
                                  UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549


                                   FORM N-CSR


                  Investment Company Act file number 811-10261


                               Pearl Mutual Funds
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

                                2610 Park Avenue
                                  P.O. Box 209
                              Muscatine, Iowa 52761
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

     Robert H. Solt                                 Stacy H. Winick
    2610 Park Avenue                            Bell, Boyd & Lloyd PLLC
      P.O. Box 209                          1615 L Street, N.W., Suite 1200
  Muscatine, Iowa  52761                         Washington, DC 20036
                    (Name and address of agents for service)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (563) 288-2773

Date of fiscal year end: December 31

Date of reporting period: June 30, 2003


Item 1.  Reports to Shareholders.

                               Pearl Mutual Funds

                               Semi-Annual Report

                                  June 30, 2003

                             [GRAPHIC APPEARS HERE]

                           IMPORTANT NEWS SEE PAGE 1

www.pearlfunds.com                                     [LOGO OF PEARL FUNDS]
2610 Park Avenue PO Box 209 Muscatine IA  52761
866-747-9030 (toll-free) or 563-288-2773
Fax: 563-288-4101
E-mail: info@pearlfunds.com

Pearl Mutual Funds

2003 Semi-Annual Report
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


IMPORTANT NEWS................................................................ 1

Performance Review........................................................ 2 - 3

Investment Strategy....................................................... 3 - 5

Pearl Total Return Fund Overview.......................................... 6 - 8

Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund Overview.................................... 9 - 11

General Information..................................................... 12 - 13

Pearl Total Return Fund Financial Statements............................ 14 - 16

Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund Financial Statements....................... 17 - 19

Notes to Financial Statements........................................... 20 - 21

Pearl Total Return Fund Financial Highlights................................. 22

Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund Financial Highlights............................ 23

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pearl Mutual Funds                                         [LOGO OF PEARL FUNDS]
2610 Park Avenue
PO Box 209
Muscatine IA 52761
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
E-mail: info@pearlfunds.com

Chairman & President    IMPORTANT NEWS!                      August 13, 2003
David M. Stanley

Executive Vice           . For the 3 1/2 years through June 30, 2003, Pearl
President                  Total Return Fund was up 5.09%, while most stock
Robert H. Solt             indexes had big losses, including: Wilshire 5000 down
                           29.12%, MSCI World down 35.71%, Value Line
Vice President of          (Geometric) down 30.61%, All Equity Funds Average
Investment Management      (Lipper) down 26.04%, All Long-Term Taxable Funds
Kevin J. Burns             Average (Lipper) down 14.51%, and S&P 500 down
                           30.27%. These 3 1/2 years included the 3-year bear
Trustees                   market (2000-2002) and a strong rally in the first
John W. Axel               half of 2003.
Jeffrey R. Boeyink
Douglas B. Coder         . Pearl Total Return Fund strongly outperformed all 5
Dr. David N. Dejong        of its comparison indexes during the last 3 and 5
David L. Evans             years, both in total return and risk-adjusted total
Robert H. Solt             return.
David M. Stanley
                         . During its first 2 years through June 30, 2003, Pearl
Staff                      Aggressive Growth Fund nearly broke even (down 0.23%)
Karen M. Brookhart         while all 5 of its comparison indexes had big losses:
Peggy A. Cherrier          Wilshire 5000 down 15.56%, MSCI World down 17.23%,
Karen J. Grell             Value Line (Geometric) down 25.21%, All Equity Funds
Christopher A. Hoffman     Average (Lipper) down 16.19%, and S&P 500 down
Renata R. Lamar            17.78%.

                         . Pearl Total Return Fund gained 12.42% during the
                           first six months of 2003 - in line with its
                           comparison indexes.

                         . Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund was up 19.90% in the
                           first half of 2003 - strongly outperforming all 5 of
                           its comparison indexes.

                         . On August 12, 2003, these year-to-date gains had
                           grown to 15.47% for Total Return Fund and 26.50% for
                           Aggressive Growth Fund.

                         . Both Pearl Funds are no-load - no sales charge,
                           commission, or redemption fee. Both Funds have one of
                           the lowest expense ratios (annual rates 0.96% and
                           0.98%) for all funds of their type (independent fund
                           of funds). In 2003 to date, both Funds continued to
                           make all their investments on a no-load basis.

               Please consider all information in this report and in the
               Prospectus. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
               Figures above are not annualized.

               Thank you for your confidence in Pearl Mutual Funds.

               You are invited to visit our Website at www.pearlfunds.com.
               Please call, write, fax, or e-mail us. We are here to help you.



               /s/ Kevin J. Burns    /s/ Robert H. Solt    /s/ David M. Stanley
               Kevin J. Burns        Robert H. Solt        David M. Stanley


Pearl Mutual Funds

Performance Review as of June 30, 2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

First Half 2003 Performance. Total Return of Pearl Total Return Fund, Pearl
Aggressive Growth Fund, and each Fund's Comparison Indexes:*

- -------------------------------------------    -------------------------------------------
For six months ended 6-30-03:                  For six months ended 6-30-03:
- -------------------------------------------    -------------------------------------------
Pearl Total Return Fund             + 12.42%   Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund        + 19.90%
- -------------------------------------------    -------------------------------------------
Wilshire 5000 Index                 + 12.91%   Wilshire 5000 Index                 + 12.91%
- -------------------------------------------    -------------------------------------------
MSCI World Index                    + 11.12%   MSCI World Index                    + 11.12%
- -------------------------------------------    -------------------------------------------
Value Line (Geometric) Index        + 13.31%   Value Line (Geometric) Index        + 13.31%
- -------------------------------------------    -------------------------------------------
All Equity Funds Average (Lipper)   + 12.85%   Standard & Poor's 500 Index         + 11.76%
- -------------------------------------------    -------------------------------------------
All Long-Term Taxable Funds Avg.    + 11.25%   All Equity Funds Average (Lipper)   + 12.85%
- -------------------------------------------    -------------------------------------------

     * Not annualized. All total returns include dividends reinvested, except
     Value Line Index. The total returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes
     that a shareholder would pay on fund dividends or on redemption of fund
     shares. Likewise, the total returns on indexes do not reflect the deduction
     of taxes that an investor in stocks would pay on dividends or on sale of
     stocks. See Page 12 for a description of each index.

We are pleased that Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund strongly outperformed all 5 of
its comparison indexes during the first half of the year. The more conservative
Pearl Total Return Fund outperformed by a narrow margin the average (+ 12.29%)
of its 5 benchmark indexes. See each index's total return above. Past
performance does not predict future performance.

First Half Performance Factors. We believe Pearl Total Return Fund's and Pearl
Aggressive Growth Fund's comparative performance and total return during the
first six months of 2003 were affected by many factors, including each Fund's
investment strategy and decisions by the Funds' Manager, Pearl Management
Company. These factors include:

     . U.S. and global stock markets recovered strongly during the first six
       months of 2003. Most stocks struggled in the first three months of the
       year. However, stock markets rose sharply in the second quarter;
       investors appeared to be encouraged by the winding down of the war in
       Iraq along with some signs of a recovering economy.

     . In a reversal from the previous 3 years, growth-style funds as a whole
       outperformed most value-style funds by a small margin.
       Smaller-capitalization stocks continued to perform better than larger
       companies. Overall, international stocks also improved and performed
       similarly to U.S. stocks during the first half of 2003, and had the same
       pattern of significantly better performance from smaller companies. U.S.
       high-yield bonds as a group were also up strongly. We believe these
       trends had a mixed effect on Pearl Total Return Fund and significantly
       aided the total return of Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund.

