Reed Smith LLP
                                                             1301 K Street, N.W.
                                                         Suite 1100 - East Tower
                                                     Washington, D.C. 20005-3373
W. THOMAS CONNER                                             Tel +1 202 414 9200
Direct Phone:  +1 202 414 9208                               Fax +1 202 414 9299

October 29, 2014


Keith A. Gregory
Senior Counsel
Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Investment Management
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20549

FILE NOS. 333-197993; 811-03365

FILE NOS. 333-198448; 811-04001

Dear Mr. Gregory:

     On behalf of MetLife Investors USA Insurance Company ("MLI USA") and
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company ("MLIC," and together with MLI USA, the
"Companies") and their corresponding separate accounts, MetLife Investors USA
Separate Account A and Metropolitan Life Separate Account E (each, a
"Registrant," and collectively, the "Registrants"), we are responding to the
comments that you provided to us by correspondence dated October 7, 2014 with
regard to the initial registration statements on Form N-4 for the National
Version and the NY Version that were filed under the Securities Act of 1933 (the
"Securities Act"), on August 8, 2014 and August 28, 2014, respectively
(collectively, the "Registration Statements").

     For ease of reference, each of the Staff's comments is set forth below,
followed by the Companies' response.  Unless noted otherwise, page references in
their responses are to the pages in the courtesy copy of the National Version
registration statement provided to the Staff.  To the extent that a response
indicates that the Companies propose revised disclosure, the revised prospectus
or SAI filed herewith reflects the revised disclosure.


1.   Missing Information: Please confirm that all missing and/or bracketed
     information, including financial statements, exhibits and other required
     information, will be included in pre-effective amendments to the
     registration statements.



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October 29, 2014
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          RESPONSE: The pre-effective amendments to the Registration Statements
          filed herewith include the financial statements, exhibits and other
          required information that was not included in the Registration

2.   Guarantees and Supports: Please clarify supplementally whether there are
     any types of guarantees or support agreements with third parties to support
     any of the benefits or features under the contracts or whether the company
     will be solely responsible for any benefits or features associated with the

          RESPONSE: There are no guarantees or support agreements with third


3.   Index of Special Terms:

     a. INDEX OF SPECIAL TERMS: Please consider including the following Special
     Terms in the Index: Annuity Service Center, Asset Allocation Program,
     Commutation, Contract, Free Look, Required Minimum Distribution, and Return
     of Premium Death Benefit.

          RESPONSE: The Companies have carefully considered the usage of the
          terms listed above, as well as the context in which they are used, and
          determined that inclusion of a brief explanation of the terms "Free
          Look" and "Annuity Service Center" could be helpful to investors.
          Accordingly, we have revised the Index to include those terms. With
          respect to the term "Asset Allocation Program," we note that the asset
          allocation program is not part of the contract and is not offered
          through the respective prospectuses, but rather through the Form ADV
          Part II of MetLife Advisers, LLC ("MetLife Advisers"). Moreover, the
          term "asset allocation program" is merely a generic reference to the
          "Blueprint Models" referenced in the prospectus. Finally, the term
          "asset allocation program" is only used twice in the prospectus,
          including one time in a heading. Since the term is not used repeatedly
          throughout the prospectus, we do not believe a separate definition of
          this term is warranted.

          With respect to the terms, "Commutation," "Contract," "Required
          Minimum Distribution" and "Return of Premium Death Benefit," we
          respectfully submit that these terms are most readily understood when
          read in context and do not lend themselves readily to explanation in
          isolation. That is, a sufficient explanation of the meaning of these
          terms would necessarily entail detailed and lengthy additional
          explanation of the operation of the contract provisions to which they
          relate that would be duplicative of other existing disclosure in the
          prospectus and would not enhance an investor's comprehension of the

     b.  GOOD ORDER (p. 52): Please provide a more specific definition of "Good
     Order" as well as the method by which you expect to receive communications
     from Owners under the various circumstances discussed in the Prospectus
     (e.g., "Allocation of Purchase Payments" on page 17

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     and "Changes to Beneficiaries" on page 53). In addition, please consider
     replacing generic disclosure such as "in a form acceptable to us" with
     "Good Order," as appropriate.

