Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  FORM N-CSR/A

                              INVESTMENT COMPANIES

Investment Company Act file number: 811-4977

Exact name of registrant as specified in charter:
Voyageur Insured Funds

Address of principal executive offices:
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Name and address of agent for service:
David F. Connor, Esq.
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (800) 523-1918

Date of fiscal year end: August 31

Date of reporting period: August 31, 2006

                          Amended and Restated February 21, 2007

Item 1. Reports to Stockholders

The Registrant's shareholder reports are combined with the shareholder reports
of other investment company registrants. This Form N-CSR/A pertains to the
DELAWARE TAX-FREE MINNESOTA INSURED FUND of the Registrant, information on which
is included in the following shareholder reports.

Annual Report                               Delaware
                                            Tax-Free Minnesota Fund

                                            Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund

                                            Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate

                                            Minnesota High-Yield Municipal
                                            Bond Fund

                                            August 31, 2006 (1)

                                            Fixed income mutual funds

                                            (1) Certain financial statements
                                                and financial highlights in this
                                                report have been restated



Table of contents

     > Portfolio management review ............................................1

     > Performance summaries ..................................................6

     > Disclosure of Fund expenses ...........................................14

     > Sector allocations and credit rating breakdowns .......................16

     > Statement of net assets ...............................................18

     > Statements of operations ..............................................34

     > Statements of changes in net assets ...................................35

     > Financial highlights ..................................................37

     > Notes to financial statements .........................................49

     > Report of independent registered public accounting firm ...............57

     > Other Fund information ................................................58

     > Board of trustees/directors and officers addendum .....................61

     > About the organization ................................................63

    Funds are not FDIC insured and are not guaranteed. It is possible to lose
    the principal amount invested.

    Mutual fund advisory services provided by Delaware Management Company, a
    series of Delaware Management Business Trust, which is a registered
    investment advisor.

(C) 2007 Delaware Distributors, L.P.


Portfolio management review

Delaware Minnesota Municipal Bond Funds

August 31, 2006

Joseph R. Baxter
Robert Collins

Co-managers of the funds

The managers of Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund, Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota
Insured Fund, Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund, and Delaware
Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund provided the answers to the questions
below as a review of the funds' activities for the fiscal year ended August 31,

Q: What was the investment environment for the Delaware Investments municipal
bond mutual funds during the fiscal year ended August 31, 2006?

A: Higher gasoline prices, rising short-term interest rates, and ongoing
uneasiness about changes in the housing market generally caused concerns in the
capital markets and weighed on many investors' outlook for the U.S. economy
during our fiscal year. However, the U.S. economy continued its expansion
throughout the year, recovering somewhat from a period of slower growth that
occurred just after the August and September 2005 hurricanes. Property and
casualty insurers held steady and provided a solid source of capital for the
tax-exempt debt arena as the year progressed. To summarize, we generally viewed
the national-level municipal bond market to be sound over the fiscal year,
despite challenges.

During most of the fiscal year, the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) continued to
raise interest rates. After gradually moving the target for the Fed funds rate
from 3.50% to 5.25%, the Fed finally paused a long string of increases at its
August 2006 meeting. A key tool in the Fed's monetary policy, the Fed funds rate
reflects the percentage of interest that banks charge to lend money to each
other overnight. Through the rate increases, the Fed aimed to moderate the pace
of economic activity and head off inflation.

Earlier in 2006, the interest rate environment was such that the Treasury yield
curve began to flatten, which means that the difference between short- and
long-term bond yields grew smaller across the spectrum of maturities. This
"flattening" was generally present throughout the second half of the fiscal
year. In this type of environment, bonds with intermediate maturities - those in
the three- to seven-year range - tend to underperform.

Low interest rates provided many issuers with refinancing opportunities early in
the fiscal year, but new bond issuance dropped off significantly beginning in
2006 because more and more municipal issuers had already taken the opportunity
to refinance bonds. For instance, through August 2006, the pace of new issuance
of municipal securities year-to-date had retreated 15% versus the same period
one year earlier (source: Thomson Financial).

Comparing tax-exempt and taxable holdings, municipal bond yields began the
fiscal year at nearly the same level as Treasuries. By period end, however, that
gap had widened, which reflected the greater decline in the value of Treasury
bonds versus their municipal peers (source: Thomson Financial).

Q: What other market-related events influenced performance of the funds?

A: Credit quality among bond issuers remained strong or improved during the
fiscal year, generally contributing to demand for lower-rated securities.

In the fiscal period's later stages, we saw more bonds coming to market that we
believed to be of increased risk. Also of note, non-traditional buyers (those
more interested in the relative valuation of the asset class than the
tax-advantaged status of municipal bonds) continued to make their presence felt.
These changes influenced trading patterns in the market and presented a new
challenge to both mutual fund managers and individual investors.

Q: What conditions prevailed in the Minnesota debt market?

A: According to an August 1, 2006 report released by The Bond Buyer, bond
issuance by state and local governments has decreased overall. The Bond Buyer
further reported that Minnesota state issuance decreased by 43% over the period
from January 2006 through June 2006 (compared to the same period the previous

                                                               (continues)     1


Portfolio management review

Minnesota's economy continues to expand due to its manufacturing sector
concentration. The state has steady demographic trends including high personal
income levels, high employment diversity and performance, and low unemployment.
As of August 2006, the state's unemployment rate remained low at 3.7% compared
to the national unemployment rate of 4.7% (source: U.S. Department of Labor).

Through March of fiscal 2006, tax revenues were up 8.3% (source: Nelson A.
Rockefeller State Revenue Report #64). The state's general fund ended fiscal
2005 at $92.9 million. The budget reserve has rebounded to $1 billion, on a
budgetary basis. The 2006-2007 budget projects a total spending increase of
8.4%. Most of the spending increases are going toward K-12 education, health and
human services, and public safety. The state is paying for these increases with
approximately $1 billion in new ongoing revenues, including a $0.75 per pack
increase in the cigarette tax (source: Moody's).

Q: How did the market environment affect your approach to municipal bond
investing at large?

A: In the interest rate environment that prevailed, our approach to municipal
bond markets at times dictated that we retain current holdings, and ultimately
our strategy resulted in limited transactions. During much of the year, we
preferred to seek our objective by holding legacy bonds - securities purchased
in prior fiscal periods - and relying on the attractive bond yields that
already existed within our portfolio of investments.

Generally speaking, it became increasingly difficult in the prevailing interest
rate environment to identify bonds in the market that were more attractive than
the holdings in our portfolio. Frequently during the year, we opted to focus our
resources on monitoring the credit of legacy bonds.

Overall, we adhered to our bottom-up investment style, which is based on
security-by-security analysis and a free exchange of information among the
various members of a deep team that includes portfolio managers, credit
analysts, and traders.

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund

Q: How did the Fund perform versus its benchmark index and peer group?

A: Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund returned 2.78% at net asset value and -1.86%
at maximum offer price (both figures represent Class A shares with distributions
reinvested) for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2006. The Fund's performance
benchmark, the Lehman Brothers Municipal Bond Index, returned 3.03%. Its peer
group - as measured by the Lipper Minnesota Municipal Debt Funds Average -
returned 2.35% (source: Lipper). For the complete, annualized performance of
Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund, please see the table on page 6.

Q: What strategies affected Fund performance?

A: Despite a high level of refinancing activity in the market, we believed that
many of the Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund's legacy bonds would not be called,
and we decided to hold them for their relatively attractive yields.

In keeping with our long-term commitment to holding a high-quality portfolio of
investments, we again generally avoided the tobacco industry bonds, which have
so greatly influenced performance in the municipal market in recent years, as we
believe the sector has an elevated risk for litigation. We also remained
underweighted versus the benchmark index in bonds backed by airline corporation
revenues. Both stances generally were not beneficial when comparing Fund
performance to the benchmark and many of our peer funds, as the airline and
tobacco industries performed well on a total return basis.

During the 12-month span, it seemed that investors tended to seek the added
yield and total return potential of lower-quality bonds, and thus securities
with ratings further down the credit spectrum generally outperformed. At times,
the margin of outperformance between two adjacent credit ratings was



Within the portfolio, our exposure to bonds accorded AAA ratings was reduced
during the fiscal year, and we increased the allocation of bonds rated BBB. The
Fund gained some measure of improved performance relative to the benchmark due
to multi-family housing securities. However, we experienced weakness with our
exposure to Puerto Rico bonds because of budget problems in the commonwealth.
These difficulties now appear to have been resolved, but we have reduced our
exposure to Puerto Rico bonds in the Fund over the course of the period.

At fiscal year end, healthcare bonds, largely hospitals, comprised 27.77% of the
Fund's portfolio upon the closure of the fiscal year period. A notable
allocation for the Fund, although not a particularly large one, was bonds that
finance continuing care retirement centers. During the year, we often found
these securities to offer appealing risk-and-return characteristics.

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund

Q: How did the Fund perform versus its benchmark index and peer group?

A: Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund returned 2.23% at net asset value
and -2.34% at maximum offer price (both figures represent Class A shares with
distributions reinvested) for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2006. The Fund's
performance benchmark, the Lehman Brothers Municipal Bond Index, returned 3.03%.
Its peer group, as measured by the Lipper Minnesota Municipal Debt Funds
Average, returned 2.35% (source: Lipper). For the complete, annualized
performance of Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund, please see the table on
page 8.

Q: What strategies affected Fund performance?

A: Despite a high level of refinancing activity in the market, we believed that
many of the Fund's legacy bonds would not be called, and decided to hold them
for their relatively attractive yields.

This strategy did have the effect of shortening the Fund's average duration,
which is a measure of a bond or a bond fund's sensitivity to changes in interest
rates. Longer duration values indicate greater interest rate sensitivity, and
shorter durations generally limit a bond fund's volatility and total return

In keeping with our long-term commitment to holding a high-quality portfolio of
investments, we again generally avoided the tobacco industry bonds, which have
so greatly influenced performance in the municipal market in recent years, as we
believe the sector has an elevated risk for litigation. We also remained
underweighted versus the benchmark index in bonds backed by airline corporation
revenues. Both stances generally were not beneficial when comparing Fund
performance to the benchmark and many of our peer funds, as the airline and
tobacco industries did perform well on a total return basis.

During the 12-month span, it seemed that investors tended to seek the added
yield and total return potential of lower-quality bonds, and thus securities
with ratings further down the credit spectrum generally outperformed. At times,
the margin of outperformance between two adjacent credit ratings was

The Fund keeps at least 80% of its assets in insured securities. Because
lower-quality investments outperformed during the year, we often were near the
full 20% allowed in non-insured bonds. A good portion of these holdings had A
ratings - an investment-grade category that outperformed AAA insured bonds.

At fiscal year end, of the Fund's net assets, local general obligation bonds
comprised 23.3%, healthcare bonds (with a focus on hospitals) 16.8%, and
escrowed-to-maturity bonds 15.5%.

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund

Q: How did the Fund perform versus its benchmark index and peer group?

A: Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund returned 2.62% at net asset
value and -0.19% at maximum offer price (both figures represent Class A shares
with distributions reinvested) for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2006.

                                                               (continues)     3


Portfolio management review

As of August 31, 2006, Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund's benchmark index
was changed from the Lehman Brothers 5-Year Municipal Bond Index to the Lehman
Brothers Municipal 3-15 Year Index. Management believes the new benchmark index
more accurately reflects the portion of the municipal market in which the Fund
invests. There were no material changes to the Fund's investment objective or

For the fiscal year ended August 31, 2006, the Lehman Brothers Municipal 5-Year
Index gained 2.27%, while the Lehman Brothers 3-15 Year Municipal Bond Index
gained 2.64%. The Fund's peer group - as measured by the Lipper Other States
Intermediate Municipal Debt Funds Average - returned 3.01% (source: Lipper).

For the complete, annualized performance of Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota
Intermediate Fund, please see the table on page 10.

Q: What strategies affected Fund performance?

A: Despite a high level of refinancing activity in the market, we believed that
many of the Fund's legacy bonds would not be called, and decided to hold them
for their relatively attractive yields.

This strategy did have the effect of shortening the Fund's average duration,
which is a measure of a bond or a bond fund's sensitivity to changes in interest
rates. Longer duration values indicate greater interest rate sensitivity, and
shorter durations generally limit a bond fund's volatility and total return
potential. The Fund's duration profile at fiscal year end was near the lower end
of our intended range, a consideration that we were monitoring. Should the
market move toward favoring longer-term securities, we might be inclined to
extend Fund duration intentionally.

In keeping with our long-term commitment to holding a high-quality portfolio of
investments, we again generally avoided the tobacco industry bonds, which have
so greatly influenced performance in the municipal market in recent years, as we
believe the sector has an elevated risk for litigation. We also remained
underweighted versus the benchmark index in bonds backed by airline corporation
revenues. Both stances generally were not beneficial when comparing Fund
performance to the benchmark and many of our peer funds, as the airline and
tobacco industries did perform well on a total return basis.

During the 12-month span, it seemed that investors tended to seek the added
yield and total return potential of lower-quality bonds, and thus securities
with ratings further down the credit spectrum generally outperformed. At times,
the margin of outperformance between two adjacent credit ratings was

Within the portfolio, our exposure to bonds accorded AAA ratings was reduced
during the fiscal year, and we increased the allocation of bonds rated both A
and BBB. Our allocation to non-rated bonds also rose slightly. The Fund gained
some measure of performance relative to the benchmark due to multi-family
housing securities. However, we experienced weakness with our exposure to Puerto
Rico bonds because of budget problems in the commonwealth. These difficulties
now appear to have been resolved, but we have reduced our exposure to Puerto
Rico bonds over the course of the period in the Fund. At fiscal year end, local
general obligation bonds comprised 32.9% of the Fund's net assets, healthcare
22.48% with a focus on hospital bonds, and bonds related to higher education

Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund

Q: How did the Fund perform versus its benchmark index and peer group?

A: Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund returned 3.54% at net asset
value and -1.12% at maximum offer price (both figures represent Class A shares
with distributions reinvested) for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2006. The
Fund's performance benchmark, the Lehman Brothers Municipal Bond Index, returned
3.03%. Its peer group - as measured by the Lipper Minnesota Municipal Debt
Funds Average - returned 2.35% (source: Lipper). For the complete, annualized
performance of Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund, please see the
table on page 12.



Q: What strategies affected Fund performance?

A: Despite a high level of refinancing activity in the market, we believed that
many of the Fund's legacy bonds would not be called, and decided to hold them
for their relatively attractive yields.

In keeping with our long-term commitment to holding a high-quality portfolio of
investments, we again generally avoided the tobacco industry bonds, which have
so greatly influenced performance in the municipal market in recent years, as we
believe the sector has an elevated risk for litigation. We also remained
underweighted versus the benchmark index in bonds backed by airline corporation
revenues. Both stances generally were not beneficial when comparing Fund
performance to the benchmark and many of our peer funds, as the airline and
tobacco industries did perform well on a total return basis.

During the 12-month span, it seemed that investors tended to seek the added
yield and total return potential of lower-quality bonds, and thus securities
with ratings further down the credit spectrum generally outperformed. At times,
the margin of outperformance between two adjacent credit ratings was

The trend toward outperformance by lower-quality securities generally helped
high yield funds, and in keeping with the market environment, Delaware Minnesota
High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund was the best performer among the four Minnesota
open-end mutual funds managed by Delaware Management Company.

The Fund gained some measure of improved performance relative to the benchmark
due to multi-family housing securities, which made up a significant portion of
assets. However, we experienced weakness with our exposure to Puerto Rico bonds
because of budget problems in the commonwealth. These difficulties now appear to
have been resolved, but we have reduced our exposure to Puerto Rico bonds over
the course of the period in the Fund.

Housing bonds, including large holdings of multi-family housing bonds, were the
second-largest position in the Fund at fiscal year end. Healthcare bond
positions, primarily hospital bonds and bonds issued to finance continuing care
retirement centers, were larger in size and comprised 41% of the Fund's net



Performance summary

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund

The performance data quoted represent past performance; past performance does
not guarantee future results. A rise or fall in interest rates can have a
significant impact on bond prices and the NAV (net asset value) of the Fund.
Funds that invest in bonds can lose their value as interest rates rise, and an
investor can lose principal. Investment return and principal value will
fluctuate so your shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their
original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance
data quoted. Please obtain the performance data for the most recent month end by
calling 800 523-1918 or visiting www.delawareinvestments.com/performance.

You should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of
the investment carefully before investing. The Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund
prospectus contains this and other important information about the Fund. Please
request a prospectus through your financial advisor or by calling 800 523-1918
or visiting our Web site. Read it carefully before you invest or send money.

Fund Performance

Average annual total returns
Through August 31, 2006             1 year     5 years     10 years     Lifetime

Class A (Est. 2/27/84)
Excluding sales charge              +2.78%      +5.18%       +5.58%      +7.45%
Including sales charge              -1.86%      +4.22%       +5.10%      +7.23%

Class B (Est. 3/11/95)
Excluding sales charge              +2.01%      +4.39%       +4.96%      +5.21%
Including sales charge              -1.93%      +4.14%       +4.96%      +5.21%

Class C (Est. 5/4/94)
Excluding sales charge              +2.08%      +4.41%       +4.82%      +4.92%
Including sales charge              +1.10%      +4.41%       +4.82%      +4.92%

Returns reflect the reinvestment of all distributions and any applicable sales
charges as noted below.

Performance for Class B and C shares, excluding sales charges, assumes either
that contingent deferred sales charges did not apply or that the investment was
not redeemed.

The Fund offers Class A, B, and C shares. Class A shares are sold with a
front-end sales charge of up to 4.50% and have an annual distribution and
service fee of up to 0.25%.

Class B shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge that declines
from 4% to zero depending upon the period of time the shares are held. Class B
shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis
approximately eight years after purchase. They are also subject to an annual
distribution and service fee of 1%. Ten-year and lifetime performance figures
for Class B shares reflect conversion to Class A shares after eight years.

Class C shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of 1%, if
redeemed during the first 12 months. They are also subject to an annual
distribution and service fee of 1%.

An expense limitation was in effect for all classes of Delaware Tax-Free
Minnesota Fund during the periods shown above and on the next page. Performance
would have been lower had the expense limitation not been in effect.

The performance table above and the graph on the next page do not reflect the
deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or
redemptions of Fund shares.

A portion of the income from tax-exempt funds may be subject to the alternative
minimum tax.



Fund basics

As of August 31, 2006

Fund objective

The Fund seeks as high a level of current income exempt from federal income tax
and from the Minnesota state personal income tax as is consistent with
preservation of capital.


Total Fund net assets

$408 million


Number of holdings



Fund start date

February 27, 1984


Your Fund managers

Joseph R. Baxter joined Delaware Investments in 1999. He heads the firm's
municipal bond department and is responsible for setting the department's
investment strategy. He is also a co-portfolio manager of the firm's municipal
bond funds and several client accounts. Formerly, he held investment positions
with First Union. He received a bachelor's degree in finance and marketing from
LaSalle University.

Robert F. Collins, CFA, joined Delaware Investments in 2004. He is a
co-portfolio manager of several of the firm's municipal bond funds and client
accounts. Formerly, he spent five years as a co-manager of the municipal
portfolio management group, where he oversaw the tax-exempt investments of high
net worth and institutional accounts. He earned a bachelor's degree in economics
from Ursinus College.


                                   Nasdaq symbols            CUSIPs

Class A                            DEFFX                     928918101
Class B                            DMOBX                     928928696
Class C                            DMOCX                     928918408

Performance of a $10,000 Investment
August 31, 1996 through August 31, 2006


Chart assumes $10,000 invested on August 31, 1996 and includes the effect of a
4.50% front-end sales charge and the reinvestment of all distributions.
Performance for other Fund classes will vary due to differing charges and

The Lehman Brothers Municipal Bond Index is an unmanaged index that generally
tracks the performance of municipal bonds. An index is unmanaged and does not
reflect the costs of operating a mutual fund, such as the costs of buying,
selling, and holding securities. You cannot invest directly in an index.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

                                                               (continues)     7


Performance summary

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund

The performance data quoted represent past performance; past performance does
not guarantee future results. A rise or fall in interest rates can have a
significant impact on bond prices and the NAV (net asset value) of the Fund.
Funds that invest in bonds can lose their value as interest rates rise, and an
investor can lose principal. Investment return and principal value will
fluctuate so your shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their
original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance
data quoted. Please obtain the performance data for the most recent month end by
calling 800 523-1918 or visiting www.delawareinvestments.com/performance.

You should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of
the investment carefully before investing. The Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota
Insured Fund prospectus contains this and other important information about the
Fund. Please request a prospectus through your financial advisor or by calling
800 523-1918 or visiting our Web site. Read it carefully before you invest or
send money.

Fund Performance

Average annual total returns
Through August 31, 2006             1 year     5 years     10 years     Lifetime

Class A (Est. 5/1/87)
Excluding sales charge              +2.23%        +4.55%     +5.25%      +6.30%
Including sales charge              -2.34%        +3.60%     +4.76%      +6.04%

Class B (Est. 3/7/95)
Excluding sales charge              +1.47%        +3.78%     +4.62%      +4.93%
Including sales charge              -2.45%        +3.52%     +4.62%      +4.93%

Class C (Est. 5/4/94)
Excluding sales charge              +1.46%        +3.77%     +4.47%      +4.62%
Including sales charge              +0.48%        +3.77%     +4.47%      +4.62%

Returns reflect the reinvestment of all distributions and any applicable sales
charges as noted below.

Performance for Class B and C shares, excluding sales charges, assumes either
that contingent deferred sales charges did not apply or that the investment was
not redeemed.

The Fund offers Class A, B, and C shares. Class A shares are sold with a
front-end sales charge of up to 4.50% and have an annual distribution and
service fee of up to 0.25%.

Class B shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge that declines
from 4% to zero depending upon the period of time the shares are held. Class B
shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis
approximately eight years after purchase. They are also subject to an annual
distribution and service fee of 1%. Ten-year and lifetime performance figures
for Class B shares reflect conversion to Class A shares after eight years.

Class C shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of 1%, if
redeemed during the first 12 months. They are also subject to an annual
distribution and service fee of 1%.

An expense limitation was in effect for all classes of Delaware Tax-Free
Minnesota Insured Fund during the periods shown above and on the next page.
Performance would have been lower had the expense limitation not been in effect.

The performance table above and the graph on the next page do not reflect the
deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or
redemptions of Fund shares.

A portion of the income from tax-exempt funds may be subject to the alternative
minimum tax.



Fund basics

As of August 31, 2006

Fund objective

The Fund seeks as high a level of current income exempt from federal income tax
and from the Minnesota state personal income tax, as is consistent with
preservation of capital.


Total Fund net assets

$236 million


Number of holdings



Fund start date

May 1, 1987


Your Fund managers

Joseph R. Baxter joined Delaware Investments in 1999. He heads the firm's
municipal bond department and is responsible for setting the department's
investment strategy. He is also a co-portfolio manager of the firm's municipal
bond funds and several client accounts. Formerly, he held investment positions
with First Union. He received a bachelor's degree in finance and marketing from
LaSalle University.

Robert F. Collins, CFA, joined Delaware Investments in 2004. He is a
co-portfolio manager of several of the firm's municipal bond funds and client
accounts. Formerly, he spent five years as a co-manager of the municipal
portfolio management group, where he oversaw the tax-exempt investments of high
net worth and institutional accounts. He earned a bachelor's degree in economics
from Ursinus College.


                                   Nasdaq symbols            CUSIPs

Class A                            MNINX                     928916105
Class B                            DVMBX                     928928563
Class C                            DVMCX                     928916600

Performance of a $10,000 Investment
August 31, 1996 through August 31, 2006


Chart assumes $10,000 invested on August 31, 1996 and includes the effect of a
4.50% front-end sales charge and the reinvestment of all distributions.
Performance for other Fund classes will vary due to differing charges and

The Lehman Brothers Municipal Bond Index is an unmanaged index that generally
tracks the performance of municipal bonds. An index is unmanaged and does not
reflect the costs of operating a mutual fund, such as the costs of buying,
selling, and holding securities. You cannot invest directly in an index.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

                                                               (continues)     9


Performance summary

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund

The performance data quoted represent past performance; past performance does
not guarantee future results. A rise or fall in interest rates can have a
significant impact on bond prices and the NAV (net asset value) of the Fund.
Funds that invest in bonds can lose their value as interest rates rise, and an
investor can lose principal. Investment return and principal value will
fluctuate so your shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their
original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance
data quoted. Please obtain the performance data for the most recent month end by
calling 800 523-1918 or visiting www.delawareinvestments.com/performance.

You should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of
the investment carefully before investing. The Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota
Intermediate Fund prospectus contains this and other important information about
the Fund. Please request a prospectus through your financial advisor or by
calling 800 523-1918 or visiting our Web site. Read it carefully before you
invest or send money.

Fund Performance

Average annual total returns
Through August 31, 2006             1 year     5 years     10 years     Lifetime

Class A (Est. 10/27/85)
Excluding sales charge              +2.62%        +4.83%     +4.65%      +5.43%
Including sales charge              -0.19%        +4.25%     +4.35%      +5.29%

Class B (Est. 8/15/95)
Excluding sales charge              +1.75%        +3.95%     +4.22%      +4.26%
Including sales charge              -0.23%        +3.95%     +4.22%      +4.26%

Class C (Est. 5/4/94)
Excluding sales charge              +1.75%        +3.96%     +3.79%      +3.91%
Including sales charge              +0.76%        +3.96%     +3.79%      +3.91%

Returns reflect the reinvestment of all distributions and any applicable sales
charges as noted below.

Performance for Class B and C shares, excluding sales charges, assumes either
that contingent deferred sales charges did not apply or that the investment was
not redeemed.

The Fund offers Class A, B, and C shares. Class A shares are sold with a
front-end sales charge of up to 2.75% and have an annual distribution and
service fee of up to 0.25%. The distributor has contracted to limit this amount
to 0.15% through December 31, 2006.

Class B shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge that declines
from 2% to zero depending upon the period of time the shares are held. Class B
shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis
approximately five years after purchase. They are also subject to an annual
distribution and service fee of 1%. Ten-year and lifetime performance figures
for Class B shares reflect conversion to Class A shares after five years.

Class C shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of 1%, if
redeemed during the first 12 months. They are also subject to an annual
distribution and service fee of 1%.

An expense limitation was in effect for all classes of Delaware Tax-Free
Minnesota Intermediate Fund during the periods shown above and on the next page.
Performance would have been lower had the expense limitation not been in effect.

The performance table above and the graph on the next page do not reflect the
deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or
redemptions of Fund shares.

A portion of the income from tax-exempt funds may be subject to the alternative
minimum tax.



Fund basics

As of August 31, 2006

Fund objective

The Fund seeks to provide investors with preservation of capital and,
secondarily, current income exempt from federal income tax and the Minnesota
state personal income tax, by maintaining a dollar-weighted average effective
portfolio maturity of 10 years or less.


Total Fund net assets

$55 million


Number of holdings



Fund start date

October 27, 1985


Your Fund managers

Joseph R. Baxter joined Delaware Investments in 1999. He heads the firm's
municipal bond department and is responsible for setting the department's
investment strategy. He is also a co-portfolio manager of the firm's municipal
bond funds and several client accounts. Formerly, he held investment positions
with First Union. He received a bachelor's degree in finance and marketing from
LaSalle University.

Robert F. Collins, CFA, joined Delaware Investments in 2004. He is a
co-portfolio manager of several of the firm's municipal bond funds and client
accounts. Formerly, he spent five years as a co-manager of the municipal
portfolio management group, where he oversaw the tax-exempt investments of high
net worth and institutional accounts. He earned a bachelor's degree in economics
from Ursinus College.


                                   Nasdaq symbols            CUSIPs

Class A                            DXCCX                     928930106
Class B                            DVSBX                     928928399
Class C                            DVSCX                     928930205

Performance of a $10,000 Investment
August 31, 1996 through August 31, 2006


Chart assumes $10,000 invested on August 31, 1996 and includes the effect of a
2.75% front-end sales charge and the reinvestment of all distributions.
Performance for other Fund classes will vary due to differing charges and

The Lehman Brothers 3-15 Year Municipal Bond Index is an unmanaged index that
generally tracks the performance of municipal bonds with maturities of 3 to 15
years. The Lehman Brothers 5-Year Municipal Bond Index is an unmanaged index
that generally tracks the performance of municipal bonds with maturities of 5
years. An index is unmanaged and does not reflect the costs of operating a
mutual fund, such as the costs of buying, selling, and holding securities. You
cannot invest directly in an index.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

                                                              (continues)     11

Performance summary

Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund

The performance data quoted represent past performance; past performance does
not guarantee future results. A rise or fall in interest rates can have a
significant impact on bond prices and the NAV (net asset value) of the Fund.
Funds that invest in bonds can lose their value as interest rates rise, and an
investor can lose principal. Investment return and principal value will
fluctuate so your shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their
original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance
data quoted. Please obtain the performance data for the most recent month end by
calling 800 523-1918 or visiting www.delawareinvestments.com/performance.

You should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of
the investment carefully before investing. The Delaware Minnesota High-Yield
Municipal Bond Fund prospectus contains this and other important information
about the Fund. Please request a prospectus through your financial advisor or by
calling 800 523-1918 or visiting our Web site. Read it carefully before you
invest or send money.

Fund Performance

Average annual total returns
Through August 31, 2006             1 year     5 years     10 years     Lifetime

Class A (Est. 6/4/96)
Excluding sales charge              +3.54%      +6.51%      +6.18%       +6.16%
Including sales charge              -1.12%      +5.53%      +5.69%       +5.68%

Class B (Est. 6/12/96)
Excluding sales charge              +2.77%      +5.73%      +5.54%       +5.78%
Including sales charge              -1.20%      +5.49%      +5.54%       +5.78%

Class C (Est. 6/7/96)
Excluding sales charge              +2.76%      +5.73%      +5.40%       +5.39%
Including sales charge              +1.77%      +5.73%      +5.40%       +5.39%

Returns reflect the reinvestment of all distributions and any applicable sales
charges as noted below.

Performance for Class B and C shares, excluding sales charges, assumes either
that contingent deferred sales charges did not apply or that the investment was
not redeemed.

The Fund offers Class A, B, and C shares. Class A shares are sold with a
front-end sales charge of up to 4.50% and have an annual distribution and
service fee of up to 0.25%.

Class B shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge that declines
from 4% to zero depending upon the period of time the shares are held. Class B
shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis
approximately eight years after purchase. They are also subject to an annual
distribution and service fee of 1%. Ten-year and lifetime performance figures
for Class B shares reflect conversion to Class A shares after eight years.

Class C shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of 1%, if
redeemed during the first 12 months. They are also subject to an annual
distribution and service fee of 1%.

An expense limitation was in effect for all classes of Delaware Minnesota
High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund during the periods shown above and on the next
page. Performance would have been lower had the expense limitation not been in

The performance table above and the graph on the next page do not reflect the
deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or
redemptions of Fund shares.

A portion of the income from tax-exempt funds may be subject to the alternative
minimum tax.



Fund basics

As of August 31, 2006

Fund objective

The Fund seeks as high a level of current income exempt from federal income tax
and from the Minnesota state personal income tax, primarily through investment
in medium-and lower-grade municipal obligations.


Total Fund net assets

$118 million


Number of holdings



Fund start date

June 4, 1996


Your Fund managers

Joseph R. Baxter joined Delaware Investments in 1999. He heads the firm's
municipal bond department and is responsible for setting the department's
investment strategy. He is also a co-portfolio manager of the firm's municipal
bond funds and several client accounts. Formerly, he held investment positions
with First Union. He received a bachelor's degree in finance and marketing from
LaSalle University.

Robert F. Collins, CFA, joined Delaware Investments in 2004. He is a
co-portfolio manager of several of the firm's municipal bond funds and client
accounts. Formerly, he spent five years as a co-manager of the municipal
portfolio management group, where he oversaw the tax-exempt investments of high
net worth and institutional accounts. He earned a bachelor's degree in economics
from Ursinus College.


                                   Nasdaq symbols               CUSIPs

Class A                            DVMHX                        928928316
Class B                            DVMYX                        928928290
Class C                            DVMMX                        928928282

Performance of a $10,000 Investment
August 31, 1996 (Fund's inception) through August 31, 2006


Chart assumes $10,000 invested on August 31, 1996 and includes the effect of a
4.50% front-end sales charge and the reinvestment of all distributions.
Performance for other Fund classes will vary due to differing charges and

The Lehman Brothers Municipal Bond Index is an unmanaged index that generally
tracks the performance of municipal bonds. An index is unmanaged and does not
reflect the costs of operating a mutual fund, such as the costs of buying,
selling, and holding securities. You cannot invest directly in an index.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.



Disclosure of Fund expenses

For the period March 1, 2006 to August 31, 2006

As a shareholder of a Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs,
including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments, reinvested dividends, or
other distributions; redemption fees; and exchange fees; and (2) ongoing costs,
including management fees; distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees; and other
Fund expenses. The following examples are intended to help you understand your
ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in a Fund and to compare these costs
with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The examples are based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of
the period and held for the entire period March 1, 2006 to August 31, 2006.

Actual Expenses

The first section of the tables shown, "Actual Fund Return," provides
information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the
information in this section of the table, together with the amount you invested,
to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your
account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000
= 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first section under the
heading entitled "Expenses Paid During Period" to estimate the expenses you paid
on your account during this period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The second section of the tables shown, "Hypothetical 5% Return," provides
information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on
the Funds' actual expense ratios and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year
before expenses, which is not the Funds' actual return. The hypothetical account
values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account
balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to
compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so,
compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that
appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the tables are meant to highlight your
ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales
charges (loads), redemption fees, or exchange fees. Therefore, the second
section of each table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not
help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In
addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been
higher. Each Fund's actual expenses shown in the tables reflect fee waivers in
effect. The expenses shown in each table assume reinvestment of all dividends
and distributions.

"Expenses Paid During Period" are equal to the Funds' annualized expense ratios,
multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 184/365
(to reflect the one-half year period).

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund (Restated)
Expense Analysis of an Investment of $1,000

                       Beginning         Ending                      Paid During
                        Account          Account      Annualized       Period
                         Value            Value        Expense        3/1/06 to
                        3/1/06           8/31/06        Ratio          8/31/06

Actual Fund Return

Class A                $1,000.00        $1,018.40        1.19%          $6.05
Class B                 1,000.00         1,014.60        1.94%           9.85
Class C                 1,000.00         1,015.30        1.94%           9.85

Hypothetical 5% Return (5% return before expenses)

Class A                $1,000.00        $1,019.21        1.19%          $6.06
Class B                 1,000.00         1,015.43        1.94%           9.86
Class C                 1,000.00         1,015.43        1.94%           9.86

The expenses in the table above have been restated to include interest and
related expenses associated with participation in inverse floater programs. See
Note 10 in "Notes to Financial Statements."

Previously the expense analysis for Delaware Tax-Free
Minnesota Fund was:

                       Beginning         Ending                      Paid During
                        Account          Account      Annualized       Period
                         Value            Value        Expense        3/1/06 to
                        3/1/06           8/31/06        Ratio          8/31/06

Actual Fund Return

Class A                $1,000.00        $1,018.40        0.93%          $4.73
Class B                 1,000.00         1,014.60        1.68%           8.53
Class C                 1,000.00         1,015.30        1.68%           8.53

Hypothetical 5% Return (5% return before expenses)

Class A                $1,000.00        $1,020.52        0.93%          $4.74
Class B                 1,000.00         1,016.74        1.68%           8.54
Class C                 1,000.00         1,016.74        1.68%           8.54



Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund (Restated)
Expense Analysis of an Investment of $1,000

                       Beginning         Ending                      Paid During
                        Account          Account      Annualized       Period
                         Value            Value        Expense        3/1/06 to
                        3/1/06           8/31/06        Ratio          8/31/06

Actual Fund Return

Class A                $1,000.00        $1,014.90        1.08%         $5.48
Class B                 1,000.00         1,011.10        1.83%          9.28
Class C                 1,000.00         1,010.20        1.83%          9.27

Hypothetical 5% Return (5% return before expenses)

Class A                $1,000.00        $1,019.76        1.08%          $5.50
Class B                 1,000.00         1,015.98        1.83%           9.30
Class C                 1,000.00         1,015.98        1.83%           9.30

The expenses in the table above have been restated to include interest and
related expenses associated with participation in inverse floater programs. See
Note 10 in "Notes to Financial Statements. "

Previously the expense analysis for Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund

                       Beginning         Ending                      Paid During
                        Account          Account      Annualized       Period
                         Value            Value        Expense        3/1/06 to
                        3/1/06           8/31/06        Ratio          8/31/06

Actual Fund Return

Class A                $1,000.00        $1,014.90        0.89%          $4.52
Class B                 1,000.00         1,011.10        1.64%           8.31
Class C                 1,000.00         1,010.20        1.64%           8.31

Hypothetical 5% Return (5% return before expenses)

Class A                $1,000.00        $1,020.72        0.89%          $4.53
Class B                 1,000.00         1,016.94        1.64%           8.34
Class C                 1,000.00         1,016.94        1.64%           8.34

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund
Expense Analysis of an Investment of $1,000

                       Beginning         Ending                      Paid During
                        Account          Account      Annualized       Period
                         Value            Value        Expense        3/1/06 to
                        3/1/06           8/31/06        Ratio          8/31/06

Actual Fund Return

Class A                $1,000.00        $1,018.70        0.75%          $3.82
Class B                 1,000.00         1,014.40        1.60%           8.12
Class C                 1,000.00         1,014.40        1.60%           8.12

Hypothetical 5% Return (5% return before expenses)

Class A                $1,000.00        $1,021.42        0.75%          $3.82
Class B                 1,000.00         1,017.14        1.60%           8.13
Class C                 1,000.00         1,017.14        1.60%           8.13

There were no changes to the expense analysis for this Fund.

Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund
Expense Analysis of an Investment of $1,000

                       Beginning         Ending                      Paid During
                        Account          Account      Annualized       Period
                         Value            Value        Expense        3/1/06 to
                        3/1/06           8/31/06        Ratio          8/31/06

Actual Fund Return

Class A                $1,000.00        $1,023.70        0.89%          $4.54
Class B                 1,000.00         1,019.80        1.64%           8.35
Class C                 1,000.00         1,019.80        1.64%           8.35

Hypothetical 5% Return (5% return before expenses)

Class A                $1,000.00        $1,020.72        0.89%          $4.53
Class B                 1,000.00         1,016.94        1.64%           8.34
Class C                 1,000.00         1,016.94        1.64%           8.34

There were no changes to the expense analysis for this Fund.



Sector allocations and credit rating breakdowns

As of August 31, 2006

Sector designations may be different than the sector designations presented in
other Fund materials.

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund (Restated)*
Sector                                                             of Net Assets

Municipal Bonds                                                      104.74%

Corporate-Backed Revenue Bonds                                         6.10%
Education Revenue Bonds                                                6.24%
Electric Revenue Bonds                                                12.44%
Escrowed to Maturity Bonds                                             0.89%
Health Care Revenue Bonds                                             30.34%
Housing Revenue Bonds                                                  7.51%
Lease Revenue Bonds                                                    2.51%
Local General Obligation Bonds                                        15.73%
Pre-Refunded Bonds                                                     9.21%
Special Tax Bonds                                                      1.26%
State General Obligation Bonds                                         6.20%
Transportation Revenue Bonds                                           3.76%
Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds                                            2.55%

Short-Term Investments                                                 2.06%

Money Market Instruments                                               0.10%
Variable Rate Demand Notes                                             1.96%

Total Market Value of Securities                                     106.80%

Liabilities Net of Receivables and Other Assets                       (6.80%)

Total Net Assets                                                     100.00%

Credit Rating Breakdown                                              Percentage
(as a % of fixed income investments)                               of Net Assets

AAA                                                                   37.36%
AA                                                                    16.55%
A                                                                     17.94%
BBB                                                                   15.13%
BB                                                                     2.11%
Not Rated                                                             10.91%

Total                                                                100.00%

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund (Restated)*

Sector                                                             of Net Assets

Municipal Bonds                                                      101.49%

Corporate-Backed Revenue Bonds                                         0.78%
Education Revenue Bonds                                                5.94%
Electric Revenue Bonds                                                 8.15%
Escrowed to Maturity Bonds                                            15.45%
Health Care Revenue Bonds                                             16.82%
Housing Revenue Bonds                                                  4.15%
Lease Revenue Bonds                                                    5.29%
Local General Obligation Bonds                                        26.99%
Pre-Refunded Bonds                                                     9.92%
Special Tax Bonds                                                      0.80%
State General Obligation Bonds                                         2.45%
Transportation Revenue Bonds                                           4.75%

Short-Term Investments                                                 3.11%

Money Market Instruments                                               0.37%
Variable Rate Demand Notes                                             2.74%

Total Market Value of Securities                                     104.60%

Liabilities Net of Receivables and Other                              (4.60%)

Total Net Assets                                                     100.00%

Credit Rating Breakdown                                              Percentage
(as a % of fixed income investments)                               of Net Assets

AAA                                                                   79.11%
AA                                                                     4.85%
A                                                                     12.69%
BBB                                                                    3.35%

Total                                                                100.00%

*See Restatement Note 10 in "Notes to Financial Statements."



