PRODUCTION FACILITY AGREEMENT

This  agreement is made and entered into effect February 2, 2007 by and between
VALCOM  BURBANK  STUDIOS,  a  California Company (hereinafter  referred  to  as
VBS)  and  Twelve Yard Holdings Inc. 7800 Beverly Blvd, Suite 251, Los Angeles,
CA. 90036  a  California Company  (hereinafter referred to as: TYH), to provide
facilities and personnel for the production of "WITHOUT PREDJUDICE".


Whereas, VBS is the operator of a television  production  facility  located  at
2525  North Naomi Street, Burbank, California 91504, and whereas TYH desires to
use the  following television production facility package (hereinafter referred
to as "package")  for  the  purpose of television production and VBS desires to
allow TYH to use their television  production facility for such purposes on the
terms and conditions hereinafter set forth and attached.

This Package Shall Include:


Day 1       March 25, 2007                 	Load/Hang

Day 2       March 26, 2007                	Rehearse/Tech Set/Focus

Day 3-7     March 27 & April 2,3,4,5, 2007 	Full Fax Shoot

Day 8-12    March 28,29,30,31 & April 1, 2007	Dark

Day 13      April 6, 2007                  	Strike



Contract Agreement                                                 	 Page 2

VBS will provide the following facilities  and  personnel based on the schedule


Stage 2
Audio/Video Control Room
8-Studio Camera's
8-Digibeta REC Vtr
Jib-WA Lens
Floor Monitors
Quadsplit w/ VHS
RF PL System
6-RF Lav Microphones
1-Color Corrector
Prompter System
Power, A/C, Maintenance
1-Production Office (Stage area during Production)
1-Production Trailer (Pre-Production, February 1 through April 13, 2007)
5-Dressing Rooms
1-Green Room
1-Additional Off set Area
1-Make-Up/Hair Room
1-Wardrobe Room
6-Assigned On Lot Parking Spaces (Preproduction)

Studio Manager                      8
Engineer In Charge                  6
Utility                             6
Lighting Boardman                   7.5



Contract Agreement                                                	 Page 3

All facilities are budgeted for a (12) twelve elapsed hour day (first person in
and last person out).  All personnel are budgeted  for  an  (11) eleven elapsed
hour  day  (unless  noted)  with  a  (1)   one hour off the clock lunch  break.
California state law requires that a hot meal  break  shall  be given no sooner
than  (3) three hours and no later than (6) six hours after the  start  of  the
labor day.   A  meal  break shall be at least (1) one hour in duration unless a
hot meal is provided by TYH in which case the break may be cut to (1/2) half an
hour.  If the meal break  is  1/2 hour in duration, then the work day is only a
10  1/2 hours.  The second  meal  is  on  the  clock.   Failure to comply could
result  in a meal penalty cost, ($20.00 PER PERSON, PER HOUR)  which  shall  be
borne by TYH.  (Walking meals, must be pre-approved by VBS)

NOT INCLUDED (Unless Noted)

Lighting & Grip Package (As Used X 1 Day Per Week)
Any above or below the line personnel not mentioned.
Any technical or nontechnical equipment not mentioned.
Any expendables (batteries and globe burn outs).
Raw audio or video tape stock.
Set or prop; storage or construction.
Telephone charges and related services.
Installation, set-up, usage of phone system.
Audience procurement, ticketing and supervision.
No pets are allowed unless directly related to show.
Copy or Fax Services:Per Copy - $0.05
                     Per Fax - $1.00 to send, $2.00 to receive
Internet Connection $10.00 Each
Fire Safety Officer, $85.00 per hr As Used, 4-Hr Minimum

Day  begins  with  first  stage/crew  call  and  ends  with  last  person  out.

      FACILITY OVERTIME:      After twelve (12) elapsed hours will be:
                              @  $250.00 per hour (Full Fax Days) all others at
                              $150.00 per Hr.

      LABOR OVERTIME:         Until wrap has occurred:
                              10th through 12th Hour @ 1.5 X Daily Rate Each
                              After 12th Hours @ 2.0 X Daily Rate Each
(Labor overtime rates will include applicable taxes, and a 5% handling fee.)


