[CUNA Mutual Insurance Society letterhead]

March 26, 2010

Mr. Craig Ruckman
Division of Investment Management
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549

Re:    Form N-4 Registration Statement
       CUNA Mutual Variable Annuity Account; File Nos. 333-148426 and 811-08260

Dear Craig:

We respond to oral comments of the staff given March 19, 2010 regarding the
Registration Statement on Form N-4 of CUNA Mutual Variable Annuity Account
("Registrant"), which was filed on February 4, 2010 with the Securities and
Exchange Commission ("SEC") under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

1.  Comment: Clarify supplementally whether there are any third-party guarantees
    or support agreements for the MEMBERS Variable Annuity III contracts.

    Response: CUNA Mutual Insurance Society, the depositor, is the sole
    guarantor of these contracts.

2.  Comment: Clarify supplementally that the contract name on the front page of
    the prospectus is and will continue to be the name of the EDGAR class

    Response: Registrant confirms that MEMBERS Variable Annuity III is both the
    name of the contract and the EDGAR class identifier and Registrant has no
    current intent to change either name.

3.  Comment: Confirm that you are aware of the requirements of Rule 12h-7.

    Response: Registrant confirms.

4.  Comment: In the definition of the Foundation Account, clarify that the Ultra
    Series Bond Fund is also available to all contracts through a separate

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

5.  Comment: In the preamble to the expense examples, clarify which riders are
    mutually exclusive.

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

6.  Comment: Confirm whether the parenthetical above each expense example is

    Response: Registrant has corrected the disclosure above the second example.

7.  Comment: In the Summary explanation of the Foundation Account, clarify that
    the Ultra Series Bond Fund is available to all contracts through a separate

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

8.  Comment: In the Summary explanation of the Foundation Account, clarify that
    allocations to the Ultra Series Bond Fund subaccount do not count toward the
    required allocation (where applicable) to the Foundation Account.

Mr. Craig Ruckman
March 26, 2010
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    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

9.  Comment: Throughout the prospectus, clarify whether a specific percentage of
    a premium payment or a specific dollar amount is required to be allocated to
    the Foundation Account.

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

10. Comment: In the Summary explanation of the Foundation Account, bold the
    disclosure regarding termination of the benefit.

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

11. Comment: In the Summary explanation of withdrawals, clarify the
    circumstances under which the living benefits may terminate as a result of a

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

12. Comment: In the Summary explanation of the living benefits, include
    disclosure regarding the minimum charge period and clarify that violating
    the allocation restrictions will cause the benefits to terminate.

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

13. Comment: Under Description of the Contract, Transfer Privileges, clarify
    what transfers will cause the benefits to terminate.

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

14. Comment: Under Description of the Contract, Surrenders (Redemptions) and
    Partial Withdrawals, Partial Withdrawals, clarify that an owner can request
    a withdrawal from the Foundation Account but that such a request will
    terminate the living benefit.

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

15. Comment: Under Description of the Contract, Death Benefit Before the Payout
    Date, Death of an Owner, clarify to what options the second and third
    paragraph are referring.

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

16. Comment: Under Income Payout Options, Description of Income Payout Options,
    include a description of the factors an owner should consider in choosing an

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

17. Comment: Under Income Payout Options, Description of Income Payout Options,
    Option 1, disclose what happens to the residual contract value upon the
    death of the annuitant.

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

18. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector, provide a
    delineation between the Income Now and Income Later sections.

    Response: The prospectus currently provides headers for each of these
    sections (i.,e., "Features of the Income Now Option" and "Features of the
    Income Later Option"), which are noted in the Table of Contents.

19. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector, ensure all primary
    features of the benefit are clearly described, including how subsequent
    premium payments affect the lifetime benefit basis.

Mr. Craig Ruckman
March 26, 2010
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    Response: Registrant believes the prospectus clearly discloses these
    features. In particular, please note the disclosure regarding subsequent
    premium payments in the third bullet point under "OPTIONAL BENEFIT RIDERS,
    Income Protector, Important Considerations"; and the second and third
    paragraphs under "OPTIONAL BENEFIT RIDERS, Income Protector, Features of
    the Income Now Option, Lifetime Benefit Basis" and under "OPTIONAL BENEFIT
    RIDERS, Income Protector, Features of the Income Later Option, Lifetime
    Benefit Basis".

20. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector, provide a general
    description of the benefit before describing its features.

    Response: Please see "Description of the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
    Benefit Riders" following the definitions and preceding the discussion of
    the rider features.

21. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector and Principal
    Protector, provide cross reference to the Glossary definition of the
    Foundation Account.

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

22. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector, clarify how the
    amount of the settlement payments is determined under the Guaranteed
    Lifetime Withdrawal Settlement Payments and the Guaranteed Lifetime
    Withdrawal Benefit settlement.

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

23. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector, clarify how you
    determine lifetime withdrawals will continue past the anticipated payout

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

24. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector, Features of the
    Income Now/Income Later Option, Lifetime Benefit Basis, clarify whether
    there is a minimum guaranteed window period.

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

24. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector, Features of the
    Income Now/Income Later Option, Lifetime Benefit Basis, cross reference the
    excess withdrawal discussion.

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

25. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector, Income Now/Income
    Later, Lifetime Benefit Basis Step Up, clarify that step ups occur annually.

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

26. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector, Features of the
    Income Now/Income Later Option, Lifetime Benefit Basis Step Up, clarify the
    effect of an excess withdrawal on a step up.

    Response: While an excess withdrawal may reset the lifetime benefit basis
    on which the step up is based, it has no direct effect on the step-up
    feature. The effect of an excess withdrawal on the lifetime benefit basis
    is currently described in the prospectus.

27. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector, Features of the
    Income Now/Income Later Option, Lifetime Benefit Basis Step Up, clarify
    whether the owner might be subject to an increase in the rider charge only
    at election or also in subsequent years at time of automatic step up.

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

Mr. Craig Ruckman
March 26, 2010
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28. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector, ensure that the
    excess withdrawal discussion under Income Now and Income Later are the same.

    Response: The excess withdrawal discussion differs under these two options
    as a result of the non-lifetime withdrawal feature available in the
    Income Now option.

29. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector, clarify in the
    definition of a Non-Lifetime Withdrawal that it may only be taken once.

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

30. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector, Features of the
    Income Later Option, Withdrawals in General, correct the disclosure
    regarding the minimum charge period.

    Response: Registrant has corrected the disclosure.

31. Comment: Confirm why the excess withdrawal disclosure under Optional Benefit
    Riders, Income Protector, Features of the Income Later Option, Simple
    Interest Benefit isn't also included under the Features of the Income Now

    Response: The excess withdrawal disclosure differs between these two options
    as a result of the non-lifetime withdrawal feature of the Income Now option.

32. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector, Features of the
    Income Later Option, Simple Interest Benefit, confirm the excess withdrawal
    calculation is accurate.

    Response: Registrant has corrected the disclosure.

33. Comment: Confirm whether examples of how the simple interest benefit works
    are provided in Appendix C.

    Response: Registrant confirms.

34. Comment: Correct the references to "SIBB Rate", "LBB" and "Benefit Basis"
    under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector, Features of the Income
    Later Option, Excess Withdrawals.

    Response: Registrant has corrected the disclosure.

35. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector, Features of the
    Income Later Option, Investment Restrictions, Benefit Allocation Plans,
    correct the reference to the Balanced Model in the first paragraph under the
    Benefit Allocation Plan/Foundation Account table.

    Response: Registrant has corrected the disclosure.

36. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector, Features of the
    Income Later Option, Investment Restrictions, clarify what happens when the
    Foundation Account value changes as a result of performance.

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

37. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Income Protector, confirm whether
    there are any cure rights for violation an investment restriction.

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

38. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Principal Protector, provide a
    clearer definition of "Benefit Period".

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March 26, 2010
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    Response: The definition of this term in the prospectus is consistent with
    that in the contract form. Additional context is given to this term by its
    use in the prospectus.

39. Comment: Correct the reference to Lifetime Benefit Basis under Optional
    Benefit Riders, Principal Protector, Definitions, Step-Up Anniversary and
    Step-Up Date.

    Response: Registrant has corrected the disclosure.

40. Comment: Correct the tables and disclosure under Optional Benefit Riders,
    Principal Protector, Investment Restrictions and Benefit Allocation Plans.

    Response: Registrant has corrected the disclosure.

41. Comment: Consider moving the beneficiary IRA discussion under Optional
    Benefit Riders, Principal Protector, Investment Restrictions and Benefit
    Allocation Plans to a more appropriate location and correct the reference to
    a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider.

    Response: Registrant has deleted this duplicate beneficiary IRA discussion
    and corrected the disclosure.

42. Comment: Correct the reference to a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit
    rider under the Benefit Allocation Plans/Foundation Account table under
    Optional Benefit Riders, Principal Protector, Investment Restrictions and
    Benefit Allocation Plans.

    Response: Registrant has corrected the disclosure.

43. Comment: Correct the disclosure in the first paragraph under Optional
    Benefit Riders, Principal Protector, Benefit Basis.

    Response: Registrant has corrected the disclosure.

44. Comment: Correct the disclosure in the second bullet under Optional Benefit
    Riders, Principal Protector, Partial Withdrawals.

    Response: Registrant has corrected the disclosure.

44. Comment: Under Optional Benefit Riders, Principal Protector, Renewal and
    Conversion, confirm whether a new minimum charge period commences upon a

    Response: The prospectus currently indicates "A new Minimum Charge Period of
    seven years will begin as of the renewal date".

45. Comment: Correct the references to "deposit" and "withdrawals" in
    Appendix B.

    Response: Registrant has corrected the disclosure.

46. Comment: Add an example in Appendix C for when the investment performance
    decreases the value in the Foundation Account and other subaccounts, but the
    lifetime benefit basis remains the same.

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

47. Comment: Correct the percent allocated to the Foundation Account in
    Appendix C, Examples of how the Foundation Account works, Reset at Transfer.

    Response: Registrant believes the current disclosure is accurate.

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March 26, 2010
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48. Comment: Correct the reference to "=" in Appendix C, Examples of how the
    Foundation Account works, Step-up.

    Response: Registrant has corrected the disclosure.

49. Comment: Correct the references to "you" and "your" and to "137,500" in
    Appendix C, Examples of how the Foundation Account works, Withdrawals.

    Response: Registrant has corrected the references to "you" and "your", but
    believes the disclosure is otherwise accurate.

50. Comment: Confirm the prospectus discloses that the GALWA is reset based on
    the owners age at the time of step up as referenced in Appendix C, Income
    Now Option, Example 6.

    Response: Registrant confirms. Please see Optional Benefit Riders, Income
    Protector, Features of the Income Now/Income Later Option, Amount of Your

51. Comment: Correct the typo in Appendix C, Income Now Option, Example 8.

    Response: Registrant has corrected the disclosure.

52. Comment: Correct the typos in Appendix C, Income Later Option, Examples 3, 4
    and 5.

    Response: Registrant has corrected the disclosure.

53. Comment: Replace the last bullet point in each example under Appendix C,
    Conversion from a Principal Protector (Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation
    Benefit) to an Income Protector (Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit),
    Income Now/Income Later Option, with the following: "The Owner may take
    withdrawals of up to $X per year under the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
    Benefit. Please see the Income Now [Income Later] examples for illustrations
    of the effect of a step up on the GALWA."

    Response: Registrant has complied with this request.

54. Comment: Correct the header on Exhibit D.

    Response: Registrant has corrected the disclosure.

Registrant acknowledges that (1) the effectiveness of this filing does not
foreclose the SEC from taking any action with regard to the filing, (2) the
actions of the SEC or its staff do not relieve the Registrant from its
responsibility for the adequacy and accuracy of the disclosure in this filing
and (3) the Registrant may not assert those actions as a defense in any
proceeding initiated by the SEC or any person under the federal securities laws
of the United States.

I have provided a marked copy of the prospectus reflecting the changes in the
prospectus since the initial filing. Please direct any communications relating
to this filing to me at (608) 231-7495.

                                                               Very truly yours,

                                                               /s/ Kerry A. Jung

                                                               Kerry A. Jung
                                                               Lead Attorney


PROSPECTUS                                                           MAY 1, 2010
                         MEMBERS(R) VARIABLE ANNUITY III
                                    ISSUED BY
                          CUNA MUTUAL INSURANCE SOCIETY

In this Prospectus, you will find information you should know before investing.
Please read it carefully and keep it for future reference. The Contract is
available to individuals, or in connection with retirement plans, including
plans that qualify for special federal tax treatment under the Code.

The Contract offers you the opportunity to accumulate Contract Value and
provides for the payment of annuity benefits. Under certain conditions, you may
also to elect to have Purchase Payment Credits added to your Contract Value for
each purchase payment you make. The overall expenses of a Contract with Purchase
Payment Credits may be higher than a Contract that does not have Purchase
Payment Credits. You should know that over time and under certain circumstances
(such as an extended period of poor market performance), the costs associated
with the Purchase Payment Credits may exceed the sum of the Purchase Payment
Credits and any related earnings. You should consider this possibility before
electing that optional benefit.

The Contract is supported by the assets of the CUNA Mutual Variable Annuity
Account, a separate account of CUNA Mutual Insurance Society ("we", "our" or
"us"), which is divided into Subaccounts that each invest in a Fund. The
investment performance of the Subaccounts you select will affect your Contract
Value, as well as any Income Payments. You bear the entire investment risk on
any amounts you allocate to these Subaccounts. There is a Subaccount that
invests in each of the following Funds. This Prospectus is accompanied by a
current prospectus for these Funds.

Conservative Allocation Fund     VARIABLE INSURANCE FUNDS)                            CommodityRealReturn(R) Strategy
Moderate Allocation Fund         Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate Fund                 Portfolio
Aggressive Allocation Fund       Invesco V.I. Government Securities Fund              Total Return Portfolio
Money Market Fund                                                                     Global Bond Portfolio (Unhedged)
Bond Fund                        BLACKROCK VARIABLE SERIES FUND, INC.
High Income Fund                 BlackRock Global Allocation V.I. Fund                VAN KAMPEN LIFE INVESTMENT
Diversified Income Fund                                                               TRUST
Equity Income Fund               FRANKLIN TEMPLETON VARIABLE INSURANCE                Van Kampen Life Investment Trust
Large Cap Value Fund             PRODUCTS TRUST                                       Mid Cap Growth Portfolio
Large Cap Growth Fund            Franklin High Income Securities Fund                 Van Kampen Life Investment Trust
Mid Cap Fund (f/k/a Mid Cap      Franklin Income Securities Fund                      Growth and Income Portfolio
Value Fund)                      Mutual Global Discovery Securities Fund (f/k/a
Small Cap Fund (f/k/a Small      Mutual Discovery Securities Fund)
Cap Value Fund)
                                 Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap Fund(R)/VA
                                 Oppenheimer Main Street Fund(R)/VA
                                 PANORAMA SERIES FUND, INC.
                                 Oppenheimer International Growth Fund(R)/VA

  (1) There is a Subaccount that corresponds to each Ultra Series Fund's Class I
      and Class II shares.

The Statement of Additional Information ("SAI") contains additional information
about the Contract and the Variable Account. You will find its table of contents
on the last page of this Prospectus. The SAI has been filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and is incorporated by reference. You may obtain
a copy of the SAI dated May 1, 2010 free of charge by contacting us.
Additionally, the SEC maintains a website at http://www.sec.gov that contains
the SAI and other information.

Investment in a variable annuity contract is subject to risks, including the
possible loss of money. Unlike credit union and bank accounts, money invested in
the Variable Account is not insured. Money in the Variable Account is not
deposited in or guaranteed by any credit union or bank and is not guaranteed by
any government agency.

CUNA Brokerage Services, Inc. ("CBSI") serves as the principal underwriter and
distributor of the Contract. More information about CBSI is available at
http://www.finra.org through Financial Regulatory Authority Inc.'s ("FINRA")
BrokerCheck online tool or by calling 1-800-289-9999.

 The SEC has not approved or disapproved of these securities or passed upon the
                  adequacy or accuracy of this Prospectus. Any
              representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

GLOSSARY ...................................................................   1
EXPENSE TABLES .............................................................   3
 Owner Transaction Expenses.................................................   3
 Periodic Charges Other Than Fund Expenses..................................   4
 Range of Fund Expenses.....................................................   4
 Examples of Maximum Charges ...............................................   6
SUMMARY.....................................................................   6
 Who can purchase a Contract? ..............................................   6
 How does the "free look" or "right to examine" period work? ...............   6
 What purchase payments am I required or permitted to make? ................   6
 How does the Variable Account work?........................................   7
 How does the Fixed Account work? ..........................................   7
 Can I transfer my Contract Value among the Subaccounts? ...................   7
 Can I make a withdrawal from my Contract? .................................   7
 When will I receive a payout?..............................................   8
 Should I replace an existing contract with this Contract? .................   8
 Does the Contract offer any death benefits? ...............................   8
 Does the Contract offer any living benefits?...............................   8
 Are the Contract terms the same in every state? ...........................   8
 Are other types of annuity contracts available? ...........................   9
 What share class should I choose? .........................................   9
 Are there tax advantages to purchasing the Contract? ......................   9
 Are discounts or waivers available?........................................   9
 What charges will I pay?...................................................  10
 CUNA Mutual Insurance Society .............................................  11
 CUNA Mutual Variable Annuity Account.......................................  11
 The Funds..................................................................  11
 Availability of Funds .....................................................  14
 Servicing Fees ............................................................  14
 Voting Rights .............................................................  14
 Material Conflicts ........................................................  15
 Fund Substitution .........................................................  15
 The Fixed Account..........................................................  15
DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTRACT ................................................  16
 Issuance of a Contract ....................................................  16
 Right to Examine ..........................................................  16
 Classes ...................................................................  17
 Purchase Payments..........................................................  17
 Contract Value Increase Enhancement .......................................  18
 Extra Credit Plan..........................................................  18
 Allocation of Purchase Payments............................................  19
 Contract Value ............................................................  21
 Transfer Privileges .......................................................  22


  Surrenders (Redemptions) and Partial Withdrawals .......................... 24
  Contract Loans ............................................................ 26
  Death Benefit Before the Payout Date ...................................... 26
MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS........................................................ 27
  Payments .................................................................. 27
  Modification............................................................... 27
  Reports to Owners.......................................................... 28
  Change of Address Notification............................................. 28
  Inquiries ................................................................. 28
INCOME PAYOUT OPTIONS........................................................ 28
  Payout Date and Proceeds................................................... 28
  Election of Income Payout Options ......................................... 29
  Fixed Income Payments ..................................................... 29
  Variable Income Payments .................................................. 29
  Description of Income Payout Options ...................................... 29
  Death Benefit After the Payout Date........................................ 31
CHARGES AND DEDUCTIONS ...................................................... 31
  Surrender Charge (Contingent Deferred Sales Charge)........................ 31
  Transfer Processing Fee ................................................... 32
  Duplicate Contract Charge ................................................. 32
  Loan Interest Spread ...................................................... 32
  Research Fee .............................................................. 33
  Endorsement Charges ....................................................... 33
  Annual Contract Fee ....................................................... 33
  Mortality and Expense Risk Charge.......................................... 33
  Administrative Charge ..................................................... 33
  Enhanced Death Benefit Rider Charges....................................... 33
  Guaranteed Living Benefit Charges.......................................... 33
  Fund Expenses ............................................................. 34
  Premium Expense Charge .................................................... 34
  Other Taxes................................................................ 34
  Additional Information .................................................... 34
OPTIONAL DEATH BENEFITS...................................................... 34
  Maximum Anniversary Value Death Benefit.................................... 34
  3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit ......................................... 35
  Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit Rider...................................... 35
  Spouse Beneficiary Death Benefit Rider .................................... 35
AVAILABLE CONTRACT ENDORSEMENTS.............................................. 36
  Income Payment Increase Endorsement ....................................... 36
  Loan Account Endorsement................................................... 36
  Change of Annuitant Endorsement ........................................... 37
  Spousal Continuation Endorsement .......................................... 37
OPTIONAL BENEFIT RIDERS ..................................................... 38
  Income Protector........................................................... 38
     Features of the Income Now Option. ..................................... 41
     Features of the Income Later Option. ................................... 45


  Principal Protector.......................................................  52
DISTRIBUTION OF THE CONTRACT ...............................................  59
FEDERAL TAX MATTERS.........................................................  59
  Introduction..............................................................  60
  Tax Status of the Contract................................................  60
  Taxation of Annuities.....................................................  60
  Separate Account Charges .................................................  62
  Transfers, Assignments, or Exchanges of a Contract........................  62
  Withholding ..............................................................  62
  Multiple Contracts........................................................  62
  Taxation of Qualified Plans ..............................................  62
  Possible Charge for Our Taxes ............................................  64
  Other Tax Consequences ...................................................  64
LEGAL PROCEEDINGS ..........................................................  65
COMPANY HOLIDAYS ...........................................................  65
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS .......................................................  65
APPENDIX A FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS ............................................ A-1
DEATH BENEFITS ............................................................. B-1
GENERALLY ISSUED ON AND AFTER MAY 1, 2010................................... C-1
RIDERS GENERALLY ISSUED ON AND AFTER MAY 1, 2010............................ D-1
ISSUED AFTER APRIL 30, 2009 BUT BEFORE OCTOBER 19, 2009 .................... F-1
ISSUED AFTER NOVEMBER 23, 2008 BUT BEFORE MAY 1, 2009....................... G-1
ISSUED AFTER OCTOBER 28, 2007 BUT BEFORE NOVEMBER 24, 2008 ................. H-1
AFTER OCTOBER 29, 2006 BUT BEFORE OCTOBER 29, 2007.......................... I-1
OCTOBER 30, 2006 ........................................................... J-1
ISSUED AFTER OCTOBER 19, 2009 BUT BEFORE MAY 1, 2010 ....................... K-1
ISSUED AFTER APRIL 30, 2009 BUT BEFORE OCTOBER 19, 2009 .................... L-1
ISSUED AFTER NOVEMBER 23, 2008 BUT BEFORE MAY 1, 2009....................... M-1
ISSUED AFTER OCTOBER 29, 2006 BUT BEFORE NOVEMBER 24, 2008 ................. N-1
BEFORE OCTOBER 30, 2006..................................................... O-1



A unit of measure used to calculate Variable Contract Value.

The person or persons named in the application and on whose life the first
Income Payment is to be made. No more than two Annuitants may be named. Only
spouses may be joint Annuitants, unless otherwise allowed by state law.
Provisions referring to the death of an Annuitant mean the death of the last
surviving Annuitant.


One or more specific Subaccounts of the Variable Account, a Fixed Account or a
model allocation of Subaccounts of the Variable account to which Contract Value
must be allocated while a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or Guaranteed
Minimum Accumulation Benefit is in effect.

The Benefit Basis is the amount upon which your Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
Benefit or the amount, up to $1 million, upon which your Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit is based. It should not be confused with your Contract
Value or Surrender Value.

The person or persons to whom the proceeds payable on the death of an Annuitant
will be paid.

The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

MEMBERS Variable Annuity III.

The same date in each Contract Year as the Contract Issue Date.

The date shown on the Data Page of the Contract which is also used to determine
Contract Years and Contract Anniversaries.

The sum of the Variable Contract Value, the Fixed Contract Value, the Purchase
Payment Credits, if applicable, and the value in the Loan Account.

An amount we will add to an Owner's Contract Value when the Owner makes a
purchase payment and the Owner's cumulative Net Purchase Payments equal or
exceed $500,000.

A twelve-month period beginning on a Contract Issue Date or a Contract

Pages attached to your Contract that describe certain terms applicable to your
specific Contract.

Proof of death satisfactory to us. Such proof may consist of the following if
acceptable to us:

  (a)  a certified copy of the death record;
  (b)  a certified copy of a court decree reciting a finding of death;
  (c)  any other proof satisfactory to us.

An account under the Contract funded by the General Account. It is not part of
or dependent upon the investment performance of the Variable Account.

Any portion of Fixed Contract Value (including interest thereon) allocated to
the Fixed Account, less any withdrawals (including any applicable surrender
charges) or transfers.

The value of the Contract Value (including any Contract Value Increase
Enhancement and Purchase Payment Credit) in the Fixed Account.



The specific time period for which we agree to credit a particular effective
annual interest rate in the Fixed Account.



An investment portfolio of an open-end management investment company or unit
investment trust in which a Subaccount invests.

Our assets other than those allocated to the Variable Account or any other of
our separate accounts.

One of several periodic payments made by us to the Payee under an Income Payout

The form of Income Payments selected by the Owner under the Contract.

A unit of measure used to calculate variable Income Payments.

For any Contract, a portion of our General Account to which Variable Contract
Value or Fixed Contract Value is transferred to provide collateral for any loan
taken under the Contract.

The sum of your loan principal plus any accrued loan interest.

2000 Heritage Way, Waverly, IA 50677.


The minimum period of time before you may terminate one of of the Guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit riders
without continuing to pay the annual charge (to the extent allowed by your
state). If your rider terminates because you transfer out of an available
Benefit Allocation Plan, or, if part of your Benefit Allocation Plan, make a
partial withdrawal from the Foundation Account before Contract Value in all
other allocation options has been exhausted, you will still have to pay the
annual charge until the end of the Minimum Charge Period, unless otherwise
prohibited by applicable law.

A purchase payment less any deduction for applicable premium expense charges.

The person(s) (or entity) ("you") who own(s) the Contract and who is (are)
entitled to exercise all rights and privileges provided in the Contract. After
the Payout Date, the Payee is the Owner.

The person (or entity), or any successor, receiving Income Payments during the
Payout Period. The Annuitant is the Payee unless the Owner specifies otherwise.

The date when Income Payments will begin if the Annuitant is still living. The
anticipated Payout Date is shown on your Contract's Data Pages.

The Contract Value less any Loan Amount, less any premium expense charge, less a
pro-rated portion of the annual Contract fee, less any applicable rider charges
and any applicable surrender charges as of the Payout Date. This is the amount
applied to Income Payments under one of the Income Payout Options.

An amount we will add to an Owner's Contract Value if the Owner elects the
Purchase Payment Credit Benefit. The amount will vary based on cumulative Net
Purchase Payments made. The Purchase Payment Credit Benefit is not available if
you elect the L-Share Class or if you elect the Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit.


A Contract that is issued in connection with retirement plans that qualify for
special federal income tax treatment under Section(s) 401, 403(b), 408, 408A or
457 of the Code.

A subdivision of the Variable Account, the assets of which are invested in a
corresponding Fund.

Before the Payout Date, that part of any Net Purchase Payment, Contract Value
Increase Enhancement and Purchase Payment Credit, allocated to the Subaccount
plus any Contract Value transferred to that Subaccount, adjusted by interest
income, dividends, net capital gains or losses (realized or unrealized), and
decreased by withdrawals (including any applicable surrender charges,
administrative fee, any charge for riders or premium expense charge) and any
Contract Value transferred out of that Subaccount.

The Contract Value less any applicable surrender charges, premium expense
charges not previously deducted, annual Contract fee, any charge for riders and
Loan Amount.

Each day the New York Stock Exchange is open for business. With respect to a
Subaccount, it does not include days that the Subaccount's corresponding Fund
does not value its shares.

The period beginning at the close of regular trading on the New York Stock
Exchange on any Valuation Day and ending at the close of regular trading on the
next succeeding Valuation Day.

CUNA Mutual Variable Annuity Account.

The sum of the Subaccount Values.

A request in writing and in a form satisfactory to us signed by the Owner and
received at our Mailing Address. A Written Request may also include a telephone
or fax request for specific transactions that are made as allowed under the
terms of an executed telephone or fax authorization, with original signature, on
file at our Mailing Address. We may also accept a surrender request properly
submitted by fax or e-mail by your registered representative in connection with
the purchase of another contract issued by us.

                                 EXPENSE TABLES
The following tables describe the fees and expenses that you will pay when
buying, owning, and surrendering the Contract. The first table describes the
fees and charges that you will pay at the time that you buy the Contract, take a
loan from the Contract, make partial withdrawals from or fully surrender the
Contract, or transfer Contract Value between the Subaccounts and/or the Fixed
Account. This table also includes the charges that would be paid for exercising
the benefits provided by the optional endorsements.


                                                                 B-Share Class
                                                     Without Purchase      With Purchase
                                                     Payment Credits     Payment Credits(1)     L-Share Class
Maximum Surrender Charge (Contingent Deferred
Sales Charge) as a percentage of Purchase Payment
surrendered or withdrawn                                 8.00%(2)              9.00%(2)            8.00%(2)
Sales Load on Purchase Payment                                                 None
Transfer Processing Fee                                                    $10/transfer(3)
Duplicate Contract Charge                                                       $30
Loan Interest Spread                                                          3.50%(4)
Research Fee                                                                    $50
Change of Annuitant Endorsement                                                $150(5)
Income Payment Increase Endorsement                                            $150(6)

The next table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay periodically
during the time that you own the Contract, not including Fund fees and expenses.
This table also includes the charges you would pay if you added optional riders
to your Contract. You may not purchase a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit
together with either a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or a Guaranteed
Minimum Withdrawal Benefit on the same Contract. You may not purchase an
optional death benefit rider together with the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
Benefit with Minimum Guarantee Death Benefit. IF A CURRENT GUARANTEED LIFETIME




                                                                                      B-Share Class
                                                                      Without Purchase              With Purchase        L-Share
                                                                       Payment Credits            Payment Credits(1)      Class
Annual Expenses (as a percentage of average Variable Contract
 Mortality and Expense Risk Charge                                           1.15%                      1.60%              1.65%
 Administrative Charge                                                       0.15%                      0.15%              0.15%
 ---------------------                                                 ---------------            ------------------     -------
 Total Variable Account Annual Expenses                                      1.30%                      1.75%              1.80%
Annual Contract Fee                                                                         $30(7)
Premium Expense Charge                                                                     3.50%(14)
Annual Charges for Optional Riders and Endorsements(8)

     Maximum Anniversary Value Death Benefit (as a
     percentage of average monthly Contract Value for
     the prior Contract Year)                                                              0.15%
     3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit (as a percentage of
     average monthly Contract Value for the prior Contract Year)                           0.20%
     Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit (as a percentage of
     average monthly Contract Value for the prior Contract Year)                           0.30%
     Spouse Beneficiary Death Benefit (as a percentage of average
     monthly Contract Value for the prior Contract Year)                                   0.05%
     Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit (as a percentage of
     average daily Benefit Basis(12) for the prior Contract Year)(13)
     (post-November 24, 2008 form)
        With Minimum Guarantee Death Benefit                                               1.75%(9)
        Converted from Minimum Accumulation Benefit                                        1.75%(10)
     Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit (as a percentage
     of average monthly Contract Value for the prior Contract
     Year)(13) (pre-November 24, 2008 form)
        With Minimum Guarantee Death Benefit                                               1.00%(9)
        Converted from Minimum Accumulation Benefit                                        1.00%(10)
     Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit (as a percentage of
     average daily Benefit Basis12 for the prior Contract Year)(13)
     (post-November 24,2008 form)                                                          1.75%(11)
     Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit (as a percentage of
     average monthly Contract Value for the prior Contract Year)(13)
     (pre-November 24, 2008 form)                                                          1.00%(11)

The next table shows the minimum and maximum total operating expenses charged by
the Funds that you may pay periodically during the time that you own the
Contract. More detail concerning each Fund's fees and expenses is contained in
the prospectuses for the Funds.


                                                          Minimum        Maximum
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses (total of all
expenses that are deducted from Fund assets, including
management fees, and other expenses)

The expenses used to prepare this table were provided to us by the Funds. The
expenses shown reflect the highest and lowest expenses incurred for the year
ended December 31, 2009, rounded to the nearest one hundredth of one percent.
Current or future expenses may be greater or less than those shown. The table
showing the range of expenses for the portfolios takes into account the expenses
of several Ultra Series Fund allocation portfolios that are "fund of funds." A
"fund of funds" portfolio typically allocates its assets, within predetermined
percentage ranges, among certain other fund portfolios, including exchange
traded funds (each such portfolio, an


"Acquired Fund"). Each "fund of funds" has its own set of operating expenses, as
does each of the portfolios in which it invests. In determining the range of
portfolio expenses, we took into account the information received from the Ultra
Series Fund on the combined actual expenses for each of the "fund of funds" and
the portfolios in which it invests. (The combined expense information includes
the pro rata portion of the fees and expenses incurred indirectly by an Ultra
Series Fund allocation portfolio as a result of its investment in shares of one
or more Acquired Funds.) See the prospectus for the Ultra Series Fund for a
presentation of the applicable Acquired Fund fees and expenses.

(1)  The Purchase Payment Credit Benefit endorsement is not available if you
     elect the L-Share Class or if you elect the Earnings Enhanced Death
     Benefit. For information on the Purchase Payment Credit Endorsement see
     "DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTRACT, Extra Credit Plan".
(2)  The surrender charge declines to 0% after the purchase payment has been in
     the Contract for seven years for the B-Share Class and for the B-Share
     Class with Purchase Payment Credits elected. The surrender charge declines
     to 0% after the purchase payment has been in the Contract for four years
     for the L-Share Class. For Contracts issued in connection with plans
     qualified under Section 457(f) of the Code choosing the B-Share class, the
     surrender charge will be based on the Contract Year and not on how long
     the purchase payment has been in the Contract.
(3)  We currently do not impose this fee.
(4)  The Loan Interest Spread is the difference between the amount of interest
     we charge you for a loan (at an effective annual rate of 6.50%) and the
     amount of interest we credit to the Loan Account (currently, an effective
     annual rate of 4.50%), guaranteed to be at least an effective annual rate
     of 3.00%. The current loan spread is 2.00%.
(5)  There is currently no charge for the change of Annuitant endorsement.
     However, if you exercise the right provided by this endorsement during the
     first two Contract Years, we may charge up to $150 for expenses incurred.
     This fee will be deducted from Contract Value on a pro-rata basis.
(6)  There is currently no charge for the Income Payment Increase endorsement;
     however, we may charge up to $150 if the option provided by this
     endorsement is utilized.
(7)  The annual Contract fee is currently waived if the Contract Value is
     $50,000 or more.

(8)  These rider fees are deducted from Contract Value on Contract Anniversary
     or at the time of surrender, death, or rider termination. Fees for each of
     these riders are not deducted until the first Contract Anniversary if the
     rider is elected at Contract issue.
(9)  We currently charge 0.95% for the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit
     riders with Minimum Guarantee Death Benefit issued on and after May 1,
     2010. For a description of the current Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
     Benefit rider, see "OPTIONAL BENEFIT RIDERS, Income Protector". If your
     state has not approved the current version of the rider, you may pay a
     different current charge. The rider version generally issued after October
     18, 2009 but before May 1, 2010 has a current charge of 1.05%. The rider
     version generally issued after April 30, 2009 but before October 19, 2009
     has a current charge of 0.85%. The rider version generally issued after
     November 23, 2008 but before May 1, 2009 has a current charge of 0.70%.
     The rider version generally issued after October 28, 2007 but before
     November 24, 2008 has charge of 0.65% (Minimum Guarantee Death Benefit)
     and 0.80% (Maximum Anniversary Death Benefit) of the monthly Contract
     Value for the prior Contract Year. The rider version generally issued
     after October 29, 2006 but before October 28, 2007 has a current charge of
     0.60% of the monthly Contract Value for the prior Contract Year. The
     current charges are guaranteed for the Benefit Period. They will not
     change unless you choose to Step-Up your benefit.
(10) We currently charge 0.95% for Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit
     riders issued as conversions from the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation
     Benefit riders issued on and after May 1, 2010. If your state has not
     approved the current version of the rider, you may pay a different current
     charge. The rider version generally issued after October 18, 2009 but
     before May 1, 2010 has a current charge of 1.05%. The rider version
     generally issued after April 30, 2009 but before October 19, 2009 has a
     current charge of 0.85%. The rider version generally issued after
     November 23, 2008 but before May 1, 2009 has a current charge of 0.70%.
     The rider version generally issued after October 28, 2007 but before
     November 24, 2008 has a charge 0.65% of the monthly Contract Value for the
     prior Contract Year. The current charges are guaranteed for the Benefit
     Period. They will not change unless you choose to Step-Up your benefit.
(11) The current charge for Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit riders
     issued on and after October 19, 2009 is 1.05%. For a description of the
     current Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider, see "OPTIONAL
     BENEFIT RIDERS, Principal Protector". If your state has not approved the
     current version of the rider, you may pay a different current charge. The
     rider version generally issued after April 30, 2009 but before October 19,
     2009 has a current charge of 0.80%. The rider version generally issued
     after November 23, 2008 but before May 1, 2009 has a current charge of
     0.65%. The rider version generally issued after October 29, 2006 but
     before November 24, 2008 has a current charge of 0.50% of the average
     monthly Contract Value for the prior Contract Year. This current charge is
     guaranteed for the Benefit Period. It will not change unless you elect to
     Step-Up your benefit or renew your Benefit Period.

(12) At issue, Benefit Basis is equal to your initial Net Purchase Payment.
(13) If the current Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider is not approved in your state or your
     application for the rider is dated prior to May 1, 2009, a prior, approved
     version of the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit, Guaranteed Minimum
     Withdrawal Benefit or Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider,
     respectively, may be issued, which has different charges than the current
     rider. Information about prior versions of the Guaranteed Lifetime
     Withdrawal Benefit, Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit and Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit riders, including the charges for these
     riders, is available in the appendices to this Prospectus.


(14)State premium taxes that currently range from 0% to 3.50% may also be


These Examples are intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the
Contract with the cost of investing in other variable annuity contracts. The
Examples show the maximum costs of investing in the Contract, including
surrender charges, the annual Contract fee (after being converted into a
percentage), the total Variable Account annual expenses for the L-Share Class,
the 3% Annual Guaranteed Death Benefit, the Maximum Anniversary Value Death
Benefit, the Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit, the Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit charge and the maximum Annual Fund Operating Expenses for
the year ended December 31, 2009. These costs reflect the most expensive
combination of Contract charges for this period. The Examples assume the
election of a combination of riders, endorsements and other features with the
highest charges. The Examples do not include a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
Benefit or Spouse Death Benefit rider, because these riders cannot be elected on
Contracts with the riders included above.

The Examples assume that you invest $10,000 in the Contract for the time periods
indicated. The Examples also assume that your investment has a 5% return each
year. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these
assumptions, your costs would be:

(1) If you surrender your Contract (or you annuitize the Contract under Income
    Payout Option 2A (with fixed Income Payments) or Options 3-8) at the end of
    the applicable time period:

                 1 Year      3 Years      5 Years      10 Years


(2) If you do not surrender your Contract (or you do not annuitize the Contract
    under Income Payout Option 2A (with fixed Payments) or Options 3-8) at the
    end of the applicable time period:

                 1 Year      3 Years      5 Years      10 Years


The Examples are illustrations and do not represent past or future expenses.
Your actual expenses may be higher or lower than those shown. Similarly, your
rate of return may be more or less than the 5% assumed in the Examples. The
Examples provided above assume that no transfer charges, or premium taxes have
been assessed.

For purposes of the Fee Table and Examples, we assume that the Contract is owned
before the Payout Date. Different fees and charges apply after the Payout Date.


The following section summarizes certain provisions that we describe in more
detail later in the Prospectus.

We issue Contracts to individuals or to employers or other groups in connection
with retirement plans.


You may cancel the Contract within 10 days after you receive it. If you cancel
it during this period, your refund will be equal to either (1) the Contract
Value less any Purchase Payment Credits, or (2) the greater of (a) Contract
Value less any Purchase Payment Credits or (b) your purchase payments less any
withdrawals. Which option applies to you will depend on your state's law. Call
us for more information on your right to examine. We may require that you
return your Contract.

In the first case, you bear the investment risk of allocating to the Subaccounts
from the issue date to the date the Contract is taken off our books, which will
be as of the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange (usually,
3:00 p.m., Central Time) after the Contract is returned to us in good order.
Depending upon the investment performance of the Subaccounts you select, you may
lose money. In the second case, you receive the benefit of any investment gains,
but we bear the risk of any investment losses, from the issue date to the date
the Contract is taken off our books.

Generally, you must make payments totaling $5,000 within the first 12 months of
the Contract. Certain Qualified Contracts, Contracts exchanged pursuant to
Section 1035 of the Code, and Contracts sold to our employees and those of our
affiliates have lower minimum purchase amounts. Unless you pay the minimum
purchase amount in full at the time of application, an automatic purchase
payment plan must be established resulting in the minimum purchase amount being
paid before the end of the first 12 months after the Contract Issue Date. The
minimum size for an initial purchase payment and subsequent purchase payment is
$100, unless the payment is made through an automatic purchase payment plan in
which case the minimum size is $25. We may choose not to accept certain purchase
payments. Further, we will add a Contract Value Increase Enhancement to the
Owner's Contract Value when the Owner makes a


purchase payment if the Owner's cumulative Net Purchase Payments equal or exceed
$500,000. In addition, the Owner may elect the Purchase Payment Credit Benefit,
if available, which adds Purchase Payment Credits to his or her Contract Value
each time he or she makes a purchase payment.


You may allocate purchase payments and Purchase Payments Credits, if elected, to
one or more of the Subaccounts of the Variable Account. Each Subaccount invests
solely in a corresponding underlying Fund. The investment performance of the
Funds will affect the Subaccount to which you allocate your purchase payments
and your Contract Value. You bear the investment risk of allocating to the

If you elect a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider, there are restrictions on the available Subaccounts
in which you may invest. (See DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT, Allocation of Purchase

The Fixed Account is an account under the Contract funded by the General
Account. It is not part of or dependent upon the investment performance of the
Variable Account. We offer a six-month Fixed Period (a one-year Fixed Period is
also available to Connecticut residents). When you allocate to the Fixed
Account, that Fixed Amount will earn at least the guaranteed minimum interest
rate specified in your Contract, which will never be less than the statutory
minimum interest rate, for the Fixed Period you select. We may, but are not
obligated to, credit your Fixed Amount with a higher current interest rate.
There are certain restrictions on allocations to the Fixed Account. (See CUNA


The Foundation Account is a Subaccount of the Variable Account that invests in
the Ultra Series Fund Bond Fund, and is only offered as part of the Benefit
Allocation Plans in connection with the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit
and the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit. If you elect a Guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or a Guaranteed Maximum Accumulation Benefit rider,
we may require you to allocate a specific percentage of your purchase payment(s)
to the Foundation Account, and we may require a specific dollar amount to be
allocated to the Foundation Account if a Step-Up occurs or you request a
transfer. Allocations to the Foundation Account occur only at the time of
purchase payment, Step-Up or transfer. Contract Value allocated to the
Foundation Account is not re-balanced due to investment performance. The
Foundation Account is one of two available Subaccounts that invest in the Ultra
Series Bond Fund. The other, which is called the Ultra Series Bond Subaccount,
is available to all Contracts. Allocations to the Ultra Series Bond Subaccount
do not count toward any required allocation to the Foundation Account.

If you have elected a Benefit Allocation Plan that requires an allocation to the
Foundation Account and you take a partial withdrawal from the Foundation Account
before the Contract Value in your other allocation options is exhausted, YOUR
addition, we will not deduct certain contract charges from the Foundation
Account unless there is insufficient Contract Value in your other allocation
options, unless required to do so by applicable law.

On or before the Payout Date, you may transfer all or part of the Contract Value
among the Subaccounts or the Fixed Account, subject to certain restrictions. No
fee currently is charged for transfers, but we may charge $10 for each transfer.
We may impose additional restrictions on transfers that violate our disruptive
trading procedures. There are several specialized transfer programs available at
no cost under the Contract. These include:

    o The dollar-cost averaging program under which we will transfer a specified
      dollar amount on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis to one
      or more Subaccounts you select;
    o The portfolio rebalancing program under which we will transfer Variable
      Contract Value on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis
      between and among the Subaccounts to achieve a particular percentage
      allocation of Variable Contract Value among the Subaccounts; and
    o The systematic transfer program under which we will systematically or
      automatically transfer Variable Contract Value on a monthly, quarterly,
      semi-annual or annual basis between and among the Subaccounts.

If you elect a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider, there are restrictions on the available Subaccounts
into which you may transfer without terminating the benefits under these riders,
to the extent allowed by applicable law. In addition, depending on the Benefit
Allocation Plan you elect, we may require that you allocate a specific dollar
amount to the Foundation Account if you request a transfer. (See DESCRIPTION OF
CONTRACT, Allocation of Purchase Payments and OPTIONAL BENEFIT RIDERS.)

You may withdraw part of your Contract's Surrender Value by Written Request to
us on or before the Payout Date, subject to certain limitations. You may also
elect to receive periodic partial withdrawals under a systematic withdrawal


If you elect a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider and a Benefit Allocation Plan that includes the
Foundation Account and you withdraw Contract Value from the Foundation Account
before the Contract Value in your other allocations is exhausted, your benefit
will terminate unless prohibited by applicable law. (See OPTIONAL BENEFIT

You may also surrender the Contract, and receive its Surrender Value, by sending
us a Written Request before the Payout Date.

Withdrawals and surrenders may have adverse tax consequences, including the
imposition of a penalty tax on withdrawal or surrender amount if taken before
the Owner reaches age 59 1/2, and may be restricted under certain Qualified
Contracts. Withdrawals and surrenders may also be subject to surrender charges.


You select the Payout Date, subject to certain limitations. On the Payout Date,
the Payout Proceeds will be applied to an Income Payout Option, unless you
choose to receive the Surrender Value in a lump sum. Income Payments may have
tax consequences. If you elect a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit, your
anticipated Payout Date may be extended so that you can continue receiving
Lifetime Withdrawals under your rider (See OPTIONAL LIVING BENEFITS).

It may not be in your best interest to surrender, lapse, change, or borrow from
an existing life insurance policy or annuity contract in connection with the
purchase of the Contract. Before doing so, you should compare both contracts
carefully. Remember that if you exchange another contract for one described in
this Prospectus, you might have to pay a surrender charge and tax, including a
possible penalty tax, on your old contract, and under this Contract there will
be a new surrender charge period, other charges may be higher, and the benefits
may be different. You should not exchange another contract for this one unless
you determine, after knowing all the facts, that the exchange is in your best
interest and not just better for the person trying to sell you this Contract
(that person will generally earn a commission if you buy this Contract through
an exchange or otherwise). Also, because we will not issue the Contract until we
have received the initial purchase payment from your existing insurance company,
the issuance of the Contract may be delayed.

If the Annuitant dies before the Payout Date, we will pay the death benefit to
the Beneficiary. We offer several death benefit options. The basic death benefit
is available without an additional charge and is equal to the greater of: (i)
aggregate Net Purchase Payments made under the Contract less a proportional
adjustment for partial withdrawals as of the Valuation Day we receive Due Proof
of Death; or (ii) Contract Value as of the Valuation Day we receive Due Proof of
Death less any Purchase Payment Credits applied within 12 months of the
Annuitant's death.

For a fee, we offer the following optional death benefit riders:

    o Maximum Anniversary Death Benefit rider;

    o 3% Annual Guaranteed Death Benefit rider;

    o Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit rider; and

    o Spouse Beneficiary Death Benefit rider. (See OPTIONAL DEATH BENEFITS.)

In addition, if you elect the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit at the time
that your contract is issued, a minimum guarantee death benefit is integrated
into that benefit. That death benefit takes the place of the standard death
benefits offered in the Contract. You may not elect an optional death benefit if
you elect a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit.


We offer two types of living benefits for a fee, which will be charged for a
minimum period even if the benefit terminates (unless prohibited in your state).
You may elect either the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or the
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit, but not both. The Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit offers you the ability to take a specified annual withdrawal
regardless of Contract Value. Under the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit,
we guarantee your Contract Value will at least equal the Benefit Basis less
adjustments for partial withdrawals. There are certain conditions associated
with the living benefits, including allocation restrictions. If you violate
them, your benefit will terminate. In addition, excess withdrawals may adversely
affect the benefits provided

Note, other riders you choose will terminate if you choose the Guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider and extend the Payout Date beyond the
anticipated Payout Date shown on your Data Pages. See OPTIONAL BENEFIT RIDERS
for additional information on living benefits.

Although this Prospectus describes all the material rights and obligations
under the Contract, certain provisions of the Contract may be different than the
general description in this Prospectus, and certain riders and options may not
be available, because of legal restrictions in your state. Contact us or see
your Contract, riders and endorsements for specific variations. If a current


Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider has
not been approved in your state or your application for one of those riders is
dated prior to May 1, 2010, a prior, approved version of the Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit, Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit or Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider, as applicable, may be issued. Information about
prior versions of those riders is available in the appendices to this

We offer other variable annuity contracts that have different contract features,
death benefits, and optional programs. However, these other contracts also have
different charges that would affect your Subaccount performance and Contract
Value. To obtain more information about these other contracts, contact us or
your agent.

The Contract allows you to select one of two different charge structures subject
to state availability based on your specific situation. Each charge structure is
referred to as a "Class." Each Class imposes a different level of surrender and
mortality and expense risk charges. Your agent can assist you in selecting the
Class that is right for you, based on your needs and preferences. Before we
issue the Contract, you must select one of the Classes. Once you select a Class,
you cannot change it.

B-Share Class. This Class imposes a surrender charge on withdrawals of up to
8.00% of each purchase payment. This percentage decreases by 1.00% annually over
the seven years following the date each purchase payment is credited to your
Contract. Each purchase payment carries its own surrender charge, and therefore
payment of additional purchase payments will increase the surrender charge
amount should you surrender or take a withdrawal from your Contract over the
following seven years. The mortality and expense risk charge for B-Share Class
Contracts is 1.15% (assessed daily, as an annual percentage of average Variable
Contract Value).

For B-Share Class Contracts issued in conjunction with plans that qualify under
Section 457(f) of the Code that do not choose the Extra Credit Plan, surrender
charges will apply from the Contract Issue Date to the date of surrender, rather
than from the number of years since the purchase payment was made, unless you
choose the Extra Credit Plan.

L-Share Class. This Class imposes a surrender charge on withdrawals of up to
8.00% of each purchase payment. This percentage decreases by 1.00% annually over
the four years following the date each payment is credited to your Contract.
Beginning on the fourth Contract Anniversary, there is no surrender charge on
any purchase payments. The mortality and expense risk charge for L-Share Class
Contracts is 1.65% (assessed daily, as an annual percentage of average Variable
Contract Value).

You may wish to purchase a B-Share Class Contract if you are not concerned about
the need for access to 100% of your Contract Value without paying a surrender
charge over the seven years after you make a purchase payment. The B-Share Class
Contracts' mortality and expense risk charges are lower than those of the
L-Share Class Contracts. Also, you may only elect the Purchase Payment Credit
Benefit if you elect the B-Share Class.

You may wish to purchase an L-Share Class Contract if you feel you will need
access to 100% of your money without paying a surrender charge after four years
from the Contract Issue Date. You will pay higher expenses (including higher
mortality and expense risk charges) for this additional liquidity.

An advantage of the Contract is that it provides the ability to accumulate
Contract Value on a tax-deferred basis. However, the purchase of a Qualified
Contract to fund a tax-qualified retirement plan does not provide any additional
tax deferred treatment beyond the treatment provided by the tax-qualified
retirement plan itself. Therefore, Qualified Contracts should be purchased for
other features and benefits offered under the Contract, such as guaranteed death
benefits or Income Payout Options.

Generally, any distribution from your Contract may result in taxable income. A
10% federal penalty tax may also apply to distributions before age 59 1/2. For a
further discussion of the federal income tax status of variable annuity
contracts see FEDERAL TAX MATTERS.

The Contract is available for purchase by corporations and other groups. We may
reduce or waive certain charges (surrender charge, Annual Contract Fee, or other
charges) where the size or nature of such sales results in savings to us with
respect to sales, administrative, or other costs. We also may reduce or waive
charges on Contracts sold to our officers, directors, and employees or those of
our affiliates. The extent and nature of the reduction or waiver may change from
time to time, and the charge structure may vary.

Generally, we may reduce or waive charges based on a number of factors,

    o The number of Owners;
    o The size of the group of purchasers;
    o The total premium expected to be paid;
    o Total assets under management for the Owner;
    o The purpose for which the Contracts are being purchased;


    o The expected persistency of individual Contracts; and
    o Any other circumstances which are rationally related to the expected
      reduction in expenses.

Contact our service center or your agent for more information about charge
reductions and waivers.

The Contract contains the following charges and deductions:

Surrender Charge (Contingent Deferred Sales Charge). There are no sales charges
deducted at the time purchase payments are made. The length and amount of the
surrender charge assessed depends on the share class you elect and whether you
elect the Purchase Payment Credit Benefit.

The B-Share Class imposes a surrender charge on withdrawals of up to 8.00% of
each purchase payment, unless you also elect the Purchase Payment Credit
Benefit. If you do so, the maximum surrender charge is 9.00%. In both cases, the
percentage decreases by 1.00% annually over the seven years following the date
each purchase payment is credited to your Contract. Each purchase payment
carries its own surrender charge, and therefore payment of additional purchase
payments will increase the surrender charge amount should you surrender or take
a withdrawal from your Contract over the following seven years.

The L-Share Class imposes a surrender charge on withdrawals of up to 8.00% of
each purchase payment. This percentage decreases by 1.00% annually over the 4
years following the date each payment is credited to your Contract. Beginning on
the fifth Contract Anniversary, there is no surrender charge on any purchase

Please note, however, that for Contracts issued in connection with plans
qualified under Section 457(f) of the Code under the B-Share Class, the
surrender charge is based on the Contract Year and not on the number of years
the purchase payment has been in the Contract, unless you choose the Extra
Credit Plan. The surrender charge is 8% of payment withdrawn within one year of
the Contract Issue Date. The surrender charge decreases by 1% for each full year
that passes from the issue date until the seventh full year has passed, at which
point the surrender charge is zero.

Surrender charges will be deducted from remaining Contract Value. However, you
may elect instead to have surrender charges deducted from the amount you
withdraw. If you do not request otherwise, we will deduct the surrender charges
from remaining Contract Value.

Surrender charges only apply to purchase payments. Therefore, even though the
percentage rate of the surrender charge assessed against purchase payments
increases by 1% if you elect the Purchase Payment Credit Benefit, surrender
charges are never assessed against the Purchase Payment Credits themselves or
against Credit Value Increase Enhancements.

Annual Contract Fee. The Contract has an annual Contract fee of $30. (This fee
is currently waived if the Contract Value is $50,000 or more on the date the fee
is deducted.)

Mortality and Expense Risk Charge. We deduct a daily mortality and expense risk
charge to compensate us for assuming certain mortality and expense risks. We may
use any profits from this charge to finance other expenses, including expenses
incurred in the administration of the Contracts and distribution expenses
related to the Contracts. The charge is deducted at an annual rate of 1.15% of
average Variable Contract Value for B-Share Class Contracts and is 1.65% for
L-Share Class Contracts. If you elect to receive a B-Share Class Contract with
Purchase Payment Credits, the mortality and expense risk charge is deducted at
an annual rate of 1.60% of average Variable Contract Value.

Administrative Charge. We deduct a daily administrative charge to compensate us
for certain administrative expenses we incur. The charge is deducted at an
annual rate of .15% of average Variable Contract Value.

Premium Expense Charge. We deduct a charge for any state or local premium taxes
applicable to a Contract. We may deduct premium taxes at the time we pay such
taxes. State premium taxes currently range from 0% to 3.50%.

Loan Interest Charge. We charge an annual interest rate of 6.50% on loans. We
will credit at least 3.00% to amounts held in the Loan Account to secure a loan.
Therefore, the maximum loan interest spread (i.e., the difference between the
amount of interest we charge on loans and the amount of interest we credit to
amounts in the Loan Account) is no more than 3.50%. The current loan interest
spread is 2.00%

Rider/Endorsement Charges. We deduct a charge on each Contract Anniversary for
each of four optional death benefit riders. The charge for the Maximum
Anniversary Death Benefit rider is 0.15% of the average monthly Contract Value
for the prior Contract Year. The charge for the 3% Annual Guarantee Death
Benefit rider is 0.20% of the average monthly Contract Value for the prior
Contract Year. The charge for the Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit rider is 0.30%
of the average monthly Contract Value for the prior Contract Year. The charge
for the Spouse Beneficiary Death Benefit rider is 0.05% of the average monthly
Contract Value for the prior Contract Year.

We deduct a charge on each Contract Anniversary for each living benefit rider.
The maximum charge for each of the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit and
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider is 1.75%. If the current
Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation
Benefit rider is not approved in your state or your application for the rider


is dated prior to May 1, 2010, a prior, approved version of the Guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit, Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit or Guaranteed
Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider, respectively, may be issued, which has
different charges than the current rider. Information about prior versions of
the Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit and Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation
Benefit riders, including the charges for these riders, is available in the
appendices to this Prospectus.

We may charge an administrative fee, not to exceed $150, for each of the Income
Payment Increase Endorsement and the Change of Annuitant Endorsement.

Transfer Processing Fee. Currently no fee is charged for transfers. However, we
may charge $10 for each requested transfer.

Duplicate Contract Request. You can obtain a summary of your Contract at no
charge. There will be a $30 charge for a duplicate Contract. In addition, a
Written Request is needed to request a duplicate Contract.

Research Fee. We may charge you a fee of up to $50 when you request information
that is duplicative of information previously provided to you and requires
extensive research.

Other Information. We pay compensation to broker-dealers who sell the Contracts.


We are a mutual life insurance company organized on May 20, 1935 and domiciled
in Iowa. We are one of the world's largest direct underwriters of credit life
and disability insurance, and are a major provider of qualified pension products
to credit unions. Further, we offer fixed and variable annuities, individual
life insurance, health policies, term and permanent life insurance, and
long-term care insurance.

You may write us at 2000 Heritage Way, Waverly, Iowa 50677-9202 or call us at

As of December 31, 2009, we and our subsidiaries had approximately $14 billion
in assets and we had more than $ billion of life insurance in force.

We do not file reports under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, in
reliance on applicable regulation.

The Variable Account was established as a separate account of CUNA Mutual Life
Insurance Company on December 14, 1993. CUNA Mutual Life Insurance Company
merged with CUNA Mutual Insurance Society as of December 31, 2007. The Variable
Account invests in the Funds described below. The Variable Account has been
registered with the SEC as a unit investment trust under the Investment Company
Act of 1940 ("1940 Act") and meets the definition of a separate account under
the federal securities laws. Registration with the SEC does not involve
supervision of the management or investment practices or policies of the
Variable Account or of us by the SEC. The Variable Account is also subject to
the laws of the State of Iowa, which regulate the operations of insurance
companies domiciled in Iowa.

The Variable Account is divided into a number Subaccounts, which may change from
time to time. Each Subaccount invests exclusively in shares of a single
corresponding Fund. The income, gains and losses of each Subaccount are credited
to or charged against that Subaccount, and reflect only the Subaccount's
investment experience and not the investment experience of our other assets.

Although the assets in the Variable Account are our property, the assets in the
Variable Account attributable to the Contracts are not chargeable with
liabilities arising out of any other business we may conduct. The assets of the
Variable Account that exceed our liabilities under the Contracts may be
transferred by us to the General Account and used to pay our liabilities. All
obligations arising under the Contracts are our general corporate obligations.


The Subaccounts invest in the series of Funds, including series of Ultra Series
Fund, AIM Variable Insurance Funds (Invesco Variable Insurance Funds), BlackRock
Variable Series Fund, Inc., Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products
Trust, Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds, Panorama Series Fund, Inc., PIMCO
Variable Insurance Trust and Van Kampen Life Investment Trust. Fund
distributions to the Subaccounts are automatically reinvested at net asset value
in additional shares of the Funds.

The investment objectives and policies of each Fund are summarized below. THERE
information, including a description of risks and expenses, may be found in the
Funds' prospectuses, which must accompany or precede this Prospectus. The Funds'
prospectuses should be read carefully and retained for future reference. Please
contact your agent or call us to obtain a prospectus for one of the Funds.

We select the Funds offered through this Contract based on several criteria,
including asset class coverage, the strength of the investment adviser's or
subadviser's reputation and tenure, brand recognition, performance, fees, and
the capability and qualification of each investment firm. Another factor we
consider during the selection process is whether the Fund, its investment
adviser, its subadviser(s), or an affiliate will compensate us or our
affiliates, as described below under "Servicing Fees" and "Distribution of the


Contract." We review the Funds periodically and may remove or limit a Fund's
availability to new purchase payments and/or transfers of Contract Value if we
determine that the Fund no longer meets one or more of the selection criteria,
and/or if the Fund has not attracted significant allocations from Owners.

Owners, through their indirect investment in the Funds, bear the costs of
investment advisory or management fees that the Funds pay their respective
investment advisers, and in some cases, subadvisers (see the Funds' prospectuses
for more information). As discussed above, an investment adviser or subadviser
to a Fund, or its affiliates, may make payments to us and/or certain of our
affiliates. These payments may be derived, in whole or in part, from the
advisory (and in some cases, subadvisory) or other fees deducted from Fund

Ultra Series Fund

Conservative Allocation Fund (Class I or Class II). This Fund seeks income,
capital appreciation and relative stability of value by investing primarily in
shares of underlying funds, including Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).

Moderate Allocation Fund (Class I or Class II). This Fund seeks capital
appreciation, income and moderated market risk by investing primarily in shares
of underlying funds, including ETFs.

Aggressive Allocation Fund (Class I or Class II). This Fund seeks capital
appreciation by investing primarily in shares of underlying funds, including

Money Market Fund (Class I or Class II). This Fund seeks high current income
from money market instruments consistent with preservation of capital and

During extended periods of low interest rates, the yields of the Money Market
Fund may become extremely low and possibly negative.

Bond Fund (Class I or Class II). This Fund seeks a high level of current income,
consistent with the prudent limitation of investment risk.

High Income Fund (Class I or Class II). This Fund seeks high current income. The
Fund also seeks capital appreciation, but only when consistent with its primary

Diversified Income Fund (Class I or Class II). This Fund seeks a high total
return through the combination of income and capital appreciation.

Equity Income Fund (Class I or Class II). The Fund seeks to provide consistent
total return and, secondarily, to provide a high level of income and gains from
option premiums.

Large Cap Value Fund (Class I or Class II). This Fund seeks long-term capital
growth with income as a secondary consideration.

Large Cap Growth Fund (Class I or Class II). This Fund seeks long- term capital

Mid Cap Fund (Class I or Class II). This Fund seeks long-term capital

Small Cap Fund (Class I or Class II). This Fund seeks long-term capital

International Stock Fund (Class I or Class II). This Fund seeks long-term growth
of capital.

Madison Asset Management, LLC, in which we have an ownership interest, serves as
investment adviser to the Ultra Series Fund and manages its assets in accordance
with general policies and guidelines established by the trustees of the Ultra
Series Fund.

The Ultra Series Class I Subaccounts are available for Contracts issued before
May 1, 2009. The Ultra Series Class II Subaccounts are available for Contracts
issued on and after May 1, 2009.

Effective May 1, 2010, the Ultra Series Mid Cap Growth Fund merged with and into
the Ultra Series Mid Cap Value Fund and the Mid Cap Value Fund changed its name
to the "Mid Cap Fund"; the Ultra Series Small Cap Growth Fund merged with and
into the Ultra Series Small Cap Value Fund and the Small Cap Value Fund changed
its name to the "Small Cap Fund"; and the Ultra Series Global Securities Fund
merged with and into the Ultra Series International Stock Fund. On and after May
1, 2010, we will process allocations to any Subaccount previously investing in
the merged funds in the Subaccount investing in the corresponding surviving

AIM Variable Insurance Funds(Invesco Variable Insurance Funds)

Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate Fund (Series II). This Fund seeks a high total
return through growth of capital and current income. The Fund invests, normally,
at least 80% of its assets in securities of real estate and real estate-related

Invesco V.I. Government Securities Fund (Series II). This Fund seeks a high
level of current income consistent with reasonable concern for safety of

Invesco Advisors, Inc. serves as the investment adviser to the AIM Variable
Insurance Funds(Invesco Variable Insurance Funds).

