Washington, D.C., 20549

                                  FORM 10-Q/A

                                   (Mark one)

          [X] Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the

                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                  FOR THE FISCAL QUARTER ENDED JUNE 30, 2009

                        Commission file Number 0-28416


         [ ] Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the

                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                                 VALCOM, INC.
            (Name of small business issuer specified in its charter)

          	Delaware                                     58-1700840
  ------------------------------------                -----------------------
  (State  or  other  jurisdiction  of                 (IRS  Employer
    incorporation  or  organization)                  Identification  Number)

            2113A Gulf Boulevard, Indian Rocks Beach, Florida 33785
              (Address of Principal executive offices) (Zip code)

                               (727) 953 - 9778
                           Issuer's telephone number

   Securities registered pursuant to 12(b) of the Act: None Securities to be

               registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                         COMMON STOCK $0.001 PAR VALUE

                                (Title of Class)

Indicate  by  check  mark  whether  the  registrant  (1)  has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12  months  (or  for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

YES [X] NO [ ]

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has  submitted electronically and
posted on its corporate Web site, if any, every Interactive  Data File required
to   be   submitted  and  posted  pursuant  to  Rule  405  of  Regulation   S-T
({section}232.405  of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such
shorter period that the registrant was required to submit and post such files).

  [ ] Yes  [ ] No

Indicate by check mark  whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an
accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, or a smaller reporting company. See
the definitions of "large  accelerated filer," "accelerated filer" and "smaller
reporting company" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.

Large accelerated filer [ ] Accelerated filer 	      [ ]

Non-accelerated filer   [ ] Smaller reporting company [X]

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in
Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). Yes [ ] No [X]


                        DURING THE PRECEDING FIVE YEARS

Indicate by check mark whether  the  registrant filed all documents and reports
required to be filed by Section 12, 13  or  15(d) of the Exchange Act after the
distribution of securities under a plan confirmed by a court. Yes [X] No [ ]


State  the  number  of  shares  outstanding of each of the issuer's classes  of
common equity, as of the latest practicable  date:  As  of October 1, 2009, the
issuer had 44,063,983 shares of its $0.001 par value common stock outstanding.

                               EXPLANATORY NOTE

On August 21, 2009, Valcom, Inc. (the "Company") filed its  Form  10-Q  for the
period ended June 30, 2009 without the review of its auditors, Seale and Beers,
CPAs.   The Company is filing this 10-Q/A upon the completion of the review  of
Seale and Beers, CPAs


The  accompanying financial  statements  are  unaudited  and  are  prepared  in
accordance with rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission
for interim quarterly reporting. Accordingly, these financial statements do not
include   all   disclosures   required   under  generally  accepted  accounting

In  the  opinion  of  management,  the  accompanying   consolidated   financial
statements  contain  all  adjustments  (which  include  only  normal  recurring
adjustments) necessary to present fairly the financial position of ValCom, Inc.
and  subsidiaries  as of June 30, 2009 and the results of their operations  and
their cash flows for  the  nine  months ended June 30, 2009. These consolidated
financial statements include the accounts  of  ValCom,  Inc. and its subsidiary
companies (together "the Company"). Results for the nine  months ended June 30,
2009, are not necessarily indicative of the operations, which  may occur during
the  year  ending September 30, 2008. Refer to the Company's Annual  Report  on
Form 10- K for the year ended September 30, 2008 for further information.

                                 VALCOM, INC.

                                   FORM 10-Q


Item 1.  Financial Statements...........................................2
Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis or Plan of Operation......10
Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Market Risk.......................11
Item 4.  Controls and Procedures........................................12


Item 1.  Legal Proceedings..............................................12
Item 1A. Risk Factors...................................................12
Item 2.  Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds....12
Item 3.  Defaults Upon Senior Securities................................13
Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders............13
Item 5.  Other Information..............................................13
Item 6.  Exhibits.......................................................13

                                    PART I






To the Board of Directors
Valcom, Inc.

We  have  reviewed  the  accompanying  condensed  consolidated balance sheet of
Valcom,  Inc.  as  of  June  30,  2009, and the related condensed  consolidated
statements of operations and cash flows  for  the  three-month  and  nine-month
periods  ended  June 30, 2009 and 2008. These interim financial statements  are
the responsibility of the Corporation's management.

We conduct our reviews  in  accordance with the standards of the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United  States).  A  review  of  interim  financial
information  consists of principally applying analytical procedures and  making
inquiries of persons  responsible for the financials and accounting matters. It
is substantially less in  scope  than an audit conducted in accordance with the
standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the
objective of which is the expression  of  an  opinion  regarding  the financial
statements taken as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

Based  on  our  reviews,  we  are not aware of any material modifications  that
should be made to such condensed  consolidated financial statements for them to
be in conformity with accounting principles  generally  accepted  in the United
States of America.

