WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                Current Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
                       the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

        Date of Report: (Date of earliest event reported) : May 18, 2006

                          Commission File No. 000-49756

                           THE WORLD GOLF LEAGUE, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

           DELAWARE                                   95-0201235
 -------------------------------           --------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of           (IRSEmployer  Identification  No.)
incorporation  or  organization)

       2139 STATE ROAD 434, SUITE 101, LONGWOOD, FLORIDA              32779
      (Address of principal executive offices)                     (Zip Code)

                                  (407) 331-6272
                           (Issuer  telephone number)

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     [ ]  Written  communications  pursuant  to  Rule  425  under  the
          Securities  Act  (17  CFR  230.425)

     [ ]  Soliciting  material  pursuant  to  Rule  14a-12  under the Exchange
          Act  (17  CFR  240.14a-12)

     [ ]  Pre-commencement  communications  pursuant  to  Rule  14d-2(b) under
          the  Exchange  Act  (17  CFR  240.14d-2(b))

     [ ]  Pre-commencement  communications  pursuant  to  Rule  13e-4(c) under
          the  Exchange  Act  (17  CFR  240.13e-4(c))


     The  World  Golf  League, Inc. (the "Company," "we," "us"), and DLC Capital
Group, LLC ("DLC")  entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement dated as of May
18,  2006 (the "Closing" and the "Purchase Agreement") whereby we agreed to sell
an  aggregate  of $400,000 in convertible notes ("Convertible Notes" or "Notes")
and  up  to  700,000,000  warrants  to purchase shares of our common stock at an
exercise  price  of  $0.004  ("Stock  Purchase Warrants" or "Warrants").  At the
Closing,  we  sold DLC a Convertible Note in the principal amount of one hundred
and  forty  five  thousand  dollars ($145,000) (the "Note") and a Stock Purchase
Warrant to purchase an aggregate of 253,750,000 shares of our common stock at an

exercise  price  of $0.004 per share. We also granted DLC registration rights to
the  shares  the Note is convertible into; the shares the Warrant is exercisable
for  pursuant to a Registration Rights Agreement, and the shares of common stock
issuable  upon the conversion of the additional notes and additional warrants we
agreed  to  sell  to  DLC  as described below, pursuant to a Registration Rights
Agreement  (the  "Registration  Agreement").

     Additionally, DLC  agreed that upon  the filing of a Registration Statement
covering  the Note, it would  purchase additional Notes (the "Filing  Notes") in
the aggregate principal amount  of  fifty-five  thousand  dollars  ($55,000) and
additional  warrants  (the  "Filing  Warrants")  to  purchase  an  aggregate  of
96,250,000 shares  of Common Stock, with  the  closing of such purchase to occur
within five (5) days of the filing date of the  Registration  Statement  and  to
purchase  additional notes (the "Effectiveness  Notes"  and,  collectively  with
the  Filing  Notes, the "Additional Notes") in the aggregate principal amount of
two  hundred   thousand   dollars   ($200,000)   and  additional  warrants  (the
"Effectiveness  Warrants"  and,  collectively  with  the  Filing  Warrants,  the
"Additional  Warrants") to purchase an aggregate of 350,000,000 shares of Common
Stock  upon   the   effectiveness  of  the   Registration  Statement,  with  the
closing  of  such  purchase  to  occur  within  five  (5)  days  of the date the
Registration  Statement  is  declared effective by the Commission.  The terms of
the Additional Notes and the Additional Warrants shall be identical to the terms
of  the Notes and Warrants.  The Common Stock underlying the Notes and Warrants,
as  well  as  additional  amounts of shares in connection with the conversion of
accrued  interest on the Notes, as provided in the Notes, are referred to herein
as  the  "Registrable  Securities,"  and  shall  be included in the Registration
Statement  to  be  filed  pursuant  to  the  Registration  Rights  Agreement.