BlackRock Variable Series Fund, Inc.

BlackRock Global Allocation V.I. Fund (Class 3). This Fund seeks to provide a
high total return. The Fund invests in equity, debt and money market securities.


BlackRock Advisors, LLC, serves as the investment adviser to the BlackRock
Global Allocation V.I. Fund.

Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust

Franklin High Income Securities Fund (Class 4). This Fund seeks a high level of
current income with capital appreciation as a secondary goal. The Fund normally
invests 66% to 80% or more in debt securities offering high yield (commonly
known as "junk bonds") and expected total return.

Franklin Income Securities (Class 4). This Fund seeks to maximize income while
maintaining prospects for capital appreciation. The Fund normally invests in
both equity and debt securities. The Fund seeks income by investing in
corporate, foreign and U.S. Treasury bonds as well as stocks with dividend
yields the manager believes are attractive.

Mutual Global Discovery Securities Fund (Class 4). This Fund seeks capital
appreciation. The Fund normally invests 66% to 80% in U.S. and foreign equity
securities that the manager believes are undervalued. The Fund also invests, to
a lesser extent, in risk arbitrage securities and distressed companies.

Franklin Advisors, Inc. serves as the investment adviser to the Franklin High
Income Securities Fund and the Franklin Income Securities Fund. Franklin Mutual
Advisers LLC serves as the investment adviser to the Mutual Global Discovery
Securities Fund.

Oppenheimer Variable Account Funds

Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap Fund/VA (Service Class). This Fund seeks
capital appreciation by investing mainly in common stocks of
small-capitalization U.S. companies based on analyses using fundamental analysis
and quantitative models.

Oppenheimer Main Street Fund/VA (Service Class). This Fund seeks high total
return. The Fund currently invests mainly in common stocks of U.S. companies of
different capitalization ranges based on fundamental analysis and quantitative
models. The Fund currently focuses on larger capitalization issuers.

OppenheimerFunds, Inc. serves as the investment adviser to the Oppenheimer
Variable Account Funds.

Panorama Series Funds, Inc.

Oppenheimer International Growth Fund/VA (Service Class). This Fund seeks
long-term capital appreciation investing under normal circumstances, at least
65% of its total assets in equity securities of issuers in at least three
different countries outside the United States.

OppenheimerFunds, Inc. serves as the investment adviser to the Panorama Series
Funds, Inc.

PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust
CommodityRealReturn(R) Strategy Portfolio (Advisor Class). The Portfolio seeks
maximum real return consistent with prudent investment management. The portfolio
seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing under normal
circumstances in commodity-linked derivative instruments backed by a portfolio
of inflation-indexed securities and other Fixed Income Instruments. The
Portfolio invests in commodity-linked derivative instruments, including
commodity index-linked notes, swap agreements, commodity options, futures and
options on futures, that provide exposure to the investment returns of the
commodities markets, without investing directly in physical commodities. The
Portfolio may also invest in common and preferred stocks as well as convertible
securities of issuers in commodity-related industries.

The Portfolio will seek to gain exposure to the commodity markets primarily
through investments in leveraged or unleveraged commodity index-linked notes,
which are derivative debt instruments with principal and/or coupon payments
linked to the performance of commodity indices, and through investments in the
PIMCO Cayman Commodity Portfolio I Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the
Portfolio organized under the laws of the Cayman Islands (the "CRRS
Subsidiary"). These commodity index-linked notes are sometimes referred to as
"structured notes" because the terms of these notes may be structured by the
issuer and the purchaser of the note. The value of these notes will rise or fall
in response to changes in the underlying commodity or related index of
investment. The Portfolio may also gain exposure to commodity markets by
investing in the CRRS Subsidiary. The CRRS Subsidiary is advised by PIMCO, and
has the same investment objective as the Portfolio.

Total Return Portfolio (Advisor Class). The portfolio seeks maximum total
return, consistent with preservation of capital and prudent investment
management. The Portfolio seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing
under normal circumstances at least 65% of its total assets in a diversified
portfolio of Fixed Income Instruments of varying maturities, which may be
represented by forwards or derivatives such as options, futures contracts, or
swap agreements. The average portfolio duration of this Portfolio normally
varies within two years (plus or minus) of the duration of the Barclays Capital
U.S. Aggregate Index (formerly named the Lehman Brothers U.S. Aggregate Index),
which as of March 31, 2009 was 3.73 years. The Portfolio invests primarily in
investment grade debt securities, but may invest up to 10% of its total assets
in high yield securities ("junk bonds") rated B or higher by Moody's, or
equivalently rated by S&P or Fitch or, if unrated, determined by PIMCO to be of
comparable quality.


Global Bond Portfolio (Unhedged) (Advisor Class). This Portfolio seeks maximum
total return, consistent with preservation of capital and prudent investment
management. The Portfolio seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing
under normal circumstances at least 80% of its assets in Fixed Income
Instruments that are economically tied to at least three countries (one of which
may be the United States), which may be represented by forwards or derivatives
such as options, futures contracts or swap agreements. The Portfolio may invest,
without limitation, in securities and instruments that are economically tied to
emerging market countries. The Portfolio normally invests at least 25% of its
net assets in instruments that are economically tied to foreign (non-U.S.)
countries. The average portfolio duration of this Portfolio normally varies
within two years (plus or minus) of the duration of the JPMorgan GBI Global FX
New York Index Unhedged in USD, which as of March 31, 2009 was 6.39 years.

The Portfolio may invest all of its assets in derivative instruments, such as
options, futures contracts or swap agreements, or in mortgage- or asset-backed
securities. The Portfolio may, without limitation, seek to obtain market
exposure to the securities in which it primarily invests by entering into a
series of purchase and sale contracts or by using other investment techniques
(such as buy backs or dollar rolls).

PIMCO serves as the investment adviser to the PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust.

Van Kampen Life Investment Trust

Van Kampen Life Investment Trust Mid Cap Growth Portfolio (Class II). This Fund
seeks capital growth by investing primarily in common stocks and other equity
securities of medium-sized growth companies.

Van Kampen Life Investment Trust Growth and Income Portfolio (Class II). This
Fund seeks long-term growth of capital and income by investing primarily in
income-producing equity securities, including common stocks and convertible

Van Kampen Asset Management serves as the investment adviser to the Van Kampen
Life Investment Trust.

The Funds described above are not available for purchase directly by the general
public, and are not the same as other mutual funds with very similar or nearly
identical names that are sold directly to the public.

The investment performance and results of the Funds may be lower, or higher,
than the investment results of such other (publicly available) portfolios.

There can be no assurance, and no representation is made, that the investment
results of any of the Funds will be comparable to the investment results of any
other mutual fund, even if the other mutual fund has the same investment advisor
and the same investment objectives and policies, and a very similar name.

The Variable Account purchases shares of a Fund in accordance with a
participation agreement. If a participation agreement terminates, the Variable
Account may not be able to purchase additional shares of the Fund(s) covered by
the agreement. Likewise, in certain circumstances, it is possible that shares of
a Fund may not be available to the Variable Account even if the participation
agreement relating to that Fund has not been terminated. In either event, Owners
will no longer be able to allocate purchase payments or transfer Contract Value
to the Subaccount investing in the Fund.

We have entered into agreements with the investment adviser or distributor of
certain Funds pursuant to which the investment adviser or principal underwriter
pays us a servicing fee based upon an annual percentage of the average daily net
assets invested by the Variable Account (and other separate accounts established
by us and our affiliates) in the Fund. These percentages vary and currently
range from 0.10% to 0.25% of each Fund's average daily net assets. The
percentage amount is based on assets of the particular Fund attributable to the
Contract issued by us (or an affiliate). The amounts we receive under the
servicing agreements may be significant.

The servicing fees are for administrative services provided to the Funds by us
and our affiliates. These payments may be derived, in whole or in part, from the
investment management fees deducted from assets of the Funds. Owners, through
their indirect investment in the Funds, bear the costs of the investment
management fees.

In addition, each of the Funds has adopted Rule 12b-1 distribution and/or
services plans. Such plans allow the Fund to pay fees to those who sell or
distribute Fund shares and/or provide services to shareholders and Owners. Each
of those Funds describes its Rule 12b-1 plan in its prospectus. Under certain
Rule 12b-1 plans, we may receive fees for providing shareholder services to
Funds. Furthermore, under certain Rule 12b-1 plans, CBSI may receive fees for
providing distribution services to the Funds. Rule 12b-1 fees are deducted from
Fund assets and, therefore, are indirectly borne by Contract Owners.

As disclosed above, we have a minority ownership interest in Madison Asset
Management, LLC, the investment advisor for the Ultra Series Fund. We expect to
receive revenue from that ownership interest.

Owners with Variable Contract Value are entitled to certain voting rights for
the Funds underlying the Subaccounts to which they have allocated. We will vote
Fund shares attributable to Owners at shareholder meetings based on instructions
from such Owners. However, if the law changes and we are allowed to vote in our
own right, we may elect to do so.


Owners with voting rights in a Fund will be notified of issues requiring
shareholder vote as soon as possible before the shareholder meeting. They will
be provided with materials that describe the proposal(s) and information on how
to provide us voting instructions. We will vote shares for which no instructions
are received in the same proportion as those that are received. This means that
a small number of Owners may control the outcome of the vote.

Before the Payout Date, the number of shares an Owner may vote is determined by
dividing the Subaccount Value by the net asset value of that Fund. On or after
the Payout Date, an Owner's voting interest, if any, is determined by dividing
the dollar value of the liability for future variable Income Payments to be paid
from the Subaccount by the net asset value of the Fund underlying the
Subaccount. The determination will be made as of the record date set by the

The Funds may be offered to both separate accounts funding variable universal
life insurance policies and to separate accounts funding variable annuity
contracts; to separate accounts of affiliated and unaffiliated insurance
companies; and to employee benefit plans that may or may not be affiliated with
us. We do not anticipate any disadvantages to this. However, it is possible that
a conflict may arise between the interest of the Variable Account and one or
more of the other separate accounts or employee benefit plans in which the Funds
are available. Material conflicts may occur due to a change in law affecting the
operations of variable life insurance policies and variable annuity contracts,
or differences in the voting instructions of the Owners and other Fund
shareholders. If a material conflict occurs, we will take steps to protect
Owners and variable annuity Payees, which may include withdrawing the Variable
Account from participation in the Fund(s) involved in the conflict.

We may substitute shares of other mutual funds for shares already purchased or
to be purchased in the future if either of the following occurs:

    (1) shares of a current Fund are no longer available for investment; or

    (2) further investment in a Fund is inappropriate.

The substituted funds may have higher fees and expenses. Funds and classes may
be added to the product, but their availability may be limited to certain
categories of Owners. Funds may also be closed to allocations of purchase
payments or Contract Value, or both, and to all or only certain categories of
Owners. No substitution, elimination, or combination of shares may take place
without any required approval of the SEC and state insurance departments and
required notice to you.


The Fixed Account is a part of our General Account, which contains all of our
assets other than those in separate accounts. The General Account is used to
support our annuity and insurance obligations, and is not segregated or
insulated from the claims of our creditors. Owners look to our financial
strength for our insurance guarantees. More specifically, any guarantees under
your Contract that exceed your Contract Value are supported by our General
Account (and not the Variable Account). Therefore, any amounts that we may be
obligated to pay in excess of Contract Value are subject to (i) our financial
strength and claims-paying ability, and (ii) the risk that we may not be able to
cover, or may default on, our obligations under those guarantees. The financial
statements provided in the Statement of Additional Information include a
discussion of our General Account investments. However, Owners have no ownership
interest in the General Account assets and do not participate in the performance
of the General Account.

The General Account is not subject to the same laws as the Variable Account and
the SEC has not reviewed material in this Prospectus relating to the Fixed
Account. However, information relating to the Fixed Account is subject to
federal securities laws relating to accuracy and completeness of prospectus

We may restrict purchase payments and transfers to the Fixed Account if the
yield on investments does not support the statutory minimum interest rate. We
may also restrict purchase payments and transfers to the Fixed Account if your
Fixed Account Value exceeds $1 million. For Contracts issued in Connecticut, we
may restrict allocations to a Fixed Account to the lesser of 25% of the Contract
Value or $100,000. Contact your agent or us to determine if the Fixed Account is

Fixed Periods. We offer a DCA six-month Fixed Period. For Connecticut residents,
a one-year Fixed Period is also available. You may allocate purchase payments,
any Contract Value Increase Enhancements and any Purchase Payment Credits to the
Fixed Account for the Fixed Period you designate. Connecticut residents may also
transfer from Subaccount(s) into the one-year Fixed Period. Transfers into a DCA
Fixed Period are not permitted. The DCA Fixed Period is used in connection with
a dollar cost averaging program. See "DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTRACT, Transfer
Privileges" for more information. Prior to May 1, 2010, we offered a one-year
DCA Fixed Account on all Contracts where permitted by state law. We no longer
offer this option. Non-Connecticut Owners with a Contract Value allocated to the
one-year DCA Fixed Period may continue in that period until its expiration.

When you allocate to the Fixed Account, that Fixed Amount will earn at least the
minimum guaranteed interest rate stated on your Date Page, which in no case will
be less than the statutory minimum interest rate, for the Fixed Period selected.
We may, but are not obligated to, credit your Fixed Amount with a higher current
interest rate. We have no constant formula for determining current interest
rates. Fixed Contract Value will not share in the investment performance of our
General Account. Any interest credited on


Fixed Amounts in excess of the minimum guaranteed interest rate will be
determined in our sole discretion. The Owner, therefore, assumes the risk that
interest credited may not exceed the minimum guaranteed rate. Contact your agent
or us for more information on the minimum guaranteed interest rate and the
current interest rate.

Owners may not select Fixed Periods with expiration dates later than the
Contract's current Payout Date.

For Connecticut residents, during the 30-day period prior to the expiration of
the one-year Fixed Period, the Owner may transfer the Fixed Amount related to
that Fixed Period to any Subaccount available at that time. If an Owner does not
provide instructions as to how to reinvest the Fixed Amount, then on the
expiration date we will invest the Fixed Amount in another one-year Fixed
Period. If, at the expiration of a Fixed Period, less than one year remains
until the Payout Date, we will credit the Fixed Amount at least the minimum
guaranteed interest rate in effect for your Contract until the Payout Date.

If you designate your Fixed Amount to the DCA Fixed Period, you must make
monthly transfers from the Fixed Account to Subaccount(s) you designate in
minimum amounts that will fully amortize the Fixed Amount as of the expiration
date of the applicable DCA Fixed Period. You can also transfer Fixed Amounts
designated to a DCA Fixed Period to available Subaccount(s) at any time.

Fixed Contract Value. The Fixed Contract Value reflects (if applicable):

    o Net Purchase Payments;
    o any Contract Value Increase Enhancement and Purchase Payment Credits
      allocated to and Contract Value transferred to the Fixed Account;
    o Interest credited to Contract Value in the Fixed Account;
    o Transfers of Contract Value out of the Fixed Account;
    o Surrenders and partial withdrawals from the Fixed Account (including any
      applicable surrender charges); and
    o Charges assessed in connection with the Contract.

Fixed Amounts are withdrawn or surrendered on a first-in-first-out basis. The
Fixed Account Value is the sum of Fixed Amounts under the Contract. The Fixed
Contract Value is guaranteed to accumulate at a minimum effective annual
interest rate shown on your Data Pages.

The Fixed Account varies according to the state in which the Contract is issued.
Contact your agent or us for information on the availability of the Fixed
Account in your state. If you allocated to the Fixed Account prior to May 1,
2009, please see your Contract or contact your agent or us for information on
the terms of that apply to your Fixed Amount. You may also find additional
information in the Prospectus in effect at the time of your allocation.

                           DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTRACT

In order to purchase a Contract, application must be made through a registered
representative of CBSI or a registered representative of a broker-dealer that
has a selling agreement with CBSI, who in either case must also be appointed as
our insurance agent. Applications and initial purchase payments submitted to
such agents cannot be processed until we receive them from such representatives
at our Mailing Address. There may be delays in our receipt of application that
are outside of our control because of the failure of an agent to forward the
application to us promptly, or because of delays in determining that the
Contract is suitable for you. Any such delays will affect when your Contract is
issued and when your purchase payment is allocated among the Subaccounts.
Contracts may be sold to or in connection with retirement plans that do not
qualify for special tax treatment as well as retirement plans that qualify for
special tax treatment under the Code, except that Contracts are not available to
be used as funding vehicles for Code Section 403(b) retirement programs. Neither
the Owner nor the Annuitant may be older than age 85 on the Contract Issue Date.


The Contract provides for an initial "right to examine" period. The Owner may
reject the Contract for any reason within 10 days of receiving it. In some
states this period may be longer than 10 days, which, depending on the state,
may apply to all Contracts or only to a Contract that is a replacement of
another annuity contract. The Contract may be cancelled by Written Request to an
agent or to us at our Mailing Address, within 10 days of receipt.

Depending upon the state of issuance of the Contract, the Owner is subject to
market risk during the right to examine period. If you are subject to market
risk and you choose to reject the Contract during the right to examine period,
we will return to you your Contract Value less any Purchase Payment Credits, as
calculated on the date we receive a Written Request in good order. Some states
may instead require that we refund your purchase payments to you. If your
Contract was issued in such state and you choose to reject the Contract during
the right to examine period, we will return to you the greater of (1) your
Contract Value less any Purchase Payment Credits, as calculated on the date we
receive your Written Request in good order or (2) your purchase payments less
any withdrawals. We may require that you return your Contract.


Liability of the Variable Account under this provision is limited to the
Contract Value in each Subaccount on the date of revocation. Any additional
amounts refunded to the Owner will be paid by us.

The Contract allows you to select one of several different charge structures,
each referred to as a Class, based on your specific situation. Each Class
imposes different levels of surrender charges and mortality and expense risk
charges. Depending on your needs and preferences, you can choose the Class that
best meets your needs. Before we issue your Contract, you must select one of the
two Classes offered in the Contract. Once you select a Class, you cannot change

B-Share Class - imposes a surrender charge on withdrawals of up to 8% of each
purchase payment. This percentage decreases by 1% annually over the seven years
following the date each purchase payment is credited to your Contract. Each
purchase payment carries its own surrender charge, and therefore payment of
additional purchase payments will increase the surrender charge amount should
you surrender or take a withdrawal from your Contract over the following seven

Please note, however, that for Contracts issued in connection with plans
qualified under Section 457(f) of the Code under the B-Share Class, the
surrender charge is based on the Contract Year and not on the number of years
the purchase payment has been in the Contract, unless you choose the Extra
Credit Plan. The surrender charge is 8% of payment withdrawn within one year of
the Contract Issue Date. The surrender charge decreases by 1% for each full year
that passes from the issue date until the seventh full year has passed, at which
point the surrender charge is zero.

The mortality and expense risk charge for B-Share Class Contracts is 1.15%
(assessed daily, as an annual percentage of average Variable Contract Value).

L-Share Class - imposes a surrender charge on withdrawals of up to 8% of each
purchase payment. This percentage decreases by 1% annually over the four years
following the date each payment is credited to your Contract. Beginning on the
fifth Contract Anniversary, there is no surrender charge on any purchase
payments. The mortality and expense risk charge for L-Share Class Contracts is
1.65% (assessed daily, as an annual percentage of average Variable Contract

You may wish to purchase a B-Share Class Contract if you are not concerned about
the need for access to 100% of your Contract Value without paying a surrender
charge over the seven years after you make a purchase payment. The B-Share Class
Contract's mortality and expense risk changes are lower than those of the
L-Share Class Contracts. Also, you may only elect the Purchase Payment Credit
Benefit if you elect the B-Share Class.

You may wish to purchase an L-Share Class Contract if you feel you will need
access to 100% of your money without paying a surrender charge after four years
from the Contract Issue date. You will pay higher expenses (including higher
mortality and expense risk charge) for this additional liquidity.

The minimum amount required to purchase a Contract depends upon several factors.
The minimum purchase amount we must receive during the first 12 months of the
Contract is:

 Minimum Purchase        Type of Purchase
 $5,000                  All purchases, except as described below.
 $2,000                  For Contracts that qualify for special federal income
                         tax treatment under Sections 401, 403(b), 408, 408A,
                         or 457 of the Code. This category includes qualified
                         pension plans, tax-sheltered annuities, individual
                         retirement accounts, and certain deferred compensation
                         plans. Effective November 15, 2007, new Contracts are
                         not available to be used as funding vehicles for Code
                         Section 403(b) retirement programs.
 Value of the contract   The value of a contract exchanged pursuant to Section
 exchanged               1035 of the Code, if we approve the transaction prior
                         to the exchange.
 $2,000                  For a Contract sold to our employees and those of our
                         subsidiaries and to registered representatives and
                         other persons associated with CBSI. This category
                         includes both individual retirement accounts and
                         non-individual retirement accounts.

Unless the minimum purchase amount is paid in full at the time of application,
an automatic purchase payment plan must be established to schedule regular
payments during the first 12 months of the Contract. Under our automatic
purchase payment plan, the Owner can select a monthly payment schedule pursuant
to which purchase payments will be automatically deducted from a credit union
account, bank account or other source.

The amount paid at time of application and the regular payment schedule
established under the automatic purchase plan must total at least the amount
shown above as a minimum purchase amount. For example, if $5,000 is the required
minimum purchase amount, a $2,000 payment at the time of application and an
automatic payment plan amount of $272.73 a month for the next 11 months would be
sufficient. Similarly, if $2,000 is the required minimum purchase amount, an
initial purchase payment of $166.74 and an automatic payment plan amount of
$166.66 for each of the next 11 months would be sufficient. (Tax law limits the
amount of annual


contributions that we are permitted to accept for an individual retirement
account, except in the case of a rollover or transfer.) The minimum size for an
initial purchase payment and subsequent purchase payment is $100, unless the
payment is made through an automatic purchase payment plan in which case the
minimum size is $25. Purchase payments may be made at any time during the
Annuitant's lifetime and before the Payout Date. Additional purchase payments
after the initial purchase payment are not required (so long as the minimum
purchase amount has been paid).

We may choose not to accept: (1) purchase payments received after the Contract
Anniversary following the Annuitant's 85th birthday, (2) purchase payments of
less than $100, (3) purchase payments in excess of $1 million, and (4) any
additional purchase payments, if mandated under applicable law. Effective
January 1, 2009, we no longer accept purchase payments that are salary deferrals
from Contracts used as funding vehicles for Code Section 403(b) retirement

When the Owner makes a purchase payment, we will increase the Owner's Contract
Value by a specified percentage to the extent the Owner's cumulative Net
Purchase Payments meet or exceed $500,000. Cumulative Net Purchase Payments
equal the total of all Net Purchase Payments that we have received less any
partial withdrawals (including any associated surrender charges) that the Owner
has made.

The amount of the Contract Value Increase Enhancement varies by cumulative Net
Purchase Payment levels. The chart below sets forth the cumulative Net Purchase
Payment levels with the associated increase percentages:

      Cumulative Net Purchase Payment Levels       Increase Percentage
      $500,000 through $999,999.99                 0.50%
      $1,000,000 and above                         0.70%

We will calculate the Contract Value Increase Enhancement as follows:

    (a) cumulative Net Purchase Payments; multiplied by
    (b) the applicable increase percentage; minus
    (c) any prior increases to Contract Value as a result of the Contract
        Value Increase Enhancement.

We will allocate the amount of the Contract Value Increase Endorsement pro-rata
according to the Owner's current purchase payment allocation in the share class
elected by the Owner.

We fund the Contract Value Increase Enhancement from our General Account.
Therefore, you may wish to consider our financial strength in connection with
our ability to meet our obligations to fund the Contract Value Increase
Enhancement. We do not charge Owners for the Contract Value Increase

We will treat the Contract Value Increase Enhancement as Contract earnings. The
Contract Value Increase Enhancement will not be subject to any applicable
surrender charge. Contract Value Increase Enhancements are not purchase
payments, and therefore, do not increase the amount of surrender charges we
assess. However, they will be subject to the same charges as the base Contract
class. The Contract Value Increase Enhancement may not be available in all

If you elect the Purchase Payment Credit Benefit, that benefit will replace any
Contract Value Increase Enhancement Benefit. You may not receive both benefits.

The Extra Credit Plan is a Purchase Payment Credit Benefit endorsement. Under
the endorsement, each time you make a purchase payment, we will enhance, at a
cost, your Contract Value by 4% to 6% based on the cumulative Net Purchase
Payment levels, as illustrated in the following table:

     Cumulative Net Purchase Payments             Purchase Payment Credit
     Less than $250,000                                      4%
     At least $250,000 but less than $500,000                5%
     $500,000 or more                                        6%

We will calculate and apply Purchase Payment Credits the same day that your
purchase payment is applied to your Contract Value. The amount of the increase
will be any increase due less any prior increases that have been credited.
Further, we will allocate the amount of the Purchase Payment Credits pro-rata
according to your current purchase payment allocation instructions. Currently,
once a purchase payment is credited to your Contract Value, it is yours to keep.

The Contract's mortality and expense risk charges, and surrender charges are
higher if you elect to receive Purchase Payments Credits. However, we will not
assess charges for the Purchase Payment Credit Benefit against Contract Value in
the Fixed Account.

With the Purchase Payment Credit Benefit, the surrender charge we assess will be
1% higher than it would be for a B-Share Class Contract without Purchase Payment
Credits. However, the duration during which we assess surrender charges,
generally seven years


from the date we applied the purchase payment, will remain the same. We will
treat Purchase Payment Credits as Contract earnings for surrender charge and tax

In addition to the higher surrender charge rates, the assumptions we use in
assessing the surrender charge will change. We will no longer assume that
earnings are withdrawn first. (See CHARGES AND DEDUCTIONS.)

The Purchase Payment Credit Benefit is not available if you elect the L-Share
Class or if you elect the Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit.

If you choose the Purchase Payment Credit Benefit, that benefit will replace any
Contract Value Increase Enhancement Benefit. You may not receive both benefits.


Example 1: The Owner submits $1,000,000 purchase payment at Contract issue.

    o The Purchase Payment Credit is $1,000,000 x 6% = $60,000.

    o No prior Purchase Payment Credits have been applied, so we apply the full
      amount of the Purchase Payment Credit.

Example 2: The Owner submits a $200,000 purchase payment at Contract issue; the
Owner makes an additional $500,000 purchase payment on the first Contract

    o We apply a Purchase Payment Credit at issue of $200,000 x 4% = $8,000.

    o At the time of the additional purchase payment.
      o   Cumulative purchase payments equal $200,000 + $500,000 = $700,000.
      o   Purchase Payment Credits due are $700,000 x 6% = $42,000.
      o   The Purchase Payment Credits we previously applied = $8,000.
      o   Purchase Payment Credits we apply are $42,000 - $8,000 = $34,000.

Example 3: The Owner submits a $200,000 purchase payment at Contract issue; the
Owner makes an additional $200,000 purchase payment on the first Contract
Anniversary; the Owner takes a $75,000 partial withdrawal, and then the Owner
submits a $500,000 purchase payment.

       o At issue, the purchase payments we apply are $200,000 * 4% = $8,000.

       o At the time of the $200,000 additional purchase payment:
           o Cumulative purchase payments equal $200,000 + $200,000 = $400,000.

           o Purchase Payment Credits due are $400,000 * 5% = $20,000.

           o Total applied with the first additional purchase payment is
             $20,000 - $8,000 = $12,000.

       o With the $75,000 partial withdrawal:
           o Cumulative purchase payments equal $400,000 - $75,000 = $325,000.

           o We will not "recapture" Purchase Payment Credits.

       o With the $500,000 additional purchase payment:
           o Cumulative purchase payments equal $325,000 + $500,000 = $825,000.

           o Purchase Payment Credits due are $825,000 * 6% = $49,500.

           o The Purchase Payment Credits we previously applied = $20,000.

           o The Purchase Payment Credits we credit are $49,500 - $20,000
             = $29,500.

The Purchase Payment Credit Benefit may not be available in all states. We may
discontinue offering the Purchase Payment Credit Benefit at any time.

We expect to make a profit from these Purchase Payment Credits. In addition, the
amount of the Purchase Payment Credits may be more than offset by the additional
fees and charges associated with them.

We allocate purchase payments, Contract Value Increase Enhancements and Purchase
Payment Credits, if any, to Subaccounts and/or the Fixed Account as instructed
by the Owner. An allocation to a Subaccount must be for at least 1% of a
purchase payment and be in whole percentages. If permitted, an allocation to the
Fixed Account must be for at least $1,000. A requested allocation of less than
$1,000 to the Fixed Account will be transferred to the either the Ultra Series
Money Market Class I Subaccount or the Ultra Series Money Market Class II
Subaccount, as available for your Contract.

If the application for a Contract is properly completed and is accompanied by
all the information necessary to process it, including payment of the initial
purchase payment, the initial Net Purchase Payment, Contract Value Increase
Enhancements and Purchase Payment Credits, if any, will be allocated to
Subaccount(s) you choose within two Valuation Days of receipt by us at our
Mailing Address. If the application is not properly completed, we may retain the
purchase payment for up to five Valuation Days while we


attempt to complete the application. If information which completes the
application is received after the close of regular business on the New York
Stock Exchange (usually, 3:00 p.m. Central Time) on a Valuation Day, the
initial Net Purchase Payment will be allocated on the next Valuation Day. If the
application is not complete at the end of the 5-day period, we will inform the
applicant of the reason for the delay and the initial purchase payment will be
returned immediately, unless the applicant specifically consents to us retaining
the purchase payment until the application is complete. Once the application is
complete, the initial Net Purchase Payment, Contract Value Increase Enhancements
and Purchase Payment Credits, if any, will be allocated as designated by the
Owner within two Valuation Days.

We will process additional purchase payments at the Accumulation Unit value next
determined after the request is received in good order at our Mailing Address.
If we receive your purchase payment on a Valuation Day at our Mailing Address in
good order by the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange
(usually, 3:00 p.m. Central Time), your purchase payment will be applied with
that day's Accumulation Unit value.

To assist you with making your Subaccount selections, we offer at no cost to
you, static asset allocation models. The asset allocation models have preset
percentage allocations and have been established based on various risk
tolerances. If you choose to use the asset allocation models, you may only
choose one model. The currently available allocation models are as follows:

          Model(1)                   Mix                Subaccounts(2)
Conservative Growth Model            14%   Ultra Series Large Cap Growth
                                     12%   Van Kampen Growth & Income II
                                      5%   Ultra Series International Stock
                                      4%   Oppenheimer International Growth
                                      2%   Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate
                                      3%   PIMCO CommodityRealReturn Strategy
                                     15%   PIMCO Total Return
                                     35%   Invesco V.I. Government Securities
                                     10%   PIMCO Global Bond
Balanced Model                       16%   Ultra Series Large Cap Growth
                                     13%   Van Kampen Growth & Income II
                                      4%   Ultra Series Mid Cap
                                      7%   Ultra Series International Stock
                                      5%   Oppenheimer International Growth
                                      2%   Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate
                                      3%   PIMCO CommodityRealReturn Strategy
                                      3%   Franklin High Income Securities
                                      3%   Ultra Series High Income
                                     12%   PIMCO Total Return
                                     24%   Invesco V.I. Government Securities
                                      8%   PIMCO Global Bond
Moderate Growth Model                18%   Ultra Series Large Cap Growth
                                     14%   Van Kampen Growth & Income II
                                      5%   Ultra Series Mid Cap
                                      2%   Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap
                                      9%   Ultra Series International Stock
                                      6%   Oppenheimer International Growth
                                      3%   Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate
                                      3%   PIMCO CommodityRealReturn Strategy
                                      3%   Franklin High Income Securities
                                      6%   Ultra Series Fund High Income
                                      9%   PIMCO Total Return
                                     16%   Invesco V.I. Government Securities
                                      6%   PIMCO Global Bond
Growth Model(2)                      20%   Ultra Series Large Cap Growth
                                     15%   Van Kampen Growth & Income II
                                      6%   Ultra Series Mid Cap
                                      3%   Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap
                                     11%   Ultra Series International Stock
                                      6%   Oppenheimer International Growth
                                      4%   Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate
                                      5%   PIMCO CommodityRealReturn Strategy
                                      3%   Franklin High Income Securities


          Model(1)                   Mix                Subaccounts(2)
                                      6%   Ultra Series High Income
                                      6%   PIMCO Total Return
                                      9%   Invesco V.I. Government Securities
                                      6%   PIMCO Global Bond
Aggressive Growth Model              22%   Ultra Series Large Cap Growth
                                     16%   Van Kampen Growth & Income II
                                      7%   Ultra Series Mid Cap
                                      6%   Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap
                                     12%   Ultra Series International Stock
                                      7%   Oppenheimer International Growth
                                      5%   Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate
                                      5%   PIMCO CommodityRealReturn Strategy
                                      2%   Franklin High Income Securities
                                      5%   Ultra Series High Income
                                      4%   PIMCO Total Return
                                      5%   Invesco V.I. Government Securities
                                      4%   PIMCO Global Bond
Risk-Managed Funds Model             20%   Ultra Series Conservative Allocation
                                     45%   Ultra Series Moderate Allocation
                                     15%   Ultra Series Equity Income
                                     10%   Ultra Series Bond Fund
                                     10%   Ultra Series Diversified Income

(1)These models are not available if you purchased a Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit or Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider before the
current May 1, 2010 version was available in your state. The models that are
available to you are listed in the Appendices to this Prospectus.
(2)For the Ultra Series Fund, the models are composed of either the Class I or
the Class II Subaccount depending on which Subaccount is available for your

Subject to any approval, notice or consent required by applicable law, we may:

    (i)   add allocation models without prior notice;
    (ii)  remove or substitute allocation models; and
    (iii) substitute Subaccount(s) within an available allocation model.

If we remove an allocation model, existing Contracts that are using the model at
the time it is removed may continue to use it. The removed allocation model will
not be available for newly issued Contracts nor will existing Contracts be able
to switch to the removed model.

While your funds will be initially allocated to each Subaccount in the
percentages specified by the model you select, if any, the actual percentage of
your Contract Value allocated to a particular Subaccount may change over time
due to factors such as changes in the market value of the underlying fund's
portfolio. By choosing an allocation model, you are directing us to
automatically rebalance your Contract Value each Contract Anniversary in
accordance with the allocation model.

If you elect a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider, not all of these allocation models will be available
to you.

The Contract Value is the sum of Variable Contract Value, Fixed Contract Value
and the value in the Loan Account.

Determining the Variable Contract Value. The Variable Contract Value is
determined at the end of each Valuation Period and reflects the investment
experience of the selected Subaccounts, after applicable charges. The value will
be the total of the values attributable to the Contract in each of the
Subaccounts (i.e., Subaccount Value). The Subaccount Values are determined by
multiplying that Subaccount's Accumulation Unit value by the number of
Accumulation Units.

Determination of Number of Accumulation Units. Any Net Purchase Payment,
Contract Value Increase Enhancements or Purchase Payment Credits, if applied,
allocated to a Subaccount or Contract Value transferred to a Subaccount is
converted into Accumulation Units of that Subaccount. The number of Accumulation
Units is determined by dividing the dollar amount being allocated or transferred
to a Subaccount by the Accumulation Unit value for that Subaccount. The number
of Accumulation Units is increased by additional purchase payments and Contract
Value Increase Enhancement or Purchase Payment Credits, if applicable, or
allocations. The number of Accumulation Units does not change as a result of
investment experience. Any Contract Value transferred, surrendered or deducted
from a Subaccount is processed by canceling or liquidating Accumulation Units.
The number of Accumulation Units canceled is determined by dividing the dollar
amount being removed from a Subaccount by the Accumulation Unit value.


Determination of Accumulation Unit Value. The Accumulation Unit value for a
Subaccount is calculated for each Valuation Period by subtracting (2) from (1)
and dividing the result by (3), where:

    (1) Is:

        (a) the net assets of the Subaccount as of the end of the Valuation
        (b) plus or minus the net charge or credit with respect to any taxes
            paid or any amount set aside as a provision for taxes during the
            Valuation Period.

    (2) The daily charges for mortality and expense risks and administrative
        expenses and any applicable surrender charge multiplied by the number
        of days in the Valuation Period.
    (3) The number of Accumulation Units outstanding as of the end of the
        Valuation Period.

The value of an Accumulation Unit may increase or decrease as a result of
investment experience.


General. Before the Payout Date, the Owner may make transfers between the
Subaccounts and the Fixed Account as described below.

    o  Transfers from Subaccount(s) to the Fixed Account are not permitted for
       the DCA Fixed Periods.
    o  Transfers from the Fixed Account to Subaccount(s) are permitted at any
       time for the DCA Fixed Periods.
    o  A minimum monthly transfer from the Fixed Account to Subaccount(s) you
       designate is required for the DCA Fixed Periods. If no Subaccounts are
       designated, the minimum transfer amount will be transferred to either
       the Ultra Series Money Market Class I Subaccount or the Ultra Series
       Money Market Class II Subaccount, as available for your Contract. The
       minimum transfer amount is the monthly sum that will amortize the Fixed
       Amount designated to a DCA Fixed Period on the expiration of the
       applicable DCA Fixed Period.
    o  For Connecticut residents, transfers from Subaccount(s) to the Fixed
       Account are only permitted for the one-year Fixed Period and
       must be at least $1,000 (lesser amounts received are allocated to the
       either the Ultra Series Money Market Class I Subaccount or the Ultra
       Series Money Market Class II Subaccount, as available for your
       Contract). In addition, the end of the one-year Fixed Period may not
       extend beyond the Payout Date at the time of the transfer.
    o  For Connecticut residents, transfers from the Fixed Account to
       Subaccount(s) for the one-year Fixed Period are permitted only during
       the 30-day period before the expiration of the one-year Fixed Period.

Amounts transferred to a Subaccount will receive the Accumulation Unit value
next determined after the transfer request is received in good order. If we
receive a transfer request in good order at our Mailing Address by the close of
regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange (usually, 3:00 p.m. Central Time)
on a Valuation Day, your request will be processed using that day's Accumulation
Unit value.

No fee is currently charged for transfers but we may charge $10 for each
transfer. Required transfers from the Fixed Account with respect to a DCA Fixed
Period are not subject to a transfer fee.

Transfers may be made by Written Request, fax, Internet, or by telephone.

We will send a written confirmation of all transfers. We will use reasonable
procedures to confirm that fax, Internet, or telephone instructions are genuine.
These procedures may include requiring callers to identify themselves and the
Owner or others (e.g., Beneficiary) by name, social security number, date of
birth, or other identifying information. There are risks associated with fax,
Internet, or telephone transactions. Anyone authorizing or making fax, Internet,
or telephone requests bears those risks. We will not be liable for any losses
resulting from unauthorized or allegedly unauthorized fax, Internet, or
telephone requests that we believe are genuine.

We may record telephone requests. We may suspend fax, Internet or telephone
instructions at any time for any class of Contracts for any reason.

Fax, Internet and telephone service may not always be available. All of these
services, whether they are yours, your service provider's, your agent's, or
ours, can experience outages or slowdowns for a variety of reasons. For example,
communications may not be available due to natural disasters (such as hurricanes
or earthquakes), man-made disasters (such as acts of terrorism, computer
failures, electrical blackouts, or certain fires), or simply because of a high
number of users (which is likely to occur during periods of high market
turbulence). These outages or slowdowns may delay or prevent processing your
request. Although we have taken precautions to help our systems handle heavy
use, we cannot promise complete reliability under all circumstances. If you are
experiencing problems, you should make your request by writing to us at our
Mailing Address.

We may modify, restrict, or terminate the transfer privileges at any time for
any reason.

If you elect a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or a Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider, you must allocate to a Benefit Allocation Plan. The
allocation restrictions are required for those benefits to remain in effect
restrict the transfers you may make, and may require a specific dollar amount to
be allocated to the Foundation Account based on your Lifetime Benefit Basis or


Benefit Basis, as applicable, multiplied by the percentage required to be
allocated to the Foundation Account for the Benefit Allocation Plan you elected.
If you violate an allocation restriction associated with your Guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefits rider by
transferring out of an available Benefit Allocation Plan or from the Foundation
Account, your benefit will terminate unless otherwise prohibited by applicable

Transfer Limitations. Frequent, large, or short-term transfers among
Subaccounts, such as those associated with "market timing" transactions, can
adversely affect the Funds and the returns achieved by Owners. In particular,
such transfers may dilute the value of Fund shares, interfere with the efficient
management of the Funds, and increase brokerage and administrative costs of the
Funds. These costs are borne by all Owners allocating purchase payments to the
Subaccounts and other Fund shareholders, not just the Owner making the

In order to try to protect Owners and the Funds from potentially harmful trading
activity, we have certain policies and procedures ("Frequent Transfers

Detection. We employ various means in an attempt to detect, deter, and prevent
inappropriate frequent, large, or short-term transfer activity among the
Subaccounts that may adversely affect other Owners or Fund shareholders. We may
vary the Frequent Transfers Procedures with respect to the monitoring of
potential harmful trading activity from Subaccount to Subaccount, and may be
more restrictive with regard to certain Subaccounts than others. However, we
will apply the Frequent Transfers Procedures, including any variance in the
Frequent Transfers Procedures by Subaccount, uniformly to all Owners. We also
coordinate with the Funds to identify potentially inappropriate frequent
trading, and will investigate any patterns of trading behavior identified by
Funds that may not have been captured through operation of the Frequent
Transfers Procedures.

Despite our best efforts, we may not be able to detect nor stop all harmful

Deterrence. If we determine under the Frequent Transfers Procedures that an
Owner has engaged in inappropriate frequent transfers, we notify Owner that from
that date forward, for three months from the date we mailed the notification
letter, the telephone transfer and withdrawal privilege will be revoked. He or
she will only be permitted to make transfers or withdrawals by Written Request
with an original signature conveyed through the U.S. mail or overnight delivery

In our sole discretion, we may revise the Frequent Transfers Procedures at any
time without prior notice as necessary to (i) better detect and deter frequent,
large, or short-term transfers that may adversely affect other Owners or Fund
shareholders, (ii) comply with state or federal regulatory requirements, or
(iii) impose additional or alternate restrictions on Owners who make
inappropriate frequent transfers (such as dollars or percentage limits on
transfers). We also may, to the extent permitted by applicable law, implement
and administer redemption fees imposed by one or more of the Funds in the
future. If required by applicable law, we may deduct redemption fees imposed by
the Funds. Further, to the extent permitted by law, we also may defer the
transfer privilege at any time that we are unable to purchase or redeem shares
of the Funds. You should be aware that we are contractually obligated to
prohibit purchases and transfers or redemptions of Fund shares at the Fund's

We currently do not impose redemption fees on transfers, or expressly allow a
certain number of transfers in a given period, or limit the size of transfers in
a given period. Redemption fees, transfer limits, and other procedures or
restrictions may be more or less successful than our policies in deterring
inappropriate frequent transfers or other disruptive transfers and in preventing
or limiting harm from such transfers.

Our ability to detect and deter such transfer activity is limited by our
operational and technological systems, as well as by our ability to predict
strategies employed by Owners (or those acting on their behalf) to avoid
detection. Accordingly, despite our best efforts, we cannot guarantee that the
Frequent Transfers Procedures will detect or deter frequent or harmful transfers
by such Owners or intermediaries acting on their behalf. We apply the Frequent
Transfers Procedures consistently to all Owners without waiver or exception.

Fund Frequent Trading Policies. The Funds have adopted their own policies and
procedures with respect to inappropriate frequent purchases and redemptions of
their respective shares. The prospectuses for the Funds describe any such
policies and procedures. The frequent trading policies and procedures of a Fund
may be different, and more or less restrictive, than the frequent trading
policies and procedures of other Funds and the polices and procedures we have
adopted to discourage inappropriate frequent transfers. Accordingly, Owners and
other persons who have material rights under the Contracts should assume that
the sole protections they may have against potential harm from frequent
transfers are the protections, if any, provided by the Frequent Transfers
Procedures. You should read the prospectuses of the Funds for more details on
their ability to refuse or restrict purchases or redemptions of their shares.

Omnibus Orders. Owners and other persons with material rights under the
Contracts also should be aware that the purchase and redemption orders received
by the Funds generally are "omnibus" orders from intermediaries such as
retirement plans and separate accounts funding variable insurance contracts. The
omnibus orders reflect the aggregation and netting of multiple orders from
individual owners of variable insurance contracts and individual retirement plan
participants. The omnibus nature of these orders may limit each Fund's ability
to apply its respective frequent trading policies and procedures. In addition,
if a Fund believes that an omnibus order we submit may reflect one or more
transfer requests from Owners engaged in inappropriate frequent transfers, the
Fund may reject the entire omnibus order and thereby delay or prevent us from
implementing your request.


You should be aware that we are required to provide to a Fund or its designee,
promptly upon request, certain information about the transfer activity of
individual Owners and, if requested by the Fund, to restrict or prohibit further
purchases or transfers by specific Owners identified by the Fund as violating
the frequent trading policies established for that Fund.

Dollar Cost Averaging. Dollar Cost Averaging is a long-term transfer program
that allows you to make regular (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual)
level investments over time. The level investments are intended to ensure that
you purchase more Accumulation Units when their value is lower and fewer units
when their value is higher. Over time, the cost per unit averages out to be less
than if all purchases had been made at the highest value and greater than if all
purchases had been made at the lowest value. If continued over an extended
period of time, the dollar-cost averaging method of investment reduces the risk
of making purchases only when the price of Accumulation Units is high. It does
not guarantee a profit or protect against a loss.

Dollar Cost Averaging Transfers. An Owner may choose to systematically or
automatically transfer (on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis) a
specified dollar amount from either the Ultra Series Money Market Class I
Subaccount or the Ultra Series Money Market Class II Subaccount, as available
for your Contract, to one or more Subaccounts. In addition, for Fixed Amounts
designated to a DCA Fixed Period, a minimum monthly amount must be
systematically transferred from the Fixed Account to one or more Subaccounts
equal to the monthly sum that will amortize the Fixed Amount on the expiration
date of the applicable DCA Fixed Period.

Portfolio Rebalancing. An Owner may instruct us to automatically transfer (on a
quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis) Variable Contract Value between and
among specified Subaccounts in order to achieve a particular percentage
allocation of Variable Contract Value among the Subaccounts. Owners may start
and stop automatic Variable Contract Value rebalancing at any time and may
specify any percentage allocation of Contract Value between or among as many
Subaccounts as are available at the time the rebalancing is elected. (If an
Owner elects automatic Variable Contract Value rebalancing without specifying
such percentage allocation(s), we will allocate Variable Contract Value in
accordance with the Owner's currently effective purchase payment allocation
schedule. This is not applicable if the purchase payment allocations include an
allocation to the Fixed Account.) If the Owner does not specify a frequency for
rebalancing, we will rebalance quarterly. We may stop the portfolio rebalancing

If you elect a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider, you will be required to participate as a condition
to receiving the rider benefit, in the automatic personal rebalancing service if
the Benefit Allocation Plan you selected includes two or more funds, other than
the Foundation Account. (See OPTIONAL RIDER BENEFITS).

Other Types of Automatic Transfers. An Owner may also choose to systematically
or automatically transfer (on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual
basis) Variable Contract Value from one Subaccount to another. Such automatic
transfers may be: (1) a specified dollar amount, (2) a specified number of
Accumulation Units, (3) a specified percent of Variable Contract Value in a
particular Subaccount, or (4) in an amount equal to the excess of a specified
amount of Variable Contract Value in a particular Subaccount.

For Fixed Amounts designated to a DCA Fixed Period, Owners may also
automatically transfer the interest from the Fixed Account to one or more of the
Subaccounts. The minimum automatic transfer amount is $100 per month. If less
than $100 is available, the entire amount will be transferred. The amount
transferred to a Subaccount must be at least 1% of the amount transferred and
must be stated in whole percentages. Once elected, automatic transfers remain in
effect until the earliest of: (1) the Variable Contract Value in the Subaccount
or Fixed Account from which transfers are being made is depleted to zero; (2)
the Owner cancels the election; or (3) for three successive months, the Variable
Contract Value in the Subaccount from which transfers are being made has been
insufficient to implement the automatic transfer instructions. We will notify
the Owner when automatic transfer instructions are no longer in effect. There is
no additional charge for using automatic transfers. If you elect a Guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider,
you may only make automatic transfers from a DCA Fixed Period to an available
Benefit Allocation Plan. (See OPTIONAL RIDER BENEFITS). We may stop the
automatic transfer programs.


Surrenders. At any time on or before the Payout Date, the Owner may surrender
the Contract and receive its Surrender Value by Written Request to us at our
Mailing Address. We will process the surrender at the Accumulation Unit value
next determined after the Written Request is received at our Mailing Address. If
we receive your surrender request in good order at our Mailing Address by the
close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange (usually, 3:00 p.m.
Central Time) on a Valuation Day, your request will be processed with that day's
Accumulation Unit value. The Surrender Value will be paid in a lump sum unless
the Owner requests payment under an Income Payout Option. We may apply a
surrender charge upon surrender.

Surrender charges only apply to purchase payments. Therefore, even though the
percentage rate of the surrender charge assessed against purchase payments
increases by 1% if you elect to receive Purchase Payment Credits, surrender
charges are never assessed against the Purchase Payment Credits themselves or
against Credit Value Increase Enhancements.

Partial Withdrawals. At any time on or before the Payout Date, an Owner may make
withdrawals of the Surrender Value. There is no minimum amount which may be
withdrawn but the maximum amount is that which would leave the remaining
Surrender Value equal to $2,000. A partial withdrawal request that would reduce
the Surrender Value to less than $2,000 is treated as a request for a full


surrender of the Contract. If you are a resident of Texas, we will treat a
request that would reduce the Surrender Value to less $2,000 as a full surrender
only if (1) no purchase payments were made during the prior two Contract Years,
(2) the total of all purchase payments less partial withdrawals is less than
$2,000 and (3) the resulting Contract Value is also less than $2,000.

We will process the withdrawal at the Accumulation Unit value next determined
after the request is received at our Mailing Address. If we receive your partial
surrender request at our Mailing Address in good order by the close of regular
trading on the New York Stock Exchange (usually, 3:00 p.m. Central Time) on a
Valuation Day, your request will be processed with that day's Accumulation Unit
value. We may apply a surrender charge upon partial withdrawal, which will be
deducted from the remaining Contract Value. Surrender charges only apply to
purchase payments. Therefore, even though the percentage rate of the surrender
charge assessed against purchase payments increases by 1% if you elect to
receive Purchase Payment Credits, surrender charges are never assessed against
the Purchase Payment Credits themselves or against Credit Value Increase

The Owner may specify the amount of the partial withdrawal to be made from
Subaccounts or the Fixed Account. If the Owner does not so specify, or if the
amount in the designated Subaccounts or the Fixed Account is not enough to
comply with the request, the partial withdrawal (and any applicable surrender
charge) will be made proportionately from the accounts. If you elect a
Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation
Benefit rider; your Benefit Allocation Plan requires an allocation to the
Foundation Account and you instruct us to deduct a partial withdrawal from the
Foundation Account before the Contract Value in your other allocation options is
exhausted, your benefit will terminate unless otherwise prohibited by applicable
law. A contingent deferred sales charge may apply to surrenders and partial

Systematic Withdrawals. Owner(s) may elect to receive periodic partial
withdrawals under our systematic withdrawal plan. Such withdrawals will be
assessed surrender charges. Under the plan, we will make partial withdrawals (on
a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis) from designated Subaccounts.
Such withdrawals must be at least $100 each. Generally, Systematic Withdrawals
may only be made from Variable Contract Value Subaccounts. However, Systematic
Withdrawals can be made from the Fixed Account to satisfy required minimum
distributions or to withdraw interest. The $100 minimum withdrawal requirement
may be waived if the withdrawal is necessary to meet the required minimum
distribution under the Code; however, any applicable surrender charge will
continue to apply. Generally, Owners should be at least age 59 1/2 to
participate in the systematic withdrawal plan unless they elect to receive
substantially equal periodic payments. Beginning a systematic withdrawal plan
before the Owner reaches age 59 1/2 may have federal income tax implications.

The withdrawals may be: (1) a specified dollar amount, (2) a specified whole
number of Accumulation Units, (3) a specified percent of Variable Contract Value
in a particular Subaccount, (4) in an amount equal to the excess of a specified
amount of Variable Contract Value in a particular Subaccount, and (5) in an
amount equal to an Owner's required minimum distribution under the Code.

Participation in the systematic withdrawal plan will terminate upon the earliest
of the following events: (1) the Variable Contract Value in a Subaccount from
which partial withdrawals are being made becomes zero, (2) a termination date
specified by the Owner is reached, (3) the Owner requests that his or her
participation in the plan cease, or (4) a surrender charge would be applicable
to amounts being withdrawn (i.e., partial withdrawals under the systematic
withdrawal plan may not include amounts subject to the surrender charge unless
one of the exceptions noted below applies). You should not elect systematic
withdrawals if you elect a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit.

With regard to (4), an Owner may, by Written Request, request that systematic
withdrawals continue even though a surrender charge is deducted in connection
with such withdrawals. Also with regard to (4), if the withdrawal is necessary
to meet the required minimum distribution under the Code or if necessary to make
substantially equal payments as required under the Code, we will continue
systematic withdrawals even though a surrender charge is deducted.

Automatic Required Minimum Distribution Plan. Certain qualified plans require
that you begin to take distributions by age 70 1/2. To help make these
distributions, we offer Automatic Required Minimum Distribution plans. The
Automatic Required Minimum Distribution plan can be used by individuals
participating in a Tax Sheltered Annuity (TSA), Individual Retirement Annuity
(IRA), or Simplified Employee Pension (SEP). If the Owner elects to use this
plan, scheduled withdrawals using the previous December 31 year-end value
divided by the appropriate life expectancy factor will automatically be taken
from their Contract Value. These scheduled withdrawal amounts will satisfy
minimum distribution requirements for the value in the Contract. If you plan to
take required minimum distributions under your Contract, whether or not you take
them under the Automatic Required Minimum Distribution Plan, you should not
purchase a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider because withdrawals
will decrease your Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis.

In connection with the recently adopted Worker, Retiree and Employer Recovery
Act of 2008 ("Act"), there are no required minimum distributions from certain
qualified defined contribution retirement plans and individual retirement
accounts for the 2009 calendar year. If a Contract is held in such an account,
the Owner has enrolled in an Automatic Required Minimum Distribution Plan, and
the Owner does not instruct the Company to discontinue distributions for 2009,
the Company will continue to make distributions as if minimum distributions were


Owners, who have not enrolled in an Automatic Required Minimum Distribution Plan
and who would have been required to take minimum distributions in 2009 if the
Act had not been passed, may enroll in an Automatic Required Minimum
Distribution Plan in 2009 and take the distributions that would otherwise have
been required.

For both established and new Automatic Required Distribution Plans, the Company
will treat such distributions as if they had been required for purposes of the
discussion of required minimum distributions in this Prospectus.

An Owner who receives a distribution under an Automatic Required Distribution
Plan may re-contribute such distribution to the Contract as a rollover
contribution if the distribution is returned to the Company and is received by
us at our Mailing Address within 60 days of payment. Such distributions returned
in good order will be processed as of the Valuation Day they are received by us
at our Mailing Address.

Restrictions on Distributions from Certain Types of Contracts. There are certain
restrictions on surrenders of and partial withdrawals from Contracts used as
funding vehicles for Code Section 403(b) retirement programs. Section 403(b)(11)
of the Code restricts the distribution under Section 403(b) annuity contracts
of: (i) elective contributions made in years beginning after December 31, 1988;
(ii) earnings on those contributions; and (iii) earnings in such years on
amounts held as of the last year beginning before January 1, 1989. Distributions
of those amounts may only occur upon the death of the employee, attainment of
age 59 1/2, severance from employment, disability, or financial hardship. In
addition, income attributable to elective contributions may not be distributed
in the case of hardship. Pursuant to new tax regulations, we generally are
required to confirm, with your 403(b) plan sponsor or otherwise, that surrenders
or partial withdrawals you request from a 403(b) Contract comply with applicable
tax requirements before we process your request.

Other restrictions with respect to the election, commencement, or distribution
of benefits may apply under Qualified Contracts or under the terms of the plans
in respect of which Qualified Contracts are issued.

There may be federal income tax implications to surrenders and partial
withdrawals. Owners should consult with their tax adviser before requesting a
surrender or partial withdrawal. We may stop offering the systematic withdrawal
plan at any time.

Owners of Contracts issued in connection with retirement programs meeting the
requirements of Section 403(b) of the Code (other than those programs subject to
Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974) may borrow from
us using their Contracts as collateral. Loans are subject to the terms of the
Contract, the retirement program and the Code. Loans are described in more
detail in the SAI.

Naming different persons as Owner(s), Annuitant(s), and Beneficiary(ies) can
have important impacts on whether the death benefit is paid, and on who would
receive it. Carefully consider the potential consequences under various
scenarios when naming Owners, Annuitants, and Beneficiaries, and consult your
agent or financial advisor.

Death of an Owner. If any Owner dies before the Payout Date, any surviving Owner
becomes the sole Owner. If there is no surviving Owner, the Annuitant becomes
the new Owner unless the deceased Owner was also the Annuitant. If the sole
deceased Owner was also the Annuitant, then the provisions relating to the death
of an Annuitant (described below) will govern unless the deceased Owner was one
of two joint Annuitants. In the latter event, the surviving Annuitant becomes
the Owner.

If the new Owner is not the spouse of the deceased Owner, the new Owner may
elect, within 60 days of the date we received Due Proof of Death:

    (a)  to continue the Contract as the new Owner for up to an additional five
         years after which, if the Contract has not earlier been surrendered,
         the Contract will terminate and we will pay the Surrender Value in a
         single lump sum; or

    (b)  to apply the Surrender Value within one year of the deceased Owner's
         death to one of the Income Payout Options provided that payments are
         payable over the new Owner's life or over a period not greater than the
         new Owner's life expectancy.

If the new Owner does not elect one of the above options, we will pay the
Surrender Value in a single sum five years from the date of the deceased Owner's

Sole surviving Owners or new Owners may exercise all Ownership rights and
privileges from the date of the deceased Owner's death until the date that the
Surrender Value is paid.

Death of the Annuitant. If the Annuitant dies before the Payout Date, we will
pay the death benefit described below to the Beneficiary named by the Owner in a
lump sum. (Owners and Beneficiaries also may name successor Beneficiaries.) If
there is no surviving Beneficiary, we will pay the death benefit to the Owner or
the Owner's estate. In lieu of a lump sum payment, the Beneficiary may elect,
within 60 days of the date we receive Due Proof of Death of the Annuitant, to
apply the death benefit to an Income Payout Option. If the Annuitant who is also
an Owner dies, the Beneficiary may only apply the death benefit payment to an
Income Payout Option if:

    (1)  payments under the option begin within 1 year of the Annuitant's death;


    (2)  payments under the option are payable over the Beneficiary's life or
         over a period not greater than the Beneficiary's life expectancy.

In lieu of a lump sum payment, if the Beneficiary is the deceased Annuitant's
spouse, then he or she may elect to continue the Contract.

Basic Death Benefit. The basic death benefit is an amount equal to the greater

    (1)  aggregate Net Purchase Payments made under the Contract less a
         proportional adjustment for partial withdrawals as of the Valuation Day
         we receive Due Proof of Death at our Mailing Address; or
    (2)  Contract Value less any Purchase Payment Credits applied to Contract
         Value within 12 months of the Annuitant's death, as of the Valuation
         Day we receive Due Proof of Death at our Mailing Address.

The death benefit will be reduced by any outstanding Loan Amount and any
applicable premium expense charges not previously deducted. The Contract also
offers additional guaranteed death benefit choices as riders to the Contract.
These additional choices enhance the death benefit and are available at an
additional charge. Please see the riders section for more details.

The death benefit is paid at such time as we are provided all required
documentation and proper instructions.

If you elect a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider at the Contract
Issue Date, your death benefit will be the death benefit described in your
rider. (See OPTIONAL RIDER BENEFITS, Income Protector).

Proportional Adjustment for Partial Withdrawals. When calculating the basic
death benefit amount, as described above, an adjustment is made to aggregate Net
Purchase Payments for partial withdrawals taken from the Contract. The
proportional adjustment for partial withdrawals is calculated by dividing (1) by
(2) and multiplying the result by (3) where:

    (1)  Is the partial withdrawal amount;
    (2)  Is the Contract Value immediately prior to the partial withdrawal; and
    (3)  Is the sum of Net Purchase Payments immediately prior to the partial
         withdrawal less any adjustment for prior partial withdrawals (including
         any applicable surrender charges).

Examples how the death benefit works are provided in Appendix B.

                              MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS

Any surrender, partial withdrawal, Contract loan, or death benefit usually will
be paid within seven days of receipt of a Written Request at our Mailing
Address, any information or documentation reasonably necessary to process the
request, and (in the case of a death benefit) receipt and filing of Due Proof of
Death. However, payments may be postponed if:

   (1)  the New York Stock Exchange is closed, other than customary weekend and
        holiday closings, or trading on the exchange is restricted as determined
        by the SEC; or
   (2)  the SEC permits the postponement for the protection of Owners; or
   (3)  the SEC determines that an emergency exists that would make the disposal
        of securities held in the Variable Account or the determination of the
        value of the Variable Account's net assets not reasonably practicable.

If a recent check or draft has been submitted, we may delay payment until we are
certain the check or draft has been honored.

We may defer payment of any surrender, partial withdrawal, or transfer from the
Fixed Account for up to six months from the date of receipt of Written Request
at our Mailing Address for such a surrender or transfer. In addition, we may
defer payment from the Fixed Account for up to two months from the date we
receive Due Proof of Death. Interest will be added to the amount paid, if
required by a particular jurisdiction. Interest will be calculated at the rate
required and for a time period required by law or regulation.

If mandated under applicable law, we may be required to reject a purchase
payment. We may also be required to provide additional information about your
account to government regulators. In addition, we may be required to block an
Owner's account and thereby refuse to pay any request for transfers,
withdrawals, surrenders, loans or death benefits, until instructions are
received from the appropriate regulator.

Upon notice to the Owner and as permitted by applicable law, we may modify the

    (1)  to permit the Contract or the Variable Account to comply with any
         applicable law or regulation issued by a government agency;
    (2)  to assure continued qualification of the Contract under the Code or
         other federal or state laws relating to retirement annuities or
         variable annuity contracts;
    (3)  to reflect a change in the operation of the Variable Account;
    (4)  to combine the Variable Account with any of our other separate accounts
         and/or create new separate accounts;


    (5)  to transfer the assets of any Subaccount to any other Subaccount, and
         to add new Subaccounts and make such Subaccounts available to any class
         of contracts as we deem appropriate;
    (6)  to transfer assets from the Variable Account to another separate
    (7)  to deregister the Variable Account under the 1940 Act if such
         registration is no longer required;
    (8)  to operate the Variable Account as a management investment company
         under the 1940 Act (including managing the Variable Account under the
         direction of a committee) or in any other form permitted by law;
    (9)  to restrict or eliminate any voting rights of Owners or other persons
         having such rights as to the Variable Account;
   (10)  to add new funds or remove existing funds;
   (11)  to eliminate or combine any Subaccounts and transfer the assets of any
         Subaccount to any other Subaccount; or
   (12)  to make any other changes to the Variable Account or its operations as
         may be required by the 1940 Act or other applicable law or regulation.

