Dated [22] September 2004

                                  as Funding

                             THE BANK OF NEW YORK
                              as Security Trustee

                          GRANITE MORTGAGES 04-3 PLC
                               as Current Issuer

                               NORTHERN ROCK PLC
                   as Current Issuer Start-up Loan Provider

                                    - and -



                           ISSUER DEED OF ACCESSION

                          SIDLEY AUSTIN BROWN & WOOD
                               WOOLGATE EXCHANGE
                             25 BASINGHALL STREET
                                LONDON EC2V 5HA
                            TELEPHONE 020 7360 3600
                            FACSIMILE 020 7626 7937


1.   Interpretation...........................................................3

2.   Representations and Warranties...........................................4

3.   Accession................................................................4

4.   Funding Security.........................................................5

5.   Title Guarantee..........................................................7

6.   Application..............................................................7

7.   Scope of the Funding Deed of Charge......................................7

8.   Notices and Acknowledgements.............................................7

9.   Amendment to the Funding Priority of Payments............................8

10.  Notices and Demands......................................................8

11.  Non Petition Covenant...................................................11

12.  Third Party Rights......................................................11

13.  Execution in Counterparts...............................................12

14.  Governing Law and Jurisdiction; Appropriate Forum.......................12

15.  Process Agents..........................................................12

SCHEDULE I  Utilisation of Issuer Reserves...................................19
APPENDIX 1 Amended and Restated Funding Priority of Payments.................21


THIS DEED OF ACCESSION is made on [22] September 2004


(1)  GRANITE FINANCE FUNDING LIMITED (registered number 79308), a private
     limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Jersey whose
     London branch (registered overseas company number FCO22999 and branch
     number BR005916) is at 69 Park Lane, Croydon CR9 1TQ;

(2)  THE BANK OF NEW YORK, a New York banking corporation whose London branch
     address is at 48th Floor, One Canada Square, London E14 5AL United
     Kingdom, in its capacity as Security Trustee;

(3)  THE BANK OF NEW YORK, a New York banking corporation whose London branch
     address is at 48th Floor, One Canada Square, London E14 5AL United
     Kingdom, (1) in its separate capacities as Note Trustee in respect of the
     Previous Issuers and (2) in its capacity as note trustee under the
     Current Issuer Trust Deed and the Current Issuer Deed of Charge (the
     "Current Issuer Note Trustee", which expression shall include such person
     and all other persons for the time being acting as the note trustee or
     note trustees pursuant to those deeds);

(4)  GRANITE MORTGAGES 01-1 PLC (registered number 4129652), a public limited
     company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales whose registered
     office is at Fifth Floor, 100 Wood Street, London EC2V 7EX;

(5)  GRANITE MORTGAGES 01-2 PLC (registered number 4270015), a public limited
     company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales whose registered
     office is at Fifth Floor, 100 Wood Street, London EC2V 7EX;

(6)  GRANITE MORTGAGES 02-1 PLC (registered number 4340767), a public limited
     company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales whose registered
     office is at Fifth Floor, 100 Wood Street, London EC2V 7EX;

(7)  GRANITE MORTGAGES 02-2 PLC (registered number 4482804), a public limited
     company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales whose registered
     office is at Fifth Floor, 100 Wood Street, London EC2V 7EX;

(8)  GRANITE MORTGAGES 03-1 PLC (registered number 4598035), a public limited
     company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales whose registered
     office is at Fifth Floor, 100 Wood Street, London EC2V 7EX;

(9)  GRANITE MORTGAGES 03-2 PLC (registered number 4684567), a public limited
     company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales whose registered
     office is at Fifth Floor, 100 Wood Street, London EC2V 7EX;

(10) GRANITE MORTGAGES 03-3 PLC (registered number 4823268), a public limited
     company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales whose registered
     office is at Fifth Floor, 100 Wood Street, London EC2V 7EX;


(11) GRANITE MORTGAGES 04-1 PLC (registered number 4959572), a public limited
     company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales whose registered
     office is at Fifth Floor, 100 Wood Street, London EC2V 7EX;

(12) GRANITE MORTGAGES 04-2 PLC (registered number 5057377), a public limited
     company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales whose registered
     office is at Fifth Floor, 100 Wood Street, London EC2V 7EX;

(13) GRANITE FINANCE TRUSTEES LIMITED (registered number 79309), a private
     limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Jersey whose
     registered office is at 22 Grenville Street, St. Helier, Jersey JE4 8PX
     Channel Islands in its capacity as Mortgages Trustee;

(14) NORTHERN ROCK PLC (registered number 03273685), a public limited company
     incorporated under the laws of England and Wales whose registered office
     is at Northern Rock House, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 4PL in its
     capacity as (1) Cash Manager (2) Account Bank and (3) Funding GIC

(15) LLOYDS TSB BANK PLC, acting through its office at City Office, Bailey
     Drive, Gillingham Business Park, Kent ME8 0LS, in its capacity as Account
     Bank and acting through its office at 25 Monument Street, London EC3R 8BQ
     in its capacity as (1) Funding GIC Provider (2) Stand-by Funding GIC
     Provider (3) Stand-by Account Bank (4) Stand-by Funding (04-2) GIC
     Provider and (5) Stand-by Funding (Current Issuer) GIC Provider;

(16) MOURANT & CO. CAPITAL (SPV) LIMITED, a private limited company
     incorporated under the laws of England and Wales whose registered office
     is at 69 Park Lane, Croydon CR9 1TQ, in its capacity as Corporate
     Services Provider;

(17) NORTHERN ROCK PLC (registered number 03273685), acting through its office
     at Northern Rock House, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 4PL, in its
     capacity (1) as the Previous Start-up Loan Provider, and (2) as Current
     Issuer Start-up Loan Provider; and

(18) GRANITE MORTGAGES 04-3 PLC (registered number 5168395), a public limited
     company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales whose registered
     office is at Fifth Floor, 100 Wood Street, London EC2V 7EX as Current



(A)  Pursuant to the terms of the Current Issuer Intercompany Loan
     Confirmation, the Current Issuer has agreed to make available to Funding
     the Current Issuer Intercompany Loan.

(B)  Pursuant to the terms of the Current Issuer Start-up Loan Agreement, the
     Current Issuer Start-up Loan Provider has agreed to grant to Funding the
     Current Issuer Start-up Loan.

(C)  This Deed is supplemental to the Funding Deed of Charge, pursuant to
     which Funding agreed to provide the Security Trustee with the benefit of
     the security described in the


     Funding Deed of Charge to secure Funding's obligations to the Funding
     Secured Creditors.

(D)  The terms of the Funding Deed of Charge permit Funding to secure its
     obligations to a New Funding Secured Creditor thereunder and (where such
     New Funding Secured Creditor is a New Issuer) permit Funding to create
     certain Security Interests in favour of the Security Trustee for the
     benefit of such New Funding Secured Creditor.

(E)  Pursuant to the terms of the Stand-by Funding (04-2) Guaranteed
     Investment Contract and the Stand-by Funding (Current Issuer) Guaranteed
     Investment Contract, the Stand-by GIC Provider has agreed to establish a
     Stand-by Funding (Current Issuer) GIC Account and Stand-by Funding
     (Current Issuer) GIC Account, respectively, and the Stand-by Account Bank
     has agreed to operate each such account under the terms of the Stand-by
     Account Bank Agreement in the event of the termination of the appointment
     of Northern Rock as an Account Bank and the Funding GIC Provider under
     the Stand-by Funding (04-2) Guaranteed Investment Contract and the
     Stand-by Funding (Current Issuer) Guaranteed Investment Contract.

(F)  The Current Issuer Start-up Loan Provider and the Current Issuer, each of
     whom is a New Funding Secured Creditor, have agreed to enter into this
     Deed of Accession (this "Deed") to accede to the provisions of the
     Funding Deed of Charge.

(G)  The Current Issuer Note Trustee has agreed to enter into this Deed to
     accede to the provisions of the Funding Deed of Charge.

(H)  The Funding Secured Creditors have agreed to enter into this Deed to,
     among other things, acknowledge and agree to such accessions, permit any
     consequential changes to the Funding Priority of Payments set out in Part
     I, Part II and Part III of Schedule 3 of the Funding Deed of Charge as
     are required and any other amendment as may be required to give effect to
     this Deed and to acknowledge the Security Interests created hereunder.

1.   Interpretation

     The provisions of:

     (a)  the Master Definitions Schedule as amended and restated by (and
          appearing in Appendix 1 to) the Master Definitions Schedule Ninth
          Amendment Deed made on [22] September 2004 between, among others,
          the Seller, Funding and the Mortgages Trustee, and

     (b)  the Issuer Master Definitions Schedule signed for the purposes of
          identification by Sidley Austin Brown & Wood and Allen & Overy LLP
          on [22] September 2004,

(as the same have been and may be amended, varied or supplemented from time to
time with the consent of the parties hereto) are expressly and specifically
incorporated into and shall apply to this Agreement. The Issuer Master
Definitions Schedule specified above shall prevail to the extent that it
conflicts with the Master Definitions Schedule.


2.   Representations and Warranties

2.1  The Current Issuer hereby represents and warrants to the Security Trustee
     and each of the Funding Secured Creditors in respect of itself that as of
     the date of this Deed:

     (a)  pursuant to the terms of the Current Issuer Intercompany Loan
          Agreement, Funding has agreed to pay to the Current Issuer fees,
          interest and principal in accordance with the terms of the Current
          Issuer Intercompany Loan Agreement; and

     (b)  the Current Issuer Intercompany Loan Agreement expressly provides
          that all amounts due from Funding thereunder are to be secured by or
          pursuant to the Funding Deed of Charge.

2.2  The Current Issuer Start-up Loan Provider hereby represents and warrants
     to the Security Trustee and each of the Funding Secured Creditors in
     respect of itself that as of the date of this Deed:

     (a)  Funding has agreed to pay interest and repay principal to the
          Current Issuer Start-up Loan Provider in accordance with the terms
          of the Current Issuer Start-up Loan Agreement; and

     (b)  the Current Issuer Start-up Loan Agreement expressly provides that
          all amounts due from Funding thereunder are to be secured by or
          pursuant to the Funding Deed of Charge.

2.3  Funding hereby represents and warrants to the Security Trustee and each
     of the Funding Secured Creditors that as at the date of this Deed, the
     conditions to incurring further secured financial indebtedness set out in
     Clause 2.2 (New Intercompany Loan Agreements) of the Intercompany Loan
     Terms and Conditions are satisfied.

