
                                 BY AND BETWEEN

                           PROMOTA INTERNATIONAL, INC.


                        INTERNATIONAL TEST SYSTEMS, INC.

     THIS  STOCK  PURCHASE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made and entered into
this 23rd day  of  October 2003, by and between International Test Systems, Inc.
(hereinafter,  "ITS"  or the "Company"), a Delaware corporation, with an address
at  16161  College  Oak,  Suite  101,  San  Antonio,  Texas  78249,  and Promota
International  Inc.  (hereinafter "Promota" or "Buyer"), a Delaware corporation,
with  an  address  at  c/o  Eaton  & Van Winkle LLP, 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY
10016.  ITS  and  Promota  shall  be hereinafter collectively referred to as the
"Parties"  or  individually  as  the  "Party".


     WHEREAS,  ITS  is  authorized to issue fifty million (50,000,000) shares of
capital stock, of which two million four hundred six thousand (2,406,000) shares
are  issued  and  outstanding  as  of  the  date  hereof.

     WHEREAS,  ITS desires to secure additional working capital for the Company.

     WHEREAS,  Promota  is already the holder of six hundred twenty six thousand
(626,000)  shares,  or  approximately  twenty-six  percent (26%) of the Company.

     WHEREAS,  Promota  wishes to acquire a controlling interest in the Company.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  foregoing,  and of the mutual
covenants,  agreements,  undertakings,  representations and warranties contained
herein,  the  Parties  hereto  agree  as  follows:

     1.     Capital Contribution and Share Issuance

          1.01.     Issuance  of  Shares.

          (a)  ITS  shall  issue  and  shall sell and deliver to Promota, at the
     Closing  (as the term "Closing" is defined in Section 3, below), all right,
     title  and interest in and to nineteen million eight hundred fifty thousand
     (19,850,000)  shares of capital stock, which, together with the six hundred
     twenty  six  thousand  (626,000)  shares  already  owned  by  Promota shall
     constitute  an  equity stake in the Company of ninety two percent (92%), in
     exchange  for  a  capital  cash  contribution of two hundred fifty thousand
     ($250,000) Dollars (the "Cash Contribution"). Following the Closing herein,
     Promota acknowledges that the Company shall continue to have the obligation
     to  pay  the  undisputed  portion  of  certain  outstanding payables of the
     Company  as  detailed  on  the  attached  Schedule  1.01,  but specifically
     excluding  costs of ITS related to this Agreement, the transaction, and the
     Closing  contemplated  herein.

          (b)  Following  the Closing herein, Promota shall have been issued and
     purchased  a  total  of  twenty  million  four hundred seventy six thousand
     (20,476,000)  common  shares,  that  is  ninety-two (92%) of the issued and
     outstanding  equity  securities  of  the  Company.

          1.02     Cash  Contribution.  ITS  acknowledges that, on or about
September  26,  2003,  Promota  transferred  to  ITS  the  sum of fifty thousand
($50,000)  Dollars  (the  "First  Cash  Contribution"),  and that the First Cash
Contribution  is  to be credited toward the Cash Contribution. In the event that
the  Closing contemplated herein does not take place, the Company shall issue to
Promota, a demand promissory note for the amount of the First Cash Contribution,
carrying an interest rate of eight percent (8%), with the principal and interest
payable  upon maturity, which date of maturity shall be one hundred twenty (120)
days  from  the date  of  the this agreement At the Closing contemplated herein,
Promota shall transfer the sum of two hundred thousand ($200,000) Dollars to the
Company  (the  "Second Cash Contribution"), as detailed in the manner prescribed
in  Section  6.02(b),  below,  and  ITS  shall issue and deliver to Promota upon
receipt  of  the  confirmation of the Second Cash Contribution, nineteen million
eight  hundred  fifty  thousand  (19,850,000)  shares of capital stock. All Cash
Contributions  shall  be  net  of  bank  fees, wire transfer costs, and currency
conversion  differences.

          1.03.     Additional  Terms.

          (a)  Employment  Agreement.  The  Executive  Employment  Agreement
     ("agreement"),  between  the  Company  and  Carey  G.  Birmingham  shall be
     amended.  Carey  G.  Birmingham  shall  now  be  the  Company's  Executive
     Vice-President  for  real  estate and retail development, and the agreement
     shall  have  an  effective date of October 22, 2003. The agreement shall be
     amended  to  reflect  a term of two (2) years, commencing October 22, 2003,
     provided  that  if  the  Company  has  not received from parties other than
     Promota  capital  of  at  least one hundred twenty five thousand ($125,000)
     Dollars  within  six months of the date of execution of this Stock Purchase
     Agreement,  the  agreement  shall  terminate  as  of  April  22,  2004. The
     agreement  shall  include  a  provision  whereby  Carey G. Birmingham shall
     receive  an  annual  salary of $55,000 during the first year of the term of
     the  Executive  Employment  Agreement and $65,000 during the second year of
     the  term  of the Executive Employment Agreement. All other terms contained
     in  the  Executive  Employment Agreement shall remain the same as currently
     provided  for  in  the  Executive  Employment  Agreement;

          (b)  Current  Work  Proposals.  The  Company  has submitted a proposal
     together  with  CircuitCheck,  Inc., as a subcontractor, to Less Crossley &
     Associates  and  Ontario  Power  Generation for the delivery, installation,
     service,  upgrades,  support,  and warranty of static and dynamic automated
     circuit  board  testers,  as well as to facilitate the training of users of
     the  system.  The  said proposal was made on August 27, 2003. If a positive
     response  is  received  to the said proposal made by ITS, to Les Crossley &
     Associates  and  Ontario  Power  Generation,  then Carey G. Birmingham, the
     current President and CEO of the Company, agrees to coordinate such project
     on  behalf  of  the Company at no additional cost or expense to the Company
     other  than  that provided in the employment contract referenced in Section
     1.03(a),  above.  Based  upon  the  profit  projections  contained  in  the
     proposal,  in  the  event  that  the  Company  is retained pursuant to this
     proposal,  twenty  thousand ($20,000) Dollars of the net proceeds resulting
     from the project shall be used to pay down the Company's existing debt owed
     to  BFP  Texas,  and  to  Carey  G.  Birmingham.