     . During the first six months of 2003, a majority of Total Return Fund's
       mutual fund investments were in relatively conservative funds with
       below-average risk records, a value emphasis, and a focus on small-cap
       and mid-cap stocks. This Fund also continued to hold two bond funds. We
       believe these decisions reduced risk and had a mixed effect on the Fund's
       comparative performance - small caps helped significantly while the value
       style slightly underperformed. The Fund also maintained its significant
       investment in international equity funds. As in 2002, international funds
       investing in smaller companies performed better overall than
       international funds with a larger company focus, which helped this Fund.


     . Aggressive Growth Fund was more growth-oriented in its fund holdings than
       Total Return Fund and had an even greater small-cap emphasis, both of
       which helped its performance. Aggressive Growth Fund continued its
       significant investment in international equity funds and they were also
       positive contributors to the Fund's outperformance.

     . Both Funds did not pay any sales charge or redemption fee. Both Funds
       made all their investments on a no-load basis. See "No-Load Investing"
       below. This helped both Funds control costs and helped their performance.

     . Pearl Management Company, the Funds' Manager, continues to use and
       develop a proprietary method of compiling and evaluating data on a large
       number of mutual funds and on the global stock markets. We believe this
       helps Pearl Management Company's allocation decisions and selection of
       mutual funds.

Investment Strategy
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pearl Total Return Fund is a fund of funds that seeks long-term total return by
being primarily invested (80% or more of net assets) in equity mutual funds,
except when Pearl Management Company believes a lower percentage is justified by
high risks affecting stock markets. This Fund seeks to limit shareholders' risk
by holding a modest defensive position at times and by selecting some mutual
funds that we believe have relatively lower volatility.

Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund is a fund of funds that seeks long-term aggressive
growth of capital by being fully invested (95% or more) in equity mutual funds.

"Equity mutual funds" means funds whose objective is growth or capital
appreciation, including funds that invest in U.S. or foreign securities or both.

No-Load Investing. Both Funds are completely no-load - no sales charge, no
redemption fee, no distribution fee (12b-1 fee). However, some of the mutual
funds in which the Funds may invest may impose a 12b-1 fee. The Funds can invest
only in no-load (no sales charge and no redemption fee), low-load (2% or lower),
or load-waived (no-load due to large purchases) mutual funds. The Funds also can
invest in closed-end funds but have not yet done so. Both Funds seek to avoid
sales charges completely.

Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund has never paid any sales charge or redemption fee.
All of its investments to date were made on a no-load basis.

Pearl Total Return Fund has not paid any sales charge or redemption fee since
1998. All of its investments in the years 1999 through 2003 to date were made on
a no-load basis.

The Funds' investments in many mutual funds are generally large enough to take
advantage of sales load waivers on large purchases. Thus, both Funds are able to
select no-load investments from a very wide range of funds -- even though many
of those funds would require a typical investor to pay a sales charge.


Another potential benefit to Pearl Funds shareholders is that both Funds are
able to purchase shares of some mutual funds that are closed to new investors.
At June 30, 2003, Pearl Total Return Fund held three funds (comprising 25% of
its total assets) that are no longer open to new investors. Pearl Aggressive
Growth Fund held four funds that are closed to new investors (comprising 42% of
its total assets) at June 30, 2003.

Current Investments. At June 30, 2003, 89.0% of Pearl Total Return Fund's total
assets were invested in a diversified group of equity mutual funds, 8.2% in a
high-yield bond fund, 1.4% in a high-quality bond fund, and 1.4% in cash. This
Fund was 89-93% invested in equity funds throughout the first half of 2003.

At June 30, 2003, 99.5% of Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund's total assets were
invested in a diversified group of equity mutual funds, with only 0.5% in cash.
In keeping with its investment strategy, this Fund has been fully invested in
equity funds at all times.

Mid-year investments of both Funds are listed in the attached financial
statements. Portfolio investments are subject to change.

We still believe there are many risks in the U.S. stock market, including
continued overvaluation of many stocks, uncertainty about the strength of an
economic recovery in the U.S. and the world, timing and strength of a corporate
earnings recovery, possible further terrorist attacks, and potential panic by
disillusioned investors if recent market gains don't hold. After the strong
recent market rally, we believe stocks are more vulnerable to a correction.

However, we believe the strong reductions of interest rates over the past 2 1/2
years are very positive for stocks, and the recent tax relief law should also
provide some support for the market.

Although always difficult to judge, on balance we believe the reward/risk ratio
is slightly negative for the near term but more positive longer-term. We also
believe the near-term outlook continues to favor small-to-mid-cap stock funds,
although their relative attractiveness has lessened as their outperformance has

Compared to the U.S., we believe valuations still look favorable for
international markets as a whole. Economic difficulty is also a concern outside
the U.S., but we believe international stocks overall (including those in
emerging markets), especially international small-cap and mid-cap stocks, still
appear to offer a slightly better reward/risk ratio than U.S. stocks.

Weighing these factors, Pearl Total Return Fund remains mostly invested in
equity mutual funds but slightly increased its defensive position in late June
and July. At July 31, 2003, 86.7% of this Fund's total assets were invested in
equity mutual funds. A majority of this Fund's investments are still in equity
funds that emphasize value and that we believe are relatively conservative, and
in equity funds that hold mostly small-to-mid-cap stocks rather than large-caps.
This Fund continues its significant investment in international stock funds.


Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund continues to be fully invested (95% or more) in
equity mutual funds but has slightly increased its cash position to 3.7% and
reduced its equity funds position to 96.3% of total assets at July 31, 2003. In
comparison with Total Return Fund, Aggressive Growth Fund's portfolio as a whole
is more volatile, includes more growth-oriented funds, has an even greater
emphasis on small-to-mid-cap stocks, and also continues a significant investment
in international stock funds.

A more precise way to measure each Fund's asset allocation is its investment
portfolio asset breakdown, which counts each Fund's indirect investments through
the mutual funds held in its portfolio, using recent information on the
portfolio assets of those mutual funds. Based on the Funds' portfolio holdings
at June 30, 2003, each Fund's investment portfolio asset breakdown was:

                          Total Return Fund   Aggressive Growth Fund
                          -----------------   ----------------------
                              (as a percentage of total assets)

Total Stocks                           79.2%                    95.2%
U.S. Stocks                            41.9%                    53.6%
Foreign Stocks                         37.3%                    41.6%
Bonds                                  12.1%                     0.4%
Cash                                    8.7%                     4.4%

For example, at June 30, 2003, Pearl Total Return Fund's direct cash position
was 1.4%, but the percentage increases to 8.7% when the varying amounts of cash
held by the mutual funds in the Fund's portfolio are added. Each Fund's asset
allocation and portfolio holdings vary with changes in investments.

We diligently seek to select the best mutual funds in view of changing market
conditions. With this goal in mind, both Funds have made several portfolio
changes during 2003 to date. Taking into account the opportunities and the
risks, we believe each Fund's current portfolio mix is appropriate for the
current market environment. However, portfolio holdings are subject to change.

