THE COMPANIES ACT 1985




                            ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION


                        PERMANENT FINANCING (NO. 4) PLC

                      INCORPORATED ON 8th DECEMBER, 2003

                                 NO. 04988201

                                 ALLEN & OVERY


                            THE COMPANIES ACT 1985


                           MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION


                        PERMANENT FINANCING (NO. 4) PLC

1. The Company's name is "Permanent Financing (No. 4) PLC" (the "Company").

2. The Company is to be a public company.

3. The Company's registered office is to be situated in England and Wales.

4. The Company's objects are:

      (1)    to carry on business as a general commercial company;

      (2)    to carry on any trade or business whatsoever;

      (3)    to  do  all  such  things as are, in the opinion of the directors,
             incidental or conducive  to  the  carrying  on  of  any  trade  or
             business by it;

      (4)    to do all such things as the directors consider to be desirable or
             for the benefit of the Company;

      (5)    to  lend  money  and  give  credit with or without security and to
             deposit money with any person  and  to  carry on the business of a
             banking, finance, or insurance company;

      (6)    to borrow or raise money by any method and  to  obtain any form of
             credit  or  finance in any way the directors think  fit,  (whether
             secured or unsecured), including, without limitation, by the issue
             of debentures  and  other securities, perpetual or otherwise,  and
             to secure the payment  or repayment of any money credit or finance
             by any mortgage, charge,  pledge,  lien  or  other security of any
             kind  over  all  or  any  of the Company's property  (present  and
             future) or its uncalled capital,  and  to purchase, redeem and pay
             off such borrowings, money, finance, credit, or securities;

      (7)    to  purchase  or  by any other means acquire,  hold,  dispose  of,
             write, enter into or otherwise deal with swaps, options, warrants,
             futures, forward contracts,  contracts  for  differences  and  any
             other type of financial instrument;

      (8)    to  guarantee  in  any  manner,  or to enter into any indemnity or
             other arrangement in relation to,  the  discharge,  observance  or
             performance  of  any  liabilities  of  any  person, including, but
             without limitation, any body corporate which is a holding company,
             a subsidiary or a fellow subsidiary of the Company  and  to secure
             any  such  guarantee,  indemnity  or arrangement or the discharge,
             observance and performance of any liabilities of any person by any
             mortgage, charge, pledge, lien or other  security of any


             kind over the whole or any part of the  undertaking  and assets of
             the Company including its uncalled capital;

      (9)    to give any financial assistance that may  lawfully  be  given  in
             connection  with  the  acquisition of shares in the Company or any
             other company which is its holding company;

      (10)   to sell, transfer or otherwise  dispose  of all or any part of the
             undertaking, assets and liabilities of the Company;

      (11)   to provide or arrange for pensions, lump sum payments, gratuities,
             life,  health, accident and other insurances  and  other  benefits
             (pecuniary  or  otherwise)  of every kind to or for the benefit of
             any individuals who are or have been directors of, or employed by,
             or who provide or have provided services to or for, the Company or
             any body corporate which is or  has  been  a  subsidiary,  holding
             company or fellow subsidiary of the Company or otherwise connected
             with the Company or the predecessors in business of the Company or
             of  any  such subsidiary, holding company or fellow subsidiary  or
             connected  company  and  to  or  for the benefit of the present or
             former spouses, children and other  relatives  and  dependants  of
             such individuals and others who have or formerly had with any such
             individuals  any  relationship of such a kind as the directors may
             approve; and for those purposes to establish or participate in any
             fund or scheme, to  effect  or contribute to any form of insurance
             and to enter into any other arrangements  of  any  kind  which the
             directors may approve;

      (12)   to  support and subscribe to any institution or association  which
             may be  for  the  benefit  of  the  Company  or  its  directors or
             employees  or  connected with any town or place where the  Company
             carries on business, to support and subscribe to any charitable or
             public object whatsoever;

      (13)   to act as trustee,  personal  representative, director or agent of
             any kind and for any purpose;

      (14)   to exercise any power of the Company  for any consideration of any
             kind or for no consideration;

      and it is declared that:

      (a)    this clause shall be interpreted in the  widest  and  most general
             manner and without regard to the eiusdem generis rule or any other
             restrictive principle of interpretation;

