================================================================================ UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 FORM N-PX ANNUAL REPORT OF PROXY VOTING RECORED OF REGISTERED MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANY Investment Company Act file number 811-05128 THE SWISS HELVETIA FUND, INC. 1270 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 400 New York, New York 10020 1-888-SWISS-00 Rodolphe E. Hottinger, President Hottinger et Cie 3 Place des Bergues C.P. 395 CH-1201 Geneva Switzerland Date of fiscal year end: December 31, 2007 Date of reporting period: July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007 ================================================================================ 7/1/06 - 6/30/07 - ORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS PRO- WHE- WHE- POSED THER THER REASON BY THE THE FOR NOT THE FUND FUND VOTING/ ISSUER CAST CAST HOW (I) OR ITS HOW ITS DATE THE DATE DESCRIPTION THE VOTE DID VOTE DATE PROXY FUND OF OF THE SHARE- ON THE FOR OR PROXY WAS WOULD NB OF AGM MATTER HOLDER THE FUND AGAINST WAS SENT HAVE TICKER ISIN HOLDINGS SHARES 2007 VOTED (S) MATTER VOTED BOARD RECEIVED IN VOTED - ------ ------------ ---------- ------- --------- ---------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- --------- --------- ------- BANKS 1. Presentation and approval of the annual report, the parent company's 2006 financial statements and the Group's 2006 consolidated financial statements 2. Discharge of the acts of the members of the Board of Directors and Executive Board 3. Capital reduction owing to completion of the share buy back program 4. Resolution on the appropriation of retained earnings and repayment of par value to shareholders 4.1 Resolution on the appropriation of retained earnings 4.2 Reduction of share capital by repayment of par value to shareholders 5. Approval of a further share buy back program 6. Additional Amendments to the Articles of Association 6.1 Renewal of authorized capital 6.2 Amendment of Art. 7 paras. 4 and 5 (right to add an item to the agenda) 6.3 Amendments as a result of item 4.2 7. Elections 7.1 Elections to the Board of Directors 7.2 Election of the parent company's independent Auditors and the Group's Yes CREDIT independent Auditors to For SUISSE 7.3 Election of all the CSGN CH0012138530 GROUP 380,000 5/4/2007 Special Auditors I YES items board 4/3/2007 4/3/2007 N/A 1. Annual Report, Group and Parent Company Accounts for Financial Year 2006; Reports of the Group and Statutory Auditors 2. Appropriation of retained earnings; dividend for financial year 2006 3. Discharge of the members of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board 4. Elections 4.1 Re-election of Board Members 4.1.1 Stephan Haeringer 4.1.2 Helmut Panke 4.1.3 Peter Spuhler 4.2 Election of a new Board Member 4.2.1 Sergio Marchionne 4.3 Election of the Group and Statutory Auditors 5. Capital Reduction 5.1 Cancellation of shares repurchased under the 2006/2007 Share Buyback Program and respective amendment of Article 4 para. 1 of the Articles of Association Yes 5.2 Approval of a New to For Share Buyback Program all the UBSN CH0024899483 UBS AG 870,000 4/18/2007 for 2007-2010 I YES items board 4/2/2007 4/3/2007 N/A 1. Approval of the Annual Report, financial statements, Consolidated Annual Report: presentation report from the Auditors 2. Resolution on payment of preference dividend 3. Appropriation of Net Profit 4. Discharge of the Supervisory Board and the Board of Directors 5. Election of the members of the Yes Supervisory Board to For EFG INTER- 6. Election of all the EFGN CH0022268228 NATIONAL 100,000 4/27/2007 Auditors I YES items board 4/4/2007 4/4/2007 N/A BASIS RESOURCES 1. 2006 Annual Report, Financial Statements of the Holding Company and the Group, including Auditors' Reports 2. Discharge of the Board of Directors 3. Election of the members of the Board of Directors 4. Election of the auditors for the Holding Company and the Group 5. Amendment to the Articles of Yes Association: creation to of new authorised items capital in the amount 1-5, of CHF 15 million No PRECIOUS nominal value to For WOODS 6. Miscellaneous item the PRWN CH0013283368 HLDAG 93,236 5/23/2007 matters I YES 6 board 5/16/2007 5/16/2007 N/A 1. Receive Financial Statements and Statutory Reports 2. Receive Auditor's Report 3. Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports 4. Accept Consolidated Financial Statements and Statutory Reports 5. Approve allocation of income and omission of dividends 6. Approve discharge of Board and Senior Management 7. Approve issuance of convertible bonds and/or bonds with warrants attached without preemptive rights; Approve creation of CHF 22.5 Million pool of capital to gaurentee conversion rights 8. Adopt new Articles of Association 9. Re-elect Roger Buehler, Ralph Glassberg, Martin Hellweg, Dominik Koechlin, Max Locher, and Friedrich Sauerlaender as Directors 10. Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers Yes SWISS AG as Auditors to For METAL HLD 11. Transact other all the UMS CH0002572268 AG 75,000 5/16/2007 business (non-voting) I YES items board 4/27/2007 4/27/2007 N/A 1. Accept financial statements and statutory reports 2. Approve allocation of income and dividends of CHF 1.25 per share 3. Approve discharge of Board and Senior Management 4. Re-elect Hans Peter Zehnder as Director 5. Ratify Earnst Young AG as Auditors 6. Increase existing SCHMOLZ pool of capita Yes & without pre-emptive to For BICKENBACH rights to CHF 60 all the STLN CH0005795668 AG 94,260 4/26/2007 Millions I YES items board 4/11/2007 4/11/2007 N/A BIOTECH- NOLOGY 1. Approval of the Annual Report, Financial Statements, Consolidated Annual Report 2. Appropriation of profit 3. Discharge of the Supervisory Board 4. Elections of the Members of the Supervisory Board 5. Elections of the Auditors 6. Amendment to the Capital Structure 7. Share split and Yes For ACTELION change of the Nominal to all the ATLN CH0010532478 LTD 132,931 5/4/2007 Value of shares I YES items board 4/12/2007 4/12/2007 N/A 1. Annual report, financial statements and consolidated financial statements 2006 2. Appropriation of the results 3. Release of the members of the Board of Directors and of Management 4. Election to the Board of Directors 5. Election of the Statutory Auditors and the Group Auditors 6. Extension of term of the authorized share capital and increase by CHF 1.5 million (Article 3b, para. 1 and 4 of the Articles of Incorporation) 7. Increase of the conditional share Yes BASILEA capital by CHF 1.0 to For PHARM- million (Article 3a, all the BASLN CH0011432447 ACEUTICA 156,200 3/7/2007 para.1) I YES items board 2/7/2007 2/14/2007 N/A PRO- WHE- WHE- POSED THER THER REASON BY THE THE FOR NOT THE FUND FUND VOTING/ ISSUER CAST CAST HOW (I) OR ITS HOW ITS DATE THE DATE DESCRIPTION THE VOTE DID VOTE DATE PROXY FUND OF OF THE SHARE- ON THE FOR OR PROXY WAS WOULD NB OF AGM MATTER HOLDER THE FUND AGAINST WAS SENT HAVE TICKER ISIN HOLDINGS SHARES 2007 VOTED (S) MATTER VOTED BOARD RECEIVED IN VOTED - ------ ------------ ------------ ------- --------- ---------------------- ------ ------ ----- ------- --------- --------- ------- 1. Approval of the Annual Report, financial statements, Consolidated Annual Report; Presentation of the Audit Report 2. Appropriation of profits 3. Discharge of the members of the Supervisory Board 4. Election of the members of the Yes Supervisory Board to For SPEEDEL 5. Re-election of all the SPPN CH0021483885 HLD AG 103,903 5/10/2007 Auditors I YES items board 4/18/2007 4/18/2007 N/A CHEMICALS 1. Approval of the Annual Report, the Annual Financial Statements, and the Group Consolidated Financial Statements for the year 2006 2. Discharge of the members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee 3. Reduction of share capital by cancellation of repurchased shares 4. Appropriation of the balance sheet profit 2006 and dividend decision 5. Reduction of share capital by repayment of nominal value of shares 6. Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation concerning requests to include items in the agenda of a General Meeting of Shareholders 7. Elections to the Board of Directors Yes 8. Election of the to For SYNGENTA Auditors and Group all the SYNN CH0011037469 AG 95,931 5/2/2007 Auditors I YES items board 4/16/2007 4/19/2007 N/A FINANCIAL SERVICES 1. Accept financial statements and statutory reports 2. Approve allocation of income and dividends of CHF 1 per share 3. Approve discharge of Board and Senior Management 4. Re-elect Monika Baumann and Rolf Jetzer as Directors 5. Elect Daniel Sauter and Gareth Penny as Directors 6. Ratify KPMG AG as Yes JULIUS Auditors to For BAER 7. Approve 2:1 stock all the BEAR CH0012083017 HLD AG 129,300 4/17/2007 split I YES itmes board 4/3/2007 4/3/2007 N/A FOOD AND BEVERAGES 1. Approval of the Annual Report, financial statement and Consolidated Annual Report 2. Discharge of the Supervisory Board 3. Appropriation of Net Profit 4. Elections 4.1 Election of the members of the Yes LINDT & Supervisory Board to For SPRUENGLI 4.2 Election of all the LISN CH0010570759 AG 340 4/26/2007 Auditors I YES items board 4/4/2007 4/4/2007 NA 1. 2006 Annual Report; accounts of Nestle S.A. and of the Nestle Group; Reports of the Auditors 2. Release of the Board of Directors and of the Management 3. Decision on the appropriation of profits resulting from the balance sheet of Nestle S.A. 4. Capital reduction and consequent Amendment to Article 5 of the Articles of Association Yes 5. Share capital to For 6. Re-elections to all the NESN CH0012056047 NESTLE SA 162,500 4/19/2007 the Board of Directors I YES items board 3/19/2007 3/21/2007 NA CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS 1. Accept financial statements and statutory reports 2. Approve allocation of income and dividends of CHF 5.20 per registered share and CHF 31.20 per bearer share 3. Approve discharge of Board and Senior Management 4. Re-elect Walter Grueebler, Thomas Bechtler, Urs Rinderknecht and Christoph Tobler as Directors 5. Ratify Ernst Young Yes AG as Auditors to For 6. Transact other all the SIK CH0000587979 SIKA AG 3,220 4/17/2007 business (non-voting) I YES items board 4/3/2007 4/3/2007 N/A 1. Approval of the Annual Report with Annual Accounts, Annual Reports and consolidation accounting for 2006. Acceptance of the reports of the Auditors and the Group Auditor 2. Resolution on the appropriation of profits 3. Decrease of capital to payback the nominal value to the shareholders 4. Further statute amendments 5. Discharge of the Supervisory Board 6. Election of the Yes Supervisory Board to For BELIMO HLD 7. Election of the all the BEAN CH0001503199 AG 1,141 5/7/2007 Auditors I YES items board 4/19/2007 4/19/2007 N/A INDUSTRIAL GOODS & SERVICES 1. Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports 2. Approve allocation of income and dividends of CHF 6 per share 3. Approve discharge of Board of Directors and Senior Management 4. Re-elect Gustav Wirz and Thomas Staehelin as Yes Directors 5. Ratify to For INFICON HLD PricewaterhouseCoopers all the IFCN CH0011029946 AG 6,440 4/27/2007 AG as Auditors I YES items board 4/12/2007 4/12/2007 N/A 1. Annual Report, Consolidated Annual Financial Statements and Annual Financial Statements of Komax Holding AG for 2006 2. Discharge of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee 3. Conditional capital increase 4. Par value repayment in lieu of dividend in respect of the 2006 financial year 5. Elections to the Board of Directors Yes 6. Appointment of to for Statutory and Group all the KOMN CH0010702154 KOMAX AG 14,392 5/11/2007 Auditors I YES items Board 4/25/2007 4/25/2007 N/A 1. Accept financial statements and statutory reports 2. Approve allocation of income and dividends of CHF 1.20 per share 3. Approve discharge of Board and Senior Management 4. Re-elect Jakob Baer as Director 5. Re-elect Juergen Dormann as Chairman 6. Re-elect Andreas Jacobs as Director 7. Re-elect Philippe Marcel as Director 8. Re-elect Francis Mer as Director 9. Re-elect Thomas O'Neill as Director 10. Re-elect David Prince as Director 11. Re-elect Peter Ueberroth as Director 12. Ellect Klaus Jacobs as Honarary President by acclamation 13. Ellect Rofl Doerig as Vice-Chairman 14. Ratify Ernst & Yes Young AG as Auditors to For 15. Ratify