          (c) Board Resignations. With the exception of Carey G. Birmingham, the
     Board  of  Directors  of  ITS,  shall  resign  from the Board of Directors,
     effective  as  of the Closing Date, and at least two (2) new members of the
     Board of Directors, of Promota's choosing, shall be appointed, effective as
     of  the  Closing  Date.  A  Resolution  effecting the said resignations and
     appointments  is  attached  hereto  and made a part hereof as Exhibit A. As
     soon  as is practically possible following the execution of this Agreement,
     the  Company  shall  seek  to  procure  an  acceptable  policy of insurance
     covering  the  activities  of  its directors and officers while serving the

          (d)  Underwriting  Provisions.  Carey G. Birmingham shall use his best
     efforts to ensure that the underwriting agreement described in this Section
     shall  remain  in  full  force  and  effect  following  the  Closing of the
     transactions  contemplated  in this Agreement, or will use his best efforts
     to cause a new agreement to be executed by Public Securities, Inc. Carey G.
     Birmingham,  following  the  Closing of the transaction contemplated herein
     also  warrant that, to the best of his knowledge, none of the terms of this
     Agreement cause, shall cause, or have the effect of generating a commission
     due  and  payable  to Public Securities, Inc., and that in the event that a
     commission to Public Securities, Inc. is generated by the execution of this
     Agreement,  that Public Securities, Inc. has agreed that any, and all, such
     commissions  due  to  it  shall be waived, and shall become due and payable
     only upon the successful completion of the Company's contemplated offering,
     as  detailed  hereunder.

          (e)  ITS  Debt. As of the Closing Date, the Debt of ITS, primarily the
     result  of  loans and/or advances made by Carey G. Birmingham and BFP Texas
     to  ITS,  is  one  hundred  twenty five thousand four hundred sixty two and
     08/100 ($125,462.08) Dollars (the "ITS Debt"). The ITS Debt is evidenced by
     two (2) promissory notes, one to Carey Birmingham due December 31, 2003, in
     the amount of $43,362.08 (the "Birmingham promissory note"), and one to BFP
     Texas  due  December  31,  2003,  in  the  amount  of  $82,100.00 (the "BFP
     promissory  note"). Carey G. Birmingham and BFP Texas hereby agree to waive
     all interest which has or may accrue on the ITS Debt. In addition, both BFP
     Texas  and Carey G. Birmingham agree to extend the maturity date of each of
     the promissory notes to January 31, 2004, subject to the provisions of this
     paragraph  relating  to  repayment  of  the  remainder of the ITS Debt. The
     promissory  notes  shall  be  further  amended  to  have  a standard market
     conditions  clause  added  to  them  which  shall  provide  that  if market
     circumstances  or  other  conditions  prevent  the  Company from paying the
     promissory  notes  on  the  due  date, the Company shall have an additional
     thirty  (30)  days  from  the due date to pay the notes. On the date of the
     receipt of the First Cash Contribution, as detailed in Section 1.02, above,
     or  immediately  thereafter, but not to exceed five (5) business days after
     date  of  the  receipt  of  the  First  Cash  Contribution, thirty thousand
     ($30,000)  Dollars  of  the First Cash Contribution shall be used to reduce
     the  ITS  debt,  by crediting said thirty thousand ($30,000) Dollar payment
     against  the Birmingham promissory note. Of the remainder amount of the ITS
     Debt,  forty  five  thousand  ($45,000) Dollars shall be converted into one
     hundred  thousand  (100,000)  shares  of  common stock of the Company, said
     conversion  shall  first  convert  the  balance  or  that  part  of the BFP
     promissory  note  up  to  forty  five  thousand  ($45,000) Dollars; fifteen
     thousand  ($15,000)  Dollars  of  the  ITS Debt shall be forgiven, with the
     forgiven debt being equally applied between the Birmingham promissory note,
     and  the  BFP  promissory  note;  The balance of the ITS Debt, amounting to
     thirty  five  thousand  four  hundred  sixty  two  and  08/100 ($35,462.08)
     Dollars, shall be dealt with as follows: fifteen thousand ($15,000) Dollars
     of  the  ITS  Debt  shall  be  retired  using  proceeds  from the Company's
     contemplated  offering,  or from the Company's cash flow (the maturity date
     of  any  promissory  or  demand notes evidencing such debt shall be further
     extended  to  accommodate  the  Company's  retiring said debt from offering
     proceeds or cash flow); and the remaining twenty thousand ($20,000) Dollars
     shall  be paid from proceeds received from the proposal to Les Crossley and
     Associates  (see  1.03(b),  above).  In  the  event that the Company is not
     successful  in  its  proposal  to  Les Crossley and Associates, said twenty
     thousand  ($20,000)  Dollars  will  be  retired  using  proceeds  from  the
     Company's  contemplated offering, or from the Company's cash flow, and that
     the  maturity  date  of any promissory or demand notes evidencing such debt
     shall  be  further extended to accommodate the Company's retiring said debt
     from  offering  proceeds  or  cash  flow;

          (f) Authority to Utilize Bank Accounts. ITS shall continue to maintain
     a  bank account at J.P. Morgan Chase Bank in New York, located at 349 Fifth
     Avenue,  New  York, NY 10016 (the "New York bank account") and at a bank in
     Texas of the new ITS board's choosing (the "Texas bank account"). ITS shall
     retain  the  Cash  Contributions  in  the  New York bank account, and shall
     transfer  funds  to  the  Texas bank account, as and when necessary to meet
     Company  expenses,  provided, however, that the only person with control of
     the  New  York  bank  account  and  with signing power on the New York bank
     account,  and  whose  signature  is, and shall always be, necessary for all
     withdrawals  and  transfers  of  funds  in  said  account,  shall  be  Mike
     Dramytinos,  or  a  designee  of  Mike  Dramytinos.  For  purposes of funds
     management,  with  respect  to  the  Texas bank account, there shall be two
     signatories  on  said  account,  with  one  of  the  signatories being Mike
     Dramytinos, necessary on all expenditures of five hundred ($500.00) Dollars
     or  greater,  and  the  Company  must  have the written approval of two (2)
     designated  persons,  with  one  of  the  designated  persons  being  Mike
     Dramytinos,  for any expenditure of five hundred ($500.00) Dollars or more.

