Exhibit 10.a



(1)        FRANCE TITRISATION,  a societe anonyme incorporated under the laws of
           France,  licensed by the Autorite des marches financiers as a societe
           de  gestion,  whose  registered  office is located  at 41,  avenue de
           l'Opera,  75002  Paris  (France),   registered  with  the  Trade  and
           Companies Register of Paris under number 353 053 531, represented for
           the purposes  hereof by a duly authorised  representative  whose name
           appears on the signature page,  acting for itself and for the account
           of the FCC CROWN RECEIVABLES EUROPE (the Management Company);

(2)        BNP PARIBAS, a societe anonyme incorporated under the laws of France,
           whose registered office is at 16, boulevard des Italiens, 75009 Paris
           (France),  registered with the Trade and Companies  Register of Paris
           under number 662 042 449, licensed as a credit  institution in France
           by the  Comite  des  Etablissements  de  Credit  et  des  Entreprises
           d'Investissement,  represented  for  the  purposes  hereof  by a duly
           authorised  representative  whose name appears on the signature  page
           (the  Custodian,  the  Calculation  Agent,  the FCC Account Bank, the
           Liquidity Facility Provider, the Swap Counterparty, the Administrator
           or the Letter of Credit Provider);

(3)        each of the entities listed in Part A of Schedule hereto, represented
           for the purposes  hereof by a duly  authorised  representative  whose
           name appears on the signature  page (the French Sellers or the French

(4)        each of the entities listed in Part B of Schedule hereto, represented
           for the purposes  hereof by a duly  authorised  representative  whose
           name  appears  on the  signature  page (the  English  Sellers  or the
           English  Servicers,  the French  Sellers and the English  Sellers are
           hereinafter  referred to  collectively  as the Sellers and the French
           Servicers  and the  English  Servicers  are  hereinafter  referred to
           collectively as the Servicers);

(5)        CROWN  EMBALLAGE   FRANCE  SAS,  a  societe  par  action   simplifiee
           incorporated  under the laws of France,  whose  registered  office is
           located at 67, rue Arago, 93400 Saint Ouen (France),  registered with
           the Trade and Companies Register of Bobigny under number 954 200 838,
           represented   for  the   purposes   hereof   by  a  duly   authorised
           representative  whose name appears on the signature  page (the French
           Administrative Agent);

(6)        CROWN PACKAGING UK PLC, a Public Limited Company  incorporated  under
           the laws of England and Wales,  whose registered office is located at
           Downsview  Road,  Wantage,  Oxfordshire,  OX12 9BP  (United-Kingdom),
           registered  under number 178090,  represented for the purposes hereof
           by a  duly  authorised  representative  whose  name  appears  on  the
           signature  page  (the  English   Administrative   Agent,  the  French
           Administrative  Agent  and  the  English   Administrative  Agent  are
           hereinafter referred to collectively as the Administrative Agents);

(7)        CROWN EUROPEAN  HOLDINGS,  a societe anonyme  incorporated  under the
           laws of France,  whose registered office is located at 67, rue Arago,
           93400 Saint Ouen  (France),  registered  with the Trade and Companies
           Register of Bobigny  under  number 775 721 996,  represented  for the
           purposes  hereof  by a  duly  authorised  representative  whose  name
           appears on the signature page (the Parent Company);

(8)        GE  FACTOFRANCE,  a societe en nom collectif  incorporated  under the
           laws of France,  whose  registered  office is at Tour  Facto,  18 rue
           Hoche,  92988 Paris La Defense Cedex  (France),  registered  with the
           Trade and  Companies  Register of Nanterre  under number 063 802 466,
           licensed  as a  credit  institution  in  France  by  the  Comite  des
           Etablissements   de  Credit  et  des  Entreprises   d'Investissement,
           represented   for  the   purposes   hereof   by  a  duly   authorised
           representative  whose name appears on the signature page (the Back-Up
           Servicer); and

(9)        ELIOPEE LIMITED, a limited company incorporated under the laws of the
           Island of Jersey,  whose registered office is at 22 Grenville Street,
           St Helier,  Jersey JE4 8PX, registered with the Companies Register of
           Jersey under number 61259,  represented  for the purposes hereof by a
           duly  authorised  representative  whose name appears on the signature
           page (Eliopee).

                                                                          Page 2


Capitalised terms in this Master Definitions  Agreement shall,  except where the
context otherwise requires, have the meanings given to them in Clause 2.1 (as it
may be  amended,  varied or  supplemented  from  time to time)  and this  Master
Definitions  Agreement  shall be construed in accordance  with the principles of
construction set out in Clause 3.


2.1 In any Securitisation  Transaction  Documents or other agreement,  letter or
document  incorporating  by reference  this Master  Definitions  Agreement or to
which this Master  Definitions  Agreement is expressed to apply,  the  following
expressions shall,  except where the context otherwise requires and except where
otherwise defined therein, have the following meanings:

Absolute   Majority  means,  for  any  company  or  entity   registered  in  any
jurisdiction, directly or indirectly, more than 50% (fifty per cent) of:

(a) its share capital; and

(b) the voting rights attached to its share capital.

For the purpose of calculating the percentages of indirect  shareholding,  it is
agreed  that when a company or an entity  owns more than 50% (fifty per cent) of
the ordinary share capital or, as the case may be, of the voting rights attached
to  the  ordinary  share  capital  of an  other  company  or  entity,  the  said
percentages shall be equal to 100% (one hundred per cent);

Accelerated Amortisation Event means any of the following events:

(a) the Seller Termination Date in relation to all the Sellers has occurred; or

(b) the Servicer Termination Date in relation to all the Servicers has occurred;

Accelerated  Amortisation  Period  means the period which shall take effect upon
the  occurrence of an  Accelerated  Amortisation  Event and shall last until the
Legal Maturity Date;

Accession Letter means a letter substantially in the form set out in schedule 18
of  appendix 1 of the  Master  Receivables  Transfer  and  Servicing  Agreement,
pursuant to which an entity not listed in schedule 1 of appendix 1 of the Master
Receivables   Transfer  and   Servicing   Agreement  may   participate   to  the
Securitisation Programme and access to the status of Seller;

Acceptance  means any acceptance of a Transfer Offer delivered by the Management
Company to the  relevant  Seller or to the  relevant  Administrative  Agent,  in
accordance  with clause 3.3 of the Master  Receivables  Transfer  and  Servicing
Agreement and in the form of schedule 20 of appendix 1 of the Master Receivables
Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

                                                                          Page 3

Administrative Agent means any of:

(a)        the French Administrative Agent; and

(b)        the English Administrative Agent;

Administrative Agent Account means:

(a)        with  respect to the French  Administrative  Agent,  the bank account
           opened in its name in the books of BNP  Paribas  whose  IBAN Code is:
           FR76 3000 4021 4600 0104 4030 274;

(b)        with respect to the English  Administrative  Agent,  the bank account
           opened  in its name in the  books of  Natwest  whose  SWIFT  Code is:
           NWBKGB2L and whose IBAN Code is: GB25 NWBK 5000 0045 2689 59;

Administrative  Agent Early Amortisation Event has the meaning ascribed to it in
schedule  13 of  appendix 1 of the Master  Receivables  Transfer  and  Servicing

Administrative Agent Event of Default has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule
13 of appendix 1 of the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Administrative  Agent Potential Event of Default has the meaning  ascribed to it
in schedule 12 of appendix 1 of the Master  Receivables  Transfer and  Servicing

Administrative Agent Termination Date means the date on which:

(a)       an Administrative Agent Event of Default occurs; or

(b)       an Administrative Agent Early Amortisation Event occurs; or

(c)       the Parent Company Termination Date occurs,

provided that for the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly agreed between all the
parties to the Securitisation Programme that the representations, warranties and
undertakings  of any  Administrative  Agent  shall  survive for so long as there
continues to exist any obligations of any Administrative  Agent or any rights of
the FCC arising under any of the FCC  Transaction  Documents to which any of the
Administrative  Agents is a party which have not been  completely  discharged or

Administrator  means BNP  Paribas  acting in its  capacity as  administrator  in
accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Agreement dated 14 December
1998, as amended, entered into between Eliopee and the Administrator;

                                                                          Page 4

Affected  Receivable  means any  Transferred  Receivable in respect of which the
Eligibility  Criteria were false or incorrect on the Transfer Date on which such
Transferred Receivable was transferred to the FCC;

Ageing Balance Criteria has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

Agreement Amongst Participating Entities means the agreement entered into on the
date of this Agreement  between the  Participating  Entities,  the Sellers,  the
Servicers  and the  Administrative  Agents,  pursuant to which the Sellers,  the
Servicers and the Administrative  Agents have agreed to bear some costs incurred
by  any  Participating  Entity  as  a  result  of  their  participation  in  the
Securitisation Programme;

AMF Fee means the fee payable by the FCC to the Autorite des marches  financiers
on a yearly basis and which equals  0.008/oo of the  outstanding  Senior  Units,
Seller Units and Subordinated Units at the end of each year;

Amount  Due  means,  with  respect  to each  Transferred  Receivable  or to each
Eligible Receivable offered for transfer:

(a)        the corresponding Net Invoice Amount; less

(b)        any Collection already received on this Receivable;

Ancillary  Rights means,  in respect of each Eligible  Receivable or Transferred

(a)        the right to serve notice to pay or repay, to recover and/or to grant
           a discharge  in respect of the whole or part of the amounts due or to
           become due in connection with the said  Receivables from the relevant
           Debtor  (or from any  other  person  having  granted  any  Collateral

(b)        the  benefit  of any and all  undertakings  assumed  by the  relevant
           Debtor  (or  by  any  other  person  having  granted  any  Collateral
           Security) in  connection  with the said  Receivables  pursuant to the
           relevant Contractual Documents;

(c)        the benefit of any and all actions  against the  relevant  Debtor (or
           against any other person having granted any  Collateral  Security) in
           connection  with  the  said  Receivables  pursuant  to  the  relevant
           Contractual Documents; and

(d)        the benefit of any Collateral Security attached, whether by operation
           of law or on the basis of the Contractual Documents or otherwise,  to
           the said Receivables;

Applicable  Forward  Exchange Rate has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10
of the FCC Regulations;

Applicable  Exchange  Rate has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the
FCC Regulations;

                                                                          Page 5

Arranger   means  BNP  Paribas  acting  in  its  capacity  as  arranger  of  the
Securitisation Programme;

Auditor's Certificate means the certificate issued on a half-yearly basis by the
auditors  of each  French  Seller and of the Parent  Company in the form set out
respectively in schedule 6 of appendix 2 and in schedule 22 of appendix 1 to the
Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Authorised Set-Off means, in respect of each Eligible  Receivable or Transferred

(a)        any credit note, rebate, discount, refund or similar right granted by
           a Seller to the relevant  Debtor and deducted from the nominal amount
           of the Eligible Receivable or Transferred Receivable;

(b)        any other event that would have the effect of reducing the net amount
           of the said Eligible Receivables or Transferred  Receivables (whether
           or not provided in the Servicing Procedures),

in all cases,  stated on the Invoice  relating to such  Eligible  Receivable  or
Transferred  Receivable on the  Information  Date  preceding its transfer to the

Back-Up  Servicer  means GE  Factofrance,  acting  in its  capacity  as  back-up
servicer in accordance with the provisions of the Back-Up Servicing Agreement;

Back-Up Servicer  Collection  Account means the bank account to be opened in the
name of the FCC in the books of GE Factofrance;

Back-Up Servicer Termination Date means the date on which the appointment of the
Back-Up Servicer under the Back-Up Servicing  Agreement shall be terminated,  in
accordance with clause 7 of the Back-Up Servicing Agreement;

Back-Up Servicing  Agreement means the back-up servicing  agreement entered into
on the date of this Agreement between the Management Company,  the Custodian and
the Back-Up Servicer;

BA Average has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC Regulations;

BA Spot has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC Regulations;

BNP Paribas means BNP Paribas, a societe anonyme  incorporated under the laws of
France,  whose registered  office is located 16,  boulevard des Italiens,  75009
Paris,  registered  with the  Commercial  and Companies  Registry of Paris under
number  662  042  449,  licensed  as a  credit  institution  by the  Comite  des
Etablissements de Credit et des Entreprises d'Investissement;

BT means any billet de tresorerie  issued from time to time by Eliopee under the
BT Programme,  in connection  with the  acquisition  and the  refinancing of the
Senior Units;

                                                                          Page 6

BT Interest  Amount  means the BT interest  amount which will be provided by the
Calculation  Agent in accordance  with the provisions of the  Calculation  Agent

BT  Programme  means the  programme  of billets  de  tresorerie  established  by
Eliopee, as described in the dossier de presentation financiere relating to such
programme and rated P-1 by Moody's;

Business  Day means any day (other  than a Saturday  or a Sunday) on which banks
and foreign exchange markets are open for business in Paris,  London and Jersey,
and which is a TARGET Day;

Calculation  Agent means BNP Paribas acting in its capacity as calculation agent
of the FCC in accordance with the provisions of the Calculation Agent Agreement;

Calculation  Date  means the date  occurring  one (1)  Business  Days  after any
Information Date;

Change of Legislation means the enactment, amendment,  substitution or change in
the  interpretation  of, or the application or enforcement by any administrative
authority  of,  as the  case  may be, a new or  existing  law or of any  decree,
regulation,  recommendation, courts decision, official decision or position from
a  tribunal,  regulatory,  administrative,  governmental  or  supra-governmental
authority,  or any other  competent  authority  taking place as from the Closing
Date,  provided that,  with respect to any of the  foregoing,  if not having the
force of law, it is customary to comply with. For the avoidance of doubt,  it is
agreed that any change in the regulations, treatment or practice relating to the
Basle Committee on capital adequacy treatment and its consequences,  whatsoever,
shall consist in a Change of Legislation  for the purpose of the  Securitisation
Programme,  even though  discussions and proposals in this respect already exist
as at the Closing Date;

Closing Date means 21 June 2005;

Collateral  Security  means,  in respect of any  Receivable,  any  guarantee  or
security  (including,  without  limitation,  any  indemnity,  pledge,  mortgage,
privilege,  security,  cash  deposit or other  agreement or  arrangement  of any
nature  whatsoever)  granted by a Debtor or a third party in order to  guarantee
the payment of any amount owed by, and/or the fulfilment of the  obligations of,
such Debtor in connection with such Receivable;

Collection means, with respect to any Receivable, all cash collections and other
cash proceeds  (including  without  limitation bank  transfers,  wire transfers,
cheques,  bills of exchange and direct debits)  relating to that said Receivable
and received from the relevant Debtor during any Collection Period;

Collection Account means:

(a)        with respect to the French Servicers, any of the bank accounts opened
           by each French  Servicer in its name for the  purposes of  collecting
           the FCC

