DIRECT LINE: 203.383.0590
Internet: thomas.conner@sablaw.com

                                  May 19, 2008


Mr. Michael L. Kosoff
Division of Investment Management
Office of Insurance Products
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20549

     ACCOUNT ONE (FILE NOS. 333-148869, 333-148873, 333-148872, 333-148876,
     333-148870, AND 333-148874)

Dear Mr. Kosoff:

     On behalf of MetLife Investors USA Insurance Company ("MLI USA"), First
MetLife Investors Insurance Company ("FMLI," and together with MLI USA, the
"Companies") and their respective separate accounts, MetLife Investors USA
Separate Account A and First MetLife Investors Variable Annuity Account One, we
are responding to the comments that you provided to us on March 24, 2008 in
connection with the above-referenced initial registration statements filed on
January 25, 2008. Each of the Staff's comments is set forth below, followed by
the Companies' response. To the extent that a responce indicates that the
companies propose revised disclosure, the printers' proofs of the revised
prospectuses attached hereto reflect those revisions.

333-148869, 333-148873, 333-148872, 333-148876, 333-148870, AND 333-148874


     COMMENT: (a) Please confirm supplementally that the statement that your
     contract is controlling is not intended to prevent a contract owner from
     relying on any statement made within the registration statement. In
     addition, please make it clear that the variations are solely due to state
     law and that the prospectus discloses all material features. (METLIFE

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     RESPONSE: (a) On page 5, MLI USA has revised the "State Variations" section
     of the prospectuses in accordance with the revisions made in response to
     Staff comments on this same section in connection with the recent annual
     update of MLI USA's prospectuses, including deleting the statement
     regarding the contract and endorsements controlling and clarifying that the
     variations are solely due to state law. MLI USA also confirms the
     representation requested by the Staff in their previous comments that all
     material features of the contract are described in the prospectus.

     COMMENT: (b) Please consider adding a brief description of the death
     benefit and optional benefit riders to the "Highlights" section (including
     a comment about any consequences of excess withdrawals and any investment
     restrictions imposed).

     RESPONSE: (b) The Companies have considered adding to the "Highlights"
     section a brief description of the various optional riders. The Companies
     have concluded that this section would not be the best place to introduce
     the riders, because this section is intended to provide an overview of the
     fundamental nature and structure of a variable annuity contract, and
     therefore simply notes that the benefits are available. The Companies do
     believe, however, that there is value to a brief summary of the various
     benefits, and accordingly, when they recently amended their prospectuses in
     connection with annual updates, they expanded the sections of the
     prospectus discussing the rider to include introductory text. The Companies
     concluded that this proximity is most appropriate given that complete and
     detailed disclosure is necessary for contract owners to understand the

(2) FEE TABLE (P.8)

     COMMENT: (a) Please clarify that the "Total Separate Account Annual
     Expenses including the Highest Charge for Optional Death Benefit" does not
     include the Enhanced Death Benefit, whose fee is based off some criteria
     other than separate account value. (METLIFE INVESTORS USA ONLY).

     RESPONSE: (a) On page 8 of the prospectus, the Fee Table lists the four
     death benefit rider expenses that are included in the "Total Separate
     Account Annual Expenses including the Highest Charge for Optional Death
     Benefit" calculation and the Enhanced Death Benefit rider expense is not
     listed. In addition, Note 3 to the Fee Table provides a cross reference to
     the section of the Fee Table that discloses the Enhanced Death Benefit
     rider expense. Thus, MLI USA believes that it is clear that the "Total
     Separate Account Annual Expenses including the Highest Charge for Optional
     Death Benefit" does not include the Enhanced Death Benefit rider expense.

     COMMENT: (b) Please list the charges for a GWB that are effective upon
     Automatic Step-Up before you list the charges that apply to that GWB before
     the Step-Up.

