July 30, 2009

Ms. Sally Samuel, Esq.
Office of Insurance Products
Division of Investment Management
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549

RE: Post-effective amendments under Rule 485(b) to certain Form N-4
registration statements

Dear Ms. Samuel:

On June 1, 2009, we filed post-effective amendments under Rule 485(a) to the
Form N-4 registration statements of Prudential Annuities Life Assurance
Corporation ("PALAC"), Pruco Life Insurance Company ("Pruco Life") and Pruco
Life Insurance Company of New Jersey ("PLNJ") listed below. In these filings,
we respond to your comments on those Rule 485(a) filings, and make other
non-material changes.

The following Form N-4 registration statements are being amended:

   .   Pruco Life's Prudential Premier Series Annuity (file nos. 333-130989 and

   .   PLNJ's Prudential Premier Series Annuity (file nos. 333-131035 and

   .   PALAC's ASAP III, APEX II, ASL II, XTra Credit Six, XTra Credit Eight,
       Choice 2000, and Cornerstone Annuities (file nos. 333-96577, 333-71654,
       333-71672, 333-71834, 333-150220, 333-08853, and 333-152411). Included
       within certain of these registration statements are the prospectuses for
       the "Optimum" line of annuities sold through LPL Financial Corporation.

A summary of your comments, along with our proposed responses, follows. (The
section references in your comments refer to those in the supplement for the
PALAC "core" prospectus).

     1.  Comment: on page 1 of the supplement, you asked that we include a
         general statement, concerning each revision being made by the
         supplement, reminding the reader to examine the change in conjunction
         with the section of the May 1, 2009 prospectus being revised.
         Response: we have added such a statement.

     2.  Comment: on page 1 of the supplement, you asked that we include a
         statement describing the type of investor for whom the new Highest
         Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefits would be appropriate. Response: we have
         added such a statement.

     3.  Comment: on page 6 of the supplement (and for the comparable reference
         in the Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus section), in the
         paragraph that begins with the words "[a]lthough you are guaranteed
         the ability to withdraw your Annual Income Amount for life even if
         your Account Value falls to zero . . . ", you asked that we bold the
         paragraph, and state explicitly that the benefit terminates in the
         scenario discussed. Similarly, in the section for Highest Daily
         Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA, you asked that we bold the last two
         sentences under the sub-heading entitled "Guarantee Payments."
         Response: we have done so.

     4.  Comment: in Item D of the supplement, you asked that we state
         explicitly that the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefits referenced
         in the list are discussed in detail later in the supplement. Response:
         we have done so.

     5.  Comment: in Item E of the supplement, you asked that we set forth each
         of the funds in the applicable portions of the Group I and Group II
         lists. You also asked that, with respect to the AST UBS Dynamic Alpha
         Portfolio, we indicate by cross-reference where additional information
         about that Portfolio may be found. Response: we have done so.

     6.  Comment: with respect to each of Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus and
         Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus, you asked that we clarify the
         sentence concerning the ability to elect the 6 or 12 month DCA program
         along with the benefit. Response: we have revised the sentence

     7.  Comment: with respect to each of Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus and
         Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus, you asked that we clarify the
         disclosure concerning the scenario in which a withdrawal needed to
         satisfy required minimum distribution requirements exceeds the current
         Annual Income Amount. Response: we have revised the disclosure to
         provide this clarification.

     8.  Comment: with respect to each of Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus and
         Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus, under the Other Important
         Considerations section, you asked that we revise the disclosure
         concerning our ability, for new elections of the benefit, to impose
         new Account Value allocation requirements. Response: we have revised
         the disclosure accordingly.


     9.  Comment: given the various references to "good order", you asked that
         we add a defined term for "good order" to the Glossary section.
         Response: we have done so.

     10. Comment: You asked that the supplement describe how, under the asset
         transfer formula, more than 90% of Account Value could be invested at
         a given time in the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account. Response:
         the current drafts of the supplements state, in bold, that "[h]owever,
         it is possible that, due to the investment performance of your
         allocation in the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account and your
         allocations in the Permitted Sub-accounts you have selected, your
         Account Value could be more than 90% invested in the AST Investment
         Grade Bond Sub-account." We feel that this sentence provides
         sufficient explanation and accordingly, have left the disclosure as is.

     11. Comment: you asked about the 120 day elimination period applicable to
         Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA. In particular, you asked about
         a scenario in which the owner notified us of his/her eligibility more
         than 120 days prior to the first intended withdrawal of the LIA
         Amount. Response: the LIA amount is available for withdrawal on the
         Valuation Day immediately after the 120/th/ day, assuming the 36 month
         waiting period also has been met. Thus, in the scenario you describe,
         and assuming that the 36 month waiting period had been satisfied, the
         LIA amount would be available 120 days later. Because withdrawals are
         not required under the benefit, the owner could, if he/she chose,
         delay taking the first LIA withdrawal until the originally-intended

     12. Comment: we had proposed language dealing with the signature
         verification that we may perform with respect to withdrawal requests
         exceeding a specified amount. You asked for supplemental confirmation
         that if a good order withdrawal request is received on a given
         business day, it will be priced on that business day even if it takes
         several days thereafter to verify the signature. You also asked that
         the supplement language state that redemption proceeds will be paid
         within 7 days of the price date even if a signature verification needs
         to be performed. Response: if a withdrawal request otherwise is in
         good order but requires signature verification, we will price the
         withdrawal on the business day it was received by us and pay the
         redemption proceeds within 7 days thereafter, provided that we are
         able to verify the signature within that 7 day period. If we are not
         able to verify the signature within 7 days (e.g., if the owner is out
         of the country), we will treat the withdrawal request as
         not-in-good-order, and promptly inform the owner to that effect. We
         have revised our disclosure consistent with our discussions.

The instant filings also include expense examples that assume, among other
things, election of Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus. In addition, current
financial statements for the applicable registrant separate account and the
depositor have been incorporated by reference into these Rule 485(b) filings.
Although the above comments pertain specifically to the PALAC "core"
prospectus, we will make similar changes to the other supplements.


We represent and acknowledge that:

   .   should the Commission or the Staff, acting pursuant to delegated
       authority, declare the filings effective, it does not foreclose the
       Commission from taking any action with respect to the filings;

   .   the action of the Commission or the Staff, acting pursuant to delegated
       authority, in declaring the filings effective, does not relieve the
       Company from its full responsibility for the adequacy and accuracy of
       the disclosure in the filings; and

   .   the Company may not assert this action as a defense in any proceeding
       initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal securities
       laws of the United States.

As counsel to the Registrants, I represent that none of the instant filings
contains disclosure that would render the filing ineligible for reliance on
Rule 485(b).

We appreciate your attention to these filings.


                                                  /s/ C. Christopher Sprague
                                                  C. Christopher Sprague




                        Supplement dated August 24, 2009

                          Prospectus dated May 1, 2009

 This supplement should be read and retained with the prospectus for your
 Annuity. If you would like another copy of the prospectus, please call us at

 This supplement describes two new lifetime withdrawal benefits called Highest
 Daily Lifetime/SM/ 6 Plus and Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime/SM/ 6 Plus. Each
 of these benefits is an optional benefit available under any of the
 above-referenced Annuities. The optional benefits described in this supplement
 are only being offered in those jurisdictions where we have received
 regulatory approval and will be offered subsequently in other jurisdictions
 when we receive regulatory approval in those jurisdictions. Throughout this
 supplement, we revise certain sections of the May 1, 2009 prospectus, and we
 indicate in this supplement the section of the prospectus that is being
 revised. Please refer to this supplement, in conjunction with that section of
 the prospectus.

 Each of Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus, Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with
 Lifetime Income Accelerator ("LIA"), and Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus
 is a lifetime guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit. Such a benefit is
 designed for someone who wants to access the annuity's value through
 withdrawals over time, rather than by annuitizing. Please see the introductory
 section of "Living Benefits" in the prospectus for a discussion of our
 optional living benefits generally. As is the case with optional living
 benefits generally, the fulfillment of our guarantee under these benefits is
 dependent on our claims-paying ability.

 A. We include the following new entries in the "GLOSSARY OF TERMS" section of
 the prospectus:

 Highest Daily Lifetime/SM/ 6 Plus Income Benefit: An optional living benefit
 that is available for an additional charge. The benefit guarantees your
 ability to withdraw amounts equal to a percentage of a guaranteed income base
 called the Protected Withdrawal Value (PWV). Subject to our rules regarding
 the timing and amount of withdrawals, we guarantee these withdrawal amounts,
 regardless of the impact of market performance on your Account Value. Highest
 Daily Lifetime 6 Plus is the same class of optional benefit as our Highest
 Daily Lifetime 7 Plus Income Benefit, but differs (among other things) with
 respect to how the Protected Withdrawal Value is calculated and how the
 Lifetime Withdrawals are calculated. Starting in August 2009, we began
 offering Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus in lieu of Highest Daily Lifetime 7
 Plus (and Highest Daily Lifetime Seven in states where Highest Daily Lifetime
 7 Plus was not approved) wherever we have received the required State and
 selling firm approvals.

 Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime/SM/ 6 Plus Income Benefit: An optional benefit
 that, for an additional charge, guarantees your ability to withdraw amounts
 equal to a percentage of a guaranteed income base called the Protected
 Withdrawal Value (PWV). Subject to our rules regarding the timing and amount
 of withdrawals, we guarantee these withdrawal amounts, regardless of the
 impact of market performance on your Account Value. This benefit is the
 spousal version of the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus Income Benefit and is the
 same class of optional benefit as our Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 7 Plus
 Income Benefit, but differs (among other things) with respect to how the
 Protected Withdrawal Value is calculated and how the Lifetime Withdrawals are
 calculated. Starting in August 2009, we began offering Spousal Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus in lieu of Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 7 Plus (and Spousal
 Highest Daily Lifetime Seven in states where Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 7
 Plus was not approved) wherever we have received the required State and
 selling firm approvals.

 Good Order: An instruction received by us, utilizing such forms, signatures,
 and dating as we require, which is sufficiently complete and clear that we do
 not need to exercise any discretion to follow such instructions.

 B. We revise the section entitled "Your Optional Benefit Fees and Charges" to
 add the following line items that set forth the fee for each of Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus, Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with Lifetime Income
 Accelerator (LIA), and Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus. PWV is the
 abbreviation for Protected Withdrawal Value:

                                     YOUR OPTIONAL BENEFIT FEES AND CHARGES/ 1/
          OPTIONAL BENEFIT                 OPTIONAL            TOTAL         TOTAL           TOTAL         TOTAL
                                         BENEFIT FEE/         ANNUAL         ANNUAL         ANNUAL         ANNUAL
                                            CHARGE          CHARGE /2/     CHARGE /2/     CHARGE /2/     CHARGE /2/
                                       (as a percentage    for ASAP III    for APEX II    for ASL II      for XT6
                                       of Sub-account net
                                        assets, unless
Maximum Charge /3/                     1.50% greater of    1.25% + 1.50%  1.65% + 1.50%  1.65% + 1.50%  1.65% + 1.50%
                                       Account Value and    greater of     greater of     greater of     greater of
                                              PWV          Account Value  Account Value  Account Value  Account Value
                                                              and PWV        and PWV        and PWV        and PWV
Current Charge                         0.85% greater of    1.25% + 0.85%  1.65% + 0.85%  1.65% + 0.85%  1.65% + 0.85%
                                       Account Value and    greater of     greater of     greater of     greater of
                                              PWV          Account Value  Account Value  Account Value  Account Value
                                                              and PWV        and PWV        and PWV        and PWV
Maximum Charge /3/                     2.00% greater of    1.25% + 2.00%  1.65% + 2.00%  1.65% + 2.00%  1.65% + 2.00%
                                       Account Value and    greater of     greater of     greater of     greater of
                                              PWV          Account Value  Account Value  Account Value  Account Value
                                                              and PWV        and PWV        and PWV        and PWV
Current Charge                         1.20% greater of    1.25% + 1.20%  1.65% + 1.20%  1.65% + 1.20%  1.65% + 1.20%
                                       Account Value and    greater of     greater of     greater of     greater of
                                              PWV          Account Value  Account Value  Account Value  Account Value
                                                              and PWV        and PWV        and PWV        and PWV
Maximum Charge /3/                     1.50% greater of    1.25% + 1.50%  1.65% + 1.50%  1.65% + 1.50%  1.65% + 1.50%
                                       Account Value and    greater of     greater of     greater of     greater of
                                              PWV          Account Value  Account Value  Account Value  Account Value
                                                              and PWV        and PWV        and PWV        and PWV
Current Charge                         0.95% greater of    1.25% + 0.95%  1.65% + 0.95%  1.65% + 0.95%  1.65% + 0.95%
                                       Account Value and    greater of     greater of     greater of     greater of
                                              PWV          Account Value  Account Value  Account Value  Account Value
                                                              and PWV        and PWV        and PWV        and PWV

 How Charge is Determined

 1) Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus. Charge for this benefit is assessed against
    the greater of Account Value and Protected Withdrawal Value. As discussed
    in the description of the benefit, the charge is taken out of the
    Sub-accounts and the DCA Fixed Rate Options, if applicable. Under certain
    circumstances, we may not deduct the charge or may only deduct a portion of
    the charge (see the description of the benefit for details). For ASAP III,
    0.85% is in addition to 1.25% annual charge of amounts invested in the
    Sub-accounts (in Annuity Years 1-8) and 0.65% annual charge of amounts
    invested in the Sub-accounts in subsequent Annuity Years. For APEX II and
    ASL II, 0.85% is in addition to 1.65% annual charge of amounts invested in
    the Sub-accounts. For XT6, 0.85% is in addition to 1.65% annual charge of
    amounts invested in the Sub-accounts (in Annuity Years 1-10) and 0.65%
    annual charge of the amounts invested in the Sub-accounts in subsequent
    Annuity Years.
    Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA. Charge for this benefit is assessed
    against the greater of Account Value and Protected Withdrawal Value. As
    discussed in the description of the benefit, the charge is taken out of the
    Sub-accounts and the DCA Fixed Rate Options, if applicable. Under certain
    circumstances, we may not deduct the charge or may only deduct a portion of
    the charge (see the description of the benefit for details). For ASAP III,
    1.20% is in addition to 1.25% annual charge of amounts invested in the
    Sub-accounts (in Annuity Years 1-8) and 0.65% annual charge of amounts
    invested in the Sub-accounts in subsequent Annuity Years. For APEX II and
    ASL II, 1.20% is in addition to 1.65% annual charge of amounts invested in
    the Sub-accounts. For XT6, 1.20% is in addition to 1.65% annual charge of
    amounts invested in the Sub-accounts (in Annuity Years 1-10) and 0.65%
    annual charge of amounts invested in the Sub-accounts in subsequent Annuity


    Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus. Charge for this benefit is assessed
    against the greater of Account Value and Protected Withdrawal Value. As
    discussed in the description of the benefit, the charge is taken out of the
    Sub-accounts and the DCA Fixed Rate Options, if applicable. Under certain
    circumstances, we may not deduct the charge or may only deduct a portion of
    the charge (see the description of the benefit for details). For ASAP III,
    0.95% is in addition to 1.25% annual charge of amounts invested in the
    Sub-accounts (in Annuity Years 1-8) and 0.65% annual charge of amounts
    invested in the Sub-accounts in subsequent Annuity Years. For APEX II and
    ASL II, 0.95% is in addition to 1.65% annual charge of amounts invested in
    the Sub-accounts. For XT6, 0.95% is in addition to 1.65% annual charge of
    amounts invested in the Sub-accounts (in Annuity Years 1-10) and 0.65%
    annual charge of the amounts invested in the Sub-accounts in subsequent
    Annuity Years.
 2) The Total Annual Charge includes the Insurance Charge and Distribution
    Charge (if applicable) assessed against the average daily net assets
    allocated to the Sub-accounts. If you elect more than one optional benefit,
    the Total Annual Charge would be higher to include the charge for each
    optional benefit. With respect to each of Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus,
    Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA, and Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime
    6 Plus, one-fourth of the annual charge is deducted quarterly. These
    optional benefits are not available under the Beneficiary Continuation

 3) We reserve the right to increase the charge up to the maximum charge
    indicated, upon any step-up or reset under the benefit, or new election of
    the benefit (see the descriptions of the benefits below for details,
    including the ability to decline a step-up or reset and thereby avoid any
    associated new charge).


 C. Revised Expense Examples
 We include revised expense examples, as follows:

                               EXPENSE EXAMPLES

 These examples are intended to help you compare the cost of investing in one
 of our Annuities with the cost of investing in other annuities we offer and/or
 variable annuities issued by other insurance companies.

 Below are examples for each Annuity showing what you would pay in expenses at
 the end of the stated time periods had you invested $10,000 in the Annuity and
 your investment has a 5% return each year.

 The examples reflect the following fees and charges for each Annuity as
 described in "Summary of Contract Fees and Charges":
   .   Insurance Charge
   .   Distribution Charge (if applicable)
   .   Contingent Deferred Sales Charge (when and if applicable)
   .   Annual Maintenance Fee
   .   The maximum combination of optional benefit charges

 The examples also assume the following for the period shown:
   .   You allocate all of your Account Value to the Sub-account with the
       maximum gross total annual operating expenses for 2008, and those
       expenses remain the same each year*
   .   For each charge, we deduct the maximum charge rather than the current
   .   You make no withdrawals of Account Value
   .   You make no transfers, or other transactions for which we charge a fee
   .   No tax charge applies
   .   You elect the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with Combination 5% Roll-up
       and HAV Death Benefit (which are the maximum combination of optional
       benefit charges)
   .   For the XT6 example, no Purchase Payment Credit is granted under the
   .   For the APEX II and ASAP III examples, no Loyalty Credit applies

 Amounts shown in the examples are rounded to the nearest dollar.

 *  Note: Not all portfolios offered as Sub-accounts may be available depending
    on optional benefit selection, the applicable jurisdiction and selling firm.


 Expense Examples are provided as follows:

 If you surrender your Annuity at the end of the applicable time period:/ 1/

                                1 yr  3 yrs  5 yrs  10 yrs
                     ASAP III  $1,399 $2,601 $3,759 $6,562
                     APEX II   $1,535 $2,752 $3,414 $6,807
                     ASL II      $685 $2,051 $3,414 $6,807
                     XT6/ 3/   $1,586 $2,854 $4,018 $6,915

 If you annuitize your Annuity at the end of the applicable time period: /2/

                                1 yr 3 yrs  5 yrs  10 yrs
                      ASAP III  N/A  $1,951 $3,259 $6,562
                      APEX II   N/A  $2,052 $3,414 $6,807
                      ASL II    $685 $2,051 $3,414 $6,807
                      XT6/ 3/   N/A   N/A   $3,418 $6,815


 If you do not surrender your Annuity:

                                1 yr 3 yrs  5 yrs  10 yrs
                      ASAP III  $649 $1,951 $3,259 $6,562
                      APEX II   $685 $2,052 $3,414 $6,807
                      ASL II    $685 $2,051 $3,414 $6,807
                      XT6/ 3/   $686 $2,054 $3,418 $6,815

 1  There is no CDSC for ASL II. See "Summary of Contract Fees and Charges" for
    the CDSC schedule for each Annuity.
 2  If you own XT6, you may not annuitize in the first three (3) Annuity Years.
    If you own ASAP III or APEX II, you may not annuitize in the first
    Annuity Year.
 3  XT6 Annuities purchased prior to November 20, 2006 are subject to a
    different CDSC schedule. Expense examples calculations for XT6 Annuities
    are not adjusted to reflect the Purchase Credit. If the Purchase Credit
    were reflected in the calculations, expenses would be higher.

