PointRed Technologies Agreement

                 Master Distributor/System Integrator Agreement

This Master  Distributor/System  Integrator Agreement (this "Agreement") is made
as of  this  January  7th,  2004  ("Effective  Date")  by and  between  PointRed
Technologies,  Inc., a California  corporation  ("PointRed") with offices at 397
West Trimble Road,  Bldg.2 San Jose, CA 95131 USA, and Gateway Access Solutions,
Inc. ("GAS") with corporate offices at 930 Tahoe Blvd., 802-505 Incline Village,
NV 89451


A.   PointRed designs, manufactures, and distributes certain computer networking
     products ("PointRed Products").

B.   PointRed  and GAS desire that GAS be  authorized  to act as an  independent
     distributor and systems integrator of PointRed Products under the terms and
     conditions set forth below.

NOW, THEREFORE, PointRed and GAS agree as follows:

1.   Appointment.

     (a)  Appointment. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, PointRed appoints
          GAS, and GAS accepts such  appointment,  as the Exclusive  independent
          distributor and systems  integrator of the PointRed Products listed on
          Exhibit A (the  "Authorized  Products")  in the territory set forth in
          Exhibit A (the  "Territory")  and as a  non-exclusive  distributor and
          systems  integrator for all PointRed  Products  anywhere in the world,
          both inside and outside the Territory.

     (b)  Point Red's reserved Rights.  PointRed reserves the right from time to
          time, in its sole discretion and without liability to Point Red and/or
          GAS to change pricing and products with 30 days written notice to GAS,
          except it may not  discontinue  products  that affect GAS's ability to
          perform under this agreement unless agreed to in writing.

     (c)  Obligation  of GAS  understands  that  PointRed does not have existing
          distributors/systems   integrators   in  the  Territory  and  will  be
          introducing Point Red Products in the Territory for the first time.

     (d)  Software. To the extent that any PointRed Product contains or consists
          of  software,  GAS's  appointment  grants  to GAS  only a  license  to
          distribute the software contained in such PointRed Products,  and does
          not  transfer  any  right,  title or  interest  to any  such  PointRed
          software to GAS or GAS's customers.

     (e)  Product  Certification.  PointRed  expects  that GAS will use its best
          efforts to comply with the radio  frequency  laws of the  countries in
          which GAS sells PointRed  Products and receive  identifiers  for their
          product  modifications to PointRed  Products in the countries in which
          GAS  sells  PointRed  Products.  GAS will use the  "product"  specific
          PointRed identifiers for radio frequency  certification and infer that


1.   Appointment - continued

          they  have  approval  for  their  "product".   Any   modifications  of
          electrical,  radio frequency,  and/or software  protocol products from
          PointRed will be the sole responsibility of the GAS.

     (f)  Promotion Efforts. GAS will use reasonable business efforts to:

          (i)  Promote  the  distribution  of  the  Authorized  Products  in the
               Territory; and

          (ii) Comply  with the  reasonable  promotional  terms and  policies of
               PointRed communicated in writing to GAS by Point Red from time to

     (g)  GAS  Personnel.  GAS will train and  maintain a  sufficient  number of
          capable  technical  and sales  personnel  having the knowledge and the
          training necessary to:

          (i)  Inform customers properly concerning the features/capabilities of
               PointRed Products;(i)

          (ii) Install, service and support PointRed Products in accordance with
               GAS's obligations under this Agreement; and

          (iii)Carry out the obligations and  responsibilities of GAS under this

     (h)  Technical Expertise.  GAS will train its technical and sales personnel
          to be conversant  with the technical  language  applicable to PointRed
          Products and similar  computer  products in general,  and will develop
          sufficient  knowledge of the industry,  PointRed Products and products
          competitive with PointRed Products (including specifications, features
          and  benefits) so as to be able to explain in detail to its  customers
          the differences between PointRed Products and competitive products;

     (i)  Installation,   Service  and   Support.   GAS  will   provide   prompt
          installation  and pre- and  post-sales  service  and  support  for all
          Authorized  Products  sold by GAS in the  Territory.  GAS will provide
          installation  assistance  and  consultation  on the  use  of  PointRed
          Products;  timely response to customers' general questions  concerning
          use of PointRed Products; and assistance to customers in the diagnosis
          and correction of problems encountered in using PointRed Products.

