 763 Average realised oil price per barrel GBP29.60 GBP35.74 GBP31.57 ($58.13) ($62.53) ($60.13) Average realised liquids price per barrel GBP23.21 GBP28.68 GBP24.36 ($45.57) ($50.17) ($46.40) Average realised UK gas price per produced therm 37.03p 38.84p 34.41p Average realised International gas price per produced therm 16.31p 18.40p 16.69p Average realised gas price per produced therm 21.50p 23.69p 21.28p Lifting costs per boe GBP1.51 GBP1.19 GBP1.51 ($2.97) ($2.08) ($2.88) Operating expenditure per boe GBP2.51 GBP2.18 GBP2.53 ($4.92) ($3.82) ($4.82) Development expenditure (GBPm) 291 131 201 Gross exploration expenditure (GBPm) - capitalised expenditure 59 136 129 - other expenditure 46 33 51 - gross expenditure 105 169 180 Supplementary information: Operating and financial data (continued) BG Group's exposure to the oil price varies according to a number of factors including the mix of production and sales. Management estimates that, other factors being constant, a $1.00 rise (or fall) in the Brent price would increase (or decrease) operating profit in 2007 by approximately GBP40 million to GBP50 million. BG Group's exposure to the US$/UKGBP exchange rate varies according to a number of factors including commodity prices and the timing of US Dollar revenues and costs including capital expenditure. Management estimates that in 2007, other factors being constant, a 10 cent strengthening (or weakening) in the US Dollar would increase (or decrease) operating profit by approximately GBP140 million to GBP160 million. Glossary In BG Group's results some or all of the following definitions are used: bcf billion cubic feet bcfd billion cubic feet per day bcmpa billion cubic metres per annum boe barrels of oil equivalent boed barrels of oil equivalent per day bopd barrels of oil per day CCGT combined cycle gas turbine DCQ daily contracted quantity E&P Exploration and Production EPC engineering, procurement and construction EPIC engineering, procurement, installation and commissioning FEED front end engineering design FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Gearing net borrowings as a percentage of total shareholders' funds ratio (excluding the re-measurement of commodity financial instruments and associated deferred tax) plus net borrowings GW gigawatt IAS 39 International Accounting Standard 39 (Financial Instruments) IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards kboed thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day LNG Liquefied Natural Gas Managed Comprises all LNG volumes contracted for purchase and having related volumes revenue and other operating income recognised in the applicable period m million mmboe million barrels of oil equivalent mmbtu million british thermal units mmcfd million cubic feet per day mmcmd million cubic metres per day mmscfd million standard cubic feet per day mmscm million standard cubic metres mmscmd million standard cubic metres per day MoU Memorandum of understanding mtpa million tonnes per annum MW megawatt Net Comprise cash, current asset investments, finance leases, currency borrowings/ and interest rate derivative financial instruments and short- and funds long-term borrowings NGL Natural gas liquids PSA production sharing agreement T&D Transmission and Distribution Total Group operating profit plus share of pre-tax operating results of operating joint ventures and associates profit UKCS United Kingdom Continental Shelf UKCNS United Kingdom central North Sea Unit Production costs and royalties incurred over the period divided by operating the net production for the period. Production costs and royalties expenditure (other operating costs) for the period are disclosed under "results per boe of operations" in the Supplementary information - Oil and Gas disclosures in BG Group's Annual Report & Accounts for the period. This measure does not include the impact of depreciation and amortisation costs and exploration costs as they are not considered to be costs associated with the operation of producing assets. Unit Unit operating expenditure as defined above, excluding royalty, lifting tariff and insurance costs incurred over the period divided by the costs per net production for the period. Unit lifting costs as used in this boe ratio do not represent "Production (Lifting) Costs" as defined by FAS 19 and FAS 69. Enquiries Enquiries relating to BG Group's General enquiries about shareholder results, business and financial matters should be made to: position should be made to: Investor Relations Department Lloyds TSB Registrars BG Group plc The Causeway Thames Valley Park Drive Worthing Reading West Sussex Berkshire BN99 6DA RG6 1PT Tel: 0118 929 3025 Tel: 0870 600 3951 e-mail: e-mail: Financial Calendar Payment of 2006 final dividend: Shareholders 25 May 2007 American depositary receipt holders 4 June 2007 Announcement of 2007 second quarter and half year results 27 July 2007 BG Group plc website: Registered office 100 Thames Valley Park Drive, Reading RG6 1PT Registered in England No. 3690065 SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. BG Group plc Date: 4 May 2007 By: ___Ben Mathews___ Ben Mathews Company Secretary