 D. The "Summary - Options for Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawals" section is
 revised, in pertinent part, as follows:

 These benefits contain detailed provisions, so please see the following
 sections of the Prospectus for complete details. Highest Daily Lifetime 6
 Plus, Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with Lifetime Income Accelerator, and
 Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus are discussed in Sections F and G of
 this supplement:

   .   Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus

   .   Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with Lifetime Income Accelerator ("LIA")

   .   Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus
   .   Highest Daily Lifetime 7 Plus*
   .   Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 7 Plus*
   .   Highest Daily Lifetime 7 Plus with Lifetime Income Accelerator*
   .   Highest Daily Lifetime 7 Plus with Beneficiary Income Option*
   .   Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 7 Plus with Beneficiary Income Option*
   .   Highest Daily Lifetime Seven*
   .   Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime Seven*
   .   Highest Daily Lifetime Seven with Lifetime Income Accelerator*
   .   Highest Daily Lifetime Seven with Beneficiary Income Option*
   .   Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime Seven with Beneficiary Income Option*

 *  No longer available for new elections in a given State once Highest Daily
    Lifetime 6 Plus is approved in that State. Please note that Highest Daily
    Lifetime 6 Plus and Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus do not have
    Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus/Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with
    Beneficiary Income Option versions available.

 E. "What Are The Investment Objectives and Policies of The Portfolios?" (pages
 24 - 27 of prospectus)

 In this section, we revise the Group I Table to add Highest Daily Lifetime 6
 Plus, Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA, and Spousal Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus to the first list of optional lifetime withdrawal benefits. We
 revise the table entitled "Allowable Benefit Allocations" to reflect that the
 AST UBS Dynamic Alpha Portfolio is not a Group I "Allowable Benefit
 Allocation" with any of Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus, Highest Daily Lifetime
 6 Plus with LIA, or Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus. In addition, we
 revise the Group II Table to add Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus, Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA, and Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus to the
 list of optional lifetime withdrawal benefits that may participate in the
 Optional Allocation & Rebalancing Program. See the Investment
 Objectives/Policies table in the Prospectus for a summary description of the
 AST UBS Dynamic Alpha Portfolio.

 Thus, the tables are revised in pertinent part to read as follows:

 Group I: Allowable Benefit Allocations

  Optional Benefit Name*                 Allowable Benefit Allocations:
  Lifetime Five Income Benefit           AST Academic Strategies Asset
  Spousal Lifetime Five Income Benefit   Allocation Portfolio
  Highest Daily Lifetime Five Income     AST Capital Growth Asset Allocation
  Benefit                                Portfolio
  Highest Daily Lifetime Seven Income    AST Balanced Asset Allocation
  Benefit                                Portfolio
  Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime Seven   AST Preservation Asset Allocation
  Income Benefit                         Portfolio
  Highest Daily Value Death Benefit      AST First Trust Balanced Target
  Highest Daily Lifetime Seven with      Portfolio
  Beneficiary Income Option              AST First Trust Capital Appreciation
  Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime Seven   Target Portfolio
  with Beneficiary Income Option         AST Focus Four Plus Portfolio
  Highest Daily Lifetime Seven with      AST Advanced Strategies Portfolio
  Lifetime Income Accelerator            AST T. Rowe Price Asset Allocation
  Highest Daily Lifetime 7 Plus Income   Portfolio
  Benefit                                AST Niemann Capital Growth Asset
                                         Allocation Portfolio
                                         AST CLS Growth Asset Allocation
                                         AST CLS Moderate Asset Allocation


  Optional Benefit Name*                 Allowable Benefit Allocations:
  Highest Daily Lifetime 7 Plus with     AST Horizon Growth Asset Allocation
  Beneficiary Income Option              Portfolio
  Highest Daily Lifetime 7 Plus with     AST Horizon Moderate Asset
  Lifetime Income Accelerator            Allocation Portfolio
  Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 7       AST Schroders Multi-Asset World
  Plus Income Benefit                    Strategies Portfolio
  Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 7       AST UBS Dynamic Alpha Portfolio (not
  Plus with Beneficiary Income Option    available to Highest Daily Lifetime
  Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus Income   6 Plus Benefits)
  Benefit                                Franklin Templeton VIP Founding
  Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with     Funds Allocation Fund
  Lifetime Income Accelerator
  Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6
  Plus Income Benefit

 Group II: Optional Allocation & Rebalancing Program*

 Optional Benefit Name*                  Permitted Portfolios
 Highest Daily Lifetime Seven            AST Academic Strategies Asset
 Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime Seven    Allocation
 Highest Daily Lifetime Seven with       AST Advanced Strategies
 Beneficiary Income Option               AST Aggressive Asset Allocation
 Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime Seven    AST AllianceBernstein Growth & Income
 with Beneficiary Income Option          AST Balanced Asset Allocation
 Highest Daily Lifetime Seven with       AST CLS Growth Asset Allocation
 Lifetime Income Accelerator             AST CLS Moderate Asset Allocation
 Highest Daily Lifetime 7 Plus           AST AllianceBernstein Core Value
 Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 7 Plus   AST American Century Income & Growth
 Highest Daily Lifetime 7 Plus with      AST Capital Growth Asset Allocation
 Beneficiary Income Option               AST Cohen & Steers Realty
 Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 7        AST DeAM Large-Cap Value
 Plus with Beneficiary Income Option     AST Federated Aggressive Growth
 Highest Daily Lifetime 7 Plus with      AST First Trust Balanced Target
 Lifetime Income Accelerator             AST First Trust Capital Appreciation
 Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus Income    Target
 Benefit                                 AST Focus Four Plus
 Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with      AST Global Real Estate
 Lifetime Income Accelerator             AST Goldman Sachs Concentrated Growth
 Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6        AST Goldman Sachs Mid-Cap Growth
 Plus Income Benefit
                                         AST Goldman Sachs Small-Cap Value
                                         AST High Yield
                                         AST Horizon Growth Asset Allocation
                                         AST Horizon Moderate Asset Allocation
                                         AST International Growth
                                         AST International Value
                                         AST JPMorgan International Equity
                                         AST Large-Cap Value
                                         AST Lord Abbett Bond-Debenture
                                         AST Marsico Capital Growth
                                         AST MFS Global Equity
                                         AST MFS Growth
                                         AST Mid-Cap Value
                                         AST Money Market
                                         AST Neuberger Berman Mid-Cap Growth
                                         AST Neuberger Berman/LSV Mid-Cap
                                         AST Neuberger Berman Small-Cap Growth
                                         AST Niemann Capital Growth Asset
                                         AST PIMCO Limited Maturity Bond
                                         AST PIMCO Total Return Bond
                                         AST Preservation Asset Allocation
                                         AST QMA US Equity Alpha
                                         AST Schroders Multi-Asset World
                                         AST Small-Cap Growth
                                         AST Small-Cap Value
                                         AST T. Rowe Price Asset Allocation
                                         AST T. Rowe Price Global Bond
                                         AST T. Rowe Price Large-Cap Growth
                                         AST T. Rowe Price Natural Resources
                                         AST UBS Dynamic Alpha
                                         AST Western Asset Core Plus Bond
                                         Franklin Templeton VIP Founding
                                         Funds Allocation Fund


 The following additional Portfolios are available with ASAP III, APEX II and
 ASL II only:

                                         ProFund VP**
                                         Consumer Goods
                                         Consumer Services
                                         Health Care
                                         Large-Cap Growth
                                         Large-Cap Value
                                         Mid-Cap Growth
                                         Mid-Cap Value
                                         Real Estate
                                         Small-Cap Growth
                                         Small-Cap Value

 *  Detailed Information regarding these optional benefits can be found in the
    "Living Benefits" and "Death Benefit" sections of the Prospectus.
 ** For ASAP III, XT6, and ASL II Annuities issued beginning on May 26, 2008,
    we limit the Owner's ability to invest in the ProFund VP Portfolios.
..   We will not permit those who acquire an ASAP III, XT6, or ASL II Annuity on
    or after May 26, 2008 (including beneficiaries who acquire such an Annuity
    under the Beneficiary Continuation Option) to invest in any ProFund VP
    Portfolio; and
..   Those who acquired an ASAP III, XT6, or ASL II Annuity prior to May 26,
    2008 may invest in any ProFund VP Portfolio without being subject to the
    above restrictions; and
..   Those who currently hold an APEX II Annuity, or who acquire an APEX II
    Annuity after May 26, 2008, may invest in any ProFund VP Portfolio (except
    that beneficiaries who acquire an APEX II Annuity on or after May 26, 2008
    under the Beneficiary Continuation Option may not invest in any ProFund VP

 F. Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus/SM/ Income Benefit
 We add the following to the section entitled "Living Benefits."

 Lifetime 6 Plus is offered as a replacement to Highest Daily Lifetime 7 Plus
 in those jurisdictions where we have received regulatory approval. Currently,
 if you elect Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus and subsequently terminate the
 benefit, you may elect another living benefit, subject to our current rules.
 See "Election of and Designations under the Benefit" below and "Termination of
 Existing Benefits and Election of New Benefits" in the prospectus for details.
 Please note that if you terminate Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus and elect
 another living benefit, you lose the guarantees that you had accumulated under
 your existing benefit and will begin the new guarantees under the new benefit
 you elect based on your Account Value as of the date the new benefit becomes
 active. The income benefit under Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus currently is
 based on a single "designated life" who is at least 45 years old on the date
 that the benefit is acquired. The Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus Benefit is not
 available if you elect any other optional living benefit or the Plus 40 life
 insurance rider or the Highest Daily Value death benefit. As long as your
 Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus Benefit is in effect, you must allocate your
 Account Value in accordance with the then permitted Sub-accounts and other
 investment option(s) available with this benefit. For a more detailed
 description of the permitted investment options, see the "Investment Options"
 section in the prospectus.

 We offer a benefit that guarantees until the death of the single designated
 life (the Annuitant) the ability to withdraw an annual amount (the "Annual
 Income Amount") equal to a percentage of an initial value (the "Protected
 Withdrawal Value") regardless of the impact of Sub-account performance on the
 Account Value, subject to our rules regarding the timing and amount of
 withdrawals. You are guaranteed to be able to withdraw the Annual Income
 Amount for the rest of your life ("Lifetime Withdrawals"), provided that you
 have not made withdrawals of excess income that have resulted in your Account
 Value being reduced to zero. We also permit you to make a one-time
 Non-Lifetime Withdrawal from your Annuity prior to taking Lifetime Withdrawals
 under the benefit. Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus may be appropriate if you
 intend to make periodic withdrawals from your Annuity, and wish to ensure that
 Sub-account performance will not affect your ability to receive annual
 payments. You are not required to take withdrawals as part of the benefit -
 the guarantees are not lost if you withdraw less than the maximum allowable
 amount each year under the rules of the benefit. An integral component of
 Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus is the mathematical formula we employ that may
 periodically transfer your Account Value to and from the AST Investment Grade
 Bond Sub-account. See the section below entitled "How Highest Daily Lifetime 6
 Plus Transfers Account Value Between Your Permitted Sub-accounts and the AST
 Investment Grade Bond Sub-account."

 Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus also provides for a Death Benefit equal to three
 times your Annual Income Amount. The Death Benefit is not payable if your
 Account Value is reduced to zero as a result of withdrawals or if annuity
 payments are being made at the time of the decedent's death.


 Although you are guaranteed the ability to withdraw your Annual Income Amount
 for life even if your Account Value falls to zero, if you take withdrawals of
 excess income that bring your Account Value to zero, your Annual Income Amount
 would also fall to zero, and the benefit would terminate. In that scenario, no
 further amount, including the Death Benefit described below, would be payable
 under the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit.

 You may also participate in the 6 or 12 Month Dollar Cost Averaging Program if
 you elect Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus for Annuities issued on or after
 May 1, 2009, subject to the 6 or 12 Month DCA Program's rules, and subject to
 State approvals. As discussed in the prospectus, you may participate in the 6
 or 12 Month Dollar Cost Averaging Program only if your Annuity was issued on
 or after May 1, 2009. The 6 or 12 Month DCA Program is not available in

 Key Feature - Protected Withdrawal Value
 The Protected Withdrawal Value is used to calculate the initial Annual Income
 Amount. The Protected Withdrawal Value is separate from your Account Value and
 not available as cash or a lump sum. On the effective date of the benefit, the
 Protected Withdrawal Value is equal to your Account Value. On each Valuation
 Day thereafter, until the date of your first Lifetime Withdrawal (excluding
 any Non-Lifetime Withdrawal discussed below), the Protected Withdrawal Value
 is equal to the "Periodic Value" described in the next paragraphs.

 The "Periodic Value" initially is equal to the Account Value on the effective
 date of the benefit. On each Valuation Day thereafter until the first Lifetime
 Withdrawal, we recalculate the Periodic Value. We stop determining the
 Periodic Value upon your first Lifetime Withdrawal after the effective date of
 the benefit. On each Valuation Day (the "Current Valuation Day"), the Periodic
 Value is equal to the greater of:

 (1)the Periodic Value for the immediately preceding business day (the "Prior
    Valuation Day") appreciated at the daily equivalent of 6% annually during
    the calendar day(s) between the Prior Valuation Day and the Current
    Valuation Day (i.e., one day for successive Valuation Days, but more than
    one calendar day for Valuation Days that are separated by weekends and/or
    holidays), plus the amount of any purchase payment (including any
    associated purchase Credits) made on the Current Valuation Day (the
    Periodic Value is proportionally reduced for any Non-Lifetime Withdrawal);

 (2)the Account Value on the current Valuation Day.

 If you have not made a Lifetime Withdrawal on or before the 10/th /or 20/th/
 Anniversary of the effective date of the benefit, your Periodic Value on the
 10/th/ or 20/th/ Anniversary of the benefit effective date is equal to the
 greater of:

 (1)the Periodic Value described above or,
 (2)the sum of (a), (b) and (c) below (proportionally reduced for any
    Non-Lifetime Withdrawals):

       (a)200% (on the 10/th/ anniversary) or 400% (on the 20/th/ anniversary)
          of the Account Value on the effective date of the benefit including
          any purchase payments (including any associated purchase Credits)
          made on that day;
       (b)200% (on the 10/th/ anniversary) or 400% (on the 20/th/ anniversary)
          of all purchase payments (including any associated purchase Credits)
          made within one year following the effective date of the benefit; and
       (c)all purchase payments (including any associated purchase Credits)
          made after one year following the effective date of the benefit.

 Once the first Lifetime Withdrawal is made, the Protected Withdrawal Value at
 any time is equal to the greater of (i) the Protected Withdrawal Value on the
 date of the first Lifetime Withdrawal, increased for subsequent purchase
 payments (including any associated purchase Credits) and reduced for
 subsequent Lifetime Withdrawals, and (ii) the highest daily Account Value upon
 any step-up, increased for subsequent purchase payments (including any
 associated purchase Credits) and reduced for subsequent Lifetime Withdrawals
 (see below).

 Key Feature - Annual Income Amount under the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus

 The Annual Income Amount is equal to a specified percentage of the Protected
 Withdrawal Value. The percentage initially depends on the age of the Annuitant
 on the date of the first Lifetime Withdrawal after election of the benefit.
 The percentages are: 4% for ages 45 - less than 59 1/2; 5% for ages 59 1/2-79,
 and 6% for ages 80 or older. Under the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit,
 if your cumulative Lifetime Withdrawals in an Annuity Year are less than or
 equal to the Annual Income Amount, they will not reduce your Annual Income
 Amount in subsequent Annuity Years, but any such withdrawals will reduce the
 Annual Income Amount on a dollar-for-dollar basis in that Annuity Year. If
 your cumulative Lifetime Withdrawals in an Annuity Year are in excess of the
 Annual Income Amount ("Excess Income"), your Annual Income Amount in
 subsequent years will be reduced (except with regard to Required Minimum
 Distributions for this Annuity that comply with our rules) by the result of
 the ratio of the Excess Income to the Account Value immediately prior to such
 withdrawal (see examples of this calculation below). If you take withdrawals
 of Excess Income, only the portion of the Lifetime Withdrawal that exceeds the
 remaining Annual Income Amount will proportionally reduce your Protected
 Withdrawal Value and Annual Income Amount in future years. Reductions are
 based on the actual amount of the withdrawal, including any Contingent
 Deferred Sales Charge (CDSC) that may apply. Lifetime Withdrawals of any
 amount up to and including the Annual Income Amount will reduce the Protected
 Withdrawal Value by the amount of the withdrawal. Withdrawals of Excess Income
 will reduce the Protected Withdrawal Value by the same ratio as the reduction
 to the Annual Income Amount.


 Note that if your withdrawal of the Annual Income Amount in a given Annuity
 Year exceeds the applicable free withdrawal amount under the Annuity (but is
 not considered Excess Income), we will not impose any CDSC on the amount of
 that withdrawal.

 You may use the Systematic Withdrawal program to make withdrawals of the
 Annual Income Amount. Any systematic withdrawal will be deemed a Lifetime
 Withdrawal under this benefit.

 Any purchase payment that you make subsequent to the election of Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus and subsequent to the first Lifetime Withdrawal will
 (i) increase the then-existing Annual Income Amount by an amount equal to a
 percentage of the purchase payment (including any associated purchase Credits)
 based on the age of the Annuitant at the time of the first Lifetime Withdrawal
 (the percentages are: 4% for ages 45 - less than 59 1/2; 5% for ages 59 1/2-79
 and 6% for ages 80 and older/./) and (ii) increase the Protected Withdrawal
 Value by the amount of the Purchase Payment (including any associated purchase

 If your Annuity permits additional purchase payments, we may limit any
 additional purchase payment(s) if we determine that as a result of the timing
 and amounts of your additional purchase payments and withdrawals, the Annual
 Income Amount is being increased in an unintended fashion. Among the factors
 we will use in making a determination as to whether an action is designed to
 increase the Annual Income Amount in an unintended fashion is the relative
 size of additional purchase payment(s). We reserve the right to not accept
 additional purchase payments if we are not then offering this benefit for new
 elections. We will exercise such reservation of right for all annuity
 purchasers in the same class in a nondiscriminatory manner.

