June 23, 2003 U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20549 Attn.: Document Control Re: American Depositary Shares Evidenced by American Depositary Receipts each representing Ten Ordinary Share of Berkeley Technology Limited (formerly known as London Pacific Group Limited ) (File No. 333-11658) ************************ Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule 424(b)(3) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, on behalf of The Bank of New York, as Depositary for securities against which American Depositary Receipts are to be issued, we enclose a copy of the overstamped ADR certificate reflecting the name change to Berkeley Technology Limited (formerly known as London Pacific Group Limited ). Pursuant to Section III B of the General Instructions to the Form F-6 Registration Statement, the Prospectus consists of the ADR certificate for Berkeley Technology Limited. Please contact me with any questions or comments on 212 815- 2247. ______________________ Robert Spinogatti Vice President Encl. cc: Paul Dudek, Esq. (Office of International Corporate Finance)