Reed Smith LLP
                                                  Riverfront Plaza - West Tower
                                               901 East Byrd Street, Suite 1700
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                                                            Fax +1 804 344 3410

                                                            1301 K Street, N.W.
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                                                    Washington, D.C. 20005-3373
W. THOMAS CONNER                                            Tel +1 202 414 9200
Direct Phone: +1 202 414 9208                               Fax +1 202 414 9299

March 31, 2016


Sonny Oh
Senior Counsel
Securities and Exchange Commission
Diivision of Investment Management
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549

     SERIES VA (OFFERED ON AND AFTER ______, 2016)
     FILE NOS. 811-03365 AND 333-209053

     CLASS VA (OFFERED ON AND AFTER ______, 2016)
     FILE NOS. 811-08306 AND 333-209058

Dear Mr. Oh:

     On behalf of MetLife Insurance Company USA ("MetLife USA") and First
MetLife Investors Insurance Company ("FMLI," and together with MetLife USA, the
"Companies") and their respective separate accounts, MetLife Investors USA
Separate Account A and First MetLife Investors Variable Annuity Account One
(each, a "Registrant" and collectively, the "Registrants"), we are responding
to the comments you have provided to us by correspondence dated March 17, 2016
with regard to:

     .   The initial registration statement on Form N-4 for the Series VA
         (offered on and after ______, 2016) variable annuity contract to be
         issued by MetLife USA (the "National VA"), which was filed by MetLife
         USA and MetLife Investors USA Separate Account A with the Securities
         and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") on January 20, 2016 (File
         Nos. 811-03365 and 333-209053); and



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March 31, 2016
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     .   The initial registration statement on Form N-4 for the Class VA
         (offered on and after ______, 2016) variable annuity contract to be
         issued by FMLI (the "NY VA"), which was filed by FMLI and First
         MetLife Investors Variable Annuity Account One with the Commission on
         January 20, 2016 (File Nos. 811-08306 and 333-209058).

     For ease of reference, each of the comments of the staff of the Commission
(the "Staff") is set forth below, followed by the Companies' response. Unless
noted otherwise, page references in the responses are to the pages in the
courtesy copy of the prospectus for the National VA which was provided to the
Staff. Further, we understand that each comment of the Staff applies to the
respective registration statements for the National VA and the NY VA, unless
stated otherwise. Accordingly, the Companies' responses to each of the Staff's
comments below apply to, and describe revisions made in, each registration
statement for the National VA and the NY VA, unless stated otherwise.


1.   Please disclose to the staff whether there are any types of guarantees or
support agreements with any third parties.

     RESPONSE: MetLife USA does not have any type of guarantee or support
agreement with a third party to support any of the contract features or
benefits under the National VA or any of its related riders. MetLife USA will
be solely responsible for paying out the benefits or features associated with
the National VA.

     As disclosed in the Statement of Additional Information ("SAI") included
in the FMLI registration statement for the NY VA, FMLI has entered into a Net
Worth Maintenance Agreement with its direct parent, MetLife, Inc. ("Metlife"),
pursuant to which MetLife has agreed, without limitation or amount, to cause
FMLI to have certain minimum capital and surplus levels and liquidity necessary
to enable it to meet its current obligations on a timely basis.

2.   Please confirm that the date of the prospectus will be the same as or
about the date of effectiveness.

     RESPONSE: We confirm that the date of the prospectus will be revised to be
the same as or about the date of effectiveness.

3.   Please confirm that the EDGAR series/class identifiers will be revised
appropriately prior to effectiveness of the registration statement to reflect
the contract name disclosed on the front cover page of the prospectus.

     RESPONSE: We confirm that prior to the effectiveness of each registration
statement, the EDGAR series/class identifiers will be revised as appropriate to
reflect the full name of the applicable contract.

Sonny Oh                                                     [LOGO OF ReedSmith]
March 31, 2016
Page 3



     A.   Whenever "AB Global Dynamic Allocation Portfolio" is referenced,
     please consider adding a parenthetical: (formerly AllianceBernstein Global
     Dynamic Allocation Portfolio).

