THE COMPANIES ACTS 1985 AND 1989




                           MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION


                                 TILEVALE PLC

1.     The Company's name is "TILEVALE PLC"

2.     The Company is to be a public company.

3.     The Company's registered office is to be situated in England and Wales.

4.     The Company's objects are:

(A)    (i)   To carry on business as  manufacturers,  builders and  suppliers of
             and  dealers in goods of all  kinds,  and as  mechanical,  general,
             electrical,  marine,  radio,  electronic,  aeronautical,  chemical,
             petroleum,   gas,   civil   and   constructional   engineers,   and
             manufacturers,  importers and  exporters of,  dealers in machinery,
             plant  and  equipment  of  all  descriptions  and  component  parts
             thereof, forgings,  castings, tools, implements,  apparatus and all
             other articles and things.

      (ii)   To act as an investment  holding  company  and  to co-ordinate the
             business  of any companies in which the Company is  for  the  time
             being  interested,   and   to   acquire   (whether   by   original
             subscription, tender, purchase exchange or otherwise) the whole of
             or  any  part  of the stock, shares, debentures, debenture stocks,
             bonds  and  other  securities  issued  or  guaranteed  by  a  body
             corporate constituted  or  carrying on business in any part of the
             world or by an government sovereign  ruler,  commissioners, public
             body  or  authority  and to hold the same as investments,  and  to
             sell, exchange, carry and dispose of the same.

      (iii)  To carry on the businesses  in any part of the world as importers,
             exporters, buyers, sellers, distributors  and  dealers and to win,
             process and work produce of all kinds.

(B)   To  carry  on  the  following  businesses,  namely,  contractors,  garage
      proprietors, filling station proprietors, owners and charterers  of  road
      vehicles,  aircraft  and ships and boats of every description, lightermen
      and carriers of goods  and  passengers  by  road,  rail,  water  or  air,
      forwarding  transport  and commission agents, customs agents, stevedores,
      wharfingers, cargo superintendents, packers, warehouse storekeepers, cold
      store  keepers,


      hotel proprietors, caterers, publicans, consultants, advisers, financiers,
      bankers,  advertising  agents,  insurance brokers,  travel agents,  ticket
      agents  and  agency  business  of  all  kinds  and  generally  to  provide
      entertainment  for and render services of all kinds to others and to carry
      on any other trade or business  which can in the opinion of the  directors
      be  advantageously  carried  on by  the  Company  in  connection  with  or
      ancillary to any of the businesses of the Company.

(C)   To buy, sell, manufacture, repair,  alter,  improve,  manipulate, prepare
      for  market,  let  on  hire,  and generally deal in all kinds  of  plant,
      machinery, apparatus, tools, utensils,  materials,  produce,  substances,
      articles and things for the purpose of any of the businesses specified in
      clause 4, or which may be required by persons having, or about  to  have,
      dealings with the Company.

(D)   To  build,  construct,  maintain,  alter,  enlarge, pull down, remove and
      replace any buildings, shops, factories, offices,  works,  machinery  and
      engines, and to work, manage and control these things.

(E)   To  enter into contracts, agreements and arrangements with any person for
      the carrying  out  by  that person on behalf of the Company of any object
      for which the Company is formed.

(F)   To acquire, undertake and carry on the whole or any part of the business,
      property and liabilities of any person carrying on any business which may
      in the opinion of the directors  be capable of being conveniently carried
      on, or calculated directly or indirectly  to enhance the value of or make
      profitable  any  of the Company's property or  rights,  or  any  property
      suitable for the purposes of the Company.

(G)   To enter into any  arrangement  with  a  government or authority, whether
      national, international, supreme, municipal, local or otherwise, that may
      in  the  opinion  of the directors be conducive  to  any  object  of  the
      Company, and to obtain  from  that  government  or  authority  any right,
      privilege  or  concession  which  in  the  opinion  of  the  directors is
      desirable,  and  to carry out, exercise and comply with that arrangement,
      right, privilege or concession.

(H)   To apply for, purchase  and  by other means acquire, protect, prolong and
      renew  any  patent, patent right,  brevet  d'invention,  licence,  secret
      process, invention,  trade  mark,  service  mark,  copyright,  registered
      design, protection, concession and right of the same or similar effect or
      nature, and to use, turn to account, manufacture under and grant licences
      and  privileges  in  respect  of  those  things,  and  to  spend money in
      experimenting  with,  testing,  researching,  improving  and  seeking  to
      improve any of those things.

(I)   To acquire an interest in, amalgamate with and enter into partnership  or
      any  arrangement  for  the  sharing  of  profits, union of interests, co-
      operation, joint venture, reciprocal concession  or  otherwise  with  any
      person,  or  with  any  employees  of  the  Company.    To lend money to,
      guarantee  the  contracts of, and otherwise assist that person  or  those
      employees, and to take and otherwise acquire an interest in that person's
      shares or other securities  and  to sell, hold, re-issue, with or without
      guarantee, and otherwise deal with those shares or other securities.


(J)   To lend money to, subsidise and assist  any  person, to act as agents for
      the  collection, receipt and payment of money and  generally  to  act  as
      agents  and  brokers  for  and  perform  services  for any person, and to
      undertake and perform sub-contracts.

(K)   To enter into any guarantee or contract of indemnity  or  suretyship, and
      to  provide  security,  including, without limitation, the guarantee  and
      provision of security for  the  performance  of the obligations of or the
      payment of any money (including, without limitation,  capital, principal,
      premiums,  dividends,  interest, commissions, charges, discount  and  any
      related costs or expenses  whether  on shares or other securities) by any
      person including, without limitation, any body corporate which is for the
      time being the Company's holding company,  the  Company's  subsidiary,  a
      subsidiary  of  the  Company's holding company or any person which is for
      the time being a member or otherwise has an interest in the Company or is
      associated with the Company  in  any business or venture, with or without
      the Company receiving any consideration  or  advantage (whether direct or
      indirect), and whether by personal covenant or  mortgage,  charge or lien
      over  all  or  part  of  the  Company's undertaking, property, assets  or
      uncalled  capital  (present and future)  or  by  other  means.   For  the
      purposes of paragraph (K)  "guarantee"  includes  any obligation, however
      described, to pay, satisfy, provide funds for the payment or satisfaction
      of (including, without limitation, by advance of money,  purchase  of  or
      subscription  for  shares  or  other securities and purchase of assets or
      services), indemnify against the  consequences  of default in the payment
      of,  or  otherwise  be  responsible for, any indebtedness  of  any  other

(L)   To promote, finance and assist  any  person  for the purpose of acquiring
      all  or  any  of  the property, rights and undertaking  or  assuming  the
      liabilities of the  Company,  or  for  any other purpose which may in the
      opinion of the directors directly or indirectly  benefit the Company, and
      in  that  connection  to  place,  guarantee the placing  of,  underwrite,
      subscribe for and otherwise acquire  all  or  any  part  of the shares or
      other securities of a body corporate.

(M)   To  pay  out  of the funds of the Company all or any expenses  which  the
      Company may lawfully pay of or incidental to the formation, registration,
      promotion and advertising  of  and  raising money for the Company and the
      issue of its shares or other securities,  including,  without limitation,
      those  incurred  in connection with the advertising and offering  of  its
      shares  or other securities  for  sale  or  subscription,  brokerage  and
      commissions   for   obtaining   applications  for  and  taking,  placing,
      underwriting  or  procuring  the underwriting  of  its  shares  or  other

(N)   To remunerate any person for services  rendered  or to be rendered to the
      Company,  including,  without  limitation,  by  cash payment  or  by  the
      allotment of shares or other securities of the Company,  credited as paid
      up in full or in part.

(O)   To purchase, take on lease, exchange, hire and otherwise acquire any real
      or personal property and any right or privilege over or in respect of it.

(P)   To receive money on deposit on any terms the directors think fit.

(Q)   To  invest  and  deal with the Company's money and funds in any  way  the
      directors think fit.


(R)   To lend money and give credit with or without security.

(S)   To borrow, raise and secure the payment of money in any way the directors
      think fit, including,  without limitation, by the issue of debentures and
      other securities, perpetual  or  otherwise,  charged on all or any of the
      Company's property (present and future) or its  uncalled  capital, and to
      purchase, redeem and pay off those securities.

(T)   To  remunerate  any  person  for  services rendered or to be rendered  in
      placing,  assisting  and  guaranteeing  the  placing  and  procuring  the
      underwriting of any share or  other  security  of  the  Company or of any
      person  in  which  the  Company  may  be  interested  or proposes  to  be
      interested,  or  in  connection with the conduct of the business  of  the
      Company,  including, without  limitation,  by  cash  payment  or  by  the
      allotment of  shares or other securities of the Company, credited as paid
      up in full or in part.

(U)   To acquire, hold,  dispose  of,  subscribe for, issue, underwrite, place,
      manage assets belonging to others  which  include,  advise on, enter into
      contracts or transactions in relation to or involving  and  in  any other
      way deal with or arrange dealings with or perform any service or function
      in relation to (as applicable): shares, stocks, debentures, loans, bonds,
      certificates  of  deposit and other instruments creating or acknowledging
      indebtedness,  government,   public   or   other   securities,  warrants,
      certificates  representing  securities  or  other obligations,  units  in
      collective  investment  schemes,  options,  futures,   spot   or  forward
      contracts, contracts for differences or other investments or obligations,
      currencies,  interest  rates,  precious metals or other commodities,  any
      index (whether related in any way  to any of the foregoing or otherwise),
      any right to, any right conferred by or any interest or any obligation in
      relation to any of the foregoing and  any financial instrument or product
      deriving from or in any other way relating  to any of the foregoing or of
      any  nature  whatsoever,  and  any  transaction  which  may  seem  to  be
      convenient for hedging the risks associated with any of the foregoing.

(V)   To  co-ordinate,  finance and manage the business and  operation  of  any
      person in which the Company has an interest.

(W)   To draw, make, accept,  endorse,  discount,  execute and issue promissory
      notes, bills of exchange, bills of lading, warrants, debentures and other
      negotiable or transferable instruments.

(X)   To sell, lease, exchange, let on hire and dispose of any real or personal
      property and the whole or part of the undertaking  of  the  Company,  for
      such  consideration  as  the  directors  think  fit,  including,  without
      limitation, for shares, debentures or other securities, whether fully  or
      partly  paid up, of any person, whether or not having objects (altogether
      or in part)  similar  to  those  of  the  Company.   To  hold any shares,
      debentures  and  other  securities  so acquired, and to improve,  manage,
      develop, sell, exchange, lease, mortgage, dispose of, grant options over,
      turn to account or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property or
      rights of the Company.

(Y)   To  adopt  any  means of publicising and  making  known  the  businesses,
      services  and products  of  the  Company  as  the  directors  think  fit,
      including,    without    limitation,   advertisement,   publication   and
      distribution of notices, circulars,  books  and periodicals,


      purchase  and  exhibition  of works of art and  interest  and granting and
      making of prizes, rewards and donations.

(Z)   To support, subscribe to and  contribute  to  any  charitable  or  public
      object and any institution, society and club which may be for the benefit
      of  the  Company  or  persons  who  are  or  were  directors, officers or
      employees of the Company, its predecessor in business,  any subsidiary of
      the  Company or any person allied to or associated with the  Company,  or
      which  may  be connected with any town or place where the Company carries
      on business.   To  subsidise  and  assist any association of employers or
      employees  and any trade association.   To  grant  pensions,  gratuities,
      annuities and  charitable  aid  and to provide advantages, facilities and
      services to any person (including  any  director  or former director) who
      may  have  been  employed  by  or provided services to the  Company,  its
      predecessor in business, any subsidiary  of  the  Company  or  any person
      allied  to  or  associated with the Company and to the spouses, children,
      dependants and relatives  of  those persons and to make advance provision
      for  the  payment  of  those  pensions,   gratuities   and  annuities  by
      establishing or acceding to any trust, scheme or arrangement  (whether or
      not capable of approval by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue  under any
      relevant legislation) the directors think fit, to appoint trustees and to
      act  as trustee of any trust, scheme or arrangement, and to make payments
      towards  insurance  for  the  benefit of those persons and their spouses,
      children, dependants and relatives.

(AA)  To  establish  and  contribute  to   any   scheme  for  the  purchase  or
      subscription by trustees of shares or other  securities of the Company to
      be held for the benefit of the employees of the  Company,  any subsidiary
      of the Company or any person allied to or associated with the Company, to
      lend  money to those employees or to trustees on their behalf  to  enable
      them to  purchase  or  subscribe  for  shares  or other securities of the
      Company and to formulate and carry into effect any scheme for sharing the
      profits of the Company with employees.

(BB)  To apply for, promote and obtain any Act of Parliament  and  any order or
      licence  of  any  government department or authority (including,  without
      limitation, the Department  of  Trade and Industry) to enable the Company
      to carry any of its objects into  effect,  to  effect any modification of
      the Company's constitution and for any other purpose  which the directors
      think fit, and to oppose any proceeding or application  which  may in the
      opinion  of  the directors directly or indirectly prejudice the Company's

(CC)  To establish,  grant and take up agencies, and to do all other things the
      directors may deem conducive to the carrying on of the Company's business
      as principal or  agent,  and  to remunerate any person in connection with
      the establishment or granting of  an  agency  on the terms and conditions
      the directors think fit.

(DD)  To  distribute  among the shareholders in specie  any  of  the  Company's
      property and any  proceeds  of  sale  or disposal of any of the Company's
      property and for that purpose to distinguish  and  separate  capital from
      profits, but no distribution amounting to a reduction of capital  may  be
      made without any sanction required by law.

(EE)  To  purchase  and maintain insurance for the benefit of any person who is
      or was an officer or employee of the Company, a subsidiary of the Company
      or a company in


      which the Company has or had an interest  (whether  direct or indirect) or
      who is or was trustee of any retirement benefits scheme or any other trust
      in which any officer or  employee or former  officer or employee is or has
      been   interested,   indemnifying   that  person  against   liability  for
      negligence,  default,  breach  of duty or  breach  of trust  or any  other
      liability which may lawfully be insured against.

(FF)  To amalgamate with any other  person  and  to  procure  the Company to be
      registered or recognised in any part of the world.

(GG)  To do all or any of the things provided in any paragraph of clause 4:

      (i)    in any part of the world;

      (ii)   as principal, agent, contractor, trustee or otherwise;

      (iii)  by or through trustees, agents, subcontractors or otherwise; and

      (iv)   alone or with another person or persons.

(HH)  To do all things that are in the opinion of the directors  incidental  or
      conducive  to  the  attainment of all or any of the Company's objects, or
      the exercise of all or any of its powers.

(II)  The objects specified  in  each paragraph of clause 4 shall, except where
      otherwise provided in that paragraph, be regarded as independent objects,
      and are not limited or restricted  by  reference to or inference from the
      terms of any other paragraph or the name  of  the  Company.   None of the
      paragraphs of clause 4 or the objects or powers specified or conferred in
      or  by  them  is deemed subsidiary or ancillary to the objects or  powers
      mentioned in any  other  paragraph.   The  Company has as full a power to
      exercise all or any of the objects and powers  provided in each paragraph
      as if each paragraph contained the objects of a separate company.

(JJ)  In clause 4, a reference to:

      (i)    a "person" includes a reference to a body  corporate,  association
             or   partnership  whether  domiciled  in  the  United  Kingdom  or
             elsewhere and whether incorporated or unincorporated;

      (ii)   the "Act"  is,  unless the context otherwise requires, a reference
             to the Companies  Act 1985, as modified or re-enacted or both from
             time to time; and

      (iii)  a  "subsidiary"  or  "holding  company"  is  to  be  construed  in
             accordance with section 736 of the Act.

5.     The liability of the members is limited.

6.    The Company's share capital is {pound-sterling}50,000 divided into 50,000
      ordinary shares of {pound-sterling}1.00 each.


WE, the subscribers to this memorandum  of association wish to be formed into a
company pursuant to this memorandum and we  agree  to take the number of shares
in the capital of the company shown opposite our respective names.


                                      taken by each


Authorised signatory                                                      ONE
Clifford Chance Secretaries Limited
For and on behalf of
Clifford Chance Nominees Limited
200 Aldersgate Street
London EC1A 4JJ

For and on behalf of                                               ONE
Clifford Chance Secretaries Limited
200 Aldersgate Street
London EC1A 4JJ


DATED the            day of APRIL 2003.

WITNESS to the above signatures:

       200 Aldersgate Street
       London EC1A 4JJ



     1.    Interpretation......................................................1
     2.    Table A not to apply................................................3

SHARE CAPITAL..................................................................4
     3.    Authorised capital..................................................4
     4.    Allotment...........................................................4
     5.    Power to attach rights..............................................5
     6.    Redeemable shares...................................................5
     7.    Variation of rights.................................................6
     8.    Commission..........................................................6
     9.    Trusts not recognised...............................................6
     10.   Uncertificated shares...............................................6

SHARE CERTIFICATES.............................................................7
     11.   Right to certificate................................................7
     12.   Replacement certificates............................................7

     13.   Company's lien on shares not fully paid.............................8
     14.   Enforcement of lien by sale.........................................8
     15.   Application of proceeds of sale.....................................8

CALLS ON SHARES................................................................9
     16.   Calls...............................................................9
     17.   Power to differentiate..............................................9
     18.   Interest on calls...................................................9
     19.   Payment in advance..................................................9
     20.   Amounts due on allotment or issue treated as calls..................9

     21.   Notice if call not paid............................................10
     22.   Forfeiture for non-compliance......................................10
     23.   Notice after forfeiture............................................10
     24.   Disposal of forfeited shares.......................................10
     25.   Arrears to be paid notwithstanding forfeiture......................11
     26.   Surrender..........................................................11

UNTRACED SHAREHOLDERS.........................................................11
     27.   Power of sale......................................................11
     28.   Application of proceeds of sale....................................12

TRANSFER OF SHARES............................................................12
     29.   Method of transfer.................................................12
     30.   Right to refuse registration.......................................13
     31.   Fees on registration...............................................14
     32.   Suspension of registration and closing of register.................14

TRANSMISSION OF SHARES........................................................14


     33.   On death...........................................................14
     34.   Election of person entitled by transmission........................14
     35.   Rights on transmission.............................................15

ALTERATION OF SHARE CAPITAL...................................................15
     36.   Increase, consolidation, sub-division and cancellation.............15
     37.   Fractions..........................................................16
     38.   Reduction of capital...............................................16
     39.   Purchase of own shares.............................................17

GENERAL MEETINGS..............................................................17
     40.   Annual general meetings............................................17
     41.   Extraordinary general meetings.....................................17
     42.   Convening of extraordinary general meetings........................17
     43.   Length and form of notice..........................................17
     44.   Omission to send notice and irregularities in publication of
     45.   Postponement of general meetings...................................18
     46.   Special business...................................................19

PROCEEDINGS AT GENERAL MEETINGS...............................................19
     47.   Quorum.............................................................19
     48.   Procedure if quorum not present....................................19
     49.   Chairman...........................................................20
     50.   Right to attend and speak..........................................20
     51.   Power to adjourn...................................................20
     52.   Notice of adjourned meeting........................................20
     53.   Business at adjourned meeting......................................21
     54.   Accommodation of members at meeting................................21
     55.   Security...........................................................21

     56.   Method of voting...................................................22
     57.   Procedure on a poll................................................22
     58.   Votes of members...................................................23
     59.   Casting vote.......................................................23
     60.   Restriction on voting rights for unpaid calls etc..................23
     61.   Voting by proxy....................................................24
     62.   Appointment of proxy...............................................24
     63.   When votes by proxy valid although authority revoked...............26
     64.   Corporate representative...........................................26
     65.   Objections to and error in voting..................................26
     66.   Amendments to resolutions..........................................26
     67.   Members' written resolutions.......................................27
     68.   Class meetings.....................................................27
     69.   Failure to disclose interests in shares............................27

