EXHIBIT 99 PROPERTY AND CASUALTY COMPANIES-ASSOCIATION EDITION ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2002 OF THE CONDITION AND AFFAIRS OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 Employer's ID Number 23-2018130 (Current Period) (Prior Period) Organized under the Laws of Pennsylvania, State of Domicile or Port of Entry Pennsylvania Country of Domicile United States of America Incorporated 09/23/1976 Commenced Business 04/12/1977 Statutory Home Office 1601 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 (Street and Number) (City or Town, State and Zip Code) Main Administrative Office 1601 Market Street (Street and Number) Philadelphia, PA 19103 800-523-1988 (City or Town, State and Zip Code) (Area Code) (Telephone Number) Mail Address 1601 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 (Street and Number or P.O. Box) (City or Town, State and Zip Code) Primary Location of Books and Records 1601 Market Street (Street and Number) Philadelphia, PA 19103 800-523-1988-3403 (City or Town, State and Zip Code) (Area Code) (Telephone Number) Internet Website Address www.radiangroupinc.com Statement Contact Julie Weaver Clark 800-523-1988-3403 (Name) (Area Code) (Telephone Number) (Extension) julie.clark@radianmi.com 215-564-5282 (E-mail Address) (Fax Number) Policyowner Relations Contact 1601 Market Street (Street and Number) Philadelphia, PA 19103 800-523-1988 (City or Town, State and Zip Code) (Area Code) (Telephone Number) (Extension) OFFICERS President Roy James Kasmar Secretary Howard Seth Yaruss Treasurer Terry Lee Latimer VICE PRESIDENTS Carl Robert Quint Elizabeth Anne Shuttleworth Ralph Bruce Van Fleet III DIRECTORS OR TRUSTEES Frank Peter Filipps Paul Frederick Fischer Roy James Kasmar Carl Robert Quint Elizabeth Anne Shuttleworth Ralph Bruce Van Fleet III Howard Seth Yaruss State of Pennsylvania } } ss County of Philadelphia} The officers of this reporting entity, being duly sworn, each depose and say that they are the described officers of said reporting entity, and that on the reporting period stated above, all of the herein described assets were the absolute property of the said reporting entity, free and clear from any liens or claims thereon, except as herein stated, and that this statement, together with related exhibits, schedules and explanations therein contained, annexed or referred to, is a full and true statement of all the assets and liabilities and of the condition and affairs of the said reporting entity as of the reporting period stated above, and of its income and deductions therefrom for the period ended, and have been completed in accordance with the NAIC Annual Statement Instructions and Accounting Practices and Procedures manual except to the extent that: (1) state law may differ; or, (2) that state rules or regulations require differences in reporting not related to accounting practices and procedures, according to the best of their information, knowledge and belief, respectively. - ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------ Roy James Kasmar Howard Seth Yaruss Terry Lee Latimer President Secretary Treasurer Subscribed and sworn to before me this a. Is this an original filing? Yes [X] No [ ] day of February, 2003 b. If no, - ----------- 1. State the amendment number -------------- 2. Date filed - ------------------------- -------------- Angela L. White 3. Number of pages attached -------------- 03/24/2003 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. ASSETS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Current Year Prior Year ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Net Admitted Nonadmitted Assets Net Admitted Assets Assets (Cols. 1-2) Assets - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Bonds 1,849,302,287 1,849,302,287 1,650,720,480 2. Stocks: 2.1 Preferred stocks (Schedule D, Part 2, Section 1) 43,259,403 43,259,403 25,360,760 2.2 Common stocks (Schedule D, Part 2, Section 2) 240,171,924 240,171,924 169,797,860 3. Mortgage loans on real estate (Schedule B): 3.1 First liens 171,056 171,056 173,481 3.2 Other than first liens 4. Real estate (Schedule A): 4.1 Properties occupied by the company (less $ encumbrances) --------- 4.2 Properties held for the production of income (less $ encumbrances) --------- 4.3 Properties held for sale (less $ encumbrances) --------- 5. Cash ($(8,547,286) Schedule E, Part 1) and short-term investments ($89,345,702 Schedule DA, Part 2) 80,798,416 80,798,416 75,585,326 6. Other invested assets (Schedule BA) 53,178,747 53,178,747 53,189,421 7. Receivable for securities 8. Aggregate write-ins for invested assets ----------------------------------------------------------- 9. Subtotals, cash and invested assets (Lines 1 to 8) 2,266,881,833 2,266,881,833 1,974,827,328 10. Agents' balances or uncollected premiums: 10.1 Premiums and agents' balances in course of collection 1,361,023 1,361,023 15,156 10.2 Premiums, agents' balances and installments booked but deferred and not yet due (Including $ -------------- earned but unbilled premiums) 43,638,813 43,638,813 39,106,269 10.3 Accrued retrospective premiums 11. Funds held by or deposited with reinsured companies 12. Bills receivable, taken for premiums 13,523,046 13,523,046 15,826,184 13. Amounts receivable under high deductible policies 14. Reinsurance recoverables on loss and loss adjustment expense payments (Schedule F, Part 3, Cols. 7 and 8) 10,246,205 10,246,205 12,337,683 15. Federal and foreign income tax recoverable and interest thereon (including $2,237,329 net deferred tax asset) 180,002,857 160,944,329 19,058,528 38,452,831 16. Guaranty funds receivable or on deposit 17. Electronic data processing equipment and software 31,947,698 31,947,698 6,643,406 18. Interest, dividends and real estate income due and accrued 19,842,876 19,842,876 20,396,162 19. Net adjustments in assets and liabilities due to foreign exchange rates 20. Receivable from parent, subsidiaries and affiliates 43,401,180 43,401,180 4,797,890 21. Amount due from/to protected cells 22. Equities and deposits in pools and associations 23. Amounts receivable relating to uninsured accident and health plans 24. Other assets nonadmitted (Exhibit 1) 3,895,144 3,895,144 25. Aggregate write-ins for other than invested assets 4,028,694 4,028,694 349,406 ----------------------------------------------------------- 26. Total assets excluding protected cell assets (Lines 9 through 25) 2,618,769,369 212,269,347 2,406,500,022 2,112,752,315 27. Protected cell assets 28. TOTALS (Lines 26 and 27) 2,618,769,369 212,269,347 2,406,500,022 2,112,752,315 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 0801. 0802. 0803. 0898. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 8 from overflow page 0899. Totals (Lines 0801 thru 0803 plus 0898) (Line 8 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2501. Losses Recoverable 255,444 2502. Miscellaneous Assets 1,402,908 1,402,908 93,962 2503. Prepaid Expenses 2,625,786 2,625,786 2598. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 25 from overflow page 2599. Totals (Lines 2501 thru 2503 plus 2598) (Line 25 above) 4,028,694 4,028,694 349,406 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 Current Year Prior Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Losses (Part 2A, Line 34, Column 8) 380,062,548 363,235,076 2. Reinsurance payable on paid loss and loss adjustment expenses (Schedule F, Part 1, Column 6) 3. Loss adjustment expenses (Part 2A, Line 34, Column 9) 13,307,576 10,308,520 4. Commissions payable, contingent commissions and other similar charges 13,149,069 14,679,067 5. Other expenses (excluding taxes, licenses and fees) 11,391,342 10,532,308 6. Taxes, licenses and fees (excluding federal and foreign income taxes) 4,599,844 4,493,198 7. Federal and foreign income taxes (including $548,931 on realized capital gains (losses)) (including $ net deferred tax -------- liability) 48,066,667 8. Borrowed money $ and interest thereon $ --------- --------- 9. Unearned premiums (Part 1A, Line 37, Column 5) (after deducting unearned premiums for ceded reinsurance of $ 22,970,115 and including warranty reserves of $ ) 69,765,771 89,304,721 --------- 10. Advance premiums 11. Dividends declared and unpaid: 11.1 Stockholders 11.2 Policyholders 12. Ceded reinsurance premiums payable (net of ceding commissions) 24,473,409 28,002,352 13. Funds held by company under reinsurance treaties (Schedule F, Part 3, Column 19) 15,088,343 12,282,632 14. Amounts withheld or retained by company for account of others 44,908,628 553,317 15. Remittances and items not allocated 16. Provision for reinsurance (Schedule F, Part 7) 17. Net adjustments in assets and liabilities due to foreign exchange rates 18. Drafts outstanding 19. Payable to parent, subsidiaries and affiliates 3,737,517 20. Payable for securities 10,318,430 7,563,590 21. Liability for amounts held under uninsured accident and health plans 22. Capital Notes $ and interest thereon $ -------- -------- 23. Aggregate write-ins for liabilities 1,652,152,235 1,349,395,117 ----------------------------- 24. Total liabilities excluding protected cell liabilities (Lines 1 through 23) 2,242,954,712 1,938,416,565 ----------------------------- 25. Protected cell liabilities 26. Total liabilities (Lines 24 and 25) 2,242,954,712 1,938,416,565 27. Aggregate write-ins for special surplus funds 28. Common capital stock 2,000,000 2,000,000 29. Preferred capital stock 30. Aggregate write-ins for other than special surplus funds 31. Surplus notes 32. Gross paid in and contributed surplus 178,407,210 210,669,636 33. Unassigned funds (surplus) (16,861,900) (38,333,886) 34. Less treasury stock, at cost: 34.1 shares common (value included in Line 28 $ ) ------- ---------- 34.2 shares preferred (value included in Line 29 $ ) ------- ---------- ----------------------------- 35. Surplus as regards policyholders (Lines 27 to 33, less 34) (Page 4, Line 38) 163,545,310 174,335,750 36. TOTALS (Page 2, Line 28, Col. 3) 2,406,500,022 2,112,752,315 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 2301. Post Retirement Benefit Obligation 686,866 2302. Contingency Reserve 1,652,152,235 1,348,541,116 2303. Miscellaneous Liability 167,135 2398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 23 from overflow page 2399. Totals (Lines 2301 thru 2303 plus 2398) (Line 23 above) 1,652,152,235 1,349,395,117 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2701. 2702. 2703. 2798. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 27 from overflow page 2799. Totals (Lines 2701 thru 2703 plus 2798) (Line 27 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3001. 3002. 3003. 3098. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 30 from overflow page 3099. Totals (Lines 3001 thru 3003 plus 3098) (Line 30 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT STATEMENT OF INCOME - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Current Year Prior Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNDERWRITING INCOME 1. Premiums earned (Part 1, Line 34, Column 4) 607,222,240 477,428,419 DEDUCTIONS 2. Losses incurred (Part 2, Line 34, Column 7) 161,281,101 95,838,955 3. Loss expenses incurred (Part 3, Line 25, Column 1) 5,233,022 6,818,698 4. Other underwriting expenses incurred (Part 3, Line 25, Column 2) 132,862,879 127,769,890 5. Aggregate write-ins for underwriting deductions --------------------------- 6. Total underwriting deductions (Lines 2 through 5) 299,377,002 230,427,543 --------------------------- 7. Net income of protected cells 8. Net underwriting gain or (loss) (Line 1 minus Line 6 plus Line 7) 307,845,238 247,000,876 INVESTMENT INCOME 9. Net investment income earned (Exhibit of Net Investment Income, Line 17) 78,313,869 62,772,947 10. Net realized capital gains or (losses) (Exhibit of Capital Gains (Losses)) 20,327,088 1,620,961 --------------------------- 11. Net investment gain or (loss) (Lines 9 + 10) 98,640,957 64,393,908 OTHER INCOME 12. Net gain or (loss) from agents' or premium balances charged off (amount recovered $ amount charged off $ ) ------------------- ------------------- 13. Finance and service charges not included in premiums 14. Aggregate write-ins for miscellaneous income 36,040 1,225,923 --------------------------- 15. Total other income (Lines 12 through 14) 36,040 1,225,923 --------------------------- 16. Net income before dividends to policyholders and before federal and foreign income taxes (Lines 8 + 11 + 15) 406,522,235 312,620,707 17. Dividends to policyholders --------------------------- 18. Net income, after dividends to policyholders but before federal and foreign income taxes (Line 16 minus Line 17) 406,522,235 312,620,707 19. Federal and foreign income taxes incurred (5,071,404) 59,777,392 --------------------------- 20. Net income (Line 18 minus Line 19) (to Line 22) 411,593,639 252,843,315 --------------------------- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS ACCOUNT 21. Surplus as regards policyholders, December 31 prior year (Page 4, Line 38, Column 2) 174,335,750 171,643,898 --------------------------- GAINS AND (LOSSES) IN SURPLUS 22. Net income (from Line 20) 411,593,639 252,843,315 23. Net unrealized capital gains or (losses) (37,441,414) 3,050,438 24. Change in net unrealized foreign exchange capital gain (loss) 25. Change in net deferred income tax (28,090,899) 186,710,110 26. Change in nonadmitted assets (Exhibit 1, Line 5, Col. 3) (10,978,222) (195,794,677) 27. Change in provision for reinsurance (Page 3, Line 16, Column 2 minus Column 1) 28. Change in surplus notes 29. Surplus (contributed to) withdrawn from protected cells 30. Cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles 4,562,447 31. Capital changes: 31.1. Paid in 31.2. Transferred from surplus (Stock Dividend) 31.3. Transferred to surplus 32. Surplus adjustments: 32.1. Paid in 327,456 506,574 32.2. Transferred to capital (Stock Dividend) 32.3. Transferred from capital 33. Net remittances from or (to) Home Office 34. Dividends to stockholders (cash) (53,151,934) (20,000,000) 35. Change in treasury stock (Page 3, Lines 34.1 and 34.2, Column 2 minus Column 1) 36. Aggregate write-ins for gains and losses in surplus (293,049,066) (229,186,355) --------------------------- 37. Change in surplus as regards policyholders for the year (Lines 22 through 36) (10,790,440) 2,691,852 --------------------------- 38. Surplus as regards policyholders, December 31 current year (Line 21 plus Line 37) (Page 3, Line 35) 163,545,310 174,335,750 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 0501. 0502. 0503. 0598. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 5 from overflow page 0599. Totals (Lines 0501 thru 0503 plus 0598) (Line 5 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1401. Miscellaneous income 36,040 1,225,923 1402. 1403. 1498. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 14 from overflow page 1499. Totals (Lines 1401 thru 1403 plus 1498) (Line 14 above) 36,040 1,225,923 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3601. Contingency Reserve - Additions (303,611,119) (238,714,210) 3602. Stock Option Exercise Taxes 10,562,053 9,527,855 3603. 3698. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 36 from overflow page 3699. Totals (Lines 3601 thru 3603 plus 3698) (Line 36 above) (293,049,066) (229,186,355) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. CASH FLOW - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Current Year Prior Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash from Operations 1. Premiums collected net of reinsurance 580,579,074 502,675,653 2. Loss and loss adjustment expenses paid (net of salvage and subrogation) 144,596,117 79,864,998 3. Underwriting expenses paid 133,427,197 121,993,215 4. Other underwriting income (expenses) ---------------------------- 5. Cash from underwriting (Line 1 minus Line 2 minus Line 3 plus Line 4) 302,555,760 300,817,440 6. Net investment income 75,134,476 50,834,486 7. Other income (expenses): 7.1 Agents' balances charged off 7.2 Net funds held under reinsurance treaties 2,805,711 1,501,741 7.3 Net amount withheld or retained for account of others 44,355,311 (652,019) 7.4 Aggregate write-ins for miscellaneous items 36,040 1,225,923 ---------------------------- 7.5 Total other income (Lines 7.1 to 7.4) 47,197,062 2,075,645 8. Dividends to policyholders on direct business, less $ dividends on ---- reinsurance assumed or ceded (net) 9. Federal and foreign income taxes (paid) recovered (18,574,369) (43,029,401) ---------------------------- 10. Net cash from operations (Line 5 plus Line 6 plus Line 7.5 minus Line 8 plus Line 9) 406,312,929 310,698,170 Cash from Investments 11. Proceeds from investments sold, matured or repaid: 11.1 Bonds 801,645,950 365,788,058 11.2 Stocks 35,781,738 36,780,595 11.3 Mortgage loans 2,425 78,543 11.4 Real estate 11.5 Other invested assets 2,559,907 11.6 Net gains or (losses) on cash and short-term investments 14,967 11,692 11.7 Miscellaneous proceeds ---------------------------- 11.8 Total investment proceeds (Lines 11.1 to 11.7) 840,004,987 402,658,888 12. Cost of investments acquired (long-term only): 12.1 Bonds 993,678,922 644,247,257 12.2 Stocks 167,151,827 84,748,901 12.3 Mortgage loans 12.4 Real estate 12.5 Other invested assets 2,549,233 2,814,957 12.6 Miscellaneous applications (2,754,840) (4,089,851) ---------------------------- 12.7 Total investments acquired (Lines 12.1 to 12.6) 1,160,625,142 727,721,264 ---------------------------- 13. Net Cash from investments (Line 11.8 minus Line 12.7) (320,620,155) (325,062,376) ---------------------------- Cash from Financing and Miscellaneous Sources 14. Cash provided: 14.1 Surplus notes, capital and surplus paid in 327,456 506,574 14.2 Capital notes $ less amounts repaid $ ---------------- ---------------- 14.3 Net transfers from affiliates 68,042,565 14.4 Borrowed funds received 14.5 Other cash provided 7,966,195 ---------------------------- 14.6 Total (Lines 14.1 to 14.5) 327,456 76,515,334 15. Cash applied: 15.1 Dividends to stockholders paid 30,000,000 20,000,000 15.2 Net transfers to affiliates 23,933,322 15.3 Borrowed funds repaid 15.4 Other applications 26,873,817 24,832,840 ---------------------------- 15.5 Total (Lines 15.1 to 15.4) 80,807,139 44,832,840 ---------------------------- 16. Net cash from financing and miscellaneous sources (Line 14.6 minus Line 15.5) (80,479,683) 31,682,494 ---------------------------- RECONCILIATION OF CASH AND SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS 17. Net change in cash and short-term investments (Line 10, plus Line 13, plus Line 16) 5,213,091 17,318,288 18. Cash and short-term investments: 18.1 Beginning of year 75,585,323 58,267,035 18.2 End of year (Line 17 plus Line 18.1) 80,798,414 75,585,323 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 07.401 Miscellaneous income 36,040 1,225,923 07.402 07.403 07.498 Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 7.4 from overflow page 07.499 Totals (Lines 07.401 thru 07.403 plus 07.498) (Line 7.4 above) 36,040 1,225,923 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 1 - PREMIUMS EARNED - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Unearned Premiums Unearned Premiums Net Premiums Dec. 31 Prior Premiums Earned Written per Year-per Col. 3, Dec. 31 Current During Year Column 6, Last Year's Year-per Col. 5 (Cols. Lines of Business Part 1B Part 2 Part 1A 1 + 2 - 3) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 587,683,290 89,304,721 69,765,771 607,222,240 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business ------------------------------------------------------------- 34. TOTALS 587,683,290 89,304,721 69,765,771 607,222,240 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 1A - RECAPITULATION OF ALL PREMIUMS (a) Gross premiums (less reinsurance) and unearned premiums on all unexpired risks and reserve for return premiums under rate credit or retrospective rating plans based upon experience, viz: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Amount Unearned Amount Unearned (Running One Year or (Running More Than Less from Date of One Year from Date Earned Policy) of Policy) but Line of Business (b) (b) Unbilled Premium - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 19,510,350 50,255,421 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS 19,510,350 50,255,421 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35. Accrued retrospective premiums based on experience 36. Earned but unbilled premiums 37. Balance (Sum of Line 34 through 36) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5 Reserve for Rate Credits and Total Reserve Retrospective for Adjustments Based Unearned Premiums Line of Business on Experience Cols. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 69,765,771 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS 69,765,771 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35. Accrued retrospective premiums based on experience 36. Earned but unbilled premiums 37. Balance (Sum of Line 34 through 36) 69,765,771 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) By gross premiums is meant the aggregate of all the premiums written in the policies or renewals in force. Are they so returned in this statement? Yes [X] No [ ] (b) State here basis of computation used in each case. Monthly pro-rata ------- 7 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 1B - PREMIUMS WRITTEN Gross Premiums (Less Return Premiums), Including Policy and Membership Fees Written and Renewed During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reinsurance Assumed Reinsurance Ceded 1 --------------------------------------------------------- 6 Direct 2 3 4 5 Net Premiums Business From From To To Written Cols. Line of Business (a) Affiliates Non-Affiliates Affiliates Non-Affiliates 1 + 2 + 3 - 4 - 5 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 672,810,454 1,613,799 55,826,352 30,914,611 587,683,290 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property XXX 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability XXX 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines XXX 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34. TOTALS 672,810,454 1,613,799 55,826,352 30,914,611 587,683,290 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write- ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (a) Does the company's direct premiums written include premiums recorded on an installment basis? Yes [ ] No [X] If yes: 1. The amount of such installment premiums $ -------- 2. Amount at which such installment premiums would have been reported had they been reported on an annualized basis $ -------- 8 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 2 - LOSSES PAID AND INCURRED - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Losses Paid Less Salvage --------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Reinsurance Reinsurance Net Payments Line of Business Direct Business Assumed Recovered (Cols. 1 + 2 - 3) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 151,585,666 35,827 7,167,864 144,453,629 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property XXX 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability XXX 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines XXX 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business --------------------------------------------------------------- 34. TOTALS 151,585,666 35,827 7,167,864 144,453,629 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 Net Losses Unpaid Net Losses Current Year Unpaid Line of Business (Part 2A, Col. 8) Previous Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 380,062,548 363,235,076 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business --------------------------------- 34. TOTALS 380,062,548 363,235,076 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 8 Percentage of Losses Incurred Losses Incurred (Col. 7, Part 2) Current Year to Premiums Earned Line of Business (Cols. 4 + 5 - 6) (Col. 4, Part 1) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 161,281,101 26.6 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business ---------------------------------------- 34. TOTALS 161,281,101 26.6 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 2A - UNPAID LOSSES AND LOSS ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reported Losses ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 Deduct Reinsurance Recoverable from Net Losses Excl. Authorized and Incurred But Reinsurance Unauthorized Not Reported Line of Business Direct Assumed Companies (Cols. 1 + 2 - 3) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 112,618,562 112,618,562 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property XXX 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability XXX 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines XXX 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS 112,618,562 112,618,562 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incurred But Not Reported ------------------------------------------ 5 6 7 Reinsurance Reinsurance Line of Business Direct Assumed Ceded - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 345,145,496 71,534 77,773,044 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property XXX 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability XXX 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines XXX 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS 345,145,496 71,534 77,773,044 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 9 Net Losses Unpaid Loss Unpaid Adjustment Line of Business (Cols. 4 + 5 + 6 - 7) Expenses - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 380,062,548 13,307,576 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health (a) 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health (a) 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS 380,062,548 13,307,576 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- (a) Including $ for present value of life indemnity claims. -------------------- 10 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 3 - EXPENSES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Other Loss Adjustment Underwriting Investment Expenses Expenses Expenses Total - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Claim adjustment services: 1.1 Direct 86,314 86,314 1.2 Reinsurance assumed (2) (2) 1.3 Reinsurance ceded ---------------------------------------------------------- 1.4 Net claim adjustment service (1.1 + 1.2 - 1.3) 86,314 (2) 86,312 2. Commission and brokerage: 2.1 Direct excluding contingent 2,825,815 2,825,815 2.2 Reinsurance assumed excluding contingent 2.3 Reinsurance ceded excluding contingent 7,621,531 7,621,531 2.4 Contingent-direct 2.5 Contingent-reinsurance assumed 2.6 Contingent-reinsurance ceded 3,839,653 3,839,653 2.7 Policy and membership fees --------------------------------------------------------- 2.8 Net commission and brokerage (2.1 + 2.2 - 2.3 + 2.4 + 2.5 - 2.6 + 2.7) (8,635,369) (8,635,369) 3. Allowances to managers and agents (28,340) 26,219,228 173,318 26,364,206 4. Advertising 4,151 5,638,955 1,626 5,644,732 5. Boards, bureaus and associations 8,287 (4,263) 195,422 199,446 6. Surveys and underwriting reports 12,976 1,479,808 1,492,784 7. Audit of assureds' records 8. Salary and related items: 8.1 Salaries 1,353,126 42,505,944 287,276 44,146,346 8.2 Payroll taxes 100,582 2,898,496 21,056 3,020,134 9. Employee relations and welfare 185,610 6,635,938 72,500 6,894,048 10. Insurance 152,496 484 152,980 11. Directors' fees 12. Travel and travel items 60,947 5,431,577 101,155 5,593,679 13. Rent and rent items 144,532 4,305,787 11,518 4,461,837 14. Equipment 67,091 1,927,882 8,704 2,003,677 15. Cost or depreciation of EDP equipment and software 6,134 8,288,008 40,119 8,334,261 16. Printing and stationery 30,281 2,032,837 45,515 2,108,633 17. Postage, telephone and telegraph, exchange and express 38,837 4,149,652 21,638 4,210,127 18. Legal and auditing 11,201 6,412,455 1,028,314 7,451,970 --------------------------------------------------------- 19. Totals (Lines 3 to 18) 1,995,415 118,074,800 2,008,645 122,078,860 20. Taxes, licenses and fees: 20.1 State and local insurance taxes deducting guaranty association credits of $ 15,880,220 15,880,220 ----------------- 20.2 Insurance department licenses and fees 627 201,505 5,069 207,201 20.3 Gross guaranty association assessments 20.4 All other (excluding federal and foreign income and real estate) 1,332,853 4,704 1,337,557 --------------------------------------------------------- 20.5 Total taxes, licenses and fees (20.1 + 20.2 + 20.3 +20.4) 627 17,414,578 9,773 17,424,978 21. Real estate expenses 22. Real estate taxes 23. Reimbursements by uninsured accident and health plans 24. Aggregate write-ins for miscellaneous expenses 3,150,666 6,008,872 2,044,712 11,204,250 --------------------------------------------------------- 25. Total expenses incurred 5,233,022 132,862,879 4,063,130(a) 142,159,031 26. Less unpaid expenses - current year 13,307,576 29,140,255 42,447,831 27. Add unpaid expenses - prior year 10,308,520 29,704,573 40,013,093 28. Amounts receivable relating to uninsured accident and health plans, prior year 29. Amounts receivable relating to uninsured accident and health plans, current year --------------------------------------------------------- 30. TOTAL EXPENSES PAID (Lines 25 - 26 + 27 - 28 + 29) 2,233,966 133,427,197 4,063,130 139,724,293 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 2401. Miscellaneous expenses 3,150,666 6,008,872 2,044,712 11,204,250 2402. 2403. 2498. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 24 from overflow page 2499. Totals (Lines 2401 thru 2403 plus 2498) (Line 24 above) 3,150,666 6,008,872 2,044,712 11,204,250 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Includes management fees of $5,190,851 paid to affiliates and $ paid to non-affiliates. -------------------- 11 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF NET INVESTMENT INCOME - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Collected Earned During Year During Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Government bonds (a) 1,930,157 2,237,561 1.1 Bonds exempt from U.S. tax (a) 65,289,602 64,380,307 1.2 Other bonds (unaffiliated) (a) 7,445,259 7,755,868 1.3 Bonds of affiliates (a) 2.1 Preferred stocks (unaffiliated) (b) 2,349,680 2,169,828 2.11 Preferred stocks of affiliates (b) 2.2 Common stocks (unaffiliated) 1,517,289 1,540,246 2.21 Common stocks of affiliates 3. Mortgage loans (c) 4. Real estate (d) 5. Contract loans 6. Cash/short-term investments (e) 1,768,582 1,663,473 7. Derivative instruments (f) 8. Other invested assets 2,629,717 2,629,717 9. Aggregate write-ins for investment income 10. Total gross investment income 82,930,286 82,377,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Investment expenses (g) 4,053,357 12. Investment taxes, licenses and fees, excluding federal income taxes (g) 9,774 13. Interest expense (h) 14. Depreciation on real estate and other invested assets (i) 15. Aggregate write-ins for deductions from investment income 16. Total (Lines 11 through 15) 4,063,131 17. Net Investment Income - (Line 10 minus Line 16) 78,313,869 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 0901. 0902. 0903. 0998. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 9 from overflow page 0999. Totals (Lines 0901 through 0903 plus 0998) (Line 9, above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1501. 1502. 1503. 1598. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 15 from overflow page 1599. Total (Lines 1501 through 1503 plus 1598) (Line 15, above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Includes $7,912,200 accrual of discount less $3,996,408 amortization of premium and less $4,450,640 paid for accrued interest on purchases. (b) Includes $ accrual of discount less $183,112 amortization of -------------- premium and less $ paid for accrued dividends on purchases. -------------- (c) Includes $ accrual of discount less $ -------------- -------------- amortization of premium and less $ paid for accrued interest -------------- on purchases. (d) Includes $ for company's occupancy of its own buildings; and -------------- excludes $ interest on encumbrances. -------------- (e) Includes $ accrual of discount less $46,457 amortization of -------------- premium and less $7,340 paid for accrued interest on purchases. (f) Includes $ accrual of discount less $ -------------- -------------- amortization of premium. (g) Includes $ investment expenses and $ investment -------------- -------------- taxes, licenses and fees, excluding federal income taxes, attributable to segregated and Separate Accounts. (h) Includes $ interest on surplus notes and $ -------------- -------------- interest on capital notes. (i) Includes $ depreciation on real estate and $ -------------- ---------------- depreciation on other invested assets. EXHIBIT OF CAPITAL GAINS (LOSSES) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 Net Gain (Loss) from Realized Increases Change in Difference Gain (Loss) Other (Decreases) Between Basis Book/ On Sales or Realized by Adjusted Carrying and Maturity Adjustments Adjustment Admitted Values Total - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Government bonds 1,107,084 1,107,084 1.1 Bonds exempt from U.S. tax 3,626,481 3,626,481 1.2 Other bonds (unaffiliated) 638,006 638,006 1.3 Bonds of affiliates 2.1 Preferred stocks (unaffiliated) (2,506,402) (2,506,402) 2.11 Preferred stocks of affiliates 2.2 Common stocks (unaffiliated) (704,982) (704,982) 2.21 Common stocks of affiliates 18,151,934 18,151,934 3. Mortgage loans 4. Real estate 5. Contract loans 6. Cash/Short-term investments 14,967 14,967 7. Derivative instruments 8. Other invested assets 9. Aggregate write-ins for capital gains (losses) 10. Total capital gains (losses) 20,327,088 20,327,088 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 0901. 0902. 0903. 0998. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 9 from overflow page 0999. Totals (Lines 0901 through 0903 plus 0998) (Line 9, above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT 1 - ANALYSIS OF NONADMITTED ASSETS AND RELATED ITEMS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 End of End of Changes for Year Current Year Prior Year (Increase) Decrease - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Summary of Items Page 2, Lines 10 to 17 and 19 to 23, Column 2 204,345,509 194,432,217 (9,913,292) 2. Other Nonadmitted Assets: 2.1 Bills receivable 2.2 Furniture, equipment and supplies 3,895,144 5,596,222 1,701,078 2.3 Leasehold improvements 2.4 Loans on personal security, endorsed or not 3. Total (Lines 2.1 to 2.4) 3,895,144 5,596,222 1,701,078 4. Aggregate write-ins for other assets 4,028,694 1,262,686 (2,766,008) ------------------------------------------------ 5. Total (Line 1 plus Lines 3 and 4) 212,269,347 201,291,125 (10,978,222) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0401. Miscellaneous Assets 1,402,908 241,037 (1,161,871) 0402. Prepaid expenses 2,625,786 1,021,649 (1,604,137) 0403 0498. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 4 from overflow page 0499. Totals (Lines 0401 thru 0403 plus 0498) (Line 4 above) 4,028,694 1,262,686 (2,766,008) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies A. The financial statements of Radian Guaranty ("the Company") are presented on the basis of accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the Pennsylvania Insurance Department and the NAIC Accounting Practices and Procedures manuals. B. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Statutory Accounting Principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities. It also requires disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. C. The Company uses the following accounting policies: (1) Short-term investments are stated at amortized costs. (2) Bonds not backed by other loans are stated at amortized costs and are amortized using the effective interest method. (3) Common Stocks are stated at fair value. (4) Preferred Stocks are eligible for stabilization under Section 3(D)(2) of the NAIC Valuation Procedures at amortized cost and preferred stocks not eligible for stabilization at fair value. (5) None. (6) Loan-backed securities are stated at amortized costs and are amortized using the retrospective method. (7) The Company owns 100% of the common stock of Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Company of Arizona ("CMACAZ"), which was acquired on December 29, 1989 - formerly named State Mortgage Insurance Company. CMACAZ had policyholders' surplus (market value) of $15,098,280 at December 31, 2002. The Company also owns 100% of the common stock of Radian Insurance Inc. ("RIINC") - formerly named CMAC Mortgage Insurance Company, which was capitalized by the Company in 1993. At December 31, 2002, RIINC had policyholders' surplus of $57,699,803. The Company also owns 100% of the stock of Radian Services LLC, which is valued on the basis of its net worth. (8) None. (9) All derivatives are stated at fair value. (10) N/A (11) Unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses include an amount determined from individual case estimates and loss reports and an amount determined from losses incurred but not reported. These liabilities are based on estimates and assumptions made by management. Although management believes the liabilities are adequate, the ultimate liability may exceed or be less than the amount provided. 2. Accounting Changes and Correction of Errors In March 1998, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners adopted the Codification of Statutory Accounting Principles (the "Codification"). The Codification, which is intended to standardize regulatory accounting and reporting to state insurance departments, was effective January 1, 2001. However, statutory accounting principles will continue to be established by individual state laws and permitted practices. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania required adoption of the Codification for the preparation of statutory financial statements effective January 1, 2001. Accordingly, the Company adopted the Codification on January 1, 2001. The net effect on the Company's statutory capital and surplus as of 12/31/00 is as follows: Surplus as reported on 12/31/00 $171,643,898 Deferred income taxes (SSAP 10) 4,562,477 ------------ Net adjusted capital & surplus at 12/31/00 $176,206,345 ============ 3. Business Combinations and Goodwill - None 4. Discontinued Operations - None 5. Investments A. Mortgage Loans - None B. Debt Restructuring - None C. Reverse Mortgages - None D. Loan-Backed Securities (1) N/A (2) N/A (3) The Company used public market quotes in determining the market value of its loan-backed securities. (4) N/A E. Repurchase Agreements - None 6. Joint Ventures, Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies - None 7. Investment Income (1) The Company excludes investment income due and accrued with amounts that are over 90 days past due. (2) The total amount excluded was $0 8. Derivative Instruments - None 14 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 9. Income Taxes A. The components of the net deferred tax asset/(liability) at December 31 are as follows: 2002 2001 ------------- ------------- Total of gross deferred tax assets $ 175,393,047 $ 221,952,597 Total of deferred tax liabilities (12,211,389) (30,680,040) ------------- ------------- Net deferred tax asset $ 163,181,658 $ 191,272,557 Deferred tax asset nonadmitted (160,944,329) (183,499,766) ------------- ------------- Net admitted deferred tax asset $ 2,237,329 $ 7,772,791 ============= ============= (Increase)/Decrease in nonadmitted asset $ 22,555,437 ============= B. Deferred tax liabilities not recognized - Not Applicable C. Current income taxes incurred consist of the following major components: 2002 2001 ------------- ------------- Federal $ (12,322,066) $ 58,936,392 Foreign -- -- ------------- ------------- $ (12,322,066) $ 58,936,392 Federal income tax on net capital gains (losses) 7,250,663 841,000 Utilization of capital loss carry- forwards -- -- ------------- ------------- Federal and foreign income taxes incurred $ (5,071,403) $ 59,777,392 ============= ============= The tax effects of temporary differences that give rise to significant portions of the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are as follows: 2002 2001 ------------- ------------- Deferred tax assets: Contingency reserve $ 116,698,494 $ 176,169,391 AMT credits 24,093,731 28,585,584 Intercompany receivable 15,681,431 -- Unpaid losses & LAE 8,639,361 8,324,570 Unearned premium reserve 4,883,610 6,251,330 Stocks (preferred) 1,634,452 -- Accrued Expenses 1,479,643 2,621,722 Depreciation 1,363,300 -- Prepaid Expenses 919,025 -- ------------- ------------- Total deferred tax assets 175,393,047 221,952,597 Nonadmitted deferred tax assets (160,944,329) (183,499,766) ------------- ------------- Admitted deferred tax assets $ 14,448,718 $ 38,452,831 Deferred tax liabilities: Stocks (common) (7,056,110) (19,831,101) Reserve for contingent tax liabilities (4,602,568) -- Market discount on bonds (328,647) (10,153,060) Accounting method change - UPR (224,064) (448,126) Capital Assets -- (247,753) ------------- ------------- Total deferred tax liabilities $ (12,211,389) $ (30,680,040) ------------- ------------- Net admitted deferred tax asset $ 2,237,329 $ 7,772,791 ============= ============= The change in net deferred income taxes is comprised of the following: December 31, 2002 Jan. 1, 2002 Change ----------------- -------------- ------------ Total deferred tax assets $175,393,047 $221,952,597 $(46,559,550) Total deferred tax liabilities (12,211,389) (30,680,040) 18,468,651 ------------ ------------ ------------ Net deferred tax asset (liability) 163,181,658 191,272,557 (28,090,899) Tax effect of unrealized gains (losses) (3,774,964) ------------ Change in net deferred income tax $(31,865,863) ============ 14.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS D. The provision for federal and foreign income taxes incurred is different from that which would be obtained by applying the statutory Federal income tax rate to net income before taxes after reductions for additions to the contingency reserve. The significant items causing this difference are as follows: December 31, 2002 Effective Tax Rate ----------------- ------------------ Provision computed at statutory rate $ 142,282,783 35.00% Addition to statutory contingency reserve (106,263,892) (26.14%) Prior-year tax adjustments (38,195,773) (9.40%) Tax-exempt income, net of (S)832(b)(5)(B) (18,973,751) (4.67%) Change in non-admitted assets (11,736,781) (2.89%) Increase in value of COLI asset (920,401) (0.23%) Dividends received deduction (712,162) (0.18%) Other (450,221) (0.11%) ------------- ------ Total (34,970,197) (8.60%) ============= ====== Federal and foreign income taxes incurred (5,071,403) (1.25%) Prior-year deferred tax adjustments per audited statutory financial statements (57,162,089) (14.06%) Change in net deferred income taxes 31,865,863 7.84% Change in reserve for contingent tax liabilities (4,602,568) (1.13%) ------------- ------ Total statutory income taxes (34,970,197) (8.60%) ============= ====== E. Net Loss Carryforwards - Not Applicable F. The Company is included in a consolidated federal income tax return with its parent company, Radian Group, Inc. The Company has a written agreement, approved by the Company's Board of Directors, which sets forth the manner in which the total combined federal income tax is allocated to each entity that is a party to the consolidation. Pursuant to this agreement, the Company has the enforceable right to recoup federal income taxes paid in prior years in the event of future net losses, which it may incur, or to recoup its net losses carried forward as an offset to future net income subject to federal income taxes. 10. Information Concerning Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates A., B. & C. On July 1, 2002 Radian Guaranty paid a dividend to Radian Group Inc. in the form of 100% of the common stock of Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Company of Texas valued at $23,151,934. This transaction was approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Insurance on June 5, 2002 and was paid out of Paid In and Contributed Capital. A reinsurance agreement was entered into in September 2001 by Radian ("the Company") and Amerin Guaranty ("Amerin"), its affiliate. Under this agreement, the Company assumed 100% of the rights, duties, obligations, assets and liabilities arising under or resulting from policies of first lien mortgage guaranty insurance written by Amerin. As a result of this transaction, a $4,851,733 receivable from Amerin was recorded along with the transfer of $367,443,299 of municipal bonds, $17,000,000 of cash and $252,024 of first mortgage liens. Additionally, the following liabilities were transferred to the Company from Amerin: Loss Reserve $ 75,002,762 Loss Adjustment Expenses Reserve 622,870 Other Expenses Reserve 203,051 Unearned Premium Reserve 233,241 Contingency Reserve 310,872,519 Ceded Balances Payable 2,612,613 The Company also paid cash common dividends to the Parent Company, Radian Group Inc., during 2002 totaling $30,000,000. D. At December 31, 2002, the Company had a payable of $3,737,517 related to intercompany operations. E. The Company and RIINC entered into a Maintenance Agreement in October 2000. The agreement provides that the Company will cause RIINC at all times to have Tangible Net Worth of at least $30 million. Additionally, the Company will cause RIINC at all times to have sufficient liquidity to meet its current obligations. Under the terms of agreement, the agreement may be terminated at any time by either party giving written notice of such termination. F. The Company also has entered into management agreements with each of its subsidiaries, CMACAZ and RIINC, and its sister companies Amerin Guaranty, Amerin Reinsurance and Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Company of Texas, whereby a certain percentage of costs incurred by the Company for accounting, finance, data processing and legal services are passed through to the subsidiaries. G. All outstanding shares of the Company are currently owned by Radian Group Inc., an insurance holding company domiciled in the state of Delaware. H. None I. None of the Company's subsidiaries exceed 10% of admitted assets. J. The Company did not recognize any impairment write down for its investments in Subsidiary, Controlled or Affiliated Companies during the statement period. 14.2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 11. Debt - None 12. Retirement Plans, Deferred Compensation, Postemployment Benefits and Compensated Absences and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans A. Employee Retirement Plan - Retirement benefits, covering substantially all employees are provided under the Parent's noncontributory-trusteed pension plan. Pension costs are accrued and funded each year. At December 31, 2002, vested benefits are funded. B. Deferred Compensation Plans - The Company participates in the Parents' Savings Incentive Plan in which all employees are eligible upon completion of a ninety day waiting period and a stock option plan for certain key employees of the Company and directors of the Parent. Under the Stock Option Plan, options may be granted for a total of 2,642,690 of shares of the Parent Company's Common Stock. Nonqualified stock option prices must be at least 90% of the fair market value while incentive stock option prices may not be less than 100% of the fair market value as of the date of the grants. The stock options were granted during the years 1992 through 2002. As of December 31, 2002 4,901,887 shares of the Parent Company's Common Stock were subject to options granted under the Stock Option Plan with option prices ranging from $4.97 to $68.18. During 2002, 881,170 shares of the Parent Company's common stock were exercised under options subject to the Stock Option Plan with option prices ranging from $4.50 to $38.64 and with fair value prices ranging from $33.14 to $55.41. C. In addition to pension benefits, the Company through the Parent, provides certain health care and life insurance benefits ("postretirement") for retired employees. Substantially all employees may become eligible for these benefits if they reach retirement age while working for the Company. Alternatively, retirees may elect certain prepaid health care benefit plans. Life insurance benefits are generally set at a fixed amount. 13. Capital and Surplus and Shareholders' Dividend Restrictions and Quasi-Reorganizations (1) The Company has 250,000 shares authorized, 1,000 shares issued and outstanding and par value of $2,000. (2) The Company has no preferred stock outstanding (3) The Company may make dividend payments subject to statutory provisions of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania out of unassigned surplus in an amount equal to the greater of (i) 10% of the preceding year-end statutory policyholders' surplus, or (ii) the preceding year-end statutory net income. The State of California also has a statute requiring mortgage insurers to pay dividends out of unassigned surplus. The Pennsylvania Insurance Department has approved all dividend payments by the Company since the passage of the amendment, and management has every expectation that the Commissioner of Insurance will continue to approve such distributions in the future, provided that the Company's financial condition does not materially change. In addition, the Company and the California Department of Insurance have reached an understanding under which the Company will be able to pay dividends in 2003. Thus the company believes that $411,593,639 will be available for the payment of dividends in 2003. (4) None (5) None (6) None (7) None (8) None (9) The portion of unassigned funds (surplus) represented or reduced by each item below is as follows: a. Unrealized gains and losses $(37,441,414) b. Nonadmitted asset values $(10,978,222) c. Separate account business -- d. Asset valuation reserves -- e. Provision for reinsurance -- (10) None (11) None (12) None 14. Contingencies A. Contingent Commitments - None B. Assessments - None C. The Company is involved in various lawsuits, which are not considered material in relation to the financial position of the Company. 15. Leases - The Company has no material lease obligations at December 31, 2002 16. Information About financial Instruments with Off-Balance Sheet Risk and Financial Instruments with Concentrations of Credit Risk - None 17. Sale, Transfer and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities - None 18. Gain or Loss to the Reporting Entity from Uninsured A & H Plans and the Uninsured Portion of Partially Insured Plans - None 19. Direct Premium Written by Managing General Agents/Third Party Administrators - None 20. Other Items The Company has selected rounding in reporting amounts in the Statement except for Schedule D where truncation was selected. 21. Events Subsequent - None 14.3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 22. Reinsurance A. Unsecured Reinsurance Recoverables - None B. Reinsurance Recoverable in Dispute - None C. Reinsurance Assumed and Ceded (1) The maximum amount of return commission that would have been due reinsurers if they or the Company had cancelled the reinsurance agreement as of December 31, 2002, with the return of unearned premium reserves is as follows: Assumed Ceded Reinsurance Reinsurance Net --------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------- (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Premium Commission Premium Commission Premium Commission Reserve Equity Reserve Equity Reserve Equity -------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ------------ ---------- a. Affiliates $ -- $-- $17,784,935 $ -- $(17,784,935) $ -- b. All Other 576,576 -- 5,185,180 233,626 (4,608,604) 4,608,604 -------- --- ----------- -------- ------------ ---------- c. TOTAL $576,576 $-- $22,970,115 $233,626 $(22,393,539) $4,608,604 ======== === =========== ======== ============ ========== d. Direct Unearned Premium Reserve $92,159,310 (2) The additional or return commission, predicted on loss experience or on any other form of profit sharing arrangements in this annual statement as a result of existing contractual arrangements are accrued as follows: Reinsurance --------------------------------------- (1) (2) (3) (4) Direct Assumed Ceded Net ------ ------- -------- --------- a. Contingent Commission $-- $-- $543,930 $(543,930) b. Sliding Scale Adjustments -- -- -- -- c. Other Profit Commissions -- Arrangements -- -- -- -- --- --- -------- --------- d. TOTAL $-- $-- $543,930 $(543,930) === === ======== ========= (3) Protected Cells - None D. Uncollectible Reinsurance - None E. Commutation of Ceded Reinsurance - None F. Retroactive Reinsurance - None 23. Retrospectively Rated Contracts - None 24. Change in Incurred Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses Reserves for incurred losses and loss adjustment expenses attributed insured events of prior years decreased by $226,000,000 from $373,544,000 in 2001 to $147,544,000 in 2002. The decrease was the result of claims closed by settlement and lower than anticipated claim payments. The following table presents information relating to the liability for unpaid losses and related expenses at 2002(in thousands): Balance at 1/01/02 $ 373,544 Plus current year reserves 245,826 Less prior year development (226,000) --------- Total unpaid losses and related expenses at 12/31/02 $ 393,370 ========= Refer to Schedule P for additional information 25. Intercompany Pooling Agreements - None 26. Structured Settlements - None 27. High Deductibles 28. Discounting of Liabilities for Unpaid Losses or Unpaid Loss Adjustment Expenses - None 29. Asbestos/Environmental Reserves - None 30. Subscriber Savings Account - None 31. Financial Guaranty Insurance Exposures - None 14.4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SUMMARY INVESTMENT SCHEDULE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admitted Assets as Reported Gross in the Investment Holdings Annual Statement -------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Investment Categories Amount Percentage Amount Percentage - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bonds: 1.1 U.S. Treasury securities 54,224,028 2.378 54,224,028 2.392 1.2 U.S. government agency and corporate obligations (excluding mortgage-backed securities): 1.21 Issued by U.S. government agencies 293,205,649 12.857 293,205,649 12.934 1.22 Issued by U.S. government sponsored agencies 1,947,424 0.085 1,947,424 0.086 1.3 Foreign government (including Canada, excluding mortgaged-backed securities) 249,004 0.011 249,004 0.011 1.4 Securities issued by states, territories, and possessions and political subdivisions in the U.S.: 1.41 States, territories and possessions general obligations 231,573,515 10.154 231,573,515 10.216 1.42 Political subdivisions of states, territories and possessions and political subdivisions general obligations 392,965,659 17.231 392,965,659 17.335 1.43 Revenue and assessment obligations 607,876,519 26.655 607,876,519 26.816 1.44 Industrial development and similar obligations 1.5 Mortgage-backed securities (includes residential and commercial MBS): 1.51 Pass-through securities: 1.511 Guaranteed by GNMA 851,216 0.037 851,216 0.038 1.512 Issued by FNMA and FHLMC 11,914,320 0.522 11,914,320 0.526 1.513 Privately issued 1.52 CMOs and REMICs: 1.521 Issued by FNMA and FHLMC 9,253,960 0.406 9,253,960 0.408 1.522 Privately issued and collateralized by MBS issued or guaranteed by GNMA, FNMA, or FHLMC 1.523 All other privately issued 784,808 0.034 784,808 0.035 2. Other debt and other fixed income securities (excluding short-term): 2.1 Unaffiliated domestic securities (includes credit tenant loans rated by the SVO) 220,187,690 9.655 218,795,538 9.652 2.2 Unaffiliated foreign securities 27,129,477 1.190 25,660,646 1.132 2.3 Affiliated securities 3. Equity interests: 3.1 Investments in mutual funds 3.2 Preferred stocks: 3.21 Affiliated 3.22 Unaffiliated 47,595,796 2.087 43,259,403 1.908 3.3 Publicly traded equity securities (excluding preferred stocks): 3.31 Affiliated 3.32 Unaffiliated 196,214,112 8.604 167,373,841 7.383 3.4 Other equity securities: 3.41 Affiliated 50,453,309 2.212 72,798,083 3.211 3.42 Unaffiliated 3.5 Other equity interests including tangible personal property under lease: 3.51 Affiliated 3.52 Unaffiliated 4. Mortgage loans: 4.1 Construction and land development 4.2 Agricultural 4.3 Single family residential properties 171,056 0.008 171,056 0.008 4.4 Multifamily residential properties 4.5 Commercial loans 5. Real estate investments: 5.1 Property occupied by the company 5.2 Property held for the production of income (includes $ of property acquired in ---------------- satisfaction of debt) 5.3 Property held for sale ($ including ------------ property acquired in satisfaction of debt) 6. Policy loans 7. Receivables for securities 8. Cash and short-term investments 80,798,416 3.543 80,798,416 3.564 9. Other invested assets 53,178,747 2.332 53,178,747 2.346 -------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total invested assets 2,280,574,705 100.000 2,266,881,832 100.000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES PART 1 - COMMON INTERROGATORIES GENERAL 1.1 Is the reporting entity a member of an Insurance Holding Company System consisting of two or more affiliated persons, one or more of which is an insurer? Yes [X] No [ ] 1.2 If yes, did the reporting entity register and file with its domiciliary State Insurance Commissioner, Director or Superintendent, or with such regulatory official of the state of domicile of the principal insurer in the Holding Company System, a registration statement providing disclosure substantially similar to the standards adopted by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) in its Model Insurance Holding Company System Regulatory Act and model regulations pertaining thereto, or is the reporting entity subject to standards and disclosure requirements substantially similar to those required by such Act and regulations? Yes [X] No [ ] NA [ ] 1.3 State Regulating? Pennsylvania 2.1 Has any change been made during the year of this statement in the charter, by-laws, articles of incorporation, or deed settlement of the reporting entity? Yes [ ] No [X] 2.2 If yes, date of change: If not previously filed, furnish herewith a certified copy of the instrument as amended. 3.1 State as of what date the latest financial examination of the reporting entity was made or is being made. 12/31/1998 3.2 State the as of date that the latest financial examination report became available from either the state of domicile or the reporting entity. This date should be the date of the examined balance sheet and not the date the report was completed or released. 12/31/1998 3.3 State as of what date the latest financial examination report became available to other states or the public from either the state of domicile or the reporting entity. This is the release date or completion date of the examination report and not the date of the examination (balance sheet date). 03/14/2001 3.4 By what department or departments? Pennsylvania Department of Insurance 4.1 During the period covered by this statement, did any agent, broker, sales representative, non-affiliated sales/service organization or any combination thereof under common control (other than salaried employees of the reporting entity), receive credit or commissions for or control a substantial part (more than 20 percent of any major line of business measured on direct premiums) of: 4.11 sales of new business? Yes [ ] No [X] 4.12 renewals? Yes [ ] No [X] 4.2 During the period covered by this statement, did any sales/service organization owned in whole or in part by the reporting entity or an affiliate, receive credit or commissions for or control a substantial part (more than 20 percent of any major line of business measured on direct premiums) of: 4.21 sales of new business? Yes [ ] No [X] 4.22 renewals? Yes [ ] No [X] 5.1 Has the reporting entity been a party to a merger or consolidation during the period covered by this statement? Yes [ ] No [X] 5.2 If yes, provide the name of the entity, NAIC Company Code, and state of domicile (use two letter state abbreviation) for any entity that has ceased to exist as a result of the merger or consolidation. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Name of Entity NAIC Company Code State of Domicile - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Has the reporting entity had any Certificates of Authority, licenses or registrations (including corporate registration, if applicable) suspended or revoked by any governmental entity during the reporting period? (You need not report an action, either formal or informal, if a confidentiality clause is part of the agreement.) Yes [ ] No [X] 6.2 If yes, give full information: -------------------------------------------- 7.1 Does any foreign (non-United States) person or entity directly or indirectly control 10% or more of the reporting entity? Yes [ ] No [X] 7.2 If yes, 7.21 State the percentage of foreign control; ----------------------------- 7.22 State the nationality(s) of the foreign person(s) or entity(s) or if the entity is a mutual or reciprocal, the nationality of its manager or attorney in fact; and identify the type of entity(s) (e.g., individual, corporation or government, manager or attorney in fact). - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Nationality Type of Entity - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES (continued) 8. What is the name and address of the independent certified public accountant or accounting firm retained to conduct the annual audit? Deloitte & Touche 1700 Market Street 24th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 9. What is the name, address and affiliation (officer/employee of the reporting entity or actuary/consultant associated with a(n) actuarial consulting firm) of the individual providing the statement of actuarial opinion/certification? Mr. Robert Miccolis Deloitte & Touche 1700 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 10. FOR UNITED STATES BRANCHES OF ALIEN REPORTING ENTITIES ONLY: 10.1 What changes have been made during the year in the United States Manager or the United States Trustees of the reporting entity? 10.2 Does this statement contain all business transacted for the reporting entity through its United States Branch risks wherever located? Yes [ ] No [ ] 10.3 Have there been any changes made to any of the trust indentures during the year? Yes [ ] No [ ] 10.4 If answer to (10.3) is yes, has the domiciliary or entry state approved the changes? Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [X] BOARD OF DIRECTORS 11. Is the purchase or sale of all investments of the reporting entity passed upon either by the Board of Directors or a subordinate committee thereof? Yes [X] No [ ] 12. Does the reporting entity keep a complete permanent record of the proceedings of its Board of Directors and all subordinate committees thereof? Yes [X] No [ ] 13. Has the reporting entity an established procedure for disclosure to its board of directors or trustees of any material interest or affiliation on the part of any of its officers, directors, trustees or responsible employees which is in or likely to conflict with the official duties of such person? Yes [X] No [ ] FINANCIAL 14.1 Total amount loaned during the year (inclusive of Separate Accounts, exclusive of policy loans): 14.11 To directors or other officers $ ----------- 14.12 To stockholders not officers $ ----------- 14.13 Trustees, supreme or grand $ (Fraternal only) ----------- 14.2 Total amount of loans outstanding at end of year (inclusive of Separate Accounts, exclusive of policy loans): 14.21 To directors or other officers $ ---------- 14.22 To stockholders not officers $ ---------- 14.23 Trustees, supreme or grand (Fraternal only) $ ---------- 15.1 Were any of the assets reported in this statement subject to a contractual obligation to transfer to another party without the liability for such obligation being reported in this statement? Yes [ ] No [X] 15.2 If yes, state the amount thereof at December 31 of the current year: 15.21 Rented from others $ ---------- 15.22 Borrowed from others $ ---------- 15.23 Leased from others $ ---------- 15.24 Others $ ---------- Disclose in Notes to Financial Statements the nature of each of these obligations. 16.1 Does this statement include payments for assessments as described in the Annual Statement Instructions other than guaranty fund or guaranty association assessments? Yes [ ] No [X] 16.2 If answer is yes, 16.21 Amount paid as losses or risk adjustment $ ---------- 16.22 Amount paid as expenses $ ---------- 16.23 Other amounts paid $ ---------- 17 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES (continued) INVESTMENT 17. List the following capital stock information for the reporting entity: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of Shares Number of Shares Par Value Redemption Price Is Dividend Are Dividends Class Authorized Outstanding Per Share if Callable Rate Limited? Cumulative? - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes No Yes No Preferred [ ] [X] [ ] [X] Common 250,000 1,000 2,000.000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 18.1. Were all the stocks, bonds and other securities owned December 31 of current year, over which the reporting entity has exclusive control, in the actual possession of the reporting entity on said date, except as shown by Schedule E - Part 2 - Special Deposits? Yes [ ] No [X] 18.2 If no, give full and complete information relating thereto: The Company has a custodial account at State Street Bank and Trust in Boston, Massachusetts. 19.1 Were any of the stocks, bonds or other assets of the reporting entity owned at December 31 of the current year not exclusively under the control of the reporting entity, except as shown on the Schedule E - Part2 - Special Deposits; or has the reporting entity sold or transferred any assets subject to a put option contract that is currently in force? (Exclude securities subject to Interrogatory 15.1) Yes [ ] No [X] 19.2 If yes, state the amount thereof at December 31 of the current year: 19.21 Loaned to others $ -------- 19.22 Subject to repurchase agreements $ -------- 19.23 Subject to reverse repurchase agreements $ -------- 19.24 Subject to dollar repurchase agreements $ -------- 19.25 Subject to reverse dollar repurchase agreements $ -------- 19.26 Pledged as collateral $ -------- 19.27 Placed under option agreements $ -------- 19.28 Letter stock or other securities restricted as to sale $ -------- 19.29 Other $ -------- 19.3 For each category above, if any of these assets are held by others, identify whom held: 19.31 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 19.32 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 19.33 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 19.34 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 19.35 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 19.36 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 19.37 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 19.38 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 19.39 --------------------------------------------------------------------- For categories (19.21) and (19.23) above, and for any other securities that were made available for use by another person during the period covered by this statement, attach a schedule as shown in the instructions to the annual statement. 19.4 For category (19.28) provide the following: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Nature of Restriction Description Amount - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20.1 Does the reporting entity have any hedging transaction reported on Schedule DB? Yes [ ] No [X] 20.2 If yes, has a comprehensive description of the hedging program been made available to the domiciliary state? If no, attach a description with this statement. Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [X] 21.1 Were any preferred stocks or bonds owned as of December 31 of the current year mandatorily convertible into equity, or, at the option of the issuer, convertible into equity? Yes [X] No [ ] 21.2. If yes, state the amount thereof at December 31 of the current year. $25,896,334 22. Excluding items in Schedule E, real estate, mortgage loans and investments held physically in the reporting entity's offices, vaults or safety deposit boxes, were all stocks, bonds and other securities, owned throughout the current year held pursuant to a custodial agreement with a qualified bank or trust company in accordance with Part 1-General, Section IV.H-Custodial or Safekeeping Agreements of the NAIC Financial Condition Examiners Handbook? Yes [X] No [ ] 22.01 For agreements that comply with the requirements of the NAIC Financial Condition Examiners Handbook, complete the following: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Name of Custodian(s) Custodian's Address - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State Street Bank and Trust Boston, Massachusetts - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES (continued) INVESTMENT 22.02 For all agreements that do not comply with the requirements of the NAIC Financial Condition Examiners Handbook, provide the name, location and a complete explanation: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Name(s) Location(s) Complete Explanation(s) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22.03 Have there been any changes, including name changes, in the custodian(s) identified in 22.01 during the current year? Yes [ ] No [X] 22.04 If yes, give full and complete information relating thereto: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Old Custodian New Custodian Date of Change Reason - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22.05 Identify all investment advisors, brokers/dealers or individuals acting on behalf of broker/dealers that have access to the investment accounts, handle securities and have authority to make investments on behalf of the reporting entity: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Central Registration Depository Number(s) Name Address - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39414 Standish Fund Distribution Boston, Massachusetts 530 Lord Abbett Distribution Jersey City, New Jersey 1512 Conning & Company Oakbrook, Illinois - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER 23.1 Amount of payments to Trade Associations, Service Organizations and Statistical or Rating Bureaus, if any? $1, 961, 529 23.2 List the name of the organization and the amount paid if any such payment represented 25% or more of the total payments to Trade Associations, Service Organizations and Statistical or Rating Bureaus during the period covered by this statement. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Name Amount Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mortgage Insurance Companies of America $1,417,232 $ --------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24.1 Amount of payments for legal expenses, if any? $2,720,493 24.2 List the name of the firm and the amount paid if any such payment represented 25% or more of the total payments for legal expenses during the period covered by this statement. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Name Amount Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barger & Wolen $786,027 Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP $683,889 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25.1 Amount of payments for expenditures in connection with matters before legislative bodies, officers or departments of government, if any? $1,700,379 25.2 List the name of the firm and the amount paid if any such payment represented 25% or more of the total payment expenditures in connection with matters before legislative bodies, officers or departments of government during the period covered by this statement. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Name Amount Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ --------- $ --------- $ --------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES (continued) PART 2 - PROPERTY & CASUALTY INTERROGATORIES 1.1 Does the reporting entity have any direct Medicare Supplement Insurance in force? Yes [ ] No [X] 1.2 If yes, indicate premium earned on U. S. business only $ ----------- 1.3 What portion of Item (1.2) is not reported on the Medicare Supplement Insurance Experience Exhibit? $ ----------- 1.31 Reason for excluding ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4 Indicate amount of earned premium attributable to Canadian and/or Other Alien not included in Item (1.2) above. $ ----------- 1.5 Indicate total incurred claims on all Medicare Supplement Insurance. $ ----------- 1.6 Individual policies: Most current three years: 1.61 Total premium earned $ ----------- 1.62 Total incurred claims $ ----------- 1.63 Number of covered lives $ ----------- All years prior to most current three years: 1.64 Total premium earned $ ----------- 1.65 Total incurred claims $ ----------- 1.66 Number of covered lives $ ----------- 1.7 Group policies: Most current three years: 1.71 Total premium earned $ ----------- 1.72 Total incurred claims $ ----------- 1.73 Number of covered lives $ ----------- All years prior to most current three years: 1.74 Total premium earned $ ----------- 1.75 Total incurred claims $ ----------- 1.76 Number of covered lives $ ----------- 2.1 Does the reporting entity issue both participating and non-participating policies? Yes [ ] No [X] 2.2 If yes, state the amount of calendar year net premiums written on: 2.21 Participating policies $ ----------- 2.22 Non-participating policies $ ----------- 3. For Mutual Reporting Entities and Reciprocal Exchanges Only: 3.1 Does the reporting entity issue assessable policies? Yes [ ] No [ ] 3.2 Does the reporting entity issue non-assessable policies? Yes [ ] No [ ] 3.3 If assessable policies are issued, what is the extent of the contingent liability of the policyholders? % ----------- 3.4 Total amount of assessments paid or ordered to be paid during the year on deposit notes or contingent premiums? $ ----------- 4. For Reciprocal Exchanges Only: 4.1 Does the Exchange appoint local agents? Yes [ ] No [ ] 4.2 If yes, is the commission paid: 4.21 Out of Attorney's-in-fact compensation Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [X] 4.22 As a direct expense of the Exchange Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [X] 4.3 What expenses of the Exchange are not paid out of the compensation of the Attorney-in-fact? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4 Has any Attorney-in-fact compensation, contingent on fulfillment of certain conditions, been deferred? Yes [ ] No [ ] 4.5 If yes, give full information --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 What provision has this reporting entity made to protect itself from an excessive loss in the event of a catastrophe under a workers' compensation contract issued without limit of loss? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2 Describe the method used to estimate this reporting entity's probable maximum insurance loss, and identify the type of insured exposures comprising that probable maximum loss, the locations of concentrations of those exposures and the external resources (such as consulting firms or computer software models), if any, used in the estimation process. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3 What provision has this reporting entity made (such as a catastrophic reinsurance program) to protect itself from an excessive loss arising from the types and concentrations of insured exposures comprising its probable maximum property insurance loss? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4 Does the reporting entity carry catastrophe reinsurance protection, with provision for at least one reinstatement, in an amount sufficient to cover its estimated probable maximum loss attributable to a single loss event or occurrence? Yes [ ] No [X] 5.5 If no, describe any arrangements or mechanisms employed by the reporting entity to supplement its catastrophe reinsurance program or to hedge it s exposure to unreinsured catastrophic loss. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Has this reporting entity reinsured any risk with any other entity under a quota share reinsurance contract which includes a provision which would limit the reinsurer's losses below the stated quota share percentage (e.g., a deductible, a loss ratio corridor, a loss ratio cap, an aggregate limit or any similar provision)? Yes [ ] No [X] 6.2 If yes, indicate the number of reinsurance contracts containing such provisions: ----------- 20 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES PART 2 - PROPERTY & CASUALTY INTERROGATORIES (continued) 7.1 Has this reporting entity reinsured any risk with any other entity and agreed to release such entity from liability, in whole or in part, from any loss that may occur on the risk, or portion thereof, reinsured? Yes [ ]No [X] 7.2 If yes, give full information --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. If the reporting entity has assumed risks from another entity, there should be charged on account of such reinsurances a reserve equal to that which the original entity would have been required to charge had it retained the risks. Has this been done? Yes [X] No [ ] NA [ ] 9.1 Has this reporting entity guaranteed policies issued by any other entity and now in force? Yes [X] No [ ] 9.2 If yes, give full information Please refer to Note 10, Page 14. 10.1 If the reporting entity recorded accrued retrospective premiums on insurance contracts on Line 10.3 of the assets schedule, Page 2, state the amount of corresponding liabilities recorded for: 10.11 Unpaid losses $ ----------- 10.12 Unpaid underwriting expenses (including loss adjustment expenses) $ ----------- 10.2 Of the amount on Line 10.3 of the assets schedule, Page 2, state the amount which is secured by letters of credit, collateral and other funds. $ ----------- 10.3 If the reporting entity underwrites commercial insurance risks, such as workers' compensation are premium or promissory notes accepted from its insureds covering unpaid premiums and/or unpaid losses? Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [X] 10.4 If yes, provide range of interest rates charged under such notes during the period covered by this statement: 10.41 From % ----------- 10.42 To % ----------- 10.5 Are letters of credit or collateral and other funds received from insureds being utilized by the reporting entity to secure premium or promissory notes taken by the reporting entity, or to secure any of the reporting entity's reported direct unpaid loss reserves, including unpaid losses under loss deductible features of commercial policies? Yes [ ] No [X] 10.6 If yes, state the amount thereof at December 31 of the current year: 10.61 Letters of credit $ ----------- 10.62 Collateral and other funds $ ----------- 11.1 What amount of installment notes is owned and now held by the reporting entity? $ ----------- 11.2 Have any of these notes been hypothecated, sold or used in any manner as security for money loaned within the past year? Yes [ ] No [X] 11.3 If yes, what amount? $ ----------- 12.1 Largest net aggregate amount insured in any one risk (excluding workers' compensation): $346,297 12.2 Does any reinsurance contract considered in the calculation of this amount include an aggregate limit of recovery without also including a reinstatement provision? Yes [ ] No [X] 12.3 State the number of reinsurance contracts (excluding individual facultative risk certificates, but including facultative programs, automatic facilities or facultative obligatory contracts) considered in the calculation of this amount. ------------ 13.1 Has this reporting entity guaranteed any financed premium accounts? Yes [ ]No [X] 13.2 If yes, give full information --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14.1 Does the reporting entity own any securities of a real estate holding company or otherwise hold real estate indirectly? Yes [X] No [ ] 14.11 Name of real estate holding company Radian Services LLC 14.12 Number of parcels involved 43 14.13 Total book/adjusted carrying value $6,150,872 14.2 If yes, provide explanation: Radian Services Inc. is a 100% wholly owned subsidiary which owns real estate. 15.1 Does the reporting entity write any warranty business? Yes [ ] No [X] If yes, disclose the following information for each of the following types of warranty coverage: 1 2 3 4 5 Direct Losses Direct Losses Direct Written Direct Premium Direct Premium Incurred Unpaid Premium Unearned Earned ------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 15.11 Home $ $ $ $ $ ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- 15.12 Products $ $ $ $ $ ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- 15.13 Automobile $ $ $ $ $ ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- 15.14 Other* $ $ $ $ $ ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- * Disclose type of coverage: 21 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. FIVE-YEAR HISTORICAL DATA Show amounts in whole dollars only, no cents; show percentages to one decimal place, i.e. 17.6. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums Written (Page 8, Part 1B, Cols. 1, 2 & 3) 1. Liability Lines (Lines 11.1, 11.2, 16, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2 & 19.3, 19.4) 2. Property Lines (Lines 1, 2, 9, 12, 21 & 26) 3. Property and Liability Combined Lines (Lines 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 & 27) 4. All Other Lines (Lines 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 28, 29 & 33) 674,424,253 577,663,445 445,677,506 348,466,040 313,353,110 5. Non-proportional Reinsurance Lines (Lines 30, 31 & 32) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Total (Line 34) 674,424,253 577,663,445 445,677,506 348,466,040 313,353,110 Net Premiums Written (Page 8, Part 1B, Col. 6) 7. Liability Lines (Lines 11.1, 11.2, 16, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2 & 19.3, 19.4) 8. Property Lines (Lines 1, 2, 9, 12, 21 & 26) 9. Property and Liability Combined Lines (Lines 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 & 27) 10. All Other Lines (Lines 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 28, 29 & 33) 587,683,290 514,523,182 397,204,325 302,075,458 261,782,059 11. Non-proportional Reinsurance Lines (Lines 30, 31 & 32) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total (Line 34) 587,683,290 514,523,182 397,204,325 302,075,458 261,782,059 Statement of Income (Page 4) 13. Net Underwriting Gain (Loss) (Line 8) 307,845,238 247,000,876 163,126,344 102,157,065 75,493,916 14. Net Investment Gain (Loss) (Line 11) 98,640,957 64,393,908 55,465,255 40,550,459 35,915,186 15. Total Other Income (Line 15) 36,040 1,225,923 16. Dividends to Policyholders (Line 17) 17. Federal and Foreign Income Taxes Incurred (Line 19) (5,071,404) 59,777,392 20,612,317 5,613,174 6,145,469 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 18. Net Income (Line 20) Balance Sheet Lines (Pages 2 and 3) 411,593,639 252,843,315 197,979,282 137,094,350 105,263,633 19. Total Admitted Assets excluding Protected Cell (Page 2, Line 26, Col. 3) 2,406,500,022 2,112,752,315 1,348,359,655 1,061,809,335 856,706,379 20. Agents' Balances or Uncollected Premiums (Page 2, Col. 3) 20.1 In Course of Collection (Line 10.1) 1,361,023 15,156 (16,639,688) (11,474,460) (11,700,059) 20.2 Deferred and not yet due (Line 10.2) 43,638,813 39,106,269 31,217,793 12,369,554 20,528,966 20.3 Accrued Retrospective Premiums (Line 10.3) 21. Total Liabilities excluding Protected Cell (Page 3, Line 24) 2,242,954,712 1,938,416,565 1,176,715,757 904,115,854 707,425,232 22. Losses (Page 3, Lines 1 and 2) 380,062,548 363,235,076 267,718,184 230,666,591 176,753,538 23. Loss Adjustment Expenses (Page 3, Line 3) 13,307,576 10,308,520 5,196,308 45,000 45,000 24. Unearned premiums (Page 3, Line 9) 69,765,771 89,304,721 51,976,715 25,607,128 29,007,752 25. Capital Paid Up (Page 3, Lines 28 & 29) 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 26. Surplus as Regards Policyholders (Page 3, Line 35) 163,545,310 174,335,750 171,643,898 157,693,482 149,281,147 Risk-Based Capital Analysis 27. Total Adjusted Capital 163,545,310 174,335,750 171,643,898 28. Authorized Control Level Risk-Based Capital 55,787,502 61,869,066 33,150,473 Percentage Distribution of Cash and Invested Assets (Page 2, Col. 3) (Item divided by Page 2, Line 9, Col. 3) x 100.0 29. Bonds (Line 1) 81.6 83.6 80.5 85.5 86.0 30. Stocks (Lines 2.1 & 2.2) 12.5 9.9 11.1 11.8 11.5 31. Mortgage Loans on Real Estate (Lines 3.1 and 3.2) 0.0 0.0 32. Real Estate (Lines 4.1, 4.2 & 4.3) 33. Cash and Short-Term Investments (Line 5) 3.6 3.8 4.5 2.7 2.4 34. Other Invested Assets (Line 6) 2.3 2.7 3.9 35. Receivable for Securities (Line 7) 0.0 36. Aggregate Write-Ins for Invested Assets (Line 8) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 37. Cash and Invested Assets (Line 9) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Investments in Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 38. Affiliated Bonds (Schedule D, Summary, Line 25, Col. 1) 39. Affiliated Preferred Stocks (Schedule D, Summary, Line 39, Col. 1) 40. Affiliated Common Stocks (Schedule D, Summary, Line 53, Col. 2) 72,798,083 66,941,029 57,513,108 22,879,641 19,106,657 41. Affiliated Short-Term Investments (subtotals included in Schedule DA, Part 2, Col. 5, Line 11) 42. Affiliated Mortgage Loans on Real Estate 43. All Other Affiliated ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 44. Total of above Lines 38 to 43 72,798,083 66,941,029 57,513,108 22,879,641 19,106,657 45. Percentage of Investments in Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates to Surplus as Regards Policyholders (Line 44 above divided by Page 3, Col. 1, Line 35 x 100.0) 44.5 38.4 33.5 14.5 12.8 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. FIVE-YEAR HISTORICAL DATA (Continued) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital and Surplus Accounts (Page 4) 46. Net Unrealized Capital Gains (Losses) (Line 23) (37,441,414) 3,050,438 (67,828) 8,163,117 1,696,404 47. Dividends to Stockholders (Line 34) (53,151,934) (20,000,000) (6,000,000) (4,000,000) 48. Change in surplus as regards policyholders for the year (Line 37) (10,790,440) 2,691,852 13,950,416 8,412,335 1,193,990 Gross Losses Paid (Page 9, Part 2, Cols. 1 & 2) 49. Liability Lines (Lines 11.1, 11.2, 16, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2 & 19.3, 19.4) 50. Property Lines (Lines 1, 2, 9, 12, 21 & 26) 51. Property and Liability Combined Lines (Lines 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 & 27) 52. All Other Lines (Lines 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 28, 29 & 33) 151,621,493 79,726,765 72,839,346 71,530,002 84,656,170 53. Non-Proportional Reinsurance Lines (Lines 30, 31 & 32) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 54. Total (Line 34) 151,621,493 79,726,765 72,839,346 71,530,002 84,656,170 Net Losses Paid (Page 9, Part 2, Col. 4) 55. Liability Lines (Lines 11.1, 11.2, 16, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2 & 19.3, 19.4) 56. Property Lines (Lines 1, 2, 9, 12, 21 & 26) 57. Property and Liability Combined Lines (Lines 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 & 27) 58. All Other Lines (Lines 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 28, 29 & 33) 144,453,629 75,324,824 66,734,568 58,121,792 74,027,894 59. Non-Proportional Reinsurance Lines (Lines 30, 31 & 32) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 60. Total (Line 34) 144,453,629 75,324,824 66,734,568 58,121,792 74,027,894 Operating Percentages (Page 4) (Item divided by Page 4, Line 1) x 100.0 61. Premiums Earned (Line 1) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 62. Losses Incurred (Line 2) 26.6 20.1 28.0 36.7 44.9 63. Loss Expenses Incurred (Line 3) 0.9 1.4 1.9 0.6 0.9 64. Other Underwriting Expenses Incurred (Line 4) 21.9 26.8 26.1 29.3 25.6 65. Net Underwriting gain (loss) (Line 8) 50.7 51.7 44.0 33.4 28.5 Other Percentages 66. Other Underwriting Expenses to Net Premiums Written (Page 4, Lines 4 + 5 - 15 divided by Page 8, Part 1B, Col. 6, Line 34 x 100.0) 22.6 24.6 24.4 29.6 25.8 67. Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred to Premiums Earned (Page 4, Lines 2 + 3 divided by Page 4, Line 1 x 100.0) 27.4 21.5 29.9 37.3 45.9 68. Net Premiums Written to Policyholders' Surplus (Page 8, Part 1B, Col. 6, Line 34 divided by Page 3, Line 35, Col. 1 x 100.0) 359.3 295.1 231.4 191.6 175.4 One Year Loss Development (000 omitted) 69. Development in Estimated Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred Prior to Current Year (Schedule P - Part 2 - Summary, Line 12, Col. 11) (93,788) (73,224) (67,762) (36,165) (6,586) 70. Percent of Development of Loss and Loss Expenses Incurred to Policyholders' Surplus of Previous Year End (Line 69 above divided by Page 4, Line 21, Col. 1 x 100.0) (53.8) (42.7) (43.0) (24.2) (4.4) Two Year Loss Development (000 omitted) 71. Development in Estimated Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred 2 years before the current year and prior year (Schedule P, Part 2 - Summary, Line 12, Col. 12) (134,854) (102,655) (61,676) (14,920) (2,125) 72. Percent of Development of Loss and Loss Expenses Incurred to Reported Policyholders' Surplus of Second Previous Year End (Line 71 above divided by Page 4, Line 21, Col. 2 x 100.0) (78.6) (65.1) (41.3) (10.1) (1.5) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Alabama - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken --------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 8,629,808 8,439,287 1,432,417 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 8,629,808 8,439,287 1,432,417 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 2,997,314 4,109,300 7,545,850 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 2,997,314 4,109,300 7,545,850 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment CommissionS Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred UnPaid Expenses Fees - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 310,634 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 310,634 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ ---------------- 24.AL ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Alaska - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken --------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 3,690,804 4,529,514 107,625 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 3,690,804 4,529,514 107,625 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 184,069 (210,073) 577,829 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 184,069 (210,073) 577,829 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commission Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred UnPaid Expenses Fees - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 1,136,374 108,286 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 1,136,374 108,286 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . --------------- 24.AK ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Arizona - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken --------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 28,142,055 29,210,047 3,108,136 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 28,142,055 29,210,047 3,108,136 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 5,235,910 6,403,194 14,832,042 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 5,235,910 6,403,194 14,832,042 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost 11 12 Containment Containment Commission Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 587,218 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 587,218 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . --------------- 24.AZ ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Arkansas - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 1,275,316 292,898 1,097,805 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 1,275,316 292,898 1,097,805 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 724,703 772,528 976,257 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 724,703 772,528 976,257 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commission Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 81,652 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 81,652 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24-AR ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF California - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 102,162,286 96,354,990 24,246,648 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 102,162,286 96,354,990 24,246,648 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 8,690,769 (13,118,965) 35,659,012 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 8,690,769 (13,118,965) 35,659,012 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commission Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 2,332,373 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 2,332,373 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24-CA ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Colorado - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 18,770,662 19,430,874 1,674,467 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 18,770,662 19,430,874 1,674,467 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 2,448,114 6,395,091 12,782,612 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 2,448,114 6,395,091 12,782,612 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and cost and cost Containment Containment Commission Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 399,219 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 399,219 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24-CO ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Connecticut - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken --------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 7,954,707 8,240,032 966,192 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 7,954,707 8,240,032 966,192 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 1,027,840 688,184 3,601,426 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 1,027,840 688,184 3,601,426 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 187,602 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 187,602 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ----------------- 24.CT ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Delaware - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken --------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 2,913,589 3,152,368 488,183 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 2,913,589 3,152,368 488,183 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 303,825 152,568 1,904,298 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 303,825 152,568 1,904,298 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 70,101 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 70,101 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ----------------- 24.DE ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Columbia - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken --------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 1,040,156 1,086,506 178,811 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 1,040,156 1,086,506 178,811 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 538,156 105,800 670,720 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 538,156 105,800 670,720 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 31,622 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 31,622 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ----------------- 24.DC ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Florida - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 52,567,013 55,584,737 6,286,840 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 52,567,013 55,584,737 6,286,840 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 8,864,315 (262,588) 36,546,684 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 8,864,315 (262,588) 36,546,684 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 500,349 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 500,349 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . -------- 24.FL ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Georgia - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 31,041,204 33,314,782 2,861,897 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 31,041,204 33,314,782 2,861,897 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 12,731,071 20,709,277 33,211,308 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 12,731,071 20,709,277 33,211,308 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 774,621 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 774,621 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . -------- 24.GA ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Guam - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 421,280 250,239 171,041 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 421,280 250,239 171,041 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 56,292 56,292 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 56,292 56,292 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 121,457 16,200 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 121,457 16,200 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . -------- 24.GU ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Hawaii - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 4,954,487 4,448,179 889,202 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 4,954,487 4,448,179 889,202 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 1,241,272 (95,572) 1,176,461 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 1,241,272 (95,572) 1,176,461 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 1,563,029 212,736 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 1,563,029 212,736 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . --------------- 24.HI ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Idaho - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken --------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 3,297,209 3,342,970 153,583 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 3,297,209 3,342,970 153,583 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 1,944,783 2,788,193 3,648,279 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 1,944,783 2,788,193 3,648,279 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 88,604 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 88,604 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . --------------- 24.ID ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Illinois - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken --------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 23,737,487 24,524,389 1,995,283 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 23,737,487 24,524,389 1,995,283 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 6,433,082 6,541,289 18,252,735 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 6,433,082 6,541,289 18,252,735 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 181,171 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 181,171 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . --------------- 24.IL ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Indiana - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 7,957,414 8,185,302 504,141 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 7,957,414 8,185,302 504,141 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 3,658,967 5,672,315 9,243,130 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 3,658,967 5,672,315 9,243,130 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 172,082 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 172,082 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ------- 24.IN ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Iowa - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 3,935,037 4,055,695 219,419 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 3,935,037 4,055,695 219,419 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 686,070 891,145 1,836,602 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 686,070 891,145 1,836,602 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 76,804 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 76,804 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ------- 24.IA ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Kansas - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 3,073,050 3,069,582 757,712 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 3,073,050 3,069,582 757,712 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 702,384 1,017,068 2,095,935 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 702,384 1,017,068 2,095,935 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 22,357 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 22,357 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ------- 24.KS ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Kentucky - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 5,665,805 5,941,260 828,912 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 5,665,805 5,941,260 828,912 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 1,371,097 1,668,354 4,855,050 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 1,371,097 1,668,354 4,855,050 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 398,955 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 398,955 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ----------- 24.KY ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Louisiana - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 7,023,616 7,163,242 952,113 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 7,023,616 7,163,242 952,113 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 2,008,870 2,005,929 4,671,339 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 2,008,870 2,005,929 4,671,339 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 412,846 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 412,846 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ----------- 24.LA ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Maine - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 2,012,202 2,101,460 114,236 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 2,012,202 2,101,460 114,236 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 51,147 34,789 458,748 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 51,147 34,789 458,748 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 43,946 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 43,946 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ----------- 24.ME ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Maryland - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 14,492,496 14,682,524 2,857,836 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 14,492,496 14,682,524 2,857,836 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 2,962,947 684,826 11,436,272 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 2,962,947 684,826 11,436,272 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 382,497 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 382,497 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . --------------- 24.MD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Massachusetts - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 13,725,002 13,889,944 2,676,066 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 13,725,002 13,889,944 2,676,066 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 453,516 (1,052,573) 3,581,564 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 453,516 (1,052,573) 3,581,564 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and cost and cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred UnPaid Expenses Fees - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 380,468 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 380,468 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . --------------- 24.MA ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Michigan - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 16,825,357 16,961,790 1,525,905 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 16,825,357 16,961,790 1,525,905 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 3,983,446 9,127,643 17,450,403 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 3,983,446 9,127,643 17,450,403 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 337,452 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 337,452 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ ---------------. 24.MI ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Minnesota - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 11,420,926 12,044,222 601,835 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 11,420,926 12,044,222 601,835 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 596,600 (196,114) 6,449,932 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 596,600 (196,114) 6,449,932 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 316,659 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 316,659 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24.MN ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Mississippi - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 5,729,373 6,244,576 202,929 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 5,729,373 6,244,576 202,929 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 1,886,883 2,351,556 3,556,983 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 1,886,883 2,351,556 3,556,983 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 115,200 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 115,200 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24.MS ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Missouri - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 7,987,350 8,180,287 641,374 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 7,987,350 8,180,287 641,374 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 2,815,090 3,554,108 5,512,010 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 2,815,090 3,554,108 5,512,010 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 165,264 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 165,264 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24.MO ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Montana - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 1,183,323 1,165,677 93,913 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 1,183,323 1,165,677 93,913 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 527,086 824,382 1,088,348 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 527,086 824,382 1,088,348 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 32,267 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 32,267 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24.MT ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Nebraska - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 1,439,640 1,473,552 78,857 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 1,439,640 1,473,552 78,857 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 331,029 710,368 1,188,566 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 331,029 710,368 1,188,566 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 27,062 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 27,062 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24.NE ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Nevada - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 13,385,112 14,061,437 720,795 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 13,385,112 14,061,437 720,795 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 3,054,009 1,694,963 11,216,684 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 3,054,009 1,694,963 11,216,684 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 491,478 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 491,478 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24.NV ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF New Hampshire - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 3,725,954 3,868,147 500,352 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 3,725,954 3,868,147 500,352 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 173,436 280,778 1,098,751 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 173,436 280,778 1,098,751 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 90,008 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 90,008 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24.NH ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF New Jersey - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 24,704,962 25,332,044 4,336,938 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 24,704,962 25,332,044 4,336,938 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 2,876,123 1,663,534 16,566,167 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 2,876,123 1,663,534 16,566,167 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 545,612 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 545,612 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24.NJ ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF New Mexico - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 5,418,399 5,622,653 315,567 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 5,418,399 5,622,653 315,567 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 2,062,824 2,773,309 4,561,451 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 2,062,824 2,773,309 4,561,451 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 176,488 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 176,488 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24.NM ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF New York - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 43,769,223 47,099,969 4,233,993 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 43,769,223 47,099,969 4,233,993 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 5,947,584 (2,130,931) 28,426,112 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 5,947,584 (2,130,931) 28,426,112 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 2,339,500 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 2,339,500 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24.NY ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF North Carolina - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 17,122,240 17,555,783 1,899,001 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 17,122,240 17,555,783 1,899,001 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 6,110,825 10,589,329 16,746,186 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 6,110,825 10,589,329 16,746,186 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 354,727 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 354,727 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24.NC ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF North Dakota - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 455,045 438,795 37,162 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 455,045 438,795 37,162 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 75,529 (3,365) 135,789 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 75,529 (3,365) 135,789 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 9,060 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 9,060 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24.ND ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Ohio - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 18,543,077 18,966,038 1,326,667 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 18,543,077 18,966,038 1,326,667 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 5,574,633 9,720,073 19,623,525 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 5,574,633 9,720,073 19,623,525 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 326,922 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 326,922 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . -------- 24.OH ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Oklahoma - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 5,575,698 5,935,588 769,847 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 5,575,698 5,935,588 769,847 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 1,414,426 1,726,781 2,735,967 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 1,414,426 1,726,781 2,735,967 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 140,902 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 140,902 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . -------- 24.OK ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Oregon - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 11,860,387 11,928,757 1,211,946 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 11,860,387 11,928,757 1,211,946 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 5,339,832 4,891,662 9,049,063 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 5,339,832 4,891,662 9,049,063 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 233,323 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 233,323 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . -------- 24.OR ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Pennsylvania - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 22,813,139 21,912,050 5,668,362 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 22,813,139 21,912,050 5,668,362 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 5,920,059 6,678,083 17,272,001 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 5,920,059 6,678,083 17,272,001 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 524,985 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 524,985 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . --------------- 24.PA ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Rhode Island - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 2,926,382 3,000,320 398,396 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 2,926,382 3,000,320 398,396 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 176,746 (487,531) 760,989 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 176,746 (487,531) 760,989 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 62,399 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 62,399 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . --------------- 24.RI ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF South Carolina - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 7,328,971 7,592,948 540,230 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 7,328,971 7,592,948 540,230 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 3,180,719 6,366,058 10,117,962 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 3,180,719 6,366,058 10,117,962 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 205,137 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 205,137 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . --------------- 24.SC ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF South Dakota - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 562,839 549,430 42,301 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 562,839 549,430 42,301 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 157,280 197,468 314,369 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 157,280 197,468 314,369 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 19,329 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 19,329 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ----------- 24.SD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Tennessee - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 14,264,872 15,156,090 1,802,665 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 14,264,872 15,156,090 1,802,665 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 4,942,863 6,685,595 10,718,466 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 4,942,863 6,685,595 10,718,466 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 483,371 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 483,371 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ----------- 24.TN ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Texas - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 35,429,571 36,889,350 5,324,689 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 35,429,571 36,889,350 5,324,689 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 9,770,085 10,342,204 24,578,446 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 9,770,085 10,342,204 24,578,446 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 716,155 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 716,155 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ----------- 24.TX ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Utah - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken --------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 10,593,902 11,245,790 652,107 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 10,593,902 11,245,790 652,107 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 9,894,769 10,873,687 13,964,760 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 9,894,769 10,873,687 13,964,760 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 257,396 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 257,396 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charge not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ----------------- 24.UT ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Vermont - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken --------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 838,663 885,016 63,424 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 838,663 885,016 63,424 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 35,833 (13,962) 224,615 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 35,833 (13,962) 224,615 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 17,557 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 17,557 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charge not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ----------------- 24.VT ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Virginia - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken --------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 15,132,529 14,723,108 2,978,358 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 15,132,529 14,723,108 2,978,358 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 1,380,961 201,609 5,972,898 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 1,380,961 201,609 5,972,898 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 336,499 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 336,499 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charge not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . --------- 24.VA ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Washington - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 16,749,031 17,344,982 1,013,468 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 16,749,031 17,344,982 1,013,468 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 6,273,435 7,707,593 12,778,164 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 6,273,435 7,707,593 12,778,164 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 4,955 355,292 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 4,955 355,292 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24.WA ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF West Virgina - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 1,115,579 1,144,053 55,481 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 1,115,579 1,144,053 55,481 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 629,856 542,043 708,851 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 629,856 542,043 708,851 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 54,110 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 54,110 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24.WV ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Wisconsin - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 4,930,048 5,044,750 301,674 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 4,930,048 5,044,750 301,674 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 984,425 1,426,323 4,197,614 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 984,425 1,426,323 4,197,614 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 114,904 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 114,904 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24.WI ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Wyoming - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 2,496,177 2,415,791 252,508 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 2,496,177 2,415,791 252,508 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 209,060 273,841 1,128,542 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 209,060 273,841 1,128,542 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred UnPaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 49,312 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 49,312 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. +0 3303. +0 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24.WY ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Consolidated - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken -------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 672,810,454 686,073,814 92,159,310 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 672,810,454 686,073,814 92,159,310 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 151,585,666 144,330,459 457,764,057 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 151,585,666 144,330,459 457,764,057 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 33790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 2,825,815 16,670,713 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 2,825,815 16,670,713 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. +0 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ---------------- 24.GT ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE A VERIFICATION BETWEEN YEARS NONE 1. Book/adjusted carrying value, December 31, prior year (prior year statement) 2. Increase (decrease) by adjustment: 2.1 Totals, Part 1, Column 10 2.2 Totals, Part 3, Column 7 3. Cost of acquired, (Totals, Part 2, Column 6, net of encumbrances column 7 ______________________ and permanent improvements (Column 9) 4. Cost of additions and permanent improvements: 4.1 Totals, Part 1, Column 13 4.2 Totals, Part 3, Column 9 5. Total profit (loss) on sales, Part 3, Column 14 6. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment: 6.1 Totals, Part 1, Column 11 6.2 Totals, Part 3, Column 8 7. Amounts received on sales, Part 3, Column 11 and Part 1, Column 12 8. Book/adjusted carrying value at end of current period 9. Total valuation allowance 10. Subtotal (Lines 8 plus 9) 11. Total nonadmitted amounts 12. Statement value, current period (Page 2, real estate lines, current period) SCHEDULE B VERIFICATION BETWEEN YEARS 1. Book value/recorded investment excluding accrued interest of mortgages owned, December 31 of prior year 173,481 2. Amount loaned during year: 2.1 Actual cost at time of acquisitions 2.2 Additional investment made after acquisitions 3. Accrual of discount and mortgage interest points and commitment fees 4. Increase (decrease) by adjustment 5. Total profit (loss) on sale 6. Amounts paid on account or in full during the year 2,425 7. Amortization of premium 8. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment 9. Book value/recorded investment excluding accrued interest on mortgages owned at end of current period 171,056 10. Total valuation allowance 11. Subtotal (Lines 9 plus 10) 171,056 12. Total nonadmitted amounts 13. Statement value of mortgages owned at end of current period 171,056 SCHEDULE BA VERIFICATION BETWEEN YEARS 1. Book/adjusted carrying value of long-term invested assets owned, December 31 of prior year 53,189,421 2. Cost of acquisitions during year: 2.1 Actual cost at time of acquisitions 2.2 Additional investment made after acquisitions 2,549,233 2,549,233 3. Accrual of discount 4. Increase (decrease) by adjustment 5. Total profit (loss) on sale 6. Amounts paid on account or in full during the year 2,559,907 7. Amortization of premium 8. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment 9. Book/adjusted carrying value of long-term invested assets at end of current period 53,178,747 10. Total valuation allowance 11. Subtotal (Lines 9 plus 10) 53,178,747 12. Total nonadmitted amounts 13. Statement value of long-term invested assets at end of current period 53,178,747 25 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - SUMMARY BY COUNTRY Long-Term Bonds and Stocks OWNED December 31 of Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Book/Adjusted Par Value of Description Carrying Value Fair Value(a) Actual Cost Bonds - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS 1. United States 371,396,597 372,525,528 371,659,311 367,447,420 Governments 2. Canada 249,004 267,007 248,952 250,000 (Including all obligations 3. Other Countries guaranteed by governments) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals 371,645,601 372,792,535 371,908,263 367,697,420 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- States, Territories and Possessions 5. United States 231,573,521 240,115,916 231,772,423 226,570,000 (Direct and guaranteed) 6. Canada 7. Other Countries ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Totals 231,573,521 240,115,916 231,772,423 226,570,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Political Subdivisions of States, 9. United States 392,965,662 422,832,057 370,832,267 453,590,000 Territories and Possessions 10. Canada (Direct and guaranteed) 11. Other Countries ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals 392,965,662 422,832,057 370,832,267 453,590,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special revenue and special assessment obligations and all 13. United States 607,876,521 637,579,064 607,194,544 607,635,000 non-guaranteed obligations of 14. Canada agencies and authorities of 15. Other Countries governments and their political ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subdivisions 16. Totals 607,876,521 637,579,064 607,194,544 607,635,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Utilities (unaffiliated) 17. United States 18. Canada 19. Other Countries ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Industrial and Miscellaneous 21. United States 219,580,345 218,860,113 219,943,206 249,441,786 and Credit Tenant Loans 22. Canada 2,320,000 2,320,000 3,766,800 4,000,000 (unaffiliated) 23. Other Countries 23,340,637 23,156,505 23,327,151 23,460,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24. Totals 245,240,982 244,336,618 247,037,157 276,901,786 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 25. Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26. Total Bonds 1,849,302,287 1,917,656,190 1,828,744,654 1,932,394,206 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCKS 27. United States Public Utilities (unaffiliated) 28. Canada 29. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30. Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Banks, Trust and Insurance Companies 31. United States (unaffiliated) 32. Canada 33. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34. Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Industrial and Miscellaneous 35. United States 43,259,403 41,344,292 47,595,798 (unaffiliated) 36. Canada 37. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38. Totals 43,259,403 41,344,292 47,595,798 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 39. Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40. Total Preferred Stocks 43,259,403 41,344,292 47,595,798 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON STOCKS 41. United States Public Utilities (unaffiliated) 42. Canada 43. Other Countries - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44. Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Banks, Trust and Insurance 45. United States Companies (unaffiliated) 46. Canada 47. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48. Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Industrial and Miscellaneous 49. United States 167,373,841 167,373,841 196,214,123 (unaffiliated) 50. Canada 51. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52. Totals 167,373,841 167,373,841 196,214,123 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 53. Totals 72,798,083 72,798,083 50,453,309 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 54. Total Common Stocks 240,171,924 240,171,924 246,667,432 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 55. Total Stocks 283,431,327 281,516,216 294,263,230 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 56. Total Bonds and Stocks 2,132,733,614 2,199,172,406 2,123,007,884 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (a) The aggregate value of bonds which are valued at other than actual fair value is $315,631,249 SCHEDULE D - VERIFICATION BETWEEN YEARS 1. Book/adjusted carrying value of bonds and stocks, prior year 1,845,879,106 2. Cost of bonds and stocks acquired, Column 6, Part 3 1,160,830,749 3. Increase (decrease) by adjustment: 3.1 Column 16, Part 1 1,089,198 3.2 Column 12, Part 2, Sec. 1 (4,757,573) 3.3 Column 10, Part 2, Sec. 2 (14,979,634) 3.4 Column 10, Part 4 (15,060,735) (33,708,744) 4. Total gain (loss), Col. 14, Part 4 20,312,121 5. Deduct consideration for bonds and stocks disposed of Column 6, Part 4 860,579,622 6. Foreign Exchange Adjustment: 6.1 Column 17, Part 1 6.2 Column 13, Part 2, Sec. 1 6.3 Column 11, Part 2, Sec. 2 6.4 Column 11, Part 4 7. Book/adjusted carrying value at end of current period 2,132,733,610 8. Total valuation allowance 9. Subtotal (Lines 7 plus 8) 2,132,733,610 10. Total nonadmitted amounts 11. Statement value of bonds and stocks, current period 2,132,733,610 26 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 1 Quality and Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Types of Issues and NAIC Designations - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Quality Rating per the NAIC Over 1 Year Through Over 5 Years Through Over 10 Years Designation 1 Year or Less 5 Years 10 Years Through 20 Years - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Class 1 144,021,399 58,549,192 135,039,896 4,740,256 1.2 Class 2 1.3 Class 3 1.4 Class 4 1.5 Class 5 1.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.7 Totals 144,021,399 58,549,192 135,039,896 4,740,256 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Class 1 249,004 2.2 Class 2 2.3 Class 3 2.4 Class 4 2.5 Class 5 2.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.7 Totals 249,004 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories and Possessions etc., Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Class 1 9,288,267 19,532,584 96,440,127 48,411,856 3.2 Class 2 5,111,142 3.3 Class 3 3.4 Class 4 3.5 Class 5 3.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.7 Totals 9,288,267 19,532,584 101,551,269 48,411,856 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Class 1 22,043,664 148,592,187 141,811,735 52,444,040 4.2 Class 2 4.3 Class 3 4.4 Class 4 4.5 Class 5 4.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.7 Totals 22,043,664 148,592,187 141,811,735 52,444,040 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Class 1 22,959,908 59,480,107 269,517,423 111,225,249 5.2 Class 2 5.3 Class 3 1,592,666 5.4 Class 4 5.5 Class 5 5.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.7 Totals 24,552,574 59,480,107 269,517,423 111,225,249 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Quality Rating per the NAIC Col. 6 as a Total from Col. 6 Designation Over 20 Years Total Current Year % of Line 10.7 Prior Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Class 1 29,785,674 372,136,417 19.2 252,135,961 1.2 Class 2 1.3 Class 3 1.4 Class 4 1.5 Class 5 1.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals 29,785,674 372,136,417 19.2 252,135,961 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Class 1 249,004 0.0 2.2 Class 2 2.3 Class 3 2.4 Class 4 2.5 Class 5 2.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals 249,004 0.0 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories and Possessions etc., Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Class 1 54,647,163 228,319,997 11.8 139,372,474 3.2 Class 2 5,111,142 0.3 3.3 Class 3 3.4 Class 4 3.5 Class 5 3.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 54,647,163 233,431,139 12.0 139,372,474 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Class 1 28,074,032 392,965,658 20.3 554,954,664 4.2 Class 2 4.3 Class 3 4.4 Class 4 4.5 Class 5 4.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 28,074,032 392,965,658 20.3 554,954,664 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Class 1 142,633,302 605,815,989 31.2 558,985,067 5.2 Class 2 970,845 970,845 0.1 970,263 5.3 Class 3 1,592,666 0.1 5.4 Class 4 5.5 Class 5 5.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 143,604,147 608,379,500 31.4 559,955,330 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 Quality Rating per the NAIC % From Col. 7 Total Publicly Total Privately Placed Designation Prior Year Traded (a) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Class 1 14.5 372,136,416 1.2 Class 2 1.3 Class 3 1.4 Class 4 1.5 Class 5 1.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals 14.5 372,136,416 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Class 1 249,004 2.2 Class 2 2.3 Class 3 2.4 Class 4 2.5 Class 5 2.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals 249,004 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories and Possessions etc., Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Class 1 8.0 228,319,997 3.2 Class 2 5,111,142 3.3 Class 3 3.4 Class 4 3.5 Class 5 3.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 8.0 233,431,139 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Class 1 31.9 392,965,659 4.2 Class 2 4.3 Class 3 4.4 Class 4 4.5 Class 5 4.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 31.9 392,965,659 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Class 1 32.1 605,815,989 5.2 Class 2 0.1 970,845 5.3 Class 3 1,592,666 5.4 Class 4 5.5 Class 5 5.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 32.2 608,379,500 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 1 (continued) Quality and Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Types of Issues and NAIC Designations - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Quality Rating per the NAIC Over 1 Year Through Over 5 Years Through Over 10 Years Designation 1 Year or Less 5 Years 10 Years Through 20 Years - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Class 1 6.2 Class 2 6.3 Class 3 6.4 Class 4 6.5 Class 5 6.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.7 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 Class 1 88,676,753 47,164,629 16,122,223 27,645,661 7.2 Class 2 5,952,161 35,736,470 29,192,961 53,970,206 7.3 Class 3 10,725,683 1,432,500 7.4 Class 4 3,543,750 2,320,000 7.5 Class 5 7.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.7 Totals 94,628,914 97,170,532 47,635,184 83,048,367 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1 Class 1 8.2 Class 2 8.3 Class 3 8.4 Class 4 8.5 Class 5 8.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8.7 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.1 Class 1 9.2 Class 2 9.3 Class 3 9.4 Class 4 9.5 Class 5 9.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.7 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Quality Rating per the NAIC Col. 6 as a Total from Col. 6 Designation Over 20 Years Total Current Year % of Line 10.7 Prior Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Class 1 6.2 Class 2 6.3 Class 3 6.4 Class 4 6.5 Class 5 6.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 Class 1 1,580,635 181,189,901 9.3 156,657,471 7.2 Class 2 7,422,638 132,274,436 6.8 69,493,641 7.3 Class 3 12,158,183 0.6 6,457,008 7.4 Class 4 5,863,750 0.3 7.5 Class 5 7.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.7 Totals 9,003,273 331,486,270 17.1 232,608,120 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1 Class 1 8.2 Class 2 8.3 Class 3 8.4 Class 4 8.5 Class 5 8.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.1 Class 1 9.2 Class 2 9.3 Class 3 9.4 Class 4 9.5 Class 5 9.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 Quality Rating per the NAIC % From Col. 7 Total Publicly Total Privately Placed Designation Prior Year Traded (a) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Class 1 6.2 Class 2 6.3 Class 3 6.4 Class 4 6.5 Class 5 6.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 6.7 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 Class 1 9.0 179,018,457 2,171 444 7.2 Class 2 4.0 119,621,080 12,653,357 7.3 Class 3 0.4 12,158,183 7.4 Class 4 5,863,750 7.5 Class 5 7.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 7.7 Totals 13.4 316,661,470 14,824,801 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1 Class 1 8.2 Class 2 8.3 Class 3 8.4 Class 4 8.5 Class 5 8.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 8.7 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.1 Class 1 9.2 Class 2 9.3 Class 3 9.4 Class 4 9.5 Class 5 9.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 9.7 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 1 (continued) Quality and Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Types of Issues and NAIC Designations - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 Over 1 Year Over 5 Years Over 10 Years Quality Rating per the NAIC Designation Year or Less Through 5 Years Through 10 Years Through 20 Years Over 20 Years - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.1 Class 1 286,989,991 333,318,699 659,180,408 244,467,062 256,720,806 10.2 Class 2 5,952,161 35,736,470 34,304,103 53,970,206 8,393,483 10.3 Class 3 1,592,666 10,725,683 1,432,500 10.4 Class 4 3,543,750 2,320,000 10.5 Class 5 (c) 10.6 Class 6 (c) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.7 Totals 294,534,818 383,324,602 695,804,511 299,869,768 265,114,289(b) 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 15.2 19.8 35.9 15.5 13.7 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.1 Class 1 155,718,304 453,429,674 418,647,861 192,363,970 441,945,828 11.2 Class 2 6,387,977 40,364,282 5,909,640 13,304,277 4,497,728 11.3 Class 3 2,870,074 3,586,934 11.4 Class 4 11.5 Class 5 11.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.7 Totals 162,106,281 496,664,030 428,144,435 205,668,247 446,443,556 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 9.3 28.6 24.6 11.8 25.7 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.1 Class 1 286,989,991 333,318,700 658,971,118 242,504,909 256,720,805 12.2 Class 2 5,952,161 33,945,237 32,971,193 44,440,992 8,393,483 12.3 Class 3 1,592,666 10,725,683 1,432,500 12.4 Class 4 3,543,750 2,320,000 12.5 Class 5 12.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 294,534,818 381,533,37 694,262,311 288,378,401 265,114,288 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 15.3 19.8 36.1 15.0 13.8 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 15.2 19.7 35.8 14.9 13.7 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.1 Class 1 209,290 1,962,154 13.2 Class 2 1,791,233 1,332,910 9,529,214 13.3 Class 3 13.4 Class 4 13.5 Class 5 13.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.7 Totals 1,791,233 1,542,200 11,491,368 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 12.1 10.4 77.5 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 0.1 0.1 0.6 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 7 8 9 Col. 6 as a Total from Col. 6 % From Col. 7 Quality Rating per the NAIC Designation Total Current Year % of Line 10.7 Prior Year Prior Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.1 Class 1 1,780,676,966 91.9 XXX XXX 10.2 Class 2 138,356,423 7.1 XXX XXX 10.3 Class 3 13,750,849 0.7 XXX XXX 10.4 Class 4 5,863,750 0.3 XXX XXX 10.5 Class 5 XXX XXX 10.6 Class 6 XXX XXX ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.7 Totals 1,938,647,988 100.0 XXX XXX 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 100.0 XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - ------------------------------------------ 11.1 Class 1 XXX XXX 1,662,105,637 95.6 11.2 Class 2 XXX XXX 70,463,904 4.1 11.3 Class 3 XXX XXX 6,457,008 0.4 11.4 Class 4 XXX XXX 11.5 Class 5 XXX XXX(c) 11.6 Class 6 XXX XXX(c) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.7 Totals XXX XXX(b) 1,739,026,549 100.0 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 XXX XXX 100.0 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - ------------------------------------------ 12.1 Class 1 1,778,505,523 91.7 1,658,744,451 95.4 12.2 Class 2 125,703,066 6.5 65,000,769 3.7 12.3 Class 3 13,750,849 0.7 6,457,008 0.4 12.4 Class 4 5,863,750 0.3 12.5 Class 5 12.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 1,923,823,188 99.2 1,730,202,228 99.5 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 100.0 XXX XXX XXX 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 99.2 XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - ------------------------------------------ 13.1 Class 1 2,171,444 0.1 3,361,188 0.2 13.2 Class 2 12,653,357 0.7 5,463,135 0.3 13.3 Class 3 13.4 Class 4 13.5 Class 5 13.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.7 Totals 14,824,801 0.8 8,824,323 0.5 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 100.0 XXX XXX XXX 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 0.8 XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 11 Total Publicly Total Privately Placed Quality Rating per the NAIC Designation Traded (a) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.1 Class 1 1,778,505,522 2,171 444 10.2 Class 2 125,703,067 12,653,357 10.3 Class 3 13,750,849 10.4 Class 4 5,863,750 10.5 Class 5 10.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------- 10.7 Totals 1,923,823,188 14,824,801 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 99.2 0.8 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - ------------------------------------------ 11.1 Class 1 1,658,744,451 3,361,187 11.2 Class 2 65,000,768 5,463,136 11.3 Class 3 6,457,008 11.4 Class 4 11.5 Class 5 11.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------- 11.7 Totals 1,730,202,227 8,824,323 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 99.5 0.5 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - ------------------------------------------ 12.1 Class 1 1,778,505,523 XXX 12.2 Class 2 125,703,066 XXX 12.3 Class 3 13,750,849 XXX 12.4 Class 4 5,863,750 XXX 12.5 Class 5 XXX 12.6 Class 6 XXX --------------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 1,923,823,188 XXX 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 100.0 XXX 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 99.2 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - ------------------------------------------ 13.1 Class 1 XXX 2,171,444 13.2 Class 2 XXX 12,653,357 13.3 Class 3 XXX 13.4 Class 4 XXX 13.5 Class 5 XXX 13.6 Class 6 XXX --------------------------------------- 13.7 Totals XXX 14,824,801 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX 100.0 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 XXX 0.8 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Includes $ 10,320,441 freely tradable under SEC Rule 144 or -------- qualified for resale under SEC Rule 144A. (b) Includes $ 320,440,845 current year, $ 309,473,437 prior -------- ----------- year of bonds with Z designations and $ , current year, $ --------- --------- prior year of bonds with Z* designations. The letter "Z" means the NAIC designation was not assigned by the Securities Valuation Office (SVO) at the date of the statement. "Z*" means the SVO could not evaluate the obligation because valuation procedures for the security class is under regulatory review. (c) Includes $ current year, $ prior year of bonds with 5* --------- -------- designations and $ , current year, $ prior year of bonds ---------- ---------- with 6* designations. "5*" means the NAIC designation was assigned by the SVO in reliance on the insurer's certification that the issuer is current in all principal and interest payments. "6*" means the NAIC designation was assigned by the SVO due to inadequate certification of principal and interest payments. 29 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 2 Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Type and Subtype of Issues - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Over 1 Year Over 5 Years Over 10 Years Distribution by Type Year or Less Through 5 Years Through 10 Years Through 20 Years - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Issuer Obligations 144,021,399 58,549 192 133,622,730 1.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Securities 1,417,165 4,740,256 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals 144,021,399 58,549,192 135,039,895 4,740,256 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Issuer Obligations 249,004 2.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 2.3 Defined 2.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 2.5 Defined 2.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals 249,004 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories, and Possessions Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Issuer Obligations 9,288,267 19,532,584 101,551,269 48,411,856 3.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 3.3 Defined 3.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 3.5 Defined 3.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 9,288,267 19,532,584 101,551,269 48,411,856 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories, and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Issuer Obligations 22,043,664 148,592,187 141,811,735 52,444,040 4.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 4.3 Defined 4.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 4.5 Defined 4.6 Other 4.7 Totals 22,043,664 148,592,187 141,811,735 52,444,040 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc. Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Issuer Obligations 24,552,574 59,480,107 269,517,423 111,225,249 5.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 5.3 Defined 5.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 5.5 Defined 5.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 24,552,574 59,480,107 269,517,423 111,225,249 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Col. 6 as a Total from Col. 6 Distribution by Type Over 20 Years Total Current Year % of Line 10.7 Prior Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Issuer Obligations 13,923,598 350,116,919 18.1 236,668,064 1.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 15,862,076 22,019,497 1.1 15,467,898 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals 29,785,674 372,136,416 19.2 252,135,962 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules, D & DA (Group 2) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Issuer Obligations 249,004 0.0 2.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 2.3 Defined 2.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 2.5 Defined 2.6 Other ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals 249,004 0.0 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories, and Possessions, Guaranteed Schedules, D & DA (Group 3) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Issuer Obligations 54,647,163 233,431,139 12.0 139,372,474 3.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 3.3 Defined 3.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 3.5 Defined 3.6 Other ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 54,647,163 233,431,139 12.0 139,372,474 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories, and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Issuer Obligations 28,074,032 392,965,658 20.3 554,954,664 4.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 4.3 Defined 4.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 4.5 Defined 4.6 Other ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 28,074,032 392,965,658 20.3 554,954,664 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc. Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Issuer Obligations 143,604,146 608,379,499 31.4 559,955,330 5.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 5.3 Defined 5.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 5.5 Defined 5.6 Other ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 143,604,146 608,379,499 31.4 559,955,330 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 % From Col. 7 Total Publicly Total Privately Distribution by Type Prior Year Traded Placed - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Issuer Obligations 13.6 350,116,920 1.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 0.9 22,019,497 ------------------------------------------------ 1.7 Totals 14.5 372,136,417 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Issuer Obligations 249,004 2.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 2.3 Defined 2.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 2.5 Defined 2.6 Other ------------------------------------------------ 2.7 Totals 249,004 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories and Possessions Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Issuer Obligations 8.0 233,431,139 3.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 3.3 Defined 3.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 3.5 Defined 3.6 Other ------------------------------------------------ 3.7 Totals 8.0 233,431,139 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Issuer Obligations 31.9 392,965,659 4.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 4.3 Defined 4.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 4.5 Defined 4.6 Other ------------------------------------------------ 4.7 Totals 31.9 392,965,659 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc. Non-Guranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Issuer Obligations 32.2 608,379,500 5.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 5.3 Defined 5.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 5.5 Defined 5.6 Other ------------------------------------------------ 5.7 Totals 32.2 608,379,500 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 2 (continued) Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Type and Subtype of Issues - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Over 1 Year Over 5 Years Over 10 Years Distribution by Type Year or Less Through 5 Years Through 10 Years Through 20 Years - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Issuer Obligations 6.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 6.3 Defined 6.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 6.5 Defined 6.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 Issuer Obligations 94,628,913 89,428,302 44,567,785 82,823,354 7.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities 845,000 474,893 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 7.3 Defined 7.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 7.5 Defined 6,497,316 2,592,507 225,013 7.6 Other 399,915 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.7 Totals 94,628,913 97,170,533 47,635,185 83,048,367 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1 Issuer Obligations -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parents, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.1 Issuer Obligations 9.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 9.3 Defined 9.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 9.5 Defined 9.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Cal. 6 as a Total from Col. 6 Distribution by Type Over 20 Years Total Current Year % of Line 10.7 Prior Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Issuer Obligations 6.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 6.3 Defined 6.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 6.5 Defined 6.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), D & DA Schedules (Group 7) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 Issuer Obligations 8,443,477 319,891,831 16.5 227,851,627 7.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities 1,319,893 0.1 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 7.3 Defined 7.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 7.5 Defined 402,495 9,717,331 0.5 2,232,191 7.6 Other 157,302 557,217 0.0 2,524,302 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.7 Totals 9,003,274 331,486,272 17.1 232,608,120 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1 Issuer Obligations -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parents, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.1 Issuer Obligations 9.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 9.3 Defined 9.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 9.5 Defined 9.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 % From Col. 7 Total Publicly Total Privately Distribution by Type Prior Year Traded Placed - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Issuer Obligations 6.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 6.3 Defined 6.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 6.5 Defined 6.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.7 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous D & DA (Unaffiliated), Schedules Group 7 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 Issuer Obligations 13.1 305,292,042 14,599,788 7.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities 1,319,893 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 7.3 Defined 7.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 7.5 Defined 0.1 9,492,317 225,013 7.6 Other 0.1 557,217 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.7 Totals 13.4 316,661,469 14,824,801 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1 Issuer Obligations -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.7 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parents, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.1 Issuer Obligations 9.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 9.3 Defined 9.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 9.5 Defined 9.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.7 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULED D - PART 1A - SECTION 2 (continued) Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Type and Subtype of Issues - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Over 1 Year Over 5 Years Distribution by Type 1 Year or Less Through 5 Years Through 10 Years - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.1 Issuer Obligations 294,534,817 375,582,372 691 319,946 10.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 845,000 1,892,058 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 10.3 Defined 10.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 10.5 Defined 6,497,316 2,592,507 10.6 Other 399,915 --------------------------------------------------- 10.7 Totals 294,534,817 383,324,603 695,804,511 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 15.2 19.8 35.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.1 Issuer Obligations 162,106,281 494,150,304 426,020,318 11.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 6,605 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 11.3 Defined 11.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 11.5 Defined 1,487,585 619,351 11.6 Other 1,026,141 1,498,161 --------------------------------------------------- 11.7 Totals 162,106,281 496,664,030 428,144,435 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 9.3 28.6 24.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.1 Issuer Obligations 294,534,818 373,791,139 689,777,746 12.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 845,000 1,892,058 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 12.3 Defined 12.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 12.5 Defined 6,497,316 2,592,507 12.6 Other 399,915 --------------------------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 294,534,818 381,533,370 694,262,311 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 15.3 19.8 36.1 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 15.2 19.7 35.8 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.1 Issuer Obligations 1,791,233 1,542,200 13.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 13.3 Defined 13.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 13.5 Defined 13.6 Other -------------------------------------------------- 13.7 Totals 1,791,233 1,542,200 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 12.1 10.4 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 0.1 0.1 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5 6 Over 10 Years Total Distribution by Type Through 20 Years Over 20 Years Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.1 Issuer Obligations 294,904,499 248,692,416 1,905,034,050 10.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 4,740,256 15,862,076 23,339,390 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 10.3 Defined 10.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 10.5 Defined 225,013 402,495 9,717,331 10.6 Other 157,302 557,217 ------------------------------------------------ 10.7 Totals 299,869,768 265,114,289 1,938,647,988 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 15.5 13.7 100.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.1 Issuer Obligations 204,013,523 432,511,733 XXX 11.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 1,529,469 13,931,824 XXX MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 11.3 Defined XXX 11.4 Other XXX MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 11.5 Defined 125,255 XXX 11.6 Other XXX ------------------------------------------------ 11.7 Totals 205,668,247 446,443,557 XXX 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 11.8 25.7 XXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.1 Issuer Obligations 283,638,145 248,692,416 1,890,434,264 12.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 4,740,256 15,862,076 23,339,390 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 12.3 Defined 12.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 12.5 Defined 402,495 9,492,318 12.6 Other 157,302 557,217 ------------------------------------------------ 12.7 Totals 288,378,401 265,114,289 1,923,823,189 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 15.0 13.8 100.0 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 14.9 13.7 99.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.1 Issuer Obligations 11,266,355 14,599,788 13.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 13.3 Defined 13.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 13.5 Defined 225,013 225,013 13.6 Other ------------------------------------------------ 13.7 Totals 11,491,368 14,824,801 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 77.5 100.0 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 0.6 0.8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 8 9 Col. 6 as a % Total From Col.6 % From Col.7 Distribution by Type of Line 10.7 Prior Year Prior Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Total Bonds Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.1 Issuer Obligations 98.3 XXX XXX 10.2 Single Class Mortgage Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 1.2 XXX XXX MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 10.3 Defined XXX XXX 10.4 Other XXX XXX MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 10.5 Defined 0.5 XXX XXX 10.6 Other 0.0 XXX XXX ----------------------------------------------- 10.7 Totals 100.0 XXX XXX 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.1 Issuer Obligations XXX 1,718,802,159 98.8 11.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds XXX 15,467,898 0.9 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 11.3 Defined XXX 11.4 Other XXX MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 11.5 Defined XXX 2,232,191 0.1 11.6 Other XXX 2,524,302 0.1 ----------------------------------------------- 11.7 Totals XXX 1,739,026,550 100.0 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 XXX 100.0 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.1 Issuer Obligations 97.5 1,710,577,825 98.4 12.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 1.2 15,467,898 0.9 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 12.3 Defined 12.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 12.5 Defined 0.5 2,106,936 0.1 12.6 Other 0.0 2,049,571 0.1 ----------------------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 99.2 1,730,202,230 99.5 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX XXX XXX 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 XXX XXX XXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.1 Issuer Obligations 0.8 8,224,337 0.5 13.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 13.3 Defined 13.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 13.5 Defined 0.0 125,255 0.0 13.6 Other 474,731 0.0 ----------------------------------------------- 13.7 Totals 0.8 8,824,323 0.5 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX XXX XXX 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 XXX XXX XXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 11 Total Publicly Total Privately Distribution by Type Traded Placed - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.1 Issuer Obligations 1,890,434,264 14,599,788 10.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 23,339,390 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 10.3 Defined 10.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 10.5 Defined 9,492,317 225,013 10.6 Other 557,217 -------------------------------- 10.7 Totals 1,923,823,188 14,824,801 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 99.2 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.1 Issuer Obligations 1,710,577,823 8,224,337 11.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 15,467,897 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 11.3 Defined 11.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 11.5 Defined 2,106,936 125,255 11.6 Other 2,049,571 474,731 -------------------------------- 11.7 Totals 1,730,202,227 8,824,323 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 99.5 0.5 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.1 Issuer Obligations 1,890,434,264 XXX 12.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 23,339,390 XXX MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 12.3 Defined XXX 12.4 Other XXX MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 12.5 Defined 9,492,318 XXX 12.6 Other 557,217 XXX -------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 1,923,823,189 XXX 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 100.0 XXX 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 99.2 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.1 Issuer Obligations XXX 14,599,788 13.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds XXX MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 13.3 Defined XXX 13.4 Other XXX MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 13.5 Defined XXX 225,013 13.6 Other XXX -------------------------------- 13.7 Totals XXX 14,824,801 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX 100.0 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 XXX 0.8 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE DA - PART 2 Verification of SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS Between Years - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Total Bonds Mortgage Loans - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Book/adjusted carrying value, prior year 88,306,067 88,306,067 2. Cost of short-term investments acquired 1,190,787,584 1,190,787,584 3. Increase (decrease) by adjustment (46,456) (46,456) 4. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment 5. Total profit (loss) on disposal of short-term investments 14,967 14,967 6. Consideration received on disposal of short-term investments 1,189,716,460 1,189,716,460 7. Book/adjusted carrying value, current year 89,345,702 89,345,702 8. Total valuation allowance 9. Subtotal (Lines 7 plus 8) 89,345,702 89,345,702 10. Total nonadmitted amounts 11. Statement value (Lines 9 minus 10) 89,345,702 89,345,702 12. Income collected during year 1,815,639 1,815,639 13. Income earned during year 1,877,665 1,877,665 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5 Other Short-term Investments in Parent, Investment Assets(a) Subsidiaries and Affiliates - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Book/adjusted carrying value, prior year 2. Cost of short-term investments acquired 3. Increase (decrease) by adjustment 4. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment 5. Total profit (loss) on disposal of short-term investments 6. Consideration received on disposal of short-term investments 7. Book/adjusted carrying value, current year 8. Total valuation allowance 9. Subtotal (Lines 7 plus 8) 10. Total nonadmitted amounts 11. Statement value (Lines 9 minus 10) 12. Income collected during year 13. Income earned during year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Indicate the category of such assets, for example, joint ventures, transportation equipment: ----------------------------------------- 33 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule DB - Part A - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part B - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part C - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part D - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part E - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part F - Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part F - Section 2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34, 35, 36, 37 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 1 Assumed Reinsurance as of December 31, Current Year (000 Omitted) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 Federal NAIC ID Company Domiciliary Assumed Number Code Name of Reinsured Jurisdiction Premium - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 1,614 0599999 - Total - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 1,614 0699998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0799998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0999998 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 1,614 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 9 Reinsurance On --------------------------------------------- 6 7 8 Federal NAIC Paid Losses and Contingent ID Company Loss Adjustment Known Case Commissions Number Code Name of Reinsured Expenses Losses and LAE Cols. 6 +7 Payable - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0599999 - Total - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 0699998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0799998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0999998 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 Funds Held By or Federal NAIC Assumed Deposited With ID Company Premiums Unearned Reinsured Letters of Credit Number Code Name of Reinsured Receivable Premium Companies Posted - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 577 0599999 - Total - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 577 0699998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0799998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0999998 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Totals 577 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 14 Amount of Assets Pledged or Compensating Federal NAIC Balances to Secure ID Company Letters Number Code Name of Reinsured of Credit - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0599999 - Total - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 0699998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0799998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0999998 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 2 Premium Portfolio Reinsurance Effected or (Canceled) during Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Federal NAIC ID Company Reinsurance Number Code Name of Company Date of Contract Original Premium Premium - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NONE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 3 Ceded Reinsurance as of December 31, Current Year (000 Omitted) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reinsurance Contracts Ceding 75% or More of Federal NAIC Direct Reinsurance ID Company Domiciliary Premiums Premiums Number Code Name of Reinsurer Jurisdiction Written Ceded - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93-0952702 33944 Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Company of Arizona AZ 3,204 23-2726782 15909 Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Company of Texas TX 20,756 23-2734276 20720 Radian Insurance Inc PA 3,147 36-3996062 10185 Amerin Re Corporation IL 3,741 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 30,847 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates 30,847 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52-1446633 30180 Ace Guaranty Re, Inc. MD (15) 38-1997500 29823 GE Residential Mortgage Insurance Company NC 2 94-2208266 27251 PMI Mortgage Insurance Company CA 113 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers (Under $100,000) 0 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Authorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 101 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899998 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Authorized 30,948 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03-0360032 Radian Mortgage Reinsurance Company VT 492 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 492 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates 492 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36-4255472 AAMBG Reinsurance Inc VT 5,880 03-0358080 Allecon Reinsurance Co VT 115 23-2878531 Cap Re of Vermont, Inc VT 6,097 58-2343351 Cherokee Reinsurance Co VT 981 03-0351351 Cross Country Insurance Company VT 8,736 03-0359383 Fifth Third Mortgage Insurance Reinsurance Company VT 29 38-2734984 Flagstar Credit, Inc. MI 1,443 05-0501754 Fleet Mortgage Reinsurance Company RI 911 03-0355679 FT Mortgage Reinsurance Company SC (1,112) 03-0363917 Mortgage Services Inc VT 31 03-0362485 HMC Reinsurance Company VT (79) 16-1571323 HSBC Reinsurance HI 201 03-0359505 Irwin Reinsurance Corporation VT 331 41-2037173 Lee Financial Corporation SC 9 57-1075818 MG Reinsurance VT 307 27-0009776 National City Mortgage Insurance Company HI 120 58-0243020 Nbank Reinsurance VT 5 04-3370409 North Star Guaranty Reinsurance Company VT 8,424 04-3375440 OS Reinsurance HI 29 34-0898643 PNC Reinsurance Corporation VT 637 68-0422709 Provident Reciprocal Insuance Exchange VT 930 03-0363273 Principal Mortgage Reinsurance VT 1,114 03-0350909 Balboa Reinsurance Company VT 16,788 99-0347524 WM Mortgage Reinsurance Company, Inc. HI 3,102 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499998 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers (Under $100,000) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499999 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 55,028 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-1320035 AXA Reassurance, SA FR (1,792) 98-0365018 C & T Reinsurance Company Ltd TC 2 48-1261231 Cajun Reinsurance TC 26 52-2292533 Capital State Reinsurance, Ltd TC 31 34-1882820 Cooperative Mortgage Reinsurance TC 195 52-2136143 CNI Reinsurance TC 20 52-2219874 Edgewater Reinsurance TC 104 74-3054479 E/*/Trade Reinsurance BM 10 98-0087200 First Monetary BM 85 98-0199445 HT Investment Reinsurance, Ltd TC 37 98-0199800 I-Net Reinsurance Ltd TC 170 52-2196272 MAI Reinsurance Ltd TC 51 52-2164518 MI Risk Reinsurance Corporation, Ltd. TC 111 52-2297602 MECT TC 301 98-0364341 SMC Reinsurance Ltd TC 0 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Reinsurance Recoverable On --------------------------------------------------- 7 8 9 10 11 Federal NAIC Known Case Known Case ID Company Paid Paid Loss LAE IBNR Loss Number Code Name of Reinsurer Losses LAE Reserves Reserves Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93-0952702 33944 Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Company of Arizona 345 6,030 23-2726782 15909 Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Company of Texas 3,096 52,214 23-2734276 20720 Radian Insurance Inc 1,494 5,859 36-3996062 10185 Amerin Re Corporation 349 9,385 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 5,284 73,487 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates 5,284 73,487 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52-1446633 30180 Ace Guaranty Re, Inc. 4,922 4,222 38-1997500 29823 GE Residential Mortgage Insurance Company 5 8 94-2208266 27251 PMI Mortgage Insurance Company 0 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers (Under $100,000) 1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Authorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 4,927 4,231 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899998 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Authorized 10,211 77,718 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03-0360032 Radian Mortgage Reinsurance Company 35 55 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 35 55 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates 35 55 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36-4255472 AAMBG Reinsurance Inc 03-0358080 Allecon Reinsurance Co 23-2878531 Cap Re of Vermont, Inc 58-2343351 Cherokee Reinsurance Co 03-0351351 Cross Country Insurance Company 03-0359383 Fifth Third Mortgage Insurance Reinsurance Company 38-2734984 Flagstar Credit, Inc. 05-0501754 Fleet Mortgage Reinsurance Company 03-0355679 FT Mortgage Reinsurance Company 03-0363917 Mortgage Services Inc 03-0362485 HMC Reinsurance Company 16-1571323 HSBC Reinsurance 03-0359505 Irwin Reinsurance Corporation 41-2037173 Lee Financial Corporation 57-1075818 MG Reinsurance 27-0009776 National City Mortgage Insurance Company 58-0243020 Nbank Reinsurance 04-3370409 North Star Guaranty Reinsurance Company 04-3375440 OS Reinsurance 34-0898643 PNC Reinsurance Corporation 68-0422709 Provident Reciprocal Insuance Exchange 03-0363273 Principal Mortgage Reinsurance 03-0350909 Balboa Reinsurance Company 99-0347524 WM Mortgage Reinsurance Company, Inc. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499998 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers (Under $100,000) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499999 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-1320035 AXA Reassurance, SA 98-0365018 C & T Reinsurance Company Ltd 48-1261231 Cajun Reinsurance 52-2292533 Capital State Reinsurance, Ltd 34-1882820 Cooperative Mortgage Reinsurance 52-2136143 CNI Reinsurance 52-2219874 Edgewater Reinsurance 74-3054479 E/*/Trade Reinsurance 98-0087200 First Monetary 98-0199445 HT Investment Reinsurance, Ltd 98-0199800 I-Net Reinsurance Ltd 52-2196272 MAI Reinsurance Ltd 52-2164518 MI Risk Reinsurance Corporation, Ltd. 52-2297602 MECT 98-0364341 SMC Reinsurance Ltd - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Reinsurance Recoverable On -------------------------------------------- 12 13 14 15 Federal NAIC Contingent Cols. ID Company IBNR LAE Unearned Commis- 7 thru 14 Number Code Name of Reinsurer Reserves Premiums sions Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93-0952702 33944 Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Company of Arizona 2,650 9,025 23-2726782 15909 Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Company of Texas 10,775 66,085 23-2734276 20720 Radian Insurance Inc 2,614 9,967 36-3996062 10185 Amerin Re Corporation 1,549 11,283 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 17,588 96,360 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates 17,588 96,360 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52-1446633 30180 Ace Guaranty Re, Inc. 319 544 10,007 38-1997500 29823 GE Residential Mortgage Insurance Company 13 94-2208266 27251 PMI Mortgage Insurance Company 0 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers (Under $100,000) 1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Authorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 319 544 10,021 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899998 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Authorized 17,907 544 106,381 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03-0360032 Radian Mortgage Reinsurance Company 197 286 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 197 286 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates 197 286 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36-4255472 AAMBG Reinsurance Inc 16 16 03-0358080 Allecon Reinsurance Co 0 0 23-2878531 Cap Re of Vermont, Inc 13 13 58-2343351 Cherokee Reinsurance Co 7 7 03-0351351 Cross Country Insurance Company 72 72 03-0359383 Fifth Third Mortgage Insurance Reinsurance Company 0 0 38-2734984 Flagstar Credit, Inc. 4 4 05-0501754 Fleet Mortgage Reinsurance Company 13 13 03-0355679 FT Mortgage Reinsurance Company 36 36 03-0363917 Mortgage Services Inc 1 1 03-0362485 HMC Reinsurance Company 16-1571323 HSBC Reinsurance 0 0 03-0359505 Irwin Reinsurance Corporation 7 7 41-2037173 Lee Financial Corporation 8 8 57-1075818 MG Reinsurance 2 2 27-0009776 National City Mortgage Insurance Company 1 1 58-0243020 Nbank Reinsurance 04-3370409 North Star Guaranty Reinsurance Company 465 465 04-3375440 OS Reinsurance 34-0898643 PNC Reinsurance Corporation 68-0422709 Provident Reciprocal Insuance Exchange 0 0 03-0363273 Principal Mortgage Reinsurance 144 144 03-0350909 Balboa Reinsurance Company 288 288 99-0347524 WM Mortgage Reinsurance Company, Inc. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499998 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers (Under $100,000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499999 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 1,079 1,079 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-1320035 AXA Reassurance, SA 3,649 3,649 98-0365018 C & T Reinsurance Company Ltd 48-1261231 Cajun Reinsurance 52-2292533 Capital State Reinsurance, Ltd 0 0 34-1882820 Cooperative Mortgage Reinsurance 7 7 52-2136143 CNI Reinsurance 52-2219874 Edgewater Reinsurance 74-3054479 E/*/Trade Reinsurance 98-0087200 First Monetary 19 19 98-0199445 HT Investment Reinsurance, Ltd 98-0199800 I-Net Reinsurance Ltd 52-2196272 MAI Reinsurance Ltd 52-2164518 MI Risk Reinsurance Corporation, Ltd. 4 4 52-2297602 MECT 23 23 98-0364341 SMC Reinsurance Ltd - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Reinsurance Payable 18 19 ------------------------ 16 17 Net Amount Recoverable Funds Held Other From By Company Federal NAIC Ceded Amounts Reinsurers Under ID Company Balances Due to Cols. 15- Reinsurance Number Code Name of Reinsurer Payable Reinsurers [16 + 17] Treaties - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93-0952702 33944 Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Company of Arizona 2,574 6,451 23-2726782 15909 Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Company of Texas 5,645 60,440 23-2734276 20720 Radian Insurance Inc 2,712 7,255 36-3996062 10185 Amerin Re Corporation 14 11,269 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 10,944 85,415 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates 10,944 85,415 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52-1446633 30180 Ace Guaranty Re, Inc. 1,709 8,298 38-1997500 29823 GE Residential Mortgage Insurance Company (106) 119 94-2208266 27251 PMI Mortgage Insurance Company 171 (171) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers (Under $100,000) 0 0 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Authorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 1,775 8,246 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899998 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Authorized 12,720 93,661 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03-0360032 Radian Mortgage Reinsurance Company 268 18 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 268 18 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates 268 18 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36-4255472 AAMBG Reinsurance Inc 1,719 (1,703) 03-0358080 Allecon Reinsurance Co 88 (88) 23-2878531 Cap Re of Vermont, Inc 1,309 (1,296) 58-2343351 Cherokee Reinsurance Co 256 (249) 03-0351351 Cross Country Insurance Company 1,637 (1,564) 03-0359383 Fifth Third Mortgage Insurance Reinsurance Company 20 (20) 38-2734984 Flagstar Credit, Inc. 389 (385) 05-0501754 Fleet Mortgage Reinsurance Company 166 (152) 03-0355679 FT Mortgage Reinsurance Company (243) 280 03-0363917 Mortgage Services Inc (20) 21 03-0362485 HMC Reinsurance Company 71 (71) 16-1571323 HSBC Reinsurance 28 (28) 03-0359505 Irwin Reinsurance Corporation 132 (125) 41-2037173 Lee Financial Corporation 6 2 57-1075818 MG Reinsurance 91 (88) 27-0009776 National City Mortgage Insurance Company 120 (119) 58-0243020 Nbank Reinsurance 2 (2) 04-3370409 North Star Guaranty Reinsurance Company 1,936 (1,471) 04-3375440 OS Reinsurance 29 (29) 34-0898643 PNC Reinsurance Corporation 112 (112) 68-0422709 Provident Reciprocal Insuance Exchange 120 (120) 03-0363273 Principal Mortgage Reinsurance 360 (216) 03-0350909 Balboa Reinsurance Company 1,846 (1,558) 99-0347524 WM Mortgage Reinsurance Company, Inc. 1,045 (1,045) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499998 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers (Under $100,000) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499999 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 11,216 (10,137) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-1320035 AXA Reassurance, SA 3,649 15,088 98-0365018 C & T Reinsurance Company Ltd 1 (1) 48-1261231 Cajun Reinsurance 13 (13) 52-2292533 Capital State Reinsurance, Ltd (2) 2 34-1882820 Cooperative Mortgage Reinsurance 32 (25) 52-2136143 CNI Reinsurance 20 (20) 52-2219874 Edgewater Reinsurance 35 (35) 74-3054479 E/*/Trade Reinsurance 10 (10) 98-0087200 First Monetary 12 7 98-0199445 HT Investment Reinsurance, Ltd 5 (5) 98-0199800 I-Net Reinsurance Ltd 33 (33) 52-2196272 MAI Reinsurance Ltd 43 (43) 52-2164518 MI Risk Reinsurance Corporation, Ltd. 22 (19) 52-2297602 MECT 35 (13) 98-0364341 SMC Reinsurance Ltd 0 (0) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 3 Ceded Reinsurance as of December 31, Current Year (000 Omitted) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reinsurance Contracts Ceding 75% or More of Federal NAIC Direct Reinsurance ID Company Domiciliary Premiums Premiums Number Code Name of Reinsurer Jurisdiction Written Ceded - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52-2141897 Gordon Reinsurance TC 677 52-2141880 Seaside Reinsurance TC 245 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799998 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $1,00,000) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 273 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized 55,793 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized 86,741 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2099999 - Total - Protected Cells - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 86,741 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Reinsurance Recoverable On --------------------------------------------------------- 7 8 9 10 11 12 Federal NAIC Known Case Known Case ID Company Paid Paid Loss LAE IBNR Loss IBNR LAE Number Code Name of Reinsurer Losses LAE Reserves Reserves Reserves Reserves - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52-2141897 Gordon Reinsurance 52-2141880 Seaside Reinsurance - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799998 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $1,00,000) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized 35 55 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized 10,246 77,773 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2099999 - Total - Protected Cells - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 10,246 77,773 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Reinsurance Recoverable On Reinsurance Payable ------------------------------- -------------------- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Net Amount Recoverable Funds Held Other From By Company Federal NAIC Contingent Cols. Ceded Amounts Reinsurers Under ID Company Unearned Commis- 7 thru 14 Balances Due to Cols. 15- Reinsurers Number Code Name of Reinsurer Premiums sions Totals Payable Reinsurers [16 + 17] Treaties - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52-2141897 Gordon Reinsurance 64 64 (0) 64 52-2141880 Seaside Reinsurance 22 22 9 13 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799998 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $1,00,000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 3,787 3,787 269 3,518 15,088 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized 5,063 5,152 11,754 (6,601) 15,088 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized 22,970 544 111,533 24,473 87,060 15,088 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2099999 - Total - Protected Cells - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 22,970 544 111,533 24,473 87,060 15,088 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Report the five largest provisional commission rates included in the cedant's reinsurance treaties. The commission rate to be reported is by contract with ceded premium in excess of $50,000: 1 2 3 Name of Company Commission Rate Ceded Premium - ----------------------------- --------------- ------------- 1. Ace Guaranty Re. Inc. 32.000 767 2. Ace Guaranty Re. Inc. 32.000 1,506 3. Ace Guaranty Re. Inc. 32.000 2,109 4. Ace Guaranty Re. Inc. 30.000 3,028 5. Balboa Reinsurance Company 5.000 16,788 40.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 4 Aging of Ceded Reinsurance as of December 31, Current Year (000 Omitted) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Reinsurance Recoverable on Paid Losses and Paid Loss Adjustment Expenses ----------------------------------- 5 Overdue -------------------------- 6 7 Federal NAIC ID Company Domiciliary Number Code Name of Reinsurer Jurisdiction Current 1 to 29 Days 30 - 90 Days - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93-0952702 33944 Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Company of Arizona AZ 345 23-2726782 15909 Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Company of Texas TX 3,096 23-2734276 20720 Radian Insurance Inc. PA 1,494 36-3996062 10185 Amerin Re Corporation IL 349 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 5,284 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Authorized - Affiliates - Other (Non-U.S.) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates 5,284 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52-1446633 30180 Ace Guaranty Re, Inc. MD 4,922 38-1997500 29823 GE Residential Mortgage Insurance Company NC 5 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Authorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 4,927 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0699999 - Authorized - Pools - Mandatory Pools - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799999 - Authorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Authorized 10,211 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03-0360032 Radian Mortgage Reinsurance Company VT 35 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 35 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1299999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - Other (Non-U.S.) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates 35 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499999 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1599999 - Unauthorized - Pools - Mandatory Pools - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1699999 - Unauthorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized 35 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized 10,246 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2099999 - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 10,246 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Reinsurance Recoverable on Paid Loss Adjustment Expenses ------------------------------------------------- Overdue ------------------------------------------------- 8 9 10 Federal NAIC ID Company Total Overdue Number Code Name of Reinsurer 91 - 120 Days Over 120 Days Cols. 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93-0952702 33944 Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Company of Arizona 23-2726782 15909 Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Company of Texas 23-2734276 20720 Radian Insurance Inc. 36-3996062 10185 Amerin Re Corporation - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Authorized - Affiliates - Other (Non-U.S.) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52-1446633 30180 Ace Guaranty Re, Inc. 38-1997500 29823 GE Residential Mortgage Insurance Company - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Authorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0699999 - Authorized - Pools - Mandatory Pools - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799999 - Authorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Authorized - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03-0360032 Radian Mortgage Reinsurance Company - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1299999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - Other (Non-U.S.) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499999 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1599999 - Unauthorized - Pools - Mandatory Pools - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1699999 - Unauthorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2099999 - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Reinsurance Recoverable 12 13 on Paid Loss Adjustment Expenses ----------------------- 11 Percentage more Federal NAIC Percentage Than 120 Days ID Company Total Due Overdue Overdue Col. 9/ Number Code Name of Reinsurer Cols. 5 + 10 Col. 10/Col. 11 Col. 11 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0199999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 93-0952702 33944 Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Company of Arizona 345 23-2726782 15909 Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Company of Texas 3,096 23-2734276 20720 Radian Insurance Inc. 1,494 36-3996062 10185 Amerin Re Corporation 349 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0299999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 5,284 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0399999 - Authorized - Affiliates - Other (Non-U.S.) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates 5,284 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 52-1446633 30180 Ace Guaranty Re, Inc. 4,922 38-1997500 29823 GE Residential Mortgage Insurance Company 5 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0599999 - Authorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 4,927 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0699999 - Authorized - Pools - Mandatory Pools - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0799999 - Authorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0899999 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0999999 - Total - Authorized 10,211 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1099999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03-0360032 Radian Mortgage Reinsurance Company 35 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1199999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 35 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1299999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - Other (Non-U.S.) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates 35 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1499999 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1599999 - Unauthorized - Pools - Mandatory Pools - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1699999 - Unauthorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799999 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized 35 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized 10,246 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2099999 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Totals 10,246 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 41 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 5 Provision for Unauthorised Reinsurance as of December 31, Current Year (000 omitted) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Reinsurance Recoverable Funds Held all Items By Company Federal NAIC Schedule F Under ID Company Domiciliary Part 3, Reinsurance Letters of Number Code Name of Reinsurer Jurisdiction Co.15 Treaties Credit - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03-0360032 Radian Mortgage Reinsurance Company VT 286 871 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 286 871 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Affiliates 286 871 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36-4255472 AAMBG Reinsurance Inc. VT 16 12,700 03-0358080 Allecon Reinsurance Co. VT 0 91 23-2878531 Cap Re of Vermont, Inc. VT 13 14,491 58-2343351 Cherokee Reinsurance Co. VT 7 2,887 03-0351351 Cross Country Insurance Company VT 72 30,533 03-0359383 Fifth Third Mortgage Insurance Reinsurance Company VT 0 116 38-2734984 Flagstar Credit, Inc. MI 4 2,996 05-0501754 Fleet Mortgage Reinsurance Company RI 13 1,830 03-0355679 FT Mortgage Reinsurance Company SC 36 3,067 03-0363917 Mortgage Services Inc. VT 1 314 03-0362485 HMC Reinsurance Company VT 206 16-1571323 HSBC Reinsurance HI 0 449 03-0359505 Irwin Reinsurance Corporation VT 7 1,007 41-2037173 Lee Financial Corporation SC 8 3 57-1075818 MG Reinsurance VT 2 983 27-0009776 National City Mortgage Insurance Company HI 1 58-0243020 Nbank Reinsurance VT 8 04-3370409 North Star Guaranty Reinsurance Company VT 465 16,452 04-3375440 OS Reinsurance HI 34-0898643 PNC Reinsurance Corporation VT 2,333 68-0422709 Provident Reciprocal Insurance Exchange VT 0 2,716 03-0363273 Principal Mortgage Reinsurance VT 144 907 03-0350909 Balboa Reinsurance Company VT 288 60,844 99-0347524 WM Mortgage Reinsurance Company, Inc. HI 6,830 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 1,079 161,761 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-1320035 AXA Reassurance, SA FR 3,649 15,088 98-0365018 C & T Reinsurance Company Ltd. TC 12 48-1261231 Cajum Reinsurance TC 38 52-2292533 Capital State Reinsurance Ltd TC 0 110 34-1882820 Cooperative Mortrgage Reinsurance TC 7 455 52-2136143 CNI Reinsurance TC 52-2219874 Edgewater Reinsurance TC 68 74-3054479 E*Trade Reinsurance BM 98-0087200 First Monetary BM 19 100 98-0199445 HT Investment Reinsurance, Ltd. TC 391 98-0199800 I-Net Reinsurance Ltd. TC 196 52-2196272 MAI Reinsurance Ltd TC 52-2164518 MI Risk Reinsurance Corporation, Ltd TC 4 190 52-2297602 MECT TC 23 379 98-0364341 SMC Reinsurance Ltd. TC 52-2141897 Gordon Reinsurance TC 64 2,698 52-2141880 Seaside Reinsurance TC 22 771 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 3,787 15,088 5,408 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Affiliates and Others 5,152 15,088 168,040 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - Protected Cells - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 5,152 15,088 168,040 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 Sum of Cols. Federal NAIC Ceded Other 6 thru 10 but ID Company Balances Miscellaneous Allowed not in excess Number Code Name of Reinsurer Payable Balances Offset Items of Col. 5 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03-0360032 Radian Mortgage Reinsurance Company 268 286 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 268 286 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Affiliates 268 286 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36-4255472 AAMBG Reinsurance Inc. 1,719 16 03-0358080 Allecon Reinsurance Co 88 0 23-2878531 Cap Re of Vermont, Inc. 1,309 13 58-2343351 Cherokee Reinsurance Co 256 7 03-0351351 Cross Country Insurance Company 1,637 72 03-0359383 Fifth Third Mortgage Insurance Reinsurance Company 20 0 38-2734984 Flagstar Credit, Inc 389 4 05-0501754 Fleet Mortgage Reinsurance Company 166 13 03-0355679 FT Mortgage Reinsurance Company (243) 36 03-0363917 Mortgage Services Inc (20) 1 03-0362485 HMC Reinsurance Company 71 16-1571323 HSBC Reinsurance 28 0 03-0359505 Irwin Reinsurance Corporation 132 7 41-2037173 Lee Financial Corporation 6 8 57-1075818 MG Reinsurance 91 2 27-0009776 National City Mortgage Insurance Company 120 1 58-0243020 Nbank Reinsurance 2 04-3370409 North Star Guaranty Reinsurance Company 1,936 465 04-3375440 OS Reinsurance 29 34-0898643 PNC Reinsurance Corporation 112 68-0422709 Provident Reciprocal Insurance Exchange 120 0 03-0363273 Principal Mortgage Reinsurance 360 144 03-0350909 Balboa Reinsurance Company 1,846 288 99-0347524 WM Mortgage Reinsurance Company, Inc. 1,045 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 11,216 1,079 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-1320035 AXA Reassurance, SA 1 3,649 98-0365018 C & T Reinsurance Company Ltd. 48-1261231 Cajun Reinsurance 13 52-2292533 Capital State Reinsurance Ltd. (2) 0 34-1882820 Cooperative Mortrgage Reinsurance 32 7 52-2136143 CNI Reinsurance 20 52-2219874 Edgewater Reinsurance 35 74-3054479 E*Trade Reinsurance 10 98-0087200 First Monetary 12 19 98-0199445 HT Investment Reinsurance, Ltd. 5 98-0199800 I-Net Reinsurance Ltd. 33 52-2196272 MAI Reinsurance Ltd. 43 52-2164518 MI Risk Reinsurance Corporation, Ltd. 22 4 52-2297602 MECT 35 23 98-0364341 SMC Reinsurance Ltd. 0 52-2141897 Gordon Reinsurance (0) 64 52-2141880 Seaside Reinsurance 9 22 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 269 3,787 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Affiliates and Others 11,754 5,152 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - Protected Cells - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 11,754 5,152 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 12 13 14 15 Recoverables Paid Losses & LAE Expenses Federal NAIC Subtotal Over 90 Days 20% of Smaller of ID Company Col. 5 minus Past Due not Amount in Col. 11 or Number Code Name of Reinsurer Col. 11 in Dispute Col. 13 Col. 14 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03-0360032 Radian Mortgage Reinsurance Company - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Affiliates - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36-4255472 AAMBG Reinsurance Inc. 03-0358080 Allecon Reinsurance Co. 23-2878531 Cap Re of Vermont, Inc. 58-2343351 Cherokee Reinsurance Co. 03-0351351 Cross Country Insurance Company 03-0359383 Fifth Third Mortgage Insurance Reinsurance Company 38-2734984 Flagstar Credit, Inc. 05-0501754 Fleet Mortgage Reinsurance Company 03-0355679 FT Mortgage Reinsurance Company 03-0363917 Mortgage Services Inc 03-0362485 HMC Reinsurance Company 16-1571323 HSBC Reinsurance 03-0359505 Irwin Reinsurance Corporation 41-2037173 Lee Financial Corporation 57-1075818 MG Reinsurance 27-0009776 National City Mortgage Insurance Company 58-0243020 Nbank Reinsurance 04-3370409 North Star Guaranty Reinsurance Company 04-3375440 OS Reinsurance 34-0898643 PNC Reinsurance Corporation 68-0422709 Provident Reciprocal Insurance Exchange 03-0363273 Principal Mortgage Reinsurance 03-0350909 Balboa Reinsurance Company 99-0347524 WM Mortgage Reinsurance Company, Inc. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-1320035 AXA Reassurance, SA 98-0365018 C & T Reinsurance Company Ltd. 48-1261231 Cajun Reinsurance 52-2292533 Capital State Reinsurance Ltd. 34-1882820 Cooperative Mortrgage Reinsurance 52-2136143 CNI Reinsurance 52-2219874 Edgewater Reinsurance 74-3054479 E*Trade Reinsurance 98-0087200 First Monetary 98-0199445 HT Investment Reinsurance, Ltd. 98-0199800 I-Net Reinsurance Ltd. 52-2196272 MAI Reinsurance Ltd. 52-2164518 MI Risk Reinsurance Corporation, Ltd. 52-2297602 MECT 98-0364341 SMC Reinsurance Ltd. 52-2141897 Gordon Reinsurance 52-2141880 Seaside Reinsurance - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Affiliates and Other - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - Protected Cells - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 16 17 Total Provision for Smaller of Col. Unauthorised 11 or 20% of Reinsurance Amount in Smaller of Federal NAIC Dispute Col. 5 or ID Company Included in Cols. Number Code Name of Reinsurer Col. 5 12 + 15 + 18 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03-0360032 Radian Mortgage Reinsurance Company - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Affiliates - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36-4255472 AAMBG Reinsurance Inc. 03-0358080 Allecon Reinsurance Co. 23-2878531 Cap Re of Vermont, Inc. 58-2343351 Cherokee Reinsurance Co. 03-0351351 Cross Country Insurance Company 03-0359383 Fifth Third Mortgage Insurance Reinsurance Company 38-2734984 Flagstar Credit, Inc. 05-0501754 Fleet Mortgage Reinsurance Company 03-0355679 FT Mortgage Reinsurance Company 03-0363917 Mortgage Services Inc. 03-0362485 HMC Reinsurance Company 16-1571323 HSBC Reinsurance 03-0359505 Irwin Reinsurance Corporation 41-2037173 Lee Financial Corporation 57-1075818 MG Reinsurance 27-0009776 National City Mortgage Insurance Company 58-0243020 Nbank Reinsurance 04-3370409 North Star Guaranty Reinsurance Company 04-3375440 OS Reinsurance 34-0898643 PNC Reinsurance Corporation 68-0422709 Provident Reciprocal Insurance Exchange 03-0363273 Principal Mortgage Reinsurance 03-0350909 Balboa Reinsurance Company 99-0347524 WM Mortgage Reinsurance Company, Inc. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-1320035 AXA Reassurance, SA 98-0365018 C & T Reinsurance Company Ltd. 48-1261231 Cajun Reinsurance 52-2292533 Capital State Reinsurance Ltd. 34-1882820 Cooperative Mortrgage Reinsurance 52-2136143 CNI Reinsurance 52-2219874 Edgewater Reinsurance 74-3054479 E*Trade Reinsurance 98-0087200 First Monetary 98-0199445 HT Investment Reinsurance, Ltd. 98-0199800 I-Net Reinsurance Ltd. 52-2196272 MAI Reinsurance Ltd. 52-2164518 MI Risk Reinsurance Corporation, Ltd. 52-2297602 MECT 98-0364341 SMC Reinsurance Ltd. 52-2141897 Gordon Reinsurance 52-2141880 Seaside Reinsurance - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Affiliates and Others - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - Protected Cells - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Amounts in dispute totaling $ are included in Column 5. ----------- 2. Amounts in dispute totaling $ are excluded from Column 13. ----------- 3. Column 5 excludes $ recoverables on ceded IBNR on ------------------ contracts in force prior to July 1, 1984 and not subsequently renewed. 42 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule F - Part 6 NONE Schedule F - Part 7 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43, 44 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 8 Restatement of Balance Sheet to Identify Net Credit for Reinsurance - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 As Reported Restatement Restated (Net of Ceded) Adjustments (Gross of Ceded) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASSETS (Page 2, Col. 3) 1. Cash and invested assets (Line 9) 2,266,881,833 2,266,881,833 2. Agents' balances or uncollected premiums (Line 10) 44,999,836 44,999,836 3. Funds held by or deposited with reinsured companies (Line 11) 4 Reinsurance recoverable on loss and loss adjustment expense payments (Line 14) 10,246,205 (10,246,205) 5. Other assets (Lines 12 and 13 and 15 through 25) 84,372,148 84,372,148 6. Net amount recoverable from reinsurers 71,427,612 71,427,612 ----------------------------------------------- 7. Totals (Line 28) 2,406,500,022 61,181,407 2,467,681,429 ----------------------------------------------- LIABILITIES (Page 3) 8. Losses and loss adjustment expenses (Lines 1 through 3) 393,370,124 77,773,044 471,143,168 9. Taxes, expenses, and other obligations (Lines 4 through 8) 29,140,255 29,140,255 10. Unearned premiums (Line 9) 69,765,771 22,970,115 92,735,886 11. Advance Premiums (Line 10) 12. Dividends declared and unpaid (Line 11.1 and 11.2) 13. Ceded reinsurance premiums payable (net of ceded commissions) (Line 12) 24,473,409 (24,473,409) 14. Funds held by company under reinsurance treaties (Line 13) 15,088,343 (15,088,343) 15. Amounts withheld or retained by company for account of others (Line 14) 44,908,628 44,908,628 16. Provision for reinsurance (Line 16) 17. Other liabilities (Lines 15 and 17 through 23) 1,666,208,182 1,666,208,182 ----------------------------------------------- 18. Total liabilities (Line 26 minus Line 25) 2,242,954,712 61,181,407 2,304,136,119 ----------------------------------------------- 19. Surplus as regards policyholders (Line 35) 163,545,310 XXX 163,545,310 ----------------------------------------------- 20. Totals (Line 36) 2,406,500,022 61,181,407 2,467,681,429 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Is the restatement of this exhibit the result of grossing up balances ceded to affiliates under 100 percent reinsurance or pooling arrangements? Yes [ ] No [X] If yes, give full explanation: 45 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule H - Part 1 NONE Schedule H - Part 2 NONE Schedule H - Part 3 NONE Schedule H - Part 4 NONE Schedule H - Part 5 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46, 47, 48 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE P - ANALYSIS OF LOSSES AND LOSS EXPENSES SCHEDULE P - PART 1 - SUMMARY ($000 Omitted) - --------------------------------------------------- Premiums Earned ----------------------------------- 1 2 3 Years in Which Premiums Were Earned and Losses Direct and Net Were Incurred Assumed Ceded (Cols. 1 - 2) - --------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX 2. 1993 98,596 5,228 93,368 3. 1994 114,034 5,390 108,644 4. 1995 143,934 9,314 134,620 5. 1996 201,572 21,861 179,711 6. 1997 256,704 32,732 223,972 7. 1998 311,827 47,327 264,500 8. 1999 350,560 45,084 305,476 9. 2000 421,688 50,853 370,835 10. 2001 545,933 68,504 477,428 11. 2002 687,374 80,151 607,222 - --------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loss and Loss Expense Payments 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defense and Cost Adjusting and Other 10 11 Years in Loss Payments Containment Payments Payments Which ---------------------------------------------------------------- Number of Premiums 4 5 6 7 8 9 Salvage Total Net Claims Were Earned and Paid (Cols. Reported - and Losses Direct and Direct and Direct and Subrogation 4 - 5 + 6 - Direct and Were Incurred Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Received 7 + 8 - 9) Assumed - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 31 31 XXX 2. 1993 32,173 1,453 2,840 33,560 XXX 3. 1994 36,723 2,507 2,801 37,017 XXX 4. 1995 58,798 6,996 2,978 54,780 XXX 5. 1996 91,093 12,269 3,400 82,225 XXX 6. 1997 90,907 11,481 3,649 83,074 XXX 7. 1998 73,632 9,282 2,072 66,422 XXX 8. 1999 66,039 5,025 1,911 62,925 XXX 9. 2000 76,650 3,709 1,964 74,904 XXX 10. 2001 111,123 4,291 1,640 108,472 XXX 11. 2002 18,326 766 272 17,832 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals 655,494 57,780 23,527 621,241 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Losses Unpaid Defense and Cost Containment Unpaid ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case Basis Bulk + IBNR Case Basis Bulk + IBNR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 63 96 27 2. 19 63 28 3. 35 114 7 4. 65 210 16 5. 244 788 174 6. 633 2,040 459 7. 1,166 3,758 1,255 8. 2,430 7,709 2,216 9. 6,777 21,228 5,780 10. 30,798 95,880 21,601 11. 70,387 213,331 46,210 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals 112,619 345,217 77,773 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusting and 23 24 25 Other Unpaid ------------------ 21 22 Total Number of Salvage Net Claims and Losses Outstand- Subrog- and ing- Direct and ation Expenses Direct and Assumed Ceded Anticipated Unpaid Assumed - --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 4 137 XXX 2. 2 56 XXX 3. 5 148 XXX 4. 9 268 XXX 5. 30 889 XXX 6. 78 2,292 XXX 7. 128 3,797 XXX 8. 277 8,199 XXX 9. 778 23,003 XXX 10. 3,679 108,755 XXX 11. 8,318 245,826 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals 13,308 393,371 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Loss and Loss Expense Percentage Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred (Incurred/Premiums Earned) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 27 28 29 30 31 Direct and Direct and Assumed Ceded Net Assumed Ceded Net - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 35,097 1,481 33,616 35.6 28.3 36.0 3. 39,679 2,514 37,165 34.8 46.6 34.2 4. 62,060 7,012 55,048 43.1 75.3 40.9 5. 95,556 12,442 83,114 47.4 56.9 46.2 6. 97,307 11,941 85,366 37.9 36.5 38.1 7. 80,756 10,537 70,218 25.9 22.3 26.5 8. 78,365 7,241 71,124 22.4 16.1 23.3 9. 107,397 9,490 97,907 25.5 18.7 26.4 10. 243,119 25,892 217,227 44.5 37.8 45.5 11. 310,634 46,976 263,659 45.2 58.6 43.4 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 Net Balance Sheet Reserves Nontabular Discount After Discount ------------------- Inter- -------------------------- 32 33 Company 35 36 Pooling Loss Loss Participation Losses Expenses Loss Expense Percentage Unpaid Unpaid - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. XXX 133 4 2. 54 2 3. 143 5 4. 259 9 5. 859 30 6. 2,214 78 7. 3,669 128 8. 7,922 277 9. 22,225 778 10. 105,076 3,679 11. 237,508 8,318 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals XXX 380,063 13,308 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Parts 2 and 4 are gross of all discounting, including tabular discounting. Part 1 is gross of only nontabular discounting, which is reported in Columns 32 and 33 of Part 1. The tabular discount, if any, is reported in the Notes to Financial Statements which will reconcile Part 1 with Parts 2 and 4. 49 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 2 - SUMMARY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCURRED NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) DEVELOPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Years in Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Losses Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 One Year Two Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 15,061 15,272 15,637 15,215 15,049 14,924 15,137 14,859 14,753 14,774 21 (85) 2. 1993 27,242 30,419 31,255 31,031 30,972 30,825 30,854 30,789 30,737 30,774 36 (15) 3. 1994 XXX 34,669 37,631 35,275 35,562 35,026 35,633 34,605 34,436 34,359 (77) (246) 4. 1995 XXX XXX 53,013 53,370 54,597 53,809 53,567 52,746 52,220 52,061 (159) (685) 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 86,867 89,777 85,031 83,525 82,152 80,545 79,684 (862) (2,468) 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 99,479 99,286 91,800 87,283 84,088 81,639 (2,448) (5,644) 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 125,478 97,698 80,269 73,503 68,018 (5,485) (12,251) 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 148,265 106,014 83,541 68,936 (14,605) (37,078) 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 171,547 133,216 95,165 (38,051) (76,382) 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 244,066 211,908 (32,158) XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 255,069 XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals (93,788) (134,854) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 3 - SUMMARY - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUMULATIVE PAID NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED 11 12 AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of Claims Claims Closed Years in Which Closed With Without Losses Were Loss Loss Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Payment Payment - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 000 8,366 11,361 13,362 13,540 13,887 14,167 14,470 14,610 14,641 XXX XXX 2. 1993 5,050 22,057 27,806 29,242 29,925 30,290 30,311 30,551 30,652 30,720 XXX XXX 3. 1994 XXX 5,707 25,354 30,261 32,257 32,843 33,789 34,090 34,193 34,216 XXX XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 8,234 36,970 46,600 49,529 50,898 51,447 51,663 51,802 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 12,659 57,754 72,439 76,367 78,044 78,664 78,825 XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 13,601 58,546 72,378 77,361 78,503 79,425 XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10,161 42,214 58,934 62,617 64,350 XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 5,689 40,113 56,048 61,014 XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 7,536 47,533 72,940 XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 13,388 106,832 XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 17,560 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4 - SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BULK AND IBNR RESERVES ON NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Years in Which Losses Were 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 14,454 6,587 3,500 1,826 1,449 918 788 307 54 70 2. 1993 19,629 7,319 3,236 1,558 1,007 522 468 219 55 35 3. 1994 XXX 25,455 11,366 4,334 2,051 1,040 720 464 181 108 4. 1995 XXX XXX 43,683 14,031 7,639 3,671 2,180 1,171 383 194 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 63,633 28,456 10,392 5,483 3,483 1,212 615 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 77,482 34,297 15,540 8,564 3,676 1,581 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 102,035 44,429 18,279 6,737 2,503 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 117,551 54,391 17,681 5,493 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 142,547 56,568 15,448 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 158,452 74,279 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 167,121 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 1A - Home/Farm NONE Schedule P - Part 1B - Private Passenger NONE Schedule P - Part 1C - Comm Auto/Truck NONE Schedule P - Part 1D - Workers' Comp NONE Schedule P - Part 1E - Comm Multi Peril NONE Schedule P - Part 1F - Medical Mal Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 1F - Medical Mal Claim NONE Schedule P - Part 1G - Special Liability NONE Schedule P - Part 1H - Other Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 1H - Other Liab Claims NONE Schedule P - Part 1I - Special Property NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 1J - Auto Physical NONE Schedule P - Part 1K - Fidelity/Surety NONE Schedule P - Part 1L - Other NONE Schedule P - Part 1M - International NONE Schedule P - Part 1N - Reinsurance A NONE Schedule P - Part 1O - Reinsurance B NONE Schedule P - Part 1P - Reinsurance C NONE Schedule P - Part 1R - Prod Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 1R - Prod Liab Claims NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 1S - FINANCIAL GUARANTY/MORTGAGE GUARANTY ($000 Omitted) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Years in Premiums Earned Loss and Loss Expense Payments Which --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premiums 1 2 3 Defense and Cost Adjusting and Other 10 11 Were Loss Payments Containment Payments Payments Earned ----------------- --------------------- ------------------- and 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Net Losses Direct Salvage and Paid Were and Net Direct and Direct and Direct and Subrogation (Cols. 4-5 Incurred Assumed Ceded (Cols.1-2) Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Received +6-7+8-9) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX 36,136 2,686 516 33,966 2. 2001 545,933 68,504 477,428 111,123 4,291 1,640 108,472 3. 2002 687,374 80,151 607,222 18,326 766 272 17,832 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Totals XXX XXX XXX 165,585 7,743 2,428 160,270 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 23 Years in Adjusting And Which Losses Unpaid Defense and Cost Containment Unpaid Other Unpaid Premiums Number ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------- Were of Case Basis Bulk + IBNR Case Basis Bulk + IBNR 21 22 Earned Claims ----------------- ------------------ ----------------- ----------------- and Reported 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Losses -Direct Direct Salvage and Were and Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and and Subrogation Incurred Assumed Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Anticipated - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX 11,434 36,007 9,962 1,311 2. 2001 XXX 30,798 95,880 21,601 3,679 3. 2002 XXX 70,387 213,331 46,210 8,318 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals XXX 112,619 345,217 77,773 13,308 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 25 Years in Which Premiums Total Loss and Loss Expense Percentage Were Total Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred (Incurred/Premiums Earned) Earned Net Number of --------------------------------- -------------------------------- and Losses Claims 26 27 28 29 30 31 Losses and Outstanding Were Expenses -Direct and Direct and Direct and Incurred Unpaid Assumed Assumed Ceded Net Assumed Ceded Net - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 38,789 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 2001 108,755 243,119 25,892 217,227 44.5 37.8 45.5 3. 2002 245,826 310,634 46,976 263,659 45.2 58.6 43.4 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals 393,371 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 Years in Which Premiums Net Balance Sheet Were Nontabular Discount Reserves After Discount Earned ------------------- Inter- ----------------------- and 32 33 Company 35 36 Losses Pooling Loss Were Loss Participation Losses Expenses Incurred Loss Expense Percentage Unpaid Unpaid - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX 37,478 1,311 2. 2001 105,076 3,679 3. 2002 237,508 8,318 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals XXX 380,063 13,308 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 2A NONE Schedule P - Part 2B NONE Schedule P - Part 2C NONE Schedule P - Part 2D NONE Schedule P - Part 2E NONE Schedule P - Part 2F - Medical Mal Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 2F - Medical Mal Claim NONE Schedule P - Part 2G NONE Schedule P - Part 2H - Other Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 2H - Other Liab Claim NONE Schedule P - Part 21 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72, 73, 74 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 2J NONE Schedule P - Part 2K NONE Schedule P - Part 2L NONE Schedule P - Part 2M NONE Schedule P - Part 2N NONE Schedule P - Part 2O NONE Schedule P - Part 2P NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74, 75 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 2R - SECTION 1 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - OCCURRENCE NONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years in INCURRED NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) DEVELOPMENT Which ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Losses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 One Year Two Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2R - SECTION 2 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - CLAIMS-MADE NONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2S - FINANCIAL GUARANTY/MORTGAGE GUARANTY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 267,718 194,494 132,864 (61,630) (134,854) 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 244,066 211,908 (32,158) XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 255,069 XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals (93,788) (134,854) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 3A NONE Schedule P - Part 3B NONE Schedule P - Part 3C NONE Schedule P - Part 3D NONE Schedule P - Part 3E NONE Schedule P - Part 3F - Medical Mal Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 3F - Medical Mal Claim NONE Schedule P - Part 3G NONE Schedule P - Part 3H - Other Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 3H - Other Liab Claims NONE Schedule P - Part 3I NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77, 78, 79 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 3J NONE Schedule P - Part 3K NONE Schedule P - Part 3L NONE Schedule P - Part 3M NONE Schedule P - Part 3N NONE Schedule P - Part 3O NONE Schedule P - Part 3P NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 79, 80 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 3R - SECTION 1 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - OCCURRENCE NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUMULATIVE PAID NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT 11 12 EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END $000 OMITTED ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of Claims Claims Closed Years in Which Closed With Without Losses Were Loss Loss Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Payment Payment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 000 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 3R - SECTION 2 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - CLAIMS-MADE NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 000 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 3S - FINANCIAL GUARANTY/MORTGAGE GUARANTY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 000 61,936 95,386 XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 13,388 106,832 XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 17,560 XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 4A NONE Schedule P - Part 4B NONE Schedule P - Part 4C NONE Schedule P - Part 4D NONE Schedule P - Part 4E NONE Schedule P - Part 4F - Medical Mal Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 4F - Medical Mal Claim NONE Schedule P - Part 4G NONE Schedule P - Part 4H - Other Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 4H - Other Liab Claims NONE Schedule P - Part 4I - Special Property NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 82, 83, 84 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 4J NONE Schedule P - Part 4K NONE Schedule P - Part 4L NONE Schedule P - Part 4M NONE Schedule P - Part 4N NONE Schedule P - Part 4O NONE Schedule P - Part 4P NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84, 85 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 4R - SECTION 1 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - OCCURRENCE NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BULK AND IBNR RESERVES ON NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years in Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Losses Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4R - SECTION 2 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - CLAIMS-MADE NONE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4S - FINANCIAL GAURANTY/MORTGAGE GUARANTY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 229,424 86,546 26,044 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 158,452 74,279 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 167,121 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 5A- SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5A- SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 5A- SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5B- SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5B- SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 5B- SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5C- SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5C- SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 5C- SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5D- SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5D- SN2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87, 88, 89, 90 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 5D- SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5E- SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5E- SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 5E- SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN1A NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN3A NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN3B NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN1A NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 5H- SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN3A NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN3B NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN1A NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN3A NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN3B NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94, 95, 96, 97 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 6C - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6C - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6D - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6D - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6E - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6E - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6H - SN1A NONE Schedule P - Part 6H - SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 6H - SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 6H - SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 6M - SN1 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98, 99, 100 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 6M - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6N - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6N - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6O - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6O - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6R - SN1A NONE Schedule P - Part 6R - SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 6R - SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 6R - SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 1 NONE Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100, 101, 102, 103 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 3 NONE Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 4 NONE Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 5 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 1 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 2 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 3 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 4 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 5 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 6 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 7 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 103, 104, 105, 106 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE P INTERROGATORIES 1. What is the extended loss and expense reserve - direct and assumed - for the following classes? An example of an extended loss and expense reserve is the actuarial reserve for the free-tail coverage arising upon death, disability or retirement in most medical malpractice policies. Such a liability is to be reported here even if it was not reported elsewhere in Schedule P, but otherwise reported as a liability item on Page 3. Show the full reserve amount, not just the change during the current year. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years in which premiums were earned 1 2 3 and losses were incurred Medical Malpractice Other Liability Products Liability - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.01 Prior 1.02 1993 1.03 1994 1.04 1995 1.05 1996 1.06 1997 1.07 1998 1.08 1999 1.09 2000 1.10 2001 1.11 2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.12 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. The definition of allocated loss adjustment expenses (ALAE) and, therefore, unallocated loss adjustment expenses (ULAE) was changed effective January 1, 1998. This change in definition applies to both paid and unpaid expenses. Are these expenses (now reported as "Defense and Cost Containment" and "Adjusting and Other") reported in compliance with these definitions in this statement? Answer: Yes [X] No [ ] 3. The Adjusting and Other expense payments and reserves should be allocated to the years in which the losses were incurred based on the number of claims reported, closed and outstanding in those years. When allocating Adjusting and Other expense between companies in a group or a pool, the Adjusting and Other expense should be allocated in the same percentage used for the loss amounts and the claim counts. For reinsurers, Adjusting and Other expense assumed should be reported according to the reinsurance contract. For Adjusting and Other expense incurred by reinsurers, or in those situations where suitable claim count information is not available, Adjusting and Other expense should be allocated by a reasonable method determined by the company and described in Interrogatory 7, below. Are they so reported in this Statement? Answer: Yes [X] No [ ] 4. Do any lines in Schedule P include reserves which are reported gross of any discount to present value of future payments, but are reported net of such discounts on Page 11? Yes [ ] No [X] If Yes, proper reporting must be made in the Notes to Financial Statements, as specified in the Instructions. Also, the discounts must be reported in Schedule P - Part 1, Columns 32 and 33. Schedule P must be completed gross of non-tabular discounting. Work papers relating to discount calculations must be available for examination upon request. Discounting is allowed only if expressly permitted by the state insurance department to which this Annual Statement is being filed. 5. What were the net premiums in force at the end of the year for: (in thousands of dollars) 5.1 Fidelity ------------------ 5.2 Surety ------------------ 6. Claim count information is reported Per Claim ------------------------------------------------------------ 7.1 The information provided in Schedule P will be used by many persons to estimate the adequacy of the current loss and expense reserves, among other things. Are there any especially significant events, coverage, retention or accounting changes which have occurred which must be considered when making such analyses? Yes [ ] No [X] 7.2 An extended statement may be attached. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 107 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE T - EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS WRITTEN Allocated by States and Territories - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Gross Premiums, Including 4 5 Policy and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies Not Taken Dividends -------------------------- Paid Is 2 3 or Credited to Direct Losses Insurer Direct Direct Policyholders Paid Licensed? Premiums Premiums on Direct (Deducting States, etc. (Yes or No) Written Earned Business Salvage) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Alabama AL Yes 8,629,808 8,439,287 2,997,314 2. Alaska AK Yes 3,690,804 4,529,514 184,069 3. Arizona AZ Yes 28,142,055 29,210,047 5,235,910 4. Arkansas AR Yes 1,275,316 292,898 724,703 5. California CA Yes 102,162,286 96,354,990 8,690,769 6. Colorado CO Yes 18,770,662 19,430,874 2,448,114 7. Connecticut CT Yes 7,954,707 8,240,032 1,027,840 8. Delaware DE Yes 2,913,589 3,152,368 303,825 9. District of Columbia DC Yes 1,040,156 1,086,506 538,156 10. Florida FL Yes 52,567,013 55,584,737 8,864,315 11. Georgia GA Yes 31,041,204 33,314,782 12,731,071 12. Hawaii HI Yes 4,954,487 4,448,179 1,241,272 13. Idaho ID Yes 3,297,209 3,342,970 1,944,783 14. Illinois IL Yes 23,737,487 24,524,389 6,433,082 15. Indiana IN Yes 7,957,414 8,185,302 3,658,967 16. Iowa IA Yes 3,935,037 4,055,695 686,070 17. Kansas KS Yes 3,073,050 3,069,582 702,384 18. Kentucky KY Yes 5,665,805 5,941,260 1,371,097 19. Louisiana LA Yes 7,023,616 7,163,242 2,008,870 20. Maine ME Yes 2,012,202 2,101,460 51,147 21. Maryland MD Yes 14,492,496 14,682,524 2,962,947 22. Massachusetts MA Yes 13,725,002 13,889,944 453,516 23. Michigan MI Yes 16,825,357 16,961,790 3,983,446 24. Minnesota MN Yes 11,420,926 12,044,222 596,600 25. Mississippi MS Yes 5,729,373 6,244,576 1,886,883 26. Missouri MO Yes 7,987,350 8,180,287 2,815,090 27. Montana MT Yes 1,183,323 1,165,677 527,086 28. Nebraska NE Yes 1,439,640 1,473,552 331,029 29. Nevada NV Yes 13,385,112 14,061,437 3,054,009 30. New Hampshire NH Yes 3,725,954 3,868,147 173,436 31. New Jersey NJ Yes 24,704,962 25,332,044 2,876,123 32. New Mexico NM Yes 5,418,399 5,622,653 2,062,824 33. New York NY Yes 43,769,223 47,099,969 5,947,584 34. North Carolina NC Yes 17,122,240 17,555,783 6,110,825 35. North Dakota ND Yes 455,045 438,795 75,529 36. Ohio OH Yes 18,543,077 18,966,038 5,574,633 37. Oklahoma OK Yes 5,575,698 5,935,588 1,414,426 38. Oregon OR Yes 11,860,387 11,928,757 5,339,832 39. Pennsylvania PA Yes 22,813,139 21,912,050 5,920,059 40. Rhode Island RI Yes 2,926,382 3,000,320 176,746 41. South Carolina SC Yes 7,328,971 7,592,948 3,180,719 42. South Dakota SD Yes 562,839 549,430 157,280 43. Tennessee TN Yes 14,264,872 15,156,090 4,942,863 44. Texas TX Yes 35,429,571 36,889,350 9,770,085 45. Utah UT Yes 10,593,902 11,245,790 9,894,769 46. Vermont VT Yes 838,663 885,016 35,833 47. Virginia VA Yes 15,132,529 14,723,108 1,380,961 48. Washington WA Yes 16,749,031 17,344,982 6,273,435 49. West Virginia WV Yes 1,115,579 1,144,053 629,856 50. Wisconsin WI Yes 4,930,048 5,044,750 984,425 51. Wyoming WY Yes 2,496,177 2,415,791 209,060 52. American Samoa AS No 53. Guam GU Yes 421,280 250,239 54. Puerto Rico PR No 55. U.S. Virgin Islands VI No 56. Canada CN No 57. Aggregate Other Aliens OT XXX 58. Totals (a) 52 672,810,454 686,073,814 151,585,666 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 5701. XXX 5702. XXX 5703. XXX 5798. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 57 from overflow page XXX 5799. Totals (Lines 5701 thru 5703 plus 5798) (Line 57 above) XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 7 8 9 Direct Premium Written for Finance and Federal Service Purchasing Charges Not Groups Direct Losses Direct Losses Included in (Included in States, etc. Incurred Unpaid Premiums Col. 2) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Alabama AL 4,109,300 7,545,850 2. Alaska AK (210,073) 577,829 3. Arizona AZ 6,403,194 14,832,042 4. Arkansas AR 772,528 976,257 5. California CA (13,118,965) 35,659,012 6. Colorado CO 6,395,091 12,782,612 7. Connecticut CT 688,184 3,601,426 8. Delaware DE 152,568 1,904,298 9. District of Columbia DC 105,800 670,720 10. Florida FL (262,588) 36,546,684 11. Georgia GA 20,709,277 33,211,308 12. Hawaii HI (95,572) 1,176,461 13. Idaho ID 2,788,193 3,648,279 14. Illinois IL 6,541,289 18,252,735 15. Indiana IN 5,672,315 9,243,130 16. Iowa IA 891,145 1,836,602 17. Kansas KS 1,017,068 2,095,935 18. Kentucky KY 1,668,354 4,855,050 19. Louisiana LA 2,005,929 4,671,339 20. Maine ME 37,789 458,748 21. Maryland MD 684,826 11,436,272 22. Massachusetts MA (1,052,573) 3,581,564 23. Michigan MI 9,127,643 17,450,403 24. Minnesota MN (196,114) 6,449,932 25. Mississippi MS 2,351,556 3,556,983 26. Missouri MO 3,554,108 5,512,010 27. Montana MT 824,382 1,088,348 28. Nebraska NE 710,368 1,188,566 29. Nevada NV 1,694,963 11,216,684 30. New Hampshire NH 280,778 1,098,751 31. New Jersey NJ 1,663,534 16,566,167 32. New Mexico NM 2,773,309 4,561,451 33. New York NY (2,130,931) 28,426,112 34. North Carolina NC 10,589,329 16,746,186 35. North Dakota ND (3,365) 135,789 36. Ohio OH 9,720,073 19,623,525 37. Oklahoma OK 1,726,781 2,735,967 38. Oregon OR 4,891,662 9,049,063 39. Pennsylvania PA 6,678,083 17,272,001 40. Rhode Island RI (487,531) 760,989 41. South Carolina SC 6,366,058 10,117,962 42. South Dakota SD 197,468 314,369 43. Tennessee TN 6,685,595 10,718,466 44. Texas TX 10,342,204 24,578,446 45. Utah UT 10,873,687 13,964,760 46. Vermont VT (13,962) 224,615 47. Virginia VA 201,609 5,972,898 48. Washington WA 7,707,593 12,778,164 49. West Virginia WV 542,043 708,851 50. Wisconsin WI 1,426,323 4,197,614 51. Wyoming WY 273,841 1,128,542 52. American Samoa AS 53. Guam GU 56,292 56,292 54. Puerto Rico PR 55. U.S. Virgin Islands VI 56. Canada CN 57. Aggregate Other Aliens OT 58. Totals 144,330,459 457,764,057 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 5701. 5702. 5703. 5798. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 57 from overflow page 5799. Totals (Lines 5701 thru 5703 plus 5798) (Line 57 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Insert the number of yes responses except for Canada and Other Alien. Explanation of basis of allocation of premiums by states, etc. BY PROPERTY STATE 108 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE Y - INFORMATION CONCERNING ACTIVITIES OF INSURER MEMBERS OF A HOLDING COMPANY GROUP PART 1 - ORGANIZATIONAL CHART [ORGANIZATION CHART] ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE Y (continued) PART 2 - SUMMARY OF INSURER'S TRANSACTIONS WITH ANY AFFILIATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Purchases, Sales or Exchanges of Loans, Securities, Real NAIC Estate, Mortgage Company Federal ID Shareholder Capital Loans or Other Code Number Names of Insurers and Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Dividends Contributions Investments - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23-2691170 RADIAN GROUP INC. 80,628,195 (155,624,405) 33790 23-2018130 RADIAN GUARANTY INC. (30,000,000) (32,824,478) 2,101,498 33944 93-0952702 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ARIZONA 10,000,000 15909 23-2726782 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF TEXAS 152,094,018 20720 23-2734276 RADIAN INSURANCE INC. 23-1936987 RADIAN SERVICES LLC (2,101,498) 10185 36-3996062 AMERIN RE CORPORATION (4,600,000) 30872 23-1922977 AMERIN GUARANTY CORPORATION (20,000,000) 03-0360032 RADIAN MORTGAGE REINSURANCE COMPANY 250,000 36250 22-2712977 RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. 149,997,004 13-3333448 ENHANCE FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP INC. (26,028,195) (123,895,139) 27545 13-3371658 RADIAN REINSURANCE COMPANY AA-3190428 EXPORTERS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. 13-3570591 VAN-AMERICAN COMPANIES INC. 39870 61-1181203 VAN-AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY 42-1497928 RADIAN EXPRESS.COM 03-0463207 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC. 3,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Control Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 7 8 Income/ (Disbursements) Incurred in Connection with Guarantees or Undertakings NAIC for the Management Company Federal ID Benefit of any Agreements and Code Number Names of Insurers and Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Affiliate(s) Service Contracts - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23-2691170 RADIAN GROUP INC. 798,295 33790 23-2018130 RADIAN GUARANTY INC. (4,513,592) 33944 93-0952702 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ARIZONA (84,680) 15909 23-2726782 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF TEXAS (84,680) 20720 23-2734276 RADIAN INSURANCE INC. (338,539) 23-1936987 RADIAN SERVICES LLC 4,392,556 10185 36-3996062 AMERIN RE CORPORATION (84,680) 30872 23-1922977 AMERIN GUARANTY CORPORATION (84,680) 03-0360032 RADIAN MORTGAGE REINSURANCE COMPANY 36250 22-2712977 RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. 21,204,884 13-3333448 ENHANCE FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP INC. (3,780,708) 27545 13-3371658 RADIAN REINSURANCE COMPANY (17,424,176) AA-3190428 EXPORTERS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. 13-3570591 VAN-AMERICAN COMPANIES INC. 39870 61-1181203 VAN-AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY 42-1497928 RADIAN EXPRESS.COM 03-0463207 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Control Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 9 10 11 Income/ Any Other Material (Disbursements) Activity Not in the NAIC Incurred Under Ordinary Course of Company Federal ID Reinsurance the Insurer's Code Number Names of Insurers and Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Agreements Business - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23-2691170 RADIAN GROUP INC. 33790 23-2018130 RADIAN GUARANTY INC. (12,920,429) 33944 93-0952702 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ARIZONA 997,682 15909 23-2726782 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF TEXAS 8,850,310 20720 23-2734276 RADIAN INSURANCE INC. (11,003,433) 23-1936987 RADIAN SERVICES LLC 10185 36-3996062 AMERIN RE CORPORATION 1,637,191 30872 23-1922977 AMERIN GUARANTY CORPORATION 03-0360032 RADIAN MORTGAGE REINSURANCE COMPANY 466,203 36250 22-2712977 RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. 13,275,731 13-3333448 ENHANCE FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP INC. 27545 13-3371658 RADIAN REINSURANCE COMPANY (3,875,187) AA-3190428 EXPORTERS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. 3,379,749 13-3570591 VAN-AMERICAN COMPANIES INC. 39870 61-1181203 VAN-AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (807,817) 42-1497928 RADIAN EXPRESS.COM 03-0463207 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Control Totals XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 12 13 Reinsurance Recoverable/ (Payable) on Losses NAIC and/or Reserve Company Federal ID Credit Code Number Names of Insurers and Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Totals Taken/(Liability) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23-2691170 RADIAN GROUP INC. (74,197,915) 33790 23-2018130 RADIAN GUARANTY INC. (78,157,001) (54,338,183) 33944 93-0952702 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ARIZONA 10,913,002 3,319,386 15909 23-2726782 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF TEXAS 160,859,648 41,439,654 20720 23-2734276 RADIAN INSURANCE INC. (11,341,972) 2,407,514 23-1936987 RADIAN SERVICES LLC 2,291,058 10185 36-3996062 AMERIN RE CORPORATION (3,047,489) 7,122,746 30872 23-1922977 AMERIN GUARANTY CORPORATION (20,084,680) 03-0360032 RADIAN MORTGAGE REINSURANCE COMPANY 716,203 48,883 36250 22-2712977 RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. 184,477,619 2,512,327 13-3333448 ENHANCE FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP INC. (153,704,042) 27545 13-3371658 RADIAN REINSURANCE COMPANY (21,299,363) 13,912,206 AA-3190428 EXPORTERS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. 3,379,749 (16,516,377) 13-3570591 VAN-AMERICAN COMPANIES INC. 39870 61-1181203 VAN-AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (807,817) 5,116,498 42-1497928 RADIAN EXPRESS.COM 03-0463207 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC. 3,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Control Totals 0 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES INTERROGATORIES The following supplemental reports are required to be filed as part of your statement filing. However, in the event that your company does not transact the type of business for which the special report must be filed, your response of NO to the specific interrogatory will be accepted in lieu of filing a "NONE" report and a bar code will be printed below. If the supplement is required of your company but is not being filed for whatever reason enter SEE EXPLANATION and provide an explanation following the interrogatory questions. MARCH FILING RESPONSES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- 1. Will Supplement A to Schedule T (Medical Malpractice Supplement) be filed by March 1? No 2. Will Schedule SIS (Stockholder Information Supplement) be filed with the state of domicile by March 1? No 3. Will the Financial Guaranty Insurance Exhibit be filed March 1? No 4. Will the Medicare Supplement Insurance Experience Exhibit be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by March 1? No 5. Will an actuarial opinion be filed by March 1? Yes 6. Will the SVO Compliance Certification be filed by March 1? Yes 7. Will the Trusteed Surplus Statement be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by March 1? No 8. Will the Supplemental Compensation Exhibit be filed with the state of domicile by March 1? Yes 9. Will the Risk-based Capital Report be filed with the NAIC by March 1? No 10. Will the Risk-based Capital Report be filed with the state of domicile, if required by March 1? No 11. Will the Premiums Attributed to Protected Cells Exhibit be filed by March 1? No APRIL FILING 12. Will the Insurance Expense Exhibit be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by April 1? Yes 13. Will Management's Discussion and Analysis be filed by April 1? Yes 14. Will the Credit Insurance Experience Exhibit be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by April 1? No 15. Will the Long-term Care Experience Reporting Forms be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by April 1? No 16. Will the Accident and Health Policy Experience Exhibit be filed by April 1? No 17. Will the Investment Risk Interrogatories be filed by April 1? Yes MAY FILING 18. Will this company be included in a combined annual statement which is filed with the NAIC by May 1? Yes JUNE FILING 19. Will an audited financial report be filed by June 1? Yes Explanations: Bar Codes: 1. 3 3 7 9 0 2 0 0 2 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 2. 3 3 7 9 0 2 0 0 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. 3 3 7 9 0 2 0 0 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4. 3 3 7 9 0 2 0 0 2 3 6 0 5 8 0 0 0 7. 3 3 7 9 0 2 0 0 2 4 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9. 3 3 7 9 0 2 0 0 2 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES INTERROGATORIES 10. 3 3 7 9 0 2 0 0 2 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 11. 3 3 7 9 0 2 0 0 2 3 8 5 0 0 0 0 0 14. 3 3 7 9 0 2 0 0 2 2 3 0 5 8 0 0 0 15. 3 3 7 9 0 2 0 0 2 3 3 0 5 8 0 0 0 16. 3 3 7 9 0 2 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 111.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERFLOW PAGE FOR WRITE-INS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule A - Part 1 NONE Schedule A - Part 2 NONE Schedule A - Part 3 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E01, E02, E03 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE B - PART 1 Showing all Mortgage Loans OWNED December 31 of Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Location 4 5 6 ----------------- 2 3 Loan Number City State Loan Type Date Acquired Rate of Interest - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A0262126 Chicago Illinois 09/01/2001 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IL99999 - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Mortgages in good standing - Residential Mortgages - All Other - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799999 - Total - Mortgages in Good Standing - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 7 8 9 Book value/Recorded Increase (Decrease) Investment Excluding Increase (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange Loan Number Accrued Interest by Adjustment Adjustment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A0262126 171,056 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IL99999 - 171,056 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Mortgages in good standing - Residential Mortgages - All Other 171,056 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799999 - Total - Mortgages in Good Standing 171,056 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 171,056 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 10 11 Date of Last Value of Land and Appraisal or Loan Number Buildings Valuation - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A0262126 180,000 10/31/2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IL99999 - 180,000 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Mortgages in good standing - Residential Mortgages - All Other 180,000 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799999 - Total - Mortgages in Good Standing 180,000 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 180,000 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Interrogatory: 1. Mortgages in good standing $ unpaid taxes $ interest due and unpaid. ---- ---- 2. Restructured mortgages $ unpaid taxes $ interest due and unpaid. ---- ---- 3. Mortgages with overdue interest over 90 days not in process of foreclosure $ unpaid taxes $ interest due and unpaid. ---- ---- 4. Mortgages in process of foreclosure $ unpaid taxes $ interest due and unpaid. E04 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE B - PART 2 Showing all Mortgage Loans SOLD, transferred or paid in full during the Year NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Location 4 5 6 7 8 ---------------------- 2 3 Book Value/Recorded Increase Investment Increase (Decrease) by Loan Date Excluding Accrued (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange Loan Number City State Type Acquired Interest Prior Year Adjustment Adjustment - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 9 10 11 12 13 Book Value/Recorded Investment Excluding Accrued Foreign Total Interest Consideration Exchange Profit Realized profit Profit (Loss) Loan Number at Disposition Received (Loss) on Sale (Loss)on Sale on Sale - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E05 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE BA - PART 1 Showing Other Long -Term Invested Assets OWNED December 31 of Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Location 4 5 6 ---------------- 2 3 Date Actual Number of Units and Description City State Name of Vendor Acquired Cost - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corporate Owned Life Insurance Hartford Life Insurance Companies 11/16/2000 50,000,000 1499999 - Any Other Class of Invested Assets 50,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 50,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 7 8 9 10 Book/Adjusted Increase (Decrease) Amount of Carrying Value Increase (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange Number of Units and Description Encumbrances Less Encumbrances by Adjustment Adjustment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corporate Owned Life Insurance 53,178,747 1499999 - Any Other Class of Invested Assets 53,178,747 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 53,178,747 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E06 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE BA - PART 2 Showing Other Long-Term Invested Assets SOLD, transferred or Paid in full during the Year NONE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Location 4 5 6 7 ------------ 2 3 Book/Adjusted Carrying Value Number of Purchaser Less Increase or Nature of Encumbrances, (Decrease) Number of Units and Description City State Disposition Date Acquired Prior Year by Adjustment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 Increase Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Carrying Value Foreign Total Foreign Less Exchange Realized Profit Exchange Encumbrances Consideration Profit (Loss) Profit (Loss) on (Loss) on Number of Units and Description Adjustment at Disposition Recieved on Sale Sale Sale - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E07 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 ------------ 4 5 CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31331L-J9-0 FEDERAL FARM CR BKS CONS 4.375 AO 04/15/2005 3133MD-GE-7 FEDERAL HOME LN BKS 5.000 FA 02/28/2003 31359M-JX-2 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 5.250 JD 06/15/2006 912810-FJ-2 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.125 FA 08/15/2029 912810-FM-5 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.250 MN 05/15/2030 912810-FP-8 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 FA 02/15/2031 912827-3S-9 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 5.625 JD 12/31/2002 912827-3Z-3 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 5.500 FA 02/28/2003 912827-4Y-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.875 JJ 01/15/2009 912827-6X-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 MN 05/15/2006 912827-7H-9 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES 3.250 JD 12/31/2003 912827-7K-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 JJ 01/31/2004 912827-R8-7 US TREASURY NOTE 7.875 MN 11/15/2004 912827-U8-3 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 6.500 FA 08/15/2005 912828-AA-8 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.625 MS 03/31/2004 912828-AD-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.250 MN 05/31/2004 912828-AE-0 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.875 JD 06/30/2004 912828-AK-6 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 FA 08/31/2004 91362*-AA-9 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS BONDS NONE 03/12/2003 91362*-AB-7 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS NONE 06/17/2006 91362*-AC-5 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS NONE 09/16/2006 91362*-AD-3 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS NONE 12/16/2006 91362*-AE-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS NONE 03/17/2007 91362*-AF-8 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS NONE 04/15/2007 91362*-AG-6 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS NONE 06/15/2007 91362*-AH-4 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS NONE 09/15/2007 91362*-A2- MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS NONE 12/15/2007 91362*-AK-7 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS NONE 03/16/2008 91362*-AM-3 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS NONE 04/15/2008 91362*-AN-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS NONE 06/15/2008 91362*-AO-9 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS NONE 09/15/2008 91362*-AP-6 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS NONE 12/15/2008 91362*-AQ-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMENT NONE 06/17/2012 91362*-AR-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMENT NONE 09/16/2012 91362*-AS-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMENT NONE 09/30/2012 91362*-AT-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMENT NONE 12/16/2012 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0199999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government - Issuer Obligations - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01F060-6D-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y FNMA 6.000 MTLY 01/01/2033 01N062-61-5 GNMA TBA 6.500 MTLY 01/01/2032 31287T-2E-4 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 7.000 MTLY 03/01/2030 31287V-AQ-3 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 6.500 MTLY 07/01/2032 3128GV-UG-3 FHLMC PC 6.000 MTLY 09/01/2017 313401-KM-2 FHLMC PC CASH 30 16.250 MTLY 05/01/2011 31377M-7K-1 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.460 MTLY 06/01/2009 31377M-BG-5 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.120 MTLY 11/01/2008 31386F-6B-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 MTLY 02/01/2031 31387E-MT-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 MTLY 07/01/2031 31387U-CQ-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 06/01/2031 31388A-KN-3 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 MTLY 09/01/2031 31388Y-2Y-7 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 MTLY 12/01/2015 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 Rate Used to Book/Adjusted Obtain CUSIP Carrying Par Fair Fair Identification Description Value Value Value Value - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31331L-J9-0 FEDERAL FARM CR BKS CONS 1,041,127 1,000,000 105.5940 1,055,940 3133MD-GE-7 FEDERAL HOME LN BKS 906,297 900,000 100.5940 905,346 31359M-JX-2 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 912810-FJ-2 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 2,369,558 2,200,000 117.4060 2,582,932 912810-FM-5 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 10,807,776 9,415,000 119.6560 11,265,612 912810-FP-8 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 746,264 725,000 109.0310 790,475 912827-3S-9 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-3Z-3 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1,501,185 1,500,000 100.6880 1,510,320 912827-4Y-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3,237,081 2,675,984 111.4690 2,982,893 912827-6X-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 26,512 25,000 107.8440 26,961 912827-7H-9 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES 2,004,099 2,000,000 102.0000 2,040,000 912827-7K-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 18,810,510 18,615,000 101.8750 18,964,031 912827-R8-7 US TREASURY NOTE 4,118,183 3,740,000 111.6560 4,175,934 912827-U8-3 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3,732,336 3,350,000 111.8440 3,746,774 912828-AA-8 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 101,520 1,00,000 102.8750 102,875 912828-AD-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 555,524 550,000 102.6560 564,608 912828-AE-0 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2,812,612 2,775,000 102.2190 2,836,577 912828-AK-6 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3,400,868 3,380,000 101.1250 3,418,025 91362*-AA-9 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS BONDS 138,870,000 138,870,000 138,870,000 91362*-AB-7 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 3,600,000 3,600,000 3,600,000 91362*-AC-5 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 91362*-AD-3 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 91362*-AE-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 500,000 500,000 500,000 91362*-AF-8 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 2,850,000 2,850,000 2,850,000 91362*-AG-6 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 91362*-AH-4 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 91362*-A2- MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 91362*-AK-7 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 91362*-AM-3 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 91362*-AN-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 91362*-AO-9 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 4,500,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 91362*-AP-6 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 57,936,216 57,936,216 57,936,216 91362*-AQ-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMENT 23,000,000 23,000,000 23,000,000 91362*-AR-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMENT 11,500,000 11,500,000 11,500,000 91362*-AS-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMENT 6,249,433 6,249,433 6,249,433 91362*-AT-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMENT 17,000,000 17,000,000 17,000,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES -------------------------- 0199999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government - Issuer Obligations 349,377,101 346,156,633 XXX 350,174,952 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01F060-6D-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y FNMA 742,898 725,000 103.3440 749,244 01N062-61-5 GNMA TBA 2,622,656 2,500,000 104.8750 2,621,875 31287T-2E-4 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 233,218 223,108 104.8460 233,921 31287V-AQ-3 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 5,539,573 5,430,548 104.2260 5,660,090 3128GV-UG-3 FHLMC PC 706,425 684,499 104.4490 714,955 313401-KM-2 FHLMC PC CASH 30 6,580 6,205 124.5360 7,727 31377M-7K-1 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 762,864 683,895 112.4440 769,003 31377M-BG-5 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 502,213 454,620 111.2890 505,942 31386F-6B-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1,142,187 1,165,987 103.4000 1,205,631 31387E-MT-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 365,368 361,138 104.9570 379,041 31387U-CQ-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 310,906 300,030 104.0090 312,060 31388A-KN-3 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 637,905 627,898 104.9570 659,026 31388Y-2Y-7 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 206,612 195,753 105.4170 206,359 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 Intrest 16 -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due and Accrued Dec. 31 of Current Year Gross Increase on Bonds Amount (Decrease) CUSIP Actual not in Recieved by Identification Description Cost Default During Year Adjustment - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31331L-J9-0 FEDERAL FARM CR BKS CONS 1,044,720 9,236 (3,593) 3133MD-GE-7 FEDERAL HOME LN BKS 906,297 15,375 45,000 31359M-JX-2 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 52 912810-FJ-2 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 2,370,844 50,897 67,375 (1,286) 912810-FM-5 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 10,816,412 76,399 385,781 (7,505) 912810-FP-8 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 746,339 14,719 18,141 (80) 912827-3S-9 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 10,406 912827-3Z-3 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1,526,367 28,032 82,500 (7,248) 912827-4Y-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3,264,398 47,902 (27,316) 912827-6X-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 26,595 150 578 (83) 912827-7H-9 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES 2,006,841 180 65,000 (2,742) 912827-7K-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 18,879,607 233,699 39,225 (69,097) 912827-R8-7 US TREASURY NOTE 4,193,475 38,239 147,263 (75,292) 912827-U8-3 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3,767,084 82,248 (34,748) 912828-AA-8 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 102,070 926 1,813 (550) 912828-AD-2 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES 557,219 1,571 8,938 (1,695) 912828-AE-0 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2,819,069 220 39,891 (6,457) 912828-AK-6 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3,402,829 24,405 (1,962) 91362*-AA-9 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS BONDS 138,870,000 91362*-AB-7 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 3,600,000 91362*-AC-5 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 2,500,000 91362*-AD-3 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 3,500,000 91362*-AE-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 500,000 91362*-AF-8 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 2,850,000 91362*-AG-6 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 4,000,000 91362*-AH-4 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 3,000,000 91362*-A2- MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 4,000,000 91362*-AK-7 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 1,200,000 91362*-AM-3 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 4,000,000 91362*-AN-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 5,000,000 91362*-AO-9 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 4,500,000 91362*-AP-6 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 57,936,216 91362*-AQ-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMENT 23,000,000 91362*-AR-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMENT 11,500,000 91362*-AS-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMENT 6,249,433 91362*-AT-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMENT 17,000,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES -------------------------- 0199999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government - Issuer Obligations 349,635,815 634,656 901,505 (239,654) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01F060-6D-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y FNMA 742,898 01N062-61-5 GNMA TBA 2,622,656 31287T-2E-4 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 233,921 1,301 5,206 (2,048) 31287V-AQ-3 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 5,540,856 29,415 147,077 (3,675) 3128GV-UG-3 FHLMC PC 706,425 3,423 10,267 (3,622) 313401-KM-2 FHLMC PC CASH 30 6,732 84 1,256 (25) 31377M-7K-1 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 762,864 3,682 31377M-BG-5 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 502,213 2,396 31386F-6B-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1,142,120 5,830 58,299 9,281 31387E-MT-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 365,370 2,107 25,280 (3,035) 31387U-CQ-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 310,906 1,625 31388A-KN-3 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 637,905 3,663 43,953 (5,111) 31388Y-2Y-7 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 206,612 1,060 3,181 (433) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive (Decrease) Bonds in Rate by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP Exchange Principal of Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31331L-J9-0 FEDERAL FARM CR BKS CONS 1PE 10/16/2002 2.514 3133MD-GE-7 FEDERAL HOME LN BKS 1PE 12/01/2001 31359M-JX-2 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 1 11/14/2001 912810-FJ-2 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 1 06/14/2002 5.566 912810-FM-5 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 1 11/14/2002 5.226 912810-FP-8 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 1 08/14/2002 5.173 912827-3S-9 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1PE 01/26/1998 912827-3Z-3 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1 04/09/1999 4.995 912827-4Y-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1 10/11/2002 0.361 912827-6X-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1 10/17/2002 2.734 912827-7H-9 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES 1 05/10/2002 3.040 912827-7K-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1 08/14/2002 2.013 912827-R8-7 US TREASURY NOTE 1 08/14/2002 2.317 912827-U8-3 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1 10/17/2002 2.009 912828-AA-8 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1 07/12/2002 2.377 912828-AD-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1 07/17/2002 2.521 912828-AE-0 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES 1 11/19/2002 1.952 912828-AK-6 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1 11/05/2002 1.746 91362*-AA-9 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS BONDS 1 01/02/2002 91362*-AB-7 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 1Z 01/02/2002 91362*-AC-5 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 1Z 01/02/2002 91362*-AD-3 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 1Z 01/02/2002 91362*-AE-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 1Z 01/02/2002 91362*-AF-8 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 1Z 01/02/2002 91362*-AG-6 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 1Z 01/02/2002 91362*-AH-4 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 1Z 01/02/2002 91362*-A2- MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 1Z 01/02/2002 91362*-AK-7 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 1Z 01/02/2002 91362*-AM-3 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 1Z 01/02/2002 91362*-AN-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 1Z 01/02/2002 91362*-AO-9 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 1Z 01/02/2002 91362*-AP-6 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 1Z 01/02/2002 91362*-AQ-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMENT 1Z 06/17/2002 91362*-AR-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMENT 1Z 09/16/2002 91362*-AS-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMENT 1Z 09/30/2002 91362*-AT-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMENT 1Z 12/16/2002 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX XXX -------------------------- 0199999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01F060-6D-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y FNMA 1PE 11/12/2002 5.739 01N062-61-5 GNMA TBA 1PE 12/23/2002 6.013 31287T-2E-4 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 1PE 07/25/2002 4.628 31287V-AQ-3 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 1PE 06/14/2002 6.234 3128GV-UG-3 FHLMC PC 1PE 08/22/2002 4.388 313401-KM-2 FHLMC PC CASH 30 1PE 09/10/1985 12.662 31377M-7K-1 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 1PE 12/23/2002 2.825 31377M-BG-5 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 1PE 12/23/2002 2.566 31386F-6B-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 01/08/2002 6.331 31387E-MT-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 07/11/2001 6.616 31387U-CQ-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 11/12/2002 4.191 31388A-KN-3 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 08/27/2001 6.024 31388Y-2Y-7 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 1PE 09/18/2002 3.525 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 -------------- 4 5 CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31389N-7D-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 MTLY 09/01/2031 31390L-F7-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 08/01/2032 31390L-FF-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 07/01/2032 31390L-V7-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 MTLY 07/01/2032 31390L-WX-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 MTLY 07/01/2032 31390N-P4-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 07/01/2032 31390N-UL-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 MTLY 08/01/2017 31390P-DC-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 08/01/2032 31390T-LQ-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 08/01/2032 31390T-LV-9 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 08/01/2032 31390U-YD-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 09/01/2032 31391E-AQ-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 MTLY 09/01/2017 31392D-YE-6 FANNIEMAE GRANTOR TRUST 4.768 MTLY 04/25/2012 04/01/2012 100.000 36225A-QD-5 GNMA PASS-THRU X PLATINUM 7.000 MTLY 10/15/2026 10/01/2026 100.000 36225B-AU-2 GNMA PASS-THRU X PLATINUM 9.500 MTLY 10/15/2018 10/01/2018 100.000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Totals - U.S. Government Bonds - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 683234-RV-2 ONTARIO PROV CDA 5.125 JJ 07/17/2012 748148-BW-2 QUEBEC PROV CDA 5.000 JJ 07/17/2009 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total Bonds - All Other Government - Issuer Obligations - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099997 - Bonds - All Other Governments - Canada - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - All Other Government Bonds - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010653-EN-9 ALABAMA WTR POLLUTION CTL AUT LVIN 5.000 FA 08/15/2004 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 033160-6X-5 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 5.375 AO 10/01/2011 10/01/2005 100.000 033160-6Z-0 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 5.375 AO 10/01/2011 033160-C5-9 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 6.000 FA 02/01/2015 02/01/2005 100.000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARKANSAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 041039-QS-0 ARKANSAS ST NONE 06/01/2012 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARKANSAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130624-JC-4 CALIFORNIA ST 5.500 AO 10/01/2009 130628-SJ-0 CALIFORNIA ST 5.400 JD 12/01/2015 13062N-3L-9 CALIFORNIA ST FOR PREVIOU 5.000 AO 10/01/2028 10/01/2012 100.000 13062N-H7-5 CALIFORNIA ST 5.250 FA 02/01/2029 798135-UR-8 SAN JOSE CALIF 5.000 MS 09/01/2028 09/01/2012 100.000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772E-PU-1 CONNECTICUT ST 5.250 AO 10/01/2009 10/01/2005 101.000 20772F-HV-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREV 10 5.375 JD 06/15/2013 06/15/2011 100.000 20772F-RY-8 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREV 10 5.125 MN 11/15/2017 11/15/2011 100.000 20772F-ZC-7 CONNECTICUT ST SER A 5.375 AO 04/15/2013 04/15/2012 100.000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 Rate Used to Book/Adjusted Obtain CUSIP Carrying Par Fair Fair Identification Description Value Value Value Value - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31389N-7D-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 118,920 115,334 104.8970 120,920 31390L-F7-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 425,895 412,426 104.1520 429,552 31390L-FF-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 696,584 674,555 104.1520 702,565 31390L-V7-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 201,588 192,821 105.1100 202,674 31390L-WX-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 73,529 70,331 105.1100 73,925 31390N-P4-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 316,606 305,116 104.1520 317,786 31390N-UL-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 1,325,610 1,271,759 104.5670 1,329,842 31390P-DC-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 275,173 266,370 104.1520 277,431 31390T-LQ-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 298,763 289,206 104.1520 301,215 31390T-LV-9 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 349,176 338,006 104.1520 352,041 31390U-YD-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1,145,309 1,107,415 104.1520 1,153,398 31391E-AQ-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 2,016,214 1,934,308 104.5670 2,022,651 31392D-YE-6 FANNIEMAE GRANTOR TRUST 145,508 145,645 105.5760 153,768 36225A-QD-5 GNMA PASS-THRU X PLATINUM 365,820 358,815 106.5110 382,177 36225B-AU-2 GNMA PASS-THRU X PLATINUM 485,396 449,999 112.3770 505,695 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 22,019,496 21,290,787 XXX 22,350,576 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government - Single Class Mortgage Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 22,019,496 21,290,787 XXX 22,350,576 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 371,396,597 367,447,420 XXX 372,525,528 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - U.S. Government Bonds 371,396,597 367,447,420 XXX 372,525,528 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS CANADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 683234-RV-2 ONTARIO PROV CDA 124,693 125,000 106.7490 133,436 748148-BW-2 QUEBEC PROV CDA 124,311 125,000 106.8570 133,571 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA 249,004 250,000 XXX 267,007 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total Bonds - All Other Government - Issuer Obligations 249,004 250,000 XXX 267,007 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099997 - Bonds - All Other Governments - Canada 249,004 250,000 XXX 267,007 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - All Other Government Bonds 249,004 250,000 XXX 267,007 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010653-EN-9 ALABAMA WTR POLLUTION CTL AUT LVIN 1,038,189 1,000,000 105.8410 1,058,410 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA 1,038,189 1,000,000 XXX 1,058,410 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALASKA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 033160-6X-5 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 497,800 500,000 110.0430 550,215 033160-6Z-0 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 495,705 500,000 105.6760 528,380 033160-C5-9 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 505,095 500,000 109.2140 546,070 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 1,498,600 1,500,000 XXX 1,624,665 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARKANSAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 041039-QS-O ARKANSAS ST 149,299 250,000 68.5290 171,323 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARKANSAS 149,299 250,000 XXX 171,323 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130624-JC-4 CALIFORNIA ST 1,510,073 1,500,000 116.0080 1,740,120 130628-SJ-0 CALIFORNIA ST 500,000 500,000 104.1110 520,555 13062N-3L-9 CALIFORNIA ST FOR PREVIOUS 5,053,736 5,000,000 100.9920 5,049,600 13062N-H7-5 CALIFORNIA ST 4,909,418 5,000,000 101.2200 5,061,000 798135-UR-8 SAN JOSE CALIF 5,859,253 5,900,000 101.5260 5,990,034 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 17,832,480 17,900,000 XXX 18,361,309 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772E-PU-1 CONNECTICUT ST 2,279,835 2,250,000 110.6930 2,490,593 20772F-HV-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREV 10 5,418,184 5,000,000 112.7070 5,635,350 20772F-RY-8 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREV 10 2,532,003 2,450,000 107.6550 2,637,548 20772F-ZC-7 CONNECTICUT ST SER A 4,348,386 4,050,000 113.8440 4,610,682 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 13 Intrest 16 -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due and Accrued Dec. 31 of Current Year Gross Increase on Bonds Amount (Decrease) CUSIP Actual not in Recieved by Identification Description Cost Default During Year Adjustment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31389N-7D-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 118,920 673 4,709 (213) 31390L-F7-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 425,895 2,234 8,936 (298) 31390L-FF-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 696,584 3,654 14,615 (753) 31390L-V7-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 201,588 1,125 4,499 (236) 31390L-WX-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 73,529 410 1,641 (206) 31390N-P4-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 316,606 1,653 4,958 (707) 31390N-UL-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 1,325,610 6,359 19,076 (5,035) 31390P-DC-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 275,173 1,443 7,214 (282) 31390T-LQ-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 298,763 1,567 7,833 (353) 31390T-LV-9 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 349,176 1,831 9,154 (393) 31390U-YD-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1,145,309 5,999 17,995 (599) 31391E-AQ-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 2,016,214 9,672 29,015 (2,757) 31392D-YE-6 FANNIEMAE GRANTOR TRUST 145,508 116 2,890 (2) 36225A-QD-5 GNMA PASS-THRU X PLATINUM 366,159 2,093 25,117 (3,507) 36225B-AU-2 GNMA PASS-THRU X PLATINUM 487,687 3,562 42,750 (14,742) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 22,023,496 96,977 494,921 (38,751) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0299999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government - Single Class Mortgage 22,023,496 96,977 494,921 (38,751) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 371,659,311 731,633 1,396,426 (278,405) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0399999 - Total - U.S. Government Bonds 371,659,311 731,633 1,396,426 (278,405) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHER GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 683234-RV-2 ONTARIO PROV CDA 124,681 2,918 11 748148-BW-2 QUEBEC PROV CDA 124,271 2,847 40 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CANADA 248,952 5,765 51 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0499999 - Total Bonds - All Other Government - Issuer Obligations 248,952 5,765 51 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1099997 - Bonds - All Other Governments - Canada 248,952 5,765 51 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1099999 - Total - All Other Government Bonds 248,952 5,765 51 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 010653-EN-9 ALABAMA WTR POLLUTION CTL AUT LVIN 1,058,900 18,889 50,000 (20,711) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ALABAMA 1,058,900 18,889 50,000 (20,711) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 033160-6X-5 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 493,410 6,719 26,875 722 033160-6Z-0 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 493,410 6,719 26,875 373 033160-C5-9 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 516,700 12,500 30,000 (2,250) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ALASKA 1,503,520 25,938 83,750 (1,155) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ARKANSAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 041039-QS-O ARKANSAS ST 102,440 7,954 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ARKANSAS 102,440 7,954 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 130624-JC-4 CALIFORNIA ST 1,511,596 20,625 82,500 (1,209) 130628-SJ-0 CALIFORNIA ST 500,000 2,250 27,000 13062N-3L-9 CALIFORNIA ST FOR PREVIOUS 5,054,500 62,500 (764) 13062N-H7-5 CALIFORNIA ST 4,907,850 109,375 87,500 1,568 798135-UR-8 SAN JOSE CALIF 5,857,284 147,500 1,969 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CALIFORNIA 17,831,230 342,250 197,000 1,564 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONNECTICUT - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20772E-PU-1 CONNECTICUT ST 2,282,946 29,531 118,125 (2,428) 20772F-HV-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREV 10 5,440,850 11,944 268,750 (22,666) 20772F-RY-8 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREV 10 2,536,167 16,044 62,781 (4,163) 20772F-ZC-7 CONNECTICUT ST SER A 4,365,455 45,956 108,844 (17,069) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive (Decrease) Bonds in Rate by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP Exchange Principal or Desig- Date in- Identification Description Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31389N-7D-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 05/14/2002 5.865 31390L-F7-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 07/22/2002 5.082 31390L-FF-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 07/22/2002 5.081 31390L-V7-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 07/25/2002 4.167 31390L-WX-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 07/25/2002 4.167 31390N-P4-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 09/12/2002 4.107 31390N-UL-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 1PE 09/18/2002 3.863 31390P-DC-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 07/25/2002 5.046 31390T-LQ-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 07/25/2002 5.046 31390T-LV-9 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 07/25/2002 5.046 31390U-YD-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 08/20/2002 4.299 31391E-AQ-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 1PE 09/18/2002 3.865 31392D-YE-6 FANNIEMAE GRANTOR TRUST 1PE 07/18/2002 4.720 36225A-QD-5 GNMA PASS-THRU X PLATINUM 1PE 04/21/1999 6.601 36225B-AU-2 GNMA PASS-THRU X PLATINUM 1PE 12/02/1998 7.207 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government - Single Class Mortgage Backed/Asset-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Totals - U.S. Government Bonds XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS CANADA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 683234-RV-2 ONTARIO PROV CDA 1 07/10/2002 5.158 748148-BW-2 QUEBEC PROV CDA 1 07/09/2002 5.100 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total Bonds - All Other Government - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099997 - Bonds - All Other Governments - Canada XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - All Other Government Bonds XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010653-EN-9 ALABAMA WTR POLLUTION CTL AUT LVIN 1 01/31/2002 2.580 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALASKA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 033160-6X-5 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 1 11/09/1995 5.550 033160-6Z-0 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 1 11/09/1995 5.550 033160-C5-9 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 1 02/10/1997 5.476 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARKANSAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 041039-QS-0 ARKANSAS ST. 1PE 02/12/1996 5.550 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARKANSAS XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130624-JC-4 CALIFORNIA ST 1 09/01/2001 5.380 130628-SJ-0 CALIFORNIA ST 1PE 12/15/1997 5.400 13062N-3L-9 CALIFORNIA ST FOR PREVIOUS 1 10/16/2002 4.860 13062N-H7-5 CALIFORNIA ST 1 03/15/2002 5.380 798135-UR-8 SAN JOSE CALIF 1 08/07/2002 5.090 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772E-PU-1 CONNECTICUT ST 1 09/01/2001 5.071 20772F-HV-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREV 10 1 06/06/2002 4.190 20772F-RY-8 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREV 10 1 05/31/2002 4.660 20772F-ZC-7 CONNECTICUT ST SER A 1 04/25/2002 4.400 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 ------------- 4 5 CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25476A-GT-0 DISTRICT COLUMBIA 5.750 JD 06/01/2003 25476A-YK-9 DISTRICT COLUMBIA 6.250 JD 06/01/2004 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341422-V6-7 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 5.000 JD 06/01/2025 341426-BK-9 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 5.500 JD 06/01/2015 06/01/2012 101.000 593388-Z5-3 MIAMI FLA 5.500 JJ 01/01/2017 01/01/2012 100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373383-MP-0 GEORGIA ST 5.000 AO 10/01/2018 373383-RK-6 GEORGIA ST 5.125 MN 05/01/2015 05/01/2012 100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419779-HS-5 HAWAII ST 6.300 MS 03/01/2006 419779-JH-7 HAWAII ST 6.000 AO 10/01/2009 419779-RJ-4 HAWAII ST 5.500 JD 06/01/2010 06/01/2003 101.000 419780-PX-3 HAWAII ST 5.700 MS 09/01/2013 09/01/2009 101.000 419780-WJ-6 HAWAII ST 5.500 FA 02/01/2014 02/01/2012 100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 097552-HB-2 BOLINGBROOK ILL NONE 01/01/2019 01/01/2008 53.919 097552-HC-0 BOLINGBROOK ILL NONE 01/01/2020 01/01/2008 50.884 167484-B8-6 CHICAGO ILL 5.500 JJ 01/01/2019 01/01/2011 100.000 213183-ZD-1 COOK CNTY ILL 5.750 MN 11/15/2012 11/15/2006 101.000 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 5.125 FA 02/01/2027 508655-GZ-4 LAKE CNTY ILL CMNTY UNIT SCH DIST NO 60 6.000 MN 11/01/2003 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IOWA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 222147-HG-8 COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA CMNTY 5.600 JD 06/01/2010 06/01/2006 100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL IOWA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 224856-AX-2 CRAWFORD CNTY KANS UNI SC 6.000 MS 09/01/2003 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574192-TQ-3 MARYLAND ST 5.500 FA 08/01/2014 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57582N-JV-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 JJ 01/01/2015 01/01/2013 100.000 57582N-JX-4 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.375 JJ 01/01/2017 01/01/2013 100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 594610-WK-9 MICHIGAN ST 5.125 MN 11/01/2010 11/01/2005 101.000 594610-WU-7 MICHIGAN ST 5.125 MN 11/01/2010 610628-JZ-3 MONROE CNTY MICH 5.450 MN 05/01/2010 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4K-1 MINNESOTA ST 5.250 MN 11/01/2016 11/01/2012 100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSISSIPPI - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 605579-3C-3 MISSISSIPPI ST 5.000 MN 11/01/2021 11/01/2011 100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSISSIPPI - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 Rate Used to Book/Adjusted Obtain CUSIP Carrying Par Fair Fair Actual Identification Description Value Value Value Value Cost - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 14,578,408 13,750,000 XXX 15,374,173 14,625,148 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25476A-GT-O DISTRICT COLUMBIA 232,794 230,000 101.8840 234,333 241,578 25476A-YK-9 DISTRICT COLUMBIA 2,643,814 2,635,000 102.3810 2,697,739 2,689,018 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 2,876,608 2,865,000 XXX 2,932,072 2,930,596 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341422-V6-7 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 4,852,420 5,000,000 101.7490 5,087,450 4,845,900 341426-BK-9 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 6,178,478 5,690,000 113.2850 6,445,917 6,196,979 593388-Z5-3 MIAMI FLA 5,366,180 5,000,000 110.3690 5,518,450 5,379,450 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 16,397,078 15,690,000 XXX 17,051,817 16,422,329 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373383-MP-0 GEORGIA ST 4,794,764 5,000,000 105.1060 5,255,300 4,777,300 373383-RK-6 GEORGIA ST 5,338,091 5,000,000 109.4360 5,471,800 5,350,500 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 10,132,855 10,000,000 XXX 10,727,100 10,127,800 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419779-HS-5 HAWAII ST 2,904,433 2,780,000 113.3010 3,149,768 2,951,593 419779-JH-7 HAWAII ST 1,396,160 1,400,000 117.1360 1,639,904 1,395,480 419779-RJ-4 HAWAII ST 1,656,025 1,635,000 102.7780 1,680,420 1,703,310 419780-PX-3 HAWAII ST 3,375,049 3,000,000 117.0860 3,512,580 3,399,660 419780-WJ-6 HAWAII ST 1,087,792 1,000,000 112.5270 1,125,270 1,092,020 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 10,419,459 9,815,000 XXX 11,107,942 10,542,063 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 097552-HB-2 BOLINGBROOK ILL 877,195 2,195,000 41.4860 910,618 644,013 097552-HC-0 BOLINGBROOK ILL 73,543 195,000 38.9040 75,863 53,994 167484-B8-6 CHICAGO ILL 4,288,194 4,220,000 108.0510 4,559,752 4,294,947 213183-ZD-1 COOK CNTY ILL 504,113 500,000 114.7280 573,640 503,000 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 7,386,412 7,500,000 101.9310 7,644,825 7,384,200 508655-GZ-4 LAKE CNTY ILL CMNTY UNIT SCH DIST NO 60 515,213 500,000 103.9690 519,845 534,775 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 13,644,670 15,110,000 XXX 14,284,543 13,414,929 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IOWA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 222147-HG-8 COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA CMNTY 790,000 790,000 112.3450 887,526 790,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL IOWA 790,000 790,000 XXX 887,526 790,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 224856-AX-2 CRAWFORD CNTY KANS UNI SC 772,556 750,000 103.2070 774,053 784,793 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS 772,556 750,000 XXX 774,053 784,793 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574192-TQ-3 MARYLAND ST 3,401,879 3,000,000 115.8070 3,474,210 3,412,170 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND 3,401,879 3,000,000 XXX 3,474,210 3,412,170 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57582N-JV-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5,517,489 5,000,000 111.9490 5,597,450 5,520,000 57582N-JX-4 MASSACHUSETTS ST 10,756,322 10,000,000 109.5490 10,954,900 10,760,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 16,273,811 15,000,000 XXX 16,552,350 16,280,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 594610-WK-9 MICHIGAN ST 1,018,919 1,020,000 110.5620 1,127,732 1,014,094 594610-WU-7 MICHIGAN ST 473,161 480,000 108.6920 521,722 472,216 610628-JZ-3 MONROE CNTY MICH 501,248 500,000 107.8950 539,475 501,945 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 1,993,328 2,000,000 XXX 2,188,929 1,988,255 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4K-1 MINNESOTA ST 3,538,258 3,325,000 109.1730 3,630,002 3,540,560 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA 3,538,258 3,325,000 XXX 3,630,002 3,540,560 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSISSIPPI - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 605579-3C-3 MISSISSIPPI ST 5,049,743 5,000,000 103.2370 5,161,850 5,054,350 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSISSIPPI 5,049,743 5,000,000 XXX 5,161,850 5,054,350 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Interest 16 17 18 -------------------------- Amount of 14 15 Interest Due and Accrued Amount Due Dec. 31 and Accrued Current Dec. 31 of Increase Year, on Current Year Gross Increase (Decrease) Bonds in on Bonds Amount (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to CUSIP not in Received by Exchange Principal or Identification Description Default During Year Adjustment Adjustment Interest - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 103,475 558,500 (46,326) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25476A-GT-O DISTRICT COLUMBIA 1,102 13,225 (6,584) 25476A-YK-9 DISTRICT COLUMBIA 13,724 164,688 (5,796) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 14,826 177,913 (12,380) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341422-V6-7 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 20,833 250,000 3,407 341426-BK-9 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 26,079 170,384 (18,501) 593388-Z5-3 MIAMI FLA 109,236 (13,270) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 156,148 420,384 (28,364) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373383-MP-0 GEORGIA ST 62,500 250,000 8,110 373383-RK-6 GEORGIA ST 42,708 128,125 (12,409) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 105,208 378,125 (4,299) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419779-HS-5 HAWAII ST 58,380 175,140 (35,612) 419779-JH-7 HAWAII ST 21,000 84,000 449 419779-RJ-4 HAWAII ST 7,494 89,925 (10,875) 419780-PX-3 HAWAII ST 57,000 85,500 (24,611) 419780-WJ-6 HAWAII ST 22,917 25,361 (4,228) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 166,791 459,926 (74,877) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 097552-HB-2 BOLINGBROOK ILL 51,005 097552-HC-0 BOLINGBROOK ILL 4,835 167484-B8-6 CHICAGO ILL 116,050 193,417 (6,676) 213183-ZD-1 COOK CNTY ILL 3,674 28,750 199 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 160,156 192,188 2,212 508655-GZ-4 LAKE CNTY ILL CMNTY UNIT SCH DIST NO 60 5,000 30,000 (17,889) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 284,880 444,355 33,686 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IOWA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 222147-HG-8 COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA CMNTY 3,687 44,240 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL IOWA 3,687 44,240 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 224856-AX-2 CRAWFORD CNTY KANS UNI SC 15,000 22,500 (12,237) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS 15,000 22,500 (12,237) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574192-TQ-3 MARYLAND ST 62,333 (10,291) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND 62,333 (10,291) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57582N-JV-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST 45,833 (2,511) 57582N-JX-4 MASSACHUSETTS ST 89,583 (3,679) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 135,416 (6,190) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 594610-WK-9 MICHIGAN ST 8,713 52,275 3,587 594610-WU-7 MICHIGAN ST 4,100 24,600 687 610628-JZ-3 MONROE CNTY MICH 4,542 27,250 (135) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 17,355 104,125 4,139 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4K-1 MINNESOTA ST 29,094 (2,302) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA 29,094 (2,302) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSISSIPPI - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 605579-3C-3 MISSISSIPPI ST 41,667 250,000 (4,263) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSISSIPPI 41,667 250,000 (4,263) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 19 20 21 Effect- ive Rate NAIC of CUSIP Desig- Date in- Identification Description nation Acquired terest - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25476A-GT-O DISTRICT COLUMBIA 1 08/23/2001 2.793 25476A-YK-9 DISTRICT COLUMBIA 1 12/03/1992 6.000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341422-V6-7 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 1 02/26/2001 5.225 341426-BK-9 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 1 06/11/2002 4.460 593388-Z5-3 MIAMI FLA 1 07/19/2OO2 4.501 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373383-MP-0 GEORGIA ST 1PE 09/19/2OOO 5.390 373383-RK-6 GEORGIA ST 1 07/16/2002 4.240 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419779-HS-5 HAWAII ST 1PE 09/01/2001 4.760 419779-JH-7 HAWAII ST 1 09/01/2001 6.050 419779-RJ-4 HAWAII ST 1PE 03/12/1998 4.750 419780-PX-3 HAWAII ST 1 06/11/2002 3.700 419780-WJ-6 HAWAII ST 1 06/13/2002 4.321 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 097552-HB-2 BOLINGBROOK ILL 1 10/22/1997 6.081 097552-HC-0 BOLINGBROOK ILL 1 10/22/1997 6.081 167484-B8-6 CHICAGO ILL 1 12/2O/2001 5.250 213183-ZD-1 COOK CNTY ILL 1 10/01/1996 5.744 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 1 02/08/2002 5.236 508655-GZ-4 LAKE CNTY ILL CMNTY UNIT SCH DIST NO 60 1 11/14/2001 2.290 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IOWA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 222147-HG-8 COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA CMNTY 1 05/28/1996 5.600 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL IOWA XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 224856-AX-2 CRAWFORD CNTY KANS UNI SC 1 08/15/2002 1.448 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574192-TQ-3 MARYLAND ST 1 08/01 /2OO2 4.040 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57582N-JV-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST 1Z 11/22/2OO2 4.218 57582N-JX-4 MASSACHUSETTS ST 1Z 11/22/2002 4.428 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 594610-WK-9 MICHIGAN ST 1 09/01/2001 5.497 594610-WU-7 MICHIGAN ST 1PE 09/01/2001 5.350 610628-JZ-3 MONROE CNTY MICH 1 11/26/1996 5.408 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4K-1 MINNESOTA ST 1Z 10/22/2002 4.433 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSISSIPPI - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 605579-3C-3 MISSISSIPPI ST 1 11/13/2001 4.860 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSISSIPPI XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ------------- 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 681712-BD-6 OMAHA NEB 5.000 JD 12/01/2003 509,378 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA 509,378 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 180847-TJ-4 CLARK CNTY NEV 5.000 JD 06/01/2031 4,925,373 517840-VU-5 LAS VEGAS VALLEY NEV WTR 5.250 JD 06/01/2017 12/01/2012 100.000 4,894,671 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 9,820,044 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 621791-GD-8 MOUNT LAUREL TWP N J 5.150 AO 10/01/2003 204,391 646135-WR-O NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR F 5.000 JD 12/15/2021 1,952,141 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 2,156,532 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 649660-PC-5 NEW YORK NY 1.000 MTLY 08/15/2021 1,100,000 64966A-2J-3 NEW YORK NY 1.000 MTLY 11/01/2024 1,500,000 64966A-K3-8 NEW YORK NY 5.000 MS 03/15/2018 2,113,805 64966B-BF-9 NEW YORK NY 5.375 MS 03/15/2028 1,474,502 64966B-HR-7 NEW YORK NY 5.625 FA 08/01/2015 08/01/2012 100.000 3,129,746 64966B-TJ-2 NEW YORK NY 5.750 FA 08/01/2015 08/01/2012 100.000 5,391,874 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 14,710,017 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677518-2U-5 OHIO ST 5.000 MS 09/15/2021 9,987,864 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO --- 9,987,864 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OKLAHOMA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 679204-CC-9 OKLAHOMA UNIV BRD REGTS 5.250 JD 06/01/2031 4,931,691 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OKLAHOMA 4,931,691 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 018471-EE-8 ALLENTOWN PA SCH DIST NONE 07/01/2004 461,929 191258-GR-7 COCALICO SCH DIST PA LANC 5.850 FA 02/15/2012 02/15/2006 100.000 499,021 717880-F9-4 PHILADELPHIA PA SCH DIST 5.650 JJ 07/01/2006 07/01/2004 100.500 1,015,372 725276-Y7-8 PITTSBURG PA SCH DIST MUNICIPAL 5.500 MS 09/01/2014 2,739,253 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 