Top 5 Mutual Fund Holdings at June 30, 2003 (as a percentage of total assets):

Pearl Total Return Fund:                Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund:
First Eagle Overseas, Class I   21.12%  Dreyfus Premier Emerging Mkts.,
William Blair International             Class A                           16.40%
Growth, Class I                 11.26%  Wasatch Micro Cap                 14.26%
N/I Numeric Small Cap Value     10.21%  Oakmark Global, Class I           13.88%
Oakmark Select, Class I          9.01%  Bogle Small Cap Growth,
                                        Institutional                     12.82%
Pioneer High Yield A             8.17%  Driehaus International
                                        Discovery                         12.06%

Both Funds are actively managed and may change investments at any time. Each
Fund's portfolio holdings may be different by the time you read this report.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            Pearl Total Return Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10-Year Performance. Pearl Total Return Fund's 10-year performance record is
summarized in this graph:

 (as of 6-30 each year) (with dividends reinvested, except for Value Line Index)


            Pearl                                                                           All Long-Term
            Total          Wilshire          MSCI           Value            All Equity     Taxable Funds
            Return           5000           World      Line (Geometric)    Funds Average       Average
            Fund            Index           Index           Index            (Lipper)          (Lipper)
 1993     $   10,000      $   10,000      $   10,000      $   10,000        $   10,000        $   10,000
 1994     $   10,187      $   10,119      $   11,024      $    9,878        $   10,360        $   10,230
 1995     $   11,365      $   12,620      $   12,200      $   11,179        $   12,328        $   11,969
 1996     $   13,364      $   15,929      $   14,450      $   12,731        $   15,082        $   13,922
 1997     $   16,029      $   20,600      $   17,668      $   15,088        $   18,054        $   16,219
 1998     $   18,000      $   26,545      $   20,677      $   17,130        $   20,728        $   18,388
 1999     $   18,705      $   31,745      $   23,917      $   16,737        $   23,564        $   20,286
 2000     $   21,232      $   34,768      $   26,832      $   14,656        $   28,584        $   23,516
 2001     $   23,104      $   29,434      $   21,385      $   14,372        $   24,822        $   21,759
 2002     $   22,940      $   24,542      $   18,131      $   11,656        $   21,029        $   19,492
 2003     $   22,763      $   24,854      $   17,703      $   10,748        $   20,804        $   19,829

         Past performance does not predict future performance

   *  The total returns in this report, including the graph and tables, do not
   reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund dividends
   or on redemption of fund shares. Likewise, the total returns on indexes do
   not reflect the deduction of taxes that an investor in stocks would pay on
   dividends or on sale of stocks.

PEARL TOTAL RETURN FUND'S average annual total return was + 8.57% during the
last 10 years and + 4.81% over the last 5 years. The value of an investment in
Total Return Fund grew 128% during the last 10 years and grew 26% during the
last 5 years. We believe these are good rates of total return in view of the
market conditions during these years, and we seek to continue improving them.

Performance of Pearl Total Return Fund and Comparison Indexes through 6-30-03:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average Annual Total Returns for years
ended 6-30-03  with dividends reinvested
(except for Value Line Index):                 1 year   3 years   5 years   10 years
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pearl Total Return Fund                        - 0.77%   + 2.35%   + 4.81%    + 8.57%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wilshire 5000 Index                            + 1.27%  - 10.59%   - 1.31%    + 9.53%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MSCI World Index                               - 2.36%  - 12.95%   - 3.06%    + 5.88%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Value Line (Geometric) Index                   - 7.79%   - 9.82%   - 8.90%    + 0.72%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All Equity Funds Average (Lipper)              - 1.07%  - 10.05%   - 0.30%    + 7.60%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All Long-Term Taxable Funds Average (Lipper)   + 1.73%   - 5.53%   + 1.21%    + 7.09%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   See Page 12 for a description of each index.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            Pearl Total Return Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Risk-Adjusted Total Return. Pearl Total Return Fund seeks to outperform its 5
benchmark indexes on a long-term risk-adjusted total return basis. Two factors
should be considered together in assessing a mutual fund's performance: its
total return and its risk. Therefore, we measure your Fund's total return in
relation to the risk (volatility) it incurred, and then we compare this
risk-adjusted return with the Fund's 5 comparison indexes.

Standard deviation is the conventional statistical measure used to determine the
volatility (variability) -- and therefore the risk -- of a mutual fund or an
index. The higher the standard deviation, the greater the volatility risk. A low
standard deviation is desirable.

Standard Deviations of Pearl Total Return Fund and Comparison Indexes through

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Annualized Standard Deviations:          1 year     3 years    5 years
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pearl Total Return Fund                           19.56%     16.05%     15.68%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wilshire 5000 Index                               28.26%     20.10%     20.76%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MSCI World Index                                  24.65%     17.57%     19.32%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Value Line (Geometric) Index                      27.91%     21.50%     19.49%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
All Equity Funds Average (Lipper)                 23.51%     18.33%     19.62%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
All Long-Term Taxable Funds Average (Lipper)      17.78%     13.96%     14.50%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

See page 12 for a description of each index.

The Sharpe ratio is a conventional measure that combines total return and
standard deviation to produce a risk-adjusted performance figure. It is a ratio
of reward (total return in excess of the 90-day Treasury bill return) to the
volatility risk (standard deviation). The higher the number, the better the
risk-adjusted return. A high Sharpe ratio is desirable.

Sharpe Ratios of Pearl Total Return Fund and Comparison Indexes through 6-30-03:

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
              Sharpe Ratios:                    1 year     3 years    5 years
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pearl Total Return Fund                          - 0.11     - 0.05     + 0.07
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wilshire 5000 Index                              - 0.00     - 0.75     - 0.31
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MSCI World Index                                 - 0.15     - 1.01     - 0.45
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Value Line (Geometric) Index                     - 0.33     - 0.66     - 0.85
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
All Equity Funds Average (Lipper)                - 0.10     - 0.79     - 0.26
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
All Long-Term Taxable Funds Average (Lipper)     + 0.02     - 0.68     - 0.22
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

See page 12 for a description of each index.

Most of the Sharpe ratios were negative for these periods, because stock markets
seriously underperformed Treasury bills during the long, deep 3-year bear market
(2000-2002). This Fund's risk-adjusted performance was in line with its
comparison indexes for the past 1 year. We are very pleased that your Fund's
risk-adjusted performance was significantly better than all 5 comparison indexes
during the past 3 and 5 years through June 30, 2003. Total Return Fund had a
positive Sharpe ratio for the 5-year period, in contrast to all 5 benchmark


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            Pearl Total Return Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Performance Summary:
- --------------------

   .  Pearl Total Return Fund had a + 12.42% total return for the six months
      ended June 30, 2003. We are encouraged by this year-to-date gain (not
      annualized), which grew to + 15.47% at August 12, 2003.

   .  Pearl Total Return Fund's + 12.42% total return slightly outperformed the
      average (+ 12.29%) of this Fund's 5 comparison indexes during these six
      months. (Not annualized.) See page 2 for each index's total return. We
      believe this narrow margin is a significant outperformance because it was
      achieved during the big market rise in the first half of 2003. Total
      Return Fund had a risk-reducing partial defensive position, with only
      about four-fifths of its total assets invested in stocks (through the
      mutual funds in this Fund's portfolio; see page 5), but 3 of its 5
      benchmark indexes are pure stock indexes.

   .  Your Fund's total return was - 10.75% in 2002, + 3.13% in 2001, + 1.56% in
      2000, + 26.99% in 1999, + 4.60% in 1998, + 14.75% in 1997, + 14.19% in
      1996, and + 21.13% in 1995.

   .  During the entire 3 1/2 years through June 30, 2003, Total Return Fund was
      up 5.09% while its 5 comparison indexes were down 27.20% on average. (Not
      annualized.) See page 1 for each index's total return. This period
      included the 3-year bear market (2000-2002) -- the worst bear market since
      at least 1973-74 -- and a strong rally in the first half of 2003.

   .  Your Fund strongly outperformed all 5 comparison indexes during the last 3
      years and 5 years -- and outperformed 4 of the 5 during the last 10 years.

