EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                                (Amendment No.___)

Check the appropriate box:

[_]  Preliminary Information Statement

[_]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
     (as permitted by Rule 14c-5(d)(2))

[X]  Definitive Information Statement

                           Allmerica Investment Trust
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required

[_]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14c-5(g) and 0-11

     (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
         the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     (5) Total fee paid:

[_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
     Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
     was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1) Amount Previously Paid:

     (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     (3) Filing Party:

     (4) Date Filed:


                           ALLMERICA INVESTMENT TRUST
                               SELECT GROWTH FUND
                               440 LINCOLN STREET
                               WORCESTER, MA 01653

                              INFORMATION STATEMENT

     On February 12, 2004, the Board of Trustees of Allmerica Investment Trust
(the "Trust") approved (1) a sub-advisory agreement (the "New Sub-Adviser
Agreement"), attached as an Appendix, for the Select Growth Fund series (the
"Fund") of the Trust between Allmerica Financial Investment Management Services,
Inc. ("AFIMS"), the Trust's investment manager, and GE Asset Management
Incorporated ("GEAM"), which became effective April 30, 2004, and (2) new
principal investment strategies for the portion of the Fund managed by GEAM. To
pursue its investment objective, the Fund uses a multi-manager approach whereby
two Sub-Advisers, Jennison Associates LLC ("Jennison") and GEAM, will manage
their own portions of the Fund's assets. The New Sub-Adviser Agreement is the
same in all substantive respects to the previous Sub-Adviser Agreement (the
"Previous Sub-Adviser Agreement"), dated August 5, 2003, in effect between AFIMS
and Putnam Investment Management, LLC ("Putnam"), except that, based on the
Fund's asset levels as of January 1, 2004, the sub-advisory fees that AFIMS will
pay GEAM under the New Sub-Adviser Agreement are lower than the sub-advisory fee
paid under the Previous Sub-Adviser Agreement and the effective date and
termination dates of the sub-adviser agreements are different. AFIMS will pay
Jennison's and GEAM's sub-adviser fees. AFIMS has voluntarily agreed to reduce
its management fee paid by the Fund by an amount that coincides with the benefit
it receives from the lower sub-adviser fee it is required to pay GEAM under the
New Sub-Adviser Agreement.

     AFIMS manages the business affairs of the Fund pursuant to a management
agreement (the "Management Agreement") dated April 16, 1998 between the Trust
and AFIMS. The Management Agreement provides that, subject to the requirements
of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act") and the rules
and regulations thereunder, AFIMS at its expense may select and contract with a
sub-adviser or sub-advisers (each a "Sub-Adviser") to manage the investments of
one or more of the Funds in the Trust. AFIMS has selected Jennison and GEAM to
manage the investments of the Fund and such selection was approved by the Board
of Trustees of the Trust most recently at its May 13, 2004 meeting with respect
to Jennison and at its February 12, 2004 meeting with respect to GEAM. Each of
Jennison and GEAM initially will manage approximately one-half of the Fund's
assets. Thereafter, AFIMS will allocate the Fund's assets between the two
Sub-Advisers on a basis determined to be in the best interests of the Fund's

     Under an order received from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,
the Trust, on behalf of the Fund, and AFIMS are permitted to enter into and
amend sub-advisory agreements without receiving shareholder approval. The
Trustees of the Trust must approve such sub-advisory agreements, and the Fund
must provide specified information to shareholders within 90 days of the hiring
of any new sub-adviser or the retention of a sub-adviser whose ownership has
changed significantly. This Information Statement is being supplied to
shareholders to fulfill such information requirement and is being mailed on or
about May 31, 2004.

                            NOT TO SEND US A PROXY.

     Background: Prior to the appointment of GEAM as a Sub-Adviser of the Fund,
Putnam and Jennison served as co-Sub-Advisers of the Fund. AFIMS and CRA
RogersCasey, Inc. ("CRA RogersCasey), a consultant retained by AFIMS to assist
it in evaluating the performance of the sub-advisers of the Trust, recommended
that the Trustees of the Fund terminate the Previous Sub-Adviser Agreement with
Putnam and enter into the New Sub-Adviser Agreement with GEAM. The decision to
replace Putnam with GEAM as a Sub-Adviser of the Fund was based primarily on
Putnam's underperformance in managing its allocated portion of the Fund's assets
and certain personnel changes to the management team assigned by Putnam to
manage the Fund.

