EXHIBIT 10.12 [LOGO OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE] ----------------------- AMENDMENT TO SOLICITATION Amendment No. 3 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 1 of 4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Solicitation Amendment Pursuant To - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ a. Solicitation No. b. Date of Solicitation c. Contract No. d. Begin Contract Term e. End Contract Term HQ-2001-12 04-23-01 08-27-01 08-27-06 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ f. For Mail Service City & State City & State in or Between VARIOUS POINTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Bidder/Offeror Name and Address (Print or Type) 3.Issued By Marilyn Davis All Offerors U S Postal Service 475 L'Enfant Plaza Room 4900 Washington DC 20260-6210 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Date Issued 05-11-01 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Description of Amendment Modification The solicitation is amended as follows: Aviation Supplier Ramp Addresses are attached as information. Package 2: Delete BHM, BNA, MEM, and SJU. Delete all references to BHM, BNA, MEM, and SJU in Attachments A, B, D, and E. Delete all truck schedules and separation requirements for BHM, BNA, MEM and SJU. Package 7: Delete STL. Delete all references to STL in Attachments A, B, D, and E. Delete all truck schedules and separation requirements for STL. The following SCA Wage Determinations are hereby added to the solicitation: Louisville, KY Section B.8.f.4.b.3 will remain in effect and the 20 minutes will begin at arrival to the THS site. Page #7: B.8.f.15.a: change to "AAY = 3,500 pounds" Page #7: B.8.f.15.b: change to "LD-3 = 2,415 pounds" Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Block 1 remain unchanged and in full force and effect. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Block 5. Note: Offerors must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the dale and time specified in the solicitation by one of the following methods by: a. Signing and returning one copy of the amendment; b. Acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the bid/proposal submitted; or c. Submitting separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE SPECIFIED IN THE SOLICITATION PRIOR TO THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED FOR RECEIPT OF BIDS/PROPOSALS MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR BID/PROPOSAL. If, by virtue of this amendment, you desire to change a bid/proposal already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter provided such telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers, and is received prior to the date and time specified. [_] If this box is checked, the date and time specified for receipt of the bid/proposal is extended to: 4:00 P.M.___________________ Date Time - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Bidder/Offeror 8. U.S. Postal Service - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The receipt of this Amendment to Solicitation is hereby The U.S. Postal Service has hereby issued this Amendment to acknowledge: Solicitation /s/ Brian T. Bauer 5/22/01 /signed/ 05/11/01 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Signature of Bidder/offeror) (Date) (Signature of Contracting Officer) (Date) Brian T. Bauer/President Marilyn Davis - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Name and Title of bidder/offeror) (Title of Contracting Officer) Purchasing Specialist - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PS FORM 7330, October 1994 Solicitation HQ 2001-12 2 Amendment 3 Add Special Note to Section B.8.i Ground Handling Equipment "To facilitate a seamless transition between the THS and aviation supplier, air cargo containers will not be offloaded until reaching the final point of delivery. For example, in the process outlined in section B.8.f.4.a - delivery to Aviation Supplier, the THS will deliver the loaded containers on THS supplied dollies. The dollies will stay with the containers until the aviation supplier has offloaded them onto the aircraft. At that point the aviation supplier will return the empty dollies to the designated transfer site where the THS may pick them up. Conversely, in the process outlined in section B.8.f.4.b., Delivery to the USPS, the aviation supplier will deliver the returning containers on aviation supplied dollies. These dollies will stay with the containers until the THS has off loaded them at their site. Once that is completed the THS will need to return he dollies to the designated transfer site. If the THS has a site located off airport then the point of return will be when the containers are taken off the dollies to be loaded on surface trucks for the transit to the THS site." Page 18, C.1 Delete last sentence: See Section B.12 Performance Schedule. Page 36, J.4c In second bullet change reference B.15 A and B to B.12 A and B. Page #25: Definitions: "AMJ or M-1" change maximum gross weight from 15,000 pounds to "6,950 pounds" Page #25: Definitions: "AAY" add to end of definition, "and a maximum gross weight of 3,500 pounds" Page #26: Definitions: "LD-3" change maximum gross weight from 3,500 pounds to "2,415 pounds" Attachment A, Delivery Locations for Dayturn Network - Priority