3.   Accession

3.1  In consideration of the Current Issuer New Funding Secured Creditors
     being accepted as Funding Secured Creditors for the purposes of the
     Funding Deed of Charge by the parties thereto as from the date of this
     Deed, each of the Current Issuer New Funding Secured Creditors:

     (a)  confirms that as from the date of this Deed, it will become and
          intends to be a party to the Funding Deed of Charge as a Funding
          Secured Creditor;

     (b)  undertakes to comply with and be bound by all of the provisions of
          the Master Definitions Schedule and the Current Issuer Master
          Definitions Schedule (as the same may be amended, varied or restated
          from time to time) and the Funding Deed of Charge in its capacity as
          a Funding Secured Creditor, as if it had been an original party

     (c)  undertakes to perform, comply with and be bound by all of the
          provisions of the Funding Deed of Charge in its capacity as a
          Funding Secured Creditor, as if it had been an original party
          thereto including, without limitation, Clause 20.3 (Funding Secured
          Creditors), Clause 8.3 (Funding Post-


          Enforcement Priority of Payments), Clause 8.6 (Security Trustee
          Rights upon Enforcement) and Clause 6 (Restrictions on Exercise of
          Certain Rights); and

     (d)  agrees that the Security Trustee shall be the Security Trustee of
          the Funding Deed of Charge for all Funding Secured Creditors upon
          and subject to the terms set out in the Funding Deed of Charge.

3.2  The Current Issuer Note Trustee:

     (a)  confirms that as of the date of this Deed, it becomes and intends to
          be party to the Funding Deed of Charge; and

     (b)  agrees to comply with and be bound by the provisions of the Funding
          Deed of Charge relating to the Note Trustee and agrees that all
          references to the Note Trustee in the Funding Deed of Charge and
          this Deed shall be construed as including the note trustee under the
          Current Issuer Deed of Charge and Current Issuer Trust Deed.

4.   Funding Security

4.1  Funding, by way of first fixed security for the payment or discharge of
     that portion of the Funding Secured Obligations which represent the
     obligations and liabilities of Funding to the Current Issuer under the
     Current Issuer Intercompany Loan Agreement, subject to Clause 4 (Release
     of Funding Charged Property) of the Funding Deed of Charge, hereby:

     (a)  assigns by way of first fixed security to the Security Trustee for
          the benefit of the Current Issuer all of its right, title, benefit
          and interest, present and future, in, to and under:

          (i)  the Funding (Current Issuer) Bank Account Agreement; and

          (ii) the Funding (Current Issuer) Guaranteed Investment Contract,

          including all rights to receive payment of any amounts which may
          become payable to Funding thereunder and all payments received by
          Funding thereunder including, without limitation, all rights to
          serve notices and/or make demands thereunder and/or to take such
          steps as are required to cause payments to become due and payable
          thereunder and all rights of action in respect of any breach thereof
          and all rights to receive damages or obtain relief in respect
          thereof and the proceeds of any of the foregoing, TO HOLD the same
          unto the Security Trustee absolutely;

     (b)  assigns by way of first fixed security in favour of the Security
          Trustee for the benefit of the Current Issuer all of its rights,
          title, benefit and interest, present and future, in and to all
          monies now or at any time hereafter standing to the credit of the
          Funding (Current Issuer) GIC Account and the debts represented by
          them together with all rights and claims relating or attached
          thereto including, without limitation, the right to interest and the
          proceeds of any of the foregoing, TO HOLD the same unto the Security
          Trustee absolutely; and


     (c)  charges by way of first fixed security to the Security Trustee for
          the benefit of the Current Issuer all of its right, title, benefit
          and interest, present and future in, to and under any Authorised
          Investment purchased using monies standing to the credit of the
          Funding (Current Issuer) GIC Account and all rights in respect of or
          ancillary to such Authorised Investments, including the right to
          income and the proceeds of any of the foregoing, TO HOLD the same
          unto the Security Trustee absolutely.

4.2  (a)  Funding, by way of first fixed security for the payment or
          discharge of the Funding Secured Obligations, subject to Clause 4
          (Release of Funding Charged Property) of the Funding Deed of Charge,
          hereby assigns to the Security Trustee, save to the extent that the
          same may be situate in Jersey at any relevant time, all of its
          right, title, benefit and interest, present and future, in, to and
          under the Current Issuer Start-up Loan Agreement, including, without
          limitation, all rights to receive payment of any amounts which may
          become payable to Funding thereunder and all payments received by
          Funding thereunder, all rights to serve notices and/or make demands
          thereunder and/or to take such steps as are required to cause
          payments to become due and payable thereunder, all rights of action
          in respect of any breach thereof and all rights to receive damages
          or obtain relief in respect thereof and the proceeds of any of the
          foregoing, TO HOLD the same unto the Security Trustee absolutely.

     (b)  To the intent that the Security Trustee shall have a security
          interest in accordance with the Jersey Security Law (and as secured
          party for the purposes of such law) for the payment or discharge of
          the Funding Secured Obligations, subject to Clause 4 (Release of
          Funding Charged Property) of the Funding Deed of Charge, Funding (as
          debtor for the purposes of the Jersey Security Law) hereby assigns,
          to the extent that the same may be situate in Jersey at any relevant
          time to the Security Trustee all of its right, title, benefit and
          interest, present and future, in, to and under the Current Issuer
          Start-up Loan Agreement, including, without limitation, all rights
          to receive payment of any amounts which may become payable to
          Funding thereunder and all payments received by Funding thereunder,
          all rights to serve notices and/or make demands thereunder and/or to
          take such steps as are required to cause payments to become due and
          payable thereunder, all rights of action in respect of any breach
          thereof and all rights to receive damages or obtain relief in
          respect thereof and the proceeds of any of the foregoing, TO HOLD
          the same unto the Security Trustee absolutely.

4.3  [Funding, by way of fixed security for the payment or discharge of the
     Funding Secured Obligations, subject to Clause 4 (Release of Funding
     Charged Property) of the Funding Deed of Charge, hereby:

     (a)  assigns by way of fixed security to the Security Trustee all of its
          right, title, benefit and interest, present and future, in, to and
          under the Stand-by Funding (Current Issuer) Guaranteed Investment
          Contract including all rights to receive payment of any amounts
          which may become payable to Funding thereunder and all payments
          received by Funding thereunder including, without limitation, all
          rights to serve notices and/or make demands thereunder and/or to
          take such steps as are required to cause payments to become due and


          payable thereunder and all rights of action in respect of any breach
          thereof and all rights to receive damages or obtain relief in
          respect thereof and the proceeds of any of the foregoing, TO HOLD
          the same unto the Security Trustee absolutely.]

5.   Title Guarantee

     Each of the dispositions of, assignments of and charges over, property
     effected in or pursuant to Clause 4 (Funding Security) is made with full
     title guarantee.

6.   Application

     Prior to and following enforcement of the Funding Security all amounts at
     any time held by Funding, the Cash Manager or the Security Trustee in
     respect of the security created under this Deed shall be held and/or
     applied by such person subject to and in accordance with the relevant
     provisions of the Funding Deed of Charge.

7.   Scope of the Funding Deed of Charge

     Funding, the Current Issuer New Funding Secured Creditors and the Funding
     Secured Creditors (including the Security Trustee) hereby agree that for
     the relevant purposes under the Funding Deed of Charge and the Master
     Definitions Schedule:

     (a)  the Current Issuer Intercompany Loan Agreement shall be treated as a
          Funding Transaction Document;

     (b)  the Current Issuer Start-up Loan Agreement shall be treated as a
          Funding Transaction Document;

     (c)  the Funding (Current Issuer) Bank Account Agreement shall be treated
          as a Funding Transaction Document;

     (d)  the Funding (Current Issuer) Guaranteed Investment Contract shall be
          treated as a Funding Transaction Document;

     (e)  the Stand-by Funding (04-2) Guaranteed Investment Contract and the
          Stand-by Funding (Current Issuer) Guaranteed Investment Contract
          shall each be treated as a Funding Transaction Document;

     (f)  the property and assets of Funding expressed to be assigned or
          charged pursuant to this Deed shall constitute Funding Charged
          Property; and

     (g)  each of the Current Issuer New Funding Secured Creditors shall be
          treated as a Funding Secured Creditor.

8.   Notices and Acknowledgements

     (a)  The execution of this Deed by the Current Issuer New Funding Secured
          Creditors shall constitute notice to such Current Issuer New Funding
          Secured Creditors of the assignments made by Funding pursuant to
          Clause 3 (Funding Security) of the Funding Deed of Charge. The
          execution of this Deed by each


          other Funding Secured Creditor shall constitute notice to such
          Funding Secured Creditor of the assignments made by Funding pursuant
          to this Deed.

     (b)  By its execution of this Deed, each of the Current Issuer New
          Funding Secured Creditors acknowledges that it has notice of and
          consents to the assignments, charges and Security Interests
          (including the Jersey Security Interests) made or granted by Funding
          pursuant to Clause 3 (Funding Security) of the Funding Deed of
          Charge and also acknowledges that as at the date hereof it has not
          received from any other person any notice of any assignment or
          charge of any of the property the subject of such Security
          Interests. By its execution of this Deed, each other Funding Secured
          Creditor acknowledges that it has notice of and consents to the
          assignments, charges and Security Interests made or granted by
          Funding pursuant to this Deed and also acknowledges that as at the
          date hereof it has not received from any other person any notice of
          any assignment or charge of any of the property the subject of such
          Security Interests.

     (c)  Notwithstanding the assignments and charges granted pursuant to
          Clause 3 (Funding Security) of the Funding Deed of Charge or
          pursuant to this Deed, the parties hereto acknowledge that, subject
          as provided otherwise in the Funding Deed of Charge, each Funding
          Secured Creditor and each other party to any Funding Transaction
          Document may continue to make all payments becoming due to Funding
          under any Funding Transaction Document in the manner envisaged by
          such Funding Transaction Document until the receipt of written
          notice from the Security Trustee or any Receiver requiring payments
          to be made otherwise.

9.   Amendment to the Funding Priority of Payments

     The Funding Secured Creditors agree to amend and restate the Funding
     Priority of Payments set out in Part I and Part II of Schedule 3 of the
     Funding Deed of Charge in accordance with Appendix 1 hereto.