     RESPONSE: (b) The Companies believe that it is most logical to present the
     charges for a GWB that apply prior to a Step-Up before the charges for a
     GWB that are effective upon Automatic Step-Up because this presentation is
     indicative of the order in which the charges are likely to occur.
     Specifically, the charge for the GWB prior to a Step-Up is

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     the current charge that a contract owner will pay for the GWB, while the
     charge for a GWB that is effective upon Automatic Step-Up is the maximum
     charge that a contract owner will pay only in the event of a Step-Up and
     only if the charge applicable to contract purchases at the time of the
     Step-Up is higher than the current GWB charge.

     COMMENT: (c) Please note any impermissible rider combinations in the Fee

     RESPONSE: (c) The Companies have revised the disclosure to note any
     impermissible rider combinations in the Fee Table.


     COMMENT: (a) In the narrative preceding Total Annual Fund Operating
     Expenses, if applicable, please disclose that some funds may also impose a
     short-term redemption fee.

     RESPONSE: (a) To the Companies' knowledge, none of the Underlying Funds
     impose a short-term redemption fee.

     COMMENT: (b) Please confirm supplementally that a range of portfolio
     expenses reflect gross fees.

     RESPONSE: (b) The Companies confirm that the range of portfolio expenses
     reflects gross fees.

     COMMENT: (c) Please note that contractual waivers and reimbursements ending
     in less than one year from the effective date of the prospectuses cannot be
     reflected in the fee tables.

     RESPONSE: (c) When updating the expenses of the Underlying Funds, the
     Companies will ensure that the waivers and reimbursements reflected in the
     Fee Table are within one year of the effective date of the prospectus.

     COMMENT: (d) Please be sure to include footnotes to the individual fund fee
     tables describing the contractual fee waivers or expenses reimbursements
     listed in the individual fund fee tables.

     RESPONSE: (d) The Companies will include footnotes to the individual fund
     fee tables describing the contractual fee waivers or expense reimbursements
     listed in the individual fee tables.


     COMMENT: Please explicitly state that the guaranteed withdrawal benefits
     are not subject to this termination.

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     RESPONSE: The Companies will provide the requested clarification; the
     Companies believe the most appropriate place for the disclosure is in the
     "Termination of the Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee II Rider" section of the
     prospectuses in the third bullet which has been revised as follows:

          "(3) the date there are insufficient funds to deduct the Lifetime
          Withdrawal Guarantee II rider charge from the account value and
          thereby your contract is terminated (you are still eligible to receive
          either the Remaining Guaranteed Withdrawal Amount or lifetime
          payments, provided the provisions and conditions of the rider have
          been met; however, you will have no other benefits under the


     COMMENT: Please confirm supplementally that account value changes due to
     subaccount performance between rebalancing will not violate the allocation

     RESPONSE: The Companies confirm that account value changes due to
     subaccount performance between rebalancing will not violate the allocation

(6) FREE LOOK (P.17)

     COMMENT: Please clarify that in states that require return of premium you
     will refund the greater of contract value or net premiums.

     RESPONSE: The Companies respectfully decline to add such disclosure because
     it would require a change in the Companies' current policies regarding free
     look rights that would be costly and burdensome and is not necessary for
     investor protection. Under the Companies' existing procedures, in states
     that require insurers to return premium payments during the free look
     period, the Companies refund premium payments even if the surrender value
     is higher (which, of course, would be extremely rare). (In this regard, we
     note that the Companies are not "forcing" initial premium payments to a
     money market subaccount during the free look period so the Companies are
     not subject to the conditions of certain "no action" letters that request
     that upon exercise of the free look right, contract owners will receive
     the greater of contract value and premium payments. SEE MONY AMERICA
     VARIABLE ACCOUNT A, SEC No-Action Letter (pub. avail. Oct. 26, 1988); LBVIP
     VARIABLE ANNUITY ACCOUNT I, SEC No-Action Letter (pub. avail. Jan. 22,
     Letter (pub. avail. Dec. 8, 1987)). While erstwhile contract owners clearly
     should be entitled to their contract's surrender value at any time after
     the free look period, the Companies believe it is entirely appropriate to
     refund premium payments rather than giving the surrender value to a
     contract owner who has chosen to end his or her relationship with the
     Companies during the free look period.

