Exhibit 10.50

                          MASTER LEASE No. 16378-00900

Dated:            As of April 1, 2006
Between:          Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC ("Lessor")
Located at:       2059 Northlake Parkway, Suite 400, Tucker, GA  30084
and:              PHC, Inc. ("Lessee")
located at:       200 Lake Street, Peabody, MA  01960

1.   AGREEMENT TO LEASE  PROPERTY.  Lessor  agrees to lease to Lessee and Lessee
     agrees to lease from Lessor the personal property  ("Equipment")  described
     in any schedule of Equipment  executed by the parties  substantially in the
     applicable form attached hereto as Exhibit A ("Equipment Schedule"),  or in
     such  other  form as the  parties  may  agree in  writing.  Each  Equipment
     Schedule shall,  except as otherwise may be agreed in writing,  incorporate
     the  terms of this  Master  Lease-Finance  Agreement  (hereinafter  "Master
     Lease").  Each Equipment  Schedule  shall,  together with the  incorporated
     terms  of  this  Master  Lease,   constitute  a  separate  lease  agreement
     ("Lease"). If there is a conflict between the language of this Master Lease
     and the language of an Equipment  Schedule,  the latter shall  prevail with
     respect  to the  Lease  comprising  the  Master  Lease  and such  Equipment

2.   TERM.  This Master Lease shall  commence on the date set forth above.  Each
     Lease shall  continue for the period  described in the  Equipment  Schedule
     applicable  thereto  (hereinafter  the "Term");  provided that if the Lease
     does not  require the Lessee to purchase  the  Equipment  at the end of the
     Term stated in the Equipment Schedule, the Lease shall not terminate at the
     end of such Term unless  either Lessor or Lessee has delivered to the other
     at least one hundred  and eighty  (180) days prior  written  notice of such
     termination,  failing  which the Term  will  extend  automatically  until a
     period of one hundred and eighty  (180) days has elapsed from the date when
     written notice of  termination  was delivered by either party to the other.
     Any such automatic  extension  shall be deemed  included in and part of the
     Term of the Lease,  and Lessee shall  continue to pay the periodic  rentals
     and comply with all other terms and conditions of the Lease until the Lease

3.   ACCEPTANCE.  Lessee  shall  inspect  the  Equipment  immediately  upon  its
     delivery and installation at Lessee's  premises.  If Lessee determines that
     the Equipment has been delivered,  installed, and is operating according to
     the  manufacturer's  or supplier's  specifications.  Lessee shall  promptly
     execute and deliver to Lessor a certificate of acceptance of such Equipment
     prepared by Lessor  substantially  in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B
     (hereinafter  "Certificate  of  Acceptance").  The description of Equipment
     contained or  incorporated  by reference in any  Certificate  of Acceptance
     executed by Lessee,  shall be deemed to be  incorporated  in the  Equipment
     description  in the Equipment  Schedule.  If there is a conflict  between a
     description  in an  Equipment  Schedule  and a  description  in an executed
     Certificate  of  Acceptance,  the latter shall  prevail,  and the Equipment
     Schedule  description  shall  be  deemed  to  be  amended  or  supplemented
     accordingly.  Lessee  authorizes  Lessor to make and initial,  on behalf of
     both Lessor and Lessee,  amendments  or  additions  to the  description  of
     Equipment   contained  in  the  Equipment  Schedule  to  ensure  that  such
     description  is complete,  fair and accurate,  including but not limited to
     amendments  or additions  relating to invoice or serial  numbers,  or, with
     Lessee's consent,  to the cost of items of Equipment.  Lessor shall not pay
     for any item of  Equipment  under a Lease if Lessee is in default of any of
     its obligations thereunder.

4.   RENT.  Lessee shall pay all rentals  pursuant to the  applicable  Equipment
     Schedule  (the  "Rent") on or before the due dates  thereof  for the entire
     Term of each Lease. All Rents shall be deemed earned in full when paid,

5.   OBLIGATION  TO PAY RENT  UNCONDITIONAL.  Each  lease is a net  lease and is
     non-cancelable for its entire term. Lessee's obligation to pay Rent and all
     other sums under each Lease, and the rights of Lessor or its assigns in and
     to such  payments,  shall be absolute and  unconditional,  and shall not be
     subject to any  abatement,  reduction,  setoff,  defense,  counterclaim  or

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     recoupment due or alleged to be due to, or by reason of, any past,  present
     or future  claims which Lessee may have against  Lessor or its assigns,  or
     any manufacturer or supplier of the Equipment, or against any other person,
     for  any  reason  whatsoever  including,  without  limitation,  any  reason
     relating  to the  fitness,  design,  quality,  materials,  workmanship,  or
     condition of the Equipment,  or to its merchantability,  or to its fitness,
     capacity or  durability  for any  particular  purpose,  or to any latent or
     patent  defect  in the  Equipment,  or to any  actual  or  alleged  patent,
     copyright,  or trade secret infringement  relating to the Equipment,  or to
     the  Equipment's  compliance  with the  requirements of any applicable law,
     rule, specification or contract.

6.   TITLE.  Lessee  shall have no right,  title or interest  in the  Equipment,
     except as  expressly  set forth in the Lease.  All  Equipment  shall remain
     personal property and title thereto shall at all times remain in the Lessor
     or its  assigns  exclusively.  All  documents  of title  and  evidences  of
     delivery shall be delivered to Lessor.  Lessee hereby assigns to Lessor all
     and  any  right,  title,  and  interest  it has or may  have  in and to the
     Equipment,  and in and to Lessee's rights,  but not obligations,  under any
     contract or  document  relating  to the  Equipment,  as of the date of such
     contract or document,  including  without  limitation any purchase order or
     invoice for the Equipment. Lessee will not change or remove any insignia or
     lettering on the Equipment  indicating  Lessor's  ownership  thereof.  Upon
     Lessor's request. Lessee shall affix to the Equipment in a prominent place,
     labels,  plates or other  markings  stating that the  Equipment is owned by
     Lessor. Lessor is hereby irrevocably  authorized and appointed by Lessee as
     its attorney-in-fact to execute,  file and record on Lessee's behalf and at
     Lessee's expense,  any financing statement or other instrument recording or
     giving notice  pursuant to applicable  law of the interest which Lessor may
     now have or  hereafter  may acquire in any  Equipment  or Lease,  including
     without  limitation  any  financing  statement or fixture  filing under the
     Uniform Commercial Code ("UCC"), and any amendment, assignment, termination
     or continuation  thereof.  Lessee furthermore agrees to execute and deliver
     any statement or instrument reasonably required by Lessor for such purpose.
     Lessee  shall,  at  Lessee's  expense,  protect and defend  Lessor's  title
     against all persons  claiming  against or through Lessee,  and shall at all
     times  keep the  Equipment  free from any  legal  process  or  encumbrances
     whatsoever, including but not limited to liens, levies and attachments, and
     shall give Lessor  immediate  written  notice of any  threatened  or actual
     legal process or encumbrance  affecting or relating to the  Equipment,  and
     shall indemnify Lessor from any loss caused thereby.  If a Lease is for any
     reason held not to be a true lease but a lease intended as security. Lessee
     shall be deemed to have  granted  Lessor a first  security  interest in the
     Equipment and the proceeds thereof, the Lease, and any related collateral.

7.   WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.  Lessor  warrants and represents that
     as long as Lessee shall not be in default of any of the  provisions  of the
     Lease,  neither  Lessor,  nor any assignee or secured  party of Lessor will
     disturb   Lessee's  use  or   possession  of  the  Equipment  and  Lessee's
     unrestricted  use thereof for its intended  purpose.  LESSOR MAKES NO OTHER

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     WAY RELATED TO OR ARISINGOUT OF THE LEASE.  The parties Intend the Lease to
     be a "Finance Lease" as defined in Article  2A-103(g) of the UCC;  provided
     that If contrary to such  intention the Lease does not constitute a Finance
     Lease, the Lease shall  nevertheless bind the parties fully pursuant to its
     terms.  Lessee has either (a) reviewed  and  approved  any written  "Supply
     Contract" with the "Supplier" (as such terms are defined in the UCC) of the
     Equipment,  or (b) Lessor has Informed or advised Lessee in writing, either
     previously  or by the Lease,  (i) of the identity of the  Supplier  (unless
     Lessee  itself  selected the  Supplier  and directed  Lessor to acquire the
     Equipment from such  supplier),  (ii) that Lessee may have rights under the
     Supply  Contract,  and (iii) that  Lessee may contact  the  Supplier  for a
     description  of any such rights.  Without  limiting the  foregoing.  Lessee
     shall look solely and  exclusively to the supplier or  manufacturer  of the
     Equipment,  not to Lessor, for the rights and benefits under any applicable
     supplier's or manufacturer's  warranties,  express or implied,  relating to
     the  Equipment.  To the extent,  if any, that the rights and benefits under
     such  warranties may vest in Lessor and may be assignable,  such rights and
     benefits  are hereby  assigned by Lessor to Lessee,  without  any  recourse
     whatsoever to Lessor.  Lessee shall at its sole expense take all reasonable
     action to enforce such warranties where available to Lessee.