10.  Amendment to Clause 6.9 of the Funding Deed of Charge

     The Funding Secured Creditors agree to amend and restate Clause 6.9
     (Utilisation of Issuer Reserves) of the Funding Deed of Charge by the
     insertion of:

     (a)  "and further subject to any provisos set forth in (in the case of
          the First Issuer) Schedule 5 (Utilisation of Issuer Reserves) or in
          the case of any New Issuer, Schedule I to the relevant Deed of

          in the second line of the Clause after the words:

          "Funding and the Cash Manager shall procure that, subject to and in
          accordance with the Funding Priority of Payments...";

     (b)  ",if any,"

          in the third line of the Clause after the words:

          "...amounts standing to the credit of the Issuer Reserve Fund
          Ledger..."; and


     (c)  "provided, however, that, as set forth in Rule (3) of the Rules for
          application of Funding Available Revenue Receipts, on the Payment
          Date following the repayment in full of the Intercompany Loan of the
          First Issuer or any New Issuer and provided that Funding has no
          further liability under the relevant Intercompany Loan Agreement,
          subject to any limits or conditions on the purposes for which the
          related Issuer Reserve Fund or Issuer Liquidity Reserve Fund, if
          any, may be utilised as set out in the Funding Deed of Charge, any
          remaining amounts standing to the credit of the Issuer Reserve Fund
          Ledger and the Issuer Liquidity Reserve Ledger, if any, of that
          Issuer will constitute additional Funding Available Revenue Receipts
          for the purpose of items (N) through (Q) of the Funding
          Pre-Enforcement Priority of Payments and may be utilised by Funding
          in paying any other liability of Funding (including, without
          limitation, payment of interest and principal amounts due to each
          Start-up Loan Provider under the relevant Start-up Loan Agreement
          and payment of any Deferred Contribution due to the Mortgages
          Trustee under the Mortgages Trust Deed), in each case, subject to
          and in accordance with the relevant Funding Priority of Payments."

          at the end of the Clause,

          so that Clause 6.9 now reads as set out in Appendix 2 hereto.

11.  Amendment to Schedule 5 to the Funding Deed of Charge

     The Funding Secured Creditors agree to amend and restate Schedule 5 to
     the Funding Deed of Charge (Utilisation of Issuer Reserves) by the
     insertion of the following paragraphs:

     (a)  "PROVIDED THAT, as set forth in Rule (3) of the Rules for
          application of Funding Available Revenue Receipts, on the Payment
          Date following the repayment in full of the First Issuer
          Intercompany Loan and provided that Funding has no further liability
          under the Intercompany Loan Agreement for the First Issuer, subject
          to any limits or conditions on the purposes for which the First
          Issuer Reserve Fund may be utilized as set out in the Funding Deed
          of Charge, any remaining amounts standing to the credit of the First
          Issuer Reserve Fund Ledger will constitute additional Funding
          Available Revenue Receipts for the purpose of items (N) through (Q)
          of the Funding Pre-Enforcement Priority of Payments and may be
          utilised by Funding in paying any other liability of Funding
          (including, without limitation, payment of interest and principal
          amounts due to the Start-up Loan Provider for the First Issuer under
          the Start-up Loan Agreement for the First Issuer and payment of any
          Deferred Contribution due to the Mortgages Trustee under the
          Mortgages Trust Deed), in each case subject to and in accordance
          with the relevant Funding Priority of Payments."

          after Clause 1.1; and

     (b)  "PROVIDED THAT, as set forth in Rule (3) of the Rules for
          application of Funding Available Revenue Receipts, on the Payment
          Date following the repayment in full of the First Issuer
          Intercompany Loan and provided that Funding has no further liability
          under the Intercompany Loan Agreement for


          the First Issuer, subject to any limits or conditions on the
          purposes for which the First Issuer Liquidity Reserve Fund may be
          utilized as set out in the Funding Deed of Charge, any remaining
          amounts standing to the credit of the First Issuer Liquidity Reserve
          Ledger, if any, will constitute additional Funding Available Revenue
          Receipts for the purpose of items (N) through (Q) of the Funding
          Pre-Enforcement Priority of Payments and may be utilised by Funding
          in paying any other liability of Funding (including, without
          limitation, payment of interest and principal amounts due to the
          Start-up Loan Provider for the First Issuer under the Start-up Loan
          Agreement for the First Issuer and payment of any Deferred
          Contribution due to the Mortgages Trustee under the Mortgages Trust
          Deed), in each case subject to and in accordance with the relevant
          Funding Priority of Payments."

          after Clause 2.1 (b),

          so that Schedule 5 now reads as set out in Appendix 3 hereto.

12.  Notices and Demands

     Any notice or communication under or in connection with this Deed shall
     be given in the manner and at the times set out in Clause 24 (Notices) of
     the Funding Deed of Charge. For the purposes of such Clause 24 (Notices),
     as at the date of this Deed the relevant contact details for the Current
     Issuer are:

          Granite Mortgages 04-3 plc
          Fifth Floor
          100 Wood Street
          London EC2V  7EX

          For the attention of:     The Company Secretary

          Telephone:                +44 020 7606 5451
          Facsimile:                +44 020 7606 0643

     and for the Current Issuer Start-up Loan Provider, Northern Rock as an
     Account Bank and Funding GIC Provider are:

          Northern Rock PLC
          Northern Rock House
          Newcastle upon Tyne
          NE3 4PL

          For the attention of:     The Group Secretary

          Facsimile:                +44 (0)191 213 2203

     and for the Current Issuer Note Trustee are:


         The Bank of New York
         48th Floor, One Canada Square
         London E14 5AL

         For the attention of:     Corporate Trust (Global Structured Finance)

         Facsimile:                +44 (020) 7964 6399

     and for the Funding GIC Provider, the Stand-by Funding GIC Provider, the
     Stand-by Funding (04-2) GIC Provider and the Stand-by (Current Issuer)
     GIC Provider are:

         Lloyds TSB Bank plc
         25 Gresham Street
         London EC2V 7HN

         For the attention of:     Jason Eperon (Manager, Financial Institutions
                                   & International Trade Finance)

         Facsimile:                020 7661 4790

     and for the Stand-by Account Bank are:

         Lloyds TSB Bank plc
         25 Gresham Street
         London EC2V 7HN

         For the attention of:     Jason Eperon (Manager, Financial Institutions
                                   & International Trade Finance)

         Facsimile:                020 7661 4790

13.  Non Petition Covenant

     Each of the parties hereto hereby agrees that it shall not institute
     against Funding, the Mortgages Trustee or any Issuer any winding-up,
     administration, insolvency or similar proceedings in any jurisdiction for
     so long as any sum is outstanding under any Intercompany Loan Agreement
     of any Issuer or for two years plus one day since the last day on which
     any such sum was outstanding provided that the Security Trustee may prove
     or lodge a claim in the event of a liquidation initiated by any other
     person. The provisions of Clause 6 (Restrictions on Exercise of Certain
     Rights) of the Funding Deed of Charge shall prevail in the event that and
     to the extent that they conflict with the provisions of this Clause.

14.  Third Party Rights

     A person who is not a party to this Deed may not enforce any of its terms
     under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999, but this shall
     not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is
     available apart from that Act.


15.  Execution in Counterparts

     This Deed may be executed in any number of counterparts (manually or by
     facsimile) and by different parties hereto in separate counterparts, each
     of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an original and all of
     which when taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

16.  Governing Law and Jurisdiction; Appropriate Forum

16.1 This Deed is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with
     English law save that those parts of this Deed concerned with the
     creation, subsistence or enforcement of Jersey Security Interests shall
     be governed by and in accordance with Jersey law.

16.2 Each of the parties hereto irrevocably agrees that the courts of England
     shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine any suit, action or
     proceeding, and to settle any disputes, which may arise out of or in
     connection with this Deed and, for such purposes, irrevocably submits to
     the jurisdiction of such courts.

16.3 Each of the parties hereto irrevocably waives any objection which it
     might now or hereafter have to the courts of England being nominated as
     the forum to hear and determine any Proceedings and to settle any
     disputes, and agrees not to claim that any such court is not a convenient
     or appropriate forum.

17.  Process Agents

     Funding irrevocably and unconditionally appoints Mourant & Co. Capital
     (SPV) Limited at 69 Park Lane, Croydon CR9 1TQ or otherwise at the
     registered office of Mourant & Co. Capital (SPV) Limited for the time
     being as its agent for service of process in England in respect of any
     proceedings in respect of this Agreement and undertakes that in the event
     of Mourant & Co. Capital (SPV) Limited ceasing so to act it will appoint
     another person with a registered office in London as its agent for
     service of process.


DULY EXECUTED AND DELIVERED AS A DEED by each of the parties hereto or on its
behalf on the date appearing on page one.


Executed by
as its deed as follows:                                         By______________________________________________
Signed for and on its behalf by one of its directors              Director
and by another of its directors/its secretary



The Security Trustee, the Note Trustee in respect of the Previous Issuers
and the Current Issuer Note Trustee

Executed by
as its deed as follows:                                         By______________________________________________
Signed for and on its behalf by one of its duly
authorised signatories                                        Name______________________________________________

Executed by
as its deed as follows:                                         By______________________________________________
Signed for and on its behalf by one of its directors              for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
and by another of its directors/its secretary                     Director No.1 Ltd

                                                              Name Clive Rakestrow

                                                                  for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
                                                                  Director No.2 Ltd

                                                              Name Sharon Tyson


Executed by
as its deed as follows:                                         By______________________________________________
Signed for and on its behalf by one of its directors              for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
and by another of its directors/its secretary                     Director No.1 Ltd

                                                              Name Clive Rakestrow

                                                                  for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
                                                                  Director No.2 Ltd

                                                              Name Sharon Tyson

Executed by
as its deed as follows:                                         By______________________________________________
Signed for and on its behalf by one of its directors              for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
and by another of its directors/its secretary                     Director No.1 Ltd

                                                              Name Clive Rakestrow

                                                                  for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
                                                                  Director No.2 Ltd

                                                              Name Sharon Tyson

Executed by
as its deed as follows:                                         By______________________________________________
Signed for and on its behalf by one of its directors              for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
and by another of its directors/its secretary                     Director No.1 Ltd

                                                              Name Clive Rakestrow

                                                                  for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
                                                                  Director No.2 Ltd

