WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 6-K

                         TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 UNDER
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the month of:  July, 2004

Commission File Number:  000-50393

                                 NEUROCHEM INC.

                          275 Armand-Frappier Boulevard
                                  Laval, Quebec
                                     H7V 4A7

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                                                  NEUROCHEM INC.

July 19, 2004

                                   By:  /s/ Lise Hebert
                                        Lise Hebert
                                        Vice President, Corporate Communications

                                                  NEUROCHEM INC.
                                                  275 Armand-Frappier Blvd.
(NEUROCHEM "LOGO")                                Laval, Quebec, Canada H7V 4A7
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


MONTREAL, Canada, July 16, 2004 -- NEUROCHEM INC. (NASDAQ: NRMX; TSX: NRM) will
hold a conference call on Monday, July 19, 2004, at 10:00 A.M., EDT, to discuss
the latest interim clinical results of the Phase II open-label extension study
on Alzhemed(TM), the Company's investigational product candidate for the
treatment of Alzheimer's Disease. The conference call will be webcast

During the call, Francesco Bellini, Ph.D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
of Neurochem, and Denis Garceau, Ph.D., Neurochem's Vice President, Drug
Development, will summarize and comment on the new clinical results. Francine
Gervais, Ph.D., Neurochem's Vice President, Research and Development, will also
be available following the presentations for questions from callers.

Results will be presented on July 18th at the 9th International Conference on
Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders organized by the Alzheimer's
Association in Philadelphia, the largest gathering of Alzheimer's researchers in
history attended by more than 4,500 scientists from around the world.

To participate in the conference call and webcast, please dial 1 877-888-4210
approximately 10 minutes prior to the start of the call AND access Neurochem's
website at www.neurochem.com. The dial-in number will allow participants to
listen and ask questions, while the webcast will provide a visual presentation.

A replay of the web cast will be available on Neurochem's website at 12:00 P.M.,
EDT. This webcast will include the conference call and the visual presentation.
For those wanting to access the audio portion only of the conference call,
a replay will be available from 12:00 P.M. EDT. Interested parties can dial
1-866 816-8948 or 416 695-9675, access code: 8490#. The replay will be available
for 72 hours.

Neurochem is focused on the development and commercialization of innovative
therapeutics for neurological disorders. The Company's pipeline of proprietary,
disease-modifying, oral products addresses critical unmet medical needs.
Fibrillex(TM), designated as an orphan drug and as a Fast Track Product
candidate, is also part of a Continuous Marketing Applications Pilot 2 program

is currently in a Phase II/III clinical trial for the treatment of
AA Amyloidosis. Alzhemed(TM), for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, is in a
Phase III clinical trial and Cerebril(TM), for the prevention of Hemorrhagic
Stroke caused by Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, has completed a Phase II clinical

Certain statements contained in this news release, other than statements of fact
that are independently verifiable at the date hereof, may constitute
forward-looking statements. Such statements, based as they are on the current
expectations of management, inherently involve numerous risks and uncertainties,
known and unknown, many of which are beyond Neurochem's control. Such risks
include but are not limited to: the impact of general economic conditions,
general conditions in the pharmaceutical industry, changes in the regulatory
environment in the jurisdictions in which Neurochem does business, stock market
volatility, fluctuations in costs, and changes to the competitive environment
due to consolidation as well as other risks included in public filings of
Neurochem. Consequently, actual future results may differ materially from the
anticipated results expressed in the forward-looking statements. The reader
should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements included in
this news release. These statements speak only as of the date made and Neurochem
is under no obligation and disavows any intention to update or revise such
statements as a result of any event, circumstances or otherwise.


Dr. Lise Hebert
Vice President, Corporate Communications
Tel: (450) 680-4500
Fax: (450) 680-4501

                                                   NEUROCHEM INC.
                                                   275 Armand-Frappier Blvd.
[NEUROCHEM "LOGO"]                                 Laval, Quebec, Canada H7V 4A7
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Lise Hebert, Ph.D.                                       Tel: (450) 680-4500
Vice President, Corporate Communications                 Mobile: (514) 924-7394



PHILADELPHIA, PA, JULY 18, 2004 -- Neurochem Inc. (NASDAQ: NRMX; TSX: NRM)
announced today that interim results of an on-going open-label Phase II
extension study of the effects of Alzhemed(TM) on cognitive function and global
measure of performance in patients with mild(1)-to-moderate(2) Alzheimer's
Disease (AD) were presented at the 9th International Conference on Alzheimer's
Disease and Related Disorders (ICAD) in Philadelphia. The study showed that
overall, approximately 70% of the mild AD patients had stabilized or improved
cognitive function tests even after 20 months of enrollment in the Alzhemed(TM)
open-label Phase II extension study.