                                                                          Page 7

           Collections, whose details are set out in schedule 3 of appendix 1 of
           the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement; and

(b)        with respect to the English  Servicers,  the bank  account  opened by
           Crown Packaging UK PLC in its name for the purposes of collecting the
           FCC Collections,  whose details are set out in schedule 3 of appendix
           1 of the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Collection  Account Bank means the bank with which each  Servicer has opened its
Collection Account(s);

Collection  Account  Bank  Agreement  means each  agreement  in  relation to the
Collection  Accounts held with a Collection Account Bank between that Collection
Account Bank and the relevant Servicer;

Collection Account Ratio means, in relation to a given Collection Account and in
respect of a given  Collection  Period,  the ratio  (expressed  as a percentage)

(a)        the sum of the FCC  Collections  credited  directly by the Debtors or
           the  Servicers  into the  relevant  Collection  Account  during  that
           Cut-Off Period; and

(b)        the sum of all FCC Collections received during that Cut-Off Period;

Collection  Account  Security  Agreement  means  any of the  security  agreement
entered into between each Collection  Account  holder,  the FCC and, as the case
may be, the relevant  Collection  Account Bank  pursuant to which the rights and
interest  of the FCC in the  Collections  standing  at any time to the credit of
each  Collection  Account  shall be  secured  for the  benefit  of the  FCC,  in
accordance with the provisions of the Master Receivables  Transfer and Servicing

Collection Period means each period commencing on, and including, a Payment Date
or an  Interest  Payment  Date  (included),  as  relevant,  and  ending  on, but
excluding, the next Interest Payment Date or Payment Date;

Collection Ratio means, in relation to a given Collection Account and in respect
of a given Collection Period, the ratio (expressed as a percentage) between:

(a)        the  sum of all  Collections  (excluding  FCC  Collections)  received
           during that Cut-Off Period; and

(b)        the sum of all  Collections  credited  into  the  Collection  Account
           during that Cut-Off Period;

Computer  File  means the  computer  file  delivered  by any  Seller  (or by the
relevant  Administrative  Agent  acting  in its name and on its  behalf)  to the
Management Company on the relevant  Information Date as attached to the relevant
Individual  Transfer Offer, and including the information set out in schedule 26
of appendix 1 of the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

                                                                          Page 8

Concentration  Ratio has the  meaning  ascribed  to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

Confidential  Information  means  any  information  relating  to the  commercial
activities, the financial situation or any other matter of a confidential nature
concerning  any  party  to  the  Securitisation   Transaction   Documents,   and
communicated  to any other party to the  Securitisation  Transaction  Documents,
whether the said information has been  communicated to it during the performance
of its obligations under the Securitisation Transaction Documents or otherwise;

Consistency Test means the test of consistency to be satisfied by the Management
Company in relation to the Eligible  Receivables as a condition precedent to any
transfer of the Eligible  Receivables  to the FCC by any of the Sellers,  namely
the formal verification as to whether:

(a)        the  figures  appearing  on each  item of the  relevant  Consolidated
           Transfer  Offer equals to the sum of the same items,  as appearing on
           all the corresponding Individual Transfer Offer; and

(b)        the figures appearing on each item of the Consolidated  Report issued
           on the  preceding  Information  Date  equals  to the sum of the  same
           items, as appearing on all the corresponding Individual Reports;

Consolidated Report means the consolidated report to be provided by the relevant
Administrative  Agent on each  Information  Date to the Management  Company with
respect to the immediately  preceding Cut-Off Period,  substantially in the form
set out in (and  containing  the  information  referred  to in)  schedule  15 of
appendix 1 of the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Consolidated  Transfer Offer means the consolidated  offer to transfer  Eligible
Receivables  to the FCC,  substantially  in the form set out in  schedule  19 of
appendix 1 of the Master  Receivables  Transfer and Servicing  Agreement,  to be
delivered on each Information Date by the relevant  Administrative  Agent to the
Management Company;

Consultation  Period  means the period of thirty (30)  calendar  days maximum in
respect of a Seller  Potential Event of Default,  a Servicer  Potential Event of
Default, an Administrative Agent Potential Event of Default and a Parent Company
Potential Event of Default,  it being  understood that the  Consultation  Period
shall start  immediately and  automatically,  without any further  formality (de
plein droit),  from and  including the date of occurrence of a Seller  Potential
Event of Default, a Servicer Potential Event of Default, an Administrative Agent
Potential Event of Default or a Parent Company  Potential  Event of Default,  as
the case may be. During the Consultation  Period,  the Management  Company shall
ask the Custodian, the Parent Company and the Trustee and the entity affected by
the relevant Potential Event of Default,  to discuss and, if need be, to meet in
order to give the  opportunity  to the said  affected  entity  to  remedy to the
corresponding Potential Event of Default, provided that:

(a)        only  the  entities   referred  to  in  the  above   sub-clause  will
           participate  directly to the discussions  and meetings,  if any. As a

                                                                          Page 9

           (i)       the Parent  Company will  represent  all the members of the
                     Crown Group  participating to the Securitisation  Programme
                     (other  than  the one in  Potential  Event of  Default,  if
                     different from the Parent Company); and

           (ii)      the Management Company will represent all the other parties
                     to the  Securitisation  Programme and being not referred to
                     above or entities within the Crown Group;

(b)        the  participants  to a  Consultation  Period  shall use  their  best
           efforts in order to find a remedy to such Potential Event of Default.
           However, all parties to the Securitisation  Programme expressly agree
           that in trying to find a solution to remedy to such  Potential  Event
           of Default:

           (i)       no party  other than  those  belonging  to the Crown  Group
                     shall have to disclose  any  information  relating to their
                     accounting or financial situation or arrangements;

           (ii)      no party  other than  those  belonging  to the Crown  Group
                     shall have to bear,  directly or indirectly,  any expenses,
                     costs or other financial charges; and

           (iii)     the parties not  belonging  to the Crown Group shall not be
                     under any  obligation  to propose any  solution in order to
                     remedy to the relevant Potential Event of Default;

(c)        the  decision as to whether  the  solution  proposed by the  affected
           entity, if any, in order to remedy to the relevant Potential Event of
           Default is satisfactory,  will be solely and discretionarily taken in
           the Management Company's reasonable opinion;

(d)        if, at any time  during a  Consultation  Period,  it  appears  to all
           participants to the Consultation Period that no satisfactory solution
           will be found at the end of the thirty (30) calendar days period, the
           said period might be unanimously  reduced to any shorter  period,  in
           which case, the relevant Potential Event of Default shall immediately
           become an Event of Default; and

(e)        whatever  the  outcome of a  Consultation  Period  might be, no party
           other  than  those  belonging  to  the  Crown  Group  shall  be  held
           responsible for any consequences of the said Consultation  Period and
           the corresponding Potential Event of Default and Event of Default, if

Consumed  Anticipated  Dilution means any amount,  as recorded and calculated by
each Servicer on a given  Information  Date,  resulting  from the deduction of a
Latent Anticipated  Dilution by the corresponding  Debtor, known on the previous
Information Date in relation to a Transferred Receivable;

Contract  means any  written  agreement  executed  between a Seller and a Debtor
pursuant  to which the Debtor is obliged to pay for the Sale of  Products or the
Services, including any value added tax (if any);

                                                                         Page 10

Contractual  Documents means,  with respect to any Transferred  Receivable,  any
document or contractual agreement between a Seller and a Debtor, from which that
Transferred  Receivable  arises,   including  without  limitation  the  relevant
Contract,  Invoice,  order,  negotiable  instruments  issued in  respect  of any
Transferred  Receivable as the case may be, and general or particular  terms and

Credit  Agreement  means the  agreement  dated  September  1, 2004  among  CROWN
Americas,  Inc. (f/k/a Crown Cork & Seal Americas,  Inc.), as the U.S. Borrower,
CROWN European Holdings SA, as the Euro Borrower, the subsidiary Borrowers named
therein, CROWN Holdings, Inc., CROWN International Holdings, Inc. and Crown Cork
& Seal  Company,  Inc.,  as Parent  Guarantors,  the  banks and other  financial
institutions identified therein as Lenders, and Citicorp North America, Inc., as
Administrative Agent, Citibank  International plc as U.K.  Administrative Agent,
Lehman Commercial Paper Inc. as Syndication Agent, Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
and Lehman  Brothers Inc. as Joint Lead Arrangers and  Bookrunners in respect of
the Revolving  Facilities,  ABN Amro Bank N.V.,  BNP Paribas and Calyon New York
Branch as Co-Documentation Agents, Citigroup Global Market Inc. as Sole Arranger
and Sole Bookrunner in respect of the Term B Facility and Bank of America,  N.A.
as Senior Managing Agent;

Credit Insurer means Euler Hermes SFAC, a societe anonyme incorporated under the
laws of France,  whose registered office is located at 1, rue Euler, 75715 Paris
Cedex 08 (France),  registered  with the Trade and  Companies  Register of Paris
under number 348 920 596;

Credit  Support  has  the  meaning  ascribed  to it in  schedule  10 of the  FCC

Crown  Emballage  France SAS means  Crown  Emballage  France  SAS, a societe par
actions  simplifiee  incorporated  under the laws of  France,  whose  registered
office is located at 67, rue Arago,  93400 Saint Ouen (France),  registered with
the Trade and Companies Register of Bobigny under number 954 200 838;

Crown Entities means each Seller, each Servicer and each  Administrative  Agent,
acting in any capacity whatsoever under the Securitisation  Programme,  it being
specified that, for the avoidance of doubt, any new Seller and Servicer becoming
a party to the Securitisation Programme after the date hereof pursuant to clause
24.3 of the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement shall be a Crown

Crown  European  Holdings  means  Crown  European  Holdings,  a societe  anonyme
incorporated  under the laws of France,  whose  registered  office is at 67, rue
Arago,  93400  Saint  Ouen,  France,  registered  with the Trade  and  Companies
Register of Bobigny under number 775 721 996;

Crown Group means Crown European  Holdings and any company or entity  registered
or  established  in any  jurisdiction  in which Crown  European  Holdings  owns,
directly or indirectly, the Absolute Majority;

Crown Holdings means Crown  Holdings  Inc., a  Pennsylvania  corporation,  whose
registered office is at One Crown Way, Philadelphia,  PA 19154, United States of

                                                                         Page 11

Crown  Packaging UK PLC means Crown  Packaging UK PLC, a public limited  company
incorporated  under the laws of England and Wales,  whose  registered  office is
located at Downsview  Road,  Wantage,  Oxfordshire,  OX12 9BP  (United-Kingdom),
registered under number 178090;

Cumulative Dilution Receivables has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10 of
the FCC Regulations;

Cumulative  Loss  Transferred  Receivables  has the  meaning  ascribed  to it in
schedule 10 of the FCC Regulations;

Custodian  means BNP  Paribas,  acting in its  capacity as  custodian of the FCC
pursuant to the FCC Regulations;

Custody  Procedures  Report means the report to be delivered to the Custodian by
each  Servicer  in the form set out in  schedule  7 of  appendix 1 of the Master
Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Cut-Off Date means:

(a)        the 5th calendar day of each calendar month;

(b)        the 15th calendar day of each calendar month; and

(c)        the 25th calendar day of each calendar month,

or any other date agreed in writing between the parties to this Agreement at the
latest 90 days before the said Cut-Off Date or before the Closing Date;

Cut-Off Period means each period  commencing  on, and excluding,  a Cut-Off Date
and ending on, but including, the next Cut-Off Date;

Day Sales  Outstanding  or DSO has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of
the FCC Regulations;

Debtor means, with respect to the each Receivable, any person or entity which is
solely and exclusively  obliged to pay all or part of the  corresponding  Amount

Debtor Account means,  with respect to each Debtor,  an account  established and
maintained  by the  relevant  Servicer  pursuant  to  clause  15 of  the  Master
Receivables  Transfer and  Servicing  Agreement  and on which the said  Servicer
shall record the information  referred to in clause 15 of the Master Receivables
Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Declaration of Trust means the  declaration of trust made by Crown  Packaging UK
Plc in favour of the FCC;

Decree means the decree no.  2004-1255 of 24 November 2004 (as amended from time
to time)  implementing  Article L. 214-5 and  Articles L. 214-43 to L. 214-49 of
the French Code monetaire et financier;

                                                                         Page 12

Default  Percentage  has the  meaning  ascribed  to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

Default  Ratio  has  the  meaning  ascribed  to it in  schedule  10 of  the  FCC

Default Rolling Average has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

Defaulted   Receivable   means,  on  each  Information   Date,  any  Transferred

(a)        in  respect of which,  all or part of the Net  Invoice  Amount,  on a
           given Information Date,  remains unpaid for at least 90 calendar days
           after the corresponding Due Date; or

(b)        in respect of which the Debtor is Insolvent,

and, in any event,  which has become due (creance echue) or has been accelerated
(creance  dechue du terme) as provided for under Article L. 214-43 of the French
Code  monetaire et financier  applicable to conditions  under which French fonds
communs de creances are entitled to sell receivables;

Deferred  Purchase Price means with respect to any Secondary  Transfer Date, the
amount (if positive)  calculated by the Management  Company on each  Calculation
Date  immediately   preceding  such  Secondary   Transfer  Date,  based  on  the
information  contained in the  Consolidated  Reports received on the Information
Date immediately  preceding such Secondary  Transfer Date, being equal, for each
currency, to the difference between:

(a)        the sum of the Net Invoice Amount of the Eligible Receivables offered
           for sale on such Secondary Transfer Date in such currency; and

(b)        the Initial  Purchase Price on such  Secondary  Transfer Date in such

Deferred  Purchase Price Repayment means on any Payment Date or Interest Payment
Date,  any  repayment  which is made by the FCC to a Seller with  respect to the
Outstanding  Deferred  Purchase  Price in accordance  with the relevant Order of

Dilution  Average  has the  meaning  ascribed  to it in  schedule  10 of the FCC

Dilution  Horizon  has the  meaning  ascribed  to it in  schedule  10 of the FCC

Dilution  Percentage  has the  meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

Dilution  Ratio  has  the  meaning  ascribed  to it in  schedule  10 of the  FCC

Dilution Reserve Amount has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

                                                                         Page 13

Dilution  Reserve Ratio has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

Dilution Reserve  Shortfall has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the
FCC Regulations;

DSO  Average  has  the  meaning  ascribed  to  it in  schedule  10  of  the  FCC

Due Date means in respect of any  Receivable,  the date on which such Receivable
is expressed to be payable in the relevant Invoice;

Early  Amortisation  Event means,  as  applicable,  a Seller Early  Amortisation
Event,  a Servicer  Early  Amortisation  Event,  an  Administrative  Agent Early
Amortisation Event or a Parent Company Early Amortisation Event;