                                                              Name Sharon Tyson


Executed by
as its deed as follows:                                         By______________________________________________
Signed for and on its behalf by one of its directors              for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
and by another of its directors/its secretary                     Director No.1 Ltd

                                                              Name Clive Rakestrow

                                                                  for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
                                                                  Director No.2 Ltd

                                                              Name Sharon Tyson

Executed by
as its deed as follows:                                         By______________________________________________
Signed for and on its behalf by one of its directors              for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
and by another of its directors/its secretary                     Director No.1 Ltd

                                                              Name Clive Rakestrow

                                                                  for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
                                                                  Director No.2 Ltd

                                                              Name Sharon Tyson

Executed by
as its deed as follows:                                         By______________________________________________
Signed for and on its behalf by one of its directors              for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
and by another of its directors/its secretary                     Director No.1 Ltd

                                                              Name Clive Rakestrow

                                                                  for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
                                                                  Director No.2 Ltd

                                                              Name Sharon Tyson


Executed by
as its deed as follows:                                         By______________________________________________
Signed for and on its behalf by one of its directors              for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
and by another of its directors/its secretary                     Director No.1 Ltd

                                                              Name Clive Rakestrow

                                                                  for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
                                                                  Director No.2 Ltd

                                                              Name Sharon Tyson

Executed by
as its deed as follows:                                         By______________________________________________
Signed for and on its behalf by one of its directors              for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
and by another of its directors/its secretary                     Director No.1 Ltd

                                                              Name Clive Rakestrow

                                                                  for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
                                                                  Director No.2 Ltd

                                                              Name Sharon Tyson

Current Issuer

Executed by
as its deed as follows:                                         By______________________________________________
Signed for and on its behalf by one of its directors              for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
and by another of its directors/its secretary                     Director No.1 Ltd

                                                              Name Clive Rakestrow

                                                                  for and on behalf of LDC Securitisation
                                                                  Director No.2 Ltd

                                                              Name Sharon Tyson


The Cash Manager, the Previous Start-up Loan Provider
the Current Issuer Start-up Loan Provider, an Account Bank and
the Funding GIC Provider

Executed by
as its deed as follows:                                         By______________________________________________
Signed for and on its behalf by one of its duly                   Duly Authorised Attorney/Signatory
authorised attorneys/signatories

Signature  ______________________________________________

Full name  ______________________________________________
Occupation Solicitor
Address    c/o Sidley Austin Brown & Wood
           Woolgate Exchange
           25 Basinghall Street
           London EC2V 5HA


The Corporate Services Provider

Executed by
as its deed as follows:                                         By______________________________________________
Signed for and on its behalf by one of its directors              Director
and by another of its directors/its secretary



An Account Bank, Funding GIC Provider,
the Stand-by Account Bank, the Stand-by
Funding GIC Provider, the Stand-by
Funding (04-2) GIC Provider and the
Stand-by Funding (Current Issuer) GIC

Executed by
as its deed as follows:                                         By______________________________________________
Signed for and on its behalf by one of its duly                   Duly Authorised Attorney/Signatory
authorised attorneys/signatories

Signature  ______________________________________________
Full name  ______________________________________________
Occupation Solicitor
Address    c/o Sidley Austin Brown & Wood
           Woolgate Exchange
           25 Basinghall Street
           London EC2V 5HA

The Mortgages Trustee

Executed by
as its deed as follows:                                         By______________________________________________
Signed for and on its behalf by one of its directors              Director
and by another of its directors/its secretary




                                  SCHEDULE I

                        Utilisation of Issuer Reserves

Reserves for Current Issuer

1.   Current Issuer Reserve Fund:

1.1  Prior to enforcement of the Current Issuer Security, the Current Issuer
     Reserve Fund shall only be applied on any Payment Date to increase that
     portion of Funding Available Revenue Receipts which are allocated to the
     Current Issuer to make payments of interest and fees due under the
     Current Issuer Intercompany Loan.

     PROVIDED THAT, as set forth in Rule (3) of the Rules for application of
     Funding Available Revenue Receipts, on the Payment Date following the
     repayment in full of the Current Issuer Intercompany Loan and provided
     that Funding has no further liability under the Intercompany Loan
     Agreement for the Current Issuer, subject to any limits or conditions on
     the purposes for which the Current Issuer Reserve Fund may be utilised as
     set out in the Funding Deed of Charge, any remaining amounts standing to
     the credit of the Current Issuer Reserve Fund Ledger will constitute
     additional Funding Available Revenue Receipts for the purpose of items
     (N) through (Q) of the Funding Pre-Enforcement Priority of Payments and
     may be utilised by Funding in paying any other liability of Funding
     (including, without limitation, payment of interest and principal amounts
     due to the Current Issuer Start-up Loan Provider under the Current Issuer
     Start-up Loan Agreement and payment of any Deferred Contribution due to
     the Mortgages Trustee under the Mortgages Trust Deed), in each case
     subject to and in accordance with the relevant Funding Priority of

1.2  Following enforcement of the Current Issuer Security, to the extent not
     applied on a Payment Date in accordance with 1.1 above, amounts standing
     to the credit of the Current Issuer Reserve Fund Ledger shall only be
     applied in making payments of principal due under the Current Issuer
     Intercompany Loan (but not in respect of any other Intercompany Loan of
     any other Issuer).

2.   Current Issuer Liquidity Reserve Fund:

2.1  Prior to enforcement of the Current Issuer Security, the Current Issuer
     Liquidity Reserve Fund (if any is required to be established) shall only
     be applied on any Payment Date to:

     (a)  help meet any deficit in Funding Available Revenue Receipts which
          are allocated to the Current Issuer to pay amounts due under the
          Current Issuer Intercompany Loan, but only to the extent necessary
          to fund the payment by the Current Issuer of interest and fees due
          on the relevant Payment Date in respect of the Class A Notes and/or
          the Class B Notes and to credit the Class A Principal Deficiency Sub
          Ledger; and

     (b)  (provided that there are no Class A Notes outstanding) help meet any
          deficit in Funding Available Revenue Receipts which are allocated to
          the Current Issuer to pay interest and fees due on the Current
          Issuer Intercompany Loan.


     PROVIDED THAT, as set forth in Rule (3) of the Rules for application of
     Funding Available Revenue Receipts, on the Payment Date following the
     repayment in full of the Current Issuer Intercompany Loan and provided
     that Funding has no further liability under the Intercompany Loan
     Agreement for the Current Issuer, subject to any limits or conditions on
     the purposes for which the Current Issuer Liquidity Reserve Fund may be
     utilized as set out in the Funding Deed of Charge, any remaining amounts
     standing to the credit of the Current Issuer Liquidity Reserve Ledger, if
     any, will constitute additional Funding Available Revenue Receipts for
     the purpose of items (N) through (Q) of the Funding Pre-Enforcement
     Priority of Payments and may be utilised by Funding in paying any other
     liability of Funding (including, without limitation, payment of interest
     and principal amounts due to the Current Issuer Start-up Loan Provider
     under the relevant Current Issuer Start-up Loan Agreement and payment of
     any Deferred Contribution due to the Mortgages Trustee under the
     Mortgages Trust Deed), in each case subject to and in accordance with the
     relevant Funding Priority of Payments.

2.2  Following enforcement of the Current Issuer Security, to the extent not
     applied on a Payment Date in accordance with 2.1 above, amounts standing
     to the credit of the Current Issuer Liquidity Reserve Ledger shall only
     be applied in making payments of principal due under the Current Issuer
     Intercompany Loan (but not in respect of any other Intercompany Loan of
     any other Issuer).


                                  APPENDIX 1
               Amended and Restated Funding Priority of Payments

                                    Part I

             Funding Pre-Enforcement Revenue Priority of Payments

Distribution of Funding Available Revenue Receipts prior to Enforcement of the
Funding Security

On each Payment Date or, in respect of amounts due to third parties by Funding
under paragraph (B), when due, prior to enforcement of the Funding Security,
the Cash Manager will, subject to the rules for application of Funding
Available Revenue Receipts (set out below), apply Group 1 Available Revenue
Receipts, Group 2 Available Revenue Receipts and amounts standing to the
credit of the Funding Expense Sub-Ledger, as applicable, in the following
order of priority (the "Funding Pre-Enforcement Revenue Priority of

     (A)  first, to pay amounts due to the Security Trustee (together with
          interest and (to the extent not already inclusive) VAT on those
          amounts) and to provide for any amounts due or to become due during
          the following Interest Period to the Security Trustee, under the
          Funding Deed of Charge or any other Transaction Document;

     (B)  second, to pay amounts due to any third party creditors of Funding
          (other than those referred to later in this order of priority of
          payments or in the Funding Pre-enforcement Principal Priority of
          Payments) of which the Cash Manager has notice prior to the relevant
          Payment Date, which amounts have been incurred without breach by
          Funding of the Transaction Documents to which it is a party (and for
          which payment has not been provided for elsewhere) and to provide
          for any such amounts expected to become due and payable by Funding
          during the following Interest Period and to pay or discharge any
          liability of Funding for corporation tax on any chargeable income or
          gain of Funding;

     (C)  third, towards payment of amounts due to the Cash Manager under the
          Cash Management Agreement (together with (to the extent not already
          inclusive) VAT on those amounts);

     (D)  fourth, in no order of priority among them, but in proportion to the
          respective amounts due, towards payment of amounts, if any, due to
          (i) the Account Bank under the terms of the Bank Account Agreement
          (ii) to the Stand-by Account Bank under the terms of the Stand-by
          Bank Account Agreement and (iii) to the Corporate Services Provider
          under the terms of the Corporate Services Agreement;

     (E)  fifth, to pay, in no order of priority among them, to each Issuer an
          amount up to its Issuer Allocable Revenue Receipts in respect of
          interest and fees due on that Issuer's Intercompany Loan but not
          exceeding the aggregate amount of,


          and to be applied in the amounts and priorities set forth in, the
          Issuer Pre-Liquidity Payments for that Issuer;

     (F)  sixth, to pay, in no order of priority among them, such amount for
          each Issuer up to its Issuer Allocable Revenue Receipts as is
          necessary to replenish the Issuer Liquidity Reserve Fund, if any,
          established in respect of that Issuer up to the Issuer Liquidity
          Reserve Required Amount (but only to the extent that monies have
          been drawn from the relevant Issuer Liquidity Reserve Fund to pay
          interest and fees due under the relevant Intercompany Loan and only
          to replenish the Issuer Liquidity Reserve Fund of an Issuer to the
          extent that there are Class A Notes issued by the such Issuer
          outstanding on such Payment Date);