 Highest Daily Auto Step-Up
 An automatic step-up feature ("Highest Daily Auto Step-Up") is part of Highest
 Daily Lifetime 6 Plus. As detailed in this paragraph, the Highest Daily Auto
 Step-Up feature can result in a larger Annual Income Amount subsequent to your
 first Lifetime Withdrawal. The Highest Daily Auto Step-Up starts with the
 anniversary of the Issue Date of the Annuity (the "Annuity Anniversary")
 immediately after your first Lifetime Withdrawal under the benefit.
 Specifically, upon the first such Annuity Anniversary, we identify the Account
 Value on each Valuation Day within the immediately preceding Annuity Year
 after your first Lifetime Withdrawal. Having identified the highest daily
 value (after all daily values have been adjusted for subsequent purchase
 payments and withdrawals), we then multiply that value by a percentage that
 varies based on the age of the Annuitant on the Annuity Anniversary as of
 which the step-up would occur. The percentages are: 4% for ages 45 - less than
 59 1/2; 5% for ages 59 1/2-79/, /and 6% for ages 80 and older. If that value
 exceeds the existing Annual Income Amount, we replace the existing amount with
 the new, higher amount. Otherwise, we leave the existing Annual Income Amount
 intact. The Account Value on the Annuity Anniversary is considered the last
 daily step-up value of the Annuity Year. All daily valuations and annual
 step-ups will only occur on a Valuation Day. In later years (i.e., after the
 first Annuity Anniversary after the first Lifetime Withdrawal), we determine
 whether an automatic step-up should occur on each Annuity Anniversary, by
 performing a similar examination of the Account Values that occurred on
 Valuation Days during the year. Taking Lifetime Withdrawals could produce a
 greater difference between your Protected Withdrawal Value and your Account
 Value, which may make a Highest Daily Auto Step-up less likely to occur. At
 the time that we increase your Annual Income Amount, we also increase your
 Protected Withdrawal Value to equal the highest daily value upon which your
 step-up was based only if that results in an increase to the Protected
 Withdrawal Value. Your Protected Withdrawal Value will never be decreased as a
 result of an income step-up. If, on the date that we implement a Highest Daily
 Auto Step-Up to your Annual Income Amount, the charge for Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus has changed for new purchasers, you may be subject to the new
 charge at the time of such step-up. Prior to increasing your charge for
 Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus upon a step-up, we would notify you, and give
 you the opportunity to cancel the automatic step-up feature. If you receive
 notice of a proposed step-up and accompanying fee increase, you should
 carefully evaluate whether the amount of the step-up justifies the increased
 fee to which you will be subject.

 If you are engaged in a Systematic Withdrawal program, we will not
 automatically increase the withdrawal amount when there is an increase to the
 Annual Income Amount.

 The Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit does not affect your ability to take
 withdrawals under your Annuity, or limit your ability to take withdrawals that
 exceed the Annual Income Amount. Under Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus, if your
 cumulative Lifetime Withdrawals in an Annuity Year are less than or equal to
 the Annual Income Amount, they will not reduce your Annual Income Amount in
 subsequent Annuity Years, but any such withdrawals will reduce the Annual
 Income Amount on a dollar-for-dollar basis in that Annuity Year. If,
 cumulatively, you withdraw an amount less than the Annual Income Amount in any
 Annuity Year, you cannot carry over the unused portion of the Annual Income
 Amount to subsequent Annuity Years.

 Because each of the Protected Withdrawal Value and Annual Income Amount is
 determined in a way that is not solely related to Account Value, it is
 possible for the Account Value to fall to zero, even though the Annual Income
 Amount remains.

 Examples of dollar-for-dollar and proportional reductions, and the Highest
 Daily Auto Step-Up are set forth below. The values shown here are purely
 hypothetical, and do not reflect the charges for the Highest Daily Lifetime 6
 Plus benefit or any other fees and charges under the Annuity. Assume the
 following for all three examples:
   .   The Issue Date is December 1, 2008
   .   The Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit is elected on September 1, 2009
   .   The Annuitant was 70 years old when he/she elected the Highest Daily
       Lifetime 6 Plus benefit.


 Example of dollar-for-dollar reductions
 On November 24, 2009, the Protected Withdrawal Value is $120,000, resulting in
 an Annual Income Amount of $6,000 (since the designated life is between the
 ages of 59 1/2 and 79 at the time of the first Lifetime Withdrawal, the Annual
 Income Amount is 5% of the Protected Withdrawal Value, in this case 5% of
 $120,000). Assuming $2,500 is withdrawn from the Annuity on this date, the
 remaining Annual Income Amount for that Annuity Year (up to and including
 December 1, 2009) is $3,500. This is the result of a dollar-for-dollar
 reduction of the Annual Income Amount ($6,000 less $2,500 = $3,500).

 Example of proportional reductions
 Continuing the previous example, assume an additional withdrawal of $5,000
 occurs on November 27, 2009 and the Account Value at the time and immediately
 prior to this withdrawal is $118,000. The first $3,500 of this withdrawal
 reduces the Annual Income Amount for that Annuity Year to $0. The remaining
 withdrawal amount of $1,500 - reduces the Annual Income Amount in future
 Annuity Years on a proportional basis based on the ratio of the excess
 withdrawal to the Account Value immediately prior to the excess withdrawal.
 (Note that if there are other future withdrawals in that Annuity Year, each
 would result in another proportional reduction to the Annual Income Amount).

 Here is the calculation:

  Account Value before Lifetime Withdrawal                       $118,000.00
  Less amount of "non" excess withdrawal                         $  3,500.00
  Account Value immediately before excess withdrawal of $1,500   $114,500.00
  Excess withdrawal amount                                       $  1,500.00
  Divided by Account Value immediately before excess withdrawal  $114,500.00
  Ratio                                                                 1.31%
  Annual Income Amount                                           $  6,000.00
  Less ratio of 1.31%                                            $     78.60
  Annual Income Amount for future Annuity Years                  $  5,921.40

 Example of highest daily auto step-up

 On each Annuity Anniversary date, the Annual Income Amount is stepped-up if
 the appropriate percentage (based on the Annuitant's age on the Annuity
 Anniversary) of the highest daily value since your first Lifetime Withdrawal
 (or last Annuity Anniversary in subsequent years), adjusted for withdrawals
 and additional purchase payments, is higher than the Annual Income Amount,
 adjusted for excess withdrawals and additional purchase payments (including
 any associated purchase Credits).

 Continuing the same example as above, the Annual Income Amount for this
 Annuity Year is $6,000. However, the excess withdrawal on November 27 reduces
 the amount to $5,921.40 for future years (see above). For the next Annuity
 Year, the Annual Income Amount will be stepped up if 5% (since the designated
 life is between 59 1/2 and 79 on the date of the potential step-up) of the
 highest daily Account Value adjusted for withdrawals and purchase payments
 (including any associated purchase Credits), is higher than $5,921.40. Here
 are the calculations for determining the daily values. Only the November 25
 value is being adjusted for excess withdrawals as the November 30 and
 December 1 Valuation Days occur after the excess withdrawal on November 27.

                                   Highest Daily Value
                                     (adjusted with          Adjusted Annual
                                 withdrawal and Purchase Income Amount (5% of the
Date*              Account value       Payments)**         Highest Daily Value)
-----              ------------- ----------------------- ------------------------
November 25, 2009   $119,000.00          $119,000.00            $5,950.00
November 26, 2009                   Thanksgiving Day
November 27, 2009   $113,000.00          $113,986.95            $5,699.35
November 30, 2009   $113,000.00          $113,986.95            $5,699.35
December 01, 2009   $119,000.00          $119,000.00            $5,950.00

 *  In this example, the Annuity Anniversary date is December 1. The Valuation
    Dates are every day following the first Lifetime Withdrawal. In subsequent
    Annuity Years Valuation Dates will be every day following the Annuity
    Anniversary. The Annuity Anniversary Date of December 1 is considered the
    final Valuation Date for the Annuity Year.
 ** In this example, the first daily value after the first Lifetime Withdrawal
    is $119,000 on November 25, resulting in an adjusted Annual Income Amount
    of $5,950.00. This amount is adjusted on November 27 to reflect the $5,000
    withdrawal. The calculations for the adjustments are:
   .   The Account Value of $119,000 on November 25 is first reduced
       dollar-for-dollar by $3,500 ($3,500 is the remaining Annual Income
       Amount for the Annuity Year), resulting in an adjusted Account Value of
       $115,500 before the excess withdrawal.
   .   This amount ($115,500) is further reduced by 1.31% (this is the ratio in
       the above example which is the excess withdrawal divided by the Account
       Value immediately preceding the excess withdrawal) resulting in a
       Highest Daily Value of $113,986.95.
   .   The adjusted Annual Income Amount is carried forward to the next
       Valuation Date of November 30. At this time, we compare this amount to
       5% of the Account Value on November 30. Since the November 27 adjusted
       Annual Income Amount of $5,699.35 is higher than $5,650.00 (5% of
       $113,000), we continue to carry $5,699.35 forward to the next and final
       Valuation Date of December 1. The Account Value on December 1 is
       $119,000 and 5% of this amount is $5,950. Since this is higher than
       $5,699.35, the adjusted Annual Income Amount is reset to $5,950.00.


 In this example, 5% of the December 1 value results in the highest amount of
 $5,950.00. Since this amount is higher than the current year's Annual Income
 Amount of $5,921.40 adjusted for excess withdrawals, the Annual Income Amount
 for the next Annuity Year, starting on December 2, 2009 and continuing through
 December 1, 2010, will be stepped-up to $5,950.00.

 Non-Lifetime Withdrawal Feature
 You may take a one-time non-lifetime withdrawal ("Non-Lifetime Withdrawal")
 under Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus. It is an optional feature of the benefit
 that you can only elect at the time of your first withdrawal. The amount of
 the Non-Lifetime Withdrawal cannot be more than the amount that would cause
 the Annuity to be taken below the minimum Surrender Value after a withdrawal
 for your Annuity. This Non-Lifetime Withdrawal will not establish your initial
 Annual Income Amount and the Periodic Value described above will continue to
 be calculated. However, the total amount of the withdrawal will proportionally
 reduce all guarantees associated with the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus
 benefit. You must tell us if your withdrawal is intended to be the
 Non-Lifetime Withdrawal and not the first Lifetime Withdrawal under the
 Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit. If you don't elect the Non-Lifetime
 Withdrawal, the first withdrawal you make will be the first Lifetime
 Withdrawal that establishes your Protected Withdrawal Value and Annual Income
 Amount. Once you elect to take the Non-Lifetime Withdrawal or Lifetime
 Withdrawals, no additional Non-Lifetime Withdrawals may be taken.

 The Non-Lifetime Withdrawal will proportionally reduce the Protected
 Withdrawal Value and the Periodic Value guarantees on the tenth and twentieth
 anniversaries of the benefit effective date, described above, and the Death
 Benefit described below, by the percentage the total withdrawal amount
 (including any applicable CDSC) represents of the then current Account Value
 immediately prior to the withdrawal.

 If you are participating in a Systematic Withdrawal program, the first
 withdrawal under the program cannot be classified as the Non-Lifetime
 Withdrawal. The first partial withdrawal in payment of any third party
 investment advisory service from your Annuity also cannot be classified as the
 Non-Lifetime Withdrawal.

 Example - Non-Lifetime Withdrawal (proportional reduction)
 This example is purely hypothetical and does not reflect the charges for the
 benefit or any other fees and charges under the Annuity. It is intended to
 illustrate the proportional reduction of the Non-Lifetime Withdrawal under
 this benefit.

 Assume the following:
   .   The Issue Date is December 1, 2008
   .   The Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit is elected on September 1, 2009
   .   The Account Value at benefit election was $105,000
   .   The Annuitant was 70 years old when he/she elected the Highest Daily
       Lifetime 6 Plus benefit
   .   No previous withdrawals have been taken under the Highest Daily Lifetime
       6 Plus benefit

 On October 2, 2009, the Protected Withdrawal Value is $125,000, the 10/th/
 benefit year minimum Periodic Value guarantee is $210,000, and the 20th
 benefit year minimum Periodic Value guarantee is $420,000, and the Account
 Value is $120,000. Assuming $15,000 is withdrawn from the Annuity on
 October 2, 2009 and is designated as a Non-Lifetime Withdrawal, all guarantees
 associated with the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit will be reduced by
 the ratio the total withdrawal amount represents of the Account Value just
 prior to the withdrawal being taken.

 Here is the calculation:

      Withdrawal Amount divided by                               $ 15,000
      Account Value before withdrawal                            $120,000
      Equals ratio                                                   12.5%
      All guarantees will be reduced by the above ratio (12.5%)
      Protected Withdrawal Value                                 $109,375
      10/th/ benefit year Minimum Periodic Value                 $183,750
      20/th/ benefit year Minimum Periodic Value                 $367,500

 Required Minimum Distributions

 Withdrawals that exceed the Annual Income Amount, but which you are required
 to take as a Required Minimum Distribution for this Annuity, will not reduce
 the Annual Income Amount for future years. No additional Annual Income Amounts
 will be available in an Annuity Year due to required minimum distributions
 unless the required minimum distribution amount is greater than the Annual
 Income Amount. Unless designated as a Non-Lifetime Withdrawal, required
 minimum distributions are considered Lifetime Withdrawals. If you take a
 withdrawal in an Annuity Year in which your required minimum distribution for
 that year is not greater than the Annual Income Amount, and the amount of the
 withdrawal exceeds the Annual Income Amount for that year, we will treat the
 withdrawal as a withdrawal of Excess Income. Such a withdrawal of Excess
 Income will reduce the Annual Income Amount available in future years. If the
 required minimum distribution (as calculated by us for your Annuity and not


 previously withdrawn in the current calendar year) is greater than the Annual
 Income Amount, an amount equal to the remaining Annual Income Amount plus the
 difference between the required minimum distribution amount not previously
 withdrawn in the current calendar year and the Annual Income Amount will be
 available in the current Annuity Year without it being considered a withdrawal
 of Excess Income. In the event that a required minimum distribution is
 calculated in a calendar year that crosses more than one Annuity Year and you
 choose to satisfy the entire required minimum distribution for that calendar
 year in the next Annuity Year, the distribution taken in the next Annuity Year
 will reduce your Annual Income Amount in that Annuity Year on a dollar by
 dollar basis. If the required minimum distribution not taken in the prior
 Annuity Year is greater than the Annual Income Amount as guaranteed by the
 benefit in the current Annuity Year, the total required minimum distribution
 amount may be taken without being treated as a withdrawal of Excess Income.

 Note that under the Worker, Retiree and Employer Recovery Act of 2008,
 required minimum distributions are suspended for 2009 and are scheduled to
 resume in 2010. We will continue to treat the calculated amount that would
 have been a required minimum distribution if not for the suspension as the
 amount available for withdrawal if you so choose. In any year in which the
 requirement to take required minimum distributions is suspended by law, we
 reserve the right, in our sole discretion and regardless of any position taken
 on this issue in a prior year, to treat any amount that would have been
 considered as a required minimum distribution if not for the suspension as
 eligible for treatment as described herein.

 Example - Required Minimum Distributions
 The following example is purely hypothetical and is intended to illustrate a
 scenario in which the required minimum distribution amount in a given Annuity
 Year is greater than the Annual Income Amount.

 Annual Income Amount = $5,000
 Remaining Annual Income Amount = $3,000
 Required Minimum Distribution = $6,000

 The amount you may withdraw in the current Annuity Year without it being
 treated as an Excess Withdrawal is $4,000: ($3,000 + ($6,000 - $5,000) =

 If the $4,000 withdrawal is taken, the remaining Annual Income Amount will be
 zero and the remaining required minimum distribution amount of $2,000 may be
 taken in the subsequent Annuity Year (when your Annual Income Amount is reset
 to $5,000) without proportionally reducing all of the guarantees associated
 with the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit as described above. The amount
 you may withdraw in the subsequent Annuity Year if you stop taking withdrawals
 in the current Annuity Year and choose not to satisfy the required minimum
 distribution in the current Annuity Year (assuming the Annual Income Amount in
 the subsequent Annuity Year is $5,000), without being treated as a withdrawal
 of Excess Income is $6,000. This withdrawal must comply with all IRS
 guidelines in order to satisfy the required minimum distribution for the
 current calendar year.

 Death Benefit Component of Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus

 If you elect Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus, we include a death benefit (Death
 Benefit), at no additional cost, that is linked to the Annual Income Amount
 under the benefit. If a death benefit is triggered and you currently own
 Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus, then your Death Benefit will be equal to the
 greatest of:

   .   the basic death benefit under the Annuity; and
   .   the amount of any optional death benefit you may have elected and
       remains in effect; and

   .   (a) if no Lifetime Withdrawal had been taken prior to death, 300% of the
       Annual Income Amount that would have been determined on the date of
       death if a Lifetime Withdrawal had occurred on that date, or (b) if a
       Lifetime Withdrawal had been taken prior to death, 300% of the Annual
       Income Amount as of our receipt of due proof of death. Under this
       component of the Death Benefit, we will not recapture the amount of any
       purchase Credit applied to an XT6 Annuity granted within 12 months prior
       to death.

 Please note that the Death Benefit under Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus is not
 payable if your Account Value is reduced to zero as a result of withdrawals or
 if annuity payments are being made at the time of the decedent's death. This
 Death Benefit may not be available in all States.

 Benefits Under Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus
..   To the extent that your Account Value was reduced to zero as a result of
    cumulative Lifetime Withdrawals in an Annuity Year that are less than or
    equal to the Annual Income Amount, and amounts are still payable under
    Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus, we will make an additional payment, if any,
    for that Annuity Year equal to the remaining Annual Income Amount for the
    Annuity Year. Thus, in that scenario, the remaining Annual Income Amount
    would be payable even though your Account Value was reduced to zero. In
    subsequent Annuity Years we make payments that equal the Annual Income
    Amount as described in this section. We will make payments until the death
    of the single designated life. If this occurs, you will not be permitted to
    make additional purchase payments to your Annuity. To the extent that
    cumulative withdrawals in the Annuity Year that reduced your Account Value
    to zero are more than the Annual Income Amount, the Highest Daily Lifetime
    6 Plus benefit terminates, and no additional payments are made. However, if
    a withdrawal in the latter scenario was taken to satisfy a


   required minimum distribution (as described above) under the Annuity, then
    the benefit will not terminate, and we will continue to pay the Annual
    Income Amount in subsequent Annuity Years until the death of the designated
    life. Please note if your Account Value is reduced to zero as result of
    withdrawals, the Death Benefit (described above under "Death Benefit
    Component of Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus") will also be reduced to zero
    and the Death Benefit will not be payable.
..   Please note that if your Account Value is reduced to zero, all subsequent
    payments will be treated as annuity payments. Further, payments that we
    make under this benefit after the first day of the calendar month
    coinciding with or next following the annuitant's 95/th/ birthday will be
    treated as annuity payments.

..   If annuity payments are to begin under the terms of your Annuity, or if you
    decide to begin receiving annuity payments and there is an Annual Income
    Amount due in subsequent Annuity Years, you can elect one of the following
    two options:

       (1)apply your Account Value to any annuity option available; or
       (2)request that, as of the date annuity payments are to begin, we make
          annuity payments each year equal to the Annual Income Amount. If this
          option is elected, the Annual Income Amount will not increase after
          annuity payments have begun. We will make payments until the death of
          the single designated life. We must receive your request in a form
          acceptable to us at our office.

..   In the absence of an election when mandatory annuity payments are to begin,
    we will make annual annuity payments in the form of a single life fixed
    annuity with ten payments certain, by applying the greater of the annuity
    rates then currently available or the annuity rates guaranteed in your
    Annuity. The amount that will be applied to provide such annuity payments
    will be the greater of:

       (1)the present value of the future Annual Income Amount payments. Such
          present value will be calculated using the greater of the single life
          fixed annuity rates then currently available or the single life fixed
          annuity rates guaranteed in your Annuity; and
       (2)the Account Value.

 If no Lifetime Withdrawal was ever taken, we will calculate the Annual Income
 Amount as if you made your first Lifetime Withdrawal on the date the annuity
 payments are to begin.

 Please note that a Death Benefit (as described above) is not payable if
 annuity payments are being made at the time of the decedent's death.