     RESPONSE: We respectfully note that the name change from
     "AllianceBernstein Global Dynamic Allocation Portfolio" to "AB Global
     Dynamic Allocation Portfolio" became effective last year in May 2015. The
     Companies and their affiliates who issue variable insurance contracts
     customarily annotate the names of the Investment Portfolios offered with
     their contracts to advise of name changes only during the year in which
     the name change became effective. Consequently, the parenthetical
     "(formerly AllianceBernstein Global Dynamic Allocation Portfolio)" was
     added wherever "AB Global Dynamic Allocation Portfolio" was referenced in
     the May 1, 2015 prospectuses for the variable insurance contracts which
     were then available. Moreover, the most recent supplement for the fund
     prospectus for this Investment Portfolio, which was filed on August 20,
     2015, refers to the Investment Portfolio as the "AB Global Dynamic
     Allocation Portfolio," without the parenthetical, and it is expected that
     the May 1, 2016 prospectus of the Investment Portfolio would do so as
     well. Because the prospectuses for the National VA and the NY VA only will
     be used for sales to new investors, who would not have known this
     Investment Portfolio by its previous name, we do not believe it would be
     helpful for the prospectuses for the National VA and the NY VA to include
     a parenthetical advising of the name change.

     B.   Whenever "MetLife Small Cap Value Portfolio" is referenced, please
     consider adding a parenthetical: (formerly Third Avenue Small Cap Value

     RESPONSE: We respectfully refer you to our response above for Comment


     A.   Please reconcile the disclosure under "Non-Natural Persons as Owners"
     on page 8 with the corresponding disclosure in the NY VA.

     RESPONSE: We have reviewed the referenced disclosure in the NY VA
     prospectus and determined that this disclosure should be identical to the
     corresponding disclosure in the National VA. We will incorporate
     conforming revisions in a subsequent pre-effective amendment to the
     registration statement for the NY VA.

     B.   For the NY VA, please disclose that you must be at least 60 years old
     at contract issue to purchase the GLWB benefit and disclose the actual
     Minimum Issue Age in the paragraph preceding the "Summary of the GLWB" on
     page 52.

     RESPONSE: We recognize that the prospectus for the National VA discloses
     the actual Minimum Issue Age in the "Summary of the GLWB," instead of
     referring generally to a Minimum Issue

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     Age. However, consistent with the prospectuses for the other New York-only
     contracts that offer the GLWB rider, such as Class O (offered on and after
     September 21, 2015) (File Nos. 811-08306 and 333-205137), the NY VA
     prospectus needs to refer generically to the Minimum Issue Age because of
     a fundamental difference in state insurance law requirements applicable to
     the GLWB rider in New York. Specifically, if there are future rate changes
     to the GLWB riders, under New York insurance regulations, such changes may
     require corresponding changes in the Minimum Issue Age. Accordingly,
     consistent with the prospectuses for the other New York-only contracts,
     the specific Minimum Issue Age and rates applicable to the rider are
     provided in the GLWB Rate Table. In anticipation of future rate changes,
     FMLI intends for the GLWB Rate Table to serve as a central reference point
     for investors, where investors may find, at a glance, the current rider
     rates. FMLI believes that disclosing the specific Minimum Issue Age
     throughout the prospectus would undermine the usefulness of the GLWB Rate
     Table because future prospectus supplements notifying investors of rate
     changes would need to identify each place in the prospectus where new
     information supersedes old information. Centralizing the disclosure of
     information that is subject to change will allow for a more streamlined
     prospectus supplement that will be easily understood when read
     side-by-side with the prospectus.

     As the Staff knows, we have worked closely with the Staff to develop and
     implement the general disclosure format that is now being used to describe
     the GLWB rider. This format is intended to permit the introduction of new
     versions of the GLWB rider by use of a supplement that can be easily
     understood by investors and that will dovetail with the current
     prospectus. The GLWB Rate Table is an essential building block of this
     approach. We believe that using the Rate Table to present certain
     information about the existing rider is helpful to the reader, by focusing
     the reader's attention to the important information in the table in one
     place. With respect to the Staff's concern that this approach is employed
     when there is only one version of the rider introduced to date, the
     registrant made certain changes to a similar section of the prospectus
     that we believe eliminated any potential confusion on the part of the
     reader. This exact disclosure format was adopted specifically in response
     to a Staff comment we received on the "Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit"
     section in a Class/Series L-4 Year prospectus filed on January 25, 2013
     (File Nos. 333-186204 and 333-186216). The disclosure was designed
     specifically because the Staff noted that the contract offered only one
     version of the GWB rider. The precedent for this disclosure was reviewed
     and not objected to by the Staff, and we continue to believe this format
     provides the best disclosure given that only one version of the GWB and
     GLWB riders is offered by the current contract. The Staff apparently did
     not disagree. For these reasons, we respectfully decline to make the
     requested change.