Mail, Package 3, Add Amarillo, TX - Airstop - AMA , Originating Volume - 0, Destinating Volume - 6,650 lbs. Attachment A, Delivery Locations for Dayturn Network - Priority Mail, Package 1, AMC Honolulu, change Originating Volume to 0 and Destinating Volume to 39,900 lbs. Attachment A, Delivery Locations for Dayturn Network - Priority Mail, Package 4, AMC Anchorage, change Originating Volume to 10, 500 lbs and Destinating volume to 45,500 lbs. Attachment B, Ground Handler Specifications, Package 1, AMC Honolulu, change Originating Volume to 0 and Destinating Volume to 39,900 lbs. Attachment B, Ground Handler Specifications, Package 4, AMC Anchorage, change Originating Volume to 10, 500 lbs and Destinating volume to 45,500 lbs. Attachment D, Delivery Locations & Container Allocation for Dayturn Network - Priority Mail, Package 1, AMC Honolulu, change Originating Volume to 0 and Destinating Volume to 39,900 lbs. Attachment D, Delivery Locations & Container Allocation for Dayturn Network - Priority Mail, Package 4, AMC Anchorage, change Originating Volume to 10, 500 lbs and Destinating volume to 45,500 lbs. Attachment E, Delivery Locations & Container Allocation for Dayturn Network - Priority Mail, Package 1, AMC Honolulu, change Originating Volume to 0 and Destinating Volume to 39,900 lbs. Attachment E, Delivery Locations & Container Allocation for Dayturn Network - Priority Mail, Package 4, AMC Anchorage, change Originating Volume to 10, 500 lbs and Destinating volume to 45,500 lbs. Attachment B, Ground Handler Specifications, Package 3, AMA - Change "Specific Number of Separations" to 2. Attachment B, Ground Handler Specifications, Package 3, LBB - Change "Ground Handler Delivers Mail to AMC/ AMF/ Truck to 19:29, "Specific Number of Separations" to 1, and add "See Details" Solicitation HQ 2001-12 3 Amendment 3 Attachment E, Delivery Locations & Container Allocation for Dayturn Network - Priority Mail, Destinating, Package 3, AMA - Change "Ground Handler Delivers Mail to AMC/ AMF/ Truck" to 21:28, Change "Minimum AMJ, DEMI, LD3 Air Containers" to 1, Change Maximum Number AMJ, DEMI, LD3 Air Containers to 8. Attachment E, Delivery Locations & Container Allocation for Dayturn Network - Priority Mail, Destinating, Package 3, LBB - Change "Ground Handler Delivers Mail to AMC/ AMF/ Truck" to 19:22, Change "Minimum AMJ, DEMI, LD3 Air Containers" to 1, Change Maximum Number AMJ, DEMI, LD3 Air Containers to 10. Attachment B, "Last Mail to Ground Handler" change times for BOI to 6:40, LAS to 3:30, and RNO to 3:50. Attachment B, "Specific Number of Separations" change the following: AMC ATLANTA change to read 11 AMC MIAMI FL change to read 3 AMC ORLANDO FL change to read 3 AMC KNOXVILLE TN change to 5 Package 3 - Details, Southwest Area AMC Amarillo, TX - Change to read 2 Separations, Priority Mail and First Class Mail. AMF Lubbock, TX - Change to read 1 Separation. Package 2 - Details SOUTHEAST AREA - TRUCK SCHEDULE AIRSTOP ATLANTA GA Add, Facility; Montgomery 360; Time Block: 01:30 - 05:00, Number of trips 2 Package 2 - Details SOUTHEAST AREA - Separations Request the following separations be made for these airstops: ATLANTA: Add, DIS MONTGOMERY AL - ZIP 360 Add, ADC MONGOMERY AL - ZIP 360 Add, AADC MONTGOMERY AL - ZIP 360 KNOXVILLE Add, SCF CHATANOOGA TN 373 ZIPS -373, 374, 3.7 AIRSTOP ORLANDO P-1 Label Separation # 1 Add, DIS ORLANDO FL 328 - ZIPS 327-329, 347 Add, DIS TAMPA FL 335 - ZIPS 335-339, 341, 342, 346 ALL PRIORITY MAIL TO PMPC Separation #2 ADC & AADC LABEL - ORLANDO P & DC MID FLORIDA MPC FL 217 - ZIPS 327 ADC ORLANDO FL 328 - ZIPS 328-329, 347 AADC MID FLORIDA 327 - ZIPS 327 AADC ORLANDO FL 328 - ZIPS 328-329, 347 Solicitation HQ 2001-12 4 Amendment 3 Separation # 3 ADC & AADC LABEL - TAMPS P & DC ADC TAMPA FL 335 - ZIPS 335, 338, 346 ADC TAMPA FL 336 - ZIPS 336 ADC ST PETERSBURG FL 337 - ZIPS 337 SCF FT MYERS 339 - ZIPS 339, 341 AADC TAMPA FL 335 - ZIPS 335, 338, 346 AADC TAMPA FL 336 - ZIPS 336 AADC ST PETERSBURG FL 337 - ZIPS 337 SCF MANASOTA MPC FL 342 - ZIPS 342 AIRSTOP FT LAUDERDALE P-1 Label Separation # 1 Add, DIS SOUTH FLORIDA 330 - ZIP 330 AMC MIAMI FL 33159 - ZIPS 331-332, 340 FT LAUDERDALE FL 333 - ZIP 333 SCF WEST PALM BEACH 334 ZIPS 334, 349 ALL PRIORITY MAIL TO PMPC Separation #2 ADC & AADC LABEL ADC FT LAUDERDALE FL 333 ZIPS 333 AADC FT LAUDERDALE FL 333 ZIPS 333 ADC SOUTH FLORIDA FL 330 ZIPS 330 AADC SOUTH FLORIDA FL 330 ZIPS 330 Separation # 3 ADC & AADC LABEL ADC AMC MIAMI FL 33159 ZIPS 331-332, 340 AADDC AMC MIAMI FL 33159 ZIPS 331-332, 340 SCF WEST PALM BEACH 334 ZIPS 334, 349 Attachment B, Ground Handler Specifications, Package 2, TYS - Change Specific Number of Separations to 4 Attachment B, Ground Handler Specifications, Package 4, BOI - Change Required Ground Handler Facility Y/N from a Y to N. USPS will provide space for build / break of aviation containers behind the AMF and under the canopy. Attachment B, Ground Handler Specifications, Package 4, SLC - Change Required Ground Handler Facility Y/N from a Y to N. USPS will provide space for build / break of aviation containers outside of AMC on the East Side. A total of 6,100 square feet will be provided by USPS. USPS will allow the contractor to erect a canopy as long as it is within specifications set forth by the local authorities.