     (j)  Customers Leads. PointRed will provide GAS information about all leads
          received by PointRed from potential customers from the Territory.

     (k)  GAS Covenants. GAS will:

          (i)  Conduct business in a manner the reflects  favorably at all times
               on PointRed  Products and the good name, good will and reputation
               of PointRed;

          (ii) Avoid  deceptive,  misleading or unethical  practices that are or
               might  be  detrimental  to  PointRed,  PointRed  Products  or the

          (iii)Make no  false  or  misleading  representations  with  regard  to
               PointRed or PointRed Products;


1.   Appointment - continued

          (iv) Not  publish  or  employ,  or  cooperate  in the  publication  or
               employment of, any misleading or deceptive  advertising  material
               with regard to PointRed or PointRed Products;

          (v)  Make no representation,  warranties or guarantees to customers or
               to the trade with  respect  to the  specifications,  features  or
               capabilities of PointRed  Products that are inconsistent with the
               literature distributed by PointRed; and

          (vi) Not  engage  in any  practice  detrimental  to the  interests  of
               PointRed or PointRed Products.

     (l)  Compliance   with   Law.   GAS  will   comply   with  all   applicable
          international,   national,   state,   regional   and  local  laws  and
          regulations  in  performing  its  duties  hereunder  and in any of its
          dealings with respect to PointRed Products.

     (m)  Market  Conditions.  GAS will advise PointRed promptly  concerning any
          market information that comes to GAS's attention  respecting PointRed,
          PointRed  Products,   PointRed's  market  position  or  the  continued
          competitiveness  of  PointRed  Products in the  marketplace.  GAS will
          confer with  PointRed  from time to time at the request of PointRed on
          matters relating to market  conditions,  sales forecasting and product
          planning relating to PointRed Products.

     (n)  Costs and Expenses.  Except as expressly provided here in or agreed to
          in writing be PointRed  and GAS,  GAS will pay all costs and  expenses
          incurred in the performance of GAS's obligations under this Agreement.

2.   Inspections, Records and Reporting.

     (a)  Reports.  Within 15 days of the  beginning of each  quarter,  GAS will
          provide to PointRed a written  report  showing,  for the time  periods
          PointRed reasonably requests,  GAS's shipments of PointRed Products by
          dollar  volume,  both in the  aggregate  and for  such  categories  as
          PointRed may designate from time to time.

     (b)  Forecast.  After an  intial  start up  period  of 90 days,  GAS  shall
          provide  PointRed with a six (6) month  forecast  showing  prospective
          orders  for each  month.  Point Red  acknowledges  that  such  6-month
          forecast  shall be based on GAS's good  faith  estimate  for  planning
          purposes and shall not be binding.  Thereafter,  within 15 days of the
          beginning  of each month,  GAS will  provide to PointRed a rolling six
          (6) month forecast of GAS's anticipated orders.

     (c)  Notification. GAS will:

          (i)  Notify  PointRed in writing of any claim or proceeding  involving
               PointRed  Products  within ten (10) days after GAS learns of such
               claim or proceeding;

          (ii) Report  promptly to PointRed  all  claimed or  suspected  product

     (d)  Records.  GAS  will  maintain,  for  at  least  two  (2)  years  after
          termination  of this  Agreement,  its records,  contracts and accounts
          relating to the  distribution  of PointRed  Products,  and will permit


2.   Inspections, Records and Reporting - continued

          examination  thereof by authorized  representatives of PointRed at all
          reasonable times.

3.   Order Procedure.

     (a)  Initial  Order and Forecast.  Upon  execution of this  Agreement,  GAS
          shall place an initial order for Authorized Products.  During the term
          of this agreement,  GAS will maintain inventory of Authorized Products
          at a level agreed to between the parties from time to time.