8.   INDEMNITY. Lessee agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Lessor harmless from
     any and all claims, losses,  liabilities  (including contract,  negligence,
     tort and strict liability), damages and/or legal proceedings, groundless or
     otherwise,  including  any  liability  for legal costs,  fees and expenses,
     relating  to or arising  from any Lease or  Equipment,  including,  without
     limitation,  the  Equipment's  quality,  design,  manufacture,  durability,
     materials, selection, purchase, delivery, possession, condition, fitness or
     suitability  for any  purpose,  compliance  with  any  law,  regulation  or
     specification,  use,  operation,  maintenance,  or return.  The liabilities
     indemnified against by Lessee shall include, without limitation, any actual
     or alleged  liability based on any theory arising in contract,  negligence,
     tort,  or  equity,  including  but not  limited  to any  theory  of  strict
     liability  or  products  liability.  Lessee's  obligations  hereunder  will
     survive the Term of the Lease with  respect to acts or events  occurring or
     alleged to have occurred prior to termination of the Lease or the return of
     the Equipment to Lessor.


(a)  Lessee  shall  at  its  expense;  (i)  be  responsible  for  the  delivery,
     installation,  maintenance,  service and repair of the Equipment;  (ii) use
     the Equipment  only in the regular and lawful course of Lessee's  business,
     within its normal capacity,  without abuse, and in a manner contemplated by
     the manufacturer;  (iii) not make any modification,  alteration or addition
     to the Equipment (other than the addition of normal  operating  accessories
     or controls! without the consent of Lessor, which shall not be unreasonably
     withheld;  (iv) protect the Equipment from deterioration;  and (v) maintain
     in force a standard  maintenance  agreement with the  manufacturer or other
     party  reasonably  acceptable  to  Lessor,  for  the  repair,  service  and
     maintenance  of the  Equipment  in good  operating  condition,  repair  and
     appearance, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Nothing herein shall absolve
     Lessee from its obligation to furnish a certificate  from the  manufacturer

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     of the Equipment  upon  surrender of the Equipment  pursuant to Section 14.
     (b) Lessee  shall not affix the  Equipment  to realty in such  manner as to
     change  its  nature  to real  property  or to cause it to  become a fixture
     pursuant to applicable  law.  Lessee agrees that the Equipment shall remain
     personal  property at all times  regardless  of how attached or  installed,
     shall remain at the location shown in the Equipment  Schedule and shall not
     be  removed   therefrom   without  the  written  consent  of  Lessor.   All
     modifications,  repairs, alterations,  additions, operating accessories and
     controls  shall accrue to the Equipment and become the property o-f Lessor.
     Lessor shall have the right,  during Lessee's  normal  business hours,  and
     subject to any applicable laws and regulations,  to enter upon the premises
     where the Equipment is located in order to inspect,  observe, or remove the
     Equipment or otherwise to protect  Lessor's  interest  therein,  and Lessee
     shall cooperate in affording Lessor the opportunity to do so.

10.  TAXES. All taxes,  assessments,  license fees, and other charges or levies,
     including,  without limitation, any personal property tax, sales tax or use
     tax,  imposed or assessed by any lawful  authority  upon or against  either
     Lessee or Lessor  (except for Federal or State  income  taxes or  franchise
     taxes payable by Lessor), relating to the ownership,  possession, rental or
     use of the Equipment during the Term of the Lease,  shall be paid by Lessee
     before the same shall become  delinquent.  To the extent possible under any
     applicable law relating to personal  property  taxes.  Lessee shall include
     the Equipment on personal  property tax returns which shall be timely filed
     by Lessee,  and Lessee shall timely pay any such taxes payable with respect
     to the Equipment.  If Lessor is required to file such returns,  Lessee will
     promptly furnish to Lessor any information which Lessor reasonably requires
     to make and file such  returns in a timely  manner.  If Lessee fails to pay
     any  taxes,  assessments,  fees or other  charges or levies for which it is
     liable  pursuant to this  Section,  Lessor may pay all or any part thereof,
     and Lessee  shall  immediately  reimburse  Lessor in full for the amount so
     paid by Lessor.  Lessee authorizes Lessor to add to the amount of any Rent,
     any sales or use tax, or similar charges or levies,  that may be imposed on
     or measured by such Rent.

11.  INSURANCE.  Lessee shall at all times  maintain,  at its own  expense:  (a)
     all-risk  insurance  covering  physical  loss of or damage to the Equipment
     from every insurable cause whatsoever for an amount no less than the higher
     of the  "Casualty  Loss  Value",  as that term is  defined  in  Section  12
     hereunder,  or the  full  replacement  value  of  the  Equipment;  and  (b)
     comprehensive  general liability and umbrella liability  insurance covering
     all insurable  exposures for bodily injury and property  damage relating to
     the  Equipment  and/or  its  use  and/or  operation   (including,   without
     limitation, contractual liability and products liability), in such amounts,
     against such risks,  and with such insurers,  as shall be  satisfactory  to
     Lessor.  Lessor shall with respect to each policy of insurance  referred to
     herein,  be named as an  additional  insured  and loss payee  pursuant to a

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     standard  long form  endorsement  to such policy.  Each such policy  and/or
     endorsement shall provide that (i) the coverages afforded thereby to Lessor
     shall not be canceled or materially changed for any reason without at least
     thirty (30) days' prior written  notice to Lessor;  (ii) Lessor's  coverage
     under and  interest in the policy  shall not be  invalidated  or  otherwise
     adversely  affected  by any  breach by  Lessee  or others of any  warranty,
     declaration,  representation or condition contained in such policy.  Lessor
     is hereby  irrevocably  authorized to file any claim or proof of loss under
     or in connection with any insurance policy maintained by Lessee pursuant to
     this Section 11.

12.  LOSS OR DAMAGE.  Lessee  shall bear the entire risk of any  destruction  or
     loss of or damage  to the  Equipment  or any item  thereof  for any  reason
     whatsoever,  including without limitation, theft, governmental taking, war,
     strike or Act of God.  Lessee shall  promptly  notify Lessor of any Loss or
     Damage, and no such event shall relieve Lessee of its obligation to pay the
     full Rent or any other obligation under the Lease. In the event of any Loss
     or Damage, Lessee shall at its expense, subject to the option and direction
     of Lessor:  (a) repair any damaged Equipment to the same good condition and
     repair it was in prior to the Damage;  or (b) replace any  Equipment  which
     Lessor  determines has been damaged beyond repair,  or which has been lost,
     with like Equipment,  free of any liens or encumbrances,  in good condition
     and repair; or (c) pay to Lessor upon written demand an amount (hereinafter
     the  "Casualty  Loss  Value")  equal  to the sum of:  (i) any Rent or other
     amounts  then due under the  Lease;  (ii> the  present  value,  based on an
     discount  rate of 5% per annum,  of any future unpaid Rent payments for the
     balance of the Term of the Lease;  and (iii) the present value,  based on a
     discount  rate of 5% per  annum,  of the amount of any  purchase  option or
     requirement  stated in the Lease or, where such options or requirements are
     not so stated,  the amount of the fair market value of all the Equipment at
     the end of the Term of the Lease.  For the purposes of this Section and any
     Lease,  the fair market value of Equipment shall be the amount which an end
     user thereof,  negotiating  at arm's  length,  would pay at retail for such
     Equipment  assuming that it was already  installed and  operational  at the
     location where it will be used.  The Lease shall  terminate upon payment of
     the Casualty Loss Value,  whereupon all Lessor's right, title, and interest
     in the  Equipment  shall vest in Lessee or Lessee's  insurer  according  to
     their  respective  interests,  "as is, where is" in the then  condition and
     location of the Equipment,  and without warranty,  express or implied.  The
     proceeds, if any, received by Lessor from any all-risk insurance maintained
     at  Lessee's  expense  pursuant  to Section 11 hereof,  shall be applied by
     Lessor to  reimburse  Lessee for expenses  incurred at Lessor's  option and
     direction  in the  repair  or  replacement  of  lost or  damaged  Equipment
     pursuant to this Section,  or shall be remitted in full to Lessee if Lessee
     has upon Lessor's demand paid the Casualty Loss Value.


