DATED 21 MAY 2003

                               NORTHERN ROCK PLC
                   as Seller, Cash Manager and a Beneficiary

                         GRANITE FINANCE FUNDING LIMITED
                          as Funding and a Beneficiary

                                    - and -

                              as Mortgages Trustee


                                 SIXTH AMENDED
                              MORTGAGES TRUST DEED

                           SIDLEY AUSTIN BROWN & WOOD
                             1 THREADNEEDLE STREET
                                LONDON EC2R 8AW
                            TELEPHONE 020 7360 3600
                            FACSIMILE 020 7626 7937


CLAUSE                                                                 PAGE NO.

1.    Definitions and Construction.............................................1

2.    Creation of Mortgages Trust..............................................1

3.    Conditions Precedent.....................................................2

4.    Consideration............................................................3

5.    Increasing and Decreasing the Seller Share of the Trust Property.........7

6.    Increasing the Funding Share of the Trust Property.......................8

7.    Initial Funding Share and Initial Seller Share...........................9

8.    Adjustment of Funding Share Percentage and Seller Share Percentage......10

9.    Minimum Seller Share....................................................21

10.   Distribution of Revenue Receipts........................................22

11.   Distribution of Principal Receipts......................................25

12.   Allocation of Losses....................................................29

13.   Overpayments............................................................29

14.   Arrears.................................................................30

15.   Ledgers.................................................................30

16.   Fees and Expenses of the Mortgages Trustee..............................31

17.   Directions from Beneficiaries...........................................31

18.   Early Termination of the Mortgages Trust................................32

19.   Audit of Mortgage Loans constituting the Trust Property.................33

20.   Transfers...............................................................33

21.   Representations and Covenants...........................................34

22.   Power to Delegate.......................................................35

23.   Powers of Investment....................................................35

24.   Other Provisions regarding the Mortgages Trustee........................36

25.   No retirement of Mortgages Trustee......................................37

26.   Termination.............................................................38

27.   Further Assurances......................................................38

28.   No Partnership or Agency................................................38

29.   Calculations............................................................38

30.   Confidentiality.........................................................38

31.   Perpetuity Period.......................................................39

32.   Non Petition Covenant; Limited Recourse.................................39

33.   Amendments and Waiver...................................................41

34.   Notices.................................................................41

35.   Third Party Rights......................................................42

36.   Execution in Counterparts; Severability.................................42

37.   Governing Law and Submission to Jurisdiction............................43

SCHEDULE 1 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.....................................44



(1)   NORTHERN ROCK PLC  (registered number 03273685), a public limited company
      incorporated under the  laws of England and Wales whose registered office
      is at Northern Rock House,  Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 4PL, in its
      capacity as Seller, and in its  capacity  as  Cash  Manager  and  in  its
      capacity as a Beneficiary;

(2)   GRANITE  FINANCE  FUNDING  LIMITED  (registered  number  79308) a private
      limited company incorporated under the laws of Jersey, but  acting out of
      its  office  established  in England (registered overseas company  number
      FC022999 and branch number  BR005916)  at 4 Royal Mint Court, London EC3N
      4HJ in its capacity as a Beneficiary; and

(3)   GRANITE  FINANCE TRUSTEES LIMITED (registered  number  79309)  a  private
      limited company  incorporated  under  the laws of Jersey whose registered
      office is at 22 Grenville Street, St. Helier,  Jersey  JE4  8PX,  Channel
      Islands in its capacity as Mortgages Trustee.


(A)   The  Mortgages  Trustee wishes to declare the following trusts in respect
      of the Trust Property  (being  on  the  date  of  this  Deed,  the sum of
      {pound-sterling}100  which  monies  have  been received by, are presently
      held by the Mortgages Trustee or to its order).

(B)   The Mortgages Trustee (acting as principal and not as agent of any party)
      has  agreed  to  hold  the  Trust  Property  as  bare   trustee  for  the
      Beneficiaries upon, with and subject to the trusts, powers and provisions
      of  this Deed.  The Mortgages Trustee will receive amounts  arising  from
      the Trust  Property  and  will distribute such amounts for the benefit of
      the Beneficiaries of the Mortgages Trust.  It will delegate certain tasks
      in relation to the Mortgages  Trust  to  the  Administrator  and the Cash

(C)   The   Seller   carries  on  the  business  of,  inter  alia,  originating
      residential first  mortgage  loans to individual Borrowers in England and
      Wales and of managing and administering  such mortgage loans.  The Seller
      intends to assign from time to time portfolios  of such mortgage loans to
      the  Mortgages  Trustee pursuant to the Mortgage Sale  Agreement  entered
      into on or about 26 March 2001, which mortgage loans shall be held by the
      Mortgages Trustee  as  bare  trustee for the Beneficiaries upon, with and
      subject to the trusts, powers and provisions of this Deed.



1.1.  The provisions of the Master Definitions Schedule as amended and restated
      by (and appearing in Appendix 1 to) the Master Definitions Schedule Fifth
      Amendment and Restatement Deed  made  on  21  May  2003  between, amongst
      others, the Seller, Funding and the Mortgages Trustee (as  the  same have
      been  and  may be amended, varied or supplemented from time to time  with
      the consent  of  the  parties  hereto)  are  expressly  and  specifically
      incorporated into and shall apply to this Deed.


2.1   INITIAL TRUST PROPERTY:  The Mortgages Trustee hereby declares  itself as
      trustee  of  the Trust Property, being, upon execution of this Deed,  the
      sum of {pound-sterling}100  (one  hundred  pounds)  (the  "INITIAL  TRUST
      PROPERTY")  which  sum  shall  be  held on trust by the Mortgages Trustee
      absolutely as to both capital and income  for  the benefit, as tenants in
      common,  of  the  Seller  as to the Initial Seller Share  Percentage  and
      Funding as to the Initial Funding  Share  Percentage.  The  Initial Trust
      Property  shall  be held by the Mortgages Trustee on the Mortgages  Trust
      upon due execution of this Deed by all parties to it.

2.2   CLOSING TRUST PROPERTY:   Pursuant to the provisions of the Mortgage Sale
      Agreement, the Seller intends to assign the Initial Mortgage Portfolio to
      the Mortgages Trustee on the Initial Closing Date, which Initial Mortgage
      Portfolio including all related  rights  and  benefits shall form part of
      the Trust Property (the "CLOSING TRUST PROPERTY").

2.3   NEW TRUST PROPERTY:  From time to time and pursuant  to the Mortgage Sale
      Agreement,  the Seller intends to assign New Mortgage Portfolios  to  the
      Mortgages Trustee,  which  New  Mortgage Portfolios including all related
      rights and benefits shall form part of the Trust Property (the "NEW TRUST


      (a)    In accordance with this Deed,  from  time  to time Funding and the
             Seller  shall,  subject  to  and  in  accordance  with   Clause  4
             (Consideration),  Clause  5  (Increasing  the Seller Share of  the
             Trust Property) and/or Clause 6 (Increasing  the  Funding Share of
             the Trust Property) provide consideration to the Mortgages Trustee
             in  the  form  of  Contributions  to  be  applied by the Mortgages
             Trustee as set out in this Deed.  Any Contribution  so provided to
             the Mortgages Trustee shall, on receipt by the Mortgages


            Trustee and until it has been  applied by the  Mortgages  Trustee in
            accordance  with the  terms of this  Deed,  form  part of the  Trust

      (b)    Any Re-draws made under a Flexible Mortgage Loan which is included
             in the Trust Property will form part of the Trust Property.

      (c)    Amounts on deposit (and interest earned on such amounts) from time
             to time in the Mortgages Trustee Bank Accounts  will  form part of
             the Trust Property.

      (d)    (If  the  Seller subsequently decides to retain any Mortgage  Loan
             which is the  subject  of  a  Further  Advance  within  the  Trust
             Property  and/or  to  assign  the Further Advance to the Mortgages
             Trustee  in  accordance  with the  Mortgage  Sale  Agreement)  any
             Further Advance made in respect  of  a  Mortgage Loan in the Trust
             Property will also form part of the Trust Property.

      (e)    Any Permitted Replacement Mortgage Loan and  its  Related Security
             (including  the  rights  under  any related MIG Policy  and  other
             insurance policies arranged by the Seller, but excluding any Early
             Repayment  Charge  Receipts paid to  the  Seller)  relating  to  a
             Permitted Product Switch  effected  in relation to a Mortgage Loan
             which forms part of the Trust Property  will also form part of the
             Trust Property.

      (f)    The proceeds of sale of any Mortgage Loan and its Related Security
             forming part of the Trust Property pursuant  to  the Mortgage Sale
             Agreement  or  other  proceeds of sale of any Trust Property  will
             form part of the Trust Property.

2.5   PAYMENTS OF EARLY REPAYMENT CHARGES:   Subject  to and in accordance with
      the Mortgage Sale Agreement, the Mortgages Trustee  will  agree to pay to
      the Seller any Early Repayment Charge Receipts received by  the  Mortgage
      Trustee  in respect of any Mortgage Loan included in the Initial Mortgage
      Portfolio  or  any New Mortgage Portfolio which the Seller assigns to the
      Mortgages Trustee.   Upon  any such payment to the Seller, the benefit of
      such Early Repayment Charges  will  no  longer  form  part  of  the Trust


3.1   TRUST  PROPERTY:   Subject  to this Clause 3 (Conditions Precedent),  the
      Mortgages Trustee shall hold  the  Trust  Property as to both capital and
      income on trust absolutely for Funding (as  to the Funding Share) and for
      the Seller (as to the Seller Share) as tenants  in  common upon, with and
      subject to all the trusts, powers and provisions of this  Deed (such that
      each Beneficiary shall have an undivided beneficial interest in the Trust
      Property).  As used herein, "TRUST


      PROPERTY"  means the Initial Trust  Property,  the Closing Trust Property,
      any New Trust Property,  (but excludes any Early Repayment Charge Receipts
      which have been paid to the Seller and any Mortgage  Loans which have been
      repurchased by the Seller pursuant to the Mortgage Sale Agreement) and all
      other Trust  Property  referred to under  Clause 2 (Creation  of Mortgages
      Trust) less (a) any actual  Losses in  relation to Mortgage  Loans and any
      actual redemptions occurring in respect of the Mortgage Loans as described
      in Clause 8.5  (Adjustments  to Trust Property) and (b)  distributions  of
      principal made from time to time to the Beneficiaries.

3.2   CLOSING TRUST  PROPERTY:  The Closing Trust Property shall be held by the
      Mortgages Trustee  on  the Mortgages Trust subject to satisfaction of the
      following conditions precedent:

      (a)    the due execution  and  delivery of the Mortgage Sale Agreement by
             all parties to it;

      (b)    the due execution and delivery of this Deed by all parties to it;

      (c)    the satisfaction or waiver  in  accordance  with  the terms of the
             Mortgage  Sale  Agreement  of  the  conditions  to  the  sale  and
             assignment of the Initial Mortgage Portfolio as set out in  Clause
             2  (Sale and Purchase of Initial Mortgage Portfolio) and Clause  3
             (Initial Closing Date) of the Mortgage Sale Agreement;

      (d)    the  payment  by  Funding  to  the  Mortgages Trustee of Funding's
             Initial Contribution for the Initial  Funding  Share Percentage in
             accordance with Clause 4 (Consideration); and

      (e)    the payment by the Mortgages Trustee to the Seller  of the Initial
             Purchase  Price  for  the  sale  and  assignment  to the Mortgages
             Trustee of the Initial Mortgage Portfolio.

3.3   NEW  TRUST  PROPERTY:   Any  New  Trust  Property  shall be held  by  the
      Mortgages Trustee on the Mortgages Trust subject to  the  satisfaction or
      waiver in accordance with the terms of the Mortgage Sale Agreement of the
      conditions  referred  to  in Clause 4 (Sale and Purchase of New  Mortgage
      Loan Portfolios) of the Mortgage  Sale  Agreement for the transfer of New
      Mortgage Loan Portfolios to the Mortgages Trustee.


4.1   CONSIDERATION  PROVIDED  BY  SELLER: The Seller  in  its  capacity  as  a
      Beneficiary shall provide consideration  to the Mortgages Trustee for the
      Seller Share in the Trust Property:


      (a)    on the Initial Closing Date, by assigning to the Mortgages Trustee
             the  Initial  Mortgage Portfolio upon  payment  by  the  Mortgages
             Trustee to the  Seller  of  the  Initial  Purchase  Price  for the
             Initial  Mortgage  Portfolio  in  accordance with the terms of the
             Mortgage Sale Agreement;

      (b)    on  each date after the Initial Closing  Date  on  which  (i)  New
             Mortgage  Loans  are  acquired  by  the Mortgages Trustee from the
             Seller in accordance with the Mortgage Sale Agreement and (ii) the
             consideration provided to the Seller  for that sale is or includes
             the covenant of the Mortgages Trustee to  hold  the Trust Property
             on trust for Funding (as to the Funding Share) and  the Seller (as
             to the Seller Share) in accordance with the terms of this Deed, by
             the  sale  on  such date by the Seller of such New Mortgage  Loans
             either for the payment  by  the  Mortgages  Trustee of the Initial
             Purchase Price paid on such date or (if no Initial  Purchase Price
             is paid) without payment on such date; and

      (c)    on each date on which the Seller increases the Seller Share of the
             Trust Property in accordance with Clause 5 (Increasing  the Seller
             Share  of  the  Trust  Property)  below,  the  Seller will pay the
             consideration to the Mortgages Trustee specified in that Clause.