The  fixed  package  price includes the  schedule,  facilities  and  personnel.
Please note that in the  event  TYH  elects to reduce or change its schedule or
facilities to a lesser amount stated within less than 24 hour notice, this will
not reduce the package price.  In such  a case, TYH will be responsible for the
total amount due and no credit will be given for the reduction.
The FIXED PACKAGE PRICE IS $74, 175.00.   This  price  includes  all applicable
taxes and workmen's compensation, as required by law.


Page 4


February 1, 2007= $2,500.00 (Production Offices, January & February)
March 1, 2007  =  $2,500.00 (Production Offices, March & April)
March 1, 2007  =  $10,000.00 Hold/Deposit
March 23, 2007 =  $35,000.00
April 2, 2007  =  $24,175.00

TOTAL PAYMENT $ 74, 175.00

** VBS hereby acknowledges THY's move-in date of January 29, 2007, as such, the
Fixed Package Price payable for the month of January, 2007 will be pro-rated on
1/7 daily basis for the month of January, 2007.


1. ADDITIONS  Any additions  to  the contract or services rendered must be pre-
   approved in writing by a designated  principal  of  TYH currently, (ALFAJIRI
   MCDONALD).  All additions to the contract will be invoiced  and  due payable
   upon  receipt  of invoice or a 2% finance charge per month will be added  to
   the attorney's fees  and  expenses  reasonably  and directly incurred in the
   event your account is placed with an attorney to collect such sums, provided
   that TYH has received written notice of a failure  to  pay  any  sum due and
   owing and has been afforded reasonable opportunity to cure.

   All  contract  amounts  and additions to the basic contract will be invoiced
   and due payable upon receipt of invoice per the contract schedule.

2.  SCHEDULE CHANGES  Any changes  on  the  contracted  scheduled dates must be
   given  in  writing  no  less  than  three  (3) business days  prior  to  the
   predetermined scheduled event.   TYH will be  responsible  for  any  and all
   facility  and personnel costs incurred due to the scheduled changes per  the
   contract. (i.e. outside rentals)

3.  CANCELLATIONS   Any  cancellation of the contracted scheduled dates must be
   given in writing three  no  less  than (3) days  prior for facilities and 24
   hours prior notice for personnel to  the predetermined scheduled dates.  TYH
   will  be responsible for any and all facility  costs  incurred  due  to  the
   cancellation.  TYH will be responsible for costs for personnel who are given
   less than  twenty-four  (24)  hour's  prior  written notice of change in the
   shooting  schedule.   TYH  is obligated to compensate  VBS  for  the  entire
   contracted and any extended  dates,  per  the  schedule  and  including  the
   cancellation  date, unless any such cancellation is caused by VBS or results
   from VBS's negligence, or willful misconduct.

4.  PUBLICITY AND  ADVERTISING CREDIT  Subject to TYH's prior written approval,
   VBS shall have the right to use TYH's name to advertise or otherwise exploit
   TYH's use of VBS's  services  and  facilities, provided any such use is non-
   derogatory and non-defamatory.

5.    USE  OF  FACILITIES VBS hereby grants  TYH  the  right  to  use  the  VBS
   production facility  for  the  exclusive  purpose  of television production.
   During its use of VBS property, TYH shall not  make  or  permit  use  of VBS
   facilities  for  any unlawful purpose or any purpose that will intentionally
   injure the reputation of VBS.



Contract Agreement                                           		 Page 5

6.   DOWNTIME VBS shall  deliver  the facilities and equipment to TYH in a good
   and functional condition and VBS  shall be responsible for all necessary and
   routine, maintenance and upkeep of the VBS facilities and equipment.  In the
   instant where downtime is caused to TYH production by VBS failure to provide
   the services contracted for in this  Agreement,  the  costs  of any downtime
   incurred will be credited to TYH only in the form of credit toward  the  use
   of  those  VBS  facilities  and  equipment contracted for in this Agreement.
   Downtime will only be credited for  the actual amount of time created by the
   failure of any piece of production equipment,  unavailability  of facilities
   and  other  services  contracted  through VBS that causes TYH production  to
   cease or to be suspended for more than  thirty  (30)  minutes.  Any downtime
   caused by outside rentals, lighting globe failure and/or  replacement  shall
   not  be  considered  downtime;  provided  any benefit accorded to VBS by the
   providers of any such outside rentals, shall pass-through to TYH.