Sector designations may be different than the sector designations presented in
other Fund materials.

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund

Sector                                                             of Net Assets

Municipal Bonds                                                       98.97%

Corporate-Backed Revenue Bonds                                         7.53%
Education Revenue Bonds                                                6.34%
Electric Revenue Bonds                                                 1.92%
Escrowed to Maturity Bonds                                             2.08%
Health Care Revenue Bonds                                             22.48%
Housing Revenue Bonds                                                  6.96%
Lease Revenue Bonds                                                    4.06%
Local General Obligation Bonds                                        32.94%
Pre-Refunded Bonds                                                     6.41%
State General Obligation Bonds                                         6.80%
Transportation Revenue Bonds                                           1.45%

Short-Term Investments                                                 0.13%

Money Market Instruments                                               0.13%

Total Market Value of Securities                                      99.10%

Receivables and Other Assets Net of Liabilities                        0.90%

Total Net Assets                                                     100.00%

Credit Rating Breakdown                                              Percentage
(as a % of fixed income investments)                               of Net Assets

AAA                                                                   41.84%
AA                                                                    11.42%
A                                                                     18.36%
BBB                                                                   17.11%
Not Rated                                                             11.27%

Total                                                                100.00%

Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund

Sector                                                             of Net Assets

Municipal Bonds                                                       95.23%

Corporate-Backed Revenue Bonds                                         4.50%
Education Revenue Bonds                                                4.38%
Electric Revenue Bonds                                                 7.19%
Health Care Revenue Bonds                                             40.75%
Housing Revenue Bonds                                                 15.84%
Lease Revenue Bonds                                                    2.23%
Local General Obligation Bonds                                         9.05%
Pre-Refunded Bonds                                                     6.39%
Special Tax Bonds                                                      0.89%
State General Obligation Bonds                                         2.24%
Transportation Revenue Bonds                                           1.77%

Short-Term Investments                                                 3.99%

Money Market Instruments                                               0.67%
Variable Rate Demand Notes                                             3.32%

Total Market Value of Securities                                      99.22%

Receivables and Other Assets Net of Liabilities                        0.78%

Total Net Assets                                                     100.00%

Credit Rating Breakdown                                              Percentage
(as a % of fixed income investments)                               of Net Assets

AAA                                                                   16.74%
AA                                                                    10.97%
A                                                                     21.78%
BBB                                                                   18.09%
BB                                                                     1.50%
Not Rated                                                             30.92%

Total                                                                100.00%



Statements of net assets

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund (Restated)

August 31, 2006

                                                  Principal            Market
                                                   Amount              Value

Municipal Bonds - 104.74%

Corporate-Backed Revenue Bonds - 6.10%
     Cloquet Pollution Control Revenue
          (Potlatch Corp. Project)
          5.90% 10/1/26                           $6,500,000         $ 6,612,255
     Laurentian Energy Authority I
          Cogeneration Revenue Series A
          5.00% 12/1/21                            8,000,000           8,082,080
     Sartell Environmental Improvement
          Revenue (International Paper)
          Series A 5.20% 6/1/27                    5,465,000           5,615,014
     Seaway Port Authority of Duluth
          Industrial Development
          Dock & Wharf Revenues
          (Cargill, Inc. Project) Series E
          6.125% 11/1/14                           4,500,000           4,598,010

Education Revenue Bonds - 6.24%
     Minnesota State Colleges &
          Universities Revenue Fund
          Series A 5.00% 10/1/29 (MBIA)            1,665,000           1,758,873
     Minnesota State Higher Education
          Facilities Authority Revenue
          (Augsburg College)
          Series 6-C 5.00% 5/1/20                  1,250,000           1,293,763
          Series 6-J1 5.00% 5/1/36                 2,225,000           2,257,685
          (College of St. Benedict)
          Series 4-G 6.20% 3/1/16                  1,000,000           1,001,380
          (St. Catherine College)
          Series 5-N1
          5.25% 10/1/22                            1,500,000           1,559,640
          5.375% 10/1/32                           1,000,000           1,047,430
     University of Minnesota
     &(1) 5.50% 7/1/21                            10,500,000          12,065,498
     &(2) 5.75% 7/1/18                             3,840,000           4,490,112

Electric Revenue Bonds - 12.44%
     Chaska Electric Revenue
          (Generating Facilities) Series A
          5.00% 10/1/30                            3,000,000           3,096,030
     Minnesota State Municipal Power
          5.00% 10/1/35                            3,000,000           3,087,030
          Series A 5.00% 10/1/34                   4,250,000           4,363,518
          Series A 5.125% 10/1/29                  3,000,000           3,114,450
     Northern Minnesota Municipal
          Power Agency Electric System
         ^Series A 5.849% 1/1/09 (AMBAC)           3,815,000           3,505,413
          Series B 4.75% 1/1/20 (AMBAC)            2,500,000           2,565,300
     Rochester Electric Utilities Revenue
          5.25% 12/1/30                            4,915,000           5,091,350
     Shakopee Public Utilities
          Commission Revenue
          5.125% 2/1/26 (MBIA)                     1,000,000           1,026,100
     Southern Minnesota Municipal
          Power Agency Supply System
          Revenue Series A
          5.00% 1/1/12 (AMBAC)                     4,205,000           4,476,601
          5.00% 1/1/13 (MBIA)                      5,820,000           6,248,526
          5.25% 1/1/15 (AMBAC)                     3,000,000           3,309,180
     Southern Minnesota Municipal
          Power Agency Supply System
     &(3) 5.25% 1/1/15 (AMBAC)                     5,900,000           6,508,084
     &(4) 5.25% 1/1/14 (AMBAC)                     4,000,000           4,382,720

Escrowed to Maturity Bonds - 0.89%
     Southern Minnesota Municipal
          Power Agency Supply System
          Revenue Series B
          5.50% 1/1/15 (AMBAC)                       990,000           1,048,024
     University of Minnesota Series A
          5.50% 7/1/21                             2,000,000           2,298,160
     Western Minnesota Municipal
          Power Agency Supply Revenue
          Series A 9.75% 1/1/16 (MBIA)               185,000             266,172

Health Care Revenue Bonds - 30.34%
     Aitkin Health Care Facilities
          Revenue (Riverwood Health
          Care Center) 5.60% 2/1/32                1,500,000           1,534,395
     Apple Valley Economic
          Development Authority Health
          Care Revenue
          (Augustana Home
          St. Paul Project) Series A
          6.00% 1/1/40                             2,700,000           2,742,336
          (Evercare Senior Living Project)
          Series A 6.125% 6/1/35                   4,000,000           4,027,440
     Bemidji Hospital Facilities First
          Meeting Revenue (North
          Country Health Services)
          5.00% 9/1/24 (RADIAN)                      740,000             763,391
     Bloomington Housing &
          Redevelopment Authority
          Housing Revenue (Senior
          Summerhouse Bloomington
          Project, Presbyterian Homes
          Housing & Assisted Living)
          6.125% 5/1/35                            3,420,000           3,490,110
     Breckenridge Catholic Health
          Initiatives 5.00% 5/1/30                 2,000,000           2,085,860



                                                   Principal            Market
                                                   Amount              Value

Municipal Bonds (continued)

Health Care Revenue Bonds (continued)
     Buffalo Health Care Revenue
          (Central Minnesota Senior
          Housing Project) Series A
          5.50% 9/1/33                           $ 1,270,000         $ 1,262,926
     Duluth Economic Development
          Authority Health Care Facilities
          Revenue Benedictine Health
          System (St. Mary's Hospital)
          5.25% 2/15/33                           10,000,000          10,377,300
          5.50% 2/15/23                            1,000,000           1,070,240
     Maple Grove Health Care Facilities
          Revenue (North Memorial
          Health Care)
          5.00% 9/1/29                             1,000,000           1,032,560
          5.00% 9/1/35                             5,850,000           6,005,669
     Marshall Medical Center Gross
          Revenue (Weiner Memorial
          Medical Center Project)
          6.00% 11/1/28                            1,000,000           1,044,190
     Minneapolis Health Care Facility
          Revenue (Jones-Harrison
          Residence Project)
          5.60% 10/1/30                            1,550,000           1,562,943
     Minneapolis Health Care System
          (Allina Health Systems) Series A
          5.75% 11/15/32                           9,500,000          10,198,725
          (Fairview Health Services)
          Series D
          5.00% 11/15/30 (AMBAC)                   2,500,000           2,624,925
          5.00% 11/15/34 (AMBAC)                   2,500,000           2,617,775
     Minnesota Agricultural &
          Economic Development Board
          (Benedictine Health Systems)
          5.75% 2/1/29                             1,895,000           1,924,733
          (Fairview Health Care System)
          Series A 6.375% 11/15/29                    15,000              16,235
     Northfield Hospital Revenue
          5.375% 11/1/26                           3,785,000           4,011,343
     Prior Lake Senior Housing Revenue
          (Shepherds Path Senior
          Housing) Series B
          5.70% 8/1/36                             2,000,000           2,016,760
          5.75% 8/1/41                             1,000,000           1,008,820
     Rochester Health Care Facilities
          (Mayo Clinic) 5.00% 11/15/36             7,000,000           7,303,100
          (Mayo Foundation) Series B
          5.50% 11/15/27                             700,000             725,522
     Rochester Health Care Facilities
          Revenue (Mayo Foundation)
     &(5) Series A 5.50% 11/15/27                  4,200,000           4,353,153
     &(6) Series B 5.50% 11/15/27                 16,750,000          17,360,789
     Rochester Multifamily Housing
          Revenue (Wedum Shorewood
          Campus Project) 6.60% 6/1/36             3,890,000           4,015,997
     Shakopee Health Care Facilities
          Revenue (St. Francis Regional
          Medical Center)
          5.10% 9/1/25                             2,000,000           2,074,840
          5.25% 9/1/34                             7,000,000           7,281,750
     St. Louis Park Health Care Facilities
          Revenue (Park Nicollet Health
          Services) Series B 5.25% 7/1/30          9,420,000           9,871,972
     St. Paul Housing & Redevelopment
          Authority Hospital Revenue
          (Health East Project)
          6.00% 11/15/35                           4,340,000           4,769,573
          Series A 5.70% 11/1/15                   1,300,000           1,341,678
     Washington County Housing &
          Redevelopment Authority
          Hospital Facilities Revenue
          (Health East Project)
          5.50% 11/15/27                           1,000,000           1,023,100
     Woodbury Economic Development
          Authority Housing Revenue
          (Senior Summerhouse
          Woodbury Project) Series B
          5.75% 6/1/41                             2,250,000           2,294,550

Housing Revenue Bonds - 7.51%
     Brooklyn Center Multifamily
          Housing Revenue (Shingle
          Creek) 5.40% 5/20/43 (GNMA)
          (AMT)                                    1,000,000           1,026,180
     Hopkins Multifamily Housing
          Revenue (Hopkins Renaissance
          Project-Section 8)
          6.375% 4/1/20                            1,000,000           1,033,180
   @ Hutchinson Multifamily
          Housing Revenue (Evergreen
          Apartments Project-Section 8)
          5.75% 11/1/28                              890,000             848,490
     Minneapolis Multifamily Housing
          (Grant Street Apartments
          Project) Series A
          7.25% 11/1/29                              750,000             776,745
          (Seward Towers Project)
          5.00% 5/20/36 (GNMA)                     4,000,000           4,157,280
          (Sumner Field) Series A
          5.50% 11/20/26 (GNMA) (AMT)                990,000           1,034,649

                                                              (continues)     19


Statements of net assets

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund

                                                  Principal            Market
                                                   Amount              Value

Municipal Bonds (continued)

Housing Revenue Bonds (continued)
     Minneapolis Multifamily Housing
          Revenue (continued)
          (Trinity Apartments-Section 8)
          Series A 6.75% 5/1/21                   $1,780,000         $ 1,864,924
     Minnesota State Housing Finance
          Agency Residential Housing
          Series I 5.15% 7/1/38 (AMT)              5,550,000           5,688,918
     Minnesota State Housing Finance
          Agency Single Family Mortgage
          Series A 5.30% 7/1/19                      585,000             609,084
          Series B 5.35% 1/1/33 (AMT)              2,965,000           3,042,742
          Series J 5.90% 7/1/28 (AMT)                495,000             509,909
   @ Park Rapids Multifamily Revenue
          (The Court Apartments Project
          Section 8) 6.30% 2/1/20                  2,835,000           2,630,228
     St. Cloud Housing &
          Redevelopment Authority
          Revenue (Sterling Heights
          Apartments Project)
          7.55% 4/1/39 (AMT)                       1,000,000           1,057,410
     St. Louis Park Residential
          Mortgage Revenue Series A
          7.25% 4/20/23 (GNMA)                        78,000              78,179
     Stillwater Multifamily Housing
          Revenue (Stillwater Cottages
          7.25% 11/1/27 (AMT)                      1,540,000           1,573,587
          Series A 7.00% 11/1/27                   1,000,000           1,021,570
     Wadena Housing &
          Redevelopment Authority
          Multifamily Housing Revenue
          (Humphrey Manor East Project)
          6.00% 2/1/19                             1,860,000           1,860,316
     Washington County Housing &
          Redevelopment Authority
          Governmental Revenue (Briar
          Pond) Series C 7.25% 8/20/34               955,000             922,329
     Willmar Housing & Redevelopment
          Authority Multifamily
          Housing Revenue (Highland
          Apartments-Section 8)
          5.85% 6/1/19                               935,000             935,000

Lease Revenue Bonds - 2.51%
     Puerto Rico Public Buildings
          Authority Revenue
          (Government Facilities) Series D
          5.25% 7/1/36                             1,070,000           1,105,995
     St. Paul Port Authority Lease
          (Cedar Street Office Building
          5.00% 12/1/22                            2,500,000           2,639,725
          5.125% 12/1/27                           1,000,000           1,053,270
     St. Paul Port Authority Lease
          (Robert Street Office Building
          4.75% 12/1/23                            2,000,000           2,054,800
          5.00% 12/1/27                            2,500,000           2,618,150
          Series 9 5.25% 12/1/27                     725,000             769,899

Local General Obligation Bonds - 15.73%
     Bloomington Independent
          School District #271 Series B
          5.00% 2/1/17                             5,300,000           5,516,505
     Cambridge Independent School
          District #911 Series A
          4.75% 2/1/30 (MBIA)                      1,035,000           1,060,585
     Dakota County Capital
          Improvement Series A
          4.75% 2/1/26                             1,000,000           1,021,730
     Farmington Independent
          School District #192 Capital
          Appreciation Series B
          5.00% 2/1/27 (FSA)                       6,705,000           7,074,445
        ^ 5.34% 2/1/21 (FSA)                       1,500,000             730,455
        ^ 5.422% 2/1/20 (FSA)                      1,650,000             849,272
     Hennepin County Regional
          Railroad Authority
          5.00% 12/1/31                            4,030,000           4,169,881
   ^ Lakeville Independent School
          District #194 Capital
          Appreciation Series B
          5.45% 2/1/19 (FSA)                       8,000,000           4,281,440
     Lakeville Independent School
          District #194 Series A
          4.75% 2/1/22 (FSA)                       5,500,000           5,698,164
   ^ Mahtomedi Independent
          School District #832 Capital
          Appreciation Series B
          5.898% 2/1/14 (MBIA)                     1,540,000           1,151,366
     Metropolitan Council Waste
          Water Treatment Series B
          5.00% 12/1/21                            1,200,000           1,280,508
     Minneapolis Library
          5.00% 12/1/25                            1,500,000           1,577,640
     Minneapolis Tax Increment
          Revenue (St. Anthony Falls
          Project) 5.75% 2/1/27                    1,000,000           1,027,560
     New Brighton Tax Increment
          Series A
          5.00% 2/1/27 (MBIA)                      1,000,000           1,065,600
          5.00% 2/1/28 (MBIA)                      1,000,000           1,064,730
     Prior Lake Independent School
          District #719 Series B
          5.00% 2/1/19 (FSA)                       3,145,000           3,373,358
     Ramsey County State Aid Series C
          l5.00% 2/1/28                            1,060,000           1,110,573



                                                  Principal            Market
                                                   Amount              Value

Municipal Bonds (continued)

Local General Obligation Bonds (continued)
&(7) Rockford Independent School
          District #883
          5.625% 2/1/23 (FSA)                    $ 7,020,000         $ 7,446,290
   ^ Rosemont Independent School
          District #196 Capital
          Appreciation Series B
          5.931% 4/1/11 (FSA)                      2,600,000           2,191,930
          5.96% 4/1/12 (FSA)                       1,850,000           1,498,500
          6.008% 4/1/13 (FSA)                      1,915,000           1,486,959
   ^ Sartell Independent School District
          #748 Capital Appreciation
          Series B
          5.976% 2/1/13 (MBIA)                       540,000             419,186
          6.099% 2/1/15 (MBIA)                     1,075,000             766,647
          6.15% 2/1/16 (MBIA)                      1,750,000           1,191,173
     St. Paul Housing & Redevelopment
          Authority Tax Increment (Upper
          Landing Project) Series A
          6.80% 3/1/29                             1,000,000           1,073,320
     St. Peter's Hospital Series A
          5.00% 9/1/24 (MBIA)                      1,905,000           1,975,980
     Todd Morrison Cass & Wadena
          Counties United Hospital
          District (Health Care
          5.00% 12/1/21                            2,000,000           2,061,880
          5.00% 12/1/34                            1,000,000           1,015,870
          5.125% 12/1/24                           1,000,000           1,035,980

$ Pre-Refunded Bonds - 9.21%
     Chaska Electric Revenue Series A
          6.00% 10/1/25-10                         1,000,000           1,090,550
     Little Canada Multifamily
          Housing Revenue Alternative
          Development (Montreal Courts
          Apartments Project) Series A
          6.10% 12/1/17-07                         1,230,000           1,255,449
          6.25% 12/1/27-07                         2,900,000           2,985,666
     Minneapolis Health Care
          System Revenue (Fairview
          Health Services) Series A
          5.625% 5/15/32-12                       11,525,000          12,765,204
     Minneapolis Tax Increment
          Revenue Series E
          5.00% 3/1/13-09                          6,265,000           6,481,268
     Minnesota Agricultural &
          Economic Development
          Board Revenue (Fairview
          Health Care System) Series A
          6.375% 11/15/29-10                         485,000             540,630
     Minnesota Higher Education
          Facilities Series 4-1
          6.00% 10/1/12-06                           980,000             981,901
          6.00% 10/1/16-06                         1,400,000           1,402,716
     Minnesota Public Facilities
          Authority Water Pollution
          Control Revenue
          Series A 5.00% 3/1/20-10                 3,000,000           3,138,480
          Series B 4.75% 3/1/19-09                 2,000,000           2,056,200
     Minnesota State Higher Education
          Facilities Authority Revenue
          (Hameline University) Series 4-1
          6.00% 10/1/12-06                           270,000             270,532
          6.00% 10/1/16-06                           390,000             390,768
     Puerto Rico Public Buildings
          Authority Guaranteed
          Government Facilities Revenue
          Series D 5.25% 7/1/36-12                 2,930,000           3,168,561
     Southern Minnesota Municipal
          Power Agency Supply
          System Revenue Series A
          5.75% 1/1/18-13 (MBIA)                   1,000,000           1,055,450

Special Tax Bonds - 1.26%
   ^ Minneapolis Community
          Development Agency
          Tax Increment Revenue
          6.674% 9/1/09 (MBIA)                     5,750,000           5,157,175

State General Obligation Bonds - 6.20%
     Minnesota State
          5.00% 11/1/20 (FSA)                      8,175,000           8,564,784
          5.00% 8/1/21                             2,400,000           2,538,216
     Minnesota State Refunding
          Various Purposes 5.00% 6/1/13            5,175,000           5,296,509
     Puerto Rico Commonwealth Public
          Improvement Series A
          5.00% 7/1/34                             4,500,000           4,597,695
          5.50% 7/1/19 (MBIA)                      1,500,000           1,723,230
     Puerto Rico Commonwealth
          Series B 5.00% 7/1/35                    1,500,000           1,537,980
     Puerto Rico Government
          Development Bank Senior
          Notes Series B 5.00% 12/1/14             1,000,000           1,064,340

Transportation Revenue Bonds - 3.76%
     Minneapolis/St. Paul Metropolitan
          Airports Commission Revenue
          Series A
          5.00% 1/1/22 (AMBAC)                     3,440,000           3,513,066
          5.25% 1/1/16 (MBIA)                      1,460,000           1,570,011
          5.25% 1/1/32 (FGIC)                      5,000,000           5,235,999
     Minneapolis/St. Paul Metropolitan
          Airports Commission Revenue
          Series C
          5.25% 1/1/32 (FGIC)                      2,250,000           2,354,378
          5.50% 1/1/17 (FGIC)                      2,500,000           2,669,725


                                                              (continues)     21


Statements of net assets

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund

                                                  Principal            Market
                                                   Amount              Value

Municipal Bonds (continued)

Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds - 2.55%
&(8) Minnesota Public Facilities
          Authority Water Pollution
          Control Revenue
          5.25% 3/1/18                           $10,000,000        $ 10,399,649

Total Municipal Bonds

     (cost $409,611,073)                                             427,539,316

                                                  Number of

Short-Term Investments - 2.06%

Money Market Instruments - 0.10%
     Federated Minnesota Municipal
          Cash Trust                                 418,165            418,165



~ Variable Rate Demand Notes - 1.96%
     Midwest Consortium of Municipal
          Utilities Revenue Series A
          (LOC-U.S. Bank) 3.40% 1/1/25            $1,000,000          1,000,000
     Minneapolis Guthrie Parking Ramp
          3.27% 12/1/33 (SPA)                      1,000,000          1,000,000
     Minnesota State Higher Education
          Facilities Authority Revenue
          (Carleton College) Series 6-D
          3.30% 4/1/35 (SPA)                       6,000,000          6,000,000

Total Short-Term Investments

     (cost $8,418,165)                                                8,418,165

Total Market Value of Securities - 106.80%

     (cost $418,029,238)                                            435,957,481

Liabilities Net of Receivables
     and Other Assets - (6.80%)*                                    (27,758,746)

Net Assets Applicable to 32,667,613
     Shares Outstanding - 100.00%                                  $408,198,735

Net Asset Value - Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund
     Class A ($381,719,633 / 30,552,280 Shares)                          $12.49
Net Asset Value - Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund
     Class B ($11,353,799 / 908,021 Shares)                              $12.50
Net Asset Value - Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund
     Class C ($15,125,303 / 1,207,312 Shares)                            $12.53

Components of Net Assets at August 31, 2006:

Shares of beneficial interest
     (unlimited authorization - no par)                            $389,782,636
Distributions in excess of net investment income                        (22,418)
Accumulated net realized gain on investments                            510,274
Net unrealized appreciation of investments                           17,928,243

Total net assets                                                   $408,198,735

Summary of Abbreviations:

AMBAC - Insured by the AMBAC Assurance Corporation
AMT - Subject to Alternative Minimum Tax
FGIC - Insured by the Financial Guaranty Insurance Company
FSA - Insured by Financial Security Assurance
GNMA - Insured by Government National Mortgage Association
LOC - Letter of Credit
MBIA - Insured by the Municipal Bond Insurance Association
RADIAN - Insured by Radian Asset Assurance
ROLs - Residual Option Longs
SPA - Stand-by Purchase Agreement

   $ Pre-Refunded Bonds. Municipals that are generally backed or secured by
     U.S. Treasury bonds. For pre-refunded bonds, the stated maturity is
     followed by the year in which the bond is pre-refunded. See Note 7 in
     "Notes to Financial Statements."

   ~ Variable rate security. The interest rate shown is the rate as of August
     31, 2006.

   ^ Zero coupon security. The interest rate shown is the yield at the time of

   @ Illiquid security. At August 31, 2006, the aggregate amount of illiquid
     securities equaled $3,478,718, which represented 0.85% of the Fund's net
     assets. See Note 7 in "Notes to Financial Statements."

   * Includes $31,105,000 in liability for inverse floater programs. See Note
     7 and Note 10 in "Notes to Financial Statements"

&(1) Security held in a trust in connection with the Inverse Floater security
     $5,250,000, 7.453%, 7/1/21.

&(2) Security held in a trust in connection with the Inverse Floater security
     $1,920,000, 7.96%, 7/1/18.

&(3) Security held in a trust in connection with the Inverse Floater security
     $2,950,000, 7.251%, 1/1/15.

&(4) Security held in a trust in connection with the Inverse Floater security
     $2,000,000, 6.966%, 1/1/14.

&(5) Security held in a trust in connection with the Inverse Floater security
     $2,100,000, 7.453%, 11/15/27.

&(6) Security held in a trust in connection with the Inverse Floater security
     $8,375,000, 7.453%, 11/15/27.

&(7) Security held in a trust in connection with the Inverse Floater security
     $3,510,000, 7.706%, 2/1/23.

&(8) Security held in a trust in connection with the Inverse Floater security
     $5,000,000, 6.946%, 3/1/18.

For additional information on the Inverse Floater programs, see Note 7 and Note
10 in "Notes to Financial Statements."

Net Asset Value and Offering Price Per Share -
     Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund

Net asset value Class A (A)                                              $12.49
Sales charge (4.50% of offering price) (B)                                 0.59

Offering price                                                           $13.08

(A) Net asset value per share, as illustrated, is the amount which would be
    paid upon redemption or repurchase of shares.

(B) See the current prospectus for purchases of $100,000 or more.

See accompanying notes



Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund (Restated)

August 31, 2006

                                                  Principal            Market
                                                   Amount              Value

Municipal Bonds - 101.49%

Corporate-Backed Revenue Bonds - 0.78%
     Sartell Environmental Improvement
          Revenue (International Paper)
          Series A 5.20% 6/1/27                   $1,800,000         $ 1,849,410

Education Revenue Bonds - 5.94%
     Minnesota State Colleges &
          Universities Revenue Fund
          Series A
          5.00% 10/1/22 (FSA)                      5,135,000           5,420,198
          5.00% 10/1/29 (MBIA)                     4,000,000           4,225,520
     Minnesota State Higher Education
          Facilities Authority Revenue
          (St. Catherine College)
          Series 5-N1 5.00% 10/1/18                2,200,000           2,272,666
     St. Cloud Housing &
          Redevelopment Authority
          Revenue (State University
          Foundation Project)
          5.00% 5/1/23                             2,000,000           2,084,440

Electric Revenue Bonds - 8.15%
     Minnesota State Municipal
          Power Agency Series A
          5.00% 10/1/34                            2,000,000           2,053,420
&(1) Northern Municipal Power Agency
          Electric System Revenue,
          5.25% 1/1/13 (FSA)                       9,170,000           9,663,438
     Puerto Rico Electric Power
          Authority Power Revenue
          Series GG 4.75% 7/1/21 (FSA)             1,000,000           1,024,320
          Series OO 5.00% 7/1/13 (CIFG)            1,315,000           1,419,385
     Shakopee Public Utilities
          Commission Revenue
          5.125% 2/1/26 (MBIA)                     1,850,000           1,898,285
     Southern Minnesota Municipal
          Power Agency Supply
          System Revenue Series A
          5.25% 1/1/15 (AMBAC)                     1,500,000           1,654,590
     Western Minnesota Municipal
          Power Agency Series B
          5.00% 1/1/15 (MBIA)                      1,365,000           1,481,503

Escrowed to Maturity Bonds - 15.45%
     Dakota/Washington Counties
          Housing & Redevelopment
          Authority Anoka Single Family
          Residential Mortgage Revenue
          8.45% 9/1/19 (GNMA) (AMT)                9,000,000          12,815,280
     Bloomington Mortgage Single
          Family Residential Mortgage
          Revenue 8.15% 9/1/16
          (MBIA) (GNMA) (AMT)                        405,000             540,076
          8.375% 9/1/21 (GNMA)
          (FHA) (VA) (AMT)                        14,115,000          20,532,384
     Western Minnesota Municipal
          Power Agency Supply Revenue
          Series A
          6.60% 1/1/10                             1,650,000           1,738,473
          9.75% 1/1/16 (MBIA)                        530,000             762,548

Health Care Revenue Bonds - 16.82%
     Duluth Economic Development
          Authority Health Care
          Facilities Benedictine Health
          System (St. Mary's Hospital)
          5.25% 2/15/28                            8,500,000           8,897,034
     Minneapolis Health Care System
          (Allina Health Systems) Series A
          5.75% 11/15/32                           7,800,000           8,373,690
          (Fairview Health Services)
          Series D 5.00% 11/15/34 (AMBAC)          8,250,000           8,638,658
     Minneapolis/St. Paul Housing
          & Redevelopment Authority
          Health Care System Revenue
          (Allina Health System)
          5.00% 11/15/13 (AMBAC)                   6,490,000           6,496,166
          (Healthpartners Obligation
          Group Project)
          5.625% 12/1/22                             650,000             695,799
          5.875% 12/1/29                           1,000,000           1,081,610
     Minnesota Agricultural &
          Economic Development
          Board Revenue (Fairview
          Health Care System) Series A
          5.75% 11/15/26 (MBIA)                      180,000             187,549
     St. Louis Park Health Care Facilities
          Revenue (Park Nicollet Health
          Services) Series B 5.50% 7/1/25          2,000,000           2,145,000
     St. Paul Housing & Redevelopment
          Authority Hospital Revenue
          (St. Paul/Ramsey Medical
          Center Project) 5.50% 5/15/13
          (AMBAC)                                  1,000,000           1,001,360
     Willmar (Rice Memorial Hospital
          5.00% 2/1/22 (FSA)                       1,000,000           1,052,890
          5.00% 2/1/25 (FSA)                       1,000,000           1,049,430


                                                              (continues)     23


Statements of net assets

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund

                                                  Principal            Market
                                                   Amount              Value

Municipal Bonds (continued)

Housing Revenue Bonds - 4.15%
     Dakota County Housing &
          Redevelopment Authority
          Single Family Mortgage
          Revenue Series B
          5.85% 10/1/30 (GNMA)
          (FNMA) (AMT)                             $ 288,000           $ 294,684
     Eagan Multifamily Revenue
          (Woodridge Apartments)
          Series A 5.90% 8/1/20 (GNMA)             1,000,000           1,025,670
     Minneapolis Multifamily Housing
          (Bottineau Commons Project)
          5.45% 4/20/43 (GNMA) (AMT)               1,500,000           1,566,135
          (Seward Towers Project)
          5.00% 5/20/36 (GNMA)                     4,000,000           4,157,280
     Minnesota State Housing
          Finance Agency Rental
          Housing Revenue Series C-2
          5.95% 2/1/15 (AMBAC)                     1,642,000           1,652,279
     White Bear Lake Multifamily
          Revenue (Lake Square) Series A
          5.875% 2/1/15 (FHA)                      1,055,000           1,081,407

Lease Revenue Bonds - 5.29%
     Hopkins Housing & Redevelopment
          Authority Public Works and Fire
          Station Series A 5.00% 2/1/23
          (MBIA)                                   1,210,000           1,269,810
     Minneapolis Special School District
          #001 Series A
          5.00% 2/1/18 (FSA)                       1,545,000           1,629,141
          5.00% 2/1/19 (FSA)                       1,535,000           1,618,596
          5.00% 2/1/20 (FSA)                       1,690,000           1,782,037
     St. Paul Port Authority Lease
          Revenue (Cedar Street Office
          Building Project)
          5.125% 12/1/27                           2,000,000           2,106,540
          5.25% 12/1/27                            3,840,000           4,062,605

Local General Obligation Bonds - 26.99%
     Big Lake Independent School
          District #727 Series A
          5.00% 2/1/17 (FSA)                       1,040,000           1,082,484
          5.00% 2/1/20 (FSA)                       1,000,000           1,040,850
     Centennial Independent School
          District #012 Series A
          5.00% 2/1/18 (FSA)                       1,270,000           1,339,164
     Dakota County Community
          Development Agency
          Governmental Housing
          Development 5.00% 1/1/21                 1,275,000           1,327,237
     Farmington Independent
          School District #192 Series B
          5.00% 2/1/27 (FSA)                       4,000,000           4,220,400
     Lakeville Independent School
          District #194 Series A
          4.75% 2/1/22 (FSA)                       2,350,000           2,434,671
     Morris Independent School District
          #769 5.00% 2/1/24 (MBIA)                 4,875,000           5,191,485
     Mounds View Independent School
          District #621
          5.00% 2/1/20 (MBIA)                      2,970,000           3,125,806
          5.375% 2/1/24 (FGIC)                     6,170,000           6,572,346
     New Brighton Tax Increment
          Series A 5.00% 2/1/26 (MBIA)             1,185,000           1,266,860
     Osseo Independent School District
          #279 Series A 5.00% 2/1/21
          (FSA)                                    3,570,000           3,764,422
     Robbinsdale Independent School
          District #281 5.00% 2/1/21
          (FSA)                                    1,310,000           1,381,343
&(2) Rockford Independent School
          District #883
          5.60% 2/1/21 (FSA)                       3,210,000           3,402,359
   ^ Rosemount Independent School
          District #196 Series B
          5.80% 4/1/09 (FSA)                       1,860,000           1,693,214
          5.85% 4/1/10 (FSA)                       2,240,000           1,962,845
   ^ Sauk Rapids Independent School
          District #047 Series B
          5.982% 2/1/15 (FSA)                      2,700,000           1,788,723
          6.083% 2/1/17 (FSA)                      2,245,000           1,316,288
     South Washington County
          Independent School District
&(3) 5.60% 2/1/20 (MBIA)                           6,880,000           7,292,284
&(4) 5.60% 2/1/21 (MBIA)                           7,290,000           7,726,853
     St. Michael Independent School
          District #885
          5.00% 2/1/20 (FSA)                       1,970,000           2,073,346
          5.00% 2/1/27 (FSA)                       3,435,000           3,572,675

$ Pre-Refunded Bonds - 9.92%
     Minneapolis Community
          Development Agency
          (Supported Development
          Revenue) Series G-3
          5.45% 12/1/31-11                         2,000,000           2,169,280
     Minneapolis Health Care
          System Revenue (Fairview
          Health Services) Series A
          5.625% 5/15/32-12                        5,400,000           5,981,094
     Minnesota Agricultural &
          Economic Development
          Board Revenue (Fairview
          Health Care System) Series A
          5.75% 11/15/26-07 (MBIA)                10,070,000          10,525,264


                                                  Principal            Market
                                                   Amount               Value

Municipal Bonds (continued)

$ Pre-Refunded Bonds (continued)
     Southern Minnesota Municipal
          Power Agency Supply Revenue
          Series A
          5.75% 1/1/18-13                         $3,790,000       $  4,000,156
          5.75% 1/1/18-13 (AMBAC)                    670,000            707,152


Special Tax Bonds - 0.80%
     Virgin Islands Public Finance
          Authority Revenue (Matching
          Fund Loan) Series A
          5.25% 10/1/22                            1,785,000          1,882,854


State General Obligation Bonds - 2.45%
     Minnesota State 5.00% 11/1/20
          (FSA)                                    5,500,000          5,762,240


Transportation Revenue Bonds - 4.75%
     Minneapolis/St. Paul Metropolitan
          Airports Commission Revenue
          Series A
               5.00% 1/1/22 (MBIA)                 2,000,000          2,092,020
               5.125% 1/1/25 (FGIC)                  100,000            103,457
          Series C
               5.125% 1/1/20 (FGIC)                2,000,000          2,099,560
               5.25% 1/1/32 (FGIC)                 6,595,000          6,900,942


Total Municipal Bonds
     (cost $224,065,438)                                            239,100,979

                                                  Number of

Short-Term Investments - 3.11%

Money Market Instruments - 0.37%
     Federated Minnesota Municipal
          Cash Trust                                 857,402            857,402


~ Variable Rate Demand Notes - 2.74%
     Midwest Consortium of Municipal
          Utilities Revenue Series A
          (LOC - U.S. Bank) 3.40% 1/1/25          $1,000,000          1,000,000
     Minneapolis Health Care
          System Revenue (Fairview
          Health Services) Series A
          3.40% 11/15/32 (AMBAC)
          (SPA)                                    1,400,000          1,400,000
     Minneapolis Revenue (Guthrie
          Theater Project) Series A
          (LOC - Wells Fargo Bank)
          3.27% 10/1/23                            1,000,000          1,000,000
     Minnesota State Higher Education
          Facilities Authority Revenue
          (Carleton College) Series 6-D
          3.30% 4/1/35 (SPA)                       3,060,000          3,060,000


Total Short-Term Investments
     (cost $7,317,402)                                                7,317,402

Total Market Value of Securities - 104.60%
     (cost $231,382,840)                                            246,418,381

Liabilities Net of Receivables
     and Other Assets - (4.60%) *                                   (10,823,330)

Net Assets Applicable to 21,640,206
     Shares Outstanding - 100.00%                                  $235,595,051

Net Asset Value - Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund
     Class A ($212,859,134 / 19,552,653 Shares)                          $10.89

Net Asset Value - Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund
     Class B ($10,182,240 / 936,209 Shares)                              $10.88

Net Asset Value - Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund
     Class C ($12,553,677 / 1,151,344 Shares)                            $10.90

Components of Net Assets at August 31, 2006:

Shares of beneficial interest
     (unlimited authorization - no par)                            $220,321,556
Accumulated net realized gain on investments                            237,954
Net unrealized appreciation of investments                           15,035,541

Total net assets                                                   $235,595,051

Summary of Abbreviations:

AMBAC - Insured by the AMBAC Indemnity Corporation
AMT - Subject to Alternative Minimum Tax
CIFG - CDC IXIS Financial Guaranty
FGIC - Insured by the Financial Guaranty Insurance Company
FHA - Insured by the Federal Housing Administration
FNMA - Insured by Federal National Mortgage Association
FSA - Insured by Financial Security Assurance
GNMA - Insured by Government National Mortgage Association
LOC - Letter of Credit
MBIA - Insured by the Municipal Bond Insurance Association
ROLs - Residual Option Longs
SPA - Stand-by Purchase Agreement
VA - Insured by the Veterans Administration

                                                              (continues)     25

Statements of net assets

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund



   $ Pre-Refunded Bonds. Municipals that are generally backed or secured by
     U.S. Treasury bonds. For pre-refunded bonds, the stated maturity is
     followed by the year in which the bond is pre-refunded. See Note 7 in
     "Notes to Financial Statements."

   ~ Variable rate security. The interest rate shown is the rate as of
     August 31, 2006.

   ^ Zero coupon security. The interest rate shown is the yield at the time of

   * Includes $13,275,000 in liability for Inverse Floater programs.  See Note 7
     and Note 10 in "Notes to Financial Statements."

&(1) Security held in a trust in connection with the Inverse Floater security
     $4,585,000, 6.946%, 1/1/13.

&(2) Security held in a trust in connection with the Inverse Floater security
     $1,605,000, 7.656%, 2/1/21.

&(3) Security held in a trust in connection with the Inverse Floater security
     $3,440,000, 7.656%, 2/1/20.

&(4) Security held in a trust in connection with the Inverse Floater security
     $3,645,000, 7.656%, 2/1/21.

For additional information on the Inverse Floater programs, see Note 7 and
Note 10 in "Notes to Financial Statements."

Net Asset Value and Offering Price Per Share -
     Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund

Net asset value Class A (A)                                              $10.89
Sales charge (4.50% of offering price) (B)                                 0.51

Offering price                                                           $11.40

(A) Net asset value per share, as illustrated, is the amount which would be
    paid upon redemption or repurchase of shares.