          RESPONSE: We respectfully submit that the term "Good Order" is
          adequately defined in the prospectus. As stated in the existing
          disclosure, the determination of whether a request or transaction is
          in "Good Order" primarily depends on whether it complies with the
          Companies' administrative procedures currently in effect. The
          Companies have adopted administrative procedures that reflect the
          specific information considered essential to accurately process the
          individual types of requests and transactions involved in the purchase
          and maintenance of a variable annuity contract. Even summarizing the
          procedures could add a significant number of pages and amount of
          minutiae to the prospectus. We believe that adding extensive new
          disclosure regarding the "Good Order" procedures for every type of
          request or transaction would obscure what the Companies believe
          contract owners need to fundamentally understand - that they need to
          be careful and thorough when completing transaction requests. As noted
          below, the prospectus provides ample information on how Owners can
          communicate with the Companies to determine the "Good Order"
          requirements applicable to, and procedures for initiating, any
          particular transaction.

          With respect to the Staff's comment regarding the methods by which the
          Companies expect to receive communications from Owners, we believe
          that the section titled "OTHER INFORMATION - Requests and Elections"
          already provides full disclosure concerning the requested information.
          This section specifies the means by which Owners should communicate
          with the Companies to submit a Purchase Payment and to make requests
          for service. Additionally, this section identifies the transactions
          that an Owner may make by telephone or Internet. We believe this
          section clearly advises Owners of the methods by which the Companies
          expect to receive communications from Owners.

          Lastly, in response to the Staff's comment, we have substituted the
          term "in Good Order" for the following phrases used throughout the

               o    "in a form that we may require"

               o    "in a form acceptable to us"

               o    "in a form satisfactory to us"

     c. CAPITALIZED TERMS: We note that the Prospectus includes many capitalized
     terms that are not defined. Please define such terms or change them to
     lower case font. Please also replace the term "sub-account" with
     "Investment Portfolio" in the Prospectus and SAI, as appropriate.

          RESPONSE: We have reviewed the prospectus and confirmed that all
          capitalized terms are defined. With respect to our use of the term
          "sub-account," we respectfully decline to replace this term with
          "Investment Portfolio" throughout the prospectus. The term
          "sub-account" refers to a division of the Separate Account and is not
          synonymous with "Investment Portfolio," which means a specific
          portfolio of an underlying mutual fund offered as an investment option
          that is available under the contract. (As noted in the

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          section "OTHER INFORMATION - The Separate Account," the Separate
          Account "is divided into sub-accounts.") In reviewing the prospectus,
          we have confirmed that the term sub-account is appropriate in the
          instances where it is used. We also note that the term "sub-account"
          is used in the sections of the SAI that describe the independent
          registered accounting firm of the Companies and the financial
          statements. The wording of these sections is subject to the review and
          approval of the Companies' independent registered public accounting
          firm and as such, we believe "sub-account" is the term preferred by
          them in these instances.

4.   Reservations of Rights: Please review the Prospectus and in each case
     where the Registrant reserves the right to change, cancel or modify a
     benefit or contract term, please ensure that information concerning the
     circumstances under which the change would be made, who may approve it and
     the time period and form of notice to Owners is disclosed. For example,
     (i) on page 16, please include appropriate information with respect to
     rejecting an application; (ii) on page 23, please consider including a
     reference to page 36 with respect to suspensions or restrictions on
     transfer privileges and (iii) on page 49, with respect to the registrant's
     ability to make certain changes to the Separate Account,
     please provide information regarding notice that will be provided to
     contract Owners. See Item 7(c) of Form N-4.