The  accompanying  financial  statements  have been reviewed assuming that  the
Company will continue as a going concern.   As  discussed  in  Note  3  to  the
financial  statements, the Company has an accumulated deficit of $19,239,761 as
of June 30,  2009, which raises substantial doubt about its ability to continue
as a going concern.   Management's  plans  concerning  these  matters  are also
described  in  Note 3.  The financial statements do not include any adjustments
that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.

- ------------------------
Seale and Beers, CPAs
Las Vegas, Nevada
September 29, 2009

(702) 253-7492 FAX: (702)253-7501

                                                VALCOM, INC.
                                    Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets


                                                                                    June 30,     September 30,
                                                                                      2009           2008
                                                                                 -------------- --------------

   Cash                                                                          $       91,092 $       86,416
   Accounts receivable, net                                                             229,873              -
   Prepaid expense                                                                      114,934         24,434
                                                                                 -------------- --------------
        Total Current Assets                                                            435,899        110,850
                                                                                 -------------- --------------
PROPERTY and  EQUIPMENT, net                                                             59,423         76,020
                                                                                 -------------- --------------
   Deposits                                                                                   -              -
   Other assets                                                                       1,000,000      1,000,000
                                                                                 -------------- --------------
        Total Other Assets                                                            1,000,000      1,000,000
                                                                                 -------------- --------------
        TOTAL ASSETS                                                             $    1,495,322 $    1,186,870
                                                                                 ============== ==============



   Accounts payable and accrued expenses                                         $      590,775 $      468,364
   Accrued interest payable                                                             227,150        166,061
   Deferred income                                                                            -              -
   Due to related parties                                                               376,775         86,181
   Notes payable                                                                        550,000        412,173
   Convertible notes payable								140,000		     -
                                                                                 -------------- --------------
        Total Current Liabilities                                                     1,884,700      1,132,779
                                                                                 -------------- --------------

   Notes payable                                                                              -              -
                                                                                 -------------- --------------
        Total Long-Term Liabilities                                                           -              -
                                                                                 -------------- --------------
        TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                             1,884,700      1,132,779
                                                                                 -------------- --------------

   Series B Preferred stock, 1,000,000 shares authorized
     at par value of $0.001, 38,000 shares issued and outstanding                            38             38
   Series C Preferred stock, 25,000,000 shares authorized
     at par value of $0.001, 14,691,395 shares issued and outstanding                    14,691          9,591
   Common stock, 250,000,000 shares authorized at par value
     of $0.001, 33,864,158 and  22,776,099 shares
     issued and outstanding, respectively                                                33,864         22,776
   Treasury stock, 35,000 shares                                                        (23,522)       (23,522)
   Additional paid-in capital                                                        18,825,312     17,778,314
   Accumulated deficit                                                              (19,239,761)   (17,733,106)
                                                                                 -------------- --------------
Total Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)                                                   (389,378)        54,091
                                                                                 -------------- --------------
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS'EQUITY (DEFICIT)                              $    1,495,322 $    1,186,870
                                                                                 ============== ==============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated financial statements.

                                                           VALCOM, INC.
                                          Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations

                                                             For the Three Months Ended           For the Nine Months Ended
                                                                      June 30,                            June 30,
                                                                2009            2008                2009             2008
                                                            ------------    ------------        -------------    ------------

REVENUES                                                    $    262,692    $    190,961        $     647,896    $    839,918
COST OF GOODS SOLD                                                     -             230                                1,453
                                                            ------------    ------------        -------------    ------------
GROSS MARGIN                                                     262,692         190,731              647,896         838,465


   Advertising and marketing                                      53,141             906               27,036           2,219
   Depreciation expense                                           32,588           6,335               87,965          19,005
   General and administrative                                    522,456         309,420            1,617,933       1,272,568
   Asset impairment charge					 900,262			      900,262
                                                            ------------    ------------        -------------    ------------

        Total Operating Expenses                               1,508,447         316,661            2,633,196       1,293,792
                                                            ------------    ------------        -------------    ------------
LOSS FROM OPERATIONS                                          (1,245,755)       (125,930)          (1,985,300)	     (455,327)
                                                            ------------    ------------        -------------    ------------

   Gain (loss) on sale of equipment                                    -               -                    -               -
   Interest expense                                              (22,793)        (15,278)             (74,190)        (45,834)
   Other income                                                      200               -              552,835               -
                                                            ------------    ------------        -------------    ------------
TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE)                                     (22,593)        (15,278)             478,645        (45,834)
                                                            ------------    ------------        -------------    ------------
INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE                                          (1,268,348)       (141,208)          (1,506,655)       (501,161)
INCOME TAX EXPENSE                                                     -               -                    -               -
                                                            ------------    ------------        -------------    ------------
NET INCOME (LOSS)                                           $ (1,268,348)   $  (141,208)        $  (1,506,655)   $   (501,161)
                                                            ============    ============        =============    ============

BASIC INCOME (LOSS) PER SHARE                               $      (0.04)   $     (0.01)        $       (0.05)   $      (0.04)
                                                            ============    ============        =============    ============
WEIGHTED AVERAGE NUMBER OF SHARES OUTSTANDING                 29,443,658      15,078,599           28,320,129      13,627,349
                                                            ============    ============        =============    ============

The accompanying notes are a integral part of these condensed consolidated financials statements.

