Exhibit 10.7

                                Dated: [ ] 2008

                          BEDELL TRUST COMPANY LIMITED




                                BARCLAYS BANK PLC

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          CORPORATE SERVICES AGREEMENT

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 Bedell Cristin
                                  26 New Street
                                   St. Helier
                                 Channel Islands

THIS AGREEMENT is made on [ ] two thousand and eight.


(1)   BEDELL TRUST COMPANY LIMITED a company  incorporated in Jersey whose
      registered office is situate at 26 New Street,  St. Helier, Jersey,
      Channel Islands (the "Service Provider"); and

      Jersey whose  registered  office is situate at 26 New Street, St. Helier,
      Jersey, Channel Islands as aforesaid (the "Company"); and

(3)   BARCLAYS BANK PLC a company incorporated in England whose registered
      office is situate at [1 Churchill place, London E14 5HP] ("Barclays").


(A)   The Company was incorporated in Jersey on 7 September 2007 for the
      purpose of participating in a financing programme relating to certain
      receivables originated or to be originated by Barclays, through its
      business unit, Barclaycard.

(B)   The Company requires corporate administration services to be provided
      to it in Jersey and the Service Provider is willing to provide or
      arrange the provision of such services as specified in the Schedule
      hereto on the terms hereinafter set out.



1.    (a)  "Delegate" shall mean and include the Partnerships together with
           any or all of the respective officers, employees, servants,
           successors, assigns or duly appointed agents of each of the Service
           Provider and the Partnerships.

      (b)  "Island" shall mean the Island of Jersey, Channel Islands.

      (c)  "MLO" shall mean the Money Laundering (Jersey) Order 1999 and any
           other applicable regulations from time to time relating to
           prevention of use of the financial system for the purpose of money
           laundering and made pursuant to the Proceeds of Crime (Jersey) Law

      (d)  "the Partnerships" shall mean the partners for the time being of (i)
           Bedell Cristin, Jersey Advocates and (ii) the Bedell Group
           Partnership ("Bedell Group").

      (e)  "Services" shall mean the services to be provided by the Service
           Provider pursuant to this Agreement as set out in the Schedule

      (f)  "Transaction" shall mean the securitisation programme for the
           purposes of which the Company was established.

      (g)  "Documents" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Issuing
           Entity Master Framework Agreement to be made between, inter alios,
           Barclays and the Company, dated on or about [   ] 2008.

           Unless otherwise defined herein, terms and expressions defined in
           the Issuing Entity Master Framework Agreement shall bear the same
           meaning when used in this Agreement.



2.1   The Company hereby appoints the Service Provider to provide or procure
      the provision of the Services and the Service Provider agrees to
      provide or procure the provision of the Services to the Company.

2.2   Barclays acknowledges and agrees to such appointment upon the terms of
      this Agreement. Barclays shall not acquire any rights or incur any
      liabilities hereunder except as expressly stated herein.

2.3   The obligations of the Service Provider under this Agreement are solely
      the obligations of the Service Provider. No recourse shall be had in
      respect of any obligation or claim arising out of or based upon this
      Agreement or any relevant Transaction Document against any employee,
      officer, director, nominee or Delegate of the Service Provider save
      where the claim, demand, liability, cost or expense in connection
      therewith arises from the fraud, bad faith, wilful misconduct or gross
      negligence of such employee, officer, director, nominee or Delegate of
      the Service Provider.


3.    The Service Provider agrees with the Company and Barclays that in
      providing the Services it will comply with any proper instructions,
      directions or orders communicated in writing or by facsimile which may
      from time to time be given to the Service Provider by the Company or
      any director of the Company PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT in cases approved in
      advance by the Company the Service Provider may also act on oral
      instructions given by any director of the Company.


4.    In the performance of the Services the Service Provider may engage at
      its own expense any Delegate to carry out any or all of its duties
      hereunder as it thinks fit without requiring any prior authorisation.