     2.     Continuation  of  Business.

          2.01     Status-Quo  Provision.      For  a  period  of six (6) months
from the date of the Second Cash Contribution by Promota and the issuance of the
nineteen  million  eight  hundred  fifty thousand (19,850,000) shares of capital
stock  by  ITS,  as  contemplated  in  Provision  1.01  herein, Promota, and its
shareholders,  as majority stockholders of ITS, agree that the Company shall not
engage  in,  complete,  or  perform  any  split of its shares, reverse split, or
cancellation  of  the  existing  stock  of  ITS,  nor shall Promota, as majority
stockholder,  issue any new shares of stock of the Company that shall dilute the
current  (as  of the date of this Agreement) shareholders of ITS unless adequate
consideration is received therefore.  Furthermore, Promota agrees not to perform
any  reverse  split  of  the shares of the Company for three (3) months from the
date  of  the  filing  of  the  first  post-effective amendment to the Company's
registration  statement, that being Amendment No. 10 to Form SB-1, as filed with
the  Securities and Exchange Commission on August 11, 2003, pursuant to File No.
333-88179,  which  registration  statement  was  declared  effective pursuant to
Section  8(a)  of  the  1933  Securities  Act  on  August  15,  2003.

          2.02      INTENTIONALLY  OMITTED

          2.03     Lock  Up  Agreement.  After  the  Closing  herein, receipt of
the  Cash  Contribution,  and  issuance  of  the  Shares  by  the  Company,  as
contemplated herein, the Company shall undertake to have all shareholders of the
Company  that  hold an interest of one percent (1%) or more of the capital stock
of  the  Company (the "significant shareholders") enter into a Lock Up Agreement
whereby  all  of  the  significant  shareholders of the Company shall only sell,
pledge,  assign,  hypothecate  or  trade,  no more than ten percent (10%) of the
total  amount  of  the  capital stock they hold in the Company during any thirty
(30)  day  period.  This lock up agreement shall be for a term of six (6) months
from  the  date  the  Company's  shares  begin  trading  publicly.

     3.     Closing.  Unless  extended  by  mutual agreement, the Closing of the
transaction  contemplated hereby shall be held on October 22, 2003, at 5:00 p.m.
Eastern  Standard  Time, simultaneously and electronically at the law offices of
Buyer's  and Company's counsel, or at such other place, or on such other date as
shall  mutually  be  agreed  to in writing by the Parties. The date on which the
Closing  occurs  is  herein  referred to variously as the "Closing Date" and the

     4.     Representations  and  Warranties of the Company.  The Company hereby
represents  and  warrants  to  Promota  as  follows:

          4.01.     Organization,  Qualification.  ITS  is  a  corporation  duly
organized,  validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of
Delaware,  and is duly qualified to do business as a foreign corporation in each
other  jurisdiction  in  which  the  failure to so qualify would have a material
adverse  effect  on  its  business  as presently conducted and as proposed to be

          4.02.     Capitalization.  Immediately  after  the  Closing  Date, the
authorized  capital  stock  of  ITS shall consist of 50,000,000 shares of Common
Stock,  of  which  22,486,000  shares  will be issued and outstanding.  All such
outstanding shares of ITS capital stock shall have been duly authorized, validly
issued,  fully  paid  and  nonassessable as, and when, the receipt of the Second
Cash  Contribution  is  confirmed,  and are not subject to any preemptive rights
created  by  statute,  the  Articles  of  Incorporation  or Bylaws of ITS or any
agreement  to  which  ITS  is  a  party  or  by  which  it  is  bound.

          4.03.     Authority  Relative  to  this  Agreement.  ITS  has the full
right,  power  and  authority  to  enter  into this Agreement and to perform its
obligations  hereunder.  This  Agreement  has been duly authorized, executed and
delivered  by  ITS,  and  constitutes  the  valid  and  legally  binding
obligation  of  ITS.  No  other  actions  or  proceedings on the part of ITS are
necessary for ITS to authorize this Agreement, or to consummate the transactions
contemplated  herein.

          4.04.     Litigation.  Except  as  set  forth on Schedule 4.04, ITS is
not  engaged in, nor has it been threatened with, any material litigation (which
for  this  purpose  shall  mean  a  potential  liability in excess of $10,000 or
potential  liabilities  in  the  aggregate  in  excess of $10,000), arbitration,
investigation or other legal proceeding relating to ITS or its business as it is
now  conducted,  its  property,  or any action or proceeding wherein an existing
judgment  or  order against ITS would restrict, lien, or eliminate their ability
to currently and immediately transfer the Shares as detailed herein, nor, to the
knowledge  of  ITS,  is  there  any  valid  basis  for  any  such  proceeding.

          4.05.     Indemnification.  ITS  shall,  with  respect  to  the
representations,  warranties,  covenants  and  agreements  made  by  it  hereby,
indemnify,  defend  and hold Buyer harmless from and against all liability, loss
or  damage  (including any diminution in the value of the Shares), together with
all  reasonable  costs  and  expenses  related  thereto  (including  legal  and
accounting fees and expenses), arising from the untruth, inaccuracy or breach of
any  such  representations, warranties, covenants or agreements of ITS contained
in  this  Agreement  or  the  assertion of any claims relating to the foregoing.

          4.06.  Compliance  with  Contracts.  ITS  has  performed  all material
obligations  required  to  be  performed  by it as of the date of this Agreement
under  each  material  contract, obligation, commitment, agreement, undertaking,
arrangement  or  lease  referred  to  in  this Agreement, and are not in default
hereunder.  This  Agreement  and  the  actions  contemplated  thereby  will  not
conflict  with,  or result in a breach of the terms, conditions or provisions of
any  such  material  agreement or cause any acceleration of maturity of any such
material  agreements.