     70.   Number of directors................................................29
     71.   Power of the Company to appoint directors..........................29
     72.   Power of the board to appoint directors............................29
     73.   Appointment of executive directors.................................30
     74.   Eligibility of new directors.......................................30
     75.   Voting on resolution for appointment...............................30


     76.   Retirement by rotation.............................................30
     77.   Directors subject to retirement....................................31
     78.   Position of retiring director......................................31
     79.   Deemed reappointment...............................................31
     80.   No retirement on account of age....................................31
     81.   Removal by ordinary resolution.....................................31
     82.   Vacation of office by director.....................................32

ALTERNATE DIRECTORS...........................................................32
     83.   Appointment........................................................32
     84.   Revocation of appointment..........................................33
     85.   Participation in board meetings....................................33
     86.   Responsibility.....................................................33

REMUNERATION, EXPENSES AND PENSIONS...........................................33
     87.   Directors' fees....................................................33
     88.   Additional remuneration............................................34
     89.   Expenses...........................................................34
     90.   Remuneration and expenses of alternate directors...................34
     91.   Directors' pensions and other benefits.............................34
     92.   Remuneration of executive director.................................35

POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD................................................35
     93.   Powers of the board................................................35
     94.   Powers of directors being less than minimum required number........35
     95.   Powers of executive directors......................................35
     96.   Delegation to committees...........................................36
     97.   Agents.............................................................36
     98.   Associate directors................................................36
     99.   Exercise of voting powers..........................................36
     100.  Provision for employees............................................37
     101.  Registers..........................................................37
     102.  Borrowing powers...................................................37
     103.  Register of charges................................................41
     104.  Directors' interests...............................................41

PROCEEDINGS OF DIRECTORS AND COMMITTEES.......................................43
     105.  Board meetings.....................................................43
     106.  Notice of board meetings...........................................43
     107.  Quorum.............................................................44
     108.  Chairman of board..................................................44
     109.  Voting.............................................................44
     110.  Participation by telephone.........................................44
     111.  Resolution in writing..............................................45
     112.  Proceedings of committees..........................................45
     113.  Minutes of proceedings.............................................45
     114.  Validity of proceedings of board or committee......................45

SECRETARY AND AUTHENTICATION OF DOCUMENTS.....................................46
     115.  Secretary..........................................................46
     116.  Authentication of documents........................................46

     117.  Safe custody.......................................................46


     118.  Application of seals...............................................46
     119.  Official seal for use abroad.......................................46

DIVIDENDS AND OTHER PAYMENTS..................................................47
     120.  Declaration of dividends...........................................47
     121.  Interim dividends..................................................47
     122.  Entitlement to dividends...........................................47
     123.  Method of payment..................................................47
     124.  Dividends not to bear interest.....................................48
     125.  Calls or debts may be deducted from dividends etc..................49
     126.  Unclaimed dividends etc............................................49
     127.  Uncashed dividends.................................................49
     128.  Payment of dividends in specie.....................................49
     129.  Payment of scrip dividends.........................................50
     130.  Capitalisation of profits..........................................51
     131.  Record dates.......................................................52

     132.  Keeping and inspection of accounts.................................53
     133.  Accounts to be sent to members etc.................................53

     134.  Notices to be in writing in electronic communication...............54
     135.  Service of notices and other documents on members..................54
     136.  Notice by advertisement............................................55
     137.  Evidence of service................................................56
     138.  Notice binding on transferees etc..................................56
     139.  Notice in case of entitlement by transmission......................56

     140.  Destruction of documents...........................................57
     141.  Winding up.........................................................57
     142.  Indemnity of Officers and power to purchase insurance..............58


                       THE COMPANIES ACTS 1985 AND 1989




                            ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION


                                 TILEVALE PLC



(A)   In the articles:

      "ACT"  means,  unless  the  context otherwise requires, the Companies Act
      1985, including any statutory  modification  or re-enactment for the time
      being in force;

      "ACTS"  means  the  Companies Acts 1985 and 1989  and  all  statutes  and
      subordinate legislation  for the time being in force concerning companies
      so far as they apply to the Company;

      "ADDRESS" means, in relation  to electronic communications, any number or
      address used for the purposes of such communications;

      "ARTICLES" means these articles  of  association  as amended from time to

      "AUDITORS" means the auditors of the Company;

      "BOARD"  means  the board of directors of the Company  or  the  directors
      present or deemed  to  be  present  at  a  duly  convened  meeting of the
      directors at which a quorum is present;

      "BUSINESS  DAY"  means  a day (not being a Saturday or Sunday)  on  which
      clearing banks are open for business in London;

      "CERTIFICATED" means, in  relation  to a share, a share which is recorded
      in the register as being held in certificated form;

      "CLEAR  DAYS"  means, in relation to a  period  of  notice,  that  period
      excluding the day  when the notice is given or deemed to be given and the
      day for which it is given or on which it is to take effect;

      "COMMUNICATION" has  the same meaning as in the Electronic Communications
      Act 2000;


      "COMPANY" includes any  body  corporate (not being a corporation sole) or
      association of persons, whether  or  not  a company within the meaning of
      the Act;

      "DIRECTOR" means, unless the context otherwise  requires,  a  director of
      the Company;

      "ELECTRONIC  COMMUNICATION"  has  the  same  meaning as in the Electronic
      Communications Act 2000;

      "ENTITLED BY TRANSMISSION" means, in relation  to  a share, entitled as a
      consequence of the death or bankruptcy of a member or  of  another  event
      giving rise to a transmission of entitlement by operation of law;

      "EXECUTED"  includes, in relation to a document, execution under hand  or
      under seal or by another method permitted by law;

      "HOLDER" means,  in relation to a share, the member whose name is entered
      in the register as the holder of that share;

      "LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE" means London Stock Exchange plc;

      "MEMBER" means, unless  the  context  otherwise requires, a member of the

      "OFFICE" means the registered office of the Company;

      "PAID", "PAID UP" and "PAID-UP" include credited as paid or paid up;

      "RECOGNISED  FINANCIAL INSTITUTION" means  a  recognised  clearing  house
      acting in relation  to a recognised investment exchange or a nominee of a
      recognised  clearing  house  acting  in  that  way  or  of  a  recognised
      investment  exchange  which   is   designated   for   the   purposes   of
      section 185(4) of the Act;

      "REGISTER"  means, unless the context otherwise requires, the register of
      members kept  pursuant  to  section 352 of the Act and, where the context
      requires, any register maintained  by  the Company of persons holding any
      renounceable right of allotment of a share;

      "SEAL" means, unless the context otherwise  requires,  the common seal of
      the Company or any official or securities seal that the  Company may have
      or may be permitted to have under the Acts;

      "SECRETARY" means the secretary of the Company and includes any assistant
      or  deputy secretary and a person appointed by the board to  perform  the
      duties of the secretary;

      "UKLA"  means  the  UK  Listing  Authority,  a  division of the Financial
      Services Authority acting in its capacity as the  competent authority for
      the purposes of Part IV of the Financial Services Act  1986  (as amended)
      or any successor Act;

      "UNCERTIFICATED  PROXY  INSTRUCTION" means an instruction or notification
      sent by means of a relevant  system  and  received by such participant in
      that system acting on behalf of the Company  as  the board may prescribe,
      in such form and subject to such terms and conditions as may from time to
      time  be prescribed by the board (subject always to  the  facilities  and
      requirements of the relevant system concerned);


      "UNCERTIFICATED   SECURITIES   REGULATIONS"   means   the  Uncertificated
      Securities Regulations 1995, including any modification,  re-enactment or
      substitute regulations for the time being in force;

      "UNCERTIFICATED" means, in relation to a share, a share title to which is
      recorded in the register as being held in uncertificated form  and  title
      to which, by virtue of the Uncertificated Securities Regulations, may  be
      transferred by means of a relevant system;

      references  to  a "MEETING" shall not be taken as requiring more than one
      person to be present  if  any  quorum requirement can be satisfied by one

(B)   Words and expressions to which a  particular  meaning  is  given  by  the
      Companies  Act  in  force  when  these articles (or any part of them) are
      adopted have the same meaning in these articles, except where the word or
      expression  is  otherwise  defined in  paragraph  (A).   The  expressions
      SECURITY"  and  "RELEVANT  SYSTEM"  have  the  same  meaning  as  in  the
      Uncertificated Securities Regulations.

(C)   All references in these articles to the  giving  of instructions by means
      of  a  relevant  system  shall  be  deemed  to  relate  to   a   properly
      authenticated  dematerialised  instruction  given in accordance with  the
      Uncertificated Securities Regulations.  The giving  of  such instructions
      shall be subject to:

             (i)  the facilities and requirements of the relevant system;

             (ii) the   extent   permitted  by  the  Uncertificated  Securities
                  Regulations; and

             (iii)the extent permitted  by  or  practicable under the rules and
                  practices from time to time of  the  Operator of the relevant

(D)   Where an ordinary resolution of the Company is expressed  to  be required
      for any purpose, a special or extraordinary resolution is also  effective
      for  that purpose, and where an extraordinary resolution is expressed  to
      be required  for  any purpose, a special resolution is also effective for
      that purpose.

(E)   References to a "MEETING"  shall  not be taken as requiring more than one
      person to be present if any quorum  requirement  can  be satisfied by one

(F)   The  headings  in  the articles do not affect the interpretation  of  the


      No regulations contained  in  any  statute  or  subordinate  legislation,
      including  the  regulations contained in Table A in the schedule  to  the
      Companies (Tables  A  to  F)  Regulations 1985 (as amended), apply as the
      regulations or articles of association of the Company.


                                 SHARE CAPITAL


      The authorised share capital of  the  Company  at the date of adoption of
      these  articles is {pound-sterling}50,000 divided  into  50,000  ordinary
      shares of {pound-sterling}1.00 each.


(A)   Subject  to  the  Acts  and  relevant authority of the Company in general
      meeting required by the articles  and the Acts, the board has general and
      unconditional authority to allot (with  or  without  conferring rights of
      renunciation),  grant  options  over,  offer or otherwise  deal  with  or
      dispose of unissued shares (whether forming  part  of the original or any
      increased  capital), or rights to subscribe for or convert  any  security
      into shares,  to  such  persons,  at  such  times  and  on such terms and
      conditions  as  the  board  may  decide but no share may be issued  at  a

(B)   The board has general and unconditional authority, pursuant to section 80
      of the Act, to exercise all powers  of  the  Company  to  allot  relevant
      securities  up  to  an  aggregate nominal amount equal to the section  80
      amount, for the first period and each subsequent section 80 period.

(C)   The board has general power,  pursuant to section 95 of the Act, to allot
      equity securities for cash pursuant to the general authority conferred by
      paragraph (B), as if section 89(1)  of  the  Act  does  not apply to that
      allotment,  for the first period and each subsequent section  89  period.
      This power is limited to:

      (i)    allotments  of equity securities in connection with a rights issue
             in favour of  holders  of  ordinary  shares made in proportion (as
             nearly  as  may  be)  to  their respective  existing  holdings  of
             ordinary shares but subject  to  the  board having a right to make
             such  exclusions  or other arrangements in  connection  with  that
             offering as it deems necessary or expedient:

             (a)  to  deal  with  equity   securities  representing  fractional
                  entitlements; and

             (b)  to  deal  with legal or practical  problems  arising  in  any
                  overseas territory  or  by virtue of shares being represented
                  by depository receipts, the  requirements  of  any regulatory
                  body or stock exchange, or any other matter whatsoever; and

      (ii)   allotments  of  equity securities for cash other than pursuant  to
             paragraph (i) up  to  an  aggregate  nominal  amount  equal to the
             section 89 amount.

(D)   By the authority and power conferred by paragraphs (B) and (C), the board
      may,  during  a  period which is a first period, a subsequent section  80
      period or a subsequent  section  89  period,  make  an offer or agreement
      which  would  or  might  require  equity  securities  or  other  relevant
      securities  to  be allotted after such period expires and the  board  may
      allot securities  in  pursuance  of  that  offer  or agreement as if such
      authority and power had not expired.


(E)   In this article 4:

      (i)    "FIRST PERIOD" means the period commencing on the date of adoption
             of these articles and expiring on the date on  which  a resolution
             to  renew  the  authority conferred by paragraph (B) or the  power
             conferred by paragraph  (C)  (as the case may be) is passed or the
             fifth  anniversary of the date  of  adoption  of  these  articles,
             whichever is the earlier;

      (ii)   "SUBSEQUENT  SECTION  80  PERIOD"  means any period starting on or
             after the expiry of the first period (and not exceeding five years
             on any occasion) for which the authority  conferred  by  paragraph
             (B)  is  renewed  by  ordinary  or  special resolution stating the
             section 80 amount;

      (iii)  "SUBSEQUENT SECTION 89 PERIOD" means  any  period  starting  on or
             after the expiry of the first period (and not exceeding five years
             on any occasion) for which the power conferred by paragraph (C) is
             renewed by special resolution stating the section 89 amount;

      (iv)   "SECTION    80    AMOUNT"    means,    for   the   first   period,
             {pound-sterling}50,000 and, for a subsequent  section  80  period,
             the  amount  stated in the relevant ordinary or special resolution
             or, in either  case,  another  amount  fixed  by resolution of the

      (v)    "SECTION    89    AMOUNT"    means,    for   the   first   period,
             {pound-sterling}50,000 and, for a subsequent  section  89  period,
             the amount stated in the relevant special resolution or, in either
             case, another amount fixed by resolution of the Company;

      (vi)   the  nominal  amount  of  securities  is, in the case of rights to
             subscribe  for  or  convert  any securities  into  shares  of  the
             Company,  the  nominal amount of  shares  which  may  be  allotted
             pursuant to those rights.

(F)          The board may at  any  time  after  the  allotment  of a share but
             before a person has been entered in the register as the  holder of
             the share recognise a renunciation of the share by the allottee in
             favour  of another person and may grant to an allottee a right  to
             effect a renunciation on the terms and conditions the board thinks


      Subject to the Acts  and  to  the rights attached to existing shares, new
      shares may be allotted or issued  with  or  have  attached  to  them such
      special  rights or restrictions as the Company may by ordinary resolution
      decide, or,  if  no resolution is passed or so far as the resolution does
      not make specific provision, as the board may decide.


      Subject to the Acts and to the rights attached to existing shares, shares
      may be issued on terms  that they are to be redeemed or, at the option of
      the Company or the holder, are liable to be redeemed.



(A)   Subject to the Acts, the  rights  attached  to  a  class of shares may be
      varied whether or not the Company is being wound up:

      (i)    in such manner (if any) as may be provided by those rights; or

      (ii)   in the absence of provision, either with the consent in writing of
             the holders of at least three-fourths of the nominal amount of the
             issued  shares  of  that  class  or  with  the  sanction   of   an
             extraordinary  resolution  passed  at  a  separate  meeting of the
             holders  of  the  issued  shares  of  that  class validly held  in
             accordance with the articles, but not otherwise.

(B)   The  rights  attached  to  a  class  of shares are not, unless  otherwise
      expressly provided in the rights attaching  to those shares, deemed to be
      varied by the creation, allotment or issue of further shares ranking pari
      passu with or subsequent to them or by the purchase  or redemption by the
      Company of its own shares in accordance with the Acts and article 39.


      The Company may exercise all powers conferred or permitted by the Acts of
      paying  commission  or  brokerage.   Subject to the Acts,  commission  or
      brokerage may be satisfied by the payment  of  cash  or  the allotment of
      fully-  or partly-paid shares or the grant of an option to  call  for  an
      allotment of shares or by any combination of these methods.


      Except as  ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction or as required by
      law, the Company  may  not recognise a person as holding a share on trust
      and is not bound by or otherwise  compelled  to recognise (even if it has
      notice of it) an equitable, contingent, future, partial or other claim to
      or interest in a share other than an absolute  right in the holder to the
      whole of the share.


(A)   Subject to the Acts, the board may resolve that  a  class of shares is to
      become a participating security and that a class of shares shall cease to
      be a participating security.

(B)   Uncertificated  shares  of a class are not to be regarded  as  forming  a
      separate class from certificated shares of that class.

(C)   A  member  may,  in  accordance   with   the   Uncertificated  Securities
      Regulations, change a share of a class which is  a participating security
      from  a  certificated  share  to  an  uncertificated share  and  from  an
      uncertificated share to a certificated share.

(D)   The Company may give notice to a member  requiring  the  member to change
      uncertificated  shares to certificated shares by the time stated  in  the
      notice.  The notice  may  also  state  that  the  member  may  not change
      certificated  shares  to  uncertificated shares.  If the member does  not
      comply with the notice, the board may authorise a person


      to change the uncertificated shares to certificated shares in the name and
      on behalf of the member.

(E)   While a class of shares is a participating  security, these articles only
      apply to an uncertificated share of that class  to  the  extent that they
      are consistent with:

      (i)    the holding of shares of that class in uncertificated form;

      (ii)   the  transfer  of  title  to  shares of that class by means  of  a
             relevant system; and

      (iii)  the Uncertificated Securities Regulations.

                              SHARE CERTIFICATES


(A)   Subject to the Acts, the Uncertificated Securities Regulations, the rules
      of any relevant system and these articles,  a  person (except a person to
      whom  the Company is not required by law to issue  a  certificate)  whose
      name is  entered  in  the register as a holder of a certificated share is
      entitled, without charge,  to  receive  within two months of allotment or
      lodgement of a transfer to him of those shares or within two months after
      the relevant Operator instruction is received  by  the Company (or within
      any other period as the terms of issue of the shares provide);

      one certificate for all the certificated shares of a  class registered in
      his name or, in the case of certificated shares of more  than  one  class
      being registered in his name, to a separate certificate for each class of

(B)   Where  a  member  (other  than a recognised person) transfers part of his
      shares comprised in a certificate  he is entitled, without charge, to one
      certificate for the balance of certificated shares retained by him.

(C)   The  Company  is  not  bound  to  issue more  than  one  certificate  for
      certificated shares held jointly by two or more persons and delivery of a
      certificate  to one joint holder is  sufficient  delivery  to  all  joint

(D)   A certificate  shall  specify the number and class and the distinguishing
      numbers (if any) of the  shares  in respect of which it is issued and the
      amount  paid  up  on  the  shares and shall  otherwise  comply  with  the
      requirements of the UKLA.  It  shall be issued under a seal, which may be
      affixed to or printed on it, or  in  such  other  manner as the board may
      approve, having regard to the terms of allotment or issue of the shares.


(A)   Where a member holds two or more certificates for shares  of  one  class,
      the  board  may at his request, on surrender of the original certificates
      and  without  charge,   cancel   the  certificates  and  issue  a  single
      replacement certificate for certificated shares of that class.

(B)   At the request of a member, the board  may cancel a certificate and issue
      two  or  more  in  its place (representing certificated  shares  in  such
      proportions as the member may


      specify),  on surrender of the original certificate and on payment of such
      reasonable sum as the board may decide.

(C)   Where  a certificate is worn out, defaced, lost or destroyed,  the  board
      may cancel  it  and  issue  a replacement certificate on such terms as to
      provision of evidence and indemnity  and  to  payment  of any exceptional
      out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred by the Company in the investigation  of
      that evidence and the preparation  of  that  indemnity  as  the board may
      decide,  and on surrender of the original certificate (where it  is  worn
      out or defaced).