4.2   CONSIDERATION  PROVIDED  BY  FUNDING:  Funding  in  its  capacity   as  a
      Beneficiary shall provide consideration to the Mortgages Trustee for  the
      Funding Share in the Trust Property:

      (a)    on  the  Initial  Closing Date, by paying to the Mortgages Trustee
             the Initial Contribution  in respect of the Closing Trust Property
             which shall be equal to (and  from  which  the  Mortgages  Trustee
             shall  or  shall procure that the Cash Manager on its behalf shall
             pay) the Initial Purchase Price in respect of the Initial Mortgage
             Portfolio payable  by the Mortgages Trustee to the Seller pursuant
             to the Mortgage Sale Agreement on such date;

      (b)    on each Distribution  Date,  by  paying to the Mortgages Trustee a
             Deferred Contribution equal to the amount (if any) of:

             (i)   Mortgages  Trustee  Available   Revenue  Receipts  to  which
                   Funding  is  entitled  on  such  date   in  accordance  with
                   paragraph  (d)  of  Clause 10.2 (Distribution  of  Mortgages
                   Trustee Available Revenue Receipts); and


             (ii)  the amount of any Early Repayment Charge Receipts payable by
                   the Mortgage Trustee  to  the Seller under the Mortgage Sale

             (together the "RELEVANT DISTRIBUTION")  which  shall  be  equal to
             (and from which the Mortgages Trustee shall or shall procure  that
             the  Cash Manager on its behalf shall pay) such amount of Deferred
             Purchase  Price  as  is  payable  by  the Mortgages Trustee to the
             Seller pursuant to the Mortgage Sale Agreement  on such date.  The
             parties  to  this  Deed  agree that on any Distribution  Date  the
             Relevant Distribution and  the  Deferred  Contribution  payable by
             Funding  to  the  Mortgages Trustee shall be set off against  each
             other such that as  between  the  Mortgages Trustee and Funding no
             amount shall be payable in respect  of  such Relevant Distribution
             or such Deferred Contribution on such date and the Cash Manager on
             behalf  of  the  Mortgages Trustee shall pay  to  the  Seller  (in
             satisfaction of the Mortgages Trustee's obligation to pay Deferred
             Purchase Price to  the  Seller  under the Mortgage Sale Agreement)
             those funds which, were it not for  such  set-off, would have been
             payable to Funding as the Relevant Distribution;

      (c)    unless Funding has given notice to each relevant  Previous  Issuer
             of its intention to use the proceeds of a New Intercompany Loan to
             repay  one  or  more  of  the Intercompany Loans from the Previous
             Issuers, and subject to Clause  6 (Increasing the Funding Share of
             the Trust Property) below, on each  date after the Initial Closing
             Date on which (i) an amount of Initial  Purchase  Price is payable
             in respect of New Mortgage Loans which are assigned  by the Seller
             to  the  Mortgages Trustee on such date and (ii) Funding  receives
             the net proceeds  of a New Intercompany Loan from a New Issuer, by
             paying to the Mortgages Trustee an Initial Contribution in respect
             of such New Trust Property which shall be equal to (and from which
             the Mortgages Trustee shall or shall procure that the Cash Manager
             on its behalf shall  pay) the Initial Purchase Price in respect of
             such New Mortgage Loans  payable  by  the Mortgages Trustee to the
             Seller pursuant to the Mortgage Sale Agreement on such date;

      (d)    unless Funding has given notice to each  relevant  Previous Issuer
             of its intention to use the proceeds of a New Intercompany Loan to
             repay  one  or  more  of the Intercompany Loans from the  Previous
             Issuers subject to Clause  6  (Increasing the Funding Share of the
             Trust  Property)  below, on each  other  date  after  the  Initial
             Closing Date on which  Funding  receives the net proceeds of a New
             Intercompany Loan from a New Issuer,  by  paying  to the Mortgages
             Trustee a Further Contribution in respect of the Funding  Share of
             the Trust Property which shall be equal to (and


             from which the  Mortgages  Trustee  shall or shall procure that the
             Cash  Manager on its behalf  shall pay) the  Initial  Consideration
             payable  to the  Seller in  accordance  with  Clause  6.3  (Initial
             Consideration); and

      (e)    following  the  Final  Repayment   Date  of  the  latest  maturing
             Intercompany Loan made by any Issuer  to Funding and provided that
             there  are no further claims outstanding  under  any  Intercompany
             Loan or  on such earlier date provided that all Intercompany Loans
             have either  been  repaid  in  full or there are no further claims
             outstanding under any Intercompany Loan, Funding will make a final
             payment of Deferred Contribution  to  the  Mortgages  Trustee (the
             "FINAL DEFERRED CONTRIBUTION") in an amount equal to the aggregate
             amount  standing  to  the  credit  of  the  Funding  Bank Accounts
             (including any account established for the purposes of  the Issuer
             Reserve  Fund  and/or  the  Issuer  Liquidity Reserve Fund of  any
             Issuer)  after making any payments ranking  in  priority  thereto,
             subject to and in accordance with the relevant Funding Priority of
             Payments.   The  Final Deferred Contribution shall be in an amount
             equal to (and from  that Final Deferred Contribution the Mortgages
             Trustee shall or shall  procure that the Cash Manager shall on its
             behalf pay) the final amount of Deferred Purchase Price payable by
             the Mortgages Trustee to  the Seller pursuant to and in accordance
             with the Mortgage Sale Agreement.


      (a)    If  the  Mortgages  Trustee  receives  any  Initial  Contribution,
             Deferred  Contribution  or the Final  Deferred  Contribution  from
             Funding, the parties hereto  direct  the Mortgages Trustee to, and
             the Mortgages Trustee covenants that it  shall,  or  shall procure
             that the Cash Manager on its behalf shall, pay such funds  to  the
             Seller  in  satisfaction  of the Mortgages Trustee's obligation to
             make payment of the Initial Purchase Price or, as the case may be,
             Deferred  Purchase  Price  in  respect  of  the  Initial  Mortgage
             Portfolio or any New Mortgage  Loans  which  are  assigned  to the
             Mortgages  Trustee  by  the  Seller  pursuant to the Mortgage Sale

      (b)    If the Mortgages Trustee receives a Further  Contribution from any
             Beneficiary, the parties hereto direct the Mortgages  Trustee  to,
             and  the  Mortgages  Trustee  covenants  that  it  shall, or shall
             procure that the Cash Manager on its behalf shall, distribute such
             funds  to  a Beneficiary or the Beneficiaries as required  at  the
             time and in  the manner and otherwise in accordance with the terms
             of this Deed.




      (a)    If, in respect of any Flexible Mortgage Loan which is in the Trust
             Property, the  relevant  Borrower  requests a Cash Re-draw and the
             Administrator  (on behalf of the Mortgages  Trustee)  grants  such
             request pursuant  to  and  in  accordance  with  the  terms of the
             Administration  Agreement,  the  Seller as Beneficiary shall  fund
             that Cash Re-draw in the Mortgages  Trust by making payment to the
             Borrower,  in  accordance with the terms  and  conditions  of  the
             relevant Mortgage  Loan, of the Cash Re-draw Amount.  Upon payment
             by the Seller to the relevant Borrower of the Cash Re-draw Amount,
             the aggregate Current  Balance  of the Mortgage Loans constituting
             the Trust Property and the amount of the Seller Share of the Trust
             Property shall be increased by an amount equal to the Cash Re-draw

      (b)    If, in respect of any Flexible Mortgage Loan which is in the Trust
             Property, the relevant Borrower requests  a  Non-Cash  Re-draw and
             the   Administrator  grants  such  request  or  the  Administrator
             otherwise permits the relevant Borrower to take a Non-Cash Re-draw
             pursuant to and in accordance with the terms of the Administration
             Agreement,  the Seller as Beneficiary shall fund such Non-Cash Re-
             draw in the Mortgages  Trust  by  making  payment to the Mortgages
             Trustee of a Further Contribution in an amount equal to the Unpaid
             Interest Amount in respect of such Non-Cash Re-draw.  Upon payment
             by   the   Seller  to  the  Mortgages  Trustee  of  such   Further
             Contribution,  the aggregate Current Balance of the Mortgage Loans
             constituting the  Trust Property and the Seller Share of the Trust
             Property shall be increased  by  an  amount equal to the amount of
             the Further Contribution so made to the  Mortgages  Trustee.   The
             parties  agree  that any such Further Contribution received by the
             Mortgages Trustee  from  the  Seller  will  be  treated as Revenue
             Receipts  and  will  be  distributed to the Beneficiaries  on  the
             immediately succeeding Distribution Date in accordance with Clause
             10 (Distribution of Revenue Receipts) below.

5.2   FURTHER  ADVANCES:   If  at  a future  date  the  Seller  elects  not  to
      repurchase any Mortgage Loan which  becomes  the  subject  of  a  Further
      Advance from the Mortgages Trustee, the Seller will be solely responsible
      for  funding  any such Further Advance and, subject to the provisions  of
      this Deed, upon  the  making  of  such Further Advance by the Seller, the
      aggregate Current Balance of the Mortgage  Loans  constituting  the Trust
      Property and the Seller Share of the Trust Property shall be increased by
      an amount equal to the amount of the Further Advance paid to the relevant


5.3   TOGETHER  CONNECTIONS  MORTGAGE  LOANS:   If,  in respect of any Together
      Connections Mortgage Loan which is in the Trust  Property, there has been
      a  reduction in the outstanding balance of such Mortgage  Loan  from  the
      relevant  Borrower  being allocated a portion of the Together Connections
      Mortgage Benefit under  such Mortgage Loan, the aggregate Current Balance
      of the Mortgage Loans constituting  the  Trust Property and the amount of
      the Seller Share of the Trust Property shall  be  decreased  by an amount
      equal  to  the  portion of the Together Connections Benefit allocated  to
      such Mortgage Loan.


6.1   CONDITIONS PRECEDENT: Subject as provided below, Funding may increase the
      Funding Share (as defined in Clause 7.1 (Initial Funding Share) below) of
      the Trust Property,  subject  to satisfaction of the following conditions

      (a)    no Event of Default under  the  Transaction  Documents  shall have
             occurred which is continuing at the relevant date;

      (b)    no Intercompany Loan Enforcement Notice has been served in respect
             of any Intercompany Loan;

      (c)    the  Rating  Agencies  have  confirmed in writing to the Mortgages
             Trustee, the Security Trustee  and  each  Issuer that the proposed
             increase  in  the Funding Share of the Trust  Property  would  not
             adversely affect  the  then-current ratings by the Rating Agencies
             (or any of them) of the Notes issued by any Issuer;

      (d)    the New Notes have been issued by the New Issuer, the subscription
             proceeds received on behalf  of  such  New  Issuer and advanced by
             such Issuer to Funding pursuant to an Intercompany  Loan Agreement
             (which  proceeds  Funding  will  pay  to the Mortgages Trustee  to
             increase the Funding Share of the Trust  Property  on the relevant
             date in accordance with Clause 6.2 (Completion));

      (e)    if necessary, each Issuer, including any New Issuer  (if  any) has
             entered into appropriate hedging arrangements;

      (f)    as  of the last day of the immediately preceding Trust Calculation
             Period  the  aggregate  Current  Balance  of Mortgage Loans in the
             Trust Property which were at such time in arrears  for  at least 3
             months is less than 4 per cent. of the aggregate Current Balance


             of all Mortgage Loans in the Trust Property at such time unless the
             Rating Agencies have confirmed that the then-current ratings of the
             Notes will not be adversely affected;

      (g)    as of the last  day of the immediately preceding Trust Calculation
             Period the weighted  average  LTV  ratio  of Mortgage Loans in the
             Trust Property (after application of the LTV  Test)  on  such date
             does  not exceed the LTV ratio (based on the LTV Test) of Mortgage
             Loans in  the Trust Property on the Initial Closing Date plus 0.25
             per cent.;

      (h)    each Issuer  Reserve  Fund is fully funded on the relevant date up
             to the relevant Issuer Reserve Required Amount; and

      (i)    as at the most recent Payment  Date  no deficiency was recorded on
             the Issuer Principal Deficiency Ledger of any Issuer,

      provided  always  that  Funding  shall not be entitled  to  increase  the
      Funding Share after the Payment Date  falling  in  January  2008  if  the
      option  to  redeem  the First Issuer Notes on the Payment Date in January
      2008 pursuant Condition 5 of the First Issuer Notes is not exercised.

6.2   COMPLETION: Subject to  satisfaction  of the conditions precedent set out
      in Clause 6.1 (Conditions precedent) above,  Funding  shall  pay  to  the
      Mortgages  Trustee  the  consideration  for  such increase in the Funding
      Share in accordance with Clause 4 (Consideration).