(B) See the current prospectus for purchases of $100,000 or more.

See accompanying notes


Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund

August 31, 2006

                                                  Principal            Market
                                                   Amount               Value

Municipal Bonds - 98.97%

Corporate-Backed Revenue Bonds - 7.53%
     Laurentian Energy Authority I
          Cogeneration Revenue Series A
          5.00% 12/1/21                           $  750,000        $   757,695
     Minneapolis Art Center Facilities
          Revenue (Walker Art Center
          Project) 5.125% 7/1/21                   2,250,000          2,346,750
     Minneapolis Community
          Development Agency
          Supported Revenue
          Common Bond Fund Series 4
          6.20% 6/1/17 (AMT)                       1,055,000          1,069,337


Education Revenue Bonds - 6.34%
     Minnesota State Higher Education
          Facilities Authority Revenue
          (Augsburg College) Series 6-J1
               5.00% 5/1/28                          750,000            767,430
          (University of St. Thomas)
               Series 5-Y 5.25% 10/1/19            1,590,000          1,708,789
     St. Cloud Housing &
          Redevelopment Authority
          Revenue (State University
          Foundation Project)
          5.00% 5/1/23                             1,000,000          1,042,220


Electric Revenue Bonds - 1.92%
     Chaska Electric Revenue
          (Generating Facilities) Series A
          5.25% 10/1/25                            1,000,000          1,063,430


Escrowed to Maturity Bonds - 2.08%
     University of Minnesota Series A
          5.75% 7/1/16                             1,000,000          1,152,930


Health Care Revenue Bonds - 22.48%
     Apple Valley Economic
          Development Authority Health
          Care Revenue (Evercare
          Senior Living Projects) Series A
          6.00% 12/1/25                              500,000            503,440
     Bemidji Hospital Facilities First
          Meeting Revenue (North
          Country Health Services)
          5.00% 9/1/24 (RADIAN)                      500,000            515,805
     Glencoe Health Care Facilities
          Revenue (Glencoe Regional
          Health Services Project)
          5.00% 4/1/20                             1,250,000          1,294,500
     Maple Grove Health Care Facilities
          Revenue (North Memorial
          Health Care) 5.00% 9/1/29                1,000,000          1,032,560
     Minneapolis Health Care
          System Revenue (Allina
          Health Systems) Series A
          5.75% 11/15/32                           1,500,000          1,610,325
     Minneapolis/St. Paul Housing
          & Redevelopment Authority
          Health Care System (Health
          Partners Obligation Group
          Project) 6.00% 12/1/17                   1,125,000          1,240,526
     Moorhead Economic Development
          Authority Multifamily Revenue
          (Eventide Lutheran Home
          Project) Series B 6.00% 6/1/18           1,000,000          1,000,650
     Northfield Hospital Revenue
          5.25% 11/1/21                            1,000,000          1,054,320
     Oakdale Elderly Housing Revenue
          (PHM/Oakdale, Inc. Project)
          5.75% 3/1/18                             1,400,000          1,407,140
     St. Louis Park Health Care Facilities
          Revenue (Park Nicollet Health
          Services) Series B 5.50% 7/1/25          1,500,000          1,608,750
     St. Paul Housing & Redevelopment
          Authority Hospital Revenue
          (Health East Project) Series B
          5.85% 11/1/17                            1,160,000          1,197,828


Housing Revenue Bonds - 6.96%
     Minneapolis Multifamily
          Housing Revenue (Trinity
          Apartments-Section 8) Series A
          6.75% 5/1/21                             1,855,000          1,943,502
     Minnesota State Housing Finance
          Agency Residential Housing
          Series I 5.10% 7/1/20 (AMT)                845,000            867,435
     Minnesota State Housing Finance
          Agency Single Family Mortgage
          Series J 5.90% 7/1/28 (AMT)                445,000            458,403
   @ Park Rapids Multifamily Revenue
          (The Court Apartments Project-
          Section 8) 6.05% 8/1/12                    615,000            590,056


Lease Revenue Bonds - 4.06%
     Edina Housing & Redevelopment
          Authority Public Project
          Revenue (Appropriate Lease
          Obligation) 5.125% 2/1/19                1,000,000          1,051,040
     Hibbing Economic Development
          Authority Revenue
          (Hibbing Lease Obligation)
          6.10% 2/1/08                               285,000            286,416
     Virginia Housing & Redevelopment
          Authority Health Care
          Facility (Lease Revenue)
          5.25% 10/1/25                              880,000            913,766


Local General Obligation Bonds - 32.94%
     Big Lake Independent School
          District #727 Series C
          5.00% 2/1/16 (FSA)                       1,180,000          1,240,369
          5.00% 2/1/17 (FSA)                       1,000,000          1,047,220

                                                              (continues)     27

Statements of net assets

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund

                                                  Principal            Market
                                                   Amount               Value

Municipal Bonds (continued)

Local General Obligation Bonds (continued)
     Centennial Independent School
          District #012 Series A
          5.00% 2/1/18 (FSA)                      $1,000,000        $ 1,054,460
          5.00% 2/1/20 (FSA)                         750,000            790,845
     Dakota County Capital
          Improvement Series A
          4.75% 2/1/17                             1,000,000          1,036,820
     Dakota County Community
          Development Agency
          Governmental Housing
          Refunding (Senior
          Housing Facilities) Series A
          5.00% 1/1/22                             1,150,000          1,216,965
     Hennepin County Series B
          4.75% 12/1/14                            1,000,000          1,039,210
     Hopkins Independent School
          District #270 5.125% 2/1/17
          (FGIC)                                   2,000,000          2,127,060
     Minneapolis Tax Increment
          Revenue (Ivy Tower Project)
          5.50% 2/1/22                               415,000            418,876
     Moorhead Independent School
          District #152 5.00% 4/1/10
          (FGIC)                                   2,585,000          2,710,449
     Osseo Independent School District
          #279 Series A 5.00% 2/1/21
          (FSA)                                    1,500,000          1,581,690
     Ramsey County (Capital
          Improvement Plan) Series B
          5.25% 2/1/11                             1,445,000          1,545,471
     South Washington County
          Independent School District
          #833 Series B 5.00% 2/1/16
          (FSA)                                    1,560,000          1,651,525
     St. Paul Independent School
          District #625 Series B
          5.00% 2/1/20 (FSA)                         750,000            803,955


$ Pre-Refunded Bonds - 6.41%
     Minneapolis Health Care
          System Revenue (Fairview
          Health Services) Series A
          5.625% 5/15/32-12                        1,750,000          1,938,318
     Minnesota State Higher
          Education Facilities Authority
          Revenue (College of Art &
          Design Project) Series 5-D
          6.625% 5/1/20-10                         1,000,000          1,072,060
     Puerto Rico Commonwealth
          Highway & Transportation
          Authority Transportation
          Revenue Series D
          5.25% 7/1/38-12                            500,000            541,805


State General Obligation Bonds - 6.80%
     Minnesota State 5.00% 8/1/21                  2,550,000          2,696,855
   ~ Puerto Rico Public Finance
          Corporation Commonwealth
          Appropriation Series A
          (LOC - Puerto Rico
          Government Bank)
          5.75% 8/1/27                             1,000,000          1,075,110


Transportation Revenue Bonds - 1.45%
     Minneapolis/St. Paul Metropolitan
          Airports Commission Series 14
          5.50% 1/1/11 (AMT)                         750,000            805,575


Total Municipal Bonds
     (cost $52,880,454)                                              54,879,681

                                                  Number of

Short-Term Investments - 0.13%

Money Market Instruments - 0.13%
     Federated Minnesota Municipal
          Cash Trust                                  71,637             71,637

Total Short-Term Investments
     (cost $71,637)                                                      71,637

Total Market Value of Securities - 99.10%
     (cost $52,952,091)                                              54,951,318

Receivables and Other Assets
     Net of Liabilities - 0.90%                                         500,393

Net Assets Applicable to 5,104,233
     Shares Outstanding - 100.00%                                   $55,451,711

Net Asset Value - Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota
     Intermediate Fund
     Class A ($48,296,958 / 4,446,800 Shares)                            $10.86

Net Asset Value - Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota
     Intermediate Fund
     Class B ($1,993,169 / 183,052 Shares)                               $10.89

Net Asset Value - Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota
     Intermediate Fund
     Class C ($5,161,584 / 474,381 Shares)                               $10.88

Components of Net Assets at August 31, 2006:

Shares of beneficial interest
     (unlimited authorization - no par)                             $54,908,696
Accumulated net realized loss on investments                         (1,456,212)
Net unrealized appreciation of investments                            1,999,227

Total net assets                                                    $55,451,711




Summary of Abbreviations:

AMT - Subject to Alternative Minimum Tax
FGIC - Insured by the Financial Guaranty Insurance Company
FSA - Insured by Financial Security Assurance
LOC - Letter of Credit
RADIAN - Insured by Radian Asset Assurance

@ Illiquid security. At August 31, 2006, the aggregate amount of illiquid
  securities equaled $590,056, which represented 1.06% of the Fund's net assets.
  See Note 7 in "Notes to Financial Statements."
$ Pre-Refunded Bonds. Municipals that are generally backed or secured by
  U.S. Treasury bonds. For pre-refunded bonds, the stated maturity is followed
  by the year in which the bond is pre-refunded. See Note 7 in "Notes to
  Financial Statements."
~ Variable rate security. The interest rate shown is the rate as of August 31,

Net Asset Value and Offering Price Per Share -
     Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund

Net asset value Class A (A)                                               $10.86
Sales charge (2.75% of offering price) (B)                                  0.31

Offering price                                                            $11.17

(A) Net asset value per share, as illustrated, is the amount which would be
    paid upon redemption or repurchase of shares.

(B) See the current prospectus for purchases of $100,000 or more.

See accompanying notes

                                                              (continues)     29

Statements of net assets

Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund

August 31, 2006

                                                  Principal            Market
                                                   Amount               Value

Municipal Bonds -95.23%

Corporate-Backed Revenue Bonds - 4.50%
     Cloquet Pollution Control Revenue
          (Potlatch Corp. Project)
          5.90% 10/1/26                           $1,700,000         $1,729,359
     Laurentian Energy Authority I
          Cogeneration Revenue Series A
          5.00% 12/1/21                            1,750,000          1,767,955
     Sartell Environmental Improvement
          Revenue (International Paper)
          Series A 5.20% 6/1/27                    1,750,000          1,798,038


Education Revenue Bonds - 4.38%
     Minnesota State Higher Education
          Facilities Authority Revenue
          (Augsburg College)
          Series 6-C 5.00% 5/1/23                    700,000            721,294
          Series 6-J1 5.00% 5/1/36                 1,000,000          1,014,690
          (St. Catherine College)
          Series 5-N1 5.375% 10/1/32               2,000,000          2,094,860
          (University St. Thomas)
          Series 6-I 5.00% 4/1/23                  1,250,000          1,319,600


Electric Revenue Bonds - 7.19%
     Chaska Electric Revenue
          (Generating Facilities) Series A
          5.25% 10/1/25                            1,000,000          1,063,430
     Minnesota State Municipal Power
          5.00% 10/1/35                            1,000,000          1,029,010
          Series A 5.00% 10/1/34                   2,750,000          2,823,453
     Puerto Rico Electric Power
          Authority Power Revenue
          Series II 5.25% 7/1/31                   1,000,000          1,046,930
     Southern Minnesota Municipal
          Power Agency Supply
          System Revenue Series A
          5.25% 1/1/16 (AMBAC)                     1,000,000          1,109,260
     Western Minnesota Municipal
          Power Agency Series A
          5.00% 1/1/30 (MBIA)                      1,335,000          1,386,624


Health Care Revenue Bonds - 40.75%
     Aitkin Health Care Facilities
          Revenue (Riverwood Health
          Care Center) 5.50% 2/1/24                700,000              714,399
     Apple Valley Economic
          Development Authority Health
          Care Revenue
          (Augustana Home St.
          Paul Project) Series A
          5.80% 1/1/30                             1,000,000          1,006,350
          (Evercare Senior Living Project)
          Series A 6.125% 6/1/35                   1,000,000          1,006,860
     Bemidji Health Care Facilities
          First Meeting Revenue (North
          Country Health Services)
          5.00% 9/1/20                             1,150,000           1,208,662
          5.00% 9/1/31 (RADIAN)                    2,500,000           2,580,349
     Buffalo Health Care Revenue
          (Central Minnesota Senior
          Housing Project) Series A
          5.375% 9/1/26                            1,000,000            996,360
     Buhl Nursing Home Revenue
          (Forest Health Services Project)
          Series A 6.75% 8/1/33                    1,000,000            976,310
     Detroit Lakes Housing & Health
          Facilities Revenue Refunding
          (Mankato Lutheran Homes)
          Series D 5.50% 8/1/21                    500,000              506,395
     Duluth Economic Development
          Authority Health Care Facilities
          Revenue (Benedictine Health
          System - St. Mary's Hospital)
          5.25% 2/15/33                            2,250,000          2,334,892
     Glencoe Health Care Facilities
          Revenue (Glencoe Regional
          Health Services Project)
          5.00% 4/1/31                             1,965,000          2,001,294
     Mahtomedi Senior Housing
          Revenue (St. Andrews Village
          Project) 5.75% 12/1/40                   1,000,000          1,008,390
     Maple Grove Health Care Facilities
          Revenue (North Memorial
          Health Care) 5.00% 9/1/35                3,590,000          3,685,529
     Minneapolis Health Care Facilities
          (Augustana Chapel View
          Homes) Series D
          5.75% 6/1/29                             1,000,000          1,024,480
          (Jones-Harrison Residence
          Project) 5.60% 10/1/30                   1,500,000          1,512,525
     Minneapolis Health Care System
          (Allina Health Systems) Series A
          5.75% 11/15/32                           2,000,000          2,147,099
          (Fairview Health Services)
          Series D 5.00% 11/15/34
          (AMBAC)                                  1,000,000          1,047,110
     Minneapolis/St. Paul Housing
          & Redevelopment Authority
          Health Care System (Health
          Partners Obligation Group
          Project) 6.00% 12/1/17                   1,125,000          1,240,526
     Minnesota Agriculture & Economic
          Development Board Revenue
          (Benedictine Health Systems)
          5.75% 2/1/29                             1,000,000          1,015,690


                                                  Principal            Market
                                                   Amount               Value

Municipal Bonds (continued)

Health Care Revenue Bonds (continued)
     Moorhead Economic Development
          Authority Multifamily Revenue
          Refunding & Improvement
          (Eventide Lutheran Home
          Project) Series B 6.00% 6/1/18          $  870,000        $   870,566
     Northfield Health Care Facilities
          Revenue Refunding &
          Improvement (Northfield
          Retirement Center Project)
          Series A 6.00% 5/1/28                    1,000,000          1,000,350
     Northfield Hospital Revenue
          5.375% 11/1/31                           1,000,000          1,051,100
     Oakdale Elderly Housing Revenue
          (PHM/Oakdale, Inc. Project)
          6.00% 3/1/28                             1,800,000          1,810,152
     Owatonna Senior Housing
          Revenue (Senior Living Project)
          Series A
          5.80% 10/1/29                              400,000            402,988
          6.00% 4/1/41                             1,250,000          1,274,363
     Prior Lake Senior Housing
          Revenue (Shepherds Path
          Senior Housing) Series B
          5.75% 8/1/41                             1,000,000          1,008,820
     Rochester Health Care Facilities
          Revenue (Mayo Clinic)
          5.00% 11/15/36                           2,000,000          2,086,600
     Rochester Multifamily Housing
          Revenue (Wedum Shorewood
          Campus Project) 6.60% 6/1/36               990,000          1,022,066
     Shakopee Health Care Facilities
          Revenue (St. Francis Regional
          Medical Center) 5.25% 9/1/34             1,000,000          1,040,250
     Shoreview Elderly Housing
          Revenue (PHM/Shoreview, Inc.
          Project) 6.15% 12/1/33                   1,250,000          1,280,150
     St. Louis Park Health Care Facilities
          Revenue (Park Nicollet Health
          Services) Series B 5.25% 7/1/30          1,000,000          1,047,980
     St. Paul Housing & Redevelopment
          Authority Hospital Revenue
          (Health East Project)
          6.00% 11/15/25                           1,000,000          1,105,210
          Series A 5.70% 11/1/15                     800,000            825,648
          Series B 5.85% 11/1/17                     250,000            258,153
     Stillwater Health Care Revenue
          (Health System Obligation
          5.00% 6/1/25                             2,000,000          2,076,660
          5.00% 6/1/35                             1,000,000          1,030,000
     Twin Valley Congregate Housing
          Revenue (Living Options, Inc.
          Project) 5.95% 11/1/28                   1,825,000          1,699,696
     Woodbury Economic Development
          Authority Housing Revenue
          Refunding 5.65% 6/1/33                   1,000,000          1,012,790


Housing Revenue Bonds - 15.84%
     Chanhassen Multifamily Revenue
          Refunding (Heritage Park
          Apartments Project-Section 8)
          6.20% 7/1/30 (FHA) (AMT)                   300,000            307,086
     Chaska Multifamily Housing
          Revenue (West Suburban
          Housing Partners Project)
          5.875% 3/1/31 (AMT)                      1,000,000            911,970
   @ Hutchinson Multifamily
          Housing Revenue (Evergreen
          Apartments Project-Section 8)
          5.75% 11/1/28                            1,955,000          1,863,819
     Minneapolis Multifamily Housing
          (Grant Street Apartments
          Project) Series A
          7.25% 11/1/29                            2,085,000          2,159,351
          (Olson Townhomes Project)
          6.00% 12/1/19 (AMT)                      1,555,000          1,555,249
          (Trinity Apartments-Section 8)
          Series A 6.75% 5/1/21                      675,000            707,204
     Minneapolis/St. Paul Housing
          Finance Board (Cityliving
          Project) Series A-2
          5.00% 12/1/38 (FNMA)
          (GNMA) (AMT)                             1,000,000          1,014,210
     Minnesota State Housing Finance
          Agency Rental Housing
          Series A 4.875% 8/1/24 (AMT)               585,000            591,482
          Series A-1 5.00% 8/1/40 (AMT)            2,265,000          2,291,545
     Minnesota State Housing Finance
          Agency Residential Housing
          Series G 5.00% 7/1/36 (AMT)              1,000,000          1,011,680
     Minnesota State Housing Finance
          Agency Single Family Mortgage
          Series E 6.25% 1/1/23 (AMT)                 15,000             15,264
          Series J 5.90% 7/1/28 (AMT)                685,000            705,632
          Series M 5.875% 1/1/17                      25,000             25,611
     St. Cloud Housing &
          Redevelopment Authority
          Revenue (Sterling Heights
          Apartments Project)
          7.55% 4/1/39 (AMT)                         530,000            560,427
     St. Paul Housing & Redevelopment
          Authority Multifamily Housing
          Revenue (Selby Grotto Housing
          Project) 5.50% 9/20/44
          (GNMA) (AMT)                               750,000            769,928

                                                              (continues)     31

Statements of net assets

Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund

                                                  Principal            Market
                                                   Amount               Value

Municipal Bonds (continued)

Housing Revenue Bonds (continued)
     Stillwater Multifamily Revenue
          (Stillwater Cottages Project)
          7.00% 11/1/16 (AMT)                    $   680,000        $   694,790
          Series A 6.75% 11/1/11                     205,000            209,471
          Series A 7.00% 11/1/27                     340,000            347,334
     Washington County Housing &
          Redevelopment Authority
          Governmental Revenue
          (Briar Pond Project) Series B
               7.125% 8/20/34                        840,000            803,796
          (Woodland Park Apartments
               Project) 4.70% 10/1/32              2,075,000          2,085,707


Lease Revenue Bonds - 2.23%
     Andover Economic Development
          Authority Public Facilities Lease
          Revenue (Andover Community
          Center) 5.20% 2/1/34                     1,000,000          1,043,240
     Hibbing Economic Development
          Authority Revenue (Hibbing
          Lease Obligation Project)
          6.40% 2/1/12                               530,000            530,387
     St. Paul Port Authority Lease
          Revenue (Robert Street
          Office Building Project)
          5.00% 12/1/27                            1,000,000          1,047,260


Local General Obligation Bonds - 9.05%
     Farmington Independent
          School District #192 Series B
          5.00% 2/1/27 (FSA)                       1,000,000          1,055,100
     Hopkins Independent School
          District #270 Facilities
          5.00% 2/1/26 (MBIA)                      1,055,000          1,116,201
     Lakeville Independent School
          District #194 Series A
          4.75% 2/1/22 (FSA)                       1,000,000          1,036,030
     Metropolitan Council Waste
          Water Treatment Series B
          5.00% 12/1/21                              500,000            533,545
     Minneapolis Tax Increment
          Revenue (Ivory Tower Project)
          5.70% 2/1/29                               785,000            800,111
     Minneapolis Tax Increment
          Revenue Refunding
          (St. Anthony Falls Project)
          5.65% 2/1/27                               500,000            507,440
     Moorhead Series B 5.00% 2/1/33
          (MBIA)                                     750,000            785,190
     Perham Disposal System
          6.00% 5/1/22 (AMT)                       1,500,000          1,582,350
     St. Paul Housing & Redevelopment
          Authority Tax Increment (Upper
          Landing Project) Series A
          6.80% 3/1/29                             1,000,000          1,073,320
     St. Paul Independent School
          District #625 Series B
          5.00% 2/1/20 (FSA)                         750,000            803,955
     Todd Morrison Cass & Wadena
          Counties United Hospital
          District (Health Care Facilities-
          5.00% 12/1/21                              610,000            628,873
          5.125% 12/1/24                             205,000            212,376
          5.25% 12/1/26                              490,000            511,795


$ Pre-Refunded Bonds - 6.39%
     Little Canada Multifamily
          Housing Revenue Alternative
          Development (Montreal Courts
          Apartments Project) Series A
          6.25% 12/1/27-07                         1,250,000          1,286,925
     Minneapolis Community
          Development Agency
          (Supported Development
          Revenue) Series G-3
          5.45% 12/1/31-11                         1,000,000          1,084,640
     Minneapolis Health Care
          System Revenue (Fairview
          Health Services) Series A
          5.625% 5/15/32-12                        2,000,000          2,215,220
     Minnesota State Higher
          Education Facilities Authority
          Revenue (College of Art &
          Design Project) Series 5-D
          6.75% 5/1/26-10                            500,000            536,635
     Perham Hospital District Senior
          Congregate Housing Facilities
          Revenue (Briarwood Project)
          6.25% 11/1/22-07                           620,000            636,436
     Puerto Rico Commonwealth
          Highway & Transportation
          Authority Transportation
          Refunding Series D
          5.25% 7/1/38-12                          1,500,000          1,625,415
     Rice County Certificates of
          Participation Series A
          6.00% 12/1/21-06                           125,000            125,754


Special Tax Bonds - 0.89%
     Virgin Islands Public Finance
          Authority Revenue (Senior-Lien-
          Matching Fund Loan Note)
          Series A 5.25% 10/1/24                   1,000,000          1,053,430



                                                  Principal            Market
                                                   Amount               Value

Municipal Bonds (continued)

State General Obligation Bonds - 2.24%
   & Minnesota State, Inverse Floater
          ROLs 6.564% 11/1/17                     $1,000,000       $  1,054,560
     Puerto Rico Commonwealth
          Public Improvement Series A
          5.00% 7/1/34                               500,000            510,855
     Puerto Rico Government
          Development Bank Senior
          Notes Series B 5.00% 12/1/14             1,000,000          1,064,340


Transportation Revenue Bonds - 1.77%
     Minneapolis/St. Paul Metropolitan
          Airports Commission Revenue
          Series A 5.00% 1/1/28 (MBIA)             2,000,000          2,078,460


Total Municipal Bonds (cost $109,059,572)                           111,992,664

                                                  Number of

Short-Term Investments - 3.99%

Money Market Instruments - 0.67%
     Federated Minnesota Municipal
          Cash Trust                                 784,806            784,806


~ Variable Rate Demand Notes - 3.32%
     Minneapolis Guthrie Parking Ramp
          3.27% 12/1/33 (SPA)                     $2,000,000          2,000,000
     Minneapolis Health Care
          System Revenue (Fairview
          Health Services) Series A
          3.40% 11/15/32 (AMBAC)
          (SPA)                                    1,400,000          1,400,000
     Minneapolis Revenue (Guthrie
          Theater Project) Series A
          (LOC - Wells Fargo Bank)
          3.27% 10/1/23                              500,000            500,000


Total Short-Term Investments
     (cost $4,684,806)                                                4,684,806

Total Market Value of Securities - 99.22         %
     (cost $113,744,378)                                            116,677,470
Receivables and Other Assets
     Net of Liabilities - 0.78%                                         920,728

Net Assets Applicable to 11,161,699
     Shares Outstanding - 100.00%                                  $117,598,198

Net Asset Value - Delaware Minnesota High-Yield
     Municipal Bond Fund
     Class A ($87,503,922 / 8,308,999 Shares)                            $10.53

Net Asset Value - Delaware Minnesota High-Yield
     Municipal Bond Fund
     Class B ($9,577,877 / 908,064 Shares)                               $10.55

Net Asset Value - Delaware Minnesota High-Yield
     Municipal Bond Fund
     Class C ($20,516,399 / 1,944,636 Shares)                            $10.55

Components of Net Assets at August 31, 2006:
Shares of beneficial interest
     (unlimited authorization - no par)                            $117,216,892
Accumulated net realized loss on investments                         (2,551,786)
Net unrealized appreciation of investments                            2,933,092

Total net assets                                                   $117,598,198

Summary of Abbreviations:

AMBAC - Insured by the AMBAC Assurance Corporation
AMT - Subject to Alternative Minimum Tax
FHA - Insured by the Federal Housing Administration
FNMA - Insured by Federal National Mortgage Association
FSA - Insured by Financial Security Assurance
GNMA - Insured by Government National Mortgage Association
LOC - Letter of Credit
MBIA - Insured by the Municipal Bond Insurance Association
RADIAN - Insured by Radian Asset Assurance
ROLs - Residual Option Longs
SPA - Stand-by Purchase Agreement

$ Pre-Refunded Bonds. Municipals that are generally backed or secured by
  U.S. Treasury bonds. For pre-refunded bonds, the stated maturity is followed
  by the year in which the bond is pre-refunded. See Note 7 in "Notes to
  Financial Statements."

& An inverse floater bond is a type of bond with variable or floating interest
  rates that move in the opposite direction of short-term interest rates.
  Interest rate disclosed is in effect as of August 31, 2006. See Note 7 in
  "Notes to Financial Statements."

~ Variable rate security. The interest rate shown is the rate as of August 31,

@ Illiquid security. At August 31, 2006, the aggregate amount of illiquid
  securities equaled $1,863,819, which represented 1.58% of the Fund's net
  assets. See Note 7 in "Notes to Financial Statements."

Net Asset Value and Offering Price Per Share Delaware
     Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund

Net asset value Class A (A)                                              $10.53
Sales charge (4.50% of offering price) (B)                                 0.50

Offering price                                                           $11.03

(A) Net asset value per share, as illustrated, is the amount which would be
    paid upon redemption or repurchase of shares.

(B) See the current prospectus for purchases of $100,000 or more.

See accompanying notes


Statements of operations

Delaware Minnesota Municipal Bond Funds

Year Ended August 31, 2006

                                                                         Delaware         Tax-Free       Delaware         Delaware
                                                                         Tax-Free        Minnesota       Tax-Free         Minnesota
                                                                        Minnesota         Insured        Minnesota       High-Yield
                                                                           Fund             Fund        Intermediate      Municipal
                                                                        (Restated)      (Restated)         Fund           Bond Fund
Investment Income:

     Interest                                                          $21,137,119      $12,150,622      $2,687,793      $5,194,380
                                                                       ___________      ___________      __________      __________


     Management fees                                                     2,190,839       1,188,037         285,389         555,094
     Interest and related expense                                        1,051,651         449,819               -               -
     Distribution expenses - Class A                                       928,423         535,795         124,107         181,263
     Distribution expenses - Class B                                       122,428         111,364          23,021         101,294
     Distribution expenses - Class C                                       144,811         122,115          51,217         179,700
     Dividend disbursing and transfer agent fees and expenses              203,190         134,876          38,098          62,552
     Accounting and administration expenses                                159,334          95,043          22,831          40,370
     Legal and professional fees                                            61,009          47,903          28,572          28,979
     Registration fees                                                      27,692          17,639          16,774          31,392
     Trustees- fees                                                         20,743          13,468           2,966           5,210
     Reports and statements to shareholders                                 31,031          27,876           9,362          15,156
     Custodian fees                                                         19,475          10,740           3,976           6,453
     Insurance fees                                                         11,229           5,975           1,325           3,737
     Pricing fees                                                            4,009           2,633           1,420           2,520
     Taxes (other than taxes on income)                                      1,302             743               -             455
     Other                                                                  13,269           8,043           3,403           3,206
                                                                       ___________      ___________      __________      __________

                                                                         4,990,435        2,772,069         612,461       1,217,381
     Less expenses absorbed or waived                                      (15,468)         (28,216)        (69,913)       (108,549)
     Less waived distribution expenses - Class A                                 -                -         (49,643)              -
     Less expense paid indirectly                                           (2,148)            (811)           (952)            (72)
                                                                       ___________      ___________      __________      __________

     Total operating expenses                                            4,972,819        2,743,042         491,953       1,108,760
                                                                       ___________      ___________      __________      __________

Net Investment Income                                                   16,164,300        9,407,580       2,195,840       4,085,620
                                                                       ___________      ___________      __________      __________

Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments:

     Net realized gain (loss) on investments                               420,471         (191,561)       (181,095)       (187,727)
     Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments  (5,618,279)      (4,320,530)       (652,780)       (226,433)
                                                                       ___________      ___________      __________      __________

Net Realized and Unrealized Loss on Investments                         (5,197,808)      (4,512,091)       (833,875)       (414,160)
                                                                       ___________      ___________      __________      __________

Net Increase in Net Assets Resulting from Operations                   $10,966,492      $ 4,895,489      $1,361,965      $3,671,460
                                                                       ___________      ___________      __________      __________

See accompanying notes


Statements of changes in net assets

Delaware Minnesota Municipal Bond Funds

                                                                                 Delaware Tax-Free       Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota
                                                                                   Minnesota Fund               Insured Fund
                                                                                     Year Ended                  Year Ended
                                                                                8/31/06       8/31/05       8/31/06       8/31/05

Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Operations:

     Net investment income                                                   $ 16,164,300  $ 15,842,204  $  9,407,580  $ 10,006,289
     Net realized gain (loss) on investments                                      420,471       521,727      (191,561)      483,566
     Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments         (5,618,279)    6,325,529    (4,320,530)    2,576,840
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

     Net increase in net assets resulting from operations                      10,966,492    22,689,460     4,895,489    13,066,695
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders from:

     Net investment income:
          Class A                                                             (15,322,571)  (14,918,426)   (8,597,833)   (9,106,255)
          Class B                                                                (413,101)     (468,436)     (363,586)     (438,591)
          Class C                                                                (487,162)     (416,235)     (397,631)     (415,840)

     Net realized gain on investments:
          Class A                                                                (767,541)   (4,220,929)     (438,581)   (1,001,479)
          Class B                                                                 (26,047)     (174,978)      (23,729)      (62,572)
          Class C                                                                 (29,894)     (135,698)      (24,664)      (55,205)
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

                                                                              (17,046,316)  (20,334,702)   (9,846,024)  (11,079,942)
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

Capital Share Transactions:

     Proceeds from shares sold:
          Class A                                                              46,525,876    32,762,383    11,550,587    13,305,078
          Class B                                                                 806,782     1,032,796       359,427       762,589
          Class C                                                               4,424,369     4,082,514     1,930,187     2,220,317

     Net asset value of shares issued upon reinvestment of dividends
          and distributions:
          Class A                                                              10,254,675    12,557,067     6,080,360     6,840,725
          Class B                                                                 273,926       421,984       294,382       389,371
          Class C                                                                 399,762       431,656       296,875       323,100
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

                                                                               62,685,390    51,288,400    20,511,818    23,841,180
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

     Cost of shares repurchased:
          Class A                                                             (33,894,118)  (31,030,615)  (26,983,677)  (22,291,529)
          Class B                                                              (2,326,335)   (3,294,771)   (2,559,927)   (3,218,588)
          Class C                                                              (3,458,556)   (1,444,705)   (1,699,163)   (2,404,134)
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

                                                                              (39,679,009)  (35,770,091)  (31,242,767)  (27,914,251)
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

Increase (decrease) in net assets derived from capital share transactions      23,006,381    15,518,309   (10,730,949)   (4,073,071)
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets                                          16,926,557    17,873,067   (15,681,484)   (2,086,318)

Net Assets:

     Beginning of year                                                        391,272,178   373,399,111   251,276,535   253,362,853
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

     End of year                                                             $408,198,735  $391,272,178  $235,595,051  $251,276,535
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

     Undistributed (distributions in excess of) net investment income        $    (22,418) $    147,934  $          -  $          -

See accompanying notes

                                                              (continues)     35

Statements of changes in net assets

Delaware Minnesota Municipal Bond Funds

                                                                          Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota  Delaware Minnesota High-Yield
                                                                                Intermediate Fund           Municipal Bond Fund
                                                                                  Year Ended                     Year Ended
                                                                             8/31/06       8/31/05          8/31/06       8/31/05

Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Operations:

     Net investment income                                                $  2,195,840  $  2,350,094     $  4,085,620  $  3,196,642
     Net realized gain (loss) on investments                                  (181,095)      799,234         (187,727)       26,471
     Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments        (652,780)     (107,313)        (226,433)    2,717,449
                                                                          ____________  ____________     ____________  ____________

     Net increase in net assets resulting from operations                    1,361,965     3,042,015        3,671,460     5,940,562
                                                                          ____________  ____________     ____________  ____________

Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders from:

     Net investment income:
          Class A                                                           (1,965,980)   (2,063,392)      (3,084,904)   (2,292,733)
          Class B                                                              (71,129)      (85,793)        (353,881)     (419,856)
          Class C                                                             (158,749)     (200,891)        (628,298)     (482,033)
                                                                          ____________  ____________     ____________  ____________

                                                                            (2,195,858)   (2,350,076)      (4,067,083)   (3,194,622)
                                                                          ____________  ____________     ____________  ____________

Capital Share Transactions:

     Proceeds from shares sold:
          Class A                                                            4,468,732     8,856,040       33,135,160    22,657,439
          Class B                                                               12,810        46,423        1,943,331     1,226,522
          Class C                                                            1,086,994       735,412        7,697,199     5,727,603

     Net asset value of shares issued upon reinvestment of dividends
          and distributions:
          Class A                                                            1,416,395     1,526,786        1,867,441     1,387,489
          Class B                                                               53,171        62,528          227,202       256,713
          Class C                                                              116,926       157,534          437,783       291,405
                                                                          ____________  ____________     ____________  ____________

                                                                             7,155,028    11,384,723       45,308,116    31,547,171
                                                                          ____________  ____________     ____________  ____________

     Cost of shares repurchased:
          Class A                                                           (9,830,857)  (15,027,594)     (11,064,882)   (4,758,836)
          Class B                                                             (841,634)     (550,863)      (3,010,441)   (3,831,970)
          Class C                                                           (1,961,559)   (2,157,860)      (3,355,422)   (2,120,433)
                                                                          ____________  ____________     ____________  ____________

                                                                           (12,634,050)  (17,736,317)     (17,430,745)  (10,711,239)
                                                                          ____________  ____________     ____________  ____________

Increase (decrease) in net assets derived from capital share transactions   (5,479,022)   (6,351,594)      27,877,371    20,835,932
                                                                          ____________  ____________     ____________  ____________

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets                                       (6,312,915)   (5,695,655)      27,481,748    23,581,872

Net Assets:

     Beginning of year                                                      61,764,626    67,424,281       90,116,450    66,534,578
                                                                          ____________  ____________     ____________  ____________

     End of year (there was no undistributed income at either year end)   $ 55,451,711  $ 61,764,626     $117,598,198  $ 90,116,450
                                                                          ____________  ____________     ____________  ____________

See accompanying notes


Financial highlights

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Class A (Restated)

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period
were as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Net asset value, beginning of period                                 $ 12.690      $ 12.620     $ 12.450     $ 12.610     $ 12.570

Income (loss) from investment operations:

Net investment income                                                   0.511         0.527        0.590        0.622        0.634
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                 (0.172)        0.222        0.348       (0.148)       0.037
                                                                     ________      ________     ________     ________     ________

Total from investment operations                                        0.339         0.749        0.938        0.474        0.671
                                                                     ________      ________     ________     ________     ________

Less dividends and distributions from:

Net investment income                                                  (0.513)       (0.526)      (0.600)      (0.625)      (0.631)
Net realized gain on investments                                       (0.026)       (0.153)      (0.168)      (0.009)           -
                                                                     ________      ________     ________     ________     ________

Total dividends and distributions                                      (0.539)       (0.679)      (0.768)      (0.634)      (0.631)
                                                                     ________      ________     ________     ________     ________

Net asset value, end of period                                       $ 12.490      $ 12.690     $ 12.620     $ 12.450     $ 12.610
                                                                     ________      ________     ________     ________     ________

Total return (1)                                                        2.78%         6.12%        7.72%        3.80%        5.54%

Ratios and supplemental data:

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                              $381,720      $364,491     $348,000     $340,029     $356,522
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (2)                             1.19%         1.12%        1.08%        1.17%        1.18%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly (2)       1.20%         1.13%        1.08%        1.17%        1.18%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                    4.11%         4.19%        4.68%        4.90%        5.11%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           4.10%         4.18%        4.68%        4.90%        5.11%
Portfolio turnover                                                        13%           10%          25%          27%          13%

(1) Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of
    dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return
    reflects a waiver and payment of fees by the manager, as applicable. Performance would have been lower had the expense
    limitation not been in effect.

(2) The "Ratio of expenses to average net assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and
    expenses paid indirectly" have been restated. The Fund participates in inverse floater programs where it has transferred its
    own bonds to a trust that issues floating rate securities and inverse floating rate securities with an aggregate principal
    amount equal to the principal of the transferred bond. The Fund receives the inverse floating rate securities and cash from
    the trust in consideration of the conveyance of the municipal bonds to the trust. Previously, the Fund treated this transaction
    as a sale of the bonds and a purchase of inverse floating rate securities. Under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
    No. 140, Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities, the transfer of the
    bonds is not considered a sale, but rather a form of financing for accounting purposes. The ratios in the table above have been
    restated to include interest and related expenses which include, but are not limited to, interest expense, remarketing fees,
    liquidity fees, and trustees' fees. Previously, interest and related expenses were not included in the "Ratio of expenses to
    average net assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly."
    Prior to the restatements, these ratios were as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Ratio of expenses to average net assets                                 0.93%         0.93%        0.94%        0.97%        0.98%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           0.94%         0.94%        0.94%        0.97%        0.98%

See accompanying notes

                                                              (continues)     37

Financial highlights

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund Class B (Restated)

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period
were as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Net asset value, beginning of period                                  $12.700       $12.630      $12.460      $12.620      $12.580

Income (loss) from investment operations:

Net investment income                                                   0.418         0.433        0.496        0.529        0.540
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                 (0.172)        0.222        0.348       (0.150)       0.037
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total from investment operations                                        0.246         0.655        0.844        0.379        0.577
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Less dividends and distributions from:

Net investment income                                                  (0.420)       (0.432)      (0.506)      (0.530)      (0.537)
Net realized gain on investments                                       (0.026)       (0.153)      (0.168)      (0.009)           -
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total dividends and distributions                                      (0.446)       (0.585)      (0.674)      (0.539)      (0.537)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Net asset value, end of period                                        $12.500       $12.700      $12.630      $12.460      $12.620
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total return (1)                                                        2.01%         5.33%        6.91%        3.02%        4.75%

Ratios and supplemental data:

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                               $11,354       $12,810      $14,588      $16,394      $17,043
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (2)                             1.94%         1.87%        1.83%        1.92%        1.93%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly (2)       1.95%         1.88%        1.83%        1.92%        1.93%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                    3.36%         3.44%        3.93%        4.15%        4.36%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           3.35%         3.43%        3.93%        4.15%        4.36%
Portfolio turnover                                                        13%           10%          25%          27%          13%

(1) Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of
    dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return
    reflects a waiver and payment of fees by the manager, as applicable. Performance would have been lower had the expense
    limitation not been in effect.