(A)   The Company  has  a first and paramount lien on every share (other than a
      fully-paid share) registered  in  the name of a member (whether solely or
      jointly with another person) for an  amount  payable  in  respect  of the
      share,  whether  the  due  date for payment has arrived or not.  The lien
      applies to all dividends from  time  to  time  declared  or other amounts
      payable in respect of the share.

(B)   The board may either generally or in a particular case declare a share to
      be  wholly or partly exempt from the provisions of this article.   Unless
      otherwise agreed with the transferee, the registration of a transfer of a
      share operates as a waiver of the Company's lien (if any) on that share.


(A)   For the  purpose of enforcing the lien, the board may sell shares subject
      to the lien  in such manner as it may decide, if the due date for payment
      of the relevant  amounts  has  arrived  and payment is not made within 14
      clear  days  after  the  service of a notice  in  writing  (stating,  and
      demanding payment of, the  amounts  and giving notice of the intention to
      sell  in default of payment) on the member  concerned  (or  to  a  person
      entitled by transmission to the shares).

(B)   To give  effect  to  a sale, the board may authorise a person to transfer
      the shares in the name  and  on  behalf  of  the  holder of or the person
      entitled by transmission to the shares, or to cause  the transfer of such
      shares, to the purchaser or his nominee.  The purchaser  is  not bound to
      see  to  the  application  of  the  purchase  money and the title of  the
      transferee is not affected by an irregularity in  or  invalidity  of  the
      proceedings connected with the sale.


      The  net  proceeds  of a sale effected under article 14, after payment of
      the costs of the sale,  shall  be  applied  by  the Company in or towards
      satisfaction  of  the amount in respect of which the  lien  exists.   Any
      residue shall (on surrender  to  the  Company  for  cancellation  of  any
      certificate  for  the shares sold, or the provision of an indemnity as to
      any lost or destroyed  certificate required by the board and subject to a
      like lien for amounts not  presently  payable  as  existed  on the shares
      before  the  sale)  be  paid  to  the  member  or  a  person  entitled by
      transmission to the shares immediately before the sale.


                                CALLS ON SHARES

16.   CALLS

      Subject to the terms of allotment or issue, the board may make  calls  on
      members  in  respect of amounts unpaid on the shares or a class of shares
      held by them respectively  (whether  in  respect  of  nominal  value or a
      premium)  and  not  payable on a date fixed by or in accordance with  the
      terms of allotment or issue.  Each member shall (on receiving at least 14
      clear days' notice specifying  when  and where payment is to be made) pay
      to the Company the amount called as required  by  the notice.  A call may
      be made payable by instalments and may, at any time before receipt by the
      Company of an amount due, be revoked or postponed in  whole or in part as
      the  board  may  decide.   A  call  is deemed made at the time  when  the
      resolution of the board authorising it  is  passed.   A  person on whom a
      call  is  made  remains  liable  to  pay  the  amount called despite  the
      subsequent transfer of the share in respect of which  the  call  is made.
      The joint holders of a share are jointly and severally liable for payment
      of a call in respect of that share.


      The board may make arrangements on the allotment or issue of shares for a
      difference  between the allottees or holders in the amounts and times  of
      payment of a call on their shares.


      If the whole of the amount called is not paid on or before the date fixed
      for payment,  the  person by whom it is payable shall pay interest on the
      unpaid amount at such  rate  as may be fixed by the terms of allotment or
      issue of the share or, if no rate  is fixed, at such rate (not exceeding,
      without the sanction of the Company  given by ordinary resolution, 20 per
      cent. per annum) as the board may decide,  from  and  including  the date
      fixed for payment until but excluding the date of actual payment and  all
      costs, charges and expenses incurred by the Company by reason of the non-
      payment.   The  board  may  waive  payment of the interest in whole or in


      The board may, if it thinks fit, receive from a member all or part of the
      amounts uncalled and unpaid on shares  held by him.  A payment in advance
      of calls extinguishes to the extent of the  payment  the liability of the
      member on the shares in respect of which it is made.  The Company may pay
      interest on the amount paid in advance, or on so much  of it as from time
      to time exceeds the amount called on the shares in respect  of  which the
      payment  in  advance  has been made, at such rate (not exceeding, without
      the sanction of the Company  given  by  ordinary resolution, 20 per cent.
      per annum) as the board may decide.


      An amount which becomes payable in respect  of  a  share  on allotment or
      issue  or  on  a date fixed pursuant to the terms of allotment  or  issue
      (whether in respect of nominal value or a premium) or as an instalment of
      a call is deemed to be a call.  In case of non-


      payment, the provisions  of  the  articles  as to payment of interest and
      costs, charges and expenses, forfeiture or otherwise  apply  as  if  that
      amount has become payable by virtue of a call.



      If  a  member fails to pay the whole of a call or an instalment of a call
      on or before  the  date  fixed for payment, the board may serve notice on
      the member or on a person  entitled  by  transmission  to  the  share  in
      respect  of which the call was made demanding payment, on a date not less
      than 14 clear days from the date of the notice, of the amount of the call
      outstanding  and  any interest that may have accrued on it and all costs,
      charges  and  expenses   incurred   by  the  Company  by  reason  of  the
      non-payment.  The notice shall state:

      (i)    the place where payment is to be made; and

      (ii)   that if the notice is not complied  with  the  share in respect of
             which the call was made will be liable to be forfeited.


      If the notice referred to in article 21 is not complied  with, a share in
      respect of which it is given may, at any time before payment  required by
      the notice has been made, be forfeited by a resolution of the board.  The
      forfeiture  includes  all dividends declared or other amounts payable  in
      respect of the forfeited share and not paid before the forfeiture.


      When a share has been forfeited,  the  Company  shall serve notice of the
      forfeiture  on the person who was before forfeiture  the  holder  of  the
      share or the  person  entitled  by  transmission  to  the  share  but  no
      forfeiture is invalidated by an omission to give notice.  An entry of the
      fact and date of forfeiture shall be made in the register.


(A)   Until  cancelled  in  accordance with the Acts, a forfeited share and all
      rights attaching to it  are  deemed to be the property of the Company and
      may be sold, re-allotted or otherwise  disposed  of, either to the person
      who was before the forfeiture the holder or to another  person,  on  such
      terms  and  in  such  manner  as  the  board may decide.   Where for this
      purpose a forfeited share is to be transferred, the board may authorise a
      person to transfer or cause the transfer  of the share to the transferee.
      The Company may receive the consideration (if  any)  for the share on its
      disposal and may register the transferee as the holder of the share.

(B)   The  board  may  before a forfeited share has been cancelled,  sold,  re-
      allotted or otherwise disposed of annul the forfeiture on such conditions
      as it thinks fit.


(C)   A statutory declaration  by  a director or the secretary that a share has
      been  forfeited  on the date stated  in  the  declaration  is  conclusive
      evidence of the facts  stated  in  the  declaration  against  all persons
      claiming  to  be  entitled  to  the  share.  The declaration (subject  if
      necessary to the transfer of the share)  constitutes  good  title  to the
      share and the person to whom the share is disposed of is not bound to see
      to the application of the consideration (if any).  His title to the share
      is  not  affected  by an irregularity in or invalidity of the proceedings
      connected with the forfeiture or disposal.


      A person whose share  has  been  forfeited  ceases  on forfeiture to be a
      member  in  respect  of  it  and  shall  surrender  to  the  Company  for
      cancellation  any  certificate  for  the  forfeited share or shares.   He
      remains liable to pay, and shall immediately  pay  to  the  Company,  all
      calls,  interest,  costs,  charges  and  expenses owing in respect of the
      share  at  the  time  of  forfeiture, with interest,  from  the  time  of
      forfeiture until payment, at  such  rate  as may be fixed by the terms of
      allotment or issue of the share or, if no rate is fixed, at the rate (not
      exceeding,  without  the  sanction  of  the  Company  given  by  ordinary
      resolution, 20 per cent. per annum) as the board  may  decide.  The board
      may if it thinks fit enforce payment without allowance for  the  value of
      the  share  at  the  time of forfeiture or for consideration received  on


      The board may accept the  surrender of a share liable to be forfeited and
      in that case references in the articles to forfeiture include surrender.

                             UNTRACED SHAREHOLDERS


(A)   The Company may sell the share  of  a  member  or of a person entitled by
      transmission if:

      (i)    during  a  period of not less than 12 years  before  the  date  of
             publication   of  the  advertisements  referred  to  in  paragraph
             (A)(iii) (or, if published on two different dates, the first date)
             (the "RELEVANT  PERIOD") at least three cash dividends have become
             payable in respect of the share;

      (ii)   throughout the relevant  period  no cheque, warrant or money order
             has been presented by the holder of,  or  the  person  entitled by
             transmission to, the share to the paying bank, no payment  made by
             the  Company  by  any  other means permitted by article 123(B) has
             been claimed or accepted  and,  so  far  as  any  director  of the
             Company  at  the  end  of  the  relevant period is then aware, the
             Company has not at any time during  the  relevant  period received
             any  communication  from  the  holder  of,  or person entitled  by
             transmission to, the share;

      (iii)  on expiry of the relevant period the Company  has  given notice of
             its  intention  to sell the share by advertisement in  a  national
             newspaper and in  a  newspaper  circulating  in  the  area  of the
             address  of the holder of, or person entitled by transmission  to,
             the share shown in the register; and


      (iv)   the Company  has  not,  so  far  as  the  board is aware, during a
             further   period   of   three  months  after  the  date   of   the
             advertisements referred to  in  paragraph  (A)(iii)  (or the later
             advertisement  if  the  advertisements  are published on different
             dates) and before the exercise of the power  of  sale  received  a
             communication   from   the   holder  of,  or  person  entitled  by
             transmission to, the share.

(B)   Where a power of sale is exercisable  over  a share pursuant to paragraph
      (A) (a "Sale Share"), the Company may at the  same  time  also  sell  any
      additional  share  issued in right of such Sale Share or in right of such
      an additional share  previously  so issued provided that the requirements
      of paragraphs (A)(ii) to (v) (as if  the  words  "throughout the relevant
      period" were omitted from paragraph (A)(ii) and the  words  "on expiry of
      the  relevant  period"  were omitted from paragraph (A)(iii)) shall  have
      been satisfied in relation to the additional share.

(C)   To give effect to a sale pursuant to paragraphs (A) or (B), the board may
      authorise a person to transfer the share in the name and on behalf of the
      holder of, or the person  entitled  by  transmission to, the share, or to
      cause the transfer of such share, to the  purchaser  or his nominee.  The
      purchaser  is not bound to see to the application of the  purchase  money
      and the title  of  the  transferee  is not affected by an irregularity or
      invalidity in the proceedings connected with the sale of the share.


      The  Company shall account to the member  or  other  person  entitled  by
      transmission  to  the  share for the net proceeds of sale by carrying any
      amount received on sale  to a separate account.  The Company is deemed to
      be a debtor and not a trustee in respect of that amount for the member or
      other person.  Any amount  carried  to the separate account may either be
      employed in the business of the Company  or  invested  as  the  board may
      think fit.  No interest is payable on that amount and the Company  is not
      required to account for money earned on it.

                              TRANSFER OF SHARES


(A)   A member may transfer all or any of his certificated shares by instrument
      of  transfer in writing in any usual form or in another form approved  by
      the board,  and  the  instrument shall be executed by or on behalf of the
      transferor and (in the  case  of a transfer of a share which is not fully
      paid) by or on behalf of the transferee.

(B)   A  member  may  transfer  all or any  of  his  uncertificated  shares  in
      accordance with the Uncertificated Securities Regulations.

(C)   The transferor of a share is  deemed  to  remain  the holder of the share
      until the name of the transferee is entered in the register in respect of



(A)   Subject to this article and article 69, shares of the  Company  are  free
      from  any restriction on transfer.  In exceptional circumstances approved
      by  the   UKLA,  the  board  may  refuse  to  register  the  transfer  of
      certificated  shares  provided  that  such  refusal would not disturb the
      market in those shares.  Subject to the requirements of the listing rules
      of the UKLA, the board may, in its absolute discretion and without giving
      a reason, refuse to register the transfer of  a  certificated share which
      is not fully paid or the transfer of a certificated  share  on  which the
      Company has a lien.

(B)   The  board  may  also,  in  its absolute discretion and without giving  a
      reason, refuse to register the  transfer  of  a  certificated  share or a
      renunciation  of  a  renounceable  letter of allotment unless all of  the
      following conditions are satisfied:

      (i)    it is in respect of only one class of shares;

      (ii)   it is in favour of a single transferee  or  renouncee  or not more
             than four joint transferees or renouncees;

      (iii)  it is duly stamped (if required); and

      (iv)   it is delivered for registration to the office or such other place
             as  the board may decide, accompanied by the certificate  for  the
             shares  to which it relates (except in the case of a transfer by a
             recognised  person  where a certificate has not been issued, or in
             the case of a renunciation)  and  such other evidence as the board
             may reasonably require to prove the  title  of  the  transferor or
             person renouncing and the due execution by him of the  transfer or
             renunciation  or,  if the transfer or renunciation is executed  by
             some other person on  his  behalf, the authority of that person to
             do so.

(C)   If the board refuses to register the  transfer of a certificated share it
      shall, within two months after the date  on which the transfer was lodged
      with  the  Company, send notice of the refusal  to  the  transferee.   An
      instrument of  transfer which the board refuses to register shall (except
      in the case of suspected  fraud) be returned to the person depositing it.
      Subject  to  article 140, the  Company  may  retain  all  instruments  of
      transfer which are registered.

(D)   In accordance  with  and  subject to the provisions of the Uncertificated
      Securities  Regulations,  the  Operator  of  the  relevant  system  shall
      register  a  transfer  of  title  to  any  uncertificated  share  or  any
      renounceable right of allotment  of  a  share  which  is  a participating
      security  held  in  uncertificated form but so that the Operator  of  the
      relevant  system  may  refuse   to   register  such  a  transfer  in  any
      circumstance permitted by the Uncertificated Securities Regulations.

(E)   If the Operator of the relevant system  refuses  to register the transfer
      of  an  uncertificated  share or of any such uncertificated  renounceable
      right of allotment of a share it shall, within the time period stipulated
      by the Uncertificated Securities  Regulations, send notice of the refusal
      to the transferee.


(F)   In accordance with and subject to the  provisions  of  the Uncertificated
      Securities  Regulations,  where  title  to  an  uncertificated  share  is
      transferred by means of a relevant system to a person who is to hold such
      share  in  certificated  form  thereafter, the Company  as  participating
      issuer  shall  register the transfer  in  accordance  with  the  relevant
      Operator-instruction, but so that the Company may refuse to register such
      a transfer in any circumstance permitted by the Uncertificated Securities

(G)   In accordance with  the  Uncertificated  Securities  Regulations,  if the
      Company as participating issuer refuses to register the transfer of title
      to an uncertificated share transferred by means of a relevant system to a
      person  who  is  to  hold  such share in certificated form thereafter, it
      shall, within two months after the date on which the Operator-instruction
      was  received  by  the  Company,  send  notice  of  the  refusal  to  the


      The Company may not charge  a fee for registering the transfer of a share
      or  the  renunciation of a renounceable  letter  of  allotment  or  other
      document or instructions relating to or affecting the title to a share or
      the right to transfer it or for making any other entry in the register.


      Subject to  the  Acts,  the registration of transfers may be suspended at
      such times and for such period (not exceeding 30 days in any year) as the
      board may decide and either generally or in respect of a particular class
      of shares.  Unless otherwise  permitted  by the Uncertificated Securities
      Regulations,  the  Company  may  not close any  register  relating  to  a
      participating  security  without the  consent  of  the  operator  of  the
      relevant system.

                            TRANSMISSION OF SHARES

33.   ON DEATH

(A)   The  Company  may  recognise   only   the   personal   representative  or
      representatives of a deceased member as having title to  a  share held by
      that member alone or to which he alone was entitled.  In the  case  of  a
      share  held  jointly  by  more than one person, the Company may recognise
      only the survivor or survivors as being entitled to it.

(B)   Nothing in the articles releases  the  estate  of  a deceased member from
      liability in respect of a share which has been solely  or jointly held by


(A)   A person becoming entitled by transmission to a share may,  on production
      of any evidence the board may require as to his entitlement, elect either
      to  be  registered  as  a  member  or  to have a person nominated by  him
      registered as a member.

(B)   If  he  elects to be registered himself, he  shall  give  notice  to  the
      Company to  that effect.  If he elects to have another person registered,
      he shall:


      (i)    if it  is a certificated share,  execute an instrument of transfer
             of the share to that person; or

      (ii)   if it is an uncertificated share:

             (a)  procure  that  instructions  are given by means of a relevant
                  system to effect transfer of the share to that person; or

             (b)  change  the  share to a certificated  share  and  execute  an
                  instrument of transfer of the share to that person.

(C)   All  the  provisions  of  the   articles  relating  to  the  transfer  of
      certificated shares apply to the notice or instrument of transfer (as the
      case may be) as if it were an instrument  of  transfer  executed  by  the
      member  and  his  death,  bankruptcy  or  other  event  giving  rise to a
      transmission of entitlement had not occurred.

(D)   The  board  may  give  notice  requiring  a  person  to make the election
      referred to in article 34(A).  If that notice is not complied with within
      60  days,  the  board  may  withhold payment of all dividends  and  other
      amounts payable in respect of the share until notice of election has been


      Where a person becomes entitled by transmission to a share, the rights of
      the holder in relation to that  share  cease.   The  person  entitled  by
      transmission  may, however, give a good discharge for dividends and other
      amounts payable  in  respect of the share and, subject to articles 34 and
      123, has the rights to  which  he would be entitled if he were the holder
      of  the share.  The person entitled  by  transmission  is  not,  however,
      before he is registered as the holder of the share entitled in respect of
      it to  receive  notice  of  or exercise rights conferred by membership in
      relation to meetings of the Company  or a separate meeting of the holders
      of a class of shares.

                          ALTERATION OF SHARE CAPITAL


      The Company may by ordinary resolution:

      (i)    increase its share capital by a  sum  to be divided into shares of
             an amount prescribed by the resolution;

      (ii)   consolidate and divide all or any of its share capital into shares
             of a larger amount than its existing shares;

      (iii)  subject to the Acts, sub-divide all or  any  of  its  shares  into
             shares  of  a smaller amount and may by the resolution decide that
             the shares resulting from the sub-division have amongst themselves
             a preference  or  other  advantage or be subject to a restriction;


      (iv)   cancel shares which, at the date of the passing of the resolution,
             have not been taken or agreed to be taken by a person and diminish
             the amount of its share capital  by  the  amount  of the shares so


(A)   If,  as  the  result  of  consolidation  and division or sub-division  of
      shares, members become entitled to fractions of a share, the board may on
      behalf  of the members deal with the fractions  as  it  thinks  fit.   In
      particular,   the   board   may   (treating   holdings  of  a  member  of
      uncertificated shares and certificated shares of  the  same  class  as if
      they were separate holdings, unless the board decides otherwise):

      (i)    sell  fractions  of a share to a person (including, subject to the
             Acts, to the Company)  and  distribute the net proceeds of sale in
             due proportion amongst the persons  entitled  (except  that if the
             amount  due  to  a person is less than {pound-sterling}3, or  such
             other sum as the board may decide, the sum may be retained for the
             benefit of the Company); or

      (ii)   subject to the Acts,  allot or issue to a member credited as fully
             paid  by  way  of capitalisation  the  minimum  number  of  shares
             required to round  up  his  holding  of  shares to a number which,
             following  consolidation  and division or sub-division,  leaves  a
             whole number of shares (such  allotment  or  issue being deemed to
             have  been  effected  immediately  before  consolidation  or  sub-
             division, as the case may be).