6.3   INITIAL CONSIDERATION: The parties hereto agree  that  Principal Receipts
      received by the Mortgages Trustee from Funding in payment  of  a  Further
      Contribution  in accordance with Clause 4 (Consideration) on any date  on
      which Funding increases  the Funding Share of the Trust Property shall be
      allocable and payable by the  Mortgages  Trustee  to  the  Seller (in its
      capacity  as  a  Beneficiary  of  the  Mortgages  Trust)  as  an  Initial
      Consideration  on  such  date  whether or not such date is a Distribution
      Date.  Any such Initial Consideration  shall  reduce  the Seller Share of
      the Trust Property by the amount of the Initial Consideration.


      shall   be   {pound-sterling}86.61   at   the  date  of  this  Deed   and
      {pound-sterling}1,500,000,000  at  the  Initial   Closing  Date  and  the
      "INITIAL  FUNDING  SHARE PERCENTAGE" shall be the Initial  Funding  Share
      expressed as a percentage  of the Trust Property at such date, that is to
      say, 86.61 per cent.  References  herein  to  the  "FUNDING  SHARE" shall
      mean, prior to the first Distribution Date, the Initial Funding Share and
      thereafter shall mean the Current Funding Share (as defined below).


7.2   INITIAL  SELLER SHARE:  The "Initial Seller Share" of the Trust  Property
      shall be the  sum  which remains of the Trust Property after deduction of
      the Initial Funding Share. The Initial Seller Share of the Trust Property
      will  be  {pound-sterling}13.39   at   the   date   of   this   Deed  and
      {pound-sterling}232,000,000  at the Initial Closing Date and the "INITIAL
      SELLER SHARE PERCENTAGE" shall  be  equal  to  100  per  cent.  minus the
      Initial  Funding  Share Percentage, that is to say, 13.39 per cent.   The
      amount  of  the  Initial  Seller  Share  and  the  Initial  Seller  Share
      Percentage on the  Initial  Closing  will be determined immediately after
      the Initial Closing Date.  References  herein to the "SELLER SHARE" shall
      mean, prior to the first Distribution Date,  the Initial Seller Share and
      thereafter shall mean the Current Seller Share (as defined below).

7.3   ROUNDING OF PERCENTAGE SHARES:  Except for the  Initial  Closing  Date on
      which the Funding Share Percentage and the Seller Share Percentage  shall
      be  calculated  to two decimal places, and unless otherwise agreed by the
      Beneficiaries, the  Current  Funding  Share  Percentage  and  the Current
      Seller Share Percentage shall be calculated to five decimal places.



      (a)    Subject  to Clause 8.1(b) below, the Cash Manager will (on  behalf
             of the Mortgages  Trustee  and  the Beneficiaries) recalculate the
             Funding Share, the Funding Share  Percentage, the Seller Share and
             the Seller Share Percentage in respect  of  each Trust Calculation
             Period   on  the  Distribution  Date  occurring  in   such   Trust
             Calculation  Period, based on the aggregate Current Balance of the
             Mortgage Loans  constituting  the Trust Property (as adjusted from
             time  to time) on the last day of  the  Trust  Calculation  Period
             immediately preceding such Distribution Date.

      (b)    Notwithstanding   Clause   8.1(a)   above,  if  during  any  Trust
             Calculation Period the Seller assigns  New  Mortgage  Loans to the
             Mortgages Trustee or if Funding pays a Further Contribution to the
             Mortgages  Trustee  to  increase  the  Funding Share of the  Trust
             Property,  the  recalculation of the Funding  Share,  the  Funding
             Share Percentage, the Seller Share and the Seller Share Percentage
             made by the Cash  Manager  on  the  Distribution Date occurring in
             such Trust Calculation Period will be effective only in respect of
             the period beginning on (and including)  the  first  day  of  such
             Trust  Calculation  Period and ending on (but excluding) the first
             Assignment Date or Funding  Contribution  Date,  as applicable, to
             occur during such Trust Calculation Period (such period in respect
             of such Distribution Date, an "INTERIM CALCULATION PERIOD"), based
             on   the   aggregate   Current   Balance  of  the  Mortgage  Loans


             the Trust  Property (as adjusted from time to time) on the last day
             of  the  Trust  Calculation  Period   immediately   preceding  such
             Distribution Date.

      (c)    In  addition  to the foregoing, if during  any  Trust  Calculation
             Period the Seller  assigns  New  Mortgage  Loans  to the Mortgages
             Trustee or if Funding pays a Further Contribution to the Mortgages
             Trustee to increase the Funding Share of the Trust  Property,  the
             Cash  Manager  will  (on  behalf  of the Mortgages Trustee and the
             Beneficiaries) recalculate the Funding  Share,  the  Funding Share
             Percentage,  the  Seller Share and the Seller Share Percentage  on
             such Assignment Date  or Funding Contribution Date, as applicable,
             in  respect  of  the period  beginning  on  (and  including)  such
             Assignment Date or  Funding  Contribution Date, as applicable, and
             ending  on  the last day of such  Trust  Calculation  Period  (and
             including such  last  day  of such Trust Calculation Period) (each
             such  period  in  respect  of  each  Assignment  Date  or  Funding
             Contribution  Date,  as  applicable,   an   "INTERIM   CALCULATION
             PERIOD"),  based on the aggregate Current Balance of the  Mortgage
             Loans constituting  the  Trust  Property (as adjusted from time to
             time) on such Assignment Date or  Funding  Contribution  Date,  as

The  parties  acknowledge  and  agree that the Mortgage Sale Agreement provides
that (a) the Seller may not assign  New Mortgage Loans to the Mortgages Trustee
during any Trust Calculation Period prior  to  the  Distribution  Date  in such
Trust  Calculation  Period, and (b) the Seller may only make one assignment  of
New Mortgage Loans to  the  Mortgages  Trustee  during  any  Trust  Calculation


      (a)    On  each Distribution Date (the "RELEVANT DISTRIBUTION DATE"),  or
             at such  time  as  the  Mortgages  Trust  terminates, the "CURRENT
             FUNDING SHARE PERCENTAGE" will be calculated  by  the Cash Manager
             in respect of the then-current Trust Calculation Period or related
             Interim  Calculation  Period,  as applicable, for the  purpose  of
             calculating the distributions to  be  made from the Trust Property
             on the immediately succeeding Distribution  Date, and such Current
             Funding  Share  Percentage  will  be  an  amount, expressed  as  a
             percentage  (calculated  to  an  accuracy of five  decimal  places
             (rounded upwards)), equal to:

                                 A - B - C + D
                                 ------------- x 100


      A      =     the Current Funding Share as  calculated (a) on the later of
                   the  Distribution  Date,  the  Assignment  Date  or  Funding
                   Contribution  Date  (if  any)  immediately   preceding  such
                   Relevant Distribution Date, or (b) in the case  of the first
                   Distribution  Date,  the  Initial  Funding  Share as at  the
                   Initial Closing Date;

      B      =     the amount of any Principal Receipts distributed  to Funding
                   on  such  Relevant Distribution Date in accordance with  the
                   provisions described in Clause 11 (Distribution of Principal
                   Receipts) below;

      C      =     the amount  of  any  Losses  sustained on the Mortgage Loans
                   during  the Trust Calculation Period  immediately  preceding
                   such Relevant  Distribution  Date  and  the  amount  of  any
                   reductions  occurring  in  respect  of the Mortgage Loans as
                   described  in  paragraphs  (a)  through (e)  of  Clause  8.5
                   (Adjustments to Trust Property) (inclusive) below which have
                   been allocated to Funding in the  Trust  Calculation  Period
                   ending  on the Relevant Distribution Date (based on (a)  the
                   Funding  Share   Percentage   thereof   calculated   on  the
                   Distribution   Date   immediately  preceding  such  Relevant
                   Distribution Date (provided that the Seller had not assigned
                   New Mortgage Loans to the  Mortgages Trustee or that Funding
                   had not paid a Further Contribution to the Mortgages Trustee
                   in the Trust Calculation Period  immediately  preceding such
                   Relevant Distribution Date), or (b) to the extent  that  the
                   Seller  had  assigned  New  Mortgage  Loans to the Mortgages
                   Trustee or that Funding had paid a Further  Contribution  to
                   the  Mortgages  Trustee  during the Trust Calculation Period
                   immediately preceding such  Relevant  Distribution Date, the
                   Weighted Average Funding Share Percentage (as defined below)
                   thereof calculated on such Relevant Distribution  Date prior
                   to the distribution to be made on such Relevant Distribution
                   Date, or (c) in the case of the first Distribution Date, the
                   Initial Funding Share Percentage);

      D      =     an  amount equal to any Capitalised Arrears which have  been
                   allocated  to  Funding  during  the Trust Calculation Period
                   immediately preceding such Relevant Distribution Date (based
                   on the Funding Share Percentage thereof  calculated  on  the
                   Distribution   Date   immediately  preceding  such  Relevant
                   Distribution Date or, in  the case of the first Distribution
                   Date, the Initial Funding Share Percentage);


      G      =     the  amount  of  the Mortgages  Trustee  Retained  Principal
                   Receipts (if any)  plus the aggregate Current Balance of all
                   the Mortgage Loans in  the Trust Property as at the last day
                   of the Trust Calculation  Period  immediately preceding such
                   Relevant  Distribution  Date  or,  if  applicable,   on  the
                   relevant Assignment Date or Funding Contribution Date, after
                   making the distributions, allocations and additions referred
                   to in (B), (C) and (D) above and after taking account of (i)
                   any distribution of Principal Receipts to the Seller and  to
                   Funding,  (ii)  the  amount  of  any Losses allocated to the
                   Seller and to Funding, (iii) the adjustments  referred to in
                   paragraphs  (a)  through  (e) of Clause 8.5 (Adjustments  to
                   Trust Property) (inclusive)  below;  (iv)  the amount of any
                   other  additions  to  or  removals  from the Trust  Property
                   during  such  Trust  Calculation Period,  including  without
                   limitation, any additions  to  the  Trust Property resulting
                   from Cash Re-draws and Non-Cash Redraws  by  Borrowers under
                   Flexible Mortgage Loans which are in the Trust  Property  or
                   (if   the  Seller  subsequently  elects  not  to  repurchase
                   Mortgage  Loans  which  are  the subject of Further Advances
                   from the Mortgages Trustee) Further Advances assigned by the
                   Seller; but excluding the addition  of  mortgage loans on an
                   Assignment  Date  and  any Initial Contribution  or  Further
                   Contribution made by Funding  during  such Trust Calculation
                   Period  and  (v) any reduction in the outstanding  principal
                   balances of Together  Connections  Mortgage  Loans resulting
                   from  Borrowers  being  allocated  a portion of the  related
                   Together Connections Benefit under such Mortgage Loans.

      (b)    If  during  any Trust Calculation Period the  Seller  assigns  New
             Mortgage Loans  to  the  Mortgages  Trustee, the Cash Manager will
             recalculate  the Current Funding Share  Percentage  on  each  such
             Assignment Date  (the  "RELEVANT  ASSIGNMENT  DATE") in respect of
             the related Interim Calculation Period,  for  the  sole purpose of
             calculating  the distributions to be made from the Trust  Property
             on the immediately  succeeding Distribution Date, and such Current
             Funding  Share Percentage  will  be  an  amount,  expressed  as  a
             percentage  (calculated  to  an  accuracy  of  five decimal places
             (rounded upwards)), equal to:

                                      A + E
                                      ----- x 100



      A =    the  Current Funding Share as calculated on the Distribution  Date
             immediately preceding such Relevant Assignment Date;

      E =    an amount equal to any Initial Contribution paid by Funding to the
             Mortgages  Trustee on such Relevant Assignment Date in relation to
             the Funding  Share  of  any  New  Mortgage  Loans  assigned to the
             Mortgages  Trustee on such Relevant Assignment Date (which  amount
             the  Mortgages   Trustee   is  required  pursuant  to  Clause  4.3
             (Application  by  Mortgages Trustee)  to  pay  to  the  Seller  in
             satisfaction of the  Mortgages  Trustee's obligation to pay to the
             Seller the Initial Purchase Price in respect of New Mortgage Loans
             assigned  to the Mortgages Trustee  on  such  Relevant  Assignment
             Date); and

      G =    the sum of  (a)  the  amount  of  the  Mortgages  Trustee Retained
             Principal Receipts (if any), (b) the aggregate Current  Balance of
             all   the   Mortgage  Loans  in  the  Trust  Property  as  at  the
             Distribution  Date  immediately preceding such Relevant Assignment
             Date, and (c) the aggregate  Current  Balance  of the New Mortgage
             Loans   assigned  to  the  Mortgages  Trustee  on  such   Relevant
             Assignment Date.