     A.   In the paragraph following the table, please delete the first
     sentence as MetLife USA is in a position to verify the information
     received from affiliate funds.

     RESPONSE: Pursuant to conversations with Mr. William Kotapish and
     Ms. Joyce Pickholz of the Staff, the paragraph following the table has
     been revised as follows:

Sonny Oh                                                     [LOGO OF ReedSmith]
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Page 5

          The information shown in the table above was provided by the
          Investment Portfolios. Certain Investment Portfolios and their
          investment adviser have entered into expense reimbursement and/or fee
          waiver arrangements that will continue from May 1, 2016 through
          April 30, 2017. These arrangements can be terminated with respect to
          an Investment Portfolio only with the approval of the board of
          directors or trustees of that Investment Portfolio. Please see the
          Investment Portfolios' prospectuses for additional information
          regarding these arrangements.

     B.   In the paragraph following the table, please delete the third
     sentence as it is not included in the portfolio disclosure, as filed on
     Form N-1A.

     RESPONSE: Please see our response to Comment 6.a.

     C.   In the narrative following the end of the table on page 12 of the NY
     VA, please revise the reference to the Investment Portfolio's prospectus
     from 2015 to 2016 with respect to applicable fee waivers and/or expense

     RESPONSE: Please see our response to Comment 6.a.


In the introductory paragraph, please change the terms "contract Owner
transaction expenses" and "Contract Fees" to "Owner Transaction Expenses" and
"Account Fee," respectively to accurately reflect the terms that are used in
the fee tables.

     RESPONSE: We have made the requested changes and related conforming
changes in each registration statement.


In the second to last sentence of the section appearing on page 21, in lieu of
reference to "a guaranteed death benefit," please specify the applicable death

     RESPONSE: In response to the Staff's comment, we have revised the
reference to "a guaranteed death benefit" in that sentence to "any guaranteed
death benefit." The purpose of this change is to clarify that the assurance
provided by that sentence (I.E., that no contract with a guaranteed death
benefit will be terminated if the guaranteed amount under the death benefit is
greater than Account Value) applies to all guaranteed death benefits available
with the contract. We believe this approach results in more user-friendly and
readable disclosure than listing out the names of each of the four types of
death benefits offered with the National VA or the two types of death benefits
offered with the NY VA.

Sonny Oh                                                     [LOGO OF ReedSmith]
March 31, 2016
Page 6


In the paragraph beginning with, "Once we receive your Purchase Payment . . .",
the last sentence states, ". . . we will either send back your money or get
your permission to keep it until we get all of the necessary information."
Please disclose where you would "keep" the money during that time.

     RESPONSE: We are not aware of any requirement in Form N-4 or Rule 22c-1(c)
that requires disclosure of what type of facility the suspended premium will be
retained in, and since the contract will not have been issued yet in such
situations, there are no contractual provisions that would govern.


The disclosure indicates that "if a quarterly rebalancing date occurs on the
29th, 30th or 31st of a month, we will instead rebalance on the first day of
the following month."

Please disclose whether rebalancing would occur on the first day of the
following month if a quarterly rebalancing date occurred on the 28th of

Please apply the same to DCA and EDCA on, respectively, pages 38 and 39.

     RESPONSE: We believe the existing disclosure is sufficient because it
accurately describes the procedure for determining the quarterly rebalancing
date, or the transfer date under the DCA or EDCA. As stated in the
prospectuses, a quarterly rebalancing date or a transfer date may not occur on
the 29th, 30th or 31st day of any month. This administrative procedure was
adopted to ensure that rebalancing can be set to occur on any possible date of
every month. Because each month will have at least 28 calendar days, we believe
this disclosure, in literal terms, is true and accurate and need not be


Please add "before investing" after the phrase "YOU SHOULD READ THE
PROSPECTUSES FOR THESE FUNDS CAREFULLY" in the second paragraph. Item 5(d).

     RESPONSE: We have made the requested change in each registration statement.


Please explain the changes made in the last paragraph beginning with: "If you
decide you no longer want to participate in the EDCA program, or if we receive
notification of your death . . ." as they apply to contracts issued previously
under another registration statement.

     RESPONSE: We acknowledge that the referenced marked language, which
appears on page 32 of the prospectus for the NY VA, is not applicable to the NY
VA and have deleted it from the prospectus for the NY VA.