(B)   To  give  effect  to a sale pursuant to article 37(A)(i)  the  board  may
      authorise a person  to transfer or to cause the transfer of the shares to
      the purchaser or his  nominee  and may cause the name of the purchaser or
      his nominee to be entered in the  register  as  the holder of the shares.
      The  purchaser  is not bound to see to the application  of  the  purchase
      money and the title of the transferee to the shares is not affected by an
      irregularity or invalidity in the proceedings connected with the sale.

(C)   If shares are allotted  or  issued  pursuant  to  article  37(A)(ii), the
      amount  required to pay up those shares may be capitalised as  the  board
      thinks fit out of amounts standing to the credit of reserves (including a
      share premium  account,  capital  redemption  reserve and profit and loss
      account),  whether  or  not available for distribution,  and  applied  in
      paying up in full the appropriate  number of shares.  A resolution of the
      board capitalising part of the reserves  has  the  same  effect as if the
      capitalisation  had been declared by ordinary resolution of  the  Company
      pursuant to article 130.  In relation to the capitalisation the board may
      exercise all the  powers  conferred  on  it  by  article  130  without an
      ordinary resolution of the Company.


      Subject  to  the Acts and to the rights attached to existing shares,  the
      Company may by  special  resolution  reduce  its  share  capital, capital
      redemption reserve and share premium account in any way.



      Subject to the Acts and to the rights attaching to existing  shares,  the
      Company may purchase shares of any class (including redeemable shares) in
      its own capital in any way.

                               GENERAL MEETINGS


      The  Company  shall hold annual general meetings, which shall be convened
      by the board, in accordance with the Acts.


      All general meetings  of  the  Company other than annual general meetings
      are called extraordinary general meetings.


      The board may convene an extraordinary general meeting whenever it thinks
      fit.  The board must convene an extraordinary general meeting immediately
      on receipt of a requisition from  members in accordance with the Acts and
      in default a meeting may be convened  by  requisitionists  as provided in
      the  Acts.   At a meeting convened on a requisition or by requisitionists
      no business may  be  transacted  except that stated by the requisition or
      proposed by the board.  An extraordinary  general  meeting  may  also  be
      convened in accordance with article 94.


(A)   An annual general meeting and an extraordinary general meeting called for
      the  passing  of a special resolution shall be called by not less than 21
      clear days' notice.   All  other  extraordinary general meetings shall be
      called by not less than 14 clear days' notice.

(B)   Subject to the Acts, and although called  by  shorter  notice  than  that
      specified in paragraph (A), a general meeting is deemed to have been duly
      called if it is so agreed:

      (i)    in  the  case  of  an  annual  general meeting, by all the members
             entitled to attend and vote at the meeting; and

      (ii)   in the case of another meeting,  by  a  majority  in number of the
             members having a right to attend and vote at the meeting,  being a
             majority  together  holding  not less than 95 per cent. in nominal
             value of the shares giving that right.

(C)   The notice of meeting shall specify:

      (i)    whether  the  meeting  is  an  annual   general   meeting   or  an
             extraordinary general meeting;

      (ii)   the place, the date and the time of the meeting;

      (iii)  in  the  case  of  special  business,  the  general nature of that


      (iv)   if  the  meeting  is  convened  to  consider  a  special   or   an
             extraordinary  resolution, the intention to propose the resolution
             as such; and

      (v)    with reasonable  prominence,  that a member entitled to attend and
             vote may appoint one or more proxies  to  attend  and,  on a poll,
             vote instead of him and that a proxy need not also be a member.

(D)   The notice of meeting shall be given to the members (other than  any who,
      under  the provisions of the articles or the terms of allotment or  issue
      of shares,  are  not entitled to receive notice), to the directors and to
      the auditors.

(E)   The board may determine  that  persons  entitled  to  receive  notices of
      meeting  are  those  persons  entered  on  the  register  at the close of
      business on a day determined by the board, provided that, if  the Company
      is  a  participating issuer, the day determined by the board may  not  be
      more than  21  days before the day that the relevant notice of meeting is
      being sent.

(F)   The notice of meeting may also specify a time (which, if the Company is a
      participating issuer,  shall  not  be  more than 48 hours before the time
      fixed for the meeting) by which a person  must be entered on the register
      in order to have the right to attend or vote  at the meeting.  Changes to
      entries on the register after the time so specified  in  the notice shall
      be disregarded in determining the rights of any person to  so  attend  or

(G)   Where the notice of meeting is published on a web-site in accordance with
      article  135(B),  it  shall continue to be published in the same place on
      that web-site from the  date  of  the  notification  given  under article
      135(B)(ii)  until  the  conclusion  of  the  meeting  to which the notice


(A)   The accidental omission to send a notice of meeting or, in cases where it
      is sent out with the notice, a form of appointment of a  proxy to, or the
      non-receipt  of  either  by,  a  person entitled to receive it  does  not
      invalidate the proceedings at a general meeting.

(B)   Where a notice of meeting published  on  a  web-site  in  accordance with
      article 135(B)  is  by  accident  published  in different places  on  the
      web-site or published for part only of the period  from  the  date of the
      notification given under article 135(B)(ii) until the conclusion  of  the
      meeting  to which the notice relates, the proceedings at such meeting are
      not thereby invalidated.


      If  the  board,   in  its  absolute  discretion,  considers  that  it  is
      impractical or unreasonable  for  any reason to hold a general meeting at
      the time or place specified in the notice calling the general meeting, it
      may postpone the general meeting to  another  time  and  place.   When  a
      meeting  is  so  postponed, notice of the time and place of the postponed
      meeting shall be placed in at least two national newspapers in the United
      Kingdom.  Notice of  the  business  to  be  transacted  at such postponed
      meeting is not required.



      All business transacted at a general meeting is deemed special except the
      following business at an annual general meeting:

      (i)    the  receipt  and  consideration  of  the  annual  accounts,   the
             directors' report and auditors' report on those accounts;

      (ii)   the  appointment of directors and other officers in place of those
             retiring by rotation or otherwise ceasing to hold office;

      (iii)  the declaration of dividends; and

      (iv)   the appointment  of  the  auditors  (when  special  notice  of the
             resolution  for  appointment  is not required by the Acts) and the
             fixing, or determination of the  manner  of  the  fixing, of their


47.   QUORUM

(A)   No  business may be transacted at a general meeting unless  a  quorum  is
      present.   The  absence of a quorum does not prevent the appointment of a
      chairman in accordance with the articles, which is not treated as part of
      the business of the meeting.

(B)   The quorum for a  general  meeting is two members present in person or by
      proxy and entitled to vote.


(A)   If a quorum is not present within  thirty minutes (or such longer time as
      the chairman decides) from the time  fixed  for the start of the meeting,
      the  meeting,  if  convened  by  or  on the requisition  of  members,  is
      dissolved.  In any other case it stands adjourned to such time (being not
      less than 14 nor more than 28 days later)  and  place  as  may  have been
      specified for the purpose in the notice convening the meeting.  Where  no
      such  arrangements  have  been specified, the meeting stands adjourned to
      such time (being not less than  14 nor more than 28 days later) and place
      as the chairman (or, in default, the board) decides.

(B)   At an adjourned meeting the quorum  is one member present in person or by
      proxy  and entitled to vote.  If a quorum  is  not  present  within  five
      minutes  from  the time fixed for the start of the meeting, the adjourned
      meeting is dissolved.

(C)   Save  where the time  and  place  for  the  adjourned  meeting  has  been
      specified for the purpose in the notice convening the meeting as referred
      to in paragraph  (A)  of  this  article  (in  which  case  notice  of the
      adjourned  meeting  need  not  be given), the Company shall give not less
      than seven clear days' notice of  any meeting adjourned for the lack of a
      quorum and the notice shall state the quorum requirement.



(A)   The  chairman  (if any) of the board  or,  in  his  absence,  the  deputy
      chairman (if any)  shall  preside  as  chairman  at a general meeting. If
      there is no chairman or deputy chairman, or if at  a  meeting  neither is
      present  within  five  minutes after the time fixed for the start of  the
      meeting or neither is willing  to act, the directors present shall select
      one of their number to be chairman.   If only one director is present and
      willing to act, he shall be chairman.  In default, the members present in
      person  and entitled to vote shall choose  one  of  their  number  to  be

(B)   The chairman may take such action as he thinks fit to promote the orderly
      conduct of  the  business  of  the  meeting as specified in the notice of
      meeting and the chairman's decision on  matters  of  procedure or arising
      incidentally  from  the  business  of  the meeting is final,  as  is  his
      determination as to whether any matter is of such a nature.


(A)   A director is entitled to attend and speak  at a general meeting and at a
      separate  meeting  of  the  holders of a class of  shares  or  debentures
      whether or not he is a member.

(B)   The chairman may invite any person  to  attend  and  speak at any general
      meeting  of  the Company whom the chairman considers to  be  equipped  by
      knowledge or experience  of  the  Company's  business  to  assist  in the
      deliberations of the meeting.


(A)   The  chairman  may,  with  the  consent of a meeting at which a quorum is
      present (and shall, if so directed by the meeting) adjourn a meeting from
      time to time and from place to place or for an indefinite period.

(B)   Without  prejudice  to  any other power  which  he  may  have  under  the
      provisions of the articles  or  at  common law, the chairman may, without
      the consent of the meeting, interrupt  or  adjourn a meeting from time to
      time and from place to place or for an indefinite  period  if  he decides
      that it has become necessary to do so in order to:

      (i)    secure the proper and orderly conduct of the meeting;

      (ii)   give  all  persons  entitled to do so a reasonable opportunity  of
             speaking and voting at the meeting; or

      (iii)   ensure that the business of the meeting is properly disposed of.


(A)   Whenever a meeting is adjourned  for 28 days or more or for an indefinite
      period  pursuant  to  article  51, at  least  seven  clear  days'  notice
      specifying the place, date and time  of  the  adjourned  meeting  and the
      general  nature  of  the  business to be transacted shall be given to the
      members (other than any who,  under the provisions of the articles or the
      terms of allotment or issue of  the  shares,  are not entitled to receive
      notice), the directors and the auditors.  Except  in  these circumstances
      it is not necessary to give notice of a


      meeting  adjourned  pursuant  to  article  51 or  of  the  business  to be
      transacted at the adjourned meeting.

(B)   The  board may determine that persons entitled to receive  notice  of  an
      adjourned  meeting  in  accordance  with  this  article are those persons
      entered on the register at the close of business  on  a day determined by
      the board, provided that, if the Company is a participating  issuer,  the
      day  determined  by the board may not be more than 21 days before the day
      that the relevant notice of meeting is being sent.

(C)   The notice of an adjourned  meeting given in accordance with this article
      may also specify a time (which, if the Company is a participating issuer,
      shall not be more than 48 hours before the time fixed for the meeting) by
      which a person must be entered on the register in order to have the right
      to attend or vote at the meeting.   Changes  to  entries  on the register
      after  the  time  so  specified  in  the  notice shall be disregarded  in
      determining the rights of any person to so attend or vote.


      No  business may be transacted at an adjourned  meeting  other  than  the
      business  which  might  properly have been transacted at the meeting from
      which the adjournment took place.


      If it appears to the chairman  that  the  meeting  place specified in the
      notice  convening  the meeting is inadequate to accommodate  all  members
      entitled and wishing  to  attend, the meeting is duly constituted and its
      proceedings valid if the chairman  is  satisfied that adequate facilities
      are available to ensure that a member who is unable to be accommodated is
      able to:

      (i)    participate  in  the  business  for which  the  meeting  has  been

      (ii)   hear and see all persons present  who speak (whether by the use of
             microphones, loud-speakers, audio-visual  communications equipment
             or otherwise), whether in the meeting place or elsewhere; and

      (iii)  be heard and seen by all other persons present in the same way.


      The  board  may  make  any  arrangement  and  impose any  restriction  it
      considers  appropriate  to ensure the security of  a  meeting  including,
      without limitation, the searching  of  a person attending the meeting and
      the restriction of the items of personal  property that may be taken into
      the meeting place.  The board may authorise  one  or  more  persons,  who
      shall  include a director or the secretary or the chairman of the meeting

      (i)    refuse  entry  to a meeting to a person who refuses to comply with
             these arrangements or restrictions; and

      (ii)   eject from a meeting  any  person  who  causes  the proceedings to
             become disorderly.




(A)   At  a  general  meeting, a resolution put to the vote of the  meeting  is
      decided by a show  of  hands  unless (before or on the declaration of the
      result of the show of hands) a poll is properly demanded.

(B)   Subject to the Acts, a poll may be demanded on any question by:

      (i)    the chairman of the meeting;

      (ii)   not less than five members  present  in  person  or  by  proxy and
             entitled to vote;

      (iii)  a member or members present in person or by proxy representing  in
             aggregate  not  less  than one-tenth of the total voting rights of
             all the members having the right to vote at the meeting; or

      (iv)   a member or members present  in  person or by proxy holding shares
             conferring a right to vote at the  meeting,  being shares on which
             an aggregate sum has been paid up equal to not less than one-tenth
             of the total sum paid up on all the shares conferring that right.

      A demand by a proxy is deemed to be a demand by the member appointing the

(C)   Unless a poll is demanded and the demand is not withdrawn,  a declaration
      by  the  chairman that the resolution has been carried, or carried  by  a
      particular  majority, or lost or not carried by a particular majority, is
      conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportion
      of the votes recorded in favour of or against the resolution.


(A)   If a poll is  properly  demanded, it shall be taken in such manner as the
      chairman directs.  He may  appoint  scrutineers, who need not be members,
      and may fix a time and place for declaring  the  result of the poll.  The
      result of the poll is deemed to be the resolution of the meeting at which
      the poll is demanded.

(B)   A  poll  demanded  on the election of a chairman or on  any  question  of
      adjournment shall be  taken  at  the  meeting and without adjournment.  A
      poll demanded on another question shall  be  taken at such time and place
      as  the  chairman  decides,  either  at  once  or after  an  interval  or
      adjournment  (but  not  more than 30 clear days after  the  date  of  the

(C)   No notice need be given of  a  poll not taken immediately if the time and
      place at which it is to be taken are announced at the meeting at which it
      is demanded.  In any other case  at  least seven clear days' notice shall
      be given specifying the time and place at which the poll is to be taken.

(D)   The demand for a poll may be withdrawn  but  only with the consent of the
      chairman.  A demand withdrawn in this way validates  the result of a show
      of  hands  declared  before the demand is made.  In the case  of  a  poll
      demanded before the declaration of the result of a


      show of hands and the demand is duly withdrawn, the meeting shall continue
      as if the demand has not been made.

(E)   The demand for a poll (other than on the election of the chairman or on a
      question of adjournment) does  not prevent the meeting continuing for the
      transaction of business other than  the question on which a poll has been

(F)   On a poll, votes may be given in person or by proxy and a member entitled
      to more than one vote need not, if he  votes,  use  all his votes or cast
      all the votes he uses in the same way, whether present  in  person  or by


(A)   Subject  to special terms as to voting on which shares have been allotted
      or issued, or a suspension or abrogation of voting rights pursuant to the
      articles,  at  a  general meeting every member present in person has on a
      show of hands one vote and every member present in person or by proxy has
      on a poll one vote for every ordinary share of which he is the holder.

(B)   In the case of joint  holders  of  a  share,  the  vote of the senior who
      tenders a vote, whether in person or by proxy, shall  be  accepted to the
      exclusion of the vote or votes of the other joint holder or  holders, and
      seniority  is  determined by the order in which the names of the  holders
      stand in the register.

(C)   A member in respect of whom an order has been made by a court or official
      having jurisdiction  (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) that he
      is or may be suffering  from mental disorder or is otherwise incapable of
      running his affairs may vote, whether on a show of hands or on a poll, by
      his guardian, receiver, curator bonis or other person authorised for that
      purpose and appointed by  the court.  A guardian, receiver, curator bonis
      or other authorised and appointed person may, on a poll, vote by proxy if
      evidence (to the satisfaction  of  the  board)  of  the  authority of the
      person claiming to exercise the right to vote is deposited  at the office
      (or  at another place specified in accordance with the articles  for  the
      deposit of instruments of proxy) within the time limits prescribed by the
      articles  for the deposit of instruments of proxy for use at the meeting,
      adjourned meeting or poll at which the right to vote is to be exercised.


      In the case  of an equality of votes the chairman has, on a show of hands
      and on a poll,  a  casting  vote  in  addition to any vote to which he is
      entitled as a member.


      Unless the board otherwise decides, no member is entitled in respect of a
      share held by him to be present or to vote, either in person or by proxy,
      at a general meeting or at a separate meeting  of the holders of class of
      shares or on a poll, or to exercise other rights  conferred by membership
      in  relation to the meeting or poll, if a call or other  amount  due  and
      payable  in  respect  of the share is unpaid.  This restriction ceases on
      payment of the amount outstanding  and  all  costs,  charges and expenses
      incurred by the Company by reason of the non-payment.



(A)   Subject to paragraph (B) below, an instrument appointing a proxy shall be
      in writing in any usual form (or in another form approved  by  the board)
      executed under the hand of the appointor or his duly constituted attorney
      or,  if  the appointor is a company, under its seal or under the hand  of
      its duly authorised  officer  or  attorney  or other person authorised to

(B)   Subject  to the Acts, the board may accept the  appointment  of  a  proxy
      received in an electronic communication on such terms and subject to such
      conditions  as  it considers fit.  The appointment of a proxy received in
      an  electronic communication  is  not  subject  to  the  requirements  of
      paragraph (A)  above.   The  board  may  require  the  production  of any
      evidence  it  considers  necessary  to  determine the validity of such an

(C)   Unless the contrary is stated in it, the appointment of a proxy is deemed
      to confer authority to demand or join in  demanding a poll (but shall not
      confer  any  further  right  to  speak  at the meeting  except  with  the
      permission of the chairman) and to vote on a resolution or amendment of a
      resolution put to, or other business which  may properly come before, the
      meeting or meetings for which it is given, as the proxy thinks fit.

(D)   A proxy need not be a member.

(E)   A member may appoint more than one proxy to attend  on the same occasion.
      When two or more valid but differing instruments of proxy  are  delivered
      for  the  same  share for use at the same meeting, the one which is  last
      validly delivered  (regardless  of its date or the date of its execution)
      shall be treated as replacing and revoking the other or others as regards
      that share.  If the Company is unable  to  determine which instrument was
      last validly delivered, none of them shall be treated as valid in respect
      of that share.

(F)   Delivery or receipt of an appointment of proxy  does not prevent a member
      attending and voting in person at the meeting or  an  adjournment  of the
      meeting or on a poll.

(G)   The appointment of a proxy is (unless the contrary is stated in it) valid
      for  an adjournment of the meeting as well as for the meeting or meetings
      to which  it  relates.  The appointment of a proxy is valid for 12 months
      from the date of  execution  or,  in  the case of an appointment of proxy
      delivered in an electronic communication,  for  the duration specified by
      the board.

(H)   Subject  to  the Acts and the requirements of the listing  rules  of  the
      UKLA, the Company  may  send an instrument of proxy to all or none of the
      persons entitled to receive notice of and to vote at a meeting.  If sent,
      the instrument shall provide  for  two-way  voting on all resolutions set
      out in the notice of meeting.