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     Moreover, the Companies' administrative systems are not currently capable
     of returning the greater of purchase payments or surrender value in states
     that only require return of purchase payments. Accordingly, it would be a
     significant administrative and financial burden for the Companies' to
     change their systems. Furthermore, the Companies note that Rule 6e-3(T)
     under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the "1940 Act") provides that an
     insurer is exempt from Section 27(f), so long as the insurer permits a
     contract owner to withdraw from the contract during a specified time period
     (the "free look" period) and the insurer refunds the contract owner cash
     value plus charges, provided that "...if state law or the contract so
     require, the redeeming contract [owner] shall receive a refund of all
     payments made for such contract." Although Rule 6e-3(T) is not applicable
     in this situation, the Companies believe the fact that there is no "greater
     of" standard apparent in this rule is an indication that the Commission did
     not determine it is necessary to provide a "greater of" free look right to
     variable contract owners generally.


     COMMENT: The prospectus notes in clause two that an element in the
     determination of Accumulation Unit Value is "1 minus the Separate Account
     product charges." Since those charges are a dollar amount, please clarify
     how those charges are converted for purposes of this calculation.

     RESPONSE: The Separate Account product charges are reflected in the Fee
     Table in percentage terms. These percentages are used to determine the
     Accumulation Unit Value. Accordingly, the Companies believe that the
     prespectus makes it clear that the term "Separate Account product charges"
     refers to percentage amounts of the charges.

(8) TRANSFER (PP. 19-20)

     COMMENT: (a) Please define the term "transfers" (i.e., Are all allocations
     made in a single valuation day considered a single transfer?)

     RESPONSE: (a) The Companies believe that transfers are adequately described
     in the "Transfers" section of the prospectuses. The Companies currently
     disclose in the "Transfers" section that all transfers made on the same
     business day will be treated as one transfer. In addition, contract owners
     seeking to make transfers will receive additional information about the
     nature of the transfer on the transfer form prior to making the transfer
     (i.e., whether the transfer amount is in dollars or in a percentage).

     COMMENT: (b) Please include a warning stating that as a result of the 25%
     restriction on transfers out of the fixed account, it may take a number of
     years to effectively move all of one's account value from the fixed account
     to the variable investment options. (METLIFE INVESTORS USA ONLY)

     RESPONSE: (b) MLI USA believes that the disclosure stating that there
     is a 25% restriction on transfers out of the fixed account is sufficient to
     warn contract owners that it could take a maximum of 5 years to effectively
     move account value out of the fixed

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     account to the variable investment options. Accordingly, MLI USA does not
     believe it is necessary to revise the disclosure.

     COMMENT: (c) Please confirm that any suspension of the transfer privilege
     will take place pursuant to Section 22(e) of the Investment Company Act of

     RESPONSE: (c) The Companies confirm that any suspension of transfer
     privilege will take place pursuant to Section 22(e) of the Investment
     Company Act of 1940.

     COMMENT: (d) Please explain where the contractholders funds are placed when
     transfers are broken down into redemption and purchase requests, and
     whether any interest is accrued between the time of redemption and

     RESPONSE: (d) In the event of a time of drastic economic or market
     conditions, to the extent there were to be a lag in time between (i) the
     date a source investment portfolio next determined accumulation unit
     value ("AUV"), and (ii) the date a Company received redemption proceeds
     from the source portfolio, the proceeds would remain with the source
     portfolio until they were transmitted to the Company. As soon as the
     Company received the proceeds, it would effectuate the purchase of the new
     investment portfolio at the next determined AUV and the proceeds would be
     submitted on that date to the portfolio. The source proceeds would not
     "sit" at the Company in this type of situation.

(9) EXPENSES (PP. 25-29)

     COMMENT: (a) With regard to the death benefit charge and withdrawal charge,
     please briefly describe what is provided in consideration of the charges as
     per Form N-4, Item 6(a).