4,715,575 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745144-3S-2 PUERTO RICO COMWLTH 6.500 JJ 07/01/2007 535,077 745145-05-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 5.500 JJ 07/01/2014 4,597,604 745145-XY-3 PUERTO RICO COMMONWEALTH 5.375 JJ 07/01/2028 07/01/2011 100.000 5,111,142 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO 10,243,823 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 198432-EF-9 COLUMBIA S C 5.000 JD 12/01/2003 1,024,801 763682-NH-0 RICHLAND CNTY S C SCH DIS 6.050 MN 05/01/2010 05/01/2004 102.000 359,301 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 1,384,102 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 586145-EV-2 MEMPHIS TENN 5.000 AO 10/01/2003 510,348 586145-JZ-8 MEMPHIS TENN 5.250 MN 11/01/2012 5,525,228 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 6,035,576 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 194738-PD-6 COLLIN CNTY TEX 5.500 FA 02/15/2015 02/15/2004 100.000 206,438 235218-QJ-6 DALLAS TEX 5.000 FA 02/15/2003 501,692 283497-QA-6 EL PASO CNTY TEX 5.750 FA 02/15/2010 02/15/2003 100.000 1,000,357 581663-B8-3 MC KINNEY TEX INDPT SCH D 6.000 FA 02/15/2009 2,490,335 882719-DX-2 TEXAS ST 5.000 FA 08/01/2010 984,524 882719-DY-O TEXAS ST 5.000 FA 08/01/2011 1,306,536 929828-XK-Z WACO TEX 5.600 FA 02/01/2004 1,248,692 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 7,738,574 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 681712-BD-6 OMAHA NEB 500,000 103.3820 516,910 520,157 2,083 25,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA 500,000 XXX 516,910 520,157 2,083 25,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 180847-TJ-4 CLARK CNTY NEV 5,000,000 100.9640 5,048,200 4,923,450 20,833 250,000 517840-VU-5 LAS VEGAS VALLEY NEV WTR 4,585,000 108.7290 4,985,225 4,894,671 5,349 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 9,585,000 XXX 10,033,425 9,818,121 26,182 250,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 621791-GD-8 MOUNT LAUREL TWP N J 200,000 102.9840 205,968 210,802 2,575 10,300 646135-WR-O NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR F 2,000,000 103.4260 2,068,520 1,950,640 4,444 103,889 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 2,200,000 XXX 2,274,488 2,161,442 7,019 114,189 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 649660-PC-5 NEW YORK NY 1,100,000 100.0000 1,100,000 1,100,000 489 11,370 64966A-2J-3 NEW YORK NY 1,500,000 100.0000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,250 15,549 64966A-K3-8 NEW YORK NY 2,125,000 100.5270 2,136,199 2,112,930 31,285 106,250 64966B-BF-9 NEW YORK NY 1,500,000 101.7720 1,526,580 1,474,215 23,740 38,969 64966B-HR-7 NEW YORK NY 3,000,000 106.4320 3,192,960 3,135,540 70,313 27,188 64966B-TJ-2 NEW YORK NY 5,000,000 107.4630 5,373,150 5,402,600 119,792 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 14,225,000 XXX 14,828,889 14,725,285 246,869 199,326 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677518-2U-5 OHIO ST 10,000,000 103.4890 10,348,900 9,987,000 147,222 541,667 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 10,000,000 XXX 10,348,900 9,987,000 147,222 541,667 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OKLAHOMA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 679204-CC-9 OKLAHOMA UNIV BRD REGTS 5,000,000 103.2910 5,164,550 4,929,650 21,875 262,500 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OKLAHOMA 5,000,000 XXX 5,164,550 4,929,650 21,875 262,500 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 018471-EE-8 ALLENTOWN PA SCH DIST 500,000 97.2370 486,185 329,140 191258-GR-7 COCALICO SCH DIST PA LANC 500,000 112.0460 560,230 497,420 11,050 29,250 717880-F9-4 PHILADELPHIA PA SCH DIST 1,000,000 106.9310 1,069,310 1,050,480 28,250 56,500 725276-Y7-8 PITTSBURG PA SCH DIST MUNICIPAL 2,500,000 114.8770 2,871,925 2,746,500 45,833 34,375 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 4,500,000 XXX 4,987,650 4,623,540 85,133 120,125 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745144-3S-2 PUERTO RICO COMWLTH 500,000 118.9320 594,660 572,165 16,250 32,450 745145-05-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 4,050,000 115.8210 4,690,751 4,612,221 88,481 745145-XY-3 PUERTO RICO COMMONWEALTH 5,000,000 103.7630 5,188,150 5,122,200 134,375 183,646 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO 9,550,000 XXX 10,473,561 10,306,586 239,106 216,096 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 198432-EF-9 COLUMBIA S C 1,000,000 103.4970 1,034,970 1,053,700 4,167 54,167 763682-NH-0 RICHLAND CNTY S C SCH DIS 350,000 105.9160 370,700 3,68,029 3,529 21,175 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 1,350,000 XXX 1,405,676 1,421,729 7,696 75,342 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 586145-EV-2 MEMPHIS TENN. 500,000 102.8570 514,285 525,565 6,250 25,000 586145-JZ-8 MEMPHIS TENN. 5,000,000 113.5050 5,675,250 5,529,350 43,750 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 5,500,000 XXX 6,189,535 6,054,915 50,000 25,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 194738-PD-6 COLLIN CNTY TEX 200,000 104.7660 209,532 212,752 4,156 11,000 235218-QJ-6 DALLAS TEX 500,000 100.4630 502,315 517,185 9,144 25,000 283497-QA-6 EL PASO CNTY TEX 1,000,000 100.5600 1,005,600 1,015,680 21,722 57,500 581663-B8-3 MC KINNEY TEX INDPT SCH D 2,200,000 116.3570 2,559,851 2,508,572 49,867 66,000 882719-DX-2 TEXAS ST 1,000,000 104.1010 1,041,010 974,870 20,833 50,000 882719-DY-O TEXAS ST 1,335,000 103.3820 1,380,150 1,291,359 27,813 66,750 929828-XK-Z WACO TEX 1,200,000 104.7270 1,256,724 1,265,460 28,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 7,435,000 XXX 7,955,185 7,785,878 161,835 276,250 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive Increase (Decrease) Bonds in Rate (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 681712-BD-6 OMAHA NEB (9,957) 1 12/01/2001 2.910 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA (9,957) XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 180847-TJ-4 CLARK CNTY NEV 1,151 1 08/24/2001 5.100 517840-VU-5 LAS VEGAS VALLEY NEV WTR 17 12/17/2002 4.401 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 1,151 XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 621791-GD-8 MOUNT LAUREL TWP N J (5748) 1 11/14/2001 2.180 646135-WR-O NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR F 1,501 1 12/14/2001 5.200 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY (4,247) XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 649660-PC-5 NEW YORK NY 1 03/27/2002 1.000 64966A-2J-3 NEW YORK NY 1 03/28/2002 1.000 64966A-K3-8 NEW YORK NY 480 1 03/23/2001 5.050 64966B-BF-9 NEW YORK NY 377 1 03/13/2002 5.500 64966B-HR-7 NEW YORK NY (5,794) 1 05/23/2002 5.050 64966B-TJ-2 NEW YORK NY (10,726) 1 07/18/2002 4.722 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK (15,663) XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677518-2U-5 OHIO ST 864 1 02/07/2002 5.010 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 864 XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OKLAHOMA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 679204-CC-9 OKLAHOMA UNIV BRD REGTS 2,041 1 12/19/2001 5.344 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OKLAHOMA 2,041 XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 018471-EE-8 ALLENTOWN PA SCH DIST 23,756 1 06/27/1996 5.350 191258-GR-7 COCALICO SCH DIST PA LANC 278 1 05/14/1996 5.920 717880-F9-4 PHILADELPHIA PA SCH DIST (6,508) 1 11/25/1996 4.900 725276-Y7-8 PITTSBURG PA SCH DIST MUNICIPAL (7,247) 1 06/07/2002 4.440 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 10,279 XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745144-3S-2 PUERTO RICO COMWLTH (6,839) 1 11/21/1996 4.750 745145-05-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH (14,617) 1 07/19/2002 4.020 745145-XY-3 PUERTO RICO COMMONWEALTH (10,242) 2 11/16/2001 5.050 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO (31,698) XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 198432-EF-9 COLUMBIA S C (26,495) 1 11/16/2001 2.250 763682-NH-0 RICHLAND CNTY S C SCH DIS (1,623) 1 11/05/1996 5.423 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA (28,118) XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 586145-EV-2 MEMPHIS TENN (13,544) 1 11/13/2001 2.200 586145-JZ-8 MEMPHIS TENN (4,122) 1PE 11/22/2002 3.950 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE (17,666) XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 194738-PD-6 COLLIN CNTY TEX (5,584) 1 11/07/2001 2.570 235218-QJ-6 DALLAS TEX (13,729) 1 11/08/2001 2.201 283497-QA-6 EL PASO CNTY TEX (2,863) 1 10/28/1996 5.450 581663-B8-3 MC KINNEY TEX INDPT SCH D (18,237) 1 07/22/2002 3.580 882719-DX-2 TEXAS ST 1,624 1 01/18/1996 5.250 882719-DY-O TEXAS ST 2,558 1 01/30/1996 5.313 929828-XK-Z WACO TEX (16,768) 1 08/12/2002 1.800 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS (52,999) XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ---------------------- 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 927780-66-7 VIRGINIA COLLEGE BLDG AUTH 5.125 AO 10/01/2031 5,845,912 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA 5,845,912 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 494748-2H-8 KING CNTY WASH 6.000 JD 12/01/2010 12/01/2003 100.000 145,896 494748-2Y-1 KING CNTY WASH 6.000 JD 12/01/2010 12/01/2003 100.000 357,193 495278-UC-5 KING CNTY WASH SCH DIST N 5.500 JD 06/01/2009 997,327 833068-HR-3 SNOHOM ISH&ISLAND CNTY WAS 5.900 JD 12/15/2011 12/15/2005 100.000 1,013,547 833085-RU-9 SNOHOMISH CNTY WASH 5.250 JD 12/01/2026 4,932,974 939741-WA-8 WASHINGTON ST 5.875 MS 03/01/2014 03/01/2004 100.000 502,368 939741-XH-2 WASHINGTON ST 6.000 MS 09/01/2014 09/01/2004 100.000 1,008,642 93974A-ES-9 WASHINGTON ST 5.000 JJ 02/01/2017 07/01/2011 100.000 10,378,148 939828-XE-4 WASHINGTON ST PUB PWR SYS 5.600 JJ 07/01/2009 1,000,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 20,336,095 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95648M-CA-5 WEST VIRGINIA ECONOMIC DEV ECTI 5.000 JD 06/01/2026 7,795,303 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA 7,795,303 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 862337-CE-0 STOUGHTON WIS AREA SCH DI 5.650 AO 04/01/2009 04/01/2007 100.000 500,000 977055-X6-4 WISCONSIN ST 5.150 MN 05/01/2010 83,781 977056-FC-9 WISCONSIN ST 5.700 MN 11/01/2009 289,137 977056-MV-9 WISCONSIN ST 5.500 MN 11/01/2023 11/01/2008 100.000 4,102,896 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 4,975,814 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 231,573,521 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Total Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions Issuer Obligations 231,573,521 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss United States 231,573,521 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - States, Territories and Possessions 231,573,521 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010305-DY-3 ALABAMA HIGHER ED LN CORP 5.850 MS 09/01/2004 355,000 010311-BH-0 ALABAMA JUDICIAL BLDG AUT NONE 01/01/2009 01/01/2006 87.784 536,745 010399-AT-0 ALABAMA SPL CARE FACS FIN 5.300 MN 11/01/2009 487,231 091104-EZ-8 BIRMINGHAM BAPTIST MEDCTR 5.750 MN 11/15/2010 11/15/2006 102.000 583,818 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA 1,962,794 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 011710-GP-9 ALASKA INDL DEV & EXPT AU 5.250 AO 04/01/2023 1,956,260 011795-WQ-0 ALASKA MUN BD BK ALASKA M 5.800 JD 12/01/2011 12/01/2003 100.000 480,633 011842-fQ-9 ALASKA ST INTL ARPTS REVS 5.500 AO 10/01/2008 991,532 011857-DC-0 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 5.875 JJ 07/01/2005 499,713 011857-DD-8 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 5.875 JJ 07/01/2006 1,548,941 011857-DE-6 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 6.000 JJ 07/01/2007 07/01/2004 100.000 502,626 011857-DS-5 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 5.750 JJ 07/01/2008 993,038 033160-ZX-3 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 5.600 JJ 07/01/2007 499,019 033160-ZY-l ANCHORAGE ALASKA 5.700 JJ 07/01/2008 224,475 033167-CB-l ANCHORAGE ALASKA CTFS PAR 5.000 FA 02/15/2006 2,221,034 033269-BG-5 ANCHORAGE ALASKA TEL UTIL 5.600 MS 03/01/2010 03/01/2006 101.000 200,874 033269-BH-3 ANCHORAGE ALASKA TEL UTIL 5.700 MS 03/01/2011 03/01/2006 101.000 301,284 492566-DX-9 KETCHIKAN ALASKA 5.250 MN 11/15/2009 459,535 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 10,878,964 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARIZONA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 152395-EF-2 CENTRAL ARIZ WTR CONSV DI 4.750 MN 11/01/2008 647,725 566816-CR-3 MARICOPA CNTY ARIZ INDL D 5.750 JJ 07/01/2011 637,618 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Rate Used to Obtain CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual Identification Description Value Value Value Cost - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 927780-G6-7 VIRGINIA COLLEGE BLDG AUTH 6,000,000 102.9560 6,177,360 5,842,140 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA 6,000,000 XXX 6,177,360 5,842,140 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 494748-2H-8 KING CNTY WASH 145,000 104.3520 151,310 150,910 494748-2Y-1 KING CNTY WASH 355,000 104.3520 370,450 369,470 495278-UC-5 KING CNTY WASH SCH DIST N 1,000,000 112.0170 1,120,170 995,400 833068-HR-3 SNOHOM ISH&ISLAND CNTY WAS 1,000,000 112.1730 1,121,730 1,035,570 833085-RU-9 SNOHOMISH CNTY WASH 5,000,000 103.2460 5,162,300 4,930,700 939741-WA-8 WASHINGTON ST 500,000 105.3560 526,780 512,635 939741-XH-2 WASHINGTON ST 1,000,000 107.8300 1,078,300 1,033,690 93974A-ES-9 WASHINGTON ST 10,000,000 105.1580 10,515,800 10,393,300 939828-XE-4 WASHINGTON ST PUB PWR SYS 1,000,000 111.3010 1,113,010 1,000,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 20,000,000 XXX 21,159,850 20,421,675 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95648M-CA-5 WEST VIRGINIA ECONOMIC DEV ECTI 8,000,000 100.8850 8,070,800 7,790,640 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA 8,000,000 XXX 8,070,800 7,790,640 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 862337-CE-0 STOUGHTON WIS AREA SCH DI 500,000 113.8340 569,170 500,000 977055-X6-4 WISCONSIN ST 85,000 103.0310 87,576 83,121 977056-FC-9 WISCONSIN ST 290,000 110.1110 319,322 288,550 977056-MV-9 WISCONSIN ST 4,105,000 102.0900 4,190,795 4,102,641 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 4,980,000 XXX 5,166,863 4,974,312 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 226,570,000 XXX 240,115,916 231,772,423 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Total Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions Issuer Obligations 226,570,000 XXX 240,115,916 231,772,423 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss United States 226,570,000 XXX 240,115,916 231,772,423 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - States, Territories and Possessions 226,570,000 XXX 240,115,916 231,772,423 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010305-DY-3 ALABAMA HIGHER ED LN CORP 355,000 103.0640 365,877 355,000 010311-BH-0 ALABAMA JUDICIAL BLDG AUT 725,000 78.7040 570,604 381,829 010399-AT-0 ALABAMA SPL CARE FACS FIN 490,000 109.9970 538,985 485,227 091104-EZ-8 BIRMINGHAM BAPTIST MEDCTR 580,000 111.4160 646,213 574,432 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA 2,150,000 XXX 2,121,679 1,796,488 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 011710-GP-9 ALASKA INDL DEV & EXPT AU 2,105,000 102.0390 2,147,921 1,951,171 011795-WQ-0 ALASKA MUN BD BK ALASKA M 480,000 103.0700 494,736 484,618 011842-fQ-9 ALASKA ST INTL ARPTS REVS 1,000,000 103.8070 1,038,070 983,750 011857-DC-0 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 500,000 105.6860 528,430 498,985 011857-DD-8 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 1,555,000 104.4750 1,624,586 1,538,517 011857-DE-6 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 500,000 103.7510 518,755 512,855 011857-DS-5 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 1,000,000 104.9960 1,049,960 986,510 033160-ZX-3 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 500,000 108.4260 542,130 497,715 033160-ZY-l ANCHORAGE ALASKA 225,000 108.5730 244,289 223,925 033167-CB-l ANCHORAGE ALASKA CTFS PAR 2,215,000 109.2730 2,420,397 2,223,294 033269-BG-5 ANCHORAGE ALASKA TEL UTIL 200,000 112.4070 224,814 199,036 033269-BH-3 ANCHORAGE ALASKA TEL UTIL 300,000 112.7120 338,136 298,497 492566-DX-9 KETCHIKAN ALASKA 485,000 104.0340 504,565 439,706 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 11,065,000 XXX 11,676,789 10,838,579 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARIZONA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 152395-EF-2 CENTRAL ARIZ WTR CONSV DI 700,000 104.5930 732,151 598,010 566816-CR-3 MARICOPA CNTY ARIZ INDL D 625,000 102.3420 639,638 644,388 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Interest 16 17 18 ------------------------ 14 15 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Amount Due Dec. 31 and Accrued Current Dec. 31 of Increase Year, on Current Gross Increase (Decrease) Bonds in on Bonds Amount (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to CUSIP not in Received by Exchange Principal or Identification Description Default During year Adjustment Adjustment Interst - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 927780-G6-7 VIRGINIA COLLEGE BLDG AUTH 76,875 307,500 2,244 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA 76,875 307,500 2,244 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 494748-2H-8 KING CNTY WASH 725 8,700 (930) 494748-2Y-1 KING CNTY WASH 1,775 21,300 (2,277) 495278-UC-5 KING CNTY WASH SCH DIST N 4,583 55,000 338 833068-HR-3 SNOHOM ISH&ISLAND CNTY WAS 2,622 59,000 (4,122) 833085-RU-9 SNOHOMISH CNTY WASH 21,875 371,875 1,415 939741-WA-8 WASHINGTON ST 9,792 29,375 (1,917) 939741-XH-2 WASHINGTON ST 20,000 60,000 (4,830) 93974A-ES-9 WASHINGTON ST 208,333 (15,152) 939828-XE-4 WASHINGTON ST PUB PWR SYS 28,000 56,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 297,705 661,250 (27,475) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95648M-CA-5 WEST VIRGINIA ECONOMIC DEV ECTI 33,333 351,111 4,663 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA 33,333 351,111 4,663 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 862337-CE-0 STOUGHTON WIS AREA SCH DI 7,063 28,250 977055-X6-4 WISCONSIN ST 730 4,580 132 977056-FC-9 WISCONSIN ST 2,755 18,424 101 977056-MV-9 WISCONSIN ST 37,629 226,835 53 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 48,177 278,089 286 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 2,974,067 6,894,263 (342,347) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Total Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions Issuer Obligations 2,974,067 6,894,263 (342,347) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss United States 2,974,067 6,894,263 (342,347) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - States, Territories and Possessions 2,974,067 6,894,263 (342,347) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010305-DY-3 ALABAMA HIGHER ED LN CORP 6,923 20,768 010311-BH-0 ALABAMA JUDICIAL BLDG AUT 29,630 010399-AT-0 ALABAMA SPL CARE FACS FIN 4,328 25,970 327 091104-EZ-8 BIRMINGHAM BAPTIST MEDCTR 4,261 33,350 1,736 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA 15,512 80,088 31,693 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 011710-GP-9 ALASKA INDL DEV & EXPT AU 27,628 110,513 3,764 011795-WQ-0 ALASKA MUN BD BK ALASKA M 2,320 27,840 (656) 011842-fQ-9 ALASKA ST INTL ARPTS REVS 13,750 55,000 1,215 011857-DC-0 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 14,688 29,375 104 011857-DD-8 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 45,678 91,356 1,513 011857-DE-6 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 15,000 30,000 (1,633) 011857-DS-5 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 28,750 57,500 1,044 033160-ZX-3 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 14,000 28,000 187 033160-ZY-l ANCHORAGE ALASKA 6,413 12,825 79 033167-CB-l ANCHORAGE ALASKA CTFS PAR 41,839 110,750 (1,734) 033269-BG-5 ANCHORAGE ALASKA TEL UTIL 3,733 11,200 316 033269-BH-3 ANCHORAGE ALASKA TEL UTIL 5,700 17,100 480 492566-DX-9 KETCHIKAN ALASKA 3,254 25,463 2,894 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 222,753 606,922 7,573 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARIZONA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 152395-EF-2 CENTRAL ARIZ WTR CONSV DI 5 542 33,250 7,214 566816-CR-3 MARICOPA CNTY ARIZ INDL D 17,969 35,938 (507) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 19 20 21 NAIC Effective CUSIP Desig- Date Rate of Identification Description nation Acquired Interest - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 927780-G6-7 VIRGINIA COLLEGE BLDG AUTH 1 07/02/2001 5.300 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 494748-2H-8 KING CNTY WASH 1 11/04/1996 5.300 494748-2Y-1 KING CNTY WASH 1 11/04/1996 5.300 495278-UC-5 KING CNTY WASH SCH DIST N 1 05/20/1996 5.550 833068-HR-3 SNOHOM ISH&ISLAND CNTY WAS 1 10/28/1996 5.398 833085-RU-9 SNOHOMISH CNTY WASH 1 06/21/2001 5.350 939741-WA-8 WASHINGTON ST 1 11/04/1996 5.450 939741-XH-2 WASHINGTON ST 1PE 02/03/1997 5.450 93974A-ES-9 WASHINGTON ST 1 07/26/2002 4.461 939828-XE-4 WASHINGTON ST PUB PWR SYS 1PE 10/03/1996 5.599 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95648M-CA-5 WEST VIRGINIA ECONOMIC DEV ECTI 1 01/22/2002 5.190 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 862337-CE-0 STOUGHTON WIS AREA SCH DI 1 05/21/1996 5.649 977055-X6-4 WISCONSIN ST 1 06/02/1997 5.389 977056-FC-9 WISCONSIN ST 1 05/21/1996 5.753 977056-MV-9 WISCONSIN ST 1 12/04/1997 5.503 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Total Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions Issuer Obligations XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss United States XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - States, Territories and Possessions XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010305-DY-3 ALABAMA HIGHER ED LN CORP 1 03/30/1994 5.849 010311-BH-0 ALABAMA JUDICIAL BLDG AUT 1 12/12/1996 5.760 010399-AT-0 ALABAMA SPL CARE FACS FIN 1 12/08/1995 5.400 091104-EZ-8 BIRMINGHAM BAPTIST MEDCTR 1PE 09/12/1996 6.023 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALASKA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 011710-GP-9 ALASKA INDL DEV & EXPT AU 1 09/01/2001 5.850 011795-WQ-0 ALASKA MUN BD BK ALASKA M 1 09/20/1995 5.650 011842-fQ-9 ALASKA ST INTL ARPTS REVS 1 06/09/1995 5.675 011857-DC-0 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 1 06/23/1994 5.900 011857-DD-8 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 1 08/03/1994 6.000 011857-DE-6 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 1 07/13/1995 5.630 011857-DS-5 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 1 07/28/1995 5.900 033160-ZX-3 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 1 06/09/1994 5.650 033160-ZY-l ANCHORAGE ALASKA 1 06/21/1994 5.750 033167-CB-l ANCHORAGE ALASKA CTFS PAR 1 09/01/2001 4.905 033269-BG-5 ANCHORAGE ALASKA TEL UTIL 1 03/14/1996 5.740 033269-BH-3 ANCHORAGE ALASKA TEL UTIL 1 03/14/1996 5.842 492566-DX-9 KETCHIKAN ALASKA 1 06/22/1994 6.200 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARIZONA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 152395-EF-2 CENTRAL ARIZ WTR CONSV DI 1 05/10/1994 6.300 566816-CR-3 MARICOPA CNTY ARIZ INDL D 1 01/16/1996 5.450 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 INTEREST 6 7 8 9 ------------ 4 5 Book /Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 567090-SM-8 MARICOPA CNTY ARIZ SCH DIST 6,100 JJ 07/01/2007 07/04/2001 101.000 763,652 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL AIRZONA 2,048,995 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA 022168-CP-1 ALUM ROCK CALIF UN ELEM S NONE 09/01/2008 941,201 084154-FW-8 BERKELEY CALIF UNI SCH DI NONE 08/01/2017 277,571 084154-FY-4 BERKELEY CALIF UNI SCH DI NONE 08/01/2019 08/01/2007 51.360 451,117 084154-FZ-1 BERKELEY CALIF UNI SCH DI NONE 08/01/2020 311,852 13033A-BJ-9 CALIFORNIA HEALTH FACS DI 5.000 JJ 07/01/2007 957,654 130534-VT-4 CALIFORNIA POLLUTN CTL FI 6.350 JD 06/01/2009 1,027,209 13068G-V9-4 CALIFORNIA ST PUB WKS BRD 5.700 JJ 01/01/2011 01/01/2006 102.000 505,349 212216-AW-5 CONTRA COSTA CALIF HOME M NONE 09/01/2017 03/01/2006 27.641 1,199,432 221623-LS-8 COTATI-ROHNERT PK CALIF U NONE 08/01/2020 08/01/2009 52.108 2,073,020 221623-LT-6 COTATI-ROHNERT PK CALIF U NONE 08/01/2021 08/01/2009 49.021 1,972,039 231237-SC-3 CUPERTINO CALIF UN SCH DI NONE 08/01/2014 487,934 544350-J5-1 LOS ANGELES CALIF 6.000 MS 09/01/2011 09/01/2003 101.000 500,000 544435-RR-3 LOS ANGELES CALIF DEPT AR 5.500 MN 05/15/2010 974,838 544644-BB-2 LOS ANGELES CALIF UNI SCH 6.000 JJ 07/01/2012 1,070,989 544900-CA-9 LOS ANGELES CNTY CALIF CA 5.875 JD 12/01/2005 5,728,650 573428-EU-9 MARTINEZ CALIF UNI SCH DI NONE 08/01/2008 993,186 645002-NS-1 NEW HAVEN CALIF UNI SCH D NONE 08/01/2011 613,952 645002-NV-4 NEW HAVEN CALIF UNI SCH D NONE 08/01/2014 08/01/2003 53.804 522,166 645002-NY-8 NEW HAVEN CALIF UNI SCH D NONE 08/01/2017 08/01/2003 44.581 707,948 672325-JG-3 OAKLAND CALIF UNI SCH DIS NONE 08/01/2021 08/01/2006 43.582 681,410 715875-MY-3 PETALUMA CALIF CITY JT UN NONE 08/01/2019 886,169 734897-TA-9 PORT OAKLAND CALIF PORT R 5.375 MN 11/01/2010 11/01/2007 102.000 998,247 786134-BN-5 SACRAMENTO CNTY CALIF SAN 5.200 JD 12/01/2011 496,483 796846-AP-8 SAN BERNARDINO CNTY CALIF 6.000 MS 03/01/2010 995,597 797645-HX-9 SAN FRANCISCO CALIF CITY 5.500 JD 06/15/2010 493,995 797645-JX-9 SAN FRANCISCO CALIF CITY NONE 10/01/2010 634,825 798136-GQ-4 SAN JOSE CALIF ARPT REV 5.750 MS 03/01/2003 2,249,635 802615-NE-0 SANTA ROSA CALIF HIGH SCH 5.600 MN 05/01/2008 329,248 802615-NF-7 SANTA ROSA CALIF HIGH SCH 5.700 MN 05/01/2009 279,265 802615-NG-5 SANTA ROSA CALIF HIGH SCH 5.750 MN 05/01/2010 388,848 984257-CW-3 Y S SCH FACS FING AUTH CA 6.100 MS 09/01/2011 500,842 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 30,250,671 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLORADO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 138713-BY-8 ARAPAHOE CNTY COLO SINGLE NONE 09/01/2010 1,271,134 59059L-BK-4 MESA CNTY COLO CTFS PARTN 5,000 AO 10/15/2008 3,747,221 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COLORADO 5,018,355 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772E-PV-9 CONNECTICUT ST 5,375 AO 10/01/2010 992,194 207742-4C-8 CONNECTICUT ST HEALTH & E 5,750 JJ 07/01/2006 250,000 207742-4E-4 CONNECTICUT ST HEALTH & EDU 5,900 JJ 07/01/2008 765,000 207743-EM-3 CONNECTICUT ST HGHR ED SU 5,750 MN 11/15/2013 340,657 891415-LH-2 TORRINGTON CONN 5,375 AO 10/15/2010 494,525 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 2,842,376 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25476A-MX-4 DISTRICT COLUMBIA 6,000 JD 06/01/2007 06/01/2004 102.000 1,520,996 254839-LM-3 DISTRICT COLUMBIA REV 5,375 AO 10/01/2008 498,169 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 2,019,165 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 233455-TH-7 DADE CNTY FLA AVIATION RE 6,100 AO 10/01/2007 1,006,308 233492-GS-0 DADE CNTY FLA GTD ENTITLE NONE 08/01/2013 02/01/2006 59.439 812,525 23354M-BV-6 DADE CNTY FLA SCH BRD CTF 5,500 FA 08/01/2006 998,394 22354M-CK-9 DADE CNTY FLA SCH BRD CTF 5,600 MN 05/01/2006 05/01/2004 101.000 1,007,553 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 567090-SM-8 MARICOPA CNTY ARIZ SCH DIST 720,000 108.0720 778,118 790,625 21,960 43,920 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL AIRZONA 2,045,000 XXX 2,149,907 2,033,023 45,471 113,108 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 022168-CP-1 ALUM ROCK CALIF UN ELEM S 1,280,000 79.8350 1,021,888 645,235 084154-FW-8 BERKELEY CALIF UNI SCH DI 630,000 46.3170 291,797 204,177 084154-FY-4 BERKELEY CALIF UNI SCH DI 1,130,000 40.7330 460,283 335,463 084154-FZ-1 BERKELEY CALIF UNI SCH DI 845,000 38.0830 321,801 228,784 13033A-BJ-9 CALIFORNIA HEALTH FACS FI 1,000,000 106.2820 1,062,820 903,880 25,000 50,000 130534-VT-4 CALIFORNIA POLLUTN CTL FI 1,000,000 102.4280 1,024 280 1,045,940 5,292 63,500 13068G-V9-4 CALIFORNIA ST PUB WKS BRD 500,000 110.6410 553,205 497,510 14,250 28,500 212216-AW-5 CONTRA COSTA CALIF HOME M 5,345,000 25.8990 1,384,302 704,524 221623-LS-8 COTATI-ROHNERT PK CALIF U 5,650,000 37.1860 2,101,009 1,566,915 221623-LT-6 COTATI-ROHNERT PK CALIF U 5,695,000 34.7740 1,980,379 1,496,589 231237-SC-3 CUPERTINO CALIF UN SCH DI 930,000 55.7040 518,047 359,771 544350-J5-1 LOS ANGELES CALIF 500,000 104.1820 520,910 500,000 10,000 30,000 544435-RR-3 LOS ANGELES CALIF DEPT AR 1,000,000 107.1240 1,071,240 958,190 7,028 55,000 544644-BB-2 LOS ANGELES CALIF UNI SCH 1,000,000 119.4610 1,194,610 1,078,441 30,000 60,000 544900-CA-9 LOS ANGELES CNTY CALIF CA 5,750,000 112.6230 6,475,823 5,677,707 28,151 337,813 573428-EU-9 MARTINEZ CALIF UNI SCH DI 1,380,000 74.8890 1,033,468 642,459 645002-NS-1 NEW HAVEN CALIF UNI SCH D 1,000,000 64.2970 642,970 411,260 645002-NV-4 NEW HAVEN CALIF UNI SCH D 1,000,000 53.3780 533,780 394,950 645002-NY-8 NEW HAVEN CALIF UNI SCH D 1,640,000 44.2290 725 356 523,209 672325-JG-3 OAKLAND CALIF UNI SCH DIS 1,940,000 36.2090 702,455 493,517 715875-MY-3 PETALUMA CALIF CITY JT UN 2,415,000 39.8210 961,677 630,605 734897-TA-9 PORT OAKLAND CALIF PORT R 1,000,000 111.4680 1,114,680 978,530 8,958 53,750 786134-BN-5 SACRAMENTO CNTY CALIF SAN 500,000 111.0040 555,020 494,645 2,167 26,000 796846-AP-8 SAN BERNARDINO CNTY CALIF 1,000,000 108.1460 1,081,460 992,500 20,000 60,000 797645-HX-9 SAN FRANCISCO CALIF CITY 500,000 103.9460 519,730 490,030 1,222 27,500 797645-JX-9 SAN FRANCISCO CALIF CITY 1,000,000 75.4670 754,670 408,820 798136-GQ-4 SAN JOSE CALIF ARPT REV 2,250,000 100.6960 2,265,660 2,232,653 43,125 129,375 802615-NE-0 SANTA ROSA CALIF HIGH SCH 330,000 106.1980 350,453 328,400 3,080 18,480 802615-NF-7 SANTA ROSA CALIF HIGH SCH 280,000 106.1460 297,209 278,589 2,660 15,960 802615-NG-5 SANTA ROSA CALIF HIGH SCH 390,000 105.6920 412,199 387,960 3,738 22,425 984257-CW-3 Y S SCH FACS FING AUTH CA 500,000 102.8450 514,225 501,250 10,167 30,500 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 49,380,000 XXX 32,447,406 26,392,503 214,838 1,008,803 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLORADO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 138713-BY-8 ARAPAHOE CNTY COLO SINGLE 2,000,000 74.8350 1,496,700 826,680 59059L-BK-4 MESA CNTY COLO CTFS PARTN 3,750,000 108.1740 4,056,525 3,746,471 39,583 187,500 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COLORADO 5,750,000 XXX 5,553,225 4,573,151 39,583 187,500 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772E-PV-9 CONNECTICUT ST 1,000,000 110.9070 1,109,070 987,330 13,438 53,750 207742-4C-8 CONNECTICUT ST HEALTH & E 250,000 107.4980 268,745 250,000 7,188 14,375 207742-4E-4 CONNECTICUT ST HEALTH & EDU 765,000 107.7160 824,027 765,000 22,568 45,135 207743-EM-3 CONNECTICUT ST HGHR ED SU 340,000 110.4120 375,401 340,850 2,498 19,550 891415-LH-2 TORRINGTON CONN 500,000 108.3390 541,695 491,165 5,674 26,875 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 2,855,000 XXX 3,118,938 2,834,345 51,366 159,685 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25476A-MX-4 DISTRICT COLUMBIA 1,500,000 108.5130 1,627,695 1,497,740 7,500 90,000 254839-LM-3 DISTRICT COLUMBIA REV 500,000 109.9530 549,765 496,720 6,719 26,875 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 2,000,000 XXX 2,177,460 1,994,460 14,219 116,875 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 233455-TH-7 DADE CNTY FLA AVIATION RE 1,010,000 102.3450 1,033,685 1,001,152 15,403 61,610 233492-GS-0 DADE CNTY FLA GTD ENTITLE 1,675,000 55.6680 932,439 480,022 23354M-BV-6 DADE CNTY FLA SCH BRD CTF 1,000,000 103.9780 1,039,780 995,310 22,917 55,000 22354M-CK-9 DADE CNTY FLA SCH BRD CTF 1,000,000 106.6840 1,066,840 995,660 9,333 56,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive Increase (Decrease) Bonds in Rate (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Aquired terest - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 567090-SM-8 MARICOPA CNTY ARIZ SCH DIST (23,526) 1 11/02/2001 2.610 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL AIRZONA (16,819) XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 022168-CP-1 ALUM ROCK CALIF UN ELEM S 49,706 1 01/10/1996 5.500 084154-FW-8 BERKELEY CALIF UNI SCH DI 15,170 1 07/09/1997 5.700 084154-FY-4 BERKELEY CALIF UNI SCH DI 24,128 1 07/31/1997 5.573 084154-FZ-1 BERKELEY CALIF UNI SCH DI 17,187 1 07/09/1997 5.750 13033A-BJ-9 CALIFORNIA HEALTH FACS FI 7,956 1 08/29/1994 6.090 130534-VT-4 CALIFORNIA POLLUTN CTL FI 2,847 1 07/24/1996 5.835 13068G-V9-4 CALIFORNIA ST PUB WKS BRD 1,378 1PE 05/01/1996 5.925 212216-AW-5 CONTRA COSTA CALIF HOME M 76,409 1 12/01/1994 6.692 221623-LS-8 COTATI-ROHNERT PK CALIF U 107,571 1 09/25/1997 5.400 221623-LT-6 COTATI-ROHNERT PK CALIF U 101,422 1 10/07/1997 5.350 231237-SC-3 CUPERTINO CALIF UN SCH DI 26,427 1 07/08/1997 5.647 544350-J5-1 LOS ANGELES CALIF 1 08/30/1995 6.099 544435-RR-3 LOS ANGELES CALIF DEPT AR 2,653 1 06/21/1995 5.926 544644-BB-2 LOS ANGELES CALIF UNI SCH (5,698) 1 09/01/2001 5.050 544900-CA-9 LOS ANGELES CNTY CALIF CA 6,513 1 12/02/1992 6.016 573428-EU-9 MARTINEZ CALIF UNI SCH DI 56,820 1 08/04/1995 5.979 645002-NS-1 NEW HAVEN CALIF UNI SCH D 33,921 1 11/30/1995 5.765 645002-NY-4 NEW HAVEN CALIF UNI SCH D 26,131 1 07/18/1997 5.200 645002-NY-8 NEW HAVEN CALIF UNI SCH D 38,041 1 07/07/1997 5.600 672325-JG-3 OAKLAND CALIF UNI SCH DIS 39,815 1 08/19/1997 6.112 715875-MY-3 PETALUMA CALIF CITY JT UN 51,986 1 05/01/1997 6.138 734897-TA-9 PORT OAKLAND CALIF PORT R 3 801 1 01/10/1997 5.782 786134-BN-5 SACRAMENTO CNTY CALIF SAN 302 1 12/13/1995 5.300 796846-AP-8 SAN BERNARDINO CNTY CALIF 478 1 03/07/1995 6.077 797645-HX-9 SAN FRANCISCO CALIF CITY 631 1 07/27/1995 5.700 797645-JX-9 SAN FRANCISCO CALIF CITY 36,152 1 06/14/1995 5.950 798136-GQ-4 SAN JOSE CALIF ARPT REV 2,136 1 11/18/1992 5.850 802615-NE-0 SANTA ROSA CALIF HIGH SCH 118 1 06/21/1994 5.650 802615-NF-7 SANTA ROSA CALIF HIGH SCH 94 1 06/21/1994 5.750 802615-NG-5 SANTA ROSA CALIF HIGH SCH 123 1 06/21/1994 5.800 984257-CW-3 Y S SCH FACS FING AUTH CA (72) 1 07/19/1995 6.075 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 724,146 XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLORADO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 138713-BY-8 ARAPAHOE CNTY COLO SINGLE 72,969 1 09/18/1995 6.000 59059L-BK-4 MESA CNTY COLO CTFS PARTN 404 1 09/01/2001 5.015 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COLORADO 73,373 XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLORADO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772E-PV-9 CONNECTICUT ST 789 1PE 10/13/1995 5.500 207742-4C-8 CONNECTICUT ST HEALTH & E 1 09/06/1994 5.749 207742-4E-4 CONNECTICUT ST HEALTH & EDU 1 09/06/1994 5.899 207743-EM-3 CONNECTICUT ST HGHR ED SU (43) 1 01/06/1997 5.726 891415-LH-2 TORRINGTON CONN 549 1 10/10/1995 5.550 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 1,295 XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25476A-MX-4 DISTRICT COLUMBIA 3,415 1 08/12/1994 6.171 254839-LM-3 DISTRICT COLUMBIA REV 265 1 10/01/1996 5.450 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 3,680 XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 233455-TH-7 DADE CNTY FLA AVIATION RE 651 1 11/13/1992 6.190 233492-SH-0 DADE CNTY FLA GTD ENTITLE 51,822 1 01/01/1995 6.700 23354M-BV-6 DADE CNTY FLA SCH BRD CTF 395 1 06/11/1993 5.550 22354M-CK-9 DADE CNTY FLA SCH BRD CTF 1,720 1 08/11/1994 5.736 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.5 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ------------ 4 5 Book /Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23354M-CL-7 DADE CNTY FLA SCH BRD CTF 5.700 MN 05/01/2007 05/01/2004 101.000 1,007,505 302644-BP-3 FSU FINL ASSISTANCE INC F 5.100 AO 10/01/2007 1,324,998 302644-BQ-1 FSU FINL ASSISTANCE INC F 5.200 AO 10/01/2008 1,295,000 341421-3Q-6 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 5.400 JD 06/01/2011 992,523 34160H-BA-4 FLORIDA ST CORRECTIONAL P 5.600 FA 08/01/2007 994,029 34160H-BB-2 FLORIDA ST CORRECTIONAL P 5.625 FA 08/01/2008 991,755 343147-BK-9 FLORIDA ST UNIV INTL PROG 5.100 AO 04/01/2007 260,000 343147-BL-7 FLORIDA ST UNIV INTL PROG 5.200 AO 04/01/2008 275,000 343147-BM-5 FLORIDA ST UNIV INTL PROG 5.250 AO 04/01/2009 265,000 392274-KF-2 GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION 5.500 AO 10/01/2008 498,783 43232F-HA-7 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA CAP 4.800 FA 08/01/2008 595,718 43232V-BG-5 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA SCH 5.500 JJ 07/01/2009 07/01/2005 102.000 505,474 511665-ED-9 LAKELAND FLA HOSP SYS REV 5.000 MN 11/15/2011 489,492 92884E-BF-3 VOLUSIA CNTY FLA SCH BRD 5.375 FA 08/01/2011 500,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 13,820,057 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 047801-BW-4 ATLANTA GA BRD ED CTFS PA 5.125 JD 12/01/2007 1,052,716 240523-QQ-6 DE KALB CNTY GA WTR & SEW 5.250 AO 10/01/2025 1,923,002 626207-BG-8 MUNICIPAL ELEC AUTH GA 3.150 JJ 01/01/2022 800,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 3,775,718 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419780-SR-3 HAWAII ST 5.250 AO 10/01/2020 1,913,232 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 1,913,232 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 051645-MK-2 AURORA ILL 5.875 JJ 01/01/2016 01/01/2005 100.000 586,909 097552-GW-7 BOL INGBROOK ILL NONE 01/01/2014 01/01/2008 72.803 1,198,467 153812-BS-0 CENTRAL LAKE CNTY ILL JT 6.100 FA 02/01/2006 1,396,125 167483-3S-3 CHICAGO ILL 5.125 JJ 01/01/2022 01/01/2016 100.000 2,025,352 167483-5G-7 CHICAGO ILL 5.375 JJ 01/01/2013 695,993 167483-6E-1 CHICAGO ILL 5.600 JJ 01/01/2006 3,077,872 167483-6H-4 CHICAGO ILL 5.900 JJ 01/01/2009 07/01/2005 102.000 1,011,111 167484-VT-8 CHICAGO ILL 5.000 JJ 01/01/2009 01/01/2009 100.000 480,055 167484-WC-4 CHICAGO ILL 5.000 JJ 01/01/2009 14,847 167501-F7-5 CHICAGO ILL BRD ED SER C 5.000 JD 12/01/2031 1,920,292 167684-LT-4 CHICAGO ILL SCH FIN AUTH 5.200 JD 06/01/2006 1,981,543 167684-LU-1 CHICAGO ILL SCH FIN AUTH 5.300 JD 06/01/2007 1,976,804 167684-MQ-9 CHICAGO ILL SCH FIN AUTH 4.800 JD 06/01/2004 2,041,755 167684-MT-3 CHICAGO ILL SCH FIN AUTH 5.000 JD 06/01/2007 477,130 213183-TF-3 COOK CNTY ILL NONE 11/01/2009 1,622,392 213183-XJ-0 COOK CNTY ILL 5.400 MN 11/15/2008 970,675 213183-XK-7 COOK CNTY ILL 5.400 MN 11/15/2010 1,168,530 213183-ZT-6 COOK CNTY ILL 6.250 MN 11/15/2009 3,972,660 434452-DY-1 HOFFMAN ESTATES ILL 5.800 JD 12/01/2011 649,520 451908-SB-4 ILL INOIS DEV FIN AUTH REV NONE 12/01/2012 548,433 451908-WG-8 ILL INOIS DEV FIN AUTH REV NONE 01/01/2010 668,799 452150-AQ-8 ILL INOIS ST 5.125 JD 12/01/2010 982,469 581158-DK-5 MCHENRY CNTY ILL CMTY UTD 5.200 FA 02/01/2011 02/01/2005 100.000 1,000,000 592247-CF-5 METROPOLITAN PIER & EXPO IL NONE 12/15/2003 2,835,186 592247-CJ-7 METROPOLITAN PIER & EXPO IL NONE 06/15/2004 6,042,993 665245-UH-7 NORTHERN ILL UNIV REVS 5.700 AO 04/01/2016 04/01/2007 100.000 1,389,130 759911-JD-3 REGIONAL TRANSN AUTH ILL 7.750 JD 06/01/2009 523,048 759911-KG-4 REGIONAL TRANSN AUTH ILL 5.250 JD 06/01/2010 996,962 759911-NH-9 REGIONAL TRANSN AUTH ILL 5.750 JD 06/01/2023 4,961,550 843146-WN-7 SOUTHERN ILL UNIV REVS 5.750 AO 04/01/2009 04/01/2003 102.000 1,478,563 914353-DS-3 UNIVERSITY ILL UNIV REVS NONE 04/01/2009 691,090 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23354M-CL-7 DADE CNTY FLA SCH BRD CTF 1,000,000 106.8160 1,068,160 995,430 9,500 57,000 302644-BP-3 FSU FINL ASSISTANCE INC F 1,325,000 105.3280 1,395,596 1,324,930 16,894 67,575 302644-BQ-1 FSU FINL ASSISTANCE INC F 1,295,000 105.5490 1,366,860 1,295,000 16,835 67,340 341421-3Q-6 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 1,000,000 108.4940 1,084,940 988,350 4,500 54,000 34160H-BA-4 FLORIDA ST CORRECTIONAL P 1,000,000 108.6500 1,086,500 986,270 23,333 56,000 34160H-BB-2 FLORIDA ST CORRECTIONAL P 1,000,000 108.6890 1,086,890 983,250 23,438 56,250 343147-BK-9 FLORIDA ST UNIV INTL PROG 260,000 105.3280 273,853 260,000 3,315 13,260 343147-BL-7 FLORIDA ST UNIV INTL PROG 275,000 105.4850 290,084 275,000 3,575 14,300 343147-BM-5 FLORIDA ST UNIV INTL PROG 265,000 105.2970 279,037 265,000 3,478 13,913 392274-KF-2 GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION 500,000 104.4520 522,260 497,765 6,875 27,500 43232F-HA-7 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA CAP 600,000 109.0310 654,186 594,979 12,000 28,800 43232V-BG-5 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA SCH 500,000 111.4950 557,475 495,185 13,750 27,500 511665-ED-9 LAKELAND FLA HOSP SYS REV 500,000 106.5370 532,685 484,140 3,194 25,000 92884E-BF-3 VOLUSIA CNTY FLA SCH BRD 500,000 106.2690 531,345 500,000 11,198 26,875 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 14,705,000 XXX 14,802,615 13,417,443 199.538 707,923 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 047801-BW-4 ATLANTA GA BRD ED CTFS PA 1,055,000 103.1200 1,087,916 1,049,725 4,506 54,069 240523-QQ-6 DE KALB CNTY GA WTR & SEW 2,000,000 104.6470 2,092,940 1,919,480 26,250 105,000 626207-BG-8 MUNICIPAL ELEC AUTH GA 800,000 800,000 800,000 12,180 11,116 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 3,855,000 XXX 3,980,856 3,769,205 42,936 170,185 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419780-SR-3 HAWAII ST 2,000,000 113.5050 2,270,100 1,907,280 26,250 105,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 2,000,000 XXX 2,270,100 1,907,280 26,250 105,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 051645-MK-2 AURORA ILL 585,000 108.6500 635,603 591,382 17,184 34,369 097552-GW-7 BOL INGBROOK ILL 2,195,000 57.8500 1,269,808 890,665 153812-BS-0 CENTRAL LAKECNTY ILL JT 1,400,000 102.3990 1,433,586 1,387,372 35,583 85,400 167483-3S-3 CHICAGO ILL 2,000,000 105.8210 2,116,420 2,029,940 51,250 102,500 167483-5G-7 CHICAGO ILL 700,000 103.7640 726,348 694,211 18,813 37,625 167483-6E-1 CHICAGO ILL 3,000,000 111.0300 3,330,900 3,108,958 84,000 168,000 167483-6H-4 CHICAGO ILL 1,000,000 112.4450 1,124,450 990,600 29,500 59,000 167484-VT-8 CHICAGO ILL 485,000 111.4300 540,436 478,500 12,125 24,250 167484-WC-4 CHICAGO ILL 15,000 111.1890 16,678 14,799 375 750 167501-F7-5 CHICAGO ILL BRD ED SER C 2,000,000 100.2100 2,004,200 1,919,040 8,333 97,222 167684-LT-4 CHICAGO ILL SCH FIN AUTH 2,000,000 103.4160 2,068,320 1,944,740 8,667 104,000 167684-LU-1 CHICAGO ILL SCH FIN AUTH 2,000,000 103.4560 2,069,120 1,942,240 8,833 106,000 167684-MQ-9 CHICAGO ILL SCH FIN AUTH 2,040,000 104.7630 2,137,165 2,043,163 8,160 97,920 167684-MT-3 CHICAGO ILL SCH FIN AUTH 500,000 106.2030 531,015 447,775 2,083 25,000 213183-TF-3 COOK CNTY ILL 2,335,000 78.6590 1,836,688 1,115,313 213183-XJ-0 COOK CNTY ILL 1,000,000 105.1790 1,051,790 942,680 6,900 54,000 213183-XK-7 COOK CNTY ILL 1,200,000 105.1790 1,262,148 1,149,204 8,280 64,800 213183-ZT-6 COOK CNTY ILL 3,705,000 119.1980 4,416,280 4,014,579 29,589 231,563 434452-DY-1 HOFFMAN ESTATES ILL 695,000 103.7110 720,791 626,397 3,359 40,310 451908-SB-4 ILL INOIS DEV FIN AUTH REV 1,000,000 65.8770 658,770 342,500 451908-WG-8 ILL INOIS DEV FIN AUTH REV 1,000,000 76.0690 760,690 440,560 452150-AQ-8 ILL INOIS ST 1,000,000 108.5450 1,085,450 971,970 4,271 51,250 581158-DK-5 MCHENRY CNTY ILL CMTY UTD 1,000,000 103.8090 1,038,090 1,000,000 21,667 52,000 592247-CF-5 METROPOLITAN PIER & EXPO IL 3,000,000 98.4020 2,952,060 1,574,700 592247-CJ-7 METROPOLITAN PIER & EXPO IL 6,600,000 97.8690 6,459,354 3,299,670 665245-UH-7 NORTHERN ILL UNIV REVS 1,385,000 109.2440 1,513,029 1,393,393 19,736 78,945 759911-JD-3 REGIONAL TRANSN AUTH ILL 500,000 127.2880 636,440 540,920 3,229 38,750 759911-KG-4 REGIONAL TRANSN AUTH ILL 1,000,000 106.4350 1,064,350 994,940 4,375 52,500 759911-NH-9 REGIONAL TRANSN AUTH ILL 5,000,000 113.5520 5,677,600 4,961,550 23,958 287,500 843146-WN-7 SOUTHERN ILL UNIV REVS 1,450,000 102.6950 1,489,078 1,469,372 20,844 83,375 914353-DS-3 UNIVERSITY ILL UNIV REVS 1,000,000 79.8180 798,180 437,220 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive Increase (Decrease) Bond in Rate (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Aquired terest - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23354M-CL-7 DADE CNTY FLA SCH BRD CTF 1,752 1 08/11/1994 5.839 302644-BP-3 FSU FINL ASSISTANCE INC F 1 02/04/1994 5.100 302644-BQ-1 FSU FINL ASSISTANCE INC F 1 02/04/1994 5.199 341421-3Q-6 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 682 1PE 10/24/1995 5.512 34160H-BA-4 FLORIDA ST CORRECTIONAL P 1,109 1 06/22/1994 5.750 34160H-BB-2 FLORIDA ST CORRECTIONAL P 1,219 1 06/22/1994 5.800 343147-BK-9 FLORIDA ST UNIV INTL PROG 1 02/03/1994 5.099 343147-BL-7 FLORIDA ST UNIV INTL PROG 1 02/03/1994 5.199 343147-BM-5 FLORIDA ST UNIV INTL PROG 1 02/03/1994 5.249 392274-KF-2 GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION 175 1PE 07/24/1996 5.550 43232F-HA-7 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA CAP 671 1 12/03/2001 4.948 43232V-BG-5 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA SCH 1,612 1 06/16/1995 5.779 511665-ED-9 LAKELAND FLA HOSP SYS REV 907 1 02/23/1996 5.300 92884E-BF-3 VOLUSIA CNTY FLA SCH BRD 1 02/21/1996 5.375 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 62,715 XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 047801-BW-4 ATLANTA GA BRD ED CTFS PA 399 1 12/14/1993 5.176 240523-QQ-6 DE KALB CNTY GA WTR & SEW 1,658 1 11/03/2000 5.55 626207-BG-8 MUNICIPAL ELEC AUTH GA 1 12/01/2001 3.15 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 2,057 XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419780-SR-3 HAWAII ST 2,878 1 10/12/2000 5.640 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 2,878 XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 051645-MK-2 AURORA ILL (877) 1 02/10/1997 5.700 097552-GW-7 BOLINGBROOK ILL 67,018 1 10/22/1997 5.838 153812-BS-0 CENTRAL LAKE CNTY ILL JT 1,109 1 11/16/1992 6.200 167483-3S-3 CHICAGO ILL (1,358) 1PE 04/07/1999 4.991 167483-5G-7 CHICAGO ILL 295 1PE 01/25/1996 5.450 167483-6E-1 CHICAGO ILL (23,655) 1PE 09/01/2001 4.663 167483-6H-4 CHICAGO ILL 3,195 1 03/09/1995 6.166 167484-VT-8 CHICAGO ILL 686 1 01/25/1996 5.200 167484-WC-4 CHICAGO ILL 21 1 01/25/1996 5.200 167501-F7-5 CHICAGO ILL BRD ED SER C 1,188 1 12/05/2001 5.270 167684-LT-4 CHICAGO ILL SCH FIN AUTH 4,787 1PE 05/20/1993 5.500 167684-LU-1 CHICAGO ILL SCH FIN AUTH 4,513 1PE 05/20/1993 5.600 167684-MQ-9 CHICAGO ILL SCH FIN AUTH (1,171) 1PE 09/01/2001 4.737 167684-MT-3 CHICAGO ILL SCH FIN AUTH 4,378 1PE 09/16/1994 6,200 213183-TF-3 COOK CNTY ILL 84,185 1 12/12/1995 5.400 213183-XJ-0 COOK CNTY ILL 4,057 1PE 06/24/1994 6.000 213183-XK-7 COOK CNTY ILL 3,074 1PE 07/06/1995 5.820 213183-ZT-6 COOK CNTY ILL (31,930) 1 09/01/2001 4.995 434452-DY-1 HOFFMAN ESTATES ILL 3,611 1 01/06/1995 6.790 4651908-SB-4 ILL INOIS DEV FIN AUTH REV 32,235 1 03/16/1995 6.150 451908-WG-8 ILL INOIS DEV FIN AUTH REV 37,351 1 09/21/1995 5.830 452150-AQ-8 ILL INOIS ST 1,734 1PE 11/16/1995 5.400 581158-DK-5 MCHENRY CNTY ILL CMTY UTD 1 02/13/1996 5.199 592247-CF-5 METROPOLITAN PIER & EXPO IL 162,792 1 01/12/1993 6.002 592247-CJ-7 METROPOLITAN PIER & EXPO IL 355,188 1 12/18/1992 6.150 665245-UH-7 NORTHERN ILL UNIV REVS (839) 1 12/27/1996 5.620 759911-JD-3 REGIONAL TRANSN AUTH ILL (2,777) 1 11/18/1994 6.850 759911-KG-4 REGIONAL TRANSN AUTH ILL 327 1 01/12/1996 5.300 759911-NH-9 REGIONAL TRANSN AUTH ILL 1PE 03/16/2000 5.810 843146-WN-7 SOUTHERN ILL UNIV REVS 1,698 1 10/03/1996 5.759 914353-DS-3 UNIVERSITY ILL UNIV REVS 39,671 1 03/27/1995 6.000 E08.6 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ------------ 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 914353-EZ-6 UNIVERSITY ILL UNIV REVS 5.625 AO 10/01/2009 979,434 969078-LT-9 WILL CNTY ILL CMNTY SCH DIST NONE 11/01/2014 7,182,633 974536-AR-5 WINNEBAGO & BOONE CNTY ILL 5.650 JJ 01/01/2013 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 58,548,322 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 383272-CN-9 GOSHEN IND MULTI SCH BLDG 5.600 JJ 01/15/2016 07/15/2007 101.000 970,394 383272-CP-4 GOSHEN IND MULTI SCH BLDG 5.600 JJ 01/15/2016 07/15/2007 101.000 510,733 454621-3Q-4 INDIANA BD BK 5.100 FA 02/01/2004 02/01/2003 102.000 509,870 454623-MV-8 INDIANA BD BK REV 5.000 FA 08/01/2023 2,860,860 455167-VU-7 INDIANA UNIV REVS NONE 08/01/2010 631,688 569027-CT-0 MARION CNTY IND CONV&RECT 5.400 JD 06/01/2006 996,923 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA 6,480,468 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IOWA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 462460-FB-7 IOWA HIGHER ED LN AUTH RE 6.000 AO 10/01/2010 310,000 46256B-BE-8 IOWA ST CTFS PARTN 6.500 JJ 07/01/2006 2,039,272 462590-CQ-1 IOWA STUDENT LN LIQUIDITY 5.450 JD 12/01/2003 496,711 462590-CV-0 IOWA STUDENT LN LIQUIDITY 5.800 JD 12/01/2008 1,007,454 497595-ND-6 KIRKWOOD CMTY CLG IOWA NE 5.200 JD 06/01/2006 06/01/2004 100.000 880,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL IOWA 4,733,437 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 491303-FT-5 KENTUCKY HGHR ED STUD LN 7.100 JD 12/01/2011 949,504 546589-JL-7 LOUISVILLE & JEFFERSON CNTY SWR 5.000 MN 05/15/2032 11/15/2013 100.000 2,151,303 546596-DP-9 LOUISVILLE & JEFFERSON KY A 6.500 JJ 07/01/2017 07/01/2007 102.000 1,046,499 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY 4,147,306 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOUISIANA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 546395-RS-5 LOUISIANA PUB FACS AUTH H 5.000 JJ 07/01/2006 07/01/2004 102.000 1,000,000 647634-XV-1 NEW ORLEANS LA NONE 09/01/2010 740,431 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL LOUISIANA 1,740,431 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAINE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 050375-GJ-7 AUBURN ME 6.000 MN 11/01/2008 997,571 050375-GK-4 AUBURN ME 6.100 MN 11/01/2009 498,620 560409-BF-0 MAINE EDL LN MARKETING CO 6.050 MN 11/01/2004 05/01/2004 100.000 605,000 560424-K6-9 MAINE HEALTH & HIGHER EDL 5.100 JJ 07/01/2005 997,682 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MAINE 3,098,873 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574204-KH-5 MARYLAND ST DEPT TRANSN C 4.500 MS 09/15/2006 960,434 664257-AS-1 NORTHEAST MD WASTE DISP A 6.300 JJ 07/01/2016 07/01/2003 102.000 2,353,906 914402-JC-7 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 5.500 AO 04/01/2010 498,524 940156-PB-2 WASHINGTON SUBN SAN DIST 4.625 JD 06/01/2006 06/01/2004 102.000 503,139 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND 4,316,003 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575633-GH-9 MASSACHUSETTS ED LN AUTH 6.150 JJ 07/01/2010 285,000 575633-GX-4 MASSACHUSETTS ED LN AUTH 6.000 JJ 07/01/2010 650,000 57563R-AP-4 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 5.750 JJ 07/01/2012 395,000 57563R-AR-0 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 5.850 JJ 07/01/2014 395,000 576049-JF-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR RES 5.250 MS 03/01/2013 1,689,922 576049-KK-5 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR RES 6.000 JD 12/01/2007 1,833,197 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 5,248,119 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 084473-EY-9 BERKLEY MICH CITY SCH DIS 5.700 JJ 01/01/2010 01/01/2005 101.000 500,000 109367-LT-7 BRIGHTON MICH AREA SCH DI NONE 05/01/2020 05/01/2005 34.134 4,470,470 131438-BR-3 CALUMET LAURIUM & KEWEENA 5.875 MN 05/01/2024 05/01/2001 101.500 1,022,587 251093-JS-0 DETROIT MICH 5.200 MN 05/01/2007 981,798 251129-WY-4 DETROIT MICH CITY SCH DIS 5.375 MN 05/01/2012 05/01/2009 101.000 3,766,953 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - -------------- ------------------------------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ----------- 914353-EZ-6 UNIVERSITY ILL UNIV REVS 1,000,000 105.2660 1,052,660 962,750 14,063 56,250 969078-LT-9 WILL CNTY ILL CMNTY SCH DIST 13,540,000 58.9930 7,987,652 6,928,553 974536-AR-5 WINNEBAGO & BOONE CNTY ILL 1,000,000 109.4160 1,094,160 1,000,000 28,250 56,500 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 68,330,000 XXX 63,559,315 52,649,656 473,427 2,089,779 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 383272-CN-9 GOSHEN IND MULTI SCH BLDG 950,000 114.8360 1,090,942 976,579 24,531 53,200 383272-CP-4 GOSHEN IND MULTI SCH BLDG 500,000 110.5090 552,545 513,989 12,911 28,000 454621-3Q-4 INDIANA BD BK 500,000 104.0440 520,220 501,250 10,625 25,500 454623-MV-8 INDIANA BD BK REV 3,000,000 101.5300 3,045,900 2,853,750 62,500 150,000 455167-VU-7 INDIANA UNIV REVS 1,000,000 74.7470 747,470 405,460 569027-CT-0 MARION CNTY IND CONV&RECT 1,000,000 101.3660 1,013,660 990,660 4,500 54,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA 6,950,000 XXX 6,970,737 6,241,688 115,067 310,700 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IOWA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 462460-FB-7 IOWA HIGHER ED LN AUTH RE 310,000 112.4540 348,607 310,000 4,650 18,600 46256B-BE-8 IOWA ST CTFS PARTN 2,000,000 102.3960 2,047,920 2,115,240 65,000 130,000 462590-CQ-1 IOWA STUDENT LN LIQUIDITY 500,000 102.3080 511,540 474,240 2,271 27,250 462590-CV-0 IOWA STUDENT LN LIQUIDITY 1,000,000 103.0500 1,030,500 1,013,680 4,833 58,000 497595-ND-6 KIRKWOOD CMTY CLG IOWA NE 880,000 103.4160 910,061 880,000 3,813 45,760 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL IOWA 4,690,000 XXX 4,848,628 4,793,160 80,567 279,610 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 491303-FT-5 KENTUCKY HGHR ED STUD LN 900,000 102.0310 918,279 973,105 5,325 63,900 546589-JL-7 LOUISVILLE & JEFFERSON CNTY SWR 2,150,000 101.4610 2,181,412 2,151,224 13,736 16,250 546596-DP-9 LOUISVILLE & JEFFERSON KY A 1,000,000 114.7530 1,147,530 1,071,780 32,500 65,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY 4,050,000 XXX 4,247,221 4,196,109 51,561 145,150 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOUISIANA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 546395-RS-5 LOUISIANA PUB FACS AUTH H 1,000,000 107.3460 1,073,460 1,000,000 25,000 50,000 647634-XV-1 NEW ORLEANS LA 1,165,000 74.6770 869,987 466,513 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL LOUISIANA 2,165,000 XXX 1,943,447 1,466,513 25,000 50,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAINE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 050375-GJ-7 AUBURN ME 1,000,000 107.5470 1,075,470 995,220 10,000 60,000 050375-GK-4 AUBURN ME 500,000 107.4840 537,420 497,520 5,083 30,500 560409-BF-0 MAINE EDL LN MARKETING CO 605,000 104.8910 634,591 605,000 6,100 36,603 560424-K6-9 MAINE HEALTH & HIGHER EDL 1,000,000 106.7190 1,067,190 991,370 25,500 51,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MAINE 3,105,000 XXX 3,314,671 3,089,110 46,683 178,103 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574204-KH-5 MARYLAND ST DEPT TRANSN C 1,000,000 102.2320 1,022,320 895,260 13,250 45,000 664257-AS-1 NORTHEAST MD WASTE DISP A 2,300,000 104.0410 2,392,943 2,431,774 72,450 144,900 914402-JC-7 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 500,000 109.6660 548,330 497,455 6,875 27,500 940156-PB-2 WASHINGTON SUBN SAN DIST 500,000 105.8880 529,440 478,230 1,927 23,125 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND 4,300,000 XXX 4,493,033 4,302,719 94,502 240,525 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575633-GH-9 MASSACHUSETTS ED LN AUTH 285,000 104.7490 298,535 285,000 8,764 17,528 575633-GX-4 MASSACHUSETTS ED LN AUTH 650,000 106.2790 690,814 650,000 19,500 39,000 57563R-AP-4 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 395,000 106.3380 420,035 395,000 11,356 22,713 57563R-AR-0 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 395,000 105.6240 417,215 395,000 11,554 23,108 576049-JF-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR RES 1,750,000 102.6270 1,795,973 1,684,286 30,625 91,875 576049-KK-5 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR RES 1,750,000 116.0690 2,031,208 1,852,406 8,750 105,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 5,225,000 XXX 5,653,780 5,261,692 90,549 299,224 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 084473-EY-9 BERKLEY MICH CITY SCH DIS 500,000 109.2780 546,390 500,000 14,250 28,500 109367-LT-7 BRIGHTON MICH AREA SCH DI 15,000,000 32.6780 4,901,700 2,500,500 131438-BR-3 CALUMET LAURIUM & KEWEENA 1,000,000 107.5870 1,075,870 1,048,620 9,792 58,750 251093-JS-0 DETROIT MICH 1,000,000 111.9500 1,119,500 976,941 8,667 52,000 251129-WY-4 DETROIT MICH CITY SCH DIS 3,620,000 111.9040 4,050,925 3,786,120 32,429 194,575 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive Increase (Decrease) Bonds in Rate (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - -------------- ------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ------ ---------- ------- 914353-EZ-6 UNIVERSITY ILL UNIV REVS 2,408 1 06/22/1994 6.000 969078-LT-9 WILL CNTY ILL CMNTY SCH DIST 254,080 1 03/26/2002 5.430 974536-AR-5 WINNEBAGO&BOONE CNTY ILL 1PE 05/22/1997 5.650 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 1,006,994 XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 383272-CN-9 GOSHEN IND MULTI SCH BLDG (2,074) 1 10/20/1999 5.260 383272-CP-4 GOSHEN IND MULTI SCH BLDG (1,092) 1 10/20/1999 5.260 454621-3Q-4 INDIANA BD BK 1,528 1PE 07/26/1996 5.313 454623-MV-8 INDIANA BD BK REV 3,631 1PE 12/15/2000 5.375 455167-VU-7 INDIANA UNIV REVS 37,129 1PE 08/31/1995 6.150 569027-CT-0 MARION CNTY IND CONV&RECT 798 1 03/18/1993 5.500 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA 39,920 XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IOWA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 462460-FB-7 IOWA HIGHER ED LN AUTH RE 1 05/09/1995 5.999 46256B-BE-8 IOWA ST CTFS PARTN (5,862) 1PE 02/09/1993 5.871 462590-CQ-1 IOWA STUDENT LN LIQUIDITY 3,388 1 10/28/1994 6.200 462590-CV-0 IOWA STUDENT LN LIQUIDITY (1,035) 1PE 11/06/1995 5.650 497595-ND-6 KIRKWOOD CMTY CLG IOWA NE 1 12/02/1996 5.200 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL IOWA (3,509) XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 491303-FT-5 KENTUCKY HGHR ED STUD LN (4,035) 1 02/20/1996 6.285 546589-JL-7 LOUISVILLE & JEFFERSON CNTY SWR 79 1 12/20/2002 4.975 546596-DP-9 LOUISVILLE & JEFFERSON KY A (4,898) 1PE 03/12/1997 5.710 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY (8,854) XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOUISIANA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 546395-RS-5 LOUISIANA PUB FACS AUTH H 1 02/01/1994 5.147 647634-XV-1 NEW ORLEANS LA 42,505 1 03/01/1995 6.000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL LOUISIANA 42,505 XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAINE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 050375-GJ-7 AUBURN ME 338 1 09/15/1994 6.050 050375-GK-4 AUBURN ME 158 1 09/15/1994 6.150 560409-BF-0 MAINE EDL LN MARKETING CO 1 10/19/1994 6.050 560424-K6-9 MAINE HEALTH & HIGHER EDL 825 1 12/08/1993 5.200 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MAINE 1,321 XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574204-KH-5 MARYLAND ST DEPT TRANSN C 9,344 1 06/15/1994 5.700 664257-AS-1 NORTHEAST MD WASTE DISP A (15,187) 1 02/25/1997 5.484 914402-JC-7 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 161 1 06/19/1995 5.550 940156-PB-2 WASHINGTON SUBN SAN DIST 4,536 1PE 09/06/1996 5.535 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND (1,146) XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575633-GH-9 MASSACHUSETTS ED LN AUTH 1 03/22/1995 6.149 575633-GX-4 MASSACHUSETTS ED LN AUTH 1 03/21/1996 5.999 57563R-AP-4 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 1 03/12/1997 5.749 57563R-AR-0 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 1 03/12/1997 5.849 576049-JF-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR RES 4,261 1PE 09/01/2001 5.700 576049-KK-5 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR RES (14,633) 1 09/01/2001 4.900 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS (10,372) XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 084473-EY-9 BERKLEY MICH CITY SCH DIS 1 05/24/1995 5.779 109367-LT-7 BRIGHTON MICH AREA SCH DI 252,539 1PE 12/04/1992 5.900 131438-BR-3 CALUMET LAURIUM & KEWEENA (5,365) 1 07/18/1997 5.200 251093-JS-0 DETROIT MICH 3,611 1 09/01/2001 5.680 251129-WY-4 DETROIT MICH CITY SCH DIS (14,666) 1 09/01/2001 4.762 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.7 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ------------ 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Date Call Price Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 490303-ET-7 KENT CNTY MICH BLDG AUTH 5.000 JD 06/01/2026 4,905,291 490572-AM-6 KENT HOSP FIN AUTH MICH H 5.600 JJ 01/15/2008 01/15/2006 102.000 414,424 512084-EY-6 LAKESHORE MICH PUB SCHS B 5.650 MN 05/01/2010 700,000 59455P-MD-9 MICHIGAN MUN BD AUTH REV 5.250 MN 11/01/2010 496,046 59465C-Y7-6 MICHIGAN ST HOSP FIN AUTH 5.000 FA 08/15/2006 993,472 59465E-KR-3 MICHIGAN ST HOSP FIN AUTH 5.250 JJ 07/01/2010 07/01/2007 101.000 1,995,646 594692-7B-5 MICHIGAN ST STRATEGIC FD 5.800 JD 06/15/2010 991,073 594695-ZB-7 MICHIGAN ST TRUNK LINE 5.500 MN 11/01/2018 4,781,139 665398-HP-1 NORTHERN MICH UNIV REVS 5.125 JD 12/01/2020 4,500,397 944314-CM-3 WAYNE CHARTER CNTY MICH A 5.200 JD 12/01/2006 475,000 944314-DC-4 WAYNE CHARTER CNTY MICH A 5.200 JD 12/01/2006 525,000 970293-EV-4 WILLIAMSTON MICH CMNTY SC 6.250 MN 05/01/2009 526,640 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 32,045,936 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 955686-MT-4 WEST ST PAUL MINN INDPT S NONE 02/01/2010 02/01/2005 74.229 659,440 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA 659,440 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSISSIPPI - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 402702-BX-1 GULFPORT MISS SCH DIST 5.125 AO 04/01/2012 04/01/2003 100.000 499,378 605354-DG-1 MISSISSIPPI HGHR ED ASSIS 5.850 MS 09/01/2007 286,903 899797-RH-9 TUPELO MISS 5.000 FA 02/01/2007 02/01/2003 100.000 499,731 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSISSIPPI 1,286,012 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 484890-FN-3 KANSAS CITY MO ARPT REV 7.000 MS 09/01/2012 09/01/2004 101.000 1,012,985 791638-JZ-3 ST LOUIS MO ARPT REV 5.900 JJ 07/01/2003 1,869,861 79165T-CL-3 ST LOUIS MO MUN FIN CORP 5.450 FA 02/15/2007 500,000 841420-BU-5 SOUTHEAST MO CORRECTIONAL 5.700 AO 10/15/2005 703,800 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSOURI 4,086,646 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONTANA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 612130-DQ-4 MONTANA ST HGHR ED STUD A 5.350 JD 12/01/2003 1,468,800 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MONTANA 1,468,800 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 639683-X5-5 NEBRASKA PUB PWR DIST REV 5.250 JJ 01/01/2009 01/01/2005 101.000 997,729 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA 997,729 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181006-BS-5 CLARK CNTY NEV PASSENGER 5.900 JJ 07/01/2010 497,014 517696-JC-5 LAS VEGAS NEV 4.875 JJ 01/01/2005 999,376 759836-CR-8 RENO NEV HOSP REV 5.250 MN 05/15/2007 998,070 759836-CS-6 RENO NEV HOSP REV 5.000 MN 05/15/2008 899,834 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 3,394,294 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 644618-X2-1 NEW HAMPSHIRE HGHR EDL & 5.625 JJ 07/01/2007 997,059 64465M-AQ-8 NEW HAMPSHIRE MUN BD BK 5.500 FA 08/15/2010 493,885 64468P-BU-8 NEW HAMPSHIRE STHSG FIN M 6.100 JJ 07/01/2024 2,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW HAMPSHIRE 3,490,944 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64579E-G6-7 NEW JERSEY HEALTH CARE FA 5.800 JJ 07/01/2009 07/01/2004 102.000 390,503 64579E-J4-9 NEW JERSEY HEALTH CARE FA 5.800 JJ 07/01/2009 611,718 646080-ET-4 NEW JERSEY ST HGHR ED ASS 6.000 JJ 07/01/2011 269,109 646135-SM-6 NEW JERSEY ST TRANS 6.000 JD 06/15/2019 3,656,192 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 4,927,522 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW MEXICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 517524-AP-9 LAS CRUCES N MEX REV 5.500 JD 12/01/2011 983,111 647111-CX-9 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 5.900 JD 12/01/2003 300,000 647111-CY-7 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 6.000 JD 12/01/2004 55,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 490303-ET-7 KENT CNTY MICH BLDG AUTH 5,000,000 100.9550 5,047,750 4,897,650 20,833 250,000 490572-AM-6 KENT HOSP FIN AUTH MICH H 410,000 112.7980 462,472 408,282 10,587 22,960 512084-EY-6 LAKESHORE MICH PUB SCHS B 700,000 110.4130 772,891 700,000 6,592 39,550 59455P-MD-9 MICHIGAN MUN BD AUTH REV 500,000 107.9870 539,935 493,620 4,375 26,250 59465C-Y7-6 MICHIGAN ST HOSP FIN AUTH 1,000,000 106.6100 1,066,100 981,560 18,889 50,000 59465E-KR-3 MICHIGAN ST HOSP FIN AUTH 2,000,000 108.8510 2,177,020 1,971,560 52,500 105,000 594692-7B-5 MICHIGAN ST STRATEGIC FD 1,000,000 103.9960 1,039,960 984,650 2,578 58,000 594695-ZB-7 MICHIGAN ST TRUNK LINE 5,000,000 115.0350 5,751,750 4,760,550 45,833 275,000 665398-HP-1 NORTHERN MICH UNIV REVS 4,705,000 103.5390 4,871,510 4,491,302 20,094 241,131 944314-CM-3 WAYNE CHARTER CNTY MICH A 475,000 104.5410 496,570 475,000 2,058 24,700 944314-DC-4 WAYNE CHARTER CNTY MICH A 525,000 104.5410 548,840 525,000 2,275 27,300 970293-EV-4 WILLIAMSTON MICH CMNTY SC 500,000 118.2630 591,315 547,410 5,208 31,250 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 42,935,000 XXX 35,060,498 30,048,765 256,960 1,484,966 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 955686-MT-4 WEST ST PAUL MINN INDPT S 1,000,000 71.3510 713,510 429,580 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA 1,000,000 XXX 713,510 429,580 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSISSIPPI - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 402702-BX-1 GULFPORT MISS SCH DIST 500,000 100.9850 504,925 485,390 6,406 25,625 605354-DG-1 MISSISSIPPI HGHR ED ASSIS 290,000 102.2040 296,392 283,313 5,655 16,965 899797-RH-9 TUPELO MISS 500,000 100.1920 500,960 482,220 10,417 25,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSISSIPPI 1,290,000 XXX 1,302,277 1,250,923 22,478 67,590 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 484890-FN-3 KANSAS CITY MO ARPT REV 1,000,000 108.8300 1,088,300 1,023,360 23,333 70,000 791638-JZ-3 ST LOUIS MO ARPT REV 1,870,000 102.3220 1,913,421 1,867,663 55,165 110,330 79165T-CL-3 ST LOUIS MO MUN FIN CORP 500,000 111.3830 556,915 500,000 10,294 27,250 841420-BU-5 SOUTHEAST MO CORRECTIONAL 690,000 110.8990 765,203 703,800 8,303 39,330 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSOURI 4,060,000 XXX 4,323,839 4,094,823 97,095 246,910 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONTANA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 612130-DQ-4 MONTANA ST HGHR ED STUD A 1,440,000 102.3040 1,473,178 1,474,934 6,420 77,040 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MONTANA 1,440,000 XXX 1,473,178 1,474,934 6,420 77,040 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 639683-X5-5 NEBRASKA PUB PWR DIST REV 1,000,000 108.3940 1,083,940 962,620 26,250 52,500 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA 1,000,000 XXX 1,083,940 962,620 26,250 52,500 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181006-BS-5 CLARK CNTY NEV PASSENGER 500,000 109.5410 547,705 495,085 14,750 29,500 517696-JC-5 LAS VEGAS NEV 1,000,000 101.2800 1,012,800 997,080 24,375 48,750 759836-CR-8 RENO NEV HOSP REV 1,000,000 103.0160 1,030,160 995,190 6,708 52,500 759836-CS-6 RENO NEV HOSP REV 950,000 102.8030 976,629 847,837 6,069 47,500 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 3,450,000 XXX 3,567,294 3,335,192 51,902 178,250 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 644618-X2-1 NEW HAMPSHIRE HGHR EDL & 1,000,000 108.3380 1,083,380 993,170 28,125 56,250 64465M-AQ-8 NEW HAMPSHIRE MUN BD BK 500,000 112.1440 560,720 489,950 10,389 27,500 64468P-BU-8 NEW HAMPSHIRE STHSG FIN M 2,000,000 106.3600 2,127,200 2,000,000 61,000 122,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW HAMPSHIRE 3,500,000 XXX 3,771,300 3,483,120 99,514 205,750 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64579E-G6-7 NEW JERSEY HEALTH CARE FA 385,000 108.6220 418,195 382,227 11,165 22,330 64579E-J4-9 NEW JERSEY HEALTH CARE FA 615,000 108.5950 667,859 610,571 17,835 35,670 646080-ET-4 NEW JERSEY ST HGHR ED ASS 270,000 105.3810 284,529 268,650 8,100 16,641 646135-SM-6 NEW JERSEY ST TRANS 3,660,000 118.7730 4,347,092 3,655,621 9,760 219,600 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 4,930,000 XXX 5,717,675 4,917,069 46,860 294,241 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW MEXICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 517524-AP-9 LAS CRUCES N MEX REV 1,000,000 111.3960 1,113,960 974,600 4,583 55,000 647111-CX-9 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 300,000 103.7600 311,280 300,000 1,475 17,700 647111-CY-7 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 55,000 103.5130 56,932 55,000 275 3,300 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive Increase (Decrease) Bonds in Rate (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to NAIC of Cusip by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 490303-ET-7 KENT CNTY MICH BLDG AUTH 2,054 1 03/03/1999 5.140 490572-AM-6 KENT HOSP FIN AUTH MICH H 1,106 1 06/26/1996 5.819 512084-EY-6 LAKESHORE MICH PUB SCHS B 1 06/23/1995 5.649 59455P-MD-9 MICHIGAN MUN BD AUTH REV 397 1 12/13/1995 5.375 59465C-Y7-6 MICHIGAN ST HOSP FIN AUTH 1,599 1 12/17/1993 5.200 59465E-KR-3 MICHIGAN ST HOSP FIN AUTH 4,650 1PE 02/14/1997 5.504 594692-7B-5 MICHIGAN ST STRATEGIC FD 927 1 06/17/1994 5.950 594695-ZB-7 MICHIGAN ST TRUNK LINE 8,161 1PE 05/11/2000 5.930 665398-HP-1 NORTHERN MICH UNIV REVS 6,568 1 09/01/2001 5.510 944314-CM-3 WAYNE CHARTER CNTY MICH A 1 12/13/1993 5.200 944314-DC-4 WAYNE CHARTER CNTY MICH A 1 12/13/1993 5.200 970293-EV-4 WILLIAMSTON MICH CMNTY SC (3,464) 1 12/14/1995 5.250 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 258,117 XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 955686-MT-4 WEST ST PAUL MINN INDPT S 36,417 1 06/05/1995 5.762 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA 36,417 XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSISSIPPI - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 402702-BX-1 GULFPORT MISS SCH DIST 2,419 1 02/21/1996 5.636 605354-DG-1 MISSISSIPPI HGHR ED ASSIS 558 1 02/23/1995 6.117 899797-RH-9 TUPELO MISS 3,169 1 07/15/1996 5.664 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSISSIPPI 6,146 XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 484890-FN-3 KANSAS CITY MO ARPT REV (1,641) 1 01/12/1995 6.740 791638-JZ-3 ST LOUIS MO ARPT REV 302 1 11/23/1992 5.915 79165T-CL-3 ST LOUIS MO MUN FIN CORP 1 07/30/1996 5.450 841420-BU-5 SOUTHEAST MO CORRECTIONAL 1 07/31/1996 5.586 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSOURI (1,339) XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONTANA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 612130-DQ-4 MONTANA ST HGHR ED STUD A (1,033) 1 07/30/1996 5.165 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MONTANA (1,033) XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 639683-X5-5 NEBRASKA PUB PWR DIST REV 5,581 1 07/12/1995 5.851 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA 5,581 XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181006-BS-5 CLARK CNTY NEV PASSENGER 307 1 06/29/1995 6.000 517696-JC-5 LAS VEGAS NEV 309 1 09/07/1993 4.908 759836-CR-8 RENO NEV HOSP REV 383 1 12/07/1993 5.300 759836-CS-6 RENO NEV HOSP REV 7,664 1 08/05/1994 6.170 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 8,663 XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 644618-X2-1 NEW HAMPSHIRE HGHR EDL & 496 1 06/20/1994 5.700 64465M-AQ-8 NEW HAMPSHIRE MUN BD BK 590 1 06/21/1995 5.700 64468P-BU-8 NEW HAMPSHIRE STHSG FIN M 1 09/01/2001 6.100 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW HAMPSHIRE 1,086 XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64579E-G6-7 NEW JERSEY HEALTH CARE FA 7,811 1 07/05/1994 6.082 64579E-J4-9 NEW JERSEY HEALTH CARE FA 404 1 07/05/1994 5.900 646080-ET-4 NEW JERSEY ST HGHR ED ASS 62 1 05/16/1996 6.050 646135-SM-6 NEW JERSEY ST TRANS 133 1PE 09/01/2001 6.010 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 8,410 XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW MEXICO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 517524-AP-9 LAS CRUCES N MEX REV 1,416 1PE 11/16/1995 5.745 647111-CX-9 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 1PE 07/29/1994 5.899 647111-CY-7 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 1PE 08/16/1994 5.999 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.8 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ------------ 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 647111-DQ-3 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 5.750 FA 08/01/2007 24,911 647111-DR-1 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 5.850 FA 08/01/2008 34,804 767175-AN-2 RIO RANCHO N MEX WTR & WA 5.700 MN 05/15/2009 05/15/2006 100.000 499,542 767175-AQ-5 RIO RANCHO N MEX WTR & WA 5.900 MN 05/15/2012 05/15/2006 100.000 610,980 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW MEXICO 2,508,348 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 119730-FX-2 BUFFALO N Y SWR AUTH REV 5.100 JJ 07/01/2004 499,287 649669-Q3-5 NEW YORK N Y 5.250 AO 04/15/2013 4,353,109 649704-VL-4 NEW YORK N Y CITYHSG DV M 5.700 MN 11/01/2013 1,400,000 649706-6T-0 NEW YORK CITY WATER 5.750 JD 06/15/2029 2,967,806 64982P-NN-8 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH LEA 5.750 MN 05/15/2023 1,953,128 64985M-RN-8 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST C 5.875 JJ 07/15/2019 07/15/2010 100.000 5,065,223 64988J-T9-1 NEW YORK ST MED CARE FACS 5.750 FA 02/15/2008 1,787,150 64988K-EP-8 NEW YORK ST MED CARE FACS 6.500 FA 08/15/2008 02/15/2005 102.000 1,266,789 64988K-EQ-6 NEW YORK ST MED CARE FACS 6.600 FA 02/15/2009 02/15/2005 102.000 187,591 733581-FE-7 PORT AUTH N Y & N J 5.600 JJ 07/01/2007 499,017 773562-BU-6 ROCKLAND CNTY N Y SOLID W 5.625 JD 12/15/2014 12/15/2008 100.000 465,000 957375-AZ-1 WESTCHESTER CNTY N Y INDL 5.400 JJ 07/01/2005 999,999 957375-BD-9 WESTCHESTER CNTY N Y INDL 5.750 JJ 07/01/2009 1,000,000 958792-AP-8 WESTERN NASSAU CNTY N Y W 5.500 MN 05/01/2010 248,513 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 22,692,612 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 658196-TK-6 NORTH CAROLINA EASTN MUN 5.250 JJ 01/01/2004 993,299 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NORTH CAROLINA 993,299 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 186352-CM-0 CLEVELAND OHIO ARPT SYS R 5.800 JJ 01/01/2007 498,240 186352-CN-8 CLEVELAND OHIO ARPT SYS R 5.900 JJ 01/01/2008 423,187 186432-SZ-4 CLEVELAND OHIO WTRWKS REV 5.400 JJ 01/01/2009 248,737 407287-DE-8 HAMILTON CNTY OHIO SALES 5.250 JD 12/01/2019 972,694 661292-PN-6 NORTH OLMSTED OHIO 6.200 JD 12/01/2011 2,623,183 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 4,766,041 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OKLAHOMA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 154727-EX-5 CENTRAL OKLA TRANSN & PKG 5.450 JJ 07/01/2009 997,287 679103-RK-9 OKLAHOMA ST INDS AUTH REV 6.250 FA 08/15/2012 489,334 679110-BV-7 OKLAHOMA ST STUDENT LN AU 6.600 MS 09/01/2003 1,001,089 899652-AU-5 TULSA OKLA INDL AUTH HOSP NONE 12/01/2005 2,086,264 899675-BM-3 TULSA OKLA PUB FACS SLD W 5.650 MN 11/01/2006 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OKLAHOMA 5,573,974 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68607F-BD-1 OREGON ST 5.550 AO 04/01/2010 515,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OREGON 515,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 003554-HE-5 ABINGTON PA SCH DIST 5.500 MN 05/15/2010 11/15/2005 100.000 418,594 01729E-EY-9 ALLEGHENY CNTY PA HIGHER 5.000 JJ 07/15/2008 697,541 018479-DF-9 ALLENTOWN PA WTR REV GTD 5.400 AO 10/15/2009 495,806 018479-DG-7 ALLENTOWN PA WTR REV GTD 5.500 AO 10/15/2010 640,970 087401-EW-1 BETHLEHEM PA AUTH WTR REV 5.000 MN 11/15/2009 904,013 118612-GA-2 BUCKS CNTY PA INDL DEV AU 5.750 MTLY 07/03/2012 1,000,000 123776-JX-5 BUTLER PA AREA SCH DIST NONE 11/15/2017 11/15/2007 56.728 1,241,619 123776-JY-3 BUTLER PA AREA SCH DIST NONE 11/15/2018 11/15/2007 53.316 1,876,125 219521-JF-9 CORNWALL - LEBANON PA SCH D 5.200 FA 02/15/2011 496,734 246001-TP-6 DELAWARE CNTY PA 5.350 AO 10/01/2008 10/01/2006 100.000 497,135 301896-CH-7 EXETER TWP PA 5.150 JJ 07/15/2014 07/15/2007 100.000 714,273 514288-ES-4 LANCASTER PA AREA SWR AUT 5.500 AO 04/01/2013 10/01/2003 100.000 1,360,988 614720-DU-1 MONTOURSVILLE PA AREA SD 5.000 MN 05/01/2013 05/01/2008 100.000 1,045,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 647111-DQ-3 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 25,000 107.7840 26,946 24,808 599 1,438 647111-DR-1 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 35,000 109.4550 38,309 34,626 853 2,048 767175-AN-2 RIO RANCHO N MEX WTR & WA 500,000 112.2350 561,175 498,750 3,642 28,500 767175-AQ-5 RIO RANCHO N MEX WTR & WA 600,000 112.8850 677,310 626,448 4,523 35,400 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW MEXICO 2,515,000 XXX 2,785,912 2,514,232 15,950 143,386 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 119730-FX-2 BUFFALO N Y SWR AUTH REV 500,000 101.8450 509,225 495,790 12,750 25,500 649669-Q3-5 NEW YORK N Y 4,390,000 107.9880 4,740,673 4,349,349 48,656 230,475 649704-VL-4 NEW YORK N Y CITYHSG DV M 1,400,000 102.3290 1,432,606 1,400,000 13,300 79,800 649706-6T-0 NEW YORK CITY WATER 3,000,000 108.5340 3,256,020 2,966,220 7,667 172,500 64982P-NN-8 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH LEA 2,000,000 110.7990 2,215,980 1,949,680 14,694 115,000 64985M-RN-8 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST C 5,000,000 112.0550 5,602,750 5,080,900 135,451 293,750 64988J-T9-1 NEW YORK ST MED CARE FACS 1,795,000 108.6600 1,950,447 1,778,253 38,991 103,213 64988K-EP-8 NEW YORK ST MED CARE FACS 1,250,000 112.4090 1,405,113 1,244,325 30,694 81,250 64988K-EQ-6 NEW YORK ST MED CARE FACS 185,000 112.6170 208,341 184,565 4,613 12,210 733581-FE-7 PORT AUTH N Y & N J 500,000 110.2160 551,080 497,955 14,000 28,000 773562-BU-6 ROCKLAND CNTY N Y SOLID W 465,000 109.0760 507,203 465,000 1,163 26,156 957375-AZ-1 WESTCHESTER CNTY N Y INDL 1,000,000 106.3820 1,063,820 999,910 27,000 54,000 957375-BD-9 WESTCHESTER CNTY N Y INDL 1,000,000 106.6790 1,066,790 1,000,000 28,750 57,500 958792-AP-8 WESTERN NASSAU CNTY N Y W 250,000 109.0170 272,543 247,593 2,292 13,750 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 22,735,000 XXX 24,782,591 22,659,540 380,021 1,293,104 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH CAROLINA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 658196-TK-6 NORTH CAROLINA EASTN MUN 1,000,000 103.9780 1,039,780 948,790 26,250 52,500 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NORTH CAROLINA 1,000,000 XXX 1,039,780 948,790 26,250 52,500 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 186352-CM-0 CLEVELAND OHIO ARPT SYS R 500,000 105.4190 527,095 495,610 14,500 29,000 186352-CN-8 CLEVELAND OHIO ARPT SYS R 425,000 105.3840 447,882 421,094 12,538 25,075 186432-SZ-4 CLEVELAND OHIO WTRWKS REV 250,000 109.1780 272,945 247,738 6,750 13,500 407287-DE-8 HAMILTON CNTY OHIO SALES 1,000,000 106.2480 1,062,480 970,660 4,375 52,500 661292-PN-6 NORTH OLMSTED OHIO 2,400,000 120.5410 2,892,984 2,648,820 12,400 148,800 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 4,575,000 XXX 5,203,386 4,783,922 50,563 268,875 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OKLAHOMA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 154727-EX-5 CENTRAL OKLA TRANSN & PKG 1,000,000 108.4150 1,084,150 995,390 27,250 54,500 679103-RK-9 OKLAHOMA ST INDS AUTH REV 500,000 115.5330 577,665 484,375 11,806 31,250 679110-BV-7 OKLAHOMA ST STUDENT LN AU 1,000,000 101.3280 1,013,280 1,011,020 22,000 66,000 899652-AU-5 TULSA OKLA INDL AUTH HOSP 2,500,000 93.4330 2,335,825 1,117,925 899675-BM-3 TULSA OKLA PUB FACS SLD W 1,000,000 113.1050 1,131,050 1,000,000 9,417 56,500 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OKLAHOMA 6,000,000 XXX 6,141,970 4,608,710 70,473 208,250 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68607F-BD-1 OREGON ST 515,000 111.0280 571,794 515,000 7,146 26,605 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OREGON 515,000 XXX 571,794 515,000 7,146 26,605 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 003554-HE-5 ABINGTON PA SCH DIST 420,000 110.5850 464,457 415,846 2,952 23,100 01729E-EY-9 ALLEGHENY CNTY PA HIGHER 700,000 106.8840 748,188 694,750 16,139 35,000 018479-DF-9 ALLENTOWN PA WTR REV GTD 500,000 110.0130 550,065 492,765 5,700 27,000 018479-DG-7 ALLENTOWN PA WTR REV GTD 645,000 110.2830 711,325 638,505 7,489 35,475 087401-EW-1 BETHLEHEM PA AUTH WTR REV 960,000 105.5710 1,013,482 859,968 6,133 48,000 118612-GA-2 BUCKS CNTY PA INDL DEV AU 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,917 14,922 123776-JX-5 BUTLER PA AREA SCH DIST 2,885,000 49.3630 1,424,123 919,103 123776-JY-3 BUTLER PA AREA SCH DIST 4,650,000 46.3940 2,157,321 1,385,013 219521-JF-9 CORNWALL - LEBANON PA SCH D 500,000 104.8610 524,305 494,830 9,822 26,000 246001-TP-6 DELAWARE CNTY PA 500,000 111.9260 559,630 493,385 6,688 26,750 301896-CH-7 EXETER TWP PA 710,000 105.1410 746,501 717,973 16,861 36,565 514288-ES-4 LANCASTER PA AREA SWR AUT 1,360,000 101.9710 1,386,806 1,367,616 18,700 74,800 614720-DU-1 MONTOURSVILLE PA AREA SD 1,045,000 105.8470 1,106,101 1,045,000 8,708 52,250 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Increase Year, on Increase (Decrease) Bonds in (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to NAIC Effective CUSIP by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date Rate of Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Acquired Interest - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 647111-DQ-3 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 17 1 10/05/1995 5.840 647111-DR-1 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 29 1Z 10/05/1995 5.970 767175-AN-2 RIO RANCHO N MEX WTR & WA 120 1 05/19/1995 5.730 767175-AQ-5 RIO RANCHO N MEX WTR & WA (2,902) 1 12/03/1996 5.300 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW MEXICO (1,320) XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 119730-FX-2 BUFFALO N Y SWR AUTH REV 446 1 05/04/1993 5.200 649669-Q3-5 NEW YORK N Y 2,629 1 09/01/2001 5.357 649704-VL-4 NEW YORK N Y CITYHSG DV M 1 09/01/2001 5.700 649706-6T-0 NEW YORK CITY WATER 503 1PE 04/07/2000 5.830 64982P-NN-8 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH LEA 1,160 1 12/10/1999 5.950 64985M-RN-8 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST C (6,545) 1 06/29/2000 5.660 64988J-T9-1 NEW YORK ST MED CARE FACS 1,281 1 07/14/1994 5.850 64988K-EP-8 NEW YORK ST MED CARE FACS 3,491 1 01/05/1995 6.703 64988K-EQ-6 NEW YORK ST MED CARE FACS 471 1 01/01/1995 6.773 733581-FE-7 PORT AUTH N Y & N J 187 1PE 07/11/1996 5.650 773562-BU-6 ROCKLAND CNTY N Y SOLID W 1 02/21/1997 5.624 957375-AZ-1 WESTCHESTER CNTY N Y INDL 1 1 03/03/1994 5.400 957375-BD-9 WESTCHESTER CNTY N Y INDL 1PE 03/03/1994 5.749 958792-AP-8 WESTERN NASSAU CNTY N Y W 160 1 05/22/1996 5.600 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 3,784 XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH CAROLINA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 658196-TK-6 NORTH CAROLINA EASTN MUN 6,319 1 04/05/1994 5.950 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NORTH CAROLINA 6,319 XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 186352-CM-0 CLEVELAND OHIO ARPT SYS R 380 1 08/12/1994 5.900 186352-CN-8 CLEVELAND OHIO ARPT SYS R 303 1 08/12/1994 6.000 186432-SZ-4 CLEVELAND OHIO WTRWKS REV 173 1PE 05/15/1996 5.500 407287-DE-8 HAMILTON CNTY OHIO SALES 916 1 10/26/2000 5.500 661292-PN-6 NORTH OLMSTED OHIO (19,541) 1 09/01/2001 4.900 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO (17,769) XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OKLAHOMA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 154727-EX-5 CENTRAL OKLA TRANSN & PKG 339 1 10/24/1996 5.500 679103-RK-9 OKLAHOMA ST INDS AUTH REV 775 1 01/26/1995 6.552 679110-BV-7 OKLAHOMA ST STUDENT LN AU (1,554) 1 01/09/1995 6.430 899652-AU-5 TULSA OKLA INDL AUTH HOSP 125,476 1 12/03/1992 6.300 899675-BM-3 TULSA OKLA PUB FACS SLD W 1 03/11/1994 5.649 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OKLAHOMA 125,036 XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68607F-BD-1 OREGON ST 1 10/12/1995 5.550 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OREGON XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 003554-HE-5 ABINGTON PA SCH DIST 439 1 09/28/1995 5.628 01729E-EY-9 ALLEGHENY CNTY PA HIGHER 376 1 01/24/1994 5.074 018479-DF-9 ALLENTOWN PA WTR REV GTD 497 1 09/29/1995 5.550 018479-DG-7 ALLENTOWN PA WTR REV GTD 403 1 09/21/1995 5.600 087401-EW-1 BETHLEHEM PA AUTH WTR REV 6,401 1 06/24/1994 6.050 118612-GA-2 BUCKS CNTY PA INDL DEV AU 1 12/01/2001 5.750 123776-JX-5 BUTLER PA AREA SCH DIST 68,430 1 08/12/1997 5.750 123776-JY-3 BUTLER PA AREA SCH DIST 104,312 1 08/13/1997 5.803 219521-JF-9 CORNWALL - LEBANON PA SCH D 315 1 12/19/1995 5.300 246001-TP-6 DELAWARE CNTY PA 671 1 07/17/1996 5.521 301896-CH-7 EXETER TWP PA (820) 1 01/06/1998 5.000 514288-ES-4 LANCASTER PA AREA SWR AUT (1,260) 1 11/22/1996 5.400 614720-DU-1 MONTOURSVILLE PA AREA SD 1PE 01/28/1998 4.999 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.9 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ------------ 4 5 Book/Adjusted Cusip Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 707546-KX-4 PENN MANOR SCH DIST PA 5.200 JD 06/01/2012 473,251 707546-KZ-9 PENN MANOR SCH DIST PA 5.200 JD 06/01/2012 523,067 708840-EQ-2 PENNSYLVANIA INTERGOVERNM 5.200 JD 06/15/2007 447,883 709140-FF-9 PENNSYLVANIA ST 5.600 JD 06/15/2011 06/15/2004 101.500 5,122,016 709172-DA-5 PENNSYLVANIA ST HGHR FDI 5.700 JJ 01/01/2011 493,694 709174-YH-3 PENNSYLVANIA ST HIGHER ED 6.000 JD 06/15/2009 06/15/2004 100.000 500,000 717813-BR-9 PHILADELPHIA PA 5.250 MS 03/15/2012 03/15/2010 100.500 2,569,142 717813-CY-3 PHILADELPHIA PA 5.875 MN 11/15/2008 11/15/2004 102.000 1,252,976 717813-DH-9 PHILADELPHIA PA 5.875 MN 11/15/2008 757,202 717877-BF-0 PHILADELPHIA PA REGL PORT 5.700 MS 09/01/2004 1,497,651 717880-2W-7 PHILADELPHIA PA SCH DIST 5.550 JJ 07/01/2005 07/01/2004 100.250 950,000 717880-2X-5 PHILADELPHIA PA SCH DIST 5.550 JJ 07/01/2005 07/01/2004 100.250 50,000 717880-F6-0 PHILADELPHIA PA SCH DIST 5.350 JJ 07/01/2003 250,000 717903-QD-3 PHILADELPHIA PA HOSPS & HGH 6.500 JD 12/01/2011 2,351,000 717903-TP-3 PHILADELPHIA PA HOSPS & HGH 5.250 FA 02/15/2014 02/15/2004 102.000 632,000 717904-EV-4 PHILADELPHIA PA MUN AUTH 5.400 MN 11/15/2006 1,009,830 717904-FS-0 PHILADELPHIA PA MUN AUTH 5.000 AO 04/01/2005 1,182,512 810694-XK-0 SCRANTON-LACKAWANNA PA HL 5.300 JJ 01/01/2009 615,294 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 32,067,554 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RHODE ISLAND - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 743787-C9-2 PROVIDENCE R I 6.000 JJ 07/15/2008 07/15/2008 101.000 1,744,014 743810-FL-2 PROVIDENCE R I PUB BLDG A 5.100 JD 12/15/2010 12/15/2006 102.000 497,888 76221M-AZ-7 RHODE ISLAND PORT AU & EC 6.250 JJ 07/01/2006 405,000 76221M-BA-1 RHODE ISLAND PORT AU & EC 6.350 JJ 07/01/2007 755,000 762222-JM-0 RHODE ISLAND ST 5.600 FA 08/01/2010 498,474 762222-KD-8 RHODE ISLAND ST 5.800 FA 08/01/2010 500,000 762287-HT-0 RHODE ISLAND ST PUBBLD AU 5.250 FA 02/01/2010 926,196 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL RHODE ISLAND 5,326,572 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16007B-HJ-6 CHARLESTON CNTY S C CTFS 6.600 JD 12/01/2008 06/01/2004 102.000 192,570 16007B-HK-3 CHARLESTON CNTY S C CTFS 6.750 JD 06/01/2009 06/01/2004 102.000 192,727 16007B-JR-6 CHARLESTON CNTY S C CTFS 6.600 JD 12/01/2008 9,928 16007B-JS-4 CHARLESTON CNTY S C CTFS 6.750 JD 06/01/2009 9,949 340119-AM-8 FLORENCE CNTY S C CTFS PA 5.800 MS 03/01/2004 998,335 340119-AN-6 FLORENCE CNTY S C CTFS PA 5.900 MS 03/01/2005 1,993,995 396029-BC-3 GREENVILLE CNTY S C CTFS 5.800 AO 04/01/2009 605,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROL INA 4,002,504 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46874T-AN-2 JACKSON TENN HOSP REV 5.500 AO 04/01/2010 995,186 783243-YB-8 RUTHERFORD CNTY TENN NONE 05/01/2009 477,434 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 1,472,620 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 003455-DQ-2 ABILENE TEX HIGHER ED AU 5.700 JJ 07/01/2005 485,000 003455-EF-5 ABILENE TEX HIGHER ED AU 6.050 JJ 07/01/2009 375,000 041790-NH-5 ARLINGTON TEX 5.625 FA 08/15/2012 08/15/2006 100.000 500,000 052455-BX-9 AUSTIN TEX REV 5.000 MN 05/15/2011 05/15/2009 100.000 3,113,979 074509-VT-4 BEAUMONT TEX 5.100 MS 03/01/2011 444,976 074509-WB-2 BEAUMONT TEX 5.100 MS 03/01/2010 497,039 088350-FU-2 BEXAR CNTY TEX HEALTH FAC 6.625 FA 08/15/2012 08/15/2004 102.000 1,031,602 106238-DH-8 BRAZOS TEX HIGHER ED AU I 6.350 JD 12/01/2004 403,215 106238-DU-9 BRAZOS TEX HIGHER ED AU I 5.600 JD 06/01/2003 760,154 106238-EE-4 BRAZOS TEX HIGHER ED AU I 6.050 JD 06/01/2003 935,000 155488-BK-4 CENTRAL TEX HIGHER ED AU 5.100 JD 12/01/2003 982,721 208417-UB-6 CONROE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 4.900 FA 02/01/2009 02/01/2004 100.000 1,139,886 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest --------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain n Bonds Amount Cusip Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 707546-KX-4 PENN MANOR SCH DIST PA 475,000 110.6900 525,778 472,829 2,058 24,700 707546-KZ-9 PENN MANOR SCH DIST PA 525,000 105.1760 552,174 522,601 2,275 27,300 708840-EQ-2 PENNSYLVANIA INTERGOVERNM 450,000 109.8200 494,190 445,523 1,040 23,400 709140-FF-9 PENNSYLVANIA ST 5,000,000 107.7440 5,387,200 5,191,850 12,444 280,000 709172-DA-5 PENNSYLVANIA ST HGHR FDI 500,000 105.0510 525,255 490,225 14,250 28,500 709174-YH-3 PENNSYLVANIA ST HIGHER ED 500,000 106.7200 533,600 499,970 1,333 30,000 717813-BR-9 PHILADELPHIA PA 2,480,000 109.7560 2,721,949 2,580,688 38,337 130,200 717813-CY-3 PHILADELPHIA PA 1,240,000 110.2530 1,367,137 1,233,205 9,309 72,850 717813-DH-9 PHILADELPHIA PA 760,000 107.9070 820,093 755,836 5,705 44,650 717877-BF-0 PHILADELPHIA PA REGL PORT 1,500,000 102.8320 1,542,480 1,487,385 28,500 85,500 717880-2W-7 PHILADELPHIA PA SCH DIST 950,000 106.5380 1,012,111 950,000 26,363 52,725 717880-2X-5 PHILADELPHIA PA SCH DIST 50,000 106.5230 53,262 50,000 1,388 2,775 717880-F6-0 PHILADELPHIA PA SCH DIST 250,000 102.0790 255,198 250,000 6,688 13,375 717903-QD-3 PHILADELPHIA PA HOSPS & HGH 2,155,000 119.6600 2,578,673 2,387,546 11,673 140,075 717903-TP-3 PHILADELPHIA PA HOSPS & HGH 625,000 106.4500 665,313 610,738 12,396 32,813 717904-EV-4 PHILADELPHIA PA MUN AUTH 1,000,000 105.1790 1,051,790 1,026,270 6,900 54,000 717904-FS-0 PHILADELPHIA PA MUN AUTH 1,185,000 107.4140 1,272,856 1,174,821 14,813 59,250 810694-XK-0 SCRANTON-LACKAWANNA PA HL 620,000 110.4360 684,703 611,822 16,430 32,860 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 36,140,000 XXX 34,436,066 31,266,063 313,011 1,534,835 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RHODE ISLAND - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 743787-C9-2 PROVIDENCE R I 1,655,000 114.8500 1,900,768 1,762,361 45,788 99,300 743810-FL-2 PROVIDENCE R I PUB BLDG A 500,000 108.6300 543,150 482,370 1,133 25,500 76221M-AZ-7 RHODE ISLAND PORT AU & EC 405,000 107.9490 437,193 405,000 12,656 25,313 76221M-BA-1 RHODE ISLAND PORT AU & EC 755,000 107.4340 811,127 755,000 23,971 47,943 762222-JM-0 RHODE ISLAND ST 500,000 109.5240 547,620 497,450 11,667 28,000 762222-KD-8 RHODE ISLAND ST 500,000 107.3350 536,675 500,000 12,083 29,000 762287-HT-0 RHODE ISLAND ST PUBBLD AU 1,000,000 102.2470 1,022,470 875,210 21,875 52,500 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL RHODE ISLAND 5,315,000 XXX 5,799,003 5,277,391 129,173 307,556 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16007B-HJ-6 CHARLESTON CNTY S C CTFS 190,000 109.3360 207,738 187,441 1,045 12,540 16007B-HK-3 CHARLESTON CNTY S C CTFS 190,000 109.5440 208,134 188,265 1,069 12,825 16007B-JR-6 CHARLESTON CNTY S C CTFS 10,000 107.4130 10,741 9,865 55 660 16007B-JS-4 CHARLESTON CNTY S C CTFS 10,000 107.4750 10,748 9,909 56 675 340119-AM-8 FLORENCE CNTY S C CTFS PA 1,000,000 102.6900 1,026,900 987,770 19,333 58,000 340119-AN-6 FLORENCE CNTY S C CTFS PA 2,000,000 102.6840 2,053,680 1,974,180 39,333 118,000 396029-BC-3 GREENVILLE CNTY S C CTFS 605,000 111.3380 673,595 605,000 8,773 35,090 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROL INA 4,005,000 XXX 4,191,536 3,962,430 69,664 237,790 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46874T-AN-2 JACKSON TENN HOSP REV 1,000,000 108.6940 1,086,940 991,920 13,750 55,000 783243-YB-8 RUTHERFORD CNTY TENN 690,000 81.3320 561,191 307,243 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 1,690,000 XXX 1,648,131 1,299,163 13,750 55,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 003455-DQ-2 ABILENE TEX HIGHER ED AU 485,000 104.1830 505,288 485,000 13,823 27,645 003455-EF-5 ABILENE TEX HIGHER ED AU 375,000 100.3210 376,204 375,000 11,344 22,688 041790-NH-5 ARLINGTON TEX 500,000 113.1530 565,765 500,000 10,625 28,125 052455-BX-9 AUSTIN TEX REV 3,000,000 107.8700 3,236,100 3,133,979 19,167 150,000 074509-VT-4 BEAUMONT TEX 450,000 105.5290 474,881 442,121 7,650 22,950 074509-WB-2 BEAUMONT TEX 500,000 107.0030 535,015 495,055 8,500 25,500 088350-FU-2 BEXAR CNTY TEX HEALTH FAC 1,000,000 110.3270 1,103,270 1,069,130 25,028 66,250 106238-DH-8 BRAZOS TEX HIGHER ED AU I 400,000 106.9740 427,896 414,444 2,117 25,400 106238-DU-9 BRAZOS TEX HIGHER ED AU I 760,000 101.6400 772,464 762,759 3,547 42,560 106238-EE-4 BRAZOS TEX HIGHER ED AU I 935,000 100.3390 938,170 935,000 4,714 56,568 155488-BK-4 CENTRAL TEX HIGHER ED AU 1,000,000 103.1150 1,031,150 869,510 4,250 51,000 208417-UB-6 CONROE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 1,145,000 103.9700 1,190,457 1,133,919 23,377 56,105 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Increase Year, on Increase (Decrease) Bonds in (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to NAIC Effective CUSIP by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date Rate of Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Acquired Interest - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 707546-KX-4 PENN MANOR SCH DIST PA 196 1 02/06/1996 5.250 707546-KZ-9 PENN MANOR SCH DIST PA 155 1 02/06/1996 5.250 708840-EQ-2 PENNSYLVANIA INTERGOVERNM 411 1 05/23/1996 5.320 709140-FF-9 PENNSYLVANIA ST (30,463) 1PE 08/09/2000 4.850 709172-DA-5 PENNSYLVANIA ST HGHR EDL 473 1PE 04/10/1996 5.900 709174-YH-3 PENNSYLVANIA ST HIGHER ED 1 07/07/1994 6.000 717813-BR-9 PHILADELPHIA PA (8,759) 1 09/01/2001 4.715 717813-CY-3 PHILADELPHIA PA 5,780 1 04/20/1999 6.297 717813-DH-9 PHILADELPHIA PA 388 1 04/20/1999 5.950 717877-BF-0 PHILADELPHIA PA REGL PORT 1,307 1 01/15/1993 5.800 717880-2W-7 PHILADELPHIA PA SCH DIST 1 04/21/1999 5.590 717880-2X-5 PHILADELPHIA PA SCH DIST 1 04/21/1999 5.590 717880-F6-0 PHILADELPHIA PA SCH DIST 1PE 04/12/1994 5.349 717903-QD-3 PHILADELPHIA PA HOSPS & HGH (16,910) 1 10/04/2000 5.210 717903-TP-3 PHILADELPHIA PA HOSPS & HGH 3,781 1 01/24/1996 5.807 717904-EV-4 PHILADELPHIA PA MUN AUTH (2,242) 1 01/20/1994 5.117 717904-FS-0 PHILADELPHIA PA MUN AUTH 1,019 1 12/03/1993 5.100 810694-XK-0 SCRANTON-LACKAWANNA PA HL 551 1 11/01/1996 5.450 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 135,451 XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RHODE ISLAND - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 743787-C9-2 PROVIDENCE R I (13,940) 1 09/01/2001 4.864 743810-FL-2 PROVIDENCE R I PUB BLDG A 2,661 1 03/01/1996 5.679 76221M-AZ-7 RHODE ISLAND PORT AU & EC 1 05/19/1994 6.249 76221M-BA-1 RHODE ISLAND PORT AU & EC 1 05/23/1994 6.349 762222-JM-0 RHODE ISLAND ST 157 1 06/21/1995 5.650 762222-KD-8 RHODE ISLAND ST 1PE 07/06/1995 5.800 762287-HT-0 RHODE ISLAND ST PUBBLD AU 7,957 1 01/20/1995 6.570 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL RHODE ISLAND (3,165) XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16007B-HJ-6 CHARLESTON CNTY S C CTFS 800 1 12/08/1994 6.949 16007B-HK-3 CHARLESTON CNTY S C CTFS 697 1 12/08/1994 7.035 16007B-JR-6 CHARLESTON CNTY S C CTFS 10 1 12/08/1994 6.750 16007B-JS-4 CHARLESTON CNTY S C CTFS 6 1 12/08/1994 6.850 340119-AM-8 FLORENCE CNTY S C CTFS PA 1,341 1 12/16/1992 5.950 340119-AN-6 FLORENCE CNTY S C CTFS PA 2,522 1 12/16/1992 6.050 396029-BC-3 GREENVILLE CNTY S C CTFS 1 04/07/1995 5.800 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROL INA 5,376 XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46874T-AN-2 JACKSON TENN HOSP REV 518 1 01/16/1996 5.580 783243-YB-8 RUTHERFORD CNTY TENN 26,970 1 05/25/1995 5.900 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 27,488 XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 003455-DQ-2 ABILENE TEX HIGHER ED AU 1 07/27/1993 5.699 003455-EF-5 ABILENE TEX HIGHER ED AU 1 08/10/1995 6.049 041790-NH-5 ARLINGTON TEX 1PE 07/18/1996 5.625 052455-BX-9 AUSTIN TEX REV (15,241) 1 09/01/2001 4.312 074509-VT-4 BEAUMONT TEX 481 1 01/24/1996 5.270 074509-WB-2 BEAUMONT TEX 333 1 01/24/1996 5.200 088350-FU-2 BEXAR CNTY TEX HEALTH FAC (6,644) 1 05/20/1996 5.750 106238-DH-8 BRAZOS TEX HIGHER ED AU I (1,541) 1 11/05/1993 5.900 106238-DU-9 BRAZOS TEX HIGHER ED AU I (356) 1 08/13/1993 5.550 106238-EE-4 BRAZOS TEX HIGHER ED AU I 1 10/05/1994 6.049 155488-BK-4 CENTRAL TEX HIGHER ED AU 17,659 1PE 11/17/1994 7.083 208417-UB-6 CONROE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 4,484 1 09/01/2001 5.330 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.10 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ------------ 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 208417-W9-2 CONROE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 4.900 FA 02/01/2009 1,180,296 235218-MK-7 DALLAS TEX 5.500 FA 02/15/2007 02/15/2004 100.000 997,385 235416-GL-2 DALLAS TEX WTRWKS & SWR S 5.000 AO 04/01/2009 04/01/2003 100.000 494,885 283736-AM-8 EL PASO TEX ARPT REV 5.500 FA 08/15/2009 08/15/2003 100.000 997,057 414152-KE-7 HARRIS CNTY TEX HLTH FACS 5.600 AO 10/01/2003 239,827 414152-KH-0 HARRIS CNTY TEX HLTH FACS 5.900 AO 10/01/2006 10/01/2004 101.000 261,539 442330-UC-8 HOUSTON TEX 5.000 MS 03/01/2009 256,678 442330-UF-1 HOUSTON TEX 5.000 MS 03/01/2012 377,495 539761-BA-3 LOCKHART TEX CORRECTIONAL 5.250 AO 04/01/2008 04/01/2003 100.000 1,000,000 667825-HM-8 NORTHWEST TEX INDPT SCH D NONE 08/15/2017 08/15/2008 57.571 1,844,313 667825-HV-8 NORTHWEST TEX INDPT SCH D NONE 08/15/2025 08/15/2008 34.722 3,137,733 779222-RH-3 ROUND ROCK TEX 5.800 FA 08/15/2021 08/15/2006 100.000 1,492,908 796236-GF-8 SAN ANTONIO TEX 5.300 FA 08/01/2012 647,585 796242-FQ-3 SAN ANTONIO TEX ARPT SYS 5.700 JJ 07/01/2010 1,030,546 796337-PV-9 SAN ANTONIO TEX RIV AUTH 5.650 JJ 07/01/2011 07/01/2006 100.000 275,863 796337-PW-7 SAN ANTONIO TEX RIV AUTH 5.700 JJ 07/01/2012 07/01/2006 100.000 551,726 824178-MX-2 SHERMAN TEX INDPT SCH DIS NONE 02/15/2011 473,609 840555-BT-2 SOUTH TEXAS HIGHER ED AU 5.100 JD 12/01/2003 129,200 845040-CC-6 SOUTHWEST HIGHER ED AUTH 5.200 AO 10/01/2009 634,618 882555-SH-9 TEXAS MUN PWR AGY REV 5.250 MS 09/01/2006 1,983,600 882716-2M-4 TEXAS ST 5.750 FA 08/01/2008 488,348 882716-TT-0 TEXAS ST 6.200 FA 08/01/2004 2,989,767 882718-AR-0 TEXAS ST 6.300 JD 12/01/2008 750,000 882718-BM-0 TEXAS ST 6.100 JD 06/01/2003 40,000 882719-AU-1 TEXAS ST 5.700 JD 06/01/2009 999,996 882719-MF-1 TEXAS ST 5.125 FA 08/01/2007 08/01/2006 100.000 950,855 882758-CJ-2 TEXAS ST PUB PPTY FIN COR 5.250 MS 09/01/2008 2,338,983 926196-BV-7 VICTORIA CNTY TEX HOSP RE 6.125 JJ 01/01/2009 100,622 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 37,334,006 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 639557-FE-2 NEBO UTAH SCH DIST 5.500 JD 06/15/2007 06/15/2004 100.000 938,432 795681-BH-7 SALT LAKE CNTY UTAH MUN B 6.100 AO 10/01/2009 10/01/2004 101.000 408,987 917328-EY-8 UTAH ASSD MUN PWR SYS REV 5.000 JJ 07/01/2009 949,402 917328-EZ-5 UTAH ASSD MUN PWR SYS REV 5.000 JJ 07/01/2010 07/01/2004 102.000 1,000,146 917546-DW-0 UTAH ST BRD REGENTS STUDE 6.000 MN 05/01/2006 1,300,000 917546-EK-5 UTAH ST BRD REGENTS STUDE 5.950 MN 05/01/2008 500,000 917547-FS-5 UTAH ST BLDG OWNERSHIP AU 5.500 MN 05/15/2011 11/15/2005 100.000 995,784 917559-TX-4 UTAH ST UNIV AGRIC & APP 5.750 JD 12/01/2010 762,597 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH 6,855,348 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERMONT - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 924211-WY-7 VERMONT MUN BD BK 5.600 JD 12/01/2009 12/01/2006 102.000 1,006,899 92428C-BV-5 VERMONT ST STUD ASSISTANC 6.700 JD 12/15/2012 1,028,829 92428C-CC-6 VERMONT ST STUD ASSISTANC 5.600 JD 06/15/2006 996,900 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VERMONT 3,032,628 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 355864-BS-7 FREDERICKSBURG VA INDL DV 5.100 JD 06/15/2008 06/15/2007 102.000 1,005,899 769839-BH-3 ROANOKE CNTY VA WTR SYS R 5.125 JJ 07/01/2013 489,087 928157-AQ-9 VIRGINIA ST PENINSULA RGL 5.400 AO 10/01/2010 298,127 928168-GE-7 VIRGINIA ST PUB BLDG AUTH NONE 08/01/2004 9,099,434 92817F-NA-0 VIRGINIA ST PUB SCH AUTH 5.375 FA 08/01/2018 1,986,446 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA 12,879,023 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 079369-CF-9 BELLEVUE WASH CONVEN CTR NONE 02/01/2009 449,403 300011-JP-9 EVERETT WASH 5.500 FA 08/01/2011 757,101 387883-BF-7 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 5.600 JJ 01/01/2009 395,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 208417-W9-2 CONROE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 1,190,000 102.1070 1,215,073 1,178,483 24,296 58,310 235218-MK-7 DALLAS TEX 1,000,000 104.7660 1,047,660 982,200 20,778 55,000 235416-GL-2 DALLAS TEX WTRWKS & SWR S 500,000 100.9270 504,635 493,000 6,250 25,000 283736-AM-8 EL PASO TEX ARPT REV 1,000,000 101.4250 1,014,250 973,200 20,778 55,000 414152-KE-7 HARRIS CNTY TEX HLTH FACS 240,000 103.2730 247,855 238,327 3,360 13,440 414152-KH-0 HARRIS CNTY TEX HLTH FACS 260,000 108.8150 282,919 257,795 3,835 15,340 442330-UC-8 HOUSTON TEX 260,000 102.3830 266,196 255,450 4,333 13,000 442330-UF-1 HOUSTON TEX 400,000 102.1740 408,696 367,132 6,667 20,000 539761-BA-3 LOCKHART TEX CORRECTIONAL 1,000,000 101.0160 1,010,160 1,000,000 13,125 52,500 667825-HM-8 NORTHWEST TEX INDPT SCH D 4,300,000 44.6430 1,919,649 1,388,487 667825-HV-8 NORTHWEST TEX INDPT SCH D 12,000,000 25.7860 3,094,320 2,424,580 779222-RH-3 ROUND ROCK TEX 1,475,000 105.6430 1,558,234 1,513,719 32,319 85,550 796236-GF-8 SAN ANTONIO TEX 650,000 104.6090 679,959 646,458 14,354 34,450 796242-FQ-3 SAN ANTONIO TEX ARPT SYS 1,025,000 107.6370 1,103,279 1,033,487 29,213 58,425 796337-PV-9 SAN ANTONIO TEX RIV AUTH 275,000 108.2270 297,624 277,008 7,769 15,538 796337-PW-7 SAN ANTONIO TEX RIV AUTH 550,000 108.0470 594,25_ 554,010 15,675 31,350 824178-MX-2 SHERMAN TEX INDPT SCH DIS 765,000 72.3200 553,248 305,480 840555-BT-2 SOUTH TEXAS HIGHER ED AU 130,000 103.1150 134,050 123,573 553 6,630 845040-CC-6 SOUTHWEST HIGHER ED AUTH 640,000 108.4920 694,349 630,682 8,320 33,280 882555-SH-9 TEXAS MUN PWR AGY REV 2,000,000 110.9060 2,218,120 1,953,400 35,000 105,000 882716-2M-4 TEXAS ST 500,000 103.7870 518,935 476,635 11,979 28,750 882716-TT-0 TEXAS ST 3,000,000 100.3650 3,010,950 2,950,530 77,500 186,000 882718-AR-0 TEXAS ST 750,000 104.9960 787,470 750,000 3,938 47,250 882718-BM-0 TEXAS ST 40,000 101.5340 40,614 40,000 203 2,440 882719-AU-1 TEXAS ST 1,000,000 102.7070 1,027,070 999,950 4,750 57,000 882719-MF-1 TEXAS ST 955,000 110.7160 1,057,338 945,125 20,393 48,944 882758-CJ-2 TEXAS ST PUB PPTY FIN COR 2,350,000 104.3040 2,451,144 2,326,500 41,125 123,375 926196-BV-7 VICTORIA CNTY TEX HOSP RE 100,000 105.1270 105,127 101,197 3,063 6,125 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 48,905,000 XXX 38,999,843 35,802,325 543,718 1,752,488 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 639557-FE-2 NEBO UTAH SCH DIST 940,000 106.0390 996,767 931,390 2,298 51,700 795681-BH-7 SALT LAKE CNTY UTAH MUN B 400,000 109.0980 436,392 424,828 6,100 24,400 917328-EY-8 UTAH ASSD MUN PWR SYS REV 1,000,000 106.7240 1,067,240 906,480 25,000 50,000 917328-EZ-5 UTAH ASSD MUN PWR SYS REV 1,000,000 104.7390 1,047,390 933,370 25,000 50,000 917546-DW-0 UTAH ST BRD REGENTS STUDE 1,300,000 109.4730 1,423,149 1,300,000 13,000 78,000 917546-EK-5 UTAH ST BRD REGENTS STUDE 500,000 114.5790 572,895 500,000 4,958 29,750 917547-FS-5 UTAH ST BLDG OWNERSHIP AU 1,000,000 110.7340 1,107,340 987,500 7,028 55,000 917559-TX-4 UTAH ST UNIV AGRIC & APP 765,000 111.4520 852,608 761,083 3,666 43,988 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH 6,905,000 XXX 7,503,781 6,744,651 87,050 382,838 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERMONT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 924211-WY-7 VERMONT MUN BD BK 1,000,000 113.1110 1,131,110 990,660 4,667 56,000 92428C-BV-5 VERMONT ST STUD ASSISTANC 1,000,000 104.0410 1,040,410 1,040,000 2,978 67,000 92428C-CC-6 VERMONT ST STUD ASSISTANC 1,000,000 104.1670 1,041,670 990,890 2,489 56,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VERMONT 3,000,000 XXX 3,213,190 3,021,550 10,134 179,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 355864-BS-7 FREDERICKSBURG VA INDL DV 1,000,000 111.5640 1,115,610 991,410 2,267 51,000 769839-BH-3 ROANOKE CNTY VA WTR SYS R 500,000 102.6190 513,095 484,565 12,813 25,625 928157-AQ-9 VIRGINIA ST PENINSULA RGL 300,000 107.3680 322,104 296,958 4,050 16,200 928168-GE-7 VIRGINIA ST PUB BLDG AUTH 10,000,000 97.6360 9,763,600 4,983,900 92817F-NA-0 VIRGINIA ST PUB SCH AUTH 2,000,000 106.4940 2,129,880 1,985,120 44,792 107,500 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA 13,800,000 XXX 13,844,319 8,741,953 63,922 200,325 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 079369-CF-9 BELLEVUE WASH CONVEN CTR 685,000 80.1950 549,336 256,635 300011-JP-9 EVERETT WASH 770,000 106.0850 816,855 750,126 17,646 42,350 387883-BF-7 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 395,000 108.7220 429,452 395,000 11,060 22,120 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive Increase (Decrease) Bonds in Rate (Decrease) by (Foreign) Default as to NAIC of CUSIP by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 208417-W9-2 CONROE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 1,342 1 09/01/2001 5.057 235218-MK-7 DALLAS TEX 2,197 1 07/19/1994 5.744 235416-GL-2 DALLAS TEX WTRWKS & SWR S 677 1PE 12/31/1999 5.492 283736-AM-8 EL PASO TEX ARPT REV 4,519 1PE 11/05/1996 5.990 414152-KE-7 HARRIS CNTY TEX HLTH FACS 221 1 10/05/1994 5.700 414152-KH-0 HARRIS CNTY TEX HLTH FACS 559 1 10/05/1994 6.089 442330-UC-8 HOUSTON TEX 446 1PE 12/31/1999 5.245 442330-UF-1 HOUSTON TEX 1,816 1PE 04/29/1996 5.800 539761-BA-3 LOCKHART TEX CORRECTIONAL 1 12/16/1993 5.249 667825-HM-8 NORTHWEST TEX INDPT SCH D 94,076 1PE 07/28/1997 5.305 667825-HV-8 NORTHWEST TEX INDPT SCH D 154,339 1PE 12/05/1997 5.107 779222-RH-3 ROUND ROCK TEX (4,364) 1PE 08/21/1997 5.426 796236-GF-8 SAN ANTONIO TEX 189 1 01/17/1996 5.350 796242-FQ-3 SAN ANTONIO TEX ARPT SYS (580) 1 02/03/1997 5.611 796337-PV-9 SAN ANTONIO TEX RIV AUTH (200) 1 11/04/1996 5.550 796337-PW-7 SAN ANTONIO TEX RIV AUTH (400) 1 11/04/1996 5.600 824178-MX-2 SHERMAN TEX INDPT SCH DIS 27,150 1 07/07/1995 5.992 840555-BT-2 SOUTH TEXAS HIGHER ED AU 828 1 09/14/1994 5.800 845040-CC-6 SOUTHWEST HIGHER ED AUTH 647 1 12/14/1995 5.350 882555-SH-9 TEXAS MUN PWR AGY REV 3,937 1PE 05/21/1993 5.500 882716-2M-4 TEXAS ST 1,696 1 05/24/1994 6.251 882716-TT-0 TEXAS ST 5,958 1PE 12/01/1994 6.430 882718-AR-0 TEXAS ST 1 10/17/1994 6.299 882718-BM-0 TEXAS ST 1 10/14/1994 6.099 882719-AU-1 TEXAS ST 1 1 10/26/1995 5.700 882719-MF-1 TEXAS ST 1,026 1 08/01/1996 5.260 882758-CJ-2 TEXAS ST PUB PPTY FIN COR 1,625 1PE 12/21/1993 5.347 926196-BV-7 VICTORIA CNTY TEX HOSP RE (98) 1 06/07/1994 6.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 296,782 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 639557-FE-2 NEBO UTAH SCH DIST 1,007 1 06/22/1994 5.621 795681-BH-7 SALT LAKE CNTY UTAH MUN B (2,654) 1PE 01/16/1996 5.291 917328-EY-8 UTAH ASSD MUN PWR SYS REV 6,223 1 06/15/1994 5.950 917328-EZ-5 UTAH ASSD MUN PWR SYS REV 12,249 1PE 07/31/1996 6.282 917546-DW-0 UTAH ST BRD REGENTS STUDE 1 09/19/1994 5.999 917546-EK-5 UTAH ST BRD REGENTS STUDE 1 04/16/1996 5.949 917547-FS-5 UTAH ST BLDG OWNERSHIP AU 1,317 1 07/13/1995 5.661 917559-TX-4 UTAH ST UNIV AGRIC & APP 233 1 08/04/1995 5.800 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH 18,375 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERMONT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 924211-WY-7 VERMONT MUN BD BK 2,897 1PE 07/12/1996 5.862 92428C-BV-5 VERMONT ST STUD ASSISTANC 5,350 1 16/05/1996 6.306 92428C-CC-6 VERMONT ST STUD ASSISTANC 790 1 06/11/1993 5.700 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VERMONT 9,037 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 355864-BS-7 FREDERICKSBURG VA INDL DV 2,729 1 11/25/1996 5.352 769839-BH-3 ROANOKE CNTY VA WTR SYS R 755 1 01/11/1996 5.400 928157-AQ-9 VIRGINIA ST PENINSULA RGL 189 1 09/18/1995 5.500 928168-GE-7 VIRGINIA ST PUB BLDG AUTH 526,515 1 11/17/1992 6.050 92817F-NA-0 VIRGINIA ST PUB SCH AUTH 542 1 10/20/2000 5.440 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA 530,730 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 079369-CF-9 BELLEVUE WASH CONVEN CTR 30,084 1 11/18/1994 7.050 300011-JP-9 EVERETT WASH 1,134 1 10/05/1995 5.750 387883-BF-7 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 1 10/04/1996 5.599 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.11 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ------------ 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 387883-BG-5 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 5.700 JJ 01/01/2010 415,000 387892-FQ-0 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 5.600 JJ 01/01/2009 200,000 387892-FR-8 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 5.700 JJ 01/01/2010 255,000 387892-HH-8 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 5.750 JJ 01/01/2013 493,283 387892-HJ-4 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 5.750 JJ 01/01/2014 01/01/2007 101.000 496,739 495278-VZ-3 KING CNTY WASH SCH DIST N 5.250 JD 12/01/2014 12/01/2008 100.000 2,765,454 720390-SY-0 PIERCE CNTY WASH SCH DIST 5.000 JD 12/01/2009 497,116 735388-ZT-0 PORT SEATTLE WASH REV 5.000 MN 05/01/2007 748,556 812650-FK-0 SEATTLE WASH MET MUNICIPAL 5.650 JJ 01/01/2020 448,800 833102-NA-0 SNOHOMISH CNTY PUB UT DST 5.625 JJ 01/01/2005 01/01/2003 102.000 2,040,000 833119-QS-2 SNOHOMISH CNTY WASH SCH D 6.200 JD 12/01/2009 12/01/2003 102.000 565,575 833119-QY-9 SNOHOMISH CNTY WASH SCH D 6.200 JD 12/01/2009 171,173 849089-BY-2 SPOKANE WASH REGL SLD WST 5.000 JD 12/01/2007 991,419 939741-JG-0 WASHINGTON ST NONE 08/01/2009 679,768 939741-ZV-9 WASHINGTON ST 5.750 MS 09/01/2009 09/10/2005 100.000 1,000,000 939745-CW-3 WASHINGTON ST 5.400 JJ 07/01/2011 302,951 939780-5F-5 WASHINGTON ST HEALTH CARE 5.150 MN 11/15/2005 997,364 939780-5G-3 WASHINGTON ST HEALTH CARE 5.250 MN 11/15/2006 996,544 93978E-BH-4 WASHINGTON ST HEALTH CARE 6.000 JD 12/01/2010 517,491 939828-TJ-8 WASHINGTON ST PUB PWR SYS 5.000 JJ 07/01/2009 2,461,904 939828-WH-8 WASHINGTON ST PUB PWR SYS 5.625 JJ 07/01/2012 07/01/2003 102.000 1,017,635 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WASHINGTON 19,663,276 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEST VIRGINIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 956553-RV-5 WEST VIRGINIA ST 5.625 JD 06/01/2019 4,960,339 956553-RX-1 WEST VIRGINIA ST 5.750 JD 06/01/2025 1,982,584 956622-PV-0 WEST VIRGINIA ST HOSP FIN 5.750 MS 09/01/2013 500,000 956691-AM-1 WEST VIRGINIA ST UNIV REV 5.875 AO 04/01/2005 3,596,898 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA 11,039,821 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WISCONSIN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 864056-CU-8 STURGEON BAY WIS COMBINED 5.100 JJ 01/01/2008 01/01/2004 100.000 1,290,000 976834-CZ-2 WISCONSIN PUB PWR INC SYS 5.800 JJ 07/01/2010 07/01/2006 102.000 1,007,721 977056-DA-5 WISCONSIN ST 5.400 MN 11/01/2010 1,060,170 977104-Q7-6 WISCONSIN ST HEALTH & EDL 6.500 FA 08/15/2011 511,239 97710A-FY-5 WISCONSIN ST HEALTH & EDL 6.000 FA 08/15/2013 1,014,073 97710A-L8-5 WISCONSIN ST HEALTH & EDL 5.875 MN 11/15/2009 497,910 97710A-VS-0 WISCONSIN ST HEALTH & EDL 5.400 FA 08/15/2013 08/15/2003 102.000 997,508 97710N-ET-9 WISCONSIN ST HEALTH & EDL 5.400 FA 08/15/2010 02/15/2007 102.000 663,806 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WISCONSIN 7,042,427 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 392,965,662 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1899999 - Total Bonds - Political Subdivisions - Issuer Obligations 392,965,662 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivision - United States 392,965,662 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2499999 - Total - Political Subdivisions Bonds 392,965,662 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. ISSUER OBLIGATION UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 010608-RX-7 ALABAMA ST PUB SCH & COLL 5.750 FA 08/01/2003 1,021,626 010608-SX-6 ALABAMA ST PUB SCH & COLL 5.125 MN 11/01/2016 1,933,642 472682-FB-4 JEFFERSON CNTY ALA 5.750 FA 02/01/2027 02/01/2007 101.000 4,958,817 472682-KN-2 JEFFERSON CNTY ALA SWR RE 5.250 FA 02/01/2024 08/01/2012 100.000 5,159,294 613041-GA-4 MONTGOMERY ALA BMC SPL CA 5.250 MN 11/15/2011 11/15/2008 101.000 3,497,651 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ALABAMA 16,571,030 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 011710-GK-0 ALASKA INDL DEV & EXPT AU 5.250 AO 04/01/2010 3,065,429 011799-FX-6 ALASKA MUN BD BK RV ALASK 5.375 JD 12/01/2016 1,207,633 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 387883-BG-5 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 415,000 108.0480 448,399 415,000 11,828 23,655 387892-FQ-0 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 200,000 108.7220 217,444 200,000 5,600 11,200 387892-FR-8 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 255,000 108.0480 275,522 255,000 7,268 14,535 387892-HH-8 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 500,000 109.3690 546,845 490,840 14,375 28,750 387892-HJ-4 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 500,000 108.9010 544,505 487,910 14,375 28,750 495278-VZ-3 KING CNTY WASH SCH DIST N 2,700,000 107.8030 2,910,681 2,777,647 11,813 141,750 720390-SY-0 PIERCE CNTY WASH SCH DIST 500,000 106.2170 531,085 495,045 2,083 25,000 735388-ZT-0 PORT SEATTLE WASH REV 750,000 104.4320 783,240 746,363 6,250 37,500 812650-FK-0 SEATTLE WASH MET MUNICIPAL 440,000 448,800 452,338 12,430 24,860 833102-NA-0 SNOHOMISH CNTY PUB UT DST 2,000,000 2,040,000 2,060,170 56,250 112,500 833119-QS-2 SNOHOMISH CNTY WASH SCH D 555,000 106.5010 591,081 561,855 2,868 34,410 833119-QY-9 SNOHOMISH CNTY WASH SCH D 170,000 104.9980 178,497 172,089 878 10,540 849089-BY-2 SPOKANE WASH REGL SLD WST 1,000,000 104.7730 1,047,730 980,310 4,167 50,000 939741-JG-0 WASHINGTON ST 1,000,000 79.3320 793,320 430,900 939741-ZV-9 WASHINGTON ST 1,000,000 109.1230 1,091,230 1,000,000 19,167 57,500 939745-CW-3 WASHINGTON ST 305,000 109.7910 334,863 301,828 8,235 16,470 939780-5F-5 WASHINGTON ST HEALTH CARE 1,000,000 104.8780 1,048,780 991,170 6,581 51,500 939780-5G-3 WASHINGTON ST HEALTH CARE 1,000,000 104.6210 1,046,210 990,710 6,708 52,500 93978E-BH-4 WASHINGTON ST HEALTH CARE 500,000 115.3070 576,535 527,535 2,500 30,000 939828-TJ-8 WASHINGTON ST PUB PWR SYS 2,500,000 106.3060 2,657,650 2,426,775 62,500 125,000 939828-WH-8 WASHINGTON ST PUB PWR SYS 1,000,000 104.2020 1,042,020 994,340 28,125 56,250 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 20,140,000 XXX 20,950,080 19,159,586 312,707 997,140 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 956553-RV-5 WEST VIRGINIA ST 5,000,000 109.7260 5,486,300 4,956,600 23,438 281,250 956553-RX-1 WEST VIRGINIA ST 2,000,000 109.5110 2,190,220 1,981,560 9,583 115,000 956622-PV-0 WEST VIRGINIA ST HOSP FIN 500,000 110.2700 551,350 500,000 9,583 28,750 956691-AM-1 WEST VIRGINIA ST UNIV REV 3,610,000 102.9950 3,718,990 3,555,272 53,022 212,088 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA 11,110,000 XXX 11,945,990 10,993,432 95,626 637,088 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 864056-CU-8 STURGEON BAY WIS COMBINED 1,290,000 102.5070 1,322,340 1,290,000 32,895 65,790 976834-CZ-2 WISCONSIN PUB PWR INC SYS 1,000,000 110.1270 1,101,270 990,440 29,000 58,000 977056-DA-5 WISCONSIN ST 1,065,000 108.9990 1,160,839 1,057,133 9,585 57,683 977104-Q7-6 WISCONSIN ST HEALTH & EDL 500,000 101.0300 505,150 517,320 12,278 32,500 97710A-FY-5 WISCONSIN ST HEALTH & EDL 1,000,000 104.6000 1,046,000 1,018,750 22,667 60,000 97710A-L8-5 WISCONSIN ST HEALTH & EDL 500,000 107.9010 539,505 496,380 3,753 29,375 97710A-VS-0 WISCONSIN ST HEALTH & EDL 1,000,000 103.3530 1,033,530 955,600 20,400 54,000 97710N-ET-9 WISCONSIN ST HEALTH & EDL 660,000 109.5050 722,733 653,756 13,464 35,640 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 7,015,000 XXX 7,431,367 6,979,379 144,042 392,988 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 453,590,000 XXX 422,832,057 370,832,267 4,790,501 18,126,195 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total Bonds - Political Subdivisions - Issuer Obligations 453,590,000 XXX 422,832,057 370,832,267 4,790,501 18,126,195 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivision - United States 453,590,000 XXX 422,832,057 370,832,267 4,790,501 18,126,195 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Total - Political Subdivisions Bonds 453,590,000 XXX 422,832,057 370,832,267 4,790,501 18,126,195 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. ISSUER OBLIGATION UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010608-RX-7 ALABAMA ST PUB SCH & COLL 1,000,000 102.6670 1,026,670 1,054,430 23,958 28,750 010608-SX-6 ALABAMA ST PUB SCH & COLL 2,000,000 106.5810 2,131,620 1,929,331 17,083 102,500 472682-FB-4 JEFFERSON CNTY ALA 5,000,000 114.8280 5,741,400 4,933,310 119,792 287,500 472682-KN-2 JEFFERSON CNTY ALA SWR RE 5,000,000 104.0710 5,203,550 5,159,600 43,750 613041-GA-4 MONTGOMERY ALA BMC SPL CA 3,375,000 108.7190 3,669,266 3,514,454 22,641 177,188 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA 16,375,000 XXX 17,772,506 16,591,125 227,224 595,938 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALASKA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 011710-GK-0 ALASKA INDL DEV & EXPT AU 3,020,000 109.3110 3,301,192 3,086,833 39,638 158,550 011799-FX-6 ALASKA MUN BD BK RV ALASK 1,220,000 106.6260 1,300,837 1,204,860 5,465 65,575 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive Increase (Decrease) Bonds in Rate (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 387883-BG-5 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 1 10/04/1996 5.699 387892-FQ-0 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 1 10/04/1996 5.599 387892-FR-8 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 1 10/04/1996 5.699 387892-HH-8 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 532 1 03/31/1997 5.930 387892-HJ-4 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 1,810 1 03/31/1997 6.161 495278-VZ-3 KING CNTY WASH SCH DIST N (9,369) 1 09/01/2001 4.775 720390-SY-0 PIERCE CNTY WASH SCH DIST 340 1PE 01/08/1996 5.100 735388-ZT-0 PORT SEATTLE WASH REV 291 1 02/04/1994 5.050 812650-FK-0 SEATTLE WASH MET MUNICIPAL (784) 1PE 12/10/1997 5.430 833102-NA-0 SNOHOMISH CNTY PUB UT DST (3,686) 1 10/02/1996 5.326 833119-QS-2 SNOHOMISH CNTY WASH SCH D 541 1 04/07/1999 6.148 833119-QY-9 SNOHOMISH CNTY WASH SCH D (133) 1 05/19/1994 6.076 849089-BY-2 SPOKANE WASH REGL SLD WST 1,496 1 12/21/1993 5.200 939741-JG-0 WASHINGTON ST 38,711 1 03/15/1995 5.950 939741-ZV-9 WASHINGTON ST 1PE 04/25/1995 5.749 939745-CW-3 WASHINGTON ST 185 1 12/05/1995 5.500 939780-5F-5 WASHINGTON ST HEALTH CARE 830 1 12/03/1993 5.250 939780-5G-3 WASHINGTON ST HEALTH CARE 784 1 12/03/1993 5.350 93978E-BH-4 WASHINGTON ST HEALTH CARE (1,726) 1 03/08/1996 5.450 939828-TJ-8 WASHINGTON ST PUB PWR SYS 4,853 1 02/11/1994 5.280 939828-WH-8 WASHINGTON ST PUB PWR SYS 4,526 1PE 02/03/1997 5.992 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 70,419 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 956553-RV-5 WEST VIRGINIA ST 1,910 1PE 06/23/2000 5.700 956553-RX-1 WEST VIRGINIA ST 575 1PE 06/23/2000 5.820 956622-PV-0 WEST VIRGINIA ST HOSP FIN 1PE 01/13/1997 5.749 956691-AM-1 WEST VIRGINIA ST UNIV REV 5,287 1 11/18/1992 6.050 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA 7,772 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 864056-CU-8 STURGEON BAY WIS COMBINED 1 01/14/1994 5.099 976834-CZ-2 WISCONSIN PUB PWR INC SYS 2,977 1 05/09/1996 6.073 977056-DA-5 WISCONSIN ST 482 1 11/29/1995 5.472 977104-Q7-6 WISCONSIN ST HEALTH & EDL (963) 1 03/29/1995 6.160 97710A-FY-5 WISCONSIN ST HEALTH & EDL (935) 1 03/12/1997 5.821 97710A-L8-5 WISCONSIN ST HEALTH & EDL 240 1 08/07/1995 5.950 97710A-VS-0 WISCONSIN ST HEALTH & EDL 7,504 1 05/07/1996 6.182 97710N-ET-9 WISCONSIN ST HEALTH & EDL 1,971 1PE 02/07/1997 5.679 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 11,276 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 3,507,089 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total Bonds - Political Subdivisions - Issuer Obligations 3,507,089 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivision - United States 3,507,089 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Total - Political Subdivision Bonds 3,507,089 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. ISSUER OBLIGATION UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010608-RX-7 ALABAMA ST PUB SCH & COLL (32,804) 1 02/02/2002 2.000 010608-SX-6 ALABAMA ST PUB SCH & COLL 3,142 1PE 09/01/2001 5.470 472682-FB-4 JEFFERSON CNTY ALA 24,890 1PE 09/01/2001 6.200 472682-KN-2 JEFFERSON CNTY ALA SWR RE (306) 1Z 12/18/2002 4.831 613041-GA-4 MONTGOMERY ALA BMC SPL CA (12,876) 1 09/01/2001 4.685 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA (17,954) XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALASKA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 011710-GK-0 ALASKA INDL DEV & EXPT AU (5,086) 1 04/08/1998 5.000 011799-FX-6 ALASKA MUN BD BK RV ALASK 580 1 10/10/1997 5.480 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.12 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 ------------ 4 5 CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 011831-7C-2 ALASKA HFC ST CAP PROJ NCL 5,000 JD 06/01/2003 011857-EU-9 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 5,750 JJ 07/01/2014 07/01/2007 100.000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARIZONA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 040649-DM-4 ARIZONA ST TRANSN BRD EXC 5,750 JJ 07/01/2005 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARKANSAS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 914084-MU-9 UNIVERSITY ARK UNIV REVS 5,500 JD 12/01/2015 12/01/2012 100.000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARKANSAS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13033C-2V-8 CALIFORNIA HSG FIN AGY REV 4,080 FA 08/01/2023 13066Y-BK-4 CALIFORNIA ST DEPT WTR RE 5,500 MN 05/01/2005 544712-CQ-3 LOS ANGELES CNTY CAL IF ME 5,500 JJ 07/01/2009 54473E-DU-5 LOS ANGELES CNTY CAL IF PU 5,250 MS 09/01/2014 651785-AA-5 NEWPORT BEACH CA REV 1,000 MTLY 10/01/2022 684212-BM-4 ORANGE CNTY CAL IF ARPT RE 5,500 JJ 07/01/2018 786005-DB-1 SACRAMENTO CAL IF MUN UTIL ELEC 5,700 JJ 01/01/2007 01/01/2004 102.000 786005-DM-7 SACRAMENTO CAL IF MUN UTIL ELEC 5,700 JJ 01/01/2007 01/01/2006 100.000 798153-FA-5 SAN JOSE CAL IF FING AUTH LEASE 5,250 JD 06/01/2021 06/01/2012 100.000 842475-YM-1 SOUTHERN CAL PUB PWR AUTH 5,375 JJ 01/01/2011 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 207755-JE-0 CONNECTICUT ST RES RECOVE 6,250 MN 11/15/2006 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 254839-KR-3 DISTRICT COLUMBIA REV 5,375 A0 04/01/2023 254839-UE-1 DISTRICT COLUMBIA REV 4,500 MTLY 04/01/2021 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341422-Y6-4 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 5,000 JD 06/01/2026 341507-MF-5 FLORIDA ST BRD ED LOTTERY 5,000 JJ 07/01/2017 07/01/2013 100.000 34160W-EJ-9 FLORIDA ST DEPT ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION 5,375 JJ 07/01/2019 07/01/2013 100.000 342815-GD-3 FLORIDA MUN LN COUNCIL REV 5,250 MN 11/01/2015 11/01/2012 100.000 432337-BT-9 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA SCH DIST 5,000 AO 10/01/2026 684545-SD-9 ORANGE CNTY FLA TOURIST DEV T 5,500 AO 10/01/2013 723159-AS-8 PINELLAS CNTY FL CAP IMPT REV 5,750 JJ 01/01/2009 803408-HP-1 SARASOTA FLA WTR & SWR UT 6,250 AO 10/01/2005 875128-EV-8 TAMPA BAY WTR FLA UTIL SYS 5,000 AO 10/01/2022 875288-CV-2 TAMPA FLA UTIL TAX & SPL 6,000 AO 10/01/2003 875290-SF-6 TAMPA FLA WTR & SWR REV 4,000 JJ 07/01/2003 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04780M-BG-3 ATLANTA GA ARPT REV 5,600 JJ 01/01/2030 01/01/2012 100.000 04780N-BF-3 ATLANTA GA DEV AUTH REV 5,125 JJ 01/01/2027 01/01/2012 100.000 047870-DF-4 ALTANTA GA WTR & WASTEWATER 5,000 MN 11/01/2029 05/01/2009 101.000 047870-DJ-6 ALTANTA GA WTR & WASTEWATER 5,000 MN 11/01/2029 240523-QS-2 DE KALB CNTY GA WTR & SWR 5,125 AO 10/01/2031 373541-KC-4 GEORGIA MUN ELEC AUTH PWR 6,500 JJ 01/01/2012 373541-TL-5 GEORGIA MUN ELEC AUTH PWR 6,500 JJ 01/01/2017 373541-TM-3 GEORGIA MUN ELEC AUTH PWR REV 6,500 JJ 01/01/2017 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 9 10 11 12 Book/Adjusted Rate Used to CUSIP Carrying Par Obtain Fair Fair Identification Description Value Value Value Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 011831-7C-2 ALASKA HFC ST CAP PROJ NCL 404,490 400,000 101.5230 406,092 011857-EU-9 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 250,000 250,000 104.1980 260,495 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTA0 ALASKA 4,927,552 4,890,000 XXX 5,268,616 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ARIZONA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 040649-DM-4 ARIZONA ST TRANSN BRD EXC 1,393,544 1,400,000 110.1780 1,542,492 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ARIZONA 1,393,544 1,400,000 XXX 1,542,492 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ARKANSAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 914084-MU-9 UNIVERSITY ARK UNIV REVS 3,170,182 2,855,000 113.4380 3,238,655 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ARKANSAS 3,170,182 2,855,000 XXX 3,238,655 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13033C-2V-8 CALIFORNIA HSG FIN AGY REV 400,000 400,000 400,000 13066Y-BK-4 CALIFORNIA ST DEPT WTR RE 1,060,080 1,000,000 107.6070 1,076,070 544712-CQ-3 LOS ANGELES CNTY CAL IF ME 1,981,662 2,000,000 103.9300 2,078,600 54473E-DU-5 LOS ANGELES CNTY CAL IF PU 962,119 1,000,000 108.7180 1,087,180 651785-AA-5 NEWPORT BEACH CA REV 1,500,000 1,500,000 100.0000 1,500,000 684212-BM-4 ORANGE CNTY CAL IF ARPT RE 2,000,000 2,000 000 103.1580 2,063,160 786005-DB-1 SACRAMENTO CAL IF MUN UTIL ELEC 425,000 425,000 106.5200 452,710 786005-DM-7 SACRAMENTO CAL IF MUN UTIL ELEC 75,000 75,000 105.7900 79,343 798153-FA-5 SAN JOSE CAL IF F ING AUTH LEASE 6,558,176 6,415,000 105.8050 6,787,391 842475-YM-1 SOUTHERN CAL PUB PWR AUTH 3,142,119 2,900,000 114.0330 3,306,957 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CALIFORNIA 18,104,156 17,715,000 XXX 18,831,411 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONNECTICUT - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 207755-JE-0 CONNECTICUT ST RES RECOVE 2,107,401 2,000,000 115.5410 2,310,820 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CONNECTICUT 2,107,401 2,000,000 XXX 2,310,820 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 254839-KR-3 DISTRICT COLUMBIA REV 1,013,003 1,000,000 102.2580 1,022,580 254839-UE-1 DISTRICT COLUMBIA REV 200,000 200,000 200,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 1,213,003 1,200,000 XXX 1,222,580 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 341422-Y6-4 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 4,891,973 5,000,000 101.6730 5,083,650 341507-MF-5 FLORIDA ST BRD ED LOTTERY 9,384,770 9,010,000 106.8240 9,624,842 34160W-EJ-9 FLORIDA ST DEPT ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION 6,172,158 6,000,000 109.2250 6,553,500 342815-GD-3 FLORIDA MUN LN COUNCIL REV 2,736,374 2,560,000 110.2380 2,822,093 432337-BT-9 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA SCH DIST 1,481,515 1,500,000 101.5510 1,523,265 684545-SD-9 ORANGE CNTY FLA TOURIST DEV T 5,516,607 5,000,000 115.7150 5,785,750 723159-AS-8 PINELLAS CNTY FL CAP IMPT REV 5,600,185 5,105,000 114.9390 5,867,636 803408-HP-1 SARASOTA FLA WTR & SWR UT 1,720,436 1,540,000 112.2480 1,728,619 875128-EV-8 TAMPA BAY WTR FLA UTIL SYS 4,878,133 5,000,000 102.4850 5,124,250 875288-CV-2 TAMPA FLA UTIL TAX & SPL 511,553 500,000 103.5810 517,905 875290-SF-6 TAMPA FLA WTR & SWR REV 823,068 815,000 101.4270 826,630 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL FLORIDA 43,716,772 42,030,000 XXX 45,458,140 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEORGIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04780M-BG-3 ATLANTA GA ARPT REV 6,163,271 5,975,000 105.5370 6,305,836 04780N-BF-3 ATLANTA GA DEV AUTH REV 5,023,238 5,000,000 102.4440 5,122,200 047870-DF-4 ALTANTA GA WTR & WASTEWATER 1,291,861 1,310,000 112.6250 1,475,741 047870-DJ-6 ALTANTA GA WTR & WASTEWATER 1,162,500 1,190,000 100.7390 1,198,794 240523-QS-2 DE KALB CNTY GA WTR & SWR 2,988,804 3,000,000 102.0340 3,061,020 373541-KC-4 GEORGIA MUN ELEC AUTH PWR 1,667,217 1,500,000 118.8200 1,782,300 373541-TL-5 GEORGIA MUN ELEC AUTH PWR 111,231 100,000 123.4770 123,477 373541-TM-3 GEORGIA MUN ELEC AUTH PWR REV 2,558,302 2,300,000 123.3670 2,837,441 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 13 Interest 16 ----------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due and Accrued Dec. 31, Gross Increase of Current Year Amount (Decrease) CUSIP Actual on Bonds not in Received by Identification Description Cost Default During Year Adjustment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 011831-7C-2 ALASKA HFC ST CAP PROJ NCL 411,532 1,667 20,000 (7,042) 011857-EU-9 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 250,000 7,188 14,375 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ALASKA 4,953,225 53,958 2,58,500 (11,548) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ARIZONA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 040649-DM-4 ARIZONA ST TRANSN BRD EXC 1,390,338 40,250 80,500 2,329 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ARIZONA 1,390,338 40,250 80,500 2,329 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ARKANSAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 914084-MU-9 UNIVERSITY ARK UNIV REVS 3,171,620 13,085 (1,438) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ARKANSAS 3,171,620 13,085 (1,438) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13033C-2V-8 CALIFORNIA HSG FIN AGY REV 400,000 6,800 5,274 13066Y-BK-4 CALIFORNIA ST DEPT WTR RE 1,063,340 9,167 (3,260) 544712-CQ-3 LOS ANGELES CNTY CAL IF ME 1,978,485 55,000 110,000 2,275 54473E-DU-5 LOS ANGELES CNTY CAL IF PU 959,163 43,750 52,500 2,235 651785-AA-5 NEWPORT BEACH CA REV 1,500,000 1,250 15,441 684212-BM-4 ORANGE CNTY CAL IF ARPT RE 2,000,000 55,000 110,000 786005-DB-1 SACRAMENTO CAL IF MUN UTIL ELEC 425,000 12,113 24,225 786005-DM-7 SACRAMENTO CAL IF MUN UTIL ELEC 75,000 2,138 4,275 798153-FA-5 SAN JOSE CAL IF FING AUTH LEASE 6,559,787 56,131 (1,610) 842475-YM-1 SOUTHERN CAL PUB PWR AUTH 3,158,332 110,844 (16,214) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CALIFORNIA 18,119,107 352,193 321,715 (16,574) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONNECTICUT - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 207755-JE-0 CONNECTICUT ST RES RECOVE 2,139,978 15,972 125,000 (24,735) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CONNECTICUT 2,139,978 15,972 125,000 (24,735) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 254839-KR-3 DISTRICT COLUMBIA REV 1,014,500 13,438 53,750 (353) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 254839-UE-1 DISTRICT COLUMBIA REV 200,000 1,500 2,806 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 1,214,500 14,938 56,556 (353) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 341422-Y6-4 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 4,887,700 20,833 250,000 1,232 341507-MF-5 FLORIDA ST BRD ED LOTTERY 9,394,817 225,250 (10,048) 34160W-EJ-9 FLORIDA ST DEPT ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION 6,180,960 161,250 121,833 (8,802) 342815-GD-3 FLORIDA MUN LN COUNCIL REV 2,742,784 22,400 67,200 (6,410) 432337-BT-9 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA SCH DIST 1,481,055 18,750 56,250 460 684545-SD-9 ORANGE CNTY FLA TOURIST DEV T 5,534,850 68,750 103,889 (18,243) 723159-AS-8 PINELLAS CNTY FL CAP IMPT REV 5,657,974 146,769 146,769 (57,789) 803408-HP-1 SARASOTA FLA WTR & SWR UT 1,722,921 24,063 (2,486) 875128-EV-8 TAMPA BAY WTR FLA UTIL SYS 4,873,550 62,500 250,000 4,562 875288-CV-2 TAMPA FLA UTIL TAX & SPL 527,821 7,500 30,000 (15,035) 875290-SF-6 TAMPA FLA WTR & SWR REV 836,540 16,300 13,583 (13,472) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL FLORIDA 43,840,972 774,365 1,039,524 (126,031) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEORGIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04780M-BG-3 ATLANTA GA ARPT REV 6,187,591 167,300 334,600 (16,077) 04780N-BF-3 ATLANTA GA DEV AUTH REV 5,025,250 128,125 213,542 (1,995) 047870-DF-4 ALTANTA GA WTR & WASTEWATER 1,277,931 10,917 65,500 12,649 047870-DJ-6 ALTANTA GA WTR & WASTEWATER 1,160,869 9,917 59,500 467 240523-QS-2 DE KALB CNTY GA WTR & SWR 2,988,540 38,438 153,750 264 373541-KC-4 GEORGIA MUN ELEC AUTH PWR 1,686,176 48,750 97,500 (14,435) 373541-TL-5 GEORGIA MUN ELEC AUTH PWR 111,919 3,250 6,500 (528) 373541-TM-3 GEORGIA MUN ELEC AUTH PWR REV 2,574,130 74,750 149,500 (12,140) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due Increase and Accrued (Decrease) Dec. 31 Current Effective by Foreign Year on Bonds' NAIC Rate CUSIP Exchange as to Principal Designa- Date of Identification Description Adjustment or Interest tion Acquired Interest - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 011831-7C-2 ALASKA HFC ST CAP PROJ NCL 1 04/30/2002 2.275 011857-EU-9 ALASKA STUDENT LN CORP ST 1PE 06/13/1997 5.750 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARIZONA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 040649-DM-4 ARIZONA ST TRANSN BRD EXC 1PE 09/01/2001 5.951 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARKANSAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 914084-MU-9 UNIVERSITY ARK UNIV REVS 1Z 11/18/2002 4.132 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARKANSAS XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13033C-2V-8 CALIFORNIA HSG FIN AGY REV 1 12/01/2001 4.080 13066Y-BK-4 CALIFORNIA ST DEPT WTR RE 1Z 11/07/2002 2.820 544712-CQ-3 LOS ANGELES CNTY CAL IF ME 1 09/01/2001 5.671 54473E-DU-5 LOS ANGELES CNTY CAL IF PU 1 09/01/2001 5.699 651785-AA-5 NEWPORT BEACH CA REV 1 03/28/2002 1.000 684212-BM-4 ORANGE CNTY CAL IF ARPT RE 1 11/05/1997 5.499 786005-DB-1 SACRAMENTO CAL IF MUN UTIL ELEC 1 08/17/1994 5.862 786005-DM-7 SACRAMENTO CAL IF MUN UTIL ELEC 1 08/17/1994 5.699 798153-FA-5 SAN JOSE CALIF F ING AUTH LEASE 1Z 10/24/2002 4.949 842475-YM-1 SOUTHERN CAL PUB PWR AUTH 1 04/15/2002 4.138 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 207755-JE-0 CONNECTICUT ST RES RECOVE 1 09/01/2001 4.716 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 254839-KR -3 DISTRICT COLUMBIA REV 1 02/18/1998 5.270 254839-UE-1 DISTRICT COLUMBIA REV 1 12/01/2001 4.500 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341422-Y6-4 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 1 04/06/2001 5.160 341507-MF-5 FLORIDA ST BRD ED LOTTERY 1 07/11/2002 4.499 34160W-EJ-9 FLORIDA ST DEPT ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION 1 03/12/2002 5.020 342815-GD-3 FLORIDA MUN LN COUNCIL REV 1 07/10/2002 4.380 432337-BT-9 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA SCH DIST 1 01/16/2002 5.090 684545-SD-9 ORANGE CNTY FLA TOURIST DEV T 1 06/04/2002 4.290 723159-AS-8 PINELLAS CNTY FL CAP IMPT REV 1 03/08/2002 3.920 803408-HP-1 SARASOTA FLA WTR & SWR UT 1PE 12/17/2002 1.859 875128-EV-8 TAMPA BAY WTR FLA UTIL SYS 1 12/28/2001 5.199 875288-CV-2 TAMPA FLA UTIL TAX & SPL 1 12/01/2001 2.860 875290-SF-6 TAMPA FLA WTR & SWR REV 1 02/08/2002 2.000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04780M-BG-3 ATLANTA GA ARPT REV 1PE 06/12/2001 5.158 04780N-BF-3 ATLANTA GA DEV AUTH REV 1 10/10/2001 5.060 047870-DF-4 ALTANTA GA WTR & WASTEWATER 1 04/01/1999 5.396 047870-DJ-6 ALTANTA GA WTR & WASTEWATER 1 04/01/1999 5.160 240523-QS-2 DE KALB CNTY GA WTR & SWR 1 02/27/2002 5.150 373541-KC-4 GEORGIA MUN ELEC AUTH PWR 1 09/01/2001 4.950 373541-TL-5 GEORGIA MUN ELEC AUTH PWR 1 09/01/2001 5.350 373541-TM-3 GEORGIA MUN ELEC AUTH PWR REV 1PE 09/01/2001 5.350 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.13 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 ------------ 4 5 CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 591745-WT-7 METROPOLITAN ATLANTA RAPI 5.100 JJ 07/01/2020 74265L-HU-5 PRIVATE COLLEGES & UNIVS 5.500 MN 11/01/2025 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419795-AN -9 HAWAII ST CTFS PARTN 4.700 MN 05/01/2011 05/01/2008 101.000 438701-CL -6 HONOLULU HAWAII CITY & CNTY WASTEWTR 5.125 JJ 07/01/2031 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167484-JR-6 CHICAGO ILL 5.125 JJ 01/01/2028 01/01/2009 102.000 167484-MN-1 CHICAGO ILL 5.250 JJ 01/01/2014 167562-EU-7 CHICAGO ILL MIDWAY ARPT R 6.250 JJ 01/01/2010 01/01/2004 102.000 167562-FE-2 CHICAGO ILL MIDWAY ARPT R 6.250 JJ 01/01/2010 167592-NZ-3 CHICAGO ILL 0 HARE INTL A 5.500 JJ 01/01/2016 01/01/2007 102.000 167592-WL-4 CHICAGO ILL 0 HARE INTL ARPT 5.375 JJ 01/01/2032 01/01/2012 100.000 16768P-AA-0 CHICAGO ILL SKYWAY TOLL B 6.750 JJ 01/01/2014 01/01/2004 102.000 167736-MU-8 CHICAGO ILL WTR REV 5.750 MN 11/01/2005 213183-L8-7 COOK CNTY ILL 5.125 MN 11/15/2012 451888-CE-9 ILLINOIS DEV FIN AUTH POL 5.700 FA 08/15/2026 452001-WX-4 ILLINOIS EDL FACS AUTH RE 5.250 MN 11/01/2032 45200K-KX-5 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 6.950 MN 11/15/2013 11/15/2003 112.000 45200K-Z3-5 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 1.400 MTLY 09/16/2024 45200L-7S-9 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 5.375 JJ 07/01/2017 07/01/2007 101.000 45200L-8L-3 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 5.375 JJ 07/01/2017 45200L-G4-2 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 1.000 MTLY 01/01/2028 452245-AV-5 ILLINOIS ST TL HWY HIGHWA 6.200 JJ 01/01/2016 01/01/2003 102.000 452245-AX-1 ILLINOIS ST TL HWY HIGHWA 6.375 JJ 01/01/2015 01/01/2003 102.000 914353-GR-2 UNIVERSITY ILL UNIV REVS 5.800 A0 10/01/2018 10/01/2007 102.000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 153574-AW-8 CENTRAL HIGH SCH BLDG COR 5.500 FA 08/10/2008 454623-RL-5 INDIANA BD BK REV 5.500 FA 02/01/2023 454797-WZ-0 INDIANA HEALTH FAC FING A 5.500 FA 02/15/2016 02/15/2007 102.000 454912-AB-2 INDIANA ST DEV FIN AU ENV 5.750 FA 02/15/2028 02/15/2003 102.000 455063-GX-9 INDIANA ST OFFC BLDG COMN 5.250 JJ 07/01/2015 07/01/2003 102.000 455141-EW-7 INDIANA TRANSN FIN AUTH H 6.000 JD 12/01/2005 455141-EX-5 INDIANA TRANSN FIN AUTH H 6.000 JD 12/01/2006 610598-DD-3 MONROE CNTY IND HOSP AUTH 5.200 MN 05/01/2012 88786H-BH-9 TIPPECANOE CNTY IND SCH B 5.950 JJ 07/15/2012 01/15/2004 102.000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 485424-GU-3 KANSAS ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 5.750 MS 09/01/2012 09/01/2010 100.000 485424-GZ-2 KANSAS ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 1.000 MTLY 09/01/2020 98267L-AR-6 WYANDOTTE CNTY/KANS CITY NONE 12/01/2014 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 491189-AS-5 KENTUCKY ASSET / LIABILIT 4.000 MS 03/01/2003 491513-Z9-1 KENTUCKY ST PPTY & BLDGS 5.750 FA 02/01/2004 491513-ZL-4 KENTUCKY ST PPTY & BLDGS 6.250 MS 09/01/2007 491552-LM-5 KENTUCKY ST TPK AUTH ECONOMIC DEV 5.500 JJ 07/01/2009 07/01/2005 102.000 491552-LN-3 KENTUCKY ST TPK AUTH ECONOMIC DEV 5.625 JJ 07/01/2010 07/01/2005 102.000 491552-LT-O KENTUCKY ST TPK AUTH ECONOMIC DEV 5.500 JJ 07/01/2009 491552-LU-7 KENTUCKY ST TPK AUTH ECONOMIC DEV 5.625 JJ 07/01/2010 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 059132-U8-1 BALTIMORE CNTY MD 5.250 MS 09/01/2012 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 Book/Adjusted Rate Used to CUSIP Carrying Par Obtain Fair Fair Identification Description Value Value Value Value - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 591745-WT-7 METROPOLITAN ATLANTA RAPI 4,723,355 5,000,000 104.1900 5,209,500 74265L-HU-5 PRIVATE COLLEGES & UNIVS 4,836,010 5,000,000 105.8580 5,292,900 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 30,525,789 30,375,000 XXX 32,409,209 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419795-AN-9 HAWAII ST CTFS PARTN 2,977,595 2,980,000 106.0330 3,159 783 438701-CL-6 HONOLULU HAWAII CITY & CNTY WASTEWTR 1,924,146 2,000,000 101.5000 2,030,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 4,901,741 4,980,000 XXX 5,189,783 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167484-JR-6 CHICAGO ILL 3,879,658 3,850,000 101.5450 3,909,483 167484-MN-1 CHICAGO ILL 3,373,148 3,255,000 112.9910 3,677,857 167562-EU-7 CHICAGO ILL MIDWAY ARPT R 969,454 965,000 106.7090 1,029,742 167562-FE-2 CHICAGO ILL MIDWAY ARPT R 325,779 335,000 104.7250 350,829 167592-NZ-3 CHICAGO ILL O HARE INTL A 1,771,443 1,740,000 105.0180 1,827,313 167592-WL-4 CHICAGO ILL OHARE INTL ARPT 758,422 750,000 102.0300 765,225 16768P-AA-0 CHICAGO ILL SKYWAY TOLL B 1,060,708 1,000,000 107.4870 1,074,870 167736-MU-8 CHICAGO ILL WTR REV 2,183,483 2,125,000 110.8900 2,356,413 213183-L8-7 COOK CNTY ILL 4,104,203 4,000,000 109.4650 4,378,600 451888-CE-9 ILLINOIS DEV FIN AUTH POL 1,012,414 1,000,000 101.7480 1,017,480 452001-WX-4 ILLINOIS EDL FACS AUTH RE 5,218,781 5,000,000 111.9900 5,559,500 45200K-KX-5 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 4,646,793 4,000,000 116.3270 4,653,080 45200K-Z3-5 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 300,000 300,000 300,000 45200L-7S-9 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 226,431 230,000 114.5840 263,543 45200L-8L-3 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 749,440 770,000 105.7580 814,337 45200L-G4-2 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 40,000 40,000 100.0000 40,000 452245-AV-5 ILLINOIS ST TL HWY HIGHWA 2,040,000 2,000,000 2,040,000 452245-AX-1 ILLINOIS ST TL HWY HIGHWA 510,000 500,000 102.0000 510,000 914353-GR-2 UNIVERSITY ILL UNIV REVS 997,940 1,000,000 110.1360 1,101,360 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 34,168,097 32,860,000 XXX 35,709,632 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 153574-AW-8 CENTRAL HIGH SCH BLDG COR 3,839,260 3,740,000 113.4270 4,242,170 454623-RL-5 INDIANA BD BK REV 9,813,643 10,000,000 100.9740 10,097,400 5-454797-WZ-0 INDIANA HEALTH FAC FING A 1,007,114 1,000,000 102.8260 1,028,260 454912-AB-2 INDIANA ST DEV FIN AU ENV 1,091,921 1,070,000 102.2140 1,093,690 455063-GX-9 INDIANA ST OFFC BLDG COMN 739,591 730,000 103.4800 755,404 455141-EW-7 INDIANA TRANSN FIN AUTH H 3,212,204 3,120,000 111.8410 3,489,439 455141-EX-5 INDIANA TRANSN FIN AUTH H 1,356,065 1,310,000 114.2480 1,496,649 610598-DD-3 MONROE CNTY IND HOSP AUTH 996,344 1,000,000 107.0330 1,070,330 88786H-BH-9 TIPPECANOE CNTY IND SCH B 513,987 500,000 106.8570 543,285 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA 22,570,129 22,470,000 XXX 23,807,627 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 485424-GU-3 KANSAS ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 6,131,732 5,450,000 114.7920 6,256,164 485424-GZ-2 KANSAS ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 1,100,000 1,100,000 100.0000 1,100,000 98267L-AR-6 WYANDOTTE CNTY/KANS CITY 2,220,588 4,000,000 59.3050 2,372,200 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS 9,452,320 10,550,000 XXX 9,728,364 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 491189-AS-5 KENTUCKY ASSET / LIABILIT 390,801 390,000 100.4260 391,661 491513-Z9-1 KENTUCKY ST PPTY & BLDGS 1,033,202 1,000,000 104.8770 1,048,770 491513-ZL-4 KENTUCKY ST PPTY & BLDGS 4,516,894 4,255,000 116.7250 4,966,649 491552-LM-5 KENTUCKY ST TPK AUTH ECONOMIC DEV 1,238,134 1,230,000 111.4950 1,371,389 491552-LN-3 KENTUCKY ST TPK AUTH ECONOMIC DEV 1,231,099 1,220,000 111.8000 1,363,960 491552-LT-0 KENTUCKY ST TPK AUTH ECONOMIC DEV 409,438 415,000 108.5730 450,578 491552-LU-7 KENTUCKY ST TPK AUTH ECONOMIC DEV 411,035 415,000 110.4140 458,218 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY 9,230,603 8,925,000 XXX 10,051,225 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 059132-U8-1 BALTIMORE CNTY MD 9,953,744 8,780,000 113.8910 9,999,630 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 Interest 16 ----------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Gross Increase of Current Year Amount (Decrease) CUSIP Actual on Bonds not in Received by Identification Description Cost Default During Year Adjustment - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 591745-WT-7 METROPOLITAN ATLANTA RAPI 4,704,050 127,500 255,000 9,126 74265L-HU-5 PRIVATE COLLEGES & UNIVS 4,825,300 92,431 275,000 3,408 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 30,541,756 701,378 1,610,392 (19,261) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419795-AN-9 HAWAII ST CTFS PARTN 2,957,739 23,343 140,060 5,171 438701-CL-6 HONOLULU HAWAII CITY & CNTY WASTEWTR 1,922,500 51,250 98,514 1,106 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 4,880,239 74,593 238,574 6,277 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167484-JR-6 CHICAGO ILL 3,855,044 98,656 197,313 6,553 167484-MN-1 CHICAGO ILL 3,383,479 85,444 170,888 (7,980) 167562-EU-7 CHICAGO ILL MIDWAY ARPT R 930,047 30,156 60,313 13,763 167562-FE-2 CHICAGO ILL MIDWAY ARPT R 322,866 10,469 20,938 1,001 167592-NZ-3 CHICAGO ILL O HARE INTL A 1,768,118 47,850 95,700 732 167592-WL-4 CHICAGO ILL 0HARE INTL ARPT 758,603 20,156 (181) 16768P-AA-0 CHICAGO ILL SKYWAY TOLL B 1,106,220 33,750 67,500 (39,690) 167736-MU-8 CHICAGO ILL WTR REV 2,208,329 20,365 122,188 (18,880) 213183-L8-7 COOK CNTY ILL 4,114,618 26,194 205,000 (8,088) 451888-CE-9 ILLINOIS DEV FIN AUTH POL 1,013,450 21,533 57,000 (248) 452001-WX-4 ILLINOIS EDL FACS AUTH RE 5,224,150 43,750 262,500 (3,153) 45200K-KX-5 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 4,660,000 35,522 (13,207) 45200K-Z3-5 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 300,000 184 436 45200L-7S-9 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 223,013 6,181 12,363 1,106 45200L-8L-3 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 746,607 20,694 41,388 896 45200L-G4-2 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 40,000 33 446 452245-AV-5 ILLINOIS ST TL HWY HIGHWA 2,092,600 62,000 124,000 (10,650) 452245-AX-1 ILLINOIS ST TL HWY HIGHWA 536,850 15,938 31,875 (5,647) 914353-GR-2 UNIVERSITY ILL UNIV REVS 978,750 14,500 58,000 3,883 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 34,262,744 593,375 1,527,848 (79,790) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 153574-AW-8 CENTRAL HIGH SCH BLDG COR 3,859,059 85,708 205,700 (15,060) 454623-RL-5 INDIANA BD BK REV 9,807,000 208,333 356,944 6,473 454797-WZ-0 INDIANA HEALTH FAC FING A 994,250 20,778 55,000 2,699 454912-AB-2 INDIANA ST DEV FIN AU ENV 1,108,841 23,243 61,525 (4,186) 455063-GX-9 INDIANA ST OFFC BLDG COMN 693,150 19,163 38,325 9,547 455141-EW-7 INDIANA TRANSN FIN AUTH H 3,249,960 15,600 187,200 (28,741) 455141-EX-5 INDIANA TRANSN FIN AUTH H 1,369,711 6,550 78,600 (10,404) 610598-DD-3 MONROE CNTY IND HOSP AUTH 994,830 8,667 52,000 297 88786H-BH-9 TIPPECANOE CNTY IND SCH B 531,970 13,718 29,750 (3,783) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA 22,608,771 401,760 1,065,044 (43,158) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 485424-GU-3 KANSAS ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 6,169,400 104,458 156,688 (37,668) 485424-GZ-2 KANSAS ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 1,100,000 1,833 12,060 98267L-AR-6 WYANDOTTE CNTY/KANS CITY 1,830,800 107,003 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS 9,100,200 106,291 168,748 69,335 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 491189-AS-5 KENTUCKY ASSET / LIABILIT 396,145 5,200 15,600 (4,748) 491513-Z9-1 KENTUCKY ST PPTY & BLDGS 1,066,360 23,958 57,500 (29,831) 491513-ZL-4 KENTUCKY ST PPTY & BLDGS 4,581,829 88,646 265,938 (49,034) 491552-LM-5 KENTUCKY ST TPK AUTH ECONOMIC DEV 1,230,183 33,825 67,650 5,938 491552-LN-3 KENTUCKY ST TPK AUTH ECONOMIC DEV 1,218,950 34,313 68,625 4,794 491552-LT-0 KENTUCKY ST TPK AUTH ECONOMIC DEV 480,493 11,413 22,825 688 491552-LU-7 KENTUCKY ST TPK AUTH ECONOMIC DEV 410,155 11,672 23,344 411 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY 9,312,115 209,027 521,482 (71,782) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 059132-U8-1 BALTIMORE CNTY MD 9,986,723 149,809 (32,979) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accured Increase Dec 31 Current (Decrease) Year, on Bonds Effective by Foreign in Default NAIC Rate CUSIP Exchange as to Principal Designa- Date of Identification Description Adjustment or Interest tion Acquired Interest - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 591745-WT-7 METROPOLITAN ATLANTA RAP I 1PE 11/07/2000 5.600 74265L-HU-5 PRIVATE COLLEGES & UNIVS- 1PE 09/17/1999 5.760 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419795-AN-9 HAWAII ST CTFS PARTN 1 11/12/1998 4.884 438701-CL-6 HONOLULU HAWAII CITY & CNTY WASTEWTR 1PE 07/13/2001 5.387 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167484-JR-6 CHICAGO ILL 1PE 12/11/1998 5.261 167484-MN-1 CHICAGO ILL 1PE 09/01/2001 4.821 167562-EU-7 CHICAGO ILL MIDWAY ARPT R 1 11/30/1999 7.724 167562-FE-2 CHICAGO ILL MIDWAY ARPT R 1 11/30/1999 6.750 167592-NZ-3 CHICAGO ILL 0 HARE INTL A 1PE 03/19/1998 5.445 167592-WL-4 CHICAGO ILL 0HARE INTL ARPT 1 09/03/2002 5.217 16768P-AA-0 CHICAGO ILL SKYWAY TOLL B 1 11/02/2001 2.550 167736-MU-8 CHICAGO ILL WTR REV 1 09/01/2001 4.701 213183-L8-7 COOK CNTY ILL 1PE 09/01/2001 4.791 451888-CE-9 ILLINOIS DEV FIN AUTH POL 1 11/24/1997 5.605 452001 WX-4 ILLINOIS EDL FACS AUTH RE 1 02/15/2001 4.967 45200K-KX-5 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 1Z 12/03/2002 1.879 45200K-Z3-5 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 1Z 11/18/2002 1.400 45200L-7S-9 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 1PE 09/21/1999 5.970 45200L-8L-3 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 1PE 09/21/1999 5.647 45200L-G4-2 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 1 03/27/2002 1.000 452Z45-AV-5 ILLINOIS ST TL HWY HIGHWA 1PE 05/22/1997 5.789 452245-AX-1 ILLINOIS ST TL HWY HIGHWA 1 09/11/1997 5.698 914353-GR-2 UNIVERSITY ILL UNIV REVS 1PE 04/24/1997 6.219 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 153574-AW-8 CENTRAL HIGH SCH BLDG COR 1 09/01/2001 4.950 454623-RL-5 INDIANA BD BK REV 1 10/29/2001 5.150 454797-WZ-0 INDIANA HEALTH FAC FING A 1PE 08/13/1997 5.741 454912-AB-2 INDIANA ST DEV FIN AU ENV 1 08/02/1998 5.236 455063-GX-9 INDIANA ST OFFC BLDG COMN 1PE 05/20/1997 6.536 455141-EW-7 INDIANA TRANSN FIN AUTH H 1 09/01/2001 4.900 455141-EX-5 INDIANA TRANSN FIN AUTH H 1PE 09/01/2001 5.000 610598-DD-3 MONROE CNTY IND HOSP AUTH 1 07/25/1997 5.250 88786H-BH-9 TIPPECANOE CNTY IND SCH B 1 09/16/1997 5.024 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 485424-GU-3 KANSAS ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 1 06/26/2002 3.850 485424-GZ-2 KANSAS ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 1 03/27/2002 1.000 98267L-AR-6 WYANDOTTE CNTY/KANS CITY 1 02/01/1999 5.000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 491189-AS-5 KENTUCKY ASSET / LIABILIT 1 12/01/2001 2.751 491513-Z9-1 KENTUCKY ST PPTY & BLDGS 1 11/15/2001 2.620 491513-ZL-4 KENTUCKY ST PPTY & BLDGS 1PE 09/01/2001 4.763 491552-LM-5 KENTUCKY ST TPK AUTH ECONOMIC DEV 1 09/01/2001 5.965 491552-LN-3 KENTUCKY ST TPK AUTH ECONOMIC DEV 1 09/01/2001 5.982 491552-LT-0 KENTUCKY ST TPK AUTH ECONOMIC DEV 1PE 09/01/2001 5.750 491552-LU-7 KENTUCKY ST TPK AUTH ECONOMIC DEV 1 09/01/2001 5.784 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 059132-U8-1 BALTIMORE CNTY MD 1 08/16/2002 3.600 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.14 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 10 ----------- 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Par Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574298-BQ-7 MARYLAND ST TRANS AUTH 5.250 MS 03/01/2027 6,220,290 6,250,000 83786D-EM-5 SOUTH FORK MUN AUTH PA HO 1.000 MTLY 07/01/2028 1,100,000 1,100,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND 17,274,034 16,130,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575577-AV-3 MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSN 5.250 JJ 07/01/2030 3 772 666 4,000,000 57563R-CH-0 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 4.450 JJ 07/01/2008 4,175,000 4,175,000 575765-MT-6 MASSACHUSETTS MUN WHSL EL 5.100 JJ 07/01/2008 3,512,154 3,500,000 57583P-AV-1 MASSACHUSETTS ST FED HWY 5.500 JD 06/15/2014 4,008,377 4,000,000 57585J-4B-4 MASSACHUSETTS ST HEALTH & 4.300 JJ 07/01/2003 1,592,666 1,575,000 57585K-PG-7 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & E 5.500 MTLY 06/01/2035 1,399,989 1,400,000 57585K-PJ-1 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & EDL 3.000 MTLY 10/01/2035 1,150,000 1,150,000 575895-XF-9 MASSACHUSETTS ST PORT AUT 5.300 JJ 07/01/2016 578,244 595,000 575895-XJ-1 MASSACHUSETTS ST PORT AUT 5.375 JJ 07/01/2027 07/01/2007 101.000 4,548,082 4,500,000 576049-JJ-0 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR RES 5.250 JD 12/01/2015 3,158,387 3,000,000 57604P-EZ-3 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POLLUTN 5.500 FA 08/01/2030 08/01/2011 100.000 3,053,350 3,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 30,948,915 30,895,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 160879-FK-3 CHARLOTTE MICH PUB SCH DI 5.250 MN 05/01/2025 2,923,040 3,000,000 594520-GB-8 MICHIGAN HIGHER ED STUDEN 5.400 JD 06/01/2006 415,000 415,000 594520-GD-4 MICHIGAN HIGHER ED STUDEN 5.500 JD 06/01/2008 180,000 180,000 594520-GG-7 MICHIGAN HIGHER ED STUDEN 5.750 JD 06/01/2013 1,000,000 1,000,000 594613-7G-0 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 5.300 AO 10/01/2012 1,518,726 1,545,000 594614-SN-0 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 5.375 AO 10/15/2019 10/15/2012 100.000 5,265,981 5,000,000 59465E-2D-4 MICHIGAN ST HOSP FIN AUTH 5.500 FA 08/15/2020 08/15/2007 101.000 251,533 250,000 59465E-2H-5 MICHIGAN ST HOSP FIN AUTH 5.500 FA 08/15/2020 08/15/2009 100.000 340,573 340,000 59465E-T8-6 MICHIGAN ST HOSP FIN AUH 5.500 FA 08/15/2020 08/15/2007 101.000 35,215 35,000 594695-H2-7 MICHIGAN ST TRUNK LIND 5.250 AO 10/01/2016 10/01/2012 100.000 1,083,257 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 13,013,325 12,765,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSISSIPPI - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 402702-BV-5 GULFPORT MISS SCH DIS T 5.125 AO 04/01/2010 04/01/2003 100.000 344,821 345,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSISSIPPI 344,821 345,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 606072-EU-6 MISSOURI HIGHER ED LN AUT 4.700 FA 02/15/2009 02/15/2008 100.000 1,000,000 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSOURI 1,000,000 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONTANA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61213E-FP-4 MONTANA ST HEALTH FAC AUTH 4.625 MTLY 02/15/2017 1,100,000 1,100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MONTANA 1,100,000 1,100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63967C-KW-1 NEBRASKA INVT FIN AUTH SI 2.000 MTLY 09/01/2026 550,000 550,000 681793-B8-7 OMAHA PUB PWR DIST NEB EL 5.300 FA 02/01/2007 508,639 500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA 1,058,639 1,050,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181004-CK-6 CLARK CNTY NEV INDL DEV REV 1.500 MTLY 06/01/2020 1,500,000 1,500,000 897825-BJ-3 TRUCKEE MEADOWS NEV WTR AUTH 5.000 JJ 07/01/2025 4,861,799 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 6,361,799 6,500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64605E-RE-6 NEW JERSEY ST EDL FACS AU 5.100 JD 12/01/2009 3,240,158 3,255,000 646133-CC-0 NEW JERSEY TRAN 6.125 MS 09/15/2015 09/15/2009 100.000 5,222,167 5,000,000 646135-PA-5 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR F 5.000 JD 06/15/2012 06/15/2009 100.000 5,161,313 5,000,000 646135-XV-0 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR FD 5.500 JD 06/15/2011 06/15/2005 102.000 950,988 930,000 646135-YJ-6 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR FD 5.500 JD 06/15/2011 06/15/2007 100.000 3,128,106 3,070,000 660040-AM-8 NORTH HUDSON SEW AUTH N J 5.250 FA 08/01/2009 2,967,448 3,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 20,670,180 20,255,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW MEXICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 11 12 13 Interest 16 17 ------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due and Accrued Rate Dec. 31 of Increase Used to Current Year Gross Increase (Decrease) Obtain on Bonds Amount (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP Fair Fair Actual not in Received by Exchange Identification Description Value Value Cost Default During Year Adjustment Adjustment - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574298-BQ-7 MARYLAND ST TRANS AUTH 102.1810 6,386,313 6,219,750 109,375 191,406 540 83786D-EM-5 SOUTH FORK MUN AUTH PA HO 100.0000 1,100,000 1,100,000 917 12,005 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND XXX 17,485,943 17,306,473 260,101 203,411 (32,439) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575577-AV-3 MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSN 103.0600 4,122,400 3,764,640 105,000 210,000 3,746 57563R-CH-0 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 104.5560 4,365,213 4,175,000 92,894 185,788 575765-MT-6 MASSACHUSETTS MUN WHSL EL 112.8690 3,950,415 3,514,387 89,250 178,500 (1,875) 57583P-AV-1 MASSACHUSETTS ST FED HWY 111.2750 4,451,000 4,009,640 9,778 220,000 (514) 57585J-4B-4 MASSACHUSETTS ST HEALTH & 101.2090 1,594,042 1,611,384 33,863 33,863 (18,718) 57585K-PG-7 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & E 100.0000 1,400,000 1,399,989 9,495 22,621 57585K-PJ-1 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & EDL 1,150,000 1,150,000 375 16,022 575895-XF-9 MASSACHUSETTS ST PORT AUT 102.8930 612,213 574,324 15,768 31,535 857 575895-XJ-1 MASSACHUSETTS ST PORT AUT 100.4840 4,521,780 4,566,545 120,938 241,875 (5,170) 576049-JJ-0 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR RES 112.6980 3,380,940 3,169,736 13,125 157,500 (8,745) 57604P-EZ-3 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POLLUTN 106.0410 3,181,230 3,060,240 68,750 165,000 (4,813) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS XXX 32,729,233 30,995,885 559,236 1,462,704 (35,232) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 160879-FK-3 CHARLOTTE MICH PUB SCH DI 102.9550 3,088,650 2,920,510 26,250 157,500 1,735 594520-GB-8 MICHIGAN HIGHER ED STUDEN 109.4320 454,143 415,000 1,868 22,410 594520-GD-4 MICHIGAN HIGHER ED STUDEN 109.4550 197,019 180,000 825 9,900 594520-GG-7 MICHIGAN HIGHER ED STUDEN 105.3570 1,053,570 1,000,000 4,792 57,500 594613-7G-0 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 104.6560 1,616,935 1,516,018 20,471 81,885 1,987 594614-SN-0 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 108.5400 5,427,000 5,267,600 19,410 (1,619) 59465E-2D-4 MICHIGAN ST HOSP FIN AUTH 114.3460 285,865 250,625 5,194 13,750 1,060 59465E-2H-5 MICHIGAN ST HOSP FIN AUTH 103.7100 352,614 340,850 7,064 18,700 (70) 59465E-T8-6 MICHIGAN ST HOSP FIN AUH 114.3460 40,021 35,088 727 1,925 25 594695-H2-7 MICHIGAN ST TRUNK LIND 109.4120 1,094,120 1,085,590 17,792 (2,333) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN XXX 13,609,937 13,011,281 104,393 363,570 785 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSISSIPPI - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 402702-BV-5 GULFPORT MISS SCH DIST 100.9850 348,398 340,760 4,420 17,681 697 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSISSIPPI XXX 348,398 340,760 4,420 17,681 697 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 606072-EU-6 MISSOURI HIGHER ED LN AUT 105.3400 1,053,400 1,000,000 17,756 47,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSOURI XXX 1,053,400 1,000,000 17,756 47,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONTANA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61213E-FP-4 MONTANA ST HEALTH FAC AUTH 1,100,000 1,100,000 3,200 16,917 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MONTANA XXX 1,100,000 1,100,000 3,200 16,917 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63967C-KW-1 NEBRASKA INVT FIN AUTH SI 100.0000 550,000 550,000 1,833 7,658 681793-B8-7 OMAHA PUB PWR DIST NEB EL 111.5470 557,735 510,619 11,042 26,500 (1,855) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA XXX 1,107,735 1,060,619 12,875 34,158 (1,855) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181004-CK-6 CLARK CNTY NEV INDL DEV REV 1,500,000 1,500,000 2,131 3,004 897825-BJ-3 TRUCKEE MEADOWS NEV WTR AUTH 101.0460 5,052,300 4,858,141 125,000 270,833 3,177 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA XXX 6,552,300 6,358,141 127,131 273,837 3,177 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64605E-RE-6 NEW JERSEY ST EDL FACS AU 106.9990 3,482,817 3,237,589 13,834 166,005 1,741 646133-CC-0 NEW JERSEY TRAN 119.6850 5,984,250 5,257,655 90,174 306,250 (26,927) 646133-PA-5 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR F 107.2040 5,360,200 5,198,700 11,111 250,000 (21,163) 646135-XV-0 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR FD 111.3770 1,035,806 952,082 2,273 51,150 (888) 646135-YJ-6 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR FD 110.4030 3,389,372 3,142,894 7,504 168,850 (11,371) 660040-AM-8 NORTH HUDSON SEW AUTH N J 108.5660 3,256,980 2,961,994 65,625 157,500 4,043 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY XXX 22,509,425 20,750,914 190,521 1,099,755 (54,565) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW MEXICO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 18 19 20 21 Amount of and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Year, on Bonds in Default as to Effective CUSIP Principal or NAIC Date Rate of Identification Description Interest Designation Acquired Interest - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574298-BQ-7 MARYLAND ST TRANS AUTH 1 02/14/2002 5.285 83786D-EM-5 SOUTH FORK MUN AUTH PA HO 1 03/28/2002 1.000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575577-AV-3 MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSN 1 08/02/2000 5.660 57563R-CH-0 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 1 03/02/1999 4.449 575765-MT-6 MASSACHUSETTS MUN WHSL EL 1 09/01/2001 5.027 57583P-AV-1 MASSACHUSETTS ST FED HWY 1PE 08/23/1999 5.475 57585J-4B-4 MASSACHUSETTS ST HEALTH & 3 06/20/2002 2.034 57585K-PG-7 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & E 1 12/01/2001 5.500 57585K-PJ-1 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & EDL 1 12/18/2001 3.000 575895-XF-9 MASSACHUSETTS ST PORT AUT 1 08/18/1997 5.600 575895-XJ-1 MASSACHUSETTS ST PORT AUT 1 02/01/1999 5.199 576049-JJ-0 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR RES 1 09/01/2001 4.700 57604P-EZ-3 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POLLUTN 1 07/09/2001 5.240 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 160879-FK-3 CHARLOTTE MICH PUB SCH DI 1PE 09/01/2001 5.450 594520-GB-8 MICHIGAN HIGHER ED STUDEN 1 05/23/1997 5.400 594520-GD-4 MICHIGAN HIGHER ED STUDEN 1 05/23/1997 5.500 594520-GG-7 MICHIGAN HIGHER ED STUDEN 1 05/23/1997 5.750 594613-7G-0 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 1PE 09/01/2001 5.528 594614-SN-0 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 1Z 11/22/2002 4.692 59465E-2D-4 MICHIGAN ST HOSP FIN AUTH 1 07/28/1997 5.541 59465E-2H-5 MICHIGAN ST HOSP FIN AUTH 1 07/28/1997 5.469 59465E-T8-6 MICHIGAN ST HOSP FIN AUH 1 07/28/1997 5.541 594695-H2-7 MICHIGAN ST TRUNK LIND 1 08/15/2002 4.200 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSISSIPPI - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 402702-BV-5 GULFPORT MISS SCH DIST 1 02/26/1996 5.338 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSISSIPPI XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 606072-EU-6 MISSOURI HIGHER ED LN AUT 1 01/23/1998 4.700 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSOURI XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONTANA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61213E-FP-4 MONTANA ST HEALTH FAC AUTH 1 12/01/2001 4.625 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MONTANA XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63967C-KW-1 NEBRASKA INVT FIN AUTH SI 1 12/12/2002 2.000 681793-B8-7 OMAHA PUB PWR DIST NEB EL 1PE 12/03/2001 4.829 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181004-CK-6 CLARK CNTY NEV INDL DEV REV 1Z 10/30/2002 1.500 897825-BJ-3 TRUCKEE MEADOWS NEV WTR AUTH 1 12/01/2001 5.210 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64605E-RE-6 NEW JERSEY ST EDL FACS AU 1 09/01/2001 5.179 646133-CC-0 NEW JERSEY TRAN 1 09/01/2001 5.328 646133-PA-5 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR F 1 03/05/2001 4.420 646135-XV-0 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR FD 1 09/01/2001 5.282 646135-YJ-6 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR FD 1 09/01/2001 5.021 660040-AM-8 NORTH HUDSON SEW AUTH N J 1 09/01/2001 5.448 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW MEXICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.15 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 10 ----------- 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Par Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value Value - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01354M-CB-5 ALBUQUERQUE N MEX GROSS R NONE 07/01/2017 07/01/2011 67.769 862,036 2,060,000 01354M-CY-5 ALBUQUERQUE N MEX GROSS R NONE 07/01/2017 07/01/2011 67.769 1,230,284 2,940,000 647357-BQ-4 NEW MEXICO ST HWY COMMN T 5.500 JD 06/15/2003 1,014,776 1,000,000 802129-BJ-4 SANTA FE N MEX REV 6.250 JD 06/01/2015 06/01/2004 100.000 341,389 325,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW MEXICO 3,448,485 6,325,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 542690-BK-7 LONG ISLAND PWR AUTH N Y 5.250 JD 12/01/2026 970,845 1,000,000 542690-JM-5 LONG ISLAND PWR AUTH N Y 5.000 AO 04/01/2013 04/01/2010 100.000 3,048,505 3,000,000 542690-RW-4 LONG ISLAND PWR AUTH N Y 1.500 MTLY 05/01/2033 1,500,000 1,500,000 592597-V7-0 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 5.250 JJ 01/01/2011 3,580,042 3,315,000 59259R-FM-1 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 5.500 MN 11/15/2016 11/15/2012 100.000 2,144,807 2,000,000 626190-Q6-2 MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE CORP FOR NE 6.250 JJ 07/01/2006 4,412,728 4,000,000 649669-3D-8 NEW YORK N Y 5.375 FA 08/01/2017 4,522,233 4,570,000 64970K-PH-4 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 5.125 JD 06/15/2031 4,769,820 5,000,000 649715-BQ-1 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRAN AU 5.400 JJ 01/01/2018 4,185,641 4,250,000 649716-2W-6 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 5.500 MN 11/01/2026 11/01/2011 100.000 5,406,505 5,000,000 649716-JQ-1 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 4.750 MN 11/01/2019 4,847,791 5,000,000 649716-R3-3 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 5.000 MN 05/01/2030 7,371,995 7,500,000 649716-ST-5 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSITIONAL 5.500 MN 11/01/2024 05/01/2012 100.000 13,333,613 13,000,000 649838-N9-6 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 5.375 JJ 07/01/2013 07/01/2008 101.000 2,629,212 2,500,000 649838-PJ-2 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 5.250 JJ 07/01/2025 9,957,016 10,000,000 64983W-XB-7 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 6.000 MN 05/15/2016 05/15/2010 101.000 2,865,650 2,810,000 64985M-YU-4 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 5.000 JD 06/15/2027 8,814,688 9,000,000 649876-RD-3 NEW YORK ST LOC GOVT ASSI 5.500 AO 04/01/2022 1,000,000 1,000,000 650009-JF-l NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH GEN 4.750 JJ 01/01/2019 97,161 100,000 650013-DC-6 NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH HWY 6.000 AO 04/01/2005 1,533,093 1,500,000 650013-YM-1 NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH HWY 5.250 AO 04/01/2019 04/01/2012 100.000 4,141,115 4,040,000 650028-BJ-1 NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH ST P 5.500 MS 03/15/2016 03/15/2012 100.000 1,450,380 1,335,000 650033-6Y-4 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 5.500 JJ 01/01/2018 4,896,000 4,800,000 65003P-AL-8 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 5.500 JJ 01/01/2017 5,421,818 5,000,000 773562-BK-8 ROCKLAND CNTY N Y SOLID W 5.625 JD 12/15/2014 12/15/2006 102.000 150,000 150,000 896029-8S-7 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 5.000 MN 11/15/2022 11/15/2012 100.000 3,091,758 3,000,000 896029-Z2-4 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 5.375 JJ 01/01/2019 1,069,535 1,100,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 107,211,951 105,470,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 271371-RC-2 EAST CAROLINA UNIV NC. 5.000 MN 11/01/2003 508,783 500,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NORTH CAROLINA 508,783 500,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH DAKOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 587850-DA-3 MERCER CNTY N D POLLUTN C 7.200 JD 06/30/2013 1,008,459 1,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NORTH DAKOTA 1,008,459 1,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 172311-AB-8 CINCINNATI OHIO WTR SYS R 5.000 JD 12/01/2003 509,198 500,000 186432-SC-5 CLEVELAND OHIO WTRWKS REV 5.400 JJ 01/01/2006 1,011,015 1,000,000 232265-LB-2 CUYAHOGA CNTY OHIO HOSP R 1.000 MTLY 01/01/2016 1,500,000 1,500,000 353186-ZA-0 FRANKLIN CNTY OHIO HOSP R 5.750 MN 05/15/2020 05/15/2003 100.000 2,505,241 2,500,000 67755A-E3-3 OHIO ST BLDG AUTH 5.250 A0 10/01/2013 04/01/2009 101.000 3,893,894 3,740,000 67755A-SL-8 OHIO ST BLDG AUTH 5.250 A0 10/01/2008 4,175,974 4,125,000 677659-KN-3 OHIO ST WTR DEV AUTH REV 5.375 JD 12/01/2014 06/01/2012 100.000 1,101,222 1,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 14,696,544 14,365,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OKLAHOMA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 679103-SB-8 OKLAHOMA ST INDS AUTH REV 6.000 FA 08/15/2007 2,181,508 2,100,000 679205-AA-2 OKLAHOMA UNIV BRD REGTS PKG 6.100 JD 12/01/2003 475,032 460,000 67920P-AN-0 OKLAHOMA TRANSN AUTH OKLA 5.250 JJ 01/01/2015 01/01/2012 100.000 5,196,297 5,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OKLAHOMA 7,352,837 7,560,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 11 12 13 Interest 16 ------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due and Accrued Rate Dec. 31 of Used to Current Year Gross Increase Obtain on Bonds Amount (Decrease) CUSIP Fair Fair Actual not in Received by Identification Description Value Value Cost Default During Year Adjustment - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01354M-CB-5 ALBUQUERQUE N MEX GROSS R 48.3990 997,019 695,230 47,532 01354M-CY-5 ALBUQUERQUE N MEX GROSS R 44.8140 1,317,532 992,222 67,837 647357-BQ-4 NEW MEXICO ST HWY COMMN T 101.9750 1,019,750 1,050,290 2,444 55,000 (31,933) 802129-BJ-4 SANTA FE N MEX REV 106.9290 347,519 354,231 1,693 20,313 (11,217) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW MEXICO XXX 3,681,820 3,091,973 4,137 75,313 72,219 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 542690-BK-7 LONG ISLAND PWR AUTH N Y 102.5210 1,025,210 969,988 4,375 52,500 581 542690-JM-5 LONG ISLAND PWR AUTH N Y 106.6160 3,198,480 3,055,656 37,500 155,000 (5,492) 542690-RW-4 LONG ISLAND PWR AUTH N Y 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,875 3,650 592597-V7-0 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 112.3420 3,724,137 3,593,990 100,555 (13,948) 59259R-FM-1 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 111.8710 2,237,420 2,150,420 14,056 40,639 (5,613) 626190-Q6-2 MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE CORP FOR NE 114.1150 4,564,600 4,511 680 125,000 125,000 (98,952) 649669-3D-8 NEW YORK N Y 103.0210 4,708,060 4,519,232 102,349 245,638 2,142 64970K-PH-4 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 101.9670 5,098,350 4,764,994 11,389 256,250 3,333 649715-BQ-1 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRAN AU 111.1950 4,725,788 4,176,858 114,750 229,500 2,693 649716-2W-6 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 111.2240 5,561,200 5,424,800 45,833 90,903 (18,295) 649716-JQ-1 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 101.9240 5,096,200 4,836,650 39,583 237,500 5,647 649716-R3-3 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 100.5340 7,540,050 7,369,450 62,500 361,458 2,230 649716-ST-5 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSITIONAL 106.1890 13,804,570 13,373,230 119,167 715,000 (27,238) 649838-N9-6 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 107.9180 2,697,950 2,650,721 67,188 134,375 (16,374) 649838-PJ-2 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 102.7400 10,274,000 9,955,000 262,500 525,000 978 64983W-XB-7 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 115.4710 3,244,735 2,869,225 21,543 168,600 (2,924) 64985M-YU-4 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 101.3520 9,121,680 8,809,470 20,000 393,750 5,218 649876-RD-3 NEW YORK ST LOC GOVT ASSI 100.9120 1,009,120 1,027,600 13,750 55,000 (1,831) 650009-JF-l NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH GEN 101.3670 101,367 96,942 2,375 4,750 114 650013-DC-6 NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH HWY 109.6240 1,644,360 1,551,009 22,500 90,000 (13,589) 650013-YM-1 NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH HWY 106.7080 4,311,003 4,147,706 53,025 123,725 (6,591) 650028-BJ-1 NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH ST P 110.8000 1,479,180 1,454,416 29,370 (4,036) 650033-6Y-4 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 4,896,000 4,950,480 132,000 264,000 (14,343) 65003P-AL-8 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 110.3300 5,516,500 5,424,150 26,736 (2,332) 773562-BK-8 ROCKLAND CNTY N Y SOLID W 115.3560 173,034 150,000 375 8,438 896029-8S-7 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 102.2630 3,067,890 3,093,510 34,583 (1,752) 896029-Z2-4 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 113.6150 1,249,765 1,065,867 29,563 59,125 1,149 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK XXX 111,570,649 107,493,044 1,494,440 4,334,801 (209,225) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH CAROLINA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 271371-RC-2 EAST CAROLINA UNIV NC. 103.1610 515,805 519,901 4,167 25,000 (10,274) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NORTH CAROLINA XXX 515,805 519,901 4,167 25,000 (10,274) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH DAKOTA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 587850-DA-3 MERCER CNTY N D POLLUTN C 126.4670 1,264,670 1,009,015 200 72,000 (556) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NORTH DAKOTA XXX 1,264,670 1,009,015 200 72,000 (556) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 172311-AB-8 CINCINNATI OHIO WTR SYS R 103.4010 517,005 519,766 2,083 25,000 (9,762) 186432-SC-5 CLEVELAND OHIO WTRWKS REV 110.0830 1,100,830 1,015,336 27,000 53,900 (3,324) 232265-LB-2 CUYAHOGA CNTY OHIO HOSP R 100.0000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,250 15,330 353186-ZA-0 FRANKLIN CNTY OHIO HOSP R 102.8200 2,570,500 2,569,750 18,368 143,750 (13,643) 67755A-E3-3 OHIO ST BLDG AUTH 109.8970 4,110,148 3,914,595 49,088 196,350 (15,745) 67755A-SL-8 OHIO ST BLDG AUTH 112.9530 4,659,311 4,185,694 54,141 216,563 (7,482) 677659-KN-3 OHIO ST WTR DEV AUTH REV 113.0600 1,130,600 1,103,990 4,479 12,840 (2,768) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO XXX 15,588,394 14,809,131 156,409 663,733 (52,724) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OKLAHOMA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 679103-SB-8 OKLAHOMA ST INDS AUTH REV 114.7830 2,410,443 2,201,694 47,600 126,000 (15,285) 679205-AA-2 OKLAHOMA UNIV BRD REGTS PKG 104,5820 481,077 491,229 2,338 23,060 (16,021) 67920P-AN-0 OKLAHOMA TRANSN AUTH OKLA 110.2440 5,512,200 5,206,400 158,958 (10,103) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OKLAHOMA XXX 8,403,720 7,899,323 208,896 154,060 (41,409) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Increase Year, on (Decrease) Bonds in by Foreign Default as to Effective CUSIP Exchange Principal or NAIC Date Rate of Identification Description Adjustment Interest Designation Acquired Interest - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01354M-CB-5 ALBUQUERQUE N MEX GROSS R 1 03/16/1999 5.753 01354M-CY-5 ALBUQUERQUE N MEX GROSS R 1 03/16/1999 5.753 647357-BQ-4 NEW MEXICO ST HWY COMMN T 1 11/15/2001 2.221 802129-BJ-4 SANTA FE N MEX REV 1 11/05/2001 2.600 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW MEXICO XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 542690-BK-7 LONG ISLAND PWR AUTH N Y 2PE 09/01/2001 5.470 542690-JM-5 LONG ISLAND PWR AUTH N Y 1 09/01/2001 4.734 542690-RW-4 LONG ISLAND PWR AUTH N Y 1Z 10/29/2002 1.500 592597-V7-0 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 1 06/05/2002 4.069 59259R-FM-1 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 1 06/13/2002 4.580 626190-Q6-2 MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE CORP FOR NE 1 02/07/2002 3.115 649669-3D-8 NEW YORK N Y 1PE 09/01/2001 5.480 64970K-PH-4 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 1 09/01/2001 5.445 649715-BQ-1 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRAN AU 1PE 08/25/1999 5.550 649716-2W-6 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 1 06/14/2002 4.380 649716-JQ-1 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 1PE 01/12/2001 5.020 649716-R3-3 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 1 11/02/2001 5.117 649716-ST-5 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSITIONAL 1PE 06/25/2001 5.150 649838-N9-6 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 1 09/01/2001 4.467 649838-PJ-2 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 1 01/03/2001 5.283 64983W-XB-7 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 1 09/01/2001 5.777 64985M-YU-4 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 1 01/25/2002 5.149 649876-RD-3 NEW YORK ST LOC GOVT ASSI 1 02/19/1998 4.750 650009-JF-l NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH GEN 1PE 01/12/2001 5.010 650013-DC-6 NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH HWY 1 09/01/2001 4.951 650013-YM-1 NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH HWY 1 03/07/2002 4.910 650028-BJ-1 NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH ST P 1 07/24/2002 4.350 650033-6Y-4 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 1 11/10/1998 5.238 65003P-AL-8 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 1Z 11/22/2002 4.671 773562-BK-8 ROCKLAND CNTY N Y SOLID W 1 02/21/1997 5.779 896029-8S-7 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 1 09/20/2002 4.610 896029-Z2-4 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 1 09/02/1999 5.640 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH CAROLINA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 271371-RC-2 EAST CAROLINA UNIV NC. 1 12/01/2001 2.850 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NORTH CAROLINA XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH DAKOTA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 587850-DA-3 MERCER CNTY N D POLLUTN C 1PE 09/01/2001 7.084 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NORTH DAKOTA XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 172311-AB-8 CINCINNATI OHIO WTR SYS R 1 12/01/2001 2.950 186432-SC-5 CLEVELAND OHIO WTRWKS REV 1PE 09/01/2001 5.000 232265-LB-2 CUYAHOGA CNTY OHIO HOSP R 1 03/27/2002 1.000 353186-ZA-0 FRANKLIN CNTY OHIO HOSP R 1 09/18/1997 5.172 67755A-E3-3 OHIO ST BLDG AUTH 1 09/01/2001 4.624 67755A-SL-8 OHIO ST BLDG AUTH 1 09/01/2001 5.000 677659-KN-3 OHIO ST WTR DEV AUTH REV 1 08/14/2002 4.070 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OKLAHOMA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 679103-SB-8 OKLAHOMA ST INDS AUTH REV 1PE 09/01/2001 5.048 679205-AA-2 OKLAHOMA UNIV BRD REGTS PKG 1 12/07/2001 2.471 67920P-AN-0 OKLAHOMA TRANSN AUTH OKLA 1 05/14/2002 4.710 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OKLAHOMA XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.16 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ----------- 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Date Call Price Value - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 685869-BN-8 OREGON HEALTH SCIENCES UN 5.000 JJ 07/01/2009 1,972,881 68607D-BV-6 OREGON ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 5.500 MN 11/15/2015 11/15/2012 100.000 1,589,047 68607H-CF-1 OREGON ST DEPT ADMIN SVCS 5.500 MN 05/01/2011 249,174 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OREGON 3,811,102 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01728A-VT-0 ALLEGHENY CNTY PA HOSP DE 5.250 JD 12/15/2013 06/15/2010 100.000 5,101,920 017343-CJ-1 ALLEGHENY CNTY PA PORT AUTH REV 5.000 MS 03/01/2025 4,862,895 074876-FL-2 BEAVER CNTY PA INDL DEV A 1.750 MTLY 04/01/2031 250,000 208356-FN-0 CONRAD WEISER AREA SCH DI 5.250 JD 12/15/2011 496,478 246579-GA-8 DELAWARE VALLEY PA REGL F 5.500 JJ 07/01/2012 5,416,025 709193-JR-8 PENNSYLVANIA ST INDL DEV 5.500 JJ 07/01/2014 07/01/2013 100.000 5,406,052 709223-NP-2 PENNSYLVANIA ST TPK 5.000 JD 12/01/2030 4,747,804 71781E-AS-4 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH INDL 5.000 JJ 07/01/2015 601,250 71781Q-BF-4 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH FOR 5.500 AO 10/01/2012 10/01/2011 101.000 5,414,827 717880-T6-5 PHILADELPHIA PA SCH DIST 5.375 AO 04/01/2022 04/01/2007 100.000 2,016,966 724787-AQ-9 PITTSBURGH & ALLEGHENY CNTY PA 5.000 FA 02/01/2024 9,683,444 842035-CX-3 SOUTHEASTERN PA TRANSN AU 6.000 MS 03/01/2012 03/01/2005 101.000 25,616 842035-DJ-3 SOUTHEASTERN PA TRANSN AU 6.000 MS 03/01/2012 03/01/2005 101.000 434,879 955817-CQ-2 WEST SHORE PA AREA HOSP A 5.650 JJ 01/01/2014 07/01/2007 100.000 475,000 986392-JU-3 YORK CNTY PA HOSP AUTH REV 5.000 MTLY 07/01/2021 750,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 45,683,156 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745277-NV-1 PUERTO RICO MUN FIN AGY 5.250 FA 08/01/2019 08/01/2012 100.000 2,445,290 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO 2,445,290 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RHODE ISLAND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76218M-EU-9 RHODE ISLAND CLEAN WTR PR 5.650 AO 10/01/2007 10/01/2004 102.000 510,000 76218M-FJ-3 RHODE ISLAND CLEAN WTR PR 5.650 AO 10/01/2007 10/01/2006 100.000 490,000 762242-SS-5 RHODE ISLAND ST HEALTH & 5.750 MN 05/15/2005 4,690,313 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL RHODE ISLAND 5,690,313 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 837152-BF-3 SOUTH CAROLINA TRANSN INFRAST 5.500 AO 10/01/2010 10/01/2009 101.000 5,215,831 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 5,215,831 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH DAKOTA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28139W-AA-2 EDUCATION LOANS INC 1998- 4.950 JD 06/01/2010 1,250,000 28139W-AG-9 EDUCATION LOANS INC 1998- 5.450 JD 06/01/2020 1,200,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH DAKOTA 2,450,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 041826-KV-9 ARLINGTON TEX INDPT SCH D NONE 02/15/2010 12/15/2005 77.001 449,152 041826-LR-7 ARLINGTON TEX INDPT SCH D NONE 02/15/2010 188,581 052414-CE-7 AUSTIN TEX ELEC UTIL SYS 5.500 MN 11/15/2012 5,580,783 199820-HW-4 COMAL TEX INDPT SCH DIST NONE 02/01/2011 570,072 235037-D2-1 DALLAS-FORT WORTH TEX REG 5.750 MN 11/01/2024 4,025,000 413893-AR-9 HARRIS CNTY-HOUSTON TEX S NONE 11/15/2015 11/15/2008 68.726 599,592 442348-K3-1 HOUSTON TX ARPT SYS REV 5.500 JJ 07/01/2030 07/01/2010 100.000 10,184,307 442352-AE-0 HOUSTON TEXAS AREA WTR CORP C 5.500 MS 03/01/2010 1,958,102 442352-AJ-9 HOUSTON TEXAS AREA WTR CORP C 5.500 MS 03/01/2014 03/01/2012 100.000 2,573,946 442378-BJ-3 HOUSTON TEX HIGHER ED FIN 5.375 MN 11/15/2029 11/15/2010 100.000 12,725,772 442402-P5-6 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIS NONE 02/15/2011 02/15/2009 90.860 203,273 442402-P9-8 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIS NONE 02/15/2015 533,541 442436-D7-3 HOUSTON TEX WTR & SWR SYS NONE 12/01/2019 1,594,836 442436-PJ-4 HOUSTON TEX WTR & SWR SYS 5.750 JD 12/01/2003 1,035,734 442436-VV-0 HOUSTON TEX WTR & SWR SYS 5.500 JD 12/01/2004 1,698,183 542325-AA-3 LONE STAR TX APRT IMPT 1.000 MTLY 12/01/2014 1,100,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest ------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 685869-BN-8 OREGON HEALTH SCIENCES UN 2,000,000 108.3760 2,167,52O 1,968,217 50,000 100,000 68607D-BV-6 OREGON ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 1,500,000 112.8270 1,692,405 1,593,12O 10,542 41,250 68607H-CF-1 OREGON ST DEPT ADMIN SVCS 250,000 112.8450 282,113 248,728 2,292 13,750 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OREGON 3,750,000 XXX 4,142,038 3,810,065 62,834 155,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PENNSYLVANIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01728A-VT-0 ALLEGHENY CNTY PA HOSP DE 5,000,000 108.6340 5,431,700 5,116,181 11,667 262,500 017343-CJ-1 ALLEGHENY CNTY PA PORT AUTH REV 5,000,000 101.8560 5,092,800 4,857,100 83,333 250,000 074876-FL-2 BEAVER CNTY PA INDL DEV A 250,000 100.0000 250,000 250,000 365 1,108 208356-FN-0 CONRAD WEISER AREA SCH DI 500,000 106.1590 530,795 494,690 1,167 26,250 246579-GA-8 DELAWARE VALLEY PA REGL F 5,000,000 114.2220 5,711,100 5,433,800 183,333 709193-JR-8 PENNSYLVANIA ST INDL DEV 5,000,000 113.2940 5,664,700 5,423,900 137,500 29,030 709223-NP-2 PENNSYLVANIA ST TPK 5,000,000 101.8080 5,090,400 4,741,550 20,833 250,000 71781E-AS-4 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH INDL 600,000 103.6570 621,942 601,500 15,000 30,000 71781Q-BF-4 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH FOR 5,000,000 113.8690 5,693,450 5,443,600 68,750 229,167 717880-T6-5 PHILADELPHIA PA SCH DIST 2,000,000 103.6380 2,072,760 2,028,780 26,875 107,500 724787-AQ-9 PITTSBURGH & ALLEGHENY CNTY PA 10,000,000 101.7000 10,170,000 9,667,100 208,333 500,000 842035-CX-3 SOUTHEASTERN PA TRANSN AU 25,000 110.4810 27,620 26,187 500 1,500 842035-DJ-3 SOUTHEASTERN PA TRANSN AU 425,000 110.4810 469,544 445,180 8,500 25,500 955817-CQ-2 WEST SHORE PA AREA HOSP A 475,000 108.8590 517,080 475,000 13,419 26,838 986392-JU-3 YORK CNTY PA HOSP AUTH REV 750,000 750,000 750,000 1,008 10,289 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 45,025,000 XXX 48,093,891 45,754,568 780,583 1,749,682 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUERTO RICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 745277-NV-1 PUERTO RICO MUN FIN AGY 2,310,000 108.2400 2,500,344 2,446,175 10,106 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL PUERTO RICO 2,310,000 XXX 2,500,344 2,446,175 10,106 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RHODE ISLAND - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 76218M-EU-9 RHODE ISLAND CLEAN WTR PR 510,000 109.2800 557,328 510,000 7,204 28,815 76Z18M-FJ-3 RHODE ISLAND CLEAN WTR PR 490,000 107.7220 527,838 490,000 6,921 27,685 762242-SS-5 RHODE ISLAND ST HEALTH & 4,615,000 109.4920 5,053,056 4,721,791 33,907 265,363 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL RHODE ISLAND 5,615,000 XXX 6,138,222 5,721,791 48,032 321,863 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 837152-BF-3 SOUTH CAROLINA TRANSN INFRAST 4,800,000 113.7510 5,460,048 5,247,744 66,000 132,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 4,800,000 XXX 5,460,048 5,247,744 66,000 132,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTH DAKOTA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28139W-AA-2 EDUCATION LOANS INC 1998- 1,250,000 106.6430 1,333,038 1,250,000 5,156 61,875 28139W-A6-9 EDUCATION LOANS INC 1998- 1,200,000 105.4090 1,264,908 1,200,000 5,450 65,400 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL SOUTH DAKOTA 2,450,000 XXX 2,597,946 2,450,000 10,606 127,275 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 041826-KV-9 ARLINGTON TEX INDPT SCH D 710,000 74.0730 525,918 288,622 041826-LR-7 ARLINGTON TEX INDPT SCH D 290,000 70.7300 205,117 117,888 052414-CE-7 AUSTIN TEX ELEC UTIL SYS 5,000,000 114.5720 5,728,600 5,597,800 35,139 91,667 199820-HW-4 COMAL TEX INDPT SCH DIST 905,000 72.4490 655,663 387,358 235037-D2-1 DALLAS-FORT WORTH TEX REG 4,025,000 100.3660 4,039,732 4,153,626 38,573 231,438 413893-AR-9 HARRIS CNTY-HOUSTON TEX S 1,195,000 52.1070 622,679 476,004 442348-K3-1 HOUSTON TX ARPT SYS REV 10,000,000 104.5580 10,455,800 10,200,200 275,000 275,000 442352-AE-0 HOUSTON TEXAS AREA WTR CORP C 1,820,000 113.9620 2,074,108 1,968,221 33,367 29,474 442352-AJ-9 HOUSTON TEXAS AREA WTR CORP C 2,420,000 112.2020 2,715,288 2,582,140 44,367 39,191 442378-BJ-3 HOUSTON TEX HIGHER ED FIN 12,625,000 103.5940 13,078,743 12,733,449 86,709 678,594 442402-P5-6 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIS 300,000 70.1510 210,453 168,981 442402-P9-8 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIS 1,000,000 55.7700 557,700 436,910 442436-D7-3 HOUSTON TEX WTR & SWR SYS 4,000,000 43.3450 1,733,800 1,467,080 442436-PJ-4 HOUSTON TEX WTR & SWR SYS 1,000,000 104.0630 1,040,630 1,050,170 4,792 28,750 442436-VV-0 HOUSTON TEX WTR & SWR SYS 1,680,000 107.6700 1,808,856 1,709,745 7,700 92,400 542325-AA-3 LONE STAR TX APRT IMPT 1,100,000 100.0000 1,100,000 1,100,000 917 12,295 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive Increase (Decrease) Bonds in Rate (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 685869-BN-8 OREGON HEALTH SCIENCES UN 3,42O 1 09/01/2001 5.249 68607D-BV-6 OREGON ST DEPT TRANSN HWY (4,073) 1 05/16/2OO2 4.740 68607H-CF-1 OREGON ST DEPT ADMIN SVCS 76 1 03/28/1996 5.550 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OREGON (577) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PENNSYLVANIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01728A-VT-0 ALLEGHENY CNTY PA HOSP DE (11,072) 1 09/01/2001 4.920 017343-CJ-1 ALLEGHENY CNTY PA PORT AUTH REV 3,232 1 03/13/2001 5.210 074876-FL-2 BEAVER CNTY PA INDL DEV A 1 08/29/2002 1.750 208356-FN-0 CONRAD WEISER AREA SCH DI 300 1 02/29/1996 5.350 246579-GA-8 DELAWARE VALLEY PA REGL F (17,775) 1 05/15/2002 4.418 709193-JR-8 PENNSYLVANIA ST INDL DEV (17,848) 1 05/03/2002 4.520 709223-NP-2 PENNSYLVANIA ST TPK 2,360 1 05/15/2001 5.350 71781E-AS-4 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH INDL (71) 1 12/11/1998 4.977 71781Q-BF-4 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH FOR (28,773) 1 02/19/2002 4.440 717880-T6-5 PHILADELPHIA PA SCH DIST (3,488) 1 05/04/1999 5.150 724787-AQ-9 PITTSBURGH & ALLEGHENY CNTY PA 8,067 1 12/22/2000 5.250 842035-CX-3 SOUTHEASTERN PA TRANSN AU (156) 1 01/11/1999 5.225 842035-DJ-3 SOUTHEASTERN PA TRANSN AU (2,802) 1 01/11/1999 5.194 955817-CQ-2 WEST SHORE PA AREA HOSP A 1 06/09/1997 5.649 986392-JU-3 YORK CNTY PA HOSP AUTH REV 1 12/01/2001 5.000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA (68,026) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUERTO RICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 745277-NV-1 PUERTO RICO MUN FIN AGY (884) 1Z 11/01/2002 4.489 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL PUERTO RICO (884) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RHODE ISLAND - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 76218M-EU-9 RHODE ISLAND CLEAN WTR PR 1 03/01/1999 5.956 76Z18M-FJ-3 RHODE ISLAND CLEAN WTR PR 1 03/01/1999 5.649 762242-SS-5 RHODE ISLAND ST HEALTH & (29,111) 1 12/01/2001 5.011 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL RHODE ISLAND (29,111) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 837152-BF-3 SOUTH CAROLINA TRANSN INFRAST (31,913) 1 04/19/2002 4.145 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA (31,913) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTH DAKOTA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28139W-AA-2 EDUCATION LOANS INC 1998- 1PE 02/12/1998 4.949 28139W-AG-9 EDUCATION LOANS INC 1998- 1PE 02/12/1998 5.449 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL SOUTH DAKOTA XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 041826-KV-9 ARLINGTON TEX INDPT SCH D 39,731 1 02/23/1995 9.479 041826-LR-7 ARLINGTON TEX INDPT SCH D 11,057 1 02/23/1995 6.135 052414-CE-7 AUSTIN TEX ELEC UTIL SYS (17,017) 1 07/19/2002 4.060 199820-HW-4 COMAL TEX INDPT SCH DIST 31,680 1 03/22/1996 5.800 235037-D2-1 DALLAS-FORT WORTH TEX REG (24,238) 1 01/05/1998 5.001 413893-AR-9 HARRIS CNTY-HOUSTON TEX S 31,278 1 09/01/1998 5.430 442348-K3-1 HOUSTON TX ARPT SYS REV (15,894) 1 02/22/2002 5.200 442352-AE-0 HOUSTON TEXAS AREA WTR CORP C (10,119) 1 04/23/2002 4.260 442352-AJ-9 HOUSTON TEXAS AREA WTR CORP C (8,194) 1 04/23/2002 4.640 442378-BJ-3 HOUSTON TEX HIGHER ED FIN (7,676) 1 02/15/2002 5.250 442402-P5-6 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIS 9,511 1 02/01/1999 4.850 442402-P9-8 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIS 26,946 1PE 02/01/1999 5.250 442436-D7-3 HOUSTON TEX WTR & SWR SYS 84,375 1 06/13/2001 5.510 442436-PJ-4 HOUSTON TEX WTR & SWR SYS (14,436) 1PE 08/13/2002 1.801 442436-VV-0 HOUSTON TEX WTR & SWR SYS (8,842) 1PE 09/01/2001 4.901 542325-AA-3 LONE STAR TX APRT IMPT 1 03/28/2002 1.000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E08.17 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ----------- 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Date Call Price Value - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54810C-BY-5 LOWER COLO RIV AUTH TEX REV 5.000 MN 05/15/2026 4,872,186 54810C-CY-4 LOWER COLO RIV AUTH TEX REV 5.000 MN 05/15/2026 6,758,329 549220-XB-2 LUBBOCK TEX INDPT SCH DIS NONE 02/15/2010 08/15/2004 70.715 661,490 549220-XM-8 LUBBOCK TEX INDPT SCH DIS NONE 02/15/2010 08/15/2004 70.716 297,193 774285-UH-1 ROCKWALL TEX INDPT SCH DI NONE 08/15/2019 08/15/2009 57.955 1,994,266 796242-HO-1 SAN ANTONIO TEX ARPT SYS 5.250 JJ 07/01/2023 975,486 796253-NS-7 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GA 5.750 FA 02/01/2011 02/01/2011 100.000 235,036 796422-R9-6 SAN ANTONIO TEX WTR REV 5.000 MN 05/15/2028 2,899,575 876385-EY-7 TARRANT CNTY TEX HLTH FAC 5.125 MS 09/01/2012 1,963,557 882555-UP-8 TEXAS MUN PWR AGY REV 4.750 MS 09/01/2012 3,099,124 882720-F6-7 TEXAS ST FOR ISSUES DTD P 2.750 FA 08/29/2003 1,008,757 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 69,785,873 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45884A-U6-7 INTERMOUNTAIN PWR AGY UTAH 5.000 JJ 07/01/2016 635,000 45884A-UC-5 INTERMOUNTAIN PWR AGY UTAH 5.000 JJ 07/01/2016 365,000 744129-CM-7 PROVO CITY UTAH ENERGY SY 5.750 MN 05/15/2014 431,631 917546-ER-0 UTAH ST BRD REGENTS STUDE 5.200 MN 05/01/2008 650,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH 2,081,631 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERMONT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92428C-DE-1 VERMONT ST STUDENT ASSIST 5.000 JD 12/15/2025 1,200,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VERMONT 1,200,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 165141-CB-6 CHESAPEAKE BAY BRDG & TUNL 5.500 JJ 07/01/2025 4,147,258 303891-PL-3 FAIRFAX CNTY VA WTR AUTH 5.000 A0 04/01/2032 2,436,262 928075-CD-0 VIRGINIA PORT AUTH COMWLT 5.500 JJ 07/01/2014 07/01/2012 101.000 5,452,343 928075-CE-8 VIRGINIA PORT AUTH COMWLT 5.500 JJ 07/01/2015 07/01/2012 101.000 3,550,365 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA 15,586,228 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 387883-BK-6 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 5.875 JJ 01/01/2016 956,280 495080-MS-9 KING CNTY WASH SCH DIST N 5.250 JD 12/01/2013 06/01/2008 100.000 3,795,338 495289-DT-4 KING CNTY WASH SWR REV MUNICIPAL 5.000 JJ 01/01/2003 500,000 812631-BA-6 SEATTLE WASH DRAIN & WASTEWATER 5.250 MN 11/01/2025 4,697,041 833102-NL-6 SNOHOMISH CNTY PUB UT DST 6.000 JJ 01/01/2018 3,100,800 873519-JQ-6 TACOMA WASH ELEC SYS REV 6.200 JJ 01/01/2009 01/01/2004 102.000 481,353 873519-JU-7 TACOMA WASH ELEC SYS REV 6.200 JJ 01/01/2009 211,931 93978E-FK-3 WASHINGTON ST HEALTH CARE 5.000 MN 11/15/2009 997,123 939827-OP-9 WASHINGTON ST PUB PWR SUPPLY 5.250 JJ 07/01/2003 404,294 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 15,144,160 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 977056-PL-8 WISCONSIN ST 5.350 MN 05/01/2028 05/01/2008 100.000 3,494,069 977092-LS-2 WISCONSINST CLEAN WTR REV 5.500 JD 06/01/2012 1,327,273 977123-PO-5 WISCONSIN ST TRANS 5.750 JJ 07/01/2013 07/01/2012 100.000 5,410,504 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 10,231,846 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 607,876,521 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2599999 - Total Bonds - Special Revenue - Issuer Obligations 607,876,521 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue - United States 607,876,521 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds 607,876,521 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 008190-AF-7 AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVI 3.500 FA 02/15/2006 7,407,739 00846U-AB-7 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 3.000 JD 12/01/2021 5,845,071 008685-AB-5 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 6.875 MN 05/01/2029 100,417 013817-AG-6 ALCOA INC 4.250 FA 08/15/2007 49,847 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest ------------------------- 14 15 Amout Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54810C-BY-5 LOWER COLO RIV AUTH TEX REV 5,000,000 101.0270 5,051,350 4,866,550 31,944 250,000 54810C-CY-4 LOWER COLO RIV AUTH TEX REV 7,250,000 100.5380 7,289,005 6,747,648 46,319 362,500 549220-XB-2 LUBBOCK TEX INDPT SCH DIS 1,035,000 69.0190 714,347 517,345 549220-XM-8 LUBBOCK TEX INDPT SCH DIS 465,000 66.2800 308,202 232,430 774285-UH-1 ROCKWALL TEX INDPT SCH DI 4,850,000 41.0930 1,993,011 1,596,572 796242-HQ-1 SAN ANTONIO TEX ARPT SYS 1,000,000 101.4950 1,014,950 974,900 26,250 17,500 796253-NS-7 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GA 235,000 115.0260 270,311 237,249 5,630 13,513 796422-R9-6 SAN ANTONIO TEX WTR REV 3,000,000 100.4620 3,013,860 2,897,910 19,167 118,333 876385-EY-7 TARRANT CNTY TEX HLTH FAC 2,000,000 111.6320 2,232,640 1,960,343 34,167 102,500 882555-UP-8 TEXAS MUN PWR AGY REV 3,135,000 101.8410 3,192,715 3,094,935 65,770 164,217 882720-F6-7 TEXAS ST FOR ISSUES DTD P 1,000,000 101.0410 1,010,410 1,013,310 9,319 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 77,040,000 XXX 72,643,888 68,577,386 765,130 2,507,372 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45884A-UB-7 INTERMOUNTAIN PWR AGY UTAH 635,000 100.0090 635,057 573,526 15,875 31,750 45884A-UC-5 INTERMOUNTAIN PWR AGY UTAH 365,000 100.0290 365,106 329,664 9,125 18,250 744129-CM-7 PROVO CITY UTAH ENERGY SY 430,000 103.4550 444,857 432,116 3,159 24,725 917546-ER-0 UTAH ST BRD REGENTS STUDE 650,000 109.7740 713,531 650,000 5,633 33,800 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH 2,080,000 XXX 2,158,551 1,985,306 33,792 108,525 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERMONT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92428C-DE-1 VERMONT ST STUDENT ASSIST 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 2,802 17,563 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VERMONT 1,200,000 XXX 1,200,000 1,200,000 2,802 17,563 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 165141-C6-6 CHESAPEAKE BAY BRDG & TUNL 4,000,000 112.1010 4,484,040 4,152,520 110,000 220,000 303891-PL-3 FAIRFAX CNTY VA WTR AUTH 2,500,000 101.6970 2,542,425 2,435,500 31,250 72,917 928075-CD-0 VIRGINIA PORT AUTH COMWLT 5,015,000 110.6890 5,551,053 5,466,450 121,057 928075-CE-8 VIRGINIA PORT AUTH COMWLT 3,290,000 110.1100 3,622,619 3,558,596 79,417 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA 14,805,000 XXX 16,200,137 15,613,066 341,724 292,917 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 387883-BK-6 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST 940,000 107.5920 1,011,365 960,304 27,613 55,225 495080-MS-9 KING CNTY WASH SCH DIST N 3,695,000 107.5000 3,972,125 3,816,152 16,166 193,988 495289-DT-4 KING CNTY WASH SWR REV MUNICIPAL 500,000 100.0100 500,050 515,225 12,500 14,792 812631-BA-6 SEATTLE WASH DRAIN & WASTEWATER 4,750,000 103.2910 4,906,323 4,694,948 41,563 249,375 833102-NL-6 SNOHOMISH CNTY PUB UT DST 3,040,000 3,100,800 3,177,836 91,200 182,400 873519-JQ-6 TACOMA WASH ELEC SYS REV 475,000 106.9420 507,975 462,360 14,725 29,450 873519-JU-7 TACOMA WASH ELEC SYS REV 215,000 106.5870 229,162 209,279 6,665 13,330 93978E-FK-3 WASHINGTON ST HEALTH CARE 1,000,000 110.3600 1,103,600 995,670 6,389 50,000 939827-QP-9 WASHINGTON ST PUB PWR SUPPLY 400,000 102.0310 408,124 413,365 10,500 21,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 15,015,000 XXX 15,739,524 15,245,139 227,321 809,560 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 977056-PL-8 WISCONSIN ST 3,475,000 100.3690 3,487,823 3,505,789 30,985 193,586 977092-LS-2 WISCONSINST CLEAN WTR REV 1,185,000 114.4990 1,356,813 1,332,165 5,431 21,725 977123-PQ-5 WISCONSIN ST TRANS 5,000,000 115.9470 5,797,350 5,432,200 143,750 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 9,660,000 XXX 10,641,986 10,270,154 180,166 215,311 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 607,635,000 XXX 637,579,064 607,194,544 9,255,387 22,890,829 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2599999 - Total Bonds - Special Revenue - Issuer Obligation 607,635,000 XXX 637,579,064 607,194,544 9,255,387 22,890,829 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue - United States 607,635,000 XXX 637,579,064 607,194,544 9,255,387 22,890,829 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds 607,635,000 XXX 637,579,064 607,194,544 9,255,387 22,890,829 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 008190-AF-7 AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVI 6,200,000 137.3750 8,517,250 7,675,711 81,978 140,875 00846U-AB-7 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 5,500,000 95.8750 5,273,125 5,858,211 13,750 159,167 008685-AB-5 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 105,000 89.8110 94,302 100,387 1,203 3,609 013817-AG-6 ALCOA INC 50,000 104.1140 52,057 49,835 815 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive Increase (Decrease) Bonds in Rate (Decrease) by foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54810C-BY-5 LOWER COLO RIV AUTH TEX REV 2,762 1 01/08/2001 5.190 54810C-CY-4 LOWER COLO RIV AUTH TEX REV 10,588 1 12/18/2001 5.520 549220-XB-2 LUBBOCK TEX INDPT SCH DIS 39,988 1 01/22/1999 6.334 549220-XM-8 LUBBOCK TEX INDPT SCH DIS 17,966 1 01/22/1999 6.334 774285-UH-1 ROCKWALL TEX INDPT SCH DI 100,721 1 09/11/1998 5.250 796242-HQ-1 SAN ANTONIO TEX ARPT SYS 586 1 03/08/2002 5.540 796253-NS-7 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GA (425) 1 01/13/1997 5.561 796422-R9-6 SAN ANTONIO TEX WTR REV 1,665 1 02/07/2002 5.240 876385-EY-7 TARRANT CNTY TEX HLTH FAC 2,928 1 12/01/2001 5.369 882555-UP-8 TEXAS MUN PWR AGY REV 2,895 1 06/22/2001 4.900 882720-F6-7 TEXAS ST FOR ISSUES DTD P (4,553) 1 08/21/2002 1.396 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 303,283 XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45884A-UB-7 INTERMOUNTAIN PWR AGY UTAH 1 02/04/1997 45884A-UC-5 INTERMOUNTAIN PWR AGY UTAH 1 02/04/1997 744129-CM-7 PROVO CITY UTAH ENERGY SY (100) 1PE 05/20/1997 5.704 917546-ER-0 UTAH ST BRD REGENTS STUDE 1PE 10/16/1997 5.200 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH (100) XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERMONT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92428C-DE-1 VERMONT ST STUDENT ASSIST 1 12/01/2001 5.000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VERMONT XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 165141-C6-6 CHESAPEAKE BAY BRDG & TUNL (3,380) 1 04/20/2001 5.220 303891-PL-3 FAIRFAX CNTY VA WTR AUTH 762 1 03/08/2002 5.170 928075-CD-0 VIRGINIA PORT AUTH COMWLT (14,108) 1 07/11/2002 4.450 928075-CE-8 VIRGINIA PORT AUTH COMWLT (8,231) 1 07/11/2002 4.550 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA (24,957) XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 387883-BK-6 GRANT CNTY WASH PUB UTDST (828) 1 06/27/1997 5.685 495080-MS-9 KING CNTY WASH SCH DIST N (15,933) 1PE 09/01/2001 4.677 495289-DT-4 KING CNTY WASH SWR REV MUNICIPAL (14,004) 1 11/14/2001 2.154 812631-BA-6 SEATTLE WASH DRAIN & WASTEWATER 1,167 1 06/21/2001 5.335 833102-NL-6 SNOHOMISH CNTY PUB UT DST (16,299) 1PE 10/10/1997 5.622 873519-JQ-6 TACOMA WASH ELEC SYS REV 2,944 1 12/06/1994 6.761 873519-JU-7 TACOMA WASH ELEC SYS REV 407 1 12/06/1994 6.491 93978E-FK-3 WASHINGTON ST HEALTH CARE 342 1PE 05/01/1998 5.050 939827-QP-9 WASHINGTON ST PUB PWR SUPPLY (8,394) 1 12/01/2001 3.070 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON (50,598) XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 977056-PL-8 WISCONSIN ST (3,028) 1 09/16/1998 5.231 977092-LS-2 WISCONSINST CLEAN WTR REV (4,892) 1 07/31/2002 3.960 977123-PQ-5 WISCONSIN ST TRANS (21,696) 1 04/08/2002 4.668 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN (29,616) XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (628,583) XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2599999 - Total Bonds - Special Revenue - Issuer Obligation (628,583) XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue - United States (628,583) XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds (628,583) XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 008190-AF-7 AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVI (263,164) 2 07/01/2002 (2.664) 00846U-AB-7 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC (12,146) 2 10/24/2002 2.555 008685-AB-5 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 30 2 10/01/2002 7.248 013817-AG-6 ALCOA INC 12 1 08/08/2002 4.324 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.18 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interest ------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Call Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Price Value - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 013817-AH-4 ALCOA INC 5.375 JJ 01/15/2013 74,542 018490-AD-4 ALLERGAN INC NONE 11/06/2022 1,737,141 02261W-AB-5 ALZA CORP NONE 07/28/2020 5,898,544 03235E-AC-4 AMVESCAP PLC 6.375 MN 05/15/2003 706,268 03235E-AH-3 AMVESCAP PLC 5.900 JJ 01/15/2007 175,000 032511-AP-2 ANADARKO PETE CORP NONE 03/07/2020 4,430,612 032654-AD-7 ANALOG DEVICES INC 4.750 AO 10/01/2005 3,286,355 037389-AQ-6 AON CORP 3.500 MN 11/15/2012 1,250,000 039483-AN-2 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO 6.750 JD 12/15/2027 362,059 039580-AA-6 ARCHSTONE-SMITH OPER TR 6.500 FA 02/15/2012 391,021 042735-AY-6 ARROW ELECTRS INC NONE 02/21/2021 1,921,675 054937-AC-1 BB&T CORP 6.500 FA 08/01/2011 174,185 055472-AB-0 BISYS GROUP INC 4.000 MS 03/15/2006 5,632,500 06050M-BP-1 BANK OF AMERICA CORP 2.670 JAJO 10/22/2004 111021-AE-1 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATION 8.625 JD 12/15/2030 88,126 120568-AD-2 BUNGE LTD FIN CORP 3.750 MN 11/15/2022 5,024,854 126408-BP-7 CSX CORP 7.250 MN 05/01/2027 39,857 144141-CF-3 CAROLINA PWR & LT CO 5.875 JJ 01/15/2004 1,166,764 14912L-T2-7 CATERPILLAR FINL SVCS MTN 2.311 MJSD 11/04/2004 1,129,862 151313-AF-0 CENDANT CORP NONE 02/13/2021 4,504,360 16133R-AA-4 CHARTERED SEMICONDUCTOR M 2.500 AO 04/02/2006 3,109,745 184502-AB-8 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 2.625 AO 04/01/2003 3,765,141 208251-AG-3 CONOCO INC 3.201 JAJO 04/15/2003 800,000 20825U-AC-8 CONOCO FDG CO 7.250 AO 10/15/2031 49,405 209615-BW-2 CONSOLIDATED NAT GAS CO 5.375 MN 11/01/2006 124,940 216640-AB-8 COOPER CAMERON CORP 1.750 MN 05/17/2021 7,845,164 21701R-AB-4 COORS BREWING COMPANY 6.375 MN 05/15/2012 99,617 22160Q-AC-6 COSTCO COMPANIES INC NONE 08/19/2017 3,987,587 224044-AL-1 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 6.150 FA 08/01/2003 149,795 224044-AY-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 7.750 MN 11/01/2010 49,881 2254CO-AU-1 CS FIRST BOSTON NY BRH SR 1.000 JJ 01/26/2010 2,661,204 2254CO-AZ-0 CS FIRST BOSTON NY BRH SR 2.000 MN 05/01/2010 2,504,476 233331-AD-9 DTE ENERGY CO 6.450 JD 06/01/2006 199,758 233835-AH-0 DAIMLER CHRYSLER NORTH AM 7.750 MN 05/27/2003 502,696 235851-AF-9 DANAHER CORP DEL NONE 01/22/2021 5,679,722 25243E-AA-1 DIAGEO CAP PLC MTN BE 7.250 MN 11/01/2009 453,797 25243Y-AA-7 DIAGEO CAP PLC 6.125 FA 08/15/2005 1,274,154 25243Y-AB-5 DIAGEO CAP PLC 6.625 JD 06/24/2004 487,711 26441Y-AD-9 DUKE WEKS REALTY CORP 6.950 MS 03/15/2011 101,063 26613X-AC-5 DUPONT PHOTOMASKS INC NONE 07/24/2004 4,140,580 268766-AQ-5 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 6.500 JD 06/15/2004 1,167,197 268766-BR-2 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 7.250 MN 11/15/2008 5,618,945 268766-BV-3 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 7.875 JJ 07/15/2031 148,708 291011-AL-8 EMERSON ELEC CO 7.875 JD 06/01/2005 912,514 318522-AD-1 FIRST AMERN CORP CALIF 4.500 AO 04/15/2008 4,705,578 319963-AD-6 FIRST DATA CORP 2.000 MS 03/01/2008 4,578,008 337358-DC-6 FIRST UN CORP 2.850 JAJO 08/19/2004 871,942 337358-DD-4 FIRST UNION CORP 6.950 MN 11/01/2004 531,471 337358-DH-5 FIRST UN CORP 2.360 MJSD 03/31/2005 831,348 338915-AH-4 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 6.875 JJ 01/15/2028 35,311 338915-AM-3 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 6.700 JJ 07/15/2028 61,349 33900Q-AZ-7 FLEET FINL GP INC SR MTN 1.700 FMAN 02/20/2004 1,450,650 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 JJ 07/16/2031 84,089 345397-SQ-7 FORD MOTOR CR CO 7.500 MS 03/15/2005 103,451 36962G-UM-4 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN 7.250 FA 02/01/2005 502,514 36962G-UU-6 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN 7.500 MN 05/15/2005 1,656,842 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interest -------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 013817-AH-4 ALCOA INC 75,000 105.8380 79,379 74,525 1,545 018490-AD-4 ALLERGAN INC 2,150,000 85.1250 1,830,188 1,735,267 02261W-AB-5 ALZA CORP 7,550,000 77.7500 5,870,125 5,770,419 03235E-AC-4 AMVESCAP PLC 7,00,000 101.6710 711,697 723,317 5,702 44,625 03235E-AH-3 AMVESCAP PLC 175,000 106.0820 185,644 175,000 4,761 5,966 032511-AP-2 ANADARKO PETE CORP 6,500,000 61.1250 3,973,125 4,339,668 032654-AD-7 ANALOG DEVICES INC 3,450,000 99.3750 3,428,438 3,193,800 40,969 163,875 037389-AQ-6 AON CORP 1,250,000 111.0000 1,387,500 1,250,000 6,563 039483-AN-2 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO 340,000 110.4640 375,578 362,144 1,020 11,475 039580-AA-6 ARCHSTONE-SMITH OPER TR 375,000 106.7680 400,380 391,391 9,208 4,063 042735-AY-6 ARROW ELECTRS INC 3,850,000 44.0000 1,694,000 1,851,326 054937-AC-1 BB&T CORP 175,000 112.9430 197,650 174,088 4,740 11,312 055472-AB-0 BISYS GROUP INC 6,000,000 93.8750 5,632,500 5,850,530 70,667 120,000 06050M-BP-1 BANK OF AMERICA CORP 669 111021-AE-1 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATION 75,000 127.4900 95,618 88,163 288 3,328 120568-AD-2 BUNGE LTD FIN CORP 5,000,000 102.7500 5,137,500 5,024,870 17,708 126408-BP-7 CSX CORP 40,000 109.1610 43,664 39,851 483 2,900 144141-CF-3 CAROLINA PWR & LT CO 1,150,000 103.3210 1,188,192 1,178,750 31,154 33,781 14912L-T2-7 CATERPILLAR FINL SVCS MTN 1,130,000 99.9120 1,129,006 1,129,785 1,959 25,081 151313-AF-0 CENDANT CORP 7,000,000 63.1250 4,418,750 4,499,900 16133R-AA-4 CHARTERED SEMICONDUCTOR M 3,000,000 94.1250 2,823,750 3,135,750 18,542 75,000 184502-AB-8 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 3,725,000 99.2500 3,697,063 4,070,025 24,445 97,781 208251-AG-3 CONOCO INC 800 000 100.1720 801,376 800,000 5,549 23,617 20825U-AC-8 CONOCO FDG CO 50,000 117.1730 58,587 49,397 765 3,665 209615-BW-2 CONSOLIDATED NAT GAS CO 125,000 105.7090 132,136 124,923 1,120 6,831 216640-AB-8 COOPER CAMERON CORP 8,000,000 100.0000 8,000,000 7,840,888 16,722 91,875 21701R-AB-4 COORS BREWING COMPANY 100,000 111.7540 111,754 99,596 815 3,329 22160Q-AC-6 COSTCO COMPANIES INC 4,250,000 69.2500 2,943,125 3,939,355 224044-AL-1 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 150,000 99.4730 149,210 149,189 3,844 9,225 224044-AY-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 50,000 113.8950 56,948 49,858 646 3,875 2254CO-AU-1 CS FIRST BOSTON NY BRH SR 3,000,000 83.5000 2,505,000 2,596,500 12,917 30,000 2254CO-AZ-0 CS FIRST BOSTON NY BRH SR 2,600,000 89.2500 2,320,500 2,478,191 8,667 52,000 233331-AD-9 DTE ENERGY CO 200,000 107.6050 215,210 199,662 1,075 12,900 233835-AH-0 DAIMLER CHRYSLER NORTH AM 500,000 101.9920 509,960 510,732 3,660 38,750 235851-AF-9 DANAHER CORP DEL 8,500,000 67.1250 5,705,625 5,621,554 25243E-AA-1 DIAGEO CAP PLC MTN BE 450,000 100.7500 453,375 454,946 5,438 32,625 25243Y-AA-7 DIAGEO CAP PLC 1,200,000 100.0000 1,200,000 1,285,452 27,767 36,750 25243Y-AB-5 DIAGEO CAP PLC 465,000 100.2500 466,163 494,267 599 15,403 26441Y-AD-9 DUKE WEKS REALTY CORP 100,000 109.8210 109,821 101,225 2,046 6,950 26613X-AC-5 DUPONT PHOTOMASKS INC 4,350,000 95.0000 4,132,500 3,988,375 268766-AQ-5 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 1,200,000 104.2400 1,250,904 1,116,840 3,467 78,000 268766-BR-2 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 5,450,000 104.1250 5,674,813 5,635,938 50,488 322,625 268766-BV-3 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 150,000 108.8990 163,349 148,689 5,447 11,714 291011-AL-8 EMERSON ELEC CO 840,000 112.3800 943,992 927,184 5,513 33,075 318522-AD-1 FIRST AMERN CORP CALIF 4,600,000 105.6250 4,858,750 4,712,740 43,700 94,500 319963-AD-6 FIRST DATA CORP 4,022,000 110.0000 4,424,200 4,636,943 26,813 40,000 337358-DC-6 FIRST UN CORP 870,000 100.5300 874,611 873,139 5,028 21,571 337358-DD-4 FIRST UNION CORP 525,000 108.5580 569,930 531,552 6,081 36,488 337358-DH-5 FIRST UN CORP 830,000 100.3910 833,245 831,645 707 14,591 338915-AH-4 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 35,000 106.0090 37,103 35,311 1,110 338915-AM-3 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 65,000 103.8050 67,473 61,326 2,008 33900Q-AZ-7 FLEET FINL GP INC SR MTN 1,450,000 100.0050 1,450,073 1,451,099 2,807 23,503 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 98,000 86.9870 85,247 84,041 3,346 345397-SQ-7 FORD MOTOR CR CO 100,000 102.0260 102,026 104,323 2,208 3,750 36962G-UM-4 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN 500,000 110.1530 550,765 505,190 15,104 36,250 36962G-UU-6 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN 1,550,000 111.6050 1,729,881 1,692,874 14,854 116,250 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Increase Year, on Increase (Decrease) Bonds in (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to NAIC Effective CUSIP by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date Rate of Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Acquired Interest - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 013817-AH-4 ALCOA INC 16 1 08/08/2002 5.455 018490-AD-4 ALLERGAN INC 1,874 1 12/24/2002 1.073 02261W-AB-5 ALZA CORP 79,133 1 05/21/2002 1.298 03235E-AC-4 AMVESCAP PLC (16,421) 1 12/12/2001 3.922 03235E-AH-3 AMVESCAP PLC 1 06/20/2002 5.899 032511-AP-2 ANADARKO PETE CORP 275,882 2 10/04/2002 2.228 032654-AD-7 ANALOG DEVICES INC 51,286 2 02/15/2002 6.650 037389-AQ-6 AON CORP 2 11/04/2002 3.500 039483-AN-2 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO (85) 1PE 08/22/2002 6.234 039580-AA-6 ARCHSTONE-SMITH OPER TR (370) 2 09/13/2002 5.883 042735-AY-6 ARROW ELECTRS INC 68,666 2 O2/05/2002 3.866 054937-AC-1 BB&T CORP (68) 1 07/27/2001 6.572 055472-AB-0 BISYS GROUP INC (95,578) 3 09/05/2002 4.765 06050M-BP-1 BANK OF AMERICA CORP 1 12/01/2001 111021-AE-1 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATION (38) 2 08/22/2002 7.167 120568-AD-2 BUNGE LTD FIN CORP (16) 2Z 12/20/2002 3.714 126408-BP-7 CSX CORP 2 2PE 11/10/2000 7.282 144141-CF-3 CAROLINA PWR & LT CO (11,986) 2 03/18/2002 4.423 14912L-T2-7 CATERPILLAR FINL SVCS MTN 76 1 01/15/2002 2.319 151313-AF-0 CENDANT CORP 4,460 2 12/12/2002 2.448 16133R-AA-4 CHARTERED SEMICONDUCTOR M (26,005) 2 03/21/2002 1.343 184502-AB-8 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI (163,263) 2 02/06/2002 (1.773) 208251-AG-3 CONOCO INC 1 12/01/2001 3.201) 20825U-AC-8 CONOCO FDG CO 7 1 10/03/2001 7.350 209615-BW-2 CONSOLIDATED NAT GAS CO 16 2 10/22/2001 5.389 216640-AB-8 COOPER CAMERON CORP 4,277 2PE 06/20/2002 1.875 21701R-AB-4 COORS BREWING COMPANY 21 2 04/30/2002 6.430 22160Q-AC-6 COSTCO COMPANIES INC 454,170 1 02/05/2002 0.413 224044-AL-1 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 335 2 03/01/2001 6.393 224044-AY-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 13 2 11/02/2000 7.791 2254CO-AU-1 CS FIRST BOSTON NY BRH SR 42,266 1PE 11/07/2001 2.749 2254CO-AZ-0 CS FIRST BOSTON NY BRH SR 12,427 1 08/02/2001 2.545 233331-AD-9 DTE ENERGY CO 61 2 05/24/2001 6.490 233835-AH-0 DAIMLER CHRYSLER NORTH AM (6,400) 12/01/2001 6.373 235851-AF-9 DANAHER CORP DEL 58,168 1 09/04/200Z 2.245 25243E-AA-1 DIAGEO CAP PLC MTN BE (419) 1PE 12/07/1999 7.092 25243Y-AA-7 DIAGEO CAP PLC (11,298) 1PE 07/24/2002 3.632 25243Y-AB-5 DIAGEO CAP PLC (6,556) 1PE 07/17/2002 3.220 26441Y-AD-9 DUKE WEKS REALTY CORP (94) 2 03/15/2001 6.779 26613X-AC-5 DUPONT PHOTOMASKS INC 125,292 1 02/07/2002 3.160 268766-AQ-5 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 20,344 2PE 05/08/2000 8.538 268766-BR-2 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP (12,471) 2 06/13/2002 6.599 268766-BV-3 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP (180) 2 07/11/2001 7.952 291011-AL-8 EMERSON ELEC CO (14,669) 1PE 06/19/2002 4.086 318522-AD-1 FIRST AMERN CORP CALIF (7,162) 2 12/20/2002 4.012 319963-AD-6 FIRST DATA CORP (58,935) 1 09/03/2002 (0.682) 337358-DC-6 FIRST UN CORP (1,143) 1 12/10/2001 2.710 337358-DD-4 FIRST UNION CORP (3,190) 1 01/14/2002 6.176 337358-DH-5 FIRST UN CORP (298) 1PE 09/10/2002 2.286 338915-AH-4 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 1PE 08/28/2002 6.800 338915-AM-3 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 24 1PE 08/19/2002 7.183 33900Q-AZ-7 FLEET FINL GP INC SR MTN (449) 1 03/08/2002 1.660 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 48 2 09/10/2002 8.818 345397-SQ-7 FORD MOTOR CR CO (872) 2 05/16/2002 5.809 36962G-UM-4 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN (1,092) 1 04/19/2000 6.986 36962G-UU-6 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN (36,032) 1 02/15/2002 4.407 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.19 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interest ------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 370425-RZ-5 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 8.000 MN 11/01/2031 150,955 38141G-AK-0 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC 7.500 JJ 01/28/2005 175,145 413875-AH-8 HARRIS CORP DEL 3.500 FA 08/15/2022 750,000 428236-AC-7 HEWLETT PACKARD CO NONE 10/14/2017 3,788,984 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 6.375 AO 10/15/2011 92,337 441812-JY-l HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 7.000 MN 05/15/2012 95,183 451866-SS-7 ILLINOIS CENT RR CO 6.750 MN 05/15/2003 527,434 459200-AR-2 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MA 6.220 FA 08/01/2027 08/02/2004 100.000 126,444 459506-AB-7 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA 6.450 MN 05/15/2006 614,934 45974V-YU-6 INTERNATIONAL LEASE FIN M 5.120 AO 06/01/2005 829,122 460690-AJ-9 INTERPUBLIC GROUP COS INC 1.870 JD 06/01/2006 5,093,183 480081-AD-0 JONES APPAREL GROUP INC / NONE 02/01/2021 4,848,072 492386-AP-2 KERR MCGEE CORP 5.250 FA 02/15/2010 5,000,517 49337W-AA-8 KEYSPAN CORP 7.250 MN 11/15/2005 349,536 50075N-AA-2 KRAFT FOODS INC 4.625 MN 11/01/2006 526,470 524908-BZ-2 LEHMAN BROS HLDGS INC 6.625 AO 04/01/2004 446,990 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 3.250 MS 03/15/2031 5,896,677 559222-AG-9 MAGNA INTL INC 4.875 FA 02/15/2005 56418H-AC-4 MANPOWER INC NONE 08/17/2021 4,161,332 573275-AM-6 MARTIN MARIETTA CORP 6.500 AO 04/15/2003 581,492 583334-AA-5 MEADWESTVACO CORP 6.850 AO 04/01/2012 74,530 585055-AB-2 MEDTRONIC INC 1.250 MS 09/15/2021 3,764,608 617446-DE-6 MORGAN STANLEY 5.625 JJ 01/20/2004 1,509,668 617446-HC-6 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTE 6.600 AO 04/01/2012 348,334 635405-AM-5 NATIONAL CITY CORP 6.875 MN 05/15/2019 269,746 652478-AJ-7 NEWS AMER HLDGS INC 8.500 FA 02/15/2005 130,473 653522-DH-2 NIAGARA MOHAWK PWR CORP 7.625 AO 10/01/2005 342,869 65473Q-AG-8 NISOURCE FIN CORP 7.500 MN 11/15/2003 349,842 655844-AF-5 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 7.050 MN 05/01/2037 510,935 665772-BV-0 NORTHN STS PWR CO MINN 8.000 FA 08/28/2012 42,910 66586G-BX-4 NORTHERN TRUST CO MTNS BK 6.650 MN 11/09/2004 1,542,536 69344M-AE-1 PMI GROUP INC 2.500 JJ 07/15/2021 6,008,758 73755L-AB-3 POTASH CORP SASK INC 7.750 MN 05/31/2011 215,145 743263-AE-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC 7.750 MS 03/01/2031 99,886 744448-BT-7 PUBLIC SERVICE CO COLO 7.875 AO 10/01/2012 40,000 760759-AC-4 REPUBLIC SVCS INC 6.750 FA 08/15/2011 203,362 783890-AF-3 SCI SYSTEMS INC 3.000 MS 03/15/2007 3,543,750 79548E-GT-3 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY HLDG 2.210 MN 05/04/2004 1,102,237 861012-AB-8 STMICROELECTRONICS N V NONE 09/22/2009 5,659,613 867914-AR-4 SUNTRUST BKS INC 7.750 MN 05/01/2010 227,899 87083P-AB-7 SWISS BK CORP MTN BE 144A 2.500 JUL 07/07/2002 88163V-AB-5 TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL FIN L 1.500 AO 10/15/2005 4,392,710 883556-AH-5 THERMO ELECTRON CORP 4.000 JJ 01/15/2005 6,194,576 887364-AE-7 TIMES MIRROR CO NEW NONE 04/15/2017 2,695,925 891490-AR-5 TOSCO CORP 7.800 JJ 01/01/2027 41,311 893830-AD-1 TRANSOCEAN SEDCO RIG 1.500 MN 05/15/2021 4,297,857 902124-AC-0 TYCO INTL LTD NEW NONE 11/17/2020 1,432,500 91159H-EY-2 U S BANCORP MTNS BK ENT 6.000 MN 05/15/2004 101,340 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL HLTH SVCS INC 0.426 JD 06/23/2020 3,856,299 925524-AD-2 VIACOM INC 7.750 JD 06/01/2005 352,298 925524-AE-0 VIACOM INC 6.750 JJ 01/15/2003 1,000,966 925524-AJ-9 VIACOM INC 7.700 JJ 07/30/2010 159,442 94975C-AE-7 WELLS FARGO FINL INC 5.450 MN 05/03/2004 780,015 961548-AV-6 WESTVACO CORP 8.200 JJ 01/15/2030 136,614 962166-BR-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO 7.375 MS 03/15/2032 37,017 987425-AC-9 YOUNG & RUBICAM INC 3.000 JJ 01/15/2005 4,858,727 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interest -------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 370425-RZ-5 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 150,000 100.5440 150,816 150,955 2,000 6,000 38141G-AK-0 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC 175,000 109.0000 190,750 175,273 5,578 13,125 413875-AH-8 HARRIS CORP DEL 750,000 99.6250 747,188 750,000 9,115 428236-AC-7 HEWLETT PACKARD CO 8,400,000 44.1250 3,706,500 3,773,740 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 100,000 104.5510 104,551 92,066 1,346 3,188 441812-JY-l HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 95,000 109.5290 104,053 95,183 850 3,196 451866-SS-7 ILLINOIS CENT RR CO 525,000 101.5210 532,985 536,367 4,528 35,438 459200-AR-2 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MA 125,000 96.7500 120,938 128,239 3,240 7,775 459506-AB-7 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA 590,000 108.0170 637,300 616,156 4,863 25,478 45974V-YU-6 INTERNATIONAL LEASE FIN M 825,000 104.6750 863,571 829,975 8,917 17,365 460690-AJ-9 INTERPUBLIC GROUP COS INC 6,750,000 76.2500 5,146,875 5,279,718 10,519 121,550 480081-AD-0 JONES APPAREL GROUP INC / 9,050,000 54.8750 4,966,188 4,604,323 492386-AP-2 KERR MCGEE CORP 4,545,000 104.0000 4,726,800 5,071,586 90,143 198,188 49337W-AA-8 KEYSPAN CORP 350,000 112.1340 392,469 349,244 3,242 25,375 50075N-AA-2 KRAFT FOODS INC 500,000 105.1340 525,675 526,470 3,918 524908-BZ-2 LEHMAN BROS HLDGS INC 450,000 105.4230 474,404 440,591 7,453 29,813 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 5,900,000 93.7500 5,531,250 5,895,567 56,460 144,625 559222-AG-9 MAGNA INTL INC 4,875 56418H-AC-4 MANPOWER INC 6,800,000 61.0000 4,148,000 4,060,438 573275-AM-6 MARTIN MARIETTA CORP 580,000 101.0770 586,247 588,188 7,959 37,700 583334-AA-5 MEADWESTVACO CORP 75,000 110.9630 83,222 74,504 1,284 2,554 585055-AB-2 MEDTRONIC INC 3,600,000 104.7500 3,771,000 3,771,915 13,250 45,500 617446-DE-6 MORGAN STANLEY 1,475,000 103.0000 1,519,250 1,531,089 37,105 35,156 617446-HC-6 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTE 350,000 110.8320 387,912 348,236 5,775 11,422 635405-AM-5 NATIONAL CITY CORP 300,000 108.7620 326,286 267,768 2,635 20,625 652478-AJ-7 NEWS AMER HLDGS INC 125,000 108.1290 135,161 133,708 4,014 10,625 653522-DH-2 NIAGARA MOHAWK PWR CORP 340,244 110.8010 376,994 345,188 6,486 25,944 65473Q-AG-8 NISOURCE FIN CORP 350,000 100.7890 352,762 349,494 3,354 26,250 655844-AF-5 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 500,000 112.1970 560,985 511,005 5,875 35,250 665772-BV-0 NORTHN STS PWR CO MINN 40,000 113.3620 45,345 42,976 1,076 66586G-BX-4 NORTHERN TRUST CO MTNS BK 1,450,000 108.2180 1,569,164 1,562,825 13,928 48,213 69344M-AE-1 PMI GROUP INC 5,650,000 106.8750 6,038,438 6,020,488 65,132 107,917 73755L-AB-3 POTASH CORP SASK INC 200,000 116.5770 233,154 215,990 1,335 15,500 743263-AE-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC 100,000 113.6530 113,653 99,880 2,583 7,750 744448-BT-7 PUBLIC SERVICE CO COLO 40,000 111.6290 44,652 40,000 831 760759-AC-4 REPUBLIC SVCS INC 200,000 109.3330 218,666 203,463 5,100 10,969 783890-AF-3 SCI SYSTEMS INC 5,000,000 70.8750 3,543,750 4,053,751 44,167 150,000 79548E-GT-3 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY HLDG 1,100,000 100.0240 1,100,264 1,103,717 3,849 31,608 861012-AB-8 STMICROELECTRONICS N V 5,900,000 67.0000 3,953,000 5,651,287 867914-AR-4 SUNTRUST BKS INC 225,000 120.2110 270,475 228,512 2,906 17,438 87083P-AB-7 SWISS BK CORP MTN BE 144A 5,000 88163V-AB-5 TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL FIN L 4,350,000 107.0000 4,654,500 4,411,167 13,775 64,500 883556-AH-5 THERMO ELECTRON CORP 6,400,000 98.0000 6,272,500 6,144,000 118,044 128,000 887364-AE-7 TIMES MIRROR CO NEW 4,700,000 68.3750 3,213,625 2,438,156 891490-AR-5 TOSCO CORP 35,000 121.9990 42,700 41,345 1,365 893830-AD-1 TRANSOCEAN SEDCO RIG 4,800,000 91.8750 4,410,000 4,274,125 9,200 72,000 902124-AC-0 TYCO INTL LTD NEW 2,000,000 71.6250 1,432,500 1,460,312 91159H-EY-2 U S BANCORP MTNS BK ENT 100,000 105.5590 105,559 102,624 767 6,000 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL HLTH SVCS INC 7,000,000 63.5000 4,445,000 3,663,250 663 299,820 925524-AD-2 VIACOM INC 350,000 103.0000 360,500 354,165 2,260 27,125 925524-AE-0 VIACOM INC 1,000,000 95.0000 950,000 1,030,677 31,125 67,500 925524-AJ-9 VIACOM INC 150,000 118.8040 178,206 160,796 4,845 11,550 94975C-AE-7 WELLS FARGO FINL INC 775,000 104.6320 810,898 781,450 6,805 38,150 961548-AV-6 WESTVACO CORP 125,000 116.2360 145,295 136,619 4,726 962166-BR-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO 35,000 108.4530 37,023 37,959 760 1,312 987425-AC-9 YOUNG & RUBICAM INC 4,950,00 95.0000 4,702,500 4,832,455 68,475 124,500 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Increase Year, on Increase (Decrease) Bonds in (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to NAIC Effective CUSIP by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date Rate of Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Acquired Interest - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 370425-RZ-5 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 2 09/10/2002 7.942 38141G-AK-0 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC (62) 1PE 04/19/2000 7.456 413875-AH-8 HARRIS CORP DEL 2 08/21/2002 3.500 428236-AC-7 HEWLETT PACKARD CO 15,244 2 12/24/2002 5.450 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 271 1 07/31/2002 7.585 441812-JY-l HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 1 07/16/2002 6.971 451866-SS-7 ILLINOIS CENT RR CO (6,319) 2PE 12/01/2001 5.471 459200-AR-2 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MA (1,570) 1PE 10/26/2001 4.853 459506-AB-7 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA (1,268) 2 10/16/2002 5.057 45974V-YU-6 INTERNATIONAL LEASE FIN M (853) 1PE 05/30/2002 4.901 460690-AJ-9 INTERPUBLIC GROUP COS INC (188,441) 3 08/06/2002 7.962 480081-AD-0 JONES APPAREL GROUP INC / 164,314 2 02/06/2002 3.482 492386-AP-2 KERR MCGEE CORP (30,158) 2 08/22/2002 3.599 49337W-AA-8 KEYSPAN CORP 141 1 11/15/2000 7.302 50075N-AA-2 KRAFT FOODS INC 1 12/27/2002 3.146 524908-BZ-2 LEHMAN BROS HLDGS INC 2,228 1 12/08/1999 7.195 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 4,679 2 06/04/2002 3.238 559222-AG-9 MAGNA INTL INC 02/12/1999 56418H-AC-4 MANPOWER INC 100,894 2 02/07/2002 2.653 573275-AM-6 MARTIN MARIETTA CORP (4,997) 2 12/01/2001 5.585 583334-AA-5 MEADWESTVACO CORP 27 2 03/27/2002 6.943 585055-AB-2 MEDTRONIC INC (7,307) 1 02/13/2002 0.982 617446-DE-6 MORGAN STANLEY (20,024) 1 07/17/2002 3.335 617446-HC-6 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTE 98 1 03/27/2002 6.670 635405-AM-5 NATIONAL CITY CORP 875 1 08/31/2000 7.990 652478-AJ-7 NEWS AMER HLDGS INC (2,343) 2 08/03/2001 6.263 653522-DH-2 NIAGARA MOHAWK PWR CORP (834) 2 12/07/1999 7.310 65473Q-AG-8 NISOURCE FIN CORP 169 2 11/13/2000 7.555 655844-AF-5 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP (70) 2 01/29/2001 6.883 665772-BV-0 NORTHN STS PWR CO MINN (67) 2 09/18/2002 6.995 66586G-BX-4 NORTHERN TRUST CO MTNS BK (20,288) 1 07/22/2002 3.083 69344M-AE-1 PMI GROUP INC (11,418) 1 07/08/2002 2.084 73755L-AB-3 POTASH CORP SASK INC (845) 2 04/23/2002 6.564 743263-AE-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC 1 2 02/14/2001 7.760 744448-BT-7 PUBLIC SERVICE CO COLO 2 09/18/2002 7.875 760759-AC-4 REPUBLIC SVCS INC (106) 2 08/08/2002 6.489 783890-AF-3 SCI SYSTEMS INC (544,698) 4 02/13/2002 7.267 79548E-GT-3 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY HLDG (1,480) 1 01/29/2002 2.055 861012-AB-8 STMICROELECTRONICS N V 12,855 2 10/11/2002 0.568 867914-AR-4 SUNTRUST BKS INC (289) 1PE 08/08/2000 7.518 87083P-AB-7 SWISS BK CORP MTN BE 144A 1Z 08/14/1998 88163V-AB-5 TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL FIN L (14,808) 2 05/03/2002 1.133 883556-AH-5 THERMO ELECTRON CORP 50,576 2 07/08/2002 5.690 887364-AE-7 TIMES MIRROR CO NEW 239,352 2 02/06/2002 3.893 891490-AR-5 TOSCO CORP (34) 1 08/23/2002 6.329 893830-AD-1 TRANSOCEAN SEDCO RIG 20,883 2 04/25/2002 2.195 902124-AC-0 TYCO INTL LTD NEW (27,812) 3 12/31/2002 1.768 91159H-EY-2 U S BANCORP MTNS BK ENT (922) 1PE 07/27/2001 4.977 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL HLTH SVCS INC 145,188 2 02/07/2002 3.969 925524-AD-2 VIACOM INC (839) 1 07/31/2000 7.448 925524-AE-0 VIACOM INC (24,545) 1 12/01/2001 4.213 925524-AJ-9 VIACOM INC (933) 1 08/06/2001 6.630 94975C-AE-7 WELLS FARGO FINL INC (1,391) 1PE 07/30/2002 4.936 961548-AV-6 WESTVACO CORP (5) 2PE 10/29/2002 7.400 962166-BR-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO (6) 2 08/27/2002 6.913 987425-AC-9 YOUNG & RUBICAM INC 34,732 2 06/13/2002 3.921 E08.20 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ------------ 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G86220-AA-1 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 2.000 MN 05/20/2003 U74078-AE-3 NESLTE HLDGS INC 3.000 MN 05/09/2005 4,963,250 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 207,985,907 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 656568-AB-8 NORTEL NETWORKS CORP NEW 4.250 MS 09/01/2008 2,320,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA 2,320,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04043P-AA-3 ARISTOCRAT LEISURE LTD 5.000 MN 05/31/2006 1,791,233 251526-BE-8 DEUTSCHE BK FINL INC MTNS 2.750 FA 02/08/2008 2,000,000 638539-AG-1 NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BK P 7.750 AO 04/29/2049 551,975 65557A-AA-5 NORDEA BK SWEDEN A B 5.250 MN 11/30/2012 209,290 701808-4A-2 HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LTD 2.000 JJ 01/12/2004 3,905,968 82481U-AB-5 SHIRE FIN LTD 2.000 FA 08/21/2011 5,291,448 G03764-AA-8 ANGLO AMERICAN 3.375 AO 04/17/2007 4,800,330 G86220-AB-9 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 2.000 MN 05/20/2005 4,790,393 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OTHERS 23,340,637 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Issuer Obligations 233,646,544 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17305E-AP-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2001-A6 5.650 JD 06/15/2008 474,893 17305E-BB-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2002-A5 1.450 MJSD 09/15/2007 845,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 1,319,893 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4099999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 1,319,893 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03061N-CA-5 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 1 5.960 MTLY 03/05/2006 483,856 131700-AC-0 CALWEST INDL TR 6.127 MTLY 02/15/2017 225,013 139732-CG-4 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 200 1.500 MTLY 07/15/2005 500,156 139732-CX-7 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 200 2.640 MTLY 03/15/2008 596,445 14040K-CL-0 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TR 200 1.920 MTLY 02/15/2008 449,331 16151R-AX-1 CHASE CC MASTER TRUST 200 5.500 MTLY 11/15/2008 11/01/2008 100.000 126,499 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 2.440 MTLY 06/15/2004 57,719 161581-BY-8 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 3.800 MTLY 05/15/2008 299,946 161581-CC-5 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 3.490 MTLY 03/15/2006 510,469 17303C-BR-1 CITIBANK CR CD MSTR TR 19 6.100 MN 05/15/2008 33901H-BA-0 FLEET CREDIT CD MT 2001-C 3.860 MTLY 03/15/2007 878,094 34527R-GY-3 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2002- 1.540 MTLY 01/15/2006 400,000 34527R-HF-3 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2002- 1.950 MTLY 06/15/2004 727,301 34528P-AA-4 FORD CREDIT FLORPLN MO TR 1.510 MTLY 07/15/2006 500,312 44179C-AM-8 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 4.370 MTLY 12/17/2008 220,191 44179C-BC-9 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 1.720 MTLY 05/17/2009 349,345 44179Q-AC-9 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 7.300 MTLY 07/19/2004 07/17/2004 100.000 50,891 55264T-AQ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 4.950 MTLY 06/15/2009 550,749 55264T-AZ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 3.900 MTLY 11/15/2007 224,887 617059-DE-7 JP MORGAN COM MTG PTC 199 7.088 MTLY 09/15/2029 09/01/2029 100.000 52,634 61745M-KY-8 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 6.710 MTLY 12/15/2031 12/01/2031 100.000 162,601 61745M-NE-9 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 7.020 MTLY 03/15/2032 03/01/2032 100.000 70,744 61746W-ES-5 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 6.400 MTLY 02/01/2031 116,515 65473L-AC-8 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 2.600 MTLY 08/15/2006 274,991 710318-AN-6 PEOPLES BANK CC MSTR TR 1 2.220 MTLY 11/15/2005 888,191 89232T-AC-3 TOYOTA AUTO RECEIVABLES 2 1.530 MTLY 09/15/2007 500,527 89232X-AB-6 TOYOTA AUTO RECEIVABLES 2 1.440 MTLY 03/15/2005 499,922 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 9,717,329 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ G86220-AA-1 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 13,000 U74078-AE-3 NESLTE HLDGS INC 4,700,000 111.7500 5,252,250 5,082,625 20,367 122,250 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 237,890,244 XXX 207,038,318 208,346,321 1,365,348 4,067,194 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 656568-AB-8 NORTEL NETWORKS CORP NEW 4,000,000 58.0000 2,320,000 3,766,800 56,667 131,278 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CANADA 4,000,000 XXX 2,320,000 3,766,800 56,667 131,278 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04043P-AA-3 ARISTOCRAT LEISURE LTD 1,800,000 98.2530 1,768,554 1,791,000 12,250 40,500 251526-BE-8 DEUTSCHE BK FINL INC MTNS 2,000,000 96.2500 1,925,000 2,000,000 21,847 55,000 638539-AG-1 NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BK P 500,000 113.8990 569,495 551,975 8,073 19,375 65557A-AA-5 NORDEA BK SWEDEN A B 210,000 101.7250 213,623 209,286 1,194 701808-4A-2 HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LTD 4,000,000 99.0840 3,963,360 3,838,000 37,556 40,000 82481U-AB-5 SHIRE FIN LTD 5,500,000 91.6250 5,039,375 5,276,577 39,722 90,000 G03764-AA-8 ANGLO AMERICAN 4,750,000 100.0810 4,753,848 4,805,938 32,953 80,156 G86220-AB-9 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 4,700,000 104.7500 4,923,250 4,854,375 57,706 94,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OTHERS 23,460,000 XXX 23,156,505 23,327,151 211,301 419,031 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3999999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Issuer Obligations 265,350,244 XXX 232,514,823 235,440,272 1,633,316 4,617,503 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17305E-AP-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2001-A6 475,000 109.2140 518,767 474,862 1,193 26,838 17305E-BB-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2002-A5 845,000 99.9520 844,594 845,000 545 3,798 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 1,320,000 XXX 1,363,361 1,319,862 1,738 30,636 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4099999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 1,320,000 XXX 1,363,361 1,319,862 1,738 30,636 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03061N-CA-5 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 1 474,308 101.2020 480,014 487,018 2,042 28,269 131700-AC-0 CALWEST INDL TR 225,000 109.4670 246,301 225,013 613 11,067 139732-CG-4 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 200 500,000 100.0020 500,010 500,156 375 139732-CX-7 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 200 600,000 100.7770 604,662 596,438 704 14040K-CL-0 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TR 200 450,000 99.4100 447,345 449,279 384 3,473 16151R-AX-1 CHASE CC MASTER TRUST 200 125,000 108.8460 136,058 126,675 573 5,156 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 57,647 100.1250 57,720 57,740 63 586 161581-BY-8 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 300,000 103.5300 310,590 299,938 507 11,400 161581-CC-5 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 500,000 102.1450 510,725 510,469 873 17303C-BR-1 CITIBANK CR CD MSTR TR 19 381 33901H-BA-0 FLEET CREDIT CD MT 2001-C 880,000 103.3000 909,040 877,802 1,510 27,792 34527R-GY-3 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2002- 400,000 100.0430 400,172 400,000 291 34527R-HF-3 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2002- 727,301 99.9870 727,207 727,301 630 9,755 34528P-AA-4 FORD CREDIT FLORPLN MO TR 500,000 100.0630 500,315 500,313 357 44179C-AM-8 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 225,000 104.1180 234,266 219,445 382 9,832 44179C-BC-9 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 350,000 100.0000 350,000 349,344 251 44179Q-AC-9 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 50,159 100.3720 50,346 51,288 142 3,356 55264T-AQ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 550,000 106.8520 587,686 550,816 1,210 15,881 55264T-AZ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 225,000 103.8000 233,550 224,874 390 4,119 617059-DE-7 JP MORGAN COM MTG PTC 199 50,000 113.1730 56,587 52,682 295 2,658 61745M-KY-8 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 150,000 113.3400 170,010 162,727 839 4,194 61745M-NE-9 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 65,000 115.3610 74,985 70,807 380 2,282 61746W-ES-5 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 112,127 109.7370 123,045 116,607 598 6,578 65473L-AC-8 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 275,000 101.2230 278,363 274,990 318 1,787 710318-AN-6 PEOPLES BANK CC MSTR TR 1 890,000 100.0100 890,089 887,545 878 17,466 89232T-AC-3 TOYOTA AUTO RECEIVABLES 2 500,000 100.0470 500,235 500,527 361 89232X-AB-6 TOYOTA AUTO RECEIVABLES 2 500,000 99.9420 499,710 499,922 360 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 9,681,542 XXX 9,879,031 9,719,716 15,707 165,651 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive Increase (Decrease) Bonds in Rate (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G86220-AA-1 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 1 10/31/2000 U74078-AE-3 NESLTE HLDGS INC (75,838) 1PE 07/10/2002 0.576 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 250,463 XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 656568-AB-8 NORTEL NETWORKS CORP NEW (1,446,800) 4 03/07/2002 5.271 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA (1,446,800) XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04043P-AA-3 ARISTOCRAT LEISURE LTD 233 2Z 11/22/2002 5.157 251526-BE-8 DEUTSCHE BK FINL INC MTNS 1 02/05/2001 2.750 638539-AG-1 NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BK P 07/17/2002 6.992 65557A-AA-5 NORDEA BK SWEDEN A B 4 1 11/15/2002 5.294 701808-4A-2 HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LTD 67,968 1Z 03/21/2002 4.358 82481U-AB-5 SHIRE FIN LTD 14,679 2 05/09/2002 2.479 G03764-AA-8 ANGLO AMERICAN (5,595) 1Z 06/19/2002 3.109 G86220-AB-9 SWISS LIFE FINANCE (36,175) 1 02/07/2002 1.180 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OTHERS 41,114 XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Issuer Obligations (1,155,223) XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17305E-AP-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2001-A6 17 1 06/12/2001 5.659 17305E-BB-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2002-A5 2Z 09/12/2002 1.450 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 17 XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4099999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 17 XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03061N-CA-5 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 1 (11,420) 1PE 12/01/2001 4.667 131700-AC-0 CALWEST INDL TR 1 02/15/2002 6.126 139732-CG-4 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 200 1PE 12/30/2002 1.472 139732-CX-7 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 200 8 1PE 12/19/2002 2.871 14040K-CL-0 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TR 200 52 2Z 07/19/2002 1.978 16151R-AX-1 CHASE CC MASTER TRUST 200 (176) 1 03/15/2002 5.067 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 (113) 1 07/10/2002 2.278 161581-BY-8 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 8 1 10/30/2001 3.807 161581-CC-5 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 1 12/30/2002 2.187 17303C-BR-1 CITIBANK CR CD MSTR TR 19 1 04/25/2002 33901H-BA-0 FLEET CREDIT CD MT 2001-C 291 1 04/19/2002 3.966 34527R-GY-3 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2002- 1PE 12/20/2002 1.537 34527R-HF-3 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2002- 1PE 04/08/2002 1.950 34528P-AA-4 FORD CREDIT FLORPLN MO TR (1) 1PE 12/20/2002 1.473 44179C-AM-8 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 743 1 12/27/2001 5.140 44179C-BC-9 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 1 1Z 12/19/2002 1.778 44179Q-AC-9 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 (2,711) 1 01/23/2002 5.440 55264T-AQ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 (68) 1 05/10/2002 4.905 55264T-AZ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 14 1 06/18/2002 3.921 617059-DE-7 JP MORGAN COM MTG PTC 199 (47) 1 03/18/2002 6.542 61745M-KY-8 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 (126) 1 07/10/2002 5.921 61745M-NE-9 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 (62) 1 06/18/2002 6.181 61746W-ES-5 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 (304) 1 01/18/2002 6.017 65473L-AC-8 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 1 1 08/08/2002 2.602 710318-AN-6 PEOPLES BANK CC MSTR TR 1 602 1 12/01/2001 2.361 89232T-AC-3 TOYOTA AUTO RECEIVABLES 2 (1) 1Z 12/20/2002 1.484 89232X-AB-6 TOYOTA AUTO RECEIVABLES 2 1Z 12/30/2002 1.450 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (13,309) XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.21 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 ------------ 4 5 CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4399999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 161505-BP-6 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 6.600 MTLY 12/19/2029 12/01/2029 100.000 23383V-BJ-8 DAIMLERCHRYSLER AUTO TR 2 3.780 MTLY 02/06/2007 61910D-DF-6 MORTGAGE CAP FUNDING 1997 7.117 MTLY 11/20/2027 11/01/2027 100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4499999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599997 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Canada - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Securities - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 Rate Used to Book/Adjusted Obtain CUSIP Carrying Par Fair Fair Identification Description Value Value Value Value - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4399999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 9,717,329 9,681,542 XXX 9,879,031 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 161505-BP-6 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 27,944 25,000 111.4700 27,868 23383V-BJ-8 DAIMLERCHRYSLER AUTO TR 2 399,915 400,000 103.4610 413,844 61910D-DF-6 MORTGAGE CAP FUNDING 1997 129,357 125,000 110.1530 137,691 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 557,216 550,000 XXX 579,403 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4499999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 557,216 550,000 XXX 579,403 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States 219,580,345 249,441,786 XXX 218,860,113 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599997 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Canada 2,320,000 4,000,000 XXX 2,320,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries 23,340,637 23,460,000 XXX 23,156,505 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds 245,240,982 276,901,786 XXX 244,336,618 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 1,815,688,353 1,899,551,877 XXX 1,883,483,819 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Securities 23,339,389 22,610,787 XXX 23,713,937 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 9,717,329 9,681,542 XXX 9,879,031 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 557,216 550,000 XXX 579,403 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 Totals 1,849,302,287 1,932,394,206 XXX 1,917,656,190 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 Interest 16 ----------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due and Accrued Dec.31 of Current Year Gross Increase in Bonds Amount (Decrease) CUSIP Actual not in Received by Identification Description Cost Default During Year Adjustment - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4399999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 9,719,716 15,707 165,651 (13,309) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 161505-BP-6 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 27,961 138 275 (16) 23383V-BJ-8 DAIMLERCHRYSLER AUTO TR 2 399,893 1,050 15,120 20 61910D-DF-6 MORTGAGE CAP FUNDING 1997 129,453 741 7,414 (96) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 557,307 1,929 22,809 (92) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4499999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 557,307 1,929 22,809 (92) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States 219,943,206 1,384,722 4,286,290 237,079 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599997 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Canada 3,766,800 56,667 131,278 (1,446,800) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries 23,327,151 211,301 419,031 41,114 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds 247,037,157 1,652,690 4,836,599 (1,168,607) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 1,795,124,273 19,293,692 53,430,295 1,141,333 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Securities 23,343,358 98,715 525,557 (38,734) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 9,719,716 15,707 165,651 (13,309) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 557,307 1,929 22,809 (92) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 Totals 1,828,744,654 19,410,043 54,144,312 1,089,198 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive (Decrease) Bonds in Rate by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP Exchange Pricipal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4399999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 161505-BP-6 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 1 10/07/2002 5,479 23383V-BJ-8 DAIMLERCHRYSLER AUTO TR 2 1 10/30/2001 3,791 61910D-DF-6 MORTGAGE CAP FUNDING 1997 2 02/14/2002 6,732 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4499999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599997 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Canada XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 Totals XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.22 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 2 - SECTION 1 Showing all PREFERRED STOCKS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rate Per Share Used to Obtain CUSIP Number of Par Value Rate Per Book/Adjusted Fair Identification Description Shares Per Share Share Carrying Value Value Fair Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 004408-20-9 ACE LTD 40,000.000 50.00 2,409,200 60.230 2,409,200 071813-40-6 BAXTER INTL INC 48,750.000 50.00 2,441,772 50.100 2,442,375 25746U-20-8 DOMINION RES INC VA NEW 60,000.000 50.00 3,251,400 54.190 3,251,400 268939-40-2 EVI INC 75,000.000 50.00 3,843,750 51.250 3,843,750 29477Q-20-4 EQUITY SECURITIES TR II 88,000.000 22.50 1,767,920 20.090 1,767,920 302181-20-1 EXPRESS SCRIPTS AUTO EXCH 22,200.000 69.00 86.000 1,909,200 86.000 1,909,200 345395-20-6 FORD MTR CO CAP TR II 100,000.000 50.00 40.850 4,085,000 40.850 4,085,000 620076-20-8 MOTOROLA INC 42,000.000 50.00 1,344,000 32.000 1,344,000 666807-40-9 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP 33,500.000 100.00 3,757,720 107.740 3,609,290 717265-50-8 PHELPS DODGE CORP 45,000.000 100.00 85.400 3,843,000 85.400 3,843,000 78412D-30-7 SEMCO ENERGY INC 200,000.000 10.00 2,063,953 5.360 1,072,000 816851-20-8 SEMPRA ENERGY 40,000.000 25.00 1,000,000 24.050 962,000 828806-40-6 SIMON PPTY GROUP INC NEW 36,000.000 100.00 3,348,000 93.000 3,348,000 852061-60-5 SPRINT CORP 245,000.000 25.00 1,790,950 7.310 1,790,950 879868-20-6 TEMPLE INLAND INC 106,300.000 50.00 5,562,288 45.390 4,824,957 892335-20-9 TOYS R US INC 25,000.000 50.00 841,250 33.650 841,250 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 43,259,403 XXX 41,344,292 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6399999 - Total - Preferred Stock - Industrial, Misc. 43,259,403 XXX 41,344,292 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599999 Total - Preferred Stocks 43,259,403 XXX 41,344,292 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 9 Dividends 12 ------------------------------ 10 11 Increase (Decrease) CUSIP Declared but Amount Received by Identification Description Actual Cost Unpaid During Year Adjustment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 004408-20-9 ACE LTD 3,013,557 165,000 (858,799) 071813-40-6 BAXTER INTL INC 2,441,772 25746U-20-8 DOMINION RES INC VA NEW 3,539,800 38,792 271,938 (294,850) 268939-40-2 EVI INC 3,893,760 109,375 (50,010) 29477Q-20-4 EQUITY SECURITIES TR II 2,023,160 112,420 (331,740) 302181-20-1 EXPRESS SCRIPTS AUTO EXCH 2,190,252 14,595 80,420 (281,052) 345395-20-6 FORD MTR CO CAP TR II 5,592,840 68,611 142,188 (1,507,840) 620076-20-8 MOTOROLA INC 1,968,900 127,769 (624,900) 666807-40-9 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP 3,757,720 224,951 (93,600) 717265-50-8 PHELPS DODGE CORP 4,595,250 129,096 (752,250) 78412D-30-7 SEMCO ENERGY INC 2,063,953 30,556 214,500 241,313 816851-20-8 SEMPRA ENERGY 1,000,000 46,514 828806-40-6 SIMON PPTY GROUP INC NEW 2,791,300 58,500 234,000 325,200 852061-60-5 SPRINT CORP 1,911,245 53,339 66,795 (120,295) 879868-20-6 TEMPLE INLAND INC 5,562,289 217,029 892335-20-9 TOYS R US INC 1,250,000 36,450 (408,750) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 47,595,798 264,393 2,178,445 (4,757,573) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6399999 - Total - Preferred Stock - Industrial, Misc. 47,595,798 264,393 2,178,445 (4,757,573) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599999 Total - Preferred Stocks 47,595,798 264,393 2,178,445 (4,757,573) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 Increase (Decrease) by NAIC CUSIP Foreign Exchange Desig- Date Identification Description Adjustment nation Acquired - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 004408-20-9 ACE LTD P2L 12/05/2001 071813-40-6 BAXTER INTL INC 12/20/2002 25746U-20-8 DOMINION RES INC VA NEW P2L 10/24/2002 268939-40-2 EVI INC P2U 05/21/2002 29477Q-20-4 EQUITY SECURITIES TR II P1LZ 01/08/2002 302181-20-1 EXPRESS SCRIPTS AUTO EXCH RP3L 03/26/2002 345395-20-6 FORD MTR CO CAP TR II RP3L 08/29/2002 620076-20-8 MOTOROLA INC P2L 04/26/2002 666807-40-9 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP 03/20/2002 717265-50-8 PHELPS DODGE CORP P3U 06/21/2002 78412D-30-7 SEMCO ENERGY INC 07/31/2002 816851-20-8 SEMPRA ENERGY 04/24/2002 828806-40-6 SIMON PPTY GROUP INC NEW P2L 02/15/2002 852061-60-5 SPRINT CORP P2L 11/21/2002 879868-20-6 TEMPLE INLAND INC 06/07/2002 892335-20-9 TOYS R US INC P2A 05/21/2002 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6399999 - Total - Preferred Stock - Industrial, Misc. XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 Total - Preferred Stocks XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E09 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 2 - SECTION 2 Showing all COMMON STOCKS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rate Per Share CUSIP Number of Book/Adjusted Used to Obtain Identification Description Shares Carrying Value Fair Value Fair Value Actual Cost - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000886-10-1 A D C TELECOMMUNICATIONS 11,400.000 23,826 2.090 23,826 74,078 001055-10-2 AFLAC INC 7,500.000 225,900 30.120 225,900 205,810 00130H-10-5 AES CORP 7,800.000 23,556 3.020 23,556 115,448 001765-10-6 AMR CORP 2,200.000 14,520 6.600 14,520 39,718 00184A-10-5 AOL TIME WARNER INC 64,350.000 842,985 13.100 842,985 1,766,550 001957-50-5 AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH 11,077.000 289,220 26.110 289,220 400,554 00209A-10-6 AT&T WIRELESS SVCS INC 38,966.000 220,158 5.650 220,158 477,380 002824-10-0 ABBOTT LABS 22,500.000 900,000 40.000 900,000 989,006 00724F-10-1 ADOBE SYS INC 3,400.000 84,323 24.801 84,323 90,584 007903-10-7 ADVACED MICRO DEVICES INC 4,900.000 31,654 6.460 31,654 70,620 00817Y-10-8 AETNA INC NEW 2,200.000 90,464 41.120 90,464 91,538 00846U-10-1 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 6,616.000 118,823 17.960 118,823 192,545 009158-10-6 AIR PRODS & CHEMS INC 3,300.000 141,075 42.750 141,075 146,469 013068-10-1 ALBERTO CULVER CO 900.000 45,360 50.400 45,360 46,168 013104-10-4 ALBERTSONS INC 5,804.000 129,197 22.260 129,197 200,370 013817-10-1 ALCOA INC 12,136.000 276,458 22.780 276,458 338,129 017361-10-6 ALLEGHENY ENERGY INC 1,800.000 13,608 7.560 13,608 46,056 01741R-10-2 ALLEGHENY TECHNOLOGIES IN 1,100.000 6,853 6.230 6,853 14,009 018490-10-2 ALLERGAN INC 1,900.000 109,478 57.620 109,478 106,583 019589-30-8 ALLIED WASTE INDS INC 2,800.000 28,000 10.000 28,000 23,652 020002-10-1 ALLSTATE CORP 10,200.000 377,298 36.990 377,298 379,977 020039-10-3 ALLTEL CORP 4,500.000 229,500 51.000 229,500 227,358 021441-10-0 ALTERA CORP 5,500.000 67,815 12.330 67,815 140,140 02209S-10-3 ALTRIA GROUP INC 30,500.000 1,236,165 40.530 1,236,165 1,362,295 023139-10-8 AMBAC FINL GROUP INC 1,500.000 84,360 56.240 84,360 91,130 023551-10-4 AMERADA HESS CORP 1,300.000 71,565 55.050 71,565 97,986 023608-10-2 AMEREN CORP 2,100.000 87,297 41.570 87,297 89,180 025537-10-1 AMERICAN ELEC PWR INC 4,840.000 132,277 27.330 132,277 181,275 025816-10-9 AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 19,200.000 678,720 35.350 678,720 678,303 026375-10-5 AMERICAN GREETINGS CORP 900.000 14,220 15.800 14,220 13,473 026874-10-7 AMERICAN INTL GROUP INC 37,700.000 2,180,945 57.850 2,180,945 2,348,043 029066-10-7 AMERICAN PWR CONVERSION C 2,800.000 42,420 15.150 42,420 53,388 029712-10-6 AMERICAN STD COS INC DEL 1,100.000 78,254 71.140 78,254 72,254 03073E-10-5 AMERISOURCEBERGEN CORP 1,600.000 86,896 54.310 86,896 114,112 031162-10-0 AMGEN INC 18,632.000 900,671 48.340 900,671 814,433 032165-10-2 AMSOUTH BANCORPORATION 5,150.000 98,880 19.200 98,880 118,238 032511-10-7 ANADARKO PETROLEUM CORP 3,546.000 169,853 47.900 169,853 173,922 032654-10-5 ANALOG DEVICES INC 5,300.000 126,511 23.870 126,511 155,337 034425-10-8 ANDREW CORP 1,400.000 14,392 10.280 14,392 22,125 035229-10-3 ANHEUSER BUSCH COS INC 12,500.000 605,000 48.400 605,000 544,509 03674B-10-4 ANTHEM INC 2,100.000 132,090 62.900 132,090 130,541 037389-10-3 AON CORP 4,450.000 84,061 18.890 84,061 124,577 037411-10-5 APACHE CORP 2,050.000 116,830 56.990 116,830 116,384 037604-10-5 APOLLO GROUP INC 2,500.000 110,000 44.000 110,000 99,871 037833-10-0 APPLE COMPUTER INC 5,100.000 73,083 14.330 73,083 96,114 038020-10-3 APPLERA CORP APPLIED BIOSYS 3,000.000 52,620 17.540 52,620 72,402 038222-10-5 APPLIED MATLS INC 23,700.000 308,811 13.030 308,811 425,211 03822W-10-9 APPLIED MICRO CIRCUITS CO 4,300.000 15,867 3.690 15,867 132,811 039483-10-2 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO 9,373.000 116,225 12.400 116,225 128,107 044204-10-5 ASHLAND INC 1,000.000 28,530 58.530 28,530 33,219 052769-10-6 AUTODESK INC 1,600.000 22,880 14.300 22,880 27,032 053015-10-3 AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING 8,900.000 349,325 39.250 349,325 382,290 053332-10-2 AUTOZONE INC 1,500.000 105,975 70.650 105,975 105,594 053499-10-9 AVAYA INC 5,151.000 12,620 2.450 12,620 57,934 053611-10-9 AVERY DENNISON CORP 1,600.000 97,728 61.080 97,728 99,764 054303-10-2 AVON PRODS INC 3,400.000 183,158 53.870 183,158 159,666 054937-10-7 BB&T CORP 7,000.000 258,930 36.990 258,930 240,212 055482-10-3 BJ SVCS CO 2,300.000 74,313 32.310 74,313 72,675 055921-10-0 BMC SOFTWARE INC 3,400.000 58,174 17.110 58,174 87,260 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Dividends 10 ------------------------------ 8 9 Increase CUSIP Declared but Amount Received (Decrease) by Identification Description Unpaid During Year Adjustment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000886-10-1 A D C TELECOMMUNICATIONS (15,145) 001055-10-2 AFLAC INC 1,207 21,317 00130H-10-5 AES CORP (55,004) 001765-10-6 AMR CORP (17,060) 00184A-10-5 AOL TIME WARNER INC (677,739) 001957-50-5 AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH 5,025 5,049 127,209 00209A-10-6 AT&T WIRELESS SVCS INC (169,192) 002824-10-0 ABBOTT LABS 2,190 14,300 (205,413) 00724F-10-1 ADOBE SYS INC 50 114 (29,306) 007903-10-7 ADVACED MICRO DEVICES INC (25,876) 00817Y-10-8 AETNA INC NEW 88 (892) 00846U-10-1 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC (36,991) 009158-10-6 AIR PRODS & CHEMS INC 108 1,554 (14,261) 013068-10-1 ALBERTO CULVER CO 104 162 (808) 013104-10-4 ALBERTSONS INC 2,948 (41,303) 013817-10-1 ALCOA INC 375 5,152 (101,652) 017361-10-6 ALLEGHENY ENERGY INC 1,290 (26,914) 01741R-10-2 ALLEGHENY TECHNOLOGIES IN 426 (6,703) 018490-10-2 ALLERGAN INC 513 (11,935) 019589-30-8 ALLIED WASTE INDS INC (355) 020002-10-1 ALLSTATE CORP 810 4,691 18,433 020039-10-3 ALLTEL CORP 435 3,706 (8,428) 021441-10-0 ALTERA CORP (27,666) 02209S-10-3 ALTRIA GROUP INC 3,760 46,760 (175,404) 023139-10-8 AMBAC FINL GROUP INC 405 (9,220) 023551-10-4 AMERADA HESS CORP 390 870 (26,421) 023608-10-2 AMEREN CORP 4,064 (3,917) 025537-10-1 AMERICAN ELEC PWR INC 7,476 (46,497) 025816-10-9 AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 473 4,128 (3,051) 026375-10-5 AMERICAN GREETINGS CORP 1,455 026874-10-7 AMERICAN INTL GROUP INC 5,169 (502,363) 029066-10-7 AMERICAN PWR CONVERSION C 7,656 029712-10-6 AMERICAN STD COS INC DEL 6,000 03073E-10-5 AMERISOURCEBERGEN CORP 113 (26,962) 031162-10-0 AMGEN INC (38,205) 032165-10-2 AMSOUTH BANCORPORATION 230 2,574 (5,471) 032511-10-7 ANADARKO PETROLEUM CORP 777 (7,003) 032654-10-5 ANALOG DEVICES INC (57,840) 034425-10-8 ANDREW CORP (4,858) 035229-10-3 ANHEUSER BUSCH COS INC 6,819 (1,045) 03674B-10-4 ANTHEM INC 1,549 037389-10-3 AON CORP 210 2,029 (37,687) 037411-10-5 APACHE CORP 91 420 446 037604-10-5 APOLLO GROUP INC 10,129 037833-10-0 APPLE COMPUTER INC 2 (24,083) 038020-10-3 APPLERA CORP APPLIED BIOSYS 102 551 (34,486) 038222-10-5 APPLIED MATLS INC (124,543) 03822W-10-9 APPLIED MICRO CIRCUITS CO (16,775) 039483-10-2 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO 240 1,450 (10,151) 044204-10-5 ASHLAND INC 770 (9,859) 052769-10-6 AUTODESK INC 90 (2,413) 053015-10-3 AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING 398 2,438 (94,525) 053332-10-2 AUTOZONE INC (10,319) 053499-10-9 AVAYA INC (22,495) 053611-10-9 AVERY DENNISON CORP 1,830 (4,474) 054303-10-2 AVON PRODS INC 1,920 15,176 054937-10-7 BB&T CORP 248 5,334 5,722 055482-10-3 BJ SVCS CO 1,638 055921-10-0 BMC SOFTWARE INC 5,569 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 12 13 1 2 Increase (Decrease) by NAIC CUSIP Foreign Exchange Designation Date Identification Description Adjustment (a) Acquired - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000886-10-1 A D C TELECOMMUNICATIONS L 10/25/2002 001055-10-2 AFLAC INC L 10/25/2002 00130H-10-5 AES CORP L 10/25/2002 001765-10-6 AMR CORP L 09/27/2002 00184A-10-5 AOL TIME WARNER INC L 10/25/2002 001957-50-5 AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH 10/25/2002 00209A-10-6 AT&T WIRELESS SVCS INC L 10/25/2002 002824-10-0 ABBOTT LABS L 10/25/2002 00724F-10-1 ADOBE SYS INC L 10/25/2002 007903-10-7 ADVACED MICRO DEVICES INC L 10/25/2002 00817Y-10-8 AETNA INC NEW L 10/25/2002 00846U-10-1 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC L 09/27/2002 009158-10-6 AIR PRODS & CHEMS INC L 09/27/2002 013068-10-1 ALBERTO CULVER CO L 06/21/2002 013104-10-4 ALBERTSONS INC L 10/25/2002 013817-10-1 ALCOA INC L 10/25/2002 017361-10-6 ALLEGHENY ENERGY INC L 10/25/2002 01741R-10-2 ALLEGHENY TECHNOLOGIES IN L 10/25/2002 018490-10-2 ALLERGAN INC L 05/28/2002 019589-30-8 ALLIED WASTE INDS INC L 10/25/2002 020002-10-1 ALLSTATE CORP L 10/25/2002 020039-10-3 ALLTEL CORP L 09/27/2002 021441-10-0 ALTERA CORP L 10/25/2002 02209S-10-3 ALTRIA GROUP INC L 09/27/2002 023139-10-8 AMBAC FINL GROUP INC L 05/28/2002 023551-10-4 AMERADA HESS CORP L 03/28/2002 023608-10-2 AMEREN CORP L 08/28/2002 025537-10-1 AMERICAN ELEC PWR INC L 10/25/2002 025816-10-9 AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY L 10/25/2002 026375-10-5 AMERICAN GREETINGS CORP L 10/25/2002 026874-10-7 AMERICAN INTL GROUP INC L 09/27/2002 029066-10-7 AMERICAN PWR CONVERSION C L 10/25/2002 029712-10-6 AMERICAN STD COS INC DEL L 09/27/2002 03073E-10-5 AMERISOURCEBERGEN CORP L 05/28/2002 031162-10-0 AMGEN INC L 12/30/2002 032165-10-2 AMSOUTH BANCORPORATION L 10/25/2002 032511-10-7 ANADARKO PETROLEUM CORP. L 09/27/2002 032654-10-5 ANALOG DEVICES INC L 10/25/2002 034425-10-8 ANDREW CORP L 10/25/2002 035229-10-3 ANHEUSER BUSCH COS INC L 09/27/2002 03674B-10-4 ANTHEM INC L 08/28/2002 037389-10-3 AON CORP L 12/30/2002 037411-10-5 APACHE CORP L 09/27/2002 037604-10-5 APOLLO GROUP INC L 09/27/2002 037833-10-0 APPLE COMPUTER INC L 10/25/2002 038020-10-3 APPLERA CORP APPLIED BIOSYS L 10/25/2002 038222-10-5 APPLIED MATLS INC L 10/25/2002 03822W-10-9 APPLIED MICRO CIRCUITS CO L 09/27/2002 039483-10-2 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO L 10/25/2002 044204-10-5 ASHLAND INC L 10/25/2002 052769-10-6 AUTODESK INC L 10/25/2002 053015-10-3 AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING L 10/18/2002 053332-10-2 AUTOZONE INC L 05/28/2002 053499-10-9 AVAYA INC L 10/25/2002 053611-10-9 AVERY DENNISON CORP L 05/28/2002 054303-10-2 AVON PRODS INC L 09/27/2002 054937-10-7 BB&T CORP L 10/25/2002 055482-10-3 BJ SVCS CO L 10/25/2002 055921-10-0 BMC SOFTWARE INC L 10/25/2002 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E10 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 2 - SECTION 2 Showing all COMMON STOCKS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rate Per Share CUSIP Number of Book/Adjusted Used to Obtain Identification Description Shares Carrying Value Fair Value Fair Value Actual Cost - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 057224-10-7 BAKER HUGHES INC 4,880.000 157,087 32.190 157,087 156,760 058498-10-6 BALL CORP 800.000 40,952 51.190 40,952 37,590 060505-10-4 BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATI 21,697.000 1,509,460 69.570 1,509,460 1,468,367 064057-10-2 BANK NEW YORK INC 10,500.000 251,580 23.960 251,580 363,971 06423A-10-3 BANK ONE CORP 16,910.000 618,061 36.550 618,061 710,008 067383-10-9 C R BARD INC 800.000 46,400 58.000 46,400 44,662 071707-10-3 BAUSCH & LOMB INC 800.000 28,800 36.000 28,800 35,346 071813-10-9 BAXTER INTL INC 8,700.000 243,600 28.000 243,600 338,784 073902-10-8 BEAR STEARNS COS INC 1,471.000 87,377 59.400 87,377 90,176 075887-10-9 BECTON DICKINSON & CO 3,700.000 113,553 30.690 113,553 126,580 075896-10-0 BED BATH & BEYOND INC 4,200.000 145,026 34.530 145,026 117,651 079860-10-2 BELLSOUTH CORP 27,000.000 698,490 25.870 698,490 886,136 081437-10-5 BEMIS INC 800.000 39,704 49.630 39,704 41,702 086516-10-1 BEST BUY INC 4,650.000 112,298 24.150 112,298 154,024 089302-10-3 BIG LOTS INC 1,600.000 21,168 13.230 21,168 22,618 090597-10-5 BI0GEN INC 2,100.000 84,126 40.060 84,126 100,034 090613-10-0 BIOMET INC 3,800.000 108,908 28.660 108,908 93,777 091797-10-0 BLACK & DECKER 1,200.000 51,468 42.890 51,468 53,810 093671-10-5 BLOCK H & R INC 2,600.000 104,520 40.200 104,520 111,211 097023-10-5 BOEING CO 12,100.000 399,179 32.990 399,179 510,477 097383-10-3 BOISE CASCADE CORP 800.000 20,176 25.220 20,176 25,561 101137-10-7 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORP 5,900.000 250,868 42.520 250,868 173,459 110122-10-8 BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB CO 27,900.000 645,885 23.150 645,885 1,158,652 111320-10-7 BROADCOM CORP 3,900.000 58,734 15.060 58,734 312,473 115637-20-9 BROWN FORMAN CORP 1,000.000 65,360 65.360 65,360 75,758 117043-10-9 BRUNSWICK CORP 1,300.000 25,818 19.860 25,818 26,988 12189T-10-4 BURLINGTON NORTHN SANTA F 5,500.000 143,055 26.010 143,055 154,796 122014-10-3 BURLINGTON RES INC 2,900.000 123,685 42.650 123,685 113,664 125509-10-9 CIGNA CORP 2,000.000 82,240 41.120 82,240 177,540 12567#-89-0 BEAR STEARNS MERCHANT BANKING II 962,241.090 962,241 1.000 962,241 962,241 125896-10-0 CMS ENERGY CORP 2,000.000 18,880 9.440 18,880 30,531 126408-10-3 CSX CORP 3,100.000 87,761 28.310 87,761 110,341 126650-10-0 CVS CORP 5,600.000 139,832 24.970 139,832 191,129 131347-10-6 CALPINE CORP 5,400.000 17,604 3.260 17,604 96,128 134429-10-9 CAMPBELL SOUP CO 5,900.000 138,473 23.470 138,473 195,406 14040H-10-5 CAPITAL ONE FINL CORP 3,200.000 95,104 29.720 95,104 161,514 14149Y-10-8 CARDINAL HEALTH INC 6,525.000 386,215 59.190 386,215 399,147 143658-10-2 CARNIVAL CORP 8,400.000 209,580 24.950 209,580 270,348 149123-10-1 CATERPILLAR INC DEL 5,000.000 228,600 45.720 228,600 240,851 151313-10-3 CENDANT CORP 15,000.000 157,200 10.480 157,200 237,830 15189T-10-7 CENTERPOINT ENERGY INC 4,300.000 36,550 8.500 36,550 82,072 152312-10-4 CENTEX CORP 900.000 45,180 50.200 45,180 52,171 156700-10-6 CENTURYTEL INC 2,000.000 58,760 29.380 58,760 67,992 160903-10-0 CHARTER ONE FINL INC 3,286.850 94,431 28.730 94,431 83,530 166764-10-0 CHEVRONTEXACO CORP 15,441.000 1,026,518 66.480 1,026,518 1,270,350 170040-10-9 CHIRON CORP 2,700.000 101,520 37.600 101,520 117,740 171232-10-1 CHUBB CORP 2,500.000 130,500 52.200 130,500 163,770 171779-10-1 CIENA CORP 6,200.000 31,868 5.140 31,868 53,921 172062-10-1 CINCINNATI FINL CORP 2,300.000 86,365 37.550 86,365 82,772 172474-10-8 CINERGY CORP 2,400.000 80,928 33.720 80,928 73,105 172737-10-8 CIRCUIT CITY STORE INC 3,000.000 22,260 7.420 22,260 40,896 17275R-10-2 CISCO SYS INC 105,500.000 1,382,050 13.100 1,382,050 1,861,667 172908-10-5 CINTAS CORP 2,500.000 114,375 45.750 114,375 110,063 172967-10-1 CITIGROUP INC 74,353.000 2,616,482 35.190 2,616,482 2,634,966 17453B-10-1 CITIZENS COMMUNICATIONS C 4,000.000 42,200 10.550 42,200 40,942 177376-10-0 CITRIX SYS INC 2,500.000 30,800 12.320 30,800 62,579 184502-10-2 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 8,800.000 328,152 37.290 328,152 411,806 189054-10-9 CLOROX CO DEL 3,300.000 136,125 41.250 136,125 134,974 191216-10-0 COCA-COLA COMPANY 35,800.000 1,569,472 43.840 1,569,472 2,029,388 191219-10-4 COCA COLA ENTERPRISES INC 6,400.000 139,008 51.720 139,008 159,997 194162-10-3 COLGATE PALMOLIVE CO 7,800.000 408,954 52.430 408,954 413,306 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Dividends 10 ------------------------------ 8 9 Increase CUSIP Declared but Amount Received (Decrease) by Identification Description Unpaid During Year Adjustment - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 057224-10-7 BAKER HUGHES INC 1,716 (12,658) 058498-10-6 BALL CORP 144 3,362 060505-10-4 BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATI 40,996 75,242 064057-10-2 BANK NEW YORK INC 832 5,206 (132,735) 06423A-10-3 BANK ONE CORP 8,513 (34,817) 067383-10-9 C R BARD INC 484 1,738 071707-10-3 BAUSCH & LOMB INC 130 286 1,165 071813-10-9 BAXTER INTL INC 291 2,503 (165,401) 073902-10-8 BEAR STEARNS COS INC 116 663 (2,798) 075887-10-9 BECTON DICKINSON & CO 829 (4,048) 075896-10-0 BED BATH & BEYOND INC 1,813 079860-10-2 BELLSOUTH CORP 3,240 14,242 (179,913) 081437-10-5 BEMIS INC 267 (1,998) 086516-10-1 BEST BUY INC (71,369) 089302-10-3 BIG LOTS INC (355) 090597-10-5 BI0GEN INC (17,714) 090613-10-0 BIOMET INC 18 210 (3,446) 091797-10-0 BLACK & DECKER. 336 (2,342) 093671-10-5 BLOCK H & R INC 468 760 (7,453) 097023-10-5 BOEING CO 5,763 (67,088) 097383-10-3 BOISE CASCADE CORP 120 270 (4,502) 101137-10-7 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORP 85,741 110122-10-8 BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB CO 11,517 21,420 (446,676) 111320-10-7 BROADCOM CORP (57,003) 115637-20-9 BROWN FORMAN CORP 700 (10,398) 117043-10-9 BRUNSWICK CORP 650 (2,503) 12189T-10-4 BURLINGTON NORTHN SANTA F 660 1,476 (10,593) 122014-10-3 BURLINGTON RES INC 138 825 13,881 125509-10-9 CIGNA CORP 688 2,000 (111,820) 12567#-89-0 BEAR STEARNS MERCHANT BANKING II 125896-10-0 CMS ENERGY CORP 1,270 (12,759) 126408-10-3 CSX CORP 820 (11,974) 126650-10-0 CVS CORP 143 868 (24,734) 131347-10-6 CALPINE CORP (34,254) 134429-10-9 CAMPBELL SOUP CO 399 2,363 (21,631) 14040H-10-5 CAPITAL ONE FINL CORP 275 (76,330) 14149Y-10-8 CARDINAL HEALTH INC 26 455 (36,852) 143658-10-2 CARNIVAL CORP 5,436 (20,339) 149123-10-1 CATERPILLAR INC DEL 325 4,445 (13,700) 151313-10-3 CENDANT CORP (90,309) 15189T-10-7 CENTERPOINT ENERGY INC 2,781 (30,587) 152312-10-4 CENTEX CORP 48 (6,991) 156700-10-6 CENTURYTEL INC 278 (2,518) 160903-10-0 CHARTER ONE FINL INC 1,898 3,178 166764-10-0 CHEVRONTEXACO CORP 30,635 (285,536) 170040-10-9 CHIRON CORP (6,830) 171232-10-1 CHUBB CORP 1,216 1,386 (32,388) 171779-10-1 CIENA CORP (17,331) 172062-10-1 CINCINNATI FINL CORP 170 1,057 580 172474-10-8 CINERGY CORP 2,610 3,708 172737-10-8 CIRCUIT CITY STORE INC 21 123 (21,480) 17275R-10-2 CISCO SYS INC (306,960) 172908-10-5 CINTAS CORP 125 3,455 172967-10-1 CITIGROUP INC 36,323 (486,294) 17453B-10-1 CITIZENS COMMUNICATIONS C 5,674 177376-10-0 CITRIX SYS INC (5,719) 184502-10-2 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI (53,805) 189054-10-9 CLOROX CO DEL 684 1,497 1,978 191216-10-0 COCA-COLA COMPANY 21,580 (189,302) 191219-10-4 COCA COLA ENTERPRISES INC 716 6,709 194162-10-3 COLGATE PALMOLIVE CO 660 3,846 (19,608) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 11 12 13 Increase (Decrease) by NAIC CUSIP Foreign Exchange Designation Date Identification Description Adjustment (a) Acquired - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 057224-10-7 BAKER HUGHES INC L 10/25/2002 058498-10-6 BALL CORP L 08/28/2002 060505-10-4 BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATI L 09/27/2002 064057-10-2 BANK NEW YORK INC L 10/25/2002 06423A-10-3 BANK ONE CORP L 10/25/2002 067383-10-9 C R BARD INC L 06/21/2002 071707-10-3 BAUSCH & LOMB INC L 10/25/2002 071813-10-9 BAXTER INTL INC L 10/18/2002 073902-10-8 BEAR STEARNS COS INC L 05/28/2002 075887-10-9 BECTON DICKINSON & CO L 10/25/2002 075896-10-0 BED BATH & BEYOND INC L 10/25/2002 079860-10-2 BELLSOUTH CORP L 10/25/2002 081437-10-5 BEMIS INC L 08/28/2002 086516-10-1 BEST BUY INC L 10/25/2002 089302-10-3 BIG LOTS INC L 10/25/2002 090597-10-5 BI0GEN INC L 10/25/2002 090613-10-0 BIOMET INC L 10/25/2002 091797-10-0 BLACK & DECKER L 08/28/2002 093671-10-5 BLOCK H & R INC L 09/27/2002 097023-10-5 BOEING CO L 10/25/2002 097383-10-3 BOISE CASCADE CORP L 10/25/2002 101137-10-7 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORP L 10/25/2002 110122-10-8 BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB CO L 10/25/2002 111320-10-7 BROADCOM CORP L 10/25/2002 115637-20-9 BROWN FORMAN CORP L 05/28/2002 117043-10-9 BRUNSWICK CORP L 10/25/2002 12189T-10-4 BURLINGTON NORTHN SANTA F L 10/25/2002 122014-10-3 BURLINGTON RES INC L 10/25/2002 125509-10-9 CIGNA CORP L 03/28/2002 12567#-89-0 BEAR STEARNS MERCHANT BANKING II L 09/21/2000 125896-10-0 CMS ENERGY CORP L 09/27/2002 126408-10-3 CSX CORP L 10/25/2002 126650-10-0 CVS CORP L 10/25/2002 131347-10-6 CALPINE CORP L 10/18/2002 134429-10-9 CAMPBELL SOUP CO L 10/25/2002 14040H-10-5 CAPITAL ONE FINL CORP L 10/25/2002 14149Y-10-8 CARDINAL HEALTH INC L 09/27/2002 143658-10-2 CARNIVAL CORP L 10/25/2002 149123-10-1 CATERPILLAR INC DEL L 10/25/2002 151313-10-3 CENDANT CORP L 10/25/2002 15189T-10-7 CENTERPOINT ENERGY INC L 09/27/2002 152312-10-4 CENTEX CORP L 06/21/2002 156700-10-6 CENTURYTEL INC L 10/25/2002 160903-10-0 CHARTER ONE FINL INC L 10/25/2002 166764-10-0 CHEVRONTEXACO CORP L 09/27/2002 170040-10-9 CHIRON CORP L 10/25/2002 171232-10-1 CHUBB CORP L 09/27/2002 171779-10-1 CIENA CORP L 10/25/2002 172062-10-1 CINCINNATI FINL CORP L 09/27/2002 172474-10-8 CINERGY CORP L 10/25/2002 172737-10-8 CIRCUIT CITY STORE INC L 10/25/2002 17275R-10-2 CISCO SYS INC L 10/25/2002 172908-10-5 CINTAS CORP L 09/27/2002 172967-10-1 CITIGROUP INC L 12/30/2002 17453B-10-1 CITIZENS COMMUNICATIONS C L 10/25/2002 177376-10-0 CITRIX SYS INC L 10/25/2002 184502-10-2 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI L 10/25/2002 189054-10-9 CLOROX CO DEL L 09/27/2002 191216-10-0 COCA-COLA COMPANY L 10/25/2002 191219-10-4 COCA COLA ENTERPRISES INC L 10/25/2002 194162-10-3 COLGATE PALMOLIVE CO L 09/27/2002 E10.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 2 - SECTION 2 Showing all COMMON STOCKS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rate Per Share CUSIP Number of Book/Adjusted Used to Obtain Identification Description Shares Carrying Value Fair Value Fair Value Actual Cost - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20030N-10-1 COMCAST CORP NEW 33,417.000 787,639 23.570 787,639 1,039,999 200340-10-7 COMERCIA INC 2,500.000 108,100 43.240 108,100 141,184 204493-10-0 COMPAQ COMPUTER CORP 204912-10-9 COMPUTER ASSOC INTL INC 8,300.000 112,050 13.500 112,050 243,632 205363-10-4 COMPUTER SCIENCES CORP 2,500.000 86,125 34.450 86,125 111,249 205638-10-9 COMPUWARE CORP 5,400.000 25,920 4.800 25,920 73,309 205862-40-2 COMVERSE TECHNOLOGY INC 2,600.000 26,052 10.020 26,052 82,391 205887-10-2 CONAGRA INC 7,700.000 192,577 25.010 192,577 199,242 206197-10-5 CONCORD EFS INC 7,300.000 114,902 15.740 114,902 175,192 20825C-10-4 CONCOPHILLIPS 12,967.130 627,479 48.390 627,479 682,825 208464-10-7 CONSECO INC 0.039 209115-10-4 CONSOLIDATED EDISON INC 3,100.000 132,742 42.820 132,742 126,987 210371-10-0 CONSTELLATION ENERGY GROUP INC 2,300.000 63,986 27.820 63,986 64,173 212485-10-6 CONVERGYS CORP 2,400.000 36,360 15.150 36,360 72,532 216831-10-7 COOPER TIRE & RUBR CO 1,000.000 15,340 15.340 15,340 13,446 217016-10-4 COORS ADOLPH CO 500.000 30,625 61.250 30,625 33,659 219350-10-5 CORNING INC 16,600.000 54,946 3.310 54,946 191,319 22160K-10-5 COSTCO WHSL CORP NEW 6,600.000 185,196 28.060 185,196 244,962 222372-10-4 COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORP 1,800.000 92,970 51.650 92,970 85,799 224399-10-5 CRANE CO 800.000 15,944 19.930 15,944 18,355 231021-10-6 CUMMINS INC 600.000 16,878 28.130 16,878 18,217 233203-57-9 DFA TAX MANAGED U.S. SMALL CAP VALUE 3,833,981.332 48,844,922 12.740 48,844,922 55,254,479 233331-10-7 DTE ENERGY CO 2,400.000 111,360 46.400 111,360 96,618 235811-10-6 DANA CORP 2,100.000 24,696 11.760 24,696 35,381 235851-10-2 DANAHER CORP 2,200.000 144,540 65.700 144,540 134,339 237194-10-5 DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC 2,450.000 50,103 20.450 50,103 46,954 244199-10-5 DEERE & CO 3,400.000 155,890 45.850 155,890 147,225 24522P-10-3 DEL MONTE FOODS CO 2,277.660 17,538 7.700 17,538 20,921 247025-10-9 DELL COMPUTER CORP 37,400.000 1,000,076 26.740 1,000,076 1,016,525 247126-10-5 DELPHI CORP 7,977.000 64,215 8.050 64,215 107,287 247361-10-8 DELTA AIR LINES 1,700.000 20,570 12.100 20,570 56,151 248019-10-1 DELUXE CORP 900.000 37,890 42.100 37,890 40,903 25179M-10-3 DEVON ENERGY CORP NEW 2,300.000 105,570 45.900 105,570 105,852 254067-10-1 DILLARDS INC 1,200.000 19,032 15.860 19,032 18,993 254687-10-6 THE WALT DISNEY CO 29,400.000 479,514 16.310 479,514 707,933 256669-10-2 DOLLAR GEN CORP 4,768.000 56,978 11.950 56,978 85,716 25746U-10-9 DOMINION RES INC 4,400.000 241,560 54.900 241,560 258,243 257867-10-1 DONNELLEY R R & SONS CO 1,600.000 34,832 21.770 34,832 45,181 260003-10-8 DOVER CORP 2,900.000 84,564 29.160 84,564 95,278 260543-10-3 DOW CHEM CO 13,066.000 388,060 29.700 388,060 420,732 260561-10-5 DOW JONES & CO INC 1,200.000 51,876 43.230 51,876 48,949 263534-10-9 DU PONT E I DE NEMOURS & 14,351.000 608,482 42.400 608,482 701,198 264399-10-6 DUKE ENERGY CORP 12,800.000 250,112 19.540 250,112 372,393 26816Q-10-1 DYNEGY INC NEW 5,300.000 6,254 1.180 6,254 116,211 268648-10-2 E M C CORP MASS 31,700.000 194,638 6.140 194,638 442,006 26875P-10-1 EOG RES INC 1,700.000 67,864 39.920 67,864 62,191 277432-10-0 EASTMAN CHEM CO 1,100.000 40,447 36.770 40,447 48,498 277461-10-9 EASTMAN KODAK CO 4,200.000 147,168 35.040 147,168 191,537 278058-10-2 EATON CORP 1,000.000 78,110 78.110 78,110 84,278 278642-10-3 EBAY INC 4,500.000 305,190 67.820 305,190 253,913 278865-10-0 ECOLAB INC 1,900.000 94,050 49.500 94,050 77,745 281020-10-7 EDISON INTL 4,600.000 54,510 11.850 54,510 75,353 28336L-10-9 EL PASO CORP 8,430.000 58,673 6.960 58,673 217,126 285512-10-9 ELECTRONIC ARTS INC 2,000.000 99,540 49.770 99,540 115,546 285661-10-4 ELECTRONIC DATA SYS NEW 6,900.000 127,167 18.430 127,167 277,178 291011-10-4 EMERSON ELEC CO 6,100.000 310,185 50.850 310,185 340,989 292845-10-4 ENGELHARD CORP 1,800.000 40,230 22.350 40,230 40,567 29364G-10-3 ENTERGY CORP NEW 3,200.000 145,888 45.590 145,888 127,002 294429-10-5 EQUIFAX INC 2,000.000 46,280 23.140 46,280 42,430 294741-10-3 EQUITY OFFICE PROPERTIES 6,000.000 149,880 24.980 149,880 168,499 29476L-10-7 EQUITY RESIDENTIAL 3,900.000 95,862 24.580 95,862 106,903 30161N-10-1 EXELON CORPORATION 4,700.000 248,019 52.770 248,019 230,726 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Dividends 10 ------------------------------ 8 9 Increase CUSIP Declared but Amount Received (Decrease) by Identification Description Unpaid During Year Adjustment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20030N-10-1 COMCAST CORP NEW (252,360) 200340-10-7 COMERICA INC 1,895 (33,171) 204493-10-0 COMPAQ COMPUTER CORP 107 204912-10-9 COMPUTER ASSOC INTL INC 52 316 (92,015) 205363-10-4 COMPUTER SCIENCES CORP (10,548) 205638-10-9 COMPUWARE CORP (21,435) 205862-40-2 COMVERSE TECHNOLOGY INC (13,401) 205887-10-2 CONAGRA INC 4,961 2,707 206197-10-5 CONCORD EFS INC (88,592) 20825C-10-4 CONCOPHILLIPS 8,874 (78,063) 208464-10-7 CONSECO INC 155 209115-10-4 CONSOLIDATED EDISON INC 3,552 6,990 210371-10-0 CONSTELLATION ENERGY GROUP INC 1,044 4,335 212485-10-6 CONVERGYS CORP (27,931) 216831-10-7 COOPER TIRE & RUBR CO 263 846 217016-10-4 COORS ADOLPH CO 308 (3,034) 219350-10-5 CORNING INC (36,893) 22160K-10-5 COSTCO WHSL CORP NEW (84,386) 222372-10-4 COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORP 468 7,340 224399-10-5 CRANE CO 200 (1,543) 231021-10-6 CUMMINS INC 450 (2,098) 233203-57-9 DFA TAX MANAGED U.S. SMALL CAP VALUE 72,740 (10,333,714) 233331-10-7 DTE ENERGY CO 412 950 14,766 235811-10-6 DANA CORP 54 (3,967) 235851-10-2 DANAHER CORP 137 123 237194-10-5 DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC 130 (9,658) 244199-10-5 DEERE & CO 1,056 1,718 3,727 24522P-10-3 DEL MONTE FOODS CO (3,383) 247025-10-9 DELL COMPUTER CORP 14,689 247126-10-5 DELPHI CORP 558 1,359 (32,596) 247361-10-8 DELTA AIR LINES 118 (16,884) 248019-10-1 DELUXE CORP 444 (3,013) 25179M-10-3 DEVON ENERGY CORP NEW 210 (282) 254067-10-1 DILLARDS INC 76 92 (611) 254687-10-6 THE WALT DISNEY CO. 6,174 (94,463) 256669-10-2 DOLLAR GEN CORP 279 (15,671) 25746U-10-9 DOMINION RES INC 8,192 (26,900) 257867-10-1 DONNELLEY R R & SONS CO 1,057 (6,940) 260003-10-8 DOVER CORP 1,040 (8,217) 260543-10-3 DOW CHEM CO 783 11,042 (25,798) 260561-10-5 DOW JONES & CO INC 443 1,998 263534-10-9 DU PONT E I DE NEMOURS & 14,281 12,662 264399-10-6 DUKE ENERGY CORP 9,323 (156,847) 26816Q-10-1 DYNEGY INC NEW 413 (70,101) 268648-10-2 E M C CORP MASS (138,763) 26875P-10-1 EOG RES INC 132 5,221 277432-10-0 EASTMAN CHEM CO 792 572 (8,051) 277461-10-9 EASTMAN KODAK CO 528 5,850 17,895 278058-10-2 EATON CORP 880 (6,168) 278642-10-3 EBAY INC 51,277 278865-10-0 ECOLAB INC 361 581 12,143 281020-10-7 EDISON INTL 806 (6,866) 28336L-10-9 EL PASO CORP 3,654 (174,266) 285512-10-9 ELECTRONIC ARTS INC (16,006) 285661-10-4 ELECTRONIC DATA SYS NEW 30 2,895 (207,036) 291011-10-4 EMERSON ELEC CO 6,799 (25,121) 292845-10-4 ENGELHARD CORP 480 (6,528) 29364G-10-3 ENTERGY CORP NEW 2,968 13,813 294429-10-5 EQUIFAX INC 106 (2,453) 294741-10-3 EQUITY OFFICE PROPERTIES 8,950 (22,392) 29476L-10-7 EQUITY RESIDENTIAL 3,676 (10,839) 30161N-10-1 EXELON CORPORATION 4,838 14,967 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 11 12 13 Increase (Decrease) by NAIC CUSIP Foreign Exchange Designation Date Identification Description Adjustment (a) Acquired - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20030N-10-1 COMCAST CORP NEW L 12/30/2002 200340-10-7 COMERICA INC L 09/27/2002 204493-10-0 COMPAQ COMPUTER CORP L 08/11/1999 204912-10-9 COMPUTER ASSOC INTL INC L 10/25/2002 205363-10-4 COMPUTER SCIENCES CORP L 10/25/2002 205638-10-9 COMPUWARE CORP L 10/25/2002 205862-40-2 COMVERSE TECHNOLOGY INC L 10/25/2002 205887-10-2 CONAGRA INC L 10/25/2002 206197-10-5 CONCORD EFS INC L 10/25/2002 20825C-10-4 CONCOPHILLIPS L 09/27/2002 208464-10-7 CONSECO INC L 07/01/1998 209115-10-4 CONSOLIDATED EDISON INC L 09/27/2002 210371-10-0 CONSTELLATION ENERGY GROUP INC L 09/27/2002 212485-10-6 CONVERGYS CORP L 10/25/2002 216831-10-7 COOPER TIRE & RUBR CO L 10/25/2002 217016-10-4 COORS ADOLPH CO L 05/28/2002 219350-10-5 CORNING INC L 12/30/2002 22160K-10-5 COSTCO WHSL CORP NEW L 10/25/2002 222372-10-4 COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORP L 08/28/2002 224399-10-5 CRANE CO L 10/25/2002 231021-10-6 CUMMINS INC L 10/25/2002 233203-57-9 DFA TAX MANAGED U.S. SMALL CAP VALUE L 12/16/2002 233331-10-7 DTE ENERGY CO L 09/27/2002 235811-10-6 DANA CORP L 09/27/2002 235851-10-2 DANAHER CORP L 03/28/2002 237194-10-5 DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC L 10/25/2002 244199-10-5 DEERE & CO L 09/27/2002 24522P-10-3 DEL MONTE FOODS CO L 12/27/2002 247025-10-9 DELL COMPUTER CORP L 10/25/2002 247126-10-5 DELPHI CORP L 10/25/2002 247361-10-8 DELTA AIR LINES L 10/25/2002 248019-10-1 DELUXE CORP L 08/28/2002 25179M-10-3 DEVON ENERGY CORP NEW L 09/27/2002 254067-10-1 DILLARDS INC L 10/25/2002 254687-10-6 THE WALT DISNEY CO. L 10/25/2002 256669-10-2 DOLLAR GEN CORP L 10/25/2002 25746U-10-9 DOMINION RES INC L 10/25/2002 257867-10-1 DONNELLEY R R & SONS CO L 10/25/2002 260003-10-8 DOVER CORP L 10/25/2002 260543-10-3 DOW CHEM CO L 10/25/2002 260561-10-5 DOW JONES & CO INC L 09/27/2002 263534-10-9 DU PONT E I DE NEMOURS & L 10/25/2002 264399-10-6 DUKE ENERGY CORP L 10/25/2002 26816Q-10-1 DYNEGY INC NEW L 10/25/2002 268648-10-2 E M C CORP MASS L 10/25/2002 26875P-10-1 EOG RES INC L 10/25/2002 277432-10-0 EASTMAN CHEM CO L 08/28/2002 277461-10-9 EASTMAN KODAK CO L 10/25/2002 278058-10-2 EATON CORP L 05/28/2002 278642-10-3 EBAY INC L 12/30/2002 278865-10-0 ECOLAB INC L 08/28/2002 281020-10-7 EDISON INTL L 10/25/2002 28336L-10-9 EL PASO CORP L 10/25/2002 285512-10-9 ELECTRONIC ARTS INC L 08/28/2002 285661-10-4 ELECTRONIC DATA SYS NEW L 10/25/2002 291011-10-4 EMERSON ELEC CO L 09/27/2002 292845-10-4 ENGELHARD CORP L 10/25/2002 29364G-10-3 ENTERGY CORP NEW L 09/27/2002 294429-10-5 EQUIFAX INC L 10/25/2002 294741-10-3 EQUITY OFFICE PROPERTIES L 10/25/2002 29476L-10-7 EQUITY RESIDENTIAL L 10/25/2002 30161N-10-1 EXELON CORPORATION L 09/27/2002 E10.2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 2 - SECTION 2 Showing all COMMON STOCKS Owned December 31 of Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rate Per Share CUSIP Number of Book/Adjusted Used to Obtain Identification Description Shares Carrying Value Fair Value Fair Value Actual Cost - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30231G-10-2 EXXON MOBIL CORP 97,468.000 3,405,532 34.940 3,405,532 3,621,964 302571-10-4 FPL GROUP INC 2,600.000 156,338 60.130 156,338 150,762 307000-10-9 FAMILY DLR STORES INC 2,500.000 78,025 31.210 78,025 74,745 313400-30-1 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 10,100.000 596,405 59.050 596,405 604,617 313586-10-9 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 14,400.000 926,352 64.330 926,352 1,027,153 31410H-10-1 FEDERATED DEPT STORES INC 2,900.000 83,404 28.760 83,404 113,167 31428X-10-6 FEDEX CORP 4,300.000 233,146 54.220 233,146 201,449 316773-10-0 FIFTH THIRD BANCORP 8,369.000 490,005 58.550 490,005 478,886 319963-10-4 FIRST DATA CORP 10,900.000 385,969 35.410 385,969 326,817 337162-10-1 FIRST TENN NATL CORP 1,800.000 64,692 35.940 64,692 67,792 337738-10-8 FISERV INC 2,750.000 93,363 33.950 93,363 111,528 337932-10-7 FIRSTENERGY CORP 4,264.000 140,584 32.970 140,584 143,209 339030-10-8 FLEETBOSTON FINL CORP 15,118.000 367,367 24.300 367,367 481,280 343412-10-2 FLUOR CORP 1,100.000 30,800 28.000 30,800 29,745 345370-86-0 FORD MTR CO DEL 26,200.000 243,660 9.300 243,660 496,710 345838-10-6 FOREST LABS INC 2,600.000 255,372 98.220 255,372 208,978 349631-10-1 FORTUNE BRANDS INC 2,200.000 102,322 46.510 102,322 106,858 354613-10-1 FRANKLIN RES INC 3,700.000 126,096 34.080 126,096 132,510 35671D-85-7 FREEPORT-MCMORAN COPPER & GOLD 2,000.000 33,560 16.780 33,560 25,209 36225X-10-0 GPU INC 364730-10-1 GANNETT INC 3,900.000 280,020 71.800 280,020 273,270 364760-10-8 GAP INC DEL 12,450.000 193,224 15.520 193,224 242,124 367626-10-8 GATEWAY INC 4,600.000 14,444 3.140 14,444 71,118 369550-10-8 GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP 2,900.000 230,173 79.370 230,173 250,221 369604-10-3 GENERAL ELEC CO 144,000.000 3,506,400 24.350 3,506,400 4,603,779 370334-10-4 GENERAL MLS INC 5,300.000 248,835 46.950 248,835 238,880 370442-10-5 GENERAL MTRS CORP 8,100.000 298,566 36.860 298,566 439,323 372460-10-5 GENUINE PARTS CO 2,500.000 77,000 30.800 77,000 72,786 372917-10-4 GENZYME CORP 3,100.000 91,667 29.570 91,667 121,637 373298-10-8 GEORGIA PAC CORP 3,237.000 52,310 16.160 52,310 75,492 375766-10-2 GILLETTE CO 15,200.000 461,472 30.360 461 ,472 585,608 381317-10-6 GOLDEN WEST FINL CORP DEL 2,300.000 165,163 71.810 165,163 124,125 38141G-10-4 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC 7,000.000 476,700 68.100 476,700 503,336 382388-10-6 GOODRICH CORPORATION 1,400.000 25,648 18.320 25,648 34,238 382550-10-1 GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBR CO 2,300.000 15,663 6.810 15,663 37,325 384802-10-4 GRAINGER W W INC 1,400.000 72,170 51.550 72,170 66,521 390568-10-3 GREAT LAKES CHEM CORP 700.000 16,716 23.880 16,716 18,084 401698-10-5 GUIDANT CORP 4,400.000 135,740 30.850 135,740 169,131 404119-10-9 HCA INC 7,500.000 311,250 41.500 311,250 319,901 406216-10-1 HALLIBURTON CO 6,200.000 116,002 18.710 116,002 172,655 41014S-10-6 HANCOCK JOHN FINL SVCS IN 4,200.000 117,180 27.900 117,180 151,637 412822-10-8 HARLEY DAVIDSON INC 4,400.000 203,280 46.200 203,280 198,736 413619-10-7 HARRAHS ENTMT INC 1,600.000 63,360 39.600 63,360 63,054 416515-10-4 HARTFORD FINL SVCS GROUP 3,600.000 163,548 45.430 163,548 200,505 418056-10-7 HASBRO INC 2,400.000 27,720 11.550 27,720 43,677 421924-10-1 HEALTHSOUTH CORP 5,700.000 23,940 4.200 23,940 78,310 421933-10-2 HEALTH MGMT ASSOC INC NEW 3,400.000 60,860 17.900 60,860 66,438 423074-10-3 HEINZ H J CO 5,100.000 167,637 32.870 167,637 193,400 427056-10-6 HERCULES INC 1,500.000 13,200 8.800 13,200 17,147 427866-10-8 HERSHEY FOODS CORP 2,000.000 134,880 67.440 134,880 131,713 428236-10-3 HEWLETT PACKARD CO 43,938.000 762,764 17.360 762,764 1,012,828 432848-10-9 HILTON HOTELS CORP 5,400.000 68,634 12.710 68,634 55,141 437076-10-2 HOME DEPOT INC 33,950.000 815,479 24.020 815,479 1,206,961 438516-10-6 HONEYWELL INTL INC 11,837.000 284,088 24.000 284,088 433,313 441815-10-7 HOUSEHOLD INTL INC 6,900.000 191,889 27.810 191,889 288,761 444859-10-2 HUMANA INC 2,400.000 24,000 10.000 24,000 25,601 446150-10-4 HUNTINGTON BANCSHARES INC 3,400.000 63,614 18.710 63,614 72,236 449934-10-8 IMS HEALTH INC 4,000.000 64,000 16.000 64,000 87,445 450911-10-2 ITT INDS INC IND 1,300.000 78,897 60.690 78,897 77,102 452308-10-9 ILLINOIS TOOL WKS INC 4,400.000 285,384 64.860 285,384 283,926 458140-10-0 INTEL CORP 96,100.000 1,496,277 15.570 1,496,277 2,261,764 459200-10-1 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES 24,500.000 1,898,750 77.500 1,898,750 2,009,149 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Dividends 10 ------------------------------ 8 9 Increase CUSIP Declared but Amount Received (Decrease) by Identification Description Unpaid During Year Adjustment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30231G-10-2 EXXON MOBIL CORP 64,463 (297,106) 302571-10-4 FPL GROUP INC 3,757 5,422 307000-10-9 FAMILY DLR STORES INC 333 2,639 313400-30-1 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 6,688 (43,087) 313586-10-9 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 1,176 12,790 (156,832) 31410H-10-1 FEDERATED DEPT STORES INC (22,562) 31428X-10-6 FEDEX CORP 215 380 6,390 316773-10-0 FIFTH THIRD BANCORP 152 5,357 (40,225) 319963-10-4 FIRST DATA CORP 40 458 (26,898) 337162-10-1 FIRST TENN NATL CORP 500 (3,100) 337738-10-8 FISERV INC (24,740) 337932-10-7 FIRSTENERGY CORP 4,259 (4,758) 339030-10-8 FLEETBOSTON FINL CORP 2,157 12,730 (104,696) 343412-10-2 FLUOR CORP 352 (2,312) 345370-86-0 FORD MTR CO DEL 7,084 (126,470) 345838-10-6 FOREST LABS INC 42,524 349631-10-1 FORTUNE BRANDS INC 1,744 (2,683) 354613-10-1 FRANKLIN RES INC 130 623 (1,839) 35671D-85-7 FREEPORT-MCMORAN COPPER & GOLD 7,046 36225X-10-0 GPU INC 309 364730-10-1 GANNETT INC 190 2,492 1,395 364760-10-8 GAP INC DEL 819 27,042 367626-10-8 GATEWAY INC (11,124) 369550-10-8 GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP 2,488 (17,681) 369604-10-3 GENERAL ELEC CO 4,710 66,366 (1,486,256) 370334-10-4 GENERAL MLS INC 3,383 (404) 370442-10-5 GENERAL MTRS CORP 11,248 (108,078) 372460-10-5 GENUINE PARTS CO 1,503 (7,781) 372917-10-4 GENZYME CORP (29,970) 373298-10-8 GEORGIA PAC CORP 200 1,093 (15,035) 375766-10-2 GILLETTE CO 6,695 (35,840) 381317-10-6 GOLDEN WEST FINL CORP DEL 623 23,947 38141G-10-4 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC 1,440 (26,636) 382388-10-6 GOODRICH CORPORATION 193 705 (4,851) 382550-10-1 GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBR CO 744 (24,218) 384802-10-4 GRAINGER W W INC 506 5,039 390568-10-3 GREAT LAKES CHEM CORP 63 116 (475) 401698-10-5 GUIDANT CORP (47,198) 404119-10-9 HCA INC 408 (15,320) 406216-10-1 HALLIBURTON CO 2,175 29,330 41014S-10-6 HANCOCK JOHN FINL SVCS IN 1,344 (37,473) 412822-10-8 HARLEY DAVIDSON INC 464 (26,387) 413619-10-7 HARRAHS ENTMT INC (3,339) 416515-10-4 HARTFORD FINL SVCS GROUP 798 2,279 (46,971) 418056-10-7 HASBRO INC 78 180 (5,665) 421924-10-1 HEALTHSOUTH CORP (39,091) 421933-10-2 HEALTH MGMT ASSOC INC NEW 68 (5,184) 423074-10-3 HEINZ H J CO 410 4,658 (8,471) 427056-10-6 HERCULES INC (1,235) 427866-10-8 HERSHEY FOODS CORP 1,929 1,102 428236-10-3 HEWLETT PACKARD CO 672 7,325 (147,027) 432848-10-9 HILTON HOTELS CORP 282 6,534 437076-10-2 HOME DEPOT INC 5,420 (636,930) 438516-10-6 HONEYWELL INTL INC 6,215 (90,441) 441815-10-7 HOUSEHOLD INTL INC 3,928 (124,850) 444859-10-2 HUMANA INC (5,250) 446150-10-4 HUNTINGTON BANCSHARES INC 220 1,296 1,331 449934-10-8 IMS HEALTH INC 204 (9,257) 450911-10-2 ITT INDS INC IND 120 500 435 452308-10-9 ILLINOIS TOOL WKS INC 108 2,055 (11,400) 458140-10-0 INTEL CORP 5,508 (1,013,812) 459200-10-1 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES 10,373 (488,476) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 11 12 13 Increase (Decrease) by NAIC CUSIP Foreign Exchange Designation Date Identification Description Adjustment (a) Acquired - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30231G-10-2 EXXON MOBIL CORP L 10/25/2002 302571-10-4 FPL GROUP INC L 09/27/2002 307000-10-9 FAMILY DLR STORES INC L 10/25/2002 313400-30-1 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP L 09/27/2002 313586-10-9 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN L 09/27/2002 31410H-10-1 FEDERATED DEPT STORES INC L 10/25/2002 31428X-10-6 FEDEX CORP L 08/28/2002 316773-10-0 FIFTH THIRD BANCORP L 09/27/2002 319963-10-4 FIRST DATA CORP L 10/25/2002 337162-10-1 FIRST TENN NATL CORP L 10/25/2002 337738-10-8 FISERV INC L 10/25/2002 337932-10-7 FIRSTENERGY CORP L 10/25/2002 339030-10-8 FLEETBOSTON FINL CORP L 10/25/2002 343412-10-2 FLUOR CORP L 10/25/2002 345370-86-0 FORD MTR CO DEL L 10/18/2002 345838-10-6 FOREST LABS INC L 09/27/2002 349631-10-1 FORTUNE BRANDS INC L 06/21/2002 354613-10-1 FRANKLIN RES INC L 10/25/2002 35671D-85-7 FREEPORT-MCMORAN COPPER & GOLD L 10/25/2002 36225X-10-0 GPU INC L 11/18/1998 364730-10-1 GANNETT INC L 08/28/2002 364760-10-8 GAP INC DEL L 10/25/2002 367626-10-8 GATEWAY INC L 10/25/2002 369550-10-8 GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP L 09/27/2002 369604-10-3 GENERAL ELEC CO L 12/30/2002 370334-10-4 GENERAL MLS INC L 09/27/2002 370442-10-5 GENERAL MTRS CORP L 09/27/2002 372460-10-5 GENUINE PARTS CO L 10/25/2002 372917-10-4 GENZYME CORP L 10/25/2002 373298-10-8 GEORGIA PAC CORP L 10/25/2002 375766-10-2 GILLETTE CO L 10/25/2002 381317-10-6 GOLDEN WEST FINL CORP DEL L 03/28/2002 38141G-10-4 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC L 09/27/2002 382388-10-6 GOODRICH CORPORATION L 10/25/2002 382550-10-1 GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBR CO L 09/27/2002 384802-10-4 GRAINGER W W INC L 08/28/2002 390568-10-3 GREAT LAKES CHEM CORP L 10/25/2002 401698-10-5 GUIDANT CORP L 10/18/2002 404119-10-9 HCA INC L 09/27/2002 406216-10-1 HALLIBURTON CO L 10/25/2002 41014S-10-6 HANCOCK JOHN FINL SVCS IN L 10/25/2002 412822-10-8 HARLEY DAVIDSON INC L 08/28/2002 413619-10-7 HARRAHS ENTMT INC L 03/28/2002 416515-10-4 HARTFORD FINL SVCS GROUP L 09/27/2002 418056-10-7 HASBRO INC L 10/25/2002 421924-10-1 HEALTHSOUTH CORP L 10/25/2002 421933-10-2 HEALTH MGMT ASSOC INC NEW L 10/25/2002 423074-10-3 HEINZ H J CO L 10/25/2002 427056-10-6 HERCULES INC L 10/25/2002 427866-10-8 HERSHEY FOODS CORP L 05/28/2002 428236-10-3 HEWLETT PACKARD CO L 10/18/2002 432848-10-9 HILTON HOTELS CORP L 10/25/2002 437076-10-2 HOME DEPOT INC L 10/25/2002 438516-10-6 HONEYWELL INTL INC L 10/25/2002 441815-10-7 HOUSEHOLD INTL INC L 12/30/2002 444859-10-2 HUMANA INC L 10/25/2002 446150-10-4 HUNTINGTON BANCSHARES INC L 10/25/2002 449934-10-8 IMS HEALTH INC L 10/25/2002 450911-10-2 ITT INDS INC IND L 03/28/2002 452308-10-9 ILLINOIS TOOL WKS INC L 10/18/2002 458140-10-0 INTEL CORP L 10/18/2002 459200-10-1 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES L 09/27/2002 E10.3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 2 - SECTION 2 Showing all COMMON STOCKS Owned December 31 of Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rate Per Share CUSIP Number of Book/Adjusted Used to Obtain Identification Description Shares Carrying Value Fair Value Fair Value Actual Cost - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 459506-10-1 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA 1,400.000 49,140 35.100 49,140 52,372 459902-10-2 INTERNATIONAL GAME TECHNO 1,300.000 98,696 75.920 98,696 80,774 460146-10-3 INTL PAPER CO 6,953.000 243,146 34.970 243,146 282,039 460690-10-0 INTERPUBLIC GROUP COS INC 5,500.000 77,440 14.080 77,440 134,398 461202-10-3 INTUIT 3,100.000 145,452 46.920 145,452 130,499 46612J-10-1 JDS UNIPHASE CORP 19,600.000 48,412 2.470 48,412 592,452 46625H-10-0 JP MORGAN CHASE & CO 28,740.000 689,760 24.000 689,760 965,885 466313-10-3 JABIL CIRCUIT INC 2,800.000 50,176 17.920 50,176 52,432 47102X-10-5 JANUS CAP GROUP INC 3,200.000 41,824 13.070 41,824 67,103 475070-10-8 JEFFERSON PILOT CORP 2,150.000 81,937 38.110 81,937 91,293 478160-10-4 JOHNSON & JOHNSON 42,878.000 2,302,977 53.710 2,302,977 2,300,382 478366-10-7 JOHNSON CTLS INC 1,300.000 104,221 80.170 104,221 112,822 480074-10-3 JONES APPAREL GROUP INC 1,900.000 67,336 35.440 67,336 64,239 482480-10-0 KLA-TENCOR CORP 2,700.000 95,499 35.370 95,499 106,988 48666K-10-9 KB HOME 700.000 29,995 42.850 29,995 36,490 487836-10-8 KELLOGG CO 5,900.000 202,193 34.270 202,193 205,073 492386-10-7 KERR MCGEE CORP 1,500.000 66,450 44.300 66,450 85,843 493267-10-8 KEYCORP NEW 6,100.000 153,354 25.140 153,354 168,652 49337W-10-0 KEYSPAN CORP 2,000.000 70,480 35.240 70,480 68,823 494368-10-3 KIMBERLY CLARK CORP 7,500.000 356,025 47.470 356,025 439,260 49455P-10-1 KINDER MORGAN INC KANS 1,800.000 76,086 42.270 76,086 80,126 495582-10-8 KING PHARMACEUTICALS INC 3,466.000 59,581 17.190 59,581 100,689 499040-10-3 KNIGHT RIDDER INC 1,200.000 75,900 63.250 75,900 78,744 500255-10-4 KOHLS CORP 4,900.000 274,155 55.950 274,155 311,487 501044-10-1 KROGER CO 11,300.000 174,585 15.450 174,585 236,348 502161-10-2 LSI LOGIC CORP 5,300.000 30,581 5.770 30,581 77,201 524660-10-7 LEGGETT & PLATT 2,800.000 62,832 22.440 62,832 56,715 524908-10-0 LEHMAN BROS HLDGS INC 3,500.000 186,515 53.290 186,515 188,634 529771-10-7 LEXMARK INTL GROUP INC 1,800.000 108,900 60.500 108,900 115,181 532457-10-8 LILLY ELI & CO 16,200.000 1,028,700 63.500 1,028,700 1,116,147 532716-10-7 LIMITED BRANDS INC 7,500.000 104,475 13.930 104,475 127,049 534187-10-9 LINCOLN NATL CORP IND 2,600.000 82,108 31.580 82,108 105,656 535678-10-6 LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORP 4,600.000 118,312 25.720 118,312 166,474 539320-10-1 LIZ CLAIBORNE INC 1,500.000 44,475 29.650 44,475 39,638 539830-10-9 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORP 6,600.000 381,150 57.750 381,150 365,998 540424-10-8 LOEWS CORP 2,700.000 120,042 44.460 120,042 138,720 546347-10-5 LOUISIANA PAC CORP 1,500.000 12,090 8.060 12,090 13,888 548661-10-7 LOWES COS INC 11,200.000 420,000 37.500 420,000 430,044 549463-10-7 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 49,420.000 62,269 1.260 62,269 658,687 55262C-10-0 MBIA INC 2,150.000 94,299 43.860 94,299 103,020 55262L-10-0 MBNA CORP 18,425.000 350,444 19.020 350,444 367,780 552848-10-3 MGIC INVT CORP WIS 1,500.000 61,950 41.300 61,950 98,735 564055-10-1 MANOR CARE INC NEW 1,400.000 26,054 18.610 26,054 24,852 565849-10-6 MARATHON OIL CORP 4,400.000 93,676 21.290 93,676 116,154 571748-10-2 MARSH & MCLENNAN COS INC 7,700.000 355,817 46.210 355,817 380,958 571834-10-0 MARSHALL & ILSLEY CORP 3,000.000 82,140 27.380 82,140 93,237 571903-20-2 MARRIOTT INTL INC NEW 3,500.000 115,045 32.870 115,045 133,252 574599-10-6 MASCO CORP 7,100.000 149,455 21.050 149,455 180,578 577081-10-2 MATTEL INC 6,200.000 118,730 19.150 118,730 124,991 57772K-10-1 MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODS IN. 4,600.000 151,984 33.040 151,984 211,799 577778-10-3 MAY DEPT. STORES 4,150.000 95,367 22.980 95,367 139,061 578592-10-7 MAYTAG CORP 1,100.000 31,350 28.500 31,350 33,040 580037-10-9 MCDERMOTT INTL INC 900.000 3,942 4.380 3,942 5,827 580135-10-1 MCDONALDS CORP 18,300.000 294,264 16.080 294,264 509,597 580645-10-9 MCGRAW HILL COS INC 2,800.000 169,232 60.440 169,232 178,288 58155Q-10-3 MCKESSON CORP 4,170.000 112,715 27.030 112,715 170,508 583334-10-7 MEADWESTVA CO CORP 2,885.000 71,288 24.710 71,288 76,899 584699-10-2 MED IMMUNE INC 3,600.000 97,812 27.170 97,812 146,233 585055-10-6 MEDTRONIC INC 17,700.000 807,120 45.600 807,120 710,093 58551A-10-8 MELLON FINL CORP 6,300.000 164,493 26.110 164,493 206,757 589331-10-7 MERCK & CO INC 32,500.000 1,839,825 56.610 1,839,825 1,900,536 589405-10-9 MERCURY INTERACTIVE CORP 1,200.000 35,580 29.650 35,580 65,509 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Dividends 10 ------------------------------ 8 9 CUSIP Declared but Amount Received Increase (Decrease) Identification Description Unpaid During Year by Adjustment - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 459506-10-1 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA 222 390 4,692 459902-10-2 INTERNATIONAL GAME TECHNO 17,922 460146-10-3 INTL PAPER CO 4,878 (28,743) 460690-10-0 INTERPUBLIC GROUP COS INC 1,473 (50,511) 461202-10-3 INTUIT 10,223 46612J-10-1 JDS UNIPHASE CORP (65,351) 46625H-10-0 JP MORGAN CHASE & CO 2,880 26,404 (209,704) 466313-10-3 JABIL CIRCUIT INC (3,710) 47102X-10-5 JANUS CAP GROUP INC 81 (23,510) 475070-10-8 JEFFERSON PILOT CORP 1,635 (12,069) 478160-10-4 JOHNSON & JOHNSON. 