      (c)    If during  any  Trust  Calculation  Period  the Seller assigns New
             Mortgage  Loans to the Mortgages Trustee, the  Cash  Manager  will
             recalculate  the  Current  Funding  Share  Percentage on each such
             Funding  Contribution  Date  (the  "RELEVANT FUNDING  CONTRIBUTION
             DATE") in respect of the related Interim  Calculation  Period, for
             the sole purpose of calculating the distributions to be  made from
             the  Trust  Property  on  the  immediately succeeding Distribution
             Date, and such Current Funding Share Percentage will be an amount,
             expressed  as a percentage (calculated  to  an  accuracy  of  five
             decimal places (rounded upwards)), equal to:

                                     A + F
                                     ----- x 100


      A =    the Current  Funding  Share as calculated on the Distribution Date
             immediately preceding such Relevant Funding Contribution Date;

      F =    an amount equal to any Further Contribution paid by Funding to the
             Mortgages Trustee on such  Relevant  Funding  Contribution Date to
             increase Funding's beneficial interest in the Trust Property; and


      G =    the  sum  of  (a)  the  amount  of the Mortgages Trustee  Retained
             Principal Receipts (if any) and (b)  the aggregate Current Balance
             of  all  the  Mortgage  Loans  in the Trust  Property  as  at  the
             Distribution  Date  immediately preceding  such  Relevant  Funding
             Contribution Date.

      respect  to  which  the  Seller had assigned New Mortgage  Loans  to  the
      Mortgages  Trustee  during  the   Trust  Calculation  Period  immediately
      preceding such Distribution Date, the  Cash  Manager  (on  behalf  of the
      Beneficiaries)  will  calculate  (for  the  sole  purpose  of  making the
      distributions to be made on such Distribution Date) the weighted  average
      of  the Current Funding Share Percentages that were calculated previously
      in  respect   of  each  Interim  Calculation  Period  occurring  in  such
      immediately preceding  Trust  Calculation  Period  based on the amount of
      Revenue  Receipts  and Principal Receipts received and  Losses  sustained
      during  each  such Interim  Calculation  Period.  The  "WEIGHTED  AVERAGE
      FUNDING SHARE PERCENTAGE"  for  any  such Distribution Date will be equal

      (a)    in respect of the distribution  of  Revenue Receipts to be made on
             such  Distribution  Date,  the  sum,  in respect  of  all  Interim
             Calculation   Periods   during   the   Trust  Calculation   Period
             immediately preceding such Distribution  Date,  of  (i)  for  each
             Interim  Calculation  Period during such Trust Calculation Period,
             the product of (1) the  related  Current  Funding Share Percentage
             for such Interim Calculation Period, and (2)  the  amount  of  all
             Revenue  Receipts  received  by  the Mortgages Trustee during such
             Interim Calculation Period, divided  by  (ii) the aggregate of all
             Revenue  Receipts  received by the Mortgages  Trustee  during  the
             Trust Calculation Period  immediately  preceding such Distribution

      (b)    in respect of the distribution of Principal Receipts to be made on
             such  Distribution  Date,  the  sum,  in respect  of  all  Interim
             Calculation   Periods   during   the   Trust  Calculation   Period
             immediately preceding such Distribution  Date,  of  (i)  for  each
             Interim  Calculation  Period during such Trust Calculation Period,
             the product of (1) the  related  Current  Funding Share Percentage
             for such Interim Calculation Period, and (2)  the  amount  of  all
             Principal  Receipts  received by the Mortgages Trustee during such
             Interim Calculation Period,  divided  by (ii) the aggregate of all
             Principal Receipts received by the Mortgages  Trustee  during  the
             Trust  Calculation  Period immediately preceding such Distribution
             Date; and


      (c)    in  respect  of the allocation  of  Losses  to  be  made  on  such
             Distribution Date,  the sum, in respect of all Interim Calculation
             Periods during the Trust  Calculation Period immediately preceding
             such Distribution Date, of (i) for each Interim Calculation Period
             during such Trust Calculation  Period,  the  product  of  (1)  the
             related   Current   Funding  Share  Percentage  for  such  Interim
             Calculation Period, and  (2) the amount of all Losses sustained on
             the Mortgage Loans during such Interim Calculation Period, divided
             by (ii) the aggregate of all  Losses  sustained  on  the  Mortgage
             Loans  during  the  Trust Calculation Period immediately preceding
             such Distribution Date.


      (a)    On each Distribution  Date,  the  "CURRENT  FUNDING SHARE" will be
             calculated  by  the  Cash Manager in respect of  the  then-current
             Trust  Calculation  Period  or  the  related  Interim  Calculation
             Period, as applicable, and will be an amount equal to:

                                 A - B - C + D

             where "A", "B", "C" and  "D" have the meanings specified in Clause
             8.2(a) above.

      (b)    On  each  Assignment  Date, the  Current  Funding  Share  will  be
             calculated by the Cash  Manager  in respect of the related Interim
             Calculation Period and will be an amount equal to:

                                     A + E

             where "A" and "E" have the  meanings  specified  in  Clause  8.2(b)

      (c)    On each Funding Contribution Date, the Current Funding Share  will
             be  calculated  by  the  Cash  Manager  in  respect of the related
             Interim Calculation Period and will be an amount equal to:

                                     A + F

             where  "A" and "F" have the meanings specified  in  Clause  8.2(c)


8.5   ADJUSTMENTS TO  TRUST  PROPERTY:  If  any  of  the  following  events has
      occurred  during  a  Trust Calculation Period, then (subject to the  Cash
      Manager receiving notice  or  otherwise  being aware of the occurrence of
      the event) for the purposes of the calculation  in "G" of Clauses 8.2(a),
      8.2(b)  or 8.2(c) above, the aggregate Current Balance  of  the  Mortgage
      Loans constituting  the  Trust  Property shall be reduced or, as the case
      may be, deemed to be reduced:

      (a)    any Borrower exercises a right  of  set-off  in  relation  to  any
             Mortgage  Loan  in  the  Trust  Property  so  that  the  amount of
             principal  and/or  interest  owing  under  such  Mortgage  Loan is
             reduced  but no corresponding payment is received by the Mortgages
             Trustee, in  which  event  the  aggregate  Current  Balance of the
             Mortgage Loans constituting the Trust Property shall be reduced by
             an amount equal to the amount so set-off by such Borrower; and/or

      (b)    a Mortgage Loan or (as applicable) its Related Security  (i) is in
             breach of the Loan Warranties in the Mortgage Sale Agreement as at
             the  Initial  Closing  Date  or,  as the case may be, the relevant
             Assignment Date or (ii) is the subject  of  a  Product Switch or a
             Further  Advance  in  respect of which the Seller has  elected  to
             repurchase the relevant  Mortgage  Loan,  and  the Seller fails to
             repurchase the relevant Mortgage Loan or Mortgage  Loans under the
             relevant Mortgage Account and their Related Security  as  required
             by  the  terms of the Mortgage Sale Agreement; in which event  the
             aggregate  Current  Balance of the Mortgage Loans constituting the
             Trust Property shall  be  deemed to be reduced for the purposes of
             the calculation in "G" above  by  an  amount  equal to the Current
             Balance of the relevant Mortgage Loan or Mortgage  Loans under the
             relevant Mortgage Account (together with Arrears of  Interest  and
             Accrued  Interest)  which  the  Seller  has  failed to repurchase;

      (c)    the Security Trustee is notified that a Flexible  Mortgage Loan or
             part thereof has been determined by a court judgment  on the point
             or  as  a  result  of  a  determination  by  a relevant regulatory
             authority  (whether  or  not in relation to an analogous  flexible
             mortgage loan product of another UK mortgage lender):

             (i)   to be unenforceable; and/or

             (ii)  not to fall within the  first ranking charge by way of legal
                   mortgage over the relevant Mortgaged Property,

             and, in either case, such Flexible  Mortgage Loan is not otherwise
             subject  to  the repurchase obligation  under  the  Mortgage  Sale
             Agreement, in which event, the


             aggregate Current  Balance  of the Mortgage Loans constituting the
             Trust Property shall be deemed  to  be reduced for the purposes of
             the calculation in "G" above by an amount equal to that portion of
             the  Current Balance of the Flexible Mortgage  Loan  which  is  so
             determined  to  be  unenforceable  or not to fall within the first
             ranking  charge  by  way  of  legal  mortgage  over  the  relevant
             Mortgaged Property; and/or

      (d)    the Seller would be required to repurchase a Mortgage Loan and its
             Related Security in accordance with the terms of the Mortgage Sale
             Agreement, but such Mortgage Loan and its Related Security are not
             capable of being repurchased; in which event the aggregate Current
             Balance  of  the Mortgage Loans constituting  the  Trust  Property
             shall be deemed  to be reduced for the purposes of the calculation
             in "G" above by an  amount  equal  to  the  Current Balance of the
             relevant  Mortgage  Loan (together with Arrears  of  Interest  and
             Accrued Interest) which  is  not  capable  of  being  repurchased;

      (e)    the Seller breaches any other material warranty under the Mortgage
             Sale Agreement and/or (for so long as it is the Administrator) the
             Administration  Agreement,  in  which event the aggregate  Current
             Balance of Mortgage Loans constituting the Trust Property shall be
             deemed for the purposes of the calculation  in  "G"  above  to  be
             reduced by an amount equivalent to all losses, costs, liabilities,
             claims,  expenses  and  damages incurred by the Beneficiaries as a
             result of such breach.

      The reductions and deemed reductions set out in paragraphs (a), (b), (c),
      (d)  and (e) of this Clause and any  resulting  loss  shall,  subject  to
      Clause  9.1  (Initial Minimum Seller Share), be allocated on the relevant
      Distribution Date,  Assignment  Date  or  Funding  Contribution  Date (as
      applicable)  first to the Seller Share of the Trust Property (or for  the
      purposes of calculating  the  Seller  Share  of the Trust Property as the
      case  may  be)  until the Seller Share is zero and  thereafter  shall  be
      allocated to the Funding Share of the Trust Property.  If at, or any time
      after the Initial  Closing  Date the Mortgages Trustee holds, or there is
      held to its order, or it receives, or there is received to its order, any
      property, interest, right or  benefit  relating  to  the  whole  or  that
      portion  of  any  Mortgage  Loan and its Related Security which is or has
      been subject to any matter described  in  paragraphs (a) though (e) above
      and in respect of which the Seller Share of  the  Trust Property has been
      reduced or deemed reduced such property interest right  or  benefit  will
      constitute a Revenue Receipt and the Mortgages Trustee will remit, assign
      or  transfer  the same to Funding (but only if and to the extent that the
      related reductions  or deemed reductions were applied against the Funding
      Share of the Trust Property)  and  thereafter  to the Seller, as the case
      may require, and until it does so or to the extent that the


      Mortgage  Trustee  is  unable  to effect such remittance,  assignment  or
      transfer, the Mortgages Trustee  will hold such property, interest, right
      or benefit and/or the proceeds thereof  upon trust absolutely for Funding
      and/or the Seller (separate from the Mortgages  Trust),  as  the case may


      (a)    On  each  Distribution Date, the "CURRENT SELLER SHARE PERCENTAGE"
             will be calculated  by  the  Cash  Manager in respect of the then-
             current   Trust  Calculation  Period  or   the   related   Interim
             Calculation  Period,  as  applicable,  and the distributions to be
             made  from  the  Trust  Property  on  the  immediately  succeeding
             Distribution Date, and will be an amount equal to:

                    100% - Current Funding Share Percentage

             where the Current Funding Share Percentage is  calculated  on such
             Distribution Date in accordance with Clause 8.2(a) above.

      (b)    On  each  Assignment  Date,  the Cash Manager will recalculate the
             Current Seller Share Percentage  in respect of the related Interim
             Calculation Period and the distributions to be made from the Trust
             Property on the immediately succeeding  Distribution Date and will
             be an amount equal to:

                    100% - Current Funding Share Percentage

             where the Current Funding Share Percentage  is  as  calculated  on
             such Assignment Date in accordance with Clause 8.2(b) above.

      (c)    On   each   Funding  Contribution  Date,  the  Cash  Manager  will
             recalculate the  Current Seller Share Percentage in respect of the
             related Interim Calculation  Period  and  the  distributions to be
             made  from  the  Trust  Property  on  the  immediately  succeeding
             Distribution Date and will be an amount equal to:

                    100% - Current Funding Share Percentage

             where  the Current Funding Share Percentage is  as  calculated  on
             such Funding  Contribution  Date  in accordance with Clause 8.2(c)


8.7   WEIGHTED AVERAGE SELLER SHARE PERCENTAGE:  On  any  Distribution  Date in
      respect  of  which  the  Seller  had  assigned  New Mortgage Loans to the
      Mortgages  Trustee  during  the  Trust  Calculation  Period   immediately
      preceding  such  Distribution Date, the Cash Manager will calculate  (for
      the  sole  purpose of  making  the  distributions  to  be  made  on  such
      Distribution  Date)  the weighted average of the Seller Share Percentages
      that were calculated previously  in  respect  of the Revenue Receipts and
      Principal Receipts received, and Losses sustained,  during  each  Interim
      Calculation   Period   occurring  in  such  immediately  preceding  Trust
      Calculation Period and will be an amount equal to:

      (a)    in respect of the  distribution  of Revenue Receipts to be made on
             such Distribution Date:

                100% - Weighted Average Funding Share Percentage

             where  such  Weighted  Average  Funding  Share  Percentage  is  as
             calculated in Clause 8.3(a) above;

      (b)    in respect of the distribution of Principal Receipts to be made on
             such Distribution Date:

                100% - Weighted Average Funding Share Percentage

             where  such  Weighted  Average  Funding  Share  Percentage  is  as
             calculated in Clause 8.3(b) above; and

      (c)    in  respect  of  the  allocation of Losses  to  be  made  on  such
             Distribution Date:

                100% - Weighted Average Funding Share Percentage

             where  such  Weighted  Average  Funding  Share  Percentage  is  as
             calculated in Clause 8.3(c) above.


      (a)    On each Distribution Date,  the  "CURRENT  SELLER  SHARE"  will be
             calculated  by  the  Cash  Manager  in respect of the then-current
             Trust  Calculation  Period  or  the  related  Interim  Calculation
             Period, as applicable, and will be an amount equal to:

The aggregate amount of the Trust Property as at the Relevant Distribution Date
                            - Current Funding Share

             where  "Current Funding Share" has the  meaning  given  in  Clause
             8.4(a) above.


      (b)    On  each  Assignment  Date,  the  Current  Seller  Share  will  be
             calculated  by  the Cash Manager in respect of the related Interim
             Calculation Period and will be an amount equal to:

The aggregate amount of the Trust Property as at the Relevant Assignment Date -
                             Current Funding Share

             where "Current Funding  Share"  has  the  meaning  given in Clause
             8.4(b) above.