 Other Important Considerations
..   Withdrawals under the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit are subject to
    all of the terms and conditions of the Annuity, including any applicable
    CDSC for the Non-Lifetime Withdrawal as well as withdrawals that exceed the
    Annual Income Amount.
..   Withdrawals made while the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus Benefit is in
    effect will be treated, for tax purposes, in the same way as any other
    withdrawals under the Annuity. Any withdrawals made under the benefit will
    be taken pro-rata from the Sub-accounts (including the AST Investment Grade
    Bond Sub-account) and the DCA Fixed Rate Options (if you are participating
    in the 6 or 12 Month DCA Program). Withdrawals from the DCA Fixed Rate
    Options will be taken on a last-in, first-out basis.

..   You can make withdrawals from your Annuity while your Account Value is
    greater than zero without purchasing the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus
    benefit. The Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit provides a guarantee
    that if your Account Value is reduced to zero (subject to our rules
    regarding time and amount of withdrawals), you will be able to receive your
    Annual Income Amount in the form of withdrawals.
..   You cannot allocate purchase payments or transfer Account Value to or from
    the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account. A summary description of the AST
    Investment Grade Bond Portfolio appears within the prospectus section
    entitled "What Are The Investment Objectives and Policies of The
    Portfolios?"Upon the initial transfer of your Account Value into the AST
    Investment Grade Bond Portfolio, we will send a prospectus for that
    Portfolio to you, along with your confirmation statement. In addition, you
    can find a copy of the AST Investment Grade Bond Portfolio prospectus by
    going to www.prudentialannuities.com.
..   Transfers to and from the Sub-accounts, the DCA Fixed Rate Options, and the
    AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account triggered by the Highest Daily
    Lifetime 6 Plus mathematical formula will not count toward the maximum
    number of free transfers allowable under an Annuity.
..   Upon inception of the benefit and to maintain the benefit, 100% of your
    Account Value must be allocated to the Permitted Sub-accounts (or any DCA
    Fixed Rate Options if you elect the 6 or 12 Month DCA Program). If,
    subsequent to your election of the benefit, we change our requirements for
    how Account Value must be allocated under the benefit, the new requirements
    will apply only to new elections of the benefit, and we will not compel you
    to re-allocate your Account Value in accordance with our newly adopted
    requirements. At the time of any change in requirements, and as applicable
    only to new elections of the benefit, transfer of Account Value and
    allocation of additional purchase payments may be subject to new investment


..   If you elect this benefit and in connection with that election, you are
    required to reallocate to different Sub-accounts, then on the Valuation Day
    we receive your request in good order, we will (i) sell units of the
    non-permitted investment options and (ii) invest the proceeds of those
    sales in the Sub-accounts that you have designated. During this
    reallocation process, your Account Value allocated to the Sub-accounts will
    remain exposed to investment risk, as is the case generally. The
    newly-elected benefit will commence at the close of business on the
    following Valuation Day. Thus, the protection afforded by the newly-elected
    benefit will not arise until the close of business on the following
    Valuation Day.

..   The maximum charge for Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus is 1.50% annually of
    the greater of the Account Value and Protected Withdrawal Value. The
    current charge is 0.85% annually of the greater of the Account Value and
    Protected Withdrawal Value. We deduct this charge on quarterly
    anniversaries of the benefit effective date. Thus, we deduct, on a
    quarterly basis 0.2125% of the greater of the prior Valuation Day's Account
    Value and the prior Valuation Day's Protected Withdrawal Value. We deduct
    the fee pro rata from each of your Sub-accounts, including the AST
    Investment Grade Bond Sub-account, and the DCA Fixed Rate Options (if
    applicable). Since this fee is based on the greater of the Account Value
    and Protected Withdrawal Value, the fee for Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus
    may be greater than it would have been, had it been based on the Account
    Value alone. The following example is hypothetical and is for illustrative
    purposes only.

 Assuming a benefit effective date of September 1, 2009 (which means that
 quarterly benefit anniversaries are: December 1, March 1, June 1, and
 September 1). Assume the Protected Withdrawal Value as of November 30, 2009
 (prior Valuation Day's Protected Withdrawal Value) = $200,000.00 and the
 Account Value as of November 30, 2009 (prior Valuation Day's Account Value) =
 $195,000.00. The first benefit charge date would be December 1, 2009 and the
 benefit charge amount would be $425.00 ($200,000 X .2125%).

 If the deduction of the charge would result in the Account Value falling below
 the lesser of $500 or 5% of the sum of the Account Value on the effective date
 of the benefit plus all purchase payments made subsequent thereto (and any
 associated purchase Credits) (we refer to this as the "Account Value Floor"),
 we will only deduct that portion of the charge that would not cause the
 Account Value to fall below the Account Value Floor. If the entire Account
 Value is less than the Account Value Floor when we would deduct a charge for
 the benefit, then no charge will be assessed for that benefit quarter. If a
 charge for the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit would be deducted on the
 same day we process a withdrawal request, the charge will be deducted first,
 then the withdrawal will be processed. The withdrawal could cause the Account
 Value to fall below the Account Value Floor. While the deduction of the charge
 (other than the final charge) may not reduce the Account Value to zero,
 withdrawals may reduce the Account Value to zero. If this happens and the
 Annual Income Amount is greater than zero, we will make payments under the
 benefit and the Death Benefit (described above) will not be payable.

 Election of and Designations under the Benefit
 For Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus, there must be either a single Owner who is
 the same as the Annuitant, or if the Annuity is entity owned, there must be a
 single natural person Annuitant. In either case, the Annuitant must be at
 least 45 years old.

 Any change of the Annuitant under the Annuity will result in cancellation of
 Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus. Similarly, any change of Owner will result in
 cancellation of Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus, except if (a) the new Owner has
 the same taxpayer identification number as the previous owner, (b) ownership
 is transferred from a custodian to the Annuitant, or vice versa or
 (c) ownership is transferred from one entity to another entity that is
 satisfactory to us.

 Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus can be elected at the time that you purchase
 your Annuity or after the Issue Date, subject to availability, and our
 eligibility rules and restrictions. If you elect Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus
 and terminate it, you can re-elect it, subject to our current rules and
 availability. Additionally, if you currently own an Annuity with a living
 benefit that is terminable, you may terminate your existing benefit rider and
 elect any available benefits subject to our current rules. See "Termination of
 Existing Benefits and Election of New Benefits" in the prospectus for
 information pertaining to elections, termination and re-election of benefits.
 Please note that if you terminate a living benefit and elect a new living
 benefit, you lose the guarantees that you had accumulated under your existing
 benefit and will begin the new guarantees under the new benefit you elect
 based on your Account Value as of the date the new benefit becomes active. You
 should carefully consider whether terminating your existing benefit and
 electing a new benefit is appropriate for you. We reserve the right to waive,
 change and/or further limit the election frequency in the future.

 Termination of the Benefit
 You may terminate Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus at any time by notifying us.
 If you terminate the benefit, any guarantee provided by the benefit will
 terminate as of the date the termination is effective, and certain
 restrictions on re-election may apply. The benefit automatically terminates:
 (i) upon your termination of the benefit, (ii) upon your surrender of the
 Annuity, (iii) upon your election to begin receiving annuity payments
 (although if you have elected to receive the Annual Income Amount in the form
 of annuity payments, we will continue to pay the Annual Income Amount),
 (iv) upon our receipt of due proof of the death of the Annuitant (except
 insofar as paying the Death Benefit associated with this benefit), (v) if both
 the Account Value and Annual Income Amount equal zero, or (vi) if you cease to
 meet our requirements as described in "Election of and Designations under the
 Benefit" above.


 Upon termination of Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus other than upon the death of
 the Annuitant or annuitization, we impose any accrued fee for the benefit
 (i.e., the fee for the pro-rated portion of the year since the fee was last
 assessed), and thereafter we cease deducting the charge for the benefit. This
 final charge will be deducted even if it results in the Account Value falling
 below the Account Value Floor. With regard to your investment allocations,
 upon termination we will: (i) leave intact amounts that are held in the
 Permitted Sub-accounts (including any amounts in the DCA Fixed Rate Options),
 and (ii) unless you are participating in an asset allocation program (i.e.,
 Optional Allocation & Rebalancing Program, Automatic Rebalancing Program, or 6
 or 12 Month DCA Program for which we are providing administrative support),
 transfer all amounts held in the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account to your
 variable investment options, pro rata (i.e. in the same proportion as the
 current balances in your variable investment options). If, prior to the
 transfer from the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account, the Account Value in
 the variable investment options is zero, we will transfer such amounts
 according to your most recent allocation instructions.

 If a surviving spouse elects to continue the Annuity, the Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus benefit terminates. The spouse may elect the benefit subject
 to the restrictions discussed above.

 How Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus Transfers Account Value Between Your
 Permitted Sub-accounts and the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-Account
 As indicated above, we limit the Sub-accounts to which you may allocate
 Account Value if you elect Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus. For purposes of this
 benefit, we refer to those permitted investment options as the "Permitted
 Sub-accounts". If your Annuity was issued on or after May 1, 2009 (subject to
 regulatory approval), you may also choose to allocate purchase payments while
 this program is in effect to DCA Fixed Rate Options utilized with our 6 or 12
 Month Dollar Cost Averaging Program ("6 or 12 Month DCA Program"). If you are
 participating in Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus and also are participating in
 the 6 or 12 Month DCA Program, and the formula under the benefit dictates a
 transfer from the Permitted Sub-accounts to the AST Investment Grade Bond
 Sub-account, then the amount to be transferred will be taken entirely from the
 Sub-accounts, provided there is sufficient Account Value in those Sub-accounts
 to meet the required transfer amount. Only if there is insufficient Account
 Value in those Sub-accounts will an amount be withdrawn from the DCA Fixed
 Rate Options. Amounts withdrawn from the DCA Fixed Rate Options under the
 formula will be taken on a last-in, first-out basis. For purposes of the
 discussion below concerning transfers from the Permitted Sub-accounts to the
 AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account, amounts held within the DCA Fixed Rate
 Options are included within the term "Permitted Sub-Accounts". Thus, amounts
 may be transferred from the DCA Fixed Rate Options in the circumstances
 described above and in the section of the prospectus entitled 6 or 12 Month
 Dollar Cost Averaging Program. Any transfer dictated by the formula out of the
 AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account will only be transferred to the
 Permitted Sub-accounts, not the DCA Fixed Rate Options.

 An integral part of Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus is the pre-determined
 mathematical formula used to transfer Account Value between the Permitted
 Sub-Accounts and a specified bond fund within the Advanced Series Trust (the
 "AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-Account"). The AST Investment Grade Bond
 Sub-account is available only with this benefit, and thus you may not allocate
 purchase payments to or make transfers to or from the AST Investment Grade
 Bond Sub-account. The formula monitors your Account Value daily and, if
 dictated by the formula, systematically transfers amounts between the
 Permitted Sub-accounts you have chosen and the AST Investment Grade Bond
 Sub-account. The formula is set forth in Appendix O (and is set forth below).

 Speaking generally, the formula, which is applied each Valuation Day, operates
 as follows. The formula starts by identifying an income basis for that day and
 then multiplies that figure by 5%, to produce a projected (i.e., hypothetical)
 income amount. Note that 5% is used in the formula, irrespective of the
 Annuitant's attained age. Then it produces an estimate of the total amount
 targeted in our allocation model, based on the projected income amount and
 factors set forth in the formula. In the formula, we refer to that value as
 the "Target Value" or "L". If you have already made a withdrawal, your
 projected income amount (and thus your Target Value) would take into account
 any automatic step-up, any subsequent purchase payments (including any
 associated purchase Credits with respect to XT 6), and any excess withdrawals.
 Next, the formula subtracts from the Target Value the amount held within the
 AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account on that day, and divides that difference
 by the amount held within the Permitted Sub-accounts including any amounts
 allocated to DCA Fixed Rate Options. That ratio, which essentially isolates
 the amount of your Target Value that is not offset by amounts held within the
 AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account, is called the "Target Ratio" or "r".
 If, on each of three consecutive Valuation Days, the Target Ratio is greater
 than 83% but less than or equal to 84.5%, the formula will, on such third
 Valuation Day, make a transfer from the Permitted Sub-accounts in which you
 are invested (subject to the 90% cap discussed below) to the AST Investment
 Grade Bond Sub-account. As discussed above, if all or a portion of your
 Account Value is allocated to one or more DCA Fixed Rate Options at the time a
 transfer to the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account is required under the
 formula, we will first look to process the transfer from the Permitted
 Sub-accounts, other than the DCA Fixed Rate Options. If the amount allocated
 to the Permitted Sub-accounts is insufficient to satisfy the transfer, then
 any remaining amounts will be transferred from the DCA Fixed Rate Options on a
 "last-in, first-out" basis. Once a transfer is made, the three consecutive
 Valuation Days begin again. If, however, on any Valuation Day, the Target
 Ratio is above 84.5%, it will make a transfer from the Permitted Sub-accounts
 (subject to the 90% cap) to the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account (as
 described above). If the Target Ratio falls below 78% on any Valuation Day,
 then a transfer from the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account to the
 Permitted Sub-accounts (excluding the DCA Fixed Rate Options) will occur.


 The formula will not execute a transfer to the AST Investment Grade Bond
 Sub-account that results in more than 90% of your Account Value being
 allocated to the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account ("90% cap"). Thus, on
 any Valuation Day, if the formula would require a transfer to the AST
 Investment Grade Bond Sub-account that would result in more than 90% of the
 Account Value being allocated to the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account,
 only the amount that results in exactly 90% of the Account Value being
 allocated to the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account will be transferred.
 Additionally, future transfers into the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account
 will not be made (regardless of the performance of the AST Investment Grade
 Bond Sub-account and the Permitted Sub-accounts) at least until there is first
 a transfer out of the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account. Once this
 transfer occurs out of the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account, future
 amounts may be transferred to or from the AST Investment Grade Bond
 Sub-account if dictated by the formula (subject to the 90% cap). At no time
 will the formula make a transfer to the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account
 that results in greater than 90% of your Account Value being allocated to the
 AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account. However, it is possible that, due to
 the investment performance of your allocations in the AST Investment Grade
 Bond Sub-account and your allocations in the Permitted Sub-accounts you have
 selected, your Account Value could be more than 90% invested in the AST
 Investment Grade Bond Sub-account.

 If you make additional purchase payments to your Annuity while the 90% cap is
 in effect, the formula will not transfer any of such additional purchase
 payments to the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account at least until there is
 first a transfer out of the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account, regardless
 of how much of your Account Value is in the Permitted Sub-accounts. This means
 that there could be scenarios under which, because of the additional purchase
 payments you make, less than 90% of your entire Account Value is allocated to
 the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account, and the formula will still not
 transfer any of your Account Value to the AST Investment Grade Bond
 Sub-account (at least until there is first a transfer out of the AST
 Investment Grade Bond Sub-account). For example,
   .   September 1, 2010 - a transfer is made to the AST Investment Grade Bond
       Sub-account that results in the 90% cap being met and now $90,000 is
       allocated to the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account and $10,000 is
       allocated to the Permitted Sub-accounts.
   .   September 2, 2010 - you make an additional purchase payment of $10,000.
       No transfers have been made from the AST Investment Grade Bond
       Sub-account to the Permitted Sub-accounts since the cap went into effect
       on September 1, 2010.
   .   On September 2, 2010 - (and at least until first a transfer is made out
       of the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account under the formula) - the
       $10,000 payment is allocated to the Permitted Sub-accounts and on this
       date you have 82% in the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account and 18%
       in the Permitted Sub-accounts (such that $20,000 is allocated to the
       Permitted Sub-accounts and $90,000 to the AST Investment Grade Bond
   .   Once there is a transfer out of the AST Investment Grade Bond
       Sub-account (of any amount), the formula will operate as described
       above, meaning that the formula could transfer amounts to or from the
       AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account if dictated by the formula
       (subject to the 90% cap).

 Under the operation of the formula, the 90% cap may come into existence and be
 removed multiple times while you participate in the benefit. We will continue
 to monitor your Account Value daily and, if dictated by the formula,
 systematically transfer amounts between the Permitted Sub-accounts you have
 chosen and the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account as dictated by the

 As you can glean from the formula, poor or flat investment performance of your
 Account Value may result in a transfer of a portion of your Account Value in
 the Permitted Sub-accounts to the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account
 because such poor investment performance will tend to increase the Target
 Ratio. Because the amount allocated to the AST Investment Grade Bond
 Sub-account and the amount allocated to the Permitted Sub-accounts each is a
 variable in the formula, the investment performance of each affects whether a
 transfer occurs for your Annuity. In deciding how much to transfer, we use
 another formula, which essentially seeks to re-balance amounts held in the
 Permitted Sub-accounts and the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account so that
 the Target Ratio meets a target, which currently is equal to 80%. Once you
 elect Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus, the values we use to compare to the
 Target Ratio will be fixed. For newly-issued Annuities that elect Highest
 Daily Lifetime 6 Plus and existing Annuities that elect Highest Daily Lifetime
 6 Plus in the future, however, we reserve the right to change such values.

 Additionally, on each monthly Annuity Anniversary (if the monthly Annuity
 Anniversary does not fall on a Valuation Day, the next Valuation Day will be
 used), following all of the above described daily calculations, a transfer may
 be made from the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account to the Permitted
 Sub-accounts. Unless you are participating in an asset allocation program for
 which we are providing administrative support, any such transfer will be to
 your elected Sub-accounts pro-rata based on the Account Value in such
 Sub-accounts at that time. If there is no Account Value in the Sub-accounts,
 the transfer will be allocated according to your most recent allocation
 instructions. This transfer will automatically occur provided that the Target
 Ratio, as described above, would be less than 83% after the transfer. The
 formula will not execute a transfer if the Target Ratio after this transfer
 would occur would be greater than or equal to 83%.

 The amount of the transfer will be equal to the lesser of:

 a) The total value of all your Account Value in the AST Investment Grade Bond
    Sub-account, or
 b) An amount equal to 5% of your total Account Value.


 While you are not notified when your Annuity reaches a transfer trigger under
 the formula, you will receive a confirmation statement indicating the transfer
 of a portion of your Account Value either to or from the AST Investment Grade
 Bond Sub-account. The formula by which the transfer operates is designed
 primarily to mitigate some of the financial risks that we incur in providing
 the guarantee under Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus and Spousal Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus. Depending on the results of the calculations of the formula,
 we may, on any Valuation Day:

   .   Not make any transfer between the Permitted Sub-accounts and the AST
       Investment Grade Bond Sub-account; or
   .   If a portion of your Account Value was previously allocated to the AST
       Investment Grade Bond Sub-account, transfer all or a portion of those
       amounts to the Permitted Sub-accounts (as described above); or
   .   Transfer a portion of your Account Value in the Permitted Sub-accounts
       pro rata to the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account.

 The amount and timing of transfers to and from the AST Investment Grade Bond
 Sub-account pursuant to the formula depends upon a number of factors unique to
 your Annuity (and is not necessarily directly correlated with the securities
 markets, bond markets, or interest rates, in general) including:
   .   The difference between your Account Value and your Protected Withdrawal

   .   How long you have owned Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus/Spousal Highest
       Daily Lifetime 6 Plus;

   .   The performance of the Permitted Sub-accounts you have chosen;
   .   The performance of the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account;
   .   The amount allocated to each of the Permitted Sub-accounts you have
   .   The amount allocated to the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account;
   .   Additional purchase payments, if any, you make to your Annuity; and
   .   Withdrawals, if any, you take from your Annuity (withdrawals are taken
       pro rata from your Account Value).