OBT AG as all the ADEN CH0012138605 ADECCO SA 116,000 5/8/2007 Special Auditors I YES items board 4/18/2007 4/18/2007 N/A PRO- WHE- WHE- POSED THER THER REASON BY THE THE FOR NOT THE FUND FUND VOTING/ ISSUER CAST CAST HOW (I) OR ITS HOW ITS DATE THE DATE DESCRIPTION THE VOTE DID VOTE DATE PROXY FUND OF OF THE SHARE- ON THE FOR OR PROXY WAS WOULD NB OF AGM MATTER HOLDER THE FUND AGAINST WAS SENT HAVE TICKER ISIN HOLDINGS SHARES 2007 VOTED (S) MATTER VOTED BOARD RECEIVED IN VOTED - ------ ------------ -------- ------- --------- ---------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- --------- --------- -------- 1. Report on the Annual Report 2. Approval of the Annual Report, the Group Account, and the Annual Accounts 3. Discharge of the Executive Board and the entrusted leading personnel 4. Appropriation of profits 5. Amendment of the Statutes 6. Election of the Board of Directors 7. Election of the Yes Auditors, of the to For Group Auditors, and all the ABBN CH0012221716 ABB LTD 337,457 5/3/2007 the Special Auditors I YES items board 4/12/2007 4/12/2007 N/A IN- SURANCE 1. Approval of the annual report, the annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for 2006 2. Appropriation of available earnings of Zurich Financial Services 2006 3. Discharge of the Members of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Committee 4. Increase of contingent share capital and approval of the change to the Articles of Association 5. Re-elections 5.1.1 Re-election of Mr. Armin Meyer 5.1.2 Re-election of ZURICH Rolf Watter FIN. 5.2 Re-election of Yes For SERVICES Statutory Auditors to all the ZURN CH0011075394 AG 20,800 4/3/2007 and Group Auditors I YES items board 3/13/2007 3/14/2007 N/A 1. Accept financial statements and statutory reports 2. Approve allocation of income and omission of dividends 3. Approve CHF 247 Million reduction in share capital; Approve capital repayment of CHF 7 per share 4. Approve discharge of Board and Senior Management 5. Re-elect Volker Bremkamp as Director 6. Re-elect Rudolf Kellenberger as Director 7. Re-elect Peter Quadri as Director 8. Ratify Yes For SWISS PricewaterhouseCoopers to all the SLHN CH0014852781 LIFE HLD 44,500 5/8/2007 AG as Auditors I YES items board 4/17/2007 4/17/2007 N/A MEDICAL TECH- NOLOGY 1. Approval of the Annual Report, of the Consolidated Financial Statements, and of the Financial Statements of Phonak Holding AG for 2006/07; Acknowledgment of the Reports of the Group Auditors and of the Statutory Auditors 2. Resolution on Appopriation of Available Earnings 3. Discharge of the Members of the Board of Directors and of the Management Board 4. Election of the Group Auditors and of the Statutory Auditors 5. Changing of the Corporate Name (Amendment of Articles 1, 2, 3a, 3c and 3d of the Articles of Association) 6. Creation of Authorized Capital of CHF 167,813 PHONAK (Amendment of Article Yes For HLD 3b of the Articles of to all the PHBN CH0012549785 AG 32,205 6/12/2007 Association) I YES items board 5/22/2007 5/22/2007 N/A PHARMA- CEU- TICALS 1. Approval of the annual report, the financial statements of Novartis AG, and the Group consolidated financial statements for the year 2006 2. Approval of the activities of the Board of Directors 3. Appropriation of available earnings of Novartis AG as per balance sheet and declaration of dividend 4. Elections to the Board of Directors 4.1 Retirement 4.2 Re-elections 4.3 Election of new member NOVAR- 5. Appointment of the Yes For TIS auditors and the to all the NOVN CH0012005267 AG 899,000 3/6/2007 Group auditors I YES items board 2/21/2007 2/21/2007 N/A 1. Approval of the Annual Report, Financial Satements and Consolidated Financial Statements for 2006 2. Ratification of the Board of Directors' actions 3. Vote on the appropriation of available earnings DIVIDEND 4. Election of RIGHTS Directors CERTIFI- ROCHE 5. Election of CATES NO HLD Statutory and Group VOTING ROG CH0012032048 AG 3/5/2007 Auditors I NO POWER RETAIL 1. Accept Financial Statements and Statutory reports 2. Approve discharge of Board and Senior Management 3. Approve allocation of income and dividends of CHF 5 per share 4. Re-elect Kurt Briner, Carl Meyer, and This Schneider as Directors Yes For GALENICA 5. Ratify Ernst Young to all the GALN CH0015536466 AG 75,950 5/24/2007 AG as Auditors I YES items board 5/3/2007 5/7/2007 N/A 1. Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports 2. Approve discharge of Board and Senior Management 3. Approve allocation of income and dividends of CHF 50 per bearer share and CHF 10 per registered share 4. Amend Articles Re: remove minimum Board size requirements 5. Re-elect Daniel Buerki, Walter Fust, and Carlo Magri as Directors; Elect Harold Pinger and Michael Mueller as JELMOLI Directors Yes For HLD 6. Ratify KPMG AG as to all the JELN CH0000668472 AG 2,100 5/15/2007 Auditors I YES items board 4/27/2007 4/27/2007 N/A 1. Approval of the Annual Report, the Consolidated Financial Statements and the Annual Financial Statments for 2006 2. Appropriation of available earnings 3. Discharge of the Board of Directors and the persons entrusted with management 4. Election of the Yes For DUFRY Statutory Auditors to all the DUFN CH0023405456 GROUP 5,500 5/15/2007 and Group Auditors I YES items board 4/25/2007 4/25/2007 N/A PERSONAL & HOUSE- HOLD GOODS 1. Approval of the Annual Report, Consolidated Annual Report and Financial Statements 2. Discharge of the Mmembers of the Supervisory Board 3. Resolution on appropriation of profit 4. Election of the Supervisory Board SWATCH 5. Election of Yes For GROUP Auditors to all the UHR CH0012255151 AG 6,367 5/11/2007 6. Capital decrease I YES items board 4/25/2007 4/25/2007 N/A PRO- POSED WHE- WHE- BY THER THER REASON THE THE THE FOR NOT ISSUER FUND FUND VOTING/ (I) CAST CAST HOW OR ITS HOW ITS DATE DATE THE DATE DESCRIPTION THE VOTE DID VOTE PROXY PROXY FUND OF OF THE SHARE- ON THE FOR OR WAS WAS WOULD NB OF AGM MATTER HOLDER THE FUND AGAINST RECE- SENT HAVE TICKER ISIN HOLDINGS SHARES 2007 VOTED (S) MATTER VOTED BOARD IVED IN VOTED - ------ ------------ -------- ------- --------- ---------------------- ------ ------ ------- ------- --------- --------- --------- 1. Approval of Annual Report, including statutory accounts of Advanced Digital Broadcast Holdings S.A. and consolidated statements of accounts of the Group for the year 2006, report of the statutory auditors and report of the Group auditors 2. Appropriation of available earnings 3. Ratification and discharge of the members of the Board of Directors 4. Re-election of present members of the Board of Directors 4.1 Mr. Andrew Rybicki 4.2 Mr. Philippe Lambinet 4.3 Mr. Thomas Steinmann 4.4 Jean-Christophe Hocke 4.5 Mr. Simon Lin 5. Re-election of the statutory auditors and of the Group auditors 6. Utilization of the 34,280 own shares held by the Company since the IPO 7. Change of the registered office ("siege") of the company 8. Renewal of the authorized capital 9. Conditional capital allowing issuance of convertible or option bonds 10. Limitation of registration of shareholders with voting rights 11. Majority of two thirds to Yes delete or modify to the clause items limiting the 1-9, ADV. registration of No DIGITAL shareholders to For BROAD. with voting items the ADBN CH0021194664 HLD SA 20,950 6/22/2007 rights I YES 10-11 board 6/13/2007 6/13/2007 N/A TECH- NOLOGY 1. 2006 Annual Report, 2006 Annual Financial Statements, 2006 Consolidated Financial Statement and the Auditors' Reports 2. Allocation of the Balance Sheet Result 3. Discharge of members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board 4. Conditional Capital - revised wording of Article 3quater (2) 5. Election of members of the Board of Directors TEME- 6. Election of Yes NOS Statutory to For GROUP Auditors and all the TEMN CH0012453913 AG 369,200 6/1/2007 Group Auditors I YES items board 5/24/2007 5/24/2007 N/A 1. Accept Financial Statements and Statutory reports 2. Approve allocation of income and dividends of CHF 0.60 per bearer share and CHF 0.06 per registered share 3. Approve discharge of Board and Senior Management 4. Re-elect Norbert Bucher, Laurent Dassault, Patrick Foetisch, Andre Kudelski, Marguerite Kudelski, Pierre Lescure and Claude Smadja as Directors; Elect Alexandre Zeller as Director Yes 5. Ratify to PricewaterhouseCoopers items SA as Auditors 1-5, 6. Transact Abstain For other business to the KUD CH0012268360 KUDELSKI 123,000 5/24/2007 (non-voting) I YES item 6 board 5/7/2007 5/7/2007 N/A UTILI- TIES 1. Presentation of the Annual Report and Consolidated Annual Report 2. Discharge of the members of the Supervisory Board CENTRAL. 