In the event of most such modifications, we will make appropriate endorsement to
the Contract.


At least annually, we will mail to each Owner, at such Owner's last known
address of record, a report setting forth the Contract Value (including the
Contract Value in each Subaccount and each Fixed Amount), purchase payments paid
and charges deducted since the last report, partial withdrawals made since the
last report, individualized rate of return (based on Contract fees, charges,
riders and purchase payments) and any other information required by any
applicable law or regulation.

To protect you from fraud and theft, we may verify any changes in address you
request by sending a confirmation of the change to both your old and new
address. We may also call you to verify the change of address.

Inquiries regarding a Contract may be made in writing to us at our Mailing
Address. We may charge a fee of up to $50 for each research request.

                              INCOME PAYOUT OPTIONS


The Owner selects the Payout Date. For Non-Qualified Contracts, the Payout Date
may not be after the later of the Contract Anniversary following the Annuitant's
85th birthday or 10 years after the Contract Issue Date, except that we may
allow on a non-discriminatory basis the Payout Date to be as late as 95 if the
Contract was issued when the Annuitant was 76 or older. For Qualified Contracts,
the Payout Date must be consistent with the requirements of the Code, which may
require the Payout Date to be no later than the date the Annuitant is age 70
1/2. If you are a resident of New Jersey, the Payout Date must be at least one
year after the Contract Issue Date.

The Owner may change the Payout Date subject to the following limitations: (1)
the Owner's Written Request must be received by us at our Mailing Address at
least 30 days before the current Payout Date, and (2) the requested Payout Date
must be a date that is at least 30 days after receipt of the Written Request.
The Payout Date may be no earlier than 30 days after the issue date. We are
currently waiving the 30 day requirement in (1). However, the Written Request
must be received by us at our Mailing Address prior to the current Payout Date.

Your anticipated Payout Date may be extended if you elect a Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit in order for you to continue to receive Lifetime Withdrawals
under the terms of that rider. (See OPTIONAL RIDER BENEFITS, Income Protector).

If you are a resident of Oregon, you may be required to wait until the surrender
charge period has passed to change your Payout Date. We are currently waiving
this requirement for Payout Options on which no surrender charge would be
assessed. However, the Written Request must be received by us at our Mailing
Address prior to the current Payout Date.

On the Payout Date, the Payout Proceeds will be applied under the Single Life
Income Option (or, for joint annuitants, the Joint and Survivor Life Income
Option) with 10 years guaranteed, unless the Owner elects to have the proceeds
paid under another payment option or to receive the Surrender Value in a lump
sum. Unless the Owner instructs we otherwise, amounts in the Fixed Account will
be used to provide a Fixed Income Payout Option and amounts in the Variable
Account will be used to provide a variable Income Payout Option.

The Payout Proceeds equal the Contract Value:

    (1)  minus any applicable surrender charge if Income Payout Option 1 or
         Option 2 (with variable Income Payments) are selected;
    (2)  minus the pro-rated portion of the annual Contract fee or rider charges
         (unless the Payout Date falls on the Contract Anniversary);


    (3)  minus any applicable Loan Amount; and
    (4)  minus any applicable premium expense charge not yet deducted.

On the Payout Date, the Payout Proceeds will be applied under an available
Income Payout Option, unless the Owner elects to receive the Surrender Value in
a single sum. If an election of an Income Payout Option is not on file with us
at our Mailing Address on the Payout Date, the proceeds will be paid as a life
income annuity with payments for 10 years guaranteed. An Income Payout Option
may be elected, revoked, or changed by the Owner at any time before the Payout
Date while the Annuitant is living. The election of an option and any revocation
or change must be made by Written Request. The Owner may elect to apply any
portion of the Payout Proceeds to provide either variable Income Payments or
fixed Income Payments or a combination of both.

We may refuse the election of an Income Payout Option other than paying the
Payout Proceeds in a lump sum if the total amount applied to an Income Payout
Option would be less than $2,500, or each Income Payment would be less than

Fixed Income Payments are periodic payments from us to the designated Payee, the
amount of which is fixed and guaranteed by us. The amount of each payment
depends only on the form and duration of the Income Payout Option chosen, the
age of the Annuitant, the gender of the Annuitant (if applicable), the amount
applied to purchase the Income Payments and the applicable income purchase rates
in the Contract. Except for Options 1 and 2A, the income purchase rates in the
Contract are based on a minimum guaranteed interest rate of 3.5%. For Options 1
and 2A, the income purchase rates are based on an effective annual interest rate
of 2%. We may, in our sole discretion, make Income Payments in an amount based
on a higher interest rate.

The dollar amount of the first variable Income Payment is determined in the same
manner as that of a fixed Income Payment. Variable Income Payments after the
first payment are similar to fixed Income Payments except that the amount of
each payment varies to reflect the net investment performance of the
Subaccount(s) selected by the Owner or Payee.

The net investment performance of a Subaccount is translated into a variation in
the amount of variable Income Payments through the use of Income Units. The
amount of the first variable Income Payment associated with each Subaccount is
applied to purchase Income Units at the Income Unit value for the Subaccount as
of the Payout Date. The number of Income Units of each Subaccount attributable
to a Contract then remains fixed unless an exchange of Income Units is made as
described below. Each Subaccount has a separate Income Unit value that changes
with each Valuation Period in substantially the same manner as do Accumulation
Units of the Subaccount.

The dollar value of each variable Income Payment after the first Income Payment
is equal to the sum of the amounts determined by multiplying the number of
Income Units by the Income Unit value for the Subaccount for the Valuation
Period which ends immediately preceding the date of each such payment. If the
net investment return of the Subaccount for a payment period is equal to the
pro-rated portion of the 3.5% annual assumed investment rate, the variable
Income Payment for that period will equal the payment for the prior period. To
the extent that such net investment return exceeds an annualized rate of 3.5%
for a payment period, the payment for that period will be greater than the
payment for the prior period and to the extent that such return for a period
falls short of an annualized rate of 3.5%, the payment for that period will be
less than the payment for the prior period.

After the Payout Date, a Payee may change the selected Subaccount(s) by Written
Request up to four times per Contract Year. Such a change will be made by
exchanging Income Units of one Subaccount for another on an equivalent dollar
value basis. See the Statement of Additional Information for examples of Income
Unit value calculations and variable Income Payment calculations.

The following describes your Income Payout Options. Unless otherwise noted, once
an option is selected and Income Payments begin, the value of any remaining
payments cannot be surrendered or withdrawn and paid in a single sum. Not all of
these options are available in every state. See your Contract for a description
of the options available on your Contract.

In choosing an option, you may wish to consider whether you are most interested
in a guaranteed fixed amount; income that varies with investment experience; or
income that keeps pace with inflation. You may also want to consider whether
you would prefer payment for the lifetime of specified persons or for a period
of years certain.

Option 1 - Interest Option - Fixed Income Payments Only. The proceeds are left
with us to earn interest at a compound annual rate to we determine but not less
than 2%. Interest will be paid every month or every 12 months as the Payee
selects. Under this option, the Payee may withdraw part or all of the proceeds
at any time. This option may not be available in all states. In the event of
the Payee's death, any remaining proceeds would be paid to a successor Payee.
If there is no successor Payee, any remaining proceeds will be paid to the
Owner's estate.

Option 2A - Installment Option - Fixed Payments. We make fixed monthly Income
Payments for a number of years between 5 and 30 selected by the Owner. In the
event of the Payee's death, a successor Payee may receive the payments or may
elect to receive the present value of the remaining payments (computed as
described in the Contract) in a lump sum. If there is no successor Payee or if
the successor Payee dies, the present value of the remaining payments will be
paid to the estate of the last surviving Payee.


Option 2B - Installment Option - Variable Payments. We make monthly Income
Payments for a number of years between 5 and 30 selected by the Owner. In the
event of the Payee's death, a successor Payee may receive the payments or may
elect to receive the present value of the remaining payments (computed as
described in the Contract) in a lump sum. If there is no successor Payee or if
the successor Payee dies, the present value of the remaining payments will be
paid to the estate of the last surviving Payee. The Payee may elect at anytime
by Written Request to surrender the income option and receive the commuted value
of the remaining payments. The Payee also may elect at any time by Written
Request to withdraw a portion of commuted value of the remaining payments (i.e.
the future value of your remaining payments will be reduced proportionally by
the withdrawal). The commuted value of the payments will be calculated as
described in the Contract.

Option 3A - Single Life Income Guaranteed Period Certain. We make monthly Income
Payments during the Annuitant's lifetime with the guarantee that payments will
be made for a period of five, 10, 15 or 20 years as selected by the Owner. In
the event of the Annuitant's death before the expiration of the specified number
of years, the Payee or a successor Payee may receive the remaining payments or
may elect to receive the present value of the remaining payments (computed as
described in the Contract) in a lump sum. If there is no successor Payee or if
the successor Payee dies, the present value of the remaining payments will be
paid to the estate of the last surviving Payee.

Option 3B - Single Life Income. The same as Option 3A except that payments are
not guaranteed for a specific number of years but only for the lifetime of the

Option 4A - Joint and Survivor Life Income - Guaranteed Period Certain. We make
monthly Income Payments for as long as either of two joint Annuitants remains
alive, with the guarantee that payments will be made for a period of five, 10,
15 or 20 years as selected by the Owner. If after the second Annuitant dies,
payments have been made for fewer than the selected number of years, payments
will be made to the Payee or any successor Payee who was not a joint Annuitant
or such successor Payee may elect to receive the present value of the remaining
payments (computed as described in the Contract) in a lump sum. If there is no
such successor Payee or if the successor Payee dies, the present value of the
remaining payments will be paid to the estate of the last surviving Payee.

The minimum amount of each fixed payment and the initial payment amount for
variable Income Payout Options will be determined from the tables in the
Contract that apply to the particular option using the Annuitant's age (and if
applicable, gender). Age will be determined from the last birthday at the due
date of the first payment.

Option 4B - Joint and Survivor Life Income. We make monthly Income Payments for
as long as either of two joint Annuitants remains alive. The same as Option 4A
except that payments are not guaranteed for a specific number of years. UNDER

Option 5A - Single Life Income - Payments Adjusted For Inflation - Guaranteed
Period Certain (Fixed Income Payments Only). We make monthly Income Payments
adjusted for inflation as described below during the Annuitant's lifetime with
the guarantee that payments will be made for a period 10 or 20 years as selected
by the Owner. In the event of the Annuitant's death before the expiration of the
specified number of years, the Payee or a successor Payee may receive the
remaining payments or may elect to receive the present value of the remaining
payments (computed as described in the Contract) in a lump sum. If there is no
successor Payee or if the successor Payee dies, the present value of the
remaining payments will be paid to the estate of the last surviving Payee.

Option 5B - Single Life Income - Payments Adjusted For Inflation (Fixed Income
Payments Only). We make monthly Income Payments adjusted for inflation as
described below for as long as the Annuitant lives. The same as Option 5A except
that payments are not guaranteed for a specific number of years. UNDER THIS

Option 6A - Joint and Survivor Life Income - Payments Adjusted For Inflation -
Guaranteed Period Certain (Fixed Income Payments Only). We make monthly Income
Payments adjusted for inflation as described below for as long as either of two
joint Annuitants remains alive, with the guarantee that payments will be made
for a period of five, 10, 15 or 20 years as selected by the Owner. If after the
second Annuitant dies, payments have been made for fewer than the selected
number of years, payments will be made to the Payee or any successor Payee who
was not a joint Annuitant or such successor Payee may elect to receive the
present value of the remaining payments (computed as described in the Contract)
in a lump sum. If there is no such successor Payee or if the successor Payee
dies, the present value of the remaining payments will be paid to the estate of
the last surviving Payee.

Option 6B - Joint and Survivor Life Income - Payments Adjusted For Inflation
(Fixed Income Payments Only). We make monthly Income Payments adjusted for
inflation as described below for as long as two joint Annuitants remain alive.
The same as Option 6A except that payments are not guaranteed for a specific


Option 7 - Single Life Income - Payments Adjusted For Inflation - Lifetime
Payout with Cash Refund (Fixed Income Payments Only). We will make monthly
Income Payments adjusted for inflation as described below for as long as the
Annuitant lives. The total amount paid under this option will be at least equal
to the Contract Value applied. If the Annuitant dies and the total of all Income
Payments paid is less than the Contract Value applied to this option, the
difference will be payable to the Payee or a successor Payee in a lump sum. If
there is no successor Payee, it will be payable to the Payee's estate.

Option 8 - Joint and Survivor Life Income - Payments Adjusted For Inflation -
Lifetime Payout with Cash Refund (Fixed Income Payments Only). We will make
monthly Income Payments adjusted for inflation as described below for as long as
either of two joint Annuitants remains alive. The total amount paid under this
option will be at least equal to the Contract Value applied. If at the death of
the second Annuitant, the total of all Income Payments paid is less than the
Contract Value applied to this option, the difference will be payable to the
Payee or a successor Payee in a lump sum. If there is no successor Payee, it
will be payable to the last surviving Payee's estate.

Adjustments for Inflation. For Options 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 7, and 8, Income Payments
will be adjusted for inflation at the beginning of each calendar year. The
adjustment is based on the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index -
Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (Current Series) for the 12-month period
ended September 30 of the prior calendar year. If the change in the index is
negative, no adjustment will be made. If the CPI-W is discontinued, a substitute
index will be used. Such substitute index may be subject to approval by your
state insurance department. We may discontinue offering Options 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B,
7, and 8 if the U.S. Treasury Department no longer issues new Treasury Inflation
Protection Securities.

Alternate Payment Option. In lieu of one of the above options, the Payout
Proceeds or death benefit, as applicable, may be applied to any other payment
option we make available.

Annuity options without a life contingency (e.g., Options 1, 2A and 2B) may not
satisfy required minimum distribution rules. Consult a tax advisor before
electing one of these options.

If an Owner dies after the Payout Date, any surviving Owner becomes the sole
Owner. If there is no surviving Owner, the successor Payee becomes the new
Owner. If there is no successor Payee, the surviving Annuitant becomes the new
Owner. Such Owners will have the rights of Owners after the Payout Date,
including the right to name successor Payees if the deceased Owner had not
previously done so. The death of an Annuitant after the Payout Date will have
the effect stated in the Income Payout Option pursuant to which Income Payments
are being made.

                             CHARGES AND DEDUCTIONS


Charge for Partial Withdrawal or Surrender. No sales charge deduction is made
from purchase payments when amounts are deposited into the Contracts. However,
if any amount is withdrawn or surrendered within seven years (B-Share Contracts)
or four years (L-Share Contracts) of being received by us (or from the Contract
Issue Date for Section 457 plans that do not choose the Extra Credit Plan), we
will withdraw the amount requested and deduct a surrender charge from the
remaining Contract Value. We deduct a surrender charge to compensate us for the
distribution costs when Owners surrender or withdraw before distribution costs
have been recovered.

The surrender charge is calculated by multiplying the applicable charge
percentage (as shown below) by the amount of purchase payments surrendered. This
means that you would pay the same charge at the time of withdrawal or surrender
regardless of whether your Contract Value has increased or decreased. There is
no surrender charge for withdrawal of Contract Value in excess of aggregate
purchase payments (less withdrawals of such payments). The surrender charge
generally is calculated using the assumption that all Contract Value in excess
of aggregate purchase payments (less withdrawals of such payments) is
surrendered before any purchase payments and that purchase payments are
surrendered on a first-in-first-out basis. This assumption works to your
advantage if you anticipate a current need to assess your Contract Value.

However, if you elect to receive Purchase Payment Credits, the assumptions we
use in assessing the surrender charge are different. We will assume that
earnings will be withdrawn last. Specifically, in applying the surrender charge
with a Purchase Payment Credit, we will assume Contract Value is withdrawn as
follows: first, the oldest purchase payments are withdrawn; second, 10% of
purchase payments free of surrender charge will be withdrawn; and finally,
purchase payments subject to surrender charge will be withdrawn. After all
purchase payments have been withdrawn (and all surrender charges paid) earnings
will be withdrawn. This change in withdrawal order has no impact on taxation of
the withdrawal. However, it does mean that you will not have access to 100% of
the gain in your Contract without first withdrawing 100% of your purchase
payments and paying any associated surrender charges. This assumption works to
your disadvantage if you anticipate a current need to assess your Contract

The surrender charge schedule varies by Class and whether you have elected to
receive Purchase Payment Credits. The schedule is set forth below:


Number of Full Years Between    Charge as a Percentage     Charge as a Percentage of     Charge as a Percentage of
Date of Purchase Payment and     of Purchase Payment -    Purchase Payment - Purchase      Purchase Payment - L-
      Date of Surrender              B-Share Class          Payment Credits Elected             Share Class
              0                           8%                           9%                            8%
              1                           7%                           8%                            7%
              2                           6%                           7%                            6%
              3                           5%                           6%                            5%
              4                           4%                           5%                            0%
              5                           3%                           4%                            0%
              6                           2%                           3%                            0%
             7+                           0%                           0%                            0%

For B-Share Class Contracts issued in conjunction with plans that qualify under
Section 457(f) of the Code that do not choose the Extra Credit Plan, the
schedule of percentages shown above will apply from the Contract Issue Date to
the date of surrender, rather than from the number of years since the purchase
payment was made.

Assuming you elect to receive Purchase Payment Credits and you withdraw all
purchase payments within one year of payment, in no event will the surrender
charges we imposes, when added to any surrender charges previously assessed on
the Contract exceed 8.1% of aggregate purchase payments made to date for that
Contract. The surrender charge percentage rate in this case is 9% of purchase
payments withdrawn, but 10% of these payments will not be assessed a surrender
charge, as described below. The maximum surrender charge imposed on a single
withdrawal is 9%, assuming the amount not subject to surrender charge for the
Contract Year has already been utilized by a prior withdrawal.

Amounts Not Subject to Surrender Charge. In each Contract Year, earnings may be
withdrawn free of surrender charges. In addition, up to 10% of an amount equal
to the aggregate purchase payments still subject to a surrender charge (computed
at the time of the withdrawal or surrender) may be withdrawn or surrendered
during that year without a surrender charge. Any amounts surrendered or
withdrawn in excess of this 10% will be assessed a surrender charge. This right
is not cumulative from Contract Year to Contract Year. A surrender charge is not
assessed on Contract Value Increase Enhancements or Purchase Payment Credits.

For B-Share Class Contracts issued in conjunction with Section 457(f) Plans, in
each Contract Year, earnings not previously withdrawn and 10% of the purchase
payments being withdrawn may be withdrawn or surrendered during that year
without a surrender charge. The remaining 90% of purchase payments being
withdrawn will be subject to the surrender charge rate as outlined in the above
chart. This means that a portion of every withdrawal that is not earnings will
be subject to a surrender charge. A surrender charge is not assessed on Contract
Value Increase Enhancements or Purchase Payment Credits.

Waiver of Surrender Charge. (This benefit may be exercised only one time). In
most states, the Contract provides that, upon Written Request from the Owner
before the Payout Date, the surrender change will be waived on one partial
withdrawal or surrender if the Annuitant is:

    (1) confined to nursing home or hospital after the Contract is issued (as
        described in the Contract); or
    (2) becomes terminally ill after the Contract is issued (as described in the
        Contract); or
    (3) becomes unemployed at least one year after the Contract is issued, has
        received unemployment compensation for at least 30 days and is receiving
        it at the time of the withdrawal or surrender (as described in the
        Contract); or
    (4) the Annuitant's primary residence is located in an area that is declared
        a disaster area declared as such by the United States President and
        $50,000 of damage is sustained to the residence as a result of the
        disaster and after the Contract is issued (as described in the

The waiver is not available in some states, and, therefore, is not described in
Contracts issued in those states. The terms under which the surrender charge
will be waived may vary in some states and are described in Contracts issued in
those states. This benefit may be exercised only one time.

Currently no fee is charged for transfers. However, we may charge $10 for each
transfer to compensate us for transfer processing costs. The transfer charge is
not applicable to transfers of Fixed Amounts designated to a DCA Fixed Period.
Each Written Request or telephone/fax authorization is considered to be one
transfer, regardless of the number of Subaccounts or Fixed Amounts affected by
the transfer. The transfer fee is deducted from the account from which the
transfer is made. If a transfer is made from more than one account at the same
time, the transfer fee is deducted pro-rata from the accounts.

You can obtain a summary of your Contract at no charge. There will be a $30
charge for a duplicate Contract. In addition, a Written Request is needed to
request a duplicate Contract.



While a loan is outstanding, loan interest is payable at the end of each
Contract Year or, if earlier, on the date of loan repayment, surrender,
termination, or death of the Annuitant. Loan interest is charged in arrears on
the amount of an outstanding loan. Loan interest that is unpaid when due will be
added to the amount of the loan at the end of each Contract Year and will bear
interest at the same rate.

We charge an annual interest rate of 6.5% on loans. After offsetting the 3%
interest we guarantee we will credit to the Loan Account, the maximum guaranteed
net cost of loans is 3.5% (annually). The current loan interest spread is 2.00%

We may charge you a fee when you request information that is duplicative of
information previously provided to you and requires extensive research.

Generally, there is no charge for the Change of Annuitant Endorsement, however,
if the Owner exercises the rights under this endorsement during the first two
Contract Years, we may charge up to $150 to offset our expenses incurred in
connection with the endorsement. If a fee is imposed, this fee will be deducted
from the Contract Value at the time of the change of Annuitant. The Change of
Annuitant Endorsement is subject to a number of conditions. Please see the
Endorsement for more information.

Currently there is no charge for the Income Payment Increase Endorsement;
however, we may charge up to $150 for the endorsement. If a charge is assessed,
it will be deducted from the additional amount received before it is added to
the Contract Value applied to the Income Payout Option.

On each Contract Anniversary before the Payout Date, we deduct an annual
Contract fee of $30 to pay for administrative expenses. The fee is deducted from
each Subaccount and from the Fixed Account based on a proportional basis. We may
deduct the annual Contract Fee upon surrender of a Contract on a date other than
a Contract Anniversary. A pro-rated portion of the fee is deducted upon
application to an Income Payout Option. After the Payout Date, the annual
Contract fee is deducted from variable Income Payments. We do not deduct the
annual Contract fee on Contracts with a Contract Value of $50,000 or more on the
Contract Anniversary. The Contract fee will not be charged after the Payout Date
when a Contract with a Contract Value of $50,000 or more has been applied to an
Income Payout Option.

We deduct a mortality and expense risk charge from the Variable Account. The
charges are computed and deducted on a daily basis, and are equal to an annual
rate of (i) 1.15% of the average daily net assets of the Variable Account for
the B-Share, (ii) 1.60% of the average daily net assets of the Variable Account
if you elect to receive Purchase Payments Credits, and (iii) 1.65% of the
average daily net assets of the Variable Account for the L-Share Class.

The mortality risk we assume is that Annuitants may live for a longer period of
time than estimated when the guarantees in the Contract were established.
Because of these guarantees, each Payee is assured that longevity will not have
an adverse effect on the Income Payments received. The mortality risk that we
assume also includes a guarantee to pay a death benefit if the Annuitant dies
before the Payout Date. The expense risk that we assume is the risk that the
administrative fees and transfer fees (if imposed) may be insufficient to cover
actual future expenses.

We may use any profits from this charge to finance other expenses, including
expenses incurred in the administration of the Contracts and distribution
expenses related to the Contracts, or for any other purpose.

We deduct a daily administrative charge to compensate us for administrative
expenses we incur. The charge is deducted at an annual rate of 0.15% of the
average daily net assets of the Variable Account.

The Maximum Anniversary Value Death Benefit carries an annual charge of 0.15% of
average monthly Contract value for the prior Contract Year. The 3% Annual
Guarantee Death Benefit rider carries an annual charge of 0.20% of average
monthly Contract Value for the prior year. The Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit
rider carries an annual charge of 0.30% of average monthly Contract Value for
the prior year. In addition, the Spouse Beneficiary Death Benefit rider carries
an annual charge of 0.05% of average monthly Contract Value for the prior year.
These charges, which are intended to compensate us for the costs and risks we
assume in providing the riders, will be assessed on each Contract Anniversary.
Each charge will be based on the average monthly Contract Value for the previous
Contract Year. The charge will be deducted from the Subaccounts and Fixed
Amounts on a pro-rata basis. A pro-rata portion of this charge will be deducted
upon surrender payment of death proceeds, or selection of an Income Payout
Option, if the surrender payment of death proceeds or selection of an Income
Payout Option does not occur on a Contract Anniversary.


Charges are assessed on each Contract Anniversary and are shown as a percentage
of average daily Benefit Basis for the prior Contract Year. The monthly date
used for the calculation of average monthly Contract Value is the same day each
month as the Contract Issue Date. For Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit
riders issued on and after the date of this Prospectus, the current


charge is 0.95%. For Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit riders issued on
and after the date of this Prospectus, the current annual charge is 1.05%.
Note: If the Benefit Allocation Plan you elect requires an allocation to the
Foundation Account for your benefit to remain in effect, we will not deduct the
charge from the Foundation Account unless your Contract Value in the other
allocation option is exhausted.

If the benefit is in effect on the Contract Issue Date, we will not assess a
charge for the benefit until the first Contract Anniversary.

If a current rider is not approved in your state or your application for a rider
is dated prior to May 1, 2010, a prior, approved version may be issued, which
may have different charges. (See SUMMARY, Charges and Deductions and the
Appendices.) Information about prior versions of these riders is available in
the appendices to this Prospectus.


Because the Variable Account purchases shares of the Funds, the net assets of
the Variable Account will reflect the investment management fees and other
operating expenses incurred by such Funds. A more detailed description of these
fees and expenses may be found in the Funds' prospectuses, which follows this
Prospectus. We have an ownership interest in the investment adviser to the
Ultra Series Fund, from which we expect to receive revenues based (in part) on
the investment advisory fees paid by the Ultra Series Fund. In addition, as
discussed under "Servicing Fees" above, the Funds pay us for providing certain
administrative services and/or CBSI for certain distribution and/or beneficial
owner services.

Various states and other governmental entities levy a premium tax on annuity
contracts issued by insurance companies. Premium tax rates currently range from
0% to 3.5%. This range is subject to change based on current state law. If
premium taxes are applicable to a Contract, the jurisdiction may require payment
(1) from purchase payments as they are received, (2) from Contract Value upon
withdrawal or surrender, (3) from Payout Proceeds upon application to an Income
Payout Option, or (4) upon payment of a death benefit. We will forward payment
to the taxing jurisdiction when required by law. Although we may deduct premium
taxes at the time such taxes are paid to the taxing authority, currently we do
not deduct premium tax unless the Contract is annuitized.

Currently, no charge is made against the Variable Account for any federal, state
or local taxes (other than premium taxes) that we incur or that may be
attributable to the Variable Account or the Contracts. We may, however, make
such a charge in the future from Surrender Value, death benefit proceeds,
amounts applied to Income Payout Options, or Income Payments, as appropriate.

We sell the Contracts through registered representatives of broker-dealers.
These registered representatives are also appointed and licensed as our
insurance agents. We pay commissions to the broker-dealers for selling the
Contracts. You do not directly pay this commission, we do. We intend to recover
commissions, marketing, administrative and other expenses and the cost of
Contract benefits through the fees and charges imposed under the Contracts. (See

                             OPTIONAL DEATH BENEFITS

If the Owner elects one of the following enhanced death benefit riders, the
death benefit will not be paid as described above under the heading "Death
Benefit Before the Payout Date," and will be calculated as described below. We
assess a charge for each of the optional death benefit riders. You may not
elect an optional death benefit if you elect a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
Benefit at the Contract Issue Date. (See OPTIONAL RIDER BENEFITS, Income
Protector). Please consult a competent tax adviser before electing any of these
riders in connection with a Qualified Contract. The tax rules for Qualified
Contracts may limit the value of a rider or endorsement.

This rider provides a minimum death benefit prior to the Payout Date equal to
the Maximum Anniversary Value (as described below) less any Loan Amounts and
premium taxes not previously deducted. On the issue date, the Maximum
Anniversary Value is equal to the initial Net Purchase Payment. After the issue
date, the Maximum Anniversary Value will be calculated on three different dates:

    (1) the date an additional purchase payment is received by us;
    (2) the date of payment of a partial withdrawal; and
    (3) on each Contract Anniversary.

When a purchase payment is received, the Maximum Anniversary Value is equal to
the most recently calculated Maximum Anniversary Value plus the Net Purchase

When a partial withdrawal is paid, the Maximum Anniversary Value is equal to the
most recently calculated Maximum Anniversary Value less an adjustment for the
partial withdrawal. The adjustment for each partial withdrawal is (1) divided by
(2) with the result multiplied by (3) where:

    (1) is the partial withdrawal amount;
    (2) is the Contract Value immediately prior to the partial withdrawal; and


    (3) is the most recently calculated Maximum Anniversary Value less any
        adjustments for prior partial withdrawals (including any applicable
        surrender charges).

The Maximum Anniversary Value on each Contract Anniversary is the greater of the
most recently calculated Maximum Anniversary Value and your Contract Value.

This rider is available for Annuitants age 75 or less on the issue date. This
rider may not be available in all states.

This rider provides a minimum death benefit prior to the Payout Date equal to
the 3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit less any Loan Amounts and premium expense
charge not previously deducted. On the issue date, the value of the 3% Annual
Guarantee Death Benefit is equal to the initial Net Purchase Payment.
Thereafter, the value of the 3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit on each Contract
Anniversary is the lesser of:

    (1) the sum of all Net Purchase Payments received minus an adjustment for
        partial withdrawals plus interest compounded at a 3% annual effective
        rate; or
    (2) 200% of all Net Purchase Payments received.

The adjustment for each partial withdrawal is equal to (1) divided by (2) with
the result multiplied by (3) where:

    (1) is the partial withdrawal amount;
    (2) is the Contract Value immediately prior to the withdrawal; and
    (3) is the 3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit immediately prior to the
        withdrawal, less any adjustments for earlier withdrawals (including any
        applicable surrender charges).

This rider is available for Annuitants age 75 or less on the issue date. This
rider may not be available in all states.

This rider provides a minimum death benefit prior to the Payout Date equal to
the greater of:

    (1) the death benefit proceeds provided by the Contract (i.e., the greater
        of: (i) aggregate Net Purchase Payments made under the Contract less a
        proportional adjustment for partial withdrawals as of the Valuation Day
        we receive Due Proof of Death; or (ii) Contract Value as of the
        Valuation Day we receive Due Proof of Death less any Purchase Payment
        Credits applied within 12 months of the Annuitant's death);
    (2) the death benefit proceeds provided by any other rider attached to the
        Contract (e.g., the Maximum Anniversary Death Benefit or 3% Annual
        Guaranteed Death Benefit riders); or
    (3) the Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit Proceeds, as such term is defined
        below, as of the date Due Proof of Death is received.

The death benefit proceeds described above will be reduced by any Loan Amount
and any applicable premium expense charge not previously deducted.

The Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit Proceeds are equal to Contract Value plus an
additional amount, not to exceed 100% of all remaining purchase payments,
calculated by multiplying earnings by:

    o   40% if the Annuitant was age 70 or younger on the Contract Issue Date;
    o   25% if the Annuitant was age 71 or older on the Contract Issue Date.

For this purpose: (1) "earnings" means Contract Value minus any applicable rider
charges accrued since the prior Contract Anniversary plus any remaining purchase
payments, and (2) "remaining purchase payments" means the sum of all Net
Purchase Payments received less the amount by which each partial withdrawal
exceeds the earnings in the Contract immediately prior to the withdrawal.
Earnings can never be less than zero.

Also for this purpose, Partial Withdrawals are deemed to be taken from Contract
Value representing earnings, and when no such earnings remain, from Contract
Value representing Net Purchase Payments on a first-in, first-out basis.

The Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit rider is only available if you elect the
Maximum Anniversary Value Death Benefit or the 3% Annual Guarantee Death
Benefit. This rider will terminate automatically if neither of the other
optional death benefit riders is in force. The Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit
rider cannot be elected with Purchase Payment Credits.

The spousal death benefit extends the basic death benefit and any attached death
benefit riders on your life, during the accumulation period, to your spouse if
he or she is your sole Beneficiary under the Contract. If your spouse dies
before you do, the benefit (if any) described below will be paid into your
Contract. You may wish to consider electing this rider if you will be the sole
Owner and Annuitant under the Contract and you intend to name your spouse as
your sole Beneficiary.

You should not add this rider if you do not intend for your spouse to be the
sole Beneficiary, if you desire to name a co-Annuitant, or if you are not the
sole Owner of the Contract.


This rider provides a spousal death benefit if your spouse Beneficiary dies
during the accumulation period provided: you are named as both the sole
Annuitant and the sole Owner; your spouse is named as the sole Beneficiary; your
spouse has signed the application or Written Request for this rider; and both
you and your spouse are less than age 76 on the rider effective date.

The Spouse Beneficiary Death Benefit rider will not be issued in conjunction
with the Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit. We are currently not offering it with
Qualified Contracts.

Spouse Beneficiary Death Benefit. In the event your spouse Beneficiary who
signed the original application dies, we will calculate the spousal death
benefit proceeds according to the terms of the Contract including any attached
death benefit riders, and compare the amount of those proceeds to the Surrender
Value as of the date we receive Due Proof of Death. If the death benefit
proceeds are greater than your Surrender Value, we will allocate the difference
according to the purchase payment allocation designation on file as of the date
we receive Due Proof of Death. If death benefit proceeds are less than your
Surrender Value on the date we receive Due Proof of Death, no additional amount
will be added to your Contract. The charges for this rider will not be refunded.

The additional amount, if any, will not increase surrender charges on the
Contract. However, any amount allocated to the Fixed Account will begin a new
Fixed Period. It is possible that any distribution attributable to the Spouse
Beneficiary Death Benefit will be taxable in full.

Termination. The Spouse Beneficiary Death Benefit rider will terminate on the
earliest of:

    o   the date death benefit proceeds become payable on you according to the
        provisions of the Contract;
    o   the date death benefit proceeds become payable on your spouse
        Beneficiary according to the terms of this rider;
    o   the Payout Date;
    o   the date we receive Written Request to change your Beneficiary;
    o   the date you surrender your Contract; or
    o   the date you chose to end this rider by Written Request to us.

If your spouse Beneficiary ceases to be your spouse, this rider will terminate
on the date you notify we.

Charges. If you elect the Spouse Beneficiary Death Benefit, we will deduct a
charge that compensates us for the costs and risks we assume in providing this
benefit. The current annual Spouse Beneficiary Death Benefit charge percentage
is 0.05%.

Examples showing how these benefits work are provided in Appendix B.

The amount of the Spouse Beneficiary Death Benefit charge is calculated by
multiplying the current annual Spouse Beneficiary Death Benefit charge
percentage by the average monthly Contract Value for the prior Contract Year.
The average monthly Contract Value is equal to the sum of each monthly Contract
Value (the Contract Value as of the same day of the month as the Contract Issue
Date) divided by the number of months in the period. On each Contract
Anniversary during the accumulation period, we will deduct the Spouse
Beneficiary Death Benefit charge pro-rata from your Contract Value.

A pro-rata portion of the charge also will deducted upon Contract surrender,
termination of the rider, payment of death benefit proceeds, or start of
payments under an Income Payout Option, if the surrender, termination, payment
of death benefit proceeds or start of payments under an Income Payout Option
does not occur on a Contract Anniversary.

The rider is generally designed to comply with current federal tax provisions
related to status as a "spouse" under the federal Defense of Marriage Act
("DOMA"). The DOMA definition does not recognize civil unions or same-sex
marriages that may be allowed under state law. Where we are required by a state
to do so, however, we may also make this rider available to civil union and
same-sex marriage partners. Contact us or your agent for more information.


In addition to the Contract Value Increase Enhancement and the Purchase Payment
Credit Benefit discussed above under "Description of the Contract, the following
endorsements may be available on your Contract.

Under this endorsement and subject to the conditions described therein, you may
increase the Income Payment under any Income Payout Option (other than Income
Payout Option 1) by sending us an additional payment of up to $1 million with
your Written Request electing an Income Payout Option. We deduct the premium
expense charge, if any, from the additional payment and the additional amount is
added to the Contract Value applied to the Income Payout Option.

You should consider this endorsement only if you have sufficient funds outside
of the Contract to meet your immediate cash needs. We may charge up to $150 for
the endorsement.



A Loan Account endorsement is available for Contracts meeting the requirements
of Section 403(b) of the Code. The endorsement permits Owners to borrow money
from us using the Contract Value as collateral and provides for the
establishment of a Loan Account under the Contract that is part of the Fixed
Account. To facilitate a loan, Variable Contract Value and/or Fixed Contract
Value in the amount of the loan is transferred to the Loan Account and held as
collateral. We charges you interest on the Loan Amount at an effective annual
rate of 6.50% and credits interest on the collateral in the Loan Account at an
effective annual rate of 3.00%. Please see the Endorsement for more information.

You should consider the cost of borrowing before taking a loan from the
Contract. You will pay more loan interest that than you will earn on your Loan
Account. You should consider your ability to repay the loan and the tax
implications if you fail to repay it as scheduled. We do not charge a fee for
this endorsement.

This endorsement permits an Owner that is a business or trust to change the
Annuitant at any time when the current Annuitant is alive provided that both the
current Annuitant and new Annuitant are selected managers or highly compensated
employees of the Owner. Generally, there is no charge for this endorsement,
however, if the Owner exercises the rights under this endorsement during the
first two Contract Years, we may charge up to $150 to offset our expenses
incurred in connection with the endorsement. The Change of Annuitant Endorsement
is subject to a number of conditions. Please see the Endorsement for more

You may wish to consider this endorsement if you are a business or trust and you
believe it would be beneficial to have the ability to change Annuitants as
allowed by the endorsement. You may want to consider surrender charges, possible
tax implications and other factors associated with the surrender of the Contract
in connection with an event causing the current Annuitant to be no longer
associated with the business or trust.

Under this endorsement, your spouse may elect to continue your Contract in lieu
of taking a lump sum death benefit payment. There are conditions, however,
associated with this endorsement. These conditions are that: you are named as
both the sole Annuitant and sole Owner; your spouse is named as the sole
Beneficiary; your death occurs during the accumulation period; your spouse is
less than age 95 on the contract continuation date; your Contract is not
collaterally assigned; and we receive your spouse's Written Request to elect
this benefit within 60 days of receipt of Due Proof of Death.

If you are named as both the sole Annuitant and sole Owner and your spouse is
named as the sole Beneficiary, this endorsement will automatically be issued
with your Contract.

If your spouse elects spousal continuation, we will calculate the death benefit
proceeds according to the terms of the Contract including any attached death
benefit riders and compare that amount to the Contract Value, as of the
Valuation Day we receive Due Proof of Death at our Mailing Address, which will
have been reduced by any applicable pro-rata rider charges, any premium expense
charge not previously deducted, and any Loan Amount. The greater of these two
amounts is the Contract continuation amount. Your Loan Amount, if any, will be
repaid as of the Contract continuation date. The entire Contract continuation
amount will become the Contract Value as of the Contract continuation date and
that amount will be allocated to the Subaccount(s) or the Fixed Account
selection we receive by Written Request (otherwise, we will use the purchase
payment allocation designation we have on file). We will waive all surrender
charges applicable to purchase payments made prior to the Contract continuation
date. As of the Contract continuation date, your spouse will become the new
Owner and Annuitant, and may exercise all rights under the Contract. The
Contract continuation date will be the measurement date for Contract
Anniversaries of the continued Contract. The anticipated Payout Date for the
continued Contract will be the later of Contract Anniversary following the new
spouse Owner's 85th birthday or 10 years after the Contract continuation date.

All optional benefit riders/endorsements issued to you as Owner will terminate
as of the date we receive Due Proof of Death at our Mailing Address.

If you were the original spouse Beneficiary named on the original application
you may, as new Owner, elect any optional benefit riders/endorsements we make
available by Written Request, except the Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit,
subject to Company approval. Further, without continuing the Contract under the
Contract under the Spousal Continuation Endorsement, you may continue the
Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit (for benefits entered into on and after
May 1, 2010), if you elect the continuation option under that rider and satisfy
the terms and conditions of the rider. However, if you elect the continuation
benefit under the Guaranteed Lifetime Benefit rider, you will not receive the
death benefit value that you would have received under the Spousal Continuation

Spousal continuation is only available on non-Qualified Contracts and IRA
Contracts. There is no charge for spousal continuation endorsement.

The endorsement is generally designed to comply with current federal tax
provisions related to status as a "spouse" under the federal Defense of Marriage
Act ("DOMA"). The DOMA definition does not recognize civil unions or same-sex
marriages that may be allowed under state law. Where we are required by a state
to do so, however, we may also make this endorsement available to civil union
and same-sex marriage partners. Contact us or your agent for more information.


increase in Contract Value would be currently taxed at ordinary income rates,
even if no amounts are withdrawn from the Contract. Please consult with your
own tax advisor before adding the endorsement under these circumstances.

                             OPTIONAL BENEFIT RIDERS

We offer two types of living benefit riders for a fee. The Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit offers you the ability to take a specified annual withdrawal
regardless of Contract Value. Under the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit,
we guarantee your Contract Value will at least equal the Benefit Basis less
adjustments for partial withdrawals. You may elect either the Guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit, but
not both. We assess a charge for each of the optional benefit riders. Currently,
these riders are available only when you purchase your Contract or, with respect
to the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider, after the Contract Issue
Date on conversion from a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider. We may
make these riders available under different circumstances or discontinue
offering them in the future. You should elect the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
Benefit if you are interested in predictable withdrawals that will guarantee the
return of your principal or lifetime withdrawals while participating in the

You should carefully consider whether to elect the Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit if:

    o   you plan to take partial withdrawals in excess of the guaranteed maximum
        withdrawal amount in a Contract Year because those withdrawals may
        significantly reduce or eliminate the value of the benefit;
    o   you are interested in long term accumulation rather than receiving
    o   you have a Qualified Contract with withdrawal restrictions and you are
        under age 59 1/2 and are actively employed; or
    o   you do not expect to take partial withdrawals.

You should elect the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit if you are
interested in guaranteeing your initial principal with the potential to build
your assets while participating in the market.

You should not elect the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit if you are
interested in receiving payments while the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation
Benefit is in effect. Partials withdrawals may reduce the Benefit Basis by more
than the withdrawal amount. In particular, you should not purchase a Guaranteed
Minimum Accumulation Benefit if you plan to take required minimum distributions
(whether or not you take them under the Automatic Required Minimum Distribution
Plan) from this Contract.

You should carefully consider whether to elect either the Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit or the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit if:

    o   you plan to make additional purchase payments in excess of the maximum
        window purchase payment amount or after the window period, because those
        payments will not increase your benefit basis; or

    o   you would prefer that your Contract Value not be allocated to an
        available Benefit Allocation Plan because all Contract Value must be
        allocated to a Benefit Allocation Plan for the riders to remain in

The guarantees provided under the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit and the
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit are subject to our claims-paying
ability. Therefore, if we become insolvent, the benefits may not be paid. You
may want to consider our financial strength in connection with our ability to
meet the guarantees made under the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit and
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit riders. We may discontinue offering the
Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit and Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation
Benefit at any time.

One or both of these riders may not be available in your state, or your state
may not have approved the current version of the rider. Prior versions of the
riders are described in the appendices. Contact your agent or us to confirm
whether and, if so, what version of these riders are available to you.


Income Protector is a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider. We offer
two options if you elect this rider, Income Now or Income Later, which are
described in this section.

Definitions. Before we discuss the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefits, you
need to understand the terms we use to describe those benefits. We use the
following definitions to describe how the optional Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit riders work:

Covered Person means the person(s) whose life/lives determine(s) the benefits
under the guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal benefit rider. We show the primary
Covered Person and the joint Covered Person on your rider Data Page.

Current Age means the youngest Covered Person's age as of his or her last

Excess Withdrawal means a withdrawal that either by itself or when added to all
other withdrawals during a rider year, exceeds the guaranteed annual Lifetime
Withdrawal amount ("GALWA"). The amount that is in excess of GALWA is considered
the Excess Withdrawal amount.

Foundation Account has the meaning provided in the Glossary.


Guaranteed Annual Lifetime Withdrawal Amount or GALWA means the maximum
guaranteed withdrawal amount available to be withdrawn each Contract Year under
the rider while a Covered Person is alive regardless of your Contract Value.

Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Settlement Payments means the payments equal to
your GALWA we make if your Contract Value is reduced to zero, a Covered Person
is living, and you have complied with the terms of the rider.

Lifetime Benefit Basis means the value used to determine the GALWA. It may
increase annually while the simple interest benefit and/or Step-Up options are
in effect. It will be reduced if an Excess Withdrawal occurs.

Lifetime Withdrawal means any withdrawal taken under the terms of the guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal benefit rider that is not a Non-Lifetime Withdrawal.

Non-Lifetime Withdrawal is the first, one-time withdrawal after the Income Later
option is issued, if there are no additional withdrawals in the same rider year
and no withdrawals in the rider year immediately following the first withdrawal.

Rider Anniversary means the same day and month as the Rider Issue Date for each
year that the rider remains in force.

Rider Issue Date means the date shown on your rider Data Page that we use to
determine Rider Years and Rider Anniversaries.

Rider Year means any twelve-month period beginning on a Rider Issue Date or a
Rider Anniversary and ending one day before the next Rider Anniversary.

Simple Interest Benefit Basis means a value we calculate solely to determine
your Lifetime Benefit Basis on each Rider Anniversary that the Simple Interest
Benefit is in effect.

Spouse means a spouse defined under the federal Defense of Marriage Act
("DOMA"), 28 U.S.C. [SEC]1738C, enacted in 1996. DOMA defines "marriage" as "a
legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife" and "spouse" as
"a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or wife."

Step-Up means the annual increase to your Lifetime Benefit Basis such that your
Lifetime Benefit Basis will equal your Contract Value if you satisfy certain

Step-Up Anniversary means the same day and month as the Step-Up Date for each
year following a Step-Up in the Lifetime Benefit Basis.

Step-Up Date means the date that a Step-Up in the Lifetime Benefit Basis occurs.

Window Period means the period of time that additional purchase payments made
may be included in the Lifetime Benefit Basis. The Window Period, if any, is
shown on your Rider Data Page.

Description of the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit Riders. If you are
concerned that poor investment performance or market volatility in the
Subaccounts may adversely impact the amount of money you can withdraw from the
Contract, we offer for an additional charge optional Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit riders. Depending on the amount of withdrawals you take and
the age of the Covered Person (and assuming you comply with the other rider
conditions), each rider guarantees the return of all of the amounts you have
invested in the Contract, as long as you limit your withdrawals each Contract
Year to the Guaranteed Annual Lifetime Withdrawal Amount, and guarantees you
annual payments of that amount for the rest of the Covered Person's life, no
matter how long the Covered Person lives, even after you have recovered your
investment in the Contract.

We offer two different rider options, Income Now and Income Later, each with
unique guaranteed minimum withdrawal features, for the same rider charge rate.
You must make an irrevocable choice of one of these options when you elect a
Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider. We designed the Income Now option
for Owners who expect to start taking withdrawals in the near future. We
designed the Income Later option for Owners who expect to delay taking
withdrawals. There are three main differences between the options. These
differences focus on:

    o   the simple interest benefit;

    o   when the withdrawal percentages are set for the GALWA; and

    o   the ability to take a Non-Lifetime Withdrawal.

Examples of how the Income Now and Income Later options work are provided in
Appendix C.

When you elect the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit at the Contract Issue
Date, you also receive the Minimum Guarantee Death Benefit. This death benefit
takes the place of the basic death benefits offered in the Contract. However,
if you cancel your Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider, you will also
cancel the Minimum Guarantee Death Benefit option. In that case, your Contract
will revert to the basic death benefit offered in the Contract, and we will make
a proportionate adjustment each time you take a partial withdrawal.

If you convert from a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider to a
Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider, you will keep the basic death
benefit offered in the Contract and have a pro-rata adjustment for all
withdrawals. If you purchased a death


benefit rider in addition to the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit that is
being converted, that death benefit rider will continue, and will be adjusted
pro-rata for all withdrawals.

We issued earlier versions of the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit riders.
The features of those prior benefits may differ from the current Guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit we are offering. However, if the current Guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider is not approved in your state or your
application for the rider is dated before May, 1, 2010, a prior approved version
of a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal

You may elect either the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit or the
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit, but not both optional benefits. In
addition, you may not elect an optional death benefit rider if you elect a
Guaranteed Lifetime Withdraw Benefit rider.

Assume that you purchase a Contract with Income Now when you are 60. Your
purchase payment is $100,000. You make annual Lifetime Withdrawals in each of
the next ten years equal to the Guaranteed Lifetime Annual Withdrawal Amount, or
$46,000 (4.6% of the purchase payment of $100,000). Assuming 5% net investment
experience and no Step-Ups during each of the ten years, after the 10th Contract
Year your Contract Value will be $105,031 and your Lifetime Benefit Basis will
be $100,000.

A Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit does not guarantee Contract Value or
the performance of any allocation option or model allocation.


o You must allocate all purchase payments, Purchase Payment Credits, Credit
  Value Increase Enhancements, and Contract Value to an available Benefit
  Allocation Plan or DCA Fixed Account and participate in the automatic personal
  rebalance service (both described below) on and after the Rider Issue Date for
  your benefit to remain in effect. Benefit Allocation Plans may require you to
  allocate a percentage of your purchase payment(s) to the Foundation Account.
  There are restrictions associated with allocating to the Foundation Account.
  We describe these restrictions below. The restrictions on your allocation
  options and your use of the Foundation Account when you elect a Guaranteed
  Lifetime Withdrawal rider are intended to limit our risk that we may pay
  Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Settlement Payments.

o To maximize your potential to receive payments under Income Now or Income
  Later option, you must limit your withdrawals to withdrawals that are not
  Excess Withdrawals each Contract Year and allocate your Contract Value
  according to the available Benefit Allocation Plans described below. These
  restrictions are intended to minimize the risk that your Contract Value will
  be reduced to zero before death, thereby requiring us to make Guaranteed
  Lifetime Withdrawal Settlement Payments.

    > Accordingly, a significant risk against which the rider protects, i.e.,
      that your Contract Value will reduce to zero (other than due to an Excess
      Withdrawal) while you are alive, may be minimal.
    > Moreover, because these restrictions lessen the risk that your Contract
      Value will be reduced to zero while the Covered Person is still alive,
      they also significantly reduce the risk that we will make any Guaranteed
      Lifetime Withdrawal Settlement Payments.
    > In fact, if your Contract's investment performance over time is sufficient
      to generate gains that can sustain periodic withdrawals equal to or
      greater than the Lifetime Benefit Basis, then your Contract Value will
      never be reduced to zero, and you will receive little, if any, benefit
      from the rider.

o We do not automatically increase your Lifetime Benefit Basis when your
  Contract appreciates in value. We will only increase your Lifetime Benefit
  Basis if you made purchase payments during the window period, or if the simple
  interest benefit or Step-Up option is in effect.

o Please remember that all withdrawals, including those made under a Guaranteed
  Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider, reduce your Contract Value and death
  benefit, may result in receipt of taxable income to the Owner under federal
  and state law, and if made before the Owner attains age 59 1/2, may be subject
  to a 10% penalty tax.

o Withdrawals under a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider are not
  annuity payments. Annuity payments generally receive more favorable tax
  treatment than withdrawals. (See FEDERAL TAX MATTERS).


o You will begin paying a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider charge as
  of the Rider Issue Date, even if you do not begin taking withdrawals for many
  years. The rider charge will continue until the end of the Minimum Charge
  Period shown on your rider Data Page. Even if you terminate a Guaranteed
  Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider during the Minimum Charge Period, we will
  continue to charge for the rider until the end of the Minimum Charge Period,
  unless prohibited by state law.

o To receive the full benefit of Lifetime Withdrawals, your Contract Value must
  be reduced to zero and the Covered Person must be living at that time.

o If you choose to not take withdrawals equal to or less than the Guaranteed
  Annual Lifetime Withdrawal Amount during each Contract Year, the remaining
  Guaranteed Annual Lifetime Withdrawal Amount may not be carried forward to any
  other Contract Year.

o If the Covered Person dies, the benefits provided by this rider will only
  continue if the Joint Covered Person and sole primary Beneficiary is the
  surviving spouse of the Covered Person, and the eligible Joint Covered Person
  does not take the death benefit under the terms of the Contract.

o Surrender charges may apply to the Non-Lifetime and Lifetime Withdrawals you

o Inflation may impact the value of a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit

In considering whether to purchase a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit
rider, you must consider your desire for protection and the cost of the rider
versus the possibility that had you not purchased the Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit rider, your Contract Value may have been higher. You should
consult your financial professional to discuss whether a Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawals Benefit rider suits your needs.

Electing a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit Rider. You must satisfy
certain eligibility requirements to elect a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
Benefit rider. These requirements include age requirements as well as certain
requirements of the Code.

Covered Persons Requirements: Each Covered Person must be between ages 55-85 for
Income Now and between ages 50-85 for Income Later on the rider issue date. The
primary Covered Person must be the primary Owner and Annuitant, or must be the
Annuitant if the Owner is not a natural person. If the Owner is not a natural
person, a joint Covered Person cannot be named. The joint Covered Person, if
any, must be the primary Covered Person's spouse at the time of application and
must be designated as the sole primary Beneficiary. The chart below illustrates
the Covered Person eligibility requirements for the Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit rider.

Type of Contract                    Covered Person Requirements
Single Owner                        The primary Covered Person is the Owner and
                                    Annuitant. The joint Covered Person, if any,
                                    must be the primary Covered Person's spouse
                                    and the sole primary Beneficiary.
Single Owner/Non-Natural            The primary Covered Person is the Annuitant.
Owner                               A joint Covered Person is not allowed.
Jointly Owned Contract              The primary Covered Person is the primary
                                    Owner and Annuitant. The co-Owner must be
                                    the Owner's spouse. The joint Covered
                                    Person, if any, must be the primary Covered
                                    Person's spouse and the sole primary

Other Eligibility Requirements. Further, to comply with certain provisions of
the Code, the following Owner, Annuitant, and Beneficiary requirements apply:

    o   For jointly owned Contracts, the Owners must be spouses, they must be
        the Annuitant or Annuitants, Joint Covered Persons, and only they can be
        designated beneficiaries(y). If only one of the spouses is the
        Annuitant, the other spouse must be the sole primary Beneficiary before
        annuitization, and must be the sole primary Beneficiary at the time of
        application if he or she is the Joint Covered Person.

    o   For a single natural person owned Contract covering a single life, the
        Annuitant must be the sole Owner and primary Covered Person.


    o   For a single natural person owned Contract covering joint lives, the
        Annuitant must be the sole Owner and primary Covered Person with his or
        her spouse as the joint Covered Person and sold designated primary
        Beneficiary at the time of application.

    o   If there are two Annuitants, they must be spouses, one or both must be
        the Owner(s), and they both must be the sole designated Beneficiaries.
        The primary Owner must be the primary Covered Person, and the Joint
        Covered Person, if any, must be the spouse.

    o   If the Owner is not a natural person, then the Annuitant must be a
        natural person and is the Covered Person; if there are joint Annuitants,
        they must be spouses and the primary Beneficiaries, and the Annuitant
        will be the only Covered Person, if there is a single Annuitant he or
        she will be the only Covered Person.

Caution should be used if you plan to change your Beneficiary because the change
may negatively impact your ability to make full use of the Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit rider. For example, if there is a joint Covered Person, the
joint Covered Person must be your spouse and we require that he or she be
designated as the sole primary Beneficiary at the time of application. If you
later change your Beneficiary to someone other than you spouse, then he or she
will not be eligible for the continuation benefit under the rider.

In addition, you cannot change your primary Covered Person or joint Covered
Person after the Rider Issue Date, and the benefit will terminate if you change
the Owner. You also cannot add a joint Covered Person after the Rider Issue
Date. You may, however, remove a joint Covered Person after the Rider Issue
Date if you have not made a Lifetime Withdrawal and you provide us with proof of
death, divorce, annulment or dissolution of the marriage between the primary
Covered Person and the Joint Covered Person. If you remove a joint Covered
Person, you cannot add a subsequent spouse as a new joint Covered Person. If you
and your spouse divorce, the benefit provided by the rider can not be divided as
part of the divorce settlement or judgment.

Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit riders are not offered on new Contracts
issued as Beneficiary IRA Contracts or Non-qualified Beneficiary Contracts. The
terms "Beneficiary IRA" or "Non-qualified Beneficiary" Contract refer to a
Contract that has been inherited by a Beneficiary upon the death of the Owner.
We may accept or refuse a request to issue a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
Benefit rider in our sole discretion.

FEATURES OF THE INCOME NOW OPTION. The following discussion describes certain
aspects of how the Income Now option works, which may be different from the
Income Later option.

Withdrawals in General. You may make withdrawals up to the GALWA while at least
one Covered Person is living (please note, however, that as discussed below and
under certain conditions, you may continue to receive your Guaranteed Annual
Lifetime Withdrawals under Guaranteed Annual Withdrawal Settlement Payments).

The first time you make a withdrawal under the rider, the Simple Interest
Benefit (described below) will end.

Lifetime Withdrawals up to the GALWA will not impact the Lifetime Benefit Basis.
If, after you have taken a withdrawal, you choose to receive only a part of, or
none of, your Lifetime Withdrawal in any given rider year, your GALWA will not
increase for future rider years.

Within each Rider Year, you may take Excess Withdrawals. Excess Withdrawals will
reduce your Lifetime Benefit Basis and your Simple Interest Benefit Basis as
described below, and may do so by more than the actual amount of the Excess

All withdrawals under the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider are also
partial withdrawals under the Contract. Such withdrawals will reduce your death
benefit and are subject to income tax, including a 10% penalty tax if the
withdrawals are taken before age 59 1/2. (See FEDERAL TAX MATTERS). Any
applicable contingent deferred sales charge will apply to all withdrawals. When
you take a partial withdrawal under a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit
rider, you may not request a partial withdrawal from the Foundation Account
before all Contract Value in your other allocation options is exhausted for your
benefit to remain in effect. A partial withdrawal from the Foundation Account
before the value in all other allocation options is exhausted will violate the
rider's allocation restrictions, and will cause your rider to terminate, unless
otherwise prohibited by state law. We will reduce all allocation options
proportionally other than the Foundation Account until the Contract Value in
such allocation options is exhausted; only then will we take a partial
withdrawal from the Foundation Account.

Also note that adding the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider to your
Contract will not automatically cancel any systematic withdrawals you have
established. Because withdrawals more than your GALWA may significantly reduce
or eliminate your ability to make Lifetime Withdrawals under the rider, you
should consider whether any existing systematic withdrawals should be adjusted.

If a Lifetime Withdrawal under the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit causes
your Contract Value to be equal to zero, we will continue to pay you your GALWA
for the remainder of the life of the Covered Person ("Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit settlement"). Your Contract, the Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit rider, and all other riders attached to your Contract then


terminate. At that time, only the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit
settlement will be in effect, and we may not accept additional purchase
payments. Any withdrawal you make before a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
Benefit Settlement Payment is a withdrawal made from your Contract Value. We
are only required to start using our own money to make payments when there is a
Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit settlement.

If you have begun to take Lifetime Withdrawals and you have positive Contract
Value on your anticipated Payout Date:

    a.) we will extend your Payout Date in order to continue providing Lifetime
        Withdrawals under the terms of this rider;
    b.) we may not accept any additional purchase payments; and

    c.) all other riders attached to your Contract, if any, will terminate.

If lifetime withdrawals have not begun as of the anticipated Payout Date, you
may change the payout date by Written Request, as described in the Contract to
which this rider is attached. If the Payout Date is extended, we may not accept
additional purchase payments, and all other riders attached to your Contract, if
any, will terminate. If the Payout Date is not changed, we will use the
anticipated Payout Date as your Payout Date and the rider will terminate.

We will continue to assess the rider charges for the Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit rider, until your Payout Date unless your rider terminates
before that date and the Minimum Charge Period has expired.

You should carefully consider when to begin taking Lifetime Withdrawals if you
have elected the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit. If you begin taking
Lifetime Withdrawals too soon or delay taking Lifetime Withdrawals for too long,
you may limit the value of the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit. Also,
charges for the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider will accrue as of
the rider issue date, even though you may not begin taking withdrawals for many
PLANS). All withdrawals taken before age 59 1/2 are subject to an additional 10%
penalty tax. Consult a tax advisor before purchasing the Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit rider.

Examples of how withdrawals may affect your benefit under the Income Now option
are provided in Appendix C.

Amount of your GALWA. The GALWA is the amount we guarantee you may withdraw
each year under the Income Now option as long as the Covered Person is alive and
you satisfy the rider's conditions. We determine the GALWA by multiplying the
Lifetime Benefit Basis by an annual lifetime benefit percentage of at least 2%
(the minimum percentage may be different in your state). The current annual
lifetime benefit percentages are shown below. The annual lifetime benefit
percentages that apply to your rider are shown on your rider Data Pages.

                       Attained Age of Covered Person at First Withdrawal or Step-Up
Age            55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73
Percentage    4.1  4.2  4.3  4.4  4.5  4.6  4.7  4.8  4.9  5.0  5.1  5.2  5.3  5.4  5.5  5.6  5.7  5.8  5.9

Age            74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84  85+
Percentage    6.0  6.1  6.2  6.3  6.4  6.5  6.6  6.7  6.8  6.9  7.0  7.1

     Joint Covered Persons - Attained Age of Youngest Covered Person at First Withdrawal or Step Up(1)
Age            55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73
Percentage    3.6  3.7  3.8  3.9  4.0  4.1  4.2  4.3  4.4  4.5  4.6  4.7  4.8  4.9  5.0  5.1  5.2  5.3  5.4

Age            74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84  85+
Percentage    5.5  5.6  5.7  5.8  5.9  6.0  6.1  6.2  6.3  6.4  6.5  6.6

(1) If only one Covered Person is living at the time of the first withdrawal, we
    will use the Single Covered Person's rates, and the percentages used will be
    based on the surviving Covered Person's Current Age at the time of the

We base the annual lifetime benefit percentage on the annual lifetime benefit
percentages in effect at the Rider Issue Date (which are shown on your rider
Data Pages) and the youngest Covered Person's Current Age at the time the first
Lifetime Withdrawal occurs following the Rider Issue Date. If a Step-Up occurs
after the first Lifetime Withdrawal, we will base the percentage on the youngest


Covered Person's Current Age at the time of the Step-Up. This will result in an
increase to the annual withdrawal benefit percentage. In addition, if the
youngest Covered Person (if there were joint Covered Persons) is deceased at the
time of Step-Up, then we will base the percentage on the age the deceased would
have been had he or she been living at the time of the Step-Up. We will only
know if the youngest Covered Person is deceased if you inform us. This
information will affect your benefit. Please let us know if a Covered Person
dies. We are not responsible for any misdirected payments that result from
failure to promptly notify us of any such death.

Lifetime Benefit Basis. We use the Lifetime Benefit Basis to calculate the
Guaranteed Annual Lifetime Withdrawal Amount. We show the Lifetime Benefit
Basis as of the Rider Issue Date on your rider Data Pages.

You may increase the Lifetime Benefit Basis by making purchase payments during
the Window Period ("window purchase payments") up to the maximum window purchase
payment allowed (also shown on your rider Data Pages, currently, two times your
initial purchase payment) and on each Rider Anniversary the option is in effect,
by making use of the simple interest benefit and Step-Up options. Window
purchase payments will also increase your Simple Interest Benefit Basis and the
amount under your Step-Up option. The Window Period is shown on your rider Data
Page. While there is no guaranteed minimum window period, we were offering a
12-month Window Period as of the effective date of this prospectus.