     In the course of the selection process, AFIMS and CRA RogersCasey reviewed
performance and background criteria relating to a number of investment advisory
firms, as well as written proposals and in-person presentations by several
investment advisory firms. They considered, among other things, the nature and
quality of the services to be provided by each sub-adviser candidate,
comparative data as to each sub-adviser candidate's investment performance, the
experience and financial condition of the sub-adviser candidate and its
affiliates, the level of sub-advisory fees to be paid compared to industry
averages, the sub-adviser candidate's commitment to mutual fund advisory
activities and the quality of the sub-adviser candidate's proposal generally. As
a part of the


review process, AFIMS and CRA RogersCasey met with the Investment Operations
Committee/1/ (the "Committee") of the Board of Trustees and discussed with the
Committee the proposed selection of GEAM as a new Sub-Adviser for the Fund. The
Committee recommended to the full Board of Trustees approval of GEAM as a new
Sub-Adviser of the Fund. Upon completion of the review process, which included
discussion of the matter at the Trustees' committee and board meetings on
February 11, 2004 and February 12, 2004, the Trustees voted unanimously, with
the Trustees who are not "interested persons" (as such term is defined in the
1940 Act) of the Trust, AFIMS, the Sub-Advisers or their affiliates voting
separately after conferring with their independent counsel, to terminate the
Previous Sub-Adviser Agreement as of the close of business on April 29, 2004 and
to appoint GEAM as a new Sub-Adviser to the Fund effective April 30, 2004
pursuant to the New Sub-Adviser Agreement. In evaluating the proposal, the
Trustees considered generally the same factors considered by AFIMS and CRA
RogersCasey. The Trustees' decision to terminate the Previous Sub-Adviser
Agreement was based primarily on Putnam's underperformance in managing its
allocated portion of the Fund's assets and certain personnel changes to the
management team assigned by Putnam to manage the Fund. The Trustees gave
substantial consideration to the underperformance of the Fund relative to its
benchmark and peer group for the one- and three-year periods ending December 31,
2003. The Trustees also considered the turnover of Putnam's Large-Cap Growth and
Specialty Growth teams, the management teams responsible for the day-to-day
management of Putnam's portion of the Fund. The Trustees viewed such turnover as
detrimental to the consistency in management and long-term performance of the

     At the February 12, 2004 meeting, the Trustees were provided with financial
and other information about GEAM. At the meeting, they were also provided with
performance information relating to GEAM and information about its investment
style and current personnel. In the course of their deliberations, the Trustees
received information concerning the investment philosophy and investment process
applied by GEAM, as well as its research capabilities. The Trustees considered
information relating to the investment performance of GEAM over various periods,
including one-, three- and five-year year periods. The Trustees gave substantial
consideration to how GEAM's investment style would complement Jennison's
investment style. The Trustees also gave significant consideration to the
quality and stability of GEAM's investment management team. The Trustees
considered the terms of the New Sub-Adviser Agreement and the fact that it was
substantially the same as the Previous Sub-Adviser Agreement with Putnam. The
Trustees also considered the amount of advisory fees that would be paid by the
Fund to AFIMS. The Trustees concluded that entering into the New Sub-Adviser
Agreement was in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders.

                           INFORMATION REGARDING GEAM

     GEAM, a wholly-owned subsidiary of General Electric Company, is located at
3001 Summer Street, P.O. Box 7900, Stamford, CT 06904. As of March 31, 2004,
GEAM had approximately $185 billion in assets under management. David B.
Carlson, a Director and Executive Vice President of GEAM, is portfolio manager
for the portion of the Fund managed by GEAM. He oversees a team of professionals
who manage U.S. equity investments for GEAM. Mr. Carlson joined GEAM in 1982 as
a securities analyst for investment operations and became a vice president for
mutual fund portfolios in 1987, senior vice president in 1989 and executive vice
president in 2003.

     All information about GEAM in this Information Statement has been provided
by GEAM.

Parent Company of GE Asset Management Incorporated

     General Electric Company, 3135 Easton Turnpike, Fairfield, CT 06828-0001,
is 100% owner of GEAM.

Principal Executive Officers and Directors of GEAM

     The table below lists the individuals who serve as principal executive
officers and directors of GEAM. The address for GEAM's personnel is 3001 Summer
Street, P.O. Box 7900, Stamford, CT 06904.

           Name                                Principal Occupation
           ----                                --------------------

           David B. Carlson                    EVP-Domestic Equities
           Michael Cosgrove                    EVP-Chief Commercial Officer
           Ralph Layman                        EVP-International Equities
           Alan Lewis                          EVP-General Counsel
           Robert MacDougall                   EVP-Fixed Income
           John Myers                          Chief Executive Officer
           Donald Torey                        EVP-Alternative Investments
           John Walker                         EVP-Chief Financial Officer
           Kathryn Karlic                      EVP-Fixed Income

/1/ The Investment Operations Committee is composed of three Trustees who are
    not "interested persons" (as such term is defined in the 1940 Act) of the
    Trust, AFIMS or the Sub-Adviser or their affiliates and two Trustees who are
    "interested persons." The Committee monitors investment adviser performance
    and analyzes fund data.


     No arrangements or understandings made in connection with the New
Sub-Adviser Agreement exist between AFIMS and GEAM with respect to the
composition of the Board of Directors of GEAM or the Board of Trustees of the
Trust or with respect to the selection or appointment of any person to any
office with any of them.

Other Funds Managed by GEAM

     GEAM serves as adviser or sub-adviser to other mutual funds with similar
investment objectives as the Select Growth Fund. Information about these funds
appears in the following table, which shows investment advisory fees but not
other fund expenses. GEAM has not waived, reduced or otherwise agreed to reduce
its compensation from these funds under the applicable contracts.

