Trombly Business Law
                                                   1320 Centre Street, Suite 202
                                                                Newton, MA 02459
                                                        Telephone (617) 243-0060
                                                        Facsimile (617) 663-6164

Amy  M.  Trombly,  Esq.

December  12,  2006

Delivered  by  electronic  submission  via  EDGAR

United  States  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission
Division  of  Corporation  Finance
100  F  Street,  N.E.,  Mail  Stop  7010
Washington,  DC  20549

     Attn:     Mr.  H.  Christopher  Owings

       Re:     FTS  Group,  Inc.
               Registration  Statement  on  Form  SB-2
               File  No.  333-133749

Dear  Mr.  Owings:

I  am  securities  counsel  for  FTS Group, Inc. (the "Company").  I enclose for
filing  under  the  Securities  Act  of  1933,  as  amended,  Amendment No. 4 to
Registration  Statement  on  Form  SB-2.

Amendment  No.  4 to Registration Statement on Form SB-2 contains revisions that
have been made in response to comments received from the staff of the Securities
and  Exchange  Commission (the "Staff") in their letter dated November 28, 2006.

Set  forth  below  are  the  Company's  responses  to the Staff's comments.  The
numbering  of  the  responses  corresponds  to  the numbering of comments in the
letter  from  the  Staff.

- -------

Comment  1.     We  reviewed  your letter dated November 7, 2006 and notice many
responses  stating you intend to either expand a disclosure or revise the annual
and  interim  financial  statements  included  in the registration statement and
periodic  filings,  as  applicable. Please understand that before we can declare
this  registration  statement  effective  you  are  required  to incorporate any
decided  revisions  in  the  applicable filings to resolve staff comments. Where
specifically  indicated  below  we  are  deferring  a  final  evaluation of your
compliance  with  staff  comments until these revisions are filed or the present
accounting  treatment  is  adequately  supported.

Response  1. The Company has incorporated all revisions. The Company's amendment
to Form 10-KSB was filed on December 11, 2006 and the amendments to Forms 10-QSB
will  be  filed  within  24  to  48  hours.

Comment  2.     Please  update  your registration and include the next unaudited
interim  period  financial  statements,  September  30, 2006. Also please update
other related disclosures and management's discussion and analysis to correspond
with  this  additional  period.  See  Rule  3-12(b)  of  Regulation  S-X.

Response  2. The Company has complied with the Staff's request. The Registration
statement  and  all related disclosures have been updated to include the interim
period  ended  September  30,  2006.

Comment  3.     We  note  your response to comment 2 in our letter dated October
26,  2006. You state that although Mr.  Rasmussen is the Chief Operating Officer
of  the  company  by  title,  the  Board  of Directors does not believe that Mr.
Rasmussen is the Principal Operating Officer of the company. We are still of the
view  that  the  filing  of  a Form 8-K was appropriate. Accordingly, we restate
comments  2  and  3  in  our  letter  dated  July  27,  2006.

Response  3.     As  stated  in  the  Company's  prior  response,  the  Company
respectfully  requests  a  conference call on this matter.  We have attempted to
schedule  one  and have  been  unsuccessful.

Consolidated  Balance  Sheets,  December  31,  2005  and  2004,  page  F-3
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Comment  4.     We  note  your response to comment 8 in our letter dated October
26,  2006.  Please  confirm  that  management  has  determined  that  liability
classification  is  the  appropriate accounting treatment for outstanding shares
exceeding  the  number  of  authorized  shares.  Your  response suggests you are
changing  your  accounting  treatment  to  satisfy  a  staff inquiry rather than
adopting an accounting treatment in accordance with GAAP. In your revised filing
please  include  the  disclosure requirements for reporting the correction of an
error  in  paragraphs 36 and 37 of APB No. 20, or SFAS No. 154 if early adopted,
as  applicable.