Alzhemed(TM) is an investigational oral product candidate for mild-to-moderate
AD that has been specifically designed to modify the course of the disease
through its anti-amyloid activity. Phase III trials on the product candidate
were launched in 70 clinical centers in North America last month.

Paul Aisen, M.D., Professor of Neurology and Medicine and Director, Memory
Disorders Program at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, D.C.,
presented data from the on-going open-label Phase II extension study for
Alzhemed(TM). The data are based on the evaluation of cognitive and global
performance as measured by the ADAS-cog(3) and CDR-SB(4) tests, respectively.

The study followed 19 mild-to-moderate AD patients who received study medication
for 20 months. The mild-to-moderate AD patients (n = 19)(5) showed an average
ADAS-cog score of +6.2 points, as opposed to +11.9 points on average in
comparable historical controls(6) with AD. A subset of mild AD patients (n = 10)
responded best and showed a change from baseline in their average ADAS-cog score
of +2.4 points. This result compares favorably with a score of +8.6 points on
average in comparable historical controls.

Last April, the Company issued data on the first 18 patients who had completed
16 months. Neurochem is now reporting on all patients with mild-to-moderate AD
who received study medication for 16 months. The mild-to-moderate AD patients
(n = 26) showed an average ADAS-cog score of +5.3 points, as opposed to
+9.6 points on average in comparable historical controls with AD. A subset of
mild AD patients (n = 15) responded well and showed a change from baseline in
their average ADAS-cog score of +1.7 points. This result compares favorably with
an average score of +7.6 points in comparable historical controls. Overall, nine
out of the 15 mild AD patients were stabilized or improved at 16-months.

The average CDR-SB score in the mild-to-moderate AD patients after 20 months on
study medication showed +2.7 points on average. These results compare favorably
with the already reported(7) 12-month mean change in the CDR-SB score of +2.2
points change in comparable mild-to-moderate AD patients.

Alzhemed(TM) continues to be safe and well tolerated after up to 20 months of
follow-up. Nausea and vomiting occurred primarily at the beginning of the
treatment and decreased over time. By 16 months, no nausea and vomiting were
reported. Overall, five patients withdrew prematurely from the beginning of the
Phase II clinical trial over the 20-month period due to adverse events: three
due to nausea and vomiting, one because of weakness and weight loss and another
for increased agitation and delusion.

"These results in Alzheimer's patients are promising because typically, patients
decline significantly over a prolonged period," said Dr. Aisen, who also is
principal investigator in the United States for the Phase III study on
Alzhemed(TM). "Alzhemed(TM) has the potential to modify the progression of AD
because it acts directly on its core pathology. Because existing therapies can
only treat disease symptoms, Alzhemed(TM) could become the new paradigm for AD
treatment if it is approved by regulatory authorities."


"Given the very long treatment period with Alzhemed(TM) in our on-going
open-label Phase II extension study, and even though the study was not designed
to be statistically significant, we are encouraged by the persisting
stabilization of the majority of mild AD patients receiving this product
candidate. This interim data strengthens our belief that Alzhemed(TM) is a
potential breakthrough to stop the cause of this devastating disease," said
Francesco Bellini, Ph. D., Chairman and CEO of Neurochem.

Neurochem's Phase III clinical trial on Alzhemed(TM) in North America will run
for a period of 18 months and be conducted in 50 U.S. and 20 Canadian clinical
centers. The Company anticipates launching its Phase III trial in Europe early
in 2005.

The 9th International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders,
sponsored by the Alzheimer's Association, is the largest gathering in history of
Alzheimer's Disease researchers. More than 4,500 scientists from around the
world are present at the conference.

Neurochem will hold a conference call on Monday, July 19, 2004, at 10:00 A.M.,
EDT, to discuss the latest interim clinical results of the Phase II open-label
extension study on Alzhemed(TM). The conference call will be webcast

During the call, Dr. Francesco Bellini, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of
Neurochem, and Dr. Denis Garceau, Neurochem's Vice President, Drug Development,
will summarize and comment on the new clinical results. Francine Gervais, Ph.D.,
Neurochem's Vice President, Research and Development, will also be available
following the presentations for questions from callers.

To participate in the conference call and webcast, please dial 1 877-888-4210
approximately 10 minutes prior to the start of the call AND access Neurochem's
website at www.neurochem.com. The dial-in number will allow participants to
listen and ask questions, while the webcast will provide a visual presentation.