(A)   The  form of appointment of a proxy, and (if required  by  the  board)  a
      power of attorney or other authority under which it is executed or a copy
      of it notarially certified or certified in some other way approved by the
      board, shall be:


      (i)    in  the case of an instrument in writing, delivered to the office,
             or another  place  in  the  United Kingdom specified in the notice
             convening the meeting or in the  form  of  appointment of proxy or
             other accompanying document sent by the Company in relation to the
             meeting  not less than 48 hours before the time  for  holding  the
             meeting or  adjourned meeting or the taking of a poll at which the
             person named in the form of appointment of proxy proposes to vote;

      (ii)   in  the  case of  an  appointment  of  a  proxy  contained  in  an
             electronic  communication, where an address has been specified for
             the purpose of receiving electronic communications:

             (a)  in the notice convening the meeting; or

             (b)  in any form of appointment of a proxy sent out by the Company
                  in relation to the meeting; or

             (c)  in any invitation contained in an electronic communication to
                  appoint  a  proxy  issued  by  the Company in relation to the

             received at such address not less than  48 hours  before  the time
             for  holding the meeting at which the person named in the form  of
             appointment of proxy proposes to vote;

      (iii)  in the  case of a meeting adjourned for less than 28 days but more
             than 48 hours  or  in  the case of a poll taken more than 48 hours
             after  it  is  demanded, delivered  or  received  as  required  by
             paragraphs (i) or  (ii)  not  less  than  24 hours before the time
             appointed for the holding of the adjourned  meeting  or the taking
             of the poll; or

      (iv)   in  the case of a meeting adjourned for not more than 48 hours  or
             in the  case  of  a  poll not taken immediately but taken not more
             than 48 hours after it  was  demanded,  delivered at the adjourned
             meeting or at the meeting at which the poll  was  demanded  to the
             chairman or to the secretary or to a director.

      An appointment of proxy not delivered or received in accordance with this
      article is invalid.

(B)   Without limiting the foregoing, in relation to any shares which are  held
      in   uncertificated  form,  the  board  may  from  time  to  time  permit
      appointments   of   a  proxy  to  be  made  by  means  of  an  electronic
      communication in the  form of an uncertificated proxy instruction and may
      in a similar manner permit  supplements  to, or amendments or revocations
      of, any such uncertificated proxy instruction  to  be made by like means.
      The board may in addition prescribe the method of determining the time at
      which any such uncertificated proxy instruction (and/or other instruction
      or  notification)  is  to  be  treated as received by the  Company  or  a
      participant  acting  on  its  behalf.   The  board  may  treat  any  such
      uncertificated proxy instruction  which purports to be or is expressed to
      be sent on behalf of a holder of a  share  as  sufficient evidence of the
      authority of the person sending that instruction  to send it on behalf of
      that holder.



      A vote cast or poll demanded by a proxy or authorised representative of a
      company is valid despite termination of his authority  unless  notice  of
      termination is received by the Company at the office or, in the case of a
      proxy,  any  other place specified for delivery or receipt of the form of
      appointment of  proxy or, where the appointment of proxy was contained in
      an  electronic communication,  at  the  address  at  which  the  form  of
      appointment  was  received,  not  later  than  the  last time at which an
      appointment of proxy should have been delivered or received  in  order to
      be valid for use at the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the vote is
      cast or the poll demanded or (in the case of a poll taken otherwise  than
      at or on the same day as the meeting or adjourned meeting) for use on the
      holding of the poll at which the vote is cast.


      A  company which is a member may, by resolution of its directors or other
      governing  body,  authorise  a  person  to act as its representative at a
      meeting or at a separate meeting of the holders of a class of shares (the
      "REPRESENTATIVE").  The representative is  entitled to exercise on behalf
      of  the  company  (in respect of that part of the  company's  holding  of
      shares to which the  authorisation relates) those powers that the company
      could exercise if it were  an  individual member.  The company is for the
      purposes of the articles deemed  to  be present in person at a meeting if
      the representative is present.  All references  to  attendance and voting
      in person shall be construed accordingly.  A director,  the  secretary or
      other person authorised for the purpose by the secretary may require  the
      representative   to  produce  a  certified  copy  of  the  resolution  of
      authorisation before permitting him to exercise his powers.


      No objection may be  made  to  the  qualification  of  a  voter or to the
      counting  of,  or  failure  to  count,  a vote, except at the meeting  or
      adjourned meeting at which the vote objected  to  is tendered or at which
      the error occurs.  An objection properly made shall  be  referred  to the
      chairman and only invalidates the result of the voting if, in the opinion
      of the chairman, it is of sufficient magnitude to affect the decision  of
      the  meeting.   The decision of the chairman is conclusive and binding on
      all concerned.


      No amendment to a  resolution duly proposed as a special or extraordinary
      resolution (other than  an  amendment  to  correct a patent error) may be
      considered or voted on.  No amendment to a resolution duly proposed as an
      ordinary resolution (other than an amendment  to  correct a patent error)
      may be considered or voted on unless either:

      (i)    at  least  48 hours  before  the time appointed  for  holding  the
             meeting or adjourned meeting at  which  the ordinary resolution is
             to  be  considered,  notice  of  the terms of  the  amendment  and
             intention to move it has been lodged at the office; or

      (ii)   the chairman in his absolute discretion decides that the amendment
             may be considered or voted on.


      If an amendment proposed to a resolution under consideration is ruled out
      of order by the chairman the proceedings  on  the  substantive resolution
      are not invalidated by an error in his ruling.


      A resolution in writing executed by or on behalf of each member who would
      have been entitled to vote upon it if it had been proposed  at  a general
      meeting at which he was present is as effective as if it had been  passed
      at  a  general meeting duly convened and held.  The resolution in writing
      may consist of several instruments in the same form each duly executed by
      or on behalf  of  one  or  more members.  If the resolution in writing is
      described as a special resolution  or  as an extraordinary resolution, it
      has effect accordingly.


      A separate meeting for the holders of a class of shares shall be convened
      and conducted as nearly as possible in the  same  way as an extraordinary
      general meeting, except that:

      (i)    no member, other than a director, is entitled  to  notice of it or
             to attend unless he is a holder of shares of that class;

      (ii)   no vote may be given except in respect of a share of that class;

      (iii)  the quorum at the meeting is two persons present in person holding
             or  representing by proxy at least one-third in nominal  value  of
             the issued shares of that class;

      (iv)   the quorum at an adjourned meeting is one person holding shares of
             that class present in person or by proxy; and

      (v)    a poll may be demanded in writing by a member present in person or
             by proxy  and  entitled  to vote at the meeting and on a poll each
             member has one vote for every  share  of that class of which he is
             the holder.


(A)   Subject to the requirements of the UKLA, where  notice  is  served by the
      Company  under  section  212  of  the Act (a "SECTION 212 NOTICE")  on  a
      member, or another person appearing  to  be  interested in shares held by
      that member, and the member or other person has failed in relation to any
      shares  (the  "DEFAULT  SHARES",  which expression  includes  any  shares
      allotted or issued after the date of the section 212 notice in respect of
      those shares) to give the Company the  information  required  within  the
      prescribed  period from the date of the section 212 notice, the following
      sanctions apply, unless the board otherwise decides:

      (i)    the member  is not entitled in respect of the default shares to be
             present or to  vote  (either  in  person or by proxy) at a general
             meeting or at a separate meeting of  the  holders  of  a  class of
             shares or on a poll; and

      (ii)   where  the  default  shares  represent at least 0.25 per cent.  in
             nominal value of the issued shares of their class:


             (a)  a  dividend  (or any part of  a  dividend)  or  other  amount
                  payable in respect of the default shares shall be withheld by
                  the Company, which  has  no obligation to pay interest on it,
                  and the member is not entitled  to elect, pursuant to article
                  129, to receive shares instead of a dividend; and

             (b)  no  transfer  of  any certificated default  shares  shall  be
                  registered unless the transfer is an excepted transfer or:

                  (i)      the member  is  not  himself in default in supplying
                           the information required; and

                  (ii)     the member proves to the  satisfaction  of the board
                           that   no   person   in  default  in  supplying  the
                           information required is  interested  in  any  of the
                           shares the subject of the transfer.

(B)   For  the  purpose  of enforcing the sanction in paragraph (A)(ii)(b), the
      board may give notice  to  the  member  requiring  the  member  to change
      default  shares  held in uncertificated form to certificated form by  the
      time stated in the notice.  The notice may also state that the member may
      not change any default shares held in certificated form to uncertificated
      form.  If the member  does  not  comply  with  the  notice, the board may
      authorise  a person to change default shares held in uncertificated  form
      to certificated form in the name and on behalf of the member.

(C)   The sanctions  under  paragraph  (A)  cease to apply seven days after the
      earlier of:

      (i)    receipt by the Company of notice of an excepted transfer, but only
             in relation to the shares transferred; and

      (ii)   receipt by the Company, in a form  satisfactory  to  the board, of
             all the information required by the section 212 notice.

(D)   Where, on the basis of information obtained from a member in respect of a
      share  held  by  him, the Company issues a section 212 notice to  another
      person, it shall at  the  same time send a copy of the section 212 notice
      to the member, but the accidental  omission  to do so, or the non-receipt
      by the member of the copy, does not invalidate  or  otherwise  affect the
      application of paragraphs (A) or (B).

(E)   For the purposes of this article 69:

      (i)    a  person,  other  than the member holding a share, is treated  as
             appearing  to be interested  in  that  share  if  the  member  has
             informed the  Company  that the person is or may be interested, or
             if the Company (after taking  account of information obtained from
             the member or, pursuant to a section 212 notice, from anyone else)
             knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the person is or may
             be so interested;

      (ii)   "INTERESTED" is construed as it  is for the purpose of section 212
             of the Act;

      (iii)  reference  to  a person having failed  to  give  the  Company  the
             information required  by a section 212 notice, or being in default
             in  supplying such information,  includes  (a)  reference  to  his
             having failed or refused to give all or


            any part of it, and (b)  reference to his having  given  information
            which  he  knows to be false  in a  material  particular  or  having
            recklessly   given   information   which  is  false  in  a  material

      (iv)   the "PRESCRIBED PERIOD" means 14 days;

      (v)    an "EXCEPTED TRANSFER"  means,  in  relation  to  shares held by a

             (a)  a transfer pursuant to acceptance of a takeover offer for the
                  Company (within the meaning of section 428(1) of the Act); or

             (b)  a transfer in consequence of a sale made through a recognised
                  investment exchange (as defined in the Financial Services Act
                  1986) or another stock exchange outside the United Kingdom on
                  which  shares  in  the  capital  of the Company are  normally
                  traded; or

             (c)  a transfer which is shown to the satisfaction of the board to
                  be  made  in  consequence  of  a sale of  the  whole  of  the
                  beneficial  interest  in  the  shares  to  a  person  who  is
                  unconnected  with  the  member  and  with  any  other  person
                  appearing to be interested in the shares.

(F)   The provisions of this article are in addition  and  without prejudice to
      the provisions of the Acts.



      Unless and until otherwise decided by the Company by ordinary  resolution
      the number of directors must not be less than two and is not subject to a
      maximum number.


      Subject to the articles, the Company may by ordinary resolution appoint a
      person  who is willing to act to be a director, either to fill a  vacancy
      or as an addition to the board, but the total number of directors may not
      exceed any maximum number fixed in accordance with the articles.


      Without prejudice to the power of the Company to appoint a person to be a
      director  pursuant to the articles, the board may appoint a person who is
      willing to  act as a director, either to fill a vacancy or as an addition
      to the board,  but  the  total  number  of  directors  may not exceed any
      maximum  number  fixed  in  accordance  with  the  articles.  A  director
      appointed in this way may hold office only until the  dissolution  of the
      next   annual   general  meeting  after  his  appointment  unless  he  is
      reappointed during  that  meeting.   He is not required, and is not taken
      into account in determining the number of directors who are, to retire by
      rotation at the meeting.



(A)   Subject to the Acts, the board may appoint  one  or  more  of its body to
      hold employment or executive office with the Company for such term and on
      such other terms and conditions as (subject to the Acts) the board thinks
      fit.  The board may revoke or terminate an appointment, without prejudice
      to a claim for damages for breach of the contract of service  between the
      director and the Company or otherwise.

(B)   Subject to the Acts, the board may enter into an agreement or arrangement
      with any director for the provision of any services outside the  scope of
      the ordinary duties of a director.  Any such agreement or arrangement may
      be  made on such terms and conditions as (subject to the Acts) the  board
      thinks fit and (without prejudice to any other provision of the articles)
      it may remunerate any such director for such services as it thinks fit.


(A)   No person  other  than a director retiring (by rotation or otherwise) may
      be appointed or reappointed a director at a general meeting unless:

      (i)    he is recommended by the board; or

      (ii)   not less than  seven  nor  more than 42 days before the date fixed
             for the meeting, notice has  been given to the Company by a member
             (other than the person to be proposed)  qualified  to  vote at the
             meeting of the intention to propose that person for appointment or
             reappointment.   The notice shall (a) state the particulars  which
             would, if the proposed  director were appointed or reappointed, be
             required to be included in  the  Company's  register of directors,
             (b) be accompanied by notice given by the proposed director of his
             willingness to be appointed or reappointed, and  (c)  be lodged at
             the office.

(B)   A director need not be a member.


      A resolution for the appointment of two or more persons as directors by a
      single  resolution  is  void  unless  an  ordinary  resolution  that  the
      resolution  for appointment is proposed in this way has first been agreed
      to by the meeting without a vote being given against it.


(A)   Subject to paragraph (B)  below, at each annual general meeting one-third
      of the directors who are subject  to  retirement by rotation or, if their
      number is not three or a multiple of three, the number nearest to but not
      less than one-third, shall retire from  office provided that if there are
      fewer than three directors who are subject to retirement by rotation, one
      shall retire from office.

(B)   If  any one or more directors were last appointed  or  reappointed  three
      years  or more prior to the meeting or were last appointed or reappointed
      at the third  immediately  preceding  annual  general meeting, he or they
      shall retire from office and shall be counted in


      obtaining the number required to retire at the meeting,  provided that the
      number of directors  required to retire under paragraph (A) above shall be
      increased to the extent necessary to comply with this paragraph.


      Subject to the Acts and the articles, the directors to retire by rotation
      at  an annual general meeting include, so far as necessary to obtain  the
      number  required,  first,  a  director who wishes to retire and not offer
      himself for reappointment, and,  second,  those  directors  who have been
      longest  in  office  since  their last appointment or reappointment.   As
      between two or more who have  been in office an equal length of time, the
      director  to  retire shall, in default  of  agreement  between  them,  be
      determined by lot.   The directors to retire on each occasion (both as to
      number and identity) shall  be determined on the basis of the composition
      of the board at the start of business on the date of the notice convening
      the  annual general meeting, disregarding  a  change  in  the  number  or
      identity  of  the  directors  after that time but before the close of the


      A director who retires at an annual  general meeting (whether by rotation
      or otherwise) may, if willing to act,  be  reappointed.   If  he  is  not
      reappointed or deemed reappointed, he may retain office until the meeting
      appoints  someone in his place or, if it does not do so, until the end of
      the meeting.


      At a general  meeting at which a director retires by rotation the Company
      may fill the vacancy and, if it does not do so, the retiring director is,
      if willing, deemed  reappointed  unless  it  is expressly resolved not to
      fill the vacancy or a resolution for the reappointment of the director is
      put to the meeting and lost.


      No person is incapable of being appointed a director  by  reason  of  his
      having  reached  the  age  of  70  or another age.  Special notice is not
      required  in  connection with the appointment  or  the  approval  of  the
      appointment of such person.  No director is required to vacate his office
      because he has  reached  the  age of 70 or another age and section 293 of
      the  Act  does not apply to the Company.   Where  a  general  meeting  is
      convened at  which,  to  the  knowledge of the board, a director is to be
      proposed for appointment or reappointment  who  is  at  the  date  of the
      meeting  70 or more, the board shall give notice of his age in the notice
      convening  the  meeting or in a document accompanying the notice, but the
      accidental omission  to  do  so  does  not  invalidate  proceedings or an
      appointment or reappointment of that director at that meeting.


      In  addition to any power of removal conferred by the Acts,  the  Company
      may by  ordinary  resolution  remove  a director before the expiry of his
      period of office (without prejudice to  a claim for damages for breach of
      contract  or otherwise) and may (subject to  the  articles)  by  ordinary
      resolution appoint another person who is willing to act to be a


      director in  his  place.   A person appointed in this way is treated, for
      the purposes of determining  the  time at which he or another director is
      to retire, as if he had become a director on the date on which the person
      in  whose  place he is appointed was  last  appointed  or  reappointed  a


(A)   Without prejudice  to  the  provisions  for  retirement  (by  rotation or
      otherwise) contained in the articles, the office of a director is vacated

      (i)    he  resigns by notice delivered to the secretary at the office  or
             tendered at a board meeting;

      (ii)   where he has been appointed for a fixed term, the term expires;

      (iii)  he ceases  to  be a director by virtue of a provision of the Acts,
             is  removed from  office  pursuant  to  the  articles  or  becomes
             prohibited by law from being a director;

      (iv)   he becomes bankrupt or compounds with his creditors generally;

      (v)    he is  or  has  been suffering from mental ill health or becomes a
             patient for the purpose  of  any statute relating to mental health
             and the board resolves that his office be vacated;

      (vi)   both  he  and his alternate director  appointed  pursuant  to  the
             provisions  of  the  articles  (if  any)  are  absent, without the
             permission of the board, from board meetings for  six  consecutive
             months and the board resolves that his office be vacated; or

      (vii)  he is removed from office by notice addressed to him at  his last-
             known   address  and  signed  by  all  his  co-directors  (without
             prejudice  to  a  claim  for  damages  for  breach  of contract or

(B)   A  resolution  of  the board declaring a director to have vacated  office
      under the terms of this  article is conclusive as to the fact and grounds
      of vacation stated in the resolution.

(C)   If the office of a director  is vacated for any reason, he shall cease to
      be a member of any committee of the board.

                              ALTERNATE DIRECTORS


(A)   A director (other than an alternate  director) may by notice delivered to
      the secretary at the office or tabled  at  a  meeting of the board, or in
      any  other  manner  approved  by  the  board, appoint  as  his  alternate

      (i)    another director, or

      (ii)   another person approved by the board and willing to act.


      No appointment of an alternate director  who is not already a director is
      effective until his consent to act as a director  in  the form prescribed
      by the Acts has been received at the office or tabled at a meeting of the

(B)   An  alternate  director  need  not  be  a  member  and is not counted  in
      reckoning the number of directors for the purpose of article 70.


      A  director may by notice delivered to the secretary  at  the  office  or
      tabled  at a meeting of the board revoke the appointment of his alternate
      director  and,  subject  to the provisions of article 83, appoint another
      person in his place.  If a director ceases to hold the office of director
      or if he dies, the appointment  of  his  alternate director automatically
      ceases.  If a director retires but is reappointed  or  deemed reappointed
      at the meeting at which his retirement takes effect, a valid  appointment
      of  an  alternate  director  which  was  in force immediately before  his
      retirement continues to operate after his  reappointment as if he has not
      retired.   The  appointment  of  an  alternate  director  ceases  on  the
      happening of an event which, if he were a director  otherwise  appointed,
      would cause him to vacate office.


      An  alternate  director  is,  if  he gives the Company an address in  the
      United Kingdom at which notices may be served on him, entitled to receive
      notice of all meetings of the board  and  all  committees of the board of
      which his appointor is a member and, in the absence  from  those meetings
      of his appointor, to attend and vote at the meetings and to  exercise all
      the powers, rights, duties and authorities of his appointor.   A director
      acting as alternate director has a separate vote at meetings of the board
      and  committees  of  the  board  for  each  director  for whom he acts as
      alternate  director  but  he  counts  as  only  one  for  the purpose  of
      determining whether a quorum is present.


