State of Delaware
                                                     Secretary of State
                                                  Division of Corporations
                                                Delivered 02:18 PM 10/07/2004
                                                 FILES 02:10 PM 10/07/2004
                                                SRV 040726647 - 2136195 FILE

                          CERTIFICATE OF DESIGNATION,
                           PREFERENCES AND RIGHTS OF


                              DIRECT INSITE CORP.

     DIRECT INSITE CORP., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of
the State of Delaware (the "Company"),


Pursuant to authority  conferred upon the Board of Directors of the Company (the
"Board of Directors") by the Certificate of Incorporation  of the Company,  at a
meeting duly held, the Board of Directors adopted  resolutions (i) authorizing a
series of the Company's  authorized preferred stock, par value $0.0001 per share
(the "Preferred Stock"), to be known as the Series D Redeemable  Preferred Stock
(the  "Series D  Preferred  Stock"),  and (ii)  providing  for the  designation,
preferences  and  relative,  participating,  optional or other  rights,  and the
qualifications,  limitations or restrictions of the Series D Preferred Stock, as

     RESOLVED,  that the Company be, and hereby is,  authorized,  empowered  and
     directed to designate  1,500 shares of the  Company's  2,000,000  shares of
     authorized  preferred  stock,  par  value  $0.0001  per  share  ("Preferred
     Stock"),  as Series D Redeemable  Preferred  Stock,  par value  $0.0001 per
     share  ("Series  D  Preferred   Stock"),   which  shall  have  the  powers,
     designations, preferences and other special rights, as follows:

     1. Certain Definitions.  Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the
following  terms,  as used  herein,  have  the  following  meanings:

     "Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

          "Business Day" means any day, other than a Saturday or Sunday or a day
     on which  banking  institutions  in The City of New York are  authorized or
     obligated by law or executive order to close.

          "Certificate of Incorporation"  means the Certificate of Incorporation
     of the  Company as  amended to date and as the same may be further  amended
     from time to time hereafter.

          "Common Stock" means the common stock, par value $0.0001 per share, of
     the  Company,  including  any  capital  stock of any  class of the  Company
     thereafter  authorized  that shall not be limited to a fixed sum in respect
     of the rights of the holders  thereof to participate in dividends or in the
     distribution  of assets  upon the  voluntary  or  involuntary  liquidation,
     dissolution or winding up of the Company.
          "Dividend  Payment Dates" means January 1, April 1, July 1 and October
     1  of  each  year  while  any  shares  of  Series  D  Preferred  Stock  are
     outstanding,  commencing April 1, 2006; provided, however, if any such date
     occurs on a day that is not a Business Day, the applicable Dividend Payment
     Date shall be the next following Business Day.

          "Holder"  means  each  Person  in whose  name any  shares  of Series D
     Preferred Stock are issued and outstanding,  at the time a determination is
     made, including Persons to whom such shares are transferred pursuant to the
     terms hereof.

          "Issuance  Date"  means,  with  respect  to any  shares  of  Series  D
     Preferred Stock, the date of issuance of such shares.

          "Liquidation Event" means any liquidation,  dissolution, or winding up
     of  the  Company  whereby  all  equity   securities  of  the  Company  then
     outstanding are redeemed.

          "Liquidation  Preference"  means $1,000.00 plus all accrued and unpaid
     dividends per share of Series D Preferred Stock outstanding.

          "Person"  means any  individual,  company,  corporation,  partnership,
     limited    liability    company,     trust,     division,     governmental,
     quasi-governmental or regulatory entity or authority or other entity.

          "Redemption  Price"  means  $1,000.00  per share of Series D Preferred
     Stock plus all accrued and unpaid dividends and distributions thereon.

          "Securities  Act"  shall  mean the U. S.  Securities  Act of 1933,  as
     amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

          "Series A Preferred  Stock" means the Series A  Convertible  Preferred
     Stock of the Company, par value $0.0001 per share.

          "Series B Preferred  Stock"  means the Series B  Redeemable  Preferred
     Stock of the Company, par value $0.0001 per share.