     RESPONSE: (a) The Companies have revised the prospectuses to add the
     following disclosure to the "Death Benefit Rider Charges" section: "If you
     select a death benefit rider, we will deduct a charge that compensates us
     for the costs and risks we assume in providing the benefit." In addition,
     the Companies have revised the prospectuses to add the following disclosure
     under the "Withdrawal Charge" section: "We impose a withdrawal charge to
     reimburse us for contract sales expense, including commissions and other
     distribution, promotion, and acquisition expenses."

     COMMENT: (b) With regard to the death benefit rider charges, please
     reconcile the language that states the charge is assessed by canceling
     accumulation units with the language in the Accumulation Units section (p.
     17) which implies that the charge is assessed by reducing accumulation unit

     RESPONSE: (b) In the "Death Benefit Rider Charges" section, the disclosure
     stating that the charge is assessed by canceling accumulation units only
     applies to the Enhanced Death Benefit rider. It does not apply to the
     Principal Protection Death Benefit, the Annual Step-Up Death Benefit, the
     Compounded-Plus Death Benefit, or the Additional Death Benefit--Earnings
     Preservation Benefit riders. The Companies believe that this

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     distinction is clear in the "Death Benefit Rider Charges" section. To
     clarify this distinction in the "Accumulation Units" section, the Companies
     have revised the second numerical bullet as follows:

          "(2) multiplying it by one minus the Separate Account product charges
          (including any rider charge for the Principal Protection Death
          Benefit, Annual Step-Up Death Benefit, the Compounded-Plus Death
          Benefit, and/or the Additional Death Benefit--Earnings Preservation
          Benefit) for each day since the last business day and any charges for

     COMMENT: (c) The prospectus states on page 26 that you "may" reset the LWG
     II charge upon reset. Please clarify the circumstances under which you
     would not reset the rate and whether the rate reset would occur even if the
     investor refuses the Step-Up.

     RESPONSE: (c) The Companies would not reset the LWG II charge if the charge
     at the time of the step-up was the same as the charge that the Companies
     were currently charging new contract owners for the same rider. The
     Companies also would also not reset the LWG II charge if a contract owner
     refuses the step-up in writing.


     COMMENT: Please explain your legal basis for refusing requests for
     withdrawals in furtherance of anti-money laundering and counter terrorism,
     in light of section 22(e) of the Investment Company Act of 1940.

     RESPONSE: The Companies believe that they have a legal basis for refusing
     requests for withdrawals in furtherance of anti-money laundering and
     counter terrorism. Specifically, there have been a number of economic
     sanctions programs administered by the Department of Treasury's Office of
     Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC") that provide for the blocking of assets
     owned by or held for the benefit of certain foreign countries and
     designated individuals, such as terrorists and narcotics traffickers
     ("Designated Persons"). For example, the OFAC regulations implementing
     Executive Order 13224 (Sept. 23, 2001) ("Blocking Property and Prohibiting
     Transactions With Persons Who Commit, Threaten To Commit, or Support
     Terrorism") provide: "Unless otherwise authorized by this part or by a
     specific license expressly referring to this section, any dealing in any
     security (or evidence thereof) held within the possession or control of a
     U.S. person and either registered or inscribed in the name of or known to
     be held for the benefit of [certain Designated Persons] is prohibited." 31
     CFR (S)594.210(b).

