
                      Medical Information Technology, Inc.

                Health Care Information System Software Agreement

AGREEMENT  made this  31st of March,  2006 by and  between  MEDICAL  INFORMATION
TECHNOLOGY,  INC., a corporation  duly  organized and existing under the laws of
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts  and having its principal place of business at
MEDITECH Circle, Westwood, Massachusetts 02090 (hereinafter called MEDITECH) and
PHC Inc. d/b/a!  Pioneer  Behavioral  Health,  a corporation  duly organized and
existing  under the laws of the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts  and having its
principal place of business at 200 Lake Street,  Peabody,  MA 01960 (hereinafter
called Customer).

WHEREAS  MEDITECH has  developed  and continues to enhance a version of computer
software  designed to operate in a "client-server"  environment,  which version,
together  with  any  physical  embodiment  thereof  and  related   documentation
(incorporated  in this  Agreement  as  Exhibits  II  through  V),  are  together
hereinafter  called LICENSED  SOFTWARE,  and WHEREAS  Customer desires to obtain
from MEDITECH the right to use such LICENSED  SOFTWARE in its  operations at the
facility(ies) listed in Article II, .

 NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:



     1.   MEDITECH  agrees  to  deliver,  implement  and  service  the  LICENSED
          SOFTWARE all as more fully described in this Agreement. Subject to the
          terms and  conditions  hereof and upon  payment in full to MEDITECH of
          the  license  and  implementation  fees for each line item of LICENSED
          SOFTWARE  listed in Article II,  MEDITECH  hereby grants to Customer a
          non-exclusive,  perpetual license to use each such line item. MEDITECH
          warrants that the LICENSED SOFTWARE shall have  capabilities  equal to
          the  capabilities  described in Exhibits II through V and will operate
          in substantial  conformity  with such  descriptions  when delivered to
          Customer  and  installed  on  Customer's   MEDITECH-approved  computer
          network  (the  major  components  of which are  recited  on  Exhibit I

     2.   MEDITECH  warrants to Customer that it is the developer and sole owner
          of the LICENSED  SOFTWARE.  In the event of any suit or claim  against
          Customer  by any third  party for  damages  and/or  injunctive  relief
          contesting  ownership  of the  LICENSED  SOFTWARE by  MEDITECH  and/or
          Customer's  rights under this  Agreement,  MEDITECH  agrees at its own
          expense  to  defend  Customer  against  such suit or claim and to hold
          Customer  harmless  from the  expenses  of such  defense  and from any
          court-awarded  judgments  resulting from such suit or claim,  provided
          that Customer furnishes written notice to MEDITECH of the commencement
          of such suit or the  presentation  of such claim  within  fifteen (15)
          days of notice thereof to Customer.  Further, if, because of such suit
          or claim, the LICENSED  SOFTWARE is held to constitute an infringement
          of any  United  States  copyright  or patent  and use of the  LICENSED
          SOFTWARE by Customer is thereby  enjoined,  MEDITECH shall, at its own
          expense,  either  procure for Customer the right to continue using the
          LICENSED  SOFTWARE or replace the same with a non-infringing  product,
          substantially  conforming to that described herein, or modify the same
          so  that  it  shall  be  non-infringing,  provided  that  the  service
          described  in Article IV has not been  terminated.

     3.   MEDITECH  acknowledges  that certain material which will come into its
          possession or knowledge in  connection  with this  Agreement  includes
          confidential  or  proprietary  information  of Customer or  Customer's
          patients (hereinafter called" Protected  Information"),  disclosure of
          which to third parties may be damaging to Customer. MEDITECH agrees to
          hold  all  Protected  Information  in  confidence,  to use it  only in
          connection  with  performance  under this Agreement and to disclose it
          only to those of its employees  that require  access  thereto for such
          performance  or as may  otherwise  be required  by law.  In  addition,
          MEDITECH  shall use  appropriate  safeguards  to prevent  other use or
          disclosure  of  Protected  Information  and shall  promptly  report to
          Customer any other use or disclosure of Protected Information of which
          it becomes  aware.  MEDITECH shall ensure that any agents of MEDITECH,
          including  but not  limited  to  subcontractors,  to whom it  provides
          Protected Information agree to the same restrictions and conditions as
          apply to MEDITECH with respect to such Protected Information. Upon the
          written  request of the United  States  Department of Health and Human
          Services,  MEDITECH  shall  make its  internal  practices,  books  and
          records  relating to the use and  disclosure of Protected  Information
          provided to MEDITECH by Customer  available to the Secretary of Health
          and  Human  Services  (or  his  or her  designee  or  duly  authorized
          representative),  at MEDITECH' s  Massachusetts  facility and at times
          convenient  for  MEDITECH,  to the  extent  required  for  determining
          compliance  with  Federal  privacy  and  security  regulations.   Upon
          Customer's  written  request  MEDITECH  shall return to Customer (when
          reasonably possible) or destroy any Protected Information.