					 VALCOM, INC.
		Condensed Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)

	 			Series B Preferred Stock 	Series C Preferred Stock 	      Common Stock
	 			Shares 		  Amount 	Shares 		 Amount 	Shares 		 Amount
				------		  ------	---------	 ------		----------	 ------
Balance, September 30, 2008	38,000 		      38 	9,591,395 	  9,591 	22,776,099 	 22,776

Preferred stock issued for
  purchase of Faith TV	 	     -   	       -   	  100,000 	    100 		 -   	      -

Preferred stock issued for cash	     -   	       -   	5,000,000 	  5,000 		 -   	      -

Common stock issued for
  services	 		     -   	       -   		-   	      -   	 2,313,059 	  2,313

Common stock issued for cash	     -   	       -   		-   	      -   	 5,000,000 	  5,000

Common stock issued for debt	     -   	       -   		-   	      -   	 3,775,000 	  3,775

Net loss for the nine months
  ended June 30, 2008	 	     -   	       -   		-   	      -   		 -   	      -
				------		  ------       ----------	-------		----------	-------
Balance, June 30, 2009	 	38,000 		  $   38       14,691,395 	$14,691 	33,864,158 	$33,864
				======		  ======       ==========	=======		==========	=======

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidaetd financial statements.

					 VALCOM, INC.
		Condensed Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)

	   			 			Additional 			Stockholders'
	 				Treasury 	Paid-In 	Accumulated 	Equity
	 				Stock 		Capital 	Deficit 	(Deficit)
					--------	----------	-----------	------------
Balance, September 30, 2008		 (23,522)	17,778,314 	(17,733,106)	      54,091

Preferred stock issued for
  purchase of Faith TV		 	       -   	    99,900 		  -   	     100,000

Preferred stock issued for cash		       -   	   245,000 		  -   	     250,000

Common stock issued for
  services		 		       -   	   188,436 		  -   	     190,749

Common stock issued for cash		       -   	    95,000 		  -   	     100,000

Common stock issued for debt		       -   	   418,662 		  -   	     422,437

Net loss for the nine months
  ended June 30, 2008		 	       -   		 -   	 (1,506,655)	  (1,506,655)
					--------       -----------     ------------	------------
Balance, June 30, 2009	 		$(23,522)      $18,825,312     $(19,239,761)	$   (389,378)
					========       ===========     ============	============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidaetd financial statements.

                                         VALCOM, INC.
                        Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                                                                 For the Nine Months Ended
                                                                          June 30,
                                                                  2009              2008
                                                               -----------      -----------

   Net loss                                                    $(1,506,655)     $  (501,161)
	Adjustments to reconcile net loss to
	  net cash used by operating activities:
	Depreciation expense			 		    87,965 	     19,005
	Common stock issued for services			   190,749	    312,300
	Impairment of asset			 		   900,262		  -
   Changes in operating assets and liabilities
	(Increase) decrease in accounts receivable		  (229,873)	    100,473
	(Increase) decrease in prepaid expenses			   (90,500)	    (57,159)
	(Increase) decrease in other assets					    (57,829)
	Increase (decrease) in accrued interest payable		    61,089 	     45,834
	Increase (decrease) in accounts payable			   122,411 	    (77,716)
	Increase (decrease) in deferred income			 	 -   	    265,000
                                                               -----------      -----------
	Net Cash Used in Operating Activities			  (464,552)	     48,747
                                                               -----------      -----------

   Purchase of Other Assets				 	  (616,278)		  -
   Purchase of property and equipment				  (264,352)		  -
                                                               -----------      -----------
	Net Cash Used in Investing Activities			  (880,630)		  -
                                                               -----------      -----------

   Proceeds from preferred and common stock			   781,437 		  -
   Proceeds from convertible notes payable 			   140,000 	     68,100
   Increase/Decrease in related parties payables		   290,594 		  -
   Proceeds from notes payable				 	   137,827 		  -
                                                               -----------      -----------
	Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities		 1,349,858 	     68,100
                                                               -----------      -----------
	NET INCREASE  IN CASH			 		     4,676 	    116,847

	CASH AT BEGINNING OF YEAR			 	    86,416 	      5,926
                                                               -----------      -----------
	CASH AT END OF YEAR				       $    91,092 	$   122,773
							       ===========	===========

	Interest					       $	 -   	$	  -
	Income Taxes					       $	 -   	$	  -

	Common stock issued for debt			       $	 -   	$	  -

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consoldiated financial statements.

                                 VALCOM, INC.

           Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements


     The  accompanying  financial  statements have been prepared by the Company
     without  audit.  In the opinion  of  management,  all  adjustments  (which
     include only normal recurring adjustments) necessary to present fairly the
     financial  position, results of operations and cash flows at June 30, 2009
     and for all periods presented have been made.