(2) The "Ratio of expenses to average net assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and
    expenses paid indirectly" have been restated. The Fund participates in inverse floater programs where it has transferred its
    own bonds to a trust that issues floating rate securities and inverse floating rate securities with an aggregate principal
    amount equal to the principal of the transferred bond. The Fund receives the inverse floating rate securities and cash from the
    trust in consideration of the conveyance of the municipal bonds to the trust. Previously, the Fund treated this transaction as
    a sale of the bonds and a purchase of inverse floating rate securities. Under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
    No. 140, Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities, the transfer of the
    bonds is not considered a sale, but rather a form of financing for accounting purposes. The ratios in the table above have been
    restated to include interest and related expenses which include, but are not limited to, interest expense, remarketing fees,
    liquidity fees, and trustees' fees. Previously, interest and related expenses were not included in the "Ratio of expenses to
    average net assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly."
    Prior to the restatements, these ratios were as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Ratio of expenses to average net assets                                 1.68%         1.68%        1.69%        1.72%        1.73%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           1.69%         1.69%        1.69%        1.72%        1.73%

See accompanying notes


Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund Class C (Restated)

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were
as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Net asset value, beginning of period                                  $12.720       $12.650      $12.480      $12.640      $12.590

Income (loss) from investment operations:

Net investment income                                                   0.418         0.433        0.495        0.529        0.540
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                 (0.162)        0.222        0.348       (0.151)       0.047
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total from investment operations                                        0.256         0.655        0.843        0.378        0.587
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Less dividends and distributions from:

Net investment income                                                  (0.420)       (0.432)      (0.505)      (0.529)      (0.537)
Net realized gain on investments                                       (0.026)       (0.153)      (0.168)      (0.009)           -
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total dividends and distributions                                      (0.446)       (0.585)      (0.673)      (0.538)      (0.537)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Net asset value, end of period                                        $12.530       $12.720      $12.650      $12.480      $12.640
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total return (1)                                                        2.08%         5.32%        6.90%        3.01%        4.82%

Ratios and supplemental data:

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                               $15,125       $13,971      $10,811      $10,161       $7,682
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (2)                             1.94%         1.87%        1.83%        1.92%        1.93%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly (2)       1.95%         1.88%        1.83%        1.92%        1.93%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                    3.36%         3.44%        3.93%        4.15%        4.36%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           3.35%         3.43%        3.93%        4.15%        4.36%
Portfolio turnover                                                        13%           10%          25%          27%          13%

(1) Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of
    dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return
    reflects a waiver and payment of fees by the manager, as applicable. Performance would have been lower had the expense
    limitation not been in effect.

(2) The "Ratio of expenses to average net assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and
    expenses paid indirectly" have been restated. The Fund participates in inverse floater programs where it has transferred its own
    bonds to a trust that issues floating rate securities and inverse floating rate securities with an aggregate principal amount
    equal to the principal of the transferred bond. The Fund receives the inverse floating rate securities and cash from the trust
    in consideration of the conveyance of the municipal bonds to the trust. Previously, the Fund treated this transaction as a sale
    of the bonds and a purchase of inverse floating rate securities. Under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140,
    Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities, the transfer of the bonds is not
    considered a sale, but rather a form of financing for accounting purposes. The ratios in the table above have been restated to
    include interest and related expenses which include, but are not limited to, interest expense, remarketing fees, liquidity fees,
    and trustees' fees. Previously, interest and related expenses were not included in the "Ratio of expenses to average net
    assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly." Prior to the
    restatements, these ratios were as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Ratio of expenses to average net assets                                 1.68%         1.68%        1.69%        1.72%        1.73%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           1.69%         1.69%        1.69%        1.72%        1.73%

See accompanying notes

                                                              (continues)     39


Financial highlights

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund Class A (Restated)

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were
as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Net asset value, beginning of period                                  $11.110       $11.020      $10.740      $10.940      $10.900

Income (loss) from investment operations:

Net investment income                                                   0.438         0.446        0.479        0.498        0.514
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                 (0.200)        0.138        0.282       (0.197)       0.038
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total from investment operations                                        0.238         0.584        0.761        0.301        0.552
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Less dividends and distributions from:

Net investment income                                                  (0.436)       (0.445)      (0.481)      (0.501)      (0.512)
Net realized gain on investments                                       (0.022)       (0.049)           -            -            -
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total dividends and distributions                                      (0.458)       (0.494)      (0.481)      (0.501)      (0.512)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Net asset value, end of period                                        $10.890       $11.110      $11.020      $10.740      $10.940
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total return (1)                                                        2.23%         5.42%        7.20%        2.75%        5.25%

Ratios and supplemental data:

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                              $212,859      $226,671     $227,018     $231,738     $239,763
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (2)                             1.08%         1.01%        0.99%        1.08%        1.14%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly (2)       1.09%         1.02%        0.99%        1.08%        1.14%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                    4.03%         4.05%        4.37%        4.52%        4.78%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           4.02%         4.04%        4.37%        4.52%        4.78%
Portfolio turnover                                                         5%           10%          15%          30%          15%

(1) Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of
    dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return
    reflects a waiver and payment of fees by the manager, as applicable. Performance would have been lower had the expense
    limitation not been in effect.

(2) The "Ratio of expenses to average net assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and
    expenses paid indirectly" have been restated. The Fund participates in inverse floater programs where it has transferred its own
    bonds to a trust that issues floating rate securities and inverse floating rate securities with an aggregate principal amount
    equal to the principal of the transferred bond. The Fund receives the inverse floating rate securities and cash from the trust
    in consideration of the conveyance of the municipal bonds to the trust. Previously, the Fund treated this transaction as a sale
    of the bonds and a purchase of inverse floating rate securities. Under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140,
    Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities, the transfer of the bonds is not
    considered a sale, but rather a form of financing for accounting purposes. The ratios in the table above have been restated to
    include interest and related expenses which include, but are not limited to, interest expense, remarketing fees, liquidity fees,
    and trustees' fees. Previously, interest and related expenses were not included in the "Ratio of expenses to average net
    assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly." Prior to the
    restatements, these ratios were as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Ratio of expenses to average net assets                                 0.89%         0.89%        0.89%        0.93%        0.96%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           0.90%         0.90%        0.89%        0.93%        0.96%

See accompanying notes



Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund Class B (Restated)

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were
as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Net asset value, beginning of period                                  $11.100       $11.010      $10.730      $10.940      $10.890

Income (loss) from investment operations:

Net investment income                                                   0.357         0.364        0.397        0.415        0.433
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                 (0.200)        0.137        0.282       (0.207)       0.048
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total from investment operations                                        0.157         0.501        0.679        0.208        0.481
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Less dividends and distributions from:

Net investment income                                                  (0.355)       (0.362)      (0.399)      (0.418)      (0.431)
Net realized gain on investments                                       (0.022)       (0.049)           -            -            -
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total dividends and distributions                                      (0.377)       (0.411)      (0.399)      (0.418)      (0.431)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Net asset value, end of period                                        $10.880       $11.100      $11.010      $10.730      $10.940
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total return (1)                                                        1.47%         4.64%        6.41%        1.89%        4.56%

Ratios and supplemental data:

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                               $10,182       $12,337      $14,317      $15,647      $14,341
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (2)                             1.83%         1.76%        1.74%        1.83%        1.89%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly (2)       1.84%         1.77%        1.74%        1.83%        1.89%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                    3.28%         3.30%        3.62%        3.77%        4.03%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           3.27%         3.29%        3.62%        3.77%        4.03%
Portfolio turnover                                                         5%           10%          15%          30%          15%

(1) Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of
    dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return
    reflects a waiver and payment of fees by the manager, as applicable. Performance would have been lower had the expense
    limitation not been in effect.

(2) The "Ratio of expenses to average net assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and
    expenses paid indirectly" have been restated. The Fund participates in inverse floater programs where it has transferred its own
    bonds to a trust that issues floating rate securities and inverse floating rate securities with an aggregate principal amount
    equal to the principal of the transferred bond. The Fund receives the inverse floating rate securities and cash from the trust
    in consideration of the conveyance of the municipal bonds to the trust. Previously, the Fund treated this transaction as a sale
    of the bonds and a purchase of inverse floating rate securities. Under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140,
    Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities, the transfer of the bonds is not
    considered a sale, but rather a form of financing for accounting purposes. The ratios in the table above have been restated to
    include interest and related expenses which include, but are not limited to, interest expense, remarketing fees, liquidity fees,
    and trustees' fees. Previously, interest and related expenses were not included in the "Ratio of expenses to average net
    assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly." Prior to the
    restatements, these ratios were as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Ratio of expenses to average net assets                                 1.64%         1.64%        1.64%        1.68%        1.71%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           1.65%         1.65%        1.64%        1.68%        1.71%

See accompanying notes

                                                              (continues)     41


Financial highlights

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund Class C (Restated)

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were
as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Net asset value, beginning of period                                  $11.120       $11.030      $10.750      $10.950      $10.910

Income (loss) from investment operations:

Net investment income                                                   0.356         0.364        0.396        0.414        0.433
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                 (0.200)        0.137        0.282       (0.197)       0.038
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total from investment operations                                        0.156         0.501        0.678        0.217        0.471
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Less dividends and distributions from:

Net investment income                                                  (0.354)       (0.362)      (0.398)      (0.417)      (0.431)
Net realized gain on investments                                       (0.022)       (0.049)           -            -            -
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total dividends and distributions                                      (0.376)       (0.411)      (0.398)      (0.417)      (0.431)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Net asset value, end of period                                        $10.900       $11.120      $11.030      $10.750      $10.950
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total return (1)                                                        1.46%         4.63%        6.39%        1.97%        4.46%

Ratios and supplemental data:

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                               $12,554       $12,269      $12,028      $11,966       $6,083
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (2)                             1.83%         1.76%        1.74%        1.83%        1.89%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly (2)       1.84%         1.77%        1.74%        1.83%        1.89%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                    3.28%         3.30%        3.62%        3.77%        4.03%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           3.27%         3.29%        3.62%        3.77%        4.03%
Portfolio turnover                                                         5%           10%          15%          30%          15%

(1) Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of
    dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return
    reflects a waiver and payment of fees by the manager, as applicable. Performance would have been lower had the expense
    limitation not been in effect.

(2) The "Ratio of expenses to average net assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and
    expenses paid indirectly" have been restated. The Fund participates in inverse floater programs where it has transferred its own
    bonds to a trust that issues floating rate securities and inverse floating rate securities with an aggregate principal amount
    equal to the principal of the transferred bond. The Fund receives the inverse floating rate securities and cash from the trust
    in consideration of the conveyance of the municipal bonds to the trust. Previously, the Fund treated this transaction as a sale
    of the bonds and a purchase of inverse floating rate securities. Under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140,
    Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities, the transfer of the bonds is not
    considered a sale, but rather a form of financing for accounting purposes. The ratios in the table above have been restated to
    include interest and related expenses which include, but are not limited to, interest expense, remarketing fees, liquidity fees,
    and trustees' fees. Previously, interest and related expenses were not included in the "Ratio of expenses to average net
    assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly." Prior to the
    restatements, these ratios were as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Ratio of expenses to average net assets                                 1.64%         1.64%        1.64%        1.68%        1.71%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           1.65%         1.65%        1.64%        1.68%        1.71%

See accompanying notes



Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund Class A (Restated)

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were
as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Net asset value, beginning of period                                  $11.010       $10.890      $10.630      $10.720      $10.580

Income (loss) from investment operations:

Net investment income                                                   0.429         0.407        0.444        0.469        0.512
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                 (0.150)        0.120        0.260       (0.088)       0.138
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total from investment operations                                        0.279         0.527        0.704        0.381        0.650
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Less dividends and distributions from:

Net investment income                                                  (0.429)       (0.407)      (0.444)      (0.471)      (0.510)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total dividends and distributions                                      (0.429)       (0.407)      (0.444)      (0.471)      (0.510)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Net asset value, end of period                                        $10.860       $11.010      $10.890      $10.630      $10.720
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total return (1)                                                        2.62%         4.93%        6.73%        3.59%        6.34%

Ratios and supplemental data:

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                               $48,297       $52,958      $57,012      $57,635      $51,034
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (2)                             0.75%         0.79%        0.89%        0.96%        0.98%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly (2)       0.97%         0.95%        1.00%        1.06%        0.98%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                    3.96%         3.72%        4.10%        4.32%        4.86%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           3.74%         3.56%        3.99%        4.22%        4.86%
Portfolio turnover                                                        11%           25%          30%          23%          35%

(1) Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of
    dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return
    reflects waivers and payment of fees by the manager and distributor, as applicable. Performance would have been lower had the
    expense limitation not been in effect.

(2) The "Ratio of expenses to average net assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and
    expenses paid indirectly" for the years ended August 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002 have been restated. The Fund participates in
    inverse floater programs where it has transferred its own bonds to a trust that issues floating rate securities and inverse
    floating rate securities with an aggregate principal amount equal to the principal of the transferred bond. The Fund receives
    the inverse floating rate securities and cash from the trust in consideration of the conveyance of the municipal bonds to the
    trust. Previously, the Fund treated this transaction as a sale of the bonds and a purchase of inverse floating rate securities.
    Under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140, Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and
    Extinguishments of Liabilities, the transfer of the bonds is not considered a sale, but rather a form of financing for
    accounting purposes. The ratios in the table above have been restated to include interest and related expenses which include,
    but are not limited to, interest expense, remarketing fees, liquidity fees, and trustees' fees. Previously, interest and
    related expenses were not included in the "Ratio of expenses to average net assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net
    assets prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly." Prior to the restatements, these ratios were as follows:

                                                                                                            Year Ended

                                                                                                 8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Ratio of expenses to average net assets                                                            0.84%        0.86%        0.85%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly                                      0.95%        0.96%        0.85%

See accompanying notes

                                                              (continues)     43


Financial highlights

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund Class B (Restated)

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were
as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Net asset value, beginning of period                                  $11.040       $10.920      $10.650      $10.740      $10.600

Income (loss) from investment operations:

Net investment income                                                   0.337         0.314        0.352        0.377        0.423
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                 (0.150)        0.120        0.270       (0.088)       0.137
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total from investment operations                                        0.187         0.434        0.622        0.289        0.560
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Less dividends and distributions from:

Net investment income                                                  (0.337)       (0.314)      (0.352)      (0.379)      (0.420)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total dividends and distributions                                      (0.337)       (0.314)      (0.352)      (0.379)      (0.420)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Net asset value, end of period                                        $10.890       $11.040      $10.920      $10.650      $10.740
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total return (1)                                                        1.75%         4.03%        5.91%        2.70%        5.43%

Ratios and supplemental data:

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                                $1,993        $2,811       $3,224       $4,002       $2,852
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (2)                             1.60%         1.64%        1.74%        1.81%        1.83%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly (2)       1.72%         1.70%        1.75%        1.83%        1.83%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                    3.11%         2.87%        3.25%        3.47%        4.01%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           2.99%         2.81%        3.24%        3.45%        4.01%
Portfolio turnover                                                        11%           25%          30%          23%          35%

(1) Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of
    dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return
    reflects a waiver and payment of fees by the manager, as applicable. Performance would have been lower had the expense
    limitation not been in effect.

(2) The "Ratio of expenses to average net assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and
    expenses paid indirectly" for the years ended August 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002 have been restated. The Fund participates in
    inverse floater programs where it has transferred its own bonds to a trust that issues floating rate securities and inverse
    floating rate securities with an aggregate principal amount equal to the principal of the transferred bond. The Fund receives
    the inverse floating rate securities and cash from the trust in consideration of the conveyance of the municipal bonds to the
    trust. Previously, the Fund treated this transaction as a sale of the bonds and a purchase of inverse floating rate securities.
    Under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140, Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and
    Extinguishments of Liabilities, the transfer of the bonds is not considered a sale, but rather a form of financing for
    accounting purposes. The ratios in the table above have been restated to include interest and related expenses which include,
    but are not limited to, interest expense, remarketing fees, liquidity fees, and trustees' fees. Previously, interest and related
    expenses were not included in the "Ratio of expenses to average net assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior
    to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly." Prior to the restatements, these ratios were as follows:

                                                                                                            Year Ended

                                                                                                 8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Ratio of expenses to average net assets                                                            1.69%        1.71%        1.70%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly                                      1.70%        1.73%        1.70%

See accompanying notes



Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund Class C (Restated)

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were
as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Net asset value, beginning of period                                  $11.030       $10.910      $10.640      $10.730      $10.590

Income (loss) from investment operations:

Net investment income                                                   0.337         0.314        0.352        0.377        0.423
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                 (0.150)        0.120        0.270       (0.088)       0.137
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total from investment operations                                        0.187         0.434        0.622        0.289        0.560
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Less dividends and distributions from:

Net investment income                                                  (0.337)       (0.314)      (0.352)      (0.379)      (0.420)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total dividends and distributions                                      (0.337)       (0.314)      (0.352)      (0.379)      (0.420)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Net asset value, end of period                                        $10.880       $11.030      $10.910      $10.640      $10.730
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total return (1)                                                        1.75%         4.04%        5.91%        2.71%        5.44%

Ratios and supplemental data:

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                                $5,162        $5,996       $7,188       $6,544       $4,887
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (2)                             1.60%         1.64%        1.74%        1.81%        1.83%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly (2)       1.72%         1.70%        1.75%        1.83%        1.83%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                    3.11%         2.87%        3.25%        3.47%        4.01%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           2.99%         2.81%        3.24%        3.45%        4.01%
Portfolio turnover                                                        11%           25%          30%          23%          35%

(1) Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of
    dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return
    reflects a waiver and payment of fees by the manager, as applicable. Performance would have been lower had the expense
    limitation not been in effect.

(2) The "Ratio of expenses to average net assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and
    expenses paid indirectly" for the years ended August 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002 have been restated. The Fund participates in
    inverse floater programs where it has transferred its own bonds to a trust that issues floating rate securities and inverse
    floating rate securities with an aggregate principal amount equal to the principal of the transferred bond. The Fund receives
    the inverse floating rate securities and cash from the trust in consideration of the conveyance of the municipal bonds to the
    trust. Previously, the Fund treated this transaction as a sale of the bonds and a purchase of inverse floating rate securities.
    Under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140, Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and
    Extinguishments of Liabilities, the transfer of the bonds is not considered a sale, but rather a form of financing for
    accounting purposes. The ratios in the table above have been restated to include interest and related expenses which include,
    but are not limited to, interest expense, remarketing fees, liquidity fees, and trustees' fees. Previously, interest and related
    expenses were not included in the "Ratio of expenses to average net assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior
    to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly." Prior to the restatements, these ratios were as follows:

                                                                                                            Year Ended

                                                                                                 8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Ratio of expenses to average net assets                                                            1.69%        1.71%        1.70%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly                                      1.70%        1.73%        1.70%

See accompanying notes

                                                              (continues)     45


Financial highlights

Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund Class A

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were
as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Net asset value, beginning of period                                  $10.610       $10.240       $9.910       $9.950       $9.900

Income (loss) from investment operations:

Net investment income                                                   0.445         0.469        0.512        0.550        0.586
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                 (0.082)        0.372        0.328       (0.030)       0.056
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total from investment operations                                        0.363         0.841        0.840        0.520        0.642
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Less dividends and distributions from:

Net investment income                                                  (0.443)       (0.471)      (0.510)      (0.560)      (0.592)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total dividends and distributions                                      (0.443)       (0.471)      (0.510)      (0.560)      (0.592)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Net asset value, end of period                                        $10.530       $10.610      $10.240       $9.910       $9.950
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total return (1)                                                         3.54%        8.40%        8.65%        5.33%        6.74%

Ratios and supplemental data:

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                               $87,504       $63,802      $42,636      $36,644      $34,867
Ratio of expenses to average net assets                                 0.89%         0.89%        0.75%        0.75%        0.75%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           1.00%         0.98%        1.00%        1.04%        1.01%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                    4.26%         4.50%        5.03%        5.48%        5.98%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           4.15%         4.41%        4.78%        5.19%        5.72%
Portfolio turnover                                                         4%            3%          24%          32%          33%

(1) Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of
    dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return
    reflects a waiver and payment of fees by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the expense limitation not been in

See accompanying notes



Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund Class B

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were
as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Net asset value, beginning of period                                  $10.630       $10.250       $9.930      $ 9.970      $ 9.910

Income (loss) from investment operations:

Net investment income                                                   0.367         0.391        0.435        0.475        0.513
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                 (0.082)        0.381        0.318       (0.030)       0.063
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total from investment operations                                        0.285         0.772        0.753        0.445        0.576
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Less dividends and distributions from:

Net investment income                                                  (0.365)       (0.392)      (0.433)      (0.485)      (0.516)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total dividends and distributions                                      (0.365)       (0.392)      (0.433)      (0.485)      (0.516)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Net asset value, end of period                                        $10.550       $10.630      $10.250       $9.930       $9.970
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total return (1)                                                        2.77%         7.68%        7.71%        4.55%        6.03%

Ratios and supplemental data:

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                                $9,578       $10,505      $12,463      $12,513      $13,379
Ratio of expenses to average net assets                                 1.64%         1.64%        1.50%        1.50%        1.50%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           1.75%         1.73%        1.75%        1.79%        1.76%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                    3.51%         3.75%        4.28%        4.73%        5.23%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           3.40%         3.66%        4.03%        4.44%        4.97%
Portfolio turnover                                                         4%            3%          24%          32%          33%

(1) Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of
    dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return
    reflects a waiver and payment of fees by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the expense limitation not been in

See accompanying notes

                                                              (continues)     47


Financial highlights

Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund Class C

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were
as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Net asset value, beginning of period                                  $10.630       $10.250      $ 9.930       $9.970       $9.910

Income (loss) from investment operations:

Net investment income                                                   0.367         0.391        0.435        0.475        0.513
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                 (0.082)        0.381        0.318       (0.030)       0.063
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total from investment operations                                        0.285         0.772        0.753        0.445        0.576
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Less dividends and distributions from:

Net investment income                                                  (0.365)       (0.392)      (0.433)      (0.485)      (0.516)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total dividends and distributions                                      (0.365)       (0.392)      (0.433)      (0.485)      (0.516)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Net asset value, end of period                                        $10.550       $10.630      $10.250       $9.930       $9.970
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total return (1)                                                        2.76%         7.68%        7.71%        4.54%        6.03%

Ratios and supplemental data:

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                               $20,516       $15,809      $11,435      $10,754       $7,840
Ratio of expenses to average net assets                                 1.64%         1.64%        1.50%        1.50%        1.50%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           1.75%         1.73%        1.75%        1.79%        1.76%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                    3.51%         3.75%        4.28%        4.73%        5.23%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           3.40%         3.66%        4.03%        4.44%        4.97%
Portfolio turnover                                                         4%            3%          24%          32%          33%

(1) Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of
    dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return
    reflects a waiver and payment of fees by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the expense limitation not been in

See accompanying notes



Notes to financial statements

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund, Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund and
Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund

August 31, 2006

Voyageur Mutual Funds is organized as a Delaware statutory trust and offers five
series: Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund, Delaware National
High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund, Delaware Tax-Free California Fund, Delaware
Tax-Free Idaho Fund and Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund. Voyageur Insured Funds
is organized as a Delaware statutory trust and offers two series: Delaware
Tax-Free Arizona Insured Fund and Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund.
Voyageur Tax Free Funds is organized as a Delaware statutory trust and offers
the Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund. Voyageur Intermediate Tax Free Funds is
organized as a Delaware statutory trust and offers the Delaware Tax-Free
Minnesota Intermediate Fund. Voyageur Mutual Funds, Voyageur Insured Funds,
Voyageur Tax Free Funds and Voyageur Intermediate Tax Free Funds are
individually referred to as a "Trust" and collectively as the "Trusts." These
financial statements and the related notes pertain to Delaware Tax-Free
Minnesota Fund, Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund, Delaware Tax-Free
Minnesota Intermediate Fund and Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond
Fund (each referred to as a "Fund" or collectively as the "Funds"). The above
Trusts are open-end investment companies. The Funds are considered
non-diversified under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and offer
Class A, Class B, and Class C shares. Class A shares are sold with a front-end
sales charge of up to 4.50% for Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund, Delaware
Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund and Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond
Fund and up to 2.75% for Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund. Class A
share purchases of $1,000,000 or more will incur a contingent deferred sales
charge of up to 1% if redeemed during the first two years, provided that a
financial advisor was paid commission on the purchase of those shares. Class B
shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge that declines from 4% to
zero for Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund, Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured
Fund and Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund and that declines
from 2% to zero for Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund, depending
upon the period of time the shares are held. Class B shares will automatically
convert to Class A on a quarterly basis approximately eight years after purchase
for Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund, Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund
and Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund and approximately five
years after purchase for Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund. Class C
shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of 1%, if redeemed
during the first twelve months.

The investment objective of Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund and Delaware
Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund is to seek as high a level of current income
exempt from federal income tax and from the Minnesota state personal income tax,
as is consistent with preservation of capital.

The investment objective of Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund is to
seek to provide investors with preservation of capital and, secondarily, current
income exempt from federal income tax and from the Minnesota state personal
income tax, by maintaining a dollar-weighted average effective portfolio
maturity of 10 years or less.

The investment objective of Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund is
to seek as high a level of current income exempt from federal income tax and
from the Minnesota state personal income tax, primarily through investment in
medium- and lower-grade municipal obligations.

1. Significant Accounting Policies

The following accounting policies are in accordance with U.S. generally accepted
accounting principles and are consistently followed by the Funds.

Security Valuation - Long-term debt securities are valued by an independent
pricing service and such prices are believed to reflect the fair value of such
securities. Short-term debt securities having less than 60 days to maturity are
valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Open-end investment
companies are valued at their published net asset value. Other securities and
assets for which market quotations are not readily available are valued at fair
value as determined in good faith under the direction of each Fund's Board of
Trustees. In determining whether market quotations are readily available or fair
valuation will be used, various factors will be taken into consideration, such
as market closures, aftermarket trading or significant events after local market
trading (e.g., government actions or pronouncements, trading volume or
volatility on markets, exchanges among dealers, or news events).

Federal Income Taxes - Each Fund intends to continue to qualify for federal
income tax purposes as a regulated investment company and make the requisite
distributions to shareholders. Accordingly, no provision for federal income
taxes has been made in the financial statements.

On July 13, 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) released FASB
Interpretation No. 48 "Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes" (FIN 48). FIN
48 provides guidance for how uncertain tax positions should be recognized,
measured, presented and disclosed in the financial statements. FIN 48 requires
the evaluation of tax positions taken or expected to be taken in the course of
preparing the Funds' tax returns to determine whether the tax positions are
"more-likely-than-not" of being sustained by the applicable tax authority. Tax
positions not deemed to meet the more-likely-than-not threshold would be
recorded as a tax benefit or expense in the current year. Adoption of FIN 48 is
required for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2006 and is to be applied
to all open tax years as of the effective date. Although the Funds' tax
positions are currently being evaluated, management does not expect the adoption
of FIN 48 to have a material impact on the Funds' financial statements.

Class Accounting - Investment income and common expenses are allocated to the
classes of the Funds on the basis of "settled shares" of each class in relation
to the net assets of the Funds. Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on
investments are allocated to the various classes of the Funds on the basis of
daily net assets of each class. Distribution expenses relating to a specific
class are charged directly to that class.

Use of Estimates - The preparation of financial statements in conformity with
U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make
estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and
liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of
revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ
from those estimates.

Interest and Related Expenses - Interest and related expenses include, but are
not limited to, interest expense, remarketing fees, liquidity fees, and
trustees' fees from the Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund's and Delaware Tax-Free
Minnesota Insured Fund's participation in inverse floater programs

                                                              (continues)     49


Notes to financial statements

Delaware Minnesota Municipal Bond Funds

1. Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

where the Funds have transferred their own bonds to a trust that issues floating
rate securities and inverse floating rate securities with an aggregate principal
amount equal to the principal of the transferred bonds. The Funds receive the
inverse floating rate securities and cash from the trust in consideration of the
conveyance of the municipal bonds to the trust. The cash received is treated as
a form of liability for accounting purposes. Interest expense is recorded by the
Funds based on the interest rate of the floating rate securities. Remarketing
fees, liquidity fees, and trustees' fees expenses are recorded on the accrual

For the year ended August 31, 2006, Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund and
Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund had an average daily liability from the
participation in inverse floater programs of $31,105,000 and $13,275,000,
respectively, and recorded interest expense at an average rate of 3.38% and
3.39%, respectively.

Other - Expenses directly attributable to a Fund are charged directly to that
Fund. Other expenses common to various funds within the Delaware
Investments(R) Family of Funds are generally allocated amongst such funds on
the basis of average net assets. Management fees and some other expenses are
paid monthly. Security transactions are recorded on the date the securities are
purchased or sold (trade date) for financial reporting purposes. Costs used in
calculating realized gains and losses on the sale of investment securities are
those of the specific securities sold. Interest income is recorded on the
accrual basis. Discounts and premiums are amortized to interest income over the
lives of the respective securities. Each Fund declares dividends daily from net
investment income and pays such dividends monthly and declares and pays
distributions from net realized gain on investments, if any, annually.

The Funds receive earnings credits from their custodian when positive cash
balances are maintained, which are used to offset custody fees. The expense paid
under the above arrangement is included in custodian fees on the Statements of
Operations with the corresponding expense offset shown as "expense paid

2. Investment Management, Administration Agreements and Other Transactions with

In accordance with the terms of its respective investment management agreement,
each Fund pays Delaware Management Company (DMC), a series of Delaware
Management Business Trust and the investment manager, an annual fee based on
each Fund's average daily net assets as follows:


                                                                     Delaware Tax-Free    Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Minnesota
                                                Delaware Tax-Free        Minnesota            Minnesota         High-Yield Municipal
                                                  Minnesota Fund       Insured Fund       Intermediate Fund          Bond Fund
                                                _________________    _________________    __________________    ____________________

On the first $500 million                             0.550%               0.500%               0.500%                 0.550%
On the next $500 million                              0.500%               0.475%               0.475%                 0.500%
On the next $1.5 billion                              0.450%               0.450%               0.450%                 0.450%
In excess of $2.5 billion                             0.425%               0.425%               0.425%                 0.425%

DMC has contractually agreed to waive that portion, if any, of its management
fee and reimburse each Fund to the extent necessary to ensure that annual
operating expenses, exclusive of taxes, interest, brokerage commissions,
distribution fees, certain insurance costs and extraordinary expenses, do not
exceed specified percentages of average daily net assets as shown below:


                                                                     Delaware Tax-Free    Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Minnesota
                                                Delaware Tax-Free        Minnesota            Minnesota         High-Yield Municipal
                                                  Minnesota Fund       Insured Fund       Intermediate Fund          Bond Fund
                                                _________________    _________________    __________________    ____________________

Operating expense limitation as a percentage
     of average daily net assets (per annum)           0.69%                0.64%                0.60%                  0.64%
Expiration date                                      12/29/05             10/31/06             10/31/06               10/31/06
Effective December 30, 2005,
     Operating expense limitation as a
     percentage of average daily net assets (per
     annum)                                            0.68%                0.64%                0.60%                  0.64%
Expiration date                                      12/31/06             12/31/06             12/31/06               12/31/06

Delaware Service Company, Inc. (DSC), an affiliate of DMC, provides accounting,
administration, dividend disbursing and transfer agent services. Each Fund pays
DSC a monthly fee computed at the annual rate of 0.04% of such Fund's average
daily net assets for accounting and administration services. Each Fund pays DSC
a monthly fee based on the number of shareholder accounts for dividend
disbursing and transfer agent services.

Pursuant to a distribution agreement and distribution plan, each Fund pays
Delaware Distributors, L.P. (DDLP), the distributor and an affiliate of DMC, an
annual distribution and service fee not to exceed 0.25% of the average daily net
assets of the Class A shares and 1.00% of the average daily net assets of the
Class B and C shares. DDLP has contracted to waive distribution and services
fees through December 31, 2006 in order to prevent distribution and service fees
of Class A shares from exceeding 0.15% of average daily net assets for Delaware
Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund.



2. Investment Management, Administration Agreements and Other Transactions with
   Affiliates (continued)

At August 31, 2006, the Funds had liabilities payable to affiliates as follows:


                                                                     Delaware Tax-Free    Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Minnesota
                                                Delaware Tax-Free        Minnesota            Minnesota         High-Yield Municipal
                                                  Minnesota Fund       Insured Fund       Intermediate Fund          Bond Fund
                                                _________________    _________________    __________________    ____________________

Investment management fee payable to DMC             $192,838             $97,956              $ 8,596                $33,929
Dividend disbursing, transfer agent,
     accounting and administration fees and
     expenses payable to DSC                           30,693              18,927                4,983                  9,696
Distribution fee payable to DDLP                      102,888              64,101               12,142                 43,527
Other expenses payable to DMC and affiliates*          11,742               6,906                3,126                  3,287

*DMC, as part of its administrative services, pays operating expenses on behalf of each Fund and is reimbursed on a periodic basis.
 Such expenses include items such as printing of shareholder reports, fees for audit, legal and tax services, registration fees and
 trustees' fees.

As provided in the investment management agreement, each Fund bears the cost of
certain legal services, including internal legal services provided to each Fund
by DMC employees. For the year ended August 31, 2006, each Fund was charged for
internal legal services provided by DMC as follows:


                                                                     Delaware Tax-Free    Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Minnesota
                                                Delaware Tax-Free        Minnesota            Minnesota         High-Yield Municipal
                                                  Minnesota Fund       Insured Fund       Intermediate Fund          Bond Fund
                                                _________________    _________________    __________________    ____________________

                                                      $22,874             $13,697               $3,306                 $5,720

For the year ended August 31, 2006, DDLP earned commissions on sales of Class A
shares for each Fund as follows:


                                                                     Delaware Tax-Free    Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Minnesota
                                                Delaware Tax-Free        Minnesota            Minnesota         High-Yield Municipal
                                                  Minnesota Fund       Insured Fund       Intermediate Fund          Bond Fund
                                                _________________    _________________    __________________    ____________________

                                                      $65,336             $27,780               $4,745                $70,869

For the year ended August 31, 2006, DDLP received gross contingent deferred
sales charge commissions on redemption of each Fund's Class A, Class B and Class
C shares, respectively. These commissions were entirely used to offset up-front
commissions previously paid by DDLP to broker-dealers on sales of those shares.
The amounts received were as follows:


                                                                     Delaware Tax-Free    Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Minnesota
                                                Delaware Tax-Free        Minnesota            Minnesota         High-Yield Municipal
                                                  Minnesota Fund       Insured Fund       Intermediate Fund          Bond Fund
                                                _________________    _________________    __________________    ____________________

Class A                                                $  637             $   280               $5,522                $ 9,896
Class B                                                 7,493              13,148                1,866                 11,279
Class C                                                 6,806               2,045                1,172                  8,077

Certain officers of DMC, DSC, and DDLP are officers and/or trustees of the
Trusts. These officers and trustees are paid no compensation by the Funds.

3. Investments

For the year ended August 31, 2006, the Funds made purchases and sales of
investment securities other than short-term investments as follows:


                                                                     Delaware Tax-Free    Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Minnesota
                                                Delaware Tax-Free        Minnesota            Minnesota         High-Yield Municipal
                                                  Minnesota Fund       Insured Fund       Intermediate Fund          Bond Fund
                                                _________________    _________________    __________________    ____________________

Purchases                                          $71,884,416         $11,312,709           $6,166,602            $31,793,098
Sales                                               51,459,401          19,589,439            9,901,143              3,442,755

At August 31, 2006 the cost of investments and unrealized appreciation
(depreciation) for federal income tax purposes for each Fund were as follows:


                                                                     Delaware Tax-Free    Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Minnesota
                                                Delaware Tax-Free        Minnesota            Minnesota         High-Yield Municipal
                                                  Minnesota Fund       Insured Fund       Intermediate Fund          Bond Fund
                                                _________________    _________________    __________________    ____________________

Cost of investments                                $386,720,288        $217,684,065          $52,951,348           $113,672,073
                                                   ____________        ____________          ___________           ____________

Aggregate unrealized appreciation                  $ 18,578,507        $ 15,519,744          $ 2,040,262           $  3,371,246
Aggregate unrealized depreciation                      (446,314)            (60,428)             (40,292)              (365,849)
                                                   ____________        ____________          ___________           ____________

Net unrealized appreciation                        $ 18,132,193        $ 15,459,316           $1,999,970            $ 3,005,397
                                                   ____________        ____________          ___________           ____________

                                                              (continues)     51


Notes to financial statements

Delaware Minnesota Municipal Bond Funds

4. Dividend and Distribution Information

Income and long-term capital gain distributions are determined in accordance
with federal income tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. generally
accepted accounting principles. Additionally, net short-term gains on sales of
investment securities are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax
purposes. The tax character of dividends and distributions paid during the years
ended August 31, 2006 and 2005 was as follows:


                                                                     Delaware Tax-Free    Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Minnesota
                                                Delaware Tax-Free        Minnesota            Minnesota         High-Yield Municipal
                                                  Minnesota Fund       Insured Fund       Intermediate Fund          Bond Fund
                                                _________________    _________________    __________________    ____________________

Year Ended 8/31/06

Tax-exempt income                                   $16,312,106         $ 9,369,886           $2,195,858             $4,067,083
Ordinary income                                         106,715                   -                    -                      -
Long-term capital gain                                  627,495             476,138                    -                      -
                                                    ___________         ___________           __________             __________

Total                                               $17,046,316         $ 9,846,024           $2,195,858             $4,067,083
                                                    ___________         ___________           __________             __________

Year Ended 8/31/05

Tax-exempt income                                   $15,803,097         $ 9,960,686           $2,350,076             $3,194,622
Long-term capital gain                                4,531,605           1,119,256                    -                      -
                                                    ___________         ___________           __________             __________

Total                                               $20,334,702         $11,079,942           $2,350,076             $3,194,622
                                                    ___________         ___________           __________             __________

As of August 31, 2006, the components of net assets on a tax basis were as


                                                                     Delaware Tax-Free    Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Minnesota
                                                Delaware Tax-Free        Minnesota            Minnesota         High-Yield Municipal
                                                  Minnesota Fund       Insured Fund       Intermediate Fund          Bond Fund
                                                _________________    _________________    __________________    ____________________

Shares of beneficial interest                      $389,782,636        $220,321,556          $54,908,696            $117,216,892
Undistributed long-term capital gain                    306,324                   -                    -                       -
Capital loss carryforwards                                    -                   -           (1,356,875)             (2,432,446)
Post-October losses                                           -            (185,821)            (100,080)               (191,645)
Other temporary differences                             (22,418)                  -                    -                       -
Unrealized appreciation of investments               18,132,193          15,459,316            1,999,970               3,005,397
                                                   ____________        ____________          ___________            ____________

Net assets                                         $408,198,735        $235,595,051          $55,451,711            $117,598,198
                                                   ____________        ____________          ___________            ____________

The differences between book basis and tax basis components of net assets are
primarily attributable to tax treatment of market discount on debt instruments.

Post-October losses represent losses realized on investment transactions from
November 1, 2005 through August 31, 2006 that, in accordance with federal income
tax regulations, each Fund has elected to defer and treat as having arisen in
the following fiscal year.

For financial reporting purposes, capital accounts are adjusted to reflect the
tax character of permanent book/tax differences. Reclassifications are primarily
due to tax treatment of market discount on certain debt instruments and
dividends and distributions. Results of operations and net assets were not
affected by these reclassifications. For the year ended August 31, 2006, the
Funds recorded the following reclassifications.


                                                                     Delaware Tax-Free    Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Minnesota
                                                Delaware Tax-Free        Minnesota            Minnesota         High-Yield Municipal
                                                  Minnesota Fund       Insured Fund       Intermediate Fund          Bond Fund
                                                _________________    _________________    __________________    ____________________

Paid-in capital                                      $      -            $(10,836)               $ -                  $     -
Undistributed (Accumulated)
     net investment income (loss)                    (111,818)            (48,530)                18                  (18,537)
Accumulated net realized gain (loss)                  111,818              59,366                (18)                  18,537

For federal income tax purposes, capital loss carryforwards may be carried
forward and applied against future capital gains. Capital loss carryforwards
remaining at August 31, 2006 will expire as follows:

                                    Delaware Tax-Free       Delaware Minnesota
                                        Minnesota          High-Yield Municipal
Year of Expiration                  Intermediate Fund           Bond Fund
__________________                  _________________     ______________________

2008                                   $        -               $  179,791
2009                                    1,024,839                1,267,552
2010                                        4,037                   57,521
2011                                      246,659                  243,334
2012                                            -                  684,248
2014                                       81,340                        -
                                       __________               __________

Total                                  $1,356,875               $2,432,446
                                       __________               __________

For the year ended August 31, 2006, the Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal
Bond Fund utilized $1,332 in capital loss carryforwards.