     (a)  Lessor  may  transfer,  assign,  and  sell,  and/or  grant a  security
          interest in, all or any portion of its right,  title,  and interest in
          and to the  Equipment,  the Lease  and/or  the Rents or other  amounts
          payable thereunder, to a third party (hereinafter an "Assignee"),  and
          any reference in such Lease to "Lessor" shall thereupon also be deemed
          to be reference to Assignee.  Lessee hereby:  (i) consents to any such
          transfer,  assignment,  sale  and/or  grant;  (ii)  agrees to promptly
          execute and deliver any  instrument as may  reasonably be requested by
          Assignee  from  time  to  time  to  give  effect  to  such   transfer,
          assignment,  sale and/or grant,  including an acknowledgment by Lessee
          of its  continuing  unconditional  obligations  under the Lease as set
          forth in  Section  5  hereof;  and  (iii)  acknowledges  that any such
          transfer,  assignment,  sale and/or grant shall not materially  change
          Lessee's duties or obligations under the Lease nor materially increase
          the  burdens or risks  imposed  on Lessee,  or  obligate  Assignee  to
          perform the  obligations,  if any, of Lessor  under the Lease,  except
          that Assignee shall allow Lessee quiet  enjoyment of the Equipment for
          so long as Lessee  complies with all the provisions of the Lease,  and
          shall  pursuant to the Lease apply any  proceeds  which  Assignee  may
          receive  from  insurance  maintained  by  Lessee at  Lessee's  expense
          pursuant to Section 11. (b) Lessee's obligation to pay, and Assignee's
          right to receive, the Rents and other sums due under a Lease, shall be
          absolute  and  unconditional  as more  fully  set  forth in  Section 5
          hereof, and, without limitation, shall be unaffected by any failure by
          Lessor to perform any obligation under the Lease, without prejudice to
          such recourse, if any, which Lessee separately may have against Lessor
          arising  from such  failure.  (c) LESSEE  SHALL NOT  WITHOUT THE PRIOR

14.  SURRENDER OF EQUIPMENT. Lessee shall upon termination of a Lease return the
     Equipment to Lessor at Lessee's expense,  subject to the following: (a) not
     less than thirty (30) days before such return.  Lessee shall provide Lessor
     with a written  inventory  of the  Equipment,  including  model and  serial
     numbers,  details of current manuals,  and with all other technical data in
     Lessee's possession required for the set-up and operation of the Equipment;
     (b) not less than ten (10) days before such return.  Lessee  shall  provide

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     Lessor with a  certificate  by the  manufacturer  or a qualified  equipment
     maintenance provider acceptable to Lessor, to the effect that the Equipment
     has been  properly  inspected,  examined and tested,  is in good  operating
     condition,  repair and appearance,  reasonable wear and tear excepted,  and
     will be eligible upon re-sale or re-lease by Lessor, for the manufacturer's
     standard  maintenance  agreement for Equipment of comparable  age and type;
     (c) the Equipment shall be returned in the same good order and condition in
     which it is  required  to be  certified,  as set forth  above,  and will be
     thoroughly cleaned and cosmetically  acceptable for immediate  installation
     in a  similar  environment;  (d) the  Equipment  shall be  returned  to the
     location  designated by Lessor within the continental United States; (e) if
     Lessee for any reason fails to return the  Equipment  to Lessor  within ten
     (10) days of  termination  of the  Lease,  Lessee  shall pay as  liquidated
     damages  an amount  equal to one  hundred  and five  percent  (105%) of the
     monthly  rental  payment  set  forth in the  Lease  for each  month or part
     thereof that elapses  before the  Equipment is received by Lessor,  without
     prejudice to Lessor's  right,  without  notice,  demand,  or legal process,
     (except as applicable  law may require),  to enter into the premises  where
     the  Equipment  is then  located and to  repossess  and remove it,  without
     liability to Lessee for injury or loss suffered  through or caused thereby,
     and all rights of Lessee in the Equipment so  repossessed  shall  terminate
     absolutely; (f) the provisions of this Section 14 shall not apply if Lessee
     duly purchases the Equipment from Lessor  pursuant to its rights at the end
     of the Term of any Lease.


     (a)  Lessee shall promptly pay all costs, expenses and obligations of every
          kind and nature  incurred in  connection  with the use or operation of
          the  Equipment  which may arise or become  due  during the Term of the
          Lease, whether or not specifically mentioned herein.
     (b)  The information,  statements and financial reports submitted by Lessee
          to Lessor from time to time are material  inducements to the execution
          by Lessor of any Lease thereafter  executed between Lessor and Lessee.
          Lessee warrants that such information,  statements and reports will be
          true and correct in all material respects as of the date submitted.
     (c)  Lessee  shall  during the Term of any Lease  furnish  to  Lessor:  (i)
          within one hundred and twenty  (120) days after the end of each fiscal
          year of Lessee, the complete audited financial statements of Lessee as
          at the end of such fiscal  year and for the period  then  ended;  (ii)
          within  sixty (60) days after the end of each  quarter of each  fiscal
          year of Lessee,  interim financial statements reflecting the financial
          condition  of Lessee as at the end of such  quarter and the results of
          its operations  and cash flows for the period then ended,  prepared in
          accordance  with  generally  accepted   accounting   principles,   and
          certified  as  such  by  Lessee;   and  (iii)  such  other   financial
          information  regarding the business affairs and financial condition of
          Lessee as Lessor may reasonably request from time to time.
     (d)  If any Rent or other  payment  is not paid by Lessee  within  ten (10)
          days of its due date under a Lease,  Lessee shall, in addition to such
          Rent,  immediately  be liable to pay  liquidated  damages in an amount
          equal to the lesser of: (i) five percent (5%) of such late payment, or
          (ii) the maximum liquidated  damages,  late charge, or equivalent such
          charge,  as the  applicable  law  allows in such  circumstances.  Such
          liability  shall be in addition to any other amounts payable by Lessee
          as a result of the  exercise  by  Lessor of any of its other  remedies
          under a Lease.
     (e)  Lessee  warrants that this Master Lease and any Lease hereunder is and
          shall be duly authorized, and that no provision herein or in any Lease
          is or shall be inconsistent  with Lessee's  charter,  by-laws,  or any
          loan or credit  agreement  or other  instrument  to which  Lessee is a
          party or by which Lessee or its property may be bound or affected.
     (f)  Lessee,  if a  corporation  or other form of  organization,  shall not
          merge or  consolidate  with any other person or entity,  or change its
          identity,  without  Lessor's  written  consent,  which  shall  not  be
          unreasonably withheld.

     with any of the provisions of a Lease, Lessor shall have the right, but not
     the  obligation,  to effect such  compliance  on behalf of Lessee.  In that
     event, all monies spent and all liabilities and expenses incurred by Lessor
     in effecting such compliance will  immediately be due and payable by Lessee
     to Lessor.

17.  DEFAULT. The occurrence of any one of the following events shall constitute
     an Event of Default under a Lease:

     (a)  Any  default  by Lessee in the due and  timely  payment of Rent or any
          other amount due under such Lease,  which  continues for five (5) days
          after receipt of written notice thereof from Lessor;
     (b)  Lessee's breach of any warranty  hereunder,  or its failure to furnish
          and maintain insurance pursuant to Section 11 hereof;
     (c)  Any default by Lessee in the performance of any other  covenant,  term
          or condition  hereunder,  which  default  continues  for ten (10) days
          after receipt of written notice thereof from Lessor;
     (d)  Lessee's insolvency or any assignment by Lessee for the benefit of its

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     (e)  Any application by Lessee for, or Lessee's consent to, the appointment
          of a receiver, trustee,  conservator or liquidator of Lessee or of all
          or a  substantial  part  of its  assets,  or the  appointment  of such
          receiver,  trustee,  conservator or liquidator without the application
          or consent of Lessee;
     (f)  The filing of a petition by or against Lessee under the Bankruptcy Act
          or any amendment thereto (including,  without  limitation,  a petition
          for  reorganization,  arrangement  or  extension)  or under  any other
          insolvency  law or laws  providing for the relief of debtors,  unless:
          (i) Lessee  promptly and  diligently  prosecutes  an action to dismiss
          such petition;  and (ii) such petition is dismissed within thirty (30)
          days of such filing;
     (g)  Lessee's  abandonment  of, or attempt  without  Lessor's prior written
          consent to remove,  sell,  assign,  transfer,  sublet or part with the
          possession  of,  any  item  of  Equipment  or  any of  its  rights  or
          obligations under a Lease; or,
     (hi  Any representation or warranty made by Lessee in this Master Lease, or
          in any Equipment  Schedule,  or in any document furnished by Lessee to
          Lessor  or  Assignee  in  connection  with  this  Master  Lease or any
          Equipment  Schedule or with respect to the  acquisition  or use of the
          Equipment, which is untrue in any material respect.
     (i)  The  bankruptcy  of any guarantor of Lessee's  obligations  under such
          Lease,  or any attempt by such  guarantor to renounce or repudiate any
          of its guaranty obligations relating to such Lease.