          RESPONSE: In response to the Staff's comments, on page 23 of the
          prospectus we have included a reference to "6. ACCESS TO YOUR MONEY -
          Suspension of Payments or Transfers" on page 37 with respect to
          suspensions or restrictions on transfer privileges, and on page 50 we
          have revised the last sentence of the third paragraph under the
          caption "The Separate Account" to read as follows: "If we do so, we
          will notify you of any such changes and we guarantee that the
          modification will not affect your Account Value." With respect to the
          change requested on page 16, we note that as a matter of state law,
          insurance companies may reject any application for any lawful reason.
          Therefore, we respectfully decline to include disclosure that would
          purportedly serve as an exhaustive list of the reasons for which the
          Companies may reject an application. In addition, we believe that Item
          7(c) of Form N-4 addresses changes that can be made in the variable
          annuity contract, and rejection of an application for a contract does
          not constitute a change in the variable annuity contract.

5.   Free Look: On page 6, the disclosure indicates that, upon cancellation
     within  the  10  day period, the Owner receives the Contract value based on
     the  performance of the Investment Portfolios. Please clarify how the Fixed
     Account  allocations  operate  during  the "Free Look" period.

          RESPONSE: In response to the Staff's comment, we have added disclosure
          under the section of the prospectus titled "HIGHLIGHTS - Free Look."

6.   Fee Table and Expense Example (pp. 7-8, 13-14): The Owner Transactions
     Expenses Table lists the Standard Version fees followed by the C Share
     Option fees. The Separate Account Annual Expenses Table and the Expense
     Example reflect the C Share Option fees followed by the Standard Version
     fees. For consistency, please present the information for each class in the
     same order for the Fee Tables and the Expense Example.

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          RESPONSE: In response to the Staff's comment, we have revised the
          Separate Account Annual Expenses Table and the Expense Example to
          present information for the C Share Option and the Standard Version in
          the same order as the Owner Transactions Expenses Table.

7.   Investment Portfolio Expenses (pp. 10-12): The Prospectus includes
     additional tables showing annual operating expenses separately for each
     Investment Portfolio. Instruction 20 to Item 3 of Form N-4 requires that
     such additional tables should be prepared in the format and in accordance
     with the instructions prescribed by Item 3 of Form N-1A. Please revise the
     table accordingly. For example:

     a. TABLE HEADING: Please replace the table heading "Contractual Expense
     Subsidy or Deferral" with "Fee Waiver [and/or Expense Reimbursement]".
     Please also make a corresponding change to the narrative preceding the
     Expense Example. See Instruction 3(e) to Item 3 of Form N-1A.

          RESPONSE: We have made the requested changes.

     b. FOOTNOTES: As some of the Investment Portfolios are "new funds" (e.g.,

     Van Eck VIP Long/Short Equity Index Fund), please include a footnote to the
     "Other Expenses" and "Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses" line items
     indicating that these items are based on estimated amounts for the current
     fiscal year, where appropriate. See Instructions 3(f)(vi) and 6(a) to Item
     3 of Form N-1A.

          RESPONSE: We have made the requested change.

     c. FEE WAIVERS: For funds that have contractual fee waivers, please confirm
     that such fee waivers extend for more than one year from the effective date
     of this registration statement. Please include disclosure stating waiver's
     expected termination date and briefly describe who can terminate the
     arrangement and under what circumstances. See Instruction 3(e) to Item 3 of
     Form N-1A.

