v.                             :      CRIMINAL NO. 06-268-2
HERLEY INDUSTRIES                     :

                             GUILTY PLEA AGREEMENT

     Under Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Criminal  Procedure,  the government,
the defendant,  and the defendant's counsel enter into the following guilty plea
agreement.  Any  reference  to the  United  States  or the  government  in  this
agreement  shall mean the Office of the United  States  Attorney for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania.

     1. Defendant Herley Industries,  Inc.  ("Herley") agrees to plead guilty to
Counts 28 and 29 of the  Superseding  Indictment  charging  the  defendant  with
obstruction of federal audits,  in violation of 18 U.S.C.  Sec. 1516, when, with
intent to deceive or defraud the United States, the defendant obstructed federal
auditors  by  withholding   certain  cost  and  pricing  data  relating  to  the
defendant's  bids on the two Power Head contracts  described in Counts 28 and 29
of the Superseding Indictment.  The defendant further acknowledges its waiver of
rights, as set forth in the attachment to this agreement.

     2. The defendant  agrees to pay the special  victims/witness  assessment in
the amount of $800  before the time of  sentencing  and shall  provide a receipt
from the Clerk to the government before sentencing as proof of this payment.

     3.  The  parties  agree  that  this  plea  agreement  is made  pursuant  to
Fed.R.Crim.P.  11(c)(l)(C)  and that the  following  specific  sentence is their
joint recommendation to the Court for the disposition of this case:

          A.   The defendant  shall pay a fine of  $3,500,000.  Payment shall be
               made within three days of the date of sentencing.

          B.   The parties agree that for purposes of the Sentencing Guidelines,
               pursuant  to  Guidelines  Section  1B1.3,  the loss amount to the
               government of all relevant  conduct in this matter is $2,500,000.
               The parties  acknowledge  that the  defendant has entered into an
               agreement  with the Civil  Division  of the  Office of the United
               States   Attorney  for  the  Eastern   District  of  Pennsylvania
               (hereinafter "the Civil Settlement Agreement"),  which settlement
               includes  full  restitution  to the  Department  of  Defense  and
               damages.  The parties  agree that there  shall be no  restitution
               awarded in this criminal case.

          C.   It is further agreed that in the event that the Court rejects the
               plea  agreement,  it will do so on the record and in open  court,
               and will personally  advise the defendant:  (a) that the Court is
               not required to follow the plea  agreement and give the defendant
               an  opportunity to withdraw the plea; and (b) that if the plea is
               not withdrawn, the Court may dispose of the case in a manner less
               favorable toward the defendant than the plea contemplated.

     4. Pursuant to U.S.S.G.  Sec.  6B1.4,  the parties enter into the following
stipulations  under the Sentencing  Guidelines Manual effective November 1,2001.
It is  understood  and agreed  that:  (1) except as provided in this  paragraph,
neither party shall argue the  applicability  of any provision of the Sentencing
Guidelines,   including  offense  conduct,  offense  characteristics,   criminal
history, adjustments and departures; (2) these stipulations are not binding upon
either the Probation Office or the Court; and (3) the Court may make factual and
legal  determinations that differ from these stipulations and that may result in
an increase or decrease in the Sentencing Guidelines range and the sentence that
may be imposed:

          A.   The Sentencing  Guideline  applicable to the determination of the
               applicable  fine for the offense of conviction  is U.S.S.G.  Sec.


          B.   The base fine is $2,500,000, under Sec.8C2.4(a)(3).

          C.   Under Sec. 8C2.5 (a) and (b)(3)(A),  the culpability  score is 8,
               less  one  point  for   acceptance   of   responsibility,   under
               Sec.8C2.5(g)(3),  for a total  culpability  score of 7.

          D.   Under Sec. 8C2.6, the minimum  multiplier is l.40 and the maximum
               multiplier is 2.80.

     5. The defendant  waives any and all defenses and objections in this matter
as to any payment made to the  government in the Civil  Settlement  Agreement of
any civil  claim,  including  under the False  Claims  Act and under the  Double
Jeopardy and the Excessive Fines clauses of the Eighth Amendment.

     6. The  defendant  agrees  that any  fine,  restitution,  assessment,  tax,
interest or other payments,  including  payments made under the Civil Settlement
Agreement  relating to the transactions which are the subject of the Superseding
Indictment,  do not constitute  extraordinary  acceptance of  responsibility  or
provide any basis to seek a downward departure.

     7. The defendant waives any claim under the Hyde Amendment,  18 U.S.C. Sec.
3006A  (Statutory  Note),  for  attorney's  fees and other  litigation  expenses
arising out of the investigation or prosecution of this matter.

     8. At the time of sentencing, the government will:

          A.   Move to  dismiss  Counts 1 through  27 and 30  through  33 of the
               Superseding  Indictment  filed  on  January  30,  2007 as to this
               defendant.  The defendant waives the statute of limitations as to
               all counts to be dismissed  under this  agreement and agrees that
               if the defendant withdraws from, or successfully challenges,  the
               guilty plea entered under this agreement,  or if these counts are


               otherwise  reinstated under the terms of this agreement,  neither
               the statute of limitations  nor the Double  Jeopardy  Clause will
               bar prosecution on any of these dismissed counts.