          4.07.  Compliance  with Laws.  ITS has substantially complied with all
laws,  regulations,  judgments,  decrees  or orders of any court or governmental
agency  or  entity  applicable  in  any  material  respect to the conduct of its

          4.08.  Permits, Authorizations, Consents and Approvals; No Violations.
To  the  best  of  its  knowledge,  neither  the  execution and delivery of this
Agreement by ITS nor the consummation by ITS of the transactions contemplated by
this  Agreement  will (a) conflict with or result in any breach of any provision
of  the  Articles  of  Incorporation  or Bylaws of ITS, (b) result in a material
breach  or  default  (or  give rise to any right of termination, cancellation or
acceleration)  under  any  of  the  terms, conditions or provisions of any note,
bond,  mortgage, indenture, license agreement, lease or other material contract,
other  than the underwriting agreement, instrument or obligation to which ITS is
a party or by which ITS or any of its assets may be bound, (c) or violate in any
material  respect  any  statute,  rule,  regulation,  order, writ, injunction or
decree  applicable to ITS or any of its assets, or (d) result in the creation of
any  material  (individually or in the aggregate) liens, charges or encumbrances
on  any  of  the  material  assets  of  ITS.

          4.09     Financial  Statements of ITS.  ITS has delivered to Promota a
copy  of  its  most  recent Form SB-1 Filing with the US Securities and Exchange
Commission  ("SEC")  dated  August 11, 2002, which Form SB-1 Filing contains the
reviewed  balance  sheet and income statements of ITS as of June 30, 2003 and an
audited  statement  of  operations,  stockholders  equity and cash flows for the
fiscal  years  ended  December  31,  2002  and  December  30,  2001  (the  "ITS
Financials").  The  ITS  Financials  have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with
generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  applied  on  a  consistent  basis
throughout the periods covered by such statements.  The ITS Financials, with any
notes  thereto,  are in accordance with the books and records of ITS and present
fairly  ITS's  financial position and results of operations and cash flows as of
the  dates  and  for  the  periods  indicated  therein.

          4.10     Undisclosed  Liabilities.  ITS  does  not  have  any material
liabilities, whether absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise, and whether due
or  to  become  due, except for those liabilities which (a) are accrued or fully
reserved  against  its  balance  sheet  of  the  ITS  Financials or (b) are of a
normally  recurring nature and were incurred after June 30, 2003 in the ordinary
course  of  business  consistent  with  past  practice.  Schedule 4.10 lists all
liabilities  of ITS incurred after June 30, 2003 which are of a type required to
be  disclosed  or reflected in financial statements and which either (i) are not
in the ordinary course of business or (ii) exceed ten thousand ($10,000) Dollars
with  respect  to  any  single  transaction  or  single  series of transactions.

          4.11     Ordinary  Course.  Since December 31, 2002, ITS has conducted
its  business only in the ordinary course and in a normal manner consistent with
past  practice.

          4.12     Dividend  payments;  Expenditures.  ITS  has  not  made  any
dividend  payments  or  any other distribution on or with respect to its capital
stock,  nor  has  it  made  any  expenditures  in  excess  of  $10,000.00.

          4.13     Value of the Shares.   ITS represents that they have provided
to  Buyer  all  relevant  documentation, and ITS has answered all questions with
regard  thereto  that  Buyer  deemed  necessary  or  appropriate to evaluate the
business, operations and assets of ITS and the value of its common stock.  Buyer
is relying solely on its own evaluation and analysis in determining the value of
the  Shares  and  not  on  any  representation  of  value  or worth made by ITS.

     5.     Representations  and  Warranties  of Buyer.  Buyer hereby represents
and  warrants  to  the  Company  as  follows:

          5.01.  Organization.  Promota (a) is a corporation (i) duly organized,
validly  existing  and in good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware,
and  (ii)  duly  qualified and in good standing as a foreign corporation in each
state  in  which  it does business, except where the failure to so qualify would
not  have a materially adverse effect on its business or assets, and (b) has the
corporate power and authority to own its properties and to carry on its business
as  now  being  conducted.

          5.02.  Authority, Binding Agreement.  This Agreement has been approved
by  the  Board  of  Directors  and  Shareholders  of  Promota.  No  consents,
authorizations or approvals, whether of a governmental agency or instrumentality
or otherwise, are necessary in order to enable Promota to enter into and perform
this  Agreement. This Agreement constitutes legal, valid and binding obligations
of  Promota  and  is  enforceable  against Promota in accordance with its terms.

          5.03.     Litigation.  There  is  no  suit,  action  or other legal or
administrative  proceeding  pending  or  threatened  against Promota, and to its
knowledge,  no  circumstances exist or have occurred which may lead to any suit,
action,  proceeding or investigation which could materially and adversely affect
its business, assets or financial condition. Promota has received no notice from
any  federal,  state  or  local  governmental  agency asserting any violation by
Promota  of  any  law,  ordinance  or  regulation.

          5.04.     Review.    Promota  has  received  and reviewed to Promota's
satisfaction  such documents and corporate and financial records of ITS, and has
had  answered all questions with regard thereto that Promota deemed necessary or
appropriate  to  evaluate  the  business,  operation  and  assets  of  ITS.

     6.     Conditions to the Closing.  The obligations of the Parties hereunder
are  subject to the satisfaction at by the Closing of each of the conditions set
forth  below.  Any  of such conditions may be waived by the other party but only
in  writing.

          6.01.  Compliance  with  Terms.  On  the  Closing Date, all the terms,
conditions  and covenants of this Agreement to be complied with and performed by
the  respective  Parties  shall  have  been  complied  with and performed in all
material  respects.

          6.02.  No  Material Change.  (a) There shall be no material changes to
the  Representations  and  Warranties  of  Section  4  herein,  nor shall be any
material  change  in the business, assets, liabilities or financial condition of

          (b)  Promota  shall  send  the Cash Contributions to the Company's New
     York  bank  account,  as  described  in  1.03(f).

          6.03  Completion.  Completion  of the Closing  of this transaction, as
contemplated  by this Agreement, shall be subject to the final completion of due
diligence  by  Promota  Hellas,  S.A.,  parent  of  Promota,  as required by the
auditing  and  accounting  standards of Promota Hellas, S.A., in order to ensure
regulatory  compliance  with  the  laws  of  European  Union  and  of  Greece.

