Exhibit 3.7 CANADA BUSINESS [GRAPHIC] LOI SUR LES CORPORATIONS CORPORATIONS ACT COMMERCIALES CANADIENNES FORM 1 FORMULE 1 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION STATUTS D'INCORPORATION (SECTION 6) (ARTICLE 5) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Name of Corporation Nom de la corporation IPSCO Ontario Inc. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 - The place in Canada where the Lieu au Canada au doit etre registered office is to be situated situe ie siege social Toronto, Ontario - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 - The classes and any maximum number Categories et lout nombre maximal of shares that the corporation is d'actions que la corporation est authorized to issue authorisee a emettre There shall be one class of shares consisting of an unlimited number of Class "A" shares each carrying the right to one vote at all meetings of shareholders and fully participating as to dividends and distributions of capital upon liquidation or winding-up of the Corporation. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 - Restrictions if any on share Restrictions surle transfer des transfers actions, s'il y a lieu No shareholder shall be entitled to transfer a share held by him unless such transfer has been approved by resolution of the Board of Directors. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 - Number for minimum and maximum Nombre (ou nombre minimum et number of directors maximum) d'administrateurs A minimum of one (1) and a maximum of ten (10) directors. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 - Restrictions if any on business the Restrictions imposees quant aux corporation may carry on entreprises que la corporation peut exploiter, s'il y a lieu None - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 - Other provisions If any Autres dispositions s'il y a lieu See attached Schedule 1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 - Incorporators Fondaieurs - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Names - Noms Address (Include postal code) Signature Adresse (Inclure ___ code _______) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2213, McTavish Street Aaron D. Runge Regina, Saskatchewan __4T 3X3 /s/ Illegible ---------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY A L'USAGE DU MINISTERE SEULEMENT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corporation No. __ de la Corporation Filed - deposee 338907-3 JUL - 3 1997 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE 1 6. Other provisions, if any: (i) The number of security holders of the Corporation, other than individuals: (a) who are in the employment of the Corporation or the employment of an affiliate of the Corporation; or (b) who were formerly in the employment of the Corporation or an affiliate of the Corporation and while in that employment were and have continued after that employment to be security holders of the Corporation; is limited to not more than 50 (two or more persons or companies that are the joint registered owners of one or more securities being counted as one security holder). (ii) An invitation to the public to subscribe for securities of the Corporation is prohibited. (iii) The Corporation has a lien on a share registered in the name of a shareholder or his legal representative for any debt of that shareholder to the Corporation.