23,071 (185,201) 478366-10-7 JOHNSON CTLS INC 957 (8,601) 480074-10-3 JONES APPAREL GROUP INC 3,097 482480-10-0 KLA-TENCOR CORP 4 (17,307) 48666K-10-9 KB HOME 105 (6,495) 487836-10-8 KELLOGG CO 4,166 11,989 492386-10-7 KERR MCGEE CORP 1,575 (19,393) 493267-10-8 KEYCORP NEW 5,100 19 49337W-10-0 KEYSPAN CORP 1,825 561 494368-10-3 KIMBERLY CLARK CORP 550 5,015 (95,734) 49455P-10-1 KINDER MORGAN INC KANS 365 (7,192) 495582-10-8 KING PHARMACEUTICALS INC (47,167) 499040-10-3 KNIGHT RIDDER INC 724 (2,844) 500255-10-4 KOHLS CORP (62,593) 501044-10-1 KROGER CO (46,481) 502161-10-2 LSI LOGIC CORP 6 (31,924) 524660-10-7 LEGGETT & PLATT 687 973 524908-10-0 LEHMAN BROS HLDGS INC 53 801 (25,372) 529771-10-7 LEXMARK INTL GROUP INC 1,038 532457-10-8 LILLY ELI & CO 13,649 (81,365) 532716-10-7 LIMITED BRANDS INC 1,500 (18,707) 534187-10-9 LINCOLN NATL CORP IND 416 2,144 (25,574) 535678-10-6 LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORP 571 (32,649) 539320-10-1 LIZ CLAIBORNE INC 219 2,463 539830-10-9 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORP 1,932 (1,783) 540424-10-8 LOEWS CORP 897 (20,092) 546347-10-5 LOUISIANA PAC CORP 965 548661-10-7 LOWES COS INC 99 576 (81,699) 549463-10-7 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC (10,849) 55262C-10-0 MBIA INC 366 1,069 (23,482) 55262L-10-0 MBNA CORP 266 2,956 (58,037) 552848-10-3 MGIC INVT CORP WIS 125 (36,785) 564055-10-1 MANOR CARE INC NEW (4,481) 565849-10-6 MARATHON OIL CORP 2,668 (25,859) 571748-10-2 MARSH & MCLENNAN COS INC 525 6,685 (40,441) 571834-10-0 MARSHALL & ILSLEY CORP 1,440 (11,097) 571903-20-2 MARRIOTT INTL INC NEW 65 686 (27,049) 574599-10-6 MASCO CORP 378 2,463 (20,632) 577081-10-2 MATTEL INC 64 310 3,303 57772K-10-1 MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODS IN 92 (42,588) 577778-10-3 MAY DEPT STORES 2,660 (40,519) 578592-10-7 MAYTAG CORP 522 (251) 580037-10-9 MCDERMOTT INTL INC (2,667) 580135-10-1 MCDONALDS CORP 4,301 (163,214) 580645-10-9 MCGRAW HILL COS INC 1,836 (10,428) 58155Q-10-3 MCKESSON CORP 172 509 (33,734) 583334-10-7 MEADWESTVA CO CORP 1,757 (5,611) 584699-10-2 MED IMMUNE INC (29,629) 585055-10-6 MEDTRONIC INC 220 2,887 (25,965) 58551A-10-8 MELLON FINL CORP 2,103 (45,986) 589331-10-7 MERCK & CO INC 5,040 29,381 42,012 589405-10-9 MERCURY INTERACTIVE CORP. (1,161) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 11 12 13 Increase (Decrease) NAIC CUSIP by Foreign Exchange Designation Date Identification Description Adjustment (a) Acquired - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 459506-10-1 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA. L 10/25/2002 459902-10-2 INTERNATIONAL GAME TECHNO L 05/28/2002 460146-10-3 INTL PAPER CO L 10/25/2002 460690-10-0 INTERPUBLIC GROUP COS INC L 10/25/2002 461202-10-3 INTUIT L 09/27/2002 46612J-10-1 JDS UNIPHASE CORP L 10/25/2002 46625H-10-0 JP MORGAN CHASE & CO L 10/25/2002 466313-10-3 JABIL CIRCUIT INC L 10/25/2002 47102X-10-5 JANUS CAP GROUP INC L 10/25/2002 475070-10-8 JEFFERSON PILOT CORP L 09/27/2002 478160-10-4 JOHNSON & JOHNSON L 10/18/2002 478366-10-7 JOHNSON CTLS INC L 03/28/2002 480074-10-3 JONES APPAREL GROUP INC L 10/25/2002 482480-10-0 KLA-TENCOR CORP L 10/25/2002 48666K-10-9 KB HOME L 06/21/2002 487836-10-8 KELLOGG CO L 10/25/2002 492386-10-7 KERR MCGEE CORP L 05/28/2002 493267-10-8 KEYCORP NEW L 10/25/2002 49337W-10-0 KEYSPAN CORP L 10/25/2002 494368-10-3 KIMBERLY CLARK CORP L 09/27/2002 49455P-10-1 KINDER MORGAN INC KANS L 10/25/2002 495582-10-8 KING PHARMACEUTICALS INC L 10/25/2002 499040-10-3 KNIGHT RIDDER INC L 05/28/2002 500255-10-4 KOHLS CORP L 09/27/2002 501044-10-1 KROGER CO L 10/18/2002 502161-10-2 LSI LOGIC CORP L 10/25/2002 524660-10-7 LEGGETT & PLATT L 10/25/2002 524908-10-0 LEHMAN BROS HLDGS INC L 09/27/2002 529771-10-7 LEXMARK INTL GROUP INC L 05/28/2002 532457-10-8 LILLY ELI & CO L 09/27/2002 532716-10-7 LIMITED BRANDS INC L 10/25/2002 534187-10-9 LINCOLN NATL CORP IND L 10/25/2002 535678-10-6 LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORP L 10/25/2002 539320-10-1 LIZ CLAIBORNE INC L 10/25/2002 539830-10-9 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORP L 09/27/2002 540424-10-8 LOEWS CORP L 09/27/2002 546347-10-5 LOUISIANA PAC CORP L 10/25/2002 548661-10-7 LOWES COS INC L 09/27/2002 549463-10-7 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC L 10/25/2002 55262C-10-0 MBIA INC L 06/21/2002 55262L-10-0 MBNA CORP L 10/25/2002 552848-10-3 MGIC INVT CORP WIS L 03/28/2002 564055-10-1 MANOR CARE INC NEW L 10/25/2002 565849-10-6 MARATHON OIL CORP L 09/27/2002 571748-10-2 MARSH & MCLENNAN COS INC L 09/27/2002 571834-10-0 MARSHALL & ILSLEY CORP L 05/28/2002 571903-20-2 MARRIOTT INTL INC NEW L 10/25/2002 574599-10-6 MASCO CORP L 10/25/2002 577081-10-2 MATTEL INC L 10/25/2002 57772K-10-1 MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODS IN. L 09/27/2002 577778-10-3 MAY DEPT. STORES L 10/25/2002 578592-10-7 MAYTAG CORP L 10/25/2002 580037-10-9 MCDERMOTT INTL INC L 10/25/2002 580135-10-1 MCDONALDS CORP L 10/25/2002 580645-10-9 MCGRAW HILL COS INC L 09/27/2002 58155Q-10-3 MCKESSON CORP L 10/25/2002 583334-10-7 MEADWESTVA CO CORP L 10/25/2002 584699-10-2 MED IMMUNE INC L 10/25/2002 585055-10-6 MEDTRONIC INC L 12/30/2002 58551A-10-8 MELLON FINL CORP L 10/25/2002 589331-10-7 MERCK & CO INC L 09/27/2002 589405-10-9 MERCURY INTERACTIVE CORP L 10/25/2002 E10.4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 2 - SECTION Showing all COMMON STOCKS Owned December 31 of Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rate Per Share CUSIP Number of Book/Adjusted Used to Obtain Identification Description Shares Carrying Value Fair Value Fair Value Actual Cost - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 589433-10-1 MEREDITH CORP 700.000 28,777 41.110 28,777 30,722 590188-10-8 MERRILL LYNCH 12,500.000 474,375 37.950 474,375 521,167 59156R-10-8 METLIFE INC 10,100.000 273,104 27.040 273,104 293,910 594918-10-4 MICROSOFT CORP 78,100.000 4,037,770 51.700 4,037,770 4,392,611 595112-10-3 MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC 8,700.000 84,738 9.740 84,738 213,170 601073-10-9 MILLIPORE CORP 700.000 23,800 34.000 23,800 30,184 604675-10-8 MIRANT CORP 5,792.000 10,831 1.870 10,831 82,685 608554-10-1 MOLEX INC 2,800.000 64,512 23.040 64,512 96,416 61166W-10-1 MONSANTO CO 3,668.000 70,609 19.250 70,609 54,758 615369-10-5 MOODYS CORP 2,300.000 94,967 41.290 94,967 110,423 617446-44-8 MORGAN STANLEY 15,800.000 630,736 39.920 630,736 691,799 620076-10-9 MOTOROLA INC 33,151.000 286,756 8.650 286,756 535,820 62886E-10-8 NCR CORP 1,400.000 33,236 23.740 33,236 45,777 635405-10-3 NATIONAL CITY CORP 8,800.000 240,416 27.320 240,416 265,970 637640-10-3 NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CO 2,600.000 39,026 15.010 39,026 59,594 63934E-10-8 NAVISTAR INTL CORP NEW 800.000 19,448 24.310 19,448 24,063 64120L-10-4 NETWORK APPLIANCE INC 4,800.000 48,000 10.000 48,000 93,389 650111-10-7 NEW YORK TIMES CO 2,200.000 100,606 45.730 100,606 93,653 651229-10-6 NEWELL RUBBERMAID INC 3,867.000 117,286 30.330 117,286 133,297 651639-10-6 NEWMNT MINING CORP NEW 5,800.000 168,374 29.030 168,374 148,617 65332V-10-3 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS INC 13,900.000 160,545 11.550 160,545 165,134 654086-10-7 NICOR INC 600.000 20,418 34.030 20,418 21,430 654106-10-3 NIKE INC 3,900.000 173,433 44.470 173,433 199,418 65473P-10-5 NISOURCE INC 3,500.000 70,000 20.000 70,000 71,528 655664-10-0 NORDSTROM INC 1,900.000 36,043 18.970 36,043 50,394 655844-10-8 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 5,600.000 111,944 19.990 111,944 129,179 659424-10-5 NORTH FORK BANCORPORATION. 2,400.000 80,976 33.740 80,976 96,481 665859-10-4 NORTHERN TR CORP 3,200.000 112,160 35.050 112,160 165,188 666807-10-2 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP 2,717.830 263,630 97.000 263,630 279,582 670006-10-5 NOVELL INC 5,200.000 17,368 3.340 17,368 37,329 670008-10-1 NOVELLUS SYS INC 2,100.000 58,968 28.080 58,968 84,977 670346-10-5 NUCOR CORP 1,100.000 45,430 41.300 45,430 70,200 670666-10-4 NVIDIA CORP 2,200.000 25,322 11.510 25,322 82,078 674599-10-5 OCCIDENTAL PETE CORP DEL 5,400.000 153,630 28.450 153,630 145,372 676220-10-6 OFFICE DEPOT INC 4,400.000 64,944 14.760 64,944 62,994 681919-10-6 OMNICOM GROUP INC 2,700.000 174,420 64.600 174,420 208,573 68389X-10-5 ORACLE CORP 78,300.000 845,640 10.800 845,640 745,321 69331C-10-8 PG&E CORP 5,600.000 77,840 13.900 77,840 111,328 69344F-10-6 PMC-SIERRA INC 2,400.000 13,344 5.560 13,344 43,010 693475-10-5 PNC FINL SVCS GROUP INC 4,100.000 171,790 41.900 171,790 220,042 693506-10-7 PPG INDS INC 2,500.000 125,375 50.150 125,375 127,964 69351T-10-6 PPL CORPORATION 2,300.000 79,764 34.680 79,764 74,422 693718-10-8 PACCAR INC 1,700.000 78,421 46.130 78,421 78,913 695257-10-5 PACTIV CORP 2,200.000 48,092 21.860 48,092 52,040 696429-30-7 PALL CORP 1,700.000 28,356 16.680 28,356 34,058 699173-10-0 PARAMETRIC TECHNOLOGY COR 3,700.000 9,324 2.520 9,324 26,706 701094-10-4 PARKER HANNIFIN CORP 1,700.000 78,421 46.130 78,421 74,747 704326-10-7 PAYCHEX INC 5,450.000 152,055 27.900 152,055 142,215 708160-10-6 PENNEY J C INC 3,800.000 87,438 23.010 87,438 73,745 711030-10-6 PEOPLES ENERGY CORP 500.000 19,325 38.650 19,325 17,491 712713-10-6 PEOPLESOFT INC 4,500.000 82,350 18.300 82,350 102,294 713409-10-0 PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP INC 4,100.000 105,370 25.700 105,370 102,833 713448-10-8 PEPSICO INC 25,580.000 1,079,988 42.220 1,079,988 1,084,259 714046-10-9 PERKINELMER INC 1,800.000 14,850 8.250 14,850 34,475 717081-10-3 PFIZER INC 89,300.000 2,729,901 30.570 2,729,901 3,093,103 71713U-10-2 PHARMACIA CORPORATION 18,599.000 777,438 41.800 777,438 717,146 717265-10-2 PHELPS DODGE CORP 1,300.000 41,145 31.650 41,145 52,462 723484-10-1 PINNACLE WEST CAPITAL CORP 1,200.000 40,908 34.090 40,908 38,070 724479-10-0 PITNEY BOWES INC 3,400.000 111,044 32.660 111,044 134,638 729251-10-8 PLUM CREEK TIMBER CO INC 2,670.000 63,012 23.600 63,012 71,917 73111*-10-3 POLICYHOLDERS BENEFIT CORP,0 0 0 0 0 28,395.800 13.340 378,800 739308-10-4 POWER-ONE INC 1,100.000 6,237 5.670 6,237 28,813 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Dividends 10 ------------------------------ 8 9 CUSIP Declared but Amount Received Increase (Decrease) Identification Description Unpaid During Year by Adjustment - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 589433-10-1 MEREDITH CORP 63 (1,945) 590188-10-8 MERRILL LYNCH 360 5,536 (88,855) 59156R-10-8 METLIFE INC 2,121 (20,407) 594918-10-4 MICROSOFT CORP (526,481) 595112-10-3 MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (129,688) 601073-10-9 MILLIPORE CORP 7 (6,384) 604675-10-8 MIRANT CORP (47,630) 608554-10-1 MOLEX INC 140 (13,679) 611661-10-1 MONSANTO CO 440 15,851 615369-10-5 MOODYS CORP 189 (15,456) 617446-44-8 MORGAN STANLEY 540 9,683 (146,155) 620076-10-9 MOTOROLA INC 348 3,172 (162,437) 62886E-10-8 NCR CORP (11,152) 635405-10-3 NATIONAL CITY CORP 1,012 6,744 (18,714) 637640-10-3 NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CO (17,654) 63934E-10-8 NAVISTAR INTL CORP NEW (6,259) 64120L-10-4 NETWORK APPLIANCE INC (27,949) 650111-10-7 NEW YORK TIMES CO 1,041 1,240 651229-10-6 NEWELL RUBBERMAID INC 2,114 (1,935) 651639-10-6 NEWMNT MINING CORP NEW 435 21,751 65332V-10-3 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS INC 37,786 654086-10-7 NICOR INC 640 (2,010) 654106-10-3 NIKE INC 108 1,220 (38,486) 65473P-10-5 NISOURCE INC 2,117 (207) 655664-10-0 NORDSTROM INC 470 (4,516) 655844-10-8 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 1,014 (2,120) 659424-10-5 NORTH FORK BANCORPORATION 425 (15,505) 665859-10-4 NORTHERN TR CORP 105 1,496 (70,041) 666807-10-2 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP 2,320 (18,177) 670006-10-5 NOVELL INC (2,279) 670008-10-1 NOVELLUS SYS INC (14,472) 670346-10-5 NUCOR CORP 269 543 (24,770) 670666-10-4 NVIDIA CORP (64,376) 674599-10-5 OCCIDENTAL PETE CORP DEL 750 2,889 3,994 676220-10-6 OFFICE DEPOT INC (4,002) 681919-10-6 OMNICOM GROUP INC 640 1,010 (38,141) 68389X-10-5 ORACLE CORP (83,917) 69331C-10-8 PG&E CORP 930 (19,451) 69344F-10-6 PMC-SIERRA INC (19,559) 693475-10-5 PNC FINL SVCS GROUP INC 507 5,472 (45,096) 693506-10-7 PPG INDS INC 2,286 (3,213) 69351T-10-6 PPL CORPORATION. 200 1,508 2,954 693718-10-8 PACCAR INC 1,190 1,060 (492) 695257-10-5 PACTIV CORP 9,883 696429-30-7 PALL CORP 352 362 (7,482) 699173-10-0 PARAMETRIC TECHNOLOGY COR (10,162) 701094-10-4 PARKER HANNIFIN CORP 792 989 704326-10-7 PAYCHEX INC 1,540 (13,760) 708160-10-6 PENNEY J C INC 1,254 1,050 3,198 711030-10-6 PEOPLES ENERGY CORP 260 570 909 712713-10-6 PEOPLESOFT INC (45,252) 713409-10-0 PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP INC 94 (617) 713448-10-8 PEPSICO INC 8,990 (106,875) 714046-10-9 PERK INELMER INC 227 (19,486) 717081-10-3 PFIZER INC 33,787 (556,544) 71713U-10-2 PHARMACIA CORPORATION 6,749 49,614 717265-10-2 PHELPS DODGE CORP (1,163) 723484-10-1 PINNACLE WEST CAPITAL CORP 1,270 (2,250) 724479-10-0 PITNEY BOWES INC 2,685 (9,972) 729251-10-8 PLUM CREEK TIMBER CO INC 2,610 (8,905) 73111*-10-3 POLICYHOLDERS BENEFIT CORP 0 0 0 0 0 739308-10-4 POWER-ONE INC (2,482) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 11 12 13 Increase (Decrease) NAIC CUSIP by Foreign Exchange Designation Date Identification Description Adjustment (a) Acquired - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 589433-10-1 MEREDITH CORP L 09/27/2002 590188-10-8 MERRILL LYNCH L 10/25/2002 59156R-10-8 METLIFE INC L 10/25/2002 594918-10-4 MICROSOFT CORP L 10/25/2002 595112-10-3 MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC L 10/18/2002 601073-10-9 MILLIPORE CORP L 10/25/2002 604675-10-8 MIRANT CORP L 10/25/2002 608554-10-1 MOLEX INC L 10/25/2002 611661-10-1 MONSANTO CO L 09/27/2002 615369-10-5 MOODYS CORP L 09/27/2002 617446-44-8 MORGAN STANLEY L 10/18/2002 620076-10-9 MOTOROLA INC L 10/25/2002 62886E-10-8 NCR CORP L 10/25/2002 635405-10-3 NATIONAL CITY CORP L 10/18/2002 637640-10-3 NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CO L 10/25/2002 63934E-10-8 NAVISTAR INTL CORP NEW L 10/25/2002 64120L-10-4 NETWORK APPLIANCE INC L 10/25/2002 650111-10-7 NEW YORK TIMES CO L 03/28/2002 651229-10-6 NEWELL RUBBERMAID INC L 10/25/2002 651639-10-6 NEWMNT MINING CORP NEW L 10/25/2002 65332V-10-3 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS INC L 12/30/2002 654086-10-7 NICOR INC L 10/25/2002 654106-10-3 NIKE INC L 08/28/2002 65473P-10-5 NISOURCE INC L 12/30/2002 655664-10-0 NORDSTROM INC L 10/25/2002 655844-10-8 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP L 10/25/2002 659424-10-5 NORTH FORK BANCORPORATION L 10/25/2002 665859-10-4 NORTHERN TR CORP L 10/25/2002 666807-10-2 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP L 12/12/2002 670006-10-5 NOVELL INC L 10/25/2002 670008-10-1 NOVELLUS SYS INC L 10/25/2002 670346-10-5 NUCOR CORP L 05/28/2002 670666-10-4 NVIDIA CORP L 10/18/2002 674599-10-5 OCCIDENTAL PETE CORP DEL L 10/25/2002 676220-10-6 OFFICE DEPOT INC L 09/27/2002 681919-10-6 OMNICOM GROUP INC L 09/27/2002 68389X-10-5 ORACLE CORP L 10/25/2002 69331C-10-8 PG&E CORP L 10/25/2002 69344F-10-6 PMC-SIERRA INC L 10/25/2002 693475-10-5 PNC FINL SVCS GROUP INC L 08/28/2002 693506-10-7 PPG INDS INC L 09/27/2002 69351T-10-6 PPL CORPORATION L 10/25/2002 693718-10-8 PACCAR INC L 05/28/2002 695257-10-5 PACTIV CORP L 09/27/2002 696429-30-7 PALL CORP L 10/25/2002 699173-10-0 PARAMETRIC TECHNOLOGY COR L 10/25/2002 701094-10-4 PARKER HANNIFIN CORP L 10/25/2002 704326-10-7 PAYCHEX INC L 10/25/2002 708160-10-6 PENNEY J C INC L 10/25/2002 711030-10-6 PEOPLES ENERGY CORP L 10/25/2002 712713-10-6 PEOPLESOFT INC L 10/25/2002 713409-10-0 PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP INC L 10/25/2002 713448-10-8 PEPSICO INC L 10/25/2002 714046-10-9 PERKINELMER INC L 10/25/2002 717081-10-3 PFIZER INC L 10/25/2002 71713U-10-2 PHARMACIA CORPORATION L 09/27/2002 717265-10-2 PHELPS DODGE CORP L 10/25/2002 723484-10-1 PINNACLE WEST CAPITAL CORP L 10/25/2002 724479-10-0 PITNEY BOWES INC L 10/25/2002 729251-10-8 PLUM CREEK TIMBER CO INC L 10/25/2002 73111*-10-3 POLICYHOLDERS BENEFIT CORP 0 0 0 0 0 11/18/1988 739308-10-4 POWER-ONE INC L 10/25/2002 E10.5 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 2 - SECTION 2 Showing all COMMON STOCKS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rate Per Share CUSIP Number of Book/Adjusted Used to Obtain Identification Description Shares Carrying Value Fair Value Fair Value Actual Cost - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74005P-10-4 PRAXAIR INC 2,300.000 132,871 57.770 132,871 128,133 74144T-10-8 PRICE T ROWE GROUP INC 1,700.000 46,376 27.280 46,376 52,666 74251V-10-2 PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP 5,000.000 150,650 30.130 150,650 135,978 742718-10-9 PROCTER & GAMBLE CO 18,800.000 1,615,672 85.940 1,615,672 1,600,343 743263-10-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC 3,400.000 147,390 43.350 147,390 151,083 743315-10-3 PROGRESSIVE CORP OHIO 3,200.000 158,816 49.630 158,816 176,574 74406A-10-2 PROVIDIAN FINL CORP 4,100.000 26,609 6.490 26,609 78,968 744320-10-2 PRUDENTIAL FINL INC 8,400.000 266,616 31.740 266,616 258,863 744573-10-6 PUBLIC SVC ENTERPRISE GRO 3,200.000 102,720 32.100 102,720 107,802 745867-10-1 PULTE HOMES INC 900.000 43,083 47.870 43,083 52,783 747277-10-1 QLOGIC CORP 1,300.000 44,863 34.510 44,863 66,694 747525-10-3 QUALCOMM INC 11,400.000 414,846 36.390 414,846 453,186 74834L-10-0 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS INC 1,400.000 79,660 56.900 79,660 82,334 748767-10-0 QUINTILES TRANSNATIONAL CORP 1,600.000 19,360 12.100 19,360 21,774 749121-10-9 QWEST COMMUNICATIONS INTL 24,124.000 120,620 5.000 120,620 433,464 750438-10-3 RADIOSHACK CORPORATION 2,400.000 44,976 18.740 44,976 67,223 75409P-20-2 RATIONAL SOFTWARE CORP 2,700.000 28,053 10.390 28,053 41,471 755111-50-7 RAYTHEON COMPANY 5,800.000 178,350 30.750 178,350 219,121 758110-10-0 REEBOK INTL LTD 800.000 23,520 29.400 23,520 20,283 758940-10-0 REGIONS FINL CORP 3,200.000 106,752 33.360 106,752 105,512 76182K-10-5 REYNOLDS R J TOB HLDGS IN 1,300.000 54,743 42.110 54,743 57,584 770323-10-3 ROBERT HALF INTL INC 2,500.000 40,275 16.110 40,275 51,157 773903-10-9 ROCKWELL AUTOMATION INC 2,600.000 53,846 20.710 53,846 45,391 774341-10-1 ROCKWELL COLLINS INC 2,600.000 60,476 23.260 60,476 60,493 775371-10-7 ROHM & HAAS CO 3,231.000 104,943 32.480 104,943 110,020 779382-10-0 ROWAN COS INC 1,300.000 29,510 22.700 29,510 27,933 783549-10-8 RYDER SYS INC 900.000 20,196 22.440 20,196 21,243 78387G-10-3 SBC COMMUNICATIONS INC 47,953.000 1,300,006 27.110 1,300,006 1,704,884 78442P-10-6 SLM CORP COM 2,300.000 238,878 103.860 238,878 206,191 785905-10-0 SABRE HLDGS CORP 2,089.000 37,832 18.110 37,832 67,259 786429-10-0 SAFECO CORP 2,000.000 69,340 34.670 69,340 73,725 786514-20-8 SAFEWAY INC 6,700.000 156,512 23.360 156,512 255,526 790849-10-3 ST JUDE MED INC 2,500.000 99,300 39.720 99,300 101,510 792860-10-8 ST PAUL COS INC 3,300.000 112,365 34.050 112,365 117,655 800907-10-7 SANMINA SCI CORP 7,500.000 33,675 4.490 33,675 137,064 803111-10-3 SARA LEE CORP 11,300.000 254,363 22.510 254,363 256,811 806605-10-1 SCHERING PLOUGH CORP 21,100.000 468,420 22.200 468,420 701,303 806857-10-8 SCHLUMBERGER LTD 8,300.000 349,347 42.090 349,347 423,745 808513-10-5 SCHWAB CHARLES CORP NEW 19,650.000 213,203 10.850 213,203 254,122 808655-10-4 SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA INC 2,200.000 26,092 11.860 26,092 66,598 81211K-10-0 SEALED AIR CORP NEW 1,200.000 44,760 37.300 44,760 40,521 812387-10-8 SEARS ROEBUCK & CO 4,500.000 107,775 23.950 107,775 223,739 816851-10-9 SEMPRA ENERGY 2,903.000 68,656 23.650 68,656 65,758 824348-10-6 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO 2,100.000 59,325 28.250 59,325 59,156 826170-10-2 SIEBEL SYS INC 6,800.000 50,320 7.400 50,320 218,473 826552-10-1 SIGMA ALDRICH CORP 1,100.000 53,570 48.700 53,570 53,965 828806-10-9 SIMON PPTY GROUP INC NEW 2,700.000 91,989 34.070 91,989 94,337 833034-10-1 SNAP ON INC 800.000 22,488 28.110 22,488 21,621 834182-10-7 SOLECTRON CORP 11,800.000 41,890 3.550 41,890 173,376 842587-10-7 SOUTHERN CO 10,200.000 289,578 28.390 289,578 242,509 844730-10-1 SOUTHTRUST CORP 5,000.000 124,250 24.850 124,250 115,227 844741-10-8 SOUTHWEST AIRLS CO 11,100.000 154,290 13.900 154,290 163,146 852061-10-0 SPRINT CORP 12,800.000 185,344 14.480 185,344 295,364 852061-50-6 SPRINT CORP 14,300.000 62,634 4.380 62,634 309,966 854616-10-9 STANLEY WKS 1,200.000 41,496 34.580 41,496 49,151 855030-10-2 STAPLES INC 6,650.000 121,695 18.300 121,695 119,818 855244-10-9 STARBUCKS CORP 5,600.000 114,128 20.380 114,128 116,184 85590A-20-3 STARWOOD HOTELS&RESORTS W 2,800.000 66,472 23.740 66,472 83,830 857477-10-3 STATE STR CORP 4,700.000 183,300 39.000 183,300 225,601 863667-10-1 STRYKER CORP 2,900.000 194,648 67.120 194,648 159,547 866810-10-4 SUN MICROSYSTEMS INC 46,800.000 145,548 3.110 145,548 385,371 867363-10-3 SUNGUARD DATA SYSTEMS 4,000.000 94,240 23.560 94,240 81,252 - ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 1 2 Dividends 10 ------------------------------ 8 9 Increase CUSIP Declared but Amount Received (Decrease) by Identification Description Unpaid During Year Adjustment - ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 74005P-10-4 PRAXAIR INC 988 4,738 74144T-10-8 PRICE T ROWE GROUP INC 160 592 (9,148) 74251V-10-2 PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP 1,250 14,672 742718-10-9 PROCTER & GAMBLE CO 1,591 20,657 38,247 743263-10-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC 450 5,069 (5,791) 743315-10-3 PROGRESSIVE CORP OHIO 263 (17,758) 74406A-10-2 PROVIDIAN FINL CORP 9,277 744320-10-2 PRUDENTIAL FINL INC 3,360 7,753 744573-10-6 PUBLIC SVC ENTERPRISE GRO 4,212 (11,143) 745867-10-1 PULTE HOMES INC 48 (9,700) 747277-10-1 QLOGIC CORP (7,073) 747525-10-3 QUALCOMM INC (50,109) 74834L-10-0 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS INC (2,674) 748767-10-0 QUINTILES TRANSNATIONAL CORP (2,903) 749121-10-9 QWEST COMMUNICATIONS INTL (95,177) 750438-10-3 RADIOSHACK CORPORATION 100 528 (17,626) 75409P-20-2 RATIONAL SOFTWARE CORP (13,418) 755111-50-7 RAYTHEON COMPANY 220 2,880 (21,858) 758110-10-0 REEBOK INTL LTD 1,364 758940-10-0 REGIONS FINL CORP 1,930 5,942 76182K-10-5 REYNOLDS R J TOB HLDGS IN 1,235 509 (2,841) 770323-10-3 ROBERT HALF INTL INC (14,938) 773903-10-9 ROCKWELL AUTOMATION INC 1,122 8,808 774341-10-1 ROCKWELL COLLINS INC 612 5,698 775371-10-7 ROHM & HAAS CO 1,734 (5,474) 779382-10-0 ROWAN COS INC 175 4,220 783549-10-8 RYDER SYS INC 345 (1,394) 78387G-10-3 SBC COMMUNICATIONS INC 3,823 35,618 (301,641) 78442P-10-6 SLM CORP COM 1,755 30,107 785905-10-0 SABRE HLDGS CORP (29,157) 786429-10-0 SAFECO CORP 333 685 2,332 786514-20-8 SAFEWAY INC (78,151) 790849-10-3 ST JUDE MED INC (4,148) 792860-10-8 ST PAUL COS INC 500 1,998 (11,426) 800907-10-7 SANMINA SCI CORP (60,359) 803111-10-3 SARA LEE CORP 184 4,080 17,898 806605-10-1 SCHERING PLOUGH CORP 1,540 9,673 (161,050) 806857-10-8 SCHLUMBERGER LTD 431 3,692 (62,672) 808513-10-5 SCHWAB CHARLES CORP NEW 134 604 (40,779) 808655-10-4 SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA INC 58 (15,903) 81211K-10-0 SEALED AIR CORP NEW 8,902 812387-10-8 SEARS ROEBUCK & CO 322 2,604 (114,497) 816851-10-9 SEMPRA ENERGY 1,195 1,503 3,975 824348-10-6 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO 135 855 4,040 826170-10-2 SIEBEL SYS INC (87,270) 826552-10-1 SIGMA ALDRICH CORP 52 (395) 828806-10-9 SIMON PPTY GROUP INC NEW 2,585 (2,348) 833034-10-1 SNAP ON INC 488 (1,344) 834182-10-7 SOLECTRON CORP (54,937) 842587-10-7 SOUTHERN CO 9,405 17,245 844730-10-1 SOUTHTRUST CORP 220 1,827 (192) 844741-10-8 SOUTHWEST AIRLS CO 119 (31,987) 852061-10-0 SPRINT CORP 4,725 (20,358) 852061-50-6 SPRINT CORP (143,936) 854616-10-9 STANLEY WKS 821 (7,019) 855030-10-2 STAPLES INC 7,706 855244-10-9 STARBUCKS CORP (5,688) 85590A-20-3 STARWOOD HOTELS&RESORTS W 220 (10,641) 857477-10-3 STATE STR CORP 65 1,143 (44,350) 863667-10-1 STRYKER CORP 348 53 35,053 866810-10-4 SUN MICROSYSTEMS INC (255,787) 867363-10-3 SUNGUARD DATA SYSTEMS 12,988 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 11 12 13 Increase (Decrease) by NAIC CUSIP Foreign Exchange Designation Date Identification Description Adjustment (a) Acquired - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74005P-10-4 PRAXAIR INC L 09/27/2002 74144T-10-8 PRICE T ROWE GROUP INC L 10/25/2002 74251V-10-2 PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP L 10/25/2002 742718-10-9 PROCTER & GAMBLE CO L 09/27/2002 743263-10-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC L 12/30/2002 743315-10-3 PROGRESSIVE CORP OHIO L 03/28/2002 74406A-10-2 PROVIDIAN FINL CORP L 10/25/2002 744320-10-2 PRUDENTIAL FINL INC L 10/25/2002 744573-10-6 PUBLIC SVC ENTERPRISE GRO L 12/30/2002 745867-10-1 PULTE HOMES INC L 06/21/2002 747277-10-1 QLOGIC CORP L 10/25/2002 747525-10-3 QUALCOMM INC L 12/30/2002 74834L-10-0 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS INC L 12/16/2002 748767-10-0 QUINTILES TRANSNATIONAL CORP L 10/25/2002 749121-10-9 QWEST COMMUNICATIONS INTL L 10/18/2002 750438-10-3 RADIOSHACK CORPORATION L 09/27/2002 75409P-20-2 RATIONAL SOFTWARE CORP L 10/25/2002 755111-50-7 RAYTHEON COMPANY L 10/25/2002 758110-10-0 REEBOK INTL LTD L 10/25/2002 758940-10-0 REGIONS FINL CORP L 10/25/2002 76182K-10-5 REYNOLDS R J TOB HLDGS IN L 09/27/2002 770323-10-3 ROBERT HALF INTL INC L 10/25/2002 773903-10-9 ROCKWELL AUTOMATION INC L 10/25/2002 774341-10-1 ROCKWELL COLLINS INC L 10/25/2002 775371-10-7 ROHM & HAAS CO L 10/25/2002 779382-10-0 ROWAN COS INC L 10/25/2002 783549-10-8 RYDER SYS INC L 10/25/2002 78387G-10-3 SBC COMMUNICATIONS INC L 10/25/2002 78442P-10-6 SLM CORP COM L 03/28/2002 785905-10-0 SABRE HLDGS CORP L 10/18/2002 786429-10-0 SAFECO CORP L 12/30/2002 786514-20-8 SAFEWAY INC L 10/25/2002 790849-10-3 ST JUDE MED INC L 05/28/2002 792860-10-8 ST PAUL COS INC L 10/25/2002 800907-10-7 SANMINA SCI CORP L 10/25/2002 803111-10-3 SARA LEE CORP L 10/25/2002 806605-10-1 SCHERING PLOUGH CORP L 10/25/2002 806857-10-8 SCHLUMBERGER LTD L 09/27/2002 808513-10-5 SCHWAB CHARLES CORP NEW L 10/25/2002 808655-10-4 SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA INC L 09/27/2002 81211K-10-0 SEALED AIR CORP NEW L 10/25/2002 812387-10-8 SEARS ROEBUCK & CO L 08/28/2002 816851-10-9 SEMPRA ENERGY L 10/25/2002 824348-10-6 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO L 10/25/2002 826170-10-2 SIEBEL SYS INC L 10/25/2002 826552-10-1 SIGMA ALDRICH CORP L 08/28/2002 828806-10-9 SIMON PPTY GROUP INC NEW L 10/25/2002 833034-10-1 SNAP ON INC L 10/25/2002 834182-10-7 SOLECTRON CORP L 10/25/2002 842587-10-7 SOUTHERN CO L 10/25/2002 844730-10-1 SOUTHTRUST CORP L 10/25/2002 844741-10-8 SOUTHWEST AIRLS CO L 10/25/2002 852061-10-0 SPRINT CORP L 10/25/2002 852061-50-6 SPRINT CORP L 10/25/2002 854616-10-9 STANLEY WKS L 10/25/2002 855030-10-2 STAPLES INC L 09/27/2002 855244-10-9 STARBUCKS CORP L 10/25/2002 85590A-20-3 STARWOOD HOTELS&RESORTS W L 10/25/2002 857477-10-3 STATE STR CORP L 09/27/2002 863667-10-1 STRYKER CORP L 09/27/2002 866810-10-4 SUN MICROSYSTEMS INC L 10/25/2002 867363-10-3 SUNGUARD DATA SYSTEMS L 09/27/2002 E10.6 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 2 - SECTION 2 Showing all COMMON STOCKS Owned December 31 of Current Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rate Per Share CUSIP Number of Book/Adjusted Used to Obtain Identification Description Shares Carrying Value Fair Value Fair Value Actual Cost - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86764P-10-9 SUNOCO INC 1,100.000 36,498 33.180 36,498 33,068 867914-10-3 SUNTRUST BKS INC 4,100.000 233,372 56.920 233,372 269,830 868536-10-3 SUPERVALU INC 1,900.000 31,369 16.510 31,369 38,310 871508-10-7 SYMBOL TECHNOLOGIES INC 3,250.000 26,715 8.220 26,715 50,273 87161C-10-5 SYNOVUS FINL CORP 4,200.000 81,480 19.400 81,480 100,711 871829-10-7 SYSCO CORP 9,600.000 285,984 29.790 285,984 233,102 872375-10-0 TECO ENERGY INC 2,400.000 37,128 15.470 37,128 48,799 872540-10-9 TJX COS INC NEW 7,700.000 150,304 19.520 150,304 128,409 872941-10-9 TMP WORLDWIDE INC 1,600.000 18,096 11.310 18,096 51,993 873168-10-8 TXU CORPORATION 4,700.000 87,796 18.680 87,796 197,914 87612E-10-6 TARGET CORPORATION 13,100.000 393,000 30.000 393,000 426,991 879131-10-0 TEKTRONIX INC 1,200.000 21,828 18.190 21,828 26,355 879664-10-0 TELLABS INC 5,900.000 42,893 7.270 42,893 119,177 879868-10-7 TEMPLE INLAND INC 800.000 35,848 44.810 35,848 45,366 88033G-10-0 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP 7,100.000 116,440 16.400 116,440 268,332 880770-10-2 TERADYNE INC 2,600.000 33,826 13.010 33,826 76,629 882508-10-4 TEXAS INSTRS INC 25,000.000 375,250 15.010 375,250 609,957 883203-10-1 TEXTRON INC 2,000.000 85,980 42.990 85,980 104,112 883556-10-2 THERMO ELECTRON CORP 2,400.000 48,288 20.120 48,288 51,315 884315-10-2 THOMAS & BETTS CORP 800.000 13,520 16.900 13,520 15,101 88579Y-10-1 3M CO COM 5,700.000 702,810 123.300 702,810 674,665 886547-10-8 TIFFANY & CO NEW 2,100.000 50,211 23.910 50,211 65,641 891027-10-4 TORCHMARK CORP 1,700.000 62,101 36.530 62,101 58,749 892335-10-0 TOYS R US INC 3,000.000 30,000 100.000 30,000 47,332 89420G-40-6 TRAVELERS PROP CASUALT-B 14,380.000 210,667 14.650 210,667 248,592 896047-10-7 TRIBUNE CO NEW 4,380.000 199,115 45.460 199,115 175,208 899896-10-4 TUPPERWARE CORP 800.000 12,064 15.080 12,064 14,135 902124-10-6 TYCO INTL LTD NEW 28,739.000 490,862 17.080 490,862 851,134 902911-10-6 UST INC 2,400.000 80,232 33.430 80,232 71,970 902973-30-4 US BANCORP DEL 27,555.000 584,717 21.220 584,717 636,883 907818-10-8 UNION PAC CORP 3,700.000 221,519 59.870 221,519 210,596 908068-10-9 UNION PLANTERS CORP 2,850.000 80,199 28.140 80,199 80,993 909214-10-8 UNISYS CORP 4,600.000 45,540 9.900 45,540 62,145 911312-10-6 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC 16,100.000 1,015,588 63.080 1,015,588 1,017,721 912909-10-8 UNITED STATES STEEL CORP 1,400.000 18,368 13.120 18,368 23,610 913017-10-9 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORP 6,800.000 421,192 61.940 421,192 418,086 91324P-10-2 UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC 4,400.000 367,400 83.500 367,400 281,283 914906-10-2 UNIVISION COMMUNICATIONS 3,300.000 80,850 54.500 80,850 100,666 915289-10-2 UNOCAL CORP 3,700.000 113,146 30.580 113,146 125,159 91529Y-10-6 UNUMPROVIDENT CORP 3,484.000 61,109 17.540 61,109 111,042 918204-10-8 V F CORP 1,600.000 57,680 36.050 57,680 61,389 923436-10-9 VERITAS SOFTWARE CO 5,891.000 92,017 15.620 92,017 320,135 92343V-10-4 VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS 39,568.000 1,533,260 38.750 1,533,260 1,740,104 925524-30-8 VIACOM INC 25,496.000 1,039,217 40.760 1,039,217 1,032,262 92839U-10-7 VISTEON CORP 1,820.000 12,667 6.960 12,667 20,690 929160-10-9 VULCAN MATLS CO 1,500.000 56,250 37.500 56,250 61,465 929903-10-2 WACHOVIA CORP 19,800.000 721,512 36.440 721,512 768,926 931142-10-3 WAL MART STORES INC 64,200.000 3,242,742 50.510 3,242,742 3,119,151 931422-10-9 WALGREEN CO 14,800.000 432,012 29.190 432,012 492,079 939322-10-3 WASHINGTON MUT INC 13,912.000 480,381 34.530 480,381 456,759 94106L-10-9 WASTE MGMT INC DEL 8,752.000 200,596 22.920 200,596 255,755 941848-10-3 WATERS CORP 1,900.000 41,382 21.780 41,382 61,105 942683-10-3 WATSON PHARMACEUTICALS IN 1,500.000 42,405 28.270 42,405 54,308 94973H-10-8 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 2,200.000 156,552 71.160 156,552 157,719 949746-10-1 WELLS FARGO & CO NEW 24,500.000 1,148,315 46.870 1,148,315 1,119,489 950590-10-9 WENDYS INTL INC 1,700.000 46,019 27.070 46,019 49,580 961548-10-4 WESTVACO CORP 962166-10-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO 3,200.000 157,472 49.210 157,472 172,729 963320-10-6 WHIRLPOOL CORP 1,000.000 52,220 52.220 52,220 72,668 969457-10-0 WILLIAMS COS INC DEL 7,400.000 19,980 2.700 19,980 130,567 974280-10-9 WINN DIXIE STORES INC 2,000.000 30,560 15.280 30,560 44,775 981811-10-2 WORTHINGTON INDS INC 1,200.000 18,288 15.240 18,288 20,571 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Dividends 10 ------------------------------ 8 9 Increase CUSIP Declared but Amount Received (Decrease) by Identification Description Unpaid During Year Adjustment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86764P-10-9 SUNOCO INC 725 (1,071) 867914-10-3 SUNTRUST BKS INC 5,352 (33,594) 868536-10-3 SUPERVALU INC 693 (6,403) 871508-10-7 SYMBOL TECHNOLOGIES INC 35 (12,657) 87161C-10-5 SYNOVUS FINL CORP 125 1,382 (19,377) 871829-10-7 SYSCO CORP 2,241 20,617 872375-10-0 TECO ENERGY INC 1,978 (11,521) 872540-10-9 TJX COS INC NEW 624 23 872941-10-9 TMP WORLDWIDE INC (31,526) 873168-10-8 TXU CORPORATION 440 6,319 (122,980) 87612E-10-6 TARGET CORPORATION 2,202 (108,038) 879131-10-0 TEKTRONIX INC (4,581) 879664-10-0 TELLABS INC (20,819) 879868-10-7 TEMPLE INLAND INC 512 (9,518) 88033G-10-0 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP (188,285) 880770-10-2 TERADYNE INC (20,548) 882508-10-4 TEXAS INSTRS INC 315 1,458 (243,162) 883203-10-1 TEXTRON INC 114 1,365 3,006 883556-10-2 THERMO ELECTRON CORP (1,326) 884315-10-2 THOMAS & BETTS CORP (1,505) 88579Y-10-1 3M CO COM 8,148 14,125 886547-10-8 TIFFANY & CO NEW 164 (13,014) 891027-10-4 TORCHMARK CORP 333 (2,494) 892335-10-0 TOYS R US INC 5 (16,109) 89420G-40-6 TRAVELERS PROP CASUALT-B (37,925) 896047-10-7 TRIBUNE CO NEW 1,487 21,742 899896-10-4 TUPPERWARE CORP 330 (1,945) 902124-10-6 TYCO INTL LTD NEW 199 916 (599,375) 902911-10-6 UST INC 3,024 3,947 902973-30-4 US BANCORP DEL 13,376 11,994 907818-10-8 UNION PAC CORP 240 1,695 1,876 908068-10-9 UNION PLANTERS CORP 2,500 (2,608) 909214-10-8 UNISYS CORP (2,595) 911312-10-6 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC 2,126 (2,133) 912909-10-8 UNITED STATES STEEL CORP 175 (3,294) 913017-10-9 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORP 4,925 (18,081) 91324P-10-2 UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC 3 73 34,122 914906-10-2 UNIVISION COMMUNICATIONS (28,022) 915289-10-2 UNOCAL CORP 420 1,620 (10,186) 91529Y-10-6 UNUMPROVIDENT CORP 189 1,185 (22,039) 918204-10-8 V F CORP 1,048 (4,752) 923436-10-9 VERITAS SOFTWARE CO (98,564) 92343V-10-4 VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS 5,698 41,800 (110,928) 925524-30-8 VIACOM INC (65,175) 92839U-10-7 VISTEON CORP 293 (7,874) 929160-10-9 VULCAN MATLS CO 917 (7,299) 929903-10-2 WACHOVIA CORP 14,400 60,922 931142-10-3 WAL MART STORES INC 1,643 11,657 (322,492) 931422-10-9 WALGREEN CO 1,508 (80,797) 939322-10-3 WASHINGTON MUT INC 662 10,073 10,125 94106L-10-9 WASTE MGMT INC DEL 70 (44,779) 941848-10-3 WATERS CORP (19,723) 942683-10-3 WATSON PHARMACEUTICALS IN 3 (611) 94973H-10-8 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 13 (1,167) 949746-10-1 WELLS FARGO & CO NEW 18,940 (487) 950590-10-9 WENDYS INTL INC 72 546 (7,486) 961548-10-4 WESTVACO CORP 132 962166-10-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO 400 3,506 (14,995) 963320-10-6 WHIRLPOOL CORP 808 (20,448) 969457-10-0 WILLIAMS COS INC DEL 1,745 (92,676) 974280-10-9 WINN DIXIE STORES INC 250 892 981811-10-2 WORTHINGTON INDS INC 480 (1,675) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 11 12 13 Increase (Decrease) by NAIC CUSIP Foreign Exchange Designation Date Identification Description Adjustment (a) Acquired - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 86764P-10-9 SUNOCO INC L 10/25/2002 867914-10-3 SUNTRUST BKS INC L 08/28/2002 868536-10-3 SUPERVALU INC L 10/25/2002 871508-10-7 SYMBOL TECHNOLOGIES INC L 10/25/2002 87161C-10-5 SYNOVUS FINL CORP L 10/25/2002 871829-10-7 SYSCO CORP L 10/25/2002 872375-10-0 TECO ENERGY INC L 10/25/2002 872540-10-9 TJX COS INC NEW L 10/25/2002 872941-10-9 TMP WORLDWIDE INC L 10/25/2002 873168-10-8 TXU CORPORATION L 12/30/2002 87612E-10-6 TARGET CORPORATION L 10/25/2002 879131-10-0 TEKTRONIX INC L 10/25/2002 879664-10-0 TELLABS INC L 10/25/2002 879868-10-7 TEMPLE INLAND INC L 06/21/2002 88033G-10-0 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP L 09/27/2002 880770-10-2 TERADYNE INC L 10/25/2002 882508-10-4 TEXAS INSTRS INC L 10/25/2002 883203-10-1 TEXTRON INC L 10/25/2002 883556-10-2 THERMO ELECTRON CORP L 10/18/2002 884315-10-2 THOMAS & BETTS CORP L 10/25/2002 88579Y-10-1 3M CO COM L 10/18/2002 886547-10-8 TIFFANY & CO NEW L 10/18/2002 891027-10-4 TORCHMARK CORP L 10/25/2002 892335-10-0 TOYS R US INC L 10/25/2002 89420G-40-6 TRAVELERS PROP CASUALT-B L 10/25/2002 896047-10-7 TRIBUNE CO NEW L 09/27/2002 899896-10-4 TUPPERWARE CORP L 10/25/2002 902124-10-6 TYCO INTL LTD NEW L 10/25/2002 902911-10-6 UST INC L 10/25/2002 902973-30-4 US BANCORP DEL L 10/25/2002 907818-10-8 UNION PAC CORP L 09/27/2002 908068-10-9 UNION PLANTERS CORP L 10/25/2002 909214-10-8 UNISYS CORP L 10/25/2002 911312-10-6 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC L 09/27/2002 912909-10-8 UNITED STATES STEEL CORP L 10/25/2002 913017-10-9 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORP L 09/27/2002 91324P-10-2 UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC L 08/28/2002 914906-10-2 UNIVISION COMMUNICATIONS L 10/25/2002 915289-10-2 UNOCAL CORP L 12/30/2002 91529Y-10-6 UNUMPROVIDENT CORP L 10/25/2002 918204-10-8 V F CORP L 10/25/2002 923436-10-9 VERITAS SOFTWARE CO L 10/25/2002 92343V-10-4 VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS L 12/30/2002 925524-30-8 VIACOM INC L 09/27/2002 92839U-10-7 VISTEON CORP L 10/25/2002 929160-10-9 VULCAN MATLS CO L 10/25/2002 929903-10-2 WACHOVIA CORP L 10/18/2002 931142-10-3 WAL MART STORES INC L 10/25/2002 931422-10-9 WALGREEN CO L 10/25/2002 939322-10-3 WASHINGTON MUT INC L 10/25/2002 94106L-10-9 WASTE MGMT INC DEL L 10/25/2002 941848-10-3 WATERS CORP L 10/25/2002 942683-10-3 WATSON PHARMACEUTICALS IN L 10/25/2002 94973H-10-8 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK L 12/30/2002 949746-10-1 WELLS FARGO & CO NEW L 09/27/2002 950590-10-9 WENDYS INTL INC L 10/25/2002 961548-10-4 WESTVACO CORP L 11/18/1998 962166-10-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO L 09/27/2002 963320-10-6 WHIRLPOOL CORP L 05/28/2002 969457-10-0 WILLIAMS COS INC DEL L 10/25/2002 974280-10-9 WINN DIXIE STORES INC L 10/25/2002 981811-10-2 WORTHINGTON INDS INC L 10/25/2002 E10.7 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 2 - SECTION 2 Showing all COMMON STOCKS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 Rate Per Share CUSIP Book/Adjusted Used to Obtain Identification Description Number of Shares Carrying Value Fair Value - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 982526-10-5 WRIGLEY WM JR CO 3,300.000 181,104 54.880 983024-10-0 WYETH 19,100.000 714,340 37.400 98389B-10-0 XCEL ENERGY INC 5,675.000 62,425 11.000 983919-10-1 XIL INX INC 4,800.000 98,880 20.600 984121-10-3 XEROX CORP 10,500.000 84,525 8.050 984332-10-6 YAHOO INC 8,600.000 140,610 16.350 988498-10-1 YUM BRANDS INC 4,300.000 104,146 24.220 98956P-10-2 ZIMMER HLDGS INC 2,780.000 115,426 41.520 989701-10-7 ZIONS BANCORPORATION 1,300.000 51,154 39.349 G0070K-10-3 ACE LTD 3,800.000 111,492 29.340 G24182-10-0 COOPER INDUSTRIES LTD CL A 1,300.000 47,385 36.450 G4776G-10-1 INGERSOLL-RAND CO LIMITED CL A 2,400.000 103,344 43.060 G6359F-10-3 NABORS INDS LTD 2,100.000 74,067 35.270 G65422-10-0 NOBLE CORP ORATION SHS 1,900.000 66,785 35.150 G90078-10-9 TRANSOCEAN INC 4,545.000 105,443 23.200 G98255-10-5 XL CAP LTD 2,000.000 154,500 77.250 929901-83-3 WACHOVIA US TREASURY MKT 35,000.000 35,000 1.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 167,373,841 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6899999 - Total - Common Stock - Industrial, Misc. 167,373,841 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARENT, SUBS. & AFFILIATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12566#-10-7 CMAC INSURANCE CO 100,000.000 57,699,803 576.998 154050-99-1 CMAC SERVICES CO 1.000 2,001.000 20313#-10-6 CMAC OF ARIZONA 100,000.000 15,098,280 150.982 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6999999 - Total - Common Stock - Parent, Subsidiaries, Affiliates 72,798,083 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 Total - Common Stocks 240,171,924 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 Total - Preferred and Common Stocks 283,431,327 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 6 7 Dividends ------------------------------ 8 9 CUSIP Declared but Amount Received Identification Description Fair Value Actual Cost Unpaid During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 982526-10-5 WRIGLEY WM JR CO 181,104 171,086 1,688 983024-10-0 WYETH 714,340 954,610 688 12,788 98389B-10-0 XCEL ENERGY INC 62,425 105,028 4,186 983919-10-1 XIL INX INC 98,880 168,529 984121-10-3 XEROX CORP 84,525 189,952 864 984332-10-6 YAHOO INC 140,610 550,547 988498-10-1 YUM BRANDS INC 104,146 118,512 98956P-10-2 ZIMMER HLDGS INC 115,426 94,419 989701-10-7 ZIONS BANCORPORATION 51,154 68,913 640 G0070K-10-3 ACE LTD 111,492 135,926 165 1,029 G24182-10-0 COOPER INDUSTRIES LTD CL A 47,385 48,579 945 G4776G-10-1 INGERSOLL-RAND CO LIMITED CL A 103,344 105,070 1,411 G6359F-10-3 NABORS INDS LTD 74,067 83,470 G65422-10-0 NOBLE CORP ORATION SHS 66,785 66,019 G90078-10-9 TRANSOCEAN INC 105,443 134,366 153 G98255-10-5 XL CAP LTD 154,500 169,838 2,928 929901-83-3 WACHOVIA US TREASURY MKT 35,000 35,000 514 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 167,373,841 196,214,123 106,448 1,445,972 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6899999 - Total - Common Stock - Industrial, Misc. 167,373,841 196,214,123 106,448 1,445,972 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PARENT, SUBS. & AFFILIATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12566#-10-7 CMAC INSURANCE CO 57,699,803 35,020,145 154050-99-1 CMAC SERVICES CO 2,001 20313#-10-6 CMAC OF ARIZONA 15,098,280 15,431,163 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6999999 - Total - Common Stock - Parent, Subsidiaries, Affiliates 72,798,083 50,453,309 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7099999 Total - Common Stocks 240,171,924 246,667,432 106,448 1,445,972 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7199999 Total - Preferred and Common Stocks 281,516,216 294,263,230 370,841 3,624,417 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Increase Increase (Decrease) by NAIC CUSIP (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange Designation Date Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment (a) Acquired - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 982526-10-5 WRIGLEY WM JR CO 6,333 L 09/27/2002 983024-10-0 WYETH (310,571) L 10/25/2002 98389B-10-0 XCEL ENERGY INC (50,558) L 10/25/2002 983919-10-1 XIL INX INC (47,847) L 10/25/2002 984121-10-3 XEROX CORP (6,651) L 10/25/2002 984332-10-6 YAHOO INC 12,892 L 09/27/2002 988498-10-1 YUM BRANDS INC (12,071) L 10/25/2002 98956P-10-2 ZIMMER HLDGS INC 18,327 L 10/25/2002 989701-10-7 ZIONS BANCORPORATION (17,199) L 06/21/2002 G0070K-10-3 ACE LTD (24,434) L 10/25/2002 G24182-10-0 COOPER INDUSTRIES LTD CL A 3,639 L 10/25/2002 G4776G-10-1 INGERSOLL-RAND CO LIMITED CL A (5,578) L 10/25/2002 G6359F-10-3 NABORS INDS LTD 2,520 L 10/25/2002 G65422-10-0 NOBLE CORP ORATION SHS 4,925 L 10/25/2002 G90078-10-9 TRANSOCEAN INC (24,843) L 09/27/2002 G98255-10-5 XL CAP LTD (25,943) L 05/28/2002 929901-83-3 WACHOVIA US TREASURY MKT U 04/01/2002 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (31,230,603) XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6899999 - Total - Common Stock - Industrial, Misc. (31,230,603) XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARENT, SUBS. & AFFILIATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12566#-10-7 CMAC INSURANCE CO 15,164,134 A 11/12/1993 154050-99-1 CMAC SERVICES CO U 10/31/1985 20313#-10-6 CMAC OF ARIZONA 1,086,835 A 09/26/2002 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6999999 - Total - Common Stock - Parent, Subsidiaries, Affiliates 16,250,969 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 Total - Common Stocks (14,979,634) XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 Total - Preferred and Common Stocks (19,737,207) XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) For all common stocks bearing the NAIC designation "U" provide: the number of such issues , the total $ value (included in Column 6) of all ---------- such issues $ ----------- E10.8 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 CUSIP Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01F060-6D-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y FNMA 6.000 01/01/2033 11/12/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 01N062-61-5 GNMA TBA 6.500 01/01/2032 12/23/2002 J.P. MORGAN CHASE & CO. 31287T-2E-4 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 7.000 03/01/2030 07/25/2002 COUNTRYWIDE SECURITIES CORP 31287V-AQ-3 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 6.500 07/01/2032 06/14/2002 COUNTRYWIDE SECURITIES CORP 3128GV-UG-3 FHLMC PC 6.000 09/01/2017 08/22/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS 31331L-J9-0 FEDERAL FARM CR BKS CONS 4.375 04/15/2005 10/16/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 31377M-7K-1 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.460 06/01/2009 12/23/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 31377M-BG-5 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.120 11/01/2008 12/23/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 31386F-6B-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 02/01/2031 01/08/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 31387U-CQ-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 06/01/2031 11/12/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 31388Y-2Y-7 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 12/01/2015 09/18/2002 GREENWICH SECURITIES 31389N-7D-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 09/01/2031 05/14/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 31390L-F7-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 07/22/2002 FREDDIE MAC 31390L-FF-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 07/01/2032 07/22/2002 FREDDIE MAC 31390L-V7-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 07/01/2032 07/25/2002 FREDDIE MAC 31390L-WX-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 07/01/2032 07/25/2002 FREDDIE MAC 31390N-P4-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 07/01/2032 09/12/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 31390N-UL-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 08/01/2017 09/18/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 31390P-DC-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 07/25/2002 COUNTRYWIDE SECURITIES CORP 31390T-LQ-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 07/25/2002 COUNTRYWIDE SECURITIES CORP 31390T-LV-9 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 07/25/2002 COUNTRYWIDE SECURITIES CORP 31390U-YD-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 09/01/2032 08/20/2002 COUNTRYWIDE SECURITIES CORP 31391E-AQ-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 09/01/2017 09/18/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 31392D-YE-6 FANNIEMAE GRANTOR TRUST 4.768 04/01/2012 07/18/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 912810-FJ-2 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.125 08/15/2029 06/14/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 912810-FM-5 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.250 05/15/2030 11/14/2002 VARIOUS 912810-FP-8 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 02/15/2031 08/14/2002 VARIOUS 912827-4Y-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.875 01/15/2009 10/11/2002 BARCLAYS CAPITAL INC 912827-6X-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 05/15/2006 10/17/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 912827-7H-9 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES 3.250 12/31/2003 05/10/2002 VARIOUS 912827-7K-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 01/31/2004 08/14/2002 VARIOUS 912827-R8-7 US TREASURY NOTE 7.875 11/15/2004 08/14/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 912827-U8-3 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 6.500 08/15/2005 10/17/2002 VARIOUS 912828-AA-8 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.625 03/31/2004 07/12/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 912828-AD-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.250 05/31/2004 07/17/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 912828-AE-0 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.875 06/30/2004 11/19/2002 VARIOUS 912828-AK-6 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 08/31/2004 11/05/2002 VARIOUS 91362*-AA-9 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS BONDS 03/12/2003 01/02/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 91362*-AB-7 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 06/17/2006 01/02/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 91362*-AC-5 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 09/16/2006 01/02/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 91362*-AD-3 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 12/16/2006 01/02/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 91362*-AE-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 03/17/2007 01/02/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 91362*-AF-8 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 04/15/2007 01/02/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 91362*-AG-6 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 06/15/2007 01/02/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 91362*-AH-4 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 09/15/2007 01/02/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 91362*-A1-2 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 12/15/2007 01/02/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 91362*-AK-7 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 03/16/2008 01/02/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 91362*-AM-3 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 04/15/2008 01/02/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 91362*-AN-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 06/15/2008 01/02/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 91362*-A0-9 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 09/15/2008 01/02/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 91362*-AP-6 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 12/15/2008 01/02/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 91362*-AQ-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMEN 06/17/2012 06/17/2002 FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK 91362*-AR-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMEN 09/16/2012 09/16/2002 FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK 91362*-AS-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMEN 09/30/2012 09/30/2002 FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK 91362*-AT-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMEN 12/16/2012 12/16/2002 FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - Bonds - U.S. Government - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER GOVERNMENTS CANADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 683234-RV-2 ONTARIO PROV CDA 5.125 07/17/2012 07/10/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 5 6 CUSIP Number of Actual Identification Description Shares of Stock Cost - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01F060-6D-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y FNMA 6.000 01/01/2033 742,898 01N062-61-5 GNMA TBA 6.500 01/01/2032 2,622,656 31287T-2E-4 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 7.000 03/01/2030 283,546 31287V-AQ-3 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 6.500 07/01/2032 5,662,734 3128GV-UG-3 FHLMC PC 6.000 09/01/2017 825,625 31331L-J9-0 FEDERAL FARM CR BKS CONS 4.375 04/15/2005 1,044,720 31377M-7K-1 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.460 06/01/2009 762,864 31377M-BG-5 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.120 11/01/2008 502,213 31386F-6B-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 02/01/2031 1,665,037 31387U-CQ-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 06/01/2031 310,906 31388Y-2Y-7 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 12/01/2015 214,955 31389N-7D-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 09/01/2031 126,133 31390L-F7-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 435,387 31390L-FF-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 07/01/2032 720,720 31390L-V7-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 07/01/2032 207,038 31390L-WX-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 07/01/2032 78,350 31390N-P4-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 07/01/2032 336,471 31390N-UL-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 08/01/2017 1,453,414 31390P-DC-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 284,088 31390T-LQ-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 309,914 31390T-LV-9 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 361,566 31390U-YD-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 09/01/2032 1,163,496 31391E-AQ-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 09/01/2017 2,084,688 31392D-YE-6 FANNIEMAE GRANTOR TRUST 4.768 04/01/2012 149,859 912810-FJ-2 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.125 08/15/2029 2,370,844 912810-FM-5 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.250 05/15/2030 7,524,002 912810-FP-8 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 02/15/2031 444,833 912827-4Y-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.875 01/15/2009 3,416,170 912827-6X-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 05/15/2006 26,595 912827-7H-9 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES 3.250 12/31/2003 2,197,480 912827-7K-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 01/31/2004 20,071,227 912827-R8-7 US TREASURY NOTE 7.875 11/15/2004 8,599,988 912827-U8-3 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 6.500 08/15/2005 3,767,084 912828-AA-8 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.625 03/31/2004 408,281 912828-AD-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.250 05/31/2004 557,219 912828-AE-0 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.875 06/30/2004 2,819,069 912828-AK-6 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 08/31/2004 3,402,829 91362*-AA-9 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS BONDS 03/12/2003 420,000 91362*-AB-7 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 06/17/2006 3,600,000 91362*-AC-5 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 09/16/2006 2,500,000 91362*-AD-3 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 12/16/2006 3,500,000 91362*-AE-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 03/17/2007 500,000 91362*-AF-8 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 04/15/2007 2,850,000 91362*-AG-6 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 06/15/2007 4,000,000 91362*-AH-4 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 09/15/2007 3,000,000 91362*-A1-2 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 12/15/2007 4,000,000 91362*-AK-7 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 03/16/2008 1,200,000 91362*-AM-3 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 04/15/2008 4,000,000 91362*-AN-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 06/15/2008 5,000,000 91362*-A0-9 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 09/15/2008 4,500,000 91362*-AP-6 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 12/15/2008 50,300,000 91362*-AQ-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMEN 06/17/2012 23,000,000 91362*-AR-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMEN 09/16/2012 11,500,000 91362*-AS-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMEN 09/30/2012 6,249,433 91362*-AT-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMEN 12/16/2012 17,000,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 225,074,332 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - Bonds - U.S. Government 225,074,332 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER GOVERNMENTS CANADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 683234-RV-2 ONTARIO PROV CDA 5.125 07/17/2012 124,681 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 7 8 CUSIP Paid for Accrued Identification Description Par Value Interest and Dividends - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01F060-6D-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y FNMA 6.000 01/01/2033 725,000 01N062-61-5 GNMA TBA 6.500 01/01/2032 2,500,000 31287T-2E-4 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 7.000 03/01/2030 271,255 686 31287V-AQ-3 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 6.500 07/01/2032 5,550,000 14,029 3128GV-UG-3 FHLMC PC 6.000 09/01/2017 800,000 2,400 31331L-J9-0 FEDERAL FARM CR BKS CONS 4.375 04/15/2005 1,000,000 243 31377M-7K-1 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.460 06/01/2009 683,895 3,191 31377M-BG-5 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.120 11/01/2008 454,620 2,009 31386F-6B-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 02/01/2031 1,699,830 3,400 31387U-CQ-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 06/01/2031 300,030 596 31388Y-2Y-7 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 12/01/2015 203,659 809 31389N-7D-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 09/01/2031 122,329 381 31390L-F7-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 421,618 990 31390L-FF-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 07/01/2032 697,929 1,638 31390L-V7-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 07/01/2032 198,033 501 31390L-WX-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 07/01/2032 74,943 189 31390N-P4-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 07/01/2032 324,261 937 31390N-UL-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 08/01/2017 1,394,371 5,113 31390P-DC-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 275,000 1,440 31390T-LQ-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 300,000 1,571 31390T-LV-9 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 350,000 1,833 31390U-YD-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 09/01/2032 1,125,000 3,047 31391E-AQ-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 09/01/2017 2,000,000 7,333 31392D-YE-6 FANNIEMAE GRANTOR TRUST 4.768 04/01/2012 150,000 576 912810-FJ-2 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.125 08/15/2029 2,200,000 46,157 912810-FM-5 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.250 05/15/2030 6,435,000 188,893 912810-FP-8 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 02/15/2031 420,000 11,005 912827-4Y-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.875 01/15/2009 2,800,000 20,004 912827-6X-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 05/15/2006 25,000 503 912827-7H-9 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES 3.250 12/31/2003 2,190,000 19,935 912827-7K-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 01/31/2004 19,800,000 62,664 912827-R8-7 US TREASURY NOTE 7.875 11/15/2004 7,670,000 149,362 912827-U8-3 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 6.500 08/15/2005 3,350,000 28,923 912828-AA-8 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.625 03/31/2004 400,000 4,279 912828-AD-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.250 05/31/2004 550,000 2,540 912828-AE-O UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.875 06/30/2004 2,775,000 17,654 912828-AK-6 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 08/31/2004 3,380,000 12,943 91362*-AA-9 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS BONDS 03/12/2003 420,000 91362*-AB-7 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 06/17/2006 3,600,000 91362*-AC-5 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 09/16/2006 2,500,000 91362*-AD-3 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 12/16/2006 3,500,000 91362*-AE-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 03/17/2007 500,000 91362*-AF-8 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 04/15/2007 2,850,000 91362*-AG-6 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 06/15/2007 4,000,000 91362*-AH-4 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 09/15/2007 3,000,000 91362*-A1-2 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 12/15/2007 4,000,000 91362*-AK-7 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 03/16/2008 1,200,000 91362*-AM-3 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 04/15/2008 4,000,000 91362*-AN-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 06/15/2008 5,000,000 91362*-AO-9 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 09/15/2008 4,500,000 91362*-AP-6 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 12/15/2008 50,300,000 91362*-AQ-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMEN 06/17/2012 23,000,000 91362*-AR-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMEN 09/16/2012 11,500,000 91362*-AS-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMEN 09/30/2012 6,249,433 91362*-AT-1 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOS GOVERNMEN 12/16/2012 17,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 220,736,206 617,774 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - Bonds - U.S. Government 220,736,206 617,774 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER GOVERNMENTS CANADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 683234-RV-2 ONTARIO PROV CDA 5.125 07/17/2012 125,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 CUSIP Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 748148-BW-2 QUEBEC PROV CDA 5.000 07/17/2009 07/09/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099997 - Bonds - All Other Governments - Canada - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099997 - Total Bonds - All Other Government - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010653-EN-9 ALABAMA WTR POLLUTION CIL AUT LV IN 5.000 08/15/2004 01/31/2002 FLEET SECURITIES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13062N-3L-9 CALIFORNIA ST FOR PREVIOU 5.000 10/01/2028 10/16/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 13062N-H7-5 CALIFORNIA ST 5.250 02/01/2029 03/15/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 798135-UR-8 SAN JOSE CALIF 5.000 09/012028 08/07/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772F-HV-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 5.375 06/15/2013 06/06/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 20772F-RY-8 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 5.125 11/15/2017 05/31/2002 MERRIL LYNCH 20772F-ZC-7 CONNECTICUT ST SER A 5.375 04/15/2013 04/25/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341426-BK-9 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 5.500 06/01/2015 06/11/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 593388-Z5-3 MIAMI FLA 5.500 01/01/2017 07/19/2002 MORGAN STANLEY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373383-RK-6 GEORGIA ST 5.125 05/01/2015 07/16/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH - ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419780-PX-3 HAWAII ST 5.700 09/01/2009 06/11/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 419780-WJ-6 HAWAII ST 5.500 02/01/2014 06/13/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 5.125 02/01/2027 02/08/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 224856-AX-2 CRAWFORD CNTY KANS UNI SC 6.000 09/01/2003 08/15/2002 NATIONAL WESTMINSTER - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574192-TQ-3 MARYLAND ST 5.500 08/01/2014 08/01/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57582N-JV-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 01/01/2015 11/22/2002 UBS PAINE WEBBER 57582N-JX-4 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.375 01/01/2017 11/22/2002 UBS PAINE WEBBER - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4K-1 MINNESOTA ST 5.250 11/01/2016 10/22/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 517840-VU-5 LAS VEGAS VALLEY NEV WTR 5.250 06/01/2017 12/17/2001 MERRIL LYNCH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 649660-PC-5 NEW YORK N Y 1.000 08/15/2021 03/27/2002 MERRIL LYNCH 64966A-2J-3 NEW YORK NY 1.000 11/01/2024 03/28/2002 MERRIL LYNCH 64966B-BF-9 NEW YORK N Y 5.375 03/15/2028 03/13/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 64966B-HR-7 NEW YORK N Y 5.625 08/01/2015 05/23/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 64966B-TJ-2 NEW YORK N Y 5.750 08/01/2015 07/18/2002 MORGAN STANLEY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677518-2U-5 OHIO ST 5.000 09/15/2021 02/07/2002 RADIAN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 5 6 CUSIP Number of Actual Identification Description Shares of Stock Cost - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 748148-BW-2 QUEBEC PROV CDA 5.000 07/17/2009 124,271 1099997 - Bonds - All Other Governments - Canada 248,952 1099999 - Total Bonds - All Other Government 248,952 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010653-EN-9 ALABAMA WTR POLLUTION CTL AUT LV IN 5.000 08/15/2004 1,058,900 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA 1,058,900 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13062N-3L-9 CALIFORNIA ST FOR PREV I0U 5.000 10/01/2028 5,054,500 13062N-H7-5 CALIFORNIA ST 5.250 02/01/2029 4,907,850 798135-UR-8 SAN JOSE CALIF 5.000 09/01/2028 5,857,284 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 15,819,634 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772F-HV-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREV 10 5.375 06/15/2013 5,440,850 20772F-RY-8 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREV 10 5.125 11/15/2017 2,536,167 20772F-ZC-7 CONNECTICUT ST SER A 5.375 04/15/2013 4,365,455 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 12,342,472 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341426-BK-9 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 5.500 06/01/2015 6,196,979 593388-Z5-3 MIAMI FLA 5.500 01/01/2017 5,379,450 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 11,576,429 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373383-RK-6 GEORGIA ST 5.125 05/01/2015 5,350,500 - ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 5,350,500 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419780-PX-3 HAWAII ST 5.700 09/01/2009 3,399,660 419780-WJ-6 HAWAII ST 5.500 02/01/2014 1,092,020 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 4,491,680 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 5.125 02/01/2027 7,384,200 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 7,384,200 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 224856-AX-2 CRAWFORD CNTY KANS UNI SC 6.000 09/01/2003 784,793 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS 784,793 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574192-TQ-3 MARYLAND ST 5.500 08/01/2014 3,412,170 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND 3,412,170 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57582N-JV-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 01/01/2015 5,520,000 57582N-JX-4 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.375 01/01/2017 10,760,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 16,280,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4K-1 MINNESOTA ST 5.250 11/01/2016 3,540,560 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA 3,540,560 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 517840-VU-5 LAS VEGAS VALLEY NEV WTR 5.250 06/01/2017 4,894,671 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 4,894,671 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 649660-PC-5 NEW YORK N Y 1.000 08/15/2021 1,100,000 64966A-2J-3 NEW YORK NY 1.000 11/01/2024 1,500,000 64966B-BF-9 NEW YORK N Y 5.375 03/15/2028 1,474,215 64966B-HR-7 NEW YORK N Y 5.625 08/01/2015 3,135,540 64966B-TJ-2 NEW YORK N Y 5.750 08/01/2015 5,402,600 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 12,612,355 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677518-2U-5 OHIO ST 5.000 09/15/2021 9,987,000 - --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OHIO 9,987,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 7 8 CUSIP Paid for Accrued Identification Description Par Value Interest and Dividends - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 748148-BW-2 QUEBEC PROV CDA 5.000 07/17/2009 125,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099997 - Bonds - All Other Governments - Canada 250,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total Bonds - All Other Government 250,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010653-EN-9 ALABAMA WTR POLLUTION CTL AUT LVIN 5.000 08/15/2004 1,000,000 23,472 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA 1,000,000 23,472 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13062N-3L-9 CALIFORNIA ST FOR PREVI0U 5.000 10/01/2028 5,000,000 14,583 13062N-H7-5 CALIFORNIA ST 5.250 02/01/2029 5,000,000 729 798135-UR-8 SAN JOSE CALIF 5.000 09/01/2028 5,900,000 33,597 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 15,900,000 48,909 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772F-HV-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVI0 5.375 06/15/2013 5,000,000 131,389 20772F-RY-8 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVI0 5.125 11/15/2017 2,450,000 6,976 20772F-ZC-7 CONNECTICU ST SER A 5.375 04/15/2013 4,050,000 9,675 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 11,500,000 148,040 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341426-BK-9 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 5.500 06/01/2015 5,690,000 36,511 593388-Z5-3 MIAMI FLA 5.500 01/01/2017 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 10,690,000 36,511 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373383-RK-6 GEORGIA ST 5.125 05/01/2015 5,000,000 59,792 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 5,000,000 59,792 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419780-PX-3 HAWAII ST 5.700 09/01/2009 3,000,000 48,925 419780-WJ-6 HAWAII ST 5.500 02/01/2014 1,000,000 18,792 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 4,000,000 67,717 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 5.125 02/01/2027 7,500,000 13,880 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 7,500,000 13,880 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 224856-AX-2 CRAWFORD CNTY KANS UNI SC 6.000 09/01/2003 750,000 21,125 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS 750,000 21,125 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574192-TQ-3 MARYLAND ST 5.500 08/01/2014 3,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND 3,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57582N-JV-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 01/01/2015 5,000,000 29,792 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57582N-JX-4 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.375 01/01/2017 10,000,000 58,229 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 15,000,000 88,021 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4K-1 MINNESOTA ST 5.250 11/01/2016 3,325,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA 3,325,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 517840-VU-5 LAS VEGAS VALLEY NEV WTR 5.250 06/01/2017 4,585,000 5,349 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 4,585,000 5,349 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 649660-PC-5 NEW YORK N Y 1.000 08/15/2021 1,100,000 958 64966A-2J-3 NEW YORK NY 1.000 11/01/2024 1,500,000 1,360 64966B-BF-9 NEW YORK N Y 5.375 03/15/2028 1,500,000 64966B-HR-7 NEW YORK N Y 5.625 08/01/2015 3,000,000 64966B-TJ-2 NEW YORK N Y 5.750 08/01/2015 5,000,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 12,100,000 2,318 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677518-2U-5 OHIO ST 5.000 09/15/2021 10,000,000 238,889 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 10,000,000 238,889 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 CUSIP Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 725276-Y7-8 PITTSBURG PA SCH DIST MUNICIPAL 5.500 09/01/2014 06/07/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745145-Q5-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 5.500 07/01/2014 07/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 586145-JZ-8 MEMPHIS TENN 5.250 11/01/2012 11/22/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 581663-B8-3 MC KINNEY TEX INDPT SCH D 6.000 02/15/2009 07/22/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 929828-XK-2 WACO TEX 5.600 02/01/2004 08/12/2002 GREENWICH SECURITIES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93974A-ES-9 WASHINGTON ST 5.000 02/01/2017 07/26/2002 PAINE WEBBER - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95648M-CA-5 WEST VIRGINIA ECONOMIC DEV ECTI 5.000 06/01/2026 01/22/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES ILLINOIS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 969078-LT-9 WILL CNTY ILL CMNTY SCH DIST 11/01/2014 03/26/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 546589-JL-7 LOUISVILLE & JEFFERSON CNTY SWR 5.000 05/15/2032 12/20/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivision - United States - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Total - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010608-RX-7 ALABAMA ST PUB SCH & COLL 5.750 08/01/2003 02/05/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 472682-KN-2 JEFFERSON CNTY ALA SWR RE 5.250 02/01/2024 12/18/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 011831-7C-2 ALASKA HFC ST CAP PROJ NCL 5.000 06/01/2003 04/30/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARKANSAS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 914084-MU-9 UNIVERSITY ARK UNIV REVS 5.500 12/01/2015 11/18/2002 BANK OF AMERICA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARKANSAS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13066Y-BK-4 CALIFORNIA ST DEPT WTR RE 5.500 05/01/2005 11/07/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 651785-AA-5 NEWPORT BEACH CA REV 1.000 10/01/2022 03/28/2002 MERRILL LYNCH 798153-FA-5 SAN JOSE CALIF FING AUTH LEASE 5.250 06/01/2021 10/24/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 842475-YM-1 SOUTHERN CAL PUB PWR AUTH 5.375 01/01/2011 04/15/2002 UBS WAR8URG LLC - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341507-MF-5 FLORIDA ST BRD ED LOTTERY 5.000 07/01/2017 07/11/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 34160W-EJ-9 FLORIDA ST DEPT ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVAT 5.375 07/01/2019 03/12/2002 UBS PAINE WEBBER 342815-GD-3 FLORIDA MUN LN COUNCIL REV 5.250 11/01/2015 07/10/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 432337-BT-9 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA SCH DIST 5.000 10/01/2026 01/16/2002 UBS PAINE WEBBER 684545-SD-9 ORANGE CNTY FLA TOURIST DEV T 5.500 10/01/2013 06/04/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 723159-AS-8 PINELLAS CNTY FL CAP IMPT REV 5.750 01/01/2009 03/08/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 803408-HP-1 SARASOTA FLA WTR & SWR UT 6.250 10/01/2005 12/17/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 875290-SF-6 TAMPA FLA WTR & SWR REV 4.000 07/01/2003 02/08/2002 MORGAN STANLEY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 240523-QS-2 DE KALB CNTY GA WTR & SWR 5.125 10/01/2031 02/27/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 5 6 CUSIP Number of Actual Identification Description Shares of Stock Cost - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 725276-Y7-8 PITTSBURG PA SCH DIST MUNICIPAL 5.500 09/01/2014 2,746,500 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 2,746,500 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745145-Q5-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 5.500 07/01/2014 4,612,221 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO 4,612,221 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 586145-JZ-8 MEMPHIS TENN 5.250 11/01/2012 5,529,350 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 5,529,350 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 581663-B8-3 MC KINNEY TEX INDPT SCH D 6.000 02/15/2009 2,508,572 929828-XK-2 WACO TEX 5.600 02/01/2004 1,265,460 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 3,774,032 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93974A-ES-9 WASHINGTON ST 5.000 02/01/2017 10,393,300 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 10,393,300 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95648M-CA-5 WEST VIRGINIA ECONOMIC DEV ECTI 5.000 06/01/2026 7,790,640 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA 7,790,640 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States 144,381,407 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999- Total - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 144,381,407 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 969078-LT-9 WILL CNTY ILL CMNTY SCH DIST 11/01/2014 6,928,553 - --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 6,928,553 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 546589-JL-7 LOUISVILLE & JEFFERSON CNTY SWR 5.000 05/15/2032 2,151,224 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY 2,151,224 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivision - United States 9,079,777 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Total - Bonds - Political Subdivisions 9,079,777 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ALABAMA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010608-RX-7 ALABAMA ST PUB SCH & COLL 5.750 08/01/2003 1,054,430 472682-KN-2 JEFFERSON CNTY ALA SWR RE 5.250 02/01/2024 5,159,600 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA 6,214,030 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 011831-7C-2 ALASKA HFC ST CAP PROJ NCL 5.000 06/01/2003 411,532 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 411,532 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARKANSAS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 914084-MU-9 UNIVERSITY ARK UNIV REVS 5.500 12/01/2015 3,171,620 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARKANSAS 3,171,620 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13066Y-BK-4 CALIFORNIA ST DEPT WTR RE 5.500 05/01/2005 1,063,340 651785-AA-5 NEWPORT BEACH CA REV 1.000 10/01/2022 1,500,000 798153-FA-5 SAN JOSE CALIF FING AUTH LEASE 5.250 06/01/2021 6,559,787 842475-YM-1 SOUTHERN CAL PUB PWR AUTH 5.375 01/01/2011 3,158,332 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 12,281,459 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341507-MF-5 FLORIDA ST BRD ED LOTTERY 5.000 07/01/2017 9,394,817 34160W-EJ-9 FLORIDA ST DEPT ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVAT 5.375 07/01/2019 6,180,960 342815-GD-3 FLORIDA MUN LN COUNCIL REV 5.250 11/01/2015 2,742,784 432337-BT-9 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA SCH DIST 5.000 10/01/2026 1,481,055 684545-SD-9 ORANGE CNTY FLA TOURIST DEV T 5.500 10/01/2013 5,534,850 723159-AS-8 PINELLAS CNTY FL CAP IMPT REV 5.750 01/01/2009 5,657 974 803408-HP-1 SARASOTA FLA WTR & SWR UT 6.250 10/01/2005 1,722,921 875290-SF-6 TAMPA FLA WTR & SWR REV 4.000 07/01/2003 836,540 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 33,551,901 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 240523-QS-2 DE KALB CNTY GA WTR & SWR 5.125 10/01/2031 2,988,540 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 7 8 CUSIP Paid for Accrued Identification Description Par Value Interest and Dividends - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 725276-Y7-8 PITTSBURG PA SCH DIST MUNICIPAL 5.500 09/01/2014 2,500,000 14,896 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 2,500,000 14,896 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745145-Q5-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 5.500 07/01/2014 4,050,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO 4,050,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 586145-JZ-8 MEMPHIS TENN 5.250 11/01/2012 5,000,000 18,958 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 5,000,000 18,958 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 581663-B8-3 MC KINNEY TEX INDPT SCH D 6.000 02/15/2009 2,200,000 58,667 929828-XK-2 WACO TEX 5.600 02/01/2004 1,200,000 2,613 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 3,400,000 61,280 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93974A-ES-9 WASHINGTON ST 5.000 02/01/2017 10,000,000 41,667 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 10,000,000 41,667 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95648M-CA-5 WEST VIRGINIA ECONOMIC DEV ECTI 5.000 06/01/2026 8,000,000 11,111 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA 8,000,000 11,111 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States 137,300,000 901,935 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 137,300,000 901,935 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 969078-LT-9 WILL CNTY ILL CMNTY SCH DIST 11/01/2014 13,540,000 - --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 13,540,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 546589-JL-7 LOUISVILLE & JEFFERSON CNTY SWR 5.000 05/15/2032 2,150,000 14,153 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY 2,150,000 14,153 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivision - United States 15,690,000 14,153 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Total - Bonds - Political Subdivisions 15,690,000 14,153 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010608-RX-7 ALABAMA ST PUB SCH & COLL 5.750 08/01/2003 1,000,000 1,118 472682-KN-2 JEFFERSON CNTY ALA SWR RE 5.250 02/01/2024 5,000,000 37,917 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA 6,000,000 39,035 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 011831-7C-2 ALASKA HFC ST CAP PROJ NCL 5.000 06/01/2003 400,000 8,444 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 400,000 8,444 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARKANSAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 914084-MU-9 UNIVERSITY ARK UNIV REVS 5.500 12/01/2015 2,855,000 4,362 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARKANSAS 2,855,000 4,362 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13066Y-BK-4 CALIFORNIA ST DEPT WTR RE 5.500 05/01/2005 1,000,000 1,986 651785-AA-5 NEWPORT BEACH CA REV 1.000 10/01/2022 1500,000 1,409 798153-FA-5 SAN JOSE CALIF FING AUTH LEASE 5.250 06/01/2021 6,415,000 12,162 842475-YM-1 SOUTHERN CAL PUB PWR AUTH 5.375 01/01/2011 2,900,000 7,361 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 11,815,000 22,918 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341507-MF-5 FLORIDA ST BRD ED LOTTERY 5.000 07/01/2017 9,010,000 37,542 34160W-EJ-9 FLORIDA ST DEPT ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVAT 5.375 07/01/2019 6,000,000 38,521 342815-GD-3 FLORIDA MUN LN COUNCIL REV 5.250 11/01/2015 2,560,000 27,627 432337-BT-9 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA SCH DIST 5.000 10/01/2026 1,500,000 7,083 684545-SD-9 ORANGE CNTY FLA TOURIST DEV T 5.500 10/01/2013 5,000,000 36,667 723159-AS-8 PINELLAS CNTY FL CAP IMPT REV 5.750 01/01/2009 5,105,000 57,077 803408-HP-1 SARASOTA FLA WTR & SWR UT 6.250 10/01/2005 1,540,000 20,319 875290-SF-6 TAMPA FLA WTR & SWR REV 4.000 07/01/2003 815,000 2,264 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 31,530,000 227,100 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 240523-QS-2 DE KALB CNTY GA WTR & SWR 5.125 10/01/2031 3,000,000 65,344 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11.2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 Number CUSIP Date of Shares Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor of Stock - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167592-WL-4 CHICAGO ILL OHARE INTL ARPT 5.375 01/01/2032 09/03/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 45200K-KX-5 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 6.950 11/15/2013 12/03/2002 MERRILL LYNCH 45200K-Z3-5 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 1.400 09/16/2024 11/18/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 45200L-G4-2 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 1.000 01/01/2028 03/27/2002 MERRILL LYNCH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 485424-GU-3 KANSAS ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 5.750 09/01/2012 06/26/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 485424-GZ-2 KANSAS ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 1.000 09/01/2020 03/27/2002 MERRILL LYNCH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 059132-U8-1 BALTIMORE CNTY MD 5.250 09/01/2012 08/16/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 574298-BQ-7 MARYLAND ST TRANS AUTH 5.250 03/01/2027 02/14/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 83786D-EM-5 SOUTH FORK MUN AUTH PA HO 1.000 07/01/2028 03/28/2002 MERRILL LYNCH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57585J-4B-4 MASSACHUSETTS ST HEALTH & 4.300 07/01/2003 06/20/2002 VARIOUS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 594614-SN-0 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 5.375 10/15/2019 11/22/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 594695-H2-7 MICHIGAN ST TRUNK LIND 5.250 10/01/2016 08/15/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181004-CK-6 CLARK CNTY NEV INDL DEV REV 1.500 06/01/2020 10/30/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 542690-RW-4 LONG ISLAND PWR AUTH N Y 1.500 05/01/2033 10/29/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 592597-V7-0 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 5.250 01/01/2011 06/05/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 59259R-FM-1 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 5.500 11/15/2016 06/13/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 626190-Q6-2 MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE CORP FOR NE 6.250 07/01/2006 02/07/2002 RADIAN 649716-2W-6 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 5.500 11/01/2026 06/14/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 64985M-YU-4 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 5.000 06/15/2027 01/25/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 650013-YM-1 NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH HWY 5.250 04/01/2019 03/07/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 650028-BJ-1 NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH ST P 5.500 03/15/2016 07/24/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 65003P-AL-8 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 5.500 01/01/2017 11/22/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 896029-8S-7 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 5.000 11/15/2022 09/20/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 232265-LB-2 CUYAHOGA CNTY OHIO HOSP R 1.000 01/01/2016 03/27/2002 MERRILL LYNCH 677659-KN-3 OHIO ST WTR DEV AUTH REV 5.375 12/01/2014 08/14/2002 MORGAN STANLEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OKLAHOMA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67920P-AN-0 OKLAHOMA TRANSN AUTH OKLA 5.250 01/01/2015 05/14/2002 MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OKLAHOMA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68607D-BV-6 OREGON ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 5.500 11/15/2015 05/16/2002 MORGAN STANLEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OREGON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 074876-FL-2 BEAVER CNTY PA INDL DEV A 1.750 04/01/2031 08/29/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 246579-GA-8 DELAWARE VALLEY PA REGL F 5.500 07/01 /2012 05/15/2002 MERRILL LYNCH 709193-JR-8 PENNSYLVANIA ST INDL DEV 5.500 07/01/2014 05/03/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 71781Q-BF-4 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH FOR 5.500 10/01/2012 02/19/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745277-NV-1 PUERTO RICO MUN FIN AGY 5.250 08/01/2019 11/01/2002 BANK OF AMERICA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 837152-BF-3 SOUTH CAROLINA TRANSN INFRAST 5.500 10/01/2010 04/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 6 7 8 Paid for Accrued CUSIP Actual Interest and Identification Description Cost Par Value Dividends - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL GEORGIA 2,988,540 3,000,000 65,344 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 167592-WL-4 CHICAGO ILL OHARE INTL ARPT 5.375 01/01/2032 758,603 750,000 6,943 45200K-KX-5 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 6.950 11/15/2013 4,660,000 4,000,000 16,217 45200K-Z3-5 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 1.400 09/16/2024 300,000 300,000 62 45200L-G4-2 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 1.000 01/01/2028 1,490,000 1,490,000 1,407 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ILLINOIS 7,208,603 6,540,000 24,629 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KANSAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 485424-GU-3 KANSAS ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 5.750 09/01/2012 6,169,400 5,450,000 104,458 485424-GZ-2 KANSAS ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 1.000 09/01/2020 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,032 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL KANSAS 7,269,400 6,550,000 105,490 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MARYLAND - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 059132-U8-1 BALTIMORE CNTY MD 5.250 09/01/2012 9,986,723 8,780,000 574298-BQ-7 MARYLAND ST TRANS AUTH 5.250 03/01/2027 6,219,750 6,250,000 30,990 83786D-EM-5 SOUTH FORK MUN AUTH PA HO 1.000 07/01/2028 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,073 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MARYLAND 17,306,473 16,130,000 32,063 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 57585J-4B-4 MASSACHUSETTS ST HEALTH & 4.300 07/01/2003 1,611,384 1,575,000 31,420 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 1,611,384 1,575,000 31,420 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MICHIGAN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 594614-SN-0 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 5.375 10/15/2019 5,267,600 5,000,000 594695-H2-7 MICHIGAN ST TRUNK LIND 5.250 10/01/2016 1,085,590 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MICHIGAN 6,353,190 6,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEVADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 181004-CK-6 CLARK CNTY NEV INDL DEV REV 1.500 06/01/2020 1,500,000 1,500,000 73 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEVADA 1,500,000 1,500,000 73 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 542690-RW-4 LONG ISLAND PWR AUTH N Y 1.500 05/01/2033 1,500,000 1,500,000 138 592597-V7-0 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 5.250 01/01/2011 3,593,990 3,315,000 59259R-FM-1 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 5.500 11/15/2016 2,150,420 2,000,000 626190-Q6-2 MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE CORP FOR NE 6.250 07/01/2006 4,511,680 4,000,000 25,000 649716-2W-6 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 5.500 11/01/2026 5,424,800 5,000,000 64985M-YU-4 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 5.000 06/15/2027 8,809,470 9,000,000 650013-YM-1 NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH HWY 5.250 04/01/2019 4,147,706 4,040,000 10,605 650028-BJ-1 NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH ST P 5.500 03/15/2016 1,454,416 1,335,000 65003P-AL-8 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 5.500 01/01/2017 5,424,150 5,000,000 896029-8S-7 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 5.000 11/15/2022 3,093,510 3,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEW YORK 40,110,142 38,190,000 35,743 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OHIO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 232265-LB-2 CUYAHOGA CNTY OHIO HOSP R 1.000 01/01/2016 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,363 677659-KN-3 OHIO ST WTR DEV AUTH REV 5.375 12/01/2014 1,103,990 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OHIO 2,603,990 2,500,000 1,363 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OKLAHOMA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 67920P-AN-0 OKLAHOMA TRANSN AUTH OKLA 5.250 01/01/2015 5,206,400 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OKLAHOMA 5,206,400 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OREGON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 68607D-BV-6 OREGON ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 5.500 11/15/2015 1,593,120 1,500,000 3,438 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OREGON 1,593,120 1,500,000 3,438 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PENNSYLVANIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 074876-FL-2 BEAVER CNTY PA INDL DEV A 1.750 04/01/2031 250,000 250,000 246579-GA-8 DELAWARE VALLEY PA REGL F 5.500 07/01/2012 5,433,800 5,000,000 35,903 709193-JR-8 PENNSYLVANIA ST INDL DEV 5.500 07/01/2014 5,423,900 5,000,000 71781Q-BF-4 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH FOR 5.500 10/01/2012 5,443,600 5,000,000 60,347 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 16,551,300 15,250,000 96,250 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUERTO RICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 745277-NV-1 PUERTO RICO MUN FIN AGY 5.250 08/01/2019 2,446,175 2,310,000 1,348 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL PUERTO RICO 2,446,175 2,310,000 1,348 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 837152-BF-3 SOUTH CAROLINA TRANSN INFRAST 5.500 10/01/2010 5,247,744 4,800,000 16,867 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 5,247,744 4,800,000 16,867 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E11.3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 Number CUSIP Date of Shares Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor of Stock - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 052414-CE-7 AUSTIN TEX ELEC UTIL SYS 5.500 11/15/2012 07/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 442348-K3-1 HOUSTON TX ARPT SYS REV 5.500 07/01/2030 02/22/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 442352-AE-0 HOUSTON TEXAS AREA WTR CORP C 5.500 03/01/2010 04/23/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 442352-AJ-9 HOUSTON TEXAS AREA WTR CORP C 5.500 03/01/2014 04/23/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 442378-BJ-3 HOUSTON TEX HIGHER ED FIN 5.375 11/15/2029 02/15/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 442436-PJ-4 HOUSTON TEX WTR & SWR SYS 5.750 12/01/2003 08/13/2002 542325-AA-3 LONE STAR TX APRT IMPT 1.000 12/01/2014 03/28/2002 MERRILL LYNCH 796242-HQ-1 SAN ANTONIO TEX ARPT SYS 5.250 07/01/2023 03/08/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 796422-R9-6 SAN ANTONIO TEX WTR REV 5.000 05/15/2028 02/07/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 882720-F6-7 TEXAS ST FOR ISSUES DTD P 2.750 08/29/2003 08/21/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VIRGINIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 303891-PL-3 FAIRFAX CNTY VA WTR AUTH 5.000 04/01/2032 03/08/2002 UBS PAINE WEBBER 928075-CD-O VIRGINIA PORT AUTH COMWLT 5.500 07/01/2014 07/11/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 928075-CE-8 VIRGINIA PORT AUTH COMWLT 5.500 07/01/2014 07/11/2002 MORGAN STANLEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL VIRGINIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WISCONSIN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 977092-LS-2 WISCONSINST CLEAN WTR REV 5.500 06/01/2012 07/31/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 977123-PQ-5 WISCONSINST TRANS 5.750 07/01/2013 04/08/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WISCONSIN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States 3199999 - Total - Bonds - Special Revenue - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 008190-AF-7 AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVI 3.500 02/15/2006 07/01/2002 VARIOUS 00846U-AB-7 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 3.000 12/01/2021 10/24/2002 VARIOUS 008685-AB-5 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 6.875 05/01/2029 10/01/2002 VARIOUS 013817-AG-6 ALCOA INC 4.250 08/15/2007 08/08/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 013817-AH-4 ALCOA INC 5.375 01/15/2013 08/08/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 018490-AD-4 ALLERGAN INC 11/06/2022 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 02261W-AB-5 ALZA CORP 07/28/2020 05/21/2002 VARIOUS 03235E-AH-3 AMVESCAP PLC 5.900 01/15/2007 06/20/2002 EXCHANGE 032511-AP-2 ANADARKO PETE CORP 03/07/2020 10/04/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 032654-AD-7 ANALOG DEVICES INC 4.750 10/01/2005 02/15/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 037389-AQ-6 AON CORP 3.500 11/15/2012 11/07/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 039483-AN-2 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO 6.750 12/15/2027 08/22/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 03958Q-AA-6 ARCHSTONE-SMITH OPER TR 6.500 02/15/2012 09/13/2002 VARIOUS 042735-AY-6 ARROW ELECTRS INC 02/21/2021 02/05/2002 VARIOUS 055472-AB-O BISYS GROUP INC 4.000 03/15/2006 09/05/2002 VARIOUS 111021-AE-1 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATION 8.625 12/15/2030 08/22/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS 120568-AD-2 BUNGE LTD FIN CORP 3.750 11/15/2022 12/26/2002 VARIOUS 131700-AC-0 CALWEST INDL TR 6.127 02/15/2017 02/26/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 139732-CG-4 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 200 1.500 07/15/2005 12/30/2002 BANC ONE CAPITAL MARKETS INC 139732-CX-7 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 200 2.640 03/15/2008 12/19/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 14040K-CL-0 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TR 200 1.920 02/15/2008 07/19/2002 BARCLAYS CAPITAL INC 144141-CF-3 CAROLINA PWR & LT CO 5.875 01/15/2004 03/18/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 14912L-T2-7 CATERPILLAR FINL SVCS MTN 2.311 11/04/2004 01/15/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 151313-AF-0 CENDANT CORP 02/13/2021 12/17/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 16133R-AA-4 CHARTERED SEMICONDUCTOR M 2.500 04/02/2006 03/21/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 161505-BP-6 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 6.600 12/01/2029 10/07/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 16151R-AX-1 CHASE CC MASTER TRUST 200 5.500 11/01/2008 03/15/2002 FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 2.440 06/15/2004 07/10/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 161581-CC-5 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 3.490 03/15/2006 12/30/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK 17305E-BB-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2002-A5 1.450 09/15/2007 09/12/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS 184502-AB-8 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 2.625 04/01/2003 02/06/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 216640-AB-8 COOPER CAMERON CORP 1.750 05/17/2021 06/20/2002 VARIOUS 21701R-AB-4 COORS BREWING COMPANY 6.375 05/15/2012 04/30/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 22160Q-AC-6 COSTCO COMPANIES INC 08/19/2017 02/05/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 235851-AF-9 DANAHER CORP DEL 01/22/2021 09/04/2002 VARIOUS 25243Y-AA-7 DIAGEO CAP PLC 6.125 08/15/2005 07/24/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 25243Y-AB-5 DIAGEO CAP PLC 6.625 06/24/2004 07/17/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 26613X-AC-5 DUPONT PHOTOMASKS INC 07/24/2004 02/07/2002 VARIOUS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 6 7 8 Paid for Accrued CUSIP Actual Interest and Identification Description Cost Par Value Dividends - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 052414-CE-7 AUSTIN TEX ELEC UTIL SYS 5.500 11/15/2012 5,597,800 5,000,000 26,736 442348-K3-1 HOUSTON TX ARPT SYS REV 5.500 07/01/2030 10,200,200 10,000,000 85,556 442352-AE-0 HOUSTON TEXAS AREA WTR CORP C 5.500 03/01/2010 1,968,221 1,820,000 442352-AJ-9 HOUSTON TEXAS AREA WTR CORP C 5.500 03/01/2014 2,582,140 2,420,000 442378-BJ-3 HOUSTON TEX HIGHER ED FIN 5.375 11/15/2029 12,733,449 12,625,000 179,073 442436-PJ-4 HOUSTON TEX WTR & SWR SYS 5.750 12/01/2003 1,050,170 1,000,000 11,979 542325-AA-3 LONE STAR TX APRT IMPT 1.000 12/01/2014 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,080 796242-HQ-1 SAN ANTONIO TEX ARPT SYS 5.250 07/01/2023 974,900 1,000,000 2,917 796422-R9-6 SAN ANTONIO TEX WTR REV 5.000 05/15/2028 2,897,910 3,000,000 20,833 882720-F6-7 TEXAS ST FOR ISSUES DTD P 2.750 08/29/2003 1,013,310 1,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 40,118,100 38,965,000 328,174 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 303891-PL-3 FAIRFAX CNTY VA WTR AUTH 5.000 04/01/2032 2,435,500 2,500,000 6,944 928075-CD-O VIRGINIA PORT AUTH COMWLT 5.500 07/01/2014 5,466,450 5,015,000 928075-CE-8 VIRGINIA PORT AUTH COMWLT 5.500 07/01/2014 3,558,596 3,290,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA 11,460,546 10,805,000 6,944 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 977092-LS-2 WISCONSINST CLEAN WTR REV 5.500 06/01/2012 1,332,165 1,185,000 1,086 977123-PQ-5 WISCONSIN ST TRANS 5.750 07/01/2013 5,432,200 5,000,000 17,569 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 6,764,365 6,185,000 18,655 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States 231,970,014 219,400,000 1,069,660 3199999 - Total - Bonds - Special Revenue 231,970,014 219,400,000 1,069,660 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 008190-AF-7 AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVI 3.500 02/15/2006 5,786,367 4,350,000 39,409 00846U-AB-7 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 3.000 12/01/2021 3,818,211 3,500,000 41,650 008685-AB-5 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 6.875 05/01/2029 100,387 105,000 2,643 013817-AG-6 ALCOA INC 4.250 08/15/2007 49,835 50,000 013817-AH-4 ALCOA INC 5.375 01/15/2013 74,525 75,000 018490-AD-4 ALLERGAN INC 11/06/2022 1,735,267 2,150,000 02261W-AB-5 ALZA CORP 07/28/2020 4,229,404 4,850,000 03235E-AH-3 AMVESCAP PLC 5.900 01/15/2007 175,000 175,000 032511-AP-2 ANADARKO PETE CORP 03/07/2020 1,866,366 3,000,000 032654-AD-7 ANALOG DEVICES INC 4.750 10/01/2005 568,500 600,000 11,083 037389-AQ-6 AON CORP 3.500 11/15/2012 1,250,000 1,250,000 039483-AN-2 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO 6.750 12/15/2027 362,144 340,000 4,590 03958Q-AA-6 ARCHSTONE-SMITH OPER TR 6.500 02/15/2012 391,391 375,000 1,490 042735-AY-6 ARROW ELECTRS INC 02/21/2021 1,309,200 2,700,000 055472-AB-O BISYS GROUP INC 4.000 03/15/2006 5,850,530 6,000,000 103,222 111021-AE-1 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATION 8.625 12/15/2030 88,163 75,000 1,331 120568-AD-2 BUNGE LTD FIN CORP 3.750 11/15/2022 5,024,870 5,000,000 7,083 131700-AC-0 CALWEST INDL TR 6.127 02/15/2017 225,013 225,000 139732-CG-4 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 200 1.500 07/15/2005 500,156 500,000 375 139732-CX-7 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 200 2.640 03/15/2008 596,438 600,000 396 14040K-CL-0 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TR 200 1.920 02/15/2008 449,279 450,000 216 144141-CF-3 CAROLINA PWR & LT CO 5.875 01/15/2004 1,178,750 1,150,000 12,386 14912L-T2-7 CATERPILLAR FINL SVCS MTN 2.311 11/04/2004 1,129,785 1,130,000 3,266 151313-AF-0 CENDANT CORP 02/13/2021 4,499,900 7,000,000 16133R-AA-4 CHARTERED SEMICONDUCTOR M 2.500 04/02/2006 3,135,750 3,000,000 34,896 161505-BP-6 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 6.600 12/01/2029 27,961 25,000 41 16151R-AX-1 CHASE CC MASTER TRUST 200 5.500 11/01/2008 126,675 125,000 95 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 2.440 06/15/2004 158,964 158,710 161581-CC-5 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 3.490 03/15/2006 510,469 500,000 873 17305E-BB-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2002-A5 1.450 09/15/2007 845,000 845,000 184502-AB-8 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 2.625 04/01/2003 701,400 700,000 6,635 216640-AB-8 COOPER CAMERON CORP 1.750 05/17/2021 7,840,888 8,000,000 24,670 21701R-AB-4 COORS BREWING COMPANY 6.375 05/15/2012 99,596 100,000 22160Q-AC-6 COSTCO COMPANIES INC 08/19/2017 775,976 750,000 235851-AF-9 DANAHER CORP DEL 01/22/2021 5,621,554 8,500,000 25243Y-AA-7 DIAGEO CAP PLC 6.125 08/15/2005 1,285,452 1,200,000 33,483 25243Y-AB-5 DIAGEO CAP PLC 6.625 06/24/2004 494,267 465,000 2,396 26613X-AC-5 DUPONT PHOTOMASKS INC 07/24/2004 1,659,375 1,750,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11.4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 CUSIP Number of Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor Shares of Stock - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 268766-BR-2 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 7.250 11/15/2008 06/13/2002 VARIOUS 291011-AL-8 EMERSON ELEC CO 7.875 06/01/2005 06/19/2002 BANC ONE CAPITAL MARKETS INC 318522-AD-1 FIRST AMERN CORP CALIF 4.500 04/15/2008 12/20/2002 VARIOUS 319963-AD-6 FIRST DATA CORP 2.000 03/01/2008 09/03/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 337358-DD-4 FIRST UNION CORP 6.950 11/01/2004 01/14/2002 SPEAR LEEDS KELLOGG 337358-DH-5 FIRST UN CORP 2.360 03/31/2005 09/10/2002 VARIOUS 338915-AH-4 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 6.875 01/15/2028 08/28/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 338915-AM-3 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 6.700 07/15/2028 08/19/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 33900Q-AZ-7 FLEET FINL GP INC SR MTN 1.700 02/20/2004 03/08/2002 ABN AMRO 33901H-BA-0 FLEET CREDIT CD MT 2001-C 3.860 03/15/2007 04/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 34527R-GY-3 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2002- 1.540 01/15/2006 12/20/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO INC 34527R-HF-3 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2002- 1.950 06/15/2004 04/08/2002 HBSC SECURITIES 34528P-AA-4 FORD CREDIT FLORPLN MO TR 1.510 07/15/2006 12/20/2002 BANC ONE CAPITAL MARKETS INC 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 07/16/2031 09/10/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 345397-SQ-7 FORD MOTOR CR CO 7.500 03/15/2005 05/16/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 36962G-UU-6 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN 7.500 05/15/2005 02/15/2002 VARIOUS 370425-RZ-5 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 8.000 11/01/2031 09/10/2002 VARIOUS 413875-AH-8 HARRIS CORP DEL 3.500 08/15/2022 08/21/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 428236-AC-7 HEWLETT PACKARD CO 10/14/2017 12/24/2002 VARIOUS 44179C-BC-9 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 1.720 05/17/2009 12/19/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 44179Q-AC-9 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 7.300 07/17/2004 01/23/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 6.375 10/15/2011 07/31/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 441812-JY-1 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 7.000 05/15/2012 07/16/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 459506-AB-7 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA 6.450 05/15/2006 10/16/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 45974V-YU-6 INTERNATIONAL LEASE FIN M 5.120 06/01/2005 05/30/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 460690-AJ-9 INTERPUBLIC GROUP COS INC 1.870 06/01/2006 08/06/2002 VARIOUS 480081-AD-0 JONES APPAREL GROUP INC / 02/01/2021 02/06/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 492386-AP-2 KERR MCGEE CORP 5.250 02/15/2010 08/22/2002 VARIOUS 50075N-AA-2 KRAFT FOODS INC 4.625 11/01/2006 12/27/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 3.250 03/15/2031 06/04/2002 VARIOUS 55264T-AQ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 4.950 06/15/2009 05/10/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 55264T-AZ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 3.900 11/15/2007 06/18/2002 ALEX BROWN 56418H-AC-4 MANPOWER INC 08/17/2021 02/07/2002 VARIOUS 583334-AA-5 MEADWESTVACO CORP 6.850 04/01/2012 03/27/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 585055-AB-2 MEDTRONIC INC 1.250 09/15/2021 02/13/2002 VARIOUS 617059-DE-7 JP MORGAN COM MTG PTC 199 7.088 09/01/2029 03/18/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 617446-DE-6 MORGAN STANLEY 5.625 01/20/2004 07/17/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 617446-HC-6 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTE 6.600 04/01/2012 03/27/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 61745M-KY-8 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 6.710 12/01/2031 07/10/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 61745M-NE-9 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 7.020 03/01/2032 06/18/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 61746W-ES-5 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 6.400 02/01/2031 01/18/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 61910D-DF-6 MORTGAGE CAP FUNDING 1997 7.117 11/01/2027 02/14/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 65473L-AC-8 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 2.600 08/15/2006 08/08/2002 COWEN & CO 665772-BV-0 NORTHN STS PWR CO MINN 8.000 08/28/2012 09/23/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 66586G-BX-4 NORTHERN TRUST CO MTNS BK 6.650 11/09/2004 07/22/2002 ALEX BROWN 69344M-AE-1 PMI GROUP INC 2.500 07/15/2021 07/08/2002 VARIOUS 73755L-AB-3 POTASH CORP SASK INC 7.750 05/31/2011 04/23/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 744448-BT-7 PUBLIC SERVICE CO COLO 7.875 10/01/2012 09/26/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 760759-AC-4 REPUBLIC SVCS INC 6.750 08/15/2011 08/08/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 783890-AF-3 SCI SYSTEMS INC 3.000 03/15/2007 02/13/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 79548E-GT-3 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY HLDG 2.210 05/04/2004 01/29/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 861012-AB-8 STMICROELECTRONICS N V 09/22/2009 10/11/2002 VARIOUS 88163V-AB-5 TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL FIN L 1.500 10/15/2005 05/03/2002 VARIOUS 883556-AH-5 THERMO ELECTRON CORP 4.000 01/15/2005 07/08/2002 VARIOUS 887364-AE-7 TIMES MIRROR CO NEW 04/15/2017 02/06/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 891490-AR-5 TOSCO CORP 7.800 01/01/2027 08/23/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 89232T-AC-3 TOYOTA AUTO RECEIVABLES 2 1.530 09/15/2007 12/20/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 89232X-AB-6 TOYOTA AUTO RECEIVABLES 2 1.440 03/15/2005 12/30/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 893830-AD-1 TRANSOCEAN SEDCO RIG 1.500 05/15/2021 04/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 902124-AC-0 TYCO INTL LTD NEW 11/17/2020 12/31/2022 LEHMAN BROTHERS 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL HLTH SVCS INC 06/23/2020 02/07/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 94975C-AE-7 WELLS FARGO FINL INC 5.450 05/03/2004 07/30/2002 ALEX BROWN 961548-AV-6 WESTVACO CORP 8.200 01/15/2030 10/29/2002 SBC WARBURG DILLON REED 962166-BR-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO 7.375 03/15/2032 08/27/2002 BA SECURITIES INC - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 6 7 8 CUSIP Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 268766-BR-2 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 7.250 11/15/2008 2,909,063 2,750,000 30,208 291011-AL-8 EMERSON ELEC CO 7.875 06/01/2005 927,184 840,000 4,226 318522-AD-1 FIRST AMERN CORP CALIF 4.500 04/15/2008 4,712,740 4,600,000 34,275 319963-AD-6 FIRST DATA CORP 2.000 03/01/2008 4,636,943 4,022,000 23,562 337358-DD-4 FIRST UNION CORP 6.950 11/01/2004 215,242 200,000 2,934 337358-DH-5 FIRST UN CORP 2.360 03/31/2005 831,645 830,000 3,782 338915-AH-4 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 6.875 01/15/2028 35,311 35,000 321 338915-AM-3 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 6.700 07/15/2028 61,326 65,000 448 33900Q-AZ-7 FLEET FINL GP INC SR MTN 1.700 02/20/2004 1,451,099 1,450,000 1,759 33901H-BA-0 FLEET CREDIT CD MT 2001-C 3.860 03/15/2007 477,900 480,000 463 34527R-GY-3 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2002- 1.540 01/15/2006 400,000 400,000 171 34527R-HF-3 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2002- 1.950 06/15/2004 1,000,000 1,000,000 813 34528P-AA-4 FORD CREDIT FLORPLN MO TR 1.510 07/15/2006 500,313 500,000 210 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 07/16/2031 85,756 100,000 1,180 345397-SQ-7 FORD MOTOR CR CO 7.500 03/15/2005 104,323 100,000 1,375 36962G-UU-6 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN 7.500 05/15/2005 1,692,874 1,550,000 31,000 370425-RZ-5 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 8.000 11/01/2031 176,108 175,000 4,494 413875-AH-8 HARRIS CORP DEL 3.500 08/15/2022 1,000,000 1,000,000 428236-AC-7 HEWLETT PACKARD CO 10/14/2017 3,773,740 8,400,000 44179C-BC-9 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 1.720 05/17/2009 349,344 350,000 120 44179Q-AC-9 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 7.300 07/17/2004 493,109 482,258 1,076 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 6.375 10/15/2011 92,066 100,000 1,905 441812-JY-1 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 7.000 05/15/2012 140,270 140,000 1,552 459506-AB-7 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA 6.450 05/15/2006 416,532 390,000 10,901 45974V-YU-6 INTERNATIONAL LEASE FIN M 5.120 06/01/2005 829,975 825,000 1,995 460690-AJ-9 INTERPUBLIC GROUP COS INC 1.870 06/01/2006 4,489,183 5,750,000 20,856 480081-AD-0 JONES APPAREL GROUP INC / 02/01/2021 825,488 1,600,000 492386-AP-2 KERR MCGEE CORP 5.250 02/15/2010 1,662,579 1,445,000 6,393 50075N-AA-2 KRAFT FOODS INC 4.625 11/01/2006 526,470 500,000 3,918 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 3.250 03/15/2031 3,833,827 3,700,000 32,229 55264T-AQ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 4.950 06/15/2009 550,816 550,000 55264T-AZ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 3.900 11/15/2007 224,874 225,000 56418H-AC-4 MANPOWER INC 08/17/2021 4,060,438 6,800,000 583334-AA-5 MEADWESTVACO CORP 6.850 04/01/2012 74,504 75,000 585055-AB-2 MEDTRONIC INC 1.250 09/15/2021 3,771,915 3,600,000 17,632 617059-DE-7 JP MORGAN COM MTG PTC 199 7.088 09/01/2029 52,682 50,000 197 617446-DE-6 MORGAN STANLEY 5.625 01/20/2004 882,674 850,000 266 617446-HC-6 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTE 6.600 04/01/2012 348,236 350,000 61745M-KY-8 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 6.710 12/01/2031 162,727 150,000 391 61745M-NE-9 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 7.020 03/01/2032 70,807 65,000 254 61746W-ES-5 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 6.400 02/01/2031 122,291 117,592 481 61910D-DF-6 MORTGAGE CAP FUNDING 1997 7.117 11/01/2027 129,453 125,000 470 65473L-AC-8 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 2.600 08/15/2006 274,990 275,000 665772-BV-0 NORTHN STS PWR CO MINN 8.000 08/28/2012 42,976 40,000 222 66586G-BX-4 NORTHERN TRUST CO MTNS BK 6.650 11/09/2004 1,562,825 1,450,000 20,356 69344M-AE-1 PMI GROUP INC 2.500 07/15/2021 4,988,558 4,650,000 49,233 73755L-AB-3 POTASH CORP SASK INC 7.750 05/31/2011 215,990 200,000 6,286 744448-BT-7 PUBLIC SERVICE CO COLO 7.875 10/01/2012 40,000 40,000 760759-AC-4 REPUBLIC SVCS INC 6.750 08/15/2011 78,609 75,000 2,503 783890-AF-3 SCI SYSTEMS INC 3.000 03/15/2007 379,063 500,000 6,417 79548E-GT-3 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY HLDG 2.210 05/04/2004 1,103,717 1,100,000 6,830 861012-AB-8 STMICROELECTRONICS N V 09/22/2009 4,695,037 4,900,000 88163V-AB-5 TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL FIN L 1.500 10/15/2005 1,167,250 1,150,000 4,777 883556-AH-5 THERMO ELECTRON CORP 4.000 01/15/2005 6,144,000 6,400,000 108,489 887364-AE-7 TIMES MIRROR CO NEW 04/15/2017 687,000 1,200,000 891490-AR-5 TOSCO CORP 7.800 01/01/2027 41,345 35,000 432 89232T-AC-3 TOYOTA AUTO RECEIVABLES 2 1.530 09/15/2007 500,527 500,000 213 89232X-AB-6 TOYOTA AUTO RECEIVABLES 2 1.440 03/15/2005 499,922 500,000 360 893830-AD-1 TRANSOCEAN SEDCO RIG 1.500 05/15/2021 722,000 800,000 5,500 902124-AC-0 TYCO INTL LTD NEW 11/17/2020 1,460,312 2,000,000 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL HLTH SVCS INC 06/23/2020 1,172,400 2,000,000 1,160 94975C-AE-7 WELLS FARGO FINL INC 5.450 05/03/2004 156,486 150,000 2,021 961548-AV-6 WESTVACO CORP 8.200 01/15/2030 136,619 125,000 3,018 962166-BR-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO 7.375 03/15/2032 37,023 35,000 1,205 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E11.5 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 CUSIP Number of Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor Shares of Stock - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 987425-AC-9 YOUNG & RUBICAM INC 3.000 01/15/2005 06/13/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY U74078-AE-3 NESLTE HLDGS INC 3.000 05/09/2005 07/10/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 656568-AB-8 NORTEL NETWORKS CORP NEW 4.250 09/01/2008 03/07/2002 VARIOUS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04043P-AA-3 ARISTOCRAT LEISURE LTD 5.000 05/31/2006 11/27/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITALS 638539-AG-1 NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BK P 7.750 04/29/2049 07/17/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 65557A-AA-5 NORDEA BK SWEDEN A B 5.250 11/30/2012 11/22/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 701808-4A-2 HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LTD 2.000 01/12/2004 03/21/2002 VARIOUS 82481U-AB-5 SHIRE FIN LTD 2.000 08/21/2011 05/09/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO G03764-AA-8 ANGLO AMERICAN 3.375 04/17/2007 06/19/2002 VARIOUS 686220-AB-9 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 2.000 05/20/2005 02/07/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599997 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Canada - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Bonds - Industrial, Misc - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099997 - Total - Bonds - Part 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Total - Bonds - Part 5 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 071813-40-6 BAXTER INTL INC 12/20/2002 VARIOUS 48,750.000 25746U-20-8 DOMINION RES INC VA NEW 10/24/2002 VARIOUS 7,000.000 268939-40-2 EVI INC 05/21/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 75,000.000 29477Q-20-4 EQUITY SECURITIES TR II 01/08/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 13,000.000 302181-20-1 EXPRESS SCRIPTS AUTO EXCH 03/26/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 22,200.000 345395-20-6 FORD MTR CO CAP TR II 08/29/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 100,000.000 620076-20-8 MOTOROLA INC 04/26/2002 VARIOUS 42,000.000 666807-40-9 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP 03/20/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 13,500.000 717265-50-8 PHELPS DODGE CORP 06/21/2002 JP MORGAN STANLEY 45,000.000 78412D-30-7 SEMCO ENERGY INC 07/31/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 10,000.000 816851-20-8 SEMPRA ENERGY 04/24/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 150,000.000 828806-40-6 SIMON PPTY GROUP INC NEW 02/15/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 6,000.000 852061-60-5 SPRINT CORP 11/21/2002 VARIOUS 245,000.000 879868-20-6 TEMPLE INLAND INC 06/07/2002 VARIOUS 106,300.000 892335-20-9 TOYS R US INC 05/21/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 25,000.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6399999 - Total - Preferred Stocks - Industrial, Misc - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599997 - Total - Preferred Stocks - Part 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Total - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000886-10-1 A D C TELECOMMUNICATIONS 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 6,800.000 001055-10-2 AFLAC INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 4,400.000 00130H-10-5 AES CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 4,700.000 001765-10-6 AMR CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 00184A-10-5 AOL TIME WARNER INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 34,000.000 001957-50-5 AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 31,900.000 00209A-10-6 AT&T WIRELESS SVCS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 22,000.000 002824-10-0 ABBOTT LABS 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 11,700.000 00724F-10-1 ADOBE SYS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,000.000 007903-10-7 ADVACED MICRO DEVICES INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,900.000 00817Y-10-8 AETNA INC NEW 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,400.000 00846U-10-1 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 3,900.000 009158-10-6 AIR PRODS & CHEMS INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,500.000 013068-10-1 ALBERTO CULVER CO 06/21/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,000.000 013104-10-4 ALBERTSONS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,400.000 013817-10-1 ALCOA INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 6,400.000 017361-10-6 ALLEGHENY ENERGY INC. 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 6 7 8 CUSIP Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 987425-AC-9 YOUNG & RUBICAM INC 3.000 01/15/2005 1,516,750 1,600,000 14,550 U74078-AE-3 NESLTE HLDGS INC 3.000 05/09/2005 1,437,500 1,250,000 6,875 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 656568-AB-8 NORTEL NETWORKS CORP NEW 4.250 09/01/2008 3,766,800 4,000,000 36,361 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04043P-AA-3 ARISTOCRAT LEISURE LTD 5.000 05/31/2006 1,791,000 1,800,000 44,250 638539-A6-1 NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BK P 7.750 04/29/2049 551,975 500,000 10,333 65557A-AA-5 NORDEA BK SWEDEN A B 5.250 11/30/2012 209,286 210,000 701808-4A-2 HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LTD 2.000 01/12/2004 3,838,000 4,000,000 15,667 82481U-AB-5 SHIRE FIN LTD 2.000 08/21/2011 2,300,850 2,500,000 13,000 G03764-AA-8 ANGLO AMERICAN 3.375 04/17/2007 4,805,938 4,750,000 28,711 686220-AB-9 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 2.000 05/20/2005 829,000 800,000 3,644 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States 142,705,534 159,480,560 814,533 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599997 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Canada 3,766,800 4,000,000 36,361 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries 14,326,049 14,560,000 115,605 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Bonds - Industrial, Misc 160,798,383 178,040,560 966,499 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099997 - Total - Bonds - Part 3 771,552,865 771,416,766 3,570,021 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Total - Bonds - Part 5 222,126,057 222,464,347 880,619 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds 993,678,922 993,881,113 4,450,640 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 071813-40-6 BAXTER INTL INC 2,441,772 25746U-20-8 DOMINION RES INC VA NEW 381,090 268939-40-2 EVI INC 3,893,760 29477Q-20-4 EQUITY SECURITIES TR II 335,660 302181-20-1 EXPRESS SCRIPTS AUTO EXCH. 2,190,252 345395-20-6 FORD MTR CO CAP TR II 5,592,840 620076-20-8 MOTOROLA INC 1,968,900 666807-40-9 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP 1,623,320 717265-50-8 PHELPS DODGE CORP 4,595,250 78412D-30-7 SEMCO ENERGY INC 84,140 816851-20-8 SEMPRA ENERGY 3,750,000 828806-40-6 SIMON PPTY GROUP INC NEW 510,300 852061-60-5 SPRINT CORP 1,911,245 879868-20-6 TEMPLE INLAND INC 5,562,289 892335-20-9 TOYS R US INC 1,250,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 36,090,818 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6399999 - Total - Preferred Stocks - Industrial, Misc. 36,090,818 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599997 - Total - Preferred Stocks - Part 3 36,090,818 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Total - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 8,649,131 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks 44,739,949 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000886-10-1 ADC TELECOMMUNICATIONS 17,811 001055-10-2 AFLAC INC 128,447 00130H-10-5 AES CORP 27,875 001765-10-6 AMR CORP 11,510 00184A-10-5 AOL TIME WARNER INC 546,489 001957-50-5 AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH 404,933 00209A-10-6 AT&T WIRELESS SVCS INC 145,548 002824-10-0 ABBOTT LABS 503,313 00724F-10-1 ADOBE SYS INC 70,159 007903-10-7 ADVACED MICRO DEVICES INC 25,810 00817Y-10-8 AETNA INC NEW 64,964 00846U-10-1 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 78,381 009158-10-6 AIR PRODS & CHEMS INC 117,808 013068-10-1 ALBERTO CULVER CO 51,298 013104-10-4 ALBERTSONS INC 94,798 013817-10-1 ALCOA INC 174,195 017361-10-6 ALLEGHENY ENERGY INC 15,168 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11.6 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 CUSIP Number of Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor Shares of Stock - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01741R-10-2 ALLEGHENY TECHNOLOGIES IN 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 700.000 018490-10-2 ALLERGAN INC 05/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 019589-30-8 ALLIED WASTE INDS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,700.000 020002-10-1 ALLSTATE CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 5,200.000 020039-10-3 ALLTEL CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,100.000 021441-10-0 ALTERA CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,200.000 02209S-10-3 ALTRIA GROUP INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 16,100.000 023139-10-8 AMBAC FINL GROUP INC 05/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 023551-10-4 AMERADA HESS CORP 03/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 023608-10-2 AMEREN CORP 08/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 025537-10-1 AMERICAN ELEC PWR INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,900.000 025816-10-9 AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 10,400.000 026375-10-5 AMERICAN GREETINGS CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 600.000 026874-10-7 AMERICAN INTL GROUP INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 19,600.000 029066-10-7 AMERICAN PWR CONVERSION C 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,700.000 029712-10-6 AMERICAN STD COS INC DEL 09/27/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 2,000.000 03073E-10-5 AMERISOURCEBERGEN CORP 05/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 031162-10-0 AMGEN INC 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 11,532.000 032165-10-2 AMSOUTH BANCORPORATION 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,000.000 032511-10-7 ANADARKO PETROLEUM CORP 09/27/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 2,000.000 032654-10-5 ANALOG DEVICES INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,200.000 034425-10-8 ANDREW CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,000.000 035229-10-3 ANHEUSER BUSCH COS INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 7,000.000 03674B-10-4 ANTHEM INC 08/28/2002 VARIOUS 2,300.000 037389-10-3 AON CORP 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 2,900.000 037411-10-5 APACHE CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,500.000 037604-10-5 APOLLO GROUP INC 09/27/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 3,000.000 037833-10-0 APPLE COMPUTER INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,100.000 038020-10-3 APPLERA CORP APPLIED BIOSYS 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,900.000 038222-10-5 APPLIED MATLS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 18,200.000 03822W-10-9 APPLIED MICRO CIRCUITS CO 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,600.000 039483-10-2 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 5,500.000 044204-10-5 ASHLAND INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 600.000 052769-10-6 AUTODESK INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 053015-10-3 AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 4,400.000 053332-10-2 AUTOZONE INC 05/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 053499-10-9 AVAYA INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,500.000 053611-10-9 AVERY DENNISON CORP 05/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 054303-10-2 AVON PRODS INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,400.000 054937-10-7 BB&T CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 4,400.000 055482-10-3 BJ SVCS CO 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 2,300.000 055921-10-0 BMC SOFTWARE INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,000.000 057224-10-7 BAKER HUGHES INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,900.000 058498-10-6 BALL CORP 08/28/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,000.000 060505-10-4 BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATI 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 11,400.000 064057-10-2 BANK NEW YORK INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 5,500.000 06423A-10-3 BANK ONE CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 9,000.000 067383-10-9 C R BARD INC 06/21/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,000.000 071707-10-3 BAUSCH & LOMB INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 500.000 071813-10-9 BAXTER INTL INC 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 4,400.000 073902-10-8 BEAR STEARNS COS INC 05/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 075887-10-9 BECTON DICKINSON & CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,200.000 075896-10-0 BED BATH & BEYOND INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,500.000 079860-10-2 BELLSOUTH CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 14,100.000 081437-10-5 BEMIS INC 08/28/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,000.000 086516-10-1 BEST BUY INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,950.000 089302-10-3 BIG LOTS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,000.000 090597-10-5 BIOGEN INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,400.000 090613-10-0 BIOMET INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,300.000 091797-10-0 BLACK & DECKER 08/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 093671-10-5 BLOCK H & R INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,500.000 097023-10-5 BOEING CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 6,300.000 097383-10-3 BOISE CASCADE CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 500.000 101137-10-7 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,600.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 6 7 8 CUSIP Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01741R-10-2 ALLEGHENY TECHNOLOGIES IN 6,856 018490-10-2 ALLERGAN INC 80,907 019589-30-8 ALLIED WASTE INDS INC 12,889 020002-10-1 ALLSTATE CORP 190,365 020039-10-3 ALLTEL CORP 89,776 021441-10-0 ALTERA CORP 46,675 02209S-10-3 ALTRIA GROUP INC 751,329 023139-10-8 AMBAC FINL GROUP INC 76,222 023551-10-4 AMERADA HESS CORP 110,390 023608-10-2 AMEREN CORP 57,374 025537-10-1 AMERICAN ELEC PWR INC 94,326 025816-10-9 AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 367,699 026375-10-5 AMERICAN GREETINGS CORP 8,631 026874-10-7 AMERICAN INTL GROUP INC 1,246,168 029066-10-7 AMERICAN PWR CONVERSION C 18,858 029712-10-6 AMERICAN STD COS INC DEL 141,336 03073E-10-5 AMERISOURCEBERGEN CORP 107,503 031162-10-0 AMGEN INC 538,152 032165-10-2 AMSOUTH BANCORPORATION 63,716 032511-10-7 ANADARKO PETROLEUM CORP 88,966 032654-10-5 ANALOG DEVICES INC 91,132 034425-10-8 ANDREW CORP 10,494 035229-10-3 ANHEUSER BUSCH COS INC 357,390 03674B-10-4 ANTHEM INC 143,147 037389-10-3 AON CORP 66,692 037411-10-5 APACHE CORP 138,776 037604-10-5 APOLLO GROUP INC 117,656 037833-10-0 APPLE COMPUTER INC 53,366 038020-10-3 APPLERA CORP APPLIED BIOSYS 43,909 038222-10-5 APPLIED MATLS INC 212,804 03822W-10-9 APPLIED MICRO CIRCUITS CO 13,398 039483-10-2 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO 70,799 044204-10-5 ASHLAND INC 19,957 052769-10-6 AUTODESK INC 14,112 053015-10-3 AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING 178,800 053332-10-2 AUTOZONE INC 94,754 053499-10-9 AVAYA INC 15,055 053611-10-9 AVERY DENNISON CORP 79,590 054303-10-2 AVON PRODS INC 121,482 054937-10-7 BB&T CORP 159,322 055482-10-3 BJ SVCS CO 72,675 055921-10-0 BMC SOFTWARE INC 29,687 057224-10-7 BAKER HUGHES INC 97,535 058498-10-6 BALL CORP 46,988 060505-10-4 BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATI 786,022 064057-10-2 BANK NEW YORK INC 180,315 06423A-10-3 BANK ONE CORP 343,992 067383-10-9 C R BARD INC 55,828 071707-10-3 BAUSCH & LOMB INC 16,337 071813-10-9 BAXTER INTL INC 178,392 073902-10-8 BEAR STEARNS COS INC 91,973 075887-10-9 BECTON DICKINSON & CO 67,876 075896-10-0 BED BATH & BEYOND INC 85,583 079860-10-2 BELLSOUTH CORP 386,268 081437-10-5 BEMIS INC 52,128 086516-10-1 BEST BUY INC 46,456 089302-10-3 BIG LOTS INC 15,283 090597-10-5 BIOGEN INC 61,695 090613-10-0 BIOMET INC 66,004 091797-10-0 BLACK & DECKER 53,810 093671-10-5 BLOCK H & R INC 107,503 097023-10-5 BOEING CO 241,343 097383-10-3 BOISE CASCADE CORP 14,475 101137-10-7 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORP 109,651 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11.7 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 CUSIP Number of Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor Shares of Stock - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110122-10-8 BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 14,300.000 111320-10-7 BROADCOM CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,400.000 115637-20-9 BROWN FORMAN CORP 05/28/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,000.000 117043-10-9 BRUNSWICK CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 800.000 12189T-10-4 BURLINGTON NORTHN SANTA F 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,200.000 122014-10-3 BURLINGTON RES INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,700.000 125509-10-9 CIGNA CORP 03/28/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 1,000.000 125896-10-0 CMS ENERGY CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 126408-10-3 CSX CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,900.000 126650-10-0 CVS CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,300.000 131347-10-6 CALPINE CORP 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 3,600.000 134429-10-9 CAMPBELL SOUP CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,500.000 14040H-10-5 CAPITAL ONE FINL CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,000.000 14149Y-10-8 CARDINAL HEALTH INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 3,400.000 143658-10-2 CARNIVAL CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 5,000.000 149123-10-1 CATERPILLAR INC DEL 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,900.000 151313-10-3 CENDANT CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 9,000.000 15189T-10-7 CENTERPOINT ENERGY INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,500.000 152312-10-4 CENTEX CORP 06/21/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,000.000 156700-10-6 CENTURYTEL INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 160903-10-0 CHARTER ONE FINL INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,089.850 166764-10-0 CHEVRONTEXACO CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 8,000.000 170040-10-9 CHIRON CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,700.000 171232-10-1 CHUBB CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,300.000 171779-10-1 CIENA CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 4,300.000 172062-10-1 CINCINNATI FINL CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 1,400.000 172474-10-8 CINERGY CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 172737-10-8 CIRCUIT CITY STORE INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,800.000 17275R-10-2 CISCO SYS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 55,000.000 172908-10-5 CINTAS CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,400.000 172967-10-1 CITIGROUP INC 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 39,700.000 17453B-10-1 CITIZENS COMMUNICATIONS C 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,400.000 177376-10-0 CITRIX SYS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 184502-10-2 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 4,700.000 189054-10-9 CLOROX CO DEL 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,400.000 191216-10-0 COCA-COLA COMPANY 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 18,300.000 191219-10-4 COCA COLA ENTERPRISES INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,800.000 194162-10-3 COLGATE PALMOLIVE CO 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 4,500.000 20030N-10-1 COMCAST CORP NEW 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 33,417.695 200340-10-7 COMERICA INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,300.000 204912-10-9 COMPUTER ASSOC INTL INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 5,000.000 205363-10-4 COMPUTER SCIENCES CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 205638-10-9 COMPUWARE CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,300.000 205862-40-2 COMVERSE TECHNOLOGY INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 205887-10-2 CONAGRA INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 4,600.000 206197-10-5 CONCORD EFS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 4,300.000 20825C-10-4 CONCOPHILLIPS 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 10,427.130 209115-10-4 CONSOLIDATED EDISON INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,400.000 210371-10-0 CONSTELLATION ENERGY GROUP INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 1,400.000 212485-10-6 CONVERGYS CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,400.000 216831-10-7 COOPER TIRE & RUBR CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 600.000 217016-10-4 COORS ADOLPH CO 05/28/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,000.000 219350-10-5 CORNING INC 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 11,100.000 22160K-10-5 COSTCO WHSL CORP NEW 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,300.000 222372-10-4 COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORP 08/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 224399-10-5 CRANE CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 500.000 231021-10-6 CUMMINS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 400.000 233203-57-9 DFA TAX MANAGED U.S. SMALL CAP VALUE 12/16/2002 VARIOUS 1,978,920.993 233331-10-7 DTE ENERGY CO 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,300.000 235811-10-6 DANA CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 235851-10-2 DANAHER CORP 03/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 237194-10-5 DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,750.000 244199-10-5 DEERE & CO 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,600.000 24522P-10-3 DEL MONTE FOODS CO 12/27/2002 SPIN OFF 2,277.660 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 6 7 8 CUSIP Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110122-10-8 BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB CO 398,961 111320-10-7 BROADCOM CORP 54,432 115637-20-9 BROWN FORMAN CORP 75,758 117043-10-9 BRUNSWICK CORP 17,441 12189T-10-4 BURLINGTON NORTHN SANTA F 88,029 122014-10-3 BURLINGTON RES INC 64,756 125509-10-9 CIGNA CORP 101,410 125896-10-0 CMS ENERGY CORP 14,818 126408-10-3 CSX CORP 57,675 126650-10-0 CVS CORP 96,486 131347-10-6 CALPINE CORP 21,636 134429-10-9 CAMPBELL SOUP CO 88,416 14040H-10-5 CAPITAL ONE FINL CORP 106,694 14149Y-10-8 CARDINAL HEALTH INC 221,004 143658-10-2 CARNIVAL CORP 134,447 149123-10-1 CATERPILLAR INC DEL 132,575 151313-10-3 CENDANT CORP 129,849 15189T-10-7 CENTERPOINT ENERGY INC 33,936 152312-10-4 CENTEX CORP 57,968 156700-10-6 CENTURYTEL INC 35,038 160903-10-0 CHARTER ONE FINL INC 58,754 166764-10-0 CHEVRONTEXACO CORP 645,266 170040-10-9 CHIRON CORP 64,510 171232-10-1 CHUBB CORP 149,088 171779-10-1 CIENA CORP 22,010 172062-10-1 CINCINNATI FINL CORP 51,450 172474-10-8 CINERGY CORP 47,133 172737-10-8 CIRCUIT CITY STORE INC 30,829 17275R-10-2 CISCO SYS INC 774,455 172908-10-5 CINTAS CORP 106,120 172967-10-1 CITIGROUP INC 1,488,346 17453B-10-1 CITIZENS COMMUNICATIONS C 19,470 177376-10-0 CITRIX SYS INC 13,859 184502-10-2 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 173,226 189054-10-9 CLOROX CO DEL 98,552 191216-10-0 COCA-COLA COMPANY 933,649 191219-10-4 COCA COLA ENTERPRISES INC 83,055 194162-10-3 COLGATE PALMOLIVE CO 237,987 20030N-10-1 COMCAST CORP NEW 1,040,025 200340-10-7 COMERICA INC 129,811 204912-10-9 COMPUTER ASSOC INTL INC 90,229 205363-10-4 COMPUTER SCIENCES CORP 47,693 205638-10-9 COMPUWARE CORP 22,596 205862-40-2 COMVERSE TECHNOLOGY INC 14,846 205887-10-2 CONAGRA INC 116,183 206197-10-5 CONCORD EFS INC 105,154 20825C-10-4 CONCOPHILLIPS 552,482 209115-10-4 CONSOLIDATED EDISON INC 97,500 210371-10-0 CONSTELLATION ENERGY GROUP INC 35,756 212485-10-6 CONVERGYS CORP 26,801 216831-10-7 COOPER TIRE & RUBR CO 8,110 217016-10-4 COORS ADOLPH CO 67,318 219350-10-5 CORNING INC 42,779 22160K-10-5 COSTCO WHSL CORP NEW 123,128 222372-10-4 COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORP 61,048 224399-10-5 CRANE CO 9,795 231021-10-6 CUMMINS INC 11,268 233203-57-9 DFA TAX MANAGED U.S. SMALL CAP VALUE 30,072,740 233331-10-7 DTE ENERGY CO 92,400 235811-10-6 DANA CORP 17,559 235851-10-2 DANAHER CORP 102,200 237194-10-5 DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC 34,981 244199-10-5 DEERE & CO 117,235 24522P-10-3 DEL MONTE FOODS CO 20,921 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11.8 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 CUSIP Number of Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor Shares of Stock - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 247025-10-9 DELL COMPUTER CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 20,000.000 247126-10-5 DELPHI CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 4,700.000 247361-10-8 DELTA AIR LINES 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,000.000 248019-10-1 DELUXE CORP 08/28/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,000.000 25179M-10-3 DEVON ENERGY CORP NEW 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,500.000 254067-10-1 DILLARDS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 700.000 254687-10-6 THE WALT DISNEY CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 15,500.000 256669-10-2 DOLLAR GEN CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,900.000 25746U-10-9 DOMINION RES INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,400.000 257867-10-1 DONNELLEY R R & SONS CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,000.000 260003-10-8 DOVER CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,700.000 260543-10-3 DOW CHEM CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 6,600.000 260561-10-5 DOW JONES & CO INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 1,100.000 263534-10-9 DU PONT E I DE NEMOURS & 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 7,200.000 264399-10-6 DUKE ENERGY CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 7,600.000 26816Q-10-1 DYNEGY INC NEW 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,400.000 268648-10-2 EMC CORP MASS 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 16,600.000 26875P-10-1 EOG RES INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,100.000 277432-10-0 EASTMAN CHEM CO 08/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 277461-10-9 EASTMAN KODAK CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,500.000 278058-10-2 EATON CORP 05/28/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,000.000 278642-10-3 EBAY INC 12/30/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 5,000.000 278865-10-0 ECOLAB INC 08/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 281020-10-7 EDISON INTL 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,700.000 28336L-10-9 EL PASO CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 4,700.000 285512-10-9 ELECTRONIC ARTS INC 08/28/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 2,400.000 285661-10-4 ELECTRONIC DATA SYS NEW 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,600.000 291011-10-4 EMERSON ELEC CO 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 3,300.000 292845-10-4 ENGELHARD CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,100.000 29364G-10-3 ENTERGY CORP NEW 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,500.000 294429-10-5 EQUIFAX INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 294741-10-3 EQUITY OFFICE PROPERTIES 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,200.000 29476L-10-7 EQUITY RESIDENTIAL 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,700.000 30161N-10-1 EXELON CORPORATION 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 3,600.000 30231G-10-2 EXXON MOBIL CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 50,000.000 302571-10-4 FPL GROUP INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,500.000 307000-10-9 FAMILY DLR STORES INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 313400-30-1 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 5,800.000 313586-10-9 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 7,900.000 31410H-10-1 FEDERATED DEPT STORES INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,900.000 31428X-10-6 FEDEX CORP 08/28/2002 VARIOUS 2,600.000 316773-10-0 FIFTH THIRD BANCORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 4,700.000 319963-10-4 FIRST DATA CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 8,000.000 337162-10-1 FIRST TENN NATL CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,800.000 337738-10-8 FISERV INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,800.000 337932-10-7 FIRSTENERGY CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,900.000 339030-10-8 FLEETBOSTON FINL CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 7,700.000 343412-10-2 FLUOR CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 700.000 345370-86-0 FORD MTR CO DEL 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 14,500.000 345838-10-6 FOREST LABS INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,000.000 349631-10-1 FORTUNE BRANDS INC 06/21/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 354613-10-1 FRANKLIN RES INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,100.000 35671D-85-7 FREEPORT-MCMORAN COPPER & G0LD 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 364730-10-1 GANNETT INC 08/28/2002 VARIOUS 2,000.000 364760-10-8 GAP INC DEL 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 7,400.000 367626-10-8 GATEWAY INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,700.000 369550-10-8 GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,000.000 369604-10-3 GENERAL ELEC CO 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 75,000.000 370334-10-4 GENERAL MLS INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 3,500.000 370442-10-5 GENERAL MTRS CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 4,400.000 372460-10-5 GENUINE PARTS CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 372917-10-4 GENZYME CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,100.000 373298-10-8 GEORGIA PAC CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,900.000 375766-10-2 GILLETTE CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 8,000.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 6 7 8 CUSIP Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 247025-10-9 DELL COMPUTER CORP 512,455 247126-10-5 DELPHI CORP 52,047 247361-10-8 DELTA AIR LINES 16,972 248019-10-1 DELUXE CORP 45,448 25179M-10-3 DEVON ENERGY CORP NEW 113,336 254067-10-1 DILLARDS INC 11,643 254687-10-6 THE WALT DISNEY CO 285,969 256669-10-2 DOLLAR GEN CORP 44,816 25746U-10-9 DOMINION RES INC 148,260 257867-10-1 DONNELLEY R R & SONS CO 23,958 260003-10-8 DOVER CORP 48,297 260543-10-3 DOW CHEM CO 195,437 260561-10-5 DOW JONES & CO INC 44,405 263534-10-9 DU PONT E I DE NEMOURS & 291,832 264399-10-6 DUKE ENERGY CORP 202,807 26816Q-10-1 DYNEGY INC NEW 27,905 268648-10-2 EMC CORP MASS 130,457 26875P-10-1 EOG RES INC 39,177 277432-10-0 EASTMAN CHEM CO 52,448 277461-10-9 EASTMAN KODAK CO 79,242 278058-10-2 EATON CORP 84,278 278642-10-3 EBAY INC 281,877 278865-10-0 ECOLAB INC 57,757 281020-10-7 EDISON INTL 32,686 28336L-10-9 EL PASO CORP 66,543 285512-10-9 ELECTRONIC ARTS INC 136,929 285661-10-4 ELECTRONIC DATA SYS NEW 107,988 291011-10-4 EMERSON ELEC CO 175,426 292845-10-4 ENGELHARD CORP 27,382 29364G-10-3 ENTERGY CORP NEW 104,698 294429-10-5 EQUIFAX INC 29,413 294741-10-3 EQUITY OFFICE PROPERTIES 88,048 29476L-10-7 EQUITY RESIDENTIAL 72,249 30161N-10-1 EXELON CORPORATION 180,384 30231G-10-2 EXXON MOBIL CORP 1,837,146 302571-10-4 FPL GROUP INC 145,276 307000-10-9 FAMILY DLR STORES INC 45,406 313400-30-1 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 358,272 313586-10-9 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 566,434 31410H-10-1 FEDERATED DEPT STORES INC 65,066 31428X-10-6 FEDEX CORP 138,560 316773-10-0 FIFTH THIRD BANCORP 305,210 319963-10-4 FIRST DATA CORP 185,362 337162-10-1 FIRST TENN NATL CORP 67,792 337738-10-8 FISERV INC 77,899 337932-10-7 FIRSTENERGY CORP 62,649 339030-10-8 FLEETBOSTON FINL CORP 201,306 343412-10-2 FLUOR CORP 18,152 345370-86-0 FORD MTR CO DEL 186,206 345838-10-6 FOREST LABS INC 163,678 349631-10-1 FORTUNE BRANDS INC 69,374 354613-10-1 FRANKLIN RES INC 71,503 35671D-85-7 FREEPORT-MCMORAN COPPER & G0LD 15,802 364730-10-1 GANNETT INC 150,888 364760-10-8 GAP INC DEL 95,785 367626-10-8 GATEWAY INC 10,292 369550-10-8 GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP 176,178 369604-10-3 GENERAL ELEC CO 2,227,136 370334-10-4 GENERAL MLS INC 155,621 370442-10-5 GENERAL MTRS CORP 226,824 372460-10-5 GENUINE PARTS CO 48,081 372917-10-4 GENZYME CORP 121,637 373298-10-8 GEORGIA PAC CORP 30,430 375766-10-2 GILLETTE CO 256,832 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11.9 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 CUSIP Number of Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor Shares of Stock - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 381317-10-6 GOLDEN WEST FINL CORP DEL 03/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 38141G-10-4 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC 09/27/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 7,000.000 382388-10-6 GOODRICH CORPORATION 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 800.000 382550-10-1 GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBR CO 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 1,400.000 384802-10-4 GRAINGER W W INC 08/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 390568-10-3 GREAT LAKES CHEM CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 500.000 401698-10-5 GUIDANT CORP 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 2,600.000 404119-10-9 HCA INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 4,700.000 406216-10-1 HALLIBURTON CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,700.000 41014S-10-6 HANCOCK JOHN FINL SVCS IN 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,400.000 412822-10-8 HARLEY DAVIDSON INC 08/28/2002 VARIOUS 2,600.000 413619-10-7 HARRAHS ENTMT INC 03/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 416515-10-4 HARTFORD FINL SVCS GROUP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,700.000 418056-10-7 HASBRO INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,400.000 421924-10-1 HEALTHSOUTH CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,400.000 421933-10-2 HEALTH MGMT ASSOC INC NEW 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,200.000 423074-10-3 HEINZ H J CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,000.000 427056-10-6 HERCULES INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 900.000 427866-10-8 HERSHEY FOODS CORP 05/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 428236-10-3 HEWLETT PACKARD CO 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 30,738.750 432848-10-9 HILTON HOTELS CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,300.000 437076-10-2 HOME DEPOT INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 18,100.000 438516-10-6 HONEYWELL INTL INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 6,400.000 441815-10-7 HOUSEHOLD INTL INC 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 3,600.000 444859-10-2 HUMANA INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,400.000 446150-10-4 HUNTINGTON BANCSHARES INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,000.000 449934-10-8 IMS HEALTH INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,300.000 450911-10-2 ITT INDS INC IND 03/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,100.000 452308-10-9 ILLINOIS TOOL WKS INC 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 3,000.000 458140-10-0 INTEL CORP 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 49,500.000 459200-10-1 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 12,800.000 459506-10-1 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 900.000 459902-10-2 INTERNATIONAL GAME TECHNO 05/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 460146-10-3 INTL PAPER CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 4,100.000 460690-10-0 INTERPUBLIC GROUP COS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,300.000 461202-10-3 INTUIT 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,500.000 46612J-10-1 JDS UNIPHASE CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 10,800.000 46625H-10-0 JP MORGAN CHASE & CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 15,000.000 466313-10-3 JABIL CIRCUIT INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,700.000 47102X-10-5 JANUS CAP GROUP INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,900.000 475070-10-8 JEFFERSON PILOT CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 478160-10-4 JOHNSON & JOHNSON 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 26,500.000 478366-10-7 JOHNSON CTLS INC 03/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 480074-10-3 JONES APPAREL GROUP INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,900.000 482480-10-0 KLA-TENCOR CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,700.000 48666K-10-9 KB HOME 06/21/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,000.000 487836-10-8 KELLOGG CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,500.000 492386-10-7 KERR MCGEE CORP 05/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 493267-10-8 KEYCORP NEW 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,600.000 49337W-10-0 KEYSPAN CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 494368-10-3 KIMBERLY CLARK CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 4,500.000 49455P-10-1 KINDER MORGAN INC KANS 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,100.000 495582-10-8 KING PHARMACEUTICALS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,200.000 499040-10-3 KNIGHT RIDDER INC 05/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 500255-10-4 KOHLS CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 3,200.000 501044-10-1 KROGER CO 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 6,500.000 502161-10-2 LSI LOGIC CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,200.000 524660-10-7 LEGGETT & PLATT 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,700.000 524908-10-0 LEHMAN BROS HLDGS INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,400.000 529771-10-7 LEXMARK INTL GROUP INC 05/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 532457-10-8 LILLY ELI & CO 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 8,900.000 532716-10-7 LIMITED BRANDS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 5,000.000 534187-10-9 LINCOLN NATL CORP IND 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,400.000 535678-10-6 LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,700.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 6 7 8 CUSIP Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 381317-10-6 GOLDEN WEST FINL CORP DEL 82,366 38141G-10-4 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC 503,336 382388-10-6 GOODRICH CORPORATION 15,465 382550-10-1 GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBR CO 18,452 384802-10-4 GRAINGER W W INC 62,331 390568-10-3 GREAT LAKES CHEM CORP 12,335 401698-10-5 GUIDANT CORP 93,298 404119-10-9 HCA INC 218,658 406216-10-1 HALLIBURTON CO 53,922 41014S-10-6 HANCOCK JOHN FINL SVCS IN 80,313 412822-10-8 HARLEY DAVIDSON INC 131,909 413619-10-7 HARRAHS ENTMT INC 55,596 416515-10-4 HARTFORD FINL SVCS GROUP 153,972 418056-10-7 HASBRO INC 17,155 421924-10-1 HEALTHSOUTH CORP 28,945 421933-10-2 HEALTH MGMT ASSOC INC NEW 43,964 423074-10-3 HEINZ H J CO 110,677 427056-10-6 HERCULES INC 8,435 427866-10-8 HERSHEY FOODS CORP 99,928 428236-10-3 HEWLETT PACKARD CO 638,689 432848-10-9 HILTON HOTELS CORP 39,168 437076-10-2 HOME DEPOT INC 643,900 438516-10-6 HONEYWELL INTL INC 190,649 441815-10-7 HOUSEHOLD INTL INC 125,537 444859-10-2 HUMANA INC 17,460 446150-10-4 HUNTINGTON BANCSHARES INC 38,217 449934-10-8 IMS HEALTH INC 40,090 450911-10-2 ITT INDS INC IND 68,362 452308-10-9 ILLINOIS TOOL WKS INC 201,976 458140-10-0 INTEL CORP 1,044,519 459200-10-1 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES 971,994 459506-10-1 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA 29,593 459902-10-2 INTERNATIONAL GAME TECHNO 94,098 460146-10-3 INTL PAPER CO 156,771 460690-10-0 INTERPUBLIC GROUP COS INC 62,963 461202-10-3 INTUIT 109,561 46612J-10-1 JDS UNIPHASE CORP 37,379 46625H-10-0 JP MORGAN CHASE & CO 400,015 466313-10-3 JABIL CIRCUIT INC 28,894 47102X-10-5 JANUS CAP GROUP INC 29,948 475070-10-8 JEFFERSON PILOT CORP 54,676 478160-10-4 JOHNSON & JOHNSON 1,520,239 478366-10-7 JOHNSON CTLS INC 129,150 480074-10-3 JONES APPAREL GROUP INC 64,239 482480-10-0 KLA-TENCOR CORP 63,246 48666K-10-9 KB HOME 52,128 487836-10-8 KELLOGG CO 117,964 492386-10-7 KERR MCGEE CORP 85,843 493267-10-8 KEYCORP NEW 92,485 49337W-10-0 KEYSPAN CORP 42,199 494368-10-3 KIMBERLY CLARK CORP 272,359 49455P-10-1 KINDER MORGAN INC KANS 44,295 495582-10-8 KING PHARMACEUTICALS INC 53,411 499040-10-3 KNIGHT RIDDER INC 98,208 500255-10-4 KOHLS CORP 217,000 501044-10-1 KROGER CO 120,890 502161-10-2 LSI LOGIC CORP 29,367 524660-10-7 LEGGETT & PLATT 36,559 524908-10-0 LEHMAN BROS HLDGS INC 138,407 529771-10-7 LEXMARK INTL GROUP INC 72,462 532457-10-8 LILLY ELI & CO 536,723 532716-10-7 LIMITED BRANDS INC 86,382 534187-10-9 LINCOLN NATL CORP IND 49,398 535678-10-6 LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORP 76,785 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11.10 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Paid for Number of Accrued CUSIP Shares of Actual Interest and Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor Stock Cost Par Value Dividends - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 539320-10-1 LIZ CLAIBORNE INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,100.000 21,139 539830-10-9 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 4,900.000 303,594 540424-10-8 LOEWS CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,300.000 117,982 546347-10-5 LOUISIANA PAC CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 900.000 6,061 548661-10-7 LOWES COS INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 6,900.000 302,136 549463-10-7 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 26,200.000 70,429 55262C-10-0 MBIA INC 06/21/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 66,832 55262L-10-0 MBNA CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 12,675.000 206,080 552848-10-3 MGIC INVT CORP WIS 03/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 98,735 564055-10-1 MANOR CARE INC NEW 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 800.000 16,309 565849-10-6 MARATHON OIL CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,600.000 65,535 571748-10-2 MARSH & MCLENNAN COS INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 6,250.000 197,476 571834-10-0 MARSHALL & ILSLEY CORP 06/17/2002 VARIOUS 3,800.000 117,940 571903-20-2 MARRIOTT INTL INC NEW 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,100.000 85,184 574599-10-6 MASCO CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 4,400.000 103,937 577081-10-2 MATTEL INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,700.000 72,427 57772K-10-1 MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODS IN 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,500.000 84,301 577778-10-3 MAY DEPT STORES 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,400.000 71,171 578592-10-7 MAYTAG CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 700.000 19,189 580037-10-9 MCDERMOTT INTL INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 600.000 2,928 580135-10-1 MCDONALDS CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 9,700.000 229,836 580645-10-9 MCGRAW HILL COS INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,600.000 167,464 58155Q-10-3 MCKESSON CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,500.000 83,991 583334-10-7 MEADWESTVA CO CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,900.000 77,380 584699-10-2 MEDIMMUNE INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,400.000 71,821 585055-10-6 MEDTRONIC INC 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 9,600.000 418,284 58551A-10-8 MELLON FINL CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,500.000 105,143 589331-10-7 MERCK & CO INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 17,100.000 892,293 589405-10-9 MERCURY INTERACTIVE CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 900.000 27,011 589433-10-1 MEREDITH CORP 09/27/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,000.000 43,888 590188-10-8 MERRILL LYNCH 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 6,400.000 245,298 59156R-10-8 METLIFE INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 5,000.000 131,943 594918-10-4 MICROSOFT CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 40,700.000 2,086,501 595112-10-3 MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 5,200.000 105,926 601073-10-9 MILLIPORE CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 800.000 38,670 604675-10-8 MIRANT CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,800.000 26,550 608554-10-1 MOLEX INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,700.000 44,146 61166W-10-1 MONSANTO CO 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 3,668.716 54,769 615369-10-5 MOODYS CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,300.000 110,423 617446-44-8 MORGAN STANLEY 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 8,100.000 346,153 620076-10-9 MOTOROLA INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 18,100.000 223,128 62886E-10-8 NCR CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 900.000 25,958 635405-10-3 NATIONAL CITY CORP 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 5,300.000 156,790 637640-10-3 NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,600.000 25,890 63934E-10-8 NAVISTAR INTL CORP NEW 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 500.000 13,857 64120L-10-4 NETWORK APPLIANCE INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,900.000 34,396 650111-10-7 NEW YORK TIMES CO 03/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 60,441 651229-10-6 NEWELL RUBBERMAID INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,300.000 76,019 651639-10-6 NEWMNT MINING CORP NEW 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 4,700.000 125,602 65332V-10-3 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS INC 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 9,400.000 73,439 654086-10-7 NICOR INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 400.000 14,100 654106-10-3 NIKE INC 08/28/2002 VARIOUS 2,500.000 133,183 65473P-10-5 NISOURCE INC 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 2,300.000 42,535 655664-10-0 NORDSTROM INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 26,398 655844-10-8 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,400.000 73,738 659424-10-5 NORTH FORK BANCORPORATION 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,400.000 96,481 665859-10-4 NORTHERN TR CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,800.000 97,893 666807-10-2 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP 12/12/2002 VARIOUS 2,517.830 261,644 670006-10-5 NOVELL INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,100.000 10,008 670008-10-1 NOVELLUS SYS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 41,880 670346-10-5 NUCOR CORP 05/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 75,922 67066G-10-4 NV IDIA CORP 10/18/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,000.000 9,418 674599-10-5 OCCIDENTAL PETE CORP DEL 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,200.000 91,270 676220-10-6 OFFICE DEPOT INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,700.000 37,428 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11.11 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Paid for Number of Accrued CUSIP Shares of Actual Interest and Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor Stock Cost Par Value Dividends - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 681919-10-6 OMNICOM GROUP INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,300.000 176,821 68389X-10-5 ORACLE CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 40,400.000 406,158 69331C-10-8 PG&E CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,300.000 53,039 69344F-10-6 PMC-SIERRA INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 13,769 693475-10-5 PNC FINL SVCS GROUP INC 08/28/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 2,000.000 98,866 693506-10-7 PPG INDS INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,200.000 113,072 693511-10-6 PPL CORPORATION 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 48,930 693718-10-8 PACCAR INC 05/29/2002 VARIOUS 2,250.000 103,065 695257-10-5 PACTIV CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 22,234 696429-30-7 PALL CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,000.000 18,996 699173-10-0 PARAMETRIC TECHNOLOGY COR 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,200.000 7,771 701094-10-4 PARKER HANNIFIN CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 59,068 704326-10-7 PAYCHEX INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,300.000 90,887 708160-10-6 PENNEY J C INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,400.000 46,580 711030-10-6 PEOPLES ENERGY CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 300.000 10,830 712713-10-6 PEOPLESOFT INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,800.000 59,262 713409-10-0 PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,300.000 63,687 713448-10-8 PEPSICO INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 13,300.000 588,950 714046-10-9 PERKINELMER INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 16,260 717081-10-3 PFIZER INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 45,800.000 1,552,970 71713U-10-2 PHARMACIA CORPORATION 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 10,600.000 418,356 717265-10-2 PHELPS DODGE CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 900.000 29,348 723484-10-1 PINNACLE WEST CAPITAL CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 700.000 22,233 724479-10-0 PITNEY BOWES INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,000.000 68,362 729251-10-8 PLUM CREEK TIMBER CO INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,670.000 71,917 739308-10-4 POWER-ONE INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 700.000 4,555 74005P-10-4 PRAXAIR INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,500.000 139,223 74144T-10-8 PRICE T ROWE GROUP INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,000.000 31,213 74251V-10-2 PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 5,000.000 135,978 742718-10-9 PROCTER & GAMBLE CO 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 10,000.000 888,722 743263-10-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 2,700.000 121,660 743315-10-3 PROGRESSIVE CORP OHIO 04/23/2002 VARIOUS 3,300.000 181,541 74406A-10-2 PROVIDIAN FINL CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,500.000 11,652 744320-10-2 PRUDENTIAL FINL INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 8,400.000 258,863 744573-10-6 PUBLIC SVC ENTERPRISE GRO 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 1,900.000 59,016 745867-10-1 PULTE HOMES INC 06/21/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,000.000 58,648 747277-10-1 QLOGIC CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 800.000 29,681 747525-10-3 QUALCOMM INC 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 5,800.000 182,155 74834L-10-0 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS INC 12/16/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO INC 1,400.000 82,334 748767-10-0 QUINTILES TRANSNATIONAL CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,000.000 12,633 749121-10-9 QWEST COMMUNICATIONS INTL 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 13,300.000 62,854 750438-10-3 RADIOSHACK CORPORATION 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 29,492 75409P-20-2 RATIONAL SOFTWARE CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,700.000 41,471 755111-50-7 RAYTHEON COMPANY 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,700.000 132,021 758110-10-0 REEBOK INTL LTD 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 500.000 14,206 758940-10-0 REGIONS FINL CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,900.000 61,888 76182K-10-5 REYNOLDS R J TOB HLDGS IN 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 1,700.000 80,792 770323-10-3 ROBERT HALF INTL INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 28,513 773903-10-9 ROCKWELL AUTOMATION INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,600.000 27,178 774341-10-1 ROCKWELL COLLINS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,600.000 35,278 775371-10-7 ROHM & HAAS CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,000.000 67,787 779382-10-0 ROWAN COS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 800.000 15,605 783549-10-8 RYDER SYS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 600.000 14,945 78387G-10-3 SBC COMMUNICATIONS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 25,000.000 702,578 78442P-10-6 SLM CORP COM 03/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 124,751 785905-10-0 SABRE HLDGS CORP 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 33,575 786429-10-0 SAFECO CORP 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 45,203 786514-20-8 SAFEWAY INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,000.000 80,188 790849-10-3 ST JUDE MED INC 07/01/2002 VARIOUS 2,400.000 91,800 792860-10-8 ST PAUL COS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,200.000 75,424 800907-10-7 SANMINA SCI CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 4,400.000 32,344 803111-10-3 SARA LEE CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 6,700.000 134,207 806605-10-1 SCHERING PLOUGH CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 11,400.000 282,113 806857-10-8 SCHLUMBERGER LTD 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 4,600.000 208,704 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11.12 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 CUSIP Number of Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor Shares of Stock - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 808513-10-5 SCHWAB CHARLES CORP NEW 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 10,500.000 808655-10-4 SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 81211K-10-0 SEALED AIR CORP NEW 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 800.000 812387-10-8 SEARS ROEBUCK & CO 08/28/2002 VARIOUS 2,700.000 816851-10-9 SEMPRA ENERGY 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,700.000 824348-10-6 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 826170-10-2 SIEBEL SYS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 4,200.000 826552-10-1 SIGMA ALDRICH CORP 08/28/2002 VARIOUS 1,100.000 828806-10-9 SIMON PPTY GROUP INC NEW 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,700.000 833034-10-1 SNAP ON INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 500.000 834182-10-7 SOLECTRON CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 6,800.000 842587-10-7 SOUTHERN CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 6,200.000 844730-10-1 SOUTHTRUST CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,000.000 844741-10-8 SOUTHWEST AIRLS CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 6,600.000 852061-10-0 SPRINT CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 7,600.000 852061-50-6 SPRINT CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 7,600.000 854616-10-9 STANLEY WKS 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 700.000 855030-10-2 STAPLES INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 4,000.000 855244-10-9 STARBUCKS CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,400.000 85590A-20-3 STARWOOD HOTELS&RESORTS W 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,700.000 857477-10-3 STATE STR CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 3,600.000 863667-10-1 STRYKER CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,600.000 866810-10-4 SUN MICROSYSTEMS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 24,500.000 867363-10-3 SUNGUARD DATA SYSTEMS 09/27/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 4,000.000 86764P-10-9 SUNOCO INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 700.000 867914-10-3 SUNTRUST BKS INC 08/28/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 2,000.000 868536-10-3 SUPERVALU INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 871508-10-7 SYMBOL TECHNOL0GIES INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,000.000 87161C-10-5 SYNOVUS FINL CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,500.000 871829-10-7 SYSCO CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 5,600.000 872375-10-0 TECO ENERGY INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,400.000 872540-10-9 TJX COS INC NEW 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 6,100.000 872941-10-9 TMP WORLDWIDE INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,000.000 873168-10-8 TXU CORPORATION 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 3,200.000 87612E-10-6 TARGET CORPORATION 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 6,600.000 879131-10-0 TEKTRONIX INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 700.000 879664-10-0 TELLABS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,500.000 879868-10-7 TEMPLE INLAND INC 06/21/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,000.000 88033G-10-0 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 4,900.000 880770-10-2 TERADYNE INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,600.000 882508-10-4 TEXAS INSTRS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 13,000.000 883203-10-1 TEXTRON INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,100.000 883556-10-2 THERMO ELECTRON CORP 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 1,400.000 884315-10-2 THOMAS & BETTS CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 500.000 88579Y-10-1 3M CO COM 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 4,200.000 886547-10-8 TIFFANY & CO NEW 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 1,400.000 891027-10-4 TORCHMARK CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,000.000 892335-10-0 TOYS R US INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,900.000 89420G-40-6 TRAVELERS PROP CASUALT-B 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 14,380.294 896047-10-7 TRIBUNE CO NEW 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,700.000 899896-10-4 TUPPERWARE CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 500.000 902124-10-6 TYCO INTL LTD NEW 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 15,000.000 902911-10-6 UST INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 902973-30-4 US BANCORP DEL 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 15,700.000 907818-10-8 UNION PAC CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,500.000 908068-10-9 UNION PLANTERS CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,950.000 909214-10-8 UNISYS CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,800.000 911312-10-6 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC 09/27/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 16,700.000 912909-10-8 UNITED STATES STEEL CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 900.000 913017-10-9 UNITED TECHNOL0GIES CORP 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 3,500.000 91324P-10-2 UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC 08/28/2002 VARIOUS 2,100.000 914906-10-2 UNIVISION COMMUNICATIONS 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,100.000 915289-10-2 UNOCAL CORP 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 2,300.000 91529Y-10-6 UNUMPROVIDENT CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 6 7 8 CUSIP Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 808513-10-5 SCHWAB CHARLES CORP NEW 112,431 808655-10-4 SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA INC 20,449 81211K-10-0 SEALED AIR CORP NEW 19,530 812387-10-8 SEARS ROEBUCK & CO 136,520 816851-10-9 SEMPRA ENERGY 35,147 824348-10-6 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO 30,535 826170-10-2 SIEBEL SYS INC 64,842 826552-10-1 SIGMA ALDRICH CORP 53,965 828806-10-9 SIMON PPTY GROUP INC NEW 94,337 833034-10-1 SNAP ON INC 13,734 834182-10-7 SOLECTRON CORP 40,427 842587-10-7 SOUTHERN CO 170,933 844730-10-1 SOUTHTRUST CORP 75,102 844741-10-8 SOUTHWEST AIRLS CO 103,117 852061-10-0 SPRINT CORP 101,286 852061-50-6 SPRINT CORP 43,023 854616-10-9 STANLEY WKS 25,230 855030-10-2 STAPLES INC 64,434 855244-10-9 STARBUCKS CORP 77,906 85590A-20-3 STARWOOD HOTELS&RESORTS W 44,278 857477-10-3 STATE STR CORP 170,175 863667-10-1 STRYKER CORP 142,084 866810-10-4 SUN MICROSYSTEMS INC 127,045 867363-10-3 SUNGUARD DATA SYSTEMS 81,252 86764P-10-9 SUNOCO INC 22,633 867914-10-3 SUNTRUST BKS INC 135,296 868536-10-3 SUPERVALU INC 22,288 871508-10-7 SYMBOL TECHNOL0GIES INC 19,522 87161C-10-5 SYNOVUS FINL CORP 58,272 871829-10-7 SYSCO CORP 160,487 872375-10-0 TECO ENERGY INC 22,409 872540-10-9 TJX COS INC NEW 86,505 872941-10-9 TMP WORLDWIDE INC 23,882 873168-10-8 TXU CORPORATION 140,051 87612E-10-6 TARGET CORPORATION 234,213 879131-10-0 TEKTRONIX INC 13,519 879664-10-0 TELLABS INC 27,808 879868-10-7 TEMPLE INLAND INC 56,708 88033G-10-0 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP 169,669 880770-10-2 TERADYNE INC 24,234 882508-10-4 TEXAS INSTRS INC 282,412 883203-10-1 TEXTRON INC 45,660 883556-10-2 THERMO ELECTRON CORP 25,754 884315-10-2 THOMAS & BETTS CORP 8,680 88579Y-10-1 3M CO COM 511,370 886547-10-8 TIFFANY & CO NEW 41,196 891027-10-4 TORCHMARK CORP 37,064 892335-10-0 TOYS R US INC 23,295 894206-40-6 TRAVELERS PROP CASUALT-B 248,598 896047-10-7 TRIBUNE CO NEW 114,490 899896-10-4 TUPPERWARE CORP 8,234 902124-10-6 TYCO INTL LTD NEW 281,010 902911-10-6 UST INC 44,785 902973-30-4 US BANCORP DEL 324,598 907818-10-8 UNION PAC CORP 151,243 908068-10-9 UNION PLANTERS CORP 42,190 909214-10-8 UNISYS CORP 25,563 911312-10-6 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC 1,055,598 912909-10-8 UNITED STATES STEEL CORP 12,607 913017-10-9 UNITED TECHNOL0GIES CORP 225,994 91324P-10-2 UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC 170,507 914906-10-2 UNIVISION COMMUNICATIONS 60,320 915289-10-2 UNOCAL CORP 72,834 91529Y-10-6 UNUMPROVIDENT CORP 46,459 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11.13 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 CUSIP Number of Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor Shares of Stock - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 918204-10-8 V F CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,000.000 923436-10-9 VERITAS SOFTWARE CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,500.000 92343V-10-4 VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 20,700.000 925524-30-8 VIACOM INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 13,900.000 92839U-10-7 VISTEON CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,100.000 929160-10-9 VULCAN MATLS CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 900.000 929903-10-2 WACHOVIA CORP 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 10,500.000 931142-10-3 WAL MART STORES INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 37,600.000 931422-10-9 WALGREEN CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 7,800.000 939322-10-3 WASHINGTON MUT INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 7,500.000 94106L-10-9 WASTE MGMT INC DEL 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 5,100.000 941848-10-3 WATERS CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,900.000 942683-10-3 WATSON PHARMACEUTICALS IN 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 800.000 94973H-10-8 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 12/30/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 2,800.000 949746-10-1 WELLS FARG0 & CO NEW 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 12,500.000 950590-10-9 WENDYS INTL INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,100.000 962166-10-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,100.000 963320-10-6 WHIRLPOOL CORP 05/28/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,000.000 969457-10-0 WILLIAMS COS INC DEL 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 4,400.000 974280-10-9 WINN DIXIE STORES INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 981811-10-2 WORTHINGTON INDS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 700.000 982526-10-5 WRIGLEY WM JR CO 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,400.000 983024-10-0 WYETH 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 9,700.000 98389B-10-0 XCEL ENERGY INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,700.000 983919-10-1 XILINX INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,900.000 984121-10-3 XEROX CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 6,400.000 984332-10-6 YAHOO INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 5,300.000 988498-10-1 YUM BRANDS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,900.000 98956P-10-2 ZIMMER HLDGS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,700.000 989701-10-7 ZIONS BANCORPORATION 06/21/2002 VARIOUS 1,100.000 G0070K-10-3 ACE LTD 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 3,800.000 G24182-10-0 COOPER INDUSTRIES LTD CL A 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 700.000 G4776G-10-1 INGERSOLL-RAND CO LIMITED CL A 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,400.000 G6359F-10-3 NABORS INDS LTD 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 G65422-10-0 NOBLE CORP ORATION SHS 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 G90078-10-9 TRANSOCEAN INC 09/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,700.000 G98255-10-5 XL CAP LTD 05/28/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,000.000 929901-83-3 WACHOVIA US TREASURY MKT 04/01/2002 WACHOVIA 35,000.000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6899999 - Total - Common Stocks - Industrial, Misc. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARENT, SUBS. & AFFILIATES UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20313#-10-6 CMAC OF ARIZONA 09/26/2002 CAPITAL INFUSION - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6999999 - Total - Common Stocks - Parent, Subsidiaries, Affiliates - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099997 - Total - Common Stocks - Part 3 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Total - Common Stocks - Part 5 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 6 7 8 CUSIP Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 918204-10-8 V F CORP 39,026 923436-10-9 VERITAS SOFTWARE CO 83,393 92343V-10-4 VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS 748,712 925524-30-8 VIACOM INC 592,429 92839U-10-7 VISTEON CORP 9,712 929160-10-9 VULCAN MATLS CO 34,785 929903-10-2 WACHOVIA CORP 368,942 931142-10-3 WAL MART STORES INC 2,034,404 931422-10-9 WALGREEN CO 277,189 939322-10-3 WASHINGTON MUT INC 260,584 94106L-10-9 WASTE MGMT INC DEL 128,839 941848-10-3 WATERS CORP 61,105 942683-10-3 WATSON PHARMACEUTICALS IN 21,043 94973H-10-8 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 194,498 949746-10-1 WELLS FARG0 & CO NEW 627,162 950590-10-9 WENDYS INTL INC 36,003 962166-10-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO 112,979 963320-10-6 WHIRLPOOL CORP 72,668 969457-10-0 WILLIAMS COS INC DEL 36,096 974280-10-9 WINN DIXIE STORES INC 18,268 981811-10-2 WORTHINGTON INDS INC 12,863 982526-10-5 WRIGLEY WM JR CO 128,538 983024-10-0 WYETH 448,127 98389B-10-0 XCEL ENERGY INC 58,196 983919-10-1 XILINX INC 72,532 984121-10-3 XEROX CORP 48,454 984332-10-6 YAHOO INC 69,176 988498-10-1 YUM BRANDS INC 94,210 98956P-10-2 ZIMMER HLDGS INC 64,115 989701-10-7 ZIONS BANCORPORATION 57,837 G0070K-10-3 ACE LTD 135,926 G24182-10-0 COOPER INDUSTRIES LTD CL A 22,794 G4776G-10-1 INGERSOLL-RAND CO LIMITED CL A 67,112 G6359F-10-3 NABORS INDS LTD 44,083 G65422-10-0 NOBLE CORP ORATION SHS 38,032 G90078-10-9 TRANSOCEAN INC 67,889 G98255-10-5 XL CAP LTD 89,088 929901-83-3 WACHOVIA US TREASURY MKT 35,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 106,669,429 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6899999 - Total - Common Stocks - Industrial, Misc. 106,669,429 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARENT, SUBS. & AFFILIATES UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20313#-10-6 CMAC OF ARIZONA 10,000,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 10,000,000 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6999999 - Total - Common Stocks - Parent, Subsidiaries, Affiliates 10,000,000 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099997 - Total - Common Stocks - Part 3 116,669,429 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Total - Common Stocks - Part 5 5,742,449 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks 122,411,878 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks 167,151,827 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals 1,160,830,749 XXX 4,450,640 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11.14 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 31287T-2E-4 7.000 03/01/2030 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 48,147 48,147 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 31287V-AQ-3 6.500 07/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 119,452 119,452 FHLMC PC 3128GV-UG-3 6.000 09/01/2017 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 115,501 115,501 FEDERAL HOME LN BKS MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE 3133MD-GE-7 5.000 02/28/2003 10/16/2002 FENNER SMITH 1,011,410 1,000,000 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 3134A3-2S-4 6.875 01/15/2005 02/05/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 1,011,838 935,000 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 31359M-EM-1 5.125 02/13/2004 02/05/2002 VARIOUS 1,035,961 1,000,000 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 31359M-ES-8 5.625 05/14/2004 02/05/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 1,937,357 1,850,000 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 31359M-HJ-5 4.750 03/15/2004 02/05/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 1,646,384 1,600,000 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 31359M-JX-2 5.250 06/15/2006 02/05/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 621,178 605,000 FNMA PASS-THRU 31385H-RA-2 6.500 06/01/2015 05/01/2002 VARIOUS 830,945 808,359 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31386F-6B-6 6.000 02/01/2031 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 533,844 533,844 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31386Y-VW-1 6.500 05/01/2031 07/01/2002 VARIOUS 2,109,643 2,075,000 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387E-MT-1 7.000 07/01/2031 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 356,912 356,912 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387J-RG-3 6.000 05/01/2031 03/22/2002 VARIOUS 964,391 996,699 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387N-HU-4 6.000 06/01/2031 03/22/2002 VARIOUS 628,803 650,002 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31388A-KN-3 7.000 09/01/2031 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 404,442 404,442 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31388Y-2Y-7 6.500 12/01/2015 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 7,905 7,905 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31389N-7D-1 7.000 09/01/2031 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 6,995 6,995 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-F7-6 6.500 08/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 9,192 9,192 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-FF-8 6.500 07/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 23,373 23,373 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-V7-8 7.000 07/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 5,213 5,213 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-WX-0 7.000 07/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 4,611 4,611 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390N-P4-8 6.500 07/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 19,145 19,145 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31390N-UL-4 6.000 08/01/2017 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 122,612 122,612 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390P-DC-8 6.500 08/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 8,630 8,630 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390T-LQ-0 6.500 08/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 10,794 10,794 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390T-LV-9 6.500 08/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 11,994 11,994 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390U-YD-2 6.500 09/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 17,585 17,585 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 31287T-2E-4 7.000 03/01/2030 50,328 50,328 (134) FHLMC GOLD 30YR 31287V-AQ-3 6.500 07/01/2032 121,878 121,878 (35) FHLMC PC 3128GV-UG-3 6.000 09/01/2017 119,200 119,200 (77) FEDERAL HOME LN BKS 3133MD-GE-7 5.000 02/28/2003 1,009,220 1,009,220 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 3134A3-2S-4 6.875 01/15/2005 1,013,764 1,013,764 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 31359M-EM-1 5.125 02/13/2004 1,036,830 1,036,830 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 31359M-ES-8 5.625 05/14/2004 1,933,713 1,933,713 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 31359M-HJ-5 4.750 03/15/2004 1,653,424 1,653,424 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 31359M-JX-2 5.250 06/15/2006 633,314 633,314 FNMA PASS-THRU 31385H-RA-2 6.500 06/01/2015 818,400 818,020 (2,483) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31386F-6B-6 6.000 02/01/2031 522,916 522,916 1,713 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31386Y-VW-1 6.500 05/01/2031 2,096,399 2,096,399 (1,511) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387E-MT-1 7.000 07/01/2031 361,095 361,095 (1,150) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387J-RG-3 6.000 05/01/2031 974,429 974,429 65 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387N-HU-4 6.000 06/01/2031 638,729 638,729 29 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31388A-KN-3 7.000 09/01/2031 410,888 410,888 (1,334) FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31388Y-2Y-7 6.500 12/01/2015 8,344 8,344 (5) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31389N-7D-1 7.000 09/01/2031 7,212 7,212 (5) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-F7-6 6.500 08/01/2032 9,492 9,492 (2) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-FF-8 6.500 07/01/2032 24,136 24,136 (10) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-V7-8 7.000 07/01/2032 5,450 5,450 (1) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-WX-0 7.000 07/01/2032 4,821 4,821 (4) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390N-P4-8 6.500 07/01/2032 19,865 19,865 (14) FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31390N-UL-4 6.000 08/01/2017 127,804 127,804 (156) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390P-DC-8 6.500 08/01/2032 8,915 8,915 (3) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390T-LQ-0 6.500 08/01/2032 11,151 11,151 (4) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390T-LV-9 6.500 08/01/2032 12,390 12,390 (4) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390U-YD-2 6.500 09/01/2032 18,187 18,187 (3) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 31287T-2E-4 7.000 03/01/2030 833 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 31287V-AQ-3 6.500 07/01/2032 2,592 FHLMC PC 3128GV-UG-3 6.000 09/01/2017 1,623 FEDERAL HOME LN BKS 3133MD-GE-7 5.000 02/28/2003 2,190 2,190 56,806 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 3134A3-2S-4 6.875 01/15/2005 (1,926) (1,926) 36,248 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 31359M-EM-1 5.125 02/13/2004 (869) (869) 24,201 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 31359M-ES-8 5.625 05/14/2004 3,644 3,644 23,992 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 31359M-HJ-5 4.750 03/15/2004 (7,040) (7,040) 30,189 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 31359M-JX-2 5.250 06/15/2006 (12,136) (12,136) 4,624 FNMA PASS-THRU 31385H-RA-2 6.500 06/01/2015 15,408 15,408 13,379 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31386F-6B-6 6.000 02/01/2031 18,356 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31386Y-VW-1 6.500 05/01/2031 16,663 16,663 38,221 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387E-MT-1 7.000 07/01/2031 15,575 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387J-RG-3 6.000 05/01/2031 (10,255) (10,255) 19,153 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387N-HU-4 6.000 06/01/2031 (9,967) (9,967) 12,545 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31388A-KN-3 7.000 09/01/2031 17,299 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31388Y-2Y-7 6.500 12/01/2015 70 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31389N-7D-1 7.000 09/01/2031 227 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-F7-6 6.500 08/01/2032 155 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-FF-8 6.500 07/01/2032 432 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-V7-8 7.000 07/01/2032 62 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-WX-0 7.000 07/01/2032 54 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390N-P4-8 6.500 07/01/2032 192 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31390N-UL-4 6.000 08/01/2017 1,266 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390P-DC-8 6.500 08/01/2032 178 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390T-LQ-0 6.500 08/01/2032 226 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390T-LV-9 6.500 08/01/2032 212 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390U-YD-2 6.500 09/01/2032 204 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31391E-AQ-4 6.000 09/01/2017 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 65,692 65,692 FANNIEMAE GRANTOR TRUST 31392D-YE-6 4.768 04/01/2012 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 4,355 4,355 GNMA PASS-THRU M SINGLE F 36202C-6M-0 7.500 11/01/2028 02/01/2002 VARIOUS 717,957 691,381 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36204K-U8-4 7.500 03/01/2027 02/01/2002 VARIOUS 536,207 511,928 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36206X-6R-9 7.000 01/01/2028 04/01/2002 VARIOUS 300,720 295,337 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36207J-HS-5 7.500 01/01/2027 02/01/2002 VARIOUS 429,365 409,835 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36207M-MU-7 7.000 01/01/2028 04/01/2002 VARIOUS 246,929 241,741 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208F-KF-6 7.000 12/01/2027 04/01/2002 VARIOUS 469,125 460,362 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208J-4W-9 7.000 11/01/2027 04/01/2002 VARIOUS 602,126 590,683 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208K-VC-0 7.000 11/01/2027 04/01/2002 VARIOUS 248,297 243,090 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208M-YQ-2 7.000 10/01/2027 04/01/2002 VARIOUS 341,354 335,026 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208Q-FH-4 7.000 10/01/2027 04/01/2002 VARIOUS 38,605 37,867 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208U-A5-6 7.000 10/01/2027 04/01/2002 VARIOUS 336,627 330,633 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208V-4C-6 7.000 03/01/2028 04/01/2002 VARIOUS 41,683 40,925 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208V-UJ-2 7.000 11/01/2027 04/01/2002 VARIOUS 15,412 15,165 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208W-BF-9 7.000 05/01/2028 04/01/2002 VARIOUS 2,668,202 2,620,064 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36209T-HL-6 7.000 08/01/2028 04/01/2002 VARIOUS 195,953 192,461 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36209T-JL-4 7.000 08/01/2028 04/01/2002 VARIOUS 187,685 184,539 GNMA PASS-THRU X PLATINUM 36225A-QD-5 7.000 10/01/2026 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 213,609 213,609 GNMA PASS-THRU X PLATINUM 36225A-VQ-0 7.000 08/01/2027 04/01/2002 VARIOUS 587,816 576,794 GNMA PASS-THRU X PLATINUM 36225B-AU-2 9.500 10/01/2018 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 208,500 208,500 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 912810-FM-5 6.250 05/15/2030 09/10/2002 VARIOUS 2,837,775 2,570,000 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 912810-FP-8 5.375 02/15/2031 10/01/2002 VARIOUS 897,928 895,000 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-3S-9 5.625 12/31/2002 12/31/2002 MATURITY 185,000 185,000 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-4Y-5 3.875 01/15/2009 12/23/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 137,386 124,016 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-5S-7 5.875 11/15/2004 02/15/2002 GREENWICH SECURITIES 531,445 500,000 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6J-6 5.750 08/15/2010 03/07/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 1,228,432 1,175,000 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6Q-0 5.125 12/31/2002 01/18/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 823,156 800,000 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6V-9 4.250 03/31/2003 01/18/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 102,344 100,000 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6W-7 4.000 04/30/2003 01/18/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 280,854 275,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31391E-AQ-4 6.000 09/01/2017 68,474 68,474 (25) FANNIEMAE GRANTOR TRUST 31392D-YE-6 4.768 04/01/2012 4,351 4,351 6 GNMA PASS-THRU M SINGLE F 36202C-6M-0 7.500 11/01/2028 704,128 703,848 (885) GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36204K-U8-4 7.500 03/01/2027 527,526 527,023 (318) GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36206X-6R-9 7.000 01/01/2028 302,629 302,369 (1,115) GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36207J-HS-5 7.500 01/01/2027 425,076 424,590 (427) GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36207M-MU-7 7.000 01/01/2028 247,709 247,497 (53) GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208F-KF-6 7.000 12/01/2027 468,419 468,185 (948) GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208J-4W-9 7.000 11/01/2027 596,681 596,494 (615) GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208K-VC-0 7.000 11/01/2027 248,445 248,277 (57) GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208M-YQ-2 7.000 10/01/2027 342,250 342,001 (892) GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208Q-FH-4 7.000 10/01/2027 38,642 38,621 (76) GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208U-A5-6 7.000 10/01/2027 337,918 337,687 (1,150) GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208V-4C-6 7.000 03/01/2028 41,935 41,900 (141) GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208V-UJ-2 7.000 11/01/2027 15,476 15,467 (75) GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208W-BF-9 7.000 05/01/2028 2,664,687 2,663,071 (6,530) GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36209T-HL-6 7.000 08/01/2028 197,212 197,052 (745) GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36209T-JL-4 7.000 08/01/2028 189,095 188,941 (937) GNMA PASS-THRU X PLATINUM 36225A-QD-5 7.000 10/01/2026 217,982 217,851 (854) GNMA PASS-THRU X PLATINUM 36225A-VQ-0 7.000 08/01/2027 588,600 588,276 (1,353) GNMA PASS-THRU X PLATINUM 36225B-AU-2 9.500 10/01/2018 225,962 225,266 (2,811) UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 912810-FM-5 6.250 05/15/2030 2,726,522 2,725,062 (1,064) UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 912810-FP-8 5.375 02/15/2031 880,845 880,894 157 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-3S-9 5.625 12/31/2002 186,243 185,281 (281) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-4Y-5 3.875 01/15/2009 151,773 158,821 (815) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-5S-7 5.875 11/15/2004 532,953 532,041 (1,500) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6J-6 5.750 08/15/2010 1,238,374 1,238,081 (927) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6Q-0 5.125 12/31/2002 807,513 806,966 (401) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6V-9 4.250 03/31/2003 99,926 99,932 4 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6W-7 4.000 04/30/2003 279,519 279,250 (182) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31391E-AQ-4 6.000 09/01/2017 763 FANNIEMAE GRANTOR TRUST 31392D-YE-6 4.768 04/01/2012 54 GNMA PASS-THRU M SINGLE F 36202C-6M-0 7.500 11/01/2028 15,519 15,519 9,356 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36204K-U8-4 7.500 03/01/2027 10,662 10,662 6,828 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36206X-6R-9 7.000 01/01/2028 (534) (534) 7,120 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36207J-HS-5 7.500 01/01/2027 6,156 6,156 5,500 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36207M-MU-7 7.000 01/01/2028 (515) (515) 6,426 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208F-KF-6 7.000 12/01/2027 1,888 1,888 11,579 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208J-4W-9 7.000 11/01/2027 6,247 6,247 15,155 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208K-VC-0 7.000 11/01/2027 76 76 6,455 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208M-YQ-2 7.000 10/01/2027 245 245 8,361 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208Q-FH-4 7.000 10/01/2027 59 59 955 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208U-A5-6 7.000 10/01/2027 89 89 8,168 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208V-4C-6 7.000 03/01/2028 (76) (76) 1,014 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208V-UJ-2 7.000 11/01/2027 20 20 369 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36208W-BF-9 7.000 05/01/2028 11,661 11,661 64,247 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36209T-HL-6 7.000 08/01/2028 (354) (354) 4,864 GNMA PASS-THRU X SINGLE F 36209T-JL-4 7.000 08/01/2028 (319) (319) 4,485 GNMA PASS-THRU X PLATINUM 36225A-QD-5 7.000 10/01/2026 8,471 GNMA PASS-THRU X PLATINUM 36225A-VQ-0 7.000 08/01/2027 892 892 14,527 GNMA PASS-THRU X PLATINUM 36225B-AU-2 9.500 10/01/2018 9,900 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 912810-FM-5 6.250 05/15/2030 113,777 113,777 98,258 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 912810-FP-8 5.375 02/15/2031 16,877 16,877 45,560 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-3S-9 5.625 12/31/2002 10,406 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-4Y-5 3.875 01/15/2009 (13,572) (13,572) (5,748) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-5S-7 5.875 11/15/2004 905 905 7,952 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6J-6 5.750 08/15/2010 (8,722) (8,722) 36,596 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6Q-0 5.125 12/31/2002 16,591 16,591 2,492 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6V-9 4.250 03/31/2003 2,408 2,408 1,331 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6W-7 4.000 04/30/2003 1,786 1,786 2,522 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6X-5 4.625 05/15/2006 01/10/2002 VARIOUS 3,190,287 3,145,000 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-7A-4 3.875 07/31/2003 01/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,018,496 1,000,000 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-7D-8 2.750 09/30/2003 01/25/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 5,233,568 5,250,000 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES 912827-7H-9 3.250 12/31/2003 10/02/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 193,926 190,000 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-7K-2 3.000 01/31/2004 11/07/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 1,205,969 1,185,000 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-F4-9 7.500 05/15/2002 06/02/2002 VARIOUS 610,000 610,000 US TREASURY NOTE 912827-R8-7 7.875 11/15/2004 09/18/2002 VARIOUS 4,403,490 3,930,000 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912828-AA-8 3.625 03/31/2004 07/18/2002 BARCLAYS CAPITAL INC. 306,586 300,000 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 91362*-AP-6 12/15/2008 05/01/2002 FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK 60,363,784 60,363,784 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 105,630,902 104,214,194 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments 105,630,902 104,214,194 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES CALIFORNIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA ST 130624-JC-4 5.500 10/01/2009 12/31/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,741,440 1,500,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 1,741,440 1,500,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT COLUMBIA 25476A-D5-5 6.250 06/01/2004 12/02/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 1,045,500 1,025,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 1,045,500 1,025,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS SPORTS FACS AUTH 452143-BY-5 5.000 06/15/2032 06/27/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 19,232,450 20,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 19,232,450 20,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEXINGTON-FAYETTE URBAN C 52908E-BA-0 4.750 05/01/2024 08/09/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 4,109,878 4,250,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY 4,109,878 4,250,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METROPOLITAN TRANSN AU N 592598-3E-4 5.125 07/01/2014 03/12/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 6,373,910 6,200,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 6,373,910 6,200,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHILADELPHIA PA GO 717813-BY-4 5.000 03/15/2028 07/31/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 4,925,000 5,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 4,925,000 5,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA ST 837107-J2-8 4.750 04/01/2021 12/18/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 4,975,000 5,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 4,975,000 5,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6X-5 4.625 05/15/2006 3,209,058 3,207,630 (388) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-7A-4 3.875 07/31/2003 999,632 999,669 29 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-7D-8 2.750 09/30/2003 5,264,126 5,262,834 (522) UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES 912827-7H-9 3.250 12/31/2003 190,638 190,638 (195) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-7K-2 3.000 01/31/2004 1,191,619 1,191,619 (1,578) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-F4-9 7.500 05/15/2002 624,106 610,725 (725) US TREASURY NOTE 912827-R8-7 7.875 11/15/2004 4,406,513 4,406,513 (19,575) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912828-AA-8 3.625 03/31/2004 306,211 306,211 (58) MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 91362*-AP-6 12/15/2008 60,363,784 60,363,784 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 105,564,846 105,545,106 (53,150) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments 105,564,846 105,545,106 (53,150) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA ST 130624-JC-4 5.500 10/01/2009 1,511,596 1,511,282 (1,209) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 1,511,596 1,511,282 (1,209) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT COLUMBIA 25476A-D5-5 6.250 06/01/2004 1,046,013 1,030,683 (2,066) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 1,046,013 1,030,683 (2,066) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS SPORTS FACS AUTH 452143-BY-5 5.000 06/15/2032 19,039,400 19,039,553 3,412 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 19,039,400 19,039,553 3,412 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEXINGTON-FAYETTE URBAN C 52908E-BA-0 4.750 05/01/2024 4,073,213 4,074,909 2,683 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY 4,073,213 4,074,909 2,683 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METROPOLITAN TRANSN AU N 592598-3E-4 5.125 07/01/2014 6,294,358 6,291,897 (1,818) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 6,294,358 6,291,897 (1,818) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHILADELPHIA PA GO 717813-BY-4 5.000 03/15/2028 4,906,364 4,906,617 1,303 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 4,906,364 4,906,617 1,303 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA ST 837107-J2-8 4.750 04/01/2021 4,788,350 4,792,893 6,395 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 4,788,350 4,792,893 6,395 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6X-5 4.625 05/15/2006 (16,955) (16,955) 22,809 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-7A-4 3.875 07/31/2003 18,798 18,798 18,789 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-7D-8 2.750 09/30/2003 (28,745) (28,745) 47,596 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES 912827-7H-9 3.250 12/31/2003 3,483 3,483 4,682 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-7K-2 3.000 01/31/2004 15,928 15,928 27,822 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-F4-9 7.500 05/15/2002 22,798 US TREASURY NOTE 912827-R8-7 7.875 11/15/2004 16,552 16,552 105,953 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912828-AA-8 3.625 03/31/2004 433 433 3,387 MORTGAGE GUARANTY TAX AND LOSS 91362*-AP-6 12/15/2008 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 186,972 186,972 966,716 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments 186,972 186,972 966,716 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES CALIFORNIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA ST 130624-JC-4 5.500 10/01/2009 231,367 231,367 103,125 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 231,367 231,367 103,125 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT COLUMBIA 25476A-D5-5 6.250 06/01/2004 16,883 16,883 64,063 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 16,883 16,883 64,063 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS SPORTS FACS AUTH 452143-BY-5 5.000 06/15/2032 189,485 189,485 292,361 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 189,485 189,485 292,361 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEXINGTON-FAYETTE URBAN C 52908E-BA-0 4.750 05/01/2024 32,286 32,286 158,696 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY 32,286 32,286 158,696 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METROPOLITAN TRANSN AU N 592598-3E-4 5.125 07/01/2014 83,830 83,830 224,190 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 83,830 83,830 224,190 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHILADELPHIA PA GO 717813-BY-4 5.000 03/15/2028 17,080 17,080 222,222 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 17,080 17,080 222,222 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA ST 837107-J2-8 4.750 04/01/2021 175,712 175,712 291,597 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 175,712 175,712 291,597 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEATTLE WASHINGTON 812626-JG-5 5.100 08/01/2031 08/01/2002 VARIOUS 9,910,200 10,000,000 WASHINGTON ST 939745-4W-2 5.750 10/01/2002 10/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 5,100 5,000 WASHINGTON ST 939745-5F-8 5.750 10/01/2017 11/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 453,900 445,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 10,369,200 10,450,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN ST 977055-X6-4 5.150 05/01/2010 12/02/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 15,000 15,000 WISCONSIN ST 977056-FC-9 5.700 11/01/2009 04/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 110,000 110,000 WISCONSIN ST 977056-MV-9 5.500 11/01/2023 12/02/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 245,000 245,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 370,000 370,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States 53,142,378 53,795,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 53,142,378 53,795,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALABAMA HIGHER ED LN CORP 010305-DJ-6 5.650 03/01/2002 03/01/2002 MATURITY 295,000 295,000 ALABAMA HIGHER ED LN CORP 010305-DY-3 5.850 09/01/2004 09/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 320,000 320,000 BIRMINGHAM ALA WATER 091086-AL-2 4.750 01/01/2029 03/28/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 4,371,350 5,000,000 JEFFERSON ALA SEWER 472682-FA-6 5.750 02/01/2022 03/01/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 7,169,673 7,195,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA 12,156,023 12,810,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALASKA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANCHORAGE ALASKA 033160-UB-6 6.000 02/01/2004 09/01/2002 VARIOUS 2,020,000 2,000,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 2,020,000 2,000,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BERKELEY CALIF 084113-CA-5 5.750 09/01/2010 12/30/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 484,500 475,000 CALIFORNIA STATEWIDE CMNT 13077L-AK-0 6.000 10/01/2004 10/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 4,329,900 4,245,000 INDUSTRY CALIF 456560-JV-4 5.875 07/01/2005 07/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 2,253,419 2,245,000 UNIVERSITY CALIF REVS 914113-WL-5 6.000 09/01/2002 09/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 1,020,000 1,000,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 8,087,819 7,965,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLORADO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JEFFERSON CNTY COLO SCH D 472736-WW-3 5.900 12/15/2002 12/16/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 5,050,000 5,000,000 JEFFERSON CNTY COLO SCH D 472736-WZ-6 6.000 12/15/2002 12/16/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 1,010,000 1,000,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COLORADO 6,060,000 6,000,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT ST HGHR ED SU 207743-EM-3 5.750 11/15/2013 11/15/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 45,000 45,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEATTLE WASHINGTON 812626-JG-5 5.100 08/01/2031 9,848,700 9,849 737 1,339 WASHINGTON ST 939745-4W-2 5.750 10/01/2002 5,271 5,049 (49) WASHINGTON ST 939745-5F-8 5.750 10/01/2017 469,159 456,120 (3,218) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WASHINGTON 10,323,130 10,310,906 (1,928) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WISCONSIN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WISCONSIN ST 977055-X6-4 5.150 05/01/2010 14,668 14,761 11 WISCONSIN ST 977056-FC-9 5.700 11/01/2009 109,450 109,634 9 WISCONSIN ST 977056-MV-9 5.500 11/01/2023 244,859 244,871 3 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WISCONSIN 368,977 369,266 23 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States 52,351,401 52,328,006 6,795 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 52,351,401 52,328,006 6,795 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALABAMA HIGHER ED LN CORP 010305-DJ-6 5.650 03/01/2002 295,000 295,000 ALABAMA HIGHER ED LN CORP 010305-DY-3 5.850 09/01/2004 320,000 320,000 BIRMINGHAM ALA WATER 091086-AL-2 4.750 01/01/2029 4,199,450 4,219,278 3,085 JEFFERSON ALA SEWER 472682-FA-6 5.750 02/01/2022 7,168,927 7,169,478 195 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ALABAMA 11,983,377 12,003,756 3,280 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANCHORAGE ALASKA 033160-UB-6 6.000 02/01/2004 1,991,840 1,998,070 526 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ALASKA 1,991,840 1,998,070 526 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BERKELEY CALIF 084113-CA-5 5.750 09/01/2010 472,611 473,398 147 CALIFORNIA STATEWIDE CMNT 13077L-AK-0 6.000 10/01/2004 4,245,000 4,245,000 INDUSTRY CALIF 456560-JV-4 5.875 07/01/2005 2,220,395 2,236,434 964 UNIVERSITY CALIF REVS 914113-WL-5 6.000 09/01/2002 990,040 1,016,989 3,011 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CALIFORNIA 7,928,046 7,971,821 4,122 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COLORADO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JEFFERSON CNTY COLO SCH D 472736-WW-3 5.900 12/15/2002 4,937,050 5,036,143 13,857 JEFFERSON CNTY COLO SCH D 472736-WZ-6 6.000 12/15/2002 988,100 993,677 16,323 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL COLORADO 5,925,150 6,029,820 30,180 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONNECTICUT - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONNECTICUT ST HGHR ED SU 207743-EM-3 5.750 11/15/2013 45,113 45,093 (4) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEATTLE WASHINGTON 812626-JG-5 5.100 08/01/2031 59,124 59,124 510,000 WASHINGTON ST 939745-4W-2 5.750 10/01/2002 100 100 288 WASHINGTON ST 939745-5F-8 5.750 10/01/2017 998 998 27,720 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 60,222 60,222 538,008 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN ST 977055-X6-4 5.150 05/01/2010 228 228 291 WISCONSIN ST 977056-FC-9 5.700 11/01/2009 356 356 718 WISCONSIN ST 977056-MV-9 5.500 11/01/2023 126 126 13,538 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 710 710 14,547 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States 807,575 807,575 1,908,809 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 807,575 807,575 1,908,809 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALABAMA HIGHER ED LN CORP 010305-DJ-6 5.650 03/01/2002 8,334 ALABAMA HIGHER ED LN CORP 010305-DY-3 5.850 09/01/2004 14,040 BIRMINGHAM ALA WATER 091086-AL-2 4.750 01/01/2029 148,987 148,987 179,444 JEFFERSON ALA SEWER 472682-FA-6 5.750 02/01/2022 241,332 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA 148,987 148,987 443,150 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALASKA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANCHORAGE ALASKA 033160-UB-6 6.000 02/01/2004 21,404 21,404 141,170 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 21,404 21,404 141,170 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BERKELEY CALIF 084113-CA-5 5.750 09/01/2010 10,955 10,955 36,341 CALIFORNIA STATEWIDE CMNT 13077L-AK-0 6.000 10/01/2004 84,900 84,900 254,700 INDUSTRY CALIF 456560-JV-4 5.875 07/01/2005 16,021 16,021 131,894 UNIVERSITY CALIF REVS 914113-WL-5 6.000 09/01/2002 60,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 111,876 111,876 482,935 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLORADO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JEFFERSON CNTY COLO SCH D 472736-WW-3 5.900 12/15/2002 295,000 JEFFERSON CNTY COLO SCH D 472736-WZ-6 6.000 12/15/2002 60,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COLORADO 355,000 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT ST HGHR ED SU 207743-EM-3 5.750 11/15/2013 (89) (89) 2,013 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 45,000 45,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT COLUMBIA 25476A-ED-7 6.250 06/01/2002 06/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 91,800 90,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 91,800 90,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DADE CNTY FLA AVIATION RE 233455-TH-7 6.100 10/01/2007 10/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 2,121,600 2,080,000 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUTLAY 341422-S4-6 4.750 06/01/2024 07/11/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 4,774,550 5,000,000 GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION 392274-HQ-2 5.900 10/01/2004 10/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 2,550,000 2,500,000 LEE CNTY FLA WTR & SWR RE 523530-GH-0 5.000 10/01/2029 05/02/2002 VARIOUS 5,675,405 5,900,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 15,121,555 15,480,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATLANTA GA CTFS PARTN 047802-BB-8 6.100 12/01/2002 12/02/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 2,040,000 2,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 2,040,000 2,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHICAGO ILL BRD ED 167501-RH-0 5.000 12/02/2002 12/01/2002 MATURITY 350,000 350,000 CHICAGO ILL 0 HARE INTL A 167590-CK-2 6.625 01/01/2007 02/22/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 5,100,000 5,000,000 CHICAGO ILL 0 HARE INTL A 167592-MN-1 6.000 01/01/2012 04/25/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 510,000 500,000 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 45200K-JZ-2 6.200 10/01/2010 10/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 510,000 500,000 ILLINOIS ST 452150-E7-6 6.250 10/01/2002 10/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 443,700 435,000 ILLINOIS ST 452150-E8-4 6.250 10/01/2007 10/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 66,300 65,000 MADISON CNTY ILL CMTY UTD 557055-CP-3 6.650 12/15/2002 12/16/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 365,000 365,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 7,345,000 7,215,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RICHMOND IND HOSP AUTH HO 764790-CB-5 6.250 01/01/2002 01/02/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 596,700 585,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA 596,700 585,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOHNSON CNTY KANS UNI SCH 478718-QZ-5 5.950 03/01/2005 03/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 2,454,300 2,430,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS 2,454,300 2,430,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOUISIANA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOUISIANA PUB FACS AUTH R 54640A-LD-0 5.875 10/15/2002 10/15/2002 MATURITY 3,265,000 3,265,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL LOUISIANA 3,265,000 3,265,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAINE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAINE EDL LN AUTH EDL LN 560404-AV-7 6.800 12/01/2007 12/18/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 468,500 460,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MAINE 468,500 460,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS ED LN AUTH 575633-DJ-8 6.800 07/01/2002 07/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 1,261,500 1,240,000 MASSACHUSETTS ED LN AUTH 575633-DK-5 6.850 07/01/2002 07/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 630,900 620,000 MASSACHUSETTS ED LN AUTH 575633-GH-9 6.150 07/01/2010 07/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 45,000 45,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 45,113 45,093 (4) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT COLUMBIA 25476A-ED-7 6.250 06/01/2002 91,845 91,803 (1,385) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 91,845 91,803 (1,385) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DADE CNTY FLA AVIATION RE 233455-TH-7 6.100 10/01/2007 2,061,779 2,071,056 994 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUTLAY 341422-S4-6 4.750 06/01/2024 4,775,150 4,777,430 2,949 GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION 392274-HQ-2 5.900 10/01/2004 2,500,000 2,500,000 LEE CNTY FLA WTR & SWR RE 523530-GH-0 5.000 10/01/2029 5,433,841 5,443,295 2,357 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 14,770,770 14,791,781 6,300 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATLANTA GA CTFS PARTN 047802-BB-8 6.100 12/01/2002 1,997,500 2,034,942 5,058 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 1,997,500 2,034,942 5,058 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHICAGO ILL BRD ED 167501-RH-0 5.000 12/02/2002 354,330 352,083 (2,083) CHICAGO ILL 0 HARE INTL A 167590-CK-2 6.625 01/01/2007 5,147,550 5,067,798 (984) CHICAGO ILL 0 HARE INTL A 167592-MN-1 6.000 01/01/2012 500,000 500,000 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 45200K-JZ-2 6.200 10/01/2010 493,730 495,805 276 ILLINOIS ST 452150-E7-6 6.250 10/01/2002 450,179 444,884 (2,551) ILLINOIS ST 452150-E8-4 6.250 10/01/2007 67,268 66,477 (381) MADISON CNTY ILL CMTY UTD 557055-CP-3 6.650 12/15/2002 383,221 367,705 (2,705) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 7,396,273 7,294,752 (8,428) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RICHMOND IND HOSP AUTH HO 764790-CB-5 6.250 01/01/2002 599,625 596,700 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA 599,625 596,700 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOHNSON CNTY KANS UNI SCH 478718-QZ-5 5.950 03/01/2005 2,430,000 2,430,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS 2,430,000 2,430,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOUISIANA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOUISIANA PUB FACS AUTH R 54640A-LD-0 5.875 10/15/2002 3,234,733 3,261,904 3,096 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL LOUISIANA 3,234,733 3,261,904 3,096 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAINE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAINE EDL LN AUTH EDL LN 560404-AV-7 6.800 12/01/2007 460,000 460,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MAINE 460,000 460,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS ED LN AUTH 575633-DJ-8 6.800 07/01/2002 1,285,595 1,266,229 (21,730) MASSACHUSETTS ED LN AUTH 575633-DK-5 6.850 07/01/2002 642,816 633,118 (8,431) MASSACHUSETTS ED LN AUTH 575633-GH-9 6.150 07/01/2010 45,000 45,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 16 Realized Total Interest on Dividends on Gain Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT (89) (89) 2,013 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT COLUMBIA 25476A-ED-7 6.250 06/01/2002 1,382 1,382 2,813 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 1,382 1,382 2,813 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DADE CNTY FLA AVIATION RE 233455-TH-7 6.100 10/01/2007 49,549 49,549 126,880 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUTLAY 341422-S4-6 4.750 06/01/2024 (5,829) (5,829) 148,438 GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION 392274-HQ-2 5.900 10/01/2004 50,000 50,000 147,500 LEE CNTY FLA WTR & SWR RE 523530-GH-0 5.000 10/01/2029 229,754 229,754 172,278 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 323,474 323,474 595,096 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATLANTA GA CTFS PARTN 047802-BB-8 6.100 12/01/2002 122,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 122,000 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHICAGO ILL BRD ED 167501-RH-0 5.000 12/02/2002 17,500 CHICAGO ILL 0 HARE INTL A 167590-CK-2 6.625 01/01/2007 32,791 32,791 192,983 CHICAGO ILL 0 HARE INTL A 167592-MN-1 6.000 01/01/2012 10,000 10,000 24,500 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 45200K-JZ-2 6.200 10/01/2010 13,919 13,919 31,000 ILLINOIS ST 452150-E7-6 6.250 10/01/2002 1,367 1,367 27,188 ILLINOIS ST 452150-E8-4 6.250 10/01/2007 204 204 4,063 MADISON CNTY ILL CMTY UTD 557055-CP-3 6.650 12/15/2002 24,273 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 58,281 58,281 321,507 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RICHMOND IND HOSP AUTH HO 764790-CB-5 6.250 01/01/2002 18,281 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA 18,281 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOHNSON CNTY KANS UNI SCH 478718-QZ-5 5.950 03/01/2005 24,300 24,300 72,293 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS 24,300 24,300 72,293 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOUISIANA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOUISIANA PUB FACS AUTH R 54640A-LD-0 5.875 10/15/2002 191,819 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL LOUISIANA 191,819 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAINE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAINE EDL LN AUTH EDL LN 560404-AV-7 6.800 12/01/2007 8,500 8,500 31,455 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MAINE 8,500 8,500 31,455 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS ED LN AUTH 575633-DJ-8 6.800 07/01/2002 17,001 17,001 81,430 MASSACHUSETTS ED LN AUTH 575633-DK-5 6.850 07/01/2002 6,213 6,213 41,100 MASSACHUSETTS ED LN AUTH 575633-GH-9 6.150 07/01/2010 2,153 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS ED LN AUTH 575633-GX-4 6.000 07/01/2010 07/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 85,000 85,000 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 57563R-AP-4 5.750 07/01/2012 07/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 40,000 40,000 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 57563R-AR-0 5.850 07/01/2014 07/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 40,000 40,000 MASSACHUSETTS ST TPK AU M 576018-CW-3 5.250 01/01/2029 03/01/2002 TRANFER OF SECURITIES 8,214,533 8,800,000 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR RES 576049-DA-5 6.000 11/01/2006 11/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 3,060,000 3,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 13,376,933 13,870,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETROIT MICH CITY SCH DIS 251129-XE-7 4.750 05/01/2028 03/01/2002 TRANFER OF SECURITIES 9,252,423 10,630,000 MICHIGAN MUN BD AUTH REV 59455R-DJ-2 5.750 10/01/2015 03/01/2002 TRANFER OF SECURITIES 5,717,751 5,600,000 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH 594613-6G-1 5.625 10/01/2002 10/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 1,020,000 1,000,000 WHITEHALL MICH DIST SCHS 965084-EA-0 6.150 05/01/2018 05/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 739,500 725,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 16,729,674 17,955,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA ST HSG FIN AGY 604154-GG-3 6.250 02/01/2020 02/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 105,000 105,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA 105,000 105,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLARK CNTY NEV PASSENGER 181006-BZ-9 6.500 07/01/2012 12/23/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 663,000 650,000 LAS VEGAS NEV 517696-GL-8 6.500 04/01/2002 04/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 1,989,000 1,950,000 LAS VEGAS NEV 517696-GN-4 6.600 04/01/2002 04/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 1,530,000 1,500,000 WASHOE CNTY NEV SCH DIST 940858-QM-8 6.000 08/01/2006 08/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 3,151,200 3,120,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 7,333,200 7,220,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE ST TPK SYS 644693-FL-2 4.750 04/01/2029 03/01/2002 TRANFER OF SECURITIES 6,087,926 7,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW HAMPSHIRE 6,087926 7,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY ST HGHR ED ASS 646080-ET-4 6.000 07/01/2011 10/25/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 25,000 25,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 25,000 25,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW MEXICO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 647111-AY-9 6.550 12/01/2005 12/09/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 231,650 230,000 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 647111-CW-1 5.800 12/01/2002 12/01/2002 MATURITY 290,000 290,000 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 647111-CX-9 5.900 12/01/2003 12/02/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 15,000 15,000 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 647111-CY-7 6.000 12/01/2004 12/02/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 5,000 5,000 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 647111-DQ-3 5.750 08/01/2007 08/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 5,000 5,000 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 647111-DR-1 5.850 08/01/2008 08/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 10,000 10,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW MEXICO 556,650 555,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Realized Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange Gain CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) (Loss) on Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal Disposal - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS ED LN AUTH 575633-GX-4 6.000 07/01/2010 85,000 85,000 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 57563R-AP-4 5.750 07/01/2012 40,000 40,000 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 57563R-AR-0 5.850 07/01/2014 40,000 40,000 MASSACHUSETTS ST TPK AU M 576018-CW-3 5.250 01/01/2029 8,209,212 8,212,977 1,556 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR RES 576049-DA-5 6.000 11/01/2006 2,930,820 2,968,973 4,835 86,192 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 13,278,443 13,291,297 (23,770) 109,406 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETROIT MICH CITY SCH DIS 251129-XE-7 4.750 05/01/2028 9,228,575 9,248,597 3,826 MICHIGAN MUN BD AUTH REV 59455R-DJ-2 5.750 10/01/2015 5,722,789 5,719,535 (1,784) MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH 594613-6G-1 5.625 10/01/2002 1,004,780 1,019,116 884 WHITEHALL MICH DIST SCHS 965084-EA-0 6.150 05/01/2018 771,784 741,976 (2,476) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 16,727,928 16,729,224 450 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA ST HSG FIN AGY 604154-GG-3 6.250 02/01/2020 105,000 105,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA 105,000 105,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLARK CNTY NEV PASSENGER 181006-BZ-9 6.500 07/01/2012 670,345 663,711 640 (1,351) LAS VEGAS NEV 517696 -GL-8 6.500 04/01/2002 2,089,220 1,993,897 (4,897) LAS VEGAS NEV 517696 -GN-4 6.600 04/01/2002 1,565,835 1,531,422 (1,422) WASHOE CNTY NEV SCH DIST 940858 -QM-8 6.000 08/01/2006 3,105,461 3,113,825 694 36,680 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 7,430,861 7,302,855 (4,985) 35,329 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE ST TPK SYS 644693-FL-2 4.750 04/01/2029 6,080,531 6,085,563 2,363 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW HAMPSHIRE 6,080,531 6,085,563 2,363 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY ST HGHR ED ASS 646080-ET-4 6.000 07/01/2011 24,875 24,912 4 85 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 24,875 24,912 4 85 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW MEXICO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 647111-AY-9 6.550 12/01/2005 230,000 230,000 1,650 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 647111-CW-1 5.800 12/01/2002 290,000 290,000 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 647111-CX-9 5.900 12/01/2003 15,000 15,000 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 647111-CY-7 6.000 12/01/2004 5,000 5,000 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 647111-DQ-3 5.750 08/01/2007 4,962 4,979 2 19 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 647111-DR-1 5.850 08/01/2008 9,893 9,936 5 60 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW MEXICO 554,855 554,915 7 1,729 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 14 15 16 Total Interest on Dividends on Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal During Year During Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS ED LN AUTH 575633-GX-4 6.000 07/01/2010 3,900 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 57563R-AP-4 5.750 07/01/2012 1,725 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 57563R-AR-0 5.850 07/01/2014 1,755 MASSACHUSETTS ST TPK AU M 576018-CW-3 5.250 01/01/2029 308,000 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR RES 576049-DA-5 6.000 11/01/2006 86,192 180,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 109,406 620,063 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETROIT MICH CITY SCH DIS 251129-XE-7 4.750 05/01/2028 168,308 MICHIGAN MUN BD AUTH REV 59455R-DJ-2 5.750 10/01/2015 134,167 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH 594613-6G-1 5.625 10/01/2002 56,250 WHITEHALL MICH DIST SCHS 965084-EA-0 6.150 05/01/2018 22,294 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 381,019 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA ST HSG FIN AGY 604154-GG-3 6.250 02/01/2020 3,281 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA 3,281 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLARK CNTY NEV PASSENGER 181006-BZ-9 6.500 07/01/2012 (1,351) 62,436 LAS VEGAS NEV 517696 -GL-8 6.500 04/01/2002 63,375 LAS VEGAS NEV 517696 -GN-4 6.600 04/01/2002 49,500 WASHOE CNTY NEV SCH DIST 940858 -QM-8 6.000 08/01/2006 36,680 187,200 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 35,329 362,511 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE ST TPK SYS 644693-FL-2 4.750 04/01/2029 138,542 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW HAMPSHIRE 138,542 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY ST HGHR ED ASS 646080-ET-4 6.000 07/01/2011 85 1,384 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 85 1,384 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW MEXICO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 647111-AY-9 6.550 12/01/2005 1,650 15,305 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 647111-CW-1 5.800 12/01/2002 16,820 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 647111-CX-9 5.900 12/01/2003 885 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 647111-CY-7 6.000 12/01/2004 300 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 647111-DQ-3 5.750 08/01/2007 19 288 NEW MEXICO EDL ASSISTANCE 647111-DR-1 5.850 08/01/2008 60 585 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW MEXICO 1,729 34,183 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.5 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK DORM AUTH 649838-FX-2 5.750 07/01/2027 03/01/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 6,712,079 7,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 6,712,079 7,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON ST 68607F-BD-1 5.550 04/01/2010 10/01/2000 VARIOUS 100,000 100,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OREGON 100,000 100,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUCKS CNTY PA INDL DEV AU 118612-GA-2 5.750 07/03/2012 08/22/2002 VARIOUS 100,000 100,000 PENNSYLVANIA ST HGHR ED A 709163-AU-3 5.750 09/03/2026 03/26/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 1,000,000 1,000,000 PHILADELPHIA PA REGL PORT 717877-BD-5 5.450 09/01/2002 09/01/2002 MATURITY 500,000 500,000 SOUTH WESTERN SCH DIST PA 840659-HJ-8 5.100 06/15/2010 06/15/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 1,000,000 1,000,000 VENANGO CNTY PA 922591-CG-5 6.300 12/01/2019 12/02/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 1,545,000 1,545,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 4,145,000 4,145,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMPHIS TENN 586144-FL-6 5.500 08/01/2002 08/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 1,010,000 1,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 1,010,000 1,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABILENE TEX HIGHER ED AU 003455-DQ-2 5.700 07/01/2005 07/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 265,000 265,000 ABILENE TEX HIGHER ED AU 003455-EF-5 6.050 07/01/2009 07/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 155,000 155,000 ANDERSON CNTY TEX REV 033815-AK-7 5.500 03/15/2002 03/15/2002 MATURITY 4,525,000 4,525,000 HOUSTON TEX WTR & SWR SYS 442436-G8-8 5.000 12/01/2028 06/06/2002 VARIOUS 5,033,781 5,300,000 NORTH TEX MUN WTR DIST TE 662837-SJ-3 6.000 09/01/2002 09/01/2002 MATURITY 5,000,000 5,000,000 TEXAS HEALTH FACS DEV COR 882479-DH-8 6.250 12/01/2002 12/02/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 3,131,400 3,070,000 TEXAS MUN PWR AGY REV 882555-QY-4 6.000 09/01/2002 09/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 2,601,000 2,550,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 20,711,181 20,865,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWPORT NEWS VA 652234-DH-5 5.500 05/01/2003 07/02/2002 CRAIGIE INCORPORATED 516,240 500,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA 516,240 500,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON ST 939741-LS-1 6.250 09/01/2009 09/04/2001 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 50,000 50,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 50,000 50,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MILWAUKEE WIS 602364-RY-9 5.300 11/15/2002 11/15/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 470,000 470,000 OSHKOSH WIS 68825E-DN-6 5.750 12/01/2002 12/02/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 700,000 700,000 WISCONSIN HSG & ECO DV AU 976900-Y5-3 6.600 09/01/2007 09/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 3,060,000 3,000,000 WISCONSIN ST 977056-DA-5 5.400 11/01/2010 12/02/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 40,000 40,000 WISCONSIN ST HEALTH & EDL 97710A-BW-3 6.250 06/01/2007 09/26/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 3,570,000 3,500,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK DORM AUTH 649838-FX-2 5.750 07/01/2027 6,709,014 6,711,266 813 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 6,709,014 6,711,266 813 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON ST 68607F-BD-1 5.550 04/01/2010 100,000 100,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OREGON 100,000 100,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUCKS CNTY PA INDL DEV AU 118612-GA-2 5.750 07/03/2012 100,000 100,000 PENNSYLVANIA ST HGHR ED A 709163-AU-3 5.750 09/03/2026 1,000,000 1,000,000 PHILADELPHIA PA REGL PORT 717877-BD-5 5.450 09/01/2002 496,295 499,678 322 SOUTH WESTERN SCH DIST PA 840659-HJ-8 5.100 06/15/2010 989,930 993,222 295 VENANGO CNTY PA 922591-CG-5 6.300 12/01/2019 1,630,865 1,560,716 (15,716) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 4,217,090 4,153,616 (15,099) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMPHIS TENN 586144-FL-6 5.500 08/01/2002 989,920 1,008,008 1,992 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 989,920 1,008,008 1,992 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABILENE TEX HIGHER ED AU 003455-DQ-2 5.700 07/01/2005 265,000 265,000 ABILENE TEX HIGHER ED AU 003455-EF-5 6.050 07/01/2009 155,000 155,000 ANDERSON CNTY TEX REV 033815-AK-7 5.500 03/15/2002 4,383,566 4,520,208 4,792 HOUSTON TEX WTR & SWR SYS 442436-G8-8 5.000 12/01/2028 4,966,586 4,968,847 2,351 NORTH TEX MUN WTR DIST TE 662837-SJ-3 6.000 09/01/2002 5,091,600 5,008,042 (8,042) TEXAS HEALTH FACS DEV COR 882479-DH-8 6.250 12/01/2002 3,055,755 3,122,296 9,104 TEXAS MUN PWR AGY REV 882555-QY-4 6.000 09/01/2002 2,530,850 2,594,806 6,194 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 20,448,357 20,634,199 14,399 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWPORT NEWS VA 652234-DH-5 5.500 05/01/2003 517,717 516,692 (6,427) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA 517,717 516,692 (6,427) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON ST 939741-LS-1 6.250 09/01/2009 52,156 50,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 52,156 50,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MILWAUKEE WIS 602364-RY-9 5.300 11/15/2002 462,837 468,948 1,052 OSHKOSH WIS 68825E-DN-6 5.750 12/01/2002 696,451 699,480 520 WISCONSIN HSG & ECO DV AU 976900-Y5-3 6.600 09/01/2007 3,026,250 3,013,253 (1,318) WISCONSIN ST 977056-DA-5 5.400 11/01/2010 39,705 39,800 17 WISCONSIN ST HEALTH & EDL 97710A-BW-3 6.250 06/01/2007 3,500,000 3,500,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK DORM AUTH 649838-FX-2 5.750 07/01/2027 268,333 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 268,333 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON ST 68607F-BD-1 5.550 04/01/2010 5,030 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OREGON 5,030 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUCKS CNTY PA INDL DEV AU 118612-GA-2 5.750 07/03/2012 2,029 PENNSYLVANIA ST HGHR ED A 709163-AU-3 5.750 09/03/2026 3,965 PHILADELPHIA PA REGL PORT 717877-BD-5 5.450 09/01/2002 27,250 SOUTH WESTERN SCH DIST PA 840659-HJ-8 5.100 06/15/2010 6,483 6,483 25,500 VENANGO CNTY PA 922591-CG-5 6.300 12/01/2019 97,335 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 6,483 6,483 156,079 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMPHIS TENN 586144-FL-6 5.500 08/01/2002 55,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 55,000 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABILENE TEX HIGHER ED AU 003455-DQ-2 5.700 07/01/2005 10,973 ABILENE TEX HIGHER ED AU 003455-EF-5 6.050 07/01/2009 7,260 ANDERSON CNTY TEX REV 033815-AK-7 5.500 03/15/2002 124,438 HOUSTON TEX WTR & SWR SYS 442436-G8-8 5.000 12/01/2028 62,583 62,583 134,708 NORTH TEX MUN WTR DIST TE 662837-SJ-3 6.000 09/01/2002 300,000 TEXAS HEALTH FACS DEV COR 882479-DH-8 6.250 12/01/2002 191,875 TEXAS MUN PWR AGY REV 882555-QY-4 6.000 09/01/2002 153,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 62,583 62,583 922,254 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWPORT NEWS VA 652234-DH-5 5.500 05/01/2003 5,975 5,975 18,868 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA 5,975 5,975 18,868 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON ST 939741-LS-1 6.250 09/01/2009 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MILWAUKEE WIS 602364-RY-9 5.300 11/15/2002 24,910 OSHKOSH WIS 68825E-DN-6 5.750 12/01/2002 40,250 WISCONSIN HSG & ECO DV AU 976900-Y5-3 6.600 09/01/2007 48,066 48,066 198,000 WISCONSIN ST 977056-DA-5 5.400 11/01/2010 183 183 2,167 WISCONSIN ST HEALTH & EDL 97710A-BW-3 6.250 06/01/2007 70,000 70,000 179,253 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.6 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN ST TRANS 977123-KS-6 5.500 07/01/2015 03/28/2002 UBS PAINE WEBBER 4,594,873 4,360,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 12,434,873 12,070,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - United States 149,645,453 152,805,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions 149,645,453 152,805,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ALABAMA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALABAMA WTR POLLUTION CTL 010653-BT-9 6.250 08/15/2014 02/15/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 2,000,000 2,000,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA 2,000,000 2,000,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALASKA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALDEZ ALASKA PCR MARINE 919061-DP-3 5.500 10/01/2028 01/15/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 7,005,250 7,000,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 7,005,250 7,000,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BERKELEY CNTY S C SCH DIS 084203-QA-9 7.000 04/01/2002 04/01/2002 MATURITY 500,000 500,000 CALIFORNIA HSG FIN AGY REV 13033C-2V-8 4.080 08/01/2023 08/02/2002 VARIOUS 200,000 200,000 LONG BEACH CALIF FING AUTH 542414-BD-8 5.800 11/01/2002 11/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 367,200 360,000 LONG BEACH CALIF FING AUTH 542414-BM-8 5.800 11/01/2004 12/16/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 1,341,300 1,315,000 LOS ANGELES CNTY CALIF PU 544738-AP-2 5.000 03/01/2011 02/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 4,683,105 4,500,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 7,091,605 6,875,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT ST SPL TAX OB 207757-B7-9 5.500 10/01/2013 03/01/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 4,651,016 4,400,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 4,651,016 4,400,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METROPOLITAN WASH DC ARPT 592646-AX-1 5.000 10/01/2031 02/08/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 3,891,280 4,000,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 3,891,280 4,000,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA ST MUN PWR AGY RE 342816-HJ-7 6.000 10/01/2027 10/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 765,000 750,000 JACKSONVILLE FLA GTD ENTI 469398-AM-3 5.900 10/01/2006 10/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 1,428,000 1,400,000 LAKELAND FLA ELEC & WTR R 511678-PX-6 4.750 10/01/2017 05/31/2002 MERRILL LYNCH 2,449,525 2,455,000 MIAMI-DADE CNTY FLA SPL 0 59333N-EE-9 10/01/2028 09/19/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 5,305,271 23,625,000 MIAMI-DADE CNTY FLA WTR & 59334D-AC-8 5.000 10/01/2029 08/07/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 6,916,000 7,000,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 16,863,796 35,230,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHICAG0 ILL WASTEWATER TR 167727-EQ-5 5.125 01/01/2020 04/26/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 2,363,710 2,390,000 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 45200L-G4-2 1.000 01/01/2028 12/31/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 1,450,000 1,450,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 3,813,710 3,840,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IOWA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOBACCO SETTLEMENT AUTH IOWA 888805-AF-5 5.300 06/01/2025 11/07/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 8,505,750 10,000,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL IOWA 8,505,750 10,000,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN ST TRANS 977123-KS-6 5.500 07/01/2015 4,238,051 4,246,649 1,446 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 11,963,294 11,968,130 1,717 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - United States 148,054,318 148,246,119 14,209 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions 148,054,318 148,246,119 14,209 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALABAMA WTR POLLUTION CTL 010653-BT-9 6.250 08/15/2014 2,096,915 2,026,002 (26,002) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA 2,096,915 2,026,002 (26,002) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALASKA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALDEZ ALASKA PCR MARINE 919061-DP-3 5.500 10/01/2028 7,062,200 7,110,570 757 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 7,062,200 7,110,570 757 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BERKELEY CNTY S C SCH DIS 084203-QA-9 7.000 04/01/2002 519,950 504,412 (4,412) CALIFORNIA HSG FIN AGY REV 13033C-2V-8 4.080 08/01/2023 200,000 200,000 LONG BEACH CALIF FING AUTH 542414-BD-8 5.800 11/01/2002 356,926 366,085 1,115 LONG BEACH CALIF FING AUTH 542414-BM-8 5.800 11/01/2004 1,303,770 1,311,613 1,065 LOS ANGELES CNTY CALIF PU 544738-AP-2 5.000 03/01/2011 4,438,143 4,439,850 697 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 6,818,789 6,821,960 (1,535) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT ST SPL TAX OB 207757-B7-9 5.500 10/01/2013 4,658,837 4,653,697 (2,680) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 4,658,837 4,653,697 (2,680) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METROPOLITAN WASH DC ARPT 592646-AX-1 5.000 10/01/2031 3,854,600 3,856,106 237 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 3,854,600 3,856,106 237 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA ST MUN PWR AGY RE 342816-HJ-7 6.000 10/01/2027 785,850 773,825 (8,825) JACKSONVILLE FLA GTD ENTI 469398-AM-3 5.900 10/01/2006 1,393,600 1,394,046 831 LAKELAND FLA ELEC & WTR R 511678-PX-6 4.750 10/01/2017 2,387,389 2,393,869 1,111 MIAMI-DADE CNTY FLA SPL 0 59333N-EE-9 10/01/2028 4,776,739 5,672,107 160,926 MIAMI-DADE CNTY FLA WTR & 59334D-AC-8 5.000 10/01/2029 6,849,710 6,855,933 1,475 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 16,193,288 17,089,780 155,518 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHICAG0 ILL WASTEWATER TR 167727-EQ-5 5.125 01/01/2020 2,357,138 2,382,675 2,409 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 45200L-G4-2 1.000 01/01/2028 1,450,000 1,450,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 3,807,138 3,832,675 2,409 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IOWA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOBACCO SETTLEMENT AUTH IOWA 888805-AF-5 5.300 06/01/2025 9,736,800 9,738,392 4,857 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL IOWA 9,736,800 9,738,392 4,857 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN ST TRANS 977123-KS-6 5.500 07/01/2015 346,778 346,778 181,182 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 465,027 465,027 625,762 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - United States 1,384,732 1,384,732 6,371,841 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions 1,384,732 1,384,732 6,371,841 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALABAMA WTR POLLUTION CTL 010653-BT-9 6.250 08/15/2014 62,500 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA 62,500 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALDEZ ALASKA PCR MARINE 919061-DP-3 5.500 10/01/2028 (106,076) (106,076) 114,431 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA (106,076) (106,076) 114,431 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BERKELEY CNTY S C SCH DIS 084203-QA-9 7.000 04/01/2002 17,500 CALIFORNIA HSG FIN AGY REV 13033C-2V-8 4.080 08/01/2023 7,411 LONG BEACH CALIF FING AUTH 542414-BD-8 5.800 11/01/2002 20,880 LONG BEACH CALIF FING AUTH 542414-BM-8 5.800 11/01/2004 28,622 28,622 84,571 LOS ANGELES CNTY CALIF PU 544738-AP-2 5.000 03/01/2011 242,558 242,558 105,625 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 271,180 271,180 235,987 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT ST SPL TAX OB 207757-B7-9 5.500 10/01/2013 100,833 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 100,833 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METROPOLITAN WASH DC ARPT 592646-AX-1 5.000 10/01/2031 34,937 34,937 73,333 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 34,937 34,937 73,333 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA ST MUN PWR AGY RE 342816-HJ-7 6.000 10/01/2027 45,000 JACKSONVILLE FLA GTD ENTI 469398-AM-3 5.900 10/01/2006 33,123 33,123 82,600 LAKELAND FLA ELEC & WTR R 511678-PX-6 4.750 10/01/2017 54,545 54,545 79,037 MIAMI-DADE CNTY FLA SPL 0 59333N-EE-9 10/01/2028 (527,761) (527,761) MIAMI-DADE CNTY FLA WTR & 59334D-AC-8 5.000 10/01/2029 58,591 58,591 302,361 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA (381,502) (381,502) 508,998 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHICAG0 ILL WASTEWATER TR 167727-EQ-5 5.125 01/01/2020 (21,374) (21,374) 102,073 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 45200L-G4-2 1.000 01/01/2028 16,161 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS (21,374) (21,374) 118,234 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IOWA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOBACCO SETTLEMENT AUTH IOWA 888805-AF-5 5.300 06/01/2025 (1,237,500) (1,237,500) 551,347 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL IOWA (1,237,500) (1,237,500) 551,347 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.7 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSN 575566-R9-7 5.500 03/01/2012 03/01/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 5,185,371 MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSN 575577-AV-3 5.250 07/01/2030 08/29/2002 VARIOUS 14,987,873 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 57563R-CH-0 4.450 07/01/2008 07/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 825,000 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & E 57585J-TC-5 5.500 07/01/2006 03/01/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 5,371,233 MASSACHUSETTS ST PORT AUT 575895-VE-4 5.000 07/01/2027 03/04/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 4,758,450 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POL 576047-JW-5 4.750 02/01/2026 08/01/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 4,751,950 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 35,879,877 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN ST TRUNK LINE 594695-F2-9 5.250 11/01/2030 10/16/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 5,865,338 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 5,865,338 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI ST ENV IMP&ENERG 606915-SZ-0 4.500 01/01/2018 08/02/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS 3,890,250 ST LOUIS MO ARPT REV 791638-RC-5 5.250 07/01/2031 07/22/2002 VARIOUS 6,507,500 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T0TAL MISSOURI 10,397,750 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONTANA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONTANA ST HEALTH FAC AUTH 61213E-FP-4 4.625 02/15/2017 09/10/2002 VARIOUS 50,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T0TAL MONTANA 50,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA INVT FIN AUTH SI 63967C-KW-1 2.000 09/01/2026 09/03/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 275,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA 275,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR F 646135-QY-2 5.750 06/15/2016 03/01/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 6,599,430 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 6,599,430 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 649716-CE-5 4.750 11/15/2023 02/27/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 2,834,700 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 649716-JR-9 4.750 11/01/2023 05/08/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 12,024,342 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 650031-DZ-7 6.000 07/01/2006 03/01/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 2,282,944 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 896029-5F-8 5.000 01/01/2032 04/23/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 13,116,180 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 896033-PC-5 5.500 01/01/2017 12/13/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 805,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T0TAL NEW YORK 31,063,166 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAMILTON OHIO ELEC SYS MT 40727F-CQ-5 6.125 10/15/2008 12/19/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 1,020,000 ORANGE OHIO CITY SCH DIST 685165-CE-0 5.000 12/01/2023 06/14/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 1,980,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 3,000,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELAWARE RIV PORT AUTH PA 246352-AS-7 5.250 01/01/2004 03/01/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 5,980,043 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 Increase Increase (Decrease) Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Identification Description Par Value Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSN 575566-R9-7 5.500 03/01/2012 5,000,000 5,194,731 5,188,491 (3,120) MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSN 575577-AV-3 5.250 07/01/2030 14,750,000 14,479,485 14,483,633 2,902 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 57563R-CH-0 4.450 07/01/2008 825,000 825,000 825,000 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & E 57585J-TC-5 5.500 07/01/2006 5,230,000 5,385,402 5,376,146 (4,913) MASSACHUSETTS ST PORT AUT 575895-VE-4 5.000 07/01/2027 5,000,000 4,762,500 4,772,836 786 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POL 576047-JW-5 4.750 02/01/2026 5,000,000 4,680,000 4,696,945 3,861 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 35,805,000 35,327,118 35,343,051 (484) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN ST TRUNK LINE 594695-F2-9 5.250 11/01/2030 5,680,000 5,654,213 5,654,856 308 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 5,680,000 5,654,213 5,654,856 308 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI ST ENV IMP&ENERG 606915-SZ-0 4.500 01/01/2018 3,990,000 3,752,056 3,755,473 5,850 ST LOUIS MO ARPT REV 791638-RC-5 5.250 07/01/2031 6,500,000 6,431,620 6,433,333 1 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T0TAL MISSOURI 10,490,000 10,183,676 10,188,806 5,851 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONTANA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONTANA ST HEALTH FAC AUTH 61213E-FP-4 4.625 02/15/2017 50,000 50,000 50,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T0TAL MONTANA 50,000 50,000 50,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA INVT FIN AUTH SI 63967C-KW-1 2.000 09/01/2026 275,000 275,000 275,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA 275,000 275,000 275,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR F 646135-QY-2 5.750 06/15/2016 6,460,000 6,602,004 6,600,507 (1,077) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 6,460,000 6,602,004 6,600,507 (1,077) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 649716-CE-5 4.750 11/15/2023 3,000,000 2,828,280 2,832,315 733 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 649716-JR-9 4.750 11/01/2023 13,000,000 12,290,720 12,317,911 6,099 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 650031-DZ-7 6.000 07/01/2006 2,215,000 2,289,688 2,285,288 (2,344) TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 896029-5F-8 5.000 01/01/2032 14,000,000 13,469,560 13,471,055 7,127 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 896033-PC-5 5.500 01/01/2017 805,000 830,156 805,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T0TAL NEW YORK 33,020,000 31,708,404 31,711,569 11,615 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAMILTON OHIO ELEC SYS MT 40727F-CQ-5 6.125 10/15/2008 1,000,000 995,710 995,957 479 ORANGE OHIO CITY SCH DIST 685165-CE-0 5.000 12/01/2023 2,000,000 1,749,280 1,751,293 2,610 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 3,000,000 2,744,990 2,747,250 3,089 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELAWARE RIV PORT AUTH PA 246352-AS-7 5.250 01/01/2004 5,845,000 6,014,997 5,991,932 (11,889) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 12 13 14 15 16 Foreign Interest on Dividends on Exchange Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP Gain (Loss) (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description on Disposal Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSN 575566-R9-7 5.500 03/01/2012 137,500 MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSN 575577-AV-3 5.250 07/01/2030 501,337 501,337 890,495 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 57563R-CH-0 4.450 07/01/2008 22,918 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & E 57585J-TC-5 5.500 07/01/2006 191,767 MASSACHUSETTS ST PORT AUT 575895-VE-4 5.000 07/01/2027 (15,172) (15,172) 170,833 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POL 576047-JW-5 4.750 02/01/2026 51,144 51,144 240,799 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 537,309 537,309 1,654,312 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MICHIGAN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MICHIGAN ST TRUNK LINE 594695-F2-9 5.250 11/01/2030 210,174 210,174 289,917 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MICHIGAN 210,174 210,174 289,917 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSOURI - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSOURI ST ENV IMP&ENERG 606915-SZ-O 4.500 01/01/2018 128,927 128,927 197,505 ST LOUIS MO ARPT REV 791638-RC-5 5.250 07/01/2031 74,166 74,166 417,229 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T0TAL MISSOURI 203,093 203,093 614,734 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MONTANA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MONTANA ST HEALTH FAC AUTH 61213E-FP-4 4.625 02/15/2017 284 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T0TAL MONTANA 284 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEBRASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEBRASKA INVT FIN AUTH SI 63967C-KW-1 2.000 09/01/2026 2,035 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEBRASKA 2,035 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW JERSEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR F 646135-QY-2 5.750 06/15/2016 78,417 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEW JERSEY 78,417 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 649716-CE-5 4.750 11/15/2023 1,653 1,653 43,146 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 649716-JR-9 4.750 11/01/2023 (299,667) (299,667) 322,631 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 650031-DZ-7 6.000 07/01/2006 88,600 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 896029-5F-8 5.000 01/01/2032 (362,002) (362,002) 313,056 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 896033-PC-5 5.500 01/01/2017 64,199 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T0TAL NEW YORK (660,016) (660,016) 831,632 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OHIO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HAMILTON OHIO ELEC SYS MT 40727F-CQ-5 6.125 10/15/2008 23,565 23,565 72,139 ORANGE OHIO CITY SCH DIST 685165-CE-0 5.000 12/01/2023 226,097 226,097 55,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OHIO 249,662 249,662 127,139 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PENNSYLVANIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DELAWARE RIV PORT AUTH PA 246352-AS-7 5.250 01/01/2004 204,575 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E12.8 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PENNSYLVANIA ST TPK COMM 709222-AZ-6 5.000 07/15/2028 07/31/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 5,922,480 PENNSYLVANIA ST TPK COMM 709222-BA-0 5.000 07/15/2031 08/01/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 4,909,750 YORK CNTY PA HOSP AUTH REV 986392-JU-3 5.000 07/01/2021 08/30/2002 VARIOUS 50,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 16,862,273 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TENNESSEE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MET GOVT NASH&DAV CNTY TE 592098-ZM-2 4.750 01/01/2022 03/01/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 9,042,156 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL TENNESSEE 9,042,156 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DALLAS TEX AREA RAPID TRAN 235241-BA-3 5.000 12/01/2031 07/23/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS 3,909,400 DALLAS TEX WTRWKS & SWR SYS 235416-PU-2 5.000 10/01/2029 06/26/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 9,633,300 FRISCO TEX INDPT SCH DIST 358802-RR-9 5.000 08/15/2030 08/26/2002 SALOMAN BROTHERS 4,898,000 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GA 796253-NX-6 5.750 02/01/2002 02/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 772,650 TARRANT CNTY TEX HL TH FAC 876385-EA-9 6.000 09/01/2024 10/31/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO. 5,646,650 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL TEXAS 24,860,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERMONT - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERMONT ST STUDENT ASSIST CORP REV 92428C-DM-3 5.000 12/15/2002 12/15/2002 MATURITY 500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL VERMONT 500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VIRGINIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VIRGINIA COLLEGE BLDG AU 927780-KT-2 6.400 01/02/2002 01/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 510,000 VIRGINIA ST TRANSN BRD TR 928184-CT-5 3.000 04/01/2018 08/29/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 250,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL VIRGINIA 760,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WISCONSIN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WISCONSIN ST 977056-PL-8 5.350 05/01/2028 12/02/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 525,000 WISCONSIN ST TRANSN REV 977123-LZ-9 5.500 07/01/2022 07/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 3,800,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WISCONSIN 4,325,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States 203,302,397 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenues 203,302,397 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AOL TIME WARNER INC 00184A-AB-1 6.750 04/15/2011 09/24/2002 VARIOUS 180,407 AHOLD FIN 008685-AA-7 6.250 05/01/2009 07/30/2002 VARIOUS 416,935 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 008685-AC-3 8.250 07/15/2010 07/29/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 136,671 ALABAMA PWR CO 010392-DS-4 7.850 05/15/2003 04/17/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,051,530 ALBERTSONS INC 013104-AL-8 8.000 05/01/2031 11/01/2002 VARIOUS 202,613 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 Increase Increase (Decrease) Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Identification Description Par Value Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA ST TPK COMM 709222-AZ-6 5.000 07/15/2028 6,000,000 5,869,440 5,870,540 1,411 PENNSYLVANIA ST TPK COMM 709222-BA-0 5.000 07/15/2031 5,000,000 4,834,150 4,835,246 1,454 YORK CNTY PA HOSP AUTH REV 986392-JU-3 5.000 07/01/2021 50,000 50,000 50,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 16,895,000 16,768,587 16,747,718 (9,024) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MET GOVT NASH&DAV CNTY TE 592098-ZM-2 4.750 01/01/2022 10,000,000 9,028,263 9,037,698 4,458 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 10,000,000 9,028,263 9,037,698 4,458 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DALLAS TEX AREA RAPID TRAN 235241-BA-3 5.000 12/01/2031 4,000,000 3,825,440 3,826,686 1,389 DALLAS TEX WTRWKS & SWR SYS 235416-PU-2 5.000 10/01/2029 10,000,000 9,477,900 9,485,178 4,133 FRISCO TEX INDPT SCH DIST 358802-RR-9 5.000 08/15/2030 5,000,000 4,872,941 4,873,681 1,343 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GA 796253-NX-6 5.750 02/01/2002 765,000 772,321 766,501 (111) TARRANT CNTY TEX HL TH FAC 876385-EA-9 6.000 09/01/2024 5,000,000 4,987,500 4,988,483 209 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 24,765,000 23,936,102 23,940,529 6,963 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERMONT - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERMONT ST STUDENT ASSIST CORP REV 92428C-DM-3 5.000 12/15/2002 500,000 499,976 499,998 2 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VERMONT 500,000 499,976 499,998 2 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA COLLEGE BLDG AU 927780-KT-2 6.400 01/02/2002 500,000 540,370 510,000 VIRGINIA ST TRANSN BRD TR 928184-CT-5 3.000 04/01/2018 250,000 250,000 250,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA 750,000 790,370 760,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN ST 977056-PL-8 5.350 05/01/2028 525,000 529,652 528,338 (209) WISCONSIN ST TRANSN REV 977123-LZ-9 5.500 07/01/2022 3,800,000 3,456,594 3,473,118 4,036 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 4,325,000 3,986,246 4,001,456 3,827 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States 225,360,000 201,783,516 202,687,620 159,089 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenues 225,360,000 201,783,516 202,687,620 159,089 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AOL TIME WARNER INC 00184A-AB-1 6.750 04/15/2011 215,000 218,722 218,642 (179) AHOLD FIN 008685-AA-7 6.250 05/01/2009 425,000 380,413 387,392 1,505 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 008685-AC-3 8.250 07/15/2010 125,000 127,085 126,930 (93) ALABAMA PWR CO 010392-DS-4 7.850 05/15/2003 1,000,000 1,048,216 1,039,629 (8,676) ALBERTSONS INC 013104-AL-8 8.000 05/01/2031 175,000 176,083 176,024 49 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 12 13 14 15 16 Foreign Interest on Dividends on Exchange Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP Gain (Loss) (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description on Disposal Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA ST TPK COMM 709222-AZ-6 5.000 07/15/2028 50,529 50,529 328,333 PENNSYLVANIA ST TPK COMM 709222-BA-0 5.000 07/15/2031 73,050 73,050 274,306 YORK CNTY PA HOSP AUTH REV 986392-JU-3 5.000 07/01/2021 462 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 123,579 123,579 807,676 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MET GOVT NASH&DAV CNTY TE 592098-ZM-2 4.750 01/01/2022 316,667 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 316,667 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DALLAS TEX AREA RAPID TRAN 235241-BA-3 5.000 12/01/2031 81,325 81,325 130,556 DALLAS TEX WTRWKS & SWR SYS 235416-PU-2 5.000 10/01/2029 143,989 143,989 375,000 FRISCO TEX INDPT SCH DIST 358802-RR-9 5.000 08/15/2030 22,977 22,977 259,722 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GA 796253-NX-6 5.750 02/01/2002 6,260 6,260 21,994 TARRANT CNTY TEX HL TH FAC 876385-EA-9 6.000 09/01/2024 657,958 657,958 353,333 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 912,509 912,509 1,140,605 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERMONT - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERMONT ST STUDENT ASSIST CORP REV 92428C-DM-3 5.000 12/15/2002 7,336 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VERMONT 7,336 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA COLLEGE BLDG AU 927780-KT-2 6.400 01/02/2002 16,000 VIRGINIA ST TRANSN BRD TR 928184-CT-5 3.000 04/01/2018 2,424 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA 18,424 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN ST 977056-PL-8 5.350 05/01/2028 (3,130) (3,130) 9,914 WISCONSIN ST TRANSN REV 977123-LZ-9 5.500 07/01/2022 322,847 322,847 209,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 319,717 319,717 218,914 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States 455,692 455,692 7,873,755 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenues 455,692 455,692 7,873,755 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AOL TIME WARNER INC 00184A-AB-1 6.750 04/15/2011 (38,056) (38,056) 12,015 AHOLD FIN 008685-AA-7 6.250 05/01/2009 28,038 28,038 14,744 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 008685-AC-3 8.250 07/15/2010 9,834 9,834 10,771 ALABAMA PWR CO 010392-DS-4 7.850 05/15/2003 20,576 20,576 34,235 ALBERTSONS INC 013104-AL-8 8.000 05/01/2031 26,540 26,540 14,156 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.9 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of CUSIP Shares of Identification Description Disposal Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLERGAN INC 018490-AA-0 11/01/2020 01/24/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 1,553,750 AMERADA HESS CORP 023551-AJ-3 7.300 08/15/2031 11/06/2002 VARIOUS 120,730 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 1 03061N-CA-5 5.960 03/05/2006 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 525,692 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 2 03061N-EN-5 4.410 11/06/2008 11/14/2002 VARIOUS 463,992 AMVESCAP PLC 03235E-AG-5 5.900 01/15/2007 06/20/2002 EXCHANGE 175,000 ANADARKO PETE CORP 032511-AP-2 03/07/2020 01/30/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 603,750 ARROW ELECTRS INC 042735-AY-6 02/21/2021 10/04/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 2,268,630 ASSOCIATES CORP NORTH AME 046003-JS-9 5.750 11/01/2003 10/01/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 312,630 AVALONBAY COMMUNITIES 05348E-AE-9 6.625 09/15/2011 10/25/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 102,687 BALTIMORE GAS & ELEC CO 059165-DN-7 6.750 12/15/2012 12/15/2002 PUT 1,200,000 BANK OF AMERICA CORP 06050M-BP-1 2.670 10/22/2004 10/02/2002 ABN AMRO 1,204,672 BANK NEW YORK INC 064057-AM-4 6.625 06/15/2003 05/10/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 1,041,820 BAXTER INTL INC 071813-AR-0 1.250 06/01/2021 12/11/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK 2,889,125 BRASCAN LTD 105502-AC-2 7.375 10/01/2002 01/28/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 456,165 CSX CORP 126408-BP-7 7.250 05/01/2027 10/08/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 121,319 CSX CORP 126408-BR-3 6.250 10/15/2008 06/13/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 388,035 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TR 200 14040P-AP-2 3.850 08/15/2007 07/17/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 556,854 CARNIVAL CORP 143658-AN-2 2.000 04/15/2021 12/05/2002 VARIOUS 2,648,635 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 161505-BQ-4 6.600 12/01/2029 01/15/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 205,172 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 161581-BW-2 2.440 06/15/2004 12/15/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 101,063 COCA COLA ENTERPRISES INC 191219-BJ-2 6.125 08/15/2011 06/13/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 154,626 COLUMBIA ENERGY GROUP 197648-BZ-0 6.610 11/28/2002 11/28/2002 MATURITY 700,000 CONOCO FDG CO 20825U-AA-2 5.450 10/15/2006 08/23/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 130,924 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 224044-AY-3 7.750 11/01/2010 11/01/2002 VARIOUS 345,248 COX RADIO INC 224051-AG-7 6.625 02/15/2006 06/20/2002 SALOMAN BROTHERS 171,927 CS FIRST BOSTON NY BRH SR 2254C0-AZ-0 2.000 05/01/2010 03/21/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 723,420 DU PONT E I DE NEMOURS MT 26353L-HL-8 6.000 03/06/2013 02/08/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 1,037,110 DUKE ENERGY CORP 264399-DD-5 7.125 09/03/2002 09/03/2002 MATURITY 1,000,000 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 268766-AZ-5 6.376 02/15/2012 02/15/2002 PUT 750,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 Increase Increase (Decrease) Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Identification Description Par Value Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALLERGAN INC 018490-AA-0 11/01/2020 2,500,000 1,569,619 1,583,902 2,266 AMERADA HESS CORP 023551-AJ-3 7.300 08/15/2031 115,000 114,407 114,517 (103) AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 1 03061N-CA-5 5.960 03/05/2006 525,692 539,778 539,434 (5,173) AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 2 03061N-EN-5 4.410 11/06/2008 450,000 449,938 449,941 6 AMVESCAP PLC 03235E-AG-5 5.900 01/15/2007 175,000 174,843 174,843 23 ANADARKO PETE CORP 032511-AP-2 03/07/2020 1,000,000 653,125 594,619 (3,216) ARROW ELECTRS INC 042735-AY-6 02/21/2021 5,850,000 2,616,107 2,631,800 86,175 ASSOCIATES CORP NORTH AME 046003-JS-9 5.750 11/01/2003 300,000 288,311 292,019 3,178 AVALONBAY COMMUNITIES 05348E-AE-9 6.625 09/15/2011 100,000 99,149 99,168 53 BALTIMORE GAS & ELEC CO 059165-DN-7 6.750 12/15/2012 1,200,000 1,217,253 1,212,735 (12,735) BANK OF AMERICA CORP 06050M-BP-1 2.670 10/22/2004 1,200,000 1,199,298 1,199,445 11 BANK NEW YORK INC 064057-AM-4 6.625 06/15/2003 1,000,000 1,036,519 1,031,954 (7,992) BAXTER INTL INC 071813-AR-0 1.250 06/01/2021 2,900,000 2,927,188 2,925,814 (112) BRASCAN LTD 105502-AC-2 7.375 10/01/2002 450,000 449,154 449,601 43 CSX CORP 126408-BP-7 7.250 05/01/2027 110,000 109,591 109,602 4 CSX CORP 126408-BR-3 6.250 10/15/2008 375,000 340,161 346,147 1,534 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TR 200 14040P-AP-2 3.850 08/15/2007 550,000 548,506 548,554 136 CARNIVAL CORP 143658-AN-2 2.000 04/15/2021 2,500,000 2,392,438 2,393,420 2,948 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 161505-BQ-4 6.600 12/01/2029 200,000 200,781 200,781 (1) CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 161581-BW-2 2.440 06/15/2004 101,063 101,225 101,225 (70) COCA COLA ENTERPRISES INC 191219-BJ-2 6.125 08/15/2011 150,000 149,525 149,635 (80) COLUMBIA ENERGY GROUP 197648-BZ-0 6.610 11/28/2002 700,000 702,632 701,358 (1,358) CONOCO FDG CO 20825U-AA-2 5.450 10/15/2006 125,000 124,820 124,827 22 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 224044-AY-3 7.750 11/01/2010 325,000 324,074 324,141 72 COX RADIO INC 224051-AG-7 6.625 02/15/2006 175,000 174,669 174,873 (124) CS FIRST BOSTON NY BRH SR 2254C0-AZ-0 2.000 05/01/2010 900,000 858,744 864,134 915 DU PONT E I DE NEMOURS MT 26353L-HL-8 6.000 03/06/2013 1,000,000 1,024,010 1,020,422 (1,955) DUKE ENERGY CORP 264399-DD-5 7.125 09/03/2002 1,000,000 1,009,627 1,007,740 (7,740) EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 268766-AZ-5 6.376 02/15/2012 750,000 751,969 750,321 (321) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 12 13 14 15 16 Foreign Interest on Dividends on Exchange Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP Gain (Loss) (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description on Disposal Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALLERGAN INC 018490-AA-0 11/01/2020 (32,417) (32,417) AMERADA HESS CORP 023551-AJ-3 7.300 08/15/2031 6,316 6,316 10,366 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 1 03061N-CA-5 5.960 03/05/2006 16,083 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 2 03061N-EN-5 4.410 11/06/2008 14,045 14,045 16,213 AMVESCAP PLC 03235E-AG-5 5.900 01/15/2007 135 135 ANADARKO PETE CORP 032511-AP-2 03/07/2020 12,348 12,348 ARROW ELECTRS INC 042735-AY-6 02/21/2021 (449,344) (449,344) ASSOCIATES CORP NORTH AME 046003-JS-9 5.750 11/01/2003 17,433 17,433 15,956 AVALONBAY COMMUNITIES 05348E-AE-9 6.625 09/15/2011 3,465 3,465 7,545 BALTIMORE GAS & ELEC CO 059165-DN-7 6.750 12/15/2012 81,000 BANK OF AMERICA CORP 06050M-BP-1 2.670 10/22/2004 5,215 5,215 26,591 BANK NEW YORK INC 064057-AM-4 6.625 06/15/2003 17,858 17,858 27,604 BAXTER INTL INC 071813-AR-0 1.250 06/01/2021 (36,577) (36,577) 37,760 BRASCAN LTD 105502-AC-2 7.375 10/01/2002 6,520 6,520 11,063 CSX CORP 126408-BP-7 7.250 05/01/2027 11,713 11,713 7,488 CSX CORP 126408-BR-3 6.250 10/15/2008 40,354 40,354 15,820 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TR 200 14040P-AP-2 3.850 08/15/2007 8,163 8,163 12,764 CARNIVAL CORP 143658-AN-2 2.000 04/15/2021 252,267 252,267 45,133 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 161505-BQ-4 6.600 12/01/2029 4,392 4,392 1,723 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 161581-BW-2 2.440 06/15/2004 611 COCA COLA ENTERPRISES INC 191219-BJ-2 6.125 08/15/2011 5,072 5,072 7,733 COLUMBIA ENERGY GROUP 197648-BZ-0 6.610 11/28/2002 46,270 CONOCO FDG CO 20825U-AA-2 5.450 10/15/2006 6,075 6,075 5,999 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 224044-AY-3 7.750 11/01/2010 21,035 21,035 25,363 COX RADIO INC 224051-AG-7 6.625 02/15/2006 (2,822) (2,822) 9,984 CS FIRST BOSTON NY BRH SR 2254C0-AZ-0 2.000 05/01/2010 (141,630) (141,630) 7,250 DU PONT E I DE NEMOURS MT 26353L-HL-8 6.000 03/06/2013 18,642 18,642 26,167 DUKE ENERGY CORP 264399-DD-5 7.125 09/03/2002 71,250 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 268766-AZ-5 6.376 02/15/2012 23,910 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E12.10 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIRST DATA CORP 319963-AD-6 2.000 03/01/2008 06/12/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 4,407,281 FIRST SEC CORP DEL 336294-AJ-2 5.875 11/01/2003 01/30/2002 SPEAR LEEDS KELLOGG 470,543 FIRSTAR BK N A CINCINNATI 33764R-AA-5 7.125 12/01/2009 06/13/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 299,123 FLEETBOSTON FINL CORP 339030-AB-4 7.250 09/15/2005 08/28/2002 VARIOUS 405,677 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2001- 34527R-GQ-0 4.010 03/15/2006 04/23/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 599,484 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2002- 34527R-HF-3 1.950 06/15/2004 12/15/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 272,699 FORD MTR CO DEL 345370-CA-6 7.450 07/16/2031 10/04/2002 HBSC SECURITIES 1,610 FORD MOTOR CR CO 345397-SN-4 7.250 01/15/2003 01/24/2002 HBSC SECURITIES 822,408 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN 36962G-VF-8 6.750 09/11/2003 02/15/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 633,612 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 370425-QW-3 5.750 11/10/2003 10/17/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 502,475 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 370425-RZ-5 8.000 11/01/2031 10/23/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 21,988 GEORGIA PWR CO 373334-FF-3 6.200 02/01/2006 06/19/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 236,282 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC 38141G-AK-0 7.500 01/28/2005 03/27/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 346,960 HARRIS CORP DEL 413875-AH-8 3.500 08/15/202Z 08/21/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 265,000 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 44179Q-AC-9 7.300 07/17/2004 12/17/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 432,099 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 441812-JY-1 7.000 05/15/2012 08/14/2002 42,883 INTL PAPER CO 460146-BN-2 6.750 09/01/2011 03/06/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 76,012 JMH FIN LTD 46621W-AA-9 4.750 09/06/2007 02/04/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 920,000 KELLOGG CO 487836-AT-5 7.450 04/01/2031 07/09/2002 ALEX BROWN 137,515 LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 2001 52108H-FK-5 6.058 06/01/2020 06/28/2002 VARIOUS 126,389 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 530715-AN-1 3.500 01/15/2031 01/07/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 765,000 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 530715-AR-2 3.250 03/15/2031 03/28/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 982,804 MBNA MASTER CREDIT CARD TRUST 55262S-BA-2 7.650 01/15/2008 07/24/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 516,563 MAGNA INTL INC 559222-AG-9 4.875 02/15/2005 06/06/2002 RADIAN 2,650,000 MARTIN MARIETTA CORP 573275-AM-6 6.500 04/15/2003 01/10/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 258,520 MASCO CORP 574599-AU-0 6.750 03/15/2006 07/12/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 53,044 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 61746W-ES-5 6.400 02/01/2031 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 5,465 61746W-JG-6 MORGAN STANLEY 02/28/2002 VARIOUS 40,192 NIAGARA MOHAWK PWR CORP 653522-CQ-3 5.875 09/01/2002 09/01/2002 MATURITY 350,000 NORTEL NETWORKS LTD 656569-AA-8 6.125 02/15/2006 03/04/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN. 56,391 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 Increase Increase (Decrease) Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Identification Description Par Value Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST DATA CORP 319963-AD-6 2.000 03/01/2008 3,800,000 4,051,783 4,002,589 7,531 FIRST SEC CORP DEL 336294-AJ-2 5.875 11/01/2003 450,000 428,522 438,124 559 FIRSTAR BK N A CINCINNATI 33764R-AA-5 7.125 12/01/2009 275,000 271,348 271,911 137 FLEETBOSTON FINL CORP 339030-AB-4 7.250 09/15/2005 375,000 382,588 382,166 (1,325) FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2001- 34527R-GQ-0 4.010 03/15/2006 600,000 599,995 599,996 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2002- 34527R-HF-3 1.950 06/15/2004 272,699 272,699 272,699 FORD MTR CO DEL 345370-CA-6 7.450 07/16/2031 2,000 1,715 1,715 FORD MOTOR CR CO 345397-SN-4 7.250 01/15/2003 800,000 816,413 812,302 (892) GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN 36962G-VF-8 6.750 09/11/2003 600,000 622,495 619,137 (1,495) GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 370425-QW-3 5.750 11/10/2003 500,000 498,031 498,852 485 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 370425-RZ-5 8.000 11/01/2031 25,000 25,153 25,153 GEORGIA PWR CO 373334-FF-3 6.200 02/01/2006 225,000 224,885 225,000 (86) GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC 38141G-AK-0 7.500 01/28/2005 325,000 325,507 325,385 (29) HARRIS CORP DEL 413875-AH-8 3.500 08/15/202Z 250,000 250,000 250,000 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 44179Q-AC-9 7.300 07/17/2004 432 099 441,821 441,821 (7,407) HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 441812-JY-1 7.000 05/15/2012 45,000 45,087 45,087 INTL PAPER CO 460146-BN-2 6.750 09/01/2011 75,000 75,000 75,000 JMH FIN LTD 46621W-AA-9 4.750 09/06/2007 1,000,000 1,039,375 1,036,398 (569) KELLOGG CO 487836-AT-5 7.450 04/01/2031 125,000 121,595 121,628 15 LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 2001 52108H-FK-5 6.058 06/01/2020 123,832 125,620 125,618 (32) LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 530715-AN-1 3.500 01/15/2031 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 530715-AR-2 3.250 03/15/2031 950,000 943,701 943,708 44 MBNA MASTER CREDIT CARD TRUST 55262S-BA-2 7.650 01/15/2008 475,000 474,671 474,731 23 MAGNA INTL INC 559222-AG-9 4.875 02/15/2005 2,650,000 2,647,938 2,604,341 15,892 MARTIN MARIETTA CORP 573275-AM-6 6.500 04/15/2003 250,000 253,643 252,208 (64) MASCO CORP 574599-AU-0 6.750 03/15/2006 50,000 49,900 49,914 10 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 61746W-ES-5 6.400 02/01/2031 5,465 5,684 5,684 (7) 61746W-JG-6 MORGAN STANLEY 32,983 32,983 35,362 NIAGARA MOHAWK PWR CORP 653522-CQ-3 5.875 09/01/2002 350,000 351,124 350,508 (508) NORTEL NETWORKS LTD 656569-AA-8 6.125 02/15/2006 75,000 74,714 74,760 9 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 12 13 14 15 16 Foreign Interest on Dividends on Exchange Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP Gain (Loss) (Loss) on (Loss)on Received Received Identification Description on Disposal Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST DATA CORP 319963-AD-6 2.000 03/01/2008 397,161 397,161 57,603 FIRST SEC CORP DEL 336294-AJ-2 5.875 11/01/2003 31,860 31,860 6,830 FIRSTAR BK N A CINCINNATI 33764R-AA-5 7.125 12/01/2009 27,076 27,076 10,722 FLEETBOSTON FINL CORP 339030-AB-4 7.250 09/15/2005 24,836 24,836 25,716 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2001- 34527R-GQ-0 4.010 03/15/2006 (512) (512) 8,755 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2002- 34527R-HF-3 1.950 06/15/2004 3,271 FORD MTR CO DEL 345370-CA-6 7.450 07/16/2031 (105) (105) 34 FORD MOTOR CR CO 345397-SN-4 7.250 01/15/2003 10,997 10,997 31,256 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN 36962G-VF-8 6.750 09/11/2003 15,970 15,970 18,000 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 370425-QW-3 5.750 11/10/2003 3,137 3,137 27,313 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 370425-RZ-5 8.000 11/01/2031 (3,166) (3,166) 983 GEORGIA PWR CO 373334-FF-3 6.200 02/01/2006 11,368 11,368 12,516 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC 38141G-AK-0 7.500 01/28/2005 21,603 21,603 16,521 HARRIS CORP DEL 413875-AH-8 3.500 08/15/202Z 15,000 15,000 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 44179Q-AC-9 7.300 07/17/2004 14,444 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 441812-JY-1 7.000 05/15/2012 (2,204) (2,204) 761 INTL PAPER CO 460146-BN-2 6.750 09/01/2011 1,012 1,012 2,742 JMH FIN LTD 46621W-AA-9 4.750 09/06/2007 (115,828) (115,828) 19,924 KELLOGG CO 487836-AT-5 7.450 04/01/2031 15,872 15,872 7,269 LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 2001 52108H-FK-5 6.058 06/01/2020 807 807 1,330 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 530715-AN-1 3.500 01/15/2031 (235,000) (235,000) 17,014 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 530715-AR-2 3.250 03/15/2031 39,052 39,052 16,981 MBNA MASTER CREDIT CARD TRUST 55262S-BA-2 7.650 01/15/2008 41,808 41,808 22,610 MAGNA INTL INC 559222-AG-9 4.875 02/15/2005 29,767 29,767 64,594 MARTIN MARIETTA CORP 573275-AM-6 6.500 04/15/2003 6,376 6,376 4,063 MASCO CORP 574599-AU-0 6.750 03/15/2006 3,121 3,121 2,831 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 61746W-ES-5 6.400 02/01/2031 205 61746W-JG-6 MORGAN STANLEY 7,113 7,113 (783) NIAGARA MOHAWK PWR CORP 653522-CQ-3 5.875 09/01/2002 2O,563 NORTEL NETWORKS LTD 656569-AA-8 6.125 02/15/2006 (18,379) (18,379) 2,578 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.11 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTHERN TRUST CO MTNS BK 665866-BW-6 6.625 10/01/2003 09/04/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 708,980 675,000 OGDEN CORPORATION 676346-AC-3 6.000 06/01/2002 02/01/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 1,090,000 2,000,000 PERKINELMER INC 714046-AA-7 08/07/2020 02/05/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 1,844,713 3,480,000 QWEST COMMUNICATIONS INTL 749121-AL-3 7.500 11/01/2008 03/07/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 135,965 150,000 ROCHE HOLDINGS INC 771196-AG-7 01/19/2015 06/06/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 2,602,500 3,750,000 SAFEWAY INC 786514-AY-5 7.250 09/15/2004 06/13/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 349,320 325,000 SAFEWAY INC 786514-BA-6 7.250 02/01/2031 06/13/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 131,401 125,000 SEACOR SMIT INC 811904-AE-1 5.375 11/15/2006 08/01/2002 VARIOUS 1,020,842 1,000,000 SOUTHERN NATIONAL CORP 843444-AB-6 7.050 05/23/2003 06/12/2002 FIRST TENNESSEE BANK 729,736 700,000 SPRINT CAP CORP 852060-AB-8 5.700 11/15/2003 01/25/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 609,396 600,000 SPRINT CAP CORP 852060-AC-6 6.125 11/15/2008 04/19/2002 VARIOUS 135,506 150,000 SPRINT CAP CORP 852060-AL-6 6.000 01/15/2007 04/10/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 114,600 125,000 TCI COMMUNICATIONS INC MT 87228R-AK-9 6.340 02/01/2012 02/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 475,000 475,000 TRW INC 872649-BE-7 6.500 06/01/2002 06/01/2002 MATURITY 450,000 450,000 TRW INC 872649-BG-2 7.125 06/01/2009 02/22/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 427,707 425,000 TRW INC 872649-BL-1 7.625 03/15/2006 02/22/2002 VARIOUS 104,742 100,000 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP 88033G-AR-1 5.375 11/15/2006 06/06/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 299,694 300,000 TEXAS UTILS ELEC CO 882850-BJ-8 8.250 04/01/2004 10/08/2002 VARIOUS 154,965 150,000 TEXAS UTILS ELEC CO 882850-BV-1 6.750 03/01/2003 12/17/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 101,000 100,000 TIME WARNER INC 887315-AN-9 7.750 06/15/2005 07/25/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 40,412 50,000 TIMES MIRROR CO NEW 887364-AE-7 04/15/2017 03/28/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 1,312,340 2,000,000 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 902118-AC-2 7.000 06/15/2028 05/08/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 213,125 275,000 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 902118-AM-0 6.125 11/01/2008 05/09/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 191,250 225,000 US BK NATL ASSN MINN SUB 90333W-AA-6 6.375 08/01/2011 06/13/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 156,299 150,000 UNION PLANTERS CORP 908068-AF-6 6.750 11/01/2005 03/25/2002 SPEAR LEEDS KELLOGG 1,022,060 1,000,000 VERIZON NEW ENG INC 92344R-AA-0 6.500 09/15/2011 07/12/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 271,062 275,000 VODAFONE AIRTOUCH 92857T-AF-4 7.625 02/15/2005 04/22/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 133,885 125,000 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 94973H-AA-6 07/02/2019 06/13/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 2,192,073 1,950,000 WESTVACO CORP 961548-AY-0 7.950 02/15/2031 10/29/2002 SBC WARBURG DILLON REED 136,239 125,000 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 98157D-AB-2 7.875 05/15/2003 04/12/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 644,000 700,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTHERN TRUST CO MTNS BK 665866-BW-6 6.625 10/01/2003 699,088 695,638 (7,910) OGDEN CORPORATION 676346-AC-3 6.000 06/01/2002 1,742,500 1,305,000 (11,062) PERKINELMER INC 714046-AA-7 08/07/2020 1,911,728 1,917,058 759 QWEST COMMUNICATIONS INTL 749121-AL-3 7.500 11/01/2008 146,153 146,686 73 ROCHE HOLDINGS INC 771196-AG-7 01/19/2015 2,773,848 2,825,000 27,078 SAFEWAY INC 786514-AY-5 7.250 09/15/2004 326,108 325,708 (113) SAFEWAY INC 786514-BA-6 7.250 02/01/2031 124,285 124,310 3 SEACOR SMIT INC 811904-AE-1 5.375 11/15/2006 985,000 985,538 1,484 SOUTHERN NATIONAL CORP 843444-AB-6 7.050 05/23/2003 724,212 719,744 (6,379) SPRINT CAP CORP 852060-AB-8 5.700 11/15/2003 595,218 596,082 162 SPRINT CAP CORP 852060-AC-6 6.125 11/15/2008 145,067 145,095 184 SPRINT CAP CORP 852060-AL-6 6.000 01/15/2007 124,393 124,398 53 TCI COMMUNICATIONS INC MT 87228R-AK-9 6.340 02/01/2012 470,878 471,132 27 TRW INC 872649-BE-7 6.500 06/01/2002 442,296 447,869 2,131 TRW INC 872649-BG-2 7.125 06/01/2009 398,837 402,864 340 TRW INC 872649-BL-1 7.625 03/15/2006 99,909 99,922 2 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP 88033G-AR-1 5.375 11/15/2006 298,587 298,622 118 TEXAS UTILS ELEC CO 882850-BJ-8 8.250 04/01/2004 158,217 155,827 (2,030) TEXAS UTILS ELEC CO 882850-BV-1 6.750 03/01/2003 101,003 100,567 (469) TIME WARNER INC 887315-AN-9 7.750 06/15/2005 50,058 50,046 (7) TIMES MIRROR CO