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March 31, 2016
Page 7


Please disclose that a pro rata portion of the rider charge will not be
assessed if "you assign your contract" in contrast to the VA on page 42.

     RESPONSE: We respectfully note that the requested change would not apply
to the NY VA. The cited disclosure relates to assessment of a pro rata rider
charge upon rider termination. In New York, the GWB v1 rider does not terminate
upon an assignment.


In the second bullet point under the paragraph beginning "For transfers during
the Accumulation Phase . . . . ," please indicate when you will provide notice
of any such maximum allocation limit.

     RESPONSE: Due to variables in the facts and circumstances that could lead
to the imposition of a maximum allocation limit for the Fixed Account, the
Companies are unable to specify in the prospectuses the amount of notice that
would be given in the event they were to impose a maximum allocation limit for
the Fixed Account. As stated in the prospectuses, the Companies have undertaken
to provide notice; the Companies will do so in advance if at all possible.


     A.   The Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit is defined either as "GWB v1" or
     just "GWB" (see page 11). For clarity, please use only one term
     consistently throughout the prospectus

     RESPONSE: We respectfully note that references to the term "GWB v1" are to
     the specific version of the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit rider that is
     currently offered by the prospectuses, with the specific rates and other
     terms shown in the GWB v1 row of the GWB Rate Table. Because the Companies
     may, in the future, offer additional versions of the Guaranteed Withdrawal
     Benefit rider, the term "GWB" generically refers to the fundamental
     characteristics of the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit rider that do not
     change from version to version, and that are described outside the GWB
     Rate Table. In other words, the existing disclosure is designed to easily
     accommodate potential future offerings of new and additional versions of a
     GWB rider (E.G., see our response to Comment 5.b. with respect to the GWB
     Rate Table and GLWB Rate Table).

     B.   In the paragraph preceding, respectively, the Summary for the GWB on
     page 62 and the GLWB on page 72 of the VA prospectus, please identify the
     specific states where each rider is not available or indicate that it is
     available in all states, as applicable.

     RESPONSE: In response to the Staff's comment, we have added a sentence to
"Summary of the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit Rider" and "Summary of the GLWB"
in the National VA prospectus directing investors to refer to the GWB Rate
Table and the GLWB Rate Table, respectively, for a list of the states where
each rider is not available. As previously discussed in our responses to
Comments 5.b. and 15.a., the prospectuses are organized to direct investors to
the GWB and GLWB Rate Tables as a central reference point for rider rates and
other specific terms of the riders; however, investors may

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March 31, 2016
Page 8

cease to use our rate tables as a central reference point if terms that appear
in the rate tables are generally dispersed throughout the prospectuses.


     A.   For the VA, in the first paragraph under "Upon Your Death," please
     clarify whether the Annual Step-Up may be elected along with the GLWB
     Death Benefit.

     RESPONSE: In response to the Staff's comment, we have revised the section
     "Upon Your Death" to clarify that the Annual Step-Up Death Benefit may not
     be elected along with the GLWB Death Benefit.

     B.   For the NY VA, in the first paragraph on page 65, given that there
     are only two living benefit riders, please simply state that the Annual
     Step-Up Death Benefit may not be elected with the GWB but can be elected
     with the GLWB.

     RESPONSE: In response to the Staff's comment, we have revised the section
     "Upon Your Death" to include the requested statement that the Annual
     Step-Up Death Benefit may not be elected with the GLWB but can be elected
     with the GWB.


Please confirm the section is current and accurate.

     RESPONSE: Updated disclosure in the "Federal Income Tax Status" section
will be contained in a subsequent pre-effective amendment to each registration
statement, and we confirm that after such updates, the tax section will be
current and accurate.


Please explain how MetLife Investors Distribution Company is affiliated.
Item 10(d).

     RESPONSE: In accordance with the requirements of Item 10(d) of Form N-4,
we have revised each registration statement to state that MetLife Investors
Distribution Company and the applicable Company are affiliated because they are
under common control of MetLife, Inc.


     A.   Please make sure all cross-references to Appendix A have been
     appropriately revised, E.G., first paragraph, respectively, under "Met
     Investors Series Trust" on page 33 and "Metropolitan Series Fund" on
     page 34.

     RESPONSE: We have reviewed the prospectuses of each registration statement
     and corrected any erroneous cross-references to "Appendix A," including
     those noted by the Staff.