5.1   Notwithstanding the Services agreed to be provided by the Service
      Provider hereunder, nothing in this Agreement shall require the Service
      Provider or any Delegate to act in any manner which they consider or
      any one of them considers may:-

      (a)  conflict with any of the provisions of the Company's Memorandum and
           Articles of Association;

      (b)  conflict with any laws or regulations in force in the Island
           or the terms of any permits consents licences or applicable
           Codes of Practice issued thereunder by any competent authority
           in the Island and binding on or having effect in relation to
           the Company or the Service Provider; and/or

      (c)  expose the Service Provider or any Delegate to any risk of civil or
           criminal liability or prosecution in any jurisdiction.

5.2   The Company agrees and acknowledges:

      (a)  that it will be responsible for compliance with MLO in the conduct
           of its business where applicable; and

      (b)  that, for the purposes of MLO:


           (i)     the Service Provider will retain any client
                   identification verification records provided to it by
                   the Company from time to time with the corporate
                   records of the Company;

           (ii)    the employee or agent of the Bedell Group for the time
                   being discharging the functions of the money
                   laundering reporting officer for the Service Provider
                   will be the person to whom any relevant report should
                   be made by any Delegate handling relevant financial
                   services business for the Company and the procedures
                   adopted in that connection shall be those from time to
                   time prescribed by the Bedell Group or Service
                   Provider; and

           (iii)   MLO employee training procedures in respect of
                   Delegates shall be those procedures adopted in that
                   connection from time to time by the Bedell Group or
                   Service Provider.

      (c)  that, during the continuance of this Agreement, the Company and/or
           Barclays shall:

           (i)     provide the Service Provider with all such
                   information, documentation and records as the Service
                   Provider may reasonably require to enable it to
                   perform its duties hereunder;

           (ii)    keep the Service Provider fully informed as to any
                   change in the business, affairs, financial position
                   and prospects of the Company which is or is likely to
                   be material to the Service Provider; and

           (iii)   neither cause nor permit anything to be done which
                   will or may be calculated to impose any civil or
                   criminal liability or penalty on the Service Provider
                   or any Delegate unless such liability or penalty is
                   related to the fraud, bad faith, wilful misconduct or
                   gross negligence of the Service Provider or any


6.    The Service Provider is not an expert in, nor does it hold itself or
      the Partnerships out as being experts in or having any knowledge of,
      the law of any jurisdiction other than the laws of the Island and each
      of the Company and Barclays hereby acknowledges that the Company has
      not received nor will it receive any advice from the Service Provider
      or the Partnerships on any matter affecting the Company, other than in
      respect of laws or regulations in force in the Island.


7.    The Company hereby acknowledges and agrees that the Service Provider
      (or either of the Partnerships on behalf of the Service Provider) will
      charge the Company fees, and authorises the Service Provider (or either
      of the Partnerships on its behalf) to obtain reimbursement from the
      Company of all disbursements reasonably incurred in connection with the
      provision of the Services, in each case as set out in a letter agreement
      of even date herewith between the Service Provider, and the Company
      and Barclays. The amount of such fees may be adjusted from time to time
      in accordance with any revised scale of charges generally applicable to
      the provision of services similar to the Services as the Service Provider
      may from time to time notify to the Company and Barclays at least one
      calendar month prior to such increased charges taking effect. For the
      avoidance of doubt it is hereby agreed that the Service Provider shall
      not be bound to make disbursement of expenses on behalf of the Company
      and may require to be put in funds to meet any such expenses as it may
      determine. Such fees shall be paid and expenses reimbursed by Barclays
      within thirty days of receipt of the Service Provider's invoice unless
      previously paid and reimbursed by the Company.