      (b)    each  of the above subclauses shall, unless it expressly  provides
             to the  contrary,  be  deemed  to set out a separate, distinct and
             independent object of the Company  and  not  a  power ancillary or
             incidental to the objects set out in any other subclause;

      (c)    subclauses (2) to (14) are without prejudice to the  generality of
             the objects and powers conferred by subclause (1) and no subclause
             shall  be  in  any  way limited or restricted by reference  to  or
             inference from any other subclause;

      (d)    in this clause:

             (i)   "ASSETS" includes  property,  rights  and interests of every
                   description, whether present or future, actual or contingent
                   and wherever situate;


             (ii)  "DISPOSE OF", in relation to an asset, includes surrendering
                   or extinguishing it, and also creating or granting it or any
                   interest or right out of or in respect of it;

             (iii) "LIABILITIES"   includes  debts  and  obligations  of  every
                   description,   whether   present   or   future,   actual  or
                   contingent; and

             (iv)  "PERSON"  includes any partnership or other body of persons,
                   whether  corporate  or   unincorporate,   and  any  country,
                   territory, public authority and international organisation.

5. The liability of each member is limited.

6. The Company's share capital is [GBP]50,000  divided  into  50,000
   shares of [GBP]1 each.


We, the subscribers to this memorandum of association, wish to be formed into a
company  pursuant to this memorandum; and we agree to take the number of shares
shown opposite our names.

                                                   TAKEN BY SUBSCRIBER

Permanent Holdings Limited                                  1
Blackwell House
Guildhall Yard
London EC2V 5AE

James G S Macdonald
(per pro SFM Directors Limited as Director)

for and on behalf of
Permanent Holdings Limited

SFM Corporate Services Limited                              1
Blackwell House
Guildhall Yard
London EC2V 5AE

James G S Macdonald
(per pro SFM Directors Limited as Director)

for and on behalf of
SFM Corporate Services Limited

                         Total shares taken                 2

Dated 3rd December, 2003.

Witness to the above signatures:

Name:        Claudia Wallace
Address:     8 Hamilton Road
             E17 6EH

Date:        3rd December, 2003


Company number: 04988201

                            THE COMPANIES ACT 1985


                            ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION




1.           Except  as  otherwise  provided in these articles, the regulations
             contained in Table A shall apply to the Company.  For the purposes
             of these articles, Table A  means  Table A  in the Schedule to the
             Companies  (Tables  A to F) Regulations 1985, as  amended  by  the
             Companies (Tables A to F) (Amendment) Regulations 1985.

2.    (1)    In these articles, unless the contrary intention appears:

             (a)   the  "Act" is, unless  the  context  otherwise  requires,  a
                   reference  to  the  Companies  Act  1985, as modified or re-
                   enacted or both from time to time;

             (b)   the  "Statutes"  means  the  Act  and every  other  statute,
                   statutory instrument, regulation or order for the time being
                   in force concerning companies registered under the Act; and

             (c)   "subsidiary"  or "holding company" is  to  be  construed  in
                   accordance with section 736 of the Act; and

             (d)   words importing  the  singular  number  include  the  plural
                   number  and  vice  versa, words importing one gender include
                   all  genders  and words  importing  persons  include  bodies
                   corporate and unincorporated associations.

      (2)    Headings to these articles  are inserted for convenience and shall
             not affect construction.

                                 SHARE CAPITAL

3.    (1)    The    authorised    share   capital    of    the    Company    is
             [GBP]50,000 divided into 50,000 shares of [GBP]1 each.

      (2)    Subject to the provisions of the Act and to any direction  to  the
             contrary which may be given by ordinary or other resolution of the
             Company,  any unissued shares of the Company (whether forming part
             of the original or any increased capital) shall be at the disposal
             of the Directors  who  may  offer,  allot,  grant  options over or


             dispose  of them to such  persons,  at  such  times  and for  such
             consideration  and upon  such  terms  and  conditions  as they may

      (3)    The directors  are  generally  and  unconditionally authorised, in
             accordance with section 80 of the Act,  to exercise all the powers
             of the Company to allot relevant securities.  The  maximum nominal
             amount  of  relevant  securities  that may be allotted under  this
             authority  shall  be  the nominal amount  of  the  unissued  share
             capital at the date of  incorporation  of the Company, this amount
             being 49,998.