We are currently waiving the maximum window purchase payment limitation. You
should carefully consider whether you want to make purchase payments after the
window period or in excess of the maximum window purchase payment amount. Such
purchase payments will not participate in any Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
Benefit rider benefits unless a Step-Up occurs.

We will reset the Lifetime Benefit Basis if you make an Excess Withdrawal. Any
change in the Lifetime Benefit Basis will also result in a change in the GALWA.
The Lifetime Benefit Basis is used only to calculate the GALWA. The Lifetime
Benefit Basis does not establish or guarantee a minimum Contract Value,
Surrender Value, death benefit, or return for any Subaccount. See the Excess
Withdrawals discussion below for additional information.

Simple Interest Benefit. This benefit guarantees an increase in your Lifetime
Benefit Basis (and therefore your Lifetime Withdrawals under this rider) each
rider year the benefit is in effect. The benefit, however, does not increase
your Contract Value. Under the Income Now option, the increase will equal
simple interest benefit basis rate of at least 1% of the Lifetime Benefit Basis
at the end of the first rider year (before any Step-Up increases) the Simple
Interest Benefit is in effect. The current simple interest benefit basis rate
is 3%. We show the simple interest benefit basis rate that applies to your
Contract on your rider Data Pages.

For the Simple Interest Benefit to take effect, your Lifetime Benefit Basis with
the applicable simple interest rate ("Simple Interest Benefit Basis") must be
greater than the Lifetime Benefit Basis for that Rider Anniversary. The Simple
Interest Benefit Basis on your Rider Issue Date is equal to your Lifetime
Benefit Basis as of that date. Any window purchase payment you make, up to
maximum window purchase payment we allow, will increase the Simple Interest
Benefit Basis.

If you have a Qualified Contract, you may not be able to take advantage of all
10 years of the Simple Interest Benefit if you are within 10 years of your
required minimum distribution beginning date (generally age 70 1/2) at the time
you purchase the Contract.

This benefit will remain in effect until the earliest of:

    o   your first Lifetime Withdrawal following the rider issue date;
    o   the 10th Rider Anniversary; or

    o   the date you violate the allocation restrictions.

Examples of how the Simple Interest Benefit Basis works are provided in
Appendix C.

Lifetime Benefit Basis Step-Up. You may, subject to certain conditions, elect to
have the Lifetime Benefit Basis automatically "stepped-up" each year to equal
your current Contract Value. Step-Ups will occur if your Contract Value is
greater than the Lifetime Benefit Basis as of the Step-Up date and we are
issuing new Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit riders on the date of the
Step-Up. A Step-Up in your Lifetime Benefit Basis will increase your GALWA.

Once elected, the Lifetime Benefit Basis will be annually stepped-up until the
earliest of the following:

    (a) the date you violate an allocation restriction;

    (b) the Rider Anniversary on or following the youngest Covered Person's 85th
    (c) the date you change Contract ownership; or
    (d) the date you terminate the option by Written Request.

Step-Ups will begin on the Rider Anniversary following your Written Request for
automatic Step-Ups. If you elect the "Step-Up," the start date for the new
Benefit Period will be the Step-Up date and the Lifetime Benefit Basis will
equal your Contract Value as of the Step-Up date. Following your Step-Up
election, you may pay a new current charge each year, up to the maximum charge
for your rider, which may be higher. We will notify you 60 days in advance of
the Step-Up if the rider fee will increase. If you discontinue the automatic
Step-Ups, you may not re-elect the Step-Up option at a later time.


You should carefully consider whether to elect a Step-Up under a Qualified
Contract if you are within 10 years of your required minimum distribution
beginning date (generally age 70 1/2) and you expect to take required minimum
distributions from the Contract. Also, Withdrawals before age 59 1/2 are subject
to a 10% penalty tax. (See FEDERAL TAX MATTERS).

Lifetime Benefit increases if both the Simple Interest Benefit and the Step-Up
option are in effect. If both the Simple Interest Benefit and the Step-Up
option are in effect, we will compare the lifetime benefit increase for a Rider
Anniversary to the following amounts:

    (1) the Simple Interest Benefit Basis as of that Rider Anniversary; and
    (2) the current Contract Value as of that Rider Anniversary.

If either (1) or (2) above are greater than the Lifetime Benefit Basis for that
Rider Anniversary, the Lifetime Benefit Basis will be increased (stepped-up) by
the greater amount. If both (1) and (2) above are lower than the Lifetime
Benefit Basis for that Rider Anniversary, there will be no adjustment for that
rider year and the Lifetime Benefit Basis will not change.

Foundation Account following Step Up in the Lifetime Benefit Basis. The Benefit
Allocation Plan you elect may require an allocation to the Foundation Account.
This amount equals the Lifetime Benefit Basis (as of the Step-Up date)
multiplied by the Foundation Account allocation percentage in the Benefit
Allocation Plan you elected. In that case we will transfer Contract Value from
your other allocation options to fund any increase in the Foundation Account
that then will be required. We will make such transfers first from the
Subaccounts on a pro-rata basis, then from the DCA Fixed Periods, if applicable,
from oldest to newest. We reserve the right to waive this requirement. If we do
so, we will administer the waiver on a non-discriminatory basis. We are
currently waiving this requirement.

Excess Withdrawals. If an Excess Withdrawal occurs we will reset your Lifetime
Benefit Basis equal to the previous Lifetime Benefit Basis reduced by the
greater of:

    (a)  the Excess Withdrawal amount; or
    (b)  a proportional adjustment amount that is equal to (1) divided by (2),
         with the result multiplied by (3), where:
         (1) =  the Excess Withdrawal amount.
         (2) = the Contract Value before the withdrawal minus the remaining
               GALWA, if any, at the time of withdrawal. The remaining GALWA is
               the amount available for withdrawal without exceeding the GALWA.
         (3) = the Lifetime Benefit Basis before the withdrawal.

If the Lifetime Benefit Basis is reset (reduced) as described above, as a result
of the Excess Withdrawal, we then will recalculate and reduce the GALWA. We
will send you notice of the amount of your reduced Lifetime Benefit Basis and
GALWA within seven days of the date the Excess Withdrawal is made. If your
Contract Value is less than the Lifetime Benefit Basis, we will reduce your
Lifetime Benefit Basis by an amount greater than the amount of the Excess
Withdrawal (as described above). In this case, the less your Contract Value is
relative to your Lifetime Benefit Basis, the larger the impact of an Excess

We may waive the Excess Withdrawal treatment described above if the withdrawals
are scheduled withdrawals intended to meet IRS required minimum distribution
rules. Currently, scheduled withdrawals under a systematic withdrawal program
to satisfy a required minimum distribution plan for the value of this Contract
are not considered Excess Withdrawals provided you enroll in the Automatic
Required Minimum Distribution plan. However, we may at a future date decide to
consider such withdrawals as Excess Withdrawals. An Excess Withdrawal that would
cause your Contract's Surrender Value to be less than $2,000 will cause your
Contract and the Income Now Option to end.

Appendix C includes an example of how Excess Withdrawals may affect your

FEATURES OF THE INCOME LATER OPTION. The following discussion describes certain
aspects of how the Income Later option works, which may be different from the
Income Now option.

Withdrawals in General. You may make withdrawals up to the GALWA while at least
one Covered Person is living (please note, however, that as discussed below and
under certain conditions, you may continue to receive your Guaranteed Annual
Lifetime Withdrawals under a settlement option if we are making Guaranteed
Annual Withdrawal Settlement Payments).

You may take one Non-Lifetime Withdrawal of any amount before you take Lifetime
Withdrawals. While no Simple Interest Benefit (described below) will be applied
to your Contract for the Rider Year in which you make your Non-Lifetime
Withdrawal, the Simple Interest Benefit will resume the second Rider Year after
taking your Non-Lifetime Withdrawal.

Non-Lifetime Withdrawals will decrease your Lifetime Benefit Basis if you take
an Excess Withdrawal. If you take any additional withdrawals before the end of
the second rider year after taking your first withdrawal, your first withdrawal
will no longer be considered a Non-Lifetime Withdrawal. In that case, the Simple
Interest Benefit will never resume.

Lifetime Withdrawals up to the GALWA will not impact the Lifetime Benefit Basis.
If, after you have taken a withdrawal, you choose to receive only a part of, or
none of, your Lifetime Withdrawal in any given rider year, your GALWA will not
increase for future rider years.


Within each rider year, you may take Excess Withdrawals. Excess Withdrawals will
reduce your Lifetime Benefit Basis and your Simple Interest Benefit Basis as
described below, and may do so by more than the actual amount of the Excess

All withdrawals under the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider are also
partial withdrawals under the Contract. Such withdrawals will reduce your death
benefit are subject to income tax including a 10% penalty tax if the withdrawals
are taken before age 59 1/2. (See FEDERAL TAX MATTERS). Any applicable
contingent deferred sales charge will apply to all withdrawals. When you take a
partial withdrawal under a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider, we will
reduce all allocation options proportionally other than the Foundation Account
until the value in such allocation options is exhausted; only then will we take
a partial withdrawal from the Foundation Account. A partial withdrawal from the
Foundation Account before the Contract Value in all other allocation options is
exhausted will violate the rider's allocation restrictions, and will cause your
rider to terminate unless otherwise prohibited by state law.

Also note that adding the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider to your
Contract will not automatically cancel any systematic withdrawals you have
established. Because withdrawals more than your GALWA may significantly reduce
or eliminate your ability to make Lifetime Withdrawals under the rider, you
should consider whether any existing systematic withdrawals should be adjusted.

If a Lifetime Withdrawal under the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit causes
your Contract Value to be equal to zero, we will pay any remaining Lifetime
Withdrawals under the terms of the Income Payout Option that we will make
available for that purpose. ("Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit
settlement"). Your Contract, the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider,
and all other riders attached to your Contract then will terminate, and you may
not make additional purchase payments. At that time, only the Guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit settlement will be in effect. Any withdrawal you
make before a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit Settlement Payment is a
withdrawal made from your Contract Value. We are only required to start using
our own money to make payments when there is a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
Benefit Settlement Payment.

If you have begun to take Lifetime Withdrawals those will continue past the
anticipated Payout Date:

    a.) we may not accept any additional purchase payments;
    b.) we will extend your Payout Date in order to continue providing lifetime
        withdrawals under the terms of this rider; and
    c.) all other riders attached to your Contract, if any, will terminate.

If Lifetime Withdrawals have not begun as of the anticipated Payout Date, you
may change the Payout Date by Written Request. If the Payout Date is extended,
we may not accept additional purchase payments, and all other riders attached to
your Contract, if any, may terminate. If the Payout Date is not changed, we will
use the anticipated Payout Date as your Payout Date and the rider will

We will continue to assess your rider charges for the Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit rider until your actual Payout Date.

You should carefully consider when to begin taking Lifetime Withdrawals if you
have elected the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit. If you begin taking
Lifetime Withdrawals too soon or delay taking Lifetime Withdrawals for too long,
you may limit the value of the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit. Also,
charges for the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider will accrue as of
the Rider Issue Date, even though you may not begin taking withdrawals for many
PLANS). Lifetime Withdrawals taken before age 59 1/2 are subject to an
additional 10% penalty tax. Consult a tax advisor before purchasing the
Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider.

Examples of how withdrawals may affect your benefit under the Income Later
option are provided in Appendix C.

Amount of your GALWA. The GALWA is the amount we guarantee you may withdraw each
year under the Income Later option as long as the Covered Person is alive and
you satisfy the rider's conditions. We determine the GALWA by multiplying the
Lifetime Benefit Basis by an annual lifetime benefit percentage of at least 2%
(the minimum percentage may be different in your state). The current annual
lifetime benefit percentages are shown below. The annual lifetime benefit
percentages that apply to your Contract are shown on your rider Data Pages.

          Attained Age of Covered Person at First Withdrawal or Step-Up
Age             50-54     55-60     61-64     65-69     70-74     75-79     80+
Percentage      3.00      3.75      4.25       4.50      5.00      5.25     5.50


            Joint Covered Persons - Attained Age of Youngest Covered
                    Person at First Withdrawal or Step-Up(1)
Age             50-54     55-60     61-64     65-69     70-74     75-79     80+
Percentage      2.50      3.25      3.75      4.00       4.50      4.75     5.00

(1) If only one Covered Person is living at the time of your first withdrawal,
    we will use the single Covered Person's rates, and the percentage used will
    be based on the surviving Covered Person's Current Age at the time of the
    first Lifetime Withdrawal.

We determine the Guaranteed Annual Lifetime Withdrawal Amount by multiplying the
Lifetime Benefit Basis by the annual lifetime benefit percentage on the annual
lifetime benefit percentage in effect at the Rider Issue Date (as shown on your
rider Data Page). The percentage is based on the youngest Covered Person's
Current Age at the time the first Lifetime Withdrawal occurs following the rider
Issue Date. The annual lifetime benefit percentage will not change after your
first Lifetime Withdrawal occurs. The annual withdrawal percentage is based on
the age of the youngest Covered Person and the number of Covered Persons (1 or
2). We will only know if the youngest Covered Person is deceased if you inform
us. This information may affect your benefit. Please let us know if a Covered
Person dies.

Lifetime Benefit Basis. We use the Lifetime Benefit Basis to calculate the
Guaranteed Annual Lifetime Withdrawal Amount. We show the Lifetime Benefit
Basis as of the Rider Issue Date on your rider Data Pages.

You may increase the Lifetime Benefit Basis by making purchase payments during
the Window Period ("window purchase payments") up to the maximum window purchase
payment allowed (also shown on your rider Data Pages, currently, two times your
initial purchase payment) and on each Rider Anniversary the option is in effect,
by making use of the simple interest benefit and Step-Up options. Window
purchase payments will increase your Simple Interest Benefit Basis and the
amount under your Step-Up option. The Window Period is shown on your rider Data
Page. While there is no guaranteed minimum window period, we were offering a
12-month Window Period as of the effective date of this prospectus.

We are currently waiving the maximum window purchase payment limitation. You
should carefully consider whether you want to make purchase payments after the
window period or in excess of the maximum window purchase payment amount. Such
purchase payments will not affect the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit
rider benefits if the Step-Up option is not in effect.

We will reset the Lifetime Benefit Basis if you make an Excess Withdrawal. Any
change in the Lifetime Benefit Basis will also result in a change in the GALWA.
The Lifetime Benefit Basis is used only to calculate the GALWA. The Lifetime
Benefit Basis does not establish or guarantee a minimum Contract Value,
Surrender Value, death benefit, or return for any Subaccount. See the Excess
Withdrawals discussion below for additional information.

Simple Interest Benefit. This benefit guarantees an increase in your Lifetime
Benefit Basis (and therefore your Lifetime Withdrawals under this rider) each
rider year the benefit is in effect. The benefit, however, does not increase
your Contract Value. Under the Income Later option, the increase will equal
simple interest of at least 1% of the Lifetime Benefit Basis at the end of the
first rider year (before any Step-Up increase) the Simple Interest Benefit is in
effect. The current simple interest benefit basis rate is 7.5%. The simple
interest benefit basis rate that applies to your Contract is shown on your Rider
Data Page.

For the Simple Interest Benefit to take effect, your Lifetime Benefit Basis with
the applicable simple interest benefit basis rate ("Simple Interest Benefit
Basis") must be greater than the Lifetime Benefit Basis for that Rider
Anniversary. The Simple Interest Benefit Basis on your rider issue date is equal
to your Lifetime Benefit Basis as of that date.

If you have a Qualified Contract, you may not be able to take advantage of all
10 years of the Simple Interest Benefit if you are within 10 years of your
required minimum distribution beginning date (generally age 70 1/2) at the time
you purchase the Contract.

If a Non-Lifetime Withdrawal occurs, we will suspend the Simple Interest Benefit
for the rider year in which the withdrawal occurs; the Simple Interest Benefit
will resume the following rider year if no additional withdrawals occur.

This benefit will remain in effect until the earliest of:

    o   your first Lifetime Withdrawal following the Rider Issue Date;
    o   the 10th Rider Anniversary if no Step-Ups have occurred as of that date;
    o   the 10th Step-Up Anniversary of the last Step-Up that occurs on or prior
        to your 10th Rider Anniversary (but in no event later than the 20th
        Rider Anniversary); or

    o   the date you violate the allocation restrictions.

Your Simple Interest Benefit Basis may be adversely affected if your
Non-Lifetime Withdrawal is also an Excess Withdrawal, as described below.

If you take an Excess Withdrawal, we will reduce your Simple Interest Benefit
Basis by an amount equal to the greater of:

        (1)  the Excess Withdrawal amount; or

        (2)  a proportional adjustment amount that is equal to (A) divided by
             (B), with the result multiplied by (C), where:


             (A) = the Excess Withdrawal amount;

             (B) = the Contract Value before the withdrawal minus the remaining
                   GALWA, if any, at the time of withdrawal. The remaining GALWA
                   is the amount available for withdrawal without exceeding the

             (C) = is the Simple Interest Benefit Basis before the withdrawal.

Examples of how the Simple Interest Benefit Basis works are provided in
Appendix C.

Lifetime Benefit Basis Step-Up. You may, subject to certain conditions, elect to
have the Lifetime Benefit Basis automatically "stepped-up" each year to equal
your current Contract Value. Step-Ups will occur if your Contract Value is
greater than the Lifetime Benefit Basis as of the Step-Up date and we are
issuing new Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit riders on the date of the
Step-Up. A Step-Up in your Lifetime Benefit Basis will increase your GALWA.

Once elected, the Lifetime Benefit Basis will be annually stepped-up until the
earliest of the following:

    (a) the date you violate an allocation restriction;

    (b) the Rider Anniversary on or following the youngest Covered Person's 85th
    (c) the date you change Contract ownership; or
    (d) the date you terminate the option by Written Request.

Step-Ups will begin on the Rider Anniversary following your Written Request for
automatic Step-Ups. If you elect the "Step-Up," the start date for the new
Benefit Period will be the Step-Up date and the Lifetime Benefit Basis will
equal your Contract Value as of the Step-Up date. Following your Step-Up
election, you may pay a new current charge each year, up to the maximum charge
for your rider, which may be higher. We will notify you 60 days in advance of
the Step-Up if the rider fee will increase. If you discontinue the automatic
Step-Ups, you may not re-elect the Step-Up option at a later time.

You should not elect a Step-Up under a Qualified Contract if you are within 10
years of your required minimum distribution beginning date (generally age 70
1/2) and you expect to take required minimum distributions from the Contract.

Lifetime Benefit increases if both the Simple Interest Benefit and the Step-Up
option are in effect. If both the Simple Interest Benefit and the Step-Up
option are in effect, we will compare the lifetime benefit increase for a Rider
Anniversary to the following amounts:

    (1) the Simple Interest Benefit Basis as of that Rider Anniversary; and
    (2) the current Contract Value as of that Rider Anniversary.

If either (1) or (2) above are greater than the Lifetime Benefit Basis for that
Rider Anniversary, the Lifetime Benefit Basis will be increased (stepped-up) by
the greater amount. If both (1) and (2) above are lower than the Lifetime
Benefit Basis for that Rider Anniversary, there will be no adjustment for that
Rider Year and the Lifetime Benefit Basis will not change.

Foundation Account following Step-Up in the Lifetime Benefit Basis. The Benefit
Allocation Plan you elect may require you to allocate to the Foundation Account
in order to satisfy the rider's allocation restrictions. This amount equals the
Lifetime Benefit Basis (of a Step-Up date) multiplied by the Foundation Account
allocation percentage by the Benefit Allocation Plan then in effect. If the
Lifetime Benefit Basis is Stepped-Up and we require the Foundation Account as
part of the Benefit Allocation Plan then in effect, we will transfer Contract
Value from your other allocation options to fund any increase in the Foundation
Account that then will be required in order to satisfy the rider's allocation
restrictions. We will make such transfers first from the Subaccounts on a
pro-rata basis, then from the DCA fixed periods, if applicable, from oldest to
newest. We reserve the right to waive this requirement. If we do so, we will
administer the waiver on a non-discriminatory basis. We are currently waiving
this requirement.

Excess Withdrawals. An Excess Withdrawal will affect your Lifetime Benefit Basis
and your Simple Interest Benefit Basis, and may cause your Contract and the
rider to terminate. If an Excess Withdrawal occurs, we will reset your Lifetime
Benefit Basis to equal your previous Lifetime Benefit Basis reduced by the
greater of:

    (a) the Excess Withdrawal amount; or
    (b) a proportional adjustment amount that is equal to (1) divided by (2),
        with the result multiplied by (3), where:
        (1) = the Excess Withdrawal amount.
        (2) = the Contract Value before the withdrawal minus the remaining
              GALWA, if any, at the time of withdrawal. The remaining GALWA is
              the amount available for withdrawal without exceeding the GALWA.
        (3) = the Lifetime Benefit Basis before the withdrawal.

If the Lifetime Benefit Basis is reset (reduced), as described above, as a
result of the Excess Withdrawal, we then will recalculate and reduce the GALWA.
We will send you notice of the amount of your reduced Lifetime Benefit Basis and
GALWA within seven days of the date the Excess Withdrawal is made. If your
Contract Value is less than the Lifetime Benefit Basis, we will reduce your
Lifetime Benefit Basis by an amount greater than the amount of the Excess
Withdrawal (as described above). In this case the less your Contract Value is
relative to your Lifetime Benefit Basis, the larger the impact of an Excess

In addition, an Excess Withdrawal will reduce your Simple Interest Benefit
Basis. This reduction will equal the greater of:


    o   the amount of your Excess Withdrawal; or
    o   a proportionate adjustment to your Simple Interest Benefit Basis equal
        to (A) divided by (B), with the result multiplied by (C) where:
         >  A is the Excess Withdrawal amount;
         >  B is your Contract Value before the Excess Withdrawal minus your
            remaining Guaranteed Annual Lifetime Withdrawal Amount (i.e., the
            amount you may withdraw without exceeding your Guaranteed Annual
            Lifetime Withdrawal Amount), if any, at the time of the withdrawal;
         >  C is your Simple Interest Benefit Basis before the Excess

Finally, an Excess Withdrawal that would cause your Contract's Surrender Value
to be less than $2,000 will cause your Contract and the Income Later option to

If you take a Non-Lifetime Withdrawal that also is an Excess Withdrawal, your
Lifetime Benefit Basis and Simple Interest Benefit Basis will be affected and
your Contract may terminate, all as described above. In addition, the annual
credit under the Simple Interest Benefit, when it resumes will equal the simple
interest benefit rate multiplied by the adjusted Lifetime Benefit Basis. The
adjusted Lifetime Benefit Basis will be determined based on the following
formula: The Lifetime Benefit Basis at the end of the first Rider Year, reduced
by the greater of:

    o   the Excess Withdrawal amount; or
    o   a proportional adjustment that is equal to (A) divided by (B) with the
        result multiplied by (C) where:

        (A) is the Excess Withdrawal Amount:
        (B) is your Contract Value before the withdrawal minus any remaining
            Guaranteed Annual Lifetime Withdrawal Amount; and
        (C) is the Lifetime Benefit Basis at the end of the first Rider Year.

We may waive the Excess Withdrawal treatment described above if the withdrawals
are scheduled withdrawals intended to meet IRS required minimum distribution
rules. Currently, scheduled withdrawals under a systematic withdrawal program to
satisfy a required minimum distribution plan for the value of this Contract are
not considered Excess Withdrawals provided you enroll in the Automatic Required
Minimum Distribution plan. However, we may at a future date decide to consider
such withdrawals as Excess Withdrawals.

Appendix C includes an example of how Excess Withdrawals may affect your

Allocation Restrictions. There are certain allocation restrictions required if
you invest in a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider. If you violate
these restrictions, your benefit will irrevocably terminate. These restrictions
are intended to minimize our risk that we will have to pay Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Settlement Payments. In minimizing risk, however, such programs also
may limit the potential for Contract Value to appreciate. You may earn a higher
rate of return from other Subaccount(s) or Fixed Periods, if any, not available
under the rider.

The allocation restrictions require you to invest all your Net Purchase
Payments, Contract Value Increase Enhancements and Purchase Payment Credits, if
any, and Contract Value in a Benefit Allocation Plan. However, you may elect the
DCA Fixed Period at Contract issue. All of your Contract Value allocated to the
DCA Fixed Period will then be invested in a Benefit Allocation Plan. The Benefit
Allocation Plan may require that you invest in the Foundation Account.

BENEFIT ALLOCATION PLANS. The Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider does
not guarantee Contract Value or the performance of any Benefit Allocation Plan.
You do not have to elect the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider to use
the Benefit Allocation Plan. You should consult your agent to assist you in
determining whether these Benefit Allocation Plans are suited for your financial
needs and risk tolerance. Subject to approval, notice or consent required by
applicable law, we may:

    (i)   add Benefit Allocation Plans without prior notice;
    (ii)  remove or substitute Benefit Allocation Plans; and
    (iii) substitute allocation options within an available Benefit Allocation

We will notify you in advance of any substitution, removal or change to a
Benefit Allocation Plan you elected. If we remove a Benefit Allocation Plan,
existing Contracts that are using the Benefit Allocation Plan at the time it is
removed may continue to use it. The removed Benefit Allocation Plan will not be
available for newly issued Contracts, nor will existing Contracts be able to
switch to the removed Benefit Allocation Plan.


The allocation restrictions require that you must allocate your Net Purchase
Payments, Credit Value Enhancements, Contract Value Increase Enhancements, and
Purchase Payment Credits, if any, and Contract Value to an available Benefit
Allocation Plan. In addition, you may allocate your initial purchase payment to
the DCA Fixed Period and then dollar-cost average into the Benefit Allocation
Plan you elected.

The Benefit Allocation Plans include certain of the asset allocation models
described under DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTRACT, Allocation of Net Purchase
Payments. The Benefit Allocation Plans are:

    o  Ultra Series Diversified                     o  Ultra Series Moderate
       Income Subaccount                               Allocation Subaccount
    o  Conservative Growth Model                    o  BlackRock Global
    o  Ultra Series Conservative                       Allocation Subaccount
       Allocation Subaccount                        o  Growth Model
    o  Balanced Model                               o  Aggressive Growth Model
    o  Risk-Managed Funds Model                     o  Create Your Own Model
    o  Moderate Growth Model

See DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTRACT, Allocation of Purchase Payments for more
information about the Benefit Allocation Plans.

The Create Your Own Model permits you create your own Benefit Allocation Plan
from a menu of available Subaccounts. Your Create Your Own Model must include at
least four Subaccounts, and no more that 25% can be allocated to any Subaccount
after the required allocation to the Foundation Account has been made. The
currently available Subaccounts are:

Ultra Series Money Market                  Invesco V.I. Government Securities
Ultra Series Bond                          BlackRock Global Allocation
Ultra Series Conservative Allocation       PIMCO VIT Total Return
Ultra Series Moderate Allocation           PIMCO VIT Global Bond (Unhedged)
Ultra Series Aggressive Allocation         Franklin High Income Securities
Ultra Series Diversified Income            Franklin Income Securities
Ultra Series High Income                   Mutual Global Discovery Securities
Ultra Series Large Cap Value               Oppenheimer Main Street VA
Ultra Series Large Cap Growth              Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap VA
Ultra Series Mid Cap                       Oppenheimer International Growth VA
Ultra Series Small Cap                     Van Kampen Growth and Income II
Ultra Series Equity Income                 Van Kampen Mid Cap Growth II
Ultra Series International Sock

You may change the allocation of subsequent Net Purchase Payments, Credit Value
Increase Enhancements and Purchase Payment Credits, if any, to one of the other
available Benefit allocation plans at any time, without charge by Written
Request. Written Requests received in good order before the close of regular
trading on the New York Stock Exchange (usually, 3:00 p.m. Central Time) on a
Valuation Day will receive that day's Accumulation Unit value. Any change will
be effective at the time we receive your Written Request. However, your Contract
Value at the time of such request must also be transferred to the Benefit
Allocation Plan selected.

In order for your benefit to remain in effect, certain Benefit Allocation Plans
require you to allocate a specific percentage of your purchase payment(s) to the
Foundation Account and we may require a specific dollar amount be allocated to
the Foundation Account if a Step-Up occurs or you request a transfer. The
specific dollar amount is based on your Lifetime Benefit Basis multiplied by the
percentage required to be allocated to the Foundation Account for the Benefit
Allocation Plan you elected. Allocations to the Foundation Account occur only
at the time of a purchase payment, Step-Up or transfer. Contract Value allocated
to the Foundation Account is not re-balanced due to investment performance. The
allocation to the Foundation Account is in addition to any allocation to the
Ultra Series Bond Fund that may be required by a Benefit Allocation Plan. You
should carefully consider whether to choose a Benefit Allocation Plan that
requires a Foundation Account because there are additional restrictions
associated with the Foundation Account in order for your benefit to remain in
effect. These restrictions include the inability to take a partial withdrawal
from the Foundation Account until the Contract Value in your other allocation
options has been exhausted. The amount required to be allowed in the Foundation
Account in each available Benefit Allocation Plan are as follows:


                                                             BASIS REQUIRED TO BE ALLOCATED TO THE FOUNDATION
Ultra Series Diversified Income Subaccount                                          0%
Conservative Growth Model                                                           0%
Ultra Series Conservative Allocation Subaccount                                     0%
Ultra Series Balanced Model                                                         0%
Risk-Managed Funds Model                                                            0%
Moderate Growth Model                                                              10%
Ultra Series Moderate Allocation Subaccount                                        10%
BlackRock Global Allocation Subaccount                                             10%
Growth Model                                                                       20%
Aggressive Growth Model                                                            30%
Create Your Own Model                                                              40%

We deduct the percentage that we require to be allocated to the Foundation
Account from your purchase payment first, and then allocate the remainder
according to the Benefit Allocation Plan you elected. For example, if your
purchase payment is $100,000, you elect a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
Benefit, and you select the Growth Model, we would allocate 20% ($20,000) to the
Foundation Account and then allocate the remaining $80,000 among the Subaccounts
in the Growth Model.

If you request a transfer and the Foundation Account is part of the Benefit
Allocation Plan you are transferring into, we will require that you allocate a
specific dollar amount of Contract Value to the Foundation Account for your
benefit to remain in effect. That dollar amount is equal to the Lifetime Benefit
Basis as of the transfer date multiplied by the Foundation Account Allocation
Percentage required for the Benefit Allocation Plan elected. We first will
transfer such required dollar amount into the Foundation Account. We then will
transfer your remaining Contract Value (after we deduct the required dollar
amount allocated to the Foundation Account) to all other allocation options
included in the Benefit Allocation Plan selected in proportion to the allocation
percentage required for each allocation option.

    EXAMPLE. Your Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000 and you invest in the
    Create Your Own Model which has an allocation percentage of 40% to the
    Foundation Account. Your current Contract Value is $90,000 (Foundation
    Account $40,000; non-Foundation Account amount $50,000. You transfer to the
    Growth Model. The Growth Model Benefit Allocation Plan requires that you
    keep 20% or $20,000 in the Foundation Account ($100,000 Lifetime Benefit
    Basis x 20% required in the Foundation Account). Your total Contract Value
    of $90,000 would not change as a result of the transfer, but now only
    $20,000 would be allocated to the Foundation Account and $70,000 would be
    allocated to the non-Foundation Account allocation options.

Additional examples of how the Foundation Account will work are provided in
Appendix C to this prospectus.

We require all Benefit Allocation Plans to participate in the automatic personal
portfolio rebalancing service ("rebalancing") if the Benefit Allocation Plan you
selected includes two or more Subaccounts other than the Foundation Account for
your benefit to remain in effect. With rebalancing, we transfer Contract Value
on each Contract Anniversary among the Subaccounts (other than the Foundation
Account) to achieve a particular percentage allocation of Contract Value among
those Subaccounts.

You will violate an allocation restriction if you transfer your Contract Value
to an allocation option other than available Benefit Allocation Plan. If you do
so, your Income Now or Income Later rider will terminate unless otherwise
prohibited by state law.

Death Benefit. If you elect the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit on or
after October 19, 2009, your Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit generally
includes a minimum guaranteed death benefit. However, if you convert from a
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit to the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
Benefit, your death benefit will be the basic death benefit that is offered in
the Contract (unless you have elected one of the optional death benefit riders
described above under "Optional Death Benefits"). The death benefit proceeds
described below will be reduced by any applicable premium expense charges not
previously deducted, as stated above under "Purchase Payment Credits," and
reduced by any Purchase Payment Credits applied to your Contract Value within 12
months of the Annuitant's death. Note that Federal tax law generally requires
that amounts be distributed upon the death of the Owner (or death/change of an
Annuitant if there is a non-natural Owner.) (See DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTRACT,
Contract Loans, Death of an Owner, and FEDERAL TAX MATTERS).

The death benefit under the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit is equal to
the greater of:


    (i)  the Contract Value less any Purchase Payment Credits applied within 12
         months of the Annuitant's death, as of the date we receive Due Proof of
         Death reduced by any rider charges (calculated in proportion to the
         number of days since the prior Contract Anniversary for a partial
         year's charge); or
    (ii) the sum of your Net Purchase Payments made as of the date we receive
         Due Proof of Death minus an adjustment for each partial withdrawal made
         as of the date we receive Due Proof of Death.

If there is a partial withdrawal, the death benefit under the Guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit will be adjusted on a dollar-for-dollar basis as
long as the withdrawal is not an Excess Withdrawal. If the withdrawal is an
Excess Withdrawal, we will adjust the death benefit by (a) divided by (b), with
the result multiplied by (c); and then finally reduced by (a), where:

    (a) = the Excess Withdrawal amount;
    (b) = the Contract Value immediately before the Excess Withdrawal; and
    (c) = the sum of your Net Purchase Payments immediately before the date of
          the Excess Withdrawal, less any adjustments previously made for prior
          Excess Withdrawals.

The adjustment for an Excess Withdrawal has the effect of increasing the total
adjustment amount when (c) is greater than (b) and reducing the total adjustment
amount when (c) is less than (b).

The death benefit proceeds described above will be reduced by any applicable
premium expense charges not previously deducted. We will not pay a death benefit
if we are making Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Settlement Payments.

Continuation Benefit. The continuation benefit allows an eligible joint Covered
Person (who is not a co-Annuitant) to continue the Contract, including the
Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider, in lieu of receiving death
proceeds. Any continuation, however, is subject to the requirements of Code
BENEFIT. If the eligible joint Covered Person elects to continue the Contract
without electing to continue the rider under this provision, the Guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit will not continue.

Under the continuation benefit, a joint Covered Person who is the Covered
Person's spouse may continue the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit if he or
she if the sole primary beneficiary of the Contract on the date of death. An
eligible joint Covered Person must elect the continuation benefit within 60 days
of our receipt of due proof of death of the Covered Person. When elected, the
joint Covered Person will continue to receive the benefits of the rider as long
as he or she complies with Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider's
conditions. This benefit may be exercised one time.

The benefit is generally designed to comply with current federal tax provisions
related to status as a "spouse" under the federal Defense of Marriage Act. The
DOMA definition does not recognize civil unions or same-sex marriages that may
be allowed under state law. In certain states, where required, however, we may
be required to allow to civil union and same-sex marriage partners to be
designated as a Joint Covered Person. Contact us or your agent for more

Joint Covered Person/Co-Annuitant Death. The Contract will continue in the event
of the death of a joint Covered Person (i.e., the spouse of the primary Covered
Person) who also is a co-Annuitant under the Contract. In the event, the
Contract will pay the death benefit under your Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
Benefit rider, if applicable, at the death of the surviving Covered Person.

In the Event of Divorce. If you and your spouse divorce, we will not divide the
benefit under the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider as part of a
divorce settlement or judgment. Any withdrawal in the event of a divorce will be
considered a withdrawal under your Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit. You
should consult a tax advisor concerning the tax consequences that can arise
under your Contract and the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider as a
result of divorce.

Termination. You may terminate the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider
on any date. However, termination of the rider before the expiration of the
Minimum Charge Period of seven years will result in rider charges continuing to
be assessed (if permitted in your state) until the Minimum Charge Period is
reached. If you terminate the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider, your
death benefit (if that option is integrated within the Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit) will also terminate and the basic death benefit that is
available under the Contract will go into effect.

In addition, the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider will automatically
terminate on the earliest of:

    (a) the Payout Date;
    (b) the date there is a change of ownership of the Contract;

    (c) the date you violate an allocation restriction;

    (d) the date you surrender your Contract;
    (e) the date we receive Due Proof of Death of the last surviving Covered
        Person; or
    (f) the date we receive Due Proof of Death of the primary Covered Person if:
             1. there is a surviving joint Covered Person (who is not also a
                co-Annuitant); and


             2. he or she is not eligible to continue the Contract under the
                continuation benefit or he or she does not elect to continue the
                Contract under the continuation benefit.

For the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider to remain in effect, all of
your Net Purchase Payments, Purchase Payment Credits, Contract Value Increase
Enhancements, and Contract Value must be invested in an available Benefit
Allocation Plan. You may transfer to another available Benefit Allocation Plan
at anytime. However, if you (i) elect to discontinue allocating to an available
Benefit Allocation Plan, (ii) take a partial withdrawal from the Foundation
Account before Contract Value in other allocation options is exhausted, or (iii)
change Contract ownership, the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider
will automatically terminate. If the transfer, partial withdrawal, or ownership
change occurs before the expiration of the Minimum Charge Period of seven years,
rider charges will continue to be assessed based on the Benefit Basis in effect
on the Valuation Day immediately preceding the transfer, partial withdrawal, or
ownership change (if permitted in your state) until the Minimum Charge Period is

Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit Charge. If you elect the Guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit, we will deduct a charge that compensates us for the
costs and risks we assume in providing this benefit. We will not deduct the
Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit charge after the Payout Date.

We calculate the amount of the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit charge
annually by multiplying the current annual Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
Benefit charge rate by the average daily Lifetime Benefit Basis for the prior
Contract Year.

The current annual Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit charge is .95% of the
average daily Lifetime Benefit Basis for the prior Contract Year, with a maximum
charge of 1.75%.

If you choose to Step-Up your Lifetime Benefit Basis, you may pay a new current
charge, up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher. If the
rider charge as of the date of the Step-Up is different from the current rider
charge, we will notify you at least 60 days in advance of the Step-Up. You have
the option not to Step-Up and continue the existing benefits at their current

Because the annual charge is determined by multiplying the current annual
Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit charge rate by the average daily Lifetime
Benefit Basis, making additional purchase payments that increase your Lifetime
Benefit Basis, will result in an increase in the annual charge for this rider,
even if the charge rate does not change.

If the current rider is not approved in your state or your application for the
rider is dated before May 1, 2010, a prior, approved rider may be issued, which
has different charges. (See SUMMARY, Charges and Deductions and the Appendices).
Information about prior versions of this rider is available in the appendices to
this Prospectus.

On each Contract Anniversary during the accumulation period, we will deduct the
Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit charge pro-rata from your Contract Value
except from Contract Value in the Foundation Account. If there is insufficient
Contract Value in all other allocation options, we will deduct the charge from
the Contract Value in the Foundation Account. A pro-rata portion of the charge
also will be deducted upon Contract surrender, termination of the rider after
the expiration of the Minimum Charge Period, payment of death proceeds, or the
start of payments under an Income Payout Option, if the surrender, termination,
payment of death proceeds or selection of an Income Payout Option does not occur
on a Contract Anniversary.


Principal Protector is a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider.

Definitions Before we discuss the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit, you
need to understand the terms we use to describe those benefit. We use the
following definitions to describe how the optional Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit works:

Benefit Allocation Plan means one or more specific allocation options or
purchase payment allocation plans that we will use to provide the guarantee
described by this rider. The Benefit Allocation Plan selected is shown on the
rider Data Page.

Benefit Basis means the guaranteed minimum contract value under this rider as of
the expiration date for the Benefit Period.

Benefit Period means a period of time beginning on a start date and continuing
until an expiration date. References to a "Benefit Period" include your initial
Benefit Period, a new Benefit Period if you elect to Step-Up and any renewal
Benefit Period(s) thereafter.

Foundation Account has the meaning provided in the Glossary.

Monthly Anniversary means the same day in each month as the Rider Issue Date.

Rider Anniversary means the same day and month as the Rider Issue Date for each
year that the rider remains in force.

Rider Issue Date means the date shown on your rider Data Page that we use to
determine Rider Years and Rider Anniversaries.

Rider Year means any twelve-month period beginning on a Rider Issue Date or a
Rider Anniversary and ending one day before the next Rider Anniversary.

Step-Up Anniversary means the same day and month as the Step-Up Date for each
year following a Step-Up in the Benefit Basis.

Step-Up Date means the date that a Step-Up in the Benefit Basis occurs.


Window Period means the period of time that additional purchase payments made
may be included in the Benefit Basis. The Window Period, if any, is shown on
your Rider Data Page.

Benefit Description. Principal Protector is a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation
Benefit rider. For Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit riders issued on or
after the date of this Prospectus, the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit
is described below. The current version of this rider may not be approved in all
states. If it is not, a prior, approved version may be available. Contact your
agent or us if you have questions about availability in your state. If a current
rider is not approved in your state or your application for a rider is dated
before May 1, 2010, a prior, approved version may be issued. The Guaranteed
Minimum Accumulation Benefit riders are described in Appendix K (for riders
issued on and after October 19, 2009 but before May 1, 2010); Appendix L (for
riders issued after April 30, 2009 but before October 19, 2009; Appendix M (for
riders issued after November 23, 2008 and before May 1, 2009), Appendix N (for
riders issued after October 29, 2006 and before November 24, 2008), and Appendix
O (for riders issued before October 30, 2006).

General. We designed the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider to
protect you from poor investment performance during your Contract's accumulation
period. The Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider is available for an
additional charge, and provides that we will guarantee that on the expiration
date of the Benefit Period, your Contract Value will at least equal a Benefit
Basis less adjustments for partial withdrawals. We currently offer a 10-year
Benefit Period for the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider. The
increase in Contract Value will occur on the rider's expiration date. We will
allocate the increase in all allocation options, other than the Foundation
Account, on a pro-rata basis and the Contract Value in the Foundation Account,
if any, will be transferred to all allocation options, other than the Foundation
Account on a pro-rata basis. You may elect either the Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit or the General Minimum Accumulation Benefit, but not both
optional benefits. You should not elect the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation
Benefit if you are interested in current payments. Partial withdrawals may
reduce the Benefit Basis by more than the withdrawal amount. If you elect the
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit for a Qualified Contract, tax rules may
require you to take withdrawals after a certain date, reducing your Benefit
Basis. You should not elect this benefit if you anticipate taking required
minimum distributions under this Contract. (See FEDERAL TAX MATTERS, Taxation of
Qualified Plans). Consult a tax advisor before purchasing the Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider.

Electing the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit Rider. You may elect the
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider if the Annuitant is no more than
85 years old on the Contract Issue Date. This rider, however, is not available
if the plan type for the Contract to which the rider is attached is classified a
Beneficiary IRA or non-qualified Beneficiary Contract. The terms "Beneficiary
IRA" and "non-qualified Beneficiary" Contract refer to the Contract that has
been inherited by a spouse Beneficiary or other Beneficiary upon the death of
the Owner. We may accept or refuse a request to issue a Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation rider in our sole discretion.

Allocation Restrictions and Benefit Allocation Plans. There are certain
allocation restrictions required if you invest in the Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider. If you violate these restrictions, your benefit will
irrevocably terminate. The allocation restrictions require for your benefit to
remain in effect that you to invest all your Net Purchase Payments, Contract
Value Increase Enhancements and Purchase Payment Credits, if any, and Contract
Value in a Benefit Allocation Plan, and will not permit you to transfer Contract
Value to an allocation option that is not available under the rider. However,
you may elect the DCA Fixed Account at Contract issue. All of your Contract
Value allocated to the DCA Fixed Account will then be invested in a Benefit
Allocation Plan. The Benefit Allocation Plan may require that you invest in the
Foundation Account.

If you elect the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider, your Net
Purchase Payments, Contract Value Increase Enhancements and Purchase Payment
Credits, if any, and your Contract Value must be allocated to one or more of the
Benefit Allocation Plans. The rider offers Benefit Allocation Plans with
pre-selected Subaccounts and percentages that have been established for
different types of investors. The Benefit Allocation Plans generally are
designed to provide consistent returns by minimizing risks, and may require you
to invest in the Foundation Account (which in turn, has certain restrictions).
In minimizing risk, however, such programs also may limit the potential for
Contract Value to appreciate. You may earn a higher rate of return from
Subaccount(s) or Fixed Periods, if any, are available under the rider. The
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider does not guarantee Contract Value
or the performance of any Benefit Allocation Plan. You do not have to elect the
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider to use the Benefit Allocation
Plans. You should consult your agent to assist you in determining whether these
allocation options are suited for your financial needs and risk tolerance. If
you choose to allocate your purchase payments and Contract Value to Benefit
Allocation Models that are individual Subaccounts or the Fixed Account, you may
allocate 100% of your funds to one Subaccount or the Fixed Account or divide
your funds among the Subaccounts. If you choose to allocate your funds to the
Fixed Account, you may choose only one Fixed Account option.

Subject to approval, notice or consent required by applicable law, we may:

    (i)   add Benefit Allocation Plans without prior notice;
    (ii)  remove or substitute Benefit allocation plans; and
    (iii) substitute Subaccount(s) or Fixed Periods within an available Benefit
          Allocation Plan.

We will notify you in advance of any substitution, removal or change to a
Benefit Allocation Plan you elected. If we remove a Benefit Allocation Plan,
existing Contracts that are using the Benefit Allocation Plan at the time it is
removed may continue to use it. The


removed Benefit Allocation Plan will not be available for newly issued
Contracts, nor will existing Contracts be able to switch to the removed Benefit
Allocation Plan.

The allocation restrictions require that you allocate your Net Purchase
Payments, Credit Value Enhancements, Contract Value Increase Enhancements, and
Purchase Payment Credits, if any, and Contract Value to an available Benefit
Allocation Plan. In addition, you may allocate your initial purchase payment to
the DCA Fixed Period and then dollar-cost average into the Benefit Allocation
Plan you elected.

The Benefit Allocation Plans include certain of the asset allocation models
described under DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTRACT, Allocation of Net Purchase
Payments. The Benefit Allocation Plans are:

    o  Ultra Series Diversified        o  Ultra Series Moderate
       Income Subaccount                  Allocation Subaccount
    o  Conservative Growth Model       o  BlackRock Global Allocation Subaccount
    o  Ultra Series Conservative       o  Growth Model
       Allocation Subaccount           o  Aggressive Growth Model
    o  Balanced Model                  o  Create Your Own Model
    o  Risk-Managed Funds Model
    o  Moderate Growth Model

See DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTRACT, Allocation of Purchase Payments for more
information about the Benefit Allocation Plans.

The Create Your Own Model permits you create your own Benefit Allocation Plan
from a menu of available Subaccounts. Your Create Your Own Model must include at
least four Subaccounts, and no more that 25% can be allocated to any Subaccount
after the required allocation to the Foundation Account has been made. The
currently available Subaccounts are:

Ultra Series Money Market                    Invesco Government Securities
Ultra Series Bond                            BlackRock Global Allocation
Ultra Series Conservative Allocation         PIMCO VIT Total Return
Ultra Series Moderate Allocation             PIMCO VIT Global Bond (Unhedged)
Ultra Series Aggressive Allocation           Franklin High Income Securities
Ultra Series Diversified Income              Franklin Income Securities
Ultra Series High Income                     Mutual Global Discovery Securities
Ultra Series Large Cap Value                 Oppenheimer Main Street
Ultra Series Large Cap Growth                Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap
Ultra Series Mid Cap                         Oppenheimer International Growth
Ultra Series Small Cap                       Van Kampen Growth and Income II
Ultra Series Equity Income                   Van Kampen Mid Cap Growth II
Ultra Series International Stock

You may change the allocation of subsequent Net Purchase Payments, Credit Value
Increase Enhancements, and Purchase Payment Credits, if any, to one of the other
available Benefit Allocation Plans at any time, without charge by Written
Request. Written Requests received in good order before the close of regular
trading on the New York Stock Exchange (usually, 3:00 p.m. Central Time) on a
Valuation Day will receive that day's Accumulation Unit value. Any change will
be effective at the time we receive your Written Request. However, your Contract
Value at the time of such request must also be transferred to the Benefit
Allocation Plan selected.

In order for your benefit to remain in effect, certain Benefit Allocation Plans
require you to maintain allocate a percentage of your purchase payment(s) to the
Foundation Account and we may require a specific dollar amount to be allocated
to the Foundation Account if a Step-Up occurs or you request a transfer. The
specific dollar amount is based on your Benefit Basis multiplied by the
percentage required to be allocated to the Foundation Account for the Benefit
Allocation Plan you elected. Allocations to the Foundation Account occur only at
the time of a purchase payment, Step-Up or transfer. Contract Value allocated to
the Foundation Account is not re-balanced due to investment performance. The
allocation to the Foundation Account is in addition to any allocation


to the Ultra Series Bond Fund that may be required by a Benefit Allocation Plan.
You should carefully consider whether to choose a Benefit Allocation Plan that
requires a Foundation Account because there are additional restrictions
associated with the Foundation Account. These restrictions include the inability
to take a partial withdrawal from the Foundation Account until the Contract
Value in your other allocation options has been exhausted. We describe the
Foundation Account restrictions above and below. The Benefit Allocation Plans
that require the Foundation Account and the amount required to be allocated to
the Foundation Account are as follows:

                                                                  ALLOCATED TO THE FOUNDATION ACCOUNT WHEN A
                                                                  GUARANTEED MINIMUM ACCUMULATION BENEFIT
                                                                                RIDER IS PURCHASED
Ultra Series Diversified Income Subaccount                                              0%
Conservative Growth Model                                                              10%
Ultra Series Conservative Allocation Subaccount                                        10%
Balanced Model                                                                         20%
Risk-Managed Funds Model                                                               20%
Moderate Growth Model                                                                  30%
Ultra Series Moderate Allocation Subaccount                                            30%
BlackRock Global Allocation Subaccount                                                 30%
Growth Model                                                                           40%
Aggressive Growth Model                                                                50%
Create Your Own Model                                                                  50%

We deduct the percentage that we require to be allocated to the Foundation
Account from your purchase payment, and then allocate the remainder according to
the Benefit Allocation Plan you elected. For example, if your purchase payment
is $100,000, you elect a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit, and you select
the Balanced Model, we would allocate 20% ($20,000) to the Foundation Account
and then allocate the remaining $80,000 among the Subaccounts in the Balanced

If you request a transfer and the Foundation Account is part of the Benefit
Allocation Plan you are transferring into, we will require that you allocate a
specific dollar amount in the Foundation Account. That dollar amount is equal to
the Benefit Basis as of the transfer date multiplied by the Foundation Account
Allocation Percentage required for the Benefit Allocation Plan you elected. We
first will transfer such required dollar amount into the Foundation Account. We
then will transfer your remaining Contract Value (after we deduct the required
dollar amount allocated to the Foundation Account) to all other allocation
options included in the Benefit Allocation Plan selected in proportion to the
allocation percentage required for each allocation option.

    EXAMPLE. Your Benefit Basis is $100,000 and you invest in the Growth Model
    which has an allocation percentage of 40% to the Foundation Account. Your
    current Contract Value is $90,000 (Foundation Account $40,000;
    non-Foundation Account amount $50,000). You transfer to the Balanced Model.
    The Balanced Model Benefit Allocation Plan requires that you keep 20% or
    $20,000 in the Foundation Account ($100,000 Benefit Basis x 20% required in
    the Foundation Account). Your total Contract Value of $90,000 would not
    change as a result of the transfer, but now only $20,000 would be allocated
    to the Foundation Account and $70,000 would be allocated to the
    non-Foundation Account allocation options.

We require all Benefit Allocation Plans to participate in the automatic personal
portfolio rebalancing service ("rebalancing") for your benefit to remain in
effect if the Benefit Allocation Plan you selected includes two or more
Subaccounts, other than the Foundation Account. With rebalancing, we transfer
Contract Value on each Contract Anniversary among the Subaccounts (other than
the Foundation Account) to achieve a particular percentage allocation of
Contract Value among those Subaccounts.

You will violate an allocation restriction if you transfer your Contract Value
to an allocation option other than available Benefit Allocation Plan. If you do
so do, your Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit will terminate.

Benefit Basis. Your Benefit Basis is equal to your initial Net Purchase Payment.
You may increase the Benefit Basis by the amount of Net Purchase Payments. While
there is no guaranteed minimum window period, we were offering a 12-month window
period as of the effective date of this prospectus. We limit the amount of
window purchase payments that count toward your Benefit Basis to the maximum
window purchase payment amount, currently up to two times your initial purchase
payment, but not to exceed $1,000,000 in total for all purchase payments,
including window purchase payments. You should carefully consider whether you
want to make purchase payments after the Window Period or in excess of the
maximum window purchase payment amount shown on your rider


Data Pages. Such purchase payments will increase the Contract Value, but will
not contribute to your Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider benefits
unless a Step-Up occurs. The Benefit Basis does not represent Contract Value
available for withdrawal and is not used to calculate any benefits under the
Contract prior to the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider's expiration

Partial Withdrawals. You may make a partial withdrawal from your Contract at
anytime. If you make a partial withdrawal while the Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider is in effect, however, we will reduce your Benefit
Basis by the greater of:

    (a) the partial withdrawal amount, including associated surrender charges,
        if any; or
    (b) a proportionate adjustment to your Contract Value withdrawn equal to (1)
        divided by (2), with the result multiplied by (3), where:
         (1) =  the partial withdrawal amount, including associated surrender
         (2) =  the Contract Value immediately before the partial withdrawal;
         (3) =  the Benefit Basis immediately before the partial withdrawal.

Partial withdrawals will reduce your death benefit and are subject to income
tax, including a 10% penalty tax if the withdrawals are taken before age 59 1/2.
(See FEDERAL TAX MATTERS). Any applicable contingent deferred sales charge will
apply to all withdrawals. When you take a partial withdrawal under a Guaranteed
Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider unless you instruct us otherwise, we will
reduce all allocation options proportionally other than the Foundation Account
until the value in such allocation options is exhausted; only then will we take
a partial withdrawal from the Foundation Account. A partial withdrawal from the
Foundation Account before the value in all other allocation options is exhausted
will violate the rider's allocation restrictions, unless prohibited by state
law. If you violate the allocation restrictions, your rider will terminate.

See Appendix D of this Prospectus for examples of this calculation. If you plan
to take required minimum distributions from your Contract, you should not
purchase the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit.

Step-Up. On or following your third Rider Anniversary (and on any Monthly
Anniversary or following each subsequent third rider Step-Up Anniversary), you
have the opportunity to "Step-Up" your Benefit Basis to equal your current
Contract Value and begin a new Benefit Period of the same duration as the prior
Benefit Period. This option is available if we are issuing new Guaranteed
Minimum Accumulation Benefit riders on the day you request a Step-Up and
provided all of the following conditions are met:

    (1) the expiration date for the new Benefit Period does not extend past the
        anticipated Payout Date shown on your Contract Data Page;

    (2) the Annuitant (oldest Annuitant, if joint Annuitants) is age 85 or
        younger as of the Step-Up date;
    (3) your Contract Value is greater than zero;
    (4) your Contract Value is greater than the Benefit Basis as of the Step-Up
    (5) we receive your Written Request to Step-Up the Benefit Basis; and

    (6) the benefit provided by the rider has not been revoked due to a
        violation of the allocation restrictions.

Your Step-Up Date will be the Monthly Anniversary following our receipt of your
Written Request.

If you elect the "Step-Up," a new Benefit Period with a start date equal to the
Step-Up Date will begin. We also will adjust your Benefit Basis so that it will
equal your Contract Value as of the Step-Up Date. A new Minimum Charge Period
will begin. We determine the annual charge for the rider by multiplying the
rider charge rate by the average daily Benefit Basis; therefore, a "Step-Up"
will increase the annual rider charge even if the rider charge rate shown on
your rider Data Pages does not change.

See Appendix D for examples of how the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit
rider will work.

Foundation Account following a "Step-Up" in the Benefit Basis. The Benefit
Allocation Plan you elect may require that you allocate a specific dollar amount
to the Foundation Account in order for your benefit to remain in effect. This
amount equals the Benefit Basis (as the Step-Up date) multiplied by the
Foundation Account allocation percentage by the Benefit Allocation Plan you
elected. If the Benefit Basis is increased (stepped-up) and we require the
Foundation Account as part of the Benefit Allocation Plan you elected, we will
transfer Contract Value from your other allocation options to fund any increase
in the Foundation Account that then will be required. We will make such
transfers first from the Subaccounts on a pro-rata basis, then from the DCA
Fixed Periods, if applicable, from oldest to newest. We reserve the right to
waive this requirement. If we do so, we will administer the waiver on a non-
discriminatory basis. We are currently waiving this requirement.

Termination. You may terminate the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider
on any date. However, termination of the rider before the expiration of the
Minimum Charge Period of seven years will result in rider charges continuing to
be assessed (if permitted in your state) until the Minimum Charge Period is
reached. In addition, the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider will
automatically terminate on the earliest of:

    (1) the expiration date of the Benefit Period, unless you elect to renew the
        Benefit Period;

    (2) the Payout Date;
    (3) the date Due Proof of Death of the last surviving Annuitant is received;


    (4) the date there is a change of Annuitant for any reason;
    (5) the date you surrender your Contract;

    (6) the date you violate an allocation restriction; or

    (7) the date the ownership of your Contract changes.

For the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider to remain in effect, all
of your Net Purchase Payments, Purchase Payment Credits, Credit Value Increase
Enhancements, and Contract Value must be invested in an available Benefit
Allocation Plan. You may transfer to another available Benefit Allocation Plan
at anytime. However, if you (i) elect to discontinue allocating to an available
Benefit Allocation Plan, (ii) take a partial withdrawal from the Foundation
Account before Contract Value in other allocation options is exhausted, or (iii)
change Contract ownership, the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider
will automatically terminate. If the transfer, partial withdrawal, or ownership
change occurs before the expiration of the Minimum Charge Period of seven years,
rider charges will continue to be assessed based on the Benefit Basis in effect
on the Valuation Day immediately preceding the transfer, partial withdrawal, or
ownership change (if permitted in your state) until the Minimum Charge Period is

If the rider terminates, you will not be permitted to Step-Up your Benefit Basis
or renew a Benefit Period (described below), and you cannot convert the
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit to the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
Benefit rider (discussed below). Upon termination (other than on contract
surrender or death), we will reallocate any Contract Value in the Foundation
Account to the other Subaccounts in the Benefit Allocation Plan you elected on a
pro-rata basis.

Renewal and Conversion. You may renew the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation
Benefit as of its expiration date, provided certain conditions are met. The
renewal Benefit Period must be the same duration as the expiring Benefit Period,
and cannot extend beyond the anticipated Payout Date shown on your Contract's
Data Pages. In addition, at the time of renewal, your Benefit Basis must be
greater than zero and your Contract Value must be greater than your Benefit
Basis. You must not have violated the rider's allocation restrictions. We must
receive your Written Request to renew the Benefit Period at our Mailing Address
at least 30 days before the expiration date.

As a result of the renewal, the current charge rate for the rider may increase,
but will not exceed the maximum charge rate shown on your rider Data Pages. A
new Minimum Charge Period of seven years will begin as of the renewal date. You
will have to pay for the benefit for at least seven years unless you terminate
the Contract.

You may also convert the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider to a
Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider (if the Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit rider is offered) on a monthly anniversary. To convert the
rider, your Benefit Basis must be greater than zero, the Covered Persons (the
oldest person designated as the Annuitant under this rider) must be between the
age of 55 and 85 as of the date of conversion for the Income Now option and
between the age of 50 and 85 for the Income Later option, and we must receive
your Written Request for conversion at our Mailing Address.

If you convert the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider to the
Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider, the date of the conversion will be
the Monthly Anniversary following receipt of your request. The Lifetime Benefit
Basis for the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit will equal the greater of
your Benefit Basis under the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider and
your Contract Value on the date of conversion. Also, when you convert the
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider to the Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit rider, you will not receive the death benefits that are
integrated with the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider. You will
continue to receive the basic death benefit provided by the Contract and any
optional death benefits that were elected, and you will continue to have all
death benefits adjusted pro-rata for all withdrawals.

On conversion from a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider to a
Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider, the withdrawal percentages are
established at the time of the first withdrawal after the conversion based on
the age of the Covered Person(s) at the time of that withdrawal. Examples of how
a conversion works are provided in Appendix D.

You should carefully consider whether to elect a renewal or conversion under a
Qualified Contract if you are within 10 years of your required minimum
distribution beginning date (generally age 70 1/2) and you expect to take
required minimum distributions from the Contract.

Expiration Date. If do not elect to convert or renew your rider, your rider will
expire on the expiration date shown on your rider Data Pages and the Contract
Value in the Foundation Account, if any, will be transferred to all other
allocation options included in your Benefit Allocation Plan on a pro-rata basis.

Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit Charge. If you elect the Guaranteed
Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider, we will deduct a charge that compensates us
for the costs and risks we assume in providing this benefit. The amount of the
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit charge is calculated by multiplying the
current annual Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit charge percentage by the
average daily Benefit Basis for the prior Contract Year. The current annual
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit charge percentage is 1.05%, with a
maximum charge of 1.75%.

This charge percentage will not change unless you choose to Step-Up or renew
your Benefit Period. You may pay a new current charge, up to the maximum charge
for your rider, which may be higher. We will give you notice regarding the
charge prior to any Step-Up or renewal you elect.


On each Contract Anniversary during the accumulation period, we will deduct the
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit charge pro-rata from your Contract Value
except from Contract Value in the Foundation Account. If there is insufficient
Contract Value in all other allocation options, we will deduct the charge from
the Contract Value in the Foundation Account. A pro-rata portion of the charge
also will be deducted upon Contract surrender, election to Step-Up the Benefit
Basis, conversion to a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider, termination
of the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider after the expiration of the
Minimum Charge Period, payment of death proceeds, or an Income Payout Option, if
the surrender, election to Step-Up the Benefit Basis, conversion to Guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider, termination, payment of death proceeds or the
start of payments under an Income Payout Option does not occur on a Contract

Because the annual charge is determined by multiplying the current annual
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider charge percentage by the average
daily Benefit Basis, making additional purchase payments that increase your
Benefit Basis and electing to step up your Benefit Basis will result in an
increase in the annual charge for this rider, even if the rider charge rate does
not change.

If the current rider has not been approved in your state or your application is
dated before May 1, 2010, a prior, approved version may be issued, which may
have different charges. (See SUMMARY, Charges and Deductions and the

                          DISTRIBUTION OF THE CONTRACT

We have entered into a distribution agreement with CBSI for the distribution and
sale of the Contract. CBSI is a wholly owned subsidiary of CUNA Mutual
Investment Corporation, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of CUNA Mutual
Insurance Society. CBSI is a member of FINRA, and offers the Contract through
its registered representatives. CBSI may also enter into selling agreements with
other broker-dealers ("selling firms") for the sale of the Contract. Registered
representatives of CBSI and selling firms who sell the Contracts have been
appointed by us as insurance agents.

We pay up-front commissions of up to 7.25% of purchase payments to CBSI and
selling firms for sales of the Contracts by their registered representatives.
Alternatively, if elected, we may pay a reduced up-front commission in exchange
for paying up to 1.00% of Contract Value as ongoing compensation either annually
or quarterly for so long as the Contract remains in effect. Under B-Share Class
Contracts without Purchase Payment Credits, we pay ongoing compensation
annually. Under L-Share Class Contracts and B-Share Class Contracts with
Purchase Payment Credits, we pay ongoing compensation quarterly. The greater the
amount of compensation paid to CBSI at the time you make a purchase payment, the
less we will pay as ongoing compensation.

