AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION

                      WASHINGTON, D.C.

                        SCHEDULE 14C


Check the appropriate box:

[X  ]  Preliminary Information Statement
[   ]  Confidential, For Use of the Commission Only (as
       permitted by Rule 14c-5(g)(2))
[   ]  Definitive Information Statement

      (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X  ]  No fee required
[   ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules
       14c5(g) and 0-11

 (1)  Title of each class of securities to which
 transaction applies:

 (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction

 (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of
 transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11
 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
 calculated and state how it was determined):

 (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

 (5)  Total fee paid:

[   ]     Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[   ]     Check box if any part of the fee is offset as
provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the
filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously.
Identify the previous filing by registration statement
number, or the Form or Schedule and date of its filing.

 (1)  Amount Previously Paid:

 (2)  Form, Schedule of Registration Statement No.:

 (3)  Filing Party:

 (4)  Date Filed:

                 Allstates WorldCargo, Inc.
                   4 Lakeside Drive South
               Forked River, New Jersey 08731

Dear Shareholders:

The  purpose of this letter and the accompanying Information
Statement  is  to  inform  you of certain  action  that  the
shareholders  of Allstates WorldCargo, Inc. (the  "Company")
have  taken by Written Consent in Lieu of a Special  Meeting
of  the  Stockholders  of Allstates  WorldCargo,  Inc.  (the
"Written Shareholders' Consent").  The Written Shareholders'
Consent  effectuated  amendments to the  Company's  By-Laws,
which amendments are described in detail in the accompanying
Information Statement.

Briefly  stated, by Unanimous Written Consent of  Directors,
dated as of July 6, 2005 (the "Written Directors' Consent"),
the  Board  of  Directors amended the Company's  By-Laws  to
provide  that the Board of Directors shall consist of  seven
directors.   The  Directors further amended the  By-Laws  to
provide  that vacancies in the Board of Directors  shall  be
filled by an affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining
Directors, and that in the event of a deadlock or  three-to-
three  vote  with respect to the filling of any vacancy,  an
independent  arbitrator appointed by the Board shall  select
the person to fill the vacancy.  A person so appointed shall
hold  office until a successor is elected  and qualified  at
the  next  annual meeting of shareholders, and in accordance
with  the  Settlement Agreement in the  law  suit  captioned
"Joseph  M. Guido vs. Allstates WorldCargo, Inc.,  et  al.,"
bearing  Docket No. OCN-C-048-05.  (The foregoing amendments
that were effectuated by the Written Directors' Consent  are
referred to as the "Directors' Amendments.")

The   Written   Shareholders'  Consent  amended   Directors'
Amendments  in  a simple way.  The provisions pertaining  to
the  filling  of  vacancies on the Boards  were  amended  to
include the following:  "This By-Law shall be deemed to have
been  adopted by the shareholders, and cannot be altered  or
repealed   by  the  Board  of  Directors."   (The  foregoing
amendments   that   were   effectuated   by   the    Written
Shareholders'  Consent are referred to as the "Shareholders'

Pursuant  to  the  applicable provisions of  the  Securities
Exchange   Act   of  1934,  as  amended,  the  Shareholders'
Amendments will not be effective until twenty days after the
date   this   Information  Statement  is   mailed   to   the
shareholders.    (Note  that  this  does  not   affect   the
effectiveness of the Directors' Amendments.)

TO  SEND  US  A  PROXY.  Your consent to the  aforementioned
actions  is  not required and is not being solicited.   This
notice  and the accompanying Information Statement is  being
furnished  to  you for informational purposes only.   Please
read the accompanying Information Statement carefully.

                         By Order of the Board of Directors

                         Craig   D.   Stratton, Secretary

Dated:  February ___, 2006


                   4 Lakeside Drive South
               Forked River, New Jersey 08731


                    INFORMATION STATEMENT

                  Dated February  ___, 2006



This   Information  Statement  has  been  filed   with   the
Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") and is  being
mailed on or about February ___, 2006 to the shareholders of
record of Allstates WorldCargo, Inc. (the "Company")  as  of
February  17,  2006 (the "Record Date.").  This  Information
Statement  is  being sent to you for informational  purposes
only.  No action is requested or required on your part.

