FROM:                       Conner, W. Thomas
SENT:                       Thursday, November 06, 2014 5:33 PM
TO:                         Sonny S. Oh (ohm@sec.gov)
CC:                         Heminger, Peggy C.
SUBJECT:                    FW: MGI edit

Here is the edit to the MGI withdrawal table. Since this prospectus will not be
used for sales prior to 11/17, the detail was unnecessary. For the top table,
there is no end date, so the concept of good order or any other detail is
unnecessary. If a contract is issued after that date, whether it got held up or
wasn't in good order or whatever, it doesn't matter.

Is there any way you can let us know that you think that if this comment is
resolved, Fidelity can go to print tonight?

FROM: Towers, John [mailto:jtowers@metlife.com]
SENT: Thursday, November 06, 2014 5:18 PM
TO: Conner, W. Thomas; Heminger, Peggy C.

I assume this is what he has in mind (below), and since this prospectus will not
be used for sales prior to 11/17, the detail is unnecessary:


        John B. Towers | MetLife Law Department | One Financial Center |
            Boston, MA 02111 | (t) 203.316.8888 (f) 212.448.8334 |


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