WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 14A


Filed by the Registrant |_| Filed by a Party other than the Registrant |X|

 Check the appropriate box:

|X|  Preliminary Proxy Statement

|_|  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (As Permitted by Rule

|_|  Definitive Proxy Statement

|_|  Definitive Additional Materials

|_|  Soliciting Material Pursuant toss.240.14a-12

                       PEDIATRIC SERVICES OF AMERICA, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                DAVID NIERENBERG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
|X| No Fee required.

|_| Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

     (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (5)  Total fee paid:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                         PRELIMINARY COPY--SUBJECT TO COMPLETION
                                                 MATERIAL DATED JANUARY 22, 2003

|_| Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

|_|  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     (3)  Filing Party:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (4)  Date Filed:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                         PRELIMINARY COPY--SUBJECT TO COMPLETION
                                                 MATERIAL DATED JANUARY 22, 2003

                       2003 ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                       PEDIATRIC SERVICES OF AMERICA, INC.


                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                                DAVID NIERENBERG

         This Proxy Statement is being furnished to you by DAVID NIERENBERG (AND
in connection with the 2003 Annual Meeting of the stockholders of Pediatric
Services of America, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), to be held,
according to the Company, at 9:00 a.m., local time, on Wednesday, February 12,
2003, in the Medlock Auditorium at the Northeast Atlanta Hilton Hotel located at
5993 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, Norcross, Georgia, and any adjournments
thereof (the "Annual Meeting"). The date of this Proxy Statement is [January 22,

         Mr. Nierenberg is President of Nierenberg Investment Management
Company, which is the General Partner of The D3 Family Fund, L.P. Nierenberg
Investment Management Company and The D3 Family Fund, L.P. may be considered
participants in this solicitation. Accordingly, Mr. Nierenberg, Nierenberg
Investment Management Company and The D3 Family Fund, L.P. will be referred to
in this Proxy Statement by "we" or "our" as the context requires, or as the
"Participants." Mr. Nierenberg is not seeking proxy authority. Rather, for the
reasons stated below, Mr. Nierenberg is soliciting against the re-election of
Joseph Sansone as a member of the Company's board of directors by urging you to
withhold your votes for the re-election of Mr. Sansone. More information about
the reasons for Mr. Nierenberg's solicitation and the background of Mr.
Nierenberg and other participants in his solicitation is provided in this proxy
statement under the headings "Introduction", "Reasons to Withhold Your Votes"
and "Beneficial Ownership of the Participants."


         David Nierenberg is President of Nierenberg Investment Management
Company, an investment adviser. The D3 Family Fund, L.P. is a Washington limited
partnership that was formed to invest in publicly traded stock and other
securities. The principal business address of Mr. Nierenberg, the Nierenberg
Investment Management Company, and the D3 Family Fund is 19605 N.E. 8th St.,
Camas, WA 98607.

         None of the Participants holds any office or position with the Company.
Except as otherwise disclosed in this Proxy Statement, there are no contracts,
arrangements, understandings or relationships, legal or other, among the
Participants or their associates with respect to any securities of the Company.
Transactions by the Participants with respect to the Company's common stock over
the last two years are set forth in Schedule I to the Proxy Statement.

         The Participants are investors in the Company and together beneficially
own substantially more shares of its common stock (971,830 shares, or
approximately 14.2%) than all five of the Company's existing directors together
(who, according to the Company's proxy statement, collectively hold beneficial
ownership of 594,360 shares, or approximately 8.3%, which number includes
options to purchase 265,759 shares). The Participants are extremely unhappy
about the Company's compensation package for its Chief Executive Officer Joseph
D. Sansone, who also serves as a director and is standing for re-election to the
Company's board of directors.

         At the 2003 annual meeting, the stockholders of the Company will have
the opportunity to vote on the re-election of Mr. Sansone to the Company's board
of directors. Background information about Mr. Sansone and his qualifications
can be found on page four of the Company's proxy statement.

         The Participants are not soliciting proxies from any stockholders.
Rather, the participants have engaged in this solicitation to urge the Company's
stockholders to withhold their votes for the re-election of Mr. Sansone.


                                         PRELIMINARY COPY--SUBJECT TO COMPLETION
                                                 MATERIAL DATED JANUARY 22, 2003

                         REASONS TO WITHHOLD YOUR VOTES

         The Participants believe that, by withholding votes for the re-election
of Mr. Sansone to the board of directors, we can send a message to the Company's
board of directors to implement compensation reform and restore value to the
Company's stockholders.