     Certain  information   and   footnote  disclosures  normally  included  in
     financial statements prepared  in  accordance  with  accounting principles
     generally accepted in the United States of America have  been condensed or
     omitted. It is suggested that these condensed financial statements be read
     in conjunction with the financial statements and notes thereto included in
     the  Company's  September  30,  2008  audited  financial statements.   The
     results  of  operations  for  the  period  ended June  30,  2009  are  not
     necessarily indicative of the operating results for the full years.

     The  preparation  of  financial  statements in conformity  with  generally
     accepted accounting principles requires  management  to make estimates and
     assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
     disclosure  of  contingent  assets  and  liabilities at the  date  of  the
     financial  statements and the reported amount  of  revenues  and  expenses
     during  the reported  period.  Actual  results  could  differ  from  those


     In accordance  with  the  provisions  of Statement of Financial Accounting
     Standards  No. 131,  (SFAS  131),  "Disclosures   about   Segments  of  an
     Enterprise  and  Related Information", a company is required  to  disclose
     selected financial  and  other  related  information  about  its operating
     segments.  Operating segments are components of an enterprise about  which
     separate financial  information  is available and is utilized by the chief
     operating decision maker ("CODM")  related  to the allocation of resources
     and in the resulting assessment of the segment's  overall performance. The
     measure used by the Company's CODM is a business segment's  gross  profit.
     As of and for the three months ended June 30, 2009, the Company had  three
     continuing industry segments.

                             	 For the three months		 For the nine months
				    ended 6/30/09		    ended 6/30/09
				----------------------		----------------------
- ------------			-------	-----	-------		-------	-----	-------
Studio Rental Division        	127,602     -   127,602		279,231     -  	279,231
TV Stations                   	101,210     -   101,210		203,027     -  	203,027
Film and Television Production 	 33,880     -    33,880		165,638     -  	165,638
				-------	-----	-------		-------	-----	-------
Total for Quarter             	262,692         262,692		647,896         647,896
				=======	=====	=======		=======	=====	=======


     The  Company's  financial statements are prepared using generally accepted
     accounting principles applicable to a going concern which contemplates the
     realization of assets  and liquidation of liabilities in the normal course
     of business.

     In order to continue as  a going concern and achieve a profitable level of
     operations, the Company will  need, among other things, additional capital
     resources and to develop a consistent  source  of  revenues.  Management's
     plans include investing in and developing all types  of businesses related
     to the entertainment industry.

     The  ability  of the Company to continue as a going concern  is  dependent
     upon its ability  to  successfully  accomplish  the  plan described in the
     preceding  paragraph  and  eventually  attain profitable operations.   The
     accompanying  financial statements do not  include  any  adjustments  that
     might be necessary  if  the  Company  is  unable  to  continue  as a going



     On  December  15,  2008, the Company purchased all shares of FaithTV,  LLC
     making it a wholly owned  subsidiary  of  the  Company.   The  purchase is
     reflected in the financial statements along with the operating results  of
     FaithTV,  LLC  from  December  16,  2008  through  December  31, 2008. The
     purchase price in the agreement was 100,000 shares of the Company's  Class
     C preferred stock valued at $1.00 per share. The Company also paid cash of
     $150,000 and issued a note payable for $750,000 for a total purchase price
     of  $1,000,000.  The  preferred  stock  is  convertible  to  shares of the
     Company's common stock on a one share for one share basis.

     While  the  Company  anticipates  future  revenues  and  profits from  the
     acquisition, as of June 30, 2009, the operations and results have not been
     adequate to support the book value of the assets acquired, as estimated by
     the  Company's management at the time of purchase.  Estimation  of  future
     sales  could  not  be determined, and no formal appraisals of the acquired
     assets were obtained.   Based  on the above factors, the Company concluded
     that  the  net  book valuation of the  film  library,  the  equipment  and
     intangible totaling $900,262 could not be fully supported and therefore as
     of June 30, 2009,  the  Company  deemed the assets impaired and wrote them

     On March 24, 2009, Valcom and Laurus Master Fund, Ltd, a company organized
     under  the  laws  of  the Cayman Islands  and  Chicago  Title  Company,  a
     California Corporation  entered into a Settlement Agreement whereby Valcom
     resolved its previously asserted  claims against Laurus and Chicago Title.
     Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement,  Laurus  agrees to pay the Company
     five hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($550,000)  which  was received by
     the Company's attorney on March 30th. Within ten calendar days  after  the
     Company  received  payment  from  Laurus,  the Company filed a Request for
     Dismissal of its claims, with prejudice, of its actions against Laurus and
     Chicago Title. This settlement is reflected  as  `Other  Income' with full
     accrual made for legal costs relating to the settlement.

     During  the  second quarter Valcom tested the concept of using  television
     promotions and  the  auction  format, both live-television and on-line, to
     promote the sale of real estate  properties.   The company's primary focus
     has been on REO properties utilizing its production  and  media  promotion

     On  June 5, 2009, Valcom entered into a conventional convertible note  for
     $100,000  with  a fixed conversion price of $0.10 per share.  The note has
     an interest rate of 10% and a maturity one year from the date of issuance.
     The note may be repaid or converted at the option of the holder.  The note
     is secured by real estate properties to be sold through an on-line auction
     format promoted by  television advertising.  The proceeds from the sale of
     properties purchased with the proceeds shall be shared 50:50 by the holder
     and the Company.

     On June 9, 2009, Valcom  entered  into a conventional convertible note for
     $40,000 with a fixed conversion price of $0.10 per share.  The note has an
     interest rate of 10% and a maturity  one  year  from the date of issuance.
     The note may be repaid or converted at the option of the holder.  The note
     is secured by real estate properties to be sold through an on-line auction
     format promoted by television advertising.  The proceeds  from the sale of
     properties purchased with the proceeds shall be shared 50:50 by the holder
     and the Company.

     On   June  19,  2009,  Valcom  entered  into  an  agreement  with  Florida
     Opportunities,  Inc.  ("FOI"),  an  investor in real estate properties, to
     sell REO properties in an on-line auction  format  promoted  by television
     advertising.   The  company  has  an  agreement  with FOI to share in  the
     profits  of  the sale of properties on a 50:50 basis  after  expenses  are
     deducted through  a  joint  venture, Sun Investment Services, LLC ("Sun").
     Sun is jointly owned (50:50) by Valcom and FOI.  The Parties are currently
     negotiating an operating agreement  for  Sun with FOI for future auctions.
     Valcom  is also in active discussion with other  entities  to  market  and
     promote properties utilizing its real estate promotion and auction format.

     During the  nine months ended June 30, 2009, the Company issued 11,088,059
     shares of its common stock and 5,100,000 shares of its Preferred Stock.



     In May 2008, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued SFAS
     No.  163, "Accounting  for  Financial  Guarantee  Insurance  Contracts-and
     interpretation  of  FASB  Statement  No.  60".  SFAS No. 163 clarifies how
     Statement 60 applies to financial guarantee insurance contracts, including
     the recognition and measurement of premium revenue and claims liabilities.
     This  statement  also  requires  expanded  disclosures   about   financial
     guarantee insurance contracts. SFAS No. 163 is effective for fiscal  years
     beginning  on or after December 15, 2008, and interim periods within those
     years. SFAS  No.  163  has  no effect on the Company's financial position,
     statements of operations, or cash flows at this time.

     In May 2008, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued SFAS
     No.  162,  "The Hierarchy of Generally  Accepted  Accounting  Principles".
     SFAS No. 162  sets  forth  the  level  of  authority to a given accounting
     pronouncement or document by category. Where  there  might  be conflicting
     guidance  between  two  categories,  the more authoritative category  will
     prevail. SFAS No. 162 will become effective 60 days after the SEC approves
     the  PCAOB's  amendments  to  AU Section 411  of  the  AICPA  Professional
     Standards. SFAS No. 162 has no effect on the Company's financial position,
     statements of operations, or cash flows at this time.

     In May 2008, the FASB issued FSP No. APB 14-1, "Accounting for Convertible
     Debt Instruments That May Be Settled  in  Cash  upon Conversion (Including
     Partial  Cash  Settlement)"  ("FSP  APB 14-1"). FSP APB  14-1  applies  to
     convertible debt instruments that, by  their  stated terms, may be settled
     in  cash  (or  other  assets)  upon  conversion,  including  partial  cash
     settlement,  unless  the  embedded  conversion option is  required  to  be
     separately accounted for as a derivative  under  FAS 133. Convertible debt
     instruments  within  the scope of FSP APB 14-1 are not  addressed  by  the
     existing APB 14. FSP APB  14-1  requires  that  the  liability  and equity
     components of convertible debt instruments within the scope of FSP APB 14-
     1  be  separately  accounted  for  in  a manner that reflects the entity's
     nonconvertible debt borrowing rate. This  requires  an  allocation  of the
     convertible debt proceeds between the liability component and the embedded
     conversion option (i.e., the equity component). The difference between the
     principal  amount of the debt and the amount of the proceeds allocated  to
     the  liability   component  will  be  reported  as  a  debt  discount  and
     subsequently amortized  to  earnings  over  the instrument's expected life
     using the effective interest method. FSP APB  14-1  is  effective  for the
     Company's  fiscal  year  beginning  January  1,  2009  and will be applied
     retrospectively to all periods presented. The adoption of  this  statement
     had  little or no effect on the Company's consolidated financial position,
     results of operations, and disclosures.

     In January 2009,  the  Company  adopted  Statement of Financial Accounting
     Standards ("SFAS"), No. 161, "Disclosures about Derivative Instruments and
     Hedging   Activities"   ("SFAS   161"),  which  changes   the   disclosure
     requirements for Derivative instruments  and  hedging activities. SFAS 161
     requires  enhanced  disclosures  about  (a) how and  why  an  entity  uses
     derivative instruments, (b) how derivative  instruments and related hedged
     items  are  accounted for under SFAS No. 133, "Accounting  for  Derivative
     Instruments and  Hedging  Activities" and its related interpretations, and
     (c) how derivative instruments and related hedged items affect an entity's
     financial position, financial performance, and cash flows. The adoption of
     SFAS 161 did not have a material  impact  on  the  condensed  consolidated
     financial statements.

     In  January 2009, the Company adopted Emerging Issues Task Force  "(EITF")
     Issue No. 07-5, Determining Whether an Instrument (or Embedded Feature) is
     Indexed  to an Entity's Own Stock ("EITF 07-5") effective January 1, 2009.
     The adoption  of  EITF  07-5's  requirements can affect the accounting for
     warrants and many convertible instruments  with  certain  provisions  that
     protect  holders  from  a  decline  in  the  stock  price (or "down-round"
     provisions). Warrants and convertible instruments with such provisions may
     no longer be recorded in equity. The Company evaluated  whether  its stock
     warrants  and  the  conversion  feature  in  its convertible notes contain
     provisions  that  protect holders from declines  in  the  stock  price  or
     otherwise could results  in  modification  of  the  exercise  price and/or
     shares  to  be issued under the respective agreements based on a  variable
     that is not an  input  to  the fair value of a fixed-for-fixed option. The
     Company determined that the  conversion  features in the convertible notes
     issued in the June 2009 do not contain such provisions.

     In April 2009, FASB Staff Position (FSP) No.  FAS  107-1  and APB 28-1 was
     issued to amend SFAS No. 107, "Disclosures about Fair Value  of  Financial
     Instruments",  to  require  disclosures  about  fair  value  of  financial
     instruments  for  interim  reporting period as well as in annual financial
     statements. This FSP also amends  APB  Opinion  No. 28, "Interim Financial
     Reporting",   to   require  those  disclosures  in  summarized   financial
     information at interim  reporting  periods.  FSP No. 107-1 and APB 28-1 is
     effective for interim reporting periods ending  after  June  15, 2009. The
     Company  determined  that  the adoption of this guidance does not  have  a
     material impact on the Company's consolidated financial statements.


     Valcom entered into a Letter of Intent with ABEX Capital, Inc. on July 25,
     2009 to invest $2,000,000 into  the  Company.  The agreement is subject to
     ABEX satisfactory due diligence and a  final  agreement  with  the initial
     investment  into  the  Company on or about September 15, 2009.  ABEX  will
     acquire 51% of the fully  diluted  share-capital of Valcom and receive two
     board seats.  On September 17, 2009,  ABEX Real Estate, Inc., an affiliate
     of ABEX Capital, invested $400,000 as its  first  tranche  of  its funding
     into  the  Company  per  the  terms of its Letter of Intent.  The purchase
     price in the agreement was 400,000 shares of the Company's common stock at
     $0.05 per share and 400,000 Class  C  preferred  stock valued at $0.05 per
     share.  The  preferred  stock is convertible to shares  of  the  Company's
     common stock on a one share  for  one  share basis. ABEX also received one
     board seat with its first funded tranche.   The  balance of the investment
     is to be funded in four remaining tranches to be funded  on  or  about the
     15th of October, November and December 2009 and 30 January 2010.

     On  September  21,  2009  the  Company  entered  into  a Final Payment and
     Settlement  Agreement  with Mutual Release with the former  principals  of
     Faith TV, LLC.  The Company  paid  off  the balance of its note payable of
     $450,000 with a negotiated settlement amount  of $291,092 based on certain
     impairment of assets associated with the acquisition.  The Company now has
     clear title to the network with no outstanding liens or encumbrances.




Revenues  for  the  three months June 30, 2009 increased by $71,731 or 38% from
$190,961 for the three  months  ended  June  30,  2008 to $262,692 for the same
period  in  2009.  The  increase  in revenue was principally  due  to  revenues
generated by MyFamilyTV.

Depreciation and amortization expense  for the three months ended June 30, 2009
increased  to $32,588for the three months  ended  June  30,  2009  compared  to
6,335for the  same  period  in  2008 due to the increased asset base  purchased
from FaithTV.

General and administrative expenses  for  the  three months ended June 30, 2009
increased by $213,036 or 69% from $309,420 for the  three months ended June 30,
2008 to $522,456 for the same period in 2009. The increase  was due principally
to  higher  operating  costs in preparation for the Company's entry  into  real
estate promotion and auctions.

The asset impairment charge related to the Company's acquisition of FaithTV for
$900,262 during the three  months  ended  June  30,  2009.   While  the Company
anticipates  future  revenues and profits from the acquisition, as of June  30,
2009, the operations and  results  have  not  been adequate to support the book
value of the assets acquired, as estimated by the  Company's  management at the
time  of purchase.  Estimates of future sales could not be determined,  and  no
formal  appraisals  of  the  acquired assets were obtained.  Based on the above
factors, the Company concluded that the net book valuation of the film library,
the  equipment and intangible assets  totaling  $900,262  could  not  be  fully
supported  and  therefore  as  of  June 30, 2009, the Company deemed the assets
impaired and wrote them off.

Interest expense for the three months  ended  June 30, 2009 increased by $7,515
or 49% from $15,278 for the three months ended  June 30, 2008 to $22,793for the
same period in 2009.  The increase was due principally  to  the  note  for  the
purchase of FaithTV.


Revenues  for  the  nine months June 30, 2009 decreased by $192,022 or 23% from
$839,918 for the nine  months  ended  June  30,  2008  to $647,896 for the same
period in 2009. The decrease in revenue was principally  due  to  the  drop  in
television  production and advertising revenues related to the general economic

Depreciation  and  amortization expense for the nine months ended June 30, 2009
increased to $87,965  for  the  nine  months  ended  June  30, 2009 compared to
$19,005 for the same period in 2009 due to the increased asset  base  purchased
from FaithTV.

General  and  administrative  expenses for the nine months ended June 30,  2009
increased by $345,365 or 27% from $1,272,568 for the nine months ended June 30,
2008 to $1,617,933for the same period in 2009. The increase was due principally

Interest expense for the nine months  ended  June 30, 2009 increased by $28,356
or 62% from $45,834 for the nine months ended  June 30, 2008 to $74,190 for the
same  period in 2009. The increase was due principally  to  the  note  for  the
purchase of FaithTV.

Due to  the  factors  described  above,  the  Company's  net  loss increased by
$1,005,494 from $501,161 for the nine months ended June 30, 2008  to $1,506,655
for the same period in 2009.



During August 2008, the Company emerged from bankruptcy. The Company is seeking
new business opportunities and to reestablish itself in the television and film
production  industry.   On December 15, 2008, Valcom acquired 100% interest  in
Faith TV LLC, now re-branded and launched as "MyFamilyTV," a new family focused
TV network broadcasting through  75 affiliate TV stations as of August 2009 and
with plans to add significantly more  affiliates.   Currently  broadcasting  to
over  58  million  households,  MyFamilyTV has also secured significant program
blocks such as the joint venture  with  Porchlight  Entertainment,  one  of the
world's  leading independent suppliers of high quality entertainment, to launch
a new children's  programming  block  called  KidMango,  which  has  been  well

During  the  second  quarter  Valcom  tested  the  concept  of using television
promotions and the auction format, both live-television and on-line, to promote
the sale of real estate properties.  The company's primary focus  has  been  on
REO  properties  utilizing  its  production  and  media promotion capabilities.
Valcom   entered   into  an  agreement  dated  June  19,  2009   with   Florida
Opportunities, Inc. ("FOI"), an investor in real estate properties, to sell REO
properties in an on-line  auction  format  promoted  by television advertising.
The company has an agreement with FOI to share in the  profits  of  the sale of
properties  on  a  50:50  basis  after  expenses  are  deducted through a joint
venture, Sun Investment Services, LLC ("Sun").  Sun is jointly owned (50:50) by
Valcom  and  FOI  and   the  Parties  are  currently negotiating  an  operating
agreement for future auctions.  Valcom is also  in active discussion with other
entities  to  market  and promote properties utilizing  its  auction  promotion


The Company's condensed  consolidated  financial statements have been prepared,
assuming that the Company will continue  as  a going concern. The Company has a
net loss of $1,506,655 and a negative cash flow  from operations of $464,552for
the  nine  months  ended  June  30,  2009,  a  working  capital  deficiency  of
$1,448,801and  an accumulated deficit of $19,239,761 at June  30,  2009.  These
conditions raise substantial doubt about the Company's ability to continue as a
going concern.

Cash totaled $91,092  on  June  30,  2009  compared to $ 122,773 as at June 30,
2008. During the nine months ended June 30,  2009,  net  cash used by operating
activities totaled $(464,552) compared to net cash used in operating activities
of $48,747 for the comparable nine-month period in 2008. A  significant portion
of   operating   activities  included  payments  for  interest  and  production
development costs.  Net  cash  provided  by  financing  activities for the nine
months  ended  June  30,  2009  totaled $1,349,858 compared to  $68,100for  the
comparable nine-month period in 2008.

The above cash flow activities yielded a net cash increase of $4,676 during the
nine months ended June 30, 2009 compared  to an increase of $116,847 during the
comparable prior period in 2008.

Net working capital (current assets less current  liabilities) was a deficit of
$1,448,801 as of June 30, 2009. The Company will need  to  raise  funds through
various financings or find a suitable merger partner to maintain its operations
until  such  time  as  cash  generated by operations is sufficient to meet  its
operating and capital requirements.  There can be no assurance that the Company
will be able to raise such capital on  terms  acceptable  to the Company, if at


On September 22, 2009 the Company entered into  a  Final Payment and Settlement
Agreement with Mutual Release with the former principals of Faith TV, LLC.  The
Company paid off the balance of its note payable of  $450,000 with a negotiated
settlement amount of $291,092 based on certain impairment  of assets associated
with the acquisition.  The Company now has clear title to the  network  with no
outstanding liens or encumbrances.