18.  REMEDIES.  If an Event of  Default  occurs  under a Lease,  Lessor may with
     respect  to such  Lease  elect to do one or more of the  following,  all of
     which are hereby authorized by Lessee:  (a) Cause Lessee,  immediately upon
     written  demand,  to pay to  Lessor,  as  liquidated  damages  and not as a
     penalty,  the "Default Value",  which shall be the sum of: (i) the Casualty
     Loss Value of the Equipment on the date of such Event of Default;  and (ii)
     any and all costs and expenses  incurred by Lessor in  connection  with the
     enforcement of any of Lessor's remedies  hereunder,  including all expenses
     of repossessing,  storing,  shipping,  repairing and selling the Equipment,
     and all  legal  and  administrative  costs and  expenses  related  thereto,
     including reasonable in-house administrative and legal costs, and the costs
     and  attorneys'  fees of outside  counsel;  b) Unless and until the Default
     Value has been paid in full.  Lessor may:  (i) cause  Lessee,  upon written
     demand of Lessor and at Lessee's expense,  promptly to return the Equipment
     to Lessor in accordance  with Section 14 hereof,  or may without  demand or
     legal process,  except as may be required by applicable law, enter into the
     premises where the Equipment may be found and take possession of and remove
     such Equipment,  without  liability for injuries  suffered  through or loss
     caused  by such  repossession,  and may  ship,  store  and/or  repair  such
     Equipment, whereupon all rights of Lessee in such Equipment shall terminate
     absolutely;  and (ii) upon return or  repossession of the Equipment may, in
     Lessor's  reasonable  discretion,  lease or sell  such  Equipment,  with or
     without  notice and by public  auction or private  bid,  but subject to the
     requirements  of any applicable law, and the proceeds of such lease or sale
     shall be applied to paying Lessor an amount equal to the Default Value,  to
     the extent not previously  paid by Lessee.  If the sum of the lease or sale
     proceeds and any previous  payments by Lessee towards the Default Value, is
     less  than the  Default  Value,  Lessee  shall  remain  liable  to pay such
     shortfall to Lessor.  Any surplus remaining  thereafter will be retained by
     Lessor. All remedies of Lessor hereunder are cumulative, are in addition to
     any other remedies  provided for by law and may, to the extent permitted by
     law, be exercised  concurrently or separately,  and the exercise of any one
     remedy  shall not be deemed to be an election of such remedy or to preclude
     the  exercise  of any other  remedy.  No  failure  on the part of Lessor to
     exercise, and no delay in exercising any right or remedy shall operate as a
     waiver  thereof or modify  the terms of any Lease,  nor shall any single or
     partial  exercise  by Lessor of any right or remedy  preclude  any other or
     further exercise of the same or any other right or remedy.


     (a)  Lessor may from time to time agree to lend and advance funds to Lessee
          for the purpose of  purchasing  personal  property,  and to record the
          terms and conditions of such transaction  {hereinafter a "Loan") in an
          Equipment Schedule which incorporates the terms and conditions of this
          Master Lease by reference.

     (b)  If the parties  conclude a Loan by means of such  Equipment  Schedule:
          (i) any  reference  in this Master Lease to Lessor and Lessee shall be
          deemed to be  references  to  Lessor  and  Lessee in their  respective
          capacities as Lender and Borrower  pursuant to the Loan, and the terms
          and  conditions of this Master Lease shall mutatis  mutandis  apply to
          the  contractual  rights and obligations of Lessor and Lessee pursuant
          to the Loan,  including,  without limitation.  Lessee's  unconditional
          obligation to pay periodic repayment amounts under the Loan subject to
          the same terms and  conditions as apply to Lessee's  obligation to pay
          Rent under a Lease; (ii) Lessee,  in its capacity as Borrower,  grants
          Lessor, in its capacity as Lender, a security interest in each item of
          personal property  described as "Equipment" in any Equipment  Schedule
          recording a Loan,  as security for the due and timely  fulfillment  of
          all Lessee's obligations under such Loan.


     (a)  Applicable Law;  Consent to Jurisdiction;  Waiver of Jury Trial.  This
          Master  Lease and any Lease  shall be  governed  by and  construed  in
          accordance  with the laws of the State of New  Jersey.  Lessee  hereby
          consents  to the  non-exclusive  jurisdiction  of any State or Federal
          court  of  competent  jurisdiction  located  within  the  State of New
          Jersey,  for  the  adjudication  of  all  and  any  lawsuits,  claims,
          controversies  or  proceedings to which Lessor or its assigns may be a
          party, arising out of or in connection with any rights. obligations or
          interests  under this Master Lease,  any Lease,  and/or any Equipment.
          Lessor and Lessee Each Irrevocably Waive All Right to Trial by Jury of
          Any Such Lawsuits, Claims, Controversies or Proceedings.
     (b)  (b) Place and Time of Performance.  Each Lease shall be deemed to have
          been formed and executed at Lessor's  place of business in New Jersey.
          Lessee shall pay Rents and any other amounts  payable under each Lease
          at such place, unless requested otherwise by Lessor or its assignee in
          writing.  Time  is of the  essence  in  the  performance  of  Lessee's
          obligations hereunder.
     (c)  (c) Suspension of Obligations of Lessor. Prior to delivery of any item
          of Equipment  hereunder,  the obligations of Lessor hereunder shall be
          suspended  to  the  extent  that  it is  hindered  or  prevented  from
          complying therewith because of labor  disturbances,  including strikes
          and lockouts,  acts of God, fire,  storms,  accidents,  failure of the
          manufacturer   to  deliver   any  item  of   Equipment,   governmental
          regulations or  interference,  or any cause  whatsoever not within the
          sole control of the Lessor.
     (d)  (d) Partial  Validity.  If any provision hereof, or its application to
          any  person  or  circumstances,  shall to any  extent  be  invalid  or
          unenforceable,  the remaining provisions hereof, or the application of
          such  provision  to  persons or  circumstances  other than those as to
          which it is invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby.
     (e)  Notices.  Any  notice  required  or  permitted  to  be  given  by  the
          provisions  hereof  shall  be  delivered  to a  party  at the  address
          indicated  above (or at such other address as a party shall specify to
          the other party in writing) by courier or by  registered  or certified
          mail.  Proof of sending  such notice  shall be the  responsibility  of
     (f)  Amendments.  This Master Lease and each Lease  constitutes  the entire
          agreement  between  Lessor and Lessee and may not be  contradicted  by
          evidence of prior,  contemporaneous  or subsequent  oral  discussions,
          negotiations or agreements of the parties.  There is no understanding,
          oral or written, which is not contained herein or therein. This Master
          Lease and any Lease  hereunder may not be amended  except by a written
          instrument signed by Lessor and Lessee,  except as otherwise permitted
          herein or in a lease.
     (g)  (g) Successors; Survival of Covenants. This Master Lease and any Lease
          shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and
          their  permitted  successors  and assigns.  All of Lessee's  covenants
          under this Master Lease and  Equipment  Schedule(s)  shall survive the
          delivery and return of the Equipment leased hereunder.
     (h)  (h)  Originality.  This  Master  Lease and any  Equipment  Schedule or
          Certificate  of  Acceptance  shall be executed with only one original,
          and only the transfer or assignment of an original  Equipment Schedule
          shall be effective to transfer  Lessor's  rights under a Lease,  or to
          perfect, by possession, a security interest therein.
     (i)  Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC is a Delaware limited liability

 Executed as of the date first written above.

   LESSOR: Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC     LESSEE: PHC, Inc.