     (b)  In  exchange  for the product and  territory  exclusivity  provided in
          Section 1(a) and listed in Exhibit A, GAS must order a minimum  amount
          of MMDS products from PointRed, as follows:

          1.   A  minimum  of USD  $150,000  worth of MMDS  products  in the 1st
               calendar quarter of 2004;

          2.   A  minimum  of USD  $250,000  worth of MMDS  products  in the 2nd
               quarter, and

          3.   A total minimum of USD  $1,000,000  worth of MMDS products in the
               first 12 months following the Effective Date of this Agreement;

          4.   A minimum of USD $350,000  worth of MMDS  products per quarter in
               the calendar year of 2005.

     (c)  PointRed Acceptance.  All orders for PointRed Products by GAS shall be
          subject to acceptance in writing by PointRed at its principal place of
          business and shall not be binding until the earlier of such acceptance
          or shipment,  and, in the case of acceptance  by shipment,  only as to
          the portion of the order actually being shipped.

     (d)  Controlling  Terms. The terms and conditions of this Agreement and the
          applicable  PointRed invoice or confirmation shall apply to each order
          accepted or shipped by PointRed  hereunder.  The  provisions  of GAS's
          form of purchase  order or other  business forms will not apply to any
          order notwithstanding PointRed's acknowledgement or acceptance of such

     (e)  Cancellation.  PointRed reserves the right to cancel any orders placed
          by GAS and  accepted by PointRed as set forth  above,  or to refuse or
          delay shipment thereof, if GAS:

          (i)  Fails to make any payment as provided in this  Agreement or under
               the terms of  payments  set  forth in any  invoice  or  otherwise
               agreed to by PointRed and GAS;

          (ii) Fails  to  meet  reasonable  credit  or  financial   requirements
               established by PointRed,  including any  limitations on allowable
               credit, or

          (iii)Otherwise  fails to comply with the terms and  condition  of this

          All  purchase  orders  cancelled  within 60 days will  incur a penalty
          equal to 20% of the total purchase  order.  All returned  products are


3.   Order Procedure - continued

          subject to restocking charge of 30% of the purchase order value

     (f)  Discontinue  Manufacture.  PointRed  agrees to inform GAS s by written
          notice  of any  discontinuation  in  manufacture  or  distribution  of
          products covered under this agreement within 60 days thereof. PointRed
          also  reserves  the  right  to  discontinue   the   manufacturing   or
          distribution of any or all PointRed Products at anytime, and to cancel
          any orders for such  discontinued  PointRed Products without liability
          of any  kind  to GAS  or to  any  other  person  except  as  noted  in
          manufacturing  rights clause. No such  cancellation,  refusal or delay
          will be deemed a  termination  (unless  PointRed  so  advises  GAS) or
          breach this Agreement by PointRed.

     (g)  Upgrade.  In the event that PointRed  modifies,  upgrades or makes any
          other changes to PointRed Products, PointRed will upgrade all products
          GAS is holding in  inventory  and make kits  available  to upgrade all
          PointRed Products sold to GAS customers, on terms and conditions to be
          agreed between the parties.

4.   Prices and Payments.

     (a)  Prices to GAS.  PointRed shall charge GAS in accordance with the price
          schedule  attached as Exhibit B.  PointRed  may change its prices from
          time to time upon at least  sixty (60)  days'  prior  written  notice;
          provided,  however,  that GAS shall  always have the right to purchase
          PointRed Products at a 50% discount off PointRed's list price.

     (b)  (c)  Taxes,  Tariffs,  Fees.  PointRed's  prices  do not  include  any
          national,  state or local  sales,  use,  value  added or other  taxes,
          custom  duties,  or similar  tariffs  and fees which  PointRed  may be
          required to pay or collect upon the  delivery of PointRed  Products or
          upon collection of the prices or otherwise.  Should any tax or levy be
          made,  GAS agrees to pay such tax or levy and  indemnify  PointRed for
          any claim for such tax or levy  demanded.  GAS represents and warrants
          to PointRed  that all PointRed  Products  acquired  hereunder  are for
          redistribution  in the  ordinary  course  of GAS's  business,  and GAS
          agrees to provide PointRed with appropriate resale certificate numbers
          and  other   documentation   satisfactory  to  the  applicable  taxing
          authorities to substantiate any claim of exemption from any such taxes
          or fees.  GAS will pay any  withholding  taxes  required by applicable

