Exhibit 10.31

                            BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC.
                     Non-Employee Director Compensation Plan
                               adopted May 6, 2003
                              Terms and Conditions

1.   Purpose

This Non-Employee Director Compensation Plan (the "Plan") is adopted by the
Board of Directors (the "Board") of Baxter International Inc. ("Baxter"). This
Plan is adopted pursuant to the Baxter International Inc. 2003 Incentive
Compensation Program (the "Program"), for the purposes stated in the Program.
Capitalized terms defined in the Program that are used without being defined in
the Plan will have the same meaning as in the Program.

2.   Participants

Each member of the Board who is not an employee of Baxter or any of its
subsidiaries shall participate in the Plan (a "Participant").

3.   Restricted Stock

     3.1  On the date of Baxter's annual meeting of stockholders (the "Annual
          Meeting") in each year beginning with the Annual Meeting on May 6,
          2003, and subject to availability of shares of Common Stock under the
          Program, each Participant upon completion of the Annual Meeting shall,
          automatically and without necessity of any action by the Board or any
          committee thereof, receive the number of shares of Restricted Stock
          equal to the quotient of (A) $60,000 divided by (B) the Fair Market
          Value of a share of Common Stock on the date of grant (rounded to the
          nearest whole number which is a multiple of ten) (the "Annual
          Restricted Stock Grant Amount").

     3.2  Each Participant elected or appointed on a date other than the date of
          an Annual Meeting shall, on the date of such election or appointment
          and automatically and without necessity of any action by the Board or
          any committee thereof, receive the number of shares of Restricted
          Stock equal to the product of (A) the Annual Restricted Stock Grant
          Amount (as defined in Section 3.1, subject to adjustment in accordance
          with the Program) for the Restricted Stock awarded on the date of the
          immediately preceding Annual Meeting, multiplied by (B) the quotient
          of (i) the number of full calendar months before the next Annual
          Meeting divided by (ii) 12 (rounded to the nearest whole number which
          is a multiple of ten). The number of shares of Restricted Stock
          granted under this Section 3.2 shall not exceed the number available
          under the Program on the date of grant.

     3.3  Restricted Stock may not be sold, transferred, assigned, pledged,
          hypothecated or otherwise encumbered or disposed of, whether

          involuntarily or by operation of law, until vested pursuant to the
          terms hereof.

     3.4  Subject to Section 11.10 of the Program and except as expressly
          provided in Sections 3.6 and 3.7, all shares of Restricted Stock shall
          vest on the date of and immediately prior to the next Annual Meeting
          following the date of grant.

     3.5  Except as provided in Sections 3.6 and 3.7, if a Participant ceases
          service as a member of the Board before his or her Restricted Stock
          vests, the Participant will forfeit his or her unvested Restricted
          Stock immediately upon ceasing service as a member of the Board.

     3.6  If a Participant dies while serving as a member of the Board, his or
          her unvested Restricted Stock will not be forfeited and will be fully
          vested immediately.

     3.7  If a Participant becomes disabled and unable to continue service as a
          member of the Board, his or her Restricted Stock will not be forfeited
          and will, when the Participant ceases to serve as member of the Board,
          be fully vested.

     3.8  Each Participant receiving Restricted Stock shall have all of the
          rights of a stockholder with respect to the shares of Restricted Stock
          during any period in which the shares of Restricted Stock are subject
          to forfeiture or restrictions on transfer, including the right to vote
          the shares of Restricted Stock and to receive dividends and other
          distributions thereon, unless and until such shares are forfeited
          pursuant to Section 3.5; provided, however, that a dividend or other
          distribution with respect to Restricted Stock (including, without
          limitation, a stock dividend or stock split), other than a cash
          dividend, shall be delivered to Baxter (and the Participant shall, if
          requested by Baxter, execute and return one or more irrevocable stock
          powers related thereto) and shall be subject to the same restrictions
          as the Restricted Stock with respect to which such dividend or other
          distribution was made. Cash dividends paid on the Restricted Stock
          will be reinvested in shares of Common Stock, unless the Participant
          elects otherwise. Common Stock purchased with reinvested cash
          dividends shall not be restricted.