   By:     /s/ P. Wesley Yount, III                   By:  /s/  Paula C. Wurts

   Name:   P. Wesley Yount, III                       Name:    Paula C. Wurts

   Title:  Senior Vice President                      Title:  CFO

                                     - 44 -

                           EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE No. 001

Dated:            As of April 1, 2006
Under:            MASTER LEASE No. 16378-00900   dated as of April 1, 2006
Between:          Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC ("Lessor")
located at:       2059 Northlake Parkway, Suite 400, Tucker, GA  30084
and:              PHC, Inc. ("Lessee")
located at:       200 Lake Street, Peabody, MA  01960


     2.   COMMENCEMENT  DATE:  The date set  forth in the  Certificate  of Lease
          Acceptance as the Lease Acceptance Date.

     3.   TERM: The lease Term commences on the Commencement  Date and continues
          for 39 months thereafter.

     4.   RENT:  39  monthly  payments  due on the  first  day  of  each  month,
          beginning on the Commencement  Date, payable as follows: 3 consecutive
          monthly payments of $0.00, followed by 35 consecutive monthly payments
          of $6,065.11 followed by 1 consecutive monthly payment of $0.00.

     5.   EQUIPMENT  ACCEPTANCE:  It is  anticipated  that the Equipment will be
          delivered to and installed at the Equipment  Location over a period of
          5 months  beginning on the  Commencement  Date.  Lessee shall,  as set
          forth in  Attachment C,  periodically  execute and deliver to Lessor a
          Certificate  of  Equipment  Acceptance,  substantially  in the form as
          Exhibit A hereto  which  shall:  (a) detail  those items of  Equipment
          which have been  delivered to and accepted by Lessee during the period
          since the last executed Certificate of Equipment Acceptance;  and, (b)
          serve as  authorization  for Lessor to pay the Vendors the Cost of the
          Equipment listed therein.

     6.   EQUIPMENT CHANGES: See Attachment B.

     7.   PAYMENTS TO VENDORS: See Attachment C.

     8.   PURCHASE:  At the end of such lease  Term,  provided  Lessee is not in
          default of its obligations hereunder,  Lessee shall have the option to
          purchase  all,  but not less than all, of the  Equipment  for its then
          Fair Market Value, which amount Lessee shall pay to Lessor on the last
          day of the Term hereof.  The term "Fair  Market  Value" as used herein
          shall  mean the  purchase  price that  would be  obtained  in an arm's
          length  transaction,  assuming  the  Equipment  is in  good  operating
          condition and fully installed on the premises where it is to be used.

     9.   MASTER  LEASE:  All the terms and  conditions  of the Master Lease are
          incorporated  herein by reference as if such terms and conditions were
          set forth in this  Equipment  Schedule.  Pursuant to Section 10 of the
          Master Lease,  Lessee will file any personal  property returns and pay
          all personal  property taxes applicable with respect to the Equipment.
          Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC is a Delaware limited liability

     10.  ORIGINALITY: This is the only Original Equipment Schedule No. 001. All
          other copies of this Equipment Schedule No. 001 are xerographic copies
          only and have been marked as duplicates. Possession of this "Original"
          is required to perfect,  by  possession,  a security  interest in this

                                     - 45 -

          Equipment  Schedule as chattel paper under the UCC.

     11.  Executed as of the date first written above.


   By:      /s/ P. Wesley Yount, III                   By:  /s/  Paula C. Wurts

   Name:    P. Wesley Yount, III                       Name:    Paula C. Wurts

   Title:   Senior Vice President                      Title:  CFO

                                     - 46 -

                           EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE No. 002

Dated:            As of April 1, 2006
Under:            MASTER LEASE No. 16378-00900   dated as of April 1, 2006
Between:          Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC ("Lessor")
located at:       2059 Northlake Parkway, Suite 400, Tucker, GA  30084
and:              PHC, Inc. ("Lessee")
located at:       200 Lake Street, Peabody, MA  01960


     2.   COMMENCEMENT  DATE:  The date set  forth in the  Certificate  of Lease
          Acceptance as the Lease Acceptance Date.

     3.   TERM: The lease Term commences on the Commencement  Date and continues
          for 66 months thereafter.

     4.   RENT:  66  monthly  payments  due on the  first  day  of  each  month,
          beginning on the Commencement Date, payable as follows: Payments 1 - 6
          @ $0.00,  followed by payments 7 - 10 @ $3,000.00 followed by payments
          11 - 65 @ $9,868.71 followed by payment 66 @ $0.00.

     5.   EQUIPMENT  ACCEPTANCE:  It is  anticipated  that the Equipment will be
          delivered to and installed at the Equipment  Location over a period of
          21 months  beginning on the  Commencement  Date.  Lessee shall, as set
          forth in  Attachment C,  periodically  execute and deliver to Lessor a
          Certificate  of  Equipment  Acceptance,  substantially  in the form as
          Exhibit A hereto  which  shall:  (a) detail  those items of  Equipment
          which have been  delivered to and accepted by Lessee during the period
          since the last executed Certificate of Equipment Acceptance;  and, (b)
          serve as  authorization  for Lessor to pay the Vendors the Cost of the
          Equipment listed therein.

     6.   EQUIPMENT CHANGES: See Attachment B.

     7.   PAYMENTS TO VENDORS: See Attachment C.

     8.   PURCHASE:  At the end of the Term hereof. Lessee shall, without notice
          or demand, purchase the Equipment for $1.00, which amount Lessee shall
          pay to Lessor on the last day of the Term hereof.

     9.   MASTER  LEASE:  All the terms and  conditions  of the Master Lease are
          incorporated  herein by reference as if such terms and conditions were
          set forth in this  Equipment  Schedule.  Pursuant to Section 10 of the
          Master Lease,  Lessee will file any personal  property returns and pay
          all personal  property taxes applicable with respect to the Equipment.
          Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC is a Delaware limited liability

     10.  ORIGINALITY: This is the only Original Equipment Schedule No. 002. All
          other copies of this Equipment Schedule No. 002 are xerographic copies
          only and have been marked as duplicates. Possession of this "Original"
          is required to perfect,  by  possession,  a security  interest in this
          Equipment  Schedule as chattel paper under the UCC.

     11.  Executed as of the date first written above.


   By:   ____________________________                 By: ____________________

   Name: ____________________________                 Name: __________________

   Title: ____________________________                Title:__________________

                                     - 47 -


Dated:            As of April 1, 2006
Under:            MASTER LEASE No. 16378-00900   dated as of April 1, 2006
Between:          Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC ("Lessor")
located at:       2059 Northlake Parkway, Suite 400, Tucker, GA  30084
and:              PHC, Inc.  ("Lessee")
located at:       200 Lake Street, Peabody, MA  01960


Location A: 200 Lake Street, Peabody, MA 01960

                                          Equipment Make,       (* = Taxable)
Item No.      Quantity      Part No.   Model and Description    Total $ Cost____
Vendor:  To be determined

001-01            1                    Hardware                      $200,000.00

                                       Location Total                $200,000.00
                                       Attachment Total              $200,000.00

     Together with all parts, accessories, attachments,  substitutions, repairs,
     improvements  and  replacements,  and  any and all  rights  thereunder  and
     proceeds thereof, including insurance proceeds. The above equipment will be
     more fully described in Certificates of Equipment  Acceptance  signed or to
     be signed by Lessee,  each of which is incorporated into and made a part of
     the Equipment Schedule.

2.       Executed as of the date first set forth above.


   By:    /s/ P. Wesley Yount, III                     By:  /s/  Paula C. Wurts

   Name:  P. Wesley Yount, III                         Name:    Paula C. Wurts

   Title: Senior Vice President                        Title:  CFO

                                     - 48 -


Dated:            As of April 1, 2006
Under:            MASTER LEASE No. 16378-00900   dated as of April 1, 2006
Between:          Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC ("Lessor")
located at:       2059 Northlake Parkway, Suite 400, Tucker, GA  30084
and:              PHC, Inc.  ("Lessee")
located at:       200 Lake Street, Peabody, MA  01960


Location A: 200 Lake Street, Peabody, MA 01960

                                         Equipment Make,       (* = Taxable)
Item No.      Quantity      Part No.   Model and Description    Total $ Cost____
Vendor:  Meditech

Vendor:  Meditech

001-01            1                    Software
                                       License Fee                 $250,125.00*
                                       Implementation              $212,306.00

                                       Location Total              $462,431.00
                                       Attachment Total            $462,431.00

          Together  with all  parts,  accessories,  attachments,  substitutions,
          repairs,  improvements  and  replacements,  and  any  and  all  rights
          thereunder and proceeds thereof,  including  insurance  proceeds.  The
          above  equipment  will be more  fully  described  in  Certificates  of
          Equipment  Acceptance signed or to be signed by Lessee,  each of which
          is incorporated into and made a part of the Equipment Schedule.