     Pursuant  to  the  Purchase Agreement, we agreed that we would not, without
the prior written consent of DLC, negotiate or contract with any party to obtain
additional  equity financing (including debt financing with an equity component)
that involves (A) the issuance of common stock at a discount to the market price
of  the  common  stock  on the date of issuance; (B) the issuance of convertible
securities that are convertible into an indeterminate number of shares of common
stock;  or  (C)  the  issuance  of  warrants  during the period beginning on the
Closing,  and ending on the later of (i) two hundred seventy (270) days from the
Closing,  or  (ii)  one hundred eighty (180) days from the date the Registration
Statement  which  we  are  required  to file pursuant to the Registration Rights
Agreement  is  declared effective by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
later  period  being the "Lock-up Period").  Additionally, we agreed, subject to
certain exceptions provided in the Purchase Agreement, to not conduct any equity
financing  (including debt with an equity component) during the period beginning
on  the  Closing,  and  ending two (2) years after the end of the Lock-up Period
unless  we  previously  deliver  to  DLC written notice describing the terms and
conditions  of  the  proposed  future  offering, and provide DLC fifteen days to
purchase  its  pro  rata  share  as calculated in the Purchase Agreement, of the
securities  being  offered  in  the  future  offering  on  the  same   terms  as
contemplated  by  such  future offering, which right was further modified by the
Right  to  Match  provision  of  the  Notes,  described  below.

     We also agreed to grant DLC  40,000,000  shares  of  our  restricted common
stock as a commitment fee in connection with the Closing of the funding.

- ----------------

     The  $145,000  Note  bears  interest  at  the rate of ten percent (10%) per
annum,  payable  each  month  in  arrears  until  due on May 18, 2009 ("Maturity
Date").  Any amount of principal or interest not paid on the Maturity Date bears
interest at the rate of fifteen 15% per annum from the Maturity Date until paid.
Additionally,  the  Note  is  convertible into shares of our common stock at any
time prior to the Maturity Date, as described below, provided that DLC shall not
be  able to convert any portion of the Note into shares of common stock, if such
conversion would result in beneficial ownership by DLC of more than 4.99% of our
then  outstanding  shares  of  common  stock.  The Note may not be prepaid by us
without  the  consent of DLC.  The additional Notes described above to be issued
subsequent  to  the  Closing will have the same terms and conditions as the Note
issued  on  the  Closing,  and  such  Notes will be due and payable on the third
anniversary  of  their  issuance  date.

     The  Notes are convertible into shares of our common stock at the lesser of
(i)  $0.15  per share, (ii) seventy percent (70%) of the average of the five (5)
lowest  volume weighted average price ("VWAPs") trading days of our common stock
during  the  20  most  recent  completed trading days of the common stock on the
OTCBB,  prior to the date of conversion, (iii) seventy percent (70%) of the VWAP
of  our  common  stock  for  the  most  recent  completed  trading  day prior to
conversion,  or  (iv) seventy percent (70%) of the most recent closing bid price
of  our common stock prior to the conversion.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, in
the  event that the conversion price in effect is less than $0.001 (the "Minimum
Conversion Price"), then the Holder shall not be entitled to convert any portion
of  the  Notes,  unless  we  waive  such  Minimum  Conversion  Price.

     "Events  of  Default"  under  the  Notes  include:

          o    our failure  to  pay  principal  or  interest  on  the  Note when

          o    if we fail  to  issue  shares  of  common  stock  upon  DLC's
               conversion (unless such default is due to the fact that we do not
               have  a  sufficient  number  of  authorized  shares to issue such
               shares,  in  which  case  we  have  sixty (60) days to issue such
               shares  if  we  are  using  our  best  efforts  to  increase  our
               authorized  shares);

          o    our  failure  to  file  a  registration  statement  covering  the
               securities  convertible  into common stock in connection with the
               Notes  and  exercisable  into common stock in connection with the
               Warrants  within  thirty  (30) days following the Closing, and/or
               obtain  effectiveness  of  the  registration statement within one
               hundred  twenty  (120)  days  after  filed,  or such registration
               statement  lapses  in  effect  for more than ten (10) consecutive
               days  or twenty (20) nonconsecutive days in any twelve (12) month
               period  after  such  registration  statement  becomes  effective;

          o    our breach  of  any  covenant  contained  in  the  Purchase
               Agreement or Notes, which continues for a period of ten (10) days
               after  written  notice  of  such  breach  from  DLC  to  us;

          o    our breach  of  any  representation  or  warranty  made  in  any
               Closing  agreement;

          o    our assignment  of  a  receiver  or  trustee  for  the benefit of
               creditors  and/or  our  voluntary  or  involuntary  entry  into
               bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or liquidation proceeding;

          o    if any  money  judgment  is  entered  or  filed against us or our
               property for more than $50,000 and remains unvacated, unbonded or
               unstayed  for  a  period  of  twenty  (20)  days;  or

          o    if we are  delisted  from  the  OTCBB.