NEW 887364-AE-7 04/15/2017 1,122,655 1,070,521 (72,880) TYCO INTL GROUP S A 902118-AC-2 7.000 06/15/2028 255,395 255,629 87 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 902118-AM-0 6.125 11/01/2008 206,719 208,683 686 US BK NATL ASSN MINN SUB 90333W-AA-6 6.375 08/01/2011 153,647 153,568 (130) UNION PLANTERS CORP 908068-AF-6 6.750 11/01/2005 925,750 944,802 2,978 VERIZON NEW ENG INC 92344R-AA-0 6.500 09/15/2011 274,379 274,400 35 VODAFONE AIRTOUCH 92857T-AF-4 7.625 02/15/2005 124,803 124,870 12 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 94973H-AA-6 07/02/2019 1,438,750 1,406,538 77,697 WESTVACO CORP 961548-AY-0 7.950 02/15/2031 125,751 125,750 (6) WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 98157D-AB-2 7.875 05/15/2003 716,861 712,851 (2,659) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTHERN TRUST CO MTNS BK 665866-BW-6 6.625 10/01/2003 21,251 21,251 41,986 OGDEN CORPORATION 676346-AC-3 6.000 06/01/2002 (860,595) (860,595) 81,667 PERKINELMER INC 714046-AA-7 08/07/2020 (73,105) (73,105) QWEST COMMUNICATIONS INTL 749121-AL-3 7.500 11/01/2008 (10,794) (10,794) 4,094 ROCHE HOLDINGS INC 771196-A6-7 01/19/2015 (249,578) (249,578) SAFEWAY INC 786514-AY-5 7.250 09/15/2004 23,725 23,725 17,868 SAFEWAY INC 786514-BA-6 7.250 02/01/2031 7,089 7,089 7,980 SEACOR SMIT INC 811904-AE-1 5.375 11/15/2006 33,820 33,820 37,286 SOUTHERN NATIONAL CORP 843444-AB-6 7.050 05/23/2003 16,371 16,371 27,965 SPRINT CAP CORP 852060-AB-8 5.700 11/15/2003 13,152 13,152 7,125 SPRINT CAP CORP 852060-AC-6 6.125 11/15/2008 (9,773) (9,773) 4,016 SPRINT CAP CORP 852060-AL-6 6.000 01/15/2007 (9,851) (9,851) 3,417 TCI COMMUNICATIONS INC MT 87228R-AK-9 6.340 02/01/2012 3,842 3,842 15,058 TRW INC 872649-BE-7 6.500 06/01/2002 14,625 TRW INC 872649-BG-2 7.125 06/01/2009 24,503 24,503 7,155 TRW INC 872649-BL-1 7.625 03/15/2006 4,817 4,817 3,431 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP 88033G-AR-1 5.375 11/15/2006 954 954 9,630 TEXAS UTILS ELEC CO 882850-BJ-8 8.250 04/01/2004 1,167 1,167 13,246 TEXAS UTILS ELEC CO 882850-BV-1 6.750 03/01/2003 902 902 8,794 TIME WARNER INC 887315-AN-9 7.750 06/15/2005 (9,627) (9,627) 2,422 TIMES MIRROR CO NEW 887364-AE-7 04/15/2017 314,700 314,700 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 902118-AC-2 7.000 06/15/2028 (42,590) (42,590) 7,914 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 902118-AM-0 6.125 11/01/2008 (18,119) (18,119) 7,388 US BK NATL ASSN MINN SUB 90333W-AA-6 6.375 08/01/2011 2,861 2,861 8,553 UNION PLANTERS CORP 908068-AF-6 6.750 11/01/2005 74,279 74,279 27,563 VERIZON NEW ENG INC 92344R-AA-0 6.500 09/15/2011 (3,373) (3,373) 16,187 VODAFONE AIRTOUCH 92857T-AF-4 7.625 02/15/2005 9,003 9,003 6,619 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 94973H-AA-6 07/02/2019 707,838 707,838 WESTVACO CORP 961548-AY-0 7.950 02/15/2031 10,495 10,495 12,035 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 98157D-AB-2 7.875 05/15/2003 (66,192) (66,192) 23,275 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.12 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 98157D-AC-0 8.000 05/15/2006 04/30/2002 VARIOUS 260,500 500,000 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 98157D-AK-2 8.250 05/15/2031 05/02/2002 VARIOUS 71,975 175,000 SWISS LIFE FINANCE G86220-AA-1 2.000 05/20/2003 03/20/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 3,207,380 3,050,000 SWISS RE AMERICA U86807-AD-3 3.250 11/21/2021 12/03/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK 1,808,000 2,000,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63,785,818 72,452,850 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELUS CORP 87971M-AB-9 7.500 06/01/2007 03/25/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 229,712 225,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STORA ENSO CORP 86210M-AA-4 7.375 05/15/2011 03/01/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 159,350 150,000 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 902118-AD-0 6.250 06/15/2013 02/05/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 738,000 900,000 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 902118-AY-4 6.750 02/15/2011 05/09/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 20,750 25,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64,933,630 73,752,850 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States 63,785,818 72,452,850 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599997 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Canada 229,712 225,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries 918,100 1,075,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous 64,933,630 73,752,850 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099997 - Bonds - Part 4 576,654,760 609,927,044 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Bonds - Part 5 224,991,190 222,464,347 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds 801,645,950 832,391,391 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCKS BANKS, TRUST AND INSURANCE COS. UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373298-80-1 GEORGIA PAC CORP 01/09/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 68,200,000 2,018,690 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 2,018,690 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6299999 - Preferred Stocks - Banks, Trust and Insurance Companies 2,018,690 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03674B-20-3 ANTHEM INC 03/27/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 11,500.000 834,887 224044-50-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 08/26/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 37,200.000 988,039 283678-20-9 EL PASO ENERGY CAP TR I 03/01/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 19,750.000 1,026,688 58440J-50-0 MEDIAONE GROUP INC 03/14/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 80,000.000 1,720,774 816851-20-8 SEMPRA ENERGY 06/05/2002 VARIOUS 110,000.000 2,737,592 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 7,307,980 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 136375-40-9 CANADIAN NATL RY CO 06/27/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 36,700.000 2,480,403 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA 2,480,403 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6399999 - Preferred Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous 9,788,383 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599997 - Preferred Stocks - Part 4 11,807,073 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 8,029,496 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks 19,836,569 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 001957-50-5 AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH 11/19/2002 VARIOUS 44,310.000 668,986 002824-10-0 ABBOTT LABS 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 27,690 00508Y-10-2 ACUITY BRANDS INC 03/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 200.000 3,058 009158-10-6 AIR PRODS & CHEMS INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 21,920 013068-10-1 ALBERTO CULVER CO 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 400.000 20,568 013716-10-5 ALCAN INC 07/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,800.000 53,305 013817-10-1 ALCOA INC 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 19,070 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 98157D-AC-0 8.000 05/15/2006 516,905 513,781 (918) WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 98157D-AK-2 8.250 05/15/2031 172,286 172,503 (189) SWISS LIFE FINANCE G86220-AA-1 2.000 05/20/2003 3,054,563 3,053,639 (577) SWISS RE AMERICA U86807-AD-3 3.250 11/21/2021 1,998,750 1,998,754 71 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63,956,569 63,378,402 105,316 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELUS CORP 87971M-AB-9 7.500 06/01/2007 223,889 223,977 38 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STORA ENSO CORP 86210M-AA-4 7.375 05/15/2011 149,222 149,251 17 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 902118-AD-0 6.250 06/15/2013 914,712 912,022 (826) TYCO INTL GROUP S A 902118-AY-4 6.750 02/15/2011 24,895 24,901 4 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65,269,287 64,688,553 104,549 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States 63,956,569 63,378,402 105,316 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599997 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Canada 223,889 223,977 38 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries 1,088,829 1,086,174 (805) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous 65,269,287 64,688,553 104,549 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099997 - Bonds - Part 4 573,023,368 573,495,404 231,492 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Bonds - Part 5 222,126,057 222,119,009 (141,124) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds 795,149,425 795,614,413 90,368 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCKS BANKS, TRUST AND INSURANCE COS. UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373298-80-1 GEORGIA PAC CORP 2,385,250 2,121,020 264,230 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 2,018,690 2,121,020 264,230 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6299999 - Preferred Stocks - Banks, Trust and Insurance Companies 2,018,690 2,121,020 264,230 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03674B-20-3 ANTHEM INC 259,887 736,000 161,000 224044-50-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 2,180,282 2,180,282 54,302 283678-20-9 EL PASO ENERGY CAP TR I 1,331,296 1,331,296 22,434 58440J-50-0 MEDIAONE GROUP INC 2,654,221 2,172,000 481,320 816851-20-8 SEMPRA ENERGY 2,750,000 2,750,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 9,490,799 9,169,578 397,050 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 136375-40-9 CANADIAN NATL RY CO 2,001,805 2,001,805 (402,045) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA 2,001,805 2,001,805 (402,045) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6399999 - Preferred Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous 11,492,604 11,171,383 (4,989) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599997 - Preferred Stocks - Part 4 13,877,854 13,292,403 259,241 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 8,649,131 8,649,131 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks 22,526,985 21,941,534 259,241 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 001957-50-5 AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH 668,996 253,311 21 002824-10-0 ABBOTT LABS 23,676 27,875 (4,199) 00508Y-10-2 ACUITY BRANDS INC 3,820 2,420 1,400 009158-10-6 AIR PRODS & CHEMS INC 21,975 23,455 (1,480) 013068-10-1 ALBERTO CULVER CO 14,750 18,552 (3,802) 013716-10-5 ALCAN INC 60,071 64,674 (4,603) 013817-10-1 ALCOA INC 21,585 17,775 3,810 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 98157D-AC-0 8.000 05/15/2006 (252,363) (252,363) 18,656 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 98157D-AK-2 8.250 05/15/2031 (100,340) (100,340) 6,783 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 686220-AA-1 2.000 05/20/2003 154,318 154,318 20,313 SWISS RE AMERICA U86807-AD-3 3.250 11/21/2021 (190,824) (190,824) 67,708 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (308,105) (308,105) 1,590,972 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELUS CORP 87971M-AB-9 7.500 06/01/2007 5,697 5,697 5,484 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STORA ENSO CORP 86210M-AA-4 7.375 05/15/2011 10,081 10,081 3,411 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 902118-AD-0 6.250 06/15/2013 (173,195) (173,195) 8,281 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 902118-AY-4 6.750 02/15/2011 (4,155) (4,155) 1,261 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (469,677) (469,677) 1,609,409 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States (308,105) (308,105) 1,590,972 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599997 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Canada 5,697 5,697 5,484 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries (167,269) (167,269) 12,953 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous (469,677) (469,677) 1,609,409 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099997 - Bonds - Part 4 2,365,294 2,365,294 18,730,530 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Bonds - Part 5 3,006,277 3,006,277 2,325,122 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds 5,371,571 5,371,571 21,055,652 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCKS BANKS, TRUST AND INSURANCE COS. UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373298-80-1 GEORGIA PAC CORP (366,560) (366,560) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (366,560) (366,560) XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6299999 - Preferred Stocks - Banks, Trust and Insurance Companies (366,560) (366,560) XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03674B-20-3 ANTHEM INC 259,887 259,887 9,871 224044-50-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE (1,192,243) (1,192,243) 177,845 283678-20-9 EL PASO ENERGY CAP TR I (121,495) (121,495) 58440J-50-0 MEDIAONE GROUP INC (932,546) (932,546) 60,812 816851-20-8 SEMPRA ENERGY (12,408) (12,408) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (1,998,805) (1,998,805) XXX 248,528 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 136375-40-9 CANADIAN NATL RY CO 478,598 478,598 24,084 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA 478,598 478,598 XXX 24,084 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6399999 - Preferred Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous (1,520,207) (1,520,207) XXX 272,612 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599997 - Preferred Stocks - Part 4 (1,886,767) (1,886,767) XXX 272,612 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 (619,635) (619,635) XXX 81,736 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks (2,506,402) (2,506,402) XXX 354,348 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 001957-50-5 AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH (10) (10) 002824-10-0 ABBOTT LABS 4,013 4,013 00508Y-10-2 ACUITY BRANDS INC (762) (762) 30 009158-10-6 AIR PRODS & CHEMS INC (55) (55) 242 013068-10-1 ALBERTO CULVER CO 5,818 5,818 79 013716-10-5 ALCAN INC (6,766) (6,766) 459 013817-10-1 ALCOA INC (2,515) (2,515) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.13 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 018490-10-2 ALLERGAN INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 85,589 020002-10-1 ALLSTATE CORP 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 16,515 020039-10-3 ALLTEL CORP 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 30,490 02209S-10-3 ALTRIA GROUP INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 700.000 29,800 023139-10-8 AMBAC FINL GROUP INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 400.000 24,824 023551-10-4 AMERADA HESS CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 600.000 33,364 026874-10-7 AMERICAN INTL GROUP INC 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 38,389 029712-10-6 AMERICAN STD COS INC DEL 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 900.000 61,515 03073E-10-5 AMERISOURCEBERGEN CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 400.000 27,590 031162-10-0 AMGEN INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 200.000 9,954 032511-10-7 ANADARKO PETROLEUM CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,000.000 49,420 035229-10-3 ANHEUSER BUSCH COS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,000.000 49,500 03674B-10-4 ANTHEM INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 200.000 13,814 037411-10-5 APACHE CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,000.000 53,820 037604-10-5 APOLLO GROUP INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 21,535 038020-10-3 APPLERA CORP APPLIED BIOSYS 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 100.000 2,370 038222-10-5 APPLIED MATLS INC 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 22,370 053015-10-3 AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 28,615 053332-10-2 AUTOZONE INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,400.000 100,491 053611-10-9 AVERY DENNISON CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 300.000 19,482 054303-10-2 AVON PRODS INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 23,995 058498-10-6 BALL CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 600.000 29,634 060505-10-4 BANK OF AMERICA CORPORAT I 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 86,668 064057-10-2 BANK NEW YORK INC 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 21,965 067383-10-9 C R BARD INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 600.000 33,642 071813-10-9 BAXTER INTL INC 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 26,220 073902-10-8 BEAR STEARNS COS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 500.000 30,788 079860-10-2 BELLSOUTH CORP 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 19,915 081437-10-5 BEMIS INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 26,695 086516-10-1 BEST BUY INC 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 600.000 44,162 091797-10-0 BLACK & DECKER 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 400.000 18,788 093671-10-5 BLOCK H & R INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 900.000 39,484 097023-10-5 BOEING CO 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 20,490 115637-20-9 BROWN FORMAN CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 37,490 125509-10-9 CIGNA CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 900.000 72,239 14040H-10-5 CAPITAL ONE FINL CORP 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 100.000 4,839 14149Y-10-8 CARDINAL HEALTH INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 600.000 38,384 15189T-10-7 CENTERPOINT ENERGY INC 10/01/2002 RETURN OF CAPITAL 14,535 152312-10-4 CENTEX CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 400.000 18,588 171232-10-1 CHUBB CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,900.000 118,852 172737-10-8 CIRCUIT CITY STORE INC 10/01/2002 RETURN OF CAPITAL 18,229 172908-10-5 CINTAS CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 900.000 45,117 172967-10-1 CITIGROUP INC 08/21/2002 RETURN OF CAPITAL 134,853 184502-10-2 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICAT I 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 26,085 189054-10-9 CLOROX CO DEL 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 19,965 191216-10-0 COCA-COLA COMPANY 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 22,600 194162-10-3 COLGATE PALMOLIVE CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,100.000 61,265 20030N-10-1 COMCAST CORP NEW 11/22/2002 FRACTIONAL SHARE 0.695 16 20030N-20-0 COMCAST CORP 11/20/2002 VARIOUS 6,800.000 163,321 200340-10-7 COMERICA INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 900.000 38,413 204493-10-0 COMPAQ COMPUTER CORP 05/06/2002 STOCK MERGER 11,000.000 244,763 204912-10-9 COMPUTER ASSOC INTL INC 03/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 100.000 2,012 207142-10-0 CONEXANT SYSTEMS INC 06/27/2002 VARIOUS 1,400.000 5,745 208251 -50-4 CONOCO INC 09/03/2002 STOCK MERGER 3,700.000 100,621 20825C-10-4 CONCOPHILLIPS 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 800.000 44,373 208464-10-7 CONSECO INC 07/25/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 1,941.000 1,533 209115-10-4 CONSOLIDATED EDISON INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 600.000 26,298 217016-10-4 COORS ADOLPH CO 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 800.000 55,536 22160K-10-5 COSTCO WHSL CORP NEW 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 22,050 222372-10-4 COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 200.000 10,142 233331-10-7 DTE ENERGY CO 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 900.000 39,718 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 018490-10-2 ALLERGAN INC 86,352 93,354 (8,232) 020002-10-1 ALLSTATE CORP 22,520 16,850 5,670 020039-10-3 ALLTEL CORP 29,005 30,865 (1,860) 02209S-10-3 ALTRIA GROUP INC 27,493 32,095 (4,603) 023139-10-8 AMBAC FINL GROUP INC 20,569 23,144 (2,575) 023551-10-4 AMERADA HESS CORP 37,676 37,404 272 026874-10-7 AMERICAN INTL GROUP INC 28,529 39,700 (11,171) 029712-10-6 AMERICAN STD COS INC DEL 69,082 69,082 03073E-10-5 AMERISOURCEBERGEN CORP 26,436 25,420 1,016 031162-10-0 AMGEN INC 2,906 11,288 (8,382) 032511-10-7 ANADARKO PETROLEUM CORP 44,947 56,850 (11,903) 035229-10-3 ANHEUSER BUSCH COS INC 33,391 45,210 (11,819) 03674B-10-4 ANTHEM INC 12,606 12,606 037411-10-5 APACHE CORP 49,612 49,826 2,508 037604-10-5 APOLLO GROUP INC 17,785 17,785 038020-10-3 APPLERA CORP APPLIED BIOSYS 1,915 3,927 (2,012) 038222-10-5 APPLIED MATLS INC 19,444 20,050 (606) 053015-10-3 AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING 26,880 29,450 (2,570) 053332-10-2 AUTOZONE INC 67,795 100,520 (32,725) 053611-10-9 AVERY DENNISON CORP 15,514 16,959 (1,445) 054303-10-2 AVON PRODS INC 20,362 23,250 (2,888) 058498-10-6 BALL CORP 18,042 30,608 (7,262) 060505-10-4 BANK OF AMERICA CORPORAT I 80,746 81,835 (1,089) 064057-10-2 BANK NEW YORK INC 17,263 20,400 (3,137) 067383-10-9 C R BARD INC 30,693 36,966 (6,273) 071813-10-9 BAXTER INTL INC 24,700 26,815 (2,115) 073902-10-8 BEAR STEARNS COS INC 28,488 29,417 (928) 079860-10-2 BELLSOUTH CORP 19,064 19,075 (12) 081437-10-5 BEMIS INC 21,760 25,180 (3,420) 086516-10-1 BEST BUY INC 37,676 44,688 (7,012) 091797-10-0 BLACK & DECKER 23,290 15,092 8,198 093671-10-5 BLOCK H & R INC 25,323 40,230 (14,907) 097023-10-5 BOEING CO 21,426 19,390 2,036 115637-20-9 BROWN FORMAN CORP 29,877 31,300 (1,423) 125509-10-9 CIGNA CORP 72,411 83,385 (10,974) 14040H-10-5 CAPITAL ONE FINL CORP 4,245 5,395 (1,150) 14149Y-10-8 CARDINAL HEALTH INC 28,194 38,796 (10,602) 15189T-10-7 CENTERPOINT ENERGY INC 14,535 4,097 152312-10-4 CENTEX CORP 13,051 22,924 (9,873) 171232-10-1 CHUBB CORP 117,968 131,100 (13,132) 172737-10-8 CIRCUIT CITY STORE INC 18,229 9,505 172908-10-5 CINTAS CORP 32,780 43,200 (10,420) 172967-10-1 CITIGROUP INC 134,853 53,888 184502-10-2 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 22,131 25,455 (3,324) 189054-10-9 CLOROX CO DEL 27,866 19,775 8,091 191216-10-0 COCA-COLA COMPANY 22,824 23,575 (751) 194162-10-3 COLGATE PALMOLIVE CO 48,533 63,525 (14,993) 20030N-10-1 COMCAST CORP NEW 26 26 20030N-20-0 COMCAST CORP 227,064 244,800 (17,736) 200340-10-7 COMERICA INC 59,000 51,570 7,430 204493-10-0 COMPAQ COMPUTER CORP 270,448 107,360 163,088 204912-10-9 COMPUTER ASSOC INTL INC 3,430 3,430 207142-10-0 CONEXANT SYSTEMS INC 108,519 20,104 88,415 208251-50-4 CONOCO INC 102,981 104,710 (1,730) 20825C-10-4 CONCOPHILLIPS 41,164 48,208 (7,044) 208464-10-7 CONSECO INC 65,602 8,657 56,945 209115-10-4 CONSOLIDATED EDISON INC 27,362 24,216 3,146 217016-10-4 COORS ADOLPH CO 46,113 49,679 (3,566) 22160K-10-5 COSTCO WHSL CORP NEW 19,455 22,190 (2,735) 222372-10-4 COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORP 8,171 8,194 (24) 233331-10-7 DTE ENERGY CO 36,359 37,746 (1,387) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 13 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 018490-10-2 ALLERGAN INC (763) (763) 45 020002-10-1 ALLSTATE CORP (6,005) (6,005) 74 020039-10-3 ALLTEL CORP 1,485 1,485 170 02209S-10-3 ALTRIA GROUP INC 2,307 2,307 1,558 023139-10-8 AMBAC FINL GROUP INC 4,255 4,255 78 023551-10-4 AMERADA HESS CORP (4,312) (4,312) 480 026874-10-7 AMERICAN INTL GROUP INC 9,860 9,860 029712-10-6 AMERICAN STD COS INC DEL (7,567) (7,567) 03073E-10-5 AMERISOURCEBERGEN CORP 1,154 1,154 12 031162-10-0 AMGEN INC 7,048 7,048 032511-10-7 ANADARKO PETROLEUM CORP 4,472 4,472 90 035229-10-3 ANHEUSER BUSCH COS INC 16,109 16,109 269 03674B-10-4 ANTHEM INC 1,208 1,208 037411-10-5 APACHE CORP 4,208 4,208 300 037604-10-5 APOLLO GROUP INC 3,750 3,750 038020-10-3 APPLERA CORP APPLIED BIOSYS 455 455 4 038222-10-5 APPLIED MATLS INC 2,926 2,926 053015-10-3 AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING 1,735 1,735 58 053332-10-2 AUTOZONE INC 32,696 32,696 053611-10-9 AVERY DENNISON CORP 3,968 3,968 297 054303-10-2 AVON PRODS INC 3,633 3,633 300 058498-10-6 BALL CORP 11,593 11,593 126 060505-10-4 BANK OF AMERICA CORPORAT I 5,922 5,922 1,085 064057-10-2 BANK NEW YORK INC 4,702 4,702 067383-10-9 C R BARD INC 2,949 2,949 300 071813-10-9 BAXTER INTL INC 1,520 1,520 291 073902-10-8 BEAR STEARNS COS INC 2,300 2,300 165 079860-10-2 BELLSOUTH CORP 851 851 081437-10-5 BEMIS INC 4,935 4,935 193 086516-10-1 BEST BUY INC 6,486 6,486 091797-10-0 BLACK & DECKER (4,501) (4,501) 144 093671-10-5 BLOCK H & R INC 14,161 14,161 490 097023-10-5 BOEING CO (937) (937) 115637-20-9 BROWN FORMAN CORP 7,613 7,613 700 125509-10-9 CIGNA CORP (172) (172) 456 14040H-10-5 CAPITAL ONE FINL CORP 594 594 14149Y-10-8 CARDINAL HEALTH INC 10,189 10,189 10 15189T-10-7 CENTERPOINT ENERGY INC 152312-10-4 CENTEX CORP 5,538 5,538 45 171232-10-1 CHUBB CORP 884 884 1,498 172737-10-8 CIRCUIT CITY STORE INC 172908-10-5 CINTAS CORP 12,338 12,338 225 172967-10-1 CITIGROUP INC 184502-10-2 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 3,953 3,953 189054-10-9 CLOROX CO DEL (7,900) (7,900) 297 191216-10-0 COCA-COLA COMPANY (224) (224) 194162-10-3 COLGATE PALMOLIVE CO 12,732 12,732 312 20030N-10-1 COMCAST CORP NEW (10) (10) 20030N-20-0 COMCAST CORP (63,743) (63,743) 200340-10-7 COMERICA INC (20,588) (20,588) 1,565 204493-10-0 COMPAQ COMPUTER CORP (25,685) (25,685) 536 204912-10-9 COMPUTER ASSOC INTL INC (1,418) (1,418) 207142-10-0 CONEXANT SYSTEMS INC (102,774) (102,774) 208251-50-4 CONOCO INC (2,360) (2,360) 2,007 20825C-10-4 CONCOPHILLIPS 3,209 3,209 323 208464-10-7 CONSECO INC (64,068) (64,068) 209115-10-4 CONSOLIDATED EDISON INC (1,063) (1,063) 999 217016-10-4 COORS ADOLPH CO 9,423 9,423 390 22160K-10-5 COSTCO WHSL CORP NEW 2,595 2,595 222372-10-4 COUNTRYWIDE FINANCIAL CORP 1,972 1,972 68 233331-10-7 DTE ENERGY CO 3,359 3,359 1,573 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E12.14 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 244199-10-5 DEERE & CO 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 23,485 248019-10-1 DELUXE CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 23,625 25179M-10-3 DEVON ENERGY CORP NEW 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 900.000 44,487 254687-10-6 THE WALT DISNEY CO 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 11,615 25746U-10-9 DOMINION RES INC 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 30,420 260543-10-3 DOW CHEM CO 12/02/2002 FRACTIONAL SHARE 0.600 260561-10-5 DOW JONES & CO INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 17,715 264399-10-6 DUKE ENERGY CORP 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 19,555 277432-10-0 EASTMAN CHEM CO 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 18,280 278058-10-2 EATON CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 34,440 278642-10-3 EBAY INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 30,985 278865-10-0 ECOLAB INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 100.000 4,842 28336L-10-9 EL PASO CORP 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 22,560 285512-10-9 ELECTRONIC ARTS INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 400.000 27,036 285661-10-4 ELECTRONIC DATA SYS NEW 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 33,454 291011-10-4 EMERSON ELEC CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 800.000 43,918 29364G-10-3 ENTERGY CORP NEW 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 600.000 25,884 294741-10-3 EQUITY OFFICE PROPERTIES 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 15,130 30161N-10-1 EXELON CORPORATION 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 900.000 43,947 30231G-10-2 EXXON MOBIL CORP 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 19,815 302491-30-3 F M C CORP 01/07/2002 VARIOUS 200.000 12,766 302571-10-4 FPL GROUP INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 800.000 46,888 313400-30-1 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 900.000 56,102 313586-10-9 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 34,240 31410H-10-1 FEDERATED DEPT STORES INC 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 100.000 4,096 31428X-10-6 FEDEX CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 100.000 5,403 316773-10-0 FIFTH THIRD BANCORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 800.000 50,720 319963-10-4 FIRST DATA CORP 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 38,624 337738-10-8 FISERV INC 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 100.000 4,086 337932-10-7 FIRSTENERGY CORP 03/25/2002 VARIOUS 600.000 20,821 345370-86-0 FORD MTR CO DEL 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 100.000 870 345838-10-6 FOREST LABS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 133,229 364730-10-1 GANNETT INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 700.000 49,925 369550-10-8 GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 106,753 369604-10-3 GENERAL ELEC CO 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 1,000.000 39,339 370334-10-4 GENERAL MLS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,100 000 49,013 370442-10-5 GENERAL MTRS CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 800.000 35,951 373298-10-8 GEORGIA PAC CORP 12/02/2002 RADIAN 2.000 382388-10-6 GOODRICH CORPORATION 06/03/2002 RETURN OF CAPITAL 938 384802-10-4 GRAINGER W W INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 400.000 19,688 404119-10-9 HCA INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,600.000 69,236 413619-10-7 HARRAHS ENTMT INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 300.000 12,939 416515-10-4 HARTFORD FINL SVCS GROUP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 400.000 19,144 423074-10-3 HEINZ H J CO 12/27/2002 RETURN OF CAPITAL 20,921 427866-10-8 HERSHEY FOODS CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 200.000 13,513 428236-10-3 HEWLETT PACKARD CO 12/02/2002 VARIOUS 500.750 11,500 438516-10-6 HONEYWELL INTL INC 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 17,335 441815-10-7 HOUSEHOLD INTL INC 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 29,040 450911-10-2 ITT INDS INC IND 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 400.000 26,332 452308-10-9 ILLINOIS TOOL WKS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 96,780 45247T-10-4 IMAGISTICS INTERNATIONAL 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 112.000 1,553 452528-10-2 IMMUNEX CORP NEW 07/16/2002 STOCK MERGER 3,100.000 82,238 453258-40-2 INCO LTD 07/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,000.000 19,409 458140-10-0 INTEL CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 600.000 19,292 459200-10-1 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 700.000 76,922 459902-10-2 INTERNATIONAL GAME TECHNO 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 400.000 30,068 461202-10-3 INTUIT 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 600.000 29,946 475070-10-8 JEFFERSON PILOT CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 100.000 4,323 478160-10-4 JOHNSON & JOHNSON 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 4,500.000 281,229 478366-10-7 JOHNSON CTLS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 600.000 49,906 482480-10-0 KLA-TENCOR CORP 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 100.000 5,668 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 244199-10-5 DEERE & CO 18,114 21,830 (3,716) 248019-10-1 DELUXE CORP 14,015 21,177 (7,162) 25179M-10-3 DEVON ENERGY CORP NEW 43,543 34,539 9,004 254687-10-6 THE WALT DISNEY CO 12,294 10,360 1,934 25746U-10-9 DOMINION RES INC 19,700 30,050 (10,350) 260543-10-3 DOW CHEM CO 20 20 260561-10-5 DOW JONES & CO INC 27,065 27,365 (300) 264399-10-6 DUKE ENERGY CORP 18,919 19,630 (711) 277432-10-0 EASTMAN CHEM CO 23,785 19,558 4,227 278058-10-2 EATON CORP 33,153 37,205 (4,052) 278642-10-3 EBAY INC 27,964 27,964 278865-10-0 ECOLAB INC 3,315 4,025 (710) 28336L-10-9 EL PASO CORP 20,954 22,305 (1,351) 285512-10-9 ELECTRONIC ARTS INC 21,383 21,383 285661-10-4 ELECTRONIC DATA SYS NEW 30,635 34,275 (3,640) 291011-10-4 EMERSON ELEC CO 49,226 45,680 3,546 29364G-10-3 ENTERGY CORP NEW 17,162 23,466 (6,305) 294741-10-3 EQUITY OFFICE PROPERTIES 13,870 15,040 (1,170) 30161N-10-1 EXELON CORPORATION 36,924 43,092 (6,168) 30231G-10-2 EXXON MOBIL CORP 18,616 19,650 (1,034) 302491-30-3 F M C CORP 12,524 6,244 6,280 302571-10-4 FPL GROUP INC 49,789 45,120 4,669 313400-30-1 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 47,223 58,860 (11,638) 313586-10-9 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 29,544 39,750 (10,206) 31410H-10-1 FEDERATED DEPT STORES INC 5,579 4,090 1,489 31428X-10-6 FEDEX CORP 3,289 5,188 (1,899) 316773-10-0 FIFTH THIRD BANCORP 39,598 49,064 (9,467) 319963-10-4 FIRST DATA CORP 32,815 39,225 (6,410) 337738-10-8 FISERV INC 3,523 4,232 (709) 337932-10-7 FIRSTENERGY CORP 18,490 20,988 (2,499) 345370-86-0 FORD MTR CO DEL 2,987 1,572 1,415 345838-10-6 FOREST LABS INC 99,339 122,925 (23,586) 364730-10-1 GANNETT INC 45,893 47,061 (1,169) 369550-10-8 GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP 82,814 103,532 (20,718) 369604-10-3 GENERAL ELEC CO 35,363 40,080 (4,718) 370334-10-4 GENERAL MLS INC 42,551 57,211 (14,660) 370442-10-5 GENERAL MTRS CORP 40,009 38,880 1,129 373298-10-8 GEORGIA PAC CORP 49 55 (6) 382388-10-6 GOODRICH CORPORATION 938 206 384802-10-4 GRAINGER W W INC 20,491 19,200 1,291 404119-10-9 HCA INC 44,914 61,664 (16,750) 413619-10-7 HARRAHS ENTMT INC 6,928 11,103 (4,175) 416515-10-4 HARTFORD FINL SVCS GROUP 22,430 25,132 (2,702) 423074-10-3 HEINZ H J CO 20,921 10,804 427866-10-8 HERSHEY FOODS CORP 14,355 13,540 815 428236-10-3 HEWLETT PACKARD CO 11,783 10,296 1,487 438516-10-6 HONEYWELL INTL INC 22,075 16,910 5,165 441815-10-7 HOUSEHOLD INTL INC 26,114 28,970 (2,856) 450911-10-2 ITT INDS INC IND 14,860 20,200 (5,340) 452308-10-9 ILLINOIS TOOL WKS INC 99,181 101,580 (2,399) 45247T-10-4 IMAGISTICS INTERNATIONAL 1,514 1,383 131 452528-10-2 IMMUNEX CORP NEW 52,669 85,901 (33,232) 453258-40-2 INCO LTD 18,505 16,940 1,565 458140-10-0 INTEL CORP 18,144 18,870 (726) 459200-10-1 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES 53,988 84,672 (30,685) 459902-10-2 INTERNATIONAL GAME TECHNO 23,476 26,984 (3,508) 461202-10-3 INTUIT 21,087 25,668 (4,581) 475070-10-8 JEFFERSON PILOT CORP 4,461 4,627 (166) 478160-10-4 JOHNSON & JOHNSON 152,122 265,950 (113,828) 478366-10-7 JOHNSON CTLS INC 38,988 48,628 (9,640) 482480-10-0 KLA-TENCOR CORP 2,650 4,956 (2,306) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 244199-10-5 DEERE & CO 5,371 5,371 262 248019-10-1 DELUXE CORP 9,611 9,611 358 25179M-10-3 DEVON ENERGY CORP NEW 944 944 135 254687-10-6 THE WALT DISNEY CO (679) (679) 25746U-10-9 DOMINION RES INC 10,720 10,720 260543-10-3 DOW CHEM CO (20) (20) 1 260561-10-5 DOW JONES & CO INC (9,350) (9,350) 357 264399-10-6 DUKE ENERGY CORP 636 636 277432-10-0 EASTMAN CHEM CO (5,505) (5,505) 836 278058-10-2 EATON CORP 1,287 1,287 623 278642-10-3 EBAY INC 3,021 3,021 278865-10-0 ECOLAB INC 1,527 1,527 54 28336L-10-9 EL PASO CORP 1,606 1,606 76 285512-10-9 ELECTRONIC ARTS INC 5,653 5,653 285661-10-4 ELECTRONIC DATA SYS NEW 2,819 2,819 291011-10-4 EMERSON ELEC CO (5,309) (5,309) 322 29364G-10-3 ENTERGY CORP NEW 8,723 8,723 594 294741-10-3 EQUITY OFFICE PROPERTIES 1,260 1,260 30161N-10-1 EXELON CORPORATION 7,023 7,023 1,102 30231G-10-2 EXXON MOBIL CORP 1,199 1,199 302491-30-3 F M C CORP 242 242 302571-10-4 FPL GROUP INC (2,901) (2,901) 2,534 313400-30-1 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 8,879 8,879 264 313586-10-9 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 4,696 4,696 476 31410H-10-1 FEDERATED DEPT STORES INC (1,483) (1,483) 31428X-10-6 FEDEX CORP 2,114 2,114 10 316773-10-0 FIFTH THIRD BANCORP 11,122 11,122 273 319963-10-4 FIRST DATA CORP 5,809 5,809 337738-10-8 FISERV INC 563 563 337932-10-7 FIRSTENERGY CORP 2,331 2,331 38 345370-86-0 FORD MTR CO DEL (2,117) (2,117) 26 345838-10-6 FOREST LABS INC 33,890 33,890 364730-10-1 GANNETT INC 4,033 4,033 286 369550-10-8 GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP 23,939 23,939 628 369604-10-3 GENERAL ELEC CO 3,977 3,977 370334-10-4 GENERAL MLS INC 6,462 6,462 495 370442-10-5 GENERAL MTRS CORP (4,058) (4,058) 402 373298-10-8 GEORGIA PAC CORP (49) (49) 1 382388-10-6 G00DRICH CORPORATION 384802-10-4 GRAINGER W W INC (803) (803) 174 404119-10-9 HCA INC 24,322 24,322 34 413619-10-7 HARRAHS ENTMT INC 6,011 6,011 416515-10-4 HARTFORD FINL SVCS GROUP (3,286) (3,286) 451 423074-10-3 HEINZ H J CO 427866-10-8 HERSHEY FOODS CORP (842) (842) 79 428236-10-3 HEWLETT PACKARD CO (283) (283) 40 438516-10-6 HONEYWELL INTL INC (4,740) (4,740) 441815-10-7 HOUSEHOLD INTL INC 2,926 2,926 450911-10-2 ITT INDS INC IND 11,472 11,472 205 452308-10-9 ILLINOIS TOOL WKS INC (2,402) (2,402) 871 45247T-10-4 IMAGISTICS INTERNATIONAL 39 39 452528-10-2 IMMUNEX CORP NEW 29,569 29,569 453258-40-2 INCO LTD 904 904 458140-10-0 INTEL CORP 1,148 1,148 6 459200-10-1 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES 22,935 22,935 80 459902-10-2 INTERNATIONAL GAME TECHNO 6,592 6,592 461202-10-3 INTUIT 8,859 8,859 475070-10-8 JEFFERSON PILOT CORP (138) (138) 88 478160-10-4 JOHNSON & JOHNSON 129,107 129,107 1,147 478366-10-7 JOHNSON CTLS INC 10,918 10,918 528 482480-10-0 KLA-TENCOR CORP 3,018 3,018 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.15 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 482584-10-9 K MART CORP 01/22/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 2,900.000 1,887 48666K-10-9 KB HOME 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 24,090 492386-10-7 KERR MCGEE CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 400.000 17,581 494368-10-3 KIMBERLY CLARK CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 64,291 499040-10-3 KNIGHT RIDDER INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 600.000 35,733 500255-10-4 KOHLS CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 81,619 524908-10-0 LEHMAN BROS HLDGS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,500.000 97,259 529771-10-7 LEXMARK INTL GROUP INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 200.000 11,804 532457-10-8 LILLY ELI & CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 78,266 539830-10-9 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 900.000 50,949 540424-10-8 LOEWS CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 800.000 35,177 548661-10-7 LOWES COS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,400.000 61,662 549463-10-7 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 06/03/2002 RETURN OF CAPITAL 143,596 55262L-10-0 MBNA CORP 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 18,440 552848-10-3 MGIC INVT CORP WIS 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 500.000 24,803 571748-10-2 MARSH & MCLENNAN COS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,300.000 88,421 571834-10-0 MARSHALL & ILSLEY CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 800.000 23,734 57772K-10-1 MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODS IN 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 1,000.000 57,799 580645-10-9 MCGRAW HILL COS INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 800.000 52,032 583334-10-7 MEADWESTVA CO CORP 03/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 515.000 16,512 585055-10-6 MEDTRONIC INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 100.000 4,543 589331-10-7 MERCK & CO INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,100.000 60,774 589405-10-9 MERCURY INTERACTIVE CORP 03/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 100.000 3,703 589433-10-1 MEREDITH CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 23,780 59156R-10-8 METLIFE INC 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 15,165 594918-10-4 MICROSOFT CORP 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 34,279 601073-10-9 MILLIPORE CORP 02/28/2002 VARIOUS 200.000 13,549 61166W-10-1 MONSANTO CO 08/28/2002 FRACTIONAL SHARE 0.716 10 615369-10-5 MOODYS CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 900.000 41,050 653520-10-6 NIAGARA MOHAWK HLDGS INC 02/01/2002 STOCK MERGER 900.000 17,001 654106-10-3 NIKE INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 300.000 15,394 65473P-60-0 NISOURCE INC 04/23/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 400.000 840 656568-10-2 NORTEL NETWORKS CORPORATION 07/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 21,920.000 26,522 665859-10-4 NORTHERN TR CORP 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 1,000.000 61,999 666807-10-2 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 400.000 42,963 670346-10-5 NUCOR CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 21,040 681919-10-6 OMNICOM GROUP INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,800.000 137,349 68389X-10-5 ORACLE CORP 03/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 400.000 5,008 693475-10-5 PNC FINL SVCS GROUP INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 700.000 38,425 693506-10-7 PPG INDS INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 800.000 39,192 693718-10-8 PACCAR INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 900.000 40,579 696642-10-7 PALM INC 08/13/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 3,373.000 2,226 701094-10-4 PARKER HANNIFIN CORP 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 200.000 9,764 708160-10-6 PENNEY J C INC 03/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 100.000 2,070 713448-10-8 PEPSICO INC 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 24,030 714046-10-9 PERK INELMER INC 03/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 100.000 1,733 717081-10-3 PFIZER INC 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 1,000.000 39,679 71713U-10-2 PHARMACIA CORPORATION 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 700.000 64,021 725906-10-1 PLACER DOME INC 07/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,900.000 20,340 74005P-10-4 PRAXAIR INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,100.000 58,083 742718-10-9 PROCTER & GAMBLE CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,000.000 91,014 743263-10-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 600.000 24,673 743315-10-3 PROGRESSIVE CORP OHIO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,600.000 230,679 745867-10-1 PULTE HOMES INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 400.000 18,548 76182K-10-5 REYNOLDS R J TOB HLDGS IN 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 400.000 16,980 769320-10-2 RIVERSTONE NETWORKS INC 03/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 410.000 2,079 780257-80-4 ROYAL DUTCH PETE CO 07/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 14,600.000 613,036 78387G-10-3 SBC COMMUNICATIONS INC 03/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 100.000 3,798 78442P-10-6 SLM CORP COM 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 1,000.000 79,129 786514-20-8 SAFEWAY INC 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 20,245 790849-10-3 ST JUDE MED INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 900.000 33,631 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 482584-10-9 K MART CORP 37,740 15,834 21,906 48666K-10-9 KB HOME 19,493 23,658 (4,165) 492386-10-7 KERR MCGEE CORP 21,685 21,920 (235) 494368-10-3 KIMBERLY CLARK CORP 59,936 71,760 (11,824) 499040-10-3 KNIGHT RIDDER INC 34,883 38,943 (4,061) 500255-10-4 KOHLS CORP 51,841 91,572 (39,731) 524908-10-0 LEHMAN BROS HLDGS INC 76,710 100,200 (23,490) 529771-10-7 LEXMARK INTL GROUP INC 18,018 11,800 6,218 532457-10-8 LILLY ELI & CO 79,722 94,248 (14,526) 539830-10-9 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORP 49,296 42,003 7,293 540424-10-8 LOEWS CORP 34,885 44,304 (9,419) 548661-10-7 LOWES COS INC 33,238 64,974 (31,736) 549463-10-7 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 143,596 8,924 55262L-10-0 MBNA CORP 10,967 17,600 (6,633) 552848-10-3 MGIC INVT CORP WIS 31,200 30,860 340 571748-10-2 MARSH & MCLENNAN COS INC 54,914 96,705 (41,791) 571834-10-0 MARSHALL & ILSLEY CORP 24,703 24,703 57772K-10-1 MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODS IN 49,884 52,510 (2,626) 580645-10-9 MCGRAW HILL COS INC 43,296 48,784 (5,488) 583334-10-7 MEADWESTVA CO CORP 18,243 15,927 2,317 585055-10-6 MEDTRONIC INC 2,533 5,121 (2,589) 589331-10-7 MERCK & CO INC 63,436 64,680 (1,244) 589405-10-9 MERCURY INTERACTIVE CORP 3,862 3,862 589433-10-1 MEREDITH CORP 18,828 20,296 (1,469) 59156R-10-8 METLIFE INC 13,876 15,840 (1,964) 594918-10-4 MICROSOFT CORP 27,484 33,125 (5,641) 601073-10-9 MILLIPORE CORP 14,718 14,556 162 61166W-10-1 MONSANTO CO 11 11 615369-10-5 MOODYS CORP 26,170 35,874 (9,704) 653520-10-6 NIAGARA MOHAWK HLDGS INC 13,999 15,957 (1,958) 654106-10-3 NIKE INC 14,033 16,872 (2,840) 65473P-60-0 NISOURCE INC 1,040 928 112 656568-10-2 NORTEL NETWORKS CORPORATION 359,529 163,523 196,006 665859-10-4 NORTHERN TR CORP 46,042 60,220 (14,178) 666807-10-2 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP 26,052 40,324 (14,272) 670346-10-5 NUCOR CORP 28,611 26,906 1,705 681919-10-6 OMNICOM GROUP INC 124,913 160,830 (35,917) 68389X-10-5 ORACLE CORP 4,812 5,524 (712) 693475-10-5 PNC FINL SVCS GROUP INC 39,980 39,340 640 693506-10-7 PPG INDS INC 49,995 41,376 8,619 693718-10-8 PACCAR INC 38,552 43,838 (5,286) 696642-10-7 PALM INC 56,605 13,087 43,518 701094-10-4 PARKER HANNIFIN CORP 7,568 9,182 (1,615) 708160-10-6 PENNEY J C INC 1,856 2,690 (834) 713448-10-8 PEPSICO INC 19,544 24,345 (4,801) 714046-10-9 PERK INELMER INC 2,936 2,936 717081-10-3 PFIZER INC 42,730 39,850 2,880 71713U-10-2 PHARMACIA CORPORATION 59,244 41,166 7,700 725906-10-1 PLACER DOME INC 21,059 20,729 330 74005P-10-4 PRAXAIR INC 52,699 60,815 (8,116) 742718-10-9 PROCTER & GAMBLE CO 86,054 82,056 (716) 743263-10-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC 25,899 27,018 (1,119) 743315-10-3 PROGRESSIVE CORP OHIO 208,721 228,917 (20,196) 745867-10-1 PULTE HOMES INC 14,171 19,266 (5,095) 76182K-10-5 REYNOLDS R J TOB HLDGS IN 23,208 23,208 769320-10-2 RIVERSTONE NETWORKS INC 3,936 6,806 (2,870) 780257-80-4 ROYAL DUTCH PETE CO 802,550 715,692 86,858 78387G-10-3 SBC COMMUNICATIONS INC 4,703 3,917 786 78442P-10-6 SLM CORP COM 56,750 84,020 (27,270) 786514-20-8 SAFEWAY INC 24,763 20,875 3,888 790849-10-3 ST JUDE MED INC 14,137 34,943 (20,805) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 13 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stock CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 482584-10-9 K MART CORP (35,852) (35,852) 48666K-10-9 KB HOME 4,597 4,597 68 492386-10-7 KERR MCGEE CORP (4,104) (4,104) 1,125 494368-10-3 KIMBERLY CLARK CORP 4,355 4,355 841 499040-10-3 KNIGHT RIDDER INC 1,850 1,850 375 500255-10-4 KOHLS CORP 29,778 29,778 524908-10-0 LEHMAN BROS HLDGS INC 20,549 20,549 135 529771-10-7 LEXMARK INTL GROUP INC (6,213) (6,213) 532457-10-8 LILLY ELI & CO (1,456) (1,456) 580 539830-10-9 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORP 1,654 1,654 279 540424-10-8 LOEWS CORP 292 292 288 548661-10-7 LOWES COS INC 28,424 28,424 54 549463-10-7 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 55262L-10-0 MBNA CORP 7,473 7,473 45 552848-10-3 MGIC INVT CORP WIS (6,397) (6,397) 30 571748-10-2 MARSH & MCLENNAN COS INC 33,507 33,507 695 571834-10-0 MARSHALL & ILSLEY CORP (969) (969) 176 57772K-10-1 MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODS IN 7,915 7,915 580645-10-9 MCGRAW HILL COS INC 8,736 8,736 612 583334-10-7 MEADWESTVA CO CORP (1,731) (1,731) 118 585055-10-6 MEDTRONIC INC 2,011 2,011 24 589331-10-7 MERCK & CO INC (2,662) (2,662) 955 589405-10-9 MERCURY INTERACTIVE CORP (159) (159) 589433-10-1 MEREDITH CORP 4,953 4,953 54 59156R-10-8 METLIFE INC 1,288 1,288 594918-10-4 MICROSOFT CORP 6,795 6,795 601073-10-9 MILLIPORE CORP (1,169) (1,169) 4 61166W-10-1 MONSANTO CO 615369-10-5 MOODYS CORP 14,879 14,879 122 653520-10-6 NIAGARA MOHAWK HLDGS INC 3,002 3,002 654106-10-3 NIKE INC 1,362 1,362 100 65473P-60-0 NISOURCE INC (200) (200) 656568-10-2 NORTEL NETWORKS CORPORATION (333,007) (333,007) 665859-10-4 NORTHERN TR CORP 15,957 15,957 170 666807-10-2 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP 16,911 16,911 240 670346-10-5 NUCOR CORP (7,571) (7,571) 247 681919-10-6 OMNICOM GROUP INC 12,436 12,436 730 68389X-10-5 ORACLE CORP 196 196 693475-10-5 PNC FINL SVCS GROUP INC (1,555) (1,555) 384 693506-10-7 PPG INDS INC (10,803) (10,803) 870 693718-10-8 PACCAR INC 2,027 2,027 395 696642-10-7 PALM INC (54,379) (54,379) 701094-10-4 PARKER HANNIFIN CORP 2,196 2,196 708160-10-6 PENNEY J C INC 215 215 13 713448-10-8 PEPSICO INC 4,486 4,486 66 714046-10-9 PERK INELMER INC (1,203) (1,203) 4 717081-10-3 PFIZER INC (3,051) (3,051) 71713U-10-2 PHARMACIA CORPORATION (5,223) (5,223) 284 725906-10-1 PLACER DOME INC (720) (720) 81 74005P-10-4 PRAXAIR INC 5,384 5,384 570 742718-10-9 PROCTER & GAMBLE CO 4,960 4,960 567 743263-10-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC (1,226) (1,226) 872 743315-10-3 PROGRESSIVE CORP OHIO 21,958 21,958 79 745867-10-1 PULTE HOMES INC 4,378 4,378 45 76182K-10-5 REYNOLDS R J TOB HLDGS IN (6,228) (6,228) 156 769320-10-2 RIVERSTONE NETWORKS INC (1,857) (1,857) 780257-80-4 ROYAL DUTCH PETE CO (189,514) (189,514) 9,311 78387G-10-3 SBC COMMUNICATIONS INC (904) (904) 26 78442P-10-6 SLM CORP COM 22,378 22,378 786514-20-8 SAFEWAY INC (4,518) (4,518) 790849-10-3 ST JUDE MED INC 19,494 19,494 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E12.16 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 792860-10-8 ST PAUL COS INC 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 100.000 803062-10-8 SAPIENT CORP 05/13/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 700.000 806857-10-8 SCHLUMBERGER LTD 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 800.000 812387-10-8 SEARS ROEBUCK & CO 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 100.000 826552-10-1 SIGMA ALDRICH CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 857477-10-3 STATE STR CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 900.000 863667-10-1 STRYKER CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 700.000 867914-10-3 SUNTRUST BKS INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 700.000 872649-10-8 TRW INC 12/12/2002 VARIOUS 700.000 873168-10-8 TXU CORPORATION 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 100.000 879868-10-7 TEMPLE INLAND INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 88033G-10-0 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 800.000 882508-10-4 TEXAS INSTRS INC 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 88579Y-10-1 3M CO COMG 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,900.000 886547-10-8 TIFFANY & CO NEW 03/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 100.000 89420G-40-6 TRAVELERS PROP CASUALT-B 09/06/2002 FRACTIONAL SHARE 0.294 902973-30-4 US BANCORP DEL 03/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 400.000 907818-10-8 UNION PAC CORP 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 300.000 911312-10-6 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 600.000 911905-10-7 US AIRWAYS GROUP INC 05/16/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 300.000 913017-10-9 UNITED TECHNOL0GIES CORP 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 91324P-10-2 UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 600.000 92343V-10-4 VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 925524-30-8 VIACOM INC 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,100.000 928497-10-6 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR COR 08/20/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 1,000.000 931142-10-3 WAL MART STORES INC 03/28/2002 VARIOUS 4,800.000 94973H-10-8 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 2,400.000 949746-10-1 WELLS FARGO & CO NEW 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 961548-10-4 WESTVACO CORP 01/30/2002 STOCK MERGER 500.000 962166-10-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 1,200.000 963320-10-6 WHIRLPOOL CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 200.000 969133-10-7 WILLAMETTE INDS INC 02/14/2002 TENDER OFFER 700.000 969455-10-4 WILLIAMS COMMUNICATIONS G 02/19/2002 RADIAN 0.039 98157D-10-6 WORLDCOM INC - WORLDCOM GROUP 05/14/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 19,085.000 982526-10-5 WRIGLEY WM JR CO 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 500.000 983024-10-0 WYETHG 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 500.000 988498-10-1 YUM BRANDS INC 08/08/2002 VARIOUS 600.000 989701-10-7 ZIONS BANCORPORATION 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 400.000 G98255-10-5 XL CAP LTD 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 800.000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 067901-10-8 AMERICAN BARRICK CORPORATION 07/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 3,095.000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 904784-70-9 UNILEVER N V 07/19/2002 VARIOUS 4,675.000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OTHERS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6899999 - Common Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARENT, SUBS. & AFFILIATES UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20312@-10-9 CMAC OF TEXAS 07/01/2002 RADIAN 2,500,000.000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6999999 - Common Stocks - Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099997 - Common Stocks - Part 4 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Common Stocks - Part 5 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 6 7 8 9 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Carrying Value at Identification Description Consideration Par Value Actual Cost Disposal Date - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 792860-10-8 ST PAUL COS INC 4,490 4,295 4,397 803062-10-8 SAPIENT CORP 1,379 26,721 5,404 806857-10-8 SCHLUMBERGER LTD 39,062 48,840 43,960 812387-10-8 SEARS ROEBUCK & CO 2,612 5,746 4,764 826552-10-1 SIGMA ALDRICH CORP 22,840 17,612 19,705 857477-10-3 STATE STR CORP 37,864 33,468 47,025 863667-10-1 STRYKER CORP 44,807 40,747 40,859 867914-10-3 SUNTRUST BKS INC 43,580 47,480 43,890 872649-10-8 TRW INC 36,756 35,738 25,928 873168-10-8 TXU CORPORATION 1,229 3,840 4,715 879868-10-7 TEMPLE INLAND INC 20,810 27,274 28,361 88033G-10-0 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP 46,027 28,401 41,104 882508-10-4 TEXAS INSTRS INC 14,695 9,036 14,000 88579Y-10-1 3M CO COM 235,765 173,553 224,599 886547-10-8 TIFFANY & CO NEW 3,550 3,112 3,147 89420G-40-6 TRAVELERS PROP CASUALT-B 5 6 6 902973-30-4 US BANCORP DEL 9,045 9,624 8,372 907818-10-8 UNION PAC CORP 18,225 14,183 17,100 911312-10-6 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC 37,602 37,877 37,877 911905-10-7 US AIRWAYS GROUP INC 924 8,108 1,902 913017-10-9 UNITED TECHNOL0GIES CORP 32,915 26,606 32,315 91324P-10-2 UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC 44,471 35,953 42,462 92343V-10-4 VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS 25,140 24,131 23,730 925524-30-8 VIACOM INC 50,807 36,570 48,565 928497-10-6 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR COR 1,351 56,055 12,430 931142-10-3 WAL MART STORES INC 292,142 197,675 276,240 94973H-10-8 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 214,523 183,462 200,369 949746-10-1 WELLS FARGO & CO NEW 21,880 19,231 21,735 961548-10-4 WESTVACO CORP 14,614 14,014 14,225 962166-10-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO 61,770 66,296 64,896 963320-10-6 WHIRLPOOL CORP 11,954 12,411 14,666 969133-10-7 WILLAMETTE INDS INC 38,850 32,612 36,484 969455-10-4 WILLIAMS COMMUNICATIONS G 98157D-10-6 WORLDCOM INC - WORLDCOM GROUP 23,283 581,047 268,717 982526-10-5 WRIGLEY WM JR CO 26,910 25,073 25,685 983024-10-0 WYETH 31,240 25,520 30,680 988498-10-1 YUM BRANDS INC 20,061 16,313 17,354 989701-10-7 ZIONS BANCORPORATION 15,936 23,400 21,032 G98255-10-5 XL CAP LTD 70,382 66,054 73,088 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 10,067,085 XXX 10,531,927 9,936,616 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 067901-10-8 AMERICAN BARRICK CORPORATION 52,330 57,013 49,365 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CANADA 52,330 XXX 57,013 49,365 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 904784-70-9 UNILEVER N V 250,781 318,748 269,327 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OTHERS 250,781 XXX 318,748 269,327 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6899999 - Common Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous 10,370,196 XXX 10,907,688 10,255,308 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PARENT, SUBS. & AFFILIATES UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20312@-10-9 CMAC OF TEXAS 23,151,934 5,000,000 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 23,151,934 XXX 5,000,000 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6999999 - Common Stocks - Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 23,151,934 XXX 5,000,000 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7099997 - Common Stocks - Part 4 33,522,130 XXX 15,907,688 15,255,308 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7099998 - Common Stocks - Part 5 5,574,973 XXX 5,742,449 5,742,472 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks 39,097,103 XXX 21,650,137 20,997,780 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks 58,933,672 XXX 44,177,122 42,939,314 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7299999 Totals 860,579,622 XXX 839,326,547 838,553,727 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange Realized Gain CUSIP by Exchange Gain (Loss) (Loss) on Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal Disposal - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 792860-10-8 ST PAUL COS INC (102) 195 803062-10-8 SAPIENT CORP 21,317 (25,342) 806857-10-8 SCHLUMBERGER LTD 4,880 (9,778) 812387-10-8 SEARS ROEBUCK & CO 982 (3,134) 826552-10-1 SIGMA ALDRICH CORP (2,093) 5,228 857477-10-3 STATE STR CORP (13,557) 4,396 863667-10-1 STRYKER CORP (112) 4,060 867914-10-3 SUNTRUST BKS INC 3,590 (3,900) 872649-10-8 TRW INC 9,810 1,018 873168-10-8 TXU CORPORATION (875) (2,611) 879868-10-7 TEMPLE INLAND INC (1,086) (6,464) 88033G-10-0 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP (12,703) 17,626 882508-10-4 TEXAS INSTRS INC (4,964) 5,659 88579Y-10-1 3M CO COM (51,046) 62,211 886547-10-8 TIFFANY & CO NEW (35) 438 89420G-40-6 TRAVELERS PROP CASUALT-B (1) 902973-30-4 US BANCORP DEL 1,252 (580) 907818-10-8 UNION PAC CORP (2,918) 4,043 911312-10-6 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC (275) 911905-10-7 US AIRWAYS GROUP INC 6,206 (7,184) 913017-10-9 UNITED TECHNOL0GIES CORP (5,709) 6,308 91324P-10-2 UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC (6,509) 8,518 92343V-10-4 VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS 401 1,008 925524-30-8 VIACOM INC (11,995) 14,237 928497-10-6 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR COR 43,625 (54,704) 931142-10-3 WAL MART STORES INC (78,565) 94,467 94973H-10-8 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK (16,907) 31,061 949746-10-1 WELLS FARGO & CO NEW (2,504) 2,648 961548-10-4 WESTVACO CORP (211) 600 962166-10-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO 1,400 (4,526) 963320-10-6 WHIRLPOOL CORP (2,255) (457) 969133-10-7 WILLAMETTE INDS INC (3,873) 6,239 969455-10-4 WILLIAMS COMMUNICATIONS G 98157D-10-6 WORLDCOM INC - WORLDCOM GROUP 312,330 (557,764) 982526-10-5 WRIGLEY WM JR CO (613) 1,838 983024-10-0 WYETH (5,160) 5,720 988498-10-1 YUM BRANDS INC (1,041) 3,749 989701-10-7 ZIONS BANCORPORATION 2,368 (7,464) G98255-10-5 XL CAP LTD (7,034) 4,328 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (84,313) (464,832) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 067901-10-8 AMERICAN BARRICK CORPORATION 7,647 (4,682) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA 7,647 (4,682) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 904784-70-9 UNILEVER N V 49,421 (67,967) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OTHERS 49,421 (67,967) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6899999 - Common Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous (27,245) (537,481) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARENT, SUBS. & AFFILIATES UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20312@-10-9 CMAC OF TEXAS (15,383,099) 18,151,934 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (15,383,099) 18,151,934 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6999999 - Common Stocks - Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates (15,383,099) 18,151,934 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099997 - Common Stocks - Part 4 (15,410,344) 17,614,453 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Common Stocks - Part 5 (167,501) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks (15,410,344) 17,446,952 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks (15,151,103) 14,940,550 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals (15,060,735) 20,312,121 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Total Gain Bonds Stock CUSIP (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal During Year During Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 792860-10-8 ST PAUL COS INC 195 20 803062-10-8 SAPIENT CORP (25,342) 806857-10-8 SCHLUMBERGER LTD (9,778) 302 812387-10-8 SEARS ROEBUCK & CO (3,134) 87 826552-10-1 SIGMA ALDRICH CORP 5,228 143 857477-10-3 STATE STR CORP 4,396 347 863667-10-1 STRYKER CORP 4,060 47 867914-10-3 SUNTRUST BKS INC (3,900) 238 872649-10-8 TRW INC 1,018 473 873168-10-8 TXU CORPORATION (2,611) 221 879868-10-7 TEMPLE INLAND INC (6,464) 352 88033G-10-0 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP 17,626 882508-10-4 TEXAS INSTRS INC 5,659 88579Y-10-1 3M CO COM 62,211 2,082 886547-10-8 TIFFANY & CO NEW 438 4 89420G-40-6 TRAVELERS PROP CASUALT-B (1) 902973-30-4 US BANCORP DEL (580) 69 907818-10-8 UNION PAC CORP 4,043 205 911312-10-6 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC (275) 97 911905-10-7 US AIRWAYS GROUP INC (7,184) 913017-10-9 UNITED TECHNOL0GIES CORP 6,308 91324P-10-2 UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC 8,518 2 92343V-10-4 VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS 1,008 925524-30-8 VIACOM INC 14,237 928497-10-6 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR COR (54,704) 931142-10-3 WAL MART STORES INC 94,467 336 94973H-10-8 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 31,061 3 949746-10-1 WELLS FARGO & CO NEW 2,648 961548-10-4 WESTVACO CORP 600 110 962166-10-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO (4,526) 734 963320-10-6 WHIRLPOOL CORP (457) 81 969133-10-7 WILLAMETTE INDS INC 6,239 969455-10-4 WILLIAMS COMMUNICATIONS G 98157D-10-6 WORLDCOM INC - WORLDCOM GROUP (557,764) 982526-10-5 WRIGLEY WM JR CO 1,838 300 983024-10-0 WYETH 5,720 988498-10-1 YUM BRANDS INC 3,749 989701-10-7 ZIONS BANCORPORATION (7,464) 240 G98255-10-5 XL CAP LTD 4,328 127 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (464,832) XXX 60,609 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 067901-10-8 AMERICAN BARRICK CORPORATION (4,682) 289 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA (4,682) XXX 289 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 904784-70-9 UNILEVER N V (67,967) 2,805 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OTHERS (67,967) XXX 2,805 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6899999 - Common Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous (537,481) XXX 63,703 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARENT, SUBS. & AFFILIATES UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20312@-10-9 CMAC OF TEXAS 18,151,934 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 18,151,934 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6999999 - Common Stocks - Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 18,151,934 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099997 - Common Stocks - Part 4 17,614,453 XXX 63,703 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Common Stocks - Part 5 (167,501) XXX 7,614 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks 17,446,952 XXX 71,317 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks 14,940,550 XXX 425,665 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals 20,312,121 21,055,652 425,665 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.17 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULED D - PART 5 Showing all Long-Term Bonds ans Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year and Fully DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 CUSIP Date Disposal Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor Date - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNMA TBA MAR 15 SINGLE FAM 6.500 01F062-44-0 12/31/2099 02/04/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 02/05/2002 FNMA TBA FEB 30 SINGLE FAM 6.500 01F062-62-2 02/01/2032 01/08/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 02/04/2002 01F062-68-9 FNMA 6.500 05/01/2027 06/11/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 06/11/2002 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 01F062-6A-4 09/01/2032 09/06/2002 VARIOUS 09/18/2002 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 6.875 3134A3-2S-4 01/15/2005 01/10/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 02/05/2002 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 5.250 3134A4-CX-0 01/15/2006 01/15/2002 GREENWICH SECURITIES 02/05/2002 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31371K-N4-9 05/01/2032 04/01/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 06/14/2002 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31387D-PU-7 05/01/2031 08/22/2002 GREENWICH SECURITIES 10/11/2002 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 31389W-X2-6 04/01/2032 04/01/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 06/14/2002 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 31390D-HG-2 04/01/2017 05/14/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 06/14/2002 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 31390K-X6-0 08/01/2032 07/11/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 11/12/2002 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31390L-FJ-0 07/01/2032 09/12/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 11/12/2002 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 912810-FP-8 02/15/2031 05/07/2002 VARIOUS 07/17/2002 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.375 912827-2M-3 01/15/2007 05/07/2002 BARCLAYS CAPITAL INC 09/05/2002 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.875 912827-4Y-5 01/15/2009 09/10/2002 BARCLAYS CAPITAL INC 12/23/2002 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 5.875 912827-5S-7 11/15/2004 08/02/2002 VARIOUS 09/30/2002 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 6.750 912827-6D-9 05/15/2005 06/14/2002 VARIOUS 10/30/2002 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 5.750 912827-6J-6 08/15/2010 07/25/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS 08/08/2002 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 912827-6X-5 05/15/2006 09/20/2002 VARIOUS 10/30/2002 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7G-1 11/30/2003 02/08/2002 VARIOUS 03/27/2002 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES 3.250 912827-7H-9 12/31/2003 04/12/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 10/02/2002 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7K-2 01/31/2004 06/13/2002 VARIOUS 11/07/2002 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7M-8 02/29/2004 04/18/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 05/07/2002 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.625 912828-AA-8 03/31/2004 07/10/2002 VARIOUS 07/18/2002 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.375 912828-AC-4 05/15/2007 10/31/2002 VARIOUS 12/23/2002 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 912828-AK-6 08/31/2004 10/10/2002 VARIOUS 10/22/2002 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 6 7 8 9 Par Value (Bonds) or Number of CUSIP Shares Identification Description Name of Purchaser (Stock) Actual Cost Consideration - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNMA TBA MAR 15 SINGLE FAM 6.500 01F062-44-0 12/31/2099 GOLDMAN SACHS 1,100,000 1,107,563 1,106,531 FNMA TBA FEB 30 SINGLE FAM 6.500 01F062-62-2 02/01/2032 GOLDMAN SACHS 1,100,000 1,100,859 1,112,117 01F062-68-9 FNMA 6.500 05/01/2027 MORGAN STANLEY 1,125,000 1,135,195 1,160,771 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 01F062-6A-4 09/01/2032 VARIOUS 1,250,000 1,281,602 1,294,141 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 6.875 3134A3-2S-4 01/15/2005 GOLDMAN SACHS 240,000 260,021 259,723 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 5.250 3134A4-CX-0 01/15/2006 GREENWICH SECURITIES 195,000 201,720 200,825 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31371K-N4-9 05/01/2032 VARIOUS 2,749,726 2,722,014 2,810,492 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31387D-PU-7 05/01/2031 VARIOUS 800,000 823,438 826,892 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 31389W-X2-6 04/01/2032 VARIOUS 2,799,999 2,701,124 2,798,469 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 31390D-HG-2 04/01/2017 VARIOUS 74,724 76,837 77,553 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 31390K-X6-0 08/01/2032 VARIOUS 750,000 753,750 773,607 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31390L-FJ-0 07/01/2032 VARIOUS 322,803 334,958 334,074 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 912810-FP-8 02/15/2031 VARIOUS 145,000 140,044 143,457 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.375 912827-2M-3 01/15/2007 BARCLAYS CAPITAL INC 2,000,000 2,336,640 2,450,251 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.875 912827-4Y-5 01/15/2009 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 760,000 923,324 841,938 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 5.875 912827-5S-7 11/15/2004 VARIOUS 8,700,000 9,258,738 9,334,332 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 6.750 912827-6D-9 05/15/2005 VARIOUS 4,290,000 4,671,195 4,677,217 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 5.750 912827-6J-6 08/15/2010 VARIOUS 80,000 88,325 88,722 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 912827-6X-5 05/15/2006 VARIOUS 13,950,000 14,215,083 14,458,658 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-76-1 11/30/2003 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 2,645,000 2,648,482 2,627,770 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES 3.250 912827-7H-9 12/31/2003 VARIOUS 4,862,000 4,851,266 4,932,012 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7K-2 01/31/2004 VARIOUS 5,465,000 5,474,729 5,561,321 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7M-8 02/29/2004 MERRILL LYNCH 2,000,000 1,982,734 1,999,688 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.625 912828-AA-8 03/31/2004 BARCLAYS CAPITAL INC 550,000 557,656 562,074 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.375 912828-AC-4 05/15/2007 VARIOUS 2,165,000 2,283,479 2,308,236 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 912828-AK-6 08/31/2004 UBS WARBURG LLC 1,745,000 1,756,933 1,743,364 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 61,864,252 63,687,709 64,484,235 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments 61,864,252 63,687,709 64,484,235 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 14 Increase Book/Adjusted Increase (Decrease) Foreign Carrying Value (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange Realized CUSIP at Disposal by Exchange Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Identification Description Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal on Disposal - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNMA TBA MAR 15 SINGLE FAM 6.500 01F062-44-0 12/31/2099 1,107,563 (1,031) FNMA TBA FEB 30 SINGLE FAM 6.500 01F062-62-2 02/01/2032 1,100,859 11,258 01F062-68-9 FNMA 6.500 05/01/2027 1,135,195 25,576 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 01F062-6A-4 09/01/2032 1,281,602 12,539 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 6.875 3134A3-2S-4 01/15/2005 260,021 (298) FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 5.250 3134A4-CX-0 01/15/2006 201,720 (895) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31371K-N4-9 05/01/2032 2,722,014 159 88,318 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31387D-PU-7 05/01/2031 823,438 (1,225) 4,679 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 31389W-X2-6 04/01/2032 2,701,124 128 97,217 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 31390D-HG-2 04/01/2017 76,837 (15) 730 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 31390K-X6-0 08/01/2032 753,750 (83) 19,940 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31390L-FJ-0 07/01/2032 334,958 (825) (59) UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 912810-FP-8 02/15/2031 140,044 27 3,387 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.375 912827-2M-3 01/15/2007 2,336,640 (23,011) 136,622 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.875 912827-4Y-5 01/15/2009 916,276 (7,049) (74,338) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 5.875 912827-5S-7 11/15/2004 9,258,738 (68,911) 144,505 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 6.750 912827-6D-9 05/15/2005 4,671,195 (4,164) 10,187 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 5.750 912827-6J-6 08/15/2010 88,325 (28) 426 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 912827-6X-5 05/15/2006 14,215,083 (17,129) 260,704 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-76-1 11/30/2003 2,648,482 (211) (20,501) UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES 3.250 912827-7H-9 12/31/2003 4,851,266 2,244 78,501 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7K-2 01/31/2004 5,474,729 (2,532) 89,124 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7M-8 02/29/2004 1,982,734 789 16,164 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.625 912828-AA-8 03/31/2004 557,656 (291) 4,709 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.375 912828-AC-4 05/15/2007 2,283,479 (1,199) 25,955 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 912828-AK-6 08/31/2004 1,756,933 (262) (13,307) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 63,680,661 (123,588) 920,112 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments 63,680,661 (123,588) 920,112 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 15 16 17 Interest and Paid for Total Dividends Accrued CUSIP Gain (Loss) Received Interest and Identification Description on Disposal During Year Dividends - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNMA TBA MAR 15 SINGLE FAM 6.500 01F062-44-0 12/31/2099 (1,031) FNMA TBA FEB 30 SINGLE FAM 6.500 01F062-62-2 02/01/2032 11,258 01F062-68-9 FNMA 6.500 05/01/2027 25,576 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 01F062-6A-4 09/01/2032 12,539 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 6.875 3134A3-2S-4 01/15/2005 (298) 1,054 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 5.250 3134A4-CX-0 01/15/2006 (895) 654 85 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31371K-N4-9 05/01/2032 88,318 23,780 5,958 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31387D-PU-7 05/01/2031 4,679 6,250 2,167 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 31389W-X2-6 04/01/2032 97,217 22,389 5,600 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 31390D-HG-2 04/01/2017 730 646 216 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 31390K-X6-0 08/01/2032 19,940 12,828 1,625 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31390L-FJ-0 07/01/2032 (59) 4,169 933 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 912810-FP-8 02/15/2031 3,387 3,356 1,515 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.375 912827-2M-3 01/15/2007 136,622 49,342 24,104 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.875 912827-4Y-5 01/15/2009 (74,338) 12,964 5,270 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 5.875 912827-5S-7 11/15/2004 144,505 294,511 112,219 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 6.750 912827-6D-9 05/15/2005 10,187 53,812 43,108 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 5.750 912827-6J-6 08/15/2010 426 2,255 2,097 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 912827-6X-5 05/15/2006 260,704 340,139 155,451 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-76-1 11/30/2003 (20,501) 24,930 14,448 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES 3.250 912827-7H-9 12/31/2003 78,501 86,477 36,783 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7K-2 01/31/2004 89,124 126,414 26,475 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7M-8 02/29/2004 16,164 11,576 7,011 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.625 912828-AA-8 03/31/2004 4,709 6,210 4,685 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.375 912828-AC-4 05/15/2007 25,955 46,767 42,477 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 912828-AK-6 08/31/2004 (13,307) 5,634 4,050 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 920,112 1,136,157 496,277 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments 920,112 1,136,157 496,277 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E13 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 5 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year and Fully DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 CUSIP Date Disposal Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor Date - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUTLAY 5.000 341422-6G-3 06/01/2027 01/24/2002 VINING SPARKS 02/25/2002 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 5.000 341422-6H-1 06/01/2031 03/06/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 08/20/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 03/01/2012 07/18/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 10/09/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUERTO RICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUERTO RICO COMWLTH HWY & TRANSN REV 745190-GL-6 5.000 07/01/2032 01/28/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 04/18/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL PUERTO RICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - United States - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ARIZONA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRI 5.000 79575D-PJ-3 01/01/2031 09/13/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 09/16/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ARIZONA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALIFORNIA ST DEPT WTR RE 5.500 13066Y-EA-3 05/01/2016 11/07/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 11/07/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MICHIGAN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 5.500 594614-RD-3 10/15/2018 01/24/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 03/01/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MICHIGAN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW JERSEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOBACCO SETTLEMENT FING C 5.750 888808-AR-3 06/01/2032 08/19/2002 SALOMAN BROTHERS 08/30/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEW JERSEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 5.000 59259R-BE-3 11/15/2030 05/10/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 05/10/2002 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 5.500 649716-7C-5 11/15/2016 07/03/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 07/03/2002 898526-CV-8 TSASC INC N Y 5.500 07/15/2024 08/02/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 08/05/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RHODE ISLAND - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOBACCO SETTLEMENT FING C 6.125 888809-AB-6 06/01/2032 06/24/2002 PAINE WEBBER 07/11/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL RHODE ISLAND - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTH DAKOTA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTH DAKOTA EDL ENHANCEM 6.500 83754L-AB-3 06/01/2032 08/26/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 08/30/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL SOUTH DAKOTA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOUSTON TEX WTR & SWR SYS 5.125 442436-3B-5 12/01/2031 02/13/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 07/24/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WASHINGTON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOBACCO SETLEMETN AUTH WASH 6.500 88880M-AH-4 06/01/2026 10/25/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 10/29/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 6 7 8 Par Value (Bonds) or Number of CUSIP Shares Identification Description Name of Purchaser (Stock) Actual Cost - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUTLAY 5.000 341422-6G-3 06/01/2027 LEHMAN BROTHERS 2,725,000 2,673,034 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 5.000 341422-6H-1 06/01/2031 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 2,000,000 1,954,760 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 4,725,000 4,627,794 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 03/01/2012 BEAR STEARNS & CO 5,605,000 6,010,634 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 5,605,000 6,010,634 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO COMWLTH HWY & TRANSN REV 745190-GL-6 5.000 07/01/2032 LEHMAN BROTHERS 10,000,000 9,755,300 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO 10,000,000 9,755,300 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - United States 20,330,000 20,393,72 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 20,330,000 20,393,72 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARIZONA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRI 5.000 79575D-PJ-3 01/01/2031 BEAR STEARNS & CO 6,000,000 6,086,160 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA 6,000,000 6,086,160 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA ST DEPT WTR RE 5.500 13066Y-EA-3 05/01/2016 LEHMAN BROTHERS 3,500,000 3,804,325 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 3,500,000 3,804,325 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 5.500 594614-RD-3 10/15/2018 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES 6,845,000 7,180,337 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 6,845,000 7,180,337 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOBACCO SETTLEMENT FING C 5.750 888808-AR-3 06/01/2032 VARIOUS 7,000,000 6,772,500 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 7,000,000 6,772,500 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 5.000 59259R-BE-3 11/15/2030 BEAR STEARNS & CO 10,000,000 9,533,200 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 5.500 649716-7C-5 11/15/2016 BEAR STEARNS & CO 5,000,000 5,371,050 898526-CV-8 TSASC INC N Y 5.500 07/15/2024 BEAR STEARNS & CO 5,000,000 4,845,050 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 20,000,000 19,749,300 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RHODE ISLAND - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOBACCO SETTLEMENT FING C 6.125 888809-AB-6 06/01/2032 BEAR STEARNS & CO 10,000,000 9,634,900 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL RHODE ISLAND 10,000,000 9,634,900 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH DAKOTA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH DAKOTA EDL ENHANCEM 6.500 83754L-AB-3 06/01/2032 BEAR STEARNS & CO 12,000,000 11,766,600 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH DAKOTA 12,000,000 11,766,600 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUSTON TEX WTR & SWR SYS 5.125 442436-3B-5 12/01/2031 BEAR STEARNS & CO 10,000,000 9,753,200 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 10,000,000 9,753,200 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOBACCO SETLEMETN AUTH WASH 6.500 88880M-AH-4 06/01/2026 BEAR STEARNS & CO 10,000,000 9,822,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 Increase Book/Adjusted Increase (Decrease) Foreign Carrying Value (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP at Disposal by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Consideration Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUTLAY 5.000 341422-6G-3 06/01/2027 2,688,758 2,673,034 15 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 5.000 341422-6H-1 06/01/2031 1,993,780 1,954,760 463 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL FLORIDA 4,682,538 4,627,794 478 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 03/01/2012 6,534,253 6,010,634 (6,922) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 6,534,253 6,010,634 (6,922) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUERTO RICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUERTO RICO COMWLTH HWY & TRANSN REV 745190-GL-6 5.000 07/01/2032 9,755,700 9,755,300 984 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL PUERTO RICO 9,755,700 9,755,300 984 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - United States 20,972,491 20,393,728 (5,460) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 20,972,491 20,393,728 (5,460) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ARIZONA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRI 5.000 79575D-PJ-3 01/01/2031 6,125,160 6,086,160 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ARIZONA 6,125,160 6,086,160 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALIFORNIA ST DEPT WTR RE 5.500 13066Y-EA-3 05/01/2016 3,855,670 3,804,325 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CALIFORNIA 3,855,670 3,804,325 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MICHIGAN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 5.500 594614-RD-3 10/15/2018 7,178,143 7,180,337 (2,193) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MICHIGAN 7,178,143 7,180,337 (2,193) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW JERSEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOBACCO SETTLEMENT FING C 5.750 888808-AR-3 06/01/2032 6,786,250 6,772,500 7 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEW JERSEY 6,786,250 6,772,500 7 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 5.000 59259R-BE-3 11/15/2030 9,556,400 9,533,200 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 5.500 649716-7C-5 11/15/2016 5,383,850 5,371,050 898526-CV-8 TSASC INC N Y 5.500 07/15/2024 4,857,200 4,845,050 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEW YORK 19,797,450 19,749,300 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RHODE ISLAND - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOBACCO SETTLEMENT FING C 6.125 888809-AB-6 06/01/2032 9,639,800 9,634,900 149 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL RHODE ISLAND 9,639,800 9,634,900 149 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTH DAKOTA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTH DAKOTA EDL ENHANCEM 6.500 83754L-AB-3 06/01/2032 11,843,040 11,766,600 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL SOUTH DAKOTA 11,843,040 11,766,600 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOUSTON TEX WTR & SWR SYS 5.125 442436-3B-5 12/01/2031 9,887,000 9,753,200 2,212 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL TEXAS 9,887,000 9,753,200 2,212 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WASHINGTON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOBACCO SETLEMETN AUTH WASH 6.500 88880M-AH-4 06/01/2026 9,851,200 9,822,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 14 15 16 17 Interest and Paid for Realized Total Dividends Accrued CUSIP Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Received Interest and Identification Description on Disposal on Disposal During Year Dividends - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUTLAY 5.000 341422-6G-3 06/01/2027 15,708 15,708 16,274 15,139 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 5.000 341422-6H-1 06/01/2031 38,557 38,557 60,556 15,556 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 54,265 54,265 76,830 30,695 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 03/01/2012 530,541 530,541 176,402 111,322 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 530,541 530,541 176,402 111,322 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO COMWLTH HWY & TRANSN REV 745190-GL-6 5.000 07/01/2032 (584) (584) 105,556 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO (584) (584) 105,556 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - United States 584,222 584,222 358,788 142,017 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 584,222 584,222 358,788 142,017 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARIZONA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRI 5.000 79575D-PJ-3 01/01/2031 39,000 39,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA 39,000 39,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA ST DEPT WTR RE 5.500 13066Y-EA-3 05/01/2016 51,345 51,345 6,951 6,951 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 51,345 51,345 6,951 6,951 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 5.500 594614-RD-3 10/15/2018 118,171 84,707 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 118,171 84,707 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOBACCO SETTLEMENT FING C 5.750 888808-AR-3 06/01/2032 13,743 13,743 4,951 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 13,743 13,743 4,951 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 5.000 59259R-BE-3 11/15/2030 23,200 23,200 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 5.500 649716-7C-5 11/15/2016 12,800 12,800 898526-CV-8 TSASC INC N Y 5.500 07/15/2024 12,150 12,150 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 48,150 48,150 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RHODE ISLAND - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOBACCO SETTLEMENT FING C 6.125 888809-AB-6 06/01/2032 4,751 4,751 32,326 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL RHODE ISLAND 4,751 4,751 32,326 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH DAKOTA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH DAKOTA EDL ENHANCEM 6.500 83754L-AB-3 06/01/2032 76,440 76,440 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH DAKOTA 76,440 76,440 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUSTON TEX WTR & SWR SYS 5.125 442436-3B-5 12/01/2031 131,588 131,588 202,153 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 131,588 131,588 202,153 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOBACCO SETLEMETN AUTH WASH 6.500 88880M-AH-4 06/01/2026 29,200 29,200 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E13.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 5 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year and Fully DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 CUSIP Date Disposal Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor Date - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WASHINGTON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BADGER TOB ASSET SECURITI 6.375 056559-AM-9 06/01/2032 05/02/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 05/28/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue-United States - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenue - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 002824-AL-4 ABBOTT LABS 5.125 07/01/2004 07/18/2002 ALEX BROWN 11/19/2002 009269-AA-9 AIRBORNE INC 5.750 04/01/2007 03/19/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 03/22/2002 AMERICAN EXPRESS MSTR TR 5.900 025928-AJ-1 04/15/2004 06/13/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 09/12/2002 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 2 5.280 03061N-EX-3 04/06/2007 04/10/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 08/07/2002 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 2 3.550 03061N-FL-8 02/06/2009 08/08/2002 ALEX BROWN 09/12/2002 BADGER TOB ASSET SECURITI 6.125 056559-AK-3 06/01/2027 05/02/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 05/03/2002 BANK ONE CR CD MSTR TR 20 4.160 06423R-AD-8 01/15/2008 05/23/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 09/12/2002 071813-AR-0 BAXTER INTL INC 1.250 06/01/2021 02113/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 12/11/2002 BELLSOUTH CAP FOG CORP 7.875 079857-AH-1 02/15/2030 07/16/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 11/14/2002 097023-AL-9 BOEING CO 6.350 06/15/2003 02/21/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 05/14/2002 12626P-AD-5 CRH AMER INC 6.950 03/15/2012 08/05/2002 VARIOUS 10/17/2002 126408-BJ-1 CSX CORP 7.250 05/01/2004 08/06/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 10/04/2002 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 200 1.820 139732-CP-4 12/15/2004 08/21/2002 SALOMAN BROTHERS 11/13/2002 CAPITAL AUTO RECEIVABLES ASSET TRUST 139732-CS-8 3.580 10/16/2006 07/30/2002 ALEX BROWN 11/14/2002 143658-AN-2 CARNIVAL CORP 2.000 04/15/2021 04/09/2002 VARIOUS 12/23/2002 CARRAMERICA RLTY CORP 7.125 144418-AK-6 01/15/2012 01/08/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 01/09/2002 151313-AH-6 CENDANT CORP 3.000 05/04/2021 07/18/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 12/11/2002 CITIBANK CR CD MSTR TR 19 6.100 17303C-BR-1 05/15/2008 04/25/2002 VARIOUS 09/04/2002 COCA COLA ENTERPRISES INC 2.190 191219-BL-7 04/26/2004 04/23/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 11/13/2002 COMPUTER ASSOC INTL INC 1.625 204912-AP-4 12/15/2009 12/06/2002 JP MORGAN STANLEY 12/06/2002 DLJ COMMERCIAL MTG 1998-C 5.880 233228-CY-2 11/01/2031 02/21/2002 VARIOUS 10/11/2002 264399-DY-9 DUKE ENERGY CORP 2.181 01/15/2005 03/05/2002 VARIOUS 03/21/2002 FORD CREDIT AUTO TRUST 20 6.620 34527R-EY-5 07/15/2004 05/02/2002 VARIOUS 10/10/2002 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2002- 4.360 34527R-GZ-0 09/15/2006 01/08/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 10/10/2002 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 07/16/2031 08/21/2002 VARIOUS 10/04/2002 345397-TR-4 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.875 02/01/2006 05/20/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 08/08/2002 345397-TX-1 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.500 01/25/2007 07/17/2002 VARIOUS 08/21/2002 361448-AB-9 GATX CORP 7.500 02/01/2007 01/28/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 02/07/2002 441812-GL-2 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 8.000 05/09/2005 07/16/2002 VARIOUS 10/17/2002 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 6.375 10/15/2011 07/26/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 11/13/2002 INTERNATIONAL LEASE FIN C 5.625 459745-FA-8 06/01/2007 05/21/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 08/07/2002 LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 1999 6.410 501773-CR-4 06/01/2031 02/05/2002 VARIOUS 10/15/2002 52108H-JE-5 LBUBS CMBS 2002C1 5.401 03/15/2026 03/22/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 11/05/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 6 7 8 9 Par Value (Bonds) or Number of CUSIP Shares Identification Description Name of Purchaser (Stock) Actual Cost Considertation - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WASHINGTON 10,000,000 9,822,000 9,851,200 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BADGER TOB ASSET SECURITI 6.375 056559-AM-9 06/01/2032 BEAR STEARNS & GO 7,500,000 7,280,475 7,280,700 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue-United States 92,845,000 91,849,797 92,244,413 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenue 92,845,000 91,849,797 92,244,413 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 002824-AL-4 ABBOTT LABS 5.125 07101/2004 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 760,000 789,351 797,187 009269-AA-9 AIRBORNE INC 5.750 04/01/2007 MORGAN STANLEY 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,027,500 AMERICAN EXPRESS MSTR TR 5.900 025928-AJ-1 04/15/2004 ALEX BROWN 50,000 51,580 51,307 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 2 5.280 03061N-EX-3 04/06/2007 GOWEN & CO 50,000 49,989 51,893 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 2 3.550 BANC ONE CAPITAL MARKETS 03061N-FL-8 02/06/2009 INC 250,000 249,955 250,654 BADGER TOB ASSET SECURITI 6.125 056559-AK-3 06/01/2027 BEAR STEARNS & CO 10,000,000 9,719,600 9,756,200 BANK ONE CR CD MSTR TR 20 4.160 06423R-AD-8 01/15/2008 BA SECURITIES INC 250,000 249,947 258,535 071813-AR-O BAXTER INTL INC 1.250 06/01/2021 DEUTSCHE BANK 600,000 625,500 597,750 BELLSOUTH CAP FDG CORP 7.875 079857-AH-1 02/15/2030 UBS WARBURG LLC 50,000 55,269 60,463 097023-AL-9 BOEING CO 6.350 06/15/2003 BA SECURITIES INC 125,000 129,998 129,566 12626P-AD-5 CRH AMER INC 6.950 03/15/2012 VARIOUS 75,000 77,153 82,363 126408-BJ-1 CSX CORP 7.250 05/01/2004 BNP PARIBAS SCREENS 290,000 310,735 308,522 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 200 1.820 139732-CP-4 12/15/2004 MORGAN STANLEY 165,000 165,000 164,955 CAPITAL AUTO RECEIVABLES ASSET TRUST 139732-CS-8 3.580 10/16/2006 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 225,000 224,967 229,887 143658-AN-2 CARNIVAL CORP 2.000 04/15/2021 VARIOUS 1,750,000 1,720,705 1,855,868 CARRAMERICA RLTY CORP 7.125 144418-AK-6 01/15/2012 BA SECURITIES INC 75,000 74,456 74,855 151313-AH-6 CENDANT CORP 3.000 05/04/2021 VARIOUS 5,000,000 4,775,000 4,936,000 CITIBANK CR CD MSTR TR 19 6.100 17303C-BR-1 05/15/2008 BEAR STEARNS & CO 100,000 105,055 109,578 COCA COLA ENTERPRISES INC 2.190 191219-BL-7 04/26/2004 BARCLAYS CAPITAL INC 810,000 810,000 812,478 COMPUTER ASSOC INTL INC 1.625 204912-AP-4 12/15/2009 VARIOUS 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,033,125 DLJ COMMERCIAL MTG 1998-C 5.880 233228-CY-2 11/01/2031 VARIOUS 130,940 135,099 138,595 264399-DY-9 DUKE ENERGY CORP 2.181 01/15/2005 FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK 490,000 490,284 490,515 FORD CREDIT AUTO TRUST 20 6.620 34527R-EY-5 07/15/2004 VARIOUS 800,000 823,267 811,090 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2002- 4.360 BANC ONE CAPITAL MARKETS 34527R-GZ-0 09/15/2006 INC 275,000 274,937 280,479 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 07/16/2031 HBSC SECURITIES 208,000 182,256 167,484 345397-TR-4 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.875 02/01/2006 VARIOUS 150,000 153,593 147,846 345397-TX-1 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.500 01/25/2007 GOLDMAN SACHS 200,000 197,898 197,490 361448-AB-9 GATX CORP 7.500 02/01/2007 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 325,000 325,000 346,938 441812-GL-2 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 8.000 05/09/2005 VARIOUS 970,000 1,035,477 972,652 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 6.375 1011512011 MORGAN STANLEY 30,000 27,493 25,957 INTERNATIONAL LEASE FIN C 5.625 459745-FA-8 06/01/2007 BANK OF AMERICA 140,000 139,511 143,983 LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 1999 6.410 501773-CR-4 06/01/2031 VARIOUS 66,155 69,236 71,229 52108H-JE-5 LBUBS CMBS 2002C1 5.401 03/15/2026 VARIOUS 200,000 200,994 210,798 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 14 Increase Book/Adjusted Increase (Decrease) Foreign Carrying Value (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange Realized CUSIP at Disposal by Exchange Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Identification Description Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal on Disposal - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 9,822,000 29,200 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BADGER TOB ASSET SECURITI 6.375 056559-AM-9 06/01/2032 7,280,475 182 43 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue United States 91,849,797 357 394,260 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenue 91,849,797 357 394,260 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 002824-AL-4 ABBOTT LABS 5.125 07/01/2004 789,351 (4,881) 12,717 009269-AA-9 AIRBORNE INC 5.750 04/01/2007 1,000,000 27500 AMERICAN EXPRESS MSTR TR 5.900 025928-AJ-1 04/15/2004 51,580 (199) (74) AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 2 5.280 03061N-EX-3 04/06/2007 49,989 1 1,903 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 2 3.550 03061N-FL-8 02/06/2009 249,955 4 695 BADGER TOB ASSET SECURITI 6.125 056559-AK-3 06/01/2027 9,719,600 36,600 BANK ONE CR CD MSTR TR 20 4.160 06423R-AD-8 01/15/2008 249,947 3 8,585 071813-AR-O BAXTER INTL INC 1.250 06/01/2021 625,500 (991) (26,759) BELLSOUTH CAP FOG CORP 7.875 079857-AH-1 02/15/2030 55,269 (18) 5,212 097023-AL-9 BOEING CO 6.350 06/15/2003 129,998 (845) 414 12626P-AD-5 CRH AMER INC 6.950 03/15/2012 77,153 (31) 5,241 126408-BJ-1 CSX CORP 7.250 05/01/2004 310,735 (1,944) (269) CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 200 1.820 139732-CP-4 12/15/2004 165,000 (45) CAPITAL AUTO RECEIVABLES ASSET TRUST 139732-CS-8 3.580 10/16/2006 224,967 5 4,915 143658-AN-2 CARNIVAL CORP 2.000 04/15/2021 1,720,705 1,050 134,114 CARRAMERICA RLTY CORP 7.125 144418-AK-6 01/15/2012 74,456 400 151313-AH-6 CENDANT CORP 3.000 05/04/2021 4,775,000 4,432 156,568 CITIBANK CR CD MSTR TR 19 6.100 17303C-BR-1 05/15/2008 105,055 (260) 4,783 COCA COLA ENTERPRISES INC 2.190 191219-BL-7 04/26/2004 810,000 2,478 COMPUTER ASSOC INTL INC 1.625 204912-AP-4 12/15/2009 2,000,000 33,125 DLJ COMMERCIAL MTG 1998-C 5.880 233228-CY-2 11/01/2031 135,099 (347) 3,842 264399-DY-9 DUKE ENERGY CORP 2.181 01/15/2005 490,284 (4) 235 FORD CREDIT AUTO TRUST 20 6.620 34527R-EY-5 07/15/2004 823,267 (10,395) (1,782) FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2002- 4.360 34527R-GZ-0 09/15/2006 274,937 10 5,532 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 07/16/2031 182,256 39 (14,812) 345397-TR-4 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.875 02/01/2006 153,593 (173) (5,574) 345397-TX-1 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.500 01/25/2007 197,898 40 (448) 361448-AB-9 GATX CORP 7.500 02/01/2007 325,000 21,938 441812-GL-2 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 8.000 05/09/2005 1,035,477 (7,706) (55,119) 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 6.375 10/15/2011 27,493 67 (1,603) INTERNATIONAL LEASE FIN C 5.625 459745-FA-8 06/01/2007 139,511 18 LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 1999 6.410 501773-CR-4 06/01/2031 69,236 (171) 2,164 52108H-JE-5 LBUBS CMBS 2002C1 5.401 03/15/2026 200,994 (84) 9,888 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 15 16 17 Interest and Paid for Total Dividends Accrued CUSIP Gain (Loss) Received Interest and Identification Description on Disposal During Year Dividends - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 29,200 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BADGER TOB ASSET SECURITI 6.375 056559-AM-9 06/01/2032 43 8,854 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue-United States 394,260 373,406 91,658 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenue 394,260 373,406 91,658 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 002824-AL-4 ABBOTT LABS 5.125 07/01/2004 12,717 15,255 2,380 009269-AA-9 AIRBORNE INC 5.750 04/01/2007 27,500 319 AMERICAN EXPRESS MSTR TR 5.900 025928-AJ-1 04/15/2004 (74) 754 25 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 2 5.280 03061N-EX-3 04/06/2007 1,903 836 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 2 3.550 03061N-FL-8 02/06/2009 695 271 BADGER TOB ASSET SECURITI 6.125 056559-AK-3 06/01/2027 36,600 BANK ONE CR CO MSTR TR 20 4.160 06423R-AD-8 01/15/2008 8,585 3,091 071813-AR-0 BAXTER INTL INC 1.250 06/01/2021 (26,759) 7,813 1,625 BELLSOUTH CAP FOG CORP 7.875 079857-AH-1 02/15/2030 5,212 2,997 1,684 097023-AL-9 BOEING CO 6.350 06/15/2003 414 3,351 1,565 12626P-AD-5 CRH AMER INC 6.950 03/15/2012 5,241 2,886 666 126408-BJ-1 CSX CORP 7.250 05/01/2004 (269) 9,228 5,723 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 200 1.820 139732-CP-4 12/15/2004 (45) 860 150 CAPITAL AUTO RECEIVABLES ASSET TRUST 139732-CS-8 3.580 10/16/2006 4,915 2,260 143658-AN-2 CARNIVAL CORP 2.000 04/15/2021 134,114 41,008 13,931 CARRAMERICA RLTY CORP 7.125 144418-AK-6 01/15/2012 400 45 151313-AH-6 GENDANT CORP 3.000 05/04/2021 156,568 89,667 32,500 CITIBANK CR CD MSTR TR 19 6.100 17303C-BR-1 05/15/2008 4,783 4,982 2,796 COCA COLA ENTERPRISES INC 2.190 191219-BL-7 04/26/2004 2,478 9,707 COMPUTER ASSOC INTL INC 1.625 204912-AP-4 12/15/2009 33,125 DLJ COMMERCIAL MTG 1998-C 5.880 23322B-CY-2 11/01/2031 3,842 4,658 400 264399-DY-9 DUKE ENERGY CORP 2.181 01/15/2005 235 1,989 482 FORD CREDIT AUTO TRUST 20 6.620 34527R-EY-5 07/15/2004 (1,782) 24,563 1,623 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2002- 4.360 34527R-GZ-0 09/15/2006 5,532 8,993 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 07/16/2031 (14,812) 3,573 1,184 345397-TR-4 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.875 02/01/2006 (5,574) 5,443 3,208 345397-TX-1 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.500 01/25/2007 (448) 7,619 6,392 361448-AB-9 GATX CORP 7.500 02/01/2007 21,938 745 441812-GL-2 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 8.000 05/09/2005 (55,119) 32,510 3,329 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 6.375 10/15/2011 (1,603) 1,132 563 INTERNATIONAL LEASE FIN C 5.625 459745-FA-8 06/01/2007 4,454 1,597 LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 1999 6.410 501773-CR-4 06/01/2031 2,164 2,875 92 52108H-JE-5 LBUBS CMBS 2002C1 5.401 031/5/2026 9,888 7,751 630 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E13.2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 5 Showing all Long Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year and Fully DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 CUSIP Date Disposal Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor Date - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 3.250 03/15/2031 01/04/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 03/28/2002 559222-AG-9 MAGNA INTL INC 4.875 02/15/2005 02/06/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 06/06/2002 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 4.280 65474P-AD-6 10/15/2006 01/10/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 09/12/2002 771196-AG-7 ROCHE HOLDINGS INC 01/19/2015 01/23/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 06/06/2002 SAPPI PAPIER HLDG AG 6.750 803070-AA-9 06/15/2012 06/05/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 07/08/2002 SAPPI PAPIER HLDG AG 7.500 803070-AB-7 06/15/2032 06/05/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 07/08/2002 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP 6.000 88033G-AD-2 12/01/2005 06/11/2002 CIBC WORL MARKETS CORP 08/06/2002 TURNER BROADCASTING SYS 17.400 900262-AU-0 02/01/2004 01/18/2002 BARCLAYS CAPITAL INC 07/12/2002 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL HL TH SVCS INC 06/23/2020 03/07/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 10/30/2002 VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 6.125 91913Y-AC-4 04/15/2007 04/10/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 10/30/2002 VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 6.875 91913Y-AD-2 04/15/2012 04/10/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 09/10/2002 94973H-AA-6 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 07/02/2019 05/21/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 10//6/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER 961548-AW-4 WESTVACO CORP 8.400 06/01/2007 04/11/2002 SMITH 09/20/2002 962166-BD-5 WEYERHAEUSER CO 6.125 03/15/2007 04/19/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 08/27/2002 98157D-AK-2 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 8.250 05/15/2031 01/03/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 05/07/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER 98389B-AA-8 XCEL ENERGY INC 7.500 11/21/2007 11/19/2002 SMITH 11/20/2002 G86220-AA-1 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 2.000 05/20/2003 02/01/2002 ING BANK 03/20/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 87969N-AB-1 TELSTRA CORP LTD 6.375 04/01/2012 03/26/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 05/06/2OO2 G03764-AA-8 ANGLO AMERICAN 3.375 04/17/2007 05/08/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 05/17/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - United States - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Other Countries - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099998 - Total - Bonds - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PREFERRED STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03674B-20-3 ANTHEM INC 02/14/2002 VARIOUS 06/05/2002 151895-30-7 CENTERPOINT PPTYS TR 05/23/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 06/04/2002 224044-50-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 02/08/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 08/26/2002 345395-20-6 FORD MTR CO CAP TR II 01/24/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 01/30/2002 826428-20-3 SIERRA PAC RES NEW 03/26/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 05/03/2002 83237C-60-9 SMITHKLINE BEECHAM HLDGS 08/15/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 12/20/2002 89420G-30-7 TRAVELERS PPTY CAS CORP N 03/21/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 03/22/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136375-40-9 CANADIAN NATL RY C0 03/08/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 06/27/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6399999 - Preferred Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599998 - Total - Preferred Stocks - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00763M-10-8 ADVANCED MEDICAL OPTICS 07/16/2002 SPIN OFF 08/29/2002 00845V-10-0 AGERE SYS INC 06/03/2002 SPIN OFF 08/29/2002 00845V-20-9 AGERE SYS INC 06/03/2002 SPIN OFF 08/08/2002 013068-10-1 ALBERTO CULVER GO 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 10/25/2002 013716-10-5 ALCAN INC 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 07/19/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 6 7 8 9 Par Value (Bonds) or Number of CUSIP Shares Identification Description Name of Purchaser (Stock) Actual Cost Considertation - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 3.250 03/15/2031 MORGAN STANLEY 650,000 648,115 672,445 559222-AG-9 MAGNA INTL INC 4.875 02/15/2005 RADIAN 500,000 502,500 500,000 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 4.280 65474P-AD-6 10/15/2006 VARIOUS 325,000 324,994 329,438 771196-AG-7 ROCHE HOLDINGS INC 01/19/2015 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 250,000 181,250 173,500 SAPPI PAPIER HLDG AG 6.750 803070-AA-9 06/15/2012 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 25,000 24,919 25,390 SAPPI PAPIER HLDG AG 7.500 803070-AB-7 06/15/2032 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 50,000 49,353 50,848 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP 6.000 880336-AD-2 12/01/2005 SECURITY CALLED at 100.0 2,500,000 2,456,250 2,500,000 TURNER BROADCASTING SYS 17.400 900262-AU-0 02/01/2004 VARIOUS 740,000 786,383 722,988 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL FILTH SVCS INC 06/23/2020 BANK OF AMERICA 1,000,000 551,250 687,500 VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 6.125 91913Y-AC-4 04/15/2007 VARIOUS 100,000 99,809 100,024 VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 6.875 91913Y-AD-2 04/15/2012 BANK OF AMERICA 25,000 24,938 26,008 94973H-AA-6 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 07/02/2019 VARIOUS 4,000,000 3,721,776 4,074,443 961548-AW-4 WESTVACO CORP 8.400 06101/2007 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 50,000 55,155 57,284 962166-BD-5 WEYERHAEUSER CO 6.125 03/15/200T BA SECURITIES INC 125,000 126,186 130,801 98157D-AK-2 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 8.250 05/15/2031 VARIOUS 200,000 213,724 82,413 98389B-AA-8 XCEL ENERGY INC 7.500 11/21/2007 BEAR STEARNS & CO 2,800,000 2,800,000 3,059,000 686220-AA-1 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 2.000 05/20/2003 SECURITY CALLED at 105.1 300,000 313,875 315,480 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87969N-AB-1 TELSTRA CORP LTD 6,375 04/01/2012 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 175,000 173,791 173,747 603764-AA-8 ANGLO AMERICAN 3.375 04/17/2007 DAIN BOSWORTH 6,000,000 5,901,250 6,015,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - United States 41,250,095 40,119,872 41,101,804 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Other Counturies 6,175,000 6,075,041 6.188,747 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous 47,425,095 46,194,823 47,290,851 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Total - Bonds 222,464,347 222,126,057 224,991,190 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03674B-20-3 ANTHEM INC BA SECURITIES INC 24,000,000 1,674,786 2,058,204 151895-30-7 CENTERPOINT PPTYS TR LEHMAN BROTHERS 300,000 19,665 20,039 224044-50-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE GOLDMAN SACHS 10,000,000 377,100 265,602 345395-20-6 FORD MTR CO CAP TR I1 VARIOUS 30,000,000 1,500,000 1,571,526 826428-20-3 SIERRA PAC RES NEW LEHMAN BROTHERS 50,000,000 2,758,750 1,762,999 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER 83237C-60-9 SMITHKLINE BEECHAM HLDGS SMITH 10,000 1,000,000 1,001,407 89420g-30-7 TRAVELERS PPTY CAS CORP N MORGAN STANLEY 50,000,000 1,250,000 1,281,981 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX 8,580,301 7,961,758 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 136375-40-9 CANADIAN NATL RY C0 BA SECURITIES INC 1,000,000 68,830 67,738 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA XXX 68,830 67,738 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6399999 - Preferred Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous XXX 8,649,131 8,029,196 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Total - Preferred Stocks XXX 8,649,131 8,029,196 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00763M-10-8 ADVANCED MEDICAL OPTICS VARIOUS 467,000 4,840 4,205 00845V-10-0 AGERE SYS INC VARIOUS 346,000 5,800 499 00845V-20-9 AGERE SYS INC VARIOUS 8,498,000 137,797 14,361 013068-10-1 ALBERTO CULVER CO LEHMAN BROTHERS 200,000 9,334 10,284 013716-10-5 ALCAN INC LEHMAN BROTHERS 700,000 26,663 20,730 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 14 Increase Book/Adjusted Increase (Decrease) Foreign Carrying Value (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange Realized CUSIP at Disposal by Exchange Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Identification Description Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal on Disposal - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 3.250 03/15/2031 648,115 29 24,301 559222-AG-9 MAGNA INTL INC 4.875 02/15/2005 502,500 (247) (2,253) NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 4.280 65474P-AD-6 10/15/2006 324,994 1 4,444 771196-AG-7 ROCHE HOLDINGS INC 01/19/2015 181,250 1,667 (9,417) SAPPI PAPIER HLDG AG 6.750 803070-AA-9 06/15/2012 24,919 1 470 SAPPI PAPIER HLDG AG 7.500 803070-AB-7 06/15/2032 49,353 1 1,494 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP 6.000 88033G-AD-2 12/01/2005 2,456,250 1,674 42,076 TURNER BROADCASTING SYS 17.400 900262-AU-0 02/01/2004 786,383 (10,582) (52,814) 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL FILTH SVCS INC 06/23/2020 551,250 11,072 125,178 VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 6.125 91913Y-AC-4 04/15/2007 99,809 18 197 VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 6.875 91913Y-AD-2 04/15/2012 24,938 2 1,069 94973H-AA-6 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 07/02/2019 3,721,776 7,360 345,307 961548-AW-4 WESTVACO CORP 8.400 06101/2007 55,155 (381) 2,511 962166-BD-5 WEYERHAEUSER CO 6.125 03/15/200T 126,186 (65) 4,680 98157D-AK-2 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 8.250 05/15/2031 213,724 (13) (131,299) 98389B-AA-8 XCEL ENERGY INC 7.500 11/21/2007 2,800,000 259,000 G86220-AA-1 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 2.000 05/20/2003 313,875 (1,327) 2,932 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87969N-AB-1 TELSTRA CORP LTD 6,375 04/01/2012 173,791 9 (53) G03764-AA-8 ANGLO AMERICAN 3.375 04/17/2007 5,901,250 728 113,042 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - United States 40,119,782 (13,170) 994,694 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Other Countries 6,075,041 737 112,989 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous 46,194,823 (12,433) 1,107,683 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Total - Bonds 222,119,009 (141,124) 3,006,277 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03674B-20-3 ANTHEM INC 1,674,786 383,418 151895-30-7 CENTERPOINT PPTYS TR 19,665 374 224044-50-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 377,100 (111,498) 345395-20-6 FORD MTR CO CAP TR II 1,500,000 71,526 826428-20-3 SIERRA PAC RES NEW 2,758,750 (995,751) 83237C-60-9 SMITHKLINE BEECHAM HLDGS 1,000,000 1,407 89420G-30-7 TRAVELERS PPTY CAS CORP N 1,250,000 31,981 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 8,580,301 (618,543) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 136375-40-9 CANADIAN NATL RY C0 68,830 (1,092) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA 68,830 (1,092) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6399999 - Preferred Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous 8,649,131 (619,635) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Total - Preferred Stocks 8,649,131 (619,635) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00763M-10-8 ADVANCED MEDICAL OPTICS 4,840 (635) 00845V-10-0 AGERE SYS INC 5,800 (5,300) 00845V-20-9 AGERE SYS INC 137,797 (123,436) 013068-10-1 ALBERTO CULVER CO 9,334 950 013716-10-5 ALCAN INC 26,663 (5,933) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 15 16 17 Interest and Paid for Total Dividends Accrued CUSIP ain (Loss) Received Interest and Identification Description n Disposal During Year Dividends - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 3.250 03/15/2031 24,301 11,619 6,690 559222-AG-9 MAGNA INTL INC 4.875 02/15/2005 (2,253) 12,188 11,917 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 4.280 65474P-AD-6 10/15/2006 4,444 6,423 771196-AG-7 ROCHE HOLDINGS INC 01/19/2015 (9,417) SAPPI PAPIER HLDG AG 6.750 803070-AA-9 06/15/2012 470 145 SAPPI PAPIER HLDG AG 7.500 803070-AB-7 06/15/2032 1,494 323 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP 6.000 88033G-AD-2 12/01/2005 42,076 27,083 5,417 TURNER BROADCASTING SYS 17.400 900262-AU-0 02/01/2004 (52,814) 52,326 26,315 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL HL TH SVCS INC 06/23/2020 125,178 3,680 935 VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 6.125 91913Y-AC-4 04/15/2007 197 3,386 VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 6.875 91913Y-AD-2 04/15/2012 1,069 707 94973H-AA-6 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 07/02/2019 345,307 961548-AW-4 WESTVACO CORP 8.400 06/01/2007 2,511 3,430 1,575 962166-BD-5 WEYERHAEUSER CO 6.125 03/15/2007 4,680 3,573 893 98157D-AK-2 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 8.250 05/15/2031 (131,299) 7,975 2,429 98389B-AA-8 XCEL ENERGY INC 7.500 11/21/2007 259,000 2,333 G86220-AA-1 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 2.000 05/20/2003 2,932 1,998 1,267 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 87969N-AB-1 TELSTRA CORP LTD 6.375 04/01/2012 (53) 1,116 603764-AA-8 ANGLO AMERICAN 3.375 04/17/2007 113,042 19,688 12,281 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - United States 994,694 435,967 138,386 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Other Countries 112,989 20,804 12,281 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous 1,107,683 456,771 150,667 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099998 - Total - Bonds 3,006,277 2,325,122 880,619 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PREFERRED STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03674B-20-3 ANTHEM INC 383,418 27,871 151895-30-7 CENTERPOINT PPTYS TR 374 224044-50-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE (111,498) 47,808 345395-20-6 FORD MTR CO CAP TR II 71,526 826428-20-3 SIERRA PAC RES NEW (995,751) 83237C-60-9 SMITHKLINE BEECHAM HLDGS 1,407 5,401 89420G-30-7 TRAVELERS PPTY CAS CORP N 31,981 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES (618,643) 81,080 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136375-40-9 CANADIAN NATL RY C0 (1,092) 656 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CANADA (1,092) 656 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6399999 - Preferred Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous (619,635) 81,736 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599998 - Total - Preferred Stocks (619,635) 81,736 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00763M-10-8 ADVANCED MEDICAL OPTICS (635) 00845V-10-0 AGERE SYS INC (5,300) 00845V-20-9 AGERE SYS INC (123,436) 013068-10-1 ALBERTO CULVER CO 950 47 013716-10-5 ALCAN INC (5,933) 179 E13.3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 5 Showing all Long - Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year and Fully DISPOSED OF During Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 CUSIP Date Disposal Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor Date Name of Purchaser - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 037411-10-5 APACHE CORP 058498-10-6 BALL CORP 081437-10-5 BEMIS INC 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 115637-20-9 BROWN FORMAN CORP 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 143130-10-2 CARMAX INC 10/01/2002 SPIN OFF 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 152312-10-4 CENTEX CORP 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 20030N-20-0 COMCAST CORP 10/25/2002 VARIOUS 11/20/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 204493-10-0 COMPAQ COMPUTER CORP 03/25/2002 VARIOUS 05/06/2002 STOCK MERGER 207142-10-0 CONEXANT SYSTEMS INC 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 06/28/2002 VARIOUS 208251-50-4 CONOCO INC 08/28/2002 VARIOUS 09/03/2002 STOCK MERGER 208464-10-7 CONSECO INC 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 07/25/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 248019-10-1 DELUXE CORP 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 278058-10-2 EATON CORP 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 29355X-10-7 ENPRO INDUSTRIES INC 06/03/2002 SPIN OFF 08/29/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 30249U-10-1 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 01/02/2002 SPIN OFF 02/01/2002 VARIOUS 337932-10-7 FIRSTENERGY CORP 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 03/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 452528-10-2 IMMUNEX CORP NEW 03/28/2002 VARIOUS 07/16/2002 STOCK MERGER 453258-40-2 INCO LTD 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 07/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 482584-10-9 K MART CORP 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 01/22/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 48666K-10-9 KB HOME 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 559222-40-1 MAGNA INTL INC 06/06/2002 RADIAN 06/20/2002 VARIOUS 583334-10-7 MEADWESTVA CO CORP 01/30/2002 STOCK MERGER 03/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 589433-10-1 MEREDITH CORP 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 62852P-10-3 MYKROLIS CORP 02/28/2002 SPIN OFF 03/25/2002 VARIOUS 656568-10-2 NORTEL NETWORKS CORPORATION 06/21/2002 VARIOUS 07/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 696642-10-7 PALM INC 06/21/2002 VARIOUS 08/13/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 725906-10-1 PLACER DOME INC 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 07/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 745867-10-1 PULTE HOMES INC 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 75952B-10-5 RELIANT RES INC 10/01/2002 SPIN OFF 10/18/2002 VARIOUS 780257-80-4 ROYAL DUTCH PETE CO 06/21/2002 VARIOUS 07/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 803062-10-8 SAPIENT CORP 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 05/13/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 83088M-10-2 SKYWORKS SOLUTIONS INC 06/27/2002 SPIN OFF 06/27/2002 SPIN OFF 832696-40-5 SMUCKER J M CO 06/03/2002 SPIN OFF 09/03/2002 VARIOUS 872649-10-8 TRY INC 06/21/2002 VARIOUS 12/12/2002 STOCK MERGER 879868-10-7 TEMPLE INLAND INC 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 89420G-10-9 TRAVELERS PPTY CAS CORP N 08/21/2002 SPIN OFF 09/06/2002 VARIOUS 911905-10-7 US AIRWAYS GROUP INC 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 05/16/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 928497-10-6 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR COR 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 08/20/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 94973H-10-8 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 10/28/2002 VARIOUS 11/04/2002 VARIOUS 963320-10-6 WHIRLPOOL CORP 01/07/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 10/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 969133-10-7 WILLAMETTE INDS INC 02/01/2002 THOM WEISEL PARTNERS 02/14/2002 TENDER OFFER 98157D-10-6 WORLDCOM INC - WORLDCOM GROUP 03/28/2002 VARIOUS 05/14/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 067901-10-8 AMERICAN BARRICK CORPORATION 06/21/2002 VARIOUS 07/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 904784-70-9 UNILEVER N V 06/21/2002 VARIOUS 07/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6899999 - Common Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Total - Common Stocks - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 Par Value (Bonds) or Book/Adjusted Increase Number of Carrying Value (Decrease) CUSIP Shares at Disposal by Identification Description (Stock) Actual Cost Consideration Date Adjustment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 037411-10-5 APACHE CORP 058498-10-6 BALL CORP 081437-10-5 BEMIS INC 100.000 5,033 5,339 5,033 115637-20-9 BROWN FORMAN CORP 100.000 6,567 7,498 6,567 143130-10-2 CARMAX INC 816.000 18,229 12,675 18,229 152312-10-4 CENTEX CORP 200.000 11,758 9,294 11,758 20030N-20-0 COMCAST CORP 7,300.000 187,992 168,771 187,992 204493-10-0 COMPAQ COMPUTER CORP 2,500.000 29,943 55,628 29,943 207142-10-0 CONEXANT SYSTEMS INC 600.000 7,932 1,137 7,932 208251-50-4 CONOCO INC 3,200.000 84,661 87,023 84,661 208464-10-7 CONSECO INC 700.000 2,681 553 2,681 248019-10-1 DELUXE CORP 100.000 4,535 4,725 4,535 278058-10-2 EATON CORP 100.000 7,305 6,388 7,305 29355X-10-7 ENPRO INDUSTRIES INC 160.000 938 628 938 30249U-10-1 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC 344.000 5,882 5,540 5,882 337932-10-7 FIRSTENERGY CORP 400.000 15,208 13,445 15,208 452528-10-2 IMMUNEX CORP NEW 2,200.000 64,081 58,362 64,081 453258-40-2 INCO LTD 400.000 7,284 7,764 7,284 482584-10-9 K MART CORP 500.000 2,500 325 2,500 48666K-10-9 KB HOME 200.000 8,500 9,636 8,500 559222-40-1 MAGNA INTL INC 42,990.000 3,150,000 2,917,882 3,150,000 583334-10-7 MEADWESTVA CO CORP 485.000 14,041 15,550 14,041 589433-10-1 MEREDITH CORP 200.000 6,936 9,512 6,936 62852P-10-3 MYKROLIS CORP 271.000 2,685 3,738 2,685 656568-10-2 NORTEL NETWORKS CORPORATION 17,500.000 57,290 21,174 57,290 696642-10-7 PALM INC 2,200,000 6,188 1,452 6,188 725906-10-1 PLACER DOME INC 700.000 8,862 7,494 8,862 745867-10-1 PULTE HOMES INC 200.00 9,358 9,274 9,358 75952B-10-5 RELIANT RES INC 3,391.000 14,535 3,466 14,535 780257-80-4 ROYAL DUTCH PETE CO 8,300.000 438,302 348,506 438,302 803062-10-8 SAPIENT CORP 300.000 1,563 591 1,563 83088M-10-2 SKYWORKS SOLUTIONS INC 702.000 4,001 3,980 4,001 832696-40-5 SMUCKER J M CO 246.000 7,910 9,225 7,910 872649-10-8 TRW INC 1,300.000 69,224 67,969 69,224 879868-10-7 TEMPLE INLAND INC 100.000 5,492 4,162 5,492 89420G-10-9 TRAVELERS PPTY CAS CORP N 2,327.000 41,880 40,086 41,880 911905-10-7 US AIRWAYS GROUP INC 200.000 986 616 986 928497-10-6 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR COR 500.000 6,180 675 6,180 94973H-10-8 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 17,872.000 945,523 1,398,357 945,523 963320-10-6 WHIRLPOOL CORP 500.000 36,860 23,525 36,860 969133-10-7 WILLAMETTE INDS INC 200.000 11,092 11,100 11,092 98157D-10-6 WORLDCOM INC - WORLDCOM GROUP 6,300.000 59,314 7,686 59,314 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX 5,553,658 5,411,330 5,553,658 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 067901-10-8 AMERICAN BARRICK CORPORATION 2,100.000 39,358 35,507 39,358 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA XXX 39,358 35,507 39,358 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 904784-70-9 UNILEVER N V 2,400.000 149,433 128,136 149,456 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OTHERS XXX 149,433 128,136 149,456 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6899999 - Common Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous XXX 5,742,449 5,574,973 5,742,472 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Total - Common Stocks XXX 5,742,449 5,574,973 5,742,472 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks 14,391,580 13,604,469 14,391,603 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals 236,517,637 238,595,659 236,510,612 (141,124) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 Increase (Decrease) Foreign Interest and Paid for by Foreign Exchange Realized Total Dividends Accrued CUSIP Exchange Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Received Interest and Identification Description Adjustment on Disposal on Disposal on Disposal During Year Dividends - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 037411-10-5 APACHE CORP 058498-10-6 BALL CORP 081437-10-5 BEMIS INC 306 306 59 115637-20-9 BROWN FORMAN CORP 931 931 105 143130-10-2 CARMAX INC (5,554) (5,554) 152312-10-4 CENTEX CORP (2,464) (2,464) 19 20030N-20-0 COMCAST CORP (19,221) (19,221) 204493-10-0 COMPAQ COMPUTER CORP 25,685 25,685 74 207142-10-0 CONEXANT SYSTEMS INC (6,795) (6,795) 208251-50-4 CONOCO INC 2,362 2,362 976 208464-10-7 CONSECO INC (2,128) (2,128) 248019-10-1 DELUXE CORP 190 190 86 278058-10-2 EATON CORP (417) (417) 125 29355X-10-7 ENPRO INDUSTRIES INC (311) (311) 30249U-10-1 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC (342) (342) 337932-10-7 FIRSTENERGY CORP (1,763) (1,763) 150 452528-10-2 IMMUNEX CORP NEW (5,719) (5,719) 453258-40-2 INCO LTD 480 480 482584-10-9 K MART CORP (2,175) (2,175) 48666K-10-9 KB HOME 1,136 1,136 45 559222-40-1 MAGNA INTL INC (232,118) (232,118) 583334-10-7 MEADWESTVA CO CORP 1,536 1,536 112 589433-10-1 MEREDITH CORP 2,576 2,576 54 62852P-10-3 MYKROLIS CORP 1,053 1,053 656568-10-2 NORTEL NETWORKS CORPORATION (36,115) (36,115) 696642-10-7 PALM INC (4,736) (4,736) 725906-10-1 PLACER DOME INC (1,368) (1,368) 30 745867-10-1 PULTE HOMES INC (84) (84) 19 75952B-10-5 RELIANT RES INC (11,069) (11,069) 780257-80-4 ROYAL DUTCH PETE CO (89,795) (89,795) 3,380 803062-10-8 SAPIENT CORP (972) (972) 83088M-10-2 SKYWORKS SOLUTIONS INC (21) (21) 832696-40-5 SMUCKER J M CO 1,315 1,315 49 872649-10-8 TRY INC (1,255) (1,255) 560 879868-10-7 TEMPLE INLAND INC (1,330) (1,330) 96 89420G-10-9 TRAVELERS PPTY CAS CORP N (1,794) (1,794) 911905-10-7 US AIRWAYS GROUP INC (370) (370) 928497-10-6 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR COR (5,505) (5,505) 94973H-10-8 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 452,834 452,834 1 963320-10-6 WHIRLPOOL CORP (13,335) (13,335) 404 969133-10-7 WILLAMETTE INDS INC 8 8 98157D-10-6 WORLDCOM INC WORLDCOM GROUP (51,628) (51,628) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (142,326) (142,326) 6,570 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 067901-10-8 AMERICAN BARRICK CORPORATION (3,851) (3,851) 103 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA (3,851) (3,851) 103 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 904784-70-9 UNILEVER N V (21,324) (21,324) 941 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OTHERS (21,324) (21,324) 941 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6899999 - Common Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous (167,501) (167,501) 7,614 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Total - Common Stocks (167,501) (167,501) 7,614 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks (787,136) (787,136) 89,350 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals 2,219,141 2,219,141 2,414,472 880,619 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E13.4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 6 - SECTION 1 Valuation of Shares of Subsidiary, Controlled or Affiliated Companies - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Do Insurer's Assets NAIC Include NAIC Valuation Intangible Company Method Assets Code or (See SVO Connected Alien Purposes with Holding Description Insurer and of Such Total CUSIP Name of Subsidiary, Controlled or Identification Procedures Company's Amount of Such Identification Affiliated Company Number manual) Stock? Intangible Assets - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12566#-10-7 Radian Insurance Inc 20720 (i) No 154050-99-1 Radian Services LLC (i) No 20313#-10-6 Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Co of Arizona 33944 (i) No - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1599999 - Common Stock - Other Affiliates - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1699999 - Total Common Stocks - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 7 Stock of Such Company Omned by Insurer on Statement Date ------------------------------ 8 9 Description Book/Adjusted CUSIP Name of Subsidiary, Controlled or Carrying % of Identification Affiliated Company Value Number of Shares Outstanding - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12566#-10-7 Radian Insurance Inc 57,699,803 100,000.000 100.0 154050-99-1 Radian Services LLC 1.000 100.0 20313#-10-6 Commonwealth Mortgage Assurance Co of Arizona 15,098,280 100,000.00 100.0 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1599999 - Common Stock - Other Affiliates 72,798,083 XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1699999 - Total Common Stocks 72,798,083 XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 Totals 72,798,083 XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Amount of insurer's capital and surplus from the prior period's statutory statement reduced by any admitted EDP, goodwill and net deferred tax assets included therein: $ ---------- 2. Total amount of intangible assets nonadmitted $ ---------- SCHEDULED - PART 6 - SECTION 2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Total Amount of Intangible Assets Included in CUSIP Name of Company Listed in Section 1 Which Amount Shown in Identification Name of Lower-tier Company Controls Lower-tier Company Column 6, Section 1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 Total - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Stock in Lower-tier Company Owned Indirectly by Insurer on Statement Date ------------------------------ 5 6 CUSIP % of Identification Name of Lower-tier Company Number of Shares Outstanding - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 Total XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- E14 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE DA - PART 1 Showing all SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS Owned December 31 of Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Interest 7 -------------- 5 6 CUSIP Date How Maturity Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor Rate of Paid Date - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 912795-LT-6 UNITED STATES TREAS BILLS 11/12/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC DISC 01/09/2003 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - U.S. Governments - Issuer Obligations - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Total - U.S. Government Bonds - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - U.S. Government Bonds - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES CONNECTICUT - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57586L-00-6 MA HEFA HARTFORD UNIV CP 96 DAY 09/05/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 1.250 FMAN 12/10/2002 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 476575-WY-7 JERSEY CITY N J 10/02/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 2.500 MS 09/12/2003 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - States, Territories and Possessions - Issuer Obligations - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Total - States, Territories and Possessions Bonds United States - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - States, Territories and Possessions Bonds - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS, ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59333R-BA-1 MIAMI-DADE CNTY FLA SCH D 07/02/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 2.750 JD 06/26/2003 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2599999 - Special Revenue - Issuer Obligations - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds - United States - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 600000-00-4 SUNTRUST BKS INC 01/15/2002 VARIOUS MTLY 01/02/2003 828783-AJ-9 SIMON DEBARTOLO GROUP L P 07/15/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITA 6.625 JD 06/15/2003 861123-8A-8 SSGA FDS 12/16/2002 STATE STREET MTLY 01/02/2003 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Issuer Obligations - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds - United States - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS ONE MONEY MKT. MUTUAL FUNDS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26188J-20-6 DREYFUS CASH MGMT 12/16/2002 RADIAN MTLY 01/02/2003 261934-10-3 DREYFUS CASH MGMT PLUS IN 03/15/2002 RADIAN MTLY 01/02/2003 316175-20-7 FIDELITY INSTL MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO 12/16/2002 RADIAN MTLY 01/02/2003 316175-40-5 FIDELITY INSTL DOMESTIC PORTFOLIO 12/16/2002 RADIAN MTLY 01/02/2003 60934N-20-3 FEDERATED PRIME OBLIG 12/16/2002 RADIAN MTLY 01/02/2003 783965-20-5 SEI DAILY INCOME TR MONEY MARKET 12/16/2002 RADIAN MTLY 01/02/2003 783965-40-3 SEI PRIME OBLIGATION 12/16/2002 VARIOUS MTLY 01/02/2003 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7899999 - Class One Money Market Mutual Funds - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER SHORT TERM INVESTED ASSETS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 700500-25-9 SUNTRUST PREMUIM MONEY MARKET 12/16/2002 RADIAN MTLY 01/02/2003 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7999999 - Total - Other - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP Book/Adjusted by Exchange Identification Description Carrying Value Adjustment Adjustment Par Value Actual Cost - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 912795-LT-6 UNITED STATES TREAS BILLS 739,817 1,141 740,000 738,676 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 739,817 1,141 740,000 738,676 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - U.S. Governments - Issuer Obligations 739,817 1,141 740,000 738,676 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Total - U.S. Government Bonds 739,817 1,141 740,000 738,676 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - U.S. Government Bonds 739,817 1,141 740,000 738,676 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES CONNECTICUT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57586L-00-6 MA HEFA HARTFORD UNIV CP 96 DAY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 476575-WY-7 JERSEY CITY N J 1,857,624 (4,460) 1,845,000 1,862,085 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 1,857,624 (4,460) 1,845,000 1,862,085 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 1,857,624 (4,460) 1,845,000 1,862,085 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - States, Territories and Possessions - Issuer Obligations 1,857,624 (4,460) 1,845,000 1,862,085 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Total - States, Territories and Possessions Bonds United States 1,857,624 (4,460) 1,845,000 1,862,085 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - States, Territories and Possessions Bonds 1,857,624 (4,460) 1,845,000 1,862,085 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS, ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59333R-BA-1 MIAMI-DADE CNTY FLA SCH D 502,981 (2,874) 500,000 505,855 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 502,981 (2,874) 500,000 505,855 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2599999 - Special Revenue - Issuer Obligations 502,981 (2,874) 500,000 505,855 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds - United States 502,981 (2,874) 500,000 505,855 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds 502,981 (2,874) 500,000 505,855 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 600000-00-4 SUNTRUST BKS INC 1,034,706 1,034,706 1,034,706 828783-AJ-9 SIMON DEBARTOLO GROUP L P 75,761 (739) 75,000 76,500 861123-8A-8 SSGA FDS 13,620,341 13,620,341 13,620,341 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 14,730,808 (739) 14,730,047 14,731,547 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Issuer Obligations 14,730,808 (739) 14,730,047 14,731,547 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds - United States 14,730,808 (739) 14,730,047 14,731,547 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds 14,730,808 (739) 14,730,047 14,731,547 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 17,831,230 (6,932) 17,815,047 17,838,163 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds 17,831,230 (6,932) 17,815,047 17,838,163 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS ONE MONEY MKT. MUTUAL FUNDS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26188J-20-6 DREYFUS CASH MGMT 131 131 131 261934-10-3 DREYFUS CASH MGMT PLUS IN 9 9 9 316175-20-7 FIDELITY INSTL MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO 26,558,358 26,558,358 26,558,358 316175-40-5 FIDELITY INSTL DOMESTIC PORTFOLIO 12,287 12,287 12,287 60934N-20-3 FEDERATED PRIME OBLIG 44,933,016 44,933,016 44,933,016 783965-20-5 SEI DAILY INCOME TR MONEY MARKET 160 160 160 783965-40-3 SEI PRIME OBLIGATION 5,227 5,225 5,225 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7899999 - Class One Money Market Mutual Funds 71,509,188 XXX 71,509,188 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER SHORT TERM INVESTED ASSETS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 700500-25-9 SUNTRUST PREMUIM MONEY MARKET 5,284 5,284 5,284 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7999999 - Total - Other 5,284 XXX 5,284 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Interest 15 16 17 ------------------------------ 13 14 Amount Due and Accrued Dec. 31 of Current Year NAIC Effective CUSIP on Bonds Not Gross Amount Paid for Accrued Desig- Rate of Identification Description in Default Received Interest nation Interest - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 912795-LT-6 UNITED STATES TREAS BILLS 1 1,112 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - U.S. Governments - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Total - U.S. Government Bonds XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - U.S. Government Bonds XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES CONNECTICUT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57586L-00-6 MA HEFA HARTFORD UNIV CP 96 DAY 46 1Z - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 46 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 476575-WY-7 JERSEY CITY NJ 13,838 2,563 1 1,496 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 13,838 2,563 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 13,884 2,563 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - States, Territories and Possessions - Issuer Obligations 13,884 2,563 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Total - States, Territories and Possessions Bonds United States 13,884 2,563 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - States, Territories and Possessions Bonds 13,884 2,563 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS, ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59333R-BA-1 MIAMI-DADE CNTY FLA SCH D 6,493 1 1,514 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 6,493 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2599999 - Special Revenue - Issuer Obligations 6,493 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds - United States 6,493 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds 6,493 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 600000-00-4 SUNTRUST BKS INC 11,161 1Z 828783-AJ-9 SIMON DEBARTOLO GROUP L P 221 2,484 455 2 4,350 861123-8A-8 SSGA FDS 14,687 874 1Z - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 14,908 14,519 455 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Issuer Obligations 14,908 14,519 455 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds - United States 14,908 14,519 455 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds 14,908 14,519 455 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 35,285 14,519 3,018 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds 35,285 14,519 3,018 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS ONE MONEY MKT. MUTUAL FUNDS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26188J-20-6 DREYFUS CASH MGMT 47 1Z 261934-10-3 DREYFUS CASH MGMT PLUS IN 1Z 316175-20-7 FIDELITY INSTL MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO 22,590 1Z 316175-40-5 FIDELITY INSTL DOMESTIC PORTFOLIO 63 1Z 60934N-20-3 FEDERATED PRIME OBLIG 26,736 1Z 783965-20-5 SEI DAILY INCOME TR MONEY MARKET 60 1Z 783965-40-3 SEI PRIME OBLIGATION 6 2,143 1Z - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7899999 - Class One Money Market Mutual Funds 26,742 24,903 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER SHORT TERM INVESTED ASSETS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 700500-25-9 SUNTRUST PREMUIM MONEY MARKET 2,476 1Z - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7999999 - Total - Other 2,476 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E15 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE DA - PART 1 Showing all SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS Owned December 31 of Current Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Interest 7 -------------- 5 6 CUSIP Date How Maturity Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor Rate of Paid Date - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8099999 Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP Book/Adjusted by Exchange Identification Description Carrying Value Adjustment Adjustment Par Value Actual Cost - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8099999 Totals 89,345,702/(a)/ (6,932) XXX 89,352,633 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Interest 15 16 17 ------------------------------ 13 14 Amount Due and Accrued Dec. 31 of Current Year NAIC Effective CUSIP on Bonds Not Gross Amount Paid for Accrued Desig- Rate of Identification Description in Default Received Interest nation Interest - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8099999 Totals 62,027 41,898 3,018 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Includes $ other than accrual of discount and ----------------------- amortization of premium. E15.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule DB - Part A Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part A Section 2 NONE Schedule DB - Part A Section 3 NONE Schedule DB - Part B Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part B Section 2 NONE Schedule DB - Part B Section 3 NONE Schedule DB - Part C Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part C Section 2 NONE Schedule DB - Part C Section 3 NONE Schedule DB - Part D Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part D Section 2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E16, E17, E18, E19, E20, E21 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule DB - Part D - Section 3 NONE Schedule DB - Part E - Section 1 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E21, E22 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE DM For bonds and preferred stocks owned as of December 31, state the aggregate statement (admitted) value, the aggregate fair value, and the aggregate difference, if any, between them. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Excess of Statement over Fair Value(-), or Statement (Admitted) Fair Value Fair Value over Value (a) Statement (+) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bonds 1,938,642,705 2,007,007,465 68,364,760 2. Preferred Stocks 43,259,403 41,344,292 (1,915,111) 3. Totals 1,981,902,108 2,048,351,757 66,449,649 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Amortized or book values shall not be substituted for fair values. Describe the sources or methods utilized in determining the fair values. Primary Source: FT Interactive Data for Municipal Bonds and Convertible Securities; Lehman Brothers for US Treasuries, Corporate and Mortgage Backed Investments. Secondary Source: Reuters Fixed Income Services for high grade Corporate, US Government and Treasury investments; FT Interactive Date for Mortgage-Backed Securities. E23 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE E - PART 1 - CASH - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Amount of Amount of Interest Interest Received Accrued Rate of During December 31 of Depository Interest Year Current Year Balance * - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Union National Bank Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (14,901,050) IndyMac Bank Pasadena, California 6,799,026 Mellon Bank Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (115,089) PNC Bank Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 337,211 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199998 Deposits in 2 depositories that do not exceed the allowable limit in an one depository (See Instructions) - open depositories XXX 5,536 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 Totals - Open Depositories XXX (8,548,786) XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 Total Cash on Deposit XXX (8,548,786) XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 Cash in Company's Office XXX XXX XXX 1,500 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 Total Cash XXX (8,547,286) XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTALS OF DEPOSITORY BALANCES ON THE LAST DAY OF EACH MONTH DURING THE CURRENT YEAR - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. January 16,186,033 4. April (24,322,098) 7. July 7,863,004 10. October (6,203,294) 2. February (801,219) 5. May (29,165,093) 8. August (22,917,682) 11. November (29,107,688) 3. March 4,248,052 6. June 4,619,554 9. September (964,718) 12. December (8,548,786) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E24 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. SCHEDULE E - PART 2 - SPECIAL DEPOSITS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Line Number Type Description of Deposit - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AR00001 B Cleveland OH Waterworks Rev - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AR99999 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CT00001 B Cleveland OH Waterworks Rev - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CT99999 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DE00001 B NY Hospital FHA Insd Mtg - Serv - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DE99999 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FL00001 B Anchorage Alaska - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FL99999 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GA00001 C Wachovia Money Market - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GA99999 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GU00001 B West Shore PA Area Hospital - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GU99999 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA00001 B USTNS 5.5% Due 02/28/03 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA99999 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MA00001 B Cleveland OH Waterworks Rev - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MA99999 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NM00001 B Cleveland OH Waterworks Rev - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NM99999 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NC00001 B North Carolina Eastern Municipal - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NC99999 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OR00001 B Cleveland OH Waterworks Rev OR00002 B Oregon State Veterans Welfare Series 75 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OR99999 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PR00001 B Puerto Rico Commonwealth 6.50% Due 07/01/07 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PR99999 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XX99999 - Total - Not All Policyholders - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAOO001 B USTNS 5.625% PAOO002 B USTNS 5.500% - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PA99999 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZZ99999 - Total - All Policyholders - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 4 Line Number Type Where Deposited and Purpose of Deposit - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Little Rock, AR @ Regions Bank; Insurance Department; For protection of AR AR00001 B policyholders - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AR99999 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CT00001 B Boston, MA @ Fleet Bank; Treasurer's Office; For protection of CT policyholders - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CT99999 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilmington, DE @ Wilmington Trust; Insurance Department; For protection of DE DE00001 B policyholders - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DE99999 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jacksonville, FL @ First Union National Bank; Department of Insurance and Treasurer; FL00001 B For protection of FL policyholders - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FL99999 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winston-Salem, NC @ Wachovia Bank; Office of the Commissioner of Insurance; For GA00001 C protection of GA policyholders - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GA99999 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GU00001 B Guam; Insurance Commissioner; For protection of GU policyholders - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GU99999 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baton Rouge, LA @ Hancock Bank; Insurance Department; For protection of LA LA00001 B policyholders - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA99999 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boston, MA @ Fleet National Bank; Insurance Department; For protection of MA MA00001 B policyholders - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MA99999 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Albuquerque, NM @ Banker's Trust; Department of Insurance; For protection of NM NM00001 B policyholders - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NM99999 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winston-Salem @ Wachovia Bank; Department of Insurance; For protection of NC NC00001 B policyholders - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NC99999 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portland, OR @ US Bank; Department of Insurance and Finance; For protection of OR OR00001 B policyholders Portland, OR @ US Bank; Department of Insurance and Finance; For protection of OR OR00002 B policy holders - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OR99999 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- San Juan, PR @ US Bank; Department of Insurance and Finance; For protection of PR PR00001 B policyholders - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PR99999 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XX99999 - Total - Not All Policyholders - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Philadelphia, PA @ Mellon Bank; State Treasury Department; For protection of all PA00001 B policyholders Philadelphia, PA @ Mellon Bank; State Treasury Department; For protection of all PA00002 B policyholders - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PA99999 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZZ99999 - Total - All Policyholders - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 5 6 7 Line Number Type Par or Book Value Statement Value (a) Fair Value - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AR00001 B 55,000 55,606 55,606 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AR99999 - 55,000 55,606 55,606 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CT00001 B 315,000 318,470 318,470 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CT99999 - 315,000 318,470 318,470 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DE00001 B 110,000 111,541 123,878 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DE99999 - 110,000 111,541 123,878 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FL00001 B 90,000 89,823 89,823 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FL99999 - 90,000 89,823 89,823 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GA00001 C 35,000 35,000 35,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GA99999 - 35,000 35,000 35,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GU00001 B 50,000 50 000 50,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GU99999 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA00001 B 75,000 75,059 75,516 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA99999 - 75,000 75,059 75,516 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MA00001 B 310,000 313,415 313,415 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MA99999 - 310,000 313,415 313,415 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NM00001 B 110,000 111,212 111,212 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NM99999 - 110,000 111,212 111,212 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NC00001 B 180,000 178,794 178,794 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NC99999 - 180,000 178,794 178,794 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OR00001 B 10,000 10,110 10,110 OR00002 B 515,000 515,000 571,794 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OR99999 - 525,000 525,110 581,904 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PR00001 B 500,000 535,077 535,077 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PR99999 - 500,000 535,077 535,077 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XX99999 - Total - Not All Policyholders 2,355,000 2,399,107 2,468,695 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PA00001 B 185,000 185,000 185,000 PA00002 B 1,395,000 1,396,102 1,404,598 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PA99999 - 1,580,000 1,581,102 1,589,598 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZZ99999 - Total - All Policyholders 1,580,000 1,581,102 1,589,598 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 3,935,000 3,980,209 4,058,293 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Including $ cash and short-term investments as defined in ---------------- SSAP No. 2 of the NAIC Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual. E25 [GRAPHIC] PROPERTY AND CASUALTY COMPANIES--ASSOCIATION EDITION ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2002 OF THE CONDITION AND AFFAIRS OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. ================================================================================ NAIC Group Code 0766 0766 NAIC Company Code 36250 Employer's ID Number 22-2712977 (Current Period) (Prior Period) Organized under the Laws of New York, State of Domicile or Port of Entry New York Country of Domicile United States of America Incorporated 12/31/1985 Commenced Business 04/14/1986 Statutory Home Office 335 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017-4605 (Street and Number) (City or Town, State and Zip Code) Main Administrative Office 335 Madison Avenue (Street and Number) New York, NY 10017-4605 212-983-5859 (City or Town, State and Zip Code) (Area Code)(Telephone Number) Mail Address 335 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017-4605 (Street and Number or P.O. Box) (City or Town, State and Zip Code) Primary Location of Books and Records 335 Madison Avenue (Street and Number) New York, NY 10017-4605 212-983-5859-207 (City or Town, State and Zip Code) (Area Code) (Telephone Number) Internet Website Address www.radiangroupinc.com Statement Contact Patrick Rossi Jr 212-983-5859-207 (Name) (Area Code) (Telephone Number) (Extension) insurancecompliance@radiangroupinc.com 212-682-5377 (E-mail Address) (Fax Number) Policyowner Relations Contact 335 Madison Avenue (Street and Number) New York, NY 10017-4605 212-983-5859-283 (City or Town, State and Zip Code) (Area Code) (Telephone Number) (Extension) OFFICERS President Martin Alexander Kamarck SVP/Secretary David Joseph Beidler Treasurer Terry Lee Latimer VICE PRESIDENTS David Skinner Bigelow IV Edward McCrossin Bowers Sally Bennett Campbell John Christopher DeLuca Bret Steven Derman Bonita Zeese Dorland Carl Robert Quint Patrick Rossi Jr William Mark Russell Jeffrey Carl Salton Howard Seth Yaruss DIRECTORS OR TRUSTEES David Joseph Beidler David Skinner Bigelow IV Edward McCrossin Bowers Sally Bennett Campbell John Christopher DeLuca Bret Steven Derman Bonita Zeese Dorland Frank Peter Filipps Martin Alexander Kamarck Carl Robert Quint # Patrick Rossi Jr William Mark Russell Jeffrey Carl Salton Howard Seth Yaruss State of New York ) ) SS County of New York ) The officers of this reporting entity, being duly sworn, each depose and say that they are the described officers of said reporting entity, and that on the reporting period stated above, all of the herein described assets were the absolute property of the said reporting entity, free and clear from any liens or claims thereon, except as herein stated, and that this statement, together with related exhibits, schedules and explanations therein contained, annexed or referred to, is a full and true statement of all the assets and liabilities and of the condition and affairs of the said reporting entity as of the reporting period stated above, and of its income and deductions therefrom for the period ended, and have been completed in accordance with the NAIC Annual Statement Instructions and Accounting Practices and Procedures manual except to the extent that: (1) state law may differ; or, (2) that state rules or regulations require differences in reporting not related to accounting practices and procedures, according to the best of their information, knowledge and belief, respectively. - ------------------------ ------------------------------- --------------------- Martin Alexander Kamarck David Joseph Beidler Patrick Rossi Jr President Senior Vice President/Secretary Senior Vice President Subscribed and sworn to before me this a. Is this an original filing? Yes [X] No [ ] 25th day of February, 2003 b. If no, 1. State the amendment number ----------- 2. Date filed ----------- 3. Number of pages attached - ----------------------------------- ----------- Merill H. Resnick Notary Public, State of New York No. 01RE4840513 Qualified in Westchester County Commission Expires May 31, 2003 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. ASSETS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Current Year Prior Year -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Nonadmitted Net Admitted Assets Net Admitted Assets Assets (Cols. 1 - 2) Assets - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Bonds 550,511,699 550,511,699 308,964,332 2. Stocks: 2.1 Preferred stocks (Schedule D, Part 2, Section 1) 24,584,908 24,584,908 15,975,148 2.2 Common stocks (Schedule D, Part 2, Section 2) 1,156,247 1,156,247 1,108,822 3. Mortgage loans on real estate (Schedule B): 3.1 First liens 3.2 Other than first liens 4. Real estate (Schedule A): 4.1 Properties occupied by the company (less $ encumbrances) ---------- 4.2 Properties held for the production of income (less $ encumbrances) ---------- 4.3 Properties held for sale (less $ encumbrances) ------- 5. Cash ($7,048,341 Schedule E, Part 1) and short-term investments($39,052,062 Schedule DA, Part 2) 46,100,403 46,100,403 34,181,977 6. Other invested assets (Schedule BA) 7. Receivable for securities 149,000 149,000 8. Aggregate write-ins for invested assets -------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Subtotals, cash and invested assets (Lines 1 to 8) 622,502,257 622,502,257 360,230,279 10. Agents' balances or uncollected premiums: 10.1 Premiums and agents' balances in course of collection 22,465,156 15,670 22,449,487 14,497,791 10.2 Premiums agents' balances and installments booked but deffered and not yet due (including $ earned but unbilled premiums) ------------ 10.3 Accrued retrospective premiums 11. Funds held by or deposited with reinsured companies 1,863,223 1,863,223 1,101,102 12. Bills receivable, taken for premiums 13. Amounts receivable under high deductible policies 14. Reinsurance recoverables on loss and loss adjustment expense payments (Schedule F, Part 3, Cols. 7 and 8) 734,151 734,151 169,547 15. Federal and foreign income tax recoverable and interest theron (including $1,531,160 net deferred tax asset) 24,810,472 23,279,312 1,531,160 30,298 16. Guaranty funds receivable or on deposit 17. Electronic data processing equipment and software 18. Interest, dividends and real estate income due and accrued 6,918,739 6,918,739 3,872,818 19. Net adjustments in assets and liabilities due to foreign exchange rates 20. Receivable from parent, subsidiaries and affiliates 187,026 21. Amount due from/to protected cells 22. Equities and deposits in pools and associations 1,383,615 1,383,615 1,412,403 23. Amounts receivable relating to uninsured accident and health plans 24. Other assets nonadmitted (Exhibit 1) 25. Aggregate write-ins for other than invested assets 1,323,608 1,323,608 -------------------------------------------------------------- 26. Total assets excluding protected cells assets (Lines 9 through 25) 682,001,222 24,618,590 657,382,632 381,501,264 27. Protected cells assets 28. TOTALS (Lines 26 and 27) 682,001,222 24,618,590 657,382,632 381,501,264 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 0801. 0802. 0803. 0898. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 8 from overflow page 0899. Totals (Lines 0801 thru 0803 plus 0898)(Line 8 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2501. Intangibles 666,359 666,359 2502. Prepaid expenses 645,349 645,349 2503. Receivables - other 11,900 11,900 2598. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 25 from overflow page 2599. Totals (Lines 2501 thru 2503 plus 2598)(Line 25 above) 1,323,608 1,323,608 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Current Year Prior Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Losses (Part 2A, Line 34, Column 8) 49,635,498 37,616,491 2. Reinsurance payable on paid loss and loss adjustment expenses (Schedule F, Part 1, Column 6) 4,842,808 5,325,029 3. Loss adjustment expenses (Part 2A, Line 34, Column 9) 817,413 531,607 4. Commissions payable, contingent commissions and other similar charges 3,253 12,814 5. Other expenses (excluding taxes, licenses and fees) 526,368 232,958 6. Taxes, licenses and fees (excluding federal and foreign income taxes) 1,950,279 1,266,269 7. Federal and foreign income taxes (including $ 123,031 on realized capital gains (losses))(including $ net deferred tax ----------- liability) 5,360,309 8. Borrowed money $ and interest thereon $ ----------- ---------------- 9. Unearned premiums (Part 1A, Line 37, Column 5) (after deducting unearned premiums for ceded reinsurance of $20,554,146 and including warranty reserves of $ ) 233,700,716 156,935,231 ------- 10. Advance premiums 11. Dividends declared and unpaid: 11.1 Stockholders 11.2 Policyholders 12. Ceded reinsurance premiums payable (net of ceding commissions) 2,670,081 4,209,602 13. Funds held by company under reinsurance treaties (Schedule F, Part 3, Column 19) 14. Amounts withheld or retained by company for account of others 15. Remittances and items not allocated 16. Provision for reinsurance (Schedule F, Part 7) 284,110 288,000 17. Net adjustments in assets and liabilities due to foreign exchange rates 18. Drafts outstanding 19. Payable to parent, subsidiaries and affiliates 2,200,040 5,287,097 20. Payable for securities 6,660,243 21. Liability for amounts held under uninsured accident and health plans 22. Capital Notes $ and interest thereon $ -------- ------- 23. Aggregate write-ins for liabilities 39,272,402 36,665,188 ----------- ----------- 24. Total liablilities excluding protected cell liabilities (Lines 1 through 23) 347,923,517 248,370,286 ----------- ----------- 25. Protected cell liabilities 26. Total liabilities (Lines 24 and 25) 347,923,517 248,370,286 27. Aggregate write-ins for special surplus funds 28. Common capital stock 15,000,000 15,000,000 29. Preferred capital stock 30. Aggregate write-ins for other than special surplus funds 31. Surplus notes 32. Gross paid in and contributed surplus 229,077,004 79,077,000 33. Unassigned funds (surplus) 65,382,111 39,053,978 34. Less treasury stock, at cost: 34.1 shares common (value included in Line 28 $ ) -------------- ------ 34.2 shares preferred (value included in Line 29 $ ) -------------- ------ ----------- ----------- 35. Surplus as regards policyholders (Lines 27 to 33, less 34) (Page 4, Line 38) 309,459,115 133,130,978 36. TOTALS (Page 2, Line 28, Col. 3) 657,382,632 381,501,264 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 2301. Contingency reserve 39,272,402 36,665,188 2302. 2303. 2398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 23 from overflow page 2399. Totals (Lines 2301 thru 2303 plus 2398)(Line 23 above) 39,272,402 36,665,188 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2701. 2702. 2703. 2798. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 27 from overflow page 2799. Totals (Lines 2701 thru 2703 plus 2798)(Line 27 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3001. 3002. 3003. 3098. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 30 from overflow page 3099. Totals (Lines 3001 thru 3003 plus 3098)(Line 30 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT STATEMENT OF INCOME - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Current Year Prior Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNDERWRITING INCOME 94,148,092 48,976,287 1. Premiums earned (Part 1, Line 34, Column 4) DEDUCTIONS 2. Losses incurred (Part 2, Line 34, Column 7) 30,328,391 24,750,751 3. Loss expenses incurred (Part 3, Line 25, Column 1) 1,822,246 884,492 4. Other underwriting expenses incurred (Part 3, Line 25, Column 2) 44,190,898 30,710,684 5. Aggregate write-ins for underwriting deductions ----------- ----------- 6. Total underwriting deductions (Lines 2 through 5) 76,341,535 56,345,927 ----------- ----------- 7. Net income of protected cells 8. Net underwriting gain or (loss) (Line 1 minus Line 6 plus Line 7) 17,806,558 (7,369,640) INVESTMENT INCOME 9. Net investment income earned (Exhibit of Net Investment Income, Line 17) 24,989,848 16,064,127 10. Net realized capital gains or (losses) (Exhibit of Capital Gains (Lossess)) 2,204,912 3,785,461 ----------- ----------- 11. Net investment gain or (loss) (Lines 9 + 10) 27,194,760 19,849,588 OTHER INCOME 12. Net gain or (loss) from agents' or premium balances charged off (amount recovered $ amount charged off $ ) --------------- --------------- 13. Finance and service charges not included in premiums 14. Aggregate write-ins for miscellaneous income 594,141 2,870,385 ----------- ----------- 15. Total other income (Lines 12 through 14) 594,141 2,870,385 ----------- ----------- 16. Net income before dividends to policyholders and before federal and foreign income taxes (Line 8 + 11 + 15) 45,595,459 15,350,333 17. Dividends to policyholders ----------- ----------- 18. Net income, after dividends to policyholders but before federal and foreign income taxes (Line 16 minus Line 17) 4,595,459 15,350,333 19. Federal and foreign income taxes incurred 12,225,532 4,747,772 ----------- ----------- 20. Net income (Line 18 minus Line 19) (to Line 22) 33,369,926 10,602,561 ----------- ----------- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS ACCOUNT 21. Surplus as regards policyholders, December 31 prior year (Page 4, Line 38, Column 2) 133,130,978 105,824,986 ----------- ----------- GAINS AND (LOSSES) IN SURPLUS 22. Net income (from Line 20) 33,369,926 10,602,561 23. Net unrealized capital gains or (losses) (2,192,791) 101,683 24. Change in net unrealized foreign exhange capital gain (loss) 1,359,724 (92,067) 25. Change in net deferred income tax 23,161,900 26. Change in nonadmitted assets (Exhibit 1, Line 5, Col. 3) (23,644,371) 17,630 27. Change in provision for reinsurance (Page 3, Line 16, Column 2 minus Column 1) 3,890 86,000 28. Change in surplus notes 29. Surplus (contributed to) withdrawn from protected cells 30. Cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles 1,648,572 31. Capital changes: 31.1. Paid in 31.2. Transferred from surplus (Stock Dividend) 31.3. Transferred to surplus 32. Surplus adjustments: 32.1. Paid in 150,000,004 25,000,000 32.2. Transferred to capital (Stock Dividend) 32.3. Transferred from capital 33. Net remittances from or (to) Home Office 34. Dividends to stockholders (cash) (5,000,000) 35. Change in treasury stock (Page 3, Lines 34.1 and 34.2, Column 2 minus Column 1) 36. Aggregate write-ins for gains and losses in surplus (7,378,718) (3,409,815) ----------- ----------- 37. Change in surplus as regards policyholders for the year (Lines 22 through 36) 176,328,137 27,305,992 ----------- ----------- 38. Surplus as regards policyholders, December 31 current year (Line 21 plus Line 37) (Page 3, Line 35) 309,459,115 133,130,978 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 0501. 0502. 0503. 0598. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 5 from overflow page 0599. Totals (Lines 0501 thru 0503 plus 0598)(Line 5 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1401. Advisory fee 380,750 1,493,531 1402. Foreign exchange gain (loss) 110,173 (39,685) 1403. Interest income 80,028 101,964 1498. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 14 from overflow page 23,190 1,314,575 1499. Totals (Lines 1401 thru 1403 plus 1498)(Line 14 above) 594,141 2,870,385 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3601. Contingency reserve (2,607,214) (7,100,415) 3602. (Charge) benefit of tax and loss bonds (4,771,504) 3,690,600 3603. 3698. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 36 from overflow page 3699. Totals (Lines 3601 thru 3603 plus 3698)(Line 36 above) (7,378,718) (3,409,815) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. CASH FLOW - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 Current Year Prior Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cash from Operations 1. Premiums collected net of reinsurance 162,946,211 64,914,694 2. Loss and loss adjustment expenses paid (net of salvage and subrogation) 20,892,649 14,118,159 3. Underwriting expenses paid 43,223,039 29,974,219 4. Other underwriting income (expenses) 6,186 (6,186) --------------------------- 5. Cash from underwriting (Line 1 minus Line 2 minus Line 3 plus Line 4) 98,836,709 20,816,130 6. Net investment income 20,032,869 16,116,749 7. Other income (expenses): 7.1 Agents' balances charged off 7.2 Net funds held under reinsurance treaties (762,121) 32,288,939 7.3 Net amount withheld or retained for account of others 7.4 Aggregate write-ins for miscellaneous items 622,929 2,865,269 --------------------------- 7.5 Total other income (Lines 7.1 to 7.4) (139,192) 35,154,208 8. Dividends to policyholders on direct business, less $ dividends on ---------- reinsurance assumed or ceded (net) 9. Federal and foreign income taxes (paid) recovered (11,606,429) 946,053 --------------------------- 10. Net cash from operations (Line 5 plus Line 6 plus Line 7.5 minus Line 8 plus Line 9) 107,123,957 73,033,140 Cash from investment 11. Proceeds from investments sold, matured or repaid: 11.1 Bonds 293,507,253 159,760,221 11.2 Stocks 17,402,425 2,664,371 11.3 Mortgage loans 11.4 Real estate 11.5 Other invested assets 11.6 Net gains or (losses) on cash and short-term investments (66,419) 11.7 Miscellaneous proceeds 6,660,244 --------------------------- 11.8 Total investment proceeds (Lines 11.1 to 11.7) 317,503,503 162,424,592 12. Cost of investments acquired (long-term only): 12.1 Bonds 529,070,546 212,307,524 12.2 Stocks 29,332,191 18,949,501 12.3 Mortgage loans 12.4 Real estate 12.5 Other invested assets 12.6 Miscellaneous applications 159,759 5,949,883 --------------------------- 12.7 Total investments acquired (Lines 12.1 to 12.6) 558,562,496 237,206,908 --------------------------- 13. Net Cash from investments (Line 11.8 minus Line 12.7) 241,058,993 74,782,316 --------------------------- Cash from Financing and Miscellaneous Sources 14. Cash provided: 14.1 Surplus notes, capital and surplus paid in 150,000,004 25,000,000 14.2 Capital notes $ less amounts repaid $ ---------- ------- 14.3 Net transfers from affiliates 14.4 Borrowed funds received 14.5 Other cash provided 697,762 4,877,858 --------------------------- 14.6 Total (Lines 14.1 to 14.5) 150,697,766 29,877,858 15. Cash applied: 15.1 Dividends to stockholders paid 5,000,000 15.2 Net transfers to affiliates 2,900,031 14,204,715 15.3 Borrowed funds repaid 15.4 Other applications 1,944,277 85,050 --------------------------- 15.5 Total (Lines 15.1 to 15.4) 4,844,308 19,289,765 --------------------------- 16. Net cash from financing and miscellaneous sources (Line 14.6 minus Line 15.5) 145,853,458 10,588,093 --------------------------- RECONCILIATION OF CASH AND SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS 17. Net change in cash and short-term investments (Line 10, plus Line 13, plus Line 16) 11,918,422 8,838,917 18. Cash and short-term investments: 18.1 Begining of year 34,181,981 25,343,064 18.2 End of year (Line 17 plus Line 18.1) 46,100,403 34,181,981 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 07.401 Miscellaneous income 594,141 2,870,385 07.402 Equities & deposits in pools as associations 28,788 (5,116) 07.403 07.498 Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 7.4 from overflow page 07.499 Totals (Lines 07.401 plus 07.498)(Line 7.4 above) 622,929 2,865,269 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 1 - PREMIUMS EARNED - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 Net Premiums Unearned Premiums Written per Dec.31 Prior Year- Column 6, per Col. 3, Last Lines of Business Part 1B Year's Part 2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 123,892,423 146,624,395 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surely 11,207,895 2,131,347 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 35,813,259 8,179,489 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business ------------------------------------ 34. TOTALS 170,913,577 156,935,231 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398)(Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 4 Unearned Premiums Premiums Dec. 31 Current Earned Year-per During Year Lines of Business Col. 5 Part 1A (Cols. 1+2-3) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 209,536,062 60,980,756 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surely 3,918,511 9,420,731 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 20,246,143 23,746,605 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business ------------------------------- 34. TOTALS 233,700,716 94,148,092 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398)(Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 1A - RECAPITULATION OF ALL PREMIUMS (a) Gross premiums (less reinsurance) and unearned premiums on all unexpired risks and reserve for return premiums under rate credit or retrospective rating plans based upon experience, viz: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Amount Unearned Amount Unearned (Running One Year or (Running More Than Less from Date of One Year form Date Earned Policy) of Policy) but Line of Business (b) (b) unbilled Premium - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 6,222,267 203,313,795 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto Physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 2,033,618 1,884,893 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 14,221,510 6,024,633 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS 22,477,395 211,223,321 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35. Accured retrospective premiums based on experience 36. Earned but unbilled premiums 37. Balance (Sum of Line 34 through 36) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 5 Reserve for Rate Credits and Total Reserve Retrospective for Adjustments Unearned Premiums Based on Cols. Lines of Business Experience 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 209,536,062 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto Physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 3,918,511 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 20,246,143 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS 233,700,716 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35. Accured retrospective premiums based on experience 36. Earned but unbilled premiums 37. Balance (Sum of Line 34 through 36) 233,700,716 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398)(Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (a) By gross premiums is meant the aggregate of all the premiums written in the policies or renewals in force. Are they so returned in this statement? Yes [X] No [ ] (b) State here basis of computation used in each case. Premiums are earned on Financial Guaranty in proportion to payments of principal and interest and on pro-rata basis for other lines of business 7 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 FOR THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 1B - PREMIUMS WRITTEN Gross Premiums (Less Return Premiums), Including Policy and Membership Fees Written and Renewed During Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Reinsurance Assumed Reinsurance Ceded 6 --------------------------- -------------------------- Direct 2 3 4 5 Net Premiums Business From From To To Written Cols. Line of Business (a) Affiliates Non-Affiliates Affiliates Non-Affiliates 1+2+3-4-5 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 128,092,802 14,870,463 2,617,795 16,240,514 5,448,123 123,892,423 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurance 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1, 19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3, 19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 4,328,159 14,761 7,641,248 171,546 604,728 11,207,895 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 3,604,801 34,360,233 2,151,775 35,813,259 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property XXX 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability XXX 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines XXX 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34. TOTALS 132,420,961 18,490,025 44,619,277 16,412,060 8,204,626 170,913,577 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398)(Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Does the company's direct premiums written include premiums recorded on an installment basis? Yes[X] No [ ] If yes: 1. The amount of such installment premiums $42,369,183 2. Amount at which such installment premiums would have been reported had they been reported on an annualized basis $63,018,825 8 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 2 - LOSSES PAID AND INCURRED - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Losses Paid Less Salvage ------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Direct Reinsurance Reinsurance Net Payments Line of Business Business Assumed Recovered (Cols. 1+2-3) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied Lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 112,579 112,579 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1, 19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3, 19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 3,864,842 1,648,313 2,216,529 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 15,980,268 15,980,268 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property XXX 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability XXX 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines XXX 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business ------------------------------------------------- 34. TOTALS 19,957,689 1,648,313 18,309,376 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Percentage of Losses Net Losses Incurred Unpaid Net Losses Losses incurred (Col. 7, Part 2) Current Year Unpaid Current Year to Premiums Earned Line of Business (Part 2A, Col. 8) Previous Year (Cols. 4+5-6) (Col. 4, Part 1) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied Lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 8,674,321 6,464,818 2,322,082 3.8 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1, 19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3, 19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 6,575,470 5,117,329 3,674,670 39.0 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 34,385,709 26,034,342 24,331,635 102.5 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 34. TOTALS 49,635,500 37,616,489 30,328,387 32.2 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 2A - UNPAID LOSSES AND LOSS ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reported Losses ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 Deduct Reinsurance Recoverable from Net Losses Excl. Authorized and Incurred But Reinsurance Unauthorized Not Reported Line of Business Direct Assumed Companies (Cols. 1+2-3) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 7,979,088 695,233 8,674,321 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurance 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1, 19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3, 19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 9,789,847 4,660,386 5,129,461 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 26,526,501 1,939,475 24,587,026 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property XXX 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability XXX 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines XXX 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS 7,979,088 37,011,581 6,599,861 38,390,808 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incurred But Not Reported 8 9 ------------------------------------ 5 6 7 Net Losses Unpaid Loss Reinsurance Reinsurance Unpaid Adjustment Line of Business Direct Assumed Ceded (Cols. 4+5+6-7) Expenses - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 8,674,321 651,081 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurance 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health (a) 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health (a) 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1, 19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3, 19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 1,688,435 242,426 6,575,470 166,330 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 9,885,310 86,627 34,385,709 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property XXX 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability XXX 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines XXX 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS 11,573,745 329,053 49,635,500 817,411 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Including $ for present value of life indemnity claims. ---------- 10 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 3 - EXPENSES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 Other Loss Adjustment Underwriting Investment Expenses Expenses Expenses Total - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Claim adjustment services: 1.1 Direct 1,547,391 1,547,391 1.2 Reinsurance assumed 545,664 545,664 1.3 Reinsurance ceded 270,809 270,809 ------------------------------------------------------ 1.4 Net claim adjustment service (1.1+1.2-1.3) 1,822,246 1,822,246 2. Commission and brokerage: 2.1 Direct excluding contingent 321,290 321,290 2.2 Reinsurance assumed excluding contingent 17,277,887 17,277,887 2.3 Reinsurance ceded excluding contingent 5,344,801 5,344,801 2.4 Contingent - direct 2.5 Contingent - reinsurance assumed 131,275 131,275 2.6 Contingent - reinsurance ceded 2.7 Policy and membership fees ------------------------------------------------------ 2.8 Net commission and brokerage (2.1+2.2-2.3+2.4+2.5-2.6+2.7) 12,385,651 12,385,651 3. Allowances to managers and agents 4. Advertising 184,389 184,389 5. Boards, bureaus and associations 643,819 643,819 6. Surveys and underwriting reports 7. Audit of assureds' records 8. Salary and related items: 8.1 Salaries 16,142,942 11,814 16,154,756 8.2 Payroll taxes 673,375 645 674,020 9. Employee relations and welfare (2,099,344) 2,350 (2,096,994) 10. Insurance 20,459 20,459 11. Directors' fees 12. Travel and travel items 1,024,651 210 1,024,862 13. Rent and rent items 2,865,650 1 2,865,651 14. Equipment 612,094 466 612,560 15. Cost or depreciation of EDP equipment and software 2,054,814 114 2,054,928 16. Printing and stationery 264,024 (130) 263,895 17. Postage, telephone and telegraph, exchange and express 334,138 45 334,183 18. Legal and auditing 1,720,289 811 1,721,100 ------------------------------------------------------ 19. Totals (Lines 3 to 18) 24,441,299 16,329 24,457,627 20. Taxes, licenses and fees: 20.1 State and local insurance taxes deducting guaranty association credits of $ 3,877,864 3,877,864 20.2 Insurance department licenses and fees 163,968 163,968 20.3 Gross guaranty association assessments 20.4 All other (excluding federal and foreign income and real estate) (76) (76) ------------------------------------------------------ 20.5 Total taxes, licenses and fees (20.1+20.2+20.3+20.4) 4,041,756 4,041,756 21. Real estate expenses 22. Real estate taxes 106,825 106,825 23. Reimbursements by uninsured accident and health plans 24. Aggregate write-ins for miscellaneous expenses 3,215,367 403,708 3,619,075 ------------------------------------------------------ 25. Total expenses incurred 1,822,246 44,190,898 420,036(a) 46,433,180 26. Less unpaid expenses-current year 817,413 2,479,899 3,297,312 27. Add unpaid expenses-prior year 531,610 1,512,041 2,043,651 28. Amounts receivable relating to uninsured accident and health plans, prior year 29. Amounts receivable relating to uninsured accident and health plans, current year ------------------------------------------------------ 30. TOTAL EXPENSES PAID (Lines 25-26+27-28+29) 1,536,443 43,223,040 420,036 45,179,519 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 2401. Other professional fees 3,510,609 3,510,609 2402. Investment advisory fees 356,847 356,847 2403. Miscellaneous other (295,241) 46,861 (248,380) 2498. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 24 from overflow page 2499. Totals (Lines 2401 thru 2403 plus 2498) (Line 24 above) 3,215,367 403,708 3,619,075 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (a) Includes management fees of $ paid to affiliates and $ ---------- ------- paid to non-affiliates. 11 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. EXHIBIT OF NET INVESTMENT INCOME - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Collected Earned During Year During Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 U.S. Government bonds (a) 3,335,506 3,881,349 1.1 Bonds exempt from U.S. tax (a) 11,409,076 13,303,152 1.2 Other bonds (unaffiliated) (a) 5,227,918 5,683,507 1.3 Bonds of affiliates (a) 2.1 Preferred stocks (unaffiliated) (b) 1,713,091 1,862,728 2.11 Preferred stocks of affiliates (b) 2.2 Common stocks (unaffiliated) 15,900 15,990 2.21 Common stocks of affiliates 3. Mortgage loans (c) 4. Real estate (d) 5. Contract loans 6. Cash/short-term investments (e) 644,563 638,312 7. Derivative instruments (f) 8. Other invested assets 9. Aggregate write-ins for investment income 37,955 24,936 10. Total gross investment income 22,384,009 25,409,884 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Investment expenses (g) 420,036 12. Investment taxes, licenses and fees, excluding federal income taxes (g) 13. Interest expense (h) 14. Depreciation on real estate and other invested assets (i) 15. Aggregate write-ins for deductions from investment income 16. Total (Lines 11 through 15) 420,036 17. Net Investment Income - (Line 10 minus Line 16) 24,989,848 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 0901. Miscellaneous 37,955 24,936 0902. 0903. 0998. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 9 from overflow page 0999. Totals (Lines 0901 through 0903 plus 0998) (Line 9, above) 37,955 24,936 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1501. 1502. 1503. 1598. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 15 from overflow page 1599. Totals (Lines 1501 through 1503 plus 0998) (Line 15, above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Includes $3,363,730 accrual of discount less $1,452,671 amortization of premium and less $3,600,702 paid for accrued interest on purchases. (b) Includes $ accrual of discount less $ amortization of premium ------ -------- and less $ paid for accrued dividends on purchases. ------ (c) Includes $ accrual of discount less $ amortization of premium ------ -------- and less $ paid for accrued interest on purchases. ------ (d) Includes $ for company's occupancy of its own buildings; and excludes ------ $ interest on encumbrances. ------- (e) Includes $ 134,739 accrual of discount less $1,478 amortization of premium and less $911 paid for accrued interest on purchases. (f) Includes $ ------ accrual of discount less $ amortization of premium. -------- (g) Includes $ investment expenses and $ investment taxes, ------- -------- licenses and fees, excluding federal income taxes, attributable to segregated and Separate Accounts. (h) Includes $ interest on surplus notes and $ interest on ------ -------- capital notes. (i) Includes $ depreciation on real estate and $ depreciation on ------ -------- other invested assets. EXHIBIT OF CAPITAL GAINS (LOSSES) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 Net Gain (Loss) from Realized Increases Change in Difference Gain (Loss) Other (Decreases) Between Basis Book/ On Sales or Realized by Adjusted Carrying and Maturity Adjustments Adjustment Admitted Values Total - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 U.S. Government bonds 1,084,141 1,084,141 1.1 Bonds exempt U.S. tax 3,602,111 3,602,111 1.2 Other bonds (unaffiliated) (514,339) 711,136 (810,033) (613236) 1.3 Bonds of affiliates 2.1 Preferred stocks (unaffiliated) (2,276,936) (1,416,425) (3,693,361) 2.11 Preferred stocks of affiliates 2.2 Common stocks (unaffiliated) 376,354 376,354 2.21 Common stocks of affiliates 44,424 44,424 3. Mortgage loans 4. Real estate 5. Contract loans 6. Cash/short-term investments (66,419) 597,029 530,610 7. Derivative instruments 8. Other invested assets 9. Aggregate write-ins for investment income 10,757 (10,757) 10. Total gross investment income 2,204,912 1,318,922 (2,192,791) 1,331,043 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 0901. Miscellaneous 10,757 (10,757) 0902. 0903. 0998. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 9 from overflow page 0999. Totals (Lines 0901 through 0903 plus 0998) (Line 9, above) 10,757 (10,757) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. EXHIBIT 1 - ANALYSIS OF NONADMITTED ASSETS AND RELATED ITEMS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Changes for End of Current End of Prior year (increase) Year Year (Decrease) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Summary of items Page 2, Lines 10 to 17 and 19 to 23, Column 2 23,294,982 4,750 (23,290,232) 2. Other Nonadmitted assets: 2.1 Bills receivable 2.2 Furniture, equipment and supplies 2.3 Leasehold improvements 2.4 Loans on personal security, endorsed or not 3. Total (Lines 2.1 to 2.4) 4. Aggregate write-ins for other assets 1,323,608 969,469 (354,139) ----------------------------------------------- 5. Total (Line 1 plus Lines 3 and 4) 24,618,590 974,219 (23,644,371) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0401. Intangibles 666,359 710,783 44,424 0402. Prepaid expenses 645,349 252,500 (392,849) 0403. Receivable - other 11,900 6,186 (5,714) 0498. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 4 from overflow page 0499. Totals (Lines 0401 thru 0403 plus 0498) (Line 4 above) 1,323,608 969,469 (354,139) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies A. Accounting Practices The financial statements of Radian Asset Assurance Inc. (Company) are presented on the basis of accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the New York State Insurance Department. The New York State Insurance Department recognizes only statutory accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the state of New York for determining and reporting the financial condition and results of operations of an insurance company, for determining its solvency under the New York State Insurance Law. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners' (NAIC) Accounting Practices and Procedures manual, version effective January 1, 2001, including subsequent amendments, (NAIC SAP) has been adopted as a component of prescribed or permitted practices by the same of New York. B. Use of Estimates in the Preparation of the Financial Statements The preparation of financial statements in conformity with NAIC SAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities. It also requires disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. C. Accounting Policy Premiums are earned in proportion to the expiration of the related risk over the contract period or over the period that coverage is provided. Unearned premium represents that portion of premium, which is applicable to unexpired risk on policies in force. When insured issues are refunded or called, the remaining unearned premium is generally earned at that time, since the risk to the Company is eliminated. All expenses incurred in the production of business including commissions paid on reinsurance assumed, offset by commissions received on reinsurance ceded, are charged to expense in the period incurred. In addition, the company uses the following accounting principles: (1) Short-term investments are stated at amortized cost. (2) Bonds that qualify are stated at amortized cost using the interest method, all other bonds are valued on the basis adopted by the NAIC. (3) Common Stocks are stated at NAIC value. (4) Preferred stocks are valued on the basis adopted by the NAIC. (5) The Company does not have any mortgage loans on real estate. (6) Loan-backed securities that qualify are stated at amortized cost using the interest method, all other bonds are valued on the basis adopted by the NAIC. The retrospective adjustment method is used to value all securities. (7) The Company owns 95.8% of the common stock, 100% of the non-cumulative senior preferred stock, and 100% of the non-cumulative convertible preferred stock, of Van American Companies, Inc. The Company's aggregate investment is valued at $1, its net worth basis, as described in the NAIC practices and procedures manual of the securities valuation office of the NAIC. The Company owns 100% of the common stock of Asset Recovery Solutions Group Inc. (8) The Company has no investments in joint ventures, partnerships or limited liability companies. (9) The Company has no derivatives. (10) The Company anticipates investment income as a factor in the premium deficiency calculation, in accordance with SSAP No. 53, Property-Casualty Contracts - Premiums. (11) Unpaid losses and loss adjustment expense reserves include an amount determined from individual case estimates and loss reports and an amount, based on past experience, for losses incurred but not reported. These reserves are reported net of estimated salvage and subrogation and reinsurance recoverables. Such reserves are based on assumptions and estimates and while management believes the amount is adequate, the ultimate liability may be in excess of or less than the amount provided. The methods for making such estimates and for establishing the resulting reserves are continually reviewed and any adjustments are reflected in the period determined. In accordance with New York Insurance Law, the Company is required to establish a contingency reserve in the amount prescribed by legislation. Such legislation requires that for financial guaranty policies, each primary insurer must establish a contingency reserve, equal to 14 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS the greater of 50% of premiums written or a stated percentage of the principal guaranteed, ratably over 60 to 80 quarters dependent upon the category of obligation insured. Reinsurers are required to establish a contingency reserve equal to their proportionate share of the reserve established by the primary insurer. 2. Accounting Changes and Corrections of Errors A. Not applicable B. The Company prepares its statutory financial statements in conformity with accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the State of New York. Effective January 1, 2001, the State of New York required that insurance companies domiciled in the State of New York prepare their statutory basis financial statements in accordance with NAIC SAP subject to any deviations prescribed or permitted by the State of New York insurance commissioner. Accounting changes adopted to conform to the provisions of NAIC SAP are reported as changes in accounting principles. The cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles is reported as an adjustment to unassigned funds (surplus) in the period of the change in accounting principle. The cumulative effect is the difference between the amount of capital and surplus at the beginning of the year and the amount of capital and surplus that would have been reported at that date if the new accounting principles had been applied retroactively for all prior levels. As a result of these changes, the Company reported a change of accounting principles, as an adjustment that increased unassigned funds (surplus) by $1,648,572. The adjustment relates to the State of New York's adoption of SSAP 10, Income Taxes, provisions relating to deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities for financial statements required to be filed for periods ending on or after December 31, 2002. 3. Business Combinations and Goodwill On December 30, 1992, Asset Guaranty Reinsurance Company acquired all of the outstanding shares of Vesta American Reinsurance Corporation ("Vesta"), an inactive company holding insurance licenses in 19 states. The purchase price was $5.3 million and, in accordance with purchase accounting, the cost was allocated to the acquired assets and liabilities based on their fair market values at the date of acquisition. The excess of approximately $1 million of cost over the fair value of the net assets acquired, which is attributable to the insurance licenses, is being amortized over 25 years. The amount of amortization of goodwill recorded in both 2002 and 2001 was $44,424. In January 1993, following approval of the New York Insurance Department, Asset Guaranty Reinsurance Company merged into Vesta and the surviving corporation was renamed Asset Guaranty Insurance Company, which has now been renamed Radian Asset Assurance Inc., referred to herein as the Company. 4. Discontinued Operations None 5. Investments A. Mortgage Loans None B. Debt Restructuring None C. Reverse Mortgages None D. Loan-Backed Securities (1) The company has elected to use the book value as of January 1, 1994 as the cost for applying the retrospective adjustment method to securities purchased prior that date. (2) Prepayment assumptions for single class and multi-class mortgage-backed/asset-backed securities were obtained from Bloomberg L.P. (3) The Company used Interactive Data Corporation in determining the market value of its loan-backed securities. (4) Not applicable. E. Repurchase Agreements None 14.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6. Joint Ventures, Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies None 7. Investment Income There was no interest income due and accrued, which was excluded (nonadmitted). 8. Derivative Instruments None 9. Income Taxes During 2002, the State of New York adopted SSAP 10, Income Taxes, provisions relating to deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities for financial statements required to be filed for periods ending on or after December 31, 2002. As a result of these changes, the Company reported a change of accounting principles, as an adjustment that increased unassigned funds (surplus) by $1,648,572. A. The components of the net DTA recognized in the Company's Assets, Liabilities, Surplus and Other Funds are as follows: December 31, 2002 ----------------- Total of all deferred tax assets (admitted and nonadmitted) $ 25,166,485 Total of all deferred tax liabilities (356,013) Total deferred tax assets nonadmitted in accordance with SSAP No. 10, Income Taxes (23,279,312) ------------ Total deferred taxes $ 1,531,160 ------------ (Increase)/Decrease in nonadmitted asset $(23,279,312) ============ B. Deferred tax liabilities not recognized - Not Applicable C. The provisions for incurred taxes on earnings for the years ended December 31 are: 2002 2001 ----------- ---------- Federal $11,418,076 $3,399,030 Foreign 10,670 6,772 ----------- ---------- 11,428,746 3,405,802 Federal income tax on net capital gains (losses) 796,786 1,341,970 ----------- ---------- Current income taxes incurred $12,225,532 $4,747,772 =========== ========== The main components of the 2002 deferred tax amounts are as follows: Statutory Tax Difference Tax effect ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------ Deferred tax assets: Contingency reserve $ (39,272,402) $ -- $39,272,402 $ 13,745,341 Unearned premium reserve (233,700,716) (207,889,441) 25,811,275 9,033,946 Unpaid losses & LAE (50,452,911) (47,989,576) 2,463,335 862,167 Stocks (common & preferred) 25,756,558 28,212,670 2,456,112 859,639 AMT Credits -- 516,261 516,261 516,261 Accrued Expenses (529,620) (103,534) 426,086 149,131 ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------ Total deferred tax assets (298,199,091) (227,253,620) 70,945,471 25,166,485 ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------ Deferred tax assets - nonadmitted (23,279,312) Deferred tax liabilities: ------------ Bonds 551,400,317 550,383,136 (1,017,181) (356,013) ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------ Total deferred tax liabilities $ 551,400,317 $ 550,383,136 $(1,017,181) (356,013) ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------ Net admitted deferred tax asset $ 1,531,160 ============ 14.2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The changes in the main components of deferred tax assets and deferred taxes liabilities are as follows: 2002 2001 Change ------------ ---- ------------ DTA's resulting from book/tax differences in: Contingency reserve $ 13,745,341 -- $ 13,745,341 Unearned premium reserve 9,033,946 -- 9,033,946 Unpaid losses & LAE 862,167 -- 862,167 Stocks (common & preferred) 859,639 -- 859,639 AMT Credits 516,261 -- 516,261 Accrued Expenses 149,131 -- 149,131 ------------ ---- ------------ Total deferred tax assets 25,166,485 -- 25,166,485 ------------ ---- ------------ Deferred tax assets nonadmitted (23,279,312) -- (23,279,312) ------------ ---- ------------ DTL's resulting from the book/tax differences in: Bonds (356,013) -- (356,013) ------------ ---- ------------ Total deferred tax liabilities $ (356,013) -- $ (356,013) ------------ ---- ------------ D. Among the more significant book to tax adjustments were the following: Amount Tax-effect ------------ ------------ Income before taxes $ 45,595,459 $15,958,411 Tax exempt income, net of (S)832(b)(5)(B) propration adj. (12,045,206) (4,215,822) Deferred market discount on bonds (1,489,129) (521,195) Unpaid loss reserves 492,135 172,247 Unearned premium reserve 7,645,838 2,676,043 Other 213,570 74,750 ------------ ----------- Taxable Income $ 40,412,667 14,144,433 ------------ ----------- Benefit (charge) of tax and loss bonds (4,771,504) AMT Credits used (197,575) Prior-year book/tax adjustments 3,039,508 Foreign taxes incurred 10,670 ----------- Current income taxes incurred $12,225,532 =========== E. Net Loss Carryforwards - Not Applicable F. The Company's Federal Income Tax return in consolidated with the following entities: AG Intermediaries, Inc. Alegis Corporation, Inc. Alegis Group, Inc. Amerin Guaranty, Inc. Amerin Investor Services Corp. Amerin RE Corporation C-BASS, Inc. CMAC Investment Management Corp. CMAC of Arizona CMAC of Texas Credit2B.com, Inc. Enhance C-BASS Residual Finance Corp. Enhance Consumer Services LLC Enhance Financial Services Group, Inc. ExpressClose.com, Inc. Guaranty Risk Services, Inc. LLS, Inc. Radian Group, Inc. Radian Guaranty, Inc. Radian Insurance, Inc. Radian Reinsurance (Bermuda) Limited Radian Reinsurance Co. Radian Reinsurance Inc. Radian Services, Inc. Singer Asset Finance Company, LLC Van-American Business Services, Inc. 14.3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Van-American Companies, Inc. Van-American Insurance Agency, Inc. Van-American Insurance Company, Inc. Vantage Coal Sales, Inc. The method of allocation between companies is subject to a written agreement, approved by the Board of Directors. Allocation is based upon separate return calculations with current credit for net losses. Intercompany tax balances are settled on a quarterly basis within 30-days following a federal tax payment. 10. Information Concerning Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates A. All the outstanding shares of the Company are directly owned and controlled by Enhance Financial Services Group Inc. (Parent), a holding company domicilied in the State of New York. All the outstanding shares of the Parent are directly owned and controlled by Radian, a holding company domiciled in the State of Delaware. B.&C. No dividends were paid to the Parent during 2002. The Company paid common stock dividends to the Parent in 2001, totaling $5,000,000. The Parent contributed capital of $150,000,004 and $25,000,000 during 2002 and 2001 respectively. D. At December 31, 2002 and 2001, the Company reported a net payable to Parent, subsidiaries and affiliates of $2,200,040 and $5,100,071, respectively. The terms of the settlement require that these amounts are settled within 90 days. E. The Company has no guarantees for the benefit of its Parent or affiliates. F. Allocable expenses are shared by the Company, its Parent and certain of the Parent's other wholly-owned and affiliated companies on a fair and equitable basis determined by estimates of respective usage. G. All outstanding shares of the Company are owned by the Parent. H. The Company owns no shares of the stock of its Parent, or ultimate parent Radian. I. The Company has no investment in its' affiliates which exceeds 10% of the Company's admitted assets. J. The Company had no impairment write-downs. 11. Debt A. Capital Notes None B. All Other Debt None 12. Retirement Plans, Deferred Compensation, Postemployment Benefits and Compensated Absences and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans The Company is an affiliate of Radian Reinsurance Inc. (Radian Reinsurance) which maintained non-contributory defined benefit pension plans, including a non-qualified restoration plan, for the benefit of all eligible employees. A request for termination of the pension plans has been submitted to the Internal Revenue Service for determination. Company employees will be eligible to participate in a pension plan sponsored by Radian. In addition, the Company provides certain other postretirement benefits to retired employees through a plan sponsored by Radian Reinsurance. Post retirement benefits are being curtailed by discontinuing the benefit eligibility for all participants hired after February 1990. The Company has no legal obligation for benefits under these plans. Radian Reinsurance allocates amounts to the Company based on time studies. The Company's share of (income)/expense for the pension plans was $(3,676,085) and $1,680,999 for 2002 and 2001, respectively and for other postretirement benefit plans was $(330,690) and $196,308 for 2002 and 2001, respectively. Radian Reinsurance sponsors a 401(k) retirement savings plan covering substantially all of its employees. Under this plan, Radian Reinsurance provides a matching contribution of 50% on contributions up to 6% of base salary made to the plan by eligible employees. The Company's allocated cost, was $98,183 and $166,711 for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively. Commencing, January 1, 2003, Radian Reinsurance will terminate its current 401(k) plan and participate in a 401(k) plan sponsored by Radian. Under the new plan, Radian will provide a matching contribution of 25% on contributions up to 6% of base salary made to the plan by eligible employees. In addition, Radian may at its discretion provide additional matching based on Radian achieving financial goals. The Company participates in Radian's Stock Option Plan for certain key employees of the Company. Under the Stock Option Plan, additional options may be granted for 2,642,690 shares of Radian's common stock. Nonqualified stock option prices must be at least 90% of the fair market value while incentive stock option prices may not be less than 100% of the fair market value as of the date of the grants. The stock options were granted 14.4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANT INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS during the years 1992 through 2002. As of December 31, 2002, 4,901,887 shares of Radian's common stock were subject to options granted under the Stock Option Plan with option prices ranging from $4.97 to $68.1818. During 2002, 881,170 shares of Radian's common stock were exercised under options subject to the Stock Option Plan with option prices ranging from $4.50 to $38.6364 and with fair value prices ranging from $33.14 to $55.4114. 13. Capital and Surplus, Dividend Restrictions and Quasi-Reorganizations. (1) The Company has 100,000 shares of Common Stock authorized, issued and outstanding with a par value of $150 per share. (2) The Company has no preferred stock outstanding. (3) Under the New York Insurance Law, the Company may declare or distribute dividends only from earned surplus. The Maximum amount of dividends, which may be paid by the Company without prior approval of the Superintendent of Insurance, is the lesser of net investment income as adjusted or 10% of statutory surplus to policyholders. At December 31, 2002, the Company had $30,946,000 available for dividend distribution. However in conjunction with the acquisition of the Parent by Radian on February 28, 2001, the Company is prohibited from paying dividends for a period of two years from the date of acquisition without prior written consent of the Insurance Department of the State of New York. (4) Except for the limitation of (3) above, there are no restrictions placed on the portion of Company profits that may be paid as ordinary dividends to stockholders. (5) There were no restrictions placed on the Company's surplus. (6) There are no surplus advances. (7) The amount of stock held by the Company, including stock of affiliated companies, for special purpose is: a. For conversion of preferred stock : None b. For employee stock options: None c. For stock purchase warrants: None (8) There are no special surplus funds. (9) The portion of unassigned funds (surplus) represented or (reduced) by each item below is as follows: a. unrealized gains and (losses): ($,1658,035) b. nonadmitted asset values: ($24,618,590) c. provision for reinsurance: ($284,110) (10) The Company has no surplus debentures or similar obligations. (11) Quasi-reorganizations None (12) There have been no quasi-reorganizations. 14. Contingencies A. According to the terms of some of the Company's treaty reinsurance contracts, the Company shall pay the ceding company contingent commission based upon a percentage of the net underwriting profit, as defined in the contracts, accruing to the company under these treaties. Under the terms of most of these contracts, each individual underwriting year shall be adjusted no sooner than five years after its inception and adjustments are to be made annually thereafter until all written premiums are fully earned and all losses are settled. The Company has posted letters of credit aggregating $5,718,217 pertaining to assumed reinsurance contracts. B. None C. None D. Various lawsuits against the Company have arisen in the course of the Company's business. Contingent liabilities arising from litigation are not considered material in relation to the financial position of the Company. 14.5 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 15. Leases None 16. Information About Financial Instruments With Off-balance Sheet Risk And Financial Instruments With Concentration of Credit Risk. None 17. Sale, Transfer and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities. None 18. Gain or Loss to the Reporting Entity from Uninsured A&H Plans and the Uninsured Portion of Partially Insured Plans None 19. Direct Premium Written/Produced by Managing General Agents/Third Party Administrators. None 20. Other Items A. Extraordinary Items None B. Troubled Debt Restructuring Debtors None C. Other Disclosurers Assets in the amount of $8,012,296 and $4,838,489 at December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively, were on deposit with government authorities or trustees as required by law or contract. The claims-paying ability of the Company is rated AA by Standard & Poor's Corporation and AA by Fitch ratings, based on the assessment by these ratings services of the creditworthiness of the Company. As a result of these ratings, bond issues insured by the Company typically attain strong yield improvement allowing borrowers to realize a significantly lower cost of capital. The Company's creditworthiness is a function of the level of paid-in capital, as well as other quantitative and qualitative considerations. In February 2001, the Company entered into a 7 year credit agreement (extendible annually for additional one year periods) with the New York branch of a major European bank, pursuant to which the Company may borrow up to $25 million in order to satisfy certain claims which become payable by the Company under its municipal direct insurance portfolio in excess of a special amount. The Company's obligation to repay amounts borrowed thereunder is limited to amounts received or receivable by the Company or the banks from premium payments or recoveries in respect of such insurance portfolio. This agreement was terminated in October 2002. D. Uncollectible Balances None E. Reinsurance Accounted for as a Deposit (P/C and Title companies only) None F. Multiple Peril Crop Insurance None G. Mezzanine Real Estate Loans None H. Health Care Receivables None I. September 11 Events Not applicable 14.6 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS J. Real Estate None K. Participating Policies None L. Premium Deficiency Reserves As of December 31, 2002, the Company had no recorded liabilities related to premium deficiency reserves. The Company anticipates investment income as a factor in the premium deficiency calculation. M. Noncash Transactions None N. Business Interruption Insurance Reserves None 21. Events Subsequent None 22. Reinsurance A. Unsecured Reinsurance Recoverables The Company has an unsecured reinsurance recoverable that exceeds 3% of the Company's policyholders surplus. Such recoverable, approximating $17,914,000 is due from its affiliate, Radian Reinsurance, NAIC Group # 0766; NAIC # 27545; FEIN 13-3371658. B. Reinsurance Recoverable in Dispute None C. Reinsurance Assumed and Ceded (1) ASSUMED CEDED REINSURANCE REINSURANCE NET ------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------- (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Premium Commission Premium Commission Premium Commission Reserve Equity Reserve Equity Reserve Equity ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- a. Affilates $11,127,350 $ 3,338,205 $18,899,993 $5,669,997 (7,772,643) ($2,331,792) b. All Other 24,949,375 9,285,648 1,654,152 1,523,953 23,295,223 7,761,695 c. TOTAL $36,076,725 $12,623,853 $20,554,145 $7,193,950 $15,522,580 $5,429,903 d. Direct Unearned Premium Reserve $218,178,136 (2) The additional or return commission, predicated on loss experience or on any other form of profit sharing arrangements in this annual statement as a result of existing contractual arrangements are accrued as follows: REINSURANCE --------------------------------- (1) (2) (3) (4) Direct Assumed Ceded Net ------ ------- ----- ------ a. Contigent Commission $3,253 $3,253 b. Sliding Scale Adjustments c. Other profit Commissions Arrangements d. TOTAL $3,253 $3,253 D. Uncollectible Reinsurance 14.7 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS None E. Commutation of Ceded Reinsurance None F. Retroactive Reinsurance None 23. Retrospectively Rated Contracts None 24. Change in Incurred Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses Reserves of incurred losses and loss adjustment expenses attributable to insured events of prior years has increased by $6,555,000 as a result of reestimation of unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses principally on the Financial Guranty and Credit lines of insurance. These increases were primarily the result of obtaining additional information. Original estimates are increased or decreased as additional information becomes known. Additional premiums have been accrued as a result of the prior year effects. 25. Intercompany Pooling Arrangements None 26. Structured Settlements None 27. High Deductibles None 28. Discounting of Liabilities for Unpaid Losses or Unpaid Loss Adjustment Expenses Financial Guranty unpaid loses have been discounted on a nontabular basis using the rate of 4.10% and 4.95% for 2002 and 2001 respectively. The discount rate used is based upon the average rate of return on the admitted assets as defined in NAIC SAP. The amount of the discount as of December 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001 is $450,912 and $772,229 respectively. Nontabular Discount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nontabular Discount ------------------------------------------ (1) (2) (3) (4) Defense & Cost Adjusting & Containment Other Schedule P Lines of Business Case IBNR Expense Expense --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21. Financial Guaranty/Mortgage Guaranty 450,912 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22. Total 450,912 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rates used to discount Financial Guaranty unpaid losses at December 31, 2002 have changed from the rates used at December 31, 2001. Had the December 31, 2002 unpaid losses been discounted at the rates used at December 31, 2001, the amount of discount would be $541,641. The reduction in the discount due to the change in rates is $90,729. 29. Asbestos/Environmental Reserves None 30. Subscriber Savings Accounts None 14.8 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31. Financial Guaranty Insurance Exposures The Company's aggregate exposure under all Class 1 financial guaranty bonds in force as of December 31, 2002 was approximately $15,401,000,000. Class 1 financial guaranty bonds covering the same credit risk in which the maximum annual amount due for unpaid principal and unpaid interest exceeds 10% of December 31, 2002 capital and surplus are summarized as follows: Ratio No. of Bonds Annual Amount ----- ------------ ------------- 10-19% 2 $77,835,320 20-29% 1 $76,976,498 30-39% 0 $ 0 40-49% 0 $ 0 50% and Over 0 $ 0 The Company's aggregate exposure under all Class 2 financial guaranty bonds in force as of December 31, 2002 was approximately $6,680,000,000. Class 2 financial guaranty bonds covering the same credit risk in which the maximum annual amount due for unpaid principal and unpaid interest exceeds 5% of December 31, 2002 capital and surplus are summarized as follows: Ratio No. of Bonds Annual Amount ----- ------------ ------------- 05-09% 16 $ 340,050,739 10-19% 16 $ 719,364,288 20-29% 8 $ 660,125,484 30-39% 10 $1,085,679,413 40-49% 3 $ 406,000,000 50% and Over 11 $2,603,494,830 The Company's aggregate exposure under all Class 3 and 4 financial guaranty bonds in force as of December 31, 2002 was $0. There were no class 3 or 4 financial guaranty bonds covering the same credit risk in which the aggregate exposure exceeds 5% of December 31, 2002 capital and surplus. 14.9 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SUMMARY INVESTMENT SCHEDULE Admitted Assets as Reported Gross in the Investment Holdings Annual Statement ------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 Investment Categories Amount Percentage Amount Percentage - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bonds 1.1 U.S. Treasury securities 37,199,011 5.976 37,199,011 5.976 1.2 U.S. government agency and corporate obligations (excluding mortgage-backed securities): 1.21 Issued by U.S. government agencies 1.22 Issued by U.S. government sponsored agencies 1.3 Foreign government (including Canada, excluding mortgaged-backed securities) 6,627,855 1.065 6,627,855 1.065 1.4 Securities issued by states, territories, and possessions and political subdivisions in the U.S.: 1.41 States, territories and possessions general obligations 97,446,888 15.654 97,446,888 15.654 1.42 Political subdivisions of states, territories and possessions and political subdivisions general obligations 31,697,503 5.092 31,697,503 5.092 1.43 Revenue and assessment obligations 196,452,395 31.559 196,452,395 31.559 1.44 Industrial development and similar obligations 1.5 Mortgage-backed securities (includes residential and commercial MBS): 1.51 Pass-through securities: 1.511 Guaranteed by GNMA 3,671,719 0.590 3,671,719 0.590 1.512 Issued by FNMA and FHLMC 48,776,757 7.836 48,776,757 7.836 1.513 Privately issued 1.52 CMOs and REMICs: 1.521 Issued by FNMA and FHLMC 1.522 Privately issued and collateralized by MBS issued or guaranteed by GNMA, FNMA, or FHLMC 1.523 All other privately issued 3,469,864 0.557 3,469,864 0.557 2. Other debt and other fixed income securities (excluding short-term): 2.1 Unaffiliated domestic securities (includes credit tenant loans rated by the SVO) 110,538,268 17.757 110,538,268 17.757 2.2 Unaffiliated foreign securities 14,631,439 2.350 14,631,439 2.350 2.3 Affiliated securities 3. Equity interests: 3.1 Investments in mutual funds 3.2 Preferred stocks: 3.21 Affiliated 3.22 Unaffiliated 24,584,908 3.949 24,584,908 3.949 3.3 Publicly traded equity securities (excluding preferred stocks): 3.31 Affiliated 3.32 Unaffiliated 3.4 Other equity securities: 3.41 Affiliated 3,001 0.000 3,001 0.000 3.42 Unaffiliated 1,153,246 0.185 1,153,246 0.185 3.5 Other equity interests including tangible personal property under lease: 3.51 Affiliated 3.52 Unaffiliated 4. Mortgage loans: 4.1 Construction and land development 4.2 Agricultural 4.3 Single family residential properties 4.4 Multifamily residential properties 4.5 Commercial loans 5. Real estate investments: 5.1 Property occupied by the company 5.2 Property held for the production of income (includes $ of property acquired in satisfaction of debt) __________ 5.3 Property held for sale ($ including property acquired _________ in satisfaction of debt) 6. Policy loans 7. Receivables for securities 149,000 0.024 149,000 0.024 8. Cash and short-term investments 46,100,403 7.406 46,100,403 7.406 9. Other invested assets ----------- ------ ----------- ------ 10. Total invested assets 622,502,257 100.00 622,502,257 100.00 ----------- ------ ----------- ------ 15 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES PART 1 - COMMON INTERROGATORIES GENERAL 1.1 Is the reporting entity a member of an Insurance Holding Company System consisting of two or more affiliated persons, one or more of which is an insurer? Yes [X] No [ ] 1.2 If yes, did the reporting entity register and file with its domiciliary State Insurance Commissioner, Director or Superintendent, or with such regulatory official of the state of domicile of the principal insurer in the Holding Company System, a registration statement providing disclosure substantially similar to the standards adopted by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) in its Model Insurance Holding Company System Regulatory Act and model regulations pertaining thereto, or is the reporting entity subject to standards and disclosure requirements substantially similar to those required by such Act and regulations? Yes [X] No [ ] NA [ ] 1.3 State Regulating? New York 2.1 Has any change been made during the year of this statement in the charter, by-laws, articles of incorporation, or deed of settlement of the reporting entity? Yes [X] No [ ] 2.2 If yes, date of change: 01/01/2002 If not previously filed, furnish herewith a certified copy of the instrument as amended. 3.1 State as of what date the latest financial examination of the reporting entity was made or is being made. 12/31/1999 3.2 State the as of date that the latest financial examination report became available from either the state of domicile or the reporting entity. This date should be the date of the examined balance sheet and not the date the report was completed or released. 12/31/1999 3.3 State as of what date the latest financial examination report became available to other states or the public from either the state of domicile or the reporting entity. This is the release date or completion date of the examination report and not the date of the examination (balance sheet date). 05/31/2002 3.4 By what department or departments? New York State Insurance Department 4.1 During the period covered by this statement, did any agent, broker, sales representative, non-affiliated sales/service organization or any combination thereof under common control (other than salaried employees of the reporting entity), receive credit or commissions for or control a substantial part (more than 29 percent of any major line of business measured on direct premiums) of: 4.11 sales of new business? Yes [ ] No [X] 4.12 renewals? Yes [ ] No [X] 4.2 During the period covered by this statement, did any sales/service organization owned in whole or in part by the reporting entity or an affiliate, receive credit or commissions for or control a substantial part (more than 20 percent of any major line of business measured on direct premiums) of: 4.21 sales of new business? Yes [ ] No [X] 4.22 renewals? Yes [ ] No [X] 5.1 Has the reporting entity been a party to a merger or consolidation during the period covered by this statement? Yes [ ] No [X] 5.2 If yes, provide the name of the entity, NAIC Company Code, and state of domicile (use two letter state abbreviation) for any entity that has ceased to exist as a result of the merger or consolidation. 1 2 3 Name of Entity NAIC Company Code State of Domicile -------------- ----------------- ----------------- 6.1 Has the reporting entity has any Certificates of Authority, licenses or registrations (including corporate registration, if applicable) suspended or revoked by any governmental entity during the reporting period? (You need not report an action, either formal or informal, if a confidentiality clause is part of the agreement) Yes [ ] No [X] 6.2 If yes, give full information: -------------------------------------------- 7.1 Does any foreign (non-United States) person or entity directly or indirectly control 10% or more of the reporting entity? Yes [ ] No [X] 7.2 If yes, 7.21 States the percentage of foreign control; 7.22 States the nationality(s) of the foreign person(s) or entity(s) or if the entity is a mutual or reciprocal, the nationality of its manager or attorney in fact; and identify the type of entity(s) (e.g., individual, corporation or government, manager or attorney in fact). 1 2 Nationality Type of Entity ----------- -------------- 16 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES (continued) 8 What is the name and address of the independent certified public accountant or accounting firm retained to conduct the annual audit? Deloitte & Touche LLP, 1700 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 9. What is the name, address and affiliation (officer/employee of the reporting entity or actuary/consultant associated with a(n) actuarial consulting firm) of the individual providing the statement of actuarial opinion/certification? Robert S. Miccolis, Senior Practice Leader, Deloitte & Touche LLP, 1700 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 10. FOR UNITED STATES BRANCHES OF ALIEN REPORTING ENTITIES ONLY: 10.1 What changes have been made during the year in the United States Manager or the United States Trustees of the reporting entity? 10.2 Does this statement contain all business transacted for the reporting entity through its United States Branch on risks wherever located? Yes [ ] No [ ] 10.3 Have there been any changes made to any of the trust indentures during the year? Yes [ ] No [ ] 10.4 If answer to (10.3) is yes, has the domiciliary or entry state approved the changes? Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] BOARD OF DIRECTORS 11. Is the purchase or sale of all investments of the reporting entity passed upon either by the Board of Directors or a subordinate committee thereof? Yes [X] No [ ] 12. Does the reporting entity keep a complete permanent record of the proceedings of its Board of Directors and all subordinate committees thereof? Yes [X] No [ ] 13. Has the reporting entity an established procedure for disclosure to its board of directors or trustees of any material interest or affiliation on the part of any of its officers, directors, trustees or responsible employees which is in or likely to conflict with the official duties of such person? Yes [X] No [ ] FINANCIAL 14.1 Total amount loaned during the year (inclusive of Separate Accounts, exclusive of policy loan): 4.11 To directors or other officers $ ---------------------- 4.12 To stockholders not officers $ ---------------------- 14.13 Trustees, supreme or grand (Fraternaal only) $ ---------------------- 14.2 Total amount of loans outstanding at end of year (inclusive of Separate Accounts, exclusive of policy loans): 14.21 To directors or other officers $ ---------------------- 14.22 To stockholders not officers $ ---------------------- 14.23 Trustees, supreme or grand (Fraternal only) $ ---------------------- 15.1 Were any of the assets reported in this statement subject to a contractual obligation to transfer to another party without the liability for such obligation being reported in this statement? Yes [ ] No [X] 15.2 If yes, state the amount thereof at December 31 of the current year: 15.21 Rented from others $ ---------------------- 15.22 Borrowed from others $ ---------------------- 15.23 Leased from others $ ---------------------- 15.24 Other $ ---------------------- Disclose in Notes to Financial Statements the nature of each of these obligations. 16.1 Does this statement include payments for assessments as described in the Annual Statement Instructions other than guaranty fund or guaranty association assessments? Yes [ ] No [X] 16.2 If answer is yes, 16.21 Amount paid as losses or risk adjustment $ ---------------------- 16.22 Amount paid as expenses $ ---------------------- 16.23 Other amounts paid $ ---------------------- 17 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES (continued) INVESTMENT 1.7 List the following capital stock information for the reporting entity: - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of Shares Number of Shares Redemption Price Is Dividend Rate Are Dividends Class Authorized Outstanding Par Value Per Share if Callable Limited? Cumulative? - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes No Yes No Preferred [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Common 100,000 100,000 150,000 xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 18.1. Were all the stocks, bonds and other securities owned December 31 of current year, over which the reporting entity has exclusive control, in the actual possession of the reporting entity on said data, except as shown by Schedule E - Part 2 - Special Deposits? Yes [X] No [ ] 18.2 If no, give full and complete information relating thereto: 19.1 Were any of the stocks, bonds or other assets of the reporting entity owned at December 31 of the current year not exclusively under the control of the reporting entity, except as shown on the Schedule E - Part 2 - Special Deposits; or has the reporting entity sold or transferred any assets subject to a put option contract that is currently in force? (Exclude securities subject to Interrogatory 15.1) Yes [X] No [ ] 19.2 If yes, state the amount thereof at December 31 of the current year: 19.21 Loaned to others $ ----------- 19.22 Subject to repurchase agreements $ ----------- 19.23 Subject to reverse repurchase agreements $ ----------- 19.4 Subject to dollar repurchase agreements $ ----------- 19.25 Subject to reverse dollar repurchase agreements $ ----------- 19.26 Paged as collateral $ ----------- 19.27 Placed under option agreements $ ----------- 19.28 Letter stock or other securities resticted as to sale $ ----------- 19.29 Other $ 11,210,876 19.3 For each category above, if any of these assets are held by others, identify by whom held: 19.31 ----------------------------------- 19.32 ----------------------------------- 19.33 ----------------------------------- 19.34 ----------------------------------- 19.35 ----------------------------------- 19.36 ----------------------------------- 19.37 ----------------------------------- 19.38 ----------------------------------- 19.39 Maple Bank GMBH For categories (19.21) and (19.23) above, and for any other securities that were made available for use by another person during the period covered by this statement, attach a schedule as shown in the instructions to the annual statement. 19.4 For category (19.28) provide the following: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Nature of Restriction Desciption Amount - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20.1 Does the reporting entity have any hedging transactions reported on Schedule DB? Yes [ ] No [X] 20.2 If yes, has a comprehensive description of the hedging program been made available to the domiciliary state? Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] If no, attach a description with this statement. 21.1 Were any preferred stocks or bonds owned as of December 31 of the current year mandatorily convertible into equity, or, at the option of the issuer, convertible into equity? Yes [X] No [ ] 21.2. If yes, state the amount thereof at December 31 of the current year. $12,348,393 22. Excluding items in Schedule E, real estate, mortgage loans and investments held physically in the reporting entity's offices, vaults or safety deposit boxes, were all stocks, bonds and other securities, owned throughout the current year held pursuant to a custodial agreement with a qualified bank or trust company in accordance with Part 1-General, Section IV.H-Custodial or Safekeeping Agreements of the NAIC Financial Condition Examiners Handbook? Yes [X] No [ ] 22.01 For agreements that comply with the requirements of the NAIC Financial Condition Examiners Handbook, complete the following: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Name of Custodian(s) Custodian's Address - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State Street Bank and Trust Company N. A 61 Broadway, New York, NY 1006 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN GUARANTY INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES (continued) INVESTMENT 22.02 For all agreements that do not comply with the requirements of the NAIC Financial Condition Examiners Handbook, provide the name, location and a complete explanation: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Name(s) Location(s) Complete Explanation(s) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22.03 Have there been any changes, including name changes, in the custodian(s) identified in 22.01 during the current year? Yes [ ] No [X] 22.04 If yes, give full and complete information relating thereto: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Old Custodian New Custodian Date of Change Reason - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22.05 Identify all investment advisors, brokers/dealers or individuals acting on behalf of broker/dealers that have access to the investment accounts, handle securities and have authority to make investments on behalf of the reporting entity: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Central Registration Depository Number(s) Name Address - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110391 Lord Abbett & Co. LLC 90 Hudson Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 113972 Standish Mellon Asset Management Company LLC One Financial Center, Boston MA 02111 106595 Wellington Management Company, LLP 75 State Street, Boston BA 02109 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER 23.1 Amount of payments to Trade Associations, Service Organizations and Statistical or Rating Bureaus, if any? $685,114 23.2 List the name of the organization and the amount paid if any such payment represented 25% or more of the total payments to Trade Associations, Service Organizations and Statistical or Rating Bureaus during the period covered by this statement. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Name Amount Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard & Poor's Corp $378,957 Moody's Investors Service $210,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24.1 Amount of payments for legal expenses, if any? $1,349,006 24.2 List the name of the firm and the amount paid if any such payment represented 25% or more of the total payments for legal expenses during the period covered by this statement. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Name Amount Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dewey Ballantine LLP $871,159 $ ------- $ ------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25.1 Amount of payments for expenditures in connection with matters before legislative bodies, officers or departments of government, if any? $ ------- 25.2 List the name of the firm and the amount paid if any such payment represented 25% or more of the total payment expenditures in connection with matters before legislative bodies, officers or departments of government during the period covered by this statement. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Name Amount Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ --------- $ --------- $ --------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES (continued) PART 2 - PROPERTY & CASUALTY INTERROGATORIES 1.1 Does the reporting entity have any direct Medicare Supplement Insurance in force? Yes [ ] No [X] 1.2 If yes, indicate premium earned on U.S. business only $ -------------------- 1.3 What portion of Item (1.2) is not reported on the Medicare Supplement Insurance Experience Exhibit? $ -------------------- 1.31 Reason for excluding 1.4 Indicate amount of earned premium attributable to Canadian and/or Other Alien not included in Item (1.2) above. $ -------------------- 1.5 Indicate total incurred claims on all Medicare Supplement Insurance. $ -------------------- 1.6 Individual policies: Most current three years: 1.61 Total premium earned $ -------------------- 1.62 Total incurred claims $ -------------------- 1.63 Number of covered lives $ -------------------- All years prior to most current three years: 1.64 Total premium earned $ -------------------- 1.65 Total incurred claims $ -------------------- 1.66 Number of covered lives $ -------------------- 1.7 Group policies: Most current three years: 1.71 Total premium earned $ -------------------- 1.72 Total incurred claims $ -------------------- 1.73 Number of covered lives $ -------------------- All years prior to most current three years: 1.74 Total premium earned $ -------------------- 1.75 Total incurred claims $ -------------------- 1.76 Number of covered lives $ -------------------- 2.1 Does the reporting entity issue both participating and non participating policies? Yes [ ] No [X] 2.2 If yes, state the amount of calendar year net premiums written on: 2.21 Participating policies $ -------------------- 2.22 Non participating policies $ -------------------- 3. For Mutual Reporting Entities and Reciprocal Exchanges Only: 3.1 Does the reporting entity issue assessable policies? Yes [ ] No [ ] 3.2 Does the reporting entity issue non assessable policies? Yes [ ] No [ ] 3.3 If assessable policies are issued, what is the extent of the contingent liability of the policyholders? % ------------------- 3.4 Total amount of assessments paid or ordered to be paid during the year on deposit notes or contingent premiums? $ -------------------- 4. For Reciprocal Exchanges Only: 4.1 Does the Exchange appoint local agents? Yes [ ] No [ ] 4.2 If yes, is the commission paid: 4.21 Out of Attorney's in fact compensation Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] 4.22 As a direct expense of the Exchange Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] 4.3 What expenses of the Exchange are not paid out of the compensation of the Attorney-in-fact? 4.4 Has any Attorney-in-fact compensation, contingent on fulfillment of certain conditions, been deferred? Yes [ ] No [ ] 4.5 If yes, give full information ---------------------------------------------- 5.1 What provision has this reporting entity made to protect itself from an excessive loss in the event of a catastrophe under a workers' compensation contract issued without limit of loss? The Company is a monoline financial guaranty insurer and as such it does not write workers' compensation insurance. 5.2 Describe the method used to estimate this reporting entity's probable maximum insurance loss, and identify the type of insured exposures comprising that probable maximum loss, the locations of concentrations of those exposures and the external resources (such as consulting firms or computer software models), if any, used in the estimation process. The Company estimates its probable maximum loss based on accepted industry standard approaches for Financial Guaranty. All monoline financial guaranty companies are rated by at least two of the largest Rating Agencies (S&P, Moody's and Fitch). These Rating Agencies use financial and exposure models to test the adequacy of our capital in a severe "stressed" environment. These models use either scenario testing or simulation to calculate a worst- case scenario - a "probable maximum loss" for our financial guaranty exposures in the United States and Internationally - and to measure our ability to emerge from such an event with positive capital and surplus remaining. Satisfying the capital requirements of these models is critical to our financial credit rating. 5.3 What provision has this reporting entity made (such as a catastrophic reinsurance program) to protect itself from an excessive loss arising from the types and concentrations of insured exposures comprising its probable maximum property insurance loss? The Company is a monoline financial guaranty insurer and as such it does not write property insurance. 5.4 Does the reporting entity carry catastrophe reinsurance protection, with provision for at least one reinstatement, in an amount sufficient to cover its estimated probable maximum loss attributable to a single loss event or occurrence? Yes [ ] No [X] 5.5 If no, describe any arrangements or mechanisms employed by the reporting entity to supplement its catastrophe reinsurance program or to hedge its exposure to unreinsured catastrophic loss. Since the Company is a financial guaranty insurer it is required by the provisions of SSAP No. 60 to set aside contingency reserves for the financial guaranty policies it has issued, to protect against losses due to claims which may result from an economic catastrophe such as a depression. These reserves are in addition to the required loss and loss adjustment reserves. 6.1 Has this reporting entity reinsured any risk with any other entity under a quota share reinsurance contract which includes a provision which would limit the reinsurer's losses below the stated quota share percentage (e.g., a deductible, a loss ratio corridor, a loss ratio cap, an aggregate limit or any similar provision)? Yes [ ] No [X] 6.2 If yes, indicate the number of reinsurance contracts containing such provisions: 20 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES PART 2 - PROPERTY & CASUALTY INTERROGATORIES (continued) 7.1 Has this reporting entity reinsured any risk with any other entity and agreed to release such entity from liability, in whole or in part, from any loss that may occur on the risk, or portion thereof, reinsured? Yes [ ] No [X] 7.2 If yes, give full information ---------------------------------------------- 8. If the reporting entity has assumed risks from another entity, there should be charged on account of such reinsurances a reserve equal to that which the original entity would have been required to charge had it retained the risks. Has this been done? Yes [X] No [ ] NA [ ] 9.1 Has this reporting entity guaranteed policies issued by any other entity and now in force? Yes [ ] No [X] 9.2 If yes, give full information ---------------------------------------------- 10.1 If the reporting entity recorded accrued retrospective premiums on insurance contracts on Line 10.3 of the assets schedule, Page 2, state the amount of corresponding liabilities recorded for: 10.11 Unpaid losses $ -------------------- 10.12 Unpaid underwriting expenses (including loss adjustment expenses) $ -------------------- 10.2 Of the amount on Line 10.3 of the assets schedule, Page 2, state the amount which is secured by letters of credit, collateral and other funds. $ -------------------- 10.3 If the reporting entity underwrites commercial insurance risks, such as workers' compensation are premium or promissory notes accepted from its insureds covering unpaid premiums and/or unpaid losses? Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [X] 10.4 If yes, provide the range of interest rates charged under such notes during the period covered by this statement: 10.41 From % ------------------- 10.42 To % ------------------- 10.5 Are letters of credit or collateral and other funds received from insureds being utilized by the reporting entity to secure premium or promissory notes taken by the reporting entity, or to secure any of the reporting entity's reported direct unpaid loss reserves, including unpaid losses under loss deductible features of commercial policies? Yes [ ] No [X] 10.6 If yes, state the amount thereof at December 31 of the current year: 10.61 Letters of credit $ -------------------- 10.62 Collateral and other funds $ -------------------- 11.1 What amount of installment notes is owned and now held by the reporting entity? $ -------------------- 11.2 Have any of these notes been hypothecated, sold or used in any manner as security for money loaned within the past year? Yes [ ] No [X] 11.3 If yes, what amount? $ -------------------- 12.1 Largest net aggregate amount insured in anyone risk (excluding workers' compensation): $ 30,111,111 12.2 Does any reinsurance contract considered in the calculation of this amount include an aggregate limit of recovery without also including a reinstatement provision? Yes [ ] No [X] 12.3 State the number of reinsurance contracts (excluding individual facultative risk certificates, but including facultative programs, automatic facilities or facultative obligatory contracts) considered in the calculation of this amount. 1 13.1 Has this reporting entity guaranteed any financed premium accounts? Yes [ ] No [X] 13.2 If yes, give full information ---------------------------------------------- 14.1 Does the reporting entity own any securities of a real estate holding company or otherwise hold real estate indirectly? Yes [X] No [ ] 14.11 Name of real estate holding company Windsor Management Inc. 14.12 Number of parcels involved 14.13 Total book/adjusted carrying value $ 3,000 14.2 If yes, provide explanation: The Company has established this entity to own, manage and dispose of residential multifamily real property located in Memphis, Tennessee. During the reporting period, Windsor Management Inc. did not own any real property. 15.1 Does the reporting entity write any warranty business? Yes [ ] No [X] If yes, disclose the following information for each of the following types of warranty coverage: 1 2 3 4 5 Direct Losses Direct Losses Direct Written Direct Premium Direct Premium Incurred Unpaid Premium Unearned Earned ------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 15.11 Home $ $ $ $ $ ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- 15.12 Products $ $ $ $ $ ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- 15.13 Automobile $ $ $ $ $ ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- 15.14 Other* $ $ $ $ $ ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- * Disclose type of coverage: 21 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. FIVE YEAR HISTORICAL DATA Show amounts in whole dollars only, no cents; show percentages to one decimal place, i.e. 17.6. 1 2 3 2002 2001 2000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums Written (Page 8, Part 1B, Cols. 1, 2 & 3) 1. Liability Lines (Lines 11.1, 11.2, 16, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2 & 19.3, 19.4) 2. Property Lines (Lines 1, 2, 9, 12, 21 & 26) 3. Property and Liability Combined Lines (Lines 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 & 27) 4. All Other Lines (Lines 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 28, 29 & 33) 195,530,263 92,003,127 50,513,155 5. Non proportional Reinsurance Lines (Lines 30, 31 & 32) --------------------------------------- 6. Total (Line 34) 195,530,263 92,003,127 50,513,155 Net Premiums Written (Page 8, Part 1B, Col. 6) 7. Liability Lines (Lines 11.1, 11.2, 16, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2 & 19.3, 19.4) 8. Property Lines (Lines 1, 2, 9, 12, 21 & 26) 9. Property and Liability Combined Lines (Lines 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 & 27) 10. All Other Lines (Lines 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 28, 29 & 33) 170,913,577 72,025,186 42,945,674 11. Non-proportional Reinsurance Lines (Lines 30, 31 & 32) --------------------------------------- 12. Total (Line 34) 170,913,577 72,025,186 42,945,674 Statement of Income (Page 4) 13. Net Underwriting Gain (Loss) (Line 8) 17,806,558 (7,369,640) (6,813,154) 14. Net Investment Gain (Loss) (Line 11) 27,194,760 19,849,588 9,802,067 15. Total Other Income (Line 15) 594,141 2,870,385 6,282,021 16. Dividends to Policyholders (Line 17) 17. Federal and Foreign Income Taxes Incurred (Line 19) 12,225,532 4,747,772 (44,949) --------------------------------------- 18. Net Income (Line 20) 33,369,926 10,602,561 9,315,883 Balance Sheet Lines (Pages 2 and 3) 19. Total Admitted Assets excluding Protected Cell (Page 2, Line 26, Col. 3) 657,382,632 381,501,264 327,610,138 20. Agents' Balances or Uncollected Premiums (Page 2, Col. 3) 20.1 In Course of Collection (Line 10.1) 22,449,487 14,497,791 7,387,299 20.2 Deferred and not yet due (Line 10.2) 20.3 Accrued Retrospective Premiums (Line 10.3) 21. Total Liabilities excluding Protected Cell (Page 3, Line 24) 347,923,517 248,370,286 221,785,152 22. Losses (Page 3, Lines 1 and 2) 54,478,306 42,941,520 31,661,093 23. Loss Adjustment Expenses (Page 3, Line 3) 817,413 531,607 223,713 24. Unearned premiums (Page 3, Line 9) 233,700,716 156,935,231 133,886,331 25. Capital Paid Up (Page 3, Lines 28 & 29) 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 26. Surplus as Regards Policyholders (Page 3, Line 35) 309,459,115 133,130,978 105,824,986 Risk-Based Capital Analysis 27. Total Adjusted Capital 28. Authorized Control Level Risk-Based Capital Percentage Distribution of Cash and Invested Assets (Page 2, Col. 3) (Item divided by Page 2, Line 9, Col. 3) x 100.0 29. Bonds (Line 1) 88.4 85.8 90.6 30. Stocks (Lines 2.1 & 2.2) 4.1 4.7 0.3 31. Mortgage Loans on Real Estate (Lines 3.1 and 3.2) 32. Real Estate (Lines 4.1, 4.2 & 4.3) 33. Cash and Short Term Investments (Line 5) 7.4 9.5 9.1 34. Other Invested Assets (Line 6) 35. Receivable for Securities (Line 7) 0.0 36. Aggregate Write-Ins for Invested Assets (Line 8) --------------------------------------- 37. Cash and Invested Assets (Line 9) 100.0 100.0 100.0 Investments in Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 38. Affiliated Bonds (Schedule D, Summary, Line 25, Col. 1) 39. Affiliated Preferred Stocks (Schedule D, Summary, Line 39, Col. 1) 40. Affiliated Common Stocks (Schedule D, Summary, Line 53, Col. 2) 3,001 1 1 41. Affiliated Short-Term Investments (subtotals included in Schedule DA, Part 2, Col. 5, Line 11) 42. Affiliated Mortgage Loans on Real Estate 43. All Other Affiliated --------------------------------------- 44. Total of above Lines 38 to 43 3,001 1 1 45. Percentage of Investments in Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates to Surplus as Regards Policyholders (Line 44 above divided by Page 3, Col. 1, Line 35x 100.0) 0.0 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5 1999 1998 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums Written (Page 8, Part 1B, Cols. 1, 2 & 3) 1. Liability Lines (Lines 11.1, 11.2, 16, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2 & 19.3, 19.4) 2. Property Lines (Lines 1, 2, 9, 12, 21 & 26) 3. Property and Liability Combined Lines (Lines 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 & 27) 4. All Other Lines (Lines 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 28, 29 & 33) 80,153,827 52,971,900 5. Non proportional Reinsurance Lines (Lines 30, 31 & 32) ------------------------- 6. Total (Line 34) 80,153,827 52,971,900 Net Premiums Written (Page 8, Part 1 B, Col. 6) 7. Liability Lines (Lines 11.1, 11.2, 16, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2 & 19.3, 19.4) 8. Property Lines (Lines 1, 2, 9, 12, 21 & 26) 9. Property and Liability Combined Lines (Lines 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 & 27) 10. All Other Lines (Lines 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 28, 29 & 33) 71,147,260 49,180,574 11. Non proportional Reinsurance Lines (Lines 30, 31 & 32) ------------- ----------- 12. Total (Line 34) 71,147,260 49,180,574 Statement of Income (Page 4) 13. Net Underwriting Gain (Loss) (Line 8) (622,097) 4,672,750 14. Net Investment Gain (Loss)(Line 11) 15,209,812 13,488,277 15. Total Other Income (Line 15) (1,564,080) (3,902,764 16. Dividends to Policyholders (Line 17) 17. Federal and Foreign Income Taxes Incurred (Line 19) 4,641,465 3,259,961 ------------------------- 18. Net Income (Line 20) 8,382,170 10,998,302 Balance Sheet Lines (Pages 2 and 3) 19. Total Admitted Assets excluding Protected Cell (Page 2, Line 26, Col. 3) 296,813,366 272,618,557 20. Agents' Balances or Uncollected Premiums (Page 2, Col. 3) 20.1 In Course of Collection (Line 10.1) 9,209,761 15,526,866 20.2 Deferred and not yet due (Line 10.2) 20.3 Accrued Retrospective Premiums (Line 10.3) 21. Total Liabilities excluding Protected Cell (Page 3, Line 24) 206,244,976 174,078,836 22. Losses (Page 3, Lines 1 and 2) 27,305,826 21,720,260 23. Loss Adjustment Expenses (Page 3, Line 3) 6,590 15,259 24. Unearned premiums (Page 3, Line 9) 132,216,677 102,794,233 25. Capital Paid Up (Page 3, Lines 28 & 29) 15,000,000 15,000,000 26. Surplus as Regards Policyholders (Page 3, Line 35) 90,568,390 98,539,721 Risk Based Capital Analysis 27. Total Adjusted Capital 28. Authorized Control Level Risk Based Capital Percentage Distribution of Cash and Invested Assets (Page 2, Col. 3) (Item divided by Page 2, Line 9, Col. 3) x 100.0 29. Bonds (Line 1) 95.2 90.1 30. Stocks (Lines 2.1 & 2.2) 0.6 6.0 31. Mortgage Loans on Real Estate (Lines 3.1 and 3.2) 32. Real Estate (Lines 4.1, 4.2 & 4.3) 33. Cash and Short Term Investments (Line 5) 4.2 0.2 34. Other Invested Assets (Line 6) 35. Receivable for Securities (Line 7) 3.7 36. Aggregate Write-Ins for Invested Assets (Line 8) ------------------------- 37. Cash and Invested Assets (Line 9) 100.0 100.0 Investments in Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 38. Affiliated Bonds (Schedule D, Summary, Line 25, Col. 1) 39. Affiliated Preferred Stocks (Schedule D, Summary, Line 39, Col. 1) 623,505 3,368,762 40. Affiliated Common Stocks (Schedule D, Summary, Line 53, Col. 2) 41. Affiliated Short-Term Investments (subtotals included in Schedule DA, Part 2, Col. 5, Line 11) 42. Affiliated Mortgage Loans on Real Estate 43. All Other Affiliated ------------------------- 44. Total of above Lines 38 to 43 623,505 3,368,762 45. Percentage of Investments in Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates to Surplus as Regards Policyholders (Line 44 above divided by Page 3, Col. 1, Line 35 100.0) 0.7 3.4 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. FIVE YEAR HISTORICAL DATA (Continued) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Capital and Surplus Accounts (Page 4) 46. Net Unrealized Capital Gains (Losses)(Line 23) (2,192,791) 101,683 5,016,057 (2,745,103) 47. Dividends to Stockholders (Line 34) (5,000,000) (4,000,000) (4,000,000) (3,000,000) 48. Change in surplus as regards policyholders for the year (Line 37) 176,328,137 27,305,992 15,256,596 (7,971,331) 3,643,893 Gross Losses Paid (Page 9, Part 2, Cols. 1 & 2) 49. Liability Lines (Lines 11.1, 11.2, 16, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2 & 19.3, 19.4) 50. Property Lines (Lines 1, 2, 9, 12, 21 & 26) 51. Property and Liability Combined Lines (Lines 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 & 27) 52. All Other Lines (Lines 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 28, 29 & 33) 19,957,689 12,286,596 12,983,454 9,001,157 5,516,268 53. Non Proportional Reinsurance Lines (Lines 30, 31 & 32) --------------------------------------------------------------- 54. Total (Line 34) 19,957,689 12,286,596 12,983,454 9,001,157 5,516,268 Net Losses Paid (Page 9, Part 2, Col. 4) 55. Liability Lines (Lines 11.1, 11.2, 16, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2 & 19.3, 19.4) 56. Property Lines (Lines 1, 2, 9, 12, 21 & 26) 57. Property and Liability Combined Lines (Lines 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 & 27) 58. All Other Lines (Lines 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 28, 29 & 33) 18,309,376 11,311,467 12,532,948 7,608,772 5,234,633 59. Non Proportional Reinsurance Lines (Lines 30, 31 & 32) --------------------------------------------------------------- 60. Total (Line 34) 18,309,376 11,311,467 12,532,948 7,608,772 5,234,633 Operating Percentages (Page 4) (Item divided by Page 4, Line 1) x 100.0 61. Premiums Earned (Line 1) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 62. Losses Incurred (Line 2) 32.2 50.5 42.4 25.7 21.2 63. Loss Expenses Incurred (Line 3) 1.9 1.8 1.8 0.7 0.3 64. Other Underwriting Expenses Incurred (Line 4) 46.9 62.7 72.3 75.1 65.8 65. Net Underwriting gain (loss) (Line 8) 18.9 (15.0) (16.5) (1.5) 12.7 Other Percentages 66. Other Underwriting Expenses to Net Premiums Written (Page 4, Lines 4 + 5 - 15 divided by Page 8, Part 1B, Col. 6, Line 34 x 100.0) 25.5 38.7 54.9 46.3 57.0 67. Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred to Premiums Earned (Page 4, Lines 2 + 3 divided by Page 4, Line 1 x 100.0) 34.1 52.3 44.2 26.4 21.5 68. Net Premiums Written to Policyholders' Surplus (Page 8, Part 1B, Col. 6, Line 34 divided by Page 3, Line 35, Col. 1 x 100.0) 55.2 54.1 40.6 78.6 49.9 One Year Loss Development (000 omitted) 69. Development in Estimated Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred Prior to Current Year (Schedule P - Part 2 - Summary, Line 12, Col. 11) 6,555 11,932 6,260 4,346 5,784 70. Percent of Development of Loss and Loss Expenses Incurred to Policyholders' Surplus of Previous Year End (Line 69 above divided by Page 4, Line 21, Col. 1 x 100.0) 4.9 11.3 6.9 4.4 6.1 Two Year Loss Development (000 omitted) 71. Development in Estimated Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred 2 years before the current year and prior year (Schedule P, Part 2 - Summary, Line 12, Col. 12) 11,674 9,037 7,319 7,623 (2,147) 72. Percent of Development of Loss and Loss Expenses Incurred to Reported Policyholders' Surplus of Second Previous Year End (Line 71 above divided by Page 4, Line 21, Col. 2 x 100.0) 11.0 10.0 7.4 8.0 (2.5) 23 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Consolidated - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Gross Premiums, Including Policy and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken ------------------------------------ Dividends Paid 1 2 or Credited to Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 128,092,802 53,041,078 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 4,328,159 4,011,717 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 132,420,961 57,052,795 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 5 Direct Direct Losses Unearned Paid Premium (deducting Line of Business Reserves salvage) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 216,144,518 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 2,033,618 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 218,178,136 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 7 8 Direct Defense and Cost Containment Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Paid - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 2,321,316 7,979,088 1,396,305 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 2,321,316 7,979,088 1,396,305 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 36250 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expense and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 1,547,386 651,081 68,075 3,648,167 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 253,215 129,845 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 1,547,386 651,081 321,290 3,778,012 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . --- 24.GT ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE A VERIFICATION BETWEEN YEARS NONE 1. Book/adjusted carrying value, December 31, prior year (prior year statement) 2. Increase (decrease) by adjustment: 2.1 Totals, Part 1, Column 10 2.2 Totals, Part 3, Column 7 3. Cost of acquired, (Totals, Part 2, Column 6, net of encumb _______________ and permanent improvements (Column 9) 4. Cost of additions and permanent improvements: 4.1 Totals, Part 1, Column 13 4.2 Totals, Part 3, Column 9 5. Total profit (loss) on sales, Part 3, Column 14 6. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment: 6.1 Totals, Part 1, Column 11 6.2 Totals, Part 3, Column 8 7. Amounts received on sales, Part 3, Column 11 and Part 1, Column 12 8. Book/adjusted carrying value at end of current period 9. Total valuation allowance 10. Subtotal (Lines 8 plus 9) 11. Total nonadmitted amounts 12. Statement value, current period (Page 2, real estate lines, current period) SCHEDULE B VERIFICATION BETWEEN YEARS NONE 1. Book value/recorded investment excluding accrued interest of mortgages owned, December 31 of prior year 2. Amount loaned during year. 2.1 Actual cost at time of acquisitions 2.2 Additional investment made after acquisitions 3. Accrual of discount and mortgage interest points and commitment fees 4. Increase (decrease) by adjustment 5. Total profit (loss) on sale 6. Amounts paid on account or in full during the year 7. Amortization of premium 8. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment 9. Book value/recorded investment excluding accrued interest on mortgages owned at end of current period 10. Total valuation allowance 11. Subtotal (Lines 9 plus 10) 12. Total nonadmitted amounts 13. Statement value of mortgages owned at end of current period SCHEDULE BA VERIFICATION BETWEEN YEARS NONE 1. Book/adjusted carrying value of long term invested assets owned December 31 of prior year 2. Cost of acquisitions during year: 2.1 Actual cost at time of acquisitions 2.2 Additional investment made after acquisitions 3. Accrual of discount 4. Increase (decrease) by adjustment 5. Total profit (loss) on sale 6. Amounts paid on account or in full during the year 7. Amortization of premium 8. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment 9. Book/adjusted carrying value of long term invested assets at end of current period 10. Total valuation allowance 11. Subtotal (Lines 9 plus 10) 12. Total nonadmitted amounts 13. Statement value of long term invested assets at end of current period 25 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - SUMMARY BY COUNTRY Long-Term Bonds and Stocks OWNED December 31 of Current Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Book/adjusted Description Carrying Value Fair Value(a) Actual Cost Par Value of Bonds - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS 1. United States 89,647,487 91,342,822 89,682,276 86,543,382 Governments 2. Canada 498,008 534,015 497,905 500,000 (Including all obligations 3. Other Countries 6,129,848 6,316,047 5,476,226 5,933,241 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ guaranteed by governments) 4. Totals 96,275,343 98,192,884 95,656,407 92,976,623 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- States, Territories and 5. United States 97,446,888 103,139,932 98,295,032 93,600,000 Possessions (Direct and 6. Canada guaranteed) 7. Other Countries ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Totals 97,446,888 103,139,932 98,295,032 93,600,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Political Subdivisions of States, 9. United States 31,697,503 35,410,169 31,494,123 32,080,000 Territories and Possessions 10. Canada (Direct and guaranteed) 11. Other Countries ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Totals 31,697,503 35,410,169 31,494,123 32,080,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special revenue and special assessment obligations and all 13. United States 196,452,395 205,178,483 196,759,103 192,655,000 non guaranteed obligations of 14. Canada agencies and authorities of 15. Other Countries governments and their political subdivisions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Totals 196,452,395 205,178,483 196,759,103 192,655,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Utilities (unaffiliated) 17. United States 18. Canada 19. Other Countries ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Industrial and Miscellaneous and 21. United States 114,008,132 113,031,368 109,711,348 135,982,251 Credit Tenant Loans 22. Canada (unaffiliated) 23. Other Countries 14,631,439 14,618,036 14,589,377 14,700,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24. Totals 128,639,571 127,649,404 124,300,725 150,682,251 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 25. Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26. Total Bonds 550,511,700 569,570,872 546,505,390 561,993,874 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCKS 27. United States Public Utilities (unaffiliated) 28. Canada 29. Other Countries ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 30. Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Banks, Trust and Insurance Companies 31. United States (unaffiliated) 32. Canada 33. Other Countries ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 34. Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Industrial and Miscellaneous 35. United States 24,584,908 24,033,473 25,999,253 (unaffiliated) 36. Canada 37. Other Countries ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 38. Totals 24,584,908 24,033,473 25,999,253 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 39. Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40. Total Preferred Stocks 24,584,908 24,033,473 25,999,253 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON STOCKS 41. United States Public Utilities (unaffiliated) 42. Canada 43. Other Countries ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 44. Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Banks, Trust and Insurance Companies 45. United States (unaffiliated) 46. Canada 47. Other Countries ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 48. Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Industrial and Miscellaneous 49. United States 1,153,246 1,153,246 497,560 (unaffiliated) 50. Canada 51. Other Countries ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 52. Totals 1,153,246 1,153,246 497,560 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 53. Totals 3,001 3,001 780,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 54. Total Common Stocks 1,156,247 1,156,247 1,277,560 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 55. Total Stocks 25,741,155 25,189,720 27,276,813 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 56. Total Bonds and Stocks 576,252,855 594,760,592 573,782,203 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (a) The aggregate value of bonds which are valued at other than actual fair value is $ 8,595,986 SCHEDULE D - VERIFICATION BETWEEN YEARS 1. Book/adjusted carrying value of bonds and stocks, prior year 326,048,302 2. Cost of bonds and stocks acquired, Column 6, Part 3 558,402,737 3. Increase (decrease) by adjustment: 3.1 Column 16, Part 1 730,638 3.2 Column 12, Part 2, Sec. 1 (1,517,932) 3.3 Column 10, Part 2, Sec. 2 44,425 3.4 Column 10, Part 4 471,895 (270,974) 4. Total gain (loss), Col. 14, Part 4 2,271,331 5. Deduct consideration for bonds and stocks disposed of Column 6, Part 4 310,909,678 6. Foreign Exchange Adjustment: 6.1 Column 17, Part 1 711,136 6.2 Column 13, Part 2, Sec. 1 6.3 Column 11, Part 2, Sec. 2 6.4 Column 11, Part 4 711,136 7. Book/adjusted carrying value at end of current period 576,252,854 8. Total valuation allowance 9. Subtotal (Lines 7 plus 8) 576,252,854 10. Total nonadmitted amounts 11. Statement value of bonds and stocks, current period 576,252,854 26 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 1 Quality and Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Types of Issues and NAIC Designations - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Quality Rating per the NAIC Over 1 Year Through Over 5 Years Through Over 10 Years Designation 1 Year or Less 5 Years 10 Years Through 20 Years - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Class 1 1,438,031 23,196,329 6,192,660 5,060,827 1.2 Class 2 1.3 Class 3 1.4 Class 4 1.5 Class 5 1.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.7 Totals 1,438,031 23,196,329 6,192,660 5,060,827 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, schedules D & DA (Group 2) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Class 1 6,129,849 498,008 2.2 Class 2 2.3 Class 3 2.4 Class 4 2.5 Class 5 2.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.7 Totals 6,129,849 498,008 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories and Possessions etc., Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Class 1 20,806,527 36,693,724 36,031,878 3.2 Class 2 3.3 Class 3 3.4 Class 4 3.5 Class 5 3.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.7 Totals 20,806,527 36,693,724 36,031,878 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Class 1 20,672,062 5,653,392 4.2 Class 2 4.3 Class 3 4.4 Class 4 4.5 Class 5 4.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.7 Totals 20,672,062 5,653,392 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Class 1 7,365,309 105,465,847 57,397,369 5.2 Class 2 5.3 Class 3 5.4 Class 4 5.5 Class 5 2,900 5.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.7 Totals 7,365,309 105,465,847 57,400,269 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Quality Rating per the NAIC Col. 6 as a Total from Col. 6 Designation Over 20 Years Total Current Year % of Line 10.7 Prior Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Class 1 53,759,639 89,647,486 15.3 11,498,414 1.2 Class 2 1.3 Class 3 1.4 Class 4 1.5 Class 5 1.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals 53,759,639 89,647,486 15.3 11,498,414 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Class 1 6,627,857 1.1 1,463,698 2.2 Class 2 2.3 Class 3 2.4 Class 4 2.5 Class 5 2.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals 6,627,857 1.1 1,463,698 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories and Possessions etc. Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Class 1 3,914,759 97,446,888 16.6 48,651,117 3.2 Class 2 3.3 Class 3 3.4 Class 4 3.5 Class 5 3.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 3,914,759 97,446,888 16.6 48,651,117 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Class 1 5,372,049 31,697,503 5.4 35,769,545 4.2 Class 2 4.3 Class 3 4.4 Class 4 4.5 Class 5 4.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 5,372,049 31,697,503 5.4 35,769,545 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedule D & DA (Group 5) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Class 1 26,220,970 196,449,495 33.4 145,716,987 5.2 Class 2 5.3 Class 3 5.4 Class 4 5.5 Class 5 2,900 0.0 3,000 5.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 26,220,970 196,452,395 33.4 145,719,987 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 Quality Rating per the NAIC % From Col. 7 Total Publicly Total Privately Placed Designation Prior Year Traded (a) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Class 1 3.7 89,647,487 1.2 Class 2 1.3 Class 3 1.4 Class 4 1.5 Class 5 1.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals 3.7 89,647,487 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Class 1 0.5 6,627,857 2.2 Class 2 2.3 Class 3 2.4 Class 4 2.5 Class 5 2.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals 0.5 6,627,857 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories and Possessions etc. Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Class 1 15.6 97,446,888 3.2 Class 2 3.3 Class 3 3.4 Class 4 3.5 Class 5 3.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 15.6 97,446,888 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Class 1 11.5 31,697,503 4.2 Class 2 4.3 Class 3 4.4 Class 4 4.5 Class 5 4.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 11.5 31,697,503 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Class 1 46.8 196,449,495 5.2 Class 2 5.3 Class 3 5.4 Class 4 5.5 Class 5 0.0 2,900 5.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 46.8 196,452,395 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 1 (continued) Quality and Maturity Distribution of All Bonds owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Types of Issues and NAIC Designations - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Quality Rating per the NAIC Over 1 Year Through Over 5 Years Through Over 10 Years Designation 1 Year or Less 5 Years 10 Years Through 20 Years - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Class 1 6.2 Class 2 6.3 Class 3 6.4 Class 4 6.5 Class 5 6.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.7 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 Class 1 37,116,900 19,717,408 6,592 214 12,636,859 7.2 Class 2 3,360,859 17,873,408 22,640,678 29,885,020 7.3 Class 3 2,821,250 1,432,500 7.4 Class 4 3,242,531 7.5 Class 5 7.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.7 Totals 40,477,759 43,654,597 29,232,892 43,954,379 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1 Class 1 8.2 Class 2 8.3 Class 3 8.4 Class 4 8.5 Class 5 8.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8.7 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.1 Class 1 9.2 Class 2 9.3 Class 3 9.4 Class 4 9.5 Class 5 9.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.7 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Quality Rating per the NAIC Col. 6 as a Total from Col. 6 Designation Over 20 Years Total Current Year % of Line 10.7 Prior Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Class 1 6.2 Class 2 6.3 Class 3 6.4 Class 4 6.5 Class 5 6.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 Class 1 2,300,609 78,363,990 13.3 31,485 648 7.2 Class 2 6,287,757 80,047,722 13.6 32,146,962 7.3 Class 3 4,253,750 0.7 4,475,588 7.4 Class 4 3,242,531 0.6 7.5 Class 5 7.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.7 Totals 8,588,366 165,907,993 28.2 68,108,198 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1 Class 1 8.2 Class 2 8.3 Class 3 8.4 Class 4 8.5 Class 5 8.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates Schedules D & DA (Group 9) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.1 Class 1 9.2 Class 2 9.3 Class 3 9.4 Class 4 9.5 Class 5 9.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 Quality Rating per the NAIC % From Col. 7 Total Publicly Total Privately Placed Designation Prior Year Traded (a) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Class 1 6.2 Class 2 6.3 Class 3 6.4 Class 4 6.5 Class 5 6.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 6.7 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 Class 1 10.1 72,854,875 5,509 115 7.2 Class 2 10.3 66,927,407 13,120,315 7.3 Class 3 1.4 4,253,750 7.4 Class 4 3,242,531 7.5 Class 5 7.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 7.7 Totals 21.9 147,278,563 18,629,430 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1 Class 1 8.2 Class 2 8.3 Class 3 8.4 Class 4 8.5 Class 5 8.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 8.7 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.1 Class 1 9.2 Class 2 9.3 Class 3 9.4 Class 4 9.5 Class 5 9.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 9.7 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 1 (continued) Quality and Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Types of Issues and NAIC Designations - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 Over 1 Year Through Over 5 Years Through Over 10 Years Quality Rating per the NAIC Designation 1 Year or Less 5 Years 10 Years Through 20 Years - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Total Bonds Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.1 Class 1 38,554,931 77,215,422 176,114,515 116,780,325 10.2 Class 2 3,360,859 17,873,408 22,640,678 29,885,020 10.3 Class 3 2,821,250 1,432,500 10.4 Class 4 3,242,531 10.5 Class 5 2,900 10.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10.7 Totals 41,915,790 101,152,611 198,755,193 148,100,745 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 7.1 17.2 33.8 25.2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.1 Class 1 3,519,585 48,095,284 42,568,144 83,905,121 11.2 Class 2 3,787,590 21,051,779 2,769,310 4,538,283 11.3 Class 3 2,563,087 1,912,501 11.4 Class 4 11.5 Class 5 571 2,429 11.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11.7 Totals 7,307,175 71,710,150 47,250,526 88,445,833 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 2.3 23.0 15.2 28.4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.1 Class 1 38,554,931 73,319,429 176,114,515 115,167,204 12.2 Class 2 2,529,384 14,953,462 18,402,538 24,754,266 12.3 Class 3 2,821,250 1,432,500 12.4 Class 4 3,242,531 12.5 Class 5 2900 12.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12.7 Totals 41,084,315 94,336,672 194,517,053 141,356,870 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 7.2 16.6 34.2 24.8 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 7.0 16.0 33.1 24.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.1 Class 1 3,895,992 1,613,122 13.2 Class 2 831,475 2,919,946 4,238,141 5,130,754 13.3 Class 3 13.4 Class 4 13.5 Class 5 13.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13.7 Totals 831,475 6,815,938 4,238,141 6,743,876 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 4.5 36.6 22.7 36.2 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 0.1 1.2 0.7 1.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Col. 6 as a Total from Col. 6 Quality Rating per the NAIC Designation Over 20 Years Total Current Year % of Line 10.7 Prior Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year - --------------------------------------- 10.1 Class 1 91,568,026 500,233,219 85.1 XXX 10.2 Class 2 6,287,757 80,047,722 13.6 XXX 10.3 Class 3 4,253,750 0.7 XXX 10.4 Class 4 3,242,531 0.6 XXX 10.5 Class 5 /(c)/ 2,900 0.0 XXX 10.6 Class 6 /(c)/ XXX --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.7 Totals 97,855,783 /(b)/ 587,780,122 100.0 XXX 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 16.6 100.0 XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - --------------------------------------- 11.1 Class 1 96,497,275 XXX XXX 274,585,409 11.2 Class 2 XXX XXX 32,146,962 11.3 Class 3 XXX XXX 4,475,588 11.4 Class 4 XXX XXX 11.5 Class 5 XXX XXX/(c)/ 3,000 11.6 Class 6 XXX XXX/(c)/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.7 Totals 96,497,275 XXX XXX/(b)/ 311,210,959 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 31.0 XXX XXX 100.0 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - --------------------------------------- 12.1 Class 1 91,568,026 494,724,105 84.2 264,004,178 12.2 Class 2 6,287,757 66,927,407 11.4 32,146,962 12.3 Class 3 4,253,750 0.7 4,475,588 12.4 Class 4 3,242,531 0.6 12.5 Class 5 2,900 0.0 3,000 12.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 97,855,783 569,150,693 96.8 300,629,728 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 17.2 100.0 XXX XXX 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 16.6 96.8 XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - --------------------------------------- 13.1 Class 1 5,509,114 0.9 10,581,231 13.2 Class 2 13,120,316 2.2 13.3 Class 3 13.4 Class 4 13.5 Class 5 13.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.7 Totals 18,629,430 3.2 10,581,231 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 100.0 XXX XXX 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 3.2 XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 % From Col. 7 Total Publicly Total Privately Placed Quality Rating per the NAIC Designation Prior Year Traded (a) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year - --------------------------------------- 10.1 Class 1 XXX 494,724,105 5,509,115 10.2 Class 2 XXX 66,927,407 13,120,315 10.3 Class 3 XXX 4,253,750 10.4 Class 4 XXX 3,242,531 10.5 Class 5 XXX 2,900 10.6 Class 6 XXX ------------------------------------------------------- 10.7 Totals XXX 569,150,693 18,629,430 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX 96.8 3.2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - --------------------------------------- 11.1 Class 1 88.2 264,004,178 10,581,232 11.2 Class 2 10.3 32,146,963 11.3 Class 3 1.4 4,475,589 11.4 Class 4 11.5 Class 5 0.0 3,000 11.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------- 11.7 Totals 100.0 300,629,730 10,581,232 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 XXX 96.6 3.4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - --------------------------------------- 12.1 Class 1 84.8 494,724,105 XXX 12.2 Class 2 10.3 66,927,407 XXX 12.3 Class 3 1.4 4,253,750 XXX 12.4 Class 4 3,242,531 XXX 12.5 Class 5 0.0 2,900 XXX 12.6 Class 6 XXX ------------------------------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 96.6 569,150,693 XXX 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX 100.0 XXX 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 XXX 96.8 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - --------------------------------------- 13.1 Class 1 3.4 XXX 5,509,114 13.2 Class 2 XXX 13,120,316 13.3 Class 3 XXX 13.4 Class 4 XXX 13.5 Class 5 XXX 13.6 Class 6 XXX ------------------------------------------------------- 13.7 Totals 3.4 XXX 18,629,430 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX XXX 100.0 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 XXX XXX 3.2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Includes $8,274,359 freely tradable under SEC Rule 144 or qualified for resale under SEC Rule 144A. (b) Includes $76,116,258 current year, $183,940,886 prior year of bonds with Z designations and $ , current year, $ prior ----------- -------------- year of bonds with Z* designations. The letter "Z" means the NAIC designation was not assigned by the Securities Valuation Office (SVO) at the date of the statement. "Z*" means the SVO could not evaluate the obligation because valuation procedures for the security class is under regulatory review. (c) Includes $ current year, $ prior year of bonds ----------- --------------- with 5* designations and $ , current year, $ ------------- ------------ prior year of bonds with 6* designations. "5*" means the NAIC designation was assigned by the SVO in reliance on the insurer's certification that the issuer is current in all principal and interest payments. "6*" means the NAIC designation was assigned by the SVO due to inadequate certification of principal and interest payments. 29 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 2 Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Type and Subtype of Issues - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Over 1 Year Over 5 Years Over 10 Years Distribution by Type 1 Year or Less Through 5 Years Through 10 Years Through 20 Years - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Issuer Obligations 1,438,031 23,196,329 4,636,567 1.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 1,556,094 5,060,827 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals 1,438,031 23,196,329 6,192,661 5,060,827 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Issuer Obligations 6,129,849 498,008 2.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 2.3 Defined 2.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 2.5 Defined 2.6 Other ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals 6,129,849 498,008 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories, and Possessions Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Issuer Obligations 20,806,527 36,693,724 36,031,878 3.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 3.3 Defined 3.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 3.5 Defined 3.6 Other ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 20,806,527 36,693,724 36,031,878 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Issuer Obligations 20,672,062 5,653,392 4.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 4.3 Defined 4.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 4.5 Defined 4.6 Other ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 20,672,062 5,653,392 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Issuer Obligations 7,365,309 105,465,847 57,400,269 5.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 5.3 Defined 5.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 5.5 Defined 5.6 Other ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 7,365,309 105,465,847 57,400,269 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Col. 6 as a % Total from Col 6 Distribution by Type Over 20 Years Total Current Year of Line 10.7 Prior Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) - ------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Issuer Obligations 7,928,085 37,199,012 6.3 11,498,414 1.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 45,831,555 52,448,476 8.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.7 Totals 53,759,640 89,647,488 15.3 11,498,414 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) - ------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Issuer Obligations 6,627,857 1.1 1,463,698 2.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 2.3 Defined 2.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 2.5 Defined 2.6 Other ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.7 Totals 6,627,857 1.1 1,463,698 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories, and Possessions Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1 Issuer Obligations 3,914,759 97,446,888 16.6 48,651,117 3.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 3.3 Defined 3.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 3.5 Defined 3.6 Other ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.7 Totals 3,914,759 97,446,888 16.6 48,651,117 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Issuer Obligations 5,372,049 31,697,503 5.4 35,769,545 4.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 4.3 Defined 4.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 4.5 Defined 4.6 Other ------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.7 Totals 5,372,049 31,697,503 5.4 35,769,545 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Issuer Obligations 26,220,970 196,452,395 33.4 130,059,009 5.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 15,660,979 5.3 Defined 5.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 5.5 Defined 5.6 Other ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.7 Totals 26,220,970 196,452,395 33.4 145,719,988 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 % From Col. 7 Total Publicly Total Privately Distribution by Type Prior Year Traded Placed - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) - ------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Issuer Obligations 3.7 37,199,012 1.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 52,448,476 ---------------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals 3.7 89,647,488 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) - ------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Issuer Obligations 0.5 6,627,857 2.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 2.3 Defined 2.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 2.5 Defined 2.6 Other ---------------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals 0.5 6,627,857 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories, and Possessions Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1 Issuer Obligations 15.6 97,446,888 3.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 3.3 Defined 3.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 3.5 Defined 3.6 Other ---------------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 15.6 97,446,888 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Issuer Obligations 11.5 31,697,503 4.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 4.3 Defined 4.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 4.5 Defined 4.6 Other ---------------------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 11.5 31,697,503 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Issuer Obligations 41.8 196,452,395 5.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 5.0 5.3 Defined 5.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 5.5 Defined 5.6 Other ---------------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 46.8 196,452,395 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 2 (continued) Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Type and Subtype of Issues - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Over 1 Year Through Over 5 Years Distribution by Type 1 Year or Less 5 Years Through 10 Years - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.1 Issuer Obligations 6.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 6.3 Defined 6.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 6.5 Defined 6.6 Other ---------------------------------------------------------- 6.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 Issuer Obligations 40,477,758 40,685,952 27,276,147 7.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities 1,648,397 608,366 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 7.3 Defined 7.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 7.5 Defined 1,320,248 1,348,380 7.6 Other --------------------------------------------------------- 7.7 Totals 40,477,758 43,654,597 29,232,893 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1 Issuer Obligations --------------------------------------------------------- 8.7 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parents, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.1 Issuer Obligations 9.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 9.3 Defined 9.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 9.5 Defined 9.6 Other --------------------------------------------------------- 9.7 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5 6 7 Over 10 Years Total Current Col. 6 as a Distribution by Type Through 20 Years Over 20 Years Year % of Line 10.7 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) - -------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Issuer Obligations 6.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 6.3 Defined 6.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 6.5 Defined 6.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.7 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.1 Issuer Obligations 43,954,379 7,787,130 160,181,366 27.3 7.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities 2,256,763 0.4 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 7.3 Defined 7.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 7.5 Defined 745,348 3,413,976 0.6 7.6 Other 55,889 55,889 0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.7 Totals 43,954,379 8,588,367 165,907,994 28.2 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) - -------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1 Issuer Obligations -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.7 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parents, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.1 Issuer Obligations 9.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 9.3 Defined 9.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 9.5 Defined 9.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.7 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 9 10 11 Total from Col. 6 % From Col. 7 Total Publicly Total Privately Distribution by Type Prior Year Prior Year Traded Placed - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) - -------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Issuer Obligations 6.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 6.3 Defined 6.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 6.5 Defined 6.6 Other ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 Issuer Obligations 67,708,245 21.8 141,551,937 18,629,429 7.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities 399,471 0.1 2,256,763 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 7.3 Defined 483 0.0 7.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 7.5 Defined 3,413,975 7.6 Other 55,889 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.7 Totals 68,108,199 21.9 147,278,564 18,629,429 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) - -------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1 Issuer Obligations ------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parents, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.1 Issuer Obligations 9.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 9.3 Defined 9.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 9.5 Defined 9.6 Other ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 2 (continued) Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Type and Subtype of Issues - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Over 1 Year Over 5 Years Distribution by Type 1 Year or Less Through 5 Years Through 10 Years - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.1 Issuer Obligations 41,915,789 98,183,966 195,242,355 10.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 1,648,397 2,164,460 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 10.3 Defined 10.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 10.5 Defined 1,320,248 1,348,380 10.6 Other --------------------------------------------------- 10.7 Totals 41,915,789 101,152,611 198,755,195 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 7.1 17.2 33.8 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.1 Issuer Obligations 7,307,175 71,410,660 47,150,546 11.