     Consequently, while this regulation would prohibit an insurance company
     from opening an account for a Designated Person, it would also on its face
     prohibit an insurance company from providing redemption proceeds to a
     person who, for instance, became a Designated Person after his or her
     acquisition of the securities or where it became known to the insurance
     company after the securities were issued that they were being held for the
     benefit of a Designated Person. The Companies are not aware of any
     regulation or

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     interpretive position stating specifically that these and similar OFAC
     regulations preempt Section 22(e) of the Investment Company Act of 1940.
     However, it would appear that the national security purposes of these
     regulations would be compromised if they did not preempt, as far as
     Designated Persons are concerned, other federal and state laws and
     regulations such as Section 22(e) that provide generally for the right to
     redeem or sell certain assets. In this regard, a "Frequently Asked
     Question" or "FAQ" on OFAC's website addressing State insurance statutes
     that limit an insurer's ability to withhold claim payments states that
     "OFAC's regulations under the Trading with the Enemy Act and the
     International Emergency Economic Powers Act are based on Presidential
     declarations of national emergency and preempt state insurance


     COMMENT: Please briefly explain the differences between the two living
     benefit riders and describe, in general terms, which one might be
     preferable over the other.

     RESPONSE: The Companies have revised the prospectuses to replace the second
     paragraph in the "Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefits" section with the
     following: "The Principal Guarantee rider is designed to guarantee that at
     least the entire amount of purchase payments you make will be returned to
     you through a series of withdrawals without annuitizing, regardless of
     investment performance, as long as withdrawals in any contract year do not
     exceed the maximum amount allowed under the rider. With the Lifetime
     Withdrawal Guarantee II rider, you get the same benefits, but in addition,
     if you make your first withdrawal on or after the date you reach age 59
     1/2, you are guaranteed income without annuitizing for your life (and the
     life of your spouse, if the Joint Life version of the rider was elected),
     even after the entire amount of purchase payments has been returned." The
     Companies believe that this revised disclosure will assist contract
     owners to determine which rider might be preferable.


     COMMENT: (a) Please place in bold the effects of excess withdrawals.

     RESPONSE: (a) The Companies will bold the disclosure that discusses the
     effects of excess withdrawals.

     COMMENT: (b) With regard to the annual benefit payment, the prospectus
     states that one may be able to get a higher income amount by annuitizing
     your contract. If annuitizing may result on a lower income amount, please
     also warn of that fact.

     RESPONSE: (b) The Companies respectfully decline to include the alternative
     risk disclosure regarding annuitization because the possibility that
     annuitizing may result in a lower income amount than the annual benefit
     payment is not a risk associated with the Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee II

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     COMMENT: (c) With respect to your statement that you do not include
     withdrawal charges for the purpose of calculating whether there is an
     excess withdrawal, please disclose how (or whether) you consider withdrawal
     charges at all in making the GWB calculations.

     RESPONSE: (c) If a withdrawal reduces the Total Guaranteed Withdrawal
     Amount and/or the Remaining Guaranteed Withdrawal Amount, then the
     applicable withdrawal charge will also be deducted from these amounts. If
     the withdrawal reduces these amounts in the same proportion that the
     withdrawal reduces account value, then the withdrawal charge will also
     reduce these amounts in the same proportion that the withdrawal charge
     reduces account value. Similarly, if the withdrawal reduces these amounts
     on a dollar-for-dollar basis, then the withdrawal charge will also reduce
     these amounts on a dollar-for-dollar basis. To clarify these points, the
     Companies have revised the prospectus to add the parenthetical "(including
     any applicable withdrawal charge)" in the appropriate places in the "Total
     Guaranteed Withdrawal Amount" section and the "Remaining Guaranteed
     Withdrawal Amount" section.

     COMMENT: (d) With regard to the Automatic Annual Step-up, please explicitly
     state whether the step-up is taken before or after the Compounding.

     RESPONSE: (d) The Companies disclosed earlier in the prospectus that the
     comparison of account value to the Total Guaranteed Withdrawal Amount takes
     place after compounding, under the "Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit - Rider
     Charge" subheading under "Expenses." However, to further clarify, the
     Companies have also revised the prospectuses to add the parenthetical
     "(after compounding)" immediately following the term "Total Guaranteed
     Withdrawal Amount" in the first sentence under the "Automatic Annual
     Step-Up" subheading.

     COMMENT: (e) Please consider moving the Investment Allocation Restrictions
     subsection to the beginning of the section describing the rider.