 At any given time, some, most or none of your Account Value will be allocated
 to the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account, as dictated by the formula.

 The more of your Account Value allocated to the AST Investment Grade Bond
 Sub-account under the formula, the greater the impact of the performance of
 that Sub-account in determining whether (and how much) your Account Value is
 transferred back to the Permitted Sub-accounts. Further, it is possible under
 the formula that, if a significant portion of your Account Value is allocated
 to the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account and that Sub-account has good
 performance but the performance of your Permitted Sub-accounts is negative,
 that the formula might transfer your Account Value to the Permitted
 Sub-accounts. Similarly, the more you have allocated to the Permitted
 Sub-accounts, the greater the impact of the performance of those Permitted
 Sub-accounts will have on any transfer to the AST Investment Grade Bond

 If you make additional purchase payments to your Annuity, they will be
 allocated according to your allocation instructions. Once they are allocated
 to your Annuity, they will also be subject to the formula described above and
 therefore may be transferred to the AST Investment Grade Bond Portfolio, if
 dictated by the formula.

 Any Account Value in the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account will not be
 available to participate in the investment experience of the Permitted
 Sub-accounts regardless of whether there is a subsequent Sub-account decline
 or recovery until it is transferred out of the AST Investment Grade Bond

 Additional Tax Considerations
 If you purchase an annuity as an investment vehicle for "qualified"
 investments, including an IRA, SEP-IRA, Tax Sheltered Annuity (or 403(b)) or
 employer plan under Code Section 401(a), the required minimum distribution
 rules under the Code provide that you begin receiving periodic amounts from
 your annuity beginning after age 70 1/2. For a Tax Sheltered Annuity or a
 401(a) plan for which the participant is not a greater than five (5) percent
 owner of the employer, this required beginning date can generally be deferred
 to retirement, if later. Roth IRAs are not subject to these rules during the
 owner's lifetime. The amount required under the Code may exceed the Annual
 Income Amount, which will cause us to increase the Annual Income Amount in any
 Annuity Year that required minimum distributions due from your Annuity are
 greater than such amounts. In addition, the amount and duration of payments
 under the annuity payment and death benefit provisions may be adjusted so that
 the payments do not trigger any penalty or excise taxes due to tax
 considerations such as required minimum distribution provisions under the tax

 As indicated, withdrawals made while this benefit is in effect will be
 treated, for tax purposes, in the same way as any other withdrawals under the
 Annuity. Please see the Tax Considerations section of the prospectus for a
 detailed discussion of the tax treatment of withdrawals. We do not address
 each potential tax scenario that could arise with respect to this benefit
 here. However, we do note that if you participate in Highest Daily Lifetime 6
 Plus through a non-qualified annuity, as with all withdrawals, once all
 purchase payments are returned under the Annuity, all subsequent withdrawal
 amounts will be taxed as ordinary income.


 Highest Daily Lifetime/SM/ 6 Plus with Lifetime Income Accelerator

 We offer another version of Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus that we call Highest
 Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with Lifetime Income Accelerator ("Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA"). Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA guarantees,
 until the death of the single designated life, the ability to withdraw an
 amount equal to double the Annual Income Amount (which we refer to as the "LIA
 Amount") if you meet the conditions set forth below. This version is only
 being offered in those jurisdictions where we have received regulatory
 approval and will be offered subsequently in other jurisdictions when we
 receive regulatory approval in those jurisdictions. Highest Daily Lifetime 6
 Plus with LIA is not available in New York. You may choose Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus with or without also electing LIA, however you may not elect
 LIA without Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus and you must elect the LIA benefit
 at the time you elect Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus. If you elect Highest
 Daily Lifetime 6 Plus without LIA and would like to add the feature later, you
 must terminate the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit and elect the Highest
 Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA (subject to availability and benefit
 re-election provisions). Please note that if you terminate Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus and elect the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA you lose
 the guarantees that you had accumulated under your existing benefit and will
 begin the new guarantees under the new benefit you elect based on your Account
 Value as of the date the new benefit becomes active. Highest Daily Lifetime 6
 Plus with LIA is offered as an alternative to other lifetime withdrawal
 options. If you elect this benefit, it may not be combined with any other
 optional living benefit or the Plus 40 life insurance rider or the Highest
 Daily Value death benefit. As long as your Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with
 LIA benefit is in effect, you must allocate your Account Value in accordance
 with the then permitted and available investment option(s) with this benefit.
 The income benefit under Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA currently is
 based on a single "designated life" who is between the ages of 45 and 75 on
 the date that the benefit is elected and received in good order. All terms and
 conditions of Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus apply to this version of the
 benefit, except as described herein.

 Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA is not long-term care insurance and
 should not be purchased as a substitute for long-term care insurance. The
 income you receive through the Lifetime Income Accelerator may be used for any
 purpose, and it may or may not be sufficient to address expenses you may incur
 for long-term care. You should seek professional advice to determine your
 financial needs for long-term care.

 If you elect the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA, the maximum charge is
 2.00% annually of the greater of the Account Value and Protected Withdrawal
 Value. The current charge is 1.20% annually of the greater of Account Value
 and Protected Withdrawal Value. We deduct this charge on quarterly
 anniversaries of the benefit effective date. Thus, we deduct, on a quarterly
 basis, 0.30% of the greater of the prior Valuation Day's Account Value and the
 prior Valuation Day's Protected Withdrawal Value. We deduct the fee pro rata
 from each of your Sub-accounts, including the AST Investment Grade Bond
 Sub-account, and the DCA Fixed Rate Options (if applicable). Since this fee is
 based on the greater of the Account Value and Protected Withdrawal Value, the
 fee for Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA may be greater than it would
 have been, had it been based on the Account Value alone. The following example
 is hypothetical and is for illustrative purposes only.

 Assuming a benefit effective date of September 1, 2009 (which means that
 quarterly benefit anniversaries are: December 1, March 1, June 1, and
 September 1). Assume the Protected Withdrawal Value as of November 30, 2009
 (prior Valuation Day's Protected Withdrawal Value) = $200,000.00 and the
 Account Value as of November 30, 2009 (prior Valuation Day's Account Value) =
 $195,000.00. The first benefit charge date would be December 1, 2009 and the
 benefit charge amount would be $600.00 ($200,000 X .30%)

 If the deduction of the charge would result in the Account Value falling below
 the lesser of $500 or 5% of the sum of the Account Value on the effective date
 of the benefit plus all purchase payments made subsequent thereto (and any
 associated purchase Credits) (we refer to this as the "Account Value Floor"),
 we will only deduct that portion of the charge that would not cause the
 Account Value to fall below the Account Value Floor. If the entire Account
 Value is less than the Account Value Floor when we would deduct a charge for
 the benefit, then no charge will be assessed for that benefit quarter. If a
 charge for the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA benefit would be
 deducted on the same day we process a withdrawal request, the charge will be
 deducted first, then the withdrawal will be processed. The withdrawal could
 cause the Account Value to fall below the Account Value Floor. While the
 deduction of the charge (other than the final charge) may not reduce the
 Account Value to zero, withdrawals may reduce the Account Value to zero. If
 this happens and the Annual Income Amount is greater than zero, we will make
 payments under the benefit and the Death Benefit (described below) will not be

 If this benefit is being elected on an Annuity held as a 403(b) plan, then in
 addition to meeting the eligibility requirements listed below for the LIA
 Amount you must separately qualify for distributions from the 403(b) plan

 Eligibility Requirements for LIA Amount. Both a waiting period of 36 months
 from the benefit effective date, and an elimination period of 120 days from
 the date of notification that one or both of the requirements described
 immediately below have been met, apply before you can become eligible for the
 LIA Amount. The 120 day elimination period begins on the date that we receive
 notification from you of your eligibility for the LIA Amount. Thus, assuming
 the 36 month waiting period has been met and we have received the notification
 referenced in the immediately preceding sentence, the LIA amount would be
 available for withdrawal on the Valuation Day immediately after the 120th day.
 The waiting period and the elimination period may run concurrently. In
 addition to satisfying the waiting and elimination period, at least one of the
 following requirements ("LIA conditions") must be met.


 (1)The designated life is confined to a qualified nursing facility. A
    qualified nursing facility is a facility operated pursuant to law or any
    state licensed facility providing medically necessary in-patient care which
    is prescribed by a licensed physician in writing and based on physical
    limitations which prohibit daily living in a non-institutional setting.
 (2)The designated life is unable to perform two or more basic abilities of
    caring for oneself or "activities of daily living." We define these basic
    abilities as:

    i. Eating: Feeding oneself by getting food into the body from a receptacle
       (such as a plate, cup or table) or by a feeding tube or intravenously.
    ii.Dressing: Putting on and taking off all items of clothing and any
       necessary braces, fasteners or artificial limbs.
   iii.Bathing: Washing oneself by sponge bath; or in either a tub or shower,
       including the task of getting into or out of the tub or shower.
    iv.Toileting: Getting to and from the toilet, getting on and off the
       toilet, and performing associated personal hygiene.
    v. Transferring: Moving into or out of a bed, chair or wheelchair.
    vi.Continence: Maintaining control of bowel or bladder function; or when
       unable to maintain control of bowel or bladder function, the ability to
       perform personal hygiene (including caring for catheter or colostomy

 You must notify us in writing when the LIA conditions have been met. If, when
 we receive such notification, there are more than 120 days remaining until the
 end of the waiting period described above, you will not be eligible for the
 LIA Amount. If there are 120 days or less remaining until the end of the
 waiting period when we receive notification that the LIA conditions are met,
 we will determine eligibility for the LIA Amount through our then current
 administrative process, which may include, but is not limited to,
 documentation verifying the LIA conditions and/or an assessment by a third
 party of our choice. Such assessment may be in person and we will assume any
 costs associated with the aforementioned assessment. The designated life must
 be available for any assessment or reassessment pursuant to our administrative
 process requirements. Once eligibility is determined, the LIA Amount is equal
 to double the Annual Income Amount as described above under the Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus benefit.

 Additionally, once eligibility is determined, we will reassess your
 eligibility on an annual basis although your LIA benefit for the year that
 immediately precedes our reassessment will not be affected if it is determined
 that you are no longer eligible. Your first reassessment may occur in the same
 year as your initial assessment. If we determine that you are no longer
 eligible to receive the LIA Amount, upon the next Annuity Anniversary the
 Annual Income Amount would replace the LIA Amount. There is no limit on the
 number of times you can become eligible for the LIA Amount, however, each time
 would require the completion of the 120-day elimination period, notification
 that the designated life meets the LIA conditions, and determination, through
 our then current administrative process, that you are eligible for the LIA
 Amount, each as described above.

 LIA Amount at the first Lifetime Withdrawal. If your first Lifetime Withdrawal
 subsequent to election of Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA occurs while
 you are eligible for the LIA Amount, the available LIA Amount is equal to
 double the Annual Income Amount.

 LIA Amount after the first Lifetime Withdrawal. If you become eligible for the
 LIA Amount after you have taken your first Lifetime Withdrawal, the available
 LIA amount for the current and subsequent Annuity Years is equal to double the
 then current Annual Income Amount, however the available LIA amount in the
 current Annuity Year is reduced by any Lifetime Withdrawals that have been
 taken in the current Annuity Year. Cumulative Lifetime Withdrawals in an
 Annuity Year which are less than or equal to the LIA Amount (when eligible for
 the LIA amount) will not reduce your LIA Amount in subsequent Annuity Years,
 but any such withdrawals will reduce the LIA Amount on a dollar-for-dollar
 basis in that Annuity Year.

 Withdrawals In Excess of the LIA Amount. If your cumulative Lifetime
 Withdrawals in an Annuity Year are in excess of the LIA Amount when you are
 eligible ("Excess Withdrawal"), your LIA Amount in subsequent years will be
 reduced (except with regard to required minimum distributions) by the result
 of the ratio of the excess portion of the withdrawal to the Account Value
 immediately prior to the Excess Withdrawal. Reductions include the actual
 amount of the withdrawal, including any CDSC that may apply. Withdrawals of
 any amount (excluding the Non-Lifetime Withdrawal) up to and including the LIA
 Amount will reduce the Protected Withdrawal Value by the amount of the
 withdrawal. Excess Withdrawals will reduce the Protected Withdrawal Value by
 the same ratio as the reduction to the LIA Amount. Any withdrawals that are
 less than or equal to the LIA Amount (when eligible) but in excess of the free
 withdrawal amount available under this Annuity will not incur a CDSC.

 Withdrawals are not required. However, subsequent to the first Lifetime
 Withdrawal, the LIA Amount is not increased in subsequent Annuity Years if you
 decide not to take a withdrawal in an Annuity Year or take withdrawals in an
 Annuity Year that in total are less than the LIA Amount.

 Purchase Payments. If you are eligible for the LIA Amount as described under
 "Eligibility Requirements for LIA Amount" and you make an additional purchase
 payment, the Annual Income Amount is increased by an amount obtained by
 applying the applicable percentage (4% for ages 45 - less than 59 1/2; 5% for
 ages 59 1/2-79; and 6% for ages 80 and older) to the purchase payment
 (including any associated purchase Credits). The applicable percentage is
 based on the attained age of the designated life on the date of the first
 Lifetime Withdrawal after the benefit effective date. The LIA Amount is
 increased by double the Annual


 Income Amount, if eligibility for LIA has been met. The Protected Withdrawal
 Value is increased by the amount of each purchase payment (including any
 associated purchase Credits).

 If the Annuity permits additional purchase payments, we may limit any
 additional purchase payment(s) if we determine that as a result of the timing
 and amounts of your additional purchase payments and withdrawals, the Annual
 Income Amount (or, if eligible for LIA, the LIA Amount) is being increased in
 an unintended fashion. Among the factors we will use in making a determination
 as to whether an action is designed to increase the Annual Income Amount (or,
 if eligible for LIA, the LIA Amount) in an unintended fashion is the relative
 size of additional purchase payment(s). We reserve the right to not accept
 additional purchase payments if we are not then offering this benefit for new
 elections. We will exercise such reservation of right for all annuity
 purchasers in the same class in a nondiscriminatory manner.

 Step Ups. If your Annual Income Amount is stepped up, your LIA Amount will be
 stepped up to equal double the stepped up Annual Income Amount.

 Guarantee Payments. If your Account Value is reduced to zero as a result of
 cumulative withdrawals that are equal to or less than the LIA Amount when you
 are eligible, and there is still a LIA Amount available, we will make an
 additional payment for that Annuity Year equal to the remaining LIA Amount. If
 this were to occur, you are not permitted to make additional purchase payments
 to your Annuity. Thus, in that scenario, the remaining LIA Amount would be
 payable even though your Account Value was reduced to zero. In subsequent
 Annuity Years we make payments that equal the LIA Amount as described in this
 section. We will make payments until the death of the single designated life.
 Should the designated life no longer qualify for the LIA amount (as described
 under "Eligibility Requirements for LIA Amount" above), the Annual Income
 Amount would continue to be available. Subsequent eligibility for the LIA
 Amount would require the completion of the 120 day elimination period as well
 as meeting the LIA conditions listed above under "Eligibility Requirements for
 LIA Amount". To the extent that cumulative withdrawals in the current Annuity
 Year that reduce your Account Value to zero are more than the LIA Amount
 (except in the case of required minimum distributions), Highest Daily Lifetime
 6 Plus with LIA terminates, and no additional payments are made. A Death
 Benefit under Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA is not payable if
 guarantee payments are being made at the time of the decedent's death.

 Annuity Options. In addition to the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus annuity
 options described above, after the tenth anniversary of the benefit effective
 date ("Tenth Anniversary"), you may also request that we make annuity payments
 each year equal to the Annual Income Amount. In any year that you are eligible
 for the LIA Amount, we make annuity payments equal to the LIA Amount. If you
 would receive a greater payment by applying your Account Value to receive
 payments for life under your Annuity, we will pay the greater amount.
 Annuitization prior to the Tenth Anniversary will forfeit any present or
 future LIA amounts. We will continue to make payments until the death of the
 designated life. If this option is elected, the Annual Income Amount and LIA
 Amount will not increase after annuity payments have begun. A Death Benefit is
 not payable if annuity payments are being made at the time of the decedent's

 If you elect Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA, and never meet the
 eligibility requirements you will not receive any additional payments based on
 the LIA Amount.

 Death Benefit Component of Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA
 The provisions of the Death Benefit Component of Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus
 (see page 12 above for information about the Death Benefit) also apply to
 Highest Daily Lifetime Plus with LIA. Please note that with respect to Highest
 Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA, we use the Annual Income Amount for purposes
 of the Death Benefit Calculations, not the LIA Amount.

 G. Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime/SM/ 6 Plus Income Benefit
 We add the following to the section entitled "Living Benefits."

 Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime/SM/ 6 Plus Income Benefit (SHD6 Plus)

 Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus is the spousal version of Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus. This version is only being offered in those jurisdictions
 where we have received regulatory approval and will be offered subsequently in
 other jurisdictions when we receive regulatory approval in those
 jurisdictions. Currently, if you elect Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus
 and subsequently terminate the benefit, you may elect another living benefit,
 subject to our current rules. See "Election of and Designations under the
 Benefit" below and "Termination of Existing Benefits and Election of New
 Benefits" in the prospectus for details. Please note that if you terminate
 Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus and elect another benefit, you lose the
 guarantees that you had accumulated under your existing benefit and will begin
 the new guarantees under the new benefit you elect based on your Account Value
 as of the date the new benefit becomes active. Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime
 6 Plus must be elected based on two designated lives, as described below. The
 youngest designated life must be at least 50 years old and the oldest
 designated life must be at least 55 years old when the benefit is elected.
 Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus is not available if you elect any other
 optional benefit. As long as your Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus
 Benefit is in effect, you must allocate your Account Value in accordance with
 the Sub-accounts and other investment option(s) available with this benefit.
 For a more detailed description of permitted investment options, see the
 "Investment Options" section in the prospectus.


 We offer a benefit that guarantees until the later death of two natural
 persons who are each other's spouses at the time of election of the benefit
 and at the first death of one of them (the "designated lives", and each, a
 "designated life") the ability to withdraw an annual amount (the "Annual
 Income Amount") equal to a percentage of an initial principal value (the
 "Protected Withdrawal Value") regardless of the impact of Sub-account
 performance on the Account Value, subject to our rules regarding the timing
 and amount of withdrawals. You are guaranteed to be able to withdraw the
 Annual Income Amount for the lives of the designated lives ("Lifetime
 Withdrawals") provided you have not made withdrawals of excess income that
 have resulted in your Account Value being reduced to zero. We also permit a
 one-time Non-Lifetime Withdrawal from your Annuity prior to taking Lifetime
 Withdrawals under the benefit. The benefit may be appropriate if you intend to
 make periodic withdrawals from your Annuity, wish to ensure that Sub-account
 performance will not affect your ability to receive annual payments, and wish
 either spouse to be able to continue the Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus
 benefit after the death of the first spouse. You are not required to make
 withdrawals as part of the benefit - the guarantees are not lost if you
 withdraw less than the maximum allowable amount each year under the rules of
 the benefit. An integral component of Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus is
 the mathematical formula we employ that may periodically transfer your Account
 Value to and from the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account. See the section
 below entitled "How Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus Transfers Account Value
 Between Your Permitted Sub-accounts and the AST Investment Grade Bond

 Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus also provides for a Death Benefit equal
 to three times your Annual Income Amount. The Death Benefit, however, is not
 payable if your Account Value is reduced to zero as a result of withdrawals or
 if annuity payments are being made at the time of the decedent's death.