     7.     Documents  to  be  delivered  at  Closing.

          7.01     Deliverables  of  ITS.  ITS  at  the Closing shall deliver to
Promota  the following documents in form and substance satisfactory to Promota's

          (a)  a  copy  of  all resolutions of the Board of Directors and of the
     Shareholders  of  ITS  authorizing  the  issuance and sale of the shares of
     capital  stock  to  be  sold  pursuant  to  this  Agreement  as well as all
     resolutions  authorizing  the  execution,  delivery and performance of this
     Agreement,  attached  hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibits A, B, C and

          7.02     Deliverables  of  Promota.  Promota  at  the  Closing  shall
deliver  to  ITS  the  following documents in form and substance satisfactory to
ITS's  counsel:

          (a)  a  copy  of  all resolutions of the Board of Directors and of the
     Shareholders  of  Promota authorizing the Cash Contribution and purchase of
     the  shares  of capital stock to be sold pursuant to this Agreement as well
     as  all  resolutions authorizing the execution, delivery and performance of
     this  Agreement,  attached  hereto  and made a part hereof as Exhibit D and
     Exhibit  E.

     8.     Indemnification.

          8.01  Obligation  of the Board of Directors and Shareholders of ITS to
Indemnify.  The  Board  of  Directors and shareholders of ITS, as of the date of
- ---------
this Agreement, jointly and severally, shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless
Promota  and  its  shareholders,  directors,  officers, employees and agents and
their  respective  assigns  from  and  against  any and all liabilities, losses,
claims,  damages,  costs and expenses (including without limitation, court costs
and  reasonable attorneys' fees) suffered, sustained, incurred or required to be
paid  by any of Promota and its shareholders, directors, officers, employees and
agents  and  their respective assigns arising out of or in respect to any breach
or  inaccuracy  or  any representation or warranty, or any failure to perform or
comply  with  any  covenant  or  agreement, of the Company, contained in or made
pursuant  to  this  Agreement.

     9.     Miscellaneous.

          9.01.  Costs.  Except  as  otherwise  specifically  provided  herein,
Promota  shall  be obligated to pay the Closing costs, transfer costs applicable
to  this Agreement and the transfer of the Shares hereunder, and its own counsel
and  all  other legal fees and costs related thereto.  Both Promota and ITS each
hold the other harmless from any obligation for the payment of any finder's fees
or  commissions  in  connection  with  the  transactions  contemplated  by  this
Agreement  as  a  result  of  any  action  of  the  indemnifying  party.

          9.02.  Invalidity,  Modification and Waiver.  If any provision of this
Agreement  shall  be  held to be invalid or void, the remaining provisions shall
nevertheless  remain  in  effect. No provision of this Agreement may be modified
and  the  performance  or observance thereof may not be waived except by written
agreement  of  the  parties  affected  thereby.  No  waiver  of any violation or
nonperformance of any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be a waiver
of any subsequent violation or nonperformance of the same or any other provision
of  this  Agreement.

          9.03.  Complete  Agreement.  This  Agreement  constitutes  the
complete and exclusive statement of the agreement among the parties with respect
to  the  subject  matter  thereof.  It  supersedes  all  prior  written and oral
statements,  including  any  prior  representation,  statement,  condition,  or

          9.04.  Applicable  Law,  Jurisdiction  and  Venue.  All questions
concerning  the construction, validity, and interpretation of this Agreement and
the  performance  of the obligations imposed by this Agreement shall be governed
by  the  internal  law, not the law of conflicts, of the State of New York.  Any
suit  involving  any  dispute or matter arising under this Agreement may only be
brought  in  a  United States District Court located in the State of New York or
any  New  York  State  Court  having jurisdiction over the subject matter of the
dispute  or  matter.  All  parties  hereby  consent  to the exercise of personal
jurisdiction  by  any  such  court  with  respect  to  any  such  proceeding.

          9.05.  Article  and  Section  Titles.  The  headings  herein  are
inserted  as  a matter of convenience only and do not define, limit, or describe
the  scope  of  this  Agreement  or  the  intent  of  the  provisions  hereof.

          9.06.  Binding  Provisions.  This  Agreement  is binding upon and
inures  to  the  benefit  of,  the  parties  hereto  and there respective heirs,
executors,  administrators,  personal and legal representatives, successors, and
permitted  assigns.

          9.07.  Terms.  Common nouns and pronouns shall be deemed to refer
to the masculine, feminine, neuter, singular, and plural, as the identity of the
Person  may  in  the  context  require.

          9.08.  Separability  of  Provisions.  Each  Provision  of  this
Agreement  shall  be considered separable; and if, for any reason, any provision
or  provisions  herein are determined to be invalid and contrary to any existing
or future law, such invalidity shall not impair the operation of or affect those
portions  of  this  Agreement,  which  are  valid.

          9.09.  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in
two  or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all of
which,  when  taken together, constitute one and the same document.  The parties
may  complete  the  Closing  contemplated  herein  in separate locations, and at
differing  times.  The signature of any party to any counterpart shall be deemed
a  signature  to,  and  may  be  appended  to, any other counterpart.  Facsimile
signatures  shall  be  acceptable  in  order  to  execute  this  Agreement.

          9.10.  Abandonment.  If this Agreement shall fail to close as provided
for in Section 3 as a result of a failure of any of the conditions precedent set
forth  in  Section  6,  all further obligations of the parties hereto under this
Agreement  shall  terminate without further liability, and each party shall bear
its  own  costs incident to the negotiation, preparation and anticipated Closing
of  this Agreement. In such event, each party shall return any data, material or
assets  of  the  other  party  received  by  it in contemplation of the Closing.

          9.11     Representation  By Counsel.     ITS represents herein that it
has been fully and adequately represented by counsel in this transaction, having
received  the advice and counsel from the Office of David Loev, Attorney at Law,
2777  Allen  Parkway,  Suite 1000, Houston, TX 77019.  Promota represents herein
that  it  has  been  fully  and  adequately  represented  by  counsel  in  this
transaction,  having received that advice and counsel of the law firm of Eaton &
Van  Winkle  LLP,  3  Park  Avenue,  New  York,  NY  10016.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly executed by their respective authorized representative as of the date first
written  above.


                              INTERNATIONAL  TEST  SYSTEMS,  INC.

                              By: /s/ Carey G. Birmingham
                              Name: Carey G. Birmingham
                              Title: President


                              PROMOTA  INTERNATIONAL,  INC.

                              By: /s/ Mikael Dramytinos
                              Name: Mikael Dramytinos
                              Title: President

As  to  provisions  1.03,  2.03,  and  8.01

/s/ Carey Birmingham
- -------------------------------
Carey  Birmingham

BFP  Texas,  Inc.