8.    The Company acknowledges that if any fees and disbursements payable
      hereunder shall remain outstanding for more than thirty days after
      notification of the amount of such fees and disbursements has been sent
      to the Company (or its agent responsible for processing payment
      thereof) neither the Service Provider nor any Delegate shall be
      required to perform any further Services for the Company including
      without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing filing the annual
      return of shareholders or filing the Jersey Exempt Company Tax Return
      for the Company until all such fees and disbursements have been paid in


9.    The Service Provider hereby agrees that it shall not prior to the date
      which is five years and one day after the discharge in full of all
      obligations of the Company under the Documents take any corporate
      action or other legal steps or legal proceedings for the bankruptcy,
      winding up, dissolution, re-organisation, appointment of a receiver,
      administrator, administrative receiver, liquidator, sequestrator or
      similar officer of the Company or of any or all of the revenues and
      assets of the Company nor participate in any proceedings nor seek to
      enforce any judgment against the Company except in accordance with the
      provisions of the Documents.


10.   (1)  If at any time during the term of this Agreement the
           Service Provider or any Delegate may have or be deemed to have
           information about any transaction or matter affecting the
           Company neither the Service Provider nor any such Delegate
           shall be under any duty to disclose any such information to
           the Company if the Service Provider or such Delegate shall
           have obtained such information in the course of acting for any
           other clients or in any way other than in the provision of the
           Services under this Agreement.

      (2)  The Service Provider shall keep confidential and shall procure
           that its Delegates shall keep confidential all information
           concerning the Company and all transactions or matters dealt
           with by the Documents unless the Service Provider or any
           Delegate is required to disclose the same under the Documents
           or under the laws of the Island or pursuant to the order of
           any Jersey court or other court or regulatory authority having
           jurisdiction in any such transaction or matter; or (b) the
           Service Provider requires to disclose the same to its
           professional advisers who receive the same under a duty of
           confidentiality, or (c) the relevant information is already in
           the public domain otherwise than as a result of a breach of
           this provision.


11.   (1)  The services of the Service Provider to the Company
           hereunder are not to be deemed exclusive and the Service
           Provider shall be free to render similar services to any other
           person for so long as its services hereunder are not impaired
           thereby and shall not be liable to account for any profits
           arising therefrom.

      (2)  The Company hereby acknowledges that the Service Provider is
           ultimately owned by the Bedell Group (which has some partners
           in common with Bedell Cristin) and agrees that the Service
           Provider provides the Services in the full knowledge that
           either of the Partnerships may have acted (or may hereafter
           act) for the Company or an arranger of the Transaction
           contemplated by the Documents.


12.  (1)   This Agreement and the Services to be performed hereunder may be

           (a)     on one month's notice in writing given by the Service
                   Provider to the Company; or


           (b)     on one month's notice in writing given by the Company to
                   the Service Provider.

      (2)  This Agreement shall be terminated immediately on written
           notice from the Service Provider to the Company if the Service
           Provider shall consider any of the following events to have

           (a)     the Company becomes insolvent or is declared en
                   desastre (bankrupt) or is subject to a creditors'
                   (insolvent) winding-up in Jersey or is subject to any
                   analogous procedure in any other jurisdiction;

           (b)     the Company and/or Barclays commits any breach of the
                   terms of this Agreement which is incapable of remedy
                   or commits any other breach which is capable of remedy
                   but fails to remedy such breach after the Service
                   Provider has given at least thirty days' notice in
                   writing to the Company and Barclays requiring such
                   breach to be remedied; and/or

           (c)     any changes are made to the terms of any of the
                   Documents which affect the duties and obligations of
                   the Company thereunder and which changes are expected
                   to have a material adverse affect on the Service
                   Provider or the Partnerships unless any such change
                   has been previously approved by the Service Provider.

      (3)  Upon the termination of this Agreement howsoever occurring,
           the Service Provider shall be entitled to resign, or procure
           the resignation of any Delegate, from each office and
           position held in relation to the Company including without
           prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the resignation
           of the secretary and the directors provided by the Service
           Provider and the Company shall forthwith notify the Service
           Provider of:-

           (a)     an address to be the new registered office of the
                   Company in Jersey in substitution for the Service
                   Provider's address;

           (b)     an address to which all the books and records of the
                   Company may be transferred provided always that the
                   Service Provider on behalf of the Partnerships shall
                   have a lien on all such books, records and documents
                   of the Company until all fees and disbursements up to
                   the date of termination of the Agreement have been
                   paid; and

           (c)     the names of at least two persons into whose names the
                   shares in the Company shall be transferred.