          RESPONSE: With respect to the Staff's comment regarding the period for
          which the fee waiver or expense reimbursement is expected to continue,
          we respectfully note that the existing disclosure on page 12 of the
          prospectus satisfies the requirements of Instruction 3(e) to Item 3 of
          Form N-1A. The existing disclosure in the prospectus states that any
          fee waivers or expense reimbursement arrangements reflected in the
          table of Investment Portfolio Expenses will remain in effect for at
          least one year from the date of the portfolio company's prospectus. We
          believe that Instruction 20 to Item 3 of Form N-4 and Instruction 3(e)
          to Item 3 of Form N-1A, when read together, only require disclosure of
          the period for which the expense reimbursement or fee waiver
          arrangement is expected to continue, as of the date of the effective
          date of the registration statement of the portfolio company. We do not
          read these provisions of Form N-4 and Form N-1A as requiring separate
          account registrants to ensure the contractual fee waivers and/or
          expense reimbursement arrangements that their portfolio companies may
          enter into with third parties remain in effect for at least one year
          from the effective date of the separate

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          account registration statement; the obligation of the separate account
          registrant only is to accurately disclose these arrangements to keep
          investors informed. We are aware of other variable annuity separate
          account registrants that follow this disclosure convention as well.
          Most importantly, we note that a particular fund may be a portfolio
          company for many different insurance company products, and it would be
          unworkable if the fund had to obtain extensions of its contractual fee
          waiver/expense reimbursement arrangements based on the effective date
          of the registration statement for each such insurance company product.

          With respect to the Staff's comment regarding disclosure of "who can
          terminate the arrangement and under what circumstances," we
          respectfully submit that this disclosure is already provided. The
          paragraph following the table states that "arrangements that may be
          terminated without the consent of the Investment Portfolio's board of
          directors or trustees, are not shown." In other words, fee waiver or
          expense reimbursement arrangements are disclosed only when an
          arrangement cannot be terminated without the express consent of the
          portfolio company's board of directors or trustees. We believe this
          disclosure satisfies the objectives of Instruction 3(e) to Item 3 of
          N-1A. We further note that in accordance with a specific Staff comment
          received several years ago, we eliminated footnotes from the
          Investment Portfolio Expenses table on an enterprise-wide basis,
          replacing the footnotes with a standalone paragraph after the table
          that provides omnibus disclosure. We have consistently used this table
          format since that time. In view of the fact that we believe the
          existing disclosure is adequate, and that the requested change is
          contrary to prior Staff guidance and would necessitate a burdensome,
          enterprise-wide update to over 200 disclosure documents, we
          respectfully decline to make the requested change.

8.   Example (p.13): For clarity, please consider replacing each reference to
     "optional death benefit" with "Optional Return of Premium Death Benefit."

          RESPONSE: The requested revision has been made.

9.   The Annuity Contract (p. 15): Please delete the subsection entitled
     "Frequent or Large Transfers" from the section "The Annuity Contract" or
     combine it with the subsection entitled "Restrictions on Frequent
     Transfers." We note that describing such restrictions before a discussion
     of the ability to transfer Account Value may confuse contract owners.

          RESPONSE: We believe the separate subsection titled "Frequent or Large
          Transfers" is appropriate. The section "The Annuity Contract" presents
          an overview of the operation of the variable annuity contract. We
          believe a subsection containing an overview of the Company's policies
          and procedures to detect trading abuses is appropriately placed here
          because it serves to direct the investor's attention to more detailed
          information about those policies and procedures that is located
          elsewhere in the prospectus. Accordingly, we respectfully decline to
          make the requested change.

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10.  Fixed Account (pp. 15, 17):

     a. STANDARD VERSION: On page 15, in the last paragraph of the left column,
     the prospectus states that the Fixed Account is not offered by the
     prospectus. On page 17, under the caption "Allocation of Purchase
     Payments," the disclosure indicates that Purchase Payments may be allocated
     to the Fixed Account and/or the Investment Portfolios. Please clarify that
     the Fixed Account is offered as an allocation option under the Standard
     Version of the Contract and explain why it is not offered by the prospectus
     (e.g., that interests in the Fixed Account are not registered), as

          RESPONSE: The Companies have clarified the disclosure as requested to
          explain that (1) the Standard Version of the contract contains a Fixed
          Account option in most states, and that (2) the Fixed Account is not
          offered by the prospectus since interests in the Fixed Account are not
          securities under the federal securities laws.

     b. FIXED ACCOUNT RATES: On page 17, please explain the meanings of
     "guaranteed minimum rate" and "published maximum" with respect to the Fixed
     Account and identify where such information may be found.