     3.9  If requested by Baxter, each Participant receiving Restricted Stock
          shall enter into an agreement with Baxter incorporating the terms and
          conditions of this Plan. A stock certificate for the shares of
          Restricted Stock awarded will be issued in the name of each
          Participant and deposited, together with a stock power endorsed in
          blank by Participant, with Baxter. Each such certificate shall bear a
          legend in substantially the following form:


                    The transferability of this certificate and the shares of
                    Common Stock represented by it are subject to the terms and
                    conditions (including conditions of forfeiture) contained in
                    the Baxter International Inc. Non-Employee Director
                    Compensation Plan adopted May 6, 2003. A copy of this Plan
                    is available from the Corporate Secretary of Baxter
                    International Inc.

          Subject to the terms of the Program, after the Restricted Stock vests,
          shares of Common Stock free and clear of all restrictions will be
          delivered to the Participant (or to the Participant's legal
          representative, beneficiary or heir).

4.   Stock Options

     4.1  On the date of Baxter's Annual Meeting in each year beginning with the
          Annual Meeting on May 6, 2003, and subject to availability of shares
          of Common Stock under the Program, upon completion of the Annual
          Meeting each Participant shall be granted Stock Options having a value
          equal to $60,000, to be determined by the Board or the Compensation
          Committee of the Board (the "Committee") based on a Black-Scholes or
          other option valuation model in the discretion of the Board or the
          Committee (rounded to the nearest whole number which is a multiple of
          ten) (the "Annual Stock Option Grant Amount").

     4.2  Each Participant elected or appointed on a date other than the date of
          an Annual Meeting shall, on the date of such election or appointment
          and automatically and without necessity of any action by the Board or
          any committee thereof, be granted a Stock Option to purchase that
          number of shares of Common Stock equal to the product of (A) the
          Annual Stock Option Grant Amount (as defined in Section 4.1, subject
          to adjustment in accordance with the Program) for each Stock Option
          granted on the date of the immediately preceding Annual Meeting,
          multiplied by (B) the quotient of (i) the number of full calendar
          months before the next Annual Meeting divided by (ii) 12 (rounded to
          the nearest whole number which is a multiple of ten). The number of
          shares of Common Stock subject to any Stock Option granted under this
          Section 4.2 shall not exceed the number available under the Program on
          the date of grant.

     4.3  The purchase price for each share of Common Stock subject to a Stock
          Option shall be the Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock on
          the date of grant. The terms of each Stock Option will be as set forth
          in this Plan and the Program. To the extent that any provision of the
          Plan is inconsistent with the Program, the Program shall control. The
          Stock Options are not intended to qualify as Incentive Stock Options
          within the meaning of Section 422 of the United States Internal
          Revenue Code.


     4.4  Subject to Section 11.10 of the Program and except as expressly
          provided in Sections 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10, Stock Options shall first
          become exercisable on the date of and immediately prior to the next
          Annual Meeting following the date of grant.

     4.5  After a Stock Option becomes exercisable and until it expires, it may
          be exercised in whole or in part, in the manner specified by the
          Company. Under no circumstances may a Stock Option be exercised after
          it has expired. Shares of Common Stock may be used to pay the purchase
          price for shares of Common Stock to be acquired upon exercise of a
          Stock Option or fulfill any tax withholding obligation, subject to any
          requirements or restrictions specified by the Company.

     4.6  Except as provided in Sections 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10, if a Participant
          ceases service as a member of the Board before his or her Stock Option
          becomes exercisable, the Stock Option will expire when the Participant
          ceases service as a member of the Board.