     (c)  Credit Terms. At PointRed's option, shipment may be made on PointRed's
          credit  terms in  effect  at the time an order is  accepted.  PointRed
          reserves the right,  upon  written  notice to GAS, to declare all sums
          immediately  due and payable in the event of a breach by GAS of any of
          its  obligations  to PointRed,  including the failure of GAS to comply
          with credit  terms.  Furthermore,  PointRed  reserves the right at all
          times either generally or with respect to any specific order by GAS to
          vary,  change or limit the amount or  duration of credit to be allowed
          to GAS. GAS agrees to pay for PointRed products as invoiced.

     (d)  Security Interest.  GAS agrees that if and when PointRed established a
          line of credit for GAS or permits GAS to obtain  PointRed  Products on
          open account,  GAS concurrently  grants PointRed a continuing security
          interest  in the  Collateral  (as  defined  below)  in order to secure
          payment of the Indebtedness (as defined below). "Collateral" means any
          PointRed  Products now or  hereafter  acquired by GAS and all proceeds


4.   Prices and Payments - continued

          there from and accessions  thereto,  and "Indebtedness"  means any and
          all debts,  obligations  or  liabilities  of GAS to  PointRed,  now or
          hereafter  existing,  including without  limitation,  any late payment
          charges due GAS  hereunder  and any  expenses  incurred by PointRed in
          enforcing  its  rights  hereunder   (including   without   limitations
          attorney's  fees, court costs and the costs of retaking and holding in
          Collateral,  preparing it for resale or other disposition,  or selling
          or otherwise disposing of it). GAS acknowledge that this Section 4 (d)
          constitutes  a security  agreement and hereby  authorizes  PointRed to
          file any financing  statement or other documents  necessary to perfect
          PointRed's security interest in the Collateral in any public office in
          any  jurisdiction  deemed  necessary  by PointRed.  GAS hereby  grants
          PointRed  limited power of attorney for the sole purpose of executing,
          in GAS's name, any financing  statements and related  documents deemed
          necessary by PointRed to perfect the security interest granted herein.
          Upon the  occurrence  of any event  specified in Section 10 permitting
          termination  of this  Agreement,  PointRed,  in  addition to all other
          rights and  remedies  under this  Agreement,  shall be entitled to all
          rights, powers and remedies available to a secured party under Uniform
          Commercial Code with respect to the Collateral.

     (e)  Interest.  Interest shall accrue on any delinquent amounts owed by GAS
          for  PointRed  Products  at the lesser of eighteen  percent  (18%) per
          annum or the maximum rate permitted by applicable usury law.

5.   Shipment, Risk of Loss and Delivery.

     (a)  Shipment.  All  PointRed  Products  will be shipped by PointRed  F.O.B
          PointRed's  point  of  shipment.   Shipment  will  be  made  to  GAS's
          identified  warehouse  facilities  or  freight  forwarder,  subject to
          approval  in  writing by  PointRed  in  advance  of  shipment.  Unless
          specified  in GAS's order,  PointRed  will select the mode of shipment
          and the carrier.  GAS will be  responsible  for and pay all packaging,
          shipping,  freight and insurance  charges,  which charges PointRed may
          require GAS to pay in advance.

     (b)  Title  and Risk of Loss.  Title  and all risk of loss of or  damage to
          PointRed  Products  will pass to GAS upon  delivery by PointRed to GAS
          and said GAS's acceptance of shipment in writing.

     (c)  Partial Delivery.  Unless GAS clearly advises PointRed to the contrary
          in writing,  PointRed may make  partial  shipments on account of GAS's
          orders,  to be separately  invoiced and for when due delay in delivery
          of any  installment  shall not receive GAS of its obligation to accept
          the remaining deliveries.