5. Capital Shares

Transactions in capital shares were as follows:

                                                                            Delaware Tax-Free               Delaware Tax-Free
                                                                             Minnesota Fund               Minnesota Insured Fund
                                                                     _____________________________     _____________________________

                                                                              Year Ended                         Year Ended
                                                                       8/31/06          8/31/05           8/31/06          8/31/05

Shares sold:
     Class A                                                          3,740,009         2,605,601        1,066,208        1,206,325
     Class B                                                             64,648            82,005           32,933           68,954
     Class C                                                            354,758           323,335          177,451          200,888

Shares issued upon reinvestments of dividends and distributions:
     Class A                                                            824,435           999,673          559,513          620,080
     Class B                                                             22,000            33,587           27,111           35,325
     Class C                                                             32,061            34,287           27,286           29,235
                                                                     __________        __________       __________       __________

                                                                      5,037,911         4,078,488        1,890,502        2,160,807
                                                                     __________        __________       __________       __________

Shares repurchased:
     Class A                                                         (2,730,163)       (2,466,727)      (2,484,487)      (2,021,780)
     Class B                                                           (187,143)         (262,319)        (235,722)        (293,001)
     Class C                                                           (277,488)         (114,430)        (156,558)        (217,296)
                                                                     __________        __________       __________       __________

                                                                     (3,194,794)       (2,843,476)      (2,876,767)      (2,532,077)
                                                                     __________        __________       __________       __________

Net increase (decrease)                                               1,843,117         1,235,012         (986,265)        (371,270)
                                                                     __________        __________       __________       __________

                                                                      Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota      Delaware Minnesota High-Yield
                                                                           Intermediate Fund               Municipal Bond Fund
                                                                     _____________________________     _____________________________

                                                                             Year Ended                         Year Ended
                                                                       8/31/06          8/31/05           8/31/06          8/31/05

Shares sold:
     Class A                                                            413,224           811,048        3,175,962        2,173,370
     Class B                                                              1,162             4,238          185,827          117,618
     Class C                                                            100,419            67,333          736,336          547,300

Shares issued upon reinvestment of dividends and distributions:
     Class A                                                            130,882           139,829          178,840          133,229
     Class B                                                              4,900             5,713           21,720           24,644
     Class C                                                             10,784            14,403           41,851           27,930
                                                                     __________        __________       __________       __________

                                                                        661,371         1,042,564        4,340,536        3,024,091
                                                                     __________        __________       __________       __________

Shares repurchased:
     Class A                                                           (907,954)       (1,375,055)      (1,059,998)        (458,057)
     Class B                                                            (77,656)          (50,607)        (288,064)        (369,311)
     Class C                                                           (180,541)         (196,858)        (321,249)        (202,901)
                                                                     __________        __________       __________       __________

                                                                     (1,166,151)       (1,622,520)      (1,669,311)      (1,030,269)
                                                                     __________        __________       __________       __________

Net increase (decrease)                                                (504,780)         (579,956)       2,671,225        1,993,822
                                                                     __________        __________       __________       __________

                                                              (continues)     53


Notes to financial statements

Delaware Minnesota Municipal Bond Funds

5. Capital Shares (continued)

For the years ended August 31, 2006 and 2005, the following shares and values
were converted from Class B to Class A shares. The respective amounts are
included in Class B redemptions and Class A subscriptions in the tables on the
previous page and the Statements of Changes in Net Assets.

                                                         Year Ended                                      Year Ended
                                                           8/31/06                                         8/31/05
                                         __________________________________________        _________________________________________

                                         Class B         Class A                           Class B         Class A
                                         Shares          shares            Value           shares          shares           Value
                                         _______         _______         __________        _______         _______        __________

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund          66,784          66,836         $  831,110        113,069         113,158        $1,420,503
Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota
     Insured Fund                         80,959          80,882            878,177        122,887         122,776         1,352,796
Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota
     Intermediate Fund                    18,914          18,958            203,874         21,297          21,349           231,714
Delaware Minnesota High-Yield
     Municipal Bond Fund                 167,328         167,637          1,747,428        192,047         192,388         1,991,365

6. Line of Credit

Each Fund, along with certain other funds in the Delaware Investments(R)
Family of Funds (the "Participants"), participates in a $225,000,000 revolving
line of credit facility to be used for temporary or emergency purposes as an
additional source of liquidity to fund redemptions of investor shares. The
Participants are charged an annual commitment fee, which is allocated across the
Participants on the basis of each Participant's allocation of the entire
facility. The Participants may borrow up to a maximum of one third of their net
assets under the agreement. The Funds had no amounts outstanding as of August
31, 2006, or at any time during the year then ended.

7. Credit and Market Risk

The Funds concentrate their investments in securities issued by municipalities,
mainly in Minnesota. The value of these investments may be adversely affected by
new legislation within the state, regional or local economic conditions, and
differing levels of supply and demand for municipal bonds. Many municipalities
insure repayment for their obligations. Although bond insurance reduces the risk
of loss due to default by an issuer, such bonds remain subject to the risk that
market value may fluctuate for other reasons and there is no assurance that the
insurance company will meet its obligations. These securities have been
identified in the Statements of Net Assets.

The Funds may participate in inverse floater programs where they transfer their
own bonds to a trust that issues floating rate securities and inverse floating
rate securities ("inverse floaters") with an aggregate principal amount equal to
the principal of the transferred bonds. The inverse floaters received by the
Funds are derivative tax-exempt obligations with floating or variable interest
rates that move in the opposite direction of short-term interest rates, usually
at an accelerated speed. Consequently, the market values of the inverse floaters
will generally be more volatile than other tax-exempt investments. A Fund
typically uses inverse floaters to adjust the duration of its portfolio.
Duration measures a portfolio's sensitivity to changes in interest rates. By
holding inverse floaters with a different duration than the underlying bonds
that the Fund transferred to the trust, the Fund seeks to adjust its portfolio's
sensitivity to changes in interest rates. A Fund may also invest in inverse
floaters to add additional income to the Fund or to adjust the Fund's exposure
to a specific segment of the yield curve. Such securities are identified on the
Statements of Net Assets.

The Funds may invest in advanced refunded bonds, escrow secured bonds or
defeased bonds. Under current federal tax laws and regulations, state and local
government borrowers are permitted to refinance outstanding bonds by issuing new
bonds. The issuer refinances the outstanding debt to either reduce interest
costs or to remove or alter restrictive covenants imposed by the bonds being
refinanced. A refunding transaction where the municipal securities are being
refunded within 90 days or less from the issuance of the refunding issue is
known as a "current refunding." "Advance refunded bonds" are bonds in which the
refunded bond issue remains outstanding for more than 90 days following the
issuance of the refunding issue. In an advance refunding, the issuer will use
the proceeds of a new bond issue to purchase high grade interest bearing debt
securities which are then deposited in an irrevocable escrow account held by an
escrow agent to secure all future payments of principal and interest and bond
premium of the advance refunded bond. Bonds are "escrowed to maturity" when the
proceeds of the refunding issue are deposited in an escrow account for
investment sufficient to pay all of the principal and interest on the original
interest payment and maturity dates. Bonds are considered "pre-refunded" when
the refunding issue's proceeds are escrowed only until a permitted call date or
dates on the refunded issue with the refunded issue being redeemed at the time,
including any required premium. Bonds become "defeased" when the rights and
interests of the bondholders and of their lien on the pledged revenues or other
security under the terms of the bond contract are substituted with an
alternative source of revenues (the escrow securities) sufficient to meet
payments of principal and interest to maturity or to the first call dates.
Escrowed secured bonds will often receive a rating of AAA from Moody's Investors
Service, Inc., Standard & Poor's Rating Group, and/or Fitch Ratings due to the
strong credit quality of the escrow securities and the irrevocable nature of the
escrow deposit agreement. The Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund will purchase
escrow secured bonds without additional insurance only where the escrow is
invested in securities of the U.S. government or agencies or instrumentalities
of the U.S. government.



7. Credit and Market Risk (continued)

Each Fund may invest a portion of its total assets in illiquid securities, which
may include securities with contractual restrictions on resale, securities
exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended, and other securities which may not be readily marketable. The relative
illiquidity of these securities may impair each Fund from disposing of them in a
timely manner and at a fair price when it is necessary or desirable to do so.
While maintaining oversight, each Fund's Board of Trustees has delegated to DMC
the day-to-day functions of determining whether individual securities are liquid
for purposes of each Fund's limitation on investments in illiquid assets. At
August 31, 2006, there were no Rule 144A securities. Illiquid securities have
been identified on the Statements of Net Assets.

8. Contractual Obligations

The Funds enter into contracts in the normal course of business that contain a
variety of indemnifications. The Funds' maximum exposure under these
arrangements is unknown. However, the Funds have not had prior claims or losses
pursuant to these contracts. Management has reviewed each Fund's existing
contracts and expects the risk of loss to be remote.

9. Subsequent Event

On August 17, 2006, the Board of Trustees responsible for Delaware Tax-Free
Minnesota Insured Fund (the "Reorganizing Fund") approved a proposal to
reorganize the Reorganizing Fund with and into the Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota
Fund (the "Acquiring Fund") subject to shareholder approval. The Board of
Trustees responsible for the Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund also approved the

Effective as of the close of business on September 1, 2006, the Reorganizing
Fund will be closed to new investors. Shareholders of the Reorganizing Fund will
receive a proxy statement/prospectus providing them with information about the
Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund and requesting their votes on the proposed
reorganization of their Fund at a special meeting of shareholders to be held in
late November 2006. If approved, the reorganization would be expected to take
place in the first quarter of 2007. Additionally, the Delaware Tax-Free
Minnesota Insured Fund would continue to accept purchases from existing
shareholders (including reinvested dividends or capital gains) until the last
business day before the reorganization.

10. Restatement of Financial Statements

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund's and Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured
Fund's financial statements and related disclosures and Delaware Tax-Free
Minnesota Fund's, Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund's and Delaware
Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund's financial highlights have been restated.
The Funds participate in inverse floater programs where they have transferred
their own bonds to a trust that issues floating rate securities and inverse
floating rate securities with an aggregate principal amount equal to the
principal of the transferred bond. The Funds receive the inverse floating rate
securities and cash from the trust in consideration of the conveyance of the
municipal bonds to the trust. Previously, the Funds treated this transaction as
a sale of the bonds and as a purchase of the inverse floating rate securities.
Under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140, Accounting for
Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities
(FAS 140), the transfer of the bonds is not considered a sale, but rather a form
of financing for accounting purposes. As a result, the Funds restated their
financials statements to include the original transferred bond, and the
corresponding obligation, interest and related expenses associated with
participating in these inverse floater programs. The result of the restatements
was an increase in assets and liabilities and corresponding increases in
interest income and expenses. These changes did not impact the net asset value,
total return, or net investment income of the Funds. The effects of the
restatement on the financial highlights are disclosed therein. The following
represents the previously reported information in the financial statements and
the restated information:

                                                              (continues)     55


Notes to financial statements

Delaware Minnesota Municipal Bond Funds

10. Restatement of Financial Statements (continued)
Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund

                                                      Previously Reported             Restated
                                                      ___________________           _____________

Statement of Net Assets

     Total market value of securities                     $404,852,481                435,957,481
     Other assets [liabilities], net                         3,346,254                (27,758,746)
     Total net assets                                      408,198,735                408,198,735
     Investments at cost                                   386,924,238                418,029,238

Statement of Operations

     Interest income                                      $ 20,085,468               $ 21,137,119
     Interest and related expense                                    0                  1,051,651
     Subtotal of gross expenses                              3,938,784                  4,990,435
     Total operating expenses                                3,921,168                  4,972,819
     Net investment income                                  16,164,300                 16,164,300

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund

                                                      Previously Reported             Restated
                                                      ___________________           _____________

Statement of Net Assets

     Total market value of securities                     $233,143,381               $246,418,381
     Other assets [liabilities], net                         2,451,670                (10,823,330)
     Total net assets                                      235,595,051                235,595,051
     Investments at cost                                   218,107,840                231,382,940

Statement of Operations

     Interest income                                      $ 11,700,803               $ 12,150,622
     Interest and related expense                                    0                    449,819
     Subtotal of gross expenses                              2,322,250                  2,772,069
     Total operating expenses                                2,293,223                  2,743,042
     Net investment income                                   9,407,580                  9,407,580


   Note 1-added accounting policy disclosure for Interest and related expenses
   Note 7-added additional information related to Inverse Floater programs

11. Tax Information (Unaudited)

The information set forth below is for each Fund's fiscal year as required by
federal laws. Shareholders, however, must report distributions on a calendar
year basis for income tax purposes, which may include distributions for portions
of two fiscal years of a Fund. Accordingly, the information needed by
shareholders for income tax purposes will be sent to them in January of each
year. Please consult your tax advisor for proper treatment of this information.

For the fiscal year ended August 31, 2006, each Fund designates distributions
paid during the year as follows:

                                                               (A)                  (B)
                                                            Long-Term            Ordinary             (C)
                                                          Capital Gains           Income           Tax Exempt            Total
                                                          Distributions        Distributions      Distributions      Distributions
                                                           (Tax Basis)          (Tax Basis)        (Tax Basis)        (Tax Basis)
                                                        _________________     _______________    _______________    _______________

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund                               4%                    1%                95%                100%
Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund                       5%                    0%                95%                100%
Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund                  0%                    0%               100%                100%
Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund              0%                    0%               100%                100%

(A), (B), and (C) are based on a percentage of each Fund's total distributions.



Report of independent
registered public accounting firm

To the Shareholders and Board of Trustees
Voyageur Tax Free Funds - Delaware Tax-Free
Minnesota Fund
Voyageur Insured Funds - Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota
Insured Fund
Voyageur Intermediate Tax Free Funds - Delaware Tax-
Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund
Voyageur Mutual Funds - Delaware Minnesota High-
Yield Municipal Bond Fund

We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets of Delaware Tax-Free
Minnesota Fund (sole series of Voyageur Tax Free Funds), Delaware Tax-Free
Minnesota Insured Fund (one of the series constituting Voyageur Insured Funds),
Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund (sole series of Voyageur
Intermediate Tax Free Funds) and Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond
Fund (one of the series constituting Voyageur Mutual Funds) (the "Funds") as of
August 31, 2006, and the related statements of operations for the year then
ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the
period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in
the period then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are
the responsibility of the Funds' management. Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. We were
not engaged to perform an audit of the Funds' internal control over financial
reporting. Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial
reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the
circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the
effectiveness of the Funds' internal control over financial reporting.
Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a
test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements and financial highlights, assessing the accounting principles used
and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation. Our procedures included confirmation of
securities owned as of August 31, 2006, by correspondence with the custodian and
brokers or by other appropriate auditing procedures where replies from brokers
were not received. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to
above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the
Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund of Voyageur Tax Free Funds, the Delaware
Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund of Voyageur Insured Funds, the Delaware Tax-Free
Minnesota Intermediate Fund of Voyageur Intermediate Tax Free Funds, and the
Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund of Voyageur Mutual Funds at
August 31, 2006, the results of their operations for the year then ended, the
changes in their net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended,
and their financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then
ended, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

As discussed in Note 10, the financial statements of Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota
Fund and Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund and the financial highlights
of Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund, Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund
and Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund have been restated to correct
the accounting treatment relating to participation in inverse floater programs
in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140,
Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments
of Liabilities.

                                                           /s/ Ernst & Young LLP

October 11, 2006
except for Note 10, as to which the date is
January 2, 2007

                                                              (continues)     57


Other Fund information

Delaware Minnesota Municipal Bonds

Board Consideration of Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund, Delaware Tax-Free
Minnesota Insured Fund, Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund and
Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund Agreement

At a meeting held on May 17-18, 2006 (the "Annual Meeting"), the Board of
Trustees, including a majority of disinterested or independent Trustees,
approved the renewal of the Investment Advisory Agreements for the Delaware
Tax-Free Minnesota Fund, Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund, Delaware
Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund and Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal
Bond Fund (each a "Fund" and collectively the "Funds"). In making its decision,
the Board considered information furnished throughout the year at regular Board
meetings, as well as information prepared specifically in connection with the
Annual Meeting. Information furnished and discussed throughout the year included
reports detailing Fund performance, investment strategies, expenses, compliance
matters and other services provided by Delaware Management Company ("DMC"), the
investment advisor. Information furnished specifically in connection with the
Annual Meeting included materials provided by DMC and its affiliates ("Delaware
Investments") concerning, among other things, the level of services provided to
the Funds, the costs of such services to the Funds, economies of scale and the
financial condition and profitability of Delaware Investments. In addition, in
connection with the Annual Meeting, the Board considered independent historical
and comparative reports prepared by Lipper Inc. ("Lipper"), an independent
statistical compilation organization. The Board also considered industry
comparative information presented by representatives from Lipper. The Lipper
reports compared each Fund's investment performance and expenses with those of
other comparable mutual funds. The Board also received certain supplemental
information regarding management's policy with respect to advisory fee levels
and its philosophy with respect to breakpoints; the structure of portfolio
manager compensation; and any constraints or limitations on the availability of
securities in certain investment styles which might inhibit DMC's ability to
fully invest in accordance with Fund policies.

In considering such materials, the independent Trustees received assistance and
advice from and met separately with independent counsel and representatives from
Lipper. At the meeting with representatives from Lipper, Mr. Driscoll, then
Chairman of the Delaware Investments(R) Family of Funds, and Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer of the investment advisor, was present to respond to
questions by Lipper and the independent Trustees. While the Board considered the
Investment Advisory Agreements for all of the funds in the Delaware Investments
Family of Funds at the same Board meeting, information was provided and
considered by the Board for each fund individually. In approving the continuance
of the Investment Advisory Agreement for each Fund, the Board, including a
majority of independent Trustees, determined that the existing advisory fee
structure was fair and reasonable and that the continuance of the Investment
Advisory Agreement was in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders.
While attention was given to all information furnished, the following discusses
the primary factors relevant to the Board's deliberations and determination,
including those relating to the selection of the investment advisor and the
approval of the advisory fee.

Nature, Extent and Quality of Service. Consideration was given to the services
provided by Delaware Investments to the Funds and their shareholders. In
reviewing the nature, extent and quality of services, the Board emphasized
reports furnished to it throughout the year at regular Board meetings covering
matters such as the relative performance of the Funds, compliance of portfolio
managers with the investment policies, strategies and restrictions for the
Funds, the compliance of management personnel with the Code of Ethics adopted
throughout the Delaware Investments Family of Funds complex, the adherence to
fair value pricing procedures as established by the Board and the accuracy of
net asset value calculations. The Board noted that it was pleased with the
current staffing of the Funds' investment advisor and management's efforts to
strengthen and deepen portfolio management teams during the past year, the
emphasis on research and the compensation system for advisory personnel.
Favorable consideration was given to DMC's efforts to maintain, and in some
instances increase, financial and human resources committed to fund matters.
Other factors taken into account by the Board were Delaware Investments'
preparedness for, and response to, legal and regulatory matters. The Board also
considered the transfer agent and shareholder services provided to Fund
shareholders by Delaware Investments' affiliate, Delaware Service Company, Inc.
("DSC"), noting DSC's commitment to maintain a high level of service in keeping
with its past receipt of the DALBAR Pyramid Award, and the continuing
expenditures by Delaware Investments to improve the delivery of shareholder
services. Additionally, the Board noted the extent of benefits provided to Fund
shareholders for being part of the Delaware Investments Family of Funds,
including the privilege to exchange investments between the same class of shares
of funds without a sales charge, the ability to reinvest Fund dividends into
other funds and the privilege to combine holdings in other funds to obtain a
reduced sales charge. The Board was satisfied with the nature, extent and
quality of the overall services provided by Delaware Investments.

Investment Performance. The Board considered the investment performance of DMC
and the Funds. The Board was pleased with DMC's investment performance. The
Board placed significant emphasis on the investment performance of the Funds in
view of its importance to shareholders. While consideration was given to
performance reports and discussions with portfolio managers at Board meetings
throughout the year, particular weight was given to the Lipper reports furnished
for the Annual Meeting. The Lipper reports prepared for each Fund showed the
investment performance of its Class A shares in comparison to a group of similar
funds as selected by Lipper (the "Performance Universe"). A fund with the best
performance is ranked first, and a fund with the poorest performance is ranked
last. The highest/best performing 25% of funds in the Performance Universe make
up the first quartile; the next 25% - the second quartile; the next 25% - the
third quartile; and the poorest/worst performing 25% of funds in the Performance
Universe make up the fourth quartile. Comparative annualized performance for the
Funds was shown for the past one, three, five and 10 year periods, as
applicable, ended January 31, 2006. The Board noted its objective that each
Fund's performance for the periods considered be at or above the median of its
Performance Universe. The following paragraphs summarize the performance results
for each Fund and the Board's view of such performance.



Board Consideration of Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund, Delaware Tax-Free
Minnesota Insured Fund, Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund and
Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund Agreement (continued)

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund - The Performance Universe for the Fund
consisted of the Fund and all retail and institutional Minnesota municipal debt
funds as selected by Lipper. The Lipper report comparison showed that the Fund's
total return for the one, three, five and 10 year periods was in the first
quartile of such Performance Universe. The Board was satisfied with such

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund - The Performance Universe for the Fund
consisted of the Fund and all retail and institutional Minnesota municipal debt
funds as selected by Lipper. The Lipper report comparison showed that the Fund's
total return for the one, five and 10 year periods was in the second quartile of
such Performance Universe. The report further showed that the Fund's total
return for the three year period was in the first quartile. The Board was
satisfied with such performance.

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund - The Performance Universe for the
Fund consisted of the Fund and all retail and institutional other states
intermediate municipal debt funds as selected by Lipper. The Lipper report
comparison showed that the Fund's total return for the one, three and five year
periods was in the first quartile of such Performance Universe. The report
further showed that the Fund's total return for the 10 year period was in the
second quartile. The Board was satisfied with such performance.

Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund - Lipper currently classifies
the Fund as a Minnesota municipal debt fund. However, management believes that
it would be more appropriate to include the Fund in the high yield municipal
debt funds category, which would allow the Fund to be compared to a
representative peer group based on credit quality in addition to its current
peer group based on state of issuance. Accordingly, the Lipper report prepared
for the Fund compares the Fund's performance to two separate Performance
Universes consisting of the Fund and all retail and institutional Minnesota
municipal debt funds and all retail and institutional high yield municipal debt
funds. When compared to other Minnesota municipal debt funds, the Lipper report
comparison showed that the Fund's total return for the one, three and five year
periods was in the first quartile of such Performance Universe. When compared to
other high yield municipal debt funds, the Lipper report comparison showed that
the Fund's total return for the one year period was in the third quartile of
such Performance Universe. The report further showed that the Fund's total
return for the three and five year periods was in the second quartile and first
quartile, respectively. The Board was satisfied with the Fund's performance.

Comparative Expenses. The Board considered expense data for the Delaware
Investments(R) Family of Funds. Management provided the Board with information
on pricing levels and fee structures for the Funds. The Board focused
particularly on the comparative analysis of the management fees and total
expense ratios of each Fund and the management fees and expense ratios of a
group of similar funds as selected by Lipper (the "Expense Group"). In reviewing
comparative costs, each Fund's contractual management fee and the actual
management fee incurred by the Fund were compared with the contractual
management fees (assuming all funds in the Expense Group were similar in size to
the Fund) and actual management fees (as reported by each fund) of other funds
within the Expense Group, taking into effect any applicable breakpoints and fee
waivers. Each Fund's total expenses were also compared with those of its Expense
Group. The Lipper total expenses, for comparative consistency, were shown by
Lipper for Class A shares and compared total expenses including 12b-1 and
non-12b-1 service fees. The Board also considered fees paid to Delaware
Investments for non-management services. The Board noted its objective to limit
each Fund's total expense ratio to an acceptable range as compared to the median
of the Expense Group. The following paragraph summarizes the expense results for
each Fund and the Board's view of such expenses.

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund - The expense comparisons for the Fund showed
that its actual management fee and total expenses were in the quartile with the
second highest expenses of its Expense Group. The Board noted that the Fund's
total expenses were not in line with the Board's objective. In evaluating the
total expenses, the Board considered waivers in place through December 2006 and
recent initiatives implemented by management, such as the outsourcing of certain
transfer agency services, creating an opportunity for a reduction in expenses.
The Board was satisfied with management's efforts to improve the Fund's total
expense ratio and bring it in line with the Board's objective.

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund - The expense comparisons for the Fund
showed that its actual management fee and total expenses were in the quartile
with the second lowest expenses of its Expense Group. The Board was satisfied
with the management fees and total expenses of the Fund in comparison to its
Expense Group as shown in the Lipper report.

Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund - The expense comparisons for the
Fund showed that its actual management fee and total expenses were in the
quartile with the lowest expenses of its Expense Group. The Board was satisfied
with the management fees and total expenses of the Fund in comparison to its
Expense Group as shown in the Lipper report.

Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund - When compared to other
Minnesota municipal debt funds, the expense comparisons for the Fund showed that
its actual management fee and total expenses were in the quartile with the
second lowest expenses of its Expense Group. When compared to other high yield
municipal debt funds, the expense comparisons for the Fund showed that its
actual management fee was in the quartile with the lowest expenses of the
Expense Group and its total expenses were in the quartile with the second lowest
expenses of its Expense Group. The Board was satisfied with the management fees
and total expenses of the Fund in comparison to its Expense Group as shown in
the Lipper report.

                                                              (continues)     59


Other Fund information

Delaware Minnesota Municipal Bonds

Board Consideration of Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund, Delaware Tax-Free
Minnesota Insured Fund, Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Intermediate Fund and
Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund Agreement (continued)

Management Profitability. The Board considered the level of profits, if any,
realized by Delaware Investments in connection with the operation of the Funds.
In this respect, the Board reviewed the Investment Management Profitability
Analysis that addressed the overall profitability of Delaware Investments'
business in providing management and other services to each of the individual
funds and the Delaware Investments(R) Family of Funds as a whole. Specific
attention was given to the methodology followed in allocating costs for the
purpose of determining profitability. Management stated that the level of
profits of Delaware Investments, to a certain extent, reflected operational cost
savings and efficiencies initiated by Delaware Investments. The Board considered
Delaware Investments' expenditures to improve services provided to fund
shareholders and to meet additional regulatory and compliance requirements
resulting from recent SEC initiatives. The Board also considered the extent to
which Delaware Investments might derive ancillary benefits from fund operations,
including the potential for procuring additional business as a result of the
prestige and visibility associated with its role as service provider to the
Delaware Investments Family of Funds, the benefits from allocation of fund
brokerage to improve trading efficiencies and the use of "soft" commission
dollars to pay for proprietary and non-proprietary research. The Board did not
find that the level of profits realized by Delaware Investments from the
relationships with the Funds and the Delaware Investments Family of Funds
required negotiation of reduction of fees.

Economies of Scale. The Trustees considered whether economies of scale are
realized by Delaware Investments as each Fund's assets increase and the extent
to which any economies of scale are reflected in the level of management fees
charged. The Trustees took into account the standardized advisory fee pricing
and structure approved by the Board and shareholders as part of a complex-wide
shareholder meeting conducted in 1998/1999. At that time, Delaware Investments
introduced breakpoints to account for management economies of scale. The Board
noted that the fee under each Fund's management contract fell within the
standard structure. Although the Funds have not reached a size at which they can
take advantage of breakpoints, the Board recognized that the fees were
structured so that when the Funds grow, economies of scale may be shared.



Board of trustees/directors
and officers addendum

Delaware Investments(R) Family of Funds

A mutual fund is governed by a Board of Trustees/Directors ("Trustees"), which
has oversight responsibility for the management of a fund's business affairs.
Trustees establish procedures and oversee and review the performance of the
investment manager, the distributor, and others who perform services for the
fund. The independent fund trustees, in particular, are advocates for
shareholder interests. Each trustee has served in that capacity since he or she
was elected to or appointed to the Board of Trustees, and will continue to serve
until his or her retirement or the election of a new trustee in his or her
place. The following is a list of the Trustees and Officers with certain
background and related information.

                                                                                                   Number of
                                                                                               Portfolios in Fund       Other
     Name,                                                                                      Complex Overseen    Directorships
    Address,             Position(s)           Length of             Principal Occupation(s)       by Trustee          Held by
 and Birth Date       Held with Fund(s)       Time Served              During Past 5 Years         or Officer     Trustee or Officer

Interested Trustees

 Patrick P. Coyne (1)     Chairman,      Chairman and Trustee      Patrick P. Coyne has served in      84                None
2005 Market Street        President,     since August 16, 2006      various executive capacities
 Philadelphia, PA      Chief Executive                                  at different times at
      19103             Officer, and          President and           Delaware Investments. (2)
                           Trustee       Chief Executive Officer
  April 14, 1963                          since August 1, 2006

Independent Trustees

Thomas L. Bennett          Trustee               Since                Private Investor -               84                None
2005 Market Street                             March 2005            (March 2004-Present)
 Philadelphia, PA
      19103                                                          Investment Manager -
                                                                     Morgan Stanley & Co.
 October 4, 1947                                                  (January 1984-March 2004)

    John A. Fry            Trustee               Since                      President -                84             Director -
 2005 Market Street                           January 2001          Franklin & Marshall College                    Community Health
  Philadelphia, PA                                                      (June 2002-Present)                            Systems
                                                                    Executive Vice President -                         Director -
    May 28, 1960                                                   University of Pennsylvania                       Allied Barton
                                                                     (April 1995-June 2002)                       Security Holdings

  Anthony D. Knerr         Trustee               Since           Founder and Managing Director -       84                None
 2005 Market Street                            April 1990           Anthony Knerr & Associates
  Philadelphia, PA                                                    (Strategic Consulting)
       19103                                                              (1990-Present)

  December 7, 1938

 Lucinda S. Landreth       Trustee               Since              Chief Investment Officer -         84                None
 2005 Market Street                           March 2005                 Assurant, Inc.
  Philadelphia, PA                                                        (Insurance)
       19103                                                              (2002-2004)

   June 24, 1947

     Ann R. Leven          Trustee               Since                      Consultant -               84            Director and
 2005 Market Street                         September 1989                ARL Associates                           Audit Committee
  Philadelphia, PA                                                     (Financial Planning)                       Chairperson - Andy
        19103                                                             (1983-Present)                           Warhol Foundation

  November 1, 1940                                                                                                Director and Audit
                                                                                                                  Committee Member -
                                                                                                                    Systemax, Inc.

                                                              (continues)     61


                                                                                                   Number of
                                                                                               Portfolios in Fund       Other
     Name,                                                                                      Complex Overseen    Directorships
    Address,             Position(s)           Length of             Principal Occupation(s)       by Trustee          Held by
 and Birth Date       Held with Fund(s)       Time Served              During Past 5 Years         or Officer     Trustee or Officer

Independent Trustees (continued)

Thomas F. Madison          Trustee                Since                President and Chief             84             Director -
2005 Market Street                             May 1997 (3)            Executive Officer -                          Banner Health
 Philadelphia, PA                                                      MLM Partners, Inc.
      19103                                                        (Small Business Investing                          Director -
                                                                         and Consulting)                          CenterPoint Energy
February 25, 1936                                                    (January 1993-Present)
                                                                                                                 Director and Audit
                                                                                                                 Committee Member -
                                                                                                                 Digital River, Inc.

                                                                                                                 Director and Audit
                                                                                                                 Committee Member -

                                                                                                                  Director - Valmont
                                                                                                                   Industries, Inc.

 Janet L. Yeomans          Trustee               Since                    Vice President               84                None
2005 Market Street                             April 1999             (January 2003-Present)
 Philadelphia, PA                                                         and Treasurer
      19103                                                           (January 2006-Present)
                                                                          3M Corporation
  July 31, 1948

                                                                       Ms. Yeomans has held
                                                                   various management positions
                                                                   at 3M Corporation since 1983.

J. Richard Zecher          Trustee               Since                        Founder -                84         Director and Audit
2005 Market Street                             March 2005               Investor Analytics                        Committee Member -
 Philadelphia, PA                                                        (Risk Management)                        Investor Analytics
      19103                                                             (May 1999-Present)
                                                                                                                  Director and Audit
  July 3, 1940                                                                Founder -                           Committee Member -
                                                                      Sutton Asset Management                        Oxigene, Inc.
                                                                           (Hedge Fund)
                                                                      (September 1998-Present)


   David F. Connor     Vice President,    Vice President since     David F. Connor has served as       84                None (4)
 2005 Market Street    Deputy General      September 21, 2000        Vice President and Deputy
  Philadelphia, PA         Counsel,           and Secretary             General Counsel of
        19103           and Secretary             since                Delaware Investments
                                               October 2005                since 2000.

  December 2, 1963

  David P. O'Connor      Senior Vice      Senior Vice President, David P. O'Connor has served in       84                None (4)
 2005 Market Street       President,       General Counsel, and    various executive and legal
  Philadelphia, PA     General Counsel,     Chief Legal Officer   capacities at different times
       19103              and Chief               since              at Delaware Investments.
                        Legal Officer           October 2005

  February 21, 1966

  John J. O'Connor   Senior Vice President      Treasurer         John J. O'Connor has served in       84                None (4)
 2005 Market Street     and Treasurer             since             various executive capacities
  Philadelphia, PA                             February 2005             at different times at
       19103                                                             Delaware Investments.

   June 16, 1957


    Richard Salus          Senior            Chief Financial        Richard Salus has served in        84                None (4)
 2005 Market Street     Vice President        Officer since         various executive capacities
 Philadelphia, PA            and             November 1, 2006           at different times at
       19103           Chief Financial                                   Delaware Investments.

  October 4, 1963

(1) Patrick P. Coyne is considered to be an "Interested Trustee" because he is an executive officer of the Fund's(s') investment
(2) Delaware Investments is the marketing name for Delaware Management Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries, including the Fund's(s')
    investment advisor, principal underwriter, and its transfer agent.
(3) In 1997, several funds managed by Voyageur Fund Managers, Inc. (the "Voyageur Funds") were incorporated into the Delaware
    Investments Family of Funds. Mr. Madison served as a director of the Voyageur Funds from 1993 until 1997.
(4) David F. Connor, David P. O'Connor, John J. O'Connor, and Richard Salus serve in similar capacities for the six portfolios of
    the Optimum Fund Trust, which have the same investment advisor, principal underwriter, and transfer agent as the registrant.
    John J. O'Connor also serves in a similar capacity for Lincoln Variable Insurance Products Trust, which has the same investment
    advisor as the registrant.

The Statement of Additional Information for the Fund(s) includes additional information about the Trustees and Officers and is
available, without charge, upon request by calling 800 523-1918.



About the organization

This annual report is for the information of Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund,
Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund, Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota
Intermediate Fund, and Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund
shareholders, but it may be used with prospective investors when preceded or
accompanied by a current prospectus for Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Fund,
Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota Insured Fund, Delaware Tax-Free Minnesota
Intermediate Fund, Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund, and the
Delaware Investments(R) Performance Update for the most recently completed
calendar quarter. The prospectus sets forth details about charges, expenses,
investment objectives, and operating policies of the Fund. You should read the
prospectus carefully before you invest. The figures in this report represent
past results that are not a guarantee of future results. The return and
principal value of an investment in the Fund will fluctuate so that shares, when
redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost.

Board of trustees

Patrick P. Coyne

Chairman, President, and
Chief Executive Officer
Delaware Investments Family of
Funds Philadelphia, PA

Thomas L. Bennett

Private Investor
Rosemont, PA

John A. Fry

Franklin & Marshall College
Lancaster, PA

Anthony D. Knerr

Founder and Managing Director
Anthony Knerr & Associates
New York, NY

Lucinda S. Landreth

Former Chief Investment Officer
Assurant, Inc.
Philadelphia, PA

Ann R. Leven

ARL Associates
New York, NY

Thomas F. Madison

President and Chief Executive Officer
MLM Partners, Inc.
Minneapolis, MN

Janet L. Yeomans

Vice President and Treasurer
3M Corporation
St. Paul, MN

J. Richard Zecher

Investor Analytics
Scottsdale, AZ

Affiliated officers

David F. Connor

Vice President, Deputy General Counsel,
and Secretary
Delaware Investments Family of Funds
Philadelphia, PA

David P. O'Connor

Senior Vice President, General Counsel,
and Chief Legal Officer
Delaware Investments Family of Funds
Philadelphia, PA

John J. O'Connor

Senior Vice President and Treasurer
Delaware Investments Family of Funds
Philadelphia, PA

Richard Salus

Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer
Delaware Investments Family of Funds
Philadelphia, PA

Contact information

Investment manager

Delaware Management Company, a series
of Delaware Management Business Trust
Philadelphia, PA

National distributor

Delaware Distributors, L.P.
Philadelphia, PA

Shareholder servicing, dividend
disbursing, and transfer agent

Delaware Service Company, Inc.
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-7094

For shareholders

800 523-1918

For securities dealers and financial
institutions representatives only

800 362-7500

Web site


Delaware Investments is the marketing name of Delaware Management Holdings, Inc.
and its subsidiaries.

Each Fund files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities
and Exchange Commission for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on
Form N-Q. Each Fund's Forms N-Q, as well as a description of the policies and
procedures that each Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies (if any)
relating to portfolio securities are available without charge (i) upon request,
by calling 800 523-1918; (ii) on each Fund's Web site at
http://www.delawareinvestments.com; and (iii) on the Commission's Web site at
http://www.sec.gov. Each Fund's Forms N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the
Commission's Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C.; information on the
operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 800 SEC-0330.

Information (if any) regarding how each Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio
securities during the most recently disclosed 12-month period ended June 30 is
available without charge (i) through each Fund's Web site at
http://www.delawareinvestments.com; and (ii) on the Commission's Web site at


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o Hassle-free investing - Make online purchases and redemptions at any time.

o Simplified tax processing - Automatically retrieve your Delaware Investments
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  Available only with Turbo Tax(R) Online(SM) and Desktop software -

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(909)                                                         Printed in the USA
AR-MNALL [8/06] CGI 1/07                                   MF-06-09-026  PO11533

Annual Report                               Delaware Tax-Free Florida
                                            Insured Fund

                                            Delaware Tax-Free New York

                                            August 31, 2006 (1)

                                            Fixed income mutual funds

                                            (1) Certain financial statements
                                                and financial highlights in this
                                                report have been restated


Table of contents

     > Portfolio management review ............................................1

     > Performance summaries ..................................................6

     > Disclosure of Fund expenses ...........................................10

     > Sector allocation and credit rating breakdown .........................12

     > Statements of net assets ..............................................14

     > Statements of assets and liabilities ..................................19

     > Statements of operations ..............................................20

     > Statements of changes in net assets ...................................21

     > Financial highlights ..................................................22

     > Notes to financial statements .........................................28

     > Report of independent registered public accounting firm ...............35

     > Other Fund information ................................................36

     > Board of trustees/directors and officers addendum .....................38

     > About the organization ................................................40

    Funds are not FDIC insured and are not guaranteed. It is possible to lose
    the principal amount invested.

    Mutual fund advisory services provided by Delaware Management Company, a
    series of Delaware Management Business Trust, which is a registered
    investment advisor.

(C) 2007 Delaware Distributors, L.P.

Portfolio management review

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured / Tax-Free New York Funds

August 31, 2006

Joe Baxter
Robert Collins

Portfolio co-managers

The managers of Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund and Delaware Tax-Free New
York Fund provided the answers to the questions below as a review of the Funds'
activities for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2006.

Q: What was the investment environment for the Delaware Investments municipal
bond mutual funds during the fiscal year ended August 31, 2006?

A: Higher gasoline prices, rising short-term interest rates, and ongoing
uneasiness about changes in the housing market generally caused concerns in the
capital markets and weighed on many investors' outlook for the U.S. economy
during our fiscal year. However, the U.S. economy continued its expansion
throughout the year, recovering somewhat from a period of slower growth that
occurred just after the August and September 2005 hurricanes. Property and
casualty insurers held steady, providing a solid source of capital for the
tax-exempt debt arena as the year progressed. To summarize, we generally viewed
the national-level municipal bond market to be sound over the fiscal year,
despite challenges.