 Although you are guaranteed the ability to withdraw your Annual Income Amount
 for life even if your Account Value falls to zero, if you take withdrawals of
 excess income that bring your Account Value to zero, your Annual Income Amount
 would also fall to zero, and the benefit would terminate. In that scenario, no
 further amount, including the Death Benefit described below, would be payable
 under Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus.

 You may also participate in the 6 or 12 Month Dollar Cost Averaging Program if
 you elect Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus for Annuities issued on or after
 May 1, 2009, subject to the 6 or 12 Month DCA Program's rules, and subject to
 State approvals. As discussed in the prospectus, you may participate in the 6
 or 12 Month Dollar Cost Averaging Program only if your Annuity was issued on
 or after May 1, 2009. The 6 or 12 Month DCA Program is not available in

 Key Feature - Protected Withdrawal Value
 The Protected Withdrawal Value is used to calculate the initial Annual Income
 Amount. The Protected Withdrawal Value is separate from your Account Value and
 not available as cash or a lump sum. On the effective date of the benefit, the
 Protected Withdrawal Value is equal to your Account Value. On each Valuation
 Day thereafter until the date of your first Lifetime Withdrawal (excluding any
 Non-Lifetime Withdrawal discussed below), the Protected Withdrawal Value is
 equal to the "Periodic Value" described in the next paragraph.

 The "Periodic Value" initially is equal to the Account Value on the effective
 date of the benefit. On each Valuation Day thereafter until the first Lifetime
 Withdrawal, we recalculate the Periodic Value. We stop determining the
 Periodic Value upon your first Lifetime Withdrawal after the effective date of
 the benefit. On each Valuation Day (the "Current Valuation Day"), the Periodic
 Value is equal to the greater of:

 (1)the Periodic Value for the immediately preceding business day (the "Prior
    Valuation Day") appreciated at the daily equivalent of 6% annually during
    the calendar day(s) between the Prior Valuation Day and the Current
    Valuation Day (i.e., one day for successive Valuation Days, but more than
    one calendar day for Valuation Days that are separated by weekends and/or
    holidays), plus the amount of any purchase payment (including any
    associated purchase Credits) made on the Current Valuation Day (the
    Periodic Value is proportionally reduced for any Non-Lifetime Withdrawal);

 (2)the Account Value on the current Valuation Day.

 If you have not made a Lifetime Withdrawal on or before the 10/th/ or 20/th/
 Anniversary of the effective date of the benefit, your Periodic Value on the
 10/th/ or 20/th/ Anniversary of the benefit effective date is equal to the
 greater of:

 (1)the Periodic Value described above or,
 (2)the sum of (a), (b) and (c) (proportionally reduced for any Non-Lifetime

       (a)200% (on the 10/th/ anniversary) or 400% (on the 20/th/ anniversary)
          of the Account Value on the effective date of the benefit including
          any purchase payments (including any associated purchase Credits)
          made on that day;
       (b)200% (on the 10/th/ anniversary) or 400% (on the 20/th/ anniversary)
          of all purchase payments (including any associated purchase Credits)
          made within one year following the effective date of the benefit; and
       (c)all purchase payments (including any associated purchase Credits)
          made after one year following the effective date of the benefit.


 Once the first Lifetime Withdrawal is made, the Protected Withdrawal Value at
 any time is equal to the greater of (i) the Protected Withdrawal Value on the
 date of the first Lifetime Withdrawal, increased for subsequent purchase
 payments (including any associated purchase Credits) and reduced for
 subsequent Lifetime Withdrawals, and (ii) the highest daily Account Value upon
 any step-up, increased for subsequent purchase payments (including any
 associated purchase Credits) and reduced for subsequent Lifetime Withdrawals
 (see below).

 Key Feature - Annual Income Amount under the Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6
 Plus Benefit

 The Annual Income Amount is equal to a specified percentage of the Protected
 Withdrawal Value. The percentage initially depends on the age of the youngest
 designated life on the date of the first Lifetime Withdrawal after election of
 the benefit. The percentages are: 4% for ages 50-64, 5% for ages 65-84, and 6%
 for ages 85 and older. We use the age of the youngest designated life even if
 that designated life is no longer a participant under the Annuity due to death
 or divorce. Under the Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit, if your
 cumulative Lifetime Withdrawals in an Annuity Year are less than or equal to
 the Annual Income Amount, they will not reduce your Annual Income Amount in
 subsequent Annuity Years, but any such withdrawals will reduce the Annual
 Income Amount on a dollar-for-dollar basis in that Annuity Year. If your
 cumulative Lifetime Withdrawals in an Annuity Year are in excess of the Annual
 Income Amount for any Annuity Year ("Excess Income"), your Annual Income
 Amount in subsequent years will be reduced (except with regard to Required
 Minimum Distributions for this Annuity that comply with our rules) by the
 result of the ratio of the Excess Income to the Account Value immediately
 prior to such withdrawal (see examples of this calculation below). If you take
 withdrawals of Excess Income, only the portion of the Lifetime Withdrawal that
 exceeds the remaining Annual Income Amount will proportionally reduce your
 Protected Withdrawal Value and Annual Income Amount in future years.
 Reductions are based on the actual amount of the withdrawal, including any
 CDSC that may apply. Lifetime Withdrawals of any amount up to and including
 the Annual Income Amount will reduce the Protected Withdrawal Value by the
 amount of the withdrawal. Withdrawals of Excess Income will reduce the
 Protected Withdrawal Value by the same ratio as the reduction to the Annual
 Income Amount.

 Note that if your withdrawal of the Annual Income Amount in a given Annuity
 Year exceeds the applicable free withdrawal amount under the Annuity (but is
 not considered Excess Income), we will not impose any CDSC on the amount of
 that withdrawal.

 You may use the Systematic Withdrawal program to make withdrawals of the
 Annual Income Amount. Any systematic withdrawal will be deemed a Lifetime
 Withdrawal under this benefit.

 Any Purchase Payment that you make subsequent to the election of Spousal
 Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus and subsequent to the first Lifetime Withdrawal
 will (i) increase the then-existing Annual Income Amount by an amount equal to
 a percentage of the Purchase Payment (including any associated purchase
 Credits) based on the age of the younger designated life at the time of the
 first Lifetime Withdrawal (the percentages are: 4% for ages 50-64, 5% for ages
 65-84, and 6% for ages 85 and older, and (ii) increase the Protected
 Withdrawal Value by the amount of the Purchase Payment (including any
 associated purchase Credits).

 If your Annuity permits additional purchase payments, we may limit any
 additional purchase payment(s) if we determine that as a result of the timing
 and amounts of your additional purchase payments and withdrawals, the Annual
 Income Amount is being increased in an unintended fashion. Among the factors
 we will use in making a determination as to whether an action is designed to
 increase the Annual Income Amount in an unintended fashion is the relative
 size of additional purchase payment(s). We reserve the right to not accept
 additional purchase payments if we are not then offering this benefit for new
 elections. We will exercise such reservation of right for all annuity
 purchasers in the same class in a nondiscriminatory manner.

 Highest Daily Auto Step-Up
 An automatic step-up feature ("Highest Daily Auto Step-Up") is part of this
 benefit. As detailed in this paragraph, the Highest Daily Auto Step-Up feature
 can result in a larger Annual Income Amount subsequent to your first Lifetime
 Withdrawal. The Highest Daily Step-Up starts with the anniversary of the Issue
 Date of the Annuity (the "Annuity Anniversary") immediately after your first
 Lifetime Withdrawal under the benefit. Specifically, upon the first such
 Annuity Anniversary, we identify the Account Value on each Valuation Day
 within the immediately preceding Annuity Year after your first Lifetime
 Withdrawal. Having identified the highest daily value (after all daily values
 have been adjusted for subsequent purchase payments and withdrawals), we then
 multiply that value by a percentage that varies based on the age of the
 youngest designated life on the Annuity Anniversary as of which the step-up
 would occur. The percentages are 4% for ages 50-64, 5% for ages 65-84, and 6%
 for ages 85 and older. If that value exceeds the existing Annual Income
 Amount, we replace the existing amount with the new, higher amount. Otherwise,
 we leave the existing Annual Income Amount intact. The Account Value on the
 Annuity Anniversary is considered the last daily step-up value of the Annuity
 Year. In later years (i.e., after the first Annuity Anniversary after the
 first Lifetime Withdrawal), we determine whether an automatic step-up should
 occur on each Annuity Anniversary by performing a similar examination of the
 Account Values that occurred on Valuation Days during the year. Taking
 Lifetime Withdrawals could produce a greater difference between your Protected
 Withdrawal Value and your Account Value, which may make a Highest Daily Auto
 Step-up less likely to occur. At the time that we increase your Annual Income
 Amount, we also increase your Protected Withdrawal Value to equal the highest
 daily value upon which your step-up was based only if that results in an
 increase to the Protected Withdrawal Value. Your Protected Withdrawal Value
 will never be decreased as a result of an income step-up. If, on the date that
 we implement a Highest Daily Auto Step-Up to your Annual Income Amount, the
 charge for Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus has changed for new


 purchasers, you may be subject to the new charge at the time of such step-up.
 Prior to increasing your charge for Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus upon
 a step-up, we would notify you, and give you the opportunity to cancel the
 automatic step-up feature. If you receive notice of a proposed step-up and
 accompanying fee increase, you should carefully evaluate whether the amount of
 the step-up justifies the increased fee to which you will be subject.

 If you are engaged in a Systematic Withdrawal program, we will not
 automatically increase the withdrawal amount when there is an increase to the
 Annual Income Amount.

 The Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit does not affect your ability
 to take withdrawals under your Annuity, or limit your ability to take
 withdrawals that exceed the Annual Income Amount. Under Spousal Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus, if your cumulative Lifetime Withdrawals in an Annuity Year
 are less than or equal to the Annual Income Amount, they will not reduce your
 Annual Income Amount in subsequent Annuity Years, but any such withdrawals
 will reduce the Annual Income Amount on a dollar-for-dollar basis in that
 Annuity Year.

 If, cumulatively, you withdraw an amount less than the Annual Income Amount in
 any Annuity Year, you cannot carry-over the unused portion of the Annual
 Income Amount to subsequent Annuity Years.

 Because each of the Protected Withdrawal Value and Annual Income Amount is
 determined in a way that is not solely related to Account Value, it is
 possible for the Account Value to fall to zero, even though the Annual Income
 Amount remains.

 Examples of dollar-for-dollar and proportional reductions, and the Highest
 Daily Auto Step-Up are set forth below. The values shown here are purely
 hypothetical, and do not reflect the charges for the Spousal Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus benefit or any other fees and charges under the Annuity.
 Assume the following for all three examples:
   .   The Issue Date is December 1, 2008
   .   The Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit is elected on
       September 1, 2009
   .   The younger designated life was 70 years old when he/she elected the
       Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit.

 Example of dollar-for-dollar reductions
 On November 24, 2009, the Protected Withdrawal Value is $120,000, resulting in
 an Annual Income Amount of $6,000 (since the youngest designated life is
 between the ages of 65 and 84 at the time of the first Lifetime Withdrawal,
 the Annual Income Amount is 5% of the Protected Withdrawal Value, in this case
 5% of $120,000). Assuming $2,500 is withdrawn from the Annuity on this date,
 the remaining Annual Income Amount for that Annuity Year (up to and including
 December 1, 2009) is $3,500. This is the result of a dollar-for-dollar
 reduction of the Annual Income Amount ($6,000 less $2,500 = $3,500).

 Example of proportional reductions
 Continuing the previous example, assume an additional withdrawal of $5,000
 occurs on November 27, 2009 and the Account Value at the time and immediately
 prior to this withdrawal is $118,000. The first $3,500 of this withdrawal
 reduces the Annual Income Amount for that Annuity Year to $0. The remaining
 withdrawal amount of $1,500 - reduces the Annual Income Amount in future
 Annuity Years on a proportional basis based on the ratio of the excess
 withdrawal to the Account Value immediately prior to the excess withdrawal.
 (Note that if there were other withdrawals in that Annuity Year, each would
 result in another proportional reduction to the Annual Income Amount).

 Here is the calculation:

  Account Value before Lifetime Withdrawal                       $118,000.00
  Less amount of "non" excess withdrawal                         $  3,500.00
  Account Value immediately before excess withdrawal of $1,500   $114,500.00
  Excess withdrawal amount                                       $  1,500.00
  Divided by Account Value immediately before excess withdrawal  $114,500.00
  Ratio                                                                 1.31%
  Annual Income Amount                                           $  6,000.00
  Less ratio of 1.31%                                            $     78.60
  Annual Income Amount for future Annuity Years                  $  5,921.40

 Example of highest daily auto step-up

 On each Annuity Anniversary date, the Annual Income Amount is stepped-up if
 the appropriate percentage (based on the youngest designated life's age on the
 Annuity Anniversary) of the highest daily value since your first Lifetime
 Withdrawal (or last Annuity Anniversary in subsequent years), adjusted for
 withdrawals and additional purchase payments, is higher than the Annual Income
 Amount, adjusted for excess withdrawals and additional purchase payments
 (including any associated purchase Credits).


 Continuing the same example as above, the Annual Income Amount for this
 Annuity Year is $6,000. However, the excess withdrawal on November 27 reduces
 the amount to $5,921.40 for future years (see above). For the next Annuity
 Year, the Annual Income Amount will be stepped up if 5% (since the youngest
 designated life is between 65 and 84 on the date of the potential step-up) of
 the highest daily Account Value adjusted for withdrawals and purchase payments
 (including any associated purchase Credits), is higher than $5921.40. Here are
 the calculations for determining the daily values. Only the November 25 value
 is being adjusted for excess withdrawals as the November 30 and December 1
 Valuation Days occur after the excess withdrawal on November 27.

                                   Highest Daily Value
                                     (adjusted with          Adjusted Annual
                                 withdrawal and Purchase Income Amount (5% of the
Date*              Account value       Payments)**         Highest Daily Value)
-----              ------------- ----------------------- ------------------------
November 25, 2009   $119,000.00          $119,000.00            $5,950.00
November 26, 2009                   Thanksgiving Day
November 27, 2009   $113,000.00          $113,986.95            $5,699.35
November 30, 2009   $113,000.00          $113,986.95            $5,699.35
December 01, 2009   $119,000.00          $119,000.00            $5,950.00

 *  In this example, the Annuity Anniversary date is December 1. The Valuation
    Dates are every day following the first Lifetime Withdrawal. In subsequent
    Annuity Years Valuation Dates will be every day following the Annuity
    Anniversary. The Annuity Anniversary Date of December 1 is considered the
    final Valuation Date for the Annuity Year.
 ** In this example, the first daily value after the first Lifetime Withdrawal
    is $119,000 on November 25, resulting in an adjusted Annual Income Amount
    of $5,950.00. This amount is adjusted on November 27 to reflect the $5,000
    withdrawal. The calculations for the adjustments are:
   .   The Account Value of $119,000 on November 25 is first reduced
       dollar-for-dollar by $3,500 ($3,500 is the remaining Annual Income
       Amount for the Annuity Year), resulting in an adjusted Account Value of
       $115,500 before the excess withdrawal.
   .   This amount ($115,500) is further reduced by 1.31% (this is the ratio in
       the above example which is the excess withdrawal divided by the Account
       Value immediately preceding the excess withdrawal) resulting in a
       Highest Daily Value of $113,986.95.
   .   The adjusted Annual Income Amount is carried forward to the next
       Valuation Date of November 30. At this time, we compare this amount to
       5% of the Account Value on November 30. Since the November 27 adjusted
       Annual Income Amount of $5,699.35 is higher than $5,650.00 (5% of
       $113,000), we continue to carry $5,699.35 forward to the next and final
       Valuation Date of December 1. The Account Value on December 1 is
       $119,000 and 5% of this amount is $5,950. Since this is higher than
       $5,699.35, the adjusted Annual Income Amount is reset to $5,950.00.

 In this example, 5% of the December 1 value results in the highest amount of
 $5,950.00. Since this amount is higher than the current year's Annual Income
 Amount of $5,921.40 adjusted for excess withdrawals, the Annual Income Amount
 for the next Annuity Year, starting on December 2, 2009 and continuing through
 December 1, 2010, will be stepped-up to $5,950.00.

 Non-Lifetime Withdrawal Feature
 You may take a one-time non-lifetime withdrawal ("Non-Lifetime Withdrawal")
 under Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus. It is an optional feature of the
 benefit that you can only elect at the time of your first withdrawal. The
 amount of the Non-Lifetime Withdrawal cannot be more than the amount that
 would cause the Annuity to be taken below the minimum Surrender Value after a
 withdrawal for your Annuity. This Non-Lifetime Withdrawal will not establish
 our initial Annual Income Amount and the Periodic Value above will continue to
 be calculated. However, the total amount of the withdrawal will proportionally
 reduce all guarantees associated with the Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6
 Plus benefit. You must tell us if your withdrawal is intended to be the
 Non-Lifetime Withdrawal and not the first Lifetime Withdrawal under the
 Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit. If you don't elect the
 Non-Lifetime Withdrawal, the first withdrawal you make will be the first
 Lifetime Withdrawal that establishes your Protected Withdrawal Value and
 Annual Income Amount. Once you elect the Non-Lifetime Withdrawal or Lifetime
 Withdrawals, no additional Non-Lifetime withdrawals may be taken.

 The Non-Lifetime Withdrawal will proportionally reduce the Protected
 Withdrawal Value and the Periodic Value guarantees on the tenth and twentieth
 anniversaries of the benefit effective date, described above, and the Death
 Benefit (described below), by the percentage the total withdrawal amount
 (including any applicable CDSC) represents of the then current Account Value
 immediately prior to the time of the withdrawal.

 If you are participating in a Systematic Withdrawal program, the first
 withdrawal under the program cannot be classified as the Non-Lifetime
 Withdrawal. The first partial withdrawal in payment of any third party
 investment advisory service from your Annuity also cannot be classified as the
 Non-Lifetime Withdrawal.

 Example - Non-Lifetime Withdrawal (proportional reduction)
 This example is purely hypothetical and does not reflect the charges for the
 benefit or any other fees and charges under the Annuity. It is intended to
 illustrate the proportional reduction of the Non-Lifetime Withdrawal under
 this benefit.

 Assume the following:
   .   The Issue Date is December 1, 2008
   .   The Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit is elected on
       September 1, 2009


   .   The Account Value at benefit election was $105,000
   .   The younger designated life was 70 years old when he/she elected the
       Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit
   .   No previous withdrawals have been taken under the Spousal Highest Daily
       Lifetime 6 Plus benefit

 On October 2, 2009, the Protected Withdrawal Value is $125,000, the 10th
 benefit year minimum Periodic Value guarantee is $210,000 and the 20/th/
 benefit year minimum Periodic Value guarantee is $420,000, and the Account
 Value is $120,000. Assuming $15,000 is withdrawn from the Annuity on
 October 2, 2009 and is designated as a Non-Lifetime Withdrawal, all guarantees
 associated with the Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit will be
 reduced by the ratio the total withdrawal amount represents of the Account
 Value just prior to the withdrawal being taken.