                                                                    Assets as of
Fund                     Portfolio            Objective             May 1, 2004           Fees
- ----                     ---------            ---------             -----------           ----
GE Funds                 GE Premier Growth    Long term growth      $601 million          0.60%
                         Equity Fund          of capital and
                                              future income
                                              rather than current

GE Institutional Funds   Premier Growth       Long term growth      $342 million       First $25million 0.55%
                         Equity Fund          of capital and                           Next $25million: 0.45%
                                              future income.                           Over $50 million: 0.35%

Description of the Previous Sub-Adviser Agreement and the New Sub-Adviser

     The Fund began operations on August 21, 1992. The Previous Sub-Adviser
Agreement was last submitted and approved by the shareholders of the Fund at a
Special Shareholder Meeting on September 18, 1996 for the purpose of approving a
new Sub-Adviser Agreement with Putnam. The Previous Sub-Adviser Agreement was
last approved by the Trustees, including the Trustees who are not "interested
persons" of the Trust, AFIMS, the Sub-Advisers, or their affiliates at a meeting
of the Board of Trustees on May 15, 2003. Except for different effective and
termination dates and the sub-advisory fee schedule, the terms of the New
Sub-Adviser Agreement are similar in all substantive respects to the terms of
the Previous Sub-Adviser Agreement.

     For its services provided under the Previous Sub-Adviser Agreement, Putnam
was paid by AFIMS a fee computed daily and paid quarterly at an annual rate
based on Putnam's portion of the average daily net assets of the Fund as set
forth below:

Sub-Advisory Fees under the Previous Sub-Adviser Agreement

               Net Assets                                     Rate
               ----------                                     ----

               First $50 Million ..........................   0.50%
               Next $100 Million ..........................   0.45%
               Next $100 Million ..........................   0.35%
               Next $100 Million ..........................   0.30%
               Over $350 Million ..........................   0.25%

     During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003, AFIMS would have paid
Putnam and Jennison $1,108,659 and $943,435, respectively, assuming that each
sub-adviser managed 50% of the Fund's net assets for the period January 1, 2003
through December 31, 2003, for their sub-advisory services. If the fee schedule
with respect to the New Sub-Adviser Agreement had been in effect during the last
fiscal year, GEAM and Jennison would have received $915,405 and $943,435,
respectively, representing a total decrease of $193,254, or 9.42%, from the fees
paid by AFIMS to Putnam and Jennison. For the period January 1, 2003 through
April 17, 2003, AFIMS paid Putnam $391,945 for its sub-advisory services. For
the period April 18, 2003 through December 31, 2003, AFIMS paid Putnam and
Jennison, which became a Sub-Adviser of the Fund effective April 18, 2003,
$879,849 and $749,286, respectively, for their sub-advisory services. Based on
the Fund's net assets at January 1, 2004 of approximately $625,965,935, the
annual sub-adviser fees paid by AFIMS would decrease from $2,327,898, to
$2,110,757, a decrease of $217,141, or 9.33%. AFIMS has voluntarily agreed to
reduce its management fee paid by the Fund by an amount that coincides with the
benefit it receives from the lower sub-advisory fees it is required to pay GEAM
under the New Sub-Adviser Agreement compared to the sub-advisory fees paid to
Putnam under the Previous Sub-Adviser Agreement.


     For its services under the New Sub-Adviser Agreement, GEAM will be paid by
AFIMS a fee computed daily and paid quarterly at an annual rate based on GEAM's
portion of the average daily net assets of the Fund as set forth below. The
Trustees believe the fee under the New Sub-Adviser Agreement provides an
effective means of compensating GEAM for its investment advisory services.

              Sub-Advisory Fees under the New Sub-Adviser Agreement

                  Net Assets                             Fee Rate
                  ----------                             --------

                  First $25 Million ..................   0.60 %
                  Next $25 Million ...................   0.55 %
                  Next $25 Million ...................   0.45 %
                  Next $25 Million ...................   0.40 %
                  Over $100 Million ..................   0.245 %

     The New Sub-Adviser Agreement provides that, in return for its fees, GEAM,
as Sub-Adviser, will manage the investment and reinvestment of assets of the
Fund subject to the control and supervision of the Board of Trustees and in
accordance with the investment objective and policies of the Fund as set forth
in the Trust's current registration statement and any other policies established
by the Board of Trustees or AFIMS. In this regard, it is the responsibility of
GEAM to make investment decisions for the Fund and to place the Fund's purchase
and sale orders for investment securities. The New Sub-Adviser Agreement states
that GEAM will provide at its expense all necessary investment, management and
administrative facilities needed to carry out its duties under the New
Sub-Adviser Agreement, but excluding brokerage expenses and pricing and
bookkeeping services.