3. Allocation of Yes KRAFT- profits to For WERKE 4. Elections in all the CKWN CH0020603475 AG 21,409 1/26/2007 the Auditors I YES items board 1/17/2007 1/17/2007 N/A 1. Presentation and approval of the consolidated financial statements 2. Approval of the Annual Report and the financial statements 3. Discharge of the members of the Supervisory Board 4. Appropriation of profit 5. Elections A. To the Supervisory Board (re-election of Marc Boudier and Urs Steiner for the term of 3 years; Election of Pierre Aumont) B. Election of Ernst & Young as auditors C. Election of Ernst & Young as auditors for Yes AARE- consolidated to For TESSIN financial all the AT/N CH0001363305 AG 500 4/26/2007 statements I YES items board 4/10/2007 4/10/2007 N/A 1. 2006 Annual Report 2. Appropriation of Retained Earnings 3. Discharge of the Board from Liability 4. Election 4.1 Election of Director Yes MOTOR 4.2 Appointment to For COLUM- of Statutory and all the MC CH0002124276 BUS LTD 200 5/24/2007 Group Auditors I YES items board 5/7/2007 5/7/2007 N/A 1. Annual PROXY Report, FROM Financial CITI- Statements and GROUP Consolidated NOT Statements of RECE- accounts for IVED. 2006, Group Januch- auditors' reports owska, 2. Appropriation Katar- of retained zyna earnings Ewa 3. Discharge of at Citi the Board of res- Directors ponded 4. Election of on the Board of May 17 Directors by the 5. Appointment follo- of Group auditors wing: "This is an issue which has been esca- lated with our inform -ation provider as well as the branch. We are currently investi- gating to find other prov- iders." We would have voted BKW FMB yes to ENERGIE all BKWN CH0014307109 AG 5/11/2007 I NO items. 7/1/06 - 6/30/07 - ORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS PRO- WHE- WHE- POSED THER THER REASON BY THE THE FOR NOT THE FUND FUND VOTING/ ISSUER CAST CAST HOW (I) OR ITS HOW ITS DATE THE DATE DESCRIPTION THE VOTE DID VOTE DATE PROXY FUND OF OF THE SHARE- ON THE FOR OR PROXY WAS WOULD NB OF AGM MATTER HOLDER THE FUND AGAINST WAS SENT HAVE TICKER ISIN HOLDINGS SHARES 2007 VOTED (S) MATTER VOTED BOARD RECEIVED IN VOTED - ------ ------------ --------- ------- --------- --------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- --------- --------- ------- PERSONAL & HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1. Business reports 2. Appropriation of profits 3. Discharge of the Board of Directors 4. Relocation of the domicile 5. Election of the Board of Directors 6. Election of the Yes CIE FIN. Group Auditor and the to all CFR CH0012731458 RICHEMONT 100,084 9/14/2006 Auditor I YES items FOR 8/21/2006 8/23/2006 N/A 7/1/06 - 6/30/07 - EXTRAORDINARY MEETINGS PRO- WHE- WHE- POSED THER THER REASON BY THE THE FOR NOT THE FUND FUND VOTING/ ISSUER CAST CAST HOW (I) OR ITS HOW ITS DATE THE DATE DESCRIPTION THE VOTE DID VOTE DATE PROXY FUND OF OF THE SHARE- ON THE FOR OR PROXY WAS WOULD NB OF EGM MATTER HOLDER THE FUND AGAINST WAS SENT HAVE TICKER ISIN HOLDINGS SHARES 2006 VOTED (S) MATTER VOTED BOARD RECEIVED IN VOTED - ------ ------------ --------- ------- --------- ---------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- --------- --------- ------- BASIC RESOURCES 1. Ordinary capital increase 2. Change of the company's name from Swiss Steel LTD. into Schmolz + Bickenbach LTD. 3. Conversion of bearer shares into registered shares Yes SWISS 4. Authorized increase to all STLN CH0005795668 STEEL AG 103,960 9/20/2006 to the share capital I YES items FOR 9/11/2006 9/15/2006 NA SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. THE SWISS HELVETIA FUND, INC. By: /s/ Rodolphe E. Hottinger -------------------------------- Rodolphe E. Hottinger, President Date: 8/31/07 --------------------------------