Eligible  Amount  has  the  meaning  ascribed  to it in  schedule  10 of the FCC

Eligible  Bank  means a credit  institution  duly  licensed  under  the laws and
regulations of France or of any other Member State of the European economic area
(Espace economique  europeen),  the short term unsecured and unsubordinated debt
obligations of which are rated at least P-1 by Moody's;

Eligible  Receivables  means  the  Receivables  complying  with the  Eligibility
Criteria,  that are to be offered for sale by the  relevant  Sellers to the FCC,
and subsequently purchased and held by the FCC;

Eligible Financing Receivables means the Eligible Receivables complying with the
Financing Eligibility Criteria;

Eligibility  Criteria  means,  in respect to the  Receivables,  the  eligibility
criteria  set out in schedule 2 of appendix 1,  subject  (where  applicable)  to
schedule 1 of the relevant Seller's appendix, of the Master Receivables Transfer
and Servicing Agreement;

Eliopee means Eliopee Limited,  a public limited liability company  incorporated
under the laws of Jersey under  registered  number  61259 having its  registered
office at 22, Grenville Street, St Helier, Jersey JE4 8PX;

Eliopee  Account  means the bank  account  opened in the name of  Eliopee in the
books of BNP Paribas whose IBAN code is FR28 3000 4056 5800 0004 0011 R77, which
shall be  credited  with all moneys  payable to Eliopee  pursuant  to the Senior
Units Subscription Agreement and in respect of the Senior Units;

Eliopee's Fee means:

(a)        the   management   fees  of  Eliopee   incurred  in  respect  of  the
           Securitisation Programme and payable on the relevant Interest Payment
           Date, in an amount equal to the sum of:

           (i) the product of:

                                                                         Page 14

                     (aa)      the  greater  of  0.20% of the  aggregate  Senior
                               Units principal amount and (euro)200,000, and

                     (bb)      the number of days of the Senior  Units  Interest
                               Period, divided by 360, and

           (ii)      78,000 Euro, multiplied by the number of days of the Senior
                     Units Interest Period, divided by 360; plus a yearly fee to
                     be determined on a yearly basis; and

(b)        any fees duly  justified by Eliopee in respect of the  Securitisation
           Programme  and,  in  particular  (without  limitation)  any  fees  or
           expenses  borne by  Eliopee  under  the  Eliopee  Liquidity  Facility
           Agreement and payable on the relevant Interest Payment Date;

Eliopee  Liquidity  Facility  Agreement means the liquidity  facility  agreement
executed on the date of this Agreement between BNP Paribas as Liquidity Facility
Provider  and Eliopee,  pursuant to which the  Liquidity  Facility  Provider has
agreed to provide  Eliopee with a liquidity  facility in order to cover  certain
liquidity  events that might occur under the BT Programme,  subject to the terms
and conditions thereof;

Encumbrance means any lien, pledge,  charge,  mortgage,  encumbrance or security
interest whatsoever;

English  Administrative  Agent  means  Crown  Packaging  UK PLC,  which has been
appointed by the English Sellers and by the English Servicers pursuant to clause
22 of the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

English Seller means any of the entities listed in Part B of Schedule hereto and
any company within the Crown Group incorporated in the United-Kingdom  which may
accede from time to time to the  Securitisation  Programme as an English  Seller
pursuant  to  clause  24.3 of the  Master  Receivables  Transfer  and  Servicing
Agreement,  excluding  any company or entity  which may exit the  Securitisation
Programme  from  time  to  time in  accordance  with  the  terms  of the  Master
Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

English Servicer means each English Seller,  acting as Servicer  pursuant to the
terms and conditions of the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

EONIA means the Euro OverNight  Index  Average,  as determined by the Management
Company by reference to the Reuters page EONIA;

Euribor means:

(a)        the applicable Screen Rate; or

(b)        if no Screen Rate is available for the relevant Interest Period,  the
           arithmetic mean of the rates (rounded upwards to four decimal places)
           as supplied  to the  Calculation  Agent at its request  quoted by the
           Reference Banks to leading banks in the European interbank market,

                                                                         Page 15

as of 11.00 a.m.  (Brussels  time) two TARGET  Days before the first day of that
Interest Period;

EUR, Euro or (euro) means the single currency of all states participating at any
time in the  Economic  and  Monetary  Union as  contemplated  in the  Treaty  on
European Union;

Euro Final  Payment  has the  meaning  ascribed  to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

Euro  Initial  Payment has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

Euro Latent  Anticipated  Dilution  means on each  Calculation  Date, the Latent
Anticipated  Dilution  calculated  in Euro;  for such  purpose,  the  Applicable
Exchange Rate of such Calculation Date should be used;

Euro Net Invoice Amount means on each Calculation Date, for any Receivable,  the
Net Invoice Amount calculated in Euro; for such purpose,  the Net Invoice Amount
of the  Receivables  sold or offered for sale by the English  Sellers,  shall be
converted to Euros using the Applicable Exchange Rate of such Calculation Date;

Euro Spot Required  Amount has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the
FCC Regulations;

Event of Default  means,  as applicable,  a Seller Event of Default,  a Servicer
Event of Default,  an  Administrative  Agent Event of Default,  a Parent Company
Event of Default or a Receivables Event of Default;

Excess  Concentration  has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

FCC  means  the debt  mutual  funds  (fonds  commun de  creances)  named  "CROWN

(a)        created at the joint  initiative  of the  Management  Company and the
           Custodian, acting as founders of the FCC; and

(b)        governed by the FCC  Regulations,  by Articles L. 214-43 to L. 214-49
           of the French Code  monetaire et financier,  by the Decree and by any
           law whatsoever applicable to Fonds commun de creances;

FCC Account Bank means BNP Paribas in its capacity as account bank of the FCC or
any successor thereto being an Eligible Bank;

FCC Accounts means the following accounts:

(a)        the FCC General Account;

(b)        the FCC Expense Account; and

(c)        the FCC Collection Account;

                                                                         Page 16

FCC Actual Amount means,  on any given date, the aggregate  nominal value of all
the Senior  Units issued at any time up to and  including  that date by the FCC,
and which is still outstanding,  it being provided that the FCC Actual Amount of
the  Securitisation  Programme  shall never exceed the FCC Maximum Amount of the
Securitisation  Programme  less the BT  Interest  Amount  to be  issued  on such
Principal Transfer Date less the Forex Volatility Margin;

FCC Applicable  Funds means the amount of funds,  as calculated on a Calculation
Date immediately  preceding an Interest Payment Date, that will be applicable to
the relevant Order of Priority on such Interest  Payment Date, which are the sum
of the following amounts:

(a)        the  sum of all  FCC  Collections  corresponding  to the  immediately
           preceding Cut-Off Period;

(b)        the  aggregate  amount  of any cash  remittances  in  respect  of New
           Dilutions   and   Non-Compliance   Indemnities   in  respect  of  the
           immediately preceding Cut-Off Period;

(c)        any   Retransferred   Amount  to  be  paid  relating  to  Transferred
           Receivables to be retransferred on such Interest Payment Date;

(d)        the amount  transferred  from the  Expense  Account on such  Interest
           Payment Date to pay the due fees,  being equal to the FCC Transaction
           Costs less the Financial Income;

(e)        the  proceeds  of  the  issue  of  Senior  Units,  Seller  Units  and
           Subordinated Units on such Interest Payment Date;
(f)        the Financial Income;

(g)        the amounts to be received on such  Interest  Payment  Date under the
           Swap Agreement;

(h)        the amounts received or to be received from the Credit Insurer;

(i)        the payment received under the Forex Balance; and

(j)        the  balance of the FCC  General  Account at the end of the  previous
           Payment Date;

FCC Available Funds means all available  moneys pending  allocation and standing
from  time  to time  to the  credit  of the FCC  Accounts,  during  each  period
commencing on (and including) an Interest  Payment Date (following the execution
of the  relevant  Orders of  Priority)  and ending on (but  excluding)  the next
Interest Payment Date,  except for the first period which shall commence on (but
exclude)  the FCC  Establishment  Date and shall end on (but  exclude) the first
Interest Payment Date to occur;

                                                                         Page 17

FCC  Collection  means,  with respect to any  Transferred  Receivable,  all cash
collections  and  other  cash  proceeds   (including   without  limitation  bank
transfers,  wire  transfers,  cheques,  bills of  exchange  and  direct  debits)
relating to that said  Transferred  Receivable  and  received  from the relevant
Debtor during any Collection Period;

FCC Collection  Account means the bank account opened by the Management  Company
in the books of BNP Paribas whose references are as follows:

                                           Code SWIFT            :                BNPAFRTPTTN
FCC Collection Account                     ..............................................................
                                           Code Banque           :                   30004
                                           Code Guichet          :                   05658
                                           No.                   :                 32 462 A
                                           Cle                   :                    76

or any other bank account which may be substituted to the relevant bank account;

FCC  Establishment  Date  means the first  Transfer  Date being also the date on
which the FCC was  established  by the  Management  Company  and the  Custodian,
pursuant to the FCC Regulations;

FCC Expense  Account means the bank account opened by the Management  Company in
the books of BNP Paribas whose references are as follows:


FCC Expense Account                        Code SWIFT            :                BNPAFRTPTTN
                                           Code Banque           :                   30004
                                           Code Guichet          :                   05658
                                           No.                   :                 32 461 G
                                           Cle                   :                    88

or any other bank account which may be substituted to the relevant bank account;

FCC Fees  means the fees due and  payable to the organs of the FCC by the FCC as
set out in schedule 3 to the FCC Regulations;

FCC General  Account means the bank account opened by the Management  Company in
the books of BNP Paribas whose references are as follows:

FCC General Account                        Code SWIFT            :                BNPAFRTPTTN
                                           Code Banque           :                   30004
                                           Code Guichet          :                   05658
                                           No.                   :                 32 460 K
                                           Cle                   :                    36

or any other bank account which may be substituted to the relevant bank account;

FCC Liquidation Date means the earliest of the following dates to occur:

                                                                         Page 18

(a)        the date on which the Management Company liquidates the FCC following
           the  extinction  of the last  outstanding  Transferred  Receivable in
           accordance  with the  provisions  of Article L.  214-49 of the French
           Code monetaire et financier; and

(b)        the date on which the Management  Company liquidates the FCC upon the
           assignment and transfer in whole (but not in part) of the outstanding
           Transferred  Receivables  in  a  single  transaction,  following  the
           occurrence of any of the FCC  Liquidation  Events in accordance  with
           the provisions of section VIII of the FCC  Regulations and Article 16
           of the Decree,

provided that any such date shall be an Interest Payment Date;

FCC Maximum Amount means (euro)120,000,000,  or any amount as may be agreed from
time to time in accordance with clause 32 of the Master Receivables Transfer and
Servicing Agreement;

FCC Regulations  means the  regulations  executed on the date hereof between the
Management Company and the Custodian, under which the Management Company and the
Custodian  have  agreed to create the FCC CROWN  RECEIVABLES  EUROPE  within the
context of the  Securitisation  Programme  and which relates to the creation and

FCC Transaction  Costs means, on each Interest  Payment Date, the costs incurred
by  the  FCC  for  its  operations  as set  out  in  clause  32.1.3  of the  FCC

FCC Transaction Documents means:

(a)        the FCC Regulations;

(b)        the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

(c)        the Senior Units Subscription Agreement;

(d)        the Seller Units Subscription Agreement;

(e)        the Subordinated Units Subscription Agreement;

(f)        this Master Definitions Agreement;

(g)        the Agreement Amongst Participating Entities;

(h)        the Back-up Servicing Agreement;

(i)        the Guarantee Agreement;

(j)        the Collection Account Security Agreements;

(k)        the Collection Account Bank Agreements;

(l)        the Calculation Agent Agreement;

                                                                         Page 19

(m)        the Swap Agreement; and

(n)        any other agreement,  instrument, or document executed pursuant to or
           in connection with any of the documents  referred to in paragraph (a)
           to (m);

File means, with respect to any Transferred Receivable:

(a)        all agreements,  correspondence,  notes, instruments, books, books of
           account,  registers,  records  and other  information  and  documents
           (including, without limitation,  computer programmes, tapes or discs)
           in  possession  of each  Seller or  delivered  by such  Seller to the
           relevant Servicer, if applicable; and

(b)        the Contractual Documents,

relating to the said Transferred Receivable and to the corresponding Debtor;

Final  FX  Swap  has  the  meaning  ascribed  to it in  schedule  10 of the  FCC

Final  Reverse FX Swap has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

Final  Termination  Date  means the date on which the  Securitisation  Programme
shall cease, namely the earliest of the following dates:

(a)        the Termination Date; or

(b)        the day on which the Seller  Termination  Date in relation to all the
           Sellers has occurred; or

(c)        the day on which the Servicer Termination Date in relation to all the
           Servicers has occurred,

provided that:

           (i)       in the case  where the Final  Termination  Date is the date
                     set out in sub-clause (a) above,  such date may be extended
                     by the parties to the Securitisation  Transaction Documents
                     with the prior  written  consent  of all such  parties  and
                     Moody's; and

           (ii)      in  all  cases  and  for  the  avoidance  of  doubt,  it is
                     expressly   agreed   between   all  the   parties   to  the
                     Securitisation    Programme   that   the   representations,
                     warranties   and   undertakings   of  all  parties  to  the
                     Securitisation Programme shall survive for so long as there
                     continues  to exist any  obligations  or rights of the said
                     parties under any of Securitisation  Transaction  Documents
                     to which they are a party  which  have not been  completely
                     discharged or exercised;

Financial  Covenants  means  the  following  conditions  having to be met by the
consolidated financial results of Crown Holdings:

                                                                         Page 20

(a)        Total Leverage Ratio (as this term is defined in the Credit Agreement
           and as drafted at the date hereof):  on each date (as  calculated for
           the four consecutive  complete fiscal quarters of Crown Holdings then
           last ended and such compliance  calculations shall be provided within
           40 days of the first  three  fiscal  quarters  and 75 days within the
           fourth  quarter  (such  timing  periods  to  coincide  with  the U.S.
           Securities and Exchange Agency filings of Crown Holdings)), the Total
           Leverage Ratio will have to be lower than the amount set forth in the
           table below (the ratio was 4.54x as of 31/12/2004):

             .............................................. ...................
                              Test Period                         Ratio
             .............................................. ...................
             June 30, 2005                                     5.75 to 1.00
             .............................................. ...................
             September 30, 2005                                5.75 to 1.00
             .............................................. ...................
             December 31, 2005                                 5.25 to 1.00
             .............................................. ...................
             March 31, 2006                                    5.25 to 1.00
             .............................................. ...................
             June 30, 2006                                     5.25 to 1.00
             .............................................. ...................
             September 30, 2006                                5.25 to 1.00
             .............................................. ...................
             December 31, 2006                                 4.75 to 1.00
             .............................................. ...................
             March 31, 2007                                    4.75 to 1.00
             .............................................. ...................
             June 30, 2007                                     4.75 to 1.00
             .............................................. ...................
             September 30, 2007                                4.75 to 1.00
             .............................................. ...................
             December 31, 2007                                 4.25 to 1.00
             .............................................. ...................
             March 31, 2008                                    4.25 to 1.00
             .............................................. ...................
             June 30, 2008                                     4.25 to 1.00
             .............................................. ...................
             September 30, 2008                                4.25 to 1.00
             .............................................. ...................
             December 31, 2008 and thereafter                  3.75 to 1.00
             .............................................. ...................