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     1.   Customer  shall pay to MEDITECH  the line item fee  (license  fee plus
          implementation  fee)  for  each  line  item of  LICENSED  SOFTWARE  as

                  10% due upon execution of this Agreement
                  40% due upon software delivery
                  40% due 90 days following software delivery
                  10% due 180 days following software delivery

          Each  payment  for each line item will be  separately  due and payable
          without regard to other line items.

          In the event a payment due MEDITECH under this Paragraph is delinquent
          for a period of sixty  (60) days from its due date,  and  MEDITECH  so
          notifies Customer in writing,  and the delinquency is not cured within
          thirty (30) days  thereafter,  then,  upon MEDITECH' s written notice,
          Customer  will cease to use the LICENSED  SOFTWARE  until such time as
          all  payments  then due are  paid.  Such  cessation  of use  shall not
          relieve  Customer of any obligations  under this Agreement,  including
          the obligation to make all payments specified herein.

     2.   During  the  period in which  MEDITECH  makes  available  the  service
          described  in Article IV,  Customer  will pay to MEDITECH  the monthly
          service fees stated in Article II. These fees will  commence  upon the
          attainment  of Live  Status for each line item of  LICENSED  SOFTWARE.
          "Live  Status" is defined for each line item as the date on which such
          line  item is used  in  Customer's  daily  operations  utilizing  real
          patient/hospital  data.  Thirty-six (36) months after the date of this
          Agreement  these  fees may be  increased  by  MEDITECH  at any time by
          providing  thirty  (30)  days  written  notice  of  such  increase  to
          Customer.   Any  increases  shall  be  limited  to  six  percent  (6%)
          cumulative per year during the 24-month  period  following the initial
          36-month period recited herein. Service fee invoices are issued on the
          first of each month in which the service is to be made available, with
          payment  terms of net fifteen (15) days. If payment of any service fee
          invoice is delinquent  for a period of  forty-five  (45) days from its
          due date, MEDITECH's obligations stated in Article IV may be suspended
          until  all  delinquencies  have  been  cured  to the  satisfaction  of

     3.   Customer  agrees to limit access to the LICENSED  SOFTWARE to those of
          its staff and employees  who must have access  thereto to properly use
          the same in Customer's operations.  Further, Customer agrees to notify
          MEDITECH promptly and fully in writing of the circumstances concerning
          any possession,  use or study of the LICENSED  SOFTWARE by any person,
          corporation  or  other  entity  (other  than   Customer's   staff  and
          employees) including,  but not limited to, the name(s) and address(es)
          of such person(s),  corporation(s), or other entities. Customer agrees
          that it will not, at any time, without written permission of MEDITECH,
          copy,  duplicate,  or permit  others to copy or duplicate the LICENSED
          SOFTWARE,  except to the extent  required  for the  creation of backup
          copies of the LICENSED SOFTWARE as described in Exhibits II through V.

     4.   Customer  acknowledges  that certain material which will come into its
          possession or knowledge in  connection  with this  Agreement  includes
          confidential  or  proprietary   information  of  MEDITECH  (including,
          without  limitation,  the terms  and  conditions  of this  Agreement),
          disclosure  of which to third  parties may be  damaging  to  MEDITECH.
          Customer  agrees to hold all such  material in  confidence,  to use it
          only in  connection  with  performance  under  this  Agreement  and to
          release it only to those persons that require  access thereto for such
          performance  or as may  otherwise  be required  by law.  In  addition,
          Customer  shall use  appropriate  safeguards  to prevent  other use or

                                    -- 29 --

          disclosure of confidential or proprietary  information of MEDITECH and
          shall promptly  report to MEDITECH any other use or disclosure of such
          information of which it becomes aware.