The  Information Statement is being sent to shareholders  of
the Company to comply with the requirements of Section 14(c)
of  the  Securities Exchange Act of 1934,  as  amended  (the
"Exchange   Act")   and  to  provide  information   to   all
shareholders  in  connection  with  the  action  by  written
consent  taken  on  August 5, 2005 by  certain  shareholders
collectively   owning  72.47  percent   of   the   Company's
outstanding shares of common stock as of the Record Date.

By  written consent, the holders of a majority of the shares
of   the  Company's  outstanding  common  stock  adopted   a
resolution  amending the Company's Bylaws.  Those amendments
are   described  below.   Such  action  by  written  consent
constitutes   the  approval  and  consent  of   shareholders
representing   a   sufficient  percentage   of   the   total
outstanding shares to approve the amendment of the Company's
Bylaws.   Accordingly, the action will not be  submitted  to
the  other  shareholders of the Company for a vote,  and  no
proxies are being solicited with this Information Statement.
The written consent will be effective the 20th day after the
date  this  Information Statement is  first  mailed  to  the

The   Company  will  pay  all  costs  associated  with   the
distribution  of this Information Statement,  including  the
costs  of printing and mailing.  We will reimburse brokerage
firms  and  other  custodians, nominees and fiduciaries  for
reasonable  expenses  incurred  by  them  in  sending   this
Information Statement to the beneficial owners of our common

The  board  of  directors fixed the  close  of  business  on
February     17  as  the  record date  for  determining  the
shareholders entitled to receive this Information  Statement
pertaining  to this action by written consent.   As  of  the
record   date,   there   were   32,509,872   common   shares
outstanding.  Each common share held as of the  record  date
was  entitled  to one vote per share.  The  Company  has  no
other voting securities outstanding.

Briefly  stated,  the  Board of Directors  recently  amended
Section 3.12(b) and Section 3.12(c) of the Bylaws to provide
for  a method to fill vacancies that may arise on the Board.
That  action  by the Board of Directors was described  in  a
Form  8-K  filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
(the   "SEC")   by   the  Company  on   August   29,   2005.
Subsequently,  the holders of a majority  of  the  Company's
outstanding shares of common stock, by a Written Consent  in
Lieu  of  Special Meeting of the Stockholders  of  Allstates
WorldCargo,  Inc.  (the  "Written  Shareholders'  Consent"),
further amended Sections 3.12(b) and 3.12(c) to provide that
those provisions shall be deemed to have been adopted by the
shareholders, and cannot be altered or repealed by the Board
of Directors.


As  previously  reported, the Company has  been  engaged  in
litigation  brought  by the Company's majority  shareholder.
On   October  14,  2004,  Joseph  M.  Guido,  the   majority
shareholder  of  the Company, who is also  employed  by  the
Company  as  its Chairman, commenced an action  against  the
Company  and  three  of  the Company's  directors,  entitled
"Joseph   M.  Guido  v.  Allstates  WorldCargo,  Inc.,   Sam
DiGiralomo, Barton C. Theile, and Craig D. Stratton," in the
Superior  Court  of  New  Jersey, Chancery  Division,  Ocean
County (the "First Action").  Messrs. DiGiralomo, Theile and
Stratton  are also employed by the Company as its  President
and  Chief  Executive Officer, Executive Vice President  and
Chief   Operating  Officer,  and  Chief  Financial  Officer,