      (4)    The authority contained in paragraph (3)  shall  expire on the day
             five years after the date of the incorporation of  the Company but
             the Company may, before the authority expires, make  an  offer  or
             agreement  which  would or might require relevant securities to be
             allotted after it expires.

      (5)    The directors are given  power to allot for cash equity securities
             (as defined for the purposes of section 89 of the Act) pursuant to
             the general authority conferred  on them by paragraphs (3) and (4)
             under section 80 of the Act as if  section  89(1)  of that Act did
             not  apply to the allotment. This power shall expire  on  the  day
             five years  after the date of incorporation of the Company but the
             Company may, before this power expires, make an offer or agreement
             which would or  might  require  equity  securities  to be allotted
             after it expires.

                               GENERAL MEETINGS

4.    (1)    A  general  meeting  or a meeting of any class of members  of  the
             Company may consist of a conference between members some or all of
             whom  are  in different  places  provided  that  each  member  who
             participates is able:

             (a)   to hear  each  of the other participating members addressing
                   the meeting; and

             (b)   if he so wishes,  to  address all of the other participating
                   members simultaneously,

             whether directly, by conference  telephone or by any other form of
             communications equipment (whether  in  use when these articles are
             adopted or not) or by a combination of those methods.

      (2)    A quorum is deemed to be present if those conditions are satisfied
             in respect of at least the number of members  required  to  form a

      (3)    A  meeting  held  in this way is deemed to take place at the place
             where the largest group  of participating members is assembled or,
             if no such group is readily  identifiable, at the place from where
             the chairman of the meeting participates.

      (4)    A resolution put to the vote of a meeting shall be decided by each
             member indicating to the chairman  (in such manner as the chairman
             may direct) whether the member votes  in  favour of or against the
             resolution or abstains.  Regulation 46 of Table A shall be amended

      (5)    References  in this article to members shall  include  their  duly
             appointed proxies  and,  in  the  case of corporate members, their
             duly authorised representatives.


                           SHAREHOLDERS' RESOLUTIONS

5.           A resolution in writing signed or approved  by  letter, facsimile,
             telegram  or  telex  by  or  on behalf of all the members  of  the
             Company who would be entitled  to  vote  on  it  if  it  had  been
             proposed  at  a  general  meeting  or at a meeting of any class of
             members of the Company shall be as valid  and  effectual  as if it
             had been passed at a general meeting or at such class meeting  (as
             the  case  may  be) duly convened and held.  The resolution may be
             contained in one  document  or  in  several documents in like form
             each stating the terms of the resolution  accurately and signed by
             or  on  behalf  of  one or more of the members.  Regulation 53  of
             Table A shall not apply.

                               VOTES OF MEMBERS

6.    (1)    A proxy appointed by  a member of the Company under section 372 of
             the Act may vote on a show  of  hands as well as on a poll, but no
             person present shall be entitled  to  more than one vote on a show
             of  hands  except  as  provided  in  regulation 50   of   Table A.
             Regulation 54  of  Table A  shall be amended accordingly.  A proxy
             appointed to attend and vote  instead  of  a member shall have the
             same right as the member to speak at the meeting.

      (2)    The instrument appointing a proxy and any authority under which it
             is executed (or such copy of the instrument  or  the  authority or
             both as the directors may approve) may be deposited at  the  place
             where  the  meeting or adjourned meeting is to be held at any time
             before the time  for  holding  the meeting or adjourned meeting at
             which the person named in the instrument  proposes  to vote.  This
             provision  is in addition and without prejudice to the  provisions
             of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of regulation 62 of Table A and the
             last provision of regulation 62 shall be amended accordingly.


7.    (1)    The holders of a majority of the ordinary shares in the Company in
             issue may appoint  any person as a director of the Company and may
             remove any director.   Any appointment or removal shall be made in
             writing signed by the holders  of  the  majority  of  the ordinary
             shares  in  the  Company  in  issue  and,  in  the  case of a body
             corporate  holding  any  of  those  shares, the signature  of  any
             officer or other duly appointed representative shall suffice.  Any
             appointment or removal shall take effect  when it is lodged at the
             office or produced at any meeting of the directors.

