EXHIBIT 10.71 FORM TX [GRAPHIC] CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION For a Nondramatic Literary Work UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright ---------------------------------------------------- Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attests that registration has been made for the work TXu 1-075-739 identified below. The information on this certificate has ---------------------------------------------------- been made a part of the Copyright Office records. EFFECTIVE DATE OF REGISTRATION [GRAPHIC] /s/ Marybeth Peters 8 21 02 -------------------------- Month Day Year OFFICIAL SEAL REGISTER OF COPYRIGHTS ---------------------------------------------------- United States of America DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE. IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, USE A SEPARATE CONTINUATION SHEET. ==================================================================================================================================== 1 TITLE OF THIS WORK PETRODOCS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PREVIOUS OR ALTERNATIVE TITLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUBLICATION AS A CONTRIBUTION If this work was published as a contribution to a periodical, serial, or collection, give information about the collective work in which the contribution appeared. Title of Collective Work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If published in a periodical or serial give: Volume Number Issue Date On Pages ==================================================================================================================================== 2 NAME OF AUTHOR DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH Year Born Year Died a PETROCON ENGINEERING, INC. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Was this contribution to the AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO work a "work made for hire"? Name of Country THE WORK If the answer to either [X] Yes Citizen of USA Anonymous? [ ] Yes [ ] No of these questions is OR "Yes," see detailed [ ] No Domiciled in BEAUMONT, TEXAS Pseudonymous? 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Name Account Number a - ----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================================================================= CORRESPONDENCE Give name and address to which correspondence about this application should be sent. Name/Address/Apt/ City/State/ZIP b OLAN B. WEEKS, P.E. P.O. 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