          RESPONSE: In response to the Staff's comment regarding our use of the
          term "guaranteed minimum rate," we have revised the first bullet point
          of the second paragraph under the caption "Allocation of Purchase
          Payments" as follows:

          o    the credited interest rate on the Fixed Account is equal to the
               guaranteed minimum rate indicated in your contract; or

          In addition, in the second bullet point of that paragraph, we have
          added disclosure clarifying that there is currently no maximum limit
          for Fixed Account allocations and that we will notify the contract
          holder of any such limit.

     c. FINANCIAL STRENGTH: On page 15, in the top right column, please state
     that any payments from the Fixed Account are subject to MetLife Investors
     USA Insurance Company's financial strength and claims paying ability.

          RESPONSE: The requested change has been made.

11.  Account Value (p. 18): On page 18, please explain that contract charges,
     in addition to the investment performance of the Investment Portfolios,
     affect Accumulation Unit value. See Item 10(b) of Form N-4.

          RESPONSE: Registrants respectfully note that the purpose of this
          specific sentence is to focus on the particular importance of the
          varying nature of the investment performance of the underlying
          portfolios in determining Account Value. The disclosure following that
          sentence provides the full discussion required by Item 10(b) of Form

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12.  Other Exchanges (pp. 18-19): Please clarify that an exchange into the C
     Share Option does not start a new surrender charge period.

          RESPONSE: We have made the requested revision.

13.  Investment Options (pp. 20-22): This section describes the various series
     trusts alternatively using the terms "open-end management company",
     "mutual fund" or "trust." Please consider using consistent terms when
     describing each such trust.

          RESPONSE: The descriptions of the Investment Portfolios have been
          revised to refer to each of the Investment Portfolios as a "mutual

14.  Asset Allocation/Blueprint Models (pp. 26-27):

     a. INDEPENDENT THIRD PARTY CONSULTANT: Please disclose the identity and
     address of the independent third party consultant. See Item 5(f) of
     Form N-4. Please also supplementally state whether the consultant is
     registered as an investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of
     1940 (Advisers Act). If so, please supplementally explain whether it is
     acting in its capacity as an adviser. If the Consultant not a registered
     adviser, please supplementally explain why it is not registered under the
     Advisers Act.

          RESPONSE: As previously stated, the asset allocation program is not
          part of the contract and is not offered through the respective
          prospectuses, but rather through the Form ADV Part II of MetLife
          Advisers. MetLife Advisers may select a different consultant from time
          to time, to the extent permitted under applicable law. In this regard,
          we believe the identity of the third party consultant is appropriately
          disclosed in the information that registered representatives will
          supply to potential investors who are interested in utilizing the
          asset allocation program. Accordingly, we respectfully decline to
          disclose the address and identity of the independent third party
          consultant in the prospectuses.

          The current independent third-party consultant is registered as an
          investment adviser under the Advisers Act. If, in providing services
          to MetLife Advisers, the consultant would be deemed to be acting as an
          investment adviser, the consultant would be deemed to be an investment
          adviser to MetLife Advisers, but not with respect to contract owners.
          In this regard, as you know, the Staff's concerns evidenced through
          the guidance it provided to registrants in 2005 were focused on making
          sure that there was an investment adviser in place in a dynamic asset
          allocation program, and that it was an appropriate response to these
          concerns for an insurer-affiliated adviser to hold itself out as
          investment adviser to contract holders with respect to the provisions
          of the asset allocation models.

     b. AFFILIATED ENTITIES: Please supplementally explain whether MetLife
     Advisers, LLC has the discretion to select an affiliated entity to act as
     consultant. If so, please disclose any conflicts of interest that may arise
     with respect to the asset allocation program, the company, and/or the
     Separate Account.