(b)        Consolidated  Fixed  Charge  Ratio  (as this term is  defined  in the
           Credit Agreement and as drafted at the date hereof): on each date (as
           calculated for the four consecutive complete fiscal quarters of Crown
           Holdings then last ended and such  compliance  calculations  shall be
           provided  within 40 days of the first three  fiscal  quarters  and 75
           days within the fourth  quarter (such timing periods to coincide with
           the U.S.  Securities and Exchange Agency filings of Crown Holdings)),
           the  Consolidated  Fixed Charge Ratio will have to be higher than the
           amount  set  forth in the  table  below  (the  ratio  was 1.98x as of

            .............................................. .....................
                              Test Period                          Ratio
            .............................................. .....................
            June 30, 2005                                       1.25 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................
            September 30, 2005                                  1.25 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................
            December 31, 2005                                   1.40 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................
            March 31, 2006                                      1.40 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................
            June 30, 2006                                       1.40 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................
            September 30, 2006                                  1.40 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................
            December 31, 2006                                   1.50 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................
            March 31, 2007                                      1.50 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................
            June 30, 2007                                       1.50 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................
            September 30, 2007                                  1.50 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................
            December 31, 2007                                   1.50 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................

                                                                         Page 21

            .............................................. .....................
            March 31, 2008                                      1.50 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................
            June 30, 2008                                       1.50 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................
            September 30, 2008                                  1.50 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................
            December 31, 2008                                   1.55 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................
            March 31, 2009                                      1.55 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................
            June 30, 2009                                       1.55 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................
            September 30, 2009                                  1.55 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................
            December 31, 2009 and thereafter                    1.65 to 1.00
            .............................................. .....................

it being  understood  that  should the  definition  of Total  Leverage  Ratio or
Consolidated  Fixed  Charge  Ratio  change  within  the  Credit  Agreement,  the
Financial  Covenants  shall be redefine so as to leave such Financial  Covenants
(after  that  change)  in the same  position  as they would have been in had the
change not been made;

Financial Income means, on any given  Calculation Date immediately  preceding an
Interest  Payment  Date,  any  interest  amount  or  income  accrued  on the FCC
Available  Funds to be  received  between the  previous  Interest  Payment  Date
(included) and the relevant Interest Payment Date (excluded);

Financing  Eligibility  Criteria means, in respect to the Eligible  Receivables,
the financing  eligibility  criteria set out in schedule 23 of appendix 1 of the
Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Financing  Eligible Amount has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the
FCC Regulations;

Forex  Balance  has  the  meaning  ascribed  to it in  schedule  10 of  the  FCC

Forex Spot  Transaction has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

Forex Volatility Margin has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

French  Administrative  Agent means Crown  Emballage  France SAS, which has been
appointed by the French Sellers and by the French  Servicers  pursuant to clause
21 of the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

French Seller means any of the entities  listed in Part A of Schedule hereto and
any company within the Crown Group  incorporated in France which may accede from
time to time to the  Securitisation  Programme  as a French  Seller  pursuant to
clause  24.3  of  the  Master  Receivables  Transfer  and  Servicing  Agreement,
excluding any company or entity which may exit the Securitisation Programme from
time to time in accordance with the terms of the Master Receivables Transfer and
Servicing Agreement;

French  Servicer  means each French Seller,  acting as Servicer  pursuant to the
terms and conditions of the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

                                                                         Page 22

Funding  Costs  has  the  meaning  ascribed  to it in  schedule  10 of  the  FCC

GBP, (pound), Pounds and Sterling means the lawful currency from time to time of
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;

GBP Initial  Payment  has the  meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

GBP Final  Payment  has the  meaning  ascribed  to it in  schedule 10 of the FCC

GBP Senior Required Amount has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the
FCC Regulations;

GBP Spot  Required  Amount has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the
FCC Regulations;

GE Factofrance  means GE  Factofrance,  a societe en nom collectif  incorporated
under the laws of  France,  whose  registered  office is at Tour  Facto,  18 rue
Hoche,  92988 Paris La Defense  Cedex  (France),  registered  with the Trade and
Companies  Register of Nanterre  under number 063 802 466,  licensed as a credit
institution  in  France  by the  Comite  des  Etablissements  de  Credit  et des
Entreprises d'Investissement;

General Electric means General Electric  Company,  whose registered office is at
3135 Easton Turnpike, Fairfield, CT 06828-0001, United States of America;

Group of Debtors means a group of Debtors  controlled by an entity which has the
Absolute Majority in such Debtors;

Guarantee means the guarantee  (cautionnement  solidaire) provided by the Parent
Company to the  Participating  Entities,  pursuant  to which the Parent  Company
shall  guarantee  by  way of a  cautionnement  solidaire  to  the  Participating
Entities the due and full payment of the Guaranteed Obligations;

Guarantee  Agreement  means the  guarantee  agreement  entered  into between the
Parent Company and the  Participating  Entities,  under which the Parent Company
shall  guarantee  by  way of a  cautionnement  solidaire  to  the  Participating
Entities the due and full payment of the Guaranteed Obligations;

Guaranteed  Obligations  means any amount  whatsoever which may be due, owing or
payable  by the  Crown  Entities  to the  Participating  Entities  in Euro or in
Sterling, whether actually or contingently on any account whatsoever pursuant to
the FCC Transaction Documents;

Individual  Report means the individual  report to be provided by each Seller or
Servicer, as applicable, on each Information Date to the relevant Administrative
Agent with respect to the immediately preceding Cut-Off Period, substantially in
the form set out in (and containing the information  referred to in) schedule 14
of appendix 1 of the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

                                                                         Page 23

Individual   Retransfer  Request  means  any  retransfer  request  of  Defaulted
Receivables  delivered by the relevant  Administrative  Agent to the  Management
Company,  in  accordance  with clause 7 of the Master  Receivables  Transfer and
Servicing  Agreement  and in the form of schedule 25 of appendix 1 of the Master
Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Individual  Transfer  Offer  means the  individual  offer to  transfer  Eligible
Receivables  to the FCC,  substantially  in the form  set out in  schedule  4 of
appendix 1 of the Master  Receivables  Transfer and Servicing  Agreement,  to be
delivered  on each  Information  Date by each Seller  wishing to  transfer  some
Receivables to the FCC;

Information  Date  means the date  occurring  two (2)  Business  Days  after any
Cut-Off Date;

Initial  Purchase Price means on any Calculation  Date  immediately  preceding a
Secondary  Transfer  Date,  the portion of the  Purchase  Price of the  Eligible
Receivables  then  offered  for sale to the  FCC,  which is paid in cash on that
date, and for each currency equals to the lower of:

(a)        the sum of Net Invoice Amount of the Eligible Receivables offered for
           sale on such Secondary Transfer Date in such currency; and

(b)        the sum of

           (i)       the sum of all Collections corresponding to the immediately
                     preceding Cut-Off Period in such currency; and

           (ii)      the aggregate  amount of any cash remittances in respect of
                     New Dilutions and Non-Compliance  Indemnities in respect of
                     the immediately  preceding Cut-Off Period in such currency;

           (iii)     any Retransferred Amount in such currency; and

           (iv)      the  FCC  Applicable  Funds  on  the  FCC  General  Account
                     immediately after the previous Secondary Transfer Date;

Insolvent  means,  in  relation  to any person or entity,  any of the  following

(a)        the person or the entity is or is deemed for the  purposes of any law
           to be  insolvent,  unable to pay its debts as they  become due or its
           liabilities actually due exceed its available assets; or

(b)        the person or the entity:

           (i)       is subject to a suspension  of payments,  moratorium of any
                     indebtedness,   winding-up,   dissolution,   administration
                     (whether out of court or otherwise) or  reorganisation  (by
                     way of voluntary  arrangement  or  otherwise)  other than a
                     solvent liquidation or reorganisation; or

                                                                         Page 24

           (ii)      institutes  or  has  instituted  against  it  a  proceeding
                     seeking a judgment  of  insolvency,  bankruptcy,  emergency
                     measures  or any  other  relief  under  any  bankruptcy  or
                     insolvency  law or other similar law  affecting  creditor's
                     rights; or

           (iii)     is subject to a petition or application for its winding-up,
                     administration  (whether  out of  court  or  otherwise)  or

           and, in all cases,  the events  referred to in sub-clauses  (b)(i) to

                     1.        result in a judgment of  insolvency,  bankruptcy,
                               emergency  measures or moratorium or in the entry
                               of an order  for  relief  or in the  making of an
                               order for its winding-up or liquidation; or

                     2.        are  not   dismissed,   discharged,   stayed   or
                               restrained  in each case within 30 calendar  days
                               of the occurrence of the relevant event;

(c)        the person or entity or its  directors  pass a resolution to petition
           or apply  for its  winding-up,  official  management,  administration
           (whether  out of court  or  otherwise)  or  liquidation  (other  than
           pursuant to a consolidation, amalgamation or merger);

(d)        the person or entity seeks or becomes  subject to the  appointment of
           an  administrator,  provisional  liquidator,  conservator,  receiver,
           trustee in  bankruptcy,  judicial  custodian,  compulsory  manager or
           other similar official or officer (in each case, whether out of court
           or otherwise) for it or for all or substantially all its assets;

(e)        the person or entity has a secured party taking  possession of all or
           substantially   all  its  assets  or  has  a   distress,   execution,
           attachment,  sequestration or other legal process levied, enforced or
           sued on or  against  all or  substantially  all its  assets  and such
           secured  party  maintains  possession,  or any  such  process  is not
           dismissed,  discharged,  stayed or restrained, in each case within 30
           calendar days thereafter;

(f)        the person or entity or its directors takes any action in furtherance
           of, or indicating its consent to,  approval of, or  acquiescence  in,
           any of the events specified in sub-clauses (a) to (e) above; or

(g)        the person or entity  causes or is subject to any event with  respect
           to it which,  under the applicable laws of any  jurisdiction,  has an
           analogous effect to any of the events specified in sub-clauses (a) to
           (e) above;

Interest  Payment Date means the date occurring two (2) Business Days after each
Calculation  Date  immediately  following  the Cut-Off Date  occurring  the 25th
calendar day of each calendar month, it being specified that, in any event,  the
FCC  Establishment  Date  shall  be an  Interest  Payment  Date  even if the FCC

                                                                         Page 25

Date does not occur two (2) Business Days after a Calculation  Date  immediately
following a Cut-Off Date occurring the 25th calendar day;

Interest  Period  means the period  commencing  on (and  including)  an Interest
Payment Date and ending on (but excluding) the following Interest Payment Date;

Invoice means, in respect of each Receivable,  the notice for payment issued and
sent by a Seller to a Debtor and specifying, amongst other things:

(a)        the products delivered or services provided;

(b)        the Net Invoice Amount to be paid by the relevant Debtor; and

(c)        the Due Date for such payment;

Issue  Date  means the date on which the FCC  issues a Series of Units  provided
that the first Issue Date shall be the FCC Establishment  Date and,  thereafter,
any subsequent Issue Date shall be an Interest Payment Date;

Issue  Document  means the document in the form set out in schedule 7 to the FCC

Issue Price  means,  in respect of any Unit,  one hundred per cent (100%) of the
nominal value of such Unit;

Latent Anticipated  Dilution means any amount  corresponding to any credit note,
rebate,  discount,  refund or any other  event  being  likely to reduce  the Net
Invoice Amount in respect of a Transferred Receivable relating the corresponding
Debtor,  as  calculated  and recorded by each  Servicer on the last  Information
Date,  and the event and amount of which have been agreed  between the  relevant
Seller and Debtor on such Information Date;

Legal  Maturity  Date means the date  falling one (1) Business Day after the 9th
Interest Payment Date following the Termination Date;

Letter of Credit  Provider means BNP Paribas acting in its capacity as guarantor
in accordance with the provisions of the Amended and Restated  Master  Agreement
for the Issuance of the Programme Guarantee entered into between Eliopee and the
Letter of Credit Provider;

Liquidation  Surplus means all amounts  available for the FCC after  payments of
all interest due under the Units and all the principal of the Units;

Liquidity  Facility  Provider  means  BNP  Paribas,  acting in its  capacity  as
liquidity facility provider under the Eliopee Liquidity Facility Agreement,  and
any assignee or sub-participant of BNP Paribas in this agreement;

Locked  Swap  Cost has the  meaning  ascribed  to it in  schedule  10 of the FCC

Loss  Horizon  has  the  meaning  ascribed  to it in  schedule  10  of  the  FCC

                                                                         Page 26

Loss Proxy has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

Loss  Reserve  Amount has the  meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

Loss  Reserve  Ratio has the  meaning  ascribed  to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

Management  Company  means  France  Titrisation,   acting  in  its  capacity  as
management company of the FCC and representing the FCC;

Master Definitions Agreement means this agreement;

Master  Receivables  Transfer and Servicing  Agreement means the master transfer
and  servicing  agreement  executed on the date of signature  of this  Agreement
between the Sellers,  the Servicers,  the Administrative  Agents, the Management
Company and the Custodian,  pursuant to which each Seller has agreed to transfer
to the FCC all of its title to, rights and interest in Eligible  Receivables and
under which each Servicer is appointed by the  Management  Company to administer
and service the Transferred Receivables;

Minimum Dilution Percentage has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the
FCC Regulations;

Minimum Loss Reserve Percentage has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10 of
the FCC Regulations;

Monthly  FX Swap  has  the  meaning  ascribed  to it in  schedule  10 of the FCC

Moody's means  Moody's  France SAS, a subsidiary  of Moody's  Investors  Service
Limited,  whose registered  office is at 65-67, rue de la Victoire,  75009 Paris

Net Financing  means,  with respect to any Interest Payment Date, the amount (if
positive)  calculated by the Management  Company on each  immediately  preceding
Calculation  Date,  based on the  information  received (if  applicable)  on the
immediately  preceding  Information  Date  in the  Consolidated  Report  and the
Consolidated Transfer Offer, being equal to the difference between:

(a)        the sum of:

           (i)       the aggregate  Euro Net Invoice  Amount of the  Transferred
                     Receivables that are Eligible Financing Receivables on that
                     Calculation Date, and

           (ii)      the  sum  of  Euro  Net  Invoice  Amount  of  the  Eligible
                     Financing  Receivables  offered  for sale by the Sellers on
                     such Transfer Date; and