   .  Pearl Total Return Fund's risk-adjusted total return strongly outperformed
      all 5 comparison indexes during the last 3 years and 5 years.

Performance is historical and does not guarantee future results. See page 12.

Fund Expenses. Total Return Fund's total net expenses (annualized), after
reimbursement by the Manager (see page 12), were 0.96% of the Fund's average net
assets during the first half of 2003. We believe this 0.96% expense ratio is one
of the lowest for all funds of its type (independent fund of funds) in the U.S.

Net Asset Value. At the close of June 30, 2003:

     NAV (net asset value) per share           $10.68

Net Assets of Total Return Fund increased from $39,928,483 at Dec. 31, 2002 to
$44,051,531 at June 30, 2003. The increase was primarily due to investment


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fund Performance. Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund's performance record for the two
years since its inception is summarized in this graph:

                 (as of 6-30 each year, from 7-2-01 inception)
            (with dividends reinvested, except for Value Line Index)


           Aggressive        Wilshire         MSCI           Value          Standard &       All Equity
             Growth            5000           World     Line (Geometric)    Poor's 500      Funds Average
              Fund            Index           Index          Index            Index            (Lipper)
7-2-01     $   10,000      $   10,000      $   10,000      $   10,000       $   10,000       $   10,000
6-30-02    $    9,876      $    8,338      $    8,478      $    8,111       $    8,201       $    8,472
6-30-03    $    9,977      $    8,444      $    8,278      $    7,479       $    8,222       $    8,381

              Past performance does not predict future performance

     * The total returns in this report, including the graph and tables, do not
     reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund
     dividends or on redemption of fund shares. Likewise, the total returns on
     indexes do not reflect the deduction of taxes that an investor in stocks
     would pay on dividends or on sale of stocks.

Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund has come through a very volatile first 2 years of
existence with a very small loss - but strongly outperformed all of its 5
comparison indexes during this 2-year period.

Performance of Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund and Comparison Indexes through
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average Annual Total Returns for periods ended 6-30-03     1 Year   From 7-2-01
with dividends reinvested (except for Value Line Index):            (inception)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund                               + 1.03%       - 0.11%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wilshire 5000 Index                                        + 1.27%       - 8.11%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MSCI World Index                                           - 2.36%       - 9.02%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Value Line (Geometric) Index                               - 7.79%      - 13.52%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Standard & Poor's 500 Index                                + 0.25%       - 9.33%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All Equity Funds Average (Lipper)                          - 1.07%       - 8.45%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          See page 12 for a description of each index.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          Pearl Agressive Growth Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Risk-Adjusted Total Return. Even though Aggressive Growth Fund is not as focused
as Total Return Fund on the potential riskiness of its portfolio, we measure
Aggressive Growth Fund's total return in relation to the risk (volatility) it
incurred. Then we compare this risk-adjusted return with the Fund's 5 comparison

Standard deviation is the conventional statistical measure used to determine the
volatility (variability) -- and therefore the risk -- of a mutual fund or an
index. The higher the standard deviation, the greater the volatility risk. A low
standard deviation is desirable, although an aggressive growth fund by its
nature will be more risky than a more conservative fund.

Standard Deviations of Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund and Comparison Indexes
through 6-30-03:

                                                 From 7-2-01
 Annualized Standard Deviations:       1 Year    (inception)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund            23.84%         21.08%
- ------------------------------------------------------------
Wilshire 5000 Index                     28.26%         22.31%
- ------------------------------------------------------------
MSCI World Index                        24.65%         19.78%
- ------------------------------------------------------------
Value Line (Geometric) Index            27.91%         25.06%
- ------------------------------------------------------------
Standard & Poor's 500 Index             27.21%         21.20%
- ------------------------------------------------------------
All Equity Funds Average (Lipper)       23.51%         20.22%
- ------------------------------------------------------------

See page 12 for a description of each index.

The Sharpe ratio is a conventional measure that combines total return and
standard deviation to produce a risk-adjusted performance figure. It is a ratio
of reward (total return in excess of the 90-day Treasury bill return) to the
volatility risk (standard deviation). The higher the number, the better the
risk-adjusted return. A high Sharpe ratio is desirable.

Sharpe Ratios of Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund and Comparison Indexes through

                                                    From 7-2-01
       Sharpe Ratios:                      1 Year   (inception)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------

Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund               - 0.01        - 0.19
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Wilshire 5000 Index                        - 0.00        - 0.88
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
MSCI World Index                           - 0.15        - 1.07
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Value Line (Geometric) Index               - 0.33        - 1.17
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Standard & Poor's 500 Index                - 0.04        - 1.03
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
All Equity Funds Average (Lipper)          - 0.10        - 1.00
- ---------------------------------------------------------------

See page 12 for a description of each index.

Since neither Aggressive Growth Fund nor any of the comparison indexes performed
better than Treasury bills in the difficult market during the past 2 years, all
of the Sharpe ratios were negative. However, we are pleased that this Fund's
risk-adjusted performance since its inception was the best in the group,
although this is not a primary consideration for this Fund.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           Pearl Agressive Growth Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Performance Summary:
- -------------------

  .  Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund had a + 19.90% total return for the six months
     ended June 30, 2003. We are pleased with this large year-to-date gain (not
     annualized), which grew to + 26.50% at August 12, 2003.

  .  Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund's + 19.90% total return strongly outperformed
     the average total return (+ 12.39%) of this Fund's 5 comparison indexes for
     the first half of 2003. (Not annualized.) See page 2 for each index's total

  .  Your Fund also strongly outperformed all 5 of its comparison indexes since
     its inception (July 2, 2001). During its first 2 years though June 30,
     2003, Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund had nearly a break-even performance
     (down 0.23%) while all 5 benchmark indexes had big losses, down 18.40% on
     average. (Not annualized.) See page 1 for each index's total return.

  .  Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund also strongly outperformed all 5 comparison
     indexes on a risk-adjusted total return basis for the 2-year period since
     its inception. See page 10.

Performance is historical and does not guarantee future results. See page 12.

Fund Expenses. Aggressive Growth Fund's total net expenses (annualized), after
reimbursement by the Manager (see page 12), were 0.98% of the Fund's average net
assets during the first half of 2003. We believe this 0.98% expense ratio is one
of the lowest for all funds of its type (independent fund of funds) in the U.S.

Net Asset Value. At the close of June 30, 2003:

    NAV (net asset value) per share         $9.82

Net Assets of Aggressive Growth Fund increased from $14,605,340 at December 31,
2002 to $17,355,351 at June 30, 2003. This was primarily due to investment


General Information
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This report is provided for the general information of the shareholders of Pearl
Mutual Funds. This report is not authorized for distribution to prospective
investors unless preceded or accompanied by a current Prospectus. Please read
the Prospectus carefully before you invest or send money. For more information
on either Fund, including fees and expenses, please call (toll-free)
866-747-9030 or visit our Website at www.pearlfunds.com.

Shares of the Pearl Funds are available to persons residing in certain states.
Please call (toll-free) 866-747-9030 to determine whether you are eligible to
purchase Fund shares. This report is not an offer of or a solicitation of an
offer to buy any of the Pearl Mutual Funds, nor shall any of the Pearl Mutual
Funds be offered or sold to any person, in any jurisdiction in which the offer,
solicitation, purchase, or sale would be unlawful under the securities law of
that jurisdiction.

Performance is historical and does not guarantee future results. Investment
return and principal value of an investment in each Pearl Fund will fluctuate,
so that an investor's shares in the Fund, when redeemed, may be worth more or
less than their original cost. Performance changes over time and may be
materially different by the time you receive this report. For recent performance
information, go to www.pearlfunds.com.