         While we are pleased with the Company's recent changes in corporate
governance and the Company's reiteration of earnings guidance for fiscal 2003,
we remain extremely unhappy about the compensation paid to the Company's Chief
Executive Officer, Mr. Sansone. The $200,000 bonus the board of directors
recently awarded him for 2002, plus the constructive termination protection just
added to his severance package, show that the board's view and the view of many
stockholders of what constitutes the appropriate CEO compensation are widely
divergent. For these reasons and others discussed below we are urging
stockholders to withhold their votes with respect to the re-election of Mr.

         We believe strongly, as a matter of first principle, that CEO
compensation must be driven only by corporate performance and by the creation of
stockholder value. CEO compensation is not an entitlement and must be earned.
Given the Company's actual financial performance compared with its forecasted
earnings for fiscal 2002, we believe Mr. Sansone was not entitled to a bonus
(which was 55% of his base salary).

         During quarterly earnings calls with analysts and shareholders on
December 4, 2001and February 1, 2002, the Company's management forecast an
EBITDA margin of 9% for fiscal 2002. Although EBITDA is only one of several
widely used and accepted measurements of a company's financial performance, it
was voluntarily chosen by the Company's senior management and disclosed during
those earnings calls as a useful measurement of its present and future financial
performance and the Company's operating cash flow. Accordingly, EBITDA is what
management and its investors and analysts focused on. But instead of exiting the
fourth fiscal quarter of 2002 at 9%, the Company delivered an EBITDA margin of
only 6%.

         The board of directors responded to the Company's financial performance
by giving the CEO a $200,000 bonus and a 5% raise. Moreover, stockholders were
not given detailed reasons in the Company's definitive proxy statement why Mr.
Sansone was awarded his bonus. As stockholders of the Company, based on the
Company's financial performance, we believe such compensation is inappropriate
and sends the wrong message.

         We believe that a CEO who misses such a key goal--set by the Company
itself--by such a wide margin deserves no bonus at all. Based on the Company's
financial performance for fiscal 2002 compared to its twice-forecasted targets,
a 55% bonus is not acceptable to us.

         Instead, we have urged the Company's compensation committee to adopt
reforms to the CEO's compensation. Specifically, we believe that the following
five changes should be made to the CEO's compensation package:

              o   The $200,000 bonus for 2002 should be reduced to zero. If
                  already paid, the funds should be returned to the Company.

              o   The change in the CEO's severance package, enabling him to
                  yank his golden parachute if a majority of directors, not
                  previously approved by the board, are elected to the board,
                  should be eliminated completely.

              o   Revise the CEO severance package recently approved by the
                  board of directors. We believe the economics of Mr. Sansone's
                  severance package are excessively generous--providing the CEO,
                  according to our analysis, with up to 42 months of salary plus
                  150% of his prior year bonus plus full vesting of options plus
                  full funding of deferred compensation.

              o   Drastically reduce the $80,000 car allowance given to the CEO.
                  A public company CEO does not need an $80,000 luxury
                  automobile at company expense even if the CEO does not fully
                  use the allowance. A $20,000 vehicle should be perfectly
                  adequate and that is what we recommend.


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                                                 MATERIAL DATED JANUARY 22, 2003

              o   The CEO should have no more raises in his salary until the
                  company returns to the 9% EBITDA margin. We are not opposed to
                  raises for other executives or for the employees.

         The board's compensation committee needs to be changed to bring its
views and composition into proper alignment with the economic realities of the
Sarbanes-Oxley world of improved corporate governance. We do not expect these
committee changes to occur before the upcoming annual meeting, but we would like
to see them made by the middle of the new calendar year. Specifically, we
believe two changes are needed:

              o   The Company needs to have a new compensation committee chair
                  who is more independent of the CEO and who has not served on
                  the Company's board since its founding in 1989.

              o   The majority of the members of the compensation committee also
                  need to be relatively new and fully independent so that they
                  will serve as stockholder advocates.

         We have communicated our suggestions to the Company's board of
directors. To date, none of our recommendations has been adopted formally by the
board. Accordingly, because these suggestions have not been accepted by the
board and will not be implemented by the Company before the annual meeting, we
have voted all of our shares against the re-election of the CEO as a director
and we urge all other stockholders to vote the same way.

