Exhibit 99.4

          Section 10-12-4 of the Alabama Limited Liability Company Act

s 10-12-4. Powers.

  Unless its articles of organization provide otherwise, every limited liability
company has perpetual duration and succession in its name and has the same
powers as a natural person to do all things necessary or convenient to carry out
its business and affairs, including, without limitation, the following powers:

  (a) To sue and be sued, complain and defend, in its name.

  (b) To purchase, take, receive, lease, or otherwise acquire, own, hold,
improve, use, and otherwise deal in and with real or personal property, or an
interest in it, wherever situated.

  (c) To sell, convey, mortgage, encumber, pledge, lease, exchange, transfer,
and otherwise dispose of all or any part of its property and assets.

  (d) To lend money to and otherwise assist its members.

  (e) To purchase, take, receive, subscribe for, or otherwise acquire, own,
hold, vote, use, employ, sell, mortgage, lend, pledge, or otherwise dispose of,
and otherwise use and deal in and with shares or other interests in or
obligations of domestic or foreign limited liability companies, domestic or
foreign corporations, associations, general or limited partnerships, or direct
or indirect obligations of the United States or of any government, state,
territory, governmental district, or municipality, or of any instrumentality

  (f) To make contracts, guarantees, and indemnity agreements and incur
liabilities; borrow money at those rates of interest as the limited liability
company may determine; issue its notes, bonds, and other obligations; and secure
any of its obligations by mortgage, pledge of, or creation of security interest
in, all or any of its property, franchises, or income; make contracts of
guaranty and suretyship which are necessary or convenient to the conduct,
promotion, or attainment of the business of the contracting company and of a
corporation of which the majority of the outstanding stock is owned, directly or
indirectly, by the contracting company; or make other contracts of guaranty and
suretyship which are necessary or convenient to the conduct, promotion, or
attainment of the business of the contracting company, or any interest therein,
not inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution of Alabama as it may be
amended from time to time.

  (g) To lend money for any lawful purpose, invest and reinvest its funds, and
take and hold real and personal property as security for the payment of funds so
loaned or invested.

  (h) To conduct its business, carry on its operations, and have and exercise
the powers granted by this chapter in any state, territory, district, or
possession of the United States, or in any foreign country.

  (i) To elect or appoint managers and agents of the limited liability company,
and define their duties and fix their compensation.

  (j) To make and alter the operating agreement, not inconsistent with its
articles of organization or with the laws of this state, for the administration
and regulation of the affairs of the limited liability company.

  (k) To make donations for the public welfare or for charitable, scientific, or
educational purposes.

  (l) To transact any lawful business which the managers or members find will be
in aid of governmental policy.

  (m) To pay pensions and establish pension plans, pension trusts, profit-
sharing plans, and other incentive plans for any or all of its managers,
employees, former managers, or former employees.

  (n) To indemnify a member, manager, or employee, or former member, manager, or
employee of the limited liability company against expenses actually and
reasonably incurred in connection with the defense of an action, suit, or
proceeding, civil or criminal, in which the member, manager, or employee is made
a party by reason of being or having been a member, manager, or employee of the
limited liability company, except in relation to matters as to which the member,
manager, or employee is determined in the action, suit, or proceeding to be
liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of duty; to make any
other indemnification that is authorized by the articles of organization, the
operating agreement, or by a resolution adopted by the members after notice
(unless notice is waived); to purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of any
person who is or was a member, manager, or employee of the limited liability
company against any liability asserted against and incurred by the member,
manager, or employee in any capacity or arising out of the member's, manager's,
or employee's status as such, whether or not the limited liability company would
have the power to indemnify the member, manager, or employee against that
liability under the provisions of this subsection.

  (o) To cease its activities.

  (p) To have and exercise all powers necessary or convenient to effect any or
all of the purposes for which the limited liability company is organized.

  (q) To become a partner, limited partner, shareholder, member, or associate of
a general partnership, limited partnership, registered limited liability
partnership, corporation, joint venture or similar association, or another
limited liability company.

  (r) To be a promoter, incorporator, organizer, or manager of any corporation,
general partnership, limited partnership, registered limited liability
partnership, limited liability company, joint venture, trust, or other

  (s) To render professional services, if each member or employee who renders
professional services in Alabama is licensed or registered to render those
professional services pursuant to applicable Alabama law and if the limited
liability company complies with the limitations of Section 10-12-45.