Mr.  Guido alleged that on August 16, 2004, he delivered  to
the  Company's Secretary (1) an executed Written Consent  in
Lieu  of  a Special Meeting of the Stockholders of Allstates
WorldCargo,   Inc.  dated  August  16,  2004   (the   "Guido
Consent"),  (2) Amended and Restated Bylaws of  the  Company
adopted  pursuant  to the Guido Consent,  and  (3)  a  draft
Information  Statement  pursuant to  Section  14(c)  of  the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "1934 Act").  Mr. Guido
alleged  that, pursuant to the Guido Consent, he had amended
the  Company's  bylaws to (among other  things)  expand  its
Board  of  Directors  from four to seven  members,  and  had
appointed three persons (alleged to be independent) to  fill
the  newly  created seats.  He alleged that the Company  was
required  by  law to comply with his demand  to  notify  its
shareholders of his action.  He also alleged that the  three
individual defendants, both as directors and officers,  owed
the Company and its shareholders certain fiduciary duties to
direct  that  appropriate steps be taken by the  Company  to
allegedly  comply  with applicable law in  response  to  the
Guido  Consent.   Mr.  Guido  demanded  relief  enjoining  a
scheduled   special  Board  of  Directors  meeting   pending
Company's  performance  of acts allegedly  required  by  New
Jersey  law  and by the 1934 Act.  Mr. Guido also  sought  a
permanent injunction requiring the Company and its Secretary
to  prepare and distribute to the Company's shareholders all
notices  allegedly  required by state  and  federal  law  in
connection with the Guido Consent. Finally, he sought  entry
of  an  order requiring the Company to file and  serve  upon
him,   within   seven  days  after  entry  of  a   permanent
injunction,  a written report setting forth the  manner  and
form in which the Company complied with the injunctions.

The  Company  (and the three individual defendants)  opposed
the  application for relief upon the grounds that subsequent
to his execution of the Guido Consent, Mr. Guido advised one
of  the  individual defendants that he had  decided  not  to
proceed with his amendment of the Bylaws or his expansion of
the  Board  of Directors.  The Defendants also alleged  that
Mr.  Guido's  actions were not in the best interest  of  the
Company,  and  motivated by self-interest, that  because  of
such  concerns,  the Company needed time  to  determine  its
obligations  under  the law, and that  the  purpose  of  the
Special Board Meeting (among others) was to consider  issues
pertaining to the request by Mr. Guido to file the  Schedule
14C presented to the Secretary of the Corporation.

On  October  28,  2004, Mr. Guido, by his counsel,  filed  a
Notice  of Voluntary Dismissal Without Prejudice, dismissing
the  First Action.  The parties agreed, subject to the terms
of  definitive  settlement agreements, to settle  the  issue
raised in the First Action upon the following terms: (1) the
Company's Board of Directors would not be expanded except by
unanimous   consent,  (2)  Mr.  Guido  and  the   individual
defendants  would enter into a voting agreement pursuant  to
which each would agree to vote his respective shares in  the
Company for the others as directors of the Company, (3)  the
Company would enter into new employment agreements with  the
individual  defendants  (the existing employment  agreements
being  due to expire on December 31, 2004), (4) the  parties
would  exchange general releases and (5) the Company  would,
to  the  extent  lawfully required by Mr.  Guido's  existing
employment  agreement, reimburse him for the attorneys  fees
he   incurred  in  connection  with  the  action.   It   was
anticipated that the complete terms of a settlement would be
agreed  upon, and that formal settlement documents would  be
prepared  and  executed.   Such  formal  documentation   was
prepared  and delivered to Mr. Guido's counsel  on  December
27, 2004.

Mr.    Guido    refused   to   execute   formal   settlement
documentation, and commenced a second action,  in  the  same
court  and  entitled  in the same style,  seeking  the  same
relief  (the  "Second  Action").  The  Defendants  answered,
denying the allegations, and asserting counterclaims against
Mr. Guido and his wife, Teresa Guido.

On  April  5, 2005, the parties agreed to a full  and  final
settlement  of  the Second Action, the terms of  which  were
placed  on the record in court, and the parties acknowledged
to  the  court,  under oath, their obligation  to  be  bound
thereby.  The material terms of that agreement (referred  to
as the "Settlement Agreement") were:

(1)  the Company's Board of Directors would be expanded from
four to seven members, and the Court would appoint the three
new  directors, (2) vacancies thereafter would be filled  by
vote  of the remaining Board members, and in the event of  a
tie or deadlock in filling any vacancy, the vacancy would be
filled  by an arbitrator chosen by the Board, (3) Mr.  Guido
and  the  individual defendants would enter  into  a  voting
agreement  pursuant to which each would agree  to  vote  his
respective shares of the Company for the others as directors
of  the  Company,  (4)  the Company  would  enter  into  new
employment  agreements  with Mr. Guido  and  the  individual
defendants, (5) the parties would exchange general  releases
and  (6)  the Company would, to the extent lawfully required
by  Mr. Guido's previous employment agreement, reimburse him
for  the  attorneys fees he incurred in connection with  the