 Here is the calculation:

      Withdrawal Amount divided by                               $ 15,000
      Account Value before withdrawal                            $120,000
      Equals ratio                                                   12.5%
      All guarantees will be reduced by the above ratio (12.5%)
      Protected Withdrawal Value                                 $109,375
      10/th/ benefit year Minimum Periodic Value                 $183,750
      20/th/ benefit year Minimum Periodic Value                 $367,500

 Required Minimum Distributions

 Withdrawals that exceed the Annual Income Amount, but which you are required
 to take as a Required Minimum Distribution for this Annuity, will not reduce
 the Annual Income Amount for future years. No additional Annual Income Amounts
 will be available in an Annuity Year due to required minimum distributions
 unless the required minimum distribution amount is greater than the Annual
 Income Amount. Unless designated as a Non-Lifetime Withdrawal, required
 minimum distributions are considered Lifetime Withdrawals. If you take a
 withdrawal in an Annuity Year in which your Required Minimum Distribution for
 that year is not greater than the Annual Income Amount, and the amount of the
 withdrawal exceeds the Annual Income Amount for that year, we will treat the
 withdrawal as a withdrawal of Excess Income. Such a withdrawal of Excess
 Income will reduce the Annual Income Amount available in future years. If the
 required minimum distribution (as calculated by us for your Annuity and not
 previously withdrawn in the current calendar year) is greater than the Annual
 Income Amount, an amount equal to the remaining Annual Income Amount plus the
 difference between the required minimum distribution amount not previously
 withdrawn in the current calendar year and the Annual Income Amount will be
 available in the current Annuity Year without it being considered a withdrawal
 of Excess Income. In the event that a required minimum distribution is
 calculated in a calendar year that crosses more than one Annuity Year and you
 choose to satisfy the entire required minimum distribution for that calendar
 year in the next Annuity Year, the distribution taken in the next Annuity Year
 will reduce your Annual Income Amount in that Annuity Year on a dollar for
 dollar basis. If the required minimum distribution not taken in the prior
 Annuity Year is greater than the Annual Income Amount as guaranteed by the
 benefit in the current Annuity Year, the total required minimum distribution
 amount may be taken without being treated as a withdrawal of Excess Income.

 Note that under the Worker, Retiree and Employer Recovery Act of 2008,
 required minimum distributions are suspended for 2009 and are scheduled to
 resume in 2010. We will continue to treat the calculated amount that would
 have been a required minimum distribution if not for the suspension as the
 amount available for withdrawal if you so choose. In any year in which the
 requirement to take required minimum distributions is suspended by law, we
 reserve the right, in our sole discretion and regardless of any position taken
 on this issue in a prior year, to treat any amount that would have been
 considered as a required minimum distribution if not for the suspension as
 eligible for treatment as described herein.

 Example - Required Minimum Distributions
 The following example is purely hypothetical and is intended to illustrate a
 scenario in which the required minimum distribution amount in a given Annuity
 Year is greater than the Annual Income Amount.

 Annual Income Amount = $5,000
 Remaining Annual Income Amount = $3,000
 Required Minimum Distribution = $6,000

 The amount you may withdraw in the current Annuity Year without it being
 treated as an Excess Withdrawal is $4,000. ($3,000 + ($6,000 - $5,000) =

 If the $4,000 withdrawal is taken, the remaining Annual Income Amount will be
 zero and the remaining required minimum distribution amount of $2,000 may be
 taken in the subsequent Annuity Year (when your Annual Income Amount is reset
 to $5,000) without proportionally reducing all guarantees associated with the
 Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit as described above. The amount
 you may withdraw in the subsequent Annuity Year if you stop taking withdrawals
 in the current Annuity Year


 and choose not to satisfy the required minimum distribution in the current
 Annuity Year (assuming the Annual Income Amount in the subsequent Annuity Year
 is $5,000) without being treated as a withdrawal of Excess Income is $6,000.
 This withdrawal must comply with all IRS guidelines in order to satisfy the
 required minimum distribution for the current calendar year.

 Death Benefit Component of Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus
 If you elect Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus, we include a death benefit
 (Death Benefit), at no additional cost, that is linked to the Annual Income
 Amount under the benefit. If a death benefit is triggered and you currently
 own Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit, then your Death Benefit
 will be equal to the greatest of:
   .   the basic death benefit under the Annuity; and
   .   the amount of any optional death benefit you may have elected and
       remains in effect; and

   .   a) if no Lifetime Withdrawal had been taken prior to death, 300% of the
       Annual Income Amount that would have been determined on the date of
       death if a Lifetime Withdrawal had occurred on that date or (b) if a
       Lifetime Withdrawal had been taken prior to death, 300% of the Annual
       Income Amount as of our receipt of due proof of death. Under this
       component of the Death Benefit, we will not recapture the amount of any
       purchase Credit applied to an XT 6 Annuity granted within 12 months
       prior to death.

 Upon the death of the first of the spousal designated lives, if a Death
 Benefit, as described above, would otherwise be payable, and the surviving
 designated life chooses to continue the Annuity, the Account Value will be
 adjusted, as of the date we receive due proof of death, to equal the amount of
 that Death Benefit if paid out in a lump sum, and the Spousal Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus benefit remains in force. Upon the death of the second Spousal
 designated life, the Death Benefit described above will be payable and the
 Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus rider will terminate as of the date we
 receive due proof of death.

 Please note that the Death Benefit under Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus
 is not payable if your Account Value is reduced to zero as a result of
 withdrawals or if annuity payments are being made at the time of the
 decedent's death. This Death Benefit may not be available in all States.

 Benefits Under Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus
..   To the extent that your Account Value was reduced to zero as a result of
    cumulative Lifetime Withdrawals in an Annuity Year that are less than or
    equal to the Annual Income Amount, and amounts are still payable under
    Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus, we will make an additional payment,
    if any, for that Annuity Year equal to the remaining Annual Income Amount
    for the Annuity Year. Thus, in that scenario, the remaining Annual Income
    Amount would be payable even though your Account Value was reduced to zero.
    In subsequent Annuity Years we make payments that equal the Annual Income
    Amount as described in this section. We will make payments until the death
    of the first of the designated lives to die, and will continue to make
    payments until the death of the second designated life as long as the
    designated lives were spouses at the time of the first death. If this were
    to occur, you are not permitted to make additional purchase payments to
    your Annuity. To the extent that cumulative withdrawals in the Annuity Year
    that reduced your Account Value to zero are more than the Annual Income
    Amount, the Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit terminates, and
    no additional payments will be made. However, if a withdrawal in the latter
    scenario was taken to satisfy a required minimum distribution (as described
    above) under the Annuity then the benefit will not terminate, and we will
    continue to pay the Annual Income Amount in subsequent Annuity Years until
    the death of the second designated life provided the designated lives were
    spouses at the death of the first designated life. Please note that if your
    Account Value is reduced to zero as a result of withdrawals, the Death
    Benefit (described above) will also be reduced to zero and the Death
    Benefit will not be payable.
..   Please note that if your Account Value is reduced to zero, all subsequent
    payments will be treated as annuity payments. Further, payments that we
    make under this benefit after the first day of the calendar month
    coinciding with or next following the annuitant's 95/th/ birthday will be
    treated as annuity payments.
..   If annuity payments are to begin under the terms of your Annuity, or if you
    decide to begin receiving annuity payments and there is an Annual Income
    Amount due in subsequent Annuity Years, you can elect one of the following
    two options:

       (1)apply your Account Value to any annuity option available; or
       (2)request that, as of the date annuity payments are to begin, we make
          annuity payments each year equal to the Annual Income Amount. We will
          make payments until the first of the designated lives to die, and
          will continue to make payments until the death of the second
          designated life as long as the designated lives were spouses at the
          time of the first death. If, due to death of a designated life or
          divorce prior to annuitization, only a single designated life
          remains, then annuity payments will be made as a life annuity for the
          lifetime of the designated life. We must receive your request in a
          form acceptable to us at our office.

..   In the absence of an election when mandatory annuity payments are to begin,
    we will make annual annuity payments as a joint and survivor or single (as
    applicable) life fixed annuity with ten payments certain, by applying the
    greater of the annuity rates then currently available or the annuity rates
    guaranteed in your Annuity. The amount that will be applied to provide such
    annuity payments will be the greater of:

       (1)the present value of the future Annual Income Amount payments. Such
          present value will be calculated using the greater of the joint and
          survivor or single (as applicable) life fixed annuity rates then
          currently available or the joint and survivor or single (as
          applicable) life fixed annuity rates guaranteed in your Annuity; and
       (2)the Account Value.


 If no Lifetime Withdrawal was ever taken, we will calculate the Annual Income
 Amount as if you made your first Lifetime Withdrawal on the date the annuity
 payments are to begin.

 Please note that the Death Benefit (described above) is not payable if annuity
 payments are being made at the time of the decedent's death.

 Other Important Considerations
..   Withdrawals under the Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit are
    subject to all of the terms and conditions of the Annuity, including any
    applicable CDSC for the Non-Lifetime Withdrawal as well as withdrawals that
    exceed the Annual Income Amount.

..   Withdrawals made while the Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit is
    in effect will be treated, for tax purposes, in the same way as any other
    withdrawals under the Annuity. Any withdrawals made under the benefit will
    be taken pro-rata from the Sub-accounts (including the AST Investment Grade
    Bond Sub-account) and the DCA Fixed Rate Options (if you are participating
    in the 6 or 12 Month DCA Program). Withdrawals from the DCA Fixed Rate
    Options will be taken on a last-in, first-out basis. As discussed in the
    prospectus, you may participate in the 6 or 12 Month Dollar Cost Averaging
    Program only if your Annuity was issued on or after May 1, 2009.
..   You can make withdrawals from your Annuity while your Account Value is
    greater than zero without purchasing the Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6
    Plus benefit. The Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit provides a
    guarantee that if your Account Value is reduced to zero (subject to program
    rules regarding the timing and amount of withdrawals), you will be able to
    receive your Annual Income Amount in the form of withdrawals.
..   You cannot allocate purchase payments or transfer Account Value to or from
    the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account. A summary description of the AST
    Investment Grade Bond Portfolio appears in the prospectus section entitled
    "What Are The Investment Objectives and Policies of The Portfolios?". Upon
    the initial transfer of your Account Value into the AST Investment Grade
    Bond Portfolio, we will send a prospectus for that Portfolio to you, along
    with your confirmation statement. In addition, you can find a copy of the
    AST Investment Grade Bond Portfolio prospectus by going to

..   You can make withdrawals from your Annuity without purchasing the Spousal
    Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit. The Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6
    Plus benefit provides a guarantee that if your Account Value declines due
    to Sub-account performance, you will be able to receive your Annual Income
    Amount in the form of periodic benefit payments.

..   Transfers to and from the elected Sub-accounts, the DCA Fixed Rate Options,
    and the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account triggered by the Spousal
    Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus mathematical formula will not count toward
    the maximum number of free transfers allowable under an Annuity.
..   Upon inception of the benefit and to maintain the benefit, 100% of your
    Account Value must be allocated to the Permitted Sub-accounts (or any DCA
    Fixed Rate Options if you elect the 6 or 12 Month DCA Program). If,
    subsequent to your election of the benefit, we change our requirements for
    how Account Value must be allocated under the benefit, the new requirement
    will apply only to new elections of the benefit, and we will not compel you
    to re-allocate your Account Value in accordance with our newly adopted
    requirements. At the time of any change in requirements, and as applicable
    only to new elections of the benefit, transfers of Account Value and
    allocation of additional purchase payments may be subject to new investment
..   If you elect this benefit and in connection with that election, you are
    required to reallocate to different Sub-accounts, then on the Valuation Day
    we receive your request in good order, we will (i) sell units of the
    non-permitted investment options and (ii) invest the proceeds of those
    sales in the Sub-accounts that you have designated. During this
    reallocation process, your Account Value allocated to the Sub-accounts will
    remain exposed to investment risk, as is the case generally. The
    newly-elected benefit will commence at the close of business on the
    following Valuation Day. Thus, the protection afforded by the newly-elected
    benefit will not arise until the close of business on the following
    Valuation Day.

..   The maximum charge for Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus is 1.50%
    annually of the greater of the Account Value and Protected Withdrawal
    Value. The current charge is 0.95% annually of the greater of Account Value
    and Protected Withdrawal Value. We deduct this charge on quarterly
    anniversaries of the benefit effective date. Thus, we deduct, on a
    quarterly basis, 0.2375% of the greater of the prior Valuation Day's
    Account Value, or the prior Valuation Day's Protected Withdrawal Value. We
    deduct the fee pro rata from each of your Sub-accounts, including the AST
    Investment Grade Bond Sub-account, and the DCA Fixed Rate Options (if
    applicable). Since this fee is based on the greater of the Account Value
    and Protected Withdrawal Value, the fee for Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime
    6 Plus may be greater than it would have been, had it been based on the
    Account Value alone. The following example is hypothetical and is for
    illustrative purposes only.

 Assuming a benefit effective date of September 1, 2009 (which means that
 quarterly benefit anniversaries are: December 1, March 1, June 1, and
 September 1). Assume the Protected Withdrawal Value as of November 30, 2009
 (prior Valuation Day's Protected Withdrawal Value) = $200,000.00 and the
 Account Value as of November 30, 2009 (prior Valuation Day's Account Value) =
 $195,000.00. The first benefit charge date would be December 1, 2009 and the
 benefit charge amount would be $475.00 ($200,000 X .2375%)

 If the deduction of the charge would result in the Account Value falling below
 the lesser of $500 or 5% of the sum of the Account Value on the effective date
 of the benefit plus all purchase payments made subsequent thereto (and any
 associated purchase


 Credits) (we refer to this as the "Account Value Floor"), we will only deduct
 that portion of the charge that would not cause the Account Value to fall
 below the Account Value Floor. If the entire Account Value is less than the
 Account Value Floor when we would deduct a charge for the benefit, then no
 charge will be assessed for that benefit quarter. If a charge for the Spousal
 Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus benefit would be deducted on the same day we
 process a withdrawal request, the charge will be deducted first, then the
 withdrawal will be processed. The withdrawal could cause the Account Value to
 fall below the Account Value Floor. While the deduction of the charge (other
 than the final charge) may not reduce the Account Value to zero, withdrawals
 may reduce the Account Value to zero. If this happens and the Annual Income
 Amount is greater than zero, we will make payments under the benefit and the
 Death Benefit (described above) will not be payable.

 Election of and Designations under the Benefit
 Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus can only be elected based on two
 designated lives. Designated lives must be natural persons who are each
 other's spouses at the time of election of the benefit and at the death of the
 first of the designated lives to die. Currently, Spousal Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus only may be elected where the Owner, Annuitant, and
 Beneficiary designations are as follows:
..   One Annuity Owner, where the Annuitant and the Owner are the same person
    and the beneficiary is the Owner's spouse. The youngest Owner/Annuitant and
    the beneficiary must be at least 50 years old and the oldest must be at
    least 55 years old at the time of election; or
..   Co-Annuity Owners, where the Owners are each other's spouses. The
    beneficiary designation must be the surviving spouse, or the spouses named
    equally. One of the owners must be the Annuitant. The youngest Owner must
    be at least 50 years old and the oldest owner must be at least 55 years old
    at the time of election; or
..   One Annuity Owner, where the Owner is a custodial account established to
    hold retirement assets for the benefit of the Annuitant pursuant to the
    provisions of Section 408(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (or any successor
    Code section thereto) ("Custodial Account"), the beneficiary is the
    Custodial Account, and the spouse of the Annuitant is the Contingent
    Annuitant. The youngest of the Annuitant and the Contingent Annuitant must
    be at least 50 years old and the oldest must be at least 55 years old at
    the time of election.

 We do not permit a change of Owner under this benefit, except as follows:
 (a) if one Owner dies and the surviving spousal Owner assumes the Annuity, or
 (b) if the Annuity initially is co-owned, but thereafter the Owner who is not
 the Annuitant is removed as Owner. We permit changes of beneficiary under this
 benefit. If the designated lives divorce, the Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6
 Plus benefit may not be divided as part of the divorce settlement or judgment.
 Nor may the divorcing spouse who retains ownership of the Annuity appoint a
 new designated life upon re-marriage.

 Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus can be elected at the time that you
 purchase your Annuity or after the Issue Date, subject to availability, and
 our eligibility rules and restrictions. If you elect Spousal Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus and terminate it, you can re-elect it, subject to our current
 rules and availability. Additionally, if you currently own an Annuity with a
 living benefit that is terminable, you may terminate your existing benefit
 rider and elect any available benefits subject to our current rules. See
 "Termination of Existing Benefits and Election of New Benefits" in the
 prospectus for information pertaining to elections, termination and
 re-election of benefits. Please note that if you terminate a living benefit
 and elect a new living benefit, you lose the guarantees that you had
 accumulated under your existing benefit and will begin the new guarantees
 under the new benefit you elected based on your Account Value as of the date
 the new benefit becomes active. You should carefully consider whether
 terminating your existing benefit and electing a new benefit is appropriate
 for you. We reserve the right to waive, change and/or further limit the
 election frequency in the future.

 Termination of the Benefit

 You may terminate the benefit at any time by notifying us. If you terminate
 the benefit, any guarantee provided by the benefit will terminate as of the
 date the termination is effective, and certain restrictions on re-election may
 apply. The benefit automatically terminates: (i) if upon the death of the
 first designated life, the surviving designated life opts to take the death
 benefit under the Annuity (thus, the benefit does not terminate solely because
 of the death of the first designated life), (ii) upon the death of the second
 designated life (except as may be needed to pay the Death Benefit associated
 with this benefit), (iii) upon your termination of the benefit, (iv) upon your
 surrender of the Annuity, (v) upon your election to begin receiving annuity
 payments (although if you have elected to take annuity payments in the form of
 the Annual Income Amount, we will continue to pay the Annual Income Amount),
 (vi) if both the Account Value and Annual Income Amount equal zero, or
 (vii) if you cease to meet our requirements as described in "Election of and
 Designations under the Benefit".

 Upon termination of Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus other than upon
 death of a designated life or annuitization, we impose any accrued fee for the
 benefit (i.e., the fee for the pro-rated portion of the year since the fee was
 last assessed), and thereafter we cease deducting the charge for the benefit.
 This final charge will be deducted even if it results in the Account Value
 falling below the Account Value Floor. With regard to your investment
 allocations, upon termination we will: (i) leave intact amounts that are held
 in the Permitted Sub-accounts (including any amounts in the DCA Fixed Rate
 Options), and (ii) unless you are participating in an asset allocation program
 (i.e., Optional Allocation & Rebalancing Program, Automatic Rebalancing
 Program, or 6 or 12 Month DCA Program) for which we are providing
 administrative support, transfer all amounts held in the AST Investment Grade
 Bond Portfolio Sub-account to your variable investment options, pro rata (i.e.
 in the same proportion as the current balances in your variable investment
 options). If prior to the transfer from the AST Investment Grade Bond
 Sub-account the Account Value in the variable investment options is zero, we
 will transfer such amounts according to your most recent allocation


 How Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus Transfers Account Value between Your
 Permitted Sub-accounts and the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account. See "How
 Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus Transfers Account Value Between Your Permitted
 Sub-accounts and the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account" above for
 information regarding this component of the benefit.