By: /s/ Carey G. Birmingham
Its: President

/s/ Alex Yount
- -------------------------------
Alex  Yount

/s/ Youval Krigel
- -------------------------------
Youval  Krigel

Pensar  Technologies,  LLC  .

By: /s/ Carey G. Birmingham
Its: President


EXHIBIT A --     Waiver of Notice and Written Consent to Action By the
Board  of  Directors  in  Lieu of a Special Meeting (International Test Systems,
Inc.)  -  Appointing  New  Directors and accepting the resignation of Directors;
Unanimous  Written  Consent  To  Action by the Board of Directors appointing new

EXHIBIT B -     Unanimous Written Consent to Action By the Board of Directors in
Lieu of a Special Meeting (International Test Systems, Inc.)

EXHIBIT C -     Waiver of Notice and Written Consent to Action By the
Stockholders in Lieu of a Special Meeting (International Test Systems, Inc.)

EXHIBIT D -     Unanimous Written Consent to Action By the Board of Directors in
Lieu of a Special Meeting (Promota International, Inc.)

EXHIBIT E -     Waiver of Notice and Unanimous Written Consent to Action By the
Sole Stockholder in Lieu of a Special Meeting (Promota International, Inc.)

EXHIBIT F -     Resolution by the Board of Directors authorizing an employment
agreement for Carey Birmingham (International Test Systems, Inc.)

                                    EXHIBIT A

                        INTERNATIONAL TEST SYSTEMS, INC.
                             A Delaware Corporation

                            BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                          IN LIEU OF A SPECIAL MEETING

     Pursuant to subsection (f) of Section 141 of the General Corporation Law of
the State of Delaware, the undersigned, being the sole director of International
Test  Systems,  Inc.  (hereinafter,  the  "Corporation") hereby consent that the
following  resolutions  be,  and the same hereby are, adopted as resolutions and
actions  of  the Board of Directors of the Corporation and that such resolutions
and  actions shall have all of the force and effect that they would have if duly
adopted  at  a  formal  meeting  of  the  directors  of  the  Corporation:

     WHEREAS,  pursuant that certain Stock Purchase Agreement by and between the
Corporation  and Promota International, Inc. ("Promota"), H. Alexander Yount and
H.  Youval Krigel, two members of the Board of Directors of the Corporation (the
"Directors"),  are  required  to  resign;  and

     WHEREAS,  the Directors of the Corporation have tendered their resignations
as  members of the Board of Directors, which are annexed and made a part hereof,
effective  upon  acceptance  by  the  Corporation;  and

     WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  wishes  to  increase  the  number  of directors
entitled to serve on the Board of Directors of the Corporation from three (3) to
four  (4)  and  to  fix  such  number  of  directors  at  four  (4);  and

     WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  wishes  to  appoint  and elect new directors to
replace  the  Directors  and  to  fill  such  newly  created  directorship;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  BE IT RESOLVED, THAT, the resignation of the Directors of
the  Corporation, be, and hereby is, accepted and approved, and are effective as
of  the  date  hereof;  and  be  it  further

     RESOLVED,  THAT,  the number of directors entitled to serve on the Board of
Directors  of  the Corporation shall be, and hereby is, increased from three (3)
directors  to  four  (4)  directors;  and  be  it  further

     RESOLVED,  THAT,  the number of directors entitled to serve on the Board of
Directors  be  and  hereby  is  fixed  at  four  (4);  and  be  it  further

     RESOLVED,  THAT,  the  following  persons  be,  and hereby are, elected and
appointed  as  directors of the Corporation until such time as they shall resign
or  be  removed in accordance with the By-laws of the Corporation or until their
respective  successor  has  been  duly  elected  and  qualified:

                                  Mike Dramytinos
                                  Warren A. Kirshenbaum
                                  Christos Mouroutis

IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned  being  all  of  the  directors  of  the
Corporation, have hereunto subscribed their names this 6th day of November 2003.

                                  /S/ Carey G. Birmingham
                                   Carey  G.  Birmingham

October 31st, 2003


     Pursuant  to  the  Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  entered into by and between
International  Test Systems, Inc. (the "Corporation") and Promota International,
Inc.,  I  hereby  tender my resignation as a member of the Board of Directors of
the  Corporation,  effective  acceptance  by  the  Corporation.

Very truly yours,

/s/ H. Alexander Yount
- -----------------------------
H. Alexander Yount

October 31st, 2003


     Pursuant  to  the  Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  entered into by and between
International  Test Systems, Inc. (the "Corporation") and Promota International,
Inc.,  I  hereby  tender my resignation as a member of the Board of Directors of
the  Corporation,  effective  acceptance  by  the  Corporation.

Very truly yours,

/s/ H. Youval Krigel
- -----------------------------
H. Youval Krigel

                        INTERNATIONAL TEST SYSTEMS, INC.
                             A Delaware Corporation

                            BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                          IN LIEU OF A SPECIAL MEETING

     Pursuant to subsection (f) of Section 141 of the General Corporation Law of
the  State  of  Delaware,  the  undersigned,  being  all  of  the  directors  of
International Test Systems, Inc. (hereinafter, the "Corporation") hereby consent
that  the  following  resolutions  be,  and  the  same  hereby  are,  adopted as
resolutions  and  actions  of the Board of Directors of the Corporation and that
such  resolutions  and  actions shall have all of the force and effect that they
would  have  if  duly  adopted  at  a  formal  meeting  of  the directors of the

     WHEREAS,  the  Corporation wishes to appoint certain persons as officers of
the  Corporation;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the following persons be, and hereby
are,  elected  as officers of the Corporation, to serve in the offices set forth
opposite their respective names below until the next annual meeting of the Board
of  Directors  or  until  their respective successors have been duly elected and

                Mike Dramytinos            President
                Christos Mouroutis         Executive Vice-President
                Carey G. Birmingham        Executive Vice-President

The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned  being  all of the directors of the
Corporation,  have  hereunto  subscribed  their  names this 6th day of November

                                              /s/ Mike Dramytinos
                                              Mike Dramytinos

                                              /s/ Christos Mouroutis
                                              Christos Mouroutis

                                              /s/ Warren A. Kirshenbaum
                                              Warren A. Kirshenbaum

                                              /s/ Carey G. Birmingham
                                              Carey G. Birmingham