     5.   If customer is a  tax-exempt  entity,  then,  upon  execution  of this
          Agreement, Customer will provide to MEDITECH a copy of its current tax
          exemption  certificate for each applicable  taxing authority which has
          approved Customer's tax-exempt status. If Customer is not a tax-exempt
          entity,  Customer  acknowledges  that it (and not  MEDITECH)  shall be
          responsible for the payment of any and all taxes  (including,  but not
          limited to, sales,  use, and excise taxes)  imposed by the  applicable
          taxing authorities to which Customer is subject.

     6.   Not later than sixty (60) days  prior to the  earliest  delivery  date
          listed in  Article  II,  Customer  will  install  and  connect  to its
          computer network,  at Customer's  expense, a minimum of one BRI (ISDN)
          line (or other  MEDITECH-approved  connectivity solution) as well as a
          separate  telephone line (equipped with an RAS modem for emergency use
          only), in conformity with MEDITECH' s specifications, and will provide
          MEDITECH with access thereto for the resolution of system  problems in
          accordance  with  the  applicable  sections  of  Article  III  and IV.
          Customer shall maintain such ISDN service (or other  MEDITECH-approved
          connectivity  solution) and provide MEDITECH with access thereto until
          such time as the service described in Article IV is terminated for all
          line items of LICENSED SOFTWARE.


     The  LICENSED  SOFTWARE  shall at all times remain the property of MEDITECH
     and the license of use granted  herein  specifically  excludes any right of
     reproduction,  sale, lease, sublicense, or other transfer or disposition of
     the  LICENSED  SOFTWARE by Customer  except as otherwise  expressly  stated
     herein.  The rights granted  hereunder are granted to Customer only and are
     not  assignable to any other person,  corporation  or entity,  except that,
     upon the  transfer  by  sale,  merger,  or  corporate  re-organization,  of
     substantially  all of the assets of Customer  to a successor  organization,
     this Agreement and the rights and obligations of Customer  hereunder may be
     assigned to such successor.  Customer agrees to notify MEDITECH promptly in
     writing of the transfer to such  successor  and of the  assumption  by such
     successor of Customer's  obligations and  responsibilities  as described in
     this Agreement.


     Customer  acknowledges  that the  LICENSED  SOFTWARE  provided  by MEDITECH
     constitutes part of a hospital  information  system to be used by Customer,
     its  staff  and  employees  in  the   performance  of  their   professional
     responsibilities  and is in no way intended to replace  their  professional
     skill and judgement.  Customer agrees that it is solely responsible for the
     care of its  patients  and that the use of the  LICENSED  SOFTWARE  for any
     purpose  related to such care cannot in any way be  controlled by MEDITECH.
     Customer is responsible for verifying the accuracy and  completeness of any
     medical or other similar information contained in, entered into, or used in
     connection  with the LICENSED  SOFTWARE.  Customer  agrees to hold MEDITECH
     harmless  from any liability  arising from improper or flawed  operation or
     use of the LICENSED  SOFTWARE.  In no event will MEDITECH be liable for any
     consequential damages, lost profits or lost revenues sustained by Customer,
     or for any suit or claim or demand  against  Customer  by any other  party,
     except as stated in Article I(A)(2), above.


     This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs,
     successors, and permitted assigns of the parties hereto.


     The validity and effect of this Agreement shall be determined in accordance
     with the laws of the Common-wealth of Massachusetts.

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                              ARTICLE II - DELIVERY

     The LICENSED SOFTWARE listed below is being licensed to Customer to service
     the  specific  information-processing  needs  of  the  following  inpatient

     1)   Detroit Behavioral Institute,  operating at 4707 St. Antoine Street, 2
          South, Detroit, MI 48201

     2)   Harbor Oaks Hospital,  operating at 35031 23 Mile Road, New Baltimore,
          MI 48047

     3)   Harmony Healthcare,  operating at 1701 W. Charleston Boulevard,  Suite
          300, Las Vegas, NV 89102

     4)   Highland  Ridge  Hospital,  operating at 7309 S. 180 W.,  Midvale,  UT

     5)   Mount Regis Center, operating at 405 Kimball Avenue, Salem, VA 24153

     6)   Pioneer Counseling Center, operating at 28511 Orchard Lake Road, Suite
          A, Farmington Hills, MI 48334