During most of the fiscal year, the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) continued to
raise interest rates. After gradually moving the target for the Fed fund rates
from 3.50% to 5.25%, the Fed finally paused a long string of increases at its
August 2006 meeting. A key tool in the Fed's monetary policy, the Fed funds rate
reflects the percentage of interest that banks charge to lend money to each
other overnight. Through the rate increases, the Fed endeavored to moderate the
pace of economic activity and head off inflation.

Earlier in 2006, the interest rate environment was such that the Treasury yield
curve began to flatten, which means that the difference between short- and
long-term bond yields grew smaller across the spectrum of maturities. This
"flattening" was generally present throughout the second half of the fiscal
year. In this type of environment, bonds with intermediate maturities - those in
the three- to seven-year range - tend to underperform.

Low interest rates provided many issuers with refinancing opportunities early in
the fiscal year, but new bond issuances dropped off significantly beginning in
2006 because more and more municipal bond issuers had already taken the
opportunity to refinance bonds. For instance, through August, the pace of new
issuances year-to-date had retreated 15% versus the same period one year earlier
(source: Thomson Financial).

Comparing tax-exempt and taxable holdings, municipal bond yields began the
fiscal year at nearly the same level as Treasuries (98%). By period end,
however, that gap had widened to 87%, which reflected the greater decline in the
value of Treasury bonds versus their municipal peers (source: Thomson

Q: What other market-related events influenced performance of the funds?

A: Credit quality among bond issuers remained strong or improved during the
fiscal year, generally contributing to demand for lower-rated securities.

In the fiscal period's later stages, we saw more bonds coming to market that we
believed to be of increased risk. Also of note, non-traditional buyers (those
more interested in the relative valuation of the asset class than the
tax-advantaged status of municipal bonds) continued to make their presence felt.
These changes influenced trading patterns in the market and presented a new
challenge to both mutual fund managers and individual investors.

Q: How did the Funds perform relative to their benchmark indices and peer

A: Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund returned 2.78% at net asset value and
- -1.81% at maximum offer price (both figures represent Class A shares with
distributions reinvested) for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2006. The Fund's
performance benchmark, the Lehman Brothers Municipal Bond Index, returned 3.03%.
The Fund's peer group, as measured by the Lipper Insured


Portfolio management review

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured / Tax-Free New York Funds

Municipal Debt Funds Average, returned 2.14% (source: Lipper). For the complete,
annualized performance of Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund, please see the
table on page 6.

Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund returned 2.90% at net asset value and -1.70% at
maximum offer price (both figures represent Class A shares with distributions
reinvested) for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2006. The Fund's performance
benchmark, the Lehman Brothers Municipal Bond Index, returned 3.03%. The Fund's
peer group, as measured by the Lipper New York Municipal Debt Funds Average,
returned 2.65% (source: Lipper). For the complete, annualized performance of
Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund, please see the table on page 8.

Q: How did the market environment affect your approach to municipal bond
investing at large?

A: In the current interest rate environment, our approach to municipal bond
markets at times dictated that we retain current holdings and ultimately our
strategy resulted in limited transactions. During much of the year, we preferred
to seek our objective by holding legacy bonds - securities purchased in prior
fiscal periods - and depending on the attractive bond yields that already
existed within our portfolio of investments.

Generally speaking, it became increasingly difficult in the prevailing interest
rate environment to identify bonds in the market that were more attractive than
the holdings in our portfolio. Frequently during the year, we opted to focus our
resources on monitoring the credit of legacy bonds.

Overall, we followed our bottom-up investment style, which is based on
security-by-security analysis and a free exchange of information among the
various members of a deep team that includes portfolio managers, credit
analysts, and traders.

Q: What local factors may have influenced the municipal bond markets in Florida
and New York?

A: Municipal bond issuance nationally declined by -14.6% during the 12-month
period ended June 30, 2006, due in large part to rising interest rates. By
comparison, the rate for Florida over that period climbed 30.6% to a total of
$13.7 billion. The Florida Citizens Property Insurance Corporation and Florida
Hurricane Catastrophe Fund helped Florida displace New York as the nation's
third-largest bond issuer during that time period. Municipal bond issuance in
New York decreased 32.7% during the same period to $13.5 billion, but New York
remained the fourth largest issuer of the states in 2006 (source: The Bond

Despite a crippling hurricane season in 2005 and Florida's reliance on tourism,
the state's economy has continued to grow. Job growth remained robust (source:
Nelson A. Rockefeller State Revenue Report #64). Through July 2006, the state's
3.3% unemployment rate remained low when compared to the national unemployment
rate of 4.8% (source: U.S. Department of Labor). High population growth has
given strength to the state's economy but has also put pressure on government
services for education, corrections, transportation, health, and human services
(source: Moody's).

With the close of fiscal year 2005, Florida's General Fund totaled $6.6 billion,
and its Budget Stabilization Fund was $999 million (source: Moody's). For the
first eight months of fiscal year 2006, tax revenues were up 11%. Roughly 70% of
that increase was a result of sales and user-tax assessments (source: Nelson A.
Rockefeller State Revenue Report #64).

On April 26, 2006, the state intangibles tax, a duty on stocks and bonds that
affects some of Florida's wealthiest, was voted out by the state legislature.
Annual tax savings are predicted to be $161 million for an estimated 300,000
taxpayers. The $74 billion fiscal 2007 budget provides for $298 million in tax
cuts and sets aside $6.4 billion in reserves. The state has conservatively
forecasted net general revenue growth of 1.6% in 2007 compared to a historical
average of 9.8% (source: Moody's).


New York's economy has experienced a moderate recovery, strengthened by
improving conditions in New York City, its suburbs, and the Hudson Valley
region. Data collected by the U.S. Department of Labor statistics through March
2006 showed the national averages for job gains and rates of unemployment
slightly outpaced those in New York.

During the New York state 2005 fiscal year, net tax receipts rose 4.7%, despite
a -4.9% decline in sales tax revenues. Assessments against personal income were
major contributors to the growth. Revenues from personal income, constituting
roughly 58% of total tax inflows, grew by 5.3% (source: Nelson A. Rockefeller
State Revenue Report #64).

The state's General Fund balance totaled $2.1 billion in 2006. The spending plan
on an all-funds basis for the 2006-2007 budget totals $110.6 billion, an
increase of approximately 6% over the previous year. Although the 2006-2007
budget is balanced, it calls for a significant increase in debt. It is also
dependent on a growing level of resources that may not be available in the
future (source: State of New York Comptroller 2006-2007 Budget Analysis).

Q: What specific factors or decisions influenced performance in Delaware
Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund during the fiscal year?

A: Despite a high level of refinancing activity in the market, we believed that
many of the Fund's legacy bonds would not be called, and we decided to hold them
for their relatively attractive yields.

This strategy did have the effect of shortening the Fund's average duration,
which is a measure of a bond or a bond fund's sensitivity to changes in interest
rates. Longer duration values indicate greater interest rate sensitivity, and
shorter durations generally limit a bond fund's volatility and total return

Nonetheless, some bonds held in the portfolio were called during the fiscal
year. For example, multi-family housing bonds (housing revenue bonds) made up
the most heavily weighted sector of the Fund at the close of the prior fiscal
year. That exposure moved lower as some bonds were called.

In keeping with our long-term commitment to holding a high-quality portfolio of
investments, we again generally avoided the tobacco industry bonds that have so
greatly influenced performance in our markets in recent years, as we believe the
sector has an elevated risk for litigation. We also remained significantly
underweighted versus the benchmark index in bonds backed by airline corporation
revenues. Both stances generally were not beneficial to Fund performance when
compared to the benchmark and many of our peer funds, as the airline and tobacco
industries performed well on a total return basis.

During the 12-month span, it seemed that investors tended to seek the added
yield and total return potential of lower-quality bonds, and thus securities
with ratings further down the credit spectrum generally outperformed. At times,
the margin of outperformance between two adjacent credit ratings was

At fiscal year end, approximately 83% of net assets were allocated to bonds
rated AAA. While the Fund's allocation to securities with A ratings fell
slightly, our exposure to bonds of BBB rating grew. The reason for this shift
could be found in the Fund's 10% exposure to bonds issued by Puerto Rico, which
weakened when Puerto Rico faced budgetary troubles during the period.

Q: What specific factors or decisions influenced performance in Delaware
Tax-Free New York Fund during the fiscal year?

A: Despite a high level of refinancing activity in the market, we believed that
many of the Fund's legacy bonds would not be called, and decided to hold them
for their relatively attractive yields.

In keeping with our long-term commitment to holding a high-quality portfolio of
investments, we again generally avoided the tobacco industry bonds that have so
greatly influenced performance in our markets in recent years, as we believe the
sector has an elevated risk for litigation.


Portfolio management review

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured / Tax-Free New York Funds

We also remained significantly underweighted versus the benchmark index in bonds
backed by airline corporation revenues. Both stances generally were not
beneficial to Fund performance when compared to the benchmark and many of our
peer funds, as those two sectors did perform well on a total return basis.

During the 12-month span, it seemed that investors tended to seek the added
yield and total return potential of lower-quality bonds, and thus securities
with ratings further down the credit spectrum generally outperformed. At times,
the margin of outperformance between two adjacent credit ratings was

Over the course of the fiscal year, we increased our exposure to bonds assigned
BBB ratings, adding positions in water bonds and securities issued by New York
City. Higher up the credit quality ladder, we slightly increased the Fund's
allocation to securities rated AAA. We also added to a position in AA-rated NYC
bonds just before their August 31, 2006 credit-quality upgrade.

We maintained a steady exposure to insured bonds over the 12 months, at roughly
23% of Fund net assets, while the allocation to securities issued by Puerto Rico
ran at approximately 10%.


Performance summary

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund

The performance data quoted represent past performance; past performance does
not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value will
fluctuate so your shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the
original cost. A rise or fall in interest rates can have a significant impact on
bond prices and the NAV (net asset value) of the Fund. Funds that invest in
bonds can lose their value as interest rates rise, and an investor can lose
principal. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data
quoted. Please obtain the performance data for the most recent month end by
calling 800 523-1918 or visiting www.delawareinvestments.com/performance.

You should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of
the investment carefully before investing. Funds that invest in bonds may lose
value as interest rates rise and an investor can lose principal. The Delaware
Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund prospectus contains this and other important
information about the Fund. Please request a prospectus through your financial
advisor or by calling 800 523-1918 or visiting our Web site. Read the prospectus
carefully before you invest or send money.

Fund Performance

Average annual total returns
Through August 31, 2006             1 year     5 years     10 years     Lifetime

Class A (Est. 1/1/92)
Excluding sales charge              +2.78%      +4.54%       +5.49%      +6.00%
Including sales charge              -1.81%      +3.58%       +5.01%      +5.66%

Class B (Est. 3/11/94)
Excluding sales charge              +2.11%      +3.78%       +4.87%      +4.93%
Including sales charge              -1.82%      +3.52%       +4.87%      +4.93%

Class C (Est. 9/29/97)*
Excluding sales charge              +2.10%      +3.76%           -       +4.12%
Including sales charge              +1.12%      +3.76%           -       +4.12%

*Class C shares were sold and outstanding from September 29, 1997 until December
 18, 1997, when all of the outstanding Class C shares were redeemed. There were
 no outstanding Class C shares or shareholder activity from December 19, 1997
 through January 7, 1999. The performance for Class C shares during the period
 from December 19, 1997 through January 7, 1999 is based on the performance of
 Class B shares.

Returns reflect the reinvestment of all distributions and any applicable sales
charges as noted below. Performance for Class B and C shares, excluding sales
charges, assumes either that contingent deferred sales charges did not apply or
that the investment was not redeemed.

The Fund offers Class A, B, and C shares. Class A shares are sold with a
front-end sales charge of up to 4.50% and have an annual distribution and
service fee of 0.25%.

Class B shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge that declines
from 4% to zero depending on the period of time the shares are held. Class B
shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis
approximately eight years after purchase. They are also subject to an annual
distribution and service fee of 1%. Ten-year and lifetime performance figures
for Class B shares reflect conversion to Class A shares after eight years.

Class C shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of 1%, if
redeemed during the first 12 months. They are also subject to an annual
distribution and service fee of 1%.

An expense limitation was in effect for all classes of Delaware Tax-Free Florida
Insured Fund during the periods shown. Performance would have been lower had the
expense limitation not been in effect.

The performance table does not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder
would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

A portion of the income from tax-exempt funds may be subject to the alternative
minimum tax.


Fund basics

As of August 31, 2006


Fund objective

The Fund seeks as high a level of current income exempt from federal income tax
and from Florida state personal income tax as is consistent with preservation of


Total Fund net assets

$101 million


Number of holdings



Fund start date

January 1, 1992


Your Fund managers

Joseph R. Baxter joined Delaware Investments in 1999. Formerly, he held
investment positions with First Union. He heads the firm's municipal bond
department and is responsible for setting the department's investment strategy.
He is also co-portfolio manager of the firm's municipal bond funds and several
client accounts. Joe Baxter received a bachelor's degree in finance and
marketing from LaSalle University.

Robert F. Collins, CFA, joined Delaware Investments in 2004. Formerly, he spent
five years as a co-manager of the municipal portfolio management group, where he
oversaw the tax-exempt investments of high net worth and institutional accounts.
Before that, Robert F. Collins headed the municipal fixed income team at
Wilmington Trust. He earned a bachelor's degree in economics from Ursinus


                                Nasdaq symbols                 CUSIPs

Class A                         VFLIX                          24610R102
Class B                         DVDBX                          24610R300
Class C                         DVDCX                          24610R706

Performance of a $10,000 Investment
August 31, 1996 through August 31, 2006


Chart assumes $10,000 invested on August 31, 1996 and includes the effect of a
4.50% front-end sales charge and the reinvestment of all distributions.
Performance for other Fund classes will vary due to differing charges and
expenses. The Lehman Brothers Municipal Bond Index is an unmanaged index that
generally tracks the performance of municipal bonds. An index is unmanaged and
does not reflect the costs of operating a mutual fund, such as the costs of
buying, selling, and holding securities. You cannot invest directly in an index.

The performance graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder
may pay on Fund distributions or redemption of Fund shares. An expense
limitation was in effect for all classes of the Delaware Tax-Free Florida
Insured Fund during the periods shown. Performance would have been lower had the
expense limitation not been in effect. Past performance is not a guarantee of
future results.

                                                             (continues)       7

Performance summary

Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund

The performance data quoted represent past performance; past performance does
not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value will
fluctuate so your shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the
original cost. A rise or fall in interest rates can have a significant impact on
bond prices and the NAV (net asset value) of the Fund. Funds that invest in
bonds can lose their value as interest rates rise, and an investor can lose
principal. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data
quoted. Please obtain the performance data for the most recent month end by
calling 800 523-1918 or by visiting www.delawareinvestments.com/performance.

You should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of
the investment carefully before investing. Funds that invest in bonds may lose
value as interest rates rise and an investor can lose principal. The Delaware
Tax-Free New York Fund prospectus contains this and other important information
about the Fund. Please request a prospectus through your financial advisor or by
calling 800 523-1918 or visiting our Web site. Read the prospectus carefully
before you invest or send money.

Fund Performance

Average annual total returns
Through August 31, 2006            1 year     5 years     10 years     Lifetime

Class A (Est. 11/6/87)
Excluding sales charge             +2.90%      +5.05%      +5.17%       +6.30%
Including sales charge             -1.70%      +4.08%      +4.69%       +6.04%

Class B (Est. 11/14/94)
Excluding sales charge             +2.23%      +4.28%      +4.55%       +4.96%
Including sales charge             -1.72%      +4.02%      +4.55%       +4.96%

Class C (Est. 4/26/95)
Excluding sales charge             +2.23%      +4.28%      +4.40%       +4.30%
Including sales charge             +1.25%      +4.28%      +4.40%       +4.30%

Returns reflect the reinvestment of all distributions and any applicable sales
charges as noted below. Performance for Class B and C shares, excluding sales
charges, assumes either that contingent deferred sales charges did not apply or
that the investment was not redeemed.

The Fund offers Class A, B, and C shares. Class A shares are sold with a
front-end sales charge of up to 4.50% and have an annual distribution and
service fee of 0.25%.

Class B shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge that declines
from 4% to zero depending on the period of time the shares are held. Class B
shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis
approximately eight years after purchase. They are also subject to an annual
distribution and service fee of 1%. Ten-year and lifetime performance figures
for Class B shares reflect conversion to Class A shares after eight years.

Class C shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of 1%, if
redeemed during the first 12 months. They are also subject to an annual
distribution and service fee of 1%.

An expense limitation was in effect for all classes of Delaware Tax-Free New
York Fund during the periods shown. Performance would have been lower had the
expense limitation not been in effect.

The performance table and graph do not reflect the deduction of taxes the
shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

A portion of the income from tax-exempt funds may be subject to the alternative
minimum tax.


Fund basics

As of August 31, 2006


Fund objective

The Fund seeks as high a level of current income exempt from federal income tax
and from New York state personal income tax as is consistent with preservation
of capital.


Total Fund net assets

$18 million

Number of holdings



Fund start date

November 6, 1987


Your Fund managers

Joseph R. Baxter joined Delaware Investments in 1999. Formerly, he held
investment positions with First Union. He heads the firm's municipal bond
department and is responsible for setting the department's investment strategy.
He is also co-portfolio manager of the firm's municipal bond funds and several
client accounts. Joe Baxter received a bachelor's degree in finance and
marketing from LaSalle University.

Robert F. Collins, CFA, joined Delaware Investments in 2004. Formerly, he spent
five years as a co-manager of the municipal portfolio management group, where he
oversaw the tax-exempt investments of high net worth and institutional accounts.
Before that, Robert F. Collins headed the municipal fixed income team at
Wilmington Trust. He earned a bachelor's degree in economics from Ursinus


                                Nasdaq symbols                 CUSIPs

Class A                         FTNYX                          928928274
Class B                         DVTNX                          928928266
Class C                         DVFNX                          928928258

Performance of a $10,000 Investment
August 31, 1996 through August 31, 2006


Chart assumes $10,000 invested on August 31, 1996 and includes the effect of a
4.50% front-end sales charge and the reinvestment of all distributions.
Performance for other Fund classes will vary due to differing charges and
expenses. The Lehman Brothers Municipal Bond Index is an unmanaged index that
generally tracks the performance of municipal bonds. An index is unmanaged and
does not reflect the costs of operating a mutual fund, such as the costs of
buying, selling, and holding securities. You cannot invest directly in an index.

The performance graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder
may pay on Fund distributions or redemption of Fund shares. An expense
limitation was in effect for all classes of the Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund
during the periods shown. Performance would have been lower had the expense
limitation not been in effect. Past performance is not a guarantee of future


Disclosure of Fund expenses

For the period March 1, 2006 to August 31, 2006

As a shareholder of a Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs,
including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments, reinvested dividends, or
other distributions; redemption fees; and exchange fees; and (2) ongoing costs,
including management fees; distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees; and other
Fund expenses. The following examples are intended to help you understand your
ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in a Fund and to compare these costs
with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The examples are based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of
the period and held for the entire period March 1, 2006 to August 31, 2006.

Actual Expenses

The first section of the tables shown, "Actual Fund Return," provides
information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the
information in this section of the table, together with the amount you invested,
to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your
account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000
= 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first section under the
heading entitled "Expenses Paid During Period" to estimate the expenses you paid
on your account during this period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The second section of the tables shown, "Hypothetical 5% Return," provides
information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on
the Funds' actual expense ratios and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year
before expenses, which is not the Funds' actual return. The hypothetical account
values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account
balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to
compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so,
compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that
appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the tables are meant to highlight your
ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales
charges (loads), redemption fees, or exchange fees. Therefore, the second
section of each table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not
help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In
addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been
higher. Each Fund's actual expenses shown in the tables reflect fee waivers in
effect. The expenses shown in each table assume reinvestment of all dividends
and distributions.

"Expenses Paid During Period" are equal to the Funds' annualized expense ratios,
multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 184/365
(to reflect the one-half year period).

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund (Restated)
Expense Analysis of an Investment of $1,000

                       Beginning         Ending                      Paid During
                        Account          Account      Annualized       Period
                         Value            Value        Expense        3/1/06 to
                        3/1/06           8/31/06        Ratios         8/31/06

Actual fund return

Class A                $1,000.00        $1,018.20        1.10%          $5.60
Class B                 1,000.00         1,015.20        1.85%           9.40
Class C                 1,000.00         1,014.30        1.85%           9.39

Hypothetical 5% return (5% return before expenses)

Class A                $1,000.00        $1,019.66        1.10%          $5.60
Class B                 1,000.00         1,015.88        1.85%           9.40
Class C                 1,000.00         1,015.88        1.85%           9.40

The expenses in the table above have been restated to include interest and
related expenses associated with participation in inverse floater programs. See
Note 10 in "Notes to financial statements."

Previously the expense analysis for Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund was:

                       Beginning         Ending                      Paid During
                        Account          Account      Annualized       Period
                         Value            Value        Expense        3/1/06 to
                        3/1/06           8/31/06        Ratios         8/31/06

Actual fund return

Class A                $1,000.00        $1,018.20        0.86%          $4.37
Class B                 1,000.00         1,015.20        1.61%           8.18
Class C                 1,000.00         1,014.30        1.61%           8.17

Hypothetical 5% return (5% return before expenses)

Class A                $1,000.00        $1,020.87        0.86%          $4.38
Class B                 1,000.00         1,017.09        1.61%           8.19
Class C                 1,000.00         1,017.09        1.61%           8.19


Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund
Expense Analysis of an Investment of $1,000

                       Beginning         Ending                      Paid During
                        Account          Account      Annualized       Period
                         Value            Value        Expense        3/1/06 to
                        3/1/06           8/31/06        Ratios         8/31/06

Actual fund return

Class A                $1,000.00        $1,019.00        0.65%          $3.31
Class B                 1,000.00         1,015.20        1.40%           7.11
Class C                 1,000.00         1,015.30        1.40%           7.11

Hypothetical 5% return (5% return before expenses)

Class A                $1,000.00        $1,021.93        0.65%          $3.31
Class B                 1,000.00         1,018.15        1.40%           7.12
Class C                 1,000.00         1,018.15        1.40%           7.12

There were no changes to the expense analysis for this Fund.


Sector allocation and credit rating breakdown

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund (Restated)*

As of August 31, 2006

Sector designations may be different than the sector designations presented in
other Fund materials.

Sector                                                             of Net Assets

Municipal Bonds                                                      103.67%

Education Revenue Bonds                                                5.28%
Electric Revenue Bonds                                                 3.29%
Health Care Revenue Bonds                                             16.60%
Housing Revenue Bonds                                                 13.35%
Lease Revenue Bonds                                                   10.19%
Local General Obligation Bonds                                         4.26%
Pre-Refunded Bonds                                                    20.47%
Special Tax Bonds                                                     20.53%
State General Obligation Bonds                                         2.85%
Transportation Revenue Bonds                                           3.68%
Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds                                            3.17%

Total Market Value of Securities                                     103.67%

Liabilities Net of Receivables and Other Assets                       (3.67%)

Total Net Assets                                                     100.00%

* See Restatement Note 10 in "Notes to Financial Statements."

Credit Rating Breakdown
(as a % of fixed income investments)

AAA                                                                   83.63%
AA                                                                     5.82%
A                                                                      5.90%
BBB                                                                    4.65%

Total                                                                100.00%


Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund

Sector designations may be different than the sector designations presented in
other Fund materials.

Sector                                                             of Net Assets

Municipal Bonds                                                       99.37%

Corporate Revenue Bonds                                                8.14%
Education Revenue Bonds                                               12.22%
Electric Revenue Bonds                                                 8.51%
Health Care Revenue Bonds                                             14.83%
Lease Revenue Bonds                                                   13.65%
Local General Obligation Bonds                                         7.41%
Pre-Refunded Bonds                                                    11.70%
Special Tax Bonds                                                      5.80%
State General Obligation Bonds                                         1.44%
Transportation Revenue Bonds                                          11.41%
Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds                                            4.26%

Total Market Value of Securities                                      99.37%

Receivables and Other Assets Net of Liabilities                        0.63%

Total Net Assets                                                     100.00%

Credit Rating Breakdown
(as a % of fixed income investments)

AAA                                                                   28.56%
AA                                                                    23.05%
A                                                                     20.24%
BBB                                                                   25.18%
BB                                                                     2.97%

Total                                                                100.00%


Statements of net assets

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund (Restated)

August 31, 2006

                                                  Principal            Market
                                                   Amount              Value

Municipal Bonds - 103.67%

Education Revenue Bonds - 5.28%
     Broward County Educational
          Facilities Authority Revenue
          (Nova Southeastern University)
          5.25% 4/1/27 (RADIAN)                   $1,000,000          $1,042,890
     Miami-Dade County Educational
          Facilities Authority (University of
          Miami) Series A 5.75% 4/1/29
          (AMBAC)                                  2,000,000           2,145,520
     University of Central Florida
          Athletics Association Certificates
          of Participation Series A
          5.25% 10/1/34 (FGIC)                     2,000,000           2,121,500


Electric Revenue Bonds - 3.29%
     Florida State Municipal Power Agency
          Revenue (Stanton II Project)
          5.00% 10/1/26 (AMBAC)                    2,000,000           2,082,320
     Ocala Utility System Revenue Series B
          5.25% 10/1/25 (FGIC)                     1,125,000           1,225,373


Health Care Revenue Bonds - 16.60%
     Escambia County Health Facilities
          Authority (Florida Health Care
          Facilities - VHA Program)
          5.95% 7/1/20 (AMBAC)                       560,000             586,466
     Highlands County Health Facilities
          Authority (Adventist Health
          System) Series C
          5.25% 11/15/36                           1,000,000           1,054,480
     Indian River County Hospital District
          (Indian River Memorial Hospital)
          6.10% 10/1/18 (FSA)                      3,000,000           3,065,580
     Jacksonville Economic Development
          Community Health Care
          Facilities Revenue (Mayo Clinic)
          5.00% 11/15/36                           1,000,000           1,040,100
     Miami-Dade County Public Facilities
          Revenue (Jackson Health
          Systems) Series A 5.00% 6/1/35
          (MBIA)                                   1,500,000           1,567,455
     North Miami Health Facilities
          Authority (Catholic Health
          Services) (LOC Suntrust Bank
          Miami) 6.00% 8/15/16                       500,000             510,635
     Orange County Health Facilities
          Authority Revenue (Adventist
          Health System)
          5.625% 11/15/32                          1,000,000           1,073,170
     Palm Beach County Health Facilities
          Authority Revenue (Boca Raton
          Community Hospital)
          5.625% 12/1/31                           2,000,000           2,094,060
     South Broward Hospital District
          Revenue (Memorial Health Care
          System) 5.625% 5/1/32                    3,000,000           3,206,580
     Tallahassee Health Facilities
          (Tallahassee Memorial Regional
          Medical Center) Series B
          6.00% 12/1/15 (MBIA)                     2,500,000           2,504,350


Housing Revenue Bonds - 13.35%
     Florida Housing Finance Agency
          (Crossings Indian Run
               Apartments HUD) Series V
               6.10% 12/1/26
               (AMBAC) (AMT)                         750,000             766,898
          (Landings at Sea Forest
               Apartments) Series T
               5.85% 12/1/18 (AMBAC)
                    (FHA) (AMT)                      380,000             388,212
               6.05% 12/1/36 (AMBAC)
                    (FHA) (AMT)                      700,000             715,064
          (Leigh Meadows Apartments
               Section 8 HUD) Series N
               6.20% 9/1/26 (AMBAC) (AMT)          2,765,000           2,822,732
               6.30% 9/1/36 (AMBAC) (AMT)          2,000,000           2,041,680
          (Riverfront Apartments Section 8
               HUD) Series A 6.25% 4/1/37
               (AMBAC) (AMT)                       1,000,000           1,026,800
          (Spinnaker Cove Apartments)
               Series G 6.50% 7/1/36
               (AMBAC) (FHA) (AMT)                   500,000             510,490
          (The Vineyards Project) Series H
               6.40% 11/1/15                         500,000             511,105
          (Woodbridge Apartments) Series
               L 6.15% 12/1/26
               (AMBAC) (AMT)                       1,750,000           1,789,603
               6.25% 6/1/36
               (AMBAC) (AMT)                       2,000,000           2,045,040
Orange County Housing Finance
     Authority Homeowner Revenue
     Series B 5.25% 3/1/33 (GNMA)
     (FNMA) (AMT)                                    295,000             301,463
Volusia County Multifamily Housing
     Finance Authority (San Marco
     Apartments) Series A
     5.60% 1/1/44 (FSA) (AMT)                        500,000             514,850


Lease Revenue Bonds - 10.19%
     Florida Municipal Loan Council
          Revenue Series B 5.00% 11/1/29
          (MBIA)                                   1,000,000           1,051,350
     Lake County School Board Series A
     5.00% 6/1/30 (AMBAC)                          1,750,000           1,828,698


                                                  Principal            Market
                                                   Amount              Value

Municipal Bonds (continued)

Lease Revenue Bonds (continued)
     Osceola County School Board
          Series A 5.25% 6/1/27 (AMBAC)           $4,000,000         $ 4,251,199
     Pasco County School Board
          Series A 5.00% 8/1/30 (AMBAC)            1,000,000           1,049,470
     Puerto Rico Public Buildings
          Authority Revenue (Government
          Facilities) Series F 5.25% 7/1/25          930,000           1,023,521
     St. Augustine Capital Improvement
          Revenue 5.00% 10/1/34
          (AMBAC)                                  1,000,000           1,045,940


Local General Obligation Bonds - 4.26%
     Enterprise Community
          Development District Special
          Assessment 6.10% 5/1/16
          (MBIA)                                     695,000             696,383
     Hollywood Community
          Redevelopment Agency
          5.625% 3/1/24                            1,200,000           1,278,840
     Julington Creek Plantation
          Community Development
          District Special Assessment
          5.00% 5/1/29 (MBIA)                        200,000             207,852
     Port St. Lucie 5.00% 7/1/35 (MBIA)            2,000,000           2,106,260


$ Pre-Refunded Bonds - 20.47%
     Florida Housing Finance Agency
          (Mariner Club Apartments)
               Series K-1
               6.25% 9/1/26-07
                    (AMBAC) (AMT)                    300,000             309,138
               6.375% 9/1/36-07
                    (AMBAC) (AMT)                    525,000             541,312
          (Sterling Palms Apartments)
               Series D-1
               6.30% 12/1/16-06
                    (AMBAC) (AMT)                    895,000             917,831
               6.40% 12/1/26-06
                    (AMBAC) (AMT)                  1,500,000           1,538,625
               6.50% 6/1/36-06
                    (AMBAC) (AMT)                  6,540,000           6,710,040
     Highlands County Health Facilities
          Authority (Adventist Health
          System/Sunbelt) Series A
          6.00% 11/15/31-11                        1,500,000           1,674,300
     Jacksonville Port Authority Seaport
          Revenue 5.70% 11/1/30-10
          (MBIA) (AMT)                               205,000             219,606
     Lee County Airport Revenue
          Series B 5.75% 10/1/33-10 (FSA)          3,000,000           3,271,710
     Puerto Rico Commonwealth
          Highway & Transportation
          Authority Revenue Series D
          5.25% 7/1/38-12                          3,000,000           3,250,830
     Tampa Utilities Tax Revenue Series A
          6.00% 10/1/17-09 (AMBAC)                 1,000,000           1,079,130
          6.125% 10/1/18-09 (AMBAC)                1,000,000           1,082,600


Special Tax Bonds - 20.53%
     Florida State Board of Education
          (Lottery Revenue) Series A
          6.00% 7/1/14 (FGIC)                      1,000,000           1,091,440
     Jacksonville Excise Taxes Revenue
          Series B
          5.00% 10/1/26 (AMBAC)                    1,000,000           1,039,530
          5.125% 10/1/32 (FGIC)                    1,000,000           1,053,560
   & Palm Beach County Criminal Justice
          Facilities Revenue
          5.75% 6/1/12 (FGIC)                     15,000,000          16,617,150
   ^ Puerto Rico Commonwealth
          Infrastructure Financing
          Authority Series A
          4.60% 7/1/30 (FGIC)                      2,500,000             846,075


State General Obligation Bonds - 2.85%
     Puerto Rico Commonwealth Public
          Improvement Series A
          5.50% 7/1/19 (MBIA)                      2,500,000           2,872,050


Transportation Revenue Bonds - 3.68%
     Jacksonville Port Authority Seaport
          Revenue 5.70% 11/1/30 (MBIA)
          (AMT)                                      295,000             313,904
     Miami-Dade County Aviation
          Revenue (Miami International
          Airport) Series B 5.00% 10/1/37
          (FGIC)                                   1,000,000           1,042,480
     Miami-Dade County Aviation
          Revenue Series A
          5.00% 10/1/33 (FSA) (AMT)                  500,000             513,290
     Puerto Rico Commonwealth
          Highway & Transportation
          Authority Revenue
          Series G 5.00% 7/1/42                      800,000             812,528
          Series K 5.00% 7/1/35                    1,000,000           1,023,240


Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds - 3.17%
     Tampa Water and Sewer Revenue
          6.00% 10/1/16 (FSA)                      1,000,000           1,176,850
     Village Center Community
          Development District Utility
          Revenue 5.00% 10/1/36 (MBIA)               500,000             519,685
     Winter Haven Utilities Systems
          Revenue Refunding &
          Improvement 5.00% 10/1/30
          (MBIA)                                   1,415,000           1,491,509


Total Municipal Bonds
     (cost $99,557,261)                                              104,302,342

                                                              (continues)     15

Statements of net assets

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund



Total Market Value of Securities - 103.67%
     (cost $99,557,261)                                           $104,302,342

Liabilities Net of Receivables
     and Other Assets - (3.67%)*                                    (3,689,148)

Net Assets Applicable to 9,029,447
     Shares Outstanding - 100.00%                                 $100,613,194

Net Asset Value - Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured
     Fund A Class ($92,726,424 / 8,321,991 Shares)                      $11.14

Net Asset Value - Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured
     Fund B Class ($4,323,253 / 387,828 Shares)                         $11.15

Net Asset Value - Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured
     Fund C Class ($3,563,517 / 319,628 Shares)                         $11.15

Components of Net Assets at August 31, 2006:

Shares of beneficial interest
     (unlimited authorization - no par)                           $ 96,385,804
Accumulated net realized loss on investments                          (517,691)
Net unrealized appreciation of investments                           4,745,081

Total net assets                                                  $100,613,194

 $ Pre-Refunded Bonds. Municipals that are generally backed or secured by U.S.
   Treasury bonds. For pre-refunded bonds, the stated maturity is followed by
   the year in which the bond is pre-refunded. See Note 8 in "Notes to Financial

 * Includes $7,500,000 in liability for Inverse Floater programs. See Note 8 and
   Note 10 in "Notes to Financial Statements."

 & Security held in a trust in connection with the Inverse Floater security
   $7,500,000, 7.77%, 6/1/12.

   For additional information on the Inverse Floater programs, see Note 8 and
   Note 10 in "Notes to Financial Statements."

 ^ Zero coupon security. The interest rate shown is the yield at the time of

Summary of Abbreviations:

AMBAC - Insured by the AMBAC Assurance Corporation
AMT - Subject to Alternative Minimum Tax
FGIC - Insured by the Financial Guaranty Insurance Company
FHA - Insured by the Federal Housing Administration
FNMA - Insured by Federal National Mortgage Association
FSA - Insured by Financial Security Assurance
GNMA - Insured by Government National Mortgage Association
HUD - Housing and Urban Development
LOC - Letter of Credit
MBIA - Insured by the Municipal Bond Insurance Association
RADIAN - Insured by Radian Asset Assurance
VHA - Veterans Health Administration

Net Asset Value and Offering Price per Share -
     Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund

Net asset value Class A (A)                                             $11.14
Sales charge (4.50% of offering price) (B)                                0.52

Offering price                                                          $11.66

(A) Net asset value per share, as illustrated, is the estimated amount which
    would be paid upon redemption or repurchase of shares.

(B) See the current prospectus for purchases of $100,000 or more.

See accompanying notes


Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund

August 31, 2006

                                                  Principal         Market
                                                   Amount           Value

Municipal Bonds - 99.37%

Corporate Revenue Bonds - 8.14%
     New York City Industrial
          Development Agency (Brooklyn
          Navy Yard Cogen Partners)
          5.75% 10/1/36 (AMT)                     $   450,000      $   453,861
     New York State Energy Research &
          Development Authority Pollution
          Control Revenue (Central
          Hudson Gas) Series A
          5.45% 8/1/27 (AMBAC)                        500,000          527,295
     Suffolk County Industrial
          Development Agency Revenue
          (Keyspan-Port Jefferson Energy
          Center) 5.25% 6/1/27 (AMT)                  500,000          519,670

Education Revenue Bonds - 12.22%
     Amherst Industrial Development
          Agency Civic Facilities Revenue
          (UBF Faculty Student Housing)
          Series A 5.75% 8/1/30
          (AMBAC)                                     200,000          217,742
     Cattaraugus County Industrial
          Development Agency
          Civic Faculty Revenue (St.
          Bonaventure University Project)
          Series A 5.10% 5/1/31                       250,000          253,008
     Dutchess County Industrial
          Development Agency (Marist
          College) 5.00% 7/1/20                       500,000          518,555
     New York State Dormitory
          Authority Revenue
          (Columbia University) Series A
               5.00% 7/1/23                           500,000          527,010
          (Pratt Institute) 6.00% 7/1/20
               (RADIAN)                               500,000          536,980
          (State University) Series B
               7.50% 5/15/11                          180,000          200,354

Electric Revenue Bonds - 8.51%
     Long Island Power Authority New
          York Electric Systems Revenue
          Series B 5.00% 12/1/35                      400,000          417,060
     Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority
          Power Revenue
          Series II 5.25% 7/1/31                      500,000          523,465
          Series NN 5.125% 7/1/29                     600,000          630,090

Health Care Revenue Bonds - 14.83%
     East Rochester Housing Authority
          Revenue Refunding (Senior
          Living -Woodland Village
          Project) 5.50% 8/1/33                       200,000          202,872
     New York State Dormitory
          Authority Revenue
          (Chapel Oaks) LOC Allied Irish
               Bank 5.45% 7/1/26                      450,000          467,514
          (Mental Health) Series D
               5.90% 2/15/12                           25,000           25,721
          (Millard Fillmore Hospital)
               5.375% 2/1/32 (AMBAC)
               (FHA)                                  450,000          464,072
          (North Shore Long Island Jewish
               Group Project) 5.50% 5/1/33            500,000          532,785
          (Winthrop South Nassau Hospital)
               Series B 5.50% 7/1/23                  500,000          528,950
     Suffolk County Industrial
          Development Agency
          Continuing Care Retirement
          Community Refunding
          (Jeffersons Ferry Project)
          5.00% 11/1/28                               500,000          513,000

Lease Revenue Bonds - 13.65%
     Albany Industrial Development
          Agency Civic Facility Revenue
          (Charitable Leadership Project)
          Series A 5.75% 7/1/26                       500,000          518,950
     Battery Park City Authority Revenue
          Series A 5.00% 11/1/26                      500,000          526,560
     New York City Industrial
          Development Agency Civic
          Facility Revenue (American
          National Red Cross Project)
          5.00% 2/1/36 (AMBAC)                        500,000          525,860
     New York City Industrial
          Development Revenue
          (Queens Baseball Stadium
               Project - Pilot) 4.75% 1/1/42
               (AMBAC)                                200,000          203,010
          (Yankee Stadium Project - Pilot)
               4.75% 3/1/46 (MBIA)                    200,000          203,024
     Tobacco Settlement Financing
          Series B-1C 5.50% 6/1/21                    500,000          541,335

Local General Obligation Bonds - 7.41%
     New York City
          Series C 5.375% 11/15/27                    310,000          318,311
          Series D 5.00% 11/1/34                      500,000          518,870
          Series J 5.25% 6/1/28                       500,000          529,490

$ Pre-Refunded Bonds - 11.70%
     Metropolitan Transportation
          Authority Dedicated Tax Series A
          6.125% 4/1/17-10 (FGIC)                   1,000,000        1,086,589
     New York City Series C
          5.375% 11/15/27-07                          140,000          144,483
     New York State Dormitory
          Authority Lease (Court Facilities)
          Series A 5.375% 5/15/21-13                  500,000          550,865

                                                              (continues)     17

Statements of net assets

Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund

                                                  Principal         Market
                                                   Amount           Value

Municipal Bonds (continued)

Pre-Refunded Bonds (continued)
     New York State Dormitory
          Authority Revenue
          (Mental Health) Series D
               5.90% 2/15/12-07                   $   225,000      $   231,874
     (State University) Series B
               7.50% 5/15/11-09                       130,000          144,997

Special Tax Bonds - 5.80%
     New York State Sales Tax Asset
          Receivables Series A
          5.25% 10/15/27 (AMBAC)                      500,000          540,255
     Schenectady Metroplex
          Development Authority Revenue
          Series A 5.375% 12/15/21                    500,000          529,170

State General Obligation Bonds - 1.44%
     Puerto Rico Commonwealth
          Series B 5.25% 7/1/32                       250,000          264,853

Transportation Revenue Bonds - 11.41%
     Albany Parking Authority Revenue
          Series A 5.625% 7/15/25                     500,000          532,540
     New York City Industrial
          Development Agency (JFK Airis
          Project A) 5.50% 7/1/28 (AMT)               500,000          514,405
     Onondaga County Industrial
          Development Authority Revenue
          Subordinated (Air Cargo Project)
          7.25% 1/1/32 (AMT)                          500,000          543,180
     Puerto Rico Commonwealth
          Highway & Transportation
          Authority Revenue Series Y
          5.50% 7/1/36                                475,000          514,539

Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds - 4.26%
     New York City Municipal Water
          Finance Authority Water &
          Sewer System Revenue
          Series A 5.125% 6/15/34                     500,000          524,565
          Series B 5.00% 6/15/36                      250,000          261,505

Total Municipal Bonds
     (cost $17,422,657)                                             18,329,234

Total Market Value of Securities - 99.37%
     (cost $17,422,657)                                            $18,329,234

Receivables and Other Assets
     Net of Liabilities - 0.63%                                        115,647

Net Assets Applicable to 1,749,052
     Shares Outstanding - 100.00%                                  $18,444,881
Net Asset Value - Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund
     Class A ($13,519,533 / 1,281,294 Shares)                           $10.55
Net Asset Value - Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund
     Class B ($2,857,756 / 271,384 Shares)                              $10.53
Net Asset Value - Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund
     Class C ($2,067,592 / 196,374 Shares)                              $10.53

Components of Net Assets at August 31, 2006:

Shares of beneficial interest
     (unlimited authorization - no par)                            $17,766,839
Distributions in excess of net investment income                          (655)
Accumulated net realized loss on investments                          (227,880)
Net unrealized appreciation of investments                             906,577

Total net assets                                                   $18,444,881

 $ Pre-Refunded Bonds. Municipals that are generally backed or secured by
   U.S. Treasury bonds. For pre-refunded bonds, the stated maturity is followed
   by the year in which the bond is pre-refunded. See Note 8 in "Notes to
   Financial Statements."