     If  an  Event of Default occurs under the Notes, DLC may cause the Notes to
be  immediately due and payable and to force us to pay it an amount equal to the
greater  of  150%  of the amount remaining to be paid on the Notes (the "Default
Sum"),  or  (a)  the  highest  number  of  shares  of common stock issuable upon
conversion  of  the  Default Sum, treating the trading day immediately preceding
the  date  on  which  DLC  has  requested  payment  of  the  Default  Sum as the
"Conversion  Date"  for purposes of determining the lowest applicable Conversion
Price,  multiplied  by (b) the highest closing price for our common stock during
the period beginning on the date of first occurrence of the Event of Default and
ending  one  day  prior  to  the  date on which DLC has requested payment of the
Default Sum (the "Default Amount").  Additionally, if we fail to pay the Default
Amount within five (5) business days of the date written notice that such amount
is  due and payable is given by DLC, then DLC has the right at any time, so long
as we remain in default (and so long and to the extent that there are sufficient
authorized shares), to require us, upon written notice, to immediately issue, in
lieu  of  the  Default Amount, the number of shares of our common stock equal to
the  Default  Amount  divided  by  the  Conversion  Price  then  in  effect.

     We   also  agreed   pursuant   to   the   Notes   to   keep   an  amount of
authorized  but unissued shares of common stock available equal to two times the
total conversion of the Notes available to allow for conversions of the Notes at
all  times. If at any time DLC submits a notice of conversion and we do not have
a  sufficient  amount  of  authorized  but  unissued  shares  available for such
conversion,  the  conversion  will  not  take place until such time as we have a
sufficient  number  of  authorized  but  unissued  shares,  at  which  time such
conversion  will  take  place at the lesser of the conversion price in effect on
the  original  date  when DLC sent the notice of conversion or a conversion date
thereafter  chosen  by  DLC.  Additionally,  we are obligated to pay DLC default
interest  as  calculated  in  the Notes in the event we do not have a sufficient
number  of  authorized but unissued shares available to allow such conversion by
DLC.  At this time, we do not have such amount of authorized but unissued shares
although  we  plan  to  increase  our  authorized  shares  in  the  future.

     Additionally,  pursuant  to  the  Notes,  in  the  event  that  we obtain a
commitment  for  any  other  financing  (either  debt,  equity, or a combination
thereof)  which  is  to  close during the term the Notes are outstanding, DLC is
entitled  to  a right of first refusal to enable it to, at its option, match the
terms  of the other financing. In connection with such right to match, we are to
deliver  to  DLC,  at  least  10 days prior to the proposed closing date of such
other  financing,  written notice describing the proposed transaction, including
the  terms and conditions thereof, and providing DLC an option during the 10 day
period  following delivery of such notice to provide the financing being offered
in  such transaction on the same terms as contemplated by such transaction. This
right  to  match  any financing commitment received includes all subsidiaries in
which  we  hold  a  twenty-five  percent  (25%)  or  greater  interest. If after
receiving  such offer, DLC declines to exercise its rights of first refusal, DLC
may  require us to repay 150% of the outstanding principal, and accrued interest
and  penalties,  if any, owed pursuant to the Notes, which repayment would occur
simultaneously  with the subsequent financing (collectively the rights described
in  this  paragraph  are  referred  to  in this filing as the "Right to Match").

- ----------------------

     In  connection  with  the  Purchase  Agreement,  we  sold  DLC a Warrant to
purchase  up  to  253,750,000  fully paid and nonassessable shares of our common
stock,  at  an  exercise price per share equal to $0.004 (the "Exercise Price").
The  Warrant  is  exercisable at any time or from time to time before 6:00 p.m.,
New  York,  New York time on the third (3rd) anniversary of the date of issuance
of  the  Warrant,  May 18, 2009 (the "Exercise Period"). The additional Warrants
described  above to be issued subsequent to the Closing will have the same terms
and  conditions  as the Warrant issued on the Closing, and such Warrants will be
exercisable  until  the  third  anniversary  of  their  issuance  date.

     The  Warrant  includes  a  provision,  whereby  if  we  issue  or grant any
warrants,  rights  or  options,  whether  or  not  immediately  exercisable,  to
subscribe  for  or to purchase common stock or other securities convertible into
or  exchangeable  for common stock; subdivide or combine our common stock at any
time  the  Warrant  is  outstanding;  consolidate or merge with another company;
distribute our assets in a partial liquidation or winding up, the exercise price
and  amount  of  shares  which  the Warrant is convertible into is automatically
adjusted  as  provided  in  the  Warrant.