On  May 27, 2005, a final judgment was ordered, granted  and
entered by the court in accordance with the settlement terms
agreed to by the parties on April 5, 2005.  Finally, on June
6,  2005, Court declared the new employment agreements,  the
voting  agreement,  and  the mutual general  release  to  be
effective as of April 5, 2005, notwithstanding any  lack  of
signatures.   Pursuant  to the mutual general  release,  the
Company  and  each  of  Mr. Guido,  his  wife,  and  Messrs.
DiGiralomo,  Theile and Stratton each released  and  forever
discharged  each  and all of the others  from  any  and  all
causes of actions, known and unknown, then existing.

Pursuant  to the terms of the settlement, on June  6,  2005,
the  Company  and  Messrs.  Guido,  DiGiralomo,  Theile  and
Stratton  (collectively, for purposes of this  section,  the
"Voters")  entered into a Voting Agreement whereby  each  of
the  Voters agreed to vote all of the capital stock  of  the
Company that each Voter is entitled to vote, for each  other
as  directors of the Company. Further, pursuant to the terms
of  the Voting Agreement, any action taken to expand  or  in
any way modify the composition of the Board of Directors  of
the  Company from its present constitution shall require the
unanimous  consent of all of the Voters.   Additionally,  in
the event that shareholder action is taken to alter or amend
the  Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws of the  Company,
the Voters agree to vote all of their shares unanimously  in
the  same  manner.   If the Voters are  unable  to  reach  a
unanimous  decision,  then  the  proposed  change  shall  be
rejected.   The  Voting Agreement terminates  when  each  of
Messrs.  Guido,  DiGiralomo, Theile and Stratton  no  longer
own,  control  or hold any shares of capital  stock  of  the

For  so long as the Voting Agreement remains in effect,  the
Voters also agreed, with a certain agreed-to exception,  not
to  transfer  any  of  the shares of capital  stock  of  the
Company they hold without the prior written consent  of  all
of   the  Voters,  unless  the  other  party  to  any   such
transaction agrees in writing to join and be bound by all of
the  terms of the Voting Agreement.  To that end, the Voters
agreed  to the placement of an additional restrictive legend
on  all  of  their  shares (including subsequently  acquired
shares), which restrictive legend shall read:


Finally, during the term of the Voting Agreement, the Voters
agreed  not  to  enter  into any agreements  that  would  be
inconsistent with any of the provisions therein.

Also  pursuant to the terms of the settlement,  on  June  6,
2005  the Company and Allstates Air Cargo, Inc., its  wholly
owned  subsidiary,  (together, the  Employer)  entered  into
individual  employment  agreements  with  each  of   Messrs.
DiGiralomo (as President and Chief Executive Officer), Guido
(as Chairman), Theile (as Executive Vice President and Chief
Operating   Officer)  and  Stratton  (as   Chief   Financial
Officer).   Messrs. DiGiralomo, Guido, Theile  and  Stratton
are collectively referred to herein as Executives.  Each  of
the  employment agreements is effective as of April 5, 2005,
and  expires  on December 31, 2009, but may be  extended  if
agreed  to  in  writing by the parties.   Per  each  of  the
employment agreements, Mr. DiGiralomo's annual salary  shall
be  $250,000;  Mr. Guido's annual salary shall be  $370,000;
Mr.  Theile's  annual  salary shall  be  $250,000;  and  Mr.
Stratton's annual salary shall be $185,000.  Each  of  these
salaries  is subject to an annual increase at the discretion
of  the Company's Board of Directors.  Additionally, each of
Messrs. DiGiralomo, Guido and Theile shall receive an annual
bonus payment equal to 3% of the increase of the net profits
of  the Employer from the fiscal year end 2003 to the fiscal
year  end  2004.  Each of Messrs. DiGiralomo, Guido,  Theile
and   Stratton  remains  eligible  to  participate  in   the
Employer's  stock  option plan, 401(k) retirement  plan  and
insurance plans.