(b)        the sum of:

                                                                         Page 27

           (i)        the  aggregate  Euro Net Invoice  Amount of the  Defaulted

           (ii)       the  aggregate  amount  of  all  Euro  Latent  Anticipated
                      Dilutions, and

           (iii)      the Over-collateralisation;

Net Invoice Amount means the total amount payable under an Invoice,  which shall
be equal to the gross nominal  amount for which the Invoice has been issued less
any Authorised Set-Off;

New  Dilutions  means any  Unanticipated  Dilutions  and any Latent  Anticipated
Dilutions issued during the preceding Cut-Off Period less any Latent Anticipated
Dilutions on the previous Calculation Date that were directly paid by the Seller
to the  relevant  Debtor  or that were  applied  to a  Receivable  which was not
transferred to the FCC;

Non Eligible Financing  Receivables means the Eligible  Receivables which do not
comply with the Financing
Eligibility Criteria;

Non Reconciled  Collection  means a sum forming part of the balance  standing to
the credit of the Back-Up Servicer Collection Account which the Back-Up Servicer
has not  matched  with (a) an  Invoice  and (b) a  Collection  in  respect  of a

Non  Securitised   Collection   means,  with  respect  to  any  Non  Securitised
Receivable,  all cash  collections  and other cash proceeds  (including  without
limitation bank transfers, wire transfers, cheques, bills of exchange and direct
debits)  relating to that said Non Securitised  Receivable and received from the
relevant Debtor during any Collection Period;

Non Securitised  Receivable means, at any time of determination,  any Receivable
which has not been  transferred  to the FCC  pursuant to the Master  Receivables
Transfer and Servicing Agreement or which has been retransferred by the FCC to a
Seller  according to clause 7 of the Master  Receivables  Transfer and Servicing
Agreement at such time;

Normal  Amortisation  Period means the period beginning on the FCC Establishment
Date and ending on the Legal  Maturity  Date  (subject to the  occurrence  of an
Accelerated  Amortisation  Event) and  comprising  the Revolving  Period and the
Scheduled Amortisation Period;

Notice of Refusal means any notice of refusal of a Transfer  Offer  delivered by
the Management Company to the relevant Seller or to the relevant  Administrative
Agent,  in  accordance  with clause 3.3 of the Master  Receivables  Transfer and
Servicing  Agreement  and in the form of schedule 21 of appendix 1 of the Master
Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Notice of  Transfer  means with  respect  to any  Transferred  Receivables,  the
written  notice  to be  delivered  by the  Management  Company  (or the  Back-Up
Servicer,  as the

                                                                         Page 28

case may be) to the relevant  Debtor upon the occurrence of certain  events,  as
further described in clause 8 of the Master  Receivables  Transfer and Servicing

Notional has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC Regulations;

One Month  Outstanding  BTs means,  in respect of the BT Programme  and for each
Interest  Payment Date, the outstanding  principal  amount of BTs that have been
issued by Eliopee on such Interest  Payment Date,  with a maturity date equal to
the following Interest Payment Date (excluded);

Order of Priority  means any of the orders of priority which shall be applied by
the  Management  Company in the payment (or the  provision  for  payment,  where
relevant)  of all debts due and payable by the FCC to any of its  creditors,  as
set out in clause 17 of the FCC Regulations;

Outstanding  Amount of Transferred  Receivables  means, on any Cut-Off Date, the
aggregate of the  outstanding  amount of Transferred  Receivables as declared by
each Seller in the Individual Report;

Outstanding  Deferred  Purchase  Price means on any Payment Date or any Interest
Payment Date, for each currency,  the sum of all the Deferred Purchase Prices of
all preceding  Secondary  Transfer  Dates in such currency less all the Deferred
Purchase Price Repayments made to any Seller on all preceding  Payment Dates and
Interest Payment Dates in such currency;

Over-collateralisation  has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

Over-concentration  has the  meaning  ascribed  to it in  schedule 10 of the FCC

Parent Company means Crown European Holdings, acting in its capacity as:

(a)        guarantor of the Securitisation  Programme to cover certain risks, in
           accordance with the Guarantee Agreement; and

(b)        subscriber of the Seller Units and Subordinated  Units, in accordance
           with the Seller Units  Subscription  Agreement  and the  Subordinated
           Units Subscription Agreement;

Parent  Company  Account means the bank account opened in the name of the Parent
Company  in the books of BNP  Paribas  whose  IBAN code is : FR76 3000 4021 4600
0105 0092 774;

Parent  Company  Early  Amortisation  Event has the  meaning  ascribed  to it in
schedule  13 of  appendix 1 of the Master  Receivables  Transfer  and  Servicing

Parent  Company  Event of Default has the meaning  given to it in schedule 13 of
appendix 1 of the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

                                                                         Page 29

Parent  Company  Potential  Event  of  Default  has the  meaning  given to it in
schedule  12 of  appendix 1 of the Master  Receivables  Transfer  and  Servicing

Parent Company Termination Date means the date on which:

(a)        a Parent Company Event of Default occurs; or

(b)        a Parent Company Early Amortisation Event occurs; or

(c)        a Receivables Event of Default occurs; or

(d)        the Management  Company or the Custodian is in a breach of any if its
           material  obligations  under  any of the  Securitisation  Transaction
           Documents  to which it is a party and such breach is not cured within
           a period of thirty (30)  calendar  days after it has been informed or
           otherwise aware of such breach,

provided that for the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly agreed between all the
parties to the Securitisation Programme that the representations, warranties and
undertakings  of the Parent Company shall survive for so long as there continues
to exist any  obligations of the Parent Company or any rights of the FCC arising
under any of the FCC  Transaction  Documents  to which the  Parent  Company is a
party which have not been completely discharged or exercised;

Participating Entity means:

(a)        the Custodian;

(b)        Eliopee;

(c)        the Management Company, acting in its own name and in the name and on
           behalf of the FCC;

(d)        the Liquidity Facility Provider;

(e)        the Calculation Agent;

(f)        the Administrator;

(g)        the Letter of Credit Provider;

(h)        the FCC Account Bank;

(i)        the Swap Counterparty,

acting in  whatever  capacity  and  whatever  location  within  the scope of the
Securitisation Programme;

                                                                         Page 30

Payment  Date  means  the  date  occurring  one  (1)  Business  Day  after  each
Calculation Date immediately  following a Cut-Off Date occurring the 5th and the
15th calendar day of each calendar month;

Payment  Request means the notice to be delivered by the relevant  Participating
Entity  to the  Parent  Company  in the  form  of  schedule  1 of the  Guarantee

Potential  Event of Default means,  as applicable,  a Seller  Potential Event of
Default,  a  Servicer  Potential  Event  of  Default,  an  Administrative  Agent
Potential Event of Default or a Parent Company Potential Event of Default;

Principal  Transfer Date means a Transfer Date occurring on an Interest  Payment

Purchase  Price means,  on any  Calculation  Date preceding a Transfer Date, for
each  currency,  the sum of the Net Invoice  Amount of the Eligible  Receivables
offered for sale on such Transfer Date in such  currency;  the Purchase Price of
any Eligible  Receivable  shall be equal to the Net Invoice Amount stated on the
corresponding Invoice;

Receivables means all amounts payable by a debtor in connection with a Contract,
as specified in an Invoice issued under such Contract,  together with all rights
to payment and all proceeds  relating thereto  (including all Ancillary  Rights)
and as originated by any of the Sellers;

Receivables  Event means that on a given  Calculation Date, one of the following
event occurs:

(a)        Dilution Percentage is above 22%;

(b)        Dilution Average is above 14%;

(c)        BA Spot is above 2.5%;

(d)        BA Average is above 2%;

(e)        DSO Average is above 70 days;

Recovery  means  any  amount  received  by a  Servicer  in  connection  with any
Defaulted Receivable;

Reference Banks means, in relation to Euribor,  the principal office in Paris of
BNP Paribas,  Calyon, Natexis Banques Populaires,  Societe Generale and HSBC-CCF
or such other banks as may be appointed by the Calculation Agent in consultation
with the Management Company;

Reference  Margin  has the  meaning  ascribed  to it in  schedule  10 of the FCC

Refinancing Transaction Documents means:

                                                                         Page 31

(a)        the Eliopee Liquidity Facility Agreement;

(b)        any  agreement   necessary  to  refinance  the   acquisition  of  the
           Transferred Receivables; and

(c)        any other agreement,  instrument, or document executed pursuant to or
           in connection therewith;

Reporting Auditor means Cashmire S.A.,  "Cashback Avantages Clients",  a societe
anonyme  incorporated  under  the laws of  France,  whose  registered  office is
located at 11, rue Albert 1er, 92210 Saint Cloud  (France),  registered with the
Trade and Companies Register of Nanterre under number 409 712 973;

Reporting  Auditor  Fees means the fee payable to the  Reporting  Auditor  which
shall be determined between the Reporting Auditor and Crown European Holdings;

Resignation Letter means a letter  substantially in the form set out in schedule
16 of appendix 1 to the Master  Receivables  Transfer and  Servicing  Agreement,
pursuant to which a Seller may resign from the Securitisation Programme;

Retransfer Date means any Payment Date or any Interest Payment Date on which the
FCC  retransfers to a Seller any  Receivables  which is an Affected  Receivable,
pursuant to the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Retransfer  Price means, in relation to any Receivable  retransferred by the FCC
to a  Seller,  the  price to be paid by the  relevant  Seller to the FCC for the
retransfer of the said Receivable, being:

(a)        the Net Invoice  Amount of the said  Receivable,  as appearing on the
           related Invoice on the corresponding Transfer Date; less

(b)        the Collections  received with respect to such Receivable between (i)
           the  Transfer  Date on which it has been  transferred  to the FCC and
           (ii) the relevant Retransfer Date;

Retransferred  Amount means, in relation to any Receivable  retransferred by the
FCC to a Seller:

(a)        the corresponding Retransfer Price; plus

(b)        an amount equal to the total of all additional,  specific, direct and
           indirect, reasonable and justified costs and expenses incurred by the
           FCC in  relation  to  such  Receivable  and  for  which  the  FCC has
           requested  payment in writing,  provided that such expenses shall not
           include the administrative  costs borne by the FCC in connection with
           its holding of such Receivable;

Revolving  Period  means  the  period  within  the  Normal  Amortisation  Period
commencing  on (and  including)  the FCC  Establishment  Date and ending on (but
excluding) the earliest of the following dates:

(a)        the Termination Date;

                                                                         Page 32

(b)        the occurrence of an Accelerated Amortisation Event;

Sale of Products means the sale of packaging products as well as other ancillary
services  or  deliveries   attached   (engineering   and  tools  and  prototypes
deliveries,  reprographic  costs)  produced  or  realised  by the Sellers in the
ordinary course of their respective businesses;

Scheduled  Amortisation  Period means the period within the Normal  Amortisation
Period beginning from (and including) the last day of the Revolving Period until
(and  including)  the Legal  Maturity  Date  (subject  to the  occurrence  of an
Accelerated Amortisation Event);

Screen  Rate  means,  in relation  to  Euribor,  the  percentage  rate per annum
determined  by the Banking  Federation  of the  European  Union for the relevant
period,  displayed on the Euribor 01 Reuters screen. If this page is replaced or
service ceases to be available,  the Calculation  Agent may specify another page
or  service   displaying  the  appropriate  rate  after  consultation  with  the
Management Company;

Secondary Financial Covenants means the following conditions having to be met by
the consolidated financial results of Crown Holdings:

(a)               Total  Leverage  Ratio (as this term is  defined in the Credit
                  Agreement and as drafted at the date hereof): on each date (as
                  calculated for the four  consecutive  complete fiscal quarters
                  of  Crown  Holdings  then  last  ended  and  such   compliance
                  calculations  shall be  provided  within  40 days of the first
                  three fiscal  quarters  and 75 days within the fourth  quarter
                  (such timing periods to coincide with the U.S.  Securities and
                  Exchange  Agency  filings  of  Crown  Holdings)),   the  Total
                  Leverage Ratio will have to be lower than the amount set forth
                  in the table below (the ratio was 4.54x as of 31/12/2004):

............................................... ....................
                 Test Period                         Ratio 1
............................................... ....................
June 30, 2005 to September 30, 2005               6.25 to 1.00
............................................... ....................
December 31, 2005 to September 30, 2006           5.75 to 1.00
............................................... ....................
December 31, 2006 to September 30, 2007           5.25 to 1.00
............................................... ....................
December 31, 2007 to September 30, 2008           4.75 to 1.00
............................................... ....................
December 31, 2008 and thereafter                  4.25 to 1.00
............................................... ....................