         There is no assurance that withholding votes for the election of Mr.
Sansone will accomplish the Participants' goals of executive compensation reform
and restoration of stockholder value. At this time, we have no
intention--regardless of the election's outcome--of calling a special meeting of
stockholders to elect a new slate of directors or taking any other action with
respect to control of the Company. However, as stockholders of just over 14% of
the Company's outstanding shares, we expect the Company's board of directors to
listen and respond to our reasonable suggestions regarding executive

         Although certain members of the board of directors recently indicated
to us that they will examine the CEO's compensation package prospectively and
also consider the addition of independent directors to the Company's existing
board of directors, we nonetheless urge stockholder to vote "withhold" on your
proxy cards.

         The recent enactment of the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation signifies that
the Congress, the SEC, and the White House see themselves as stockholder
advocates. The nation is disgusted with corporate cronyism, angered by excessive
executive compensation, and committed to seeing CEO compensation tightly and
directly linked to performance which builds real long term stockholder value.
This CEO and this board now must demonstrate persuasively that they embrace this
new reality. A vote to withhold your shares from voting for the re-election of
Mr. Sansone will send a message to the Company's board of directors that its
stockholders want the Company's executives to be compensated properly and be
focused on restoring value.


         The following table sets forth information regarding the beneficial
ownership of shares of the Company's common stock as of December 31, 2002 by the
Participants. According to the Company's proxy statement, the Company had
6,850,397 shares of common stock outstanding as of December 16, 2002.

                                                        SHARES BENEFICIALLY
NAME                                               OWNED AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2002       PERCENT BENEFICIALLY OWNED
- ----                                               -----------------------------       --------------------------
D3 Family Fund, L.P.                                      920,830                                  13.4%
David Nierenberg                                          971,830 (1)                              14.2%
Nierenberg Investment Management                                0                                      *
All participants in solicitation as a group               971,830 (2)                              14.2%

* Less than 1% of the Company's outstanding shares.


                                         PRELIMINARY COPY--SUBJECT TO COMPLETION
                                                 MATERIAL DATED JANUARY 22, 2003

(1) David Nierenberg is President of Nierenberg Investment Management Company,
the General Partner of The D3 Family Fund, L.P. (the "Fund"). The Fund has sole
voting and dispositive power over 920,830 shares of common stock. The address
for the Fund is 19605 North East 8th Street, Camas, Washington 98607. By virtue
of his position with Nierenberg Investment Management Company, Mr. Nierenberg
has the sole power to vote and dispose of the common stock owned by The D3
Family Fund. In addition, Mr. Nierenberg has sole voting and dispositive power
with respect to 20,000 shares of common stock owned by Haredale, Ltd, a Bahamian
corporation. The address for Haredale, Ltd is P.O. Box N-4465, Nassau, New
Providence, The Bahamas. Mr. Nierenberg disclaims beneficial ownership of the
shares held by Haredale, Ltd. Mr. Nierenberg also has sole voting and
dispositive power over 7,500 shares of common stock held by Olivier Roux of
Talisman Management, Ltd., 3,000 shares of common stock held by Mr. James Henry
Hildebrandt of Bain & Company, 3,000 shares of common stock held by Toxford
Corporation, 10,000 shares of common stock held by The David and Patricia
Nierenberg 1993 Irrevocable Trust, 3,000 shares of common stock directly held by
Bruno Tiphine, and 4,500 shares of common stock jointly held by Rita and Bruno

(2) Does not equal the sum of the above figures because of joint beneficial
ownership of shares.

         A list of transactions by the Participants with respect to the
Company's common stock over the past two years is attached to this Proxy
Statement as Schedule I. No Participant and no associate of any Participant
(within the meaning of the federal proxy rules) beneficially owns any securities
of the Company other than the common stock described above. No Participant
beneficially owns any securities of any parent or subsidiary of the Company. No
Participant has record but not beneficial ownership with respect to any
securities of the Company.

         The Participants have not entered into any contracts, arrangements or
understandings within the past year with any person with respect to any of the
Company's securities, including, but not limited to, joint ventures, loan or
option arrangements, puts or calls, guarantees against loss or guarantees of
profit, division of losses or profits, or the giving or withholding of proxies.
In addition, the Participants do not know of any transactions during the past
year, currently proposed transactions, or series of similar transactions, to
which the Company was or is to be a party, in which the amount involved exceeds
$60,000 and in which any of them or their respective affiliates had, or will
have, a direct or indirect material interest.