     4.7  If a Participant ceases service as a member of the Board after his or
          her Stock Option becomes exercisable, the Stock Option will not expire
          but will remain exercisable. Subject to Sections 4.8, 4.9, 4.10 and
          4.11, the Stock Option will expire three months after the Participant
          ceases service as a member of the Board, unless the Participant dies
          or becomes disabled during such three month period in which case the
          Stock Option will expire on the first anniversary of the date the
          Participant ceased serving as a member of the Board.

     4.8  If a Participant dies while serving as a member of the Board, his or
          her Stock Option will not expire and will remain, or immediately
          become, fully exercisable, as the case may be. Subject to Sections
          4.10 and 4.11, the Stock Option will expire on the first anniversary
          of the Participant's death.

     4.9  If a Participant becomes disabled and unable to continue service as a
          member of the Board, his or her Stock Option will not expire and will
          remain, or when the Participant ceases to serve as member of the Board
          become, fully exercisable, as the case may be. Subject to Sections
          4.10 and 4.11, the Stock Option will expire on the first anniversary
          of the date the Participant ceases service as a member of the Board.

     4.10 If a Participant who has served as a member of the Board for a
          continuous period of at least ten years or who is at least 72 years of
          age ceases to serve as a member of the Board (including without
          limitation by reason of death or disability), his or her Stock Option
          will not expire and will remain, or when the Participant ceases to
          serve as member of the Board become, fully exercisable, as the case
          may be. Subject to Section 4.11, the Stock Option will expire on the
          fifth anniversary of the date the Participant ceases service as a
          member of the Board.


     4.11 Stock Options that have not previously expired will expire at the
          close of business on the tenth anniversary of the date of grant. If a
          Stock Option would expire on a date that is not a Business Day, it
          will expire at the close of business on the last Business Day
          preceding that date. A "Business Day" is any day on which the Common
          Stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

     4.12 An exercisable Stock Option may only be exercised by the Participant,
          his or her legal representative, or a person to whom the Participant's
          rights in the Stock Option are transferred by will or the laws of
          descent and distribution or in accordance with rules and procedures
          established by the Committee.

5.   Cash Compensation

     5.1  Baxter shall pay each Participant a meeting fee of $1,000 for each
          meeting of the Board or any committee thereof attended, and a
          Participant acting as the chairperson of any meeting of a committee of
          the Board shall receive an additional $1,000 for each meeting chaired
          by him or her. Fees shall be paid quarterly in arrears and are payable
          if the Participant attends in person, by conference telephone, or by
          any other means permitted by the Delaware General Corporation Law and
          Baxter's Bylaws.

     5.2  Baxter shall pay each Participant a total annual cash retainer of
          $45,000 per calendar year ("Annual Cash Retainer"). The Annual Cash
          Retainer shall be paid quarterly in arrears. For purposes of
          determining the amount of such quarterly payment, a Participant must
          be a member of the Board on or prior to the 15th day of a month in
          order to be entitled to receive payment of the Annual Cash Retainer
          with respect to that month.

     5.3  Participants shall be eligible to defer payment of cash compensation
          otherwise payable under this Section 5 pursuant to the terms and
          conditions of the Baxter Non-Employee Director Deferred Compensation

6.   Availability of Shares

     If on any grant date, the number of shares of Common Stock which would
     otherwise be granted in the form of Restricted Stock or subject to Stock
     Options granted under the Plan shall exceed the number of shares of Common
     Stock then remaining available under the Program, the available shares
     shall be allocated among the Stock Options and Restricted Stock to be
     granted Participants in proportion to the number of shares subject to Stock
     Options and shares of Restricted Stock that Participants would otherwise be
     entitled to receive, and allocated evenly between Restricted Stock and
     Stock Options.


7.   General Provisions

     7.1  Subject to the limitations contained in Section 11.9 of the Program,
          the Board or the Committee may, at any time and in any manner, amend,
          suspend, or terminate the Plan or any Stock Option outstanding under
          the Plan.

     7.2  Participation in the Plan does not give any Participant any right to
          continue as a member of the Board for any period of time or any right
          or claim to any benefit unless such right or claim has specifically
          accrued hereunder.