(b)               Consolidated  Fixed  Charge  Ratio (as this term is defined in
                  the Credit  Agreement and as drafted at the date  hereof):  on
                  each date (as  calculated  for the four  consecutive  complete
                  fiscal  quarters  of Crown  Holdings  then last ended and such
                  compliance  calculations  shall be provided  within 40 days of
                  the first three fiscal  quarters and 75 days within the fourth
                  quarter  (such  timing  periods  to  coincide  with  the  U.S.
                  Securities and Exchange  Agency  filings of Crown  Holdings)),
                  the  Consolidated  Fixed  Charge  Ratio will have

                                                                         Page 33

                  to be higher than the amount set forth in the table below (the
                  ratio was 1.98x as of 31/12/2004):

.................................................. ........................
                  Test Period                             Ratio 2
.................................................. ........................
June 30, 2005 to September 30, 2005                    1.05 to 1.00
.................................................. ........................
December 31, 2005 to September 30, 2006                1.05 to 1.00
.................................................. ........................
December 31, 2006 to September 30, 2008                1.05 to 1.00
.................................................. ........................
December 31, 2008 to September 30, 2009                1.05 to 1.00
.................................................. ........................
December 31, 2009 and thereafter                       1.05 to 1.00
.................................................. ........................

it being  understood  that  should the  definition  of Total  Leverage  Ratio or
Consolidated  Fixed  Charge  Ratio  change  within  the  Credit  Agreement,  the
Secondary  Financial  Covenants  shall be redefine so as to leave such Secondary
Financial  Covenants (after that change) in the same position as they would have
been in had the change not been made;

Secondary Transfer Date means any Transfer Date occurring on a Payment Date;

Securitisation  Programme means the securitisation  programme  structured by BNP
Paribas in order to  finance  the  purchase  price of the  Eligible  Receivables
payable  by the  FCC to the  Sellers.  When  referred  to in any  Securitisation
Transaction Document, the Securitisation Programme is deemed to include:

(a)        any means or financing and/or refinancing  entered into,  directly or
           indirectly, by the FCC;

(b)        any financial and/or commercial arrangement entered into, directly or
           indirectly,  by the FCC with any contractor,  supplier or other third
           party; and

(c)        any contractor,  supplier or other third parties having entered into,
           directly  or  indirectly,  with  the  FCC  in  any  financial  and/or
           commercial arrangement,

in order to finance the Purchase  Price of the Eligible  Receivables  payable by
the FCC to the Sellers and more generally any of the  transactions  contemplated
in the Securitisation Transaction Documents;

Securitisation Transaction Documents means:

(a)        the FCC Transaction Documents;

(b)        the Refinancing Transaction Documents; and

(c)        any other agreement,  instrument, or document executed pursuant to or
           in connection with any of documents in paragraph (a) and (b);

Seller means any of:

                                                                         Page 34

(a)        the French Sellers; and

(b)        the English Sellers;

Seller Early Amortisation Event has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 13 of
appendix 1 of the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Seller  Event of  Default  has the  meaning  ascribed  to it in  schedule  13 of
appendix 1 of the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Seller  Potential Event of Default has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 12
of appendix 1 of the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Seller  Termination  Date  means the date on which a Seller  shall exit from the
Securitisation  Programme  and shall  cease  permanently  to have the  status of
Seller,   so  that  it  is  not  entitled  to  participate  any  longer  to  the
Securitisation Programme, namely the date on which:

(a)        a Seller Event of Default occurs; or

(b)        a Seller Early Amortisation Event occurs; or

(c)        an Administrative Agent Termination Date occurs,

provided that:

           (i)       if the Seller  Termination  Date  occurs as a result of the
                     event  referred to in  sub-clauses  (a) or (b) above,  such
                     Seller  Termination  Date shall  only  affect  that  Seller
                     concerned but not the other Sellers;

           (ii)      if the Seller  Termination  Date  occurs as a result of the
                     event  referred  to in  sub-clause  (c) above,  such Seller
                     Termination  Date shall only  affect  that  Sellers  having
                     appointed the relevant  Administrative Agent,  irrespective
                     of whether or not there is any Seller Event of Default;

           (iii)     if the Seller  Termination  Date  occurs as a result of the
                     occurrence of the Parent  Company  Termination  Date,  such
                     Seller  Termination  Date  shall  affect  all the  Sellers,
                     irrespective of whether or not there is any Seller Event of
                     Default; and

           (iv)      in  all  cases  and  for  the  avoidance  of  doubt,  it is
                     expressly   agreed   between   all  the   parties   to  the
                     Securitisation    Programme   that   the   representations,
                     warranties and  undertakings  of the relevant  Seller,  any
                     Administrative  Agent and the Parent  Company shall survive
                     for so long as there  continues to exist any obligations of
                     that  Seller,  any  Administrative  Agent  and  the  Parent
                     Company or rights of the FCC  arising  under any of the FCC
                     Transaction   Documents   to   which   that   Seller,   any
                     Administrative Agent or the Parent Company is a party which
                     have not been completely discharged or exercised;

                                                                         Page 35

Seller Transaction Documents means:

(a)        the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

(b)        this Master Definitions Agreement;

(c)        the Agreement Amongst Participating Entities;

(d)        the Back-up Servicing Agreement;

(e)        the Collection Account Security Agreements;

(f)        the Collection Account Bank Agreements; and

(g)        any other agreement,  instrument, or document executed pursuant to or
           in connection with any of the documents  referred to in paragraph (a)
           to (g);

Seller Units means the seller  floating rate units issued or to be issued by the
FCC, according to the FCC Regulations,  in accordance with Articles L. 214-43 to
L. 214-49 of the French Code monetaire et financier,  the proceeds of which will
be used by the Management  Company to purchase the Receivables  from the Sellers
and the  terms and  conditions  of which  are set out in  schedule  5 of the FCC

Seller Units  Amortisation  Amount has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10
of the FCC Regulations;

Seller Units  Required  Amount has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of
the FCC Regulations;

Seller Units  Issuance  Amount has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of
the FCC Regulations;

Seller Units Outstanding Amount has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10 of
the FCC Regulations;

Seller Units  Interest  Amount has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of
the FCC Regulations;

Seller Units  Interest Rate has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 5 of the
FCC Regulations;

Seller Units Subscription  Agreement means the agreement executed on the date of
this  Agreement  between  the Parent  Company  and the  Participating  Entities,
pursuant to which the Parent  Company  agreed,  inter alia, to subscribe  Seller
Units issued by the FCC;

Senior Units means the senior  floating rate units issued or to be issued by the
FCC, according to the FCC Regulations,  in accordance with Articles L. 214-43 to
L. 214-49 of the French Code monetaire et financier,  the proceeds of which will
be used by the Management  Company to purchase the Receivables  from the Sellers
and the  terms and  conditions  of which  are set out in  schedule  4 of the FCC

                                                                         Page 36

Senior Units  Interest  Amount has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of
the FCC Regulations;

Senior Units  Interest Rate has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 4 of the
FCC Regulations;

Senior Units  Issuance  Amount has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of
the FCC Regulations;

Senior Units Repayment has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

Senior Units Subscription  Agreement means the agreement executed on the date of
this  Agreement  between  Eliopee,  the  Management  Company and the  Custodian,
pursuant to which Eliopee agreed to subscribe Senior Units issued by the FCC;

Series means:

(a)        in respect of the Senior Units,  any series of Senior Units issued on
           a given Issue Date; and

(b)        in respect of the Seller Units,  any series of Seller Units issued on
           a given Issue Date; and

(c)        in  respect of the  Subordinated  Units,  any series of  Subordinated
           Units issued on a given Issue Date;

Servicer means any of:

(a)        the French Servicers; and

(b)        the English Servicers;

Servicer Early  Amortisation Event has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 13
of appendix 1 of the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Servicer  Event of Default  has the  meaning  ascribed  to it in  schedule 13 of
appendix 1 of the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Servicer  Potential Event of Default has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule
12 of appendix 1 of the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Servicer Termination Date means the date on which a Servicer shall exit from the
Securitisation  Programme  and shall  cease  permanently  to have the  status of
Servicer,  so  that  it is  not  entitled  to  participate  any  longer  to  the
Securitisation Programme, namely the date on which:

(a)        a Servicer Event of Default occurs; or

(b)        a Servicer Early Amortisation Event occurs; or

                                                                         Page 37

(c)        an Administrative Agent Termination Date occurs,

provided that:

           (i)       if the Servicer  Termination Date occurs as a result of the
                     event  referred to in  sub-clauses  (a) or (b) above,  such
                     Servicer  Termination  Date shall only affect that Servicer
                     concerned but not the other Servicers;

           (ii)      if the Servicer  Termination Date occurs as a result of the
                     event  referred to in sub-clause  (c) above,  such Servicer
                     Termination  Date shall only affect that  Servicers  having
                     appointed the relevant  Administrative Agent,  irrespective
                     of whether or not there is any Servicer Event of Default;

           (iii)     if the Servicer  Termination Date occurs as a result of the
                     occurrence of the Parent  Company  Termination  Date,  such
                     Servicer  Termination  Date shall affect all the Servicers,
                     irrespective  of whether or not there is any Servicer Event
                     of Default; and

           (iv)      in  all  cases  and  for  the  avoidance  of  doubt,  it is
                     expressly   agreed   between   all  the   parties   to  the
                     Securitisation    Programme   that   the   representations,
                     warranties and undertakings of the relevant  Servicer,  any
                     Administrative  Agent and the Parent  Company shall survive
                     for so long as there  continues to exist any obligations of
                     that  Servicer,  any  Administrative  Agent and the  Parent
                     Company or rights of the FCC  arising  under any of the FCC
                     Transaction   Documents   to  which  that   Servicer,   any
                     Administrative Agent or the Parent Company is a party which
                     have not been completely discharged or exercised;

Servicer Trigger Event means one of the following events occurs on a given date:

(a)        a Suppliers Trigger;

(b)        a Financial Covenant is not met;

(c)        the available  amount on the  syndicated  revolving  credit  facility
           entered  into  in  September  2004 by  Crown  Holdings  is less  than
           20,000,000 Euro (or the US Dollars equivalent thereof); or

(d)        a Servicer Event of Default;

Servicing Fee means the fee payable by the FCC to the Servicers  pursuant to the
Master Receivables  Transfer and Servicing Agreement and which shall be equal to
0.05% of the Aggregate Net Invoice Amount as of the preceding  Interest  Payment

                                                                         Page 38

Servicing  Procedures  means,  in  respect  of each  Servicer,  the  procedures,
guidances,  whether  written or oral,  used by such Servicer for the purposes of
servicing the Eligible Receivables and the Transferred Receivables;

Solvency Certificate means the certificate issued periodically by each Seller in
the  form  set  out  in  schedule  7 of the  Seller's  appendix  to  the  Master
Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Specific  Cost means any cost  borne,  directly  or  indirectly  and of whatever
nature  (including  but  not  limited  to any  early  breakage,  termination  or
reversing of any agreement entered into for the purpose of fixing,  financing or
otherwise hedging any amount or transaction under the  Securitisation  Programme
together with any cost incurred in liquidating or re-employing  funds from third
parties  acquired or contracted for in order to fund any  transaction  under the
Securitisation  Programme (to the exclusion,  for the avoidance of doubt, of any
cost   incurred  in  respect  of  any  capital   adequacy   treatment   and  its
consequences)),  by  a  Participating  Entity,  including  its  contractors  and
suppliers acting in relation to the Securitisation  Programme and, in particular
but not  limited  to,  the  Liquidity  Facility  Provider,  as a  result  of the
occurrence of one of the following events:

(a)        a Seller  or, as the case may be, an  Administrative  Agent,  for any
           reason whatever:

           (i)       revokes any  Individual  Transfer Offer or, as the case may
                     be, any Consolidated Transfer Offer; or

           (ii)      fails to strictly  perform any of the steps,  procedures or
                     formalities set out in any of the FCC Transaction Documents
                     to which it is a party within the appropriate  timeframe to
                     allow the  effective  transfer of the title of the relevant
                     Seller to, and their  rights and  interest in, the Eligible
                     Receivables  to the FCC,  no later than  11.00 a.m.  on the
                     relevant Transfer Date;

(b)        a Seller, a Servicer,  an Administrative  Agent or the Parent Company
           does  not  perform  any  of its  obligations  under  any  of the  FCC
           Transaction Documents to which it is a party; or

(c)        the Back-Up  Servicer is appointed in accordance  with clause 20.3 of
           the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Standby  Period  means  the  period   commencing  on  (and  including)  the  FCC
Establishment  Date and ending on (but  excluding) the earliest of the following

(a)        the Substitution Date; and

(b)        the Back-Up Servicer Termination Date;

Standby Period Report means the report to be provided by the Back-Up Servicer on
the  third  (3rd)  Business  Day  following  an  Interest  Payment  Date  to the
Management  Company with respect to the immediately  preceding  Interest Period,
substantially in

                                                                         Page 39

the form set out in (and containing the information  referred to in) schedule 10
of the Back-Up Servicing Agreement;

Subordinated  Units means the  subordinated  units issued or to be issued by the
FCC, according to the FCC Regulations,  in accordance with Articles L. 214-43 to
L. 214-49 of the French Code monetaire et financier,  the proceeds of which will
be used by the Management  Company to purchase the Receivables  from the Sellers
and the  terms and  conditions  of which  are set out in  schedule  6 of the FCC

Subordinated  Units  Amortisation  Amount  has  the  meaning  ascribed  to it in
schedule 10 of the FCC Regulations;

Subordinated Units Required Amount has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10
of the FCC Regulations;

Subordinated Units Interest Rate has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 6 of
the FCC Regulations;

Subordinated Units Issuance Amount has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10
of the FCC Regulations;

Subordinated Units Outstanding Amount has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule
10 of the FCC Regulations;

Subordinated Units Interest Amount has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10
of the FCC Regulations;

Subordinated  Units  Subscription  Agreement means the agreement executed on the
date of  this  Agreement  between  the  Parent  Company  and  the  Participating
Entities,  pursuant to which the Parent Company agreed, inter alia, to subscribe
Subordinated Units issued by the FCC;

Substitution Date means, with respect to a given Servicer, the date on which the
Back-Up Servicer  receives a written notice of termination of the appointment of
that Servicer from the Management Company;

Substitution  Period means the period commencing on (and including) the last day
of the Standby  Period until (and  including) the Back-Up  Servicer  Termination

Supplementary  Cost  means  any  cost or loss of  whatever  nature  incurred  or
suffered,  directly or indirectly,  by a Participating Entity as a result of its
participation in the  Securitisation  Programme as a result of the occurrence of
one of the  following  events as from the Closing  Date,  and which it would not
have incurred by virtue of its rights and obligations  under the  Securitisation
Programme if such event had not occurred:

(a)        further  to  any  Change  of   Legislation,   the  partial  or  total
           performance of the obligations of a Participating Entity under any of
           the   Securitisation   Transaction   Documents   becomes  illegal  or
           impossible; or

                                                                         Page 40

(b)        an  entity  or  person  (including  any  party to the  Securitisation
           Transaction  Documents)  challenges the validity,  enforceability  or
           effectiveness of any legal or financial mechanism provided for in any
           of  the  Securitisation   Transaction  Documents,  on  the  basis  of
           reasonable legal considerations or arguments; or

(c)        for  any  reason  whatsoever,  and in  particular  (but  without  any
           limitation) a Change of Legislation, a Participating Entity:

           (i)       does  not or will not  obtain  the  full  payment  which it
                     should   have   received   by  virtue  of  its  rights  and
                     obligations  under  the  Securitisation  Programme  if  the
                     above-mentioned  event had not occurred (unless  previously
                     compensated for by the payment of any Tax Deduction); or

           (ii)      does  not  or  will  not  obtain  the  net  return  (before
                     corporation   or   income   tax)  on   regulatory   capital
                     (including,  but not  limited  to,  any  cost  incurred  in
                     respect  of  any  capital   adequacy   treatment   and  its
                     consequences)  which it should  have  received by virtue of
                     its  rights  and  obligations   under  the   Securitisation
                     Programme if the above-mentioned event had not occurred; or

           (iii)     incurs an additional or increased  cost of whatever  nature
                     (including,  but not  limited  to,  any  new  Tax  (whether
                     supplementary or otherwise,  present or future) of whatever
                     nature,  including  corporation  tax or  income  tax)  as a
                     result of its participation in the Securitisation Programme
                     or by  virtue  of  sums  received  by  it  under  the  said
                     Securitisation  Programme  and  which  it  would  not  have
                     incurred by virtue of its rights and obligations  under the
                     Securitisation  Programme if the above-mentioned reason had
                     not occurred,

it being understood that:

(aa)       paragraph (b) above shall apply only with respect to any cost or loss
           of whatever nature incurred or suffered,  directly or indirectly,  by
           the  FCC  or  Eliopee  as a  result  of  their  participation  in the
           Securitisation Programme; and