                                    EXHIBIT B

                        INTERNATIONAL TEST SYSTEMS, INC.
                             A Delaware Corporation

                            BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                          IN LIEU OF A SPECIAL MEETING

     Pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 242 of the General Corporation Law of
the State of Delaware, the undersigned, being all the directors of International
Test  Systems,  Inc.  (hereinafter,  the  "Corporation") hereby consent that the
following  resolutions  be,  and the same hereby are, adopted as resolutions and
actions  of  the Board of Directors of the Corporation and that such resolutions
and  actions shall have all of the force and effect that they would have if duly
adopted  at  a  formal  meeting  of  the  directors  of  the  Corporation:

     WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  wishes  to issue an additional nineteen million
eight  hundred  fifty  thousand  (19,850,000)  shares  of its capital stock (the
"Shares")  and  sell  the  entire amount of the Shares to Promota International,
Inc.  ("Promota")  in  exchange  for a capital contribution of two hundred fifty
thousand  dollars  ($250,000.00), as more specifically described in the attached
Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  which  is  annexed  and  made  a  part  hereof.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  BE IT RESOLVED, THAT, the Corporation issue the Shares to
Promota  in  exchange  for  a capital contribution of two hundred fifty thousand
dollars  ($250,000.00);  and

     FURTHER  RSOLVED,  THAT,  the  Stock  Purchase Agreement be, and hereby is,
approved  and adopted, in order to effectuate sale of the Shares to Promota; and

     FURTHER,  RESOLVED,  THAT,  the President of the Corporation be, and hereby
is,  authorized  to  execute  and  deliver,  in  the  name  and on behalf of the
Corporation,  the  Stock  Purchase  Agreement.

             The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned  being  all of the directors of the
Corporation, have hereunto subscribed their names this 23rd day of October 2003.

                                   /S/ Carey G. Birmingham
                                   Carey  G.  Birmingham

                                   /S/ H. Alexander Yount
                                   H.  Alexander  Yount

                                   /S/ H. Youval Krigel
                                   H.  Youval  Krigel

                                    EXHIBIT C

                        INTERNATIONAL TEST SYSTEMS, INC.
                             A Delaware Corporation

                                WAIVER OF NOTICE
                            WRITTEN CONSENT TO ACTION
                               BY THE STOCKHOLDERS
                          IN LIEU OF A SPECIAL MEETING

     Pursuant  to  Section  229 and subsection (a) of Section 228 of the General
Corporation  Law  of the State of Delaware, the undersigned, being a majority of
the  stockholders  of  International  Test  Systems,  Inc.  (hereinafter,  the
"Corporation")  hereby  waive  notice  of meeting and consent that the following
resolutions  be,  and the same hereby are, adopted as resolutions and actions of
the  stockholders of the Corporation and that such resolutions and actions shall
have  all  of  the  force  and  effect that they would have if duly adopted at a
formal  meeting  of  the  stockholders  of  the  Corporation:

     WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  wishes  to issue an additional nineteen million
eight  hundred  fifty  thousand  (19,850,000)  shares  of its capital stock (the
"Shares")  and  sell  the  entire amount of the Shares to Promota International,
Inc.  ("Promota")  in  exchange  for a capital contribution of two hundred fifty
thousand  dollars  ($250,000.00), as more specifically described in the attached
Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  which  is  annexed  and  made  a  part  hereof.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  BE IT RESOLVED, THAT, the Corporation issue the Shares to
Promota  in  exchange  for  a capital contribution of two hundred fifty thousand
dollars  ($250,000.00);  and

     FURTHER  RSOLVED,  THAT,  the  Stock  Purchase Agreement be, and hereby is,
approved  and adopted, in order to effectuate sale of the Shares to Promota; and

     FURTHER  RESOLVED,  THAT,  the Board of Directors is authorized to take any
and all action necessary to consummate the transaction contemplated by the Stock
Purchase  Agreement;  and

     FURTHER,  RESOLVED,  THAT, by executing this Waiver of Notice and Unanimous
Written  Consent, the stockholders hereby acknowledge and agree to the terms and
conditions  of  the  Stock  Purchase  Agreement.

             The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned being a majority of the stockholders of
the  Corporation,  have hereunto subscribed their names this 23rd day of October

                                                   No. of Shares
     Signature  and  Name                         as  of  9/26/03
     --------------------                        -----------------

     /s/ Carey G. Birmingham                              81,000
- --------------------------------
     BFP Texas Ltd.
     Carey G. Birmingham, GP

     /s/ Carey G. Birmingham                             331,500
- --------------------------------
     Carey G. Birmingham

     /s/ Carey G. Birmingham                             250,000
- --------------------------------
     Pensar Technologies, LLC
     Carey G. Birmingham, President

     /s/ H. Youval Krigel                                100,000
- --------------------------------
     H. Youval Krigel

     /s/ H. Alex Yount                                   100,000
- --------------------------------
     H. Alex Yount

- --------------------------------
     R. Scott Barter

- --------------------------------
     Unifund Financial Group, Inc.
     R. Scott Barter, President

                                    EXHIBIT D

                           PROMOTA INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                             A Delaware Corporation

                            BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                          IN LIEU OF A SPECIAL MEETING

     Pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 242 of the General Corporation Law of
the  State  of  Delaware,  the  undersigned,  being all the directors of Promota
International,  Inc.  (hereinafter,  the  "Corporation") hereby consent that the
following  resolutions  be,  and the same hereby are, adopted as resolutions and
actions  of  the Board of Directors of the Corporation and that such resolutions
and  actions shall have all of the force and effect that they would have if duly
adopted  at  a  formal  meeting  of  the  directors  of  the  Corporation:

     WHEREAS,  the Corporation wishes to purchase an additional nineteen million
eight hundred fifty thousand (19,850,000) shares of capital stock (the "Shares")
of  International  Test  Systems,  Inc.  ("ITS")  in  exchange  for  a  capital
contribution  of  two  hundred  fifty  thousand  dollars  ($250,000.00), as more
specifically  described  in  the  attached  Stock  Purchase  Agreement, which is
annexed  and  made  a  part  hereof.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  BE IT RESOLVED, THAT, the Corporation purchase the Shares
from  ITS  in  exchange for a capital contribution of two hundred fifty thousand
dollars  ($250,000.00);  and

     FURTHER  RSOLVED,  THAT,  the  Stock  Purchase Agreement be, and hereby is,
and  adopted,  in  order  to  effectuate  purchase  of  the Shares from ITS; and

     FURTHER,  RESOLVED,  THAT,  the President of the Corporation be, and hereby
is,  authorized  to  execute  and  deliver,  in  the  name  and on behalf of the
Corporation,  the  Stock  Purchase  Agreement.