      (c)    On each Funding Contribution Date, the Current Seller  Share  will
             be  calculated  by  the  Cash  Manager  in  respect of the Interim
             Calculation Period and will be an amount equal to:

     The aggregate amount of the Trust Property as at the Relevant Funding
                   Contribution Date - Current Funding Share

             where  "Current  Funding Share" has the meaning  given  in  Clause
             8.4(c) above.

8.9   FUNDING SHARE/SELLER SHARE:   Neither  the  Funding  Share nor the Seller
      Share  may  be  reduced  below  zero.   At  all  times the Funding  Share
      Percentage  and the Seller Share Percentage shall be  equal  to  100  per
      cent. of the Trust Property.


9.1   INITIAL MINIMUM  SELLER  SHARE:   The  Seller Share of the Trust Property
      includes an amount equal to the Minimum  Seller  Share.  Unless and until
      the Funding Share of the Trust Property is in an amount equal to zero, or
      following the occurrence of an Asset Trigger Event,  the  Seller will not
      be entitled to receive Mortgages Trustee Principal Receipts  which  would
      reduce the Seller Share of the Trust Property to an amount less than  the
      Minimum  Seller  Share  and the Seller consents and directs the Mortgages
      Trustee accordingly.


      At  the  Initial  Closing  Date,   the   Minimum  Seller  Share  will  be
      {pound-sterling}50,000,000. The amount of  the  Minimum Seller Share will
      be  recalculated  on  each  Distribution  Date  in  accordance  with  the
      following formula:

                                       W + X + Y + Z



             W     =     100%  of  the average cleared credit  balance  of  all
                         applicable  accounts  linked  to  Together Connections
                         Mortgage Loans in respect of each month or any part of
                         any such month.

             X     =     2.0% of the aggregate Current Balance  of all Mortgage
                         Loans comprised in the Trust Property as  at  the last
                         day  of  the  immediately  preceding Trust Calculation

             Y     =     the product of: (p x q) x r where:

                   p     =      8%;

                   q     =      the "Flexible Cash Re-Draw  Capacity", being an
                                amount equal to the difference  between (i) the
                                maximum amount of Cash Re-draws that  Borrowers
                                may draw under Flexible Mortgage Loans included
                                in the Trust Property (whether or not drawn) as
                                at  the  last  day of the immediately preceding
                                Trust Calculation Period and (ii) the aggregate
                                Current Balance  of  Cash  Re-draws  which form
                                part  of the Trust Property as at the last  day
                                of the  immediately preceding Trust Calculation
                                Period; and

                   r     =      3; and

             Z     =     the aggregate Current Balance of Re-Draws in the Trust
                         Property  as  at  the  last  day  of  the  immediately
                         preceding Trust Calculation Period.

      EVENTS:  The calculation of the Minimum  Seller  Share in accordance with
      Clause  9.2  (Fluctuation  of Minimum Seller Share on  each  Distribution
      Date) above will be recalculated  by  the Cash Manager with the agreement
      of the parties hereto subject to the approval  of  the Rating Agencies if
      the Seller merges or otherwise combines its business with another bank or
      other financial institution so as to increase the risks  associated  with
      Borrowers holding deposits in Northern Rock accounts.


10.1  DISTRIBUTION  OF  THIRD  PARTY  AMOUNTS:  Pursuant to the Cash Management
      Agreement, the Cash Manager (at the  direction  of  the Mortgages Trustee
      acting on behalf of the Beneficiaries


      at their  direction  and with their  consent  which is hereby  given) will
      deduct,  as and when  identified,  Third  Party  Amounts  from the Revenue
      Receipts  standing to the credit of the  Mortgages  Trustee GIC Account or
      other Mortgages Trustee Bank Account,  and pay over the same to the proper
      recipients  thereof.  The Mortgages Trustee and the  Beneficiaries  hereby
      consent to such deductions.

      provided  in Clause 8.8 (Adjustments  on  Distribution  Dates),  on  each
      Distribution  Date  the  Cash  Manager (at the direction of the Mortgages
      Trustee acting on behalf of the Beneficiaries at their direction and with
      their consent which is hereby given)  will  distribute  Mortgages Trustee
      Available Revenue Receipts as follows:

      (a)    firstly, in no order of priority between them but  in  or  towards
             satisfaction pro rata according to the respective amounts due of:

             (i)   any fees, costs, charges, liabilities and expenses then  due
                   or  to  become  due  to  the  Mortgages  Trustee  under  the
                   provisions  of  this  Deed together with (if applicable) VAT
                   thereon (to the extent  not  already  included)  as provided
                   herein; and

             (ii)  any  amounts  due  and  payable by the Mortgages Trustee  to
                   third parties in respect  of the Mortgages Trust but only if
                   incurred without breach by  the  Mortgages  Trustee  of  the
                   documents  to  which  it is a party and payment has not been
                   provided for elsewhere;

      (b)    secondly, in no order of priority  between  them but in or towards
             satisfaction pro rata according to the respective amounts due of:

             (i)   any remuneration then due and payable to  the  Administrator
                   and any costs, charges, liabilities and expenses then due or
                   to  become due to the Administrator under the provisions  of
                   the  Administration   Agreement  prior  to  the  immediately
                   succeeding Distribution Date, in each case together with (if
                   applicable) VAT thereon (to the extent not already included)
                   as provided therein; and

             (ii)  any remuneration then due  and  payable  to the Cash Manager
                   and any costs, charges, liabilities and expenses then due or
                   to  become due to the Cash Manager under the  provisions  of
                   the Cash Management Agreement prior to


                   the immediately  succeeding  Distribution  Date, in each case
                   together with (if  applicable) VAT thereon (to the extent not
                   already included) as provided therein;

      (c)    thirdly, in no order of priority between them but in proportion to
             the  respective  amounts due, and subject to the proviso below, to
             allocate and pay Mortgages Trustee Available Revenue Receipts to:

             (i)   (subject  as   provided   in   Clause  8.8  (Adjustments  on
                   Distribution Dates)) the Seller  in  an amount determined by
                   multiplying  the  total  amount  of the remaining  Mortgages
                   Trustee Available Revenue Receipts  by  the  Current  Seller
                   Share Percentage of the Trust Property, as determined on the
                   immediately  preceding Distribution Date or, in the case  of
                   the  first  Distribution  Date,  the  Initial  Seller  Share
                   Percentage; and

             (ii)  (subject  as  provided   in   Clause   8.8  (Adjustments  on
                   Distribution  Dates))  Funding  in an amount  equal  to  the
                   lesser of:

                   (A)   an amount determined by multiplying  the  total amount
                         of  the remaining Mortgages Trustee Available  Revenue
                         Receipts  by  the  Current Funding Share Percentage of
                         the Trust Property,  as  determined on the immediately
                         preceding Distribution Date  or,  in  the  case of the
                         first  Distribution  Date,  the Initial Funding  Share
                         Percentage); and,

                   (B)   the aggregate of the amounts  to  be  applied  on  the
                         immediately succeeding Payment Date under the relevant
                         Funding  Pre-Enforcement  Revenue Priority of Payments
                         or the Funding Post-Enforcement  Priority  of Payments
                         (but  excluding  any  principal  amount due under  any
                         Intercompany Loan and any amount due under Item (P) of
                         the  Funding  Pre-Enforcement  Revenue   Priority   of
                         Payments   and/or   Item  (F)  of  the  Funding  Post-
                         Enforcement Priority  of Payments), less (in each case
                         only to the extent that  such  amounts  of interest or
                         other income would not otherwise be payable  under any
                         Intercompany   Loan   made   by   any  Issuer  or,  as
                         applicable,  any Notes issued by any  Issuer,  on  the
                         immediately succeeding  Payment  Date)  the sum of (i)
                         interest or other income (including, for the avoidance
                         of doubt, amounts standing to the credit of any Issuer
                         Reserve Fund


                        or Issuer Liquidity  Reserve Fund after the Intercompany
                        Loan  relating  to that  Issuer has been  fully  repaid)
                        credited or to be credited to each  Funding Bank Account
                        on the  immediately  succeeding  Payment  Date  (ii) all
                        other  income  (not  derived  from the  distribution  of
                        Revenue  Receipts under this Deed) which will constitute
                        Funding   Available   Revenue   Receipts  and/or  Issuer
                        Available Revenue Receipts on the immediately succeeding
                        Payment Date; and

      (d)    finally,  to  allocate  to  Funding  but pay at the  direction  of
             Funding to the Seller an amount equal  to  YY  - ZZ, where "YY" is
             the amount of the Mortgages Trustee Available Revenue Receipts and
             "ZZ"  is  the  amount of such Mortgages Trustee Available  Revenue
             Receipts applied  and/or  allocated  under items (a) to (c) above,
             such amount to be in satisfaction of amounts  of Deferred Purchase
             Price  due  to  the  Seller under the terms of the  Mortgage  Sale

PROVIDED THAT if an Assignment Date or a Funding Contribution Date has occurred
during the Trust Calculation Period  immediately  preceding  such  Distribution
Date,  then  the  Cash  Manager will use (i) the Weighted Average Seller  Share
Percentage (instead of the  Current  Seller  Share  Percentage)  as  calculated
pursuant to Clause 8.7(a) above in determining the amount of Mortgages  Trustee
Available  Revenue  Receipts  to  distribute  to  the Seller pursuant to Clause
10.2(c)(i)  above,  and  (ii)  the  Weighted Average Funding  Share  Percentage
(instead of the Current Funding Share  Percentage)  as  calculated  pursuant to
Clause  8.3(a)  above  in determining the amount of Mortgages Trustee Available
Revenue Receipts to distribute  to  Funding  pursuant  to Clause 10.2(c)(ii)(A)


      EVENT:   Subject  as  provided in Clause 8.8 (Adjustments on Distribution
      Dates), prior to the occurrence  of  a  Trigger Event (and whether or not
      there  has  been an enforcement of the Funding  Security  or  any  Issuer
      Security), on  each Distribution Date, the Cash Manager (at the direction
      of the Mortgages  Trustee  acting on behalf of the Beneficiaries at their
      direction and with their consent which is hereby given) shall, subject to
      the provisos below, allocate  and  distribute Mortgages Trustee Principal
      Receipts as follows:

      (a)    to the Seller an amount in respect  of  any  Initial Consideration
             (if any) which is then allocable and payable to  the  Seller under
             Clause 6.3 (Initial Consideration) above;

      (b)    to Funding an amount in respect of each Issuer which is  equal  to
             the lesser of:


             (i)   the  principal  amount  due on the Intercompany Loan of such
                   Issuer equal to the Controlled  Amortisation  Amount due, if
                   any,  on  the  Payment  Date  immediately  succeeding   such
                   Distribution Date; and

             (ii)  an amount equal to:


                                                                                Outstanding Principal Balance on such
                                                                                     Issuer's Intercompany Loan
Mortgages Trustee Principal Receipts x Current Funding Share Percentage x -------------------------------------------------
                                                                               Aggregate Outstanding Principal Balance
                                                                                      on all Intercompany Loans

      (c)    to  Funding  an  amount  in  respect  of  each  Issuer towards any
             principal amount remaining due and payable (following  the payment
             to  Funding  set forth in (b) above) on the immediately succeeding
             Payment Date under any Intercompany Loan; and

      (d)    if such Distribution Date is not a Seller Share Event Distribution
             Date, all remaining  Mortgages  Trustee  Principal Receipts to the
             Seller (as Beneficiary),

PROVIDED  THAT in relation to (a) through (d) above the  following  rules  (the

(1)   If the Notes of any Issuer have become immediately  due  and payable as a
      result of the service of a Note Enforcement Notice or if the Intercompany
      Loan  of  any  Issuer  (and  the  other  Intercompany Loans of any  other
      Issuers)  have become immediately due and payable  as  a  result  of  the
      service of an Intercompany Loan Enforcement Notice, or otherwise upon the
      occurrence  of  any  Trigger  Event, principal payments in respect of the
      Intercompany Loan of that Issuer  may be made in excess of any Controlled
      Amortisation Amount and paragraph (b)(i)  above  shall no longer apply in
      relation to that Issuer and, except following a Non-Asset  Trigger Event,
      the  amount of Mortgages Trustee Principal Receipts to be distributed  to
      Funding  in  respect  of  that  Issuer  on that Distribution Date may not
      exceed the amount determined under paragraph (b)(ii) above.

(2)   If the Notes of any Issuer have become immediately  due  and payable as a
      result of the service of a Note Enforcement Notice or if the Intercompany
      Loan  of  any  Issuer  (and  the  other  Intercompany Loans of any  other
      Issuers)  have become immediately due and payable  as  a  result  of  the
      service of  an Intercompany Loan Enforcement Notice, then for the purpose
      of calculating  the  amount  in  respect  of  that Issuer under paragraph
      (b)(ii) above, that amount may be reduced to the  extent of any remaining
      amounts standing to the credit of the Issuer Reserve  Ledger  and/or  the
      Issuer  Liquidity Reserve Ledger (if any) for that Issuer which are to be
      utilised on the immediately succeeding Payment Date to repay principal on
      that Issuer's


      Intercompany  Loan,  but only to the extent that those  amounts  would not
      otherwise be payable on that Intercompany Loan on that Payment Date.