(bb)       paragraph  (c) above shall  exclude  any cost  arising as a result of
           changes to Tax on the  overall net income of a  Participating  Entity
           (except for the FCC and Eliopee which, on the date of signing of this
           Agreement are exempted from corporate or equivalent  taxes or benefit
           from a reduced or privileged corporate tax rate);

Suppliers  Trigger means,  on any Calculation  Date before any Interest  Payment
Date, if any of the following  event occurs (GBP amounts being converted to Euro
using the Applicable Exchange Rate of such Calculation Date):

                                                                         Page 41

(a)        the net aggregate  amount of overdue  payables as of the Cut-Off Date
           is greater than 25% of the gross aggregate  amount of all payables on
           all UK and France Crown Entities (excluding  inter-company payables),

(b)        the net  aggregate  amount of the  payables  remaining  unpaid on the
           Cut-Off  Date,  between 31 calendars  days and 60 calendar days after
           their  respective Due Date is greater than 3% of the gross  aggregate
           amount of all payables on all UK and France Crown Entities (excluding
           inter-company payables);

Swap  Agreement  means  the  currency  swap  agreement  entered  into on the FCC
Establishment  Date  between the FCC and BNP  Paribas,  in its  capacity as Swap
Counterparty,  comprising an FBF Master  Agreement,  the schedule  thereto and a
confirmation entered into pursuant thereto; the Swap Agreement governs the terms
under which the FCC and the Swap  Counterparty  will as applicable  from time to
time during the life of the Securitisation Programme, enter into:

(a)        several Monthly FX Swaps;

(b)        one Final FX Swap;

(c)        several Final Reverse FX Swaps;

Swap Cost has the meaning ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC Regulations;

Swap Counterparty  means BNP Paribas acting in its capacity as swap counterparty
under the Swap Agreement or any successor thereto;

TARGET  means  Trans-European   Automated  Real-time  Gross  Settlement  Express
Transfer payment system;

TARGET Day means any day on which TARGET is open for the  settlement of payments
in euro;

Tax Credit means a credit against,  relief or remission for, or repayment of any

Tax Deduction means any deduction or withholding for or on account of Tax, which
relates to any payment of whatever nature, which must be made by:

(a)        a Seller,  a Servicer or an  Administrative  Agent to a Participating
           Entity or vice-versa; or

(b)        by a Participating Entity to another Participating Entity,

in  relation to the  Securitisation  Programme,  and which  would  result from a
Change of Legislation;

Tax Payment means an increased payment made by:

(a)        a Seller,  a Servicer or an  Administrative  Agent to a Participating
           Entity; or

(b)        by a Participating Entity to another Participating Entity,

                                                                         Page 42

under clause 3.1.1 of the Agreement Amongst Participating Entities;

Taxes means all present and future taxes, levies,  imposts, duties or charges of
any nature whatsoever,  and wheresoever imposed,  including (without limitation)
value added tax or any  similar tax and any  franchise,  transfer,  sales,  use,
business,  occupation,  excise, personal property,  real property,  stamp, gross
income, fuel, leasing,  occupational,  turnover,  excess profits,  excise, gross
receipts,  franchise,   registration,   licence,  corporation,   capital  gains,
export/import, income, levies, imposts, withholdings or other taxes or duties of
any  nature  whatsoever  (or  any  other  amount  corresponding  to  any  of the
foregoing) now or hereafter imposed, levied, collected,  withheld or assessed by
any national or regional taxing or fiscal authority or agency, together with any
penalties,  additions to tax,  fines or interest  thereon,  and tax and taxation
shall be construed accordingly;

Termination Date means:

(a)        the date falling one (1) Business Day after the 59th Interest Payment
           Date following the Closing Date; or

(b)        the date on which the  Liquidity  Facility  Provider  has informed in
           writing the parties to the Securitisation  Programme that the Eliopee
           Liquidity  Facility  Agreement was terminated in accordance  with its
           terms and conditions;

Transaction Fees means, on each Interest Payment Date, the costs incurred by the
FCC and payable by the Sellers and which is equal to the difference between:

(a)        The sum of:

           (i)        the Funding Costs;

           (ii)      the Swap Costs for the Monthly FX Swap  entered into on the
                     previous  Interest  Payment  Date  immediately  preceding a
                     Calculation Date (to be added or subtracted depending on it
                     being a positive or negative amount);

           (iii)     (aa)  170,000  Euros  plus  the  greater  of the  following
                     amounts: 0.20% of the FCC Maximum Amount and 200,000 Euros,
                     (bb) divided by 12;

           (iv)      the Back-Up Servicer notification fees if applicable;

           (v)       0.05%  of  the  Aggregate   Net  Invoice   Amounts  of  all
                     outstanding  Transferred  Receivables  as of the  preceding
                     Interest Payment Date;

           (vi)      the Reporting Auditor Fees, and

(b)        the Financial Income as of the Interest Payment Date;

Transfer Date means any Interest  Payment Date or any Payment Date  occurring no
later than the Final Termination

                                                                         Page 43

Transfer  Document means any acte de cession de creances  executed in accordance
with the  provisions of Articles L. 214-43 et seq. of the French Code  monetaire
et financier and with the Decree, in the form of schedule 5 of appendix 1 to the
Master  Receivables  Transfer  and  Servicing  Agreement,  pursuant to which any
Seller transfers to the FCC its Eligible Receivables;

Transfer  File  means the  computer  file  delivered  by any  Seller  (or by the
relevant  Administrative  Agent  acting  in its name and on its  behalf)  to the
Management  Company on the  relevant  Transfer  Date as attached to the relevant
Transfer  Document,  as  described  in  schedule  26 of appendix 1 of the Master
Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

Transfer  Offer means,  as the case may be, an Individual  Transfer Offer or the
corresponding Consolidated Transfer Offer;

Transferred Receivable means any Receivable which:

(a)        has been transferred by a Seller to the FCC under the  Securitisation
           Programme; and

(b)        has not been retransferred by the FCC to a Seller according to clause
           7 of the Master Receivables Transfer and Servicing Agreement;

(c)        remains outstanding; and

(d)        is not an Affected Receivable;

Unanticipated  Dilution means, for a given Transferred  Receivable that has been
partially  paid by the  corresponding  Debtor  during the  Cut-Off  Period,  any
difference between:

(a)        the Net Invoice Amount relating to the said  Transferred  Receivable,
           reduced by the amount of the Consumed  Anticipated  Dilution relating
           to the said Transferred Receivables; and

(b)        the amount actually collected by the relevant Servicer for payment of
           such Transferred Receivable,

which  corresponds  to any credit note,  rebate,  discount,  refund,  set-off or
similar event which might affect, for any reason whatsoever (other than a credit
default of the relevant  Debtor) the amount due by the  relevant  Debtor under a
given Transferred Receivable,  as such amount was recorded and calculated by the
Servicer on the last  Information  Date. The event and amount of which have been
agreed between the relevant Seller and Debtor after the last Information Date;

Unitholder means a holder from time to time of any Unit;

Units means the Senior Units, the Seller Units and the Subordinated Units issued
or to be issued by the FCC, according to the FCC Regulations, in accordance with
articles  L.  214-5,  L.  214-43 to L.  214-49 and L.  231-7 of the French  Code
monetaire et

                                                                         Page 44

financier,  the  proceeds  of which  will be used by the  Management  Company to
purchase from time to time the Receivables from the Sellers;

Unjustified  Amount  means  any  amount  paid by a  Servicer  under  one or more
Receivables  and credited to the FCC  Collection  Account among the  Collections
credited thereto during a Cut-Off Period,  as recorded in the last  Consolidated

(a)        over and above any sums  actually  paid by the related  Debtor  under
           such Receivable(s), or

(b)        under  Receivable(s)  which is (are) not owned by the FCC on the date
           on which such payment is made;

Yield  Reserve  Amount has the meaning  ascribed to it in schedule 10 of the FCC

2.2 In any Securitisation Transaction Document or other agreement, instrument or
deed incorporating by reference to this Master Definitions Agreement or to which
this Master Definitions Agreement is expressed to apply any reference to:

(a)        any Party  shall be  construed  so as to include  its  successors  in
           title, permitted assigns and permitted transferees;

(b)        administration, bankruptcy, liquidation, dissolution, receivership or
           winding-up  of a  person  shall be  construed  so as to  include  any
           equivalent  or analogous  proceedings  (including  any  suspension of
           payments) under the laws of the  jurisdiction in which such person is
           incorporated (or, if not a company or corporation,  domiciled) or any
           jurisdiction  in  which  such  person  has  its  principal  place  of

(c)        an affiliate of any company or corporation  means, in relation to any
           person, a subsidiary of that person, a holding company of that person
           or any other subsidiary of that holding company;

(d)        the  law   includes   any  law,   constitution,   decree,   judgment,
           legislation,  order, ordinance,  regulation, statute, treaty or other
           legislative  measure in any  jurisdiction  and any  present or future
           directive,  regulation,  guideline,  practice, concession, request or
           requirement  whether  or not  having  the force of law  issued by any
           governmental body or supranational  body, agency or department or any
           central bank or other fiscal, monetary,  regulatory,  self regulatory
           or other  authority or agency  (including for the avoidance of doubt,
           any rule implemented by the Autorite des marches financiers);

(e)        person  shall be  construed  as a  reference  to any  firm,  company,
           corporation,  business  trust,  joint stock  company,  joint  venture
           government,   state  or  agency  or  authority  of  a  state  or  any
           association  or  partnership  (whether or not having  separate  legal
           personality)  or any other  entity of whatever  nature as the context
           may require;

                                                                         Page 45

(f)        stamp  duty  shall  be   construed  as  a  reference  to  any  stamp,
           registration  or  other  documentary  Tax or other  similar  Taxes or
           duties  (including,  without  limitation,  any  penalty  or  interest
           payable in connection  with any failure to pay or any delay in paying
           out any of the same); and

(g)        Value Added Tax or VAT shall be  construed  as a  reference  to value
           added tax under the laws of France and the United Kingdom.


In any  Securitisation  Transaction  Document or other agreement,  instrument or
deed  incorporating by reference this Master  Definitions  Agreement or to which
this Master Definitions Agreement is expressed to apply the following principles
of construction shall apply:

(a)        the headings in any  Securitisation  Transaction  Document  shall not
           affect its interpretation;

(b)        unless the context  otherwise  requires,  words denoting the singular
           number only shall include the plural number also, and vice versa, and
           words  denoting  persons only shall include firms,  corporations  and
           other  organised   entities,   whether  separate  legal  entities  or
           otherwise, and vice versa;

(c)        unless  the  context  otherwise   requires,   any  reference  in  any
           Securitisation Transaction Document to:

           (i)       any  agreement  or other  document  shall be construed as a
                     reference to the relevant agreement or document as the same
                     may  have  been,  or may from  time to time  be,  replaced,
                     extended,   amended,   varied,  novated,   supplemented  or

           (ii)      any statutory  provision or legislative  enactment shall be
                     deemed also to refer to any  re-enactment,  modification or
                     replacement thereof and any statutory instrument,  order or
                     regulation made thereunder or under any such  re-enactment;

           (iii)     any party to a  Securitisation  Transaction  Document shall
                     include references to its successors, permitted assigns and
                     any person  deriving title under or through it;  references
                     to the  address of any person  shall,  where  relevant,  be
                     deemed to be a  reference  to its  address as current  from
                     time to time;

(d)        unless expressly provided for to the contrary, all references made in
           any Securitisation Transaction Document to a day, are references to a
           calendar day;

(e)        the Recitals,  Schedules and Appendices  (including their Annexes) to
           any Securitisation  Transaction  Documents constitute an integral and
           substantive part of this  Securitisation  Transaction  Document.  Any
           reference  to any

                                                                         Page 46

           Securitisation  Transaction  Document  includes  a  reference  to its
           Recitals, Schedules and Appendices (including their Annexes);

(f)        unless expressly provided for to the contrary, all references made in
           any  Securitisation  Transaction  Document to a Recital,  a Clause, a
           Sub-clause,  a Schedule, a Part or an Appendix,  are reference to the
           recitals, the clauses, the sub-clauses,  the schedules, the parts and
           the appendices of this Securitisation Transaction Document;

(g)        unless expressly provided for to the contrary,  references to time in
           any  Securitisation  Transaction  Document are to local time in Paris

(h)        words  appearing  in any  Securitisation  Transaction  Document  in a
           language  other than English shall have the meaning  ascribed to them
           under  the law of the  corresponding  jurisdiction  and such  meaning
           shall prevail over their translation into English, if any;

(i)        where an  obligation is expressed in any  Securitisation  Transaction
           Document to be performed on a date which is not a Business  Day, such
           date shall be postponed to the first following day that is a Business

(j)        where any party to any Securitisation  Transaction Document from time
           to time  acts in more than one  capacity  under  such  Securitisation
           Transaction   Document,   the   provisions  of  that   Securitisation
           Transaction  Document  shall apply to it as though it were a separate
           party in each such capacity  except insofar as they require it in one
           capacity  to give as  notices  or  information  to itself in  another

(k)        references  in any  Securitisation  Transaction  Document  to the FCC
           shall be deemed to be references to the Management  Company acting in
           the name and on behalf of the FCC and  references  to the  Management
           Company in any Securitisation Transaction Document shall be deemed to
           be references  to the  Management  Company  acting in the name and on
           behalf of the FCC; and

(l)        unless  expressly  provided for to the contrary,  all fees or a costs
           payable by any party to the Securitisation  Transaction  Documents to
           any other party under any Securitisation  Transaction  Document shall
           be exclusive of Taxes and VAT (if any).


The  common  terms set out  below  shall be  deemed  to be  incorporated  in any
Securitisation  Transaction  Document  or other  agreement,  instrument  or deed
expressly and specifically  incorporating  by reference this Master  Definitions
Agreement or to which this Master Definitions Agreement is expressed to apply.