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 299,491 99,980 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 11.3 Defined 11.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 11.5 Defined 11.6 Other --------------------------------------------------- 11.7 Totals 7,307,175 71,710,151 47,250,526 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 2.3 23.0 15.2 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.1 Issuer Obligations 41,084,315 91,368,028 191,004,214 12.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 1,648,397 2,164,459 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 12.3 Defined 12.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 12.5 Defined 1,320,248 1,348,380 12.6 Other --------------------------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 41,084,315 94,336,673 194,517,053 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 7.2 16.6 34.2 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 7.0 16.0 33.1 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.1 Issuer Obligations 831,475 6,815,938 4,238,141 13.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 13.3 Defined 13.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 13.5 Defined 13.6 Other --------------------------------------------------- 13.7 Totals 831,475 6,815,938 4,238,141 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 4.5 36.6 22.7 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 0.1 1.2 0.7 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 5 6 Over 10 Years Total Distribution by Type Through 20 Years Over 20 Years Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Total Bonds Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.1 Issuer Obligations 143,039,918 51,222,993 529,605,021 10.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 5,060,827 45,831,555 54,705,239 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 10.3 Defined 10.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 10.5 Defined 745,348 3,413,976 10.6 Other 55,889 55,889 ----------------------------------------------- 10.7 Totals 148,100,745 97,855,785 587,780,125 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 25.2 16.6 100.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.1 Issuer Obligations 88,445,833 80,835,814 XXX 11.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 15,660,979 XXX MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 11.3 Defined 483 XXX 11.4 Other XXX MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 11.5 Defined XXX 11.6 Other XXX ----------------------------------------------- 11.7 Totals 88,445,833 96,497,276 XXX 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 28.4 31.0 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.1 Issuer Obligations 136,296,043 51,222,991 510,975,591 12.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 5,060,827 45,831,555 54,705,238 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 12.3 Defined 12.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 12.5 Defined 745,348 3,413,976 12.6 Other 55,889 55,889 ----------------------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 141,356,870 97,855,783 569,150,694 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 24.8 17.2 100.0 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 24.0 16.6 96.8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.1 Issuer Obligations 6,743,876 18,629,430 13.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 13.3 Defined 13.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 13.5 Defined 13.6 Other ----------------------------------------------- 13.7 Totals 6,743,876 18,629,430 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 36.2 100.0 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 1.1 3.2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 8 9 Col. 6 as a % Total From Col. 6 % From Col. 7 Distribution by Type of Line 10.7 Prior Year Prior Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.1 Issuer Obligations 90.1 XXX XXX 10.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 9.3 XXX XXX MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 10.3 Defined XXX XXX 10.4 Other XXX XXX MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 10.5 Defined 0.6 XXX XXX 10.6 Other 0.0 XXX XXX ------------------------------------------------- 10.7 Totals 100.0 XXX XXX 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.1 Issuer Obligations XXX 295,150,028 94.8 11.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds XXX 16,060,450 5.2 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 11.3 Defined XXX 483 0.0 11.4 Other XXX MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 11.5 Defined XXX 11.6 Other XXX ------------------------------------------------- 11.7 Totals XXX 311,210,961 100.0 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 XXX 100.0 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.1 Issuer Obligations 86.9 284,568,795 91.4 12.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 9.3 16,060,450 5.2 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 12.3 Defined 483 0.0 12.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 12.5 Defined 0.6 12.6 Other 0.0 ------------------------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 96.8 300,629,728 96.6 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX XXX XXX 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.1 Issuer Obligations 3.2 10,581,231 3.4 13.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 13.3 Defined 13.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 13.5 Defined 13.6 Other ------------------------------------------------- 13.7 Totals 3.2 10,581,231 3.4 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX XXX XXX 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 11 Total Publicly Total Privately Distribution by Type Traded Placed - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.1 Issuer Obligations 510,975,592 18,629,429 10.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 54,705,239 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 10.3 Defined 10.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 10.5 Defined 3,413,975 10.6 Other 55,889 -------------------------------- 10.7 Totals 569,150,695 18,629,429 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 96.8 3.2 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.1 Issuer Obligations 284,568,796 10,581,232 11.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 16,060,450 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 11.3 Defined 483 11.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 11.5 Defined 11.6 Other -------------------------------- 11.7 Totals 300,629,729 10,581,232 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 96.6 3.4 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.1 Issuer Obligations 510,975,591 XXX 12.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds 54,705,238 XXX MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 12.3 Defined XXX 12.4 Other XXX MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 12.5 Defined 3,413,976 XXX 12.6 Other 55,889 XXX -------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 569,150,694 XXX 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 100.0 XXX 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 96.8 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.1 Issuer Obligations XXX 18,629,430 13.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Bonds XXX MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 13.3 Defined XXX 13.4 Other XXX MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 13.5 Defined XXX 13.6 Other XXX -------------------------------- 13.7 Totals XXX 18,629,430 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX 100.0 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 XXX 3.2 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE DA - PART 2 Verification of SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS Between Years - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Total Bonds Mortgage Loans - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Book/adjusted carrying value, prior year 2,246,628 2,246,628 2. Cost of short-term investments acquired 584,383,238 582,713,328 3. Increase (decrease) by adjustment 133,261 133,261 4. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment 113,730 5. Total profit (loss) on disposal of short-term investments (66,419) (66,419) 6. Consideration received on disposal of short-term investments 547,758,376 547,758,376 7. Book/adjusted carrying value, curent year 39,052,062 37,268,422 8. Total valuation allowance 9. Subtotal (Lines 7 plus 8) 39,052,062 37,268,422 10. Total nonadmitted amounts 11. Statement value (Lines 9 minus 10) 39,052,062 37,268,422 12. Income collected during year 644,563 644,563 13. Income earned during year 658,824 638,312 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5 Other Short-term Investments in Parent, Investment Assets(a) Subsidiaries and Affiliates - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Book/adjusted carrying value, prior year 2. Cost of short-term investments acquired 1,669,910 3. Increase (decrease) by adjustment 4. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment 113,730 5. Total profit (loss) on disposal of short-term investments 6. Consideration received on disposal of short-term investments 7. Book/adjusted carrying value, curent year 1,783,640 8. Total valuation allowance 9. Subtotal (Lines 7 plus 8) 1,783,640 10. Total nonadmitted amounts 11. Statement value (Lines 9 minus 10) 1,783,640 12. Income collected during year 13. Income earned during year 20,512 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Indicate the category of such assets, for example, joint ventures, transportation equipment: ---------------------------------------------- 33 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule DB - Part A - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part B - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part C - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part D - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part E - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part F - Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part F - Section 2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34, 35, 36, 37 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 1 Assumed Reinsurance as of December 31, Current Year (000 Omitted) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 Federal NAIC ID Company Domiciliary Assumed Number Code Name of Reinsured Jurisdiction Premium - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 - 2734276 20720 Radian Ins Inc. PA 13,303 13 - 3371658 27545 Radian Reins Inc. NY 1,568 61 - 1181203 39870 Van-American Ins Co. KY 15 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Total - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 14,886 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA - 3190428 00000 EXPORTERS INS CO LTD BM 3,605 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - Affiliates - Other (Non-U.S.) 3,605 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Affiliates 18,491 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 - 5124990 19380 American Home Assur Co. NY 479 52 - 0266645 20532 Clarendon Nat l Ins Co. NJ 10 13 - 3250292 18287 Financial Security Assur Inc. NY 203 52 - 0515280 25887 US Fidelity & Guaranty Co. MD 110 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 8,033 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Total - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 8,835 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0699998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA - 5344105 00000 EXPORT CREDIT GUARANTEE CORP OF INDIA LTD. DI 87 AA-9995061 00000 FOREIGN CREDIT INS ASSN NY 4,492 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 373 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799999 - Total - Pools, Associations - Voluntary Pools 4,952 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Total - Pools and Associations 4,952 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA - 1240054 00000 C O B A C CIE BELGE D ASSUR CREDIT SA BE 978 AA - 1820100 00000 COSEC CIA DE SEGUROS DE CREDITOS PO 636 AA - 1930251 00000 F A I INS LTD. AT 220 AA - 1930037 00000 GERLING AUSTRALIA INS CO PTY LTD. AT AA - 1340095 00000 GERLING KONZERN GLOBALE RUCKVERS A G GW 572 AA - 1341001 00000 HERMES KREDITVERS AG GW 2,353 AA - 1121074 00000 NCM CREDIT INS LTD. UI AA - 1784107 00000 NCM REINS LTD. IE 11,043 AA - 2734107 00000 SEGUROS BANCOMEXT SA DE CV MX 89 AA - 1320285 00000 SFAC SOC FRANCAISE D ASSUR CREDIT FR 1,826 AA - 1360050 00000 SIAC SOC ITALIANA ASSICURAZIONE CREDIT 1 IT 2,513 AA - 1121460 00000 TRADE IND PLC EN 3,066 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999998 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 7,535 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 30,831 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 63,109 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Reinsurance On 9 --------------------------------------------- 6 7 8 Federal NAIC Paid Losses and Contingent ID Company Loss Adjustment Known Case Commissions Number Code Name of Reinsured Expenses Losses and LAE Cols. 6 +7 Payable - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 - 2734276 20720 Radian Ins Inc. 13 - 3371658 27545 Radian Reins Inc. 61 - 1181203 39870 Van-American Ins Co. 5 9 14 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Total - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 5 9 14 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA - 3190428 00000 EXPORTERS INS CO LTD 10,410 10,410 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - Affiliates - Other (Non-U.S.) 10,014 10,410 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Affiliates 5 10,419 10,424 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 - 5124990 19380 American Home Assur Co. 101 744 845 52 - 0266645 20532 Clarendon Nat l Ins Co. 175 1,722 1,897 13 - 3250292 18287 Financial Security Assur Inc. 4 695 699 52 - 0515280 25887 US Fidelity & Guaranty Co. 141 6,148 6,289 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 790 1,473 2,263 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Total - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 1,210 10,782 11,992 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0699998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA - 5344105 00000 EXPORT CREDIT GUARANTEE CORP OF INDIA LTD. 520 520 AA - 9995061 00000 FOREIGN CREDIT INS ASSN 1,464 3,064 4,528 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799999 - Total - Pools, Associations - Voluntary Pools 1,464 3,584 5,048 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Total - Pools and Associations 1,464 3,584 5,048 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA - 1240054 00000 C O B A C CIE BELGE D ASSUR CREDIT SA 93 243 336 AA - 1820100 00000 COSEC CIA DE SEGUROS DE CREDITOS 155 155 AA - 1930251 00000 F A I INS LTD. 936 936 AA - 1930037 00000 GERLING AUSTRALIA INS CO PTY LTD. 112 112 AA - 1340095 00000 GERLING KONZERN GLOBALE RUCKVERS A G 673 1,491 2,164 AA - 1341001 00000 HERMES KREDITVERS AG 170 1,031 1,201 AA - 1121074 00000 NCM CREDIT INS LTD. (7) 859 852 AA - 1784107 00000 NCM REINS LTD. 1,023 3,004 4,027 AA - 2734107 00000 SEGUROS BANCOMEXT SA DE CV 2,331 2,331 AA - 1320285 00000 SFAC SOC FRANCAISE D ASSUR CREDIT 628 628 AA - 1360050 00000 SIAC SOC ITALIANA ASSICURAZIONE CREDIT 1 85 270 355 AA - 1121460 00000 TRADE IND PLC 1,345 1,345 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999998 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 127 283 410 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 2,164 12,688 14,852 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 4,843 37,473 42,316 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 10 11 12 Funds Held By or Federal NAIC Assumed Deposited With ID Company Premiums Unearned Reinsured Number Code Name of Reinsured Receivable Premium Companies - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 - 2734276 20720 Radian Ins Inc. 485 13 - 3371658 27545 Radian Reins Inc. 4,964 61 - 1181203 39870 Van-American Ins Co. 138 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Total - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 485 5,102 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA - 3190428 00000 EXPORTERS INS CO LTD (50) 6,025 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - Affiliates - Other (Non-U.S) (50) 6,025 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Affiliates 435 11,127 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 - 5124990 19380 American Home Assur Co. 813 295 4 52 - 0266645 20532 Clarendon Nat l Ins Co. 13 - 3250292 18287 Financial Security Assur Inc. 9 193 52 - 0515280 25887 US Fidelity & Guaranty Co. (3) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaff i I Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 1,130 8,779 403 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Total - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 1,949 9,267 407 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0699998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA - 5344105 00000 EXPORT CREDIT GUARANTEE CORP OF INDIA LTD. 11 AA - 9995061 00000 FOREIGN CREDIT INS ASSN 3,396 1,389 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 79 176 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799999 - Total - Pools, Associations - Voluntary Pools 3,486 1,565 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Total - Pools and Associations 3,486 1,565 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA - 1240054 00000 C O B A C CIE BELGE D ASSUR CREDIT SA 361 506 173 AA - 1820100 00000 COSEC CIA DE SEGUROS DE CREDITOS 98 245 AA - 1930251 00000 F A I INS LTD. 72 AA - 1930037 00000 GERLING AUSTRALIA INS CO PTY LTD. (2) AA - 1340095 00000 GERLING KONZERN GLOBALE RUCKVERS A G 47 219 AA - 1341001 00000 HERMES KREDITVERS AG 1,052 1,349 1 AA - 1121074 00000 NCM CREDIT INS LTD. AA - 1784107 00000 NCM REINS LTD. 2,851 4,822 AA - 2734107 00000 SEGUROS BANCOMEXT SA DE CV 15 AA - 1320285 00000 SFAC SOC FRANCAISE D ASSUR CREDIT 200 728 806 AA - 1360050 00000 SIAC SOC ITALIANA ASSICURAZIONE CREDIT 1 1,320 1,334 126 AA - 1121460 00000 TRADE IND PLC 698 1,247 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999998 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 2,033 3,871 132 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 8,770 14,117 1,456 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 14,640 36,076 1,863 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 13 14 Amount of Assets Pledged or Compensating Federal NAIC Balances to Secure ID Company Letters of Credit Letters Number Code Name of Reinsured Posted of Credit - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23 - 2734276 20720 Radian Ins Inc 13 - 3371658 27545 Radian Reins Inc. 61 - 1181203 39870 Van-American Ins Co. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0299999 - Total - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AA - 3190428 00000 EXPORTERS INS CO LTD - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0399999 - Total - Affiliates - Other (Non-U.S.) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0499999 - Total - Affiliates - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13 - 5124990 19380 American Home Assur Co. 52 - 0266645 20532 Clarendon Natl Ins Co. 1,000 1,925 13 - 3250292 18287 Financial Security Assur Inc. 52 - 0515280 25887 US Fidelity & Guaranty Co. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0599999 - Total - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 1,000 1,925 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0699998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AA - 5344105 00000 EXPORT CREDIT GUARANTEE CORP OF INDIA LTD. AA - 9995061 00000 FOREIGN CREDIT INS ASSN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0799998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0799999 - Total - Pools, Associations - Voluntary Pools - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0899999 - Total - Pools and Associations - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AA - 1240054 00000 C O B A C CIE BELGE D ASSUR CREDIT SA AA - 1820100 00000 COSEC CIA DE SEGUROS DE CREDITOS AA - 1930251 00000 F A I INS LTD. AA - 1930037 00000 GERLING AUSTRALIA INS CO PTY LTD. AA - 1340095 00000 GERLING KONZERN GLOBALE RUCKVERS A G 4,718 AA - 1341001 00000 HERMES KREDITVERS AG AA - 1121074 00000 NCM CREDIT INS LTD. AA - 1784107 00000 NCM REINS LTD AA - 2734107 00000 SEGUROS BANCOMEXT SA DE CV AA - 1320285 00000 SFAC SOC FRANCAISE D ASSUR CREDIT 1 AA - 1360050 00000 SIAC SOC ITALIANA ASSICURAZIONE CREDIT AA - 1121460 00000 TRADE IND PLC - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0999998 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0999999 - Total - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 4,718 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Totals 5,718 1,925 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 38 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 2 Premium Portfolio Reinsurance Effected or (Canceled) during Current Year NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Federal NAIC ID Company Reinsurance Number Code Name of Company Date of Contract Original Premium Premium - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 3 Ceded Reinsurance as of december 31, Current Year (000 Omitted) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reinsurance Contracts Ceding 75% or More of Federal NAIC Direct Reinsurance ID Company Domiciliary Premiums Premiums Number Code Name of Reinsurer Jurisdiction Written Ceded - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13-3371658 27545 Radian Reins Inc. NY 16,240 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling 16,240 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates 16,240 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39-1135174 18708 Ambac Assur Corp WI 226 13-5124990 19380 American Home Assur Co NY 13-2653231 34649 Centre Ins Co DE 1,718 13-2781282 25070 Odyssey Reins Corp DE 120 41-0406690 24767 St Paul Fire and Marine MN 83 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers (Under $100,000) 85 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Authorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 2,232 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-9995061 00000 FOREIGN CREDIT INS ASSN NY 1,402 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799999 - Authorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools 1,402 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899998 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) 74 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 74 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Authorized 19,948 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61-1181203 39870 - Van American Ins Co. KY 172 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 172 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates 172 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499998 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers (Under $100,000) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1699999 - Unauthorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-1320011 00000 AXA RE FINANCE FR 408 AA-3190459 00000 FIDVEST LTD BM 425 AA-1340090 00000 GE FRANKONA RUCK VERS AG GW 750 AA-3190686 00000 PARTNER REINS CO LTD BM 1,771 AA-1780070 00000 QBE INS AND REINS (EUROPE) LTD IE 430 AA-3194117 00000 XL Financial Assur LTD BM 545 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799998 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) 168 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 4,497 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized 4,669 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized 24,617 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2099999 - Total - Protected Cells - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 24,617 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Reinsurance Recoverable On --------------------------------------------------- 7 8 9 10 11 Federal NAIC Known Case Known Case ID Company Paid Paid Loss LAE IBNR Loss Number Code Name of Reinsurer Losses LAE Reserves Reserves Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13-3371658 27545 Radian Reins Inc. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39-1135174 18708 Ambac Assur Corp 13-5124990 19380 American Home Assur Co 13-2653231 34649 Centre Ins Co 13-2781282 25070 Odyssey Reins Corp 41-0406690 24767 St Paul Fire and Marine - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers (Under $100,000) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Authorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-9995061 00000 FOREIGN CREDIT INS ASSN 528 1,939 87 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799999 - Authorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools 528 1,939 87 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899998 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Authorized 528 1,939 87 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61-1181203 39870 - Van American Ins Co. 206 4,660 296 242 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 206 4,660 296 242 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates 206 4,660 296 242 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499998 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers (Under $100,000) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1699999 - Unauthorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-1320011 00000 AXA RE FINANCE AA-3190459 00000 FIDVEST LTD AA-1340090 00000 GE FRANKONA RUCK VERS AG AA-3190686 00000 PARTNER REINS CO LTD AA-1780070 00000 QBE INS AND REINS (EUROPE) LTD AA-3194117 00000 XL Financial Assur LTD - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799998 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized 206 4,600 296 242 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized 734 6,599 296 329 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2099999 - Total - Protected Cells - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 734 6,599 296 329 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Reinsurance Recoverable On -------------------------------------------- 12 13 14 15 Federal NAIC Contingent Cols. ID Company IBNR LAE Unearned Commis- 7 thru 14 Number Code Name of Reinsurer Reserves Premiums sions Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13-3371658 27545 Radian Reins Inc. 18,794 18,794 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling 18,794 18,794 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates 18,794 18,794 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39-1135174 18708 Ambac Assur Corp 208 208 13-5124990 19380 American Home Assur Co 405 405 13-2653231 34649 Centre Ins Co 13-2781282 25070 Odyssey Reins Corp 41-0406690 24767 St Paul Fire and Marine - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers (Under $100,000) 21 21 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Authorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 634 634 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-9995061 00000 FOREIGN CREDIT INS ASSN 262 2,816 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799999 - Authorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools 262 2,816 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899998 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Authorized 19,690 22,244 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61-1181203 39870 - Van American Ins Co 106 5,510 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 106 5,510 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates 106 5,510 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499998 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers (Under $100,000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1699999 - Unauthorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-1320011 00000 AXA RE FINANCE 388 388 AA-3190459 00000 FIDVEST LTD 284 284 AA-1340090 00000 GE FRANKONA RUCK VERS AG AA-3190686 00000 PARTNER REINS CO LTD AA-1780070 00000 QBE INS AND REINS (EUROPE) LTD AA-3194117 00000 XL Financial Assur LTD - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799998 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) 86 86 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 758 758 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized 864 6,268 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized 20,554 28,512 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2099999 - Total - Protected Cells - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 20,554 28,512 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Reinsurance Payable 18 19 --------------------- 16 17 Net Amount Recoverable Funds Held Other From By Company Federal NAIC Ceded Amounts Reinsurers Under ID Company Balances Due to Cols. 15- Reinsurance Number Code Name of Reinsurer Payable Reinsurers [16 + 17] Treaties - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13-3371658 27545 Radian Reins Inc. 880 17,914 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling 880 17,914 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates 880 17,914 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39-1135174 18708 Ambac Assur Corp 59 149 13-5124990 19380 American Home Assur Co 405 13-2653231 34649 Centre Ins Co 231 (231) 13-2781282 25070 Odyssey Reins Corp 41-0406690 24767 St Paul Fire and Marine - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers Under $100,000 21 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Authorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 290 344 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-9995061 00000 FOREIGN CREDIT INS ASSN 1,199 1,617 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799999 - Authorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools 1,199 1,617 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899998 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Authorized 2,369 19,875 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61-1181203 39870 - Van American Ins Co 45 5,465 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 45 5,465 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates 45 5,465 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499998 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers (Under $100,000) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1699999 - Unauthorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-1320011 00000 AXA RE FINANCE 388 AA-3190459 00000 FIDVEST LTD 284 AA-1340090 00000 GE FRANKONA RUCK VERS AG AA-3190686 00000 PARTNER REINS CO LTD 231 (231) AA-1780070 00000 QBE INS AND REINS (EUROPE) LTD AA-3194117 00000 XL Financial Assur LTD - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799998 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) 24 62 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 255 503 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized 300 5,968 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized 2,670 25,843 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2099999 - Total - Protected Cells - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 2,670 25,843 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Report the five largest provisional commission rates included in the cedant's reinsurance treaties. The commission rate to be reported is by contract with ceded premium in excess of $50,000: 1 2 3 Name of Company Commission Rate Ceded Premium - --------------------------- --------------- ------------- 1. Radian Reins Inc. 30.000 16,240 2. Axa Re Finance 30.000 408 3. XL Financial Assur Ltd 30.000 545 4. Foreign Credit Ins. Assn 22.000 1,402 5. Fidvest 20.000 425 40 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 4 Aging of Ceded Reinsurance as of December 31, Current Year (000 Omitted) - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Federal NAIC ID Company Domiciliary Number Code Name of Reinsurer Jurisdiction - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Authorized - Affiliates U.S. Non-Pool - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Authorized - Affiliates Other (Non-U.S.) - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Authorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 0699999 - Authorized - Pools - Mandatory Pools - -------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-9995061 00000 Foreign Credit Ins Assn NY - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799999 - Authorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Authorized - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 61-1181203 39870 Van Am Ins Co KY - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1299999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - Other (Non-U.S.) - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499999 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1599999 - Unauthorized - Pools - Mandatory Pools - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1699999 - Unauthorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2099999 - - -------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Reinsurance Recoverable on Paid Losses and Paid Loss Adjustment Expenses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 Overdue 11 ------------------------------------------------------- Federal NAIC 6 7 8 9 10 ID Company 1 to 29 30-90 91-120 Over Total Overdue Total Due Number Code Name of Reinsurer Current Days Days Days 120 Days Cols. 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 Cols. 5 + 10 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0199999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0299999 - Authorized - Affiliates U.S. Non-Pool - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0399999 - Authorized - Affiliates Other (Non-U.S.) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0599999 - Authorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0699999 - Authorized - Pools - Mandatory Pools - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AA-9996061 00000 Foreign Credit Ins Assn 528 528 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0799999 - Authorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools 528 528 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0899999 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0999999 - Total - Authorized 528 528 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1099999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 61-1181203 39870 Van Am Ins Co 206 206 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1199999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 206 206 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1299999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - Other (Non-U.S.) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates 206 206 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1499999 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1599999 - Unauthorized - Pools - Mandatory Pools - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1699999 - Unauthorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799999 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized 206 206 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized 734 734 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2099999 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Totals 734 734 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 12 13 Percentage more Federal NAIC Percentage Than 120 Days ID Company Overdue Overdue Col. 9 / Number Code Name of Reinsurer Col. 10/Col. 11 Col. 11 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Authorized - Affiliates U.S. Non-Pool - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Authorized - Affiliates - Other (Non-U.S.) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Authorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0699999 - Authorized - Pools - Mandatory Pools - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-9996061 00000 Foreign Credit Ins Assn - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799999 - Authorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Authorized - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61-1181203 39870 Van Am Ins Co - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1299999 - Unauthorized - Affiliates - Other (Non-U.S.) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499999 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1599999 - Unauthorized - Pools - Mandatory Pools - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1699999 - Unauthorized - Pools - Voluntary Pools - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2099999 - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 5 Provision for Unauthorized Reinsurance as of December 31, Current Year (000 Omitted) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Reinsurance Recoverable Funds Held all Items By Company Federal NAIC Schedule F Under Ceded ID Company Domiciliary Part 3, Reinsurance Letters of Balances Miscellaneous Number Code Name of Reinsurer Jurisdiction Col. 15 Treaties Credit Payable Balances - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61-1181203 39870 Van American Ins Co KY 5,510 45 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 5,510 45 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Affiliates 5,510 45 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-1320011 00000 Axa Re Finance FR 388 390 AA-3190459 00000 Fidvest Ltd BM 284 AA-3190686 00000 PARTNER REINS CO LTD BM 231 AA-1121397 00000 SUN ALLIANCE AND LONDON INS PLC EN 24 AA-1460146 00000 SWISS REINS CO SZ 86 86 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 758 476 255 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Affiliates and Others 6,268 476 300 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - Protected Cells - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 6,268 476 300 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 14 Recoverable Paid Losses & LAE Sum of Cols. Expenses Federal NAIC Other 6 thru 10 but Subtotal Over 90 Days 20% of ID Company Allowed not in excess Col. 5 minus Past Due not Amount in Number Code Name of Reinsurer Offset Items of Col. 5 Col. 11 in Dispute Col. 13 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61-1181203 39870 Van American Ins Co 6,358 5,510 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 6,358 5,510 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Affiliates 6,358 5,510 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-1320011 00000 Axa Re Finance 388 AA-3190459 00000 Fidvest Ltd 284 AA-3190686 00000 PARTNER REINS CO LTD AA-1121397 00000 SUN ALLIANCE AND LONDON INS PLC AA-1460146 00000 SWISS REINS CO 86 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 474 284 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Affiliates and Others 6,358 5,984 284 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - Protected Cells - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 6,358 5,984 284 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 15 16 17 Total Provision for Smaller of Col. Unauthorized 11 or 20% of Reinsurance Amount in Smaller of Federal NAIC Smaller of Dispute Col.5 or ID Company Col. 11 or Included in Cols. Number Code Name of Reinsurer Col. 14 Col. 5 12+15+16 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61-1181203 39870 Van American Ins Co - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Affiliates - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-1320011 00000 Axa Re Finance AA-3190459 00000 Fidvest Ltd 284 AA-3190686 00000 PARTNER REINS CO LTD AA-1121397 00000 SUN ALLIANCE AND LONDON INS PLC AA-1460146 00000 SWISS REINS CO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 284 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Affiliates and Others 284 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - Protected Cells - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 284 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Amounts in dispute totaling $ are included in Column 5. ----------- 2. Amounts in dispute totaling $ are excluded from Column 13. ----------- 3. Column 5 excludes $ recoverables on ceded IBNR on ------------ contracts in force prior to July 1, 1984 and not subsequently renewed. 42 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 6 Provision for Overdue Authorized Reinsurance as of December 31, Current Year NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Reinsurance Recoverable on Paid Losses and LAE Total Reinsurance Federal NAIC More Than 90 Days Recoverable on Paid ID Company Overdue Losses and Paid LAE Amounts Received Col. 4 divided by Number Code Name of Reinsurer (a) (b) Prior 90 Days (Cols. 5 + 6) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 Amounts in Col. 4 for Amounts in Dispute Federal NAIC Companies Reporting Excluded from Col. 4 for ID Company less than Companies Reporting 20% of Amount Amount Reported in Number Code Name of Reinsurer 20% in Col. 7 less than 20% in Col. 7 in Col. 9 Col. 8 x 20% + Col. 10 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) From Schedule F- Part 4 Columns 8 + 9, total authorized, less $ ----------- in dispute. (b) From Schedule F - Part 3 Columns 7 + 8, total authorized, less $ ---------- in dispute. 43 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 7 Provision for Overdue Reinsurance as of December 31, Current Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Federal NAIC Reinsurance Funds Held By ID Company Recoverable Company Under Ceded Balances Other Miscellaneous Number Code Name of Reinsurer All Items Reinsurance Treaties Letters of Credit Payable Balances - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 9 10 11 12 Federal NAIC Sum of Cols. 5 thru 9 Greater of Col. 11 or ID Company Other Allowed but not in excess of Schedule F - Part 4 Number Code Name of Reinsurer Offset Items Col. 4 Col. 4 minus Col. 10 Cols. 8 + 9 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Total 2. Line 1 x .2 3. Schedule F- Part 6 Col. 11 4. Provision for Overdue Authorized Reinsurance (Lines 2 + 3) 5. Provision for Unauthorized Reinsurance (Schedule F - Part 5 Col. 17 x 1000) 284,110 6. Provision for Reinsurance (sum Lines 4 + 5) [Enter this amount on Page 3, Line 16] 284,110 44 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 8 Restatement of Balance Sheet to Identify Net Credit for Reinsurance - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 As Reported Restatement Restated (Net of Ceded) Adjustments (Gross of Ceded) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASSETS (Page 2, Col. 3) 1. Cash and invested assets (Line 9) 622,502,257 622,502,257 2. Agents' balances or uncollected premiums (Line 10) 22,449,487 22,449,487 3. Funds held by or deposited with reinsured companies (Line 11) 1,863,223 1,863,223 4. Reinsurance recoverable on loss and loss adjustment expense payments (Line 14) 734,151 (734,151) 5. Other assets (Lines 12 and 13 and 15 through 25) 9,833,515 9,833,515 6. Net amount recoverable from reinsurers 25,842,906 25,842,906 ------------------------------------------- 7. Totals (Line 28) 657,382,632 25,108,755 682,491,386 ------------------------------------------- LIABILITIES (Page 3) 8. Losses and loss adjustment expenses (Lines 1 through 3) 55,295,719 7,224,690 62,520,409 9. Taxes, expenses, and other obligations (Lines 4 through 8) 7,840,208 7,840,208 10. Unearned premiums (Line 9) 233,700,716 20,554,146 254,254,861 11. Advance Premiums (Line 10) 12. Dividends declared and unpaid (Line 11.1 and 11.2) 13. Ceded reinsurance premiums payable (net of ceded commissions) (Line 12) 2,670,081 (2,670,081) 14. Funds held by company under reinsurance treaties (Line 13) 15. Amounts withheld or retained by company for account of others (Line 14) 16. Provision for reinsurance (Line 16) 284,110 284,110 17. Other liabilities (Lines 15 and 17 through 23) 48,132,684 48,132,684 ------------------------------------------- 18. Total liabilities (Line 26 minus Line 25) 347,923,517 25,108,755 373,032,272 ------------------------------------------- 19. Surplus as regards policyholders (Line 35) 309,459,115 XXX 309,459,115 ------------------------------------------- 20. Totals (Line 36) 657,382,632 25,108,755 682,491,387 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Is the restatement of this exhibit the result of grossing up balances ceded to affiliates under 100 percent reinsurance or pooling arrangements? Yes [ ] No [X] If yes, give full explanation: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule H - Part 1 NONE Schedule H - Part 2 NONE Schedule H - Part 3 NONE Schedule H - Part 4 NONE Schedule H - Part 5 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46, 47, 48 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - ANALYSIS OF LOSSES AND LOSS EXPENSES SCHEDULE P - PART 1 - SUMMARY ($000 Omitted) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premiums Earned Loss and Loss Expense Payments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Defense and Cost Adjusting and Other Years in Loss Payments Containment Payments Payments Which -------------------------------------------------------------------- Premiums 4 5 6 7 8 9 Were Earned and Losses Direct and Net Direct and Direct and Direct and Were Incurred Assumed Ceded Cols. 1 - 2 Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX 145 2. 1993 15,745 2,447 13,298 1,784 447 39 3. 1994 19,870 4,340 15,530 6,761 1,960 1,542 1,096 4. 1995 26,773 5,363 21,410 5,769 626 685 519 5. 1996 32,388 6,237 26,151 5,616 1,093 579 415 6. 1997 44,313 11,467 32,846 16,440 2,335 924 830 7. 1998 39,893 3,186 36,707 5,169 15 14 10 8. 1999 46,785 5,061 41,725 8,688 850 12 6 9. 2000 51,789 10,513 41,276 11,144 990 1,087 7 10. 2001 62,850 13,874 48,976 8,505 119 1,221 11. 2002 112,827 18,678 94,148 6,319 42 175 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Totals XXX XXX XXX 76,341 8,477 6,277 2,883 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- 10 11 12 Years in Which Number of Premiums Salvage Total Net Claims Were Earned and Paid (Cots. Reported and Losses Subrogation 4-5+6- Direct and Were Incurred Received 7+8-9) Assumed - ------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior 28 145 XXX 2. 1993 761 1,376 XXX 3. 1994 2,980 5,246 XXX 4. 1995 239 5,309 XXX 5. 1996 709 4,687 XXX 6. 1997 775 14,199 XXX 7. 1998 247 5,159 XXX 8. 1999 261 7,844 XXX 9. 2000 447 11,234 XXX 10. 2001 401 9,608 XXX 11. 2002 22 6,452 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------ 12. Totals 6,870 71,259 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------ - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Losses Unpaid Defense and Cost Containment Unpaid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case Basis Bulk + IBNR Case Basis Bulk + IBNR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 84 2. 3. 29 37 5 4 4. 41 373 51 41 5. 1,315 633 17 69 52 6. 7,225 3,617 677 304 175 7. 489 13 1,139 1 1 8. 2,607 (14) 1,999 33 25 9. 8,246 204 1,230 2 10. 12,352 1,737 811 294 549 11. 13,055 0 5,702 35 100 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals 45,442 6,600 11,574 329 1,113 296 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusting and Other 23 24 25 Unpaid --------------------------------------------------------- 21 22 Total Number of Salvage Net Claims and Losses Outstand- Subrog- and ing - Direct and ation Expenses Direct and Assumed Ceded Anticipated Unpaid Assumed - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 84 XXX 2. XXX 3. 81 (7) XXX 4. 487 (322) XXX 5. 28 715 XXX 6. 49 4,414 XXX 7. 1,614 XXX 8. 46 4,628 XXX 9. 9,274 XXX 10. 8,765 11,681 XXX 11. 888 18,822 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals 10,344 50,904 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Loss and Loss Expense Percentage Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred (Incurred/Premiums Earned) Nontabular Discount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Direct and Direct and Loss Assumed Ceded Net Assumed Ceded Net Loss Expense - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 1,823 447 1,376 11.6 18.3 10.3 3. 8,336 3,097 5,240 42.0 71.3 33.7 4. 6,545 1,559 4,987 24.4 29.1 23.3 5. 7,595 2,193 5,402 23.4 35.2 20.7 6. 25,570 6,957 18,613 57.7 60.7 56.7 7. 6,812 39 6,773 17.1 1.2 18.5 8. 13,339 867 12,473 28.5 17.1 29.9 9. 21,710 1,201 20,509 41.9 11.4 49.7 451 10. 23,438 2,150 21,288 37.3 15.5 43.5 11. 25,351 77 25,274 22.5 0.4 26.8 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 451 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------- 34 Net Balance Sheet Reserves After Discount Inter- -------------------------- Company 35 36 Pooling Loss Participation Losses Expenses Percentage Unpaid Unpaid - ------------------------------------------------------- 1. XXX 84 2. 3. (8) 1 4. (332) 10 5. 698 17 6. 4,285 129 7. 1,614 0 8. 4,620 8 9. 8,821 2 10. 11,132 549 11. 18,722 100 - ------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals XXX 49,636 817 - ------------------------------------------------------- Note: Parts 2 and 4 are gross of all discounting, including tabular discounting. Part 1 is gross of only nontabular discounting, which is reported in Columns 32 and 33 of Part 1. The tabular discount, if any, is reported in the Notes to Financial Statements which will reconcile Part 1 with Parts 2 and 4. 49 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 2 - SUMMARY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCURRED NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) DEVELOPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Years in Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Losses Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 One Year Two Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 1,025 2,932 3,912 4,041 4,146 1,806 1,502 2,175 1,724 1,725 1 (450) 2. 1993 2,238 2,437 2,363 2,162 1,918 1,586 1,402 1,377 1,378 1,376 (3) (2) 3. 1994 XXX 4,248 7,076 8,374 6,971 5,800 5,440 5,355 5,272 5,240 (32) (115) 4. 1995 XXX XXX 2,847 4,737 5,613 4,912 4,918 5,386 5,355 4,987 (368) (399) 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 3,502 5,893 6,509 5,925 5,894 5,349 5,402 53 (493) 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 5,298 14,965 18,276 19,909 19,792 18,613 (1,179) (1,296) 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 4,514 6,976 7,314 7,959 6,773 (1,186) (541) 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 5,628 8,915 12,273 12,473 199 3,558 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9,096 18,251 20,509 2,258 11,413 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 14,476 21,288 6,813 XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 25,274 XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals 6,555 11,674 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 3 - SUMMARY - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUMULATIVE PAID NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Number of Claims Claims Closed Years in Which Closed With Without Losses Were Loss Loss Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Payment Payment - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 000 (322) (270) 1,903 2,441 1,632 1,780 2,212 1,497 1,641 XXX XXX 2. 1993 944 1,454 1,630 1,502 1,359 1,397 1,376 1,375 1,375 1,376 XXX XXX 3. 1994 XXX 1,243 3,730 4,913 5,187 5,241 5,249 5,248 5,238 5,246 XXX XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 2,396 3,317 3,150 3,843 5,056 4,941 5,074 5,309 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 354 2,408 3,467 4,056 4,588 4,479 4,687 XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 596 4,598 6,851 12,382 13,106 14,199 XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 352 2,761 4,135 4,520 5,159 XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 843 4,913 7,199 7,844 XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 1,229 6,734 11,234 XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3,687 9,608 XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 6,452 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4 - SUMMARY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BULK AND IBNR RESERVES ON NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) Years in Which ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Losses Were 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 75 75 213 163 188 2. 1993 882 538 585 579 650 70 11 3. 1994 XXX 2,397 2,415 2,571 1,776 521 47 4. 1995 XXX XXX 1,746 1,421 1,265 623 122 3 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 2,252 1,756 1,562 597 652 85 17 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 4,270 2,939 3,377 2,139 1,085 677 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3,523 2,568 2,367 1,844 1,139 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3,859 2,002 2,153 1,999 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2,111 2,123 1,230 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2,246 517 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 5,667 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 1A - Home/Farm NONE Schedule P - Part 1B - Private Passenger NONE Schedule P - Part 1C - Comm Auto/Truck NONE Schedule P - Part 1D - Workers' Comp NONE Schedule P - Part 1E - Comm Multi Peril NONE Schedule P - Part 1F - Medical Mal Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 1F - Medical Mal Claim NONE Schedule P - Part 1G - Special Liability NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 1H - SECTION 1 - OTHER LIABILITY - OCCURRENCE ($000 Omitted) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premiums Earned Loss and Loss Expense Payments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Defense and Cost Adjusting and Other Years in Loss Payments Containment Payments Payments Which --------------------------------------------------------------- Premiums 4 5 6 7 8 9 Were Earned and Losses Direct Were and Net Direct and Direct and Direct and Incurred Assumed Ceded (Cols. 1 - 2) Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX 2. 1993 95 306 (211) 3. 1994 65 33 32 4. 1995 56 28 28 5. 1996 45 22 23 6. 1997 7. 1998 8. 1999 9. 2000 10. 2001 11. 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------- 12 ----------------------- 10 11 Years in Which Premiums Were Total Number of Earned Salvage Net Paid Claims and Losses and (Cols. 4 - 5 Reported - Were Subrogation + 6 - 7 Direct and Incurred Received + 8 - 9) Assumed - ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX 2. 1993 3. 1994 4. 1995 5. 1996 6. 1997 7. 1998 8. 1999 9. 2000 10. 2001 11. 2002 - ---------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals XXX - ---------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusting and Other Losses Unpaid Defense and Cost Containment Unpaid Unpaid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case Basis Bulk + IBNR Case Basis Bulk + IBNR 21 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------- 23 24 25 Total Number of Salvage Net Losses Claims and and Outstanding Subrogation Expenses Direct and Anticipated Unpaid Assumed - -------------------------------------------- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. - -------------------------------------------- 12. - -------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Loss and Loss Expense Percentage Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred (Incurred/Premiums Earned) Nontabular Discount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Direct and Direct and Loss Assumed Ceded Net Assumed Ceded Net Loss Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------- 34 Net Balance Sheet Reserves After Discount ----------------------- Inter- 35 36 Company Pooling Loss Participation Losses Expenses Percentage Unpaid Unpaid - --------------------------------------------- 1. XXX 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. - --------------------------------------------- 12. XXX - --------------------------------------------- 59 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 1H - Other Liab Claims NONE Schedule P - Part 1I - Special Property NONE Schedule P - Part 1J - Auto Physical NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60, 61, 62 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 1K - FIDELITY/SURETY ($000 Omitted) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premiums Earned Loss and Loss Expense Payments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Defense and Cost Adjusting and Other Years in Loss Payments Containment Payments Payments Which ------------------------------------------------------------------ Premiums 4 5 6 7 8 9 Were Earned and Losses Direct Were and Net Direct and Direct and Direct and Incurred Assumed Ceded (Cols. 1 - 2) Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX 2,844 1,648 335 208 2. 2001 6,347 1,583 4,763 118 3. 2002 10,507 1,086 9,421 921 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals XXX XXX XXX 3,883 1,648 335 208 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------- 12 -------------------------- 10 11 Years in Which Premiums Were Total Number of Earned Salvage Net Paid Claims and Losses and (Cols. 4 - 5 Reported - Were Subrogation + 6 - 7 Direct and Incurred Received + 8 - 9) Assumed - ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 62 1,322 XXX 2. 2001 0 118 XXX 3. 2002 921 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals 62 2,361 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusting and Other Losses Unpaid Defense and Cost Containment Unpaid Unpaid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case Basis Bulk + IBNR Case Basis Bulk + IBNR 21 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 8,216 4,660 767 462 296 2. 0 360 242 3. 1,573 561 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. 9,790 4,660 1,688 242 462 296 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------- 23 24 25 Total Number of Salvage Net Losses Claims and and Outstanding - Subrogation Expenses Direct and Anticipated Unpaid Assumed - ---------------------------------------------- 1. 129 4,490 2. 118 3. 2,134 - ---------------------------------------------- 4. 129 6,742 - ---------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Loss and Loss Expense Percentage Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred (Incurred/Premiums Earned) Nontabular Discount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Direct and Direct and Loss Assumed Ceded Net Assumed Ceded Net Loss Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 479 242 237 7.5 15.3 5.0 3. 3,055 3,055 29.1 32.4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------- 34 Net Balance Sheet Reserves After Discount ----------------------- Inter- 35 36 Company Pooling Loss Participation Losses Expenses Percentage Unpaid Unpaid - --------------------------------------------- 1. XXX 4,323 166 2. 118 3. 2,134 - --------------------------------------------- 4. XXX 6,575 166 - --------------------------------------------- 63 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 1L - OTHER (INCLUDING CREDIT, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH) ($000 Omitted) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premiums Earned Loss and Loss Expense Payments ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Years in 1 2 3 Defense and Cost Which Loss Payments Containment Payments Premiums ------------------ -------------------- Were 4 5 6 7 Earned and Losses Were Direct and Net Direct and Direct and Incurred Assumed Ceded (Cols. 1 - 2) Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX 7,228 1,239 2. 2001 22,402 615 21,787 8,387 119 8 3. 2002 25,773 2,026 23,747 5,398 42 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals XXX XXX XXX 21,013 1,400 8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loss and Loss Expense Payments 12 ------------------------------------------------ Years in Adjusting and Other 10 11 Which Payments Premiums ------------------- Were 8 9 Total Number of Earned Salvage Net Paid Claims and Losses and (Cols. 4 - 5 Reported - Were Direct and Subrogation + 6 - 7 Direct and Incurred Assumed Ceded Received + 8 - 9) Assumed - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 547 5,989 XXX 2. 2001 401 8,276 XXX 3. 2002 22 5,356 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals 969 19,621 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Losses Unpaid Defense and Cost Containment Unpaid --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Case Basis Bulk + IBNR Case Basis Bulk + IBNR ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 5,923 203 4,294 2. 9,122 1,737 451 52 3. 11,482 0 5,141 35 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. 26,527 1,939 9,885 87 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusting and Other 23 24 25 Unpaid ------------------- 21 22 Number of Total Claims Salvage Net Losses Outstand- and and ing - Direct Direct and Subrogation Expenses and Assumed Ceded Anticipated Unpaid Assumed - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 481 10,014 2. 40 7,783 3. 888 16,588 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. 1,409 34,386 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Loss and Loss Expense Percentage Losses and Loss Expenses Incured Incured/Premiums Earned -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 26 27 28 29 30 31 Direct and Direct and Assumed Ceded Net Assumed Ceded Net - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 17,967 1,908 16,059 80.2 310.2 73.7 3. 22,021 77 21,944 85.4 3.8 92.4 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net Balance Sheet Nontabular Discount 34 Reserves After Discount ------------------- Inter- ----------------------- 32 33 Company 35 36 Pooling Loss Loss Participation Losses Expenses Loss Expense Percentage Unpaid Unpaid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. XXX 10,014 2. 7,783 3. 16,588 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. XXX 34,386 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 1M - International NONE Schedule P - Part 1N - Reinsurance A NONE Schedule P - Part 1O - Reinsurance B NONE Schedule P - Part 1P - Reinsurance C NONE Schedule P - Part 1R - Prod Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 1R - Prod Liab Claims NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 1S - FINANCIAL GUARANTY/MORTGAGE GUARANTY ($000 Omitted) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premiums Earned Loss and Loss Expense Payments ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Years in 1 2 3 Defense and Cost Which Loss Payments Containment Payments Premiums ------------------ -------------------- Were 4 5 6 7 Earned and Losses Were Direct and Net Direct and Direct and Incurred Assumed Ceded (Cols. 1 - 2) Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX 113 49 2. 2001 34,102 11,676 22,426 1,213 3. 2002 76,547 15,567 60,981 175 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals XXX XXX XXX 113 1,437 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loss and Loss Expense Payments 12 ------------------------------------------------ Years in Adjusting and Other 10 11 Which Payments Premiums ------------------- Were 8 9 Total Number of Earned Salvage Net Paid Claims and Losses and (Cols. 4 - 5 Reported - Were Direct and Subrogation + 6 - 7 Direct and Incurred Assumed Ceded Received + 8 - 9) Assumed - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 37 161 XXX 2. 2001 1,213 XXX 3. 2002 175 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals 37 1,550 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Losses Unpaid Defense and Cost Containment Unpaid --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Case Basis Bulk + IBNR Case Basis Bulk + IBNR ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 5,895 2 2. 3,230 549 3. 100 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. 9,125 651 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusting and Other 23 24 25 Unpaid ------------------- 21 22 Number of Total Claims Salvage Net Losses Outstand- and and ing - Direct Direct and Subrogation Expenses and Assumed Ceded Anticipated Unpaid Assumed - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 81 5,897 2. 8,725 3,779 3. 100 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. 8,806 9,776 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Loss and Loss Expense Percentage Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred (Incurred/Premiums Earned) --------------------------------- -------------------------------- 26 27 28 29 30 31 Direct and Direct and Assumed Ceded Net Assumed Ceded Net - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 4,992 4,992 14.6 22.3 3. 275 275 0.4 0.5 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 Net Balance Sheet Nontabular Discount Reserves After Discount ------------------- Inter- ----------------------- 32 33 Company 35 36 Pooling Loss Loss Participation Losses Expenses Loss Expense Percentage Unpaid Unpaid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 451 XXX 5,444 2 2. 3,230 549 3. 100 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. 451 XXX 8,674 651 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 2A NONE Schedule P - Part 2B NONE Schedule P - Part 2C NONE Schedule P - Part 2D NONE Schedule P - Part 2E NONE Schedule P - Part 2F - Medical Mal Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 2F - Medical Mal Claim NONE Schedule P - Part 2G NONE Schedule P - Part 2H - Other Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 2H - Other Liab Claim NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72,73 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 2I - SPECIAL PROPERTY (FIRE, ALLIED LINES, INLAND MARINE, EARTHQUAKE, BURGLARY, AND THEFT) NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCURRED NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) DEVELOPMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years in Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Losses Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 One Year Two Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2J - AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2K - FIDELITY, SURETY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 5,201 5,286 6,347 1,062 1,146 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 399 237 (162) XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3,055 XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals 899 1,146 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2L - OTHER (INCLUDING CREDIT, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 14,086 24,683 23,362 (1,321) 9,276 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 12,362 16,059 3,697 XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 21,944 XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals 2,377 9,276 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2M - INTERNATIONAL NONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 2N - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Property NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCURRED NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) DEVELOPMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years in Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Losses Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 One Year Two Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2O - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Liability NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2P - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 2R - SECTION 1 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - OCCURRENCE NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCURRED NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) DEVELOPMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years in Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Losses Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 One Year Two Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2R - SECTION 2 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - CLAIMS-MADE NONE 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2S - FINANCIAL GUARANTY/MORTGAGE GUARANTY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 5,113 6,364 6,366 2 1,252 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 1,715 4,992 3,277 XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 275 XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals 3,279 1,252 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 3A NONE Schedule P - Part 3B NONE Schedule P - Part 3C NONE Schedule P - Part 3D NONE Schedule P - Part 3E NONE Schedule P - Part 3F - Medical Mal Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 3F - Medical Mal Claim NONE Schedule P - Part 3G NONE Schedule P - Part 3H - Other Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 3H - Other Liab Claims NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77, 78 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 3I - SPECIAL PROPERTY (FIRE, ALLIED LINES, INLAND MARINE, EARTHQUAKE, BURGLARY, AND THEFT) NONE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUMULATIVE PAID NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT 11 12 EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of Claims Claims Closed Years in Which Closed With Without Losses Were Loss Loss Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Payment Payment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 000 XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 3J - AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE NONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 000 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 3K - FIDELITY/SURETY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 000 538 1,858 XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 118 XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 921 XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 3L - OTHER (INCLUDING CREDIT, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 000 7,359 13,348 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3,652 8,276 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 5,356 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 3M - INTERNATIONAL NONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 000 XXX XXX 2. 1993 XXX XXX 3. 1994 XXX XXX XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 79 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 3N - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Property NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUMULATIVE PAID NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT 11 12 EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of Claims Claims Closed Years in Which Closed With Without Losses Were Loss Loss Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Payment Payment - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 000 XXX XXX 2. 1993 XXX XXX 3. 1994 XXX XXX XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 3O - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Liability NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 000 XXX XXX 2. 1993 XXX XXX 3. 1994 XXX XXX XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 3P - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 000 XXX XXX 2. 1993 XXX XXX 3. 1994 XXX XXX XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 3R - SECTION 1 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - OCCURRENCE NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUMULATIVE PAID NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT 11 12 EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of Claims Claims Closed Years in Which Closed With Without Losses Were Loss Loss Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Payment Payment - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 000 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 3R - SECTION 2 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - CLAIMS-MADE NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 000 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 3S - FINANCIAL GUARANTY/MORTGAGE GUARANTY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 000 307 468 XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 35 1,213 XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 175 XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 4A NONE Schedule P - Part 4B NONE Schedule P - Part 4C NONE Schedule P - Part 4D NONE Schedule P - Part 4E NONE Schedule P - Part 4F - Medical Mal Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 4F - Medical Mal Claim NONE Schedule P - Part 4G NONE Schedule P - Part 4H - Other Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 4H - Other Liab Claims NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 82,83 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 4I - SPECIAL PROPERTY (FIRE, ALLIED LINES, INLAND MARINE, EARTHQUAKE, BURGLARY AND THEFT) NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BULK AND IBNR RESERVES ON NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) --------------------------------------------------------------------- years in Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Losses Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4J - AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4K - FIDELITY/SURETY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 1,755 1,351 767 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 459 118 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 561 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4L - OTHER (INCLUDING CREDIT, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 7,637 5,989 4,294 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 1,787 399 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 5,107 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4M - INTERNATIONAL NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 4N NONE Schedule P - Part 4O NONE Schedule P - Part 4P NONE Schedule P - Part 4R - Prod Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 4R - Prod Liab Claims NONE Schedule P - Part 4S NONE Schedule P - Part 5A-SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5A-SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 5A-SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5B-SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5B-SN2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 85,86,87,88 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 5B-SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5C-SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5C-SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 5C-SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5D-SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5D-SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 5D-SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5E-SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5E-SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 5E-SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5F-SN1A NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88,89,90,91,92 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 5F- SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN3A NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN3B NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN1A NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN3A NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN3B NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92, 93, 94, 95 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 5R- SN1A NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN3A NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN3B NONE Schedule P - Part 6C - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6C - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6D - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6D - SN2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96, 97, 98 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 6E - COMMERCIAL MULTIPLE PERIL SECTION 1 NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUMULATIVE PREMIUMS EARNED DIRECT AND ASSUMED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Years in Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Current Premiums Were Year Earned and Losses Premiums Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Earned - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Earned Premiums (Sch P, Part 1) XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 2 NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUMULATIVE PREMIUMS EARNED CEDED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Years in Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Current Premiums Were Year Earned and Losses Premiums Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Earned - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Earned Premiums (Sch P, Part 1) XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 6H - OTHER LIABILITY - OCCURRENCE SECTION 1A - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CUMULATIVE PREMIUMS EARNED DIRECT AND ASSUMED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years in Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Current Premiums Were Year Earned and Losses Premiums Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Earned - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior 95 65 56 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Total XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Earned Premiums (Sch P, Part 1) 95 65 56 45 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SECTION 2A - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CUMULATIVE PREMIUMS EARNED CEDED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years in Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Current Premiums Were Year Earned and Losses Premiums Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Earned - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior 306 33 28 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Total XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Earned Premiums (Sch P, Part 1) 306 33 28 22 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 99 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 6H - SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 6H - SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 6M - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6M - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6N - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6N - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6O - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6O - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6R - SN1A NONE Schedule P - Part 6R - SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 6R - SN1B NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100, 101,102 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 6R - SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 1 NONE Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 2 NONE Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 3 NONE Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 4 NONE Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 5 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 1 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 2 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 3 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 4 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 5 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 102, 103, 104, 105, 106 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 6 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 7 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 106 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P INTERROGATORIES 1. What is the extended loss and expense reserve - direct and assumed - for the following classes? An example of an extended loss and expense reserve is the actuarial reserve for the free-tail coverage arising upon death, disability or retirement in most medical malpractice policies. Such a liability is to be reported here even if it was not reported elsewhere in Schedule P, but otherwise reported as a liability item on Page 3. Show the full reserve amount, not just the change during the current year. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years in which premiums were earned 1 2 3 and losses were incurred Medical Malpractice Other Liability Products Liability - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.01 Prior 1.02 1993 1.03 1994 1.04 1995 1.05 1996 1.06 1997 1.07 1998 1.08 1999 1.09 2000 1.10 2001 1.11 2002 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.12 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. The definition of allocated loss adjustment expenses (ALAE) and, therefore, unallocated loss adjustment expenses (ULAE) was changed effective January 1,1998. This change in definition applies to both paid and unpaid expenses. Are these expenses (now reported as "Defense and Cost Containment" and "Adjusting and Other") reported in compliance with these definitions in this statement? Answer. Yes [ X ] No [ ] 3. The Adjusting and Other expense payments and reserves should be allocated to the years in which the losses were incurred based on the number of claims reported, closed and outstanding in those years. When allocating Adjusting and Other expense between companies in a group or a pool, the Adjusting and Other expense should be allocated in the same percentage used for the loss amounts and the claim counts. For reinsurers, Adjusting and Other expense assumed should be reported according to the reinsurance contract. For Adjusting and Other expense incurred by reinsurers, or in those situations where suitable claim count information is not available, Adjusting and Other expense should be allocated by a reasonable method determined by the company and described in Interrogatory 7, below. Are they so reported in this Statement? Answer: Yes [ X ] No [ ] 4. Do any lines in Schedule P include reserves which are reported gross of any discount to present value of future payments, but are reported net of such discounts on Page 11? Yes [ X ] No [ ] If Yes, proper reporting must be made in the Notes to Financial Statements, as specified in the Instructions. Also, the discounts must be reported in Schedule P - Part 1, Columns 32 and 33. Schedule P must be completed gross of non-tabular discounting. Work papers relating to discount calculations must be available for examination upon request. Discounting is allowed only if expressly permitted by the state insurance department to which this Annual Statement is being filed. 5. What were the net premiums in force at the end of the year for: (in thousands of dollars) 5.1 Fidelity 5.2 Surety 3,919 6. Claim count information is reported 7.1 The information provided in Schedule P will be used by many persons to estimate the adequacy of the current loss and expense reserves, among other things. Are there any especially significant events, coverage, retention or accounting changes which have occurred which must be considered when making such analyses? Yes [ ] No [ X ] 7.2 An extended statement may be attached. 107 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE T - EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS WRITTEN Allocated by States and Territories - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Gross Premiums, Including 4 5 Policy and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies Not Taken -------------------------- 2 3 Dividends Paid Is or Credited to Direct Losses Insurer Direct Direct Policyholders Paid Licensed? Premiums Premiums on Direct (Deducting States, etc. (Yes or No) Written Earned Business Salvage) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Alabama AL Yes 266,177 104,631 2. Alaska AK Yes 24,208 3. Arizona AZ Yes 210,075 432,322 4. Arkansas AR Yes 1,452 5. California CA No 6. Colorado CO Yes 2,101,815 273,505 7. Connecticut CT Yes 4,739,835 404,920 8. Delaware DE Yes 981,235 490,752 9. District of Columbia DC Yes 1,700 10. Florida FL Yes 7,591,234 410,851 11. Georgia GA Yes 21,877 12. Hawaii HI Yes 13. Idaho ID Yes 19,190 14. Illinois IL Yes 2,671,934 231,312 15. Indiana IN Yes 1,498,487 86,706 16. Iowa IA Yes 54,599 74,749 17. Kansas KS Yes 565,936 96,004 18. Kentucky KY Yes 15,379 19. Louisiana LA Yes 822,114 55,529 20. Maine ME Yes 21. Maryland MD Yes 348,779 31,598 22. Massachusetts MA Yes 4,353,776 337,048 23. Michigan MI Yes 24,993 24. Minnesota MN Yes 978,785 181,821 25. Mississippi MS Yes 2,104 26. Missouri MO Yes 523,084 260,358 27. Montana MT Yes 28. Nebraska NE Yes 723,841 88,698 29. Nevada NV Yes 53,206 30. New Hampshire NH Yes 31. New Jersey NJ Yes 1,867,278 132,361 32. New Mexico NM Yes 4,563 33. New York NY Yes 73,459,415 50,730,833 34. North Carolina NC No 35. North Dakota ND Yes 8,618 36. Ohio OH Yes 2,807,802 126,145 37. Oklahoma OK Yes 1,871,001 41,822 38. Oregon OR Yes 2,539,830 63,611 39. Pennsylvania PA Yes 7,978,325 449,435 40. Rhode Island RI Yes 1,107,809 143,561 41. South Carolina SC Yes 2,866,405 101,779 42. South Dakota SD Yes 43. Tennessee TN Yes 103,458 41,847 44. Texas TX Yes 6,805,654 815,169 45. Utah UT Yes 11,669 46. Vermont VT Yes 7,847 47. Virginia VA Yes 2,384,728 119,150 48. Washington WA Yes 219,807 49. West Virginia WV Yes 9,825 50. Wisconsin WI Yes 42,500 94,555 51. Wyoming WY Yes 55,032 52. American Samoa AS No 53. Guam GU No 54. Puerto Rico PR No 55. U.S. Virgin Islands VI No 56. Canada CN No 57. Aggregate Other Aliens OT XXX 155,050 150,253 58. Totals (a) 49 132,420,961 57,052,795 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 5701. United Kingdom XXX 155,050 150,253 5702. XXX 5703. XXX 5798. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 57 from overflow page XXX 5799. Totals (Lines 5701 thru 5703 XXX 155,050 150,253 plus 5798)(Line 57 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 7 8 9 Direct Premium Written for Finance and Federal Service Purchasing Charges Not Groups Direct Losses Direct Losses Included in (Included in States, etc. Incurred Unpaid Premiums Col. 2) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Alabama AL 2. Alaska AK 3. Arizona AZ 4. Arkansas AR 5. California CA 6. Colorado CO 7. Connecticut CT 8. Delaware DE 9. District of Columbia DC 10. Florida FL 11. Georgia GA 12. Hawaii HI 13. Idaho ID 14. Illinois IL 15. Indiana IN 16. Iowa IA 17. Kansas KS 18. Kentucky KY 19. Louisiana LA 20. Maine ME 21. Maryland MD 22. Massachusetts MA 23. Michigan MI 24. Minnesota MN 25. Mississippi MS 26. Missouri MO 27. Montana MT 28. Nebraska NE 29. Nevada NV 30. New Hampshire NH 31. New Jersey NJ 32. New Mexico NM 33. New York NY 2,321,316 6,749,088 34. North Carolina NC 35. North Dakota ND 36. Ohio OH 37. Oklahoma OK 38. Oregon OR 39. Pennsylvania PA 40. Rhode Island RI 41. South Carolina SC 42. South Dakota SD 43. Tennessee TN 44. Texas TX 45. Utah UT 46. Vermont VT 47. Virginia VA 48. Washington WA 1,230,000 49. West Virginia WV 50. Wisconsin WI 51. Wyoming WY 52. American Samoa AS 53. Guam GU 54. Puerto Rico PR 55. U.S. Virgin Islands VI 56. Canada CN 57. Aggregate Other Aliens OT 58. Totals 2,321,316 7,979,088 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 5701. United Kingdom 5702. 5703. 5798. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 57 from overflow page 5799. Totals (Lines 5701 thru 5703 plus 5798)(Line 57 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Insert the number of yes responses except for Canada and Other Alien. Explanation of basis of allocation of premiums by states, etc. 108 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE Y - INFORMATION CONCERNING ACTIVITIES OF INSURER MEMBERS OF A HOLDING COMPANY GROUP PART 1 - ORGANIZATIONAL CHART FLOW CHART 109 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE Y (continued) PART 2 - SUMMARY OF INSURER'S TRANSACTIONS WITH ANY AFFILIATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Purchaes, Sales or Exhanges of Loans, Securities, Real NAIC Estate, Mortgage Company Federal ID Shareholder Capital Loans or Other Code Number Names of Insurers and Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Dividends Contributions Investments - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23-2691170 RADIAN GROUP INC. 80,628,195 (155,624,405) 33790 23-2018130 RADIAN GUARANTY INC. (30,000,000) (32,824,478) 2,101,498 33944 93-0952702 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ARIZONA 10,000,000 15909 23-2726782 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF TEXAS 152,094,018 20720 23-2734276 RADIAN INSURANCE INC. 23-1936987 RADIAN SERVICES INC. (2,101,498) 10185 36-3996062 AMERIN RE CORPORATION (4,600,000) 30872 23-1922977 AMERIN GUARANTY CORPORATION (20,000,000) 03-0360032 RADIAN MORTGAGE REINSURANCE COMPANY 250,000 36250 22-2712977 RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. 149,997,004 13-3333448 ENHANCE FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP INC. (26,028,195) (123,895,139) 27545 13-3371658 RADIAN REINSURANCE COMPANY AA-3190428 EXPORTERS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD 13-3570591 VAN-AMERICAN COMPANIES INC. 39870 61-1181203 VAN-AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY 42-1497928 EXPRESSCLOSE.COM INC. 03-0463207 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC. 3,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Control Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 7 8 Income/ (Disbursements) Incurred in Connection with Gaurantees or NAIC Undertakings for the Management Company Federal ID Benefit of any Agreements and Code Number Names of Insurers and Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Affiliate(s) Service Contracts - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23-2691170 RADIAN GROUP INC. 798,295 33790 23-2018130 RADIAN GUARANTY INC. (4,513,592) 33944 93-0952702 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ARIZONA (84,680) 15909 23-2726782 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF TEXAS (84,680) 20720 23-2734276 RADIAN INSURANCE INC. (338,539) 23-1936987 RADIAN SERVICES INC. 4,392,556 10185 36-3996062 AMERIN RE CORPORATION (84,680) 30872 23-1922977 AMERIN GUARANTY CORPORATION (84,680) 03-0360032 RADIAN MORTGAGE REINSURANCE COMPANY 36250 22-2712977 RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. 21,204,884 13-3333448 ENHANCE FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP INC. (3,780,708) 27545 13-3371658 RADIAN REINSURANCE COMPANY (17,424,176) AA-3190428 EXPORTERS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD 13-3570591 VAN-AMERICAN COMPANIES INC. 39870 61-1181203 VAN-AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY 42-1497928 EXPRESSCLOSE.COM INC. 03-0463207 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Control Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 9 10 11 Income/ Any Other Material (Disbursements) Activity Not in the NAIC Incurred Under Ordinary Course of Company Federal ID Reinsurance the Insurer's Code Number Names of Insurers and Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Agreements * Business - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23-2691170 RADIAN GROUP INC. 33790 23-2018130 RADIAN GUARANTY INC. (12,920,429) 33944 93-0952702 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ARIZONA 997,682 15909 23-2726782 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF TEXAS 8,850,310 20720 23-2734276 RADIAN INSURANCE INC. (11,003,433) 23-1936987 RADIAN SERVICES INC. 10185 36-3996062 AMERIN RE CORPORATION 1,637,191 30872 23-1922977 AMERIN GUARANTY CORPORATION 03-0360032 RADIAN MORTGAGE REINSURANCE COMPANY 466,203 36250 22-2712977 RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. 13,275,731 13-3333448 ENHANCE FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP INC 27545 13-3371658 RADIAN REINSURANCE COMPANY (3,875,187) AA-3190428 EXPORTERS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD 3,379,749 13-3570591 VAN-AMERICAN COMPANIES INC. 39870 61-1181203 VAN-AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (807,817) 42-1497928 EXPRESSCLOSE.COM INC. 03-0463207 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Control Totals XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 12 13 Reinsurance Recoverable/ (Payable) on Losses NAIC and/or Reserve Company Federal ID Credit Code Number Names of Insurers and Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Totals Taken/(Liability) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23-2691170 RADIAN GROUP INC. (74,197,915) 33790 23-2018130 RADIAN GUARANTY INC. (78,157,001) (54,338,183) 33944 93-0952702 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ARIZONA 10,913,002 3,319,386 15909 23-2726782 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF TEXAS 160,859,648 41,439,654 20720 23-2734276 RADIAN INSURANCE INC. (11,341,972) 2,407,514 23-1936987 RADIAN SERVICES INC. 2,291,058 10185 36-3996062 AMERIN RE CORPORATION (3,047,489) 7,122,746 30872 23-1922977 AMERIN GUARANTY CORPORATION (20,084,680) 03-0360032 RADIAN MORTGAGE REINSURANCE COMPANY 716,203 48,883 36250 22-2712977 RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. 184,477,619 (2,512,327) 13-3333448 ENHANCE FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP INC. (153,704,042) 27545 13-3371658 RADIAN REINSURANCE COMPANY (21,299,363) 13,912,206 AA-3190428 EXPORTERS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD 3,379,749 (16,516,377) 13-3570591 VAN-AMERICAN COMPANIES INC. 39870 61-1181203 VAN-AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (807,817) 5,116,498 42-1497928 EXPRESSCLOSE.COM INC. 03-0463207 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS GROUP 3000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Control Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES INTERROGATORIES The following supplemental reports are required to be filed as part of your statement filing. However, in the event that your company does not transact the type of business for which the special report must be filed, your response of NO to the specific interrogatory will be accepted in lieu of filing a "NONE" report and a bar code will be printed below. If the supplement is required of your company but is not being filed for whatever reason enter SEE EXPLANATION and provide an explanation following the interrogatory questions. MARCH FILING RESPONSES ------------ --------- 1. Will Supplement A to Schedule T (Medical Malpractice Supplement) be filed by March 1? No 2. Will Schedule SIS (Stockholder Information Supplement) be filed with the state of domicile by March 1? No 3. Will the Financial Guaranty Insurance Exhibit be filed March 1? Yes 4. Will the Medicare Supplement Insurance Experience Exhibit be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by March 1? No 5. Will an actuarial opinion be filed by March 1? Yes 6. Will the SVO Compliance Certification be filed by March 1? Yes 7. Will the Trusteed Surplus Statement be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by March 1? No 8. Will the Supplemental Compensation Exhibit be filed with the state of domicile by March 1? Yes 9. Will the Risk-based Capital Report be filed with the NAIC by March 1? No 10. Will the Risk-based Capital Report be filed with the state of domicile, if required by March 1? No 11. Will the Premiums Attributed to Protected Cells Exhibit be filed by March 1? No APRIL FILING ------------ 12. Will the Insurance Expense Exhibit be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by April 1? Yes 13. Will Management's Discussion and Analysis be filed by April 1? Yes 14. Will the Credit Insurance Experience Exhibit be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by April 1? No 15. Will the Long-term Care Experience Reporting Forms be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by April 1? No 16. Will the Accident and Health Policy Experience Exhibit be filed by April 1? No 17. Will the Investment Risk Interrogatories be filed by April 1? Yes MAY FILING ---------- 18. Will this company be included in a combined annual statement which is filed with the NAIC by May 1? Yes JUNE FILING ----------- 19. Will an audited financial report be filed by June 1? Yes Explanations: Explanations: Bar Codes: 1. [GRAPHIC] 2. [GRAPHIC] 4. [GRAPHIC] 7. [GRAPHIC] 9. [GRAPHIC] 10. [GRAPHIC] 111 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES INTERROGATORIES 11. [GRAPHIC] 14. [GRAPHIC] 15. [GRAPHIC] 16. [GRAPHIC] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 111.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERFLOW PAGE FOR WRITE-INS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P004 Additional Aggregate Lines for Page 4 Line 14. *UNINEX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1404. Miscellaneous income 23,190 1,314,575 1497. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 14 from page 4 23,190 1,314,575 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule A - Part 1 NONE Schedule A - Part 2 NONE Schedule A - Part 3 NONE Schedule B - Part 1 NONE Schedule B - Part 2 NONE Schedule BA - Part 1 NONE Schedule BA - Part 2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E01, E02, E03, E04, E05, E06, E07 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ------------- 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 912810-DC-9 US TREASURY BOND 10.750 FA 02/15/2003 30,140 912810-FJ-2 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.125 FA 08/15/2029 1,346,340 912810-FM-5 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.250 MN 05/15/2030 6,581,745 912827-2J-0 US TREASURY NOTE 6.250 FA 02/15/2007 216,084 912827-3E-0 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 6.125 FA 08/15/2007 1,075,828 912827-4F-6 US TREASURY NOTE 5.625 MN 05/15/2008 20,770 912827-4Y-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.875 JJ 01/15/2009 4,615,796 912827-6X-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 MN 05/15/2006 58,303 912827-7K-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 JJ 01/31/2004 12,928,778 912827-J7-8 US TREASURY NOTE 6.250 FA 02/15/2003 405,194 912827-L8-3 US TREASURY NOTE 5.750 FA 08/15/2003 1,002,696 912827-P8-9 US TREASURY NOTE 7.250 MN 05/15/2004 400,312 912827-R8-7 US TREASURY NOTE 7.875 MN 11/15/2004 50,020 912827-U8-3 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 6.500 FA 08/15/2005 544,408 912828-AK-6 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 FA 08/31/2004 7,922,596 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 37,199,011 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government - Issuer Obligations 37,199,011 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01N062-61-5 GNMA TBA 6.500 MTLY 01/01/2032 3,671,719 31287T-2E-4 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 7.000 MTLY 03/01/2030 395,637 31287V-AQ-3 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 6.500 MTLY 07/01/2032 28,446,458 3128GV-UG-3 FHLMC PC 6.000 MTLY 09/01/2017 883,031 31377M-7K-1 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.460 MTLY 06/01/2009 762,864 31377M-BG-5 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.120 MTLY 11/01/2008 502,213 31385J-JC-3 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 07/01/2032 233,179 31388Y-2Y-7 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 MTLY 12/01/2015 206,612 31389N-7D-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 MTLY 09/01/2031 5,256,272 31389N-KX-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 MTLY 03/01/2032 924,139 31390L-F7-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 08/01/2032 776,631 31390L-FF-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 07/01/2032 1,194,144 31390L-V7-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 MTLY 07/01/2032 302,382 31390L-WX-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 MTLY 07/01/2032 171,568 31390N-P4-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 07/01/2032 267,897 31390N-UL-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 MTLY 08/01/2017 946,864 31390P-DC-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 08/01/2032 450,283 31390T-LQ-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 08/01/2032 597,526 31390T-LV-9 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 08/01/2032 598,587 31390U-YD-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 09/01/2032 2,545,131 31391E-AQ-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 MTLY 09/01/2017 3,024,321 31392D-YE-6 FANNIEMAE GRANTOR TRUST 4.768 MTLY 04/25/2012 04/01/2012 100.000 291,017 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 52,448,476 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Securities 52,448,476 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - U.S. Government Bonds 89,647,487 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 683234-RV-2 ONTARIO PROV CDA 5.125 JJ 07/17/2012 249,385 748148-BW-2 QUEBEC PROV CDA 5.000 JJ 07/17/2009 248,623 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA 498,008 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D14466-LB-6 GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC 6.000 JAN 01/04/2007 505,348 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 912810-DC-9 US TREASURY BOND 30,000 101.1250 30,338 38,569 1,218 3,230 912810-FJ-2 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 1,250,000 117.4060 1,467,575 1,347,070 28,919 38,281 912810-FM-5 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5,920,000 119.6560 7,083,635 6,589,625 48,039 344,688 912827-2J-0 US TREASURY NOTE 220,000 114.7190 252,382 212,163 5,194 13,750 912827-3E-0 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1,076,000 115.0000 1,237,400 1,075,577 24,893 65,889 912827-4F-6 US TREASURY NOTE 20,000 113.4690 22,694 21,244 673 1,125 912827-4Y-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3,821,988 111.4690 4,260,332 4,655,930 68,417 912827-6X-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 55,000 107.8440 59,314 58,525 330 1,272 912827-7K-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 12,880,000 101.8750 13,121,500 12,951,947 161,700 193,200 912827-J7-8 US TREASURY NOTE 405,000 100.5940 407,406 416,773 9,561 25,313 912827-L8-3 US TREASURY NOTE 1,010,000 102.7810 1,038,088 927,639 21,936 58,075 912827-P8-9 US TREASURY NOTE 400,000 108.0310 432,124 401,688 3,765 28,900 912827-R8-7 US TREASURY NOTE 50,000 111.6560 55,828 50,078 511 1,969 912827-U8-3 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 540,000 111.8440 603,958 553,500 13,258 35,100 912828-AK-6 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 7,875,000 101.1250 7,963,594 7,926,896 56,860 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 35,552,988 XXX 38,036,166 37,277,224 445,274 810,791 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999- Total Bonds - U.S. Government - Issuer Obligations 35,552,988 XXX 38,036,166 37,227,224 445,274 810,791 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01N062-61-5 GNMA TBA 3,500,000 104.8750 3,670,625 3,671,719 31287T-2E-4 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 378,487 104.8460 396,830 395,637 2,208 8,831 31287V-AQ-3 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 27,886,600 104.2260 29,065,327 28,453,047 151,052 755,262 3128GV-UG-3 FHLMC PC 885,624 104.4490 893,694 883,031 4,278 12,834 31377M-7K-1 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 683,895 112.4440 769,003 762,864 3,682 31377M-BG-5 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 454,620 111.2890 505,942 502,213 2,396 31385J-JC-3 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 225,022 104.1520 234,365 233,179 1,219 31388Y-2Y-7 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 195,753 105.4170 206,359 206,612 1,060 3,181 31389N-7D-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 5,097,764 104.8970 5,347,420 5,256,272 29,737 208,159 31389N-KX-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 936,862 103.4920 969,579 924,126 4,684 42,159 31390L-F7-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 752,072 104.1520 783,300 776,631 4,074 16,295 31390L-FF-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1,156,381 104.1520 1,204,398 1,194,144 6,264 25,055 31390L-V7-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 289,231 105.1100 304,011 302,382 1,687 6,749 31390L-WX-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 164,107 105.1100 172,493 171,568 957 3,829 31390N-P4-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 258,175 104.1520 268,896 267,897 1,398 4,195 31390N-UL-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 908,399 104.5670 949,887 946,864 4,542 13,626 31390P-DC-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 435,879 104.1520 453,978 450,283 2,361 11,805 31390T-LQ-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 578,412 104.1520 602,429 597,526 3,133 15,665 31390T-LV-9 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 579,439 104.1520 603,499 598,587 3,139 15,693 31390U-YD-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 2,460,921 104.1520 2,563,108 2,545,131 13,300 39,990 31391E-AQ-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 2,901,462 104.5670 3,033,976 3,024,321 14,507 43,522 31392D-YE-6 FANNIEMAE GRANTOR TRUST 291,290 105.5770 307,535 291,017 232 5,788 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 50,990,394 XXX 53,306,655 52,455,052 255,940 1,232,639 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Securities 50,990,394 XXX 53,306,655 52,455,052 255,940 1,232,639 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - U.S. Government Bonds 86,543,382 XXX 91,342,822 89,682,276 701,215 2,043,429 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS CANADA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 683234-RV-2 ONTARIO PROV CDA 250,000 106.7490 266,873 249,363 5,837 748148-BW-2 QUEBEC PROV CDA 250,000 106.8570 267,143 248,543 5,694 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA 500,000 XXX 534,015 497,905 11,531 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D14466-LB-6 GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC 462,697 109.9000 508,504 478,543 27,534 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec.31 Current Increase Year, on Increase (Decrease) Bonds in Effective (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to Rate CUSIP by Exchange Principal or NAIC Date of Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest Designation Acquired Interest - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 912810-DC-9 US TREASURY BOND (1,118) 1 01/01/1993 6.798 912810-FJ-2 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS (731) 1 06/14/2002 5.565 912810-FM-5 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS (7,880) 1 11/14/2002 5.458 912827-2J-0 US TREASURY NOTE 819 1 05/08/1997 6.752 912827-3E-0 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 94 1 10/16/1997 6.129 912827-4F-6 US TREASURY NOTE (123) 1 04/01/1999 4.803 912827-4Y-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS (40,134) 1 10/11/2002 0.391 912827-6X-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS (222) 1 10/17/2002 2.747 912827-7K-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS (23,169) 1 06/18/2002 2.642 912827-J7-8 US TREASURY NOTE (1,553) 1 11/24/1993 5.846 912827-L8-3 US TREASURY NOTE 11,144 1 04/05/1994 6.940 912827-P8-9 US TREASURY NOTE (203) 1 06/01/1994 7.189 912827-R8-7 US TREASURY NOTE (9) 1 11/28/1994 7.851 912827-U8-3 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS (1,490) 1 09/20/1995 6.158 912828-AK-6 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS (4,301) 1 11/14/2002 1.754 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (68,875) XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 019999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government - Issuer Obligations (68,875) XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01N062-61-5 GNMA TBA. 1PE 12/23/2002 6.013 31287T-2E-4 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS (3,474) 1PE 07/25/2002 4.628 31287V-AQ-3 FHLMC GOLD 30YR (18,871) 1PE 06/14/2002 6.234 3128GV-UG-3 FHLMC PC (4,528) 1PE 08/22/2002 4.388 31377M-7K-1 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 1PE 12/23/2002 2.825 31377M-BG-5 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 1PE 12/23/2002 2.566 31385J-JC-3 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 11/12/2002 4.196 31388Y-2Y-7 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y (433) 1PE 09/18/2002 3.525 31389N-7D-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y (9,403) 1PE 05/14/2002 5.865 31389N-KX-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1,860 1PE 01/11/2002 6.208 31390L-F7-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y (544) 1PE 07/22/2002 5.082 31390L-FF-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y (1 296) 1PE 07/22/2002 5.081 31390L-V7-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y (354) 1PE 07/25/2002 4.167 31390L-WX-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y (481) 1PE 07/25/2002 4.167 31390N-P4-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y (598) 1PE 09/12/2002 4.107 31390N-UL-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y (3,597) 1PE 09/18/2002 3.863 31390P-DC-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y (462) 1PE 07/25/2002 5.046 31390T-LQ-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y (705) 1PE 07/25/2002 5.046 31390T-LV-9 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y (673) 1PE 07/25/2002 5.046 31390U-YD-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y (1,331) 1PE 08/20/2002 4.293 31391E-AQ-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y (4,135) 1PE 09/18/2002 3.865 31392D-YE-6 FANNIEMAE GRANTOR TRUST (4) 1PE 07/18/2002 4.720 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (49,029) XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Securities (49,029) XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - U.S. Government Bonds (117,904) XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS CANADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 683234-RV-2 ONTARIO PROV CDA 23 1 07/10/2002 5.158 748148-BW-2 QUEBEC PROV CDA 80 1 07/09/2002 5.100 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA 103 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D14466-LB-6 GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC (2,241) 29,047 1 09/30/2002 3.495 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 ----------- 4 5 CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D20658-AZ-9 GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC 6.000 JUL 07/04/2007 G92450-FX-1 U.K. TREASURY STOCK 5.000 JD 06/07/2004 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total Bonds - All Other Government - Issuer Obligations - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099998 - Bonds - All Other Governments - Other Countries - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - All Other Government Bonds - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES COLORADO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 249174-BP-7 DENVER COLO CITY & CNTY S (zero coupon bond) None 12/01/2006 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COLORADO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772F-L6-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 5.375 MN 11/15/2017 11/15/2012 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341422-6H-1 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 5.000 JD 06/01/2031 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373383-DY-1 GEORGIA ST 5.750 MS 09/01/2013 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419780-WJ-6 HAWAII ST 5.500 FA 02/01/2014 02/01/2012 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 5.125 FA 02/01/2027 452150-FG-5 ILLINOIS ST 5.375 FA 02/01/2022 452151-AT-0 ILLINOIS ST 5.375 JJ 07/01/2017 07/01/2012 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574192-TQ-3 MARYLAND ST 5.500 FA 08/01/2014 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575827-RU-6 MASS ST CONS LN SER C 5.250 FA 08/01/2015 08/01/2008 101.000 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 MS 03/01/2019 03/01/2012 100.000 57582N-JV-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 JJ 01/01/2015 01/01/2013 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4K-1 MINNESOTA ST 5.250 MN 11/01/2016 11/01/2012 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181054-5F-0 CLARK CNTY NEV SCH DIST 5.375 JD 06/15/2015 06/15/2012 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 646038-J2-6 NEW JERSEY ST 6.000 JJ 07/15/2005 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64966B-GU-1 NEW YORK N Y 5.875 JD 06/01/2019 06/01/2012 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677518-6A-5 OHIO ST 5.375 MS 09/15/2017 03/15/2012 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 Rate Used to Book/Adjusted Obtain CUSIP Carrying Par Fair Fair Actual Identification Description Value Value Value Value Cost - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D20658-AZ-9 GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC 3,001,168 2,880,054 115.5880 3,328,997 2,521,913 G92450-FX-1 U.K. TREASURY STOCK 2,623,332 2,590,490 95.6780 2,478,546 2,475,771 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OTHERS 6,129,848 5,933,241 XXX 6,316,047 5,476,226 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total Bonds - All Other Government - Issuer Obligations 6,627,855 6,433,241 XXX 6,850,062 5,974,131 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099998 - Bonds - All Other Governments - Other Countries 158,827 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - All Other Government Bonds 6,627,855 6,433,241 XXX 6,850,062 5,974,131 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES COLORADO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 249174-BP-7 DENVER COLO CITY & CNTY S (zero coupon bond) 4,398,364 5,000,000 88.5910 4,429,550 4,371,650 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COLORADO 4,398,364 5,000,000 XXX 4,429,550 4,371,650 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772F-L6-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 5,424,439 5,000,000 111.1190 5,555,950 5,435,200 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 5,424,439 5,000,000 XXX 5,555,950 5,435,200 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341422-6H-1 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 977,735 1,000,000 101.2930 1,012,930 977,380 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 977,735 1,000,000 XXX 1,012,930 977,380 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373383-DY-1 GEORGIA ST 204,810 200,000 117.6080 235,216 205,142 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 204,810 200,000 XXX 235,216 205,142 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419780-WJ-6 HAWAII ST 2,175,742 2,000,000 112.5270 2,250,540 2,184,040 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 2,175,742 2,000,000 XXX 2,250,540 2,184,040 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 2,937,024 3,000,000 101.9310 3,057,930 2,935,830 452150-FG-5 ILLINOIS ST 7,253,896 7,800,000 103.7570 8,093,046 7,235,472 452151-AT-0 ILLINOIS ST 3,829,867 3,600,000 109.4550 3,940,380 3,838,068 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 14,020,786 14,400,000 XXX 15,091,356 14,009,370 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574192-TQ-3 MARYLAND ST 3,401,879 3,000,000 115.8070 3,474,210 3,412,170 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND 3,401,879 3,000,000 XXX 3,474,210 3,412,170 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575827-RU-6 MASS ST CONS LN SER C 8,200,859 8,000,000 113.8090 9,104,720 8,274,983 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 4,279,096 4,000,000 114.9030 4,596,120 4,289,480 57582N-JV-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5,517,489 5,000,000 111.9490 5,597,450 5,520,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 17,997,444 17,000,000 XXX 19,298,290 18,084,463 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4K-1 MINNESOTA ST 2,128,276 2,000,000 109.1730 2,183,460 2,129,660 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA 2,128,276 2,000,000 XXX 2,183,460 2,129,660 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181054-5F-0 CLARK CNTY NEV SCH DIST 2,125,642 2,000,000 111.1510 2,223,020 2,131,060 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 2,125,642 2,000,000 XXX 2,223,020 2,131,060 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 646038-J2-6 NEW JERSEY ST 8,147,084 8,000,000 110.6190 8,849,520 8,417,154 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 8,147,084 8,000,000 XXX 8,849,520 8,417,154 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64966B-GU-1 NEW YORK N Y 2,084,375 2,000,000 107.2800 2,145,600 2,088,320 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 2,084,375 2,000,000 XXX 2,145,600 2,088,320 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677518-6A-5 OHIO ST 4,221,264 4,000,000 109.5280 4,381,120 4,231,640 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 4,221,264 4,000,000 XXX 4,381,120 4,231,640 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 Interest 16 17 ------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due and Accrued Dec. 31 of Increase Current Year Gross Increase (Decrease) on Bonds Amount (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP not in Received by Exchange Identification Description Default During Year Adjustment Adjustment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D20658-AZ-9 GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC 85,691 161,785 (16,256) 495,511 G92450-FX-1 U.K. TREASURY STOCK 60,706 73,608 (10,044) 186,578 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OTHERS 173,931 235,393 (28,541) 711,136 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0499999 - Total Bonds - All Other Government - Issuer Obligations 185,462 235,393 (28,438) 711,136 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1099998 - Bonds - All Other Governments - Other Countries 8,262 162,285 (1,917) (1,302,952) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1099999 - Total - All Other Government Bonds 185,462 235,393 (28,438) 711,136 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES COLORADO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 249174-BP-7 DENVER COLO CITY & CNTY S (zero coupon bond) 26,714 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL COLORADO 26,714 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONNECTICUT - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20772F-L6-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 34,340 67,188 (10,761) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CONNECTICUT 34,340 67,188 (10,761) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 341422-6H-1 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 4,167 43,889 355 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL FLORIDA 4,167 43,889 355 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEORGIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 373383-DY-1 GEORGIA ST 3,833 11,500 (307) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL GEORGIA 3,833 11,500 (307) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HAWAII - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 419780-WJ-6 HAWAII ST 45,833 50,722 (8,298) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL HAWAII 45,833 50,722 (8,298) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 64,063 76,875 1,194 452150-FG-5 ILLINOIS ST 174,688 419,250 17,119 452151-AT-0 ILLINOIS ST 96,750 (8,201) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ILLINOIS 335,500 496,125 10,112 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MARYLAND - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 574192-TQ-3 MARYLAND ST 62,333 (10,291) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MARYLAND 62,333 (10,291) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 575827-RU-6 MASS ST CONS LN SER C 175,000 420,000 (21,044) 57582N-BX-Z MASSACHUSETTS ST 73,333 101,444 (10,384) 57582N-JV-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST 45,833 (2,511) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 294,167 521,444 (33,939) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINNESOTA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 604128-4K-1 MINNESOTA ST 17,500 (1,384) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MINNESOTA 17,500 (1,384) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEVADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 181054-5F-0 CLARK CNTY NEV SCH DIST 4,778 57,931 (5,418) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEVADA 4,778 57,931 (5,418) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW JERSEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 646038-J2-6 NEW JERSEY ST 221,333 480,000 (52,749) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEW JERSEY 221,333 480,000 (52,749) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 64966B-GU-1 NEW YORK N Y 9,792 58,097 (3,945) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEW YORK 9,792 58,097 (3,945) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OHIO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 677518-6A-5 OHIO ST 63,306 107,500 (10,376) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OHIO 63,306 107,500 (10,376) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Year, on tive Bonds in Rate Default as to NAIC of CUSIP Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Interest nation Acquired terest - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D20658-AZ-9 GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC 1 03/25/2002 4.935 G92450-FX-1 U.K. TREASURY STOCK 1 09/30/2002 4.060 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OTHERS XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total Bonds - All Other Government - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099998 - Bonds - All Other Governments - Other Countries XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - All Other Government Bonds XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES COLORADO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 249174-BP-7 DENVER COLO CITY & CNTY S (zero coupon bond) 1Z 10/21/2002 3.300 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COLORADO XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772F-L6-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 1 08/22/2002 4.310 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341422-6H-1 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 1 03/06/2002 5.150 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373383-DY-1 GEORGIA ST 1 12/01/2001 5.450 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419780-WJ-6 HAWAII ST 1 06/13/2002 4.320 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 1 02/01/2002 5.280 452150-FG-5 ILLINOIS ST 1 12/01/2001 6.016 452151-AT-0 ILLINOIS ST 1 07/18/2002 4.540 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574192-TQ-3 MARYLAND ST 1 08/01/2002 4.040 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575827-RU-6 MASS ST CONS LN SER C 1 12/01/2001 4.850 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 1 07/18/2002 4.560 57582N-JV-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST 1Z 11/22/2002 4.218 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4K-1 MINNESOTA ST 1Z 10/22/2002 4.433 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181054-5F-0 CLARK CNTY NEV SCH DIST 1 06/05/2002 4.550 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 646038-J2-6 NEW JERSEY ST 1 12/01/2001 5.217 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64966B-GU-1 NEW YORK N Y 1 05/23/2002 5.300 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677518-6A-5 OHIO ST 1 06/05/2002 4.630 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 ----------- 4 5 CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 709141-LJ-2 PENNSYLVANIA ST 5.500 AO 10/01/2013 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745145-Q5-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 5.500 JJ 07/01/2014 745145-T4-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 5.500 JJ 07/01/2013 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 880540-J7-5 TENNESSEE ST 6.000 MN 05/01/2006 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917542-KZ-4 UTAH ST 5.375 JJ 07/01/2012 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 939745-SL-0 WASHINGTON ST 5.500 JJ 07/01/2014 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Total Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - Issuer Obligations - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - States, Territories and Possessions - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ARIZONA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 567288-LL-7 MARICOPA CNTY ARIZ SCH DIST 6.125 JJ 07/01/2011 07/01/2009 101.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181054-M7-9 CLARK CNTY SCH DIST 5.250 JD 06/15/2015 06/15/2009 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH CAROLINA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 658256-DK-5 NORTH CAROLINA ST 5.250 MS 03/01/2018 03/01/2009 102.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NORTH CAROLINA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 265129-7P-5 DUNCANVILLE TEX INDPT SCH DIST (zero coupon bond) NONE 02/15/2025 349460-C9-4 FORT WORTH TEX INDPT SCH DIST 5.875 FA 02/15/2015 02/15/2010 100.000 442402-Q4-8 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIST 5.250 FA 02/15/2018 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total Bonds - Political Subdivisions - Issuer Obligations - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Total - Political Subdivisions Bonds - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010608-SW-8 ALABAMA ST PUB SCH & COLLEGE AUTH 5.125 MN 11/01/2015 472682-JT-1 JEFFERSON CNTY ALA SWR RE 5.500 FA 02/01/2040 02/01/2011 101.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARIZONA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 040580-CD-2 ARIZONA SCH FACS BRD REV 5.250 JJ 07/01/2016 07/01/2012 100.000 71883M-CT-9 PHOENIX CIVIC-AM 5.000 JJ 07/01/2007 71883M-CU-6 PHOENIX CIVIC-AM 5.000 JJ 07/01/2008 07/01/2007 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELAWARE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 Rate Used to Book/Adjusted Obtain CUSIP Carrying Par Fair Fair Actual Identification Description Value Value Value Value Cost - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 709141-LJ-2 PENNSYLVANIA ST 1,987,195 2,000,000 112.3320 2,246,640 1,984,560 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 1,987,195 2,000,000 XXX 2,246,640 1,984,560 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745145-Q5-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 4,540,843 4,000,000 115.8210 4,632,840 4,555,280 745145-T4-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 5,683,849 5,000,000 116.0640 5,803,200 5,704,450 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO 10,224,692 9,000,000 XXX 10,436,040 10,259,730 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 880540-J7-5 TENNESSEE ST 8,261,079 8,000,000 113.0550 9,044,400 8,610,333 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 8,261,079 8,000,000 XXX 9,044,400 8,610,333 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917542-KZ-4 UTAH ST 2,224,164 2,000,000 114.0020 2,280,040 2,231,900 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH 2,224,164 2,000,000 XXX 2,280,040 2,231,900 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 939745-SL-O WASHINGTON ST 7,441,919 7,000,000 114.3150 8,002,050 7,531,260 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 7,441,919 7,000,000 XXX 8,002,050 7,531,260 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 97,446,888 93,600,000 XXX 103,139,932 98,295,032 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Total Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - Issuer Obligations 97,446,888 93,600,000 XXX 103,139,932 98,295,032 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - States, Territories and Possessions 97,446,888 93,600,000 XXX 103,139,932 98,295,032 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ARIZONA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 567288-LL-7 MARICOPA CNTY ARIZ SCH DIST 4,398,899 3,825,000 117.1500 4,480,988 4,401,466 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA 4,398,899 3,825,000 XXX 4,480,988 4,401,466 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181054-M7-9 CLARK CNTY SCH DIST 2,030,072 2,000,000 108.4090 2,168,180 2,034,204 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 2,030,072 2,000,000 XXX 2,168,180 2,034,204 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 658256-DK-5 NORTH CAROLINA ST 7,902,625 8,250,000 114.7980 9,470,835 7,718,453 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NORTH CAROLINA 7,902,625 8,250,000 XXX 9,470,835 7,718,453 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 265129-7P-5 DUNCANVILLE TEX INDPT SCH DIST (zero coupon bond) 5,372,049 5,670,000 101.0960 5,732,143 5,360,191 349460-C9-4 FORT WORTH TEX INDPT SCH DIST 6,340,465 6,335,000 113.5710 7,194,723 6,342,095 442402-Q4-8 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIST 5,653,392 6,000,000 106.0550 6,363,300 5,637,715 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 17,365,906 18,005,000 XXX 19,290,166 17,340,001 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 31,697,503 32,080,000 XXX 35,410,169 31,494,123 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total Bonds - Political Subdivisions - Issuer Obligations 31,697,503 32,080,000 XXX 35,410,169 31,494,123 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Total - Political Subdivisions Bonds 31,697,503 32,080,000 XXX 35,410,169 31,494,123 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010608-SW-8 ALABAMA ST PUB SCH & COLLEGE AUTH 7,892,742 8,000,000 107.8000 8,624,000 7,873,520 472682-JT-1 JEFFERSON CNTY ALA SWR RE 11,434,760 10,000,000 115.3690 11,536,900 11,439,400 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA 19,327,502 18,000,000 XXX 20,160,900 19,312,920 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARIZONA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 040580-CD-2 ARIZONA SCH FACS BRD REV 1,955,390 1,845,000 110.0480 2,030,386 1,958,984 71883M-CT-9 PHOENIX CIVIC-AM 3,498,209 3,380,000 108.8690 3,679,772 3,513,307 71883M-CU-6 PHOENIX CIVIC-AM 3,867,100 3,640,000 107.2070 3,902,335 3,869,611 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA 9,320,699 8,865,000 XXX 9,612,493 9,341,903 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELAWARE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 Interest 16 17 ------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due and Accrued Dec. 31 of Increase Current Year Gross Increase (Decrease) on Bonds Amount (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP not in Received by Exchange Identification Description Default During Year Adjustment Adjustment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PENNSYLVANIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 709141-LJ-2 PENNSYLVANIA ST 27,500 110,000 917 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 27,500 110,000 917 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUERTO RICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 745145-Q5-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 87,389 (14,437) 745145-T4-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 109,236 (20,601) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL PUERTO RICO 196,625 (35,038) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TENNESSEE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 880540-J7-5 TENNESSEE ST 80,000 480,000 (70,328) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL TENNESSEE 80,000 480,000 (70,328) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UTAH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 917542-KZ-4 UTAH ST 49,569 (7,736) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UTAH 49,569 (7,736) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WASHINGTON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 939745-SL-0 WASHINGTON ST 192,500 385,000 (27,884) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WASHINGTON 192,500 385,000 (27,884) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 1,643,076 2,869,396 (240,357) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1199999 - Total Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - Issuer Obligations 1,643,076 2,869,396 (240,357) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799999 - Total - States, Territories and Possessions 1,643,076 2,869,396 (240,357) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ARIZONA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 567288-LL-7 MARICOPA CNTY ARIZ SCH DIST 117,141 (2,567) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ARIZONA 117,141 (2,567) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEVADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 181054-M7-9 CLARK CNTY SCH DIST 4,667 105,000 (3,825) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEVADA 4,667 105,000 (3,825) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NORTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 658256-DK-5 NORTH CAROLINA ST 144,375 433,125 149,787 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NORTH CAROLINA 144,375 433,125 149,787 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 265129-7P-5 DUNCANVILLE TEX INDPT SCH DIST (zero coupon bond) 11,857 349460-C9-4 FORT WORTH TEX INDPT SCH DIST 140,602 372,181 (1,630) 442402-Q4-8 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIST 119,000 315,000 14,564 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL TEXAS 259,602 687,181 24,791 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 525,784 1,225,306 168,186 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1899999 - Total Bonds - Political Subdivisions - Issuer Obligations 525,784 1,225,306 168,186 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2499999 - Total - Political Subdivisions Bonds 525,784 1,225,306 168,186 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 010608-SW-8 ALABAMA ST PUB SCH & COLLEGE AUTH 68,333 410,000 6,331 472682-JT-1 JEFFERSON CNTY ALA SWR RE 229,167 (4,640) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ALABAMA 297,500 410,000 1,691 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ARIZONA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 040580-CD-2 ARIZONA SCH FACS BRD REV 48,431 (3,595) 71883M-CT-9 PHOENIX CIVIC-AM 84,500 28,167 (15,099) 71883M-CU-6 PHOENIX CIVIC-AM 91,000 (2,511) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ARIZONA 223,931 28,167 (21,204) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DELAWARE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Year, on tive Bonds in Rate Default as to NAIC of CUSIP Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Interest nation Acquired terest - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 709141-LJ-2 PENNSYLVANIA ST 1 10/15/1999 5.580 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745145-Q5-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 1 07/19/2002 4.020 745145-T4-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 1 08/02/2002 3.900 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 880540-J7-5 TENNESSEE ST 1 12/01/2001 4.926 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917542-KZ-4 UTAH ST 1 07/18/2002 3.949 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 939745-SL-O WASHINGTON ST 1 12/01/2001 4.780 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Total Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - States, Territories and Possessions XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ARIZONA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 567288-LL-7 MARICOPA CNTY ARIZ SCH DIST 1 12/13/2002 3.649 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181054-M7-9 CLARK CNTY SCH DIST 1 12/01/2001 4.975 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH CAROLINA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 658256-DK-5 NORTH CAROLINA ST 1 01/13/2000 6.356 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NORTH CAROLINA XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 265129-7P-5 DUNCANVILLE TEX INDPT SCH DIST (zero coupon bond) 1 01/31/2002 0.244 349460-C9-4 FORT WORTH TEX INDPT SCH DIST 1 01/13/2000 5.860 442402-Q4-8 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIST 1PE 12/01/2001 5.830 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total Bonds - Political Subdivisions - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Total - Political Subdivisions Bonds XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010608-SW-8 ALABAMA ST PUB SCH & COLLEGE AUTH 1 07/14/1999 5.270 472682-JT-1 JEFFERSON CNTY ALA SWR RE 1 12/16/2002 3.550 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARIZONA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 040580-CD-2 ARIZONA SCH FACS BRD REV 1 07/18/2002 4.470 71883M-CT-9 PHOENIX CIVIC-AM 1 04/19/2002 4.140 71883M-CU-6 PHOENIX CIVIC-AM 1 12/11/2002 3.490 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELAWARE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 ----------- 4 5 CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 246428-PU-4 DELAWARE TRANSN AUTH TRAN 5.250 JJ 07/01/2011 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DELAWARE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341507-CA-7 FLORIDA ST BRD ED LOTTERY 5.750 JJ 07/01/2008 875128-EV-8 TAMPA BAY WTR FLA UTIL SYS 5.000 AO 10/01/2022 875128-FB-1 TAMPA BAY WTR FLA UTIL SYS 5.000 AO 10/01/2028 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 452245-AQ-6 ILLINOIS ST TOLL HWY AUTH 6.300 JJ 01/01/2011 592247-YB-0 METROPOLITAN PIER & EXPO AUTH 5.375 JD 12/15/2017 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 455280-4S-3 INDIANAPOLIS IND LOC PUB 5.500 JJ 07/01/2013 07/01/2012 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49151E-JY-0 KENTUCKY ST PPTY & BLDGS 5.375 FA 02/01/2018 02/01/2012 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575567-KX-9 MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANS AUTH 5.250 MS 03/01/2018 57604P-DU-5 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POLLUNT 5.375 FA 08/01/2027 08/01/2010 100.000 57604P-EZ-3 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POLLUTN 5.500 FA 08/01/2030 08/01/2011 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 251255-A2-1 DETROIT MICH WTR SUPPLY SYS 5.000 JJ 07/01/2030 594614-RD-3 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 5.500 AO 10/15/2018 10/15/2011 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 534272-VQ-9 LINCOLN NEB ELEC SYS REV 5.000 MS 09/01/2015 09/01/2012 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64465M-XE-0 NEW HAMPSHIRE MUN BD BK 5.000 FA 08/15/2016 08/15/2012 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW HAMPSHIRE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 646135-EE-9 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR FD AUTH 5.250 JD 06/15/2008 646135-QY-Z NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR F 5.750 JD 06/15/2016 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 649706-6S-2 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR FIN 5.500 JD 06/15/2027 06/15/2008 100.000 64970K-UQ-8 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 5.375 JD 06/15/2016 06/15/2012 100.000 64971G-FD-2 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 5.000 JD 06/15/2029 64971K-ED-7 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 5.250 FA 02/01/2029 02/01/2011 100.000 64983X-3Z-5 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 5.250 JJ 07/01/2031 64985M-L9-5 NEW YORK ST ENVIRONMENTAL 5.375 JD 06/15/2015 06/15/2012 100.000 64985M-YV-2 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 5.000 JD 06/15/2031 649876-HJ-1 NEW YORK ST LOC ASSISTANCE CORP 5.500 AO 04/01/2021 04/01/2005 100.000 896029-6U-4 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH 5.500 JJ 01/01/2032 01/01/2009 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677659-KS-2 OHIO ST WTR DEV AUTH REV 5.375 JD 12/01/2016 06/01/2012 100.000 914118-7X-6 UNIVERSITY CINCINNATI OHIO GEN R 5.000 JD 06/01/2031 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OKLAHOMA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 679111-PA-6 OKLAHOMA TRANSN AUTH OK F 6.000 JJ 01/01/2008 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 Rate Used to Book/Adjusted Obtain CUSIP Carrying Par Fair Fair Actual Identification Description Value Value Value Value Cost - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 246428-PU-4 DELAWARE TRANSN AUTH TRAN 4,725,381 4,240,000 112.8490 4,784,798 4,742,525 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DELAWARE 4,725,381 4,240,000 XXX 4,784,798 4,742,525 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341507-CA-7 FLORIDA ST BRD ED LOTTERY 3,544,881 3,250,000 114.7490 3,729,343 3,578,608 875128-EV-8 TAMPA BAY WTR FLA UTIL SYS 4,473,203 4,585,000 102.4850 4,698,937 4,469,045 875128-FB-1 TAMPA BAY WTR FLA UTIL SYS 5,872,572 6,000,000 101.4240 6,085,440 5,869,020 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 13,890,657 13,835,000 XXX 14,513,720 13,916,673 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 452245-AQ-6 ILLINOIS ST TOLL HWY AUTH 1,753,225 1,500,000 117.5590 1,763,385 1,756,740 592247-YB-0 METROPOLITAN PIER & EXPO AUTH 4,808,735 5,000,000 108.7170 5,435,850 4,785,200 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 6,561,960 6,500,000 XXX 7,199,235 6,541,940 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 455280-4S-3 INDIANAPOLIS IND LOC PUB 4,705,571 4,290,000 113.7070 4,878,030 4,723,719 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA 4,705,571 4,290,000 XXX 4,878,030 4,723,719 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49151E-JY-0 KENTUCKY ST PPTY & BLDGS 5,146,538 5,000,000 108.5580 5,427,900 5,158,050 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY 5,146,538 5,000,000 XXX 5,427,900 5,158,050 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575567-KX-9 MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANS AUTH 4,758,968 5,000,000 106.8140 5,340,700 4,728,300 57604P-DU-5 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POLLUNT 5,054,321 5,000,000 104.1940 5,209,700 5,059,900 57604P-EZ-3 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POLLUTN 10,129,619 10,000,000 106.0410 10,604,100 10,146,900 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 19,942,908 20,000,000 XXX 21,154,500 19,935,100 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 251255-A2-1 DETROIT MICH WTR SUPPLY SYS 6,515,810 7,000,000 100.9770 7,068,390 6,503,980 594614-RD-3 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 7,395,273 6,845,000 109.5420 7,498,150 7,398,076 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 13,911,082 13,845,000 XXX 14,566,540 13,902,056 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 534272-VQ-9 LINCOLN NEB ELEC SYS REV 3,283,708 3,000,000 107.8960 3,236,880 3,288,240 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA 3,283,708 3,000,000 XXX 3,236,880 3,288,240 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64465M-XE-0 NEW HAMPSHIRE MUN BD BK 2,165,019 2,000,000 106.7950 2,135,900 2,167,340 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW HAMPSHIRE 2,165,019 2,000,000 XXX 2,135,900 2,167,340 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 646135-EE-9 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR FD AUTH 990,670 1,000,000 109.8640 1,098,640 989,095 646135-QY-Z NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR F 7,401,147 6,460,000 117.0200 7,559,492 7,404,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 8,391,817 7,460,000 XXX 8,658,132 8,393,095 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 649706-6S-2 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR FIN 5,049,869 5,000,000 105.3530 5,267,650 5,060,900 64970K-UQ-8 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 2,125,645 2,000,000 109.9910 2,199,820 2,130,620 64971G-FD-2 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 4,928,035 5,000,000 100.9700 5,048,500 4,925,750 64971K-ED-7 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 4,342,369 4,000,000 108.7040 4,348,160 4,354,480 64983X-3Z-5 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 2,959,623 3,000,000 102.5600 3,076,800 2,958,750 64985M-L9-5 NEW YORK ST ENVIRONMENTAL 5,318,065 5,000,000 111.6530 5,582,650 5,334,650 64985M-YV-2 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 974,940 1,000,000 100.9730 1,009,730 974,390 649876-HJ-1 NEW YORK ST LOG ASSISTANCE CORP 15,046,541 15,000,000 102.6550 15,398,250 15,144,940 896029-6U-4 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH 1,324,659 1,285,000 105.3690 1,353,992 1,329,011 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 42,069,745 41,285,000 XXX 43,285,552 42,213,491 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677659-KS-2 OHIO ST WTR DEV AUTH REV 4,597,517 4,225,000 111.5280 4,712,058 4,607,574 914118-7X-6 UNIVERSITY CINCINNATI OHIO GEN R 4,969,991 5,000,000 101.2700 5,063,500 4,968,950 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 9,567,507 9,225,000 XXX 9,775,558 9,576,524 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OKLAHOMA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 679111-PA-6 OKLAHOMA TRANSN AUTH OK F 9,984,269 8,945,000 115.7440 10,353,301 10,075,022 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Interest 16 17 ------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due and Accrued Dec. 31 of Increase Current Year Gross Increase (Decrease) on Bonds Amount (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP not in Received by Exchange Identification Description Default During Year Adjustment Adjustment - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 246428-PU-4 DELAWARE TRANSN AUTH TRAN 92,750 (17,144) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DELAWARE 92,750 (17,144) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341507-CA-7 FLORIDA ST BRD ED LOTTERY 46,719 93,438 (33,726) 875128-EV-8 TAMPA BAY WTR FLA UTIL SYS 57,313 229,250 4,150 875128-FB-1 TAMPA BAY WTR FLA UTIL SYS 75,000 300,000 2,772 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 179,031 622,688 (26,805) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 452245-AQ-6 ILLINOIS ST TOLL HWY AUTH 47,250 (3,515) 592247-YB-0 METROPOLITAN PIER & EXPO AUTH 11,944 268,750 8,155 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 59,194 268,750 4,639 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 455280-4S-3 INDIANAPOLIS IND LOC PUB 117,975 39,980 (18,148) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA 117,975 39,980 (18,148) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49151E-JY-0 KENTUCKY ST PPTY & BLDGS 111,979 135,122 (11,512) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY 111,979 135,122 (11,512) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575567-KX-9 MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANS AUTH 87,500 262,500 9,808 57604P-DU-5 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POLLUNT 111,979 268,750 (5,285) 57604P-EZ-3 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POLLUTN 229,167 550,000 (10,852) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 428,646 1,081,250 (6,330) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 251255-A2-1 DETROIT MICH WTR SUPPLY SYS 175,000 350,000 7,448 594614-RD-3 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 79,478 (2,803) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 254,478 350,000 4,644 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 534272-VQ-9 LINCOLN NEB ELEC SYS REV 37,500 (4,532) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA 37,500 (4,532) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64465M-XE-0 NEW HAMPSHIRE MUN BD BK 25,000 (2,321) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW HAMPSHIRE 25,000 (2,321) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 646135-EE-9 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR FD AUTH 2,333 52,500 1,462 646135-QY-Z NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR F 202,234 (2,853) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 204,567 52,500 (1,391) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 649706-6S-2 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR FIN 12,222 275,000 (6,804) 64970K-UQ-8 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 4,778 46,583 (4,975) 64971G-FD-2 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 11,111 250,000 1,911 64971K-ED-7 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 71,750 (12,111) 64983X-3Z-5 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 78,750 98,875 834 64985M-L9-5 NEW YORK ST ENVIRONMENTAL 11,944 157,515 (16,585) 64985M-YV-2 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 2,222 43,750 550 649876-HJ-1 NEW YORK ST LOG ASSISTANCE CORP 206,250 825,000 (22,989) 896029-6U-4 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH 35,338 23,558 (4,352) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 434,365 1,720,282 (64,522) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677659-KS-2 OHIO ST WTR DEV AUTH REV 18,924 54,250 (10,057) 914118-7X-6 UNIVERSITY CINCINNATI OHIO GEN R 20,833 250,000 867 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 39,758 304,250 (9,191) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OKLAHOMA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 679111-PA-6 OKLAHOMA TRANSN AUTH OK F 268,350 (90,753) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Year, on tive Bonds in Rate Default as to NAIC of CUSIP Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Interest nation Acquired terest - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 246428-PU-4 DELAWARE TRANSN AUTH TRAN 1 08/19/2002 3.670 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DELAWARE XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341507-CA-7 FLORIDA ST BRD ED LOTTERY 1 04/10/2002 3.902 875128-EV-8 TAMPA BAY WTR FLA UTIL SYS 1 12/28/2001 5.199 875128-FB-1 TAMPA BAY WTR FLA UTIL SYS 1 08/02/2001 5.150 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 452245-AQ-6 ILLINOIS ST TOLL HWY AUTH 1PE 11/07/2002 3.830 592247-YB-0 METROPOLITAN PIER & EXPO AUTH 1 11/09/1999 5.760 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 455280-4S-3 INDIANAPOLIS IND LOC PUB 1 06/20/2002 4.250 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49151E-JY-0 KENTUCKY ST PPTY & BLDGS 1 01/10/2002 4.970 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575567-KX-9 MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANS AUTH 1 08/25/1999 5.730 57604P-DU-5 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POLLUNT 1 12/06/2001 5.200 57604P-EZ-3 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POLLUTN 1 05/29/2001 5.310 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 251255-A2-1 DETROIT MICH WTR SUPPLY SYS 1 05/18/2001 5.490 594614-RD-3 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 1 12/11/2002 4.387 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 534272-VQ-9 LINCOLN NEB ELEC SYS REV 1Z 10/08/2002 3.821 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64465M-XE-0 NEW HAMPSHIRE MUN BD BK 1Z 10/04/2002 3.960 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW HAMPSHIRE XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 646135-EE-9 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR FD AUTH 1PE 12/01/2001 5.450 646135-QY-Z NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR F 1PE 12/11/2002 4.312 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 649706-6S-2 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR FIN 1 05/25/2001 5.287 64970K-UQ-8 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 1 06/24/2002 4.550 64971G-FD-2 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 1 08/24/2001 5.100 64971K-ED-7 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 1 08/15/2002 4.000 64983X-3Z-5 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 1 12/03/2001 5.343 64985M-L9-5 NEW YORK ST ENVIRONMENTAL 1 05/03/2002 4.540 64985M-YV-2 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 1 01/25/2002 5.169 649876-HJ-1 NEW YORK ST LOG ASSISTANCE CORP 1 05/20/1998 5.322 896029-6U-4 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH 1 03/06/2002 4.900 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677659-KS-2 OHIO ST WTR DEV AUTH REV 1 08/19/2002 4.230 914118-7X-6 UNIVERSITY CINCINNATI OHIO GEN R 1 09/06/2001 5.040 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OKLAHOMA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 679111-PA-6 OKLAHOMA TRANSN AUTH OK F 1 07/02/2002 3.450 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 ------------ 4 5 CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OKLAHOMA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70917N-AW-4 PENNSYLVANIA ST HIGHER EDL TEMPLE 5.000 AO 04/01/2021 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 837147-XW-2 SOUTH CAROLINA ST PUB SVC 5.250 JJ 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 100.000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 499523-SD-l KNOX CNTY TENN HEALTH EDL (zero coupon bond) NONE 01/01/2019 01/01/2017 89.489 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 548100-4Z-6 LOWER COLO RIVER AUTH TEX REV 5.875 MN 05/15/2015 05/15/2010 100.000 882135-RL-2 TEXAS A & M UNIV REVS FING SYS 5.500 MN 05/15/2020 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917547-LP-4 UTAH ST BLDG OWNERSHIP AUTH 5.500 MN 05/15/2012 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 849072-AB-9 SPOKANE WASH DOWNTOWN FNDTN PKG 5.600 FA 08/01/2019 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2599999 - Total Bonds - Special Revenue - Issuer - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Obligations - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00846U-AB-7 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 3.000 JD 12/01/2021 008685-AB-5 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 6.875 MN 05/01/2029 013817-AG-6 ALCOA INC 4.250 FA 08/15/2007 013817-AH-4 ALCOA INC 5.375 JJ 01/15/2013 018490-AD-4 ALLERGAN INC (zero coupon bond) NONE 11/06/2022 02261W-AB-5 ALZA CORP (zero coupon bond) NONE 07/28/2020 032511-AP-2 ANADARKO PETE CORP (zero coupon bond) NONE 03/07/2020 032654-AD-7 ANALOG DEVICES INC 4.750 AO 10/01/2005 037389-AQ-6 AON CORP 3.500 MN 11/15/2012 039483-AN-2 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO 6.750 JD 12/15/2027 042735-AY-6 ARROW ELECTRS INC (zero coupon bond) NONE 02/21/2021 065913-AE-5 BANKBOSTON NA 6.500 JD 12/19/2007 111021-AE-1 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATION 8.625 JD 12/15/2030 120568-AD-2 BUNGE LTD FIN CORP 3.750 MN 11/15/2022 126408-BJ-l CSX CORP 7.250 MN 05/01/2004 151313-AF-0 CENDANT CORP (zero coupon bond) NONE 02/13/2021 184502-AB-8 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 2.625 AO 04/01/2003 22160Q-AC-6 COSTCO COMPANIES INC (zero coupon bond) NONE 08/19/2017 233331-AG-2 DTE ENERGY CO 6.650 AO 04/15/2009 235851-AF-9 DANAHER CORP DEL (zero coupon bond) NONE 01/22/2021 26441Y-AD-9 DUKE WEKS REALTY CORP 6.950 MS 03/15/2011 26613X-AC-5 DUPONT PHOTOMASKS INC (zero coupon bond) NONE 07/24/2004 268766-BR-2 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 7.250 MN 11/15/2008 318522-AD-1 FIRST AMERN CORP CALIF 4.500 AO 04/15/2008 319963-AD-6 FIRST DATA CORP 2.000 MS 03/01/2008 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 Rate Used to Book/Adjusted Obtain CUSIP Carrying Par Fair Fair Identification Description Value Value Value Value - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OKLAHOMA 9,984,269 8,945.000 XXX 10,353,301 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70917N-AW-4 PENNSYLVANIA ST HIGHER EDL TEMPLE 4,652,232 5,000.000 102,6830 5,134,150 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 4,652,232 5,000.000 XXX 5,134,150 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 837147-XW-2 SOUTH CAROLINA ST PUB SVC 3,529,881 3,160.000 111,4410 3,521,536 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 3,529,881 3,160.000 XXX 3,521,536 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 499523-SD-l KNOX CNTY TENN HEALTH EDL (zero coupon bond) 2,056,618 5,000.000 42,2990 2,114,950 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 2,056,618 5,000.000 XXX 2,114,950 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 548100-4Z-6 LOWER COLO RIVER AUTH TEX REV 8,121,854 8,000.000 113,9500 9,116,000 882135-RL-2 TEXAS A & M UNIV REVS FING SYS 2,777,304 3,000.000 108,6810 3,260,430 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 10,899,158 11,000.000 XXX 12,376,430 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917547-LP-4 UTAH ST BLDG OWNERSHIP AUTH 2,317,244 2,000.000 114,2540 2,285,080 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH 2,317,244 2,000.000 XXX 2,285,080 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 849072-AB-9 SPOKANE WASH DOWNTOWN FNDTN PKG 2,900 5,000 2,900 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 2,900 5,000 XXX 2,900 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 196,452,395 192,655.000 XXX 205,178,483 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2599999 - Total Bonds - Special Revenue - Issuer Obligations 196,452,395 192,655.000 XXX 205,178,483 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds 196,452,395 192,655.000 XXX 205,178,483 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00846U-AB-7 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 3,244,153 3,000,000 95.8750 2,876,250 008685-AB-5 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 124,265 130,000 89.8110 116,754 013817-AG-6 ALCOA INC 99,693 100,000 104.1140 104,114 013817-AH-4 ALCOA INC 149,083 150,000 105.8380 158,757 018490-AD-4 ALLERGAN INC (zero coupon bond) 1,613,122 2,000,000 85.1250 1,702,500 02261W-AB-5 ALZA CORP (zero coupon bond) 2,027,968 2,550,000 77.7500 1,982,625 032511-AP-2 ANADARKO PETE CORP (zero coupon bond) 2,068,474 3,000,000 61.1250 1,833,750 032654-AD-7 ANALOG DEVICES INC 2,338,847 2,450,000 99.3750 2,434,688 037389-AQ-6 AON CORP 1,000,000 1,000,000 111.0000 1,110,000 039483-AN-2 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO 505,818 475,000 110.4640 524,704 042735-AY-6 ARROW ELECTRS INC (zero coupon bond) 4,073,980 8,400,000 44.0000 3,696,000 065913-AE-5 BANKBOSTON NA 331,444 325,000 111.4780 362,304 111021-AE-1 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATION 105,751 90,000 127.4900 114,741 120568-AD-2 BUNGE LTD FIN CORP 2,765,244 2,750,000 102.7500 2,825,625 126408-BJ-l CSX CORP 369,430 350,000 106.4420 372,547 151313-AF-0 CENDANT CORP (zero coupon bond) 2,026,456 3,150,000 63.1250 1,988,438 184502-AB-8 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 2,377,862 2,360,000 99.2500 2,342,300 22160Q-AC-6 COSTCO COMPANIES INC (zero coupon bond) 2,168,255 2,150,000 69.2500 1,488,875 233331-AG-2 DTE ENERGY CO 316,739 300,000 110.4870 331,461 235851-AF-9 DANAHER CORP DEL (zero coupon bond) 1,675,595 2,500,000 67.1250 1,678,125 26441Y-AD-9 DUKE WEKS REALTY CORP 50,372 50,000 109.8210 54,911 26613X-AC-5 DUPONT PHOTOMASKS INC (zero coupon bond) 1,842,581 1,950,000 95.0000 1,852,500 268766-BR-2 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 3,420,063 3,250,000 104.1250 3,384,063 318522-AD-1 FIRST AMERN CORP CALIF 2,841,109 2,800,000 105.6250 2,957,500 319963-AD-6 FIRST DATA CORP 2,276,826 2,000,000 110.0000 2,200,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 16 17 Interest -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due and Accrued Dec 31 of Increase Current Year Gross Increase (Decrease) on Bonds Amount (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP Actual not in Received by Exchange Identification Description Cost Default During Year Adjustment Adjustment - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OKLAHOMA 10,075,020 268,3530 (90,753) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70917N-AW-4 PENNSYLVANIA ST HIGHER EDL TEMPLE 4,629,100 62,500 25,000 11,579 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 4,629,100 62,500 25,000 11,579 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 837147-XW-2 SOUTH CAROLINA ST PUB SVC 3,535,503 31,798 (5,622) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 3,535,503 31,798 (5,622) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 499523-SD-l KNOX CNTY TENN HEALTH EDL (zero coupon bond) 2,050,600 6,018 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 2,050,600 6,018 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 548100-4Z-6 LOWER COLO RIVER AUTH TEX REV 8,157,334 60,056 470,000 (14,064) 882135-RL-2 TEXAS A & M UNIV REVS FING SYS 2,768,924 21,083 165,000 7,757 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 10,926,258 81,139 635,000 (6,307) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917547-LP-4 UTAH ST BLDG OWNERSHIP AUTH 2,324,620 14,056 55,000 (7,376) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH 2,324,620 14,056 55,000 (7,376) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 849072-AB-9 SPOKANE WASH DOWNTOWN FNDTN PKG 4,425 117 280 (100) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 4,425 117 280 (100) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 196,759,103 2,964,634 5,953,268 (2,64,685) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2599999 - Total Bonds - Special Revenue - Issuer Obligations 196,759,103 2,964,634 5,953,268 (2,64,685) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds 196,759,103 2,964,634 5,953,268 (2,64,685) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00846U-AB-7 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 3,252,886 7,500 83,333 (7,742) 008685-AB-5 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 124,228 1,490 4,469 37 013817-AG-6 ALCOA INC 99,670 1,629 23 013817-AH-4 ALCOA INC 149,051 3,091 33 018490-AD-4 ALLERGAN INC (zero coupon bond) 1,611,256 1,867 02261W-AB-5 ALZA CORP (zero coupon bond) 1,994,283 26,390 032511-AP-2 ANADARKO PETE CORP (zero coupon bond) 2,020,608 307,139 032654-AD-7 ANALOG DEVICES INC 2,295,200 29,094 116,375 34,610 037389-AQ-6 AON CORP 1,000,000 5,250 039483-AN-2 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO 505,937 1,425 16,031 (119) 042735-AY-6 ARROW ELECTRS INC (zero coupon bond) 3,913,980 152,217 065913-AE-5 BANKBOSTON NA 332,241 704 21,125 (797) 111021-AE-1 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATION 105,796 345 3,994 (45) 120568-AD-2 BUNGE LTD FIN CORP 2,765,254 9,740 (10) 126408-BJ-l CSX CORP 375,025 4,229 12,688 (5,595) 151313-AF-0 CENDANT CORP (zero coupon bond) 2,024,425 2,031 184502-AB-8 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 2,465,884 15,488 61,950 (51,303) 22160Q-AC-6 COSTCO COMPANIES INC (zero coupon bond) 2,169,372 60,892 233331-AG-2 DTE ENERGY CO 317,580 4,212 10,529 (841) 235851-AF-9 DANAHER CORP DEL (zero coupon bond) 1,657,950 17,645 26441Y-AD-9 DUKE WEKS REALTY CORP 50,397 1,023 3,475 (25) 26613X-AC-5 DUPONT PHOTOMASKS INC (zero coupon bond) 1,762,625 64,778 268766-BR-2 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 3,445,500 30,108 235,625 (17,403) 318522-AD-1 FIRST AMERN CORP CALIF 2,844,620 26,600 63,000 (3,511) 319963-AD-6 FIRST DATA CORP 2,306,220 13,333 20,000 (29,394) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 18 19 20 21 Amount Due Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Year, on Bonds in Default as to NAIC Effective CUSIP Principal or Desig- Date Rate of Identification Description Interest nation Acquired Interest - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OKLAHOMA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70917N-AW-4 PENNSYLVANIA ST HIGHER EDL TEMPLE 1 11/21/2000 5.625 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 837147-XW-2 SOUTH CAROLINA ST PUB SVC 1 09/09/2002 3.830 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 499523-SD-l KNOX CNTY TENN HEALTH EDL (zero coupon bond) 12 11/25/2002 5.630 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 548100-4Z-6 LOWER COLO RIVER AUTH TEX REV 1 12/01/2001 5.620 882135-RL-2 TEXAS A & M UNIV REVS FING SYS 1 12/01/2001 6.229 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917547-LP-4 UTAH ST BLDG OWNERSHIP AUTH 1PE 09/24/2002 3.500 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 849072-AB-9 SPOKANE WASH DOWNTOWN FNDTN PKG 5 05/11/2000 6.854 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2599999 - Total Bonds - Special Revenue - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00846U-AB-7 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 2 06/18/2002 2.444 008685-AB-5 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 2 10/01/2002 7.253 013817-AG-6 ALCOA INC 1 08/08/2002 4.324 013817-AH-4 ALCOA INC 1 08/08/2002 5.455 018490-AD-4 ALLERGAN INC (zero coupon bond) 1 12/31/2002 1.082 02261W-AB-5 ALZA CORP (zero coupon bond) 1 01/24/2002 1.303 032511-AP-2 ANADARKO PETE CORP (zero coupon bond) 2 01/23/2002 2.171 032654-AD-7 ANALOG DEVICES INC 2 02/15/2002 6.574 037389-AQ-6 AON CORP 2 11/04/2002 3.500 039483-AN-2 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO 1PE 08/22/2002 6.234 042735-AY-6 ARROW ELECTRS INC (zero coupon bond) 2 02/05/2002 4.027 065913-AE-5 BANKBOSTON NA 1 03/20/2002 6.032 111021-AE-1 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATION 2 08/22/2002 7.167 120568-AD-2 BUNGE LTD FIN CORP 22 12/20/2002 3.710 126408-BJ-l CSX CORP 2 08/06/2002 2.970 151313-AF-0 CENDANT CORP (zero coupon bond) 2 12/12/2002 2.450 184502-AB-8 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 2 01/14/2002 (0.408) 22160Q-AC-6 COSTCO COMPANIES INC (zero coupon bond) 1 02/05/2002 (0.058) 233331-AG-2 DTE ENERGY CO 2PE 08/06/2002 5.585 235851-AF-9 DANAHER CORP DEL (zero coupon bond) 1 07/03/2002 2.228 26441Y-AD-9 DUKE WEKS REALTY CORP 2 01/16/2002 6.830 26613X-AC-5 DUPONT PHOTOMASKS INC (zero coupon bond) 1 02/07/2002 3.650 268766-BR-2 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 2 02/06/2002 6.173 318522-AD-1 FIRST AMERN CORP CALIF 2 06/18/2002 4.188 319963-AD-6 FIRST DATA CORP 1 06/12/2002 (0.631) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 ------------ 4 5 CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 337358-DD-4 FIRST UNION CORP 6.950 MN 11/01/2004 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 JJ 07/16/2031 345397-SQ-7 FORD MOTOR CR CO 7.500 MS 03/15/2005 370425-RZ-5 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 8.000 MN 11/01/2031 428236-AC-7 HEWLETT PACKARD CO (zero coupon bond) NONE 10/14/2017 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 6.375 AO 10/15/2011 441812-JY-1 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 7.000 MN 05/15/2012 459506-AB-7 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA 6.450 MN 05/15/2006 460690-AJ-9 INTERPUBLIC GROUP COS INC 1.870 JD 06/01/2006 480081-AD-0 JONES APPAREL GROUP INC (zero coupon bond) NONE 02/01/2021 492386-AP-2 KERR MCGEE CORP 5.250 FA 02/15/2010 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 3.250 MS 03/15/2031 56418H-AC-4 MANPOWER INC (zero coupon bond) NONE 08/17/2021 583334-AA-5 MEADWESTVACO CORP 6.850 AO 04/01/2012 585055-AB-2 MEDTRONIC INC 1.250 MS 09/15/2021 59464@-AA-l MI AGENCY OBLIGATION 50A SEP 09/15/2008 617446-HC-6 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTE 6.600 AO 04/01/2012 63538W-AA-6 NATL CITY BK PITT MDTMSUB 7.250 AO 10/21/2011 64605*-AE-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 19A APR 04/29/2007 64605*-AF-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 27A OCT 10/20/2007 64605*-AK-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 43A SEP 09/22/2007 64605*-AM-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/21/2004 64605*-AN-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 36A OCT 10/11/2005 64605*-AP-0 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 42A MAR 03/02/2008 64605*-AQ-8 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 44A APR 04/22/2010 64605*-AT-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 56A FEB 02/21/2004 64605*-AU-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 52A FEB 02/28/2004 64605*-AV-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 57A DEC 12/18/2008 64605*-AW-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 62A MAY 05/12/2005 64605*-AX-3 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 65 OCT 10/11/2005 64605*-BA-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 71A JUL 07/20/2008 64605*-BC-8 NJ AGNECY PBLIGATION 97F MAY 05/19/2007 64605*-BD-6 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 77A SEP 09/22/2007 64605*-BF-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 108J FEB 02/13/2005 64605*-BT-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 1310 APR 04/23/2010 64605*-CJ-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 181A JAN 01/31/2003 64605*-CK-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 154F JUL 07/18/2004 64605*-CL-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 153E AUG 08/11/2004 64605*-CY-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 161R JUL 07/07/2013 64605*-CZ-6 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 160R JUL 07/07/2013 64605*-DA-0 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 162R JUL 07/07/2013 64605*-DB-8 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 163R JUL 07/07/2013 64605*-JP-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 130H MAR 03/17/2006 64982@-AG-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 6A JUN 06/15/2004 64982@-AH-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 7A DEC 12/15/2003 64982@-AM-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 10B DEC 12/15/2004 64982@-AP-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 4A DEC 12/15/2003 64982@-BA-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 28A AUG 08/15/2006 64982@-BB-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 22A AUG 08/15/2006 64982@-BC-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 16A MAY 05/15/2008 64982@-BF-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 23A MAR 03/15/2008 64982@-BG-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 46A DEC 12/15/2003 64982@-BJ-4 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 47A MAY 05/15/2004 64982@-BL-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 48A SEP 09/15/2005 64982@-BM-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 59A JAN 01/15/2012 64982@-BW-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 67A JUN 06/13/2003 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 Rate Used to Book/Adjusted Obtain CUSIP Carrying Par Fair Fair Actual Identification Description Value Value Value Value Cost - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 337358-DD-4 FIRST UNION CORP 998,521 950,000 108.5580 1,031,301 1,022,400 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 294,058 335,000 86.9870 291,406 293,903 345397-SQ-7 FORD MOTOR CR CO 77,588 75,000 102.0260 76,520 78,242 370425-RZ-5 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 181,139 180,000 100.5440 180,979 181,139 428236-AC-7 HEWLETT PACKARD CO (zero coupon bond) 1,560,059 3,500,000 44.1250 1,544,375 1,551,714 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 189,211 205,000 104.5510 214,330 188,648 441812-JY-1 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 25,048 25,000 109.5290 27,382 25,048 459506-AB-7 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA 258,612 250,000 108.0170 270,043 259,768 450690-AJ-9 INTERPUBLIC GROUP COS INC 2,821,250 3,700,000 76.2500 2,821,250 2,924,832 480081-AD-0 JONES APPAREL GROUP INC (zero coupon bond) 3,543,487 500,000 54.8750 3,566,875 3,411,267 492386-AP-2 KERR MCGEE CORP 2,916,887 2,550,000 104.0000 2,652,000 2,975,035 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 3,189,146 3,100,000 93.7500 2,906,250 3,192,378 56418H-AC-4 MANPOWER INC (zero coupon bond) 3,262,224 5,300,000 61.0000 3,233,000 3,182,593 583334-AA-5 MEADWESTVACO CORP 243,466 245,000 110.9630 271,859 243,378 585055-AB-2 MEDTRONIC INC 3,557,049 3,400,000 104.7500 3,561,500 3,564,040 59464@-AA-l MI AGENCY OBLIGATION 50A 168,127 225,000 78.4790 176,579 76,305 617446-HC-6 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTE 597,143 600,000 110.8320 664,992 596,976 63538W-AA-6 NATL CITY BK PITT MDTMSUB 1,547,241 1,450,000 118.0050 1,711,084 1,554,777 64605*-AE-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 19A 181,469 225,000 83.8460 188,655 77,050 64605*-AF-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 27A 185,491 240,000 80.7720 193,853 81,470 64605*-AK-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 43A 199,717 256,429 81.2730 208,408 89,012 64605*-AM-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 62,199 66,000 95.2120 62,840 27,605 64605*-AN-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 36A 55,917 66,000 87.1920 57,547 24,829 64605*-AP-0 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 42A 181,564 231,000 81.8480 189,070 81,196 64605*-AQ-8 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 44A 618,808 868,000 75.3930 654,419 276,850 64605*-AT-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 56A 56,544 60,000 95.2120 57,127 25,820 64605*-AU-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 52A 37,629 40,000 95.0700 38,028 17,218 64605*-AV-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 57A 211,954 291,000 76.8640 223,677 96,895 64605*-AW-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 62A 134,881 153,000 90.0950 137,847 61,767 64605*-AX-3 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 65 77,532 91,500 87.1920 79,781 35,659 64605*-BA-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 71A 193,482 252,000 79.4480 200,210 93,387 64605*-BC-8 NJ AGNECY PBLIGATION 97F 531,159 660,000 83.5040 551,130 251,336 64605*-BD-6 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 77A 112,105 141,036 81.2730 114,624 54,713 64605*-BF-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 108J 100,806 111,750 91.8130 102,601 48,221 64605*-BT-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 1310 301,708 412,000 75.3760 310,551 157,524 64605*-CJ-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 181A 511,036 514,000 99.3890 510,862 299,307 64605*-CK-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 154F 64,853 70,000 92.2520 64,577 38,223 64605*-CL-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 153E 90,935 100,000 91.7850 91,785 48,870 64605*-CY-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 161R 51,098 73,671 66.8890 49,278 31,056 64605*-CZ-6 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 160R 51,098 73,671 66.8890 49,278 31,056 64605*-DA-0 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 162R 50,308 73,671 66.8890 49,278 29,884 64605*-DB-8 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 163R 51,098 73,671 66.8890 49,278 31,056 64605*-JP-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 130H 199,186 230,000 87.8120 201,970 104,001 64982@-AG-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 6A 108,665 118,700 92.9160 110,292 45,111 64982@-AH-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 7A 58,666 64,224 92.7870 59,592 24,159 64982@-AM-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 10B 150,704 173,160 89.2760 154,592 62,555 64982@-AP-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 4A 134,111 146,788 92.7870 136,201 55,011 64982@-BA-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 28A 141,559 190,480 78.3610 149,264 61,666 64982@-BB-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 22A 109,557 133,340 85.0320 113,383 47,043 64982@-BC-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 16A 123,608 160,715 80.5810 129,506 52,371 64982@-BF-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 23A 1,708,004 2,142,870 81.6260 1,749,146 773,065 64982@-BG-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 46A 100,232 109,780 92.7870 101,862 44,897 64982@-BJ-4 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 47A 49,402 53,572 93.5230 50,102 22,290 64982@-BL-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 48A 152,250 178,425 87.6910 156,463 69,220 64982@-BM-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 59A 134,664 200,000 71.7920 143,585 61,727 64982@-BW-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 67A 27,429 28,600 96.6070 27,630 12,692 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Interest 16 17 18 -------------------------- Amount of 14 15 Interest Due and Accrrued Amount Due Dec. 31 and Accrued Current Dec. 31 of Increase Year, on Current Year Gross Increase (Decrease) Bonds in on Bonds Amount (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to CUSIP not in Received by Exchange Principal or Identification Description Default During Year Adjustment Adjustment Interest - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 337358-DD-4 FIRST UNION CORP 11,004 66,025 (23,879) 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 11,439 154 345397-SQ-7 FORD MOTOR CR CO 1,656 2,813 (654) 370425-RZ-5 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 2,400 7,200 428236-AC-7 HEWLETT PACKARD CO (zero coupon bond) 8,345 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 2,759 6,534 563 441812-JY-1 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 224 841 459506-AB-7 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA 2,060 8,063 (1,555) 460690-AJ-9 INTERPUBLIC GROUP COS INC 5,766 69,190 (105,471) 480081-AD-0 JONES APPAREL GROUP INC (zero coupon bond) 124,683 492386-AP-2 KERR MCGEE CORP 50,575 124,688 (22,445) 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 29,665 100,750 7,812 56418H-AC-4 MANPOWER INC (zero coupon bond) 79,631 583334-AA-5 MEADWESTVACO CORP 4,196 8,345 88 585055-AB-2 MEDTRONIC INC 12,514 42,972 (6,991) 59464@-AA-l MI AGENCY OBLIGATION 50A- 15,432 617446-HC-6 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTE 9,900 19,580 167 63538W-AA-6 NATL CITY BK PITT MDTMSUB 20,441 105,125 (7,536) 64605*-AE-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 19A 16,892 64605*-AF-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 27A 17,007 64605*-AK-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 43A 18,340 64605*-AM-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 5,694 64605*-AN-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 36A 5,129 64605*-AP-0 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 42A 16,626 64605*-AQ-8 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 44A 56,819 64605*-AT-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 56A 5,176 64605*-AU-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 52A 3,446 64605*-AV-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 57A 19,312 64605*-AW-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 62A 12,402 64605*-AX-3 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 65 7,106 64605*-BA-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 71A 16,980 64605*-BC-8 NJ AGNECY PBLIGATION 97F 48,840 64605*-BD-6 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 77A 9,818 64605*-BF-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 108J 9,217 64605*-BT-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 1310 25,414 64605*-CJ-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 181A 36,774 64605*-CK-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 154F 4,682 64605*-CL-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 153E 7,669 64605*-CY-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 161R 3,532 64605*-CZ-6 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 160R 3,532 64605*-DA-0 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 162R 3,632 64605*-DB-8 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 163R 3,532 64605*-JP-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 130H 16,749 64982@-AG-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 6A 9,960 64982@-AH-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 7A 5,323 64982@-AM-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 10B 13,873 64982@-AP-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 4A 12,145 64982@-BA-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 28A 13,070 64982@-BB-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 22A 10,116 64982@-BC-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 16A 11,491 64982@-BF-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 23A 145,257 64982@-BG-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 46A 9,141 64982@-BJ-4 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 47A 4,543 64982@-BL-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 48A 13,976 64982@-BM-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 59A 12,273 64982@-BW-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 67A 2,524 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 19 20 21 Effec- tive NAIC Rate CUSIP Desig- Date of Identification Description nation Acquired Interest - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 337358-DD-4 FIRST UNION CORP 1 01/14/2002 4.030 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 2 09/10/2002 8.605 345397-SQ-7 FORD MOTOR CR CO 2 05/16/2002 5.809 370425-RZ-5 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 2 09/10/2002 7.942 428236-AC-7 HEWLETT PACKARD CO (zero coupon bond) 2 12/03/2002 5.533 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 1 07/31/2002 7.592 441812-JY-1 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 1 07/16/2002 6.971 459506-AB-7 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA 2 06/25/2002 5.320 460690-AJ-9 INTERPUBLIC GROUP COS INC 3 02/06/2002 7.584 480081-AD-0 JONES APPAREL GROUP INC (zero coupon bond) 2 02/06/2002 3.382 492386-AP-2 KERR MCGEE CORP 2 02/12/2002 2.972 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 2 01/14/2002 3.091 56418H-AC-4 MANPOWER INC (zero coupon bond) 2 02/07/2002 2.622 583334-AA-5 MEADWESTVACO CORP 2 03/26/2002 6.943 585055-AB-2 MEDTRONIC INC 1 02/13/2002 0.979 59464@-AA-l MI AGENCY OBLIGATION 50A 2Z 09/21/1994 10.001 617446-HC-6 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTE 1 03/27/2002 6.670 63538W-AA-6 NATL CITY BK PITT MDTMSUB 1 01/14/2002 6.248 64605*-AE-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 19A 2Z 02/28/1994 10.168 64605*-AF-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 27A 2Z 05/20/1994 10.013 64605*-AK-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 43A 2Z 07/15/1994 10.010 64605*-AM-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 06/30/1994 10.018 64605*-AN-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 36A 2Z 07/01/1994 10.012 64605*-AP-0 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 42A 2Z 07/27/1994 10.011 64605*-AQ-8 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 44A 2Z 07/28/1994 10.005 64605*-AT-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 56A 2Z 10/17/1994 10.017 64605*-AU-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 52A 2Z 10/25/1994 10.017 64605*-AV-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 57A 2Z 10/17/1994 10.007 64605*-AW-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 62A 2Z 10/28/1994 10.011 64605*-AX-3 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 65 2Z 11/11/1994 10.002 64605*-BA-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 71A 2Z 12/28/1994 9.508 64605*-BC-8 NJ AGNECY PBLIGATION 97F 2Z 03/01/1995 10.009 64605*-BD-6 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 77A 2Z 01/30/1995 9.431 64605*-BF-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 108J 2Z 04/11/1995 10.013 64605*-BT-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 1310 2Z 07/21/1995 9.110 64605*-CJ-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 181A 2Z 10/20/1995 7.710 64605*-CK-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 154F 2Z 11/21/1995 7.707 64605*-CL-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 153E 2Z 11/21/1995 9.111 64605*-CY-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 161R 2Z 12/29/1995 7.357 64605*-CZ-6 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 160R 2Z 12/29/1995 7.357 64605*-DA-0 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 162R 2Z 12/29/1995 7.707 64605*-DB-8 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 163R 2Z 12/29/1995 7.357 64605*-JP-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 130H 2Z 07/21/1995 9.113 64982@-AG-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 6A 2Z 10/21/1993 9.968 64982@-AH-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 7A 2Z 08/27/1993 9.958 64982@-AM-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 10B 2Z 11/17/1993 10.116 64982@-AP-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 4A 2Z 08/05/1993 9.936 64982@-BA-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 28A 2Z 05/02/1994 10.053 64982@-BB-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 22A 2Z 03/08/1994 10.053 64982@-BC-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 16A 2Z 02/11/1994 10.130 64982@-BF-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 23A 2Z 01/10/1994 9.227 64982@-BG-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 46A 2Z 08/02/1994 10.013 64982@-BJ-4 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 47A 2Z 09/02/1994 10.011 64982@-BL-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 48A 2Z 09/28/1994 10.002 64982@-BM-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 59A 2Z 10/28/1994 10.010 64982@-BW-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 67A 2Z 12/08/1994 10.013 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.5 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 ------------ 4 5 CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64982@-BX-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 72A AUG 08/15/2006 64982@-BY-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 69A SEP 09/15/2011 64982@-CB-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 99K DEC 12/15/2008 64982@-CC-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 1021 MAY 05/15/2013 652482-AX-8 NEWS AMER INC 7.625 MN 11/30/2028 655844-AF-5 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 7.050 MN 05/01/2037 69344M-AE-1 PMI GROUP INC 2.500 JJ 07/15/2021 73755L-AB-3 POTASH CORP SASK INC 7.750 MN 05/31/2011 743263-AE-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC 7.750 MS 03/01/2031 760759-AC-4 REPUBLIC SVCS INC 6.750 FA 08/15/2011 783890-AF-3 SCI SYSTEMS INC 3.000 MS 03/15/2007 861012-AB-8 ST MICRO ELECTRONICS N V (zero coupon bond) NONE 09/22/2009 88163V-AB-5 TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL FIN L 1.500 AO 10/15/2005 883556-AH-5 THERMO ELECTRON CORP 4.000 JJ 01/15/2005 887364-AE-7 TIMES MIRROR CO NEW (zero coupon bond) NONE 04/15/2017 893830-AD-l TRANSOCEAN SEDCO RIG 1.500 MN 05/15/2021 902124-AC-0 TYCO INTL LTD NEW (zero coupon bond) NONE 11/17/2020 90331H-BP-7 US BK NATL ASSN MINNEAPOL 5.625 MN 11/30/2005 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL HLTH SVCS INC 0.426 JD 06/23/2020 925524-AS-9 VIACOM INC 5.625 MN 05/01/2007 94975C-AE-7 WELLS FARGO FINL INC 5.450 MN 05/03/2004 987425-AC-9 YOUNG & RUBICAM INC 3.000 JJ 01/15/2005 U74078-AE-3 NESLTE HLDGS INC 3.000 MN 05/09/2005 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 638539-AG-1 NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BK P 7.750 AO 04/29/2049 701808-4A-2 HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LTD 2.000 JJ 01/12/2004 82481U-AB-5 SHIRE FIN LTD 2.000 FA 08/21/2011 G03764-AA-8 ANGLO AMERICAN 3.375 AO 04/17/2007 G86220-AB-9 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 2.000 MN 05/20/2005 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Total Bonds - Industrial Misc. - Issuer Obligations - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17305E-AP-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2001-A6 5.650 JD 06/15/2008 17305E-AS-4 CITIBANK CCMT 2001-A8 4.100 JD 12/07/2006 17305E-BB-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2002-A5 1.450 MJSD 09/15/2007 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4099999 - Total Bonds - Industrial Misc. - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16151R-AX-1 CHASE CC MASTER TRUST 200 5.500 MTLY 11/15/2008 11/01/2008 100.000 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 2.440 MTLY 06/15/2004 161581-BY-8 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 3.800 MTLY 05/15/2008 33901H-BA-0 FLEET CREDIT CD MT 2001-C 3.860 MTLY 03/15/2007 55264T-AQ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 4.950 MTLY 06/15/2009 55264T-AZ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 3.900 MTLY 11/15/2007 617059-DE-7 JP MORGAN COM MTG PTC 199 7.088 MTLY 09/15/2029 09/01/2029 100.000 61745M-KY-8 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 6.710 MTLY 12/15/2031 12/01/2031 100.000 61745M-NE-9 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 7.020 MTLY 03/15/2032 03/01/2032 100.000 61745W-ES-5 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 6.400 MTLY 02/01/2031 65473L-AC-8 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 2.600 MTLY 08/15/2006 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4399999 - Total Bonds - Industrial Misc. - Defined Multi - Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 Rate Used to Book/Adjusted Obtain CUSIP Carrying Par Fair Fair Actual Identification Description Value Value Value Value Cost - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64982@-BX-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 72A 117,387 142,860 85.0320 121,478 54,480 64982@-BY-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 69A 329,294 500,040 70.5540 352,799 152,876 64982@-CB-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 99K 266,927 357,150 76.9160 274,706 134,591 64982@-CC-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 1021 135,453 241,072 61.9030 149,231 64,329 652482-AX-8 NEWS AMER INC 997,864 1,000,000 102.1010 1,021,010 997,700 655844-AF-5 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 777,372 700,000 112.1970 785,379 777,490 69344M-AE-1 PMI GROUP INC 1,445,787 1,350,000 106.8750 1,442,813 1,449,563 73755L-AB-3 POTASH CORP SASK INC 376,271 350,000 116.5770 408,020 377,734 743263-AE-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC 618,162 550,000 113.6530 625,092 618,855 760759-AC-4 REPUBLIC SVCS INC 392,458 375,000 109.3330 409,999 393,045 783890-AF-3 SCI SYSTEMS INC 3,242,531 4,575,000 70.8750 3,242,531 3,694,766 861012-AB-8 ST MICRO ELECTRONICS N V (zero coupon bond) 3,296,812 3,500,000 67.0000 2,345,000 3,293,485 88163V-AB-5 TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL FIN L 4,404,801 4,300,000 107.0000 4,601,000 4,450,208 883556-AH-5 THERMO ELECTRON CORP 2,515,902 2,600,000 98.0000 2,548,000 2,494,500 887364-AE-7 TIMES MIRROR CO NEW (zero coupon bond) 2,871,057 4,700,000 68.3750 3,213,625 2,766,029 893830-AD-l TRANSOCEAN SEDCO RIG 1,969,861 2,200,000 91.8750 2,021,250 1,958,000 902124-AC-0 TYCO INTL LTD NEW (zero coupon bond) 1,432,500 2,000,000 71.6250 1,432,500 1,460,312 90331H-BP-7 US BK NATL ASSN MINNEAPOL 535,260 525,000 108.2080 568,093 537,810 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL HLTH SVCS INC 2,160,972 3,600,000 63.5000 2,286,000 2,104,481 925524-AS-9 VIACOM INC 474,370 475,000 109.1570 518,496 474,278 94975C-AE-7 WELLS FARGO FINL INC 284,142 275,000 104.6320 287,738 286,891 987425-AC-9 YOUNG & RUBICAM INC 3,948,281 4,100,000 95.0000 3,895,000 3,867,375 U74078-AE-3 NESLTE HLDGS INC 3,133,229 2,950,000 111.7500 3,296,625 3,217,188 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 108,281,505 130,310,174 XXX 107,059,932 103,984,225 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 638539-AG-1 NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BK P 993,555 900 000 113.8990 1,025,091 993,555 701808-4A-2 HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LTD 3,895,992 4,000,000 99.0840 3,963,360 3,825,000 82481U-AB-5 SHIRE FIN LTD 3,548,361 3,600,000 91.6250 3,298,500 3,543,135 G03764-AA-8 ANGLO AMERICAN 3,420,034 3,500,000 100.0810 3,502,835 3,418,125 686220-AB-9 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 2,773,497 2,700,000 104.7500 2,828,250 2,809,563 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OTHERS 14,631,439 14,700,000 XXX 14,618,036 14,589,377 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Total Bonds - Industrial Misc. - Issuer Obligations 122,912,944 145,010,174 XXX 121,627,968 118,573,682 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17305E-AP-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2001-A6 608 366 600 000 109.2140 655 284 609 000 17305E-AS-4 CITIBANK CCMT 2001-A8 608 397 615 000 104.0410 639 852 607 697 17305E-BB-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2002-A5 1,040,000 1,040,000 99.9520 1,039,501 1,040,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 2,256,763 2,255,000 XXX 2,324,637 2,256,697 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4099999 - Total Bonds - Industrial Misc. - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 2,256,763 2,255,000 XXX 2,324,637 2,256,697 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16151R-AX-1 CHASE CC MASTER TRUST 200 272,069 269,000 108.8460 292,796 272,426 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 98,946 38,824 100.1260 98,949 98,983 161581-BY-8 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 99,983 100,000 103.5300 103,530 99,979 33901H-BA-0 FLEET CREDIT CD MT 2001-C 296,530 300,000 103.3000 309,900 295,969 55264T-AQ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 976,328 975,000 106.8520 1,041,807 976,447 55264T-AZ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 424,787 425,000 103.8000 441,150 424,762 617059-DE-7 JP MORGAN COM MTG PTC 199 105,268 100,000 113.1730 113,174 105,363 61745M-KY-8 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 271,002 250,000 113.3400 283,350 271,211 61745W-NE-9 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 136,047 125,000 115.3610 144,202 136,167 61745M-ES-5 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 233,031 224,253 109.7370 246,091 233,215 65473L-AC-8 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 499,984 500,000 101.2230 506,115 499,982 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 3,413,975 3,367,078 XXX 3,581,064 3,414,504 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4399999 - Total Bonds - Industrial Misc. - Defined Multi - Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 3,413,975 3,367,078 XXX 3,581,064 3,414,504 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 Interest 16 17 18 -------------------------- Amount of 14 15 Interest Due and Accured Amount Due Dec. 31 and Accrued Current Dec. 31 of Increase Year, on Current Year Gross Increase (Decrease) Bonds in on Bonds Amount (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to CUSIP not in Received by Exchange Principal or Identification Description Default During Year Adjustment Adjustment Interest - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 64982@-BX-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 72A 10,835 64982@-BY-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 69A 30,249 64982@-CB-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 99K 22,416 64982@-CC-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 1021 12,450 652482-AX-8 NEWS AMER INC 6,566 76,250 164 655844-AF-5 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 8,225 24,675 (118) 69344M-AE-1 PMI GROUP INC 15,563 16,875 (3,775) 73755L-AB-3 POTASH CORP SASK INC 2,336 27,125 (1,463) 743263-AE-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC 14,208 42,625 (693) 760759-AC-4 REPUBLIC SVCS INC 9,563 12,656 (587) 783890-AF-3 SCI SYSTEMS INC 40,413 137,250 (470,239) 861012-AB-8 ST MICRO ELECTRONICS N V (zero coupon bond) 2,349 88163V-AB-5 TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL FIN L 13,617 64,500 (30,334) 883556-AH-5 THERMO ELECTRON CORP 47,956 52,000 21,402 887364-AE-7 TIMES MIRROR CO NEW (zero coupon bond) 212,728 893830-AD-l TRANSOCEAN SEDCO RIG 4,217 33,000 10,206 902124-AC-0 TYCO INTL LTD NEW (zero coupon bond) (27,812) 90331H-BP-7 US BK NATL ASSN MINNEAPOL 2,543 29,531 (2,550) 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL HLTH SVCS INC 341 14,271 56,491 925524-AS-9 VIACOM INC 4,453 13,805 92 94975C-AE-7 WELLS FARGO FINL INC 2,415 7,494 (2,749) 987425-AC-9 YOUNG & RUBICAM INC 56,717 90,000 66,412 U74078-AE-3 NESLTE HLDGS INC 12,783 88,500 (74,196) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 561,771 1,945,275 1,088,905 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 638539-AG-1 NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BK P 14,531 34,875 701808-4A-2 HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LTD 37,556 40,000 70,992 82481U-AB-5 SHIRE FIN LTD 26,000 72,000 73,860 G03764-AA-8 ANGLO AMERICAN 24,281 59,063 1,909 G86220-AB-9 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 6,150 54,000 (20,753) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OTHERS 108,518 259,938 126,008 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3999999 - Total Bonds - Industrial Misc. - Issuer Obligations 670,289 2,205,213 1,214,913 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17305E-AP-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2001-A6 1,507 33,900 (634) 17305E-AS-4 CITIBANK CCMT 2001-A8 1,681 25,215 700 17305E-BB-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2002-A5 670 4,675 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 3,858 63,790 66 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4099999 - Total Bonds - Industrial Misc. - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 3,858 63,790 66 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16151R-AX-1 CHASE CC MASTER TRUST 200 1,233 11,096 (357) 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 107 1,005 (194) 161581-BY-8 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 169 3,800 2 33901H-BA-0 FLEET CREDIT CD MT 2001-C 515 8,685 562 55264T-AQ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 2,145 28,153 (120) 55264T-AZ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 737 7,781 26 617059-DE-7 JP MORGAN COM MTG PTC 199 591 5,316 (95) 61745M-KY-8 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 1,398 6,990 (209) 61745M-NE-9 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 731 4,388 (120) 61745W-ES-5 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 1,196 13,160 (607) 65473L-AC-8 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 578 4,225 2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 9,399 94,598 (1,111) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4399999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc - Defined Multi - Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 9,399 94,598 (1,111) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 19 20 21 Effec- tive NAIC Rate CUSIP Desig- Date of Identification Description nation Acquired Interest - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64982@-BX-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 72A 27 12/29/1994 10.049 64982@-BY-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 69A 27 12/19/1994 10.010 64982@-CB-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 99K 27 03/06/1995 9.149 64982@-CC-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 1021 27 03/14/1995 10.006 652482-AX-8 NEWS AMER INC 2 01/15/2002 7.644 655844-AF-5 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 2 09/12/2002 6.263 69344M-AE-1 PMI GROUP INC 1 02/05/2002 2.039 73755L-AB-3 POTASH CORP SASK INC 2 04/23/2002 6.574 743263-AE-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC 2 01/16/2002 6.760 760759-AC-4 REPUBLIC SVCS INC 2 08/08/2002 6.049 783890-AF-3 SCI SYSTEMS INC 4 02/13/2002 7.457 861012-AB-8 ST MICRO ELECTRONICS N V (zero coupon bond) 2 12/30/2002 0.860 88163V-AB-5 TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL FIN L 2 02/07/2002 0.613 883556-AH-5 THERMO ELECTRON CORP 2 06/07/2002 5.703 887364-AE-7 TIMES MIRROR CO NEW (zero coupon bond) 2 02/06/2002 3.475 893830-AD-l TRANSOCEAN SEDCO RIG 2 10/26/2001 2.195 902124-AC-0 TYCO INTL LTD NEW (zero coupon bond) 3 12/31/2002 1.768 90331H-BP-7 US BK NATL ASSN MINNEAPOL 1 03/06/2002 4.897 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL HLTH SVCS INC 2 07/23/2002 3.503 925524-AS-9 VIACOM INC 1 04/18/2002 5.660 94975C-AE-7 WELLS FARGO FINL INC 1PE 07/30/2002 2.899 987425-AC-9 YOUNG & RUBICAM INC 2 02/15/2002 4.925 U74078-AE-3 NESLTE HLDGS INC 1PE 01/24/2002 0.345 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 638539-AG-L NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BK P 1 07/17/2002 6.992 701808-4A-2 HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LTD 1Z 04/03/2002 4.613 82481U-AB-5 SHIRE FIN LTD 2 01/22/2002 2.180 G03764-AA-8 ANGLO AMERICAN 1Z 10/10/2002 3.939 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G86220-AB-9 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 1 02/07/2002 0.845 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OTHERS XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Total Bonds - Industrial Misc. - Issuer Obligations - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17305E-AP-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2001-A6 1 03/21/2002 5.145 17305E-AS-4 CITIBANK CCMT 2001-A8 1 03/27/2002 4.615 17305E-BB-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2002-A5 2Z 09/12/2002 1.450 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4099999 - Total Bonds - Industrial Misc. - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16151R-AX-1 CHASE CC MASTER TRUST 200 1 03/21/2002 5.088 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 1 07/10/2002 2.278 161581-BY-8 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 1 10/30/2001 3.807 33901H-BA-0 FLEET CREDIT CD MT 2001-C 1 03/27/2002 4.429 55264T-AQ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 1 05/10/2002 4.905 55264T-AZ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 1 06/18/2002 3.921 617059-DE-7 JP MORGAN COM MTG PTC 199 1 03/18/2002 6.542 61745M-KY-8 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 1 07/10/2002 5.921 61745M-NE-9 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 1 06/18/2002 6.181 61745W-ES-5 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 1 01/18/2002 6.017 65473L-AC-8 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 1 08/08/2002 2.602 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4399999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc - Defined Multi - Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.6 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ------------ 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Date Call Price Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 161505-BP-6 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 6.600 MTLY 12/19/2029 12/01/2029 100.000 55,889 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 55,889 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4499999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Securities 55,889 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds 128,639,571 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 492,336,596 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Securities 54,705,239 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 3,413,975 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5999999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 55,889 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099999 Totals 550,511,699 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Rate Used to Obtain CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual Identification Description Value Value Value Cost - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 161505-BP-6 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 50,000 111,4700 55,735 55,922 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 50,000 XXX 55,735 55,922 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4499999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Securities 50,000 XXX 55,735 55,922 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds 150,682,251 XXX 127,649,404 124,300,725 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 505,331,403 XXX 510,292,780 488,323,216 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Securities 53,245,394 XXX 55,641,292 54,711,749 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 3,367,078 XXX 3,581,064 3,414,504 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 50,000 XXX 55,735 55,922 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 Totals 561,993,875 XXX 569,570,871 546,505,390 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Interest 16 17 18 -------------------------- 14 15 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Amount Due Dec. 31 and Accrued Current Dec. 31 of Increase Year, on Current Year Gross Increase (Decrease) Bonds in on Bonds Amount (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to CUSIP not in Received by Exchange Principal or Identification Description Default During Year Adjustment Adjustment Interest - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 161505-BP-6 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 275 550 (33) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 275 550 (33) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4499999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Securities 275 550 (33) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States (47,473) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries 77,120 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds 683,821 2,364,150 1,213,835 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 6,434,520 13,299,367 780,744 711,136 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Securities 259,798 1,296,428 (48,963) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 9,399 94,598 (1,111) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 275 550 (33) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 Totals 6,703,992 14,690,943 730,638 711,136 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 19 20 21 Interest Effec- tive Rate NAIC of CUSIP Desig- Date In- Identification Description nation Acquired terest - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 161505-BP-6 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 1 10/07/2002 5.479 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4499999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 Totals XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.7 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 2 - SECTION 1 Showing all PREFERRED STOCKS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rate Per Share Used to Rate Obtain CUSIP Number of Par Value Per Book/Adjusted Fair Identification Description Shares Per Share Share Carrying Value Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 004408-20-9 ACE LTD 19,850.000 50.00 1,195,566 60.230 071813-40-6 BAXTER INTL INC 25,675.000 50.00 1,285,856 50.100 25746U-20-8 DOMINION RES INC VA NEW 38,000.000 50.00 2,059,220 54.190 268939-40-2 EVI INC 85,000.000 50.00 4,356,250 51.250 29477Q-20-4 EQUITY SECURITIES TR II 25,000.000 22.50 502,250 20.090 302181-20-1 EXPRESS SCRIPTS AUTO EXCH 25,000.000 69.00 86.000 2,150,000 86.000 345395-20-6 FORD MTR CO CAP TR II 27,000.000 50.00 40.850 1,102,950 40.850 666807-40-9 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP 21,500.000 100.00 2,350,717 107.740 717265-50-8 PHELPS DODGE CORP 20,000.000 100.00 85.400 1,708,000 85.400 78412D-30-7 SEMCO ENERGY INC 41,000.000 10.00 427,350 5.360 828806-40-6 SIMON PPTY GROUP INC NEW 31,500.000 100.00 2,929,500 93.000 852061-60-5 SPRINT CORP 150,000.000 25.00 1,096,500 7.310 879868-20-6 TEMPLE INLAND INC 50,000.000 50.00 2,579,500 45.390 892335-20-9 TOYS R US INC 25,000.000 50.00 841,250 33.650 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 24,584,908 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6399999 - Total - Preferred Stock - Industrial, Misc. 24,584,908 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599999 Total - Preferred Stocks 24,584,908 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 DIVIDENDS 12 ------------------------------ 10 11 Increase (Decrease) CUSIP Declared but Amount Received by Identification Description Fair Value Actual Cost Unpaid During Year Adjustment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 004408-20-9 ACE LTD 1,195,566 1,456,891 81,881 (426,179) 071813-40-6 BAXTER INTL INC 1,286,318 1,285,856 25746U-20-8 DOMINION RES INC VA NEW 2,059,220 2,282,542 24,568 180,500 (203,480) 268939-40-2 EVI INC 4,356,250 4,116,898 190,625 269,977 29477Q-20-4 EQUITY SECURITIES TR II 502,250 562,500 31,938 (60,250) 302181-20-1 EXPRESS SCRIPTS AUTO EXCH 2,150,000 2,466,500 16,435 90,563 (316,500) 345395-20-6 FORD MTR CO CAP TR II 1,102,950 1,350,000 18,525 62,156 (247,050) 666807-40-9 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP 2,316,410 2,350,717 17,500 153,710 717265-50-8 PHELPS DODGE CORP 1,708,000 2,071,400 33,750 (363,400) 78412D-30-7 SEMCO ENERGY INC 219,760 427,350 6,264 45,100 54,950 828806-40-6 SIMON PPTY GROUP INC NEW 2,929,500 2,593,450 51,188 204,750 291,800 852061-60-5 SPRINT CORP 1,096,500 1,205,550 32,656 66,795 (109,050) 879868-20-6 TEMPLE INLAND INC 2,269,500 2,579,500 102,083 892335-20-9 TOYS R US INC 841,250 1,250,000 36,450 (408,750) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 24,033,473 25,999,253 167,136 1,280,301 (1,517,932) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6399999 - Total - Preferred Stock - Industrial, Misc. 24,033,473 25,999,253 167,136 1,280,301 (1,517,932) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 Total - Preferred Stocks 24,033,473 25,999,253 167,136 1,280,301 (1,517,932) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 Increase (Decrease) by NAIC CUSIP Foreign Exchange Desig- Date Identification Description Adjustment nation Acquired - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 004408-20-9 ACE LTD P2L 08/03/2001 071813-40-6 BAXTER INTL INC P1LZ 12/20/2002 25746U-20-8 DOMINION RES INC VA NEW P2L 01/14/2002 268939-40-2 EVI INC P2U 03/25/2002 29477Q-20-4 EQUITY SECURITIES TR II P1LZ 12/12/2001 302181-20-1 EXPRESS SCRIPTS AUTO EXCH RP3L 03/26/2002 345395-20-6 FORD MTR CO CAP TR II RP3L 01/24/2002 666807-40-9 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP P1L 02/06/2002 717265-50-8 PHELPS DODGE CORP P3U 07/02/2002 78412D-30-7 SEMCO ENERGY INC P2L 12/31/2001 828806-40-6 SIMON PPTY GROUP INC NEW P2L 02/15/2002 852061-60-5 SPRINT CORP P2L 08/26/2002 879868-20-6 TEMPLE INLAND INC P2L 05/07/2002 892335-20-9 TOYS R US INC P2A 05/21/2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6399999 - Total - Preferred Stock - Industrial, Misc. XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 Total - Preferred Stocks XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E09 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 2 - SECTION 2 Showing all COMMON STOCKS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rate Per Share CUSIP Book/Adjusted Used to Obtain Identification Description Number of Shares Carrying Value Fair Value Fair Value - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 742651-10-2 PRIVATE EXPT FDG CORP 212.000 1,153,246 5,439.840 1,153,246 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 1,153,246 XXX 1,153,246 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6899999 - Total - Common Stock - Industrial, Misc. 1,153,246 XXX 1,153,246 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARENT, SUBS. & AFFILIATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22222#-10-2 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC 300.000 3,000 10.000 3,000 92051#-10-1 VAN AMERICAN 119,688.000 1 1 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6999999 - Total - Common Stock - Parent, Subsidiaries, Affiliates 3,001 XXX 3,001 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 Total - Common Stocks 1,156,247 XXX 1,156,247 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 Total - Preferred and Common Stocks 25,741,155 XXX 25,189,720 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 7 Dividends 10 -------------------------- 8 9 Declared Increase CUSIP but Amount Received (Decrease) by Identification Description Actual Cost Unpaid During Year Adjustment - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 742651-10-2 PRIVATE EXPT FDG CORP 497,560 15,900 44,425 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 497,560 15,900 44,425 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6899999 - Total - Common Stock - Industrial, Misc. 497,560 15,900 44,425 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARENT, SUBS. & AFFILIATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22222#-10-2 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC 3,000 92051#-10-1 VAN AMERICAN 777,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6999999 - Total - Common Stock - Parent, Subsidiaries, Affiliates 780,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 Total - Common Stocks 1,277,560 15,900 44,425 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 Total - Preferred and Common Stocks 27,276,813 167,136 1,296,201 (1,473,507) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 11 12 13 Increase (Decrease) by NAIC CUSIP Foreign Exchange Desig- Date Identification Description Adjustment nation (a) Acquired - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 742651-10-2 PRIVATE EXPT FDG CORP L 12/31/1994 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6899999 - Total - Common Stock - Industrial, Misc. XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARENT, SUBS. & AFFILIATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22222#-10-2 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC A 08/01/2002 92051#-10-1 VAN AMERICAN A 01/01/1998 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6999999 - Total - Common Stock - Parent, Subsidiaries, Affiliates XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 Total - Common Stocks XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 Total - Preferred and Common Stocks XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) For all common stocks bearing the NAIC designation "U" provide: the number of such issues , the total $ value (included ----------------------------- in Column 6) of all such issues $ --------------------------------- E10 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 CUSIP Number of Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor Shares of Stock - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01N062-61-5 GNMA TBA 6.500 01/01/2032 12/23/2002 J.P. MORGAN CHASE & CO 31287T-2E-4 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 7.000 03/01/2030 07/25/2002 COUNTRYWIDE SECURITIES CORP 31287V-AQ-3 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 6.500 07/01/2032 06/14/2002 COUNTRYWIDE SECURITIES CORP 3128GV-UG-3 FHLMC PC 6.000 09/01/2017 08/22/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS 31377M-7K-1 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.460 06/01/2009 12/23/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 31377M-BG-5 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.120 11/01/2008 12/23/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 31385J-JC-3 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 07/01/2032 11/12/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 31388Y-2Y-7 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 12/01/2015 09/18/2002 GREENWICH SECURITIES 31389N-7D-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 09/01/2031 05/14/2002 CREDIT SUISSE 31389N-KX-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 03/01/2032 01/11/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 31390L-F7-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 07/22/2002 FREDDIE MAC 31390L-FF-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 07/01/2032 07/22/2002 FREDDIE MAC 31390L-V7-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 07/01/2032 07/25/2002 FREDDIE MAC 31390L-WX-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 07/01/2032 07/25/2002 FREDDIE MAC 31390N-P4-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 07/01/2032 09/12/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 31390N-UL-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 08/01/2017 09/18/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 31390P-DC-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 07/25/2002 COUNTRYWIDE SECURITIES CORP 31390T-LQ-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 07/25/2002 COUNTRYWIDE SECURITIES CORP 31390T-LV-9 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 07/25/2002 COUNTRYWIDE SECURITIES CORP 31390U-YD-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 09/01/2032 08/20/2002 COUNTRYWIDE SECURITIES CORP 31391E-AQ-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 09/01/2017 09/18/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 31392D-YE-6 FANNIEMAE GRANTOR TRUST 4.768 04/01/2012 07/18/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 912810-FJ-2 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.125 08/15/2029 06/14/2002 SBC WARBURG DILLON REED 912810-FM-5 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.250 05/15/2030 11/14/2002 VARIOUS 912827-4Y-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.875 01/15/2009 10/11/2002 BARCLAYS CAPITAL INC 912827-6X-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 05/15/2006 10/17/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 912827-7K-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 01/31/2004 06/18/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 912828-AK-6 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 08/31/2004 11/14/2002 VARIOUS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - Bonds - U.S. Government - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER GOVERNMENTS CANADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 683234-RV-2 ONTARIO PROV CDA 5.125 07/17/2012 07/10/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 748148-BW-2 QUEBEC PROV CDA 5.000 07/17/2009 07/09/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D14466-LB-6 GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC 6.000 01/04/2007 09/30/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO D20658-AZ-9 GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC 6.000 07/04/2007 03/25/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO G92450-FX-1 U.K. TREASURY STOCK 5.000 06/07/2004 09/30/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099997 - Bonds - All Other Governments - Canada - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099998 - Bonds - All Other Governments - Other Countries - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - Bonds - All Other Government - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES COLORADO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 249174-BP-7 DENVER COLO CITY & CNTY S 12/01/2006 10/21/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COLORADO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772F-L6-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 5.375 11/15/2017 08/22/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341422-6H-1 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 5.000 06/01/2031 03/06/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419780-WJ-6-I HAWAII ST 5.500 02/01/2014 06/13/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 5.125 02/01/2027 02/01/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 452151 -AT-0 ILLINOIS ST 5.375 07/01/2017 07/18/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 6 7 8 CUSIP Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01N062-61-5 GNMA TBA 6.500 01/01/2032 3,671,719 3,500,000 31287T-2E-4 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 7.000 03/01/2030 481,015 460,164 1,163 31287V-AQ-3 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 6.500 07/01/2032 29,078,906 28,500,000 72,042 3128GV-UG-3 FHLMC PC 6.000 09/01/2017 1,032,031 1,000,000 3,000 31377M-7K-1 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.460 06/01/2009 762,864 683,895 3,191 31377M-BG-5 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.120 11/01/2008 502,213 454,620 2,009 31385J-JC-3 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 07/01/2032 233,179 225,022 447 31388Y-2Y-7 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 12/01/2015 214,955 203,659 809 31389N-7D-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 09/01/2031 5,575,063 5,406,941 16,822 31389N-KX-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 03/01/2032 7,083,067 7,180,679 14,361 31390L-F7-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 793,940 768,833 1,805 31390L-FF-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 07/01/2032 1,235,520 1,196,449 2,808 31390L-V7-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 07/01/2032 310,556 297,050 751 31390L-WX-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 07/01/2032 182,818 174,867 442 31390N-P4-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 07/01/2032 284,706 274,374 793 31390N-UL-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 08/01/2017 1,038,153 995,979 3,652 31390P-DC-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 464,871 450,000 2,356 31390T-LQ-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 619,828 600,000 3,142 31390T-LV-9 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 619,828 600,000 3,142 31390U-YD-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 09/01/2032 2,585,547 2,500,000 6,771 31391E-AQ-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 09/01/2017 3,127,031 3,000,000 11,000 31392D-YE-6 FANNIEMAE GRANTOR TRUST 4.768 04/01/2012 299,719 300,000 1,152 912810-FJ-2 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.125 08/15/2029 1,347,070 1,250,000 26,226 912810-FM-5 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.250 05/15/2030 12,666,265 11,420,000 128,620 912827-4Y-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.875 01/15/2009 5,467,336 4,485,000 32,032 912827-6X-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 05/15/2006 303,134 285,000 3,565 912827-7K-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 01/31/2004 17,094,961 17,000,000 198,646 912828-AK-6 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 08/31/2004 7,926,896 7,875,000 31,213 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 105,003,192 101,087,531 571,960 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - Bonds - U.S. Government 105,003,192 101,087,531 571,960 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER GOVERNMENTS CANADA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 683234-RV-2 ONTARIO PROV CDA 5.125 07/17/2012 249,363 250,000 748148-BW-2 QUEBEC PROV CDA 5.000 07/17/2009 248,543 250,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D14466-LB-6 GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC 6.000 01/04/2007 478,543 462,697 19,573 D20658-AZ-9 GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC 6.000 07/04/2007 2,521,913 2,880,054 105,608 G92450-FX-1 U.K. TREASURY STOCK 5.000 06/07/2004 983,101 980,490 15,433 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099997 - Bonds - All Other Governments - Canada 497,905 500,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099998 - Bonds - All Other Governments - Other Countries 3,983,556 4,323,241 140,614 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - Bonds - All Other Government 4,481,461 4,823,241 140,614 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES COLORADO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 249174-BP-7 (DENVER COLO CITY & CNTY S 12/01/2006 4,371,650 5,000,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COLORADO 4,371,650 5,000,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772F-L6-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 5.375 11/15/2017 5,435,200 5,000,000 14,931 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 5,435,200 5,000,000 14,931 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341422-6H-1 (FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 5.000 06/01/2031 977,380 1,000,000 7,778 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 977,380 1,000,000 7,778 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419780-WJ-6-I HAWAII ST 5.500 02/01/2014 2,184,040 2,000,000 37,583 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 2,184,040 2,000,000 37,583 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 5.125 02/01/2027 2,935 830 3 000 000 5,552 452151-AT-0 ILLINOIS ST 5.375 07/01/2017 3,838,068 3,600,000 12,900 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 6,773,898 6,600,000 18,452 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 CUSIP Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574192-TO-3 MARYLAND ST 5.500 08/01/2014 08/01/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 03/01/2012 07/18/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 57582N-JV-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 01/01/2015 11/22/2002 UBS PAINE WEBBER - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4K-1 MINNESOTA ST 5.250 11/O1/2016 10/22/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181054-5F-0 CLARK CNTY NEV SCH DIST 5.375 06/15/2015 06/05/2002 PAINE WEBBER - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 649668-GU-1 NEW YORK N Y 5.875 06/01/2019 05/23/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677518-6A-5 OHIO ST 5.375 09/15/2017 06/05/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745145-05-4 PUERT0 RICE COMMONWEALTH 5.500 07/01/2014 07/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 745145-T4-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 5.500 07/01/2013 08/02/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917542-KZ-4 UTAH ST 5.375 07/01/2012 07/18/2002 PAINE WEBBER - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES ARIZONA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 567288-LL-7 MARICOPA CNTY ARIZ SCH DIST 6.125 07/01/2011 12/13/2002 TRANSFER 0F SECURITIES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 265129-7P-5 DUNCANVILLE TEX INDPT SCH DIST ST 02/15/2025 01/31/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivision - United States - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Total - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 472682-JT-1 JEFFERSON CNTY ALA SWR RE 5.500 02/01/2011 12/16/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARIZONA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 040580-CD-2 ARIZONA SCH FACS BRD REV 5.250 07/01/2016 07/18/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS 71883M-CT-9 PHOENIX CIVIC-AM 5.000 07/01/2007 04/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 71883M-CU-6 PHOENIX CIVIC-AM 5.000 07/01/2008 12/11/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELAWARE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 246428-PU-4 DELAWARE TRANSN AUTH TRAN 5.250 07/01/2011 08/19/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DELAWARE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341507-CA-7 FLORIDA ST BRD ED LOTTERY 5.750 07/01/2008 04/10/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 452245-AQ-6 ILLINOIS ST TOLL HWY AUTH 6.300 01/01/2011 11/07/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 455280-4S-3 INDIANAPOLIS IND LOC PUB 5.500 07/01/2013 O6/20/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 5 6 7 8 CUSIP Number of Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Shares of Stock Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574192-TQ-3 MARYLAND ST 5.500 08/01/2014 3,412,170 3,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND 3,412,170 3,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 03/01/2012 4,299,480 4,000,000 79,444 57582N-JV-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 01/01/2015 5,520,000 5,000,000 29,792 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 9,809,480 9,000,000 109,236 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4K-1 MINNESOTA ST 5.250 11/O1/2016 2,129,660 2,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA 2,129,660 2,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181054-5F-0 CLARK CNTY NEV SCH DIST 5.375 06/15/2015 2,131,060 2,000,000 7,167 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 2,131,060 2,000,000 7,167 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 649668-GU-1 NEW YORK N Y 5.875 06/01/2019 2,088,320 2,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 2,088,320 2,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677518-6A-5 OHIO ST 5.375 09/15/2017 4,231,640 4,000,000 50,764 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 4,231,640 4,000,000 50,764 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745145-Q5-4 PUERT0 RICE COMMONWEALTH 5.500 07/01/2014 4,555,280 4,000,000 745145-T4-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 5.500 07/01/2013 5,704,450 5,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO 10,259,730 9,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917542-KZ-4 UTAH ST 5.375 07/01/2012 2,231,900 2,000,000 4,778 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH 2,231,900 2,000,000 4,778 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States 56,036,128 52,600,000 250,688 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 56,036,128 52,600,000 250,688 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES ARIZONA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 567288-LL-7 MARICOPA CNTY ARIZ SCH DIST 6.125 07/01/2011 4,401,466 3,825,000 108,680 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA 4,401,466 3,825,000 108,680 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 265129-7P-5 DUNCANVILLE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 02/15/2025 5,360,191 5,670,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 5,360,191 5,670,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivision - United States 9,761,657 9,495,000 108,680 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Total - Bonds - Political Subdivisions 9,761,657 9,495,000 108,680 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 472682-JT-1 JEFFERSON CNTY ALA SWR RE 5.500 02/01/2011 11,439,400 10,000,000 210,833 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA 11,439,400 10,000,000 210,833 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARIZONA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 040580-CD-2 ARIZONA SCH FACS BRD REV 5.250 07/01/2016 1,958,984 1,845,000 9,955 71883M-CT-9 PHOENIX CIVIC-AM 5.000 07/01/2007 3,513,307 3,380,000 3,286 71883M-CU-6 PHOENIX CIVIC-AM 5.000 07/01/2008 3,869,611 3,640,000 80,889 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA 9,341,903 8,865,000 94,130 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELAWARE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 246428-PU-4 DELAWARE TRANSN AUTH TRAN 5.250 07/01/2011 4,742,525 4,240,000 12,985 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DELAWARE 4,742,525 4,240,000 12,985 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341507-CA-7 FLORIDA ST BRD ED LOTTERY 5.750 07/01/2008 3,578,608 3,250,000 53,986 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 3,578,608 3,250,000 53,986 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 452245-AQ-6 ILLINOIS ST TOLL HWY AUTH 6.300 01/01/2011 1,756,740 1,500,000 34,650 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 1,756,740 1,500,000 34,650 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 455280-4S-3 INDIANAPOLIS IND LOC PUB 5.500 07/01/2013 4,723,719 4,290,000 36,048 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 CUSIP Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49151E-JY-0 KENTUCKY ST PPTY & BLDGS 5.375 02/01/2018 01/10/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 594614-RD-3 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 5.500 10/15/2018 12/11/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 534272-VQ-9 LINCOLN NEB ELEC SYS REV 5.000 09/01/2015 10/08/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64465M-XE-0 NEW HAMPSHIRE MUN BD BK 5.000 08/15/2016 10/04/2002 UBS PAINE WEBBER - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW HAMPSHIRE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 646135-QY-2 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR F 5.750 06/15/2016 12/11/2002 TRANSFER OF SECURITIES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64970K-UQ-8 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 5.375 06/15/2016 06/24/2002 PAINE WEBBER 64971K-BD-7 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 5.250 02/01/2029 08/15/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 64985M-L9-5 NEW YORK ST ENVIRONMENTAL 5.375 06/15/2015 05/03/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 64985M-YV-2 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 5.000 06/15/2031 01/25/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 896029-6U-4 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH 5.500 01/01/2032 03/06/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677659-KS-2 OHIO ST WTR DEV AUTH REV 5.375 12/01/2016 08/19/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OKLAHOMA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 679111-PA-6 OKLAHOMA TRANSN AUTH OK F 6.000 01/01/2008 07/02/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OKLAHOMA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 837147-XW-2 SOUTH CAROLINA ST PUB SVC 5.250 01/01/2014 09/09/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 499523-SD-1 KNOX CNTY TENN HEALTH EDL 01/01/2019 11/25/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917547-LP-4 UTAH ST BLDG OWNERSHIP AUTH 5.500 05/15/2012 09/24/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Bonds - Special Revenue - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00846U-AB-7 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 3.000 12/01/2021 06/18/2002 VARIOUS 008685-AB-5 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 6.875 05/01/2029 10/01/2002 VARIOUS 013817-AG-6 ALCOA INC 4.250 08/15/2007 08/08/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 013817-AH-4 ALCOA INC 5.375 01/15/2013 08/08/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 018490-AD-4 ALLERGAN INC 11/06/2022 01/06/2003 VARIOUS 02261W-AB-5 ALZA CORP 07/28/2020 01/24/2002 CREDIT SUISSE 032511-AP-Z ANADARKO PETE CORP 03/07/2020 01/23/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 032654-AD-7 ANALOG DEVICES INC 4.750 10/01/2005 02/15/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 037389-AQ-6 AON CORP 3.500 11/15/2012 11/04/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 039483-AN-2 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO 6.750 12/15/2027 08/22/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 042735-AY-6 ARROW ELECTRS INC 02/21/2021 02/05/2002 VARIOUS 065913-AE-5 BANKBOSTON NA 6.500 12/19/2007 03/20/2002 CREDIT SUISSE 111021-AE-1 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATION 8.625 12/15/2030 08/22/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS 120568-AD-2 BUNGE LTD FIN CORP 3.750 11/15/2022 12/26/2002 VARIOUS 126408-BJ-1 CSX CORP 7.250 05/01/2004 08/06/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 151313-AF-0 CENDANT CORP 02/13/2021 12/17/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 161505-BP-6 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 6.600 12/01/2029 10/07/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 16151R-AX-1 CHASE CC MASTER TRUST 200 5.500 11/01/2008 03/21/2002 VARIOUS 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 2.440 06/15/2004 07/10/2002 MORGAN STANLEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 5 6 7 8 CUSIP Number of Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Shares of Stock Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL INDIANA 4,723,719 4,290,000 36,048 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KENTUCKY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 49151E-JY-0 KENTUCKY ST PPTY & BLDGS 5.375 02/01/2018 5,158,050 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL KENTUCKY 5,158,050 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MICHIGAN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 594614-RD-3 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 5.500 10/15/2018 7,398,076 6,845,000 58,563 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MICHIGAN 7,398,076 6,845,000 58,563 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEBRASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 534272-VQ-9 LINCOLN NEB ELEC SYS REV 5.000 09/01/2015 3,288,240 3,000,000 9,583 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEBRASKA 3,288,240 3,000,000 9,583 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW HAMPSHIRE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 64465M-XE-0 NEW HAMPSHIRE MUN BD BK 5.000 08/15/2016 2,167,340 2,000,000 8,056 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEW HAMPSHIRE 2,167,340 2,000,000 8,056 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW JERSEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 646135-QY-2 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR F 5.750 06/15/2016 7,404,000 6,460,000 181,598 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEW JERSEY 7,404,000 6,460,000 181,598 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 64970K-UQ-8 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 5.375 06/15/2016 2,130,620 2,000,000 64971K-BD-7 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 5.250 02/01/2029 4,354,480 4,000,000 64985M-L9-5 NEW YORK ST ENVIRONMENTAL 5.375 06/15/2015 5,334,650 5,000,000 64985M-YV-2 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 5.000 06/15/2031 974,390 1,000,000 896029-6U-4 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH 5.500 01/01/203Z 1,329,011 1,285,000 2,552 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEW YORK 14,123,151 13,285,000 2,552 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OHIO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 677659-KS-2 OHIO ST WTR DEV AUTH REV 5.375 12/01/2016 4,607,574 4,225,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OHIO 4,607,574 4,225,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OKLAHOMA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 679111-PA-6 OKLAHOMA TRANSN AUTH OK F 6.000 01/01/2008 10,075,022 8,945,000 10,436 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OKLAHOMA 10,075,022 8,945,000 10,436 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 837147-XW-2 SOUTH CAROLINA ST PUB SVC 5.250 01/01/2014 3,535,503 3,160,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 3,535,503 3,160,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TENNESSEE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 499523-SD-1 KNOX CNTY TENN HEALTH EDL 01/01/2019 2,050,600 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL TENNESSEE 2,050,600 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UTAH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 917547-LP-4 UTAH ST BLDG OWNERSHIP AUTH 5.500 05/15/2012 2,324,620 2,000,000 40,333 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UTAH 2,324,620 2,000,000 40,333 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States 97,715,069 92,065,000 753,753 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3199999 - Total - Bonds - Special Revenue 97,715,069 92,065,000 753,753 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00846U-AB-7 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 3.000 12/01/2021 1,712,886 1,500,000 8,267 008685-AB-5 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 6.875 05/01/2029 124,228 130,000 3,292 013817-AG-6 ALCOA INC 4.250 08/15/2007 99,670 100,000 013817-AH-4 ALCOA INC 5.375 01/15/2013 149,051 150,000 018490-AD-4 ALLERGAN INC 11/06/2022 1,611,256 2,000,000 02261W-AB-5 ALZA CORP 07/28/2020 935,813 1,150,000 032511-AP-2 ANADARKO PETE CORP 03/07/2020 1,173,960 1,800,000 032654-AD-7 ANALOG DEVICES INC 4.750 10/01/2005 1,335,250 1,400,000 22,958 037389-AQ-6 AON CORP 3.500 11/15/2012 1,000,000 1,000,000 039483-AN-2 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO 6.750 12/15/2027 505,937 475,000 6,413 042735-AY-6 ARROW ELECTRS INC 02/21/2021 2,541,420 5,350,000 065913-AE-5 BANKBOSTON NA 6.500 12/19/2007 332,241 325,000 5,633 111021-AE-1 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATION 8.625 12/15/2030 105,796 90,000 1,598 120568-AD-2 BUNGE LTD FIN CORP 3.750 11/15/2022 2,765,254 2,750,000 4,068 126408-BJ-1 CSX CORP 7.250 05/01/2004 750,050 700,000 13,815 151313-AF-0 CENDANT CORP 02/13/2021 2,024,425 3,150,000 161505-BP-6 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 6.600 12/01/2029 55,922 50,000 82 16151R-AX-1 CHASE CC MASTER TRUST 200 5.500 11/01/2008 272,426 269,000 251 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 2.440 06/15/2004 272,510 272,075 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E11.2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year SCHEDULE D - PART 3 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 CUSIP Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17305E-AP-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2001-A6 5.650 06/15/2008 03/21/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 17305E-AS-4 CITIBANK CCMT 2001-A8 4.100 12/07/2006 03/27/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 17305E-BB-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2002-A5 1.450 09/15/2007 09/12/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS 184502-AB-8 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 2.625 04/01/2003 01/14/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 22160Q-AC-6 COSTCO COMPANIES INC 08/19/2017 02/05/2002 VARIOUS 233331-AG-2 DTE ENERGY CO 6.650 04/15/2009 08/06/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 235851-AF-9 DANAHER CORP DEL 01/22/2021 07/03/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 26441Y-AD-9 DUKE WEKS REALTY CORP 6.950 03/15/2011 01/16/2002 ADVEST INC 26613X-AC-5 DUPONT PHOTOMASKS INC 07/24/2004 02/07/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 268766-BR-2 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 7.250 11/15/2008 02/06/2002 VARIOUS 318522-AD-1 FIRST AMERN CORP CALIF 4.500 04/15/2008 06/18/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 319963-AD-6 FIRST DATA CORP 2.000 03/01/2008 06/12/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 337358-DD-4 FIRST UNION CORP 6.950 11/01/2004 01/14/2002 SPEAR LEEDS KELLOGG 33901H-BA-0 FLEET CREDIT CD MT 2001-C 3.860 03/15/2007 03/27/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 07/16/2031 09/10/2002 VARIOUS 345397-SQ-7 FORD MOTOR CR CO 7.500 03/15/2005 05/16/2002 CREDIT SUISSE 370425-RZ-5 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 8.000 11/01/2031 09/10/2002 VARIOUS 428236-AC-7 HEWLETT PACKARD CO 10/14/2017 12/03/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 6.375 10/15/2011 07/31/2002 VARIOUS 441812-JY-1 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 7.000 05/15/2012 07/16/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 459506-AB-7 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA 6.450 05/15/2006 06/25/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 460690-AJ-9 INTERPUBLIC GROUP COS INC 1.870 06/01/2006 02/06/2002 VARIOUS 480081-AD-0 JONES APPAREL GROUP INC / 02/01/2021 02/06/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 492386-AP-2 KERR MCGEE CORP 5.250 02/15/2010 02/12/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 3.250 03/15/2031 01/14/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 55264T-AQ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 4.950 06/15/2009 05/10/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 55264T-AZ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 3.900 11/15/2007 06/18/2002 ALEX BROWN 56418H-AC-4 MANPOWER INC 08/17/2021 02/07/2002 VARIOUS 583334-AA-5 MEADWESTVACO CORP 6.850 04/01 /201Z 03/26/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 585055-AB-2 MEDTRONIC INC 1.250 09/15/2021 02/13/2002 VARIOUS 617059-DE-7 JP MORGAN COM MTG PTC 199 7.088 09/01/2029 03/18/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 617446-HC-6 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTE 6.600 04/01/2012 03/27/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 61745M-KY-8 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 6.710 12/01/2031 07/10/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 61745M-NE-9 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 7.020 03/01/2032 06/18/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 61746W-ES-5 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 6.400 02/01/2031 01/18/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 63538W-AA-6 NATL CITY BK PITT MDTMSUB 7.250 10/21/2011 01/14/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN. 652482-AX-8 NEWS AMER INC 7.625 11/30/2028 01/15/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 65473L-AC-8 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 2.600 08/15/2006 08/08/2002 COWEN & CO 655844-AF-5 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 7.050 05/01/2037 09/12/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 69344M-AE-1 PMI GROUP INC 2.500 07/15/2021 02/05/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 73755L-AB-3 POTASH CORP SASK INC 7.750 05/31/2011 04/23/2002 CREDIT SUISSE 743263-AE-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC 7.750 03/01/2031 01/16/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 760759-AC-4 REPUBLIC SVCS INC 6.750 08/15/2011 08/08/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 783890-AF-3 SCI SYSTEMS INC 3.000 03/15/2007 02/13/2002 VARIOUS 861012-AB-8 STMICROELECTRONICS N V 09/22/2009 12/30/2002 VARIOUS 88163V-AB-5 TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL FIN L 1.500 10/15/2005 02/07/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 883556-AH-5 THERMO ELECTRON CORP 4.000 01/15/2005 06/07/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 887364-AE-7 TIMES MIRROR CO NEW 04/15/2017 02/06/2002 CREDIT SUISSE 902124-AC-0 TYCO INTL LTD NEW 11/17/2020 12/31/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 90331H-BP-7 US BK NATL ASSN MINNEAPOL 5.625 11/30/2005 03/06/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL HLTH SVCS INC 06/23/2020 07/23/2002 VARIOUS 925524-AS-9 VIACOM INC 5.625 05/01/2007 04/18/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 94975C-AE-7 WELLS FARGO FINL INC 5.450 05/03/2004 07/30/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 987425-AC-9 YOUNG & RUBICAM INC 3.000 01/15/2005 02/15/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY U74078-AE-3 NESLTE HLDGS INC 3.000 05/09/2005 01/24/2002 CREDIT SUISSE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 638539-AG-1 NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BK P 7.750 04/29/2049 07/17/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 701808-4A-2 HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LTD 2.000 01/12/2004 04/08/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 82481U-AB-5 SHIRE FIN LTD 2.000 08/21/2011 01/22/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS G03764-AA-8 ANGLO AMERICAN 3.375 04/17/2007 10/10/2002 VARIOUS G86220-AB-9 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 2.000 05/20/2005 02/07/2002 VARIOUS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 5 6 7 8 CUSIP Number of Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Shares of Stock Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17305E-AP-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2001-A6 5.650 06/15/2008 609,000 600,000 9,511 17305E-AS-4 CITIBANK CCMT 2001-A8 4.100 12/07/2006 607,697 615,000 7,775 17305E-BB-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2002-A5 1.450 09/15/2007 1,040,000 1,040,000 184502-AB-8 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 2.625 04/01/2003 1,646,560 1,600,000 12,367 22160Q-AC-6 COSTCO COMPANIES INC 08/19/2017 1,869,747 1,850,000 233331-AG-2 DTE ENERGY CO 6.650 04/15/2009 529,300 500,000 11,453 235851-AF-9 DANAHER CORP DEL 01/22/2021 1,657,950 2,500,000 26441Y-AD-9 DUKE WEKS REALTY CORP 6.950 03/15/2011 50,397 50,000 1,226 26613X-AC-5 DUPONT PHOTOMASKS INC 07/24/2004 233,125 250,000 268766-BR-2 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 7.250 11/15/2008 1,866,250 1,750,000 24,267 318522-AD-1 FIRST AMERN CORP CALIF 4.500 04/15/2008 2,844,620 2,800,000 22,600 319963-AD-6 FIRST DATA CORP 2.000 03/01/2008 2,306,220 2,000,000 11,778 337358-DD-4 FIRST UNION CORP 6.950 11/01/2004 1,022,400 950,000 13,939 33901H-BA-0 FLEET CREDIT CD MT 2001-C 3.860 03/15/2007 295,969 300,000 418 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 07/16/2031 310,609 355,000 3,311 345397-SQ-7 FORD MOTOR CR CO 7.500 03/15/2005 78,242 75,000 1,031 370425-RZ-5 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 8.000 11/01/2031 301,875 300,000 7,522 428236-AC-7 HEWLETT PACKARD CO 10/14/2017 1,551,714 3,500,000 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 6.375 10/15/2011 220,663 240,000 4,542 441812-JY-1 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 7.000 05/15/2012 250,483 250,000 1,771 459506-AB-7 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA 6.450 05/15/2006 259,768 250,000 1,926 460690-AJ-9 INTERPUBLIC GROUP COS INC 1.870 06/01/2006 2,134,297 2,700,000 7,792 480081-AD-0 JONES APPAREL GROUP INC / 02/01/2021 1,815,130 3,500,000 492386-AP-2 KERR MCGEE CORP 5.250 02/15/2010 1,499,535 1,350,000 23,771 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 3.250 03/15/2031 1,460,650 1,500,000 16,449 55264T-AQ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 4.950 06/15/2009 976,447 975,000 55264T-AZ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 32900 11/15/2007 424,762 425,000 56418H-AC-4 MANPOWER INC 08/17/2021 3,182,593 5,300,000 583334-AA-5 MEADWESTVACO CORP 6.850 04/01/2012 372,518 375,000 585055-AB-2 MEDTRONIC INC 1.250 09/15/2021 3,564,040 3,400,000 16,535 617059-DE-7 JP MORGAN COM MTG PTC 199 7.088 09/01/2029 105,363 100,000 394 617446-HC-6 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTE 6.600 04/01/2012 596,976 600,000 61745M-KY-8 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 6.710 12/01/2031 271,211 250,000 652 61745M-NE-9 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 7.020 03/01/2032 136,167 125,000 488 61746W-ES-5 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 6.400 02/01/2031 244,582 235,184 962 63538W-AA-6 NATL CITY BK PITT MDTMSUB 7.250 10/21/2011 1,554,777 1,450,000 25,113 652482-AX-8 NEWS AMER INC 7.625 11/30/2028 997,700 1,000,000 10,167 65473L-AC-8 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 2.600 08/15/2006 499,982 500,000 655844-AF-5 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 7.050 05/01/2037 777,490 700,000 18,643 69344M-AE-1 PMI GROUP INC 2.500 07/15/2021 1,449,563 1,350,000 2,156 73755L-AB-3 POTASH CORP SASK INC 7.750 05/31/2011 377,734 350,000 11,001 743263-AE-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC 7.750 03/01/2031 618,855 550,000 16,695 760759-AC-4 REPUBLIC SVCS INC 6.750 08/15/2011 393,045 375,000 12,516 783890-AF-3 SCI SYSTEMS INC 3.000 03/15/2007 1,900,688 2,350,000 27,075 861012-AB-8 STMICROELECTRONICS N V 09/22/2009 2,337,235 2,500,000 88163V-AB-5 TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL FIN L 1.500 10/15/2005 2,351,438 2,300,000 9,494 883556-AH-5 THERMO ELECTRON CORP 4.000 01/15/2005 2,494,500 2,600,000 42,244 887364-AE-7 TIMES MIRROR CO NEW 04/15/2017 1,800,270 3,100,000 902124-AC-O TYCO INTL LTD NEW 11/17/2020 1,460,312 2,000,000 90331H-BP-7 US BK NATL ASSN MINNEAPOL 5.625 11/30/2005 537,810 525,000 8,203 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL HLTH SVCS INC 06/23/2020 869,950 1,500,000 775 925524-AS-9 VIACOM INC 5.625 05/01/2007 474,278 475,000 94975C-AE-7 WELLS FARGO FINL INC 5.450 05/03/2004 286,891 275,000 3,705 987425-AC-9 YOUNG & RUBICAM INC 3.000 01/15/2005 2,097,750 2,200,000 3,533 U74078-AE-3 NESLTE HLDGS INC 3.000 05/09/2005 1,498,500 1,350,000 9,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 638539-AG-1 NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BK P 7.750 04/29/2049 993,555 900,000 18,600 701808-4A-2 HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LTD 2.000 01/12/2004 3,825,000 4,000,000 19,111 82481U-AB-5 SHIRE FIN LTD 2.000 08/21/2011 1,562,000 1,600,000 13,689 603764-AA-8 ANGLO AMERICAN 3.375 04/17/2007 3,418,125 3,500,000 36,609 686220-AB-9 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 2.000 05/20/2005 1,452,000 1,400,000 5,656 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States 78,883,717 92,721,258 470,175 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries 11,250,680 11,400,000 93,665 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Bonds - Industrial, Misc. 90,134,397 104,121,258 563,840 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11.3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 CUSIP Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099997 - Total - Bonds - Part 3 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Total - Bonds - Part 5 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 071813-40-6 BAXTER INTL INC 12/20/2002 VARIOUS 25746U-20-8 DOMINION RES INC VA NEW 01/14/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 268939-40-2 EVI INC 03/25/2002 VARIOUS 302181-20-1 EXPRESS SCRIPTS AUTO EXCH 03/26/2002 CREDIT SUISSE 345395-20-6 FORD MTR CO CAP TR II 01/24/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 666807-40-9 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP 02/06/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 717265-50-8 PHELPS DODGE CORP 07/02/2002 JP MORGAN STANLEY 78412D-30-7 SEMCO ENERGY INC 12/31/2001 BANK OF AMERICA 828806-40-6 SIMON PPTY GROUP INC NEW 02/15/2002 VARIOUS 852061-60-5 SPRINT CORP 08/26/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 879868-20-6 TEMPLE INLAND INC 05/07/2002 VARIOUS 892335-20-9 TOYS R US INC 05/21/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6399999 - Total - Preferred Stocks - Industrial, Misc. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599997 - Total - Preferred Stocks - Part 3 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Total - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS PARENT, SUBS. & AFFILIATES UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22222#-10-2 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS 08/01/2002 RADIAN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6999999 - Total - Common Stocks - Parent, Subsidiaries, Affiliates - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099997 - Total - Common Stocks - Part 3 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Total - Common Stocks - Part 5 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 5 6 7 8 CUSIP Number of Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Shares of Stock Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099997 - Total - Bonds - Part 3 363,131,904 364,192,031 2,389,536 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099998 - Total - Bonds - Part 5 165,938,642 163,179,984 1,211,167 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099999 - Total - Bonds 529,070,546 527,372,014 3,600,703 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PREFERRED STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 071813-40-6 BAXTER INTL INC 25,675.000 1,285,856 25746U-20-8 DOMINION RES INC VA NEW 27,600.000 1,638,060 268939-40-2 EVI INC 65,000.000 3,150,023 302181-20-1 EXPRESS SCRIPTS AUTO EXCH 25,000.000 2,466,500 345395-20-6 FORD MTR CO CAP TR II 27,000.000 1,350,000 666807-40-9 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP 11,500.000 1,280,517 717265-50-8 PHELPS DODGE CORP 20,000.000 2,071,400 78412D-30-7 SEMCO ENERGY INC 10,000.000 88,750 828806-40-6 SIMON PPTY GROUP INC NEW 16,500.000 1,381,450 852061-60-5 SPRINT CORP 150,000.000 1,205,550 879868-20-6 TEMPLE INLAND INC 50,000.000 2,579,500 892335-20-9 TOYS R US INC 25,000.000 1,250,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 19,747,606 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6399999 - Total - Preferred Stocks - Industrial, Misc. 19,747,606 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599997 - Total - Preferred Stocks - Part 3 19,747,606 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599998 - Total - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 5,175,838 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks 24,923,444 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON STOCKS PARENT, SUBS. & AFFILIATES UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22222#-10-2 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS 3,000.000 3,000 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 3,000 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6999999 - Total - Common Stocks - Parent, Subsidiaries, Affiliates 3,000 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7099997 - Total - Common Stocks - Part 3 3,000 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7099998 - Total - Common Stocks - Part 5 4,405,748 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks 4,408,748 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks 29,332,191 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7299999 Totals 558,402,737 XXX 3,600,703 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E11.4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULED - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 31287T-2E-4 7.000 03/01/2030 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 81,677 81,677 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 31287V-AQ-3 6.500 07/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 613,400 613,400 FHLMC PC 3128GV-UG-3 6.000 09/01/2017 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 144,376 144,376 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 31359M-HJ-5 4.750 03/15/2004 02/05/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 154,349 150,000 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31371H-LV-8 7.000 05/01/2029 06/14/2002 VARIOUS 4,796,158 4,655,407 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31374T-TS-8 7.000 06/01/2029 05/28/2002 VARIOUS 10,884,016 10,643,956 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31388Y-2Y-7 6.500 12/01/2015 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 7,905 7,905 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31389N-7D-1 7.000 09/01/2031 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 309,177 309,177 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31389N-KX-Z 6.000 03/01/2032 12/01/2002 VARIOUS 6,044,137 6,243,817 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-F7-6 6.500 08/01/2032 12/01 /2002 MBS PAYDOWN 16,762 16,762 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-FF-8 6.500 07/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 40,068 40,068 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-V7-8 7.000 07/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 7,819 7,819 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-WX-0 7.000 07/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 10,760 10,760 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390N-P4-8 6.500 07/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 16,199 16,199 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31390N-UL-4 6.000 08/01/2017 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 87,580 87,580 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390P-DC-8 6.500 08/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 14,121 14,121 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390T-LQ-0 6.500 08/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 21,588 21,588 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390T-LV-9 6.500 08/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 20,561 20,561 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390U-YD-2 6.500 09/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 39,079 39,079 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31391E-AQ-4 6.000 09/01/2017 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 98,538 98,538 FANNIEMAE GRANTOR TRUST 31392D-YE-6 4.768 04/01/2012 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 8,710 8,710 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 912810-FM-5 6.250 05/15/2030 11/04/2002 VARIOUS 6,231,458 5,500,000 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 912810-FP-8 5.375 02/15/2031 10/01/2002 VARIOUS 2,193,856 2,200,000 US TREASURY NOTE 912827-4F-6 5.625 05/15/2008 05/10/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 312,844 300,000 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-4Y-5 3.875 01/15/2009 12/23/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 734,493 663,012 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6J-6 5.750 08/15/2010 03/07/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 844,883 800,000 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6X-5 4.625 05/15/2006 08/08/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 243,854 230,000 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-7C-0 3.625 08/31/2003 03/27/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 699,208 695,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 Increase (Decrease) Increase by Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) Foreign Exchange Realized Gains CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) (Loss) on Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal Disposal - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 31287T-2E-4 7.000 03/01/2030 85,378 85,378 (227) FHLMC GOLD 30YR 31287V-AQ-3 6.500 07/01/2032 625,859 625,859 (177) FHLMC PC 3128GV-UG-3 6.000 09/01/2017 149,001 149,001 (97) FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 31359M-HJ-5 4.750 03/15/2004 155,009 154,599 (251) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31371H-LV-8 7.000 05/01/2029 4,765,973 4,765,443 (19,192) 49,907 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31374T-TS-8 7.000 06/01/2029 10,896,750 10,895,536 (43,819) 32,299 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31388Y-2Y-7 6.500 12/01/2015 8,344 8,344 (5) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31389N-7D-1 7.000 09/01/2031 318,790 318,790 (211) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31389N-KX-2 6.000 03/01/2032 6,158,940 6,158,940 108 (116,758) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-F7-6 6.500 08/01/2032 17,309 17,309 (3) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-FF-8 6.500 07/01/2032 41,377 41,377 (12) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-V7-8 7.000 07/01/2032 8,174 8,174 (1) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-WX-0 7.000 07/01/2032 11,249 11,249 (8) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390N-P4-8 6.500 07/01/2032 16,809 16,809 (12) FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31390N-UL-4 6.000 08/01/2017 91,288 91,288 (112) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390P-DC-8 6.500 08/01/2032 14,588 14,588 (4) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390T-LQ-0 6.500 08/01/2032 22,302 22,302 (8) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390T-LV-9 6.500 08/01/2032 21,241 21,241 (6) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390U-YD-2 6.500 09/01/2032 40,416 40,416 (7) FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31391E-AQ-4 6.000 09/01/2017 102,710 102,710 (38) FANNIEMAE GRANTOR TRUST 31392D-YE-6 4.768 04/01/2012 8,702 8,702 12 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 912810-FM-5 6.250 05/15/2030 6,076,641 6,076,641 (5,680) 160,497 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 912810-FP-8 5.375 02/15/2031 2,181,766 2,181,829 353 11,674 US TREASURY NOTE 912827-4F-6 5.625 05/15/2008 305,508 304,121 (191) 8,913 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-4Y-5 3.875 01/15/2009 811,405 811,405 (4,356) (72,557) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6J-6 5.750 08/15/2010 836,219 836,166 (493) 9,210 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6X-5 4.625 05/15/2006 244,609 244,609 (10) (745) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-7C-0 3.625 08/31/2003 704,122 702,901 (855) (2,838) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal During Year During Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 31287T-2E-4 7.000 03/01/2030 1,413 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 31287V-AQ-3 6.500 07/01/2032 13,309 FHLMC PC 3128GV-UG-3 6.000 09/01/2017 2,029 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 31359M-HJ-5 4.750 03/15/2004 (251) 2,830 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31371H-LV-8 7.000 05/01/2029 49,907 162,890 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31374T-TS-8 7.000 06/01/2029 32,299 312,314 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31388Y-2Y-7 6.500 12/01/2015 70 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31389N-7D-1 7.000 09/01/2031 10,049 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31389N-KX-2 6.000 03/01/2032 (116,758) 31,613 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-F7-6 6.500 08/01/2032 283 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-FF-8 6.500 07/01/2032 741 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-V7-8 7.000 07/01/2032 93 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-WX-0 7.000 07/01/2032 126 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390N-P4-8 6.500 07/01 /203Z 163 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31390N-UL-4 6.000 08/01/2017 904 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390P-DC-8 6.500 08/01/2032 292 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390T-LQ-0 6.500 08/01/2032 451 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390T-LV-9 6.500 08/01/2032 363 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390U-YD-2 6.500 09/01/2032 454 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31391E-AQ-4 6.000 09/01/2017 1,144 FANNIEMAE GRANTOR TRUST 31392D-YE-6 4.768 04/01/2012 108 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 912810-FM-5 6.250 05/15/2030 160,497 300,781 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 912810-FP-8 5.375 02/15/2031 11,674 112,262 US TREASURY NOTE 912827-4F-6 5.625 05/15/2008 8,913 8,344 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-4Y-5 3.875 01/15/2009 (72,557) 6,954 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6J-6 5.750 08/15/2010 9,210 25,128 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6X-5 4.625 05/15/2006 (745) 2,602 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-7C-0 3.625 08/31/2003 (2,838) 14,514 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-7K-2 3.000 01/31/2004 09/18/2002 VARIOUS 4,184,902 4,120,000 USA MTGE GTY T & L BOND 990040-DA-2 09/15/2004 10/03/2002 RADIAN 3,580,904 3,580,904 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 42,443,381 41,320,416 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments 42,443,381 41,320,416 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES HAWAII - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII ST 419779-KQ-5 5.000 02/01/2003 04/16/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 7,158,270 7,000,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 7,158,270 7,000,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States 7,158,270 7,000,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 7,158,270 7,000,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES TEXAS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUSTIN TEX INDPT SCH DIST 052429-W8-6 4.500 08/01/2018 08/02/2002 VARIOUS 10,800,828 11,200,000 DUNCANVILLE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 265129-8T-6 5.250 02/15/2032 01/31/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 4,955,100 5,000,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 15,755,928 16,200,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - United States 15,755,928 16,200,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions 15,755,928 16,200,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ALASKA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALDEZ ALASKA PCR MARINE 919061-DP-3 5.500 10/01/2028 01/15/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 5,003,750 5,000,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 5,003,750 5,000,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORANGE CNTY FLA TOURIST DEV TAX 684545-KL-9 4.750 10/01/2024 06/26/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 9,509,880 10,000,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 9,509,880 10,000,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ST LOUIS MO ARPT REV 791638-RC-5 5.250 07/01/2031 07/22/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS 1,002,500 1,000,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSOURI 1,002,500 1,000,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK NY CITY TRANSITIONAL FIN 649716-NP-8 5.750 08/15/2009 08/15/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 2,342,620 2,000,000 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 64971G-FD-2 5.000 06/15/2029 04/10/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 4,740,450 5,000,000 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 896029-5F-8 5.000 01/01/2032 04/23/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 3,747,480 4,000,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 10,830,550 11,000,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNIVERSITY CINCINNATI OHIO GEN R 914118-7X-6 5.000 06/01/2031 07/31/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 10,087,125 10,250,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 10,087,125 10,250,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States 36,433,805 37,250,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenues 36,433,805 37,250,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Book/Adjusted Increase (Decrease) Foreign Carrying (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 912827-7K-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3 000 01/31/2004 4,143,014 4,143,014 (3,558) 990040-DA-2 USA MTGE GTY T & L BOND 09/15/2004 3,580,904 3,580,904 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 42,444,396 42,439,646 (78,609) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments 42,444,396 42,439,646 (78,609) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES HAWAII - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII ST 419779-KQ-5 5.000 02/01 /2003 7,000,000 7,000,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 7,000,000 7,000,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States 7,000,000 7,000,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 7,000,000 7,000,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES TEXAS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUSTIN TEX INDPT SCH DIST 052429-W8-6 4.500 08/01/2018 9,013,312 9,149,330 45,371 DUNCANVILLE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 265129-8T-6 5.250 021 15/2032 4,852,450 4,852,556 (22) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 13,865,762 14,001,886 45,349 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - United States 13,865,762 14,001,886 45,349 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions 13,865,762 14,001,886 45,349 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ALASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALDEZ ALASKA PCR MARINE 919061-DP-3 5.500 10/01/2028 5,049,788 5,035,479 (256) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 5,049,788 5,035,479 (256) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORANGE CNTY FLA TOURIST DEV TAX 684545-KL-9 4.750 10/01/2024 8,583,900 8,627,555 16,438 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 8,583,900 8,627,555 16,438 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 791638-RC-5 ST LOUIS MO ARPT REV 989,480 989,585 180 5.250 07/01/2031 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSOURI 989,480 989,585 180 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK NY CITY TRANSITIONAL FIN 649716-NP-8 5.750 08/15/2009 1,995,240 1,997,003 (1,114) NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 64971G-FD-2 5.000 06/15/2029 4,925,750 4,926,124 1,004 TR I BOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 896029-5F-8 5.000 01/01/2032 3,763,600 3,763,600 2,018 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 10,684,590 10,686,727 1,908 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNIVERSITY CINCINNATI OHIO GEN R 914118-7X-6 5.000 06/01/2031 10,186,348 10,186,704 1,333 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 10,186,348 10,186,704 1,333 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States 35,494,105 35,526,050 19,604 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenues 35,494,105 35,526,050 19,604 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-7K-2 3.000 01/31/2004 45,446 45,446 79,908 USA MTGE GTY T & L BOND 990040-DA-2 09/15/2004 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 124,797 124,797 1,092,132 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments 124,797 124,797 1,092,132 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES HAWAII - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII ST 419779-KQ-5 5.000 02/01 /2003 158,270 158,270 250,833 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 158,270 158,270 250,833 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States 158,270 158,270 250,833 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 158,270 158,270 250,833 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUSTIN TEX INDPT SCH DIST 052429-W8-6 4.500 08/01/2018 1,606,127 1,606,127 511,525 DUNCANVILLE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 265129-8T-6 5.250 02/15/2032 102,566 102,566 46,667 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 1,708,693 1,708,693 558,192 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - United States 1,708,693 1,708,693 558,192 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions 1,708,693 1,708,693 558,192 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ALASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALDEZ ALASKA PCR MARINE 919061-DP-3 5.500 10/01/2028 (31,473) (31,473) 81,736 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA (31,473) (31,473) 81,736 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORANGE CNTY FLA TOURIST DEV TAX 684545-KL-9 4.750 10/01/2024 865,887 865,887 350,444 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 865,887 865,887 350,444 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ST LOUIS MO ARPT REV 791638-RC-5 5.250 07/01/2031 12,735 12,735 54,750 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSOURI 12,735 12,735 64,750 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK NY CITY TRANSITIONAL FIN 649716-NP-8 5.750 08/15/2009 346,731 346,731 116,597 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 64971G-FD-2 5.000 06/15/2029 (186,678) (186,678) 83,333 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 896029-5F-8 5.000 01/01/2032 (18,138) (18,138) 89,444 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 141,915 141,915 289,375 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNIVERSITY CINCINNATI OHIO GEN R 914118-7X-6 5.000 06/01/2031 (100,912) (100,912) 321,181 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO (100,912) (100,912) 321,181 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States 888,151 888,151 1,107,486 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenues 888,151 888,151 1,107,486 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E 12.