All investments involve risks. Even though Pearl Total Return Fund and Pearl
Aggressive Growth Fund each invest in many mutual funds, that investment
strategy cannot eliminate risk.

From July 1, 1972 through July 1, 2001, Pearl Total Return Fund's shares were
not registered under the Securities Act of 1933 and sales were made only on a
private basis. The Fund began offering its shares to the public pursuant to an
effective registration statement on July 2, 2001.

Total return means total growth of the investment, with all dividends and
distributions (including capital gains) reinvested.

All total returns for any period of less than 12 months are not annualized.

Limits on Expenses. Pearl Management Company, the Funds' Manager, has
contractually agreed to reimburse each Pearl Fund for all ordinary operating
expenses (including management and administrative fees) exceeding the following
expense ratios: 0.98% of a Fund's average net assets up to $100 million and
0.78% in excess of $100 million. When the Manager has reimbursed a Fund for
expenses in excess of these limits, the Manager may recover the reimbursed
amounts, for a period that does not exceed five years, to the extent this can be
done without exceeding the expense limits. These expense limits will continue at
least through December 31, 2007 unless a change is approved by the Funds' Board
of Trustees.

The Manager's reimbursement of expenses that exceed the expense limit lowers the
expense ratio and increases the overall return to investors.

Description of Indexes: The Wilshire 5000 Index is an unmanaged index that is
market-capitalization weighted, includes all publicly-traded U.S. common stocks
with readily available price data, and is generally representative of the
performance of the average dollar invested in U.S. common stocks. The MSCI World
Index is an unmanaged index that is market-capitalization


weighted and is generally representative of the performance of the global
(including U.S. and international) market for common stocks. The Value Line
(Geometric) Index is an unmanaged index that equally weights a broad range of
publicly-traded U.S. common stocks included in The Value Line Investment Survey
and is generally representative of the performance of the average U.S. common
stock. The Standard & Poor's (S & P) 500 Index is an unmanaged index of 500
stocks that is market-capitalization weighted and is generally representative of
the performance of larger companies in the U.S. The All Equity Funds Average
(Lipper) is an unmanaged and unweighted average of the total return performance
of all equity-oriented mutual funds as classified and calculated by Lipper Inc.
The All Long-Term Taxable Funds Average (Lipper) is an unmanaged and unweighted
average of the total return performance of all long-term taxable mutual funds as
classified and calculated by Lipper Inc.

The holdings of each Pearl Fund are not identical to the Wilshire 5000 Index,
MSCI World Index, Value Line (Geometric) Index, S & P 500 Index, All Equity
Funds Average (Lipper), All Long-Term Taxable Funds Average (Lipper), or any
other market index. Therefore, the performance of each Pearl Fund will not
mirror the returns of any particular index. It is not possible to invest
directly in an index.

Trademarks and copyrights relating to the indexes are owned by: Wilshire 5000
Index - Wilshire Financial Services, Inc.; MSCI World Index - Morgan Stanley
Capital International; Value Line (Geometric) Index - Valueline, Inc.; Standard
& Poor's 500 Index - The McGraw Hill Companies; and Lipper Averages - Reuters
Funds Information Limited, a United Kingdom corporation.

Communications Invited on Accounting and Auditing. Any person may communicate,
confidentially and anonymously, any concerns regarding accounting or auditing
matters to David L. Evans, Chairman of the Audit Committee of Pearl Mutual
Funds, by any of these three means:
     1.  E-mail addressed to dave@evanwood.com (This is the preferred method.)
     2.  Telephone to 303-679-9689
     3.  Mail to 32500 El Diente Court, Evergreen, CO 80439

Privacy Policy. Because we consider the preservation of your privacy a priority,
Pearl Mutual Funds has adopted a privacy policy. You may view the privacy policy
at www.pearlfunds.com (click the Privacy Policy page) or by calling (toll-free)

We Invite and Welcome Your Calls. A real, live person will talk with you,
promptly. You will know the full name of the person you talk with. He or she
will be one of our officers or key staff persons. You will get a straight
answer. If we don't know the answer, we will find it and get back to you

If we break this promise, tell us and you will receive our personal apology.

We Also Invite You to E-mail, Fax, or Write to Us:

E-mail to info@pearlfunds.com

Fax to 563-288-4101

Write to Pearl Mutual Funds, 2610 Park Avenue, PO Box 209, Muscatine, IA 52761


                             PEARL TOTAL RETURN FUND
                             STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS
                                  June 30, 2003

   INVESTMENTS in mutual funds, all common
    stocks of unaffiliated issuers:                                     Shares        % of net        Market
                                                                         owned         assets         value
                                                                       --------      ----------    ------------
   Equity mutual funds:
      Bridgeway Ultra Small Company Tax Advantage ..................    267,819            6.68%   $  2,940,654
      DLB Small Company Opportunities Fund .........................     61,090            1.86%        817,991
      First Eagle Overseas Fund, Class I ...........................    610,188           21.14%      9,311,472
      JP Morgan Mid Cap Value, Select ..............................    148,603            5.49%      2,416,292
      Matthews Asian Growth and Income .............................    237,499            6.05%      2,664,734
      N/I Numeric Small Cap Value Fund .............................    260,418           10.22%      4,502,621
      Oakmark International Small Cap Fund, Class I ................    212,497            5.81%      2,558,464
      Oakmark Select Fund, Class I .................................    144,173            9.01%      3,970,515
      Royce Special Equity Fund ....................................    161,202            5.61%      2,471,228
      Wasatch Core Growth Fund .....................................     83,726            5.96%      2,626,475
      William Blair International Growth Fund, Class I .............    336,482           11.27%      4,963,106
                                                                                     ----------    ------------
         TOTAL EQUITY MUTUAL FUNDS .................................                      89.10%     39,243,552
                                                                                     ----------    ------------
 Income mutual funds:
   PIMCO Total Return Fund, Institutional ..........................     58,467            1.46%        643,135
   Pioneer High Yield Fund, Class A ................................    325,570            8.17%      3,600,808
                                                                                     ----------    ------------
         TOTAL INCOME MUTUAL FUNDS .................................                       9.63%      4,243,943
                                                                                     ----------    ------------
   Money market mutual fund:
      Vanguard Money Market Prime ..................................     10,916            0.02%         10,916
                                                                                     ----------    ------------
      TOTAL INVESTMENTS (cost $40,851,751 including
       reinvested dividends and distributions) .....................                      98.75%     43,498,411

   Cash ............................................................                       1.33%        588,879
   Accrued interest on bank account ................................                       0.00%            185
                                                                                     ----------    ------------
         TOTAL ASSETS ..............................................                     100.08%     44,087,475
                                                                                     ----------    ------------
   Investment manager's fees payable (Note 5) ......................                       0.07%         29,813
   Payable to manager for expenses of Fund (Note 5) ................                       0.01%          5,267
   Other liabilities ...............................................                       0.00%            864
                                                                                     ----------    ------------
         TOTAL LIABILITIES .........................................                       0.08%         35,944
                                                                                     ----------    ------------
NET ASSETS, applicable to 4,124,547 outstanding shares of
 beneficial interest (no par value); unlimited shares authorized ...                     100.00%   $ 44,051,531
                                                                                     ==========    ============
    REDEMPTION PRICE PER SHARE .....................................                               $      10.68
   Capital .........................................................                               $ 43,784,292
   Accumulated undistibuted net investment loss ....................                                    (43,512)
   Accumulated net realized losses .................................                                 (2,335,909)
   Net unrealized appreciation in value of investments .............                                  2,646,660
         TOTAL NET ASSETS ..........................................                               $ 44,051,531

                       See notes to financial statements.