     The New Sub-Adviser Agreement will remain in full force and effect through
May 30, 2005 and shall continue in full force and effect for successive periods
of one year thereafter, but only so long as each such continuance is
specifically approved annually by the Board of Trustees, or by vote of the
holders of a majority of the Fund's outstanding voting securities, and by the
vote of a majority of the Trustees who are not "interested persons" of the
Trust, AFIMS, the Sub-Advisers, or any other sub-adviser to the Trust. The New
Sub-Adviser Agreement may be terminated at any time, without payment of any
penalty, by AFIMS, subject to the approval of the Trustees, by vote of the
Trustees, by vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the
Fund, or by GEAM on 60 days' written notice. As required by the 1940 Act, the
New Sub-Adviser Agreement will automatically terminate, without the payment of
any penalty, in the event of its assignment. It also will terminate in the event
that the Management Agreement between the Trust and AFIMS shall have terminated
for any reason.

     The New Sub-Adviser Agreement provides that, in the absence of (i) willful
misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence on the part of GEAM, or (ii) reckless
disregard by GEAM of its obligations and duties under the New Sub-Adviser
Agreement, GEAM shall not be liable to the Trust, AFIMS or to any shareholder of
the Trust, for any error of judgment or mistake of law or for any loss in
connection with the matters to which the New Sub-Adviser Agreement relates.

     In addition to approving the New Sub-Adviser Agreement, the Trustees also
approved new principal investment strategies for the Fund to reflect GEAM's
investment management style. The strategies available for use by Jennison are
not expected to change as a result of GEAM's appointment. In managing its
allocated portion of the Fund's assets, GEAM invests in 30 to 40 large- and
medium-sized companies that GEAM believes have above-average growth histories
and/or growth potential, while Jennison seeks common stocks of companies that it
believes are poised to achieve and maintain superior earnings growth. The Fund's
previous principal investment strategies, reflecting management of the Fund by
Putnam and Jennison, were stated in the Fund's prospectus dated May 1, 2003. The
strategies to be used by GEAM and Jennison, and the Fund's investment objective,
which remains unchanged, are included in the Trust's current prospectus dated
May 1, 2004. The new principal investment strategies also are set forth below.

Principal Investment Strategies of the Fund

     To achieve its objective, the Fund takes a multi-manager approach whereby
two Sub-Advisers independently manage their own portions of the Fund's assets.
The portion of the Fund managed by GEAM invests primarily in 30 to 40 large- and
medium-sized companies that GEAM believes have above-average growth histories
and/or growth potential. GEAM selects common stocks from a number of industries
based on its views of the merits of individual companies. GEAM seeks to identify
stocks of companies with characteristics such as above-average annual growth
rates, financial strength and leadership in their respective industries.
Jennison looks for common stocks of predominantly mid- to large-sized companies
that it believes are poised to achieve and maintain superior earnings growth.
Both Sub-Advisers use a fundamental bottom-up approach to selecting stocks for
the Fund. Each


of the Sub-Advisers manages approximately one-half of the Fund's assets. At any
point, however, the Manager may change the allocation of the Fund's assets
between the two Sub-Advisers on a basis determined by the Manager to be in the
best interest of shareholders. This means that the portion of assets managed by
one Sub-Adviser could be significantly larger than that managed by the other and
that the difference between such proportions could change from time to time.

     At least 80% of the Fund's net assets normally will consist of common
stocks. The Fund also may purchase convertible bonds and preferred stocks and
warrants. The Fund normally invests substantially all of its investments in
equity securities, although it may invest up to 20% in debt securities including
up to 15% in "junk bonds". The Fund may invest up to 25% of its assets in
foreign securities (not including its investments in ADRs).

                                OTHER INFORMATION

     The shares of the Fund may be purchased only by separate accounts
("Separate Accounts") established by Allmerica Financial Life Insurance and
Annuity Company ("Allmerica Financial Life") or First Allmerica Financial Life
Insurance Company ("First Allmerica") for the purpose of funding variable
annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies issued by Allmerica
Financial Life or First Allmerica and by qualified pension and retirement plans.
Both Allmerica Financial Life and First Allmerica are wholly-owned subsidiaries
of Allmerica Financial Corporation ("AFC"), a publicly-traded Delaware holding
company for a group of affiliated companies. On April 30, 2004, the Trustees and
officers of the Trust, as a group, beneficially owned less than 1% of the
outstanding shares of the Fund.

Annual Report

     The Trust will furnish, without charge, a copy of the most recent Annual
Report to the Shareholders of the Fund. Requests should be directed to the Trust
at 440 Lincoln Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01653 or by calling

Broker Commissions

     During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003, a total of $980.00 of
commissions was paid by the Fund to Wachovia Capital Markets LLC, an affiliated
broker-dealer of Prudential Investments LLC, an affiliate of Jennison. Such
amount represents .08% of the Fund's aggregate brokerage commissions paid in
fiscal year 2003.

Distributor, Administrator

     VeraVest Investments, Inc. ("VII"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of AFC,
serves as the Distributor for the Trust. VII, AFIMS and AFC are located at 440
Lincoln Street, Worcester, MA 01653. Investors Bank & Trust Company, 200
Clarendon Street, Boston, MA 02116, serves as the Trust's administrator, fund
accountant and custodian.