Excluding  the above-described salary and bonus information,
the  material  terms  of each of the Executives'  employment
agreements  are substantially the same.  In  the  event  any
Executive  dies during the term of his respective employment
agreement, then for the longer of the remaining term of  the
employment  agreement  or three years,  the  Employer  shall
continue to pay the Executive's then current base salary  to
the  Executive's designated beneficiary or estate  and  will
also   pay  for  insurance  for  any  Executive's  surviving
immediate family.  If, within twenty-four months following a
"Change  of Control" of the Employer, as defined in each  of
the employment agreements, the Executive voluntarily resigns
or  retires,  the  Employer shall pay to the  Executive  all
compensation and benefits due to him up to the date  of  his
termination, including, but not limited to, base salary  and
any   expense  reimbursement,  and  within  one   month   of
termination,  a  lump-sum  payment  equal  to  299%  of  the
Executive's then current base salary, bonus for  the  fiscal
year end 2004, and of the amount reimbursed to the Executive
for   business-related  expenses  for  the   calendar   year
preceding the termination.  Additionally, any options and/or
restricted stock granted to the Executive shall become fully
vested  and  registered as of the date of  the  termination.
The  Executive shall have the right to exercise all  of  his
options  for  a period of five years from the  date  of  the
termination.   Additionally,  all  then-existing  life   and
health  insurance benefits shall continue for the  Executive
and his immediate family for a period of five years from the
date  of  termination.   In  the  event  of  a  "For  Cause"
termination,   as   defined  in  each  of   the   employment
agreements,  the  Employer shall pay to  the  Executive  all
compensation and benefits due to him up to the date  of  his
termination,  including but not limited to base  salary  and
expense  reimbursement.  At any time  after  180  days  have
elapsed   from   the  date  of  his  respective   employment
agreement, each Executive shall have the right to  terminate
his  employment agreement on 90 days written notice  to  the
Employer.   In the event of such termination, the  Executive
shall be entitled to such compensation that is equal to  the
"For  Cause"  termination compensation described  above.   A
termination that is neither a Change of Control termination,
a  For  Cause termination, is due to the Executive's  death,
nor  a termination by the Executive as provided above, is  a
"Without  Cause"  Termination.  In the event  of  a  Without
Cause  termination, the Executive shall be entitled to  such
compensation  that  is  equal  to  the  Change  of   Control
termination compensation described above.  Finally,  if  the
Employer  breaches  any  material term  of  each  respective
employment  agreement or reduces the Executive's  respective
title or responsibilities, the Executive may, at his option,
elect  to  leave  the Employer, in which case  he  shall  be
entitled  to  all  of  the  Change  of  Control  termination
compensation  described  above, except  that  the  lump  sum
payment to be paid to the Executive would be limited to 100%
of the Executive's base salary and bonus (if applicable).

On July 6, 2005, to effectuate part of the settlement of the
Second  Action,  the  Court entered an Order  (the  "July  6
Order")  that  expanded the Company's  Board  of  Directors,
effective immediately, from four members to seven.  The July
6  Order  also  appointed,  effective  immediately,  Messrs.
Joseph  Buckelew, Alan E. Meyer, and Charles F. Starkey,  to
the Board.

On   August   24,  2005,  upon  the  Company's  Motion   for
Reconsideration,  the Court entered and order  amending  the
July  6  Order  (the "First August 24 Order").   Instead  of
declaring   the  Board  expanded,  and  appointing   Messrs.
Buckelew, Meyer, and Starkey to the Board, the July 6  Order
was amended to show that the parties agreed that a Unanimous
Written  Consent  of the Directors of Allstates  WorldCargo,
Inc. (attached to the First August 24 Order, and referred to
as   the  "Directors'  Consent")  was  consistent  with  the
Settlement Agreement, and shall be deemed signed by  Messrs.
DiGiralomo, Theile, Stratton, and Guido.

Pursuant  to the Directors' Consent, the Board of  Directors
amended Section 3.02 of the Bylaws to provide that the Board
of  Directors shall consist of seven members.  Prior to  the
amendment,  Section  3.02 of the Bylaws  provided  that  the
Board  of Directors shall consist of not less than  one  nor
more  than  ten Directors.  The precise number of  Directors
within  this  range was to be fixed by the Board  each  year
before  the annual meeting of shareholders.  The  number  of
Directors prior to the amendment was four.