(3)   The amount of Mortgages Trustee Principal Receipts payable  to Funding in
      respect  of  each  Issuer  on  a  Distribution  Date  will be reduced  in
      proportion to the aggregate of the Issuer Available Revenue  Receipts  of
      that Issuer which are to be applied on the immediately succeeding Payment
      Date  in  reduction  of  deficiencies  recorded  on  the Issuer Principal
      Deficiency Ledger of that Issuer, but only to the extent  that the Issuer
      Available  Revenue  Receipts  which are to be so applied on that  Payment
      Date would not otherwise be payable as principal on the relevant Notes on
      that Payment Date.

(4)   For the purpose of determining  the  Mortgages Trustee Principal Receipts
      to  be  distributed  to Funding in respect  of  the  amount  due  on  the
      Intercompany Loan of any  Issuer under (b) and (c) above, the Outstanding
      Principal Balance of that Intercompany Loan shall be deemed to be reduced
      by the amount of:

      (e)    any deficiency recorded  on the Issuer Principal Deficiency Ledger
             of that Issuer as at that  Distribution  Date,  but  only  to  the
             extent  that  such  deficiency  has  arisen  under a result of (i)
             Losses on the Mortgage Loans allocated by Funding  to  that Issuer
             and/or   (ii)  the  application  of  Funding  Available  Principal
             Receipts to  fund the Issuer Liquidity Reserve Fund of that Issuer
             but not as a result  of  any  other  principal  deficiency of that
             Issuer; and

      (b)    the Outstanding Principal Balance as at such Distribution  Date of
             any Special Repayment Notes issued by that Issuer.

(5)   Funding  will  not  be  entitled  to  receive  and the Cash Manager shall
      procure  that Funding does not receive any amount  of  Mortgages  Trustee
      Principal  Receipts  from  the  Mortgages  Trustee on a Distribution Date
      which is not required by Funding to repay principal  falling  due  on any
      Intercompany Loan on the immediately succeeding Payment Date in order  to
      fund  payments of principal falling due on any Notes issued by any Issuer
      on that Payment date.

(6)   The Mortgages  Trustee  will not distribute any Overpayment (other than a
      Capital Payment) in respect  of  any Non-Flexible Mortgage Loan until the
      first Distribution Date following  December  31 of the year in which such
      Overpayment  is  received;  provided  that  if  a Borrower  has  made  an
      Underpayment of principal in respect of such Non-Flexible  Mortgage  Loan
      following  the  Overpayment  then  the  Mortgages Trustee will distribute
      principal in an amount


      up to the amount of such Underpayment (but not exceeding the amount of the
      Overpayment  previously made) on the immediately  succeeding  Distribution

(7)   If an Assignment Date or a  Funding Contribution Date has occurred during
      the Trust Calculation Period  immediately  preceding a Distribution Date,
      then  the  Cash  Manager  shall use the Weighted  Average  Funding  Share
      Percentage  (instead  of  the   Current   Funding  Share  Percentage)  as
      calculated pursuant to Clause 8.3(b) above  in  determining the amount of
      Mortgages  Trustee  Principal Receipts to be distributed  to  Funding  in
      respect of each Issuer pursuant to Clause 11.1(b)(ii) above.

(8)   On a Seller Share Event  Distribution  Date,  the  Cash Manager shall not
      distribute  the  remaining Mortgages Trustee Principal  Receipts  to  the
      Seller  and  shall  deposit  all  Mortgages  Trustee  Retained  Principal
      Receipts in the Mortgages  Trustee  GIC  Account and make a corresponding
      credit to the Mortgages Trustee Principal Ledger.

      OCCURRENCE OF AN ASSET TRIGGER EVENT:   After  the occurrence of an Asset
      Trigger  Event,  the  Cash  Manager (at the direction  of  the  Mortgages
      Trustee acting on behalf of the Beneficiaries at their direction and with
      their consent which is hereby  given)  shall,  on each Distribution Date,
      allocate  and  distribute  all  Mortgages Trustee Principal  Receipts  as

      (a)    if the immediately preceding  Distribution Date was a Seller Share
             Event Distribution Date, all of  the  Mortgages  Trustee  Retained
             Principal Receipts to Funding; and then

      (b)    between  Funding  and  the Seller, in no order of priority between
             them and pro rata according to the Funding Share Percentage of the
             Trust  Property  and the Seller  Share  Percentage  of  the  Trust
             Property, respectively,  until  the  Funding  Share  of  the Trust
             Property  is  zero (and, for the avoidance of doubt, such payments
             may reduce the  Seller  Share  to  an amount less than the Minimum
             Seller Share),

      PROVIDED THAT if an Assignment Date or a Funding  Contribution  Date  has
      occurred  in  the Trust Calculation Period immediately preceding any such
      Distribution Date,  the  Cash  Manager  will  apply all Mortgages Trustee
      Principal Receipts after (a) above between Funding  and  the  Seller  pro
      rata  according  to  the  Weighted  Average  Funding Share Percentage (as
      calculated  pursuant  to  Clause 8.3 above) and Weighted  Average  Seller
      Share Percentage (as calculated  pursuant  to  Clause 8.7 above) for such
      Distribution Date until the Funding Share of the Trust Property is zero.


      ASSET  TRIGGER  EVENT:  After the occurrence of a Non-Asset Trigger Event
      and until the occurrence  of an Asset Trigger Event, the Cash Manager (at
      the  direction  of  the  Mortgages   Trustee  acting  on  behalf  of  the
      Beneficiaries at their direction and with  their  consent which is hereby
      given)  shall,  on  each Distribution Date, apply all  Mortgages  Trustee
      Principal Receipts to  Funding  until  the  Funding  Share  of  the Trust
      Property  has  been  reduced  to  zero  and  shall  thereafter,  on  each
      Distribution  Date, apply all Mortgages Trustee Principal Receipts to the


      Subject as provided  otherwise  herein (including Clause 8.4 (Adjustments
      to Trust Property) of this Deed),  all  Losses  sustained on the Mortgage
      Loans during a Trust Calculation Period shall be  applied in reducing pro
      rata both the Funding Share and the Seller Share of the Trust Property on
      the  Distribution  Date  immediately  succeeding  such Trust  Calculation
      Period  by  multiplying  the  Losses  sustained  in such  relevant  Trust
      Calculation Period by the Current Funding Share Percentage (as calculated
      on  the  Distribution Date immediately preceding such  Trust  Calculation
      Period), until  the Funding Share of the Trust Property is zero, PROVIDED
      THAT, if during the  Trust  Calculation  Period  immediately  preceding a
      Distribution  Date  the  Seller  had  assigned New Mortgage Loans to  the
      Mortgages  Trustee,  or if Funding paid a  Further  Contribution  to  the
      Mortgages Trustee to increase  the  Funding  Share  of the Trust Property
      such  Losses  shall be multiplied by the Weighted Average  Funding  Share
      Percentage (as  calculated  on  such Distribution Date pursuant to Clause
      8.3(c)  above) rather than the Current  Funding  Share  Percentage.   The
      remainder of such Losses shall be allocated to the Seller.


13.1  NON-FLEXIBLE  MORTGAGE  LOANS: The Mortgages Trustee shall not distribute
      to the Beneficiaries any  Overpayment  in  respect  of  any  Non-Flexible
      Mortgage Loan which does not constitute a Capital Payment until the first
      Distribution  Date  following  31st  December  of the year in which  such
      Overpayment is received, save to the extent that  any such Overpayment by
      a Borrower is applied in reduction of an Underpayment by such Borrower in
      respect of such Mortgage Loan prior to such date.   Any  such Overpayment
      shall  be  retained  in  the Mortgages Trustee GIC Account and  the  Cash
      Manager  will  maintain a separate  ledger  to  record  its  receipt  and
      subsequent payment  from  time  to  time.  Where any such Overpayment has
      been  made in error the Cash Manager and/or  the  Administrator  will  be
      authorised  to  refund  the  amount  of  such Overpayment to the relevant
      Borrower at any time prior to 31st December  of  the  year  in which such
      Overpayment was made.


13.2  FLEXIBLE MORTGAGE LOANS: Overpayments in respect of any Flexible Mortgage
      Loan (including the amount of any Together Connections Benefit applied to
      the related Together Connections Mortgage Loans) will not be  retained in
      the  Mortgages  Trustee  GIC  Account  but  will  be  distributed  to the
      Beneficiaries   on   the  immediately  succeeding  Distribution  Date  as
      Principal Receipts.


      The aggregate Current  Balance  of  the  Mortgage  Loans in the Mortgages
      Trust will be increased at any time by the amount in  which  the Mortgage
      Loans  that have been assigned to the Mortgages Trust are in arrears  and
      those arrears  have been capitalised. Such increase shall be allocated to
      the  Beneficiaries   at  any  time  in  proportion  to  their  respective
      percentage shares in the  Trust  Property as determined in respect of the
      Trust Calculation Period or Interim  Calculation  Period, as the case may
      be, in which the arrears occur.


      The  Mortgages  Trustee shall maintain, or shall procure  that  the  Cash
      Manager shall maintain, the following Mortgages Trustee Ledgers:

      (a)    the Principal  Ledger,  which  shall  record  (i)  all receipts of
             Principal Receipts and distribution of the same to Funding and the
             Seller and (ii) any Mortgages Trustee Retained Principal Receipts;

      (b)    the  Revenue  Ledger, which shall record all receipts  of  Revenue
             Receipts and distribution  of  the  same  in  accordance with this

      (c)    the Losses Ledger, which shall record Losses in  relation  to  the
             Mortgage Loans;

      (d)    the  Funding  Share/Seller  Share  Ledger  which  shall record the
             Funding Share, the Seller Share of the Trust Property, the Funding
             Share Percentage and the Seller Share Percentage;

      (e)    the Overpayments Ledger; which shall be divided into  sub  ledgers
             to record (i) Overpayments on Non-Flexible Mortgage Loans received
             into  and paid out of the Mortgages Trustee GIC Account from  time
             to time and (ii) Overpayments on Flexible Mortgage Loans;


      (f)    the  Non-Flexible   Underpayments   Ledger;   which  shall  record
             Underpayments on Non-Flexible Mortgage Loans from time to time;

      (g)    the  Re-Draw Ledger, which shall be divided into  sub  ledgers  to
             record  (i)  Cash  Re-Draws  made  in respect of Flexible Mortgage
             Loans  and  (ii) Non-Cash Re-Draws made  in  respect  of  Flexible
             Mortgage Loans; and

      (h)    the Contributions  Ledger,  which will be divided into sub ledgers
             to  record  (i)  the making by Funding  of  Contributions  to  the
             Mortgages Trust, (ii) the making by the Seller of Contributions to
             the Mortgages Trust  and  the application of such Contributions by
             the Mortgages Trustee in payment  to  the Seller of (a) amounts of
             Initial Purchase Price for the sale of  any New Mortgage Portfolio
             which is acquired by the Mortgages Trustee  from  the Seller under
             the  provisions of the Mortgage Sale Agreement or (b)  amounts  of
             Deferred  Purchase  Price  in  accordance  with  the Mortgage Sale
             Agreement or (c) any Initial Consideration in accordance with this


16.1  REMUNERATION:  The Mortgages Trustee shall be entitled to  charge  and be
      remunerated  for  the  work  undertaken  by  it  as trustee of the trusts
      created by this Deed.  The remuneration shall be on  such  terms (if any)
      as   the  Mortgages  Trustee  may  from  time  to  time  agree  with  the
      Beneficiaries in writing.

16.2  EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES:  Each Beneficiary shall indemnify the Mortgages
      Trustee  from  time  to time with such regularity as is reasonably agreed
      between the parties, in  respect  of  the  Funding  Share  and the Seller
      Share,   respectively,   of   the  documentable  costs,  expenses  and/or
      liabilities directly and properly  incurred  by  the Mortgages Trustee in
      performing its obligations hereunder or otherwise in acting as trustee in
      accordance  with  the  terms  of  this  Deed  and  the other  Transaction
      Documents  to  which  the  Mortgages  Trustee  is a party  inclusive  (if
      applicable) of any amounts in respect of Irrecoverable  VAT  incurred  in
      respect of such costs and expenses.


      Closing Date the  Mortgages  Trustee  shall enter into the Administration
      Agreement and the Cash Management Agreement.


17.2  DIRECTIONS FROM BENEFICIARIES:  Subject to Clause 17.3 (No Breach) below,
      the Mortgages Trustee covenants with the Beneficiaries that the Mortgages
      Trustee  shall take all necessary steps  and  do  everything  which  both
      Funding and the Seller (acting together) may reasonably request or direct
      it to do in  order  to give effect to the terms of this Deed or the other
      Transaction Documents to which the Mortgages Trustee is a party; provided
      that at any time after  the  Funding  Share  has been reduced to zero the
      Mortgages Trustee shall not be required to act  at  the direction of both
      Funding  and  the  Seller  (acting  together)  and shall instead  act  in
      accordance with any direction given solely by the Seller.

17.3  NO BREACH:  Each of Funding and the Seller covenant  with  each other and
      with  the  Mortgage  Trustee  that  neither  shall direct or request  the
      Mortgages Trustee to do any act or thing which  breaches the terms of, or
      is otherwise expressly dealt with (such that the Mortgages Trustee has no
      discretion) under any of the Transaction Documents.