          "Series C Preferred  Stock"  means the Series C  Redeemable  Preferred
     Stock of the Company, par value $0.0001 per share


     2. Dividends.

          (a) The  Holders of  outstanding  shares of Series D  Preferred  Stock
     shall be entitled to receive  dividends out of funds legally  available for
     the payment of dividends,  which shall begin to accrue on and be cumulative
     from and after the respective  Issuance  Dates for such shares,  whether or
     not such dividends have been declared and whether or not there shall be net
     profits or net assets of the Company  legally  available for the payment of
     such  dividends.  Dividends shall not be payable,  however,  until April 1,
     2006.  The amount of such  dividends per share of Series D Preferred  Stock
     (the "Dividend Amount") shall be equal to the amount derived by multiplying
     (i) the  Liquidation  Preference per share of such Series D Preferred Stock
     (as  prorated  for  fractional  shares)  plus the amount of all  previously
     accrued  but  unpaid  dividends  per such  share by (ii) nine and  one-half
     percent  (9-1/2 %) per annum.  The Dividend  Amount then  accrued  shall be
     payable in cash on each  Dividend  Payment  Date.  So long as any shares of
     Series D Preferred Stock are  outstanding,  no dividends shall be declared,
     set apart or paid on, nor shall the Company  purchase,  redeem or otherwise
     acquire,  or sell to any  subsidiary of the Company any Common Stock of the
     Company or any capital stock of the Company that ranks junior to the Series
     D Preferred  Stock in respect of  dividends,  unless all  Dividend  Amounts
     unpaid and accrued shall have first been paid or made available for payment
     to the Holders of then  outstanding  shares of Series D Preferred  Stock as
     provided in this Section 2(a).

          (b) The amount of dividends payable for any period shorter than a year
     shall be  determined  on the basis of twelve  30-day  months  and a 360-day

          (c) Without  limiting any of the foregoing,  in the event that (i) all
     dividends  then accrued and payable  hereunder  shall not have been paid in
     full or made  available for payment to the Holders then entitled to receive
     such dividends hereunder,  and (ii) funds legally available for the payment
     of dividends are insufficient to permit payment in full to all such Holders
     of the full Dividend  Amount to which such Holders are then entitled,  then
     the entire  amount  available for payment of dividends by the Company shall
     be  distributed  ratably  among all such Holders in  proportion to the full
     Dividend Amount to which they would otherwise be respectively entitled.

     3. Liquidation.

          (a) Upon the  occurrence  of any  Liquidation  Event,  each  Holder of
     shares of  Series D  Preferred  Stock  then  outstanding  shall be paid the
     Liquidation  Preference  per share  immediately  before  the  making of any
     distributions  of any kind in respect of any shares of Common  Stock or any
     other class of capital stock of the Company  ranking junior to the Series D
     Preferred Stock whether now existing or hereafter created.

          (b) If, upon the occurrence of any  Liquidation  Event,  the assets of
     the Company  available for  distribution to the Holders are insufficient to
     permit the  payment in full of the  Liquidation  Preference  per share then
     outstanding,  then the assets of the Company  shall be ratably  distributed
     among  the  Holders,  to  the  extent  applicable.   Written  notice  of  a
     Liquidation  Event,  stating the date established by the Board of Directors
     for determining  Holders of record and the date of the  Liquidation  Event,
     the  Liquidation  Preference,  the amount thereof payable per share and the
     place  where  said sums shall be  payable  shall be given by mail,  postage
     prepaid,  not less than  thirty  (30) or more than sixty (60) days prior to
     the payment date stated therein,  to each Holder of then outstanding shares
     of Series D Preferred  Stock at such Holder's  mailing  address as shown in
     the books and records of the Company.


4. Redemption.

          (a) Right of Company to Redeem. The Company may elect to redeem shares
     of Series D Preferred Stock, in whole or in part, at any time and from time
     to time out of funds legally  available  therefor.  Upon  redemption of any
     shares of Series D Preferred Stock, the participating Holders thereof shall
     receive  an  amount  equal  to the  Redemption  Price  for  each  share  of
     outstanding Series D Preferred Stock so redeemed.

          (b) Redemption Procedures.  Upon election by the Company to redeem the
     Series D Preferred  Stock in compliance  with  applicable  law: The Company
     shall give to each  Holder,  no later than 20 days prior to the  Redemption
     Date defined  below,  written notice of such  redemption  setting forth the
     following information (each such notice, a "Redemption Notice"):

               (i)  the  date   established   by  the  Board  of  Directors  for
          determining  Holders of record  entitled to payment of the  Redemption
          Price (the "Record Date");

               (ii) the total number of shares of Series D Preferred Stock to be
          redeemed by the Company,  and, in the event of any partial redemption,
          the pro rata  number  of  shares  of  Series D  Preferred  Stock to be

               (iii) the effective date of  redemption,  which date shall not be
          less than twenty (20) nor more than sixty (60) calendar days following
          the Record Date (the "Redemption Date"); and

               (iv) the place  for  surrender  by the  Holders  of  certificates
          evidencing shares of Series D Preferred Stock being redeemed.

