[SUTHERLAND LETTERHEAD]                      1275 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW  ATLANTA
                                                Washington, DC 20004-2415  AUSTIN
                                            202.383.0100 Fax 202.637.3593  HOUSTON
                                                       www.sutherland.com  NEW YORK
                                                                           WASHINGTON DC

DIRECT LINE: 202.383.0590
E-mail: thomas.conner@sutherland.com

                               October 13, 2008


Michelle Roberts, Esq.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20549

         FILE NOS. 333-152385/811-03365

Dear Ms. Roberts:

   On behalf of MetLife Investors USA Insurance Company ("MLI USA") and its
separate account, MetLife Investors USA Separate Account A, we are providing
MLI USA's responses to your comments of September 12, 2008 in connection with
the above-referenced initial registration statements filed on July 17, 2008.
Each of the Staff's comments is set forth below, followed by MLI USA's
response. To the extent that a response indicates that MLI USA proposes revised
disclosure, the revised prospectus pages are attached.


      COMMENT: Please disclose to the Staff whether there are any types of
   guarantees or support agreements with third parties to support any of the
   guarantees under the policy or any of its related riders. If there are not,
   please include a representation in the response letter indicating that there
   are no such agreements and the Depositor will be primarily responsible for
   paying out any guarantees associated with the policy.

8032139.2                                        SUTHERLAND ASBILL & BRENNAN LLP

Michelle Roberts, Esq.
October 13, 2008
Page 2

      RESPONSE: MLI USA does not have any type of guarantee or support
   agreement with a third party to support any of the guarantees under the
   contract or any of its related riders. MLI USA will be responsible for
   paying out any guarantees associated with the contract.


      COMMENT: Please revise the statement that the ". . . prospectus is
   intended to describe all material features of the contract" to clarify that
   the prospectus in fact describes all the material features of the contract.

      RESPONSE: MLI USA has revised the prospectus to read "[t]his prospectus
   describes all the material features of the contract."

3. FEE TABLE (PGS. 10-15)

      COMMENT: (a) Please disclose in a footnote how the 2.30% figure was
   calculated with respect to the Separate Account Annual Expenses.

      RESPONSE: (a) MLI USA has revised the fee table to reflect the removal of
   the Optional Death Benefit - Compounded Plus and include the following
   footnote: "This charge is determined by adding the Mortality and Expense
   Charge, the Administration Charge, the Optional Death Benefit-- Annual
   Step-Up Charge, and the Additional Death Benefit--Earnings Preservation
   Benefit Charge."

      COMMENT: (b) The Optional Rider Charges table's use of "(maximum)" needs
   further elaboration. Please insert a clarifying footnote. (See, for example,
   p 59, footnote 3.)

      RESPONSE: (b) MLI USA has revised the prospectus to include the following
   footnote: "Certain rider charges may increase upon an Optional Step-Up or
   Optional Reset, but they will not exceed the maximum charges listed in this
   table. (See "Expenses.")"

      COMMENT: (c) At the end of the Portfolio Expenses table, there is a
   reference to "Net Total Annual Portfolio Expenses" but there is no column in
   the table with that heading. Should that reference be changed to "Total
   Annual Portfolio Expenses"? In addition, with regard to footnotes to the
   Portfolio Expenses Table that reference the use of "estimated expenses"
   (e.g., footnote 1), the Registrant should disclose why the expenses are

      RESPONSE: (c) MLI USA has revised the prospectus to change the reference
   from "Net Total Annual Portfolio Expenses" to "Total Annual Portfolio
   Expenses." In addition, certain fund expenses are estimated because the
   funds are new. MLI USA's footnote disclosure is in the format provided by
   the funds and it is consistent with Form N-1A.

8032139.2                                        SUTHERLAND ASBILL & BRENNAN LLP

Michelle Roberts, Esq.
October 13, 2008
Page 3

4. EXAMPLES (P. 16)

      COMMENT: If applicable, please confirm in your correspondence to the
   Staff that the figures set forth in the Example tables do not reflect the
   bonus credits.

      RESPONSE: MLI USA confirms that the figures set forth in the Example
   tables do not reflect the bonus credits.


      COMMENT: Please add notes to the Account Values columns indicating how
   each value was calculated.

      RESPONSE: MLI USA has revised the prospectus to add notes explaining how
   the values are calculated.


      COMMENT: Clarify that when a Purchaser makes an excess withdrawal, the
   reduction in account value is calculated using the entire amount of the
   withdrawal and not just the amount that exceeded the Annual Increase
   Amount/Annual Benefit Amount (as applicable).

      RESPONSE: MLI USA revised the prospectus to clarify that the reduction in
   account value is calculated using the entire amount of the withdrawal and
   not just the amount that exceeded 6% of the Annual Increase Amount (for the
   GMIB Plus) or the Annual Benefit Payment (for the Lifetime Withdrawal


      COMMENT: Any exhibits, financial statements, and any other required
   disclosure not included in this registration statement must be filed in a
   pre-effective amendment to the registration statement.

      RESPONSE: MLI USA will include any exhibits, financial statements, and
   any other required disclosure not included in this registration statement in
   a pre-effective amendment to the registration statement. In addition, MLI
   USA will provide the Tandy representations under separate cover.

8032139.2                                        SUTHERLAND ASBILL & BRENNAN LLP

Michelle Roberts, Esq.
October 13, 2008
Page 4

   We hope that you will find these responses satisfactory. In addition, MLI
USA has made the determination to remove the Purchase Payment Credit recapture
supplement from the filing and not to include any reference to the Purchase
Payment Credit recapture in the filing. If you have any questions or comments,
please contact the undersigned at (202) 383-0590 or Lisa Flanagan at
(202) 383-0873.


                                          /s/ W. Thomas Conner

                                          W. Thomas Conner

cc:  Michele Abate, Esq.
     John Richards, Esq.
     Lisa Flanagan, Esq.

8032139.2                                        SUTHERLAND ASBILL & BRENNAN LLP