A replay of the web cast will be available on Neurochem's website at 12:00 P.M.,
EDT. This webcast will include the conference call and the visual presentation.
For those wanting to access the audio portion only of the conference call,
a replay will be available from 12:00 P.M. EDT. Interested parties can dial
1-866 816-8948 or 416 695-9675, access code: 8490#. The replay will be available
for 72 hours.

Alzhemed(TM) is an orally administered, small organic molecule that has been
specifically designed to modify the course of AD through its anti-amyloid
activity. As part of a "disease modifying" novel class of product candidates,
Alzhemed(TM) is expected to act at many levels: in binding to soluble amyloid
beta (A(beta)) protein, to prevent and stop the formation and the deposition of
amyloid fibrils in the brain, and


to reduce the amyloid-induced toxicity on neuronal and brain inflammatory cells
associated with amyloid build-up in AD.

Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a brain disorder in which nerve cells in the brain
die, making it difficult for the brain's signals to be transmitted properly. A
person with AD has problems with memory, judgment, thinking, and eventually with
motor functions, making it difficult for the person to work or continue to take
part in day-to-day life.

According to the National Institute on Aging's "Progress Report on Alzheimer's
Disease, 2000," AD is the most common cause of dementia among people aged 65 and
older. It presents a major health problem because of its enormous impact on
individuals, families, the health care system, and society as a whole.
Scientists estimate that up to four and a half million people in the United
States alone currently suffer with the disease and the prevalence (the number of
people with the disease at any one time) doubles every five years beyond age 65.
It is also estimated that approximately 360,000 new cases (incidence) will occur
each year in the United States and that this number will increase as the
population ages.

In a 2000 report, the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) estimated that
AD is becoming the most widespread and costly age-related disorder in the United
States; the total cost of the disease has been estimated at US$100 billion per

Neurochem is focused on the development and commercialization of innovative
therapeutics for neurological disorders. The Company's pipeline of proprietary,
disease-modifying, oral products addresses critical unmet medical needs.
Fibrillex(TM), designated as an orphan drug and as a Fast Track Product
candidate, is also part of a Continuous Marketing Applications Pilot 2 program
and is currently in a Phase II/III clinical trial for the treatment of AA
Amyloidosis. Alzhemed(TM), for the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease, is in a
Phase III clinical trial and Cerebril(TM), for the prevention of Hemorrhagic
Stroke caused by Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, has completed a Phase II clinical

For additional information on Neurochem and its drug development programs,
please call the North American toll-free number 1 877 680-4500 or visit our
website at: www.neurochem.com.

(1) - Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE): 19-25

(2) - Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE): 13-18

(3) - Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale, cognitive subpart (ADAS-cog). The
      ADAS-cog is a 70- point scale designed to measure, with the use of
      questionnaires, the progression and the severity of cognitive decline as
      seen in AD. The ADAS-cog scale quantifies the number of wrong answers.
      Consequently, a high score on the


      scale indicates a more severe case of cognitive decline. When analysing
      results, a negative score indicates the improvement of cognitive function
      and a positive score the deterioration of such function.

      The ADAS-cog has been validated by the regulatory authorities as the gold
      standard scale for the monitoring of cognitive function in AD patients.
      This scale is a compulsory parameter of efficacy when submitting for
      market approval of an AD drug to the authorities such as the Food and Drug

(4) - Clinical Dementia Rating - sum of boxes rating scale (CDR-SB), a measure
      of global performance.

(5) - n: number of patients per group.

(6) - Stern, R.G., et al. Am.J.Psychiatry 151:3, March 1994.

(7) - Aisen, P.S., et al. JAMA 289: 2819, June 4, 2003.

This news release contains forward-looking statements regarding the potential
for Alzhemed(TM) and further development efforts. These statements are based on
the current expectations of management. Drug development involves numerous risks
and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially.
Promising results and successes in early stage clinical trials do not ensure
that later stage or larger scale clinical trials will be successful. For
instance, Alzhemed(TM) may not show the same benefits, results or safety profile
in later stage or larger scale clinical trials. Unexpected concerns may arise
during clinical trials or in the course of developing Alzhemed(TM) which would
delay the start of later stage or larger scale clinical trials. Additional risks
and uncertainties include: the impact of general economic conditions, general
conditions in the pharmaceutical industry, changes in the regulatory environment
in the jurisdictions in which Neurochem does business, stock market volatility,
fluctuations in costs, and changes to the competitive environment due to
consolidation or otherwise. Neurochem does not undertake any obligation to
publicly update its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new
information, future events, or otherwise.