CBSI and selling firms pay their registered representatives a portion of the
compensation received for their sales of the Contracts. CBSI registered
representatives and their managers may also be eligible for various cash
benefits, such as insurance benefits, and non-cash compensation items that we
and/or one or more of our affiliates may provide. Non-cash items include
conferences, seminars and trips (including travel, lodging and meals in
connection therewith), entertainment, merchandise and other similar items.
CBSI's registered representatives and managers may receive other payments from
us for services that do not directly involve the sale of the Contracts,
including payments made for the recruitment and training of personnel,
production of promotional literature and similar services.

In addition to the compensation paid for sales of the Contracts, we pay
compensation when an Owner annuitizes all or a portion of his or her Contract
and elects a life contingent annuity payout after the first Contract Year. This
additional compensation can be up to 6.5% of the amount annuitized based upon
the income option selected and the length of time the Contract was in force. Any
trail commissions for Contract sales will cease upon payments made for Owner's
life contingent annuitization. Our compensation practices generally discourage
annuitization during the first Contract Year. However, there are exceptions to
such general practices (such as when an Owner elects a variable Income Payout
Option). Ask your agent for more information.

All of the Funds and/or the principal underwriter for the Funds make payments to
CBSI under the Funds' Rule 12b-1 distribution and/or service plans in
consideration of services provided by CBSI in distributing shares of those Funds
and/or servicing Contract Owners. For the Ultra Series Fund, Rule 12b-1 fees are
only paid on Class II shares. These payments may range up to 0.35% of Variable
Account assets invested in a particular Fund. Payments under a Fund's Rule 12b-1
plan decrease the Fund's investment return.

A portion of the compensation paid to selling firms may be passed on to their
registered representatives in accordance with their internal compensation
programs. Those programs may also include other types of cash and non-cash
compensation and other benefits. Ask your agent for further information about
the compensation and other benefits the selling firm for which he or she works
receives in connection with your purchase of a Contract.

No specific charge is assessed directly to Owners of the Contracts to cover
commissions and other incentives or payments described above. We intend to
recoup commissions and other sales expenses and incentives we pay, however,
through fees and charges deducted under the Contracts and other corporate

                               FEDERAL TAX MATTERS



This discussion is not intended to address the tax consequences resulting from
all of the situations in which a person may be entitled to or may receive a
distribution under the Contract. Any person concerned about specific tax
implications should consult a competent tax adviser before making a transaction.
This discussion is based upon our understanding of the present federal income
tax laws, as they are currently interpreted by the Internal Revenue Service
("IRS"). No representation is made as to the likelihood of the continuation of
the present federal income tax laws or of the current interpretation by the IRS.
Moreover, no attempt has been made to consider any applicable state or other tax

The Contract may be purchased on a non-qualified basis or purchased and used in
connection with plans qualifying for favorable tax treatment. The Qualified
Contract is designed for use by individuals whose purchase payments are
comprised solely of proceeds from and/or contributions under retirement plans
which are intended to qualify as plans entitled to special income tax treatment
under Sections 401(a), 403(b), 408, 408A or 457 of the Code. The ultimate effect
of federal income taxes on the amounts held under a Contract, or Income
Payments, and on the economic benefit to the Owner, the Annuitant, or the
Beneficiary depends on the type of retirement plan, on the tax and employment
status of the individual concerned, and on our tax status. In addition, certain
requirements must be satisfied in purchasing a Qualified Contract with proceeds
from a tax-qualified plan and receiving distributions from a Qualified Contract
in order to continue receiving favorable tax treatment. Therefore, purchasers of
Qualified Contracts should seek competent legal and tax advice regarding the
suitability of a Contract for their situation, the applicable requirements, and
the tax treatment of the rights and benefits of a Contract. The following
discussion assumes that Qualified Contracts are purchased with proceeds from
and/or contributions under retirement plans that qualify for the intended
special federal income tax treatment.


Diversification Requirements. Section 817(h) of the Code provides that separate
account investment underlying a contract must be "adequately diversified" in
accordance with Treasury regulations in order for the Contract to qualify as an
annuity contract under Section 72 of the Code. The Variable Account, through
each Fund, intends to comply with the diversification requirements prescribed in
regulations under Section 817(h) of the Code, which affect how the assets in the
various Subaccounts may be invested. Although we do not have direct control over
the Funds in which the Variable Account invests, we believe that each Fund in
which the Variable Account owns shares will meet the diversification
requirements, and therefore, the Contract will be treated as an annuity contract
under the Code.

Owner Control. In certain circumstances, owners of variable annuity contracts
have been considered for Federal income tax purposes to be the owners of the
assets of the separate account supporting their contracts due to their ability
to exercise investment control over those assets. When this is the case, the
Contract Owners have been currently taxed on income and gains attributable to
the variable account assets. There is limited guidance in this area, and some
features of the Contract, such as the flexibility of an owner to allocate
premium payments and transfer amounts among the investment divisions of the
separate account, have not been explicitly addressed in published rulings. While
we believe that the Contract does not give Owners investment control over
separate account assets, we may modify the Contract as necessary to prevent an
Owner from being treated as the Owner of the separate account assets supporting
the Contract.

Required Distributions. In order to be treated as an annuity contract for
federal income tax purposes, Section 72(s) of the Code requires any
Non-Qualified Contract to provide that: (1) if any Owner dies on or after the
Payout Date but prior to the time the entire interest in the Contract has been
distributed, the remaining portion of such interest will be distributed at least
as rapidly as under the method of distribution being used as of the date of that
Owner's death; and (2) if any Owner dies prior to the Payout Date, the entire
interest in the Contract will be distributed within five years after the date of
the Owner's death. These requirements will be considered satisfied as to any
portion of the Owner's interest which is payable to or for the benefit of a
"designated Beneficiary" and which is distributed over the life of such Owner or
over a period not extending beyond the life expectancy of that Owner, provided
that such distributions begin within one year of that Owner's death. The Owner's
"designated Beneficiary" is the person designated by such Owner as an Annuitant
and to whom ownership of the Contract passes by reason of death and must be a
natural person. However, if the Owner's "Designated Beneficiary" is the
surviving spouse of the Owner, the Contract may be continued with the surviving
spouse as the new Owner. If there is a non-natural Owner, the death or change of
an Annuitant will be treated as the death of an Owner for these purposes.

The Non-Qualified Contracts contain provisions which are intended to comply with
the requirements of Section 72(s) of the Code, although no regulations
interpreting these requirements have yet been issued. We intend to review such
provisions and modify them if necessary to assure that they comply with the
requirements of Code Section 72(s) when clarified by regulation or otherwise.
Other rules may apply to Qualified Contracts.

The following discussion assumes that the Contracts will qualify as annuity
contracts for federal income tax purposes.

In General. Section 72 of the Code governs taxation of annuities in general. We
believe that an Owner who is a natural person is not taxed on increases in the
value of a Contract until distribution occurs by withdrawing all or part of the
Contract Value (e.g., partial withdrawals and surrenders) or as Income Payments
under the payment option elected. For this purpose, the assignment, pledge, or
agreement to assign or pledge any portion of the Contract Value (and in the case
of a Qualified Contract, any portion of an interest in


the qualified plan) generally will be treated as a distribution. The taxable
portion of a distribution (in the form of a single sum payment or payment
option) is taxable as ordinary income.

If your Contract contains a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider or
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider, the application of certain tax
rules, particularly those rules relating to distributions from your Contract,
are not entirely clear. For tax purposes, we intend to treat amounts paid prior
to the date of a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit settlement as
withdrawals and any amounts paid out under an Income Payout Option after the
Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit settlement as annuity payments. In view
of this uncertainty, you should consult a tax advisor before purchasing either
of these riders.

Any annuity Owner who is not a natural person generally must include in income
any increase in the excess of the Contract Value over the "investment in the
contract" during the taxable year. There are some exceptions to this rule, and a
prospective Owner that is not a natural person may wish to discuss these with a
competent tax adviser.

The following discussion generally applies to Contracts owned by natural

Partial Withdrawals and Surrenders. In the case of a partial withdrawal from a
Qualified Contract, under Section 72(e) of the Code, a ratable portion of the
amount received is taxable, generally based on the ratio of the "investment in
the contract" to the participant's total accrued benefit or balance under the
retirement plan. The "investment in the contract" generally equals the portion,
if any, of any purchase payments paid by or on behalf of the individual under a
Contract which were not excluded from the individual's gross income. For
Contracts issued in connection with qualified plans, the "investment in the
contract" can be zero. Special tax rules may be available for certain
distributions from Qualified Contracts.

In the case of a partial withdrawal (including systematic withdrawals) from a
Non-Qualified Contract, under Section 72(e), any amounts received are generally
first treated as taxable income to the extent that the Contract Value
immediately before the partial withdrawal exceeds the "investment in the
contract" at that time. Any additional amount withdrawn is not taxable.

In the case of a full surrender under a Qualified or Non-Qualified Contract, the
amount received generally will be taxable only to the extent it exceeds the
"investment in the contract."

Section 1035 of the Code generally provides that no gain or loss shall be
recognized on the exchange of one annuity contract for another. Special rules
and procedures apply to Section 1035 transactions. Prospective Owners wishing to
take advantage of Section 1035 should consult their tax adviser.

However, if you purchase the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider and
you take a withdrawal or other distribution from your Contract (and the Contract
Value has not been reduced to zero or less), the amount in excess of the greater

    (1) Contract Value, or
    (2) Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit Basis or Lifetime Benefit Basis
        over your investment in the Contract will be treated by us as a taxable

Income Payments. Tax consequences may vary depending on the payment option
elected under an annuity contract. Generally, under Code Section 72(b), (prior
to recovery of the investment in the Contract) taxable income does not include
that part of any amount received as an annuity under an annuity contract that
bears the same ratio to such amount as the investment in the Contract bears to
the expected return at the annuity starting date. For variable Income Payments,
the taxable portion is generally determined by an equation that establishes a
specific dollar amount of each payment that is not taxed. The dollar amount is
determined by dividing the "investment in the contract" by the total number of
expected periodic payments. However, the entire distribution will be taxable
once the recipient has recovered the dollar amount of his or her "investment in
the contract." For fixed Income Payments, in general, there is no tax on the
portion of each payment which represents the same ratio that the "investment in
the contract" bears to the total expected value of the Income Payments for the
term of the payments; however, the remainder of each Income Payment is taxable
until the recovery of the investment in the contract, and thereafter the full
amount of each Income Payment is taxable. If death occurs before full recovery
of the investment in the contract, the unrecovered amount may be deducted on the
Annuitant's final tax return.

Taxation of Death Benefit Proceeds. Amounts may be distributed from a Contract
because of the death of the Owner or Annuitant. Generally, such amounts are
includable in the income of the recipient as follows: (i) if distributed in a
lump sum, they are taxed in the same manner as a full surrender of the Contract
or (ii) if distributed under a payment option, they are taxed in the same way as
Income Payments.

Penalty Tax on Certain Withdrawals. In the case of a distribution pursuant to a
Non-Qualified Contract, there may be imposed a federal penalty tax equal to 10%
of the amount treated as taxable income. In general, however, there is no
penalty on distributions:

    (1) made on or after the taxpayer reaches age 59 1/2;
    (2) made on or after the death of the holder (or if the holder is not an
        individual, the death of the primary Annuitant);
    (3) attributable to the taxpayer's becoming disabled;
    (4) as part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments not less
        frequently than annually for the life (or life expectancy) of the
        taxpayer or the joint lives (or joint life expectancies) of the taxpayer
        and the designated Beneficiary;
    (5) made under certain annuities issued in connection with structured
        settlement agreements; and


    (6) made under an annuity contract that is purchased with a single purchase
        payment when the Payout Date is no later than a year from purchase of
        the annuity and substantially equal periodic payments are made not less
        frequently than annually during the Income Payment period.

Other tax penalties may apply to certain distributions under a Qualified

Possible Changes in Taxation. Although the likelihood of legislative change is
uncertain, there is always the possibility that the tax treatment of the
Contracts could change by legislation or other means. It is also possible that
any change could be retroactive (that is, effective prior to the date of the
change). A tax adviser should be consulted with respect to legislative
developments and their effect on the Contract.

We may modify the Contract in response to legislative changes that could
otherwise diminish the favorable tax treatment that Owners currently receive.

It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service may take a position that rider
charges (e.g. Spouse Beneficiary Death Benefit rider) are deemed to be taxable
distributions to you. Although we do not believe that a rider charge under the
Contract should be treated as a taxable withdrawal, you should consult your tax
advisor prior to selecting any rider or endorsement under the Contract.

A transfer of ownership of a Contract, the designation of an Annuitant, Payee or
other Beneficiary who is not also the Owner, the selection of certain Payout
Dates or the exchange of a Contract may result in certain tax consequences to
the Owner that are not discussed herein. An Owner contemplating any such actions
should contact a competent tax adviser with respect to the potential tax
effects. In addition, if you exchange this Contract for a contract issued by
someone other than us, we may require that you complete one or more forms
provided by us in addition to any forms required by the other insurance company
before we consider the exchange request in good order.

Distributions from Contracts generally are subject to withholding for the
Owner's federal income tax liability. The withholding rate varies according to
the type of distribution and the Owner's tax status. The Owner will be provided
the opportunity to elect to not have tax withheld from distributions.

"Taxable eligible rollover distributions" from section 401(a) plans, section
403(b) tax-sheltered annuities, and Section 457(b) governmental plans are
subject to a mandatory federal income tax withholding of 20%. An eligible
rollover distribution is any distribution from such a plan) except certain
distributions such as distributions required by the Code, hardship
distributions, or distributions in a specified annuity form. The 20% withholding
does not apply, however, to nontaxable distributions or if (i) the employee (or
employee's spouse or former spouse as beneficiary or alternate payee) chooses a
"direct rollover" from the plan to a tax-qualified plan, IRA, Roth IRA or tax
sheltered annuity or to a governmental 457 plan that agrees to separately
account for rollover contributions; or (ii) a non-spouse beneficiary chooses a
"direct rollover" from the plan to an IRA established by the direct rollover.

All non-qualified deferred annuity contracts that are issued by us (or our
affiliates) to the same Owner during any calendar year are treated as one
annuity Contract for purposes of determining the amount includable in gross
income under Section 72(e). In addition, the Treasury Department has specific
authority to issue regulations that prevent the avoidance of Section 72(e)
through the serial purchase of annuity contracts or otherwise. There may also be
other situations in which the Treasury may conclude that it would be appropriate
to aggregate two or more annuity Contracts purchased by the same Owner.
Accordingly, an Owner should consult a competent tax adviser before purchasing
more than one annuity Contract.

The Contracts are designed for use with several types of qualified plans. The
tax rules applicable to participants in these qualified plans vary according to
the type of plan and the terms and conditions of the plan itself. Special
favorable tax treatment may be available for certain types of contributions and
distributions. Adverse tax consequences may result from contributions in excess
of specified limits; distributions prior to age 59 1/2 (subject to certain
exceptions); distributions that do not conform to specified commencement and
minimum distribution rules; and in other specified circumstances. Therefore, no
attempt is made to provide more than general information about the use of the
Contracts with the various types of qualified retirement plans. Owners, the
Annuitants, and Beneficiaries are cautioned that the rights of any person to any
benefits under these qualified retirement plans may be subject to the terms and
conditions of the plans themselves, regardless of the terms and conditions of
the Contract, but we shall not be bound by the terms and conditions of such
plans to the extent such terms contradict the Contract, unless we consent. Some
retirement plans are subject to distribution and other requirements that are not
incorporated into our Contract administration procedures. Brief descriptions
follow of the various types of qualified retirement plans in connection with a
Contract. We will amend the Contract as necessary to conform it to the
requirements of such plans.

For qualified plans under Section 401(a), 403(b), and eligible plans under 457,
the Code requires that distributions generally must commence no later than the
later of April 1 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the
Owner (or plan participant) (i) reaches age 70 1/2 or (ii) retires, and must be
made in a specified form or manner. If the plan participant is a "5 percent
Owner" (as


defined in the Code), distributions generally must begin no later than April 1
of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the Owner (or plan
participant) reaches age 70 1/2. For IRAs described in Section 408,
distributions generally must commence no later than the later of April 1 of the
calendar year following the calendar year in which the Owner (or plan
participant) reaches age 70 1/2. Roth IRAs under Section 408A do not require
distributions at any time prior to the Owner's death. Pursuant to special
legislation, required minimum distributions for the 2009 tax year generally are
not required, and 2009 distributions that otherwise would be required minimum
distributions may be eligible for rollover. If you are attempting to satisfy
minimum required distribution rules through partial withdrawals, the value of
any enhanced death benefit or other optional rider may need to be included in
calculating the amount required to be distributed, consult a tax advisor.

Corporate Pension and Profit Sharing Plans and H.R. 10 Plans. Section 401(a) of
the Code permits corporate employers to establish various types of retirement
plans for employees, and permits self-employed individuals to establish these
plans for themselves and their employees. These retirement plans may permit the
purchase of the Contracts to accumulate retirement savings under the plans.
Adverse tax or other legal consequences to the plan, to the participant or to
both may result if this Contract is assigned or transferred to any individual as
a means to provide benefit payments, unless the plan complies with all legal
requirements applicable to such benefits prior to transfer of the Contract.
Employers intending to use the Contract with such plans should seek competent

The Contract includes a death benefit that in some cases may exceed the greater
of the purchase payments or the Contract Value. The death benefit could be
characterized as an incidental benefit, the amount of which is limited in any
pension or profit-sharing plan. Because the death benefit may exceed this
limitation, employers using the Contract in connection with such plans should
consult their tax adviser.

Individual Retirement Annuities. Section 408 of the Code permits eligible
individuals to contribute to an individual retirement program known as an
"Individual Retirement Annuity" or "IRA." IRA contributions are limited each
year to the lesser of a limit specified in the Code or 100% of the compensation
includible in the Owner's gross income and may be deductible in whole or in part
depending on the individual's income. Distributions from certain other types of
qualified plans, however, may be "rolled over" on a tax-deferred basis into an
IRA without regard to this limit. Earnings in an IRA are not taxed while held in
the IRA. All amounts in the IRA (other than nondeductible contributions) are
taxed when distributed from the IRA. Distributions prior to age 59 1/2 (unless
certain exceptions apply) are also subject to a 10% penalty tax. Sales of the
Contract for use with IRAs may be subject to special requirements of the
Internal Revenue Service. The Internal Revenue Service has not reviewed the
Contract for qualification as an IRA, and has not addressed in a ruling of
general applicability whether a death benefit provision such as the provision in
the Contract comports with IRA qualifications requirements.

Roth IRAs. Section 408A of the Code permits certain eligible individuals to
contribute to a Roth IRA up to the lesser of a limit specified in the Code or
100% of compensation includible in the Owner's gross income for the year.
Contributions to a Roth IRA, which are subject to certain limitations, are not
deductible and must be made in cash or as a rollover or transfer from another
Roth IRA or other IRA. A rollover from or conversion of an IRA to a Roth IRA may
be subject to tax. A special rule permits taxation of Roth IRA conversions made
during the 2010 tax year to be split between 2011 and 2012. You should consult a
tax adviser before combining any converted amounts with any other Roth IRA
contributions, including any other conversion amounts from other tax years.
Distributions from a Roth IRA generally are not taxed, except that, once
aggregate distributions exceed contributions to the Roth IRA, income tax and a
10% federal penalty tax may apply to distributions made (1) before age 59 1/2
(subject to certain exceptions) or (2) during the five taxable years starting
with the year in which the first contribution is made to any Roth IRA. A 10%
penalty tax may apply to amounts attributable to a conversion from an IRA if
they are distributed during the five taxable years beginning with the year in
which the conversion was made.

Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) IRAs. Employers may establish Simplified
Employee Pension (SEP) IRAs under Code section 408(k) to provide IRA
contributions on behalf of their employees. In addition to all of the general

Code rules governing IRAs, such plans are subject to certain Code requirements
regarding participation and amounts of contributions.

Tax Sheltered Annuities. Section 403(b) of the Code allows employees of certain
Section 501(c)(3) organizations and public schools to exclude from their gross
income the purchase payments paid, within certain limits, on a Contract that
will provide an annuity for the employee's retirement. These purchase payments
may be subject to FICA (Social Security) taxes. Distributions of (1) salary
reduction contributions made in years beginning after December 31, 1988; (2)
earnings on those contributions; and (3) earnings on amounts held as of the last
year beginning before January 1, 1989, are not allowed prior to age 59 1/2,
severance from employment, death or disability. Salary reduction contributions
may also be distributed upon hardship, but would generally be subject to
penalties. For contracts issued after 2008, amounts attributable to nonelective
contributions may be subject to distribution restrictions specified in the
employer's section 403(b) plan. Owners of certain Section 403(b) annuities may
receive Contract loans. Contract loans that satisfy certain requirements with
respect to Loan Amount and repayment are not treated as taxable distributions.
If these requirements are not satisfied, or if the Contract terminates while a
loan is outstanding, the loan balance will be treated as a taxable distribution
and may be subject to penalty tax, and the treatment of the Contract under
Section 403(b) may be adversely affected. Owners should seek competent advice
before requesting a Contract loan. The Contract includes a death benefit that in
some cases may exceed the greater of the purchase payments or the Contract
Value. The death benefit could be characterized as an incidental benefit, the
amount of which is limited in any tax-sheltered annuity under section 403(b).
Because the death benefit may exceed this limitation, employers


using the Contract in connection with such plans should consult their tax
adviser. Effective November 15, 2007, new Contracts are no longer available to
be used as funding vehicles for Code Section 403(b) retirement programs.
Effective January 1, 2009, we will no longer accept purchase payments that are
salary deferrals from Contracts used as funding vehicles for Code Section 403(b)
retirement programs.

Certain Deferred Compensation Plans. Code Section 457(b) provides for certain
deferred compensation plans. These plans may be offered with respect to service
for state governments, local governments, political subdivisions, agencies,
instrumentalities and certain affiliates of such entities, and tax-exempt
organizations. These plans are subject to various restrictions on contributions
and distributions. The plans may permit participants to specify the form of
investment for their deferred compensation account. Under a non-governmental
plan, all investments, however, are owned by the sponsoring employer and are
subject to the claims of the general creditors of the employer. Depending on the
terms of the particular plan, a non-governmental employer may be entitled to
draw on deferred amounts for purposes unrelated to its Section 457 plan
obligations. If your Contract was issued pursuant to a 403(b) plan, we generally
are required to confirm, with your 403(b) plan sponsor or otherwise, that
surrenders or transfers you request comply with applicable tax requirements and
to decline requests that are not in compliance. We will defer such payments you
request until all information required under the tax law has been received. By
requesting a surrender or transfer, you consent to the sharing of confidential
information about you, the Contract, and transactions under the Contract and any
other 403(b) contracts or accounts you have under the 403(b) plan among us, your
employer or plan sponsor, any plan administrator or recordkeeper, and other
product providers.

At the present time, we make no charge to the Subaccounts for any Federal,
state, or local taxes that we incur which may be attributable to such
Subaccounts or the Contracts. We, however, may in the future charge for any such
tax or other economic burden resulting from the application of the tax laws that
we determine to be properly attributable to the Subaccounts or to the Contracts.

As noted above, the foregoing comments about the Federal tax consequences under
these Contracts are not exhaustive, and special rules are provided with respect
to other tax situations not discussed in this Prospectus.

Further, the Federal income tax consequences discussed herein reflect our
understanding of current law and the law may change.

Federal Estate Taxes. While no attempt is being made to discuss the Federal
estate tax implications of the Contract, a purchaser should keep in mind that
the value of an annuity Contract owned by a decedent and payable to a
Beneficiary by virtue of surviving the decedent is included in the decedent's
gross estate. Depending on the terms of the annuity Contract, the value of the
annuity included in the gross estate may be the value of the lump sum payment
payable to the designated Beneficiary or the actuarial value of the payments to
be received by the Beneficiary.

Federal estate and state and local estate, inheritance and of distributions
under a Contract depend on the individual circumstances of each Owner or
recipient of the distribution. A competent tax adviser should be consulted for
further information.

Generation-skipping Transfer Tax. Under certain circumstances, the Code may
impose a "generation skipping transfer tax" when all or part of an annuity
contract is transferred to, or a death benefit is paid to, an individual two or
more generations younger than the Owner. Regulations issued under the Code may
require us to deduct the tax from your Contract, or from any applicable payment,
and pay it directly to the IRS.

Estate, Gift and Generation-Skipping Transfer Taxes in 2010. In 2001, Congress
enacted the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001
("EGTRRA"), which eliminated the estate tax (but not the gift tax) and replaced
it with a carryover basis income tax regime for estates of decedents dying in
2010, and also eliminated the generation-skipping transfer tax for transfers
made in 2010. Beginning in 2011, however, EGTRRA allowed the estate, gift and
generation-skipping transfer taxes to return to their pre-EGTRRA form.
Moreover, it is possible that Congress may enact legislation reinstating the
estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes for 2010, possibly on a
retroactive basis. The uncertainty as to future estate, gift and
generation-skipping transfer taxes underscores the importance of seeking
guidance from a qualified advisor to help ensure that your estate plan
adequately addresses your needs and that of your beneficiaries under all
possible scenarios.

Annuity Purchases by Residents of Puerto Rico. In Rev. Rul. 2004-75, 2004-31
I.R.B. 109, the Internal Revenue Service recently announced that income received
by residents of Puerto Rico under life insurance or annuity contracts issued by
a Puerto Rico branch of a United States life insurance company is U.S.-source
income that is generally subject to United States Federal income tax.

Annuity Purchases by Non-resident Aliens and Foreign Corporations. The
discussion above provides general information regarding U.S. federal income tax
consequences to annuity purchasers that are U.S. citizens or residents.
Purchasers that are not U.S. citizens or residents will generally be subject to
U.S. federal withholding tax on taxable distributions from annuity contracts at
a 30% rate, unless a lower treaty rate applies.

In addition, purchasers may be subject to state and/or municipal taxes and taxes
that may be imposed by the purchaser's country of citizenship or residence.
Prospective purchasers are advised to consult with a qualified tax adviser
regarding U.S. state, and foreign taxation with respect to an annuity contract


Foreign Tax Credits. We may benefit from any foreign tax credits attributable to
taxes paid by certain Funds to foreign jurisdictions to the extent permitted
under Federal tax law.

                                LEGAL PROCEEDINGS

We, like other life insurance companies, and our subsidiaries may be involved in
lawsuits, including class action lawsuits. In some class action and other
lawsuits involving insurers, substantial damages have been sought and/or
material settlement payments have been made. Although the outcome of any
litigation cannot be predicted with certainty, we believe that at the present
time there are no pending or threatened lawsuits that are reasonably likely to
have a material adverse impact on the Variable Account, us, or CBSI.

                                COMPANY HOLIDAYS

We are closed on the following holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Memorial
Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. We are
closed on the day itself if those days fall Monday through Friday, the day
immediately preceding if those days fall on a Saturday, and the day immediately
following if those days fall on a Sunday.

                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Our and the Variable Account's financials are contained in the Statement of
Additional Information ("SAI"). Our financial statements should be distinguished
from the Variable Account's financial statements and you should consider our
financial statements only as bearing upon our ability to meet our obligations
under the Contracts. For a free copy of these financial statements and/or the
SAI, please contact us at 2000 Heritage Way, Waverly, Iowa 50677-9202 or call us
at 1-800-798-5500.


                                   APPENDIX A
                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS

The following information is derived from the financial statements of the
Variable Account. The financial statements are included in the Statement of
Additional Information. The table below gives per unit information about the
financial history of each Subaccount for the last ten (or life of the
Subaccount) fiscal years ended December 31. The value of an Accumulation Unit is
determined on the basis of changes in the per share value of the Funds and the
assessment of various charges. Information is not provided for the Ultra Series
Class Equity Income Class I, Ultra Series Equity Income Class II, Invesco V.I.
Government Securities or BlackRock Global Allocation Subaccounts, because they
were first offered May 1, 2010.


                                                                               Accumulation     increase in     Number of units
                                                   Accumulation unit value      unit value      unit value       outstanding at
               Subaccount/Year                       beginning of period      end of period    during period     end of period
Ultra Series Conservative Allocation Class I
  2006                                                   $10.00(3)               $10.17            1.70%(2)          123,093
  2007                                                    10.17                   10.44            2.65%           2,199,571
  2008                                                    10.44                    8.46         (18.97)%           5,602,997
Ultra Series Conservative Allocation Class II
  2009                                                   $10.00(7)
Ultra Series Moderate Allocation Class I
  2006                                                   $10.00(3)               $10.29            2.90%             782,785
  2007                                                    10.29                   10.72            4.18%(2)        8,292,445
  2008                                                    10.72                    7.38         (31.16)%          13,155,453
Ultra Series Moderate Allocation Class II
  2009                                                   $10.00(7)
Ultra Series Aggressive Allocation Class I
  2006                                                   $10.00(3)               $10.39            3.90%(2)           73,109
  2007                                                    10.39                   11.04            6.26%             444,252
  2008                                                    11.04                    6.42         (41.85)%             920,725
Ultra Series Aggressive Allocation Class II
  2009                                                   $10.00(7)
Ultra Series Money Market Class I
  2004                                                   $10.00(1)               $10.00            0.00%(2)           41,939
  2005                                                    10.00                   10.15            1.50%           1,174,622
  2006                                                    10.15                   10.47            3.15%           1,439,661
  2007                                                    10.47                   10.82            3.34%           1,425,866
  2008                                                    10.82                   10.87            0.46%           3,369,786
Ultra Series Money Market Class II
  2009                                                   $10.00(7)
Ultra Series Bond Class I
  2004                                                   $10.00(1)               $ 9.98          (0.20)%(2)          191,144
  2005                                                    $9.98                   10.10            1.20%           3,021,142
  2006                                                    10.10                   10.36            2.57%           6,703,481
  2007                                                    10.36                   10.75            3.76%           8,309,003
  2008                                                    10.75                   10.91            1.49%           7,479,172
Ultra Series Bond Class II
  2009                                                   $10.00(7)


                                                                               Accumulation     increase in     Number of units
                                                   Accumulation unit value      unit value      unit value       outstanding at
               Subaccount/Year                       beginning of period      end of period    during period     end of period
Ultra Series High Income Class I
  2004                                                   $10.00(1)               $10.25            2.50%(2)           68,835
  2005                                                    10.25                   10.38            1.27%           1,090,104
  2006                                                    10.38                   11.19            7.80%           2,256,194
  2007                                                    11.19                   11.27            0.71%           2,765,242
  2008                                                    11.27                    9.49         (15.79)%           2,048,874
Ultra Series High Income Class II
  2009                                                   $10.00(7)
Ultra Series Diversified Income Class I
  2004                                                   $10.00(1)               $10.62            6.20%(2)          119,533
  2005                                                    10.62                   10.89            2.54%           2,169,035
  2006                                                    10.89                   11.82            8.54%           3,424,692
  2007                                                    11.82                   11.96            1.18%           4,020,570
  2008                                                    11.96                   10.24         (14.38)%           3,612,923
Ultra Series Diversified Income Class II
  2009                                                   $10.00(7)
Ultra Series Large Cap Value Class I
  2004                                                   $10.00(1)               $10.99            9.90%(2)          144,835
  2005                                                    10.99                   11.45            4.19%           2,659,384
  2006                                                    11.45                   13.63           19.04%           4,913,687
  2007                                                    13.63                   13.53          (0.73)%           5,450,877
  2008                                                    13.53                    8.55         (36.81)%           4,926,897
Ultra Series Large Cap Value Class II
  2009                                                   $10.00(7)
Ultra Series Large Cap Growth Class I
  2004                                                   $10.00(1)               $10.61            6.10%(2)          253,559
  2005                                                    10.61                   10.73            1.13%           1,136,871
  2006                                                    10.73                   11.42            6.43%           2,561,564
  2007                                                    11.42                   12.67           10.95%           3,093,437
  2008                                                    12.67                    7.85         (38.04)%           3,114,947
Ultra Series Large Cap Growth Class II
  2009                                                   $10.00(7)
Ultra Series Mid Cap Class I
  2004                                                   $10.00(1)               $10.78            7.80%(2)           87,095
  2005                                                    10.78                   11.73            8.81%           1,114,415
  2006                                                    11.73                   13.55           15.52%           2,258,725
  2007                                                    13.55                   13.41          (1.03)%           2,562,799
  2008                                                    13.41                    8.41         (37.29)%           2,326,160
Ultra Series Mid Cap Class II
  2009                                                   $10.00(7)
Ultra Series Mid Cap Growth Class I(6)
  2004                                                   $10.00(1)               $11.14           11.40%(2)           53,327
  2005                                                    11.14                   11.96            7.36%             814,644
  2006                                                    11.96                   13.15            9.95%           1,610,620
  2007                                                    13.15                   14.08            7.07%           1,707,968
  2008                                                    14.08                    7.38         (47.59)%           1,571,400
Ultra Series Mid Cap Growth Class II(6)
  2009                                                   $10.00(7)


                                                                               Accumulation     increase in     Number of units
                                                   Accumulation unit value      unit value      unit value       outstanding at
               Subaccount/Year                       beginning of period      end of period    during period     end of period
Ultra Series Small Cap Class I
  2007                                                   $10.00(4)               $8.96          (10.40)%(2)           39,663
  2008                                                     8.96                   6.59          (26.45)%             144,697
Ultra Series Small Cap Class II
  2009                                                   $10.00(7)
Ultra Series Small Cap Growth Class I(6)
  2007                                                   $10.00                  $9.26           (7.40)%(2)           35,894
  2008                                                     9.26(4)                5.17          (44.17)%              69,104
Ultra Series Small Cap Growth Class II(6)
  2009                                                   $10.00(7)
Ultra Series Global Securities Class I(6)
  2004                                                   $10.00(1)               $10.85            8.50%(2)           18,621
  2005                                                    10.85                   12.21           12.53%             251,644
  2006                                                    12.21                   14.15           15.89%             597,595
  2007                                                    14.15                   14.77            4.38%             740,488
  2008                                                    14.77                    9.02         (39.93)%             697,440
Ultra Series Global Securities Class II(6)
  2009                                                   $10.00(7)
Ultra Series International Stock Class I
  2004                                                   $10.00(1)               $11.22           12.20%(2)           28,569
  2005                                                    11.22                   12.91           15.06%             594,014
  2006                                                    12.91                   15.83           22.62%           1,334,155
  2007                                                    15.83                   17.41            9.98%           1,575,524
  2008                                                    17.41                   10.55         (39.40)%           1,541,019
Ultra Series International Stock Class II
  2009                                                   $10.00(7)
Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate
  2008                                                   $10.00(5)                $5.34         (46.60)%(2)          105,916
Franklin High Income Securities
  2008                                                   $10.00(5)                $7.44         (25.60)%(2)          219,911
Franklin Income Securities
  2008                                                   $10.00(5)                $6.89         (31.10)%(2)          356,854
Franklin Mutual Global Discovery Securities
  2008                                                   $10.00(5)                $7.34          (26.60)(2)          141,357
Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap
  2008                                                   $10.00(5)                $6.44         (35.60)%(2)          225,380
Oppenheimer Main Street
  2008                                                   $10.00(5)                $6.36         (36.40)%(2)          352,155
Oppenheimer International Growth
  2008                                                   $10.00(5)                $5.84         (41.60)%(2)          377,259
PIMCO CommodityRealReturn Strategy
  2008                                                   $10.00(5)                $4.70         (53.00)%(2)          124,787


                                                                               Accumulation     increase in     Number of units
                                                   Accumulation unit value      unit value      unit value       outstanding at
               Subaccount/Year                       beginning of period      end of period    during period     end of period
PIMCO Total Return
  2008                                                   $10.00(5)               $10.00            0.00%(2)         446,066
PIMCO Global Bond
  2008                                                   $10.00(5)                $9.27          (7.30)%(2)         206,892
Van Kampen Mid Cap Growth
  2008                                                   $10.00(5)                $5.35         (46.50)%(2)         331,497
Van Kampen Growth and Income
  2008                                                   $10.00(5)                $6.99         (30.10)%(2)         359,835

(1) The inception date was October 11, 2004, with all Subaccounts starting with
    a $10.00 unit price.
(2) Not annualized.
(3) The inception date was October 30, 2006, with all Subaccounts starting with
    a $10.00 unit price.
(4) The inception date was May 1, 2007, with all Subaccounts starting with a
    $10.00 unit price.
(5) The inception date was May 1, 2008, with all Subaccounts starting with a
    $10.00 unit price.

(6) Effective as of May 1, 2010, the Ultra Series Mid Cap Growth Class I, Ultra
    Series Mid Cap Growth Class II, Ultra Series Small Cap Growth Class I,
    Ultra Series Small Cap Growth Class II, Ultra Series Global Securities
    Class I and Ultra Series Global Securities Class II Subaccounts reorganized
    into the Ultra Series Mid Cap Value Class I, Ultra Series Mid Cap Value
    Class II, Ultra Series Small Cap Value Class I, Ultra Series Small Cap
    Value Class II, Ultra Series International Stock Class I and Ultra Series
    International Stock Class II Subaccounts, respectively. Subsequently, the
    Ultra Series Mid Cap Value and Ultra Series Small Cap Value Subaccounts
    changed their names to Ultra Series Mid Cap and Ultra Series Small Cap
    Subaccounts, respectively.

(7) The inception date was May 1, 2010, with all Subaccounts starting with a
    $10.00 unit price.


                                                                               Accumulation     increase in     Number of units
                                                   Accumulation unit value      unit value      unit value       outstanding at
               Subaccount/Year                       beginning of period      end of period    during period     end of period
Ultra Series Conservative Allocation Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00*               $9.88           (1.20)%**           305,834
  2008                                                        9.88                 7.97          (19.33)%             647,602
Ultra Series Conservative Allocation Class II
Ultra Series Moderate Allocation Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00                $9.79           (2.10)%**           403,229
  2008                                                        9.79*                6.71          (31.46)%           1,067,784
Ultra Series Moderate Allocation Class II
Ultra Series Aggressive Allocation Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00*               $9.89           (1.10)%**             2,483
  2008                                                        9.89                 5.72          (42.16)%              27,950
Ultra Series Aggressive Allocation Class II
Ultra Series Money Market Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00               $10.01            0.10%                1,040
  2008                                                       10.01*               10.00           (0.10)%              44,544
Ultra Series Money Market Class II


                                                                               Accumulation     increase in     Number of units
                                                   Accumulation unit value      unit value      unit value       outstanding at
               Subaccount/Year                       beginning of period      end of period    during period     end of period
Ultra Series Bond Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00                $10.10            1.00%**           68,758
  2008                                                       10.10*                10.21            1.09%            177,690
Ultra Series Bond Class II
Ultra Series High Income Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00                 $9.87          (1.30)%**           10,357
  2008                                                        9.87*                 8.27         (16.21)%             31,480
Ultra Series High Income Class II
Ultra Series Diversified Income Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00                $10.00            0.00%**                0
  2008                                                       10.00*                 8.76         (12.40)%             58,306
Ultra Series Diversified Income Class II
Ultra Series Large Cap Value Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00                 $9.79          (2.10)%             43,979
  2008                                                        9.79*                 6.16         (37.08)%            146,480
Ultra Series Large Cap Value Class II
Ultra Series Large Cap Growth Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00                 $9.79          (2.10)%             20,915
  2008                                                        9.79*                 6.03         (38.41)%             77,507
Ultra Series Large Cap Growth Class II
Ultra Series Mid Cap Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00                 $9.71          (2.90)%**           18,308
  2008                                                        9.71*                 6.06         (37.59)%             60,013
Ultra Series Mid Cap Class II
Ultra Series Mid Cap Growth Class I****
  2007                                                      $10.00                 $9.73          (2.70)%             10,432
  2008                                                        9.73*                 5.08         (47.79)%             42,775
Ultra Series Mid Cap Growth Class II****
Ultra Series Small Cap Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00                 $9.79          (2.10)%**            7,842
  2008                                                        9.79*                 7.16         (26.86)%             20,703
Ultra Series Small Cap Class II
Ultra Series Small Cap Growth Class I****
  2007                                                      $10.00                $10.00            0.00%**                0
  2008                                                       10.00*                 6.26         (37.40)%              1,244
Ultra Series Small Cap Growth Class II****


                                                                               Accumulation     increase in     Number of units
                                                   Accumulation unit value      unit value      unit value       outstanding at
               Subaccount/Year                       beginning of period      end of period    during period     end of period
Ultra Series Global Securities Class I****
  2007                                                    $10.00                  $9.72           (2.80)%             8,992
  2008                                                      9.72*                  5.90          (39.30)%            29,503
Ultra Series Global Securities Class II****
Ultra Series International Stock Class I
  2007                                                    $10.00                  $9.87           (1.30)%            19,251
  2008                                                      9.87*                  5.95          (39.72)%            71,804
Ultra Series International Stock Class II
Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate
  2008                                                     10.00***               $5.38          (46.20)%            10,653
Franklin High Income Securities
  2008                                                     10.00***               $7.43          (25.70)%**          20,860
Franklin Income Securities
  2008                                                     10.00***               $6.88          (31.20)%**          45,078
Franklin Mutual Global Discovery Securities
  2008                                                     10.00***               $7.37          (26.30)%**          15,932
Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap
  2008                                                     10.00***               $6.41          (35.90)%            24,168
Oppenheimer Main Street
  2008                                                     10.00***               $6.37          (36.30)%**          44,158
Oppenheimer International Growth
  2008                                                     10.00***               $5.88          (41.20)%**          36,663
PIMCO CommodityRealReturn Strategy
  2008                                                     10.00***               $4.84          (51.60)%**          11,985
PIMCO Total Return
  2008                                                     10.00***               $9.96           (0.40)%**          32,817
PIMCO Global Bond
  2008                                                     10.00***               $9.24           (7.60)%**          21,955
Van Kampen Mid Cap Growth
  2008                                                     10.00***               $5.40          (46.00)%**          33,191
Van Kampen Growth and Income
  2008                                                     10.00***               $6.94          (30.60)%**          37,477

* The inception date was November 1, 2007.
** Not annualized
***The inception date was May 1, 2008, with all Subaccounts starting with a
$10.00 unit price.
****Effective as of May 1, 2010, the Ultra Series Mid Cap Growth Class I, Ultra
Series Mid Cap Growth Class II, Ultra Series Small Cap Growth Class I, Ultra
Series Small Cap Growth Class II, Ultra Series Global Securities Class I and
Ultra Series Global Securities Class II Subaccounts reorganized into the Ultra
Series Mid Cap Value Class I, Ultra Series Mid Cap Value Class II, Ultra Series


Cap Value Class I, Ultra Series Small Cap Value Class II, Ultra Series
International Stock Class I and Ultra Series International Stock Class II
Subaccounts, respectively. Subsequently, the Ultra Series Mid Cap Value and
Ultra Series Small Cap Value Subaccounts changed their names to the Ultra Series
Mid Cap and Ultra Series Small Cap Subaccounts, respectively.


                                                                               Accumulation     increase in     Number of units
                                                   Accumulation unit value      unit value      unit value       outstanding at
               Subaccount/Year                       beginning of period      end of period    during period     end of period
Ultra Series Conservative Allocation Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00*               $10.05            0.50%**              860
  2008                                                       10.05                  8.11         (19.30)%             85,241
Ultra Series Moderate Allocation Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00*                $9.61          (3.90)%**           93,785
  2008                                                        9.61                  6.59         (31.43)%            327,339
Ultra Series Aggressive Allocation Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00*               $10.00            0.00%**                0
  2008                                                       10.00                  6.56         (34.40)%              9,334
Ultra Series Money Market Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00*               $10.00            0.00%                  0
  2008                                                       10.00                  9.98          (0.20)%             31,407
Ultra Series Bond Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00*               $10.10            1.00%**              545
  2008                                                       10.10                 10.21            1.09%             55,251
Ultra Series High Income Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00*               $10.01            0.10%**               91
  2008                                                       10.01                  8.39         (16.18)%              9,429
Ultra Series Diversified Income Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00*                                 0.00%**                0
  2008                                                       10.00                $10.00         (11.70)%             24,459
  2009                                                                              8.83
Ultra Series Large Cap Value Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00*                $9.66          (3.40)%                363
  2008                                                        9.66                  6.08         (37.06)%             27,671
Ultra Series Large Cap Growth Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00*                $9.73          (2.70)%                182
  2008                                                        9.73                  6.00         (38.34)%             17,730
Ultra Series Mid Cap Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00*                $9.56          (4.40)%**              182
  2008                                                        9.56                  5.97         (37.55)%             13,301
Ultra Series Mid Cap Growth Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00*                $9.63          (3.70)%                 91
  2008                                                        9.63                  5.02         (47.87)%              8,502
Ultra Series Small Cap Class I
  2007                                                      $10.00*                $9.61          (3.90)%**               91
  2008                                                       9.61                   7.03         (26.85)%              5,994


                                                                               Accumulation     increase in     Number of units
                                                   Accumulation unit value      unit value      unit value       outstanding at
               Subaccount/Year                       beginning of period      end of period    during period     end of period
Ultra Series Small Cap Growth Class I
  2007                                                                           $10.00            0.00%**               0
  2008                                                     $10.00*                 6.30         (37.00)%             1,921
  2009                                                      10.00
Ultra Series Global Securities Class I
  2007                                                     $10.00*                $9.59          (4.10)%                91
  2008                                                       9.59                  5.83         (39.21)%             8,129
Ultra Series International Stock Class I
  2007                                                     $10.00*                $9.69          (3.10)%               182
  2008                                                       9.69                  5.85         (39.63)%            17,806
Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate
  2008                                                      10.00***              $6.56         (34.40)%**           1,482
Franklin High Income Securities
  2008                                                      10.00***              $7.72         (22.80)%             5,342
Franklin Income Securities
  2008                                                      10.00***              $7.49         (25.10)%**           5,074
Franklin Mutual Global Discovery Securities
  2008                                                      10.00***              $8.04         (19.60)%**           2,049
Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap
  2008                                                      10.00***              $6.76         (32.40)%**           3,971
Oppenheimer Main Street
  2008                                                      10.00***              $7.01         (29.90)%**           8,310
Oppenheimer International Growth
  2008                                                      10.00***              $6.35         (36.50)%**           6,189
PIMCO CommodityRealReturn Strategy
  2008                                                      10.00***              $4.40         (56.00)%**           3,258
PIMCO Total Return
  2008                                                      10.00***             $10.16            1.60%**          11,770
PIMCO Global Bond
  2008                                                      10.00***              $9.28          (7.20)%**           8,072
Van Kampen Mid Cap Growth
  2008                                                      10.00***              $5.76         (42.40)%**           5,798
Van Kampen Growth and Income
  2008                                                      10.00***              $7.68         (23.20)%**           9,292

* The inception date was November 1, 2007.
** Not annualized.
*** The inception date was May 1, 2008, with all Subaccounts staring with a
$10.00 unit price.


                                   APPENDIX B

BASE ASSUMPTIONS: Assume an initial purchase payment of $100,000 choosing the
B-Share option and an issue age of 65.

This means:

  o  In addition to the Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit, the Owner chooses the
     Maximum Anniversary Value Death Benefit, the 3% Annual Guarantee Death
     Benefit, and the Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit.
  o  All withdrawal figures shown indicate the total amount withdrawn from the
     Contract and, assume that no surrender charge applies. Any surrender
     charge will reduce the amount payable to the Owner.
  o  The death benefit adjustment calculations described here do not apply to
     death benefits that are provided by a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
     Benefit rider - See Appendix C for examples relating to death benefits
     provided by a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider.

  o  At issue the Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit, the Maximum Anniversary
     Value Death Benefit, and the 3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit are all
     equal to the $100,000 purchase payment.

Assumptions, the Contract crosses the first Contract Anniversary. The Contract
Value on the anniversary is $107,000.

  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $100,000, which is the prior
     Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit.
  o  The Maximum Anniversary Value Death Benefit is $107,000. Because the
     Contract Value on the anniversary is greater than the prior Maximum
     Anniversary Death Benefit, the Maximum Anniversary Death Benefit resets to
     the Contract Value.
  o  The 3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit is $103,000, which is the initial 3%
     Annual Guarantee Death Benefit increased at the 3% annual effective rate
     to the date of anniversary.
  o  For the Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit, the contract has $7,000 of
     earnings ($107,000 - $100,000 = $7,000), so the additional amount provided
     by this rider is $2,800. Therefore the total Earnings Enhanced Death
     Benefit is $109,800 which is the Contract Value plus the additional
     benefit provided by the Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit ($107,000 + $2,800
     = $109,800).
  o  The death benefit amount that would be paid if a death occurred on this
     day would be $109,800. This is the largest of the death benefit values.

Assumptions and the information provided in Example 1, the contract crosses the
second Contract Anniversary. The Contract Value on the anniversary is $103,000.

  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $100,000, which is the prior
     Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit.
  o  The Maximum Anniversary Value Death Benefit is $107,000. Because the
     Contract Value on the anniversary is less than the prior Maximum
     Anniversary Death Benefit, the Maximum Anniversary Death Benefit does not
  o  The 3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit is $106,090, which is the initial 3%
     Annual Guarantee Death Benefit increased at the 3% annual effective rate
     to the date of anniversary.
  o  For the Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit, the contract has $3,000 of
     earnings ($103,000 - $100,000 = $3,000), so the additional amount provided
     by this rider is $1,200. Therefore the total Earnings Enhanced Death
     Benefit is $104,200 which is the Contract Value plus the additional
     benefit provided by the Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit ($103,000 + $1,200
     = $104,200).
  o  The death benefit amount that would be paid if a death occurred on this
     day would be $107,000. This is the largest of the death benefit values.

Assumptions and the information provided in Example 1 and Example 2, the
Contract crosses the third Contract Anniversary. The Contract Value on the
anniversary is $98,000.

  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $100,000, which is the prior
     Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit.
  o  The Maximum Anniversary Value Death Benefit is $107,000. Because the
     Contract Value on the anniversary is less than the prior Maximum
     Anniversary Death Benefit, the Maximum Anniversary Death Benefit does not
  o  The 3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit is $109,273, which is the initial 3%
     Annual Guarantee Death Benefit increased at the 3% annual effective rate
     to the date of anniversary.
  o  For the Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit, because the Contract Value is
     lower than the purchase payment, the contract does not have any of
     earnings. Therefore this rider does not provide any additional amount and
     the total Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit is $98,000 which is the Contract
  o  The death benefit amount that would be paid if a death occurred on this
     day would be $109,273. This is the largest of the death benefit values.


Owner makes an additional purchase payment of $50,000 six months into the first
Contract Year when the Contract Value is $105,000.

  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $150,000, which is the prior
     Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit plus the additional purchase payment.
  o  The Maximum Anniversary Value Death Benefit is $150,000, which is the
     prior Maximum Anniversary Value Death Benefit plus the additional purchase

  o  The 3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit prior to the purchase payment is
     $101,489, which is the initial 3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit increased
     at the 3% annual effective rate to the date of the purchase payment. After
     the purchase payment, the 3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit is $151,489,
     which is the prior value increased by the purchase payment.
  o  For the Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit, the contract has $5,000 of
     earnings ($105,000 - $100,000 = $5,000), so the additional amount provided
     by this rider is $2,000. Therefore the total Earnings Enhanced Death
     Benefit is $157,000 which is the Contract Value plus the additional
     purchase payment amount plus the additional benefit provided by the
     Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit ($105,000 + $50,000 + $2,000 = $157,000).

  o  The Death Benefit amount that would be paid if a death occurred on this
     day would be $157,000. This is the largest of the death benefit values.

BASED DEATH BENEFITS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner makes a
$10,000 withdrawal 6 months into the first Contract Year when the Contract Value
is $105,000.

  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is reduced by $9,524 for the
        o  The adjustment is calculated by the amount of the withdrawal divided
           by the Contract Value before the withdrawal multiplied by the prior
           death benefit
                 ($10,000/ $105,000 * $100,000 = $9,524)
        o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after the withdrawal is
           $90,476 ($100,000 - $9,524 = $90,476). Because the Contract Value
           is greater than the death benefit, the death benefit is reduced by
           an amount less than amount of the withdrawal.
  o  The Maximum Anniversary Value Death Benefit is reduced by $9,524 for the
        o  The adjustment is calculated by the amount of the withdrawal divided
           by the Contract Value before the withdrawal multiplied by the prior
           death benefit
                 ($10,000/ $105,000 * $100,000 = $9,524)
        o  The new Maximum Anniversary Value Death Benefit after the withdrawal
           is $90,476 ($100,000 - $9,524 = $90,476). Because the Contract Value
           is greater than the death benefit, the death benefit is reduced by
           an amount less than amount of the withdrawal.

  o  The 3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit prior to the purchase payment is
     $101,489, which is the initial 3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit increased
     at the 3% annual effective rate to the date of the purchase payment. After
     the withdrawal, the 3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit is reduced by $9,666
     for the withdrawal.

        o  The adjustment is calculated by the amount of the withdrawal divided
           by the Contract Value before the withdrawal multiplied by the prior
           death benefit
                 ($10,000/ $105,000 * $101,489 = $9,666)
        o  The new 3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit after the withdrawal is
           $91,823 ($101,489 - $9,666 = $91,823). Because the Contract Value
           is greater than the death benefit, the death benefit is reduced by
           an amount less than amount of the withdrawal.

  o  For the Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit, the contract has $5,000 of
     earnings before the withdrawal ($105,000 - $100,000 = $5,000). However,
     withdrawals take earnings first, therefore the withdrawal is made up of
     $5,000 in earnings in the contract and $5,000 of purchase payments from
     the contract. Therefore, because the contract no longer has any earnings
     after the withdrawal, the additional amount provided by this rider is
     zero. The total Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit is $95,000 which is the
     Contract Value after the withdrawal. The Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit
     will continue to provide additional death benefit protection when the
     contract builds earnings again in the future.

  o  The Death Benefit amount that would be paid if a death occurred on this
     day would be $95,000. This is the Contract Value, which is the largest of
     the death benefit values.

BASED DEATH BENEFITS): Starting with the BASE ASSUMPTIONS, the Owner makes a
$10,000 withdrawal 6 months into the first Contract Year when the Contract Value
is $80,000.

  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is reduced by $12,500 for the
        o  The adjustment is calculated by the amount of the withdrawal divided
           by the Contract Value before the withdrawal multiplied by the prior
           death benefit
                 ($10,000/ $80,000 * $100,000 = $12,500)


        o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after the withdrawal is
           $87,500 ($100,000 - $12,500 = $87,500). Because the Contract Value
           is less than the death benefit, the death benefit is reduced by an
           amount greater than amount of the withdrawal.
  o  The Maximum Anniversary Value Death Benefit is reduced by $12,500 for the
        o  The adjustment is calculated by the amount of the withdrawal divided
           by the Contract Value before the withdrawal multiplied by the prior
           death benefit
                 ($10,000/ $80,000 * $100,000 = $12,500)
        o  The new Maximum Anniversary Value Death Benefit after the withdrawal
           is $87,500 ($100,000 - $12,500 = $87,500). Because the Contract
           Value is less than the death benefit, the death benefit is reduced
           by an amount greater than amount of the withdrawal.

  o  The 3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit prior to the purchase payment is
     $101,489, which is the initial 3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit increased
     at the 3% annual effective rate to the date of the purchase payment. After
     the withdrawal, the 3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit is reduced by
     $12,686 for the withdrawal.

        o  The adjustment is calculated by the amount of the withdrawal divided
           by the Contract Value before the withdrawal multiplied by the prior
           death benefit
                 ($10,000/ $80,000 * $101,489 = $12,686)
        o  The new 3% Annual Guarantee Death Benefit after the withdrawal is
           $88,803 ($101,489 - $12,686 = $88,803). Because the Contract Value
           is less than the death benefit, the death benefit is reduced by an
           amount greater than amount of the withdrawal.

  o  For the Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit, the contract does not have any
     earnings before the withdrawal. So the withdrawal reduces the purchase
     payment base by $10,000. Because the contract no longer has any earnings
     after the withdrawal, the additional amount provided by this rider is
     zero. The total Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit is $70,000 which is the
     Contract Value after the withdrawal. The Earnings Enhanced Death Benefit
     will continue to provide additional death benefit protection when the
     contract builds earnings again in the future.

  o  The Death Benefit amount that would be paid if a death occurred on this
     day would be $88,803. This is the largest of the death benefit values.


                                   APPENDIX C
                            ON AND AFTER MAY 1, 2010

                               FOUNDATION ACCOUNT

EXAMPLE 1 (INITIAL ALLOCATION): If the Owner purchases a $100,000 Contract with
an Income Later Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit and elects the Growth
Model that requires 20% in the Foundation Account, we will allocate $20,000 of
the purchase payment to the Foundation Account and the remaining $80,000 of the
purchase payment to the Subaccounts in the Growth Model. The Lifetime Benefit
Basis will equal $100,000. This example assumes that there are no deductions
from the initial purchase payment.

EXAMPLE 2 (RIDER CHARGES): At the end of the first, Contract Year, the Contract
Value in the Foundation Account has grown to $21,000 and the Contract Value in
the Subaccounts that comprise the Growth Model has grown to $86,320 for a total
Contract Value before deduction of Income Later rider charges of $107,320. The
Income Later Rider charges we deduct at the end of the first Contract Year
equals $950 ($100,000 Lifetime Benefit Basis x 0.95%). We deduct that amount
proportionately from the Subaccounts that comprise the Growth Model (and any DCA
Fixed Period, if applicable). The Contract Value in the Foundation Account now
equals $21,000 (no adjustment) but the Contract Value in the Subaccounts that
comprise the Growth Model now equals $85,370 ($86,320 - $950) for a total
Contract Value of $106,370.

EXAMPLE 3 (RESET AT TRANSFER): Because this is an Income Later Guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit, there is a 7.5% simple interest benefit; we will
reset the Lifetime Benefit Basis to $107,500 ($100,000 prior Lifetime Benefit
Basis + $7,500 ($100,000 x 7.5%)) because this exceeds the Contract Value of
$106,370. At this point the Owner decides to transfer to a more aggressive
Create Your Own Benefit Allocation Plan that requires 40% in the Foundation
Account. At the point of transfer, the Foundation Account requirement is $43,000
($107,500 Lifetime Benefit Basis x 40% Foundation Account requirement). We
allocate $43,000 to the Foundation Account and the remaining Contract Value,
$63,370 ($106,370 - $43,000 Foundation Account amount) to the Subaccounts that
comprise the Create Your own Model. The total Contract Value remains $106,370,
as was the case before transfer.

EXAMPLE 4 (STEP-UP): At the end of the second Contract Year, the Contract Value
in the Foundation Account has grown from $43,000, as a result of market
performance, to $45,150 and the Contract Value in the Subaccounts that comprise
the Create Your Own Model has grown from $63,370, as a result of market
performance, to $74,850. We deduct Income Later rider charges at the end of the
second Contract Year of $1,021.25 ($107,500 Lifetime Benefit Basis x 0.95%) from
the Contract Value that is not allocated to the Foundation Account. The
Foundation Account now contains $45,150 (no adjustment) but the Contract Value
in the Subaccounts that comprise the Create Your Own Model (and any DCA Fixed
Period) has been reduced to $73,828.75 ($74,850 - $1,021.25) for a total
Contract Value of $118,978.75. Because Contract Value is greater than the Simple
Interest Benefit Basis of $115,000 ($107,500 + ($100,000 x 7.5%)) a Step-Up
occurs, and the Foundation Account may be reset (we are currently waiving the
requirement that the Foundation Account be reset on Step-Up).

a step-up has occurred, the Foundation Account requirement is equal $47,591.50
(a new stepped-up Lifetime Benefit Basis of $118,978.75 x 40% the Foundation
Account requirement). We allocate the remaining Contract Value of $71,387.25
($118,978.75 - $47,591.50) to the Subaccounts that comprise the Create Your Own
Model. Note: The Foundation Account percentage requirement did not change, but
because the Lifetime Benefit Basis increased, a higher Foundation Amount is

EXAMPLE 6 (ADVERSE MARKET): At the end of the third Contract Year, the Contract
Value in the Foundation Account has fallen from $47,591.50 to $40,000, as a
result of market performance, and the Contract Value in the Subaccounts that
comprise the Create Your Own Model has fallen from $74,850 to $65,000, as a
result of market performance. (These values assume that the requirement to reset
the Foundation Account at Step-up was waived.) We deduct Income Later rider
charges at the end of the third Contract Year of $1,130.30 ($118,978.75 Lifetime
Benefit Basis x 0.95%) from the Contract Value that is not allocated to the
Foundation Account. The Foundation Account now contains $40,000 (no adjustment)
but the Contract Value in the Subaccounts that comprise the Create Your Own
Model (and any DCA Fixed Period) has been reduced to $63,869.70 ($65,000 -
$1,130.30) for a total Contract Value of $103,869.70. Because the Contract Value
is less than the Simple Interest Benefit Basis of $122,500 ($115,000 + ($100,000
x 7.5%)) no Step-Up occurs, and the allocation to the Foundation Account does
not change. The Simple Interest Benefit is applied, increasing the Lifetime
Benefit Basis to the Simple Interest Benefit Basis of $122,500.

EXAMPLE 7 (WITHDRAWALS): The Owner is 65 and ready to start Lifetime Withdrawals
under the Income later Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider. The
Lifetime Benefit Basis is now $137,500, the total Contract Value is $133,500.
The Contract Value in the Foundation Account is $55,092.88 and the remaining
Contract Value in the Subaccounts that comprise the Create Your Own Model is
$78,407.12. The Owner takes a Lifetime Withdrawal of $6,187.50 ($137,500 x
4.5%). $6,187.50 is deducted proportionately


first from the Subaccounts that comprise the Create Your Own Model (and any DCA
Fixed Account). Thus, after the withdrawal, the Contract Value in the Foundation
Account value will equal $55,092.88 and the Contract Value in the Subaccounts
that comprise the Create Your Own Model (and any DCA Fixed Account) will equal
$72,219.62 ($78,407.12 - $6,187.50) for a total Contract Value of $127,312.50.
The Lifetime Benefit Basis will remain $137,500.

                                INCOME NOW OPTION

BASE ASSUMPTIONS: Assume an initial purchase payment of $100,000 choosing the
B-Share option and an issue age of 65.

This means:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000.
  o  The GALWA is $5,100 if a withdrawal is taken immediately (5.10% rate for
     withdrawals beginning at attained age 65 * $100,000).
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit provided by the rider is $100,000.
  o  All withdrawal figures shown indicate the total amount withdrawn from the
     Contract and, assume that no surrender charge applies. Any surrender
     charge will reduce the amount payable to the Owner.
  o  The death benefit adjustment calculations described here do not apply to
     death benefits that are not provided by the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
     Benefit rider chosen.
  o  There are no additional purchase payments during the window period, except
     where explicitly stated.

the Base Assumptions, the Owner makes an additional purchase payment of $50,000
within the window period.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $150,000, which is the prior Lifetime
     Benefit Basis plus the additional purchase payment.
  o  The GALWA is $7,650, which is 5.10% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $150,000, which is the prior death
     benefit plus the additional purchase payment.

with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws the GALWA ($5,100 = $100,000 *
5.10%) before the first Contract Anniversary.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000; this does not change because the
     withdrawal does not exceed the $5,100 GALWA.
  o  The GALWA is $5,100; this does not change because the withdrawal does not
     exceed the $5,100 GALWA.
  o  Because the withdrawal is less than or equal to the GALWA, the adjustment
     to the death benefit is equal to the withdrawal amount, so the new Minimum
     Guaranteed Death Benefit is $94,900, which is the prior Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit of $100,000 less the withdrawal of $5,100.