     (G)  seventh, to pay, in no order of priority among them, to each Issuer
          an amount up to its Issuer Allocable Revenue Receipts in respect of
          interest and fees due on that Issuer's Intercompany Loan but not
          exceeding the aggregate amount of, and to be applied in the amounts
          and priorities set forth in, the Issuer Post-Liquidity Payments for
          that Issuer;

     (H)  eighth, to pay, in no order of priority among them, such amount for
          each Issuer up to its Issuer Allocable Revenue Receipts as is
          necessary to fund the Issuer Reserve Fund established in respect of
          that Issuer up to the Issuer Reserve Required Amount or to replenish
          such Issuer Reserve Fund up to the related Issuer Reserve Required
          Amount (to the extent that monies have been drawn from such Issuer
          Reserve Fund to pay interest and fees under the relevant
          Intercompany Loan) or if an Arrears or Step-Up Trigger Event has
          occurred, to credit the Issuer Reserve Fund Ledger with the
          applicable Issuer Reserve Additional Amount;

     (I)  ninth, to pay in no order of priority among them, to each Issuer an
          amount up to its Issuer Allocable Revenue Receipts in respect of
          interest, principal (in the case of the Special Repayment Notes) and
          fees due on that Issuer's Intercompany Loan but not exceeding the
          aggregate amount of, and to be applied in the amounts and priorities
          set forth in, the Issuer Pre-Reserve Payments for that Issuer;

     (J)  tenth, in no order of priority among them, from Issuer Allocable
          Revenue Receipts, to credit the Funding Reserve Ledger in an amount
          up to the Funding Reserve Required Amount or if a Funding Step-Up
          Trigger Event has occurred to credit the Funding Reserve Ledger with
          the Funding Reserve Additional Amount;

     (K)  eleventh, to pay to each Issuer, in no order of priority among them
          but in proportion to the respective amounts due, an amount up to its
          Issuer Allocable Revenue Receipts in respect of interest and fees
          due on that Issuer's Intercompany Loan but not exceeding the
          aggregate amount of, and to be applied in the amounts and priorities
          set forth in, the Issuer Post-Reserve Payments for that Issuer;

     (L)  twelfth, in no order of priority among them, but in proportion to
          the respective amounts due, from Issuer Allocable Revenue Receipts,
          towards payment of


          interest and principal amounts due to each Issuer Start-up Loan
          Provider under the relevant Issuer Start-up Loan Agreement;

     (M)  thirteenth, in no order of priority among them, but in proportion to
          the respective amounts due, to pay to each Issuer an amount up to
          its Issuer Allocable Revenue Receipts in respect of interest and
          fees and any other amount (if any) due on that Issuer's Intercompany
          Loan but not exceeding the aggregate amount of, and to be applied in
          the amounts and priorities set forth in, the Issuer Post Start-up
          Payments for that Issuer;

     (N)  fourteenth, to the extent required, to apply on the Payment Date for
          Group 1 Issuers, Group 1 Available Revenue Receipts remaining or, on
          the Payment Date for Group 2 Issuers, Group 2 Available Revenue
          Receipts remaining, as applicable, in the priorities set forth in
          items (E) through (M) above;

     (O)  fifteenth, towards payment to Funding of an amount equal to 0.01%
          per annum of the Funding Available Revenue Receipts (excluding, for
          this purpose, amounts standing to the credit of the Funding Reserve
          Ledger), which amount will be retained by Funding as profit less
          corporation tax in respect of those profits provided for or paid at
          item (B) above;

     (P)  sixteenth, towards payment of any Deferred Contribution due to the
          Mortgages Trustee pursuant to the terms of the Mortgages Trust Deed;

     (Q)  last, towards payment to the shareholders of Funding of any dividend
          declared by Funding.

PROVIDED THAT no amount will be applied in replenishing any of the reserve funds
held by Funding in respect of an Issuer under paragraphs (F) and/or (H) above
following an enforcement of the Issuer Security relating to that Issuer.

For the avoidance of doubt, references to the Issuer Allocable Revenue Receipts
for a particular Issuer in items (E) through (M) (inclusive) above shall be
reduced by any amounts already allocated to that Issuer in the above Priority of
Payments on that Payment Date.

Rules for application of Funding Available Revenue Receipts

(1) (A) Subject as provided in paragraphs (2) through (9) below, the portion of
Issuer Allocable Revenue Receipts for all Group 1 Issuers remaining after item
(M) of the Funding Pre-Enforcement Revenue Priority of Payments, together with
any additional Funding Available Revenue Receipts under paragraph (3) below,
shall constitute "Group 1 Shared Issuer Revenue Receipts". Group 1 Shared Issuer
Revenue Receipts will be reallocated by the Cash Manager on a Payment Date for
Group 1 Issuers in accordance with item (N) of the Funding Pre-Enforcement
Revenue Priority of Payments and will continue to be distributed on such Payment
Date in accordance with items (E) through (M) of the Funding Pre-Enforcement
Revenue Priority of Payments until there are no remaining amounts of Group 1
Shared Issuer Revenue Receipts to be reallocated and distributed on such Payment
Date. Any limitation restricting a payment to an Issuer to the amount up to that
Issuer's Issuer Allocable Revenue Receipts shall not apply for the purpose of
the reallocation of Group 1 Shared Issuer Revenue Receipts by the Cash Manager
on a Payment Date in accordance with this rule. If there is more than one Group
1 Issuer that is entitled to Group 1 Shared Issuer


Revenue Receipts then each such Group 1 Issuer will be reallocated a portion
of the Group 1 Shared Issuer Revenue Receipts equal to:

                                                           Outstanding Principal Balance of
                                                           the Intercompany Loan of such Group 1 Issuer
        Amount of Shared Group 1 Issuer Revenue Receipts x --------------------------------------------
                                                           Aggregate Outstanding Principal Balance of
                                                           the Intercompany Loans of all Group 1 Issuers

(B) Subject as provided in paragraphs (2) through (4) below, the portion of
Issuer Allocable Revenue Receipts for all Group 2 Issuers remaining after item
(M) of the Funding Pre-Enforcement Revenue Priority of Payments, together with
any additional Funding Available Revenue Receipts under paragraph (3) below,
shall constitute "Group 2 Shared Issuer Revenue Receipts". Group 2 Shared Issuer
Revenue Receipts will be reallocated by the Cash Manager on a Payment Date for
Group 2 Issuers distributed on such Payment Date in accordance with item (N) of
the Funding Pre-Enforcement Revenue Priority of Payments and will continue to be
distributed on such Payment Date in accordance with items (E) through (M) of the
Funding Pre-Enforcement Revenue Priority of Payments until there are no
remaining amounts of Group 2 Shared Issuer Revenue Receipts to be reallocated
and distributed on such Payment Date. Any limitation restricting a payment to an
Issuer to the amount up to that Issuer's Issuer Allocable Revenue Receipts shall
not apply for the purpose of the reallocation of Group 2 Shared Issuer Revenue
Receipts by the Cash Manager on a Payment Date in accordance with this rule. If
there is more than one Group 2 Issuer that is entitled to Group 2 Shared Issuer
Revenue Receipts, then each such Group 2 Issuer will be reallocated a portion of
Shared Issuer Revenue Receipts equal to:

                                                           Outstanding Principal Balance of
                                                           the Intercompany Loan of such Group 2 Issuer
        Amount of Group 2 Shared Issuer Revenue Receipts x --------------------------------------------
                                                           Aggregate Outstanding Principal Balance of
                                                           the Intercompany Loans of all Group 2 Issuers

(2)  No Issuer shall be entitled to or shall receive any amount of Issuer
     Allocable Revenue Receipts from Funding on a Payment Date on which such
     Issuer is not required by that Issuer to make a payment on that date in
     accordance with the relevant Issuer Pre-Enforcement Revenue Priority of
     Payments or other relevant Issuer Priority of Payments which applies to
     that Issuer on that date, and the Cash Manager will take account of all
     of the funds which are or will become available to that Issuer on that
     Payment Date and which constitute Issuer Available Revenue Receipts
     (including any payments due under any Swap Agreement and any interest or
     other income received or to be received) for that Issuer for the purpose
     of making this determination.

(3)  Unless and until the Intercompany Loan of any Issuer has been repaid in
     full and Funding has no further liability under the relevant Intercompany
     Loan Agreement, amounts standing to the credit of the Issuer Reserve Fund
     Ledger and the Issuer Liquidity Reserve Ledger, if any, established by
     Funding for that Issuer may only be utilized by Funding in making
     payments due under that Issuer's Intercompany Loan


     and may not be used in or towards the payment of any other liability of
     Funding. On the Payment Date following the repayment in full of the
     Intercompany Loan of that Issuer and provided that Funding has no further
     liability in respect of the relevant Intercompany Loan Agreement, any
     remaining amounts standing to the credit of the Issuer Reserve Fund
     Ledger and the Issuer Liquidity Reserve Ledger, if any, of that Issuer
     will constitute additional Funding Available Revenue Receipts for the
     purpose of paragraphs (N) through (Q) of the Funding Pre-Enforcement
     Revenue Priority of Payments and may be utilized by Funding in paying any
     other liability of Funding subject to and in accordance with the relevant
     Funding Priority of Payments.

(4)  If on any Payment Date any Issuer Allocable Revenue Receipts and/or any
     Group 1 Shared Issuer Revenue Receipts or Group 2 Shared Issuer Revenue
     Receipts, as applicable, are paid to an Issuer and are applied by that
     Issuer, in reducing any deficiency recorded on the Issuer Principal
     Deficiency Ledger of that Issuer (but only to the extent that any
     deficiency which has arisen as a result of (i) losses on the Mortgage
     Loans allocated by Funding to the Issuer and/or (ii) the application of
     Funding Available Principal Receipts to fund the Issuer Liquidity Reserve
     Fund of the Issuer, but not as a result of any other principal deficiency
     of the Issuer), then the Issuer Allocable Revenue Receipts and/or Group 1
     Shared Issuer Revenue Receipts or Group 2 Shared Issuer Revenue Receipts,
     as applicable, so applied shall constitute repayments of principal under
     the relevant Intercompany Loan and shall reduce the Outstanding Principal
     Balance of that Intercompany Loan accordingly.