      A person acting as an alternate director is an officer of the Company, is
      alone responsible to the Company for his acts and defaults,  and  is  not
      deemed to be the agent of his appointor.



(A)   Unless  otherwise  decided  by  the  Company  by ordinary resolution, the
      Company  shall  pay  to the directors (but not alternate  directors)  for
      their services as directors  such  amount  of aggregate fees as the board
      decides  (or  such  amount  as  the  Company may by  ordinary  resolution
      decide).  The aggregate fees shall be divided among the directors in such
      proportions as the board decides or, if  no decision is made, equally.  A
      fee payable to a director pursuant to this  article  is distinct from any
      salary,  remuneration  or other amount payable to him pursuant  to  other
      provisions of the articles and accrues from day to day.


(B)   Subject to the Acts and  to  the  articles  and  the  requirements of the
      listing  rules  of  the  UKLA, the board may arrange for part  of  a  fee
      payable to a director under  this  article  to be provided in the form of
      fully-paid shares in the capital of the Company.   The  amount of the fee
      payable in this way shall be at the discretion of the board  and shall be
      applied  in  the  purchase  or  subscription  of shares on behalf of  the
      relevant  director.   In  the  case  of  a subscription  of  shares,  the
      subscription  price  shall  be  deemed  to be the  closing  middle-market
      quotation  for  a  fully-paid  share  of the Company  of  that  class  as
      published in the Daily Official List of  the London Stock Exchange on the
      day of subscription.


      A  director who, at the request of the board,  goes  or  resides  abroad,
      makes  a  special  journey or performs a special service on behalf of the
      Company may be paid  such  reasonable additional remuneration (whether by
      way of salary, percentage of  profits  or  otherwise) and expenses as the
      board may decide.


      A director is entitled to be repaid all reasonable  travelling, hotel and
      other expenses properly incurred by him in the performance  of his duties
      as director including, without limitation, expenses incurred in attending
      meetings  of the board or of committees of the board or general  meetings
      or separate meetings of the holders of a class of shares or debentures.


      An alternate  director  is not entitled to a fee from the Company for his
      services as an alternate  director.   The  fee  payable  to  an alternate
      director is payable out of the fee payable to his appointor and  consists
      of such portion (if any) of the fee as he agrees with his appointor.  The
      Company  shall, however, repay to an alternate director expenses incurred
      by him in  the  performance  of his duties if the Company would have been
      required to repay the expenses  to  him  under  article  89 had he been a


(A)   The board may exercise all the powers of the Company to provide  pensions
      or  other  retirement or superannuation benefits and to provide death  or
      disability benefits  or  other  allowances or gratuities (by insurance or
      otherwise) for a person who is or has at any time been a director of:

      (i)    the Company;

      (ii)   a company which is or was a subsidiary undertaking of the Company;

      (iii)  a company which is or was allied to or associated with the Company
             or a subsidiary undertaking of the Company; or

      (iv)   a predecessor in business  of  the  Company  or  of  a  subsidiary
             undertaking of the Company,


      (or,  in  each case, for any member of his family, including a spouse  or
      former spouse,  or  a  person  who is or was dependent on him).  For this
      purpose the board may establish,  maintain,  subscribe  and contribute to
      any  scheme, trust or fund and pay premiums.  The board may  arrange  for
      this to  be  done  by  the  Company  alone or in conjunction with another

(B)   A director or former director is entitled  to  receive and retain for his
      own benefit a pension or other benefit provided  under  paragraph (A) and
      is not obliged to account for it to the Company.


      The  salary  or  other  remuneration  of  a  director appointed  to  hold
      employment or executive office in accordance with  the  articles may be a
      fixed  sum  of money, or wholly or in part governed by business  done  or
      profits made,  or  as  otherwise  decided  by  the  board,  and may be in
      addition  to  or  instead  of  a  fee payable to him for his services  as
      director pursuant to the articles.

                        POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD


      Subject to the Acts, the memorandum of association of the Company and the
      articles and to directions given by  special  resolution  of the Company,
      the  business  of the Company is managed by the board which may  exercise
      all the powers of  the  Company whether relating to the management of the
      business or not.  No alteration  of  the  memorandum of association or of
      the articles and no direction given by the Company invalidate a prior act
      of the board which would have been valid if  the  alteration had not been
      made or the direction had not been given.  The provisions of the articles
      giving specific powers to the board do not limit the general powers given
      by this article.


      If  the number of directors is less than the minimum  prescribed  by  the
      articles  or decided by the Company by ordinary resolution, the remaining
      director or  directors  may  act  only  for the purposes of appointing an
      additional director or directors to make  up  that minimum or convening a
      general  meeting  of  the  Company  for  the  purpose   of   making  such
      appointment.   If  no director or directors is or are able or willing  to
      act, two members may  convene  a  general  meeting  for  the  purpose  of
      appointing directors.  An additional director appointed in this way holds
      office  (subject  to the articles) only until the dissolution of the next
      annual general meeting  after  his  appointment  unless he is reappointed
      during the meeting.


      The board may delegate to a director holding executive  office any of its
      powers, authorities and discretions for such time and on  such  terms and
      conditions  as  it  thinks  fit.  In particular, without limitation,  the
      board may grant the power to  sub-delegate, and may retain or exclude the
      right of the board to exercise the delegated powers, authorities or


      discretions collaterally with the  director.  The  board  may at any time
      revoke the delegation or alter its terms and conditions.


      The  board  may  delegate  any of its powers, authorities and discretions
      (with power to sub-delegate)  to  a  committee  consisting of one or more
      persons (whether a member or members of the board  or  not)  as it thinks
      fit.   A  committee  may  exercise  its  power  to  sub-delegate  by sub-
      delegating  to  any person or persons (whether or not a member or members
      of the board or of  the  committee).  The board may retain or exclude its
      right  to  exercise  the delegated  powers,  authorities  or  discretions
      collaterally with the  committee.   The  board may at any time revoke the
      delegation or alter any terms and conditions  or  discharge the committee
      in  whole or in part.  Where a provision of the articles  refers  to  the
      exercise  of  a  power,  authority or discretion by the board (including,
      without  limitation, the power  to  pay  fees,  remuneration,  additional
      remuneration,  expenses  and  pensions  and  other  benefits  pursuant to
      articles  87  to  92  and  that  power,  authority or discretion has been
      delegated by the board to a committee, the  provision  shall be construed
      as permitting the exercise of the power, authority or discretion  by  the

97.   AGENTS

      The  board  may  by power of attorney or otherwise appoint a person to be
      the agent of the Company  and  may  delegate  to  that  person any of its
      powers, authorities and discretions for such purposes, for  such time and
      on such terms and conditions (including as to remuneration) as  it thinks
      fit.  In particular, without limitation, the board may grant the power to
      sub-delegate and may retain or exclude the right of the board to exercise
      the  delegated  powers, authorities or discretions collaterally with  the
      agent.  The board  may  at  any  time  revoke  or  alter  the  terms  and
      conditions of the appointment or delegation.


      The  board  may  appoint  a person (not being a director) to an office or
      employment having a designation or title including the word "director" or
      attach to an existing office  or employment that designation or title and
      may terminate the appointment or  use  of that designation or title.  The
      inclusion of the word "director" in the designation or title of an office
      or employment does not imply that the person  is,  or is deemed to be, or
      is empowered to act as, a director for any of the purposes of the Acts or
      the articles.


      Subject to article 102, the board may exercise or cause  to  be exercised
      the  voting powers conferred by shares in the capital of another  company
      held or  owned  by the Company, or a power of appointment to be exercised
      by the Company, in  any  manner  it thinks fit (including the exercise of
      the voting power or power of appointment  in favour of the appointment of
      a director as an officer or employee of that  company or in favour of the
      payment of remuneration to the officers or employees of that company).



      The board may exercise the powers conferred on the Company by the Acts to
      make provision for the benefit of a person employed  or formerly employed
      by the Company or any of its subsidiary undertakings (or  any  member  of
      his  family, including a spouse or former spouse, or any person who is or
      was dependent on him) in connection with the cessation or the transfer to
      a person  of  the  whole or part of the undertaking of the Company or the
      subsidiary undertaking.


      Subject to the Acts  and  the  Uncertificated Securities Regulations, the
      board may exercise the powers conferred on the Company with regard to the
      keeping of an overseas, local or  other  register  and  may make and vary
      regulations as it thinks fit concerning the keeping of a register.


(A)   Subject  to  the  following  provisions  of this article, the  board  may
      exercise all the powers of the Company to borrow money and to mortgage or
      charge all or part of the undertaking, property  and  assets  (present or
      future) and uncalled capital of the Company and, subject to the  Acts, to
      issue  debentures and other securities, whether outright or as collateral
      security for a debt, liability or obligation of the Company or of a third

(B)   The board shall restrict the borrowings of the Company and shall exercise
      all voting  and  other  rights  or  powers  of control exercisable by the
      Company in relation to its subsidiary undertakings  so  as  to ensure (as
      regards  subsidiary  undertakings,  to  the  extent  possible)  that  the
      aggregate  principal amount outstanding in respect of moneys borrowed  by
      the group does  not  at  any  time  without  the  previous sanction of an
      ordinary resolution of the Company exceed a sum equal  to  [ ]  times the
      adjusted capital and reserves.

(C)   In this article:

      (i)    "ADJUSTED CAPITAL AND RESERVES" means a sum equal to the aggregate

             (a)  the  amount  paid  up  on  the  allotted share capital of the
                  Company; and

             (b)  the  amount  standing  to  the  credit   or   debit   of  the
                  consolidated reserves;

             all as shown in the relevant balance sheet but after:

             (c)  making  all  adjustments  which  are,  in  the opinion of the
                  board, necessary or appropriate to take account of:

                    (I)    a   variation   in  the  amounts  referred   to   in
                           paragraphs (a)  and   (b)  since  the  date  of  the
                           relevant balance sheet  arising out of the allotment
                           of shares in the capital  of  the  Company; for this
                           purpose  if  a proposed allotment of shares  by  the
                           Company for cash has been underwritten, those shares
                           are deemed to  have  been  allotted  and  the amount
                           (including  any premium) of the subscription  moneys
                           payable in respect of those shares (not


                          being moneys  payable  later than six months after the
                          date of allotment)  are deemed to have been paid up to
                          the extent underwritten on the date on which the issue
                          of  those   shares  was   underwritten   (or,  if  the
                          underwriting  was  conditional,  the  date on which it
                          became unconditional); and

                    (II)   other changes in circumstances since the date of the
                           relevant balance sheet;

      (ii)    "GROUP" means:

             (a)  the Company;

             (b)  all undertakings which are included in the consolidated group
                  accounts in which the relevant balance sheet is comprised and
                  which would be so included if group accounts were prepared at
                  the  relevant  time  (and  if  that  time were the end of the
                  Company's financial year);and

             (c)  all undertakings which are not included  in  the consolidated
                  group  accounts  in  which  the  relevant  balance  sheet  is
                  comprised  but  which  would be so included if group accounts
                  were prepared at the relevant time (and if that time were the
                  end of the Company's financial year);

      (iii)  "GROUP UNDERTAKING" means the  Company  or  another undertaking in
             the group;

      (iv)   "MONEYS  BORROWED"  means  all moneys borrowed including,  without

             (a)  the nominal amount of and  the  amount of any premium paid in
                  respect of any allotted share capital (not being equity share
                  capital) of a group undertaking other  than  the  Company not
                  beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, by another  group

             (b)  any  amount  raised  by acceptance under an acceptance credit

             (c)  any amount raised under a note purchase facility;

             (d)  the amount of any liability  in  respect  of  a lease or hire
                  purchase  contract which would, in accordance with  generally
                  accepted accounting  standards  in  the  United  Kingdom,  be
                  treated as a finance or capital lease;

             (e)  the  amount  of  any liability in respect of a purchase price
                  for assets or services the payment of which is deferred for a
                  period of more than [90 days]; and

             (f)  any  amount  raised  under  another  transaction  (including,
                  without limitation,  a  forward  sale  or purchase agreement)
                  having the commercial effect of a borrowing;

             but excluding:

             (g)  borrowings by one group undertaking from  another,  including
                  the principal amount of any loan capital (whether secured  or
                  unsecured) and


                  the nominal  amount of any  allotted or issued  share  capital
                  (not  being  equity  share  capital)  of a  group  undertaking
                  beneficially owned,  directly or indirectly,  by another group

             (h)  borrowings for the purpose of financing  a  contract  to  the
                  extent  that  the  price  receivable  under  the  contract is
                  guaranteed   or  insured  by  the  Export  Credits  Guarantee
                  Department of  the  Department  of  Trade  and Industry or by
                  another person fulfilling a similar function;

             (i)  borrowings for the purpose of, and to be applied  within  six
                  months  of  being  made  in,  repaying  the  whole or part of
                  borrowings that constitute moneys borrowed for  the  purposes
                  of  this  article, pending their application for that purpose
                  within that period; and

             and in calculating  moneys  borrowed  for  the  purposes  of  this
             article, there shall be deducted:

             (j)  an amount equal to the aggregate of:

                  (I)      all  cash  in  hand  and  cash deposits repayable on
                           demand with any bank or financial  institution  (not
                           itself a group undertaking); and

                  (II)     investments which are readily convertible into known
                           amounts of cash with notice of [48 hours or less];

                  in each case beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, by a
                  group undertaking and whether denominated in sterling or in a
                  currency other than sterling;

      (v)    "RELEVANT  BALANCE  SHEET"  means  the  consolidated balance sheet
             dealing  with  the  state  of  affairs  of  the  Company  and  its
             subsidiary  undertakings  comprised in the latest  group  accounts
             prepared and approved by the  board and on which the auditors have
             made their report pursuant to the Acts.

(D)   When the amount of moneys borrowed to  be  taken  into  account  for  the
      purposes  of this article on a particular day is being calculated, moneys
      denominated  or  repayable in a currency other than the currency in which
      the relevant balance  sheet  is  prepared  (the "BALANCE SHEET CURRENCY")
      shall  be  converted  for the purpose of calculating  the  balance  sheet
      currency equivalent either:

      (i)    at the rate of exchange  specified in a forward purchase contract,
             currency option, back-to-back  loan,  swap  or  other  arrangement
             taken  out  or  entered  into  to reduce the risk associated  with
             fluctuations in rates of exchange in respect of repayment of those
             moneys (a "HEDGING AGREEMENT"); or

      (ii)   if  those  moneys were borrowed on  or  before  the  date  of  the
             relevant balance  sheet and repayment of those moneys has not been
             covered by a hedging  agreement,  at  the  more  favourable to the
             Company of:


             (a)  the rate of exchange used for the conversion of that currency
                  in the relevant balance sheet, or

             (b)  the middle-market rate of exchange quoted by  [a  London  [or
                  Scottish] clearing bank selected by the board] [SPECIFY BANK]
                  at  the  close  of  business  in  London  on the business day
                  immediately preceding the day on which the  calculation falls
                  to be made; or

      (iii)  if  those  moneys  were  borrowed  after the date of the  relevant
             balance sheet and repayment of those  moneys  has not been covered
             by a hedging agreement, at the more favourable to the Company of:

             (a)  the middle-market rate of exchange quoted  by  [a  London [or
                  Scottish] clearing bank selected by the board] [SPECIFY BANK]
                  at  the  close  of  business  in  London  on  the date of the
                  relevant balance sheet, or

             (b)  the  middle-market rate of exchange quoted by [a  London  [or
                  Scottish] clearing bank selected by the board] [SPECIFY BANK]
                  at the  close  of  business  in  London  on  the business day
                  immediately preceding the day on which the calculation  falls
                  to be made.

(E)   When  calculating moneys borrowed for the purposes of this article, where
      a group  undertaking  has issued and paid-up equity share capital that is
      not owned, directly or  indirectly,  by  a  group  undertaking ("EXTERNAL

      (a)    the  relevant  percentage  of  any  borrowings  from   that  group
             undertaking  by  another  group  undertaking  may  not be excluded
             pursuant to paragraph (C)(iv)(g);

      (b)    the  relevant  percentage  of  any  borrowings made by that  group
             undertaking that constitute moneys borrowed  for  the  purposes of
             this article shall be deducted; and

      (c)    the    relevant   percentage   of   any   items   falling   within
             clause (C)(iv)(j)  beneficially  owned, directly or indirectly, by
             that group undertaking may not be deducted,

      and  for  the  purpose of this paragraph "RELEVANT  PERCENTAGE"  means  a
      percentage equal to the percentage that the external capital forms of the
      whole of the issued  and  paid-up  equity  share  capital  of  that group

(F)   A  report  of  the auditors as to the amount of the adjusted capital  and
      reserves or the  aggregate  amount of moneys borrowed for the purposes of
      this article is conclusive and  binding  on  all concerned.  Nevertheless
      the board may at any time act in reliance on a  bona fide estimate of the
      amount of the adjusted capital and reserves or the  aggregate  amount  of
      moneys  borrowed.  If in consequence the limit on moneys borrowed set out
      in this article  is inadvertently exceeded, the amount of moneys borrowed
      equal to the excess  may  be  disregarded  for  90 days after the date on
      which by reason of a determination of the auditors or otherwise the board
      becomes aware that this situation has or may have arisen.


(G)   No  debt  incurred  or security given in respect of  moneys  borrowed  in
      excess of the limit imposed  by  this  article  is invalid or ineffectual
      except where express notice that the limit has been  or  will be exceeded
      has  been given to the lender or recipient of the security  at  the  time
      when the  debt  is incurred or security given.  No lender or other person
      dealing with the Company is concerned to see or enquire whether the limit
      is observed.


      The Company shall  keep a register of charges in accordance with the Acts
      and the fee to be paid  by  a  person other than a creditor or member for
      each inspection of the register  of charges is the maximum sum prescribed
      by the Acts or, failing which, decided by the board.


(A)   Subject to the Acts and provided he has disclosed to the board the nature
      and extent of any material interest  of  his, a director, notwithstanding
      his office:

      (i)    may  enter  into  or  otherwise  be  interested   in  a  contract,
             arrangement, transaction or proposal with the Company  or in which
             the Company is otherwise interested either in connection  with his
             tenure  of  an  office  or place of profit or as seller, buyer  or

      (ii)   may  hold another office or  place  of  profit  with  the  Company
             (except that of auditor or auditor of a subsidiary of the Company)
             in conjunction  with the office of director and may act by himself
             or through his firm in a professional capacity to the Company, and
             in that case on such terms as to remuneration and otherwise as the
             board may decide  either in addition to or instead of remuneration
             provided for by another article;

      (iii)  may be a director or  other officer of, or employed by, or a party
             to  a  contract, transaction,  arrangement  or  proposal  with  or
             otherwise  interested  in, a company promoted by the Company or in
             which the Company is otherwise  interested or as regards which the
             Company has a power of appointment; and

      (iv)   is not liable to account to the Company for a profit, remuneration
             or   other  benefit  realised  by  such   contract,   arrangement,
             transaction,  proposal, office or employment and no such contract,
             arrangement, transaction  or proposal is avoided on the grounds of
             any such interest or benefit.