7.   SHARING OF FACILITIES   TYH understands that  VBS  may  have other clients
   using its facilities during the same period as TYH and that  some  areas  of
   VBS's  studio  facilities must be shared or specially scheduled with another
   client (i.e. Make-Up  and  Hair  Room,  Rehearsal and Lunch Rooms, Wardrobe,
   parking lot(s) and Etc).  In these instances, both TYH and the other clients
   will, in good faith, work together to set  up  non-conflicting schedules for
   these common use areas.  VBS agrees to assist TYH  and such other VBS client
   in the scheduling of VBS facilities to set up such non-conflicting schedules
   for use of common-use areas.

8.   LIENS  VBS shall have a lien on all elements produced  by VBS or delivered
   to VBS by TYH  and all elements made therefrom, until all  balances  due  to
   VBS from TYH are paid in full.  If such balance shall be unpaid for a period
   of 90 days after it becomes due, VBS may upon 30 business day written notice
   to  TYH,  sell the materials for a reasonable price to satisfy the  account.
   The proceeds  of  this  sale, after paying expenses, shall be applied to the
   balance, if any, shall be paid over to TYH.  If the proceeds of the sale are
   insufficient to pay the expenses  of  the  sale and the indebtedness accrued
   charges, VBS will hold TYH liable for the difference.   Notwithstanding  the
   foregoing,  VBS  hereby  waives  any  right it might have to seek injunctive
   relief  under  the Agreement, including,  without  limitation,  seeking  the
   enjoinment of the  airing or any other exploitation of the elements produced
   by or delivered to VBS,  and all elements made therefrom, including, but not
   limited to the airing or other  exploitation of the program currently titled
   "Without Prejudice?"

9.    OWNERSHIP OF ELEMENTS  TYH warrants  that  it  has  the  legal  right  to
   possession  and  use of all elements delivered to VBS and agrees to hold VBS
   harmless from all  liability  arising therefrom and further agrees to defend
   VBS,  at  TYH  expense, from any action  or  proceeding  arising  from  such
   liability.  VBS  hereby  acknowledges  and  accepts that, as between TYH and
   VBS,  TYH will be the sole owner and author of  any  elements  produced  and
   materials  created  by  TYH  during  the  term of this Agreement, including,
   without limitation, the program titled "Without  Prejudice?"   VBS agrees to
   hold TYH harmless from, and to otherwise indemnify  and  defend  TYH for any
   liability arising from VBS's negligence, willful misconduct or breach by VBS

10.  RIGHTS TO EXHIBIT TO OTHERS  Subject to TYH's prior written approval,  VBS
   will  be  entitled  to include TYH materials, which materials will have been
   provided by TYH, in VBS'  in-house promotional reel for exhibition  to third
   parties for the limited purpose  of  demonstrating  VBS  work  or  as may be
   incidental to VBS's business operations.  TYH further authorizes VBS to make
   duplicates  of  any  such  materials  as  have  been  approved  by  TYH  for
   demonstration purposes only.  TYH recognizes that VBS facilities are open to
   persons  who  may  be  TYH's  competitors,  and  TYH  acknowledges  that its
   materials may be inadvertently viewed by such competitors.  Accordingly, TYH
   shall  not  hold  VBS  liable  for  any  damages arising for the inadvertent
   exhibition  of TYH's material to third parties.   Notwithstanding,  however,
   VBS will put  forth its best efforts to secure any area where it screens its
   promotional reel or the materials provided by TYH hereunder.

11.  FORCE MAJEURE  VBS shall be relieved of its obligations to furnish any and
   all of the premises,  equipment,  and  crew  (the "Facilities") for any time
   during which shall be materially hampered in,  interrupted  in  or prevented
   from  furnishing  the  same  to  TYH  by  reason  of  any  governmental law,
   regulation, ordinance, order or decree, court order or decree,  act  of God,
   earthquake,  flood,  fire, epidemic, accident, explosion, boycott, casualty,
   disturbance, war (whether  or  not  officially  declared),  act  of a public
   enemy,  embargo,  delay  of  a  common  carrier,  inability to obtain labor,
   material, transportation, power or other essential  commodity,  or any other
   similar  cause  or  causes  beyond the control of VBS (any or all of  which,
   "Force Majeure").
   In the event, however, that VBS  is  unable  to furnish any Facilities under
   this Agreement due to any Force Majeure for more  than  (1)  one  week,  TYH
   shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon written notice to VBS.
   Termination   of  this  Agreement  pursuant  to  this  Paragraph  shall  not
   constitute TYH  waiver  of,  or release of TYH from, any obligation, fees or
   other indebtedness to VBS which  TYH incurred from the date of execution  of
   this Agreement to the date TYH gives  notice  if  termination hereunder.  In
   the event of Force Majeure, all fees due VBS shall  be  determined on a pro-
   rate basis for the Facilities and Services as used.



