Exhibit  10.3

                             STOCK ESCROW AGREEMENT

     This  STOCK  ESCROW  AGREEMENT  dated  the  3rd day of January, 2006, among
Richard  E.  Miller  (the  "Seller"); FTS Group, Inc., a Nevada corporation (the
"Purchaser");  and  Lambert  &  Martineau,  attorneys  at  law  licensed  in the
Commonwealth  of  Pennsylvania  with  an  address  of  1001 Philadelphia Street,
Indiana,  Pennsylvania  15701  (the  "Escrow  Agent").


     WHEREAS,  Purchaser  has  purchased from Seller 10,000 common shares of See
World  Satellites,  Inc.,  a  Pennsylvania  corporation ("SWS"), pursuant to the
terms  and  provisions  of a Stock Purchase Agreement dated January 3, 2006 (the
"Agreement"),  a  copy  of  which  is  attached  hereto;  and

     WHEREAS, Purchaser, pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 1.C(iii) of the
Agreement,  executed and delivered to Seller its promissory note (the "Note") in
the  principal  sum  of  three  million five hundred thousand and 00/100 dollars
($3,500,000);  and

     WHEREAS,  Purchaser,  in order to secure the payment of the Note to Seller,
has agreed to pledge the 10,000 common shares of SWS purchased by Purchaser from
Seller,  by  the  delivery of certificates evidencing such pledged shares to the
Escrow  Agent pursuant to the terms of the Agreement and the terms of this Stock
Escrow  Agreement.

     NOW,  THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained
in  the  Agreement,  the  Note  and this Stock Escrow Agreement, it is agreed as

     1.     Escrow  Agent.  The  Seller  and  Purchaser  appoint  and  designate
Lambert  &  Martineau  as  the  Escrow  Agent for the purposes herein set forth.

     2.     Deposit  of Shares.  Seller and Purchaser have deposited with Escrow
Agent  negotiable  certificates  with  stock  powers attached, evidencing 10,000
common  shares  of  SWS.  All such certificates shall be held and disposed of by
the  Escrow  Agent  in  accordance  with  the terms and provisions of this Stock
Escrow  Agreement.

     3.     Escrow.  Seller and Purchaser authorize the Escrow Agent to keep and
preserve  the  certificates  evidencing  the  shares of SWS in its possession as
security  for  the  payment  of  the  Note.

     4.     Default.  If  at  any  time Purchaser defaults in the payment of the
principal under the Note, and such default remains uncured for fifteen (15) days
after  written  notice  thereof,  the entire unpaid principal amount of the Note
shall  become  immediately  due  and payable, and Seller shall have the right to
have  all of the certificates then on deposit with the Escrow Agent delivered to
him.  The  Escrow  Agent  shall, at the end of twenty (20) days after receipt of
written demand from Seller, together with evidence that notice of the demand had
been  give  to  Purchaser, deliver to the Seller the certificates of SWS' common
shares  then  held  by  the Escrow Agent, unless prior to the expiration of such
twenty  (20)  day  period  the Purchaser shall have notified the Escrow Agent to
withhold  the  delivery  of the certificates to the Seller.  If the Escrow Agent
receives  a  notice from Purchaser to withhold the delivery of the certificates,
then  Escrow  Agent  shall  not  make  delivery until the controversy is settled
either  by an agreement between Seller and Purchaser or by a final judgment of a
court  of  competent  jurisdiction.

     5.     Dividends  and  Voting  Rights.  Pending  the  payment  of  the full
purchase  price,  all  dividends declared on the shares held by the Escrow Agent
shall be applied to the payment of the next installment of principal coming due.
So long as the Purchaser is not in default under the terms of the Stock Purchase
Agreement, it shall have the right to vote the shares on deposit with the Escrow
Agent  and  Seller  shall  execute  an  appropriate  proxy  to  the  Purchaser.

     6.     Termination  of Escrow.  If satisfactory proof has been presented to
the  Escrow Agent that all installments due and owing through January 4, 2007 of
the  purchase  price  have  been  paid under the Note, including the one million
dollar  ($1,000,000)  payment  due under the Note on January 3, 2007, the Escrow
Agent  shall  deliver  to  the  Purchaser the 10,000 common shares of SWS in its
possession, and all obligations between the Seller, the Purchaser and the Escrow
Agent  shall  thereupon  cease.

     7.     Expenses.  The  Seller will pay the charges of the Escrow Agent, and
any  reasonable attorneys' fees, expenses and other costs incurred by the Escrow
Agent  in  connection  with  the  administration of the provisions of this Stock
Escrow  Agreement.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by each of the parties
hereto,  all  on  the  date  first  above  written.

WITNESS:                         SELLER:

                              /s/  Richard  E.  Miller
_________________________     _____________________________
                              Richard  E.  Miller,  Individually

ATTEST:                         PURCHASER:

                              FTS  Group,  Inc.,  a  Nevada corporation

_________________________          By:  _/s/  Scott  Gallagher____________
                                         Scott  Gallagher,  President  and  CEO

WITNESS:                         ESCROW  AGENT:

                              Lambert  &  Martineau

__________________________          By:  __/s/  Bradley  J.  Martineau_______
                                           Bradley  J.  Martineau,  Esq.