      (4)  Upon the termination of this Agreement howsoever occurring,
           the Service Provider and the Bedell Group shall use their best
           endeavours to assist in the orderly transfer of the
           administration of the Company and shall be entitled to charge
           and be paid fees to the date of termination and at their
           respective normal rates in force at that time for any work
           done in transferring the administration of the Company.


13.   (1)  The Service Provider and any Delegate shall use their
           respective best endeavours and exercise due care in performing
           the Services but neither the Service Provider nor any Delegate
           shall, in the absence of any fraud, bad faith, wilful
           misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Service
           Provider or any Delegate, be liable to the Company or any
           other person for any loss or damage suffered arising out of
           the performance or non performance by the Service Provider or
           any Delegate of the Services.


      (2)  The Company and Barclays jointly and severally undertake
           (subject always in the case of the Company to the provisions
           of the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991) to indemnify and hold
           harmless the Service Provider and all Delegates against all
           actions, proceedings, accounts, claims or demands and any
           costs and expenses reasonably incurred in connection therewith
           which may be brought or made or threatened to be brought or
           made against the Service Provider or any Delegate in
           connection with the affairs of the Company including without
           prejudice to the generality of the foregoing in connection
           with the Services provided by the Service Provider or any
           Delegate hereunder save to the extent that any such liability
           shall have arisen solely from the fraud, bad faith, wilful
           misconduct or gross negligence of the Service Provider or any
           Delegate. This indemnity shall continue in force
           notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement and shall
           continue as to a person who has ceased to be a director,
           officer, agent or other Delegate and shall inure to the
           benefit of the heirs, executors and administrators of such a
           person. To the extent necessary to give effect to the
           intention of the parties, the parties agree that the Service
           Provider shall hold the benefit of these indemnities in trust
           for such Delegates or other such persons not party to this

      (3)  Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing Barclays
           hereby waives any future claims (whether in contract, tort or
           otherwise) which may otherwise arise against any Delegate
           arising out of or as a result of such Delegate holding office
           as a director of the Company save to the extent that such
           claim shall have arisen solely from the fraud, bad faith,
           wilful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the
           Delegate who is sought to be made liable.


14.   After termination of this Agreement, the Service Provider is entitled to
      retain all papers and documents which have come into existence in the
      course of it providing the Services until all fees and disbursements due
      to it have been settled in full. Subject to payment in full of all fees
      and disbursements, the Service Provider will where a successor
      administrator has been appointed liaise with that administrator to
      provide all such original or copy documents as may be reasonably
      required by the successor administrator and will retain copies of
      documents at its discretion. The Service Provider reserves the right to
      require payment for its reasonable copying charges in advance of
      providing such documents. Thereafter, the Service Provider will keep all
      documents, correspondence, memoranda and notes which have been created
      in the course of provision of the Services, for ten years. During this
      period the Service Provider reserves the right, but has no obligation,
      to make electronic copies of any such documents, correspondence,
      memoranda and notes and, save for original signed documents, reserves the
      right to destroy hard copies and store the remainder of the filing
      electronically. After ten years continued retention (whether in
      electronic form or otherwise) of files of papers and documents (other
      than originals) is subject to the Service Provider's right to destroy
      all such files at such time as it considers appropriate and unless it
      has been instructed to the contrary at or prior to the termination of
      provision of the Services. When the Service Provider is instructed to
      retain files beyond the ten year period, it reserves the right to charge
      for doing so. If after the termination of provision of the Services the
      Service Provider receives from any person entitled to do so a specific
      request for information concerning a matter in relation to the provision
      of the Services and/or a request to retrieve specific documents and other
      papers, the Service Provider reserves the right to charge for such


15.      Any notice to be given by any party to this Agreement to any other
         should be sent by post or by fax (at the sender's option) to the
         recipient at its address or fax number set out under its signature
         below (or at such other address or fax number as shall have been
         notified in writing for such purpose by the recipient). Any such notice
         shall be deemed to have been served (if posted) three business days
         after posting or (if sent by fax) on production by the sender's fax
         machine of a confirmation of transmission in full.