LIFETIME BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws
$50,000 after the third Contract Anniversary (but before the fourth). Assume the
Contract Value is $150,000 at the time of the withdrawal, no prior withdrawals
have occurred and no prior step ups have occurred. The Minimum Guaranteed Death
Benefit is $100,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $109,000. Under the Simple Interest Benefit,
     it was increased by 3% of the initial Lifetime Benefit Basis ($3,000) on
     each of the first three Contract Anniversaries; for a total increase of
     $9,000 - assumes that the Lifetime Benefit Basis has not been stepped-up
     to a higher amount.

  o  The GALWA at this time, prior to the $50,000 withdrawal, is $5,886 (5.40%
     rate for age 68 times the $109,000 Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The new Lifetime Benefit Basis is $64,886, because the $50,000 withdrawal
     exceeds the $5,886 GALWA. The Lifetime Benefit Basis adjusted by the
     greater of (1) or (2) below:
        1. The amount of the excess withdrawal: $44,114
             o  The excess withdrawal is the total withdrawal amount of $50,000
                less the GALWA of $5,886 ($50,000 - $5,886 = $44,114).
        2. A proportional adjustment of $33,365.43 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $44,114,
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced
                by the GALWA ($150,000 - $5,886 = $144,114) and
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the
                withdrawal of $109,000.
             o  For an adjustment of $44,114 / $144,114 * $109,000 = $33,365.43.
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $44,114, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $64,886 ($109,000 - $44,114 = $64,886).
  o  The GALWA is $3,503.84 after the withdrawal, which is 5.40% (the rate for
     age 68) of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  Because the withdrawal amount exceeds the GALWA, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows

        1. The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $50,000 for
           the withdrawal.


        2. There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $44,114 ($50,000 - $5,886 = $44,114).
             o  $44,114 / $150,000 * $100,000 - $44,114 = -$14,704.67.
  o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments is $100,000
     - $50,000 - (-$14,704.67) = $64,704.67.

BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, withdraw $50,000 after the
third Contract Anniversary but before the fourth, with a Contract Value of
$80,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals or step ups have
occurred). The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $100,000 at the time of the

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $109,000. Under the Simple Interest Benefit,
     it was increased by 3% of the initial basis ($3,000) on each of the first
     three Contract Anniversaries, for a total increase of $9,000.

  o  The GALWA at this time (before the $50,000 withdrawal) is $5,886 (5.4%
     rate for age 68 times the $109,000 Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $44,121.22 because the
     withdrawal exceeds the $5,886 GALWA. The Lifetime Benefit Basis is
     adjusted by the greater of (1) or (2) below:
        1. The amount of the excess withdrawal: $44,114.
             o  The excess withdrawal is the total withdrawal amount of $50,000
                less the GALWA of $5,886 ($50,000 - $5,886 = $44,114).
        2. A proportional adjustment of $64,878.78 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $44,114.
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the GALWA ($80,000 - $5,886 = $74,114).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $109,000.
             o  For an adjustment of $44,114 / $74,114 * $109,000 = $64,878.78.
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $64,878.78, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $44,121.22 ($109,000 - $64,878.78 = $44,121.22).
  o  The GALWA is $2,382.55, which is 5.4% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  Because the withdrawal amount exceeds the GALWA, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows:
        1. The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $50,000 for
           the withdrawal.
        2. There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $44,114 ($50,000 - $5,886 = $44,114).
             o  $44,114 / $80,000 * $100,000 - $44,114 = $11,028.50.
  o  New Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments $100,000 -
     $50,000 - $11,028.50 = $38,971.50.

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume no withdrawals have been taken, no
prior step ups have occurred, and the Contract Value on the third Contract
Anniversary is $125,000.

  o  The existing Lifetime Benefit Basis is $109,000. Under the Simple Interest
     Benefit, it was increased by 3% of the initial basis ($3,000) on each of
     the first three Contract Anniversaries

  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $125,000.
  o  The GALWA after the step up is $6,750 (5.40% rate for age 68 times the
     $125,000 stepped-up Lifetime Benefit Basis).
           NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current
           charge, up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit remains $100,000 - it is not impacted
     by a step up.

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume the Owner began receiving the $5,100
GALWA beginning in the first Contract Year and no additional excess withdrawals
have been taken. Also assumes that no prior step ups have occurred. The Contract
Value on the third Contract Anniversary is $110,000.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis before step up is $100,000. Because withdrawals
     began immediately, the Lifetime Benefit Basis did not increase due to the
     Simple Interest Benefit.
  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $110,000.
  o  The GALWA after the step up is $5,940 (5.40% rate for age 68 - Because a
     step up occurs, the withdrawal percentage is reestablished based on the
     current age at the time of the step up.).
           NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current
           charge, up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit would be $84,700, the initial
     $100,000 reduced for each of the $5,100 withdrawals previously taken.


BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume the Owner began receiving the
$5,100 GALWA beginning in the first Contract Year and no additional excess
withdrawals have been taken. Also assumes that no prior step ups have occurred.
The Contract Value on the third Contract Anniversary is $95,000.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000. Because withdrawals began
     immediately, the Lifetime Benefit Basis did not increase due to the Simple
     Interest Benefit.
  o  The Owner cannot step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis because the current
     Contract Value is less than the current Benefit Basis.
  o  The GALWA remains at $5,100 (5.10% rate for age 65 - the time of the first
  o  Because no step up occurs, the withdrawal percentage does not change.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit would be $84,700, the initial
     $100,000 reduced for each of the $5,100 withdrawals previously taken.

EXCESS WITHDRAWAL OF THE RIDER YEAR): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the
Owner begins making monthly withdraws of $425 immediately. After 10 withdrawals
have taken place, the Owner makes an additional $10,000 withdrawal. Assume the
Contract Value is $105,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis before the additional withdrawal is $100,000.
     Because the prior withdrawals were not excess withdrawals, the Lifetime
     Benefit Basis has not changed.

  o  The GALWA at this time, prior to the $10,000 withdrawal, is $5,100. There
     has been a total of $4,250 withdrawn to this point this year (10
     withdrawals of $425). The remaining lifetime withdrawal for the Contract
     Year is $850 ($5,100 - $4,250 = $850).
  o  The excess withdrawal amount is $9,150 which is the $10,000 withdrawal
     amount less the $850 of lifetime withdrawal remaining for the year.
  o  The new Lifetime Benefit Basis is $90,850 because the $10,000 withdrawal
     exceeds the $850 remaining GALWA. The Lifetime Benefit Basis adjusted by
     the greater of (1) or (2) below:
        1. The amount of the excess withdrawal: $9,150.
             o  The excess withdrawal is the total withdrawal amount of $10,000
                less the remaining GALWA of $850 ($10,000 - $850 = $9,150).
        2. A proportional adjustment of $8,785.41 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $9,150.
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the remaining GALWA ($105,000 - $850 = $104,150).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $100,000.
             o  For an adjustment of $9,150 / $104,150 * $100,000 = $8,785.41.
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $9,150, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $90,850 ($100,000 - $9,150 = $90,850).
  o  The GALWA is $4,633.35 after the withdrawal, which is 5.10% (the rate for
     age 65) of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis. This amount will be available
     after the next Rider Anniversary.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit before the withdrawal is $95,750. The
     initial $100,000 has been reduced a total of $4,250 for the 10 prior
  o  Because the withdrawal is an excess withdrawal, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows:
        1. The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $10,000 for
           the withdrawal.
        2. There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $9,150 ($10,000 - $850 = $9,150).
             o  $9,150 / $105,000 * $95,750 - $9,150 = -$806.07.
  o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments is $95,750
     - $10,000 - (-$806.07) = $86,556.07.

the Owner chooses to take an additional $25,000 withdrawal before the next Rider
Anniversary. Assume the Contract Value is $80,000 at the time of the

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis before the withdrawal is $90,850 as adjusted
     for the previous excess withdrawal.
  o  The GALWA at this time, prior to this withdrawal, is $4,633.35. However,
     because there has already been an excess withdrawal, the remaining
     lifetime withdrawal for this rider year is zero.
  o  Because the remaining lifetime withdrawal for this rider year is zero, the
     entire withdrawal is an excess withdrawal.
  o  The new Lifetime Benefit Basis is $62,459.37 because the $25,000 is an
     excess withdrawal, Lifetime Benefit Basis adjusted by the greater of (1)
     or (2) below:
        1. The amount of the excess withdrawal: $25,000.
        2. A proportional adjustment of $28,390.63 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:

             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $25,000.


             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced
                by the remaining GALWA ($80,000 - $0 = $80,000).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the
                withdrawal of $90,850.
             o  For an adjustment of $25,000 / $80,000 * $90,850 = $28,390.63.
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $28,390.63, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $62,459.37 ($90,850 - $28,390.63 = $62,459.37).
  o  The GALWA is $3,185.43, which is 5.10% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
     This amount will be available after the next Rider Anniversary.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit before the withdrawal is $86,556.07,
     as adjusted for the previous withdrawals.
  o  Because the withdrawal is an excess withdrawal, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows:
        1. The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $25,000 for
           the withdrawal.
        2. There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $25,000.
             o  $25,000 / $80,000 * $86,556.07 - $25,000 = $2,048.77.
  o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments is
     $86,556.07 - $25,000 - $2,048.77 = $59,507.30.

                               INCOME LATER OPTION

BASE ASSUMPTIONS: Assume an initial purchase payment of $100,000 choosing the
B-Share option and an issue age of 68.

This means:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000.
  o  The GALWA is $4,500 if a withdrawal is taken immediately (4.50% rate for
     withdrawals beginning at attained age 68 x $100,000).
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit provided by the rider is $100,000.
  o  All withdrawal figures shown indicate the total amount withdrawn from the
     Contract and, assume that no surrender charge applies. Any surrender
     charge will reduce the amount payable to the Owner.
  o  The death benefit adjustment calculations described here do not apply to
     death benefits that are not provided by the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
     Benefit rider chosen.

the Base Assumptions, the Owner makes an additional purchase payment of $50,000
within the window period.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $150,000, which is the prior Lifetime
     Benefit Basis plus the additional purchase payment.
  o  The GALWA is $6,750, which is 4.50% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $150,000, which is the prior
     Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit plus the additional purchase payment.

with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws the GALWA ($4,500 = $100,000 *
4.50%) before the first Contract Anniversary.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000; this does not change because the
     withdrawal does not exceed the $4,500 GALWA.
  o  The GALWA is $4,500; this does not change because the withdrawal does not
     exceed the $4,500 GALWA.
  o  Because the withdrawal is less than or equal to the GALWA, the adjustment
     to the Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is equal to the withdrawal amount,
     so the new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $95,500, which is the prior
     Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit of $100,000 less the withdrawal of $4,500.

A LATER DATE): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws the
$4,500 before the first Contract Anniversary. No additional withdrawals are made
until the Owner begins taking lifetime withdrawals after the fifth Contract
Anniversary but before the sixth.

  o  Because the $4,500 withdrawal in the first year does not exceed the
     $4,500, GALWA it is not an excess withdrawal, and;
             o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis remains $100,000.
             o  The GALWA remains $4,500.
             o  Because the withdrawal is less than or equal to the GALWA, the
                adjustment to the Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is equal to
                the withdrawal amount, so the new Minimum Guaranteed Death
                Benefit is $95,500, which is the prior Minimum Guaranteed Death
                Benefit of $100,000 less the withdrawal of $4,500.
  o  On the fifth anniversary the Lifetime Benefit Basis is $130,000. Because
     there was a Non-lifetime Withdrawal in the first Contract Year, the
     Benefit Basis does not increase because of the Simple Interest Benefit.
     Additionally, because the Owner has not taken any additional withdrawals
     since the initial withdrawal, the Simple Interest Benefit commences with
     the second Rider Anniversary and the Lifetime Benefit Basis is increased
     by 7.5% of the initial Lifetime Benefit Basis for each of the rider
     anniversaries until the first lifetime withdrawal. In this case, four
     anniversaries ($7,500 * 4 = $30,000) - Assuming that no prior step ups
     have occurred to increase the Lifetime Benefit Basis.


  o  The GALWA is $6,500 which is 5.00% (the rate for age 73) multiplied by the
     new Lifetime Benefit Basis of $130,000.
  o  The Owner takes a lifetime withdrawal of $6,500.

  o  Because the $6,500 withdrawal does not exceed the GALWA, it is not an
     excess withdrawal, and;

        o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis remains $130,000.
        o  The GALWA remains $6,500.
        o  Because the withdrawal is less than or equal to the GALWA, the
           adjustment to the Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is equal to the
           withdrawal amount, so the new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is
           $89,000, which is the prior Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit of
           $95,500 less the withdrawal of $6,500.

LIFETIME BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws
$50,000 after the third Contract Anniversary (but before the fourth). Assume the
Contract Value is $150,000 at the time of the withdrawal, no prior withdrawals
have occurred and no prior step ups have occurred. The Minimum Guaranteed Death
Benefit is $100,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $122,500. Under the Simple Interest Benefit,
     it was increased by 7.5% of the initial Lifetime Benefit Basis ($7,500) on
     each of the first three Contract Anniversaries; for a total increase of
     $22,500 - assumes that the Lifetime Benefit Basis has not been stepped-up
     to a higher amount.

  o  The GALWA at this time, prior to the $50,000 withdrawal, is $6,125 (5.00%
     rate for age 71 times the $122,500 Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $77,050 because the $50,000
     withdrawal exceeds the $6,125 GALWA. The Lifetime Benefit Basis is
     adjusted by the greater of (1) or (2) below:
        1. The amount of the excess withdrawal: $43,875.
             o  The excess withdrawal is the total withdrawal amount of $50,000
                less the GALWA of $6,125 ($50,000 - $6,125 = $43,875).
        2. A proportional adjustment of $37,356.65 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $43,875.
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced
                by the GALWA ($150,000 - $6,125 = $143,875).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the
                withdrawal of $122,500.
             o  For an adjustment of $43,875 / $143,875 * $122,500 = $37,356.65.
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $43,875, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $78,625 ($122,500 - $43,875 = $78,625).
  o  The GALWA is $3,931.25 after the withdrawal, which is 5.00% (the rate for
     age 71) of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  Because the withdrawal amount exceeds the GALWA, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows:
        1. The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $50,000 for
           the withdrawal.
        2. There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $43,875 ($50,000 - $6,125 = $43,875).
             o  $43,875 / $150,000 * $100,000 - $43,875 = -$14,625.
  o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments is $100,000
     - $50,000 - (-$14,625) = $64,625.

BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, withdraw $50,000 after the
third Contract Anniversary but before the fourth, with a Contract Value of
$80,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals or step ups have
occurred). The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $100,000 at the time of the

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $122,500. Under the Simple Interest Benefit,
     it was increased by 7.5% of the initial basis ($7,500) on each of the
     first three Contract Anniversaries, for a total increase of $22,500.

  o  The GALWA at this time (before the $50,000 withdrawal) is $6,125 (5.00%
     rate for age 71 times the $122,500 Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $49,746.19 because the
     withdrawal exceeds the $6,125 GALWA. The Lifetime Benefit Basis is
     adjusted by the greater of (1) or (2) below:
        1. The amount of the excess withdrawal: $43,875.
             o  The excess withdrawal is the total withdrawal amount of $50,000
                less the GALWA of $6,125 ($50,000 - $6,125 = $43,875).
        2. A proportional adjustment of $72,753.81 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $43,875.
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced
                by the GALWA ($80,000 - $6,125 = $73,875).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $122,500.
             o  For an adjustment of $43,875 / $73,875 * $122,500 = $72,753.81.
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $72,753.81, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $49,746.19 ($122,500 - $72,753.81 = $49,746.19).


  o  The GALWA is $2,487.31, which is 5.00% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  Because the withdrawal amount exceeds the GALWA, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows:
        1. The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $50,000 for
           the withdrawal.
        2. There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $43,875 ($50,000 - $6,125 = $43,875).
             o  $43,875 / $80,000 * $100,000 - $43,875 = $10,968.75.
  o  New Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments $100,000 -
     $50,000 - $10,968.75 = $39,031.25.

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume no withdrawals have been taken, no
prior step ups have occurred, and the Contract Value on the third Contract
Anniversary is $145,000.

  o  The existing Lifetime Benefit Basis is $122,500. Under the Simple Interest
     Benefit, it was increased by 7.5% of the initial basis ($7,500) on each of
     the first three Contract Anniversaries.

  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $145,000.
  o  The GALWA after the step up is $7,250 (5.00% rate for age 71 times the
     $145,000 stepped-up Lifetime Benefit Basis).
           NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current
           charge, up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit remains $100,000 - it is not impacted
     by a step up.

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume the Owner began receiving the $4,500
GALWA beginning in the first Contract Year and no additional excess withdrawals
have been taken. Also assumes that no prior step ups have occurred. The Contract
Value on the third Contract Anniversary is $110,000.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis before step up is $100,000. Because withdrawals
     began immediately, the Lifetime Benefit Basis did not increase due to the
     Simple Interest Benefit.
  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $110,000.
  o  The GALWA after the step up is $4,950 (4.50% rate for age 68 - the
     withdrawal percentage is locked in based on the age at the time of the
     first lifetime withdrawal).
           NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current
           charge, up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit would be $86,500, the initial
     $100,000 reduced for each of the $4,500 withdrawals previously taken.

BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume the Owner began receiving the
$4,500 GALWA beginning in the first Contract Year and no additional excess
withdrawals have been taken. Also assumes that no prior step ups have occurred.
The Contract Value on the third Contract Anniversary is $95,000.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000. Because withdrawals began
     immediately, the Lifetime Benefit Basis did not increase due to the Simple
     Interest Benefit.
  o  The Owner cannot step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis because the current
     Contract Value is less than the current Benefit Basis.
  o  The GALWA remains at $4,500 (4.50% rate for age 68 - the time of the first
  o  Because no step up occurs, the GALWA does not change.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit would be $86,500, the initial
     $100,000 reduced for each of the $4,500 withdrawals previously taken.

EXCESS WITHDRAWAL OF THE RIDER YEAR): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the
Owner begins making monthly withdrawals of $375.00 immediately. After 10
withdrawals have taken place, the Owner makes an additional $10,000 withdrawal.
Assume the Contract Value is $105,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is before the additional withdrawal is
     $100,000. Because the prior withdrawals were not excess withdrawals, the
     Lifetime Benefit Basis has not changed.
  o  The GALWA at this time, prior to the $10,000 withdrawal, is $4,500. There
     has been a total of $3,750 withdrawn to this point this year (10
     withdrawals of $375). The remaining lifetime withdrawal for the Contract
     Year is $750 ($4,500 - $3,750 = $750).
  o  The excess withdrawal amount is $9,250 which is the $10,000 withdrawal
     amount less the $750 of lifetime withdrawal remaining for the year.
  o  The new Lifetime Benefit Basis is $90,750 because the $10,000 withdrawal
     exceeds the $750.00 remaining GALWA. The Lifetime Benefit Basis adjusted
     by the greater of (1) or (2) below:
        1. The amount of the excess withdrawal: $9,250
             o  The excess withdrawal is the total withdrawal amount of $10,000
                less the remaining GALWA of $750 ($10,000 - $750 = $9,250)


        2. A proportional adjustment of $8,872.90 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $9,250.
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the remaining GALWA ($105,000 - $750 = $104,250).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $100,000.
             o  For an adjustment of $9,250 / $104,250 * $100,000 = $8,872.90.
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $9,250, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $90,750 ($100,000 - $9,250 = $90,750).
  o  The GALWA is $4,083.75 after the withdrawal, which is 4.50% (the rate for
     age 68) of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis. This amount will be available
     after the next Rider Anniversary.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit before the withdrawal is $96,250. The
     initial $100,000 has been reduced a total of $3,750 for the 10 prior
  o  Because the withdrawal is an excess withdrawal, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows:
        1. The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $10,000 for
           the withdrawal.
        2. There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $9,250.00 ($10,000 - $750 = $9,250).
             o  $9,250 / $105,000 * $96,250 - $9,250 = -$770.83
  o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments $96,250 -
     $10,000 - (-$770.83) = $87,020.83.

the Owner chooses to take an additional $25,000 withdrawal before the next Rider
Anniversary. Assume the Contract Value is $80,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis before the withdrawal is $90,750 as adjusted
     for the previous excess withdrawal.
  o  The GALWA at this time, prior to this withdrawal, is $4,083.75. However,
     because there has already been an excess withdrawal, the remaining
     lifetime withdrawal for this rider year is zero.
  o  Because the remaining lifetime withdrawal for this rider year is zero, the
     entire withdrawal is an excess withdrawal.
  o  The new Lifetime Benefit Basis is $62,390.62 because the $25,000 is an
     excess withdrawal, the Lifetime Benefit Basis adjusted by the greater of
     (1) or (2) below:
        1. The amount of the excess withdrawal: $25,000
        2. A proportional adjustment of $28,359.38 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $25,000.
             o  Divided by the contract value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the remaining GALWA ($80,000 - $0 = $80,000).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $90,750.
             o  For an adjustment of $25,000 / $80,000 * $90,750 = $28,359.38.
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $28,359.38, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $62,390.62 ($90,750 - $28,359.38 = $62,390.62).
  o  The GALWA is $2,807.58, which is 4.50% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
     This amount will be available after the next Rider Anniversary.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit before the withdrawal is $87,020.83,
     as adjusted for the previous withdrawals.
  o  Because the withdrawal is an excess withdrawal, the death benefit will be
     adjusted as follows:
        1. The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $25,000 for
           the withdrawal.
        2. There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $25,000.
             o  $25,000 / $80,000 * $87,020.83 - $25,000 = $2,194.01.
  o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments $87,020.83
     - $25,000 - $2,194.01 = $59,826.82.

                          BENEFIT) - INCOME NOW OPTION

CONVERSION): A Contract Owner purchases a contract with a Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider at age 60. At age 65, the Owner decides to convert to
an Income Now Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider. The initial premium
on the Contract is $100,000, no withdrawals have occurred and no additional
purchase payments have been made. The Contract Value is $125,000 and the
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis is $100,000 at the time of the
conversion. Upon conversion:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $125,000 (the greater of the Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis and the Contract Value).
  o  The GALWA is $6,375 (5.10% - the withdrawal percentage for age 65
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis). This amount is available


If the Owner waits at least five years (but less than six) after conversion
before taking the first withdrawal, the Contract Value is $130,000 at the time
of the first withdrawal, and no step ups have occurred:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $143,750 (under the Simple Interest Benefit,
     it was increased by $3,750 - 3% of $125,000 each year).

  o  The GALWA is $8,050 (5.60% - the withdrawal percentage for age 70
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis).

  o  The Owner may take withdrawals of up to $8,050 per year under the
     Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit. Please see the Income Now examples
     for illustrations of the effect of a step up on the GALWA.

CONVERSION): A Contract Owner purchases a Contract with a Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider at age 60. At age 65, the Owner decides to convert to
an Income Now Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider. The initial premium
on the Contract is $100,000, no withdrawals have occurred and no additional
purchase payments have been made. The Contract Value is $85,000 at the time of
the conversion and the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis is
$100,000. Upon conversion:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000 (the greater of the Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis and the Contract Value).
  o  The GALWA is $5,100 (5.10% - the withdrawal percentage for age 65
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis). This amount is available

If the Owner waits at least five years (but less than six) after conversion
before taking the first withdrawal, the Contract Value is $130,000 at the time
of the first withdrawal, and no step ups have occurred:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $115,000 (under the Simple Interest Benefit,
     it was increased by $3,000 - 3% of $100,000 each rider year).

  o  The GALWA is $6,440 (5.60% - the withdrawal percentage for age 70
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis).

  o  The Owner may take withdrawals of up to $6,440 per year under the
     Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit. Please see the Income Now examples
     for illustrations of the effect of a step up on the GALWA.

purchases a contract with a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider at age
60. At age 65, the Owner decides to convert to an Income Now Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit rider. The initial premium on the Contract is $100,000 and no
additional purchase payments have been made. The Contract Owner previously
withdrew $50,000. The Contract Value is $75,000 at the time of the conversion
and the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis is $50,000 - as adjusted
for the prior withdrawal. Upon conversion:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $75,000 (the greater of the Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis and the Contract Value).
  o  The GALWA is $3,825 (5.10% - the withdrawal percentage for age 65
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis). This amount is available

If the Owner waits at least five years (but less than six) after conversion
before taking the first withdrawal, the Contract Value is $80,000 at the time of
the first withdrawal, and no step ups have occurred:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $86,250 (under the Simple Interest Benefit,
     it was increased by $2,250 - 3% of $75,000 each year).

  o  The GALWA is $4,830 (5.60% - the withdrawal percentage for age 70
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis).

  o  The Owner may take withdrawals of up to $4,830 per year under the
     Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit. Please see the Income Now examples
     for illustrations of the effect of a step up on the GALWA.


CONVERSION): A Contract Owner purchases a Contract with a Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider at age 60. At age 65, the Owner decides to convert to
an Income Later Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider. The initial
premium on the Contract is $100,000, no withdrawals have occurred and no
additional purchase payments have been made. The Contract Value is $125,000 at
the time of the conversion and the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis
is $100,000. Upon conversion:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $125,000 (the greater of the Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis and the contract value).
  o  The GALWA is $5,625 (4.50% - the withdrawal percentage for age 65
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis). This amount is available


If the Owner waits at least five years (but less than six) after conversion
before taking the first withdrawal, the Contract Value is $130,000 at the time
of the first withdrawal, and no step ups have occurred:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $171,875 (under the Simple Interest Benefit,
     it was increased by $9,375 - 7.5% of $125,000 each year).

  o  The GALWA is $8,593.75 (5.00% - the withdrawal percentage for age 70
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis).

  o  The Owner may take withdrawals of up to $8,893.75 per year under the
     Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit. Please see the Income Later
     examples for illustrations of the effect of a step up on the GALWA.

Contract with a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider at age 60. At age
65, the Owner decides to convert to an Income Later Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit rider. The initial premium on the Contract is $100,000, no
withdrawals have occurred and no additional purchase payments have been made.
The Contract Value is $85,000 at the time of the conversion and the Guaranteed
Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis is $100,000. Upon conversion:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000 (the greater of the Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis and the Contract Value).
  o  The GALWA is $4,500 (4.50% - the withdrawal percentage for age 65
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis). This amount is available

If the Owner waits at least five years (but less than six) after conversion
before taking the first withdrawal, the Contract Value is $130,000 at the time
of the first withdrawal, and no step ups have occurred:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $137,500 (under the Simple Interest Benefit,
     it was increased by $7,500 - 7.5% of $100,000 each year).

  o  The GALWA is $6,875 (5.00% - the withdrawal percentage for age 70
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis).

  o  The Owner may take withdrawals of up to $6,875 per year under the
     Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit. Please see the Income Later
     examples for illustrations of the effect of a step up on the GALWA.

purchases a Contract with a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider at age
60. At age 65, the Owner decides to convert to an Income Later Guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider. The initial premium on the Contract is
$100,000 and no additional purchase payments have been made. The Contract Owner
previously withdrew $50,000. The Contract Value is $75,000 at the time of the
conversion and the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis is $50,000 - as
adjusted for the prior withdrawal. Upon conversion:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $75,000 (the greater of the Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis and the Contract Value).
  o  The GALWA is $3,375 (4.50% - the withdrawal percentage for age 65
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis). This amount is available

If the Owner waits at least five years (but less than six) after conversion
before taking the first withdrawal, the Contract Value is $90,000 at the time of
the first withdrawal, and no step ups have occurred:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $103,125 (under the Simple Interest Benefit,
     it was increased by $5,625 - 7.5% of $75,000 each year).

  o  The GALWA is $5,156.25 (5.00% - the withdrawal percentage for age 70
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis).

  o  The Owner may take withdrawals of up to $5,156.25 per year under the
     Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit. Please see the Income Later
     examples for illustrations of the effect of a step up on the GALWA.


                                   APPENDIX D
                            ON AND AFTER MAY 1, 2010

                             10-YEAR BENEFIT PERIOD

BASE ASSUMPTIONS: Assume an initial purchase payment of $100,000 electing the
B-Share Option and an issue age of 65. This means the Benefit Basis is $100,000.
All withdrawal figures shown indicate the total amount withdrawn from the
Contract, and assume that no surrender charges apply. Any surrender charge will
further reduce the Contract Value and result in additional adjustments to the
Benefit Basis unless the Owner chooses to have those charges deducted from the
amount received.

makes an additional purchase payment of $50,000 within the window period. The
Benefit Basis is $150,000, which is the prior Benefit Basis plus the additional
purchase payment.

BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws $50,000, with
Contract Value of $150,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals
have occurred).

  o  The adjustment to the Benefit Basis is $50,000 which is the greater of:
  o  The withdrawal of $50,000; or
  o  The proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn of $33,333.33. This is
     calculated as (1) divided by (2) with the result multiplied by (3):
        1. partial withdrawal amount: $50,000;
        2. Contract Value immediately prior to the withdrawal: $150,000;
        3. the Benefit Basis immediately prior to the withdrawal: $100,000.
  o  So, the proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn: ($50,000 / $150,000) *
     $100,000 = $33,333.33.
  o  Therefore, the Benefit Basis is adjusted to $50,000 ($100,000 prior basis
     less $50,000 adjustment calculated above).

Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws $50,000 with Contract
Value of $80,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals have

  o  The adjustment to the Benefit Basis is $62,500 which is the greater of:
  o  The prior Benefit Basis less the withdrawal of $50,000; or
  o  The proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn of $62,500. This is
     calculated as (1) divided by (2) with the result multiplied by (3):
        1. partial withdrawal amount: $50,000;
        2. Contract Value immediately prior to the withdrawal: $80,000;
        3. the Benefit Basis immediately prior to the withdrawal: $100,000.
  o  So, the proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn: ($50,000 / $80,000) *
     $100,000 = $62,500.
  o  Therefore, the Benefit Basis is adjusted to $37,500 ($100,000 prior basis
     less $62,500 adjustment calculated above).

EXAMPLE 4 (STEP UP THE BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, on
the 4th Rider Anniversary the Contract Value is $135,000.

  o  The existing Benefit Basis is $100,000.
  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Benefit Basis to the Contract Value of
  o  The new Benefit Basis is $135,000 and the Contract Value will be
     guaranteed to be at least $135,000 on the 14th Contract Anniversary (10
     years from the step up date).

  NOTE: If the Owner chooses to step up the Benefit Basis a new seven year
  Minimum Charge Period will begin starting on the date of the step up.

  NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current charge, up
  to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.

Assumptions, on the 10th Rider Anniversary the Contract Value is $75,000.
Assuming that the Benefit Basis has never been stepped up and no withdrawals
have been taken.

  o  The existing Benefit Basis is $100,000.
  o  We will add $25,000 to the Contract to bring the total Contract Value
     equal to the Benefit Basis of $100,000.
  o  The Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit then terminates with no
     additional value and all charges for the benefit cease.


- 10-YEAR PERIOD): Starting with the Base Assumptions, on the 10th Rider
Anniversary the Contract Value is $105,000. Assuming that the Benefit Basis has
never been stepped up and no withdrawals have been taken.

  o  The existing Benefit Basis is $100,000.
  o  Since the Contract Value is greater than the Benefit Basis, the benefit
     expires without value.
  o  The Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit then terminates with no
     additional value and all charges for the benefit cease.

ADDITIONAL 10-YEAR PERIOD - 10-YEAR PERIOD): Starting with the Base Assumptions,
on the 10th Rider Anniversary the Contract Value is $115,000. Assuming that the
Benefit Basis has never been stepped up and no withdrawals have been taken.

  o  The existing Benefit Basis is $100,000.

  o  The rider will renew for an additional 10-year Benefit Period.

  o  The new Benefit Basis is $115,000 and the Contract Value will be
     guaranteed to be at least $115,000 on the 20th Contract Anniversary (10
     years from the renewal date).

  NOTE: If the Owner chooses to renew the Benefit Basis a new seven-year Minimum
  Charge Period will begin starting on the date of the renewal.

  NOTE: Following renewal of the rider, you may pay a new current charge, up to
  the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.


                                   APPENDIX E
                AND AFTER OCTOBER 19, 2009 BUT BEFORE MAY 1, 2010

Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit riders issued after October 19, 2009 but
before May 1, 2010 have the same features described in the Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit rider, except as discussed in this Appendix. This discussion
is applicable to riders issued between the dates set forth above as well as
riders that may be issued on or after May 1, 2010 in states that have not
approved a more current version of this rider or riders that may be issued in
connection with applications signed before May 1, 2010.

Current Charges. We currently charge 1.05% for the Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit.

Covered Person. References are to the Annuitant and not the Covered Person.

Amount of your GALWA. The annual lifetime benefit percentages for Annuitants
under the Income Later rider is a follows:

                            Attained Age of Annuitant
         Age           55-60    61-64    65-69   70-74    75-79     80+
         Percentage     3.75     4.25     4.50    5.00     5.25    5.50

             Joint Annuitants - Attained Age of Younger Annuitant(1)
         Age           55-60    61-64    65-69   70-74    75-79     80+
         Percentage     3.25     3.75     4.00    4.50     4.75    5.00
         (1)If only one Annuitant is living at the time of your first
            withdrawal, the single annuitant rates will apply.

Simple Interest Benefit. Under the Income Later rider, the current Simple
Interest Benefit Increase is 7.0% of the Lifetime Benefit Basis at the end of
the first rider year (before any Step-Up increase).

Benefit Allocation Plans. Different Benefit Allocation Plans (f/k/a Benefit
Allocation Models) were available at the time these riders were issued. Current
Contract Owners may continue to use their current Benefit Allocation Plan.
However, only the following Benefit Allocation Plans are available if the
Contract Owner wishes to change allocation options.

          Model                 Mix            Subaccounts(1)
Conservative/Moderate Blend     67%  Ultra Series Conservative Allocation
                                33%  Ultra Series Moderate Allocation
Conservative I-Model            40%  Ultra Series Bond
                                10%  Ultra Series High Income
                                18%  Ultra Series Large Cap Value
                                12%  Ultra Series Large Cap Growth
                                 8%  Ultra Series Mid Cap
                                 3%  Ultra Series Small Cap
                                 9%  Ultra Series International Stock
Conservative/Moderate I-Model   32%  Ultra Series Bond
                                 8%  Ultra Series High Income
                                17%  Ultra Series Large Cap Value
                                14%  Ultra Series Large Cap Growth
                                12%  Ultra Series Mid Cap
                                 4%  Ultra Series Small Cap
                                13%  Ultra Series International Stock
Moderate I-Model                24%  Ultra Series Bond
                                 6%  Ultra Series High Income
                                16%  Ultra Series Large Cap Value
                                16%  Ultra Series Large Cap Growth
                                15%  Ultra Series Mid Cap
                                 5%  Ultra Series Small Cap
                                18%  Ultra Series International Stock


          Model                 Mix            Subaccounts(1)
Moderate/Aggressive I-Model     16%  Ultra Series Bond
                                 4%  Ultra Series High Income
                                15%  Ultra Series Large Cap Value
                                17%  Ultra Series Large Cap Growth
                                18%  Ultra Series Mid Cap
                                10%  Ultra Series Small Cap
                                30%  Ultra Series International Stock
Aggressive I-Model               8%  Ultra Series Bond
                                 2%  Ultra Series High Income
                                14%  Ultra Series Large Cap Value
                                18%  Ultra Series Large Cap Growth
                                 9%  Ultra Series Mid Cap
                                 9%  Ultra Series Mid Cap Growth
                                 6%  Ultra Series Small Cap
                                 4%  Ultra Series Small Cap Growth
                                10%  Ultra Series Global Securities
                                20%  Ultra Series International Stock
Conservative R-Model             5%  Franklin Income Securities
                                10%  PIMCO Global Bond
                                10%  Franklin High Income Securities
                                25%  PIMCO Total Return
                                13%  Oppenheimer Main Street
                                16%  Van Kampen Growth and Income
                                 4%  Van Kampen Mid Cap Growth
                                 3%  Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap
                                 3%  Franklin Mutual Global Discovery Securities
                                 6%  Oppenheimer International Growth
                                 2%  Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate
                                 3%  PIMCO CommodityRealReturn Strategy
Conservative/Moderate R-Model    5%  Franklin Income Securities
                                 8%  PIMCO Global Bond
                                 8%  Franklin High Income Securities
                                19%  PIMCO Total Return
                                15%  Oppenheimer Main Street
                                15%  Van Kampen Growth and Income
                                 6%  Van Kampen Mid Cap Growth
                                 5%  Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap
                                 4%  Franklin Mutual Global Discovery Securities
                                 9%  Oppenheimer International Growth
                                 2%  Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate
                                 4%  PIMCO CommodityRealReturn Strategy
Moderate R-Model                 5%  Franklin Income Securities
                                 6%  PIMCO Global Bond
                                 6%  Franklin High Income Securities
                                13%  PIMCO Total Return
                                17%  Oppenheimer Main Street
                                14%  Van Kampen Growth and Income
                                 8%  Van Kampen Mid Cap Growth
                                 6%  Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap
                                 7%  Franklin Mutual Global Discovery Securities
                                11%  Oppenheimer International Growth
                                 3%  Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate
                                 4%  PIMCO CommodityRealReturn Strategy


          Model                 Mix            Subaccounts(1)
Moderate/Aggressive R-Model      5%  PIMCO Global Bond
                                 4%  Franklin High Income Securities
                                11%  PIMCO Total Return Portfolio
                                18%  Oppenheimer Main Street
                                12%  Van Kampen Growth and Income
                                10%  Van Kampen Mid Cap Growth
                                 8%  Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap
                                 8%  Franklin Mutual Global Discovery Securities
                                16%  Oppenheimer International Growth
                                 4%  Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate
                                 4%  CommodityRealReturn Strategy
Aggressive R-Model               5%  Ultra Series Global Bond
                                 2%  Franklin High Income Securities
                                 3%  PIMCO Total Return
                                20%  Oppenheimer Main Street
                                12%  Van Kampen Growth and Income Portfolio
                                10%  Van Kampen Mid Cap Growth Portfolio
                                10%  Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap
                                10%  Franklin Mutual Global Discovery Securities
                                20%  Oppenheimer International Growth
                                 4%  Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate
                                 4%  PIMCO CommodityRealReturn Strategy
Conservative C-Model            25%  Ultra Series Bond
                                10%  Franklin High Income Securities
                                10%  PIMCO Global Bond
                                 5%  PIMCO Total Return
                                16%  Van Kampen Growth and Income
                                10%  Ultra Series Large Cap Growth
                                 8%  Ultra Series Mid Cap
                                 2%  Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap
                                 7%  Ultra Series International Stock
                                 2%  Oppenheimer International Growth
                                 2%  Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate
                                 3%  PIMCO CommodityRealReturn Strategy
Conservative/Moderate C-Model   20%  Ultra Series Bond
                                 8%  Franklin High Income Securities
                                 8%  PIMCO Global Bond
                                 4%  PIMCO Total Return
                                16%  Van Kampen Growth and Income
                                12%  Ultra Series Large Cap Growth
                                10%  Ultra Series Mid Cap
                                 3%  Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap
                                 8%  Ultra Series International Stock
                                 5%  Oppenheimer International Growth
                                 2%  Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate
                                 4%  PIMCO CommodityRealReturn Strategy
Moderate C-Model                15%  Ultra Series Bond
                                 6%  Franklin High Income Securities
                                 6%  PIMCO Global Bond
                                 3%  PIMCO Total Return
                                16%  Van Kampen Growth and Income
                                14%  Ultra Series Large Cap Growth
                                11%  Ultra Series Mid Cap
                                 4%  Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap
                                10%  Ultra Series International Stock
                                 8%  Oppenheimer International Growth
                                 3%  Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate
                                 4%  Ultra Series CommodityRealReturn Strategy


          Model                 Mix            Subaccounts(1)
Moderate/Aggressive C-Model      8%  Ultra Series Bond
                                 4%  Franklin High Income Securities
                                 5%  PIMCO Global Bond
                                 3%  PIMCO Total Return
                                13%  Van Kampen Growth and Income
                                17%  Ultra Series Large Cap Growth
                                11%  Ultra Series Mid Cap
                                 7%  Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap
                                14%  Ultra Series International Stock
                                10%  Oppenheimer International Growth
                                 4%  Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate
                                 4%  PIMCO CommodityRealReturn Strategy
Aggressive C-Model               3%  Ultra Series Bond
                                 2%  Franklin High Income Securities
                                 5%  PIMCO Global Bond
                                12%  Van Kampen Growth and Income
                                18%  Ultra Series Large Cap Growth
                                12%  Ultra Series Mid Cap
                                10%  Oppenheimer Main Street Small Cap
                                17%  Ultra Series International Stock
                                13%  Oppenheimer International Growth
                                 4%  Invesco V.I. Global Real Estate
                                 4%  PIMCO CommodityRealReturn Strategy
(1)For the Ultra Series Fund, the models are composed of either the Class I or
the Class II Subaccount depending on which Subaccount is available for your

Foundation Account. The Benefit Allocation Plans do not include the Foundation

Excess Withdrawals under Income Later. If your Non-Lifetime Withdrawal is also
an excess withdrawal, your Simple Interest Benefit Basis will be reset to equal
the lesser of (a) the Simple Interest Benefit Basis as of the date of the
withdrawal, minus the excess withdrawal amount, or (b) the reset Lifetime
Benefit Basis. The annual credit to the Simple Interest Benefit Basis, when it
resumes, will be equal to the reset Simple Interest Benefit Basis multiplied by
the Simple Interest Benefit Increase rate.

Reset Lifetime Benefit Basis. If an excess withdrawal occurs, the Lifetime
Benefit Basis will be reset to equal the previous Lifetime Benefit Basis reduced
by the greater of:

  a.)  the excess withdrawal amount; or
  b.)  a proportional adjustment amount that is equal to (1) divided by (2),
       with the result multiplied by (3), where:

         (1) = the excess withdrawal amount.
         (2) = the contract value prior to the withdrawal minus the remaining
               GALWA, if any, at the time of withdrawal. The remaining GALWA
               is the amount available for withdrawal without exceeding the
         (3) = the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal.

Reset Simple Interest Benefit Basis If an excess withdrawal occurs, the SIBB
will be reset to equal to the lesser of:

  a)  the SIBB as of the date of withdrawal, minus the excess withdrawal
      amount; or
  b)  the rest of LLB

                                INCOME NOW OPTION

BASE ASSUMPTIONS: Assume an initial purchase payment of $100,000 choosing the
B-Share option and an issue age of 65.

This means:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000.
  o  The GALWA is $5,100 if a withdrawal is taken immediately (5.10% rate for
     withdrawals beginning at attained age 65 * $100,000).
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit provided by the rider is $100,000.
  o  All withdrawal figures shown indicate the total amount withdrawn from the
     Contract and, assume that no surrender charge applies. Any surrender charge
     will reduce the amount payable to the Owner.


  o  The death benefit adjustment calculations described here do not apply to
     death benefits that are not provided by the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
     Benefit rider chosen.
  o  There are no additional purchase payments during the window period, except
     where explicitly stated.

the Base Assumptions, the Owner makes an additional purchase payment of $50,000
within the window period.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $150,000, which is the prior Lifetime Benefit
     Basis plus the additional purchase payment.
  o  The GALWA is $7,650, which is 5.10% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $150,000, which is the prior death
     benefit plus the additional purchase payment.

with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws the GALWA ($5,100 = $100,000 *
5.10%) before the first Contract Anniversary.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000; this does not change because the
     withdrawal does not exceed the $5,100 GALWA.
  o  The GALWA is $5,100; this does not change because the withdrawal does not
     exceed the $5,100 GALWA.
  o  Because the withdrawal is less than or equal to the GALWA, the adjustment
     to the death benefit is equal to the withdrawal amount, so the new Minimum
     Guaranteed Death Benefit is $94,900, which is the prior Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit of $100,000 less the withdrawal of $5,100.

LIFETIME BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws
$50,000 after the third Contract Anniversary (but before the fourth). Assume the
Contract Value is $150,000 at the time of the withdrawal, no prior withdrawals
have occurred and no prior step ups have occurred. The Minimum Guaranteed Death
Benefit is $100,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $109,000. It was increased by 3% of the
     initial Lifetime Benefit Basis ($3,000) on each of the first three Contract
     Anniversaries; for a total increase of $9,000 - assumes that the Lifetime
     Benefit Basis has not been stepped-up to a higher amount.
  o  The GALWA at this time, prior to the $50,000 withdrawal, is $5,886 (5.40%
     rate for age 68 times the $109,000 Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The new Lifetime Benefit Basis is $64,886, because the $50,000 withdrawal
     exceeds the $5,886 GALWA. The Lifetime Benefit Basis adjusted by the
     greater of (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The amount of the excess withdrawal: $44,114
             o  The excess withdrawal is the total withdrawal amount of $50,000
                less the GALWA of $5,886 ($50,000 - $5,886 = $44,114).
       2.  A proportional adjustment of $33,365.43 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $44,114,
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the GALWA ($150,000 - $5,886 = $144,114) and
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $109,000.
             o  For an adjustment of $44,114 [Divide] $144,114 * $109,000 =
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $44,114, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $64,886 ($109,000 - $44,114 = $64,886).
  o  The GALWA is $3,503.84 after the withdrawal, which is 5.40% (the rate for
     age 68) of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  Because the withdrawal amount exceeds the GALWA, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows
       1.  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $50,000 for
           the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $44,114 ($50,000 - $5,886 = $44,114).
           o  $44,114 [Divide] $150,000 * $100,000 - $44,114 = -$14,704.67.
  o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments is
     $100,000 - $50,000 - (-$14,704.67) = $64,704.67.

BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, withdraw $50,000 after the
third Contract Anniversary but before the fourth, with a Contract Value of
$80,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals or step ups have
occurred). The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $100,000 at the time of the

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $109,000. It was increased by 3% of the
     initial basis ($3,000) on each of the first three Contract Anniversaries,
     for a total increase of $9,000.
  o  The GALWA at this time (before the $50,000 withdrawal) is $5,886 (5.4% rate
     for age 68 times the $109,000 Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $44,121.22 because the withdrawal
     exceeds the $5,886 GALWA. The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted by the
     greater of (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The amount of the excess withdrawal: $44,114.


             o  The excess withdrawal is the total withdrawal amount of $50,000
                less the GALWA of $5,886 ($50,000 - $5,886 = $44,114).
       2.  A proportional adjustment of $64,878.78 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $44,114.
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the GALWA ($80,000 - $5,886 = $74,114).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $109,000.
             o  For an adjustment of $44,114 [Divide] $74,114 * $109,000 =
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $64,878.78, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $44,121.22 ($109,000 - $64,878.78 = $44,121.22).
  o  The GALWA is $2,382.55, which is 5.4% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  Because the withdrawal amount exceeds the GALWA, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows:
       1.  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $50,000 for
           the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $44,114 ($50,000 - $5,886 = $44,114).
             o  $44,114 [Divide] $80,000 * $100,000 - $44,114 = $11,028.50.
  o  New Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments $100,000 -
     $50,000 - $11,028.50 = $38,971.50.

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume no withdrawals have been taken, no
prior step ups have occurred, and the Contract Value on the third Contract
Anniversary is $125,000.

  o  The existing Lifetime Benefit Basis is $109,000. It was increased by 3% of
     the initial basis ($3,000) on each of the first three Contract
  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $125,000.
  o  The GALWA after the step up is $6,750 (5.40% rate for age 68 times the
     $125,000 stepped-up Lifetime Benefit Basis).
       NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current charge,
       up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit remains $100,000 - it is not impacted
     by a step up.

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume the Owner began receiving the $5,100
GALWA beginning in the first Contract Year and no additional excess withdrawals
have been taken. Also assumes that no prior step ups have occurred. The Contract
Value on the third Contract Anniversary is $110,000.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis before step up is $100,000. Because withdrawals
     began immediately, the Lifetime Benefit Basis did not increase due to the
     Simple Interest Benefit.
  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $110,000.
  o  The GALWA after the step up is $5,940 (5.40% rate for age 68 - Because a
     step up occurs, the withdrawal percentage is reestablished based on the
     current age at the time of the step up.).
       NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current charge,
       up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit would be $84,700, the initial $100,000
     reduced for each of the $5,100 withdrawals previously taken.

BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume the Owner began receiving the
$5,100 GALWA beginning in the first Contract Year and no additional excess
withdrawals have been taken. Also assumes that no prior step ups have occurred.
The Contract Value on the third Contract Anniversary is $95,000.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000. Because withdrawals began
     immediately, the Lifetime Benefit Basis did not increase due to the Simple
     Interest Benefit.
  o  The Owner cannot step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis because the current
     Contract Value is less than the current Benefit Basis.
  o  The GALWA remains at $5,100 (5.10% rate for age 65 - the time of the first
  o  Because no step up occurs, the withdrawal percentage does not change.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit would be $84,700, the initial $100,000
     reduced for each of the $5,100 withdrawals previously taken.

EXCESS WITHDRAWAL OF THE RIDER YEAR): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the
Owner begins making monthly withdraws of $425 immediately. After 10 withdrawals
have taken place, the Owner makes an additional $10,000 withdrawal. Assume the
Contract Value is $105,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is before the additional withdrawal is $100,000.
     Because the prior withdrawals were not excess withdrawals, the Lifetime
     Benefit Basis has not changed.


  o  The GALWA at this time, prior to the $10,000 withdrawal, is $5,100. There
     has been a total of $4,250 withdrawn to this point this year (10
     withdrawals of $425). The remaining lifetime withdrawal for the Contract
     Year is $850 ($5,100 - $4,250 = $850).
  o  The excess withdrawal amount is $9,150 which is the $10,000 withdrawal
     amount less the $850 of lifetime withdrawal remaining for the year.
  o  The new Lifetime Benefit Basis is $90,850 because the $10,000 withdrawal
     exceeds the $850 remaining GALWA. The Lifetime Benefit Basis adjusted by
     the greater of (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The amount of the excess withdrawal: $9,150.
             o  The excess withdrawal is the total withdrawal amount of $10,000
                less the remaining GALWA of $850 ($10,000 - $850 = $9150).
       2.  A proportional adjustment of $8,785.41 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $9,150.
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the remaining GALWA ($105,000 - $850 = $104,150).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $100,000.
             o  For an adjustment of $9,150 [Divide] $104,150 * $100,000 =
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $9,150, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $90,850 ($100,000 - $9,150 = $90,850).
  o  The GALWA is $4,633.35 after the withdrawal, which is 5.10% (the rate for
     age 65) of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis. This amount will be available
     after the next Rider Anniversary.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit before the withdrawal is $95,750. The
     initial $100,000 has been reduced a total of $4,250 for the 10 prior
  o  Because the withdrawal is an excess withdrawal, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows:
       1.  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $10,000 for
           the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $9,150 ($10,000 - $850 = $9,150).
             o  $9,150 [Divide] $105,000 * $95,750 - $9,150 = -$806.07.
  o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments is $95,750
     - $10,000 - (-$806.07) = $86,556.07.

the Owner chooses to take an additional $25,000 withdrawal before the next Rider
Anniversary. Assume the Contract Value is $80,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis before the withdrawal is $90,850 as adjusted
     for the previous excess withdrawal.
  o  The GALWA at this time, prior to this withdrawal, is $4,633.35. However,
     because there has already been an excess withdrawal, the remaining
     lifetime withdrawal for this rider year is zero.
  o  Because the remaining lifetime withdrawal for this rider year is zero, the
     entire withdrawal is an excess withdrawal.
  o  The new Lifetime Benefit Basis is $62,459.37 because the $25,000 is an
     excess withdrawal, Lifetime Benefit Basis adjusted by the greater of (1)
     or (2) below:
       1.  The amount of the excess withdrawal: $25,000.
       2.  A proportional adjustment of $28,390.63 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $25,000.
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the remaining GALWA ($80,000 - $0 = $80,000).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $90,850.
             o  For an adjustment of $25,000 [Divide] $80,000 * $90,850 =
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $28,390.63, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $62,459.37 ($90,850 - $28,390.63 = $62,459.37).
  o  The GALWA is $3,185.43, which is 5.10% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
     This amount will be available after the next Rider Anniversary.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit before the withdrawal is $86,556.07,
     as adjusted for the previous withdrawals.
  o  Because the withdrawal is an excess withdrawal, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows:
       1.  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $25,000 for
           the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $25,000.
             o  $25,000 [Divide] $80,000 * $86,556.07 - $25,000 = $2,048.77.
  o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments is
     $86,556.07 - $25,000 - $2,048.77 = $59,507.30.

                               INCOME LATER OPTION

BASE ASSUMPTIONS: Assume an initial purchase payment of $100,000 choosing the
B-Share option and an issue age of 68.

This means:


  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000.
  o  The GALWA is $4,500 if a withdrawal is taken immediately (4.50% rate for
     withdrawals beginning at attained age 68 x $100,000).
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit provided by the rider is $100,000.
  o  All withdrawal figures shown indicate the total amount withdrawn from the
     Contract and, assume that no surrender charge applies. Any surrender
     charge will reduce the amount payable to the Owner.
  o  The death benefit adjustment calculations described here do not apply to
     death benefits that are not provided by the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
     Benefit rider chosen.

the Base Assumptions, the Owner makes an additional purchase payment of $50,000
within the window period.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $150,000, which is the prior Lifetime
     Benefit Basis plus the additional purchase payment.
  o  The GALWA is $6,750, which is 4.50% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $150,000, which is the prior
     Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit plus the additional purchase payment.

with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws the GALWA ($4,500 = $100,000 *
4.50%) before the first Contract Anniversary.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000; this does not change because the
     withdrawal does not exceed the $4,500 GALWA.
  o  The GALWA is $4,500; this does not change because the withdrawal does not
     exceed the $4,500 GALWA.
  o  Because the withdrawal is less than or equal to the GALWA, the adjustment
     to the Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is equal to the withdrawal amount,
     so the new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $95,500, which is the prior
     Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit of $100,000 less the withdrawal of $4,500.

A LATER DATE): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws the
$4,500 before the first Contract Anniversary. No additional withdrawals are made
until the Owner begins taking lifetime withdrawals after the fifth Contract
Anniversary but before the sixth.

  o  Because the $4,500 withdrawal in the first year does not exceed the $4,500,
     GALWA it is not an excess withdrawal, and;
       o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis remains $100,000.
       o  The GALWA remains $4,500.
       o  Because the withdrawal is less than or equal to the GALWA, the
          adjustment to the Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is equal to the
          withdrawal amount, so the new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is
          $95,500, which is the prior Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit of
          $100,000 less the withdrawal of $4,500.
  o  On the fifth anniversary the Lifetime Benefit Basis is $128,000. Because
     there was a Non-lifetime Withdrawal in the first Contract Year, the
     Benefit Basis does not increase because of the Simple Interest Benefit.
     Additionally, because the Owner has not taken any withdrawals Because the
     initial withdrawal, the Simple Interest Benefit commences with the second
     Rider Anniversary and the Lifetime Benefit Basis is increased by 7% of the
     initial Lifetime Benefit Basis for each of the rider anniversaries until
     the first lifetime withdrawal. In this case, four anniversaries ($7,000 *
     4 = $28,000) - Assuming that no prior step ups have occurred to increase
     the Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  The GALWA is $6,400 which is 5.00% (the rate for age 73) multiplied by the
     new Lifetime Benefit Basis of $128,000.
  o  The Owner takes a lifetime withdrawal of $6,400.
  o  Because the $6,400 withdrawal does not exceed the GALWA, it is not an
     excess withdrawal, and;
       o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis remains $128,000.
       o  The GALWA remains $6,400.
       o  Because the withdrawal is less than or equal to the GALWA, the
          adjustment to the Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is equal to the
          withdrawal amount, so the new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is
          $89,100, which is the prior Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit of
          $95,500 less the withdrawal of $6,400.

LIFETIME BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws
$50,000 after the third Contract Anniversary (but before the fourth). Assume the
Contract Value is $150,000 at the time of the withdrawal, no prior withdrawals
have occurred and no prior step ups have occurred. The Minimum Guaranteed Death
Benefit is $100,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $121,000. It was increased by 7% of the
     initial Lifetime Benefit Basis ($7,000) on each of the first three Contract
     Anniversaries; for a total increase of $21,000 - assumes that the Lifetime
     Benefit Basis has not been stepped-up to a higher amount.
  o  The GALWA at this time, prior to the $50,000 withdrawal, is $6,050 (5.00%
     rate for age 71 times the $121,000 Lifetime Benefit Basis).


  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $77,050 because the $50,000
     withdrawal exceeds the $6,050 GALWA. The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted
     by the greater of (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The amount of the excess withdrawal: $43,950.
             o  The excess withdrawal is the total withdrawal amount of $50,000
                less the GALWA of $6,050 ($50,000 - $6,050 = $43,950).
       2.  A proportional adjustment of $36,943.04 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $43,950.
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the GALWA ($150,000 - $6,050 = $143,950).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $121,000.
             o  For an adjustment of $43,950 [Divide] $143,950 * $121,000 =
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $43,950, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $77,050 ($121,000 - $43,950 = $77,050).
  o  The GALWA is $3,852.50 after the withdrawal, which is 5.00% (the rate for
     age 71) of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  Because the withdrawal amount exceeds the GALWA, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows:
       1.  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $50,000 for
           the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $43,950 ($50,000 - $6,050 = $43,950).
             o  $43,950 [Divide] $150,000 * $100,000 - $43,950 = -$14,650.
  o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments is $100,000
     - $50,000 - (-$14,650) = $64,650.

BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, withdraw $50,000 after the
third Contract Anniversary but before the fourth, with a Contract Value of
$80,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals or step ups have
occurred). The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $100,000 at the time of the

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $121,000. It was increased by 7% of the
     initial basis ($7,000) on each of the first three Contract Anniversaries,
     for a total increase of $21,000.
  o  The GALWA at this time (before the $50,000 withdrawal) is $6,050 (5.00%
     rate for age 71 times the $121,000 Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $49,087.22 because the withdrawal
     exceeds the $6,050 GALWA. The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted by the
     greater of (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The amount of the excess withdrawal: $43,950.
             o  The excess withdrawal is the total withdrawal amount of $50,000
                less the GALWA of $6,050 ($50,000 - $6,050 = $43,950).
       2.  A proportional adjustment of $71,912.78 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $43,950.
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the GALWA ($80,000 - $6,050 = $73,950).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $121,000.
             o  For an adjustment of $43,950 [Divide] $73,950 * $121,000 =
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $71,912.78, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $49,087.22 ($121,000 - $71,912.78 = $49,087.22).
  o  The GALWA is $2,454.36, which is 5.00% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  Because the withdrawal amount exceeds the GALWA, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows:
       1.  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $50,000 for
           the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $43,950 ($50,000 - $6,050 = $43,950).
             o  $43,950 [Divide] $80,000 * $100,000 - $43,950 = $10,987.50.
  o  New Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments $100,000 -
     $50,000 - $10,987.50 = $39,012.50.

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume no withdrawals have been taken, no
prior step ups have occurred, and the Contract Value on the third Contract
Anniversary is $145,000.

  o  The existing Lifetime Benefit Basis is $121,000. It was increased by 7% of
     the initial basis ($7,000) on each of the first three Contract
  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $145,000.
  o  The GALWA after the step up is $7,250 (5.00% rate for age 71 times the
     $145,000 stepped-up Lifetime Benefit Basis).
       NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current charge,
       up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit remains $100,000 - it is not impacted
     by a step up.


Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume the Owner began receiving the $4,500
GALWA beginning in the first Contract Year and no additional excess withdrawals
have been taken. Also assumes that no prior step ups have occurred. The Contract
Value on the third Contract Anniversary is $110,000.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis before step up is $100,000. Because withdrawals
     began immediately, the Lifetime Benefit Basis did not increase due to the
     Simple Interest Benefit.
  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $110,000.
  o  The GALWA after the step up is $4,950 (4.50% rate for age 68 - the
     withdrawal percentage is locked in based on the age at the time of the
     first lifetime withdrawal).
       NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current charge,
       up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit would be $86,500, the initial $100,000
     reduced for each of the $4,500 withdrawals previously taken.

BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume the Owner began receiving the
$4,500 GALWA beginning in the first Contract Year and no additional excess
withdrawals have been taken. Also assumes that no prior step ups have occurred.
The Contract Value on the third Contract Anniversary is $95,000.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000. Because withdrawals began
     immediately, the Lifetime Benefit Basis did not increase due to the Simple
     Interest Benefit.
  o  The Owner cannot step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis because the current
     Contract Value is less than the current Benefit Basis.
  o  The GALWA remains at $4,500 (4.50% rate for age 68 - the time of the first
  o  Because no step up occurs, the GALWA does not change.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit would be $86,500, the initial
     $100,000 reduced for each of the $4,500 withdrawals previously taken.

EXCESS WITHDRAWAL OF THE RIDER YEAR): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the
Owner begins making monthly withdrawals of $375.00 immediately. After 10
withdrawals have taken place, the Owner makes an additional $10,000 withdrawal.
Assume the Contract Value is $105,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is before the additional withdrawal is
     $100,000. Because the prior withdrawals were not excess withdrawals, the
     Lifetime Benefit Basis has not changed.
  o  The GALWA at this time, prior to the $10,000 withdrawal, is $4,500. There
     has been a total of $3,750 withdrawn to this point this year (10
     withdrawals of $375). The remaining lifetime withdrawal for the Contract
     Year is $750 ($4,500 - $3,750 = $750).
  o  The excess withdrawal amount is $9,250 which is the $10,000 withdrawal
     amount less the $750 of lifetime withdrawal remaining for the year.
  o  The new Lifetime Benefit Basis is $90,750 because the $10,000 withdrawal
     exceeds the $750.00 remaining GALWA. The Lifetime Benefit Basis adjusted
     by the greater of (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The amount of the excess withdrawal: $9,250
             o  The excess withdrawal is the total withdrawal amount of $10,000
                less the remaining GALWA of $750 ($10,000 - $750 = $9,250)
       2.  A proportional adjustment of $8,872.90 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $9,250.
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced
                by the remaining GALWA ($105,000 - $750 = $104,250).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the
                withdrawal of $100,000.
             o  For an adjustment of $9,250 [Divide] $104,250 * $100,000 =
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $9,250, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $90,750 ($100,000 - $9,250 = $90,750).
  o  The GALWA is $4,083.75 after the withdrawal, which is 4.50% (the rate for
     age 68) of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis. This amount will be available
     after the next Rider Anniversary.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit before the withdrawal is $96,250. The
     initial $100,000 has been reduced a total of $3,750 for the 10 prior
  o  Because the withdrawal is an excess withdrawal, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows:
       1.  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $10,000 for
           the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $9,250.00 ($10,000 - $750 = $9,250).
             o  $9,250 [Divide] $105,000 * $96,250 - $9,250 = -$770.83
  o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments $96,250 -
     $10,000 - (-$770.83) = $87,020.83.


the Owner chooses to take an additional $25,000 withdrawal before the next Rider
Anniversary. Assume the Contract Value is $80,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis before the withdrawal is $90,750 as adjusted
     for the previous excess withdrawal.
  o  The GALWA at this time, prior to this withdrawal, is $4,083.75. However,
     because there has already been an excess withdrawal, the remaining
     lifetime withdrawal for this rider year is zero.
  o  Because the remaining lifetime withdrawal for this rider year is zero, the
     entire withdrawal is an excess withdrawal.
  o  The new Lifetime Benefit Basis is $62,390.62 because the $25,000 is an
     excess withdrawal, the Lifetime Benefit Basis adjusted by the greater of
     (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The amount of the excess withdrawal: $25,000
       2.  A proportional adjustment of $28,359.38 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $25,000.
             o  Divided by the contract value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the remaining GALWA ($80,000 - $0 = $80,000).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $90,750.
             o  For an adjustment of $25,000 [Divide] $80,000 * $90,750 =
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $28,359.38, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $62,390.62 ($90,750 - $28,359.38 = $62,390.62).
  o  The GALWA is $2,807.58, which is 4.50% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
     This amount will be available after the next Rider Anniversary.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit before the withdrawal is $87,020.83,
     as adjusted for the previous withdrawals.
  o  Because the withdrawal is an excess withdrawal, the death benefit will be
     adjusted as follows:
       1.  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $25,000 for
           the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $25,000.
             o  $25,000 [Divide] $80,000 * $87,020.83 - $25,000 = $2,194.01.

  o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments $87,020.83
     - $25,000 - $2,194.01 = $59,826.82.