17.4  NO REQUIREMENT TO ACT:  The Mortgages Trustee will not be bound and shall
      have  no  power to take any proceedings, actions or  steps  under  or  in
      connection  with  any  of this Deed or the other Transaction Documents to
      which it is a party unless:

      (a)    it shall have been directed to do so by the Beneficiaries or it is
             required to do so  under any express provision of this Deed or the
             other  Transaction  Documents   (but   subject   to   Clause  17.2
             (Directions   from  Beneficiaries)  in  respect  of  conflict   of
             directions); and

      (b)    it shall have been  indemnified  to  its  satisfaction against all
             liabilities, proceedings, claims and demands to which it may be or
             become  liable and all costs, charges and expenses  which  may  be
             incurred  by  it  in  connection  therewith  and the terms of such
             indemnity  may  include  the  provision of a fighting  fund,  non-
             recourse loan or other similar arrangement.

17.5  COVENANT OF THE MORTGAGES TRUSTEE:  Subject  to  Clause  17.2 (Directions
      from  Beneficiaries)  the  Mortgages Trustee covenants with each  of  the
      Seller and Funding to exercise  all  of  its  rights  arising under or in
      respect of the Trust Property (including without limitation any rights of
      enforcement) for the benefit of and on behalf of the Beneficiaries.


      Prior  to  its  termination  in  accordance with Clause 26 (Termination),
      provided  that  all  amounts due from  Funding  to  the  Funding  Secured
      Creditors have been repaid  in  full,  the Mortgages Trust constituted by
      this Deed may be terminated at the option of the Seller, following a


      request in writing by the Seller to the Mortgages Trustee (which shall be
      copied to Funding and the Cash Manager)  at any time on or after the date
      on which all of the Intercompany Loans have  been repaid in full or there
      is no further claim under any Intercompany Loan  and/or the Funding Share
      of the Trust Property is reduced to zero or such other  date  as  may  be
      agreed in writing between the Mortgages Trustee, Funding and the Seller.


      If  the  long  term,  unsecured,  unguaranteed  and  unsubordinated  debt
      obligations  of  the Seller fall below A3 by Moody's then, if required by
      Moody's, the Beneficiaries  shall  appoint a firm of independent auditors
      (approved by the Rating Agencies) to determine whether the Mortgage Loans
      and their Related Security (or any part  of  them) constituting the Trust
      Property  complied with the representations and  warranties  set  out  in
      Schedule  1   (Representations  and  Warranties)  of  the  Mortgage  Sale
      Agreement as at  the  date  such  Mortgage  Loans  were  assigned  to the
      Mortgages Trustee.  The costs of such independent auditors shall be borne
      by  the  Beneficiaries  pro  rata  according  to their respective current
      percentage shares in the Trust Property.


20.1  FUNDING SHALL NOT ASSIGN:  Subject to the right  of  Funding to assign by
      way  of  security  its right, title, benefit and interest  in  the  Trust
      Property and/or under this Deed to the Security Trustee under the Funding
      Deed of Charge and subject  to  the  right  of  the Security Trustee or a
      Receiver  to  sell  the Funding Share of the Trust Property  and/or  such
      right  and  interest  under   this  Deed  following  the  service  of  an
      Intercompany Loan Enforcement Notice  (which  right is hereby conferred),
      Funding  covenants  with  the Seller that it shall  not,  and  shall  not
      purport to, sell, assign, transfer, convey, charge, declare a trust over,
      create any beneficial interest  in,  or  otherwise dispose of the Funding
      Share in the Trust Property, or any of Funding's  rights, title, interest
      or benefit in any of the Mortgage Portfolio or the Trust Property.

20.2  SELLER SHALL NOT ASSIGN:  The Seller covenants with Funding that it shall
      not,  and shall not purport to, sell, assign, transfer,  convey,  charge,
      declare  a  trust  over,  create any beneficial interest in, or otherwise
      dispose of the Seller Share  in the Trust Property or any of the Seller's
      rights, title, interest or benefit  in  the  Trust  Property,  other than
      pursuant to the Transaction Documents.



21.1  REPRESENTATIONS:   On  the date hereof, each of the parties to this  Deed
      makes  the  representations   and   warranties  set  out  in  Schedule  1
      (Representation and Warranties) to this Deed to each of the other parties

21.2  COVENANTS OF THE MORTGAGES TRUSTEE:   Save with the prior written consent
      of  or  at  the  direction of the Beneficiaries  or  as  provided  in  or
      envisaged by this  Deed  and/or  the  other  Transaction  Documents,  the
      Mortgages Trustee shall not, so long as it is acting as Mortgages Trustee

      (a)    Negative  Pledge:   create  or  permit  to  subsist  any mortgage,
             pledge, lien, charge or other security interest whatsoever (unless
             arising  by operation of law), upon the whole or any part  of  its
             assets  (including  any  uncalled  capital)  or  its  undertakings
             (present  or  future)  or  (to  the  extent  that it is within the
             control of the Mortgages Trustee) upon the whole  or  any  part of
             the Trust Property;

      (b)    Disposal:   transfer,  sell,  lend, part with or otherwise dispose
             of, or deal with, or grant any  option  or present or future right
             to acquire any of its assets or undertakings  or  (to  the  extent
             that  it is within the control of the Mortgages Trustee) the Trust
             Property  or any interest, estate, right, title or benefit therein
             or thereto or agree or attempt or purport to do so;

      (c)    Equitable Interest:   knowingly  permit  any person other than the
             Beneficiaries to have any equitable interest  in any of its assets
             or undertakings or (to the extent that it is within the control of
             the Mortgages Trustee) the Trust Property or any interest, estate,
             right, title or benefit therein;

      (d)    Bank Accounts:  have an interest in any bank account,  other  than
             as set out in the Transaction Documents.

      (e)    Restrictions  on  Activities:  carry on any business other than as
             described in this Deed and the Transaction Documents;

      (f)    Borrowings:  incur  any  indebtedness in respect of borrowed money
             whatsoever or give any guarantee  or  indemnity  in respect of any
             such indebtedness;

      (g)    Merger:  consolidate or merge with any other person  or  convey or
             transfer  its properties or assets substantially or as an entirety
             to any other person;


      (h)    Premises  or   Employees:   have  any  premises  or  employees  or
             subsidiaries; or

      (i)    Further shares:  issue any further shares;

      (j)    United States activities:   engage in any activities in the United
             States (directly or through agents)  or  derive  any  income  from
             United States sources as determined under United States income tax
             principles  or  hold any property if doing so would cause it to be
             engaged or deemed  to be engaged in a trade or business within the
             United States as determined under United States tax principles;

      (k)    Conduct of affairs:  take  any  management decisions or direct the
             conduct of its affairs in any Member  State of the European Union,
             including holding any board meetings in  any  Member  State of the
             European Union.


22.1  POWER TO DELEGATE:  Subject to Clause 22.2 (No further appointments), the
      Mortgages Trustee may (notwithstanding any rule of law or equity  to  the
      contrary)  delegate  (revocably  or  irrevocably  and  for  a  limited or
      unlimited  period  of  time)  the  performance  of  all  or  any  of  its
      obligations  and the exercise of all or any of its powers under this Deed
      or imposed or  conferred  on it by law or otherwise to any person or body
      of persons fluctuating in number  selected  by it and any such delegation
      may  be by power of attorney or in such other  manner  as  the  Mortgages
      Trustee  may  think  fit  and  may be made upon such terms and conditions
      (including the power to sub-delegate)  as the Mortgages Trustee may think

22.2  NO FURTHER APPOINTMENTS:  Notwithstanding  the  provisions of Clause 22.1
      (Power to delegate), the Mortgages Trustee shall  not  appoint any agent,
      attorney or other delegate having power to act in respect  of  the  Trust
      Property  unless it is directed in writing to do so by the Beneficiaries.
      The appointment  of any agent, attorney or other delegate hereunder above
      shall terminate immediately upon the occurrence of a Trigger Event.


      The Mortgages Trustee  may  invest,  and  may appoint the Cash Manager to
      invest on its behalf, any amounts standing to the credit of the Mortgages
      Trustee Transaction Account in Authorised Investments.  Save as expressly
      provided  in  this  Deed,  the  Mortgages Trustee  Guaranteed  Investment
      Contract and the Bank Account Agreement, the Mortgages Trustee shall have
      no  further  or other powers of investment  with  respect  to  the  Trust
      Property and (to  the extent permitted by applicable law) the Trustee Act
      2000 shall not nor shall any other


      provision relating  to trustee powers of investment implied by statute or
      general law shall apply to the Mortgages Trust.


24.1  NO  ACTION  TO  IMPAIR TRUST  PROPERTY:   Except  for  actions  expressly
      authorised by this  Deed,  the  Mortgages  Trustee  shall  take no action
      reasonably  likely  to impair the interests of the Beneficiaries  in  any
      Trust Property now existing  or  hereafter created or to impair the value
      of any Mortgage Loan or its Related  Security  subject  to  the Mortgages

24.2  LITIGATION:  The Mortgages Trustee must not prosecute or defend any legal
      or  other  proceedings  anywhere  in the world (at the cost of the  Trust
      Property) unless it obtains legal or  other  advice  that  it  is  in the
      interests of the Beneficiaries to do so.

24.3  NO  IMPLIED  DUTIES:  The duties and obligations of the Mortgages Trustee
      under the Mortgages  Trust  shall  be  determined  solely  by the express
      provisions  of  this  Deed  (but  without  prejudice  to  the duties  and
      obligations  of the Mortgages Trustee under any of the other  Transaction
      Documents).  The  Mortgages  Trustee  shall not be liable under this Deed
      except for the performance of such duties  and  obligations  as  shall be
      specifically set forth in this Deed.  No implied covenants or obligations
      shall  be  read  into  this  Deed  against the Mortgages Trustee, and the
      permissible right of the Mortgages Trustee  to  do things set out in this
      Deed shall not be construed as a duty.

24.4  NO LIABILITY:  Neither the Mortgages Trustee, Funding (in its capacity as
      a Beneficiary hereunder) nor the Seller (in its capacity as a Beneficiary
      hereunder)  shall  be  liable  to each other, in the  absence  of  wilful
      default, gross negligence or breach of the terms of this Deed, in respect
      of any loss or damage which arises  out  of  the exercise or attempted or
      purported exercise or failure to exercise any of their respective powers.

24.5  RELIANCE ON CERTIFICATES:  The Mortgages Trustee may rely on and shall be
      protected in acting on, or in refraining from  acting in accordance with,
      any resolution, officer's certificate, certificate  of  auditors  or  any
      other   certificate,  statement,  instrument,  opinion,  report,  notice,
      request,  consent,  order,  appraisal,  bond  or  other paper or document
      believed by it to be genuine and to have been signed  or  presented to it
      pursuant to the Transaction Documents by the proper party or parties.

24.6  RELIANCE  ON  THIRD  PARTIES:  The Mortgages Trustee may, in relation  to
      these presents, act on  the  opinion or advice of or a certificate or any
      information obtained from any lawyer, banker,


      valuer, broker, accountant, financial adviser, securities dealer, merchant
      bank,  computer  consultant  or other  expert  in the  United  Kingdom  or
      elsewhere   and  shall  not,   provided  that  it  shall  not  have  acted
      fraudulently  or in breach  of any of the  provisions  of the  Transaction
      Documents,  be responsible for any loss occasioned by so acting.  Any such
      opinion,  advice,  certificate or  information  may be sent or obtained by
      letter,  telemessage,  telex,  cable or facsimile device and the Mortgages
      Trustee shall not be liable for acting on any opinion, advice, certificate
      or  information  purporting  to be so  conveyed  although  the same  shall
      contain some error or shall not be authentic,  provided that such error or
      lack of authenticity shall not be manifest.

24.7  MIG POLICIES:  The Mortgages Trustee is not required  to maintain any MIG
      Policy  with  the  then-current  insurer  and  may contract for  mortgage
      indemnity  guarantee  protection  from  any insurer  then  providing  MIG
      insurance policies, subject to prior agreement  with  the Rating Agencies
      and confirmation that the then-current ratings by the Rating Agencies (or
      any  of  them) of the Notes issued by any Issuer would not  be  adversely


25.1  NO RETIREMENT:   The  Mortgages  Trustee shall not, and shall not purport
      to,  retire  as  the  trustee  of  the Mortgages  Trust  or  appoint  any
      additional trustee of the Mortgages  Trust  and  shall  have  no power to
      retire  or appoint any additional trustee under the Trustee Act  1925  or

25.2  NO REPLACEMENT:   Neither the Seller nor Funding shall at any time remove
      or purport to remove  and/or replace the Mortgages Trustee as the trustee
      of the Mortgages Trust.

25.3  NO TERMINATION:  Prior  to  the  payment  by Funding of all amounts owing
      under  the  Intercompany  Loan  Agreements  and   under  the  Transaction
      Documents, neither the Seller nor Funding shall at  any  time,  except in
      accordance  with  the  provisions of Clause 18 (Early Termination of  the
      Mortgages Trust) and Clause  26  (Termination),  terminate  or purport to
      terminate  the Mortgages Trust and, in particular, but without  prejudice
      to the generality  of  the foregoing, the Seller and Funding shall not in
      reliance on their absolute  beneficial  interests  in  the Trust Property
      call for the transfer to them or vesting in them of the  legal  estate in
      all or any part of the Trust Property.



      Subject  to  Clause  18  (Early Termination of the Mortgages Trust),  the
      Mortgages Trust hereby constituted  shall  terminate  upon  the date upon
      which the Trust Property is zero.