     RESPONSE: (e) The Companies believe that the "Investment Allocation
     Restrictions" subsection appropriately appears towards the end of the
     "Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee II Rider" section because this is the most
     logical and straightforward way to present the disclosure for this rider.
     In this regard, the Companies believe that a detailed description of the
     rider, which discusses the risks and benefits of the rider, should appear
     before the investment allocation restrictions.

     COMMENT: (f) Please confirm in the Additional Information subsection, that
     the lump sum payment is reduced by partial withdrawals on a
     dollar-for-dollar basis.

     RESPONSE: (f) The Companies confirm that the lump sum payment is reduced by
     partial withdrawal on a dollar-for-dollar basis. To clarify, the Companies
     revised the prospectuses to add the parenthetical "(deducted on a
     dollar-for-dollar basis)" immediately following "...payments less any
     partial withdrawals" at the end of the third sentence under the "Additional
     Information" subsection.

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     COMMENT: (g) Please clarify the extent to which the other contract benefits
     remain if the rider terminates for insufficient value.

     RESPONSE: (g) The Companies have confirmed that in the event the rider
     terminates for insufficient value, the contract is also terminated and
     therefore the contract owner no longer has any rights under the contract.
     To further clarify, the Companies have revised the third numerical bullet
     in the "Termination of the Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee II Rider" section
     of the prospectuses to read as follows:

          "(3) the date there are insufficient funds to deduct the Lifetime
          Withdrawal Guarantee II rider charge from the account value and
          thereby your contract is terminated (you are still eligible to receive
          either the Remaining Guaranteed Withdrawal Amount or lifetime
          payments, provided the provisions and conditions of the rider have
          been met; however, you will have no other benefits under the

     COMMENT: (h) The prospectus states that the Remaining Withdrawal Amount may
     be selected as a death benefit and would be paid "instead of the
     contractual death benefit...." Please clarify whether election of this
     amount as the death benefit terminates any further obligation to pay for
     other death benefits.

     RESPONSE: (h) The Companies confirm that under the Lifetime Withdrawal
     Guarantee II rider, once a contract owner elects to receive the Remaining
     Withdrawal Amount as a death benefit instead of the contractual death
     benefit, the contract owner is no longer required to pay the contractual
     death benefit charge. To further clarify, the Companies have revised the
     "Additional Information" subsection of the prospectuses to read as follows:
     "This death benefit will be paid instead of the applicable contractual
     death benefit or the additional death benefit amount calculated under the
     LWG II as described above and there is no longer an obligation to pay the
     charge for the contractual death benefit." In addition, the Companies
     confirm that under the Principal Guarantee rider, once a beneficiary elects
     to receive a payout of the Benefit Base as a death benefit instead of the
     contractual death benefit, there is no longer an obligation to pay the
     contractual death benefit charge. To further clarify, the Companies have
     revised the "Additional Information" subsection of the prospectuses to read
     as follows: "If the contract owner or joint owner (or the annuitant if the
     owner is a non-natural person) should die while the Principal Guarantee
     rider is in effect, your beneficiary may elect to receive a payout of the
     Benefit Base instead of the applicable contractual death benefit as
     described above and there is no longer an obligation to pay the charge for
     the contractual death benefit."

     COMMENT: (i) Please note that we will need to re-review this section once
     the examples are included.

     RESPONSE: (i) The Companies have noted that the Staff will need to
     re-review the Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee II section once the examples
     are included. The

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     Companies have provided the Lifetime Withdrawal Guarantee II rider examples
     in the prospectuses.


     COMMENT: (a) Please explicitly state in bold that this guarantee does not
     guarantee that one can withdraw 100% of their principal out of the contract
     in a lump sum.

     RESPONSE: (a) The Companies confirm that the requested disclosure is
     already provided in the "Managing Withdrawals" subsection under the "Facts
     about Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit Riders" subsection. The Companies have
     bolded this disclosure so that it will be highlighted for contract owners.