4.       Executed as of the date first set forth above.


   By:   ____________________________                 By: ____________________

   Name: ____________________________                 Name: __________________

   Title: ____________________________                Title:__________________

                                     - 49 -


Dated:            As of April 1, 2006
Under:            MASTER LEASE No. 16378-00900   dated as of April 1, 2006
Between:          Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC ("Lessor")
located at:       2059 Northlake Parkway, Suite 400, Tucker, GA  30084
and:              PHC, Inc.  ("Lessee")
located at:       200 Lake Street, Peabody, MA  01960

1.   EQUIPMENT  CHANGES:   It  is  anticipated  that  the  Equipment  listed  in
     Attachment A to the Equipment  Schedule shall be delivered to and installed
     at the locations  set forth in said  Attachment A over a period of 5 months
     beginning  on the  Commencement  date.  Changes to this  Equipment  will be
     permitted only as follows:

     (a)  At any time before an item of  Equipment  is delivered to and accepted
          by Lessee, Lessee may, upon written approval of Lessor, which approval
          shall not be  unreasonably  withheld,  substitute  said Equipment with
          equipment of similar make,  design,  function and quality and of equal
          or lesser cost.

     (b)  At any time before an item of Equipment is delivered to Lessee, Lessee
          may decide to reduce the Equipment  listed in said Attachment A by one
          or more such items of Equipment.

     (c)  If Lessee  makes  changes  to the  Equipment  as allowed in (a) or (b)
          above,  and, as a result of such changes,  there is a reduction in the
          total cost of Equipment  being leased  under this  Equipment  Schedule
          (such reduced amount  hereinafter the "Final Total Cost") then, on the
          date Lessee  notifies  Lessor in writing  that Lessee has accepted the
          last item of Equipment  which it intends to accept,  Lessor shall,  at
          Lessor's option, either:

          (i)  adjust  the  remaining   monthly   lease  rentals   downwards  to
               appropriately reflect the difference between the Final Total Cost
               and the Attachment Total set forth in said Attachment A, while at
               the same time maintaining Lessor's profit level; or,

          (ii) pay Lessee the  difference  between  the Final Total Cost and the
               Attachment Total set forth in said Attachment A in the manner set
               for  in  the  "Payments  to  Vendors"  in  Attachment  C to  this
               Equipment Schedule, as if Lessee was a Vendor of Equipment.

2.   Executed as of the date first written above.


   By:    /s/ P. Wesley Yount, III                     By:  /s/  Paula C. Wurts

   Name:  P. Wesley Yount, III                         Name:    Paula C. Wurts

   Title: Senior Vice President                        Title:  CFO

                                     - 50 -


Dated:            As of April 1, 2006
Under:            MASTER LEASE No. 16378-00900   dated as of April 1, 2006
Between:          Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC ("Lessor")
located at:       2059 Northlake Parkway, Suite 400, Tucker, GA  30084
and:              PHC, Inc.  ("Lessee")
located at:       200 Lake Street, Peabody, MA  01960

1.   EQUIPMENT  CHANGES:   It  is  anticipated  that  the  Equipment  listed  in
     Attachment A to the Equipment  Schedule shall be delivered to and installed
     at the locations set forth in said  Attachment A over a period of 21 months
     beginning  on the  Commencement  date.  Changes to this  Equipment  will be
     permitted only as follows:

     (a)  At any time before an item of  Equipment  is delivered to and accepted
          by Lessee, Lessee may, upon written approval of Lessor, which approval
          shall not be  unreasonably  withheld,  substitute  said Equipment with
          equipment of similar make,  design,  function and quality and of equal
          or lesser cost.
     (b)  At any time before an item of Equipment is delivered to Lessee, Lessee
          may decide to reduce the Equipment  listed in said Attachment A by one
          or more such items of Equipment.
     (c)  If Lessee  makes  changes  to the  Equipment  as allowed in (a) or (b)
          above,  and, as a result of such changes,  there is a reduction in the
          total cost of Equipment  being leased  under this  Equipment  Schedule
          (such reduced amount  hereinafter the "Final Total Cost") then, on the
          date Lessee  notifies  Lessor in writing  that Lessee has accepted the
          last item of Equipment  which it intends to accept,  Lessor shall,  at
          Lessor's option, either:

          (i)  adjust  the  remaining   monthly   lease  rentals   downwards  to
               appropriately reflect the difference between the Final Total Cost
               and the Attachment Total set forth in said Attachment A, while at
               the same time  maintaining  Lessor's  profit level;  or,
          (ii) pay Lessee the  difference  between  the Final Total Cost and the
               Attachment Total set forth in said Attachment A in the manner set
               for  in  the  "Payments  to  Vendors"  in  Attachment  C to  this
               Equipment Schedule, as if Lessee was a Vendor of Equipment.

2.   Executed as of the date first written above.


   By:   ____________________________                 By: ____________________

   Name: ____________________________                 Name: __________________

   Title: ____________________________                Title:__________________

                                     - 51 -


Dated:            As of April 1, 2006
Under:            MASTER LEASE No. 16378-00900   dated as of April 1, 2006
Between:          Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC ("Lessor")
located at:       2059 Northlake Parkway, Suite 400, Tucker, GA  30084
and:              PHC, Inc.  ("Lessee")
located at:       200 Lake Street, Peabody, MA  01960

1.   PAYMENT  TO  VENDORS:  It is  anticipated  that  the  Equipment  listed  in
     Attachment A to this Equipment Schedule shall be delivered to and installed
     at the locations  set forth in said  Attachment A over a period of 5 months
     beginning on the  Commencement  Date and that Lessor  shall,  in accordance
     with the terms set forth,  pay to the vendors of the Equipment  ("Vendors")
     on the  last day of each  Payment  Month,  set  forth  in the  Schedule  of
     Payments listed below, the  corresponding  Payment Amount.  Notwithstanding
     the foregoing:

     (a)  Lessor shall make no payments to Vendors:  (1) if Lessee is in default
          of its obligations hereunder; and (2) unless Lessee delivers to Lessor
          an executed  Certificate of Equipment  Acceptance  ("CEA") prepared by
          Lessor  detailing the Equipment  which has been accepted by Lessee and
          the cost of such Equipment; and,

     (b)  Lessor  shall be allowed 15 days,  from the date each CEA is received,
          to inspect the Equipment  listed therein and thereafter  shall pay the
          Vendors of such  Equipment  the cost of the  Equipment on the later of
          either  the last day of the  month in which  such CEA is  received  by
          Lessor  or the 16th day  following  the date such CEA is  received  by
          Lessor; provided, however, that the total payments made hereunder:

          (1)  through the last day before the last day of a particular  Payment
               Month set forth in the  Schedule of Payments  listed  below shall
               not   exceed   either:   (i)  the   Cumulative   Payment   Amount
               corresponding  to  the  preceding  Payment  Month;  or  (ii)  the
               cumulative total of the Certificate of Acceptance Total set forth
               in all the CEA's  executed by Lessee and delivered to Lessor (the
               "Cumulative CEA Cost" though that date;
          (2)  through the last day of a particular  Payment  Month set forth in
               the Schedule of Payments  listed  below shall not exceed  either:
               (i) the Cumulative  Payment Amount  corresponding to that Payment
               Month; or, (ii) the Cumulative CEA Cost through that date;
          (3)  through  the  end  of  the  Term  hereof  shall  not  exceed  the
               Attachment  Total set  forth in  Attachment  A to this  Equipment

          (c)  While Lessee is in default of any of its  obligations  under this
               Equipment Schedule, Lessor shall not be obligated to prepare, and
               Lessee shall not be capable for purposes hereof of executing, any


              Payment Month     Payment Amount   Cumulative Payment Amount

              April              $      0.00              $      0.00
              May                $      0.00              $      0.00
              June               $      0.00              $      0.00
              July               $      0.00              $      0.00
              August             $200,000.00              $200,000.00

3.   Executed as of the date first written above.


   By:    /s/ P. Wesley Yount, III                     By:  /s/  Paula C. Wurts

   Name:  P. Wesley Yount, III                         Name:    Paula C. Wurts

   Title: Senior Vice President                        Title:  CFO

                                     - 52 -


Dated:            As of April 1, 2006
Under:            MASTER LEASE No. 16378-00900   dated as of April 1, 2006
Between:          Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC ("Lessor")
located at:       2059 Northlake Parkway, Suite 400, Tucker, GA  30084
and:              PHC, Inc.  ("Lessee")
located at:       200 Lake Street, Peabody, MA  01960