     To the extent that (a) an amount payable to an Issuer pursuant to the
     Funding Pre-Enforcement Revenue Priority of Payments on any Payment Date
     would, in accordance with the Issuer Pre-Enforcement Revenue Priority of
     Payments relating to the Issuer, be credited by the Issuer to its Issuer
     Principal Deficiency Ledger, and (b) the amount to be treated as
     principal as a result of making such credit would result in the Issuer
     Available Principal Receipts of that Issuer on that Payment Date being in
     excess of the Principal Amount to be repaid by that Issuer in respect of
     its Notes on that Payment Date, then an amount equal to that excess shall
     be reapplied by Funding as Group 1 Available Principal Receipts or Group
     2 Available Principal Receipts, as applicable.

(5)  The Cash Manager will distribute Group 1 Available Revenue Receipts only
     on each Payment Date for Group 1 Issuers and Group 2 Available Revenue
     Receipts only on each Payment Date for Group 2 Issuers. Group 1 Available
     Revenue Receipts and Group 2 Available Revenue Receipts will be applied
     (subject to paragraph (7) below) to pay amounts set forth in paragraphs
     (E)-(R) of the Funding Pre-Enforcement Revenue Priority of Payments and
     (D)-(G) of the Funding Post-Enforcement Priority of Payments.

(6)  All references to an "Issuer" or "Issuers" in the Funding Pre-Enforcement
     Revenue Priority of Payments shall be construed to refer to an Issuer or
     Issuers in Group 1 on a Payment Date for Group 1 Issuers and in Group 2
     on a Payment Date for Group 2 Issuers.

(7)  On Payment Dates for both Group 1 Issuers and Group 2 Issuers, the Cash
     Manager will apply amounts standing to the credit of the Funding Expense
     Sub-Ledger on the immediately preceding Distribution Date to pay the
     amounts set forth in paragraphs


     (A)-(D) of the Funding Pre-Enforcement Revenue Priority of Payments and
     paragraph (A)-(C) of the Funding Post-Enforcement Priority of Payments.

(8)  To the extent that on any Payment Date for Group 1 Issuers or Payment
     Date for Group 2 Issuers amounts standing to the credit of the Funding
     Expense Sub-Ledger distributed pursuant to paragraph (7) above are
     insufficient to pay all amounts described in such paragraph (7), then the
     Cash Manager will apply amounts standing to the credit of the Funding
     Reserve Ledger to meet such a shortfall. To the extent that on any
     Payment Date amounts standing to the credit of the Funding Reserve Ledger
     and applied pursuant to the preceding sentence are insufficient to pay
     all amounts described in paragraph (7) above, then the Cash Manager will
     apply on the Payment Date for Group 1 Issuers, Group 1 Available Revenue
     Receipts or on the Payment Date for Group 2 Issuers, Group 2 Available
     Revenue Receipts, as applicable, to pay such amounts. To the extent that
     amounts standing to the credit of the Funding Reserve Ledger are applied
     to pay any amounts described in paragraph (7) above then the amounts
     standing to the credit of the Funding Reserve Ledger as at the
     Distribution Date immediately preceding the relevant Payment Date (unless
     such Payment Date is also a Funding Reserve Adjustment Date, in which
     case the relevant date will be the Distribution Date immediately
     preceding the immediately preceding Payment Date) above shall be deemed
     to have been reduced by the amount applied to pay amounts described in
     paragraph 7 above.

(9)  Group 1 Available Revenue Receipts may not be used to make payments to
     Group 2 Issuers and Group 2 Available Revenue Receipts may not be used to
     make payments to Group 1 Issuers.


                                    Part II

            Funding Pre-Enforcement Principal Priority of Payments

On each Payment Date prior to enforcement of the Funding Security, the Cash
Manager will, subject to the rules for application of Funding Available
Principal Receipts set forth below, apply Group 1 Available Principal Receipts
or Group 2 Available Principal Receipts, as applicable, as follows (the "Funding
Pre-Enforcement Principal Priority of Payments"):

(1)  On each Payment Date for Group 1 Issuers, Group 1 Available Principal
     Receipts to each Group 1 Issuer in the following order of priority:

     (A)  first, to fund or replenish, as the case may be, the Issuer
          Liquidity Reserve Fund, if any, of each Group 1 Issuer up to the
          Issuer Liquidity Reserve Required Amount but only from and to the
          extent of the Issuer Allocable Principal Receipts for that Issuer;

     (B)  second, to pay to (or, if required under that Issuer's Intercompany
          Loan, set aside for) each Group 1 Issuer an amount up to its Issuer
          Allocable Principal Receipts in respect of principal due (or, if
          required under that Issuer's Intercompany Loan, to become due) on
          that Issuer's Intercompany Loan, which shall be an amount up to the
          aggregate amount of, and shall be applied in the amounts and
          priorities set forth in, the Issuer Principal Payments for that

     (C)  third, to pay to (or, if required under that Issuer's Intercompany
          Loan, set aside for) each Group 1 Issuer an amount up to its
          allocable portion of Group 1 Shared Issuer Principal Receipts in
          respect of principal due (or, if required under that Issuer's
          Intercompany Loan, to become due) on that Issuer's Intercompany
          Loan, which in the case of that Group 1 Issuer shall be an amount up
          to the aggregate amount of, and shall be applied in the amounts and
          priorities set forth in, the Issuer Principal Payments for that
          Issuer until there are no remaining Group 1 Available Principal
          Receipts on such Payment Date; and

     (D)  last, to credit any remaining amounts to the Funding Principal

(2)  On each Payment Date for Group 2 Issuers, Group 2 Available Principal
     Receipts to each Group 2 Issuer in the following order of priority:

     (A)  first, to fund (either initially or to replenish, as the case may
          be) the Issuer Liquidity Reserve Fund, if any, of each Group 2
          Issuer up to the Issuer Liquidity Reserve Required Amount but only
          from and to the extent of the Issuer Allocable Principal Receipts
          for that Issuer;

     (B)  second, to pay to (or, if required under that Issuer's Intercompany
          Loan, set aside for) each Group 2 Issuer an amount up to its Issuer
          Allocable Principal Receipts in respect of principal due (or, if
          required under that Issuer's Intercompany Loan, to become due) on
          that Issuer's Intercompany Loan, which shall be an amount up to the
          aggregate amount of, and shall be applied


          in the amounts and priorities set forth in, the Issuer Principal
          Payments for that Issuer;

     (C)  third, to pay to (or, if required under the Issuer's Intercompany
          Loan, set aside for) each Group 2 Issuer an amount up to its
          allocable portion of Group 2 Shared Issuer Principal Receipts in
          respect of principal due (or, if required under that Issuer's
          Intercompany Loan, to become due) on that Issuer's Intercompany
          Loan, which in the case of that Group 2 Issuer shall be an amount up
          to the aggregate amount of, and shall be applied in the amounts and
          priorities set forth in, the Issuer Principal Payments for that
          Issuer until there are no remaining Group 2 Available Principal
          Receipts on such Payment Date; and

     (D)  last, to credit any remaining amounts to the Funding Principal

PROVIDED THAT no amount will be applied in replenishing the Issuer Liquidity
Reserve Fund held by Funding in respect of an Issuer under paragraphs (1)(A) or
(2)(A) above following an enforcement of the Issuer Security relating to that

Rules for application of Funding available principal receipts

(1)  (A)  On the Distribution Date immediately preceding a Payment Date
          for Group 1 Issuers, the Cash Manager will calculate the "Issuer
          Allocable Principal Receipts" for each such Issuer in respect of the
          relevant Payment Date which, subject as provided in paragraphs (2)
          through (8) below, is for any Issuer an amount which is equal to the
          sum of:

     (a)  the aggregate of:

          (i)  for any Group 1 Issuer, the amount, if any, by which the Issuer
               Liquidity Reserve Fund relating to that Issuer will be less
               than the Issuer Liquidity Reserve Required Amount in each case
               prior to the distribution of Group 1 Available Principal
               Receipts on the Payment Date for Group 1 Issuers immediately
               succeeding such Distribution Date; and

          (ii) for any Group 1 Issuer which has a Money Market Note still
               outstanding up to the amount equal to the Controlled
               Amortization Amount due on such Money Market Note, if any, on
               the Payment Date for Group 1 Issuers immediately succeeding
               such Distribution Date;

     (b)  for any Group 1 Issuer, an amount equal to the lesser of:

          (i)  (only if relevant) the principal amount due on the Intercompany
               Loan of such Issuer which is an amount equal to the Controlled
               Amortisation Amount due, if any, on the Payment Date for Group
               1 Issuers immediately succeeding such Distribution Date
               (excluding any amount calculated in accordance with paragraph
               1(A)(a)); and


          (ii) an amount equal to:

               Group 1 Available Principal Receipts minus the          Outstanding Principal Balance on such
               aggregate amount under (1)(A)(a) above in respect         Group 1 Issuer's Intercompany Loan
               of the relevant Issuer on such Payment                x --------------------------------------
               Date                                                        Aggregate Outstanding Principal
                                                                         Balance of all Intercompany Loans of
                                                                                   Group 1 Issuers

     (B)  On the Distribution Date immediately preceding a Payment Date for
          Group 2 Issuers, the Cash Manager will calculate the "Issuer
          Allocable Principal Receipts" for each such Issuer in respect of the
          relevant Payment Date which, subject as provided in paragraphs (2)
          through (8) below, is an amount which is equal to the sum of:

     (a)  the aggregate of:

          (i)  for any Group 2 Issuer, the amount, if any, by which the Issuer
               Liquidity Reserve Fund relating to that Issuer will be less
               than the Issuer Liquidity Reserve Required Amount in each case
               prior to the distribution of Group 2 Available Principal
               Receipts on the Payment Date for Group 2 Issuers immediately
               succeeding such Distribution Date; and

          (ii) for any Group 2 Issuer which has a Money Market Note still
               outstanding, up to the amount equal to the Controlled
               Amortization Amount due on each Money Market Note, if any, on
               the Payment Date for Group 2 Issuers immediately succeeding
               such Distribution Date; and

     (b)  for any Group 2 Issuer, an amount equal to the lesser of:

          (i)  (only if relevant) the principal amount due on the Intercompany
               Loan of such Issuer which is an amount equal to the Controlled
               Amortization Amount due, if any, on the Payment Date for Group
               2 Issuers immediately succeeding such Distribution Date
               (excluding any amount calculated in accordance with paragraph
               1(B)(a)); and