         The Participants have not entered into any agreement or understanding
with any person with respect to (i) any future employment by the Company or its
affiliates or (ii) any future transactions to which the Company or any of its
affiliates will or may be a party.


- --------

      As set forth in the Company's proxy statement, the securities that can be
voted at the Annual Meeting consist of common stock of the Company, $.01 par
value per share, with each share entitling its owner to one vote on each matter
properly submitted to the stockholders. The record date for determining the
holders of common stock who are entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the
Annual Meeting is December 16, 2002 (the "Record Date"). On the Record Date,
6,850,397 shares of common stock were outstanding and eligible to be voted at
the Annual Meeting.

Quorum and Vote Required
- -------------------------

      According to the Company's proxy statement, the presence, in person or by
proxy, of a majority of the outstanding shares of common stock is necessary to
constitute a quorum at the Annual Meeting. In counting the votes to determine
whether a quorum exists at the Annual Meeting, the proposal receiving the
greatest number of all votes cast "for" or "against," as well as abstentions
(including instructions to withhold authority to vote) and broker non-votes
(which occur when shares held by brokers or nominees for beneficial owners are
voted on some matters but not on others), will be used.

      As set forth in the Company proxy statement, in voting for the proposal to
elect one director, stockholders may vote in favor of the nominee or withhold
their votes as to the nominee. Pursuant to the Bylaws of the Company, the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of common stock
represented in person or by proxy at the Annual Meeting is required to approve
the proposal. As a result, shares which are withheld or abstained from voting
and any broker non-votes with regard to a proposal will have the same legal
effect as a vote against the proposal.

      According to the Company's proxy statement, any stockholder delivering a
proxy has the power to revoke it at any time before it is voted by giving
written notice to James M. McNeill, Secretary of the Company, at 310


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                                                 MATERIAL DATED JANUARY 22, 2003

Technology Parkway, Norcross, Georgia 30092-2929, by executing and delivering to
Mr. McNeill a proxy card bearing a later date, or by voting in person at the
Annual Meeting.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

         Other than the election of directors, we are not aware of any proposals
to be brought before the Company's Annual Meeting. If other proposals are
brought before the Annual Meeting, the persons named as proxies in the proxy
card distributed by the Company will vote on these matters in their discretion.

         The Company's proxy statement is required to set forth information

              o   the beneficial ownership of shares of the Company's voting
                  securities by:

                       o   any person known to the Company to beneficially own
                           more than 5% of any class of voting securities of the
                       o   each director and nominee, and certain executive
                           officers of the Company; and
                       o   all directors as a group;

              o   information concerning the Company's directors and management,
                  including information relating to management compensation; and

         The information concerning the Company contained in this Proxy
Statement has been taken from or is based upon publicly available information.
Although Mr. Nierenberg does not have any information that would indicate that
any information contained in this Proxy Statement concerning the Company is
inaccurate or incomplete, Mr. Nierenberg does not take any responsibility for
the reliability of such information.

         The Participants are soliciting security holders of the Company through
the mail, and may solicit security holders of the Company in person or by
telephone, e-mail, facsimile or the internet. Solicitations may be made by
employees of the Participants, none of whom will receive any additional
compensation for such solicitations. The entire expense of this solicitation is
being borne by the Participants, and the Participants do not intend to seek
reimbursement for this expense from the Company. Costs of this solicitation are
currently estimated to be approximately $7,500. The Participants estimate that
expenses incurred to date are approximately $6,000.


      According to page 16 of the Company's proxy statement, proposals of
stockholders, including nominations for the Board of Directors, intended to be
included in the Company's proxy materials for the 2004 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders or to be presented in person at the 2004 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders must be submitted to the Company in accordance with the procedures
set forth in Article II, Sections 5 and 6, respectively, of the Bylaws of the
Company. Accordingly, stockholders must submit such proposals and nominations in
writing to the Company no earlier than June 20, 2003 and no later than August
19, 2003 in order for such matters to be presented for consideration and voted
upon at the 2004 Annual Meeting. All such proposals and nominations should be
submitted by certified mail, return receipt requested, and must be received by
the Secretary at the Company's corporate offices at 310 Technology Parkway,
Norcross, Georgia 30092-2929.