      (2)    In  addition  to  the  circumstances set out in  regulation 81  of
             Table A the office of a director shall be vacated if he is removed
             from that office in accordance with this article.

      (3)    The directors may appoint any person who is willing to act to be a
             director, either to fill  a  casual  vacancy  or  as an additional

      (4)    The directors shall not be subject to retirement by  rotation  and
             regulations 73   to  80  (inclusive)  and  the  last  sentence  of
             regulation 84 of Table A shall not apply.

      (5)    No director shall  vacate  his  office  or  be  ineligible for re-
             appointment as a director, nor shall any person be  ineligible for
             appointment as a director, by reason only of his having attained a
             particular age.


      (6)    No  special  notice  is  required of any resolution appointing  or
             approving the appointment  of  such  a  director nor is any notice
             required  to state the age of the person to  whom  the  resolution

                              ALTERNATE DIRECTORS

8.    (1)    In addition  to the persons mentioned in regulation 65 of Table A,
             any director may  appoint a director of any holding company of the
             Company or of any other  subsidiary of that holding company or any
             person approved by a majority  of the other directors to act as an
             alternate director.

      (2)    An alternate director shall be entitled  to  receive notice of all
             meetings of the directors, to attend and to vote at any meeting at
             which the director appointing him is not personally present and at
             that meeting to exercise and discharge all the  functions,  powers
             and duties of his appointor as a director and for the purposes  of
             the  proceedings  at that meeting the provisions of these articles
             shall apply as if he  was  a  director.   Regulation 66 of Table A
             shall not apply.

      (3)    Every person acting as an alternate director  shall  have one vote
             for  each  director for whom he acts as alternate, in addition  to
             his own vote  if he is also a director, but he shall count as only
             one for the purpose  of  determining  whether a quorum is present.
             The last sentence of each of regulations  88  and  89  of  Table A
             shall not apply.

      (4)    Any  person  appointed  as  an alternate director shall vacate his
             office as an alternate director  if  the  director  by whom he has
             been appointed ceases to be a director or removes him  or  on  the
             happening  of any event which, if he is or were a director, causes
             or would cause  him  to  vacate  that  office.   Regulation 67  of
             Table A shall not apply.

      (5)    An  alternate  director  shall alone be responsible to the Company
             for his acts and defaults  and shall not be deemed to be the agent
             of the director appointing him.   Regulation 69  of  Table A shall
             not apply.

                              POWERS OF DIRECTORS

9.    (1)    The powers of the directors mentioned in regulation 87  of Table A
             shall  be  exercisable  as  if the word "executive" (which appears
             before the word "office") were deleted.

      (2)    Without prejudice to any other  of their powers, the directors may
             exercise  any of the powers conferred  by  the  Statutes  to  make
             provision for the benefit of persons employed or formerly employed
             by the Company  or  any of its subsidiaries in connection with the
             cessation or the transfer  to  any  person of the whole or part of
             the undertaking of the Company or any of its subsidiaries.

                           PROCEEDINGS OF DIRECTORS

10.          Provided that he has disclosed to the  directors  the  nature  and
             extent  of  any material interest of his, a director may vote as a
             director on a  resolution  concerning  any matter in which he has,
             directly or indirectly, an interest or duty  and, if he votes, his
             vote shall be counted and he shall be counted  in  the quorum when
             that  resolution or


             matter is under consideration. Regulations 94 to 96 (inclusive) of
             Table A shall not apply.

11.          Notices  of  meetings  of  the  directors  shall  be  given to all
             directors  and  to  any  alternate  directors  appointed  by them.
             Regulation 88 of Table A shall be amended accordingly.

12.          Regulation 93 of Table A (written resolutions of directors)  shall
             apply  as  if  the  word  "signed"  included  "approved by letter,
             facsimile, telegram or telex".

13.   (1)    A  meeting  of  the directors may consist of a conference  between
             directors some or  all  of  whom  are in different places provided
             that each director who participates is able:

             (a)   to hear each of the other participating directors addressing
                   the meeting; and

             (b)   if he so wishes, to address all  of  the other participating
                   directors simultaneously,

             whether directly, by conference telephone or  by any other form of
             communications equipment (whether in use when these  articles  are
             adopted or not) or by a combination of those methods.

      (2)    A quorum is deemed to be present if those conditions are satisfied
             in respect of at least the number of directors required to form  a
             quorum, subject to the provisions of article 10.