                             PEARL TOTAL RETURN FUND
                             STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS

                                                                 6 Months Ended
                                                                 June 30, 2003


      Dividends ..............................................   $      148,722
      Interest on bank account ...............................            1,493
            TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME ..........................          150,215

   Expenses, current year (Note 5):
      Associations ...........................................                0
      Auditors' services .....................................           28,235
      Custodian fees .........................................            2,009
      Data processing ........................................            2,908
      Trustees' fees (Note 6) ................................            7,287
      Registration fees ......................................            6,162
      Insurance ..............................................            1,216
      Investment management and
       administrative services fees (Note 5) .................          165,955
      Legal services .........................................           21,036
      Meetings ...............................................            1,109
      Other ..................................................              489
         TOTAL EXPENSES BEFORE REIMBURSEMENT .................          236,406

   Expenses reimbursed by investment manager (Note 5) ........          (42,371)
            TOTAL EXPENSES ...................................          194,035
            NET INVESTMENT LOSS ..............................          (43,820)

   Net realized losses on investments
    (securities of unaffiliated issuers) .....................       (1,262,665)

   Change in net unrealized appreciation of investments ......        6,168,500

                       See notes to financial statements.


                             PEARL TOTAL RETURN FUND

                                                   6 Months       Year Ended
                                                     Ended       December 31,
INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS:               June 30, 2003       2002
                                                 -------------   ------------
   Net investment income (loss) ..............   ($     43,820)  $    393,096
   Net realized losses on investments.........      (1,262,665)    (1,027,139)
   Change in net unrealized appreciation
    (depreciation) of investments ............       6,168,500     (4,218,298)
                                                 -------------   ------------
       RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS .............       4,862,015     (4,852,341)
                                                 -------------   ------------
   Dividends from net investment income ......               0       (393,096)
                                                 -------------   ------------
   Proceeds received for shares sold
    (77,513 and 211,154 shares) ..............         771,139      2,155,143
   Net asset value of shares (0 and 41,353
    shares) issued in reinvestment of
    distributions ............................               0        392,852
   Paid on redemption of shares (155,880 and
    402,934 shares), including exchanges
    into Pearl Aggressive Growth Fund ........      (1,510,106)    (4,181,260)
                                                 -------------   ------------
        (net decrease of 78,367 and 150,427
        shares) ..............................        (738,967)    (1,633,265)
                                                 -------------   ------------
TOTAL INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS ......       4,123,048     (6,878,702)
   Beginning of period .......................      39,928,483     46,807,185
                                                 -------------   ------------
   End of period (including accumulated
    undistributed net investment income
    (loss), ($43,512) and $308,
    respectively).............................   $  44,051,531   $ 39,928,483
                                                 =============   ============

                       See notes to financial statements.


                          PEARL AGGRESSIVE GROWTH FUND
                             STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS
                                  June 30, 2003
   INVESTMENTS in mutual funds, all common                % of
    stocks of unaffiliated issuers:          Shares       net         Market
                                             owned       assets       value
                                            ---------  ----------  ------------
      Equity mutual funds:
         American Century International
          Opportunity Fund ...............    176,263        5.83% $  1,011,750
         Bjurman Micro-Cap Growth Fund ...     73,522       10.70%    1,857,171
         Bogle Small Cap Growth Fund,
          Institutional Class ............    111,385       12.83%    2,226,595
         Dreyfus Premier Emerging
          Markets Fund, Class A ..........    221,903       16.42%    2,849,231
         Driehaus International
          Discovery Fund .................     94,094       12.07%    2,094,523
         Oakmark Global Fund, Class I ....    155,524       13.89%    2,410,619
         Wasatch Micro Cap Fund ..........    386,412       14.27%    2,476,899
         Wasatch Small Cap Value Fund ....    194,740        4.63%      804,278
         William Blair Small Cap Growth
          Fund ...........................     89,766        8.95%    1,552,955
                                                       ----------  ------------
            TOTAL EQUITY MUTUAL FUNDS ....                  99.59%   17,284,021
                                                       ----------  ------------
      Money market mutual fund:
         Vanguard Money Market Prime .....      6,363        0.04%        6,363
                                                       ----------  ------------
         TOTAL INVESTMENTS (cost
          $15,516,890, including
          reinvested dividends and
          distributions) .................                  99.63%   17,290,384
      Cash ...............................                   0.45%       78,410
      Accrued interest on bank account ...                   0.00%           51
                                                       ----------  ------------
            TOTAL ASSETS .................                 100.08%   17,368,845
                                                       ----------  ------------
   Investment manager's fees payable
    (Note 5) .............................                   0.07%       11,792
   Payable to manager for expenses of
    Fund (Note 5) ........................                   0.01%        1,644
   Other liabilities .....................                   0.00%           58
                                                       ----------  ------------
            TOTAL LIABILITIES ............                   0.08%       13,494
                                                       ----------  ------------
   NET ASSETS, applicable to 1,766,489
    outstanding shares of beneficial
    interest (no par value); unlimited
    shares authorized ....................                 100.00% $ 17,355,351
                                                       ==========  ============
       REDEMPTION PRICE PER SHARE ........                         $       9.82
      Capital ............................                         $ 17,660,101
      Accumulated undistributed net
       investment losses .................                             (203,352)
      Accumulated net realized losses ....                           (1,874,892)
      Net unrealized appreciation in
       value of investments ..............                            1,773,494
            TOTAL NET ASSETS .............                         $ 17,355,351

                       See notes to financial statements.


                          PEARL AGGRESSIVE GROWTH FUND
                             STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS

                                                                Six Months
                                                                 June 30,
      Dividends .............................................   $        32
      Interest on bank account ..............................           443
         TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME ............................           475
   Expenses, current year (Note 5):
      Associations ..........................................             0
      Auditors' services ....................................        10,366
      Custodian fees ........................................           744
      Data processing .......................................         1,107
      Trustees' fees (Note 6) ...............................         2,713
      Registration fees .....................................         4,229
      Insurance .............................................           449
      Investment management and
       administrative services fees (Note 5) ................        63,074
      Legal services ........................................         7,796
      Meetings ..............................................           410
      Other .................................................           182
         TOTAL EXPENSES BEFORE REIMBURSEMENT ................        91,070
   Expenses reimbursed by investment manager (Note 5) .......       (19,194)
         TOTAL EXPENSES .....................................        71,876
         NET INVESTMENT LOSS ................................       (71,401)

   Net realized losses from investments (securities of
    unaffiliated issuers) ...................................      (668,499)
   Change in net unrealized appreciation of investments .....     3,615,866

                       See notes to financial statements.


                          PEARL AGGRESSIVE GROWTH FUND

                                                    Six Months
                                                      Ended        Year Ended
                                                     June 30,      December 31,
INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS:                     2003           2002
                                                  -------------  --------------
   Net investment loss .........................  ($     71,401) ($     131,951)
   Net realized losses on investments ..........       (668,499)     (1,206,451)
   Change in net unrealized appreciation
    (depreciation) of investments ..............      3,615,866      (1,746,594)
                                                  -------------  --------------
       RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS ...............      2,875,966      (3,084,996)
                                                  -------------  --------------
   Dividends from net investment income ........              0               0
   Distributions from net realized gains .......              0               0
                                                  -------------  --------------
       DISTRIBUTIONS ...........................              0               0
                                                  -------------  --------------
   Proceeds received for shares sold (23,471 and
    183,251 shares) ............................        214,045       1,850,762
   Net asset value of shares (0 and 0 shares)
    issued in reinvestment of distributions ....              0               0
   Paid on redemption of shares (40,524 and 626
    shares), including exchanges into Pearl
    Total Return Fund ..........................       (340,000)         (6,061)
                                                  -------------  --------------
         (net increase (decrease) of (17,053)
          and 182,625 shares) ..................       (125,955)      1,844,701
                                                  -------------  --------------
TOTAL INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS ........      2,750,011      (1,240,295)
   Beginning of period .........................     14,605,340      15,845,635
                                                  -------------  --------------
   End of period ...............................  $  17,355,351  $   14,605,340
                                                  =============  ==============

                       See notes to financial statements.