     7)   Harbor Oaks  Hospital  (outpatient  only),  operating at 33497 23 Mile
          Road, Chesterfield Twp, MI 48047

     8)   Harmony  Healthcare  (outpatient  only),  operating  at 2700 E. Sunset
          Road, Suite D35, Las Vegas, NV 89120

     9)   Pioneer  Counseling Center,  operating at 36250 Dequindre,  Suite 310,
          Sterling Heights, MI 48310

     10)  Pioneer  Counseling  Center,  operating at 43900 Garfield,  Suite 222,
          Clinton Twp, M1 48038

     11)  PHC  Inc.  d/b/a  Pioneer  Behavioral  Health,  operating  at 200 Lake
          Street, Peabody, MA 01960

     Any use of the LICENSED  SOFTWARE beyond the restrictions set forth in this
     Agreement will require payment of additional fees to MEDITECH which will be
     determined in accordance with MEDITECH's standard rates.

     MEDITECH  agrees to deliver the  LICENSED  SOFTWARE,  including  associated
     documentation, to Customer on or about the specified delivery dates for use
     at the above  facility(ies).  Additional  copies of  documentation  will be
     provided  by  MEDITECH  at its then  standard  rates;  in the  alternative,
     Customer may reproduce copies of the documentation so long as access to any
     such copies is  restricted  in  accordance  with this  Agreement.  "Project
     Start" listed below is defined as the month  Customer and MEDITECH  jointly
     begin implementation of each line item of LICENSED SOFTWARE via one or more
     of the following:  conference calls, training site visits,  training visits
     to MEDITECH, or web demonstrations. "Delivery Date" listed below is defined
     for each  line  item of  LICENSED  SOFTWARE  as the date on which  MEDITECH
     provides Customer with the physical  embodiment of the line item,  enabling
     such line item to be installed on Customer's computer network.

LICENSED SOFTWARE          Project    Delivery    License  Implementation  Item    Service
   LINE ITEMS               Start       Date        Fee        Fee          Fee       Fee    Exhibits

 Health           Suite (1)  09/30/2006   10/31/2006   87,000     78,520    165,520     870      II

Xfer: MT B/ AR to
 OV GL                       11/30/2006   11/30/2006   16,875                16,875     169      II

Xfer: MT B/AR to OV AP       11/30/2006   11/30/2006   15,750                15,750     158      II

Behavioral Health
  Clinical Suite (2)         03/31/2007   04/30/2007   87,000    102,680    189,680     870     III

Scheduling & Referral
  Management                 10/31/2006   12/31/2006   26,100     19,026     45,126     261      IV

Corporate Management         09/30/2006   10/31/2006   17,400     12,080     29,480     174      V
           Totals                                                           462,431   2,502


     (1)  Includes   the   following    software    components:    Registration,
          Billing/Accounts   Receivable,   Bill/Remit   to  3rd   Party,   Trust
          Accounting,   EPI/Medical   Records,   Case  Mix/  Abstracting,   Risk
          Management  and Legal  Status & Tracking.  Also  includes  one Medical

                                     - 31 -

          Records  Conversion,   one  Demographic  Recall  Conversion,  and  one
          Billing!   Accounts  Receivable  Conversion  (Balance  Forward  only).
          Conversions  are  dependent on  conversion  from a single other vendor
          system   database.   Conversion  from  multiple  other  vendor  system
          databases will require payment of additional fees to MEDITECH.

     (2)  Includes the following software components: Enterprise Medical Record,
          Order Entry, Treatment Planning (PCS), and Care Manager.

                          ARTICLE III - IMPLEMENTATION


          "Implementation  Period"  is  defined  for each line item of  LICENSED
          SOFTWARE as the period  commencing on execution of this  Agreement and
          ending  upon the  attainment  of Live  Status for such line  item.  As
          detailed in the attached  Schedule A, during this period MEDITECH will
          provide  support and  assistance  to Customer and  Customer  will make
          available  sufficient resources so that the joint goal of a successful
          implementation  of  the  LICENSED  SOFTWARE  at  Customer's  sites  is
          achieved. One combined implementation of the LICENSED SOFTWARE will be
          provided at a single location for the facilities listed in Article II.


          1.   As stated in Schedule A,  MEDITECH  will  provide  implementation
               support  to  ensure  successful  implementation  of the  LICENSED
               SOFTWARE.  If this  support  is  determined  to be  insufficient,
               MEDITECH will provide  additional  support at no additional  cost
               (other than travel and out-of-pocket expenses).

          2.   Subsequent to execution of this  Agreement  MEDITECH and Customer
               will each assign Project  Coordinator(s)  who will be the other's
               main contact during the implementation  process. The Coordinators
               will schedule an Orientation Meeting to occur at Customer's site.
               At this meeting the  relationship  between  MEDITECH and Customer
               will be detailed  through the  development of a firm schedule for
               all  implementation  tasks;  actual  dates will be  finalized  by
               Customer's   personnel  working  with  members  of  the  MEDITECH
               Implementation Team and will follow the delivery dates recited in
               Article II and the "go-live" time frame described in Schedule A.


     At no additional cost to Customer MEDITECH agrees to correct, during normal
     business hours, any program errors reported by Customer. Program errors are
     defined as failures  of the  LICENSED  SOFTWARE  to operate in  substantial
     conformity  with the  descriptions of such operation in Exhibits II through
     V. Any  modifications  of the LICENSED  SOFTWARE  made by anyone other than
     MEDITECH shall relieve MEDITECH of all obligations under this Paragraph.


     In connection with the support and assistance  described  herein,  Customer
     agrees to reimburse  MEDITECH for MEDITECH's  actual and reasonable  travel
     and  out-of-pocket  expenses,   including  the  costs  of  coach-class  air
     transportation,   motor  vehicle  transportation,  food  and  lodging  (and
     reasonable incidentals incurred in association therewith),  and for dial-up
     telephone expenses.  These expenses will be billed to Customer  separately,
     as incurred,  with  payment  terms of net thirty (30) days.  MEDITECH  will
     itemize each invoice by category for each major type of expense.

     In  addition,  for  various  line items of  LICENSED  SOFTWARE,  Customer's
     personnel may visit MEDITECH's  facility for training as stated in Schedule
     A. Travel and  out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred  by  Customer  during such
     visits shall be borne by Customer.

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                              ARTICLE IV - SERVICE

The service  described  herein shall commence upon the attainment of Live Status
for each line item  listed in Article II and will  continue  indefinitely  until
either MEDITECH or Customer terminates same by providing sixty (60) days written
notice to the  other.  Termination  of service by either  party  eliminates  the
duties and  obligations  of both parties  detailed in this  Article,  in Article
I(A)(2) and in Article I(B)(2) of this  Agreement.  MEDlTECH agrees that it will
make  available  the service set forth in this  Article  and will  provide  such
service  to  Customer  for a  period  of five  (5)  years  from the date of this
Agreement so long as Customer pays the monthly service fees specified in Article
II, with any increases as are permitted  under this  Agreement.  This  provision
shall  supercede the sixty (60) day  termination  provision  granted to MEDlTECH


     MEDITECH will make available to Customer both routine and emergency service
     via  telephone  contact  for  the  purpose  of  resolving  system  problems
     originating in the LICENSED SOFTWARE or Customer's computer network,  which
     will be addressed as follows:

     1.   If the problems  result from program errors in the LICENSED  SOFTWARE,
          MEDlTECH shall correct such program errors and shall exercise its best
          efforts to assure that the same is  accomplished as  expeditiously  as
          possible.  Program  errors are  defined as  failures  of the  LICENSED
          SOFTWARE to operate in substantial  conformity  with  descriptions  of
          such operation in Exhibits II through V.

     2.   If the problems  originate from incorrect use of the LICENSED SOFTWARE
          or from a computer  equipment  malfunction  which results in data base
          errors  which  may  require  MEDITECH's   assistance  for  correction,
          MEDITECH will generally provide such assistance, however, depending on
          the  efforts to be  expended,  MEDITECH  reserves  the right to charge
          Customer for the  associated  consulting  time.  Incorrect  use of the
          LICENSED  SOFTWARE  is defined as data  processing  procedures  not in
          conformity with such procedures as described in Exhibits II through V.

     3.   If  the  problems  originate  in  Customer's  computer  network  or in
          software not covered by this Article or result from  modifications  to
          the LICENSED  SOFTWARE made by anyone other than MEDlTECH,  MEDlTECH's
          responsibility  shall be limited to providing assistance and advice to
          enable Customer to determine  appropriate  remedial action to be taken
          by Customer or others (not by MEDITECH) to resolve such problems.

Routine  service  shall be available  between  8:30 a.m.  and 5:30 p.m.,  Monday
through Friday,  Eastern Time, excluding Federal holidays.  For those line items
of LICENSED SOFTWARE which have been transferred to the MEDITECH Client Services
Division,  the hours will be extended until 10:00 p.m. Emergency service will be
available  at any other time and at no  additional  cost for any line items that
have attained Live Status.


          1.   After the  Implementation  Period for each line item of  LICENSED
               SOFTWARE,  if Customer requests additional training in the use of
               such LICENSED  SOFTWARE,  MEDlTECH shall provide this training at
               MEDlTECH's  then  standard  rates.  Further,  MEDITECH  regularly
               conducts  workshops  and  seminars  to  continue  to educate  its
               customers in the use of the LICENSED SOFTWARE.  Customer shall be
               entitled to attend these  workshops and seminars at no additional
               cost (other than its own travel and out-of-pocket  expenses).  In
               addition,  so long as the service  described  in this Article has
               not been terminated,  Customer shall automatically be a member of
               the MEDITECH Information Exchange Customer Program.

          2.   Upon  Customer's  written  request and at no  additional  cost to
               Customer,   MEDITECH's  Client  Services  Division  will  perform
               Operational   Assessments   (for  various   associated   software
               modules).  MEDlTECH  will review  Customer's  use of the LICENSED
               SOFTWARE,  make  recommendations for any necessary  improvements,
               and  provide  Customer  with a  detailed  written  report  of its
               findings and  recommendations.  MEDITECH will perform Operational
               Assessments not more frequently than once per year, following the
               attainment  of Live Status for all LICENSED  SOFTWARE line items.
               In the event  that an  Operational  Assessment  is  performed  at
               Customer's  site,  Customer will be  responsible  for  MEDITECH's
               travel and out-of-pocket expenses.

                                     - 33 -


     At no  additional  cost  MEDITECH  shall make  available  to  Customer  all
     enhancements  of the LICENSED  SOFTWARE,  when  applicable,  which MEDITECH
     makes generally  available to its other  customers.  MEDITECH  acknowledges
     that Federal and State governments may mandate  compliance by Customer with
     various   regulatory   requirements,   some  of   which   may   necessitate
     modifications to the LICENSED SOFTWARE. Therefore, MEDITECH will, as far as
     technically  feasible  and within a reasonable  period of time,  modify the
     specific software  capabilities of the LICENSED SOFTWARE  documented within
     the  attached  Exhibits  II  through V so that  Customer  may  comply  with
     mandated  Federal and State  requirements  to which it is  subject.  (NOTE:
     MEDITECH  reserves the right to charge  Customer for additional  functional
     capabilities  beyond that  documented  in  Exhibits II through V,  however,
     MEDITECH will exercise its best efforts to minimize any such charges).

     D.   EXPENSES

     In connection with the service  described  herein,  if travel to Customer's
     site is necessary, Customer agrees to reimburse MEDITECH for any actual and
     reasonable travel and out-of-pocket  expenses,  however,  no travel will be
     initiated  without  Customer's  prior  approval.  Customer  also  agrees to
     reimburse MEDITECH for the reasonable costs of dial-up telephone  expenses.
     These  expenses will be billed to Customer  separately,  as incurred,  with
     payment terms of net thirty (30) days.


     If customization of the LICENSED SOFTWARE beyond that described in Exhibits
     II through V is requested  by Customer  and assented to by MEDITECH,  which
     assent will not be unreasonably withheld, then:

          1.   Customer,  with advice from MEDITECH, will specify in writing all
               parameters necessary for MEDITECH to modify the LICENSED SOFTWARE
               and MEDITECH will furnish to Customer a written  price  quotation
               for such customization; and

          2.   If Customer  assents to such price  quotation,  then Customer and
               MEDITECH  will enter into a separate  agreement  for  delivery to
               Customer of the requested customization.