     COMMENT: (b) With regard to the Benefit Base calculation, please revise the
     third bullet point to the extent possible in order to make it easier to

     RESPONSE: (b) The Companies have revised the third bullet as follows:

     .    Less the amount of any withdrawals. In the following two situations we
          will further reduce the Benefit Base by an amount equal to the
          difference between the Benefit Base after the decrease for the
          withdrawal and your account value after the decrease for the

          .    If a withdrawal from your contract is not payable to the contract
               owner or contract owner's bank account (or to the annuitant or
               annuitant's bank account, if the owner is a non-natural person),

          .    If a withdrawal from your contract results in cumulative
               withdrawals (including withdrawal charges) for the current
               contract year exceeding the Annual Benefit Payment and the
               resulting Benefit Base exceeds the account value.

     COMMENT: (c) Please confirm supplementally that the Optional Reset does not
     have any effect on the withdrawal rate.

     RESPONSE: (c) The Companies confirm that the Optional Reset does not have
     any effect on the withdrawal rate.

     COMMENT: (d) Please note that we will need to re-review this section once
     the examples are included.

     RESPONSE: (d) The Companies have noted that the Staff will need to
     re-review the Principal Guarantee section once the examples are included.
     The Companies have provided the Principal Guarantee examples in the

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14. DEATH BENEFIT (PP. 42-47)

     COMMENT: (a) Please include examples of how the death benefits operate. If
     done through an appendix, please include cross-references where

     RESPONSE: (a) The Companies will provide examples of how the Enhanced Death
     Benefit operates in an appendix and will include a cross-reference in this
     section to the appropriate appendix within the prospectuses. The Companies
     have concluded that it is not necessary to provide examples for the other
     death benefits, given their relatively straightforward nature.

     COMMENT: (b) Please consider moving the Enhanced Death Benefit Description
     after the description of the other optional death benefits, since this
     death benefit is unique from the others in terms of the charge structure.

     RESPONSE: (b) MLI USA has considered the Staff's request, and has concluded
     that the Enhanced Death Benefit description is most appropriately placed in
     its current location. MLI USA believes that the prospectuses adequately
     explain the charge structure of the Enhanced Death Benefit and therefore,
     contract owners will not be confused between the Enhanced Death Benefit
     rider's charge structure and the charge structure of the other death
     benefit riders.

     COMMENT: (c) With regard to the Enhanced Death Benefit, there is language
     stating the death benefit will not be less than the highest account value
     on any anniversary. Please include disclosure stating that this is only
     true if the Automatic Annual Step-Up is in place.

     RESPONSE: (c) The statement as it stands is correct. The death benefit will
     never be less than the Highest Account Value on any anniversary for the
     following reason. Under the Enhanced Death Benefit rider, the death benefit
     base is defined as the greater of the Highest Account Value on any
     anniversary or as purchase payments adjusted to reflect the Annual Increase
     Amount. If on a particular contract anniversary, the account value is
     higher than the Annual Increase Amount, and if on that same anniversary,
     the Automatic Annual Step-Up was elected, than the Annual Increase Amount
     would be increased to equal that of the account value. However, even if the
     Automatic Annual Step-Up was not elected, the death benefit would still
     never be less than the Highest Account Value on any anniversary.

     COMMENT: (d) With regard to the Enhanced Death Benefit Rider, please move
     the subsection regarding investment restriction to the beginning of the
     section describing this rider. Alternatively, please mention the investment
     restrictions at the beginning of the section describing this death benefit.

     RESPONSE: (d) MLI USA believes that the "Investment Allocation
     Restrictions" subsection appropriately appears towards the end of the
     "Optional Death Benefit--Enhanced Death Benefit" section because this is
     the most logical and straightforward way to present the disclosure for this
     rider. MLI USA believes that a detailed description

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     of the rider, which discusses the risks and benefits of the rider, should
     appear before the investment allocation restrictions.

     COMMENT: (e) With regard to the Compounded-Plus, please consider renaming
     the second prong something other then "enhanced death benefit" to avoid any
     confusion with another rider offered under this contract. (METLIFE

     RESPONSE: (e) MLI USA has revised the disclosure in the second prong to
     remove references to the "enhanced death benefit."