          (a)  subject as provided in paragraphs (2) through (8) below, for
               the purpose only of determining the amount of Issuer Allocable
               Principal Receipts which may be allocated and paid to the
               relevant Group 1 Issuer or Group 2 Issuer (but not to any other
               Issuer) in accordance with this paragraph (1), following an
               enforcement of the Issuer Security relating to that Issuer the
               amount so determined may be increased to the extent of the
               aggregate of any amounts standing to the credit of the Issuer
               Liquidity Reserve Ledger, if any, and the Issuer Reserve Fund
               Ledger of that Issuer remaining on the relevant Payment Date
               after the application of such reserve funds in accordance with
               the Funding Pre-Enforcement Revenue Priority of Payments; and


          (b)  for the purposes only of determining the amount of Group 1
               Shared Issuer Principal Receipts and Group 2 Shared Issuer
               Principal Receipts in accordance with paragraph (6) below,
               Issuer Allocable Principal Receipts (in respect of a Group 1
               Issuer) shall be an amount equal to the amount calculated in
               accordance with paragraphs 1(A)(a) and (1)(A)(b)(ii) and
               paragraph (1)(A)(b)(i) shall not apply and (in respect of a
               Group 2 Issuer) shall be an amount equal to the amount
               calculated in accordance with paragraphs (1)(B)(a) and
               (1)(B)(b)(ii) above paragraph (1)(B)(b)(i) above shall not

     (2)  If the Notes of any Issuer have become immediately due and payable
          as a result of the service of a Note Enforcement Notice or if the
          Intercompany Loan of any Issuer and the other Intercompany Loans of
          any other Issuers have become immediately due and payable as a
          result of the service of an Intercompany Loan Enforcement Notice or
          otherwise on any Payment Date following the occurrence of any Asset
          Trigger Event, principal payments in respect of any Intercompany
          Loan may be made in excess of any Controlled Amortisation Amount and
          paragraphs (1)(A)(a) and 1(A)(b)(i) (in respect of a Group 1
          Issuer), or paragraphs (1)(B)(a) and 1(B)(b)(i) above (in respect of
          a Group 2 Issuer) shall no longer apply in relation to that Issuer
          and the amount of Issuer Allocable Principal Receipts payable to
          that Issuer on the relevant Payment Date may not exceed the amount
          determined under paragraphs (1)(A)(b)(ii) and (1)(B)(b)(ii) above
          (save that no deduction shall be made from Funding Available
          Principal Receipts) but subject always to any increase in that
          amount as a result of the utilisation of the Issuer Reserve Fund and
          the Issuer Liquidity Reserve Fund (if any) following enforcement of
          the Issuer Security relating to that Issuer as provided in that
          paragraph. Following the occurrence of any Non-Asset Trigger Event
          (but prior to the occurrence of an Asset Trigger Event), (1) the
          reference in paragraph (1)(A)(a)(ii) and (1)(B)(a)(ii) above to the
          "Controlled Amortization Amount due on such Money Market Note" shall
          be deemed to refer to the "Outstanding Principal Balance of such
          Money Market Note", and (2) paragraph (1)(A)(b)(i) above (in respect
          of a Group 1 Issuer), or paragraph (1)(B)(b)(i) above (in respect of
          a Group 2 Issuer) shall no longer apply in relation to the relevant
          Issuer and the amount of Issuer Allocable Principal Receipts payable
          to that Issuer on the relevant Payment Date may not exceed the
          amount determined under paragraph (1)(A)(b)(ii) above (in respect of
          a Group 1 Issuer) and (1)(B)(b)(ii) above (in respect of a Group 2
          Issuer, subject to the same qualifications set forth in the
          immediately preceding paragraph.

     (3)  For the purpose of determining the amount of Issuer Allocable
          Principal Receipts and/or any Group 1 Shared Issuer Principal
          Receipts or Group 2 Shared Issuer Principal Receipts which may be
          paid to any Issuer on a Payment Date pursuant to paragraph (1) above
          or paragraph (6) below, the Outstanding Principal Balance of the
          relevant Intercompany Loan shall be deemed to be reduced by the
          amount of:

          (A)  any deficiency recorded on the Issuer Principal Deficiency
               Ledger of the relevant Issuer as at the relevant Payment Date,
               but only to the extent that such deficiency has arisen as a
               result of (i) losses on the


               Mortgage Loans allocated by Funding to that Issuer and/or (ii)
               the application of Funding Available Principal Receipts to fund
               the Issuer Liquidity Reserve Fund of that Issuer but not as a
               result of any other principal deficiency of that Issuer; and

          (B)  the Outstanding Principal Balance as at such Payment Date of
               any Special Repayment Notes issued by that Issuer.

     (4)  The amount of Funding Available Principal Receipts payable to each
          Issuer on a Payment Date will be reduced by an amount equal to the
          aggregate of the Issuer Available Revenue Receipts of that Issuer
          which are to be applied on that Payment Date in reducing
          deficiencies recorded on the Issuer Principal Deficiency Ledgers,
          but only to the extent that the Issuer Available Revenue Receipts
          which are to be so applied on that Payment Date would not otherwise
          be payable as principal on the relevant Notes on such Payment Date.

     (5)  No Issuer shall be entitled to, or shall receive on a Payment Date,
          any amount of Issuer Allocable Principal Receipts from Funding which
          is not required by that Issuer to make a payment on that date in
          accordance with the relevant Issuer Pre-Enforcement Principal
          Priority of Payments or otherwise to make a payment of principal on
          the Notes.

     (6)  (A)  The portion of Issuer Allocable Principal Receipts
               (calculated in accordance with paragraph 1(A)(b)(ii) above), if
               any, not required to be applied by a Group 1 Issuer to pay
               principal on the Notes on a Payment Date for Group 1 Issuers
               together with the portion of Issuer Allocable Principal
               Receipts relating to all other Group 1 Issuers not required to
               be so applied by such other Group 1 Issuers (or otherwise
               required to be set aside by Funding for any Group 1 Issuer) on
               that Payment Date (excluding the amount of any Group 1 Issuer
               Reserve Fund or Issuer Liquidity Reserve Fund (if any) of any
               Group 1 Issuer), shall constitute "Group 1 Shared Issuer
               Principal Receipts". Group 1 Shared Issuer Principal Receipts
               will be reallocated by the Cash Manager and distributed on such
               Payment Date among the Group 1 Issuers until there are no
               remaining amounts of Group 1 Shared Issuer Principal Receipts
               to be reallocated and distributed on such Payment Date. Save as
               provided in paragraph (2) above, if there is more than one
               Group 1 Issuer that is entitled to Group 1 Shared Issuer
               Principal Receipts, then each such Issuer will be reallocated a
               portion of the Group 1 Shared Issuer Principal Receipts equal

                                                             Outstanding Principal Balance of
                                                             the Intercompany Loan of such Group 1 Issuer
        amount of Shared Group 1 Issuer Principal Receipts x --------------------------------------------
                                                             Aggregate Outstanding Principal Balance of
                                                             the Intercompany Loans of all Group 1 Issuers

          (B)  The portion of Issuer Allocable Principal Receipts (calculated
               in accordance with paragraph (1)(B)(b)(ii) above), if any, not
               required to be applied by a Group 2 Issuer to pay principal of
               the Notes on a Payment Date for Group 2 Issuers together with
               the portion of Issuer Allocable Principal Receipts relating to
               all other Group 2 Issuers not


               required to be so applied by such other Group 2 Issuers (or
               otherwise required to be set aside by Funding for any Group 2
               Issuer) on that Payment Date (excluding the amount of any
               Issuer Reserve Fund or Issuer Liquidity Reserve Fund (if any)
               of any Group 2 Issuer) shall constitute "Group 2 Shared Issuer
               Principal Receipts". Group 2 Shared Issuer Principal Receipts
               will be reallocated by the Cash Manager and distributed on such
               Payment Date among the Group 2 Issuers until there are no
               remaining amounts of Group 2 Shared Issuer Principal Receipts
               to be reallocated and distributed on such Payment Date. Save as
               provided in paragraph (2) above, if there is more than one
               Group 2 Issuer that is entitled to Group 2 Shared Issuer
               Principal Receipts, then each such Group 2 Issuer will be
               reallocated a portion of the Group 2 Shared Issuer Principal
               Receipts equal to:

                                                             Outstanding Principal Balance of
                                                             the Intercompany Loan of such Group 2 Issuer
        Amount of Shared Group 2 Issuer Principal Receipts x --------------------------------------------
                                                             Aggregate Outstanding Principal Balance of
                                                             the Intercompany Loans of all Group 2 Issuers

          (7)  The repayment of any Intercompany Loan prior to the occurrence
               of a Trigger Event, enforcement of the Issuer Security by the
               Note Trustee under the relevant Issuer Deed of Charge or
               enforcement of the Funding Security by the Security Trustee
               under the Funding Deed of Charge will be made in accordance
               with the terms of the relevant Intercompany Loan Agreement.

          (8)  The Cash Manager will distribute only Group 1 Available
               Principal Receipts on each Payment Date for Group 1 Issuers and
               only Group 2 Available Principal Receipts on each Payment Date
               for Group 2 Issuers. No payment may be made to Group 1 Issuers
               from Group 2 Available Principal Receipts and no payment may be
               made to Group 2 Issuers from Group 2 Available Principal


                                   Part III

                 Funding Post-Enforcement Priority of Payments

At any time after the security created under the Funding Deed of Charge has
become enforceable in accordance with Clause 7.2 (Enforceable) thereof and
provided that the Intercompany Loan Enforcement Notice has not been withdrawn,
all Funding Available Revenue Receipts, Funding Available Principal Receipts and
all other monies paid to or received or recovered by or on behalf of Funding or
the Security Trustee or any Receiver appointed on its behalf, including all
proceeds following any sale, realisation or enforcement of the security created
under the Funding Deed of Charge and all amounts not previously distributed
and/or standing to the credit of any Funding Bank Account and all monies
standing to the credit of the Funding Reserve Ledger (if any) shall (if not
already received by the Security Trustee) be paid to and held by the Security
Trustee on trust to apply the same (save to the extent required otherwise by
applicable law) in accordance with the rules and the order of priority of the
Funding Post-Enforcement Priority of Payments.