Summary of Abbreviations:

AMBAC - Insured by the AMBAC Assurance Corporation
AMT - Subject to Alternative Minimum Tax
FGIC - Insured by the Financial Guaranty Insurance Company
FHA - Insured by the Federal Housing Administration
LOC - Letter of Credit
MBIA - Insured by the Municipal Bond Insurance Association
RADIAN - Insured by Radian Asset Assurance

Net Asset Value and Offering Price Per Share -
     Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund

Net asset value Class A (A)                                             $10.55
Sales charge (4.50% of offering price) (B)                                0.50

Offering price                                                          $11.05

(A) Net asset value per share, as illustrated, is the amount which would be paid
    upon redemption or repurchase of shares.

(B) See the current prospectus for purchases of $100,000 or more.

See accompanying notes


Statements of assets and liabilities

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured / Tax-Free New York Funds

August 31, 2006

                                                                                        Delaware Tax-Free         Delaware Tax-Free
                                                                                       Florida Insured Fund         New York Fund

     Investments at market                                                                 $104,302,342              $18,329,234
     Interest receivable                                                                      1,824,306                  208,751
     Receivable for securities sold                                                           4,768,500                        -
                                                                                           ____________              ___________

     Total assets                                                                           110,895,148               18,537,985
                                                                                           ____________              ___________


     Liability for Inverse Floater programs                                                   7,500,000                        -
     Cash overdraft                                                                             384,874                   24,637
     Payable for securities purchased                                                         2,082,740                        -
     Liquidations payable                                                                        23,243                   23,335
     Distributions payable                                                                      109,827                   18,854
     Due to manager and affiliates                                                               76,803                   11,113
     Other accrued expenses                                                                      31,653                   15,165
     Interest and related expense payable for Inverse Floater programs                           72,814                        -
                                                                                           ____________              ___________

     Total liabilities                                                                       10,281,954                   93,104
                                                                                           ____________              ___________

Total Net Assets                                                                           $100,613,194              $18,444,881
                                                                                           ____________              ___________

Investments at cost                                                                        $ 99,557,261              $17,422,657
                                                                                           ____________              ___________

See accompanying notes


Statements of operations

Year Ended August 31, 2006

                                                                                                           Tax-Free       Delaware
                                                                                                           Florida        Tax-Free
                                                                                                           Insured        New York
                                                                                                            Fund            Fund

Investment Income:
     Interest                                                                                             $5,742,714      $869,089
                                                                                                          __________      ________


     Management fees                                                                                         517,389        97,031
     Interest and related Expense                                                                            251,788             -
     Distribution expenses - Class A                                                                         238,110        33,575
     Distribution expenses - Class B                                                                          48,204        28,468
     Distribution expenses - Class C                                                                          34,317        13,428
     Dividend disbursing and transfer agent fees and expenses                                                 69,194        14,461
     Accounting and administration expenses                                                                   41,391         7,057
     Legal and professional fees                                                                              32,454        13,862
     Reports and statements to shareholders                                                                   18,863         3,282
     Custodian fees                                                                                            4,266         1,744
     Trustees' fees                                                                                            5,874         1,003
     Pricing fees                                                                                              1,943         1,134
     Insurance fees                                                                                            2,573           534
     Taxes (other than taxes on income)                                                                          467            66
     Registration fees                                                                                        18,017         7,263
     Other                                                                                                     5,381         1,723
                                                                                                          __________      ________

                                                                                                           1,290,231       224,631
     Less expenses absorbed or waived                                                                        (78,757)      (76,894)
     Less expenses paid indirectly                                                                            (2,975)       (1,514)
                                                                                                          __________      ________

     Total operating expenses                                                                              1,208,499       146,223
                                                                                                          __________      ________

Net Investment Income                                                                                      4,534,215       722,866
                                                                                                          __________      ________

Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments:

     Net realized gain (loss) on investments                                                                 172,566        (4,673)
     Net change in unrealized depreciation of investments                                                 (1,964,445)     (211,649)
                                                                                                          __________      ________

Net Realized and Unrealized Loss on Investments                                                           (1,791,879)     (216,322)
                                                                                                          __________      ________

Net Increase in Net Assets Resulting from Operations                                                      $2,742,336      $506,544
                                                                                                          __________      ________

See accompanying notes


Statements of changes in net assets

                                                                                 Delaware Tax-Free            Delaware Tax-Free
                                                                                Florida Insured Fund            New York Fund
                                                                                    Year Ended                   Year Ended
                                                                                8/31/06       8/31/05       8/31/06       8/31/05

Increase in Net Assets from Operations:

     Net investment income                                                   $  4,534,215  $  4,400,282  $    722,866  $    685,440
     Net realized gain (loss) on investments                                      172,566       332,797        (4,673)       73,048
     Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments         (1,964,445)      426,912      (211,649)      267,666
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

     Net increase in net assets resulting from operations                       2,742,336     5,159,991       506,544     1,026,154
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders from:

     Net investment income:
          Class A                                                              (4,229,857)   (4,136,398)     (574,553)     (519,496)
          Class B                                                                (177,726)     (195,487)     (100,697)     (105,732)
          Class C                                                                (126,632)      (68,397)      (47,616)      (60,212)
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

                                                                               (4,534,215)   (4,400,282)     (722,866)     (685,440)
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

Capital Share Transactions:

     Proceeds from shares sold:
          Class A                                                               7,210,250     8,716,486     2,071,330     1,917,681
          Class B                                                                 176,391       392,192       333,088       388,800
          Class C                                                                 945,183       339,297     1,263,939       449,842

     Net assets from reorganization (1):
          Class A                                                                       -    10,617,811             -             -
          Class B                                                                       -     2,665,962             -             -
          Class C                                                                       -     2,237,525             -             -

     Net asset value of shares issued upon reinvestment
        of dividends and distributions:
          Class A                                                               2,113,643     1,690,235       402,764       374,723
          Class B                                                                  57,358        49,113        42,018        48,934
          Class C                                                                  69,024        34,037        39,921        20,784
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

                                                                               10,571,849    26,742,658     4,153,060     3,200,764
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

     Cost of shares repurchased:
          Class A                                                             (13,278,168)  (10,965,231)   (1,930,227)     (921,789)
          Class B                                                              (1,350,630)   (2,629,629)     (500,844)     (335,650)
          Class C                                                                (706,793)     (419,581)     (122,713)   (1,931,944)
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

                                                                              (15,335,591)  (14,014,441)   (2,553,784)   (3,189,383)
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

Increase (decrease) in net assets derived from capital share transactions      (4,763,742)   12,728,217     1,599,276        11,381
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:                                         (6,555,621)   13,487,926     1,382,954       352,095

Net Assets:

     Beginning of Year                                                        107,168,815    93,680,889    17,061,927    16,709,832
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

     End of Year                                                             $100,613,194  $107,168,815  $ 18,444,881  $ 17,061,927
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

     (Distributions in excess of net investment income)                      $          -  $          -  $       (655) $       (655)
                                                                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

(1) See Note 6 in "Notes to Financial Statements."

See accompanying notes


Financial highlights

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund Class A (Restated)

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period
were as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Net asset value, beginning of period                                  $11.330       $11.250      $11.110      $11.330      $11.230

Income (loss) from investment operations:

Net investment income                                                   0.494         0.507        0.533        0.523        0.532
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                 (0.190)        0.080        0.140       (0.220)       0.100
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total from investment operations                                        0.304         0.587        0.673        0.303        0.632
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Less dividends and distributions from:

Net investment income                                                  (0.494)       (0.507)      (0.533)      (0.523)      (0.532)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total dividends and distributions                                      (0.494)       (0.507)      (0.533)      (0.523)      (0.532)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Net asset value, end of period                                        $11.140       $11.330      $11.250      $11.110      $11.330
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total Return (1)                                                        2.78%         5.32%        6.15%        2.68%        5.83%

Ratios and supplemental data:

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                               $92,726       $98,326      $87,591      $95,951     $105,773
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (2)                             1.10%         1.04%        1.02%        1.02%        1.04%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly (2)       1.18%         1.14%        1.06%        1.06%        1.13%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                    4.44%         4.48%        4.72%        4.60%        4.80%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           4.36%         4.38%        4.68%        4.56%        4.71%
Portfolio turnover                                                         7%           17%           3%          26%          46%

(1) Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of
    dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return
    reflects a waiver and payment of fees by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the expense limitation not been in

(2) The "Ratio of expenses to average net assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and
    expenses paid indirectly" have been restated. The Fund participates in inverse floater programs where it has transferred its own
    bonds to a trust that issues floating rate securities and inverse floating rate securities with an aggregate principal amount
    equal to the principal of the transferred bond. The Fund receives the inverse floating rate securities and cash from the trust
    in consideration of the conveyance of the municipal bonds to the trust. Previously, the Fund treated this transaction as a sale
    of the bonds and a purchase of inverse floating rate securities. Under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140,
    Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities, the transfer of the bonds is not
    considered a sale, but rather a form of financing for accounting purposes. The ratios in the table above have been restated to
    include interest and related expenses which include, but are not limited to, interest expense, remarketing fees, liquidity fees,
    and trustees' fees. Previously, interest and related expenses were not included in the "Ratio of expenses to average net assets"
    and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly." Prior to the
    restatements, these ratios were as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Ratio of expenses to average net assets                                0.86%         0.88%        0.90%        0.90%        0.90%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly          0.94%         0.98%        0.94%        0.94%        0.99%

See accompanying notes


Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund Class B (Restated)

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period
were as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Net asset value, beginning of period                                  $11.330       $11.260      $11.120      $11.330      $11.230

Income (loss) from investment operations:

Net investment income                                                   0.411         0.422        0.448        0.437        0.445
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                 (0.180)        0.070        0.140       (0.210)       0.100
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total from investment operations                                        0.231         0.492        0.588        0.227        0.545
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Less dividends and distributions from:

Net investment income                                                  (0.411)       (0.422)      (0.448)      (0.437)      (0.445)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total dividends and distributions                                      (0.411)       (0.422)      (0.448)      (0.437)      (0.445)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Net asset value, end of period                                        $11.150       $11.330      $11.260      $11.120      $11.330
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total Return (1)                                                        2.11%         4.45%        5.36%        2.00%        5.01%

Ratios and supplemental data:

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                                $4,323        $5,532       $5,002       $5,800       $5,223
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (2)                             1.85%         1.79%        1.77%        1.77%        1.79%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly (2)       1.93%         1.89%        1.81%        1.81%        1.88%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                    3.69%         3.74%        3.97%        3.85%        4.05%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
    prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly            3.61%         3.64%        3.93%        3.81%        3.96%
Portfolio turnover                                                         7%           17%           3%          26%          46%

(1) Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of
    dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return
    reflects a waiver and payment of fees by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the expense limitation not been in

(2) The "Ratio of expenses to average net assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and
    expenses paid indirectly" have been restated. The Fund participates in inverse floater programs where it has transferred its own
    bonds to a trust that issues floating rate securities and inverse floating rate securities with an aggregate principal amount
    equal to the principal of the transferred bond. The Fund receives the inverse floating rate securities and cash from the trust
    in consideration of the conveyance of the municipal bonds to the trust. Previously, the Fund treated this transaction as a sale
    of the bonds and a purchase of inverse floating rate securities. Under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140,
    Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities, the transfer of the bonds is not
    considered a sale, but rather a form of financing for accounting purposes. The ratios in the table above have been restated to
    include interest and related expenses which include, but are not limited to, interest expense, remarketing fees, liquidity fees,
    and trustees' fees. Previously, interest and related expenses were not included in the "Ratio of expenses to average net assets"
    and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly." Prior to the
    restatements, these ratios were as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Ratio of expenses to average net assets                                1.61%         1.63%        1.65%        1.65%        1.65%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly          1.69%         1.73%        1.69%        1.69%        1.74%

See accompanying notes

                                                              (continues)     23

Financial highlights

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund Class C (Restated)

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period
were as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Net asset value, beginning of period                                  $11.330       $11.260      $11.120      $11.330      $11.240

Income (loss) from investment operations:

Net investment income                                                   0.410         0.422        0.448        0.437        0.447
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                 (0.180)        0.070        0.140       (0.210)       0.090
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total from investment operations                                        0.230         0.492        0.588        0.227        0.537
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Less dividends and distributions from:

Net investment income                                                  (0.410)       (0.422)      (0.448)      (0.437)      (0.447)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total dividends and distributions                                      (0.410)       (0.422)      (0.448)      (0.437)      (0.447)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Net asset value, end of period                                        $11.150       $11.330      $11.260      $11.120      $11.330
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total Return(1)                                                         2.10%         4.45%        5.36%        2.00%        4.93%

Ratios and supplemental data:

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                                $3,564        $3,311       $1,088         $846         $560
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (2)                             1.85%         1.79%        1.77%        1.77%        1.79%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly (2)       1.93%         1.89%        1.81%        1.81%        1.88%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                    3.69%         3.74%        3.97%        3.85%        4.05%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           3.61%         3.64%        3.93%        3.81%        3.96%
Portfolio turnover                                                         7%           17%           3%          26%          46%

(1) Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of
    dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return
    reflects a waiver and payment of fees by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the expense limitation not been in

(2) The "Ratio of expenses to average net assets" and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and
    expenses paid indirectly" have been restated. The Fund participates in inverse floater programs where it has transferred its own
    bonds to a trust that issues floating rate securities and inverse floating rate securities with an aggregate principal amount
    equal to the principal of the transferred bond. The Fund receives the inverse floating rate securities and cash from the trust
    in consideration of the conveyance of the municipal bonds to the trust. Previously, the Fund treated this transaction as a sale
    of the bonds and a purchase of inverse floating rate securities. Under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140,
    Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities, the transfer of the bonds is not
    considered a sale, but rather a form of financing for accounting purposes. The ratios in the table above have been restated to
    include interest and related expenses which include, but are not limited to, interest expense, remarketing fees, liquidity fees,
    and trustees' fees. Previously, interest and related expenses were not included in the "Ratio of expenses to average net assets"
    and "Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly." Prior to the
    restatements, these ratios were as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Ratio of expenses to average net assets                                1.61%         1.63%        1.65%        1.65%        1.65%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly          1.69%         1.73%        1.69%        1.69%        1.74%

See accompanying notes


Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund Class A

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period
were as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Net asset value, beginning of period                                  $10.700       $10.470      $10.220      $10.340      $10.350

Income (loss) from investment operations:

Net investment income                                                   0.449         0.453        0.479        0.484        0.503
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                 (0.150)        0.230        0.250       (0.120)      (0.010)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total from investment operations                                        0.299         0.683        0.729        0.364        0.493
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Less dividends and distributions from:

Net investment income                                                  (0.449)       (0.453)      (0.479)      (0.484)      (0.503)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total dividends and distributions                                      (0.449)       (0.453)      (0.479)      (0.484)      (0.503)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Net asset value, end of period                                        $10.550       $10.700      $10.470      $10.220      $10.340
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total Return (1)                                                        2.90%         6.65%        7.26%        3.56%        4.98%

Ratios and supplemental data:

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                               $13,519       $13,153      $11,523      $11,436      $ 9,490
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (2)                             0.65%         0.66%        0.50%        0.50%        0.50%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           1.09%         1.12%        1.02%        1.05%        1.15%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                    4.28%         4.29%        4.60%        4.65%        4.98%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           3.84%         3.83%        4.08%        4.10%        4.33%
Portfolio turnover                                                        20%           13%          26%          64%          43%

(1) Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of
    dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return
    reflects a waiver and payment of fees by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the expense limitation not been
    in effect.

(2) Ratios for the years ended August 31, 2003 and 2002, including fees paid indirectly in accordance with Securities and Exchange
    Commission rules, were 0.51%.

See accompanying notes

                                                              (continues)     25

Financial highlights

Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund Class B

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period
were as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Net asset value, beginning of period                                  $10.670       $10.450      $10.200      $10.330      $10.330

Income (loss) from investment operations:

Net investment income                                                   0.370         0.374        0.401        0.406        0.426
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                 (0.140)        0.220        0.250       (0.130)           -
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total from investment operations                                        0.230         0.594        0.651        0.276        0.426
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Less dividends and distributions from:

Net investment income                                                  (0.370)       (0.374)      (0.401)      (0.406)      (0.426)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total dividends and distributions                                      (0.370)       (0.374)      (0.401)      (0.406)      (0.426)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Net asset value, end of period                                        $10.530       $10.670      $10.450      $10.200      $10.330
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total Return (1)                                                        2.23%         5.77%        6.47%        2.69%        4.30%

Ratios and supplemental data:

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                                $2,858        $3,023       $2,858       $3,238       $3,352
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (2)                             1.40%         1.41%        1.25%        1.25%        1.25%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           1.84%         1.87%        1.77%        1.80%        1.90%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                    3.53%         3.54%        3.85%        3.90%        4.23%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           3.09%         3.08%        3.33%        3.35%        3.58%
Portfolio turnover                                                        20%           13%          26%          64%          43%

(1) Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of
    dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return
    reflects a waiver and payment of fees by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the expense limitation not been
    in effect.

(2) Ratios for the years ended August 31, 2003 and 2002, including fees paid indirectly in accordance with Securities and Exchange
    Commission rules, were 1.26%.

See accompanying notes


Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund Class C

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period
were as follows:

                                                                                               Year Ended

                                                                      8/31/06       8/31/05      8/31/04      8/31/03      8/31/02

Net asset value, beginning of period                                  $10.670       $10.450      $10.200      $10.320      $10.330

Income (loss) from investment operations:

Net investment income                                                   0.370         0.376        0.401        0.406        0.426
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                 (0.140)        0.220        0.250       (0.120)      (0.010)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total from investment operations                                        0.230         0.596        0.651        0.286        0.416
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Less dividends and distributions from:

Net investment income                                                  (0.370)       (0.376)      (0.401)      (0.406)      (0.426)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total dividends and distributions                                      (0.370)       (0.376)      (0.401)      (0.406)      (0.426)
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Net asset value, end of period                                        $10.530       $10.670      $10.450      $10.200      $10.320
                                                                      _______       _______      _______      _______      _______

Total Return (1)                                                        2.23%         5.80%        6.47%        2.79%        4.20%

Ratios and supplemental data:

Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                                $2,068          $886       $2,329       $2,828       $1,115
Ratio of expenses to average net assets (2)                             1.40%         1.41%        1.25%        1.25%        1.25%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           1.84%         1.87%        1.77%        1.80%        1.90%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                    3.53%         3.54%        3.85%        3.90%        4.23%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
     prior to expense limitation and expenses paid indirectly           3.09%         3.08%        3.33%        3.35%        3.58%
Portfolio turnover                                                        20%           13%          26%          64%          43%

(1) Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of
    dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return
    reflects a waiver and payment of fees by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the expense limitation not been
    in effect.

(2) Ratios for the years ended August 31, 2003 and 2002, including fees paid indirectly in accordance with Securities and Exchange
    Commission rules, were 1.26%.

See accompanying notes


Notes to financial statements

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured / Tax-Free New York Funds

August 31, 2006

Voyageur Mutual Funds (the "Voyageur Trust") is organized as a Delaware
statutory trust and offers five series: Delaware Minnesota High-Yield Municipal
Bond Fund, Delaware National High-Yield Municipal Bond Fund, Delaware Tax-Free
California Fund, Delaware Tax-Free Idaho Fund, and Delaware Tax-Free New York
Fund. Delaware Investments Municipal Trust (the "Delaware Trust", and together
with the Voyageur Trust, collectively, the "Trusts") is organized as a Delaware
statutory trust and offers one series: Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund.
These financial statements and the related notes pertain to Delaware Tax-Free
Florida Insured Fund and Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund (each a "Fund" or,
collectively, as the "Funds"). The Trusts are open-end investment companies.
The Funds are considered non-diversified under the Investment Company Act of
1940, as amended and offer Class A, Class B, and Class C shares. Class A shares
are sold with a front-end sales charge of up to 4.50%. Class A share purchases
of $1,000,000 or more will incur a contingent deferred sales charge of up to 1%
if redeemed during the first two years, provided that, a financial advisor was
paid commission on the purchase of those shares. Class B shares are sold with a
contingent deferred sales charge that declines from 4% to zero depending upon
the period of time the shares are held. Class B shares will automatically
convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis approximately eight years after
purchase. Class C shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of
1%, if redeemed during the first twelve months.

The investment objective of Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund and Delaware
Tax-Free New York Fund is to seek a high a level of current income exempt from
federal income tax and the state personal income tax as is consistent with
preservation of capital. Florida does not currently have a state personal
income tax, and it has repealed its intangible personal property tax.

1. Significant Accounting Policies

The following accounting policies are in accordance with U.S. generally
accepted accounting principles and are consistently followed by the Funds.

Security Valuation - Long-term debt securities are valued by an independent
pricing service and such prices are believed to reflect the fair value of such
securities. Short-term debt securities having less than 60 days to maturity are
valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Other securities and
assets for which market quotations are not readily available are valued at fair
value as determined in good faith under the direction of each Fund's Board of
Trustees. In determining whether market quotations are readily available or
fair valuation will be used, various factors will be taken into consideration,
such as market closures, aftermarket trading or significant events after local
market trading (e.g., government actions or pronouncements, trading volume or
volatility on markets, exchanges among dealers, or news events).

Federal Income Taxes - Each Fund intends to continue to qualify for federal
income tax purposes as a regulated investment company and make the requisite
distributions to shareholders. Accordingly, no provision for federal income
taxes has been made in the financial statements.

On July 13, 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) released FASB
Interpretation No. 48 "Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes" (FIN 48).
FIN 48 provides guidance for how uncertain tax positions should be recognized,
measured, presented and disclosed in the financial statements. FIN 48 requires
the evaluation of tax positions taken or expected to be taken in the course of
preparing the Fund's tax returns to determine whether the tax positions are
"more-likely-than-not" of being sustained by the applicable tax authority. Tax
positions not deemed to meet the more-likely-than-not threshold would be
recorded as a tax benefit or expense in the current year. Adoption of FIN 48 is
required for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2006 and is to be
applied to all open tax years as of the effective date. Although the Funds' tax
positions are currently being evaluated, management does not expect the
adoption of FIN 48 to have a material impact on the Funds' financial

Class Accounting - Investment income and common expenses are allocated to the
classes of the Funds on the basis of "settled shares" of each class in relation
to the net assets of the Funds. Realized and unrealized gains (loss) on
investments are allocated to the various classes of the Funds on the basis of
daily net assets of each class. Distribution expenses relating to a specific
class are charged directly to that class.

Use of Estimates - The preparation of financial statements in conformity with
U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make
estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and
liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of
revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ
from those estimates.

Interest and Related Expenses - Interest and related expenses include, but are
not limited to interest expense, remarketing fees, liquidity fees, and
trustees' fees from the Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund's participation
in inverse floater programs where the Fund has transferred its own bonds to a
trust that issues floating rate securities and inverse floating rate securities
with an aggregate principal amount equal to the principal of the transferred
bond. The Fund receives the inverse floating rate securities and cash from the
trust in consideration of the conveyance of the municipal bonds to the trust.
The cash received is treated as a liability for accounting purposes. Interest
expense is recorded by the Fund based on the interest rate of the floating rate
securities. Remarketing fees, liquidity fees, and trustees' fees expenses are
recorded on the accrual basis.

For the year ended August 31, 2006, the Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund
had an average daily liability from the participation in inverse floater
programs of $7,500,000 and recorded interest expense at an average rate of

Other - Expenses directly attributable to a Fund are charged directly to that
Fund. Other expenses common to various funds within the
Delaware Investments(R) Family of Funds are generally allocated amongst such
funds on the basis of average net assets. Management fees and some other
expenses are paid monthly. Security transactions are recorded on the date the
securities are purchased or sold (trade date) for financial reporting purposes.
Costs used in calculating realized gains and losses on the sale of investment
securities are those of the specific securities sold. Interest income is
recorded on the accrual basis. Discounts and premiums are amortized to interest
income over the lives of the respective securities. Each Fund declares


1. Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

daily from net investment income and pays such dividends monthly and declares
and pays distributions from net realized gain on investments, if any,

The Funds receive earnings credits from their custodian when positive cash
balances are maintained, which are used to offset custody fees. The expense
paid under the above arrangement is included in custodian fees on the
Statements of Operations with the corresponding expense offset shown as
"expense paid indirectly."

2. Investment Management, Administration Agreements and Other Transactions with

In accordance with the terms of its respective investment management agreement,
each Fund pays Delaware Management Company (DMC), a series of Delaware
Management Business Trust and the investment manager, an annual fee based on
each Fund's average daily net assets as follows:

                                                            Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Tax-Free
                                                           Florida Insured Fund     New York Fund
                                                           ____________________   _________________

On the first $500 million                                         0.500%               0.550%
On the next $500 million                                          0.475%               0.500%
On the next $1.5 billion                                          0.450%               0.450%
In excess of $2.5 billion                                         0.425%               0.425%

DMC has contractually agreed to waive that portion, if any, of its management
fee and reimburse each Fund to the extent necessary to ensure that annual
operating expenses, exclusive of taxes, interest, brokerage commissions,
distribution fees, certain insurance costs and extraordinary expenses, do not
exceed specified percentages of average daily net assets as shown below:

                                                            Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Tax-Free
                                                           Florida Insured Fund     New York Fund
                                                           ____________________   _________________

The operating expense limitation as a percentage of
     average daily net assets (per annum)                          0.62%                 0.40%
Expiration date                                                  12/29/05              12/29/05
Effective December 30, 2005, operating expense limitation
     as a percentage of average daily net assets (per annum)       0.61%                 0.40%
Expiration date                                                  12/31/06              12/31/06

Delaware Service Company, Inc. (DSC), an affiliate of DMC, provides accounting,
administration, dividend disbursing and transfer agent services. Each Fund pays
DSC a monthly fee computed at the annual rate of 0.04% of such Fund's average
daily net assets for accounting and administration services. Each Fund also
pays DSC a monthly fee based on the number of shareholder accounts for dividend
disbursing and transfer agent services.

Pursuant to a distribution agreement and distribution plan, each Fund pays
Delaware Distributors, L.P. (DDLP), the distributor and an affiliate of DMC, an
annual distribution and service fee not to exceed 0.25% of the average daily net
assets of the Class A shares and 1.00% of the average daily net assets of the
Class B and C shares.

At August 31, 2006, the Funds had liabilities payable to affiliates as

                                                            Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Tax-Free
                                                           Florida Insured Fund     New York Fund
                                                           ____________________   _________________

Investment Management fee payable to DMC                         $36,560               $1,401
Dividend disbursing, transfer agent fees, accounting and
     administration fees and other expenses payable to DSC         8,872                1,862
Distribution fees payable to DDLP                                 26,397                7,042
Other expenses payable to DMC and affiliates*                      4,974                  808

*DMC, as part of its administrative services, pays operating expenses on behalf
 of each Fund and is reimbursed on a periodic basis. Such expenses include items
 such as printing of shareholder reports, fees for audit, legal and tax
 services, registration fees and trustees' fees.

As provided in the investment management agreement, the Fund bears the cost of
certain legal services, including internal legal services provided to the Funds
by DMC employees. For the year ended August 31, 2006, the Funds' were charged
for internal legal services provided by DMC as follows:

                                                            Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Tax-Free
                                                           Florida Insured Fund     New York Fund
                                                           ____________________   _________________

                                                                  $5,965               $1,007

                                                              (continues)     29

Notes to financial statements

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured / Tax-Free New York Funds

2. Investment Management, Administration Agreements and Other Transactions with
   Affiliates (continued)

For the year ended August 31, 2006, DDLP earned commissions on sales of Class A
shares for each Fund as follows:

                                                            Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Tax-Free
                                                           Florida Insured Fund     New York Fund
                                                           ____________________   _________________

                                                                 $18,631               $5,568

For the year ended August 31, 2006, DDLP received gross contingent deferred
sales charge commissions on redemption of each Fund's Class A, Class B and
Class C shares, respectively. These commissions were entirely used to offset
up-front commissions previously paid by DDLP to broker-dealers on sales of
Class A, Class B and Class C shares. The amounts were as follows:

                                                            Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Tax-Free
                                                           Florida Insured Fund     New York Fund
                                                           ____________________   _________________

Class A                                                          $   46                $    -
Class B                                                           3,271                 1,204
Class C                                                             509                   130

Certain officers of DMC, DSC and DDLP are officers and/or trustees of the
Trust. These officers and trustees are paid no compensation by the Funds.

3. Investments

For the year ended August 31, 2006, the Funds made purchases and sales of
investment securities other than short-term investments as follows:

                                                            Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Tax-Free
                                                           Florida Insured Fund     New York Fund
                                                           ____________________   _________________

Purchases                                                      $ 6,735,815           $5,169,271
Sales                                                           13,620,088            3,467,042

At August 31, 2006 the cost of investments and unrealized appreciation
(depreciation) for federal income tax purposes for each Fund were as follows:

                                                            Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Tax-Free
                                                           Florida Insured Fund     New York Fund
                                                           ____________________   _________________

Cost of investments                                            $92,057,261           $17,422,657
                                                               ___________           ___________

Aggregate unrealized appreciation                              $ 4,779,316           $   906,577
Aggregate unrealized depreciation                                  (34,235)                    -
                                                               ___________           ___________

Net unrealized appreciation                                    $ 4,745,081           $   906,577
                                                               ___________           ___________

4. Dividend and Distribution Information

Income and long-term capital gain distributions are determined in accordance
with federal income tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. generally
accepted accounting principles. The tax character of dividends and
distributions paid during the years ended August 31, 2006 and 2005 was as

                                                            Delaware Tax-Free         Delaware Tax-Free
                                                           Florida Insured Fund         New York Fund
                                                         ________________________    ___________________

                                                                Year Ended               Year Ended

                                                           8/31/06      8/31/05       8/31/06   8/31/05
                                                           _______      _______       _______   _______

Tax-exempt income                                        $4,534,215    $4,400,282    $722,866   $685,440

As of August 31, 2006, the components of net assets on a tax basis were as

                                                            Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Tax-Free
                                                           Florida Insured Fund     New York Fund
                                                           ____________________   _________________

Shares of beneficial interest                                  $ 96,385,804          $17,766,839
Other temporary differences                                               -                 (655)
Capital loss carryforwards                                         (517,691)            (216,360)
Post-October losses                                                       -              (11,520)
Unrealized appreciation of investments                            4,745,081              906,577
                                                               ____________          ___________

Net assets                                                     $100,613,194          $18,444,881
                                                               ____________          ___________


4. Dividend and Distribution Information (continued)

Post-October losses represent losses realized on investment transactions from
November 1, 2005 through August 31, 2006, that, in accordance with federal
income tax regulations, the Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund has elected to
defer and treat as having arisen in the following fiscal year.

For federal income tax purposes, capital loss carryforwards may be carried
forward and applied against future capital gains. Delaware Tax-Free Florida
Insured Fund and Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund utilized $172,566 and $6,847,
respectively, of capital loss carryforwards from prior years in 2006. Capital
loss carryforward amounts remaining at August 31, 2006 expire as follows:

                                                            Delaware Tax-Free     Delaware Tax-Free
Year of Expiration                                         Florida Insured Fund     New York Fund
__________________                                         ____________________   _________________

2008                                                           $    517,691            $      -
2009                                                                      -             216,360
                                                               ____________            ________

Total                                                          $    517,691            $216,360
                                                               ____________            ________

5. Capital Shares

Transactions in capital shares were as follows:

                                                            Delaware Tax-Free         Delaware Tax-Free
                                                           Florida Insured Fund         New York Fund
                                                         ________________________    ___________________

                                                                Year Ended               Year Ended

                                                           8/31/06      8/31/05       8/31/06   8/31/05
Shares sold:
     Class A                                                647,558       771,683     197,010    181,145
     Class B                                                 15,964        34,695      31,881     36,925
     Class C                                                 84,929        30,020     121,329     42,532

Shares issued from reorganization:
     Class A                                                      _       948,019           _          _
     Class B                                                      _       238,033           _
     Class C                                                      _       199,779           _          _

Shares issued upon reinvestment of
     dividends and distributions:
     Class A                                                190,022       149,719      38,341     35,395
     Class B                                                  5,154         4,348       4,007      4,632
     Class C                                                  6,206         3,014       3,813      1,966
                                                         __________    __________     _______   ________

                                                            949,833     2,379,310     396,381    302,595
                                                         __________    __________     _______   ________

Shares repurchased:
     Class A                                             (1,195,082)     (973,048)   (183,809)   (87,166)
     Class B                                               (121,397)     (233,220)    (47,738)   (31,706)
     Class C                                                (63,645)      (37,307)    (11,772)  (184,316)
                                                         __________    __________     _______   ________

                                                         (1,380,124)   (1,243,575)   (243,319)  (303,188)
                                                         __________    __________     _______   ________

Net increase (decrease)                                    (430,291)    1,135,735     153,062       (593)
                                                         __________    __________     _______   ________

For the years ended August 31, 2006 and 2005, the following shares were
converted from Class B to Class A shares. The respective amounts are included
in Class B redemptions and Class A subscriptions in the tables above and the
Statements of Changes in Net Assets.

                                                                                    Year Ended                    Year Ended
                                                                                      8/31/06                      8/31/05

                                                                    Class B    Class A                  Class B    Class A
                                                                    shares     shares     Amount        shares     shares    Amount
                                                                    ______     ______     ______        ______     ______    ______

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund                              48,081     48,107    $534,582       62,454     62,490   $703,111
Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund                                     17,055     17,007     178,750        8,994      8,977     95,273

                                                              (continues)     31

Notes to financial statements

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured / Tax-Free New York Funds

6. Fund Reorganization

Effective April 11, 2005, Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund (the "Fund")
acquired all of the assets and assumed all of the liabilities of Delaware
Tax-Free Florida Fund, an open-end investment company, pursuant to a Plan and
Agreement of Reorganization (the "Reorganization"). The shareholders of
Delaware Tax-Free Florida Fund received shares of the respective class of the
Fund equal to the aggregate net asset value of their shares prior to the
Reorganization based on the net asset value per share of the respective classes
of the Fund.

The Reorganization was treated as a non-taxable event and, accordingly, the
Fund's basis in the securities acquired reflected the historical cost basis as
of the date of transfer. The net assets, net unrealized appreciation and
accumulated net realized loss of Delaware Tax-Free Florida Fund as of the close
of business on April 8, 2005 were as follows:

                                                 Net Unrealized     Net Realized
                                 Net Assets       Appreciation         Losses
                                 ___________     ______________     ____________

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Fund   $15,521,298        $648,070         $(515,360)*

*Includes prior capital loss carry forwards.

The net assets of the Fund prior to the Reorganization were $92,098,392. The
combined net assets of the Funds after the reorganization were $107,619,690.

7. Line of Credit

The Funds, along with certain other funds in the Delaware Investments(R)
Family of Funds (the "Participants"), participate in a $225,000,000 revolving
line of credit facility to be used for temporary or emergency purposes as an
additional source of liquidity to fund redemptions of investor shares. The
Participants are charged an annual commitment fee, which is allocated across
the Participants on the basis of each Participant's allocation of the entire
facility. The Participants may borrow up to a maximum of one third of their net
assets under the agreement. The Funds had no amounts outstanding as of August
31, 2006, or at any time during the year then ended.

8. Credit and Market Risks

The Funds concentrate their investments in securities issued by each
corresponding state's municipalities. The value of these investments may be
adversely affected by new legislation within the states, regional or local
economic conditions, and differing levels of supply and demand for municipal
bonds. Many municipalities insure repayment for their obligations. Although
bond insurance reduces the risk of loss due to default by an issuer, such bonds
remain subject to the risk that market value may fluctuate for other reasons
and there is no assurance that the insurance company will meet its obligations.
These securities have been identified in the Statements of Net Assets.

The Funds may participate in inverse floater programs where they transfer their
own bonds to a trust that issues floating rate securities and inverse floating
rate securities ("inverse floaters") with an aggregate principal amount equal
to the principal of the transferred bonds. The inverse floaters received by the
Funds are derivative tax-exempt obligations with floating or variable interest
rates that move in the opposite direction of short-term interest rates, usually
at an accelerated speed. Consequently, the market values of the inverse
floaters will generally be more volatile than other tax-exempt investments. A
Fund typically uses inverse floaters to adjust the duration of its portfolio.
Duration measures a portfolio's sensitivity to changes in interest rates. By
holding inverse floaters with a different duration than the underlying bonds
that the Fund transferred to the trust, the Fund seeks to adjust its
portfolio's sensitivity to changes in interest rates. A Fund may also invest in
inverse floaters to add additional income to the Fund or to adjust the Fund's
exposure to a specific segment of the yield curve. Such securities are
identified on the Statements of Net Assets.

