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                             www.sutherland.com                   NEW YORK
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DIRECT LINE: 202.383.0590
E-mail: thomas.conner@sutherland.com

                                October 27, 2009


Alison White, Esq.
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549-8629

     Re:  MetLife Investors USA Insurance Company
          MetLife Investors USA Separate Account A
          File Nos. 333-161443 and 811-3365

Dear Ms. White:

On behalf of MetLife Investors USA Insurance Company (the "Company") and its
separate account, MetLife Investors USA Separate Account A (the "Separate
Account") we are providing the Company's responses to your comments of October
26, 2009 in connection with the above-referenced initial registration statement
filed on August 19, 2009 for certain individual single premium deferred variable
annuity contracts issued by the Company through the Separate Account (the
"Contract"). Each of the Staff's comments is set forth below, followed by the
Company's response.

1.   COMMENT: Please highlight the statement on page 5 that reads: "an excess
     withdrawal that reduces the contract value to zero will terminate the

     RESPONSE: The Company revised the prospectus to highlight the statement on
     page 5 that reads: "an excess withdrawal that reduces the contract value to
     zero will terminate the contract."

2.   COMMENT: The Staff would like to take back original comment 5 which stated:
     "Please remove the .32% fee for the Fidelity VIP Money Market Portfolio
     from the portfolio expenses table, since the investment option is available
     only during the free look period." The Staff reconsidered this comment and
     decided that it makes more sense to go back to the way the Company
     originally had it. That is, include the charge for the

                                                 SUTHERLAND ASBILL & BRENNAN LLP

Alison White, Esq.
October 27, 2009
Page 2

     Fidelity VIP Money Market Portfolio in the portfolio expenses table and in
     the detail and also include in the notes that a contract owner cannot
     choose to invest his money in the Fidelity VIP Money Market Portfolio.

     RESPONSE: The Company revised the prospectus to include the charge for the
     Fidelity VIP Money Market Portfolio in the portfolio expenses table and in
     the detail. The Company also included in the notes that contract owner
     cannot choose to invest his money in the Fidelity VIP Money Market

3.   COMMENT: On page 46, please change the cross reference in the last sentence
     in example 3 to page 23 (instead of page 14).

     RESPONSE: The Company revised the prospectus to correct the cross

4.   COMMENT: Please reconcile the statement on page 5 that reads: "You should
     purchase this Contract only if you are buying it for the GWB feature" with
     the statement on page 24 that reads: "At any time during the accumulation
     phase, you can elect to annuitize under current annuity rates. This may
     provide higher income amounts if the current annuity option rates applied
     to the contract value on the annuity date exceed the GWB Amount payments."
     In addition, please add prospectus disclosure explaining why a contract
     owner would choose to receive withdrawals under the GWB feature as opposed
     to annuitizing.

     RESPONSE: The Company revised the prospectus to delete the statement on
     page 5 that reads: "[y]ou should purchase this Contract only if you are
     buying it for the GWB feature." In addition, the Company added the
     following disclosure in the GWB section: "You have the option of receiving
     withdrawals under the GWB feature or receiving payments under an annuity
     income option. You should consult with your registered representative when
     deciding how to receive income under this contract. In making this
     decision, you should consider many factors, including the relative amount
     of current income provided by the two options, the potential ability to
     receive higher future payments through potential increases to the GWB Value
     (as described below), your potential need to make additional withdrawals in
     the future, and the relative values to you of the death benefits available
     prior to and after annuitization."

                                                 SUTHERLAND ASBILL & BRENNAN LLP

Alison White, Esq.
October 27, 2009
Page 3

                                      * * *

We hope you will find these responses satisfactory. If you have any questions or
comments, please contact the undersigned at (202) 383-0590 or Lisa Flanagan at
(202) 383-0873.


                                                    /s/ W. Thomas Conner
                                                    W. Thomas Conner

cc:  Michele Abate, Esq.
     John Towers, Esq.
     Lisa Flanagan, Esq.

                                                 SUTHERLAND ASBILL & BRENNAN LLP