      (3)    A  meeting  held  in this way is deemed to take place at the place
             where the largest group  of  participating  directors is assembled
             or, if no such group is readily identifiable,  at  the  place from
             where the chairman of the meeting participates.


14.   (1)    The Company may exercise the powers conferred by the Statutes with
             regard  to having official seals and those powers shall be  vested
             in the directors.

      (2)    The directors  shall  provide  for  the safe custody of every seal
             which the Company may have.

      (3)    A seal shall be used only by the authority  of  the directors or a
             duly  authorised committee but that authority may  consist  of  an
             instruction  or  approval  given  by  letter, facsimile, telegram,
             telex  or  telephone  by a majority of the  directors  or  of  the
             members of a duly authorised committee.

      (4)    The directors may determine who shall sign any instrument to which
             a seal is applied, either generally or in relation to a particular
             instrument or type of instrument,  and  may also determine, either
             generally or in any particular case, that such signatures shall be
             dispensed with or affixed by some mechanical means.

      (5)    Unless otherwise decided by the directors:

             (a)   certificates for shares, debentures  or  other securities of
                   the Company to which a seal is applied need  not  be signed;


             (b)   every  other instrument to which a seal is applied shall  be
                   signed by  at  least one director and the secretary or by at
                   least two directors.

      (6)    Certificates for shares,  debentures  or  other  securities of the
             Company  need  not  be sealed with the seal but may be  signed  on
             behalf of the Company  by  at least one director and the secretary
             or by at least two directors or by such other person or persons as
             may be authorised by the directors for that purpose.  Regulation 6
             of Table A shall be amended  accordingly.  Regulation 101 of Table
             A shall not apply.


15.   (1)    The Company may give any notice  to  a member either personally or
             by sending it by prepaid airmail or first  class  post or telex or
             facsimile transmission to the member at his registered  address or
             by leaving it at that address.   In the case of joint holders of a
             share,  all notices shall be given to the joint holder whose  name
             stands first  in  the  register of members in respect of the joint
             holding and notice so given shall be sufficient notice  to all the
             joint holders.

      (2)    Regulation 112 of Table A shall not apply and regulation 116 shall
             apply as if the words "within the United Kingdom" did not appear.

16.   (1)    Proof that:

             (a)   an envelope containing  a  notice  was  properly  addressed,
                   prepaid  and  posted (by airmail or first class post,  where
                   available); or

             (b)   a telex or facsimile transmission setting out the terms of a
                   notice was properly despatched

             shall be conclusive evidence  that the notice was given.  A notice
             shall be deemed to be given at  the  expiry  of 24 hours after the
             envelope containing it was so posted or, in the  case  of telex or
             facsimile transmission, when despatched.

      (2)    Regulation 115 of Table A shall not apply.


17.   (1)    Subject  to the provisions of and to the extent permitted  by  the
             Statutes,  every  director or other officer (excluding an auditor)
             of the Company shall  be  indemnified  out  of  the  assets of the
             Company  against  any  liability incurred by him in the actual  or
             purported execution or discharge  of his duties or the exercise or
             purported exercise of his powers or otherwise in relation to or in
             connection with his duties, powers or office, but:

             (a)   this  indemnity shall not apply  to  any  liability  to  the
                   extent that it is recovered from any other person; and

             (b)   the  indemnity   is  subject  to  such  officer  taking  all
                   reasonable  steps to  effect  such  recovery,  so  that  the
                   indemnity shall  not apply to the extent that an alternative
                   right of recovery is capable of being enforced.


      (2)    Regulation 118 of Table A shall not apply.



Permanent Holdings Limited
Blackwell House
Guildhall Yard
London, EC2V 5AE

James G S Macdonald
(per pro SFM Directors Limited as Director)

for and on behalf of
Permanent Holdings Limited

SFM Corporate Services Limited
Blackwell House
Guildhall Yard
London, EC2V 5AE

James G S Macdonald
(per pro SFM Directors Limited as Director)

for and on behalf of
SFM Corporate Services Limited

Dated 3rd December, 2003.

Witness to the above signature:

Name:        Claudia Wallace
Address:     8 Hamilton Road
             E17 6EH

Date:        3rd December, 2003