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANADARKO PETE CORP 032511-AP-2 03/07/2020 01/30/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 573,563 ARROW ELECTRS INC 042735-AY-6 02/21/2021 12/12/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK 198,000 BAXTER INTL INC 071813-AQ-2 1.250 06/01/2021 03/27/2002 CREDIT SUISSE 627,000 BAXTER INTL INC 071813-AR-O 1.250 06/01/2021 12/11/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK 1,195,500 CSX CORP 126408-BJ-1 7.250 05/01/2004 10/04/2002 BNP PARIBAS SCREENS 372,355 RESIDENTIAL ASSET SEC TRUST 98-A12 B1 12669A-Q4-9 6.750 10/01/2028 02/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 502 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TR 200 14040P-AP-2 3.850 08/15/2007 07/17/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 202,492 CARNIVAL CORP 143658-AN-2 2.000 04/15/2021 12/23/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 1,579,750 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 161581-BW-2 2.440 06/15/2004 12/15/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 173,250 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 184502-AB-8 2.625 04/01/2003 11/22/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 1,182,563 COSTCO COMPANIES INC 22160Q-AC-6 08/19/2017 05/22/2002 BAIRD PATRICK 1,155,180 CS FIRST BOSTON NY BRH SR 2254CO-AU-1 1.000 01/26/2010 06/04/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 1,043,000 CS FIRST BOSTON NY BRH SR 2254CO-AZ-0 2.000 05/01/2010 03/21/2002 CREDIT SUISSE 1,086,280 DTE ENERGY CO 233331-AG-2 6.650 04/15/2009 10/29/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 209,596 FIRST DATA CORP 319963-AD-6 2.000 03/01/2008 06/12/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 2,789,722 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2001- 34527R-GQ-0 4.010 03/15/2006 04/23/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 99,914 FORD MTR CO DEL 345370-CA-6 7.450 07/16/2031 10/04/2002 HBSC SECURITIES 16,104 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 370425-RZ-5 8.000 11/01/2031 10/23/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 105,541 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 441812-JW-5 6.375 10/15/2011 11/13/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 30,283 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 441812-JY-1 7.000 05/15/2012 11/13/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 209,077 MAGNA INTL INC 559222-A6-9 4.875 02/15/2005 06/06/2002 RADIAN 1,450,000 MEADWESTVACO CORP 583334-AA-5 6.850 04/01/2012 09/20/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 140,784 MI AGENCY OBLIGATION 50A 59464@-AA-1 09/15/2008 09/16/2002 MATURITY 37,500 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 61746W-ES-5 6.400 02/01/2031 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 10,930 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 19A 64605*-AE-5 04/29/2007 04/29/2002 MATURITY 45,000 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 27A 64605*-AF-2 10/20/2007 10/21/2002 MATURITY 48,000 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 43A 64605*-AK-1 09/22/2007 09/23/2002 MATURITY 51,286 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 Increase Book/Adjusted Increase (Decrease) Carrying (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP Value at by Exchange Identification Description Par Value Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 032511-AP-2 ANADARKO PETE CORP 03/07/2020 950,000 687,084 433,859 193,899 042735-AY-6 ARROW ELECTRS INC 02/21/2021 450,000 196,875 198,285 8,331 071813-AQ-2 BAXTER INTL INC 1.250 06/01/2021 600,000 603,500 603,218 (186) 071813-AR-O BAXTER INTL INC 1.250 06/01/2021 600,000 603,500 603,218 (186) 126408-BJ-1 CSX CORP 7.250 05/01/2004 350,000 375,025 375,025 (2,346) 12669A-Q4-9 RESIDENTIAL ASSET SEC TRUST 98-A12 B1 6.750 10/01/2028 502 482 483 19 14040P-AP-2 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TR 200 3.850 08/15/2007 200,000 199,457 199,492 34 143658-AN-2 CARNIVAL CORP 2.000 04/15/2021 1,500,000 1,412,750 1,413,525 2,644 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 2.440 06/15/2004 173,250 173,528 173,528 (120) 184502-AB-8 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 2.625 04/01/2003 1,190,000 1,193,029 1,193,460 (2,453) 22160Q-AC-6 COSTCO COMPANIES INC 08/19/2017 1,300,000 1,179,938 1,013,398 171,089 2254CO-AU-1 CS FIRST BOSTON NY BRH SR 1.000 01/26/2010 1,400,000 1,063,638 1,075,365 14,850 2254CO-AZ-0 CS FIRST BOSTON NY BRH SR 2.000 05/01/2010 1,350,000 1,227,309 1,233,049 2,915 233331-A6-2 DTE ENERGY CO 6.650 04/15/2009 200,000 211,720 211,720 (313) 319963-AD-6 FIRST DATA CORP 2.000 03/01/2008 2,400,000 2,556,125 2,533,978 (3,141) 34527R-GQ-0 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2001- 4.010 03/15/2006 100,000 99,999 99,999 1 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 07/16/2031 20,000 16,706 16,706 5 370425-RZ-5 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 8.000 11/01/2031 120,000 120,736 120,736 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 6.375 10/15/2011 35,000 32,015 32,015 80 441812-JY-1 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 7.000 05/15/2012 225,000 225,434 225,434 559222-AG-9 MAGNA INTL INC 4.875 02/15/2005 1,450,000 1,446,563 1,446,787 494 583334-AA-5 MEADWESTVACO CORP 6.850 04/01/2012 130,000 129,139 129,139 30 59464@-AA-1 MI AGENCY OBLIGATION 50A 09/15/2008 37,500 17,520 35,061 2,439 61746W-ES-5 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 6.400 02/01/2031 10,930 11,367 11,367 (13) 64605*-AE-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 19A 04/29/2007 45,000 20,409 43,595 1,405 64605*-AF-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 27A 10/20/2007 48,000 21,491 44,459 3,541 64605*-AK-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 43A 09/22/2007 51,286 23.481 47,857 3,428 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 12 13 14 15 16 Foreign Interest on Dividends on Exchange Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP Gain (Loss) (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description on Disposal Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANADARKO PETE CORP 032511-AP-2 03/07/2020 (54,195) (54,195) ARROW ELECTRS INC 042735-AY-6 02/21/2021 (8,616) (8,616) BAXTER INTL INC 071813-AQ-2 1.250 06/01/2021 23,968 23.968 2,521 BAXTER INTL INC 071813-AR-O 1.250 06/01/2021 (36,091) (36,091) 15,625 CSX CORP 126408-BJ-1 7.250 05/01/2004 (324) (324) 11,137 RESIDENTIAL ASSET SEC TRUST 98-A12 B1 12669A-Q4-9 6.750 10/01/2028 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TR 200 14040P-AP-2 3.850 08/15/2007 2,966 2,966 4,641 CARNIVAL CORP 143658-AN-2 2.000 04/15/2021 163,581 163,581 28,667 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 161581-BW-2 2.440 06/15/2004 1,047 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 184502-AB-8 2.625 04/01/2003 (8,444) (8,444) 36,097 COSTCO COMPANIES INC 22160Q-AC-6 08/19/2017 (29,307) (29,307) CS FIRST BOSTON NY BRH SR 2254CO-AU-1 1.000 01/26/2010 (47,215) (47,215) 12,094 CS FIRST BOSTON NY BRH SR 2254CO-AZ-0 2.000 05/01/2010 149,685) (149,685) 10,794 DTE ENERGY CO 233331-A6-2 6.650 04/15/2009 (1,811) (1,811) 7,611 FIRST DATA CORP 319963-AD-6 2.000 03/01/2008 258,885 258,885 32,289 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2001- 34527R-GQ-0 4.010 03/15/2006 (86) (86) 1,459 FORD MTR CO DEL 345370-CA-6 7.450 07/16/2031 (606) (606) 344 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 370425-RZ-5 8.000 11/01/2031 (15,194) (15,194) 4,720 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 441812-JW-5 6.375 10/15/2011 (1,811) (1,811) 1,320 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 441812-JY-1 7.000 05/15/2012 (16,357) (16,357) 5,537 MAGNA INTL INC 559222-AG-9 4.875 02/15/2005 2,719 2,719 35,344 MEADWESTVACO CORP 583334-AA-5 6.850 04/01/2012 11,614 11,614 4,279 MI AGENCY OBLIGATION 50A 59464@-AA-1 09/15/2008 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 61746W-ES-5 6.400 02/01/2031 406 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 19A 64605*-AE-5 04/29/2007 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 27A 64605*-AF-2 10/20/2007 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 43A 64605*-AK-1 09/22/2007 E12.2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Number of CUSIP Disposal Name of Shares of Identification Description Date Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value Actual Cost - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64605*-AM-7 O2/21/2004 02/21/2002 MATURITY 33,000 33,000 15,906 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 36A 64605*-AN-5 10/11/2005 10/14/2002 MATURITY 22,000 22,000 9,984 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 42A 64605*-AP-0 03/02/2008 03/04/2002 MATURITY 38,500 38,500 18,643 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 44A 64605*-AQ-8 04/22/2010 04/22/2002 MATURITY 108,500 108,500 51,885 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 56A 64605*-AT-2 02/21/2004 02/21/2002 MATURITY 30,000 30,000 14,877 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 52A 64605*-AU-9 02/28/2004 03/28/2002 MATURITY 20,000 20,000 9,921 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 57A 64605*-AV-7 12/18/2008 12/18/2002 MATURITY 48,500 48,500 22,248 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 62A 64605*-AW-5 05/12/2005 05/31/2002 MATURITY 51,000 51,000 24,837 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 65 64605*-AX-3 10/11/2005 10/14/2002 MATURITY 30,500 30,500 14,339 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 71A 64605*-BA-2 07/20/2008 07/22/2002 MATURITY 42,000 42,000 21,129 NJ AGNECY PBLIGATION 97F 64605*-BC-8 05/19/2007 05/31/2002 MATURITY 132,000 132,000 66,302 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 77A 64605*-BD-6 09/22/2007 09/23/2002 MATURITY 28,207 28,207 13,599 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 108J 64605*-BF-1 02/13/2005 02/13/2002 MATURITY 37,250 37,250 19,390 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 1310 64605*-BT-1 04/23/2010 04/23/2002 MATURITY 51,500 51,500 28,566 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 140B 64605*-BU-8 01/31/2002 01/31/2002 MATURITY 514,000 514,000 292,057 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 154F 64605*-CK-9 07/18/2004 07/18/2002 MATURITY 35,000 35,000 21,346 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 153E 64605*-CL-7 08/11/2004 08/12/2002 MATURITY 50,000 50,000 27,819 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 161R 64605*-CY-9 07/07/2013 07/08/2002 MATURITY 6,697 6,697 4,214 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 160R 64605*-CZ-6 07/07/2013 07/08/2002 MATURITY 6,697 6,697 4,214 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 162R 64605 -DA-0 07/07/2013 07/08/2002 MATURITY 6,697 6,697 4,125 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 163R 64605*-DB-8 07/07/2013 07/08/2002 MATURITY 6,697 6,697 4,214 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 178G 64605*-DV-4 01/01/2002 01/01/2002 MATURITY 207,500 207,500 135,474 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 130H 64605*-JP-1 03/17/2006 03/18/2002 MATURITY 57,500 57,500 32,172 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 8A 64982@-AA-4 09/08/2002 09/08/2002 MATURITY 31,123 31,123 13,419 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 6A 64982@-AG-1 06/15/2004 06/28/2002 MATURITY 59,350 59,350 25,992 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 7A 64982@-AH-9 12/15/2003 12/16/2002 MATURITY 64,224 64,224 26,575 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 10B 64982@-AM-8 12/15/2004 12/16/2002 MATURITY 86,580 86,580 36,099 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 4A 64982@-AP-1 12/15/2003 12/16/2002 MATURITY 146,788 146,788 6O,512 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 22A 64982@-BB-1 08/15/2006 08/15/2002 MATURITY 33,335 33,335 14,853 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 16A 64982@-BC-9 05/15/2008 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 Increase Book/Adjusted Increase (Decrease) Foreign Carrying (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange Realized Gain Total Gain CUSIP Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) (Loss) on (Loss) on Identification Description Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal Disposal Disposal - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64605*-AM-7 O2/21/2004 32,565 435 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 36A 64605*-AN-5 10/11/2005 20,426 1,574 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 42A 64605*-AP-0 03/02/2008 37,882 618 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 44A 64605*-AQ-8 04/22/2010 105,355 3,145 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 56A 64605*-AT-2 02/21/2004 29,605 395 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 52A 64605*-AU-9 02/28/2004 19,700 300 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 57A 64605*-AV-7 12/18/2008 44,239 4,261 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 62A 64605*-AW-5 05/12/2005 49,259 1,741 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 65 64605*-AX-3 10/11/2005 28,320 2,180 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 71A 64605*-BA-2 07/20/2008 39,943 2,057 NJ AGNECY PBLIGATION 97F 64605*-BC-8 05/19/2007 127,259 4,741 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 77A 64605*-BD-6 09/22/2007 26,321 1,886 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 108J 64605*-BF-1 02/13/2005 36,837 413 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 1310 64605*-BT-1 04/23/2010 50,121 1,379 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 140B 64605*-BU-8 01/31/2002 510,208 3,792 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 154F 64605*-CK-9 07/18/2004 33,606 1,394 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 153E 64605*-CL-7 08/11/2004 47,405 2,595 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 161R 64605*-CY-9 07/07/2013 6,456 241 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 160R 64605*-CZ-6 07/07/2013 6,456 241 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 162R 64605 -DA-0 07/07/2013 6,445 252 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 163R 64605*-DB-8 07/07/2013 6,456 241 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 178G 64605*-DV-4 01/01/2002 207,458 42 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 130H 64605*-JP-1 03/17/2006 56,451 1,049 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 8A 64982@-AA-4 09/08/2002 29,149 1,974 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 6A 64982@-AG-1 06/15/2004 56,825 2,525 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 7A 64982@-AH-9 12/15/2003 58,582 5,642 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 10B 64982@-AM-8 12/15/2004 78,963 7,617 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 4A 64982@-AP-1 12/15/2003 134,013 12,775 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 22A 64982@-BB-1 08/15/2006 31,406 1,930 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 16A 64982@-BC-9 05/15/2008 25,841 945 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Bonds Stocks CUSIP Received Received Identification Description During Year During Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64605*-AM-7 O2/21/2004 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 36A 64605*-AN-5 10/11/2005 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 42A 64605*-AP-0 03/02/2008 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 44A 64605*-AQ-8 04/22/2010 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 56A 64605*-AT-2 02/21/2004 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 52A 64605*-AU-9 02/28/2004 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 57A 64605*-AV-7 12/18/2008 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 62A 64605*-AW-5 05/12/2005 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 65 64605*-AX-3 10/11/2005 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 71A 64605*-BA-2 07/20/2008 NJ AGNECY PBLIGATION 97F 64605*-BC-8 05/19/2007 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 77A 64605*-BD-6 09/22/2007 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 108J 64605*-BF-1 02/13/2005 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 1310 64605*-BT-1 04/23/2010 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 140B 64605*-BU-8 01/31/2002 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 154F 64605*-CK-9 07/18/2004 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 153E 64605*-CL-7 08/11/2004 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 161R 64605*-CY-9 07/07/2013 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 160R 64605*-CZ-6 07/07/2013 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 162R 64605 -DA-0 07/07/2013 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 163R 64605*-DB-8 07/07/2013 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 178G 64605*-DV-4 01/01/2002 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 130H 64605*-JP-1 03/17/2006 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 8A 64982@-AA-4 09/08/2002 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 6A 64982@-AG-1 06/15/2004 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 7A 64982@-AH-9 12/15/2003 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 10B 64982@-AM-8 12/15/2004 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 4A 64982@-AP-1 12/15/2003 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 22A 64982@-BB-1 08/15/2006 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 16A 64982@-BC-9 05/15/2008 E12.3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 23A 64982@-BF-2 03/15/2008 03/15/2002 MATURITY 357,145 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 46A 64982@-BG-0 12/15/2003 12/16/2002 MATURITY 109,780 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 47A 64982@-BJ-4 05/15/2004 05/31/2002 MATURITY 26,786 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 48A 64982@-BL-9 09/15/2005 09/16/2002 MATURITY 59,525 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 59A 64982@-BM-7 01/15/2012 01/15/2002 MATURITY 20,000 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 58A 64982@-BS-4 07/27/2002 07/27/2002 MATURITY 28,493 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 67A 64982@-BW-5 06/13/2003 06/28/2002 MATURITY 28,600 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 72A 64982@-BX-3 08/15/2006 08/15/2002 MATURITY 35,715 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 69A 64982@-BY-1 09/15/2011 09/16/2002 MATURITY 55,560 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 86B 64982@-BZ-8 02/15/2002 02/15/2002 MATURITY 121,824 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 99K 64982@-CB-0 12/15/2008 12/16/2002 MATURITY 59,525 PERK INELMER INC 714046-AA-7 08/07/2020 02/05/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 795,135 ROCHE HOLDINGS INC 771196-AG-7 01/19/2015 06/06/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 1,249,200 THERMO ELECTRON CORP 883556-AF-9 4.250 01/01/2003 03/21/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 1,250,000 TIMES MIRROR CO NEW 887364-AE-7 04/15/2017 03/28/2002 CREDIT SUISSE 656,170 UNIVERSAL HLTH SVCS INC 913903-AL-4 06/23/2020 11/12/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 554,854 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 94973H-AA-6 07/02/2019 07/26/2002 ALEX BROWN 718,950 SWISS LIFE FINANCE G86220-AA-1 2.000 05/20/2003 03/20/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 1,261,920 SWISS RE AMERICA U86807-AD-3 3.250 11/21/2021 12/03/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK 904,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States 24,938,285 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous 24,938,285 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099997 - Bonds - Part 4 126,729,669 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Bonds - Part 5 166,777,584 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds 293,507,253 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCKS BANKS, TRUST AND INSURANCE COS. UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373298-80-1 GEORGIA PAC CORP 01/09/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 36,200.000 1,074,804 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 1,074,804 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6299999 - Preferred Stocks - Banks, Trust and Insurance Companies 1,074,804 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03674B-20-3 ANTHEM INC 03/27/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 6,700.000 486,413 224044-50-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 08/26/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 19,700.000 523,236 25746U-20-8 DOMINION RES INC VA NEW 06/05/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 22,600.000 1,336,750 268939-40-2 EVI INC 07/23/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 15,000.000 669,355 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 Increase Increase (Decrese) Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Identification Description Par Value Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 23A 64982@-BF-2 03/15/2008 357,145 173,492 350,724 6,421 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 46A 64982@-BG-0 12/15/2003 109,780 49,387 100,211 9,569 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 47A 64982@-BJ-4 05/15/2004 26,786 12,844 25,851 935 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 48A 64982@-BL-9 09/15/2005 59,525 27,856 55,646 3,872 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 59A 64982@-BM-7 01/15/2012 20,000 10,046 19,924 76 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 58A 64982@-BS-4 07/27/2002 28,493 13,618 26,980 1,513 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 67A 64982@-BW-5 06/13/2003 28,600 13,961 27,398 1,202 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 72A 64982@-BX-3 08/15/2006 35,715 17,201 33,649 2,066 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 69A 64982@-BY-1 09/15/2011 55,560 26,547 51,942 3,618 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 86B 64982@-BZ-8 02/15/2002 121,824 62,378 120,413 1,411 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 99K 64982@-CB-0 12/15/2008 59,525 30,128 54,746 4,779 PERK INELMER INC 714046-AA-7 08/07/2020 1,500,000 795,938 799,287 2,006 ROCHE HOLDINGS INC 771196-AG-7 01/19/2015 1,800,000 1,285,040 1,291,257 20,063 THERMO ELECTRON CORP 883556-AF-9 4.250 01/01/2003 1,250,000 1,220,625 1,228,394 5,187 TIMES MIRROR CO NEW 887364-AE-7 04/15/2017 1,000,000 530,000 516,305 (19,366) UNIVERSAL HLTH SVCS INC 913903-AL-4 06/23/2020 900,000 528,750 528,750 19,756 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 94973H-AA-6 07/02/2019 750,000 590,250 562,827 35,798 SWISS LIFE FINANCE G86220-AA-1 2.000 05/20/2003 1,200,000 1,227,625 1,220,837 (3,546) SWISS RE AMERICA U86807-AD-3 3.250 11/21/2021 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States 27,851,354 23,141,287 24,101,761 560,436 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous 27,851,354 23,141,287 24,101,761 560,436 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099997 - Bonds - Part 4 129,621,770 121,945,549 123,069,343 546,779 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099998 - Bonds - Part 5 163,179,984 165,938,642 165,938,642 (176,391) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099999 - Total - Bonds 292,801,754 287,884,191 289,007,985 370,388 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PREFERRED STOCKS BANKS, TRUST AND INSURANCE COS. UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 373298-80-1 GEORGIA PAC CORP 1,353,082 1,125,820 227,262 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX 1,353,082 1,125,820 227,262 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6299999 - Preferred Stocks - Banks, Trust and Insurance Com XXX 1,353,082 1,125,820 227,262 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03674B-20-3 ANTHEM INC 335,000 428,800 (93,800) 224044-50-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 1,184,541 1,184,541 61,641 25746U-20-8 DOMINION RES INC VA NEW 1,333,520 1,346,120 (12,600) 268939-40-2 EVI INC 669,375 669,375 (4,375) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 12 13 14 15 16 Foreign Interest on Dividends on Exchange Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP Gain (Loss) (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description on Disposal Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 23A 64982@-BF-2 03/15/2008 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 46A 64982@-BG-0 12/15/2003 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 47A 64982@-BJ-4 05/15/2004 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 48A 64982@-BL-9 09/15/2005 7 7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 59A 64982@-BM-7 01/15/2012 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 58A 64982@-BS-4 07/27/2002 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 67A 64982@-BW-5 06/13/2003 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 72A 64982@-BX-3 08/15/2006 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 69A 64982@-BY-1 09/15/2011 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 86B 64982@-BZ-8 02/15/2002 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 99K 64982@-CB-0 12/15/2008 PERKINELMER INC 714046-AA-7 08/07/2020 (6,158) (6,158) ROCHE HOLDINGS INC 771196-AG-7 01/19/2015 (62,119) (62,119) THERMO ELECTRON CORP 883556-AF-9 4.250 01/01/2003 16,419 16,419 38,368 TIMES MIRROR CO NEW 887364-AE-7 04/15/2017 159 231 159,231 UNIVERSAL HLTH SVCS INC 913903-AL-4 06/23/2020 6,348 6,348 3,429 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 94973H-AA-6 07/02/2019 120,325 120,325 SWISS LIFE FINANCE G86220-AA-1 2.000 05/20/2003 44,629 44,629 7,992 SWISS RE AMERICA U86807-AD-3 3.250 11/21/2021 (96,000) (96,000) 33,854 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States 276,669 276,669 299,576 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous 276,669 276,669 299,576 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099997 - Bonds - Part 4 3,156,580 3,156,580 3,308,218 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Bonds - Part 5 1,015,333 1,015,333 3,662,983 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds 4,171,913 4,171,913 6,971,201 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCKS BANKS, TRUST AND INSURANCE COS. UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373298-80-1 GEORGIA PAC CORP (278,278) (278,278) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (278,278) (278,278) XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6299999 - Preferred Stocks - Banks, Trust and Insurance Com (278,278) (278,278) XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03674B-20-3 ANTHEM INC 151,413 151,413 5,751 224044-50-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE (661,305) (661,305) 95,865 25746U-20-8 DOMINION RES INC VA NEW 3,230 3,230 53,675 268939-40-2 EVI INC (20) (20) 9,375 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D -PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 283678-20-9 EL PASO ENERGY CAP TR I 03/01/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 5,250.000 272,917 29477Q-20-4 EQUITY SECURITIES TR II 07/19/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 25,000.000 278,239 58440J-50-0 MEDIAONE GROUP INC 03/20/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 50,000.000 1,060,984 826428-20-3 SIERRA PAC RES NEW 05/03/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 30,000.000 985,770 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 5,613,664 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 136375-40-9 CANADIAN NATL RY CO 06/27/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 21,000.000 1,416,917 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA 1,416,917 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6399999 - Preferred Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous 7,030,581 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599997 - Preferred Stocks - Part 4 8,105,385 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 4,514,938 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks 12,620,323 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099997 - Common Stocks - Part 4 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Common Stocks - Part 5 4,782,102 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks 4,782,102 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks 17,402,425 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals 310,909,678 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 Increase Increase (Decrease) Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Identification Description Par Value Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 283678-20-9 EL PASO ENERGY CAP TR I 340,930 340,930 41,680 29477Q-20-4 EQUITY SECURITIES TR II 562,500 588,000 58440J-50-0 MEDIAONE GROUP INC 1,239,199 1,357,500 (118,301) 826428-20-3 SIERRA PAC RES NEW 1,526,500 1,605,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX 7,191,566 7,520,266 (125,755) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136375-40-9 CANADIAN NATL RY CO 1,176,773 1,176,773 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CANADA XXX 1,176,773 1,176,773 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6399999 - Preferred Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous XXX 8,368,339 8,697,039 (125,755) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599997 - Preferred Stocks - Part 4 XXX 9,721,421 9,822,859 101,507 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599998 - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 XXX 5,175,838 5,175,838 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks XXX 14,897,259 14,998,697 101,507 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7099997 - Common Stocks - Part 4 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7099998 - Common Stocks - Part 5 XXX 4,405,748 4,405,748 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks XXX 4,405,748 4,405,748 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks XXX 19,303,007 19,404,445 101,507 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7299999 Totals XXX 307,187,198 308,412,430 471,895 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 12 13 14 15 16 Foreign Interest on Dividends on Exchange Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP Gain (Loss) (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description on Disposal Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 283678-20-9 EL PASO ENERGY CAP TR I (68,013) (68,013) 29477Q-20-4 EQUITY SECURITIES TR II (284,261) (284,261) 14,358 58440J-50-0 MEDIAONE GROUP INC (178,215) (178,215) 38,008 826428-20-3 SIERRA PAC RES NEW (540,730) (540,730) 33,375 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (1,577,902) (1,577,902) XXX 250,406 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 136375-40-9 CANADIAN NATL RY CO 240,144 240,144 26,859 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA 240,144 240,144 XXX 26,859 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6399999 - Preferred Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous (1,337,758) (1,337,758) XXX 277,265 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599997 - Preferred Stocks - Part 4 (1,616,036) (1,616,036) XXX 277,265 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 (660,900) (660,900) XXX 155,525 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks (2,276,936) (2,276,936) XXX 432,790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099997 - Common Stocks - Part 4 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Common Stocks - Part 5 376,354 376,354 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks 376,354 376,354 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks (1,900,582) (1,900,582) XXX 432,790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals 2,271,331 2,271,331 5,971,201 432,790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.5 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 5 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year and Fully DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 CUSIP Date Disposal Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor Date Name of Purchaser - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNMA TBA FEB 30 SINGLE FAM 6.500 01F062-62-2 02/01/2032 02/13/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 02/13/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 01F062-68-9 FNMA 6.500 05/01/2027 06/11/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 08/05/2002 MORGAN STANLEY FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 01F062-6A-4 09/01/2032 09/06/2002 VARIOUS 10/03/2002 VARIOUS FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31387D-PU-7 05/01/2031 08/22/2002 GREENWICH SECURITIES 10/15/2002 VARIOUS FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31389B-N3-1 01/01/2032 01/11/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 06/14/2002 VARIOUS FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 31389S-H3-1 07/01/2031 01/11/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 06/14/2002 VARIOUS FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 31390D-HG-2 04/01/2017 05/14/2002 CREDIT SUISSE 06/14/2002 VARIOUS FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31390L-FJ-0 07/01/2032 09/12/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 11/12/2002 VARIOUS UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.250 912810-FM-5 05/15/2030 07/29/2002 VARIOUS 11/04/2002 VARIOUS UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 912810-FP-8 02/15/2031 04/09/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 07/16/2002 GREENWICH SECURITIES UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.375 912827-2M-3 01/15/2007 05/07/2002 BARCLAYS CAPITAL INC 09/05/2002 BARCLAYS CAPITAL INC UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 6.750 912827-6D-9 05/15/2005 07/15/2002 VARIOUS 07/22/2002 VARIOUS UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 5.750 912827-6J-6 08/15/2010 01/11/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 07/10/2002 VARIOUS UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 912827-6X-5 05/15/2006 09/20/2002 VARIOUS 10/30/2002 VARIOUS UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7K-2 01/31/2004 06/13/2002 VARIOUS 09/17/2002 VARIOUS UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7M-8 02/29/2004 03/26/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 05/07/2002 VARIOUS 912827-R8-7 US TREASURY NOTE 7.875 11/15/2004 02/25/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 08/20/2002 VARIOUS UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.375 912828-AC-4 05/15/2007 11/13/2002 VARIOUS 12/23/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.250 912828-AD-2 05/31/2004 07/18/2002 VARIOUS 08/22/2002 VARIOUS UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 912828-AK-6 08/31/2004 10/04/2002 VARIOUS 10/22/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES HAWAII - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419780-QB-0 HAWAII ST 5.875 09/01/2009 04/16/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 12/16/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - United States - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ILLINOIS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167736-RL-3 CHICAGO ILL WTR REV 5.000 11/01/2031 01/17/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 11/01/2002 VARIOUS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 898526-CV-8 TSASC INC N Y 5.500 07/15/2024 08/02/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 08/05/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 Par Value (Bonds) or Book/Adjusted Increase Number of Carrying Value (Decrease) CUSIP Shares at Disposal by Identification Description (Stock) Actual Cost Consideration Date Adjustment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNMA TBA FEB 30 SINGLE FAM 6.500 01F062-62-2 02/01/2032 2,925,000 2,955,621 2,954,707 2,955,621 01F062-68-9 FNMA 6.500 05/01/2027 1,950,000 1,967,672 2,012,004 1,967,672 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 01F062-6A-4 09/01/2032 2,150,000 2,204,266 2,225,922 2,204,266 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31387D-PU-7 05/01/2031 1,000,000 1,029,297 1,033,615 1,029,297 (1,531) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31389B-N3-1 01/01/2032 16,675,000 16,849,567 17,043,567 16,849,567 (971) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 31389S-H3-L 07/01/2031 4,819,321 4,753,808 4,816,776 4,753,808 2,244 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 31390D-HG-2 04/01/2017 3,347,626 3,442,301 3,474,371 3,442,301 (655) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31390L-FJ-0 07/01/2032 248,310 257,660 256,980 257,660 (635) UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.250 912810-FM-5 05/15/2030 740,000 814,810 850,218 814,810 (110) UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 912810-FP-8 02/15/2031 95,000 90,770 94,005 90,770 22 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.375 912827-2M-3 01/15/2007 2,500,000 2,920,800 3,062,814 2,920,800 (29,457) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 6.750 912827-6D-9 05/15/2005 16,145,000 17,608,752 17,615,131 17,608,752 (4,953) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 5.750 912827-6J-6 08/15/2010 3,700,000 3,934,141 3,873,688 3,934,141 (4,274) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 912827-6X-5 05/15/2006 27,855,000 28,360,614 28,614,052 28,360,614 (37,103) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7K-2 01/31/2004 4,925,000 4,941,953 4,993,700 4,941,953 (1,439) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7M-8 02/29/2004 3,000,000 2,963,203 2,998,335 2,963,203 1,921 912827-R8-7 US TREASURY NOTE 7.875 11/15/2004 1,300,000 1,447,063 1,456,125 1,447,063 (23,514) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.375 912828-AC-4 05/15/2007 2,750,000 2,899,235 2,933,554 2,899,235 (1,670) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.250 912828-AD-2 05/31/2004 775,000 786,044 791,777 786,044 (497) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 912828-AK-6 08/31/2004 2,300,000 2,315,258 2,297,844 2,315,258 (368) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 99,200,257 102,542,833 103,399,186 102,542,833 (102,991) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments 99,200,257 102,542,833 103,399,186 102,542,833 (102,991) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES HAWAII - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419780-QB-0 HAWAII ST 5.875 09/01/2009 10,000,000 11,280,700 11,728,200 11,280,700 (92,990) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 10,000,000 11,280,700 11,728,200 11,280,700 (92,990) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - United States 10,000,000 11,280,700 11,728,200 11,280,700 (92,990) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 10,000,000 11,280,700 11,728,200 11,280,700 (92,990) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167736-RL-3 CHICAGO ILL WTR REV 5.000 11/01/2031 13,500,000 13,026,015 13,326,795 13,026,015 6,423 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 13,500,000 13,026,015 13,326,795 13,026,015 6,423 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 898526-CV-8 TSASC INC N Y 5.500 07/15/2024 5,000,000 4,845,050 4,857,200 4,845,050 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 5,000,000 4,845,050 4,857,200 4,845,050 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 12 13 14 15 Increase (Decrease) Foreign by Foreign Exchange Realized Total CUSIP Exchange Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Identification Description Adjustment on Disposal on Disposal on Disposal - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNMA TBA FEB 30 SINGLE FAM 6.500 01F062-62-2 02/01/2032 (914) (914) 01F062-68-9 FNMA 6.500 05/01/2027 44,332 44,332 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 01F062-6A-4 09/01/2032 21,656 21,656 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31387D-PU-7 05/01/2031 5,849 5,849 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31389B-N3-1 01/01/2032 194,971 194,971 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 31389S-H3-L 07/01/2031 60,724 60,724 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 31390D-HG-2 04/01/2017 32,725 32,725 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31390L-FJ-0 07/01/2032 (45) (45) UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.250 912810-FM-5 05/15/2030 35,517 35,517 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 912810-FP-8 02/15/2031 3,214 3,214 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.375 912827-2M-3 01/15/2007 171,471 171,471 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 6.750 912827-6D-9 05/15/2005 11,332 11,332 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 5.750 912827-6J-6 08/15/2010 (56,178) (56,178) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 912827-6X-5 05/15/2006 290,541 290,541 - - UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7K-2 01/31/2004 53,186 53,186 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7M-8 02/29/2004 33,211 33,211 912827-R8-7 US TREASURY NOTE 7.875 11/15/2004 32,577 32,577 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.375 912828-AC-4 05/15/2007 35,990 35,990 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.250 912828-AD-2 05/31/2004 6,230 6,230 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 912828-AK-6 08/31/2004 (17,046) (17,046) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 959,344 959,344 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments 959,344 959,344 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES HAWAII - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419780-QB-0 HAWAII ST 5.875 09/01/2009 540,490 540,490 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 540,490 540,490 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - United States 540,490 540,490 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 540,490 540,490 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167736-RL-3 CHICAGO ILL WTR REV 5.000 11/01/2031 294,357 294,357 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 294,357 294,357 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 898526-CV-8 TSASC INC N Y 5.500 07/15/2024 12,150 12,150 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 12,150 12,150 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 Interest and Paid for Dividends Accrued CUSIP Received Interest and Identification Description During Year Dividends - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNMA TBA FEB 30 SINGLE FAM 6.500 01F062-62-2 02/01/2032 01F062-68-9 FNMA 6.500 05/01/2027 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 01F062-6A-4 09/01/2032 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31387D-PU-7 05/01/2031 7,812 2,708 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31389B-N3-1 01/01/2032 414,438 36,129 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 31389S-H3-L 07/01/2031 85,384 9,639 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 31390D-HG-2 04/01/2017 28,937 9,671 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31390L-FJ-0 07/01 /2032 3,207 717 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.250 912810-FM-5 05/15/2030 15,323 9,803 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 912810-FP-8 02/15/2031 2,172 790 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.375 912827-2M-3 01/15/2007 61,677 30,130 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 6.750 912827-6D-9 05/15/2005 126,567 114,200 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 5.750 912827-6J-6 08/15/2010 130,416 87,875 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 912827-6X-5 05/15/2006 686,229 286,634 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7K-2 01/31/2004 74,995 49,566 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7M-8 02/29/2004 17,007 7,826 912827-R8-7 US TREASURY NOTE 7.875 11/15/2004 77,858 29,694 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.375 912828-AC-4 05/15/2007 58,072 52,093 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.250 912828-AD-2 05/31/2004 5,787 3,630 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 912828-AK-6 08/31/2004 7,426 5,151 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 1,803,310 736,257 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments 1,803,310 736,257 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES HAWAII - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419780-QB-0 HAWAII ST 5.875 09/01/2009 470,000 78,333 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 470,000 78,333 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - United States 470,000 78,333 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 470,000 78,333 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ILLINOIS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167736-RL-3 CHICAGO ILL WTR REV 5.000 11/01/2031 626,250 97,500 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 626,250 97,500 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 898526-CV-8 TSASC INC N Y 5.500 07/15/2024 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E13 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 5 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year and Fully DISPOSED OF During Current Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 CUSIP Date Disposal Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor Date - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue - United States - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenue - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 008685-AA-7 AHOLD FIN 6.250 05/01/2009 01/22/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 07/30/2002 013104-AF-1 ALBERTSONS INC 7.450 08/01/2029 01/16/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 10/31/2002 AMERICAN EXPRESS MSTR TR 5.900 025928-AJ-1 04/15/2004 06/13/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 09/12/2002 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 2 5.280 03061N-EX-3 04/06/2007 04/10/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 08/07/2002 053469-AD-4 AVALON PPTYS INC 6.625 01/15/2005 01/24/2002 LEGG MASON WOOD WALKER 10/25/2002 BANK ONE CR CD MSTR TR 20 4.160 06423R-AD-8 01/15/2008 05/23/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 09/12/2002 071813-AR-0 BAXTER INTL INC 1.250 06/01/2021 02/13/2002 VARIOUS 12/11/2002 BELLSOUTH CAP FDG CORP 7.875 079857-AH-1 02/15/2030 07/16/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 11/14/2002 12626P-AD-5 CRH AMER INC 6.950 03/15/2012 08/05/2002 VARIOUS 10/17/2002 126408-BR-3 CSX CORP 6.250 10/15/2008 01/15/2002 JP MORGAN STANLEY 06/13/2002 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 200 1.820 139732-CP-4 12/15/2004 08/21/2002 SALOMAN BROTHERS 11/13/2002 CAPITAL AUTO RECEIVABLES ASSET TRUST 139732-CS-8 3.580 10/16/2006 07/30/2002 ALEX BROWN 11/14/2002 143658-AN-2 CARNIVAL CORP 2.000 04/15/2021 02/21/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 12/03/2002 151313-AH-6 CENDANT CORP 3.000 05/04/2021 10/08/2002 VARIOUS 12/11/2002 156700-AE-6 CENTURYTEL INC 4.750 08/01/2032 08/20/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 08/21/2002 CITIBANK CR CD MSTR TR 19 6.100 17303C-BR-1 05/15/2008 04/25/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 09/04/2002 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 2.625 184502-AB-8 04/01/2003 02/06/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 11/21/2002 190441-AZ-8 COASTAL CORP 6.200 05/15/2004 01/17/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 09/26/2002 COMPUTER ASSOC INTL INC 1.625 204912-AP-4 12/15/2009 12/06/2002 JP MORGAN STANLEY 12/06/2002 DLJ COMMERCIAL MTG 1998-C 5.880 23322B-CY-2 11/01/2031 02/21/2002 VARIOUS 10/15/2002 FIRSTAR BK N A CINCINNATI 7.125 33764R-AA-5 12/01/2009 01/25/2002 VARIOUS 06/13/2002 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2001- 4.010 34527R-GQ-0 03/15/2006 03/27/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 04/23/2002 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 07/16/2031 08/06/2002 VARIOUS 10/04/2002 345397-TR-4 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.875 02/01/2006 05/20/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 08/08/2002 345397-TX-1 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.500 01/25/2007 07/17/2002 VARIOUS 08/21/2002 361448-AB-9 GATX CORP 7.500 02/01/2007 01/28/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 02/07/2002 441812-GL-2 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 8.000 05/09/2005 07/16/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 07/31/2002 INTERNATIONAL LEASE FIN C 5.625 459745-FA-8 06/01/2007 05/21/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 08/07/2002 LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 1999 6.410 501773-CR-4 06/01/2031 02/05/2002 VARIOUS 10/15/2002 52108H-JE-5 LBUBS CMBS 2002C1 5.401 03/15/2026 03/22/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 11/05/2002 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 3.250 03/15/2031 02/11/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 03/28/2002 559222-AG-9 MAGNA INTL INC 4.875 02/15/2005 02/06/2002 VARIOUS 06/06/2002 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 7.800 655844-AJ-7 05/15/2027 01/25/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 09/12/2002 771196-AG-7 ROCHE HOLDINGS INC 01/19/2015 01/23/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 06/06/2002 852060-AC-6 SPRINT CAP CORP 6.125 11/15/2008 01/15/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 04/19/2002 872649-BF-4 TRW INC 6.625 06/01/2004 01/15/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 04/22/2002 87971M-AC-7 TELUS CORP 8.000 06/01/2011 01/15/2002 JP MORGAN STANLEY 06/17/2002 887315-AW-9 TIME WARNER INC 8.110 08/15/2006 03/26/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 07/15/2002 902118-AX-6 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 6.375 02/15/2006 01/16/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 04/30/2002 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL HLTH SVCS INC 06/23/2020 01/14/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 10/30/2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 6 7 8 9 Par Value (Bonds) or Number of CUSIP Shares Identification Description Name of Purchaser (Stock) Actual Cost Consideration - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue - United States 18,500,000 17,871,065 18,183,995 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenue 18,500,000 17,871,065 18,183,995 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 008685-AA-7 AHOLD FIN 6.250 05/01/2009 VARIOUS 975,000 977,818 956,625 013104-AF-1 ALBERTSONS INC 7.450 08/01/2029 BANK OF AMERICA 400,000 421,832 434,072 AMERICAN EXPRESS MSTR TR 5.900 025928-AJ-1 04/15/2004 ALEX BROWN 100,000 103,160 102,613 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 2 5.280 03061N-EX-3 04/06/2007 COWEN & CO 125,000 124,973 129,731 053469-AD-4 AVALON PPTYS INC 6.625 01/15/2005 VARIOUS 500,000 518,680 519,251 BANK ONE CR CD MSTR TR 20 4.160 06423R-AD-8 01/15/2008 BA SECURITIES INC 425,000 424,910 439,510 071813-AR-0 BAXTER INTL INC 1.250 06/01/2021 DEUTSCHE BANK 3,600,000 3,734,750 3,586,500 BELLSOUTH CAP FDG CORP 7.875 079857-AH-1 02/15/2030 UBS WARBURG LLC 90,000 99,483 108,833 12626P-AD-5 CRH AMER INC 6.950 03/15/2012 VARIOUS 125,000 127,104 137,310 126408-BR-3 CSX CORP 6.250 10/15/2008 CHASE MANHATTAN 1,425,000 1,447,572 1,474,533 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 200 1.820 139732-CP-4 12/15/2004 MORGAN STANLEY 205,000 205,000 204,944 CAPITAL AUTO RECEIVABLES ASSET TRUST 139732-CS-8 3.580 10/16/2006 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 425,000 424,938 434,230 143658-AN-2 CARNIVAL CORP 2.000 04/15/2021 BANK OF AMERICA 1,750,000 1,707,175 1,850,851 151313-AH-6 CENDANT CORP 3.000 05/04/2021 VARIOUS 2,500,000 2,401,250 2,468,000 156700-AE-6 CENTURYTEL INC 4.750 08/01/2032 VARIOUS 600,000 600,000 629,875 CITIBANK CR CD MSTR TR 19 6.100 17303C-BR-1 05/15/2008 BEAR STEARNS & CO 300,000 315,352 328,734 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 2.625 184502-AB-8 04/01/2003 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 600,000 601,200 597,000 190441-AZ-8 COASTAL CORP 6.200 05/15/2004 VARIOUS 800,000 811,240 703,525 COMPUTER ASSOC INTL INC 1.625 204912-AP-4 12/15/2009 LEHMAN BROTHERS 900,000 900,000 919,125 DLJ COMMERCIAL MTG 1998-C 5.880 23322B-CY-2 11/01/2031 VARIOUS 224,469 231,594 237,591 FIRSTAR BK N A CINCINNATI 7.125 33764R-AA-5 12/01/2009 LEHMAN BROTHERS 590,000 630,141 641,755 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2001- 4.010 34527R-GQ-0 03/15/2006 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 375,000 371,836 374,678 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 07/16/2031 HBSC SECURITIES 235,000 204,701 189,224 345397-TR-4 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.875 02/01/2006 VARIOUS 400,000 409,580 394,234 345397-TX-1 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.500 01/25/2007 GOLDMAN SACHS 500,000 494,745 493,725 361448-AB-9 GATX CORP 7.500 02/01/2007 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 300,000 300,000 320,250 441812-GL-2 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 8.000 05/09/2005 VARIOUS 235,000 250,806 241,434 INTERNATIONAL LEASE FIN C 5.625 459745-FA-8 06/01/2007 BANK OF AMERICA 245,000 244,145 251,970 LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 1999 6.410 501773-CR-4 06/01/2031 VARIOUS 110,258 115,410 118,715 52108H-JE-5 LBUBS CMBS 2002C1 5.401 03/15/2026 VARIOUS 225,000 226,118 237,248 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 3.250 03/15/2031 MORGAN STANLEY 500,000 473,605 517,265 559222-AG-9 MAGNA INTL INC 4.875 02/15/2005 RADIAN 1,700,000 1,728,000 1,700,000 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 7.800 655844-AJ-7 05/15/2027 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 700,000 774,046 833,455 771196-AG-7 ROCHE HOLDINGS INC 01/19/2015 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 1,500,000 1,087,500 1,041,000 852060-AC-6 SPRINT CAP CORP 6.125 11/15/2008 VARIOUS 400,000 395,120 361,648 872649-BF-4 TRW INC 6.625 06/01/2004 VARIOUS 1,400,000 1,434,104 1,421,064 87971M-AC-7 TELUS CORP 8.000 06/01/2011 CHASE MANHATTAN 600,000 650,730 554,766 887315-AW-9 TIME WARNER INC 8.110 08/15/2006 BANK OF AMERICA 225,000 240,620 218,266 902118-AX-6 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 6.375 02/15/2006 VARIOUS 800,000 800,488 661,500 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL HLTH SVCS INC 06/23/2020 VARIOUS 2,500,000 1,405,225 1,660,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 14 Increase Book/Adjusted Increase (Decrease) Foreign Carrying Value (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange Realized CUSIP at Disposal by Exchange Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Identification Description Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal on Disposal - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue - United States 17,871,065 6,423 306,507 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenue 17,871,065 6,423 306,507 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 008685-AA-7 AHOLD FIN 6.250 05/01/2009 977,818 (28) (21,165) 013104-AF-1 ALBERTSONS INC 7.450 08/01/2029 421,832 (203) 12,443 AMERICAN EXPRESS MSTR TR 5.900 025928-AJ-1 04/15/2004 103,160 (399) (148) AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 2 5.280 03061N-EX-3 04/06/2007 124,973 2 4,757 053469-AD-4 AVALON PPTYS INC 6.625 01/15/2005 518,680 (2,320) 2,891 BANK ONE CR CD MSTR TR 20 4.160 06423R-AD-8 01/15/2008 424,910 5 14,595 071813-AR-0 BAXTER INTL INC 1.250 06/01/2021 3,734,750 (5,515) (142,735) BELLSOUTH CAP FDG CORP 7.875 079857-AH-1 02/15/2030 99,483 (32) 9,381 12626P-AD-5 CRH AMER INC 6.950 03/15/2012 127,104 (19) 10,225 126408-BR-3 CSX CORP 6.250 10/15/2008 1,447,572 (1,001) 27,962 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 200 1.820 139732-CP-4 12/15/2004 205,000 (56) CAPITAL AUTO RECEIVABLES ASSET TRUST 139732-CS-8 3.580 10/16/2006 424,938 9 9,284 143658-AN-2 CARNIVAL CORP 2.000 04/15/2021 1,707,175 1,555 142,121 151313-AH-6 CENDANT CORP 3.000 05/04/2021 2,401,250 1,617 65,133 156700-AE-6 CENTURYTEL INC 4.750 08/01/2032 600,000 29,875 CITIBANK CR CD MSTR TR 19 6.100 17303C-BR-1 05/15/2008 315,352 (789) 14,171 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 2.625 184502-AB-8 04/01/2003 601,200 (828) (3,372) 190441-AZ-8 COASTAL CORP 6.200 05/15/2004 811,240 (2,453) (105,262) COMPUTER ASSOC INTL INC 1.625 204912-AP-4 12/15/2009 900,000 19,125 DLJ COMMERCIAL MTG 1998-C 5.880 23322B-CY-2 11/01/2031 231,594 (594) 6,591 FIRSTAR BK N A CINCINNATI 7.125 33764R-AA-5 12/01/2009 630,141 (1,505) 13,118 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2001- 4.010 34527R-GQ-0 03/15/2006 371,836 34 2,808 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 07/16/2031 204,701 50 (15,527) 345397-TR-4 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.875 02/01/2006 409,580 (454) (14,893) 345397-TX-1 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.500 01/25/2007 494,745 100 (1,120) 361448-AB-9 GATX CORP 7.500 02/01/2007 300,000 20,250 441812-GL-2 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 8.000 05/09/2005 250,806 (192) (9,180) INTERNATIONAL LEASE FIN C 5.625 459745-FA-8 06/01/2007 244,145 31 7,794 LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 1999 6.410 501773-CR-4 06/01/2031 115,410 (285) 3,590 52108H-JE-5 LBUBS CMBS 2002C1 5.401 03/15/2026 226,118 (86) 11,216 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 3.250 03/15/2031 473,605 82 43,578 559222-AG-9 MAGNA INTL INC 4.875 02/15/2005 1,728,000 (3,103) (24,897) NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 7.800 655844-AJ-7 05/15/2027 774,046 (599) 60,008 771196-A6-7 ROCHE HOLDINGS INC 01/19/2015 1,087,500 10,004 (56,504) 852060-AC-6 SPRINT CAP CORP 6.125 11/15/2008 395,120 182 (33,654) 872649-BF-4 TRW INC 6.625 06/01/2004 1,434,104 (2,182) (10,858) 87971M-AC-7 TELUS CORP 8.000 06/01/2011 650,730 (1,599) (94,365) 887315-AW-9 TIME WARNER INC 8.110 08/15/2006 240,620 (916) (21,438) 902118-AX-6 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 6.375 02/15/2006 800,488 (138,988) 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL HLTH SVCS INC 06/23/2020 1,405,225 31,250 223,525 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 15 16 17 Interest and Paid for Total Dividends Accrued CUSIP Gain (Loss) Received Interest and Identification Description on Disposal During Year Dividends - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue - United States 306,507 626,250 97,500 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenue 306,507 626,250 97,500 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 008685-AA-7 AHOLD FIN 6.250 05/01/2009 (21,165) 36,801 14,219 013104-AF-1 ALBERTSONS INC 7.450 08/01/2029 12,443 37,581 14,155 AMERICAN EXPRESS MSTR TR 5.900 025928-AJ-1 04/15/2004 (148) 1,508 49 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC TR 2 5.280 03061N-EX-3 04/06/2007 4,757 2,090 053469-AD-4 AVALON PPTYS INC 6.625 01/15/2005 2,891 14,285 1,288 BANK ONE CR CD MSTR TR 20 4.160 06423R-AD-8 01/15/2008 14,595 5,255 071813-AR-0 BAXTER INTL INC 1.250 06/01/2021 (142,735) 46,875 7,451 BELLSOUTH CAP FDG CORP 7.875 079857-AH-1 02/15/2030 9,381 5,394 3,032 12626P-AD-5 CRH AMER INC 6.950 03/15/2012 10,225 4,804 666 126408-BR-3 CSX CORP 6.250 10/15/2008 27,962 60,117 23,008 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 200 1.820 139732-CP-4 12/15/2004 (56) 1,069 187 CAPITAL AUTO RECEIVABLES ASSET TRUST 139732-CS-8 3.580 10/16/2006 9,284 4,269 143658-AN-2 CARNIVAL CORP 2.000 04/15/2021 142,121 39,958 10,028 151313-AH-6 CENDANT CORP 3.000 05/04/2021 65,133 44,833 22,750 156700-AE-6 CENTURYTEL INC 4.750 08/01/2032 29,875 CITIBANK CR CD MSTR TR 19 6.100 17303C-BR-1 05/15/2008 14,171 14,945 8,388 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATI 2.625 184502-AB-8 04/01/2003 (3,372) 18,156 5,688 190441-AZ-8 COASTAL CORP 6.200 05/15/2004 (105,262) 36,218 9,369 COMPUTER ASSOC INTL INC 1.625 204912-AP-4 12/15/2009 19,125 DLJ COMMERCIAL MTG 1998-C 5.880 23322B-CY-2 11/01/2031 6,591 7,985 681 FIRSTAR BK N A CINCINNATI 7.125 33764R-AA-5 12/01/2009 13,118 23,004 6,812 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2001- 4.010 34527R-GQ-0 03/15/2006 2,808 1,713 543 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 07/16/2031 (15,527) 4,036 901 345397-TR-4 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.875 02/01/2006 (14,893) 14,437 8,556 345397-TX-1 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.500 01/25/2007 (1,120) 19,049 15,979 361448-AB-9 GATX CORP 7.500 02/01/2007 20,250 688 441812-GL-2 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 8.000 05/09/2005 (9,180) 4,352 3,656 INTERNATIONAL LEASE FIN C 5.625 459745-FA-8 06/01/2007 7,794 2,795 LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 1999 6.410 501773-CR-4 06/01/2031 3,590 4,792 137 52108H-JE-5 LBUBS CMBS 2002C1 5.401 03/15/2026 11,216 7,773 709 530715-AR-2 LIBERTY MEDIA CORP 3.250 03/15/2031 43,578 8,938 6,726 559222-AG-9 MAGNA INTL INC 4.875 02/15/2005 (24,897) 41,438 37,917 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 7.800 655844-AJ-7 05/15/2027 60,008 45,803 11,375 771196-AG-7 ROCHE HOLDINGS INC 01/19/2015 (56,504) 852060-AC-6 SPRINT CAP CORP 6.125 11/15/2008 (33,654) 10,583 4,288 872649-BF-4 TRW INC 6.625 06/01/2004 (10,858) 27,277 12,109 87971M-AC-7 TELUS CORP 8.000 06/01/2011 (94,365) 26,533 6,267 887315-AW-9 TIME WARNER INC 8.110 08/15/2006 (21,438) 7,755 2,332 902118-AX-6 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 6.375 02/15/2006 (138,988) 36,532 22,242 913903-AL-4 UNIVERSAL HLTH SVCS INC 06/23/2020 223,525 8,621 710 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E13.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 5 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year and Fully DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 CUSIP Date Disposal Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor Date Name of Purchaser - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 6.125 91913Y-AC-4 04/15/2007 04/10/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 10/30/2002 VARIOUS VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 6.875 91913Y-AD-2 04/15/2012 04/10/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 09/10/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 94973H-AA-6 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 07/02/2019 02/07/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 10/02/2002 VARIOUS MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER 961548-AW-4 WESTVACO CORP 8.400 06/01/2007 04/11/2002 SMITH 09/20/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 98157D-AC-0 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 8.000 05/15/2006 01/15/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 05/02/2002 VARIOUS G86220-AA-1 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 2.000 05/20/2003 02/01/2002 VARIOUS 03/20/2002 SECURITY CALLED at 105.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 87969N-AB-1 TELSTRA CORP LTD 6.375 04/01/2012 03/26/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 05/06/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 902118-AK-4 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 6.875 01/15/2029 02/01/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 05/08/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 902118-AY-4 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 6.750 02/15/2011 01/24/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 05/09/2002 VARIOUS 902118-BC-1 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 6.375 10/15/2011 01/25/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 05/09/2002 VARIOUS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - United States - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Other Countries - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099998 - Total-Bonds - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PREFERRED STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03674B-20-3 ANTHEM INC 02/14/2002 VARIOUS 04/11/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 224044-50-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 02/08/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 08/26/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 25746U-20-8 DOMINION RES INC VA NEW 02/13/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 06/05/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 826428-20-3 SIERRA PAC RES NEW 03/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 05/03/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136375-40-9 CANADIAN NATL RY CO 01/23/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 06/27/2002 BA SECURITIES INC - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6399999 - Preferred Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599998 - Total - Preferred Stocks - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 559222-40-1 MAGNA INTL INC 06/06/2002 RADIAN 06/20/2002 VARIOUS 94973H-10-8 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 10/28/2002 CONVERSION EXCERCISED 11/04/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6899999 - Common Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7099998 - Total - Common Stocks - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7299999 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 Par Value (Bonds) or Book/Adjusted Increase Number of Carrying Value (Decrease) CUSIP Shares at Disposal by Identification Description (Stock) Actual Cost Consideration Date Adjustment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 6.125 91913Y-AC-4 04/15/2007 175,000 174,666 174,825 174,666 32 VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 6.875 91913Y-AD-2 04/15/2012 50,000 49,875 52,016 49,875 4 94973H-AA-6 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 07/02/2019 2,000,000 1,815,000 1,495,398 1,815,000 6,265 961548-AW-4 WESTVACO CORP 8.400 06/01/2007 100,000 110,309 114,568 110,309 (762) 98157D-AC-0 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 8.000 05/15/2006 750,000 812,850 389,450 812,850 (3,697) G86220-AA-1 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 2.000 05/20/2003 1,700,000 1,782,375 1,787,720 1,782,375 (8,562) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 87969N-AB-1 TELSTRA CORP LTD 6.375 04/01/2012 325,000 322,754 322,673 322,754 17 902118-AK-4 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 6.875 01/15/2029 75,000 66,782 58,125 66,782 28 902118-AY-4 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 6.750 02/15/2011 325,000 329,544 265,250 329,544 (93) 902118-BC-1 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 6.375 10/15/2011 370,000 364,939 311,129 364,939 117 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - United States 34,384,727 33,160,026 32,509,026 33,160,026 13,098 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Other Countries 1,095,000 1,084,019 957,177 1,084,019 69 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous 35,479,727 34,244,044 33,466,203 34,244,044 13,167 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099998 - Total Bonds 163,179,984 165,938,642 166,777,584 165,938,642 (176,391) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PREFERRED STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03674B-20-3 ANTHEM INC 21,800,000 1,509,081 1,668,990 1,509,081 224044-50-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 23,500,000 1,057,257 624,165 1,057,257 25746U-20-8 DOMINION RES INC VA NEW 15,000,000 858,750 887,223 858,750 826428-20-3 SIERRA PAC RES NEW 20,000,000 1,117,150 657,180 1,117,150 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX 4,542,238 3,837,559 4,542,238 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136375-40-9 CANADIAN NATL RY CO 10,000,000 633,600 677,380 633,600 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CANADA XXX 633,600 677,380 633,600 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6399999 - Preferred Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous XXX 5,175,838 4,514,938 5,175,838 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599998 - Total - Preferred Stocks XXX 5,175,838 4,514,938 5,175,838 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 559222-40-1 MAGNA INTL INC 42,990,000 3,150,000 2,921,786 3,150,000 94973H-10-8 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 23,789,000 1,255,748 1,860,315 1,255,748 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX 4,405,748 4,782,102 4,405,748 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6899999 - Common Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous XXX 4,405,748 4,782,102 4,405,748 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7099998 - Total - Common Stocks XXX 4,405,748 4,782,102 4,405,748 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks 9,581,586 9,297,040 9,581,586 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7299999 Totals 175,520,228 176,074,623 175,520,228 (176,391) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 12 13 14 15 Increase (Decrease) Foreign by Foreign Exchange Realized Total CUSIP Exchange Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Identification Description Adjustment on Disposal on Disposal on Disposal - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 6.125 91913Y-AC-4 04/15/2007 127 127 VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 6.875 91913Y-AD-2 04/15/2012 2,137 2,137 94973H-AA-6 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 07/02/2019 (325,868) (325,868) 961548-AW-4 WESTVACO CORP 8.400 06/01/2007 5,021 5,021 98157D-AC-0 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 8.000 05/15/2006 (419,703) (419,703) G86220-AA-1 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 2.000 05/20/2003 13,907 13,907 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 87969N-AB-1 TELSTRA CORP LTD 6.375 04/01/2012 (98) (98) 902118-AK-4 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 6.875 01/15/2029 (9,684) (8,684) 902118-AY-4 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 6.750 02/15/2011 (64,201) (64,201) 902118-BC-1 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 6.375 10/15/2011 (53,928) (53,928) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - United States (664,098) (664,098) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Other Countries (126,911) (126,911) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous (791,008) (791,008) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099998 - Total-Bonds 1,015,333 1,015,333 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PREFERRED STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03674B-20-3 ANTHEM INC 159,909 159,909 224044-50-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE (433,092) (433,092) 25746U-20-8 DOMINION RES INC VA NEW 28,473 28,473 826428-20-3 SIERRA PAC RES NEW (459,970) (459,970) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES (704,679) (704,679) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136375-40-9 CANADIAN NATL RY CO 43,780 43,780 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CANADA 43,780 43,780 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6399999 - Preferred Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous (660,900) (660,900) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599998 - Total - Preferred Stocks (660,900) (660,900) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 559222-40-1 MAGNA INTL INC (228,214) (228,214) 94973H-10-8 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 604,568 604,568 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 376,354 376,354 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6899999 - Common Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous 376,354 376,354 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7099998 - Total - Common Stocks 376,354 376,354 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks (284,546) (284,546) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7299999 Totals 730,787 730,787 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 Interest and Paid for Dividends Accrued CUSIP Received Interest and Identification Description During Year Dividends - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 6.125 91913Y-AC-4 04/15/2007 5,882 VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 6.875 91913Y-AD-2 04/15/2012 1,413 94973H-AA-6 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK 07/02/2019 961548-AW-4 WESTVACO CORP 8.400 06/01/2007 6,860 3,150 98157D-AC-0 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 8.000 05/15/2006 28,028 10,500 G86220-AA-1 SWISS LIFE FINANCE 2.000 05/20/2003 11,322 6,789 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87969N-AB-1 TELSTRA CORP LTD 6.375 04/01/2012 2,072 902118-AK-4 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 6.875 01/15/2029 1,690 301 902118-AY-4 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 6.750 02/15/2011 16,223 9,994 902118-BC-1 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 6.375 10/15/2011 11,672 6,129 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - United States 731,767 282,654 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Other Countries 31,657 16,423 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous 763,424 299,077 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Total-Bonds 3,662,983 1,211,167 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03674B-20-3 ANTHEM INC 9,528 224044-50-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 114,356 25746U-20-8 DOMINION RES INC VA NEW 17,813 826428-20-3 SIERRA PAC RES NEW - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 141,696 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 136375-40-9 CANADIAN NATL RY CO 13,828 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA 13,828 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6399999 - Preferred Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous 155,525 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Total - Preferred Stocks 155,525 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 559222-40-1 MAGNA INTL INC 94973H-10-8 WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORK - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6899999 - Common Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Total - Common Stocks - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks 155,525 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals (3,818,508) 1,211,167 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E13.2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 6 - SECTION 1 Valuation of Shares of Subsidiary, Controlled or Affiliated Companies - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Do Insurer's Assets NAIC Include NAIC Valuation Intangible Company Method Assets Code or (See SVO Connected Alien Purposes with Holding Description Insurer and of Such Total CUSIP Name of Subsidiary, Controlled or Identification Procedures Company's Amount of Such Identification Affiliated Company Number manual) Stock? Intangible Assets - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Van-American Companies, Inc. 3% Non Cumulative 9205#-12-7 Convertible 00000 (iii) No 9205#-11-9 Van-American Companies, Inc. 6% Non Cumulative 00000 (iii) No - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0699999 - Preferred Stock - Investment Subsidiary - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Total Preferred Stocks - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92051#-10-1 Van-American Companies, Inc. 00000 (ii) No 22222#-10-2 Asset Recovery Solutions Group Inc. 00000 (ii) No - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1599999 - Common Stock - Other Affiliates - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1699999 - Total Common Stocks - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 7 Stock of Such Company Owned by Insurer on Statement Date ------------------------------ 8 9 Description Book/Adjusted CUSIP Name of Subsidiary, Controlled or Carrying % of Identificat Affiliated Company Value Number of Shares Outstanding - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Van-American Companies, Inc. 3% Non Cumulative 9205#-12-7 Convertible 0 2,000,000 100.0 9205#-11-9 Van-American Companies, Inc. 6% Non Cumulative 0 5,300,000 100.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0699999 - Preferred Stock - Investment Subsidiary 0 XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Total Preferred Stocks 0 XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92051#-10-1 Van-American Companies, Inc. 1 119,688,000 95.8 22222#-10-2 Asset Recovery Solutions Group Inc. 3,000 300,000 100.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1599999 - Common Stock - Other Affiliates 3,001 XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1699999 - Total Common Stocks 3,001 XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 Totals 3,001 XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Amount of insurer's capital and surplus from the prior period's statutory statement reduced by any admitted EDP, goodwill and net deferred tax assets included therein: $133,130,978 2. Total amount of intangible assets nonadmitted $ ----------- SCHEDULE D - PART 6 - SECTION 2 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Total Amount of Intangible Assets Included in CUSIP Name of Company Listed in Section 1 Which Amount Shown in Identification Name of Lower-tier Company Controls Lower-tier Company Column 6, Section 1 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000000-00-0 Windsor Management Inc. Asset Recovery Solutions Group Inc. 000000-00-0 Van-American Insurance Company, Inc. Van-American Companies, Inc. 000000-00-0 Van -American Insurance Agency, Inc. Van-American Companies, Inc. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 Total - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Stock in Lower-tier Company Owned Indirectly by Insurer on Statement Date ------------------------------ 5 6 CUSIP % of Identification Name of Lower-tier Company Number of Shares Outstanding - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000000-00-0 Windsor Management Inc. 300.000 100.0 000000-00-0 Van-American Insurance Company, Inc. 10,000.000 100.0 000000-00-0 Van -American Insurance Agency, Inc. 2,000.000 100.0 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 Total XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E14 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE DA - PART 1 Showing all SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 CUSIP Date Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 300722-10-5 EXCELSIOR MONEY FUND 12/16/2002 VARIOUS 828783-AJ-9 SIMON DEBARTOLO GROUP L P 07/15/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITA 861123-8A-8 SSGA FDS 12/16/2002 VARIOUS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Issuer Obligations - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgaged-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS ONE MONEY MKT. MUTUAL FUNDS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26188J-20-6 DREYFUS CASH MGMT 12/16/2002 RADIAN 261934-10-3 DREYFUS CASH MGMT PLUS IN 03/15/2002 RADIAN 316175-20-7 FIDELITY INSTL MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO 12/16/2002 RADIAN 316175-40-5 FIDELITY INSTL DOMESTIC PORTFOLIO 12/16/2002 RADIAN 60934N-20-3 FEDERATED PRIME OBLIG 12/16/2002 RADIAN 783965-20-5 SEI DAILY INCOME TR MONEY MARKET 12/16/2002 VARIOUS 783965-40-3 SEI PRIME OBLIGATION 12/16/2002 VARIOUS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7899999 - Class One Money Market Mutual Funds - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER SHORT TERM INVESTED ASSETS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAYERISCHE LANDESBANK-MUNICH CERT 99S000-01-0 DEPOS 08/15/2002 WACHOVIA NATIONAL BA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7999999 - Total - Other - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8099999 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Includes $ other than accrual of discount and amortization of premium. --- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Interest 7 8 -------------- 5 6 CUSIP How Maturity Book/Adjusted Identification Description Rate of Paid Date Carrying Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 300722-10-5 EXCELSIOR MONEY FUND MTLY 01/01/3000 1,924,674 828783-AJ-9 SIMON DEBARTOLO GROUP L P 6.625 JD 06/15/2003 151,522 861123-8A-8 SSGA FDS MTLY 01/01/3000 11,810,841 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 13,887,037 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3999999 - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Issuer Obligations 13,887,037 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds 13,887,037 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 13,887,037 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgaged-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5999999 - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099999 - Total - Bonds 13,887,037 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLASS ONE MONEY MKT. MUTUAL FUNDS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26188J-20-6 DREYFUS CASH MGMT MTLY 01/01/3000 181 261934-10-3 DREYFUS CASH MGMT PLUS IN MTLY 01/01/3000 3 316175-20-7 FIDELITY INSTL MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO MTLY 01/01/3000 5,217,861 316175-40-5 FIDELITY INSTL DOMESTIC PORTFOLIO MTLY 01/01/3000 31,679 60934N-20-3 FEDERATED PRIME OBLIG MTLY 01/01/3000 18,128,789 783965-20-5 SEI DAILY INCOME TR MONEY MARKET MTLY 01/01/3000 1,222 783965-40-3 SEI PRIME OBLIGATION MTLY 01/01/3000 1,649 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7899999 - Class One Money Market Mutual Funds 23,381,385 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHER SHORT TERM INVESTED ASSETS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAYERISCHE LANDESBANK-MUNICH CERT 99S000-01-0 DEPOS 3.000 MATR 02/17/2003 1,783,640 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7999999 - Total - Other 1,783,640 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8099999 Totals 39,052,062 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 Increase Increase (Decrease) (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP by Exchange Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Par Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 300722-10-5 EXCELSIOR MONEY FUND 1,924,674 828783-AJ-9 SIMON DEBARTOLO GROUP L P (1,478) 150,000 861123-8A-8 SSGA FDS 11,810,841 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (1,478) 13,885,515 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Issuer Obligations (1,478) 13,885,515 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds (1,478) 13,885,515 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations (1,478) 13,885,515 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgaged-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds (1,478) 13,885,515 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS ONE MONEY MKT. MUTUAL FUNDS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26188J-20-6 DREYFUS CASH MGMT 181 261934-10-3 DREYFUS CASH MGMT PLUS IN 3 316175-20-7 FIDELITY INSTL MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO 5,217,861 316175-40-5 FIDELITY INSTL DOMESTIC PORTFOLIO 31,679 60934N-20-3 FEDERATED PRIME OBLIG 18,128,789 783965-20-5 SEI DAILY INCOME TR MONEY MARKET 1,222 783965-40-3 SEI PRIME OBLIGATION 1,649 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7899999 - Class One Money Market Mutual Funds XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER SHORT TERM INVESTED ASSETS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAYERISCHE LANDESBANK-MUNICH CERT 99S000-01-0 DEPOS 109,480 1,783,640 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7999999 - Total - Other 109,480 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8099999 Totals /(a)/(1,478) 109,480 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 12 Interest ------------------------------ 13 14 Amount Due and Accrued Dec. 31 of Current Year CUSIP on Bonds Not Gross Amount Identification Description Actual Cost in Default Received - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 300722-10-5 EXCELSIOR MONEY FUND 1,924,674 1,847 24,809 828783-AJ-9 SIMON DEBARTOLO GROUP L P 153,000 442 4,969 861123-8A-8 SSGA FDS 11,810,841 9,189 1,206 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 13,888,515 11,478 30,984 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3999999 - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Issuer Obligations 13,888,515 11,478 30,984 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds 13,888,515 11,478 30,984 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 13,888,515 11,478 30,984 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgaged-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5999999 - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099999 - Total - Bonds 13,888,515 11,478 30,984 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLASS ONE MONEY MKT. MUTUAL FUNDS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26188J-20-6 DREYFUS CASH MGMT 181 9 261934-10-1 DREYFUS CASH MGMT PLUS IN. 3 3 316175-20-7 FIDELITY INSTL MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO 5,217,861 5,337 316175-40-5 FIDELITY INSTL DOMESTIC PORTFOLIO 31,679 342 60934N-20-1 FEDERATED PRIME OBLIG 18,128,789 15,618 8,651 783965-20-5 SEI DAILY INCOME TR MONEY MARKET 1,222 1 336 783965-40-1 SEI PRIME OBLIGATION. 1,649 2 (585) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7899999 - Class One Money Market Mutual Funds 23,381,385 15,621 14,093 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHER SHORT TERM INVESTED ASSETS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAYERISCHE LANDESBANK-MUNICH CERT 99S000-01-0 DEPOS 1,674,160 20,512 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7999999 - Total - Other 1,674,160 20,512 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8099999 Totals 38,944,060 47,611 45,077 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 15 16 17 NAIC Effective CUSIP Paid for Accrued Desig- Rate of Identification Description Interest nation Interest - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 300722-10-5 EXCELSIOR MONEY FUND 1Z 828783-AJ-9 SIMON DEBARTOLO GROUP L P 911 2 4.350 861123-8A-8 SSGA FDS 1Z - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 911 XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Issuer Obligations 911 XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds 911 XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 911 XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgaged-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage Backed/Asset-Backed Securities XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds 911 XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS ONE MONEY MKT. MUTUAL FUNDS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26188J-20-6 DREYFUS CASH MGMT 1Z 261934-10-3 DREYFUS CASH MGMT PLUS IN 1Z 316175-20-7 FIDELITY INSTL MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO 1Z 316175-40-5 FIDELITY INSTL DOMESTIC PORTFOLIO 1Z 60934N-20-3 FEDERATED PRIME OBLIG 1Z 783965-20-5 SEI DAILY INCOME TR MONEY MARKET 1Z 783965-40-3 SEI PRIME OBLIGATION 1Z - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7899999 - Class One Money Market Mutual Funds XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER SHORT TERM INVESTED ASSETS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAYERISCHE LANDESBANK-MUNICH CERT 99S000-01-0 DEPOS 1Z 3.000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7999999 - Total - Other XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8099999 Totals 911 XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /(a)/ Includes $ other than accrual of discount and amortization of premium. --- E15 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule DB - Part A - Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part A - Section 2 NONE Schedule DB - Part A - Section 3 NONE Schedule DB - Part B - Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part B - Section 2 NONE Schedule DB - Part B - Section 3 NONE Schedule DB - Part C - Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part C - Section 2 NONE Schedule DB - Part C - Section 3 NONE Schedule DB - Part D - Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part D - Section 2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E16, E17, E18, E19, E20, E21 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule DB - Part D - Section 3 NONE Schedule DB - Part E - Section 1 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E21, E22 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE DM For bonds and preferred stocks owned as of December 31, state the aggregate statement (admitted) value, the aggregate fair value, and the aggregate difference, if any, between them. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Excess of Statement over Fair Value(-), or Statement (Admitted) Fair Value Fair Value over Value (a) Statement (+) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bonds 587,780,121 606,624,411 18,844,290 2. Preferred Stocks 24,584,908 24,033,473 (551 ,435) 3. Totals 612,365,029 630,657,884 18,292,855 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Amortized or book values shall not be substituted for fair values. Describe the sources or methods utilized in determining the fair values. Interactive Data Corp E23 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE E - PART 1 - CASH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Amount of Interest Received Rate of During Depository Interest Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JPMorgan Chase Bank Church Street Station, New York, NY 10036-1510 JPMorgan Chase Bank 125 London Wall, London , EC2Y 5AJ 21,465 First Union Roanoke, VA. Accountant General (The Court Funds Office) London 12,540 Wachovia Bank 3 Bishopsgate, London, EC2N 3AB 15,003 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199998 Deposits in 1 depositories that do not exceed the allowable limit in any one depository (See Instructions) - open depositories XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 Totals - Open Depositories XXX 49,008 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 Total Cash on Deposit XXX 49,008 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 Cash in Company's Office XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 Total Cash XXX 49,008 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 4 5 6 Amount of Interest Accrued December 31 of Depository Current Year Balance - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JPMorgan Chase Bank Church Street Station, New York, NY 10036-1510 1,101,403 JPMorgan Chase Bank 125 London Wall, London , EC2Y 5AJ 1,393,091 First Union Roanoke, VA. 253,762 Accountant General (The Court Funds Office) London 327,338 Wachovia Bank 3 Bishopsgate, London, EC2N 3AB 3,972,744 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199998 Deposits in 1 depositories that do not exceed the allowable limit in any one depository (See Instructions) - open depositories 3 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 Totals - Open Depositories 7,048,341 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 Total Cash on Deposit 7,048,341 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 Cash in Company's Office XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 Total Cash 7,048,341 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTALS OF DEPOSITORY BALANCES ON THE LAST DAY OF EACH MONTH DURING THE CURRENT YEAR - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. January 3,587,410 4. April 3,441,214 7. July 3,552,681 10. October 5,749,621 2. February 4,385,467 5. May 3,759,853 8. August 3,295,170 11. November 6,447,109 3. March 4,762,277 6. June 4,558,719 9. September 5,539,667 12. December 7,048,341 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E24 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE E - PART 2 - SPECIAL DEPOSITS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 Line Number Type Description of Deposit Where Deposited and Purpose of Deposit Par or Book Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AR00001 B US Treasury Notes 6.25% due 2/15/2007 FA15 Bank of America, AK RSD 220,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AR99999 - 220,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GA00001 B US Treasury Notes 10.75% due 2/15/2003 FA15 Wachovia Bank, GA RSD 30,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6A99999 - 30,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LA00001 B US Treasury Notes 5.625% due 5/15/2008 MN15 Hancock Bank, LA RSD 20,000 LA00002 B US Treasury Notes 6.25% due 2/15/2003 FA15 Hancock Bank, LA RSD 50,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LA99999 - 70,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MA00001 B US Treasury Notes 6.25% due 2/15/2003 FA15 Investors Bank & Trust, MA RSD 100,000 MA00002 B US Treasury Notes 7.25% due 5/15/2004 MN15 State Steet Bank, MA RSD 400,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MA99999 - 500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NM00001 B US Treasury Notes 6.125% due 8/15/2007 FA15 The Bank of Santa Fe Trust, NM RSD 112,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NM99999 - 112,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NY00001 O Excelsior Money Fund US Trust Company of New York, NY RSD 1,924,674 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NY99999 - 1,924,674 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OR00001 B US Treasury Notes 6.25% due 2/15/2003 FA15 US Bank of Portland Oregon, OR RSD 255,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OR99999 - 255,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VA00001 B US Treasury Notes 7.875% due 11/15/2004 MN15 Sun Trust Bank, VA RSD 50,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VA99999 - 50,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XX99999 - Total - Not All Policyholders 3,161,674 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NY00001 B US Treasury Notes 5.75% due 8/15/2003 FA15 State Street Bank, Superintendent NYS 1,010,000 NY00002 B US Treasury Notes 6.5% due 8/15/2005 FA15 State Street Bank, Superintendent NYS 540,000 NY00003 B US Treasury Notes 6.125% due 8/15/2007 FA15 State Street Bank, Superintendent NYS 964,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NY99999 - 2,514,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VA00001 B North Carolina State 5.250% due 3/01/2018 Sun Trust Bank, Superintendent VA 500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VA99999 - 500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ZZ99999 - Total - All Policyholders 3,014,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Totals 6,175,674 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 6 7 Line Number Type Description of Deposit Statement Value Fair Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AR00001 B US Treasury Notes 6.25% due 2/15/2007 FA15. 216,084 252,382 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AR99999 - 216,084 252,382 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GA00001 B US Treasury Notes 10.75% due 2/15/2003 FA15 30,140 30,338 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6A99999 - 30,140 30,338 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA00001 B US Treasury Notes 5.625% due 5/15/2008 MN15 20,770 22,694 LA00002 B US Treasury Notes 6.25% due 2/15/2003 FA15 50,024 50,297 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA99999 - 70,794 72,991 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MA00001 B US Treasury Notes 6.25% due 2/15/2003 FA15 100,048 100,594 MA00002 B US Treasury Notes 7.25% due 5/15/2004 MN15 400,312 432,124 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MA99999 - 500,360 532,718 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NM00001 B US Treasury Notes 6.125% due 8/15/2007 FA15 111,982 128,800 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NM99999 - 111,982 128,800 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NY00001 0 Excelsior Money Fund 1,924,674 1,924,674 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NY99999 - 1,924,674 1,924,674 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OR00001 B US Treasury Notes 6.25% due 2/15/2003 FA15 255,122 256,515 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OR99999 - 255,122 256,515 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VA00001 B US Treasury Notes 7.875% due 11/15/2004 MN15 50,020 55,828 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VA99999 - 50,020 55,828 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XX99999 - Total - Not All Policyholders 3,159,176 3,254,246 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NY00001 B US Treasury Notes 5.75% due 8/15/2003 FA15 1,002,696 1,038,088 NY00002 B US Treasury Notes 6.5% due 8/15/2005 FA15 544,408 603,958 NY00003 B US Treasury Notes 6.125% due 8/15/2007 FA15 963,846 1,108,600 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NY99999 - 2,510,950 2,750,646 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VA00001 B North Carolina State 5.250% due 3/01/2018 478,947 573,990 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VA99999 - 478,947 573,990 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZZ99999 - Total - All Policyholders 2,989,897 3,324,636 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 6,149,073 6,578,882 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Including $ 1,924,674 cash and short-term investments as defined in SSAP No. 2 of the NAIC Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual. E25 [GRAPHIC] PROPERTY AND CASUALTY COMPANIES--ASSOCIATION EDITION ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2002 OF THE CONDITION AND AFFAIRS OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 0766 NAIC Company Code 27545 Employer's ID Number 13-3371658 (Current Period) (Prior Period) Organized under the Laws of New York, State of Domicile or Port of Entry New York Country of Domicile United States of America Incorporated 07/08/1986 Commenced Business 12/05/1986 Statutory Home Office 335 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017-4605 (Street and Number) (City or Town, State and Zip Code) Main Administrative Office 335 Madison Avenue (Street and Number) New York, NY 10017-4605 212-983-3100 (City or Town, State and Zip Code) (Area Code) (Telephone Number) Mail Address 335 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017-4605 (Street and Number or P.O. Box) (City or Town, State and Zip Code) Primary Location of Books and Records 335 Madison Avenue (Street and Number) New York, NY 10017-4605 212-983-3100-207 (City or Town, State and Zip Code) (Area Code) (Telephone Number) Internet Website Address www.radiangroupinc.com Statement Contact Patrick Rossi Jr 212-983-3100-207 (Name) (Area Code) (Telephone Number) (Extension) insurancecompliance@radiangroupinc.com 212-682-5377 (E-mail Address) (Fax Number) Policyowner Relations Contact 335 Madison Avenue (Street and Number) New York, NY 10017-4605 212-983-3100-283 (City or Town, State and Zip Code) (Area Code) (Telephone Number) (Extension) OFFICERS President Martin Alexander Kamarck SVP/Secretary David Joseph Beidler Treasurer Terry Lee Latimer VICE PRESIDENTS David Skinner Bigelow IV Edward McCrossin Bowers Sally Bennett Campbell John Christopher DeLuca Bret Steven Derman Bonita Zeese Dorland Carl Robert Quint Patrick Rossi Jr William Mark Russell Jeffrey Carl Salton Howard Seth Yaruss DIRECTORS OR TRUSTEES David Joseph Beidler David Skinner Bigelow IV Edward McCrossin Bowers Sally Bennett Campbell John Christopher DeLuca Bret Steven Derman Bonita Zeese Dorland Frank Peter Filipps Martin Alexander Kamarck Carl Robert Quint # Patrick Rossi Jr William Mark Russell Jeffrey Carl Salton Howard Seth Yaruss State of New York } } ss County of New York } The officers of this reporting entity, being duly sworn, each depose and say that they are the described officers of said reporting entity, and that on the reporting period stated above, all of the herein described assets were the absolute property of the said reporting entity, free and clear from any liens or claims thereon, except as herein stated, and that this statement, together with related exhibits, schedules and explanations therein contained, annexed or referred to, is a full and true statement of all the assets and liabilities and of the condition and affairs of the said reporting entity as of the reporting period stated above, and of its income and deductions therefrom for the period ended, and have been completed in accordance with the NAIC Annual Statement Instructions and Accounting Practices and Procedures manual except to the extent that: (1) state law may differ; or, (2) that state rules or regulations require differences in reporting not related to accounting practices and procedures, according to the best of their information, knowledge and belief, respectively. - ------------------------ ------------------------------- ----------------------- Martin Alexander Kamarck David Joseph Beidler Patrick Rossi Jr President Senior Vice President/Secretary Senior Vice President a. Is this an original filing? Yes [X] No [ ] Subscribed and sworn to before me this b. If no, 25th day of February, 2003 1. State the amendment number -------------- 2. Date filed -------------- 3. Number of pages attached - -------------------------------------- -------------- Merill H. Resnick Notary Public, State of New York No. 01RE4840513 Qualified in Westchester County Commission Expires May 31, 2003 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. ASSETS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current Year ------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Nonadmitted Net Admitted Assets Assets Assets (Cols. 1 - 2) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bonds 905,718,594 905,718,594 2. Stocks: 2.1 Preferred stocks (Schedule D, Part 2, Section 1) 2.2 Common stocks (Schedule D, Part 2 Section 2) 3. Mortgage loans on real estate (Schedule B): 3.1 First liens 3.2 Other than first liens 4. Real estate (Schedule A): 4.1 Properties occupied by the company (less $ encumbrances) ------------ 4.2 Properties held for the production of income (less $ encumbrances) ------------- 4.3 Properties held for sale (less $ encumbrances) ------------ 5. Cash ($ 3,246,732 Schedule E, Part 1) and short-term investments($ 18,723,946 Schedule DA, Part 2) 21,970,678 21,970,678 6. Other invested assets (Schedule BA) 13,132,404 13,132,404 7. Receivable for securities 654,090 654,090 8. Aggregate write-ins for invested assets ------------------------------------------------- 9. Subtotals, cash and invested assets (Lines 1 to 8) 941,475,765 941,475,765 10. Agents' balances or uncollected premiums: 10.1 Premiums and agents' balances in course of collection 5,102,018 2,275 5,099,743 10.2 Premiums, agents' balances and installments booked but deferred and not yet due (Including $ earned but unbilled premiums) ------------ 10.3 Accrued retrospective premiums 11. Funds held by or deposited with reinsured companies 524,201 524,201 12. Bills receivable, taken for premiums 13. Amounts receivable under high deductible policies 14. Reinsurance recoverables on loss and loss adjustment expense payments (Schedule F, Part 3, Cols. 7 and 8) 15. Federal and foreign income tax recoverable and interest thereon (including $ 1,990,777 net deferred tax asset) 120,530,785 115,365,456 5,165,329 16. Guaranty funds receivable or on deposit 17. Electronic data processing equipment and software 1,077,239 1,077,239 18. Interest, dividends and real estate income due and accrued 12,817,041 12,817,041 19. Net adjustments in assets and liabilities due to foreign exchange rates 20. Receivable from parent, subsidiaries and affiliates 828,812 38,635 790,177 21. Amount due from/to protected cells 22. Equities and deposits in pools and associations 23. Amounts receivable relating to uninsured accident and health plans 24. Other assets nonadmitted (Exhibit 1) 2,996,959 2,996,959 25. Aggregate write-ins for other than invested assets 936,237 653,573 282,664 ------------------------------------------------- 26. Total assets excluding protected cell assets (Lines 9 through 25) 1,086,289,057 119,056,898 967,232,159 27. Protected cell assets 28. TOTALS (Lines 26 and 27) 1,086,289,057 119,056,898 967,232,159 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 0801. 0802. 0803. 0898. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 8 from overflow page 0899. Totals (Lines 0801 thru 0803 plus 0898) (Line 8 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2501. Prepaid expenses 644,974 644,974 2502. Receivable - other 291,263 8,599 282,664 2503. 2598. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 25 from overflow page 2599. Totals (Lines 2501 thru 2503 plus 2598) (Line 25 above) 936,237 653,573 282,664 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prior Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Net Admitted Assets - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bonds 802,887,422 2. Stocks: 2.1 Preferred stocks (Schedule D, Part 2, Section 1) 2.2 Common stocks (Schedule D, Part 2, Section 2) 3. Mortgage loans on real estate (Schedule B): 3.1 First liens 3.2 Other than first liens 4. Real estate (Schedule A): 4.1 Properties occupied by the company (less $ encumbrances) ------------ 4.2 Properties held for the production of income (less $ encumbrances) ------------ 4.3 Properties held for sale (less $ encumbrances) ------------ 5. Cash ($ 3,246,732 Schedule E, Part 1) and short-term investments($ 18,723,946 Schedule DA, Part 2) 59,450,610 6. Other invested assets (Schedule BA) 7. Receivable for securities 97,063 8. Aggregate write-ins for invested assets ------------------- 9. Subtotals, cash and invested assets (Lines 1 to 8) 862,435,095 10. Agents' balances or uncollected premiums: 10.1 Premiums and agents' balances in course of collection 4,074,373 10.2 Premiums, agents' balances and installments booked but deferred and not yet due (Including $ earned but unbilled premiums) ------------ 10.3 Accrued retrospective premiums 11. Funds held by or deposited with reinsured companies 12. Bills receivable, taken for premiums 13. Amounts receivable under high deductible policies 14. Reinsurance recoverables on loss and loss adjustment expense payments (Schedule F, Part 3, Cols. 7 and 8) 15. Federal and foreign income tax recoverable and interest thereon (including $ 1,990,777 net deferred tax asset) 5,266,366 16. Guaranty funds receivable or on deposit 17. Electronic data processing equipment and software 1,059,623 18. Interest, dividends and real estate income due and accrued 10,241,471 19. Net adjustments in assets and liabilities due to foreign exchange rates 20. Receivable from parent, subsidiaries and affiliates 5,315,663 21. Amount due from/to protected cells 22. Equities and deposits in pools and associations 23. Amounts receivable relating to uninsured accident and health plans 24. Other assets nonadmitted (Exhibit 1) 25. Aggregate write-ins for other than invested assets 231,327 ------------------- 26. Total assets excluding protected cell assets (Lines 9 through 25) 888,623,918 27. Protected cell assets 28. TOTALS (Lines 26 and 27) 888,623,918 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 0801. 0802. 0803. 0898. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 8 from overflow page 0899. Totals (Lines 0801 thru 0803 plus 0898) (Line 8 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2501. Prepaid expenses 2502. Receivable - other 231,327 2503. 2598. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 25 from overflow page 2599. Totals (Lines 2501 thru 2503 plus 2598) (Line 25 above) 231,327 2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Current Year Prior Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Losses (Part 2A, Line 34, Column 8) 29,199,094 24,805,090 2. Reinsurance payable on paid loss and loss adjustment expenses (Schedule F, Part 1, Column 6) 1,261,519 550,239 3. Loss adjustment expenses (Part 2A, Line 34, Column 9) 47,070 2,800,201 4. Commissions payable, contingent commissions and other similar charges 735,489 1,897,966 5. Other expenses (excluding taxes, licenses and fees) 10,310,173 17,790,662 6. Taxes, licenses and fees (excluding federal and foreign income taxes) 10,169 40,620 7. Federal and foreign income taxes (including $ on realized capital gains ---------- (losses)) (including $ net deferred tax liability) ----------- 8. Borrowed money $ and interest thereon $ ----------- ----------- 9. Unearned premiums (Part 1A, Line 37, Column 5) (after deducting unearned premiums for ceded reinsurance of $ 6,835,528 and including warranty reserves of $ ) 369,309,560 339,924,705 ----------- 10. Advance premiums 11. Dividends declared and unpaid: 11.1 Stockholders 11.2 Policyholders 12. Ceded reinsurance premiums payable (net of ceding commissions) 6,582 13. Funds held by company under reinsurance treaties (Schedule F, Part 3, Column 19) 14. Amounts withheld or retained by company for account of others 15. Remittances and items not allocated 16. Provision for reinsurance (Schedule F, Part 7) 17. Net adjustments in assets and liabilities due to foreign exchange rates 18. Drafts outstanding 19. Payable to parent, subsidiaries and affiliates 3,314,514 20. Payable for securities 3,840,379 21. Liability for amounts held under uninsured accident and health plans 22. Capital Notes $ and interest thereon $ ---------- ----------- 23. Aggregate write-ins for liabilities 280,376,443 308,865,353 -------------------------- 24. Total liabilities excluding protected cell liabilities (Lines 1 through 23) 695,096,478 699,989,350 -------------------------- 25. Protected cell liabilities 26. Total liabilities (Lines 24 and 25) 695,096,478 699,989,350 27. Aggregate write-ins for special surplus funds 28. Common capital stock 15,000,000 4,000,000 29. Preferred capital stock 30. Aggregate write-ins for other than special surplus funds 31. Surplus notes 32. Gross paid in and contributed surplus 186,500,000 197,500,000 33. Unassigned funds (surplus) 70,635,681 (12,865,432) 34. Less treasury stock, at cost: 34.1 shares common (value included in Line 28 $ ) ----------- ----------- 34.2 shares preferred (value included in Line 29 $ ) ----------- ----------- -------------------------- 35. Surplus as regards policyholders (Lines 27 to 33, less 34) (Page 4, Line 38) 272,135,681 188,634,568 36. TOTALS (Page 2, Line 28, Col. 3) 967,232,159 888,623,918 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 2301. Contingency reserve 280,376,443 308,865,353 2302. 2303. 2398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 23 from overflow page 2399. Totals (Lines 2301 thru 2303 plus 2398) (Line 23 above) 280,376,443 308,865,353 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2701. 2702. 2703. 2798. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 27 from overflow page 2799. Totals (Lines 2701 thru 2703 plus 2798) (Line 27 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3001. 3002. 3003. 3098. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 30 from overflow page 3099. Totals (Lines 3001 thru 3003 plus 3098) (Line 30 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT STATEMENT OF INCOME - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Current Year Prior Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNDERWRITING INCOME 1. Premiums earned (Part 1, Line 34, Column 4) 80,751,700 53,848,747 DEDUCTIONS 2. Losses incurred (Part 2, Line 34, Column 7) 15,789,828 7,494,391 3. Loss expenses incurred (Part 3, Line 25, Column 1) (1,485,884) 2,202,645 4. Other underwriting expenses incurred (Part 3, Line 25, Column 2) 43,411,968 35,211,055 5. Aggregate write-ins for underwriting deductions -------------------------- 6. Total underwriting deductions (Lines 2 through 5) 57,715,912 44,908,091 -------------------------- 7. Net income of protected cells 8. Net underwriting gain or (loss) (Line 1 minus Line 6 plus Line 7) 23,035,787 8,940,656 INVESTMENT INCOME 9. Net investment income earned (Exhibit of Net Investment Income, Line 17) 47,864,258 45,477,300 10. Net realized capital gains or (losses) (Exhibit of Capital Gains (Losses)) 6,138,759 (876,220) -------------------------- 11. Net investment gain or (loss) (Lines 9 + 10) 54,003,016 44,601,080 OTHER INCOME 12. Net gain or (loss) from agents' or premium balances charged off (amount recovered $ amount charged off ------------------------ $ ) ------------------------ 13. Finance and service charges not included in premiums 14. Aggregate write-ins for miscellaneous income 106,218 (287,779) -------------------------- 15. Total other income (Lines 12 through 14) 106,218 (287,779) -------------------------- 16. Net income before dividends to policyholders and before federal and foreign income taxes (Lines 8 + 11 + 15) 77,145,022 53,253,957 17. Dividends to policyholders -------------------------- 18. Net income, after dividends to policyholders but before federal and foreign income taxes (Line 16 minus Line 17) 77,145,022 53,253,957 19. Federal and foreign income taxes incurred (1,206,388) 13,283,600 -------------------------- 20. Net income (Line 18 minus Line 19) (to Line 22) 78,351,410 39,970,357 -------------------------- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS ACCOUNT 21. Surplus as regards policyholders, December 31 prior year (Page 4, Line 38, Column 2) 188,634,568 188,632,433 -------------------------- GAINS AND (LOSSES) IN SURPLUS 22. Net income (from Line 20) 78,351,410 39,970,357 23. Net unrealized capital gains or (losses) 17,979 24. Change in net unrealized foreign exchange capital gain (loss) 25. Change in net deferred income tax 110,940,233 26. Change in nonadmitted assets (Exhibit 1, Line 5, Col. 3) (115,202,395) (333,105) 27. Change in provision for reinsurance (Page 3, Line 16, Column 2 minus Column 1) 28. Change in surplus notes 29. Surplus (contributed to) withdrawn from protected cells 30. Cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles 6,416,000 (265,289) 31. Capital changes: 31.1. Paid in 11,000,000 31.2. Transferred from surplus (Stock Dividend) 31.3. Transferred to surplus 32. Surplus adjustments: 32.1. Paid in (11,000,000) 32.2. Transferred to capital (Stock Dividend) 32.3. Transferred from capital 33. Net remittances from or (to) Home Office 34. Dividends to stockholders (cash) 35. Change in treasury stock (Page 3, Lines 34.1 and 34.2, Column 2 minus Column 1) 36. Aggregate write-ins for gains and losses in surplus 2,995,865 (39,387,807) -------------------------- 37. Change in surplus as regards policyholders for the year (Lines 22 through 36) 83,501,113 2,135 -------------------------- 38. Surplus as regards policyholders, December 31 current year (Line 21 plus Line 37) (Page 3, Line 35) 272,135,681 188,634,568 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 0501. 0502. 0503. 0598. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 5 from overflow page 0599. Totals (Lines 0501 thru 0503 plus 0598) (Line 5 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1401. Miscellaneous income (expense) 53,011 (240,928) 1402. Interest income 22,823 1403. Gain (loss) on foreign exchange 15,273 (46,851) 1498. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 14 from overflow page 15,111 1499. Totals (Lines 1401 thru 1403 plus 1498) (Line 14 above) 106,218 (287,779) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3601. Contingency reserve 28,488,910 (48,697,607) 3602. (Charge) benefit of tax and loss bonds (25,493,045) 9,309,800 3603. 3698. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 36 from overflow page 3699. Totals (Lines 3601 thru 3603 plus 3698) (Line 36 above) 2,995,865 (39,387,807) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. CASH FLOW - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 Current Year Prior Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cash from Operations 1. Premiums collected net of reinsurance 109,108,910 82,345,618 2. Loss and loss adjustment expenses paid (net of salvage and subrogation) 11,951,791 735,065 3. Underwriting expenses paid 52,085,385 29,436,509 4. Other underwriting income (expenses) --------------------------- 5. Cash from underwriting (Line 1 minus Line 2 minus Line 3 plus Line 4) 45,071,734 52,174,044 6. Net investment income 39,239,161 38,338,291 7. Other income (expenses): 7.1 Agents' balances charged off 7.2 Net funds held under reinsurance treaties (524,201) 486,622,700 7.3 Net amount withheld or retained for account of others 7.4 Aggregate write-ins for miscellaneous items 106,218 (287,778) --------------------------- 7.5 Total other income (Lines 7.1 to 7.4) (417,983) 486,334,922 8. Dividends to policyholders on direct business, less $ dividends on reinsurance assumed or ceded ------------------- (net) 9. Federal and foreign income taxes (paid) recovered (22,194,843) (7,812,857) --------------------------- 10. Net cash from operations (Line 5 plus Line 6 plus Line 7.5 minus Line 8 plus Line 9) 61,698,069 569,034,400 Cash from Investments 11. Proceeds from investments sold, matured or repaid: 11.1 Bonds 408,193,823 417,848,661 11.2 Stocks 11.3 Mortgage loans 11.4 Real estate 11.5 Other invested assets 11.6 Net gains or (losses) on cash and short-term investments 559 39,564 11.7 Miscellaneous proceeds 3,840,380 327,436 --------------------------- 11.8 Total investment proceeds (Lines 11.1 to 11.7) 412,034,762 418,215,661 12. Cost of investments acquired (long-term only): 12.1 Bonds 498,837,268 964,840,761 12.2 Stocks 12.3 Mortgage loans 12.4 Real estate 12.5 Other invested assets 13,132,404 12.6 Miscellaneous applications 557,027 3,100,068 --------------------------- 12.7 Total investments acquired (Lines 12.1 to 12.6) 512,526,699 967,940,829 --------------------------- 13. Net Cash from investments (Line 11.8 minus Line 12.7) (100,491,937) (549,725,168) --------------------------- Cash from Financing and Miscellaneous Sources 14. Cash provided: 14.1 Surplus notes, capital and surplus paid in 14.2 Capital notes $ less amounts repaid $ ------------- ------------- 14.3 Net transfers from affiliates 1,172,337 22,658,130 14.4 Borrowed funds received 14.5 Other cash provided 705,682 279,143 --------------------------- 14.6 Total (Lines 14.1 to 14.5) 1,878,019 22,937,273 15. Cash applied: 15.1 Dividends to stockholders paid 15.2 Net transfers to affiliates 15.3 Borrowed funds repaid 15.4 Other applications 564,082 642,841 --------------------------- 15.5 Total (Lines 15.1 to 15.4) 564,082 642,841 --------------------------- 16. Net cash from financing and miscellaneous sources (Line 14.6 minus Line 15.5) 1,313,937 22,294,432 --------------------------- RECONCILIATION OF CASH AND SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS 17. Net change in cash and short-term investments (Line 10, plus Line 13, plus Line 16) (37,479,931) 41,603,664 18. Cash and short-term investments: 18.1 Beginning of year 59,450,608 17,846,944 18.2 End of year (Line 17 plus Line 18.1) 21,970,677 59,450,608 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 07.401 Miscellaneous income (expense) 106,218 (287,778) 07.402 07.403 07.498 Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 7.4 from overflow page 07.499 Totals (Lines 07.401 thru 07.403 plus 07.498) (Line 7.4 above) 106,218 (287,778) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 1 - PREMIUMS EARNED - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Unearned Premiums Unearned Premiums Net Premiums Dec. 31 Prior Year - Dec. 31 Current Premiums Earned Written per per Col. 3, Last Year's Year - per Col. 5 During Year Lines of Business Column 6, Part 1B Part 2 Part 1A (Cols. 1 + 2 - 3) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 98,229,640 339,565,758 365,295,266 72,500,131 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1, 19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3, 19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 13,134 271,109 284,243 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 11,893,780 87,839 4,014,294 7,967,325 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34. TOTALS 110,136,554 339,924,706 369,309,560 80,751,700 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) 6 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 1A - RECAPITULATION OF ALL PREMIUMS (a) Gross premiums (less reinsurance) and unearned premiums on all unexpired risks and reserve for return premiums under rate credit or retrospective rating plans based upon experience, viz: - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Amount Unearned Amount Unearned (Running One Year or (Running More Than Less from Date of One Year from Date Earned Policy) of Policy) but Line of Business (b) (b) Unbilled Premium - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 365,295,266 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 3,932,962 81,332 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS 3,932,962 365,376,598 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35. Accrued retrospective premiums based on experience 36. Earned but unbilled premiums 37. Balance (Sum of Line 34 through 36) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) 4 5 Reserve for Rate Credits and Total Reserve Retrospective for Adjustments Based Unearned Premiums Line of Business on Experience Cols. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 365,295,266 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 4,014,294 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS 369,309,560 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35. Accrued retrospective premiums based on experience 36. Earned but unbilled premiums 37. Balance (Sum of Line 34 through 36) 369,309,560 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) By gross premiums is meant the aggregate of all the premiums written in the policies or renewals in force. Are they so returned in this statement? Yes [X] No [ ] (b) State here basis of Premiums are earned on Financial Guaranty in computation used in proportion to payments of principal and interest and each case. on pro-rata basis for other lines of business 7 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 1B - PREMIUMS WRITTEN Gross Premiums (Less Return Premiums), Including Policy and Membership Fees Written and Renewed During Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Reinsurance Assumed Reinsurance Ceded 6 --------------------------- --------------------------- Direct 2 3 4 5 Net Premiums Business From From To To Written Cols. Line of Business (a) Affiliates Non-Affiliates Affiliates Non-Affiliates 1 + 2 + 3 - 4 - 5 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmnowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 2,749,964 16,240,514 80,814,849 1,567,711 7,977 98,229,640 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 13,134 13,134 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 11,893,780 11,893,780 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property XXX 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability XXX 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines XXX 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34. TOTALS 2,749,964 16,240,514 92,721,764 1,567,711 7,977 110,136,554 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Does the company's direct premiums written include premiums recorded on an installment basis? Yes [X] No [ ] If yes: 1. The amount of such installment premiums $ 277,464 2. Amount at which such installment premiums would have been reported had they been reported on an annualized basis $ 632,585 8 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 2 - LOSSES PAID AND INCURRED - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Losses Paid Less Salvage --------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Reinsurance Reinsurance Net Payments Line of Business Direct Business Assumed Recovered (Cols. 1 + 2 - 3) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 9,378,153 9,378,153 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 2,017,676 2,017,676 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property XXX 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability XXX 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines XXX 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business --------------------------------------------------------------- 34. TOTALS 11,395,829 11,395,829 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Percentage of Losses Net Losses Incurred Unpaid Net Losses Losses Incurred (Col. 7, Part 2) Current Year Unpaid Current Year to Premiums Earned Line of Business (Part 2A, Col. 8) Previous Year (Cols. 4 + 5 - 6) (Col. 4, Part 1) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 26,308,038 24,752,919 10,933,272 15.1 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 2,891,059 52,168 4,856,567 61.0 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34. TOTALS 29,199,097 24,805,087 15,789,839 19.6 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 2A - UNPAID LOSSES AND LOSS ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reported Losses ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Deduct Reinsurance Recoverable from Net Losses Excl. Authorized and Incurred But Reinsurance Unauthorized Not Reported Line of Business Direct Assumed Companies (Cols. 1 + 2 - 3) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 26,308,038 26,308,038 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 1,233,137 1,233,137 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property XXX 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability XXX 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines XXX 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS 27,541,175 27,541,175 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incurred But Not Reported ---------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 9 Net Losses Unpaid Loss Reinsurance Reinsurance Unpaid Adjustment Line of Business Direct Assumed Ceded (Cols. 4 + 5 +6 - 7) Expenses - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 26,308,038 47,070 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health (a) 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health (a) 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 1,657,922 2,891,059 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property XXX 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability XXX 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines XXX 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS 1,657,922 29,199,097 47,070 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Including $ for present value of life indemnity claims. ----------- 10 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 3 - EXPENSES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Loss Adjustment Other Underwriting Investment Expenses Expenses Expenses Total - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Claim adjustment services: 1.1 Direct 1.2 Reinsurance assumed (1,485,884) (1,485,884) 1.3 Reinsurance ceded -------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4 Net claim adjustment service (1.1 + 1.2 - 1.3) (1,485,884) (1,485,884) 2. Commission and brokerage: 2.1 Direct excluding contingent 2.2 Reinsurance assumed excluding contingent 34,130,202 34,130,202 2.3 Reinsurance ceded excluding contingent 377,754 377,754 2.4 Contingent-direct 2.5 Contingent-reinsurance assumed 430,000 430,000 2.6 Contingent-reinsurance ceded 2.7 Policy and membership fees -------------------------------------------------------------- 2.8 Net commission and brokerage (2.1 + 2.2 - 2.3 + 2.4 + 2.5 - 2.6 + 2.7) 34,182,448 34,182,448 3. Allowances to managers and agents 4. Advertising 70,515 70,515 5. Boards, bureaus and associations 633,774 633,774 6. Surveys and underwriting reports 7. Audit of assureds' records 8. Salary and related items: 8.1 Salaries 4,559,863 28,109 4,587,973 8.2 Payroll taxes 215,336 1,535 216,872 9. Employee relations and welfare 501,712 5,591 507,303 10. Insurance 7,126 7,126 11. Directors' fees 12. Travel and travel items 299,123 500 299,624 13. Rent and rent items 367,894 3 367,897 14. Equipment 136,710 1,110 137,820 15. Cost or depreciation of EDP equipment and software 197,744 271 198,015 16. Printing and stationery 34,333 (309) 34,024 17. Postage, telephone and telegraph, exchange and express 49,684 108 49,792 18. Legal and auditing 453,846 1,930 455,776 -------------------------------------------------------------- 19. Totals (Lines 3 to 18) 7,527,660 38,851 7,566,510 20. Taxes, licenses and fees: 20.1 State and local insurance taxes deducting guaranty association credits of $ 218,416 218,416 20.2 Insurance department licenses and fees 28,944 28,944 20.3 Gross guaranty association assessments 20.4 All other (excluding federal and foreign income and real estate) (73) (73) -------------------------------------------------------------- 20.5 Total taxes, licenses and fees (20.1 + 20.2 + 20.3 + 20.4) 247,287 247,287 21. Real estate expenses 22. Real estate taxes 13,133 13,133 23. Reimbursements by uninsured accident and health plans 24. Aggregate write-ins for miscellaneous expenses 1,441,439 275,287 1,716,726 -------------------------------------------------------------- 25. Total expenses incurred (1,485,884) 43,411,966 314,138(a) 42,240,220 26. Less unpaid expenses - current year 47,070 11,055,831 11,102,901 27. Add unpaid expenses - prior year 2,800,201 19,729,248 22,529,449 28. Amounts receivable relating to uninsured accident and health plans, prior year 29. Amounts receivable relating to uninsured accident and health plans, current year -------------------------------------------------------------- 30. TOTAL EXPENSES PAID (Lines 25 - 26 + 27 - 28 + 29) 1,267,247 52,085,383 314,138 53,666,768 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 2401. Miscellaneous other 862,183 72,056 934,239 2402. Other professional fees 579,256 579,256 2403. Investment advisory fees 203,230 203,230 2498. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 24 from overflow page 2499. Totals (Lines 2401 thru 2403 plus 2498) (Line 24 above) 1,441,439 275,287 1,716,726 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Includes management fees of $ paid to affiliates and $ --------- --------- paid to non-affiliates. 11 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. EXHIBIT OF NET INVESTMENT INCOME - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Collected Earned During Year During Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Government bonds (a) 3,119,443 3,372,743 1.1 Bonds exempt from U.S. tax (a)33,264,492 35,900,414 1.2 Other bonds (unaffiliated) (a) 8,401,176 8,231,229 1.3 Bonds of affiliates (a) 2.1 Preferred stocks (unaffiliated) (b) 2.11 Preferred stocks of affiliates (b) 2.2 Common stocks (unaffiliated) 2.21 Common stocks of affiliates 3. Mortgage loans (c) 4. Real estate (d) 5. Contract loans 6. Cash/short-term investments (e) 817,712 674,010 7. Derivative instruments (f) 8. Other invested assets 9. Aggregate write-ins for investment income 10. Total gross investment income 45,602,823 48,178,396 - ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Investment expenses (g) 314,138 12. Investment taxes, licenses and fees, excluding federal income taxes (g) 13. Interest expense (h) 14. Depreciation on real estate and other invested assets (i) 15. Aggregate write-ins for deductions from investment income 16. Total (Lines 11 through 15) 314,138 17. Net Investment Income - (Line 10 minus Line 16) 47,864,258 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 0901. 0902. 0903. 0998. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 9 from overflow page 0999. Totals (Lines 0901 through 0903 plus 0998) (Line 9, above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1501. 1502. 1503. 1598. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 15 from overflow page 1599. Total (Lines 1501 through 1503 plus 1598) (Line 15, above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Includes $ 7,814,449 accrual of discount less $ 1,764,922 amortization of premium and less $ 3,193,558 paid for accrued interest on purchases. (b) Includes $ accrual of discount less $ amortization of --------- --------- premium and less $ paid for accrued dividends on purchases. --------- (c) Includes $ accrual of discount less $ amortization of --------- --------- premium and less $ paid for accrued interest on purchases. --------- (d) Includes $ for company's occupancy of its own buildings; and --------- excludes $ interest on encumbrances. --------- (e) Includes $ 43,017 accrual of discount less $ 2,009 amortization of premium and less $ 2,864 paid for accrued interest on purchases. (f) Includes $ accrual of discount less $ amortization of --------- --------- premium. (g) Includes $ investment expenses and $ investment taxes, --------- --------- licenses and fees, excluding federal income taxes, attributable to segregated and Separate Accounts. (h) Includes $ interest on surplus notes and $ interest on --------- --------- capital notes. (i) Includes $ depreciation on real estate and $ --------- --------- depreciation on other invested assets. EXHIBIT OF CAPITAL GAINS (LOSSES) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 Net Gain (Loss) from Realized Increases Change in Difference Gain (Loss) Other (Decreases) Between Basis Book/ On Sales or Realized by Adjusted Carrying and Maturity Adjustments Adjustment Admitted Values Total - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Government bonds 758,502 758,502 1.1 Bonds exempt from U.S. tax 5,724,104 5,724,104 1.2 Other bonds (unaffiliated) (344,406) (344,406) 1.3 Bonds of affiliates 2.1 Preferred stocks (unaffiliated) 2.11 Preferred stocks of affiliates 2.2 Common stocks (unaffiliated) 2.21 Common stocks of affiliates 3. Mortgage loans 4. Real estate 5. Contract loans 6. Cash/Short-term investments 559 559 7. Derivative instruments 8. Other invested assets 9. Aggregate write-ins for capital gains (losses) 10. Total capital gains (losses) 6,138,759 6,138,759 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 0901. 0902. 0903. 0998. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 9 from overflow page 0999. Totals (Lines 0901 through 0903 plus 0998) (Line 9, above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. EXHIBIT 1 - ANALYSIS OF NONADMITTED ASSETS AND RELATED ITEMS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 End of End of Changes for Year Current Year Prior Year (Increase) Decrease - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Summary of Items Page 2, Lines 10 to 17 and 19 to 23, Column 2 115,406,366 (115,406,366) 2. Other Nonadmitted Assets: 2.1 Bills receivable 2.2 Furniture, equipment and supplies 2,996,959 3,676,589 679,630 2.3 Leasehold improvements 2.4 Loans on personal security, endorsed or not 3. Total (Lines 2.1 to 2.4) 2,996,959 3,676,589 679,630 4. Aggregate write-ins for other assets 653,573 177,914 (475,659) ----------------------------------------------- 5. Total (Line 1 plus Lines 3 and 4) 119,056,898 3,854,503 (115,202,395) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0401. Prepaid expenses 644,974 149,845 (495,129) 0402. Receivables - other 8,599 28,069 19,470 0403. 0498. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 4 from overflow page 0499. Totals (Lines 0401 thru 0403 plus 0498) (Line 4 above) 653,573 177,914 (475,659) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies A. Accounting Practices The financial statements of Radian Reinsurance Inc. (Company) are presented on the basis of accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the New York State Insurance Department. The New York State Insurance Department recognizes only statutory accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the state of New York for determining and reporting the financial condition and results of operations of an insurance company, for determining its solvency under the New York State Insurance Law. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners' (NAIC) Accounting Practices and Procedures manual, version effective January 1, 2001, including subsequent amendments, (NAIC SAP) has been adopted as a component of prescribed or permitted practices by the state of New York. B. Use of Estimates in the Preparation of the Financial Statements The preparation of financial statements in conformity with NAIC SAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities. It also requires disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. C. Accounting Policy Premiums are earned in proportion to the expiration of the related risk over the contract period or over the period that coverage is provided. Unearned premium represents that portion of premium, which is applicable to unexpired risk on policies in force. When insured issues are refunded or called, the remaining unearned premium is generally earned at that time, since the risk to the Company is eliminated. All expenses incurred in the production of business including commissions paid on reinsurance assumed, offset by commissions received on reinsurance ceded, are charged to expense in the period incurred. In addition, the company uses the following accounting principles: (1) Short-term investments are stated at amortized cost. (2) Bonds that qualify are stated at amortized cost using the interest method, all other bonds are valued on the basis adopted by the NAIC. (3) Common Stocks are stated at NAIC value. (4) The Company does not have any preferred stocks. (5) The Company does not have any mortgage loans on real estate. (6) Loan-backed securities that qualify are stated at amortized cost using the interest method, all other bonds are valued on the basis adopted by the NAIC. The retrospective adjustment method is used to value all securities. (7) The Company does not have any investments in subsidiaries, controlled and affiliated companies. (8) The Company does not have any investments in joint ventures, partnerships or limited liability companies. (9) The Company has no derivatives. (10) The Company anticipates investment income as a factor in the premium deficiency calculation, in accordance with SSAP No. 53, Property-Casualty Contracts - Premiums. (11) Unpaid losses and loss adjustment expense reserves include an amount determined from individual case estimates and loss reports and an amount, based on past experience, for losses incurred but not reported. These reserves are reported net of estimated salvage and subrogation and reinsurance recoverables. Such reserves are based on assumptions and estimates and while management believes the amount is adequate, the ultimate liability may be in excess of or less than the amount provided. The methods for making such estimates and for establishing the resulting reserves are continually reviewed and any adjustments are reflected in the period determined. In accordance with New York Insurance Law, the Company is required to establish a contingency reserve in the amount prescribed by legislation. Such legislation requires that for financial guaranty policies, each primary insurer must establish a contingency reserve, equal to the greater of 50% of premiums written or a stated percentage of the principal 14 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS guaranteed, ratably over 60 to 80 quarters dependent upon the category of obligation insured. Reinsurers are required to establish a contingency reserve equal to their proportionate share of the reserve established by the primary insurer. 2. Accounting Changes and Corrections of Errors A. Not applicable B. The Company prepares its statutory financial statements in conformity with accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the State of New York. Effective January 1, 2001, the State of New York required that insurance companies domiciled in the State of New York prepare their statutory basis financial statements in accordance with NAIC SAP subject to any deviations prescribed or permitted by the State of New York insurance commissioner. Accounting changes adopted to conform to the provisions of NAIC SAP are reported as changes in accounting principles. The cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles is reported as an adjustment to unassigned funds (surplus) in the period of the change in accounting principle. The cumulative effect is the difference between the amount of capital and surplus at the beginning of the year and the amount of capital and surplus that would have been reported at that date if the new accounting principles had been applied retroactively for all prior periods. As a result of these changes, the Company reported a change of accounting principles, as an adjustment that increased unassigned funds (surplus) by $6,416,000. The adjustment relates to the State of New York's adoption of SSAP10, Income Taxes, provisions relating to deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities for financial statements required to be filed for periods ending on or after December 31, 2002. 3. Business Combinations and Goodwill None 4. Discontinued Operations None 5. Investments A. Mortgage Loans None B. Debt Restructuring None C. Reverse Mortgages None D. Loan-Backed Securities (1) The company has elected to use the book value as of January 1, 1994 as the cost for applying the retrospective adjustment method to securities purchased prior that date. (2) Prepayment assumptions for single class and multi-class mortgage-backed/asset-backed securities were obtained from Bloomberg L.P. (3) The Company used Interactive Data Corporation in determining the market value of its loan-backed securities. (4) Not applicable. E. Repurchase Agreements None 6. Joint Ventures, Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies None 7. Investment Income There was no interest income due and accrued, which was excluded (nonadmitted). 14.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 8. Derivative Instruments None 9. Income Taxes During 2002, the State of New York adopted SSAP 10, Income Taxes, provisions relating to deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities for financial statements required to be filed for periods ending on or after December 31, 2002. As a result of these changes, the Company reported a change of accounting principles, as an adjustment that increased unassigned funds (surplus) by $6,416,000. A. The components of the net DTA recognized in the Company's Assets, Liabilities, Surplus and Other Funds are as follows: December 31, 2002 ----------------- Total of all deferred tax assets (admitted and $ 117,698,313 nonadmitted) Total of all deferred tax liabilities (342,080) Total deferred tax assets nonadmitted in accordance with SSAP No. 10, Income Taxes (115,365,456) ------------- Total deferred taxes $ 1,990,777 ------------- (Increase)/Decrease in nonadmitted asset $(115,365,456) ============= B. Deferred tax liabilities not recognized - Not Applicable C. The provisions for incurred taxes on earnings for the years ended December 31 are: 2002 2001 ----------- ----------- Federal $(3,358,943) $13,246,465 Foreign -- -- ----------- ----------- (3,358,943) 13,246,465 Federal income tax on net capital gains (losses) 2,152,555 37,135 ----------- ----------- Current income taxes incurred $(1,206,388) $13,283,600 =========== =========== The main components of the 2002 deferred tax amounts are as follows: Statutory Tax Difference Tax effect ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------- Deferred tax assets: Contingency reserve $(280,376,443) $ -- $280,376,443 $ 98,131,755 Unearned premium reserve (369,309,560) (328,759,323) 40,550,237 14,192,583 Other Investments 13,132,404 19,600,447 6,468,043 2,263,815 EDP Equipment 1,077,239 4,767,713 3,690,474 1,291,666 Accrued Expenses (10,310,173) (8,414,824) 1,895,349 663,372 AMT Credits -- 645,378 645,378 645,378 Contingent Commissions (735,489) -- 735,489 257,421 Unpaid losses & LAE (29,246,164) (28,703,156) 543,008 190,053 Other Assets 282,664 460,578 177,914 62,270 ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------- Total deferred tax assets (675,485,522) (340,403,187) 335,082,335 117,698,313 ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------- Deferred tax assets - nonadmitted (115,365,456) ------------- Deferred tax liabilities: Bonds 905,718,594 904,741,222 (977,372) (342,080) ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------- Total deferred tax liabilities $ 905,718,594 $ 904,741,222 $ (977,372) (342,080) ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------- Net admitted deferred tax asset $ 1,990,777 ============= 14.2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The changes in the main components of deferred tax assets and deferred taxes liabilities are as follows: 2002 2001 Change ------------- ---- ------------- DTA's resulting from book/tax differences in: Contingency reserve $ 98,131,755 -- $ 98,131,755 Unearned premium reserve 14,192,583 -- 14,192,583 Other Investments 2,263,815 -- 2,263,815 EDP Equipment 1,291,666 -- 1,291,666 Accrued Expenses 663,372 -- 663,372 AMT Credits 645,378 -- 645,378 Contingent Commissions 257,421 -- 257,421 Unpaid losses & LAE 190,053 -- 190,053 Other Assets 62,270 -- 62,270 ------------- ---- ------------- Total deferred tax assets 117,698,313 -- 117,698,313 ------------- ---- ------------- Deferred tax assets nonadmitted (115,365,456) -- (115,365,456) ------------- ---- ------------- DTL's resulting from book/tax differences in: Bonds (342,080) -- (342,080) ------------- ---- ------------- Total deferred tax liabilities $ (342,080) -- $ (342,080) ------------- ---- ------------- D. Among the more significant book to tax adjustments were the following: Amount Tax-effect ------------ ------------ Income before taxes $ 77,145,022 $ 27,000,758 Tax-exempt income, net of Section 832(b)(5)(B) proration adj. (30,118,446) (10,541,456) Accrued expenses (11,490,705) (4,021,747) Deferred market discount on bonds (2,587,737) (905,708) Unpaid loss reserves (508,802) (178,081) Unearned premium reserve 6,196,637 2,168,823 Other 537,242 188,035 ------------ ------------ Taxable Income $ 39,173,211 13,710,624 ------------ ------------ Benefit (charge) of tax and loss bonds (25,493,045) AMT Credits used (1,358,224) Prior-year book/tax adjustments 11,934,257 Current income taxes incurred $ (1,206,388) ============ E. Net Loss Carryforwards - Not Applicable F. The Company's Federal Income Tax return is consolidated with the following entities: AG Intermediaries, Inc. Alegis Corporation, Inc. Alegis Group, Inc. Amerin Guaranty, Inc. Amerin Investor Services Corp. Amerin RE Corportation C-BASS, Inc. CMAC Investment Management Corp. CMAC of Arizona CMAC of Texas Credit2B.com, Inc. Enhance C-BASS Residual Finance Corp. Enhance Consumer Services LLC Enhance Financial Services Group, Inc. ExpressClose.com, Inc. Guaranty Risk Services, Inc. LLS, Inc. Radian Asset Assurance Inc. Radian Group, Inc. Radian Guaranty, Inc. Radian Insurance, Inc. 14.3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Radian Reinsurance (Bermuda) Limited Radian Reinsurance Co. Radian Services, Inc. Singer Asset Finance Company, LLC Van-American Business Services, Inc. Van-American Companies, Inc. Van-American Insurance Agency, Inc. Van-American Insurance Company, Inc. Vantage Coal Sales, Inc. The method of allocation between companies is subject to a written agreement, approved by the Board of Directors. Allocation is based upon separate return calculations with current credit for net losses. Intercompany tax balances are settled on a quarterly basis within 30-days following a federal tax payment. 10. Information Concerning Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates A. All the outstanding shares of the Company are directly owned and controlled by Enhance Financial Services Group Inc. (Parent), a holding company domiciled in the State of New York. All the outstanding shares of the Parent are directly owned and controlled by Radian, a holding company domiciled in the State of Delaware. B.&C. The Company paid no common stock dividends to the Parent in 2002 and 2001. D. At December 31, 2002 and 2001, the Company reported a net receivable from parent, subsidiaries and affiliates of $790,177 and $2,001,149 respectively. The terms of the settlement require that these amounts are settled within 90 days. E. The Company has no guarantees for the benefit of its Parent or affiliates. F. Allocable expenses are shared by the Company, its Parent and certain of the Parent's other wholly-owned and affiliated companies on a fair and equitable basis determined by estimates of respective usage. G. All outstanding shares of the Company are owned by the Parent. H. The Company owns no shares of the stock of its Parent or its ultimate parent Radian. I. The Company has no investment in affiliates. J. The Company had no impairment write-downs. 11. Debt A. Capital Notes None B. All Other Debt None 12. Retirement Plans, Deferred Compensation, Postemployment Benefits and Compensated Absences and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans The Company maintained non-contributory defined benefit pension plans, including a non-qualified restoration plan, for the benefit of all eligible employees. Pension cost for 2002 and 2001 and related disclosures as of the latest valuation for the plan year ended October 31, 2002 are determined under the provisions of NAIC SAP. A request for termination of the pension plans has been submitted to the Internal Revenue Service for determination. Company employees will be eligible to participate in a pension plan sponsored by Radian. Pension cost, net of allocations to affiliates, was $499,149 and $856,114 for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively. In addition to pension benefits, the Company provides certain health care benefits for retired employees. Certain employees may become eligible for these benefits if they reach retirement age while working for the Company. Post retirement benefits are being curtailed by discontinuing the benefit eligibility for all participants hired after February 1990. The Company's postretirement benefit cost, net of allocations to affiliates, for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001 were $ (5,247) and $76,250 respectively. 14.4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS A summary of assets, obligations and assumptions of the Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans are as follows at December 31,2002 and 2001. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pension Benefits Other Benefits Pension Benefits Other Benefits --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2002 2002 2001 2001 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Change in benefit obligation a. Benefit obligation at beginning of year $14,585,780 $ 1,296,337 $ 11,716,409 $ 1,150,179 b. Service cost 902,191 225,375 2,545,347 173,177 c. Interest cost 653,210 123,830 849,474 78,307 d. Contribution by plan participants e. Actuarial gain (loss) (3,107,594) 363,183 1,451,354 43,914 f. Foreign currency exchange rate changes g. Benefits paid (532,469) (7,573) (1,051,416) (45,000) h. Plan amendments (104,240) i. Business combinations, divestitures, curtailments, settlements and special termination benefits (5,832,746) (1,097,779) (925,388) j. Benefit obligation at end of year $ 6,668,372 $ 903,373 $ 14,585,780 $ 1,296,337 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2) Change in plan assets a. Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year $ 3,220,318 $ 3,550,959 b. Actual return on plan assets 1,160,730 (1,250,267) c. Foreign currency exchange rate changes d. Employer contribution 6,339,910 $ 7,573 1,311,431 $ 45,000 e. Plan participants' contributions f. Benefits paid (5,648,100) (7,573) (391,805) (45,000) g. Business combinations, divestitures and settlements h. Fair value of plan assets at end of year $ 5,072,858 $ $ 3,220,318 $ -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3) Funded status a. Unamortized prior service cost $(1,595,514) $ (903,373) $(11,365,462) $(1,296,337) b. Unrecognized net gain or (loss) (393,305) 4,200 3,060,705 54,787 c. Remaining net obligation or net asset at initial date of application d. Prepaid assets or accrued liabilities e. Intangible asset $(1,988,819) $ (899,173) $ (8,304,757) $(1,241,550) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4) Benefit obligation for non vested employees $ 3,177,074 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5) Components of net periodic benefit cost a. Service cost $ 902,191 $ 2,545,347 b. Interest cost 653,210 849,474 c. Expected return on plan assets (305,444) (359,084) d. Amortization of unrecognized transition obligation of transition asset (86,129) e. Amount of recognized gains and losses - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14.5 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f. Amount of prior service cost recognized g. Amount of gain or loss recognized due to a settlement or curtailment (5,163,256) (925,388) h. Total net periodic benefit cost $(3,999,428) $ 2,110,349 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (6) None - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (7) Weighted-average assumptions as of Dec. 31 a. Discount rate 6.25% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% b. Rate of compensation increase 6.0% N/A 6.0% N/A c. Expected long-term rate of return on plan assets 8.5% N/A 8.5% N/A - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For measurement purposes, a 9.0 percent annual rate of increase in the per capita cost of covered health care benefits was assumed for 2002. The rate was assumed to decrease gradually to 5.5 percent after seven years. (8) The company has a non pension postretirement benefit plan which is noncontributory. (9) Assumed health care cost trend rates have a significant effect on the amounts reported for the health care plans. A one percentage-point change in assumed health care cost trend rates would have the following effects: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Percentage 1 Percentage 1 Percentage 1 Percentage Point Point Point Point Increase Decrease Increase Decrease - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Effect on total of service and interest cost components $ 55,000 $ (84,000) $ 52,108 $ (41,040) Effect on postretirement benefit obligation $133,000 $(383,000) $229,508 $(184,049) The Company sponsors a 401(k) retirement savings plan covering substantially all of its employees. Under this plan, the Company provides a matching contribution of 50% on contributions up to 6% of base salary made to the plan by eligible employees. The Company's cost, net of allocation to affiliates, was $43,716 and $67,384 for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001 respectively. Commencing, January 1, 2003, the Company will terminate its current 401(k) plan and participate in a 401(k) plan sponsored by Radian. Under the new plan, Radian will provide a matching contribution of 25% on contributions up to 6% of base salary made to the plan by eligible employees. In addition, Radian may at its discretion provide additional matching based on Radian achieving financial goals. The Company participates in Radian's Stock Option Plan for certain key employees of the Company. Under the Stock Option Plan, additional options may be granted for a total of 2,642,690 shares of Radian's common stock. Nonqualified stock option prices must be at least 90% of the fair market value while incentive stock option prices may not be less than 100% of the fair market value as of the date of the grants. The stock options were granted during the years 1992 through 2002. As of December 31, 2002, 4,901,887 shares of Radian's common stock were subject to options granted under the Stock Option Plan with option prices ranging from $4.97 to $68.1818. During 2002, 881,170 shares of Radian's common stock were exercised under options subject to the Stock Option Plan with option prices ranging from $4.50 to $38.6364 and with fair value prices ranging from $33.14 to $55.4114. 13. Capital and Surplus, Dividend Restrictions and Quasi-Reorganizations. (1) The Company has 100,000 shares of Common Stock authorized, issued and outstanding with a par value of $150 per share. (2) The Company has no preferred stock outstanding. (3) Under the New York Insurance Law, the Company may declare or distribute dividends only from earned surplus. The maximum amount of dividends, which may be paid by the Company without prior approval of the Superintendent of Insurance, is the lesser of net investment income as adjusted or 10% of statutory surplus to policyholders. At December 31, 2002, the Company had $27,213,568 available for dividend distribution. However, in conjunction with the acquisition of the Parent by Radian on February 28, 2001, the Company is prohibited from paying dividends for a period of two years from the date of acquisition without prior written consent of the Insurance Department of the State of New York. 14.6 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (4) Except for the limitations of (3) above, there are no restrictions placed on the portion of Company profits that may be paid as ordinary dividends to stockholders. (5) There were no restrictions placed on the Company's surplus. (6) There are no surplus advances. (7) The amounts of stock held by the Company, including stock of affiliated companies, for special purposes is: a. For conversion of preferred stock: None b. For employee stock options: None c. For stock purchase warrants: None (8) There are no special surplus funds. (9) The portion of unassigned funds (surplus) represented or (reduced) by each item below is as follows: a. unrealized gains and losses: $ 0 b. nonadmitted asset values: $(119,056,898) c. provision for reinsurance: $ 0 (10) The Company has no surplus debentures or similar obligations. (11) Quasi-reorganizations None (12) There have been no quasi-reorganizations. 14. Contingencies A. According to the terms of some of the Company's treaty reinsurance contracts, the Company shall pay the ceding company a contingent commission based upon a percentage of the net underwriting profit, as defined in the contracts, accruing to the Company under these treaties. Under the terms of most of these contracts, each individual underwriting year shall be adjusted no sooner than five years after its inception, and adjustments are to be made annually thereafter until all written premiums are fully earned and all losses are settled. B. None C. None D. Various lawsuits against the Company have arisen in the course of the Company's business. Contingent liabilities arising from litigation are not considered material in relation to the financial position of the Company. 15. Leases None 16. Information About Financial Instruments With Off-balance Sheet Risk And Financial Instruments With Concentrations of Credit Risk. None 17. Sale, Transfer and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities. None 18. Gain or Loss to the Reporting Entity from Uninsured A&H Plans and the Uninsured Portion of Partially Insured Plans. None 19. Direct Premium Written/Produced by Managing General Agents/Third Party Administrators. None 14.7 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 20. Other Items A. Extraordinary Items None B. Troubled Debt Restructuring: Debtors None C. Other Disclosures Assets in the amount of $62,915,125 and $579,856,673 at December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively, were on deposit with government authorities or trustees as required by law or contract. During 2001, the Company, received permission from the New York State Insurance Department to reclassify assets which were previously in the "Funds held by or deposited with reinsured companies" into the Investment category via a sale and purchase transaction. The amount of the transaction was $578,331,360. These assets are included in invested assets for 2001 and are reflected in Schedule E - Part 2 - Special Deposits. On October 4, 2002, Standard & Poor's Rating Service, a division of the The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (S&P) announced that it had downgraded the financial strength, the financial enhancement and counterparty credit ratings of the Company from "AAA" to "AA" (on the same date, Fitch Ratings placed the "AAA" rating of the Company on Negative Watch for possible downgrade). Concurrently with the downgrade, S&P improved the Company's outlook from negative to stable. The October 4, 2002 S&P decision follows S&P's issuance of a negative outlook for monoline financial guaranty reinsurance companies in March 2002, stating concerns regarding the business positions of the Company and three of its competitors in the industry. S&P explained this downgrade was based on worsening credit and economic characteristics for assumed financial guaranty businesses, combined with a perceived absence of timely development and implementation of strategies to effectively meet the challenges that S&P believes are facing the financial guaranty reinsurance industry. In addition, reduced business volume and business prospects due to management imposed limitations - referring to the Company's strategy of active management of its reinsurance business to reject ceded business that does not meet its standards for risk and profitability - and the primary insurers' changing reinsurance strategies were also stated as factors leading to the downgrade. The Company is party to several agreements with primary insurers that grant them the right to "recapture" business ceded to the Company under these agreements if the financial strength rating is downgraded below minimum rates established in the agreements. In addition, the primary insurers also have the right to increase ceding commissions charged to the Company for cessions. S&P's October 4, downgrade has resulted in those primary insurers having such a right to recapture business, including unearned premium reserves. Although the Company does not believe, that the primary insurers will exercise such right in connection with the October 4, 2002 downgrade, the recapture of business by a primary insurer could have a material adverse effect on earned premiums, deferred premium revenue and recognition of future income from such agreements. The claims-paying ability of the Company is rated Aa2 by Moody's Investors Service. These ratings are based on the assessments by these rating services of the creditworthiness of the Company. As a result of these ratings, bond issues reinsured by the Company allow primary insurers to receive credit in terms of capital relief from these rating services. The Company's creditworthiness is a function of the level of paid-in-capital, as well as other quantitative and qualitative considerations. In November 2001, the Company entered into a 7 year credit agreement (extendible annually for additional one year periods) with New York branches of major European banks, which was amended in October 2002, pursuant to which the Company may borrow up to $125 million in order to satisfy certain claims which become payable by the Company under its municipal reinsurance portfolio in excess of a specified amount. The Company's obligation to repay amounts borrowed thereunder is limited to amounts received or receivable by the Company or the banks from premium payments or recoveries in respect of such reinsurance portfolio. D. Uncollectible Balances None E. Reinsurance Accounted for as a Deposit (P/C and Title companies only) None F. Multiple Peril Crop Insurance None 14.8 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS G. Mezzanine Real Estate Loans None H. Health Care Receivables None I. September 11 Events Not applicable J. Real Estate None K. Participating Policies None L. Premium Deficiency Reserves As of December 31, 2002, the Company had no recorded liabilities related to premium deficiency reserves. The Company anticipates investment income as a factor in the premium deficiency calculation. M. Noncash Transactions None N. Business Interruption Insurance Reserves None 21. Events Subsequent None 22. Reinsurance A. Unsecured Reinsurance Recoverables The Company has an unsecured reinsurance recoverable that exceeds 3% of the Company's policyholders surplus. Such recoverable, approximating $4,963,090 is due from its affiliate, Radian Asset Assurance Inc., NAIC Group # 0766; NAIC # 36250; FEIN 22-2712977. B. Reinsurance Recoverable in Dispute None C. Reinsurance Assumed and Ceded (1) ASSUMED REINSURANCE CEDED REINSURANCE NET --------------------------- ----------------------- --------------------------- (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Premium Commission Premium Commission Premium Commission Reserve Equity Reserve Equity Reserve Equity ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ------------ ------------ a. Affiliates $ 18,875,295 $ 5,638,189 $4,963,090 $1,488,927 $ 13,912,205 $ 4,149,262 b. All Other 356,754,128 124,892,411 1,872,437 655,353 354,881,691 124,237,058 c. TOTAL $375,629,423 $130,530,600 $6,835,527 $2,144,280 $368,793,896 $128,386,320 d. Direct Unearned Premium Reserve $515,665 14.9 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (2) The additional or return commission, predicated on loss experience or on any other form of profit sharing arrangements in this annual statement as a result of existing contractual arrangements are accrued as follows: REINSURANCE ------------------------------------ (1) (2) (3) (4) Direct Assumed Ceded Net ------ -------- ----- -------- a. Contingent Commission $735,489 $735,489 b. Sliding Scale Adjustments c. Other Profit Commissions Arrangements d. TOTAL $735,489 $735,489 D. Uncollectible Reinsurance None E. Commutation of Ceded Reinsurance None F. Retroactive Reinsurance None 23. Retrospectively Rated Contracts None 24. Change in Incurred Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses Reserves for incurred losses and loss adjustment expenses attributable to insured events of prior years has increased by $4,614,000 as a result of reestimation of unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses on the Financial Guaranty line of insurance. This increase is generally the result of ongoing analysis of recent loss development trends. Original estimates are increased or decreased as additional information becomes known regarding individual claims. No additional premiums or return premiums have been accrued as a result of the prior year effects. 25. Intercompany Pooling Arrangements None 26. Structured Settlements None 27. High Deductibles None 14.10 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 28. Discounting of Liabilities for Unpaid Losses or Unpaid Loss Adjustment Expenses Financial Guaranty unpaid losses have been discounted on a nontabular basis using a rate of 5.25% and 5.51% for 2002 and 2001 respectively. The discount rates used are based upon the average rate of return on the admitted assets as defined in NAIC SAP. The amount of the discount as of December 31,2002 and December 31,2001 is $6,869,524 and $9,098,794 respectively. Nontabular Discount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nontabular Discount -------------------------------------------- (1) (2) (3) (4) Defense & Cost Adjusting & Containment Other Schedule P Lines of Business Case IBNR Expense Expense --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21. Financial Guaranty/Mortgage Guaranty 6,869,524 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22. Total 6,869,524 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rates used to discount Financial Guaranty unpaid losses at December 31, 2002 have changed from the rates used at December 31, 2001. Had the December 31, 2002 unpaid losses been discounted at the rates used at December 31, 2001 the amount of discount would be $7,111,095. The reduction in the discount due to the change in rates is $241,571. 29. Asbestos/Environmental Reserves None 30. Subscriber Savings Accounts None 31. Financial Guaranty Insurance Exposures The Company's aggregate exposure under all Class 1 financial guaranty bonds in force as of December 31, 2002 was approximately $66,637,000,000. Class 1 financial guaranty bonds covering the same credit risk in which the maximum annual amount due for unpaid principal and unpaid interest exceeds 10% of December 31,2002 capital and surplus are summarized as follows: Ratio No. of Bonds Annual Amount ----- ------------ -------------- 10-19% 27 $1,021,656,389 20-29% 7 $ 455,688,447 30-39% 1 $ 95,883,527 40-49% 2 $ 229,071,117 50% and Over 1 $ 140,619,022 The Company's aggregate exposure under all Class 2 financial guaranty bonds in force as of December 31, 2002 was approximately $16,038,000,000. Class 2 financial guaranty bonds covering the same credit risk in which the maximum annual amount due for unpaid principal and unpaid interest exceeds 5% of December 31, 2002 capital and surplus are summarized as follows: Ratio No. of Bonds Annual Amount ----- ------------ -------------- 05-09% 49 $ 887,668,298 10-19% 57 $2,089,859,152 20-29% 7 $ 466,109,030 30-39% 9 $ 860,820,678 40-49% 5 $ 601,559,664 50% and over 5 $ 878,533,541 The Company's aggregate exposure under all Class 3 and 4 financial guaranty bonds in force as of December 31, 2002 was $0. There were no class 3 or 4 financial guaranty bonds covering the same credit risk in which the aggregate exposure exceeds 5% of December 31, 2002 capital and surplus. 14.11 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SUMMARY INVESTMENT SCHEDULE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admitted Assets as Reported Gross in the Investment Holdings Annual Statement ------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 Investment Categories Amount Percentage Amount Percentage - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bonds: 1.1 U.S. Treasury securities 33,808,919 3.591 33,808,919 3.591 1.2 U.S. government agency and corporate obligations (excluding mortgage-backed securities): 1.21 Issued by U.S. government agencies 1.22 Issued by U.S. government sponsored agencies 49,241,137 5.230 49,241,137 5.230 1.3 Foreign government (including Canada, excluding mortgaged-backed securities) 498,008 0.053 498,008 0.053 1.4 Securities issued by states, territories, and possessions and political subdivisions in the U.S.: 1.41 States, territories and possessions general obligations 196,608,427 20.883 196,608,427 20.883 1.42 Political subdivisions of states, territories and possessions and political subdivisions general obligations 90,603,194 9.624 90,603,194 9.624 1.43 Revenue and assessment obligations 432,189,184 45.906 432,189,184 45.906 1.44 Industrial development and similar obligations 1.5 Mortgage-backed securities (includes residential and commercial MBS): 1.51 Pass-through securities: 1.511 Guaranteed by GNMA 1.512 Issued by FNMA and FHLMC 1.513 Privately issued 1.52 CMOs and REMICs: 1.521 Issued by FNMA and FHLMC 1.522 Privately issued and collateralized by MBS issued or guaranteed by GNMA, FNMA, or FHLMC 1.523 All other privately issued 2. Other debt and other fixed income securities (excluding short-term): 2.1 Unaffiliated domestic securities (includes credit tenant loans rated by the SVO) 101,479,484 10.779 101,479,484 10.779 2.2 Unaffiliated foreign securities 1,290,240 0.137 1,290,240 0.137 2.3 Affiliated securities 3. Equity interests: 3.1 Investments in mutual funds 3.2 Preferred stocks: 3.21 Affiliated 3.22 Unaffiliated 3.3 Publicly traded equity securities (excluding preferred stocks): 3.31 Affiliated 3.32 Unaffiliated 3.4 Other equity securities: 3.41 Affiliated 3.42 Unaffiliated 3.5 Other equity interests including tangible personal property under lease: 3.51 Affiliated 3.52 Unaffiliated 4. Mortgage loans: 4.1 Construction and land development 4.2 Agricultural 4.3 Single family residential properties 4.4 Multifamily residential properties 4.5 Commercial loans 5. Real estate investments: 5.1 Property occupied by the company 5.2 Property held for the production of income (includes $ --------- of property acquired in satisfaction of debt) 5.3 Property held for sale ($ including property -------------- acquired in satisfaction of debt) 6. Policy loans 7. Receivables for securities 654,090 0.069 654,090 0.069 8. Cash and short-term investments 21,970,678 2.334 21,970,678 2.334 9. Other invested assets 13,132,404 1.395 13,132,404 1.395 ------------------------------------------------------ 10. Total invested assets 941,475,765 100.000 941,475,765 100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES PART 1 - COMMON INTERROGATORIES GENERAL 1.1 Is the reporting entity a member of an Insurance Holding Company System consisting of two or more affiliated persons, one or more of which is an insurer? Yes [X] No [ ] 1.2 If yes, did the reporting entity register and file with its domiciliary State Insurance Commissioner, Director or Superintendent, or with such regulatory official of the state of domicile of the principal insurer in the Holding Company System, a registration statement providing disclosure substantially similar to the standards adopted by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) in its Model Insurance Holding Company System Regulatory Act and model regulations pertaining thereto, or is the reporting entity subject to standards and disclosure requirements substantially similar to those required by such Act and regulations? Yes [X] No [ ] NA [ ] 1.3 State Regulating? New York 2.1 Has any change been made during the year of this statement in the charter, by-laws, articles of incorporation, or deed of settlement of the reporting entity? Yes [X] No [ ] 2.2 If yes, date of change: 02/26/2002 If not previously filed, furnish herewith a certified copy of the instrument as amended. 3.1 State as of what date the latest financial examination of the reporting entity was made or is being made. 12/31/1999 3.2 State the as of date that the latest financial examination report became available from either the state of domicile or the reporting entity. This date should be the date of the examined balance sheet and not the date the report was completed or released. 12/31/1999 3.3 State as of what date the latest financial examination report became available to other states or the public from either the state of domicile or the reporting entity. This is the release date or completion date of the examination report and not the date of the examination (balance sheet date). 05/31/2002 3.4 By what department or departments? New York State Insurance Department 4.1 During the period covered by this statement, did any agent, broker, sales representative, non-affiliated sales/service organization or any combination thereof under common control (other than salaried employees of the reporting entity), receive credit or commissions for or control a substantial part (more than 20 percent of any major line of business measured on direct premiums) of: 4.11 sales of new business? Yes [ ] No [X] 4.12 renewals? Yes [ ] No [X] 4.2 During the period covered by this statement, did any sales/service organization owned in whole or in part by the reporting entity or an affiliate, receive credit or commissions for or control a substantial part (more than 20 percent of any major line of business measured on direct premiums) of: 4.21 sales of new business? Yes [ ] No [X] 4.22 renewals? Yes [ ] No [X] 5.1 Has the reporting entity been a party to a merger or consolidation during the period covered by this statement? Yes [ ] No [X] 5.2 If yes, provide the name of the entity, NAIC Company Code, and state of domicile (use two letter state abbreviation) for any entity that has ceased to exist as a result of the merger or consolidation. 1 2 3 Name of Entity NAIC Company Code State of Domicile ------------------------------------------------------ 6.1 Has the reporting entity had any Certificates of Authority, licenses or registrations (including corporate registration, if applicable) suspended or revoked by any governmental entity during the reporting period? (You need not report an action, either formal or informal, if a confidentiality clause is part of the agreement.) Yes [ ] No [X] 6.2 If yes, give full information: ------------------------------------------- 7.1 Does any foreign (non-United States) person or entity directly or indirectly control 10% or more of the reporting entity? Yes [ ] No [X] 7.2 If yes, 7.21 State the percentage of foreign control; 7.22 State the nationality(s) of the foreign person(s) or entity(s) or if the entity is a mutual or reciprocal, the nationality of its manager or attorney in fact; and identify the type of entity(s) (e.g., individual, corporation or government, manager or attorney in fact). ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Nationality Type of Entity ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 16 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES (continued) 8. What is the name and address of the independent certified public accountant or accounting firm retained to conduct the annual audit? Deloitte & Touche LLP, 1700 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 9. What is the name, address and affiliation (officer/employee of the reporting entity or actuary/consultant associated with a(n) actuarial consulting firm) of the individual providing the statement of actuarial opinion/certification? Robert S. Miccolis, Senior Practice Leader, Deloitte & Touche LLP, 1700 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 10. FOR UNITED STATES BRANCHES OF ALIEN REPORTING ENTITIES ONLY: 10.1 What changes have been made during the year in the United States Manager or the United States Trustees of the reporting entity? 10.2 Does this statement contain all business transacted for the reporting entity through its United States Branch on risks wherever located? Yes [ ] No [ ] 10.3 Have there been any changes made to any of the trust indentures during the year? Yes [ ] No [ ] 10.4 If answer to (10.3) is yes, has the domiciliary or entry state approved the changes? Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] BOARD OF DIRECTORS 11. Is the purchase or sale of all investments of the reporting entity passed upon either by the Board of Directors or a subordinate committee thereof? Yes [X] No [ ] 12. Does the reporting entity keep a complete permanent record of the proceedings of its Board of Directors and all subordinate committees thereof? Yes [X] No [ ] 13. Has the reporting entity an established procedure for disclosure to its board of directors or trustees of any material interest or affiliation on the part of any of its officers, directors, trustees or responsible employees which is in or likely to conflict with the official duties of such person? Yes [X] No [ ] FINANCIAL 14.1 Total amount loaned during the year (inclusive of Separate Accounts, exclusive of policy loans): 14.11 To directors or other officers $ ---------------------- 14.12 To stockholders not officers $ ---------------------- 14.13 Trustees, supreme or grand (Fraternal only) $ ---------------------- 14.2 Total amount of loans outstanding at end of year (inclusive of Separate Accounts, exclusive of policy loans): 14.21 To directors or other officers $ ---------------------- 14.22 To stockholders not officers $ ---------------------- 14.23 Trustees, supreme or grand (Fraternal only) $ ---------------------- 15.1 Were any of the assets reported in this statement subject to a contractual obligation to transfer to another party without the liability for such obligation being reported in this statement? Yes [ ] No [X] 15.2 If yes, state the amount thereof at December 31 of the current year: 15.21 Rented from others $ ---------------------- 15.22 Borrowed from others $ ---------------------- 15.23 Leased from others $ ---------------------- 15.24 Other $ ---------------------- Disclose in Notes to Financial Statements the nature of each of these obligations. 16.1 Does this statement include payments for assessments as described in the Annual Statement Instructions other than guaranty fund or guaranty association assessments? Yes [ ] No [X] 16.2 If answer is yes, 16.21 Amount paid as losses or risk adjustment $ ---------------------- 16.22 Amount paid as expenses $ ---------------------- 16.23 Other amounts paid $ ---------------------- 17 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES (continued) INVESTMENT 17. List the following capital stock information for the reporting entity: - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of Shares Number of Shares Redemption Price Is Dividend Rate Are Dividends Class Authorized Outstanding Par Value Per Share if Callable Limited? Cumulative? - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes No Yes No Preferred [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Common 100,000 100,000 150.000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 18.1. Were all the stocks, bonds and other securities owned December 31 of current year, over which the reporting entity has exclusive control, in the actual possession of the reporting entity on said date, except as shown by Schedule E - Part 2 - Special Deposits? Yes [X] No [ ] 18.2 If no, give full and complete information relating thereto: 19.1 Were any of the stocks, bonds or other assets of the reporting entity owned at December 31 of the current year not exclusively under the control of the reporting entity, except as shown on the Schedule E - Part 2 - Special Deposits; or has the reporting entity sold or transferred any assets subject to a put option contract that is currently in force? (Exclude securities subject to Interrogatory 15.1) Yes [X] No [ ] 19.2 If yes, state the amount thereof at December 31 of the current year: 19.21 Loaned to others $ ---------------------- 19.22 Subject to repurchase agreements $ ---------------------- 19.23 Subject to reverse repurchase agreements $ ---------------------- 19.24 Subject to dollar repurchase agreements $ ---------------------- 19.25 Subject to reverse dollar repurchase agreements $ ---------------------- 19.26 Pledged as collateral $ ---------------------- 19.27 Placed under option agreements $ ---------------------- 19.28 Letter stock or other securities restricted as to sale $ ---------------------- 19.29 Other $ 68,669,253 19.3 For each category above, if any of these assets are held by others, identify by whom held: 19.31 19.35 -------------------------- -------------------------- 19.32 19.36 -------------------------- -------------------------- 19.33 19.37 -------------------------- -------------------------- 19.34 19.38 -------------------------- -------------------------- 19.39 Maple Bank GMBH For categories (19.21) and (19.23) above, and for any other securities that were made available for use by another person during the period covered by this statement, attach a schedule as shown in the instructions to the annual statement. 19.4 For category (19.28) provide the following: 1 2 3 Nature of Restriction Description Amount - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20.1 Does the reporting entity have any hedging transactions reported on Schedule DB? Yes [ ] No [X] 20.2 If yes, has a comprehensive description of the hedging program been made available to the domiciliary state? Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] If no, attach a description with this statement. 21.1 Were any preferred stocks or bonds owned as of December 31 of the current year mandatorily convertible into equity, or, at the option of the issuer, convertible into equity? Yes [ ] No [X] 21.2. If yes, state the amount thereof at December 31 of the current year $ ---------------------- 22. Excluding items in Schedule E, real estate, mortgage loans and investments held physically in the reporting entity's offices, vaults or safety deposit boxes, were all stocks, bonds and other securities, owned throughout the current year held pursuant to a custodial agreement with a qualified bank or trust company in accordance with Part 1-General, Section IV.H-Custodial or Safekeeping Agreements of the NAIC Financial Condition Examiners Handbook? Yes [X] No [ ] 22.01 For agreements that comply with the requirements of the NAIC Financial Condition Examiners Handbook, complete the following: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Name of Custodian(s) Custodian's Address - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- State Street Bank & Trust Company N.A. 61 Broadway, New York, NY 10006 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES (continued) INVESTMENT 22.02 For all agreements that do not comply with the requirements of the NAIC Financial Condition Examiners Handbook, provide the name, location and a complete explanation: - ----------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Name(s) Location(s) Complete Explanation(s) - ----------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- 22.03 Have there been any changes, including name changes, in the custodian(s) identified in 22.01 during the current year? Yes [ ] No [X] 22.04 If yes, give full and complete information relating thereto: - ------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Old Custodian New Custodian Date of Change Reason - ------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------- 22.05 Identify all investment advisors, brokers/dealers or individuals acting on behalf of broker/dealers that have access to the investment accounts, handle securities and have authority to make investments on behalf of the reporting entity: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Central Registration Depository Number(s) Name Address - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 113972 Standish Mellon Asset One Financial Center, Management Company LLC Boston, MA 02111 106595 Wellington Management 75 State Street, Boston Company, LLP MA 02109 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHER 23.1 Amount of payments to Trade Associations, Service Organizations and Statistical or Rating Bureaus, if any? $789,252 23.2 List the name of the organization and the amount paid if any such payment represented 25% or more of the total payments to Trade Associations, Service Organizations and Statistical or Rating Bureaus during the period covered by this statement. - --------------------------------------- 1 2 Name Amount Paid - --------------------------------------- Standard & Poor's Corp $339,867 Moody's Investors Service $329,385 - --------------------------------------- 24.1 Amount of payments for legal expenses, if any? $340,226 24.2 List the name of the firm and the amount paid if any such payment represented 25% or more of the total payments for legal expenses during the period covered by this statement. - --------------------------------------- 1 2 Name Amount Paid - ---------------------------------- Dewey Ba11antine LLP $114,930 $ ------- $ ------- - --------------------------------------- 25.1 Amount of payments for expenditures in connection with matters before legislative bodies, officers or departments of government, if any? $ ---------- 25.2 List the name of the firm and the amount paid if any such payment represented 25% or more of the total payment expenditures in connection with matters before legislative bodies, officers or departments of government during the period covered by this statement. - ---------------------------------- 1 2 Name Amount Paid - ---------------------------------- $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ - ---------------------------------- 19 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES (continued) PART 2 - PROPERTY & CASUALTY INTERROGATORIES 1.1 Does the reporting entity have any direct Medicare Supplement Insurance in force? Yes [ ] No [X] 1.2 If yes, indicate premium earned on U.S. business only $ ---------------------- 1.3 What portion of Item (1.2) is not reported on the Medicare Supplement Insurance Experience Exhibit? $ ---------------------- 1.31 Reason for excluding 1.4 Indicate amount of earned premium attributable to Canadian and/or Other Alien not included in Item (1.2) above. $ ---------------------- 1.5 Indicate total incurred claims on all Medicare Supplement Insurance. $ ---------------------- 1.6 Individual policies: Most current three years: 1.61 Total premium earned $ ---------------------- 1.62 Total incurred claims $ ---------------------- 1.63 Number of covered lives $ ---------------------- All years prior to most current three years: 1.64 Total premium earned $ ---------------------- 1.65 Total incurred claims $ ---------------------- 1.66 Number of covered lives $ ---------------------- 1.7 Group policies: Most current three years: 1.71 Total premium earned $ ---------------------- 1.72 Total incurred claims $ ---------------------- 1.73 Number of covered lives $ ---------------------- All years prior to most current three years: 1.74 Total premium earned $ ---------------------- 1.75 Total incurred claims $ ---------------------- 1.76 Number of covered lives $ ---------------------- 2.1 Does the reporting entity issue both participating and non-participating policies? Yes [ ] No [X] 2.2 If yes, state the amount of calendar year net premiums written on: 2.21 Participating policies $ ---------------------- 2.22 Non-participating policies $ ---------------------- 3. For Mutual Reporting Entities and Reciprocal Exchanges Only: 3.1 Does the reporting entity issue assessable policies? Yes [ ] No [ ] 3.2 Does the reporting entity issue non-assessable policies? Yes [ ] No [ ] 3.3 If assessable policies are issued, what is the extent of the contingent liability of the policyholders? % ----------------------- 3.4 Total amount of assessments paid or ordered to be paid during the year on deposit notes or contingent premiums? $ ---------------------- 4. For Reciprocal Exchanges Only: 4.1 Does the Exchange appoint local agents? Yes [ ] No [ ] 4.2 If yes, is the commission paid: 4.21 Out of Attomey's-in-fact Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] compensation 4.22 As a direct expense of the Exchange Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] 4.3 What expenses of the Exchange are not paid out of the compensation of the Attorney-in-fact? 4.4 Has any Attorney-in-fact compensation, contingent on fulfillment of certain conditions, been deferred? Yes [ ] No [ ] 4.5 If yes, give full information -------------------------------------------- 5.1 What provision has this reporting entity made to protect itself from an excessive loss in the event of a catastrophe under a workers' compensation contract issued without limit of loss? The Company is a monoline financial guaranty insurer and as such it does not write workers' compensation insurance. 5.2 Describe the method used to estimate this reporting entity's probable maximum insurance loss, and identify the type of insured exposures comprising that probable maximum loss, the locations of concentrations of those exposures and the external resources (such as consulting firms or computer software models), if any, used in the estimation process. The Company estimates its probable maximum loss based on accepted industry standard approaches for Financial Guaranty. All monoline financial guaranty companies are rated by at least two of the largest Rating Agencies (S&P, Moody's and Fitch). These Rating Agencies use financial and exposure models to test the adequacy of our capital in a severe "stressed" environment. These models use either scenario testing or simulation to calculate a worst-case scenario - a "probable maximum loss" for our financial guaranty exposures in the United States and Internationally - and to measure our ability to emerge from such an event with positive capital and surplus remaining. Satisfying the capital requirements of these models is critical to our financial credit rating. 5.3 What provision has this reporting entity made (such as a catastrophic reinsurance program) to protect itself from an excessive loss arising from the types and concentrations of insured exposures comprising its probable maximum property insurance loss? The Company is a monoline financial guaranty insurer and as such it does not write property insurance. 5.4 Does the reporting entity carry catastrophe reinsurance protection, with provision for at least one reinstatement, in an amount sufficient to cover its estimated probable maximum loss attributable to a single loss event or occurrence? Yes [ ] No [X] 5.5 If no, describe any arrangements or mechanisms employed by the reporting entity to supplement its catastrophe reinsurance program or to hedge its exposure to unreinsured catastrophic loss. Since the Company is a financial guaranty insurer it is required by the provisions of SSAP No. 60 to set aside contingency reserves for the financial guaranty policies it has issued, to protect against losses due to claims which may result from an economic catastrophe such as a depression. These reserves are in addition to the required loss and loss adjustment reserves. 6.1 Has this reporting entity reinsured any risk with any other entity under a quota share reinsurance contract which includes a provision which would limit the reinsurer's losses below the stated quota share percentage (e.g., a deductible, a loss ratio corridor, a loss ratio cap, an aggregate limit or any similar provision)? Yes [ ] No [X] 6.2 If yes, indicate the number of reinsurance contracts containing such provisions: 20 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES PART 2 - PROPERTY & CASUALTY INTERROGATORIES (continued) 7.1 Has this reporting entity reinsured any risk with any other entity and agreed to release such entity from liability, in whole or in part, from any loss that may occur on the risk, or portion thereof, reinsured? Yes [ ] No [X] 7.2 If yes, give full information -------------------------------------------- 8. If the reporting entity has assumed risks from another entity, there should be charged on account of such reinsurances a reserve equal to that which the original entity would have been required to charge had it retained the risks. Has this been done? Yes [X] No [ ] NA [ ] 9.1 Has this reporting entity guaranteed policies issued by any other entity and now in force? Yes [ ] No [X] 9.2 If yes, give full information -------------------------------------------- 10.1 If the reporting entity recorded accrued retrospective premiums on insurance contracts on Line 10.3 of the assets schedule, Page 2, state the amount of corresponding liabilities recorded for: 10.11 Unpaid losses $ ---------------------- 10.12 Unpaid underwriting expenses (including loss adjustment expenses) $ ---------------------- 10.2 Of the amount on Line 10.3 of the assets schedule, Page 2, state the amount which is secured by letters of credit, collateral and other funds. $ ---------------------- 10.3 If the reporting entity underwrites commercial insurance risks, such as workers' compensation are premium or promissory notes accepted from its insureds covering unpaid premiums and/or unpaid losses? Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [X] 10.4 If yes, provide the range of interest rates charged under such notes during the period covered by this statement: 10.41 From % ----------------------- 10.42 To % ----------------------- 10.5 Are letters of credit or collateral and other funds received from insureds being utilized by the reporting entity to secure premium or promissory notes taken by the reporting entity, or to secure any of the reporting entity's reported direct unpaid loss reserves, including unpaid losses under loss deductible features of commercial policies? Yes [ ] No [X] 10.6 If yes, state the amount thereof at December 31 of the current year: 10.61 Letters of credit $ ---------------------- 10.62 Collateral and other funds $ ---------------------- 11.1 What amount of installment notes is owned and now held by the reporting entity? $ ---------------------- 11.2 Have any of these notes been hypothecated, sold or used in any manner as security for money loaned within the past year? Yes [ ] No [X] 11.3 If yes, what amount? $ ---------------------- 12.1 Largest net aggregate amount insured in any one risk (excluding workers' compensation): $ 26,558,511 12.2 Does any reinsurance contract considered in the calculation of this amount include an aggregate limit of recovery without also including a reinstatement provision? Yes [ ] No [X] 12.3 State the number of reinsurance contracts (excluding individual facultative risk certificates, but including facultative programs, automatic facilities or facultative obligatory contracts) considered in the calculation of this amount. ----------------------- 13.1 Has this reporting entity guaranteed any financed premium accounts? Yes [ ] No [X] 13.2 If yes, give full information -------------------------------------------- 14.1 Does the reporting entity own any securities of a real estate holding company or otherwise hold real estate indirectly? Yes [ ] No [X] 14.11 Name of real estate holding company ----------------------- 14.12 Number of parcels involved ----------------------- 14.13 Total book/adjusted carrying value $ ---------------------- 14.2 If yes, provide explanation: 15.1 Does the reporting entity write any warranty business? Yes [ ] No [X] If yes, disclose the following information for each of the following types of warranty coverage: 1 2 3 4 5 Direct Losses Direct Losses Direct Written Direct Premium Direct Premium Incurred Unpaid Premium Unearned Earned ------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 15.11 Home $ $ $ $ $ ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- 15.12 Products $ $ $ $ $ ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- 15.13 Automobile $ $ $ $ $ ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- 15.14 Other* $ $ $ $ $ ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- * Disclose type of coverage: 21 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. FIVE-YEAR HISTORICAL DATA Show amounts in whole dollars only, no cents; show percentages to one decimal place, i.e. 17.6. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums Written (Page 8, Part 1B, Cols. 1, 2 & 3) 1. Liability Lines (Lines 11.1, 11.2, 16, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2 & 19.3, 19.4) 2. Property Lines (Lines 1, 2, 9, 12, 21 & 26) 3. Property and Liability Combined Lines (Lines 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 & 27) 4. All Other Lines (Lines 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 28, 29 & 33) 111,712,243 83,840,681 80,849,341 60,567,409 78,384,932 5. Non-proportional Reinsurance Lines (Lines 30, 31 & 32) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Total (Line 34) 111,712,243 83,840,681 80,849,341 60,567,409 78,384,932 Net Premiums Written (Page 8, Part 1B, Col. 6) 7. Liability Lines (Lines 11.1, 11.2, 16, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2 & 19.3, 19.4) 8. Property Lines (Lines 1, 2, 9, 12, 21 & 26) 9. Property and Liability Combined Lines (Lines 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 & 27) 10. All Other Lines (Lines 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 28, 29 & 33) 110,136,554 82,483,786 80,639,341 60,567,409 78,329,494 11. Non-proportional Reinsurance Lines (Lines 30, 31 & 32) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total (Line 34) 110,136,554 82,483,786 80,639,341 60,567,409 78,329,494 Statement of Income (Page 4) 13. Net Underwriting Gain (Loss) (Line 8) 23,035,787 8,940,656 10,943,910 16,861,314 24,527,995 14. Net Investment Gain (Loss) (Line 11) 54,003,016 44,601,080 44,064,260 36,005,788 45,203,508 15. Total Other Income (Line 15) 106,218 (287,779) (1,385,352) (40,409) 276,894 16. Dividends to Policyholders (Line 17) 17. Federal and Foreign Income Taxes Incurred (Line 19) (1,206,388) 13,283,600 4,606,738 14,150,106 18,305,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 18. Net Income (Line 20) 78,351,410 39,970,357 49,016,080 38,676,587 51,703,397 Balance Sheet Lines (Pages 2 and 3) 19. Total Admitted Assets excluding Protected Cell (Page 2, Line 26, Col. 3) 967,232,159 888,623,918 796,241,110 749,471,163 720,203,281 20. Agents' Balances or Uncollected Premiums (Page 2, Col. 3) 20.1 In Course of Collection (Line 10.1) 5,099,743 4,074,373 3,936,205 11,331,050 15,644,763 20.2 Deferred and not yet due (Line 10.2) 20.3 Accrued Retrospective Premiums (Line 10.3) 21. Total Liabilities excluding Protected Cell (Page 3, Line 24) 695,096,478 699,989,350 607,608,677 534,665,289 494,473,579 22. Losses (Page 3, Lines 1 and 2) 30,460,613 25,355,329 18,913,374 10,509,397 9,044,338 23. Loss Adjustment Expenses (Page 3, Line 3) 47,070 2,800,201 280,183 77 19,994 24. Unearned premiums (Page 3, Line 9) 369,309,560 339,924,705 311,289,666 288,294,225 278,798,590 25. Capital Paid Up (Page 3, Lines 28 & 29) 15,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 26. Surplus as Regards Policyholders (Page 3, Line 35) 272,135,681 188,634,568 188,632,433 214,805,874 225,729,702 Risk-Based Capital Analysis 27. Total Adjusted Capital 28. Authorized Control Level Risk-Based Capital Percentage Distribution of Cash and Invested Assets (Page 2, Col. 3) (Item divided by Page 2, Line 9, Col. 3) x 100.0 29. Bonds (Line 1) 96.2 93.1 93.3 99.4 93.2 30. Stocks (Lines 2.1 & 2.2) 2.0 31. Mortgage Loans on Real Estate (Lines 31 and 32) 32. Real Estate (Lines 4.1, 4.2 & 4.3) 33. Cash and Short-Term Investments (Line 5) 2.3 6.9 6.7 0.6 5.2 34. Other Invested Assets (Line 6) 1.4 35. Receivable for Securities (Line 7) 0.1 0.0 36. Aggregate Write-Ins for Invested Assets (Line 8) (0.4) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 37. Cash and Invested Assets (Line 9) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Investments in Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 38. Affiliated Bonds (Schedule D, Summary, Line 25, Col. 1) 39. Affiliated Preferred Stocks (Schedule D, Summary, Line 39, Col. 1 ) 40. Affiliated Common Stocks (Schedule D, Summary, Line 53, Col. 2) 41. Affiliated Short-Term Investments (subtotals included in Schedule DA, Part 2, Col. 5, Line 11) 42. Affiliated Mortgage Loans on Real Estate 43. All Other Affiliated ------------------------------------------------------------------- 44. Total of above Lines 38 to 43 45. Percentage of Investments in Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates to Surplus as Regards Policyholders (Line 44 above divided by Page 3, Col. 1 , Line 35 x 100.0) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. FIVE-YEAR HISTORICAL DATA (Continued) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital and Surplus Accounts (Page 4) 46. Net Unrealized Capital Gains (Losses) (Line 23) 17,979 (17,979) 3,558,394 (3,558,394) 47. Dividends to Stockholders (Line 34) (20,000,000) (22,000,000) (22,000,000) 48. Change in surplus as regards policyholders for the year (Line 37) 83,501,113 2,135 (26,173,441) (10,923,828) (2,595,101) Gross Losses Paid (Page 9, Part 2, Cols. 1 & 2) 49. Liability Lines (Lines 11.1, 11.2, 16, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2 & 19.3, 19.4) 50. Property Lines (Lines 1, 2, 9, 12, 21 & 26) 51. Property and Liability Combined Lines (Lines 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 & 27) 52. All Other Lines (Lines 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 28, 29 & 33) 11,395,829 1,152,115 3,191,726 1,394,437 1,243,443 53. Non-Proportional Reinsurance Lines (Lines 30, 31 & 32) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 54. Total (Line 34) 11,395,829 1,152,115 3,191,726 1,394,437 1,243,443 Net Losses Paid (Page 9, Part 2, Col. 4) 55. Liability Lines (Lines 11.1, 11.2, 16, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2 & 19.3, 19.4) 56. Property Lines (Lines 1, 2, 9, 12, 21 & 26) 57. Property and Liability Combined Lines (Lines 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 & 27) 58. All Other Lines (Lines 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 28, 29 & 33) 11,395,829 1,152,115 962,894 1,203,484 1,243,443 59. Non-Proportional Reinsurance Lines (Lines 30, 31 & 32) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 60. Total (Line 34) 11,395,829 1,152,115 962,894 1,203,484 1,243,443 Operating Percentages (Page 4) (Item divided by Page 4, Line 1) x 100.0 61. Premiums Earned (Line 1) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 62. Losses Incurred (Line 2) 19.6 13.9 16.8 3.9 8.8 63. Loss Expenses Incurred (Line 3) (1.8) 4.1 0.0 0.8 0.5 64. Other Underwriting Expenses Incurred (Line 4) 53.8 65.4 64.1 62.2 46.1 65. Net Underwriting gain (loss) (Line 8) 28.5 16.6 19.0 33.0 44.7 Other Percentages 66. Other Underwriting Expenses to Net Premiums Written (Page 4, Lines 4 + 5 - 15 divided by Page 8, Part 1B, Col. 6, Line 34 x 100.0) 39.3 43.0 47.6 52.6 31.9 67. Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred to Premiums Earned (Page 4, Lines 2 + 3 divided by Page 4, Line 1 x 100.0) 17.7 18.0 16.9 4.7 9.3 68. Net Premiums Written to Policyholders' Surplus (Page 8, Part 1B, Col. 6, Line 34 divided by Page 3, Line 35, Col. 1 x 100.0) 40.5 43.7 42.7 28.2 34.7 One Year Loss Development (000 omitted) 69. Development in Estimated Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred Prior to Current Year (Schedule P - Part 2 - Summary, Line 12, Col. 11) 4,614 8,273 6,748 603 10,307 70. Percent of Development of Loss and Loss Expenses Incurred to Policyholders' Surplus of Previous Year End (Line 69 above divided by Page 4, Line 21, Col.1 x 100.0) 2.4 4.4 3.1 0.3 4.5 Two Year Loss Development (000 omitted) 71. Development in Estimated Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred 2 years before the current year and prior year (Schedule P, Part 2 - Summary, Line 12, Col. 12) 11,817 10,323 4,009 11,678 (5,057) 72. Percent of Development of Loss and Loss Expenses Incurred to Reported Policyholders' Surplus of Second Previous Year End (Line 71 above divided by Page 4, Line 21 , Col. 2 x 100.0) 6.3 4.8 1.8 5.1 (2.2) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 [GRAPHIC] ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0398 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Consolidated - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 4 Gross Premiums, Including Policy and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken ------------------------------------ Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 2,749,964 2,234,299 515,665 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 2,749,964 2,234,299 515,665 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DURING THE YEAR YEAR 2002 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 9 Direct Defense Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost and Cost Paid Containment Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expenses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid Incurred - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Company Code 27545 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 11 12 Direct Defense and Cost Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense and Brokerage Licenses Line of Business Unpaid Expenses and Fees - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 97,630 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 97,630 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . -------------- 24.GT ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE A VERIFICATION BETWEEN YEARS NONE 1. Book/adjusted carrying value, December 31, prior year (prior year statement) 2. Increase (decrease) by adjustment: 2.1 Totals, Part 1, Column 10 2.2 Totals, Part 3, Column 7 3. Cost of acquired, (Totals, Part 2, Column 6, net of encumbrance Common 7) and set conditions and permanent improvements (Column 9) 4. Cost of additions and permanent improvements: 4.1 Totals, Part 1, Column 13 4.2 Totals, Part 3, Column 9 5. Total profit (loss) on sales, Part 3, Column 14 6. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment: 6.1 Totals, Part 1, Column 11 6.2 Totals, Part 3, Column 8 7. Amounts received on sales, Part 3, Column 11 and Part 1, Column 12 8. Book/adjusted carrying value at end of current period 9. Total valuation allowance 10. Subtotal (Lines 8 plus 9) 11. Total nonadmitted amounts 12. Statement value, current period (Page 2, real estate lines, current period) SCHEDULE B VERIFICATION BETWEEN YEARS NONE 1. Book value/recorded investment excluding accrued interest of mortgages owned, December 31 of prior year 2. Amount loaned during year: 2.1 Actual cost at time of acquisitions 2.2 Additional investment made after acquisitions 3. Accrual of discount and mortgage interest points and commitment fees 4. Increase (decrease) by adjustment 5. Total profit (loss) on sale 6. Amounts paid on account or in full during the year 7. Amortization of premium 8. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment 9. Book value/recorded investment excluding accrued interest on mortgages owned at end of current period 10. Total valuation allowance 11. Subtotal (Lines 9 plus 10) 12. Total nonadmitted amounts 13. Statement value of mortgages owned at end of current period SCHEDULE BA VERIFICATION BETWEEN YEARS 1. Book/adjusted carrying value of long-term invested assets owned, December 31 of prior year 2. Cost of acquisitions during year: 2.1 Actual cost at time of acquisitions 13,132,404 2.2 Additional investment made after acquisitions 13,132,404 3. Accrual of discount 4. Increase (decrease) by adjustment 5. Total profit (loss) on sale 6. Amounts paid on account or in full during the year 7. Amortization of premium 8. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment 9. Book/adjusted carrying value of long-term invested assets at end of current period 13,132,404 10. Total valuation allowance 11. Subtotal (Lines 9 plus 10) 13,132,404 12. Total nonadmitted amounts 13. Statement value of long-term invested assets at end of current period 13,132,404 25 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - SUMMARY BY COUNTRY Long-Term Bonds and Stocks OWNED December 31 of Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Book/Adjusted Description Carrying Value Fair Value (a) Actual Cost - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS 1. United States 83,050,056 83,858,951 83,219,634 Governments 2. Canada 498,008 534,015 497,905 (Including all obligations guaranteed 3. Other Countries by governments) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals 83,548,064 84,392,966 83,717,539 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- States, Territories and Possessions 5. United States 196,608,427 209,681,010 196,920,912 (Direct and guaranteed) 6. Canada 7. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Totals 196,608,427 209,681,010 196,920,912 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Political Subdivisions of States, 9. United States 90,603,194 99,511,552 90,172,851 Territories and Possessions 10. Canada (Direct and guaranteed) 11. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals 90,603,194 99,511,552 90,172,851 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special revenue and special assessment obligations and all non-guaranteed 13. United States 432,189,184 457,760,478 431,237,569 obligations of agencies and authorities of 14. Canada governments and their political subdivisions 15. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. Totals 432,189,184 457,760,478 431,237,569 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Utilities (unaffiliated) 17. United States 18. Canada 19. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Industrial and Miscellaneous and Credit Tenant 21. United States 101,479,484 104,716,966 76,514,544 Loans (unaffiliated) 22. Canada 23. Other Countries 1,290,241 1,328,223 1,290,236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24. Totals 102,769,725 106,045,189 77,804,780 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 25. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26. Total Bonds 905,718,594 957,391,195 879,853,651 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCKS 27. United States Public Utilities (unaffiliated) 28. Canada 29. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banks, Trust and Insurance Companies 31. United States (unaffiliated) 32. Canada 33. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Industrial and Miscellaneous (unaffiliated) 35. United States 36. Canada 37. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 39. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40. Total Preferred Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS 41. United States Public Utilities (unaffiliated) 42. Canada 43. Other Countries - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banks, Trust and Insurance Companies 45. United States (unaffiliated) 46. Canada 47. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Industrial and Miscellaneous (unaffiliated) 49. United States 50. Canada 51. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 53. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54. Total Common Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55. Total Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56. Total Bonds and Stocks 905,718,594 957,391,195 879,853,651 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Description Par Value of Bonds - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS 1. United States 78,141,544 Governments 2. Canada 500,000 (Including all obligations guaranteed 3. Other Countries by governments) ----------------------------------------------- 4. Totals 78,641,544 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- States, Territories and Possessions 5. United States 203,875,000 (Direct and guaranteed) 6. Canada 7. Other Countries ----------------------------------------------- 8. Totals 203,875,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Political Subdivisions of States, 9. United States 92,975,000 Territories and Possessions 10. Canada (Direct and guaranteed) 11. Other Countries ----------------------------------------------- 12. Totals 92,975,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special revenue and special assessment obligations and all non-guaranteed 13. United States 447,695,000 obligations of agencies and authorities of 14. Canada governments and their political subdivisions 15. Other Countries ----------------------------------------------- 16. Totals 447,695,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Utilities (unaffiliated) 17. United States 18. Canada 19. Other Countries ----------------------------------------------- 20. Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Industrial and Miscellaneous and Credit Tenant 21. United States 142,132,276 Loans (unaffiliated) 22. Canada 23. Other Countries 1,195,000 ----------------------------------------------- 24. Totals 143,327,276 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 25. Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26. Total Bonds 966,513,820 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCKS 27. United States Public Utilities (unaffiliated) 28. Canada 29. Other Countries -------------------------- 30. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banks, Trust and Insurance Companies 31. United States (unaffiliated) 32. Canada 33. Other Countries -------------------------- 34. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Industrial and Miscellaneous (unaffiliated) 35. United States 36. Canada 37. Other Countries -------------------------- 38. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 39. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40. Total Preferred Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS 41. United States Public Utilities (unaffiliated) 42. Canada 43. Other Countries - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banks, Trust and Insurance Companies 45. United States (unaffiliated) 46. Canada 47. Other Countries -------------------------- 48. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Industrial and Miscellaneous (unaffiliated) 49. United States 50. Canada 51. Other Countries -------------------------- 52. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 53. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54. Total Common Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55. Total Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56. Total Bonds and Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) The aggregate value of bonds which are valued at other than actual fair is $ 74,153,429. SCHEDULE D - VERIFICATION BETWEEN YEARS 1. Book/adjusted carrying value of bonds and stocks, prior year 802,887,423 2. Cost of bonds and stocks acquired, Column 6, Part 3 498,837,268 3. Increase (decrease) by adjustment: 3.1 Column 16, Part 1 5,977,823 3.2 Column 12, Part 2, Sec. 1 3.3 Column 10, Part 2, Sec. 2 3.4 Column 10, Part 4 71,703 6,049,526 4. Total gain (loss), Col. 14, Part 4 6,138,200 5. Deduct consideration for bonds and stocks disposed of Column 6, Part 4 408,193,823 6. Foreign Exchange Adjustment: 6.1 Column 17, Part 1 6.2 Column 13, Part 2, Sec. 1 6.3 Column 11, Part 2, Sec. 2 6.4 Column 11, Part 4 7. Book/adjusted carrying value at end of current period 905,718,594 8. Total valuation allowance 9. Subtotal (Lines 7 plus 8) 905,718,594 10. Total nonadmitted amounts 11. Statement value of bonds and stocks, current period 905,718,594 26 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 1 Quality and Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Types of Issues and NAIC Designations - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 Over 1 Year Through Over 5 Years Through Over 10 Years Quality Rating per the NAIC Designation 1 Year or Less 5 Years 10 Years Through 20 Years - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.1 Class 1 2,043,058 9,476,011 14,534,178 8,944,425 1.2 Class 2 1.3 Class 3 1.4 Class 4 1.5 Class 5 1.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.7 Totals 2,043,058 9,476,011 14,534,178 8,944,425 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.1 Class 1 498,008 2.2 Class 2 2.3 Class 3 2.4 Class 4 2.5 Class 5 2.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.7 Totals 498,008 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. States, Territories and Possessions etc., Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1 Class 1 8,318,512 23,493,716 97,303,285 49,495,920 3.2 Class 2 3.3 Class 3 3.4 Class 4 3.5 Class 5 3.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.7 Totals 8,318,512 23,493,716 97,303,285 49,495,920 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.1 Class 1 2,700,000 12,817,010 31,562,954 18,690,020 4.2 Class 2 2,797,762 4.3 Class 3 4.4 Class 4 4.5 Class 5 4.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.7 Totals 2,700,000 12,817,010 31,562,954 21,487,782 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.1 Class 1 3,998,705 20,783,568 134,552,519 129,821,977 5.2 Class 2 1,518,475 5.3 Class 3 5.4 Class 4 5.5 Class 5 5.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.7 Totals 3,998,705 20,783,568 136,070,994 129,821,977 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 9 Col. 6 as a Total from Col. 6 % From Col. 7 Quality Rating per the NAIC Designation Over 20 Years Total Current Year % of Line 10.7 Prior Year Prior Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Class 1 49,579,444 84,577,116 9.1 60,449,810 7.5 1.2 Class 2 1.3 Class 3 1.4 Class 4 1.5 Class 5 1.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals 49,579,444 84,577,116 9.1 60,449,810 7.5 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Class 1 498,008 0.1 2.2 Class 2 2.3 Class 3 2.4 Class 4 2.5 Class 5 2.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals 498,008 0.1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories and Possessions etc., Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Class 1 17,996,995 196,608,428 21.3 116,093,405 14.3 3.2 Class 2 3.3 Class 3 3.4 Class 4 3.5 Class 5 3.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 17,996,995 196,608,428 21.3 116,093,405 14.3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Class 1 22,035,448 87,805,432 9.5 97,070,566 12.0 4.2 Class 2 2,797,762 0.3 4.3 Class 3 4.4 Class 4 4.5 Class 5 4.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 22,035,448 90,603,194 9.8 97,070,566 12.0 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Class 1 141,513,940 430,670,709 46.6 415,951,612 51.4 5.2 Class 2 1,518,475 0.2 3,790,733 0.5 5.3 Class 3 5.4 Class 4 5.5 Class 5 5.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 141,513,940 432,189,184 46.8 419,742,345 51.9 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 11 Total Publicly Total Privately Placed Quality Rating per the NAIC Designation Traded (a) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Class 1 84,577,116 1.2 Class 2 1.3 Class 3 1.4 Class 4 1.5 Class 5 1.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals 84,577,116 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Class 1 498,008 2.2 Class 2 2.3 Class 3 2.4 Class 4 2.5 Class 5 2.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals 498,008 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories and Possessions etc., Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Class 1 196,608,427 3.2 Class 2 3.3 Class 3 3.4 Class 4 3.5 Class 5 3.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 196,608,427 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Class 1 87,805,432 4.2 Class 2 2,797,762 4.3 Class 3 4.4 Class 4 4.5 Class 5 4.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 90,603,194 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Class 1 430,670,709 5.2 Class 2 1,518,475 5.3 Class 3 5.4 Class 4 5.5 Class 5 5.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 432,189,184 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 1 (continued) Quality and Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Types of Issues and NAIC Designations - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 Over 1 Year Through Over 5 Years Through Over 10 Years Quality Rating per the NAIC Designation 1 Year or Less 5 Years 10 Years Through 20 Years - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.1 Class 1 6.2 Class 2 6.3 Class 3 6.4 Class 4 6.5 Class 5 6.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.1 Class 1 17,098,837 11,372,506 19,886,364 8,594,470 7.2 Class 2 1,268,286 15,897,206 25,044,509 15,857,939 7.3 Class 3 7.4 Class 4 7.5 Class 5 7.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.7 Totals 18,367,123 27,269,712 44,930,873 24,452,409 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8.1 Class 1 8.2 Class 2 8.3 Class 3 8.4 Class 4 8.5 Class 5 8.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.1 Class 1 9.2 Class 2 9.3 Class 3 9.4 Class 4 9.5 Class 5 9.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 9 Col. 6 as a Total from Col. 6 % From Col. 7 Quality Rating per the NAIC Designation Over 20 Years Total Current Year % of Line 10.7 Prior Year Prior Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Class 1 6.2 Class 2 395,262 0.0 6.3 Class 3 6.4 Class 4 6.5 Class 5 6.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.7 Totals 395,262 0.0 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 Class 1 3,507,709 60,459,886 6.5 99,538,336 12.3 7.2 Class 2 1,438,785 59,506,725 6.4 15,733,221 1.9 7.3 Class 3 7.4 Class 4 7.5 Class 5 7.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.7 Totals 4,946,494 119,966,611 13.0 115,271,557 14.2 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1 Class 1 8.2 Class 2 8.3 Class 3 8.4 Class 4 8.5 Class 5 8.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.1 Class 1 9.2 Class 2 9.3 Class 3 9.4 Class 4 9.5 Class 5 9.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 11 Total Publicly Total Privately Placed Quality Rating per the NAIC Designation Traded (a) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Class 1 6.2 Class 2 6.3 Class 3 6.4 Class 4 6.5 Class 5 6.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------- 6.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 Class 1 39,679,168 20,780,717 7.2 Class 2 6,881,245 52,625,481 7.3 Class 3 7.4 Class 4 7.5 Class 5 7.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------- 7.7 Totals 46,560,413 73,406,198 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1 Class 1 8.2 Class 2 8.3 Class 3 8.4 Class 4 8.5 Class 5 8.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------- 8.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.1 Class 1 9.2 Class 2 9.3 Class 3 9.4 Class 4 9.5 Class 5 9.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------- 9.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 1 (continued) Quality and Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Types of Issues and NAIC Designations - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Over 1 Year Through Over 5 Years Through Quality Rating per the NAIC Designation 1 Year or Less 5 Years 10 Years - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.1 Class 1 34,159,112 77,942,811 298,337,308 10.2 Class 2 1,268,286 15,897,206 26,562,984 10.3 Class 3 10.4 Class 4 10.5 Class 5 10.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------- 10.7 Totals 35,427,398 93,840,017 324,900,292 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 3.8 10.2 35.1 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.1 Class 1 14,838,403 134,254,449 129,456,386 11.2 Class 2 3,871,843 10,544,709 11.3 Class 3 11.4 Class 4 11.5 Class 5 11.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------- 11.7 Totals 14,838,403 138,126,292 140,001,095 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 1.8 17.1 17.3 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.1 Class 1 34,105,640 73,577,411 290,371,038 12.2 Class 2 151,522 3,778,169 2,843,075 12.3 Class 3 12.4 Class 4 12.5 Class 5 12.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 34,257,162 77,355,580 293,214,113 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 4.0 9.1 34.5 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 3.7 8.4 31.7 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.1 Class 1 53,472 4,365,400 7,966,270 13.2 Class 2 1,116,765 12,119,037 23,719,910 13.3 Class 3 13.4 Class 4 13.5 Class 5 13.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------- 13.7 Totals 1,170,237 16,484,437 31,686,180 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 1.6 22.5 43.2 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 0.1 1.8 3.4 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5 6 7 Over 10 Years Col. 6 as Quality Rating per the NAIC Designation Through 20 Years Over 20 Years Total Current Year a % of Line 10.7 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year - --------------------------------------- 10.1 Class 1 215,546,812 234,633,536 860,619,579 93.1 10.2 Class 2 18,655,701 1,438,785 63,822,962 6.9 10.3 Class 3 10.4 Class 4 10.5 Class 5 /(c)/ 10.6 Class 6 /(c)/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10.7 Totals 234,202,513 236,072,321/(b)/ 924,442,541 100.0 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 25.3 25.5 100.0 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - --------------------------------------- 11.1 Class 1 235,652,079 274,902,412 XXX XXX 11.2 Class 2 1,263,727 4,238,937 XXX XXX 11.3 Class 3 XXX XXX 11.4 Class 4 XXX XXX 11.5 Class 5 XXX XXX/(c) 11.6 Class 6 XXX XXX/(c)/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11.7 Totals 236,915,806 279,141,349 XXX XXX/(b)/ 11.8 Line 11. 7 as a % of Col. 8 29.3 34.5 XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - --------------------------------------- 12.1 Class 1 207,151,236 234,633,536 839,838,861 90.8 12.2 Class 2 2,985,931 1,438,785 11,197,482 1.2 12.3 Class 3 12.4 Class 4 12.5 Class 5 12.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12.7 Totals 210,137,167 236,072,321 851,036,343 92.1 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 24.7 27.7 100.0 XXX 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 22.7 25.5 92.1 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - --------------------------------------- 13.1 Class 1 8,395,576 20,780,718 2.2 13.2 Class 2 15,669,770 52,625,482 5.7 13.3 Class 3 13.4 Class 4 13.5 Class 5 13.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13.7 Totals 24,065,346 73,406,200 7.9 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 32.8 100.0 XXX 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 2.6 7.9 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 9 10 11 Total from Col. 6 % From Col. 7 Total Publicly Total Privately Placed Quality Rating per the NAIC Designation Prior Year Prior Year Traded (a) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year - --------------------------------------- 10.1 Class 1 XXX XXX 839,838,860 20,780,717 10.2 Class 2 XXX XXX 11,197,482 52,625,481 10.3 Class 3 XXX XXX 10.4 Class 4 XXX XXX 10.5 Class 5 XXX XXX 10.6 Class 6 XXX XXX --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.7 Totals XXX XXX 851,036,342 73,406,198 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX XXX 92.1 7.9 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - --------------------------------------- 11.1 Class 1 789,103,729 97.5 724,349,261 64,754,464 11.2 Class 2 19,919,216 2.5 15,442,986 4,476,231 11.3 Class 3 11.4 Class 4 11.5 Class 5 11.6 Class 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.7 Totals 809,022,945 100.0 739,792,247 69,230,695 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 100.0 XXX 91.4 8.6 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - --------------------------------------- 12.1 Class 1 724,349,261 89.5 839,838,861 XXX 12.2 Class 2 15,442,986 1.9 11,197,482 XXX 12.3 Class 3 XXX 12.4 Class 4 XXX 12.5 Class 5 XXX 12.6 Class 6 XXX --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 739,792,247 91.4 851,036,343 XXX 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX XXX 100.0 XXX 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 XXX XXX 92.1 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - --------------------------------------- 13.1 Class 1 64,754,465 8.0 XXX 20,780,718 13.2 Class 2 4,476,231 0.6 XXX 52,625,482 13.3 Class 3 XXX 13.4 Class 4 XXX 13.5 Class 5 XXX 13.6 Class 6 XXX --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.7 Totals 69,230,696 8.6 XXX 73,406,200 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX XXX XXX 100.0 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 XXX XXX XXX 7.9 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /(a)/ Includes $782,459 freely tradable under SEC Rule 144 or qualified for resale under SEC Rule 144A. /(b)/ Includes $ 97,650,154 current year, $ 396,336,597 prior year of bonds with Z designations and $ , current year, $ prior year of ---------- ----------- bonds with Z* designations. The letter "Z" means the NAIC designation was not assigned by the Securities Valuation Office (SVO) at the date of the statement. "Z*" means the SVO could not evaluate the obligation because valuation procedures for the security class is under regulatory review. /(c)/ Includes $ current year, $ prior year of bonds with ----------- ----------- 5* designations and $ , current year, $ prior year of ----------- ----------- bonds with 6* designations. "5*" means the NAIC designation was assigned by the SVO in reliance on the insurer's certification that the issuer is current in all principal and interest payments. "6*" means the NAIC designation was assigned by the SVO due to inadequate certification of principal and interest payments. 29 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 2 Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Type and Subtype of Issues - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Over 1 Year Over 5 Years Distribution by Type 1 Year or Less Through 5 Years Through 10 Years - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) 1.1 Issuer Obligations 2,043,058 9,476,011 12,774,200 1.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 1,759,978 --------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals 2,043,058 9,476,011 14,534,178 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) 2.1 Issuer Obligations 498,008 2.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 2.3 Defined 2.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 2.5 Defined 2.6 Other --------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals 498,008 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. States, Territories, and Possessions Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) 3.1 Issuer Obligations 8,318,512 23,493,716 97,303,285 3.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 3.3 Defined 3.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 3.5 Defined 3.6 Other --------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 8,318,512 23,493,716 97,303,285 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) 4.1 Issuer Obligations 2,700,000 12,817,010 31,562,954 4.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 4.3 Defined 4.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 4.5 Defined 4.6 Other --------------------------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 2,700,000 12,817,010 31,562,954 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligation etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) 5.1 Issuer Obligations 3,998,705 20,783,568 136,070,994 5.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 5.3 Defined 5.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 5.5 Defined 5.6 Other --------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 3,998,705 20,783,568 136,070,994 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5 6 Over 10 Years Distribution by Type Through 20 Years Over 20 Years Total Current Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) 1.1 Issuer Obligations 11,042,710 35,335,979 1.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 8,944,425 38,536,734 49,241,137 ----------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals 8,944,425 49,579,444 84,577,116 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) 2.1 Issuer Obligations 498,008 2.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 2.3 Defined 2.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 2.5 Defined 2.6 Other ----------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals 498,008 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories, and Possessions Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) 3.1 Issuer Obligations 49,495,920 17,996,995 196,608,428 3.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 3.3 Defined 3.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 3.5 Defined 3.6 Other ----------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 49,495,920 17,996,995 196,608,428 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) 4.1 Issuer Obligations 21,487,782 22,035,448 90,603,194 4.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 4.3 Defined 4.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 4.5 Defined 4.6 Other ----------------------------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 21,487,782 22,035,448 90,603,194 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligation etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) 5.1 Issuer Obligations 129,821,977 141,513,940 432,189,184 5.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 5.3 Defined 5.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 5.5 Defined 5.6 Other ----------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 129,821,977 141,513,940 432,189,184 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 8 9 Col. 6 as Total from Col 6 % From Col. 7 Distribution by Type a % of Line 10.7 Prior Year Prior Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) 1.1 Issuer Obligations 3.8 60,449,810 7.5 1.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 5.3 ------------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals 9.1 60,449,810 7.5 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) 2.1 Issuer Obligations 0.1 2.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 2.3 Defined 2.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 2.5 Defined 2.6 Other ------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals 0.1 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories, and Possessions Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) 3.1 Issuer Obligations 21.3 116,093,405 14.3 3.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 3.3 Defined 3.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 3.5 Defined 3.6 Other ------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 21.3 116,093,405 14.3 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) 4.1 Issuer Obligations 9.8 97,070,566 12.0 4.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 4.3 Defined 4.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 4.5 Defined 4.6 Other ------------------------------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 9.8 97,070,566 12.0 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligation etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) 5.1 Issuer Obligations 46.8 393,979,465 48.7 5.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 25,762,879 3.2 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 5.3 Defined 5.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 5.5 Defined 5.6 Other ------------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 46.8 419,742,344 51.9 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 11 Total Publicly Total Privately Distribution by Type Traded Placed - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) 1.1 Issuer Obligations 35,335,979 1.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 49,241,137 -------------------------------- 1.7 Totals 84,577,116 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) 2.1 Issuer Obligations 498,008 2.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 2.3 Defined 2.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 2.5 Defined 2.6 Other -------------------------------- 2.7 Totals 498,008 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories, and Possessions Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) 3.1 Issuer Obligations 196,608,427 3.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 3.3 Defined 3.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 3.5 Defined 3.6 Other -------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 196,608,427 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) 4.1 Issuer Obligations 90,603,194 4.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 4.3 Defined 4.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 4.5 Defined 4.6 Other -------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 90,603,194 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligation etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) 5.1 Issuer Obligations 432,189,184 5.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 5.3 Defined 5.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 5.5 Defined 5.6 Other -------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 432,189,184 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 2 (continued) Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Type and Subtype of Issues - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Over 1 Year Over 5 Years Over 10 Years Distribution by Type 1 Year or Less Through 5 Years Through 10 Years Through 20 Years - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) 6.1 Issuer Obligations 6.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 6.3 Defined 6.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 6.5 Defined 6.6 Other ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) 7.1 Issuer Obligations 18,367,123 21,113,517 42,327,433 24,052,387 7.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities 1,060,000 482,647 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 7.3 Defined 7.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE - BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 7.5 Defined 4,398,344 2,120,792 400,023 7.6 Other 697,851 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.7 Totals 18,367,123 27,269,712 44,930,872 24,452,410 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) 8.1 Issuer Obligations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parents, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) 9.1 Issuer Obligations 9.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 9.3 Defined 9.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 9.5 Defined 9.6 Other ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Col. 6 as a % Total from Col. 6 Distribution by Type Over 20 Years Total Current Year of Line 10.7 Prior Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) 395,262 6.1 Issuer Obligations 6.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 6.3 Defined 6.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 6.5 Defined 6.6 Other ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.7 Totals 395,262 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) 7.1 Issuer Obligations 3,330,127 109,190,587 11.8 97,394,199 7.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities 1,542,647 0.2 9,531,301 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 7.3 Defined 7.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE - BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 7.5 Defined 1,566,068 8,485,227 0.9 249,930 7.6 Other 50,300 748,151 0.1 8,096,128 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.7 Totals 4,946,495 119,966,612 13.0 115,271,558 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) 8.1 Issuer Obligations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parents, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) 9.1 Issuer Obligations 9.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 9.3 Defined 9.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 9.5 Defined 9.6 Other ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 % From Col. 7 Total Publicly Total Privately Distribution by Type Prior Year Traded Placed - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) 0.0 6.1 Issuer Obligations 6.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 6.3 Defined 6.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 6.5 Defined 6.6 Other ------------------------------------------------ 6.7 Totals 0.0 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) 7.1 Issuer Obligations 12.0 36,184,411 73,006,175 7.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities 1.2 1,542,647 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 7.3 Defined 7.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE - BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 7.5 Defined 0.0 8,085,204 400,023 7.6 Other 1.0 748,151 ------------------------------------------------ 7.7 Totals 14.2 46,560,413 73,406,198 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) 8.1 Issuer Obligations ------------------------------------------------ 8.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parents, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) 9.1 Issuer Obligations 9.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 9.3 Defined 9.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 9.5 Defined 9.6 Other ------------------------------------------------ 9.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 A - SECTION 2 (continued) Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Type and Subtype of Issues - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Over 1 Year Over 5 Years Over 10 Years Distribution by Type 1 Year or Less Through 5 Years Through 10 Years Through 20 Years - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year 10.1 Issuer Obligations 35,427,398 87,683,822 320,536,874 224,858,066 10.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Bonds 1,060,000 2,242,625 8,944,425 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 10.3 Defined 10.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 10.5 Defined 4,398,344 2,120,792 400,023 10.6 Other 697,851 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.7 Totals 35,427,398 93,840,017 324,900,291 234,202,514 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 3.8 10.2 35.1 25.3 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year 11.1 Issuer Obligations 11,360,196 113,349,782 134,264,555 235,697,895 11.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Bonds 3,478,207 16,680,382 5,486,611 1,217,911 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 11.3 Defined 11.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 11.5 Defined 249,930 11.6 Other 8,096,128 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.7 Totals 14,838,403 138,126,292 140,001,096 236,915,806 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 1.8 17.1 17.3 29.3 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds 12.1 Issuer Obligations 34,257,161 71,199,386 288,850,694 201,192,742 12.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Bonds 1,060,000 2,242,626 8,944,425 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 12.3 Defined 12.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 12.5 Defined 4,398,344 2,120,792 12.6 Other 697,851 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 34,257,161 77,355,581 293,214,112 210,137,167 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 4.0 9.1 34.5 24.7 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 3.7 8.4 31.7 22.7 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds 13.1 Issuer Obligations 1,170,237 16,484,436 31,686,180 23,665,323 13.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Bonds MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 13.3 Defined 13.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 13.5 Defined 400,023 13.6 Other ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.7 Totals 1,170,237 16,484,436 31,686,180 24,065,346 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 1.6 22.5 43.2 32.8 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 0.1 1.8 3.4 2.6 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Col. 6 as a % Total from Col. 6 Distribution by Type Over 20 Years Total Current Year of Line 10.7 Prior Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year 10.1 Issuer Obligations 195,919,220 864,425,380 93.5 XXX 10.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Bonds 38,536,734 50,783,784 5.5 XXX MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 10.3 Defined XXX 10.4 Other XXX MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 10.5 Defined 1,566,068 8,485,227 0.9 XXX 10.6 Other 50,300 748,151 0.1 XXX ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.7 Totals 236,072,322 924,442,542 100.0 XXX 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 25.5 100.0 XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year 11.1 Issuer Obligations 270,710,279 XXX XXX 765,382,707 11.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Bonds 8,431,069 XXX XXX 35,294,180 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 11.3 Defined XXX XXX 11.4 Other XXX XXX MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 11.5 Defined XXX XXX 249,930 11.6 Other XXX XXX 8,096,128 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.7 Totals 279,141,348 XXX XXX 809,022,945 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 34.5 XXX XXX 100.0 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds 12.1 Issuer Obligations 195,919,219 791,419,202 85.6 696,152,009 12.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Bonds 38,536,734 50,783,785 5.5 35,294,180 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 12.3 Defined 12.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 12.5 Defined 1,566,068 8,085,204 0.9 249,930 12.6 Other 50,300 748,151 0.1 8,096,128 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 236,072,321 851,036,342 92.1 739,792,247 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 27.7 100.0 XXX XXX 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 25.5 92.1 XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds 13.1 Issuer Obligations 73,006,176 7.9 69,230,695 13.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Bonds MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 13.3 Defined 13.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 13.5 Defined 400,023 0.0 13.6 Other ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.7 Totals 73,406,199 7.9 69,230,695 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 100.0 XXX XXX 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 7.9 XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 % From Col. 7 Total Publicly Total Privately Distribution by Type Prior Year Traded Placed - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year 10.1 Issuer Obligations XXX 791,419,203 73,006,175 10.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Bonds XXX 50,783,784 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 10.3 Defined XXX 10.4 Other XXX MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 10.5 Defined XXX 8,085,204 400,023 10.6 Other XXX 748,151 ------------------------------------------------ 10.7 Totals XXX 851,036,342 73,406,198 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX 92.1 7.9 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year 11.1 Issuer Obligations 94.6 696,152,008 69,230,695 11.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Bonds 4.4 35,294,181 MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 11.3 Defined 11.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 11.5 Defined 0.0 249,930 11.6 Other 1.0 8,096,128 ------------------------------------------------ 11.7 Totals 100.0 739,792,247 69,230,695 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 XXX 91.4 8.6 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds 12.1 Issuer Obligations 86.0 791,419,202 XXX 12.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Bonds 4.4 50,783,785 XXX MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 12.3 Defined XXX 12.4 Other XXX MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 12.5 Defined 0.0 8,085,204 XXX 12.6 Other 1.0 748,151 XXX ------------------------------------------------ 12.7 Totals 91.4 851,036,342 XXX 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX 100.0 XXX 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 XXX 92.1 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds 13.1 Issuer Obligations 8.6 XXX 73,006,176 13.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Bonds XXX MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED SECURITIES 13.3 Defined XXX 13.4 Other XXX MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE- BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 13.5 Defined XXX 400,023 13.6 Other XXX ------------------------------------------------ 13.7 Totals 8.6 XXX 73,406,199 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX XXX 100.0 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 XXX XXX 7.9 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE DA-PART 2 Verification of SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS Between Years - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Total Bonds Mortgage Loans - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Book/adjusted carrying value, prior year 6,135,520 6,135,520 2. Cost of short-term investments acquired 444,518,610 444,518,610 3. Increase (decrease) by adjustment 41,008 41,008 4. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment 5. Total profit (loss) on disposal of short-term investments 558 558 6. Consideration received on disposal of short-term investments 431,971,750 431,971,750 7. Book/adjusted carrying value, current year 18,723,946 18,723,946 8. Total valuation allowance 9. Subtotal (Lines 7 plus 8) 18,723,946 18,723,946 10. Total nonadmitted amounts 11. Statement value (Lines 9 minus 10) 18,723,946 18,723,946 12. Income collected during year 817,712 817,712 13. Income earned during year 674,010 674,010 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5 Other Short-term Investments in Parent, Investment Assets(a) Subsidiaries and Affiliates - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Book/adjusted carrying value, prior year 2. Cost of short-term investments acquired 3. Increase (decrease) by adjustment 4. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment 5. Total profit (loss) on disposal of short-term investments 6. Consideration received on disposal of short-term investments 7. Book/adjusted carrying value, current year 8. Total valuation allowance 9. Subtotal (Lines 7 plus 8) 10. Total nonadmitted amounts 11. Statement value (Lines 9 minus 10) 12. Income collected during year 13. Income earned during year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Indicate the category of such assets, for example, joint ventures, transportation equipment: 33 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule DB - Part A - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part B - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part C - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part D - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part E - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part F - Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part F - Section 2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34, 35, 36, 37 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 1 Assumed Reinsurance as of December 31, Current Year (000 Omitted) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 Federal NAIC ID Company Domiciliary Assumed Number Code Name of Reinsured Jurisdiction Premium - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22-2712977 36250 Radian Asset Assur Inc. NY 16,240 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0299999 - Total - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 16,240 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AA-3190428 00000 EXPORTERS INS CO LTD BM - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0399999 - Total - Affiliates - Other (Non-U.S.) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0499999 - Total - Affiliates 16,240 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 39-1135174 18708 Ambac Assur Corp WI 13,881 13-2710717 12815 Financial Guaranty Ins Co NY 4,265 13-3250292 18287 Financial Security Assur Inc NY 26,145 43-0899449 12041 MBIA Ins Corp NY 25,912 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 4,269 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0599999 - Total - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 74,472 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0699998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0799998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AA-5760019 00000 ASIA LTD SU 21 AA-1370002 00000 NAMUR RE LU 4,613 AA-1784107 00000 NCM REINS LTD IE 7,281 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0999998 - Other Non-U.S Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 6,335 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0999999 - Total - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 18,250 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Totals 108,962 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Reinsurance On 9 --------------------------------------------- 6 7 8 Federal NAIC Paid Losses and Contingent ID Company Loss Adjustment Known Case Commissions Number Code Name of Reinsured Expenses Losses and LAE Cols. 6 +7 Payable - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22-2712977 36250 Radian Asset Assur Inc. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0299999 - Total - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AA-3190428 00000 EXPORTERS INS CO LTD - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0399999 - Total - Affiliates - Other (Non-U.S.) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0499999 - Total - Affiliates - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 39-1135174 18708 Ambac Assur Corp 539 539 263 13-2710717 12815 Financial Guaranty Ins Co 176 991 1,167 139 13-3250292 18287 Financial Security Assur Inc (10) 8,135 8,125 43-0899449 12041 MBIA Ins Corp 19,887 19,887 334 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0599999 - Total - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 166 29,552 29,718 735 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0699998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0799998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AA-5760019 00000 ASIA LTD (3,244) (3,244) AA-1370002 00000 NAMUR RE 578 374 952 AA-1784107 00000 NCM REINS LTD 518 859 1,377 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0999998 - Other Non-U.S Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0999999 - Total - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 1,096 (2,011) (915) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Totals 1,262 27,541 28,803 735 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 Funds Held By or Federal NAIC Assumed Deposited With ID Company Premiums Unearned Reinsured Letters of Credit Number Code Name of Reinsured Receivable Premium Companies Posted - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22-2712977 36250 Radian Asset Assur Inc. 880 18,794 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Total - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 880 18,794 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-3190428 00000 EXPORTERS INS CO LTD 81 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - Affiliates - Other (Non-U.S.) 81 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Affiliates 880 18,875 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39-1135174 18708 Ambac Assur Corp 19 78,645 13-2710717 12815 Financial Guaranty Ins Co 324 35,344 13-3250292 18287 Financial Security Assur Inc 1,362 101,482 43-0899449 12041 MBIA Ins Corp 20 115,271 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 382 17,162 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Total - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 2,107 347,904 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0699998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-5760019 00000 ASIA LTD AA-1370002 00000 NAMUR RE 930 1,629 524 AA-1784107 00000 NCM REINS LTD 1,110 2,304 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999998 - Other Non-U.S Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 4,917 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 2,040 8,850 524 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 5,027 375,629 524 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 14 Amount of Assets Pledged or Compensating Federal NAIC Balances to Secure ID Company Letters Number Code Name of Reinsured of Credit - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22-2712977 36250 Radian Asset Assur Inc. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Total - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-3190428 00000 EXPORTERS INS CO LTD - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - Affiliates - Other (Non-U.S.) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Affiliates - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39-1135174 18708 Ambac Assur Corp 13-2710717 12815 Financial Guaranty Ins Co 13-3250292 18287 Financial Security Assur Inc 43-0899449 12041 MBIA Ins Corp - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Total - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0699998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0799998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AA-5760019 00000 ASIA LTD AA-1370002 00000 NAMUR RE AA-1784107 00000 NCM REINS LTD - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999998 - Other Non-U.S Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE F-PART 2 Premium Portfolio Reinsurance Effected or (Canceled) during Current Year NONE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Federal NAIC ID Company Reinsurance Number Code Name of Company Date of Contract Original Premium Premium - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 3 Ceded Reinsurance as of December 31, Current Year (000 Omitted) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reinsurance Contracts Ceding 75% or More of Federal NAIC Direct Reinsurance ID Company Domiciliary Premiums Premiums Number Code Name of Reinsurer Jurisdiction Written Ceded - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22-2712977 36250 Radian Asset Assur Inc. NY 1,568 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0199999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling 1,568 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates 1,568 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13-5165865 20877 Capital Markets Assur Corp NY 13-3250292 18287 Financial Security Assur Inc. NY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers (Under $100,000) 8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0599999 - Authorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0899998 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0899999 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0999999 - Total - Authorized 1,576 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1499998 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers (Under $100,000) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799998 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized 1,576 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2099999 - Total - Protected Cells - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Totals 1,576 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Reinsurance Recoverable On --------------------------------------------------- 7 8 9 10 11 Federal NAIC Known Case Known Case ID Company Paid Paid Loss LAE IBNR LOSS Number Code Name of Reinsurer Losses LAE Reserves Reserves Reserves - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22-2712977 36250 Radian Asset Assur Inc. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13-5165865 20877 Capital Markets Assur Corp 13-3250292 18287 Financial Security Assur Inc. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers (Under $100,000) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Authorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899998 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Authorized - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499998 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers (Under $100,000) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799998 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2099999 - Total - Protected Cells - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Reinsurance Recoverable On -------------------------------------------- 12 13 14 15 Federal NAIC Contingent Cols. ID Company IBNR LAE Unearned Commis- 7 thru 14 Number Code Name of Reinsurer Reserves Premiums sions Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22-2712977 36250 Radian Asset Assur Inc. 4,963 4,963 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling 4,963 4,963 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates 4,963 4,963 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13-5165865 20877 Capital Markets Assur Corp 1,277 1,277 13-3250292 18287 Financial Security Assur Inc. 591 591 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers (Under $100,000) 4 4 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Authorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 1,872 1,872 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899998 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Authorized 6,835 6,835 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499998 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers (Under $100,000) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799998 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized 6,835 6,835 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2099999 - Total - Protected Cells - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 6,835 6,835 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Reinsurance Payable 18 19 --------------------- 16 17 Net Amount Recoverable Funds Held Other From By Company Federal NAIC Ceded Amounts Reinsurers Under ID Company Balances Due to Cols. 15 - Reinsurers Number Code Name of Reinsurer Payable Reinsurers [16 + 17] Treaties - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22-2712977 36250 Radian Asset Assur Inc. 4,963 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Intercompany Pooling 4,963 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates 4,963 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13-5165865 20877 Capital Markets Assur Corp 1,277 13-3250292 18287 Financial Security Assur Inc. 591 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers (Under $100,000) 7 (3) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 - Authorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers 7 1,865 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899998 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0899999 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0999999 - Total - Authorized 7 6,828 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1499998 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers (Under $100,000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799998 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized 7 6,828 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2099999 - Total - Protected Cells - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 7 6,828 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Report the five largest provisional commission rates included in the cedant's reinsurance treaties. The commission rate to be reported is by contract with ceded premium in excess of $50,000: 1 2 3 Name of Company Commission Rate Ceded Premium --------------- --------------- ------------- 1. Radian Asset Assur. Inc. 30.000 1,568 2. 3. 4. 5. 40 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule F - Part 4 NONE Schedule F - Part 5 NONE Schedule F - Part 6 NONE Schedule F - Part 7 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41, 42, 43, 44 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 8 Restatement of Balance Sheet to Identify Net Credit for Reinsurance - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 As Reported Restatement Restated (Net of Ceded) Adjustments (Gross of Ceded) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSETS (Page 2, Col. 3) 1. Cash and invested assets (Line 9) 941,475,765 941,475,765 2. Agents' balances or uncollected premiums (Line 10) 5,099,743 5,099,743 3. Funds held by or deposited with reinsured companies (Line 11) 524,201 524,201 4. Reinsurance recoverable on loss and loss adjustment expense payments (Line 14) 5. Other assets (Lines 12 and 13 and 15 through 25) 20,132,451 20,132,451 6. Net amount recoverable from reinsurers 6,828,946 6,828,946 --------------------------------------------- 7. Totals (Line 28) 967,232,159 6,828,946 974,061,105 --------------------------------------------- LIABILITIES (Page 3) 8. Losses and loss adjustment expenses (Lines 1 through 3) 30,507,683 30,507,683 9. Taxes, expenses, and other obligations (Lines 4 through 8) 11,055,831 11,055,831 10. Unearned premiums (Line 9) 369,309,560 6,835,528 376,145,088 11. Advance Premiums (Line 10) 12. Dividends declared and unpaid (Line 11.1 and 11.2) 13. Ceded reinsurance premiums payable (net of ceded commissions) (Line 12) 6,582 (6,582) 14. Funds held by company under reinsurance treaties (Line 13) 15. Amounts withheld or retained by company for account of others (Line 14) 16. Provision for reinsurance (Line 16) 17. Other liabilities (Lines 15 and 17 through 23) 284,216,822 284,216,822 --------------------------------------------- 18. Total liabilities (Line 26 minus Line 25) 695,096,478 6,828,946 701,925,424 --------------------------------------------- 19. Surplus as regards policyholders (Line 35) 272,135,681 XXX 272,135,681 --------------------------------------------- 20. Totals (Line 36) 967,232,159 6,828,946 974,061,105 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Is the restatement of this exhibit the result of grossing up balances ceded to affiliates under 100 percent reinsurance or pooling arrangements? Yes [ ] No [X] If yes, give full explanation: 45 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule H - Part 1 NONE Schedule H - Part 2 NONE Schedule H - Part 3 NONE Schedule H - Part 4 NONE Schedule H - Part 5 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46, 47, 48 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - ANALYSIS OF LOSSES AND LOSS EXPENSES SCHEDULE P - PART 1 - SUMMARY ($000 Omitted) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premiums Earned Loss and Loss Expense Payments Years in ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Which 1 2 3 Defense and Cost Premiums Loss Payments Containment Payments Were ----------------------------------------- Earned 4 5 6 7 and Losses Direct and Net Direct and Direct and Were Incurred Assumed Ceded (Cols. 1 - 2) Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Prior XXX XXX XXX 330 2. 1993 42,670 1,242 41,428 (1) 0 3. 1994 36,951 905 36,046 10,234 2,691 136 125 4. 1995 32,727 1,918 30,809 1,881 (188) 52 5. 1996 43,138 889 42,249 267 185 6. 1997 44,665 1,814 42,851 (884) 468 7. 1998 55,107 210 54,897 182 1 8. 1999 51,072 51,072 2,658 135 9. 2000 58,633 989 57,644 9,534 473 10. 2001 55,305 1,456 53,849 147 708 11. 2002 89,431 8,679 80,752 2,087 165 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals XXX XXX XXX 26,435 2,691 2,082 177 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loss and Loss Expense Payments 12 ---------------------------------------------- Years in Adjusting and 10 11 Which Other Payments Number of Premiums ------------------ Salvage Total Net Claims Were Earned 8 9 and Paid (Cols. Reported - and Losses Direct and Subrogation 4 - 5 + 6 - Direct and Were Incurred Assumed Ceded Received 7 + 8 - 9) Assumed - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 330 XXX 2. 1993 96 (1) XXX 3. 1994 725 7,554 XXX 4. 1995 (59) 1,641 XXX 5. 1996 378 452 XXX 6. 1997 4,275 (416) XXX 7. 1998 79 183 XXX 8. 1999 18 2,793 XXX 9. 2000 932 10,007 XXX 10. 2001 1,249 855 XXX 11. 2002 72 2,252 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals 7,765 25,649 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusting and Losses Unpaid Defense and Cost Containment Unpaid Other Unpaid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Case Basis Bulk + IBNR Case Basis Bulk + IBNR 21 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 722 0 2. (4) 3. (448) 4. (169) 5. 6. 19,338 47 7. (64) 8. 6,828 20 9. 3,825 19 10. 773 18 11. 3,609 1,601 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals 34,411 1,658 47 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------- 23 24 25 Total Net Number of Salvage Losses Claims and and Outstanding- Subrogation Expenses Direct Anticipated Unpaid and Assumed - -------------------------------------------------- 1. 722 XXX 2. 6 (4) XXX 3. 643 (448) XXX 4. 169 (169) XXX 5. XXX 6. 19,385 XXX 7. 64 (64) XXX 8. 6,848 XXX 9. 3,569 3,844 XXX 10. 20 792 XXX 11. 40 5,210 XXX - -------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals 4,512 36,116 XXX - -------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Loss and Loss Expense Percentage 34 Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred (Incurred/Premiums Earned) Nontabular Discount Inter- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Company 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Pooling Direct and Direct and Loss Participation Assumed Ceded Net Assumed Ceded Net Loss Expense Percentage - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 174 XXX 2. (5) (5) (0.0) (0.0) 3. 9,921 2,816 7,106 26.9 311.1 19.7 4. 1,524 52 1,472 4.7 2.7 4.8 5. 452 452 1.0 1.1 6. 18,969 18,969 42.5 44.3 6,671 7. 119 119 0.2 0.2 25 8. 9,642 9,642 18.9 18.9 9. 13,851 13,851 23.6 24.0 10. 1,646 1,646 3.0 3.1 11. 7,461 7,461 8.3 9.2 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 6,870 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------- Net Balance Sheet Reserves After Discount -------------------------- 35 36 Loss Losses Expenses Unpaid Unpaid - --------------------------------------- 1. 548 0 2. (4) 3. (448) 4. (169) 5. 6. 12,667 47 7. (89) 8. 6,848 9. 3,844 10. 792 11. 5,210 - --------------------------------------- 12. Totals 29,199 47 - --------------------------------------- Note: Parts 2 and 4 are gross of all discounting, including tabular discounting. Part 1 is gross of only nontabular discounting, which is reported in Columns 32 and 33 of Part 1. The tabular discount, if any, is reported in the Notes to Financial Statements which will reconcile Part 1 with Parts 2 and 4. 49 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 2 - SUMMARY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INCURRED NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) DEVELOPMENT Years in ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Losses Were One Two Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Year Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior 1,857 10,105 11,787 8,894 8,987 3,156 2,915 2,698 2,980 2,998 18 301 2. 1993 0 0 (3) (5) (2) (5) 3. 1994 XXX 5,284 4,154 7,378 7,631 7,397 7,510 7,436 7,084 7,106 22 (330) 4. 1995 XXX XXX 474 730 838 1,278 778 1,163 1,512 1,472 (40) 309 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 73 59 187 308 470 451 452 1 (18) 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 288 16,092 17,970 21,118 20,671 18,969 (1,702) (2,149) 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 938 170 173 196 119 (76) (54) 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2,561 5,903 9,645 9,642 (4) 3,739 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3,826 8,524 13,851 5,327 10,025 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 577 1,646 1,069 XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 7,461 XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Totals 4,614 11,817 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE P - PART 3 - SUMMARY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUMULATIVE PAID NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED 11 12 AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) Number of ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of Claims Years in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Claims Closed Which Closed with Without Losses Were Loss Loss Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Payment Payment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 000 (103) 165 5,440 5,635 2,082 2,122 2,728 1,946 2,276 XXX XXX 2. 1993 0 0 0 (1) XXX XXX 3. 1994 XXX 1,301 2,295 3,545 4,382 7,562 7,696 7,947 7,854 7,554 XXX XXX 4 1995 XXX XXX 9 143 215 1,116 1,031 1,653 1,699 1,641 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 128 308 424 451 452 XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 843 2,091 (74) (551) (416) XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 109 109 154 183 XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 30 1,306 2,238 2,793 XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 5 1,017 10,007 XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 125 855 XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2,252 XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4 - SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years in BULK AND IBNR RESERVES ON NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST Which CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) Losses -------------------------------------------------------------------- Were 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 32 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 73 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 73 73 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 20 19 19 20 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 15 16 19 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 17 18 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 1,601 50 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 1A - Home/Farm NONE Schedule P - Part 1B - Private Passenger NONE Schedule P - Part 1C - Comm Auto/Truck NONE Schedule P - Part 1D - Workers' Comp NONE Schedule P - Part 1E - Comm Multi Peril NONE Schedule P - Part 1F - Medical Mal Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 1F - Medical Mal Claim NONE Schedule P - Part 1G - Special Liability NONE Schedule P - Part 1H - Other Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 1H - Other Liab Claims NONE Schedule P - Part 1I - Special Property NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 1J - Auto Physical NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 1K - FIDELITY/SURETY ($000 Omitted) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years in Premiums Earned Loss and Loss Expense Payments Which ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premiums 1 2 3 Defense and Cost Adjusting and Other Were Loss Payments Containment Payments Payments Earned --------------------------------------------------------------- and Losses 4 5 6 7 8 9 Were Direct and Net Direct and Direct and Direct and Incurred Assumed Ceded (Cols. 1 - 2) Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX 2. 2001 871 871 3. 2002 284 284 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------- Years in Loss and Loss Expense Payments 12 Which ------------------------------ Premiums 10 11 Were Total Number of Earned Salvage Net Paid Claims and Losses and (Cols. 4 - 5 Reported - Were Subrogation + 6 - 7 Direct and Incurred Received + 8 - 9) Assumed - -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX 2. 2001 XXX 3. 2002 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals XXX - -------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusting and Other Losses Unpaid Defense and Cost Containment Unpaid Unpaid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case Basis Bulk + IBNR Case Basis Bulk + IBNR 21 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 2. 3. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------- 23 24 25 Total Number of Salvage Net Losses Claims and and Outstanding Subrogation Expenses Direct Anticipated Unpaid and Assumed - -------------------------------------------- 1. 2. 3. - -------------------------------------------- 4. - -------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Loss and Loss Expense Percentage Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred (Incurred/Premiums Earned) Nontabular Discount 34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inter- 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Company Pooling Direct and Direct and Loss Participation Assumed Ceded Net Assumed Ceded Net Loss Expense Percentage - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 3. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------- Net Balance Sheet Reserves After Discount ----------------------- 35 36 Loss Losses Expenses Unpaid Unpaid - ----------------------------- 1. 2. 3. - ----------------------------- 4. - ----------------------------- 63 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 1L - OTHER (INCLUDING CREDIT, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH) ($000 Omitted) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years in Premiums Earned Loss and Loss Expense Payments Which ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premiums 1 2 3 Defense and Cost Adjusting and Other Were Loss Payments Containment Payments Payments Earned --------------------------------------------------------------- and Losses 4 5 6 7 8 9 Were Direct and Net Direct and Direct and Direct and Incurred Assumed Ceded (Cols. 1 - 2) Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX 2. 2001 381 381 3. 2002 7,967 7,967 2,018 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals XXX XXX XXX 2,018 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------- Loss and Loss Expense Payments 12 ------------------------------ 10 11 Total Number of Salvage Net Paid Claims and (Cols. 4 - 5 Reported - Subrogation + 6 - 7 Direct and Received + 8 - 9) Assumed - ------------------------------------------------- 1. XXX 2. XXX 3. 72 2,018 XXX - ------------------------------------------------- 4. 72 2,018 XXX - ------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusting and Other Losses Unpaid Defense and Cost Containment Unpaid Unpaid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case Basis Bulk + IBNR Case Basis Bulk + IBNR 21 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 39 2. 18 3. 1,233 1,601 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. 1,233 1,658 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------- 23 24 25 Total Number of Salvage Net Losses Claims and and Outstanding Subrogation Expenses Direct Anticipated Unpaid and Assumed - -------------------------------------------- 1. 39 2. 18 3. 2,834 - -------------------------------------------- 4. 2,891 - -------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Loss and Loss Expense Percentage 34 Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred (Incurred/Premiums Earned) Nontabular Discount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Inter- Company Pooling Direct and Direct and Loss Participation Assumed Ceded Net Assumed Ceded Net Loss Expense Percentage - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 18 18 4.8 4.8 3. 4,851 4,851 60.9 60.9 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------- Net Balance Sheet Reserves After Discount ----------------------- 35 36 Loss Loss Expenses Unpaid Unpaid - ----------------------------- 1. 39 2. 18 3. 2,834 - ----------------------------- 4. 2,891 - ----------------------------- 64 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 1M - International NONE Schedule P - Part 1N - Reinsurance A NONE Schedule P - Part 1O - Reinsurance B NONE Schedule P - Part 1P - Reinsurance C NONE Schedule P - Part 1R - Prod Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 1R - Prod Liab Claims NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 1S - FINANCIAL GUARANTY/MORTGAGE GUARANTY ($000 Omitted) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years in Premiums Earned Loss and Loss Expense Payments Which ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premiums 1 2 3 Defense and Cost Adjusting and Other Were Loss Payments Containment Payments Payments Earned --------------------------------------------------------------- and Losses 4 5 6 7 8 9 Were Direct and Net Direct and Direct and Direct and Incurred Assumed Ceded (Cols. 1 - 2) Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX 9,277 405 2. 2001 54,052 1,456 52,597 147 708 3. 2002 81,179 8,679 72,500 69 165 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals XXX XXX XXX 9,493 1,277 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ($000 Omitted) - -------------------------------------------------------- Years in Loss and Loss Expense Payments 12 Which ------------------------------ Premiums 10 11 Were Total Number of Earned Salvage Net Paid Claims and Losses and (Cols.4 - 5 Reported - Were Subrogation + 6 - 7 Direct and Incurred Received + 8 - 9) Assumed - -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 3,065 9,682 XXX 2. 2001 1,249 855 XXX 3. 2002 234 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals 4,315 10,770 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusting and Other Losses Unpaid Defense and Cost Containment Unpaid Unpaid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case Basis Bulk + IBNR Case Basis Bulk + IBNR 21 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 30,028 47 2. 773 3. 2,376 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. 33,178 47 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------- 25 23 24 Number of Total Claims Salvage Net Losses Outstand - and and ing - Direct Subrogation Expenses and Anticipated Unpaid Assumed - --------------------------------------------- 1. 4,452 30,075 2. 20 773 3. 40 2,376 - --------------------------------------------- 4. 4,512 33,225 - --------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Loss and Loss Expense Percentage Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred (Incurred/Premiums Earned) Nontabular Discount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Direct and Direct and Loss Assumed Ceded Net Assumed Ceded Net Loss Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 6,870 2. 1,628 1,628 3.0 3.1 3. 2,610 2,610 3.2 3.6 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 6,870 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------- Net Balance Sheet 34 Reserves After Discount Inter- ----------------------- Company 35 36 Pooling Loss Participation Losses Expenses Percentage Unpaid Unpaid - --------------------------------------------- 1. XXX 23,159 47 2. 773 3. 2,376 - --------------------------------------------- 4. XXX 26,308 47 - --------------------------------------------- 71 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 2A NONE Schedule P - Part 2B NONE Schedule P - Part 2C NONE Schedule P - Part 2D NONE Schedule P - Part 2E NONE Schedule P - Part 2F - Medical Mal Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 2F - Medical Mal Claim NONE Schedule P - Part 2G NONE Schedule P - Part 2H - Other Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 2H - Other Liab Claim NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72, 73 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 2I - SPECIAL PROPERTY (FIRE, ALLIED LINES, INLAND MARINE, EARTHQUAKE, BURGLARY, AND THEFT) NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCURRED NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) DEVELOPMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years in Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Losses Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 One Year Two Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2J - AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE P - PART 2K - FIDELITY, SURETY NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE P - PART 2L - OTHER (INCLUDING CREDIT, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 34 35 39 4 5 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 17 18 1 XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 4,851 XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Totals 5 5 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE P - PART 2M - INTERNATIONAL NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 74 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 2N - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Property NONE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCURRED NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) DEVELOPMENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years in Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Losses Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 One Year Two Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2O - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Liability NONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2P - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines NONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 2R - SECTION 1 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - OCCURRENCE NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCURRED NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) DEVELOPMENT Years in Which ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Losses Were 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 One Year Two Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2R - SECTION 2 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - CLAIMS-MADE NONE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2S - FINANCIAL GUARANTY/MORTGAGE GUARANTY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 28,655 36,927 40,467 3,540 11,812 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 560 1,628 1,068 XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2,610 XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals 4,608 11,812 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 3A NONE Schedule P - Part 3B NONE Schedule P - Part 3C NONE Schedule P - Part 3D NONE Schedule P - Part 3E NONE Schedule P - Part 3F - Medical Mal Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 3F - Medical Mal Claim NONE Schedule P - Part 3G NONE Schedule P - Part 3H - Other Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 3H - Other Liab Claims NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77, 78 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 3I - SPECIAL PROPERTY (FIRE, ALLIED LINES, INLAND MARINE, EARTHQUAKE, BURGLARY, AND THEFT) NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUMULATIVE PAID NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT 11 12 EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) Number of ------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of Claims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Claims Closed Years in Which Closed With Without Losses Were Loss Loss Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Payment Payment - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 000 XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX SCHEDULE P - PART 3J - AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 000 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE P - PART 3K - FIDELITY/SURETY NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 000 XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE P - PART 3L - OTHER (INCLUDING CREDIT, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 000 XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2,018 XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE P - PART 3M - INTERNATIONAL NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior 000 XXX XXX 2. 1993 XXX XXX 3. 1994 XXX XXX XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 79 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 3N - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Property NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUMULATIVE PAID NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT 11 12 EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) Number of ------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of Claims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Claims Closed Years in Which Closed With Without Losses Were Loss Loss Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Payment Payment - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 000 XXX XXX 2. 1993 XXX XXX 3. 1994 XXX XXX XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 3O - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Liability NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior 000 XXX XXX 2. 1993 XXX XXX 3. 1994 XXX XXX XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE P - PART 3P - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior 000 XXX XXX 2. 1993 XXX XXX 3. 1994 XXX XXX XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 80 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 3R - SECTION 1 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - OCCURRENCE NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CUMULATIVE PAID NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END 11 12 ($000 OMITTED) Number of ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of Claims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Claims Closed Years in Which Closed With Without Losses Were Loss Loss Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Payment Payment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior 000 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE P - PART 3R - SECTION 2 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - CLAIMS-MADE NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior 000 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE P - PART 3S - FINANCIAL GUARANTY/MORTGAGE GUARANTY NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 000 710 10,392 XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 125 855 XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 234 XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 81 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 4A NONE Schedule P - Part 4B NONE Schedule P - Part 4C NONE Schedule P - Part 4D NONE Schedule P - Part 4E NONE Schedule P - Part 4F - Medical Mal Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 4F - Medical Mal Claim NONE Schedule P - Part 4G NONE Schedule P - Part 4H - Other Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 4H - Other Liab Claims NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 82, 83 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 41 - SPECIAL PROPERTY (FIRE, ALLIED LINES, INLAND MARINE, EARTHQUAKE, BURGLARY AND THEFT) NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BULK AND IBNR RESERVES ON NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Years in Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Losses Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4J - AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4K - FIDELITY/SURETY NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4L - OTHER (INCLUDING CREDIT, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 34 35 39 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 17 18 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 1,601 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4M - INTERNATIONAL NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 4N NONE Schedule P - Part 4O NONE Schedule P - Part 4P NONE Schedule P - Part 4R - Prod Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 4R - Prod Liab Claims NONE Schedule P - Part 4S NONE Schedule P - Part 5A- SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5A- SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 5A- SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5B- SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5B- SN2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 85, 86, 87, 88 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 5B- SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5C- SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5C- SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 5C- SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5D- SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5D- SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 5D- SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5E- SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5E- SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 5E- SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN1A NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88, 89, 90, 91, 92 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 5F- SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN3A NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN3B NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN1A NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN3A NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN3B NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92, 93, 94, 95 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 5R- SN1A NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN3A NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN3B NONE Schedule P - Part 6C - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6C - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6D - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6D - SN2 NONE Schedule P- Part 6E - SN1 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96, 97, 98, 99 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 6E - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6H - SN1A NONE Schedule P - Part 6H - SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 6H - SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 6H - SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 6M - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6M - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6N - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6N - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6O - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6O - SN2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99, 100, 101 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 6R - SN1A NONE Schedule P - Part 6R - SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 6R - SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 6R - SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 1 NONE Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 2 NONE Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 3 NONE Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 4 NONE Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 5 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 1 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 102, 103, 104, 105 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 3 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 4 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 5 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 6 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 7 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 105, 106 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P INTERROGATORIES 1. What is the extended loss and expense reserve - direct and assumed - for the following classes? An example of an extended loss and expense reserve is the actuarial reserve for the free-tail coverage arising upon death, disability or retirement in most medical malpractice policies. Such a liability is to be reported here even if it was not reported elsewhere in Schedule P, but otherwise reported as a liability item on Page 3. Show the full reserve amount, not just the change during the current year. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Years in which premiums were earned 1 2 3 and losses were incurred Medical Malpractice Other Liability Products Liability - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.01 Prior 1.02 1993 1.03 1994 1.04 1995 1.05 1996 1.06 1997 1.07 1998 1.08 1999 1.09 2000 1.10 2001 1.11 2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.12 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. The definition of allocated loss adjustment expenses (ALAE) and, therefore, unallocated loss adjustment expenses (ULAE) was changed effective January 1, 1998. This change in definition applies to both paid and unpaid expenses. Are these expenses (now reported as "Defense and Cost Containment" and "Adjusting and Other") reported in compliance with these definitions in this statement? Answer: Yes [X] No [ ] 3. The Adjusting and Other expense payments and reserves should be allocated to the years in which the losses were incurred based on the number of claims reported, closed and outstanding in those years. When allocating Adjusting and Other expense between companies in a group or a pool, the Adjusting and Other expense should be allocated in the same percentage used for the loss amounts and the claim counts. For reinsurers, Adjusting and Other expense assumed should be reported according to the reinsurance contract. For Adjusting and Other expense incurred by reinsurers, or in those situations where suitable claim count information is not available, Adjusting and Other expense should be allocated by a reasonable method determined by the company and described in Interrogatory 7, below. Are they so reported in this Statement? Answer: Yes [X] No [ ] 4. Do any lines in Schedule P include reserves which are reported gross of any discount to present value of future payments, but are reported net of such discounts on Page 11? Yes [X] No [ ] If Yes, proper reporting must be made in the Notes to Financial Statements, as specified in the Instructions. Also, the discounts must be reported in Schedule P - Part 1, Columns 32 and 33. Schedule P must be completed gross of non-tabular discounting. Work papers relating to discount calculations must be available for examination upon request. Discounting is allowed only if expressly permitted by the state insurance department to which this Annual Statement is being filed. 5. What were the net premiums in force at the end of the year for: (in thousands of dollars) 5.1 Fidelity ------------------------ 5.2 Surety ------------------------ 6. Claim count information is reported 7.1 The information provided in Schedule P will be used by many persons to estimate the adequacy of the current loss and expense reserves, among other things. Are there any especially significant events, coverage, retention or accounting changes which have occurred which must be considered when making such analyses? Yes [ ] No [X] 7.2 An extended statement may be attached. 107 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE T - EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS WRITTEN Allocated by States and Territories - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Gross Premiums, Including 4 Policy and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies Not Taken Dividends -------------------------- Paid Is 2 3 or Credited to Insurer Direct Direct Policyholders Licensed? Premiums Premiums on Direct States, etc. (Yes or No) Written Earned Business - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Alabama AL No 2. Alaska AK No 3. Arizona AZ No 4. Arkansas AR No 5. California CA No 6. Colorado CO No 7. Connecticut CT No 8. Delaware DE No 9. District of Columbia DC No 10. Florida FL No 11. Georgia GA No 12. Hawaii HI No 13. Idaho ID No 14. Illinois IL Yes 15. Indiana IN No 16. Iowa IA No 17. Kansas KS No 18. Kentucky KY No 19. Louisiana LA No 20. Maine ME No 21. Maryland MD Yes 22. Massachusetts MA No 23. Michigan MI No 24. Minnesota MN No 25. Mississippi MS No 26. Missouri MO No 27. Montana MT No 28. Nebraska NE No 29. Nevada NV No 30. New Hampshire NH No 31. New Jersey NJ No 32. New Mexico NM No 33. New York NY Yes 2,749,964 2,234,299 34. North Carolina NC No 35. North Dakota ND No 36. Ohio OH No 37. Oklahoma OK No 38. Oregon OR No 39. Pennsylvania PA No 40. Rhode Island RI No 41. South Carolina SC No 42. South Dakota SD No 43. Tennessee TN No 44. Texas TX No 45. Utah UT No 46. Vermont VT No 47. Virginia VA No 48. Washington WA No 49. West Virginia WV No 50. Wisconsin WI Yes 51. Wyoming WY No 52. American Samoa AS No 53. Guam GU No 54. Puerto Rico PR No 55. U.S. Virgin Islands VI No 56. Canada CN No 57. Aggregate Other Aliens OT XXX 58. Totals (a) 4 2,749,964 2,234,299 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 5701. XXX 5702. XXX 5703. XXX 5798. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 57 from overflow page XXX 5799. Totals (Lines 5701 thru 5703 plus 5798)(Line 57 above) XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 9 Direct Premium Written for Finance and Federal Direct Losses Service Purchasing Paid Charges Not Groups (Deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Included in (Included in States, etc. Salvage) Incurred Unpaid Premiums Col. 2) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Alabama AL 2. Alaska AK 3. Arizona AZ 4. Arkansas AR 5. California CA 6. Colorado CO 7. Connecticut CT 8. Delaware DE 9. District of Columbia DC 10. Florida FL 11. Georgia GA 12. Hawaii HI 13. Idaho ID 14. Illinois IL 15. Indiana IN 16. Iowa IA 17. Kansas KS 18. Kentucky KY 19. Louisiana LA 20. Maine ME 21. Maryland MD 22. Massachusetts MA 23. Michigan MI 24. Minnesota MN 25. Mississippi MS 26. Missouri MO 27. Montana MT 28. Nebraska NE 29. Nevada NV 30. New Hampshire NH 31. New Jersey NJ 32. New Mexico NM 33. New York NY 34. North Carolina NC 35. North Dakota ND 36. Ohio OH 37. Oklahoma OK 38. Oregon OR 39. Pennsylvania PA 40. Rhode Island RI 41. South Carolina SC 42. South Dakota SD 43. Tennessee TN 44. Texas TX 45. Utah UT 46. Vermont VT 47. Virginia VA 48. Washington WA 49. West Virginia WV 50. Wisconsin WI 51. Wyoming WY 52. American Samoa AS 53. Guam GU 54. Puerto Rico PR 55. U.S. Virgin Islands VI 56. Canada CN 57. Aggregate Other Aliens OT 58. Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 5701. 5702. 5703. 5798. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 57 from overflow page 5799. Totals (Lines 5701 thru 5703 plus 5798)(Line 57 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Insert the number of yes responses except for Canada and Other Alien. Explanation of basis of allocation of premiums by states, etc. 108 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE Y - INFORMATION CONCERNING ACTIVITIES OF INSURER MEMBERS OF A HOLDING COMPANY GROUP PART 1 - ORGANIZATIONAL CHART [FLOW CHART] 109 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE Y (continued) PART 2 - SUMMARY OF INSURER'S TRANSACTIONS WITH ANY AFFILIATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 NAIC Company Federal ID Shareholder Capital Code Number Names of Insurers and Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Dividends Contributions - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23-2691170 RADIAN GROUP INC. 80,628,195 (155,624,405) 33790 23-2018130 RADIAN GUARANTY INC. (30,000,000) (32,824,478) 33944 93-0952702 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ARIZONA 10,000,000 15909 23-2726782 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF TEXAS 152,094,018 20720 23-2734276 RADIAN INSURANCE INC. 23-1936987 RADIAN SERVICES INC. 10185 36-3996062 AMERIN RE CORPORATION (4,600,000) 30872 23-1922977 AMERIN GUARANTY CORPORATION (20,000,000) 03-0360032 RADIAN MORTGAGE REINSURANCE COMPANY 250,000 36250 22-2712977 RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. 149,997,004 13-3333448 ENHANCE FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP INC (26,028,195) (123,895,139) 27545 13-3371658 RADIAN REINSURANCE COMPANY AA-3190428 EXPORTERS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD 13-3570591 VAN-AMERICAN COMPANIES INC. 39870 61-1181203 VAN-AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY 42-1497928 EXPRESSCLOSE.COM INC. 03-0463207 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC. 3,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Control Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 6 7 Income/ Purchases, Sales or (Disbursements) Exchanges of Incurred in Loans, Securities, Connection with Real Guarantees or NAIC Estate, Mortgage Undertakings for the Company Federal ID Loans or Other Benefit of any Code Number Names of Insurers and Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Investments Affiliate(s) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23-2691170 RADIAN GROUP INC. 33790 23-2018130 RADIAN GUARANTY INC. 2,101,498 33944 93-0952702 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ARIZONA 15909 23-2726782 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF TEXAS 20720 23-2734276 RADIAN INSURANCE INC. 23-1936987 RADIAN SERVICES INC. (2,101,498) 10185 36-3996062 AMERIN RE CORPORATION 30872 23-1922977 AMERIN GUARANTY CORPORATION 03-0360032 RADIAN MORTGAGE REINSURANCE COMPANY 36250 22-2712977 RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. 13-3333448 ENHANCE FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP INC 27545 13-3371658 RADIAN REINSURANCE COMPANY AA-3190428 EXPORTERS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD 13-3570591 VAN-AMERICAN COMPANIES INC. 39870 61-1181203 VAN-AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY 42-1497928 EXPRESSCLOSE.COM INC. 03-0463207 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Control Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 8 9 10 Income/ (Disbursements) NAIC Management Incurred Under Company Federal ID Agreements and Reinsurance Code Number Names of Insurers and Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Service Contracts Agreements * - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23-2691170 RADIAN GROUP INC. 798,295 33790 23-2018130 RADIAN GUARANTY INC. (4,513,592) (12,920,429) 33944 93-0952702 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ARIZONA (84,680) 997,682 15909 23-2726782 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF TEXAS (84,680) 8,850,310 20720 23-2734276 RADIAN INSURANCE INC. (338,539) (11,003,433) 23-1936987 RADIAN SERVICES INC. 4,392,556 10185 36-3996062 AMERIN RE CORPORATION (84,680) 1,637,191 30872 23-1922977 AMERIN GUARANTY CORPORATION (84,680) 03-0360032 RADIAN MORTGAGE REINSURANCE COMPANY 466,203 36250 22-2712977 RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. 21,204,884 13,275,731 13-3333448 ENHANCE FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP INC (3,780,708) 27545 13-3371658 RADIAN REINSURANCE COMPANY (17,424,176) (3,875,187) AA-3190428 EXPORTERS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD 3,379,749 13-3570591 VAN-AMERICAN COMPANIES INC. (807,817) 39870 61-1181203 VAN-AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY 42-1497928 EXPRESSCLOSE.COM INC. 03-0463207 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Control Totals XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 11 12 Any Other Material Activity Not in the NAIC Ordinary Course of Company Federal ID the Insurer's Code Number Names of Insurers and Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Business Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23-2691170 RADIAN GROUP INC. (74,197,915) 33790 23-2018130 RADIAN GUARANTY INC. (78,157,001) 33944 93-0952702 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ARIZONA 10,913,002 15909 23-2726782 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF TEXAS 160,859,648 20720 23-2734276 RADIAN INSURANCE INC. (11,341,972) 23-1936987 RADIAN SERVICES INC. 2,291,058 10185 36-3996062 AMERIN RE CORPORATION (3,047,489) 30872 23-1922977 AMERIN GUARANTY CORPORATION (20,084,680) 03-0360032 RADIAN MORTGAGE REINSURANCE COMPANY 716,203 36250 22-2712977 RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. 184,477,619 13-3333448 ENHANCE FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP INC (153,704,042) 27545 13-3371658 RADIAN REINSURANCE COMPANY (21,299,363) AA-3190428 EXPORTERS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD 3,379,749 13-3570591 VAN-AMERICAN COMPANIES INC. 39870 61-1181203 VAN-AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (807,817) 42-1497928 EXPRESSCLOSE.COM INC. 03-0463207 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC. 3,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Control Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 13 Reinsurance Recoverable/ (Payable) on Losses NAIC and/or Reserve Company Federal ID Credit Code Number Names of Insurers and Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Taken/(Liability) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23-2691170 RADIAN GROUP INC. 33790 23-2018130 RADIAN GUARANTY INC. (54,338,183) 33944 93-0952702 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ARIZONA 3,319,386 15909 23-2726782 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF TEXAS 41,439,654 20720 23-2734276 RADIAN INSURANCE INC. 2,407,514 23-1936987 RADIAN SERVICES INC. 10185 36-3996062 AMERIN RE CORPORATION 7,122,746 30872 23-1922977 AMERIN GUARANTY CORPORATION 03-0360032 RADIAN MORTGAGE REINSURANCE COMPANY 48,883 36250 22-2712977 RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. (2,512,327) 13-3333448 ENHANCE FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP INC 27545 13-3371658 RADIAN REINSURANCE COMPANY 13,912,206 AA-3190428 EXPORTERS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD (16,516,377) 13-3570591 VAN-AMERICAN COMPANIES INC. 39870 61-1181203 VAN-AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY 5,116,498 42-1497928 EXPRESSCLOSE.COM INC. 03-0463207 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Control Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES INTERROGATORIES The following supplemental reports are required to be filed as part of your statement filing. However, in the event that your company does not transact the type of business for which the special report must be filed, your response of NO to the specific interrogatory will be accepted in lieu of filing a "NONE" report and a bar code will be printed below. If the supplement is required of your company but is not being filed for whatever reason enter SEE EXPLANATION and provide an explanation following the interrogatory questions. MARCH FILING RESPONSES --------- 1. Will Supplement A to Schedule T (Medical Malpractice Supplement) be filed by March 1? No 2. Will Schedule SIS (Stockholder Information Supplement) be filed with the state of domicile by March 1? No 3. Will the Financial Guaranty Insurance Exhibit be filed March 1? Yes 4. Will the Medicare Supplement Insurance Experience Exhibit be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by March 1? No 5. Will an actuarial opinion be filed by March 1? Yes 6. Will the SVO Compliance Certification be filed by March 1? Yes 7. Will the Trusteed Surplus Statement be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by March 1? No 8. Will the Supplemental Compensation Exhibit be filed with the state of domicile by March 1? Yes 9. Will the Risk-based Capital Report be filed with the NAIC by March 1? No 10. Will the Risk-based Capital Report be filed with the state of domicile, if required by March 1? No 11. Will the Premiums Attributed to Protected Cells Exhibit be filed by March 1? No APRIL FILING 12. Will the Insurance Expense Exhibit be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by April 1? Yes 13. Will Management's Discussion and Analysis be filed by April 1? Yes 14. Will the Credit Insurance Experience Exhibit be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by April 1? No 15. Will the Long-term Care Experience Reporting Forms be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by April 1? No 16. Will the Accident and Health Policy Experience Exhibit be filed by April 1? No 17. Will the Investment Risk Interrogatories be filed by April 1? Yes MAY FILING 18. Will this company be included in a combined annual statement which is filed with the NAIC by May 1? Yes JUNE FILING 19. Will an audited financial report be filed by June 1? Yes Explanations: Bar Codes: 1. [GRAPHIC] 2. [GRAPHIC] 4. [GRAPHIC] 7. [GRAPHIC] 9. [GRAPHIC] 10. [GRAPHIC] 111 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES INTERROGATORIES 11. [GRAPHIC] 14. [GRAPHIC] 15. [GRAPHIC] 16. [GRAPHIC] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 111.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERFLOW PAGE FOR WRITE-INS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P004 Additional Aggregate Lines for Page 4 Line 14. *UNINEX - --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1404. Advisory fee income 14,256 1405. Gain on sale of fixed assets 855 1497. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 14 from page 4 15,111 - --------------------------------------------------------------------- 112 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule A - Part 1 NONE Schedule A - Part 2 NONE Schedule A - Part 3 NONE Schedule B - Part 1 NONE Schedule B - Part 2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E01, E02, E03, E04, E05 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE BA - PART 1 Showing Other Long-Term Invested Assets OWNED December 31 of Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Location 4 5 6 ------------ 2 3 Date Actual Number of Units and Description City State Name of Vendor Acquired Cost - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- US Airways Repackaging Trust Series 1998-1 MBIA Insurance Corporation 12/13/2002 13,132,404 0299999 - Transportation Equipment 13,132,404 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 13,132,404 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 7 8 9 10 Book/Adjusted Increase (Decrease) Amount of Carrying Value Increase (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange Number of Units and Description Encumbrances Less Encumbrances by Adjustment Adjustment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- US Airways Repackaging Trust Series 1998-1 13,132,404 0299999 - Transportation Equipment 13,132,404 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 13,132,404 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E06 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE BA - PART 2 Showing Other Long-Term Invested Assets SOLD, transferred or paid in full during the Year NONE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Location 4 5 6 ------------ 2 3 Book/Adjusted Carrying Value Name of Purchaser Less or Nature of Encumbrances, Number of Units and Description City State Disposition Date Acquired Prior Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 7 8 9 10 Increase Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Carrying Value Increase Foreign Less (Decrease) Exchange Encumbrances Consideration Number of Units and Description by Adjustment Adjustment at Disposition Received - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 11 12 13 Foreign Total Exchange Realized Profit Profit (Loss) Profit (Loss) (Loss) on Number of Units and Description on Sale on Sale Sale - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- E07 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 10 ------------ 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Par Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value Value - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 912810-FJ-2 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.125 FA 08/15/2029 4,389,068 4,075,000 912810-FM-5 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.250 MN 05/15/2030 6,558,612 5,760,000 912810-FP-8 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 FA 02/15/2031 95,030 95,000 912827-4Y-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.875 JJ 01/15/2009 12,774,200 10,570,000 912827-6X-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 MN 05/15/2006 425,830 400,000 912827-7K-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 JJ 01/31/2004 2,584,673 2,565,000 912827-L8-3 US TREASURY NOTE 5.750 FA 08/15/2003 515,998 515,000 912827-R8-7 US TREASURY NOTE 7.875 MN 11/15/2004 1,005,299 1,000,000 912828-AC-4 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.375 MN 05/15/2007 1,951,853 1,850,000 912828-AK-6 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 FA 08/31/2004 3,508,355 3,490,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 33,808,919 30,320,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government - Issuer Obligations 33,808,919 30,320,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01F060-6D-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y FNMA 6.000 MTLY 01/01/2033 168,661 165,000 01N062-61-5 GNMA TBA 6.500 MTLY 01/01/2032 3,671,719 3500,000 31287T-2E-4 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 7.000 MTLY 03/01/2030 416,460 398,407 31287V-AQ-3 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 6.500 MTLY 07/01/2032 12,775,953 12,524,508 3128GU-VQ-2 FHLMC PC GOLD GUA 6.000 MTLY 08/01/2017 938,070 908,956 31377M-7K-1 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.460 MTLY 06/01/2009 967,011 866,910 31377M-BG-5 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.120 MTLY 11/01/2008 792,968 717,821 31385H-PJ-5 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 MTLY 06/01/2016 1,130,640 1,120,226 31386P-PA-5 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 MTLY 07/01/2016 2,459,270 2,438,931 31387J-YE-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 MTLY 08/01/2031 141,897 138,693 31387M-LJ-6 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 MTLY 07/01/2016 78,968 78,240 31387U-CQ-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 06/01/2031 478,385 461,650 31388U-CU-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 11/01/2031 91,609 88,405 31388Y-2Y-7 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 MTLY 12/01/2015 247,934 234,904 31389N-7D-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 MTLY 09/01/2031 7,939,111 7,699,699 31390E-ZS-4 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 06/01/2032 2,970,717 2,944,265 31390F-F9-5 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 MTLY 05/01/2032 1,004,091 974,106 31390L-F7-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 08/01/2032 801,684 776,332 31390L-FF-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 07/01/2032 1,217,032 1,178,545 31390L-V7-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 MTLY 07/01/2032 352,779 337,436 31390L-WX-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 MTLY 07/01/2032 196,078 187,550 31390N-P4-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 07/01/2032 584,503 563,291 31390N-UL-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 MTLY 08/01/2017 1,065,222 1,021,949 31390P-DC-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 08/01/2032 475,299 460,094 31390R-FF-5 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 MTLY 08/01/2032 1,985,867 1,975,987 31390T-LQ-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 08/01/2032 597,526 578,412 31390T-LV-9 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 08/01/2032 598,587 579,439 31391A-VM-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 MTLY 09/01/2032 2,068,775 2,000,327 31391E-AQ-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 MTLY 09/01/2017 3,024,321 2,901,462 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 49,241,137 47,821,544 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government- Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Securities 49,241,137 47,821,544 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - U.S. Government Bonds 83,050,056 78,141,544 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS CANADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 683234-RV-2 ONTARIO PROV CDA 5.125 JJ 07/17/2012 249,385 250,000 748148-BW-2 QUEBEC PROV CDA 5.000 JJ 07/17/2009 248,623 250,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA 498,008 500,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 11 12 13 Interest 16 -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Increase Obtain on Bonds Amount (Decrease) CUSIP Fair Fair Actual not in Received by Identification Description Value Value Cost Default During Year Adjustment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 912810-FJ-2 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 117.4060 4,784,295 4,391,449 94,276 124,797 (2,381) 912810-FM-5 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 119.6560 6,892,186 6,567,032 46,740 277,500 (7,101) 912810-FP-8 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 109.0310 103,579 95,030 1,929 2,553 912827-4Y-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 111.4690 11,782,273 12,885,069 189,212 (110,869) 912827-6X-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 107.8440 431,376 428,072 2,402 9,250 (2,242) 912827-7K-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 101.8750 2,613,094 2,592,650 32,202 38,475 (7,976) 912827-L8-3 US TREASURY NOTE 102.7810 529,322 527,392 11,185 29,613 (1,530) 912827-R8-7 US TREASURY NOTE 111.6560 1,116,560 1,020,938 10,224 78,750 (2,486) 912828-AC-4 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 107.3750 1,986,438 1,955,623 10,508 38,391 (3,770) 912828-AK-6 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 101.1250 3,529,263 3,509,659 25,199 (1,304) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX 33,768,385 33,972,915 423,877 599,328 (139,660) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government - Issuer Obligations XXX 33,768,385 33,972,915 423,877 599,328 (139,660) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01F060-6D-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y FNMA 103.3440 170,518 168,661 01N062-61-5 GNMA TBA 104.8750 3,670,625 3,671,719 31287T-2E-4 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 104.8460 417,716 416,460 2,324 9,296 (3,657) 31287V-AQ-3 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 104.2260 13,053,901 12,778,912 67,841 339,205 (8,475) 3128GU-VQ-2 FHLMC PC GOLD GUA 104.4490 949,398 938,070 4,545 13,634 (3,571) 31377M-7K-1 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 112.4440 974,793 967,011 4,667 31377M-BG-5 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 111.2890 798,856 792,968 3,783 31385H-PJ-5 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 105.3390 1,180,039 1,130,728 6,068 72,815 (4,092) 31386P-PA-5 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 105.3390 2,569,154 2,461,796 13,211 158,531 (4,795) 31387J-YE-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 104.9570 145,569 141,900 809 9,707 (2,128) 31387M-LJ-6 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 105.3390 82,418 78,974 424 5,086 (511) 31387U-CQ-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 104.0090 480,160 478,385 2,501 31388U-CU-2 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 30 Y 104.0090 91,949 91,609 479 31388Y-2Y-7 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 15 Y 105.4170 247,630 247,934 1,272 3,817 (520) 31389N-7D-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 104.8970 8,076,782 7,939,111 44,915 314,404 (14,202) 31390E-ZS-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 30 Y 104.1520 3,066,522 2,970,717 15,948 95,689 (4,732) 31390F-F9-5 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 105.1100 1,023,885 1,004,091 5,682 39,776 (1,089) 31390L-F7-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 104.1520 808,568 801,684 4,205 16,821 (562) 31390L-FF-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 104.1520 1,227,482 1,217,032 6,384 25,535 (1,321) 31390L-V7-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 105.1100 354,680 352,779 1,968 7,874 (413) 31390L-WX-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 105.1100 197,134 196,078 1,094 4,376 (550) 31390N-P4-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 104.1520 586,681 584,503 3,051 9,153 (1,305) 31390N-UL-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 104.5670 1,068,623 1,065,222 5,110 15,329 (4,046) 31390P-DC-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 104.1520 479,199 475,299 2,492 12,461 (488) 31390R-FF-5 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 103.4920 2,044,993 1,985,867 9,880 39,520 (243) 31390T-LQ-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 104.1520 602,429 597,526 3,133 15,665 (705) 31390T-LV-9 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 104.1520 603,499 598,587 3,139 15,693 (673) 31391A-VM-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 104.1520 2,083,387 2,068,775 10,835 32,505 (1,689) 31391E-AQ-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 104.5670 3,033,976 3,024,321 14,507 43,522 (4,135) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX 50,090,567 49,246,720 240,267 1,300,415 (63,903) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0299999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government- Single Class Mortgage- Backed/Asset-Backed Securities XXX 50,090,567 49,246,720 240,267 1,300,415 (63,903) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - U.S. Government Bonds XXX 83,858,951 83,219,634 664,144 1,899,743 (203,563) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 683234-RV-2 ONTARIO PROV CDA 106.7490 266,873 249,363 5,837 23 748148-BW-2 QUEBEC PROV CDA 106.8570 267,143 248,543 5,694 80 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CANADA XXX 534,015 497,905 11,531 103 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Increase Year, on (Decrease) Bonds in by Foreign Default as to Effective CUSIP Exchange Principal or NAIC Date Rate of Identification Description Adjustment Interest Designation Acquired Interest - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES 912810-FJ-2 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 1 06/14/2002 5.566 912810-FM-5 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 1 11/14/2002 5.285 912810-FP-8 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 1 07/11/2002 5.372 912827-4Y-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1 10/11/2002 0.378 912827-6X-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1 09/20/2002 2.610 912827-7K-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1 07/18/2002 2.278 912827-L8-3 US TREASURY NOTE 1 11/03/1993 5.428 912827-R8-7 US TREASURY NOTE 1 02/03/1995 7.566 912828-AC-4 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1 11/13/2002 3.020 912828-AK-6 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1 11/14/2002 1.802 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0199999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01F060-6D-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 11/07/2002 5.761 01N062-61-5 GNMA TBA 1PE 12/23/2002 6.013 31287T-2E-4 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 1PE 07/25/2002 4.627 31287V-AQ-3 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 1PE 06/14/2002 6.234 3128GU-VQ-2 FHLMC PC GOLD GUA 1PE 08/22/2002 4.385 31377M-7K-1 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 1PE 12/23/2002 2.825 31377M-BG-5 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 1PE 12/23/2002 2.566 31385H-PJ-5 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 1PE 06/15/2001 5.949 31386P-PA-5 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 1PE 06/15/2001 6.279 31387J-YE-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 08/30/2001 5.690 31387M-LJ-6 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 1PE 06/15/2001 5.950 31387U-CQ-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 11/12/2002 4.191 31388U-CU-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 11/12/2002 4.193 31388Y-2Y-7 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 1PE 09/18/2002 3.525 31389N-7D-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 05/14/2002 5.865 31390E-ZS-4 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 04/25/2002 6.126 31390F-F9-5 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 05/08/2002 5.845 31390L-F7-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 07/22/2002 5.082 31390L-FF-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 07/22/2002 5.081 31390L-V7-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 07/25/2002 4.167 31390L-WX-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 07/25/2002 4.167 31390N-P4-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 09/12/2002 4.107 31390N-UL-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 1PE 09/18/2002 3.863 31390P-DC-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 07/25/2002 5.046 31390R-FF-5 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 07/11/2002 5.622 31390T-LQ-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 07/25/2002 5.046 31390T-LV-9 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 07/25/2002 5.046 31391A-VM-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 1PE 08/20/2002 4.299 31391E-AQ-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 1PE 09/18/2002 3.865 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0299999 - Total Bonds - U.S. Government- Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0399999 - Total - U.S. Government Bonds XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHER GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS CANADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 683234-RV-2 ONTARIO PROV CDA 1 07/10/2002 5.158 748148-BW-2 QUEBEC PROV CDA 1 07/09/2002 5.100 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CANADA XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E08 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 ------------ 4 5 CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Call Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Price - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total Bonds - All Other Government - Issuer Obligations - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - All Other Government Bonds - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALASKA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 011710-FT-2 ALASKA INDL DEV & EXPT AUTH 6.125 AO 04/01/2027 033161-DJ-6 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 5.500 JJ 07/01/2015 07/01/2012 100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130622-SD-6 CALIFORNIA STATE 6.200 MS 09/01/2003 130623-NG-2 CALIFORNIA ST 6.250 MS 09/01/2008 130624-EV-7 CALIFORNIA STATE MISC PURPOSES 6.750 AO 04/01/2009 798135-UK-3 SAN JOSE CALIF 5.000 MS 09/01/2018 09/01/2012 100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772F-AR-1 CONNECTICUT STATE 5.300 MN 11/15/2006 11/15/2003 102.000 20772F-DH-0 CONNECTICUT STATE 5.300 MN 11/15/2006 20772F-L6-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 5.375 MN 11/15/2017 11/15/2012 100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341422-6H-1 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 5.000 JD 06/01/2031 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373382-NG-1 GEORGIA STATE PUBLIC IMPRV 6.500 AO 04/01/2009 373382-PS-3 GEORGIA STATE SERIES B 6.250 MS 03/01/2011 373383-DY-1 GEORGIA ST 5.750 MS 09/01/2013 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419779-KV-4 HAWAII ST 5.125 FA 02/01/2008 419780-PX-3 HAWAII ST 5.700 MS 09/01/2013 09/01/2009 101.000 419780-VT-5 HAWAII ST 5.500 FA 02/01/2021 02/01/2012 100.000 419780-XZ-9 HAWAII ST 5.250 JJ 07/01/2019 07/01/2012 100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167484-QJ-6 CHICAGO ILL (zero coupon bond) NONE 01/01/2019 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 5.125 FA 02/01/2027 452150-FG-5 ILLINOIS ST 5.375 FA 02/01/2022 452151-AR-4 ILLINOIS ST 5.375 JJ 07/01/2015 07/01/2012 100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 059185-NN-4 BALTIMORE MARYLAND 7.000 AO 10/15/2003 574192-DF-4 MARYLAND ST 4.400 JJ 07/15/2004 574192-TQ-3 MARYLAND ST 5.500 FA 08/01/2014 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575827-4G-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.125 JD 12/01/2020 12/01/2011 100.000 575827-RU-6 MASS ST CONS LN SER C 5.250 FA 08/01/2015 08/01/2008 101.000 575827-TT-7 MASSACHUSETTS ST CONS LN-SER MUNICIPAL 5.250 MN 05/01/2013 05/01/2009 101.000 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 MS 03/01/2019 03/01/2012 100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-3C-0 MINNESOTA ST 5.000 FA 08/01/2009 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 Rate Used to Book/Adjusted Obtain CUSIP Carrying Par Fair Fair Identification Description Value Value Value Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total Bonds - All Other Government - Issuer Obligations 498,008 500,000 XXX 534,015 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - All Other Government Bonds 498,008 500,000 XXX 534,015 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 011710-FT-2 ALASKA INDL DEV & EXPT AUTH 4,979,451 5,000,000 110.7340 5,536,700 033161-DJ-6 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 4,866,416 4,500,000 112.3470 5,055,615 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 9,845,866 9,500,000 XXX 10,592,315 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130622-SD-6 CALIFORNIA STATE 1,998,718 2,000,000 102.8890 2,057,780 130623-NG-2 CALIFORNIA ST 946,666 950,000 115.4800 1,097,060 130624-EV-7 CALIFORNIA STATE MISC PURPOSES 1,000,000 1,000,000 118.2990 1,182,990 798135-UK-3 SAN JOSE CALIF 3,974,590 3,870,000 105.8890 4,097,904 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 7,919,974 7,820,000 XXX 8,435,734 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772F-AR-1 CONNECTICUT STATE 56,743 55,000 105.5340 58,044 20772F-DH-0 CONNECTICUT STATE 3,568,820 3,445,000 105.5360 3,635,715 20772F-L6-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 3,254,664 3,000,000 111.1190 3,333,570 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 6,880,227 6,500,000 XXX 7,027,329 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341422-6H-1 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 8,799,611 9,000,000 101.2930 9,116,370 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 8,799,611 9,000,000 XXX 9,116,370 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373382-NG-1 GEORGIA STATE PUBLIC IMPRV 4,123,855 4,000,000 119.9510 4,798,040 373382-PS-3 GEORGIA STATE SERIES B 5,210,548 5,250,000 119.7740 6,288,135 373383-DY-1 GEORGIA ST 4,916,068 4,800,000 117.6080 5,645,184 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 14,250,471 14,050,000 XXX 16,731,359 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419779-KV-4 HAWAII ST 6,388,191 6,365,000 111.5000 7,096,975 419780-PX-3 HAWAII ST 3,375,049 3,000,000 117.0860 3,512,580 419780-VT-5 HAWAII ST 1,031,718 1,000,000 107.7920 1,077,920 419780-XZ-9 HAWAII ST 5,302,679 5,000,000 107.2110 5,360,550 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 16,097,638 15,365,000 XXX 17,048,025 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167484-QJ-6 CHICAGO ILL (zero coupon bond) 5,123,859 12,000,000 45.2120 5,425,440 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 1,468,512 1,500,000 101.9310 1,528,965 452150-FG-5 ILLINOIS ST 7,348,163 7,900,000 103.7570 8,196,803 452151-AR-4 ILLINOIS ST 5,513,960 5,000,000 111.1130 5,555,650 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 19,454,494 26,400,000 XXX 20,706,858 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 059185-NN-4 BALTIMORE MARYLAND 2,022,774 2,000,000 104.6330 2,092,660 574192-DF-4 MARYLAND ST 2,898,763 3,000,000 101.4740 3,044,220 574192-TQ-3 MARYLAND ST 3,401,879 3,000,000 115.8070 3,474,210 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND 8,323,416 8,000,000 XXX 8,611,090 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575827-4G-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 11,670,625 11,650,000 104.7020 12,197,783 575827-RU-6 MASS ST CONS LN SER C 2,050,500 2,000,000 113.8090 2,276,180 575827-TT-7 MASSACHUSETTS ST CONS LN-SER MUNICIPAL 6,089,854 5,500,000 113.7760 6,257,680 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 3,209,322 3,000,000 114.9030 3,447,090 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 23,020,301 22,150,000 XXX 24,178,733 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-3C-0 MINNESOTA ST 7,182,278 6,645,000 112.0740 7,447,317 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 Interest 16 -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due and Accrued Dec. 31 of Current Year Gross Increase on Bonds Amount (Decrease) CUSIP Actual not in Received by Identification Description Cost Default During Year Adjustment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total Bonds - All Other Government - Issuer Obligations 497,905 11,531 103 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - All Other Government Bonds 497,905 11,531 103 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 011710-FT-2 ALASKA INDL DEV & EXPT AUTH 4,977,692 76,563 306,250 1,670 033161-DJ-6 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 4,882,095 126,500 (15,679) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 9,859,787 203,063 306,250 (14,009) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130622-SD-6 CALIFORNIA STATE 1,983,320 41,333 124,000 1,835 130623-NG-2 CALIFORNIA ST 942,638 19,792 59,375 505 130624-EV-7 CALIFORNIA STATE MISC PURPOSES 1,000,000 16,875 67,500 798135-UK-3 SAN JOSE CALIF 3,978,128 96,750 (3,537) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 7,904,085 174,750 250,875 (1,198) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772F-AR-1 CONNECTICUT STATE 58,131 372 2,915 (719) 20772F-DH-0 CONNECTICUT STATE 3,624,795 23,330 182,585 (28,858) 20772F-L6-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 3,261,120 20,604 40,313 (6,456) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 6,944,045 44,307 225,813 (36,033) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341422-6H-1 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 8,796,420 37,500 395,000 3,191 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 8,796,420 37,500 395,000 3,191 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373382-NG-1 GEORGIA STATE PUBLIC IMPRV 4,251,040 65,000 260,000 (15,897) 373382-PS-3 GEORGIA STATE SERIES B 5,203,922 109,375 328,125 4,158 373383-DY-1 GEORGIA ST 4,924,040 92,000 276,000 (6,719) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 14,379,002 266,375 864,125 (18,457) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419779-KV-4 HAWAII ST 6,391,344 135,919 326,206 (2,570) 419780-PX-3 HAWAII ST 3,399,660 57,000 85,500 (24,611) 419780-VT-5 HAWAII ST 1,033,960 22,917 25,361 (2,242) 419780-XZ-9 HAWAII ST 5,305,400 25,521 (2,721) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 16,130,364 241,357 437,067 (32,143) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167484-QJ-6 CHICAGO ILL (zero coupon bond) 5,072,640 51,219 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 1,467,915 32,031 38,438 597 452150-FG-5 ILLINOIS ST 7,326,902 176,927 424,625 18,602 452151-AR-4 ILLINOIS ST 5,527,750 134,375 (13,790) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 19,395,207 343,333 463,063 56,628 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 059185-NN-4 BALTIMORE MARYLAND 2,211,180 29,556 140,000 (27,552) 574192-DF-4 MARYLAND ST 2,505,690 60,867 132,000 60,642 574192-TQ-3 MARYLAND ST 3,412,170 62,333 (10,291) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND 8,129,040 152,756 272,000 22,798 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575827-4G-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 11,671,669 49,755 597,063 (1,044) 575827-RU-6 MASS ST CONS LN SER C 2,056,338 43,750 105,000 (4,989) 575827-TT-7 MASSACHUSETTS ST CONS LN-SER MUNICIPAL 6,123,975 48,125 144,375 (34,121) 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 3,217,110 55,000 76,083 (7,788) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 23,069,092 196,630 922,521 (47,942) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-3C-0 MINNESOTA ST 7,218,530 193,813 (36,252) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive (Decrease) Bonds in Rate by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total Bonds - All Other Government - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - All Other Government Bonds XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALASKA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 011710-FT-2 ALASKA INDL DEV & EXPT AUTH 1 10/31/2001 6.161 033161-DJ-6 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 1 06/24/2002 4.440 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130622-SD-6 CALIFORNIA STATE 1 08/28/1991 6.300 130623-NG-2 CALIFORNIA ST 1 09/26/1991 6.325 130624-EV-7 CALIFORNIA STATE MISC PURPOSES 1 04/02/1991 6.750 798135-UK-3 SAN JOSE CALIF 1 07/11/2002 4.649 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772F-AR-1 CONNECTICUT STATE 1 01/05/2001 3.846 20772F-DH-0 CONNECTICUT STATE 1 01/05/2001 4.283 20772F-L6-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 1 08/22/2002 4.310 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341422-6H-1 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 1 03/06/2002 5.150 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 373382-NG-1 GEORGIA STATE PUBLIC IMPRV 1 09/16/1992 5.900 373382-PS-3 GEORGIA STATE SERIES B 1 12/27/2001 6.370 373383-DY-1 GEORGIA ST 1 10/31/2001 5.448 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419779-KV-4 HAWAII ST 1 10/31/2001 5.043 419780-PX-3 HAWAII ST 1 06/11/2002 3.700 419780-VT-5 HAWAII ST 1 02/15/2002 5.060 419780-XZ-9 HAWAII ST 1Z 11/14/2002 4.460 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167484-QJ-6 CHICAGO ILL (zero coupon bond) 1Z 10/18/2002 5.390 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 1 02/01/2002 5.280 452150-FG-5 ILLINOIS ST 1 10/31/2001 6.014 452151-AR-4 ILLINOIS ST 1 09/03/2002 4.060 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 059185-NN-4 BALTIMORE MARYLAND 1 09/28/1994 5.502 574192-DF-4 MARYLAND ST 1 11/14/1994 6.746 574192-TQ-3 MARYLAND ST 1 08/01/2002 4.040 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575827-4G-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 1 01/09/2002 5.100 575827-RU-6 MASS ST CONS LN SER C 1 10/31/2001 4.848 575827-TT-7 MASSACHUSETTS ST CONS LN-SER MUNICIPAL 1 07/11/2002 3.490 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 1 07/18/2002 4.560 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-3C-0 MINNESOTA ST 1 06/21/2002 3.609 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ------------ 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Description Rate How Maturity Option Option Carrying Identification * of Paid Date Date Call Price Value - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-R5-9 MINNESOTA ST 5.250 FA 08/01/2016 6,201,756 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA 13,384,035 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 646038-J2-6 NEW JERSEY ST 6.000 JJ 07/15/2005 7,111,786 646038-XA-2 NEW JERSEY ST 6.000 FA 02/15/2013 5,185,737 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 12,297,523 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 649669-Y6-9 NEW YORK NY 5.500 MN 05/15/2016 05/15/2011 100.000 3,050,427 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 3,050,427 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 658256-GU-0 NORTH CAROLINA ST 5.000 MS 03/01/2007 5,312,258 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NORTH CAROLINA 5,312,258 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677518-6A-5 OHIO ST 5.375 MS 09/15/2017 03/15/2012 100.000 3,234,544 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 3,234,544 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68607L-JB-4 OREGON ST 5.125 AO 10/01/2031 4,871,821 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OREGON 4,871,821 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745145-Q5-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 5.500 JJ 07/01/2014 4,540,843 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO 4,540,843 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 837107-WA-5 SOUTH CAROLINA ST 5.500 AO 10/01/2008 3,376,460 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 3,376,460 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 880540-J7-5 TENNESSEE ST 6.000 MN 05/01/2006 2,065,464 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 2,065,464 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 944097-LX-0 WAXAHACHIE TEX INDPT SCH (zero coupon bond) NONE 08/15/2030 08/15/2010 26.360 1,329,249 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 1,329,249 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917542-KZ-4 UTAH ST 5.375 JJ 07/01/2012 2,224,164 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH 2,224,164 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 939741-NH-3 WASHINGTON ST 6.000 JD 06/01/2005 2,536,624 939744-BU-1 WASHINGTON ST 5.500 MS 09/01/2003 2,239,210 939745-SL-0 WASHINGTON ST 5.500 JJ 07/01/2014 1,063,153 939745-ZC-2 WASHINGTON ST 5.000 JJ 01/01/2018 9,592,062 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 15,431,050 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 977055-E6-5 WISCONSIN ST 5.300 MN 11/01/2003 2,001,067 977056-2B-5 WISCONSIN ST 5.250 MN 05/01/2015 05/01/2012 100.000 3,135,001 977056-2K-5 WISCONSIN ST 5.000 MN 05/01/2010 5,762,524 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 10,898,592 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 196,608,427 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Total Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - Issuer Obligations 196,608,427 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - States, Territories and Possessions 196,608,427 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167560-DE-8 CHICAGO ILL MET WTR RECLAMATION 7.000 JJ 01/01/2011 990,401 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used to Dec. 31 of Gross Obtain Current Year Amount CUSIP Description Par Fair Fair Actual on Bonds not Received Identification Value Value Value Cost in Default During Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-R5-9 MINNESOTA ST 6,400,000 108.5540 6,947,456 6,189,120 140,000 336,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA 13,045,000 XXX 14,394,773 13,407,650 333,813 336,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 646038-J2-6 NEW JERSEY ST 6,975,000 110.6190 7,715,675 7,227,565 192,975 418,500 646038-XA-2 NEW JERSEY ST 5,200,000 118.6530 6,169,956 5,183,145 117,867 312,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 12,175,000 XXX 13,885,631 12,410,710 310,842 730,500 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 649669-Y6-9 NEW YORK NY 3,000,000 109.3130 3,279,390 3,055,352 21,083 165,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 3,000,000 XXX 3,279,390 3,055,352 21,083 165,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 658256-GU-0 NORTH CAROLINA ST 5,000,000 111.1460 5,557,300 5,355,650 83,333 125,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NORTH CAROLINA 5,000,000 XXX 5,557,300 5,355,650 83,333 125,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677518-6A-5 OHIO ST 3,065,000 109.5280 3,357,033 3,242,494 48,508 82,372 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 3,065,000 XXX 3,357,033 3,242,494 48,508 82,372 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68607L-JB-4 OREGON ST 5,000,000 101.9560 5,097,800 4,869,250 64,063 277,604 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OREGON 5,000,000 XXX 5,097,800 4,869,250 64,063 277,604 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745145-Q5-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 4,000,000 115.8210 4,632,840 4,555,280 87,389 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO 4,000,000 XXX 4,632,840 4,555,280 87,389 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 837107-WA-5 SOUTH CAROLINA ST 3,000,000 114.9020 3,447,060 3,398,880 41,250 82,500 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 3,000,000 XXX 3,447,060 3,398,880 41,250 82,500 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 880540-J7-5 TENNESSEE ST 2,000,000 113.0550 2,261,100 2,085,724 20,000 120,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 2,000,000 XXX 2,261,100 2,085,724 20,000 120,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 944097-LX-0 WAXAHACHIE TEX INDPT SCH (zero coupon bond) 6,820,000 20.0590 1,368,024 1,324,580 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 6,820,000 XXX 1,368,024 1,324,580 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917542-KZ-4 UTAH ST 2,000,000 114.0020 2,280,040 2,231,900 49,569 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH 2,000,000 XXX 2,280,040 2,231,900 49,569 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 939741-NH-3 WASHINGTON ST 2,500,000 110.1770 2,754,425 2,552,200 12,500 150,000 939744-BU-1 WASHINGTON ST 2,235,000 102.8630 2,298,988 2,245,764 40,975 122,925 939745-SL-0 WASHINGTON ST 1,000,000 114.3150 1,143,150 1,077,300 27,500 55,000 939745-ZC-2 WASHINGTON ST 10,000,000 103.3470 10,334,700 9,574,571 250,000 500,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 15,735,000 XXX 16,531,263 15,449,835 330,975 827,925 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 977055-E6-5 WISCONSIN ST 2,000,000 103.4070 2,068,140 2,002,194 17,667 106,000 977056-2B-5 WISCONSIN ST 3,000,000 109.4070 3,282,210 3,141,180 26,250 65,625 977056-2K-5 WISCONSIN ST 5,250,000 110.2970 5,790,593 5,783,190 43,750 131,250 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 10,250,000 XXX 11,140,943 10,926,564 87,667 302,875 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 203,875,000 XXX 209,681,010 196,920,912 3,138,562 7,186,489 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Total Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - Issuer Obligations 203,875,000 XXX 209,681,010 196,920,912 3,138,562 7,186,489 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - States, Territories and Possessions 203,875,000 XXX 209,681,010 196,920,912 3,138,562 7,186,489 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167560-DE-8 CHICAGO ILL MET WTR RECLAMATION 1,000,000 123.4820 1,234,820 983,270 35,000 70,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Year, on Increase Bonds in Increase (Decrease) Default (Decrease) by Foreign as to Effective CUSIP Description by Exchange Principal NAIC Date Rate of Identification Adjustment Adjustment or Interest Designation Acquired Interest - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-R5-9 MINNESOTA ST 11,099 1 10/31/2001 5.578 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA (25,152) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 646038-J2-6 NEW JERSEY ST (48,455) 1 10/31/2001 5.166 646038-XA-2 NEW JERSEY ST 2,419 1 10/31/2001 6.037 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY (46,037) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 649669-Y6-9 NEW YORK NY (4,176) 1 10/31/2001 5.249 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK (4,176) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 658256-GU-0 NORTH CAROLINA ST (43,392) 1 05/09/2002 3.380 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NORTH CAROLINA (43,392) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677518-6A-5 OHIO ST (7,950) 1 06/05/2002 4.630 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO (7,950) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68607L-JB-4 OREGON ST 2,521 1 12/21/2001 5.300 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OREGON 2,521 XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745145-Q5-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH (14,437) 1 07/19/2002 4.020 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO (14,437) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 837107-WA-5 SOUTH CAROLINA ST (22,420) 1 08/12/2002 3.100 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA (22,420) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 880540-J7-5 TENNESSEE ST (17,385) 1 10/31/2001 4.923 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE (17,385) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 944097-LX-0 WAXAHACHIE TEX INDPT SCH (zero coupon bond) 4,668 1Z 11/25/2002 3.998 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 4,668 XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917542-KZ-4 UTAH ST (7,736) 1 07/18/2002 3.949 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH (7,736) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 939741-NH-3 WASHINGTON ST (13,461) 1 10/31/2001 5.346 939744-BU-1 WASHINGTON ST (5,684) 1 10/31/2001 5.208 939745-SL-0 WASHINGTON ST (3,982) 1 03/25/1999 4.780 939745-ZC-2 WASHINGTON ST 17,352 1 12/28/2001 5.400 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON (5,774) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 977055-E6-5 WISCONSIN ST (951) 1 10/31/2001 5.234 977056-2B-5 WISCONSIN ST (6,179) 1 05/29/2002 4.650 977056-2K-5 WISCONSIN ST (20,666) 1PE 08/19/2002 3.480 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN (27,796) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (282,231) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Total Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - Issuer Obligations (282,231) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - States, Territories and Possessions (282,231) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167560-DE-8 CHICAGO ILL MET WTR RECLAMATION 760 1 06/11/1991 7.160 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ------------ 4 5 Option Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Call Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Date Price Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 167684-MS-5 CHICAGO ILL SCH FIN AUTH 5.000 JD 06/01/2006 06/01/2004 102.000 3,103,947 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ILLINOIS 4,094,348 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MICHIGAN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 251129-ZZ-8 DETROIT MICH CITY SCH DIST 5.125 MN 05/01/2031 9,561,294 594610-TP-2 MICHIGAN ST ENVIRONMENTAL PROTN PROG 5.000 MN 11/01/2015 4,976,929 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MICHIGAN 14,538,223 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEVADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 181054-M7-9 CLARK CNTY SCH DIST 5.250 JD 06/15/2015 06/15/2009 100.000 18,308,338 641459-FZ-0 NEVADA ST 5.300 JJ 07/01/2024 3,711,256 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEVADA 22,019,594 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW HAMPSHIRE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 562332-2V-7 MANCHESTER NEW HAMPSHIRE (zero coupon bond) NONE 10/01/2004 5,276,063 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEW HAMPSHIRE 5,276,063 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NORTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 161034-QY-2 CHARLOTTE N C 5.000 FA 02/01/2007 2,971,601 658256-DK-5 NORTH CAROLINA ST 5.250 MS 03/01/2018 03/01/2009 102.000 11,162,984 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NORTH CAROLINA 14,134,585 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OHIO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 006112-AU-0 ADAMS CNTY OHIO VY LOC SCH DIST 5.250 JD 12/01/2021 1,756,673 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OHIO 1,756,673 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PENNSYLVANIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 717813-AW-9 PHILADELPHIA PENN 5,000 MN 05/15/2025 1,834,339 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 1,834,339 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUERTO RICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 745144-2C-8 PUERTO RICO COMMONWEALTH 5.375 JJ 07/01/2022 2,797,762 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL PUERTO RICO 2,797,762 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TENNESSEE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 821686-JH-6 SHELBY COUNTY TENN SERIES A 5.100 MS 03/01/2022 2,574,079 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL TENNESSEE 2,574,079 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 235218-KJ-2 DALLAS TEXAS 6.100 FA 02/15/2004 02/15/2003 100.000 2,700,000 265129-8T-6 DUNCANVILLE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 5.250 FA 02/15/2032 9,368,781 349460-C9-4 FORT WORTH TEX INDPT SCH DIST 5.875 FA 02/15/2015 02/15/2010 100.000 1,101,232 442402-C4-3 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIST 6.300 FA 08/15/2014 3,172,972 442402-Q4-8 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIST 5.250 FA 02/15/2018 3,769,145 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL TEXAS 20,112,130 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WASHINGTON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 495278-RM-7 KING CNTY WASH SCH DIST NO 415 KENT 5.250 JD 12/01/2007 1,465,399 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WASHINGTON 1,465,399 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 90,603,194 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1899999 - Total Bonds - Political Subdivisions - Issuer Obligations 90,603,194 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2499999 - Total - Political Subdivisions Bonds 90,603,194 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 010608-SX-6 ALABAMA ST PUB SCH & COLL 5.125 MN 11/01/2016 4,910,567 472682-EX-7 JEFFERSON CNTY ALA SWR REV 5.700 FA 02/01/2019 02/01/2009 100.000 5,013,651 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ALABAMA 9,924,218 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ARIZONA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 040654-EY-7 ARIZONA ST TRANSN BRD HWY REV 5.000 JJ 07/01/2010 4,499,851 040654-KA-2 ARIZONA ST TRANS BRD HWY REV 5.250 JJ 07/01/2019 07/01/2012 100.000 1,051,041 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest ---------------------- 14 15 Amount Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Rate of Gross Used to Current Amount Obtain Year on Received CUSIP Fair Fair Actual Bonds not During Identification Description Par Value Value Value Cost in Default Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167684-MS-5 CHICAGO ILL SCH FIN AUTH 3,000,000 106.6580 3,199,740 3,125,820 12,500 150,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 4,000,000 XXX 4,434,560 4,109,090 47,500 220,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 251129-ZZ-8 DETROIT MICH CITY SCH DIST 10,000,000 101.7600 10,176,000 9,554,100 85,417 555,208 594610-TP-2 MICHIGAN ST ENVIRONMENTAL PROTN PROG 5,000,000 112.1950 5,609,750 4,974,766 41,667 250,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 15,000,000 XXX 15,785,750 14,528,866 127,083 805,208 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181054-M7-9 CLARK CNTY SCH DIST 18,000,000 108.4090 19,513,620 18,362,158 42,000 945,000 641459-FZ-0 NEVADA ST 3,900,000 102.6320 4,002,648 3,704,596 103,350 206,700 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 21,900,000 XXX 23,516,268 22,066,754 145,350 1,151,700 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 562332-2V-7 MANCHESTER NEW HAMPSHIRE (zero coupon bond) 5,850,000 97.2670 5,690,120 4,970,488 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW HAMPSHIRE 5,850,000 XXX 5,690,120 4,970,488 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH CAROLINA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 161034-QY-2 CHARLOTTE N C 3,000,000 111.0250 3,330,750 2,963,850 62,500 150,000 658256-DK-5 NORTH CAROLINA ST 11,750,000 114.7980 13,488,765 11,037,515 205,625 616,875 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NORTH CAROLINA 14,750,000 XXX 16,819,515 14,001,365 268,125 766,875 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 006112-AU-0 ADAMS CNTY OHIO VY LOC SCH DIST 1,925,000 103.6280 1,994,839 1,749,544 8,422 101,063 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 1,925,000 XXX 1,994,839 1,749,544 8,422 101,063 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 717813-AW-9 PHILADELPHIA PENN 2,000,000 100.8370 2,016,740 1,829,094 12,778 100,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 2,000,000 XXX 2,016,740 1,829,094 12,778 100,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745144-2C-8 PUERTO RICO COMMONWEALTH 3,000,000 105.0880 3,152,640 2,788,958 80,625 161,250 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO 3,000,000 XXX 3,152,640 2,788,958 80,625 161,250 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 821686-JH-6 SHELBY COUNTY TENN SERIES A 2,600,000 102.1450 2,655,770 2,572,563 44,200 132,600 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 2,600,000 XXX 2,655,770 2,572,563 44,200 132,600 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 235218-KJ-2 DALLAS TEXAS 2,700,000 100.5920 2,715,984 2,700,000 62,220 164,700 265129-8T-6 DUNCANVILLE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 9,650,000 102.7870 9,918,946 9,365,229 548,844 349460-C9-4 FORT WORTH TEX INDPT SCH DIST 1,100,000 113.5710 1,249,281 1,101,232 24,414 64,625 442402-C4-3 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIST 3,000,000 121.5190 3,645,570 3,184,149 71,400 189,000 442402-Q4-8 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIST 4,000,000 106.0550 4,242,200 3,747,322 79,333 210,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 20,450,000 XXX 21,771,981 20,097,932 786,211 628,325 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 495278-RM-7 KING CNTY WASH SCH DIST NO 415 KENT 1,500,000 111.5580 1,673,370 1,458,198 6,563 78,750 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 1,500,000 XXX 1,673,370 1,458,198 6,563 78,750 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 92,975,000 XXX 99,511,552 90,172,851 1,526,856 4,145,771 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total Bonds - Political Subdivisions - Issuer Obligations 92,975,000 XXX 99,511,552 90,172,851 1,526,856 4,145,771 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Total - Political Subdivisions Bonds 92,975,000 XXX 99,511,552 90,172,851 1,526,856 4,145,771 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010608-SX-6 ALABAMA ST PUB SCH & COLL 5,000,000 106.5810 5,329,050 4,904,845 42,708 256,250 472682-EX-7 JEFFERSON CNTY ALA SWR REV 5,000,000 109.6810 5,484,050 5,014,500 118,750 285,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA 10,000,000 XXX 10,813,100 9,919,345 161,458 541,250 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARIZONA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 040654-EY-7 ARIZONA ST TRANSN BRD HWY REV 4,535,000 111.4240 5,053,078 4,494,524 113,375 226,750 040654-KA-2 ARIZONA ST TRANS BRD HWY REV 1,000,000 107.5340 1,075,340 1,051,650 11,083 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Year, on Increase Bonds in (Decrease) Default Increase by as to Effective (Decrease) Foreign Principal Rate CUSIP by Exchange or NAIC Date of Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest Designation Acquired Interest - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167684-MS-5 CHICAGO ILL SCH FIN AUTH (21,873) 1 04/02/2002 3.850 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS (21,113) XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 251129-ZZ-8 DETROIT MICH CITY SCH DIST 7,012 1 12/18/2001 5.430 594610-TP-2 MICHIGAN ST ENVIRONMENTAL PROTN PROG 1,953 1 10/31/2001 5.049 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 8,965 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181054-M7-9 CLARK CNTY SCH DIST (39,307) 1 12/27/2001 4.937 641459-FZ-0 NEVADA ST 5,874 1 10/31/2001 5.709 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA (33,434) XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 562332-2V-7 MANCHESTER NEW HAMPSHIRE (zero coupon bond) 302,317 1 12/27/2001 5.989 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW HAMPSHIRE 302,317 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 161034-QY-2 CHARLOTTE N C 6,788 1 10/31/2001 5.261 658256-DK-5 NORTH CAROLINA ST 121,055 1 10/31/2001 6.516 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NORTH CAROLINA 127,843 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 006112-AU-0 ADAMS CNTY OHIO VY LOC SCH D IST 6,201 1 10/31/2001 6.098 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 6,201 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 717813-AW-9 PHILADELPHIA PENN 4,562 1 10/31/2001 5.691 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 4,562 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745144-2C-8 PUERTO RICO COMMONWEALTH 7,705 2 10/31/2001 6.023 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO 7,705 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 821686-JH-6 SHELBY COUNTY TENN SERIES A 1,380 1 10/31/2001 5.185 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 1,380 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 235218-KJ-2 DALLAS TEXAS 1 10/28/1992 6.098 265129-8T-6 DUNCANVILLE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 3,348 1 12/14/2001 5.449 349460-C9-4 FORT WORTH TEX INDPT SCH DIST 19 1 10/31/2001 5.854 442402-C4-3 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIST (9,532) 1 10/31/2001 5.618 442402-Q4-8 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIST 9,919 1PE 10/31/2001 5.830 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 3,754 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 495278-RM-7 KING CNTY WASH SCH DIST NO 415 KENT 6,264 1 10/31/2001 5.796 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 6,264 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 414,445 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total Bonds - Political Subdivisions - Issuer Obligations 414,445 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Total - Political Subdivisions Bonds 414,445 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALABAMA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010608-SX-6 ALABAMA ST PUB SCH & COLL 5,017 1PE 10/31/2001 5.309 472682-EX-7 JEFFERSON CNTY ALA SWR REV (584) 1 10/31/2001 5.646 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALABAMA 4,433 XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARIZONA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 040654-EY-7 ARIZONA ST TRANSN BRD HWY REV 4,727 1 10/31/2001 5.126 040654-KA-2 ARIZONA ST TRANS BRD HWY REV (609) 1Z 10/31/2002 4.578 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 ------------ 4 5 CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 71883M-CV-4 PHOENIX CIVIC-AM 5.500 JJ 07/01/2009 07/01/2007 100.000 79575D-BS-8 SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRIC IMPT & PWR 5.750 JJ 01/01/2010 79575D-PC-8 SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRI 5.000 JJ 01/01/2020 01/01/2013 100.000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ARIZONA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03255L-AB-5 ANAHEIM CALIF PUB FING AUTH LEASE 5.000 MS 09/01/2027 13033E-W4-1 CALIFORNIA HSG FIN AGY REV SER A 5.400 FA 08/01/2018 08/01/2010 100.000 13066K-EL-9 CALIFORNIA ST DEPT WTR RES CENT 5.375 JD 12/01/2027 544712-RB-0 LOS ANGELES CNTY CALIF MET TRAN 5.250 JJ 07/01/2030 592663-RS-9 METROPOLITAN WTR DIST SOUTHN 5.000 JJ 07/01/2027 798111-DC-1 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS CALIF TRANSN CORR (zero coupon bond) NONE 01/15/2028 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COLORADO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 196454-DR-0 COLORADO DEPT TRANS REV 5.375 JD 06/15/2016 06/15/2012 101.000 26822L-BG-8 E-470 PUB HWY AUTH COLO REV (zero coupon bond) NONE 09/01/2021 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL COLORADO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 115065-JK-1 BROWARD CNTY FLA SCH BRD CTFS 5.000 JJ 07/01/2026 233620-DL-4 DADE CNTY FLA WTR & SWR SYS REV 5.500 AO 10/01/2025 341507-AT-8 FLORIDA ST BRD ED LOTTERY REV 5.000 JJ 07/01/2016 362848-KV-4 GAINSVILLE FLA UTILS SYS RE 5.200 AO 10/01/2022 43232Y-AP-0 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA INDL DEV AUTH 5.500 MS 09/01/2016 09/01/2012 100.000 684212-CZ-4 ORANGE CNTY CALIF ARPT RE 5.375 JJ 07/01/2009 07/01/2007 102.000 686509-TS-9 ORLANDO FLA UTILS COMMN WTR 6.750 AO 10/01/2017 875128-EV-8 TAMPA BAY WTR FLA UTIL SYS 5.000 AO 10/01/2022 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEORGIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 240523-QS-2 DE KALB CNTY GA WTR & SWR 5.125 AO 10/01/2031 360064-LR-8 FULTON CNTY GA SCH DIST 6.100 MN 05/01/2003 373538-NM-5 GEORGIA ST HSG & FIN AUTH REV 5.850 JD 12/01/2028 06/01/2009 100.000 373587-BJ-2 GEORGIA ST RD & TWY AUTH 5.375 MS 03/01/2015 03/01/2012 100.000 403760-CP-4 GWINNETT CNTY GA WTR & SE 5.250 FA 08/01/2024 08/01/2012 100.000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL GEORGIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HAWAII - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 438701-CL-6 HONOLULU HAWAII CITY & CNTY WASTEWTR 5.125 JJ 07/01/2031 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL HAWAII - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 167727-GS-9 CHICAGO ILL WASTEWATER TRANS REV 5.250 JJ 01/01/2028 01/01/2010 100.000 167736-RK-5 CHICAGO ILL WTR REV 5.000 MN 11/01/2026 452245-AR-4 ILLINOIS ST TOLL HWY AUTH 6.300 JJ 01/01/2012 592247-KT-6 METROPOLITAN PIER & EXPOSITION AUTH ILL 5.250 JD 06/15/2027 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDIANA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 455141-EA-5 INDIANA TRANSN FIN AUTH HWY REV (zero coupon bond) NONE 12/01/2015 455280-4T-1 INDIANAPOLIS IND LOC PUB IMP 5.500 JJ 01/01/2014 07/01/2012 100.000 455280-4V-6 INDIANAPOLIS IND LOC PUB IMP 5.500 JJ 01/01/2015 07/01/2012 100.000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL INDIANA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KANSAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 485424-GU-3 KANSAS ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 5.750 MS 09/01/2012 09/01/2010 100.000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL KANSAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 Rate Used to Book/Adjusted Obtain CUSIP Carrying Par Fair Fair Identification Description Value Value Value Value - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71883M-CV-4 PHOENIX CIVIC-AM 3,981,922 3,820,000 108.2390 4,134,730 79575D-BS-8 SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRIC IMPT & PWR 2,193,678 2,150,000 115.7430 2,488,475 79575D-PC-8 SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRI 2,091,288 2,000,000 104.4830 2,089,660 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA 13,817,780 13,505,000 XXX 14,841,283 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03255L-AB-5 ANAHEIM CALIF PUB FING AUTH LEASE 4,304,335 4,750,000 101.2770 4,810,658 13033E-W4-1 CALIFORNIA HSG FIN AGY REV SER A 2,000,000 2,000,000 104.6520 2,093,040 13066K-EL-9 CALIFORNIA ST DEPT WTR RES CENT 2,013,689 2,075,000 103.7860 2,153,560 544712-RB-0 LOS ANGELES CNTY CALIF MET TRAN 2,467,739 2,500,000 103.5340 2,588,350 592663-RS-9 METROPOLITAN WTR DIST SOUTHN 3,268,274 3,500,000 100.5030 3,517,605 798111-DC-1 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS CALIF TRANSN CORR (zero coupon bond) 1,588,162 6,175,000 26.7260 1,650,331 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 15,642,198 21,000,000 XXX 16,813,543 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLORADO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196454-DR-0 COLORADO DEPT TRANS REV 2,667,425 2,500,000 110.8390 2,770,975 26822L-BG-8 E-470 PUB HWY AUTH COLO REV (zero coupon bond) 2,308,835 6,295,000 38.2860 2,410,104 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COLORADO 4,976,261 8,795,000 XXX 5,181,079 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115065-JK-1 BROWARD CNTY FLA SCH BRD CTFS 8,841,273 9,000,000 101.3830 9,124,470 233620-DL-4 DADE CNTY FLA WTR & SWR SYS REV 6,594,692 7,000,000 104.7470 7,332,290 341507-AT-8 FLORIDA ST BRD ED LOTTERY REV 4,991,430 5,000,000 105.0900 5,254,500 362848-KV-4 GAINSVILLE FLA UTILS SYS RE 8,356,569 9,000,000 102.9630 9,266,670 43232Y-AP-0 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA INDL DEV AUTH 2,410,257 2,230,000 111.3590 2,483,306 684212-CZ-4 ORANGE CNTY CALIF ARPT RE 4,161,531 3,825,000 110.0500 4,209,413 686509-TS-9 ORLANDO FLA UTILS COMMN WTR 2,217,704 2,000,000 126.4630 2,529,260 875128-EV-8 TAMPA BAY WTR FLA UTIL SYS 4,878,084 5,000,000 102.4850 5,124,250 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 42,451,541 43,055,000 XXX 45,324,158 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 240523-QS-2 DE KALB CNTY GA WTR & SWR 4,888,468 5,000,000 102.0340 5,101,700 360064-LR-8 FULTON CNTY GA SCH DIST 3,998,705 4,000,000 101.6330 4,065,320 373538-NM-5 GEORGIA ST HSG & FIN AUTH REV 1,829,786 1,830,000 103.7570 1,898,753 373587-BJ-2 GEORGIA ST RD & TWY AUTH 7,637,182 7,000,000 111.3530 7,794,710 403760-CP-4 GWINNETT CNTY GA WTR & SE 5,024,243 5,000,000 104.8300 5,241,500 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 23,378,384 22,830,000 XXX 24,101,983 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 438701-CL-6 HONOLULU HAWAII CITY & CNTY WASTEWTR 10,461,985 10,500,000 101.5000 10,657,500 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII 10,461,985 10,500,000 XXX 10,657,500 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167727-GS-9 CHICAGO ILL WASTEWATER TRANS REV 2,504,611 2,500,000 102.3500 2,558,750 167736-RK-5 CHICAGO ILL WTR REV 7,782,822 8,000,000 100.6320 8,050,560 452245-AR-4 ILLINOIS ST TOLL HWY AUTH 2,354,745 2,000,000 118.5040 2,370,080 592247-KT-6 METROPOLITAN PIER & EXPOSITION AUTH ILL 4,791,477 5,000,000 101.9480 5,097,400 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 17,433,656 17,500,000 XXX 18,076,790 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 455141-EA-5 INDIANA TRANSN FIN AUTH HWY REV (zero coupon bond) 1,818,076 3,500,000 55.0170 1,925,595 455280-4T-1 INDIANAPOLIS IND LOC PUB IMP 2,142,045 2,000,000 112.7700 2,255,400 455280-4V-6 INDIANAPOLIS IND LOC PUB IMP 1,594,640 1,500,000 112.0950 1,681,425 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA 5,554,760 7,000,000 XXX 5,862,420 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 485424-GU-3 KANSAS ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 7,860,770 7,000,000 114.7920 8,035,440 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS 7,860,770 7,000,000 XXX 8,035,440 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 13 Interest 16 -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due and Accrued Dec. 31 of Current Year Gross Increase on Bonds Amount (Decrease) CUSIP Actual not in Received by Identification Description Cost Default During Year Adjustment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 71883M-CV-4 PHOENIX CIVIC-AM 4,002,443 105,050 35,017 (20,521) 79575D-BS-8 SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRIC IMPT & PWR 2,198,987 61,813 123,625 (4,540) 79575D-PC-8 SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRI 2,093,060 26,389 (1,772) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ARIZONA 13,840,664 317,710 385,392 (22,715) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03255L-AB-5 ANAHEIM CALIF PUB FING AUTH LEASE 4,293,162 79,167 237,500 9,758 13033E-W4-1 CALIFORNIA HSG FIN AGY REV SER A 2,000,000 45,000 108,000 13066K-EL-9 CALIFORNIA ST DEPT WTR RES CENT 2,011,475 9,294 111,531 1,966 544712-RB-0 LOS ANGELES CNTY CALIF MET TRAN 2,467,150 65,625 65,625 589 592663-RS-9 METROPOLITAN WTR DIST SOUTHN 3,259,905 87,500 175,000 7,327 798111-DC-1 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS CALIF TRANSN CORR (zero coupon bond) 1,490,565 83,840 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CALIFORNIA 15,522,257 286,586 697,656 103,480 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COLORADO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 196454-DR-0 COLORADO DEPT TRANS REV 2,673,700 5,972 64,948 (6,275) 26822L-BG-8 E-470 PUB HWY AUTH COLO REV (zero coupon bond) 2,168,218 120,788 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL COLORADO 4,841,918 5,972 64,948 114,513 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 115065-JK-1 BROWARD CNTY FLA SCH BRD CTFS 8,837,730 225,000 225,000 3,543 233620-DL-4 DADE CNTY FLA WTR & SWR SYS REV 6,582,865 96,250 385,000 10,369 341507-AT-8 FLORIDA ST BRD ED LOTTERY REV 4,989,882 125,000 250,000 1,470 362848-KV-4 GAINSVILLE FLA UTILS SYS RE 8,329,933 117,000 468,000 23,146 43232Y-AP-0 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA INDL DEV AUTH 2,412,280 16,013 (2,023) 684212-CZ-4 ORANGE CNTY CALIF ARPT RE 4,183,556 102,797 (22,024) 686509-TS-9 ORLANDO FLA UTILS COMMN WTR 2,231,986 33,750 135,000 (12,219) 875128-EV-8 TAMPA BAY WTR FLA UTIL SYS 4,873,550 62,500 250,000 4,525 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL FLORIDA 42,441,782 778,310 1,713,000 6,786 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEORGIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 240523-QS-2 DE KALB CNTY GA WTR & SWR 4,886,450 64,063 256,250 2,018 360064-LR-8 FULTON CNTY GA SCH DIST 3,967,320 40,667 244,000 3,795 373538-NM-5 GEORGIA ST HSG & FIN AUTH REV 1,829,576 8,921 107,582 208 373587-BJ-2 GEORGIA ST RD & TWY AUTH 7,662,550 125,417 282,188 (25,368) 403760-CP-4 GWINNETT CNTY GA WTR & SE 5,025,000 109,375 65,625 (757) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL GEORGIA 23,370,896 348,442 955,644 (20,105) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HAWAII - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 438701-CL-6 HONOLULU HAWAII CITY & CNTY WASTEWTR 10,459,472 269,063 517,198 2,389 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL HAWAII 10,459,472 269,063 517,198 2,389 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 167727-GS-9 CHICAGO ILL WASTEWATER TRANS REV 2,504,678 65,625 131,250 6 167736-RK-5 CHICAGO ILL WTR REV 7,777,920 66,667 366,667 4,902 452245-AR-4 ILLINOIS ST TOLL HWY AUTH 2,359,000 63,000 (4,255) 592247-KT-6 METROPOLITAN PIER & EXPOSITION AUTH ILL 4,785,534 11,667 262,500 5,271 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ILLINOIS 17,427,132 206,958 760,417 5,925 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDIANA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 455141-EA-5 INDIANA TRANSN FIN AUTH HWY REV (zero coupon bond) 1,713,397 89,895 455280-4T-1 INDIANAPOLIS IND LOC PUB IMP 2,149,800 55,000 18,639 (7,755) 455280-4V-6 INDIANAPOLIS IND LOC PUB IMP 1,599,765 41,250 13,979 (5,125) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL INDIANA 5,462,962 96,250 32,618 77,014 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KANSAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 485424-GU-3 KANSAS ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 7,909,300 134,167 201,250 (48,530) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL KANSAS 7,909,300 134,167 201,250 (48,530) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive (Decrease) Bonds in Rate by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Interest ation Acquired terest - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71883M-CV-4 PHOENIX CIVIC-AM 1 04/19/2002 4.450 79575D-BS-8 SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRIC IMPT & PWR 1 10/31/2001 5.398 79575D-PC-8 SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRI 1 09/13/2002 4.430 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03255L-AB-5 ANAHEIM CALIF PUB F ING AUTH LEASE 1 10/31/2001 5.729 13033E-W4-1 CALIFORNIA HSG FIN AGY REV SER A 1 10/31/2001 5.396 13066K-EL-9 CALIFORNIA ST DEPT WTR RES CENT 1 10/31/2001 5.618 544712-RB-0 LOS ANGELES CNTY CALIF MET TRAN 1 04/03/2002 5.340 592663-RS-9 METROPOLITAN WTR DIST SOUTHN 1 10/31/2001 5.563 798111-DC-1 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS CALIF TRANSN CORR (zero coupon bond) 1 10/31/2001 5.497 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLORADO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196454-DR-0 COLORADO DEPT TRANS REV 1 06/11/2002 4.580 26822L-BG-8 E-470 PUB HWY AUTH COLO REV (zero coupon bond) 1 10/31/2001 5.446 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COLORADO XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115065-JK-1 BROWARD CNTY FLA SCH BRD CTFS 1 01/22/2002 5.130 233620-DL-4 DADE CNTY FLA WTR & SWR SYS REV 1 10/31/2001 5.979 341507-AT-8 FLORIDA ST BRD ED LOTTERY REV 1 10/31/2001 5.018 362848-KV-4 GAINSVILLE FLA UTILS SYS RE 1PE 10/31/2001 5.867 43232Y-AP-0 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA INDL DEV AUTH 1Z 10/21/2002 4.462 684212-CZ-4 ORANGE CNTY CALIF ARPT RE 1 07/25/2002 3.650 686509-TS-9 ORLANDO FLA UTILS COMMN WTR 1 10/31/2001 5.492 875128-EV-8 TAMPA BAY WTR FLA UTIL SYS 1 12/28/2001 5.199 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 240523-QS-2 DE KALB CNTY GA WTR & SWR 1 01/03/2002 5.277 360064-LR-8 FULTON CNTY GA SCH DIST 1 12/05/1991 6.200 373538-NM-5 GEORGIA ST HSG & FIN AUTH REV 1 10/31/2001 5.849 373587-BJ-2 GEORGIA ST RD & TWY AUTH 1 07/15/2002 4.170 403760-CP-4 GWINNETT CNTY GA WTR & SE 1 05/22/2002 5.185 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 438701-CL-6 HONOLULU HAWAII CITY & CNTY WASTEWTR 1PE 10/31/2001 5.149 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167727-GS-9 CHICAGO ILL WASTEWATER TRANS REV 1 10/31/2001 5.218 167736-RK-5 CHICAGO ILL WTR REV 1 01/17/2002 5.200 452245-AR-4 ILLINOIS ST TOLL HWY AUTH 1PE 11/07/2006 3.940 592247-KT-6 METROPOLITAN PIER & EXPOSITION AUTH ILL 1 10/31/2001 5.569 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 455141-EA-5 INDIANA TRANSN FIN AUTH HWY REV (zero coupon bond) 1 10/31/2001 5.136 455280-4T-1 INDIANAPOLIS IND LOC PUB IMP 1 04/17/2002 4.570 455280-4V-6 INDIANAPOLIS IND LOC PUB IMP 1 04/17/2002 4.670 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 485424-GU-3 KANSAS ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 1 06/24/2002 3.880 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 ------------ 4 5 CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 546589-CR-1 LOUISVILLE & JEFFERSON CNTY KY MET 5.200 MN 05/15/2026 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575567-JW-3 MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSN AUTH MASS 4.750 MS 03/01/2021 575577-AV-3 MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSN 5.250 JJ 07/01/2030 57585K-N4-6 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & EDL 5.000 MN 05/15/2022 57585K-TW-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & EDL 5.000 JJ 07/01/2025 07/01/2021 100.000 576018-AK-1 MASSACHUSETTS ST TPK AUTH MET HWY (zero coupon bond) NONE 01/01/2028 57604P-KV-5 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POLLUNT 5.000 FA 08/01/2016 08/01/2012 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 594614-MQ-9 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 5.250 AO 10/15/2015 10/15/2011 100.000 594614-RD-3 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 5.500 AO 10/15/2018 10/15/2011 100.000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 826775-EP-9 SIKESTON MO ELEC REV 6.000 JD 06/01/2016 826775-EX-2 SIKESTON MO ELEC REV 6.000 JD 06/01/2013 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSOURI - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 534272-VQ-9 LINCOLN NEB ELEC SYS REV 5.000 MS 09/01/2015 09/01/2012 100.000 63967C-RY-0 NEBRASKA INVT FIN AUTH SINGLE FAMILY 5.600 MS 09/01/2017 09/01/2009 100.000 681793-C3-7 OMAHA PUB PWR DIST NEB ELEC 5.500 FA 02/01/2014 681793-ZJ-7 OMAHA PUB PWR DIST NEB ELEC REV ETM 6.200 FA 02/01/2017 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 897825-BJ-3 TRUCKEE MEADOWS NEV WTR AUTH 5.000 JJ 07/01/2025 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 645771-NK-8 NEW JERSEY BLDG AUTH ST B 5.250 JD 12/01/2015 12/15/2012 100.000 646129-TF-3 NEW JERSEY STATE HSG & MTG 5.850 AO 04/01/2029 10/01/2009 100.000 646135-ED-1 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR FD 5.125 JD 06/15/2007 646139-JP-1 NEW JERSEY ST TPK AUTH TPK REV 6.500 JJ 01/01/2016 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 592598-B6-2 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH NY TRAN FACS 5.000 JJ 07/01/2017 59259N-JY-0 METROPOLITAN TRANS AUTH NY 5.000 MN 11/15/2031 59259R-AS-3 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTR 5.500 MN 11/15/2014 64970K-UQ-8 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 5.375 JD 06/15/2016 06/15/2012 100.000 649716-2W-6 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 5.500 MN 11/01/2026 11/01/2011 100.000 649716-R4-1 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSITIONAL 5.000 MN 05/01/2031 64971G-DK-8 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 4.900 JD 06/15/2020 649835-XA-8 NY STATE DORM AUTH REVS 5.375 JJ 07/01/2025 07/01/2007 100.000 649837-V5-7 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REVS 5.300 FA 02/15/2019 64983W-8N-9 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 5.250 MN 11/15/2023 05/15/2012 100.000 64985M-M3-7 NEW YORK ST ENVIRONMENTAL 5.375 JD 06/15/2016 06/15/2012 100.000 64985M-YU-4 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 5.000 JD 06/15/2027 64985M-YV-2 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 5.000 JD 06/15/2031 649876-HJ-1 NEW YORK ST LOC ASSISTANCE CORP 5.500 AO 04/01/2021 649876-JN-0 NEW YORK ST LOC ASSISTANCE CORP 5.500 AO 04/01/2017 65003P-AL-8 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 5.500 JJ 01/01/2017 896029-5D-3 TRI BOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH 5.500 JJ 01/01/2024 01/01/2012 100.000 896029-5E-1 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH 5.000 JJ 01/01/2027 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 Rate Used to Book/Adjusted Obtain CUSIP Carrying Par Fair Fair Identification Description Value Value Value Value - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 546589-CR-1 LOUISVILLE & JEFFERSON CNTY KY MET 8,105,609 9,000,000 101.4170 9,127,530 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY 8,105,609 9,000,000 XXX 9,127,530 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575567-JW-3 MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSN AUTH MASS 3,846,799 4,000,000 100.9010 4,036,040 575577-AV-3 MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSN 9,842,548 10,000,000 103.0600 10,306,000 57585K-N4-6 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & EDL 1,975,578 2,000,000 101.2870 2,025,740 57585K-TW-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & EDL 1,396,952 1,460,000 104.5650 1,526,649 576018-AK-1 MASSACHUSETTS ST TPK AUTH MET HWY (zero coupon bond) 1,506,834 5,775,000 28.2210 1,629,763 57604P-KV-5 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POLLUNT 2,354,826 2,235,000 106.7730 2,386,377 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 20,923,538 25,470,000 XXX 21,910,568 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 594614-MQ-9 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 7,159,135 6,860,000 108.9480 7,473,833 594614-RD-3 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 2,874,643 2,750,000 109.5420 3,012,405 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 10,033,778 9,610,000 XXX 10,486,238 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 826775-EP-9 SIKESTON MO ELEC REV 1,605,984 1,500,000 119.7980 1,796,970 826775-EX-2 SIKESTON MO ELEC REV 2,220,941 2,145,000 119.1460 2,555,682 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSOURI 3,826,925 3,645,000 XXX 4,352,652 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 534272-VQ-9 LINCOLN NEB ELEC SYS REV 3,283,708 3,000,000 107.8960 3,236,880 63967C-RY-0 NEBRASKA INVT FIN AUTH SINGLE FAMILY 1,169,787 1,160,000 102.9020 1,193,663 681793-C3-7 OMAHA PUB PWR DIST NEB ELEC 5,080,829 5,000,000 113.8970 5,694,850 681793-ZJ-7 OMAHA PUB PWR DIST NEB ELEC REV ETM 3,692,362 3,500,000 120.3230 4,211,305 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA 13,226,686 12,660,000 XXX 14,336,698 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 897825-BJ-3 TRUCKEE MEADOWS NEV WTR AUTH 5,849,683 6,000,000 101.0460 6,062,760 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 5,849,683 6,000,000 XXX 6,062,760 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 645771-NK-8 NEW JERSEY BLDG AUTH ST B 1,629,603 1,500,000 110.5620 1,658,430 646129-TF-3 NEW JERSEY STATE HSG & MTG 1,503,859 1,500,000 104.2640 1,563,960 646135-ED-1 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR FD 3,119,882 3,000,000 109.3830 3,281,490 646139-JP-1 NEW JERSEY ST TPK AUTH TPK REV 5,018,312 5,000,000 120.8740 6,043,700 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 11,271,655 11,000,000 XXX 12,547,580 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 592598-B6-2 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH NY TRAN FACS 4,974,472 5,000,000 111.8230 5,591,150 59259N-JY-0 METROPOLITAN TRANS AUTH NY 4,456,559 4,545,000 100.6350 4,573,861 59259R-AS-3 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 2,732,795 2,500,000 115.6310 2,890,775 64970K-UQ-8 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 3,188,468 3,000,000 109.9910 3,299,730 649716-2W-6 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 5,406,505 5,000,000 111.2240 5,561,200 649716-R4-1 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSITIONAL 3,963,920 4,000,000 101.3410 4,053,640 64971G-DK-8 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 8,842,650 8,950,000 102.4740 9,171,423 649835-XA-8 NY STATE DORM AUTH REVS 5,772,343 6,000,000 102.6280 6,157,680 649837-V5-7 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REVS 991,770 1,000,000 104.3780 1,043,780 64983W-8N-9 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 5,492,264 5,000,000 109.8080 5,490,400 64985M-M3-7 NEW YORK ST ENVIRONMENTAL 5,274,790 5,000,000 110.8180 5,540,900 64985M-YU-4 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 979,410 1,000,000 101.3520 1,013,520 64985M-YV-2 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 4,143,494 4,250,000 100.9730 4,291,353 649876-HJ-1 NEW YORK ST LOC ASSISTANCE CORP 3,986,652 4,000,000 102.6550 4,106,200 649876-JN-0 NEW YORK ST LOC ASSISTANCE CORP 2,072,072 2,200,000 112.7940 2,481,468 65003P-AL-8 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 5,421,818 5,000,000 110.3300 5,516,500 896029-5D-3 TR I BOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH 18,423,167 18,000,000 106.7410 19,213,380 896029-5E-1 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH 14,169,793 15,000,000 100.8660 15,129,900 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 Interest 16 -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due and Accrued Dec. 31 of Current Year Gross Increase on Bonds Amount (Decrease) CUSIP Actual not in Received by Identification Description Cost Default During Year Adjustment - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 546589-CR-1 LOUISVILLE & JEFFERSON CNTY KY MET 8,083,397 59,800 468,000 19,347 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY 8,083,397 59,800 468,000 19,347 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575567-JW-3 MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSN AUTH MASS 3,839,613 63,333 190,000 6,292 575577-AV-3 MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSN 9,840,134 262,500 525,000 2,388 57585K-N4-6 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & EDL 1,975,460 16,667 118 57585K-TW-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & EDL 1,394,982 36,500 73,000 1,662 576018-AK-1 MASSACHUSETTS ST TPK AUTH MET HWY (zero coupon bond) 1,415,048 78,844 57604P-KV-5 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POLLUNT 2,355,869 14,279 (1,043) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 20,821,106 393,279 788,000 88,261 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 594614-MQ-9 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 7,177,069 76,032 180,075 (17,934) 594614-RD-3 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 2,884,723 31,931 141,587 (10,080) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 10,061,792 107,962 321,662 (28,014) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 826775-EP-9 SIKESTON MO ELEC REV 1,611,857 7,500 90,000 (5,022) 826775-EX-2 SIKESTON MO ELEC REV 2,226,590 10,725 128,700 (4,815) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSOURI 3,838,447 18,225 218,700 (9,837) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 534272-VQ-9 LINCOLN NEB ELEC SYS REV 3,288,240 37,500 (4,532) 63967C-RY-0 NEBRASKA INVT FIN AUTH SINGLE FAMILY 1,170,897 21,653 64,960 (924) 681793-C3-7 OMAHA PUB PWR DIST NEB ELEC 5,086,960 114,583 275,000 (5,142) 681793-ZJ-7 OMAHA PUB PWR DIST NEB ELEC REV ETM 3,704,129 90,417 217,000 (10,031) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA 13,250,226 264,153 556,960 (20,629) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 897825-BJ-3 TRUCKEE MEADOWS NEV WTR AUTH 5,846,220 150,000 150,000 3,463 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 5,846,220 150,000 150,000 3,463 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 645771-NK-8 NEW JERSEY BLDG AUTH ST B 1,630,155 10,063 (552) 646129-TF-3 NEW JERSEY STATE HSG & MTG 1,504,061 21,938 87,750 (134) 646135-ED-1 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR FD 3,147,329 6,833 153,750 (23,719) 646139-JP-1 NEW JERSEY ST TPK AUTH TPK REV 5,018,312 162,500 325,000 157 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 11,299,857 201,333 566,500 (24,248) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 592598-B6-2 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH NY TRAN FACS 4,971,925 125,000 250,000 2,334 59259N-JY-0 METROPOLITAN TRANS AUTH NY 4,454,918 29,038 215,256 1,526 59259R-AS-3 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 2,741,375 17,569 63,021 (8,580) 64970K-UQ-8 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 3,195,930 7,167 69,875 (7,462) 649716-2W-6 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 5,424,800 45,833 90,903 (18,295) 649716-R4-1 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSITIONAL 3,963,360 33,333 192,778 534 64971G-DK-8 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 8,838,125 19,491 438,550 4,108 649835-XA-8 NY STATE DORM AUTH REVS 5,769,191 161,250 322,500 4,636 649837-V5-7 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REVS 991,135 20,022 53,000 578 64983W-8N-9 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 5,504,750 75,104 (12,486) 64985M-M3-7 NEW YORK ST ENVIRONMENTAL 5,289,000 11,944 157,515 (14,210) 64985M-YU-4 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 978,830 2,222 43,750 580 64985M-YV-2 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 4,141,158 9,444 185,938 2,337 649876-HJ-1 NEW YORK ST LOC ASSISTANCE CORP 3,985,262 55,000 220,000 1,305 649876-JN-0 NEW YORK ST LOC ASSISTANCE CORP 2,064,705 30,250 121,000 6,399 65003P-AL-8 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 5,424,150 26,736 (2,332) 896029-5D-3 TR I BOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH 18,458,100 495,000 621,500 (34,934) 896029-5E-1 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH 14,151,900 375,000 470,833 17,398 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive (Decrease) Bonds in Rate by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Interest ation Acquired terest - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENTUCKY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 546589-CR-1 LOUISVILLE & JEFFERSON CNTY KY MET 1 10/31/2001 6.002 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575567-JW-3 MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSN AUTH MASS 1 10/31/2001 5.087 575577-AV-3 MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSN 1 12/28/2001 5.360 57585K-N4-6 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & EDL 1Z 10/31/2002 5.100 57585K-TW-8 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & EDL 1 10/31/2001 5.332 576018-AK-1 MASSACHUSETTS ST TPK AUTH MET HWY (zero coupon bond) 1 10/31/2001 5.447 57604P-KV-5 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POLLUNT 1Z 10/30/2002 4.311 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 594614-MQ-9 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 1 04/29/2002 4.640 594614-RD-3 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 1 01/24/2002 4.860 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 826775-EP-9 SIKESTON MO ELEC REV 1 10/31/2001 5.259 826775-EX-2 SIKESTON MO ELEC REV 1 10/31/2001 5.548 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSOURI XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 534272-VQ-9 LINCOLN NEB ELEC SYS REV 1Z 10/08/2002 3.821 63967C-RY-0 NEBRASKA INVT FIN AUTH SINGLE FAMILY 1 10/31/2001 5.447 681793-C3-7 OMAHA PUB PWR DIST NEB ELEC 1 10/31/2001 5.284 681793-ZJ-7 OMAHA PUB PWR DIST NEB ELEC REV ETM 1 10/31/2001 5.568 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 897825-BJ-3 TRUCKEE MEADOWS NEV WTR AUTH 1 01/17/2002 5.190 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 645771-NK-8 NEW JERSEY BLDG AUTH ST B 1Z 11/20/2002 4.179 646129-TF-3 NEW JERSEY STATE HSG & MTG 1 10/31/2001 5.803 646135-ED-1 NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR FD 1 10/31/2001 4.134 646139-JP-1 NEW JERSEY ST TPK AUTH TPK REV 1 10/31/2001 6.453 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 592598-B6-2 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH NY TRAN FACS 1 10/31/2001 5.053 59259N-JY-0 METROPOLITAN TRANS AUTH NY 1 11/16/2001 5.130 59259R-AS-3 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 1 05/10/2002 4.480 64970K-UQ-8 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 1 06/24/2002 4.550 649716-2W-6 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 1 06/14/2002 4.380 649716-R4-1 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSITIONAL 1 11/01/2001 5.060 64971G-DK-8 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 1 11/15/2001 5.004 649835-XA-8 NY STATE DORM AUTH REVS 1 10/31/2001 5.656 649837-V5-7 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REVS 1PE 10/31/2001 5.380 64983W-8N-9 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 1 09/11/2002 3.979 64985M-M3-7 NEW YORK ST ENVIRONMENTAL 1 05/03/2002 4.650 64985M-YU-4 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 1 01/25/2002 5.149 64985M-YV-2 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 1 01/25/2002 5.169 649876-HJ-1 NEW YORK ST LOC ASSISTANCE CORP 1 10/31/2001 5.531 649876-JN-0 NEW YORK ST LOC ASSISTANCE CORP 1 10/31/2001 6.139 65003P-AL-8 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 1Z 11/22/2002 4.671 896029-5D-3 TRI BOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH 1 01/07/2002 5.170 896029-5E-1 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH 1 12/18/2001 5.415 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.5 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 ------------ 4 5 Option CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Call Identification Description * of Paid Date Date Price - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 896029-8P-3 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 5.000 MN 11/15/2020 11/15/2012 100.000 896029-YE-9 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH N Y REVS 5.500 JJ 01/01/2017 896029-YR-0 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH N Y REVS 5.900 JJ 01/01/2008 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 017357-RW-6 ALLEGHENY CNTY PA SAN AUTH 5.500 JD 12/01/2030 12/01/2012 100.000 71781E-AX-3 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH FOR INDL DEV ARPT 5.125 JJ 07/01/2028 71781Q-BS-6 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH FOR INDL DEV 5.250 AO 10/01/2030 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 720175-LS-5 PIEDMONT MUN PWR AGY S C ELEC ETM 6.375 JJ 01/01/2006 720175-MZ-8 PIEDMONT MUN PWR AGY S C ELEC REV 6.375 JJ 01/01/2006 837152-ER-4 SOUTH CAROLINA TRANS INFRASTR 5.125 AO 10/01/2031 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH DAKOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83755G-EH-6 SOUTH DAKOTA HSG DEV AUTH 5.800 MN 05/01/2028 05/01/2009 100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH DAKOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 586111-GM-2 MEMPHIS SHELBY CNTY TENN ARPT 5.250 MS 03/01/2007 592041-JD-0 MET GOVT NASHVILLE & DAVIDSON 5.125 MN 11/01/2027 592098-XF-9 MET GOVT NASHVILLE & DAVIDSON CNTY 5.200 JJ 01/01/2013 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01852L-AC-4 ALLIANCE ARPT AUTH INC TEX SPL FACS 6.375 AO 04/01/2021 04/01/2008 100.000 052474-AL-7 AUSTIN TEX UTIL SYS RE (zero coupon bond) NONE 05/15/2018 052474-MB-6 AUSTIN TEX UTIL SYS REV 5.250 MN 05/15/2013 442352-AG-5 HOUSTON WTR NE 5.500 MS 03/01/2012 44237N-AL-6 HOUSTON TEX HOTEL OCCUPAN (zero coupon bond) NONE 09/01/2016 548100-4Z-6 LOWER COLO RIVER AUTH TEX REV 5.875 MN 05/15/2015 05/15/2010 100.000 796242-HS-7 SAN ANTONIO TEX ARPT SYS 5.250 JJ 07/01/2021 796252-8E-7 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GAS REV ETM (zero coupon bond) NONE 02/01/2009 882135-RK-4 TEXAS A & M UNIV REVS 5.500 MN 05/15/2017 882135-RL-2 TEXAS A & M UNIV REVS FING SYS 5.500 MN 05/15/2020 882854-EY-4 TEXAS WATER DEV BRD REV 5.000 JJ 07/15/2019 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917393-AB-6 UTAH CNTY UTAH HOSP REV IHC HEALTH 5.250 FA 08/15/2026 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERMONT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 122079-EX-0 BURLINGTON VT ELEC REV 6.250 JJ 07/01/2011 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VERMONT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87354T-AM-7 TACOMA WASH REGL WTR SUPP 5.500 JD 12/01/2017 12/01/2012 100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95662M-GC-8 WEST VIRGINIA ST HSG DEV FD 5.300 MN 11/01/2023 95662M-GX-2 WEST VIRGINIA ST HSG DEV FD 5.350 MN 11/01/2032 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 602248-AG-1 MILWAUKEE CNTY WIS ARPT R 5.750 JD 12/01/2008 97689P-PF-9 WISCONSIN HSG & ECONOMIC DEV 5.600 MS 03/01/2028 09/01/2010 100.000 977123-PR-3 WISCONSIN ST TRANS 5.750 JJ 07/01/2014 07/01/2012 100.000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 Rate Used Book/ to Adjusted Obtain CUSIP Carrying Par Fair Fair Actual Identification Description Value Value Value Value Cost - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 896029-8P-3 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 5,233,695 5,000,000 103.7030 5,185,150 5,238,150 896029-YE-9 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH N Y REVS 4,523,827 4,400,000 114.5800 5,041,520 4,531,457 896029-YR-0 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH N Y REVS 990,860 1,000,000 115.8360 1,158,360 988,828 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 111,041,324 109,845,000 XXX 116,511,889 111,107,049 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 017357-RW-6 ALLEGHENY CNTY PA SAN AUTH 5,874,625 5,740,000 105.9290 6,080,325 5,884,366 71781E-AX-3 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH FOR INDL DEV ARPT 2,935,781 3,000,000 100.3150 3,009,450 2,933,556 71781Q-BS-6 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH FOR INDL DEV 2,914,607 3,000,000 103.6210 3,108,630 2,913,060 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 11,725,013 11,740,000 XXX 12,198,405 11,730,982 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 720175-LS-5 PIEDMONT MUN PWR AGY S C ELEC ETM 747,474 715,000 113.2090 809,444 758,762 720175-MZ-8 PIEDMONT MUN PWR AGY S C ELEC REV 4,479,614 4,285,000 112.3980 4,816,254 4,547,263 837152-ER-4 SOUTH CAROLINA TRANS INFRASTR 9,866,367 10,000,000 102.5950 10,259,500 9,863,800 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 15,093,455 15,000,000 XXX 15,885,199 15,169,825 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH DAKOTA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83755G-EH-6 SOUTH DAKOTA HSG DEV AUTH 1,475,000 1,475,000 102.4790 1,511,565 1,475,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH DAKOTA 1,475,000 1,475,000 XXX 1,511,565 1,475,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 586111-GM-2 MEMPHIS SHELBY CNTY TENN ARPT 4,293,144 4,000,000 109.1670 4,366,680 4,303,440 592041-JD-0 MET GOVT NASHVILLE & DAVIDSON 2,957,443 3,000,000 111.6730 3,350,190 2,955,780 592098-XF-9 MET GOVT NASHVILLE & DAVIDSON CNTY 3,368,076 3,350,000 111.6450 3,740,108 3,369,062 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 10,618,663 10,350,000 XXX 11,456,978 10,628,282 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01852L-AC-4 ALLIANCE ARPT AUTH INC TEX SPL FACS 1,518,475 1,500,000 105.0630 1,575,945 1,521,500 052474-AL-7 AUSTIN TEX UTIL SYS RE (zero coupon bond) 1,387,428 3,000,000 47.5630 1,426,890 1,364,040 052474-MB-6 AUSTIN TEX UTIL SYS REV 4,601,386 4,825,000 109.3900 5,278,068 4,582,709 442352-AG-5 HOUSTON WTR NE 2,235,905 2,075,000 114.0470 2,366,475 2,244,590 44237N-AL-6 HOUSTON TEX HOTEL OCCUPAN (zero coupon bond) 1,306,412 2,400,000 53.0500 1,273,200 1,291,320 548100-4Z-6 LOWER COLO RIVER AUTH TEX REV 2,031,035 2,000,000 113.9500 2,279,000 2,034,511 796242-HS-7 SAN ANTONIO TEX ARPT SYS 1,473,881 1,500,000 101.7970 1,526,955 1,473,120 796252-8E-7 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GAS REV ETM (zero coupon bond) 1,312,732 2,000,000 80.9760 1,619,520 585,460 882135-RK-4 TEXAS A & M UNIV REVS 4,908,061 5,000,000 109.1220 5,456,100 4,902,434 882135-RL-2 TEXAS A & M UNIV REVS FING SYS 2,138,875 2,310,000 108.6810 2,510,531 2,131,599 882854-EY-4 TEXAS WATER DEV BRD REV 9,642,250 10,000,000 102.6720 10,267,200 9,624,562 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 32,556,440 36,610,000 XXX 35,579,884 31,755,845 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917393-AB-6 UTAH CNTY UTAH HOSP REV IHC HEALTH 2,212,944 2,305,000 101.2550 2,333,928 2,210,058 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH 2,212,944 2,305,000 XXX 2,333,928 2,210,058 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERMONT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 122079-EX-0 BURLINGTON VT ELEC REV 2,504,514 2,380,000 119.5000 2,844,100 2,516,958 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VERMONT 2,504,514 2,380,000 XXX 2,844,100 2,516,958 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87354T-AM-7 TACOMA WASH REGL WTR SUPP 1,408,437 1,300,000 110.9140 1,441,882 1,408,732 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 1,408,437 1,300,000 XXX 1,441,882 1,408,732 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95662M-GC-8 WEST VIRGINIA ST HSG DEV FD 3,948,721 4,000,000 101.3010 4,052,040 3,946,288 95662M-GX-2 WEST VIRGINIA ST HSG DEV FD 1,684,326 1,735,000 100.7280 1,747,631 1,682,950 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA 5,633,046 5,735,000 XXX 5,799,671 5,629,238 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 602248-AG-1 MILWAUKEE CNTY WIS ARPT R 3,414,636 3,060,000 113.5930 3,475,946 3,421,478 97689P-PF-9 WISCONSIN HSG & ECONOMIC DEV 1,675,000 1,675,000 101.7110 1,703,659 1,675,000 977123-PR-3 WISCONSIN ST TRANS 5,441,286 5,000,000 115.1700 5,758,500 5,462,350 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Interest 16 17 18 --------------------- 14 15 Amount Amount of Due and Interest Due Accrued and Accrued Dec. 31 Dec. 31 of Current Current Gross Increase Year, on Year Amount Increase (Decrease) Bonds in on Bonds Received (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to CUSIP not in During by Exchange Principal or Identification Description Default Year Adjustment Adjustment Interest - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 896029-8P-3 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 57,639 (4,455) 896029-YE-9 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH N Y REVS 121,000 242,000 (6,470) 896029-YR-0 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH N Y REVS 29,500 59,000 1,794 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 1,747,544 3,817,418 (65,694) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 017357-RW-6 ALLEGHENY CNTY PA SAN AUTH 26,308 315,700 (9,631) 71781E-AX-3 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH FOR INDL DEV ARPT 76,875 153,750 2,009 71781Q-BS-6 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH FOR INDL DEV 39,375 131,250 1,497 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 142,558 600,700 (6,125) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 720175-LS-5 PIEDMONT MUN PWR AGY S C ELEC ETM 22,791 45,581 (9,815) 720175-MZ-8 PIEDMONT MUN PWR AGY S C ELEC REV 136,584 273,169 (58,818) 837152-ER-4 SOUTH CAROLINA TRANS INFRASTR 128,125 427,083 2,468 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 287,500 745,833 (66,165) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH DAKOTA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83755G-EH-6 SOUTH DAKOTA HSG DEV AUTH 14,258 85,706 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH DAKOTA 14,258 85,706 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 586111-GM-2 MEMPHIS SHELBY CNTY TENN ARPT 70,000 (10,296) 592041-JD-0 MET GOVT NASHVILLE & DAVIDSON 25,625 153,750 1,489 592098-XF-9 MET GOVT NASHVILLE & DAVIDSON CNTY 87,100 174,200 (764) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 182,725 327,950 (9,571) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01852L-AC-4 ALLIANCE ARPT AUTH INC TEX SPL FACS 23,906 95,625 (2,563) 052474-AL-7 AUSTIN TEX UTIL SYS RE (zero coupon bond) 23,388 052474-MB-6 AUSTIN TEX UTIL SYS REV 32,368 253,313 16,204 442352-AG-5 HOUSTON WTR NE 38,042 33,603 (8,685) 44237N-AL-6 HOUSTON TEX HOTEL OCCUPAN (zero coupon bond) 15,092 548100-4Z-6 LOWER COLO RIVER AUTH TEX REV 15,014 117,500 (2,949) 796242-HS-7 SAN ANTONIO TEX ARPT SYS 39,375 26,250 761 796252-8E-7 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GAS REV ETM (zero coupon bond) 87,784 882135-RK-4 TEXAS A & M UNIV REVS 35,139 275,000 4,970 882135-RL-2 TEXAS A & M UNIV REVS FING SYS 16,234 127,050 6,326 882854-EY-4 TEXAS WATER DEV BRD REV 230,556 500,000 15,551 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 430,633 1,428,341 155,878 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917393-AB-6 UTAH CNTY UTAH HOSP REV IHC HEALTH 45,716 121,013 2,559 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH 45,716 121,013 2,559 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERMONT - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 122079-EX-0 BURLINGTON VT ELEC REV 74,375 148,750 (10,699) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VERMONT 74,375 148,750 (10,699) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87354T-AM-7 TACOMA WASH REGL WTR SUPP 3,178 (295) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 3,178 (295) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95662M-GC-8 WEST VIRGINIA ST HSG DEV FD 35,333 212,000 2,173 95662M-GX-2 WEST VIRGINIA ST HSG DEV FD 15,470 93,604 1,219 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA 50,804 305,604 3,391 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 602248-AG-1 MILWAUKEE CNTY WIS ARPT R 14,663 87,975 (6,842) 97689P-PF-9 WISCONSIN HSG & ECONOMIC DEV 31,267 93,800 977123-PR-3 WISCONSIN ST TRANS 204,444 (21,064) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 19 20 21 NAIC Effective CUSIP Desig- Date Rate of Identification Description nation Acquired Interest - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 896029-8P-3 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 1 09/20/2002 4.410 896029-YE-9 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH N Y REVS 1 10/31/2001 5.179 896029-YR-0 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH N Y REVS 1 10/31/2001 6.115 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 017357-RW-6 ALLEGHENY CNTY PA SAN AUTH 1 12/27/2001 5.194 71781E-AX-3 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH FOR INDL DEV ARPT 1 10/31/2001 5.285 71781Q-BS-6 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH FOR INDL DEV 1 12/12/2001 5.450 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 720175-LS-5 PIEDMONT MUN PWR AGY S C ELEC ETM 1 10/31/2001 4.733 720175-MZ-8 PIEDMONT MUN PWR AGY S C ELEC REV 1 10/31/2001 4.733 837152-ER-4 SOUTH CAROLINA TRANS INFRASTR 1 11/29/2001 5.215 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH DAKOTA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83755G-EH-6 SOUTH DAKOTA HSG DEV AUTH 1 10/31/2001 5.797 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH DAKOTA XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 586111-GM-2 MEMPHIS SHELBY CNTY TENN ARPT 1PE 10/30/2002 3.350 592041-JD-0 MET GOVT NASHVILLE & DAVIDSON 1 10/31/2001 5.236 592098-XF-9 MET GOVT NASHVILLE & DAVIDSON CNTY 1 10/31/2001 5.127 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01852L-AC-4 ALLIANCE ARPT AUTH INC TEX SPL FACS 2 10/31/2001 6.097 052474-AL-7 AUSTIN TEX UTIL SYS RE (zero coupon bond) 1PE 08/26/2002 5.080 052474-MB-6 AUSTIN TEX UTIL SYS REV 1 10/31/2001 5.852 442352-AG-5 HOUSTON WTR NE 1 04/23/2002 4.460 44237N-AL-6 HOUSTON TEX HOTEL OCCUPAN (zero coupon bond) 1PE 09/24/2002 4.500 548100-4Z-6 LOWER COLO RIVER AUTH TEX REV 1 10/31/2001 5.615 796242-HS-7 SAN ANTONIO TEX ARPT SYS 1 03/08/2002 5.400 796252-8E-7 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GAS REV ETM (zero coupon bond) 1 05/01/1991 7.042 882135-RK-4 TEXAS A & M UNIV REVS 1PE 10/31/2001 5.689 882135-RL-2 TEXAS A & M UNIV REVS FING SYS 1 10/31/2001 6.228 882854-EY-4 TEXAS WATER DEV BRD REV 1 10/31/2001 5.329 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917393-AB-6 UTAH CNTY UTAH HOSP REV IHC HEALTH 1 10/31/2001 5.563 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERMONT - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 122079-EX-0 BURLINGTON VT ELEC REV 1 10/31/2001 5.472 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VERMONT XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87354T-AM-7 TACOMA WASH REGL WTR SUPP 1Z 12/11/2002 4.451 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95662M-GC-8 WEST VIRGINIA ST HSG DEV FD 1 10/31/2001 5.410 95662M-GX-2 WEST VIRGINIA ST HSG DEV FD 1 10/31/2001 5.570 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 602248-AG-1 MILWAUKEE CNTY WIS ARPT R 1PE 11/12/2002 3.560 97689P-PF-9 WISCONSIN HSG & ECONOMIC DEV 1 10/31/2001 5.596 977123-PR-3 WISCONSIN ST TRANS 1 05/17/2002 4.593 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.6 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 ------------ 4 5 CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Option Identification Description * of Paid Date Date Call Price - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WYOMING - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98322P-GX-9 WYOMING CMNTY DEV AUTH HSG REV 5.700 JD 06/01/2017 08/01/2009 100.000 98322P-GZ-6 WYOMING CMNTY DEV AUTH HSG REV 5.850 JD 06/01/2028 08/01/2009 100.000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WYOMING - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2599999 - Total Bonds - Special Revenue - Issuer Obligations - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 008685-AB-5 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 6.875 MN 05/01/2029 013817-AG-6 ALCOA INC 4.250 FA 08/15/2007 013817-AH-4 ALCOA INC 5.375 JJ 01/15/2013 03235E-AH-3 AMVESCAP PLC 5.900 JJ 01/15/2007 039483-AS-1 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO 7.000 FA 02/01/2031 04062@-AC-9 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 45A AUG 08/17/2004 04062@-AD-7 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 25A AUG 08/18/2009 04062@-AE-5 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 32A DEC 12/08/2009 04062@-AG-0 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64A OCT 10/01/2007 04062@-AJ-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 51A JAN 01/11/2008 04062@-AK-1 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 61A DEC 12/08/2009 04062@-AL-9 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 63A APR 04/22/2011 04062@-AM-7 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 80K MAR 03/21/2006 04062@-BA-2 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 132M NOV 11/02/2007 04062@-BW-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 157J DEC 12/15/2004 04062@-BX-2 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 159L SEP 09/18/2010 04062@-DV-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 182E APR 04/07/2003 04062@-DX-0 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 191I SEP 09/12/2004 04062@-DY-8 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 158L MAY 05/21/2007 04062@-DZ-5 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 183P MAY 05/23/2011 04062@-EF-8 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 223C MAY 05/06/2008 04062@-EG-6 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 222B DEC 12/14/2007 04062@-EH-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 229E SEP 09/18/2010 04062@-EK-7 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 224B OCT 10/12/2007 04062@-EL-5 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 225B OCT 10/12/2007 04062@-EV-3 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 250K JAN 01/23/2007 04062@-FN-0 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 265B SEP 09/28/2007 04062@-FP-5 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 267F FEB 02/23/2006 04062@-FQ-3 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 280F APR 04/07/2009 04062@-FU-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 355I MAY 05/29/2015 04062@-GD-1 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 302I JUN 06/07/2005 04062@-GE-9 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 300B DEC 12/14/2007 04062@-GF-6 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 314A MAY 05/28/2007 04062@-GG-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 312B JUN 06/24/2014 04062@-GH-2 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 310I JUN 06/07/2005 04062@-GM-1 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 331A NOV 11/05/2007 04062@-HA-6 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 362E DEC 12/27/2005 04062@-HB-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 365L JUN 06/07/2008 04062@-HC-2 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 366H MAR 03/25/2011 04062@-HD-0 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 356I NOV 11/16/2015 04062@-HE-8 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 353I NOV 11/16/2015 04062@-HG-3 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 341H APR 04/15/2008 04062@-HN-8 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 348N JUN 06/29/2010 054937-AC-1 BB&T CORP 6.500 FA 08/01/2011 111021-AE-1 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATION 8.625 JD 12/15/2030 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 Rate Used Book/ to Adjusted Obtain CUSIP Carrying Par Fair Fair Actual Identification Description Value Value Value Value Cost - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 10,530,921 9,735,000 XXX 10,938,105 10,558,828 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WYOMING - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98322P-GX-9 WYOMING CMNTY DEV AUTH HSG REV 1,000,000 1,000,000 103.0890 1,030,890 1,000,000 98322P-GZ-6 WYOMING CMNTY DEV AUTH HSG REV 1,650,000 1,650,000 102.8280 1,696,662 1,650,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WYOMING 2,650,000 2,650,000 XXX 2,727,552 2,650,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 432,189,184 447,695,000 XXX 457,760,478 431,237,569 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2599999 - Total Bonds - Special Revenue - Issuer Obligations 432,189,184 447,695,000 XXX 457,760,478 431,237,569 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds 432,189,184 447,695,000 XXX 457,760,478 431,237,569 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 008685-AB-5 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 124,365 130,000 89.8110 116,754 124,328 013817-AG-6 ALCOA INC 124,616 125,000 104.1140 130,143 124,588 013817-AH-4 ALCOA INC 124,236 125,000 105.8380 132,298 124,209 03235E-AH-3 AMVESCAP PLC 300,000 300,000 106.0820 318,246 300,000 039483-AS-1 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO 398,119 400,000 115.1450 460,580 398,060 04062@-AC-9 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 45A 54,428 59,319 91.6630 54,374 28,305 04062@-AD-7 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 25A 252,454 350,000 76.1630 266,572 109,975 04062@-AE-5 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 32A 158,162 226,045 74.3140 167,984 69,712 04062@-AG-0 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64A 194,272 250,000 81.1120 202,781 89,244 04062@-AJ-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 51A 265,013 332,813 82.7260 275,324 120,503 04062@-AK-1 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 61A 79,092 113,022 74.3140 83,992 36,048 04062@-AL-9 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 63A 492,446 719,955 72.8030 524,151 226,778 04062@-AM-7 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 80K 38,043 44,543 87.7370 39,081 17,821 04062@-BA-2 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 132M 44,294 57,500 80.5470 46,315 21,705 04062@-BW-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 157J 68,168 75,880 89.2760 67,743 40,326 04062@-BX-2 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 159L 174,618 235,199 73.0170 171,737 103,231 04062@-DV-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 182E 48,887 50,000 97.9890 48,995 26,639 04062@-DX-0 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 191I 58,909 65,277 91.1530 59,502 32,240 04062@-DY-8 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 158L 74,160 87,315 83.4680 72,881 45,077 04062@-DZ-5 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 183P 1,240,912 1,665,876 72.3220 1,204,795 757,769 04062@-EF-8 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 223C 21,457 30,000 71.2620 21,379 12,734 04062@-EG-6 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 222B 25,603 36,167 70.5340 25,510 15,193 04062@-EH-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 229E 284,368 440,998 64.2450 283,323 168,740 04062@-EK-7 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 224B 35,816 50,000 71.5300 35,765 21,187 04062@-EL-5 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 225B 35,816 50,000 71.5300 35,765 21,187 04062@-EV-3 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 250K 170,676 200,000 85.5860 171,173 101,293 04062@-FN-0 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 265B 71,309 100,000 71.7460 71,746 42,636 04062@-FP-5 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 267F 297,600 335,389 88.2460 295,968 184,216 04062@-FQ-3 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 280F 223,676 300,000 75.0950 225,286 134,238 04062@-FU-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 355I 270,549 517,500 52.7150 272,804 169,935 04062@-GD-1 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 302I 79,203 88,278 89.6040 79,101 48,886 04062@-GE-9 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 300B 25,565 36,167 70.5340 25,510 15,721 04062@-GF-6 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 314A 20,561 28,568 70.7880 20,223 12,976 04062@-GG-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 312B 443,116 1,020,000 42.2370 430,821 277,193 04062@-GH-2 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 310I 22,641 25,223 89.6030 22,601 14,013 04062@-GM-1 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 331A 19,463 28,000 68.3570 19,140 12,374 04062@-HA-6 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 362E 234,805 274,922 85.7150 235,650 147,413 04062@-HB-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 365L 59,779 75,000 80.1820 60,137 37,587 04062@-HC-2 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 366H 339,806 491,166 70.1020 344,318 212,574 04062@-HD-0 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 356I 216,828 430,948 50.8110 218,970 136,128 04062@-HE-8 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 353I 217,850 430,948 50.8110 218,970 137,074 04062@-HG-3 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 341H 237,556 291,749 81.0980 236,603 150,285 04062@-HN-8 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 348N 278,010 373,578 74.2880 277,526 176,271 054937-AC-1 BB&T CORP 299,145 300,000 112.9430 338,829 299,031 111021-AE-1 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATION 111,626 95,000 127.4900 121,116 111,673 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 Interest 16 17 18 ---------------------- 14 15 Amount Amount of Due and Interest Due Accrued and Accrued Dec. 31 Dec. 31 of Current Current Gross Increase Year, on Year Amount Increase (Decrease) Bonds in on Bonds Received (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to CUSIP not in During by Exchange Principal or Identification Description Default Year Adjustment Adjustment Interest - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WISCONSIN 250,374 181,775 (27,907) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WYOMING - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 98322P-GX-9 WYOMING CMNTY DEV AUTH HSG REV 4,750 57,000 98322P-GZ-6 WYOMING CMNTY DEV AUTH HSG REV 8,044 106,907 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WYOMING 12,794 163,907 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 7,042,127 16,866,192 226,906 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2599999 - Total Bonds - Special Revenue - Issuer Obligations 7,042,127 16,866,192 226,906 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3199999 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds 7,042,127 16,866,192 226,906 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 008685-AB-5 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 1,490 4,469 37 013817-AG-6 ALCOA INC 2,036 29 013817-AH-4 ALCOA INC 2,576 27 03235E-AH-3 AMVESCAP PLC 8,162 10,227 039483-AS-1 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO 11,667 28,000 51 04062@-AC-9 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 45A 569 04062@-AD-7 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 25A 23,186 04062@-AE-5 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 32A 14,434 04062@-AG-0 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64A 17,811 04062@-AJ-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 51A 24,147 04062@-AK-1 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 61A 7,215 04062@-AL-9 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 63A 45,229 04062@-AM-7 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 80K 3,485 04062@-BA-2 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 132M 4,058 04062@-BW-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 157J 4,882 04062@-BX-2 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 159L 12,587 04062@-DV-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 182E 4,114 04062@-DX-0 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 191I 4,963 04062@-DY-8 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 158L 5,103 04062@-DZ-5 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 183P 85,703 04062@-EF-8 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 223C 1,618 04062@-EG-6 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 222B 1,919 04062@-EH-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 229E 21,494 04062@-EK-7 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 224B 2,713 04062@-EL-5 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 225B 2,713 04062@-EV-3 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 250K 13,172 04062@-FN-0 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 265B 5,527 04062@-FP-5 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 267F 21,613 04062@-FQ-3 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 280F 17,455 04062@-FU-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 355I 20,832 04062@-GD-1 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 302I 5,968 04062@-GE-9 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 300B 1,924 04062@-GF-6 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 314A 1,494 04062@-GG-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 312B 32,749 04062@-GH-2 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 310I 1,698 04062@-GM-1 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 331A 1,416 04062@-HA-6 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 362E 18,100 04062@-HB-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 365L 4,636 04062@-HC-2 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 366H 26,624 04062@-HD-0 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 356I 16,644 04062@-HE-8 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 353I 16,608 04062@-HG-3 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 341H 17,737 04062@-HN-8 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 348N 20,850 054937-AC-1 BB&T CORP 8,125 19,392 85 111021-AE-1 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATION 364 4,216 (48) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 19 20 21 NAIC Effective CUSIP Desig- Date Rate of Identification Description nation Acquired Interest - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WYOMING 1 10/31/2001 5.697 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98322P-GX-9 WYOMING CMNTY DEV AUTH HSG REV 1 10/31/2001 5.847 98322P-GZ-6 WYOMING CMNTY DEV AUTH HSG REV - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WYOMING XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2599999 - Total Bonds - Special Revenue - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds XXX XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 008685-AB-5 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 2 10/01/2002 7.246 013817-AG-6 ALCOA INC 1 08/08/2002 4.324 013817-AH-4 ALCOA INC 1 08/08/2002 5.455 03235E-AH-3 AMVESCAP PLC 1 06/20/2002 5.899 039483-AS-1 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO 1 08/06/2001 7.039 04062@-AC-9 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 45A 2Z 07/22/1994 8.044 04062@-AD-7 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 25A 2 04/15/1994 9.996 04062@-AE-5 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 32A 2Z 06/01/1994 10.012 04062@-AG-0 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64A 2Z 11/07/1994 9.998 04062@-AJ-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 51A 2Z 09/28/1994 10.012 04062@-AK-1 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 61A 2Z 10/06/1994 10.007 04062@-AL-9 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 63A 2Z 11/18/1994 10.008 04062@-AM-7 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 80K 2Z 01/20/1995 10.002 04062@-BA-2 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 132M 2 07/13/1995 10.015 04062@-BW-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 157J 2 12/04/1995 7.701 04062@-BX-2 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 159L 2 12/05/1995 7.707 04062@-DV-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 182E 2 01/17/1996 9.110 04062@-DX-0 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 191I 2 02/06/1996 9.112 04062@-DY-8 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 158L 2 12/19/1995 7.326 04062@-DZ-5 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 183P 2 01/22/1996 7.354 04062@-EF-8 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 223C 2 04/17/1996 8.081 04062@-EG-6 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 222B 2 04/16/1996 8.088 04062@-EH-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 229E 2 04/24/1996 8.108 04062@-EK-7 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 224B 2 04/18/1996 8.139 04062@-EL-5 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 225B 2 04/18/1996 8.139 04062@-EV-3 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 250K 2Z 06/28/1996 8.344 04062@-FN-0 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 265B 2 08/01/1996 8.335 04062@-FP-5 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 267F 2Z 08/12/1996 7.794 04062@-FQ-3 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 280F 2Z 09/04/1996 8.396 04062@-FU-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 355I 2 02/25/1997 8.259 04062@-GD-1 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 302I 2 10/16/1996 8.069 04062@-GE-9 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 300B 2 10/11/1996 8.125 04062@-GF-6 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 314A 2 11/08/1996 7.763 04062@-GG-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 312B 2 11/04/1996 7.903 04062@-GH-2 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 310I 2 10/18/1996 8.029 04062@-GM-1 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 331A 2 12/23/1996 7.805 04062@-HA-6 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 362E 2Z 03/11/1997 8.348 04062@-HB-4 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 365L 2Z 03/18/1997 8.334 04062@-HC-2 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 366H 2Z 03/19/1997 8.438 04062@-HD-0 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 356I 2 02/25/1997 8.276 04062@-HE-8 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 353I 2 02/20/1997 8.214 04062@-HG-3 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 341H 2 01/23/1997 8.004 04062@-HN-8 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 348N 2 02/10/1997 8.026 054937-AC-1 BB&T CORP 1 08/06/2001 6.544 111021-AE-1 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATION 2 08/22/2002 7.167 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.7 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 10 ------------ 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Par Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value Value - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 126408-BJ-1 CSX CORP 7.250 MN 05/01/2004 438,038 415,000 13067#-AC-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 83J APR 04/06/2004 439,720 472,000 13067#-AD-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 88M NOV 11/05/2007 111,286 137,700 13067#-AE-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 82I DEC 12/23/2008 279,292 384,000 13067#-AG-4 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 73A DEC 12/15/2009 244,592 350,000 13067#-AH-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 81J APR 04/05/2010 1,134,156 1,583,901 13067#-AJ-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 78L MAY 05/04/2010 284,207 400,000 13067#-AK-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 75A MAR 03/05/2009 2,928,565 3,892,000 13067#-AM-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION JUN 06/20/2006 429,686 515,000 13067#-AN-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/20/2009 605,496 801,500 13067#-AP-4 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/20/2010 58,011 114,500 13067#-AR-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION MAR 03/20/2007 353,487 432,500 13067#-AS-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION SEP 09/20/2005 127,800 150,000 13067#-AT-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION SEP 09/20/2007 66,992 100,000 13067#-AX-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/05/2005 67,793 75,000 13067#-AY-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/20/2008 231,097 300,000 13067#-BA-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION DEC 12/05/2007 416,054 545,000 13067#-BR-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/20/2005 67,532 75,000 13067#-BT-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION AUG 08/05/2007 197,200 250,000 13067#-BW-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION NOV 11/20/2007 390,040 495,000 13067#-BY-4 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 138L MAR 03/05/2007 260,133 310,000 13067#-BZ-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 135N JAN 01/20/2009 268,669 350,000 13067#-DU-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION SEP 09/20/2009 128,582 175,000 13067#-DV-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/05/2005 81,082 90,000 13067#-DW-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/05/2010 177,401 240,000 13067#-DX-4 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 1470 APR 04/05/2010 354,656 479,529 13067#-DZ-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION NOV 11/05/2004 250,314 267,000 13067#-EA-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/20/2005 53,352 60,000 13067#-EB-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/05/2006 38,071 44,444 13067#-EC-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/05/2006 38,091 44,444 13067#-ED-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/20/2006 122,246 150,000 13067#-EE-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION MAR 03/05/2011 77,338 103,500 13067#-EF-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION MAR 03/05/2011 1,004,728 1,344,600 13067#-EM-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/05/2009 129,428 163,988 13067#-ER-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/05/2007 108,306 125,000 13067#-EY-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/05/2006 106,352 119,884 13067#-EZ-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/20/2008 118,280 150,000 13067#-FF-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/05/2007 81,054 95,806 13067#-FH-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION NOV 11/05/2005 443,357 530,000 13067#-FJ-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/05/2007 81,054 95,806 13067#-FL-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION JUL 07/20/2007 207,474 250,000 13067#-JK-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION AUG 08/05/2008 41,068 62,000 13067#-KP-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/05/2006 38,122 44,444 13067#-KQ-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION JUL 07/20/2007 34,675 50,000 13067#-KR-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION OCT 10/05/2008 18,449 27,000 13067#-KS-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION NOV 11/05/2006 18,381 25,000 13067#-KT-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/05/2004 56,574 59,941 13067#-KU-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION SEP 09/05/2007 101,211 123,857 13067#-KV-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/05/2010 154,510 239,767 13067#-LY-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/05/2010 153,169 239,765 13067#-LZ-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION OCT 10/20/2006 18,600 25,000 13067#-MR-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/05/2010 199,659 259,200 13067#-NE-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/20/2008 11,934 17,412 13067#-NF-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION JUN 06/05/2011 105,842 170,000 13067#-PE-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION MAR 03/05/2011 85,413 138,461 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 11 12 13 Interest 16 -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Increase Obtain on Bonds Amount (Decrease) CUSIP Fair Fair Actual not in Received by Identification Description Value Value Cost Default During Year Adjustment - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 126408-BJ-1 CSX CORP 106.4420 441,734 444,673 5,015 15,044 (6,634) 13067#-AC-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 83J 94.3080 445,136 206,117 40,344 13067#-AD-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 88M 83.7440 115,317 52,629 9,862 13067#-AE-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 82I 76.7710 294,801 131,077 25,377 13067#-AG-4 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 73A 74.1960 259,688 114,142 22,257 13067#-AH-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 81J 75.6660 1,198,488 531,681 104,040 13067#-AJ-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 78L 75.1910 300,766 132,561 26,061 13067#-AK-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 75A 78.9000 3,070,802 1,359,610 267,638 13067#-AM-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 86.0630 443,226 203,242 39,550 13067#-AN-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 79.1420 634,331 286,694 55,369 13067#-AP-4 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 57.0630 65,338 27,472 5,304 13067#-AR-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 84.5690 365,764 167,395 32,386 13067#-AS-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 87.5980 131,398 60,446 11,744 13067#-AT-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 71.8750 71,875 31,694 6,154 13067#-AX-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 91.9690 68,977 32,265 6,195 13067#-AY-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 80.4940 241 ,484 110,207 21,247 13067#-BA-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 79.9540 435,752 199,106 37,987 13067#-BR-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 91.6770 68,758 32,602 6,181 13067#-BT-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 82.1230 205,308 96,131 18,136 13067#-BW-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 80.2230 397,106 206,543 31,997 13067#-BY-4 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 138L 84.8380 263,001 139,340 21,082 13067#-BZ-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 135N 79.6520 278,783 135,147 23,732 13067#-DU-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 75.6230 132,340 68,933 10,823 13067#-DV-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 90.8110 81,730 43,785 6,675 13067#-DW-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 75.6660 181,600 95,497 14,676 13067#-DX-4 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 1470 75.6660 362,845 190,748 29,283 13067#-DZ-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 93.3890 249,349 149,416 16,952 13067#-EA-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 89.9400 53,964 28,859 4,499 13067#-EB-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 86.9090 38,627 20,653 3,200 13067#-EC-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 86.9090 38,627 20,638 3,191 13067#-ED-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 83.1450 124,719 65,830 10,307 13067#-EE-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 73.5400 76,115 45,490 5,561 13067#-EF-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 73.5400 988,827 593,416 72,246 13067#-EM-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 77.8990 127,746 76,416 9,336 13067#-ER-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 85.3630 106,705 66,262 7,439 13067#-EY-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 87.4690 104,861 65,510 7,238 13067#-EZ-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 82.0440 123,066 61,476 10,812 13067#-FF-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 84.2930 80,759 48,101 6,035 13067#-FH-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 83.2700 441,335 263,999 32,862 13067#-FJ-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 84.2930 80,759 48,101 6,035 13067#-FL-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 82.4010 206,005 124,341 15,235 13067#-JK-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 67.1000 41,602 24,183 3,229 13067#-KP-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 85.9910 38,218 23,589 2,313 13067#-KQ-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 69.9830 34,992 20,573 2,710 13067#-KR-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 68.9550 18,618 10,964 1,436 13067#-KS-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 73.9440 18,486 10,908 1,422 13067#-KT-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 94.3290 56,542 34,476 4,260 13067#-KU-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 81.5780 101,040 61,532 7,650 13067#-KV-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 63.8640 153,126 94,452 11,534 13067#-LY-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 64.1010 153,693 92,366 12,464 13067#-LZ-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 74.2090 18,552 11,433 1,402 13067#-MR-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 75.6660 196,128 127,449 14,201 13067#-NE-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 67.5090 11,755 7,789 628 13067#-NF-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 60.7510 103,278 67,217 7,684 13067#-PE-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 59.4170 82,271 54,809 6,035 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive (Decrease) Bonds in Rate by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustments Interest nation Acquired terest - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 126408-BJ-1 CSX CORP 2 08/06/2002 2.970 13067#-AC-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 83J 2Z 01/24/1995 10.006 13067#-AD-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 88M 2Z 02/15/1995 10.008 13067#-AE-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 821 2Z 01/24/1995 10.000 13067#-AG-4 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 73A 2Z 12/30/1994 9.989 13067#-AH-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 81J 2Z 01/24/1995 10.005 13067#-AJ-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 78L 2Z 01/05/1995 10.003 13067#-AK-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 75A 2Z 12/16/1994 10.003 13067#-AM-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 03/01/1995 10.013 13067#-AN-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 03/01/1995 10.007 13067#-AP-4 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 03/01/1995 10.005 13067#-AR-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 03/01/1995 10.002 13067#-AS-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 03/01/1995 10.017 13067#-AT-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 1 03/01/1995 10.013 13067#-AX-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 1 03/22/1995 10.015 13067#-AY-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 03/30/1995 10.007 13067#-BA-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 04/12/1995 10.013 13067#-BR-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 05/17/1995 10.018 13067#-BT-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 06/23/1995 10.007 13067#-BW-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 07/17/1995 8.896 13067#-BY-4 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 138L 2Z 07/28/1995 8.764 13067#-BZ-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 135N 2Z 07/21/1995 9.666 13067#-DU-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 11/09/1995 9.106 13067#-DV-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 10/11/1995 8.896 13067#-DW-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 10/11/1995 8.943 13067#-DX-4 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 1470 2Z 10/02/1995 8.924 13067#-DZ-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 12/22/1995 7.681 13067#-EA-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 12/18/1995 9.112 13067#-EB-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 12/22/1995 9.083 13067#-EC-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 12/08/1995 9.050 13067#-ED-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 11/29/1995 9.110 13067#-EE-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 11/09/1995 7.705 13067#-EF-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 11/29/1995 7.705 13067#-EM-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 11/29/1995 7.707 13067#-ER-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 01/29/1996 7.353 13067#-EY-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 02/02/1996 7.252 13067#-EZ-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 02/22/1996 10.004 13067#-FF-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 03/18/1996 7.984 13067#-FH-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 03/27/1996 7.963 13067#-FJ-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 03/18/1996 7.984 13067#-FL-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 03/25/1996 7.848 13067#-JK-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 06/25/1996 8.453 13067#-KP-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 08/06/1996 7.776 13067#-KQ-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 07/12/1996 8.390 13067#-KR-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 07/17/1996 8.386 13067#-KS-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 06/28/1996 8.341 13067#-KT-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 08/19/1996 8.080 13067#-KU-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 08/15/1996 8.104 13067#-KV-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 08/13/1996 8.006 13067#-LY-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 09/13/1996 8.284 13067#-LZ-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 10/04/1996 8.101 13067#-MR-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 11/18/1996 7.602 13067#-NE-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 12/05/1996 7.268 13067#-NF-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 12/06/1996 7.755 13067#-PE-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 2Z 12/02/1996 7.562 E08.8 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ------------ 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13067#-PR-4 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION JUL 07/20/2009 134,400 13067#-RC-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/05/2003 48,766 13067#-RD-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/05/2006 104,960 13067#-RE-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/20/2008 193,668 19676#-AB-5 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION JAN 01/10/2015 587,099 19676#-AC-3 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION JUL 07/07/2007 22,876 19676#-AD-1 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION JAN 01/04/2020 515,260 19676#-AG-4 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION MAR 03/05/2005 172,935 19676#-AH-2 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/13/2014 412,374 19676#-AP-4 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/17/2016 75,780 19676#-AQ-2 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/02/2020 426,036 19676#-AR-0 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION SEP 09/28/2016 1,407,245 19676#-AS-8 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION OCT 10/10/2015 401,837 19676#-BA-6 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION SEP 09/29/2004 61,720 19676#-BF-5 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/17/2016 46,520 19676#-BM-0 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION JAN 01/06/2019 1,184,226 209615-BW-2 CONSOLIDATED NAT GAS CO 5.375 MN 11/01/2006 569,029 21146@-AA-7 ANNUITY DEC 12/04/2005 232,144 21701R-AB-4 COORS BREWING COMPANY 6.375 MN 05/15/2012 199,235 224044-AY-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 7.750 MN 11/01/2010 272,087 26441Y-AA-5 DUKE - WEEKS RLTY LTD PARTN 6.875 MS 03/15/2005 152,397 268766-BV-3 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 7.875 JJ 07/15/2031 84,271 337358-DD-4 FIRST UNION CORP 6.950 MN 11/01/2004 995,119 338915-AH-4 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 6.875 JJ 01/15/2028 50,445 338915-AM-3 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 6.700 JJ 07/15/2028 84,945 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 JJ 07/16/2031 251,919 36962G-XZ-2 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN 6.750 MS 03/15/2032 271,762 370425-RZ-5 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 8.000 MN 11/01/2031 186,170 38141G-AZ-7 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC 6.875 JJ 01/15/2011 658,754 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 6.375 AO 10/15/2011 193,754 441812-JY-1 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 7.000 MN 05/15/2012 25,048 459200-AR-2 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MA 6.220 FA 08/01/2027 08/02/2004 100.000 181,203 459506-AB-7 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA 6.450 MN 05/15/2006 327,758 46257@-AC-5 IA AGENCY OBLIGATION JUN 06/25/2018 161,195 54641@-AA-8 LA AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/15/2011 729,193 54641@-AB-6 LA AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/15/2011 373,126 54641@-AC-4 LA AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/15/2011 792,074 57585@-AA-9 MA AGENCY OBLIGATION OCT 10/19/2009 2,470,963 57585@-AB-7 MA AGENCY OBLIGATION JUN 06/10/2004 20,575 583334-AA-5 MEADWESTVACO CORP 6.850 AO 04/01/2012 39,750 617446-HC-6 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTE 6.600 AO 04/01/2012 622,024 63538W-AA-6 NATL CITY BK PITT MDTMSUB 7.250 AO 10/21/2011 611,427 635405-AM-5 NATIONAL CITY CORP 6.875 MN 05/15/2019 74,659 64605*-EA-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 1980 JAN 01/31/2006 1,324,210 64605*-EE-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 2001 JUN 06/29/2013 278,524 64605*-EF-8 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION NOV 11/25/2005 34,294 64605*-EG-6 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION NOV 11/22/2013 10,088 64605*-EH-4 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION NOV 11/22/2013 10,088 64605*-EJ-0 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION NOV 11/22/2013 10,088 64605*-EK-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION NOV 11/22/2013 10,088 64605*-EL-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION NOV 11/22/2013 10,088 64605*-EM-3 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION NOV 11/22/2013 10,088 64605*-EY-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/05/2008 855,166 64605*-FN-0 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION JAN 01/31/2008 710,912 64605*-FP-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION NOV 11/22/2013 9,712 64605*-FQ-3 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION NOV 11/22/2013 9,712 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13067#-PR-4 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 205,751 64.8170 133,362 84,684 13067#-RC-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 50,000 97.4040 48,702 31,518 13067#-RD-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 119,882 87.4690 104,860 66,353 13067#-RE-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 280,000 68.6590 192,246 123,063 19676#-AB-5 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 946,242 62.4720 591,141 345,180 19676#-AC-3 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 32,809 70.1810 23,026 13,579 19676#-AD-1 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,202,521 43.9240 528,206 303,549 19676#-AG-4 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 190,020 91.2240 173,345 102,749 19676#-AH-2 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 807,100 51.8880 418,789 247,981 19676#-AP-4 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 150,000 51.0760 76,615 45,871 19676#-AQ-2 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,002,068 42.8450 429,346 258,174 19676#-AR-0 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 2,760,241 50.4340 1,392,115 868,653 19676#-AS-8 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 765,648 52.2990 400,431 246,050 19676#-BA-6 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 68,148 90.7950 61,875 37,516 19676#-BF-5 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 90,000 51.0760 45,969 29,315 19676#-BM-0 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 2,664,591 43.8630 1,168,780 747,579 209615-BW-2 CONSOLIDATED NAT GAS CO 575,000 105.7090 607,827 568,016 5,151 31,421 21146@-AA-7 ANNUITY 255,600 79.4830 203,161 185,065 21701R-AB-4 COORS BREWING COMPANY 200,000 111.7540 223,508 199,192 1,629 6,658 224044-AY-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 255,000 113.8950 290,432 274,173 3,294 19,763 26441Y-AA-5 DUKE - WEEKS RLTY LTD PARTN 150,000 107.1280 160,692 153,756 3,036 10,313 268766-BV-3 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 85,000 108.8990 92,564 84,257 3,087 6,638 337358-DD-4 FIRST UNION CORP 950,000 108.5580 1,031,301 1,018,506 11,004 66,025 338915-AH-4 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 50,000 106.0090 53,005 50,445 1,585 338915-AM-3 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 90,000 103.8050 93,425 84,912 2,781 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 290,000 86.9870 252,262 251,780 9,902 36962G-XZ-2 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN 275,000 110.8470 304,830 271,730 5,466 9,023 370425-RZ-5 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 185,000 100.5440 186,006 186,170 2,467 7,400 38141G-AZ-7 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC 650,000 111.6240 725,556 659,809 20,606 44,688 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 210,000 104.5510 219,557 193,175 2,826 6,694 441812-JY-1 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 25,000 109.5290 27,382 25,048 224 841 459200-AR-Z INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MA 175,000 96.7500 169,313 185,500 4,535 10,885 459506-AB-7 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA 325,000 108.0170 351,055 328,715 2,679 20,963 46257@-AC-5 IA AGENCY OBLIGATION 336,000 47.3480 159,090 101,568 54641@-AA-8 LA AGENCY OBLIGATION 972,000 73.8350 717,677 430,846 54641@-AB-6 LA AGENCY OBLIGATION 513,000 73.8350 378,774 229,209 54641@-AC-4 LA AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,089,000 73.8350 804,064 486,566 57585@-AA-9 MA AGENCY OBLIGATION 3,470,789 75.1400 2,607,958 1,130,044 57585@-AB-7 MA AGENCY OBLIGATION 22,081 93.0160 20,539 12,252 583334-AA-5 MEADWESTVACO CORP 40,000 110.9630 44,385 39,735 685 1,362 617446-HC-6 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTE 625,000 110.8320 692,700 621,850 10,313 20,396 63538W-AA-6 NATL CITY BK PITT MDTMSUB 573,000 118.0050 676,173 614,405 8,078 41,543 635405-AM-5 NATIONAL CITY CORP 75,000 108.7620 81,572 74,632 659 5,156 64605*-EA-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 1980 1,542,000 85.0830 1,311,986 797,418 64605*-EE-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 2001 450,000 61.2910 275,813 165,024 64605*-EF-8 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 39,375 86.3330 33,994 20,730 64605*-EG-6 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 17,383 56.8500 9,882 6,052 64605*-EH-4 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 17,383 56.8500 9,882 6,052 64605*-EJ-0 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 17,383 56.8500 9,882 6,052 64605*-EK-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 17,383 56.8500 9,882 6,052 64605*-EL-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 17,383 56.8500 9,882 6,052 64605*-EM-3 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 17,383 56.8500 9,882 6,052 64605*-EY-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,251,000 68.4410 856,204 507,594 64605*-FN-0 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,028,000 69.8000 717,553 420,029 64605*-FP-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 17,391 56.8500 9,887 5,720 64605*-FQ-3 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 17,391 56.8500 9,887 5,720 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive Increase (Decrease) Bonds in Rate (Decrease) by (Foreign) Default as to NAIC of CUSIP by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13067#-PR-4 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 10,075 2Z 01/10/1997 8.024 13067#-RC-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 3,521 2Z 02/20/1997 7.716 13067#-RD-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 7,871 2Z 01/31/1997 8.044 13067#-RE-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 14,465 2Z 02/14/1997 8.005 19676#-AB-5 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 45,138 2Z 05/09/1996 8.320 19676#-AC-3 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,776 1 06/28/1996 8.331 19676#-AD-1 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 40,195 1 06/25/1996 8.458 19676#-AG-4 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 13,462 2Z 07/17/1996 8.391 19676#-AH-2 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 32,180 1 09/10/1996 8.383 19676#-AP-4 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 5,875 1 09/24/1996 8.323 19676#-AQ-2 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 32,792 1 09/13/1996 8.263 19676#-AR-0 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 105,488 2Z 10/08/1996 8.041 19676#-AS-8 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 30,423 1 09/25/1996 8.133 19676#-BA-6 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 4,825 1 11/05/1996 8.413 19676#-BF-5 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 3,485 1 01/10/1997 8.022 19676#-BM-0 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 88,181 1 01/20/1997 8.041 209615-BW-2 CONSOLIDATED NAT GAS CO 1,010 2 04/09/2002 5.680 21146@-AA-7 ANNUITY 7,527 2Z 02/13/1996 3.347 21701R-AB-4 COORS BREWING COMPANY 43 2 04/30/2002 6.430 224044-AY-3 COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE (1,590) 2 08/29/2001 6.639 26441Y-AA-5 DUKE - WEEKS RLTY LTD PARTN (990) 2 08/03/2001 6.089 268766-BV-3 EOP OPER LTD PARTNERSHIP 11 2 07/11/2001 7.952 337358-DD-4 FIRST UNION CORP (22,315) 1 01/14/2002 4.227 338915-AH-4 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 1PE 08/28/2002 6.800 338915-AM-3 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 33 1PE 08/19/2002 7.183 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 139 2 09/10/2002 8.702 36962G-XZ-Z GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN 31 1 03/13/2002 6.844 370425-RZ-5 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 2 09/10/2002 7.942 38141G-AZ-7 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC (756) 1 08/06/2001 6.656 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 578 1 07/31/2002 7.598 441812-JY-1 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 1 07/16/2002 6.971 459200-AR-Z INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MA (4,267) 1PE 10/26/2001 3.893 459506-AB-7 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS&FRA (703) 2 08/06/2001 6.167 46257@-AC-5 IA AGENCY OBLIGATION 12,084 2Z 01/10/1997 8.024 54641@-AA-8 LA AGENCY OBLIGATION 52,374 2Z 12/01/1995 7.707 54641@-AB-6 LA AGENCY OBLIGATION 29,788 2Z 02/15/1997 8.637 54641@-AC-4 LA AGENCY OBLIGATION 63,235 2Z 02/15/1997 8.637 57585@-AA-9 MA AGENCY OBLIGATION 223,916 1 09/16/1994 9.885 57585@-AB-7 MA AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,531 1 03/28/1996 7.960 583334-AA-5 MEADWESTVACO CORP 14 2 03/26/2002 6.943 617446-HC-6 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTE 174 1 03/27/2002 6.670 63538W-AA-6 NATL CITY BK PITT MDTMSUB (2,978) 1 01/14/2002 6.248 635405-AM-5 NATIONAL CITY CORP 22 1 07/31/2001 6.922 64605*-EA-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 1980 94,983 1 02/29/1996 7.698 64605*-EE-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 2000 20,838 1 03/18/1996 8.006 64605*-EF-8 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 2,448 1 03/07/1996 7.660 64605*-EG-6 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 738 1 04/02/1996 7.863 64605*-EH-4 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 738 1 04/02/1996 7.863 64605*-EJ-0 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 738 1 04/02/1996 7.863 64605*-EK-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 738 1 04/02/1996 7.863 64605*-EL-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 738 1 04/02/1996 7.863 64605*-EM-3 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 738 2Z 04/02/1996 7.863 64605*-EY-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 65,372 1 05/22/1996 8.202 64605*-FN-0 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 55,451 1 06/27/1996 8.410 64605*-FP-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 760 1 06/25/1996 8.458 64605*-FQ-3 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 760 1 06/25/1996 8.458 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.9 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ----------- 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64605*-FR-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION JUL 07/19/2014 46,248 64605*-FS-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION DEC 12/15/2010 176,489 64605*-FT-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/10/2014 81,971 64605*-FU-4 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION JAN 01/02/2009 742,807 64605*-FU-4 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 244H NOV 11/22/2013 9,712 64605*-GV-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/18/2015 435,740 64605*-GW-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/23/2010 127,927 64605*-GX-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION JUN 06/29/2007 35,449 64605*-GY-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/17/2012 102,393 64605*-GZ-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION SEP 09/11/2010 9,649 64605*-HA-6 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/24/2003 33,209 64605*-HR-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION AUG 08/11/2013 273,148 64605*-HZ-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION DEC 12/19/2013 227,750 64605*-JA-4 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION MAR 03/01/2007 5,400 64605*-JY-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION JUL 07/07/2013 26,561 64605*-JZ-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/06/2011 16,600 64605@-JP-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 330F JAN 01/26/2012 320,522 64982@-CA-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION AUG 08/15/2004 171,510 64982@-CD-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/15/2014 1,551,402 64982@-CP-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION OCT 10/15/2005 183,927 64982@-CQ-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/15/2004 49,805 64982@-CR-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 126T JAN 01/15/2015 162,135 64982@-CS-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/16/2007 132,767 64982@-DP-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION DEC 12/15/2003 20,263 64982@-DQ-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION JUN 06/15/2004 68,138 64982@-DW-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 343 FEB 02/15/2014 243,465 64982@-EA-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 137Q JAN 01/15/2012 68,136 64982@-EE-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION JUL 07/15/2015 391,138 64982@-EF-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/15/2009 63,112 64982@-EJ-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION OCT 10/15/2007 96,019 64982@-EZ-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 218P JAN 01/15/2012 40,507 64982@-FF-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/15/2013 147,434 64982@-FG-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION DEC 12/15/2008 21,109 64982@-FH-4 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION SEP 09/15/2014 560,674 64982@-FJ-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/15/2015 237,377 64982@-FK-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION AUG 08/15/2012 118,312 64982@-FL-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/15/2015 237,378 64982@-FZ-4 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION JUL 07/15/2015 84,214 64982@-GA-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION NOV 11/15/2009 49,508 64982@-GJ-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION JUN 06/15/2007 104,954 64982@-GK-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/15/2014 988,134 64982@-GL-4 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION SEP 09/15/2011 164,483 64982@-GM-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION OCT 10/15/2010 227,359 64982@-GN-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION AUG 08/15/2009 84,699 64982@-GW-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION JUN 06/15/2014 102,278 64982@-GX-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION JUN 06/15/2007 22,645 64982@-GY-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION JUL 07/15/2015 17,346 64982@-GZ-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/15/2011 38,523 64982@-HJ-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION NOV 11/15/2007 8,702 64982@-HK-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/15/2011 38,523 64982@-HL-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION DEC 12/15/2008 161,951 64982@-HS-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION JAN 01/15/2007 514,172 64982@-HT-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 328B NOV 11/15/2007 8,702 64982@-HU-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION JUL 07/15/2008 481,815 64982@-HV-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION MAR 03/15/2009 147,061 64982@-HW-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/15/2010 47,108 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64605*-FR-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 86,000 54.0150 46,454 27,473 64605*-FS-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 282,500 63.0090 178,003 104,780 64605*-FT-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 120,000 66.7500 80,100 49,478 64605*-FU-4 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 926,100 79.9520 740,437 448,597 64605*-FU-4 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 244H 17,391 56.8500 9,887 5,720 64605*-GV-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 662,000 38.0500 251,895 350,942 64605*-GW-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 200,000 63.6190 127,239 77,976 64605*-GX-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 50,000 70.2770 35,139 21,771 64605*-GY-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 171,000 59.9350 102,490 62,198 64605*-GZ-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 15,600 61.7210 9,628 5,863 64605*-HA-6 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 34,000 97.6340 33,196 20,301 64605*-HR-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 450,000 60.7440 273,351 166,712 64605*-HZ-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 400,000 56.5080 226,033 140,524 64605*-JA-4 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 7,354 72.1190 5,304 3,425 64605*-JY-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 46,882 56.1140 26,307 16,752 64605*-JZ-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 27,375 61.1390 16,737 10,351 64605@-JP-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 330F 525,000 60.2070 316,087 202,067 64982@-CA-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 190,480 91.7030 174,678 81,238 64982@-CD-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 2,571,480 65.4240 1,682,385 735,958 64982@-CP-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 214,290 87.1150 186,680 96,160 64982@-CQ-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 53,572 93.5230 50,102 26,481 64982@-CR-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 126T 270,839 64.9310 175,859 79,197 64982@-CS-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 164,838 83.5560 137,734 64,825 64982@-DP-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 21,749 92.7870 20,180 11,952 64982@-DQ-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 73,000 92.9160 67,829 40,413 64982@-DW-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 343 468,000 41.7060 195,185 171,896 64982@-EA-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 137Q 100,000 71.7920 71,793 34,322 64982@-EE-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 619,060 62.4810 386,796 232,966 64982@-EF-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 95,240 63.1210 60,117 39,286 64982@-EJ-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 119,050 80.8610 96,265 56,218 64982@-EZ-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 218P 61,000 65.6510 40,048 24,208 64982@-FF-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 241,076 61.9030 149,234 87,123 64982@-FG-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 31,323 67.8860 21,264 12,532 64982@-FH-4 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,072,000 53.3410 571,823 329,822 64982@-FJ-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 364,143 63.7070 231,986 141,811 64982@-FK-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 190,480 62.8520 119,722 69,904 64982@-FL-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 364,143 63.7070 231,986 141,958 64982@-FZ-4 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 158,727 54.5640 86,609 49,336 64982@-GA-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 76,188 65.8250 50,151 29,629 64982@-GJ-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 127,832 81.0410 103,597 60,792 64982@-GK-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,777,800 55.8210 992,403 601,267 64982@-GL-4 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 277,800 59.4240 165,082 100,094 64982@-GM-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 357,150 63.8640 228,093 138,375 64982@-GN-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 111,111 76.2150 84,683 51,728 64982@-GW-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 186,336 54.4160 101,398 63,261 64982@-GX-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 31,958 70.5160 22,536 14,005 64982@-GY-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 32,968 52.2060 17,211 10,706 64982@-GZ-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 61,050 62.1870 37,965 24,066 64982@-HJ-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 12,122 70.9940 8,606 5,495 64982@-HK-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 61,050 62.1870 37,965 24,066 64982@-HL-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 235,725 67.8860 160,026 101,218 64982@-HS-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 595,250 85.7290 510,306 327,253 64982@-HT-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 328B 12,122 70.9940 8,606 5,495 64982@-HU-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 698,412 67.4060 470,776 305,861 64982@-HV-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 214,290 66.5970 142,713 94,472 64982@-HW-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 72,000 63.3210 45,592 30,219 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive Increase (Decrease) Bonds in Rate (Decrease) by (Foreign) Default as to NAIC of CUSIP by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64605*-FR-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 3,555 1 06/07/1996 8.242 64605*-FS-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 13,606 1 06/28/1996 8.338 64605*-FT-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 5,847 1 02/28/1996 7.654 64605*-FU-4 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 55,366 1 06/27/1996 8.053 64605*-FU-4 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 244H 760 2Z 06/25/1996 8.458 64605*-GV-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 14,625 1 08/22/1996 3.460 64605*-GW-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 9,634 2Z 08/19/1996 8.075 64605*-GX-7 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 2,641 1 08/26/1996 7.971 64605*-GY-5 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 7,791 1 09/05/1996 8.198 64605*-GZ-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 732 1 08/23/1996 8.143 64605*-HA-6 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 2,480 1 08/13/1996 8.004 64605*-HR-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 20,870 1 09/27/1996 8.192 64605*-HZ-1 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 17,016 1 10/10/1996 8.064 64605*-JA-4 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 388 1 11/14/1996 7.703 64605*-JY-2 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,994 1 01/17/1997 8.034 64605*-JZ-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,284 1 02/03/1997 8.304 64605@-JP-9 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 330F 23,641 2Z 12/19/1996 7.943 64982@-CA-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 15,783 1 03/07/1995 10.017 64982@-CD-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 142,607 2Z 03/10/1995 10.007 64982@-CP-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 15,466 1 07/26/1995 9.111 64982@-CQ-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 4,125 1 08/18/1995 8.937 64982@-CR-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 126T 14,783 1 06/29/1995 10.014 64982@-CS-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 12,205 1 06/29/1995 10.007 64982@-DP-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,451 1 11/20/1995 7.701 64982@-DQ-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 4,873 1 11/27/1995 7.631 64982@-DW-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 343 13,939 2Z 01/30/1997 6.053 64982@-EA-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 137Q 6,015 2Z 07/26/1995 9.665 64982@-EE-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 29,093 1 03/28/1996 7.957 64982@-EF-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 4,316 1 04/05/1996 7.278 64982@-EJ-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 7,390 1 04/11/1996 8.281 64982@-EZ-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 218P 2,983 1 04/05/1996 7.937 64982@-FF-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 11,530 1 06/27/1996 8.402 64982@-FG-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,628 1 06/28/1996 8.339 64982@-FH-4 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 44,072 1 06/21/1996 8.456 64982@-FJ-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 17,104 1 01/25/1996 7.704 64982@-FK-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 9,256 1 06/27/1996 8.404 64982@-FL-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 17,104 1 01/30/1996 7.704 64982@-FZ-4 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 6,728 1 07/09/1996 8.591 64982@-GA-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 3,872 1 09/03/1996 8.445 64982@-GJ-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 12,699 1 09/26/1996 9.228 64982@-GK-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 75,594 1 09/26/1996 8.248 64982@-GL-4 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 12,623 1 09/26/1996 8.241 64982@-GM-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 17,421 1 09/26/1996 8.241 64982@-GN-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 6,454 1 09/24/1996 8.170 64982@-GW-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 7,695 1 10/22/1996 8.055 64982@-GX-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,704 1 10/22/1996 8.056 64982@-GY-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,308 1 10/17/1996 8.073 64982@-GZ-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 2,838 1 10/30/1996 7.918 64982@-HJ-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 640 1 12/17/1996 7.903 64982@-HK-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 2,838 1 10/30/1996 7.918 64982@-HL-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 11,896 1 10/30/1996 7.914 64982@-HS-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 37,008 1 12/11/1996 7.745 64982@-HT-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 328B 640 1 12/17/1996 7.903 64982@-HU-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 34,648 1 11/12/1996 7.675 64982@-HV-1 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 10,376 1 12/03/1996 7.545 64982@-HW-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 3,340 1 12/02/1996 7.564 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.10 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ------------ 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 64982@-HX-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 325E NOV 11/15/2011 32,522 64982@-HY-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 321D JUN 06/15/2010 185,805 64982@-HZ-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 228J DEC 12/15/2005 33,837 64982@-JK-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/15/2008 185,838 64982@-KM-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION JUL 07/15/2007 313,881 64982@-KN-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION MAY 05/15/2008 8,546 64982@-KP-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION AUG 08/15/2012 162,982 64982@-KQ-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION NOV 11/05/2008 185,112 64982@-KR-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/15/2005 374,196 64982@-KS-4 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION AUG 08/15/2007 189,405 64982@-KT-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION JUN 06/15/2013 105,516 64982@-KU-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION JUN 06/17/2013 106,478 64982@-KV-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION JUN 06/15/2013 213,327 64982@-KW-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION JUN 06/15/2014 68,189 64982@-KZ-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 363A MAR 03/29/2008 32,669 652478-AJ-7 NEWS AMER HLDGS INC 8.500 FA 02/15/2005 260,953 652478-BX-5 NEWS AMER HLDGS INC 8.000 AO 10/17/2016 188,169 655844-AF-5 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 7.050 MN 05/01/2037 166,580 655844-AM-0 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 8.375 MN 05/15/2005 969,994 665772-BV-0 NORTHN STS PWR CO MINN 8.000 FA 08/28/2012 53,637 67758*-AA-1 OH AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/01/2003 98,333 68607#-AB-6 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION JUN 06/18/2007 66,746 68607#-AJ-9 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION MAR 03/07/2006 222,688 68607#-AK-6 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION OCT 10/14/2011 1,236,162 68607#-AN-0 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION DEC 12/11/2004 336,684 68607#-AP-5 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION AUG 08/15/2014 46,886 68607#-BF-6 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION AUG 08/22/2011 148,821 68607#-BG-4 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION AUG 08/22/2011 148,821 68607#-BV-1 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION SEP 09/30/2008 74,983 68607#-BW-9 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION AUG 08/15/2014 25,210 70867#-AA-9 PA AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/24/2013 1,004,529 73755L-AB-3 POTASH CORP SASK INC 7.750 MN 05/31/2011 403,397 743263-AE-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC 7.750 MS 03/01/2031 220,157 744448-BT-7 PUBLIC SERVICE CO COLO 7.875 AO 10/01/2012 50,000 760759-AC-4 REPUBLIC SVCS INC 6.750 FA 08/15/2011 410,131 852060-AL-6 SPRINT CAP CORP 6.000 JJ 01/15/2007 867914-AR-4 SUNTRUST BKS INC 7.750 MN 05/01/2010 430,778 875290-PR-3 TAMPA FLA WTR & SWR REV 5.500 AO 10/01/2029 10/01/2009 101.000 5,588,059 88275@-AC-5 TX AGENCY OBLIGATION MAR 03/16/2013 2,847,138 891490-AR-5 TOSCO CORP 7.800 JJ 01/01/2027 64,917 89567#-BF-0 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 335N OCT 10/18/2014 50,171 89567*-AE-8 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION MAR 03/13/2006 65,480 89567*-AF-5 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION OCT 10/23/2010 150,372 89567*-AG-3 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 238D APR 04/01/2010 506,364 89567*-AJ-7 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 230A MAR 03/25/2007 39,079 89567*-AS-7 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION SEP 09/07/2010 102,897 89567*-AT-5 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION OCT 10/17/2006 9,230 89567*-AU-2 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/16/2009 97,766 89567*-AV-0 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION MAR 03/08/2014 337,562 89567*-AW-8 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/14/2009 163,818 89567*-AX-6 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION OCT 10/31/2012 71,876 89567*-AZ-1 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/17/2015 153,179 89567*-BA-5 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION AUG 08/26/2008 56,704 89567*-BB-3 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 287G DEC 12/11/2012 60,895 89567*-BC-1 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION JUL 07/28/2009 14,437 89567*-BF-4 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 304N OCT 10/18/2014 50,202 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64982@-HX-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 325E 53,570 58.6340 31,411 20,813 64982@-HY-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 321D 285,720 62.9090 179,744 119,179 64982@-HZ-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 228J 97,404 85.9450 83,714 49,816 64982@-JK-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 228,576 80.5810 184,189 118,202 64982@-KM-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 380,950 82.4920 314,255 198,693 64982@-KN-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 12,698 68.2930 8,672 5,327 64982@-KP-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 285,714 57.6830 164,809 101,489 64982@-KQ-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 244,920 77.6080 190,078 97,555 64982@-KR-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 405,270 91.7750 371,939 244,627 64982@-KS-4 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 271,580 69.5910 188,996 118,651 64982@-KT-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 194,439 56.3820 109,629 65,167 64982@-KU-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 194,439 56.3560 109,579 66,027 64982@-KV-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 388,885 56.3820 219,262 132,612 64982@-KW-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 124,224 54.4160 67,598 42,939 64982@-KZ-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 363A 50,000 66.2390 33,120 20,383 652478-AJ-7 NEWS AMER HLDGS INC 250,000 108.1290 270,323 267,415 8,028 21,250 652478-BX-5 NEWS AMER HLDGS INC 190,000 112.4300 213,617 188,153 3,124 655844-AF-5 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 150,000 112.1970 168,296 166,605 1,763 5,288 655844-AM-0 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 900,000 112.9010 1,016,109 1,000,593 9,631 75,375 665772-BV-0 NORTHN STS PWR CO MINN 50,000 113.3620 56,681 53,721 1,344 67758*-AA-1 OH AGENCY OBLIGATION 100,549 98.1150 98,654 49,319 68607#-AB-6 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 77,000 87.8390 67,637 37,318 68607#-AJ-9 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 250,000 87.9970 219,993 135,549 68607#-AK-6 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,730,700 70.1060 1,213,338 734,509 68607#-AN-0 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 379,106 89.3590 338,766 192,432 68607#-AP-5 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 72,000 64.1470 46,186 28,109 68607#-BF-6 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 240,000 62.3100 149,545 87,826 68607#-BG-4 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 240,000 62.3100 149,545 87,826 68607#-BV-1 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 112,500 66.2670 74,551 47,318 68607#-BW-9 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 48,000 53.7040 25,778 15,699 70867#-AA-9 PA AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,814,058 55.3170 1,003,492 616,743 73755L-AB-3 POTASH CORP SASK INC 375,000 116.5770 437,164 404,981 2,503 29,063 743263-AE-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC 200,000 113.6530 227,306 220,408 5,167 15,500 744448-BT-7 PUBLIC SERVICE CO COLO 50,000 111.6290 55,815 50,000 1,039 760759-AC-4 REPUBLIC SVCS INC 400,000 109.3330 437,332 410,447 10,200 19,406 852060-AL-6 SPRINT CAP CORP 2,400 867914-AR-4 SUNTRUST BKS INC 400,000 120.2110 480,844 435,112 5,167 31,000 875290-PR-3 TAMPA FLA WTR & SWR REV 5,000,000 115.9870 5,799,350 5,626,750 68,750 137,500 88275@-AC-5 TX AGENCY OBLIGATION 4,469,184 68.5550 3,063,867 1,448,155 891490-AR-5 TOSCO CORP 55,000 121.9990 67,099 64,970 2,145 89567#-BF-0 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 335N 78,448 63.4640 49,787 31,648 89567*-AE-8 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 74,600 87.8850 65,563 38,564 89567*-AF-5 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 235,000 63.7520 149,819 89,342 89567*-AG-3 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 238D 790,000 63.9160 504,939 302,083 89567*-AJ-7 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 230A 55,000 71.7470 39,461 22,811 89567*-AS-7 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 168,000 61.7740 103,781 61,523 89567*-AT-5 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 12,500 74.2570 9,282 5,519 89567*-AU-2 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 147,000 66.1500 97,241 59,370 89567*-AV-0 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 616,000 55.5680 342,301 201,157 89567*-AW-8 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 210,000 78.2490 164,325 98,825 89567*-AX-6 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 119,000 59.1730 70,416 44,369 89567*-AZ-1 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 288,000 53.8810 155,178 92,437 89567*-BA-5 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 72,750 78.8170 57,340 33,496 89567*-BB-3 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 287G 105,000 58.6540 61,588 36,762 89567*-BC-1 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 22,500 64.7070 14,559 8,720 89567*-BF-4 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 304N 78,448 63.4640 49,787 31,159 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive Increase (Decrease) Bonds in Rate (Decrease) by (Foreign) Default as to NAIC of CUSIP by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64982@-HX-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 325E 2,312 1 12/05/1996 7.622 64982@-HY-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 321D 13,181 1 12/02/1996 7.565 64982@-HZ-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 228J 6,286 1 04/23/1996 8.091 64982@-JK-3 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 13,569 1 12/27/1996 7.806 64982@-KM-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 23,903 1 03/06/1997 8.160 64982@-KN-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 676 1 03/19/1997 8.500 64982@-KP-0 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 12,651 2Z 02/04/1997 8.333 64982@-KQ-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 15,541 1 08/28/1995 9.109 64982@-KR-6 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 26,413 1 03/04/1997 7.564 64982@-KS-4 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 14,360 1 01/09/1997 8.125 64982@-KT-2 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 8,564 1 04/04/1997 8.739 64982@-KU-9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 8,505 1 03/17/1997 8.589 64982@-KV-7 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 17,010 1 03/24/1997 8.573 64982@-KW-5 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 5,130 1 01/15/1997 8.054 64982@-KZ-8 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 363A 2,568 1 03/14/1997 8.466 652478-AJ-7 NEWS AMER HLDGS INC (4,683) 2 08/03/2001 6.262 652478-BX-5 NEWS AMER HLDGS INC 16 2 10/23/2002 8.117 655844-AF-5 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP (25) 2 09/12/2002 6.263 655844-AM-0 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP (27,186) 2PE 11/09/2001 4.863 665772-BV-0 NORTHN STS PWR CO MINN (83) 2 09/18/2002 6.955 67758*-AA-1 OH AGENCY OBLIGATION 8,738 2Z 07/12/1995 9.667 68607#-AB-6 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 4,212 1 12/26/1995 7.449 68607#-AJ-9 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 15,300 2Z 12/29/1995 7.338 68607#-AK-6 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 88,989 2Z 12/29/1995 7.707 68607#-AN-0 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 26,837 1 04/02/1996 8.641 68607#-AP-5 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 3,449 1 04/02/1996 7.867 68607#-BF-6 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 11,464 1 05/14/1996 8.267 68607#-BG-4 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 11,464 1 05/14/1996 8.267 68607#-BV-1 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 5,636 2Z 01/27/1997 8.066 68607#-BW-9 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,986 1 03/06/1997 8.464 70867#-AA-9 PA AGENCY OBLIGATION 76,206 2Z 10/16/1996 8.168 73755L-AB-3 POTASH CORP SASK INC (1,584) 2 04/23/2002 6.564 743263-AE-5 PROGRESS ENERGY INC (210) 2 10/18/2001 6.931 744448-BT-7 PUBLIC SERVICE CO COLO 2 09/18/2002 7.875 760759-AC-4 REPUBLIC SVCS INC (326) 2 08/08/2002 6.360 852060-AL-6 SPRINT CAP CORP 2 10/30/2001 867914-AR-4 SUNTRUST BKS INC (3,154) 1PE 08/07/2001 6.418 875290-PR-3 TAMPA FLA WTR & SWR REV (38,691) 1 06/05/2002 3.650 88275@-AC-5 TX AGENCY OBLIGATION 260,949 2Z 12/06/1995 10.026 891490-AR-5 TOSCO CORP (53) 1 08/23/2002 6.329 89567#-BF-0 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 335N 3,716 2Z 01/10/1997 7.945 89567*-AE-8 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 5,022 2Z 04/30/1996 8.254 89567*-AF-5 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 11,343 2Z 04/29/1996 8.108 89567*-AG-3 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 238D 38,313 2Z 05/23/1996 8.125 89567*-AJ-7 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 230A 3,056 2Z 05/07/1996 8.422 89567*-AS-7 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 7,982 2Z 08/01/1996 8.334 89567*-AT-5 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 715 2Z 08/01/1996 8.336 89567*-AU-2 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 7,353 2Z 07/29/1996 8.066 89567*-AV-0 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 26,269 2Z 07/29/1996 8.386 89567*-AW-8 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 12,636 2Z 08/29/1996 8.289 89567*-AX-6 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 5,271 2Z 08/15/1996 7.847 89567*-AZ-1 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 11,878 2Z 09/20/1996 8.368 89567*-BA-5 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 4,526 2Z 08/15/1996 8.591 89567*-BB-3 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 287G 4,710 2Z 09/20/1996 8.365 89567*-BC-1 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,122 2Z 09/19/1996 8.341 89567*-BF-4 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 304N 3,712 2Z 10/21/1996 7.932 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.11 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ------------ 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89567*-BQ-0 TRI - STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION MAR 03/13/2006 66,114 89567*-BX-5 TRI - STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION JUL 07/29/2007 213,844 89567*-BY-3 TRI - STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION SEP 09/09/2007 1,066,864 89567*-BZ-0 TRI - STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/14/2009 81,290 89567*-CA-4 TRI - STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION AUG 08/05/2011 710,892 89567*-CB-2 TRI - STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION NOV 11/04/2014 199,761 925524-AJ-9 VIACOM INC 7.700 JJ 07/30/2010 887,666 92812@-AA-1 VA AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/05/2011 8,287,009 94975C-AE-7 WELLS FARGO FINL INC 5.450 MN 05/03/2004 309,973 961548-AV-6 WESTVACO CORP 8.200 JJ 01/15/2030 214,375 962166-BR-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO 7.375 MS 03/15/2032 79,323 99B000-26-5 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION FEB 02/21/2015 4,024,555 99B000-27-3 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION JUL 07/02/2014 1,884,126 99B000-28-1 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION APR 04/16/2011 800,782 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 90,703,459 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 638539-AG-1 NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BK P 7.750 AO 04/29/2049 1,021,154 65557A-AA-5 NORDEA BK SWEDEN A B 5.250 MN 11/30/2012 269,087 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OTHERS 1,290,241 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Issuer Obligations 91,993,700 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17305E-AP-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2001-A6 5.650 JD 06/15/2008 482,647 17305E-BB-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2002-A5 1.450 MJSD 09/15/2007 1,060,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 1,542,647 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4099999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Securities 1,542,647 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 131700-AC-0 CALWEST INDL TR 6.127 MTLY 02/15/2017 400,023 16151R-AX-1 CHASE CC MASTER TRUST 200 5.500 MTLY 11/15/2008 11/01/2008 100.000 278,063 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 2.440 MTLY 06/15/2004 107,192 161581-BY-8 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 3.800 MTLY 05/15/2008 449,922 23322B-EF-1 DLJ COMM MTG 1999-CG1 6.080 MTLY 03/10/2032 03/01/2032 100.000 793,620 25466K-CA-5 DISCOVER CARD MSTR TR I 1 5.600 MN 05/15/2006 2,022,401 33901H-BA-0 FLEET CREDIT CD MT 2001-C 3.860 MTLY 03/15/2007 1,318,980 44179C-AM-8 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 4.370 MTLY 12/17/2008 391,446 55264T-AQ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 4.950 MTLY 06/15/2009 1,001,362 55264T-AZ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 3.900 MTLY 11/15/2007 424,787 617059-DE-7 JP MORGAN COM MTG PTC 199 7.088 MTLY 09/15/2029 09/01/2029 100.000 105,268 61745M-KY-8 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 6.710 MTLY 12/15/2031 12/01/2031 100.000 298,102 61745M-NE-9 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 7.020 MTLY 03/15/2032 03/01/2032 100.000 136,047 61746W-ES-5 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 6.400 MTLY 02/01/2031 233,031 65473L-AC-8 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 2.600 MTLY 08/15/2006 524,983 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 8,485,227 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4399999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage- Backed Securities 8,485,227 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 161505-BP-6 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 6.600 MTLY 12/19/2029 12/01/2029 100.000 50,300 23383V-BJ-8 DAIMLERCHRYSLER AUTO TR 2 3.780 MTLY 02/06/2007 697,851 81375B-AM-4 SMAR 97-6 A 7.710 MTLY 09/15/2025 81376@-AE-4 SMAR 1997-2 144A 8.240 MTLY 03/15/2006 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 748,151 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4499999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage- Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 748,151 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest -------------------------- 14 15 Amout Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 89567*-BQ-0 TRI - STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 74,600 87.8850 65,563 42,168 89567*-BX-5 TRI - STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 255,000 82.2220 209,667 141,230 89567*-BY-3 TRI - STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,310,000 81.5050 1,067,723 676,160 89567*-BZ-0 TRI - STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 105,000 78.2490 82,162 50,898 89567*-CA-4 TRI - STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,012,500 71.1850 720,749 444,780 89567*-CB-2 TRI - STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 392,000 52.7610 206,825 123,902 925524-AJ-9 VIACOM INC 825,000 118.8040 980,133 896,289 26,645 63,525 92812@-AA-1 VA AGENCY OBLIGATION 12,168,000 73.9900 9,003,132 3,308,048 94975C-AE-7 WELLS FARGO FINL INC 300,000 104.6320 313,896 312,972 2,634 8,175 961548-AV-6 WESTVACO CORP 200,000 116.2360 232,472 214,380 7,562 4,100 962166-BR-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO 75,000 108.4530 81,340 79,335 1,629 2,812 99B000-26-5 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 6,691,303 61.9280 4,143,843 3,429,059 99B000-27-3 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 3,140,530 61.3930 1,928,087 1,587,182 99B000-28-1 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 1,124,213 71.5260 804,107 688,833 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 125,790,976 XXX 93,334,449 60,003,814 299,170 804,107 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 638539-AG-1 NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BK P 925,000 113.8990 1,053,566 1,021,154 14,935 35,844 65557A-AA-5 NORDEA BK SWEDEN A B 270,000 101.7250 274,658 269,082 1,536 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OTHERS 1,195,000 XXX 1,328,223 1,290,236 16,471 35,844 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3999999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Issuer Obligations 126,985,976 XXX 94,662,672 61,294,050 315,640 839,951 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17305E-AP-0 CITIBANK CCMT2001 -A6 475,000 109.2140 518,767 483,621 1,193 26,838 17305E-BB-0 CITIBANK CCMT2002 -A5 1,060,000 99.9520 1,059,491 1,060,000 683 4,765 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 1,535,000 XXX 1,578,258 1,543,621 1,876 31,602 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4099999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Securities 1,535,000 XXX 1,578,258 1,543,621 1,876 31,602 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 131700-AC-0 CALWEST INDL TR 400,000 109.4670 437,868 400,023 1,089 19,674 16151R-AX-1 CHASE CC MASTER TRUST 200 275,000 108.8460 299,327 278,418 1,260 11,344 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 107,060 100.1250 107,195 107,231 116 1,088 161581-BY-8 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 450,000 103.5300 465,885 449,906 760 17,100 23322B-EF-1 DLJ COMM MTG 1999-CG1 766,577 107.9890 827,822 794,006 3,884 31,072 25466K-CA-5 DISCOVER CARD MSTR TR I 1 1,950,000 103.5380 2,018,991 2,038,008 13,953 109,200 33901H-BA-0 FLEET CREDIT CD MT 2001-C 1,320,000 103.3000 1,363,560 1,318,982 2,265 46,609 44179C-AM-8 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 400,000 104.1180 416,472 390,125 680 17,480 55264T-AQ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 1,000,000 106.8520 1,068,520 1,001,484 2,200 28,875 55264T-AZ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 425,000 103.8000 441,150 424,762 737 7,781 617059-DE-7 JP MORGAN COM MTG PTC 199 100,000 113.1730 113,174 105,363 591 5,316 61745M-KY-8 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 275,000 113.3400 311,685 298,332 1,538 7,689 61745M-NE-9 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 125,000 115.3610 144,202 136,167 731 4,388 61746W-ES-5 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 224,253 109.7370 246,091 233,215 1,196 13,156 65473L-AC-8 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 525,000 101.2230 531,421 524,981 607 4,436 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 8,342,889 XXX 8,793,362 8,501,002 31,606 325,208 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4399999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage- Backed Securities 8,342,889 XXX 8,793,362 8,501,002 31,606 325,208 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 161505-BP-6 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 45,000 111.4700 50,162 50,330 248 495 23383V-BJ-8 DAIMLERCHRYSLER AUTO TR 2 700,000 103.4610 724,227 697,365 1,838 26,460 81375B-AM-4 SMAR 97-6 A. 2,627,874 9.0000 236,509 2,627,874 117,381 813766-AE-4 SMAR 1997-2 144A 3,090,537 3,090,537 45,811 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 6,463,411 XXX 1,010,897 6,466,106 2,085 190,146 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4499999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage- Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 6,463,411 XXX 1,010,897 6,466,106 2,085 190,146 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive Increase (Decrease) Bonds in Rate (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89567*-BQ-0 TRI - STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 4,696 2Z 11/13/1996 7.601 89567*-BX-5 TRI - STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 14,667 2Z 02/14/1997 7.298 89567*-BY-3 TRI - STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 81,107 2Z 03/10/1997 8.156 89567*-BZ-0 TRI - STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 6,404 2Z 04/03/1997 8.479 89567*-CA-4 TRI - STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 56,008 2Z 03/27/1997 8.465 89567*-CB-2 TRI - STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 15,965 2Z 03/27/1997 8.635 925524-AJ-9 VIACOM INC (6,253) 1 08/06/2001 6.419 92812@-AA-1 VA AGENCY OBLIGATION 809,773 2Z 01/14/1994 10.783 94975C-AE-7 WELLS FARGO FINL INC (2,999) 1PE 07/30/2002 2.899 961548-AV-6 WESTVACO CORP (4) 1PE 10/29/2002 7.569 962166-BR-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO (12) 2 08/27/2002 6.913 99B000-26-5 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 323,292 2Z 02/01/2001 8.690 99B000-27-3 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 172,068 2Z 02/01/2001 9.285 99B000-28-1 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 60,731 2Z 02/01/2001 8.138 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 5,833,514 XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 638539-AG-1 NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BK P 1 07/17/2002 6.992 65557A-AA-5 NORDEA BK SWEDEN A B 5 1 11/15/2002 5.294 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OTHERS 5 XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Issuer Obligations 5,833,519 XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE MBS/ABS UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17305E-AP-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2001 -A6 (707) 1 12/03/2001 5.062 17305E-BB-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2002 -A5 2Z 09/12/2002 1.450 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (707) XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4099999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset- Backed Securities (707) XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 131700-AC-0 CALWEST INDL TR. 1 02/15/2002 6.126 16151R-AX-1 CHASE CC MASTER TRUST 200 (355) 1 03/21/2002 5.097 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 (210) 1 07/10/2002 2.278 161581-BY-8 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 10 1 10/30/2001 3.807 23322B-EF-1 DLJ COMM MTG 1999-CG1 (2,547) 1 04/24/2002 5.750 25466K-CA-5 DISCOVER CARD MSTR TR I 1 (8,249) 1 11/08/2001 3.323 33901H-BA-0 FLEET CREDIT CD MT 2001-C 140 1 04/11/2002 3.897 44179C-AM-8 HOUSEHOLD AUTO REC TR I 2 1,315 1 12/27/2001 5.140 55264T-AQ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 (123) 1 05/10/2002 4.905 55264T-AZ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 26 1 06/18/2002 3.921 617059-DE-7 JP MORGAN COM MTG PTC 199 (95) 1 03/18/2002 6.542 61745M-KY-8 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 (230) 1 07/10/2002 5.921 61745M-NE-9 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 (120) 1 06/18/2002 6.181 61746W-ES-5 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 (607) 1 01/18/2002 6.017 65473L-AC-8 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 2 1 08/08/2002 2.602 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (11,045) XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4399999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage- Backed Securities (11,045) XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-COMM. DEF. UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 161505-BP-6 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS (30) 1 10/07/2002 5.479 23383V-BJ-8 DAIMLERCHRYSLER AUTO TR 2 426 1 11/28/2001 3.934 81375B-AM-4 SMAR 97-6 A. 6 12/05/1997 81376@-AE-4 SMAR 1997-2 144A 6 08/26/1999 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 396 XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4499999 - Total Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 396 XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States (20,323) XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.12 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 ----------- 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Option Carrying Identification Description * of Paid Date Date Call Price Value - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds 102,769,725 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 845,701,432 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgage- Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 50,783,785 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 8,485,227 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 748,151 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 Totals 905,718,594 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 10 11 12 13 Interest -------------------------- 14 15 Amout Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Obtain on Bonds Amount CUSIP Par Fair Fair Actual not in Received Identification Description Value Value Value Cost Default During Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds 143,327,276 XXX 106,045,189 77,804,779 351,207 1,386,908 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 902,350,976 XXX 895,918,112 814,096,202 12,458,593 29,637,732 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgage- Backed/Asset-Backed Securities 49,356,544 XXX 51,668,824 50,790,341 242,143 1,332,017 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 8,342,889 XXX 8,793,362 8,501,002 31,606 325,208 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 6,463,411 XXX 1,010,897 6,466,106 2,085 190,146 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 Totals 966,513,820 XXX 957,391,196 879,853,651 12,734,428 31,485,103 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive Increase (Decrease) Bonds in Rate (Decrease) by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP by Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds 5,822,164 XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 6,053,081 XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgage- Backed/Asset-Backed Securities (64,610) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (11,045) XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 396 XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 Totals 5,977,823 XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.13 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule D - Part 2 - Section 1 NONE Schedule D - Part 2 - Section 2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E09, E10 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 CUSIP Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES 01F060-6D-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.0 01/01/2033 11/07/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 01N062-61-5 GNMA TBA 6.500 01/01/2032 12/23/2002 J.P. MORGAN CHASE & CO 31287T-2E-4 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 7.000 03/01/2030 07/25/2002 COUNTRYWIDE SECURITIES CORP 31287V-AQ-3 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 6.500 07/01/2032 06/14/2002 COUNTRYWIDE SECURITIES CORP 3128GU-VQ-2 FHLMC PC GOLD GUA 6.000 08/01/2017 08/22/2002 SALOMON BROTHERS 31292H-MV-3 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 6.000 12/01/2031 12/18/2001 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 31377M-7K-1 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.460 06/01/2009 12/23/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 31377M-BG-5 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.120 11/01/2008 12/23/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 31387U-CQ-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 06/01/2031 11/12/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 31388U-CU-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 11/01/2031 11/12/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 31388Y-2Y-7 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 12/01/2015 09/18/2002 GREENWICH SECURITIES 31389N-7D-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 09/01/2031 05/14/2002 CREDIT SUISSE 31390E-ZS-4 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 06/01/2032 04/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 31390F-F9-5 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 05/01/2032 05/08/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 31390L-F7-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 07/22/2002 FREDDIE MAC 31390L-FF-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 07/01/2032 07/22/2002 FREDDIE MAC 31390L-V7-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 07/01/2032 07/25/2002 FREDDIE MAC 31390L-WX-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 07/01/2032 07/25/2002 FREDDIE MAC 31390N-P4-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 07/01/2032 09/12/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 31390N-UL-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 08/01/2017 09/18/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 31390P-DC-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 07/25/2002 COUNTRYWIDE SECURITIES CORP 31390R-FF-5 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 08/01/2032 07/11/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 31390T-LQ-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 07/25/2002 COUNTRYWIDE SECURITIES CORP 31390T-LV-9 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 07/25/2002 COUNTRYWIDE SECURITIES CORP 31391A-VM-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 09/01/2032 08/20/2002 COUNTRYWIDE SECURITIES CORP 31391E-AQ-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 09/01/2017 09/18/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 912810-FJ-2 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.125 08/15/2029 06/14/2002 SBC WARBURG DILLON REED 912810-FM-5 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.250 05/15/2030 11/14/2002 VARIOUS 912810-FP-8 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 02/15/2031 07/11/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 912827-4Y-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.875 01/15/2009 10/11/2002 BARCLAYS CAPITAL INC 912827-6X-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 05/15/2006 09/20/2002 VARIOUS 912827-7K-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 01/31/2004 07/18/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 912828-AC-4 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.375 05/15/2007 11/13/2002 VARIOUS 912828-AK-6 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 08/31/2004 11/14/2002 VARIOUS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - Bonds - U.S. Government - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER GOVERNMENTS CANADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 683234-RV-2 ONTARIO PROV CDA 5.125 07/17/2012 07/10/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 748148-BW-2 QUEBEC PROV CDA 5.000 07/17/2009 07/09/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099997 - Bonds - All Other Governments - Canada - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - Bonds - All Other Government - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES ALASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 033161-DJ-6 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 5.500 07/01/2015 06/24/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 798135-UK-3 SAN JOSE CALIF 5.000 09/01/2018 07/11/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772F-L6-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 5.375 11/15/2017 08/22/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341422-6H-1 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 5.000 06/01/2031 03/06/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 5 6 7 8 CUSIP Number of Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Shares of Stock Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES 01F060-6D-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.0 01/01/2033 168,661 168,661 01N062-61-5 GNMA TBA 6.500 01/01/2032 3,671,719 3,671,719 31287T-2E-4 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 7.000 03/01/2030 506,332 484,383 1,224 31287V-AQ-3 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 6.500 07/01/2032 13,060,000 12,800,000 32,356 3128GU-VQ-2 FHLMC PC GOLD GUA 6.000 08/01/2017 1,057,831 1,024,999 3,075 31292H-MV-3 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 6.000 12/01/2031 9,178,313 9,450,000 20,475 31377M-7K-1 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.460 06/01/2009 967,011 866,910 4,045 31377M-BG-5 FNMA PASS-THRU BLLN MUL 6.120 11/01/2008 792,968 717,821 3,173 31387U-CQ-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 06/01/2031 478,385 461,650 917 31388U-CU-2 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 11/01/2031 91,609 88,405 176 31388Y-2Y-7 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 12/01/2015 257,946 244,390 971 31389N-7D-1 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 09/01/2031 8,420,615 8,166,682 25,407 31390E-ZS-4 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 06/01/2032 3,531,445 3,500,000 7,583 31390F-F9-5 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 05/01/2032 1,041,089 1,010,000 2,357 31390L-F7-6 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 819,551 793,634 1,863 31390L-FF-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 07/01/2032 1,259,201 1,219,381 2,862 31390L-V7-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 07/01/2032 362,316 346,558 876 31390L-WX-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 7.000 07/01/2032 208,934 199,848 505 31390N-P4-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 07/01/2032 621,178 598,635 1,729 31390N-UL-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 08/01/2017 1,167,922 1,120,476 4,108 31390P-DC-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 490,697 475,000 2,487 31390R-FF-5 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 08/01/2032 2,035,125 2,025,000 4,388 31390T-LQ-0 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 619,828 600,000 3,142 31390T-LV-9 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 08/01/2032 619,828 600,000 3,142 31391A-VM-8 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 09/01/2032 2,120,151 2,050,002 5,552 31391E-AQ-4 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.000 09/01/2017 3,127,031 3,000,000 11,000 912810-FJ-2 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.125 08/15/2029 4,391,449 4,075,000 85,496 912810-FM-5 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.250 05/15/2030 2,947,022 2,550,000 73,237 912810-FP-8 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 02/15/2031 675,211 675,000 15,134 912827-4Y-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.875 01/15/2009 12,885,069 10,570,000 69,311 912827-6X-5 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 05/15/2006 529,106 495,000 6,919 912827-7K-2 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 01/31/2004 3,968,954 3,930,000 54,521 912828-AC-4 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.375 05/15/2007 3,989,338 3,785,000 72,159 912828-AK-6 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 08/31/2004 3,509,659 3,490,000 16,231 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13,018,693 13,290,380 20,475 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13,018,693 13,290,380 20,475 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 89,571,496 85,254,155 536,421 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - Bonds - U.S. Government 89,571,496 85,254,155 536,421 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER GOVERNMENTS CANADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 683234-RV-2 ONTARIO PROV CDA 5.125 07/17/2012 249,363 250,000 748148-BW-2 QUEBEC PROV CDA 5.000 07/17/2009 248,543 250,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099997 - Bonds - All Other Governments - Canada 497,905 500,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1099999 - Total - Bonds - All Other Government 497,905 500,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES ALASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 033161-DJ-6 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 5.500 07/01/2015 4,882,095 4,500,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 4,882,095 4,500,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 798135-UK-3 SAN JOSE CALIF 5.000 09/01/2018 3,978,128 3,870,000 9,138 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 3,978,128 3,870,000 9,138 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772F-L6-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 5.375 11/15/2017 3,261,120 3,000,000 8,958 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 3,261,120 3,000,000 8,958 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341422-6H-1 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 5.000 06/01/2031 8,796,420 9,000,000 70,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 8,796,420 9,000,000 70,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 CUSIP Number of Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor Shares of Stock - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419780-PX-3 HAWAII ST 5.700 09/01/2009 06/11/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 419780-VT-5 HAWAII ST 5.500 02/01/2021 02/15/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 419780-XZ-9 HAWAII ST 5.250 07/01/2019 11/14/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HAWAII - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167484-QJ-6 CHICAGO ILL 01/01/2019 10/18/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 5.125 02/01/2027 02/01/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 452151-AR-4 ILLINOIS ST 5.375 07/01/2015 09/03/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 574192-TQ-3 MARYLAND ST 5.500 08/01/2014 08/01/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575827-4G-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.125 12/01/2020 01/09/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 575827-TT-7 MASSACHUSETTS ST CONS LN-SER MUNICIPAL 5.250 05/01/2009 07/11/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 03/01/2012 07/18/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-3C-0 MINNESOTA ST 5.000 08/01/2009 06/21/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 658256-GU-0 NORTH CAROLINA ST 5.000 03/01/2007 05/09/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NORTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 677518-6A-5 OHIO ST 5.375 09/15/2017 06/05/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745145-Q5-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 5.500 07/01/2014 07/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 837107-WA-5 SOUTH CAROLINA ST 5.500 10/01/2008 08/12/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 944097-LX-0 WAXAHACHIE TEX INDPT SCH 08/15/2010 11/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917542-KZ-4 UTAH ST 5.375 07/01/2012 07/18/2002 PAINE WEBBER - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 977056-2B-5 WISCONSIN ST 5.250 05/01/2015 05/29/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 977056-2K-5 WISCONSIN ST 5.000 05/01/2010 08/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167684-MS-5 CHICAGO ILL SCH FIN AUTH 5.000 06/01/2006 04/02/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivision - United States - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Total - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ARIZONA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 040654-KA-2 ARIZONA ST TRANS BRD HWY REV 5.250 07/01/2019 10/31/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 71883M-CV-4 PHOENIX CIVIC-AM 5.500 07/01/2009 04/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 79575D-PC-8 SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRI 5.000 01/01/2020 09/13/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 6 7 8 CUSIP Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 419780-PX-3 HAWAII ST 5.700 09/01/2009 3,399,660 3,000,000 48,925 419780-VT-5 HAWAII ST 5.500 02/01/2021 1,033,960 1,000,000 1,833 419780-XZ-9 HAWAII ST 5.250 07/01/2019 5,305,400 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL HAWAII 9,739,020 9,000,000 50,758 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 167484-QJ-6 CHICAGO ILL 01/01/2019 5,072,640 12,000,000 452150-6C-4 ILLINOIS ST 5.125 02/01/2027 1,467,915 1,500,000 2,776 452151-AR-4 ILLINOIS ST 5.375 07/01/2015 5,527,750 5,000,000 48,524 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ILLINOIS 12,068,305 18,500,000 51,300 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MARYLAND - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 574192-TQ-3 MARYLAND ST 5.500 08/01/2014 3,412,170 3,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MARYLAND 3,412,170 3,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 575827-4G-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.125 12/01/2020 11,671,669 11,650,000 71,316 575827-TT-7 MASSACHUSETTS ST CONS LN-SER MUNICIPAL 5.250 05/01/2009 6,123,975 5,500,000 60,156 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 03/01/2012 3,217,110 3,000,000 59,583 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 21,012,754 20,150,000 191,055 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINNESOTA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 604128-3C-0 MINNESOTA ST 5.000 08/01/2009 7,218,530 6,645,000 23,073 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MINNESOTA 7,218,530 6,645,000 23,073 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NORTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 658256-GU-0 NORTH CAROLINA ST 5.000 03/01/2007 5,355,650 5,000,000 50,694 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NORTH CAROLINA 5,355,650 5,000,000 50,694 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OHIO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 677518-6A-5 OHIO ST 5.375 09/15/2017 3,242,494 3,065,000 38,898 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OHIO 3,242,494 3,065,000 38,898 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUERTO RICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 745145-Q5-4 PUERTO RICE COMMONWEALTH 5.500 07/01/2014 4,555,280 4,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL PUERTO RICO 4,555,280 4,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 837107-WA-5 SOUTH CAROLINA ST 5.500 10/01/2008 3,398,880 3,000,000 61,417 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 3,398,880 3,000,000 61,417 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 944097-LX-0 WAXAHACHIE TEX INDPT SCH 08/15/2010 1,324,580 6,820,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL TEXAS 1,324,580 6,820,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UTAH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 917542-KZ-4 UTAH ST 5.375 07/01/2012 2,231,900 2,000,000 4,778 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UTAH 2,231,900 2,000,000 4,778 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WISCONSIN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 977056-2B-5 WISCONSIN ST 5.250 05/01/2015 3,141,180 3,000,000 4,813 977056-2K-5 WISCONSIN ST 5.000 05/01/2010 5,783,190 5,250,000 85,313 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WISCONSIN 8,924,370 8,250,000 90,125 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States 103,401,696 109,800,000 650,195 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799999 - Total - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 103,401,696 109,800,000 650,195 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 167684-MS-5 CHICAGO ILL SCH FIN AUTH 5.000 06/01/2006 3,125,820 3,000,000 51,667 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ILLINOIS 3,125,820 3,000,000 51,667 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivision - United States 3,125,820 3,000,000 51,667 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2499999 - Total - Bonds - Political Subdivisions 3,125,820 3,000,000 51,667 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ARIZONA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 040654-KA-2 ARIZONA ST TRANS BRD HWY REV 5.250 07/01/2019 1,051,650 1,000,000 4,083 71883M-CV-4 PHOENIX CIVIC-AM 5.500 07/01/2009 4,002,443 3,820,000 4,085 79575D-PC-8 SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRI 5.000 01/01/2020 2,093,060 2,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ARIZONA 7,147,153 6,820,000 8,169 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E11.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 CUSIP Number of Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor Shares of Stock - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 544712-RB-0 LOS ANGELES CNTY CALIF MET TRAN 5.250 07/01/2030 04/03/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLORADO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196454-DR-0 COLORADO DEPT TRANS REV 5.375 06/15/2016 06/11/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COLORADO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115065-JK-1 BROWARD CNTY FLA SCH BRD CTFS 5.000 07/01/2026 01/22/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 43232Y-AP-0 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA INDL DEV AUTH 5.500 09/01/2016 10/21/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 684212-CZ-4 ORANGE CNTY CALIF ARPT RE 5.375 07/01/2009 07/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 240523-QS-2 DE KALB CNTY GA WTR & SWR 5.125 10/01/2031 01/03/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 373587-BJ-2 GEORGIA ST RD & TWY AUTH 5.375 03/01/2015 07/15/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 403760-CP-4 GWINNETT CNTY GA WTR & SE 5.250 08/01/2024 05/22/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167736-RK-5 CHICAGO ILL WTR REV 5.000 11/01/2026 01/17/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 452245-AR-4 ILLINOIS ST TOLL HWY AUTH 6.300 01/01/2012 11/07/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 455280-4T-1 INDIANAPOLIS IND LOC PUB IMP 5.500 01/01/2014 04/17/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 455280-4V-6 INDIANAPOLIS IND LOC PUB IMP 5.500 01/01/2015 04/17/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 485424-GU-3 KANSAS ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 5.750 09/01/2012 06/24/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57585K-N4-6 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & EDL 5.000 05/15/2022 10/31/2002 MERRILL LYNCH 57604P-KV-5 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POLLUNT 5.000 08/01/2016 10/30/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 594614-MQ-9 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 5.250 10/15/2015 04/29/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 594614-RD-3 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 5.500 10/15/2018 01/24/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 534272-VQ-9 LINCOLN NEB ELEC SYS REV 5.000 09/01/2015 10/08/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 897825-BJ-3 TRUCKEE MEADOWS NEV WTR AUTH 5.000 07/01/2025 01/17/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 645771-NK-8 NEW JERSEY BLDG AUTH ST B 5.250 12/01/2015 11/20/2002 UBS PAINE WEBBER - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEH YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59259R-AS-3 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 5.500 11/15/2014 05/10/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 64970K-UQ-8 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 5.375 06/15/2016 06/24/2002 PAINE WEBBER 649716-2W-6 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 5.500 11/01/2026 06/14/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 64983W-8N-9 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 5.250 11/15/2023 09/11/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 64985M-M3-7 NEW YORK ST ENVIRONMENTAL 5.375 06/15/2016 05/03/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 64985M-YU-4 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 5.000 06/15/2027 01/25/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 64985M-YV-2 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 5.000 06/15/2031 01/25/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 65003P-AL-8 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 5.500 01/01/2017 11/22/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 896029-5D-3 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH 5.500 01/01/2024 01/07/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 896029-8P-3 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 5.000 11/15/2020 09/20/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 586111-GM-2 MEMPHIS SHELBY CNTY TENN ARPT 5.250 03/01/2007 10/30/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 052474-AL-7 AUSTIN TEX UTIL SYS RE 05/15/2018 08/26/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 6 7 8 CUSIP Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 544712-RB-0 LOS ANGELES CNTY CALIF MET TRAN 5.250 07/01/2030 2,467,150 2,500,000 35,365 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 2,467,150 2,500,000 35,365 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLORADO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196454-DR-0 COLORADO DEPT TRANS REV 5.375 06/15/2016 2,673,700 2,500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COLORADO 2,673,700 2,500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115065-JK-1 BROWARD CNTY FLA SCH BRD CTFS 5.000 07/01/2026 8,837,730 9,000,000 53,750 43232Y-AP-0 HILLSBOROUGH CNTY FLA INDL DEV AUTH 5.500 09/01/2016 2,412,280 2,230,000 684212-CZ-4 ORANGE CNTY CALIF ARPT RE 5.375 07/01/2009 4,183,556 3,825,000 16,562 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 15,433,566 15,055,000 70,312 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 240523-QS-2 DE KALB CNTY GA WTR & SWR 5.125 10/01/2031 4,886,450 5,000,000 69,045 373587-BJ-2 GEORGIA ST RD & TWY AUTH 5.375 03/01/2015 7,662,550 7,000,000 237,247 403760-CP-4 GWINNETT CNTY GA WTR & SE 5.250 08/01/2024 5,025,000 5,000,000 21,146 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 17,574,000 17,000,000 327,438 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167736-RK-5 CHICAGO ILL WTR REV 5.000 11/01/2026 7,777,920 8,000,000 57,778 452245-AR-4 ILLINOIS ST TOLL HWY AUTH 6.300 01/01/2012 2,359,000 2,000,000 46,200 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 10,136,920 10,000,000 103,978 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 455280-4T-1 INDIANAPOLIS IND LOC PUB IMP 5.500 01/01/2014 2,149,800 2,000,000 455280-4V-6 INDIANAPOLIS IND LOC PUB IMP 5.500 01/01/2015 1,599,765 1,500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA 3,749,565 3,500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KANSAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 485424-GU-3 KANSAS ST DEPT TRANSN HWY 5.750 09/01/2012 7,909,300 7,000,000 129,694 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KANSAS 7,909,300 7,000,000 129,694 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57585K-N4-6 MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & EDL 5.000 05/15/2022 1,975,460 2,000,000 3,333 57604P-KV-5 MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POLLUNT 5.000 08/01/2016 2,355,869 2,235,000 3,415 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 4,331,329 4,235,000 6,748 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIGAN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 594614-MQ-9 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 5.250 10/15/2015 7,177,069 6,860,000 17,007 594614-RD-3 MICHIGAN ST BLDG AUTH REV 5.500 10/15/2018 2,884,723 2,750,000 34,031 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MICHIGAN 10,061,792 9,610,000 51,038 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 534272-VQ-9 LINCOLN NEB ELEC SYS REV 5.000 09/01/2015 3,288,240 3,000,000 9,583 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA 3,288,240 3,000,000 9,583 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 897825-BJ-3 TRUCKEE MEADOWS NEV WTR AUTH 5.000 07/01/2025 5,846,220 6,000,000 18,333 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA 5,846,220 6,000,000 18,333 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 645771-NK-8 NEW JERSEY BLDG AUTH ST B 5.250 12/01/2015 1,630,155 1,500,000 5,906 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 1,630,155 1,500,000 5,906 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEH YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59259R-AS-3 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 5.500 11/15/2014 2,741,375 2,500,000 64970K-UQ-8 NEW YORK N Y CITY MUN WTR 5.375 06/15/2016 3,195,930 3,000,000 649716-2W-6 NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSIT 5.500 11/01/2026 5,424,800 5,000,000 64983W-8N-9 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REV 5.250 11/15/2023 5,504,750 5,000,000 64985M-M3-7 NEW YORK ST ENVIRONMENTAL 5.375 06/15/2016 5,289,000 5,000,000 64985M-YU-4 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 5.000 06/15/2027 978,830 1,000,000 64985M-YV-2 NEW YORK ST ENV FACS ST CLEAN WTR 5.000 06/15/2031 4,141,158 4,250,000 65003P-AL-8 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 5.500 01/01/2017 5,424,150 5,000,000 896029-5D-3 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AUTH 5.500 01/01/2024 18,458,100 18,000,000 151,250 896029-8P-3 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 5.000 11/15/2020 5,238,150 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 56,396,243 53,750,000 151,250 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENNESSEE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 586111-GM-2 MEMPHIS SHELBY CNTY TENN ARPT 5.250 03/01/2007 4,303,440 4,000,000 36,750 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TENNESSEE 4,303,440 4,000,000 36,750 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 052474-AL-7 AUSTIN TEX UTIL SYS RE 05/15/2018 1,364,040 3,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11.2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 Number of CUSIP Shares Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor of Stock - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 442352-AG-5 HOUSTON WTR NE 5.500 03/01/2012 04/23/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 44237N-AL-6 HOUSTON TEX HOTEL OCCUPAN 09/01/2016 09/24/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 796242-HS-7 SAN ANTONIO TEX ARPT SYS 5.250 07/01/2021 03/08/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87354T-AM-7 TACOMA WASH REGL WTR SUPP 5.500 12/01/2017 12/11/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 602248-AG-1 MILWAUKEE CNTY WIS ARPT R 5.750 12/01/2008 11/12/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 977123-PR-3 WISCONSIN ST TRANS 5.750 07/01/2014 05/17/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Bonds - Special Revenue - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 008685-AB-5 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 6.875 05/01/2029 10/01/2002 VARIOUS 013817-AG-6 ALCOA INC 4.250 08/15/2007 08/08/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 013817-AH-4 ALCOA INC 5.375 01/15/2013 08/08/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 03235E-AH-3 AMVESCAP PLC 5.900 01/15/2007 06/20/2002 EXCHANGE 111021-AE-1 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATION 8.625 12/15/2030 08/22/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS 126408-BJ-1 CSX CORP 7.250 05/01/2004 08/06/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 131700-AC-0 CALWEST INDL TR 6.127 02/15/2017 02/26/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 161505-BP-6 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 6.600 12/01/2029 10/07/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 16151R-AX-1 CHASE CC MASTER TRUST 200 5.500 11/01/2008 03/21/2002 VARIOUS 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 2.440 06/15/2004 07/10/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 17305E-BB-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2002-A5 1.450 09/15/2007 09/12/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS 209615-BW-2 CONSOLIDATED NAT GAS CO 5.375 11/01/2006 04/09/2002 BNP PARIBAS SCREENS 21701R-AB-4 COORS BREWING COMPANY 6.375 05/15/2012 04/30/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 23322B-EF-1 DLJ COMM MTG 1999-CG1 6.080 03/01/2032 04/24/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 337358-DD-4 FIRST UNION CORP 6.950 11/01/2004 01/14/2002 SPEAR LEEDS KELLOGG 338915-AH-4 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 6.875 01/15/2028 08/28/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 338915-AM-3 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 6.700 07/15/2028 08/19/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 33901H-BA-0 FLEET CREDIT CD MT 2001-C 3.860 03/15/2007 04/11/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 07/16/2031 09/10/2002 VARIOUS 36962G-XZ-2 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN 6.750 03/15/2032 03/13/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 370425-RZ-5 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 8.000 11/01/2031 09/10/2002 VARIOUS 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 6.375 10/15/2011 07/31/2002 VARIOUS 441812-JY-1 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 7.000 05/15/2012 07/16/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 52108H-FK-5 LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 2001 12/11/2001 RADIAN 55264T-AQ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 4.950 06/15/2009 05/10/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 55264T-AZ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 3.900 11/15/2007 06/18/2002 ALEX BROWN 583334-AA-5 MEADWESTVACO CORP 6.850 04/01/2012 03/26/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH 617059-DE-7 JP MORGAN COM MTG PTC 199 7.088 09/01/2029 03/18/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 617446-HC-6 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTE 6.600 04/01/2012 03/27/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 61745M-KY-8 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 6.710 12/01/2031 07/10/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 61745M-NE-9 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 7.020 03/01/2032 06/18/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 61746W-ES-5 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 6.400 02/01/2031 01/18/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 63538W-AA-6 NATL CITY BK PITT MDTMSUB 7.250 10/21/2011 01/14/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 652478-BX-5 NEWS AMER HLDGS INC 8.000 10/17/2016 10/23/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 65473L-AC-8 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 2.600 08/15/2006 08/08/2002 COWEN & CO 655844-AF-5 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 7.050 05/01/2037 09/12/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 665772-BV-0 NORTHN STS PWR CO MINN 8.000 08/28/2012 09/23/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 73755L-AB-3 POTASH CORP SASK INC 7.750 05/31/2011 04/23/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 744448-BT-7 PUBLIC SERVICE CO COLO 7.875 10/01/2012 09/26/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 760759-AC-4 REPUBLIC SVCS INC 6.750 08/15/2011 08/08/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 852060-AC-6 SPRINT CAP CORP 6.125% 11/15/2008 12/11/2001 MORGAN STANLEY 875290-PR-3 TAMPA FLA WTR & SWR REV 5.500 10/01/2009 06/05/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 891490-AR-5 TOSCO CORP 7.800 01/01/2027 08/23/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 94975C-AE-7 WELLS FARGO FINL INC 5.450 05/03/2004 07/30/2002 ALEX BROWN 961548-AV-6 WESTVACO CORP 8.200 01/15/2030 10/29/2002 SBC WARBURG DILLON REED 962166-BR-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO 7.375 03/15/2032 08/27/2002 BA SECURITIES INC - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 6 7 8 CUSIP Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 442352-AG-5 HOUSTON WTR NE 5.500 03/01/2012 2,244,590 2,075,000 44237N-AL-6 HOUSTON TEX HOTEL OCCUPAN 09/01/2016 1,291,320 2,400,000 796242-HS-7 SAN ANTONIO TEX ARPT SYS 5.250 07/01/2021 1,473,120 1,500,000 4,375 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 6,373,070 8,975,000 4,375 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87354T-AM-7 TACOMA WASH REGL WTR SUPP 5.500 12/01/2017 1,408,732 1,300,000 794 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 1,408,732 1,300,000 794 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 602248-AG-1 MILWAUKEE CNTY WIS ARPT R 5.750 12/01/2008 3,421,478 3,060,000 80,155 977123-PR-3 WISCONSIN ST TRANS 5.750 07/01/2014 5,462,350 5,000,000 29,549 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 8,883,828 8,060,000 109,704 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States 169,614,401 164,805,000 1,069,437 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Bonds - Special Revenue 169,614,401 164,805,000 1,069,437 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 008685-AB-5 AHOLD FIN U S A INC 6.875 05/01/2029 124,328 130,000 3,268 013817-AG-6 ALCOA INC 4.250 08/15/2007 124,588 125,000 013817-AH-4 ALCOA INC 5.375 01/15/2013 124,209 125,000 03235E-AH-3 AMVESCAP PLC 5.900 01/15/2007 300,000 300,000 111021-AE-1 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATION 8.625 12/15/2030 111,673 95,000 1,686 126408-BJ-1 CSX CORP 7.250 05/01/2004 819,698 765,000 15,098 131700-AC-0 CALWEST INDL TR 6.127 02/15/2017 400,023 400,000 161505-BP-6 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 6.600 12/01/2029 50,330 45,000 74 16151R-AX-1 CHASE CC MASTER TRUST 200 5.500 11/01/2008 278,418 275,000 279 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 2.440 06/15/2004 295,219 294,747 17305E-BB-0 CITIBANK CCMT 2002-A5 1.450 09/15/2007 1,060,000 1,060,000 209615-BW-2 CONSOLIDATED NAT GAS CO 5.375 11/01/2006 393,124 400,000 9,974 21701R-AB-4 COORS BREWING COMPANY 6.375 05/15/2012 199,192 200,000 23322B-EF-1 DLJ COMM MTG 1999-CG1 6.080 03/01/2032 858,998 829,324 3,922 337358-DD-4 FIRST UNION CORP 6.950 11/01/2004 834,063 775,000 11,371 338915-AH-4 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 6.875 01/15/2028 50,445 50,000 458 338915-AM-3 FLEET FINL GROUP INC NEW 6.700 07/15/2028 84,912 90,000 620 33901H-BA-0 FLEET CREDIT CD MT 2001-C 3.860 03/15/2007 447,188 450,000 1,303 345370-CA-6 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 07/16/2031 255,973 295,000 2,706 36962G-XZ-2 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN 6.750 03/15/2032 938,705 950,000 370425-RZ-5 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 8.000 11/01/2031 301,875 300,000 7,522 441812-JW-5 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 6.375 10/15/2011 225,250 245,000 4,637 441812-JY-1 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 7.000 05/15/2012 260,502 260,000 2,882 52108H-FK-5 LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 2001 845 845 55264T-AQ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 4.950 06/15/2009 1,001,484 1,000,000 55264T-AZ-4 MBNA MASTER CC TR II 2002 3.900 11/15/2007 424,762 425,000 583334-AA-5 MEADWESTVACO CORP 6.850 04/01/2012 173,842 175,000 617059-DE-7 JP MORGAN COM MTG PTC 199 7.088 09/01/2029 105,363 100,000 394 617446-HC-6 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTE 6.600 04/01/2012 621,850 625,000 61745M-KY-8 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 6.710 12/01/2031 298,332 275,000 718 61745M-NE-9 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 1999 7.020 03/01/2032 136,167 125,000 488 61746W-ES-5 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 6.400 02/01/2031 244,582 235,184 962 63538W-AA-6 NATL CITY BK PITT MDTMSUB 7.250 10/21/2011 614,405 573,000 9,924 652478-BX-5 NEWS AMER HLDGS INC 8.000 10/17/2016 188,153 190,000 464 65473L-AC-8 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 20 2.600 08/15/2006 524,981 525,000 655844-AF-5 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 7.050 05/01/2037 166,605 150,000 3,995 665772-BV-0 NORTHN STS PWR CO MINN 8.000 08/28/2012 53,721 50,000 278 73755L-AB-3 POTASH CORP SASK INC 7.750 05/31/2011 404,981 375,000 11,786 744448-BT-7 PUBLIC SERVICE CO COLO 7.875 10/01/2012 50,000 50,000 760759-AC-4 REPUBLIC SVCS INC 6.750 08/15/2011 235,827 225,000 7,509 852060-AC-6 SPRINT CAP CORP 6.125% 11/15/2008 193,422 200,000 987 875290-PR-3 TAMPA FLA WTR & SWR REV 5.500 10/01/2009 5,626,750 5,000,000 52,708 891490-AR-5 TOSCO CORP 7.800 01/01/2027 64,970 55,000 679 94975C-AE-7 WELLS FARGO FINL INC 5.450 05/03/2004 312,972 300,000 4,042 961548-AV-6 WESTVACO CORP 8.200 01/15/2030 163,943 150,000 3,622 962166-BR-4 WEYERHAEUSER CO 7.375 03/15/2032 79,335 75,000 2,581 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 194,267 200,845 987 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11.3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 CUSIP Number of Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor Shares of Stock - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 638539-AG-1 NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BK P 7.750 04/29/2049 07/17/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 65557A-AA-5 NORDEA BK SWEDEN A B 5.250 11/30/2012 11/22/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Bonds - Industrial, Misc. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099997 - Total - Bonds - Part 3 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Total - Bonds - Part 5 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Total - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Total - Common Stocks - Part 5 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 6 7 8 CUSIP Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 638539-AG-1 NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BK P 7.750 04/29/2049 1,021,154 925,000 19,117 65557A-AA-5 NORDEA BK SWEDEN A B 5.250 11/30/2012 269,082 270,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 194,267 200,845 987 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States 20,226,002 19,338,100 166,937 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries 1,290,236 1,195,000 19,117 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599999 - Total - Bonds - Industrial, Misc. 21,516,238 20,533,100 186,053 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099997 - Total - Bonds - Part 3 387,727,556 383,892,255 2,493,772 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099998 - Total - Bonds - Part 5 111,109,712 107,186,184 699,785 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099999 - Total - Bonds 498,837,268 491,078,439 3,193,557 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599998 - Total - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7099998 - Total - Common Stocks - Part 5 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7299999 Totals 498,837,268 XXX 3,193,557 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E11.4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value Actual Cost - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 31287T-2E-4 7.000 03/01/2030 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 85,976 85,976 89,872 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 31287V-AQ-3 6.500 07/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 275,492 275,492 281,088 FHLMC PC GOLD GUA 3128GU-VQ-2 6.000 08/01/2017 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 116,044 116,044 119,761 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 31292H-MV-3 6.000 12/01/2031 05/15/2002 VARIOUS 9,280,101 9,450,000 9,178,313 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 3134A3-2S-4 6.875 01/15/2005 02/05/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 1,466,354 1,355,000 1,474,122 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 31359M-ES-8 5.625 05/14/2004 02/05/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 2,853,749 2,725,000 2,886,038 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31371H-TB-4 7.000 08/01/2029 05/31/2002 VARIOUS 5,779,057 5,648,592 5,764,212 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31371J-6V-1 6.500 08/01/2016 02/01/2002 VARIOUS 209,969 204,410 206,327 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31384X-KT-4 7.000 02/01/2030 06/01/2002 VARIOUS 4,847,272 4,706,367 4,802,701 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31385H-PJ-5 6.500 06/01/2016 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 662,374 662,374 668,584 FNMA PASS-THRU 31385H-RA-2 6.500 06/01/2015 05/28/2002 VARIOUS 650,187 633,578 641,449 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31386P-K9-3 6.500 08/01/2016 02/01/2002 VARIOUS 190,783 185,547 187,287 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31386P-PA-5 6.500 07/01/2016 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 430,205 430,205 434,238 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387C-LV-1 6.000 06/01/2031 03/22/2002 VARIOUS 119,402 123,336 121,196 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387D-3R-8 6.000 06/01/2031 03/22/2002 VARIOUS 2,048,526 2,117,582 2,073,576 FNMA PASS -THRU LNG 30 Y 31387J-YE-0 7.000 08/01/2031 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 134,590 134,590 137,702 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31387M-LJ-6 6.500 07/01/2016 12/01/2002 VARIOUS 698,896 682,415 688,813 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387V-4A-4 6.500 08/01/2031 06/01/2002 VARIOUS 6,339,895 6,246,917 6,228,860 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31388Y-2Y-7 6.500 12/01/2015 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 9,486 9,486 10,012 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31389N-7D-1 7.000 09/01/2031 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 466,983 466,983 481,503 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390E-ZS-4 6.500 06/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 555,735 555,735 560,728 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390F-F9-5 7.000 05/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 35,894 35,894 36,999 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-F7-6 6.500 08/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 17,302 17,302 17,867 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-FF-8 6.500 07/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 40,836 40,836 42,170 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-V7-8 7.000 07/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 9,122 9,122 9,537 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-WX-0 7.000 07/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 12,297 12,297 12,856 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390N-P4-8 6.500 07/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 35,344 35,344 36,675 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31390N-UL-4 6.000 08/01/2017 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 98,527 98,527 102,699 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange Realized Gain Total Gain CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) (Loss) on (Loss) on Identification Description Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal Disposal Disposal - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 31287T-2E-4 7.000 03/01/2030 89,872 (239) FHLMC GOLD 30YR 31287V-AQ-3 6.500 07/01 /2032 281,088 (80) FHLMC PC GOLD GUA 3128GU-VQ-2 6.000 08/01/2017 119,761 (146) FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 31292H-MV-3 6.000 12/01/2031 9,178,313 3,349 98,439 98,439 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 3134A3-2S-4 6.875 01/15/2005 1,471,417 (5,063) (5,063) FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 31359M-ES-8 5.625 05/14/2004 2,877,333 (23,584) (23,584) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31371H-TB-4 7.000 08/01/2029 5,763,874 (18,499) 33,682 33,682 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31371J-6V-1 6.500 08/01/2016 206,235 13 3,721 3,721 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31384X-KT-4 7.000 02/01/2030 4,800,466 (15,765) 62,571 62,571 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31385H-PJ-5 6.500 06/01/2016 668,296 (1,430) FNMA PASS-THRU 31385H-RA-Z 6.500 06/01/2015 640,972 (786) 10,001 10,001 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31386P-K9-3 6.500 08/01/2016 187,203 74 3,505 3,505 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31386P-PA-5 6.500 07/01/2016 434,044 (470) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387C-LV-1 6.000 06/01/2031 121,210 47 (1,855) (1,855) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387D-3R-8 6.000 06/01/2031 2,073,848 (145) (25,177) (25,177) FNMA PASS -THRU LNG 30 Y 31387J-YE-0 7.000 08/01/2031 137,578 (736) FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31387M-LJ-6 6.500 07/01/2016 688,505 (102) 11,033 11,033 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387V -4A-4 6.500 08/01/2031 6,229,001 1,439 109,454 109,454 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31388Y-2Y-7 6.500 12/01/2015 10,012 (6) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31389N-7D-1 7.000 09/01/2031 481,503 (319) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390E-ZS-4 6.500 06/01/2032 560,728 (261) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390F-F9-5 7.000 05/01/2032 36,999 (16) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-F7-6 6.500 08/01/2032 17,867 (3) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-FF-8 6.500 07/01/2032 42,170 (13) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-V7-8 7.000 07/01/2032 9,537 (2) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-WX-0 7.000 07/01/2032 12,856 (9) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390N-P4-8 6.500 07/01/2032 36,675 (26) FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31390N-UL-4 6.000 08/01/2017 102,699 (126) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Bonds Stocks CUSIP Received Received Identification Description During Year During Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 31287T-2E-4 7.000 03/01/2030 1,488 FHLMC GOLD 30YR 31287V-AQ-3 6.500 07/01 /2032 5,977 FHLMC PC GOLD GUA 3128GU-VQ-2 6.000 08/01/2017 1,166 FHLMC PC GOLD CAS 31292H-MV-3 6.000 12/01/2031 213,125 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 3134A3-2S-4 6.875 01/15/2005 52,530 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 31359M-ES-8 5.625 05/14/2004 33,371 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31371H-TB-4 7.000 08/01/2029 165,735 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31371J-6V-1 6.500 08/01/2016 2,430 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31384X-KT-4 7.000 02/01/2030 164,052 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31385H-PJ-5 6.500 06/01/2016 25,303 FNMA PASS-THRU 31385H-RA-Z 6.500 06/01/2015 17,586 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31386P-K9-3 6.500 08/01/2016 2,239 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31386P-PA-5 6.500 07/01/2016 14,258 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387C-LV-1 6.000 06/01/2031 2,355 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387D-3R-8 6.000 06/01/2031 40,865 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387J-YE-0 7.000 08/01/2031 6,920 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31387M-LJ-6 6.500 07/01/2016 10,591 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31387V -4A-4 6.500 08/01/2031 142,508 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31388Y-2Y-7 6.500 12/01/2015 84 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31389N-7D-1 7.000 09/01/2031 15,178 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390E-ZS-4 6.500 06/01/2032 15,608 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390F-F9-5 7.000 05/01/2032 1,118 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-F7-6 6.500 08/01/2032 292 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-FF-8 6.500 07/01/2032 755 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-V7-8 7.000 07/01/2032 109 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390L-WX-0 7.000 07/01/2032 144 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390N-P4-8 6.500 07/01/2032 355 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31390N-UL-4 6.000 08/01/2017 1,017 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- E12 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value Actual Cost - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390P-DC-8 6.500 08/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 14,906 14,906 15,398 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390R-FF-5 6.000 08/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 49,013 49,013 49,258 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390T-LQ-0 6.500 08/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 21,588 21,588 22,302 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390T-LV-9 6.500 08/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 20,561 20,561 21,241 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31391A-VM-8 6.500 09/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 49,675 49,675 51,375 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31391E-AQ-4 6.000 09/01/2017 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 98,538 98,538 102,710 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 912810-FM-5 6.250 05/15/2030 09/10/2002 VARIOUS 10,235,791 9,280,000 10,257,064 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 912810-FP-8 5.375 02/15/2031 10/01/2002 VARIOUS 1,340,375 1,380,000 1,374,088 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6J-6 5.750 08/15/2010 04/10/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 9,367,189 8,975,000 9,922,231 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6Q-0 5.125 12/31/2002 01/08/2002 CREDIT SUISSE 159,553 155,000 163,471 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6X-5 4.625 05/15/2006 12/27/2002 VARIOUS 2,526,214 2,485,000 2,514,077 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-7K-2 3.000 01/31/2004 09/16/2002 VARIOUS 1,386,260 1,365,000 1,376,304 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912828-AC-4 4.375 05/15/2007 12/23/2002 VARIOUS 2,061,298 1,935,000 2,033,715 STRIPS 912833-CZ-1 02/15/2011 02/28/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 1,310,207 2,083,000 1,230,561 USA MTGE GTY T & L BOND 990040-DA-2 09/15/2004 10/03/2002 VARIOUS 26,183,259 26,183,259 26,183,259 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 92,294,827 91,160,495 92,612,239 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments 92,294,827 91,160,495 92,612,239 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES GEORGIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEORGIA ST 373382-TV-2 2.500 07/01/2013 07/15/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 3,207,900 3,700,000 2,807,649 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL GEORGIA 3,207,900 3,700,000 2,807,649 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MASSACHUSETTS ST 575827-QF-0 5.250 04/01/2012 06/05/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 5,516,300 5,000,000 4,905,583 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 5,516,300 5,000,000 4,905,583 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OHIO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OHIO ST 677518-2U-5 5.000 09/15/2021 02/07/2002 RADIAN 9,987,000 10,000,000 9,974,500 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OHIO 9,987,000 10,000,000 9,974,500 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States 18,711,200 18,700,000 17,687,732 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 18,711,200 18,700,000 17,687,732 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ILLINOIS STATE PREREFUNDED SECURITY CALLED BY 452150-WV-3 5.875 06/01/2002 06/01/2002 ISSUER 1,060,800 1,040,000 991,796 ILLINOIS STATE UNREFUNDED SECURITY CALLED BY 452150-XG-5 5.875 06/01/2013 06/01/2002 ISSUER 979,200 960,000 915,504 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange Realized Gain Total Gain CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain(Loss) (Loss) on (Loss) on Identification Description Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal Disposal Disposal - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390P-DC-8 6.500 08/01/2032 15,398 (5) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390R-FF-5 6.000 08/01/2032 49,258 (2) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390T-LQ-0 6.500 08/01/2032 22,302 (8) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390T-LV-9 6.500 08/01/2032 21,241 (6) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31391A-VM-8 6.500 09/01/2032 51,375 (11) FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31391E-AQ-4 6.000 09/01/2017 102,710 (38) UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 912810-FM-5 6.250 05/15/2030 10,257,064 (2,050) (14,908) (14,908) UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 912810-FP-8 5.375 02/15/2031 1,374,092 99 (33,816) (33,816) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6J-6 5.750 08/15/2010 9,909,431 (28,344) (513,898) (513,898) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6Q-0 5.125 12/31/2002 162,543 (467) (2,522) (2,522) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6X-5 4.625 05/15/2006 2,513,835 (563) 12,942 12,942 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-7K-2 3.000 01/31/2004 1,376,304 (1,369) 11,326 11,326 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912828-AC-4 4.375 05/15/2007 2,033,715 (3,058) 30,641 30,641 STRIPS 912833-CZ-1 02/15/2011 1,242,362 11,381 56,464 56,464 USA MTGE GTY T & L BOND 990040-DA-2 09/15/2004 26,183,259 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 92,590,637 (58,697) (177,042) (177,042) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments 92,590,637 (58,697) (177,042) (177,042) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES GEORGIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA ST 373382-TV-2 2.500 07/01/2013 2,816,681 31,908 359,312 359,312 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 2,816,681 31,908 359,312 359,312 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS ST 575827-QF-0 5.250 04/01/2012 4,906,723 3,987 605,590 605,590 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 4,906,723 3,987 605,590 605,590 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO ST 677518-2U-5 5.000 09/15/2021 9,975,489 343 11,168 11,168 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 9,975,489 343 11,168 11,168 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States 17,698,893 36,238 976,070 976,070 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 17,698,893 36,238 976,070 976,070 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS STATE PREREFUNDED 452150-WV-3 5.875 06/01/2002 1,040,000 20,800 20,800 ILLINOIS STATE UNREFUNDED 452150-XG-5 5.875 06/01/2013 928,666 813 49,720 49,720 - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Bonds Stocks CUSIP Received Received Identification Description During Year During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------- FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390P-DC-8 6.500 08/01/2032 308 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390R-FF-5 6.000 08/01/2032 833 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390T-LQ-0 6.500 08/01/2032 451 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31390T-LV-9 6.500 08/01/2032 363 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 31391A-VM-8 6.500 09/01/2032 661 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 31391E-AQ-4 6.000 09/01/2017 1,144 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 912810-FM-5 6.250 05/15/2030 198,008 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 912810-FP-8 5.375 02/15/2031 39,757 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6J-6 5.750 08/15/2010 347,539 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6Q-0 5.125 12/31/2002 241 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-6X-5 4.625 05/15/2006 19,657 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912827-7K-2 3.000 01/31/2004 26,093 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 912828-AC-4 4.375 05/15/2007 50,401 STRIPS 912833-CZ-1 02/15/2011 USA MTGE GTY T & L BOND 990040-DA-2 09/15/2004 - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 1,622,613 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments 1,622,613 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES GEORGIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA ST 373382-TV-2 2.500 07/01/2013 96,868 - ------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 96,868 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS ST 575827-QF-0 5.250 04/01/2012 181,563 - ------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 181,563 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO - ------------------------------------------------------------------- OHIO ST 677518-2U-5 5.000 09/15/2021 238,889 - ------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OHIO 238,889 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States 517,319 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 517,319 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS STATE PREREFUNDED 452150-WV-3 5.875 06/01/2002 30,550 ILLINOIS STATE UNREFUNDED 452150-XG-5 5.875 06/01/2013 28,200 - ------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 2,040,000 2,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUTE 3 NORTH TRANS IMP A 77929N-BK-0 5.375 06/15/2029 06/24/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 7,655,895 6,900,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 7,655,895 6,900,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUSTIN TEX INDPT SCH DIST 052429-W8-6 4.500 08/01/2018 08/01/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 2,882,820 3,000,000 DUNCANVILLE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 265129-8T-6 5.250 02/15/2032 01/31/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 346,857 350,000 HOUSTON TEX 442330-E8-5 6.000 03/01/2002 03/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 790,000 790,000 HOUSTON TEX 442330-F3-5 6.000 03/01/2005 03/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 2,005,000 2,005,000 HOUSTON TEX INDPT 442402-Q7-1 4.750 02/15/2026 07/24/2002 SALOMAN BROTHERS 1,881,120 2,000,000 LEWISVILLE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 528827-Y7-7 6.550 08/15/2003 05/21/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 2,106,340 2,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 10,012,137 10,145,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KING CNTY WASH 49474E-AX-1 4.750 01/01/2020 08/13/2002 SALOMAN BROTHERS 4,924,150 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 4,924,150 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - United States 24,632,182 24,045,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions 24,632,182 24,045,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ALASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALDEZ ALASKA PCR MARINE 919061-DW-8 5.650 12/01/2028 07/09/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 5,042,450 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 5,042,450 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOS ANGELES CALIF HBR DEPT REV 544552-GS-5 5.375 11/01/2023 01/16/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 5,027,300 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 5,027,300 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLORADO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-470 PUB HWY AUTH COLO R 26822L-AM-6 5.000 09/01/2026 01/22/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 4,871,950 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COLORADO 4,871,950 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT ST HSG FIN AUTH 207746-J8-2 6.200 11/15/2028 06/12/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 360,000 360,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 360,000 360,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORANGE CNTY FLA TOURIST DEV TAX 684545-KL-9 4.750 10/01/2024 06/14/2002 VARIOUS 9,481,573 10,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 9,481,573 10,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA ST HSG & FIN AUTH REV 373538-NM-5 5.850 12/01/2028 08/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 70,000 70,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 70,000 70,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOUISIANA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOBACCO SETTLEMENT FING C 88880P-AB-0 5.500 05/15/2030 11/07/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 13,582,200 15,300,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL LOUISIANA 13,582,200 15,300,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND ST DEPT TRANSN 574204-LD-3 4.500 12/15/2005 04/02/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 3,057,870 3,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange Realized Gain CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain(Loss) (Loss) on Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal Disposal - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 1,907,300 1,968,666 813 70,520 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUTE 3 NORTH TRANS IMP A 77929N-BK-0 5.375 06/15/2029 6,990,936 6,990,839 (3,977) 669,032 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 6,990,936 6,990,839 (3,977) 669,032 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUSTIN TEX INDPT SCH DIST 052429-W8-6 4.500 08/01/2018 2,447,441 2,450,703 12,779 419,338 DUNCANVILLE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 265129-8T-6 5.250 02/15/2032 339,672 339,679 (2) 7,180 HOUSTON TEX 442330-E8-5 6.000 03/01/2002 791,921 790,953 (953) HOUSTON TEX 442330-F3-5 6.000 03/01/2005 2,041,720 2,040,094 (1,324) (33,771) HOUSTON TEX INDPT 442402-Q7-1 4.750 02/15/2026 1,903,620 1,908,968 1,200 (29,049) LEWISVILLE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 528827-Y7-7 6.550 08/15/2003 2,000,000 2,000,000 106,340 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 9,524,374 9,530,397 11,702 470,038 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KING CNTY WASH 49474E-AX-1 4.750 01/01/2020 4,811,767 4,812,855 5,252 106,043 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 4,811,767 4,812,855 5,252 106,043 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - United States 23,234,376 23,302,758 13,791 1,315,633 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions 23,234,376 23,302,758 13,791 1,315,633 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ALASKA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALDEZ ALASKA PCR MARINE 919061-DW-8 5.650 12/01/2028 4,958,537 4,958,645 1,413 82,392 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 4,958,537 4,958,645 1,413 82,392 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOS ANGELES CALIF HBR DEPT REV 544552-GS-5 5.375 11/01/2023 4,769,695 4,770,697 1,119 255,485 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 4,769,695 4,770,697 1,119 255,485 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLORADO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-470 PUB HWY AUTH COLO R 26822L-AM-6 5000 09/01/2026 4,754,912 4,755,753 1,033 115,164 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COLORADO 4,754,912 4,755,753 1,033 115,164 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT ST HSG FIN AUTH 207746-J8-2 6.200 11/15/2028 360,000 360,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 360,000 360,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORANGE CNTY FLA TOURIST DEV TAX 684545-KL-9 4.750 10/01/2024 8,622,312 8,627,599 16,864 837,110 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 8,622,312 8,627,599 16,864 837,110 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA ST HSG & FIN AUTH REV 373538-NM-5 5.850 12/01/2028 69,984 69,984 8 8 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 69,984 69,984 8 8 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOUISIANA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOBACCO SETTLEMENT FING C 88880P-AB-0 5.500 05/15/2030 14,976,405 14,977,231 4,959 (1,399,990) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL LOUISIANA 14,976,405 14,977,231 4,959 (1,399,990) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND ST DEPT TRANSN 574204-LD-3 4.500 12/15/2005 2,779,337 2,786,716 13,623 257,531 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal During Year During Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 70,520 58,750 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUTE 3 NORTH TRANS IMP A 77929N-BK-0 5.375 06/15/2029 669,032 197,800 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 669,032 197,800 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUSTIN TEX INDPT SCH DIST 052429-W8-6 4.500 08/01/2018 419,338 136,875 DUNCANVILLE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 265129-8T-6 5.250 02/15/2032 7,180 3,267 HOUSTON TEX 442330-E8-5 6.000 03/01/2002 23,700 HOUSTON TEX 442330-F3-5 6.000 03/01/2005 (33,771) 60,150 HOUSTON TEX INDPT 442402-Q7-1 4.750 02/15/2026 (29,049) 90,778 LEWISVILLE TEX INDPT SCH DIST 528827-Y7-7 6.550 08/15/2003 106,340 101,525 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 470,038 416,294 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KING CNTY WASH 49474E-AX-1 4.750 01/01/2020 106,043 267,188 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 106,043 267,188 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political 1,315,633 940,032 XXX Subdivisions - United States - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Bonds - Political 1,315,633 940,032 XXX Subdivisions - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ALASKA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALDEZ ALASKA PCR MARINE 919061-DW-8 5.650 12/01/2028 82,392 173,424 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 82,392 173,424 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOS ANGELES CALIF HBR DEPT REV 544552-GS-5 5.375 11/01/2023 255,485 60,469 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CALIFORNIA 255,485 60,469 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLORADO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-470 PUB HWY AUTH COLO R 26822L-AM-6 5.000 09/01/2026 115,164 100,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COLORADO 115,164 100,000 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT ST HSG FIN AUTH 207746-J8-2 6.200 11/15/2028 12,834 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 12,834 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORANGE CNTY FLA TOURIST DEV TAX 684545-KL-9 4.750 10/01/2024 837,110 342,561 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 837,110 342,561 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEORGIA ST HSG & FIN AUTH REV 373538-NM-5 5.850 12/01/2028 8 1,184 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL GEORGIA 8 1,184 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOUISIANA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOBACCO SETTLEMENT FING C 88880P-AB-0 5.500 05/15/2030 (1,399,990) 846,358 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL LOUISIANA (1,399,990) 846,358 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND ST DEPT TRANSN 574204-LD-3 4.500 12/15/2005 257,531 41,250 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND 3,057,870 3,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & 57585K-TZ-1 EDL 5.000 07/01/2025 08/01/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 8,134,580 8,540,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 8,134,580 8,540,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA INVT FIN AUTH SINGLE FAMILY 5.600 SECURITY CALLED BY 63967C-RY-0 09/01/2017 09/03/2002 ISSUER 760,000 760,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA 760,000 760,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR FD 646135-EE-9 AUTH 5.250 06/15/2008 12/11/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 8,757,680 8,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 8,757,680 8,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE CORP 626190-Q6-2 FOR NE 6.250 07/01/2006 02/07/2002 RADIAN 4,511,680 4,000,000 NEW YORK NY CITY TRANSITIONAL 649716-NP-8 FIN 5.750 08/15/2009 08/15/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 3,513,930 3,000,000 NEW YORK ST MED CARE FACS 64988J-6S-4 FIN AGY 5.250 08/15/2023 01/16/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 4,008,000 4,000,000 NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH GEN 650009-EX-7 REV 5.000 01/01/2020 04/03/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 2,798,928 2,875,000 PORT AUTH NY & NJ 733580-L4-4 4.500 11/15/2002 04/16/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 2,030,000 2,000,000 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL AU 896029-5F-8 5.000 01/01/2032 04/23/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 12,272,997 13,100,000 TRIBORO BRDG & TUNL AUTH 896029-WY-7 6.250 01/01/2004 01/29/2002 VARIOUS 1,522,500 1,500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 30,658,035 30,475,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHILADELPHIA PA WTR & WASTEWTR 5.000 717893-MU-2 11/01/2031 11/01/2002 VARIOUS 19,833,525 20,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 19,833,525 20,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO COMMON HWY 745181-PF-8 & TRANS 5.000 07/01/2036 09/25/2002 SALOMAN BROTHERS 2,582,725 2,500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO 2,582,725 2,500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIEDMONT MUN PWR AGY 720175-QU-5 4.750 01/01/2025 07/24/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 3,808,920 4,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 3,808,920 4,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH DAKOTA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH DAKOTA HSG DEV SECURITY CALLED BY 83755G-EH-6 AUTH 5.800 05/01/2028 12/16/2002 ISSUER 10,000 10,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH DAKOTA 10,000 10,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS ST TPK AUTH DALLAS NORTHTWY REV 882780-FC-8 5.000 01/01/2025 01/16/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 7,265,925 7,500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 7,265,925 7,500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA ST HSG SECURITY CALLED BY 95662M-GX-2 DEV FD 5.350 11/01/2032 11/01/2002 ISSUER 155,000 155,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA 155,000 155,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN HSG & ECONOMIC DEV SECURITY CALLED BY 97689P-PF-9 5.600 03/01/2028 03/01/2002 ISSUER 165,000 165,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 165,000 165,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Book/Adjusted Increase (Decrease) Foreign Carrying (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND 2,779,337 2,786,716 13,623 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & EDL 57585K-TZ-1 5.000 07/01/2025 8,150,724 8,152,088 5,240 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 8,150,724 8,152,088 5,240 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEBRASKA INVT FIN AUTH SINGLE FAMILY 5.600 63967C-RY-0 09/01/2017 767,139 767,017 (158) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEBRASKA 767,139 767,017 (158) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR FD AUTH 646135-EE-9 5.250 06/15/2008 8,296,735 8,296,590 (49,106) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW JERSEY 8,296,735 8,296,590 (49,106) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE CORP FOR NE 6.250 626190-Q6-2 07/01/2006 4,212,080 4,163,296 (3,221) NEW YORK NY CITY TRANSITIONAL FIN 5.750 649716-NP-8 08/15/2009 2,995,477 2,995,504 870 NEW YORK ST MED CARE FACS FIN AGY 5.250 64988J-6S-4 08/15/2023 3,812,396 3,813,432 1,115 NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH 650009-EX-7 GEN REV 5.000 01/01/2020 2,685,794 2,687,044 2,769 PORT AUTH NY & NJ 733580-L4-4 4.500 11/15/2002 1,998,993 1,999,142 460 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & 896029-5F-8 TUNL AU 5.000 01/01/2032 12,646,994 12,647,463 3,196 TRIBORO BRDG & TUNL AUTH 896029-WY-7 6.250 01/01/2004 1,494,375 1,498,766 74 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 29,846,109 29,804,647 5,263 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHILADELPHIA PA WTR & 717893-MU-2 WASTEWTR 5.000 11/01/2031 18,989,200 18,989,355 13,198 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 18,989,200 18,989,355 13,198 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO COMMON HWY & 745181-PF-8 TRANS 5.000 07/01/2036 2,269,214 2,269,695 2,801 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PUERTO RICO 2,269,214 2,269,695 2,801 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIEDMONT MUN PWR AGY 720175-QU-5 4.750 01/01/2025 3,796,133 3,797,146 4,471 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 3,796,133 3,797,146 4,471 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH DAKOTA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH DAKOTA HSG DEV 83755G-EH-6 AUTH 5.800 05/01/2028 10,000 10,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH DAKOTA 10,000 10,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS ST TPK AUTH DALLAS NORTHTWY REV 882780-FC-8 5.000 01/01/2025 6,683,573 6,686,527 2,815 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 6,683,573 6,686,527 2,815 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA ST HSG 95662M-GX-2 DEV FD 5.350 11/01/2032 150,350 150,364 59 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA 150,350 150,364 59 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN HSG & ECONOMIC 97689P-PF-9 DEV 5.600 03/01/2028 165,000 165,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 165,000 165,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 13 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds on Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MARYLAND 257,531 257,531 41,250 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MASSACHUSETTS ST HLTH & EDL 57585K-TZ-1 5.000 07/01/2025 (22,749) (22,749) 384,861 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS (22,749) (22,749) 384,861 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEBRASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEBRASKA INVT FIN AUTH SINGLE FAMILY 5.600 63967C-RY-0 09/01/2017 (6,859) (6,859) 32,480 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEBRASKA (6,859) (6,859) 32,480 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW JERSEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW JERSEY ST TRANSN TR FD 646135-EE-9 AUTH 5.250 06/15/2008 510,196 510,196 421,167 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEW JERSEY 510,196 510,196 421,167 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE CORP 626190-Q6-2 FOR NE 6.250 07/01/2006 351,605 351,605 150,000 NEW YORK NY CITY TRANSITIONAL FIN 5.750 649716-NP-8 08/15/2009 517,556 517,556 174,896 NEW YORK ST MED CARE FACS 64988J-6S-4 FIN AGY 5.250 08/15/2023 193,452 193,452 91,583 NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH GEN 650009-EX-7 REV 5.000 01/01/2020 109,114 109,114 110,608 PORT AUTH NY & NJ 4.500 733580-L4-4 11/15/2002 30,398 30,398 38,500 TRIBOROUGH BRDG & TUNL 896029-5F-8 AU 5.000 01/01/2032 (377,661) (377,661) 292,931 TRIBORO BRDG & TUNL AUTH 896029-WY-7 6.250 01/01/2004 23,661 23,661 52,344 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEW YORK 848,124 848,124 910,861 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PENNSYLVANIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHILADELPHIA PA WTR & 717893-MU-2 WASTEWTR 5.000 11/01/2031 830,972 830,972 900,347 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 830,972 830,972 900,347 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUERTO RICO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUERTO RICO COMMON HWY & 745181-PF-8 TRANS 5.000 07/01/2036 310,229 310,229 155,903 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL PUERTO RICO 310,229 310,229 155,903 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PIEDMONT MUN PWR AGY 720175-QU-5 4.750 01/01/2025 7,303 7,303 204,778 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 7,303 7,303 204,778 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTH DAKOTA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTH DAKOTA HSG DEV 83755G-EH-6 AUTH 5.800 05/01/2028 436 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL SOUTH DAKOTA 436 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEXAS ST TPK AUTH DALLAS NORTHTWY REV 882780-FC-8 5.000 01/01/2025 576,583 576,583 209,375 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL TEXAS 576,583 576,583 209,375 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEST VIRGINIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEST VIRGINIA ST HSG 95662M-GX-2 DEV FD 5.350 11/01/2032 4,577 4,577 4,060 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA 4,577 4,577 4,060 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WISCONSIN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WISCONSIN HSG & ECONOMIC DEV 97689P-PF-9 5.600 03/01/2028 4,620 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WISCONSIN 4,620 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E12.3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WYOMING - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WYOMING CMNTY DEV AUTH HSG REV SECURITY CALLED 98322P-GZ-6 5.850 06/01/2028 12/02/2002 BY ISSUER 1,585,000 1,585,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WYOMING 1,585,000 1,585,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States 125,209,732 127,420,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenues 125,209,732 127,420,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AOL TIME WARNER INC 00184A-AB-1 6.750 04/15/2011 09/24/2002 VARIOUS 278,834 325,000 008685-AA-7 AHOLD FIN 6.250 05/01/2009 07/30/2002 VARIOUS 760,314 775,000 ALBERTSONS INC 013104-AL-8 8.000 05/01/2031 11/01/2002 VARIOUS 405,227 350,000 AMERADA HESS CORP 023551-AJ-3 7.300 08/15/2031 11/06/2002 VARIOUS 183,800 175,000 AMER I CREDIT AUTO REC TR 1 03061N-CA-5 5.960 03/05/2006 08/15/2002 VARIOUS 682,887 675,000 AMER I CREDIT AUTO REC TR 2 03061N-EN-5 4.410 11/06/2008 11/14/2002 VARIOUS 618,656 600,000 03235E-AG-5 AMVESCAP PLC 5.900 01/15/2007 06/20/2002 EXCHANGE 300,000 300,000 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 45A 04062@-AC-9 08/17/2004 08/19/2002 MATURITY 29,659 29,659 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 25A 04062@-AD-7 08/18/2009 08/19/2002 MATURITY 50,000 50,000 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 32A 04062@-AE-5 12/08/2009 12/09/2002 MATURITY 32,292 32,292 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64A 04062@-AG-0 10/01/2007 10/01/2002 MATURITY 50,000 50,000 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 51A 04062@-AJ-4 01/11/2008 01/11/2002 MATURITY 55,469 55,469 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 61A 04062@-AK-1 12/08/2009 12/09/2002 MATURITY 16,146 16,146 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 63A 04062@-AL-9 04/22/2011 04/22/2002 MATURITY 79,995 79,995 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 80K 04062@-AM-7 03/21/2006 03/21/2002 MATURITY 11,132 11,132 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 132M 04062@-BA-2 11/02/2007 10/31/2002 MATURITY 11,500 11,500 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 157J 04062@-BW-4 12/15/2004 12/16/2002 MATURITY 37,940 37,940 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 159L 04062@-BX-2 09/18/2010 09/18/2002 MATURITY 29,400 29,400 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 182E 04062@-DV-4 04/07/2003 04/08/2002 MATURITY 50,000 50,000 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 191I 04062@-DX-0 09/12/2004 09/12/2002 MATURITY 32,638 32,638 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 158L 04062@-DY-8 05/21/2007 05/31/2002 MATURITY 17,463 17,463 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 183P 04062@-DZ-5 05/23/2011 05/31/2002 MATURITY 185,097 185,097 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 250K 04062@-EV-3 01/23/2007 01/23/2002 MATURITY 40,000 40,000 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 267F 04062@-FP-5 02/23/2006 02/25/2002 MATURITY 83,847 83,847 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 302I 04062@-GD-1 06/07/2005 06/28/2002 MATURITY 29,426 29,426 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 310I 04062@-GH-2 06/07/2005 06/28/2002 MATURITY 8,408 8,408 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WYOMING - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WYOMING CMNTY DEV AUTH HSG REV 98322P-GZ-6 5.850 06/01/2028 1,585,000 1,585,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WYOMING 1,585,000 1,585,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States 122,000,359 121,980,055 23,600 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenues 122,000,359 121,980,055 23,600 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AOL TIME WARNER INC 00184A-AB-1 6.750 04/15/2011 330,626 330,474 (247) 008685-AA-7 AHOLD FIN 6.250 05/01/2009 766,897 767,205 379 ALBERTSONS INC 013104-AL-8 8.000 05/01/2031 370,220 370,145 (95) AMERADA HESS CORP 023551-AJ-3 7.300 08/15/2031 174,091 174,094 10 AMER I CREDIT AUTO REC TR 1 03061N-CA-5 5.960 03/05/2006 687,551 685,114 (3,884) AMER I CREDIT AUTO REC TR 2 03061N-EN-5 4.410 11/06/2008 599,918 599,924 24 03235E-AG-5 AMVESCAP PLC 5.900 01/15/2007 299,730 299,735 34 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 45A 04062@-AC-9 08/17/2004 16,096 29,659 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 25A 04062@-AD-7 08/18/2009 22,578 47,084 2,916 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 32A 04062@-AE-5 12/08/2009 14,319 29,532 2,760 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64A 04062@-AG-0 10/01/2007 23,542 46,549 3,451 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 51A 04062@-AJ-4 01/11/2008 27,668 55,319 150 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 61A 04062@-AK-1 12/08/2009 7,404 14,767 1,379 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 63A 04062@-AL-9 04/22/2011 39,378 77,676 2,319 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 80K 04062@-AM-7 03/21/2006 5,620 10,899 233 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 132M 04062@-BA-2 11/02/2007 5,726 10,617 880 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 157J 04062@-BW-4 12/15/2004 22,521 35,344 2,596 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 159L 04062@-BX-2 09/18/2010 17,760 27,882 1,518 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 182E 04062@-DV-4 04/07/2003 29,063 48,851 1,149 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 191I 04062@-DX-0 09/12/2004 18,352 30,712 1,926 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 158L 04062@-DY-8 05/21/2007 11,088 16,989 474 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 183P 04062@-DZ-5 05/23/2011 118,045 179,986 5,111 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 250K 04062@-EV-3 01/23/2007 25,591 39,801 199 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 267F 04062@-FP-5 02/23/2006 55,347 82,943 905 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 302I 04062@-GD-1 06/07/2005 18,990 28,453 973 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 310I 04062@-GH-2 06/07/2005 5,440 8,131 277 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WYOMING - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WYOMING CMNTY DEV AUTH HSG REV 98322P-GZ-6 5850 06/01/2028 41,122 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WYOMING 41,122 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States 3,206,076 3,206,076 4,848,089 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenues 3,206,076 3,206,076 4,848,089 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AOL TIME WARNER INC 00184A-AB-1 6.750 04/15/2011 (51,394) (51,394) 18,366 008685-AA-7 AHOLD FIN 6.250 05/01/2009 (7,270) (7,270) 27,391 ALBERTSONS INC 013104-AL-8 8.000 05/01/2031 35,177 35,177 28,311 AMERADA HESS CORP 023551-AJ-3 7.300 08/15/2031 9,697 9,697 15,737 AMER I CREDIT AUTO REC TR 1 03061N-CA-5 5.960 03/05/2006 1,657 1,657 23,061 AMER I CREDIT AUTO REC TR 2 03061N-EN-5 4.410 11/06/2008 18,708 18,708 20,090 03235E-AG-5 AMVESCAP PLC 5.900 01/15/2007 231 231 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 45A 04062@-AC-9 08/17/2004 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 25A 04062@-AD-7 08/18/2009 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 32A 04062@-AE-5 12/08/2009 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64A 04062@-AG-0 10/01/2007 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 51A 04062@-AJ-4 01/11/2008 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 61A 04062@-AK-1 12/08/2009 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 63A 04062@-AL-9 04/22/2011 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 80K 04062@-AM-7 03/21/2006 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 132M 04062@-BA-2 11/02/2007 3 3 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 157J 04062@-BW-4 12/15/2004 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 159L 04062@-BX-2 09/18/2010 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 182E 04062@-DV-4 04/07/2003 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 191I 04062@-DX-0 09/12/2004 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 158L 04062@-DY-8 05/21/2007 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 183P 04062@-DZ-5 05/23/2011 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 250K 04062@-EV-3 01/23/2007 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 267F 04062@-FP-5 02/23/2006 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 302I 04062@-GD-1 06/07/2005 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 310I 04062@-GH-2 06/07/2005 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 04062@-HA-6 362E 12/27/2005 12/27/2002 MATURITY 91,641 91,641 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 04062@-HB-4 365L 06/07/2008 06/28/2002 MATURITY 12,500 12,500 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 04062@-HG-3 341H 04/15/2008 04/15/2002 MATURITY 48,625 48,625 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 04062@-HN-8 348N 06/29/2010 06/28/2002 MATURITY 46,697 46,697 AVALONBAY COMMUNITIES 05348E-AE-9 6.625 09/15/2011 10/25/2002 UBS PAINE WEBBER 154,031 150,000 126408-BJ-1 CSX CORP 7.250 05/01/2004 10/04/2002 BNP PARIBAS SCREENS 372,355 350,000 126408-BR-3 CSX CORP 6.250 10/15/2008 06/13/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 77,607 75,000 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 83J 13067#-AC-3 04/06/2004 04/08/2002 MATURITY 236,000 236,000 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 82I 13067#-AE-9 12/23/2008 12/23/2002 MATURITY 64,000 64,000 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 73A 13067#-AG-4 12/15/2009 12/16/2002 MATURITY 50,000 50,000 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 81J 13067#-AH-2 04/05/2010 04/05/2002 MATURITY 197,988 197,988 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 78L 13067#-AJ-8 05/04/2010 04/04/2002 MATURITY 50,000 50,000 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 75A 13067#-AK-5 03/05/2009 03/05/2002 MATURITY 556,000 556,000 13067#-AM-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 06/20/2006 06/28/2002 MATURITY 128,750 128,750 13067#-AN-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 02/20/2009 02/20/2002 MATURITY 114,500 114,500 13067#-AR-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 03/20/2007 03/20/2002 MATURITY 86,500 86,500 13067#-AS-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 09/20/2005 09/20/2002 MATURITY 50,000 50,000 13067#-AX-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 02/05/2005 02/05/2002 MATURITY 25,000 25,000 13067#-AY-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/20/2008 05/31/2002 MATURITY 50,000 50,000 13067#-BA-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 12/05/2007 12/05/2002 MATURITY 109,000 109,000 13067#-BR-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 02/20/2005 02/20/2002 MATURITY 25,000 25,000 13067#-BT-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 08/05/2007 08/05/2002 MATURITY 50,000 50,000 13067#-BU-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 11/20/2002 11/20/2002 MATURITY 27,852 27,852 13067#-BV-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 11/20/2002 11/20/2002 MATURITY 11,394 11,394 13067#-BW-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 11/20/2007 11/20/2002 MATURITY 99,000 99,000 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 138L 13067#-BY-4 03/05/2007 11/05/2002 MATURITY 62,000 62,000 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 135N 13067#-BZ-1 01/20/2009 01/21/2002 MATURITY 50,000 50,000 13067#-DU-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 09/20/2009 09/20/2002 MATURITY 25,000 25,000 13067#-DV-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2005 04/05/2002 MATURITY 30,000 30,000 13067#-DW-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2010 04/05/2002 MATURITY 30,000 30,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 04062@-HA-6 362E 12/27/2005 57,839 84,718 6,922 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 04062@-HB-4 365L 06/07/2008 8,337 12,087 413 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 04062@-HG-3 341H 04/15/2008 32,509 47,555 1,070 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 04062@-HN-8 348N 06/29/2010 31,322 45,016 1,672 AVALONBAY COMMUNITIES 05348E-AE-9 6.625 09/15/2011 148,724 148,757 77 126408-BJ-1 CSX CORP 7.250 05/01/2004 375,025 375,025 (2,346) 126408-BR-3 CSX CORP 6.250 10/15/2008 73,977 74,023 66 13067#-AC-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 83J 04/06/2004 118,763 230,134 5,866 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 82I 13067#-AE-9 12/23/2008 30,096 58,304 5,679 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 73A 13067#-AG-4 12/15/2009 23,435 45,652 4,349 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 81J 13067#-AH-2 04/05/2010 99,660 193,118 4,870 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 78L 13067#-AJ-8 05/04/2010 24,848 48,397 1,197 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 75A 13067#-AK-5 03/05/2009 279,271 546,652 9,348 13067#-AM-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 06/20/2006 64,118 123,107 5,643 13067#-AN-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 02/20/2009 58,889 113,023 1,477 13067#-AR-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 03/20/2007 44,158 84,709 1,791 13067#-AS-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 09/20/2005 24,306 46,680 3,320 13067#-AX-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 02/05/2005 12,974 24,776 224 13067#-AY-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/20/2008 25,304 48,192 1,808 13067#-BA-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 12/05/2007 52,524 99,760 9,240 13067#-BR-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 02/20/2005 13,110 24,677 323 13067#-BT-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 08/05/2007 25,359 47,244 2,756 13067#-BU-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 11/20/2002 14,072 25,665 2,187 13067#-BV-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 11/20/2002 5,757 10,499 895 13067#-BW-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 11/20/2007 52,940 91,796 7,204 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 138L 13067#-BY-4 03/05/2007 35,592 61,080 920 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 135N 13067#-BZ-1 01/20/2009 27,441 49,752 248 13067#-DU-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 09/20/2009 13,742 23,480 1,520 13067#-DV-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2005 17,261 29,340 660 13067#-DW-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2010 17,210 29,336 664 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Realised Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 04062@-HA-6 362E 12/27/2005 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 04062@-HB-4 365L 06/07/2008 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 04062@-HG-3 341H 04/15/2008 AZ AGENCY OBLIGATION 04062@-HN-8 348N 06/29/2010 9 9 AVALONBAY COMMUNITIES 05348E-AE-9 6.625 09/15/2011 5,197 5,197 11,318 CSX CORP 7.250 05/01/2004 (324) (324) 11,137 126408-BJ-1 CSX CORP 6.250 10/15/2008 3,518 3,518 3,164 126408-BR-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 83J 13067#-AC-3 04/06/2004 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 82I 13067#-AE-9 12/23/2008 18 18 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 73A 13067#-AG-4 12/15/2009 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 81J 13067#-AH-2 04/05/2010 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 78L 13067#-AJ-8 05/04/2010 406 406 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 75A 13067#-AK-5 03/05/2009 13067#-AM-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 06/20/2006 13067#-AN-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 02/20/2009 13067#-AR-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 03/20/2007 13067#-AS-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 09/20/2005 13067#-AX-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 02/05/2005 13067#-AY-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/20/2008 13067#-BA-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 12/05/2007 13067#-BR-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 02/20/2005 13067#-BT-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 08/05/2007 13067#-BU-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 11/20/2002 13067#-BV-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 11/20/2002 13067#-BW-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 11/20/2007 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 138L 13067#-BY-4 03/05/2007 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 135N 13067#-BZ-1 01/20/2009 13067#-DU-0 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 09/20/2009 13067#-DV-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2005 13067#-DW-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2010 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.5 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13067#-DX-4 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 1470 04/05/2010 04/05/2002 MATURITY 59,941 13067#-EA-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/20/2005 05/31/2002 MATURITY 20,000 13067#-EB-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/05/2006 05/31/2002 MATURITY 11,111 13067#-EC-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/05/2006 05/31/2002 MATURITY 11,111 13067#-EE-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 03/05/2011 03/05/2002 MATURITY 11,500 13067#-EF-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 03/05/2011 03/05/2002 MATURITY 149,400 13067#-EM-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/05/2009 05/31/2002 MATURITY 23,427 13067#-EQ-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 06/20/2002 06/20/2002 MATURITY 50,000 13067#-ER-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 02/05/2007 02/05/2002 MATURITY 25,000 13067#-EY-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2006 04/05/2002 MATURITY 29,971 13067#-EZ-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 02/20/2008 02/20/2002 MATURITY 25,000 13067#-FF-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2007 04/05/2002 MATURITY 19,161 13067#-FJ-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2007 04/05/2002 MATURITY 19,161 13067#-FL-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 07/20/2007 07/22/2002 MATURITY 50,000 13067#-KP-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/05/2006 05/31/2002 MATURITY 11,111 13067#-KT-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2004 04/05/2002 MATURITY 29,971 13067#-KU-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 09/05/2007 09/05/2002 MATURITY 24,771 13067#-MR-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2010 04/05/2002 MATURITY 32,400 13067#-RC-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/05/2003 05/31/2002 MATURITY 50,000 13067#-RD-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2006 04/05/2002 MATURITY 29,971 14040K-BC-1 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TR 200 7.100 04/15/2006 07/18/2002 BARCLAYS CAPITAL INC 1,952,176 14040P-AP-2 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TR 200 3.850 08/15/2007 07/17/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 809,969 161505-BQ-4 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 6.600 12/01/2029 01/29/2002 VARIOUS 615,516 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 2.440 06/15/2004 12/15/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 187,688 191219-BJ-2 COCA COLA ENTERPRISES INC 6.125 08/15/2011 06/13/2002 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON 206,168 19676#-AB-5 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 01/10/2015 01/10/2002 MATURITY 55,919 19676#-AG-4 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 03/05/2005 03/05/2002 MATURITY 58,873 19676#-BA-6 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 09/29/2004 09/30/2002 MATURITY 34,074 20825U-AA-2 CONOCO FDG CO 5.450 10/15/2006 08/23/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 209,478 21146@-AA-7 ANNUITY 12/04/2005 12/04/2002 MATURITY 85,200 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 Increase Increase (Decrease) Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Identification Description Par Value Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13067#-DX-4 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 1470 04/05/2010 59,941 34,352 58,604 1,337 13067#-EA-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/20/2005 20,000 11,421 19,338 662 13067#-EB-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/05/2006 11,111 6,385 10,783 328 13067#-EC-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/05/2006 11,111 6,376 10,784 327 13067#-EE-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 03/05/2011 11,500 7,191 11,349 151 13067#-EF-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 03/05/2011 149,400 93,812 147,441 1,959 13067#-EM-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/05/2009 23,427 14,527 22,835 592 13067#-EQ-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 06/20/2002 50,000 31,781 48,361 1,639 13067#-ER-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 02/05/2007 25,000 16,312 24,833 167 13067#-EY-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2006 29,971 19,450 29,428 543 13067#-EZ-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 02/20/2008 25,000 14,115 24,678 322 13067#-FF-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2007 19,161 12,041 18,781 381 13067#-FJ-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2007 19,161 12,041 18,781 381 13067#-FL-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 07/20/2007 50,000 31,011 47,954 2,046 13067#-KP-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/05/2006 11,111 7,126 10,819 138 13067#-KT-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2004 29,971 19,352 29,368 602 13067#-KU-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 09/05/2007 24,771 15,452 23,497 1,275 13067#-MR-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2010 32,400 21,840 31,786 614 13067#-RC-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/05/2003 50,000 34,083 48,749 1,251 13067#-RD-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2006 29,971 20,289 29,387 584 14040K-BC-1 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TR 200 7.100 04/15/2006 1,900,000 1,997,441 1,981,579 513 14040P-AP-2 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TR 200 3.850 08/15/2007 800,000 797,827 797,893 213 161505-BQ-4 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 6.600 12/01/2029 600,000 602,344 602,310 25 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 2.440 06/15/2004 187,688 187,988 187,988 (130) 191219-BJ-2 COCA COLA ENTERPRISES INC 6.125 08/15/2011 200,000 199,366 199,384 17 19676#-AB-5 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 01/10/2015 55,919 35,526 55,805 114 19676#-AG-4 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 03/05/2005 58,873 37,386 58,035 838 19676#-BA-6 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 09/29/2004 34,074 21,156 32,085 1,989 20825U-AA-2 CONOCO FDG CO 5.450 10/15/2006 200,000 199,712 199,728 37 21146@-AA-7 ANNUITY 12/04/2005 85,200 61,688 74,872 1,248 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 12 13 14 15 16 Foreign Interest on Dividends on Exchange Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP Gain (Loss) (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description on Disposal Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13067#-DX-4 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 1470 04/05/2010 13067#-EA-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/20/2005 13067#-EB-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/05/2006 13067#-EC-9 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/05/2006 13067#-EE-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 03/05/2011 13067#-EF-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 03/05/2011 13067#-EM-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/05/2009 13067#-EQ-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 06/20/2002 13067#-ER-6 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 02/05/2007 13067#-EY-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2006 13067#-EZ-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 02/20/2008 13067#-FF-1 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2007 13067#-FJ-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2007 13067#-FL-8 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 07/20/2007 13067#-KP-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/05/2006 153 153 13067#-KT-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2004 13067#-KU-2 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 09/05/2007 13067#-MR-7 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2010 13067#-RC-5 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 05/05/2003 13067#-RD-3 CA AGENCY OBLIGATION 04/05/2006 14040K-BC-1 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TR 200 7.100 04/15/2006 (29,916) (29,916) 81,689 14040P-AP-2 CAPITAL ONE MASTER TR 200 3.850 08/15/2007 11,862 11,862 18,566 161505-BQ-4 CHASE COMMERCIAL MTG SECS 6.600 12/01/2029 13,180 13,180 5,170 161581-BW-2 CHASE MAN AUTO OWNER TR 2 2.440 06/15/2004 1,134 191219-BJ-2 COCA COLA ENTERPRISES INC 6.125 08/15/2011 6,768 6,768 10,310 19676#-AB-5 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 01/10/2015 19676#-AG-4 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 03/05/2005 19676#-BA-6 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 09/29/2004 20825U-AA-2 CONOCO FDG CO 5.450 10/15/2006 9,713 9,713 9,598 21146@-AA-7 ANNUITY 12/04/2005 9,080 9,080 E12.6 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 224044-AY-3 7.750 11/01/2010 11/01/2002 VARIOUS 340,084 320,000 DLJ COMM MTG 1999-CG1 23322B-EF-1 6.080 03/01/2032 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 62,748 62,748 DAIMLER BENZ VEHICLE TR 2 23383V-AC-4 7.230 01/06/2005 11/14/2002 VARIOUS 2,840,795 2,750,000 DC AGENCY OBLIGATION 25477#-AE-7 04/15/2002 04/15/2002 MATURITY 50,000 50,000 FLEETBOSTON FINL CORP 339030-AB-4 7.250 09/15/2005 08/28/2002 VARIOUS 540,728 500,000 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2000- 34527R-DJ-9 7.190 03/15/2004 10/10/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 2,158,898 2,100,000 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2000- 34527R-DZ-3 7.260 07/15/2004 01/10/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 2,753,055 2,600,000 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2001- 34527R-GQ-0 4.010 03/15/2006 04/23/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 149,871 150,000 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 345370-CA-6 07/16/2031 10/04/2002 HBSC SECURITIES 4,026 5,000 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN 36962G-XZ-2 6.750 03/15/2032 07/11/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 673,461 675,000 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 370425-RZ-5 8.000 11/01/2031 10/23/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 101,144 115,000 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 441812-JW-5 6.375 10/15/2011 11/13/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 30,283 35,000 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 441812-JY-1 7.000 05/15/2012 11/13/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 218,073 235,000 INTL PAPER CO 460146-BN-2 6.750 09/01/2011 03/06/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 101,349 100,000 KELLOGG CO 487836-AT-5 7.450 04/01/2031 07/09/2002 ALEX BROWN 220,024 200,000 KROGER CO 501044-CA-7 6.800 04/01/2011 06/19/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 947,925 900,000 LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 2001 52108H-FK-5 6.058 06/01/2020 05/10/2002 VARIOUS 253,066 247,233 LA AGENCY OBLIGATION 54641@-AA-8 02/15/2011 02/15/2002 MATURITY 108,000 108,000 LA AGENCY OBLIGATION 54641@-AB-6 02/15/2011 02/15/2002 MATURITY 57,000 57,000 LA AGENCY OBLIGATION 54641@-AC-4 02/15/2011 02/15/2002 MATURITY 121,000 121,000 MA AGENCY OBLIGATION 57585@-AA-9 10/19/2009 10/21/2002 MATURITY 495,827 495,827 MA AGENCY OBLIGATION 57585@-AB-7 06/10/2004 06/28/2002 MATURITY 11,041 11,041 MEADWESTVACO CORP 6.850 583334-AA-5 04/01/2012 09/20/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 146,198 135,000 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 61746W-ES-5 6.400 02/01/2031 12/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 10,930 10,930 MORGAN STANLEY CAP 2001 - I 61746W-JG-6 4.570 12/01/2032 02/01/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 2,568 2,568 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64605*-EF-8 11/25/2005 11/25/2002 MATURITY 13,125 13,125 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64605*-FT-7 02/10/2014 02/11/2002 MATURITY 10,000 10,000 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64605*-GT-6 02/22/2002 02/22/2002 MATURITY 50,000 50,000 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64605*-GV-1 04/18/2015 07/18/2002 MATURITY 39,000 39,000 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64605*-HA-6 04/24/2003 04/24/2002 MATURITY 34,000 34,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 224044-AY-3 7.750 11/01/2010 344,061 343,438 (1,659) DLJ COMM MTG 1999-CG1 23322B-EF-1 6.080 03/01/2032 64,993 64,993 (83) DAIMLER BENZ VEHICLE TR 2 23383V-AC-4 7.230 01/06/2005 2,916,719 2,902,690 (38,706) DC AGENCY OBLIGATION 25477#-AE-7 04/15/2002 33,576 48,944 1,056 FLEETBOSTON FINL CORP 339030-AB-4 7.250 09/15/2005 531,150 528,668 (4,634) FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2000- 34527R-DJ-9 7.190 03/15/2004 2,230,594 2,218,113 (36,048) FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2000- 34527R-DZ-3 7.260 07/15/2004 2,779,867 2,764,087 6,525 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2001- 34527R-GQ-0 4.010 03/15/2006 149,999 149,999 1 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 345370-CA-6 07/16/2031 4,193 4,193 1 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN 36962G-XZ-2 6.750 03/15/2032 666,974 666,974 34 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 370425-RZ-5 8.000 11/01/2031 115,705 115,705 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 441812-JW-5 6.375 10/15/2011 32,075 32,075 78 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 441812-JY-1 7.000 05/15/2012 235,454 235,454 INTL PAPER CO 460146-BN-2 6.750 09/01/2011 100,000 100,000 KELLOGG CO 487836-AT-5 7.450 04/01/2031 208,432 208,401 (16) KROGER CO 501044-CA-7 6.800 04/01/2011 914,121 913,703 (430) LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 2001 52108H-FK-5 6.058 06/01/2020 250,791 250,774 (70) LA AGENCY OBLIGATION 54641@-AA-8 02/15/2011 68,112 107,024 976 LA AGENCY OBLIGATION 54641@-AB-6 02/15/2011 37,669 56,426 574 LA AGENCY OBLIGATION 54641@-AC-4 02/15/2011 79,965 119,781 1,219 MA AGENCY OBLIGATION 57585@-AA-9 10/19/2009 231,222 459,807 36,020 MA AGENCY OBLIGATION 57585@-AB-7 06/10/2004 6,866 10,673 367 MEADWESTVACO CORP 583334-AA-5 6.850 04/01/2012 134,106 134,106 31 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 61746W-ES-5 6.400 02/01/2031 11,367 11,367 (13) MORGAN STANLEY CAP 2001 - I 61746W-JG-6 4.570 12/01/2032 2,595 2,594 (26) NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64605*-EF-8 11/25/2005 7,993 12,281 844 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64605*-FT-7 02/10/2014 6,447 9,920 80 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64605*-GT-6 02/22/2002 31,877 49,430 570 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64605*-GV-1 04/18/2015 20,675 24,809 264 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64605*-HA-6 04/24/2003 21,925 33,188 812 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 13 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COX COMMUNICATIONS INC NE 224044-AY-3 7.750 11/01/2010 (1,696) (1,696) 24,972 DLJ COMM MTG 1999-CG1 23322B-EF-1 6.080 03/01/2032 1,264 DAIMLER BENZ VEHICLE TR 2 23383V-AC-4 7.230 01/06/2005 (23,188) (23,188) 189,429 DC AGENCY OBLIGATION 25477#-AE-7 04/15/2002 FLEETBOSTON FINL CORP 339030-AB-4 7.250 09/15/2005 16,693 16,693 34,266 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2000- 34527R-DJ-9 7.190 03/15/2004 (23,167) (23,167) 126,244 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2000- 34527R-DZ-3 7.260 07/15/2004 (17,557) (17,557) 15,730 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 2001- 34527R-GQ-0 4.010 03/15/2006 (129) (129) 2,189 FORD MTR CO DEL 345370-CA-6 7.450 07/16/2031 (168) (168) 86 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP MTN 36962G-XZ-2 6.750 03/15/2032 6,453 6,453 14,681 GENERAL MTRS ACCEP CORP 370425-RZ-5 8.000 11/01/2031 (14,561) (14,561) 4,523 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 441812-JW-5 6.375 10/15/2011 (1,870) (1,870) 1,320 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 441812-JY-1 7.000 05/15/2012 (17,381) (17,381) 5,879 INTL PAPER CO 460146-BN-2 6.750 09/01/2011 1,349 1,349 3,656 KELLOGG CO 487836-AT-5 7.450 04/01/2031 11,640 11,640 11,630 KROGER CO 501044-CA-7 6.800 04/01/2011 34,652 34,652 44,710 LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 2001 52108H-FK-5 6.058 06/01/2020 2,361 2,361 2,613 LA AGENCY OBLIGATION 54641@-AA-8 02/15/2011 LA AGENCY OBLIGATION 54641@-AB-6 02/15/2011 LA AGENCY OBLIGATION 54641@-AC-4 02/15/2011 MA AGENCY OBLIGATION 57585@-AA-9 10/19/2009 MA AGENCY OBLIGATION 57585@-AB-7 06/10/2004 MEADWESTVACO CORP 583334-AA-5 6.850 04/01/2012 12,061 12,061 4,444 MORGAN STANLEY CAP I 2001 61746W-ES-5 6.400 02/01/2031 410 MORGAN STANLEY CAP 2001 - I 61746W-JG-6 4.570 12/01/2032 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64605*-EF-8 11/25/2005 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64605*-FT-7 02/10/2014 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64605*-GT-6 02/22/2002 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64605*-GV-1 04/18/2015 13,927 13,927 NJ AGENCY OBLIGATION 64605*-HA-6 04/24/2003 E12.7 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-CD-6 05/15/2014 05/31/2002 MATURITY 214,290 214,290 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-CP-9 10/15/2005 10/15/2002 MATURITY 71,430 71,430 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-CQ-7 05/15/2004 05/31/2002 MATURITY 26,786 26,786 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 126T 64982@-CR-5 01/15/2015 01/15/2002 MATURITY 20,834 20,834 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-CS-3 05/16/2007 05/31/2002 MATURITY 32,968 32,968 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-DP-8 12/15/2003 12/16/2002 MATURITY 21,749 21,749 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-DQ-6 06/15/2004 06/28/2002 MATURITY 36,500 36,500 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 137Q 64982@-EA-0 01/15/2012 01/15/2002 MATURITY 10,000 10,000 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-EE-2 07/15/2015 07/15/2002 MATURITY 47,620 47,620 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-EJ-1 10/15/2007 10/15/2002 MATURITY 23,810 23,810 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 218P 64982@-EZ-5 01/15/2012 01/15/2002 MATURITY 3,000 3,000 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-FJ-0 04/15/2015 04/15/2002 MATURITY 28,011 28,011 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-FL-5 04/15/2015 04/15/2002 MATURITY 28,011 28,011 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-GJ-9 06/15/2007 06/28/2002 MATURITY 15,979 15,979 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-GN-0 08/15/2009 08/15/2002 MATURITY 15,873 15,873 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 228J 64982@-HZ-2 12/15/2005 12/16/2002 MATURITY 32,468 32,468 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-JK-3 05/15/2008 05/31/2002 MATURITY 38,096 38,096 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-KM-7 07/15/2007 07/29/2002 MATURITY 76,190 76,190 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-KQ-8 11/05/2008 11/05/2002 MATURITY 40,820 40,820 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-KR-6 02/15/2005 02/15/2002 MATURITY 135,090 135,090 NEWS AMER HLDGS INC CREDIT SUISSE FIRST 652478-AH-1 9.250 02/01/2013 10/23/2002 BOSTON 191,784 175,000 NEWS AMER HLDGS INC MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE 652478-AJ-7 8.500 02/15/2005 07/11/2002 FENNER SMITH 107,193 100,000 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 655844-AJ-7 7.800 05/15/2027 09/12/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 178,598 150,000 OH AGENCY OBLIGATION 67758*-AA-1 04/01/2003 04/01/2002 MATURITY 100,549 100,549 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 68607#-AJ-9 03/07/2006 02/28/2002 MATURITY 62,500 62,500 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 68607#-AK-6 10/14/2011 10/14/2002 MATURITY 192,300 192,300 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 68607#-AN-0 12/11/2004 12/11/2002 MATURITY 189,553 189,553 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 68607#-AP-5 08/15/2014 08/15/2002 MATURITY 6,000 6,000 QWEST CAP FDG INC 74913E-AH-3 7.250 02/15/2011 02/27/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS 248,218 275,000 SAFEWAY INC 786514-BA-6 7.250 02/01/2031 06/13/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 157,682 150,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-CD-6 05/15/2014 108,012 206,813 7,477 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-CP-9 10/15/2005 38,056 66,681 4,749 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-CQ-7 05/15/2004 15,039 25,946 840 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 126T 64982@-CR-5 01/15/2015 11,149 20,755 79 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-CS-3 05/16/2007 17,101 31,809 1,159 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-DP-8 12/15/2003 12,872 20,260 1,489 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-DQ-6 06/15/2004 22,545 35,297 1,203 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 137Q 64982@-EA-0 01/15/2012 5,502 9,963 37 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-EE-2 07/15/2015 29,394 45,694 1,926 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-EJ-1 10/15/2007 14,180 22,361 1,449 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 218P 64982@-FZ-5 01/15/2012 1,929 2,991 9 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-FJ-0 04/15/2015 17,647 27,417 594 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-FL-5 04/15/2015 17,666 27,417 594 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-GJ-9 06/15/2007 10,154 15,412 567 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-GN-0 08/15/2009 9,993 15,116 757 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 228J 64982@-HZ-2 12/15/2005 19,358 30,141 2,327 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-JK-3 05/15/2008 25,414 37,044 1,052 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-KM-7 07/15/2007 50,598 73,117 3,073 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-KQ-8 11/05/2008 21,812 37,922 2,898 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-KR-6 02/15/2005 94,163 133,891 1,199 NEWS AMER HLDGS INC 652478-AH-1 9.250 02/01/2013 202,876 202,218 (1,374) NEWS AMER HLDGS INC 652478-AJ-7 8.500 02/15/2005 106,966 106,254 (999) NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 655844-AJ-7 7.800 05/15/2027 159,099 159,050 (61) OH AGENCY OBLIGATION 67758*-AA-1 04/01/2003 54,078 98,229 2,320 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 68607#-AJ-9 03/07/2006 40,319 61,694 699 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 68607#-AK-6 10/14/2011 116,117 181,393 10,907 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 68607#-AN-0 12/11/2004 108,843 175,278 14,275 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 68607#-AP-5 08/15/2014 3,703 5,724 276 QWEST CAP FDG INC 74913E-AH-3 7.250 02/15/2011 277,019 276,962 46 SAFEWAY INC 786514-BA-6 7.250 02/01/2031 155,727 155,707 (12) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-CD-6 05/15/2014 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-CP-9 10/15/2005 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-CQ-7 05/15/2004 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 126T 64982@-CR-5 01/15/2015 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-CS-3 05/16/2007 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-DP-8 12/15/2003 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-DQ-6 06/15/2004 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 137Q 64982@-EA-0 01/15/2012 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-EE-2 07/15/2015 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-EJ-1 10/15/2007 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 218P 64982@-EZ-5 01/15/2012 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-FJ-0 04/15/2015 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-FL-5 04/15/2015 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-GJ-9 06/15/2007 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-GN-0 08/15/2009 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 228J 64982@-HZ-2 12/15/2005 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-JK-3 05/15/2008 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-KM-7 07/15/2007 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-KQ-8 11/05/2008 NYS AGENCY OBLIGATION 64982@-KR-6 02/15/2005 NEWS AMER HLDGS INC 652478-AH-1 9.250 02/01/2013 (9,060) (9,060) 20,099 NEWS AMER HLDGS INC 652478-AJ-7 8.500 02/15/2005 1,937 1,937 7,815 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP 655844-AJ-7 7.800 05/15/2027 19,608 19,608 9,815 OH AGENCY OBLIGATION 67758*-AA-1 04/01/2003 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 68607#-AJ-9 03/07/2006 107 107 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 68607#-AK-6 10/14/2011 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 68607#-AN-0 12/11/2004 OR AGENCY OBLIGATION 68607#-AP-5 08/15/2014 QWEST CAP FDG INC 74913E-AH-3 7.250 02/15/2011 (28,790) (28,790) 11,021 SAFEWAY INC 786514-BA-6 7.250 02/01/2031 1,987 1,987 9,576 E12.8 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration Par Value - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAFEWAY INC 786514-BB-4 6.150 03/01/2006 06/13/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 520,610 500,000 SMAR 97-6 A 81375B-AM-4 7.710 09/15/2025 12/15/2002 VARIOUS 16,864 16,864 SMAR 1997-2 144A 81376@-AE-4 8.240 03/15/2006 07/16/2002 MBS PAYDOWN 5,414 5,414 SPRINT CAP CORP 852060-AC-6 6.125 11/15/2008 04/19/2002 VARIOUS 180,424 200,000 SPRINT CAP CORP 852060-AL-6 6.000 01/15/2007 04/10/2002 VARIOUS 381,420 400,000 TRW INC 872649-BF-4 6.625 06/01/2004 04/02/2002 VARIOUS 253,335 250,000 TRW INC 872649-BG-2 7.125 06/01/2009 02/22/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 553,113 550,000 TRW INC 872649-BL-1 7.625 03/15/2006 02/22/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 52,647 50,000 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP CREDIT SUISSE FIRST 88033G-AR-1 5.375 11/15/2006 06/06/2002 BOSTON 424,567 425,000 TX AGENCY OBLIGATION 88275@-AA-9 05/15/2002 05/15/2002 MATURITY 173,571 173,571 TX AGENCY OBLIGATION 88275@-AC-5 03/16/2013 03/18/2002 MATURITY 404,460 404,460 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 335N 89567#-BF-0 10/18/2014 10/18/2002 MATURITY 6,500 6,500 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-AE-8 03/13/2006 03/13/2002 MATURITY 18,650 18,650 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-AW-8 04/14/2009 04/12/2002 MATURITY 30,000 30,000 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-BA-5 08/26/2008 08/26/2002 MATURITY 12,125 12,125 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 304N 89567*-BF-4 10/18/2014 10/18/2002 MATURITY 6,500 6,500 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-BQ-0 03/13/2006 03/13/2002 MATURITY 18,650 18,650 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-BX-5 07/29/2007 07/29/2002 MATURITY 51,000 51,000 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-BY-3 09/09/2007 09/09/2002 MATURITY 262,000 262,000 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-BZ-0 04/14/2009 04/12/2002 MATURITY 15,000 15,000 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-CA-4 08/05/2011 08/05/2002 MATURITY 112,500 112,500 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 902118-AC-2 7.000 06/15/2028 05/08/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 310,000 400,000 US BK NATL ASSN MINN SUB 90333W-AA-6 6.375 08/01/2011 06/13/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 807,542 775,000 VERIZON NEW ENG INC MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE 92344R-AA-0 6.500 09/15/2011 07/12/2002 FENNER SMITH 344,988 350,000 VA AGENCY OBLIGATION 92812@-AA-1 02/05/2011 02/05/2002 MATURITY 1,352,000 1,352,000 WESTVACO CORP SBC WARBURG DILLON 961548-AY-0 7.950 02/15/2031 10/29/2002 REED 163,487 150,000 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 98157D-AC-0 8.000 05/15/2006 05/02/2002 VARIOUS 165,800 325,000 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 98157D-AJ-5 7.500 05/15/2011 05/02/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 93,000 200,000 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 98157D-AK-2 8.250 05/15/2031 05/03/2002 VARIOUS 61,975 150,000 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 99B000-26-5 02/21/2015 02/21/2002 MATURITY 395,470 395,470 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign Exchange CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Gain (Loss) Identification Description Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment on Disposal - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAFEWAY INC 786514-BB-4 6.150 03/01/2006 508,885 508,185 (793) SMAR 97-6 A 81375B-AM-4 7.710 09/15/2025 16,864 SMAR 1997-2 144A 81376@-AE-4 8.240 03/15/2006 5,414 SPRINT CAP CORP 852060-AC-6 6.125 11/15/2008 193,422 193,422 280 SPRINT CAP CORP 852060-AL-6 6.000 01/15/2007 398,056 398,105 60 TRW INC 872649-BF-4 6.625 06/01/2004 256,655 255,789 (622) TRW INC 872649-BG-2 7.125 06/01/2009 562,496 562,099 (138) TRW INC 872649-BL-1 7.625 03/15/2006 51,741 51,591 (49) TENET HEALTHCARE CORP 88033G-AR-1 5.375 11/15/2006 422,998 423,063 156 TX AGENCY OBLIGATION 88275@-AA-9 05/15/2002 86,487 167,517 6,055 TX AGENCY OBLIGATION 88275@-AC-5 03/16/2013 222,298 396,567 7,893 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 335N 89567#-BF-0 10/18/2014 4,163 6,112 388 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-AE-8 03/13/2006 11,708 18,356 294 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-AW-8 04/14/2009 19,164 29,324 663 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-BA-5 08/26/2008 7,376 11,490 635 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLI GATION 304N 89567*-BF-4 10/18/2014 4,096 6,113 387 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-BQ-0 03/13/2006 12,617 18,379 271 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-BX-5 07/29/2007 34,718 48,966 2,034 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-BY-3 09/09/2007 172,316 248,598 13,402 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-BZ-0 04/14/2009 10,077 14,664 329 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-CA-4 08/05/2011 73,839 107,363 5,137 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 902118-AC-2 7.000 06/15/2028 395,870 395,885 81 US BK NATL ASSN MINN SUB 90333W-AA-6 6.375 08/01/2011 793,840 793,381 (626) VERIZON NEW ENG INC 92344R-AA-0 6.500 09/15/2011 349,209 349,266 2 VA AGENCY OBLIGATION 92812@-AA-1 02/05/2011 592,293 1,338,986 13,014 WESTVACO CORP 961548-AY-0 7.950 02/15/2031 150,902 150,898 (7) WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 98157D-AC-0 8.000 05/15/2006 349,326 347,914 (1,563) WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 98157D-AJ-5 7.500 05/15/2011 195,418 195,566 147 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 98157D-AK-2 8.250 05/15/2031 154,082 154,070 10 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 99B000-26-5 02/21/2015 363,030 391,041 4,429 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 16 Interest on Dividends on Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAFEWAY INC 786514-BB-4 6.150 03/01/2006 13,218 13,218 24,515 SMAR 97-6 A 81375B-AM-4 7.710 09/15/2025 16,864 16,864 368 SMAR 1997-2 144A 81376@-AE-4 8.240 03/15/2006 5,414 5,414 47 SPRINT CAP CORP 852060-AC-6 6.125 11/15/2008 (13,278) (13,278) 5,321 SPRINT CAP CORP 852060-AL-6 6.000 01/15/2007 (16,745) (16,745) 6,867 TRW INC 872649-BF-4 6.625 06/01/2004 (1,832) (1,832) 5,792 TRW INC 872649-BG-2 7.125 06/01/2009 (8,848) (8,848) 9,253 TRW INC 872649-BL-1 7.625 03/15/2006 1,104 1,104 1,716 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP 88033G-AR-1 5.375 11/15/2006 1,347 1,347 13,643 TX AGENCY OBLIGATION 88275@-AA-9 05/15/2002 TX AGENCY OBLIGATION 88275@-AC-5 03/16/2013 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 335N 89567#-BF-0 10/18/2014 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-AE-8 03/13/2006 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-AW-8 04/14/2009 13 13 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-BA-5 08/26/2008 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 304N 89567*-BF-4 10/18/2014 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-BQ-0 03/13/2006 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-BX-5 07/29/2007 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-BY-3 09/09/2007 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-BZ-0 04/14/2009 6 6 TRI-STATE AGENCY OBLIGATION 89567*-CA-4 08/05/2011 TYCO INTL GROUP S A 902118-AC-2 7.000 06/15/2028 (85,966) (85,966) 11,511 US BK NATL ASSN MINN SUB 90333W-AA-6 6.375 08/01/2011 14,787 14,787 44,191 VERIZON NEW ENG INC 92344R-AA-0 6.500 09/15/2011 (4,280) (4,280) 20,601 VA AGENCY OBLIGATION 92812@-AA-1 02/05/2011 WESTVACO CORP 961548-AY-0 7.950 02/15/2031 12,595 12,595 14,443 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 98157D-AC-0 8.000 05/15/2006 (180,552) (180,552) 12,161 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 98157D-AJ-5 7.500 05/15/2011 (102,713) (102,713) 7,167 WORLDCOM INC GA NEW 98157D-AK-2 8.250 05/15/2031 (92,105) (92,105) 5,951 CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 99B000-26-5 02/21/2015 E12.9 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D-PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares of Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser Stock Consideration - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 99B000-27-3 07/02/2014 07/02/2002 MATURITY 402,780 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELUS CORP 87971M-AB-9 7.500 06/01/2007 06/17/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 480,165 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STORA ENSO CORP 86210M-AA-4 7.375 05/15/2011 03/01/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 239,024 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States 34,404,142 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599997 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Canada 480,165 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries 239,024 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous 35,123,331 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099997 - Bonds - Part 4 295,971,272 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Bonds - Part 5 112,222,551 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds 408,193,823 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599997 - Preferred Stocks - Part 4 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099997 - Common Stocks - Part 4 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Common Stocks - Part 5 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals 408,193,823 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 Increase Increase (Decrease) Book/Adjusted (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP Carrying Value at by Exchange Identification Description Par Value Actual Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 99B000-27-3 07/02/2014 402,780 371,425 393,959 8,821 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELUS CORP 87971M-AB-9 7.500 06/01/2007 500,000 518,190 517,189 (1,210) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STORA ENSO CORP 86210M-AA-4 7.375 05/15/2011 225,000 235,287 234,991 (117) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States 34,219,002 30,889,154 34,612,510 213,676 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599997 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Canada 500,000 518,190 517,189 (1,210) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries 225,000 235,287 234,991 (117) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous 34,944,002 31,642,631 35,364,690 212,349 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099997 - Bonds - Part 4 296,269,497 287,177,337 290,937,033 227,281 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Bonds - Part 5 107,186,184 111,109,712 111,109,712 (155,577) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds 403,455,680 398,287,050 402,046,745 71,704 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599997 - Preferred Stocks - Part 4 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099997 - Common Stocks - Part 4 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Common Stocks - Part 5 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals XXX 398,287,050 402,046,745 71,704 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 12 13 14 15 16 Foreign Interest on Dividends on Exchange Realized Gain Total Gain Bonds Stocks CUSIP Gain (Loss) (Loss) on (Loss) on Received Received Identification Description on Disposal Disposal Disposal During Year During Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CO AGENCY OBLIGATION 99B000-27-3 07/02/2014 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELUS CORP 87971M-AB-9 7.500 06/01/2007 (35,813) (35,813) 20,729 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STORA ENSO CORP 86210M-AA-4 7.375 05/15/2011 4,150 4,150 5,116 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - United States (419,288) (419,288) 1,014,962 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599997 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Canada (35,813) (35,813) 20,729 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Misc - Other Countries 4,150 4,150 5,116 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous (450,952) (450,952) 1,040,808 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099997 - Bonds - Part 4 4,869,784 4,869,784 8,968,861 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Bonds - Part 5 1,268,415 1,268,415 1,475,179 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds 6,138,200 6,138,200 10,444,040 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599997 - Preferred Stocks - Part 4 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099997 - Common Stocks - Part 4 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Common Stocks - Part 5 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals 6,138,200 6,138,200 10,444,040 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E12.10 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 5 Showing all Long -Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year and Fully DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 CUSIP Date Disposal Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor Date Name of Purchaser - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01F060-6B-6 FNMA 30YR TBA 6.000 11/01/2032 11/08/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 11/08/2002 MORGAN STANLEY FNMA TBA JUN 30 SINGLE FAMILY 6.500 01F062-66-3 12/31/2099 04/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 04/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 01F062-68-9 FNMA 6.500 05/01/2027 06/11/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 08/05/2002 MORGAN STANLEY FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 01F062-6A-4 09/01/2032 09/06/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 10/03/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 6.875 3134A3-2S-4 01/15/2005 01/10/2002 GREENWICH SECURITIES 02/05/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 5.250 3134A4-CX-0 01/15/2006 01/15/2002 GREENWICH SECURITIES 02/05/2002 GREENWICH SECURITIES FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31384W-LC-2 05/01/2031 01/08/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 06/14/2002 VARIOUS FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 31387C-KQ-3 05/01/2031 02/08/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 10/15/2002 VARIOUS FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31387D-PU-7 05/01/2031 08/22/2002 GREENWICH SECURITIES 10/11/2002 VARIOUS FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 31390D-HG-2 04/01/2017 05/14/2002 CREDIT SUISSE 06/14/2002 VARIOUS FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31390L-FJ-0 07/01/2032 09/12/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 11/12/2002 VARIOUS UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.625 912810-EZ-7 02/15/2027 04/24/2002 GREENWICH SECURITIES 06/13/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 912810-FP-8 02/15/2031 07/09/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 07/17/2002 VARIOUS UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.375 912827-2M-3 01/15/2007 05/07/2002 BARCLAYS CAPITAL INC 09/05/2002 BARCLAYS CAPITAL INC UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 6.750 912827-6D-9 05/15/2005 04/23/2002 VARIOUS 07/22/2002 GREENWICH SECURITIES UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 5.750 912827-6J-6 08/15/2010 02/25/2002 GREENWICH SECURITIES 04/25/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 912827-6X-5 05/15/2006 10/17/2002 VARIOUS 12/27/2002 VARIOUS UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7K-2 01/31/2004 06/19/2002 VARIOUS 09/18/2002 VARIOUS UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER 912827-7M-8 02/29/2004 04/24/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 05/07/2002 SMITH UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 912828-AK-6 08/31/2004 10/10/2002 VARIOUS 10/22/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES MASSACHUSETTS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57582N-FN-0 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 08/01/2019 08/22/2002 SALOMAN BROTHERS 09/03/2002 SALOMAN BROTHERS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 604128-4L-9 MINNESOTA ST 5.250 11/01/2017 10/22/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 10/30/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - United States - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - United States - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 Par Value (Bonds) or Book/Adjusted Increase Number of Carrying Value (Decrease) CUSIP Shares at Disposal by Identification Description (Stock) Actual Cost Consideration Date Adjustment - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01F060-6B-6 FNMA 30YR TBA 6.000 11/01/2032 165,000 169,228 169,847 169,228 FNMA TBA JUN 30 SINGLE FAMILY 6.500 01F062-66-3 12/31/2099 3,500,000 3,531,445 3,531,445 3,531,445 01F062-68-9 FNMA 6.500 05/01/2027 2,025,000 2,043,352 2,075,625 2,043,352 (1) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 01F062-6A-4 09/01/2032 425,000 438,016 439,980 438,016 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 6.875 3134A3-2S-4 01/15/2005 2,550,000 2,758,182 2,759,559 2,758,182 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 5.250 3134A4-CX-0 01/15/2006 500,000 517,230 514,935 517,230 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31384W-LC-2 05/01/2031 1,000,000 1,000,782 1,020,580 1,000,782 (58) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 31387C-KQ-3 05/01/2031 1,299,871 1,273,264 1,268,574 1,273,264 744 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31387D-PU-7 05/01/2031 1,025,000 1,055,030 1,059,456 1,055,030 (1,569) FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 31390D-HG-2 04/01/2017 5,131,033 5,276,145 5,325,300 5,276,145 (1,004) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31390L-FJ-0 07/01 /2032 595,943 618,384 616,752 618,384 (1,524) UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.625 912810-EZ-7 02/15/2027 4,000,000 4,412,969 4,497,451 4,412,969 (833) UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 912810-FP-8 02/15/2031 4,500,000 4,419,206 4,471,368 4,419,206 13 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.375 912827-2M-3 01/15/2007 8,000,000 9,346,559 9,801,005 9,346,559 (94,262) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 6.750 912827-6D-9 05/15/2005 355,000 384,299 390,641 384,299 (2,661) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 5.750 912827-6J-6 08/15/2010 8,500,000 9,019,961 8,864,811 9,019,961 (2,118) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 912827-6X-5 05/15/2006 13,445,000 13,640,405 13,736,659 13,640,405 (11,513) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7K-2 01/31/2004 10,830,000 10,862,496 10,992,191 10,862,496 (4,417) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7M-8 02/29/2004 9,250,000 9,170,576 9,248,555 9,170,576 3,621 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 912828-AK-6 08/31/2004 3,235,000 3,259,570 3,231,967 3,259,570 (358) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 80,331,848 83,197,098 84,016,702 83,197,098 (115,941) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments 80,331,848 83,197,098 84,016,702 83,197,098 (115,941) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES MASSACHUSETTS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57582N-FN-0 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 08/01/2019 3,000,000 3,329,490 3,367,320 3,329,490 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 3,000,000 3,329,490 3,367,320 3,329,490 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4L-9 MINNESOTA ST 5.250 11/01/2017 3,825,000 4,047,653 4,113,788 4,047,653 (50) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA 3,825,000 4,047,653 4,113,788 4,047,653 (50) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - United States 6,825,000 7,377,143 7,481,108 7,377,143 (50) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 6,825,000 7,377,143 7,481,108 7,377,143 (50) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - United States - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 12 13 14 15 Increase (Decrease) Foreign by Foreign Exchange Realized Total CUSIP Exchange Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Identification Description Adjustment on Disposal on Disposal on Disposal - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01F060-6B-6 FNMA 30YR TBA 6.000 11/01/2032 619 619 FNMA TBA JUN 30 SINGLE FAMILY 6.500 01F062-66-3 12/31/2099 01F062-68-9 FNMA 6.500 05/01/2027 32,274 32,274 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 01F062-6A-4 09/01/2032 1,965 1,965 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 6.875 3134A3-2S-4 01/15/2005 1,377 1,377 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 5.250 3134A4-CX-0 01/15/2006 (2,295) (2,295) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31384W-LC-2 05/01/2031 19,857 19,857 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 31387C-KQ-3 05/01/2031 (5,433) (5,433) FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31387D-PU-7 05/01/2031 5,996 5,996 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 31390D-HG-2 04/01/2017 50,159 50,159 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31390L-FJ-0 07/01/2032 (108) (108) UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.625 912810-EZ-7 02/15/2027 85,316 85,316 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 912810-FP-8 02/15/2031 52,149 52,149 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.375 912827-2M-3 01/15/2007 548,708 548,708 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 6.750 912827-6D-9 05/15/2005 9,003 9,003 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 5.750 912827-6J-6 08/15/2010 (153,032) (153,032) UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 912827-6X-5 05/15/2006 107,767 107,767 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7K-2 01/31/2004 134,111 134,111 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7M-8 02/29/2004 74,358 74,358 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 912828-AK-6 08/31/2004 (27,244) (27,244) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 935,544 935,544 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments 935,544 935,544 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES MASSACHUSETTS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57582N-FN-0 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 08/01/2019 37,830 37,830 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 37,830 37,830 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4L-9 MINNESOTA ST 5.250 11/01/2017 66,184 66,184 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA 66,184 66,184 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - United States 104,014 104,014 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 104,014 104,014 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - United States - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 Interest and Paid for Dividends Accrued CUSIP Received Interest and Identification Description During Year Dividends - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS GOVERNMENTS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01F060-6B-6 FNMA 30YR TBA 6.000 11/01/2032 FNMA TBA JUN 30 SINGLE FAMILY 6.500 01F062-66-3 12/31/2099 01F062-68-9 FNMA 6.500 05/01/2027 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 01F062-6A-4 09/01/2032 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 6.875 3134A3-2S-4 01/15/2005 11,201 FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 5.250 3134A4-CX-0 01/15/2006 1,677 219 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31384W-LC-2 05/01/2031 24,061 2,167 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.000 31387C-KQ-3 05/01/2031 18,098 2,600 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31387D-PU-7 05/01/2031 8,008 2,776 FNMA PASS-THRU INT 15 Y 6.500 31390D-HG-2 04/01/2017 44,354 14,823 FNMA PASS-THRU LNG 30 Y 6.500 31390L-FJ-0 07/01/2032 7,697 1,722 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 6.625 912810-EZ-7 02/15/2027 89,932 53,439 UNITED STATES TREAS BDS 5.375 912810-FP-8 02/15/2031 82,405 81,468 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.375 912827-2M-3 01/15/2007 197,367 96,415 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 6.750 912827-6D-9 05/15/2005 15,944 8,751 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 5.750 912827-6J-6 08/15/2010 38,272 17,552 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 4.625 912827-6X-5 05/15/2006 305,545 169,738 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7K-2 01/31/2004 182,876 85,702 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 3.000 912827-7M-8 02/29/2004 53,539 33,832 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 2.125 912828-AK-6 08/31/2004 10,444 8,509 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399996 - Bonds - U.S. Government 1,091,420 579,711 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Bonds - U.S. Governments 1,091,420 579,711 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57582N-FN-0 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 08/01/2019 17,875 17,875 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 17,875 17,875 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4L-9 MINNESOTA ST 5.250 11/01/2017 1,673 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA 1,673 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - United States 19,548 17,875 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 19,548 17,875 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - United States - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E13 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 5 Showing all Long - Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year and Fully DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pare Value (Bonds) or Number or CUSIP Date Disposal Shares Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor Date Name of Purchaser (Stock) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS UNITED STATES CONNECTICUT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT ST SPL TAX OB 207757-U9-4 5.000 10/01/2006 05/22/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 10/30/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 5,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 5,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHICAG0 ILL WTR REV 5.000 167736-RL-3 11/01/2031 01/17/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 11/01/2002 VARIOUS 500,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 500,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE MUN BD BK 5.000 64465M-XD-2 08/15/2015 10/04/2002 UBS PAINE WEBBER 11/12/2002 UBS PAINE WEBBER 2,650,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW HAMPSHIRE 2,650,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOBACCO SETLEMETN AUTH WASH 88880M-AJ-0 6.000 06/01/2032 10/25/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 10/29/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 4,500,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 4,500,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue - United States 12,650,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenue 12,650,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 008685-AA-7 AHOLD FIN 6.250 05/01/2009 01/22/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 07/30/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITAL 225,000 AMERICAN EXPRESS MSTR 025928-AJ-1 TR 5.900 04/15/2004 06/13/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 09/12/2002 ALEX BROWN 100,000 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC 03061N-EX-3 TR 2 5.280 04/06/2007 04/10/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK 08/07/2002 COWEN & CO 125,000 CAPITAL AMERICREDIT AUTO REC BANC ONE CAPITAL 03061N-FL-8 TR 2 3.550 02/06/2009 08/08/2002 ALEX BROWN 09/12/2002 MARKETS INC 475,000 BANK ONE CR CD MSTR TR 06423R-AD-8 20 4.160 01/15/2008 05/23/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 09/12/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 450,000 BELLSOUTH CAP FDG CORP 079857-AH-1 7.875 02/15/2030 07/16/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK 11/14/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 90,000 CAPITAL 12626P-AD-5 CRH AMER INC 6.950 03/15/2012 08/05/2002 VARIOUS 10/17/2002 VARIOUS 125,000 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 139732-CP-4 200 1.820 12/15/2004 08/21/2002 SALOMAN BROTHERS 11/13/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 210,000 CAPITAL AUTO RECEIVABLES ASSET TRUST CREDIT SUISSE 139732-CS-8 3.580 10/16/2006 07/30/2002 ALEX BROWN 11/14/2002 FIRST BOSTON 425,000 CARRAMERICA RLTY CORP 144418-AK-6 7.125 01/15/2012 01/08/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 01/09/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 125,000 CITIBANK CR CD MSTR TR 17303C-BR-1 19 6.100 05/15/2008 04/25/2002 VARIOUS 09/04/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 200,000 DLJ COMMERCIAL MTG 23322B-CY-2 1998-C 5.880 11/01/2031 03/14/2002 VARIOUS 11/13/2002 VARIOUS 439,078 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR BANC ONE CAPITAL 34527R-GZ-0 2002-4.360 09/15/2006 01/08/2002 CREDIT SUISSE 10/10/2002 MARKETS INC 550,000 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 345370-CA-6 07/16/2031 08/08/2002 VARIOUS 10/04/2002 HBSC SECURITIES 260,000 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.875 345397-TR-4 02/01/2006 05/20/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 08/08/2002 VARIOUS 500,000 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.500 345397-TX-1 01/25/2007 07/17/2002 VARIOUS 08/21/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 300,000 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 8.000 441812-GL-2 05/09/2005 07/16/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 07/31/2002 VARIOUS 240,000 INTERNATIONAL LEASE FIN 459745-FA-8 C 5.625 06/01/2007 05/21/2002 SALOMON SMITH 08/07/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 255,000 BARNEY LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 501773-CR-4 1999 6.410 06/01/2031 02/05/2002 VARIOUS 10/15/2002 VARIOUS 110,258 LBUBS CMBS 2002C1 5.401 52108H-JE-5 03/15/2026 03/22/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 11/05/2002 VARIOUS 250,000 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 65474P-AD-6 20 4.280 10/15/2006 01/10/2002 SALOMON SMITH 09/12/2002 VARIOUS 600,000 BARNEY SAPPI PAPIER HLDG AG DEUTSCHE BANK 803070-AA-9 6.750 06/15/2012 06/05/2002 CHASE MANHATTAN 07/08/2002 CAPITAL 75,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Book/Adjusted (Decrese) Carrying Value Increase by Foreign CUSIP Actual at Disposal (Decrease) by Exchange Identification Description Cost Consideration Date Adjustment Adjustment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS UNITED STATES CONNECTICUT - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT ST SPL TAX OB 207757-U9-4 5.000 10/01/2006 5,377,650 5,472,300 5,377,650 (35,308) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 5,377,650 5,472,300 5,377,650 (35,308) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167736-RL-3 CHICAG0 ILL WTR REV 5.000 11/01/2031 482,445 493,585 482,445 238 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 482,445 493,585 482,445 238 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE MUN BD BK 5.000 64465M-XD-2 08/15/2015 2,894,224 2,844,325 2,894,224 (840) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW HAMPSHIRE 2,894,224 2,844,325 2,894,224 (840) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOBACCO SETLEMETN AUTH WASH 88880M-AJ-0 6.000 06/01/2032 4,358,205 4,388,715 4,358,205 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 4,358,205 4,388,715 4,358,205 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue - United States 13,112,524 13,198,925 13,112,524 (35,910) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenue 13,112,524 13,198,925 13,112,524 (35,910) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 008685-AA-7 AHOLD FIN 6.250 05/01/2009 225,650 220,847 225,650 (13) AMERICAN EXPRESS MSTR 025928-AJ-1 TR 5.900 04/15/2004 103,160 102,613 103,160 (399) AMERICREDIT AUTO REC 03061N-EX-3 TR 2 5.280 04/06/2007 124,973 129,731 124,973 2 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC 03061N-FL-8 TR 2 3.550 02/06/2009 474,914 476,243 474,914 BANK ONE CR CD MSTR TR 06423R-AD-8 20 4.160 01/15/2008 449,905 465,363 449,905 5 BELLSOUTH CAP FD6 CORP 99,483 108,833 99,483 (32) 079857-AH-1 7.875 02/15/2030 12626P-AD-5 CRH AMER INC 6.950 03/15/2012 127,104 137,310 127,104 (19) CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 139732-CP-4 200 1.820 12/15/2004 210,000 209,943 210,000 CAPITAL AUTO RECEIVABLES ASSET TRUST 139732-CS-8 3.580 10/16/2006 424,938 434,230 424,938 9 CARRAMERICA RLTY CORP 144418-AK-6 7.125 01/15/2012 124,093 124,759 124,093 CITIBANK CR CD MSTR TR 17303C-BR-1 19 6.100 05/15/2008 210,109 219,156 210,109 (519) DLJ COMMERCIAL MTG 23322B-CY-2 1998-C 5.880 11/01/2031 450,077 464,884 450,077 (875) FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 34527R-GZ-0 2002-4.360 09/15/2006 549,873 571,957 549,873 20 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 345370-CA-6 07/16/2031 226,954 209,355 226,954 55 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.875 345397-TR-4 02/01/2006 511,975 492,709 511,975 (565) FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.500 345397-TX-1 01/25/2007 296,847 296,235 296,847 60 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 8.000 441812-GL-2 05/09/2005 256,142 246,554 256,142 (196) INTERNATIONAL LEASE FIN 459745-FA-8 C 5.625 06/01/2007 254,110 262,255 254,110 33 LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 501773-CR-4 1999 6.410 06/01/2031 115,410 118,715 115,410 (286) LBUBS CMBS 2002C1 5.401 52108H-JE-5 03/15/2026 251,243 263,498 251,243 (105) NISSAN AUTO RECV 6R TR 65474P-AD-6 20 4.280 10/15/2006 599,989 607,925 599,989 1 SAPPI PAPIER HLDG AG 803070-AA-9 6.750 06/15/2012 74,756 76,169 74,756 1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 Foreign Interest and Paid for Exchange Realized Total Dividends Accrued CUSIP Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Received Interest and Identification Description on Disposal on Disposal on Disposal During Year Dividends - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS UNITED STATES CONNECTICUT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT ST SPL TAX OB 207757-U9-4 5.000 10/01/2006 129,958 129,958 147,917 39,583 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 129,958 129,958 147,917 39,583 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167736-RL-3 CHICAG0 ILL WTR REV 5.000 11/01/2031 10,902 10,902 23,194 3,611 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 10,902 10,902 23,194 3,611 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HAMPSHIRE MUN BD BK 5.000 64465M-XD-2 08/15/2015 (49,059) (49,059) 16,194 10,674 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW HAMPSHIRE (49,059) (49,059) 16,194 10,674 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOBACCO SETLEMETN AUTH WASH 88880M-AJ-0 6.000 06/01/2032 30,510 30,510 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 30,510 30,510 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue - United States 122,311 122,311 187,306 53,868 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenue 122,311 122,311 187,306 53,868 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 008685-AA-7 AHOLD FIN 6.250 05/01/2009 (4,791) (4,791) 10,586 3,281 AMERICAN EXPRESS MSTR 025928-AJ-1 TR 5.900 04/15/2004 (148) (148) 1,508 49 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC 03061N-EX-3 TR 2 5.280 04/06/2007 4,757 4,757 2,090 AMERICREDIT AUTO REC 03061N-FL-8 TR 2 3.550 02/06/2009 1,329 1,329 1,218 BANK ONE CR CD MSTR TR 06423R-AD-8 20 4.160 01/15/2008 15,453 15,453 5,564 BELLSOUTH CAP FD6 CORP 9,381 9,381 5,394 3,032 079857-AH-1 7.875 02/15/2030 12626P-AD-5 CRH AMER INC 6.950 03/15/2012 10,225 10,225 4,804 666 CAPITAL AUTO RECV ABN 139732-CP-4 200 1.820 12/15/2004 (57) (57) 1,095 191 CAPITAL AUTO RECEIVABLES ASSET TRUST 139732-CS-8 3.580 10/16/2006 9,284 9,284 4,269 CARRAMERICA RLTY CORP 144418-AK-6 7.125 01/15/2012 666 666 74 CITIBANK CR CD MSTR TR 17303C-BR-1 19 6.100 05/15/2008 9,566 9,566 9,963 5,592 DLJ COMMERCIAL MTG 23322B-CY-2 1998-C 5.880 11/01/2031 15,681 15,681 14,749 1,331 FORD CREDIT AUTO TR 34527R-GZ-0 2002-4.360 09/15/2006 22,065 22,065 17,985 FORD MTR CO DEL 7.450 345370-CA-6 07/16/2031 (17,654) (17,654) 4,466 1,005 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.875 345397-TR-4 02/01/2006 (18,701) (18,701) 18,028 10,694 FORD MOTOR CR CO 6.500 345397-TX-1 01/25/2007 (672) (672) 11,429 9,587 HOUSEHOLD FIN CORP 8.000 441812-GL-2 05/09/2005 (9,392) (9,392) 4,444 3,733 INTERNATIONAL LEASE FIN 459745-FA-8 C 5.625 06/01/2007 8,112 8,112 2,909 LB COMMERCIAL MTG TR 501773-CR-4 1999 6.410 06/01/2031 3,590 3,590 4,792 137 LBUBS CMBS 2002C1 5.401 52108H-JE-5 03/15/2026 12,360 12,360 9,688 788 NISSAN AUTO RECV GR TR 65474P-AD-6 20 4.280 10/15/2006 7,935 7,935 11,734 SAPPI PAPIER HLDG AG 803070-AA-9 6.750 06/15/2012 1,411 1,411 436 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E13.