                      ARTICLE V - OTHER TERMS & CONDITIONS


          MEDITECH  agrees  that it will not  assign or  subcontract  any of its
          installation  obligations  to a  third  party  during  the  course  of
          implementation of the LICENSED SOFTWARE at Customer's sites.


          Each party agrees that during a twelve (12) month period commencing on
          the date of this  Agreement  it shall not  solicit  for the purpose of
          employment employees of the other party.

     C.   In the performance of the work, duties and obligations  devolving upon
          it under this  Agreement,  it is mutually  understood  and agreed that
          MEDITECH  is at all times  acting  and  performing  as an  independent
          contractor  and  nothing in the  Agreement  is  intended  nor shall be
          construed to create between Customer and MEDITECH an employer/employee
          relationship  or a  joint  venture  relationship.  As  an  independent
          contractor,  MEDITECH  will not be eligible for workers'  compensation
          insurance,   unemployment  compensation,  health  insurance  or  other
          employee benefits provided by Customer to its employees. MEDITECH will
          be  responsible  for payment of any and all taxes in  connection  with
          wages paid by MEDITECH.

     D.   NOTICES

          Unless  otherwise  expressly  agreed,  any notice required to be given
          pursuant to the terms of this Agreement  shall be in writing and shall
          be sent registered mail, return receipt  requested,  to the parties at
          the addresses as follows:

               If to MEDITECH:    Legal Department
                                  Medical Information Technology, Inc.
                                  MEDITECH Circle
                                  Westwood, MA 02090

                                     - 34 -

               If to Customer:    Bruce A. Shear
                                  PHC Inc.
                                  d/b/a Pioneer Behavioral Health
                                  200 Lake Street, Suite 102
                                  Peabody, MA 01960

     Any notice  hereunder  shall be considered to be given upon receipt thereof
     by the party to be served.  Any party  hereto  may  change  its  address or
     contact  person for the purpose of this Agreement by giving the other party
     fifteen (15) days written notice of such changes.


     If any term or provision of this Agreement  shall be found to be illegal or
     unenforceable  then,  notwithstanding,  this Agreement shall remain in full
     force and effect and such term or provision shall be deemed stricken.

     F.   HEADINGS

          The headings in this Agreement are for convenience  only and shall not
          affect, in any way, the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

     G.   MEDITECH  has  provided  to  Customer  a separate  Business  Associate
          Agreement and a separate  Security Rule Agreement that comply with the
          requirements of the Health  Insurance  Portability and  Accountability
          Act of 1996 (HIPAA) as they pertain to  Customer's  relationship  with
          MEDITECH and software licensed from MEDITECH.

                          ARTICLE VI - ENTIRE AGREEMENT

This  Agreement,  including  Exhibits I through V and  Schedule A, is the entire
agreement  between  the  parties  hereto with  reference  to the subject  matter
hereof.  Warranties,  expressed or implied,  regarding the LICENSED SOFTWARE are
exclusively as stated herein; any and all prior or  contemporaneous  warranties,
representations, understandings or agreements are specifically and intentionally
excluded.  This  Agreement may not be modified or amended except by an Amendment
in writing  between  the  parties.  The  failure of either  party to require the
performance of any term or obligation of this Agreement, or the waiver by either
party of any breach of this Agreement shall not prevent a subsequent enforcement
of such term or obligation or be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach.

                                     - 35 -

In witness whereof each party has executed this Agreement as a sealed instrument
this ____ day of March, 2006.

Customer PHC, Inc.  d/b/a/ Pioneer Behavioral Health

         By:    /s/ Paula C. Wurts

         Name:  Paula C. Wurts

         Title: CFO

MEDITECH Medical Information Technology, Inc.

         By: ___________________________________________________

         Name:   Howard Messing

         Title:  President & Chief Operating Officer

                                     - 36 -

                                    EXHIBIT I


Computer network  configuration to be determined by Customer in conjunction with
MEDITECH and subject to  MEDITECH's  approval. Prior to placing a firm order for
the components of the computer network  configuration,  Customer will provide to
MEDITECH for review and final  approval a written  description of the components
it intends to order, including computers, network, non-MEDITECH software, etc.

                                   SCHEDULE A


                    (document provided under separate cover)

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