May 31, 2004



                             SUB-ADVISORY AGREEMENT

SUB-ADVISORY AGREEMENT executed as of April 30, 2004, between Allmerica
Financial Investment Management Services, Inc. (the "Manager") and GE Asset
Management Incorporated (the "Sub-Adviser") (the "Agreement").


That in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is agreed as


   (a)  Subject always to the control, supervision and direction of the
        Trustees of Allmerica Investment Trust (the "Trust" or "AIT"), a
        Massachusetts business trust, and any written guidelines adopted by
        the Trustees or the Manager, the Sub-Adviser, at its expense, will
        furnish continuously an investment program for the Select Growth Fund
        (the "Fund") and such other series of shares as the Trust, the Manager
        and the Sub-Adviser may from time to time agree on (together, the
        "Funds"). The Sub-Adviser acknowledges the Fund may have one or more
        other sub-advisers and that the Manager shall from time to time
        determine the portion of the Fund's assets to be managed by the
        Sub-Adviser (the "Sub-Adviser's Portion"), provided that the Manager
        provides reasonable advance written notice of any change to the
        Sub-Adviser's Portion of the Fund. The Sub-Adviser will make
        investment decisions on behalf of the Sub-Adviser's Portion and will
        determine from time to time what investments will be purchased,
        retained or sold for the Sub-Adviser's Portion of the Fund and shall
        place all orders for the purchase and sale of portfolio securities
        relating thereto. The Sub-Adviser shall not consult with any AIT
        Sub-Adviser (other than an affiliated person of the Sub-Adviser),
        concerning transactions for the Fund in securities or other assets. To
        the extent that multiple AIT Sub-Advisers serve as investment advisers
        of the Fund, the Sub-Adviser shall be responsible for providing
        investment advice to the Fund only with respect to the Sub-Adviser's
        Portion of the Fund's portfolio. In the performance of its duties, the
        Sub-Adviser will comply with the provisions of this Agreement and
        Declaration of Trust and Bylaws of the Trust and the objectives and
        policies of the Fund, as set forth in the Trust's currently effective
        registration statement under the 1940 Act, and any amendments or
        supplements thereto ("Registration Statement") as filed with the
        Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and any applicable federal
        and state laws. The Sub-Adviser will comply with other policies which
        the Trustees of the Trust (the "Trustees") or the Manager, as the case
        may be, may from time to time determine and which are furnished in
        writing to the Sub-Adviser including, if requested by the Manager,
        managing the Sub-Adviser's Portion as if it were a separate investment
        company for the purposes of determining compliance with the provisions
        of the Agreement and Declaration of Trust and Bylaws of the Trust and
        the objectives and policies of the Fund, as set forth in the currently
        effective Registration Statement of the Trust filed with the SEC and
        any applicable federal and state laws, and other policies which the
        Trustees of the Trust or the Manager may furnish in writing to the
        Sub-Adviser. The Sub-Adviser shall make its officers and employees
        available to the Manager from time to time at reasonable times to
        review investment policies of the Fund and to consult with the Manager
        regarding the investment affairs of

          the Fund. In the performance of its duties hereunder, the Sub-Adviser
          is and shall be an independent contractor and, unless otherwise
          expressly provided or authorized, shall have no authority to act for
          or represent the Trust in any way or otherwise be deemed to be an
          agent of the Trust.

     (b)  The Sub-Adviser, at its expense, will furnish (i) all investment and
          management facilities, including salaries of personnel necessary for
          it to perform the duties set forth in this Agreement, and (ii)
          administrative facilities, including clerical personnel and equipment
          necessary for the conduct of the investment affairs of the Fund
          (excluding brokerage expenses and pricing and bookkeeping services).

     (c)  The Sub-Adviser shall place all orders for the purchase and sale of
          portfolio investments for the Sub-Adviser's Portion with issuers,
          brokers or dealers selected by the Sub-Adviser, which may include
          brokers or dealers affiliated with the Sub-Adviser. In the selection
          of such brokers or dealers and the placing of such orders, the
          Sub-Adviser always shall seek best execution (except to the extent
          permitted by the next sentence hereof), which is to place portfolio
          transactions where the Fund can obtain the most favorable combination
          of price and execution services in particular transactions or provided
          on a continuing basis by a broker or dealer, and to deal directly with
          a principal market maker in connection with over-the-counter
          transactions, except when it is believed that best execution is
          obtainable elsewhere. Subject to such policies as the Trustees may
          determine, the Sub-Adviser shall not be deemed to have acted
          unlawfully or to have breached any duty created by this Agreement or
          otherwise solely by reason of its having caused the Trust to pay a
          broker or dealer that provides brokerage and research services an
          amount of commission for effecting a portfolio investment transaction
          in excess of the amount of commission another broker or dealer would
          have charged for effecting that transaction, if the Sub-Adviser
          determines in good faith that such excess amount of commission was
          reasonable in relation to the value of the brokerage and research
          services provided by such broker or dealer, viewed in terms of either
          that particular transaction or the overall responsibilities of the
          Sub-Adviser and its affiliates with respect to the Trust and with
          respect to other clients of the Sub-Adviser as to which the
          Sub-Adviser or any affiliate of the Sub-Adviser exercises investment
          discretion. Subject to the Sub-Adviser's obligations to seek best
          execution, the Manager agrees that the Sub-Adviser, in its sole
          discretion, may place transactions on behalf of the Fund with any
          broker-dealer, which is deemed to be an affiliate of the Manager, the
          Sub-Adviser or with any other entity that serves as investment adviser
          or sub-adviser to the Fund, or which is otherwise affiliated with the
          Fund in accordance with the 1940 Act (the "Affiliated Broker-Dealers")
          so long as such transactions are effected in conformity with the
          requirements (including any applicable exemptions and administrative
          interpretations set forth in Part II of the Sub-Adviser's Form ADV
          Registration Statement on file with the Securities and Exchange
          Commission ("Form ADV")) of Section 11(a)(1)(H) of the Securities
          Exchange Act of 1934 (the "1934 Act") and any other applicable laws
          and regulations. In all such dealings, the Affiliated Broker-Dealers
          shall be authorized and entitled to retain any commissions,
          remuneration or profits which may be made in such transactions and
          shall not be liable to account for the same to the Manager or the