The Funds may invest in advanced refunded bonds, escrow secured bonds or
defeased bonds. Under current federal tax laws and regulations, state and local
government borrowers are permitted to refinance outstanding bonds by issuing
new bonds. The issuer refinances the outstanding debt to either reduce interest
costs or to remove or alter restrictive covenants imposed by the bonds being
refinanced. A refunding transaction where the municipal securities are being
refunded within 90 days from the issuance of the refunding issue is known as a
"current refunding." "Advance refunded bonds" are bonds in which the refunded
bond issue remains outstanding for more than 90 days following the issuance of
the refunding issue. In an advance refunding, the issuer will use the proceeds
of a new bond issue to purchase high grade interest bearing debt securities
which are then deposited in an irrevocable escrow account held by an escrow
agent to secure all future payments of principal and interest and bond premium
of the advance refunded bond. Bonds are "escrowed to maturity" when the
proceeds of the refunding issue are deposited in an escrow account for
investment sufficient to pay all of the principal and interest on the original
interest payment and maturity dates. Bonds are considered "pre-refunded" when
the refunding issue's proceeds are escrowed only until a permitted call date or
dates on the refunded issue with the refunded issue being redeemed at that
time, including any required premium. Bonds become "defeased" when the rights
and interests of the bondholders and their lien on the pledged revenues or
other security under the terms of the bond contract are substituted with an
alternative source of revenues (the escrow securities) sufficient to meet
payments of principal and interest to maturity or to the first call dates.
Escrowed secured bonds will often receive a rating of AAA from Moody's
Investors Service, Inc., Standard & Poor's Ratings Group, and/or Fitch Ratings
due to the strong credit quality of the escrow securities and the irrevocable
nature of the escrow deposit agreement. The Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured
Fund will purchase escrow secured bonds without additional insurance only where
the escrow is invested in securities of the U.S. government or agencies or
instrumentalities of the U.S. government.


8. Credit and Market Risks (continued)

Each Fund may invest up to 15% of its total assets in illiquid securities,
which may include securities with contractual restrictions on resale,
securities exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of
1933, as amended, and other securities which may not be readily marketable. The
relative illiquidity of these securities may impair each Fund from disposing of
them in a timely manner and at a fair price when it is necessary or desirable
to do so. While maintaining oversight, the Fund's Board of Trustees has
delegated to DMC the day-to-day functions of determining whether individual
securities are liquid for purposes of each Fund's limitation on investments in
illiquid assets. At August 31, 2006, there were no Rule 144A securities and no
securities have been determined to be illiquid under the Funds' Liquidity

9. Contractual Obligations

The Funds enter into contracts in the normal course of business that contain a
variety of indemnifications. The Funds' maximum exposure under these
arrangements is unknown. However, the Funds have not had prior claims or losses
pursuant to these contracts. Management has reviewed the Funds' existing
contracts and expects the risk of loss to be remote.

10. Restatement of Financial Statements

The Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund's financial statements and related
disclosures and financial highlights have been restated. The Fund participates
in inverse floater programs where it has transferred its own bonds to a trust
that issues floating rate securities and inverse floating rate securities with
an aggregate principal amount equal to the principal of the transferred bond.
The Fund receives the inverse floating rate securities and cash from the trust
in consideration of the conveyance of the municipal bonds to the trust.
Previously, the Fund treated this transaction as a sale of the bonds and as a
purchase of the inverse floating rate securities. Under Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards No. 140, Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of
Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities (FAS 140), the transfer of
the bonds is not considered a sale, but rather a form of financing for
accounting purposes. As a result, the Fund restated its financial statements to
include the original transferred bond, and the corresponding obligation,
interest and related expenses associated with participating in these inverse
floater programs. The result of the restatements was an increase in assets and
liabilities and corresponding increases in interest income and expenses. These
changes did not impact the net asset value, total return, or net investment
income of the Fund. The effects of the restatement on the financial highlights
are disclosed therein. The following represents the previously reported
information in the financial statements and the restated information:

                                                                 Previously Reported           Restated
                                                                _____________________       _______________
Statement of Net Assets

     Total market value of securities                                $ 96,802,342            $104,302,342
     Other assets [liabilities], net                                    3,810,852              (3,689,148)
     Total net assets                                                 100,613,194             100,613,194
     Investments at cost                                               92,057,261              99,557,261

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

     Investments at market                                           $ 96,802,342            $104,302,342
     Interest receivable                                                1,751,492               1,824,306
     Total assets                                                     103,322,334             110,895,148
     Liability for Inverse Floater programs                                     -               7,500,000
     Interest and related expense payable for Inverse Floater
          programs                                                              -                  72,814
     Total liabilities                                                  2,709,140              10,281,954
     Total net assets                                                 100,613,194             100,613,194
     Investments at cost                                               92,057,261              99,557,261

Statement of Operations

     Interest income                                                 $  5,490,926            $  5,742,714
     Interest and related expense                                               -                 251,788
     Subtotal of gross expenses                                         1,038,443               1,290,231
     Total operating expenses                                             956,711               1,208,499
     Net investment income                                              4,534,215               4,534,215


     Note 1-added accounting policy disclosure for Interest and related expenses
     Note 8-added additional information related to Inverse Floater programs

                                                              (continues)     33

Notes to financial statements

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured / Tax-Free New York Funds

11. Tax Information (Unaudited)

The information set forth below is for each Fund's fiscal year as required by
federal laws. Shareholders, however, must report distributions on a calendar
year basis for income tax purposes, which may include distributions for portions
of two fiscal years of a fund. Accordingly, the information needed by
shareholders for income tax purposes will be sent to them in January of each
year. Please consult your tax advisor for proper treatment of this information.

For the fiscal year ended August 31, 2006, each Fund designates distributions
paid during the year as follows:

                                                                   (A)               (B)               (C)
                                                                 Long Term         Ordinary            Tax-
                                                               Capital Gains        Income            Exempt             Total
                                                               Distributions     Distributions     Distributions     Distributions
                                                                (Tax Basis)       (Tax Basis)       (Tax Basis)       (Tax Basis)
                                                               _____________     _____________     _____________     _____________

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund                               -                 -                100%              100%
Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund                                      -                 -                100%              100%

(A), (B), and (C) are based on a percentage of each Fund's total distributions.


Report of independent
registered public accounting firm

To the Shareholders and Board of Trustees
Delaware Investments Municipal Trust - Delaware Tax-Free
Florida Insured Fund
Voyager Mutual Funds - Delaware Tax-Free New York

We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets and statements of
assets and liabilities of Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund (the sole
series of Delaware Investments Municipal Trust) and Delaware Tax-Free New York
Fund (one of the series constituting Voyageur Mutual Funds) (the "Funds") as of
August 31, 2006, and the related statements of operations for the year then
ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the
period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in
the period then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are
the responsibility of the Funds' management. Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. We were
not engaged to perform an audit of the Funds' internal control over financial
reporting. Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial
reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the
circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the
effectiveness of the Funds' internal control over financial reporting.
Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a
test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements and financial highlights, assessing the accounting principles used
and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation. Our procedures included confirmation of
securities owned as of August 31, 2006, by correspondence with the custodian and
brokers or by other appropriate auditing procedures where replies from brokers
were not received. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to
above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the
Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund of Delaware Investments Municipal Trust
and the Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund of Voyageur Mutual Funds at August 31,
2006, the results of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in
their net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and their
financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended, in
conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

As discussed in Note 10, the financial statements and financial highlights of
the Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund have been restated to correct the
accounting treatment relating to participation in inverse floater programs in
accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140, Accounting
for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of

                                                          /s/ Ernst & Young LLP

October 11, 2006
except for Note 10, as to which the date is
January 2, 2007


Other Fund information

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured / Tax-Free New York Funds

Board Consideration of Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund and Delaware
Tax-Free New York Fund Agreement

At a meeting held on May 17-18, 2006 (the "Annual Meeting"), the Board of
Trustees, including a majority of disinterested or independent Trustees,
approved the renewal of the Investment Advisory Agreements for the Delaware
Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund and Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund (each a "Fund"
and collectively the "Funds"). In making its decision, the Board considered
information furnished throughout the year at regular Board meetings, as well as
information prepared specifically in connection with the Annual Meeting.
Information furnished and discussed throughout the year included reports
detailing Fund performance, investment strategies, expenses, compliance matters
and other services provided by Delaware Management Company ("DMC"), the
investment advisor. Information furnished specifically in connection with the
Annual Meeting included materials provided by DMC and its affiliates ("Delaware
Investments") concerning, among other things, the level of services provided to
the Funds, the costs of such services to the Funds, economies of scale and the
financial condition and profitability of Delaware Investments. In addition, in
connection with the Annual Meeting, the Board considered independent historical
and comparative reports prepared by Lipper Inc. ("Lipper"), an independent
statistical compilation organization. The Board also considered industry
comparative information presented by representatives from Lipper. The Lipper
reports compared each Fund's investment performance and expenses with those of
other comparable mutual funds. The Board also received certain supplemental
information regarding management's policy with respect to advisory fee levels
and its philosophy with respect to breakpoints; the structure of portfolio
manager compensation; and any constraints or limitations on the availability of
securities in certain investment styles which might inhibit DMC's ability to
fully invest in accordance with Fund policies.

In considering such materials, the independent Trustees received assistance and
advice from and met separately with independent counsel and representatives from
Lipper. At the meeting with representatives from Lipper, Mr. Driscoll, then
Chairman of the Delaware Investments Family of Funds, and Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of the investment advisor, was present to respond to questions
by Lipper and the independent Trustees. While the Board considered the
Investment Advisory Agreements for all of the funds in the Delaware Investments
Family of Funds at the same Board meeting, information was provided and
considered by the Board for each fund individually. In approving the continuance
of the Investment Advisory Agreement for each Fund, the Board, including a
majority of independent Trustees, determined that the existing advisory fee
structure was fair and reasonable and that the continuance of the Investment
Advisory Agreement was in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders.
While attention was given to all information furnished, the following discusses
the primary factors relevant to the Board's deliberations and determination,
including those relating to the selection of the investment advisor and the
approval of the advisory fee.

Nature, Extent and Quality of Service. Consideration was given to the services
provided by Delaware Investments to the Funds and their shareholders. In
reviewing the nature, extent and quality of services, the Board emphasized
reports furnished to it throughout the year at regular Board meetings covering
matters such as the relative performance of the Funds, compliance of portfolio
managers with the investment policies, strategies and restrictions for the
Funds, the compliance of management personnel with the Code of Ethics adopted
throughout the Delaware Investments Family of Funds complex, the adherence to
fair value pricing procedures as established by the Board and the accuracy of
net asset value calculations. The Board noted that it was pleased with the
current staffing of the Funds' investment advisor and management's efforts to
strengthen and deepen portfolio management teams during the past year, the
emphasis on research and the compensation system for advisory personnel.
Favorable consideration was given to DMC's efforts to maintain, and in some
instances increase, financial and human resources committed to fund matters.
Other factors taken into account by the Board were Delaware Investments'
preparedness for, and response to, legal and regulatory matters. The Board also
considered the transfer agent and shareholder services provided to Fund
shareholders by Delaware Investments' affiliate, Delaware Service Company, Inc.
("DSC"), noting DSC's commitment to maintain a high level of service in keeping
with its past receipt of the DALBAR Pyramid Award, and the continuing
expenditures by Delaware Investments to improve the delivery of shareholder
services. Additionally, the Board noted the extent of benefits provided to Fund
shareholders for being part of the Delaware Investments Family of Funds,
including the privilege to exchange investments between the same class of shares
of funds without a sales charge, the ability to reinvest Fund dividends into
other funds and the privilege to combine holdings in other funds to obtain a
reduced sales charge. The Board was satisfied with the nature, extent and
quality of the overall services provided by Delaware Investments.

Investment Performance. The Board considered the investment performance of DMC
and the Funds. The Board was pleased with DMC's investment performance. The
Board placed significant emphasis on the investment performance of the Funds in
view of its importance to shareholders. While consideration was given to
performance reports and discussions with portfolio managers at Board meetings
throughout the year, particular weight was given to the Lipper reports furnished
for the Annual Meeting. The Lipper reports prepared for each Fund showed the
investment performance of its Class A shares in comparison to a group of similar
funds as selected by Lipper (the "Performance Universe"). A fund with the best
performance is ranked first, and a fund with the poorest performance is ranked
last. The highest/best performing 25% of funds in the Performance Universe make
up the first quartile; the next 25% - the second quartile; the next 25% - the
third quartile; and the poorest/worst performing 25% of funds in the Performance
Universe make up the fourth quartile. Comparative annualized performance for the
Funds was shown for the past one, three, five and 10 year periods ended January
31, 2006. The Board noted its objective that each Fund's performance for the
periods considered be at or above the median of its Performance Universe. The
following paragraphs summarize the performance results for each Fund and the
Board's view of such performance.


Board Consideration of Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund and Delaware
Tax-Free New York Fund Agreement (continued)

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund - The Performance Universe for the Fund
consisted of the Fund and all retail and institutional Florida insured municipal
debt funds as selected by Lipper. The Lipper report comparison showed that the
Fund's total return for the one, three, five and 10 year periods was in the
first quartile of such Performance Universe. The Board was satisfied with such

Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund - The Performance Universe for the Fund
consisted of the Fund and all retail and institutional New York municipal debt
funds as selected by Lipper. The Lipper report comparison showed that the Fund's
total return for the one, three and five year periods was in the first quartile
of such Performance Universe. The report further showed that the Fund's total
return for the 10 year period was in the second quartile. The Board was
satisfied with such performance.

Comparative Expenses. The Board considered expense data for the Delaware
Investments Family of Funds. Management provided the Board with information on
pricing levels and fee structures for the Funds. The Board focused particularly
on the comparative analysis of the management fees and total expense ratios of
each Fund and the management fees and expense ratios of a group of similar funds
as selected by Lipper (the "Expense Group"). In reviewing comparative costs,
each Fund's contractual management fee and the actual management fee incurred by
the Fund were compared with the contractual management fees (assuming all funds
in the Expense Group were similar in size to the Fund) and actual management
fees (as reported by each fund) of other funds within the Expense Group, taking
into effect any applicable breakpoints and fee waivers. Each Fund's total
expenses were also compared with those of its Expense Group. The Lipper total
expenses, for comparative consistency, were shown by Lipper for Class A shares
and compared total expenses including 12b-1 and non-12b-1 service fees. The
Board also considered fees paid to Delaware Investments for non-management
services. The Board noted its objective to limit each Fund's total expense ratio
to an acceptable range as compared to the median of the Expense Group. The
following paragraph summarizes the expense results for each Fund and the Board's
view of such expenses.

Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund - The expense comparisons for the Fund
showed that its actual management fee was in the quartile with the lowest
expenses of its Expense Group and its total expenses were in the quartile with
the second lowest expenses of its Expense Group. The Board was satisfied with
the management fees and total expenses of the Fund in comparison to its Expense
Group as shown in the Lipper report.

Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund - The expense comparisons for the Fund showed
that its actual management fee and total expenses were in the quartile with the
lowest expenses of its Expense Group. The Board was satisfied with the
management fees and total expenses of the Fund in comparison to its Expense
Group as shown in the Lipper report.

Management Profitability. The Board considered the level of profits, if any,
realized by Delaware Investments in connection with the operation of the Funds.
In this respect, the Board reviewed the Investment Management Profitability
Analysis that addressed the overall profitability of Delaware Investments'
business in providing management and other services to each of the individual
funds and the Delaware Investments Family of Funds as a whole. Specific
attention was given to the methodology followed in allocating costs for the
purpose of determining profitability. Management stated that the level of
profits of Delaware Investments, to a certain extent, reflected operational cost
savings and efficiencies initiated by Delaware Investments. The Board considered
Delaware Investments' expenditures to improve services provided to fund
shareholders and to meet additional regulatory and compliance requirements
resulting from recent SEC initiatives. The Board also considered the extent to
which Delaware Investments might derive ancillary benefits from fund operations,
including the potential for procuring additional business as a result of the
prestige and visibility associated with its role as service provider to the
Delaware Investments Family of Funds, the benefits from allocation of fund
brokerage to improve trading efficiencies and the use of "soft" commission
dollars to pay for proprietary and non-proprietary research. The Board did not
find that the level of profits realized by Delaware Investments from the
relationships with the Funds and the Delaware Investments Family of Funds
required negotiation of reduction of fees.

Economies of Scale. The Trustees considered whether economies of scale are
realized by Delaware Investments as each Fund's assets increase and the extent
to which any economies of scale are reflected in the level of management fees
charged. The Trustees took into account the standardized advisory fee pricing
and structure approved by the Board and shareholders as part of a complex-wide
shareholder meeting conducted in 1998/1999. At that time, Delaware Investments
introduced breakpoints to account for management economies of scale. The Board
noted that the fee under each Fund's management contract fell within the
standard structure. Although the Funds have not reached a size at which they can
take advantage of breakpoints, the Board recognized that the fees were
structured so that when the Funds grow, economies of scale may be shared.


Board of trustees/directors
and officers addendum

Delaware Investments(R) Family of Funds

A mutual fund is governed by a Board of Trustees/Directors ("Trustees"), which
has oversight responsibility for the management of a fund's business affairs.
Trustees establish procedures and oversee and review the performance of the
investment manager, the distributor, and others who perform services for the
fund. The independent fund trustees, in particular, are advocates for
shareholder interests. Each trustee has served in that capacity since he or she
was elected to or appointed to the Board of Trustees, and will continue to serve
until his or her retirement or the election of a new trustee in his or her
place. The following is a list of the Trustees and Officers with certain
background and related information.

                                                                                                   Number of
                                                                                               Portfolios in Fund       Other
     Name,                                                                                      Complex Overseen    Directorships
    Address,             Position(s)           Length of             Principal Occupation(s)       by Trustee          Held by
 and Birth Date       Held with Fund(s)       Time Served              During Past 5 Years         or Officer     Trustee or Officer

Interested Trustees

 Patrick P. Coyne (1)     Chairman,      Chairman and Trustee      Patrick P. Coyne has served in      84                None
2005 Market Street        President,     since August 16, 2006      various executive capacities
 Philadelphia, PA      Chief Executive                                  at different times at
      19103             Officer, and          President and           Delaware Investments. (2)
                           Trustee       Chief Executive Officer
  April 14, 1963                          since August 1, 2006

Independent Trustees

Thomas L. Bennett          Trustee               Since                Private Investor -               84                None
2005 Market Street                             March 2005            (March 2004-Present)
 Philadelphia, PA
      19103                                                          Investment Manager -
                                                                     Morgan Stanley & Co.
 October 4, 1947                                                  (January 1984-March 2004)

    John A. Fry            Trustee               Since                      President -                84             Director -
 2005 Market Street                           January 2001          Franklin & Marshall College                    Community Health
  Philadelphia, PA                                                      (June 2002-Present)                            Systems
                                                                    Executive Vice President -                         Director -
    May 28, 1960                                                   University of Pennsylvania                       Allied Barton
                                                                     (April 1995-June 2002)                       Security Holdings

  Anthony D. Knerr         Trustee               Since           Founder and Managing Director -       84                None
 2005 Market Street                            April 1990           Anthony Knerr & Associates
  Philadelphia, PA                                                    (Strategic Consulting)
       19103                                                              (1990-Present)

  December 7, 1938

 Lucinda S. Landreth       Trustee               Since              Chief Investment Officer -         84                None
 2005 Market Street                           March 2005                 Assurant, Inc.
  Philadelphia, PA                                                        (Insurance)
       19103                                                              (2002-2004)

   June 24, 1947

     Ann R. Leven          Trustee               Since                      Consultant -               84            Director and
 2005 Market Street                         September 1989                ARL Associates                           Audit Committee
  Philadelphia, PA                                                     (Financial Planning)                       Chairperson - Andy
       19103                                                              (1983-Present)                          Warhol Foundation

  November 1, 1940                                                                                                Director and Audit
                                                                                                                  Committee Member -
                                                                                                                    Systemax, Inc.


                                                                                                   Number of
                                                                                               Portfolios in Fund       Other
     Name,                                                                                      Complex Overseen    Directorships
    Address,             Position(s)           Length of             Principal Occupation(s)       by Trustee          Held by
 and Birth Date       Held with Fund(s)       Time Served              During Past 5 Years         or Officer     Trustee or Officer

Independent Trustees (continued)

Thomas F. Madison          Trustee               Since                 President and Chief             84             Director -
2005 Market Street                              May 1997 (3)           Executive Officer -                          Banner Health
 Philadelphia, PA                                                      MLM Partners, Inc.
      19103                                                        (Small Business Investing                          Director -
                                                                         and Consulting)                          CenterPoint Energy
February 25, 1936                                                    (January 1993-Present)
                                                                                                                 Director and Audit
                                                                                                                 Committee Member -
                                                                                                                 Digital River, Inc.

                                                                                                                 Director and Audit
                                                                                                                 Committee Member -

                                                                                                                  Director - Valmont
                                                                                                                   Industries, Inc.

 Janet L. Yeomans          Trustee               Since                    Vice President               84                None
2005 Market Street                             April 1999             (January 2003-Present)
 Philadelphia, PA                                                         and Treasurer
      19103                                                           (January 2006-Present)
                                                                          3M Corporation
  July 31, 1948

                                                                       Ms. Yeomans has held
                                                                   various management positions
                                                                   at 3M Corporation since 1983.

J. Richard Zecher          Trustee               Since                        Founder -                84         Director and Audit
2005 Market Street                             March 2005               Investor Analytics                        Committee Member -
 Philadelphia, PA                                                        (Risk Management)                        Investor Analytics
      19103                                                             (May 1999-Present)
                                                                                                                  Director and Audit
  July 3, 1940                                                                Founder -                           Committee Member -
                                                                      Sutton Asset Management                        Oxigene, Inc.
                                                                           (Hedge Fund)
                                                                      (September 1998-Present)


   David F. Connor     Vice President,    Vice President since     David F. Connor has served as       84                None (4)
 2005 Market Street    Deputy General      September 21, 2000        Vice President and Deputy
  Philadelphia, PA         Counsel,           and Secretary             General Counsel of
        19103           and Secretary             since                Delaware Investments
                                               October 2005                since 2000.

  December 2, 1963

  David P. O'Connor      Senior Vice      Senior Vice President, David P. O'Connor has served in       84                None (4)
 2005 Market Street       President,       General Counsel, and    various executive and legal
  Philadelphia, PA     General Counsel,     Chief Legal Officer   capacities at different times
       19103              and Chief               since              at Delaware Investments.
                        Legal Officer           October 2005

  February 21, 1966

  John J. O'Connor   Senior Vice President      Treasurer         John J. O'Connor has served in       84                None (4)
 2005 Market Street     and Treasurer             since             various executive capacities
  Philadelphia, PA                             February 2005             at different times at
       19103                                                             Delaware Investments.

   June 16, 1957


    Richard Salus          Senior            Chief Financial        Richard Salus has served in        84                None (4)
 2005 Market Street     Vice President        Officer since         various executive capacities
 Philadelphia, PA            and             November 1, 2006           at different times at
       19103           Chief Financial                                   Delaware Investments.

  October 4, 1963

(1) Patrick P. Coyne is considered to be an "Interested Trustee" because he is an executive officer of the Fund's(s') investment

(2) Delaware Investments is the marketing name for Delaware Management Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries, including the Fund's(s')
    investment advisor, principal underwriter, and its transfer agent.

(3) In 1997, several funds managed by Voyageur Fund Managers, Inc. (the "Voyageur Funds") were incorporated into the Delaware
    Investments Family of Funds. Mr. Madison served as a director of the Voyageur Funds from 1993 until 1997.

(4) David F. Connor, David P. O'Connor, John J. O'Connor, and Richard Salus serve in similar capacities for the six portfolios of
    the Optimum Fund Trust, which have the same investment advisor, principal underwriter, and transfer agent as the registrant.
    John J. O'Connor also serves in a similar capacity for Lincoln Variable Insurance Products Trust, which has the same investment
    advisor as the registrant.

The Statement of Additional Information for the Fund(s) includes additional information about the Trustees and Officers and is
available, without charge, upon request by calling 800 523-1918.


About the organization

This annual report is for the information of Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured
Fund and Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund shareholders, but it may be used with
prospective investors when preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus for
Delaware Tax-Free Florida Insured Fund and Delaware Tax-Free New York Fund and
the Delaware Investments(R) Performance Update for the most recently completed
calendar quarter. The prospectus sets forth details about charges, expenses,
investment objectives, and operating policies of the Funds. You should read the
prospectus carefully before you invest. The figures in this report represent
past results that are not a guarantee of future results. The return and
principal value of an investment in the Fund will fluctuate so that shares, when
redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost.

Board of trustees

Patrick P. Coyne

Chairman, President, and
Chief Executive Officer
Delaware Investments Family of
Funds Philadelphia, PA

Thomas L. Bennett

Private Investor
Rosemont, PA

John A. Fry

Franklin & Marshall College
Lancaster, PA

Anthony D. Knerr

Founder and Managing Director
Anthony Knerr & Associates
New York, NY

Lucinda S. Landreth

Former Chief Investment Officer
Assurant, Inc.
Philadelphia, PA

Ann R. Leven

ARL Associates
New York, NY

Thomas F. Madison

President and Chief Executive Officer
MLM Partners, Inc.
Minneapolis, MN

Janet L. Yeomans

Vice President and Treasurer
3M Corporation
St. Paul, MN

J. Richard Zecher

Investor Analytics
Scottsdale, AZ

Affiliated officers

David F. Connor

Vice President, Deputy General Counsel,
and Secretary
Delaware Investments Family of Funds
Philadelphia, PA

David P. O'Connor

Senior Vice President, General Counsel,
and Chief Legal Officer
Delaware Investments Family of Funds
Philadelphia, PA

John J. O'Connor

Senior Vice President and Treasurer
Delaware Investments Family of Funds
Philadelphia, PA

Richard Salus

Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer
Delaware Investments Family of Funds
Philadelphia, PA

Contact information

Investment manager

Delaware Management Company, a series
of Delaware Management Business Trust
Philadelphia, PA

National distributor

Delaware Distributors, L.P.
Philadelphia, PA

Shareholder servicing, dividend
disbursing, and transfer agent

Delaware Service Company, Inc.
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-7094

For shareholders

800 523-1918

For securities dealers and financial
institutions representatives only

800 362-7500

Web site


Delaware Investments is the marketing name of Delaware Management Holdings, Inc.
and its subsidiaries.

Each Fund files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities
and Exchange Commission for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on
Form N-Q. Each Fund's Forms N-Q, as well as a description of the policies and
procedures that each Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies (if any)
relating to portfolio securities are available without charge (i) upon request,
by calling 800 523-1918; (ii) on each Fund's Web site at
http://www.delawareinvestments.com; and (iii) on the Commission's Web site at
http://www.sec.gov. Each Fund's Forms N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the
Commission's Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C.; information on the
operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 800 SEC-0330.

Information (if any) regarding how each Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio
securities during the most recently disclosed 12-month period ended June 30 is
available without charge (i) through each Fund's Web site at
http://www.delawareinvestments.com; and (ii) on the Commission's Web site at


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o Hassle-free investing - Make online purchases and redemptions at any time.

o Simplified tax processing - Automatically retrieve your Delaware Investments
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  Available only with Turbo Tax(R) Online(SM) and Desktop software -

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Item 2. Code of Ethics

     The registrant has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the
registrant's principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal
accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions,
regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a
third party. A copy of the registrant's Code of Business Ethics has been posted
on Delaware Investments' internet website at www.delawareinvestments.com. Any
amendments to the Code of Business Ethics, and information on any waiver from
its provisions granted by the registrant, will also be posted on this website
within five business days of such amendment or waiver and will remain on the
website for at least 12 months.

Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert

     The registrant's Board of Trustees/Directors has determined that each
member of the registrant's Audit Committee is an audit committee financial
expert, as defined below. For purposes of this item, an "audit committee
financial expert" is a person who has the following attributes:

     a. An understanding of generally accepted accounting principles and
financial statements;

     b. The ability to assess the general application of such principles in
connection with the accounting for estimates, accruals, and reserves;

     c. Experience preparing, auditing, analyzing, or evaluating financial
statements that present a breadth and level of complexity of accounting issues
that are generally comparable to the breadth and complexity of issues that can
reasonably be expected to be raised by the registrant's financial statements, or
experience actively supervising one or more persons engaged in such activities;

     d. An understanding of internal controls and procedures for financial
reporting; and

     e. An understanding of audit committee functions.

An "audit committee financial expert" shall have acquired such attributes

     a. Education and experience as a principal financial officer, principal
accounting officer, controller, public accountant, or auditor or experience in
one or more positions that involve the performance of similar functions;

     b. Experience actively supervising a principal financial officer, principal
accounting officer, controller, public accountant, auditor, or person performing
similar functions;

     c. Experience overseeing or assessing the performance of companies or
public accountants with respect to the preparation, auditing, or evaluation of
financial statements; or

     d. Other relevant experience.

     The registrant's Board of Trustees/Directors has also determined that each
member of the registrant's Audit Committee is independent. In order to be
"independent" for purposes of this item, the Audit Committee member may not: (i)
other than in his or her capacity as a member of the Board of Trustees/Directors
or any committee thereof, accept directly or indirectly any consulting, advisory
or other compensatory fee from the issuer; or (ii) be an "interested person" of
the registrant as defined in Section 2(a)(19) of the Investment Company Act of

     The names of the audit committee financial experts on the registrant's
Audit Committee are set forth below:

     Thomas L. Bennett (1)
     Thomas F. Madison
     Janet L. Yeomans (1)
     J. Richard Zecher

Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services

     (a) Audit fees.

     The aggregate fees billed for services provided to the registrant by its
independent auditors for the audit of the registrant's annual financial
statements and for services normally provided by the independent auditors in
connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements were $30,000 for
the fiscal year ended August 31, 2006.

(1) The instructions to Form N-CSR/A require disclosure on the relevant
experience of persons who qualify as audit committee financial experts based on
"other relevant experience." The Board of Trustees/Directors has determined that
Mr. Bennett qualifies as an audit committee financial expert by virtue of his
education, Chartered Financial Analyst designation, and his experience as a
credit analyst, portfolio manager and the manager of other credit analysts and
portfolio managers. The Board of Trustees/Directors has determined that Ms.
Yeomans qualifies as an audit committee financial expert by virtue of her
education and experience as the Treasurer of a large global corporation.

     The aggregate fees billed for services provided to the registrant by its
independent auditors for the audit of the registrant's annual financial
statements and for services normally provided by the independent auditors in
connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements were $38,700 for
the fiscal year ended August 31, 2005.

     (b) Audit-related fees.

     The aggregate fees billed by the registrant's independent auditors for
services relating to the performance of the audit of the registrant's financial
statements and not reported under paragraph (a) of this Item were $0 for the
fiscal year ended August 31, 2006.

     The aggregate fees billed by the registrant's independent auditors for
services relating to the performance of the audit of the financial statements of
the registrant's investment adviser and other service providers under common
control with the adviser and that relate directly to the operations or financial
reporting of the registrant were $28,300 for the registrant's fiscal year ended
August 31, 2006. The percentage of these fees relating to services approved by
the registrant's Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception from the
pre-approval requirement in Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of Regulation S-X was 0%.
These audit-related services were as follows: issuance of report concerning
transfer agent's system of internal accounting control pursuant to Rule 17Ad-13
of the Securities Exchange Act; and issuance of agreed upon procedures reports
to the registrant's Board in connection with the pass-through of internal legal
cost relating to the operations of the registrant; and preparation of Report on
Controls Placed in Operation and Tests of Operating Effectiveness Relating to
the Retirement Plan Services Division ("SAS 70 report").

     The aggregate fees billed by the registrant's independent auditors for
services relating to the performance of the audit of the registrant's financial
statements and not reported under paragraph (a) of this Item were $0 for the
fiscal year ended August 31, 2005.

     The aggregate fees billed by the registrant's independent auditors for
services relating to the performance of the audit of the financial statements of
the registrant's investment adviser and other service providers under common
control with the adviser and that relate directly to the operations or financial
reporting of the registrant were $33,875 for the registrant's fiscal year ended
August 31, 2005. The percentage of these fees relating to services approved by
the registrant's Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception from the
pre-approval requirement in Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of Regulation S-X was 0%.
These audit-related services were as follows: issuance of report concerning
transfer agent's system of internal accounting control pursuant to Rule 17Ad-13
of the Securities Exchange Act; and issuance of agreed upon procedures reports
to the registrant's Board in connection with the annual transfer agent and fund
accounting service agent contract renewals and the pass-through of internal
legal cost relating to the operations of the registrant.

     (c) Tax fees.

     The aggregate fees billed by the registrant's independent auditors for
tax-related services provided to the registrant were $5,700 for the fiscal year
ended August 31, 2006. The percentage of these fees relating to services
approved by the registrant's Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis
exception from the pre-approval requirement in Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of
Regulation S-X was 0%. These tax-related services were as follows: review of
income tax returns and review of annual excise distribution calculations.

     The aggregate fees billed by the registrant's independent auditors for
tax-related services provided to the registrant's investment adviser and other
service providers under common control with the adviser and that relate directly
to the operations or financial reporting of the registrant were $0 for the
registrant's fiscal year ended August 31, 2006.

     The aggregate fees billed by the registrant's independent auditors for
tax-related services provided to the registrant were $7,800 for the fiscal year
ended August 31, 2005. The percentage of these fees relating to services
approved by the registrant's Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis
exception from the pre-approval requirement in Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of
Regulation S-X was 0%. These tax-related services were as follows: review of
income tax returns and review of annual excise distribution calculations.

     The aggregate fees billed by the registrant's independent auditors for
tax-related services provided to the registrant's investment adviser and other
service providers under common control with the adviser and that relate directly
to the operations or financial reporting of the registrant were $0 for the
registrant's fiscal year ended August 31, 2005.

     (d) All other fees.

     The aggregate fees billed for all services provided by the independent
auditors to the registrant other than those set forth in paragraphs (a), (b) and
(c) of this Item were $0 for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2006.

     The aggregate fees billed for all services other than those set forth in
paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Item provided by the registrant's independent
auditors to the registrant's adviser and other service providers under common
control with the adviser and that relate directly to the operations or financial
reporting of the registrant were $0 for the registrant's fiscal year ended
August 31, 2006.

     The aggregate fees billed for all services provided by the independent
auditors to the registrant other than those set forth in paragraphs (a), (b) and
(c) of this Item were $0 for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2005.

     The aggregate fees billed for all services other than those set forth in
paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Item provided by the registrant's independent
auditors to the registrant's adviser and other service providers under common
control with the adviser and that relate directly to the operations or financial
reporting of the registrant were $0 for the registrant's fiscal year ended
August 31, 2005.

     (e) The registrant's Audit Committee has established pre-approval policies
and procedures as permitted by Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(B) of Regulation S-X (the
"Pre-Approval Policy") with respect to services provided by the registrant's
independent auditors. Pursuant to the Pre-Approval Policy, the Audit Committee
has pre-approved the services set forth in the table below with respect to the
registrant up to the specified fee limits. Certain fee limits are based on
aggregate fees to the registrant and other registrants within the Delaware
Investments Family of Funds.


Service                                                                                      Range of Fees

Audit Services

Statutory audits or financial audits for new Funds                                 up to $25,000 per Fund

Services associated with SEC registration statements (e.g., Form N-1A, Form
N-14, etc.), periodic reports and other documents filed with the SEC or other
documents issued in connection with securities offerings (e.g., comfort letters    up to $10,000 per Fund
for closed-end Fund offerings, consents), and assistance in responding to SEC
comment letters

Consultations by Fund management as to the accounting or disclosure treatment of
transactions or events and/or the actual or potential impact of final or
proposed rules, standards or interpretations by the SEC, FASB, or other            up to $25,000 in the aggregate
regulatory or standard-setting bodies (Note: Under SEC rules, some consultations
may be considered "audit-related services" rather than "audit services")

Audit-Related Services

Consultations by Fund management as to the accounting or disclosure treatment of
transactions or events and /or the actual or potential impact of final or
proposed rules, standards or interpretations by the SEC, FASB, or other            up to $25,000 in the aggregate
regulatory or standard-setting bodies (Note: Under SEC rules, some consultations
may be considered "audit services" rather than "audit-related services")

Tax Services

U.S. federal, state and local and international tax planning and advice (e.g.,
consulting on statutory, regulatory or administrative developments, evaluation     up to $25,000 in the aggregate
of Funds' tax compliance function, etc.)

U.S. federal, state and local tax compliance (e.g., excise distribution reviews,   up to $5,000 per Fund

Review of federal, state, local and international income, franchise and other      up to $5,000 per Fund
tax returns

     Under the Pre-Approval Policy, the Audit Committee has also pre-approved
the services set forth in the table below with respect to the registrant's
investment adviser and other entities controlling, controlled by or under common
control with the investment adviser that provide ongoing services to the
registrant (the "Control Affiliates") up to the specified fee limit. This fee
limit is based on aggregate fees to the investment adviser and its Control


Service                                                                                      Range of Fees

Non-Audit Services

Services associated with periodic reports and other documents filed with the SEC   up to $10,000 in the aggregate
and assistance in responding to SEC comment letters

     The Pre-Approval Policy requires the registrant's independent auditors to
report to the Audit Committee at each of its regular meetings regarding all
services initiated since the last such report was rendered, including those
services authorized by the Pre-Approval Policy.

     (f) Not applicable.

     (g) The aggregate non-audit fees billed by the registrant's independent
auditors for services rendered to the registrant and to its investment adviser
and other service providers under common control with the adviser were $259,520
and $213,035 for the registrant's fiscal years ended August 31, 2006 and August
31, 2005, respectively.

     (h) In connection with its selection of the independent auditors, the
registrant's Audit Committee has considered the independent auditors' provision
of non-audit services to the registrant's investment adviser and other service
providers under common control with the adviser that were not required to be
pre-approved pursuant to Rule 2-01(c)(7)(ii) of Regulation S-X. The Audit
Committee has determined that the independent auditors' provision of these
services is compatible with maintaining the auditors' independence.

Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants

     Not applicable.

Item 6.  Schedule of Investments

     Included as part of report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this Form

Item 7.  Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End
Management Investment Companies

     Not applicable.

Item 8.  Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies

     Not applicable.

Item 9.  Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment
Company and Affiliated Purchasers

     Not applicable.

Item 10. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

     Not applicable.

Item 11. Controls and Procedures

     (a) The registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial
officer have evaluated the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures
within 90 days of the filing of this report and have concluded that they are
effective in providing reasonable assurance that the information required to be
disclosed by the registrant in its reports or statements filed under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 is recorded, processed, summarized and reported
within the time periods specified in the rules and forms of the Securities and
Exchange Commission.

     There were no significant changes in the registrant's internal control over
financial reporting that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period
covered by the report to stockholders included herein (i.e., the registrant's
fourth fiscal quarter) that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely
to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial

     (b) Subsequent to the filing of the registrant's Form N-CSR for its fiscal
year ended August 31, 2006, management identified a control deficiency in the
registrant's internal control over financial reporting. The registrant's
controls related to the review and analysis of the relevant terms and conditions
of certain transfers of securities were not operating effectively to
appropriately determine whether the transfers qualified for sale accounting
under the provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140
"Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments
of Liabilities." As a result of this control deficiency, the statement of net
assets and the statement of operations for the year ended August 31, 2006 and
certain financial highlights for certain years during the past five fiscal years
were restated in order to appropriately account for such transfers of securities
as secured borrowings and report the related interest income and expense.

Management notes that other investment companies investing in similar
investments over the same time periods had been accounting for such investments
in a similar manner as the registrant. Accordingly, other investment companies
investing in such investments to a material extent are also confronting the same
restatement issues as the registrant. The changes in the registrant's financial
statements did not impact the net asset value of the shares of any of the
registrant's funds or the net investment income or total return of any of the
registrant's funds for any period.

To address this control deficiency, management has made changes that have
materially affected, or are reasonably like to materially affect, registrant's
internal controls over financial reporting. To seek to increase the controls'
effectiveness, these changes provide for enhanced review of contracts relating
to complex transactions and the applicability of generally accepted accounting
principles to such transactions, including enhanced consultation with
registrant's independent public accountants in connection with such reviews.

Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting
may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of
effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become
inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance
with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

Item 12. Exhibits

(a) (1) Code of Ethics

        Not applicable.

    (2) Certifications of Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial
    Officer pursuant to Rule 30a-2 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 are
    attached hereto as Exhibit 99.CERT.

    (3) Written solicitations to purchase securities pursuant to Rule 23c-1
    under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

        Not applicable.

(b) Certifications pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are
    furnished herewith as Exhibit 99.906CERT.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the
Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be
signed on its behalf, by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Name of Registrant:  Voyageur Insured Funds


By:    Patrick P. Coyne
Title: Chief Executive Officer

Date:  February 21, 2007

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the
Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the
following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the
dates indicated.


By:    Patrick P. Coyne
Title: Chief Executive Officer

Date:  February 21, 2007


By:    Richard Salus
Title: Chief Financial Officer

Date:  February 21, 2007