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 5 Showing all Long - Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year and Fully DISPOSED OF During Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Par Value (Bonds) or Number of CUSIP Date Disposal Shares Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor Date Name of Purchaser Stock - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPPI PAPIER HLDG AG DEUTSCHE BANK 803070-AB-7 7.500 06/15/2032 06/05/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 07/08/2002 CAPITAL 100,000 US BK NATL ASSN MINN 90333W-AA-6 SUB 6.375 08/01/2011 04/19/2002 GOLDMAN SACHS 06/13/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 225,000 VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 91913Y-AC-4 6.125 04/15/2007 04/10/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 10/30/2002 VARIOUS 175,000 VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 91913Y-AD-2 6.875 04/15/2012 04/10/2002 MORGAN STANLEY 09/10/2002 BANK OF AMERICA 50,000 WESTVACO CORP 8.400 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE DEUTSCHE BANK 961548-AW-4 06/01/2007 04/11/2002 FENNER SMITH 09/20/2002 CAPITAL 100,000 WEYERHAEUSER CO 6.125 962166-BD-5 03/15/2007 04/19/2002 UBS WARBURG LLC 08/27/2002 BA SECURITIES INC 250,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87969N-AB-1 TELSTRA CORP LTD 6.375 SALOMON SMITH 04/01/2012 03/26/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY 05/06/2002 BARNEY 350,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - United 7,029,335 States - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Other 350,000 Countries - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous 7,379,335 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Total - Bonds 107,186,184 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 Increase Book/Adjusted Increase (Decrease) Carrying Value (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP at Disposal by Exchange Identification Description Actual Cost Consideration Date Adjustment Adjustment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPPI PAPIER HLDG AG 803070-AB-7 7.500 06/15/2032 98,706 101,696 98,706 3 US BK NATL ASSN MINN 90333W-AA-6 SUB 6.375 08/01/201 227,732 234,448 227,732 (18) VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 91913Y-AC-4 6.125 04/15/2007 174,666 174,711 174,666 32 VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 91913Y-AD-2 6.875 04/15/2012 49,875 52,016 49,875 4 WESTVACO CORP 8.400 961548-AW-4 06/01/2007 110,309 114,568 110,309 (762) WEYERHAEUSER CO 6.125 962166-BD-5 03/15/2007 252,373 261,603 252,373 (130) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87969N-AB-1 TELSTRA CORP LTD 6.375 04/01/2012 347,582 347,494 347,582 18 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - United 7,075,365 7,178,323 7,075,365 (3,694) States - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Other 347,582 347,494 347,582 18 Countries - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous 7,422,947 7,525,817 7,422,947 (3,676) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Total - Bonds 111,109,712 112,222,551 111,109,712 (155,577) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals 111,109,712 112,222,551 111,109,712 (155,577) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 Foreign Interest and Paid for Exchange Realized Total Dividends Accrued CUSIP Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Received Interest and Identification Description on Disposal on Disposal on Disposal During Year Dividends - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPPI PAPIER HLDG AG 803070-AB-7 7.500 06/15/2032 2,987 2,987 646 US BK NATL ASSN MINN 90333W-AA-6 SUB 6.375 08/01/201 6,735 6,735 5,459 3,307 VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 91913Y-AC-4 6.125 04/15/2007 13 13 5,925 VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW 91913Y-AD-2 6.875 04/15/2012 2,137 2,137 1,413 WESTVACO CORP 8.400 961548-AW-4 06/01/2007 5,021 5,021 6,860 3,150 WEYERHAEUSER CO 6.125 962166-BD-5 03/15/2007 9,360 9,360 7,146 1,786 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHERS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87969N-AB-1 TELSTRA CORP LTD 6.375 04/01/2012 (105) (105) 2,231 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599996 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - United 106,651 106,651 174,674 48,331 States - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599998 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Other (105) (105) 2,231 Countries - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous 106,546 106,546 176,905 48,331 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Total - Bonds 1,268,415 1,268,415 1,475,179 699,785 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals 1,268,415 1,268,415 1,475,179 699,785 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E13.2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 6 - SECTION 1 Valuation of Shares of Subsidiary, Controlled or Affiliated Companies NONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Do Insurer's Assets NAIC Include NAIC Valuation Intangible Company Method Assets Code or (See SVO Connected Alien Purposes with Holding Description Insurer and of Such Total Book/Adjusted CUSIP Name of Subsidiary,Controlled or Identifcation Procedures Company's Amount of Such Carrying Identification Affiliated Company Number manual) Stock? Intangible Assets Value - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799999 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Stock of Such Company Owned by Insurer on Statement Date ------------------------------- 8 9 Description CUSIP Name of Subsidiary,Controlled or % of Identification Affiliated Company Number of Shares Outstanding - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 Totals XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Amount of insurer's capital and surplus from the prior period's statutory statement reduced by any admitted EDP, goodwill and net deferred tax assets included therein: $ ------------- 2. Total amount of intangible assets nonadmitted $ ------------- SCHEDULE D - PART 6 - SECTION 2 NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Total Amount of Intangible Assets Included in CUSIP Name of Company Listed in Section 1 Which Amount Shown in Identification Name of Lower-tier Company Controls Lower-tier Company Column 6, Section 1 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 Total - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Stock in Lower-tier Company Owned Indirectly by Insurer on Statement Date ------------------------------- 5 6 CUSIP % of Identification Name of Lower-tier Company Number of Shares Outstanding - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 Total XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- E14 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE DA - PART 1 Showing all SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Interest 7 8 -------------- 5 6 CUSIP Date How Maturity Book/Adjusted Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor Rate of Paid Date Carrying Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 912827-7C-0 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 09/12/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 3.625 FA 08/31/2003 1,527,060 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 1,527,060 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - U.S. Governments - Issuer Obligations 1,527,060 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - U.S. Government Bonds 1,527,060 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 828783-AJ-9 SIMON DEBARTOLO GROUP L P 07/15/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITA 6.625 JD 06/15/2003 151,522 861123-8A-8 SSGA FDS 12/16/2002 VARIOUS MTLY 01/01/3000 5,024,742 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 5,176,264 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Issuer Obligations 5,176,264 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds 5,176,264 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 6,703,324 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgaged-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds 6,703,324 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS ONE MONEY MKT. MUTUAL FUNDS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26188J-20-6 DREYFUS CASH MGMT 12/16/2002 RADIAN MTLY 01/01/3000 206 316175-20-7 FIDELITY INSTL MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO 12/16/2002 RADIAN MTLY 01/01/3000 9,396,889 316175-40-5 FIDELITY INSTL DOMESTIC PORTFOLIO 12/16/2002 RADIAN MTLY 01/01/3000 265 60934N-20-3 FEDERATED PRIME OBLIG 12/16/2002 RADIAN MTLY 01/01/3000 2,615,317 783965-20-5 SEI DAILY INCOME TR 12/16/2002 VARIOUS MTLY 01/01/3000 619 MONEY MARKET 783965-40-3 SEI PRIME OBLIGATION 12/16/2002 VARIOUS MTLY 01/01/3000 7,326 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7899999 - Class One Money Market Mutual Funds 12,020,623 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8099999 Totals 18,723,946/(a)/ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) (Decrease) by Foreign CUSIP Date by Exchange Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor Adjustment Adjustment Par Value Actual Cost - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 912827-7C-0 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 09/12/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO (11) 1,500,000 1,527,070 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (11) 1,500,000 1,527,070 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - U.S. Governments - Issuer Obligations (11) 1,500,000 1,527,070 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - U.S. Government Bonds (11) 1,500,000 1,527,070 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 828783-AJ-9 SIMON DEBARTOLO GROUP L P 07/15/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITA (1,478) 150,000 153,000 861123-8A-8 SSGA FDS 12/16/2002 VARIOUS 5,024,742 5,024,742 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES (1,478) 5,174,742 5,177,742 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Issuer Obligations (1,478) 5,174,742 5,177,742 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds (1,478) 5,174,742 5,177,742 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations (1,489) 6,674,742 6,704,812 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgaged-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds (1,489) 6,674,742 6,704,812 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS ONE MONEY MKT. MUTUAL FUNDS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26188J-20-6 DREYFUS CASH MGMT 12/16/2002 RADIAN 206 206 316175-20-7 FIDELITY INSTL MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO 12/16/2002 RADIAN 9,396,889 9,396,889 316175-40-5 FIDELITY INSTL DOMESTIC PORTFOLIO 12/16/2002 RADIAN 265 265 60934N-20-3 FEDERATED PRIME OBLIG 12/16/2002 RADIAN 2,615,317 2,615,317 783965-20-5 SEI DAILY INCOME TR 12/16/2002 VARIOUS 619 619 MONEY MARKET 783965-40-3 SEI PRIME OBLIGATION 12/16/2002 VARIOUS 7,326 7,326 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7899999 - Class One Money Market Mutual Funds XXX 12,020,623 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8099999 Totals (1,489) XXX 18,725,435 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 Interest 15 -------------------------------- 13 14 Amount Due and Accrued Dec. 31 of Current Year CUSIP Date on Bonds Not Gross Amount Paid for Accrued Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor in Default Received Interest - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 912827-7C-0 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 09/12/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 73,301 1,953 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 73,301 1,953 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0199999 - U.S. Governments - Issuer Obligations 73,301 1,953 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0399999 - Total - U.S. Government Bonds 73,301 1,953 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 828783-AJ-9 SIMON DEBARTOLO GROUP L P 07/15/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITA 442 4,969 911 861123-8A-8 SSGA FDS 12/16/2002 VARIOUS 4,394 1,917 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 4,835 6,885 911 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3999999 - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Issuer Obligations 4,835 6,885 911 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds 4,835 6,885 911 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 78,136 6,885 2,864 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgaged-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5999999 - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage Backed/Asset-Backed Securitie - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099999 - Total - Bonds 78,136 6,885 2,864 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLASS ONE MONEY MKT. MUTUAL FUNDS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26188J-20-6 DREYFUS CASH MGMT 12/16/2002 RADIAN 57 316175-20-7 FIDELITY INSTL MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO 12/16/2002 RADIAN 316175-40-5 FIDELITY INSTL DOMESTIC PORTFOLIO 12/16/2002 RADIAN 7 60934N-20-3 FEDERATED PRIME OBLIG 12/16/2002 RADIAN 4,468 783965-20-5 SEI DAILY INCOME TR 12/16/2002 VARIOUS 1 24 ONEY MARKET 783965-40-3 SEI PRIME OBLIGATION 12/16/2002 VARIOUS 8 116 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7899999 - Class One Money Market Mutual Funds 4,477 204 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8099999 Totals 82,614 7,089 2,864 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 16 17 NAIC Effective CUSIP Date Desig- Rate of Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor nation Interest - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENTS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 912827-7C-0 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 09/12/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 1 2.351 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 - U.S. Governments - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 - Total - U.S. Government Bonds XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 828783-AJ-9 SIMON DEBARTOLO GROUP L P 07/15/2002 DEUTSCHE BANK CAPITA 2 4.350 861123-8A-8 SSGA FDS 12/16/2002 VARIOUS 1Z - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgaged-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage Backed/Asset-Backed Securitie XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS ONE MONEY MKT. MUTUAL FUNDS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26188J-20-6 DREYFUS CASH MGMT 12/16/2002 RADIAN 1Z 316175-20-7 FIDELITY INSTL MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO 12/16/2002 RADIAN 1Z 316175-40-5 FIDELITY INSTL DOMESTIC PORTFOLIO 12/16/2002 RADIAN 1Z 60934N-20-3 FEDERATED PRIME OBLIG 12/16/2002 RADIAN 1Z 783965-20-5 SEI DAILY INCOME TR 12/16/2002 VARIOUS 1Z MONEY MARKET 783965-40-3 SEI PRIME OBLIGATION 12/16/2002 VARIOUS 1Z - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7899999 - Class One Money Market Mutual Funds XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8099999 Totals XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /(a)/ Includes $ other than accrual of discount and --------------- amortization of premium. E15 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule DB - Part A - Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part A - Section 2 NONE Schedule DB - Part A - Section 3 NONE Schedule DB - Part B - Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part B - Section 2 NONE Schedule DB - Part B - Section 3 NONE Schedule DB - Part C - Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part C - Section 2 NONE Schedule DB - Part C - Section 3 NONE Schedule DB - Part D - Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part D - Section 2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E16, E17, E18, E19, E20, E21 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule DB - Part D - Section 3 NONE Schedule DB - Part E - Section 1 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E21, E22 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE DM For bonds and preferred stocks owned as of December 31, state the aggregate statement (admitted) value, the aggregate fair value, and the aggregate difference, if any, between them. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Excess of Statement over Fair Value (-), Statement (Admitted) Fair Value or Fair Value Value (a) over Statement (+) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bonds 924,442,541 959,133,011 34,690,470 2. Preferred Stocks 3. Totals 924,442,541 959,133,011 34,690,470 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Amortized or book values shall not be substituted for fair values. Describe the sources or methods utilized in determining the fair values. Interactive Data Corp ---------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E23 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE E - PART 1 - CASH - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Amount of Interest Amount of Received Interest Accrued Rate of During December 31 Depository Interest Year of Current Year Balance * - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sovereign Bank P.O Box 12646 Reading, PA 19612-2646 47,788 2,828,072 JPMorgan Chase Bank Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008-0932 369,513 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199998 Deposits in 2 depositories that do not exceed the allowable limit in any one depository (See Instructions) - open depositories XXX 48,147 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 Totals - Open Depositories XXX 47,788 3,245,732 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 Total Cash on Deposit XXX 47,788 3,245,732 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 Cash in Company's Office XXX XXX XXX 1,000 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 Total Cash XXX 47,788 3,246,732 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTALS OF DEPOSITORY BALANCES ON THE LAST DAY OF EACH MONTH DURING THE CURRENT YEAR 1. January 2,467,129 2. February 8,192,051 3. March 4,102,470 4. April 4,057,208 5. May 3,651,226 6. June 3,617,163 7. July 3,296,621 8. August 3,402,445 9. September 8,762,349 10. October 3,282,218 11. November 3,813,018 12. December 3,245,732 E24 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN REINSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE E - PART 2 - SPECIAL DEPOSITS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Where Deposited and Par or Statement Line Number Type Description of Deposit Purpose of Deposit Book Value Value (a) Fair Value - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00001 B Detroit Micigan City Sch District 5.125% , Due 5/1/2031 State Street, for FSA 10,000,000 9,561,294 10,198,600 00002 B Duncanville Tex Indpt Sch District 5.25%, Due 2/15/2032 State Street, for FSA 9,650,000 9,368,781 9,918,946 00003 B Hawaii St, 5.25% Due 7/1/2019 State Street, for FSA 5,000,000 5,302,679 5,360,550 00004 B Illinois St, 5.38% Due 7/1/2015 State Street, for FSA 5,000,000 5,513,960 5,532,000 00005 B Massachusetts Bay Trans Auth Mass 4.75%, Due 3/1/2021 State Street, for FSA 4,000,000 3,846,799 4,009,200 00006 B Metropolitan Trans Auth NY 5%, Due 2/1/2031 State Street, for FSA 4,545,000 4,456,559 4,600,722 00007 B Minnesota State 5%, Due 8/1/2009 State Street, for FSA 5,000,000 5,404,273 5,585,900 00008 B New Jersey St Transn Tr Fd 5.125%, Due 2/15/2007 State Street, for FSA 3,000,000 3,119,882 3,255,300 00009 B Orange County Calif Arpt Re 5.38%, Due 7/1/2009 State Street, for FSA 3,825,000 4,161,531 4,240,166 00010 B Philadelphia PA Auth for Indl Dev 5.25%, Due 10/1/2030 State Street, for FSA 3,000,000 2,914,607 3,114,240 00011 B Tacoma Washington Regl Wtr Supp 5.5%, Due 12/01/2017 State Street, for FSA 1,300,000 1,408,437 1,441,882 00012 B West Virginia State Hsg Dev Fd 5.3%, Due 11/1/2003 State Street, for FSA 4,000,000 3,948,721 4,041,960 00013 B Waxahachie Texas Indpt Sch, Due 8/15/2030 State Street, for FSA 6,820,000 1,329,249 1,368,024 00014 O SSGA Funds State Street, for FSA 532,855 532,855 532,855 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XX99999 - Total - Not All Policyholders 65,672,855 60,869,627 63,200,345 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NY00001 B US Treasury Notes 5.75% State Street Bank, due 8/15/2003 FA15 Superintendent of NYS 515,000 515,998 529,323 NY00002 B US Treasury Notes 7.875% State Street Bank, due 11/15/2004 MN15 Superintendent of NYS 1,000,000 1,005,299 1,116,680 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NY99999 - 1,515,000 1,521,297 1,646,003 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZZ99999 - Total - All Policyholders 1,515,000 1,521,297 1,646,003 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 67,187,855 62,390,924 64,846,348 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Including $ cash and short-term investments as defined in -------------- SSAP No. 2 of the NAIC Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual. E25 [GRAPHIC] PROPERTY AND CASUALTY COMPANIES--ASSOCIATION EDITION ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2002 OF THE CONDITION AND AFFAIRS OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 0766 NAIC Company Code 20720 Employer's ID Number 23-2734276 (Current Period) (Prior Period) Organized under the Laws of Pennsylvania, State of Domicile or Port of Entry Pennsylvania Country of Domicile United States of America Incorporated 12/17/1993 Commenced Business 01/01/1995 Statutory Home Office 1601 Market Street , Philadelphia, PA 19103 (Street and Number) (City or Town, State and Zip Code) Main Administrative Office 1601 Market Street (Street and Number) Philadelphia, PA 19103 800-523-1988 (City or Town, State and Zip Code) (Area Code) (Telephone Number) Mail Address 1601 Market Street , Philadelphia, PA 19103 (Street and Number or P.O. Box) (City or Town, State and Zip Code) Primary Location of Books and Records 1601 Market Street (Street and Number) Philadelphia, PA 19103 800-523-1988-3403 (City or Town, State and Zip Code) (Area Code) (Telephone Number) Internet Website Address www.radiangroupinc.com Statement Contact Julie Weaver Clark 800-523-1988-3403 (Name) (Area Code) (Telephone Number) (Extension) julie.clark@radianmi.com 215-564-5282 (E-mail Address) (Fax Number) Policyowner Relations Contact 1601 Market Street (Street and Number) Philadelphia, PA 19103 800-523-1988 (City or Town, State and Zip Code) (Area Code) (Telephone Number) (Extension) OFFICERS President Roy James Kasmar Secretary Howard Seth Yaruss Treasurer Terry Lee Latimer VICE PRESIDENTS Carl Robert Quint Elizabeth Anne Shuttleworth Ralph Bruce Van Fleet III DIRECTORS OR TRUSTEES Frank Peter Filipps Paul Frederick Fischer Roy James Kasmar Carl Robert Quint Elizabeth Anne Shuttleworth Ralph Bruce Van Fleet III Howard Seth Yaruss State of Pennsylvania } } SS County of Philadelphia } The officers of this reporting entity, being duly sworn, each depose and say that they are the described officers of said reporting entity, and that on the reporting period stated above, all of the herein described assets were the absolute property of the said reporting entity, free and clear from any liens or claims thereon, except as herein stated, and that this statement, together with related exhibits, schedules and explanations therein contained, annexed or referred to, is a full and true statement of all the assets and liabilities and of the condition and affairs of the said reporting entity as of the reporting period stated above, and of its income and deductions therefrom for the period ended, and have been completed in accordance with the NAIC Annual Statement Instructions and Accounting Practices and Procedures manual except to the extent that: (1) state law may differ; or, (2) that state rules or regulations require differences in reporting not related to accounting practices and procedures, according to the best of their information, knowledge and belief, respectively. - -------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ Roy James Kasmar Howard Seth Yaruss Terry Lee Latimer President Secretary Treasurer a. Is this an original filing? Yes [X] No [ ] Subscribed and sworn to b. If no, before me this day 1. State the amendment number ------- -------------- of February, 2003 2. Date filed -------------- 3. Number of pages attached -------------- - -------------------------- Angela L. White 03/24/2003 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. ASSETS Current Year Prior Year --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Nonadmitted Net Admitted Assets Assets Assets (Cols. 1 - 2) Net Admitted Assets - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bonds 90,653,689 90,653,689 68,215,219 2. Stocks: 2.1 Preferred stocks (Schedule D, Part 2, Section 1) 2.2 Common stocks (Schedule D, Part 2, Section 2) 3. Mortgage loans on real estate (Schedule B): 3.1 First liens 3.2 Other than first liens 4. Real estate (Schedule A): 4.1 Properties occupied by the company (less $ encumbrances) -------------- 4.2 Properties held for the production of income (less $ encumbrances) -------------- 4.3 Properties held for sale (less $ encumbrances) -------------- 5. Cash ($ 778,351 Schedule E, Part 1) and short-term investments ($ 9,988,368 Schedule DA, Part 2) 10,766,719 10,766,719 2,923,801 6. Other invested assets (Schedule BA) 7. Receivable for securities 8. Aggregate write-ins for invested assets 19,025 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Subtotals, cash and invested assets (Lines 1 to 8) 101,420,408 101,420,408 71,158,045 10. Agents' balances or uncollected premiums: 10.1 Premiums and agents' balances in course of collection 2,711,758 2,711,758 29,861 10.2 Premiums, agents' balances and installments booked but deferred and not yet due (Including $ ------ earned but unbilled premiums) 10.3 Accrued retrospective premiums 11. Funds held by or deposited with reinsured companies 12. Bills receivable, taken for premiums 13. Amounts receivable under high deductible policies 14. Reinsurance recoverables on loss and loss adjustment expense payments (Schedule F, Part 3, Cols. 7 and 8) 15. Federal and foreign income tax recoverable and interest thereon (including $1,901,628 net deferred tax asset) 165,627 165,627 4,013,285 16. Guaranty funds receivable or on deposit 17. Electronic data processing equipment and software 18. Interest, dividends and real estate income due and accrued 1,245,399 1,245,399 866,508 19. Net adjustments in assets and liabilities due to foreign exchange rates 20. Receivable from parent, subsidiaries and affiliates 1,040,321 1,009,942 30,379 21. Amount due from/to protected cells 22. Equities and deposits in pools and associations 23. Amounts receivable relating to uninsured accident and health plans 24. Other assets nonadmitted (Exhibit 1) 25. Aggregate write-ins for other than invested assets 56,962 56,962 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 26. Total assets excluding protected cell assets (Lines 9 through 25) 106,640,475 1,232,531 105,407,944 76,067,699 27. Protected cell assets 28. TOTALS (Lines 26 and 27) 106,640,475 1,232,531 105,407,944 76,067,699 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 0801. Options 19,025 0802. 0803. 0898. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 8 from overflow page 0899. Totals (Lines 0801 thru 0803 plus 0898) (Line 8 above) 19,025 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2501. Prepaid Expenses 56,962 56,962 2502. 2503. 2598. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 25 from overflow page 2599. Totals (Lines 2501 thru 2503 plus 2598) (Line 25 above) 56,962 56,962 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS 1 2 Current Year Prior Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Losses (Part 2A, Line 34, Column 8) 21,477,133 29,843,647 2. Reinsurance payable on paid loss and loss adjustment expenses (Schedule F, Part 1, Column 6) 1,493,891 369,150 3. Loss adjustment expenses (Part 2A, Line 34, Column 9) 4. Commissions payable, contingent commissions and other similar charges 82,140 5. Other expenses (excluding taxes, licenses and fees) 33,228 7,272 6. Taxes, licenses and fees (excluding federal and foreign income taxes) 554,409 811,671 7. Federal and foreign income taxes (including $ 118,747 on realized capital gains (losses)) (including $ net deferred tax liability) 854,138 695,550 --------- 8. Borrowed money $ and interest thereon $ -------- -------- 9. Unearned premiums (Part 1A, Line 37, Column 5) (after deducting unearned premiums for ceded reinsurance of $ and including ------------ warranty reserves of $ ) 21,965,207 229,883 --------------- 10. Advance premiums 11. Dividends declared and unpaid: 11.1 Stockholders 11.2 Policyholders 12. Ceded reinsurance premiums payable (net of ceding commissions) 583,154 1,010,373 13. Funds held by company under reinsurance treaties (Schedule F, Part 3, Column 19) 14. Amounts withheld or retained by company for account of others 252,437 15. Remittances and items not allocated 16. Provision for reinsurance (Schedule F, Part 7) 17. Net adjustments in assets and liabilities due to foreign exchange rates 18. Drafts outstanding 19. Payable to parent, subsidiaries and affiliates 553,667 20. Payable for securities 21. Liability for amounts held under uninsured accident and health plans 22. Capital Notes $ and interest thereon $ ---------- ----------- 23. Aggregate write-ins for liabilities 412,404 ------------------------- 24. Total liabilities excluding protected cell liabilities (Lines 1 through 23) 47,708,141 33,521,213 ------------------------- 25. Protected cell liabilities 26. Total liabilities (Lines 24 and 25) 47,708,141 33,521,213 27. Aggregate write-ins for special surplus funds 28. Common capital stock 2,500,000 2,500,000 29. Preferred capital stock 30. Aggregate write-ins for other than special surplus funds 31. Surplus notes 32. Gross paid in and contributed surplus 32,520,135 32,520,135 33. Unassigned funds (surplus) 22,679,668 7,526,351 34. Less treasury stock, at cost: 34.1 shares common (value included in Line 28 $ ) ---------- ----------- 34.2 shares preferred (value included in Line 29 $ ) ---------- -------------- ------------------------- 35. Surplus as regards policyholders (Lines 27 to 33, less 34) (Page 4, Line 38) 57,699,803 42,546,486 36. TOTALS (Page 2, Line 28, Col. 3) 105,407,944 76,067,699 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 2301. Contingency reserve 412,404 2302. 2303. 2398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 23 from overflow page 2399. Totals (Lines 2301 thru 2303 plus 2398) (Line 23 above) 412,404 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2701. 2702. 2703. 2798. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 27 from overflow page 2799. Totals (Lines 2701 thru 2703 plus 2798) (Line 27 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3001. 3002. 3003. 3098. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 30 from overflow page 3099. Totals (Lines 3001 thru 3003 plus 3098) (Line 30 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT STATEMENT OF INCOME 1 2 Current Year Prior Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNDERWRITING INCOME 1. Premiums earned (Part 1, Line 34, Column 4) 28,109,854 38,764,900 DEDUCTIONS 2. Losses incurred (Part 2, Line 34, Column 7) 7,771,983 33,351,061 3. Loss expenses incurred (Part 3, Line 25, Column 1) 241,274 88,569 4. Other underwriting expenses incurred (Part 3, Line 25, Column 2) 1,594,355 2,334,315 5. Aggregate write-ins for underwriting deductions ------------------------- 6. Total underwriting deductions (Lines 2 through 5) 9,607,612 35,773,945 ------------------------- 7. Net income of protected cells 8. Net underwriting gain or (loss) (Line 1 minus Line 6 plus Line 7) 18,502,242 2,990,955 INVESTMENT INCOME 9. Net investment income earned (Exhibit of Net Investment Income, Line 17) 3,615,805 3,194,068 10. Net realized capital gains or (losses) (Exhibit of Capital Gains (Losses)) (90,547) 33,427 ------------------------- 11. Net investment gain or (loss) (Lines 9 + 10) 3,525,258 3,227,495 OTHER INCOME 12. Net gain or (loss) from agents' or premium balances charged off (amount recovered $ ------------- amount charged off $ ) -------------- 13. Finance and service charges not included in premiums 14. Aggregate write-ins for miscellaneous income 20,836 121,500 ------------------------- 15. Total other income (Lines 12 through 14) 20,836 121,500 ------------------------- 16. Net income before dividends to policyholders and before federal and foreign income taxes (Lines 8 + 11 + 15) 22,048,336 6,339,950 17. Dividends to policyholders ------------------------- 18. Net income, after dividends to policyholders but before federal and foreign income taxes (Line 16 minus Line 17) 22,048,336 6,339,950 19. Federal and foreign income taxes incurred 7,902,189 1,837,428 ------------------------- 20. Net income (Line 18 minus Line 19) (to Line 22) 14,146,147 4,502,522 ------------------------- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS ACCOUNT 21. Surplus as regards policyholders, December 31 prior year (Page 4, Line 38, Column 2) 42,546,486 38,387,643 ------------------------- GAINS AND (LOSSES) IN SURPLUS 22. Net income (from Line 20) 14,146,147 4,502,522 23. Net unrealized capital gains or (losses) (505,975) 24. Change in net unrealized foreign exchange capital gain (loss) 25. Change in net deferred income tax 2,146,131 193,070 26. Change in nonadmitted assets (Exhibit 1, Line 5, Col. 3) (726,556) 27. Change in provision for reinsurance (Page 3, Line 16, Column 2 minus Column 1) 28. Change in surplus notes 29. Surplus (contributed to) withdrawn from protected cells 30. Cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles (271,946) 31. Capital changes: 31.1. Paid in 31.2. Transferred from surplus (Stock Dividend) 31.3. Transferred to surplus 32. Surplus adjustments: 32.1. Paid in 32.2. Transferred to capital (Stock Dividend) 32.3. Transferred from capital 33. Net remittances from or (to) Home Office 34. Dividends to stockholders (cash) 35. Change in treasury stock (Page 3, Lines 34.1 and 34.2, Column 2 minus Column 1) 36. Aggregate write-ins for gains and losses in surplus (412,404) 241,172 ------------------------- 37. Change in surplus as regards policyholders for the year (Lines 22 through 36) 15,153,318 4,158,843 ------------------------- 38. Surplus as regards policyholders, December 31 current year (Line 21 plus Line 37) (Page 3, Line 35) 57,699,804 42,546,486 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 0501. 0502. 0503. 0598. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 5 from overflow page 0599. Totals (Lines 0501 thru 0503 plus 0598) (Line 5 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1401. Miscellaneous Income 20,836 121,500 1402. 1403. 1498. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 14 from overflow page 1499. Totals (Lines 1401 thru 1403 plus 1498) (Line 14 above) 20,836 121,500 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3601. Contingency reserve - additions (412,404) (867,551) 3602. Contingency reserve - recovery 1,108,723 3603. 3698. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 36 from overflow page 3699. Totals (Lines 3601 thru 3603 plus 3698) (Line 36 above) (412,404) 241,172 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. CASH FLOW 1 2 Current Year Prior Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash from Operations 1. Premiums collected net of reinsurance 46,736,062 39,770,190 2. Loss and loss adjustment expenses paid (net of salvage and subrogation) 15,255,030 9,447,314 3. Underwriting expenses paid 1,743,522 1,560,108 4. Other underwriting income (expenses) -------------------------- 5. Cash from underwriting (Line 1 minus Line 2 minus Line 3 plus Line 4) 29,737,510 28,762,768 6. Net investment income 2,986,389 2,380,681 7. Other income (expenses): 7.1 Agents' balances charged off 7.2 Net funds held under reinsurance treaties 7.3 Net amount withheld or retained for account of others 252,437 7.4 Aggregate write-ins for miscellaneous items 20,836 121,500 -------------------------- 7.5 Total other income (Lines 7.1 to 7.4) 273,273 121,500 8. Dividends to policyholders on direct business, less $ dividends on reinsurance ---------- assumed or ceded (net) 9. Federal and foreign income taxes (paid) recovered (1,749,813) (5,561,039) -------------------------- 10. Net cash from operations (Line 5 plus Line 6 plus Line 7.5 minus Line 8 plus Line 9) 31,247,359 25,703,910 Cash from Investments 11. Proceeds from investments sold, matured or repaid: 11.1 Bonds 17,546,193 6,417,305 11.2 Stocks 11.3 Mortgage loans 11.4 Real estate 11.5 Other invested assets 11.6 Net gains or (losses) on cash and short-term investments 11.7 Miscellaneous proceeds -------------------------- 11.8 Total investment proceeds (Lines 11.1 to 11.7) 17,546,193 6,417,305 12. Cost of investments acquired (long-term only): 12.1 Bonds 39,299,687 31,562,480 12.2 Stocks 12.3 Mortgage loans 12.4 Real estate 12.5 Other invested assets 12.6 Miscellaneous applications 525,000 -------------------------- 12.7 Total investments acquired (Lines 12.1 to 12.6) 39,299,687 32,087,480 -------------------------- 13. Net Cash from investments (Line 11.8 minus Line 12.7) (21,753,494) (25,670,175) -------------------------- Cash from Financing and Miscellaneous Sources 14. Cash provided: 14.1 Surplus notes, capital and surplus paid in 14.2 Capital notes $ less amounts repaid $ -------------- 14.3 Net transfers from affiliates 463,930 14.4 Borrowed funds received 14.5 Other cash provided -------------------------- 14.6 Total (Lines 14.1 to 14.5) 463,930 15. Cash applied: 15.1 Dividends to stockholders paid 15.2 Net transfers to affiliates 1,593,988 15.3 Borrowed funds repaid 15.4 Other applications 56,962 -------------------------- 15.5 Total (Lines 15.1 to 15.4) 1,650,950 -------------------------- 16. Net cash from financing and miscellaneous sources (Line 14.6 minus Line 15.5) (1,650,950) 463,930 -------------------------- RECONCILIATION OF CASH AND SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS 17. Net change in cash and short-term investments (Line 10, plus Line 13, plus Line 16) 7,842,915 497,665 18. Cash and short-term investments: 18.1 Beginning of year 2,923,801 2,426,135 18.2 End of year (Line 17 plus Line 18.1) 10,766,716 2,923,801 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 07.401 Other income 20,836 121,500 07.402 07.403 07.498 Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 7.4 from overflow page 07.499 Totals (Lines 07.401 thru 07.403 plus 07.498) (Line 7.4 above) 20,836 121,500 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 1 - PREMIUMS EARNED 1 2 3 4 Unearned Premiums Unearned Premiums Net Premiums Dec. 31 Prior Year - Dec. 31 Current Premiums Earned Written per per Col. 3, Last Year's Year - per Col. 5 During Year Lines of Business Column 6, Part 1B Part 2 Part 1A (Cols. 1 + 2 - 3) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 3,147,367 229,883 2,614,200 763,050 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1, 19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3, 19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 46,697,811 19,351,007 27,346,804 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34. TOTALS 49,845,178 229,883 21,965,207 28,109,854 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 1A - RECAPITULATION OF ALL PREMIUMS (a)Gross premiums (less reinsurance) and unearned premiums on all unexpired risks and reserve for return premiums under rate credit or retrospective rating plans based upon experience, viz: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 Amount Unearned Amount Unearned Reserve for (Running One (Running More Rate Credits Year or Less Than One Year Earned and Retrospective Total Reserve from Date of from Date of but Adjustments for Policy) Policy) Unbilled Based on Unearned Premiums Line of Business (b) (b) Premium Experience Cols. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 2,614,200 2,614,200 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 8,214,773 11,136,234 19,351,007 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS 10,828,973 11,136,234 21,965,207 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35. Accrued retrospective premiums based on experience 36. Earned but unbilled premiums 37. Balance (Sum of Line 34 through 36) 21,965,207 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (a) By gross premiums is meant the aggregate of all the premiums written in the policies or renewals in force. Are they so returned in this statement? Yes [X] No [ ] (b) State here basis of computation used in each case. Monthly pro-rata ------- 7 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 1B - PREMIUMS WRITTEN Gross Premiums (Less Return Premiums), Including Policy and Membership Fees Written and Renewed During Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reinsurance Assumed Reinsurance Ceded --------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Direct Net Premiums Business From From To To Written Cols Line of Business (a) Affiliates Non-Affiliates Affiliates Non-Affiliates 1+2+3-4-5 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 3,147,367 3,147,367 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health(group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability -occurrence 18.2 Products liability -claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger autoliability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 62,612,292 13,402,936 2,511,545 46,697,811 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property XXX 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability XXX 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines XXX 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34. TOTALS 62,612,292 3,147,367 13,402,936 2,511,545 49,845,178 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Does the company's direct premiums written include premiums recorded on an installment basis? Yes [ ] No [X] If yes: 1. The amount of such installment premiums $ --------- 2. Amount at which such installment premiums would have been reported had they been reported on an annualized basis $ -------- 8 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 2 - LOSSES PAID AND INCURRED Losses Paid Less Salvage -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Reinsurance Reinsurance Net Payments Line of Business Direct Business Assumed Recovered (Cols. 1 + 2 - 3) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 1,341,430 1,341,430 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 14,797,067 14,797,067 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property XXX 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability XXX 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines XXX 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business ------------------------------------------------------------ 34. TOTALS 14,797,067 1,341,430 16,138,497 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) 5 6 7 8 Percentage of Losses Net Losses Incurred Unpaid Net Losses Losses Incurred (Col. 7, Part 2) Current Year Unpaid Current Year to Premiums Earned Line of Business (Part 2A, Col. 8 Previous Year (Cols. 4 + 5 -6) (Col. 4, Part 1) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 6,695,502 7,882,944 153,988 20.2 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 14,781,631 21,960,703 7,617,995 27.9 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 34. TOTALS 21,477,133 29,843,647 7,771,983 27.6 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) 9 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 2A - UNPAID LOSSES AND LOSS ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES Reported Losses ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Deduct Reinsurance Recoverable from Net Losses Excl. Authorized and Incurred But Reinsurance Unauthorized Not Reported Line of Business Direct Assumed Companies (Cols. 1 + 2 - 3) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional XXX Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional XXX Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional XXX Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incurred But Not Reported 8 9 -------------------------------------- 5 6 7 Net Losses Unpaid Loss Reinsurance Reinsurance Unpaid Adjustment Line of Business Direct Assumed Ceded (Cols. 4 +5 + 6 - 7) Expenses - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2. Allied lines 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5. Commercial multiple peril 6. Mortgage guaranty 6,695,502 6,695,502 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11.1 Medical malpractice - occurrence 11.2 Medical malpractice - claims-made 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health (a) 14. Credit accident and health (group and individual) 15. Other accident and health (a) 16. Workers' compensation 17.1 Other liability - occurrence 17.2 Other liability - claims-made 18.1 Products liability - occurrence 18.2 Products liability - claims-made 19.1,19.2 Private passenger auto liability 19.3,19.4 Commercial auto liability 21. Auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 14,781,631 14,781,631 29. International 30. Reinsurance - Nonproportional XXX Assumed Property 31. Reinsurance - Nonproportional XXX Assumed Liability 32. Reinsurance - Nonproportional XXX Assumed Financial Lines 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS 14,781,631 6,695,502 21,477,133 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Including $ for present value of life indemnity claims. -------- 10 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. UNDERWRITING AND INVESTMENT EXHIBIT PART 3 - EXPENSES 1 2 3 4 Loss Adjustment Other Underwriting Investment Expenses Expenses Expenses Total - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Claim adjustment services: 7,632 7,632 1.1 Direct 1.2 Reinsurance assumed 1.3 Reinsurance ceded --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4 Net claim adjustment service (1.1 + 1.2 - 1.3) 7,632 7,632 2. Commission and brokerage: 2.1 Direct excluding contingent 2.2 Reinsurance assumed excluding contingent 2.3 Reinsurance ceded excluding contingent 1,340,294 1,340,294 2.4 Contingent-direct 2.5 Contingent-reinsurance assumed 2.6 Contingent-reinsurance ceded 2.7 Policy and membership fees --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.8 Net commission and brokerage (2.1 + 2.2 - 2.3 + 2.4 + 2.5 - 2.6 + 2.7) (1,340,294) (1,340,294) 3. Allowances to managers and agents 197,851 2,186 200,037 4. Advertising (1,145) 53 (1,092) 5. Boards, bureaus and associations 14,894 162,100 176,994 6. Surveys and underwriting reports 287 1,695 1,982 7. Audit of assureds' records 8. Salary and related items: 8.1 Salaries 162,275 953,446 40,714 1,156,435 8.2 Payroll taxes 12,622 66,420 1,976 81,018 9. Employee relations and welfare 25,879 122,691 6,639 155,209 10. Insurance 11. Directors' fees 12. Travel and travel items 4,716 5,047 9,763 13. Rent and rent items 200 17,059 2,067 19,326 14. Equipment 937 8,789 952 10,678 15. Cost or depreciation of EDP equipment and software 22,897 1,936 24,833 16. Printing and stationery 529 (20,946) 1,916 (18,501) 17. Postage, telephone and telegraph, exchange and express 880 10,390 781 12,051 18. Legal and auditing 72,439 6,467 78,906 --------------------------------------------------------------- 19. Totals (Lines 3 to 18) 203,609 1,471,196 232,834 1,907,639 20. Taxes, licenses and fees: 20.1 State and local insurance taxes deducting guaranty association credits of $ 1,309,862 1,309,862 ------------ 20.2 Insurance department licenses and fees 3,875 749 4,624 20.3 Gross guaranty association assessments 20.4 All other (excluding federal and foreign income and real estate) 100,005 100,005 --------------------------------------------------------------- 20.5 Total taxes, licenses and fees (20.1 + 20.2 + 20.3 + 20.4) 1,413,742 749 1,414,491 21. Real estate expenses 22. Real estate taxes 23. Reimbursements by uninsured accident and health plans 24. Aggregate write-ins for miscellaneous expenses 30,033 49,711 4,294 84,038 --------------------------------------------------------------- 25. Total expenses incurred 241,274 1,594,355 237,877(a) 2,073,506 26. Less unpaid expenses - current year 669,776 669,776 27. Add unpaid expenses - prior year 818,943 818,943 28. Amounts receivable relating to uninsured accident and health plans, prior year 29. Amounts receivable relating to uninsured accident and health plans, current year --------------------------------------------------------------- 30. TOTAL EXPENSES PAID (Lines 25 - 26 + 27 - 28 + 29) 241,274 1,743,522 237,877 2,222,673 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 2401. Miscellaneous Expenses 30,033 49,711 4,294 84,038 2402. 2403. 2498. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 24 from overflow page 2499. Totals (Lines 2401 thru 2403 plus 2498) (Line 24 above) 30,033 49,711 4,294 84,038 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Includes management fees of $ 338,539 paid to affiliates and ------- $ paid to non-affiliates. ------- 11 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. EXHIBIT OF NET INVESTMENT INCOME 1 2 Collected Earned During Year During Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Government bonds (a) 1.1 Bonds exempt from U.S. tax (a) 3,371,069 3,744,111 1.2 Other bonds (unaffiliated) (a) 1.3 Bonds of affiliates (a) 2.1 Preferred stocks (unaffiliated) (b) 2.11 Preferred stocks of affiliates (b) 2.2 Common stocks (unaffiliated) 2.21 Common stocks of affiliates 3. Mortgage loans (c) 4. Real estate (d) 5. Contract loans 6. Cash/short-term investments (e) 101,592 107,441 7. Derivative instruments (f) 8. Other invested assets 9. Aggregate write-ins for investment income 2,129 2,129 10. Total gross investment income 3,474,790 3,853,681 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Investment expenses (g) 237,127 12. Investment taxes, licenses and fees, excluding federal income taxes (g) 749 13. Interest expense (h) 14. Depreciation on real estate and other invested assets (i) 15. Aggregate write-ins for deductions from investment income 16. Total (Lines 11 through 15) 237,876 17. Net Investment Income - (Line 10 minus Line 16) 3,615,805 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 0901. Interest on Notes Unaffiliated 2,129 2,129 0902. 0903. 0998. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 9 from overflow page 0999. Totals (Lines 0901 through 0903 plus 0998) (Line 9, above) 2,129 2,129 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1501. 1502. 1503. 1598. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 15 from overflow page 1599. Total (Lines 1501 through 1503 plus 1598) (Line 15, above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Includes $ 375,655 accrual of discount less $ 125,131 amortization of premium and less $ paid for accrued interest on purchases. ------ (b) Includes $ accrual of discount less $ amortization of premium ---- ------- and less $ paid for accrued dividends on purchases. ------ (c) Includes $ accrual of discount less $ amortization of premium ---- ------- and less $ paid for accrued interest on purchases. ------ (d) Includes $ for company's occupancy of its own buildings; and excludes ---- $ interest on encumbrances. -------- (e) Includes $ accrual of discount less $ amortization of premium ---- -------- and less $ paid for accrued interest on purchases. ------ (f) Includes $ accrual of discount less $ amortization of premium. ---- -------- (g) Includes $ investment expenses and $ investment taxes, ---- --------- licenses and fees, excluding federal income taxes, attributable to segregated and Separate Accounts. (h) Includes $ interest on surplus notes and $ interest on ---- --------- capital notes. (i) Includes $ depreciation on real estate and $ depreciation on ---- -------- other invested assets. EXHIBIT OF CAPITAL GAINS (LOSSES) 1 2 3 4 5 Net Gain (Loss) from Realized Increases Change in Difference Gain (Loss) Other (Decreases) Between Basis Book/ On Sales or Realized by Adjusted Carrying and Maturity Adjustments Adjustment Admitted Values Total - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Government bonds 1.1 Bonds exempt from U.S. tax 434,453 434,453 1.2 Other bonds (unaffiliated) 1.3 Bonds of affiliates 2.1 Preferred stocks (unaffiliated) 2.11 Preferred stocks of affiliates 2.2 Common stocks (unaffiliated) 2.21 Common stocks of affiliates 3. Mortgage loans 4. Real estate 5. Contract loans 6. Cash/Short-term investments 7. Derivative instruments 8. Other invested assets (525,000) (525,000) 9. Aggregate write-ins for capital gains (losses) 10. Total capital gains (losses) 434,453 (525,000) (90,547) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 0901. 0902. 0903. 0998. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 9 from overflow page 0999. Totals (Lines 0901 through 0903 plus 0998) (Line 9, above) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. EXHIBIT 1 - ANALYSIS OF NONADMITTED ASSETS AND RELATED ITEMS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 End of End of Changes for Year Current Year Prior Year (Increase) Decrease - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Summary of Items Page 2, Lines 10 to 17 and 19 to 23, Column 2 1,175,569 505,975 (669,594) 2. Other Nonadmitted Assets: 2.1 Bills receivable 2.2 Furniture, equipment and supplies 2.3 Leasehold improvements 2.4 Loans on personal security, endorsed or not 3. Total (Lines 2.1 to 2.4) 4. Aggregate write-ins for other assets 56,962 (56,962) ----------------------------------------------- 5. Total (Line 1 plus Lines 3 and 4) 1,232,531 505,975 (726,556) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0401. Prepaid Expenses 56,962 (56,962) 0402. 0403. 0498. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 4 from overflow page 0499. Totals (Lines 0401 thru 0403 plus 0498) (Line 4 above) 56,962 (56,962) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies A. The financial statements of Radian Insurance Inc. ("the Company") are presented on the basis of accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the Pennsylvania Insurance Department and the NAIC Accounting Practices and Procedures manuals. B. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Statutory Accounting Principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities. It also requires disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. C. The Company uses the following accounting policies: (1) Short-term investments are stated at amortized costs. (2) Bonds not backed by other loans are stated at amortized costs and are amortized using the effective interest method. (3) None. (4) None. (5) None. (6) None. (7) None. (8) None. (9) None. (10) N/A (11) Unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses include an amount determined from individual case estimates and loss reports and an amount determined from losses incurred but not reported. These liabilities are based on estimates and assumptions made by management. Although management believes the liabilities are adequate, the ultimate liability may exceed or be less than the amount provided. 2. Accounting Changes and Correction of Errors In March 1998, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners adopted the Codification of Statutory Accounting Principles (the "Codification"). The Codification, which is intended to standardize regulatory accounting and reporting to state insurance departments, was effective January 1, 2001. However, statutory accounting principles will continue to be established by individual state laws and permitted practices. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania required adoption of the Codification for the preparation of statutory financial statements effective January 1, 2001. Accordingly, the Company adopted the Codification on January 1, 2001. The net effect on the Company's statutory capital and surplus as of 12/31/00 is as follows: Surplus as reported on 12/31/00 $38,387,645 Deferred income taxes (SSAP 10) (271,946) ----------- Net adjusted capital & surplus at 12/31/00 $38,115,699 =========== 3. Business Combinations and Goodwill - None 4. Discontinued Operations - None 5. Investments A. Mortgage Loans - None B. Debt Restructuring - None C. Reverse Mortgages - None D. Loan-Backed Securities (1) N/A (2) N/A (3) N/A (4) N/A E. Repurchase Agreements - None 6. Joint Ventures, Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies - None 7. Investment Income (1) The Company excludes investment income due and accrued with amounts that are over 90 days past due. (2) The total amount excluded was $0 8. Derivative Instruments - None 14 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 9. Income Taxes A. The components of the net deferred tax asset/(liability) at December 31 are as follows: December 31, 2002 January 1, 2002 ----------------- --------------- Total of gross deferred tax assets $2,105,235 $ 616,675 Total of all deferred tax liabilities (37,980) (695,551) ---------- --------- Net deferred tax asset (liability) 2,067,255 (78,876) Deferred tax asset nonadmitted (165,627) -- ---------- --------- Net admitted deferred tax asset (liability) $1,901,628 $ (78,876) ========== ========= (Increase)/Decrease in nonadmitted asset $ (165,627) ========== B. Deferred tax liabilities not recognized - Not Applicable C. The provisions for incurred taxes on earnings for the years ended December 31 are: 2002 2001 ---- ---- Federal $7,750,130 $1,825,728 Foreign -- -- ---------- ---------- 7,750,130 1,825,728 Federal income tax on net capital gains 152,059 11,700 Utilization of capital loss carry-forwards -- -- ---------- ---------- Federal and foreign income taxes incurred $7,902,189 $1,837,428 ========== ========== The tax effects of temporary differences that give rise to significant portions of the deferred tax asset and deferred tax liabilities are as follows: December 31,2002 January 1,2002 ---------------- -------------- Deferred tax assets: Contingency reserve $ 144,341 $ -- Unpaid losses and LAE 423,330 600,583 Unearned premium reserve 1,537,564 16,092 ---------- --------- Total deferred tax assets 2,105,235 616,675 Nonadmitted deferred tax assets (165,627) -- ---------- --------- Admitted deferred tax assets 1,939,608 616,675 Deferred tax liabilities: Market discount on bonds (21,548) (662,693) Accounting method change-UPR (16,432) (32,858) ---------- --------- Total deferred tax liabilities (37,980) (695,551) ---------- --------- Nonadmitted deferred tax assets (liability) 1,901,628 (78,876) ========== ========= The change in net deferred income taxes is comprised of the following: December 31, 2002 January 1, 2002 Change ----------------- --------------- ---------- Total deferred tax assets $2,105,235 $ 616,675 $1,488,560 Total deferred tax liabilities (37,980) (695,551) 657,571 ---------- --------- ---------- Net deferred tax asset (liability) 2,067,255 (78,876) 2,146,131 ========== ========= ========== 14.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS D. The provision for federal and foreign income taxes incurred is different from that which would be obtained by applying the statutory Federal income tax rate to net income before taxes after reductions for additions to the contingency reserve. The significant items causing this difference are as follows: December 31, 2002 Effective Tax Rate ----------------- ------------------ Provision computed at statutory rate $ 7,716,917 35.00% Tax-exempt income, net of Section (S) 832(b)(5)(B) (1,103,454) (5.00%) Prior-year adjustments (636,772) (2.89%) Change in non-admitted assets (196,325) (0.89%) Additions to statutory contingency reserve (144,341) (0.65%) Other 120,033 0.54% ----------- ----- Total $ 5,756,058 26.11% =========== ===== Federal and foreign income taxes incurred $ 7,902,189 35.84% Change in net deferred income taxes (2,146,131) (9.73%) ----------- ----- Total statutory income taxes $ 5,756,058 26.11% =========== ===== E. Net Loss Carryforwards- Not Applicable F. The Company is included in a consolidated federal income tax return with its parent company, Radian Guaranty Inc. ("Radian"). The Company has a written agreement, approved by the Company's Board of Directors, which sets forth the manner in which the total combined federal income tax is allocated to each entity that is a party to the consolidation. Pursuant to this agreement, the Company has the enforceable right to recoup federal income taxes paid in prior years in the event of future net losses, which it may incur, or to recoup its net losses carried forward as an offset to future net income subject to federal income taxes. 10. Information Concerning Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates A., B. & C. The Company did not pay dividends during 2002. D. At December 31, 2002, the Company reported $30,379 as net amounts receivable due to intercompany operations. E. None. F. The Company and the Parent entered into a Net Worth and Liquidity Maintenance Agreement in October 2000. The agreement provides that Radian will cause the Company at all times to have a tangible net worth of at least $30 million. Additionally, Radian will cause the Company at all times to have sufficient liquidity to meet its current obligations. Under the terms of the agreement, the agreement may be terminated at any time by either Radian or the Company upon giving written notification of such termination. As of December 31, 2002, the Company's tangible net worth, which is defined as total capital and surplus plus contingency reserve, was $57,699,803. The Company has also entered into a management agreement with Radian, whereby a certain percentage of costs incurred by Radian for accounting, finance, data processing, and legal services are passed through to the Company. G. All outstanding shares of the Company are currently owned by Radian. H. None. I. None. 11. Debt - None 12. Retirement Plans, Deferred Compensation, Postemployment Benefits and Compensated Absences and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans A. Employee Retirement Plan - None. B. Deferred Compensation Plans - None. C. Postretirement Benefit Plans - None. 14.2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 13. Capital and Surplus and Shareholders' Dividend Restrictions and Quasi-Reorganizations (1) The Company has 100,000 shares authorized, 100,000 shares issued and outstanding and par value of $25 per share. (2) The Company has no preferred stock outstanding. (3) The ability of the Company to declare dividends on its common stock is restricted by certain provisions of the insurance laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, its state of domicile. The insurance laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania establish a test limiting the maximum amount of dividends that may be paid out of unassigned surplus by an insurer without prior approval by the Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner. Under such a test, the Company may pay dividends during any 12-month period in an amount equal to the greater of (i) 10 percent of the preceding year-end statutory unassigned surplus or (ii) the preceding year's statutory net income. In accordance with such restrictions, $14,146,000 is available for dividends in 2002. (4) None (5) None (6) None (7) None (8) None (9) The portion of unassigned funds (surplus) represented or reduced by each item below is as follows: a. Unrealized gains and losses -- b. Nonadmitted asset values $2,146,131 c. Separate account business -- d. Asset valuation reserves -- e. Provision for reinsurance -- (10) None (11) None (12) None 14. Contingencies A. Contingent Commitments - None. B. Assessments - None C. Gain Contingencies - None. 15. Leases - The Company has no material lease obligations at December 31, 2002. 16. Information About financial Instruments with Off-Balance Sheet Risk and Financial Instruments with Concentrations of Credit Risk - None 17. Sale, Transfer and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities - None 18. Gain or Loss to the Reporting Entity from Uninsured A & H Plans and the Uninsured Portion of Partially Insured Plans - None 19. Direct Premium Written by Managing General Agents/Third Party Administrators - None 20. Other Items The Company has selected rounding in reporting amounts in the Statement except for Schedule D where truncation was selected. 21. Events Subsequent - None 22. Reinsurance A. Unsecured Reinsurance Recoverables - None. B. Reinsurance Recoverable in Dispute - None. C. Reinsurance Assumed and Ceded (1) The maximum amount of return commission that would have been due reinsurers if they or the Company had cancelled the reinsurance agreement as of December 31, 2002, with the return of unearned premium reserves is as follows: Reinsurance Reinsurance Net ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Premium Commission Premium Commission Premium Commission Reserve Equity Reserve Equity Reserve Equity ---------- ---------- ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- a. Affiliates $2,614,200 $-- $-- $-- $2,614,200 $-- b. All Other -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------- --- --- --- ---------- --- c. TOTAL $2,614,200 $-- $-- $-- $2,614,200 $-- ========== === === === ========== === d. Direct Unearned Premium Reserve $19,351,006 D. Uncollectible Reinsurance - None. E. Commutation of Ceded Reinsurance - None. F. Retroactive Reinsurance - None 23. Retrospectively Rated Contracts - None 14.3 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 24. Change in Incurred Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses Reserves for incurred losses and loss adjustment expenses attributed insured events of prior years decreased by $17,834,000 from $29,844,000 in 2001 to $12,010,000 in 2002. The decrease was the result of claims closed by settlement and lower than anticipated claim payments. The following table presents information relating to the liability Unpaid losses and related expenses as 2002 (in thousands): Balance at 1/01/02 $ 29,844 Plus current year reserves 9,467 Less prior year development (17,834) -------- Total unpaid losses and related expenses at 12/31/02 $ 21,477 ======== Refer to Schedule P for additional information 25. Intercompany Pooling Agreements - None 26. Structured Settlements - None 27. High Deductibles - None. 28. Discounting of Liabilities for Unpaid Losses or Unpaid Loss Adjustment Expenses - None 29. Asbestos/Environmental Reserves - None 30. Subscriber Savings Account - None 31. Financial Guaranty Insurance Exposures - None 14.4 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SUMMARY INVESTMENT SCHEDULE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Investment Holdings ------------------------ 1 2 Investment Categories Amount Percentage - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bonds: 1.1 U.S. Treasury securities 1.2 U.S. government agency and corporate obligations (excluding mortgage- backed securities): 1.21 Issued by U.S. government agencies 1.22 Issued by U.S. government sponsored agencies 1.3 Foreign government (including Canada, excluding mortgaged-backed securities) 1.4 Securities issued by states, territories, and possessions and political subdivisions in the U.S.: 1.41 States, territories and possessions general obligations 19,804,594 19.527 1.42 Political subdivisions of states, territories and possessions and political subdivisions general obligations 10,599,655 10.451 1.43 Revenue and assessment obligations 60,249,440 59.406 1.44 Industrial development and similar obligations 1.5 Mortgage-backed securities (includes residential and commercial MBS): 1.51 Pass-through securities: 1.511 Guaranteed by GNMA 1.512 Issued by FNMA and FHLMC 1.513 Privately issued 1.52 CMOs and REMICs: 1.521 Issued by FNMA and FHLMC 1.522 Privately issued and collateralized by MBS issued or guaranteed by GNMA, FNMA, or FHLMC 1.523 All other privately issued 2. Other debt and other fixed income securities (excluding short-term): 2.1 Unaffiliated domestic securities (includes credit tenant loans rated by the SVO) 2.2 Unaffiliated foreign securities 2.3 Affiliated securities 3. Equity interests: 3.1 Investments in mutual funds 3.2 Preferred stocks: 3.21 Affiliated 3.22 Unaffiliated 3.3 Publicly traded equity securities (excluding preferred stocks): 3.31 Affiliated 3.32 Unaffiliated 3.4 Other equity securities: 3.41 Affiliated 3.42 Unaffiliated 3.5 Other equity interests including tangible personal property under lease: 3.51 Affiliated 3.52 Unaffiliated 4. Mortgage loans: 4.1 Construction and land development 4.2 Agricultural 4.3 Single family residential properties 4.4 Multifamily residential properties 4.5 Commercial loans 5. Real estate investments: 5.1 Property occupied by the company 5.2 Property held for the production of income (includes $ of property acquired in satisfaction of debt) --------------- 5.3 Property held for sale ($ including ------------- property acquired in satisfaction of debt) 6. Policy loans 7. Receivables for securities 8. Cash and short-term investments 10,766,719 10.616 9. Other invested assets ------------------------ 10. Total invested assets 101,420,408 100.000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admitted Assets as Reported in the Annual Statement ------------------------ Investment Categories 3 4 Amount Percentage - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bonds: 1.1 U.S. Treasury securities 1.2 U.S. government agency and corporate obligations (excluding mortgage- backed securities): 1.21 Issued by U.S. government agencies 1.22 Issued by U.S. government sponsored agencies 1.3 Foreign government (including Canada, excluding mortgaged-backed securities) 1.4 Securities issued by states, territories, and possessions and political subdivisions in the U.S.: 1.41 States, territories and possessions general obligations 19,804,594 19.527 1.42 Political subdivisions of states, territories and possessions and political subdivisions general obligations 10,599,655 10.451 1.43 Revenue and assessment obligations 60,249,440 59.406 1.44 Industrial development and similar obligations 1.5 Mortgage-backed securities (includes residential and commercial MBS): 1.51 Pass-through securities: 1.511 Guaranteed by GNMA 1.512 Issued by FNMA and FHLMC 1.513 Privately issued 1.52 CMOs and REMICs: 1.521 Issued by FNMA and FHLMC 1.522 Privately issued and collateralized by MBS issued or guaranteed by GNMA, FNMA, or FHLMC 1.523 All other privately issued 2. Other debt and other fixed income securities (excluding short-term): 2.1 Unaffiliated domestic securities (includes credit tenant loans rated by the SVO) 2.2 Unaffiliated foreign securities 2.3 Affiliated securities 3. Equity interests: 3.1 Investments in mutual funds 3.2 Preferred stocks: 3.21 Affiliated 3.22 Unaffiliated 3.3 Publicly traded equity securities (excluding preferred stocks): 3.31 Affiliated 3.32 Unaffiliated 3.4 Other equity securities: 3.41 Affiliated 3.42 Unaffiliated 3.5 Other equity interests including tangible personal property under lease: 3.51 Affiliated 3.52 Unaffiliated 4. Mortgage loans: 4.1 Construction and land development 4.2 Agricultural 4.3 Single family residential properties 4.4 Multifamily residential properties 4.5 Commercial loans 5. Real estate investments: 5.1 Property occupied by the company 5.2 Property held for the production of income (includes $ of property acquired in satisfaction of debt) --------------- 5.3 Property held for sale ($ including ------------- property acquired in satisfaction of debt) 6. Policy loans 7. Receivables for securities 8. Cash and short-term investments 10,766,719 10.616 9. Other invested assets ------------------------ 10. Total invested assets 101,420,408 100.000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES PART 1 - COMMON INTERROGATORIES GENERAL 1.1 Is the reporting entity a member of an Insurance Holding Company System consisting of two or more affiliated persons, one or more of which is an insurer? Yes [X] No [ ] 1.2 If yes, did the reporting entity register and file with its domiciliary State Insurance Commissioner, Director or Superintendent, or with such regulatory official of the state of domicile of the principal insurer in the Holding Company System, a registration statement providing disclosure substantially similar to the standards adopted by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) in its Model Insurance Holding Company System Regulatory Act and model regulations pertaining thereto, or is the reporting entity subject to standards and disclosure requirements substantially similar to those required by such Act and regulations? Yes [X] No [ ] NA [ ] 1.3 State Regulating? Pennsylvania 2.1 Has any change been made during the year of this statement in the charter, by-laws, articles of incorporation, or deed of settlement of the reporting entity? Yes [ ] No [X] 2.2 If yes, date of change: -------------------------- If not previously filed, furnish herewith a certified copy of the instrument as amended. 3.1 State as of what date the latest financial examination of the reporting entity was made or is being made. 12/31/1998 3.2 State the as of date that the latest financial examination report became available from either the state of domicile or the reporting entity. This date should be the date of the examined balance sheet and not the date the report was completed or released. 12/31/1998 3.3 State as of what date the latest financial examination report became available to other states or the public from either the state of domicile or the reporting entity. This is the release date or completion date of the examination report and not the date of the examination (balance sheet date). 03/14/2001 3.4 By what department or departments? Pennsylvania Department of Insurance 4.1 During the period covered by this statement, did any agent, broker, sales representative, non-affiliated sales/service organization or any combination thereof under common control (other than salaried employees of the reporting entity), receive credit or commissions for or control a substantial part (more than 20 percent of any major line of business measured on direct premiums) of: 4.11 sales of new business? Yes [ ] No [X] 4.12 renewals? Yes [ ] No [X] 4.2 During the period covered by this statement, did any sales/service organization owned in whole or in part by the reporting entity or an affiliate, receive credit or commissions for or control a substantial part (more than 20 percent of any major line of business measured on direct premiums) of: 4.21 sales of new business? Yes [ ] No [X] 4.22 renewals? Yes [ ] No [X] 5.1 Has the reporting entity been a party to a merger or consolidation during the period covered by this statement? Yes [ ] No [X] 5.2 If yes, provide the name of the entity, NAIC Company Code, and state of domicile (use two letter state abbreviation) for any entity that has ceased to exist as a result of the merger or consolidation. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Name of Entity NAIC Company Code State of Domicile - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Has the reporting entity had any Certificates of Authority, licenses or registrations (including corporate registration, if applicable) suspended or revoked by any governmental entity during the reporting period? (You need not report an action, either formal or informal, if a confidentiality clause is part of the agreement.) Yes [ ] No [X] 6.2 If yes, give full information: ------------------- 7.1 Does any foreign (non-United States) person or entity directly or indirectly control 10% or more of the reporting entity? Yes [ ] No [X] 7.2 If yes, 7.21 State the percentage of foreign control; -------------------------- 7.22 State the nationality(s) of the foreign person(s) or entity(s) or if the entity is a mutual or reciprocal, the nationality of its manager or attorney in fact; and identify the type of entity(s) (e.g., individual, corporation or government, manager or attorney in fact). --------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Nationality Type of Entity --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- 16 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES (continued) 8. What is the name and address of the independent certified public accountant or accounting firm retained to conduct the annual audit? Deloitte & Touche 1700 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 9. What is the name, address and affiliation (officer/employee of the reporting entity or actuary/consultant associated with a(n) actuarial consulting firm) of the individual providing the statement of actuarial opinion/certification? Robert Miccolis, Actuary/Consultant Deloitte & Touche 1700 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 10. FOR UNITED STATES BRANCHES OF ALIEN REPORTING ENTITIES ONLY: 10.1 What changes have been made during the year in the United States Manager or the United States Trustees of the reporting entity? 10.2 Does this statement contain all business transacted for the reporting entity through its United States Branch on risks wherever located? Yes [ ] No [ ] 10.3 Have there been any changes made to any of the trust indentures during the year? Yes [ ] No [ ] 10.4 If answer to (10.3) is yes, has the domiciliary or entry state approved the changes? Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [X] BOARD OF DIRECTORS 11. Is the purchase or sale of all investments of the reporting entity passed upon either by the Board of Directors or a subordinate committee thereof? Yes [X] No [ ] 12. Does the reporting entity keep a complete permanent record of the proceedings of its Board of Directors and all subordinate committees thereof? Yes [X] No [ ] 13. Has the reporting entity an established procedure for disclosure to its board of directors or trustees of any material interest or affiliation on the part of any of its officers, directors, trustees or responsible employees which is in or likely to conflict with the official duties of such person? Yes [ X ] No [ ] FINANCIAL 14.1 Total amount loaned during the year (inclusive of Separate Accounts, exclusive of policy loans): 14.11 To directors or other officers $ _ ---------------- 14.12 To stockholders not officers $ ---------------- 14.13 Trustees, supreme or grand (Fraternal only) $ ---------------- 14.2 Total amount of loans outstanding at end of year (inclusive of Separate Accounts, exclusive of policy loans); 14.21 To directors or other officers $ ---------------- 14.22 To stockholders not officers $ ---------------- 14.23 Trustees, supreme or grand (Fraternal only) $ ---------------- 15.1 Were any of the assets reported in this statement subject to a contractual obligation to transfer to another party without the liability for such obligation being reported in this statement? Yes [ ] No [X] 15.2 If yes, state the amount thereof at December 31 of the current year: 15.21 Rented from others $ ---------------- 15.22 Borrowed from others $ ---------------- 15.23 Leased from others $ ---------------- 15.24 Other $ ---------------- Disclose in Notes to Financial Statements the nature of each of these obligations. 16.1 Does this statement include payments for assessments as described in the Annual Statement Instructions other than guaranty fund or guaranty association assessments? Yes [ ] No [ X ] 16.2 If answer is yes, 16.21 Amount paid as losses or risk adjustment $ ---------------- 16.22 Amount paid as expenses $ ---------------- 16.23 Other amounts paid $ ---------------- 17 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES (continued) INVESTMENT 17. List the following capital stock information for the reporting entity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of Shares Number of Shares Par Value Redemption Price Is Dividend Rate Are Dividends Class Authorized Outstanding Per Share if Callable Limited? Cumulative? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes No Yes No Preferred [ ] [ X ] [ ] [ X ] Common 100,000 100,000 25.000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18.1. Were all the stocks, bonds and other securities owned December 31 of current year, over which the reporting entity has exclusive control, in the actual possession of the reporting entity on said date, except as shown by Schedule E - Part 2 - Special Deposits? Yes [ ] No [X] 18.2 If no, give full and complete information relating thereto: The Company has a custodial account at State Street Bank and Trust in Massachusetts. 19.1 Were any of the stocks, bonds or other assets of the reporting entity owned at December 31 of the current year not exclusively under the control of the reporting entity, except as shown on the Schedule E - Part 2 - Special Deposits; or has the reporting entity sold or transferred any assets subject to a put option contract that is currently in force? (Exclude securities subject to Interrogatory 15.1) Yes [ ] No [X] 19.2 If yes, state the amount thereof at December 31 of the current year: 19.21 Loaned to others $ ---------------- 19.22 Subject to repurchase agreements $ ---------------- 19.23 Subject to reverse repurchase agreements $ ---------------- 19.24 Subject to dollar repurchase agreements $ ---------------- 19.25 Subject to reverse dollar repurchase agreements $ ---------------- 19.26 Pledged as collateral $ ---------------- 19.27 Placed under option agreements $ ---------------- 19.28 Letter stock or other securities restricted as to sale $ ---------------- 19.29 Other $ ---------------- 19.3 For each category above, if any of these assets are held by others, identify by whom held: 19.31 ------------------ 19.32 ------------------ 19.33 ------------------ 19.34 ------------------ 19.35 ------------------ 19.36 ------------------ 19.37 ------------------ 19.38 ------------------ 19.39 ------------------ For categories (19.21) and (19.23) above, and for any other securities that were made available for use by another person during the period covered by this statement, attach a schedule as shown in the Instructions to the annual statement. 19.4 For category (19.28) provide the following: -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Nature of Restriction Description Amount -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 20.1 Does the reporting entity have any hedging transactions reported on Schedule DB? Yes [ ] No [X] 20.2 If yes, has a comprehensive description of the hedging program been made available to the domiciliary state? Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [X] If no, attach a description with this statement. 21.1 Were any preferred stocks or bonds owned as of December 31 of the current year mandatorily convertible into equity, or, at the option of the issuer, convertible into equity? Yes [ ] No [X] 21.2. If yes, state the amount thereof at December 31 of the current year. $ ---------------- 22. Excluding items in Schedule E, real estate, mortgage loans and investments held physically in the reporting entity's offices, vaults or safety deposit boxes, were all stocks, bonds and other securities, owned throughout the current year held pursuant to a custodial agreement with a qualified bank or trust company in accordance with Part 1 -General, Section IV. H-Custodial or Safekeeping Agreements of the NAIC Financial Condition Examiners Handbook? Yes [ ] No [X] 22.01 For agreements that comply with the requirements of the NAIC Financial Condition Examiners Handbook, complete the following: ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 Name of Custodian(s) Custodian's Address ---------------------------------------------------------------- State Street Bank and Trust Boston, Massachusetts ---------------------------------------------------------------- 18 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES (continued) INVESTMENT 22.02 For all agreements that do not comply with the requirements of the NAIC Financial Condition Examiners Handbook, provide the name, location and a complete explanation: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Name(s) Location(s) Complete Explanation(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22.03 Have there been any changes, including name changes, in the custodian(s) identified in 22.01 during the current year? Yes [ ] No [X] 22.04 If yes, give full and complete information relating thereto: -------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Old Custodian New Custodian Date of Change Reason -------------------------------------------------------- ------ -------------------------------------------------------- 22.05 Identify all investment advisors, brokers/dealers or individuals acting on behalf of broker/dealers that have access to the investment accounts, handle securities and have authority to make investments on behalf of the reporting entity: ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Central Registration Depository Number(s) Name Address ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ OTHER 23.1 Amount of payments to Trade Associations, Service Organizations and Statistical or Rating Bureaus, if any? $ ---------------- 23.2 List the name of the organization and the amount paid if any such payment represented 25% or more of the total payments to Trade Associations, Service Organizations and Statistical or Rating Bureaus during the period covered by this statement. 1 2 Name Amount Paid ------------------------------------------------- $ ----------- $ ----------- $ ----------- ------------------------------------------------- 24.1 Amount of payments for legal expenses, if any? $ ---------------- 24.2 List the name of the firm and the amount paid if any such payment represented 25% or more of the total payments for legal expenses during the period covered by this statement. 1 2 Name Amount Paid ------------------------------------------------- $ ----------- $ ----------- $ ----------- ------------------------------------------------- 25.1 Amount of payments for expenditures in connection with matters before legislative bodies, officers or departments of government, if any? $ ---------------- 25.2 List the name of the firm and the amount paid if any such payment represented 25% or more of the total payment expenditures in connection with matters before legislative bodies, officers or departments of government during the period covered by this statement. 1 2 Name Amount Paid ------------------------------------------------- $ ----------- $ ----------- $ ----------- ------------------------------------------------- 19 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES (continued) PART 2 - PROPERTY & CASUALTY INTERROGATORIES 1.1 Does the reporting entity have any direct Medicare Supplement Insurance in force? Yes [ ] No [X] 1.2 If yes, indicate premium earned on U. S. business only $ ---------------- 1.3 What portion of Item (1.2) is not reported on the Medicare Supplement Insurance Experience Exhibit? $ ---------------- 1.31 Reason for excluding ----------------------------------------- 1.4 Indicate amount of earned premium attributable to Canadian and/or Other Alien not included in Item (1.2) above. $ ---------------- 1.5 Indicate total incurred claims on all Medicare Supplement Insurance. $ ---------------- 1.6 Individual policies: Most current three years: 1.61 Total premium earned $ ---------------- 1.62 Total incurred claims $ ---------------- 1.63 Number of covered lives $ ---------------- All years prior to most current three years: 1.64 Total premium earned $ ---------------- 1.65 Total incurred claims $ ---------------- 1.66 Number of covered lives $ ---------------- 1.7 Group policies: Most current three years: 1.71 Total premium earned $ ---------------- 1.72 Total incurred claims $ ---------------- 1.73 Number of covered lives $ ---------------- All years prior to most current three years: 1.74 Total premium earned $ ---------------- 1.75 Total incurred claims $ ---------------- 1.76 Number of covered lives $ ---------------- 2.1 Does the reporting entity issue both participating and non-participating policies? Yes [ ] No [X] 2.2 If yes, state the amount of calendar year net premiums written on: 2.21 Participating policies $ ---------------- 2.22 Non-participating policies $ ---------------- 3. For Mutual Reporting Entities and Reciprocal Exchanges Only: 3.1 Does the reporting entity issue assessable policies? Yes [ ] No [ ] 3.2 Does the reporting entity issue non-assessable policies? Yes [ ] No [ ] 3.3 If assessable policies are issued, what is the extent of the contingent liability of the policyholders? % ------------- 3.4 Total amount of assessments paid or ordered to be paid during the year on deposit notes or contingent premiums? $ ---------------- 4. For Reciprocal Exchanges Only: 4.1 Does the Exchange appoint local agents? Yes [ ] No [ ] 4.2 If yes, is the commission paid: 4.21 Out of Attorney's-in-fact compensation Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [X] 4.22 As a direct expense of the Exchange Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [X] 4.3 What expenses of the Exchange are not paid out of the compensation of the Attomey-in-fact? ---------------------------------------------------------- 4.4 Has any Attorney-in-fact compensation, contingent on fulfillment of certain conditions, been deferred? Yes [ ] No [X] 4.5 If yes, give full information --------------------------------------------- 5.1 What provision has this reporting entity made to protect itself from an excessive loss in the event of a catastrophe under a workers' compensation contract issued without limit of loss? ------------------------------------- 5.2 Describe the method used to estimate this reporting entity's probable maximum insurance loss, and identify the type of insured exposures comprising that probable maximum loss, the locations of concentrations of those exposures and the external resources (such as consulting firms or computer software models), if any. used in the estimation process. ----------------------------------------------------------- 5.3 What provision has this reporting entity made (such as a catastrophic reinsurance program) to protect itself from an excessive loss arising from the types and concentrations of insured exposures comprising its probable maximum property insurance loss? ------------------------------------------- 5.4 Does the reporting entity carry catastrophe reinsurance protection, with provision for at least one reinstatement, in an amount sufficient to cover its estimated probable maximum loss attributable to a single loss event or occurrence? Yes [ ] No [X] 5.5 If no, describe any arrangements or mechanisms employed by the reporting entity to supplement its catastrophe reinsurance program or to hedge it's exposure to unreinsured catastrophic loss. The Company only writes mortgage guaranty and credit insurance 6.1 Has this reporting entity reinsured any risk with any other entity under a quota share reinsurance contract which includes a provision which would limit the reinsurer's losses below the stated quota share percentage (e.g., a deductible, a loss ratio corridor, a loss ratio cap, an aggregate limit or any similar provision)? Yes [ ] No [X] 6.2 If yes, indicate the number of reinsurance contracts containing such provisions: 20 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. GENERAL INTERROGATORIES PART 2 - PROPERTY & CASUALTY INTERROGATORIES (continued) 7.1 Has this reporting entity reinsured any risk with any other entity and agreed to release such entity from liability, in whole or in part, from any loss that may occur on the risk, or portion thereof, reinsured? Yes [ ] No [X] 7.2 If yes, give full information ---------------------------------------------- 8. If the reporting entity has assumed risks from another entity, there should be charged on account of such reinsurances a reserve equal to that which the original entity would have been required to charge had it retained the risks. Has this been done? Yes [X] No [ ] NA [ ] 9.1 Has this reporting entity guaranteed policies issued by any other entity and now in force? Yes [ ] No [X] 9.2 If yes, give full information ---------------------------------------------- 10.1 If the reporting entity recorded accrued retrospective premiums on insurance contracts on Line 10.3 of the assets schedule, Page 2, state the amount of corresponding liabilities recorded for: 10.11 Unpaid losses $ ---------------- 10.12 Unpaid underwriting expenses (including loss adjustment expenses) $ ---------------- 10.2 Of the amount on Line 10.3 of the assets schedule, Page 2, state the amount which is secured by letters of credit, collateral and other funds $________________ 10.3 If the reporting entity underwrites commercial insurance risks, such as workers' compensation are premium or promissory notes accepted from its insureds covering unpaid premiums and/or unpaid losses? Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [X] 10.4 If yes, provide the range of interest rates charged under such notes during the period covered by this statement: 10.41 From % --------------- 10.42 To % --------------- 10.5 Are letters of credit or collateral and other funds received from insureds being utilized by the reporting entity to secure premium or promissory notes taken by the reporting entity, or to secure any of the reporting entity's reported direct unpaid loss reserves, including unpaid losses under loss deductible features of commercial policies? Yes [ ] No [X] 10.6 If yes, state the amount thereof at December 31 of the current year: 10.61 Letters of credit $ ---------------- 10.62 Collateral and other funds $ ---------------- 11.1 What amount of installment notes is owned and now held by the reporting entity? $ ---------------- 11.2 Have any of these notes been hypothecated, sold or used in any manner as security for money loaned within the past year? Yes [ ] No [X] 11.3 If yes, what amount? $ ---------------- 12.1 Largest net aggregate amount insured in any one risk (excluding workers' compensation): $ 840,000 12.2 Does any reinsurance contract considered in the calculation of this amount include an aggregate limit of recovery without also including a reinstatement provision? Yes [ ] No [X] 12.3 State the number of reinsurance contracts (excluding individual facultative risk certificates, but including facultative programs, automatic facilities or facultative obligatory contracts) considered in the calculation of this amount. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.1 Has this reporting entity guaranteed any financed premium accounts? Yes [ ] No [X] 13.2 If yes, give full information --------------------------------------------- 14.1 Does the reporting entity own any securities of a real estate holding company or otherwise hold real estate indirectly? Yes [ ] No [X] 14.11 Name of real estate holding company ---------------- 14.12 Number of parcels involved ---------------- 14.13 Total book/adjusted carrying value $ ---------------- 14.2 If yes, provide explanation: 15.1 Does the reporting entity write any warranty business? Yes [ ] No [X] If yes, disclose the following information for each of the following types of warranty coverage: 1 2 3 4 5 Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Losses Losses Written Premium Premium Incurred Unpaid Premium Unearned Earned -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15.11 Home $ $ $ $ $ --------- --------- -------- --------- -------- 15.12 Products $ $ $ $ $ --------- --------- -------- --------- -------- 15.13 Automobile $ $ $ $ $ --------- --------- -------- --------- -------- 15.14 Other* $ $ $ $ $ --------- --------- -------- --------- -------- * Disclose type of coverage: 21 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. FIVE-YEAR HISTORICAL DATA Show amounts in whole dollars only, no cents; show percentages to one decimal place, i.e. 17.6. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums Written (Page 8, Part 1B, Cols. 1, 2 & 3) 1. Liability Lines (Lines 11.1, 11.2, 16, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2 & 19.3, 19.4) 2. Property Lines (Lines 1, 2, 9, 12, 21 & 26) 3. Property and Liability Combined Lines (Lines 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 & 27) 4. All Other Lines (Lines 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 28, 29 & 33) 65,759,659 41,770,675 3,635,105 2,776,405 2,153,809 5. Non-proportional Reinsurance Lines (Lines 30, 31 & 32) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Total (Line 34) 65,759,659 41,770,675 3,635,105 2,776,405 2,153,809 Net Premiums Written (Page 8, Part 1B, Col. 6) 7. Liability Lines (Lines 11.1, 11.2, 16, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2 & 19.3, 19.4) 8. Property Lines (Lines 1, 2, 9, 12, 21 & 26) 9. Property and Liability Combined Lines (Lines 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 & 27) 10. All Other Lines (Lines 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 28, 29 & 33) 49,845,178 38,105,291 3,635,105 2,776,405 2,153,809 11. Non-proportional Reinsurance Lines (Lines 30, 31 & 32) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total (Line 34) 49,845,178 38,105,291 3,635,105 2,776,405 2,153,809 Statement of Income (Page 4) 13. Net Underwriting Gain (Loss) (Line 8) 18,502,242 2,990,955 1,236,999 1,524,244 (886,641) 14. Net Investment Gain (Loss) (Line 11) 3,525,258 3,227,495 860,578 623,322 509,089 15. Total Other Income (Line 15) 20,836 121,500 5,000 16. Dividends to Policyholders (Line 17) 17. Federal and Foreign Income Taxes Incurred (Line 19) 7,902,189 1,837,428 510,474 586,794 (225,623) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 18. Net Income (Line 20) 14,146,147 4,502,522 1,592,103 1,560,772 (151,929) Balance Sheet Lines (Pages 2 and 3) 19. Total Admitted Assets excluding Protected Cell (Page 2, Line 26, Col. 3) 105,407,944 76,067,699 46,200,261 13,221,993 11,155,976 20. Agents' Balances or Uncollected Premiums (Page 2, Col. 3) 20.1 In Course of Collection (Line 10.1) 2,711,758 29,861 684,388 1,088,047 987,106 20.2 Deferred and not yet due (Line 10.2) 20.3 Accrued Retrospective Premiums (Line 10.3) 21. Total Liabilities excluding Protected Cell (Page 3, Line 24) 47,708,141 33,521,213 7,812,616 7,356,919 5,700,171 22. Losses (Page 3, Lines 1 and 2) 22,971,024 30,212,797 6,220,481 4,104,491 4,291,575 23 Loss Adjustment Expenses (Page 3, Line 3) 24. Unearned premiums (Page 3, Line 9) 21,965,207 229,883 889,492 1,877,495 1,404,096 25. Capital Paid Up (Page 3, Lines 28 & 29) 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 26. Surplus as Regards Policyholders (Page 3, Line 35) 57,699,803 42,546,486 38,387,645 5,865,074 5,455,805 Risk-Based Capital Analysis 27. Total Adjusted Capital 57,699,803 42,546,486 38,387,645 28. Authorized Control Level Risk-Based Capital 3,293,187 3,745,112 730,919 Percentage Distribution of Cash and Invested Assets (Page 2, Col. 3) (Item divided by Page 2, Line 9, Col. 3) x 100.0 29. Bonds (Line 1) 89.4 95.9 94.6 99.5 99.7 30. Stocks (Lines 2.1 & 2.2) 31. Mortgage Loans on Real Estate (Lines 3.1 and 3.2) 32. Real Estate (Lines 4.1, 4.2 & 4.3) 33. Cash and Short-Term Investments (Line 5) 10.6 4.1 5.4 0.5 0.3 34. Other Invested Assets (Line 6) 35. Receivable for Securities (Line 7) 36. Aggregate Write-Ins for Invested Assets (Line 8) 0.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 37. Cash and Invested Assets (Line 9) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Investment in Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 38. Affiliated Bonds (Schedule D, Summary, Line 25, Col. 1) 39. Affiliated Preferred Stocks (Schedule D, Summary, Line 39, Col. 1) 40. Affiliated Common Stocks (Schedule D, Summary, Line 53, Col. 2) 41. Affiliated Short-Term Investments (subtotals included in Schedule DA, Part 2, Col. 5, Line 11) 42. Affiliated Mortgage Loans on Real Estate 43. All Other Affiliated ---------------------------------------------------------------- 44. Total of above Lines 38 to 43 45. Percentage of Investments in Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates to Surplus as Regards Policyholders (Line 44 above divided by Page 3, Col. 1, Line 35 x 100.0) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. FIVE-YEAR HISTORICAL DATA (Continued) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital and Surplus Accounts (Page 4) 46. Net Unrealized Capital Gains (Losses) (Line 23) (505,975) 47. Dividends to Stockholders (Line 34) 48. Change in surplus as regards policyholders for the year (Line 37) 15,153,318 4,158,843 32,522,569 409,269 (151,929) Gross Losses Paid (Page 9, Part 2, Cols. 1 & 2) 49. Liability Lines (Lines 11.1, 11.2, 16, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2 & 19.3, 19.4) 50. Property Lines (Lines 1, 2, 9, 12, 21 & 26) 51. Property and Liability Combined Lines (Lines 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 & 27) 52. All Other Lines (Lines 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 28, 29 & 33) 16,138,497 9,505,566 991,449 967,172 784,965 53. Non-Proportional Reinsurance Lines (Lines 30, 31 & 32) -------------------------------------------------------------- 54. Total (Line 34) 16,138,497 9,505,566 991,449 967,172 784,965 Net Losses Paid (Page 9, Part 2, Col. 4) 55. Liability Lines (Lines 11.1, 11.2, 16, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2 & 19.3, 19.4) 56. Property Lines (Lines 1, 2, 9, 12, 21 & 26) 57. Property and Liability Combined Lines (Lines 3, 4, 5, 8, 22 & 27) 58. All Other Lines (Lines 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 28, 29 & 33) 16,138,497 9,505,566 991,449 967,172 784,965 59. Non-Proportional Reinsurance Lines (Lines 30, 31 & 32) -------------------------------------------------------------- 60. Total (Line 34) 16,138,497 9,505,566 991,449 967,172 784,965 Operating Percentages (Page 4) (Item divided by Page 4, Line 1) x 100.0 61. Premiums Earned (Line 1) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 62. Losses Incurred (Line 2) 27.6 86.0 69.3 29.8 152.9 63. Loss Expenses Incurred (Line 3) 0.9 0.2 4.6 64. Other Underwriting Expenses Incurred (Line 4) 5.7 6.0 4.0 4.0 65. Net Underwriting gain (loss) (Line 8) 65.8 7.7 26.8 66.2 (57.5) Other Percentages 66. Other Underwriting Expenses to Net Premiums Written (Page 4, Lines 4 + 5 - 15 divided by Page 8, Part 1B, Col. 6, Line 34 x 100.0) 3.2 5.8 4.9 3.3 67. Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred to Premiums Earned (Page 4, Lines 2 + 3 divided by Page 4, Line 1 x 100.0) 28.5 86.3 69.3 29.8 157.5 68. Net Premiums Written to Policyholders' Surplus (Page 8, Part 1B, Col. 6, Line 34 divided by Page 3, Line 35, Col. 1 x 100.0) 86.4 89.6 9.5 47.3 39.5 One Year Loss Development (000 omitted) 69. Development in Estimated Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred Prior to Current Year (Schedule P - Part 2 - Summary, Line 12, Col. 11) (6,524) (1,146) (314) (1,657) (62) 70. Percent of Development of Loss and Loss Expenses Incurred to Policyholders' Surplus of Previous Year End (Line 69 above divided by Page 4, Line 21, Col. 1 x 100.0) (15.3) (3.0) (5.3) (30.4) (1.1) Two Year Loss Development (000 omitted) 71. Development in Estimated Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred 2 years before the current year and prior year (Schedule P, Part 2 - Summary, Line 12, Col. 12) (2,062) (1,042) (1,786) (515) 657 72. Percent of Development of Loss and Loss Expenses Incurred to Reported Policyholders' Surplus of Second Previous Year End (Line 71 above divided by Page 4, Line 21, Col. 2 x 100.0) (5.4) (17.8) (32.7) (9.2) 11.1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 [GRAPHIC] ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Pennsylvania - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken --------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 62,612,292 43,199,527 19,351,006 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 62,612,292 43,199,527 19,351,006 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 14,797,068 7,617,996 14,781,631 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 14,797,068 7,617,996 14,781,631 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 20720 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expenses and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ------------ 24.PA [GRAPHIC] ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS AND LOSSES (Statutory Page 14 Data) NAIC Group Code 0766 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF Consolidated - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Premiums, Including Policy 3 4 and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies not Taken --------------------------------- Dividends Paid Direct 1 2 or Credited to Unearned Direct Premiums Direct Premiums Policyholders on Premium Line of Business Written Earned Direct Business Reserves - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 62,612,292 43,199,527 19,351,006 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 62,612,292 43,199,527 19,351,006 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 DURING THE YEAR 2002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Direct Defense Direct Losses and Cost Paid Containment (deducting Direct Losses Direct Losses Expense Line of Business salvage) Incurred Unpaid Paid - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 14,797,068 7,617,996 14,781,631 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) 14,797,068 7,617,996 14,781,631 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAIC Group Code 0766 NAIC Company Code 20720 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 12 Direct Defense Direct Defense and Cost and Cost Containment Containment Commissions Taxes, Expense Expenses and Brokerage Licenses and Line of Business Incurred Unpaid Expenses Fees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fire 2.1 Allied lines 2.2 Multiple peril crop 2.3 Federal flood 3. Farmowners multiple peril 4. Homeowners multiple peril 5.1 Commercial multiple peril (non-liability portion) 5.2 Commercial multiple peril (liability portion) 6. Mortgage guaranty 8. Ocean marine 9. Inland marine 10. Financial guaranty 11. Medical malpractice 12. Earthquake 13. Group accident and health 14. Credit A & H (group and individual) 15.1 Collectively renewable A & H 15.2 Non-cancellable A & H 15.3 Guaranteed renewable A & H 15.4 Non-renewable for stated reasons only 15.5 Other accident only 15.6 All other A & H 15.7 Federal employees health benefits program premium 16. Workers' compensation 17. Other liability 18. Products liability 19.1 Private passenger auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.2 Other private passenger auto liability 19.3 Commercial auto no-fault (personal injury protection) 19.4 Other commercial auto liability 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 22. Aircraft (all perils) 23. Fidelity 24. Surety 26. Burglary and theft 27. Boiler and machinery 28. Credit 33. Aggregate write-ins for other lines of business 34. TOTALS (a) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 3301. 3302. 3303. 3398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 33 from overflow page 3399. Totals (Lines 3301 thru 3303 plus 3398) (Line 33 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Finance and service charges not included in Line 1 to 34 $ . ------------ 24.GT ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE A VERIFICATION BETWEEN YEARS NONE 1. Book/adjusted carrying value, December 31, prior year (prior year statement) 2. Increase (decrease) by adjustment: 2.1 Totals, Part 1, Column 10 2.2 Totals, Part 3, Column 7 3. Cost of acquired, (Totals, Part 2, Column 6, net of encumbrances (Column 7) and net of additions and permanent improvements (Column 9) 4. Cost of additions and permanent improvements: 4.1 Totals, Part 1, Column 13 4.2 Totals, Part 3, Column 9 5. Total profit (loss) on sales, Part 3, Column 14 6. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment: 6.1 Totals, Part 1, Column 11 6.2 Totals, Part 3, Column 8 7. Amounts received on sales, Part 3, Column 11 and Part 1, Column 12 8. Book/adjusted carrying value at end of current period 9. Total valuation allowance 10. Subtotal (Lines 8 plus 9) 11. Total nonadmitted amounts 12. Statement value, current period (Page 2, real estate lines, current period) SCHEDULE B VERIFICATION BETWEEN YEARS NONE 1. Book value/recorded investment excluding accrued interest of mortgages owned, December 31 of prior year 2. Amount loaned during year: 2.1 Actual cost at time of acquisitions 2.2 Additional investment made after acquisitions 3. Accrual of discount and mortgage interest points and commitment fees 4. Increase (decrease) by adjustment 5. Total profit (loss) on sale 6. Amounts paid on account or in full during the year 7. Amortization of premium 8. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment 9. Book value/recorded investment excluding accrued interest on mortgages owned at end of current period 10. Total valuation allowance 11. Subtotal (Lines 9 plus 10) 12. Total nonadmitted amounts 13. Statement value of mortgages owned at end of current period SCHEDULE BA VERIFICATION BETWEEN YEARS NONE 1. Book/adjusted carrying value of long-term invested assets owned, December 31 of prior year 2. Cost of acquisitions during year: 2.1 Actual cost at time of acquisitions 2.2 Additional investment made after acquisitions 3. Accrual of discount 4. Increase (decrease) by adjustment 5. Total profit (loss) on sale 6. Amounts paid on account or in full during the year 7. Amortization of premium 8. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment 9. Book/adjusted carrying value of long-term invested assets at end of current period 10. Total valuation allowance 11. Subtotal (Lines 9 plus 10) 12. Total nonadmitted amounts 13. Statement value of long-term invested assets at end of current period 25 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - SUMMARY BY COUNTRY Long-Term Bonds and Stocks OWNED December 31 of Current Year 1 2 3 4 Book/Adjusted Par Value of Description Carrying Value Fair Value (a) Actual Cost Bonds - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS 1. United States 2. Canada Governments 3. Other Countries (Including all obligations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- guaranteed by governments) 4. Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- States, Territories and Possessions 5. United States 19,804,595 20,525,267 19,849,464 19,700,000 (Direct and guaranteed) 6. Canada 7. Other Countries ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Totals 19,804,595 20,525,267 19,849,464 19,700,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Political Subdivisions of States, 9. United States 10,599,657 11,244,134 10,601,597 10,565,000 Territories and Possessions 10. Canada (Direct and guaranteed) 11. Other Countries ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Totals 10,599,657 11,244,134 10,601,597 10,565,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special revenue and special assessment obligations and all non-guaranteed obligations of agencies and 13. United States 60,249,437 63,268,905 59,633,835 66,065,000 authorities of governments and their 14. Canada political subdivisions 15. Other Countries ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. Totals 60,249,437 63,268,905 59,633,835 66,065,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Utilities (unaffiliated) 17. United States 18. Canada 19. Other Countries ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Industrial and Miscellaneous and Credit 21. United States Tenant Loans (unaffiliated) 22. Canada 23. Other Countries ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 25. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26. Total Bonds 90,653,689 95,038,306 90,084,896 96,330,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCKS 27. United States Public Utilities (unaffiliated) 28. Canada 29. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30. Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banks, Trust and Insurance 31. United States Companies (unaffiliated) 32. Canada 33. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34. Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Industrial and Miscellaneous 35. United States (unaffiliated) 36. Canada 37. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38. Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 39. Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40. Total Preferred Stocks - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS 41. United States Public Utilities (unaffiliated) 42. Canada 43. Other Countries - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44. Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banks, Trust and Insurance 45. United States Companies (unaffiliated) 46. Canada 47. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48. Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Industrial and Miscellaneous 49. United States (unaffiliated) 50. Canada 51. Other Countries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52. Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 53. Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54. Total Common Stocks - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55. Total Stocks - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56. Total Bonds and Stocks 90,653,689 95,038,306 90,084,896 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) The aggregate value of bonds which are valued at other than actual fair value is $90,653,689. SCHEDULE D - VERIFICATION BETWEEN YEARS 1. Book/adjusted carrying value of bonds and stocks, prior year 68,215,218 2. Cost of bonds and stocks acquired, Column 6, Part 3 39,299,687 3. Increase (decrease) by adjustment: 3.1 Column 16, Part 1 195,203 3.2 Column 12, Part 2, Sec. 1 3.3 Column 10, Part 2, Sec. 2 3.4 Column 10, Part 4 55,321 250,524 4. Total gain (loss), Col. 14, Part 4 434,454 5. Deduct consideration for bonds and stocks disposed of Column 6, Part 4 17,546,193 6. Foreign Exchange Adjustment: 6.1 Column 17, Part 1 6.2 Column 13, Part 2, Sec. 1 6.3 Column 11, Part 2, Sec. 2 6.4 Column 11, Part 4 7. Book/adjusted carrying value at end of current period 90,653,690 8. Total valuation allowance 9. Subtotal (Lines 7 plus 8) 90,653,690 10. Total nonadmitted amounts 11. Statement value of bonds and stocks, current period 90,653,690 26 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 1 Quality and Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Types of Issues and NAIC Designations 1 2 3 4 5 Quality Rating per the Over 1 Year Through Over 5 Years Through Over 10 Years NAIC Designation 1 Year or Less 5 Years 10 Years Through 20 Years Over 20 Years - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) 1.1 Class 1 1.2 Class 2 1.3 Class 3 1.4 Class 4 1.5 Class 5 1.6 Class 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) 2.1 Class 1 2.2 Class 2 2.3 Class 3 2.4 Class 4 2.5 Class 5 2.6 Class 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories and Possessions etc., Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) 3.1 Class 1 18,249,847 853,977 700,770 3.2 Class 2 3.3 Class 3 3.4 Class 4 3.5 Class 5 3.6 Class 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 18,249,847 853,977 700,770 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) 4.1 Class 1 1,793,359 7,123,049 1,683,247 4.2 Class 2 4.3 Class 3 4.4 Class 4 4.5 Class 5 4.6 Class 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 1,793,359 7,123,049 1,683,247 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) 5.1 Class 1 785,775 5,362,419 24,501,623 8,945,238 20,654,385 5.2 Class 2 5.3 Class 3 5.4 Class 4 5.5 Class 5 5.6 Class 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 785,775 5,362,419 24,501,623 8,945,238 20,654,385 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 7 8 9 Quality Rating per the Col. 6 as a Total from Col. 6 % From Col. 7 NAIC Designation Total Current Year % of Line 10.7 Prior Year Prior Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) 1.1 Class 1 1.2 Class 2 1.3 Class 3 1.4 Class 4 1.5 Class 5 1.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) 2.1 Class 1 2.2 Class 2 2.3 Class 3 2.4 Class 4 2.5 Class 5 2.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories and Possessions etc., Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) 3.1 Class 1 19,804,594 19.7 7,242,428 10.1 3.2 Class 2 3.3 Class 3 3.4 Class 4 3.5 Class 5 3.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 19,804,594 19.7 7,242,428 10.1 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) 4.1 Class 1 10,599,655 10.5 13,079,252 18.2 4.2 Class 2 4.3 Class 3 4.4 Class 4 4.5 Class 5 4.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 10,599,655 10.5 13,079,252 18.2 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) 5.1 Class 1 60,249,440 59.9 47,893,539 66.7 5.2 Class 2 5.3 Class 3 5.4 Class 4 5.5 Class 5 5.6 Class 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 60,249,440 59.9 47,893,539 66.7 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 11 Quality Rating per the Total Publicly Total Privately Placed NAIC Designation Traded (a) - --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) 1.1 Class 1 1.2 Class 2 1.3 Class 3 1.4 Class 4 1.5 Class 5 1.6 Class 6 ---------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) 2.1 Class 1 2.2 Class 2 2.3 Class 3 2.4 Class 4 2.5 Class 5 2.6 Class 6 ---------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals - --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories and Possessions etc., Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) 3.1 Class 1 19,804,594 3.2 Class 2 3.3 Class 3 3.4 Class 4 3.5 Class 5 3.6 Class 6 ---------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 19,804,594 - --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) 4.1 Class 1 10,599,655 4.2 Class 2 4.3 Class 3 4.4 Class 4 4.5 Class 5 4.6 Class 6 ---------------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 10,599,655 - --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) 5.1 Class 1 60,249,440 5.2 Class 2 5.3 Class 3 5.4 Class 4 5.5 Class 5 5.6 Class 6 ---------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 60,249,440 - --------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 1 (continued) Quality and Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Types of Issues and NAIC Designations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Quality Rating Over 1 Over 5 Over 10 Col. 6 per the NAIC 1 Year Year Through Years Through Years Through Over 20 Total Current as a % of Designation or Less 5 Years 10 Years 20 Years Years Year Line 10.7 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) 6.1 Class 1 6.2 Class 2 6.3 Class 3 6.4 Class 4 6.5 Class 5 6.6 Class 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.7 Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) 7.1 Class 1 9,988,368 9,988,368 9.9 7.2 Class 2 7.3 Class 3 7.4 Class 4 7.5 Class 5 7.6 Class 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.7 Totals 9,988,368 9,988,368 9.9 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) 8.1 Class 1 8.2 Class 2 8.3 Class 3 8.4 Class 4 8.5 Class 5 8.6 Class 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.7 Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) 9.1 Class 1 9.2 Class 2 9.3 Class 3 9.4 Class 4 9.5 Class 5 9.6 Class 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.7 Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quality Rating 8 9 10 11 per the NAIC Total from % From Total Total Designation Col. 6 Col. 7 Publicly Privately Prior Year Prior Year Traded Placed (a) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) 6.1 Class 1 6.2 Class 2 6.3 Class 3 6.4 Class 4 6.5 Class 5 6.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------- 6.7 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) 7.1 Class 1 3,636,233 5.1 9,988,368 7.2 Class 2 7.3 Class 3 7.4 Class 4 7.5 Class 5 7.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------- 7.7 Totals 3,636,233 5.1 9,988,368 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) 8.1 Class 1 8.2 Class 2 8.3 Class 3 8.4 Class 4 8.5 Class 5 8.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------- 8.7 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) 9.1 Class 1 9.2 Class 2 9.3 Class 3 9.4 Class 4 9.5 Class 5 9.6 Class 6 ------------------------------------------------- 9.7 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 1 (continued) Quality and Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Types of Issues and NAIC Designations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Quality Rating Over 1 Over 5 Over 10 Col. 6 per the NAIC 1 Year Year Through Years Through Years Through Over 20 Total Current as a % of Designation or Less 5 Years 10 Years 20 Years Years Year Line 10.7 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year 10.1 Class 1 10,774,143 7,155,778 49,874,519 11,482,462 21,355,155 100,642,057 100.0 10.2 Class 2 10.3 Class 3 10.4 Class 4 10.5 Class 5 (c) 10.6 Class 6 (c) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.7 Totals 10,774,143 7,155,778 49,874,519 11,482,462 21,355,155 (b) 100,642,057 100.0 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 10.7 7.1 49.6 11.4 21.2 100.0 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year 11.1 Class 1 3,881,332 8,717,361 26,231,549 2,997,582 30,023,628 XXX XXX 11.2 Class 2 XXX XXX 11.3 Class 3 XXX XXX 11.4 Class 4 XXX XXX 11.5 Class 5 XXX XXX 11.6 Class 6 XXX XXX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.7 Totals 3,881,332 8,717,361 26,231,549 2,997,582 30,023,628 XXX XXX 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 5.4 12.1 36.5 4.2 41.8 XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds 12.1 Class 1 10,774,143 7,155,779 49,874,519 11,482,461 21,355,155 100,642,057 100.0 12.2 Class 2 12.3 Class 3 12.4 Class 4 12.5 Class 5 12.6 Class 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 10,774,143 7,155,779 49,874,519 11,482,461 21,355,155 100,642,057 100.0 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 10.7 7.1 49.6 11.4 21.2 100.0 XXX 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 10.7 7.1 49.6 11.4 21.2 100.0 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds 13.1 Class 1 13.2 Class 2 13.3 Class 3 13.4 Class 4 13.5 Class 5 13.6 Class 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.7 Totals 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 9 10 11 Quality Rating Total from % From Total Total per the NAIC Col. 6 Col. 7 Publicly Privately Designation Prior Year Prior Year Traded Placed (a) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year 10.1 Class 1 XXX XXX 100,642,057 10.2 Class 2 XXX XXX 10.3 Class 3 XXX XXX 10.4 Class 4 XXX XXX 10.5 Class 5 XXX XXX 10.6 Class 6 XXX XXX ------------------------------------------------------ 10.7 Totals XXX XXX 100,642,057 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX XXX 100.0 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year 11.1 Class 1 71,851,452 100.0 71,851,451 11.2 Class 2 11.3 Class 3 11.4 Class 4 11.5 Class 5 (c) 11.6 Class 6 (c) ------------------------------------------------------ 11.7 Totals (b) 71,851,452 100.0 71,851,451 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 100.0 XXX 100.0 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds 12.1 Class 1 71,851,452 100.0 100,642,057 XXX 12.2 Class 2 XXX 12.3 Class 3 XXX 12.4 Class 4 XXX 12.5 Class 5 XXX 12.6 Class 6 XXX ------------------------------------------------------ 12.7 Totals 71,851,452 100.0 100,642,057 XXX 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX XXX 100.0 XXX 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 XXX XXX 100.0 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds 13.1 Class 1 XXX 13.2 Class 2 XXX 13.3 Class 3 XXX 13.4 Class 4 XXX 13.5 Class 5 XXX 13.6 Class 6 XXX ------------------------------------------------------ 13.7 Totals XXX 13.8 Line 13.7 as a XXX XXX % of Col. 6 13.9 Line 13.7 as a XXX XXX % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Includes $ freely tradable under SEC Rule 144 or qualified ------------- for resale under SEC Rule 144A. (b) Includes $20,030,683 current year, $5,908,523 prior year of bonds with Z designations and $ , current year, $ prior year ------------- -------------- of bonds with Z* designations. The letter "Z" means the NAIC designation was not assigned by the Securities Valuation Office (SVO) at the date of the statement. "Z*" means the SVO could not evaluate the obligation because valuation procedures for the security class is under regulatory review. (c) Includes $ current year, $ prior year ---------------- -------------------- of bonds with 5* designations and $ , current year, ----------------- $ prior year of bonds with 6* designations. "5*" means the ---------------- NAIC designation was assigned by the SVO in reliance on the insurer's certification that the issuer is current in all principal and interest payments. "6*" means the NAIC designation was assigned by the SVO due to inadequate certification of principal and interest payments. 29 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 2 Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Type and Subtype of Issues 1 2 3 4 Over 1 Year Over 5 Year Over 10 Years Distribution by Type 1 Year or Less Through 5 Years Through 10 Years Through 20 Years - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) 1.1 Issuer Obligations 1.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) 2.1 Issuer Obligations 2.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 2.3 Defined 2.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 2.5 Defined 2.6 Other ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories and Possessions Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) 3.1 Issuer Obligations 18,249,847 853,977 3.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 3.3 Defined 3.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 3.5 Defined 3.6 Other ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 18,249,847 853,977 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) 4.1 Issuer Obligations 1,793,359 7,123,049 1,683,247 4.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 4.3 Defined 4.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 4.5 Defined 4.6 Other ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 1,793,359 7,123,049 1,683,247 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) 5.1 Issuer Obligations 785,775 5,362,419 24,501,623 8,945,238 5.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 5.3 Defined 5.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 5.5 Defined 5.6 Other ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 785,775 5,362,419 24,501,623 8,945,238 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 Col. 6 as a % Distribution by Type Over 20 Years Total Current Year of Line 10.7 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) 1.1 Issuer Obligations 1.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities -------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) 2.1 Issuer Obligations 2.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 2.3 Defined 2.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 2.5 Defined 2.6 Other -------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories and Possessions etc., Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) 3.1 Issuer Obligations 700,770 19,804,594 19.7 3.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 3.3 Defined 3.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 3.5 Defined 3.6 Other -------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 700,770 19,804,594 19.7 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) 4.1 Issuer Obligations 10,599,655 10.5 4.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 4.3 Defined 4.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 4.5 Defined 4.6 Other -------------------------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 10,599,655 10.5 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) 5.1 Issuer Obligations 20,654,385 60,249,440 59.9 5.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 5.3 Defined 5.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 5.5 Defined 5.6 Other -------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 20,654,385 60,249,440 59.9 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 9 10 11 Total from Col. 6 % From Col. 7 Total Publicly Total Privately Distribution by Type Prior Year Prior Year Traded Placed - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 1) 1.1 Issuer Obligations 1.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. All Other Governments, Schedules D & DA (Group 2) 2.1 Issuer Obligations 2.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 2.3 Defined 2.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 2.5 Defined 2.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 Totals - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. States, Territories and Possessions Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 3) 3.1 Issuer Obligations 7,242,428 10.1 19,804,594 3.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 3.3 Defined 3.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 3.5 Defined 3.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Totals 7,242,428 10.1 19,804,594 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions, Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 4) 4.1 Issuer Obligations 13,079,252 18.2 10,599,655 4.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 4.3 Defined 4.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 4.5 Defined 4.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.7 Totals 13,079,252 18.2 10,599,655 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special Revenue & Special Assessment Obligations etc., Non-Guaranteed, Schedules D & DA (Group 5) 5.1 Issuer Obligations 47,893,539 66.7 60,249,440 5.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 5.3 Defined 5.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET- BACKED SECURITIES 5.5 Defined 5.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Totals 47,893,539 66.7 60,249,440 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 2 (continued) Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Type and Subtype of Issues 1 2 3 4 Over 1 Year Through Over 5 Years Over 10 Years Distribution by Type 1 Year or Less 5 Years Through 10 Years Through 20 Years - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) 6.1 Issuer Obligations 6.2 Single Class Mortgage- Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 6.3 Defined 6.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 6.5 Defined 6.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.7 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) 7.1 Issuer Obligations 9,988,368 7.2 Single Class Mortgage- Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 7.3 Defined 7.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 7.5 Defined 7.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.7 Totals 9,988,368 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) 8.1 Issuer Obligations -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.7 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parents, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) 9.1 Issuer Obligations 9.2 Single Class Mortgage- Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 9.3 Defined 9.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 9.5 Defined 9.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.7 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 Col. 6 as a % Total from Col. 6 Distribution by Type Over 20 Years Total Current Year of Line 10.7 Prior Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) 6.1 Issuer Obligations 6.2 Single Class Mortgage- Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 6.3 Defined 6.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 6.5 Defined 6.6 Other ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) 7.1 Issuer Obligations 9,988,368 9.9 3,636,233 7.2 Single Class Mortgage- Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 7.3 Defined 7.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 7.5 Defined 7.6 Other ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.7 Totals 9,988,368 9.9 3,636,233 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) 8.1 Issuer Obligations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parents, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) 9.1 Issuer Obligations 9.2 Single Class Mortgage- Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 9.3 Defined 9.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 9.5 Defined 9.6 Other ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10 11 % From Col. 7 Total Publicly Total Privately Distribution by Type Prior Year Traded Placed - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Public Utilities (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 6) 6.1 Issuer Obligations 6.2 Single Class Mortgage- Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 6.3 Defined 6.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 6.5 Defined 6.6 Other ------------------------------------------------ 6.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Industrial & Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated), Schedules D & DA (Group 7) 7.1 Issuer Obligations 5.1 9,988,368 7.2 Single Class Mortgage- Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 7.3 Defined 7.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 7.5 Defined 7.6 Other ------------------------------------------------ 7.7 Totals 5.1 9,988,368 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credit Tenant Loans, Schedules D & DA (Group 8) 8.1 Issuer Obligations ------------------------------------------------ 8.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Parents, Subsidiaries and Affiliates, Schedules D & DA (Group 9) 9.1 Issuer Obligations 9.2 Single Class Mortgage- Backed/Asset-Based Securities MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 9.3 Defined 9.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 9.5 Defined 9.6 Other ------------------------------------------------ 9.7 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1A - SECTION 2 (continued) Maturity Distribution of All Bonds Owned December 31, at Book/Adjusted Carrying Values by Major Type and Subtype of Issues - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Over 1 Over 5 Over 10 1 Year Year Through Years Through Years Through Over 20 Total Current Distribution by Type or Less 5 Years 10 Years 20 Years Years Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year - --------------------------------------- 10.1 Issuer Obligations 10,774,143 7,155,778 49,874,519 11,482,462 21,355,155 100,642,057 10.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Bonds MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 10.3 Defined 10.4 Other MULTICLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 10.5 Defined 10.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.7 Totals 10,774,143 7,155,778 49,874,519 11,482,462 21,355,155 100,642,057 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 10.7 7.1 49.6 11.4 21.2 100.0 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - --------------------------------------- 11.1 Issuer Obligations 3,881,332 8,717,361 26,231,549 2,997,582 30,023,628 XXX 11.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Bonds XXX MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 11.3 Defined XXX 11.4 Other XXX MULTICLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 11.5 Defined XXX 11.6 Other XXX -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.7 Totals 3,881,332 8,717,361 26,231,549 2,997,582 30,023,628 XXX 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 5.4 12.1 36.5 4.2 41.8 XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - --------------------------------------- 12.1 Issuer Obligations 10,774,143 7,155,779 49,874,519 11,482,461 21,355,155 100,642,057 12.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Bonds MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 12.3 Defined 12.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 12.5 Defined 12.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 10,774,143 7,155,779 49,874,519 11,482,461 21,355,155 100,642,057 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 10.7 7.1 49.6 11.4 21.2 100.0 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 10.7 7.1 49.6 11.4 21.2 100.0 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - --------------------------------------- 13.1 Issuer Obligations 13.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Bonds MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 13.3 Defined 13.4 Other MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 13.5 Defined 13.6 Other -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.7 Totals 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 8 9 10 11 Total From % From Total Total Col. 6 as a % Col. 6 Col.7 Publicly Privately Distribution by Type of Line 10.7 Prior Year Prior Year Traded Placed - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Total Bonds Current Year - --------------------------------------- 10.1 Issuer Obligations 100.0 XXX XXX 100,642,057 10.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ XXX XXX Asset-Backed Bonds XXX XXX MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 10.3 Defined XXX XXX 10.4 Other XXX XXX MULTICLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 10.5 Defined XXX XXX 10.6 Other XXX XXX ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.7 Totals 100.0 XXX XXX 100,642,057 10.8 Line 10.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX XXX XXX 100.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Total Bonds Prior Year - --------------------------------------- 11.1 Issuer Obligations XXX 71,851,452 100.0 71,851,451 11.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Bonds XXX MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 11.3 Defined XXX 11.4 Other XXX MULTICLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 11.5 Defined XXX 11.6 Other XXX ------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.7 Totals XXX 71,851,452 100.0 71,851,451 11.8 Line 11.7 as a % of Col. 8 XXX 100.0 XXX 100.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Total Publicly Traded Bonds - --------------------------------------- 12.1 Issuer Obligations 100.0 71,851,452 100.0 100,642,057 XXX 12.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Bonds XXX MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 12.3 Defined XXX 12.4 Other XXX MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 12.5 Defined XXX 12.6 Other XXX ------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.7 Totals 100.0 71,851,452 100.0 100,642,057 XXX 12.8 Line 12.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX XXX XXX 100.0 XXX 12.9 Line 12.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 XXX XXX XXX 100.0 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Total Privately Placed Bonds - --------------------------------------- 13.1 Issuer Obligations XXX 13.2 Single Class Mortgage-Backed/ Asset-Backed Bonds XXX MULTI-CLASS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES 13.3 Defined XXX 13.4 Other XXX MULTI-CLASS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED/ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 13.5 Defined XXX 13.6 Other XXX ------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.7 Totals XXX 13.8 Line 13.7 as a % of Col. 6 XXX XXX XXX XXX 13.9 Line 13.7 as a % of Line 10.7, Col. 6, Section 10 XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE DA - PART 2 Verification of SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS Between Years - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 Other Investments in Short-term Parent, Mortgage Investment Subsidiaries and Total Bonds Loans Assets(a) Affiliates - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Book/adjusted carrying value, prior year 3,636,233 3,636,233 2. Cost of short-term investments acquired 77,151,162 77,151,162 3. Increase (decrease) by adjustment 4. Increase (decrease) by foreign exchange adjustment 5. Total profit (loss) on disposal of short-term investments (1) (1) 6. Consideration received on disposal of short-term investments 70,799,026 70,799,026 7. Book/adjusted carrying value, current year 9,988,368 9,988,368 8. Total valuation allowance 9. Subtotal (Lines 7 plus 8) 9,988,368 9,988,368 10. Total nonadmitted amounts 11. Statement value (Lines 9 minus 10) 9,988,368 9,988,368 12. Income collected during year 101,592 101,592 13. Income earned during year 107,441 107,441 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Indicate the category of such assets, for example, joint ventures, transportation equipment: 33 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule DB - Part A - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part B - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part C - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part D - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part E - VBY NONE Schedule DB - Part F - Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part F - Section 2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34, 35, 36, 37 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 1 Assumed Reinsurance as of December 31, Current Year (000 Omitted) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 Federal NAIC ID Company Domiciliary Assumed Number Code Name of Reinsured Jurisdiction Premium - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23-2018130 33790 Radian Guaranty Inc. PA 3,147 0299999 - Total - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 3,147 0499999 - Total - Affiliates 3,147 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0699998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0799998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0999998 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 3,147 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Reinsurance On 9 --------------------------------------------- 6 7 8 Federal NAIC Paid Losses and Contingent ID Company Loss Adjustment Known Case Commissions Number Code Name of Reinsured Expenses Losses and LAE Cols. 6 +7 Payable - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23-2018130 33790 Radian Guaranty Inc. 1,494 1,494 0299999 - Total - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 1,494 1,494 0499999 - Total - Affiliates 1,494 1,494 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0699998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0799998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0999998 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Totals 1,494 1,494 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 Funds Held By or Federal NAIC Assumed Deposited With ID Company Premiums Unearned Reinsured Letters of Credit Number Code Name of Reinsured Receivable Premium Companies Posted - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23-2018130 33790 Radian Guaranty Inc. 2,712 2,614 0299999 - Total - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 2,712 2,614 0499999 - Total - Affiliates 2,712 2,614 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0699998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0799998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0999998 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Totals 2,712 2,614 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 14 Amount of Assets Pledged or Compensating Federal NAIC Balances to Secure ID Company Letters Number Code Name of Reinsured of Credit - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23-2018130 33790 Radian Guaranty Inc. 0299999 - Total - Affiliates - U.S. Non-Pool 0499999 - Total - Affiliates 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0699998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0799998 - Pools and Associations - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 0999998 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers - Reins Col 8 < 100,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 2 Premium Portfolio Reinsurance Effected or (Canceled) during Current Year NONE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Federal NAIC ID Company Reinsurance Number Code Name of Company Date of Contract Original Premium Premium - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 3 Ceded Reinsurance as of December 31, Current Year (000 Omitted) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reinsurance Recoverable On ------------------------------ Reinsurance Contracts 7 8 9 Ceding 75% or More of Federal NAIC Direct Reinsurance Known Case ID Company Domiciliary Premiums Premiums Paid Paid Loss Number code Name of Reinsurer Jurisdiction Written Ceded Losses LAE Reserves - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22-2712977 36250 Radian Asset Assurance Co. NY 13,403 0299999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non- Pool 13,403 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates 13,403 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers (Under $100,000) 0899998 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) 0999999 - Total - Authorized 13,403 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates 1499998 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers (Under $100,000) AA-3190809 ACE Capital Re Overseas Ltd. BM 2,512 1799998 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) 1799999 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 2,512 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized 2,512 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized 15,914 2099999 - Total - Protected Cells - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 15,914 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Reinsurance Recoverable On ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 11 12 13 14 15 Federal NAIC Known Case Cols. ID Company LAE IBNR Loss IBNR LAE Unearned Contingent 7 thru 14 Number code Name of Reinsurer Reserves Reserves Reserves Premiums Commissions Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22-2712977 36250 Radian Asset Assurance Co. 0299999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non- Pool 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers (Under $100,000) 0899998 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) 0999999 - Total - Authorized 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates 1499998 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers (Under $100,000) AA-3190809 ACE Capital Re Overseas Ltd. 1799998 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) 1799999 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized 2099999 - Total - Protected Cells - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Reinsurance 18 19 ----------------------- 16 17 Net Amount Recoverable Funds Held Other From By Company Federal NAIC Ceded Amounts Reinsurers Under ID Company Balances Due to Cols. 15 - Reinsurance Number code Name of Reinsurer Payable Reinsurers [16 + 17] Treaties - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22-2712977 36250 Radian Asset Assurance Co. 485 (485) 0299999 - Authorized - Affiliates - U.S. Non- Pool 485 (485) 0499999 - Total - Authorized - Affiliates 485 (485) 0599998 - Other U.S. Unaffil Insurers (Under $100,000) 0899998 - Authorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) 0999999 - Total - Authorized 485 (485) 1399999 - Total - Unauthorized - Affiliates 1499998 - Unauthorized - Other U.S. Unaffiliated Insurers (Under $100,000) AA-3190809 ACE Capital Re Overseas Ltd. 99 (99) 1799998 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers (Under $100,000) 1799999 - Unauthorized - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 99 (99) 1899999 - Total - Unauthorized 99 (99) 1999999 - Total - Authorized and Unauthorized 583 (583) 2099999 - Total - Protected Cells - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 583 (583) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Report the five largest provisional commission rates included in the cedant's reinsurance treaties. The commission rate to be reported is by contract with ceded premium in excess of $50,000: 1 2 3 Name of Company Commission Rate Ceded Premium ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- 1. Radian Asset Assurance Co. 10.000 13,403 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 4 Aging of Ceded Reinsurance as of December 31, Current Year (000 Omitted) NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Reinsurance Recoverable on Paid Losses and Paid Loss Adjustment Expenses ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Overdue 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 6 7 8 9 10 Total Total Federal NAIC Overdue Due ID Company Name of Domiciliary Cols. Cols. Number Code Reinsurer Jurisdiction Current 1 to 29 Days 30-90 Days 91-120 Days Over 120 Days 6+7+8+9 5+10 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------- 1 2 12 13 Percentage more Than Percentage 120 Days Federal NAIC Overdue Overdue ID Company Col. 10 Col.9 / Number Code /Col. 11 Col.11 - ------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals - ------------------------------------------- 41 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 5 Provision for Unauthorized Reinsurance as of December 31, Current Year (000 Omitted) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Reinsurance Recoverable Funds Held all Items By Company Federal NAIC Schedule F Under Ceded ID Company Domiciliary Part 3, Reinsurance Letters of Balances Miscellaneous Number Code Name of Reinsurer Jurisdiction Col. 15 Treaties Credit Payable Balances - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 - Total - Affiliates AA-3190809 ACE Capital Re Overseas Ltd BM 99 0899999 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 99 0999999 - Total - Affiliates and Others 99 1099999 - Total - Protected Cells - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Totals 99 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 Recoverable Paid Losses & LAE Sum of Cols. Expenses Federal NAIC Other 6 thru 10 but Subtotal Over 90 Days 20% of Smaller ID Company Allowed not in excess Col. 5 minus Past Due not Amount in of Col. 11 or Number Code Name of Reinsurer Offset Items of Col.5 Col. 11 in Dispute Col.13 Col. 14 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0499999 - Total - Affiliates AA-3190809 ACE Capital Re Overseas Ltd 0899999 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 0999999 - Total - Affiliates and Others 1099999 - Total - Protected Cells - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 16 17 Total Provision for Smaller of Col. Unauthorized 11 or 20% of Reinsurance Amount in Smaller of Federal NAIC Dispute Col.5 or ID Company Included in Cols. Number Code Name of Reinsurer Col. 5 12 + 15 + 16 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0499999 - Total - Affiliates AA-3190809 ACE Capital Re Overseas Ltd 0899999 - Other Non-U.S. Insurers 0999999 - Total - Affiliates and Others 1099999 - Total - Protected Cells - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Amounts in dispute totaling $ are included in ------------------------- Column 5. 2. Amounts in dispute totaling $ are excluded from ------------------------- Column 13. 3. Column 5 excludes $ recoverables on ceded IBNR on ---------------------- contracts in force prior to July 1, 1984 and not subsequently renewed. 42 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule F - Part 6 NONE Schedule F - Part 7 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43, 44 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE F - PART 8 Restatement of Balance Sheet to Identify Net Credit for Reinsurance - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 As Reported (Net Restatement Restated of Ceded) Adjustments (Gross of Ceded) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSETS (Page 2, Col. 3) 1. Cash and invested assets (Line 9) 101,420,408 101,420,408 2. Agents' balances or uncollected premiums (Line 10) 2,711,758 484,611 3,196,369 3. Funds held by or deposited with reinsured companies (Line 11) 4. Reinsurance recoverable on loss and loss adjustment expense payments (Line 14) 5. Other assets (Lines 12 and 13 and 15 through 25) 1,275,778 1,275,778 6. Net amount recoverable from reinsurers (484,611) (484,611) ------------------------------------------------- 7. Totals (Line 28) 105,407,944 105,407,944 ------------------------------------------------- LIABILITIES (Page 3) 8. Losses and loss adjustment expenses (Lines 1 through 3) 22,971,024 22,971,024 9. Taxes, expenses, and other obligations (Lines 4 through 8) 1,523,915 1,523,915 10. Unearned premiums (Line 9) 21,965,207 21,965,207 11. Advance Premiums (Line 10) 12. Dividends declared and unpaid (Line 11.1 and 11.2) 13. Ceded reinsurance premiums payable (net of ceded commissions) (Line 12) 583,154 583,154 14. Funds held by company under reinsurance treaties (Line 13) 15. Amounts withheld or retained by company for account of others (Line 14) 252,437 252,437 16. Provision for reinsurance (Line 16) 17. Other liabilities (Lines 15 and 17 through 23) 412,404 412,404 ------------------------------------------------- 18. Total liabilities (Line 26 minus Line 25) 47,708,141 47,708,141 ------------------------------------------------- 19. Surplus as regards policyholders (Line 35) 57,699,803 XXX 57,699,803 ------------------------------------------------- 20. Totals (Line 36) 105,407,944 105,407,944 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Is the restatement of this exhibit the result of grossing up balances ceded to affiliates under 100 percent reinsurance or pooling arrangements? Yes [ ] No [X] If yes, give full explanation: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule H - Part 1 NONE Schedule H - Part 2 NONE Schedule H - Part 3 NONE Schedule H - Part 4 NONE Schedule H - Part 5 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46, 47, 48 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - ANALYSIS OF LOSSES AND LOSS EXPENSES SCHEDULE P - PART 1 - SUMMARY ($000 Omitted) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premiums Earned Loss and Loss Expense Payments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Defense and Cost Adjusting and other Loss Payments Containment Payments Payments Years in --------------------------------------------------------------- Which 4 5 6 7 8 9 Premiums Were Earned and Losses Direct and Net Direct and Direct and Direct and Were Incurred Assumed Ceded (Cols. 1 - 2) Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX 2. 1993 3. 1994 36 4. 1995 269 269 707 5. 1996 1,259 1,259 1,215 6. 1997 1,117 1,117 803 7. 1998 1,542 1,542 772 8. 1999 2,303 2,303 926 9. 2000 4,623 4,623 850 10. 2001 42,430 3,665 38,765 19,210 89 11. 2002 44,024 15,914 28,110 4,829 241 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals XXX XXX XXX 29,349 330 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------- Loss and Loss Expense Payments 12 ---------------------------------- 10 11 Years in Which Number of Premiums Salvage Total Net Claims Were Earned and Paid (Cols. Reported - and Losses Subrogation 4 - 5 + 6 - Direct and Were Incurred Received 7 + 8 - 9) Assumed - ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX 2. 1993 XXX 3. 1994 36 XXX 4. 1995 707 XXX 5. 1996 1,215 XXX 6. 1997 803 XXX 7. 1998 772 XXX 8. 1999 926 XXX 9. 2000 850 XXX 10. 2001 19,299 XXX 11. 2002 5,070 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals 29,678 XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusting and Other Losses Unpaid Defense and Cost Containment Unpaid Unpaid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case Basis Bulk + IBNR Case Basis Bulk + IBNR 21 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 5. 5 6. 30 7. 61 8. 201 9. 2,032 10. 9,679 11. 9,467 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals 21,477 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------- 23 24 25 Total Number of Salvage Net Claims and Losses Outstand- Subrog- and ing - ation Expenses Direct and Anticipated Unpaid Assumed - ---------------------------------------------- 1. XXX 2. XXX 3. XXX 4. 2 XXX 5. 5 XXX 6. 30 XXX 7. 61 XXX 8. 201 XXX 9. 2,032 XXX 10. 9,679 XXX 11. 9,467 XXX - ---------------------------------------------- 12. Total 21,477 XXX - ---------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Loss and Loss 34 Net Balance Sheet Losses and Loss Expenses Expense Percentage Nontabular Reserves After Incurred (Incurred/Premiums Earned) Discount Discount ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inter- ----------------- 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Company 35 36 Pooling Loss Direct and Direct and Loss Participation Losses Expenses Assumed Ceded Net Assumed Ceded Net Loss Expense Percentage Unpaid Unpaid - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 3. 36 36 4. 710 710 263.8 263.8 2 5. 1,220 1,220 96.9 96.9 5 6. 833 833 74.6 74.6 30 7. 833 833 54.0 54.0 61 8. 1,127 1,127 48.9 48.9 201 9. 2,882 2,882 62.3 62.3 2,032 10. 28,978 28,978 68.3 74.8 9,679 11. 14,537 14,537 33.0 51.7 9,467 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 21,477 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Parts 2 and 4 are gross of all discounting, including tabular discounting. Part 1 is gross of only nontabular discounting, which is reported in Columns 32 and 33 of Part 1. The tabular discount, if any, is reported in the Notes to Financial Statements which will reconcile Part 1 with Parts 2 and 4. 49 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 2 - SUMMARY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCURRED NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) DEVELOPMENT Years in Which ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Losses Were 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 One Year Two Year - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 29 36 38 39 38 36 (2) (3) 4. 1995 XXX XXX 210 531 611 726 718 694 696 710 14 15 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 886 1,027 1,312 1,304 1,219 1,215 1,220 5 2 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 1,788 1,319 880 882 861 833 (28) (49) 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2,420 1,216 1,193 1,035 833 (202) (360) 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2,344 2,160 1,613 1,127 (486) (1,033) 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3,516 3,098 2,882 (216) (635) 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 34,497 28,889 (5,608) XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 14,296 XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals (6,524) (2,062) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 3 - SUMMARY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUMULATIVE PAID NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES 11 12 REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of Claims Claims Closed Years in Which Closed With Without Losses Were Loss Loss Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Payment Payment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 000 XXX XXX 2. 1993 XXX XXX 3. 1994 XXX 22 29 36 36 36 36 XXX XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 419 545 636 680 688 687 707 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 55 352 869 1,176 1,190 1,200 1,215 XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 42 205 584 768 798 803 XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 7 182 592 745 772 XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 55 361 709 926 XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 69 438 850 XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8,598 19,210 XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 4,829 XXX XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4 - SUMMARY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BULK AND IBNR RESERVES ON NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) Years in Which -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Losses Were 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 7 7 2 3 2 4. 1995 XXX XXX 210 112 66 90 38 7 9 2 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 831 675 443 128 29 16 5 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 1,746 1,114 296 114 63 30 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2,413 1,034 600 290 61 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2,289 1,798 904 201 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3,447 2,660 2,032 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 25,899 9,679 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9,467 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 1A - Home/Farm NONE Schedule P - Part 1B - Private Passenger NONE Schedule P - Part 1C - Comm Auto/Truck NONE Schedule P - Part 1D - Workers' Comp NONE Schedule P - Part 1E - Comm Multi Peril NONE Schedule P - Part 1F - Medical Mal Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 1F - Medical Mal Claim NONE Schedule P - Part 1G - Special Liability NONE Schedule P - Part 1H - Other Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 1H - Other Liab Claims NONE Schedule P - Part 1I - Special Property NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 1J - Auto Physical NONE Schedule P - Part 1K - Fidelity/Surety NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62, 63 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 1L - OTHER (INCLUDING CREDIT, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH) ($000 Omitted) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premiums Earned Loss and Loss Expense Payments Years in ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which 1 2 3 Defense and Cost Premiums Loss Payments Containment Payments Were ----------------------------------------- Earned 4 5 6 7 and Losses Were Direct and Net Direct and Direct and Incurred Assumed Ceded (Cols. 1 - 2) Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX 4 2. 2001 40,695 3,665 37,030 18,578 3. 2002 43,261 15,914 27,347 4,718 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals XXX XXX XXX 23,301 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ($000 Omitted) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Loss and Loss Expense Payments 12 Years in -------------------------------------------- Which Adjusting and Other 10 11 Premiums Payments Total Were ------------------- Net Paid Number of Earned 8 9 Salvage (Cols. Claims and Losses and 4 - 5 Reported - Were Direct and Subrogation + 6 - 7 Direct and Incurred Assumed Ceded Received + 8 - 9) Assumed - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 4 XXX 2. 2001 18,578 XXX 3. 2002 4,718 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals 23,301 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusting and other Losses Unpaid Defense and Cost Containment Unpaid Unpaid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case Basis Bulk + IBNR Case Basis Bulk + IBNR 21 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 1,387 2. 7,482 3. 5,913 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. 14,782 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------- 23 24 25 Number of Total Claims Net Outstand- Salvage Losses ing - and and Direct Subrogation Expenses and Anticipated Unpaid Assumed - ---------------------------------------- 1. 1,387 2. 7,482 3. 5,913 - ---------------------------------------- 4. 14,782 - ---------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Loss and Loss Expense Percentage Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred (Incurred/Premiums Earned) Nontabular Discount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Direct and Direct and Loss Assumed Ceded Net Assumed Ceded Net Loss Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 26,061 26,061 64.0 70.4 3. 10,631 10,631 24.6 38.9 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------- 34 Net Balance Sheet Reserves After Discount Inter- ----------------- Company 35 36 Pooling Loss Participation Losses Expenses Percentage Unpaid Unpaid - --------------------------------------- 1. XXX 1,387 2. 7,482 3. 5,913 - --------------------------------------- 4. XXX 14,782 - --------------------------------------- 64 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 1M - International NONE Schedule P - Part 1N - Reinsurance A NONE Schedule P - Part 1O - Reinsurance B NONE Schedule P - Part 1P - Reinsurance C NONE Schedule P - Part 1R - Prod Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 1R - Prod Liab Claims NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 1S - FINANCIAL GUARANTY/MORTGAGE GUARANTY ($000 Omitted) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premiums Earned Loss and Loss Expense Payments Years in ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which 1 2 3 Defense and Cost Premiums Loss Payments Containment Payments Were ----------------------------------------- Earned 4 5 6 7 and Losses Were Direct and Net Direct and Direct and Incurred Assumed Ceded (Cols. 1 - 2) Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX 693 2. 2001 1,735 1,735 632 3. 2002 763 763 111 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals XXX XXX XXX 1,435 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ($000 Omitted) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Loss and Loss Expense Payments 12 Years in -------------------------------------------- Which Adjusting and Other 10 11 Premiums Payments Total Were ------------------- Net Paid Number of Earned 8 9 Salvage (Cols. Claims and Losses and 4 - 5 Reported - Were Direct and Subrogation + 6 - 7 Direct and Incurred Assumed Ceded Received + 8 - 9) Assumed - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 693 XXX 2. 2001 89 721 XXX 3. 2002 241 352 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals 330 1,765 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusting and other Losses Unpaid Defense and Cost Containment Unpaid Unpaid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case Basis Bulk + IBNR Case Basis Bulk + IBNR 21 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Direct and Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded Assumed Ceded - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 945 2. 2,196 3. 3,554 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. 6,696 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------- 23 24 25 Number of Total Claims Net Outstand- Salvage Losses ing - and and Direct Subrogation Expenses and Anticipated Unpaid Assumed - ---------------------------------------- 1. 945 2. 2,196 3. 3,554 - ---------------------------------------- 4. 6,696 - ---------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Loss and Loss Expense Percentage Losses and Loss Expenses Incurred (Incurred/Premiums Earned) Nontabular Discount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Direct and Direct and Loss Assumed Ceded Net Assumed Ceded Net Loss Expense - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 2,917 2,917 168.1 168.1 3. 3,906 3,906 511.9 511.9 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------- 34 Net Balance Sheet Reserves After Discount Inter- ----------------- Company 35 36 Pooling Loss Participation Losses Expenses Percentage Unpaid Unpaid - --------------------------------------- 1. XXX 945 2. 2,196 3. 3,554 - --------------------------------------- 4. XXX 6,696 - --------------------------------------- 71 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 2A NONE Schedule P - Part 2B NONE Schedule P - Part 2C NONE Schedule P - Part 2D NONE Schedule P - Part 2E NONE Schedule P - Part 2F - Medical Mal Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 2F - Medical Mal Claim NONE Schedule P - Part 2G NONE Schedule P - Part 2H - Other Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 2H - Other Liab Claim NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72, 73 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 2I - SPECIAL PROPERTY (FIRE, ALLIED LINES, INLAND MARINE, EARTHQUAKE, BURGLARY, AND THEFT) NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCURRED NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) DEVELOPMENT Years in -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Losses Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 One Year Two Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2J - AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2K - FIDELITY, SURETY NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2L - OTHER (INCLUDING CREDIT, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 217 217 1,391 1,174 1,174 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 30,247 26,061 (4,187) XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10,631 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals (3,013) 1,174 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2M - INTERNATIONAL NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 2N - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Property NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCURRED NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) DEVELOPMENT Years in -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Losses Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 One Year Two Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2O - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Liability NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2P - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 2R - SECTION 1 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - OCCURRENCE NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCURRED NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) DEVELOPMENT Years in -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Losses Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 One Year Two Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2R - SECTION 2 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - CLAIMS-MADE NONE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Totals - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 2S - FINANCIAL GUARANTY/MORTGAGE GUARANTY - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 5,781 4,635 2,545 (2,090) (3,236) 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 4,250 2,829 (1,421) XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3,665 XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Totals (3,511) (3,236) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 3A NONE Schedule P - Part 3B NONE Schedule P - Part 3C NONE Schedule P - Part 3D NONE Schedule P - Part 3E NONE Schedule P - Part 3F - Medical Mal Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 3F - Medical Mal Claim NONE Schedule P - Part 3G NONE Schedule P - Part 3H - Other Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 3H - Other Liab Claims NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77, 78 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 3I - SPECIAL PROPERTY (FIRE, ALLIED LINES, INLAND MARINE, EARTHQUAKE, BURGLARY, AND THEFT) NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CUMULATIVE PAID NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END 11 12 ($000 OMITTED) Number of Number of Years in ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claims Claims Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Closed With Closed Losses Were Loss Without Loss Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Payment Payment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 000 XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE P - PART 3J - AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 000 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE P - PART 3K - FIDELITY/SURETY NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 000 XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE P - PART 3L - OTHER (INCLUDING CREDIT, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 000 4 XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8,504 18,578 XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 4,718 XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE P - PART 3M - INTERNATIONAL NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior 000 XXX XXX 2. 1993 XXX XXX 3. 1994 XXX XXX XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 79 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 3N - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Property NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CUMULATIVE PAID NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END 11 12 ($000 OMITTED) Number of Number of Years in ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claims Claims Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Closed With Closed Losses Were Loss Without Loss Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Payment Payment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior 000 XXX XXX 2. 1993 XXX XXX 3. 1994 XXX XXX XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE P - PART 3O - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Liability NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior 000 XXX XXX 2. 1993 XXX XXX 3. 1994 XXX XXX XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE P - PART 3P - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior 000 XXX XXX 2. 1993 XXX XXX 3. 1994 XXX XXX XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 80 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 3R - SECTION 1 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - OCCURRENCE NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CUMULATIVE PAID NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END 11 12 ($000 OMITTED) Number of Number of Years in ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claims Claims Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Closed With Closed Losses Were Loss Without Loss Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Payment Payment - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior 000 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE P - PART 3R - SECTION 2 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - CLAIMS-MADE NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior 000 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE P - PART 3S - FINANCIAL GUARANTY/MORTGAGE GUARANTY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 000 908 1,600 XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 94 632 XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 111 XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 81 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 4A NONE Schedule P - Part 4B NONE Schedule P - Part 4C NONE Schedule P - Part 4D NONE Schedule P - Part 4E NONE Schedule P - Part 4F - Medical Mal Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 4F - Medical Mal Claim NONE Schedule P - Part 4G NONE Schedule P - Part 4H - Other Liab Occur NONE Schedule P - Part 4H - Other Liab Claims NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 82, 83 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 4I - SPECIAL PROPERTY (FIRE, ALLIED LINES, INLAND MARINE, EARTHQUAKE, BURGLARY AND THEFT) NONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BULK AND IBNR RESERVES ON NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) Years in --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Losses Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4J - AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE NONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4K - FIDELITY/SURETY NONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4L - OTHER (INCLUDING CREDIT, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 217 217 1,387 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 21,744 7,482 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 5,913 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4M - INTERNATIONAL NONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 4N - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Property NONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BULK AND IBNR RESERVES ON NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) Years in --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Losses Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4O - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Liability NONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4P - REINSURANCE Nonproportional Assumed Financial Lines NONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 85 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P - PART 4R - SECTION 1 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - OCCURRENCE NONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BULK AND IBNR RESERVES ON NET LOSSES AND DEFENSE AND COST CONTAINMENT EXPENSES REPORTED AT YEAR END ($000 OMITTED) Years in --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Losses Were Incurred 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4R - SECTION 2 - PRODUCTS LIABILITY - CLAIMS-MADE NONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior 2. 1993 3. 1994 XXX 4. 1995 XXX XXX 5. 1996 XXX XXX XXX 6. 1997 XXX XXX XXX XXX 7. 1998 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 8. 1999 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 9. 2000 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 10. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 11. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE P - PART 4S - FINANCIAL GUARANTY/MORTGAGE GUARANTY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prior XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 5,781 3,727 945 2. 2001 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 4,156 2,196 3. 2002 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3,554 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 5A- SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5A- SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 5A- SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5B- SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5B- SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 5B- SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5C- SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5C- SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 5C- SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5D- SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5D- SN2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87, 88, 89, 90 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 5D- SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5E- SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 5E- SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 5E- SN3 NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN1A NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN3A NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 5F- SN3B NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN1A NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 5H- SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN3A NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 5H- SN3B NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN1A NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN3A NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 5R- SN3B NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94, 95, 96, 97 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 6C - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6C - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6D - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6D - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6E - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6E - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6H - SN1A NONE Schedule P - Part 6H - SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 6H - SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 6H - SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 6M - SN1 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98, 99, 100 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 6M - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6N - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6N - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6O - SN1 NONE Schedule P - Part 6O - SN2 NONE Schedule P - Part 6R - SN1A NONE Schedule P - Part 6R - SN2A NONE Schedule P - Part 6R - SN1B NONE Schedule P - Part 6R - SN2B NONE Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 1 NONE Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100, 101, 102, 103 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 3 NONE Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 4 NONE Schedule P - Part 7A - Section 5 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 1 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 2 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 3 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 4 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 5 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 6 NONE Schedule P - Part 7B - Section 7 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 103, 104, 105, 106 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE P INTERROGATORIES 1. What is the extended loss and expense reserve - direct and assumed - for the following classes? An example of an extended loss and expense reserve is the actuarial reserve for the free-tail coverage arising upon death, disability or retirement in most medical malpractice policies. Such a liability is to be reported here even if it was not reported elsewhere in Schedule P, but otherwise reported as a liability item on Page 3. Show the full reserve amount, not just the change during the current year. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Years in which premiums were earned 1 2 3 and losses were incurred Medical Malpractice Other Liability Products Liability - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.01 Prior 1.02 1993 1.03 1994 1.04 1995 1.05 1996 1.06 1997 1.07 1998 1.08 1999 1.09 2000 1.10 2001 1.11 2002 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.12 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. The definition of allocated loss adjustment expenses (ALAE) and, therefore, unallocated loss adjustment expenses (ULAE) was changed effective January 1, 1998. This change in definition applies to both paid and unpaid expenses. Are these expenses (now reported as "Defense and Cost Containment" and "Adjusting and Other") reported in compliance with these definitions in this statement? Answer: Yes [X] No [ ] 3. The Adjusting and Other expense payments and reserves should be allocated to the years in which the losses were incurred based on the number of claims reported, closed and outstanding in those years. When allocating Adjusting and Other expense between companies in a group or a pool, the Adjusting and Other expense should be allocated in the same percentage used for the loss amounts and the claim counts. For reinsurers, Adjusting and Other expense assumed should be reported according to the reinsurance contract. For Adjusting and Other expense incurred by reinsurers, or in those situations where suitable claim count information is not available, Adjusting and Other expense should be allocated by a reasonable method determined by the company and described in Interrogatory 7, below. Are they so reported in this Statement? Answer: Yes [X] No [ ] 4. Do any lines in Schedule P include reserves which are reported gross of any discount to present value of future payments, but are reported net of such discounts on Page 11? Yes [ ] No [X] If Yes, proper reporting must be made in the Notes to Financial Statements, as specified in the Instructions. Also, the discounts must be reported in Schedule P - Part 1, Columns 32 and 33. Schedule P must be completed gross of non-tabular discounting. Work papers relating to discount calculations must be available for examination upon request. Discounting is allowed only if expressly permitted by the state insurance department to which this Annual Statement is being filed. 5. What were the net premiums in force at the end of the year for: (in thousands of dollars) 5.1 Fidelity -------------------- 5.2 Surety -------------------- 6. Claim count information is reported Per Claim --------------------------------------- 7.1 The information provided in Schedule P will be used by many persons to estimate the adequacy of the current loss and expense reserves, among other things. Are there any especially significant events, coverage, retention or accounting changes which have occurred which must be considered when making such analyses? Yes [ ] No [X] 7.2 An extended statement may be attached. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 107 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE T - EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS WRITTEN Allocated by States and Territories - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Gross Premiums, Including 4 5 6 Policy and Membership Fees Less Return Premiums and Premiums on Policies Not Taken Dividends -------------------------- Paid Is 2 3 or Credited to Direct Losses Insurer Direct Direct Policyholders Paid Licensed? Premiums Premiums on Direct (Deducting Direct Losses States, etc. (Yes or No) Written Earned Business Salvage) Incurred - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Alabama AL No 2. Alaska AK No 3. Arizona AZ No 4. Arkansas AR No 5. California CA No 6. Colorado CO No 7. Connecticut CT No 8. Delaware DE No 9. District of Columbia DC No 10. Florida FL No 11. Georgia GA No 12. Hawaii HI No 13. Idaho ID No 14. Illinois IL No 15. Indiana IN No 16. Iowa IA No 17. Kansas KS No 18. Kentucky KY No 19. Louisiana LA No 20. Maine ME No 21. Maryland MD No 22. Massachusetts MA No 23. Michigan MI No 24. Minnesota MN No 25. Mississippi MS No 26. Missouri MO No 27. Montana MT No 28. Nebraska NE No 29. Nevada NV No 30. New Hampshire NH No 31. New Jersey NJ No 32. New Mexico NM No 33. New York NY No 34. North Carolina NC No 35. North Dakota ND No 36. Ohio OH No 37. Oklahoma OK No 38. Oregon OR No 39. Pennsylvania PA Yes 62,612,292 43,199,527 14,797,068 7,617,996 40. Rhode Island RI No 41. South Carolina SC No 42. South Dakota SD No 43. Tennessee TN No 44. Texas TX No 45. Utah UT No 46. Vermont VT No 47. Virginia VA No 48. Washington WA No 49. West Virginia WV No 50. Wisconsin WI No 51. Wyoming WY No 52. American Samoa AS No 53. Guam GU No 54. Puerto Rico PR No 55. U.S. Virgin Islands VI No 56. Canada CN 57. Aggregate Other Aliens OT XXX 58. Totals (a) 1 62,612,292 43,199,527 14,797,068 7,617,996 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 5701. XXX 5702. XXX 5703. XXX 5798. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 57 from overflow page XXX 5799. Totals (Lines 5701 thru 5703 plus 5798) (Line 57 above) XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 8 9 Direct Premium Written for Finance and Federal Service Purchasing Charges Not Groups Direct Losses Included in (Included in States, etc. Unpaid Premiums Col. 2) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Alabama AL 2. Alaska AK 3. Arizona AZ 4. Arkansas AR 5. California CA 6. Colorado CO 7. Connecticut CT 8. Delaware DE 9. District of Columbia DC 10. Florida FL 11. Georgia GA 12. Hawaii HI 13. Idaho ID 14. Illinois IL 15. Indiana IN 16. Iowa IA 17. Kansas KS 18. Kentucky KY 19. Louisiana LA 20. Maine ME 21. Maryland MD 22. Massachusetts MA 23. Michigan MI 24. Minnesota MN 25. Mississippi MS 26. Missouri MO 27. Montana MT 28. Nebraska NE 29. Nevada NV 30. New Hampshire NH 31. New Jersey NJ 32. New Mexico NM 33. New York NY 34. North Carolina NC 35. North Dakota ND 36. Ohio OH 37. Oklahoma OK 38. Oregon OR 39. Pennsylvania PA 14,781,631 40. Rhode Island RI 41. South Carolina SC 42. South Dakota SD 43. Tennessee TN 44. Texas TX 45. Utah UT 46. Vermont VT 47. Virginia VA 48. Washington WA 49. West Virginia WV 50. Wisconsin WI 51. Wyoming WY 52. American Samoa AS 53. Guam GU 54. Puerto Rico PR 55. U.S. Virgin Islands VI 56. Canada CN 57. Aggregate Other Aliens OT 58. Totals 14,781,631 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 5701. 5702. 5703. 5798. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 57 from overflow page 5799. Totals (Lines 5701 thru 5703 plus 5798) (Line 57 above) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Insert the number of yes responses except for Canada and Other Alien. Explanation of basis of allocation of premiums by states, etc. By Lender State 108 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE Y - INFORMATION CONCERNING ACTIVITIES OF INSURER MEMBERS OF A HOLDING COMPANY GROUP PART 1 - ORGANIZATIONAL CHART [FLOWCHART] 109 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE Y (continued) PART 2 - SUMMARY OF INSURER'S TRANSACTIONS WITH ANY AFFILIATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Purchases, Sales or Exchanges of Loans, Securities, Real NAIC Estate, Mortgage Company Federal ID Shareholder Capital Loans or Other Code Number Names of Insurers and Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Dividends Contributions Investments - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23-2691170 RADIAN GROUP INC. 80,628,195 (155,624,405) 33790 23-2018130 RADIAN GUARANTY INC. (30,000,000) (32,824,478) 2,101,948 33944 93-0952702 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ARIZONA 10,000,000 15909 23-2726782 COMMONWEALTH MORTGAGE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF TEXAS 152,094,018 20720 23-2734276 RADIAN INSURANCE INC. 23-1936987 RADIAN SERVICES LLC (2,101,498) 10185 36-3996062 AMERIN RE CORPORATION (4,600,000) 30872 23-1922977 AMERIN GUARANTY CORPORATION (20,000,000) 03-0360032 RADIAN MORTGAGE REINSURANCE COMPANY 250,000 36250 22-2712977 RADIAN ASSET ASSURANCE INC. 149,997,004 13-3333448 ENHANCE FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP INC (26,028,195) (123,895,139) 27545 13-3371658 RADIAN REINSURANCE COMPANY AA-3190428 EXPORTERS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD 13-3570591 VAN-AMERICAN COMPANIES INC. 39870 61-1181203 VAN-AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY 42-1497928 RADIANEXPRESS.COM 03-0463207 ASSET RECOVERY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC. 3,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999999 Control Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Income/ (Disbursements) Incurred in Reinsurance Connection with Income/ Any Other Material Recoverable/ Guarantees or (Disbursements) Activity Not in the (Payable) on Losses NAIC Undertakings for the Management Incurred Under Ordinary Course of and/or Reserve Company Benefit of any Agreements and Reinsurance the Insurer's Credit Code Affiliate(s) Service Contracts Agreements * Business Totals Taken/(Liability) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 798,295 (74,197,915) 33790 (4,513,592) (12,920,429) (78,157,001) (54,338,183) 33944 (84,680) 997,682 10,913,002 3,319,386 15909 (84,680) 8,850,310 160,859,648 41,439,654 20720 (338,539) (11,003,433) (11,341,972) 2,407,514 4,392,556 2,291,058 10185 (84,680) 1,637,191 (3,047,489) 7,122,746 30872 (84,680) (20,084,680) 466,203 716,203 48,883 36250 21,204,884 13,275,731 184,477,619 (2,512,327) (3,780,708) (153,704,042) 27545 (17,424,176) (3,875,187) (21,299,363) 13,912,206 3,379,749 3,379,749 (16,516,377) 39870 (807,817) (807,817) 5,116,498 3,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Control Totals XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 110 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES INTERROGATORIES The following supplemental reports are required to be filed as part of your statement filing. However, in the event that your company does not transact the type of business for which the special report must be filed, your response of NO to the specific interrogatory will be accepted in lieu of filing a "NONE" report and a bar code will be printed below. If the supplement is required of your company but is not being filed for whatever reason enter SEE EXPLANATION and provide an explanation following the interrogatory questions. MARCH FILING RESPONSES --------- 1. Will Supplement A to Schedule T (Medical Malpractice Supplement) be filed by March 1? No 2. Will Schedule SIS (Stockholder Information Supplement) be filed with the state of domicile by March 1? No 3. Will the Financial Guaranty Insurance Exhibit be filed March 1? No 4. Will the Medicare Supplement Insurance Experience Exhibit be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by March 1? No 5. Will an actuarial opinion be filed by March 1? Yes 6. Will the SVO Compliance Certification be filed by March 1? Yes 7. Will the Trusteed Surplus Statement be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by March 1? No 8. Will the Supplemental Compensation Exhibit be filed with the state of domicile by March 1? Yes 9. Will the Risk-based Capital Report be filed with the NAIC by March 1? Yes 10. Will the Risk-based Capital Report be filed with the state of domicile, if required by March 1? Yes 11. Will the Premiums Attributed to Protected Cells Exhibit be filed by March 1? No APRIL FILING 12. Will the Insurance Expense Exhibit be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by April 1? Yes 13. Will Management's Discussion and Analysis be filed by April 1? Yes 14. Will the Credit Insurance Experience Exhibit be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by April 1? No 15. Will the Long-term Care Experience Reporting Forms be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC by April 1? No 16. Will the Accident and Health Policy Experience Exhibit be filed by April 1? No 17. Will the Investment Risk Interrogatories be filed by April 1? Yes MAY FILING 18. Will this company be included in a combined annual statement which is filed with the NAIC by May 1? Yes JUNE FILING 19. Will an audited financial report be filed by June 1? Yes Explanations: Bar Codes: 1. [GRAPHIC] 2. [GRAPHIC] 3. [GRAPHIC] 4. [GRAPHIC] 7. [GRAPHIC] 11. [GRAPHIC] 111 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES INTERROGATORIES 14. [GRAPHIC] 15. [GRAPHIC] 16. [GRAPHIC] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 111.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERFLOW PAGE FOR WRITE-INS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule A - Part 1 NONE Schedule A - Part 2 NONE Schedule A - Part 3 NONE Schedule B - Part 1 NONE Schedule B - Part 2 NONE Schedule BA - Part 1 NONE Schedule BA - Part 2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E01, E02, E03, E04, E05, E06, E07 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 10 ------------ 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Par Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 033161-DJ-6 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 5.500 JJ 07/01/2015 07/01/2012 100.000 1,081,426 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ALASKA 1,081,426 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONNECTICUT - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20772F-L6-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 5.375 MN 11/15/2017 11/15/2012 100.00 2,169,776 2,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CONNECTICUT 2,169,776 2,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 194653-EX-5 COLLIER CNTY FLA SCH BRD 5.375 FA 02/15/2018 02/15/2012 100.000 1,074,927 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL FLORIDA 1,074,927 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 167484-MK-7 CHICAGO ILL 5.250 JJ 01/01/2011 5,201,872 5,000,000 167484-QJ-6 CHICAGO ILL 01/01/2019 853,977 2,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ILLINOIS 6,055,849 7,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MARYLAND - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 613340-XU-7 MONTGOMERY CNTY MD 5.000 MN 11/01/2013 11/01/2012 100.000 4,405,813 3,995,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MARYLAND 4,405,813 3,995,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 575827-5T-3 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.250 MN 11/01/2019 11/01/2011 100.000 1,027,732 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS ST 1,027,732 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINNESOTA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 604128-4K-1 MINNESOTA ST 5.250 MN 11/01/2016 11/01/2012 100.000 1,064,138 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MINNESOTA 1,064,138 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UTAH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 917542-KZ-4 UTAH ST 5.375 JJ 07/01/2012 2,224,164 2,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UTAH 2,224,164 2,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WISCONSIN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 977056-MV-9 WISCONSIN ST 5.500 MN 11/01/2023 11/01/2008 100.000 700,770 705,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WISCONSIN 700,770 705,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 19,804,595 19,700,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1199999 - Total Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - Issuer Obligations 19,804,595 19,700,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States 19,804,595 19,700,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799999 - Total - States, Territories and Possessions 19,804,595 19,700,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES INDIANA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 625854-CC-6 MUNCIE IND SCH BLDG CORP 5.750 JJ 07/15/2012 07/15/2005 100.000 504,100 500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL INDIANA 504,100 500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEVADA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 641459-7U-0 NEVADA ST 5.500 MS 03/01/2019 03/01/2010 100.000 5,038,252 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEVADA 5,038,252 5,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PENNSYLVANIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01729E-ED-5 ALLEGHENY CNTY PA HIGHER 5.000 JJ 07/15/2008 497,613 500,000 087401-EV-3 BETHLEHEM PA AUTH WTR REV 5.000 MN 11/15/2008 498,742 500,000 219521-JF-9 CORNWALL -LEBANON PA SCH D 5.200 FA 02/15/2011 496,734 500,000 708840-DV-2 PENNSYLVANIA I NTERGOVERNM. 6.800 JD 06/15/2009 06/15/2005 100.000 539,260 540,000 709171-D4-1 PENNSYLVANIA ST HGHR EDL 5.750 MS 09/01/2011 99,328 100,000 709193-GE-0 PENNSYLVANIA ST INDL DEV 5.500 JJ 01/01/2014 475,429 475,000 717880-G2-8 PHILADELPHIA PA SCH DIST 5.750 JJ 07/01/2007 07/01/2004 100.750 490,000 490,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 11 12 13 Interest 16 -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Increase Obtain on Bonds Amount (Decrease) CUSIP Fair Fair Actual not in Received by Identification Description Value Value Cost Default During Year Adjustment - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALASKA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 033161-DJ-6 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 112.3470 1,123,470 1,084,910 28,111 (3,484) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA XXX 1,123,470 1,084,910 28,111 (3,484) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772F-L6-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 111.1190 2,222,380 2,174,080 13,736 26,875 (4,304) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT XXX 2,222,380 2,174,080 13,736 26,875 (4,304) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 194653-EX-5 COLLIER CNTY FLA SCH BRD 108.9020 1,089,020 1,077,230 20,306 (2,303) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA XXX 1,089,020 1,077,230 20,306 (2,303) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167484-MK-7 CHICAGO ILL 111.6060 5,580,300 5,235,000 131,250 262,500 (20,415) 167484-QJ-6 CHICAGO ILL 45.2120 904,240 845,440 8,537 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS XXX 6,484,540 6,080,440 131,250 262,500 (11,878) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 613340-XU-7 MONTGOMERY CNTY MD 111.3640 4,448,992 4,407,644 25,524 (1,830) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND XXX 4,448,992 4,407,644 25,524 (1,830) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575827-5T-3 MASSACHUSETTS ST 106.5360 1,065,360 1,030,480 8,750 52,500 (2,446) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS ST XXX 1,065,360 1,030,480 8,750 52,500 (2,446) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4K-1 MINNESOTA ST 109.1730 1,091,730 1,064,830 8,750 (692) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA XXX 1,091,730 1,064,830 8,750 (692) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917542-KZ-4 UTAH ST 114.0020 2,280,040 2,231,900 49,569 (7,736) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH XXX 2,280,040 2,231,900 49,569 (7,736) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 977056-MV-9 WISCONSIN ST 102.0900 719,735 697,950 6,463 38,969 598 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN XXX 719,735 697,950 6,463 38,969 598 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX 20,525,267 19,849,464 292,459 380,844 (34,075) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Total Bonds - States, Territor XXX 20,525,267 19,849,464 292,459 380,844 (34,075) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Pos XXX 20,525,267 19,849,464 292,459 380,844 (34,075) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - States, Territories an XXX 20,525,267 19,849,464 292,459 380,844 (34,075) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES INDIANA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 625854-CC-6 MUNCIE IND SCH BLDG CORP 106.5630 532,815 511,875 13,257 28,750 (1,469) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA XXX 532,815 511,875 13,257 28,750 (1,469) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 641459-7U-0 NEVADA ST 106.6830 5,334,150 5,046,460 91,667 275,000 (4,275) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA XXX 5,334,150 5,046,460 91,667 275,000 (4,275) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01729E-ED-5 ALLEGHENY CNTY PA HIGHER 106.8840 534,420 494,915 11,528 25,000 364 087401-EV-3 BETHLEHEM PA AUTH WTR REV 106.3290 531,645 497,390 3,194 25,000 180 219521-JF-9 CORNWALL -LEBANON PA SCH D 104.8610 5Z4.305 494,830 9,822 26,000 315 708840-DV-2 PENNSYLVANIA I NTERGOVERNM. 112.5200 607,608 537,538 1,632 36,720 789 709171-D4-1 PENNSYLVANIA ST HGHR EDL 108.8530 108,853 38,948 1,917 5,750 62 709193-GE-0 PENNSYLVANIA ST INDL DEV 105.5240 501,239 475,594 13,063 26,1Z5 (28) 717880-G2-8 PHILADELPHIA PA SCH DIST 107.3250 525,893 490,000 14,088 28,175 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive (Decrease) Bonds in Rate by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ALASKA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 033161-DJ-6 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 1 06/24/2002 4.440 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772F-L6-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 1 08/22/2002 4.310 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 194653-EX-5 COLLIER CNTY FLA SCH BRD 1 08/19/2002 4.370 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167484-MK-7 CHICAGO ILL 1 04/27/2001 4.640 167484-QJ-6 CHICAGO ILL 1Z 10/18/2002 5.390 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 613340-XU-7 MONTGOMERY CNTY MD 1Z 11/20/2002 3.740 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575827-5T-3 MASSACHUSETTS ST 1 11/01/2001 4.860 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS ST XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4K-1 MINNESOTA ST 1Z 10/22/2002 4.433 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917542-KZ-4 UTAH ST 1 07/18/2002 3.949 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 977056-MV-9 WISCONSIN ST 1 09/23/1997 5.622 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1199999 - Total Bonds - States, Territor XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Pos XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - States, Territories an XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES INDIANA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 625854-CC-6 MUNCIE IND SCH BLDG CORP 1PE 12/09/1996 5.400 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVADA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 641459-7U-0 NEVADA ST 1PE 12/01/2000 5.370 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEVADA XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01729E-ED-5 ALLEGHENY CNTY PA HIGHER 1 01/25/1994 5.100 087401-EV-3 BETHLEHEM PA AUTH WTR REV 1 02/02/1994 5.050 219521-JF-9 CORNWALL -LEBANON PA SCH D 1 12/19/1995 5.300 708840-DV-2 PENNSYLVANIA I NTERGOVERNM. 1 12/01/1994 6.862 709171-D4-1 PENNSYLVANIA ST HGHR EDL 1PE 03/16/1995 5.850 709193-GE-0 PENNSYLVANIA ST INDL DEV 1PE 12/28/1995 5.489 717880-G2-8 PHILADELPHIA PA SCH DIST 1 04/12/1994 5.804 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 1 Showing all Long-Term BONDS Owned December 31 of Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 10 ------------ 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Par Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 3,097,106 3,105,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 927800-GU-0 VIRGINIA ED LN AU GTD STU 5.150 MS 03/01/2004 260,000 260,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA 260,000 260,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 812659-M9-8 SEATTLE WASH MUNIC MET SE 5.400 JJ 01/01/2015 1,007,818 1,000,000 939828-TJ-8 WASHINGTON ST PUB PWR SYS 5.000 JJ 07/01/2009 492,381 500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 1,500,199 1,500,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 956622-PV-0 WEST VIRGINIA ST HOSP FIN 5.750 MS 09/01/2013 200,000 200,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA 200,000 200,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 10,599,657 10,565,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total Bonds - Political Subdivisions - Issuer Obligations 10,599,657 10,565,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivision - United States 10,599,657 10,565,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Total - Political Subdivisions Bonds 10,599,657 10,565,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ARIZONA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 040580-CD-2 ARIZONA SCH FACS BRD REV 5.250 JJ 07/01/2016 07/01/2012 100.000 2,119,664 2,000,000 79575D-PC-8 SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRI 5.000 JJ 01/01/2020 01/01/2013 100.000 2,091,288 2,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA 4,210,952 4,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 233492-HY-6 DADE CNTY FLA GTD ENTITLE 02/01/2018 02/01/2006 49.693 4,193,351 10,000,000 343136-LW-5 FLORIDA ST TPK AUTH TPK R 5.250 JJ 07/01/2012 07/01/2008 101.000 2,155,872 2,000,000 684212-CZ-4 ORANGE CNTY CALIF ARPT RE 5.375 JJ 07/01/2009 07/01/2007 102.000 1,087,982 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 7,437,205 13,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16768T-DN-1 CHICAGO ILL SALES TAX REV 5.375 JJ 01/01/2030 01/01/2010 100.000 7,099,757 7,000,000 45200L-WS-1 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 5.250 FA 08/01/2027 5,592,816 6,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 12,692,573 13,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 454912-AB-2 INDIANA ST DEV FIN AU ENV 5.750 FA 02/15/2028 02/15/2003 102.000 785,775 770,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA 785,775 770,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57563R-BB-4 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 4.900 JD 12/01/2010 4,252,233 4,305,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 4,252,233 4,305,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60636W-DS-1 MISSOURI ST HWYS & TRAMS COMM 5.250 FA 02/01/2013 02/01/2012 100.000 3,131,298 2,920,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSOURI 3,131,298 2,920,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59259R-AU-8 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 5.500 MN 11/15/2016 11/15/2012 100.000 5,317,097 5,000,000 64971G-EF-8 NEW YORK NY CITY MUN WTR AUTH 5.000 JD 06/15/2026 9,904,582 10,000,000 65003P-AL-8 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 5.500 JJ 01/01/2017 2,168,727 2,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 17,390,406 17,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71781E-AS-4 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH INDL 5.000 JJ 07/01/2015 300,625 300,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA 300,625 300,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 837147-XW-Z SOUTH CAROLINA ST PUB SVC 5.250 JJ 01/01/2014 01/01/2013 100.000 2,234,102 2,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 11 12 13 Interest 16 -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Increase Obtain on Bonds Amount (Decrease) CUSIP Fair Fair Actual not in Received by Identification Description Value Value Cost Default During Year Adjustment - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA XXX 3,333,963 3,089,215 55,244 172,770 1,682 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 927800-GU-0 VIRGINIA ED LN AU GTD STU 104.2830 271,136 260,000 4,463 13,390 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA XXX 271,136 260,000 4,463 13,390 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 812659-M9-8 SEATTLE WASH MUNIC MET SE 102.0000 1,020,000 1,008,692 27,000 54,000 (456) 939828-TJ-8 WASHINGTON ST PUB PWR SYS 106.3060 531,530 485,355 12,500 25,000 971 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON XXX 1,551,530 1,494,047 39,500 79,000 515 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 956622-PV-0 WEST VIRGINIA ST HOSP FIN 110.2700 220,540 200,000 3,833 11,500 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA XXX 220,540 200,000 3,833 11,500 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX 11,244,134 10,601,597 207,964 580,410 (3,547) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total Bonds - Political Subdivis XXX 11,244,134 10,601,597 207,964 580,410 (3,547) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivision - XXX 11,244,134 10,601,597 207,964 580,410 (3,547) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Total - Political Subdivisions B XXX 11,244,134 10,601,597 207,964 580,410 (3,547) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ARIZONA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 040580-CD-2 ARIZONA SCH FACS BRD REV 110.0480 2,200,960 2,123,560 52,500 (3,897) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 79575D-PC-8 SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRI 104.4830 2,089,660 2,093,060 26,389 (1,772) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA XXX 4,290,620 4,216,620 78,889 (5,669) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 233492-HY-6 DADE CNTY FLA GTD ENTITLE 42.8190 4,281,900 3,738,860 224,666 343136-LW-5 FLORIDA ST TPK AUTH TPK R 110.5700 2,211,400 2,165,740 52,500 (9,868) 684212-CZ-4 ORANGE CNTY CALIF ARPT RE 110.0500 1,100,500 1,093,740 26,875 (5,758) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA XXX 7,593,800 6,998,340 79,375 209,040 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16768T-DN-1 CHICAGO ILL SALES TAX REV 114.5310 8,017,170 7,112,840 188,125 376,250 (11,578) 45200L-WS-1 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 102.2120 6,132,720 5,577,384 131,250 315,000 7,386 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS XXX 14,149,890 12,690,224 319,375 691,250 (4,192) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 454912-AB-2 INDIANA ST DEV FIN AU ENV 102.2140 787,048 797,951 16,726 44,275 (3,012) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA XXX 787,048 797,951 16,726 44,275 (3,012) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57563R-BB-4 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 105.5970 4,545,951 4,241,493 17,579 210,945 5,294 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS XXX 4,545,951 4,241,493 17,579 210,945 5,294 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60636W-DS-1 MISSOURI ST HWYS & TRAMS COMM 112.1490 3,274,751 3,141,161 81,334 (9,863) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSOURI XXX 3,274,751 3,141,161 81,334 (9,863) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59259R-AU-8 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 111.8710 5,593,550 5,331,650 35,139 126,042 (14,553) 64971G-EF-8 NEW YORK NY CITY MUN WTR AUTH 101.3160 10,131,600 9,901,100 22,222 500,000 2,084 65003P-AL-8 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 110.3300 2,206,600 2,169,660 10,694 (933) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK XXX 17,931,750 17,402,410 68,055 626,042 (13,402) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71781E-AS-4 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH INDL 103.6570 310,971 300,750 7,500 15,000 (35) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA XXX 310,971 300,750 7,500 15,000 (35) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 837147-XW-Z SOUTH CAROLINA ST PUB SVC 111.4410 2,228,820 2,237,660 20,125 (3,558) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive (Decrease) Bonds in Rate by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIRGINIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 927800-GU-0 VIRGINIA ED LN AU GTD STU 1 02/17/1994 5.150 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VIRGINIA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 812659-M9-8 SEATTLE WASH MUNIC MET SE 1 12/01/2000 5.311 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 939828-TJ-8 WASHINGTON ST PUB PWR SYS 1 02/11/1994 5.280 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST VIRGINIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 956622-PV-0 WEST VIRGINIA ST HOSP FIN 1PE 01/13/1997 5.749 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WEST VIRGINIA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1899999 - Total Bonds - Political Subdivis XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivision - XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Total - Political Subdivisions B XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES ARIZONA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 040580-CD-2 ARIZONA SCH FACS BRD REV 1 07/22/2002 4.470 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 79575D-PC-8 SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRI 1 09/13/2002 4.430 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 233492-HY-6 DADE CNTY FLA GTD ENTITLE 1PE 12/01/2000 5.583 343136-LW-5 FLORIDA ST TPK AUTH TPK R 1 07/16/2002 3.830 684212-CZ-4 ORANGE CNTY CALIF ARPT RE 1 07/25/2002 3.650 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16768T-DN-1 CHICAGO ILL SALES TAX REV 1PE 10/22/2001 5.130 45200L-WS-1 ILLINOIS HEALTH FACS AUTH 1PE 12/01/2000 5.770 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIANA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 454912-AB-2 INDIANA ST DEV FIN AU ENV 1 08/02/1998 5.236 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INDIANA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57563R-BB-4 MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 1 12/01/2000 5.090 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60636W-DS-1 MISSOURI ST HWYS & TRAMS COMM 1 06/11/2002 4.280 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSOURI XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59259R-AU-8 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 1 05/10/2002 4.690 64971G-EF-8 NEW YORK NY CITY MUN WTR AUTH 1 08/24/2002 5.070 65003P-AL-8 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 1Z 11/22/2002 4.671 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71781E-AS-4 PHILADELPHIA PA AUTH INDL 1 12/11/1998 4.977 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA XXX XXX XXX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 837147-XW-Z SOUTH CAROLINA ST PUB SVC 1 09/09/2002 3.830 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 Interest 6 7 8 9 10 ------------ 4 5 Book/Adjusted CUSIP Rate How Maturity Option Carrying Par Identification Description * of Paid Date Option Date Call Price Value Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 2,234,102 2,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 052476-DR-6 AUSTIN TEX WTR & WASTEWATER 5.250 MN 05/15/2031 4,905,953 5,000,000 349447-BR-2 FORT WORTH TEX HGHR ED FI 5.000 MS 03/15/2027 251,033 270,867 442402-P9-8 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIS 02/15/2015 1,067,083 2,000,000 796253-KD-3 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GA 4.900 FA 02/01/2008 02/01/2004 102.000 40,543 40,000 796253-TD-4 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GA 4.900 FA 02/01/2008 02/01/2004 102.000 40,543 40,000 796253-TV-4 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GA 4.900 FA 02/01/2008 02/01/2001 102.000 425,704 420,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL TEXAS 6,730,859 7,770,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WASHINGTON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 87354T-AM-7 TACOMA WASH REGL WTR SUPP 5.500 JD 12/01/2017 12/01/2012 100.000 1,083,409 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WASHINGTON 1,083,409 1,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 60,249,437 66,065,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2599999 - Total Bonds - Special Revenue - Issuer Obligations 60,249,437 66,065,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue - United States 60,249,437 66,065,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3199999 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds 60,249,437 66,065,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 90,653,689 96,330,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgage-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5999999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099999 Totals 90,653,689 96,330,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 11 12 13 Interest 16 -------------------------- 14 15 Amount Due Rate and Accrued Used Dec. 31 of to Current Year Gross Increase Obtain on Bonds Amount (Decrease) CUSIP Fair Fair Actual not in Received by Identification Description Value Value Cost Default During Year Adjustment - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA XXX 2,228,820 2,237,660 20,125 (3,558) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 052476-DR-6 AUSTIN TEX WTR & WASTEWATER 102.7290 5,136,450 4,903,600 33,542 262,500 1,386 349447-BR-2 FORT WORTH TEX HGHR ED FI 100.3210 270,867 249,796 3,975 13,500 367 442402-P9-8 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIS 55.7700 1,115,400 873,820 53,892 796253-KD-3 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GA 105.9440 42,378 39,710 817 1,960 224 796253-TD-4 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GA 105.8940 42,358 39,710 817 1,960 224 796253-TV-4 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GA 104.4550 438,711 416,950 8,575 20,563 2,356 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS XXX 7,046,164 6,523,586 47,726 300,483 58,449 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87354T-AM-7 TACOMA WASH REGL WTR SUPP 110.9140 1,109,140 1,083,640 2,444 (227) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON XXX 1,109,140 1,083,640 2,444 (227) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX 63,268,905 59,633,835 739,128 1,887,995 232,825 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2599999 - Total Bonds - Special Revenue - Issuer Obligations XXX 63,268,905 59,633,835 739,128 1,887,995 232,825 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue - United States XXX 63,268,905 59,633,835 739,128 1,887,995 232,825 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds XXX 63,268,905 59,633,835 739,128 1,887,995 232,825 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations XXX 95,038,306 90,084,896 1,239,551 2,849,249 195,203 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgage -Backed/Asset-Backed Securities XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 Totals XXX 95,036,306 90,084,896 1,238,551 2,849,249 195,203 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 17 18 19 20 21 Amount of Interest Due and Accrued Dec. 31 Current Effec- Increase Year, on tive (Decrease) Bonds in Rate by Foreign Default as to NAIC of CUSIP Exchange Principal or Desig- Date In- Identification Description Adjustment Interest nation Acquired terest - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 052476-DR-6 AUSTIN TEX WTR & WASTEWATER 1 06/12/2001 5.380 349447-BR-2 FORT WORTH TEX HGHR ED FI 1PE 06/11/1999 5.530 442402-P9-8 HOUSTON TEX INDPT SCH DIS 1PE 02/01/1999 5.250 796253-KD-3 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GA 1 12/23/1998 5.410 796253-TD-4 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GA 1Z 12/23/1998 5.410 796253-TV-4 SAN ANTONIO TEX ELEC & GA 1Z 12/23/1998 5.410 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87354T-AM-7 TACOMA WASH REGL WTR SUPP 1Z 12/11/2002 4.451 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2599999 - Total Bonds - Special Revenue - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue - United States XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Special Revenue Bonds XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgage -Backed/Asset-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 Totals XXX XXX XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E08.2 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule D - Part 2 - Section 1 NONE Schedule D - Part 2 - Section 2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E09, E10 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 CUSIP Number of Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor Shares of Stock - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES ALASKA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 033161-DJ-6 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 5.500 07/01/2015 06/24/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772F-L6-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 5.375 11/15/2017 08/22/2002 MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER SMITH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 194653-EX-5 COLLIER CNTY FLA SCH BRD 5.375 02/15/2018 08/19/2002 SALOMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167484-QJ-6 CHICAGO ILL 01/01/2019 10/18/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 613340-XU-7 MONTGOMERY CNTY MD 5.000 11/01/2013 11/20/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4K-1 MINNESOTA ST 5.250 11/01/2016 10/22/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917542-KZ-4 UTAH ST 5.375 07/01/2012 07/18/2002 PAINE WEBBER - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ARIZONA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 040580-CD-2 ARIZONA SCH FACS BRD REV 5 250 07/01/2016 07/22/2002 SALAMON BROTHERS 79575D-PC-8 SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRI 5.000 01/01/2020 09/13/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 343136-LW-5 FLORIDA ST TPK AUTH TPK R 5.250 07/01/2012 07/16/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 684212-CZ-4 ORANGE CNTY CALIF ARPT RE 5.375 07/01/2009 07/25/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60636W-DS-1 MISSOURI ST HWYS & TRAMS COMM 5.250 02/01/2013 06/11/2002 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSOURI - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59259R-AU-8 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 5.500 11/15/2016 05/10/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65003P-AL-8 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 5.500 01/01/2017 11/22/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 837147-XW-2 SOUTH CAROLINA ST PUB SVC 5.250 01/01/2014 09/09/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87354T-AM-7 TACOMA WASH REGL WTR SUPP 5.500 12/01/2017 12/11/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Bonds - Special Revenue - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099997 - Total - Bonds - Part 3 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Total - Bonds - Part 5 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Total - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Total - Common Stocks - Part 5 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 6 7 8 CUSIP Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES ALASKA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 033161-DJ-6 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 5.500 07/01/2015 1,084,910 1,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 1,084,910 1,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20772F-L6-5 CONNECTICUT ST FOR PREVIO 5.375 11/15/2017 2,174,080 2,000,000 5,972 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONNECTICUT 2,174,080 2,000,000 5,972 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 194653-EX-5 COLLIER CNTY FLA SCH BRD 5.375 02/15/2018 1,077,230 1,000,000 3,733 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 1,077,230 1,000,000 3,733 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILLINOIS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167484-QJ-6 CHICAGO ILL 01/01/2019 845,440 2,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ILLINOIS 845,440 2,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARYLAND - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 613340-XU-7 MONTGOMERY CNTY MD 5.000 11/01/2013 4,407,644 3,995,000 14,981 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MARYLAND 4,407,644 3,995,000 14,981 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 604128-4K-1 MINNESOTA ST 5.250 11/01/2016 1,064,830 1,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MINNESOTA 1,064,830 1,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTAH - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 917542-KZ-4 UTAH ST 5.375 07/01/2012 2,231,900 2,000,000 4,778 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UTAH 2,231,900 2,000,000 4,778 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States 12,886,034 12,995,000 29,464 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Total - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 12,886,034 12,995,000 29,464 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ARIZONA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 040580-CD-2 ARIZONA SCH FACS BRD REV 5 250 07/01/2016 2,123,560 2 000 000 10,792 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 79575D-PC-8 SALT RIVER PROJ ARIZ AGRI 5.000 01/01/2020 2,093,060 2,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ARIZONA 4,216,620 4,000,000 10,792 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 343136-LW-5 FLORIDA ST TPK AUTH TPK R 5.250 07/01/2012 2,165,740 2,000,000 5,250 684212-CZ-4 ORANGE CNTY CALIF ARPT RE 5.375 07/01/2009 1,093,740 1,000,000 4,330 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 3,259,480 3,000,000 9,580 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSOURI - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60636W-DS-1 MISSOURI ST HWYS & TRAMS COMM 5.250 02/01/2013 3,141,161 2,920,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MISSOURI 3,141,161 2,920,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59259R-AU-8 METROPOLITAN TRANSN AUTH 5.500 11/15/2016 5,331,650 5,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65003P-AL-8 NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV COR 5.500 01/01/2017 2,169,660 2,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 7,501,310 7,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 837147-XW-Z SOUTH CAROLINA ST PUB SVC 5.250 01/01/2014 2,237,660 2,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SOUTH CAROLINA 2,237,660 2,000,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87354T-AM-7 ITACOMA WASH REGL WTR SUPP 5.500 12/01/2017 1,083,640 1,000,000 611 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 1,083,640 1,000,000 611 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States 21,439,871 19,920,000 20,983 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Total - Bonds - Special Revenue 21,439,871 19,920,000 20,983 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099997 - Total - Bonds - Part 3 34,325,905 32,915,000 50,447 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Total - Bonds - Part 5 4,973,783 4,750,000 62,326 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds 39,299,687 37,665,000 112,773 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Total - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Total - Common Stocks - Part 5 XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks XXX - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing All Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CUSIP Number of Actual Paid for Accrued Identification Description Date Acquired Name of Vendor Shares of Stock Cost Par Value Interest and Dividends - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals 39,299,687 XXX 112,773 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E11.1 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Year - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of CUSIP Disposal Shares Par Identification Description Date Name of Purchaser of Stock Consideration Value - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES WASHINGTON - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON ST 939741-NF-7 5.750 02/01/2002 02/01/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 245,000 245,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 245,000 245,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN ST 977056-MV-9 5.500 11/01/2023 12/02/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 45,000 45,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 45,000 45,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States 290,000 290,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 290,000 290,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES KENTUCKY - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOUISVILLE&JEFFERSON CNTY 546589-GG-1 5.000 05/15/2030 03/27/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 2,101,973 2,250,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY 2,101,973 2,250,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - United States 2,101,973 2,250,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions 2,101,973 2,250,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ALASKA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALDEZ ALASKA PCR MARINE 919061-DW-8 5.650 12/01/2028 07/09/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 670,646 665,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 670,646 665,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DADE CNTY FLA GTD ENTITLE MERRIL LYNCH PIERCE 233492-HY-6 02/01/2018 06/20/2002 FENNER SMITH 2,056,700 5,000,000 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 341422-KQ-5 4.500 06/01/2023 06/27/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO 6,759,375 7,500,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 8,816,075 12,500,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 57563R-BB-4 4.900 12/01/2010 12/02/2002 SECURITY CALLED BY ISSUER 500,000 500,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 500,000 500,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States 9,986,721 13,665,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenues 9,986,721 13,665,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099997 - Bonds - Part 4 12,378,694 16,205,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Bonds - Part 5 5,167,500 4,750,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds 17,546,193 20,955,000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599997 - Preferred Stocks - Part 4 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099997 - Common Stocks - Part 4 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Common Stocks - Part 5 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals 17,546,193 XXX - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 Increase (Decrease) Foreign Book/Adjusted Increase by Exchange Realized Carrying (Decrease) Foreign Gain Gain CUSIP Actual Value at by Exchange (Loss) on (Loss) on Identification Description Cost Disposal Date Adjustment Adjustment Disposal Disposal - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES WASHINGTON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON ST 939741-NF-7 5.750 02/01/2002 249,888 245,099 (99) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WASHINGTON 249,888 245,099 (99) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN ST 977056-MV-9 5.500 11/01/2023 44,550 44,692 35 273 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL WISCONSIN 44,550 44,692 35 273 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States 294,438 289,791 (64) 273 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 294,438 289,791 (64) 273 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES KENTUCKY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOUISVILLE&JEFFERSON CNTY 546589-GG-1 5.000 05/15/2030 2,007,563 2,012,398 857 88,718 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL KENTUCKY 2,007,563 2,012,398 857 88,718 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - United States 2,007,563 2,012,398 857 88,718 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2499999 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions 2,007,563 2,012,398 857 88,718 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ALASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALDEZ ALASKA PCR MARINE 919061-DW-8 5.650 12/01/2028 681,958 679,658 (6,425) (2,587) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ALASKA 681,958 679,658 (6,425) (2,587) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DADE CNTY FLA GTD ENTITLE 233492-HY-6 02/01/2018 1,869,430 1,984,343 53,536 18,835 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 341422-KQ-5 4.500 06/01/2023 6,600,188 6,623,203 11,135 125,036 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FLORIDA 8,469,618 8,607,546 64,671 143,871 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 57563R-BB-4 4.900 12/01/2010 492,624 493,257 398 6,345 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 492,624 493,257 398 6,345 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States 9,644,200 9,780,461 58,644 147,629 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenues 9,644,200 9,780,461 58,644 147,629 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099997 - Bonds - Part 4 11,946,201 12,082,650 59,437 236,620 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Bonds - Part 5 4,973,783 4,973,783 (4,116) 197,834 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds 16,919,984 17,056,433 55,321 434,454 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599997 - Preferred Stocks - Part 4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599998 - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099997 - Common Stocks - Part 4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099998 - Common Stocks - Part 5 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals 16,919,984 17,056,433 55,321 434,454 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 14 15 16 Total Interest Gain on Bonds Dividends (Loss) Received on Stocks CUSIP on During Received Identification Description Disposal Year During Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BONDS STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES WASHINGTON - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WASHINGTON ST 939741-NF-7 5.750 02/01/2002 7,044 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WASHINGTON 7,044 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WISCONSIN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WISCONSIN ST 977056-MV-9 5.500 11/01/2023 273 2,487 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL WISCONSIN 273 2,487 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territory, Poss - United States 273 9,531 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 273 9,531 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS UNITED STATES KENTUCKY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOUISVILLE&JEFFERSON CNTY 546589-GG-1 5.000 05/15/2030 88,718 42,813 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL KENTUCKY 88,718 42,813 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2499996 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions - United States 88,718 42,813 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2499999 - Bonds - Political Subdivisions 88,718 42,813 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES ALASKA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALDEZ ALASKA PCR MARINE 919061-DW-8 5.650 12/01/2028 (2,587) 23,065 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ALASKA (2,587) 23,065 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FLORIDA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DADE CNTY FLA GTD ENTITLE 233492-HY-6 02/01/2018 18,835 FLORIDA ST BRD ED CAP OUT 341422-KQ-5 4.500 06/01/2023 125,036 197,813 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL FLORIDA 143,871 197,813 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MASSACHUSETTS EDL FING AU 57563R-BB-4 4.900 12/01/2010 6,345 18,008 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 6,345 18,008 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenues - United States 147,629 238,886 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenues 147,629 238,886 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099997 - Bonds - Part 4 236,620 291,230 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099998 - Bonds - Part 5 197,834 92,840 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099999 - Total - Bonds 434,454 384,069 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599997 - Preferred Stocks - Part 4 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599998 - Preferred Stocks - Part 5 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6599999 - Total - Preferred Stocks XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7099997 - Common Stocks - Part 4 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7099998 - Common Stocks - Part 5 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7099999 - Total - Common Stocks XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7299999 Totals 434,454 384,069 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E12 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 5 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Year and Fully DISPOSED OF During Current Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 CUSIP Date Disposal Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor Date Name of Purchaser - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BONDS STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 03/01/2012 07/18/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO. 10/09/2002 BEAR STEARNS & CO. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 64966B-TA-1 NEW YORK N Y 5.000 08/01/2007 10/17/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS 11/19/2002 LEHMAN BROTHERS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - United States - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAN ANTONIO TEX ARPT SYS 5.250 SALOMON SMITH 796242-HQ-1 07/01/2023 03/08/2002 BARNEY 03/08/2002 RADIAN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue - United States - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenue - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099998 - Total - Bonds - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7299999 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 Par Value (Bonds) or Number Book/Adjusted Increase of Carrying Value (Decrease) CUSIP Shares at Disposal by Identification Description (Stock) Actual Cost Consideration Date Adjustment - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 03/01/2012 2,000,000 2,144,740 2,331,580 2,144,740 (2,470) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 2,000,000 2,144,740 2,331,580 2,144,740 (2,470) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64966B-TA-1 NEW YORK N Y 5.000 08/01/2007 1,750,000 1,854,143 1,861,020 1,854,143 (1,646) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 1,750,000 1,854,143 1,861,020 1,854,143 (1,646) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - United States 3,750,000 3,998,883 4,192,600 3,998,883 (4,116) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 3,750,000 3,998,883 4,192,600 3,998,883 (4,116) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES TEXAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAN ANTONIO TEX ARPT SYS 5.250 796242-HQ-1 07/01/2023 1,000,000 974,900 974,900 974,900 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 1,000,000 974,900 974,900 974,900 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue - United States 1,000,000 974,900 974,900 974,900 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenue 1,000,000 974,900 974,900 974,900 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Total - Bonds 4,750,000 4,973,783 5,167,500 4,973,783 (4,116) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals 4,973,783 5,167,500 4,973,783 (4,116) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 12 13 14 15 Increase (Decrease) Foreign by Foreign Exchange Realized Total CUSIP Exchange Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Identification Description Adjustment on Disposal on Disposal on Disposal - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BONDS STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES MASSACHUSETTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 03/01/2012 189,310 189,310 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 189,310 189,310 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW YORK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 64966B-TA-1 NEW YORK N Y 5.000 08/01/2007 8,524 8,524 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL NEW YORK 8,524 8,524 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - United States 197,834 197,834 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 197,834 197,834 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAN ANTONIO TEX ARPT SYS 5.250 796242-HQ-1 07/01/2023 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL TEXAS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue - United States - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenue - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099998 - Total - Bonds 197,834 197,834 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7299999 Totals 197,834 197,834 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 16 17 Interest and Paid for Dividends Accrued CUSIP Received Interest and Identification Description During Year Dividends - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONDS STATES, TERRITORIES & POSSESSIONS UNITED STATES MASSACHUSETTS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57582N-BX-2 MASSACHUSETTS ST 5.500 03/01/2012 62,944 39,722 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL MASSACHUSETTS 62,944 39,722 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64966B-TA-1 NEW YORK N Y 5.000 08/01/2007 26,979 19,688 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NEW YORK 26,979 19,688 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799996 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions - United States 89,923 59,410 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 - Bonds - States, Territories and Possessions 89,923 59,410 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REVENUE & SPECIAL ASSESS. UNITED STATES TEXAS - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAN ANTONIO TEX ARPT SYS 5.250 796242-HQ-1 07/01/2023 2,917 2,917 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TEXAS 2,917 2,917 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199996 - Bonds - Special Revenue - United States 2,917 2,917 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3199999 - Bonds - Special Revenue 2,917 2,917 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099998 - Total - Bonds 92,840 62,327 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7199999 - Total - Preferred and Common Stocks - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7299999 Totals 92,840 62,327 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E13 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE D - PART 6 - SECTION 1 Valuation of Shares of Subsidiary, Controlled or Affiliated Companies NONE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Do Insurer's Assets NAIC Include NAIC Valuation Intangible Company Method Assets Code or (See SVO Connected Description Alien Purposes with Holding Name of Insurer and of Such Total Amount Book/Adjusted CUSIP Name of Subsidiary, Controlled or Identification Procedures Company's Amount of Such Carrying Identification Affiliated Company Number manual) Stock? Intangible Assets Value - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1799999 Totals - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- 1 Stock of Such Company Owned by Insurer on Statement Date ------------------------------ 8 9 CUSIP % of Identification Number of Shares Outstanding - ----------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- 1799999 Totals XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------- 1. Amount of insurer's capital and surplus from the prior period's statutory statement reduced by any admitted EDP, goodwill and net deferred tax assets included therein: -------------------------------------------------- $ ---------- 2. Total amount of intangible assets nonadmitted ----------------------------- $ ---------- SCHEDULE D - PART 6 - SECTION 2 NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Total Amount of Intangible Assets Included in CUSIP Name of Company Listed in Section 1 Which Amount Shown in Identification Name of Lower-tier Company Controls Lower-tier Company Column 6, Section 1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 Total - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- 1 Stock in Lower-tier Company Owned Indirectly by Insurer on Statement Date ------------------------------ 5 6 CUSIP % of Identification Number of Shares Outstanding - ----------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- 0399999 Total XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------- E14 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE DA - PART 1 Showing all SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS Owned December 31 of Current Year - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Interest 7 8 ---------------- 5 6 CUSIP Date How Maturity Book/Adjusted Identification Description Acquired Name of Vendor Rate of Paid Date Carrying Value - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 861123-8A-8 SSGA FDS 12/16/2002 STATE STREET MTLY 1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Issuer Obligations 1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds 1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgaged-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage Backed/Asset - Backed Securities - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds 1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS ONE MONEY MKT. MUTUAL FUNDS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26188J-20-6 DREYFUS-CASH MGMT 12/16/2002 RADIAN MTLY 179 316175-20-7 FIDELITY INSTL MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO 12/16/2002 RADIAN MTLY 2,934,435 316175-40-5 FIDELITY INSTL DOMESTIC PORTFOLIO 12/16/2002 RADIAN MTLY 16,884 60934N-20-3 FEDERATED PRIME OBLIG 12/16/2002 RADIAN MTLY 7,036,831 783965-20-5 SEI DAILY INCOME TR MONEY MARKET 12/16/2002 RADIAN MTLY 25 783965-40-3 SEI PRIME OBLIGATION 05/01/2002 RADIAN MTLY 12 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7899999 - Class One Money Market Mutual Funds 9,988,367 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8099999 Totals 9,988,368 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 10 11 12 Increase Increase (Decrease) (Decrease) by Foreign by Exchange Adjustment Adjustments Par Value Actual Cost - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 861123-8A-8 SSGA FDS 1 1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL UNITED STATES 1 1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3999999 - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Issuer Obligations 1 1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds 1 1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 1 1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgaged-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5999999 - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage Backed/Asset - Backed Securities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6099999 - Total - Bonds 1 1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLASS ONE MONEY MKT. MUTUAL FUNDS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26188J-20-6 DREYFUS-CASH MGMT 179 179 316175-20-7 FIDELITY INSTL MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO 2,934,435 2,934,435 316175-40-5 FIDELITY INSTL DOMESTIC PORTFOLIO 16,884 16,884 60934N-20-3 FEDERATED PRIME OBLIG 7,036,831 7,036,831 783965-20-5 SEI DAILY INCOME TR MONEY MARKET 25 25 783965-40-3 SEI PRIME OBLIGATION 12 12 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7899999 - Class One Money Market Mutual Funds XXX 9,988,367 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8099999 Totals (a) XXX 9,988,368 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interest 15 ------------------------------ 13 14 Amount Due and Accrued Dec. 31 of Current Year on Bonds not Gross Amount Paid for Accrued in Default Received Interest - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 861123-8A-8 SSGA FDS 25 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES 25 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Issuer Obligations 25 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds 25 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations 25 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgaged-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage Backed/Asset - Backed Securities - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds 25 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS ONE MONEY MKT. MUTUAL FUNDS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26188J-20-6 DREYFUS-CASH MGMT 107 316175-20-7 FIDELITY INSTL MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO 5,423 316175-40-5 FIDELITY INSTL DOMESTIC PORTFOLIO 159 60934N-20-3 FEDERATED PRIME OBLIG 3,971 424 783965-20-5 SEI DAILY INCOME TR MONEY MARKET 1,853 783965-40-3 SEI PRIME OBLIGATION 29 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7899999 - Class One Money Market Mutual Funds 5,824 6,144 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8099999 Totals 5,849 6,144 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 17 NAIC Effective Rate Designation of Interest - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL & MISC. (UNAFFIL) ISSUER OBLIGATIONS UNITED STATES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 861123-8A-8 SSGA FDS 1Z XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL UNITED STATES XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3999999 - Industrial and Miscellaneous - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4599999 - Total - Industrial and Miscellaneous Bonds XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5499999 - Total - Issuer Obligations XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5599999 - Total - Single Class Mortgaged-Backed/Asset-Backed Securities XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5699999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5799999 - Total - Other Multi-Class Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5899999 - Total - Defined Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5999999 - Other Multi-Class Commercial Mortgage Backed/Asset - Backed Securities XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6099999 - Total - Bonds XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS ONE MONEY MKT. MUTUAL FUNDS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26188J-20-6 DREYFUS-CASH MGMT 1Z 316175-20-7 FIDELITY INSTL MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO 1Z 316175-40-5 FIDELITY INSTL DOMESTIC PORTFOLIO 1Z 60934N-20-3 FEDERATED PRIME OBLIG 1Z 783965-20-5 SEI DAILY INCOME TR MONEY MARKET 1Z 783965-40-3 SEI PRIME OBLIGATION 1Z - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7899999 - Class One Money Market Mutual Funds XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8099999 Totals XXX XXX - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Includes $ other than accrual of discount and amortization of ------------- premium. E15 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule DB - Part A - Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part A - Section 2 NONE Schedule DB - Part A - Section 3 NONE Schedule DB - Part B - Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part B - Section 2 NONE Schedule DB - Part B - Section 3 NONE Schedule DB - Part C - Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part C - Section 2 NONE Schedule DB - Part C - Section 3 NONE Schedule DB - Part D - Section 1 NONE Schedule DB - Part D - Section 2 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E16, E17, E18, E19, E20, E21 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule DB - Part D - Section 3 NONE Schedule DB - Part E - Section 1 NONE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E21, E22 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE DM For bonds and preferred stocks owned as of December 31, state the aggregate statement (admitted) value, the aggregate fair value, and the aggregate difference, if any, between them. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 Excess of Statement over Fair Value(-), or Statement (Admitted) Fair Value Fair Value over Value (a) Statement (+) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bonds 100,642,057 105,026,671 4,384,614 2. Preferred Stocks 3. Totals 100,642,057 105,026,671 4,384,614 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Amortized or book values shall not be substituted for fair values. Describe the sources or methods utilized in determining the fair values. Primary Source: FT Interactive Data for Municipal Bonds and Convertible Securities; Lehman Brothers for US Treasuries, Corporate and Mortgage-Backed Investments. Secondary Source: Reuters Fixed Income Services for high grade Corporate, US Government and Treasury Investments; FT Interactive Date for Mortgage-Backed Securities. E23 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE E - PART 1 - CASH - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Amount of Interest Amount of Interest Received Accrued Rate of During December 31 of Depository Interest Year Current Year Balance * - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Union National Bank -------- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 778,351 -------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199998 Deposits in depositories ---------------- that do not exceed the allowable limit in any one depository (See Instructions) - open depositories XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0199999 Totals - Open Depositories XXX 778,351 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0399999 Total Cash on Deposit XXX 778,351 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0499999 Cash in Company's Office XXX XXX XXX XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0599999 Total Cash XXX 778,351 XXX - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTALS OF DEPOSITORY BALANCES ON THE LAST DAY OF EACH MONTH DURING THE CURRENT YEAR - --------------------------- 1. January (1,426,263) 2. February 83,206 3. March 115,565 4. April 803,814 5. May 47,740 6. June (30,164) 7. July 56,348 8. August 757,072 9. September 324,650 10. October 344,217 11. November 321,410 12. December 778,351 - --------------------------- E24 ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2002 OF THE RADIAN INSURANCE INC. SCHEDULE E - PART 2 - SPECIAL DEPOSITS NONE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Where Deposited and Line Number Type Description of Deposit Purpose of Deposit Par or Book Value Statement Value (a) Fair Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9999999 Totals - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (a) Including $ cash and short-term investments as defined in SSAP --------- No. 2 of the NAIC Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual. E25