Response  4. The Company has reviewed the various literature and rulings on this
topic,  including  but  not limited to EITF-0019, at greater length. The Company
confirms  that  it  is  changing  the  classification of warrants related to the
December  29, 2005 financing arrangement from equity classification to liability
classification  in accordance with GAAP. As stated in paragraph 19 of EITF-0019,
liability classification is required when the Company has an insufficient number
of  authorized  but unissued shares to settle the contract after considering all
other  commitments  that  may  require  the issuance of stock during the maximum
period  the  contract  could  remain  outstanding.  Therefore, initial liability
classification is required. Per paragraph 10 of EITF-0019, if the classification
required  under  this Issue changes as a result of events during the period, the
contract  should  be  reclassified  as  of the date of the event that caused the
reclassification.  Additional  shares  sufficient  to  cover  the  shortage were
approved  on  October 20, 2006. Therefore, from December 2005 through the end of
the  third  quarter 2006, liability classification is required for the warrants.
During  the  fourth  quarter  2006,  a  reclassification  back to equity will be

Since  the  financing  arrangement that caused the misstatement of the financial
statements  regarding  this area occurred December 29, 2005 a restatement of the
fourth  quarter  and  year-end  financial  statements,  along  with amending the
related  Form  10-KSB is required and was filed on December 11, 2006. Amendments
are also necessary to the first and second quarters of 2006 financial statements
and  related  10-QSBs.

Disclosure  requirements for correction of an error as required by SFAS No.
154  are  included  in Footnote #2 of each of the amended reports. These amended
filings  will  be  filed  in  the  near  term  24  to  48  hours.

Notes  to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements,  December  31,  2005,  page  F-7
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(3)  Convertible  Debt,  page  F-3
- ----------------------------------

Comment  5.     Please  revise your present disclosures, including note (12)(B),
and  include  a note that discusses reclassifying as liabilities all outstanding
common  shares  and  common  share  equivalents  in  excess of authorized common
shares.  Include  your  basis of estimating the fair value for common shares and
common  shares  potentially issuable pursuant to warrants and convertible notes.
Specifically discuss the effect of reducing the exercise prices for Series A and
B  warrants  on  September 28, 2005 and July 7, 2006. Please update your interim
disclosures,  as  applicable.

Response  5.  The Company added additional and expanded disclosures to cover the
areas  requested  by  Staff.  Specifically,  the  Company  added  footnote #2 to
disclose  the circumstances that caused the need for restatement and to show the
line  item  effects  of the warrant reclassification from equity to liability as
required  by  SFAS No. 154. Footnote #4 disclosing the terms of Convertible Debt
was expanded to include the basis of estimating fair value for common shares and
associated  warrants  relating  to  the  convertible  notes.  Allocation between
components  of  the notes was then assigned based on their relative fair values.
Finally,  footnote #12(B) was expanded to include further information regarding
warrants,  covering  the  fact  that  fair  value for the financing warrants was
calculated  independently  from  that of any other warrants, including those for
which  the  exercise  price  was  adjusted  downward.

Consolidated  Statements  of  Operations for Three and Six Months Ended June 30,
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2006,  page  F-21
- -----------------

Comment  6.     We  note  your response to comment 9 in our letter dated October
26,  2006.  After January 3, 2006, in the interim periods, you generated revenue
and  cost of sales from both products and services. We refer you to the response
to  comment  35  in  your  letter  dated  July  5,  2006. Presently, the interim
financial  statements  characterize  revenues as either (a) satellite television
service  revenue  or  (b) retail wireless service revenue. It does not appear to
separate  product  and  service  revenue  and  cost of sales. Rule 5-03(b)(1) of
Regulation  S-X  requires you to state separately net sales, and related cost of
sales, for products, services and other sources to the extent they exceed 10% of
the consolidated net sales. Segment reporting guidance is not applicable. Please
advise  or  revise  your presentation for the interim periods following the year
end  December  31,  2005.

Response  6.     The  Company  has  complied with the Staff's request.

Consolidated  Statements of Cash Flows, Six Months Ended June 30, 2006 and 2005,
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
page  F-22
- ----------

Comment  7.     We note your responses to comments 10 and 11 in our letter dated
October 26, 2006. Please revise your registration statement and interim fillings
accordingly.  Please  include  the  disclosure  requirements  for  reporting the
correction of an error in paragraphs 36 and 37 of APB No. 20, or SFAS No. 154 if
early  adopted.  We  are  deferring  a final evaluation of your compliance until
these  revisions  are  filed.  We  may  have  further  comments.

