Exhibit 4.2B

                                   Exhibit 4.2

                           MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING
                              OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                TANK SPORTS, INC.

     The special  meeting of the Board of  Directors  of Tank  Sports,  Inc.(the
"Corporation")  was held at 10:00am on August 01, 2004, in our office located at
1718 Floradale Avenue, South El Monte, CA 91733.

     There were present at the meeting Ms. Jing Jing Long, Mr.  Jiangyong  being
all the members of the Board of Directors.

     The meeting was called to order by Ms. Jing Jing Long, the President of the
Corporation,  who served as Chairperson  of meeting,  and , the Secretary of the
Corporation assumed the duties of Secretary of the meeting.

     The  Chairperson  presented to the meeting that Steady Star, a California S
Corporation, has invested $100,000 to the Company in April, 2001. Whereas, it is
proposed by Steady Star that  $10,000  out of the  $100,000  shall be treated as
investment  capital into Tank Sports,  Inc., and the remaining balance as a long
term no interest loan due upon demand,  and advised that it was  appropriate  to
authorize the execution and performance thereof by the Corporation.  Upon motion
duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, it was

          RESOLVED,  that the Corporation  shall record Steady Star's investment
          by issuing  10,000 shares in comment stock at par to Steady Star;  and
          the  Corporation  presented  to the  meeting  be, and they hereby are,
          approved,  and  that  the  secretary  of the  Corporation  hereby  are
          authorized to issue a stock certificate in the amount of 10,000 shares
          to Steady  Star on behalf of the  Corporation  and make  record in the
          Corporation's stock ledger.

     There being no further  business to come  before the  meeting,  upon motion
duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned.

Dated: 08/01/2004

                                                     /s/ Jing Jing Long
                                                         Jing Jing Long