The Security Trustee (or the Cash Manager on its behalf) will, subject to the
rules for application of Funding Available Principal Receipts and Funding
Available Revenue Receipts set out in Part I and Part II of this Schedule, apply
all such amounts received or recovered following enforcement of the Funding
Security on each Payment Date in accordance with the following order of priority
(the "Funding Post-Enforcement Priority of Payments"):

     (A)  first, from amounts standing to the credit of the Funding Expense
          Sub-Ledger in respect of such Payment Date, to pay amounts due to
          the Security Trustee and any Receiver appointed by the Security
          Trustee, together with interest and (to the extent not already
          inclusive) VAT on those amounts, and to provide for any amounts due
          or to become due to the Security Trustee and the Receiver in the
          following Interest Period under the Funding Deed of Charge or any
          other Transaction Document;

     (B)  second, from amounts standing to the credit of the Funding Expense
          Sub-Ledger in respect of such Payment Date, towards payment of
          amounts due and payable to the Cash Manager and any costs, charges,
          liabilities and expenses then due or to become due and payable to
          the Cash Manager under the Cash Management Agreement, together with
          (to the extent not already inclusive) VAT on those amounts;

     (C)  third, from amounts standing to the credit of the Funding Expense
          Sub-Ledger in respect of such Payment Date, (in no order of priority
          among them but in proportion to the respective amounts due) towards
          payment of amounts (if any) due to (i) the Account Bank under the
          terms of the Bank Account Agreement, (ii) to the Stand-by Account
          Bank under the Stand-by Bank Account Agreement and (iii) to the
          Corporate Services Provider under the Corporate Services Agreement;

     (D)  fourth,

          (1)  from Group 1 Available Revenue Receipts and Group 1 Available
               Principal Receipts in respect of each Payment Date for Group 1


               Issuers, (in no order of priority among them but in proportion
               to the respective amounts due) to each Group 1 Issuer its share
               of Issuer Allocable Revenue Receipts and Issuer Allocable
               Principal Receipts towards payment of amounts of interest,
               principal and fees due to such Group 1 Issuer under such
               Issuer's Intercompany Loan Agreement, which in the case of that
               Issuer shall be up to the aggregate amount of the amounts, and
               shall be applied in the amounts and priorities, as set forth in
               the Issuer Post-Enforcement Priority of Payments for that

          (2)  from Group 2 Available Revenue Receipts and Group 2 Available
               Principal Receipts in respect of each Payment Date for Group 2
               Issuers (in no order of priority among them but in proportion
               to the respective amounts due) to each Group 2 Issuer its
               Issuer Allocable Revenue Receipts and Issuer Allocable
               Principal Receipts, respectively, towards payment of amounts of
               interest, principal and fees due to such Group 2 Issuer under
               such Issuer's Intercompany Loan Agreement, which in the case of
               that Group 2 Issuer shall be up to the aggregate of the
               amounts, and shall be applied in the amounts and priorities, as
               set forth in the Issuer Post-Enforcement Priority of Payments
               for that Issuer;

     (E)  fifth,

          (1)  from Group 1 Available Revenue Receipts and Group 1 Available
               Principal Receipts in respect of each Payment Date for Group 1
               Issuers, towards payment of amounts due to each Issuer Start-Up
               Loan Provider under the relevant Issuer Start-up Loan Agreement
               for each Group 1 Issuer;

          (2)  from Group 2 Available Revenue Receipts and Group 2 Available
               Principal Receipts in respect of each Payment Date for Group 2
               Issuers, towards the payment of amounts due to each Issuer
               Start-up Loan Provider under the relevant Issuer Start-up Loan
               Agreement for each Group 2 Issuer;

     (F)  sixth, from any remaining Funding Available Revenue Receipts (being
          the remaining Group 1 Available Revenue Receipts, the Group 1
          Available Principal Receipts, the Group 2 Available Revenue Receipts
          and the Group 2 Available Principal Receipts) in respect of such
          Payment Date, towards payment of any Deferred Contribution due to
          the Mortgages Trustee under the Mortgages Trust Deed; and

     (G)  last, to pay any amount remaining following the application of
          principal and revenue set forth in paragraphs (A) through (F) above,
          to Funding;

PROVIDED THAT, to the extent that there is a shortfall in the amounts standing
to the credit of the Funding Expense Sub-Ledger, amounts payable under (A)
through (C) above may also be paid from Group 1 Available Revenue Receipts or
Group 2 Available Revenue Receipts as applicable to the relevant Payment Date.


                                   APPENDIX 2

6.9  Utilisation of Issuer Reserves: Funding and the Cash Manager shall
     procure that, subject to and in accordance with the Funding Priority of
     Payments and further subject to any provisos set forth in (in the case of
     the First Issuer) Schedule 5 (Utilisation of Issuer Reserves) or, in the
     case of any New Issuer, Schedule I to the relevant Deed of Accession,
     amounts standing to the credit of the Issuer Reserve Fund Ledger or the
     Issuer Liquidity Reserve Ledger, if any, of any Issuer shall, for so long
     as such Issuer's Intercompany Loan remains outstanding, only be debited
     for the purpose of making payments falling due under the Intercompany
     Loan Agreement of such Issuer and then only for the purposes specified in
     (in the case of the First Issuer) Schedule 5 (Utilisation of Issuer
     Reserves) or, in the case on any New Issuer, Schedule I to the Deed of
     Accession; provided, however, that, as set forth in Rule (3) of the Rules
     for application of Funding Available Revenue Receipts, on the Payment
     Date following the repayment in full of the Intercompany Loan of the
     First Issuer or any New Issuer and provided that Funding has no further
     liability under the relevant Intercompany Loan Agreement, subject to any
     limits or conditions on the purposes for which the related Issuer Reserve
     Fund or Issuer Liquidity Reserve Fund, if any, may be utilized as set out
     in the Funding Deed of Charge, any remaining amounts standing to the
     credit of the Issuer Reserve Fund Ledger and the Issuer Liquidity Reserve
     Ledger, if any, of that Issuer will constitute additional Funding
     Available Revenue Receipts for the purpose of items (N) through (Q) of
     the Funding Pre-Enforcement Priority of Payments and may be utilized by
     Funding in paying any other liability of Funding (including, without
     limitation, payment of interest and principal amounts due to each
     Start-up Loan Provider under the relevant Start-up Loan Agreement and
     payment of any Deferred Contribution due to the Mortgages Trustee under
     the Mortgages Trust Deed), in each case, subject to and in accordance
     with the relevant Funding Priority of Payments.


                                   APPENDIX 3

1.   First Issuer Reserve Fund:

1.1  Prior to enforcement of the First Issuer Security, the First Issuer
     Reserve Fund shall only be applied on any Payment Date to increase that
     portion of Funding Available Revenue Receipts which are allocated to the
     First Issuer to make payments of interest and fees due under the Current
     Issuer Intercompany Loan;

     PROVIDED THAT, as set forth in Rule (3) of the Rules for application of
     Funding Available Revenue Receipts, on the Payment Date following the
     repayment in full of the First Issuer Intercompany Loan and provided that
     Funding has no further liability under the Intercompany Loan Agreement
     for the First Issuer, subject to any limits or conditions on the purposes
     for which the First Issuer Reserve Fund may be utilized as set out in the
     Funding Deed of Charge, any remaining amounts standing to the credit of
     the First Issuer Reserve Fund Ledger will constitute additional Funding
     Available Revenue Receipts for the purpose of items (N) through (Q) of
     the Funding Pre-Enforcement Priority of Payments and may be utilised by
     Funding in paying any other liability of Funding (including, without
     limitation, payment of interest and principal amounts due to the Start-up
     Loan Provider for the First Issuer under the Start-up Loan Agreement for
     the First Issuer and payment of any Deferred Contribution due to the
     Mortgages Trustee under the Mortgages Trust Deed), in each case subject
     to and in accordance with the relevant Funding Priority of Payments.

1.2  Following enforcement of the First Issuer Security, to the extent not
     applied on a Payment Date in accordance with 1.1 above, amounts standing
     to the credit of the First Issuer Reserve Fund Ledger shall only be
     applied in making payments of principal due under the First Issuer
     Intercompany Loan (but not in respect of any other Intercompany Loan of
     any New Issuer) to fund payments of principal due on the First Issuer
     Notes on any Payment Date.

2.   First Issuer Liquidity Reserve Fund:

2.1  Prior to enforcement of the First Issuer Security, the First Issuer
     Liquidity Reserve Fund (if any is required to be established) shall only
     be applied on any Payment Date to:

     (a)  increase that portion of Funding Available Revenue Receipts which
          are allocated to the First Issuer to pay amounts due under the First
          Issuer Intercompany Loan, but only to the extent necessary to fund
          the payment by the First Issuer of interest and fees due on the
          relevant Payment Date in respect of the Class A Notes and/or the
          Class B Notes and to credit the Class A Principal Deficiency Sub
          Ledger; and

     (b)  (provided that there are no Class A Notes outstanding) increase
          Funding Available Revenue Receipts which are allocated to the First
          Issuer to pay interest and fees due on the First Issuer Intercompany

     PROVIDED THAT, as set forth in Rule (3) of the Rules for application of
     Funding Available Revenue Receipts, on the Payment Date following the
     repayment in full of the First Issuer Intercompany Loan and provided that
     Funding has no further liability


     under the Intercompany Loan Agreement for the First Issuer, subject to
     any limits or conditions on the purposes for which the First Issuer
     Liquidity Reserve Fund may be utilized as set out in the Funding Deed of
     Charge, any remaining amounts standing to the credit of the First Issuer
     Liquidity Reserve Ledger, if any, will constitute additional Funding
     Available Revenue Receipts for the purpose of items (N) through (Q) of
     the Funding Pre-Enforcement Priority of Payments and may be utilised by
     Funding in paying any other liability of Funding (including, without
     limitation, payment of interest and principal amounts due to the Start-up
     Loan Provider for the First Issuer under the Start-up Loan Agreement for
     the First Issuer and payment of any Deferred Contribution due to the
     Mortgages Trustee under the Mortgages Trust Deed), in each case subject
     to and in accordance with the relevant Funding Priority of Payments.

2.2  Following enforcement of the First Issuer Security, to the extent not
     applied on a Payment Date in accordance with 2.1 above, amounts standing
     to the credit of the First Issuer Liquidity Reserve Ledger shall only be
     applied in making payments of principal due under the First Issuer
     Intercompany Loan (but not in respect of any other Intercompany Loan of
     any New Issuer) in order to fund payments of principal due on the First
     Issuer Notes on any Payment Date.