1.   PAYMENT  TO  VENDORS:  It is  anticipated  that  the  Equipment  listed  in
     Attachment A to this Equipment Schedule shall be delivered to and installed
     at the locations set forth in said  Attachment A over a period of 21 months
     beginning on the  Commencement  Date and that Lessor  shall,  in accordance
     with the terms set forth,  pay to the vendors of the Equipment  ("Vendors")
     on the  last day of each  Payment  Month,  set  forth  in the  Schedule  of
     Payments listed below, the  corresponding  Payment Amount.  Notwithstanding
     the foregoing:

     (a)  Lessor shall make no payments to Vendors:  (1) if Lessee is in default
          of its obligations hereunder; and (2) unless Lessee delivers to Lessor
          an executed  Certificate of Equipment  Acceptance  ("CEA") prepared by
          Lessor  detailing the Equipment  which has been accepted by Lessee and
          the cost of such Equipment; and,
     (b)  Lessor  shall be allowed 15 days,  from the date each CEA is received,
          to inspect the Equipment  listed therein and thereafter  shall pay the
          Vendors of such  Equipment  the cost of the  Equipment on the later of
          either  the last day of the  month in which  such CEA is  received  by
          Lessor  or the 16th day  following  the date such CEA is  received  by
          Lessor; provided, however, that the total payments made hereunder:

          (1)  through the last day before the last day of a particular  Payment
               Month set forth in the  Schedule of Payments  listed  below shall
               not   exceed   either:   (i)  the   Cumulative   Payment   Amount
               corresponding  to  the  preceding  Payment  Month;  or  (ii)  the
               cumulative total of the Certificate of Acceptance Total set forth
               in all the CEA's  executed by Lessee and delivered to Lessor (the
               "Cumulative CEA Cost" though that date;
          (2)  through the last day of a particular  Payment  Month set forth in
               the Schedule of Payments  listed  below shall not exceed  either:
               (i) the Cumulative  Payment Amount  corresponding to that Payment
               Month; or, (ii) the Cumulative CEA Cost through that date;
          (3)  through  the  end  of  the  Term  hereof  shall  not  exceed  the
               Attachment  Total set  forth in  Attachment  A to this  Equipment

     (c)  While  Lessee  is in  default  of any of its  obligations  under  this
          Equipment  Schedule,  Lessor shall not be  obligated  to prepare,  and
          Lessee shall not be capable for purposes hereof of executing, any CEA.


               Payment Month     Payment Amount   Cumulative Payment Amount

              April                 $      0.00      $      0.00
              May                   $      0.00      $      0.00
              June                  $      0.00      $      0.00
              July                  $      0.00      $      0.00
              August                $      0.00      $      0.00
              October               $ 46,243.10      $ 46,243.10
              November              $ 78,000.00      $124,243.10
              December              $ 13,050.00      $137,293.10
              January               $ 18,050.40      $155,343.50
              February              $ 78,000.00      $233,343.50
              March                 $ 13,050.00      $246,393.50
              April                 $ 18,050.40      $264,443.90
              May                   $ 95,372.00      $359,815.90
              June                  $  3,262.50      $363,078.40
              July                  $  4,512.60      $367,591.00
              August                $ 75,872.00      $443,463.00
              November              $ 18,968.00      $462,431.00

6.       Executed as of the date first written above.


   By:   ____________________________                 By: ____________________

   Name: ____________________________                 Name: __________________

   Title: ____________________________                Title:__________________

                                     - 53 -

                         CERTIFICATE OF LEASE ACCEPTANCE

Dated:            As of April 1, 2006
Under:            MASTER LEASE No. 16378-00900   dated as of April 1, 2006
Between:          Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC ("Lessor")
located at:       2059 Northlake Parkway, Suite 400, Tucker, GA  30084
and:              PHC, Inc.  ("Lessee")
located at:       200 Lake Street, Peabody, MA  01960

1.   REPRESENTATIONS BY LESSEE: As of the Lease Acceptance Date set forth below,

     (a)  acknowledges  that all or some of the Equipment listed in Attachment A
          to this Equipment Schedule has not yet, and may never be, delivered to

     (b)  represents  and  warrants  to  Lessor  that this  lease  and  Lessee's
          obligations  under  this  Equipment   Schedule,   including   Lessee's
          unconditional  obligation  to pay Rent for the Term of this  Equipment
          Schedule, shall commence on the Lease Acceptance Date set forth below,
          and shall not be affected in any respect  whatsoever by the failure of
          the Vendors to deliver the balance of the Equipment; and,

     (c)  agrees to indemnify,  defend and hold Lessor harmless from and against
          any and all losses,  claims,  suits,  actions,  liabilities,  damages,
          costs and expenses  (including  attorney's  fees) arising  directly or
          indirectly  out of any claim by the vendor for payments for  Equipment
          which are  precluded  by the terms and  provisions  of this  Equipment

2.   LEASE ACCEPANCE DATE: April 1, 2006

1.   Executed as of the Lease Acceptance Date.

   LESSEE:   PHC, Inc.

   By:       /s/ Paula C. Wurts

   Name:     Paula C. Wurts

   Title:    CFO

                                     - 54 -

                                 SOFTWARE RIDER

dated:            as of April 1, 2006
to :              Equipment Schedule No. 1 dated as of April 1, 2006
                   (the "Equipment Schedule")
under :           Master Lease No.  16378-00900 dated as of April 1, 2006
                   (the "Master Lease")
between:          Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC ("Lessor")
located at:       2059 Northlake Parkway Suite 400, Tucker, GA  30084
and:              PHC, Inc. ("Lessee")
located at:       200 Lake Street, Peabody, MA  01960

1.   The term  "Equipment"  includes any computer  program or application or the
     license to use such program or application (hereinafter  "Software"),  that
     is referred to in Attachment A or any  Certificate of Equipment  Acceptance
     hereunder or financed from the proceeds of this Lease.

2.   Lessee  hereby  grants  Lessor a  security  interest  in such  Software  as
     security  for  the  due  and  timely  compliance  by  Lessee  with  all its
     obligations under the Lease. If Lessee returns the Equipment  pursuant to a
     so-called "Return Option" (if any) set forth in the Equipment Schedule,  or
     if the  Equipment  Schedule is terminated by Lessor as a result of an Event
     of Default or otherwise in terms of the Master Lease, Lessee shall promptly
     upon receipt of Lessor's  written demand to do so,  discontinue  any use of
     the Software and return all copies in its  possession of any item or medium
     on which such Software is stored,  together  with any operating  manuals or
     other materials  supplied  therewith,  and will delete or destroy any other
     copy of such  Software  which may be stored on or used by any  computer  or
     other  electronic  device in Lessee's  possession  or  control,  and Lessee
     shall,  in that event,  assure Lessor in writing that all Software has been
     destroyed and that Lessee is not using the Software after termination.


   By:   ____________________________                 By: ____________________

   Name: ____________________________                 Name: __________________

   Title: ____________________________                Title:__________________
                                     - 55 -

                            CERTIFICATE OF INCUMBENCY

RE:           Master Lease No. 16378-00900 dated as of April 1, 2006 and all
               Equipment Schedules thereto
between       Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC, as Lessor
located at    2059 Northlake Parkway, Suite 400, Tucker, GA  30084
and           PHC, Inc. (the "Company"), as Lessee
located at    200 Lake Street, Peabody, MA  01960

I hereby  certify that I am the duly elected,  qualified  and presently  serving
Secretary or Assistant  Secretary of the Company.  I further  certify that as of
and since the date first set forth above:  (a) each of the persons  listed below
was duly elected to, and holds the  corporate  office set forth  opposite his or
her name; (b) the signature  appearing  opposite the name of such officer is the
genuine  signature  of such  officer;  and (c) such  person  has the  power  and
authority to execute any and all documents on behalf of the Company  relating to
the  above  referenced  transaction  and to  bind  the  Company  to  perform  in
accordance with the terms thereof.

NAME OF OFFICER                  OFFICE                   SIGNATURE OF OFFICER

__________________________   ____________________   __________________________

__________________________   ____________________   __________________________

__________________________   ____________________   __________________________

IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  I have  hereto  set my hand  as  Secretary  or  Assistant
Secretary of the Company this _____day of _____, 20___.