          B.   Comment on the evidence and  circumstances  of the case; bring to
               the Court's attention all facts relevant to sentencing  including
               evidence  relating  to  dismissed  counts,  if  any,  and  to any
               criminal  conduct of the defendant;  address the Court  regarding
               the nature and seriousness of the offense;  respond  factually to
               questions  raised by the Court;  correct factual  inaccuracies in
               the presentence  report, if any, or sentencing record; and rebut,
               as it deems  appropriate,  any  statement  of facts made by or on
               behalf of the defendant at sentencing.

Nothing in this  agreement  shall limit the  government  in its comments in, and
responses to, any post-sentencing matters.

     9. The defendant understands, agrees and has had explained to it by counsel
that the Court may impose the following statutory maximum sentence on the counts
of conviction:

     A.   Count 28  (obstruction  of a federal audit of the response to the 2001
          solicitation for 42 Power Heads): a fine of the greater of $500,000 or
          twice the sum  gained as a result of the  obstruction,  organizational
          probation, a special assessment of $400, and restitution.

     B.   Count 29  (obstruction of a federal audit of the response to  the 2001
          solicitation  for 139 power heads):  a fine of the greater of $500,000
          or twice the sum gained as a result of the obstruction, organizational
          probation, a special assessment of $400, and restitution.


Thus, the Total  Statutory  Maximum  penalty that the Court may impose is a fine
equal to the  greater of  $1,000,000  or twice the sum gained as a result of the
obstruction,   organizational  probation,  a  special  assessment  of  $800  and

     10.  The  defendant  understands  and  agrees  that:  (a) the status of any
license  or  certification  held  by the  defendant  is not  protected  by  this
agreement  and is a matter  solely  within  the  discretion  of the  appropriate
licensing,  regulatory and  administrative  authorities;  and (b) the government
will inform the appropriate licensing, regulatory and administrative authorities
of the disposition  of the criminal  charges filed against the defendant in this

     11. In exchange for the  undertakings  made by the  government  in entering
this plea agreement,  the defendant  voluntarily and expressly waives all rights
to appeal or collaterally attack the defendant's  conviction,  sentence,  or any
other matter relating to the prosecution of all defendants, whether such a right
to appeal or collateral  attack arises under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 3742,28  U.S.C. Sec.
1291,28  U.S.C.  Sec.  2255, or any other  provision of law.  This waiver is not
intended to bar the  assertion of  constitutional  claims that the relevant case
law holds cannot be waived.

          A.   Notwithstanding  the waiver  provision  above, if the  government
               appeals from the  sentence,  then the defendant may file a direct
               appeal of its sentence.

          B.   If the  government  does not  appeal,  then  notwithstanding  the
               waiver  provision set forth in this paragraph,  the defendant may
               file a direct appeal but may raise only claims that:

               1.   the defendant's  sentence on any count of conviction exceeds
                    the  statutory  maximum  for  that  count  as set  forth  in
                    paragraph 9 above;


               2.   the sentencing judge erroneously departed upward pursuant to
                    the Sentencing Guidelines; or

               3.   the  sentencing  judge,  exercising  the Court's  discretion
                    pursuant to United  States v.  Booker,  543 U.S. 220 (2005),
                    imposed an unreasonable  sentence above the final Sentencing
                    Guideline range determined by the Court.

If the  defendant  does  appeal  pursuant  to this  paragraph,  no issue  may be
presented  by the  defendant  on  appeal  other  than  those  described  in this

     12.  The  defendant  represents  that  its  representative  has  been  duly
authorized  to enter into this  agreement by its Board of Directors as evidenced
by the attached  certified  copy of the relevant  portions of the minutes of its
Board  meeting  of April 1, 2008 and a meeting  of a Special  Committee  held on
April 3, 2008.

     13. The defendant is satisfied  with the legal  representation  provided by
the  defendant's  lawyers;  the defendant and these lawyers have fully discussed
this plea  agreement;  and the defendant is agreeing to plead guilty because the
defendant admits that the defendant is guilty.

     14. It is agreed  that the  parties'  guilty  plea  agreement  contains  no
additional promises,  agreements or understandings other than those set forth in


this written guilty plea agreement, and that no additional promises,  agreements
or  understandings  will be entered  into  unless in  writing  and signed by all

Defendant                                   United States Attorney

/s/ Myron Levy                              /s/ LINDA DALE HOFFA
_____________________________________       ___________________________________
By                                          LINDA DALE HOFFA
Its  CEO & Chairman                         Chief, Criminal Division
                                            Assistant United States Attorney

/s/ James T. Smith                          /s/ Pamela Foa
_____________________________________       __________________________________
JAMES T. SMITH, Esq.                        PAMELA FOA
Counsel for Defendant                       ANTHONY G. KYRIAKAKIS
                                            Assistant United States Attorneys

Date:  May 5, 2008