                           PEARL TOTAL RETURN FUND and
                          PEARL AGGRESSIVE GROWTH FUND
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

1.   ORGANIZATION. Pearl Total Return Fund (PTRF) and Pearl Aggressive Growth
     Fund (PAGF) (the "Funds") are each a series of Pearl Mutual Funds, a
     Massachusetts business trust (the "Trust") registered under the Investment
     Company Act of 1940 and are diversified, no-load, open-end management
     investment companies (mutual funds).

     The Funds' investments are limited to: (1) shares of mutual funds (open-end
     funds) that the Funds can buy no-load (with no applicable sales load or
     redemption fee); (2) shares of "low-load" mutual funds (open-end funds)
     that the Funds can buy with a sales load or redemption fee that together do
     not exceed 2% of the purchase price (however, the Funds expect that
     substantially all of their investments in mutual funds will be on a no-load
     basis); (3) closed-end fund shares with a sales commission or sales load
     that does not exceed 2% of the purchase price (although the Funds have
     never invested in closed-end funds); and (4) cash and cash equivalents.

2.   SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES. The following is a summary of significant
     accounting policies consistently followed by the Funds in the preparation
     of their financial statements. The policies are in conformity with
     accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
     The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
     accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and
     assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
     disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the
     financial statements and the amounts of income and expenses during the
     reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. (a)
     Investments in shares of other mutual funds are valued at the net asset
     value as reported by each mutual fund. (b) Securities transactions are
     accounted for on the trade date. (c) Dividend income and the Funds'
     distributions to their shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date.
     (d) Gains or losses on sales of investments and unrealized appreciation or
     depreciation of investments are determined on the basis of average cost.

3.   INCOME TAXES. It is the Funds' policy to comply with the special provisions
     of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies
     and to make all necessary distributions of net investment income and
     realized gains so that the Funds will not be required to pay any federal or
     state income taxes. Therefore, the Funds make no provision for income

     As of December 31, 2002, PTRF had the following capital loss carry-forwards
     available to offset future capital gains: $46,105 through December 31, 2009
     and $1,027,139 through December 31, 2010.

     PTRF's cost for federal income tax purposes was $40,851,751, including the
     amounts of all reinvested dividends and distributions, as of June 30, 2003;
     the aggregate gross unrealized appreciation was $2,987,785; and the
     aggregate gross unrealized depreciation was ($341,125); resulting in net
     unrealized appreciation of $2,646,660.

     As of December 31, 2002, PAGF had a capital loss carry-forward of
     $1,206,393 that is available to offset future capital gains through
     December 31, 2010.

     PAGF's cost for federal income tax purposes was $15,516,890, including the
     amounts of all reinvested dividends and distributions, as of June 30, 2003;
     the aggregate gross unrealized appreciation was $1,812,530; and the
     aggregate gross unrealized depreciation was ($39,036); resulting in net
     unrealized appreciation of $1,773,494.

4.   INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS. PTRF's costs of purchases and proceeds of sales of
     investment securities (excluding money market mutual funds) were $9,298,667
     and $10,264,508, respectively, for the first half of 2003. Purchases
     include reinvestments of dividends and distributions.

     PAGF's costs of purchases and proceeds of sales of investment securities
     (excluding money market mutual funds) were $2,430,000 and $2,594,714,
     respectively, for the first half of 2003. Purchases include reinvestments
     of dividends and distributions.


                           PEARL TOTAL RETURN FUND and
                          PEARL AGGRESSIVE GROWTH FUND
                    NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued)

5.   INVESTMENT MANAGER; EXPENSES. Pearl Management Company (the "Manager") has
     supervisory responsibility for the general management and investment of the
     Funds' assets, including the decisions to buy and sell securities. The
     Manager provides personnel and office space for the Funds and pays all
     expenses of marketing the Funds' shares. The Manager's combined fees are at
     the annual rate of 0.86% of each Fund's average net assets up to
     $30,000,000 (computed at the beginning of each month); 0.77% of each Fund's
     net assets in excess of $30,000,000 and not exceeding $100,000,000; and
     0.53% of each Fund's net assets in excess of $100,000,000.

     The Funds' expenses are limited by contract with the Manager. Through April
     30, 2002, each Fund's total operating expenses in any year (including the
     Manager's fees but excluding interest, taxes, expenses for purchase or sale
     of investments, and extraordinary expenses) could not exceed 0.96% of the
     Fund's average net assets up to $30,000,000 (computed at the beginning of
     each month); 0.90% of the Fund's average net assets in excess of
     $30,000,000 and not exceeding $100,000,000; and 0.78% of the Fund's average
     net assets in excess of $100,000,000. Effective May 1, 2002, each Fund's
     total operating expenses in any year (including the Manager's fees but
     excluding interest, taxes, expenses for purchase or sale of investments,
     and extraordinary expenses) cannot exceed 0.98% of the Fund's average net
     assets up to $100,000,000 (computed at the beginning of each month) and
     0.78% of the Fund's average net assets in excess of $100,000,000. The
     Manager reimburses all the Funds' operating expenses beyond this limit.

     For the first half of 2003 expenses totaling $42,371 were reimbursed by the
     Manager beyond the expense limit for PTRF. PTRF remains liable to the
     Manager for a cumulative net total of $361,451 reimbursed expenses which
     are to be repaid by PTRF in the future, subject to the annual expense limit
     and a five year period in which the Manager has the right to recover
     reimbursed expenses.

     For the first half of 2003 expenses totaling $19,194 were reimbursed by the
     Manager beyond the expense limit for PAGF. PAGF remains liable to the
     Manager for a cumulative net total of $130,282 reimbursed expenses which
     are to be repaid by PAGF in the future, subject to the annual expense limit
     and a five year period in which the Manager has the right to recover
     reimbursed expenses.

     The Manager has agreed to continue the expense limit at least through
     December 31, 2007.

     The Manager and its Officers, Directors, and shareholders, as a group,
     owned 7.80% of PTRF's outstanding shares as of June 30, 2003. Entities
     affiliated with one or more Officers and Directors of the Manager owned
     87.53% of PTRF's outstanding shares as of June 30, 2003.

     The Manager and its Officers, Directors, and shareholders, as a group,
     owned 8.21% of PAGF's outstanding shares as of June 30, 2003. Entities
     affiliated with one or more Officers and Directors of the Manager owned
     90.00% of PAGF's outstanding shares as of June 30, 2003.

6.   COMPENSATION. The Officers and two Trustees (David M. Stanley and Robert H.
     Solt) of the Funds are also Officers of the Manager; they are paid by the
     Manager and receive no compensation from the Funds. The Funds' five
     Trustees who are not affiliated with the Manager are John W. Axel, Jeffrey
     R. Boeyink, Douglas B. Coder, Dr. David N. DeJong, and David L. Evans. The
     Trustees received fees from the Funds of $10,000 for the first half of 2003
     and $36,000 for 2002.