Affix corporate seal          Secretary or Assistant Secretary ________________

If the  Secretary or Assistant  Secretary is a signatory on any of the documents
referred to above, another officer of the Company must countersign below.

                            Officer's Countersignature: _______________________

                                                     Title: ___________________

                                     - 56 -


AMENDMENT  entered  into this _____ day of  _____________,  2006 by and  between

WHEREAS  MEDITECH and Customer  entered  into a Health Care  Information  System
Software  Agreement dated ___________,  2006 ("the Agreement")  whereby MEDITECH
licensed  computer  programs  ("LICENSED  SOFTWARE")  for use by  Customer,  and
WHEREAS Customer and MEDITECH desire to amend the Agreement,

NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

     1.   Article  I(C)  of  the  Agreement  is  deleted  in  its  entirety  and
          substituted in lieu thereof shall be the following:


     The  LICENSED  SOFTWARE  shall at all times remain the property of MEDITECH
     and the license of use granted herein to Customer specifically excludes any
     right of  reproduction,  sale,  lease,  sublicense,  or other  transfer  or
     disposition  of the  LICENSED  SOFTWARE  by  Customer  except as  otherwise
     expressly  stated  herein.  The rights  granted  hereunder  are  granted to
     Customer only and are not assignable to any other person,  corporation,  or
     entity except that,  subject to the prior written  consent of any lessor or
     lender which  leased or financed the line item fee(s)  payable with respect
     to the  LICENSED  SOFTWARE,  upon the transfer by sale,  merger,  corporate
     re-organization,   or  re-organization   in  bankruptcy  of  Customer,   of
     substantially  all of the assets of Customer  to a successor  organization,
     including  Customer  following its discharge from bankruptcy  pursuant to a
     plan of  re-organization,  this Agreement and the rights and obligations of
     Customer  hereunder may be assigned to such  successor.  Customer agrees to
     notify  MEDITECH  promptly in writing of the transfer to such successor and
     the   assumption   by  such   successor  of  Customer's   obligations   and
     responsibilities as described in this Agreement. Customer acknowledges that
     it, and not  MEDITECH,  is solely  responsible  for  obtaining  the written
     consent  described  herein of any lessor or lender which leased or financed
     the line  item  fee(s)  payable  with  respect  to the  LICENSED  SOFTWARE.
     Customer agrees to indemnify  MEDITECH and hold MEDITECH  harmless from any
     liability which may arise in connection therewith."

     2.   In all other respects the terms and conditions of the Agreement  shall
          remain in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF each party has executed this Amendment as a sealed instrument
this _____day of ________, 2006.

                 CUSTOMER                           PHC, Inc.

                 By                         __________________________

                 Title                      __________________________


                  MEDITECH          Medical Information Technology, Inc.

                  By                _____________________________

                  Title             _____________________________

                                     - 57 -


                                           Banc of America Leasing & Capital LLC
                                                              Healthcare Finance
                                                2059 Northlake Parkway Suite 400
                                                                Tucker, GA  3008

April 1, 2006

Lawrence A. Polimeno
Vice Chairman
Medical Information Technology, Inc.
Meditech Circle
Westwood, Massachusetts 02090

Dear Mr. Polimeno,

Re:  Banc of America  Leasing & Capital,  LLC Lease with PHC,  Inc.  ("Lessee"):
Master  Lease  No.   16378-00900   and  Equipment   Schedule  No.  1  thereunder
(hereinafter the "Lease")

This  letter is to record and  confirm  the  agreement  between  Banc of America
Leasing &  Capital,  LLC  ("BALC")  and  Medical  Information  Technology,  Inc.
("Meditech")  concerning BALC's rights in relation to the "Licensed Software" as
such term is defined in the Health Care  Information  System Software  Agreement
between Meditech and Lessee dated December 30, 2004 (hereinafter the "SSA").

1. The  intention  of the  parties  hereto is that BALC or its  assigns,  having
entered  into the Leases  with the Lessee to finance the full  license  fees and
other amounts  payable to Meditech under the SSA for perpetual  licenses for the
Licensed Software, and having paid such fees to Meditech,  should be and will be
furnished  with every  opportunity  to recover the amounts so financed and paid,
without  competition from Meditech.  Such opportunity shall include the right to
transfer  rights of use in the Licensed  Software  and certain  other rights and
benefits  under the SSA to third  parties only in the  circumstances  more fully
described below.

2. If BALC or its assigns become aware that the whole or any portion of Lessee's
business  enterprise  or assets  which uses or involves  the use of the Licensed
Software,  has been or may be  transferred  to any third  party  (hereinafter  a
"Successor  Party") for any reason,  including but not limited to any bankruptcy
proceeding  or plan of  reorganization  in  bankruptcy,  agreement,  or judicial
proceeding,  Meditech will upon a written request from BALC or its assigns to do
so,  agree,  free of any charge  payable to Meditech,  to issue to the Successor
Party a  perpetual  license  to use such  Licensed  Software  upon terms no less
favorable to the  Successor  Party than were granted to Lessee under the SSA, or
will consent to the transfer to the Successor  Party of the  perpetual  licenses
granted to Lessee under the SSA and all other rights and benefits under the SSA,
subject,  however, to payment by Successor Party to BALC or its assigns, in cash
or upon agreed extended payment terms, of such principal amount as may be agreed
between BALC or its assigns and Successor  Party;  provided that such  principal
amount  shall not  exceed the net book  value of the Lease as  reflected  in the
books of account of BALC or, if BALC has  assigned its rights under the Lease to
a  third-party,  in the books of such  third-party.  Extended  payment terms may
include the assumption by Successor Party of Lessee's remaining obligations with
respect to the payment of amounts  due under the Lease or Leases,  or some other
amount  agreed to by BALC.  Meditech  undertakes to cooperate in good faith with
BALC or its  assigns  to  facilitate  the  granting  or  transfer  of  perpetual
licenses, and will refrain from any acts or omissions, direct or indirect, which
might  interfere with BALC's or its assign's  ability to achieve the purposes of
this letter agreement. The term "Successor Party" shall for the purposes of this
letter  agreement  include the Lessee in bankruptcy  (as debtor in possession or
otherwise),  Lessee's trustee or other representative in bankruptcy,  and Lessee
upon discharge from bankruptcy.

                                     - 58 -

3. If BALC  elects to  exercise  its rights  under a Lease to demand that Lessee
promptly  discontinue  its use of the Licensed  Software after  termination of a
Lease and destroy all tangible and intangible items  constituting  such Licensed
Software,  Meditech  shall comply with the provisions of paragraph 5 below as if
the Lessee was a Successor Party.

4. The right to receive the balance of any prepaid support  services  originally
financed  under the Lease,  shall,  to the extent not yet performed by Meditech,
also be transferred  to the Successor  Party.  If the successor  party wishes to
renew or upgrade such software support services, the Successor Party may contact
Meditech directly for such upgrades or renewals.

5. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,  for so long as BALC or its
assigns  have not yet  recovered  the whole of the net book value of the Leases,
Meditech shall not directly or indirectly enter into negotiations or participate
in communications with any party or category of parties which BALC in good faith
believes is an actual or potential  Successor  Party,  and has  identified  in a
written notice addressed to Meditech,  concerning any proposal,  arrangement, or
contract,  involving  the granting of a license,  perpetual or  otherwise,  to a
Successor  Party,  to use  the  Licensed  Software  or any  software  performing
functions  substantially  similar to those  hitherto  performed  by the Licensed
Software for the Lessee,  except in  furtherance  of the objectives set forth in
this letter agreement for the benefit of BALC or its assigns.  BALC shall inform
Meditech in writing when it has completed  recovery of the whole of the net book
value of the Leases.

6. To the extent  contemplated by, and subject to the provisions of, this letter
agreement, the licenses granted in terms of the SSA with respect to the Licensed
Software,  and the rights and  benefits  of Lessee  thereunder,  shall be deemed
transferable, but only to the extent provided for in the SSA.

7. Meditech hereby  consents to the Lessee granting to BALC a security  interest
in all Lessee's rights in the Licensed Software and the licenses thereto.

Please  execute both  originals of this letter  agreement in the space  provided
below, and return one original to us, retaining the other for your records.

Very truly yours,

P. Wesley Yount, III

Agreed and Confirmed:

Lawrence A. Polimeno
for Medical Information Technology, Inc.

Acknowledged and Confirmed:

for PHC, Inc.

                                     - 59 -