(B)   A director who, to his knowledge,  is in any way (directly or indirectly)
      interested in a contract, arrangement,  transaction  or proposal with the
      Company shall declare the nature of his interest at the  meeting  of  the
      board  at  which the question of entering into the contract, arrangement,
      transaction  or  proposal  is  first considered, if he knows his interest
      then exists or, in any other case,  at  the  first  meeting  of the board
      after he knows that he is or has become interested.  For the purposes  of
      this article:

      (i)    a general notice given to the board by a director that he is to be
             regarded as having an interest (of the nature and extent specified
             in the notice) in a contract, transaction, arrangement or proposal
             in which a specified person or class of


             persons is interested is a sufficient disclosure under this article
             in relation to that contract, transaction, arrangement or proposal;

      (ii)   an interest of which  a  director has no knowledge and of which it
             is unreasonable to expect  him to have knowledge is not treated as
             his interest.

(C)   A director may not vote on or be counted  in  the quorum in relation to a
      resolution  of  the  board or of a committee of the  board  concerning  a
      contract, arrangement, transaction or proposal to which the Company is or
      is to be a party and in  which  he  has  an  interest  which  is,  to his
      knowledge,  a material interest (otherwise than by virtue of his interest
      in shares or debentures or other securities of or otherwise in or through
      the Company),  but  this  prohibition  does  not  apply  to  a resolution
      concerning any of the following matters:

      (i)    the  giving  of  a guarantee, security or indemnity in respect  of
             money lent or obligations  incurred  by him or any other person at
             the request of or for the benefit of the  Company  or  any  of its
             subsidiary undertakings;

      (ii)   the  giving of a guarantee, security or indemnity in respect of  a
             debt or  obligation  of  the  Company  or  any  of  its subsidiary
             undertakings  for  which he himself has assumed responsibility  in
             whole or in part, either  alone  or  jointly  with others, under a
             guarantee or indemnity or by the giving of security;

      (iii)  a  contract,  arrangement, transaction or proposal  concerning  an
             offer of shares,  debentures or other securities of the Company or
             any of its subsidiary  undertakings  for subscription or purchase,
             in which offer he is or may be entitled to participate as a holder
             of securities or in the underwriting or  sub-underwriting of which
             he is to participate;

      (iv)   a  contract,  arrangement, transaction or proposal  to  which  the
             Company  is  or is  to  be  a  party  concerning  another  company
             (including a subsidiary undertaking of the Company) in which he is
             interested  (directly   or  indirectly)  whether  as  an  officer,
             shareholder, creditor or  otherwise  (a "RELEVANT COMPANY"), if he
             does not to his knowledge hold an interest in shares (as that term
             is used in sections 198 to 211 of the  Act)  representing  one per
             cent.  or more of either any class of the equity share capital  of
             or the voting rights in the relevant company;

      (v)    a contract,  arrangement,  transaction or proposal for the benefit
             of  the  employees  of  the  Company  or  any  of  its  subsidiary
             undertakings (including any pension  fund  or retirement, death or
             disability scheme) which does not award him a privilege or benefit
             not generally awarded to the employees to whom it relates; and

      (vi)   a  contract, arrangement, transaction or proposal  concerning  the
             purchase or maintenance of any insurance policy for the benefit of
             directors or for the benefit of persons including directors.

(D)   A director  may  not vote on or be counted in the quorum in relation to a
      resolution of the  board  or  committee  of  the board concerning his own
      appointment (including, without limitation, fixing  or  varying the terms
      of  his  appointment  or its termination) as the holder of an  office  or
      place of profit with the Company or any company in which the Company


      is  interested.  Where  proposals are under  consideration  concerning the
      appointment (including, without limitation, fixing or varying the terms of
      appointment  or its  termination)  of two or more  directors to offices or
      places of profit  with the  Company or a company  in which the  Company is
      interested,  such  proposals  shall be divided  and a separate  resolution
      considered  in  relation  to  each  director.  In  that  case  each of the
      directors  concerned  (if not  otherwise  debarred  from voting under this
      article)  is entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of
      each resolution except that concerning his own appointment.

(E)   If a question arises at a meeting as to the  materiality  of a director's
      interest (other than the interest of the chairman of the meeting)  or  as
      to  the entitlement of a director (other than the chairman) to vote or be
      counted  in  a quorum and the question is not resolved by his voluntarily
      agreeing to abstain  from  voting  or  being  counted  in the quorum, the
      question shall be referred to the chairman and his ruling  in relation to
      the director concerned is conclusive and binding on all concerned.

(F)   If  a question arises at a meeting as to the materiality of the  interest
      of the  chairman  of the meeting or as to the entitlement of the chairman
      to vote or be counted in a quorum and the question is not resolved by his
      voluntarily agreeing  to  abstain  from  voting  or  being counted in the
      quorum, the question shall be decided by resolution of  the  directors or
      committee  members present at the meeting (excluding the chairman)  whose
      majority vote is conclusive and binding on all concerned.

(G)   For the purposes of this article, the interest of a person who is for the
      purposes of the Acts connected with (within the meaning of section 346 of
      the Act) a director  is  treated  as the interest of the director and, in
      relation to an alternate director,  the  interest  of  his  appointor  is
      treated  as  the  interest  of  the  alternate director in addition to an
      interest  which  the  alternate director  otherwise  has.   This  article
      applies to an alternate  director  as  if  he  were  a director otherwise

(H)   Subject  to the Acts, the Company may by ordinary resolution  suspend  or
      relax the  provisions  of  this  article  to  any  extent  or  ratify any
      contract, arrangement, transaction or proposal not properly authorised by
      reason of a contravention of this article.



      Subject to the articles, the board may meet for the despatch of business,
      adjourn and otherwise regulate its proceedings as it thinks fit.


      A  director  may,  and  the secretary at the request of a director shall,
      summon a board meeting at  any time.  Notice of a board meeting is deemed
      to be duly given to a director  if  it  is  given to him personally or by
      word of mouth or by electronic communication  to  an address given by him
      to  the  Company  for  that  purpose or sent in writing  to  him  at  his
      last-known address or another  address  given  by  him to the Company for
      that purpose.  A director may waive the requirement  that notice be given
      to  him  of a board meeting, either prospectively or retrospectively.   A
      director absent  or  intending  to  be absent from the


      United  Kingdom  may request  that  notices of board  meetings  during his
      absence  be sent in writing to him or by  electronic  communication  to an
      address  given by him to the  Company for that  purpose.  If no request is
      made it is not  necessary to give notice of a board  meeting to a director
      who is absent from the United Kingdom.

107.  QUORUM

      The quorum necessary for the transaction of  business  may  be decided by
      the board and until otherwise decided is two directors present  in person
      or by alternate director.  A duly convened meeting of the board at  which
      a  quorum  is  present  is  competent  to  exercise  all  or  any  of the
      authorities,  powers  and  discretions  vested  in  or exercisable by the


      The  board may appoint one of its body as chairman to  preside  at  every
      board  meeting  at which he is present and one or more deputy chairman or
      chairmen and decide the period for which he is or they are to hold office
      (and may at any time  remove him or them from office).  If no chairman or
      deputy chairman is elected, or if at a meeting neither the chairman nor a
      deputy chairman is present  within five minutes of the time fixed for the
      start  of the meeting, the directors  and  alternate  directors  (in  the
      absence  of their appointors) present shall choose one of their number to
      be chairman.   If  two or more deputy chairmen are present, the senior of
      them shall act as chairman,  seniority  being  determined  by  length  of
      office   since   their   last  appointment  or  reappointment  or  deemed
      reappointment.  As between  two or more who have held office for an equal
      length of time, the deputy chairman  to  act as chairman shall be decided
      by  those directors and alternate directors  (in  the  absence  of  their
      appointors)  present.   A  chairman or deputy chairman may hold executive
      office or employment with the Company.

109.  VOTING

      Questions arising at a meeting  of the board are determined by a majority
      of votes.  In case of an equality  of  votes the chairman has a second or
      casting vote.


      A director or his alternate director may  participate in a meeting of the
      board  or  a  committee  of the board through the  medium  of  conference
      telephone,  video  teleconference   or   similar  form  of  communication
      equipment if all persons participating in  the  meeting  are able to hear
      and  speak to each other throughout the meeting.  A person  participating
      in this  way  is  deemed  to  be  present in person at the meeting and is
      counted in a quorum and entitled to  vote.   Subject  to  the  Acts,  all
      business  transacted in this way by the board or a committee of the board
      is for the  purposes of the articles deemed to be validly and effectively
      transacted at a meeting of the board or a committee of the board although
      fewer than two directors or alternate directors are physically present at
      the same place.   The  meeting  is deemed to take place where the largest
      group of those participating is assembled  or, if there is no such group,
      where the chairman of the meeting then is.



      A  resolution in writing executed by all directors  for  the  time  being
      entitled  to  receive notice of a board meeting and not being less than a
      quorum or by all  members  of  a  committee  of the board is as valid and
      effective for all purposes as a resolution passed  at  a  meeting  of the
      board (or committee, as the case may be).  The resolution in writing  may
      consist  of  several  documents  in the same form each executed by one or
      more  of  the  directors  or  members of  the  relevant  committee.   The
      resolution in writing need not  be  signed by an alternate director if it
      is  signed  by  his appointor and a resolution  signed  by  an  alternate
      director need not be signed by his appointor.


(A)   Proceedings of any  committee  of  the  board  consisting  of two or more
      members  shall  be conducted in accordance with terms prescribed  by  the
      board (if any).   Subject  to  those  terms  paragraph  (B)  of  this and
      article,  proceedings  shall  be  conducted in accordance with applicable
      provisions of the articles regulating the proceedings of the board.

(B)   Where the board resolves to delegate  any  of its powers, authorities and
      discretions to a committee and that resolution  states that the committee
      shall consist of any one or more unnamed directors,  it  is not necessary
      to give notice of a meeting of that committee to directors other than the
      director or directors who form the committee.


(A)   The  board shall cause minutes to be made in books kept for  the  purpose

      (i)    all  appointments of officers and committees made by the board and
             of any remuneration fixed by the board; and

      (ii)   the names  of  directors  present  at  every meeting of the board,
             committees of the board, the Company or  the holders of a class of
             shares or debentures, and all orders, resolutions  and proceedings
             of such meetings.

(B)   If  purporting to be signed by the chairman of the meeting at  which  the
      proceedings  were held or by the chairman of the next succeeding meeting,
      minutes are receivable  as  prima facie evidence of the matters stated in


      All acts done by a meeting of  the board, or of a committee of the board,
      or by a person acting as a director,  alternate  director  or member of a
      committee  are,  notwithstanding  that  it is afterwards discovered  that
      there was a defect in the appointment of  a  person or persons acting, or
      that they or any of them were or was disqualified  from holding office or
      not entitled to vote, or had in any way vacated their  or  his office, as
      valid  as  if  every  such  person had been duly appointed, and was  duly
      qualified and had continued to  be  a  director,  alternate  director  or
      member of a committee and entitled to vote.




(A)   Subject  to  the  Acts,  the  board  shall  appoint  a secretary or joint
      secretaries  and may appoint one or more persons to be  an  assistant  or
      deputy  secretary  on  such  terms  and  conditions  (including,  without
      limitation,  remuneration)  as  it  thinks  fit.   The board may remove a
      person appointed pursuant to this article from office and appoint another
      or others in his place.

(B)   Any provision of the Acts or of the articles requiring  or  authorising a
      thing  to be done by or to a director and the secretary is not  satisfied
      by its being  done  by  or to the same person acting both as director and
      as, or in the place of, the secretary.


      A director or the secretary  or another person appointed by the board for
      the purpose may authenticate documents  affecting the constitution of the
      Company (including, without limitation, the memorandum of association and
      the articles) and resolutions passed by the Company or holders of a class
      of shares or the board or a committee of  the  board  and books, records,
      documents and accounts relating to the business of the  Company,  and  to
      certify copies or extracts as true copies or extracts.



      The board shall provide for the safe custody of every seal.


      A  seal may be used only by the authority of a resolution of the board or
      of a  committee  of  the  board.   The  board may decide who will sign an
      instrument  to  which a seal is affixed (or,  in  the  case  of  a  share
      certificate, on which  the  seal  may  be printed) either generally or in
      relation to a particular instrument or type of instrument.  The board may
      also decide, either generally or in a particular  case,  that a signature
      may  be dispensed with or affixed by mechanical means.  Unless  otherwise
      decided by the board:

      (i)    share   certificates   and   certificates  issued  in  respect  of
             debentures or other securities  (subject  to the provisions of the
             relevant instrument) need not be signed or, if signed, a signature
             may be applied by mechanical or other means or may be printed; and

      (ii)   every other instrument to which a seal is affixed  shall be signed
             by one director and by the secretary or a second director.


      The Company may exercise the powers conferred by the Acts with  regard to
      having an official seal for use abroad, and those powers shall be  vested
      in the board.


                        DIVIDENDS AND OTHER PAYMENTS


      Subject  to  the  Acts  and  the  articles,  the  Company may by ordinary
      resolution  declare  a  dividend to be paid to the members  according  to
      their respective rights and  interests,  but  no  dividend may exceed the
      amount recommended by the board.


      Subject to the Acts, the board may declare and pay such interim dividends
      (including, without limitation, a dividend payable  at  a  fixed rate) as
      appear to it to be justified by the profits of the Company available  for
      distribution.   If  the  share capital is divided into different classes,
      the board may pay interim  dividends  on  shares  which rank after shares
      conferring preferred rights with regard to dividend  as well as on shares
      with  preferred  rights,  unless  at  the time of payment a  preferential
      dividend is in arrear.  If the board acts  in  good  faith,  it  does not
      incur any liability to the holders of shares conferring preferred  rights
      for  a  loss they may suffer by the lawful payment of an interim dividend
      on shares ranking after those with preferred rights.


(A)   Except as  otherwise  provided by the rights  attached to, or the terms of
      issue of shares:

      (i)    a dividend shall  be  declared  and  paid according to the amounts
             paid up on the shares in respect of which the dividend is declared
             and paid, but no amount paid up on a share  in  advance  of a call
             may be treated for the purpose of this article as paid up  on  the
             share; and

      (ii)   dividends  shall  be  apportioned  and paid proportionately to the
             amounts paid up on the shares during  any  portion  or portions of
             the period in respect of which the dividend is paid.

(B)   Except as otherwise provided by the rights attached to shares,  dividends
      may  be  declared or paid in any currency.  The board may agree with  any
      member that  dividends  which  may  at  any  time or from time to time be
      declared or become due on his shares in one currency  shall  be  paid  or
      satisfied in another, and may agree the basis of conversion to be applied
      and  how  and  when  the amount to be paid in the other currency shall be
      calculated and paid and  for  the Company or any other person to bear any
      costs involved.


(A)   The Company may pay any dividend,  interest  or  other  amount payable in
      respect of a share:

      (i)    in cash;

      (ii)   by cheque, warrant or money order made payable to  or to the order
             of  the person entitled to the payment (and may, at the  Company's
             option, be crossed "account payee" where appropriate);


      (iii)  by a  bank or other funds transfer system to an account designated
             in writing by the person entitled to the payment;

      (iv)   if the  board so decides, by means of a relevant system in respect
             of an uncertificated  share, subject to any procedures established
             by the board to enable  a holder of uncertificated shares to elect
             not to receive dividends by means of a relevant system and to vary
             or revoke any such election; or

      (v)    by such other method as the  person entitled to the payment may in
             writing direct.

(B)   The Company may send a cheque, warrant or money order by post:

      (i)    in the case of a sole holder, to his registered address;

      (ii)   in the case of joint holders,  to  the  registered  address of the
             person whose name stands first in the register;

      (iii)  in the case of a person or persons entitled by transmission  to  a
             share,  as  if  it  were a notice given in accordance with article
             139; or

      (iv)   in any case, to a person  and  address  that the person or persons
             entitled to the payment may in writing direct.

(C)   Where a share is held jointly or two or more persons are jointly entitled
      by transmission to a share:

      (i)    the Company may pay any dividend, interest or other amount payable
             in  respect  of that share to any one joint  holder,  or  any  one
             person entitled  by  transmission to the share, and in either case
             that holder or person  may  give  an  effective  receipt  for  the
             payment; and

      (ii)   for  any of the purposes of this article 123, the Company may rely
             in relation  to a share on the written direction or designation of
             any one joint  holder  of the share, or any one person entitled by
             transmission to the share.

(D)   Every cheque, warrant or money  order sent by post is sent at the risk of
      the person entitled to the payment.   If payment is made by bank or other
      funds transfer, by means of a relevant system or by another method at the
      direction  of  the  person  entitled  to  payment,  the  Company  is  not
      responsible for amounts lost or delayed in  the  course  of  making  that

(E)   Without  prejudice  to  article  69,  the board may withhold payment of a
      dividend  (or  part  of  a dividend) payable  to  a  person  entitled  by
      transmission to a share until  he  has provided any evidence of his right
      that the board may reasonably require.


      No dividend or other amount payable  by the Company in respect of a share
      bears interest as against the Company  unless  otherwise  provided by the
      rights attached to the share.



      The board may deduct from a dividend or other amounts payable to a person
      in respect of a share amounts due from him to the Company on account of a
      call or otherwise in relation to a share.


      Any unclaimed dividend, interest or other amount payable by  the  Company
      in  respect  of  a  share may be invested or otherwise made use of by the
      board for the benefit of the Company until claimed.  A dividend unclaimed
      for a period of 12 years  from the date it was declared or became due for
      payment is forfeited and ceases  to  remain  owing  by  the Company.  The
      payment of an unclaimed dividend, interest or other amount payable by the
      Company in respect of a share into a separate account does not constitute
      the Company a trustee in respect of it.


      If,  in  respect  of a dividend or other amount payable in respect  of  a
      share, on any one occasion:

      (i)    a cheque, warrant  or  money order is returned undelivered or left
             uncashed, or

      (ii)   a transfer made by a bank  or  other  funds transfer system is not

      and  reasonable  enquiries have failed to establish  another  address  or
      account of the person entitled to the payment, the Company is not obliged
      to send or transfer a dividend or other amount payable in respect of that
      share to that person  until  he  notifies  the  Company  of an address or
      account  to  be used for that purpose.  If the cheque, warrant  or  money
      order is returned  undelivered  or left uncashed or transfer not accepted
      on two consecutive occasions, the Company may exercise this power without
      making any such enquiries.


      Without prejudice to article 69,  the board may, with the prior authority
      of  an  ordinary resolution of the Company,  direct  that  payment  of  a
      dividend  may  be  satisfied  wholly  or  in  part by the distribution of
      specific  assets  and in particular of paid-up shares  or  debentures  of
      another company.  Where  a  difficulty  arises  in  connection  with  the
      distribution, the board may settle it as it thinks fit and in particular,
      without limitation, may:

      (i)    issue fractional certificates (or ignore fractions);

      (ii)   fix the value for distribution of the specific assets (or any part
             of them);

      (iii)  decide that a cash payment be made to a member on the basis of the
             value so fixed, in order to secure equality of distribution; and

      (iv)   vest  assets  in trustees on trust for the persons entitled to the
             dividend as seems expedient to the board.



(A)   Subject to the Acts, but  without prejudice to article 69, the board may,
      with the prior authority of  an ordinary resolution of the Company, allot
      to those holders of a particular  class  of  shares  who  have elected to
      receive  them further shares of that class or ordinary shares  in  either
      case credited  as fully paid ("NEW SHARES") instead of cash in respect of
      all or part of a  dividend  or  dividends  specified  by  the resolution,
      subject to any exclusions, restrictions or other arrangements  the  board
      may  in  its absolute discretion deem necessary or expedient to deal with
      legal or practical  problems  under the laws of, or the requirements of a
      recognised regulatory body or a stock exchange in, any territory.

(B)   Where a resolution under article  129(A)  is  to be proposed at a general
      meeting and the resolution relates in whole or  in  part to a dividend to
      be declared at that meeting, then the resolution declaring  the  dividend
      is deemed to take effect at the end of that meeting.