CONVERSION): A Contract Owner purchases a contract with a Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider at age 60. At age 65, the Owner decides to convert to
an Income Now Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider. The initial premium
on the Contract is $100,000, no withdrawals have occurred and no additional
purchase payments have been made. The Contract Value is $125,000 and the
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis is $100,000 at the time of the
conversion. Upon conversion:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $125,000 (the greater of the Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis and the Contract Value).
  o  The GALWA is $6,375 (5.10% - the withdrawal percentage for age 65
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis). This amount is available

If the Owner waits at least five years (but less than six) after conversion
before taking the first withdrawal, the Contract Value is $130,000 at the time
of the first withdrawal, and no step ups have occurred:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $143,750 (it was increased by $3,750 - 3% of
     $125,000 each year).
  o  The GALWA is $8,050 (5.60% - the withdrawal percentage for age 70
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The Owner withdraws $8,050, and the GALWA will remain $8,050 unless the
     Owner steps up the Benefit Basis.

CONVERSION): A Contract Owner purchases a Contract with a Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider at age 60. At age 65, the Owner decides to convert to
an Income Now Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider. The initial premium
on the Contract is $100,000, no withdrawals have occurred and no additional
purchase payments have been made. The Contract Value is $85,000 at the time of
the conversion and the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis is
$100,000. Upon conversion:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000 (the greater of the Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis and the Contract Value).
  o  The GALWA is $5,100 (5.10% - the withdrawal percentage for age 65
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis). This amount is available


If the Owner waits at least five years (but less than six) after conversion
before taking the first withdrawal, the Contract Value is $130,000 at the time
of the first withdrawal, and no step ups have occurred:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $115,000 (it was increased by $3,000 - 3% of
     $100,000 each rider year).
  o  The GALWA is $6,440 (5.60% - the withdrawal percentage for age 70
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The Owner withdraws $6,440, and the GALWA will remain $6,440 unless the
     Owner steps up the Benefit Basis.

purchases a contract with a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider at age
60. At age 65, the Owner decides to convert to an Income Now Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit rider. The initial premium on the Contract is $100,000 and no
additional purchase payments have been made. The Contract Owner previously
withdrew $50,000. The Contract Value is $75,000 at the time of the conversion
and the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis is $50,000 - as adjusted
for the prior withdrawal. Upon conversion:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $75,000 (the greater of the Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis and the Contract Value).
  o  The GALWA is $3,825 (5.10% - the withdrawal percentage for age 65
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis). This amount is available

If the Owner waits at least five years (but less than six) after conversion
before taking the first withdrawal, the Contract Value is $80,000 at the time of
the first withdrawal, and no step ups have occurred:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $86,250 (it was increased by $2,250 - 3% of
     $75,000 each year).
  o  The GALWA is $4,830 (5.60% - the withdrawal percentage for age 70
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The Owner withdraws $4,830, and the GALWA will remain $4,830 unless the
     Owner steps up the Benefit Basis.


CONVERSION): A Contract Owner purchases a Contract with a Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider at age 60. At age 65, the Owner decides to convert to
an Income Later Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider. The initial
premium on the Contract is $100,000, no withdrawals have occurred and no
additional purchase payments have been made. The Contract Value is $125,000 at
the time of the conversion and the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis
is $100,000. Upon conversion:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $125,000 (the greater of the Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis and the contract value).
  o  The GALWA is $5,625 (4.50% - the withdrawal percentage for age 65
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis). This amount is available

If the Owner waits at least five years (but less than six) after conversion
before taking the first withdrawal, the Contract Value is $130,000 at the time
of the first withdrawal, and no step ups have occurred:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $168,750 (it was increased by $8,750 - 7% of
     $125,000 each year).
  o  The GALWA is $8,437.50 (5.00% - the withdrawal percentage for age 70
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The Owner withdraws $8,437.50, and the GALWA will remain $8,437.50 unless
     the Owner steps up the Benefit Basis.

Contract with a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider at age 60. At age
65, the Owner decides to convert to an Income Later Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit rider. The initial premium on the Contract is $100,000, no
withdrawals have occurred and no additional purchase payments have been made.
The Contract Value is $85,000 at the time of the conversion and the Guaranteed
Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis is $100,000. Upon conversion:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000 (the greater of the Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis and the Contract Value).
  o  The GALWA is $4,500 (4.50% - the withdrawal percentage for age 65
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis). This amount is available

If the Owner waits at least five years (but less than six) after conversion
before taking the first withdrawal, the Contract Value is $130,000 at the time
of the first withdrawal, and no step ups have occurred:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $135,000 (it was increased by $7,000 - 7% of
     $100,000 each year).
  o  The GALWA is $6,750 (5.00% - the withdrawal percentage for age 70
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The Owner withdraws $6,750, and the GALWA will remain $6,750 unless the
     Owner steps up the Benefit Basis.


purchases a Contract with a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider at age
60. At age 65, the Owner decides to convert to an Income Later Guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider. The initial premium on the Contract is
$100,000 and no additional purchase payments have been made. The Contract Owner
previously withdrew $50,000. The Contract Value is $75,000 at the time of the
conversion and the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis is $50,000 - as
adjusted for the prior withdrawal. Upon conversion:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $75,000 (the greater of the Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis and the Contract Value).
  o  The GALWA is $3,375 (4.50% - the withdrawal percentage for age 65
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis). This amount is available

If the Owner waits at least five years (but less than six) after conversion
before taking the first withdrawal, the Contract Value is $90,000 at the time of
the first withdrawal, and no step ups have occurred:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $101,250 (it was increased by $5,250 - 7% of
     $75,000 each year).
  o  The GALWA is $5,062.50 (5.00 % - the withdrawal percentage for age 70
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The Owner withdraws $5,062.50, and the GALWA will remain $5,062.50 unless
     the Owner steps up the Benefit Basis.


                                   APPENDIX F
                        2009 BUT BEFORE OCTOBER 19, 2009

Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit riders issued after April 30, 2009 but
before October 19, 2009 have the same features described in this Prospectus for
the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit riders, except as discussed in this
Appendix. This discussion is applicable to riders issued between the dates set
forth above as well riders that may be issued on or after October 19, 2009 in
states that have not approved a more current version of this rider or riders
that may be issued in connection with applications signed prior to October 19,

Amount of your GALWA. The annual lifetime benefit percentages for Annuitants
under the Income Now rider is as follows:

                                                   Attained Age of Annuitant
Age             55    56    57    58    59    60    61    62    63    64    65    66    67    68    69    70    71    72    73
Percentage     4.2   4.4   4.6   4.8   5.1   5.2   5.3   5.4   5.5   5.6   5.7   5.8   5.9   6.0   6.1   6.2   6.3   6.4   6.5

Age             74    75    76    77    78    79    80    81    82    83    84    85
Percentage     6.6   6.7   6.8   6.9   7.0   7.1   7.2   7.3   7.4   7.5   7.6   7.7

                                    Joint Annuitants - Attained Age of Younger Annuitant(1)
Age             55    56    57    58    59    60    61    62    63    64    65    66    67    68    69    70    71    72    73
Percentage     3.2   3.4   3.6   3.8   4.1   4.2   4.3   4.4   4.5   4.6   4.7   4.8   4.9   5.0   5.1   5.2   5.3   5.4   5.5

Age             74    75    76    77    78    79    80    81    82    83    84    85
Percentage     5.6   5.7   5.8   5.9   6.0   6.1   6.2   6.3   6.4   6.5   6.6   6.7

(1)If only one Annuitant is living at the time of your first withdrawal, the
percentages shown above currently will be increased by 1%.

The annual lifetime benefit percentages for Annuitants under the Income Later
rider is as follows:

                            Attained Age of Annuitant
           Age              55-58    59-64     65-69     70-79     80+
           Percentage         4       4.5        5        5.5       6

             Joint Annuitants - Attained Age of Younger Annuitant(1)
           Age              55-58     59-64    65-69     70-79     80+
           Percentage         3        3.5       4        4.5       5

(1)If only one Annuitant is living at the time of your first withdrawal, the
percentages shown above currently will be increased by 1%.

Simple Interest Benefit. Under the Income Later rider, the Simple Interest
Benefit increase will equal simple interest of 8% of the Lifetime Benefit Basis
at the end of the first rider year (before any Step-Up increase).

Benefit Allocation Plans. Different Benefit Allocation Plans (f/k/a Benefit
Allocation Models) were available at the time these riders were issued. Current
Contract Owners may continue to use their current Benefit Allocation Plan.
However, only the Benefit Allocation Plans described in Appendix E are available
if the Contract Owner wishes to change allocation options.

Foundation Account. The Benefit Allocation Plans do not include the Foundation

Covered Person. References are to the Annuitant and not the Covered Person.

Excess Withdrawals under Income Later. If your Non-Lifetime Withdrawal is also
an excess withdrawal, your Simple Interest Benefit Basis will be reset to equal
the lesser of (a) the Simple Interest Benefit Basis as of the date of the
withdrawal, minus the excess withdrawal amount, or (b) the reset Lifetime
Benefit Basis. The annual credit to the Simple Interest Benefit Basis, when it
resumes, will be equal to the reset Simple Interest Benefit Basis multiplied by
the Simple Interest Benefit Increase rate.

Continuation Benefit. There is no continuation benefit.

Reset Lifetime Benefit Basis. If an excess withdrawal occurs, the Lifetime
Benefit Basis will be reset to equal the previous Lifetime Benefit Basis reduced
by the greater of:

  a)  the excess withdrawal amount; or
  b)  a proportional adjustment amount that is equal to (1) divided by (2), with
      the result multiplied by (3), where:
      (4) = the excess withdrawal amount.
      (5) = the contract value prior to the withdrawal minus the remaining
            GALWA, if any, at the time of withdrawal. The remaining GALWA is
            the amount available for withdrawal without exceeding the GALWA.


        (6) = the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal.

Reset Simple Interest Benefit Basis If an excess withdrawal occurs, the SIBB
will be reset to equal to the lesser of:

  c)  the SIBB as of the date of withdrawal, minus the excess withdrawal
      amount; or
  d)  the reset LBB.

Rider Charge. The maximum annual charge is 1.75% and the current annual charge
is 0.85% of average daily Benefit Basis for the prior Contract Year.

                                *       *       *


                                INCOME NOW OPTION

BASE ASSUMPTIONS: Assume an initial purchase payment of $100,000 choosing the
B-Share option and an issue age of 65. This means:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000.
  o  The GALWA is $5,700 if a withdrawal is taken immediately (5.70% rate for
     withdrawals beginning at attained age 65 * $100,000).
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit provided by the rider is $100,000.
  o  All withdrawal figures shown indicate the total amount withdrawn from the
     Contract and, assume that no surrender charge applies. Any surrender charge
     will reduce the amount payable to the Owner.
  o  The death benefit adjustment calculations described here do not apply to
     death benefits that are not provided by the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
     Benefit rider chosen.

the Base Assumptions, the Owner makes an additional purchase payment of $50,000
within the window period.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $150,000, which is the prior Lifetime Benefit
     Basis plus the additional purchase payment.
  o  The GALWA is $8,550, which is 5.70% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $150,000, which is the prior death
     benefit plus the additional purchase payment.

with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws the GALWA ($5,700 = $100,000 *
5.70%) before the first Contract Anniversary.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000; this does not change because the
     withdrawal does not exceed the $5,700 GALWA.
  o  The GALWA is $5,700; this does not change because the withdrawal does not
     exceed the $5,700 GALWA.
  o  Because the withdrawal is less than or equal to the GALWA, the adjustment
     to the death benefit is equal to the withdrawal amount, so the new Minimum
     Guaranteed Death Benefit is $94,300, which is the prior Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit of $100,000 less the withdrawal of $5,700.

LIFETIME BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws
$50,000 after the third Contract Anniversary (but before the fourth). Assume the
Contract Value is $150,000 at the time of the withdrawal, no prior withdrawals
have occurred and no prior step ups have occurred. The Minimum Guaranteed Death
Benefit is $100,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $109,000. It was increased by 3% of the
     initial Lifetime Benefit Basis ($3,000) on each of the first three
     Contract Anniversaries; for a total increase of $9,000 - assumes that the
     Lifetime Benefit Basis has not been stepped-up to a higher amount.
  o  The GALWA at this time, prior to the $50,000 withdrawal, is $6,540 (6.00%
     rate for age 68 times the $109,000 Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The new Lifetime Benefit Basis is $65,540, because the $50,000 withdrawal
     exceeds the $6,540 GALWA. The Lifetime Benefit Basis adjusted by the
     greater of (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The amount of the excess withdrawal: $43,460
             o  The excess withdrawal is the total withdrawal amount of $50,000
                less the GALWA of $6,540 ($50,000 - $6,540 = $43,460).
       2.  A proportional adjustment of $33,020.63 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $43,460,
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the GALWA ($150,000 - $6,540 = $143,460) and
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $109,000.


             o  For an adjustment of $43,460 [Divide] $143,460 * $109,000 =
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $43,460, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $65,540 ($109,000 - $43,560 = $65,540).
  o  The GALWA is $3,932.40 after the withdrawal, which is 6.00% (the rate for
     age 68) of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  Because the withdrawal amount exceeds the GALWA, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows
       1.  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $50,000 for
           the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $43,460 ($50,000 - $6,540 = $43,460).
             o  $43,460 [Divide] $150,000 * $100,000 - $43,460 = -$14,486.67.
  o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments is $100,000
     - $50,000 - (-$14,468.67) = $64,486.67.

BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, withdraw $50,000 after the
third Contract Anniversary but before the fourth, with a Contract Value of
$80,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals or step ups have
occurred). The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $100,000 at the time of the

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $109,000. It was increased by 3% of the
     initial basis ($3,000) on each of the first three Contract Anniversaries,
     for a total increase of $9,000.
  o  The GALWA at this time (before the $50,000 withdrawal) is $6,540 (6.00%
     rate for age 68 times the $109,000 Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $44,514.02 because the
     withdrawal exceeds the $6,540 GALWA. The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted
     by the greater of (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The amount of the excess withdrawal: $43,460.
             o  The excess withdrawal is the total withdrawal amount of $50,000
                less the GALWA of $6,540 ($50,000 - $6,540 = $43,460).
       2.  A proportional adjustment of $33,020.63 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $43,460.
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the GALWA ($80,000 - $6,540 = $73,460).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $109,000.
             o  For an adjustment of $43,460 [Divide] $73,460 * $109,000 =
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $64,485.98, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $44,514.02 ($109,000 - $64,485.98 = $44,514.02).
  o  The GALWA is $2,670.84, which is 6.00% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  Because the withdrawal amount exceeds the GALWA, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows:
       1.  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $50,000 for
           the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $43,460 ($50,000 - $6,540 = $43,460).
             o  $43,460 [Divide] $80,000 * $100,000 - $43,460 = $10,865.
  o  New Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments $100,000 -
     $50,000 - $10,865 = $39,135.

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume no withdrawals have been taken, no
prior step ups have occurred, and the Contract Value on the third Contract
Anniversary is $125,000.

  o  The existing Lifetime Benefit Basis is $109,000. It was increased by 3% of
     the initial basis ($3,000) on each of the first three Contract
  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $125,000.
  o  The GALWA after the step up is $7,500 (6.00% rate for age 68 times the
     $125,000 stepped-up Lifetime Benefit Basis).
       NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current charge,
       up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit remains $100,000 - it is not impacted
     by a step up.

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume the Owner began receiving the $5,700
GALWA beginning in the first Contract Year and no additional excess withdrawals
have been taken. Also assumes that no prior step ups have occurred. The Contract
Value on the third Contract Anniversary is $110,000.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis before step up is $100,000. Because withdrawals
     began immediately, the Lifetime Benefit Basis did not increase due to the
     Simple Interest Benefit.
  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $110,000.
  o  The GALWA after the step up is $6,600 (6.00% rate for age 68 - Because a
     step up occurs, the withdrawal percentage is reestablished based on the
     current age at the time of the step up.).
       NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current charge,
       up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.


  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit would be $82,900, the initial $100,000
     reduced for each of the $5,700 withdrawals previously taken.

BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume the Owner began receiving the
$5,700 GALWA beginning in the first Contract Year and no additional excess
withdrawals have been taken. Also assumes that no prior step ups have occurred.
The Contract Value on the third Contract Anniversary is $95,000.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000. Because withdrawals began
     immediately, the Lifetime Benefit Basis did not increase due to the Simple
     Interest Benefit.
  o  The Owner cannot step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis because the current
     Contract Value is less than the current Benefit Basis.
  o  The GALWA remains at $5,700 (5.70% rate for age 65 - the time of the first
  o  Because no step up occurs, the withdrawal percentage does not change.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit would be $82,900, the initial $100,000
     reduced for each of the $5,700 withdrawals previously taken.

EXCESS WITHDRAWAL OF THE RIDER YEAR): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the
Owner begins making monthly withdraws of $475 immediately. After 10 withdrawals
have taken place, the Owner makes an additional $10,000 withdrawal. Assume the
Contract Value is $105,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is before the additional withdrawal is $100,000.
     Because the prior withdrawals were not excess withdrawals, the Lifetime
     Benefit Basis has not changed.
  o  The GALWA at this time, prior to the $10,000 withdrawal, is $5,700. There
     has been a total of $4,750 withdrawn to this point this year (10
     withdrawals of $475). The remaining lifetime withdrawal for the Contract
     Year is $950 ($5,700 - $4,750 = $950).
  o  The excess withdrawal amount is $9,050 which is the $10,000 withdrawal
     amount less the $950 of lifetime withdrawal remaining for the year.
  o  The new Lifetime Benefit Basis is $90,950 because the $10,000 withdrawal
     exceeds the $950 remaining GALWA. The Lifetime Benefit Basis adjusted by
     the greater of (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The amount of the excess withdrawal: $9,050.
             o  The excess withdrawal is the total withdrawal amount of $10,000
                less the remaining GALWA of $950 ($10,000 - $950 = $9,050).
       2.  A proportional adjustment of $8,697.74 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $9,050.
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the remaining GALWA ($105,000 - $950 = $104,050).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $100,000.
             o  For an adjustment of $9,050 [Divide] $104,050 * $100,000 =
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $9,050, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $90,950 ($100,000 - $9,050 = $90,950).
  o  The GALWA is $5,184.15 after the withdrawal, which is 5.70% (the rate for
     age 65) of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis. This amount will be available
     after the next Rider Anniversary.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit before the withdrawal is $95,250. The
     initial $100,000 has been reduced a total of $4,750 for the 10 prior
  o  Because the withdrawal is an excess withdrawal, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows:
       1.  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $10,000 for
           the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $9,050 ($10,000 - $950 = $9,050).
             o  $9,050 [Divide] $105,000 * $95,250 - $9,050 = -$840.36.
  o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments is $95,250 -
     $10,000 - (-$840.36) = $86,090.36.

the Owner chooses to take an additional $25,000 withdrawal before the next Rider
Anniversary. Assume the Contract Value is $80,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis before the withdrawal is $90,950 as adjusted for
     the previous excess withdrawal.
  o  The GALWA at this time, prior to this withdrawal, is $5,184.15. However,
     because there has already been an excess withdrawal, the remaining lifetime
     withdrawal for this rider year is zero.
  o  Because the remaining lifetime withdrawal for this rider year is zero, the
     entire withdrawal is an excess withdrawal.
  o  The new Lifetime Benefit Basis is $62,528.12 because the $25,000 is an
     excess withdrawal, Lifetime Benefit Basis adjusted by the greater of (1) or
     (2) below:

       1.  The amount of the excess withdrawal: $25,000.
       2.  A proportional adjustment of $28,421.88 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:


             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $25,000.
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the remaining GALWA ($80,000 - $0 = $80,000).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $90,950.
             o  For an adjustment of $25,000 [Divide] $80,000 * $90,950 =
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $28,421.88, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $62,528.12 ($90,950 - $28,421.88 = $62,528.12).
  o  The GALWA is $3,564.10, which is 5.70% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
     This amount will be available after the next Rider Anniversary.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit before the withdrawal is $86,090.36,
     as adjusted for the previous withdrawals.
  o  Because the withdrawal is an excess withdrawal, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows:
       1.  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $25,000 for
           the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $25,000.
             o  $25,000 [Divide] $80,000 x $86,090.36 - $25,000 = $1,903.24.
  o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments is
     $86,090.36 - $25,000 - $1,903.24 = $59,187.12.

                               INCOME LATER OPTION

BASE ASSUMPTIONS: Assume an initial purchase payment of $100,000 choosing the
B-Share option and an issue age of 68.

This means:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000.
  o  The GALWA is $5,000 if a withdrawal is taken immediately (5.00% rate for
     withdrawals beginning at attained age 68 * $100,000).
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit provided by the rider is $100,000.
  o  All withdrawal figures shown indicate the total amount withdrawn from the
     Contract and, assume that no surrender charge applies. Any surrender charge
     will reduce the amount payable to the Owner.
  o  The death benefit adjustment calculations described here do not apply to
     death benefits that are not provided by the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
     Benefit rider chosen.

the Base Assumptions, the Owner makes an additional purchase payment of $50,000
within the window period.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $150,000, which is the prior Lifetime Benefit
     Basis plus the additional purchase payment.
  o  The GALWA is $7,500, which is 5.00% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $150,000, which is the prior
     Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit plus the additional purchase payment.

with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws the GALWA ($5,000 = $100,000 *
5.00%) before the first Contract Anniversary.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000; this does not change because the
     withdrawal does not exceed the $5,000 GALWA.
  o  The GALWA is $5,000; this does not change because the withdrawal does not
     exceed the $5,000 GALWA.
  o  Because the withdrawal is less than or equal to the GALWA, the adjustment
     to the Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is equal to the withdrawal amount,
     so the new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $95,000, which is the prior
     Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit of $100,000 less the withdrawal of $5,000.

A LATER DATE): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws the
$5,000 before the first Contract Anniversary. No additional withdrawals are made
until the Owner begins taking lifetime withdrawals after the fifth Contract
Anniversary but before the sixth.

  o  Because the $5,000 withdrawal in the first year does not exceed the $5,000,
     GALWA it is not an excess withdrawal, and;
       o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis remains $100,000.
       o  The GALWA remains $5,000.
       o  Because the withdrawal is less than or equal to the GALWA, the
          adjustment to the Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is equal to the
          withdrawal amount, so the new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is
          $95,000, which is the prior Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit of
          $100,000 less the withdrawal of $5,000.
  o  On the fifth anniversary the Lifetime Benefit Basis is $132,000. Because
     there was a Non-lifetime Withdrawal in the first Contract Year, the
     Benefit Basis does not increase because of the Simple Interest Benefit.
     Additionally, because the Owner has not taken any withdrawals Because the
     initial withdrawal, the Simple Interest Benefit commences with the second
     Rider Anniversary and the Lifetime Benefit Basis is increased by 8% of the
     initial Lifetime Benefit Basis for each of the rider


     anniversaries until the first lifetime withdrawal. In this case, four
     anniversaries ($8,000 * 4 = $32,000) - Assuming that no prior step ups
     have occurred to increase the Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  The GALWA is $7,260 which is 5.50% (the rate for age 73) multiplied by the
     new Lifetime Benefit Basis of $132,000.
  o  The Owner takes a lifetime withdrawal of $7,260.
  o  Because the $7,260 withdrawal does not exceed the GALWA, it is not an
     excess withdrawal, and;
       o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis remains $132,000.
       o  The GALWA remains $7,260.
       o  Because the withdrawal is less than or equal to the GALWA, the
          adjustment to the Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is equal to the
          withdrawal amount, so the new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is
          $87,740, which is the prior Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit of
          $95,000 less the withdrawal of $7,260.

LIFETIME BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws
$50,000 after the third Contract Anniversary (but before the fourth). Assume the
Contract Value is $150,000 at the time of the withdrawal, no prior withdrawals
have occurred and no prior step ups have occurred. The Minimum Guaranteed Death
Benefit is $100,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $124,000. It was increased by 8% of the
     initial Lifetime Benefit Basis ($8,000) on each of the first three
     Contract Anniversaries; for a total increase of $24,000 - assumes that the
     Lifetime Benefit Basis has not been stepped-up to a higher amount.
  o  The GALWA at this time, prior to the $50,000 withdrawal, is $6,820 (5.50%
     rate for age 71 times the $124,000 Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $80,820 because the $50,000
     withdrawal exceeds the $6,820 GALWA. The Lifetime Benefit Basis is
     adjusted by the greater of (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The amount of the excess withdrawal: $43,180.
             o  The excess withdrawal is the total withdrawal amount of $50,000
                less the GALWA of $6,820 ($50,000 - $6,820 = $43,180).
       2.  A proportional adjustment of $37,395.73 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $43,180.
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the GALWA ($150,000 - $6,820 = $143,180).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $124,000.
             o  For an adjustment of $43,180 [Divide] $143,180 * $124,000 =
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $43,180, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $80,820 ($124,000 - $43,180 = $80,820).
  o  The GALWA is $4,445.10 after the withdrawal, which is 5.50% (the rate for
     age 71) of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  Because the withdrawal amount exceeds the GALWA, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows:
       1.  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $50,000 for
           the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $43,180 ($50,000 - $6,820 = $43,180).
             o  $43,180 [Divide] $150,000 * $100,000 - $43,180 = -$14,393.33.
  o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments is $100,000
     - $50,000 - (-$14,393.33) = $64,393.33.

BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, withdraw $50,000 after the
third Contract Anniversary but before the fourth, with a Contract Value of
$80,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals or step ups have
occurred). The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit is $100,000 at the time of the

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $124,000. It was increased by 8% of the
     initial basis ($8,000) on each of the first three Contract Anniversaries,
     for a total increase of $24,000.
  o  The GALWA at this time (before the $50,000 withdrawal) is $6,820 (5.50%
     rate for age 71 times the $124,000 Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $50,833.56 because the
     withdrawal exceeds the $6,820 GALWA. The Lifetime Benefit Basis is
     adjusted by the greater of (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The amount of the excess withdrawal: $43,180.
             o  The excess withdrawal is the total withdrawal amount of $50,000
                less the GALWA of $6,820 ($50,000 - $6,820 = $43,180).
       2.  A proportional adjustment of $37,395.73 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $43,180.
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the GALWA ($80,000 - $6,820 = $73,180).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $124,000.
             o  For an adjustment of $43,180 [Divide] $73,180 * $124,000 =


  o  The larger of these adjustments is $73,166.44, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $50,833.56 ($124,000 - $73,166.44 = $50,833.56).
  o  The GALWA is $2,795.85, which is 5.50% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  Because the withdrawal amount exceeds the GALWA, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows:
       1.  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $50,000 for
           the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $43,180 ($50,000 - $6,820 = $43,180).
             o  $43,180 [Divide] $80,000 * $100,000 - $43,180 = $10,795.
  o  New Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments $100,000 -
     $50,000 - $10,795 = $39,205.

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume no withdrawals have been taken, no
prior step ups have occurred, and the Contract Value on the third Contract
Anniversary is $145,000.

  o  The existing Lifetime Benefit Basis is $124,000. It was increased by 8% of
     the initial basis ($8,000) on each of the first three Contract
  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $145,000.
  o  The GALWA after the step up is $7,975 (5.50% rate for age 71 times the
     $145,000 stepped-up Lifetime Benefit Basis).
       NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current charge,
       up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit remains $100,000 - it is not impacted
     by a step up.

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume the Owner began receiving the $5,000
GALWA beginning in the first Contract Year and no additional excess withdrawals
have been taken. Also assumes that no prior step ups have occurred. The Contract
Value on the third Contract Anniversary is $110,000.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis before step up is $100,000. Because withdrawals
     began immediately, the Lifetime Benefit Basis did not increase due to the
     Simple Interest Benefit.
  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $110,000.
  o  The GALWA after the step up is $5,500 (5.00% rate for age 68 - the
     withdrawal percentage is locked in based on the age at the time of the
     first lifetime withdrawal).
       NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current charge,
       up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit would be $85,000, the initial $100,000
     reduced for each of the $5,000 withdrawals previously taken.

BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume the Owner began receiving the
$5,000 GALWA beginning in the first Contract Year and no additional excess
withdrawals have been taken. Also assumes that no prior step ups have occurred.
The Contract Value on the third Contract Anniversary is $95,000.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000. Because withdrawals began
     immediately, the Lifetime Benefit Basis did not increase due to the Simple
     Interest Benefit.
  o  The Owner cannot step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis because the current
     Contract Value is less than the current Benefit Basis.
  o  The GALWA remains at $5,000 (5.00% rate for age 68 - the time of the first
  o  Because no step up occurs, the GALWA does not change.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit would be $85,000, the initial $100,000
     reduced for each of the $5,000 withdrawals previously taken.

EXCESS WITHDRAWAL OF THE RIDER YEAR): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the
Owner begins making monthly withdraws of $416.67 immediately. After 10
withdrawals have taken place, the Owner makes an additional $10,000 withdrawal.
Assume the Contract Value is $105,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is before the additional withdrawal is $100,000.
     Because the prior withdrawals were not excess withdrawals, the Lifetime
     Benefit Basis has not changed.
  o  The GALWA at this time, prior to the $10,000 withdrawal, is $5,000. There
     has been a total of $4,166.70 withdrawn to this point this year (10
     withdrawals of $416.67). The remaining lifetime withdrawal for the Contract
     Year is $833.30 ($5,000 - $4,166.70 = $833.30).
  o  The excess withdrawal amount is $9,166.70 which is the $10,000 withdrawal
     amount less the $833.30 of lifetime withdrawal remaining for the year.
  o  The new Lifetime Benefit Basis is $90,833.70 because the $10,000 withdrawal
     exceeds the $833.30 remaining GALWA. The Lifetime Benefit Basis adjusted by
     the greater of (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The amount of the excess withdrawal: $9,166.70


             o  The excess withdrawal is the total withdrawal amount of $10,000
                less the remaining GALWA of $833.30 ($10,000 - $833.30 =
       2.  A proportional adjustment of $8,800.03 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $9,166.70.
             o  Divided by the Contract Value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the remaining GALWA ($105,000 - $833.30 = $104,166.70).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $100,000.
             o  For an adjustment of $9,166.70 [Divide] $104,166.70 * $100,000 =
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $9,166.70, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $90,833.30 ($100,000 - $9,166.70 = $90,833.30).
  o  The GALWA is $4,541.67 after the withdrawal, which is 5.00% (the rate for
     age 68) of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis. This amount will be available
     after the next Rider Anniversary.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit before the withdrawal is $95,833.30.
     The initial $100,000 has been reduced a total of $4,166.70 for the 10 prior
  o  Because the withdrawal is an excess withdrawal, the Minimum Guaranteed
     Death Benefit will be adjusted as follows:
       1.  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $10,000 for
           the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $9,166.70 ($10,000 - $833.30 = $9,166.70).
             o  $9,166.70 [Divide] $105,000 * $95,833.30 - $9,166.70 = -$820.27
  o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments $95,833.30 -
     $10,000 - (-$820.27) = $86,633.57.

the Owner chooses to take an additional $25,000 withdrawal before the next Rider
Anniversary. Assume the Contract Value is $80,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis before the withdrawal is $90,833.30 as adjusted
     for the previous excess withdrawal.
  o  The GALWA at this time, prior to this withdrawal, is $4,541.67. However,
     because there has already been an excess withdrawal, the remaining lifetime
     withdrawal for this rider year is zero.
  o  Because the remaining lifetime withdrawal for this rider year is zero, the
     entire withdrawal is an excess withdrawal.
  o  The new Lifetime Benefit Basis is $62,447.89 because the $25,000 is an
     excess withdrawal, the Lifetime Benefit Basis adjusted by the greater of
     (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The amount of the excess withdrawal: $25,000
       2.  A proportional adjustment of $28,385.41 for the amount of the excess
           withdrawal calculated as follows:
             o  The excess withdrawal amount of $25,000.
             o  Divided by the contract value prior to the withdrawal reduced by
                the remaining GALWA ($80,000 - $0 = $80,000).
             o  Multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis prior to the withdrawal
                of $90,833.30.
             o  For an adjustment of $25,000 [Divide] $80,000 x $90,833.30 =
  o  The larger of these adjustments is $28,385.41, so the new Lifetime Benefit
     Basis is $62,447.89 ($90,833.30 - $28,385.41 = $62,447.89).
  o  The GALWA is $3,122.39, which is 5.00% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
     This amount will be available after the next Rider Anniversary.
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit before the withdrawal is $86,633.57,
     as adjusted for the previous withdrawals.
  o  Because the withdrawal is an excess withdrawal, the death benefit will be
     adjusted as follows:
       1.  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit will be reduced by $25,000 for
           the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $25,000.
             o  $25,000 [Divide] $80,000 x $86,633.57 - $25,000 = $2,072.99.
  o  The new Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit after all adjustments $86,633.57 -
     $25,000 - $2,072.99 = $59,560.58.


CONVERSION): A Contract Owner purchases a contract with a Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider at age 60. At age 65, the Owner decides to convert to
an Income Now Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider. The initial premium
on the Contract is $100,000, no withdrawals have occurred and no additional
purchase payments have been made. The Contract Value is $125,000 and the
Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis is $100,000 at the time of the
conversion. Upon conversion:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $125,000 (the greater of the Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis and the Contract Value).


  o  The GALWA is $7,125 (5.70% - the withdrawal percentage for age 65
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis). This amount is available

If the Owner waits at least five years (but less than six) after conversion
before taking the first withdrawal, the Contract Value is $130,000 at the time
of the first withdrawal, and no step ups have occurred:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $143,750 (it was increased by $3,750 - 3% of
     $125,000 each year).
  o  The GALWA is $8,912.50 (6.20% - the withdrawal percentage for age 70
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The Owner withdraws $8,912.50, and the GALWA will remain $8,912.50 unless
     the Owner steps up the Benefit Basis.

CONVERSION): A Contract Owner purchases a Contract with a Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider at age 60. At age 65, the Owner decides to convert to
an Income Now Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider. The initial premium
on the Contract is $100,000, no withdrawals have occurred and no additional
purchase payments have been made. The Contract Value is $85,000 at the time of
the conversion and the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis is
$100,000. Upon conversion:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000 (the greater of the Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis and the Contract Value).
  o  The GALWA is $5,700 (5.70% - the withdrawal percentage for age 65
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis). This amount is available

If the Owner waits at least five years (but less than six) after conversion
before taking the first withdrawal, the Contract Value is $130,000 at the time
of the first withdrawal, and no step ups have occurred:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $115,000 (it was increased by $3,000 - 3% of
     $100,000 each rider year).
  o  The GALWA is $7,130 (6.20% - the withdrawal percentage for age 70
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The Owner withdraws $7,130, and the GALWA will remain $7,130 unless the
     Owner steps up the Benefit Basis.

purchases a contract with a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider at age
60. At age 65, the Owner decides to convert to an Income Now Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit rider. The initial premium on the Contract is $100,000 and no
additional purchase payments have been made. The Contract Owner previously
withdrew $50,000. The Contract Value is $75,000 at the time of the conversion
and the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis is $50,000 - as adjusted
for the prior withdrawal. Upon conversion:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $75,000 (the greater of the Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis and the Contract Value).
  o  The GALWA is $4,275 (5.70% - the withdrawal percentage for age 65
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis). This amount is available

If the Owner waits at least five years (but less than six) after conversion
before taking the first withdrawal, the Contract Value is $80,000 at the time of
the first withdrawal, and no step ups have occurred:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $86,250 (it was increased by $2,250 - 3% of
     $75,000 each year).
  o  The GALWA is $5,347.50 (6.20% - the withdrawal percentage for age 70
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The Owner withdraws $5,347.50, and the GALWA will remain $5,347.50 unless
     the Owner steps up the Benefit Basis.


CONVERSION): A Contract Owner purchases a Contract with a Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider at age 60. At age 65, the Owner decides to convert to
an Income Later Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider. The initial
premium on the Contract is $100,000, no withdrawals have occurred and no
additional purchase payments have been made. The Contract Value is $125,000 at
the time of the conversion and the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis
is $100,000. Upon conversion:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $125,000 (the greater of the Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis and the contract value).
  o  The GALWA is $6,250 (5.00% - the withdrawal percentage for age 65
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis). This amount is available

If the Owner waits at least five years (but less than six) after conversion
before taking the first withdrawal, the Contract Value is $130,000 at the time
of the first withdrawal, and no step ups have occurred:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $175,000 (it was increased by $10,000 - 8% of
     $125,000 each year).


  o  The GALWA is $9,625 (5.50% - the withdrawal percentage for age 70
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The Owner withdraws $9,625, and the GALWA will remain $9,625 unless the
     Owner steps up the Benefit Basis.

Contract with a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider at age 60. At age
65, the Owner decides to convert to an Income Later Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit rider. The initial premium on the Contract is $100,000, no
withdrawals have occurred and no additional purchase payments have been made.
The Contract Value is $85,000 at the time of the conversion and the Guaranteed
Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis is $100,000. Upon conversion:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000 (the greater of the Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis and the Contract Value).
  o  The GALWA is $5,000 (5.00% - the withdrawal percentage for age 65
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis). This amount is available

If the Owner waits at least five years (but less than six) after conversion
before taking the first withdrawal, the Contract Value is $130,000 at the time
of the first withdrawal, and no step ups have occurred:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $140,000 (it was increased by $8,000 - 8% of
     $100,000 each year).
  o  The GALWA is $7,700 (5.50% - the withdrawal percentage for age 70
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The Owner withdraws $7,700, and the GALWA will remain $7,700 unless the
     Owner steps up the Benefit Basis.

purchases a Contract with a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider at age
60. At age 65, the Owner decides to convert to an Income Later Guaranteed
Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider. The initial premium on the Contract is
$100,000 and no additional purchase payments have been made. The Contract Owner
previously withdrew $50,000. The Contract Value is $75,000 at the time of the
conversion and the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis is $50,000 - as
adjusted for the prior withdrawal. Upon conversion:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $75,000 (the greater of the Guaranteed
     Minimum Accumulation Benefit Basis and the Contract Value).
  o  The GALWA is $3,750 (5.00% - the withdrawal percentage for age 65
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis). This amount is available

If the Owner waits at least five years (but less than six) after conversion
before taking the first withdrawal, the Contract Value is $90,000 at the time of
the first withdrawal, and no step ups have occurred:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $105,000 (it was increased by $6,000 - 8% of
     $75,000 each year).
  o  The GALWA is $5,775 (5.50 % - the withdrawal percentage for age 70
     multiplied by the Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The Owner withdraws $5,775, and the GALWA will remain $5,775 unless the
     Owner steps up the Benefit Basis.


                                   APPENDIX G
                    NOVEMBER 23, 2008 BUT BEFORE MAY 1, 2009

Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit riders issued after November 23, 2008 but
before May 1, 2009 have the same features described in this Prospectus for the
Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit riders, except as discussed in this
Appendix. This discussion is applicable to riders issued between the dates set
forth above as well riders that may be issued on or after May 1, 2009 in states
that have not approved a more current version of this rider or riders that may
be issued in connection with applications signed prior to May 1, 2009.

Amount of your GALWA. The annual lifetime benefit percentages for Annuitants
under the Income Now rider is as follows:

                                    Joint Annuitants
                                    -- Attained Age
              Attained Age of         of Younger
                 Annuitant           Annuitant(1)
              Age      Percentage     Age   Percentage
             55-58       4.75%       55-58     3.75%
             59-64       5.25%       59-64     4.25%
             65-69       5.75%       65-69     4.75%
             70-74       6.25%       70-74     5.25%
             75-79       6.75%       75-79     5.75%
              80+        7.25%        80+      6.25%

(1)If only one Annuitant is living at the time of your first withdrawal, the
   percentages shown above currently will be increased by 1%.

The annual lifetime benefit percentages for Annuitants under the Income Later
rider is as follows:

                       Attained Age of Annuitant
          Age               55-58    59-69    70-79    80+
          Percentage         4.5       5       5.5      6

       Joint Annuitants - Attained Age of Younger Annuitant(1)
      Age             55-58        59-69       70-79       80+
      Percentage       3.5           4          4.5         5

(1)If only one Annuitant is living at the time of your first withdrawal, the
   percentages shown above currently will be increased by 1%.

Extra Credit Plan. The Purchase Payment Credit enhancement of 6% is not

Withdrawals in General. The Non-Lifetime Withdrawal is not available.

Excess Withdrawals. Each time there is an excess withdrawal, the Lifetime
Benefit Basis will be reset to equal the lesser of:

  (1) the Contract Value immediately following the withdrawal; or

  (2) the previous Lifetime Benefit Basis reduced dollar for dollar by (i) the
      total of all partial withdrawals to date during the current rider year,
      if the withdrawal is the first Excess Withdrawal to be made during the
      rider year, otherwise (ii) the amount of the withdrawal.

Simple Interest Benefit. Under the Income Now rider, the Simple Interest Benefit
increase will equal simple interest of 5% of the Lifetime Benefit Basis at the
end of the first rider year (before any Step-Up increases).

Under the Income Later rider, the Simple Interest Benefit increase will equal
simple interest of 10% of the Lifetime Benefit Basis at the end of the first
rider year (before any Step-Up increase).

Benefit Allocation Plans. Different Benefit Allocation Plans (f/k/a Benefit
Allocation Models) were available at the time these riders were issued. Current
Contract Owners may continue to use their current Benefit Allocation Plan.
However, only the Benefit Allocation Plans described in Appendix E are available
if the Contract Owner wishes to change allocation options.

Foundation Account. The Benefit Allocation Plans do not include the Foundation

Covered Person. References are to the Annuitant and not the Covered Person.

Continuation Benefit. There is no continuation benefit.

Termination. The rider does not terminate upon change of ownership of the


Rider Charge. The maximum annual charge is 1.75% and the current annual charge
is 0.70% of average daily Benefit Basis for the prior Contract Year.

                                   *    *    *


                                INCOME NOW OPTION

BASE ASSUMPTIONS: Assume an initial purchase payment of $100,000 choosing the
B-Share option and an issue age of 64.

This means:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000; and
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal amount is $5,250 (GALWA) if a
     withdrawal is taken immediately (5.25% rate for withdrawals beginning at
     attained age 64 x $100,000).
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit provided by the rider is $100,000.
  o  All withdrawal figures shown indicate the total amount withdrawn from the
     Contract and, assume that no surrender charge applies. Any surrender
     charge will reduce the amount payable to the Owner.
  o  The death benefit adjustment calculations described here do not apply to
     death benefits that are not provided by the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
     Benefit rider chosen.

the Base Assumptions, the Owner makes an additional purchase payment of $50,000
within the window period.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $150,000, which is the prior Lifetime
     Benefit Basis plus the additional purchase payment; and
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal amount is $7,875, which is 5.25%
     of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  The Minimum Death Benefit is $150,000, which is the prior death benefit
     plus the additional purchase payment.

with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws the GALWA ($5,250 = $100,000 x
5.25%) before the first Contract Anniversary.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000, this does not change because the
     withdrawal does not exceed the $5,250 GALWA; and
  o  The GALWA is $5,250; this does not change because the withdrawal does not
     exceed the $5,250 GALWA.
  o  Because the withdrawal is less than or equal to the GALWA the adjustment
     to the death benefit is equal to the withdrawal amount, so the new
     guaranteed death benefit is $94,750, which is the prior minimum death
     benefit of $100,000 less the withdrawal of $5,250.

LIFETIME BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws
$50,000 after the third Contract Anniversary (but before the fourth). Assume the
Contract Value is $150,000 at the time of the withdrawal, no prior withdrawals
have occurred and no prior step ups have occurred. The Minimum Death Benefit is
$100,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $115,000. It was increased by 5% of the
     initial Lifetime Benefit Basis ($5,000) on each of the first three
     Contract Anniversaries; for a total increase of $15,000 -- assumes that the
     lifetime basis has not been stepped-up to a higher amount.
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal at this time, prior to the
     $50,000 withdrawal, is $6,612.50 (5.75% rate for age 67 times the $115,000
     Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $65,000 because the $50,000
     withdrawal exceeds the $6,612.50 GALWA. The adjusted amount is the lesser
     of (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The prior Lifetime Benefit Basis less the withdrawal: $115,000 -
           $50,000 = $65,000; or
       2.  The Contract Value after the withdrawal: $150,000 - $50,000 =
  o  The GALWA is $3,737.50 after the withdrawal, which is 5.75% (the rate for
     age 67) of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  Because the withdrawal amount exceeds the GALWA, the death benefit will be
     adjusted as follows
       1.  The death benefit will be reduced by $50,000 for the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $43,387.50 ($50,000 - $6,612.50 = $43,387.50).
             o  $43,387.50/$150,000 * $100,000 - $43,765 = -$14,462.50
  o  New death benefit after all adjustments $100,000 - $50,000 - (-$14,462.50)
     = $64,462.50

BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, withdraw $50,000 after the
third Contract Anniversary but before the fourth, with a Contract Value of
$80,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals or step ups have
occurred). The Minimum Death Benefit is $100,000 at the time of the withdrawal.


  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $115,000. It was increased by 5% of the
     initial basis ($5,000) on each of the first three Contract Anniversaries,
     for a total increase of $15,000.
  o  The guaranteed lifetime withdrawal at this time (before the $50,000
     withdrawal) is $6,612.50 (5.75% rate for age 67 times the $115,000
     Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $30,000 because the withdrawal
     exceeds the $6,612.50 GALWA. The adjusted value is the lesser of (1) or
     (2) below:
       1.  The prior Lifetime Benefit Basis less the withdrawal: $115,000 -
           $50,000 = $65,000; or
       2.  The Contract Value after the withdrawal: $80,000 - $50,000 = $30,000

  o  The GALWA is $1,725, which is 5.75% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  Because the withdrawal amount exceeds the GALWA, the death benefit will be
     adjusted as follows
       1.  The death benefit will be reduced by $50,000 for the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $43,387.50 ($50,000 - $6,612.50 = $43,387.50).
             o  $43,387.50 / $80,000 * $100,000 - $43,387.50 = $10,846.88
  o  New death benefit after all adjustments $100,000 - $50,000 - $10,846.88 =

EXCESS WITHDRAWAL OF THE RIDER YEAR): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the
Owner begins making monthly withdraws of $437.50 immediately. After 10
withdrawals have taken place, the Owner makes an additional $10,000 withdrawal.
Assume the Contract Value is $105,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is before the additional withdrawal is
     $100,000. Because the prior withdrawals were not excess withdrawals, the
     Lifetime Benefit Basis has not changed.
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal at this time, prior to the
     $10,000 withdrawal, is $5,250. There has been a total of $4,375 withdrawn
     to this point this year (10 withdrawals of $437.50). The remaining
     lifetime withdrawal for the Contract Year is $875 ($5,250 - $4,375 = $875).
  o  Because the prior withdrawals were not excess withdrawals, the excess
     withdrawal adjustment will use the total withdrawals for the rider year or
     $14,375, the $4,375 of prior withdrawals plus the $10,000 withdrawal.
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $85,625 because the $10,000
     withdrawal exceeds the $875 GALWA remaining for the year. The adjusted
     amount is the lesser of (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The prior Lifetime Benefit Basis decreased by total withdrawals for
           the year: $100,000 - $14,375 = $85,625; or
       2.  The Contract Value after the withdrawal: $105,000 - $10,000 =
  o  The GALWA is $4,495.31 after the withdrawal, which is 5.25% (the rate for
     age 64) of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis. This amount will be available
     after the next Rider Anniversary.
  o  The death benefit before the withdrawal is $95,625. The initial $100,000
     has been reduced a total of $4,375 for the 10 prior withdrawals.
  o  Because the withdrawal is an excess withdrawal, the death benefit will be
     adjusted as follows
       1.  The death benefit will be reduced by $10,000 for the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $9,125 ($10,000 - $875 = $9,125).
             o  $9,125/ $105,000 * $95,625 - $9,125 = $-814.73
  o  New death benefit after all adjustments $95,625 - $10,000 - ($-814.73) =

the Owner chooses to take an additional $25,000 withdrawal before the next Rider
Anniversary. Assume the Contract Value is $80,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis before the withdrawal is $85,625 as adjusted
     for the previous excess withdrawal.
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal at this time, prior to this
     withdrawal, is $4,495.31. However, because there has already been an
     excess withdrawal, the remaining lifetime withdrawal for this rider year
     is zero.
  o  Because there was a prior excess withdrawal this year, the excess
     withdrawal adjustment will use amount of this withdrawal.
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $55,000 because the withdrawal
     is an excess withdrawal. The adjusted value is the lesser of (1) or (2)
       1.  The prior Lifetime Benefit Basis less the withdrawal: $85,625 -
           $25,000 = $60,625; or
       2.  The Contract Value after the withdrawal: $80,000 - $25,000 = $55,000
  o  The GALWA is $2,887.50, which is 5.25% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
     This amount will be available after the next Rider Anniversary.
  o  The death benefit before the withdrawal is $86,439.73, as adjusted for the
     previous withdrawals.
  o  Because the withdrawal is an excess withdrawal, the death benefit will be
     adjusted as follows
       1.  The death benefit will be reduced by $25,000 for the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $25,000.
             o  $25,000 / $80,000 * $86,439.73 - $25,000 = $2,012.42


  o  New death benefit after all adjustments $86,439.73 - $25,000 - $2,012.42 =

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume no withdrawals have been taken, no
prior step ups have occurred, and the Value of the Contract on the third
Contract Anniversary is $125,000.

  o  The existing Lifetime Benefit Basis is $115,000. It was increased by 5% of
     the initial basis ($5,000) on each of the first three Contract
  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $125,000.
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal after the step up is $7,187.50
     (5.75% rate for age 67 times the $125,000 stepped-up Lifetime Benefit
        NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current
        charge, up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.
  o  The Minimum Death Benefit remains $100,000 -- it is not impacted by a step

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume the Owner began receiving their
$5,250 GALWA beginning in the first Contract Year and no additional excess
withdrawals have been taken. Also assumes that no prior step ups have occurred.
The Value of the Contract on the third Contract Anniversary is $110,000.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis before step up is $100,000. Because withdrawals
     began immediately, the Lifetime Benefit Basis did not increase due to the
     simple interest increase.
  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $110,000.
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal after the step up is $6,325
     (5.75% rate for age 67 -- Because a step up occurs, the withdrawal
     percentage is reestablished based on the current age at the time of the
     step up.).

       NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current
       charge, up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.

  o  The Minimum Death Benefit would be $84,250, the initial $100,000 reduced
     for each of the $5,250 withdrawals previously taken.

BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume the Owner began receiving
their $5,250 GALWA beginning in the first Contract Year and no additional excess
withdrawals have been taken. Also assumes that no prior step ups have occurred.
The Value of the Contract on the third Contract Anniversary is $95,000.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000. Because withdrawals began
     immediately, the Lifetime Benefit Basis did not increase due to the simple
     interest increase.
  o  The Owner cannot step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis because the current
     Contract Value is less than the current Benefit Basis.
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal remains at $5,250 (5.25% rate
     for age 64 -- the time of the first withdrawal.
  o  Because no step up occurs, the withdrawal percentage does not change.
  o  The Minimum Death Benefit would be $84,250, the initial $100,000 reduced
     for each of the $5,250 withdrawals previously taken.

                               INCOME LATER OPTION

BASE ASSUMPTIONS: Assume an initial purchase payment of $100,000 choosing the
B-Share option and an issue age of 68.

This means:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000; and
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal amount is $5,000 (GALWA) if a
     withdrawal is taken immediately (5.00% rate for withdrawals beginning at
     attained age 68 x $100,000).
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit provided by the rider is $100,000.
  o  All withdrawal figures shown indicate the total amount withdrawn from the
     Contract and, assume that no surrender charge applies. Any surrender
     charge will reduce the amount payable to the Owner.
  o  The death benefit adjustment calculations described here do not apply to
     death benefits that are not provided by the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
     Benefit rider chosen.

the Base Assumptions, the Owner makes an additional purchase payment of $50,000
within the window period.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $150,000, which is the prior Lifetime
     Benefit Basis plus the additional purchase payment; and
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal amount is $7,500, which is 5.00%
     of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  The Minimum Death Benefit is $150,000, which is the prior death benefit
     plus the additional purchase payment.


with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws the GALWA ($5,000 = $100,000 x
5.00%) before the first Contract Anniversary.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000, this does not change because the
     withdrawal does not exceed the $5,000 GALWA; and
  o  The GALWA is $5,000; this does not change because the withdrawal does not
     exceed the $5,000 GALWA.
  o  Because the withdrawal is less than or equal to the GALWA the adjustment
     to the death benefit is equal to the withdrawal amount, so the new
     guaranteed death benefit is $95,000, which is the prior minimum death
     benefit of $100,000 less the withdrawal of $5,000.

LIFETIME BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws
$50,000 after the third Contract Anniversary (but before the fourth). Assume the
Contract Value is $150,000 at the time of the withdrawal, no prior withdrawals
have occurred and no prior step ups have occurred. The Minimum Death Benefit is
$100,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $130,000. It was increased by 10% of the
     initial Lifetime Benefit Basis ($10,000) on each of the first three
     Contract Anniversaries; for a total increase of $30,000 -- assumes that the
     lifetime basis has not been stepped-up to a higher amount.
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal at this time, prior to the
     $50,000 withdrawal, is $7,150 (5.50% rate for age 71 times the $130,000
     Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $80,000 because the $50,000
     withdrawal exceeds the $7,150 GALWA. The adjusted amount is the lesser of
     (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The prior Lifetime Benefit Basis less the withdrawal: $130,000 -
           $50,000 = $80,000; or
       2.  The Contract Value after the withdrawal: $150,000 - $50,000 =
  o  The GALWA is $4,400 after the withdrawal, which is 5.50% (the rate for age
     71) of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  Because the withdrawal amount exceeds the GALWA, the death benefit will be
     adjusted as follows
       1.  The death benefit will be reduced by $50,000 for the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $42,850 ($50,000 - $7,150 = $42,850).
             o  $42,850 / $150,000 * $100,000 - $42,850 = $-13,500
  o  New death benefit after all adjustments $100,000 - $50,000 - ($-13,500) =

BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, withdraw $50,000 after the
third Contract Anniversary but before the fourth, with a Contract Value of
$80,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals or step ups have
occurred). The Minimum Death Benefit is $100,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $130,000. It was increased by 10% of the
     initial basis ($10,000) on each of the first three Contract Anniversaries,
     for a total increase of $30,000.
  o  The guaranteed lifetime withdrawal at this time (before the $50,000
     withdrawal) is $7,150 (5.50% rate for age 71 times the $130,000 Lifetime
     Benefit Basis.
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $30,000 because the withdrawal
     exceeds the $7,150 GALWA. The adjusted value is the lesser of (1) or (2)
       1.  The prior Lifetime Benefit Basis less the withdrawal: $130,000 -
           $50,000 = $80,000; or
       2.  The Contract Value after the withdrawal: $80,000 - $50,000 = $30,000
  o  The GALWA is $1,650, which is 5.50% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  Because the withdrawal amount exceeds the GALWA, the death benefit will be
     adjusted as follows
       1.  The death benefit will be reduced by $50,000 for the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $42,850 ($50,000 - $7,150 = $42,850).
             o  $42,850 / $80,000 * $100,000 - $42,850 = $10,875
  o  New death benefit after all adjustments $100,000 - $50,000 - $10,875 =

EXCESS WITHDRAWAL OF THE RIDER YEAR): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the
Owner begins making monthly withdraws of $416.67 immediately. After 10
withdrawals have taken place, the Owner makes an additional $10,000 withdrawal.
Assume the Contract Value is $105,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is before the additional withdrawal is
     $100,000. Because the prior withdrawals were not excess withdrawals, the
     Lifetime Benefit Basis has not changed.
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal at this time, prior to the
     $10,000 withdrawal, is $5,000. There has been a total of $4,166.70
     withdrawn to this point this year (10 withdrawals of $416.67). The
     remaining lifetime withdrawal for the Contract Year is $833.30 ($5,000 -
     $4,166.70 = $833.30).
  o  Because the prior withdrawals were not excess withdrawals, the excess
     withdrawal adjustment will use the total withdrawals for the rider year or
     $14,166.70, the $4,166.70 of prior withdrawals plus the $10,000 withdrawal.


  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $85,833.30 because the $10,000
     withdrawal exceeds the $875 GALWA remaining for the year. The adjusted
     amount is the lesser of (1) or (2) below:
     1.  The prior Lifetime Benefit Basis decreased by total withdrawals for the
         year: $100,000 - $14,166.70 = $85,833.30; or
     2.  The Contract Value after the withdrawal: $105,000 - $10,000 = $95,000.
  o  The GALWA is $4,291.66 after the withdrawal, which is 5.00% (the rate for
     age 68) of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis. This amount will be available
     after the next Rider Anniversary.
  o  The death benefit before the withdrawal is $95,833.30. The initial
     $100,000 has been reduced a total of $4,166.70 for the 10 prior
  o  Because the withdrawal is an excess withdrawal, the death benefit will be
     adjusted as follows
       1.  The death benefit will be reduced by $10,000 for the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $9,166.70 ($10,000 - $833.30 = $9,166.70).
             o  $9,166.70/ $105,000 * $95,833.30 - $9,166.70 = $-820.27
  o  New death benefit after all adjustments $95,833.30 - $10,000 - ($-820.27)
     = $86,633.57

the Owner chooses to take an additional $25,000 withdrawal before the next Rider
Anniversary. Assume the Contract Value is $80,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis before the withdrawal is $85,833.30 as adjusted
     for the previous excess withdrawal.
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal at this time, prior to this
     withdrawal, is $4,291.66. However, because there has already been an
     excess withdrawal, the remaining lifetime withdrawal for this rider year
     is zero.
  o  Because there was a prior excess withdrawal this year, the excess
     withdrawal adjustment will use amount of this withdrawal.
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $55,000 because the withdrawal
     is an excess withdrawal. The adjusted value is the lesser of (1) or (2)
       1.  The prior Lifetime Benefit Basis less the withdrawal: $85,833.30 -
           $25,000 = $60,833.30; or
       2.  The Contract Value after the withdrawal: $80,000 - $25,000 = $55,000
  o  The GALWA is $2,750, which is 5.00% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
     This amount will be available after the next Rider Anniversary.
  o  The death benefit before the withdrawal is $86,633.57, as adjusted for the
     previous withdrawals.
  o  Because the withdrawal is an excess withdrawal, the death benefit will be
     adjusted as follows
       1.  The death benefit will be reduced by $25,000 for the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $25,000.
             o  $25,000 / $80,000 * $86,633.57 - $25,000 = $2,072.99
  o  New death benefit after all adjustments $86,633.57 - $25,000 - $2,072.99 =

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume no withdrawals have been taken, no
prior step ups have occurred, and the Value of the Contract on the third
Contract Anniversary is $145,000.

  o  The existing Lifetime Benefit Basis is $130,000. It was increased by 10%
     of the initial basis ($10,000) on each of the first three Contract
  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $145,000.
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal after the step up is $7,975
     (5.50% rate for age 71 times the $145,000 stepped-up Lifetime Benefit
       NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current charge,
       up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.
  o  The Minimum Death Benefit remains $100,000 -- it is not impacted by a step

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume the Owner began receiving their
$5,000 GALWA beginning in the first Contract Year and no additional excess
withdrawals have been taken. Also assumes that no prior step ups have occurred.
The Value of the Contract on the third Contract Anniversary is $110,000.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis before step up is $100,000. Because withdrawals
     began immediately, the Lifetime Benefit Basis did not increase due to the
     simple interest increase.
  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $110,000.
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal after the step up is $5,000
     (5.00% rate for age 68 -- The withdrawal percentage is established based on
     current age at the time of the first withdrawal, and does not change once
     withdrawals have started).
       NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current charge,
       up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.


  o  The Minimum Death Benefit would be $85,000, the initial $100,000 reduced
     for each of the $5,000 withdrawals previously taken.

BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume the Owner began receiving
their $5,000 GALWA beginning in the first Contract Year and no additional excess
withdrawals have been taken. Also assumes that no prior step ups have occurred.
The Value of the Contract on the third Contract Anniversary is $95,000.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000. Because withdrawals began
     immediately, the Lifetime Benefit Basis did not increase due to the simple
     interest increase.
  o  The Owner cannot step up the Lifetime Benefit Basis because the current
     Contract Value is less than the current Benefit Basis.
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal remains at $5,000 (5.00% rate
     for age 68 -- the time of the first withdrawal.
  o  Because no step up occurs, the lifetime withdrawal amount does not change.
  o  The Minimum Death Benefit would be $85,000, the initial $100,000 reduced
     for each of the $5,000 withdrawals previously taken.


                                   APPENDIX H
                  OCTOBER 28, 2007 BUT BEFORE NOVEMBER 24, 2008

Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit riders issued after October 28, 2007 but
before November 24, 2008 have the same features described in this Prospectus for
the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit riders, except as discussed in this
Appendix. This discussion is applicable to riders issued between the dates set
forth above as well riders that may be issued on or after November 24, 2008 in
states that have not approved a more current version of this rider or riders
that may be issued in connection with applications signed prior to May 1, 2009.

Excess Withdrawal. Each time there is an excess withdrawal, the Lifetime Benefit
Basis will be reset to equal the lesser of:

  (1)  the Contract Value immediately following the withdrawal; or
  (2)  the previous Lifetime Benefit Basis reduced dollar for dollar by (i) the
       total of all partial withdrawals to date during the current rider year,
       if the withdrawal is the first excess withdrawal to be made during the
       rider year, otherwise (ii) the amount of the withdrawal.

Maximum Anniversary Death Benefit. An optional Maximum Anniversary Death Benefit
is offered. Before the Annuitant's age 85 Contract Anniversary, the death
benefit payable under the Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit will be the
greater of the Maximum Anniversary Value and the Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal
Benefit with Minimum Guarantee Death Benefit, less any premium expense charge
not previously deducted. On or after the Annuitant's 85th Contract Anniversary,
the amount that will be payable under the Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit
with Maximum Anniversary Death Benefit will be the Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal
Benefit with Minimum Guarantee Death Benefit, less any premium expense charge
not previously deducted.

On the rider issue date, the Maximum Anniversary Value is equal to the initial
Net Purchase Payment. After the issue date, the Maximum Anniversary Value will
be calculated on three different dates:

(1)  the date an additional purchase payment is received by us;
(2)  the date of payment of a partial withdrawal; and
(3)  on each Rider Anniversary.