     Additionally,  the Warrant contains a cashless exercise feature, whereby if
the  resale of the shares underlying the Warrant is not then registered pursuant
to an effective registration statement under the Securities Act, the Warrant may
be  exercised  by  a  cashless exercise, in lieu of paying the Exercise Price in
cash,  and  DLC  is  able  to surrender the Warrant for that number of shares of
common  stock  determined  by multiplying the number of shares to which it would
otherwise  be  entitled, by a fraction, the numerator of which is the difference
between  the  then  market  price per share of our common stock and the Exercise
Price,  and  the  denominator of which is the then market price per share of our
common  stock.  For  example,  if  DLC is exercising 100,000 Warrants with a per
Warrant  exercise  price of $0.15 per share through a cashless exercise when the
market  price  of  our  common stock is $0.25 per share, then upon such cashless
exercise  DLC  will  be  able  to  receive  40,000  shares  of our common stock.

- -------------------------------

     The Registration Rights Agreement provides that we shall prepare and file a
Registration  Statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission covering the
shares convertible into common stock in connection with the Note and exercisable
into  shares  of  common stock in connection with the Warrant within thirty (30)
days  of  the  Closing  date. Additionally, we agreed to use our best efforts to
obtain  effectiveness  of  such Registration Statement as soon as possible after
such  filing,  but in no event later than ninety (90) days from the Closing date

     Additionally,  pursuant to the Registration Statement, we agreed to use our
best  efforts  to  obtain effectiveness of the Registration Statement as soon as
practicable.  If  (i)  the  Registration  Statement  covering  the  Registrable
Securities  required  to  be filed by us is not filed within thirty (30) days of
the  Closing  date,  or declared effective by the SEC on or prior to one hundred
twenty  (120)  days  from  the  Closing  date,  or  (ii)  after the Registration
Statement  has  been  declared  effective  by  the  SEC,  sales  of  all  of the
Registrable Securities cannot be made pursuant to the Registration Statement, or
(iii)  our  common  stock  ceases  to be listed or included for quotation on the
Over-The-Counter  Bulletin  Board, or another market or exchange as described in
the Registration Rights Agreement, then we agreed to make a payment to DLC in an
amount  equal to $10,000 for each 30-day period or any portion thereof following
the  date  which  we agreed that such Registration Statement would be filed with
the  SEC,  or  the date that we agreed that such Registration Statement would be
declared  effective  with the SEC, provided, however, that such payment will not
exceed  $50,000  in  the  aggregate.  We  agreed that these payments would be in
partial  compensation  to  DLC, and that such payments will not constitute DLC's
exclusive  remedy  for  such  events.  Additionally, we agreed that the payments
described  above  would  be  made  to  DLC  in  cash.


     On  May  18,  2006,  we  entered  into  the Purchase Agreement with DLC, an
accredited investor, for the sale of an aggregate of (i) $400,000 in convertible
debentures and (ii) warrants to buy 700,000,000 shares of our common stock at an
exercise  price  of  $0.004  per  share. We claim an exemption from registration
afforded  by  Section  4(2)  of  the Securities Act of 1933, since the foregoing
transactions  did  not  involve  a  public offering, the recipient had access to
information  that would be included in a registration statement, took the shares
for  investment  and  not  resale  and  we took appropriate measures to restrict

     On or about May 25, 2006, we issued 40,000,000  shares of restricted common
stock  to DLC as a commitment fee, in conection with our entry into the Note and
Securities Purchase Agreement. We claim an exemption from registration  afforded
by  Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, since the foregoing transactions
did  not involve a public offering, the recipient had access to information that
would be included in a registration statement, took  the  shares  for investment
and not resale and we took appropriate measures to restrict transfer.


c)  Exhibits:

     10.1*     Securities Purchase Agreement with DLC dated May 18, 2006

     10.2*     Convertible Note with DLC dated May 18, 2006

     10.3*     Stock Purchase Warrant with DLC dated May 18, 2006

     10.4*     Registration Rights Agreement with DLC dated May 18, 2006

*  Filed  herewith.


Pursuant  to  the  requirement  of  the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of 1934, the
registrant  has  duly  caused  this  report  to  be  signed on its behalf by the
undersigned  thereunto  duly  authorized.

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May  25,  2006

/s/ Michael  S.  Pagnano
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Michael  S.  Pagnano
Chief  Executive  Officer