          (c) Special Procedures for Partial Redemptions.  If the Company elects
     to  redeem  only a  portion  of the then  outstanding  shares  of  Series D
     Preferred Stock,  then such redemption shall be effected pro rata among all
     those who are Holders of such outstanding  shares on the applicable  record
     date,  and the  Redemption  Notice  shall  state,  in addition to any other
     information  required to be stated therein by this Section 4, that (i) only
     a portion of the total  outstanding  shares of Series D Preferred Stock are
     being  redeemed,  (ii) the total number of such shares to be redeemed,  and
     (iii) the pro rata number of shares to be redeemed from each Holder.

          If, in connection with a partial redemption, any Holder surrenders for
     redemption one or more share certificates representing more than the number
     of shares of Series D Preferred Stock to be redeemed from such Holder,  the
     Company shall, promptly after the applicable Redemption Date, remit to each
     such  Holder a  certificate  representing  the number of shares of Series D
     Preferred Stock equal to the difference  between the total number of shares
     thereof represented by the stock certificate(s)  surrendered and the number
     of such shares redeemed (such certificates, "Excess Share Certificates").


          (d) Remitting  Redemption  Price.  No later than two (2) Business Days
     after the  applicable  Redemption  Date,  the  Company  shall  remit to the
     Holders of shares of Series D Preferred Stock on the applicable Record Date
     the Redemption  Price of such shares being  redeemed.  Notwithstanding  the
     foregoing, the Company is not required to remit the Redemption Price to any
     Holder until after receipt by the Company of such Holder's  certificate for
     shares of Series D Preferred  Stock to be surrendered  for  cancellation in
     connection  with  a  redemption   pursuant  to  this  Section  4,  or  upon
     satisfaction  of other  arrangements  entered  into by the  Company  with a
     Holder for the surrender of such shares.

          (e)  Notices;  Address for  Payment,  Etc. All notices to be given and
     payments to be made by the Company under this Section 4 shall be in writing
     and  shall be  deemed  sent or given  when  given in person or when sent by
     certified mail, postage prepaid,  return receipt requested,  to each Holder
     on the  applicable  record  date at such  Holder's  address as shown on the
     Company's  books and records.  All Excess Share  Certificates to be sent to
     any Holder pursuant to this Section 4 shall be sent to such holder by mail,
     postage  prepaid,  to such Holder's address as shown on the Company's books
     and records.  The  Redemption  Price  payable to a Holder  pursuant to this
     Section 4 shall be sent to such  Holder (i) at its  address as shown on the
     Company's  books and records or (ii) sent by wire transfer to an account of
     such  Holder   designated  by  such  Holder  (with  all  necessary   wiring
     information)  by written  notice given to the Company no later than two (2)
     calendar days prior to the applicable Redemption Date.

     5. Voting  Rights.  Except as otherwise  required by applicable law or this
Certificate of  Designation,  the Holders shall have no voting rights in respect
of their shares of Series D Preferred Stock.

     6. Principal Office;  Notices.  The address of the principal offices of the
Company is located at 80 Orville Drive,  Bohemia,  New York 11716. Any notice or
certificate required by the Certificate of Incorporation, or this Certificate of
Designation to be delivered to any Holder shall be deemed given when  personally
delivered  to such Holder or upon deposit in the United  States Mail,  certified
mail,  return  receipt  requested  and  addressed  to such  Holder at his or its
address appearing on the books and records of the Company.

     7.  Cancellation of Series D Preferred Stock. In the event of redemption of
any  shares  of Series D  Preferred  Stock,  the  shares  so  redeemed  shall be
canceled,  shall  return to the status of  authorized,  but  unissued  shares of
preferred stock of no designated series, and shall be issuable by the Company as
any series of Preferred Stock.