                                                                         Page 47

4.1      NOTICES

4.1.1    Communications in writing and addresses

Unless  otherwise  stated  herein and  subject  to Clause  4.1.3,  each  notice,
request,  demand or other communication to be made under this Agreement shall be
made in writing by facsimile or letter to the parties as follows:

Management Company:


           Immeuble Tolbiac
           75450 Paris Cedex 09

           Attention:              Michel Duhourcau, Secretaire General
                                   ACI:  CTA01A1
                                   telephone:           +33 (0)1 40 14 57 05
                                   facsimile:           +33 (0)1 40 14 55 91

Custodian,  Calculation  Agent, FCC Account Bank,  Liquidity  Facility Provider,
Swap Counterparty, Administrator and Letter of Credit Provider:

           BNP PARIBAS

           3, rue d'Antin
           75078 Paris Cedex 02

           Attention:              Violaine Delaunay
                                   ACI:  CAA05B1
                                   telephone:           +33 (0)1 43 16 97 25
                                   facsimile:           +33 (0)1 42 98 60 02

Parent Company:


           Le Colisee 1, rue Fructidor
           75830 Paris Cedex 17

           Attention:              Paul Browett
                                   telephone:           +33 (0)1 49 18 40 44
                                   facsimile:           +33 (0)1 49 18 45 08

           with copy to:           Lakon Holloway
                                   telephone:           +33 (0)1 49 18 41 11
                                    facsimile:          +33 (0)1 49 18 45 13

                                                                         Page 48

French Administrative Agent:


           Le Colisee 1, rue Fructidor
           75830 Paris Cedex 17

           Attention:              Paul Browett
                                   telephone:           +33 (0)1 49 18 40 44
                                   facsimile:           +33 (0)1 49 18 45 08

           with copy to:           Lakon Holloway
                                   telephone:           +33 (0)1 49 18 41 11
                                   facsimile:           +33 (0)1 49 18 45 13

French Sellers:


           Le Colisee 1, rue Fructidor
           75830 Paris Cedex 17

           Attention:              Paul Browett
                                   telephone:           +33 (0)1 49 18 40 44
                                   facsimile:           +33 (0)1 49 18 45 08

           with copy to:           Lakon Holloway
                                   telephone:           +33 (0)1 49 18 41 11
                                   facsimile:           +33 (0)1 49 18 45 13

English Administrative Agent:


           OX12 9BP

           Attention:              John Davidson
                                   telephone:           +(44) 1235 402997
                                   facsimile:           +(44) 1235 402917

           with copy to:           Lakon Holloway
                                   Le Colisee 1, rue Fructidor
                                   75830 Paris Cedex 17
                                   telephone:           +33 (0)1 49 18 41 11
                                   facsimile:           +33 (0)1 49 18 45 13

                                                                         Page 49

English Sellers:


           OX12 9BP

           Attention:              John Davidson
                                   telephone:           +(44) 1235 402997
                                   facsimile:           +(44) 1235 402917

           with copy to:           Lakon Holloway
                                   Le Colisee 1, rue Fructidor
                                   75830 Paris Cedex 17
                                   telephone:           +33 (0)1 49 18 41 11
                                   facsimile:           +33 (0)1 49 18 45 13



           PO Box 87
           22 Grenville Street
           St Helier
           Jersey, Channel Islands, JE4 8PX

           Attention:              the Company Secretary, Group 26, Mourant &
                                   Co. Limited
                                   facsimile:           +(44) 1534 609333

Back-Up Servicer:


           Tour Facto
           18, rue Hoche
           92988 Paris La Defense Cedex

           Attention:              Jean-Louis Cassier or Philippe Durand
                                   telephone:       +33 (0)1 46 35 70 98 / 68 33
                                   facsimile:       +33 (0)1 46 35 69 00

or to any other address or facsimile  number,  or for the attention of any other
person, which or who are brought to the attention of the other party pursuant to
this Clause 4.1.1 and to Clause 4.1.2.

                                                                         Page 50

4.1.2    Delivery

Subject to Clause 4.1.3, any communication,  notification or document to be made
or delivered by any party to the other pursuant to this Agreement  shall (unless
that  other  party has by  fifteen  days'  written  notice  to the  other  party
specified  another  address or  facsimile  number) be made or  delivered to that
other person at the address or facsimile  number  identified in Clause 4.1.1 and
shall be deemed to have been made or delivered when duly dispatched (in the case
of any  communication  made by  facsimile)  or when left at that address (in the
case of any  communication  made by letter) or when a return receipt is received
in the case of a letter dispatched by registered mail where a return receipt has
been requested.

4.1.3    Electronic communication

Any  communication  to be made between the parties to this Agreement under or in
connection  with  this  Agreement  may be  made  by  electronic  mail  or  other
electronic means, unless and until one party notifies the other to the contrary.
To this end, each party to this Agreement undertakes to:

(a)        notify, on or before the date of this Agreement, the other parties in
           writing of their electronic mail address and/or any other information
           required to enable the sending  and  receipt of  information  by that
           means; and

(b)        notify  immediately  the other parties of any change to their address
           or any other such information supplied by them.

Any communication,  notification or document to be delivered by any one party to
the  other  pursuant  to this  Clause,  shall be  deemed  to have  been  made or
delivered when a electronic return receipt is received.


On each  date on  which  a  party  is  required  to  make a  payment  under  any
Securitisation Transaction Document, that party shall make the same available to
the  other  party  or  parties  (unless  a  contrary  indication  appears  in  a
Securitisation  Transaction  Document) for value on the due date at the time and
in such funds specified by the relevant party as being customary at the time for
settlement of transactions in the relevant currency in the place of payment.


4.3.1    Accounts

In any  litigation or  arbitration  proceedings  arising out of or in connection
with a  Securitisation  Transaction  Document,  the entries made in the accounts
maintained  by a party are prima  facie  evidence  of the  matters to which they

                                                                         Page 51

4.3.2    Certificates and determinations

Any  certification  or  determination  by a party of a rate or amount  under any
Securitisation  Transaction  Document  is, in the  absence  of  manifest  error,
conclusive evidence of the matters to which it relates.

4.3.3    Day count convention

Any interest,  commission or fee accruing under any  Securitisation  Transaction
Document  will  accrue  from day to day and is  calculated  on the  basis of the
actual  number of days  elapsed and a year of 360 days or, in any case where the
practice  in the  relevant  market  differs,  in  accordance  with  that  market


5.1 Each of the parties to this Master Definitions  Agreement undertakes for the
term of this Master  Definitions  Agreement  and for a period of two years after
the FCC Liquidation  Date, not to disclose to any  individual,  person or entity
whatsoever nor to use (otherwise  than in accordance  with the provisions of the
Securitisation Transaction Documents) any Confidential Information,  and to take
all steps  necessary  to avoid any such  disclosure  or use,  provided  that the
provisions of this Clause 5 shall neither:

(a)        prevent  any  party  to  this  Master   Definitions   Agreement  from
           disclosing information:

           (i)       to  any  other  party  to  the  Securitisation  Transaction
                     Documents  pursuant  to  the  provisions  set  out  in  the
                     Securitisation Transaction Documents;

           (ii)      already lawfully known to its addressee when the latter has
                     become aware of the said  information in any capacity other
                     than as a party to a Securitisation  Transaction  Document,
                     subject  to any other  confidentiality  clauses  or secrecy

           (iii)     which is not a Confidential Information;

           (iv)      which is in or enters into the public  domain other than as
                     a result of breach of  confidentiality or fault on the part
                     of the addressee;

           (v)       to  advisors  or  auditors  acting  within the scope of the
                     Securitisation  Transaction Documents or within the context
                     of the advisors or auditors duties for the relevant party;

           (vi)      with the written  agreement  of all parties to the relevant
                     Securitisation Transaction Document;

           (vii)     necessary  to the  search,  if  that  should  occur,  for a
                     substitute Servicer of the Transferred Receivables pursuant
                     to  Clause  20.3 of the  Master  Receivables  Transfer  and
                     Servicing Agreement,  as long as such a

                                                                         Page 52

                     substitute   Servicer   enters   into   a   confidentiality
                     undertaking the terms of which are  reasonably satisfactory
                     to the parties to this Agreement;

           (viii)    necessary in respect of the  syndication  of the  liquidity
                     facility granted pursuant to the Eliopee Liquidity Facility
                     Agreement; or

           (ix)      which  Moody's,  the Banque de  France,  the  Autorite  des
                     marches financiers or any other financial or stock exchange
                     authority could reasonably request; nor

(b)        apply to:

           (i)       any information  that the recipient is required to disclose
                     pursuant  to any law or order of any court or  pursuant  to
                     any  direction,  request  or  requirement  (whether  or not
                     having  the  force  of  law)  of any  central  bank,  stock
                     exchange  or  any   governmental  or  other  regulatory  or
                     taxation authority in any jurisdiction (including,  without
                     limitation, any official bank examiners or regulators); or

           (ii)      any  information  that the  recipient  reasonably  needs to
                     disclose for the  protection or  enforcement  of any of its
                     rights under any Securitisation Transaction Document.

Each of the parties to this Master Definitions  Agreement shall procure that any
of their officers,  employees,  agents or other representatives  comply with the
provisions of this Clause 5 and that any potential  liquidity provider under the
Eliopee Liquidity Facility Agreement (as referred in sub-clause (a)(viii) above)
and/or  substitute  servicer  (as referred in  sub-clause  (a)(vii)  above),  as
applicable,  be  subject to a  confidentiality  undertaking  complying  with the
provisions of this Clause 5.

5.2 For the purpose of executing and running the Securitisation  Programme,  and
notwithstanding  any  provision to the  contrary (if any) in any  Securitisation
Transaction Document,  each of the Sellers,  Servicers and Administrative Agents
expressly and irrevocably:

(a)        discharges,  to the extent necessary to apply Sub-clause  5.2(b), the
           Participating  Entities  from  any  and  all  their  obligations  and
           responsibilities under any banking secrecy laws; and

(b)        authorises  the  Participating  Entities to  communicate  any and all
           information in relation to the Securitisation  Transaction  Documents
           (including a true and accurate copy of any Securitisation Transaction
           Documents)  to  any  person  or  entity  participating   directly  or
           indirectly in the Securitisation Programme.

                                                                         Page 53



This  Agreement  shall be governed by, and  construed and enforced in accordance
with the laws of France.


The parties  hereto  submit to the  exclusive  jurisdiction  of the  Tribunal de
Commerce  de  Paris  to  settle  any  disputes,  which  may  arise  out of or in
connection with this Agreement.

In the event of any dispute which may arise between the  Management  Company and
the Custodian in connection  with a determination  and/or a calculation  made by
the  Management  Company  under any  Securitisation  Transaction  Document,  the
Management  Company and the Custodian  shall use their best endeavours to settle
their dispute on an amicable basis.

                                                                         Page 54

Executed in Paris, in twenty-three (23) originals,
on 21 June 2005

- ------------------------------------          ----------------------------------
FRANCE TITRISATION,                           BNP PARIBAS,
as Management Company                         as Custodian and FCC Account Bank

Name:      Pascal POMMIER                     Name:      Caroline BECAVIN
Title:     Authorised Signatory               Title:     Authorised Signatory

- ------------------------------------          ----------------------------------
BNP PARIBAS,                                  BNP PARIBAS,
as Liquidity Facility Provider                as Administrator, Letter of Credit
                                              Provider and Calculation Agent
Name:      John BLAYNEY
Title:     Authorised Signatory               Name:      Florent LE COZ
                                              Title:     Authorised Signatory

                                                                         Page 55

- ------------------------------------          ----------------------------------
BNP PARIBAS,                                  ELIOPEE LIMITED,
as Swap Counterparty                          as Eliopee

Name:      Baptiste RANJARD                   Name:      Baptiste RANJARD
Title:     Authorised Signatory               Title:     Authorised Signatory

- ------------------------------------          ----------------------------------
as French Seller, French Servicer             as French Seller and French
and French Administrative Agent               Servicer

Name:      Raymond METZGER                    Name:      Raymond METZGER
Title:     Authorised Signatory               Title:     Authorised Signatory

- ------------------------------------          ----------------------------------
as English Seller, English Servicer           as English Seller and English
and English Administrative Agent              Servicer

Name:      Paul BROWETT                       Name:      Paul BROWETT
Title:     Authorised Signatory               Title:     Authorised Signatory

                                                                         Page 56

- ------------------------------------          ----------------------------------
as English Seller and English                 as Parent Company
                                              Name:      Paul BROWETT
Name:      Paul BROWETT                       Title:     Authorised Signatory
Title:     Authorised Signatory

- ------------------------------------
as Back-Up Servicer

Name:      Jean-Louis CASSIER
Title:     Authorised Signatory

                                                                         Page 57

                          LIST OF SELLERS AND SERVICERS

                                     Part A
                   List of French Sellers and French Servicers

- ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------

  Name of French Seller/Servicer             Registered office                Registration number
- ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------

    CROWN EMBALLAGE FRANCE SAS        67, rue Arago, 93400 Saint Ouen             954 200 838
- ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------

                                     ZAC de Pre-a-Varois, BP18, 54670
      CROWN BEVCAN FRANCE SAS                Custines (France)                    327 205 373
- ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------

                                                                         Page 58

                                     Part B
                  List of English Sellers and English Servicers

- ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------

  Name of English Seller/Servicer            Registered office                Registration number
- ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------

                                         Downsview Road, Wantage,
      CROWN PACKAGING UK PLC              Oxfordshire, OX 12 9BP,
                                              United-Kingdom                         178090
- ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------

                                       Rock Valley Road, Mansfield,
 CROWN SPECIALITY PACKAGING UK PLC      Nottinghamshire, NG18 2EZ,                  2398420
- ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------

                                              Oddicroft Lane,
       CROWN AEROSOLS UK LTD            Nottinghamshire, NG17 5FS,                   300739
- ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------

                                                                         Page 59


CLAUSE                                                                      PAGE

1        INTERPRETATION........................................................3

2        DEFINITIONS...........................................................3

3        PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION...........................................46

4        APPLICATION OF COMMON TERMS..........................................47
4.1      NOTICES..............................................................48
         4.1.1    Communications in writing and addresses.....................48
         4.1.2    Delivery....................................................51
         4.1.3    Electronic communication....................................51
4.2      PAYMENT MECHANICS....................................................51
4.3      CALCULATIONS AND CERTIFICATES........................................51
         4.3.1    Accounts....................................................51
         4.3.2    Certificates and determinations.............................52
         4.3.3    Day count convention........................................52

5        CONFIDENTIALITY......................................................52

6        GOVERNING LAW AND SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES.............................54
6.1      GOVERNING LAW........................................................54
6.2      SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES...............................................54

SCHEDULE LIST OF SELLERS AND SERVICERS........................................58
         Part A List of French Sellers and French Servicers...................58
         Part B List of English Sellers and English Servicers.................59

                                                                         Page 60

                                  21 June 2005

                               FRANCE TITRISATION
                             (as Management Company)

                                   BNP PARIBAS
(as Custodian, Calculation Agent, FCC Account Bank, Liquidity Facility Provider,
        Administrator, Letter of Credit Provider and Swap Counterparty)

                                 ELIOPEE LIMITED
                                  (as Eliopee)

                                 GE FACTOFRANCE
                              (as Back-Up Servicer)

                             CROWN EUROPEAN HOLDINGS
                               (as Parent Company)

                         The ENTITIES listed in Schedule
                            (as Sellers or Servicers)

                           CROWN EMBALLAGE FRANCE SAS
                        (as French Administrative Agent)

                             CROWN PACKAGING UK PLC
                        (as English Administrative Agent)


                          FCC CROWN RECEIVABLES EUROPE

                          MASTER DEFINITIONS AGREEMENT