Response  7. The Company has made the changes requested by the Staff and will be
filing  Forms 10-QSB/A for the effected quarters within the next 24 to 48 hours.
The Company added footnote disclosure stating the nature of the changes and need
for  restatement  to footnote #2 as well as line item changes resulting from the
restatements  as  required  by  SFAS  No.  154.

Notes  to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements,  June  20,  2006,  page  F-23
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  Summary  of  Significant  Accounting  Policies,  page  F-23
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Comment  8.     We  note your response to comment 12 in our letter dated October
26,  2006.  SFAS  No. 131 is applicable to all calendar year end public business
enterprises  beginning  in 1998. This entity filed its first annual report under
Section  13  or  15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 on March 31, 1999.
Based  on  your  disclosures  and  response  we  would expect to see comparative
information for one and two reportable segments in fiscal periods 2005 and 2006,
respectively.  Please  advise or revise your registration statement accordingly.

Response  8.  The  Company has made the changes requested by the Staff by way of
incorporating  segment  reporting  information  into  the  MD&A  section  of the
registration  statement  and  all amended filings in 2006. The Company maintains
that  it  had  only  one  reportable  segment  in  2005.

Stock  Based  Compensation  page  F-26
- --------------------------------------

Comment  9.     We  note your response to comment 13 in our letter dated October
26,  2006. Please disclose the effect of adopting SFAS No. 123(R) on income from
continuing  operations, net income, operating and financing cash flows and basic
and  diluted  earnings  per  share,  as  applicable. Please disclose whether you
utilized  a  modified  prospective  or  retrospective  application  and  how you
accounted  for  compensation  cost related to earlier awards for service periods
rendered  both  prior  to  and  after  adoption of the Statement. Options with a
weighted  average  contractual  life  of  6.7  years  and granted in 2001 have a
remaining  service  period or life of approximately 1.7 years as of December 31,
2005.  Also please add the included interim periods to the table in footnote 13.

Response  9.  The  Company  has  made  the  changes  requested  by  the  staff.
Specifically  the  changes  were  made  in note #11 OPTIONS AND WARRANTS for the
period  ended  September  30, 2006 and in other required areas. The changes will
also  be  made  in  all  of  the  Company's  2006  amended  form 10-QSB filings.

(11)  See  World  Satellites,  Inc.  Acquisition,  page  F-34
- -------------------------------------------------------------

Comment  10.     We note your response to comment 17 in our letter dated October
26, 2006. We are deferring a final evaluation of your compliance until these pro
forma  disclosures  are  included  in  the  revised filings. We may have further

Response  10.  The  Company  has expanded the September 30, 2006 footnote #12 to
explain  that since the See World Satellites, Inc. acquisition closed on January
3,  2006,  and  transactions  from  January  1  through  January  2,  2006  were
immaterial,  pro forma information is not required per paragraph 54 of SFAS 141.

Comment  11.     We note your response to comment 18 in our letter dated October
26,  2006.  We  are  deferring  a  final evaluation of your compliance until the
financial  statements and/or purchase accounting disclosures are revised in your
registration  statement  and  interim  filings.  We  may  have further comments.

Response 11. The Company's revisions to the financial statements and/or purchase
accounting  disclosures  have  all been updated and incorporated throughout this
amended  registration  statement.

Exhibit  23.1  Consent  of  R.E.  Bassie  &  Co.
- ------------------------------------------------

Comment  12.     We note your response to comment 19 in our letter dated October
26,  2006.  We  are  deferring  a  final  evaluation  until  the Office of Chief
Accountant  within  the  Division  of  Corporation  Finance has concluded on the

Response  12.  The Company acknowledges the Staff's comment.

Form  8-K/A  Filed  on  March  3,  2006
- ---------------------------------------

Comment  13.     We note your response to comment 21 in our letter dated October
26  2006.  We  are  deferring  a  final evaluation of your compliance until this
reclassification  is  included  in  the  revised  filings.  We  may have further

Response  13.  The  Company  filed  Form 8-K/A on December 5, 2006 to reclassify
amounts  to  income  from  operations.

     If  you have further questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.
We  are  happy  to  cooperate  in  any  way  we  can.


                              /s/ Amy  M.  Trombly
                              Amy  M.  Trombly
                              Counsel  for  FTS  Group,  Inc.

cc:     FTS  Group,  Inc.