Pursuant  to the Directors' Consent, the Board of  Directors
appointed  Joseph  Buckelew,  Alan  E.  Meyer,  C.P.A.,  and
Charles  F.  Starkey, Esq. to fill the vacancies created  by
the  expansion of the Board, to serve in accordance with the
Settlement Agreement.

Pursuant  to the Directors' Consent, the Board of  Directors
also  amended  Sections 3.12(b) and 3.12(c) of  the  Bylaws.
Prior  to  the  amendment described herein, Section  3.12(b)
provided  that vacancies in the Board may be filled  by  the
affirmative  vote  of a majority of the remaining  Directors
then  in  office,  even if their number is  insufficient  to
constitute  a  quorum.  A director so elected  was  to  hold
office  until  a successor is elected and qualified  at  the
next annual meeting of the shareholder.  As amended, Section
3.12(b)  provides that any vacancy shall be  filled  in  the
manner  provided  therein,  and  that  in  the  event  of  a
deadlock, or a three-to-three vote, with respect to  filling
any  vacancy,  an  independent arbitrator appointed  by  the
Board  shall  select the person to fill  the  vacancy.   The
amended  Bylaw also provides that any director so  appointed
pursuant  to  Section  3.12(b) shall  also  hold  office  in
accordance with the Settlement Agreement.

Prior  to  the  amendment described herein, Section  3.12(c)
provided that if a director resigns from the Board effective
at some future date, the future vacancy may be filled by the
affirmative  vote  of a majority of the  directors  then  in
office,  including  the director who has resigned,  even  if
their  number is insufficient to constitute a  quorum.   The
term  of  the  newly elected director would begin  when  the
resignation becomes effective.  A director so elected was to
hold  office  from  the effective date of the  predecessor's
resignation  until a successor is elected and  qualified  at
the next annual or special meeting of the shareholders.   As
amended,  Section 3.12(c) provides that any  future  vacancy
shall be filled in the manner provided therein, and that  in
the  event  of  a deadlock, or a three-to-three  vote,  with
respect  to  filling any vacancy, an independent  arbitrator
appointed by the Board shall select the person to  fill  the
vacancy.  The amended By-Law also provides that any director
so  appointed  pursuant to Section 3.12(c) shall  also  hold
office in accordance with the Settlement Agreement.

In order to ensure that Messrs. Buckelew, Meyer, and Starkey
(or  their successors duly appointed pursuant to the Bylaws)
continue  to  serve pursuant to the terms of the  Settlement
Agreement,   and  not  at  the  pleasure  of  the   majority
shareholder, the Court entered a second order on August  24,
2005 (the "Second August 24 Order"), which provides that the
parties are required by the Settlement Agreement to nominate
and  vote for, as Directors, Messrs. Buckelew, Starkey,  and
Meyer   (or  their  duly  appointed  successors)  at  future
meetings  of  the Company's shareholders at which  directors
are to be chosen.

On  November  7,  2005, the Court entered  a  Consent  Order
pursuant  to which Mr. and Mrs. Guido waived their right  to
pursue  reimbursement from the defendants  of  any  and  all
counsel fees paid or incurred in connection with the matter.

                     DISSENTERS' RIGHTS

Under the New Jersey Business Corporation Law, the Company's
shareholders are not entitled to dissent and obtain  payment
of  the  fair value of their shares in connection  with  the
amendment of the Bylaws.


The  following  table  presents information  concerning  the
beneficial ownership of the Company's shares of common stock
as  of  February  17, 2006 by each person  the  Company  has
reason  to believe to be the beneficial owner of 5% or  more
of  our  outstanding  shares of common stock,  each  of  our
current  directors,  each of our current executive  officers
and all of our directors and executive officers as a group.

Beneficial  ownership is determined under the rules  of  the
Securities  and  Exchange Commission ("SEC")  and  generally
includes voting or investment power over securities.  Except
as  indicated  in the footnotes to this table,  the  Company
believes  that  each  shareholder identified  in  the  table
possesses  sole voting and investment power over all  shares
of   common  stock  shown  as  beneficially  owned  by   the

Percentage  of  beneficial ownership is based on  32,509,872
shares of common stock outstanding on February 17, 2006.