         Questions, or requests for additional copies of this Proxy Statement,
should be directed to:

                              Mr. David Nierenberg
                 Nierenberg Investment Management Company, Inc.
                               19605 NE 8th Street
                             Camas, Washington 98607


                                         PRELIMINARY COPY--SUBJECT TO COMPLETION
                                                 MATERIAL DATED JANUARY 22, 2003

                            Telephone: (360) 604-8600
                            Facsimile: (360) 604-1811
                          email: david@d3familyfund.com

Dated:  [January 22, 2003]


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                                                 MATERIAL DATED JANUARY 22, 2003

                                   SCHEDULE I


                           BY THE D3 FAMILY FUND, L.P.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         3,500                                       6/26/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         2,500                                        7/6/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        68,500                                       7/10/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        13,500                                       7/14/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         6,000                                       7/17/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         3,500                                       7/19/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        10,000                                       7/21/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        20,000                                       7/24/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         5,000                                       7/25/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         3,930                                       7/26/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        53,000                                       7/28/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         2,500                                       7/31/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        15,500                                        8/2/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         5,500                                        8/8/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        70,000                                       8/10/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        10,000                                       8/11/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         7,500                                       8/14/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        14,000                                       8/15/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        16,500                                       8/17/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        13,500                                       8/21/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         8,500                                       8/22/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        34,000                                       8/24/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        10,000                                       8/25/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        11,000                                       8/28/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         3,000                                       8/29/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         2,500                                       8/31/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        14,000                                        9/1/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         4,000                                        9/5/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        372,000                                       9/7/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        11,500                                        9/8/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         4,000                                       9/11/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        16,000                                       9/12/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         4,000                                       9/13/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        14,000                                       9/14/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        33,000                                       9/15/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         4,000                                       9/18/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         4,000                                       9/27/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         3,000                                       9/28/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                          500                                        10/6/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         2,500                                       10/9/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                         PRELIMINARY COPY--SUBJECT TO COMPLETION
                                                 MATERIAL DATED JANUARY 22, 2003

      common stock                         1,500                                       10/10/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         3,000                                       10/11/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         7,500                                       10/12/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         5,000                                       10/13/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         2,000                                       10/16/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         3,500                                       10/25/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         1,500                                       11/17/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         6,000                                       11/21/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         8,000                                       11/22/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         2,500                                       11/28/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        15,000                                       11/29/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         4,000                                       11/30/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         7,000                                       12/14/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         2,000                                       12/15/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         4,500                                       12/22/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        19,500                                       12/26/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         2,500                                       12/27/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         5,000                                       12/28/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        30,500                                       12/29/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         2,500                                        1/4/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        28,500                                        1/5/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        88,000                                        1/9/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         5,000                                       1/10/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         2,500                                       1/24/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         8,500                                       1/25/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         1,500                                       1/30/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        10,000                                       1/31/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         1,500                                        2/1/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         5,000                                       2/21/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         2,000                                       2/22/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        36,300                                       2/23/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         3,000                                       2/28/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        10,000                                        3/5/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         5,000                                        3/6/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         3,500                                        3/8/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        10,000                                       6/21/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        12,000                                       6/27/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        15,000                                       6/29/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         1,000                                        7/2/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         4,000                                       7/13/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         4,000                                       7/17/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         2,000                                       7/18/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         2,000                                       7/20/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         2,500                                       7/23/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         1,500                                       7/24/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        16,000                                       7/25/01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                         PRELIMINARY COPY--SUBJECT TO COMPLETION
                                                 MATERIAL DATED JANUARY 22, 2003

      common stock                        29,600                                       12/20/02
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        15,000                                       12/31/02
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        (8,000)                                      (2/4/02)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                       (300,000)                                    (2/13/02)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        (2,500)                                     (2/14/02)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                       (32,500)                                     (2/25/02)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                       (50,000)                                     (2/26/02)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                       (15,000)                                     (2/27/02)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        (4,000)                                      (3/4/02)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                       (25,000)                                      (3/5/02)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              BY DAVID NIERENBERG*

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        30,000                                       7/28/00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                       (10,000)                                     (2/13/02)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         3,000                                       10/1/02
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         3,000                                       10/1/02
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         3,000                                       11/14/02
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         2,000                                       11/14/02
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         2,500                                       11/15/02
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                         7,500                                       10/1/02
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      common stock                        10,000                                       10/1/02
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Includes transactions on behalf of accounts over which Mr. Nierenberg has sole
voting and dispositive authority.