When a purchase payment is received, the Maximum Anniversary Value is equal to
the most recently calculated Maximum Anniversary Value plus the Net Purchase

Under the Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit with Maximum Anniversary Death
Benefit, if there is a partial withdrawal, the Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal
Benefit with Maximum Withdrawal Benefit will be adjusted on a dollar-for-dollar
basis as long as the withdrawal is not an excess withdrawal. If the withdrawal
is an excess withdrawal, we will adjust the Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal
Benefit with Maximum Anniversary Death Benefit by (a) divided by (b), with the
result multiplied by (c); and then finally reduced by (a), where:

  (a) =   the excess withdrawal amount;
  (b) =   the Contract Value immediately before the excess withdrawal; and
  (c) =   the most recently calculated Maximum Anniversary Value immediately
          before the date of the excess withdrawal, less any adjustments
          previously made for prior excess withdrawals.

The adjustment for an excess withdrawal has the effect of increasing the total
adjustment amount when (c) is greater than (b) and reducing the total adjustment
amount when (c) is less than (b).

The Maximum Anniversary Value on each Rider Anniversary is equal to the greater
of the most recently calculated Maximum Anniversary Value or your Contract

Extra Credit Plan. The Purchase Payment Credit enhancement of 6% is not

Age Requirements. The rider is subject to the eligibility requirements described

          Type of Contract               Age Requirements At Rider Issue Date
    Single Owner                      Owner must be between ages 45-85
    Single Owner/Non-Natural Owner    Each Annuitant must be between ages 45-85
    Jointly Owned Contract            Joint Owner must both be between ages
                                      45-85 on the rider issue date

Amount of your GALWA. These riders did not offer two options designed for
whether you expect to begin withdrawals now or later. The table shows the
annual lifetime benefit percentages allowed for these riders.


      Attained Age of Annuitant     Joint Annuitants -- Attained Age of Younger
         at First Withdrawal               Annuitant at First Withdrawal*
         Age         Percentage              Age           Percentage
        45-58            4%                 45-58              3%
        59-64            5%                 59-64              4%
        65-69           5.5%                65-69             4.5%
        70-74            6%                 70-74              5%
         75+            6.5%                 75+              5.5%

*If only one Annuitant is living at the time of your first withdrawal, the
 percentages shown above currently will be increased by 1%.

Withdrawals in General. The Non-Lifetime Withdrawal is not available.

Simple Interest Benefit. The restart of the Simple Interest Benefit on step up
is not available. The Simple Interest Benefit increase will equal simple
interest of 5% of the Lifetime Benefit Basis at the end of the first rider year
(before any Step-Up increases). The benefit is in effect on each of the first 10
rider anniversaries, provided no withdrawals have occurred since the rider issue

Lifetime Benefit Basis Step Up. You may, subject to certain conditions, elect to
have the Lifetime Benefit Basis automatically "stepped up" each year to equal
your current Contract Value. Step ups will occur if your Contract Value is
greater than the Lifetime Benefit Basis as of the Step-Up date.

Benefit Allocation Plans. Different Benefit Allocation Plans (f/k/a Benefit
Allocation Models) were available at the time these riders were issued. Current
Contract Owners may continue to use their current Benefit Allocation Plan.
However, only the Benefit Allocation Plans described in Appendix E are available
if the Contract Owner wishes to change allocation options.

Termination. You may terminate the rider on any date following the expiration of
the Minimum Charge Period. The rider does not terminate upon change of ownership
of the Contract.

Foundation Account. The Benefit Allocation Plans do not include the Foundation

Covered Person. References are to the Annuitant and not the Covered Person.

Continuation Benefit. There is no continuation benefit.

Rider Charge. The maximum and current annual Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal
Benefit charge percentages are as follows:

  o  0.65% of the monthly Contract Value for the prior Contract Year for the
     Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit with Minimum Guarantee Death
     Benefit. The maximum charge is 1.00%;
  o  0.80% of the monthly Contract Value for the prior Contract Year for the
     Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit with Maximum Anniversary Value Death
     Benefit, with the maximum charge being 1.15%; and
  o  0.65% of the monthly Contract Value for the prior Contract Year for the
     Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit (without any inherent death
     benefit), with the maximum charge of 1.00%.

                                   *    *    *

BASE ASSUMPTIONS: Assume an initial purchase payment of $100,000 choosing the
B-Share option and an issue age of 64.

This means:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000; and
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal amount is $5,000 (GALWA) if a
     withdrawal is taken immediately (5% rate for withdrawals beginning at
     attained age 64 * $100,000).
  o  The Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit provided by the rider is $100,000.
  o  All withdrawal figures shown indicate the total amount withdrawn from the
     Contract and, assume that no surrender charge applies. Any surrender
     charge will reduce the Contract Value and result in additional adjustments
     to the Lifetime Benefit Basis and minimum death benefit, unless the Owner
     chooses to have those charges deducted from the amount they receive.
  o  Assumes the Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit with the Minimum
     Guaranteed Death Benefit option is chosen. The death benefit adjustment
     calculations described here only apply to the death benefit provided by
     the Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit rider. They do not apply to
     other optional death benefits riders.
  o  All withdrawal figures shown indicate the total amount withdrawn from the
     Contract, and assume that no surrender charge applies. Any surrender
     charge will reduce the amount payable to the Owner.

the Base Assumptions, the Owner makes an additional purchase payment of $50,000
within the window period.


  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $150,000, which is the prior Lifetime
     Benefit Basis plus the additional purchase payment; and
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal amount is $7,500, which is 5% of
     the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  The Minimum Death Benefit is $150,000, which is the prior death benefit
     plus the additional purchase payment.

with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws the GALWA ($5,000 = $100,000 *
5%) before the first Contract Anniversary.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000, this does not change because the
     withdrawal does not exceed the $5,000 GALWA; and
  o  The GALWA is $5,000; this does not change because the withdrawal does not
     exceed the $5,000 GALWA.
  o  Because the withdrawal is less than or equal to the GALWA the adjustment
     to the death benefit is equal to the withdrawal amount, so the new
     guaranteed death benefit is $145,000.

LIFETIME BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws
$50,000 after the third Contract Anniversary (but before the fourth). Assume the
Contract Value is $150,000 at the time of the withdrawal and no prior
withdrawals have occurred and no prior Step-Ups have occurred. The Minimum Death
Benefit is $100,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $115,000. It was increased by 5% of the
     initial Lifetime Benefit Basis ($5,000) on each of the first three
     Contract Anniversaries; for a total increase of $15,000 -- assumes that the
     lifetime basis has not been stepped-up to a higher amount.
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal at this time, prior to the
     $50,000 withdrawal, is $6,325 (5.5% rate for age 67 times the $115,000
     Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $65,000 because the $50,000
     withdrawal exceeds the $6,325 GALWA. The adjusted amount is the lesser of
     (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The prior Lifetime Benefit Basis less the withdrawal: $115,000 -
           $50,000 = $65,000; or
       2.  The Contract Value after the withdrawal: $150,000 - $50,000 =
  o  The GALWA is $3,575 after the withdrawal, which is 5.5% (the rate for age
     67) of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  Because the withdrawal amount exceeds the GALWA, the death benefit will be
     adjusted as follows
       1.  The death benefit will be reduced by $50,000 for the withdrawal.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $43,675 ($50,000 - $6,325 = $43,675).
       3.  $43,675 / $150,000 * $100,000 - $43,675 = $-14,558
  o  New death benefit after all adjustments $100,000 - $50,000 - ($-14,558) =

BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, withdraw $50,000 after the
third Contract Anniversary but before the fourth, with a Contract Value of
$80,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals or Step-Ups have
occurred). The Minimum Death Benefit is $100,000 at the time of the withdrawal.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $115,000. It was increase by 5% of the
     initial basis ($5,000) on each of the first three Contract Anniversaries,
     for a total increase of $15,000.
  o  The guaranteed lifetime withdrawal at this time (before the $50,000
     withdrawal) is $6,325 (5.5% rate for age 67 times the $115,000 Lifetime
     Benefit Basis.
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $30,000 because the withdrawal
     exceeds the $6,325 GALWA. The adjusted value is the lesser of (1) or (2)
       1.  The prior Lifetime Benefit Basis less the withdrawal: $115,000 -
           $50,000 = $65,000; or
       2.  The Contract Value after the withdrawal: $80,000 - $50,000 = $30,000
  o  The GALWA is $1,650, which is 5.5% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.
  o  Because the withdrawal amount exceeds the GALWA, the death benefit will be
     adjusted as follows
       1.  The death benefit will be reduced by $6,325 for the withdrawal
           within the GALWA limits.
       2.  There will be an additional adjustment for the excess withdrawal
           amount of $43,675 ($50,000 - $6,325 = $43,675).
       3.  $43,675 / $80,000 * $100,000 - $43,675 = $10,919
  o  New death benefit after all adjustments $100,000 - $50,000 - $10,919 =

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume no withdrawals have been taken, no
prior Step-Ups have occurred, and the Value of the Contract on the third
Contract Anniversary is $125,000.

  o  The existing Lifetime Benefit Basis is $115,000. It was increase by 5% of
     the initial basis ($5,000) on each of the first three Contract
  o  The Owner chooses to Step-Up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $125,000.
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal after the Step-Up is $6,875
     (5.5% rate for age 67 times the $125,000 stepped-up Lifetime Benefit


       NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current charge,
       up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.
  o  The Minimum Death Benefit remains $100,000 -- it is not impacted by a

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume the Owner began receiving their
$5,000 GALWA beginning in the first Contract Year and no additional excess
withdrawals have been taken. Also assumes that no prior Step-Ups have occurred.
The Value of the Contract on the third Contract Anniversary is $110,000.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000. Because withdrawals began
     immediately, the Lifetime Benefit Basis did not increase.
  o  The Owner chooses to Step-Up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $110,000.
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal at after the Step-Up is $5,500
     (5% rate for age 64 -- the age at the time of the first withdrawal from the
     Contract -- times the $110,000 stepped-up Lifetime Benefit Basis).

       NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current charge,
       up to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.

  o  The Minimum Death Benefit would be $85,000, the initial $100,000 reduced
     for each of the $5,000 withdrawals previously taken.


                                   APPENDIX I
                  OCTOBER 29, 2006 BUT BEFORE OCTOBER 29, 2007

Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit riders issued after October 29, 2006 but
before October 29, 2007 have the same features described in this Prospectus for
the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit riders, except as discussed in this
Appendix. This discussion is applicable to riders issued between the dates set
forth above as well as riders that may be issued after October 29, 2007 in
states that have not approved a more current version of this rider or riders
that may be issued in connection with applications signed prior to May 1, 2009.

Age Requirements. These riders are subject to the eligibility requirements
described below.

  Type of Contract              Age Requirements At Rider Issue Date                       Annuitant Requirements
Single Owner                Owner must be between ages 45-85                        Annuitant must be between ages 45-85
Single Owner/Non-           Each Annuitant must be between ages 45-85               Annuitant must be a natural person between
Natural Owner                                                                       ages 45-85 on the rider issue date
Jointly Owned Contract      Joint Owners must be spouses; each spouse must be       Annuitants must be natural persons between
                            between ages 45-85 on the rider issue date              ages 45-85 on the rider issue date

Benefit Allocation Plans. Different Benefit Allocation Plans (f/k/a Benefit
Allocation Models) were available at the time these riders were issued. Current
Contract Owners may continue to use their current Benefit Allocation Plan.
However, only the Benefit Allocation Plans described in Appendix E are available
if the Contract Owner wishes to change allocation options.

Foundation Account. The Benefit Allocation Plans do not include the Foundation

Covered Person. References are to the Annuitant and not the Covered Person.

Withdrawals in General. Under the rider, you may elect to make guaranteed
withdrawals under the annual withdrawal benefit option or the lifetime annual
withdrawal benefit option. On or after the first rider issue date, you may make
guaranteed withdrawals each rider year up to the GALWA. The Non-Lifetime
Withdrawal is not available.

Excess Withdrawals. If a partial withdrawal taken during a rider year is more
than the current GALWA, an excess withdrawal occurs. The GALWA, Lifetime
Benefit Basis will be reset to equal the lesser of:

  (a)  the Contract Value immediately following the withdrawal; or
  (b)  the previous Lifetime Benefit Basis reduced dollar for dollar by (i) the
       total of all partial withdrawals to date during the current rider year,
       if prior partial withdrawals were made during the rider year that were
       not excess withdrawals, otherwise (ii)  the amount of the withdrawal.

Simple Interest Benefit. If you do not take any withdrawals, your GALWA will
increase annually on each Rider Anniversary until the earliest of:

  o  the date of your first withdrawal; or
  o  the 10th Rider Anniversary (or the 10th Step-Up anniversary, if a Step-Up
     is elected).

Each increase will be equal to five percent (5%) of the Lifetime Benefit Basis
as of your first Rider Anniversary (or Step-Up anniversary if a Step-Up is
elected). The restart of the Simple Interest Benefit on step up is not

Extra Credit Plan. The Purchase Payment Credit enhancement is not available.

Termination. You may terminate the Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit rider
on any date. Terminating the rider prior to the expiration of the Minimum Charge
Period of 7 years will result in rider charges continuing to be assessed (based
on individual state regulations) until the Minimum Charge Period is reached. In
addition, the Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit rider will automatically
terminate on the earliest of:

  (a)  the Payout Date;
  (b)  the date Due Proof of Death of the Annuitant (last remaining Annuitant,
       if joint Annuitants) is received;
  (c)  the date there is a change of Annuitant for any reason; or
  (d)  the date you surrender your Contract.

If you violate the allocation restrictions, your rider will not terminate until
the expiration of the Minimum Charge Period. However, you will not receive any
of the benefits or rights under the rider. The rider does not terminate on
change of ownership.

Amount of your GALWA. We determine your GALWA by multiplying the Lifetime
Benefit Basis by the annual lifetime benefit percentage. These riders did not
offer two options designed for whether you expect to begin withdrawals now or
later. The table shows the annual lifetime benefit percentages allowed for these


                               Joint Annuitants (age     Joint Annuitants (age
                                difference 5 yrs or     difference over 5 yrs)
                               less) Attained Age of       Attained Age of
      Attained Age at First     Oldest Annuitant at      Oldest Annuitant at
          Withdrawal            First Withdrawal(1)      First Withdrawal(2)
       Age      Percentage       Age       Percentage     Age      Percentage
      45-58        4%           45-58          3%        45-58         2%
      59-64        5%           59-64          4%        59-64         3%
      65-69       5.5%          65-69         4.5%       65-69        3.5%
      70-74        6%           70-74          5%        70-74         4%
       75+        6.5%           75+          5.5%        75+         4.5%

(1)  If only one Annuitant is living at the time of your first withdrawal, the
     percentages shown above currently will be increased by 1%.
(2)  If only one Annuitant is living at the time of your first withdrawal, the
     percentages shown above currently will be increased by 2%.

Step-Up. On any monthly anniversary (a monthly anniversary is the same day each
month as your rider issue date) on or following your third Rider Anniversary
(and on any monthly anniversary or following each subsequent third rider Step-Up
anniversary), you may, subject to certain conditions, "Step-Up" the Lifetime
Benefit Basis to equal your current Contract Value.

You may Step-Up the Lifetime Benefit Basis provided:

  (a)  your Contract Value is greater than zero;
  (b)  your Contract Value is greater than the Lifetime Benefit Basis as of the
       Step-Up date;
  (c)  the Annuitant (or oldest Annuitant, if there are joint Annuitants) is age
       85 or younger as of the Step-Up date; and
  (d)  we receive your Written Request to Step-Up the Lifetime Benefit Basis at
       our Mailing Address.

The Step-Up date will be the monthly anniversary following the receipt of your
Written Request. An automatic step up option is not available.

Rider Charge. The maximum annual charge is 1.00% and the current annual charge
is 0.60% of the average monthly Contract Value for the prior Contract Year. The
average monthly Contract Value is equal to the sum of each monthly Contract
Value (the Contract Value as of the same day of the month as the Contract Issue
Date) divided by the number of months. On each Contract Anniversary during the
accumulation period, the Company will deduct the rider charge pro-rata from your
Contract Value. A pro-rata portion of the charge also will be deducted upon
Contract surrender, election to Step-Up the Lifetime Benefit Basis, termination
of the rider after the expiration of the Minimum Charge Period, payment of death
proceeds, or the start of payments under an Income Payout Option, does not occur
on a Contract Anniversary. Even if you do not choose to make withdrawals under
the rider, the rider charges will not be refunded.

                                   *    *    *


BASE ASSUMPTIONS: Assume an initial purchase payment of $100,000 and an issue
age of 64.

This means:

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000; and
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal amount is $5,000 (GALWA) if a
     withdrawal is taken immediately (5% rate for withdrawals beginning at
     attained age 64 * $100,000).
  o  All withdrawal figures shown indicate the total amount withdrawn from the
     Contract and, assume that no surrender charge applies. Any surrender
     charge will reduce the Contract Value and result in additional adjustments
     to the Lifetime Benefit Basis unless the Owner chooses to have those
     charges deducted from the amount they receive.

the Base Assumptions, the Owner makes an additional purchase payment of $50,000
within the window period.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $150,000, which is the prior Lifetime
     Benefit Basis plus the additional purchase payment; and
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal amount is $7,500, which is 5% of
     the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.

with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws the GALWA ($5,000 = $100,000 *
5%) before the first Contract Anniversary.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000, this does not change because the
     withdrawal does not exceed the $5,000 GALWA; and
  o  The GALWA is $5,000. This does not change because the withdrawal does not
     exceed the $5,000 GALWA.


LIFETIME BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws
$50,000 after the third Contract Anniversary (but before the fourth). Assume the
Contract Value is $150,000 at the time of the withdrawal and no prior
withdrawals have occurred.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $115,000. It was increased by 5% of the
     initial Lifetime Benefit Basis ($5,000) on each of the first three
     Contract Anniversaries, for a total increase of $1 5,000.
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal at this time, prior to the
     $50,000 withdrawal, is $6,325 (5.5% rate for age 67 times the $115,000
     Lifetime Benefit Basis).
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $65,000 because the $50,000
     withdrawal exceeds the $6,325 GALWA. The adjusted amount is the lesser of
     (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The prior Lifetime Benefit Basis less the withdrawal: $115,000
           -$50,000 = $65,000; or
       2.  The Contract Value after the withdrawal: $150,000 - $50,000 =
  o  The GALWA is $3,575 after the withdrawal, which is 5.5% (the rate for age
     67) of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.

BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, withdraw $50,000 after the
third Contract Anniversary but before the fourth, with a Contract Value of
$80,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals have occurred).

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $115,000. It was increase by 5% of the
     initial basis ($5,000) on each of the first three Contract Anniversaries,
     for a total increase of $15,000.
  o  The guaranteed minimum withdrawal at this time (before the $50,000
     withdrawal) is $6,325 (5.5% rate for age 67 times the $115,000 Lifetime
     Benefit Basis.
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $30,000 because the withdrawal
     exceeds the $6,325 GALWA. The adjusted value is the lesser of (1) or (2)
       1.  The prior Lifetime Benefit Basis less the withdrawal: $115,000
           -$50,000 = $65,000; or
       2.  The Contract Value after the withdrawal: $80,000 - $50,000 = $30,000
  o  The GALWA is $1,650, which is 5.5% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume no withdrawals have been taken and
the value of the Contract on the third Contract Anniversary is $125,000.

  o  The existing Lifetime Benefit Basis is $115,000. It was increase by 5% of
     the initial basis ($5,000) on each of the first three Contract
  o  The Owner chooses to Step-Up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $125,000.
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal at after the Step-Up is $6,875
     (5.5% rate for age 67 times the $125,000 stepped-up Lifetime Benefit

  NOTE: If the Owner chooses to Step-Up the Lifetime Benefit Basis a new seven-
  year Minimum Charge Period will begin starting on the date of the Step-Up.
  Also, following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current charge, up to
  the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.

Starting with the Base Assumptions, assume the Owner began receiving their
$5,000 GALWA beginning in the first Contract Year and no additional no
withdrawals have been taken. The Value of the Contract on the third Contract
Anniversary is $110,000.

  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000. Because withdrawals began
     immediately, the Lifetime Benefit Basis did not increase.
  o  The Owner chooses to Step-Up the Lifetime Benefit Basis to the Contract
     Value of $110,000.
  o  The guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal at after the Step-Up is $5,500
     (5% rate for age 64 -- the age at the time of the first withdrawal from
     the Contract - times the $110,000 stepped-up Lifetime Benefit Basis).

NOTE: If the Owner chooses to Step-Up the Lifetime Benefit Basis a new
seven-year Minimum Charge Period will begin starting on the date of the Step-Up.
Also, following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current charge, up to
the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.


                                   APPENDIX J

Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit riders issued before October 30, 2006 have
the same features described in this Prospectus for the Guaranteed Lifetime
Withdrawal Benefit riders, except as discussed in this Appendix. This discussion
is only applicable to riders issued before October 30, 2006 as well as riders
issued after October 30, 2006 but before November 24, 2008 in states that had
not approved a more current version of this rider. We are no longer issuing
riders in this form.

General. The rider is available only when you purchase the Contract.

Age Requirements. These riders are subject to the eligibility requirements
described below.

    Type of Contract         Age Requirements At Rider Issue Date                  Annuitant Requirements
Single Owner              Owner must be between ages 45-85                 Annuitant must be between ages 45-85
Single Owner/Non-                                                          Annuitant must be a natural person between
Natural Owner             Each Annuitant must be between ages 45-85        ages 45-85 on the rider issue date
Jointly Owned Contract    Joint Owners must be spouses; each spouse must   Annuitants must be natural persons
                          be between ages 45-85 on the rider issue date    between ages 45-85 on the rider issue date

Benefit Allocation Plans. Different Benefit Allocation Plans (f/k/a Benefit
Allocation Models) were available at the time these riders were issued. Current
Contract Owners may continue to use their current Benefit Allocation Plan.
However, only the Benefit Allocation Plans described in Appendix E are available
if the Contract Owner wishes to change allocation options.

Foundation Account. The Benefit Allocation Plans do not include the Foundation

Covered Person. References are to the Annuitant and not the Covered Person.

Simple Interest Benefit. The restart of the Simple Interest Benefit is not

Extra Credit Plan. The Purchase Payment Credit enhancement is not available.

Withdrawals in General. Under the rider, you may elect to make guaranteed
withdrawals under the annual withdrawal benefit option or the lifetime annual
withdrawal benefit option. On or after the first Rider Anniversary, you may make
guaranteed withdrawals each rider year up to the guaranteed annual withdrawal
amount ("GAWA") (under the annual withdrawal option) or the GALWA (under the
annual lifetime benefit option). Guaranteed withdrawals up to the GALWA will not
impact the Benefit Basis or the Lifetime Benefit Basis. Guaranteed withdrawals
up to the GAWA will not impact the Benefit Basis, but will impact the Lifetime
Benefit Basis, if the withdrawal exceeds the GALWA. If you choose to receive
only a part of, or none of, your GAWA or GALWA in any given rider year, your
GAWA and GALWA is not cumulative and will not increase. For example, if your
GALWA is $1,500 and you withdraw $1,000 one year, your GALWA will not increase
next year by the $500 you did not withdraw. In general, you may switch from one
withdrawal option to the other without prior notification to us. Rather, the
actual amount of the guaranteed withdrawal during a rider year will determine
which of the withdrawal options is applicable for that rider year. However, if
payments are made under a Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit settlement, we
will require you to choose the withdrawal option and withdrawal amount for any
remaining guaranteed withdrawals. The Non-Lifetime Withdrawal is not available.

If you extend the Payout Date beyond the Contract Anniversary following the
Annuitant's (primary Annuitant, if joint Annuitants) 85th birthday (or 10 years
from the Contract Issue Date if later), you must elect to receive withdrawals
under either the annual withdrawal benefit option or annual lifetime benefit

Excess Withdrawals more than the GAWA. Within each rider year, you may also
withdraw more than the GAWA or the GALWA. The portion of any withdrawal which is
in excess of the GAWA or the GALWA in effect at the time of the withdrawal
request is referred to as an "excess withdrawal." In addition, an excess
withdrawal may occur when the amount withdrawn, when added to prior withdrawals
during a rider year, exceeds the GAWA or the GALWA. Any partial withdrawal
before the first Rider Anniversary is an excess withdrawal. Excess withdrawals
will reduce your Benefit Basis and/or Lifetime Benefit Basis, and may do so by
more than the actual amount of the excess withdrawal.

If an excess withdrawal occurs and the partial withdrawals during a rider year
are more than the current GAWA, we will make the following adjustments:

  (a)  reduce the remaining withdrawal amount to equal the lesser of (1) the
       Contract Value immediately following the withdrawal, or (2) the previous
       remaining withdrawal amount reduced dollar for dollar by the amount of
       the withdrawal;
  (b)  reset the Benefit Basis to equal the lesser of (1) the Contract Value
       immediately following the withdrawal, or (2) the previous Benefit Basis
       reduced dollar for dollar by the amount of the withdrawal; and (c) reset
       the Lifetime Benefit Basis to equal the lesser of (1) the Contract Value
       immediately following the withdrawal, or (2) the previous Lifetime
       Benefit Basis reduced dollar for dollar by (i) the total of all partial
       withdrawals to date during the current rider year that were not excess
       withdrawals, otherwise (ii) the amount of the withdrawal.


If we reduce the resulting Benefit Basis as a result of the excess withdrawal,
the Company will also reduce the GAWA. If the Company reduces the resulting
Lifetime Benefit Basis as a result of the excess withdrawal, the Company will
also reduce the GALWA.

Excess Withdrawals more than the GALWA. If an excess withdrawal occurs and the
partial withdrawals during a rider year are more than the current GALWA but less
than the current GAWA, we will make the following adjustments:

  (a)  reduce the remaining withdrawal amount dollar for dollar by the amount
       of the withdrawal; and
  (b)  reset the Lifetime Benefit Basis to equal the lesser of: (1) the
       Contract Value immediately following the withdrawal; or (2) reduce the
       previous Lifetime Benefit Basis dollar for dollar by (i) the total of
       all partial withdrawals to date during the current rider year, if prior
       partial withdrawals were made during the rider year that were not excess
       withdrawals, otherwise (ii) the amount of the withdrawal.

If we reduce the Lifetime Benefit Basis as a result of the excess withdrawal, we
will also reduce the GALWA. Required minimum distributions from a Contract that
are greater than GAWA or GALWA are considered excess withdrawals.

Conversion from the Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit rider. Conversions
are only available on a Contract Anniversary. Per the rider terms, conversions
are based on Contract Value. However, we have elected to process conversions
based on the greater of Benefit Basis or Contract Value.

Termination. You may terminate the rider on any date following the expiration of
the Minimum Charge Period of seven years. In addition, the rider will
automatically terminate on the earliest of:

  (a)  the date the remaining withdrawal amount is reduced to zero and there
       are no further guaranteed withdrawals allowed under the annual lifetime
       benefit option;
  (b)  the Payout Date;
  (c)  the date Due Proof of Death of the Annuitant is received;
  (d)  the date there is a change of Annuitant for any reason; or
  (e)  the date you surrender your Contract.

If you violate the allocation restrictions, your rider will not terminate until
the expiration of the Minimum Charge Period. However, you will not receive any
of the benefits or rights under the rider. The rider does not terminate on
change of ownership.

Amount of your GAWA and GALWA. We determine your GAWA by multiplying the Benefit
Basis by the current annual withdrawal benefit percentage of 7%. Similarly, We
determine your GALWA by multiplying the Lifetime Benefit Basis by the annual
lifetime benefit percentage shown on your Rider Data Page. The annual lifetime
benefit percentage currently is 4% for Annuitant less than age 60 on the rider
date and it currently is 5% for Annuitants age 60 or more on the rider date. Any
change in the Benefit Basis or Lifetime Benefit Basis will also result in a
change in the GAWA or GALWA, as appropriate. These riders did not offer two
options designed for whether you expect to begin withdrawals now or later.

Step-Up. On your fifth Rider Anniversary (and any subsequent fifth Rider
Anniversary following a Step-Up), you may, subject to certain conditions,
"Step-Up" the Benefit Basis and Lifetime Benefit Basis to equal your current
Contract Value. You may Step-Up the Benefit Basis and Lifetime Benefit Basis

  (a)  you have not taken any withdrawals since the start date for the current
       Benefit Period;

  (b)  your Contract Value is greater than zero;
  (c)  your Contract Value is greater than the Benefit Basis as of the Step-Up
  (d)  the Annuitant is age 85 or younger as of the Step-Up date; and

  (e)  we receive your Written Request to Step-Up the Benefit Basis and
       Lifetime Benefit Basis at our Mailing Address at least thirty (30) days
       prior to the end of the fifth (5th) rider year for the current Benefit
       Period. The Step-Up date will be the Rider Anniversary as of the end of
       that rider year.

If you elect the "Step-Up," the start date for the new Benefit Period will be
the Step-Up date, and the Benefit Basis and Lifetime Benefit Basis will equal
your Contract Value as of the Step-Up date. A new Minimum Charge Period will
begin. The charge for the new Benefit Period may differ from the prior charge,
but will not exceed the maximum rider charge of 1% of the average monthly
Contract Value for the prior year. An automatic Step-Up feature is not

Rider Charge. The maximum annual charge is 1.00% and the current annual charge
is 0.50% of the average monthly Contract Value for the prior Contract Year. The
average monthly Contract Value is equal to the sum of each monthly Contract
Value (the Contract Value as of the same day of the month as the Contract Issue
Date) divided by the number of months. On each Contract Anniversary during the
accumulation period, the Company will deduct the Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal
Benefit charge pro-rata from your Contract Value. A pro-rata portion of the
charge also will be deducted upon Contract surrender, termination of the rider
after the expiration of the Minimum Charge Period, payment of death proceeds, or
selection of an Income Payout Option, if the surrender, termination, payment of
death proceeds or selection of an Income Payout Option does not occur on a
Contract Anniversary. The charge for a year will be in proportion to the number
of days since the prior Contract Anniversary. Even if you do not choose to make
withdrawals under the rider, the rider charges will not be refunded.


                                   *    *    *

BASE ASSUMPTIONS: Assume an initial purchase payment of $100,000 and an issue
age of 35. This means:

  o  the Benefit Basis is $100,000;
  o  the remaining withdrawal amount is $100,000;
  o  the GAWA is $7,000;
  o  the Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000; and
  o  the guaranteed annual lifetime withdrawal amount (GALWA) is $4,000.

Any surrender charge will further reduce the Contract Value and result in
additional adjustments to the Benefit Basis and Lifetime Benefit Basis unless
the Owner chooses to have those charges deducted from the amount they receive.

the Base Assumptions, the Owner makes an additional purchase payment of $50,000
within the window period.

  o  the Benefit Basis is $150,000, which is the prior Benefit Basis plus the
     additional purchase payment;
  o  the remaining withdrawal amount is $150,000, which is the prior remaining
     withdrawal amount plus the additional purchase payment;
  o  the GAWA is $10,500, which is 7% of the new Benefit Basis;
  o  the Lifetime Benefit Basis is $150,000, which is the prior Lifetime
     Benefit Basis plus the additional purchase payment; and
  o  the GALWA is $6,000, which is 4% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.

with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws the GALWA ($4,000) after the
first Contract Anniversary.

  o  the Benefit Basis is $100,000, this does not change because the withdrawal
     is less then the $7,000 GAWA;
  o  the remaining withdrawal amount is $96,000, the prior remaining withdrawal
     amount minus the $4,000 lifetime withdrawal;
  o  the GAWA is $7,000, this does not change because the withdrawal is less
     then the $7,000 GAWA;
  o  the Lifetime Benefit Basis is $100,000, this does not change because the
     lifetime withdrawal does not exceed the $4,000 GALWA; and
  o  the GALWA is $4,000. This does not change because the lifetime withdrawal
     does not exceed the $4,000 GALWA.

Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws the GAWA ($7,000) after
the first Contract Anniversary and Contract Value is $110,000 at the time of the

  o  The Benefit Basis is $100,000, this does not change because the withdrawal
     does not exceed the $7,000 GAWA;
  o  The remaining withdrawal amount is $93,000, the prior remaining lifetime
     withdrawal amount minus the $7,000 withdrawal;
  o  The GAWA is $7,000, this does not change because the lifetime withdrawal
     does not exceed the $7,000 GAWA;
  o  the Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $93,000 Because the lifetime
     withdrawal exceeds the $4,000 GALWA, this value is adjusted to be the
     lesser of (1) or (2) below:
       1.  the prior Lifetime Benefit Basis less the withdrawal: $100,000 -
           $7,000 = $93,000; or
       2.  the Contract Value after the withdrawal: $110,000 - $7,000 =
  o  The GALWA is $3,720, which is 4% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.

  NOTE: While this withdrawal amount is allowed under the terms of the GAWA, it
  is an excess withdrawal under the terms of the GALWA.

Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws $50,000 and Contract
Value is $150,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals have

  o  The Benefit Basis is adjusted to $50,000 because the lifetime withdrawal
     exceeds the $7,000 GALWA. The adjusted value is calculated as the lesser
     of (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The prior Benefit Basis less the withdrawal: $100,000 - $50,000 =
           $50,000; or
       2.  The Contract Value after the withdrawal: $150,000 - $50,000 =
  o  The remaining withdrawal amount is adjusted to $50,000 because the
     lifetime withdrawal exceeds the $7,000 GAWA. The adjustment is calculated
     as the lesser of (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The prior remaining withdrawal amount less the withdrawal: $100,000
           - $50,000 = $50,000; or
       2.  The Contract Value after the withdrawal: $150,000 - $50,000 =
  o  The GAWA is $3,500, which is 7% of the new Benefit Basis;
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $50,000 because the lifetime
     withdrawal exceeds the $4,000 GALWA. The adjusted amount is the lesser of
     (1) or (2) below:


       1.  The prior Lifetime Benefit Basis less the withdrawal: $100,000 -
           $50,000 = $50,000; or
       2.  The Contract Value after the withdrawal: $150,000 - $50,000 =
  o  The GALWA is $2,000, which is 4% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.

BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws
$50,000 and Contract Value is $80,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no
prior withdrawals have occurred).

  o  The Benefit Basis is adjusted to $30,000 because the lifetime withdrawal
     exceeds the $7,000 GALWA. The adjusted basis is the lesser of (1) or (2)
       1.  The prior Benefit Basis less the withdrawal: $100,000 - $50,000 =
           50,000; or
       2.  The Contract Value after the withdrawal: $80,000 - $50,000 = $30,000.
  o  The remaining withdrawal amount is adjusted to $30,000 because the
     lifetime withdrawal exceeds the $7,000 GAWA. The value is adjusted to be
     the lesser of (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The prior remaining withdrawal amount less the withdrawal: $100,000
           - $50,000 = $50,000; or
       2.  The Contract Value after the withdrawal: $80,000 - $50,000 = $30,000.
  o  The GAWA is $2,100, which is 7% of the new Benefit Basis;
  o  The Lifetime Benefit Basis is adjusted to $30,000 because the lifetime
     withdrawal exceeds the $4,000 GALWA. The adjusted value is the lesser of
     (1) or (2) below:
       1.  The prior Lifetime Benefit Basis less the withdrawal: $100,000 -
           $50,000 = $50,000; or
       2.  The Contract Value after the withdrawal: $80,000 - $50,000 = $30,000
  o  The GALWA is $1,200, which is 4% of the new Lifetime Benefit Basis.


                                   APPENDIX K
                          GENERALLY ISSUED ON AND AFTER
                     OCTOBER 19, 2009 BUT BEFORE MAY 1, 2010
                             10-YEAR BENEFIT PERIOD

Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit riders issued after October 19, 2009 but
before May 1, 2010 have the same features described in the Guaranteed Minimum
Accumulation Benefit rider, except as discussed in this Appendix. This
discussion is applicable to riders issued between the dates set forth above as
well as riders that may be issued on or after May 1, 2010 in states that have
not approved a more current version of this rider that may be issued in
connection with applications signed before May 1, 2010.

Termination. The rider does not terminate upon change of ownership of the

Benefit Allocation Plans. Different Benefit Allocation Plans (f/k/a Benefit
Allocation Models) were available at the time these riders were issued. Current
Contract Owners may continue to use their current Benefit Allocation Plan.
However, only the Benefit Allocation Plans described in Appendix E are available
if the Contract Owner wishes to change allocation options.

Foundation Account. The Benefit Allocation Models do not include the Foundation

                                   *    *    *

BASE ASSUMPTIONS: Assume an initial purchase payment of $100,000 electing the
B-Share Option and an issue age of 65. This means the Benefit Basis is $100,000.
All withdrawal figures shown indicate the total amount withdrawn from the
Contract, and assume that no surrender charges apply. Any surrender charge will
further reduce the Contract Value and result in additional adjustments to the
Benefit Basis unless the Owner chooses to have those charges deducted from the
amount received.

makes an additional purchase payment of $50,000 within the window period. The
Benefit Basis is $150,000, which is the prior Benefit Basis plus the additional
purchase payment.

BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws $50,000, with
Contract Value of $150,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals
have occurred).

  o  The adjustment to the Benefit Basis is $50,000 which is the greater of:
  o  The withdrawal of $50,000; or
  o  The proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn of $33,333.33. This is
     calculated as (1) divided by (2) with the result multiplied by (3):
       1.  partial withdrawal amount: $50,000;
       2.  Contract Value immediately prior to the withdrawal: $150,000;
       3.  the Benefit Basis immediately prior to the withdrawal: $100,000.
  o  So, the proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn: ($50,000 / $150,000) *
     $100,000 = $33,333.33.
  o  Therefore, the Benefit Basis is adjusted to $50,000 ($100,000 prior basis
     less $50,000 adjustment calculated above).

Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws $50,000 with Contract
Value of $80,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals have

  o  The adjustment to the Benefit Basis is $62,500 which is the greater of:
  o  The prior Benefit Basis less the withdrawal of $50,000; or
  o  The proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn of $62,500. This is
     calculated as (1) divided by (2) with the result multiplied by (3):
       1.  partial withdrawal amount: $50,000;
       2.  Contract Value immediately prior to the withdrawal: $80,000;
       3.  the Benefit Basis immediately prior to the withdrawal: $100,000.
  o  So, the proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn: ($50,000 / $80,000) *
     $100,000 = $62,500.
  o  Therefore, the Benefit Basis is adjusted to $37,500 ($100,000 prior basis
     less $62,500 adjustment calculated above).

EXAMPLE 4 (STEP UP THE BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, on
the 4th Rider Anniversary the Contract Value is $135,000.

  o  The existing Benefit Basis is $100,000.
  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Benefit Basis to the Contract Value of
  o  The new Benefit Basis is $135,000 and the Contract Value will be
     guaranteed to be at least $135,000 on the 14th Contract Anniversary (10
     years from the step up date).


  NOTE: If the Owner chooses to step up the Benefit Basis a new seven year
  Minimum Charge Period will begin starting on the date of the step up.

  NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current charge, up
  to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.

Assumptions, on the 10th Rider Anniversary the Contract Value is $75,000.
Assuming that the Benefit Basis has never been stepped up and no withdrawals
have been taken.

  o  The existing Benefit Basis is $100,000.
  o  We will add $25,000 to the Contract to bring the total Contract Value
     equal to the Benefit Basis of $100,000.
  o  The Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit then terminates with no
     additional value and all charges for the benefit cease.

THE CHARGES -- 10-YEAR PERIOD): Starting with the Base Assumptions, on the 10th
Rider Anniversary the Contract Value is $105,000. Assuming that the Benefit
Basis has never been stepped up and no withdrawals have been taken.

  o  The existing Benefit Basis is $100,000.

  o  We will add an amount equal to the total charges collected for the current
     10-year Benefit Period to the Contract Value.
  o  This will add $10,500 to the Contract - the $100,000 Benefit Basis times a
     1.05% annual charge for the 10-year Benefit Period.

  o  So the Contract Value will be $115,500 after the refund of charges.
  o  The Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit then terminates with no
     additional value and all charges for the benefit cease.

ADDITIONAL 10-YEAR PERIOD -- 10-YEAR PERIOD): Starting with the Base
Assumptions, on the 10th Rider Anniversary the Contract Value is $115,000.
Assuming that the Benefit Basis has never been stepped up and no withdrawals
have been taken.

  o  The existing Benefit Basis is $100,000.

  o  The rider will renew for an additional 10-year Benefit Period.

  o  The new Benefit Basis is $115,000 and the Contract Value will be
     guaranteed to be at least $115,000 on the 20th Contract Anniversary (10
     years from the renewal date).
  o  No charges will be refunded for the 10-year period that is expiring.

  NOTE: If the Owner chooses to renew the Benefit Basis a new seven-year
  Minimum Charge Period will begin starting on the date of the renewal.

  NOTE: Following renewal of the rider, you may pay a new current charge, up to
  the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.


                                   APPENDIX L
                AFTER APRIL 30, 2009 BUT BEFORE OCTOBER 19, 2009

Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit riders issued after April 30, 2009 but
before October 19, 2009 have the same features discussed in this Prospectus,
except as described in this Appendix. This discussion is applicable to riders
issued between the dates set forth above as well as new riders that may be
issued in states that have not approved a more current version of this rider or
riders that may be issued in connection with applications signed prior to April
30, 2009.

Termination. The rider does not terminate upon change of ownership of the

Foundation Account. The Benefit Allocation Plans do not include the Foundation

Benefit Allocation Plans. Different Benefit Allocation Plans (f/k/a Benefit
Allocation Models) were available at the time these riders were issued. Current
Contract Owners may continue to use their current Benefit Allocation Plan.
However, only the Benefit Allocation Plans described in Appendix E are available
if the Contract Owner wishes to change allocation options.

Foundation Account. The Benefit Allocation Models do not include the Foundation

Expiration Date. If the rider terminates at the expiration date, we will
increase your Contract Value by the amount of all rider charges deducted during
the most recent Benefit Period. We will allocate this increase pro-rata
according to your purchase payment allocation designation on file.

Rider Charge. The maximum annual charge is 1.75% and the current annual charge
is 0.80% of average daily Benefit Basis for the prior Contract Year.

                                   *    *    *

                             10-YEAR BENEFIT PERIOD

BASE ASSUMPTIONS: Assume an initial purchase payment of $100,000 electing the
B-Share Option and an issue age of 65. This means the Benefit Basis is $100,000.
All withdrawal figures shown indicate the total amount withdrawn from the
Contract, and assume that no surrender charges apply. Any surrender charge will
further reduce the Contract Value and result in additional adjustments to the
Benefit Basis unless the Owner chooses to have those charges deducted from the
amount received.

makes an additional purchase payment of $50,000 within the window period. The
Benefit Basis is $150,000, which is the prior Benefit Basis plus the additional
purchase payment.

BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws $50,000, with
Contract Value of $150,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals
have occurred).

  o  The adjustment to the Benefit Basis is $50,000 which is the greater of:
  o  The withdrawal of $50,000; or
  o  The proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn of $33,333.33. This is
     calculated as (1) divided by (2) with the result multiplied by (3):
       1.  partial withdrawal amount: $50,000;
       2.  Contract Value immediately prior to the withdrawal: $150,000;
       3.  the Benefit Basis immediately prior to the withdrawal: $100,000.
  o  So, the proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn:
     ($50,000/$150,000)*$100,000 = $33,333.33.
  o  Therefore, the Benefit Basis is adjusted to $50,000 ($100,000 prior basis
     less $50,000 adjustment calculated above).

Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws $50,000 with Contract
Value of $80,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals have

  o  The adjustment to the Benefit Basis is $62,500 which is the greater of:
  o  The prior Benefit Basis less the withdrawal of $50,000; or
  o  The proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn of $62,500. This is
     calculated as (1) divided by (2) with the result multiplied by (3):
       1.  partial withdrawal amount: $50,000;
       2.  Contract Value immediately prior to the withdrawal: $80,000;
       3.  the Benefit Basis immediately prior to the withdrawal: $100,000.
  o  So, the proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn:
     ($50,000/$80,000)*$100,000 = $62,500.
  o  Therefore, the Benefit Basis is adjusted to $37,500 ($100,000 prior basis
     less $62,500 adjustment calculated above).


EXAMPLE 4 (STEP UP THE BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, on
the 4th Rider Anniversary the Contract Value is $135,000.

  o  The existing Benefit Basis is $100,000.
  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Benefit Basis to the Contract Value of
  o  The new Benefit Basis is $135,000 and the Contract Value will be
     guaranteed to be at least $135,000 on the 14th Contract Anniversary (10
     years from the step up date).

  NOTE: If the Owner chooses to step up the Benefit Basis a new seven year
  Minimum Charge Period will begin starting on the date of the step up.

  NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current charge, up
  to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.

Assumptions, on the 10th Rider Anniversary the Contract Value is $75,000.
Assuming that the Benefit Basis has never been stepped up and no withdrawals
have been taken.

  o  The existing Benefit Basis is $100,000.
  o  We will add $25,000 to the Contract to bring the total Contract Value
     equal to the Benefit Basis of $100,000.
  o  The Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit then terminates with no
     additional value and all charges for the benefit cease.

THE CHARGES -- 10-YEAR PERIOD): Starting with the Base Assumptions, on the 10th
Rider Anniversary the Contract Value is $105,000. Assuming that the Benefit
Basis has never been stepped up and no withdrawals have been taken.

  o  The existing Benefit Basis is $100,000.

  o  We will add an amount equal to the total charges collected for the current
     10-year Benefit Period to the Contract Value.
  o  This will add $8,000 to the Contract -- the $100,000 Benefit Basis times an
     0.80% annual charge for the 10-year Benefit Period.

  o  So the Contract Value will be $113,000 after the refund of charges.
  o  The Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit then terminates with no
     additional value and all charges for the benefit cease.

ADDITIONAL 10-YEAR PERIOD -- 10-YEAR PERIOD): Starting with the Base
Assumptions, on the 10th Rider Anniversary the Contract Value is $115,000.
Assuming that the Benefit Basis has never been stepped up and no withdrawals
have been taken.

  o  The existing Benefit Basis is $100,000.

  o  The rider will renew for an additional 10-year Benefit Period.

  o  The new Benefit Basis is $115,000 and the Contract Value will be
     guaranteed to be at least $115,000 on the 20th Contract Anniversary (10
     years from the renewal date).
  o  No charges will be refunded for the 10-year period that is expiring.

  NOTE: If the Owner chooses to renew the Benefit Basis a new seven-year
  Minimum Charge Period will begin starting on the date of the renewal.

  NOTE: Following renewal of the rider, you may pay a new current charge, up to
  the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.


                                   APPENDIX M
                 AFTER NOVEMBER 23, 2008 BUT BEFORE MAY 1, 2009

Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit riders issued after November 23, 2008
but before May 1, 2009 have the same features discussed in this Prospectus,
except as described in this Appendix. This discussion is applicable to riders
issued between the dates set forth above as well as new riders that may be
issued in states that have not approved a more current version of this rider or
riders that may be issued in connection with applications signed prior to May 1,
2009, except that the 7-year Benefit Period is no longer available in any state.

General. A 7-year Benefit Period was available. For the rider with the 7-year
Benefit Period, if your Contract Value is greater than your Benefit Basis on the
rider's expiration date, and you do not renew the Benefit Period or convert the
rider to the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit, there will be no increase
to your Contract Value.

Benefit Basis. The Benefit Basis is the amount upon which your Guaranteed
Minimum Accumulation Benefit is based.

Termination. The rider does not terminate upon change of ownership of the

Benefit Allocation Plans. Different Benefit Allocation Plans (f/k/a Benefit
Allocation Models) were available at the time these riders were issued. Current
Contract Owners may continue to use their current Benefit Allocation Plan.
However, only the Benefit Allocation Plans described in Appendix E are available
if the Contract Owner wishes to change allocation options.

Foundation Account. The Benefit Allocation Plans do not include the Foundation

Expiration Date. If the rider terminates at the expiration date, we will
increase your Contract Value by the amount of all rider charges deducted during
the most recent Benefit Period. We will allocate this increase pro-rata
according to your purchase payment allocation designation on file.

Rider Charge. The maximum annual charge is 1.75% and the current annual charge
is 0.65% of average daily Benefit Basis for the prior Contract Year. The 7-year
Benefit Period charges will not be refunded.

                                   *    *    *


                            10 - YEAR BENEFIT PERIOD

THE CHARGES -- 10-YEAR PERIOD): Starting with the Base Assumptions, on the 10th
Rider Anniversary the Contract Value is $105,000. Assuming that the Benefit
Basis has never been stepped up and no withdrawals have been taken.

  o  The existing Benefit Basis is $100,000.

  o  We will add an amount equal to the total charges collected for the current
     10-year Benefit Period to the Contract Value.
  o  This will add $6,500 to the Contract -- the $100,000 Benefit Basis times a
     0.65% annual charge for the 10-year Benefit Period.

  o  So, the Contract Value will be $111,500 after the refund of charges.
  o  The Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit then terminates with no
     additional value and all charges for the benefit cease.

                              7-YEAR BENEFIT PERIOD

BASE ASSUMPTIONS: Assume an initial purchase payment of $100,000 electing the
B-Share Option and an issue age of 65. This means the Benefit Basis is $100,000.
All withdrawal figures shown indicate the total amount withdrawn from the
Contract, and assume that no surrender charge applies. Any surrender charge will
further reduce the Contract Value and result in additional adjustments to the
Benefit Basis unless the Owner chooses to have those charges deducted from the
amount they receive.

makes an additional purchase payment of $50,000 within the window period. The
Benefit Basis is $150,000, which is the prior Benefit Basis plus the additional
purchase payment.

BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws $50,000, with
Contract Value of $150,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals
have occurred).

  o  The adjustment to the Benefit Basis is $50,000 which is the greater of:
  o  The withdrawal of $50,000; or


  o  The proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn of $33,333.33. This is
     calculated as (1) divided by (2) with the result multiplied by (3):
       1.  partial withdrawal amount: $50,000;
       2.  Contract Value immediately prior to the withdrawal: $150,000;
       3.  the Benefit Basis immediately prior to the withdrawal: $100,000.
  o  So, the proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn: ($50,000/
     $150,000)*$100,000 = $33,333.33.
  o  Therefore, the Benefit Basis is adjusted to $50,000 ($100,000 prior basis
     less $50,000 adjustment calculated above).

Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws $50,000 with Contract
Value of $80,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals have

  o  The adjustment to the Benefit Basis is $62,500 which is the greater of:
  o  The prior Benefit Basis less the withdrawal of $50,000; or
  o  The proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn of $62,500. This is
     calculated as (1) divided by (2) with the result multiplied by (3):
       1.  partial withdrawal amount: $50,000;
       2.  Contract Value immediately prior to the withdrawal: $80,000;
       3.  the Benefit Basis immediately prior to the withdrawal: $100,000.
  o  So, the proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn:
     ($50,000/$80,000)*$100,000 = $62,500.
  o  Therefore, the Benefit Basis is adjusted to $37,500 ($100,000 prior basis
     less $62,500 adjustment calculated above).

EXAMPLE 4 (STEP UP THE BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, on
the 4th Rider Anniversary the Contract Value is $135,000.

  o  The existing Benefit Basis is $100,000.
  o  The Owner chooses to step up the Benefit Basis to the Contract Value of
  o  The new Benefit Basis is $135,000 and the Contract Value will be
     guaranteed to be at least $135,000 on the 11th Contract Anniversary (7
     years from the step up date).

  NOTE: Following your Step-Up election, you may pay a new current charge, up
  to the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.

7-YEAR PERIOD): Starting with the Base Assumptions, on the 7th Rider Anniversary
the Contract Value is $75,000. Assuming that the Benefit Basis has never been
stepped up and no withdrawals have been taken.

  o  The existing Benefit Basis is $100,000.
  o  We will add $25,000 to the contract to bring the total Contract Value
     equal to the Benefit Basis of $100,000.
  o  The Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit then terminates with no
     additional value and all charges for the benefit cease.

7-YEAR PERIOD): Starting with the Base Assumptions, on the 7th Rider Anniversary
the Contract Value is $105,000. Assuming that the Benefit Basis has never been
stepped up and no withdrawals have been taken.

  o  The existing Benefit Basis is $100,000.
  o  Because the Contract Value is larger than the amount guaranteed by the
     Benefit Basis, no value is added to the Contract.
  o  The Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit then terminates with no
     additional value and all charges for the benefit cease.

Starting with the Base Assumptions, on the 7th Contract anniversary the Contract
Value is $115,000. Assuming that the Benefit Basis has never been stepped up and
no withdrawals have been taken.

  o  The existing Benefit Basis is $100,000.

  o  The rider will renew for an additional 7-year Benefit Period.

  o  The new Benefit Basis is $115,000 and the Contract Value will be
     guaranteed to be at least $115,000 on the 14th Contract Anniversary (7
     years from the renewal date).

  NOTE: Following renewal of the rider, you may pay a new current charge, up to
  the maximum charge for your rider, which may be higher.


                                   APPENDIX N
                  OCTOBER 29, 2006 BUT BEFORE NOVEMBER 24, 2008

Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit riders issued after October 29, 2006 but
before November 24, 2008 have the same features discussed in this Prospectus,
except as described in this Appendix. This discussion is applicable to riders
issued between the dates set forth above as well as new riders that may be
issued in states that have not approved a more current version of this rider or
riders that may be issued in connection with applications signed prior to May 1,

Benefit Allocation Plans. Different Benefit Allocation Plans (f/k/a Benefit
Allocation Models) were available at the time these riders were issued. Current
Contract Owners may continue to use the Benefit Allocation Plan. However, the
Benefit Allocation Plans described in Appendix E are available if the Contract
owner wishes to change allocation options.

Benefit Basis. Because the rider charge is calculated based on the Contract
Value purchase payments made during the window period will increase the cost of
the rider. Additionally by increasing the Contract Value without increasing the
Benefit Basis, such payments could negatively impact your rider benefits.

Conversion. To convert the rider to a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit
rider, your Benefit Basis must be greater than zero, the Annuitant (oldest
Annuitant, if join Annuitants) must be age 85 or younger as of the date of
conversion, and we must receive your Written Request for conversion at our
Mailing Address.

Termination. You may terminate the rider on any date following the expiration of
the Minimum Charge Period. If you elect to discontinue using the available
Benefit Allocation Plans, the rider will not terminate until the expiration of
the Minimum Charge Period. However, you will not receive any of the benefits or
rights under the rider. The rider does not terminate upon change of ownership of
the Contract.

Foundation Account. The Benefit Allocation Plans do not include the Foundation

Expiration Date. If the rider terminates at the expiration date, we will
increase your Contract Value by the amount of all rider charges deducted during
the most recent Benefit Period. We will allocate this increase pro-rata
according to your purchase payment allocation designation on file.

Rider Charge. The maximum annual charge for these riders is 1.00% and the
current annual charge is 0.50% of the average monthly Contract Value for the
prior Contract Year. Annual charges for these riders are non-refundable.

                                   *    *    *

BASE ASSUMPTIONS: Assume an initial purchase payment of $100,000 electing the
B-Share Option and an issue age of 65. This means the Benefit Basis is $100,000.
All withdrawal figures shown indicate the total amount withdrawn from the
Contract, and assume that no surrender charge applies. Any surrender charge will
further reduce the Contract Value and result in additional adjustments to the
Benefit Basis unless the Owner chooses to have those charges deducted from the
amount they receive.

makes an additional purchase payment of $50,000 within the window period. The
Benefit Basis is $150,000, which is the prior Benefit Basis plus the additional
purchase payment.

BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws $50,000, with
Contract Value of $150,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals
have occurred).

  o  The adjustment to the Benefit Basis is $50,000 which is the greater of:
  o  The withdrawal of $50,000; or
  o  The proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn of $33,333.33. This is
     calculated as (1) divided by (2) with the result multiplied by (3):
       1.  partial withdrawal amount: $50,000;
       2.  Contract Value immediately prior to the withdrawal: $150,000;
       3.  the Benefit Basis immediately prior to the withdrawal: $100,000;
  o  So the proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn: ($50,000/
     $150,000)*$100,000 = $33,333.33
  o  Therefore the Benefit Basis is adjusted to $50,000 ($100,000 prior basis
     less $50,000 adjustment calculated above).

Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws $50,000 with Contract
Value of $80,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals have

  o  The adjustment to the Benefit Basis is $62,500 which is the greater of:


  o  The prior Benefit Basis less the withdrawal of $50,000; or
  o  The proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn of $62,500. This is
     calculated as (1) divided by (2) with the result multiplied by (3):
       1.  partial withdrawal amount: $50,000;
       2.  Contract Value immediately prior to the withdrawal: $80,000;
       3.  the Benefit Basis immediately prior to the withdrawal: $100,000;
  o  So the proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn: ($50,000/
     $80,000)*$100,000 = $62,500
  o  Therefore, the Benefit Basis is adjusted to $37,500 ($100,000 prior basis
     less $62,500 adjustment calculated above).

EXAMPLE 4 (STEP-UP THE BENEFIT BASIS): Starting with the Base Assumptions, on
the 4th anniversary the Contract Value is $135,000.

  o  The existing Benefit Basis is $100,000.
  o  The Owner chooses to Step-Up the Benefit Basis to the Contract Value of
  o  The new Benefit Basis is $135,000 and the Contract Value will be
     guaranteed to be at least $135,000 on the 14th Contract Anniversary (10
     years from the Step-Up date).

NOTE: If the Owner chooses to Step-Up the Benefit Basis a new seven year Minimum
Charge Period will begin starting on the date of the Step-Up.

NOTE: The charge for the rider at Step-Up will be the current charge for new
issues of the rider. If we are no longer issuing the rider, we will set the


                                   APPENDIX O

Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit riders issued before October 30, 2006
have the same features discussed in this Prospectus, except as described in this
Appendix. This discussion is applicable to riders issued before October 30, 2006
as well as riders issued after October 30, 2006 but before November 24, 2008 in
states where a more current rider had not been approved. We are no longer
issuing riders in this form.

General. The rider is available only when you purchase your Contract.

Benefit Allocation Plans. Different Benefit Allocation Plans (f/k/a Benefit
Allocation Models) were available at the time these riders were issued. Current
Contract Owners may continue to use the Benefit Allocation Plan. However, only
the Benefit Allocation Plans described in Appendix E are available if the
Contract Owner wishes to change allocation options.

Benefit Basis. Your Benefit Basis is equal to your initial purchase payment plus
any purchase payments received during window period currently, the first 12
months after the issue date, minus adjustments for partial withdrawals. Because
the rider charge is calculated based on the Contract Value such purchase
payments will increase the cost of the rider. Additionally by increasing the
Contract Value without increasing the Benefit Basis, such payments could
negatively impact your rider benefits.

Step-Up. On your fifth Rider Anniversary (and each subsequent fifth Rider
Anniversary for a renewal Benefit Period, or new Benefit Period following a
Step-Up) you have the one time opportunity to "Step-Up" your Benefit Basis to
equal your current Contract Value and begin a new Benefit Period of the same
duration as the prior Benefit Period. This option is available provided all of
the following four conditions are met:

  (1)  the expiration date for the new Benefit Period does not extend past the
       Contract Anniversary following the Annuitant's 85th birthday or 10 years
       from the Contract Issue Date, if later;

  (2)  your Benefit Basis is greater than zero;
  (3)  your Contract Value is greater than the Benefit Basis as of the Step-Up
       date; and

  (4)  the Company receives your Written Request to Step-Up the benefit by its
       Mailing Agent at least thirty (30) days before the end of the fifth (5th)
       rider year for the Benefit Period. The Step-Up date will be the Rider
       Anniversary as of the end of that rider year.

Termination. You may terminate the rider on any date following the expiration of
the Minimum Charge Period of seven years. In addition, the rider will
automatically terminate on the earliest of:

  (a)  the expiration date of the Benefit Period;

  (b)  the Payout Date;
  (c)  the date Due Proof of Death of the Annuitant is received;
  (d)  the date there is a change of Annuitant for any reason; or
  (e)  the date you surrender your Contract.

If you elect to discontinue using the available Benefit Allocation Plans, the
rider will not terminate until the expiration of the Minimum Charge Period.
However, you will not receive any of the benefits or rights under the rider.

Conversion. You may also convert the rider to a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal
Benefit rider, if available, on a Rider Anniversary. To convert the rider, your
Benefit Basis must be greater than zero, the Annuitant must be age 85 or younger
as of the date of conversion, and we must receive your Written Request for
conversion at our Mailing Address at least thirty (30) days before a Rider

If you convert the rider to a Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit rider, the
date of the conversion will be the Rider Anniversary date following receipt of
your request. Per the rider terms, conversions are based on Contract Value.
However, we have elected to process conversions based on the greater of Benefit
Basis or Contract Value.

Foundation Account. The Benefit Allocation Plans do not include the Foundation

Change of Ownership. The Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit will not end if
you change owners.

Rider Charge. The maximum annual charge for these riders is 1.00% and the
current annual charge is 0.50% of the average monthly Contract Value for the
prior Contract Year. The average monthly Contract Value is equal to the sum of
each monthly Contract Value (the Contract Value as of the same day of the month
as the Contract Issue Date) divided by the number of months. Annual charges for
these riders are non-refundable.

On each Contract Anniversary during the accumulation period, the Company will
deduct the GMAB charge pro-rata from your Contract Value. A pro-rata portion of
the charge also will be deducted upon Contract surrender, termination of the
rider after the expiration of the Minimum Charge Period, payment of death
proceeds, or selection of an Income Payout Option, if the surrender,


termination, payment of death proceeds or selection of an Income Payout Option
does not occur on a Contract Anniversary. The charge for a year will be in
proportion to the number of days since the prior Contract Anniversary.

                                   *    *    *

BASE ASSUMPTIONS: Assume an initial purchase payment of $100,000 and an issue
age of 35. This means the Benefit Basis is $100,000. All withdrawal figures
shown indicate the total amount withdrawn from the Contract, and assume that no
surrender charge applies. Any surrender charge will further reduce the Contract
Value and result in additional adjustments to the Benefit Basis unless the Owner
chooses to have those charges deducted from the amount they receive.

makes an additional purchase payment of $50,000 within the window period. The
Benefit Basis is $150,000, which is the prior Benefit Basis plus the additional
purchase payment.

Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws $50,000 and Contract
Value is $150,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals have

  o  The adjustment to the Benefit Basis is $50,000 which is the greater of:
  o  The withdrawal of $50,000; or
  o  The proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn of $33,333.33. This is
     calculated as (1) divided by (2) with the result multiplied by (3):
       1.  partial withdrawal amount: $50,000;
       2.  Contract Value immediately prior to the withdrawal: $150,000
       3.  the Benefit Basis immediately prior to the withdrawal: $100,000
  o  So the proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn: ($50,000 / $150,000) *
     $100,000 = $33,333.33
  o  Therefore the Benefit Basis is adjusted to $50,000 ($100,000 prior basis
     less $50,000 adjustment calculated above).

Starting with the Base Assumptions, the Owner withdraws $50,000 and Contract
Value is $80,000 at the time of the withdrawal (no prior withdrawals have

  o  The adjustment to the Benefit Basis is $62,500 which is the greater of:
  o  The prior Benefit Basis less the withdrawal of $50,000; or
  o  The proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn of $62,500. This is
     calculated as (1) divided by (2) with the result multiplied by (3):
       1.  Partial withdrawal amount: $50,000;
       2.  Contract Value immediately prior to the withdrawal: $80,000
       3.  the Benefit Basis immediately prior to the withdrawal: $100,000
  o  So the proportion of the Benefit Basis withdrawn: ($50,000 / $80,000) *
     $100,000 = $62,500
  o  Therefore the Benefit Basis is adjusted to $37,500 ($100,000 prior basis
     less $62,500 adjustment calculated above).


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


  The Contract


  Misstatement of Age or Gender


  Section 403(b) Contract Loans



  Assumed Investment Rate

  Amount of Variable Income Payments

  Income Unit Value




You may obtain a copy of the Statement of Additional Information free of charge
by writing to us at 2000 Heritage Way, Waverly, Iowa 50677-9202 or calling us at