Name and Address of    Amount and Nature    Percentage of
Beneficial             of                   Class
Owner                  Beneficial

Joseph M. Guido         19,010,000           58.47%
4 Lakeside Drive
Forked River, NJ

Sam DiGiralomo          3,850,000           11.84%
7 Doig Road, Ste. 3
Wayne, NJ 07470

Barton C. Theile           500,000          1.54%
4 Lakeside Drive
Forked River, NJ

Craig D. Stratton          200,000          0.62%
4 Lakeside Drive
Forked River, NJ

Charles F. Starkey            ----           ----
1593 Route 88 West
Brick, NJ 08724

Joseph Buckelew               ----           ----
231 Main Street
Toms River, NJ

Alan E. Meyer                 ----           ----
512 Main Street
Toms River, NJ

All Current            23,560,000           72.47%
and Directors as
a Group


On  August  24, 2005, the Court entered a third  order  (the
"Third  August 24 Order"), which provides that  the  Written
Consent in Lieu of a Special Meeting of the Stockholders  of
Allstates  WorldCargo, Inc. (attached thereto, and  referred
to  as the "Shareholders' Consent") was consistent with  the
settlement agreement, and shall be deemed signed by  Messrs.
DiGiralomo, Stratton, Theile, and Guido, consisting  of  the
holders  of a majority of the issued and outstanding  shares
of the Company's common stock.

The  Shareholders' Consent addressed the amendments that the
Directors  had  made  to Sections 3.12(b)  and  (c)  of  the
Bylaws,  and  added the following:  "This  By-Law  shall  be
deemed  to have been adopted by the shareholders, and cannot
be altered or repealed by the Board of Directors."


The  Bylaw  amendments proposed by the Shareholders  in  the
Shareholders'  Consent  were  necessary  to  effectuate  the
Settlement Agreement that was entered into between and among
Messrs. Guido, DiGiralomo, Theile, and Stratton.

A  key  provision of the Settlement Agreement was the manner
in  which future vacancies on the Board of Directors are  to
be  filled  -  by  affirmative vote of  a  majority  of  the
directors  then in office, or, in case of a  deadlock  or  a
tie,  by  an independent arbitrator appointed by the  Board.
As  a  first  step  to  effectuate that agreement,  Sections
3.12(b)  and  3.12(c)  of the Bylaws  were  amended  by  the

To  ensure that the terms of the Settlement Agreement cannot
be  changed without the unanimous consent of Messrs.  Guido,
DiGiralomo,  Theile,  and Stratton (the  settling  parties),
those persons, constituting the holders of a majority of the
outstanding  shares of the Company's common  stock,  further
amended  Sections  3.12(b)  and 3.12(c)  of  the  Bylaws  to
provide  that  those  provisions are  deemed  to  have  been
adopted  by  the  shareholders, and  cannot  be  altered  or
repealed by the Board of Directors.

Thus, under New Jersey law, Sections 3.12(b) and 3.12(c)  of
the  Bylaws can be amended only by shareholder action.   The
Voting   Agreement   entered  into  among   Messrs.   Guido,
DiGiralomo,  Theile,  and Stratton (the  "Voters")  provides
that  in the event that shareholder action is taken to alter
or  amend the Bylaws, the Voters agree to vote all of  their
shares  unanimously.  If the Voters are unable  to  reach  a
unanimous  decision,  then  the  proposed  change  shall  be
rejected.  Consequently, Sections 3.12(b) and 3.12(c) of the
Bylaws cannot be changed except by the unanimous consent  of
the Voters.


The   security  holdings  of  the  Company's  directors  and
executive officers are listed above in the section  entitled
"Security   Ownership  of  Certain  Beneficial  Owners   and
Management."   Except  as  disclosed  above,  none  of   the
following  persons has any substantial interest,  direct  or
indirect,  by security holdings or otherwise, in any  matter
to be acted upon:

       (i)   Any director or officer since the beginning  of
the Company's last fiscal year;

      (ii)  Any proposed nominee for election as a director;

       (iii)  Any  associate  or affiliate  of  any  of  the
foregoing persons.

By Order of the Board:

                                   SAM DIGIRALOMO

February ___ 2006