(C)   A resolution under article 129(A) may relate to a particular dividend  or
      to  all  or any dividends declared or paid within a specified period, but
      that period  may  not  end  later  than the beginning of the fifth annual
      general meeting following the date of the meeting at which the resolution
      is passed.

(D)   The board shall determine the basis  of  allotment of new shares so that,
      as nearly as may be considered convenient  without  involving rounding up
      of  fractions,  the  value  of  the  new shares (including  a  fractional
      entitlement)  to be allotted (calculated  by  reference  to  the  average
      quotation, or the  nominal  value  of  the new shares, if greater) equals
      (disregarding an associated tax credit)  the amount of the dividend which
      would  otherwise  have  been  received  by  the   holder  (the  "RELEVANT
      DIVIDEND").  For this purpose the "AVERAGE QUOTATION"  of each of the new
      shares  is the average of the middle-market quotations for  a  fully-paid
      share of  the  Company of that class derived from the Daily Official List
      of the London Stock  Exchange  (or  such other average value derived from
      such other source as the board may deem appropriate) for the business day
      on which the relevant class of shares  is  first quoted "ex" the relevant
      dividend (or such other date as the board may  deem  appropriate) and the
      four  subsequent  business  days  or  shall  be as determined  by  or  in
      accordance with the resolution under article 129(A).   A  certificate  or
      report  by  the auditors as to the value of the new shares to be allotted
      in respect of any dividend shall be conclusive evidence of that amount.

(E)   The board may  make any provision it considers appropriate in relation to
      an allotment made  or to be made pursuant to this article (whether before
      or after the passing  of the resolution under article 129(A)), including,
      without limitation:

      (i)    the giving of notice  to  holders of the right of election offered
             to them;

      (ii)   the  provision  of forms of election  (whether  in  respect  of  a
             particular dividend or dividends generally);

      (iii)  determination of the procedure for making and revoking elections;

      (iv)   the place at which,  and  the  latest  time  by  which,  forms  of
             election  and  other relevant documents must be lodged in order to
             be effective; and


      (v)    the disregarding  or  rounding  up  or down or carrying forward of
             fractional entitlements, in whole or  in  part,  or the accrual of
             the benefit of fractional entitlements to the Company (rather than
             to the holders concerned).

(F)   The dividend (or that part of the dividend in respect of which a right of
      election  has  been  offered)  is  not declared or payable on  shares  in
      respect of which an election has been  duly  made (the "ELECTED SHARES");
      instead new shares are allotted to the holders  of  the elected shares on
      the basis of allotment calculated as in paragraph (D).  For that purpose,
      the board may resolve to capitalise out of amounts standing to the credit
      of  reserves  (including  a  share  premium  account, capital  redemption
      reserve  and  profit  and loss account), whether  or  not  available  for
      distribution, a sum equal  to  the  aggregate  nominal  amount of the new
      shares  to be allotted and apply it in paying up in full the  appropriate
      number of new shares for allotment and distribution to the holders of the
      elected shares.   A  resolution  of  the  board  capitalising part of the
      reserves has the same effect as if the board had resolved  to  effect the
      capitalisation  with  the  authority  of  an  ordinary  resolution of the
      Company  pursuant to article 130.  In relation to the capitalisation  the
      board may  exercise all the powers conferred on it by article 130 without
      an ordinary resolution of the Company.

(G)   The new shares  rank  pari passu in all respects with each other and with
      the fully-paid shares of  the  same class in issue on the record date for
      the dividend in respect of which  the right of election has been offered,
      but  they  will  not  rank  for  a  dividend  or  other  distribution  or
      entitlement which has been declared or  paid  by reference to that record

(H)   In relation to any particular proposed dividend,  the  board  may  in its
      absolute discretion decide:

      (i)    that  shareholders  shall not be entitled to make any election  in
             respect thereof and that  any  election  previously made shall not
             extend to such dividend; or

      (ii)   at any time prior to the allotment of the  new  shares which would
             otherwise be allotted in lieu thereof, that all elections  to take
             ordinary  shares in lieu of such dividend shall be treated as  not
             applying to that dividend, and if so the dividend shall be paid in
             cash as if no elections had been made in respect of it.


      Subject to the Acts,  the  board  may,  with the authority of an ordinary
      resolution of the Company:

      (i)    resolve to capitalise an amount standing to the credit of reserves
             (including a share premium account, capital redemption reserve and
             profit  and  loss  account),  whether   or   not   available   for

      (ii)   appropriate  the  sum resolved to be capitalised to the members in
             proportion to the nominal  amount  of  ordinary shares (whether or
             not fully paid) held by them respectively  and  apply  that sum on
             their behalf in or towards:


             (a)  paying  up the amounts (if any) for the time being unpaid  on
                  shares held by them respectively, or

             (b)  paying up  in full unissued shares or debentures of a nominal
                  amount equal to that sum,

             and allot the shares or debentures, credited as fully paid, to the
             members (or as they may direct) in those proportions, or partly in
             one way and partly  in  the  other, but the share premium account,
             the capital redemption reserve and profits which are not available
             for distribution may, for the  purposes  of  this article, only be
             applied  in  paying up unissued shares to be allotted  to  members
             credited as fully paid;

      (iii)  make any arrangements  it  thinks  fit  to  resolve  a  difficulty
             arising  in  the  distribution  of  a  capitalised reserve and  in
             particular, without limitation, where shares  or debentures become
             distributable in fractions the board may deal with  the  fractions
             as  it  thinks  fit,  including  issuing  fractional certificates,
             disregarding   fractions   or   selling   shares   or   debentures
             representing  the  fractions  to  a  person  for  the  best  price
             reasonably  obtainable  and distributing the net proceeds  of  the
             sale in due proportion amongst  the  members  (except  that if the
             amount  due  to  a member is less than {pound-sterling}3, or  such
             other sum as the board may decide, the sum may be retained for the
             benefit of the Company);

      (iv)   authorise  a person  to  enter  (on  behalf  of  all  the  members
             concerned) an agreement with the Company providing for either:

             (a)  the allotment  to the members respectively, credited as fully
                  paid, of shares  or  debentures to which they may be entitled
                  on the capitalisation, or

             (b)  the payment by the Company  on  behalf of the members (by the
                  application of their respective proportions  of  the reserves
                  resolved  to  be capitalised) of the amounts or part  of  the
                  amounts remaining unpaid on their existing shares,

             an agreement made under  the authority being effective and binding
             on all those members; and

      (v)    generally do all acts and  things  required  to give effect to the


      Notwithstanding any other provision of the articles,  but  subject to the
      Acts and rights attached to shares, the Company or the board  may fix any
      date as the record date for a dividend, distribution, allotment or issue.
      The record date may be on or at any time before or after a date  on which
      the dividend, distribution, allotment or issue is declared, made or paid.




(A)   The  board  shall  ensure  that accounting records are kept in accordance
      with the Acts.

(B)   The accounting records shall  be  kept  at  the office or, subject to the
      Acts, at another place decided by the board and shall be available during
      business hours for the inspection of the directors  and  other  officers.
      No  member  (other  than  a  director or other officer) has the right  to
      inspect an accounting record or  other  document  except if that right is
      conferred by the Acts or he is authorised by the board  or by an ordinary
      resolution of the Company.


(A)   In  respect  of  each  financial  year,  a  copy of the Company's  annual
      accounts, directors' report and auditors' report  on those accounts shall
      be sent by post or delivered to:

      (i)    every  member  (whether  or  not  entitled to receive  notices  of
             general meetings),

      (ii)   every holder of debentures (whether  or  not  entitled  to receive
             notices of general meetings), and

      (iii)  every  other person who is entitled to receive notices of  general

      not less than 21  clear  days  before  the  date  of the meeting at which
      copies  of those documents are to be laid in accordance  with  the  Acts.
      This article does not require copies of the documents to which it applies
      to be sent or delivered to:

      (a)    a  member  or holder of debentures of whose address the Company is
             unaware, or

      (b)    more than one of the joint holders of shares or debentures.

(B)   The board may determine  that  persons  entitled to receive a copy of the
      Company's annual accounts, the directors' report and the auditors' report
      on those accounts are those persons entered  on the register at the close
      of  business  on a day determined by the board,  provided  that,  if  the
      Company is a participating  issuer,  the  day determined by the board may
      not  be more than 21 days before the day that  the  relevant  copies  are
      being sent.

(C)   Where  permitted  by the Acts, a summary financial statement derived from
      the Company's annual  accounts  and  the  directors' report and auditors'
      report in the form and containing the information  prescribed by the Acts
      may be sent or delivered to a person in place of the  documents  required
      to be sent or delivered by article 133(A).

(D)   Any documents required or permitted to be sent by the Company to a person
      pursuant to this article 133 shall be treated as sent if:

      (i)    sent by electronic communication to an address for the time  being
             notified to the Company by that person for that purpose; or

      (ii)   published  on  a  web-site, provided that the following conditions
             are met:


             (a)  the Company and  that  person have agreed that such documents
                  may be accessed by him on  a web-site (instead of their being
                  sent by post or otherwise delivered to him);

             (b)  that person is notified, in  a  manner  for  the  time  being
                  agreed for the purpose between him and the Company, of:

      (i)   the publication of the documents on a web-site;

      (ii)  the address of that web-site;

      (iii) the place on that web-site where the documents may be accessed; and

      (iv)  how they may be accessed.

(E)   Documents treated in accordance with  sub-paragraph (D)(ii) above as sent
      to any person are to be treated as sent  to  him  not  less than 21 clear
      days before the date of a meeting if, and only if:

      (i)    the  documents are published on the web-site throughout  a  period
             beginning  at  least  21 clear days before the date of the meeting
             and ending with the conclusion of the meeting; and

      (ii)   the  notification  given   for   the   purposes  of  sub-paragraph
             (D)(ii)(b) above is given not less than  21  clear days before the
             date of the meeting.

(F)   Nothing  in  paragraph  (E) above shall invalidate the proceedings  of  a
      meeting  where  any documents  that  are  required  to  be  published  as
      mentioned in sub-paragraph  (E)(i)  above  are  by  accident published in
      different places on the web-site or published for a part, but not all, of
      the period mentioned in that sub-paragraph.



      A  notice to be given to or by a person pursuant to the  articles  (other
      than  a  notice convening a meeting of the board or of a committee of the
      board) shall  be  in  writing  or  in  an  electronic communication to an
      address for the time being notified for that purpose to the person giving
      the notice.


(A)   A notice or other document may be given to a member by the Company:

      (i)    personally; or

      (ii)   by  sending  it by post in a pre-paid envelope  addressed  to  the
             member at his registered address; or

      (iii)  by leaving it  at that address (or at another address notified for
             the purpose) in an envelope addressed to the member; or


      (iv)   by giving it by  electronic  communication  to  an address for the
             time being notified to the Company by the member for that purpose;

      (v)   by any other means authorised in writing by the member concerned.

(B)   A notice of general meeting may, instead of being sent to  the  member in
      any of the ways specified in paragraph (A) above, be given to a member by
      the  Company  by  publishing the notice on a web-site, provided that  the
      following conditions are met:

      (i)    the member and  the  Company  have  agreed that notices of general
             meetings may be accessed by him on a  web-site  instead  of  being
             sent  to  the member in one of the ways specified in paragraph (A)
             above; and

      (ii)   the member  is  given a notification, in the manner agreed for the
             time being between  the  member  and  the  Company, containing the
             following information:

             (a)  the fact that the notice has been published on the web-site;

             (b)  the address of the web-site;

             (c)  the place on the web-site where the notice  may  be  accessed
                  and how it may be accessed;

             (d)  a  statement  that  it  concerns  a notice of general meeting
                  served in accordance with the Act;

             (e)  the place, date and time of the general meeting; and

             (f)  whether  the  general  meeting  is  to  be   an   annual   or
                  extraordinary general meeting.

      A notice given under this paragraph (B) is deemed to be given at the time
      of the notification under sub-paragraph (B)(ii).

(C)   In the case of joint holders of a share, a notice or other document shall
      be  given  to whichever of them is named first in the register in respect
      of the joint holding and notice given in this way is sufficient notice to
      all joint holders.

(D)   If a member  (or, in the case of joint holders, the person first named in
      the register) has a registered address outside the United Kingdom but has
      notified the Company of an address in the United Kingdom at which notices
      or other documents  may  be  given to him, or an address to which notices
      may be given by electronic communication,  he is entitled to have notices
      given to him at that address, but otherwise  no  such member or person is
      entitled to receive a notice or other document from the Company.


      If by reason of the suspension or curtailment of postal  services  in the
      United  Kingdom  the  Company  is unable effectively to convene a general
      meeting  by  notices  sent  by post,  the  board  may,  in  its  absolute
      discretion and as an alternative to any other method of service permitted
      by  the  articles, resolve to convene  a  general  meeting  by  a  notice
      advertised  in  at  least one United Kingdom national newspaper.  In this
      case the Company


      shall send confirmatory  copies  of  the notice by post if at least seven
      clear  days  before  the  meeting the posting  of  notices  to  addresses
      throughout the United Kingdom again becomes practicable.


(A)   A notice or other document  addressed  to  a  member  at  his  registered
      address or address for service in the United Kingdom is, if sent by post,
      deemed to be given at the expiration of 24 hours after it was put  in the
      post  if  pre-paid  as first class post and at the expiration of 48 hours
      after it was put in the  post  if  pre-paid  as second class post, and in
      proving service it is sufficient to prove that  the  envelope  containing
      the notice or document was properly addressed, pre-paid and posted.

(B)   Proof that a notice contained in an electronic communication was  sent in
      accordance with guidance issued by the Institute of Chartered Secretaries
      and  Administrators  shall  be  conclusive  evidence  that the notice was

(C)   A notice contained in an electronic communication sent in accordance with
      the articles other than a notice given under article 135(B) (to which the
      provisions of that article apply) is deemed to be given at the expiration
      of 48 hours after the time it was sent.

(D)   A notice or document not sent by post but left at a registered address or
      address for service in the United Kingdom is deemed to  be  given  on the
      day it is left.

(E)   Where notice is given by newspaper advertisement, the notice is deemed to
      be given to all members and other persons entitled to receive it at  noon
      on  the  day  when the advertisement appears or, where notice is given by
      more than one advertisement  and  the  advertisements appear on different
      days, at noon on the last of the days when the advertisements appear.

(F)   A notice or other document served or delivered  by  the  Company  by  any
      other means authorised in writing by the member concerned is deemed to be
      served  when  the  Company has taken the action it has been authorised to
      take for that purpose.

(G)   A member present in  person or by proxy at a meeting or of the holders of
      a class of shares is deemed  to  have  received due notice of the meeting
      and, where required, of the purposes for which it was called.


      A person who becomes entitled to a share  by  transmission,  transfer  or
      otherwise  is  bound  by  a notice in respect of that share (other than a
      notice served by the Company  under section 212 of the Act) which, before
      his name is entered in the register, has been properly served on a person
      from whom he derives his title.


      Where a person is entitled by transmission  to  a  share, the Company may
      give a notice or other document to that person as if  he  were the holder
      of  a  share  by  addressing  it  to  him  by  name  or  by the title  of
      representative of the deceased or trustee of the bankrupt  member  (or by
      similar designation) at an address in the United Kingdom supplied for


      that  purpose  by  the  person  claiming  to be entitled by transmission.
      Until an address has been supplied, a notice  or  other  document  may be
      given  in  any  manner  in which it might have been given if the death or
      bankruptcy or other event  had  not  occurred.   The  giving of notice in
      accordance  with  this article is sufficient notice to any  other  person
      interested in the share.



(A)   The Company may destroy:

      (i)    a share certificate which has been cancelled at any time after one
             year from the date of cancellation;

      (ii)   a mandate for  the  payment  of  dividends  or  other amounts or a
             variation or cancellation of a mandate or a notification of change
             of name or address at any time after two years from  the  date the
             mandate,  variation, cancellation or notification was recorded  by
             the Company;

      (iii)  an  instrument   of  transfer  of  shares  (including  a  document
             constituting the renunciation of an allotment of shares) which has
             been registered at  any  time  after  six  years  from the date of
             registration; and

      (iv)   any other document on the basis of which any entry in the register
             is made at any time after six years from the date an  entry in the
             register was first made in respect of it.

(B)   It  is  presumed  conclusively in favour of the Company that every  share
      certificate destroyed  was  a  valid  certificate validly cancelled, that
      every  instrument  of  transfer  destroyed  was  a  valid  and  effective
      instrument duly and properly registered  and  that  every  other document
      destroyed  was  a  valid  and  effective document in accordance with  the
      recorded particulars in the books or records of the Company, but:

      (i)    the provisions of this article  apply only to the destruction of a
             document in good faith and without  express  notice to the Company
             that the preservation of the document is relevant to a claim;

      (ii)   nothing contained in this article imposes on the Company liability
             in respect of the destruction of a document earlier  than provided
             for  in this article or in any case where the conditions  of  this
             article are not fulfilled; and

      (iii)  references  in  this  article  to  the  destruction  of a document
             include reference to its disposal in any manner.


      On a voluntary winding up of the company the liquidator may, on obtaining
      any sanction required by law, divide among the members in kind  the whole
      or  any  part  of  the  assets  of the company, whether or not the assets
      consist of property of one kind or of different kinds, and vest the whole
      or any part of the assets in trustees upon such trusts for the


      benefit of the members as he, with  the  like  sanction, shall determine.
      For this purpose the liquidator may set the value  he  deems  fair  on  a
      class  or  classes  of  property,  and may determine on the basis of that
      valuation and in accordance with the  then existing rights of members how
      the division is to be carried out between  members or classes of members.
      The  liquidator may not, however, distribute  to  a  member  without  his
      consent  an  asset  to  which  there is attached a liability or potential
      liability for the owner.


(A)   Subject to the Acts, but without  prejudice  to  an indemnity to which he
      may  otherwise  be  entitled,  every  person who is or  was  a  director,
      alternate director or secretary of the  Company  shall be indemnified out
      of  the  assets  of  the Company against all costs, charges,  losses  and
      liabilities incurred by  him in the proper execution of his duties or the
      proper exercise of his powers,  authorities  and  discretions  including,
      without limitation, a liability incurred:

      (i)   defending proceedings (whether civil or criminal) in which judgment
            is  given  in his favour or in which he is acquitted, or which  are
            otherwise disposed  of  without  a finding or admission of material
            breach of duty on his part, or

      (ii)  in connection with any application  in  which  relief is granted to
            him by the court from liability for negligence,  default, breach of
            duty or breach of trust in relation to the affairs of the Company.

(B)   Subject to the Acts, the board may exercise all the powers of the Company
      to purchase and maintain insurance for the benefit of a  person who is or

      (i)    a  director,  alternate  director,  secretary  or auditor  of  the
             Company  or of a company which is or was a subsidiary  undertaking
             of the Company  or  in  which  the  Company has or had an interest
             (whether direct or indirect); or

      (ii)  trustee of a retirement benefits scheme  or  other trust in which a
            person referred to in article 142(B)(i) is or has been interested,

      indemnifying  him  and  keeping  him  indemnified against  liability  for
      negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust or other liability
      which may lawfully be insured against by the Company.





Authorised signatory
Clifford Chance Secretaries Limited
For and on behalf of
Clifford Chance Nominees Limited
200 Aldersgate Street
London EC1A 4JJ

For and on behalf of
Clifford Chance Secretaries Limited
200 Aldersgate Street
London EC1A 4JJ


DATED this           day of April 2003.

WITNESS to the above signatures:

200 Aldersgate Street
London EC1A 4JJ