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          RESPONSE: Because the asset allocation program is offered to IRA
          contract holders, pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 4975 and
          Treasury and Department of Labor rules and regulations, MetLife
          Advisers would not select an affiliated entity as a consultant.
          Furthermore, the conflicts that could arise with respect to the asset
          allocation program if an affiliated consultant were engaged, are
          already disclosed in the prospectus because MetLife Advisers is an

     c. BLUEPRINT MODELS: Please provide the staff with a copy of the current
     blueprint models.

          RESPONSE: In response to the Staff's request, we have attached a copy
          of the current Blueprint Models to this letter.

15.  Withdrawal Charges (p. 30): Please consider presenting a hypothetical
     example showing the effect of withdrawal charges on full and partial

          RESPONSE: We have carefully considered the Staff's request, but we do
          not believe the addition of a hypothetical example to the prospectus
          showing the effect of withdrawal charges on full and partial
          withdrawals would provide significant usefulness. Moreover, on an
          enterprise-wide basis, the prospectuses for our variable annuities
          reflect a consistent approach with respect to presentation of
          examples, and none of them includes a hypothetical example showing the
          effect of withdrawal charges on full and partial withdrawals. We
          believe it is important to maintain this consistent approach and
          respectfully decline to make the requested change.

16.  Death Benefit (pp. 37-39):

     a. DUPLICATE DISCLOSURE: Please consider revising the Death Benefit
     disclosure by combining the general death benefits disclosure on pages
     38-39 with the specific disclosure on pages 37-38. We note that such
     combined disclosure would eliminate duplicate text and assist investor

          RESPONSE: We have reviewed the Death Benefit disclosure and do not
          believe this section contains duplicative disclosure. Page 38
          discusses how the identity of the owners and the number of
          beneficiaries affect the triggering of the death benefit; and pages 38
          to 40 explain the operation of the death benefit provisions.
          Accordingly, we respectfully decline the request to combine the
          disclosure on these pages.

     b. CALCULATION OF DEATH BENEFIT (p. 37): The Prospectus states on page 37
     that "[i]f the death benefit payable is an amount that exceeds the Account
     Value on the day it is determined, we will apply to the contract an amount
     equal to the difference between the death benefit payable and the Account
     Value, in accordance with the current allocation of the Account Value." For
     clarity, please preface this sentence with a statement indicating that it
     refers to the return of premium benefit and not the standard death benefit.

          RESPONSE: We have made the requested change.

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     c. DEATH BENEFIT PAYMENT OPTIONS (p. 38): For clarity, please disclose the
     death benefit payment options in one place with the attendant effect of the
     payment method on the calculation of the death benefit. For example,
     reference to the lump sum and annuity payment methods are made on page 38
     but the effect each method on death benefit calculation appears elsewhere.

          RESPONSE: We do not believe the payment method has any effect on the
          calculation of the death benefit. Accordingly, we respectfully decline
          to make the requested change.

     d. RISK OF LOSS/REMAINING BENEFICIARIES (p. 37): On page 37, the disclosure
     indicates that the death benefit will be determined as of the time the
     first Beneficiary submits the necessary documentation in Good Order.
     Further disclosure indicates that any death benefit amounts held in the
     Investment Portfolios on behalf of the remaining Beneficiaries are subject
     to investment risk. Please clarify whether the first Beneficiary's interest
     is also subject to investment risk until the death benefit is paid. In
     addition, please clarify the meaning of "There is no additional death
     benefit guarantee."

          RESPONSE: In response to the Staff's comment, we have revised the
          second paragraph under the caption "8. DEATH BENEFIT - Upon Your
          Death" to clarify that only the amount of the death benefit payable to
          the first Beneficiary is guaranteed and as such, there is no other
          guarantee of the amount of the death benefit payable to any other

     e. OPTIONAL DEATH BENEFIT - RETURN OF PREMIUM (p. 38): On page 38, in the
     second full paragraph in the left column, in line three (3), please replace
     "the death benefit" with "the optional death benefit."