     (d)  The Manager further authorizes the Sub-Adviser and the Affiliated
          Broker-Dealers to execute agency cross transactions (the "Cross
          Transactions") on behalf of the Fund. Cross


        Transactions are transactions, which may be effected by the Affiliated
        Broker-Dealers acting for both the Trust and the counterparty to the
        transaction. Cross Transactions enable the Sub-Adviser to purchase or
        sell a block of securities for the Trust at a set price and possibly
        avoid an unfavorable price movement that may be created through
        entrance into the market with such purchase or sale order. As such,
        the Sub-Adviser believes that Cross Transactions can provide
        meaningful benefits for the Trust and its clients generally. The
        Manager and the Trust should be aware, however, that in a Cross
        Transaction an Affiliated Broker-Dealer will be receiving commissions
        from both sides of the trade and, therefore, there is a potentially
        conflicting division of loyalties and responsibilities. The Manager
        may revoke, at any time, its authorization on behalf of the Fund for
        the Sub-Adviser to execute cross transactions by written notice to the

   (e)  The Manager's administrator will provide daily capstock information
        with respect to the Fund in a form reasonably satisfactory to the
        parties hereto.


        It is understood that any of the shareholders, Trustees, officers and
employees of the Trust may be a shareholder, partner, director, officer or
employee of, or be otherwise interested in, the Sub-Adviser, and in any person
controlled by or under common control with the Sub-Adviser, and that the
Sub-Adviser and any person controlled by or under common control with the
Sub-Adviser may have an interest in the Trust.


        It is understood that the Sub-Adviser and persons controlled by or under
common control with the Sub-Adviser have and may have advisory, management
service or other contracts with other organizations and persons, and may have
other interests and businesses. The services furnished by the Sub-Adviser
hereunder are not to be deemed exclusive, and except as the Sub-Adviser may
otherwise agree in writing, the Sub-Adviser shall be free to furnish similar
services to others so long as its services under this Agreement are not impaired
thereby. Nothing in this Agreement shall limit or restrict the right of any
director, officer or employee of the Sub-Adviser, who may also be a trustee,
officer or employee of the Trust, to engage in any other business or to devote
his or her time and attention in part to the management or other aspects of any
other business, whether of a similar nature or a dissimilar nature.


        The Manager will pay to the Sub-Adviser as compensation for the
Sub-Adviser's services rendered a fee, determined as described in Schedule A
which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Such fee shall be paid by the
Manager and not by the Trust.


        During the term of this Agreement, the Sub-Adviser will bear all
expenses incurred by it in connection with its services under this Agreement.
The Sub-Adviser shall not be responsible for any other expenses incurred by the
Trust or the Manager.



          This Agreement (including Schedule A attached hereto) shall not be
     amended as to any Fund unless such amendment is approved at a meeting by
     the affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of
     the Fund, if such approval is required under the Investment Company Act of
     1940, as amended (" 1940 Act"), and by the vote, cast in person at a
     meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval, of a majority of
     the Trustees who are not interested persons of the Trust or of the Manager
     or of the Sub-Adviser.


          This Agreement shall be effective as of the date executed, and shall
     remain in full force and effect as to the Sub-Adviser's Portion of the Fund
     continuously thereafter, until terminated as provided below:

     (a)  Unless terminated as herein provided, this Agreement shall remain in
          full force and effect through May 30, 2005 and shall continue in full
          force and effect for successive periods of one year thereafter, but
          only so long as such continuance is specifically approved at least
          annually (i) by the Trustees or by the affirmative vote of a majority
          of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund, and (ii) by a vote
          of a majority of the Trustees who are not interested persons of the
          Trust or of the Manager or of any Sub-Adviser, by vote cast in person
          at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval;
          provided, however, that if the continuance of this Agreement is
          submitted to the shareholders of the Fund for their approval and such
          shareholders fail to approve such continuance of this Agreement as
          provided herein, the Sub-Adviser may continue to serve hereunder in a
          manner consistent with the 1940 Act and the rules and regulations

     (b)  This Agreement may be terminated as to the Sub-Adviser's Portion of
          the Fund without the payment of any penalty by the Manager, subject to
          the approval of the Trustees, by vote of the Trustees, or by vote of a
          majority of the outstanding voting securities of such Fund at any
          annual or special meeting or by the Sub-Adviser, in each case on sixty
          days' written notice.