             The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned  being  all of the directors of the
Corporation, have hereunto subscribed their names this 23rd day of October 2003.

/s/ Mikael Dramytinos
- --------------------------------------
Mikael Dramytinos, President, Director

/s/ Christos Mouroutis
- --------------------------------------
Christos  Mouroutis,  Director

                                    EXHIBIT E

                           PROMOTA INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                             A Delaware Corporation

                                WAIVER OF NOTICE
                             BY THE SOLE STOCKHOLDER
                          IN LIEU OF A SPECIAL MEETING

     Pursuant  to  Section  229 and subsection (a) of Section 228 of the General
Corporation  Law  of  the  State  of  Delaware,  the undersigned, being the sole
stockholder  of  Promota  International,  Inc.  (hereinafter, the "Corporation")
hereby  waive  notice  of meeting and consent that the following resolutions be,
and  the same hereby are, adopted as resolutions and actions of the stockholders
of  the  Corporation and that such resolutions and actions shall have all of the
force and effect that they would have if duly adopted at a formal meeting of the
stockholders  of  the  Corporation:

     WHEREAS,  the Corporation wishes to purchase an additional nineteen million
eight hundred fifty thousand (19,850,000) shares of capital stock (the "Shares")
of  International  Test  Systems,  Inc.  ("ITS")  in  exchange  for  a  capital
contribution  of  two  hundred  fifty  thousand  dollars  ($250,000.00), as more
specifically  described  in  the  attached  Stock  Purchase  Agreement, which is
annexed  and  made  a  part  hereof.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  BE IT RESOLVED, THAT, the Corporation purchase the Shares
from  ITS  in  exchange for a capital contribution of two hundred fifty thousand
dollars  ($250,000.00);  and

     FURTHER  RSOLVED,  THAT,  the  Stock  Purchase Agreement be, and hereby is,
approved  and  adopted,  in order to effectuate purchase of the Shares from ITS;

     FURTHER  RESOLVED,  THAT,  the Board of Directors is authorized to take any
and all action necessary to consummate the transaction contemplated by the Stock
Purchase  Agreement;  and

     FURTHER,  RESOLVED,  THAT, by executing this Waiver of Notice and Unanimous
Written  Consent, the stockholders hereby acknowledge and agree to the terms and
conditions  of  the  Stock  Purchase  Agreement.

             The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned  being  the sole stockholder of the
Corporation, has  hereunto subscribed their names this 23rd day of October 2003.

                         PROMOTA HELLAS, S.A.

                         By: /s/ Mikael Dramytinos
                         Name: Mikael Dramytinos
                         Title: President

                                    EXHIBIT F

                        INTERNATIONAL TEST SYSTEMS, INC.
                             A Delaware Corporation

                            BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                          IN LIEU OF A SPECIAL MEETING

     Pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 242 of the General Corporation Law of
the  State  of  Delaware,  the undersigned, being a majority of the directors of
International Test Systems, Inc. (hereinafter, the "Corporation") hereby consent
that  the  following  resolutions  be,  and  the  same  hereby  are,  adopted as
resolutions  and  actions  of the Board of Directors of the Corporation and that
such  resolutions  and  actions shall have all of the force and effect that they
would  have  if  duly  adopted  at  a  formal  meeting  of  the directors of the

     WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  has  previously  entered  into  an  Executive
Employment  Agreement with Carey G. Birmingham ("Birmingham"), with an effective
date upon the Corporation raising $125,000.00, whereby Birmingham would serve as
the  Corporation's  President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer;

     WHEREAS,  pursuant  to that certain Stock Purchase Agreement by and between
the  Corporation  and  Promota  International, Inc., a copy of which is attached
hereto,  the  Executive Employment Agreement, is to be amended to reflect a term
of  two  (2)  years, so long as the Company has received from parties other than
Promota  capital of at least one hundred twenty five thousand ($125,000) Dollars
within six months of the date of execution of the Stock Purchase Agreement, with
an  effective  date  of  October  23,  2003,  to  include  provisions  whereby
Birmingham's  salary  shall  be  $55,000  during  the first year of the term and
$65,000 during the second year of the term and whereby Birmingham shall serve as
the  Corporation's  Executive  Vice-President  for  Real  Estate  and  Retail
Development;  and

     WHEREAS,  Birmingham,  being  a  director of the Corporation, shall abstain
from  voting  for  and  consenting  to  the  following  resolution.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  BE IT RESOLVED, THAT, the Executive Employment Agreement,
entered into between the Corporation and Birmingham, as amended, as contemplated
in  the  Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  be,  and  hereby is, approved and adopted.

             The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned  being  all of the directors of the
Corporation, have  hereunto  subscribed  their  names this 23rd day of October

                                   /s/ H. Alexander Yount
                                   H.  Alexander  Yount

                                  /s/ H. Youval Krigel
                                   H.  Youval  Krigel

                       Schedule 1.01

                     Accounts Payable

               a/o Close of Business 9/25/03

Payee                       Business Purpose             Amount
AT&T                        Telephone                $   424.36
SBC Communications          Telephone/Internet       $   202.68
Purchase Power              Postage                  $   150.00
PBCC                        Postage Meter            $   171.89
Dell Financial Services     Computer Hardware        $   105.95
American Express            Office Expense           $ 1,339.86
David Loev                  Legal                    $ 6,828.25
Malone                      Accounting               $ 3,670.00
Bexar County                Property Taxes           $   561.00
BFP Texas                   October Rent             $   150.00
BFP Texas                   October Expenses         $   200.00
US Bank                     Credit Card              $   250.00
DHL                         Shipping Postage         $   104.41


Reimbursed from Officers                             $(1,116.00)

Net Payables                                         $13,042.40

                                  Schedule 4.04



                                  Schedule 4.10

                             Undisclosed Liabilities