16.   Any amendment, variation or waiver of the terms of this Agreement shall
      be made in writing and shall be signed by or on behalf of each of the
      parties hereto.


17.   This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, and by
      the different parties hereto on the same or separate counterparts, each
      of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which when taken
      together shall constitute one and the same agreement.


18.   The Service Provider shall not be entitled to assign all or any of its
      rights or benefits or to transfer any of its obligations hereunder
      provided that the Service Provider shall be entitled to delegate the
      performance of the Services pursuant to Clause 4.


19.   This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
      the laws of Jersey and the parties submit to the non exclusive
      jurisdiction of the courts of Jersey in all matters arising out of or
      in connection with this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have entered into this Agreement on the
date first above written.



Services to be provided by the Service Provider are as follows:-

(1)   perform all general company secretarial, registrar and company
      administration services for the Company (other than (a) any services to
      be performed in connection with the listing or maintenance of the
      listing of any securities of the Company and (b) such services as shall
      be rendered to the Company pursuant to the Documents), including the
      provision of at least two directors of the Company each of whom shall
      be resident in the United Kingdom;

(2)   as and when requested by any director or the auditors, provide the
      directors or the auditors (as the case may be) with such information in
      connection with the Company as may be in the possession of the Service
      Provider or as may be reasonably obtained by it;

(3)   keep duplicate copy accounts of the Company provided by the directors
      (provided always that the Service Provider shall have no responsibility
      for verifying the accuracy thereof and shall rely upon the information
      provided by the directors) and such books and records as are required
      by any applicable law or otherwise for the proper conduct of the
      affairs of the Company and, upon instructions from the directors,
      prepare for forwarding to members of the Company all statements and
      notices which the board is required to issue, send or serve in
      accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company;

(4)   give any necessary directions and information as instructed by the
      directors to any agents appointed by the directors pursuant to the
      Articles of Association of the Company;

(5)   provide an adequate staff and other facilities in the Island (including
      the provision of the Company's registered office) for efficiently
      performing its functions as Service Provider and carrying on its duties

(6)   keep the common seal of the Company and the register of shareholders,
      issue share certificates, effect transfers and file timeously (insofar
      as the directors have duly approved, signed and delivered the same and
      monies in respect of applicable fees are made available) the Annual
      Return of shareholders, annual applications for exempt company status
      and any other applicable statutory returns and exempt company tax
      filings in the Island;

(7)   arrange for the convening of shareholders' and directors' meetings of
      the Company as and when required, and provide facilities for holding
      such meetings in the United Kingdom and prepare and keep minutes of
      such meetings;

(8)   accept service of process and any other documents or notices to be served
      on the Company in the Island; and

(9)   provide such other corporate administration services as may be required
      by the Company from time to time and agreed by the Service Provider.


SIGNED by                                    )
for and on behalf of BEDELL TRUST            )
COMPANY LIMITED                              )

Address for Notices:   26 New Street
                       St. Helier
                       Jersey JE2 3RA

Fax:                   44 1534 814815

SIGNED by                                    )
for and on behalf of GRACECHURCH CARD        )
PROGRAMME FUNDING LIMITED:                   )

Address for Notices:   26 New Street,
                       St. Helier,
                       Jersey JE2 3RA

Fax:                   44 1534 814815

SIGNED by                                    )
for and on behalf of BARCLAYS BANK           )
PLC:                                         )

Address for Notices:   1 Churchill Place
                       E14 5HP

Attention:             Matt Dobson, Capital Issuance and Securitisation,
                       Barclays Treasury

Fax:                   44 20 7773 5539