      The parties agree that they will co-operate fully to do all such  further
      acts and things and execute any further documents as may be necessary  or
      desirable  to  give  full effect to the arrangements contemplated by this


      Nothing in this Deed shall be taken to constitute or create a partnership
      between any of the parties  to this Deed or to make or appoint the Seller
      the agent of Funding (or vice versa).


      In the absence of manifest error,  any determination or calculation by or
      on behalf of the Mortgages Trustee in  connection  with the provisions of
      this Deed shall be deemed to be conclusive.


30.1  GENERAL  OBLIGATION  OF  CONFIDENTIALITY:  Unless otherwise  required  by
      applicable law, and subject to Clause 30.2 (Exceptions)  below,  each  of
      the  parties  agrees  to maintain the confidentiality of this Deed in its
      communications with third  parties  and  otherwise.   None of the parties
      shall  disclose to any person any information relating to  the  business,
      finances  or other matters of a confidential nature of or relating to any
      other party to this Deed or any of the Transaction Documents which it may
      have obtained as a result of having entered into this Deed or otherwise.

30.2  EXCEPTIONS:   The  provisions  of  Clause  30.1  (General  Obligation  of
      Confidentiality) above shall not apply:

      (a)    to  the disclosure of any information to any person who is a party
             to any  of the Transaction Documents as expressly permitted by the
             Transaction Documents;

      (b)    to the disclosure  of  any  information which is or becomes public
             knowledge otherwise than as a  result  of  the wrongful conduct of
             the recipient;


      (c)    to the extent that the recipient is required  to disclose the same
             pursuant  to  any  law  or order of any court or pursuant  to  any
             direction or requirement  (whether or not having the force of law)
             of any central bank or any  governmental  or  other  regulatory or
             Taxation authority;

      (d)    to the disclosure of any information to professional advisers  who
             receive the same under a duty of confidentiality;

      (e)    to  the  disclosure  of  any  information  with the consent of the
             parties hereto;

      (f)    to the disclosure to the Rating Agencies or  any  of  them of such
             information as may be requested by any of them for the purposes of
             setting or reviewing the rating assigned to the Notes (or  any  of
             them),  provided  that  no  information  which  would disclose the
             identity of a Borrower shall be disclosed to the  Rating  Agencies
             or any of them;

      (g)    to  the  disclosure  of any information disclosed to a prospective
             assignee of Funding (provided  that  it  is disclosed on the basis
             that the recipient will hold it confidential); or

      (h)    to any disclosure for the purposes of collecting  in  or enforcing
             the Trust Property or any of it.


      The perpetuity period for the purposes of this Mortgages Trust Deed shall
      be the period of 80 years commencing on the date hereof.


32.1  NON PETITION COVENANT:  Each of the parties hereto hereby agrees  that it
      shall  not institute against either Funding or the Mortgages Trustee  any
      winding-up,  administration, insolvency or similar proceedings so long as
      any sum is outstanding  under  any  Intercompany  Loan  Agreement  of any
      Issuer or for two years plus one day since the last day on which any such
      sum was outstanding.

32.2  LIMITED RECOURSE:  Each of the parties hereto agrees that:

      (a)    in  relation  to  the Mortgages Trustee, any amount payable by the
             Mortgages Trustee to  any other party to this Deed under this Deed
             not  being  an  amount  payable  out  of  the  Trust  Property  in
             accordance with the terms  of  this  Deed shall only be payable to


             extent that on that date the Mortgages Trustee has sufficient funds
             to pay such amount out of fees paid to it under this Deed; and

      (b)    in relation to Funding:

             (i)   only  the  Security Trustee may enforce the security created
                   in favour of  the Security Trustee under the Funding Deed of
                   Charge in accordance with the provisions thereof;

             (ii)  notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of  this Deed or any
                   other Transaction Document, no sum due or owing to any party
                   to  this  Deed from or by Funding under this Deed  shall  be
                   payable by  Funding  except  to  the extent that Funding has
                   sufficient funds available or (following  enforcement of the
                   Funding   Security)   the  Security  Trustee  has   realised
                   sufficient funds from the  Funding  Security to pay such sum
                   subject  to  and  in  accordance with the  relevant  Funding
                   Priority of Payments and  provided  that  all liabilities of
                   Funding  required  to  be paid in priority thereto  or  pari
                   passu  therewith  pursuant   to  such  Funding  Priority  of
                   Payments  have  been  paid,  discharged   and/or   otherwise
                   provided for in full; and

             (iii) it  shall  not  take any steps for the purpose of recovering
                   any  amount payable  by  Funding  or  enforcing  any  rights
                   arising  out  of this Deed against Funding otherwise than in
                   accordance with the Funding Deed of Charge.

32.3  CORPORATE OBLIGATIONS:  To the extent permitted by law, no recourse under
      any obligation, covenant, or  agreement  of  any person contained in this
      Deed shall be had against any shareholder, officer  or  director  of such
      person  as  such,  by  the  enforcement of any assessment or by any legal
      proceeding, by virtue of any  statute  or  otherwise;  it being expressly
      agreed  and understood that this Deed is a corporate obligation  of  each
      person expressed  to  be  a  party hereto and no personal liability shall
      attach  to  or  be  incurred by the  shareholders,  officers,  agents  or
      directors of such person  as  such, or any of them, under or by reason of
      any of the obligations, covenants  or agreements of such person contained
      in  this  Deed, or implied therefrom,  and  that  any  and  all  personal
      liability for  breaches  by  such  person  of  any  of  such obligations,
      covenants or agreements, either under any applicable law or by statute or
      constitution,  of every such shareholder, officer, agent or  director  is
      hereby expressly  waived by each person expressed to be a party hereto as
      a condition of and consideration for the execution of this Deed.



33.1  ENTIRE  AGREEMENT:  This   Deed   sets   out  the  entire  agreement  and
      understanding between the parties with respect  to  the subject matter of
      this Deed superseding all prior oral or written understandings other than
      the other Transaction Documents.

33.2  AMENDMENTS AND WAIVER: No amendment or waiver of any  provision  of  this
      Deed  nor  consent to any departure by any of the parties therefrom shall
      in any event  be effective unless the same shall be in writing and signed
      by each of the  parties hereto.  In the case of a waiver or consent, such
      waiver or consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and as
      against the party or parties giving it for the specific purpose for which
      it is given.

33.3  RIGHTS CUMULATIVE:  The  respective rights of each of the parties to this
      Deed are cumulative and may  be  exercised  as  often  as  they  consider
      appropriate.  No  failure  on  the part of any party to exercise, and  no
      delay  in  exercising, any right hereunder  shall  operate  as  a  waiver
      thereof, nor  shall  any  single  or  partial  exercise of any such right
      preclude any other or further exercise thereof or  the  exercise  of  any
      other  right.  The remedies in this Deed are cumulative and not exclusive
      of any remedies provided by law.


      Any notices or other  communication  or document to be given or delivered
      pursuant to this Deed to any of the parties  hereto shall be sufficiently
      served  if  sent by prepaid first class post, by  hand  or  by  facsimile
      transmission  and  shall  be deemed to be given (in the case of facsimile
      transmission) when despatched  or (where delivered by hand) on the day of
      delivery if delivered before 17.00  hours  on a London Business Day or on
      the next London Business Day if delivered thereafter  or  (in the case of
      first class post) when it would be received in the ordinary course of the
      post and shall be sent:

      (a)    in  the  case  of the Seller, to Northern Rock plc, Northern  Rock
             House, Gosforth,  Newcastle  upon  Tyne  NE3 4PL (facsimile number
             0191 213 2203) for the attention of the Group Secretary;

      (b)    in the case of the Mortgages Trustee, to Granite  Finance Trustees
             Limited, 22 Grenville Street, St. Helier, Jersey JE4  8PX, Channel
             Islands (facsimile number 01534-609333) for the attention  of  the
             Company  Secretary  (with  a copy to the Seller in accordance with
             (a) above);


      (c)    in  the case of Funding, to Granite  Finance  Funding  Limited,  4
             Royal Mint Court, London EC3N 4HJ (facsimile number 020 7073 7874)
             for the  attention  of  the  Company Secretary (with a copy to the
             Seller in accordance with (a) above);

      (d)    in the case of the Security Trustee, to The Bank of New York, 48th
             Floor, One Canada Square, London  E14  5AL  (facsimile  number 020
             7964  6399)  for  the  attention  of the Global Structured Finance
             (Corporate Trust);

      (e)    in the case of the Fitch Ratings Ltd,  to Fitch Ratings Ltd, Eldon
             House, 2 Eldon Street, London EC2M 7UA (facsimile  number 020 7417
             6262)   for   the   attention   of   European  Structured  Finance

      (f)    in the case of Moody's, to Moody's, 1st  Floor,  2  Minster Court,
             Mincing Lane, London EC3R 7XB (facsimile number 020 7772 5400) for
             the  attention  of  Head  of Monitoring Group, Structured  Finance
             (with a copy to the Seller in accordance with (a) above);

      (g)    in the case of Standard & Poor's,  to  Standard  &  Poor's, Garden
             House, 18 Finsbury Circus, London EC2M 7NJ (facsimile  number  020
             7826  3598)  for  the attention of Structured Finance Surveillance
             Group (with a copy to the Seller in accordance with (a) above),

      or to such other address or facsimile number or for the attention of such
      other person or entity as  may from time to time be notified by any party
      to the others by fifteen days prior written notice in accordance with the
      provisions of this Clause 34.


      A person who is not a party to this Deed may not enforce any of its terms
      under the Contracts (Rights  of  Third  Parties) Act 1999, but this shall
      not  affect  any right or remedy of a third  party  which  exists  or  is
      available apart from that Act.


36.1  COUNTERPARTS:   This  Deed  may be executed in any number of counterparts
      (manually or by facsimile) and  by  different  parties hereto in separate
      counterparts, each of which when so executed shall  be  deemed  to  be an
      original  and  all  of which when taken together shall constitute one and
      the same instrument.


36.2  SEVERABILITY:  Where any provision in or obligation under this Deed shall
      be invalid, illegal or  unenforceable  in any jurisdiction, the validity,
      legality and enforceability of the remaining  provisions  or  obligations
      under  this  Deed,  or  of  such  provision  or  obligation  in any other
      jurisdiction, shall not be affected or impaired thereby.


37.1  GOVERNING  LAW:   This  Deed  is  governed by, and shall be construed  in
      accordance with, English law.

37.2  SUBMISSION TO JURISDICTION: Each of the parties hereto irrevocably agrees
      that the courts of England shall have  jurisdiction to hear and determine
      any suit, action or proceeding, and to settle  any  disputes,  which  may
      arise  out  of  or  in  connection with this Deed and, for such purposes,
      irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of such courts.

37.3  PROCESS  AGENT: The Mortgages  Trustee  irrevocably  and  unconditionally
      appoints Mourant  &  Co.  Capital  (SPV)  Limited  at 4 Royal Mint Court,
      London EC3N 4HJ or otherwise at its registered office  for the time being
      as  its  agent  for  service  of  process  in England in respect  of  any
      proceedings in respect of this Agreement and undertakes that in the event
      of Mourant & Co. Capital (SPV) Limited ceasing  so to act it will appoint
      another  person  with  a registered office in London  as  its  agent  for
      service of process.

37.4  FORUM: Each of the parties  hereto irrevocably waives any objection which
      it might now or hereafter have  to  the courts of England being nominated
      as the forum to hear and determine any  Proceedings  and  to  settle  any
      disputes, and agrees not to claim that any such court is not a convenient
      or appropriate forum.


                                  SCHEDULE 1


1.    STATUS:   It  is  duly  incorporated and registered under the laws of the
      jurisdiction in which it  is  incorporated,  capable of being sued in its
      own right and not subject to any immunity from  any  proceedings,  and it
      has the power to own its property and assets and to carry on its business
      as it is being conducted.

2.    POWERS  AND  AUTHORITY:   It  has  the  power  to enter into, perform and
      deliver,  and  has  taken  all necessary corporate and  other  action  to
      authorise the execution, delivery  and  performance  by it of each of the
      Transaction Documents to which it is or will be a party,  and  each  such
      Transaction Document has been duly executed and delivered by it.

3.    LEGAL  VALIDITY:   Each  Transaction Document to which it is or will be a
      party constitutes or when  executed  in  accordance  with  its terms will
      constitute its legal, valid and binding obligation.

4.    NON-CONFLICT:   The execution by it of each of the Transaction  Documents
      to which it is a  party  and  the  exercise  by  it of its rights and the
      performance of its obligations under such Transaction Documents will not:

      (a)    conflict with any document which is binding  upon it or any of its

      (b)    conflict with its constitutional documents; or

      (c)    conflict with any law, regulation or official or judicial order of
             any government, governmental body or court, domestic  or  foreign,
             having jurisdiction over it.

5.    NO LITIGATION:  It is not a party to any material litigation, arbitration
      or   administrative  proceedings  and,  to  its  knowledge,  no  material
      litigation,  arbitration  or  administrative  proceedings  are pending or
      threatened against it.

6.    CONSENTS  AND  LICENCES:  All governmental consents, licences  and  other
      approvals and authorisations  required in connection with the entry into,
      performance,  validity  and  enforceability   of,  and  the  transactions
      contemplated by, the Transaction Documents have been obtained or effected
      (as appropriate) and are in full force and effect.