     (c)  This Agreement shall terminate automatically, without the payment of
          any penalty, in the event of its assignment or in the event that the
          Management Agreement with the Manager shall have terminated for any


          For the purposes of this Agreement, the "affirmative vote of a
     majority of the outstanding voting securities" means the affirmative vote,
     at a duly called and held meeting of shareholders, (a) of the holders of
     67% or more of the shares of the Fund present (in person or by proxy) and
     entitled to vote at such meeting, if the holders of more than 50% of the
     outstanding shares of the Fund entitled to vote at such meeting are present
     in person or by proxy, or (b) of the holders of more than 50% of the
     outstanding shares of the Fund entitled to vote at such meeting, whichever
     is less.


     For the purposes of this Agreement, the terms "control", "interested
person" and "assignment" shall have their respective meanings defined in the
1940 Act and rules and regulations thereunder, subject, however, to such
exemptions as may be granted by the SEC under said Act; the term "specifically
approve at least annually" shall be construed in a manner consistent with the
1940 Act and the rules and regulations thereunder; and the term "brokerage and
research services" shall have the meaning given in the 1934 Act and the rules
and regulations thereunder.

     For purposes of this Agreement, "AIT Sub-Adviser" means an investment
adviser, as defined in Section 2(a)(20)(B) of the 1940 Act, for a series of the
Trust other than the Manager.


     (a)  The Sub-Adviser, its officers and directors, and any person who
          controls the Sub-Adviser within the meaning of Section 15 of the
          Securities Act of 1933, as amended, shall not be liable for any error
          of judgment or mistake of law or for any loss suffered by the Trust or
          its shareholders or by the Manager in connection with the matters to
          which this Agreement relates, except a loss resulting from willful
          misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence on its part in the
          performance of its duties or from reckless disregard by it of its
          obligations and duties under this Agreement.

     (b)  In no event will the Sub-Adviser have any responsibility or liability
          for any other series of the Trust, for any portion of the Trust not
          managed by the Sub-Adviser or for the acts or omissions of any other
          current, prior or interim adviser or sub-adviser to the Trust.

          In particular, in the event the Sub-Adviser shall manage only a
          portion of the Trust's investments, the Sub-Adviser shall have no
          responsibility for the Trust's being in violation of any applicable
          law or regulation or investment policy or restriction applicable to
          the Trust as a whole or for the Trust's failing to qualify as a
          regulated investment company under the Code, if the securities and
          other holdings of the segment of the Trust managed by the Sub-Adviser
          are such that such segment would not be in such violation or fail to
          so qualify if such segment were deemed a separate series of the Trust
          or a separate "regulated investment company" under the Code.

     (c)  In no event will the Sub-Adviser have any responsibility or liability
          for any investment transactions recommended or effected before the
          effective date of this Agreement, or for any violations or alleged
          violations of applicable law and regulation or investment policy or
          restriction applicable to the Trust to the extent caused by the
          Manager's failure to provide timely written information as set forth
          in Section 13 below or to the extent caused by an Affiliated
          Broker-Dealer's failure to comply with the requirements of Section
          11(a)(1)(H) of the 1934 Act.

     Nothing in this section shall be deemed a limitation or waiver of any
obligation or duty that may not by law be limited or waived.



     A copy of the Trust's Agreement and Declaration of Trust is on file with
the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and notice is hereby given
that this instrument is executed by the Trustees as Trustees and not
individually and that the obligations of this instrument are not binding upon
any of the Trustees, officers or shareholders individually but are binding only
upon the assets and property of the appropriate Fund.


     The Manager and Sub-Adviser each represent, warrant and agree that each of
them: (i) are registered as an investment adviser under the Advisers Act and
will continue to be so registered for so long as this Agreement remains in
effect; (ii) are not prohibited by the 1940 Act or the Advisers Act from
performing the services contemplated by this Agreement; (iii) have met, and will
seek to continue to meet for so long as this Agreement remains in effect, any
other applicable federal or state requirements, or the applicable requirements
of any regulatory or industry self-regulatory agency, necessary to be met in
order to perform the services contemplated by this Agreement; (iv) have the
authority to enter into and perform the services contemplated by this Agreement
and the execution, delivery and performance by the Manager and Sub-Adviser of
this Agreement does not contravene or constitute a default under any agreement
binding upon either party; (v) have the authority to enter into this Agreement
and the Manager has the authority to appoint the Sub-Adviser as an investment
sub-adviser to perform the services contemplated by this Agreement; (vi) will
promptly notify the other party of the occurrence of any event that would
disqualify either party from serving as an investment adviser of an investment
company pursuant to Section 9(a) of the 1940 Act or otherwise.