Contract Agreement
                                                                  	 Page 6

12.  INSURANCE  TYH agrees to provide public comprehensive liability insurance,
   including  bodily  injury, personal injury and property damage,  in  such  a
   customary amount as  may  be  reasonably  acceptable  to VBS and TYH.  In an
   initial  amount  of  not  less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00)  for
   anyone occurrence, insuring  VBS  and  TYH.  VBS may request TYH to increase
   this initial amount of insurance at any  time to an amount acceptable to VBS
   at  VBS's  reasonable  request should a change  in  production  requirements
   warrant such request or laws of the state of California.  The insurance must
   name VALCOM BURBANK STUDIOS  as  an additional insured, must afford at least
   thirty (30) days written notice of cancellation or material change, and must
   provide that this insurance is primary  and not excess of or contributing to
   any other insurance by VBS.  TYH SHALL PROVIDE  VBS  WITH  A  CERTIFICATE OF
   liable for injury, loss or damage to persons who come onto the  premises  at
   TYH's  request,  unless  caused  by  VBS'  negligence, willful misconduct or
   breach  of  this  Agreement.   TYH  agrees to hold  VBS  harmless  from  any
   liability claim with respect to such persons or property.

13. FIRE PREVENTION; City of Burbank Fire Department  requires VBS to designate
   a principle of TYH  to review  the "Stage  Space  Information  Form",  which
   will  be  located  in  the  Studio Managers office. TYH must comply with all
   Burbank Fire Department applicable regulations within TYH's control . VBS is
   not responsible for non-compliance  by  TYH of such regulations within TYH's

14  INDEMNIFICATION  TYH shall indemnify, defend and hold VBS harmless from and
   against any and all claims, demands, losses,  costs,  expenses, obligations,
   liabilities, damages, recoveries, actions, judgments, suits,  and reasonable
   outside  attorney  fees  and  disbursements that VBS shall incur or  suffer,
   including property damage, injury  or  death to persons, which arise from or
   in connection with TYH's wrongful operation  or  use of VBS, or TYH's breach
   of this agreement, or the agreement contained herein.   This  indemnity also
   includes any acts or omissions of any person provided to TYH by  VBS who are
   acting under TYH's direction and control. VBS similarly agrees to indemnify,
   defend  and hold TYH harmless from and against any and all claims,  demands,
   losses, costs,  expenses,  obligations,  liabilities,  damages,  recoveries,
   actions,   judgments,  suits,  and  reasonable  outside  attorney  fees  and
   disbursements  that  TYH  shall  incur or suffer, including property damage,
   injury or death to persons, which  arise  from  or  in connection with VBS's
   gross negligence or willful misconduct or VBS's breach of
   this  agreement, or the agreement contained herein.    This  indemnity  also
   includes  any acts or omissions of any person provided to TYH by VBS who are
   acting under  VBS's  direction  and  control.  TYH and VBS shall notify each
   other  of  any  claims which may arise from TYH's use  of  VBS's  production
   facilities.  TYH  agrees to pay reasonable outside attorney's fees and other
   expenses  in  the event  TYH's  account  is  placed  with  an  attorney  for
   collection of any sums due.


This agreement shall  not  be  modified  or  amended except by an instrument in
writing signed by or on behalf of the parties  hereto.  This agreement shall be
binding  upon  and incur to the benefit of the parties,  their  successors  and
permitted assign.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  The parties have executed this agreement as of the day and
year first above written,  this  agreement,  however, shall become binding upon
VBS's receipt of deposit or TYH's use of VBS's facilities.


BY:                   BY:

DATE:                 DATE: