BY AND AMONG






                               JANUARY 26, 2010

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE 1.        DEFINITIONS                                      4
ARTICLE 2.        THE MERGER                                       8
                  OF MIPAF AND WPAFI                               13
                  OF GENESIS AND GENESIS SUB.                      24
                  OF GENESIS PREFERRED SHAREHOLDERS                29
ARTICLE 7.        POST-CLOSING COVENANTS                           32
ARTICLE 8.        TERMINATION                                      34
ARTICLE 10.       MISCELLANEOUS                                    37
EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES                                             42


                         AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

      This Agreement and Plan Of Merger (this "AGREEMENT")   is  made effective
as  of  the  26th of January, 2010 by and among Genesis Capital Corporation  of
Nevada, a Nevada  Corporation ("GENESIS"), Genesis Capital Acquisition Corp., a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Genesis ("GENESIS SUB"), Milwaukee Iron Professional
Arena Football, LLC, a Wisconsin limited liability company ("MIPAF"), Wisconsin
Professional Arena  Football  Investment  LLC,  a  Wisconsin  limited liability
company ("WPAFI") and Christopher Astrom, as the sole owner of  all of Genesis'
outstanding  preferred stock (the "GENESIS PREFERRED SHAREHOLDERS").   Genesis,
Genesis  Sub,  MIPAF,   WPAFI   and   Genesis   Preferred   Shareholders,  each
individually, a "PARTY" or,  collectively, the "PARTIES".


      A.  The Parties desire to set forth the terms and conditions  pursuant to
which  Genesis  shall  combine  with MIPAF and WPAFI pursuant to a merger  (the
"MERGER") in accordance with the  Chapter  92A  of  the Nevada Revised Statutes
(the "NRS"), Chapter 183 of the Wisconsin Statutes (the  "WISCONSIN  LLC  ACT")
and  the  terms  of  this Agreement whereby MIPAF and WPAFI will merge with and
into Genesis Sub, with  Genesis  Sub continuing as the surviving corporation in
the  Merger  and  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary   of   Genesis   (the  "SURVIVING

      B.  The respective boards of directors and managers (as the  case may be)
of each of Genesis, Genesis Sub, MIPAF and WPAFI deem it advisable and  in  the
best interests of their respective companies that they consummate the Merger;

      C.   The boards of directors and managers (as the case may be) of each of
Genesis, Genesis  Sub,  MIPAF  and  WPAFI  have approved this Agreement and the
other matters contemplated hereby; and

      D.  This Agreement, the Merger and the  other matters contemplated hereby
have been approved by the sole stockholder of Genesis  Sub  and the Members (as
defined below) of MIPAF and WPAFI, as required pursuant to the  requirements of
the NRS, the Wisconsin LLC Act and the Operating Agreement (as defined below).

      NOW  THEREFORE,  in consideration of covenants and agreements  set  forth
herein and other good and  valuable  consideration, the receipt and sufficiency
of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties  hereto  agree each with the other
as follows:



        1.1   DEFINITIONS.  The  following terms have the  following  meanings,
  unless the context indicates otherwise:

       "AFFILIATE"  means,  with  respect  to  any  Person,  any  other Person,
       directly  or  indirectly,  controlling,  controlled  by or under  common
       control with such Person.  For purposes of this definition  a  Person is
       deemed  to  "control"  an Entity if such Person, directly or indirectly,
       (i) has the power to direct  the  management or policies of such Entity;
       or  (ii)  owns,  beneficially  or of record  (a)  an  amount  of  voting
       securities or other interests in  such  Entity  that  is  sufficient  to
       enable  such  Person to elect at least a majority of the members of such
       Entity's board  of  directors  or  other  governing body or (b) at least
       fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding equity  or financial interests of
       such Entity.

       "AGREEMENT"  means  this  Agreement  and  Plan of Merger,  and  all  the
       exhibits, schedules and other documents attached  to  or  referred to in
       this  Agreement,  and  all amendments and supplements, if any,  to  this

       "APPLICABLE  SECURITIES LEGISLATION"  means  all  applicable  securities
       legislation in all jurisdictions relevant to the issuance of the Genesis

       "CLOSING" means   the  completion of the Transaction, in accordance with
       Section 2 hereof, at which  time the Closing Documents will be exchanged
       by the parties, except for those  documents  or other items specifically
       required to be exchanged at a later time;

       "CLOSING DATE" means January 26, 2010, or a date mutually agreed upon by
       the parties hereto;

       "CLOSING DOCUMENTS" means the papers, instruments and documents required
       to be executed and delivered at the Closing pursuant to this Agreement;

       "CODE"  shall  mean  United States Internal Revenue  Code  of  1986,  as

       "COMPANY" means MIPAF and WPAFI;

       "EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN"  shall  mean any "employee pension benefit plan"
       (as  defined in Section 3(2) of ERISA,  any  "employee  welfare  benefit
       plan"  (as  defined  in Section 3(1) of ERISA), and any other written or
       oral  plan,  agreement  or  arrangement  involving  direct  or  indirect
       compensation,  including,   without   limitation,   insurance  coverage,
       severance benefits, disability benefits, deferred compensation, bonuses,
       options,  or  other  forms of incentive compensation or  post-retirement

       "ENTITY" means any corporation  (including  any non-profit corporation),
       general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership,
       limited  liability  company,  joint  venture,  estate,   trust,  company
       (including  any limited liability company or joint stock company),  firm
       or other enterprise, association, organization or entity.

       "EXCHANGE ACT" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended;


       "GENESIS COMMON  STOCK"  means  the  common  stock, $0.001 par value per
       share, of Genesis.

       "GENESIS   CONTRACT"   means   any   agreement,  contract,   obligation,
       arrangement or understanding, whether  oral  or  written,  including any
       amendment, supplement, restatement, renewal or replacement thereto:  (i)
       to  which Genesis is a party; (ii) by which Genesis or any of its assets
       is or may become bound or under which Genesis has, or may become subject
       to, any  obligation; or (iii) under which Genesis has or may acquire any
       right or interest.

       "GENESIS PREFERRED  STOCK"  means  the  Series A Preferred Stock and the
       Series B Preferred Stock;

       "GENESIS PREFERRED SHAREHOLDERS" means Christopher Astrom;

       "GENESIS SUB COMMON STOCK" means the common  stock, par value $0.001 per
       share, of Genesis Sub.

       "GOVERNMENTAL   BODY"  means  any:  (i)  nation,  state,   commonwealth,
       province,   territory,   county,   municipality,   district   or   other
       jurisdiction  of  any  nature;  (ii)  federal,  state, local, municipal,
       foreign,  supranational  or  other  government (including  the  European
       Union);  or  (iii) governmental, self-regulatory  or  quasi-governmental
       authority  of  any   nature,   including   any   governmental  division,
       department, agency, commission, instrumentality, official, organization,
       unit, body or Entity and any court or other tribunal.

       "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY" means all intellectual property owned or used in
       the conduct of the business of any Party, as it is  currently conducted,
       including, but not limited to, (i) all United States and foreign patents
       (both issued and applied for) listed on the Company Disclosure  Schedule
       or  Genesis  Disclosure  Schedule,  as  applicable, (ii) all trademarks,
       trade names, service marks, copyrights, and  all  applications  for such
       trademarks,  trade  names,  service marks and copyrights, and all patent
       rights in each case listed on the Company Disclosure Schedule or Genesis
       Disclosure  Schedule,  as  applicable,  and  (iii)  all  trade  secrets,
       schematics,  technology,  know-how,   computer   software   programs  or
       applications  and  tangible  or  intangible  proprietary information  or
       material,  and all Third Party Intellectual Property  Rights  including,
       without limitation,  issued  United  States  and foreign patents, patent
       rights   and   patent  applications  (excluding  packaged   commercially
       available licensed software programs sold to the public) owned by or for
       which any Party  has  acquired  the  rights to use whether by license or

       "KNOWLEDGE" means, (a) when made with  reference  to  the  Company,  the
       actual  knowledge of the executive officers of the Company, and (b) when
       made with  reference  to  Genesis, the actual knowledge of the executive
       officers of the Genesis.

       "LEGAL  PROCEEDING"   means any  ongoing  or  threatened  action,  suit,
       litigation, arbitration,  proceeding  (including  any  civil,  criminal,
       administrative,   investigative   or   appellate  proceeding),  hearing,
       inquiry,  audit,  examination  or  investigation   commenced,   brought,
       conducted  or  heard by or before, or otherwise involving, any court  or
       other governmental body or any arbitrator or arbitration panel.


       "LEGAL  REQUIREMENTS"   means  any  federal,  state,  local,  municipal,
       foreign,   international,   multinational   or   other   law,   statute,
       constitution,  principle of common  law,  resolution,  ordinance,  code,
       edict, decree, rule,  regulation, ruling or requirement issued, enacted,
       adopted, promulgated, implemented  or  otherwise  put  into effect by or
       under the authority of any Governmental Body.

       "LIABILITIES" mean any debt, obligation, duty or liability of any nature
       (including  unknown,  undisclosed, unmatured, unaccrued, contingent,  or
       indirect) regardless of whether such debt, obligation, duty or liability
       would  be required to be  disclosed  on  a  balance  sheet  prepared  in
       accordance  with  GAAP  and regardless of whether such debt, obligation,
       duty or liability is immediately due and payable.

       "LIEN"  means  any mortgage,  pledge,  security  interest,  encumbrance,
       charge, or other  lien  (whether  arising by contract or by operation of
       law), other than (i) mechanic's, materialmen's,  and similar liens, (ii)
       liens  arising  under  worker's  compensation,  unemployment  insurance,
       social  security, retirement, and similar legislation,  (iii)  liens  on
       goods in  transit incurred pursuant to documentary letters of credit, in
       each case arising  in the ordinary course of business of the Company and
       not material to the  Company,  and (iv) liens for current Taxes that are
       being contested in good faith.

       "LOSS" means  any and all demands,  claims, actions or causes of action,
       assessments,  losses,  damages,  liabilities,   costs,   and   expenses,
       including  without limitation, interest, penalties, fines and reasonable
       attorneys, accountants  and  other  professional  fees and expenses, but
       excluding  any indirect, consequential or punitive damages  suffered  by
       the  Parties  including  damages  for  lost  profits  or  lost  business

       "MANAGER"  means  each  individual  appointed  as a manager of MIPAF and
       WPAFI, whether or not such position is referred  to  as  a  manager or a
       director of MIPAF and WPAFI.

       "MATERIAL ADVERSE EFFECT" when used in connection with a Party means any
       change, event, circumstance or effect whether or not such change, event,
       circumstance  or  effect  is  caused  by or arises in connection with  a
       breach  of a representation, warranty, covenant  or  agreement  of  such
       Party in this Agreement that is or is reasonably likely to be materially
       adverse  to   the   business,   assets  (including  intangible  assets),
       capitalization, financial condition, operations or results of operations
       or employees of such Party taken  as  a  whole  with  its  subsidiaries,
       except to the extent that any such change, event, circumstance or effect
       results  from  (i) changes in general economic conditions, (ii)  changes
       affecting the industry  generally in which such Party operates (provided
       that  such  changes  do  not   affect  such  Party  in  a  substantially
       disproportionate manner), or (iii)  changes  in  the  trading prices for
       such Party's capital stock.

       "MATERIAL  CONTRACT"  means  a  contract,  series  of  contracts   or  a
       commitment  requiring  payments  or  other  consideration by or from the
       Company in excess of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000)  during  the term of
       the Contract.

       "MEMBERS"  shall  mean the holders of the Membership Interests of  MIPAF
       and WPAFI immediately prior to the Effective Time.


       MEMBERSHIP INTERESTS" means all of the issued and outstanding membership
       interests of MIPAF and WPAFI immediately prior to the Effective Time.

       "MERGER SHARES" means  Genesis  Common  Stock  issued  to the Members in
       consideration for the conversion of the Membership Interests as a result
       of the Merger, pursuant to the provisions of Article 2 hereafter.

       "OPERATING AGREEMENT" means MIPAF and WPAFI's Operating  Agreement dated
       November 29, 2006, and January 1, 2008, respectively.

       "ORDER"  shall  mean  any writ, decree, permanent injunction,  order  or
       similar action used in a legal proceeding.

       "PERMITS" shall mean all permits, licenses, registrations, certificates,
       Orders or approvals received  from  any  Governmental  Body  (including,
       without  limitation,  those  issued or required under applicable  export
       laws or regulations).

       "PERSON" means any individual,  partnership, joint venture, corporation,
       limited  liability  company, limited  liability  partnership,  trust  or
       incorporated organization.

       "SEC" means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission;

       "SECURITIES ACT" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended;

       "SEC REPORTS" means the  periodic  and  current reports filed by Genesis
       with the SEC pursuant to the Exchange Act.

       "TAXES" means  any  federal,  state, local,  or  foreign  income,  gross
       receipts,   license,   payroll,   employment,  excise, severance, stamp,
       occupation,  premium, windfall profits, environmental  (including  taxes
       under Internal  Revenue  Code   59A),  customs  duties,  capital  stock,
       franchise,  profits,  withholding,   social    security   (or  similar),
       unemployment, disability, real property, personal property,  sales, use,
       transfer,  registration,  value  added,  alternative  or add-on minimum,
       estimated, or other tax of any kind whatsoever, including  any interest,
       penalty,   or   addition   thereto,   whether   disputed   or  not   and
       including any obligations  to indemnify or otherwise assume  or  succeed
       to the Tax liability of any  other  Person.

       "TAX   RETURN"   means  any  return,  declaration,  report,  claim   for
       refund,  or information   return   or   statement   relating  to  Taxes,
       including  any  schedule  or  attachment   thereto,  and  including  any
       amendment  thereof.

       "THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS" means  all  material  written
       licenses,  sublicenses  and  other  agreements  as to which the Company,
       Genesis or Genesis Sub, as applicable, is a party  and pursuant to which
       any of them is authorized to use any third party patents, patent rights,
       trademarks,  service  marks,  trade  secrets  or  copyrights,  including
       software which is used in such Party's business or  which form a part of
       any  existing  product or service of such Party, excluding  commercially
       available licensed software programs sold to the public.


       "TRANSACTION" means  the  merger of MIPAF and WPAFI into Genesis Sub and
       the issuance of the Merger Shares to the Members;

       "TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS" means  this  Agreement,  including all schedules
       and exhibits hereto, along with any and all other documents entered into
       by  the  Parties  in  connection  with  the  transactions   contemplated

       EXHIBITS & SCHEDULES.  The following exhibits & schedules are attached
             to and form part of this Agreement:

     	 Exhibit A        - Officers and Directors to be Appointed after
         		    Closing of Merger
         Exhibit B        - Company Legal Opinion (Section 6.2(h))
         Schedule 2.4(c)  - Allocation of Merger Shares to Company Members
         Schedule 3.1     - Company Foreign Jurisdictions; Subsidiaries
         Schedule 3.3(a)  - Company Members and Ownership List
         Schedule 3.3(b)  - Company Warrants, Options and other obligations to
         		    issue Membership Interests
         Schedule 3.6     - Company Financial Statements - Years Ended
         		    September 30, 2008, 2009 and three month period
			    ended December 31, 2009
         Schedule 3.8     - Liabilities
         Schedule 3.10(a) - Company Personal Property
         Schedule 3.10(b) - Company Owned Real Property
         Schedule 3.10(c) - Company Leased Real Property
         Schedule 3.11    - Company Intellectual Property
         Schedule 3.12    - Company Material Contracts
         Schedule 3.13    - Company Brokers
         Schedule 3.14(a) - Company Insurance Policies
         Schedule 3.15(a) - Company Litigation
         Schedule 3.15(b) - Company Litigation related Documents
         Schedule 3.16    - Company Legal Violations
         Schedule 3.17    - Company Recent Employee Terminations
         Schedule 3.18(a) - Company Employee Benefit Plans
         Schedule 3.18(j) - Company Arrangements with Employees
         Schedule 3.19    - Company Permits
         Schedule 3.21    - Company Banking Relationships
         Schedule 3.22    - Company Environmental Protection
         Schedule 3.24    - Company Related Party Transactions

        1.2  CURRENCY. All dollar amounts  referred to in this Agreement are in
  United States funds, unless expressly stated otherwise.



        2.1   MERGER. Upon and subject to the  terms  and  conditions  of  this
  Agreement, MIPAF  and  WPAFI  shall  merge  with  and into Genesis Sub at the
  Effective Time.  From and after the Effective Time  (as  such term is defined
  in  Section  2.2 hereafter), the separate corporate existence  of  MIPAF  and
  WPAFI shall cease and Genesis Sub shall continue as the surviving corporation
  in the Merger  (the  "SURVIVING CORPORATION").  Following the Effective Time,
  the Surviving Corporation  shall  be operated as a wholly-owned subsidiary of
  Genesis.  Without limiting the generality  of the foregoing, at the Effective
  Time,  except  as otherwise provided herein, all  of  the  property,  rights,
  privileges, powers  and  franchises  of MIPAF and WPAFI and Genesis Sub shall
  vest in the Surviving Corporation, and  all  debts, liabilities and duties of
  MIPAF  and  WPAFI  and Genesis Sub shall become the  debts,  liabilities  and
  duties of the Surviving Corporation.

        2.2   CLOSING;   EFFECTIVE   TIME.  The  closing  of  the  transactions
  contemplated  by this Agreement (the  "CLOSING")  shall  take  place  at  the
  offices of Legal & Compliance, LLC, 330 Clematis Street, Suite 217, West Palm
  Beach, FL 33401,  or such other location mutually agreed upon by the Parties,
  on or before January   26, 2010, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the
  Parties (the "CLOSING DATE").   Contemporaneously  with the Closing, properly
  executed articles of merger conforming to the requirements  of  the  NRS (the
  "NEVADA  ARTICLES OF MERGER") shall be filed with the office of the Secretary
  of State of  Nevada  and a properly executed articles of merger conforming to
  the  requirements of the  Wisconsin  LLC  Act  (the  "WISCONSIN  ARTICLES  OF
  MERGER")  also  shall  be  filed with the office of the Secretary of State of
  Wisconsin.  The Merger shall become effective only upon the acceptance of the
  Nevada  Articles of Merger and  the  Wisconsin  Articles  of  Merger  by  the
  Secretary  of  State  of  Nevada  and  the  Secretary  of State of Wisconsin,
  respectively  (the  "EFFECTIVE  TIME").   The Merger shall have  the  effects
  specified in this Agreement, the Nevada Articles  of  Merger,  the  Wisconsin
  Articles of Merger and the applicable provisions of the NRS and the Wisconsin
  LLC Act.

  SURVIVING CORPORATION.  Unless otherwise mutually determined  by  the Parties
  hereto  prior  to  the  Effective Time: (i) the articles of incorporation  of
  Genesis Sub immediately prior  to the Effective Time shall be the articles of
  incorporation of the Surviving Corporation upon and after the Effective Time,
  until hereafter amended pursuant  to  the  NRS and (ii) the bylaws of Genesis
  Sub  immediately prior to the Effective Time  shall  be  the  bylaws  of  the
  Surviving  Corporation  upon and after the Effective Time.  In addition, upon
  the Closing of the Merger  the  officers  and  directors of Genesis Sub shall
  become  the  officers  and directors of the Surviving  Corporation.   At  the
  Effective  Time,  and  in accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Section  7.3
  hereafter, the sole director  of  the Surviving Corporation shall appoint the
  individuals set forth on Exhibit A attached as new directors of the Surviving
  Corporation, to serve until such time  as  their  successors are duly elected
  and qualified, and the existing director immediately  thereafter shall resign
  as a director of the Surviving Corporation.  Furthermore,  at  the  Effective
  Time,  and  in  accordance with the provisions of Section 7.3 hereafter,  the
  sole  officer  of the  Surviving  Corporation  also  shall  resign  from  all
  positions held by  him in the Surviving Corporation.  The remaining directors
  of the Surviving Corporation,  in  accordance  with the provisions of Section
  7.3 hereafter, shall thereafter appoint the individuals  listed  on Exhibit A
  as  the new officers of the Surviving Corporation, to hold such offices  also
  set forth  on  Exhibit A until such time as their successors are duly elected
  and qualified.   In  accordance  with  Section  7.4  of the Merger Agreement,
  Richard  Astrom  and Christopher Astrom shall remain the  sole  officers  and
  directors of Genesis  Capital  Corporation of Nevada, Inc. until such time as
  the Preferred Stock has been redeemed in accordance with Section 7.3.



      (a)   As a result of the Merger,  Genesis  shall  issue  to  all  of  the
Members  an  aggregate  of  29,040,000  Merger Shares as determined pursuant to
provisions of Section 2.4(b) hereafter.

      (b)   At the Effective Time and without any further action on the part of
Genesis, MIPAF, WPAFI, the Surviving Corporation  or  any other Person, each of
the Membership Interests outstanding, immediately prior  to  the Effective Time
(other  than any Membership Interests that are Dissenting Interests)  shall  be
converted  into  the  right to receive 91,255 Merger Shares, subject to nominal
rounding adjustments.

      (c)   Within twenty  (20)  days  after  the  Closing  Date, Genesis shall
deliver  to the Members in connection with the Merger and in consideration  for
the conversion of the Membership Interests, stock certificates representing the
Merger Shares  issued in the names of such Members and in the amounts set forth
in Schedule 2.4(c)  of the Company Disclosure Schedule (as such term is defined
in Article 3 hereafter).

      (d)   If any of  the  stock  certificates  issuable  with  respect to the
Merger Shares are to be issued in the name of a person other than  a  Member of
record  of  MIPAF  or  WPAFI,  it  shall be a condition to the issuance of such
Merger Shares that (i) the request shall  be in writing and properly documented
(e.g., assigned, endorsed or accompanied by  appropriate  transfer powers, (ii)
such transfer shall otherwise be proper and in accordance with  all  applicable
federal  and state laws, rules and regulations, and (iii) the Person requesting
such transfer  shall  pay  to  Genesis  any  transfer or other taxes payable by
reason of the foregoing or establish to the satisfaction  of  Genesis that such
taxes  have  been  paid  or  are not required to be paid.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing, none of Genesis, MIPAF,  WPAFI,  the Surviving Corporation or any of
their Affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, officers,  agents or employees shall
be liable to any Member for any Merger Shares issued to such Member pursuant to
this  Section  2.4(d)  that  are  delivered  to a public official  pursuant  to
applicable abandoned property, escheat or similar laws.

      (e)   In  the  event  any  certificate or other  instrument  representing
Membership Interests shall have been  lost,  stolen  or destroyed, the Board of
Directors of Genesis may, in its sole discretion and as  condition precedent to
the issuance of the Merger Shares in consideration therefore  pursuant  to this
Agreement,  require the owner of such lost, stolen or destroyed certificate  or
other instrument  representing  Membership  Interests  to  submit to Genesis an
affidavit  stating  that  such  certificate  or  other instrument  representing
Membership  Interests was lost, stolen or destroyed  and  to  give  Genesis  an
indemnity in  customary form against any claim that may be made against Genesis
with respect to  the  certificate  or  other instrument representing Membership
Interests alleged to have been lost, stolen or destroyed.

        2.5  CLOSING OF TRANSFER BOOKS.  At  the  Effective  Time,  each of the
  Members  shall  cease  to have any rights as a Member of MIPAF and WPAFI  and
  shall not have any rights  as  a stockholder or otherwise with respect to the
  Surviving Corporation (except as  set forth in this Agreement with respect to
  the Merger Shares), and the transfer books of MIPAF and WPAFI shall be closed
  with respect to all Membership Interests outstanding immediately prior to the
  Effective Time.  No further transfer  of  any such Membership Interests shall
  be  made  on such transfer books after the Effective  Time.   If,  after  the
  Effective  Time,   a   valid   certificate  or  other  instrument  previously
  representing  any  Membership  Interests   is   presented  to  Genesis,  such
  certificate or other instrument shall be canceled  and  exchanged as provided
  in this Article 2.



      (a)   MIPAF  and  WPAFI  shall deliver the following to  Genesis  at  the
Closing:  (i) certificates or any other instruments representing the Membership
Interests, accompanied by appropriate transfer powers duly executed in blank or
duly  executed  instruments  of transfer  and  any  other  documents  that  are
necessary  to transfer to Genesis  good  and  valid  title  to  the  Membership
Interests free  and  clear  of  all  liens;  and (ii) the various certificates,
instruments and documents referred to in Article  7  herein  to be delivered by
MIPAF  and  WPAFI.   All  certificates  or  other instruments representing  the
Membership  Interests  surrendered  to Genesis shall  be  canceled  after  such
delivery.  Until surrendered as contemplated  by  this  Section  2.6, each such
certificate or other instrument representing Membership Interests  (other  than
any  certificate  or  other  instrument  representing  Dissenting Interests, as
defined below) shall be deemed, from and after the Effective Time, to represent
only the right to receive the applicable Merger Shares in  accordance with this

      (b)   Genesis  shall  deliver  to  MIPAF and WPAFI, at the  Closing,  the
various  certificates,  instruments and documents  referred  to  in  Article  7
herein.  In addition, Genesis  shall  deliver  to  each  Person  entitled to be
issued Merger Shares, certificates representing the applicable number of Merger
Shares issuable to such Person in accordance with Section 2.4 hereof.


      (a)   At the Effective Time, the Membership Interests shall,  except  for
with  respect  to any Dissenting Interests, by virtue of the Merger and without
any action on the  part  of  any  Party or the holder thereof, automatically be
canceled and extinguished and converted  into  the  right to receive the Merger

      (b)   At  the  Effective  Time,  each  Membership  Interest   issued  and
outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be converted into and
exchanged  for  approximately  91,255 (subject to nominal rounding adjustments)
validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable shares of Genesis Common Stock.

      (c)   Notwithstanding the  foregoing,  no  fractional  shares  of Genesis
Common Stock shall be issued as part of the Merger Shares.  In lieu of issuance
of  any  fractional  shares  of  Genesis  Common Stock that would otherwise  be
issuable,  such fractional shares shall be rounded  up  to  the  nearest  whole

      (d)   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  no amounts shall be payable at or
after  the  Effective  Time  with respect to any Dissenting  Interests  or  any
Membership  Interests  with  respect  to  which  dissenters'  rights  have  not
terminated.  In the case of Dissenting   Interests,  payment  shall  be made in
accordance with the provisions of Section 2.11 hereafter.  In the case  of  any
Membership  Interests  with  respect  to  which  dissenters'  rights  have  not
terminated  as  of  the  Effective  Time,  if  such Membership Interests become
Dissenting  Interests, payment shall be made in accordance  with  Section  2.11
hereafter and  if,  instead,  the  dissenters'  rights  with  respect  to  such
Membership  Interests  irrevocably  terminate  after  the  Effective Time, such
Membership  Interests  shall only entitle the holders thereof  to  receive  the
applicable  Merger  Shares   upon  delivery  of  the  certificate(s)  or  other
instrument(s) representing the applicable Membership Interests.


        2.8  CERTIFICATE LEGENDS.  The  Merger  Shares to be issued pursuant to
  this Article 2 shall not have been registered and  shall  be characterized as
  "restricted  securities"  under the federal securities laws,  and  under  any
  applicable state securities  laws.   As  a  result,  the Merger Shares may be
  resold without registration under the Securities Act and any applicable state
  securities  laws  only  in certain limited circumstances.   Each  certificate
  evidencing Merger Shares  to  be issued pursuant to this Article 2 shall bear
  the following legend:


        2.9  TAX  AND ACCOUNTING CONSEQUENCES. For federal income tax purposes,
  the Merger is intended  to  constitute a reorganization within the meaning of
  Section 368 of the Internal Revenue  Code,  and  the Parties shall report the
  transactions contemplated herein consistent with such  intent  and shall take
  no  position  inconsistent  therewith.  The Parties to this Agreement  hereby
  adopt this Agreement as a "plan  of  reorganization"  within  the  meaning of
  Sections 1.368-2(g) and 1.368-3(a) of the United States Treasury Regulations.

        2.10   TAKING  OF  NECESSARY  ACTION; FURTHER ACTION.  If, at any  time
  after the Effective Time, any further  action  is  necessary  or desirable to
  carry  out  the  purposes  of  this  Agreement  and  to  vest  the  Surviving
  Corporation  with  full  right, title and possession to all assets, property,
  rights, privileges, powers  and  franchises  of MIPAF, WPAFI and Genesis Sub;
  the Surviving Corporation and the officers and  directors of the MIPAF, WPAFI
  and Merger Sub are fully authorized in the name of  their respective entities
  or otherwise to take, and will take, all such lawful and necessary action, so
  long as such action is not inconsistent with this Agreement.


        2.11   DISSENTERS' RIGHTS.  Membership Interests  that  have  not  been
  voted for approval  of  this Agreement and the Merger contemplated hereunder,
  or consented thereto in writing,  and  with  respect  to  which  a demand for
  payment of "fair value" for such Membership Interests have been properly made
  in  accordance  with  section  183.1206  of  the  Wisconsin  Act ("DISSENTING
  INTERESTS") will not be converted into the right to receive the Merger Shares
  otherwise payable with respect to such Membership Interests at  or  after the
  Effective  Time,  but  will  be converted into the right to receive from  the
  Surviving Corporation such consideration  as may be determined to be due with
  respect to such Dissenting Interests pursuant  to  Section  183.1206  of  the
  Wisconsin Act and any other applicable laws of the state of Wisconsin.  If  a
  holder of Dissenting Interests (a "DISSENTING INTEREST HOLDER") withdraws his
  or  her  demand for such payment and appraisal or becomes ineligible for such
  payment and  appraisal,  then,  as of the Effective Time or the occurrence of
  such  event  of  withdrawal or ineligibility,  whichever  last  occurs,  such
  holder's Dissenting  Interests will cease to be Dissenting Interests and will
  be converted into the  right  to  receive,  and will be exchangeable for, the
  Merger Shares in accordance with Section 2.4  of this Agreement.  The Company
  will give Genesis and Genesis Sub prompt notice  of  any  demand  received by
  MIPAF  and  WPAFI  from  a  Dissenting Interest Holder for appraisal of  such
  Dissenting Interest Holder's Membership Interests, and Genesis shall have the
  right to participate in all negotiations and proceedings with respect to such
  demand.  MIPAF and WPAFI agree that, except with the prior written consent of
  Genesis, or as required under  the Wisconsin LLC Act, it will not voluntarily
  make any payment with respect to,  or settle or offer or agree to settle, any
  such demand for appraisal.  Each Dissenting  Interest Holder who, pursuant to
  the provisions of the Wisconsin LLC Act, becomes  entitled  to payment of the
  "fair  value" of the Dissenting Interests will receive payment  therefor  but
  only after  the "fair value" has been determined pursuant to such provisions.
  Any portion of  the Merger Shares that would otherwise have been payable with
  respect  to Dissenting  Interests  if  such  Membership  Interests  were  not
  Dissenting Interests will be retained by Genesis.


      Except  as  set forth in the Company Disclosure Schedule attached to this
Agreement (the "COMPANY  DISCLOSURE  SCHEDULE"),  MIPAF  and  WPAFI (unless the
context  otherwise  requires,  each  and  collectively, the "COMPANY")   hereby
represent  and  warrant  to  Genesis, Genesis Sub  and  the  Genesis  Preferred
Shareholders as follows:

  limited  liability company duly  organized,  validly  existing  and  in  good
  standing under  the  laws  of  the  State  of Wisconsin.  The Company has all
  necessary power and authority:  (i) to conduct  its business in the manner in
  which its business is currently being conducted;  (ii)  to  own  and  use its
  assets  in  the manner in which its assets are currently owned and used;  and
  (iii) to perform its obligations under all Company Contracts.  The Company is
  not and has not  been  required  to  be  qualified, authorized, registered or
  licensed to do business as a foreign corporation  in  any  jurisdiction other
  than  any  jurisdictions set forth in Schedule 3.1 of the Company  Disclosure
  Schedule. Except  as  set  forth  on  Schedule  3.1 of the Company Disclosure
  Schedule, the Company has no subsidiaries.  Except  as otherwise set forth in
  Schedule 3.1 of the Company Disclosure Schedule, the Company does not own any
  controlling  interest  in  any  Entity and has never owned,  beneficially  or
  otherwise, any shares or other securities  of,  or  any  direct  or  indirect
  equity  or  other  financial  interest  in,  any Entity.  The Company has not
  agreed  and  is not obligated to make any future  investment  in  or  capital
  contribution to  any  Entity.   Neither the Company nor any of the Members of
  the Company has ever approved, or  commenced any Legal Proceeding or made any
  election, in either case, contemplating the dissolution or liquidation of the
  Company's business or affairs.


  Company  has  delivered to Genesis accurate and complete  (through  the  date
  hereof) copies  of:  (i) the Company's articles of organization including all
  amendments thereto (hereinafter  the  "COMPANY  CHARTER"); (ii) the Company's
  Operating Agreement and all amendments thereto (the  "OPERATING  AGREEMENT");
  (iii) the records of the Members and Membership Interests of the Company; and
  (iv)  the  minutes  and  other  records of the meetings and other proceedings
  (including  any  actions taken by written  consent  or  otherwise  without  a
  meeting) of the Members,  the  Managers  of  the  Company  and any committees
  established  by  the  Managers  of  the Company (the items described  in  the
  foregoing clauses "(i)", "(ii)", "(iii)" and "(iv)" of this Section 3.2 being
  collectively referred to herein as the "COMPANY DOCUMENTS").  There have been
  no  formal meetings held by, or material  corporate  actions  taken  by,  the
  Members of the Company, the Managers of the Company or any committee that are
  not fully  reflected  in  the  Company  Documents.   There  has  not been any
  violation  of  any  of the Company Documents, and at no time has the  Company
  taken any action that  is  inconsistent  in  any  material  respect  with the
  Company Documents.  The books of account, membership interest records, minute
  books  and other records of the Company are accurate, up-to-date and complete
  in all material respects, and have been maintained in accordance with prudent
  business practices.

        3.3  CAPITALIZATION.

      (a)   There   are   currently   263   Membership   Interests  issued  and
outstanding.  Schedule 3.3(a) of the Company Disclosure Schedule  sets  forth a
complete and accurate list of all Members of the Company, indicating the number
of  Membership  Interests  held  by each Member and their respective addresses.
Each Membership Interest represents  an equity interest in the Company equal to
approximately .49% of the total outstanding  equity  interests  of the Company.
All  issued  and  outstanding Membership Interests prior to the Effective  Time
have  been  duly  authorized  and  validly  issued,  and  are  fully  paid  and
nonassessable.  All of the outstanding Membership Interests of the Company have
been duly and validly  issued  in compliance with the Company Documents and all
applicable federal and state securities  laws  including,  without  limitation,
applicable  exemptions from any requirements for registration or qualification.
The  Membership   Interests   are   free  and  clear  of  any  liens,  pledges,
encumbrances, charges, agreements adversely  effecting title to such Membership
Interests or claims (other than those created by virtue of this Agreement or by
Genesis), and the certificates or other instruments evidencing the ownership of
such Membership Interests are in proper form for  the enforcement of the rights
and limitations of rights pertaining to said Membership Interests which are set
forth in the Company Charter and the Operating Agreement.

      (b)   Except as set forth on Schedule 3.3(b)  of  the  Company Disclosure
Schedule,  there  are  no:  (i)  outstanding  subscriptions,  options,   calls,
warrants,  rights  or  agreements  (whether  or  not  currently exercisable) to
acquire  any  Membership  Interests  of  the  Company; (ii) outstanding  notes,
instruments  or  obligations  that  are  or  may  become  convertible  into  or
exchangeable  for  any  Membership  Interests  of  the Company;  (iii)  Company
Contracts (other than this Agreement) under which the  Company is or may become
obligated to sell, transfer, exchange or issue any Membership  Interests of the
Company; (iv) agreements, voting trusts, proxies or understandings with respect
to  the  voting,  or  registration under the Securities Act, or any  Membership
Interests of the Company; or (v) conditions or circumstances that may give rise
to or provide a basis for  the assertion of a claim by any Person to the effect
that such Person is entitled  to acquire or receive any Membership Interests of
the Company.


        3.4   AUTHORIZATION  OF TRANSACTION.  The  Company  has  all  necessary
  corporate power and authority  to  enter  into and to perform its obligations
  under the Transaction Documents, and the execution,  delivery and performance
  by the Company of the Transaction Documents have been  duly authorized by all
  necessary action on the part of the Company, its Managers  and  its  Members.
  Each of the Transaction Documents to which the Company is a party constitutes
  the  valid  and  binding  obligation  of the Company, enforceable against the
  Company  in  accordance  with its terms, subject  to:  (i)  laws  of  general
  application relating to bankruptcy, insolvency and the relief of debtors; and
  (ii) rules of law governing specific performance, injunctive relief and other
  equitable remedies.

        3.5  NONCONTRAVENTION.   Neither the execution, delivery or performance
  of the Transaction Documents, nor the consummation of any of the transactions
  contemplated thereby, will directly  or indirectly (with or without notice or
  lapse of time): (i) result in a violation  of  any  of  the provisions of the
  Company Documents; (ii) to the Company's Knowledge, result in a violation of,
  or give any governmental body or other Person the right to  challenge  any of
  the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents or to exercise any
  remedy  or  obtain  any  relief  under any, legal requirement or any order to
  which the Company, or any of the assets  owned,  used  or  controlled  by the
  Company,  is  subject; or (iii) result in a violation or breach of, or result
  in a default under, with or without notice or lapse of time, any provision of
  any Material Contract  of  the Company, except for any violations or breaches
  which may be caused by the Company's  failure  to  secure a consent to assign
  such Company Contract; provided, however, that any such  violation  or breach
  would not have a Material Adverse Effect on the Company or the ability of the
  Parties to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

        3.6   FINANCIAL  STATEMENTS.  The  audited financial statements of  the
  Company for the years ended September 30,  2008  and  2009  and the unaudited
  interim  financial  statements for the three (3) month period ended  December
  31, 2009 (the "BALANCE  SHEET  DATE")  are attached hereto on Schedule 3.6 of
  the Company Disclosure Schedule (the "COMPANY  FINANCIAL  STATEMENTS"), which
  Company Financial Statements are in final draft form and have  been  prepared
  in  connection with the Merger.  Such financial statements have been prepared
  in accordance  with  GAAP,  except  as  may  be  otherwise  specified in such
  financial statements or the notes thereto and except that unaudited financial
  statements may not contain all footnotes required by GAAP, and fairly present
  in all material respects the financial position of the Company  as of and for
  the  dates  thereof  and  the  results  of operations and cash flows for  the
  periods then ended, subject, in the case  of  unaudited statements, to normal
  year-end audit adjustments.

        3.7  ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES.  Since the  Balance  Sheet  Date,  the
  Company  has  conducted  its business as ordinarily conducted consistent with
  past practice and there has  not  occurred  any  change,  event  or condition
  (whether  or  not  covered  by  insurance)  that  has  resulted  in, or would
  reasonably  be  expected  to  result  in  any Material Adverse Effect on  the


        3.8  UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES. Except  as  set  forth in Schedule 3.8 of
  the  Company  Disclosure  Schedule,  the Company has no Liabilities  (whether
  known  or  unknown, whether absolute or  contingent,  whether  liquidated  or
  unliquidated  and  whether  due or to become due), except for (a) Liabilities
  accrued, reflected, or reserved  against in the Company Financial Statements,
  (b) Liabilities which have arisen  since  the  Balance  Sheet  Date,  in  the
  ordinary  course  of  business,  (c)  contractual  or  statutory  Liabilities
  incurred  in  the ordinary course of business, none of which are material  in
  nature or exceed  $5,000,  in  the  aggregate  (d)  Liabilities  incurred  in
  connection  with  the  negotiation  of  the  Transaction  Documents  and  the
  transactions contemplated thereby and (e) Liabilities which would not have  a
  Material Adverse Effect on the Company.

        3.9   TAX MATTERS. All Tax Returns required to be filed by or on behalf
  of the Company  with  any  Governmental  Body  before  the  Closing Date (the
  "COMPANY  RETURNS"):  (i)  have  been  or  will  be  filed  on or before  the
  applicable  due date (including any extensions of such due date);  (ii)  have
  been, or will  be  when  filed,  accurately  and  completely  prepared in all
  material  respects in compliance with all applicable Legal Requirements;  and
  (iii) have  been  provided or made available to Genesis and Genesis Sub.  All
  Taxes owed by the Company  have  been  paid  when  due,  whether  or not such
  amounts  are  shown on any Company Returns.  The Company Financial Statements
  fully accrue all  actual  and  contingent  Liabilities  for unpaid Taxes with
  respect  to  all  periods through the date thereof and the Company  has  made
  adequate provision for unpaid Taxes after that date in its books and records.
  No Company Return is currently under examination or audit by any governmental
  body.  No claim or Legal Proceeding is pending or has been threatened against
  or with respect to  the  Company  in  respect  of  any  Tax.   There  are  no
  unsatisfied  Liabilities  for  Taxes,  including  Liabilities  for  interest,
  additions to tax and penalties thereon and related expenses, with respect  to
  which  any  notice of deficiency or similar document has been received by the
  Company (other  than  Liabilities for Taxes asserted under any such notice of
  deficiency or similar document which are being contested in good faith by the
  Company and with respect  to  which  adequate  reserves for payment have been
  established).  There are no Liens for Taxes upon  any  of  the  assets of the
  Company except Liens for current Taxes not yet due and payable.


      (a)   Schedule  3.10(a) of the Company Disclosure Schedule sets  forth  a
true and complete list  of  all  inventory,  machinery,  equipment,  furniture,
office equipment, raw materials, vehicles and other material items of  tangible
personal  property  of  every  kind owned by the Company and used in connection
with its business  included on the   most  recent balance sheet at a book value
of more than $2,000 (the "COMPANY PERSONAL PROPERTY").   The  Company  has good
and marketable title to the Company Personal Property, and the Company Personal
Property  is  owned free and clear of all Liens of every kind and nature except
as otherwise disclosed  in  the  Company's  audited  financial statements dated
September 30, 2009 and reviewed financial statements dated  December  31, 2009.
All  of  the  Company  Personal Property and other tangible assets owned by  or
leased to the Company are  in  good  condition and repair, normal wear and tear


      (b)   Schedule 3.10(b) of the Company  Disclosure  Schedule  sets forth a
true and complete list of all real property or interests in real property owned
by  the Company (the "COMPANY OWNED REAL PROPERTY"). The Company has  good  and
marketable  title to the Company Owned Real Property and the Company Owned Real
Property is owned  free  and clear of all Liens of every kind and nature except
as otherwise disclosed in  the  Company's  audited  financial  statements dated
September 30, 2009 and reviewed financial statements dated December 31, 2009..

      (c)   Schedule 3.10(c) of the Company Disclosure Schedule  sets  forth  a
true  and  complete  list  of  all  real property or interests in real property
leased by the Company (the "COMPANY LEASED REAL PROPERTY" and together with the
Company Owned Real Property, the "COMPANY  REAL  PROPERTY").  The  Company  has
delivered to Genesis and Genesis Sub accurate and complete copies of all leases
and agreements pertaining to the Company Leased Real Property.  With respect to
each  lease  and  sublease listed in Schedule 3.10(c) of the Company Disclosure
Schedule, and except as set forth on such Schedule 3.10(c):

              (i)   the lease or sublease is legal, valid, binding, enforceable
                    and  in  full  force and effect with respect to the Company
                    and, to the Company's  Knowledge, is legal, valid, binding,
                    enforceable and in full  force  and  effect with respect to
                    each  other  party  thereto,  and will continue  to  be  so
                    following the Closing in accordance  with the terms thereof
                    as in effect prior to the Closing (in  each  case except as
                    enforceability  may  be  limited by bankruptcy, insolvency,
                    fraudulent conveyance, reorganization,  moratorium or other
                    similar laws affecting the enforcement of creditor's rights
                    generally,  and except that the availability  of  equitable
                    remedies, including specific performance, is subject to the
                    discretion  of   the  court  before  which  any  proceeding
                    therefor may be brought);

              (ii)  the Company is not  in  breach  or  default  under any such
                    lease or sublease and, to the Company's knowledge, no other
                    party  to  the  lease or sublease is in breach or  default,
                    and, no event has  occurred  which, with notice or lapse of
                    time,  would  constitute  a breach  or  default  or  permit
                    termination, modification, or acceleration thereunder;

              (iii) there are no oral agreements  or  forbearance  programs  in
                    effect as to the lease or sublease;

              (iv)  the  Company  has  not  received  any written notice of any
                    dispute with regards to any lease or sublease; and

              (v)   the  Company  has  not  assigned,  transferred,   conveyed,
                    mortgaged,  deeded  in trust or encumbered any interest  in
                    the leasehold or subleasehold.

      (d)   The Company is not in violation  of any zoning, building, safety or
environmental  ordinance,  regulation  or requirement  or  other  law  or  rule
applicable to the operation of the owned  or  leased  assets  (the violation of
which  would  have  a  Material  Adverse Effect on its business), nor  has  the
Company  received  any written notice  of  violation  with  which  it  has  not

        3.11  INTELLECTUAL  PROPERTY.  Schedule  3.11 of the Company Disclosure
  Schedule  is  a  true  and  complete  list of (i) all  Intellectual  Property
  presently owned or held by the Company  and (ii) any license agreements under
  which Company has access to any confidential  information used by the Company
  in   its   business   (such  licenses  and  agreements,   collectively,   the
  "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY  RIGHTS")  necessary  for the conduct of the Company's
  business  as  conducted and as currently proposed  to  be  conducted  by  the
  Company.  The Company  owns,  or  has the right to use, free and clear of all
  Liens, all of the Intellectual Property and the Intellectual Property Rights.
  There are no outstanding options, licenses or agreements of any kind relating
  to the Intellectual Property and the Intellectual Property Rights, nor is the
  Company bound by or a party to any  options,  licenses  or  agreements of any
  kind  with  respect  to  any  of  the Intellectual Property, the Intellectual
  Property  Rights and the patents, trademarks,  service  marks,  trade  names,
  copyrights, trade secrets, licenses, information and other proprietary rights
  and processes  of  any  other  person  or  entity other than such licenses or
  agreements arising from the purchase of "off the shelf" or standard products.
  The Company has not received any communications alleging that the Company has
  violated  or,  by  conducting  its  business as conducted  and  as  currently
  proposed  to  be  conducted  by  the  Company,   violates   any  Third  Party
  Intellectual Property Rights and to the Company's Knowledge,  the business as
  conducted and as currently proposed to be conducted by the Company  will  not
  cause  the  Company  to  infringe  or  violate  any  Third Party Intellectual
  Property Rights.  There is no defect in the title to any  of the Intellectual
  Property  or,  to  the  extent  that  the  Company  has title to Intellectual
  Property  Rights  to  any  Intellectual Property Rights.   To  the  Company's
  Knowledge, no officer, employee  or  Manager  is obligated under any contract
  (including  any  license, covenant or commitment  of  any  nature)  or  other
  agreement, or subject  to  any  judgment,  decree  or  order  of any court or
  administrative agency, that would conflict or interfere with the  performance
  of  such  person's  duties as an officer, employee or Manager of the Company,
  the use of such person's best efforts to promote the interests of the Company
  or the Company's business  as  conducted  or  as  currently  proposed  to  be
  conducted  by  the  Company.   No  prior  employer  of  any current or former
  employee of the Company has any right, title or interest  in the Intellectual
  Property and to the Company's Knowledge, no person or entity  has  any right,
  title  or interest in any Intellectual Property.  It is not and will  not  be
  with respect  to the business as currently proposed to be conducted necessary
  for the Company  to  use any inventions of any of its employees made prior to
  their employment by the  Company.   Schedule  3.11  of the Company Disclosure
  Schedule  sets  forth  the applicable exceptions and qualifications  to  this
  Section 3.11.


        3.12  CONTRACTS. Schedule  3.12  of  the  Company  Disclosure  Schedule
  identifies each Material Contract and provides an accurate description of the
  terms of each Material Contract that is not in written form.  The Company has
  delivered  to  Genesis  accurate  and complete copies of all written Material
  Contracts.  Each Material Contract  is  valid, binding and enforceable by the
  Company  in  accordance  with  its terms subject  to:  (i)  laws  of  general
  application relating to bankruptcy, insolvency and the relief of debtors; and
  (ii) rules of law governing specific performance, injunctive relief and other
  equitable remedies.  Except as set  forth  in  Schedule  3.12  to the Company
  Disclosure  Schedule, the Company has not violated or breached, or  committed
  any default under, any Material Contract, and, to the Company's Knowledge, no
  other Person  has  violated  or breached, or committed any default under, any
  Material Contract.  Schedule 3.12 of the Company Disclosure Schedule provides
  an accurate and complete list  of  all  Consents  required under any Material
  Contract  to  consummate  the transactions contemplated  by  the  Transaction

        3.13  FINDER'S FEE. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.13 of the Company
  Disclosure Schedule, no broker,  finder  or  investment banker is entitled to
  any brokerage, finder's or other fee or commission  in  connection  with  the
  Merger  or  any  of  the  other  transactions contemplated by the Transaction
  Documents based upon any arrangements  or  agreements made by or on behalf of
  the Company.


        3.14  INSURANCE.

      (a)   Schedule  3.14(a)  of the Company Disclosure  Schedule  lists  each
insurance policy (including fire,  theft, casualty, general liability, director
and  officer,  workers  compensation,  business   interruption,  environmental,
product  liability  and  automobile  insurance policies  and  bond  and  surety
arrangements) to which the Company is  a  party,  a named insured, or otherwise
the beneficiary of coverage at any time within the past year.  Schedule 3.14(a)
of the Company Disclosure Schedule lists each person  or  entity required to be
listed as an additional insured under each such policy.  Each such policy is in
full force and effect and by its terms and with the payment  of  the  requisite
premiums  thereon  will  continue to be in full force and effect following  the

      (b)   The Company is  not  in  breach or default, and does not anticipate
being in breach or default after Closing (including with respect to the payment
of premiums or the giving of notices)  under  any such policy, and no event has
occurred  which,  with notice or the lapse of time,  would  constitute  such  a
breach or default or  permit  termination,  modification or acceleration, under
such policy; except for any breach, default,  event,  termination, modification
or acceleration that would not have a Material Adverse  Effect  on the Company;
and  the  Company  has  not  received  any  written  notice or to the Company's
Knowledge,  oral  notice,  from the insurer disclaiming coverage  or  reserving
rights with respect to a particular  claim  or  such  policy  in  general.  The
Company  has  not  incurred  any  material  loss,  damage, expense or liability
covered by any such insurance policy for which it has  not  properly asserted a
claim under such policy.

        3.15  LITIGATION.

      (a)   Except  as set forth in Schedule 3.15(a) of the Company  Disclosure
Schedule, there is no pending Legal Proceeding, and to the Company's Knowledge,
no Person has threatened to commence any Legal Proceeding, that (i) involves or
affects the Company or  any of the assets owned or used by the Company, or (ii)
that challenges the Merger or any of the other transactions contemplated by the
Transaction Documents.  Except  as  set  forth  on Schedule 3.15 of the Company
Disclosure  Schedule, no Legal Proceeding currently  exists  that  involves  or
affects the Company  or  the assets owned by the Company.  There is no Order in
which the Company is named  or  to  which  any  of the assets of the Company is

      (b)   Except as set forth in Schedule 3.15(b)  of  the Company Disclosure
Schedule,  there are no material agreements or other documents  or  instruments
settling any Legal Proceeding.

  set forth  in  Schedule  3.16 of the Company Disclosure Schedule, the Company
  is,  and has at all times been,  in  compliance  with  all  applicable  Legal
  Requirements, except to the extent that failure to comply would not be likely
  to have  a  Material  Adverse  Effect on the Company.  Except as set forth on
  Schedule  3.16 of the Company Disclosure  Schedule,  the  Company  has  never
  received any  notice  or  other  communication  from any Person regarding any
  actual  or  possible  violation  of,  or failure to comply  with,  any  Legal
  Requirement.  The Company has obtained all material Permits, certificates and
  licenses required by any Legal Requirement  for  the  conduct of its business
  and the ownership of its assets.  The Company is not in violation of any such
  Permit, certificate or license, and no Legal Proceedings  are  pending or, to
  the Knowledge of the Company, threatened to revoke or limit any  such Permit,
  certificate or license.


        3.17  EMPLOYEES.

      (a)   To the Company's Knowledge, no employee has any plans to  terminate
employment with the Company within six months of the date hereof.  The  Company
is  not a party to or bound by any collective bargaining agreement, nor has  it
experienced  any material strikes, grievances, claims of unfair labor practices
or other collective  bargaining  disputes.  The Company has no Knowledge of any
organizational effort made or threatened,  either  currently or within the past
two years, by or on behalf of any labor union with respect  to employees of the
Company.   The  Company  is  in  compliance in all material respects  with  all
currently applicable laws and regulations respecting wages, hours, occupational
safety, or health, fair employment  practices, and discrimination in employment
terms and conditions, and is not engaged  in  any unfair labor practice except,
in each case, where such practice or failure to  comply would not reasonably be
expected  to  have  a Material Adverse Effect.  There  are  no  pending  claims
against the Company under  any  workers compensation plan or policy or for long
term  disability.   There  are no proceedings  pending  or,  to  the  Company's
Knowledge, threatened, between the Company and its employees, which proceedings
have or would reasonably be  expected  to have a Material Adverse Effect on the

      (b)   Schedule 3.17 of the Company Disclosure Schedule contains a list of
employees whose employment has been terminated  by  the  Company  in the ninety
(90)  days  prior to Closing; including the name, address, date and reason  for
such termination.

        3.18  EMPLOYEE BENEFITS.

      (a)   Schedule  3.18(a)  of  the  Company  Disclosure Schedule contains a
complete  and  accurate  list  of  all Employee Benefit  Plans  maintained,  or
contributed to, by the Company, or any  ERISA Affiliate.  Complete and accurate
copies  of  (i) all such Employee Benefit Plans  which  have  been  reduced  to
writing, (ii)  written  summaries of all such unwritten Employee Benefit Plans,
(iii)  all  related trust agreements,  insurance  contracts  and  summary  plan
descriptions and (iv) all annual reports filed on IRS Form 5500, 5500C or 5500R
for the last three plan years (or such shorter period with respect to which the
Company or any  ERISA  Affiliate  has  an  obligation  file Form 5500) for each
Employee Benefit Plan, have been delivered or made available  to Genesis.  Each
Employee  Benefit  Plan  has  been  administered  in  all material respects  in
accordance with its terms and each of the Company, and the ERISA Affiliates has
met  its  obligations in all material respects with respect  to  such  Employee
Benefit Plan  and  has  made all required contributions thereto within the time
frames as prescribed by ERISA  and  the  Code.   The  Company  and all Employee
Benefit  Plans  are  in  material  compliance  with  the  currently  applicable
provisions of ERISA and the Code and the regulations thereunder.


      (b)   To  the  Company's  Knowledge,  there are no investigations by  any
governmental body, termination proceedings or  other  claims (except claims for
benefits  payable  in the normal operation of the Employee  Benefit  Plans  and
proceedings with respect  to  qualified  domestic  relations  orders), suits or
proceedings  against  or  involving any Employee Benefit Plan or asserting  any
rights or claims to benefits  under  any  Employee Benefit Plan that could give
rise to any material liability.

      (c)   All the Employee Benefit Plans  that  are  intended to be qualified
under Section 401(a) of the Code have received determination  letters  from the
Internal  Revenue  Service  to the effect that such Employee Benefit Plans  are
qualified and the plans and the  trusts related thereto are exempt from federal
income taxes under Sections 401(a)  and  501(a),  respectively, of the Code, or
the  remedial amendment period for requesting such determination  has  not  yet
expired,  no  such determination letter has been revoked and revocation has not
been threatened,  and  no such Employee Benefit Plan has been amended since the
date of its most recent  determination  letter  or  application therefor in any
respect, and no act or omission has occurred, that would  adversely  affect its

      (d)   Neither the Company nor any ERISA Affiliate has ever maintained  an
Employee Benefit Plan subject to Section 412 of the Code or Title IV of ERISA.

      (e)   At no time has the Company or any ERISA Affiliate been obligated to
contribute  to  any  "multi-employer plan" (as defined in Section 4001(a)(3) of

      (f)   There are  no  unfunded obligations under any Employee Benefit Plan
providing benefits after termination  of  employment  to  any  employee  of the
Company (or to any beneficiary of any such employee), including but not limited
to   retiree   health   coverage   and  deferred  compensation,  but  excluding
continuation of health coverage required to be continued under Section 4980B of
the Code and insurance conversion privileges under federal or state law.

      (g)   No  act  or omission has occurred  and  no  condition  exists  with
respect to any Employee  Benefit  Plan  maintained  by the Company or any ERISA
Affiliate that would subject the Company or any ERISA Affiliate to any material
fine, penalty, tax or liability of any kind imposed under ERISA or the Code.

      (h)   No Employee Benefit Plan is funded by, associated  with, or related
to  a  "voluntary  employee's  beneficiary  association" within the meaning  of
Section 501(c)(9) of the Code.

      (i)   No Employee Benefit Plan, plan documentation  or agreement, summary
plan  description  or  other  written  communication distributed  generally  to
employees by its terms prohibits the Company  from  amending or terminating any
such Employee Benefit Plan.

      (j)   Schedule 3.18(j) of the Company Disclosure Schedule discloses each:
(i)  agreement  with  any  Manager, Director, executive officer  or  other  key
employee of the Company (A)  the benefits of which are contingent, or the terms
of  which are altered, upon the  occurrence  of  a  transaction  involving  the
Company  of  the  nature  of  any  of  the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement,  (B) providing any term of employment or compensation guarantee,  or
(C) providing  severance  benefits  or  other benefits after the termination of
employment of such Manager, executive officer  or key employee; (ii) agreement,
plan  or  arrangement  under  which any person may receive  payments  from  the
Company that may be subject to  the  tax imposed by Section 4999 of the Code or
included  in  the  determination of such  person's  "parachute  payment"  under
Section 280G of the  Code;  and  (iii)  agreement  or plan binding the Company,
including, without limitation, any option plan, equity appreciation right plan,
restricted equity plan, equity purchase plan, severance  benefit  plan,  or any
Employee  Benefit Plan, any of the benefits of which will be increased, or  the
vesting of  the benefits of which will be accelerated, by the occurrence of any
of the transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement or the value of any of the
benefits of which will be calculated  on  the  basis of any of the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.


        3.19  PERMITS.  Schedule 3.19 of the Company  Disclosure  Schedule sets
  forth a list of all material Permits issued to or held by the Company.   Such
  listed  Permits  are  the  only  Permits that are required for the Company to
  conduct its business as presently  conducted, except for those the absence of
  which would not have a Material Adverse  Effect  on  the  Company.  Each such
  Permit  is  in  full  force  and  effect  and to the Company's Knowledge,  no
  suspension or cancellation of such Permit is threatened and there is no basis
  for believing that such Permit will not be renewable upon expiration.  Except
  as set forth on Schedule 3.19 of the Company  Disclosure  Schedule, each such
  Permit will continue in full force and effect following the Closing.

        3.20  BOOKS AND RECORDS. The minute books and other similar  records of
  the  Company contain true and complete records of all material actions  taken
  at any  meetings  of the Managers or any committee thereof and of all written
  consents executed in lieu of the holding of any such meetings.

        3.21  BANKING  RELATIONSHIPS  AND  INVESTMENTS.  Schedule  3.21  of the
  Company Disclosure Schedule sets forth an accurate, correct and complete list
  of  all banks and financial institutions in which the Company has an account,
  deposit, safe-deposit box or borrowing relationship, factoring arrangement or
  other  loan  facility  or  relationship,  including  the names of all persons
  authorized  to draw on those accounts or deposits, or to  borrow  under  loan
  facilities, or  to  obtain  access  to  such  boxes.   The Company Disclosure
  Schedule  sets  forth  an  accurate,  correct  and  complete  list   of   all
  certificates  of  deposit,  debt  or  equity securities and other investments
  owned, beneficially or of record, by the  Company  (the  "INVESTMENTS").  The
  Company has good and legal title to all Investments.


      (a)   Except  as  set  forth  on Schedule 3.22 of the Company  Disclosure
Schedule, to the Company's Knowledge  no  substances  that  are  defined by any
Governmental  Body  of  the United States concerning the environment  as  toxic
materials,  hazardous  wastes   or   hazardous  substances  (including  without
limitation  any  asbestos,  oils,  petroleum-derived  compound  or  pesticides)
(collectively, "HAZARDOUS MATERIALS")  are or have been located in, on or about
any of the Company's Leased Real Property  in contravention of applicable Legal

      (b)   Except as set forth on Schedule  3.22  of  the  Company  Disclosure
Schedule,  to  the  Company's Knowledge: (i) the Company's Leased Real Property
has  not been used for  the  storage,  manufacture  or  disposal  of  Hazardous
Materials;  (ii)  the Company has not used, or provided permission to others to
use, its Leased Real  Property  for  the  storage,  manufacture  or disposal of
Hazardous Materials; (iii) there are and have been no storage tanks  located on
any of the Company's Leased Real Property; and (iv) no Hazardous Materials have
been  transported  off  site  from  the  Company's  leased  real  property,  in
contravention of applicable Legal Requirements.


        3.23   DISSENTING  INTERESTS. No holder of Membership Interests who has
  the right to dissent to the  Merger  and  demand  payment for such Membership
  Interests has dissented and demanded payment for the  "fair  value"  of  such
  Membership  Interests  in accordance with the Wisconsin LLC Act in connection
  with the Merger, including  any  such holder that subsequently has withdrawn,
  failed to perfect or otherwise lost such holder's right to such payment.

        3.24  RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS.  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.24
  of the Company Disclosure Schedule, the Company  Contracts do not include any
  agreement with or any other commitment to (a) any  officer  or Manager of the
  Company; (b) any individual related by blood or marriage to any  such officer
  or Manager; (c) any Entity in which the Company or any such officer,  Manager
  or  related  person  has an equity or participating interest or (d) any other
  Affiliate of the Company.

        3.25  OFFICER AND MANAGER INFORMATION.  During the past five (5) years,
  neither the Company, nor  any  of  its  officers  or Managers, nor any person
  intended upon consummation of the Merger to be appointed  by  the  Company to
  become an officer or director of the Surviving Corporation or Genesis  or any
  successor entity or subsidiary, has been the subject of:

      (a)   a   petition  under  the  federal  bankruptcy  laws  or  any  other
insolvency or moratorium  law  or  a  petition  seeking  to appoint a receiver,
fiscal agent or similar officer for the business or property  of the Company or
such person, or any partnership in which the Company or any such  person  was a
general  partner at or within two (2) years before the time of such filing,  or
any corporation  or  business  association  of  which  any  such  person was an
executive officer at or within two years before the time of such filing;

      (b)   a  conviction  in  a  criminal proceeding or a named subject  of  a
pending criminal proceeding (excluding  traffic  violations which do not relate
to driving while intoxicated or driving under the  influence of an intoxicating

      (c)   any order, judgment or decree, not subsequently reversed, suspended
or vacated, of any court of competent jurisdiction,  permanently or temporarily
enjoining  the  Company  or  any such person from, or otherwise  limiting,  the
following activities:

              (i)   Acting  as   a  futures  commission  merchant,  introducing
                    broker, commodity trading advisor, commodity pool operator,
                    floor broker,  leverage  transaction  merchant,  any  other
                    person  regulated  by  the  United States Commodity Futures
                    Trading Commission or an associated  person  of  any of the
                    foregoing, or as an investment adviser, underwriter, broker
                    or  dealer  in  securities,  or  as  an  affiliated person,
                    director  or  employee  of  any  investment company,  bank,
                    savings  and  loan  association  or insurance  company,  or
                    engaging  in  or  continuing  any conduct  or  practice  in
                    connection with such activity;

              (ii)  Engaging in any type of business practice; or


              (iii) Engaging in any activity in connection with the purchase or
                    sale of any security or commodity or in connection with any
                    violation of federal, state or  other  securities  laws  or
                    commodities laws;

      (d)   any order, judgment or decree, not subsequently reversed, suspended
or  vacated,  of  any  federal, state or local authority barring, suspending or
otherwise limiting for more  than  60 days the right of the Company or any such
person to engage in any activity described  in  the preceding sub-paragraph, or
to be associated with persons engaged in any such activity;

      (e)   a finding by a court of competent jurisdiction in a civil action or
by the Commission to have violated any securities law, regulation or decree and
the judgment in such civil action or finding by the  Commission  has  not  been
subsequently reversed, suspended or vacated; or

      (f)   a finding by a court of competent jurisdiction in a civil action or
by  the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission to have violated any
federal  commodities  law, and the judgment in such civil action or finding has
not been subsequently reversed, suspended or vacated.

        3.26  ACCESS TO  INFORMATION.  The  Company has allowed Genesis and its
  agents reasonable access to the files, books,  records  and  offices  of  the
  Company,  including,  without limitation, any and all information relating to
  the Company's taxes, commitments,  contracts,  leases,  licenses,  and  real,
  personal  and  intangible  property and financial condition.  The Company has
  caused its accountants to cooperate  with  Genesis  and  its agents in making
  available all financial information reasonably requested,  including  without
  limitation  the right to examine all working papers pertaining to the Company
  Financial Statements.

        3.27   DISCLOSURE.   The  Company  has  not  made  any  representation,
  warranty, covenant or statement in this Agreement, or in any of the schedules
  or exhibits attached to this Agreement, that contains any untrue statement of
  a material fact or omitted to  state  any material fact necessary in order to
  make  the  statements  made  herein  and  therein,   in   the  light  of  the
  circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.


      Each  of Genesis and Genesis Sub, jointly and severally,  represents  and
warrants to the  Company  that, as of the date hereof, the statements contained
in this Article 4 are true  and  correct,  except  as set forth in the schedule
provided  by Genesis and Genesis Sub to the Company and  attached  hereto  (the

  corporation duly organized, validly existing and  in  good standing under the
  laws of the State of Nevada.   Genesis Sub is a corporation  duly  organized,
  validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of  Nevada.
  Each  of Genesis and Genesis Sub has all necessary power and authority:   (i)
  to conduct  its  business  in  the  manner in which its business is currently
  being conducted and proposed to be conducted after the Merger, as applicable;
  (ii)  to  own  and use its assets in the  manner  in  which  its  assets  are
  currently owned  and used and as proposed after the Merger as applicable; and
  (iii)  to perform its  obligations  under  all  Genesis  Contracts.   Neither
  Genesis  nor  Genesis  Sub  is  and  has  not  been required to be qualified,
  authorized, registered or licensed to do business as a foreign corporation in
  any jurisdiction other than any jurisdictions identified  in the SEC Reports.
  Except for Genesis Sub and as otherwise set forth in the SEC Reports, Genesis
  has no subsidiaries, does not own any controlling interest  in any Entity and
  has  never  owned, beneficially or otherwise, any shares or other  securities
  of, or any direct  or  indirect  equity  or  other financial interest in, any
  Entity.  Except as set forth in the SEC Reports,  neither Genesis nor Genesis
  Sub  has  agreed  and is not obligated to make any future  investment  in  or
  capital contribution to any Entity.


        4.2  ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND BYLAWS. Genesis has delivered to the
  Company accurate and  complete  (through  the  date  hereof)  copies  of  the
  articles  of  incorporation  and bylaws, including all amendments thereto, of
  Genesis and (ii) the articles  of  incorporation  and  bylaws,  including all
  amendments  thereto,  of Genesis Sub (collectively, the "GENESIS DOCUMENTS").
  There has not been any  violation  of any of the Genesis Documents, and at no
  time  has  Genesis taken any action that  is  inconsistent  in  any  material
  respect with  the  Genesis  Documents.   The books of account, stock records,
  minute books and other records of Genesis  and  Genesis Sub are accurate, up-
  to-date and complete in all material respects, and  have  been  maintained in
  accordance with Legal Requirements and prudent business practices.

        4.3  CAPITALIZATION.

      (a)   Except as set forth in section 4.3(b) below, the authorized capital
stock  of Genesis consists of: (i) 500,000,000 shares of Genesis Common  Stock,
of which  10,048 shares are issued outstanding immediately prior to the Closing
Date; and (ii)  10,000,000 shares of preferred stock, of which 5,000,000 shares
of Series A Preferred  Stock are issued and outstanding and 5,000,000 shares of
Series B Preferred Stock  are  issued  and outstanding immediately prior to the
Closing Date.  The authorized capital stock  of  Genesis  Sub consists of (iii)
5,000,000 shares of Genesis Sub Common Stock, of which 1,000  shares are issued
and outstanding immediately prior to the Closing Date, all of which  are  owned
by  Genesis;  and  (iv)  1,000,000 shares of preferred stock, of which none are
issued and outstanding.  All of the outstanding shares of Genesis capital stock
and Genesis Sub capital stock  have been duly authorized and validly issued and
are fully paid and nonassessable.   All  of  the  outstanding shares of Genesis
capital stock and Genesis Sub capital stock have been issued in compliance with
the Genesis Documents and all applicable federal and  state securities laws and
other  applicable  Legal Requirements and all requirements  set  forth  in  the
applicable Genesis Documents,  and  are  owned,  beneficially and of record, by
those  stockholders  set  forth on the most recent stockholders  list  held  by
Genesis transfer agent.

      (b)   On November 23,  2009,  Genesis  filed  with  the SEC a Preliminary
Information Statement on Schedule 14C in which it reported that it had received
the requisite board and stockholder approval to increase its  authorized shares
of common stock and blank check preferred stock to 1.5 billion  and 75,000,001,
respectively.   Genesis  received  a comment letter from the SEC regarding  the
above filing, to which it has not yet responded.

      (c)   Except with respect to the Genesis Preferred Stock and as set forth
in the SEC Reports or the Transaction  Documents, there are no, (i) outstanding
subscriptions, options, calls, warrants,  rights  or agreements (whether or not
currently  exercisable)  to  acquire  any  shares  of capital  stock  or  other
securities  of  Genesis;  (ii) outstanding securities,  notes,  instruments  or
obligations that are or may  become  convertible  into  or exchangeable for any
shares  of capital stock or other securities of Genesis; (iii)  outstanding  or
authorized  stock appreciation, phantom stock or similar rights with respect to
the capital stock  of Genesis; (iv) contracts (other than this Agreement) under
which the Genesis is  or  may  become  obligated to sell, transfer, exchange or
issue  any shares of capital stock or any  other  securities;  (v)  agreements,
voting trusts,  proxies  or  understandings  with  respect  to  the  voting, or
registration  under  the  Securities  Act,  of  any shares of capital stock  of
Genesis; or (vi) conditions or circumstances that may give rise to or provide a
basis for the assertion of a claim by any Person to the effect that such Person
is  entitled  to  acquire  or  receive  any shares of capital  stock  or  other
securities of Genesis.


        4.4  AUTHORIZATION OF TRANSACTION.  Each of Genesis and Genesis Sub has
  all necessary corporate power and authority  to enter into and to perform its
  obligations under the Transaction Documents, and  the execution, delivery and
  performance by Genesis and Genesis Sub of the Transaction Documents have been
  duly authorized by all necessary action on the part  of  Genesis  and Genesis
  Sub and their respective board of directors and, in the case of Genesis  Sub,
  the  sole  stockholder,  Genesis.   For  each of Genesis and Genesis Sub, the
  Transaction Documents to which each is a party  constitutes  the legal, valid
  and binding obligation of it, enforceable against it in accordance  with  its
  terms,  subject  to:  (i) laws of general application relating to bankruptcy,
  insolvency and the relief  of  debtors;  and  (ii)  rules  of  law  governing
  specific performance, injunctive relief and other equitable remedies.

        4.5   NONCONTRAVENTION.  Neither the execution, delivery or performance
  of the Transaction Documents, nor the consummation of any of the transactions
  contemplated  thereby, will directly or indirectly (with or without notice or
  lapse of time):  (i)  result  in  a violation of any of the provisions of the
  Genesis Documents; (ii) to Genesis's  or Genesis Sub's Knowledge, result in a
  violation of, or give any Governmental  Body  or  other  Person  the right to
  challenge  any of the transactions contemplated by the Transaction  Documents
  or to exercise  any  remedy or obtain any relief under any, Legal Requirement
  or any Order to which  Genesis  or  Genesis  Sub, or any of the assets owned,
  used or controlled by Genesis or Genesis Sub,  is subject; or (iii) result in
  a  violation  or breach of, or result in a default  under,  with  or  without
  notice or lapse of time, any provision of any material Genesis Contract.


      (a)   Genesis  has filed all reports (including the Schedule 14C referred
to in Section 4.3(b) above) required to be filed by it under the Securities Act
and the Exchange Act,  including  pursuant  to  Section 13(a) or 15(d) thereof,
since  inception  (the  foregoing materials, together  with  all  documents  or
reports filed by the Company  under  the Exchange Act that were not required to
be filed, being collectively referred  to  herein  as  the  "SEC  REPORTS" and,
together  with  this  Agreement  and  the  Schedules  to  this  Agreement,  the
"DISCLOSURE  MATERIALS").   The SEC Reports: (i) at the time filed, complied in
all material respects  with  the applicable requirements of the Securities Laws
and other applicable Legal Requirements and (ii) did not, at the time they were
filed (or, if amended or superseded  by  a  filing  prior  to  the date of this
Agreement,  then on the date of such amended or subsequent filing  or,  in  the
case of registration  statements,  at  the  effective date thereof) contain any
untrue statement of a material fact or omit to  state  a material fact required
to be stated in such SEC Reports or necessary in order to  make  the statements
in such SEC Reports, in light of the circumstances under which they  were made,
not misleading.


      (b)   The  financial  statements  of  Genesis included in the SEC Reports
(the  "GENESIS  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS") comply in  all  material  respects  with
applicable accounting  requirements  and  the  rules and regulations of the SEC
with respect thereto as in effect at the time of filing.  The Genesis Financial
Statements  have  been  prepared in accordance with  GAAP,  except  as  may  be
otherwise specified in the  Genesis  Financial Statements or the notes thereto,
and fairly present in all material respects  the assets, liabilities, financial
position and results of operations of Genesis  as  of and for the dates thereof
and  the  results  of  operations and cash flows for the  periods  then  ended,
subject, in the case of  unaudited  statements, to normal, immaterial, year-end
audit adjustments.


      (a)   Since the Balance Sheet Date, Genesis has conducted its business as
ordinarily conducted consistent with  past  practice and there has not occurred
any change, event or condition (whether or not  covered  by insurance) that has
resulted in, or would reasonably be expected to result in  any Material Adverse
Effect on Genesis or Genesis Sub.

      (b)   Since  the  Balance  Sheet  Date, except as disclosed  in  the  SEC
Reports and as contemplated by the Merger, Genesis has not issued, transferred,
sold,  encumbered  or pledged the Genesis Common  Stock,  shares  of  or  other
securities (including  securities  convertible  into  or  exchangeable  for, or
options  or  rights  to  acquire,  shares  of  Genesis  Common  Stock  or other
securities) of Genesis.

      (c)   Since  the  Balance  Sheet  Date,  except  as  disclosed in the SEC
Reports  and  as  contemplated by the Merger, Genesis has not entered  into  or
amended  any  (i)  employment  agreements  or  any  other  type  of  employment
arrangements, (ii) severance  or  change of control agreements or arrangements,
or (iii) deferred compensation agreements or arrangements.

        4.8  UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES.   Neither Genesis nor Genesis Sub has any
  Liability (whether known or unknown, whether  absolute or contingent, whether
  liquidated or unliquidated and whether due or to  become due), except for (a)
  Liabilities  accrued, reflected, reserved against in  the  Genesis  Financial
  Statements, (b)  Liabilities  which have arisen since the Balance Sheet Date,
  in the ordinary course of business,  (c) contractual or statutory Liabilities
  incurred in the ordinary course of business, the aggregate when combined with
  those shown in the Financial Statements  shall  not  exceed  $10,000, none of
  which  are  material  in  nature and (d) Liabilities which would not  have  a
  Material Adverse Effect on Genesis or Genesis Sub.

        4.9  TAX MATTERS.

      (a)   All Tax Returns required  to  be  filed  by or on behalf of Genesis
with any Governmental Body before the Closing Date (the "GENESIS RETURNS"): (i)
have been or will be filed on or before the applicable  due date (including any
extensions of such due date); (ii) have been, or will be when filed, accurately
and  completely  prepared  in  all  material  respects in compliance  with  all
applicable Legal Requirements; and (iii) have been  provided  or made available
to the Company.  All Taxes owed by Genesis have been paid when  due, whether or
not  such  amounts  are  shown  on  any Genesis Returns.  The Genesis Financial
Statements fully accrue all actual and  contingent Liabilities for unpaid Taxes
with  respect to all periods through the date  thereof  and  Genesis  has  made
adequate  provision  for unpaid Taxes after that date in its books and records.
No Genesis Return is currently  under  examination or audit by any Governmental
Body.  No claim or Legal Proceeding is pending  or  has been threatened against
or  with respect to Genesis in respect of any Tax.  There  are  no  unsatisfied
Liabilities for Taxes, including Liabilities for interest, additions to tax and
penalties  thereon  and  related  expenses, with respect to which any notice of
deficiency  or  similar document has  been  received  by  Genesis  (other  than
Liabilities for Taxes  asserted  under any such notice of deficiency or similar
document which are being contested in good faith by Genesis and with respect to
which adequate reserves for payment have been established).  There are no Liens
for Taxes upon any of the assets of  Genesis except Liens for current Taxes not
yet due and payable.


      (b)   Genesis Sub is a newly-formed  corporation and does not (nor has it
ever had) more than nominal assets.

        4.10  [RESERVED]

        4.11  INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Genesis  does  not  currently  own or have
  rights  to  any  Intellectual  Property  other  than as disclosed in the  SEC

        4.12  FINDER'S FEES. No broker, finder or investment banker is entitled
  to any brokerage, finder's or other fee or commission  in connection with the
  Merger  or  any  of  the other transactions contemplated by  the  Transaction
  Documents based upon any  arrangements  or agreements made by or on behalf of
  Genesis or Genesis Sub.

        4.13  LITIGATION.

      (a)   Except as disclosed in the SEC  Reports,  there is no pending Legal
Proceeding,  and to Genesis's Knowledge, no Person has threatened  to  commence
any Legal Proceeding,  that  (i)  involves or affects Genesis or Genesis Sub or
any of the assets owned or used by  either of them, or (ii) that challenges the
Merger  or  any  of  the other transactions  contemplated  by  the  Transaction
Documents.  No Legal Proceeding  has  ever  been  commenced  that  involves  or
affects Genesis or Genesis Sub or the assets owned by either of them.

      (b)   Except  as  disclosed  in  the  SEC  Reports, there are no material
agreements or other documents or instruments settling any Legal Proceeding.

        4.14  MERGER SHARES.  The Merger Shares have  been duly authorized and,
  when issued in consideration for the conversion of the  Membership Interests,
  as a result of the Merger and pursuant to the terms hereof,  will  be validly
  issued,  fully  paid  and  non-assessable,  and  not  subject  to  any Liens,
  restrictions  of any kind, preemptive rights or any other rights or interests
  of third parties  or any other encumbrances, except for applicable securities
  law restrictions on  transfer,  including those imposed by Regulation D under
  the Securities Act ("REGULATION D") or Section 4(2) of the Securities Act and
  Rule 144 promulgated under the Securities Act and under applicable "blue sky"
  state securities laws.  Assuming  that  all  of  the  holders  of  Membership
  Interests  are  "accredited investors," as such term is defined in Regulation
  D, and that all such  Persons  have  complied  with  all  of  the  terms  and
  conditions  of  this  Agreement,  and subject to the completion of applicable
  state notice filings and the filing of a Form D with the Commission following
  the  Effective Time, the offer and sale  of  the  Merger  Shares  under  this
  Agreement will be exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities
  Act and in compliance with all federal and state securities laws.


        4.15   BUSINESS OF GENESIS SUB. Genesis Sub is not and has never been a
  party to any material  agreements  and has not conducted any activities other
  than in connection with the organization  of  Genesis  Sub,  the  issuance of
  Genesis Sub Common Stock, the negotiation and execution of this Agreement and
  the  consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.  Genesis  Sub  has
  not incurred or assumed any expenses or liabilities prior to the Closing.


      The  Genesis  Preferred Shareholders represent and warrant to the Company
that, as of the date  hereof,  the  statements  contained in this Article 5 are
true and correct.

        5.1   The  Genesis  Preferred  Shareholders  are   the  registered  and
  beneficial owner of the Genesis Preferred Stock;

        5.2   Immediately  prior  to and at the Closing, the Genesis  Preferred
  Shareholders shall be the legal and beneficial owner of the Genesis Preferred

        5.3   There  are no written instruments,  buy-sell  agreements,  voting
  agreements or other  agreements  imposing any restrictions upon the transfer,
  prohibiting  the transfer of or otherwise  pertaining  to  Genesis  Preferred
  Stock or the ownership thereof; and

        5.4  The  Genesis  Preferred  Shareholders  has  the  legal  power  and
  authority  to  execute  and  deliver  this  Agreement and all other documents
  required  to  be  executed  and  delivered  hereunder,   to   consummate  the
  transactions hereby contemplated, and to take all other actions  required  to
  be taken by such party pursuant to the provisions hereof.



      The respective obligations of each Party to consummate the Merger and the
other  transactions  contemplated hereby are subject to the satisfaction of the
following conditions unless  any  such  condition is waived, in writing, by the
other Party:

      (a)   Genesis, Genesis Sub and the  Company  shall  be satisfied that the
issuances  of  the  Merger  Shares  in  the  transaction shall be  exempt  from
registration with the Commission under Regulation  D  of the Securities Act and
Section 4(2) of the Securities Act;

      (b)   no temporary restraining order, preliminary or permanent injunction
or other order issued by any court of competent jurisdiction  or other legal or
regulatory restraint or prohibition preventing the consummation  of  the Merger
shall  have  been  issued, nor shall any proceeding brought by any Governmental
Body, seeking any of  the  foregoing  be pending; nor shall there be any action
taken, or any statute, rule, regulation  or Order enacted, entered, enforced or
deemed applicable to the Merger which makes  the  consummation  of  the  Merger
illegal; and


      (c)     no  proceeding in which the Company, Genesis or Genesis Sub shall
be a debtor, defendant  or  party  seeking  an  Order  for  its  own  relief or
reorganization shall have been brought or be pending by or against the Company,
Genesis  or  Genesis  Sub  under  any  United  States  or  state  bankruptcy or
insolvency law.


      The  obligation  of  each  of  Genesis and Genesis Sub to consummate  the
Merger is subject to the satisfaction  of  the following additional conditions,
unless any such condition is waived, in writing, by Genesis:

      (a)   this Agreement and the Merger shall  have been approved and adopted
by (i) the Managers of the Company and (ii) the Members  in accordance with the
Company's Operating Agreement and the Wisconsin LLC Act;

      (b)   the  Company  shall  have  obtained  all  of the waivers,  Permits,
Consents, assignments, approvals or other authorizations,  and  effected all of
the  registrations, filings and notices, referred to in the Company  Disclosure
Schedule,  except  for  any  which if not obtained or effected would not have a
Material Adverse Effect on the  Company  or  on  the  ability of the Parties to
consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

      (c)   the  representations  and warranties of the Company  set  forth  in
Article  3  shall be true and correct  as  of  the  Closing  Date,  except  for
representations and warranties made as of a specified date, which shall be true
and correct as of such date;

      (d)   the  Company shall have performed or complied with, in all material
respects, its agreements  and  covenants  required  to be performed or complied
with under this Agreement as of or prior to the Effective Time;

      (e)   Genesis and Genesis Sub shall have received  from  the Secretary of
the Company a certificate (i) certifying the Company Articles of  Organization,
(ii)  certifying  the Operating Agreement, (iii) certifying the resolutions  of
the Managers of the  Company, (vi) certifying the resolutions of the Members of
the Company, and (v) attesting  to  the  incumbency  of  the  officers  of  the

      (f)   Genesis  and  Genesis Sub shall have received from the President of
the Company a certificate certifying (i) the Company has satisfied and complied
with  all  of its obligations  under  this  Agreement  which  are  required  to
consummate the  Merger;  and  (ii)  all  of  the  Company's representations and
warranties set forth in this Agreement are true and  accurate as of the Closing

      (g)   the  Company  shall  have  delivered  the  certificates   or  other
instruments  representing the Membership Interests, in the manner described  in
Section 2.6(a)  hereof, as well as all other documents required to be delivered
to Genesis on or before the Closing Date;


      (h)   the Company  shall  have  delivered an opinion from its counsel, in
the form of opinion annexed hereto as Exhibit B; and

      (i)   all actions to be taken by  the  Company  in  connection  with  the
consummation  of  the  transactions  contemplated hereby, and all certificates,
opinions, instruments and other documents  required  to effect the transactions
contemplated hereby shall be reasonably satisfactory in  form  and substance to
the Genesis and Genesis Sub and their legal counsel.


      The obligation of the Company to consummate the Merger is  subject to the
satisfaction of the following additional conditions, unless any such  condition
is waived, in writing, by the Company:

      (a)   this Agreement and the Merger shall have been approved and  adopted
by  (i) the respective boards of directors of Genesis and Genesis Sub and  (ii)
Genesis, the sole stockholder of Merger Sub in accordance with the NRS;

      (b)   Genesis  and  Genesis  Sub  shall have obtained all of the waivers,
Permits, Consents, approvals or other authorizations,  and  effected all of the
registrations, filings and notices (including, but not limited  to  any filings
that  are  required pursuant to applicable federal and state securities  laws),
except for any  which  if  not  obtained  or effected would not have a Material
Adverse Effect on Genesis or Genesis Sub or  on  the  ability of the Parties to
consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

      (c)   each of Genesis and Genesis Sub shall have  performed  or  complied
with  in  all  material  respects  its  agreements and covenants required to be
performed or complied with under this Agreement as of or prior to the Effective

      (d)   the representations and warranties  of  Genesis and Genesis Sub set
forth in Article 4 shall be true and correct as of the Closing Date, except for
representations and warranties made as of a specified date, which shall be true
and correct as of such date;

      (e)   the Company shall have received from the  Secretary  of  Genesis  a
certificate  (i)  certifying  the  Articles  of  Incorporation of Genesis; (ii)
certifying the Bylaws of Genesis; (iii) certifying the resolutions of the Board
of Directors of Genesis, and (iii) attesting to the  incumbency of the officers
of Genesis;

      (f)   the Company shall have received from the Secretary of Genesis Sub a
certificate (i) certifying the Articles of Incorporation  of  Genesis Sub, (ii)
certifying the Bylaws of Genesis Sub, (iii) certifying the resolutions  of  the
Board  of Directors and the sole stockholder of Genesis Sub, and (iv) attesting
to the incumbency of the officers of Genesis Sub;

      (g)   the  Company  shall  have  received from the President of Genesis a
certificate certifying (i) Genesis has satisfied  and  complied with all of its
obligations under this Agreement which are required to consummate  the  Merger;
and  (ii) all of the Genesis' representations and warranties set forth in  this
Agreement are true and accurate as of the Closing Date;


      (h)   the Company shall have received from the President of Genesis Sub a
certificate  certifying  (i) Genesis Sub has satisfied and complied with all of
its obligations under this  Agreement  which  are  required  to  consummate the
Merger;  and  (ii) all of the Genesis Sub's representations and warranties  set
forth in this Agreement are true and accurate as of the Closing Date;

      (i)   Genesis  shall  have  delivered  all other documents required to be
delivered to the Company on or before the Closing Date; and

      (j)   all  actions to be taken by the Genesis  and  the  Genesis  Sub  in
connection with the  consummation  of the transactions contemplated hereby, and
all  certificates,  instruments and other  documents  required  to  effect  the
transactions contemplated  hereby  shall be reasonably satisfactory in form and
substance to the Company.


        7.1  REGISTRATION.  As soon as practicable after the Closing and within
  sixty (60) days thereafter, Genesis  shall  file  with the SEC a registration
  statement  on  Form  S-1  (or  any successor form thereto)(the  "REGISTRATION
  STATEMENT"), to register: (a) the  shares underlying the Genesis Series A and
  Series B Preferred Stock if such preferred  stock  has  not  been  previously
  redeemed, (b) 7500 shares owned by Carl Dilley and/or his assigns (c)  shares
  issued  in  exchange  for debt owed in pursuant to section 10.11; and (d) any
  such securities that Genesis  deems  appropriate.  Genesis shall use its best
  efforts to cause the Registration Statement  to  be declared effective by the
  SEC as soon as practicable and to cause the Registration  Statement to remain
  effective until the second anniversary of the Closing Date  or  such  shorter
  time  ending when all of the securities covered by the Registration Statement
  have been sold pursuant thereto (the "EFFECTIVENESS PERIOD").  The holders of
  such shares  shall  cooperate fully in the preparation and prosecution of the
  Registration Statement.

        7.2   SATISFACTION   OF  CERTAIN  COMPANY  LIABILITY.   Promptly  after
  Closing, Genesis shall issue  to Richard Astrom 14,333 Genesis Shares in full
  satisfaction of that certain debt  incurred by the Company in the approximate
  amount of $43,000.00.

        7.3  REDEMPTION OF PREFERRED STOCK.  Upon effectiveness of the Form S-1
  referred in Section 7.1 above (the "FORM  S-1"),  Genesis  shall  redeem (the
  "REDEMPTION")  all  of  Genesis' currently outstanding Series A and Series  B
  Preferred Stock.  The purchase price shall be: (a) $350,000 cash, (b) 870,000
  shares of common stock,  to  be  registered  in  the Form S-1 pro rata to any
  shares  issued by Genesis in connection with this Transaction.   The  use  of
  proceeds from the funds raised in the Form S-1 shall be first used to pay the
  purchase  price and redeem the Preferred Stock.  At such time that the holder
  of said Preferred  Stock  receives  the  purchase price, said Preferred Stock
  shall be transferred to Genesis for redemption and cancellation.  Christopher
  Astrom currently holds all such Preferred  Stock;  namely 5,000,000 shares of
  the Series A and 5,000,000 shares of Series B Preferred Stock.


  the  Redemption  closes and the purchase price has been paid as set forth  in
  Section 7.3 above,  then  Richard  and  Christopher  Astrom  shall  resign as
  officers and directors of Genesis.

        7.5  [RESERVED]

  SURVIVING CORPORATION. Subject to Section  7.4,  above, immediately after the
  Closing  of  the  Merger,  the  sole director of Genesis  and  the  Surviving
  Corporation shall appoint the individuals  set forth on Exhibit A attached as
  new  directors  of  Genesis and the Surviving Corporation,  respectively,  to
  serve until such time as their successors are duly elected and qualified, and
  the existing director  immediately  thereafter  shall resign as a director of
  Genesis and the Surviving Corporation.  Furthermore,  at  such time, the sole
  officer of Genesis and the Surviving Corporation also shall  resign  from all
  positions held by him in Genesis and the Surviving Corporation, respectively.
  The  remaining  directors  of  Genesis  and  the  Surviving Corporation shall
  thereafter appoint the individuals listed on Exhibit A as the new officers of
  Genesis and the Surviving Corporation, respectively,  to  hold  such  offices
  also  set  forth  on  Exhibit  A until such time as their successors are duly
  elected and qualified.

        7.7   SECURITIES  LAWS DISCLOSURE.   Genesis  shall,  within  four  (4)
  Business Days after the Closing  Date, file a Current Report on Form 8-K (the
  "FORM  8-K")  with  the Commission which  shall  summarize  the  transactions
  consummated pursuant  to  the Transaction Documents. Additionally, as soon as
  possible, but in any event  not  more  than  seventy-five (75) days after the
  Closing Date, Genesis shall file an amendment  to the Form 8-K (the "FORM 8-K
  AMENDMENT")  for  the  purpose  of  filing  with the Commission  the  Company
  Financial  Statements,  along  with  any  applicable   pro   forma  financial
  information.  In addition, Genesis shall use its best efforts to  include  in
  the Form 8-K (i)  any material information about the Company and its business
  that has been provided  to management and/or stockholders of Genesis prior to
  the Merger and (ii) any other  material  non-public  information  provided to
  such Persons; provided, however, that if Genesis is unable to include  all of
  such information in the Form 8-K, for any reason, it shall publicly file such
  information no later than its filing of the Form 8-K Amendment.

        7.8  NAME CHANGE. Promptly after the Closing, Genesis shall changes its
  name to: Milwaukee Iron Arena Football, Inc.

  Promptly after the Closing, and to the extent that such has not been  secured
  on or prior to the Closing Date, Genesis and/or its applicable subsidiary  of
  the  Company  shall  use  its  best  efforts  to  secure  the consents of the
  applicable parties to all Material Contracts, as required, in order to comply
  with the assignment provisions of such Material Contracts.

        7.10   BEST EFFORTS AND FURTHER ASSURANCES. Each of the  Parties  shall
  use its best efforts  to  effectuate the transactions contemplated hereby and
  to fulfill and cause to be  fulfilled  the  conditions  to Closing under this
  Agreement.  Each  Party  hereto, at the reasonable request of  another  Party
  hereto, shall execute and  deliver  such other instruments and do and perform
  such other acts and things as may be  necessary  or  desirable  for effecting
  completely   the   consummation   of  this  Agreement  and  the  transactions
  contemplated hereby.



        8.1  TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to
  the Closing Date contemplated hereby by:

      (a)   mutual agreement of the Parties;

      (b)   Genesis, if there has been  a material breach by the Company of any
material representation, warranty, covenant  or  agreement  set  forth  in this
Agreement  on  the  part  of  the  Company that is not cured, to the reasonable
satisfaction of Genesis, within ten  business  days after notice of such breach
is given by Genesis (except that no cure period  will  be provided for a breach
by the Company that by its nature cannot be cured);

      (c)   The Company, if there has been a material breach  by Genesis of any
material  representation,  warranty,  covenant or agreement set forth  in  this
Agreement  on  the  part  of  Genesis that is  not  cured,  to  the  reasonable
satisfaction of the Company , within  ten  business  days  after notice of such
breach is given by the Company (except that no cure period will be provided for
a breach by Genesis that by its nature cannot be cured);

      (d)   Any  Party, if the Transaction contemplated by this  Agreement  has
not been consummated  prior  to  February  1,  2010 unless the Parties agree to
extend such date in writing; or

      (e)   Any  Party,  if any injunction or other  order  of  a  governmental
entity of competent authority  prevents  the  consummation  of  the Transaction
contemplated by this Agreement.

        8.2   EFFECT  OF TERMINATION. In the event of the termination  of  this
  Agreement as provided  in  Section  8.1  hereto, this Agreement will be of no
  further  force or effect, provided, however,  that  no  termination  of  this
  Agreement  will  relieve  any  party  of  liability  for any breaches of this
  Agreement  that  are based on a wrongful refusal or failure  to  perform  any
  obligations;  and notwithstanding  anything  to  the  contrary,  the  Genesis
  Preferred Shareholders  shall be entitled to retain all cash received through
  the date of termination.



      (a)   All representations and warranties of the parties contained in this
Agreement will remain operative and in full force and effect, regardless of any
investigation made by or on  behalf  of  the  other  Parties to this Agreement,
until two (2) years after the Closing Date (the "SURVIVAL  PERIOD"),  whereupon
such   representations,  warranties  and  covenants  will  expire  (except  for
covenants  that  by their terms survive for a longer period). The Parties post-
closing remedies for a breach are not limited by the pre-closing discovery of a

      (b)   All covenants  of  the  parties  contained  in this Agreement shall
remain operative for such periods of time as necessary for the applicable Party
to  fulfill  such  covenant, unless otherwise agreed in writing  by  the  other


  Subject to any limitations  set  forth  in this Article 9, from and after the
  Closing Date until the expiration of the  Survival  Period, the Company shall
  reimburse and hold harmless Genesis,  the Genesis Preferred  Shareholders and
  the following persons existing immediately prior to the Effective  Time:  (i)
  Genesis'   officers,  directors,  stockholders, agents and employees and (ii)
  each  person,  if any, who controlled  Genesis  within  the  meaning  of  the
  Securities Act (each  such  Person  and its heirs, executors, administrators,
  agents,  successors  and  assigns  is  referred   to  herein  as  a  "GENESIS
  INDEMNIFIED  PARTY")  from  and against any and all losses,  costs,  damages,
  liabilities and expenses arising  from  claims,  demands,  actions, causes of
  action, including, without limitation, reasonable legal fees,  (collectively,
  "DAMAGES")  arising out of (i) any breach of representation or warranty  made
  by the Company  in  this  Agreement,  and in any certificate delivered by the
  Company pursuant to this Agreement, (ii)  any  breach  by  the Company of any
  covenant, obligation or other agreement made the Company in  this  Agreement,
  and (iii) a third-party claim based on any acts or omissions by the  Company.
  The foregoing are collectively referred to as the "GENESIS INDEMNITY CLAIMS."

        9.3   INDEMNIFICATION  OF  THE COMPANY. Subject to any limitations  set
  forth in this Article 9, from and after the Closing Date until the expiration
  of the Survival Period, Genesis shall reimburse and hold harmless the Company
  and the following persons existing  prior  to  the  Effective  Time:  (i) the
  Company's  officers,  Managers,  Members,  agents and employees and (ii) each
  person,  if  any,  who  controlled  the Company within  the  meaning  of  the
  Securities Act (each such Person and  its  heirs,  executors, administrators,
  agents,  successors  and  assigns  is  referred  to  herein   as  a  "COMPANY
  INDEMNIFIED PARTY") from and against any and all Damages arising  out  of (i)
  any  breach  of representation or warranty made by Genesis or Genesis Sub  in
  this Agreement,  and  in  any certificate delivered by Genesis or Genesis Sub
  pursuant to this Agreement,  (ii) any breach by Genesis or Genesis Sub of any
  covenant, obligation or other  agreement  made  by  either  of  them  in this
  Agreement,  and  (iii) a third-party claim based on any acts or omissions  by
  Genesis or Genesis  Sub.   The  foregoing are collectively referred to as the
  "COMPANY INDEMNITY CLAIMS."  The  Company  Indemnity Claims together with the
  Genesis  Indemnity  Claims are collectively referred  to  as  the  "INDEMNITY

  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the  party  or  person  having  the  indemnity
  obligation  under  this  Article  9  (the  "INDEMNIFYING  PARTY"),  shall  be
  obligated  to  indemnify  and  hold  harmless the party or person entitled to
  indemnity under this Article 9 (the "INDEMNIFIED  PARTY"),  only with respect
  to  any  Indemnity  Claims  of  which  the  Indemnified  Party notifies  with
  specificity the Indemnifying Party in accordance with Section  10.8  of  this
  Agreement  and,  if  applicable,  within  the following time period: (i) with
  regard to any representation or warranty under  this  Agreement, prior to the
  end  of the Survival Period of such representation or warranty  (unless  such
  Indemnity  Claim  relates  to a claim arising prior to the termination of the
  Survival Period, in which case  the  time  period shall be extended to thirty
  (30)  days after such Indemnity Claim is first  received  by  an  Indemnified
  Party); or (ii) with regard to any covenant under this Agreement which by its
  terms expires,  prior  to  the  end  of  the survival period relating to such
  covenant (unless such Indemnity Claim relates to a claim arising prior to the
  termination of the applicable survival period,  in which case the time period
  shall be extended to thirty (30) days after such  Indemnity  Claim  is  first
  received by an Indemnified Party).



      (a)   If  a  complaint, claim or legal action is brought by a third party
(a "THIRD PARTY CLAIM")  as  to  which  an  Indemnified  Party  is  entitled to
indemnification, the Indemnified Party shall give written notice of such  Third
Party  Claim  to the Indemnifying Party in accordance with Section 10.8 of this
Agreement promptly  after  the Indemnified Party receives notice thereof, which
notice  shall include a copy  of  any  letter,  complaint  or  similar  writing
received  by  the  Indemnified  Party;  provided  however,  that any failure to
provide or delay in providing such information shall not constitute  a  bar  or
defense to indemnification except to the extent the Indemnifying Party has been
prejudiced thereby.

      (b)   The  Indemnifying  Party shall have the right to assume the defense
of  such  Third  Party  Claim  with  counsel  reasonably  satisfactory  to  the
Indemnified Party.  After notice from the Indemnifying Party to the Indemnified
Party of the Indemnifying Party's election  so  to  assume  the defense of such
Third  Party  Claim,  the  Indemnifying  Party  shall  not  be  liable  to  the
Indemnified Party for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred  by the
Indemnified  Party  in  connection  with  the defense of such Third Party Claim
except as hereinafter provided.  If the Indemnifying  Party  elects  to  assume
such defense and select counsel, the Indemnified Party may participate in  such
defense  through  its  own  separate counsel, but the fees and expenses of such
counsel  shall  be  borne  by  the  Indemnified  Party  unless:  (i)  otherwise
specifically agreed by the Indemnifying Party; or  (ii) counsel selected by the
Indemnifying Party determines that  because  of  a conflict of interest between
the  Indemnifying  Party  and  the  Indemnified  Party  such  counsel  for  the
Indemnifying Party cannot adequately represent both parties  in  conducting the
defense of such action.  In the event the Indemnified Party maintains  separate
counsel because counsel selected by the Indemnifying Party has determined  that
such counsel cannot adequately represent both parties because of a conflict  of
interest  between  the  Indemnifying  Party and the Indemnified Party, then the
Indemnifying Party shall not have the right to direct the defense of such Third
Party Claim on behalf of the Indemnified Party.

      (c)   The failure of the Indemnifying  Party  to  notify  an  Indemnified
Party of its election to defend such Third Party Claim within thirty  (30) days
after  notice  thereof  was  given to the Indemnifying Party shall be deemed  a
waiver by the Indemnifying Party  of  its  rights  to  defend  such Third Party

      (d)   If  the  Indemnifying  Party  assumes the defense of a Third  Party
Claim, the obligations of the Indemnifying Party shall include taking all steps
necessary in the defense of such Third Party  Claim and holding the Indemnified
Party harmless from and against any and all Damages  caused  or  arising out of
any settlement approved by the Indemnified Party or any judgment in  connection
with the claim or litigation.

      (e)   If the Indemnifying Party does not assume the defense of such Third
Party  Claim  in  accordance  with this Section 9.5, the Indemnified Party  may
defend against such claim or litigation in such manner as it deems appropriate;
provided, however, that the Indemnified  Party  may not settle such Third Party
Claim  without  the prior written consent of the Indemnifying  Party;  provided
that the Indemnifying  Party  may  not  withhold  such  consent  unless  it has
provided  security  of  a  type  and  in an amount reasonably acceptable to the
Indemnified  Party  for  the payment of its  indemnification  obligations  with
respect to such Third Party  Claim.   The  Indemnifying  Party  shall  promptly
reimburse the Indemnified Party for the amount of Damages caused or arising out
of  any  judgment rendered with respect to such Third Party Claim, and for  all
costs and  expenses  incurred  by  the Indemnified Party in the defense of such


      (f)   The Indemnifying Party may settle any Third Party Claim in its sole
discretion without the prior written consent of the Indemnified Party, provided
that such settlement involves only the  payment  of  cash  by  the Indemnifying
Party  to  the  claimant  and  does  not  impose  any  other obligation on  the
Indemnifying Party or any liability or obligation on the Indemnified Party.

  for  indemnification  by an Indemnified Party on account of Damages which  do
  not result from a Third  Party  Claim (a "DIRECT CLAIM") shall be asserted by
  giving the Indemnifying Party reasonably  prompt notice thereof in accordance
  with Section 10.8 of this Agreement; provided,  however,  that any failure to
  provide, or delay in providing, such notification shall not  constitute a bar
  or defense to indemnification except to the extent the Indemnifying Party has
  been  prejudiced  thereby.   After  receiving  notice of a Direct Claim,  the
  Indemnifying Party will have a period of thirty  (30)  days  within  which to
  respond  in  writing to such Direct Claim.  If the Indemnifying Party rejects
  such claim or  does  not respond within such thirty (30) day period (in which
  case the Indemnifying  Party will be deemed to have rejected such claim), the
  Indemnified Party will be free to pursue such remedies as may be available to
  the Indemnified Party on  the  terms  and  subject  to the provisions of this
  Article 9.


        10.1   NO  THIRD  PARTY  BENEFICIARIES.   Except as  may  otherwise  be
  specifically provided in this Agreement, this Agreement  shall not confer any
  rights  or  remedies  upon  any  person  other  than  the Parties  and  their
  respective successors and permitted assigns.

        10.2   ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.   This  Agreement,  the  Company   Disclosure
  Schedule, the Genesis Disclosure Schedule, along with all other schedules and
  exhibits  hereto,  constitute  the  entire  agreement  among  the Parties and
  supersede any prior understandings, agreements or representations by or among
  the Parties, written or oral, with respect to the subject matter hereof.

        10.3  SUCCESSION AND ASSIGNMENT.  This Agreement shall be  binding upon
  and  inure  to  the  benefit of the Parties named herein and their respective
  successors, heirs, legal representatives and permitted assigns.  No Party may
  assign either this Agreement  or any of its rights, interests, or obligations
  hereunder without the prior written approval of the other Parties.

        10.4  PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT.   Promptly  after the Closing of the Merger,
  Genesis and the Surviving Corporation will issue  a  press release announcing
  the Merger.  Thereafter, Genesis and the Surviving Corporation may issue such
  press releases, and make such other disclosures regarding the Merger, as each
  determines are required under applicable securities laws or regulatory rules.
  Any press releases by Genesis will be filed under a Current Report on Form 8-
  K with the SEC.

        10.5   CONFIDENTIALITY.  Genesis and the Company  each  recognize  that
  they have received  confidential  information concerning the other during the
  course of the Merger negotiations and preparations.  Accordingly, Genesis and
  the Company each agrees (a) to use its respective best efforts to prevent the
  unauthorized disclosure of any confidential  information concerning the other
  that  was  or  is  disclosed  during  the  course of  such  negotiations  and
  preparations, and is clearly designated in writing  as  confidential  at  the
  time  of disclosure, and (b) to not make use of or permit to be used any such
  confidential  information  other  than  for  the  purpose of effectuating the
  Merger and related transactions.  The obligations of  this  Section 10.5 will
  not  apply  to information that (i) is or becomes part of the public  domain,
  (ii)  is  disclosed   by  the  disclosing  party  to  third  parties  without
  restrictions on disclosure,  (iii)  is received by the receiving party from a
  third party without breach of a nondisclosure  obligation to the other party,
  or (iv) is required to be disclosed by law, including with the SEC.


        10.6   COUNTERPARTS,  FACSIMILE  SIGNATURES.   This  Agreement  may  be
  executed in any number of counterparts,  each  of  which  shall  be deemed an
  original  and  all  of  which  together  shall  constitute  one  and the same
  instrument.   The exchange of copies of this Agreement or amendments  thereto
  and of signature  pages by facsimile transmission or by email transmission in
  portable  digital format,  or  similar  format,  shall  constitute  effective
  execution and  delivery  of  such  instrument(s) as to the parties and may be
  used  in  lieu  of the original Agreement  or  amendment  for  all  purposes.
  Signatures of the  parties  transmitted by facsimile or by email transmission
  in portable digital format, or  similar  format,  shall be deemed to be their
  original signatures for all purposes.

        10.7  HEADINGS.  The section headings contained  in  this Agreement are
  inserted for convenience only and shall not affect in any way  the meaning or
  interpretation of this Agreement.

        10.8   NOTICES.   All  notices and other communications given  or  made
  pursuant hereto shall be in writing  and  shall  be deemed effectively given:
  (i) upon personal delivery to the party to be notified;  (ii)  when  sent  by
  confirmed  electronic  mail or facsimile if sent during normal business hours
  of the recipient; if not,  then  on  the  next  Business Day; (iii) three (3)
  Business Days after having been sent by registered  or certified mail, return
  receipt  requested,  postage  prepaid;  or  (iv) one (1) Business  Day  after
  deposit with a nationally recognized overnight  courier,  specifying next-day
  delivery, with written verification of receipt.  All communications  shall be
  sent  to the respective Parties at the following addresses (or at such  other
  addresses  as  shall  be  specified  by  notice given in accordance with this
  Section 10.8):

      If to the Company:
            Milwaukee Iron Arena Football, Inc.,
            259 South Street
            Waukesha, WI 53186
            Attn:  Andrew A. Vallozzi III

            Milwaukee Iron Arena Football, Inc.
            259 South Street
            Waukesha, WI 53186
            Attn:  Andrew A. Vallozzi III


     Copy to:
            Alexander E. Kuhne, PC
            330 East Maple Road, Suite 289
            Birmingham, MI 48009-6313
            Facsimile:  248-646-8337

      If to the Genesis or Merger Sub:
            Genesis Capital Corporation of Nevada
            11415 NW 123rd Lane
            Reddick, FL  32686
            Facsimile:    305-513-5139
            Attn: Richard Astrom

      Copy to:
            Legal & Compliance, LLC
            330 Clematis Street, Suite 214,
            West Palm Beach, FL 33401
            Facsimile: (561) 514-0832
            Attn:  Laura E. Anthony, Esq.

        10.9    GOVERNING  LAW;  JURISDICTION;  ARBITRATION.    All   questions
  concerning the  construction, validity, enforcement and interpretation of the
  Transaction Documents  shall  be  governed  by  and construed and enforced in
  accordance with the internal laws of the State of  Florida, without regard to
  the principles of conflicts of law thereof.  Each Party agrees that all legal
  proceedings concerning the interpretations, enforcement  and  defence  of the
  transactions  contemplated  by  this  Agreement  and  any  other  Transaction
  Documents   (whether  brought  against  a  party  hereto  or  its  respective
  Affiliates, directors,  Managers,  officers, shareholders, Members, employees
  or  agents)  shall  be submitted to binding  arbitration  with  the  American
  Arbitration Association  and  shall be commenced exclusively in Marion County
  in the State of Florida.

        10.10  SEVERABILITY. If any  term  or other provision of this Agreement
  is invalid, illegal or incapable of being  enforced  by  any  rule of law, or
  public  policy,  all  other conditions and provisions of this Agreement  will
  nevertheless remain in full force and effect so long as the economic or legal
  substance of the transactions  contemplated  hereby  is  not  affected in any
  manner adverse to any party.  Upon such determination that any  term or other
  provision  is  invalid,  illegal or incapable of being enforced, the  parties
  hereto will negotiate in good  faith to modify this Agreement so as to effect
  the original intent of the parties  as  closely  as possible in an acceptable
  manner to the end that transactions contemplated hereby  are fulfilled to the
  maximum extent possible.

        10.11  EXPENSES; ATTORNEY'S FEES. The Company shall  be responsible for
  all  of  the  expenses  (including  Genesis'  and Genesis Sub's) incurred  in
  connection with the preparation, execution, and performance of this Agreement
  and the transactions contemplated hereby, including  all fees and expenses of
  agents,   representatives,   counsel,   printers,  accountants,   etc.   (the
  "Transaction Expenses").  Prior to the Closing,  Genesis  will provide to the
  Company  an itemized and complete list (the "Transaction Expenses  List")  of
  all Transaction  Expenses  incurred  or  to  be incurred by it prior to or in
  connection with the Closing.  Any of such Transaction  Expenses that were not
  paid by the Company prior to the Closing shall become a  current liability of
  Genesis to be paid from the proceeds raised from the Form  S-1, to the extent
  that  such Transaction Expenses do not exceed $250,000.  Notwithstanding  the
  foregoing,  if  any Party hereto initiates any legal action arising out of or
  in connection with  this Agreement, the prevailing party in such legal action
  shall be entitled to  recover  from the other Party all reasonable attorneys'
  fees, expert witness fees and expenses  incurred  by  the prevailing party in
  connection therewith.


        10.12  CONSTRUCTION. The Parties agree that they  have been represented
  by  counsel  during  the  negotiation,  preparation  and  execution  of  this
  Agreement  and  the  other  Transaction Documents and, therefore,  waive  the
  application of any law, regulation, holding or rule of construction providing
  that ambiguities in an agreement  or other document will be construed against
  the Party drafting such agreement or document.  Any reference to any federal,
  state, local, or foreign statute or  law shall be deemed also to refer to all
  rules and regulations promulgated thereunder,  unless  the  context  requires

        10.13   INCORPORATION  OF  EXHIBITS  AND  SCHEDULES.  The Exhibits, the
  Schedules,  the  Genesis  Disclosure  Schedule  and  the  Company  Disclosure
  Schedule  identified  in  this Agreement are incorporated herein by reference
  and made a part hereof.

[Signature Page Follows]


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties  hereto  have  executed this Agreement as of the
day and year first above written.


By:	--------------------
Name:	Richard Astrom
Title: 	Chief Executive Officer


By:	--------------------
Name: 	Richard Astrom
Title: 	Chief Executive Officer


- --------------------
Christopher Astrom


By:	--------------------
Name:	--------------------
Title:	--------------------


By:	--------------------
Name:	--------------------
Title:	--------------------



         Exhibit A        - Officers and Directors to be Appointed after
		            Closing of Merger
         Exhibit B        - Company Legal Opinion (Section 6.2(h))
         Schedule 2.4(c)  - Allocation of Merger Shares to Company Members
         Schedule 3.1     - Company Foreign Jurisdictions; Subsidiaries
         Schedule 3.3(a)  - Company Members and Ownership List
         Schedule 3.3(b)  - Company Warrants, Options and other obligations to
                            Membership Interests
         Schedule 3.6     - Company Financial Statements - Years Ended
         		    September 30, 2008, 2009 and three month
			    period ended December 31, 2009
         Schedule 3.8     - Liabilities
         Schedule 3.10(a) - Company Personal Property
         Schedule 3.10(b) - Company Owned Real Property
         Schedule 3.10(c) - Company Leased Real Property
         Schedule 3.11    - Company Intellectual Property
         Schedule 3.12    - Company Material Contracts
         Schedule 3.13    - Company Brokers
         Schedule 3.14(a) - Company Insurance Policies
         Schedule 3.15(a) - Company Litigation
         Schedule 3.15(b) - Company Litigation related Documents
         Schedule 3.16    - Company Legal Violations
         Schedule 3.17    - Company Recent Employee Terminations
         Schedule 3.18(a) - Company Employee Benefit Plans
         Schedule 3.18(j) - Company Arrangements with Employees
         Schedule 3.19    - Company Permits
         Schedule 3.21    - Company Banking Relationships
         Schedule 3.22    - Company Environmental Protection
         Schedule 3.24    - Company Related Party Transactions


                                  EXHIBIT A:

Genesis Acquisition Sub Directors:

                              Christopher Astrom
                                Richard Astrom

Genesis Acquisition Sub Officers:
                              Christopher Astrom
                                Richard Astrom

Surviving Corporation Directors:

                              Andrew Vallozzi III
                                  Jason Clark
                                  Todd Hansen
                                 Chris Rebholz
                                Larry Schroeder

Surviving Corporation Officers:

                        Andrew Vallozzi III as Chairman
                           Jason Clark as Secretary
                           Todd Hansen as Treasurer


                                  EXHIBIT B:
                             COMPANY LEGAL OPINION

                                 See Attached.

                                SCHEDULE 2.4(c)

Andrew Vallozzi III            1,437,808
Andrew A Vallozzi IV           125,000
Amanda M Vallozzi              125,000
Allicia N Vallozzi             125,000
Micheal Whiteley               1,326,355
Williams Ryan Whiteley         125,000
Capri Marie Whiteley           125,000
Todd Hansen                    1,812,808
David Colletti                 1,458,128
Gary Miller                    1,208,128
Jaclyn M Miller                125,000
Jason R Miller                 125,000
Michael Carpenter              1,458,128
Terschan / Steinle             1,773,399
Tracy Weber                    1,536,946
William Halquist               1,300,493
David Bahl                     1,773,399
Christopher Rebholz            1,773,399
Rotherhams, LLC                709,360
Lawrence Moon                  1,773,399
Bradley LaCombe                1,300,493
Craig Magnuson                 1,418,719
David Moxom                    472,906
Howard & Daniel Schnoll        118,227
Jason Clark                    236,453
Cast Iron Club                 236,453
HBA Management, LLC            1,200,000
Toby Management, LLC           1,200,000
Bruce Baker                    1,313,000
Michael Lee                    1,063,000
Franklin Griffith & Associates 264,000

                                 SCHEDULE 3.1:


                               SCHEDULE 3.3(a):

Andrew Vallozzi           7.55%
Micheal Whiteley          6.57%
Todd Hansen               7.55%
Dave Colletti             6.08%
Gary Miller               6.08%
Mike Carpenter            6.08%
Terschan / Steinle        7.39%
Tracy Weber               6.40%
Bill Halquist             5.42%
Dave Bahl                 7.39%
Chris Rebholz             7.39%
Rotherhams                2.96%
Larry Moon                7.39%
Brad LaCombe              5.42%
Craig Magnuson            5.91%
Dave Moxom                1.97%
Howard  & Daniel Schnoll  0.49%
Jason Clark               0.99%
Cast Iron Club            0.99%

                               SCHEDULE 3.3(b):
                         COMPANY WARRANTS, OPTIONS AND


                                 SCHEDULE 3.6:
                       SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 AND 2009, AND
                  THREE MONTH PERIOD ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009

                                 See Attached.

                                 SCHEDULE 3.8:

                           Please see Schedule 3.6.

                               SCHEDULE 3.10(a):
                           COMPANY PERSONAL PROPERTY

                           Please see Schedule 3.6.

                               SCHEDULE 3.10(b):
                          COMPANY OWNED REAL PROPERTY

                           Please see Schedule 3.6.

                               SCHEDULE 3.10(c):
                          COMPANY LEASED REAL ESTATE

                           Please see Schedule 3.6.

                                SCHEDULE 3.11:
                         COMPANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY

  Team name and all related branding elements, including logos and colors and
    related trademarks and service marks, and all proprietary intellectual
 property, including web site and all ancillary information, including player
                        and team operating information.

       See following information from U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.


- ---------------	---------------------------------------------------------------
SERVICES	IC  016.  US  002  005  022  023  029  037  038 050. G & S:
		General Merchandise catalogs, bumper stickers, appliques in the
		form  of decals, writing pads and pens, pencils, sports trading
		cards,   posters,   calendars,  paper  stickers,  printed event
		admission tickets, and paper  pennants.  FIRST  USE:  20080807.

		IC  025.  US  022  039.  G & S:  Men's  women's  and children's
		clothing, namely player uniforms, namely, footwear, jersey tops
		and   pants;  cheerleader  uniforms;  replica  uniform  shirts,
		coaches  caps, wool hats, painters caps, baseball caps, visors,
		headbands,  belts,  t-shirts, tank tops, golf shirts, sweaters,
		sweatshirts,   leather  jackets,   neckties,   coats,   shorts,
		sweatpants,  pants,  socks, and underwear. FIRST USE: 20080807.

		IC 041. US 100 101 107. G & S: Entertainment  Services, namely,
		organizing   and  presenting   FOOTBALL  games   before   lives
		audiences, and on television, radio and global computer network
		display. FIRST USE: 20080807. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20080807
- ---------------	---------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------	---------------------------------------------------------------
DESIGN SEARCH  	01.15.05 - Smoke; Steam; Vapor
CODE           	03.05.01 - Horses
               	03.05.16 - Heads of horses, donkeys, zebras
- ---------------	---------------------------------------------------------------
TRADEMARK      	ANI-MAMM Mammalia;accuracte depiction of  warm-blooded  animals
SEARCH FACILITY	except for human beingsINAN Inanimate objects such as lighting,
CLASSIFICATION	clouds, footprints, atomic configurations, snowflakes,rainbows,
CODE		flames
- ---------------	---------------------------------------------------------------
SERIAL NUMBER  	76693381
- ---------------	---------------------------------------------------------------
FILING DATE   	October 6, 2008
- ---------------	---------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------	---------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------	---------------------------------------------------------------
PUBLISHED FOR  	February 24, 2009
- ---------------	---------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------	---------------------------------------------------------------
REGISTRATION   	August 4, 2009
- ---------------	---------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------	---------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------	---------------------------------------------------------------
DESCRIPTION OF 	Color  is  not  claimed  as  a  feature  of  the mark. The mark
MARK           	consists of a stylized head of a horse along with  the  wording
- ---------------	---------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------	---------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------	---------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------	---------------------------------------------------------------

                                SCHEDULE 3.12:
                          COMPANY MATERIAL CONTRACTS


                                SCHEDULE 3.13:
                                COMPANY BROKERS


                               SCHEDULE 3.14(a):
                          COMPANY INSURANCE POLICIES

                                 See Attached.

                               SCHEDULE 3.15(a):
                              COMPANY LITIGATION

The  following  is  summary  information  on  the  cases  currently  in  active
litigation  against  either  Milwaukee Iron Professional Arena Football, LLC or
Wisconsin Professional Arena Football  Investment,  LLC..  Defenses for both of
the cases are being handled by the law firm of Terschan, Steinle & Ness.

This   case   is   an   EEOC  complaint  (improperly  naming  "Milwaukee   Iron
Organization", which does  not  exist  as such) by a former cheerleader for the
Milwaukee Iron who was terminated on April  29,  2009.  Ms. Flowers is claiming
that the termination was based upon racial discrimination.   As  can be seen by
the  Answer, we are of the opinion that the claim is meritless.  (See  attached
Charge and Answer.)

This case is  a claim for $9,000 by a vendor for the defendant Company.  We are
informed that Company  is  in  the  process  of attempting to resolve that case
through payment to the vendor as soon as available  funding  is procured.  (See
Attached Complaint and Answer.)

                               SCHEDULE 3.15(B):

                                 See Attached.