     (d)  Delivery  Schedule;  Delays.  PointRed will use reasonable  efforts to
          meet GAS's requested  delivery  schedules for PointRed  Products,  but
          PointRed reserves the right to refuse, cancel or delay shipment to GAS
          when  Distributor's  credit is  impaired,  when GAS is  delinquent  in
          payments  or fails to meet  other  credit  or  financial  requirements
          established  by  PointRed,  or when  GAS has  failed  to  perform  its
          obligations under this Agreement.  Should orders for PointRed Products
          exceed  PointRed's  available  inventory,  PointRed  will allocate its
          available  inventory  and make  deliveries on a basis  PointRed  deems
          equitable,  in its sole  discretion,  and without  liability to GAS on
          account of the method of allocation chosen or its  implementation.  In
          any  event,  PointRed  will not be  liable  for any  damages,  direct,


5.   Shipment, Risk of Loss and Delivery - continued

          consequential, special or otherwise, to GAS or to any other person for
          failure to deliver or for any delay or error in  delivery  of PointRed
          Products for any reason whatsoever.

7.   Suggested Retail Price.  Although PointRed may publish suggested  wholesale
     or retail prices,  GAS shall  determine the actual prices at which PointRed
     Products will be sold to GAS's customers, at GAS's sole discretion.

8.   Trademarks, Trade Names, Logos, Designations and Copyrights.

     (a)  Use  During  Agreement.  During  the  term of this  Agreement,  GAS is
          authorized by PointRed to use the trademarks,  trade names,  logos and
          designations  PointRed uses for PointRed  Products in connection  with
          GAS's advertisement,  promotion and distribution of PointRed Products.
          GAS's use of such trademarks, trade names, logos and designations will
          be in accordance with PointRed's policies in effect from time to time,
          including  but  not  limited  to  trademark   usage  and   cooperative
          advertising  policies.   GAS  agrees  not  to  attach  any  additional
          trademarks,  trade  names,  logos  or  designations  to  any  PointRed
          Product.  GAS further agrees not to use any PointRed trademark,  trade
          name, logo or designation in connection with any non-PointRed Product.

     (b)  Copyright  and  Trademark  Notices.  GAS will include on each PointRed
          Product that it  distributes,  and on all containers and storage media
          therefore,  all trademark,  copyright and other notices of proprietary
          rights included by PointRed on such PointRed  Product.  GAS agrees not
          to alter,  erase,  deface or  overprint  any such  notice on  anything
          provided by PointRed.  GAS also will include the appropriate trademark
          notices  when  referring to any PointRed  Product in  advertising  and
          promotional materials.

     (c)  No Proprietary  Rights.  GAS has paid no consideration  for the use of
          PointRed's trademarks,  trade names, logos, designation or copyrights,
          and nothing contained in this Agreement will give GAS any right, title
          or interest in any of them.  GAS  acknowledges  that PointRed owns and
          retains all trademarks,  trade names, logos,  designation,  copyrights
          and other proprietary  rights in or associated with PointRed Products,
          and  agrees  that it will  not,  at any  time  during  or  after  this
          Agreement,  assert or claim any interest in or doing anything that may
          adversely  affect the validity of any  trademark,  trade name,  logos,
          designation,  or  copyright  belonging  to  or  licensed  to  PointRed
          (including,  without  limitations  any act or  assistance  to any act,
          which may infringe or lead to the  infringement  of any of  PointRed's
          proprietary rights).

     (d)  No  Continuing   Rights.   Upon  expiration  or  termination  of  this
          Agreement, GAS will immediately cease all display, advertising and use
          of all PointRed  trademarks,  trade names,  logos, and designation and
          will not thereafter  use,  advertise or display any  trademark,  trade
          name, logo or designation which is, or any part o which is, similar to
          or  confusing  with any  trademark,  trade name,  logo or  designation
          associated with any PointRed Product.

     (e)  Obligation to Protect. GAS agrees to use reasonable efforts to protect
          PointRed's  proprietary  rights and to cooperate at PointRed's expense
          in PointRed's efforts to protect its proprietary rights. GAS agrees to


8.   Trademarks, Trade Names, Logos, Designations and Copyrights - continued

          promptly  notify  PointRed  of  any  known  or  suspected   breach  of
          PointRed's proprietary rights that comes to GAS's attention.

