WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 6-K

                         TO RULE 13A-16 OR 15D-16 UNDER
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the month of:  June, 2004

Commission File Number:  000-50393

                                 NEUROCHEM INC.

                          275 Armand-Frappier Boulevard
                                  Laval, Quebec
                                     H7V 4A7

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     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
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undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                        NEUROCHEM INC.

June 16, 2004

                                   By:  /David Skinner/
                                        David Skinner
                                        Director, Legal Affairs,
                                        General Counsel and Corporate Secretary

                                                   NEUROCHEM INC.
                                                   275 Armand-Frappier Blvd.
[LOGO - (NEUROCHEM)]                               Laval, Quebec, Canada H7V 4A7

                             NEUROCHEM TO PRESENT AT
                         NEEDHAM & COMPANY THIRD ANNUAL
                            BIOTECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE

MONTREAL, CANADA, JUNE 16, 2004 - Neurochem Inc. (NASDAQ: NRMX; TSX: NRM)
announced today that on June 17, 2004, Dr. Lise Hebert, Vice President,
Corporate Communications, will present Neurochem's overall strategy and progress
to date at the Needham & Company Third Annual Biotechnology Conference to be
held in New York City. The conference will take place at 10:00 AM EDT. The
corporate presentation will be available on the Company's Web site at

An audio webcast of Neurochem's presentation can also be accessed at
http://www.wsw.com/webcast/needham8/nrmx/. This webcast will be available for 30
days, through to July 17, 2004.


Neurochem is focused on the development and commercialization of innovative
therapeutics for neurological disorders. The Company's pipeline of proprietary,
disease-modifying, oral products addresses critical, unmet medical needs.
Fibrillex(TM), designated as an orphan drug and as a Fast Track Product
candidate, is in a Phase II/III clinical trial for the treatment of Amyloid A
Amyloidosis. Alzhemed(TM) and Cerebril(TM), for the treatment of Alzheimer's
Disease and for the prevention of Hemorrhagic Stroke caused by Cerebral Amyloid
Angiopathy, respectively, have both completed a Phase II clinical trial. For
additional information on Neurochem, please visit our website at:

Certain statements contained in this news release, other than statements of fact
that are independently verifiable at the date hereof, may constitute
forward-looking statements. Such statements, based as they are on the current
expectations of management, inherently involve numerous risks and uncertainties,
known and unknown, many of which are beyond Neurochem's control. Such risks
include but are not limited to: the impact of general economic conditions,
general conditions in the pharmaceutical industry, changes in the regulatory
environment in the jurisdictions in which Neurochem does business, stock market
volatility, fluctuations in costs, and changes to the competitive environment
due to consolidation as well as other risks included in public filings of
Neurochem. Consequently, actual future results may differ materially from the
anticipated results expressed in the forward-looking statements. The reader
should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements included in
this news release. These statements speak only as of the date made and Neurochem
is under no obligation and disavows any intention to update or revise such
statements as a result of any event, circumstances or otherwise.

Lise Hebert, Ph.D.
Vice President, Corporate Communications
- ---------------------
Tel: (450) 680-4500
Fax: (450) 680-4501