On September 22, 2009, the Company entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement
with  Abex  Real Estate, Inc. whereby Abex would purchase shares that amount of
common stock  and Series C Preferred Stock of the Company that would cause Abex
to be the beneficial owner of 51% of the issued and outstanding common stock of
the Company on  a  fully  diluted  basis, for an aggregate of purchase price of
$2,000,0000.  The Series C Preferred  Stock  is convertible in to the Company's
common stock at a ratio of one-to-one.  Pursuant to the terms of the Securities
Purchase  Agreement,  the purchase will  occur in  multiple  tranches  and,  on
September 22, 2009, Abex  purchased  4,000,0000  shares  of  common  stock  and
4,000,000 shares of Series C Preferred Stock for an aggregate purchase price of






Our management is responsible  for  establishing  and  maintaining  a system of
disclosure  controls  and  procedures  (as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) under  the
Exchange  Act)  that is designed to ensure  that  information  required  to  be
disclosed by the  Company  in  the  reports  that  we  file or submit under the
Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported,  within  the time
specified  in  the  Commission's  rules  and  forms.  Disclosure  controls  and
procedures  include,  without  limitation,  controls and procedures designed to
ensure that information required to be disclosed  by  an  issuer in the reports
that it files or submits under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated
to  the  issuer's  management,  including  its principal executive  officer  or
officers and principal financial officer or  officers,  or  persons  performing
similar functions, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding  required

Pursuant  to Rule 13a-15(b) under the Exchange Act, the Company carried out  an
evaluation  with the participation of the Company's management, including Vince
Vellardita, the  Company's  Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer
("CEO/CFO"), of the effectiveness  of  the  Company's  disclosure  controls and
procedures (as defined under Rule 13a-15(e) under the Exchange Act)  as  of the
three months ended June 30, 2009. Based upon that evaluation, the Company's CEO
/CFO  concluded  that  the Company's disclosure controls and procedures are not
effective to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the Company in
the reports that the Company  files  or  submits  under  the  Exchange  Act, is
recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time periods specified
in  the  SEC's  rules  and  forms, and that such information is accumulated and
communicated to the Company's  management, including the Company's CEO /CFO, as
appropriate, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.


Our management, with the participation  the  Principal  Executive  Officer  and
Principal  Accounting Officer, performed an evaluation as to whether any change
in our internal  controls  over  financial  reporting  occurred during the 2009
Quarter  ended June 30, 2009. Based on that evaluation, the  Company's  CEO/CFO
concluded  that  no  change  occurred  in  the Company's internal controls over
financial  reporting during the 2009 Quarter  ended  June  30,  2009  that  has
materially  affected,  or  is  reasonably  likely  to  materially  affect,  the
Company's internal controls over financial reporting.





There have been  no  material  changes  from  the Risk Factors described in our
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2008.


On April 28, 2009 Valcom issued 1,000,000 shares  of  its Common Stock at $0.10
per share in lieu of payment of $100,000 toward the note for the acquisition of

On May 4, 2009 Valcom issued 1,428,571 shares of its Common  Stock at $0.07 per
share for cash from Asia Pacific Holdings LTD.

On May 14, 2009 Valcom issued 1,191,000 shares of its Common Stock at $0.05 per
share  in a negotiated settlement of $59,550 shared equally between  Venturetek
and Krovim related to a violation of their registration rights agreement.

On May 14, 2009 Valcom issued 1,500,000 shares of its Common Stock at $0.05 per
share in  lieu  of  payment  of  $75,000 toward the note for the acquisition of

On  June  5,  2009  Valcom  entered  a Participation  Agreement  with  Bay-Gulf
Partners, LLC for a Convertible Note for $100,000. The note is convertible into
Valcom Common Stock at a conversion rate of $0.10 per share or 1,000,000 shares
if converted in total. The note has a one-year term and a 10% interest rate and
may be repaid or converted at the option of Bay-Gulf Partners, LLC.

On June 9, 2009 Valcom entered a Participation  Agreement  with Bay-Gulf Homes,
LLC  for  a Convertible Note for $40,000. The note is convertible  into  Valcom
Common Stock  at  a  conversion  rate  of  $0.10 per share or 400,000 shares if
converted in total. The note has a one-year  term  and  a 10% interest rate and
may be repaid or converted at the option of Bay-Gulf Homes, LLC.









31.1  Certification  by  Chief  Executive  Officer and Chief Financial  Officer
pursuant to Section 302 of Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002.

32.1  Certification  of Chief Executive Officer  and  Chief  Financial  Officer
Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350.

The Company incorporates  by  reference  all  exhibits to its Form 10-K for the
year ending September 30, 2007.



In accordance with the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant caused this report to be signed on its  behalf  by  the undersigned,
thereunto duly authorized.

Dated: Ocotber 5, 2009


By: /s/  Vince Vellardita
    Vince  Vellardita
    Chief  Executive  Officer (Principal
    Executive Officer) and Chief Financial
    Officer (Principal Accounting and
    Financial Officer)