9.   Confidentiality. Both parties acknowledge that, in the course of performing
     their obligations  hereunder,  each party will receive information which is
     confidential  and  proprietary  to the other.  Each party agrees not to use
     such  information  except  in  performance  of  this  Agreement  and not to
     disclose  such  information  to third  parties,  without the prior  written
     consent of the other party.

10.  Escrow Agreement: When GAS has approved the Authorized Products for sale to
     its customers, PointRed shall deposit

     (i)  The  printed  circuit  board  design  related  to  the  2.5  -  2.6GHz
     (MMDS/ITFS)  MicroRed  products  and  interfaces,   software  source  code,
     documentation and other  information,  together with any related tool kits,
     scripts,  and other ancillary  materials  needed to manufacture and deliver
     the  Products to GAS as provided in this  Agreement  ("Manufacturer  Escrow
     Deposit") and

     (ii) all material  necessary for GAS to perform ( and to engage third party
     contractors  on GAS's behalf to perform) any  maintenance,  support,  error
     correction,  bug-fix,  upgrade  that would be  provided  by or on behalf of
     PointRed,  or  otherwise  for the  benefit  of GAS,  under  this  Agreement
     ("Support Escrow Deposit").

     The escrow agent shall be  ("____").  ______.  PointRed  shall enter into a
     Manufacturer escrow agreement ("Escrow Agreement") for the MMDS products in
     substantially in the form of ______ Preferred Escrow Agreements, (a) naming
     GAS as direct beneficiary  thereof;  (b) providing a mechanism for changing
     the approved  manufacturer;  and (c) providing  that only in the event that
     PointRed (i) becomes the subject of a voluntary or involuntary  petition in
     bankruptcy  or  any  proceeding   relating  to  insolvency,   receivership,
     liquidation, or composition for the benefit of creditors. (ii) ceases to do
     business in the  ordinary  course.  (iii)  elects to  discontinue  products
     critical to GAS's business, or (iv) effects an assignment of this Agreement
     or its obligations hereunder (whether by transfer of control,  operation of
     law or  otherwise)  without the  consent of GAS,  the  Manufacturer  Escrow
     Deposit shall be released to the approved  manufacturer  and the GAS Escrow
     Deposit shall be released to GAS ("Release Condition"). If the manufacturer
     initially selected by the Parties to manufacture the PointRed Products does
     not enter into the Escrow Agreement or if all the  manufacturers  which are
     parties  to  the  Escrow   Agreement  become  subject  to  a  voluntary  or
     involuntary   petition  in  bankruptcy  or  any   proceeding   relating  to
     insolvency,  receivership,  liquidation,  or composition for the benefit of
     creditors or cease to do business in the ordinary course at any time during
     the term of this Agreement, then the Parties will select a new manufacturer
     who will agree to enter into the Escrow  Agreement and agree to adding such
     manufacturer as a party to the Escrow Agreement.

11.  Term:  This  Agreement  shall  have an  initial  term of 2 years  from  the
     Effective  Date and shall be renewed for an additional 2 year term unless a
     party sends written  notice of  termination  not less than 60 days prior to
     the termination of the initial or any subsequent term. If any minimum order
     requirement  as set forth in Section 3(b) is not met,  PointRed  shall have
     the right to terminate the  exclusivity of territory and products listed in
     Exhibit A, by giving 60-day written notice to GAS.


12.  General Terms.

     (a)  Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between
          the parties, and supersedes all prior negotiations,  drafts, and other
          understandings  which the parties may have had  concerning the subject
          matter hereof.

     (b)  Relationship  of  Parties.  The  parties  hereto  intend  to  create a
          relationship of manufacturer - distributor.  Nothing in this Agreement
          shall be construed to create any other  relationship,  including,  but
          not limited to, joint venturers, partners, or employer - employee.

     (c)  Successors.  The  provisions  of this  Agreement  shall  inure  to the
          benefit  of,  and  shall  be  binding  upon,  the  heirs,  successors,
          executors, administrators and assigns of the parties hereto.

         (d) Amendments. This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by
         written documents signed by all parties.

     (e)  Severability.  Whenever  possible,  each  provision of this  Agreement
          shall be interpreted so as to be effective and valid under  applicable
          law. If any provision of this  Agreement is held to be prohibited  by,
          or invalid under,  applicable law, the remainder of this Agreement and
          any other application of such provision shall not be affected thereby.

     (f)  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  any  number  of
          counterparts,  and each  such  counterpart  shall be  deemed  to be an
          original instrument.  All such counterparts  together shall constitute
          one and the same Agreement.

     (g)  Notice. Any notice,  demand,  request,  consent or other communication
          which either  party  desires or is required to give to any other party
          shall be in  writing  and  shall be deemed  to have  been  given  when
          either: (a) delivered in person or by facsimile transfer,  or (b) sent
          by overnight  courier or  first-class  registered  or certified  mail,
          postage pre-paid, return receipt requested, addressed to such party at
          the  address  set  forth  following  each  party's  signature  to this
          Agreement.  Either party may designate  another  address for itself at
          any time upon written notice to the other party.

     (h)  Fax Transmission.  The facsimile transmission of a signed copy of this
          Agreement  or any  amendment  thereto to the other party or his agent,
          followed by faxed acknowledgment of receipt, shall constitute delivery
          of such document.

     (i)  Headings.  The titles and  headings  of the  various  sections of this
          Agreement have been inserted only for  convenience of reference.  They
          are not  part of this  Agreement  and may not be used to  construe  or
          interpret any of the terms hereof.

     (j)  Expense of  Enforcement.  If any action,  proceeding  or litigation is
          commenced  to  enforce  any  provision  of this  Agreement,  then  the
          prevailing   party  shall  be  entitled  to  be   reimbursed   by  the
          unsuccessful  party for all costs  incurred  in  connection  with such
          action, proceeding or litigation, including a reasonable allowance for
          attorneys'  fees and costs,  which amount shall be added to and become
          part of the final decision in such matter.


12.  General Terms - continued

     (k)  Governing Law. This  Agreement  shall be governed by, and construed in
          accordance  with, the law of the State of  California,  without giving
          effect to principles of conflict of laws.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement effective on
the date specified below.


Signature: /s/ Susan Lee
- ------------------------
Printed Name:  Susan Lee
Title: CEO

Date: 1-15-2004

Address for Notice:

PointRed Technologies
397 W. Trimble Road, Bldg 2, San Jose, CA 95135


Signature: /s/ Andrew C. Nester
- -------------------------------
Printed Name:  Andrew C. Nester
Title: CEO

Date: 1/15/2004

Address for Notice:

930 Tahoe Bvld. 802-505
Incline Village, NV 89451


                                    Exhibit A

                             Territory and Products

Exclusive Territory:

               All of the United States.

Authorized Products:

               All MMDS/ITFS (2.5 - 2.6GHz) Products offered.

Non-Exclusive Territory:

               The remainder of the world outside of the Exclusive Territory.

Products authorized for Non-Exclusive Territory:     All PointRed Products


                                    Exhibit B
                  Price List MMDS/ITFS (2.5 - 2.6 GHz) Products

- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------
Part #               Description                                 List
- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------
- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------
M250 BTS/PTM          Base Station, transceiver                  $4,250.00
- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------

- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------

- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------

- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------

- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------
- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------
M250 BTS/PTM          Base Station, transceiver                  $6,375.00
- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------

- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------

- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------

- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------
- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------
4 Mbs
M250T - 2.5 (CPE)    Transceiver 4 Mbs (requires Antenna)        $420.00
M250M - 2.5 (CPE)    Modem 4 Mbs (requires power supply)
- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------

- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------

- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------

- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------
M250T - 2.5 (CPE)    Transceiver 8 Mbs (requires Antenna)        $598.00
M250M - 2.5 (CPE)    Modem 8 Mbs (requires power supply)
- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------

- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------

- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------
M250PTP Indoor       2.5GHz, 1 master and 1 slave transceiver    $1,646.25
Point to Point         (without antenna)

- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------
M250PTP OutDoor      2.5GHz pttopt out door system               $3,756.25
Point to Point
- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------
M250SAR              2.5GHz Standalone router extended cellular  $2,995.00
- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------