     COMMENT: (f) Please make it clear which death benefit riders can be held at
     the same time as the Earnings Preservation Benefit. (METLIFE INVESTORS USA

     RESPONSE: (f) The Earnings Preservation Benefit can be held at the same
     time as any other rider and MLI USA believes that disclosure in the
     prospectuses is consistent with this fact.


     COMMENT: Please include a section that clearly describes the concept of
     Required Minimum Distributions.

     RESPONSE: The Companies believe that the disclosure under the "Required
     Minimum Distributions" subsection under the "Living Benefits" section
     sufficiently describes the concept of Required Minimum Distributions.


     COMMENT: Please describe who must be notified of any changes to the
     contract as per item 7(c)(iii) of Form N-4.

     RESPONSE: The Companies have revised the prospectuses to add the following
     sentence in the "Possible Tax Law Changes" subsection: "We will notify you
     of any changes to your contract."


     COMMENT: Please confirm supplementally that the contract name on the front
     cover page of the prospectus is and will continue to be the same as the
     EDGAR class identifiers.

     RESPONSE: The contract name on the front cover page of the prospectuses has
     been changed from Pioneer A, Pioneer B, and Pioneer C to Pioneer PRISM,
     Pioneer PRISM XC, and Pioneer PRISM L, respectively. This name change will
     also be reflected on the EDGAR class identifier for the contracts in the
     next filing.

Michael Kosoff
May 16, 2008
Page 14


     COMMENT: Please clarify supplementally whether there are any types of
     guarantees or support agreements with third parties to support any of the
     company's guarantees under the contract or whether the company will be
     primarily responsible for paying out on any guarantees associated with the

     RESPONSE: MLI USA has no agreements; FMLI does, and the agreements are
     disclosed in the applicable statements of additional information.


     COMMENT: Please confirm that the financial statements, exhibits, and
     information missing from the initial registration statement will be filed
     by a pre-effective amendment to the registration statement.

     RESPONSE: The Companies confirm that the financial statements, exhibits,
     and information missing from the initial registration statement will be
     filed by a pre-effective amendment to the registration statement.


     COMMENT: Please provide the appropriate Tandy representation.

     RESPONSE: The Companies will submit a letter under separate cover
     acknowledging the Tandy representation.



     COMMENT: (a) Please confirm supplementally that the registrant has relief
     under sections 2(a)(32), 22(c) and 27(i)(2)(A) of the Investment Company
     Act of 1940 and Rule 22c-1 thereunder for the recapture of certain bonus

     RESPONSE: (a) The Companies believe that they are not required to obtain
     relief under sections 2(a)(32), 22(c) and 27(i)(2)(A) of the Investment
     Company Act of 1940 and Rule 22c-1 because the Companies are currently only
     recapturing the purchase payment credits during the free look period and
     the contract owners receive any investment gain on the purchase payment
     credits, while the Companies bear any loss.

     COMMENT: (b) Please disclose that you expect to make a profit from the
     bonus charges.

     RESPONSE: (b) The Companies do not expect to make any additional profit
     from such higher charges. Rather, the higher charges associated with the
     bonus are imposed merely to offset the cost of the bonus.

Michael Kosoff
May 16, 2008
Page 15

     COMMENT: (c) Please confirm the bonus credits are not included in the
     examples and that the figures do not reflect any additional fee
     attributable to the bonus amount.

     RESPONSE: (c) The Companies confirm that the bonus credits are not included
     in the examples and that the figures do not reflect any additional fee
     attributable to the bonus amount.

                                      * * *

     We hope that you will find these responses satisfactory. If you have any
questions or comments, please contact the undersigned at (202) 383-0590 or Lisa
Flanagan at (202) 383-0873.


                                        /s/ W. Thomas Conner
                                        W. Thomas Conner


cc:  Paula Minella, Esq.
     Lisa Flanagan, Esq.