7.   DISTRIBUTIONS. On January 31, 2003, PTRF paid an income dividend of $.0944
     per share from 2002 net investment income, to shareholders of record on
     December 31, 2002. On January 31, 2002, PTRF paid an income dividend of
     $.1199 per share from 2001 net investment income, to shareholders of record
     on December 31, 2001. For shareholders reinvesting dividends and
     distributions, each reinvestment date was the same as the record date.

     On January 31, 2003, PAGF paid no dividend or distribution. On January 31,
     2002, PAGF paid an income dividend of $.0621 per share from 2001 net
     investment income and a long-term capital gains distribution of $.0966 per
     share from 2001 realized long-term capital gains, to shareholders of record
     on December 31, 2001. For shareholders reinvesting dividends and
     distributions, each reinvestment date was the same as the record date.


                             PEARL TOTAL RETURN FUND
                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS

 derived from the                 30,                                   Year ended December 31,
 financial statements:          -------    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 2003       2002      2001     2000     1999     1998     1997     1996     1995     1994     1993
Net asset value,
 beginning of period..........  $  9.50    $ 10.75   $ 10.54  $ 12.16  $ 10.45  $ 11.23  $ 10.94  $ 10.15  $  9.13  $ 9.87   $ 9.11
                                -------    -------   -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  ------   ------
Income from Investment
Net investment income (loss)..    (0.01)      0.09      0.12     0.69     0.45     0.23     0.42     0.20     0.26    0.26     0.22
Net realized and unrealized
 gains (losses) on investments     1.19      (1.25)     0.21    (0.50)    2.37     0.29     1.19     1.24     1.67   (0.58)    0.99
                                -------    -------   -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  ------   ------
Total investment operations...     1.18      (1.16)     0.33     0.19     2.82     0.52     1.61     1.44     1.93   (0.32)    1.21
                                -------    -------   -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  ------   ------
Less Distributions (Note 7)
Dividends from net
 investment income ...........     None      (0.09)    (0.12)   (0.69)   (0.45)   (0.23)   (0.42)   (0.20)   (0.26)  (0.26)   (0.22)
Distributions from net
 realized capital gains
 on investments...............     None       None      None    (1.12)   (0.66)   (1.07)   (0.90)   (0.45)   (0.65)  (0.16)   (0.23)
                                -------    -------   -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  ------   ------
Total distributions...........     None      (0.09)    (0.12)   (1.81)   (1.11)   (1.30)   (1.32)   (0.65)   (0.91)  (0.42)   (0.45)
                                -------    -------   -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  ------   ------
Net asset value,
 end of period ...............  $ 10.68    $  9.50   $ 10.75  $ 10.54  $ 12.16  $ 10.45  $ 11.23  $ 10.94  $ 10.15  $ 9.13   $ 9.87
                                =======    =======   =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======   ======
Total Return .................    12.42%    (10.75%)    3.13%    1.56%   26.99%    4.60%   14.75%   14.19%   21.13%  (3.19%)  13.27%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net assets, end of period
 (thousands of dollars).......   44,052     39,928    46,807   58,875   59,603   48,752   46,662   32,910   25,623   7,557    4,409
Ratio of net expenses to
 average net assets...........     0.96%*     0.97%     0.94%    0.93%    0.92%    0.94%    0.93%    0.95%    1.06%   1.48%    1.38%
Ratio of gross expenses to
 average net assets...........     1.18%*     1.26%     1.29%    1.05%    0.92%    0.94%    0.93%    0.95%    1.06%   1.48%    1.38%
Ratio of net investment
 income (loss) to average net
 assets.......................    (0.22%)*    0.90%     0.95%    5.62%    3.85%    1.94%    3.82%    1.87%    4.52%   3.09%    4.19%
Ratio of investment income
 less gross expenses to
 average net assets ..........    (0.43%)*    0.61%     0.61%    5.50%    3.91%    2.00%    3.86%     1.91%   4.59%   3.26%    3.85%
Portfolio turnover (excluding
 money market mutual funds)...       47%*       55%       50%      78%      85%      79%      55%      78%     102%     87%      71%

                       See notes to financial statements.
*  Annualized


                          PEARL AGGRESSIVE GROWTH FUND
                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS

                                                                   Period July
                                              Six                    2, 2001
                                             Months                (inception)
SELECTED PER-SHARE DATA                      Ended                   through
 derived from the                           June 30,                December
 financial statements:                        2003        2002       31,2001
                                            --------   --------    -----------
Net asset value, beginning of period....    $   8.19   $   9.90    $     10.00
                                            --------   --------    -----------
Income from Investment Operations
Net investment income (loss)............       (0.04)     (0.06)          0.06
Net realized and unrealized
 gains (losses) on investments..........        1.67      (1.65)          0.00
                                            --------   --------    -----------
Total investment operations.............        1.63      (1.71)          0.06
                                            --------   --------    -----------
Less Distributions (Note 7)
Dividends from net investment income....        None       None          (0.06)
Distributions from net realized
 capital gains on investments...........        None       None          (0.10)
                                            --------   --------    -----------
Total distributions.....................        None       None          (0.16)
                                            --------   --------    -----------
Net asset value, end of period..........    $   9.82   $   8.19    $      9.90
                                            ========   ========    ===========
Total Return............................       19.90%    (17.27%)         0.60%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net assets, end of period
 (thousands of dollars).................      17,355     14,605         15,846
Ratio of net expenses to average
 net assets.............................        0.98%*     0.98%          0.96%*
Ratio of gross expenses to average
 net assets.............................        1.21%*     1.31%          2.07%*
Ratio of net investment income (loss)
 to average net assets..................       (0.95%)*   (0.82%)         1.48%*
Ratio of investment income (loss) less
 gross expenses to average net assets...       (0.60%)*   (1.15%)         0.60%*
Portfolio turnover (excluding
 money market mutual funds).............          33%*       56%            13%*

* Annualized
                       See notes to financial statements.


Item 2.  Code of Ethics.

Not applicable.

Item 3.  Audit Committee Financial Expert.

Not applicable.

Item 4.  Principal Accountant Fees and Services.

Not applicable.

Item 5.  [Reserved]

Item 6.  [Reserved]

Item 7.  Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End
Management Investment Companies.

Not applicable.

Item 8.  [Reserved]

Item 9.  Controls and Procedures.

(a)  The registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial
officer have concluded that the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures
(as defined in Rule 30a-2(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as
amended) are effective based on their evaluation of these controls and
procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report.

(b)  There were no significant changes in the registrant's internal controls or
in other factors that could significantly affect these controls subsequent to
the date of their evaluation, and there were no corrective actions with regard
to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Item 10. Exhibits.

(a)      Not applicable.

(b) (1)  Certifications pursuant to Rule 30a-2 under the Investment Company Act
         of 1940 (17 CFR 270.30a-2), attached hereto as Exhibits (b)(1)(i) and

    (2)  Certification pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
         2002, attached hereto as Exhibit (b)(2)


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the
Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Pearl Mutual Funds

By:   /s/ David M. Stanley
      David M. Stanley
      President and Chief Executive Officer
      (Principal Executive Officer)
Date: August 20, 2003

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the
Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the
following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the
dates indicated.

By:   /s/ David M. Stanley
      David M. Stanley
      President and Chief Executive Officer
      (Principal Executive Officer)
Date: August 20, 2003

By:   /s/ Robert H. Solt
      Robert H. Solt
      Executive Vice President and
      Chief Financial Officer
      (Principal Financial Officer)
Date: August 20, 2003