          RESPONSE: We have replaced "the death benefit" with "the Return of
          Premium death benefit."

     f. SPOUSAL CONTINUATION (pp. 38-39): Under the caption "General Death
     Benefit Provisions," the prospectus discusses additional purchase payments
     (i.e., direct transfers from other Qualified or Non-Qualified Contracts
     held in the name of the decedent) that a Beneficiary can make under a new
     contract issued to a Beneficiary to facilitate the payment of a death
     benefit over time. Please disclose under the caption "Spousal Continuation"
     whether such additional purchase payments may be made in the context of a
     spouse electing to continue the contract.

          RESPONSE: In response to the Staff's comment, we have revised the last
          sentence of the first paragraph under the caption "8. DEATH BENEFIT -
          Spousal Continuation" to read as follows: "The terms and conditions of
          the contract that applied prior to the Owner's death will continue to
          apply, including the ability to make Purchase Payments, with certain
          exceptions described in the contract."

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17.  Table of Contents (p. 2): Please conform the terms used in the Table of
     Contents and the headings in the SAI with those used in the Prospectus
     (i.e., "Historical Unit Values" and "Historical Accumulation Unit Values";
     and "Fixed Annuity" and "Fixed Account."

          RESPONSE: We have made the requested change.

18.  Item 18: Please confirm that all information required by Item 18 of Form
     N-4 has been disclosed, in particular Item 18(e).

          RESPONSE: We confirm that all information required by Item 18 of Form
          N-4, including Item 18(e), has been disclosed.

19.  Unaffiliated Underwriters or Dealers: Please provide the disclosure
     required by Item 20(d) of Form N-4, if appropriate. We note that the
     Prospectus indicates that the Contract may be sold through unaffiliated
     dealers and distributors.

          RESPONSE: The Registrants have not made any of the types of payments
          that are required to be disclosed pursuant to Item 20(d) of Form N-4;
          accordingly, no disclosure is needed pursuant to Item 20(d).


20.  Please provide a Power of Attorney that relates specifically to this new
     Registration Statement as required by Rule 483(b) under the Securities Act,
     including an SEC 1933 Act registration number.

          RESPONSE: The Companies will revise the powers of attorney to include
          the name of the variable annuity contract, i.e., MetLife Investment
          Portfolio Architect, and resubmit the powers with their pre-effective
          amendments to the Registration Statements.


21.  We urge all persons who are responsible for the accuracy and adequacy of
     the disclosure in the filings reviewed by the staff to be certain that they
     have provided all information investors require for an informed decision.
     Since the registrant is in possession of all facts relating to the
     registrant's disclosure, it is responsible for the accuracy and adequacy of
     the disclosures it has made.

     Notwithstanding our comments, in the event the registration requests
acceleration of the effective date of the pending registration statement, it
should furnish a letter, at the time of such request, acknowledging that:

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     o    Should the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to delegated
          authority, declare the filing effective, it does not foreclose the
          Commission from taking any action with respect to the filing;

     o    The action of the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to
          delegated authority, in declaring the filing effective, does not
          relieve the registrant from its full responsibility for the adequacy
          and accuracy of the disclosure in the filing; and

     o    The registrant may not assert this action as defense in any
          proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal
          securities laws of the United States.

     In addition, please be advised that the Division of Enforcement has access
to all information you provide to the staff of the Division of Investment
Management in connection with our review of your filing or in response to our
comments on your filing.

          RESPONSE: We will provide the requisite "Tandy representations" in
          subsequent correspondence requesting acceleration pursuant to Rule 461
          under the Securities Act.

     We hope that you will find these responses satisfactory.  If you have
questions or comments about this matter, please contact the undersigned at

Very truly yours,

/s/ W. Thomas Conner
W. Thomas Conner