     (a)  The Manager agrees to provide to the Sub-Adviser copies of the Trust's
          Trust Instrument, By-Laws, Registration Statement, written
          instructions and directions of the Trustees and the Manager, and any
          amendments or supplements to any of these materials as soon as
          practicable after such materials become available; and further agrees
          to identify to the Sub-Adviser in writing any investments that are
          restricted or prohibited by the Fund, including those issued by
          entities that are affiliated persons as defined in the 1940 Act, and
          any broker-dealers, which are affiliated with the Manager (in addition
          to the Manager itself), or with any entity other than the Sub-Adviser
          that serves as investment adviser, sub-adviser or principal
          underwriter to the Fund.

     (b)  The Manager and the Sub-Adviser agree that neither of them nor any of
          their affiliates, will in any way refer directly or indirectly to
          their relationship with one another or any of their respective
          affiliates in offering, marketing or other promotional materials
          without the express consent of the other, which consent will be
          promptly provided and not unreasonably withheld. Any offering,
          marketing or promotional material submitted for approval will be
          deemed to be "consented to" if a response is not received within 15
          days of receipt of the material by a party.



      This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the 1940 Act and the
laws of the State of Massachusetts, without giving effect to the conflicts of
laws principles thereof. To the extent that the applicable laws of the State of
Massachusetts conflict with the applicable provisions of the 1940 Act, the
latter shall control.


      Any notice herein required is to be in writing and is deemed to have been
given to the Sub-Adviser or the Manager upon receipt of the same at their
respective addresses set forth below. All written notices required or permitted
to be given under this Agreement will be delivered by personal service, by
postage mail return receipt requested or by facsimile machine or a similar means
of same delivery which providers evidence of receipt (with a confirming copy by
mail as set forth herein). All notices provided to the Manager will be sent to
the attention of Counsel, 440 Lincoln Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01653.
All notices provided to the Sub-Adviser will be sent to the attention of Matt
Simpson, Senior Vice-President, General Counsel - Asset Management Services, GE
Asset Management Incorporated. 3001 Summer Street P.O. Box 120031 Stamford, CT
06912. Facsimile: 203-708-3107.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Allmerica Financial Investment Management Services, Inc. has
caused this instrument to be signed in duplicate on its behalf by its duly
authorized representative and GE Asset Management Incorporated has caused this
instrument to be signed in duplicate on its behalf by its duly authorized
representative, all as of the day and year first above written.

                        Allmerica Financial Investment Management Services, Inc.

                        By:     /s/ John P. Kavanaugh

                        Title:  President

                        GE Asset Management Incorporated

                        By:     /s/ Michael Cosgrove

                        Title:  Chief Commercial Officer

Accepted and Agreed to as of the day and year first above written:

Allmerica Investment Trust

By:    /s/ Donald P. Wayman

Title: Vice President


                                   SCHEDULE A

     The Manager will pay to the Sub-Adviser as full compensation for the
Sub-Adviser's services rendered, a fee computed daily and paid quarterly at an
annual rate based on the Sub-Adviser's Portion of the average daily net assets
of the Fund as described below:

                     Net Assets                Fee Rate
                     ----------                ---------

                 First $25 Million               0.60%
                 Next  $25 Million               0.55%
                 Next  $25 Million               0.45%
                 Next  $25 Million               0.40%
                 Over  $100 Million             0.245%

     The average daily net assets of the Fund shall be determined by taking an
average of all of the determinations of net assets during each month at the
close of business on each business day during such month while this Agreement is
in effect.

     The fee for each quarter shall be payable within ten (10) business days
after the end of the quarter.

     If the Sub-Adviser shall serve for any period less than a full month, the
foregoing compensation shall be prorated according to the proportion which such
period bears to a full month.


                                  June 1, 2004

Dear Contract/Policy Owner:

       GE Asset Management Incorporated ("GEAM") has been hired effective April
30, 2004 as a sub-adviser (a "Sub-Adviser") of the Select Growth Fund (the
"Fund") of Allmerica Investment Trust (the "Trust") to serve along with Jennison
Associates LLC ("Jennison"). Prior to the appointment of GEAM as a Sub-Adviser
of the Fund, Jennison and Putnam Investment Management, LLC served as
co-Sub-Advisers of the Fund. GEAM, a wholly-owned subsidiary of General Electric
Company, had approximately $185 billion of assets under management as of March
31, 2004. Presently, each of GEAM and Jennison manage approximately one-half of
the Fund's assets. The investment advisory fees charged by the Trust's
investment manager, Allmerica Financial Investment Management Services, Inc., to
the Fund will not increase as a result of this change.

       Please take a few minutes to read the attached Information Statement. It
contains additional information about GEAM, the factors that were considered by
management and the Trustees of the Fund in making the decision to hire GEAM, the
terms of the new Sub-Adviser Agreement with GEAM and GEAM's investment strategy.

       This action will not require you to send a proxy and we are not asking
for a proxy. As always, please feel free to contact your financial
representative or us with any questions or comments you may have.


                                           /s/ John P. Kavanaugh
                                           John P. Kavanaugh