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Page 9

     B.   When "Wells Capital Management Incorporated" is referenced on page
     A-2, please consider retaining the parenthetical: (formerly Third Avenue
     Management LLC).

     RESPONSE: We respectfully refer you to our responses above for Comments
     4.a. and b., as applied to a name change for the investment manager of the
     Investment Portfolio that is referenced in Comment 4.b.


20.  Based on the anticipated effective date for the filing, please confirm
that all information required in the SAI as of the most recent fiscal or
calendar year will be updated appropriately.

     RESPONSE: We confirm that updated information that is required as of the
most recent fiscal or calendar year in the SAI will be included in a subsequent
pre-effective amendment to each registration statement.


Please confirm the list of selling firms and update as necessary.

     RESPONSE: We confirm that an updated list of selling firms will be
included in a subsequent pre-effective amendment to each registration statement.


Please confirm that the disclosure is current and accurate.

     RESPONSE: Updated disclosure will be added to the "Additional Federal Tax
Considerations" section, if necessary, through a subsequent pre-effective
amendment to each registration statement. We confirm that the disclosure in
this section, updated as necessary, will be current and accurate.



     A.   With regard to exhibit 13, please submit powers of attorney that
     specifically relate to this filing as required by Rule 483(b) under the
     Securities Act of 1933.

     RESPONSE: We respectfully note that the references to the Series VA III
     and Class VA III contracts in the powers of attorney submitted with the
     initial registration statements are to the National VA and the NY VA,
     respectively, and that it is of course not possible to submit such powers
     of attorney with the file numbers that are to be assigned under the
     Securities Act of 1933. Nevertheless, the Companies and the Registrants
     will file new powers of attorney that specifically identify the applicable
     registration statement by its file number under the Securities Act of 1933
     in a pre-effective amendment to such registration statement.

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Page 10

     B.   Please replace "forms of" exhibits with actual copies of the
     agreements when they are available.

     RESPONSE: We respectfully note that the "form of" agreements that are
     filed with the registration statements as exhibits are the final forms of
     said agreements that have been adopted by the Companies. We further note
     that Item 24 of Form N-4 permits the filing of "forms of" the contract and
     application and "specimens" of broker-dealer selling agreements. As a
     result, we believe the exhibit lists provided by the Companies pursuant to
     Item 24(b) of Form N-4 and the exhibits filed with their registration
     statements are sufficient.

     C.   Please provide, as an exhibit, a copy of the maintenance agreement
     discussed in the second paragraph under "Company" on page 3 of the NY VA

     RESPONSE: We have added the Net Worth Maintenance Agreement between
     MetLife, Inc. and FMLI, dated as of December 31, 2002, as an exhibit to
     the registration statement relating to the NY VA.


Any financial statements, exhibits, and any other required disclosure not
included in this registration statement must be filed by pre-effective
amendment to the registration statement.

     RESPONSE: We confirm that the financial statements, exhibits and any other
required disclosure that have not been included in the registration statements
for the National VA and the NY VA will be included in, and filed by,
pre-effective amendments to those registration statements.


     We urge all persons who are responsible for the accuracy and adequacy of
the disclosure in the filings reviewed by the staff to be certain that they
have provided all information investors require for an informed decision. Since
the registrant is in possession of all facts relating to the registrant's
disclosure, it is responsible for the accuracy and adequacy of the disclosures
it has made.

     Notwithstanding our comments, in the event the registrant requests
acceleration of the effective date of the pending registration statement, it
should furnish a letter, at the time of such request, acknowledging that

     .   should the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to delegated
         authority, declare the filing effective, it does not foreclose the
         Commission from taking any action with respect to the filing;

     .   the action of the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to
         delegated authority, in declaring the filing effective, does not
         relieve the registrant from its full responsibility for the adequacy
         and accuracy of the disclosure in the filing; and

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     .   the registrant may not assert this action as a defense in any
         proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal
         securities laws of the United States.

     RESPONSE: Each of MetLife USA and FMLI, for themselves and on behalf of
MetLife Investors USA Separate Account A and First MetLife Investors Variable
Annuity Account One, respectively, will provide the requisite Tandy
representations for its registration statement in EDGAR correspondence at the
time it requests acceleration of the effective date of its registration

                                  *    *    *

     We hope that you will find these responses satisfactory. If you have
questions or comments about this matter, please contact the undersigned at
202.414.9208, or Peggy Heminger at 412.288.7204.


/s/ W. Thomas Conner
W. Thomas Conner


cc:  Peggy Heminger