Exhibit 10.72

                               Operating Agreement

        This Operating Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into on the day of
October 1, 2004 among the following parties:

Party A:              Hurray! Times Communications (Beijing) Ltd.
Registered Address:   Room B 07-A, Tong Heng Plaza,
                      No. 4 Huanyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing

Party B:              Beijing Palmsky Technology Co., Ltd.
Registered Address:   Room 915, Haitai Building,
                      No. 229 Beisihuang Middle Road,
                      Haidian District, Beijing

Party C:              Wang Jianhua

Party D:              Yang Haoyu
Address:              Room 3-3, 18/th/ Floor, Meiyi Building,
                      Meiyi Lane, North District, Tangshan City Road,
                      Hebei Province


1.      Party A is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise registered in the People's
        Republic of China (the "PRC");

2.      Party B is a limited liability company registered in the PRC and is
        approved by competent governmental authorities to carry on the business
        of value-added telecommunications services;

3.      Party A has established a business relationship with Party B by entering
        into Exculsive Technical Consulting and Services Agreement;

4.      Pursuant to Exclusive Technical Consulting and Services Agreement
        between Party A and Party B, Party B shall pay a certain amount of money
        to Party A. However, the relevant payables have not been paid yet and
        the daily operation of Party B will have a material effect on its
        capacity to pay the payables to Party A.

5.      Party C is a shareholder of Party B who owns 50% equity in Party B.

6.      Party D is a shareholder of Party B who owns 50% equity in Party B.

7.      The Parties agree to further clarify matters relating to the operation
        of Party B pursuant to provisions herein.

        NOW THEREFORE, the Parties through mutual negotiations hereby agree as

1.      In order to ensure Party B's normal operation, Party A agrees, subject
        to Party B's satisfaction of the relevant provisions herein, to act as
        the guarantor for Party B in the contracts, agreements or transactions
        in association with Party B's operation between Party B and any other
        third party and to provide full guarantee for Party B in performing such
        contracts, agreements or transactions subject to applicable laws. Party
        B agrees to mortgage the receivables of its operation and all of the
        company's assets which have not been mortgaged to any third party as at
        the execution date of this Agreement to Party A as a counter guarantee.
        Pursuant to the above guarantee arrangement, Party A, as the guarantor
        for Party B, shall enter into written guarantee contracts with Party B's
        counter parties.

2.      In consideration of the requirement of Article 1 herein and to ensure
        the performance of the various operation agreements between Party A and
        Party B and to ensure the payment of the various payables by Party B to
        Party A, Party B together with its shareholders Party C and Party D
        hereby jointly agree that Party B shall not conduct any transaction
        which may materially affect its assets, obligations, rights or the
        company's operation without obtaining a prior written consent form Party
        A or Party A's Affliliates, including without limitations to the
        following contents:

        2.1     To borrow money from any third party of assume any debt;

        2.2     To sell to any third party or acquire from any third party any
                assets or rights, including without limitations to any
                intellectual property rights;

        2.3     To provide real guarantee for any third party with its assets or
                intellectual property rights; and

        2.4     To assign to any third party its right and obligations under
                this Agreements.

3.      In order to ensure the performance of the various agreements between
        Party A and Party B and to ensure the payment of the various payables by
        Party B to Party A, Party B together with its shareholders Party C and
        Party D hereby jointly agree to accept the provision of the corporate
        policies and guidance by Party A at any time in respects of appointment
        and dismissal of the company's employees, the company's daily operation
        administration and the company's financial administrative system.

4.      Party B together with its shareholders Party C and Party D hereby
        jointly agree that Party B, Party C and Party D shall appoint the
        personnel recommended by Party A as the directors of Party B, and Party
        B shall engage Party A's high ranking officers recommended by Party A as
        Party B's General Manager, Chief


        Financial Officer, and other high ranking officers. If any of the above
        directors or officers leaves or is fired by Party A, he or she will lose
        the qualification to undertake any positions in Party B and Party B,
        Party C and Party D shall appoint other high officers of Party A
        recommended by Party A to undertake such position.

        To ensure the performance of such arrangement, Party A and Party B agree
to cause such directors or high ranking officers to enter into director or high
ranking officer engagement agreements with Party B in compliance with the above

        Party C and Party D hereby agree to sign an authorization agreement upon
execution of this Agreement, by which Party C and Party D will authorize the
individual employed by Party A to exercise all of their respective voting rights
as a shareholder at Party B's shareholder meetings according to laws and
articles of association of the company.

5.      Party B together with its shareholders Party C and Party D hereby
        jointly agree and confirm that except the stipulation set forth in
        Article 1 herein , Party B shall seek a guarantee from Party A first if
        Party B needs any guarantee for its performance of any contract or loan
        of working capital in the course of operation. In this case, Party A
        shall have the right but not the obligation to provide appropriate
        guarantee to Party B on its own discretion. If Party A decides not to
        provide such guarantee Party A shall issue a written notice to Party B
        immediately and Party B shall seek a guarantee from other third party.

6.      In the event that any of the agreements between Party A and Party B
        terminates or expires, Party A shall have the right but not the
        obligation to terminate all agreements between Party A and Party B
        including without limitation to Exclusive Technical Consulting and
        Services Agreement.

7.      Any amendment and supplement of this Agreement shall be in a written
        form. The amendment and supplement after being duly executed by each
        Party shall be part of this Agreement and shall have the same legal
        effect as this Agreement.

8.      This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
        PRC law.

9.      The parties shall strive to settle any dispute arising from the
        interpretation or performance in connection with this Agreement through
        friendly consultation. In case no settlement can be reached through
        consultation, each party can submit such matter to China International
        Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ("CIETAC") for arbitration in
        accordance with the current rules of CIETAC. The arbitration proceedings
        shall take place in Beijing and shall be conducted in Chinese. The
        arbitration award shall be final and binding upon the parties.

10.     Notice. Any notice which is given by the parties hereto for the purpose
        of performing the rights, duties and obligations hereunder shall be in
        writing. Where such notice is


        delivered personally, the time of notice is the time when such notice
        actually reaches the addressee; where such notice is transmitted by
        telex or facsimile, the notice time is the time when such notice is
        transmitted. If such notice does not reach the addressee on business
        date or reaches the addressee after the business time, the next business
        day following such day is the date of notice. The delivery place is the
        address first written above of the parties hereto or the address advised
        in writing from time to time. The written form includes facsimile and

11.     This Agreement shall be executed by a duly authorized representative of
        each party as of the date first written above and become effective
        simultaneously. The term of this agreement is ten years unless early
        termination occurs in accordance with the relevant provisions herein.
        This Agreement may be renewed only upon Party A's written confirmation
        prior to the term of this Agreement expires. The renewed term shall be
        determined pursuant to Party A's written confirmation.

12.     This Agreement shall be terminated on the expiring date unless it is
        renewed in accordance with the relevant provision herein. During the
        valid term of this Agreement, Party B, Party C and Party D shall not
        terminate this Agreement. Notwithstanding the above stipulation, Party A
        shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time by issuing
        a thirty days prior written notice to Party B, Party C, Party D and
        Party E.

13.     This Agreement is executed in five copies in Chinese.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly executed on their behalf by a duly authorized representative as of the date
first written above.


Operating Agreement

(No text on this page)

By: /s/ Signed
Party A: Hurray! Times Communications (Beijing) Ltd.

Authorized Representative

By: /s/ Signed
Party B: Beijing Palmsky Technology Co., Ltd.

Authorized Representative:

By: /s/ Wang Jianhua
Party C: Wang Jianhua


By: /s/ Yang Haoyu
Party D: Yang Haoyu