     8. Amendments and Other Actions.

          (a) For as  long  as any  shares  of  Series  D  Preferred  Stock  are
     outstanding,  the Company shall not,  without first  obtaining the approval
     (by vote or written  consent) of the holders of all of the then outstanding
     shares of Series D  Preferred  Stock,  voting  as a  separate  class in any
     manner (i) alter or change the rights,  preferences  or  privileges  of the
     Series D Preferred  Stock so as to affect  adversely the Series D Preferred
     Stock; or (ii) create any new class or series of capital stock senior to or
     pari passu with the Series D Preferred  Stock with  respect to the right to
     payment  and  receipt  of  (A)  dividends  or  (B)  distributions   upon  a
     Liquidation Event.


          (b)  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  when authorized by resolution of
     the  Board  of  Directors,   the  Company  may  amend  or  supplement  this
     Certificate  without the consent of any holder of Series D Preferred  Stock
     to cure any  ambiguity,  defect or  inconsistency  herein or make any other
     changes herein,  provided that each such amendment or supplement  shall not
     adversely affect the interests of the Holders thereof and that prior to the
     filing of any document  reflecting any such changes,  the Company  provides
     the Holders written notice of any such proposed changes.

          9. Registration and Transfer

          (a) The Company  shall  maintain at its  principal  offices (or at the
     offices  of its  transfer  agent or such  other  office or agency as it may
     designate by notice to the holders of the Series D Preferred Stock) a stock
     register for the Series D Preferred Stock in which the Company shall record
     the names and addresses of the Holders.

          (b)  Prior  to due  presentment  for  registration  of  any  Permitted
     Transferee (as defined below) of any Series D Preferred  Stock, the Company
     may deem and treat the person in whose name any Series D Preferred Stock is
     registered as the absolute  owner of such Series D Preferred  Stock and the
     Company shall not be affected by notice to the contrary.

          (c) Anything  contained  herein to the contrary  notwithstanding,  the
     Company  shall not register as a holder of any shares of Series D Preferred
     Stock any proposed transferee  thereof,  and such proposed transferee shall
     not be  deemed  a  Holder  for any  purposes  hereunder,  unless:  (i) such
     proposed  transferee  (A)  represents  to the Company in writing  that such
     proposed transferee is an accredited  investor,  as such term is defined in
     Rule 501 of  Regulation  D  promulgated  under the  Securities  Act and (B)
     provides  written  certification  to the  Company  of  the  basis  of  such
     transferee's status as an accredited investor, which certification shall be
     satisfactory  to the  Company  in its sole  discretion,  exercised  in good
     faith; (C) agrees, in writing,  to abide by the terms of, and to assume the
     obligations of the initial Holder under any written  agreement  between the
     Company  and  such  initial  Holder;  and  (D) is  provided  a copy of this
     Certificate of Designation  (as the same may be amended from time to time);
     and  (ii)  the  proposed   transfer  is  made   pursuant  to  an  effective
     registration  statement  under  the  Securities  Act and  applicable  state
     securities laws, or an exemption from such registration is available.

          (d) Each  certificate  representing  any shares of Series D  Preferred
     Stock shall contain the following  legends placed  prominently on the front
     or back of the certificate:


          UNDER SAID ACT.


          (e)  No  service   charge   shall  be  made  to  any  Holder  for  any
     registration, transfer or exchange.

     10.  Ranking.  Except  as  otherwise  provided  herein  or agreed to by the
Holders:  with respect to the right to payment and receipt of dividends  and the
right to receive  distributions of assets upon a Liquidation  Event The Series D
Preferred Stock shall rank (i) junior to the Series A, B and C Preferred  Stock;
and (ii) senior to any and all other  classes of capital  stock of the  Company,
whether now existing or hereafter created.

     11.  Action  by  Written  Consent.  Whenever,  under  this  Certificate  of
Designation  or  otherwise,  the  Holders  of the Series D  Preferred  Stock are
required to take any  action,  such  Holders may take action  without a meeting,
without  prior  notice and without a vote,  if a consent or consents in writing,
setting  forth the action so taken,  shall be signed by the Holders of more than
50% of the then outstanding shares of Series D Preferred Stock.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Direct Insite Corp.  has caused this  Certificate  of
Designation  to be signed by its Chief  Financial  Officer  on this 7th day of
October, 2004.

                                DIRECT INSITE CORP.

                                By:/s/ Michael Beecher
                                Name:  Michael Beecher
                                Title: Chief Financial Officer
