September 14, 2011 SECURITIES & EXCHANGE COMMISSION 450 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20549 Attn.: Document Control RE:	American Depositary Receipts representing forty deposited shares of Continental Coal Limited (Form F6, Registration No. 333164055) Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule 424(b)(3) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, on behalf of The Bank of New York Mellon, as Depositary for securities against which American Depositary Receipts are to be issued, we attach a copy of the new prospectus (Prospectus) reflecting the change in number of ordinary shares represented by one American Depositary Share (the Ratio). As required by Rule 424(e), the upper right hand corner of the Prospectus cover page has a reference to Rule 424(b)(3) and to the file number of the registration statement to which the Prospectus relates. Pursuant to Section III B of the General Instructions to the Form F6 Registration Statement, the Prospectus consists of the ADR certificate with the revised ratio for Continental Coal Limited. The Prospectus has been revised to reflect the new ratio, and has been overstamped with: Effective September 14, 2011 the ratio has changed to One (1) American Depositary Share represents 10 (Ten) deposited Shares. Please contact me with any questions or comments at 212 8152281 Rajan Balsara Vice President The Bank of New York Mellon ADR Division Encl. CC: Paul Dudek, Esq. (Office of International Corporate Finance) 101 Barclay Street, 22nd Floor West, New York, NY 10286