 Additional Tax Considerations
 If you purchase an annuity as an investment vehicle for "qualified"
 investments, including an IRA, SEP-IRA, Tax Sheltered Annuity (or 403(b)) or
 employer plan under Code Section 401(a), the required minimum distribution
 rules under the Code provide that you begin receiving periodic amounts from
 your annuity beginning after age 70 1/2. For a Tax Sheltered Annuity or a
 401(a) plan for which the participant is not a greater than five (5) percent
 owner of the employer, this required beginning date can generally be deferred
 to retirement, if later. Roth IRAs are not subject to these rules during the
 owner's lifetime. The amount required under the Code may exceed the Annual
 Income Amount, which will cause us to increase the Annual Income Amount in any
 Annuity Year that required minimum distributions due from your Annuity are
 greater than such amounts. In addition, the amount and duration of payments
 under the annuity payment and death benefit provisions may be adjusted so that
 the payments do not trigger any penalty or excise taxes due to tax
 considerations such as required minimum distribution provisions under the tax

 As indicated, withdrawals made while this benefit is in effect will be
 treated, for tax purposes, in the same way as any other withdrawals under the
 Annuity. Please see the Tax Considerations section of the prospectus for a
 detailed discussion of the tax treatment of withdrawals. We do not address
 each potential tax scenario that could arise with respect to this benefit
 here. However, we do note that if you participate in Spousal Highest Daily
 Lifetime 6 Plus through a non-qualified annuity, as with all withdrawals, once
 all purchase payments are returned under the Annuity, all subsequent
 withdrawal amounts will be taxed as ordinary income.

 H. We add the following as new Appendix O:


 (including Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus with LIA)


   .   C\\u\\ - the upper target is established on the effective date of the
       Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus/Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus
       benefit (the "Effective Date") and is not changed for the life of the
       guarantee. Currently, it is 83%.

   .   Cu\\s\\ - The secondary upper target is established on the effective
       date of the Highest Daily Lifetime 6 Plus/Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime
       6 Plus benefit (the "Effective Date") and is not changed for the life of
       the guarantee. Currently it is 84.5%

   .   C\\t\\ - the target is established on the Effective Date and is not
       changed for the life of the guarantee. Currently, it is 80%.

   .   C\\l\\ - the lower target is established on the Effective Date and is
       not changed for the life of the guarantee. Currently, it is 78%.

   .   L - the target value as of the current Valuation Day.

   .   r - the target ratio.

   .   a - factors used in calculating the target value. These factors are
       established on the Effective Date and are not changed for the life of
       the guarantee. (See below for the table of "a" factors)

   .   V\\v\\ - the total value of all Permitted Sub-accounts in the Annuity.

   .   V\\F\\ - the total value of all elected Fixed Rate Options in the

   .   B - the total value of the AST Investment Grade Bond Portfolio

   .   P - Income Basis. Prior to the first Lifetime Withdrawal, the Income
       Basis is equal to the Protected Withdrawal Value calculated as if the
       first Lifetime Withdrawal were taken on the date of calculation. After
       the first Lifetime Withdrawal, the Income Basis is equal to the greater
       of (1) the Protected Withdrawal Value on the date of the first Lifetime


      increased for additional purchase payments, including the amount of any
       associated purchase Credits, and adjusted proportionally for excess
       withdrawals*, and (2) the Protected Withdrawal Value on any Annuity
       Anniversary subsequent to the first Lifetime Withdrawal, increased for
       subsequent additional purchase payments (including the amount of any
       associated purchase Credits) and adjusted proportionately for Excess
       Income* and (3) any highest daily Account Value occurring on or after
       the later of the immediately preceding Annuity anniversary, or the date
       of the first Lifetime Withdrawal, and prior to or including the date of
       this calculation, increased for additional purchase payments (including
       the amount of any associated purchase Credits) and adjusted for
       withdrawals, as described herein.

   .   T - the amount of a transfer into or out of the AST Investment Grade
       Bond Portfolio Sub-account.

   .   T\\M\\ - the amount of a monthly transfer out of the AST Investment
       Grade Bond Portfolio.

 *  Note: Lifetime Withdrawals of less than or equal to the Annual Income
    Amount do not reduce the Income Basis.

                               Daily Calculations

 On each Valuation Day, a target value (L) is calculated, according to the
 following formula. If the variable Account Value (V\\V\\ + V\\F\\) is equal to
 zero, no calculation is necessary.

                            L    =    0.05 * P * a

 Transfer Calculation:
 The following formula, which is set on the Benefit Effective Date and is not
 changed for the life of the guarantee, determines when a transfer is required:

              Target Ratio r    =    (L - B) / (V\\V\\ + V\\F\\).

       .   If on the third consecutive Valuation Day r (greater than) C\\u\\
           and r (less or =) Cu\\s\\ or if on any day r (greater than) Cu\\s\\,
           and subject to the 90% cap rule described above, assets in the
           Permitted Sub-accounts (including DCA Fixed Rate Options used with
           any applicable 6 or 12 Month DCA Program) are transferred to the AST
           Investment Grade Bond Portfolio Sub-account.

       .   If r (less than) C\\l\\, and there are currently assets in the AST
           Investment Grade Bond Portfolio Sub-account (B (greater than) 0),
           assets in the AST Investment Grade Bond Portfolio Sub-account are
           transferred to the Permitted Sub-accounts as described above.

 The following formula, which is set on the Benefit Effective Date and is not
 changed for the life of the guarantee, determines the transfer amount:

 T    =    Min (MAX (0, (0.90 * (V\\V\\ + V\\F\\ + B)) - B),                   Money is transferred from the Permitted
           [L - B - (V\\V\\ + V\\F\\) * C\\t\\] / (1 - C\\t\\))                Sub-accounts and DCA Fixed Rate Options to
                                                                               the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account
 T    =    {Min (B, - [L - B - (V\\V\\ + V\\F\\) * C\\t\\] / (1 - C\\t\\))}    Money is transferred from the AST Investment
                                                                               Grade Bond Sub-account to the Permitted

 Monthly Calculation
 On each monthly anniversary of the Annuity Issue Date and following the daily
 Transfer Calculation above, the following formula determines if a transfer
 from the AST Investment Grade Bond Sub-account to the Permitted Sub-Accounts
 will occur:

 If, after the daily Transfer Calculation is performed,

 {Min (B, .05 * (V\\V\\ + V\\F\\ + B))} (less than) (C\\u\\ * (V\\V\\ + V
 \\F\\) - L + B) / (1 - C \\u\\), then

 T\\M\\    =    {Min (B, .05 * (V\\V\\ + V\\F\\ + B))}    Money is transferred from the AST Investment
                                                          Grade Bond Sub-account to the Permitted


                     "a" Factors for Liability Calculations
              (in Years and Months since Benefit Effective Date)*

Years   1      2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11     12
----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
  1   15.34  15.31 15.27 15.23 15.20 15.16 15.13 15.09 15.05 15.02 14.98 14.95
  2   14.91  14.87 14.84 14.80 14.76 14.73 14.69 14.66 14.62 14.58 14.55 14.51
  3   14.47  14.44 14.40 14.36 14.33 14.29 14.26 14.22 14.18 14.15 14.11 14.07
  4   14.04  14.00 13.96 13.93 13.89 13.85 13.82 13.78 13.74 13.71 13.67 13.63
  5   13.60  13.56 13.52 13.48 13.45 13.41 13.37 13.34 13.30 13.26 13.23 13.19
  6   13.15  13.12 13.08 13.04 13.00 12.97 12.93 12.89 12.86 12.82 12.78 12.75
  7   12.71  12.67 12.63 12.60 12.56 12.52 12.49 12.45 12.41 12.38 12.34 12.30
  8   12.26  12.23 12.19 12.15 12.12 12.08 12.04 12.01 11.97 11.93 11.90 11.86
  9   11.82  11.78 11.75 11.71 11.67 11.64 11.60 11.56 11.53 11.49 11.45 11.42
 10   11.38  11.34 11.31 11.27 11.23 11.20 11.16 11.12 11.09 11.05 11.01 10.98
 11   10.94  10.90 10.87 10.83 10.79 10.76 10.72 10.69 10.65 10.61 10.58 10.54
 12   10.50  10.47 10.43 10.40 10.36 10.32 10.29 10.25 10.21 10.18 10.14 10.11
 13   10.07  10.04 10.00  9.96  9.93  9.89  9.86  9.82  9.79  9.75  9.71  9.68
 14    9.64   9.61  9.57  9.54  9.50  9.47  9.43  9.40  9.36  9.33  9.29  9.26
 15    9.22   9.19  9.15  9.12  9.08  9.05  9.02  8.98  8.95  8.91  8.88  8.84
 16    8.81   8.77  8.74  8.71  8.67  8.64  8.60  8.57  8.54  8.50  8.47  8.44
 17    8.40   8.37  8.34  8.30  8.27  8.24  8.20  8.17  8.14  8.10  8.07  8.04
 18    8.00   7.97  7.94  7.91  7.88  7.84  7.81  7.78  7.75  7.71  7.68  7.65
 19    7.62   7.59  7.55  7.52  7.49  7.46  7.43  7.40  7.37  7.33  7.30  7.27
 20    7.24   7.21  7.18  7.15  7.12  7.09  7.06  7.03  7.00  6.97  6.94  6.91
 21    6.88   6.85  6.82  6.79  6.76  6.73  6.70  6.67  6.64  6.61  6.58  6.55
 22    6.52   6.50  6.47  6.44  6.41  6.38  6.36  6.33  6.30  6.27  6.24  6.22
 23    6.19   6.16  6.13  6.11  6.08  6.05  6.03  6.00  5.97  5.94  5.92  5.89
 24    5.86   5.84  5.81  5.79  5.76  5.74  5.71  5.69  5.66  5.63  5.61  5.58
 25    5.56   5.53  5.51  5.48  5.46  5.44  5.41  5.39  5.36  5.34  5.32  5.29
 26    5.27   5.24  5.22  5.20  5.18  5.15  5.13  5.11  5.08  5.06  5.04  5.01
 27    4.99   4.97  4.95  4.93  4.91  4.88  4.86  4.84  4.82  4.80  4.78  4.75
 28    4.73   4.71  4.69  4.67  4.65  4.63  4.61  4.59  4.57  4.55  4.53  4.51
 29    4.49   4.47  4.45  4.43  4.41  4.39  4.37  4.35  4.33  4.32  4.30  4.28
 30    4.26   4.24  4.22  4.20  4.18  4.17  4.15  4.13  4.11  4.09  4.07  4.06**

 *  The values set forth in this table are applied to all ages.
 ** In all subsequent years and months thereafter, the annuity factor is 4.06

 1. In the section entitled "How Are Loyalty Credits Applied To My Account
    Value Under the ASAP III and APEX II Annuities?" we replace the first
    sentence with the following:

 Any Loyalty Credit that is allocated to your Account Value on the fifth
 Annuity Anniversary will be allocated to the Fixed Allocations and
 Sub-accounts according to the "hierarchy" described in this paragraph. This
 hierarchy consists of a priority list of investment options, and the Loyalty
 Credit is applied based on which of the items below is applicable and in
 effect when the Loyalty Credit is applied. Thus, if a given item in the
 priority list is inapplicable to you, we move to the next item. The hierarchy
 is as follows: (a) if you participate in the Optional Allocation & Rebalancing
 Program, any Loyalty Credit will be invested in accordance with such Program,
 (b) if you participate in an asset allocation program (see Appendix D for a
 description of such programs), in accordance with that program, (c) in
 accordance with your standing allocation instructions (d) if you participate
 in the Systematic Investment Plan, in accordance with that Plan, (e) if you
 participate in an automatic rebalancing program, in accordance with that
 program (f) in accordance with how your most recent purchase payment was
 allocated and (g) otherwise in accordance with your instructions, if items
 (a) through (f) above are not permitted or applicable.

 2. In the section entitled "When Do You Process And Value Transactions?" we
    make two changes:

       a  We replace the paragraph referring to Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
          and Merrill Lynch with the following:

 We have arrangements with certain selling firms, under which receipt by the
 firm in good order prior to our cut-off time on a given Valuation Day is
 treated as receipt by us on that Valuation Day for pricing purposes.
 Currently, we have such an arrangement with Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
 ("CGM"). We extend this pricing treatment to orders that you submit directly
 through CGM and to certain orders submitted through Morgan Stanley Smith
 Barney LLC ("MSSB") where CGM serves as clearing firm for MSSB. Your MSSB
 registered representative can tell you whether your order will be cleared
 through CGM. In


 addition, we currently have an arrangement with Merrill, Lynch, Pierce,
 Fenner & Smith, Inc. ("Merrill Lynch") under which transfer orders between
 Sub-accounts that are received in good order by Merrill Lynch prior to the
 NYSE close on a given Valuation Day will be priced by us as of that Valuation
 Day. The arrangements with CGM, MSSB, and Merrill Lynch may be terminated or
 modified in certain circumstances.

       b. We replace the sub-section entitled "Unscheduled Transactions" with
          the following:

 Unscheduled Transactions: "Unscheduled" transactions include any other
 non-scheduled transfers and requests for Partial Withdrawals or Free
 Withdrawals or Surrenders. With respect to certain written requests to
 withdraw Account Value, we may seek to verify the requesting Owner's
 signature. Specifically, we reserve the right to perform a signature
 verification for (a) any withdrawal exceeding a certain dollar amount (b) a
 withdrawal exceeding a certain dollar amount if the payee is someone other
 than the Owner and (c) any withdrawal request that, in our sole discretion,
 warrants further inquiry. We reserve the right to request a signature
 guarantee with respect to a written withdrawal request. In addition, we will
 not honor a withdrawal request in which the requested payee is the Financial
 Professional or agent of record. We also reserve the right to modify our
 procedures for signature verification. If we do perform a signature
 verification, and the signature is corroborated, we will pay the withdrawal
 proceeds within 7 days after the withdrawal request was received by us if the
 withdrawal request is in good order.

 3. In the prospectus section entitled "Who Distributes Annuities Offered By
    Prudential Annuities?", and the Statement of Additional Information section
    entitled "Payments Made To Promote Sale Of Our Products", to reflect a name
    change, we replace the reference to Wachovia Securities, LLC with Wells
    Fargo Advisors, LLC.

 4. In the section entitled "Summary of Contract Fees and Charges," we add the
    following to the table of Underlying Mutual Fund Portfolio Expenses:

       UNDERLYING PORTFOLIO                                        Acquired    Total
                                                                   Portfolio  Annual
                                    Management  Other               Fees &   Portfolio
                                       Fee     Expenses 12b-1 Fees Expenses  Expenses
Advanced Series Trust:
 AST Jennison Large-Cap Value/ 1/     0.75%     0.18%     0.00%      0.00%     0.93%
 AST Jennsion Large-Cap Growth/ 2/    0.90%     0.20%     0.00%      0.00%     1.10%

 1  Until at least June 30, 2010, the Investment Managers have voluntarily
    agreed to waive a portion of their investment management fees and/or
    reimburse certain expenses for the AST Jennison Large-Cap Value Portfolio
    so that the Portfolio's investment management fees plus other expenses
    (exclusive in all cases of taxes, interest, brokerage commissions, dividend
    and interest expense, if any, related to short sales, and extraordinary
    expenses) do not exceed 0.88% of its average daily net assets. These
    arrangements may be discontinued or otherwise modified by the Investment
    Managers at any time after June 30, 2010 without prior notice.
 2  Until at least June 30, 2010, the Investment Managers have voluntarily
    agreed to waive a portion of their investment management fees and/or
    reimburse certain expenses for the AST Jennison Large-Cap Growth Portfolio
    so that the Portfolio's investment management fees plus other expenses
    (exclusive in all cases of taxes, interest, brokerage commissions, dividend
    and interest expense, if any, related to short sales, and extraordinary
    expenses) do not exceed 1.05% of its average daily net assets. These
    arrangements may be discontinued or otherwise modified by the Investment
    Managers at any time after June 30, 2010 without prior notice.

 We include the name of each fund in the list of portfolios appearing on the
 inside front cover of the Prospectus.


..   Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC is no longer a Sub-advisor to the AST
    Academic Strategies Asset Allocation Portfolio as of July 1, 2009.
..   Dreman Value Management L.L.C. is no longer a Sub-advisor to the AST
    Large-Cap Value Portfolio or the AST Small Cap Value Portfolio, as of
    July 1, 2009.
..   Fund name corrections: in both the Group I and Group II tables appearing in
    the section of the prospectus entitled Investment Options, we reflect that
    (a) the AST UBS Dynamic Alpha Portfolio does not have the word "Strategy"
    in its name and (b) the AST Schroders Multi-Asset World Strategies
    Portfolio does not have the words "Asset Allocation" in its name.


 In the section entitled, "Investment Options," we add the following to the
 table of Investment Objectives/Policies"

     TYPE                                                  ADVISOR/
     LARGE     AST Jennison Large-Cap Value           Jennison Associates
      CAP      Portfolio: seeks capital                      LLC
     VALUE     appreciation. Under normal market
               conditions, the Portfolio will
               invest at least 80% of its
               investable assets in the equity and
               equity-related securities of
               large-capitalization companies
               measured, at the time of purchase,
               to be within the market
               capitalization of the Russell
               1000(R) Index. In deciding which
               equity securities to buy, the
               Subadvisor will use a value
               investment style and will invest in
               common stocks that it believes are
               being valued at a discount to their
               true worth, as defined by the value
               of their earnings, free cash flow,
               the value of their assets, their
               private market value, or some
               combination of these factors. The
               Subadvisor will look for catalysts
               that will help unlock a common
               stock's inherent value.
     LARGE     AST Jennison Large-Cap Growth          Jennison Associates
      CAP      Portfolio: seeks long-term growth of          LLC
     GROWTH    capital. Under normal market
               conditions, the Portfolio will
               invest at least 80% of its
               investable assets in the equity and
               equity-related securities of
               large-capitalization companies
               measured, at the time of purchase,
               to be within the market
               capitalization of the Russell
               1000(R) Index. In deciding which
               equity securities to buy, the
               Subadvisor will use a growth
               investment style and will invest in
               stocks it believes could experience
               superior sales or earnings growth,
               or high returns on equity and
               assets. The companies in which the
               Subadvisor will invest generally
               tend to have a unique market niche,
               a strong new product profile or
               superior management.

 Initially, each new Portfolio will not be an option to which you may directly
 allocate Purchase Payments. Instead, beginning on or about September 23, 2009,
 each Portfolio will be available only as an underlying Portfolio in which the
 AST Academic Strategies Asset Allocation Portfolio, the Dynamic Asset
 Allocation Portfolios (i.e., AST Aggressive Asset Allocation Portfolio, AST
 Balanced Asset Allocation Portfolio, AST Capital Growth Asset Allocation
 Portfolio and AST Preservation Asset Allocation Portfolio), and the Tactical
 Asset Allocation Portfolios (i.e., AST CLS Growth Asset Allocation Portfolio,
 AST CLS Moderate Asset Allocation Portfolio, AST Horizon Growth Asset
 Allocation Portfolio, AST Horizon Moderate Asset Allocation Portfolio, and AST
 Niemann Capital Growth Asset Allocation Portfolio) may invest. In the near
 future, each Portfolio will be available for direct allocations of Purchase
